The Straits Times, 8 February 1969

Total Pages: 28
1 28 The Straits Times
  • 26 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 175,000 The Straits Times Tin Wationai ißwspapar Estd. 1845 SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 8, 1969 15 CENTS K.D.N. 3104 M.C. (P) No. 0723
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  • 514 1 Nixon to seek Nato backing before meeting Kosygin WASHINGTON. -Friday PRESIDENT Nixon was today reported planning to enlist Western Alliance support for step-by-step contacts with Russia, leading to U.S. Soviet summit talks to relax global tensions. White Mouse sources s;iid the President, who starts ;i whirlwind
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  • 177 1 Viets driven to the sea, says Admiral SAIGON. I tl IS tones killed 'or <.iptur«-tl nearly 700 iwnlili on the Bat. in in Peninsula and nthers in hii.'iim must "luht or surrender."> spokesmen said today. Rear \rim!r.:l William Behren.s Jr.. commander of thr .:.<M)O-man amphibious assault, reported from his
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  • 33 1 BANGKOK. Krl. Deputy Dclence Minister. All Chief Marshal Dawee Chullaspaya. lias been elected chairman of the organising committee of the H\th Asian Games to be held in Bangkok in 1970.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • 316 1 Report hopeful: Razak KUALA LUMPUR Friday. 'J'L N Abdul Ku/ak today described m **«■> couraging" :i report from London tluit Britain was likely to go sour- way toward meeting Malaysia a request for ;i Royal Air Force presence in Labuan Island, off Ihc S;ib;ih COHt, until 1971. But. he added,
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  • 52 1 PRAGUE. Fri. Prime Minister Oldrich Cernik ■aid today his Goverr.ii( nt would introduce far-reaching legal changes aimrd at more democratic rights and freedom. He told a Press conference that the preservation of these rights was one of the main tasks of the Government. Czechoslovak news agency Ceteka
    Reuter  -  52 words
  • 48 1 SINGAPORE. Fri.- More than 900 tourists uith $500,000 to .spend will arrive heir on Monday for a two-day visit on the P and O liner Arcadia More will follow oti board the Iberia and Oriana. which will arrive her* on Feb. 22 and 25.
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  • 39 1 SINGAPORE. Fri A mutorcyclist. Teo Liak Seo. iti of Lorong Tukal. was killed Meterday "lien hU machine skidded and threw him at thr ir>' 2 mile Urn Chu Kaiin Road. He was not wearing a i..*li helmet.
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  • 46 1 SINGAPORE. Fri Mr. Lee Kuan Yew today cabled KJ "very many haopy returns" to Tengku Abdul Rahman on his 66th birthday. The rest of the greeting; read: "My colleagues and I wish you good health, long life and good fortune."
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  • 83 1 \FTER 27 long years, two A wart imp friends meet again In Singapore. And the joy of reunion is reflected in their happy faces. Dr. John Wilson. 71. who was Bishop of Singapore from 1941 to 1949, and Pro- tenor Andrew Og&wa. n:*, who wa.s watl
    VOW YUN WOH  -  83 words
  • 219 1 Horrified diners watch violent assault on a boy SINGAPORE. Friday SCORES of people at the eating stalls opposite the Cold Storage Supermarket in Orchard Road watched with horror as teenage violence erupted before their eyes in the centre of the busy road tonight. They saw five youths, armed with wooden
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  • 104 1 Tun Tan: Unity of nation vital to survival KUAI.A LUMPUR. Kri National unity is thr foundation of survival as a tree und independent nation, the Mimstri of Finance Tun Tan Slew Sin. said today. In a special mesMise on Solidarity Week, which Is s «mih.' launched tomorrow to <■<..... idr
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  • 51 1 BASI.E Fri Wfstern rentnl bankers meet jjere this weekend to discus* Jhe world monetary situation for the first lime since the installation of President NtatDßi administration in Washington. Informed source* aald the dlxcuulons mill again rentrt on plans for a system to rombut wave* of currency
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  • 219 1  - 'Death ray' isotope flown in for lab CHEONG YIP SENG By >jin(;apore. Pri The cargo that wa.s flown in from Britain this afternoon was only the size of the head of a matchctlck. But the authoi K Hi j Ch I II li W.i- piit Hick. 140 lb. metal box
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  • 23 1 n wr mi MUM fri r pine Air Force < with several pa^ncers 1 wan reporlrd missine today in Mathem Philippine* AP
    AP  -  23 words
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    • 63 1 Prick| y Heat H^TT^ J^ Skin Itch Dermic Eruptions^ i GRAF TOr^LABORATORIE^^T (In I II TWoSfc WHO *illil KNOWPuY NATIONAL pa! m Has It! iH I *Vo«,tt cord it Amount of dutt It Clxrly .nd.cllfd. i r: 1 way <d|utlabl* door noi<lt with I I magntl. R»mol» control switch. j»k
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    • 103 1 obermain RrgnterrH Trade Mark Be the pne to show your friendsjust what they're missing 1 '**'*.*'■> I A This after dinner liqueur v. ill made every simnle snack into a Roman banquet. It's smooth. It's rich and rewarding just Kke any good liqueur. But only this one has a taito
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    • 65 2 SARAH STRIPS -SEVEN STOREYS UP NEW YORK, Friday PRETTY 23-year-old Sarah Smithers smiles during her strip act on a scaffold seven ■■toreys above Times Square on Thursday. While hundreds held their breatri. Miss Smithers. daughter of a British diplomat, took off the top of the bikini she was wearing to
      UPI  -  65 words
    • 220 2 Red summit rumours as Kadar arrives in Moscow \IOSCOW. Fri Huimariun Communist Party Chief Mr. Janos kadar arrived here last night for talks with Soviet leaders but East European sources discounted rutnuors that a quick East Bloc summit was in preparation. Mr. Kadar vrai met at tin railway station by
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    • 515 2 Ayub: I may lift crisis laws LEGAL OBSTACLES IN THE WAY DACCA, Friday PRESIDENT Ayub Knan hinted yesterday that he would lilt the state of emergency in lorce in Pakistan an action whicn wouid be another major concession by his administration. Only legal complications stood in the way, the 61-year-old
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    • 710 3 West Europe capitals hail trip by Nixon LONDON. Friday European capitals last night, welcomed President Nixon's announcement that he will make a week-long continental tour later this month but the problem of protecting him from young radical demonstrators was also raised. In MOSCOW, observers said the Kn m 1 lin
      Reuter  -  710 words
    • 67 3 MOSCOW Kri Soviet Primr Miniitrr Alexri Kuyr■ui. absent Irom the Kn-ni.m scene lor over mx wrrk.s. reappeared tunight liMikinK hale and hearty according tv eye«itnr>.see who saw him at a M station The 64-yrar-nld Premier loinfd Ccininuinu-' P.ti!\ t'lurf Leiiiud Bri /hnev in t lie welcoming PaVty
      Reuter  -  67 words
    • 25 3 NAIROBI Frl Police made three separate- dawn iald* today on premises belongine to the president of the Opposition Kenya People's Unum Oginga Odinus.
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    • 157 3 Escape-by-parachute prisoner captured fX>PKKA (Kansas), I-TI —An army prisoner who parachuted from a plane that was taking him to a military jail was recaptured today as he walked alone a street "private Donald H Till. >4 of Burlineame. California, was brine tri»n«. ferred from Kort I.eaven worth. IIMM to Fort
      Reuter  -  157 words
    • 113 3 WASHINGTON. In -Pre siilrnl \i\iin denied >fs(fi'<l.iv lu>, plan |o Msit l.umpe this month means a <ltn\ nt:i .uliiik of I.S. interest in \m.i "I think you could describe me brsl as not being a 'half -u oi Idci uith ni> BJTM
      Reuter  -  113 words
    • 28 3 UMUAHIA ißuirai. Fn. Atxiul 303 people were killed and nicirt than 000 iniured when Nigermn plane bombed a market square ol a village in Owerri province.
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    • 152 2 PI £+r> i JL*- -'9fL. H^r I H^L i rr T"^^^^H v j CH P^WA 9 V 7 *t W > W; fc ft JT^ ■MMBflf IhHHH B^LeaJU BfMH X SS9 The Parallel Scrolls, or 'Lucky Pair', have been £fjJ«B y W^R p '"^p laU U J^? used by the
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

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    • 260 3 Do you suffer from oily skin? I n MWf m Oilyskin isa common condition that frequently leads to the development of blackheadsand pimples, which if left untreated, can cause permanent scars. Doctors recommend regular washing with amazing pHisoHex -the deeppenetrating skin cleanser that dissolves excess oil, removes hidden dirt, cleanses
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    • 371 3 DIPLOMA IK ACCOUNTANCY tor students with Cambridge Grade 1 tor higher) including English Candidate* for the Diploma Jn Accountancy offered by the Commnrcial Frtucat-nn Society of Australia will be alilu to train in the basic skills of the Accountant mid ttum idvance in ■latus by choosing one or more of
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  • 58 4 SINGAPORE. Fti Ihe p«rlictmentarv BBdVtan to the Ministry of Culture Inch* B Tadln. will Uhilc after the K An. point Übl ronslttiiencv for InelM Haji Ya acob bit) Mohamed the State Minuter for the Prune Minister* office and MP for the constituency, when th* Mn.^ter
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  • 221 4  - 3 killings: Police detain 8 men PHILIP KHOO: B> SINGAPORE, Friday jTKilir men have been dchiincd by police in connection with three recenl murders. Early today, a party of police officers from the Homicide Squad detained four men in connection with tr.e murder of a 20-year-old bar boy in Albert
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  • 53 4 >'1)KIII KitKr \> Sic I Mmi-ti r fur 1 i.r-ii: n I r mli Mr It in, lai iiyul. who Im nn« in Sincipore in i iiiijiiin t .mi uith thr tvM> w ii k trath* exhibition his (.'iiiintry is putlins up at Shenton W.iy
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  • 211 4 The bargirl who made a false report of robbery SINGAPORE, Fri. A bar waitress, Sim Guat, tried to secure an early release for her husband, who was arrested for being a secret society member. And it seemed her problem was solved when a man. Ho Shui Kan, came along and
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  • 48 4 SINOAI'ORE Prl The Internntiot.a' Broiherhood of Ma--1 qic lans has handed over a for $2 722 to Mr Prmncb Thomav the president of the Singapore Children's Bociet> T'.io nvnev J»r tiu sori'ly waj> I ral-ou il 'he brotherhood's an- v MaJu M:n<ji.. a: Jie.i tie
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  • 291 4  - Forward-looking, say lecturers OW WEI MEI By SINGAPORE. Friday UNIVERSITY of Sinßapore lecturers tociay welcomed the re-stnioturinp (if courses and othrr rhanpes proposed for the new academic year by the Minister for Science and Technology. Dr. Ton Chin Chyc who is the university's ViceChancellor. Yr>trrd;.y. Dr T<>li announcpd an
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  • 48 4 SINGAPOKK, Fri. The first if the >pecial Toto draus for the Chinese New Vrar will be televised "live" by TV Singapura on Sunday at 3.15 p.m In addition to big cash prizes, 404 prizes worth SIOO.UOO, irom cars to transistor radios, are heint nffered.
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    • 282 4 .VoV, 3 °sV£ NOW SHOWING! 4 L°2',.io lO pm. i "MUCH MORE COHERENT, PIERCING AND POIGNANT THAN 'THE GRADUATE" OR 'GUESS WHO'S COMING TO DINNER!" Arthur Richards. SUNDAY TIMES. SIMULTANEOUS MIDNIGHT TONIGHT! Mr. UGLY is back to thrill you with Big Action «jws-^ss^ And Excitement! 4 VANCLffF MIUAN |^k MB
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    • 80 4 THE OCEAN PARR Hflltl NIGHTCLUB IS RESERVED TONIGHT EXCLUSIVELY FOR A PRIVATE PARTY. 2ND CROWDED WIIK! [galax -^"[flgg Tooo» 1 (•>•»•: •.m •in« Slamat, Kinf at •anilat, tin«* Playi Iha Kachati hi "SATU PAMLAWAN Indanatian SuD«ricepa with Mila Kormila (Mm Indoncua Tonrtf Mitfnttal W v Mochtot Sutonno "SUII I Scodt
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    • 11 4 3^ Hfosttra lonbon *tra»hou»f. L f o«(rr«*mokrhou»f »ottl, r i°is«. J
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    • 573 4 iiii«»'^iiiii ISHAW ai~a» ■>■■.! 1 11 L LAST DAY aj i Chf 'ie. Gi" rd Charnberlcir- 'Vctulta" ■j T^ c r m WB-7 Arts OPENS TO'/OPROW 1 Crins- '-(.chard Eoon B Susr.n rrasbtra 'Chubawo' 1 Pan'; OPENS TODAY No Fric LiM' J 11am. 130, 4 00, 6.4S I 9.30 a
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  • 360 5 Be fair to Govt doctors, nurses: Plea by Minister SINGAPORE. Fri THE Minister of Health, Mr. Chua Si;m Chin, today urged the public to be fair to the doctors x•11 c I nurses in Government ea i alilisliintlils. S|H'aknifi alter ;i tour of three outpatlent dlnlca and the St. Andrew's
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  • 41 5 SINGAPORE Prt.— TV Sinftapuia will yeleciM the sp. th? Prime Minister. Mr Lee Kuhii Ttw, at the 150 th anniversary banquet Riven by the Singapore International Chamber of Commerce, over Channel j «i •15 pm tomorrow
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  • 25 5 Fri An exhibition of Chinese pan. tine* and calligraphy will be held tomorrow at l pm. at Kum leng Restaurant In Smith Strer;
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  • 181 5 Fri. The Kconomit Uevelopment Board has approved one of three applications by Jap.i n s v motorcycle manufacturers |fl set up assembly plants in the Juronu Industrial Kstate. Aicordini; to an IHB snurrc tud.o. manufacturers of \am.iha motori >ilrs havr been Rrantrd pnnii-r-r status. Yamaha is
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  • 122 5 SINGAPORE, Fri. The blue-striped top and the red-bobbed cap of the French sailor made their appearance in Singapore streets today. The .sailors could be >een in the .shopping centres, riding >>> trwhaa in town .md taking photograptil ot popular ,-spot.v The men
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  • 153 5 Luxury kelong to open SINGAPORE. Fri. A luxury kelong with 400-capaeity dining and dance hall and 10 guest rix)in> one mile out to sea la Singapore's lati t tourist and weekend holiday attraction The reMuurant in the Mm| Slralt.s is called the Sea Palace. brundblM <>t i.i;-iiies.-.nian Mr. Lee Teck
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  • 32 5 Anniversary concert SINOAPORE. Prl —A concert to celebrate Slnt!a;>ore'a 150 th annive'Miry mIU be >;afed b\ the Peoples Assocla'ioii cultural group at rlie Chong Pang rom- centi J tomorrow at 730 pm
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 214 5 "M HAPPY NIGHT CLUB E RiSIRiUIB. i-W FIRST FLOOR. LION CITY HOTEL Tonitng Nafonq Hood 5 pore IS Tel *****7 4476R6 p..»rntina Phil.pp.ncs 1.0t.c mWi MISS RITA L MADRICAL J v Fuji am th. FAMOUS i»^_ CHINUE ARTISTS W^ BAND .nt.rto.n. *&tt^^ '"'J^r'"^^ TOP NITECLUB SINGf.RS |L Hong Kong m*^
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    • 71 5 SPECIAL CHINESE NEW YEAR DISCOUNT on ALL ITEMS FEBRUARY 8 TO 15 Handwoven Silk Stoles, Saiees Raw Silks, Dress Materials, Shirts, Ties, Towels, Bedspreads, Rugs, Carpets, Household Linen etc. HURRY! SHOP NOW AND SAVE ON A FABULOUS RANGE OF ITEMS AT (SPONSORED BY THE GOVT OF INDIA) SINGAPORE: 43, John
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    • 196 5 ffllß you've ever had... at the [l ii |1 QUARTERDECK POOL fir /fe% Cuscaden House Ms\ i sinGQpura INTERrCONTIKENTAI iij INTRODUCING POPULAR FILIPPINO STAR 'ivj S^Thelma A Quezada I Jtj* o brings a rev. k *Jrf *'.",»> IcYlai I to co ktail x > i»V of the tnosr popular meeting
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  • 87 6 SINGAPORE. Fn. The BMiop of Birmingham, the Rt. Rev. John L. Wilson. will preach at the St. Andrews Cathedral at 8 a.m. and G p m. on Sunday. V both trvn-es. Bi>hop Wilson, former Bishop of Smcaporc who wu interned during the Japanese occupation, will
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  • 21 6 SINGAPORE. Frl The Oriental Acrobatic Troupe of will parftra thr National Theatre on PM 18 in icnnl Defence Fund
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  • 186 6 SINGAPORE. Frl. 1 rll president of the In dlan Chamber of Commerce, Mr. G. Ramachandran. has called for more publicity to be given to the right against cancer. Greater pufolir intm-Nt. he said, would he aroused if the many deaths (iwi by the disease were publicised
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  • 404 6  -  FRANCIS ROZARIO: Four experts are preparing By SINGAPORE, Friday poi'M experts are preparing :i blueprint for the Singapore of the 70's when the buge areas of land now used by British forces will be back in local hands. The four are senior officers of
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  • 37 6 SINOAPORE. m. The Interact Club of Beam- Secondary School will hold a film show ■•Romeo and Juliet" In aid of the Salvation Army Nursery Home at Rev Theatre at aSo a m tomorrow.
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  • 88 6 TIIRr.i: of the 10 members of Sinunnnrc s Air Force who have just qualified as air defence operators, admirinc one of their cer--I—lre uith MgM l.ieut Frank ruudon They are (from ief 1 1 (pi. Ml Sau ling Pte. \r Tie Kirn and (pi
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  • 26 6 ■tvc.APORE. Fn The Madrigal Singers from the I'nlver- Philippine will shf a COBCtll the Nan\an, I'mvc:. !>lty audro::iiin on FeU 12 at p r»i
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  • 25 6 SINGAPORE. Kri. A thrrr-dav exhibition .if paintings will be opened at the Singapore < hinr-r Chamber ol Commerce. Hill Street, on Mond.ix „t pm
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  • 203 6  - CDC is studying projects here for investment OW WEI MEI: By SINGAPORE, Friday "THE Commonwealth Development Corporation, which has Interests in Singapore amounting to more than $30 million, is now lookim into a number of projects here for future Investment The chairman of the CDC. LordHuwick of Glendale, disclosed this
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  • 170 6 An accident death: $2,300 award reversed on AG's appeal SINGAPORE. Fri. About live month! BgO, the family of a woman kiilod In an accldeni wan a? Ed 52,:<00 damage? in Hinli Court suit against the Al toi General a-id Khun Tnm Hiong, a Government lorry dr: Today, the Federal I
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  • 113 6 SINOAPOHL. Fri A man. faetaif a tentative charge oi attempted murder had hi.> preliminary ing:ir\ p«i*tpo:icd lor the i .second time today be-c.iu-e a BMglstnte Who was a witne.v-, to his "confes--I'in" t bis weddm; vacation. •Ned L-hHk nin Atxiul I .ink Hock i at
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  • 48 7 Church boycott goes on S: PATANI M nr Cnurch. vt refused nee the beginning ■it thla >ear. are now mccl Sunday. 1 away irt*n of t] Conference of the M appeal ithU. tc r year solved when the s t B (1 Singapore. Dr v Mr On^ doirable
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  • 96 7 Six more launches to fight smuggling J^l MA 1.1 MPI K Iri The Caatoaw Peaxirt nicnl will h:ive siv more launches thi> \ear for I Mtl-MllUStlilli; Hlllk Ihe P.irli.unrnt.iry Secrelarj <•> tin- Ministry of I in.iiKc Inche M. bin \hm.i<l. «h« clir-.'lns-eil ihis uhen presenting i in- Minlstr] i\v\>
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  • 645 7 Clamour for reform A lesson to S-E Asia, says Ong SINGAPORE. Friday THE Minister ol Education. Mr. OngPang Boon, today said the clamour for reform in some ol the oldest seats of higher learning in various parts ot the world provided a lesson to the developing nations in SouthE*Sl Asia
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  • 204 7 |1 J OH. Hi Peoplt'.s Pro--1 giPvsive Party president. Mr D R Seeniva>agam. today iritici.»ecl Tengku Abdul Rahman's statement regarding the prominence given in Tamil newspapers in Malaysia to the death of the Chief Minister ol Tamilrad. Mr C. N. Annathurai. In
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 233 7 These famous London ."4 Courses will teach AACA YOU to become an *Z*rs XZIL* h»vt (li'l I Inlti. ACuDuNTANT it's a fine job with high £tt pay and bright prospects IB t |ig tht *«»OCHtt»h D O* lh» book-keeper. This is why th» trained man, A,, 0c lO n c
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    • 505 7 MSA* vzWBW^rWW I& W ™|SySJll^l^a^aaW. M mlßn W* ■HmfflkS 1 5 <• HsHsU B^^k^aft^Clr^^nEßV^S^Sflß^^^^S^S^S>MSS nii^ 1 VufIBB^S^VBH BuSßSa^ksißßSCtS^c^L^Bl sisn Ik _s* 1 /^PJb*J BsV9#^^^K#^laßSr^Sßv^'^ Ii sat BISQUIT... smooth to the last drop MT»92E f^T A A BISQLJIT says t&kjlm^i v .*w FREEofters fM^Ef lam «1^ XvK v By bo:: and
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  • 279 8 Witness: Fear of jail made me tell the truth KUAI>A LUMPUR. Fri. Fear of being sent to jail for lying at thr inquiry into the collapse of a four-storey building last October in Jalan Raja Laut was why a witness subsequently derided to tell the truth Mr. Yap Ye <•
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  • 185 8 Fly-past of 30 planes for retiring air chief gINGAPORE, Fri.— The Far Easi An Force this morning bade farewell to Air Marshal Sir Rochford Hughes, the FEAF Air Commander in Singapore. Sir Rochford, sfe, who has served the KAF lor some .SO years, is retiring to become air advist i
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  • 69 8 Two bus drivers die in crash |M||ii|;i 1'.M11.1 tri. 1 Ihii bu>> drivers were killed «hrn their trhidrit Killiilrd hrad-nn at the IXIh milr Johnn- Bahru (.rlani; i'.u.Ui mail yes trrriay. Thfv »rrf Teh Thin Kfn; IC, «n Tan \h l.ak. both rmplovrd by thr South Johorr Ru% Co. i'rh
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  • 265 8 An experiment alleges counsel Murder charge after fatal crash AN allegation that the Public Prosecutor appeared to be conducting "an experiment" m charging a motorist w'lth murder in a faial road collision case was made by Mr. N. Ganesan, a lawyer, in the High Court today. The DPI. Mr. Isaac
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  • 132 8 BOB FROM SARAWAK TO JOIN OVERLAND TRIP KUCHING. Fri For Robert Ong. 20 it i just imp week from what he cnnsiders the bigffMt .i<l--vrnture of his life. It will be ■■Europe here I come when he boards :i plane next Friday !<>: Kuala Lumpur when be will Join a
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  • 63 8 Tin: A "be fair call IPOH. Kri. Ihr (n>\<rnment «.is ururd U>t night to allot .i nmrr <<;mt.ible qurl i in \»i in minr.s In thr vrcond tin control nnniil Sprakin; at thr nmrtll in nirniniu <if sfficiall of thr Prr.ik C'hinrsr Minim AirTirHilil Mr l/nw Van Sp. thr rhairnrin
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 83 8 mCiVNS! tip* i~ l^^te^ «Jf\ ■BOATING LIGHT -COMPACT \^£nt^^ QUICK TO CHILL c c v v% v sf% ii ii v% v More 7-Up in a small space. Easy to carry, PRtvSi"! 'P easy to store and ready to open and serve Ml immediately. Twelve sparkling ounces of the ffllli
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
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  • 340 9  - Smashed: Racket in deck passages FRANCIS ROZARIO By Singapore, Friday J'lIK Singapore Government has clamped down on a big racket involving blackmarketing of deck and bunk passage tickets to India. The racket began "hotting" up over the last few months when increasing numbers of Indian nationals were being retrenched from
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  • 44 9 BRUNEI TOWN m— The Sultan of Brunei tmested 110 people with honours at ths Rnval Council Hall on Wednesday. The recipient* we:e »11 on llUn'l l»'t birthda> «nd coronation honours iiv They Included Istaiia ofticlaK kovernment servants and community leader:.
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  • 169 9 NOW NAVY TESTS ITS POWER ON THE PLAYING FIELD... CINGAPORE, Iri. —The irai .a mm is over lor tlif navies of Britain, Australia, Ni-» /r l.iiid and Malaysia, which foutht ii oi't in the IS.ittle of I codeI oten i;h In the last fen ilays. Bui in the i ir-
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  • 105 9 Two jailed for part in Cathay Hotel robbery CINGAPORE. Kri. Two J men werr- jailed by the High Court today for their part in an armed robbery .it Cathay Hotel last SeDtembor. Mohanv-d bin Kn<s;m. 38. o' G' jailed for while Mohamad i bin 80.-tan Khan. Loronf Marzuki. got .seven
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  • 129 9 KUALA LUMPUR, I*l The Assistant Minuter ol Home AlTairs, IllChe Hamzah bin Dato Abu Samah, today explainpd why It was necessary to .-pend $30,594 on «lx tracker dogs tor the Police Force. He was replying to Inche Abu Bakar bin Hamzah PMIP-Baihoki who
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  • 75 9 LI AM AN. rri._A la- bourer was jailed for six yours and ordered to receive four strokes of the rates for rapinu his 14--jrear-old daushter. Svrd Omar bin Sveil Osman. .}.">. irai found euJlty Ml two chances of raping In- (l.iu^hii-i on March
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  • 85 9 Police seek interview with missing clerk pKNANG, Pit P»li<r here arc .in\iou.s to contact a police financial clerk. Nk hoonc < hvr (above), nho has been inNMnB since Jan. 2". They believe that Ng can assist them in their imr.stic.itioiis into the lis.ipi i .ii-.iik r of m cheque for
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  • 33 9 PENANG. Frl A Artlcrl*nan. 17. pleaded guilty to rharijr i stealing a shirt from Mall in thr fVnang I the nifthl of Fob. 6. Sonlence VM |K)Mponed ponding a probation report.
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  • 138 9 Friday sermons to be changed once a month DENANG. Fri. Mus--1 lims who attend Friday congregational services will no longer have to listen to the same sermon month after month. The State IMamic Council h.i.s decided that the sermons should be changed once a month to "keep Muslims abreast with
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 342 9 B W^ B f POLY [THYLENE POIY-PROPLYENE Pl (P.P.) PMlew C.... ■fj for .n rr*M *«<»llv for at- S^ pockog.n, |N. Vrmf MCfctDg. r-OLY-ViNYI-CHLOKIDI IP.V.C.) Hot* V-^K^Jy^ai Z~~>*»_ < t>. <• 1 SB Jpmjmc^^apjjjmiH»m«M»aa««M^g^M' JmSm^s« L^«^m^mim^mllMl^»^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ll ''ißWM»mP >^ *^W r^l^ YEAN TAI INDUSTRIES (PTE) LTD. 12 -D, Lorong Tuhan«
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  • 24 10 PENANO. Frl Offlcrr.« c.f the CID yfs'.frday seized l»o pi«tol* and It rounds ol arnmun.tion irmn a poultry larm in Sungel Bakap
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  • 432 10 $26.8 MILLION SET ASIDE TO BUY TWO MORE ALOUETTE HELICOPTERS, NINE CARIBOU AIRCRAFT AND TWO MEDIUM-RANGE TRANSPORTS DEWAN RA'AYAT KUALA LUMPUR, Fri •JHE RMAF will take delivery of two Alouette helicopters and nine Caribou aircraft this year. In addition, it has placed orders for two
    432 words
  • 155 10 Surprise at ferry: Now it's cyclists last DCNANG I ri. Hoadredi of motor-i wlisls and i.wlisis erosstafl the ferry were caHght by sin prise when the Pint Commission's stem v > s tcm of loading vehicles on the ferries introduced this MTVing. Instead of beini; allowed to embark lir^t.
    155 words
  • 14 10 art t!i« P o( 1 sad I:i hf Ahnua bin H
    14 words
  • 489 10 KUALA LUMPUR. Frl THE Ministry of Home Affairs will consider having a school for police women i[ more women Join the force, the Assistant Minister of Home Affairs. IM HE HAMZAH BIN DATO ABL SAMAH. told the Dewan Ra'ayat today. Inche Hamzah wa> rt plying to
    489 words
  • 43 10 TUPINd. l-ri. fuller found tun weapons near Suncri B.tkap last night in follow u n oprr.ttinns in tonnntion with months pawnshop robbery In Trong. They were m Mauser pistol and an imitation .32 revolver which were buried in the ground.
    43 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 494 10 Berlei Converts Beautifuf Ways '^L >f^ New Year wT\ Fashions! j ss. sf&^fey. e Berlei Convertible straps convert for any W«. »V {ft'^^HL neckline, any mood. ..and convert right back >£iX^?JH«- /ffiJgv-yg^Hii a 9 ain to a basic stretcn bra ne Berlei Convertible is a whole wardrobe of vzi&Q&s&GBttffl&&^\\ h
      494 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 27 10 bsb^bssssssssssk ®1 i *"J* CanY cet over I^b^PM I DO' unjiDvni rimM«/«»ir m«r*-«-^~l r^y^^^ T }r^a^!Sf mm^ m fe^p/^ y^^^r^C AO*VTwr>o;cwrl Kro continue the^^KKKBP /^^^^S^iiiß^ JUT T^g^^-^/T
      27 words

  • 431 11 'Return Liao to us Peking tells America PEKING, Friday (JHINA has demanded that the United States and the Netherlands hand defector Liao Ho-shu back to China. Radio Peking said a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman yesterday accused the U.S. of manipulating the defection of Liao in collusion with the Dutch Government.
    Reuter  -  431 words
  • 39 11 CAPE TOWN. Fri —A Bill to -inh-'n control om exit and eniry in.<- South ja.- introduced in P«rlumrn 1 today. I- would remove the existing art if ttv Minister of ihr Inurlor'i deportation den«ions.—Reuter
    Reuter  -  39 words
  • 343 11 PARIS, Friday Mr Virtcons warned the I nited States yesterday that the Vietnam problem could be settled only if the Americans dealt directly with the National Liberation Front. NI. K chlrf negotiator. Mr. Iran Kuii Kii-m faring Amrriran and Saigon iiiplnm.iis in the third
    343 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 234 11 Vital news for all photographers New from Germany: Agfacolor CNS will give you better colour prints because it has a £09, "double mask." We've been making superb film in Germany j j^L fT^^^^^ almost as long as there's been photography. 1 yi«^^JßHHflflj| Now we've achieved a technological break- A m^^^^^^^^^^
      234 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 296 11 Straits Times Crossword f y^^| 3Lj* 4^B mpiS I^H 8 Silly people cul.r aboul qu«r- RO>> trr of tax aitain iR' 1 Lady Hesters carriage' < 8 1 11. DIM-hanting Brior reprewntlng Attractive bit ol lurnlture. space traveller 18. 4. 11. A growing share? t. Came bark to have npell
      296 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 638 12 Cii cumstances«bave«ebimged since the first observance of Solidarity Week when Indonesia's undeclared war was gathering strength. But the purpose remains: the pledge of 1964. 'That we. the citizens of Malaysia, with lull sincerity and realisation, recognise the extreme importance of national unity in our nations struggle to
      638 words
    • 405 12 A re-structuring of degree courses in arts, the social Sciences. and science at Singapore University was tnieshaciowed in Dr. Toh Chin Cliye's stat< nients on the role of higher education shortly after he took over as Vu •••-Chancellor last year. It lias long bi en his view
      405 words
  • Letters
    • 368 12 MISS Koli's articl".- ST. Jan. 30-31) remind me of a visiting profei sor"s comment: "Malaysian medical students are almost totally ignorant of literature, music and the classics." I assume that both Miss Koh and the professor were referring to Western literature, music and classics.
      368 words
  • 1734 12  -  Cheah Boon Kheng by KUALA LUMPUR After reaching a peak in the 1963-6? period the Malay novel dropped in popularity. Publishers say the Malay-reading public has less to spend, that TV has affected reading habits. STEP into any good bookshop in town and
    1,734 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 5 12 (JLD[ni][JU]C^Cn3GWLn£)LTIEIjIEIEI£I qje Era oratzraiiraGraEJZi ui^uniuiu
      5 words
    • 199 12 a^a^a^a^a^aW*^^ wt y^Sk < fcf- J <WaV W I PELACO SETS A NEW STANDARD OF IDXDDY and itylish! Trimlinc-stylcd for leisure time. A wonderful ranee of exciting new fabrics, designs and colours. A collar style to suit cich individual. Australia's, tinest shirt! AVAILABLE FROM C K. TANG AURORA LTD ROBINSON
      199 words

  • 348 13  - Face to face again after 27 yearsthe Bishop and his captor C.K. LEE By SINGAPORE, Fri The Bishop was in his episcopal robes, and the oconornns professor In the an form of a captain of the Imperial Japan* hoy faced each other for the first time. Today-- 27 years later
    348 words
  • 133 13 GRM leader calls for compromise pENANG. Fri.— The chair--1 man of the Dato Kramat division of Gerakan Raayat Malaysia. Mr. Teh Ewe Llm, today expressed the hope that talks for an electoral understanding among opposition parties would succeed "in a spirit of compromise." "It In also our hop* that an
    133 words
  • 308 13 Court told of three schoolgirls who sought magic from bomoh T'EMERLOH. Fri. 1 Threo schoolgirls who were promised "magical powers" by a bomoh to pass their LCE xam i n a tion 1 were later raped by him a magistrate's court was told. I Accused of raping thr all aged
    308 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 160 13 STOP COUGHS FAST! Breacol contains 11 medicines that kill cough-causing germs on contact... .Relieves irritation Soothes sore throat .Eases swallowing Pleasant honey flavour -tv^^^H 4bSl^i PRE -CHINESE NEW YEArT BARGAINS GROUND FLOOR MEN'S LADIES Tr»v,,o N*ck T.ct S3 50 Acrylic *td Blo«*t« ..UtO T»»ero«/Co« Shirt. i 3 »0 N p./,,,',
      160 words
    • 119 13 smMobmsmk ">' p Now 's your chance to Spt™** buy the best goods t ranging from delicious r-t" foodstuffs to beautiful gOO j furnishings for |d> I I Mo Chinese New Ve d r ZM %0 at GREAT SAVINGS. O If C/fflfl f Get your share of Robinson 's "ang
      119 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 548 13 ON YOUR TV ANO RADIO TODAY TV MALAYSIA (HANMI.S: j. Kual.. I ur- i:. TOO Xt*l pui .tnd I'; n<ii| b Ipun and in L. 7.10 lcn«ku Aixii.. M.iiair j .Hid Mm I (raoune, H.ihn:. I Ijlpuii,. Balu h Avrr. 1M ft nl; 'i Kluaiif. U 00 IToßTammr sum- Ci.;.
      548 words
    • 144 13 RADIO SINGAPURA >Hiii;l WAVfc gaBVgfJB bu and Ih metre* nor* 1-t I LunchMi lIIL'M WWt ~II.M(L i»« and IN metre* M IO In. 2.45 Recital Hall; IJC 1 I b lift xM u<J>ld Morning; 801 M;, s ,,z:n. «.00 •sann- Serenade. 630 Own; 3.00 Ktwa Brief; 503 L'p and Abjut.
      144 words

  • 200 14 Police foil big gang clash by arresting 19 youths KUALA LUMPUR Frl. Police last night foiled a tiar.u clash In the Jalan San Peng area by arresting 19 youths and seizir.g several weapons. Thla followed an earlier gang attack on two youths In the ar«- a. The head of thr
    200 words
  • 103 14 £l NGEI PATAM, Kri. Any step to review the special prirßegai provided in the Federal Constitution would depend on the pros revs of the economic development of the nation. Senator Dato Dri Cheah Toon I.ok said here today. "I am confident thi.s will take
    103 words
  • 81 14 THIS white Volvo 144S patrol car is a gift from the A.B Volvo of Sweden to the Royal Malaysian Police. It wii Officially presented by thp Swedish Amba.v>arior. Count Axel Lewenhauot to the Deputy Prime Minister. Tun Abdul Rank at a ceremony at police
    81 words
  • 194 14 1 KUAKA LUMPUH. Fn. I N alternative scheme to replace the Wldous and Orpnans r'und Is be-L-ig considered by the Govei'iimcnt. according to Mr. T. Narrndran. chatrman of air side ol the Whitley Council Welcoming the decision to scrap the exist
    194 words
  • 191 14  - Kidnap of doctor's 4-year-old son: Two to be charged PHILIP KHOO By OINCJAPORE. Pri. Police have detained two men in iiiiiii i- i iiii ii with the abduction of a doctor's four-year-old MM from a kindergarten in King's Road more than tun weeks ago. Him will appear in court tomorrow.
    191 words
  • 417 14 LABOUR OFFICER FAILS IN COURT APPEAL AGAINST SACK BY THE PSC A JUNIOR Assistant Commissioner of A Labour. R. Sambasivam. today failed in his appeal ior a High Court order to quash his dismissal by the Public Services CommUswn. Dismissing Sambasivams writ ot t tlor f r a writ seeking
    417 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
      557 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 28 14 Huff* Itunnn fgff Ralph HoitndaM hOWW'.CJ //ILL YOU CHARGE BUCKS ~f TT~I ITO REPAIR THIS CKbC< IN t.'/ P£TUNlA.i>' PiKITSOTM' A k nnfig Bt.Gg-»j- >^, CBACK WON'T J I
      28 words

  • 167 15 Japanese mission in bid to buy back shrunken heads By IGNATIUS STEPHEN BR UN E I TOWN, Fri. Official! of the Borneo Society of Japan hope to return here soon to look for shrunken heads in Borneo's longhouses. The head.-., which belonged to retreat in» Jap;i: wartime ofl c now
    167 words
  • 323 15 Penang Alliance leaders boycott party for Governor ANGERED BY SEATING ARRANGEMENTS AT AIRPORT WELCOMING CEREMONY KHOR CHEANG KEE Penang, Frl. gEVERAL top Alliance officials and community leadcis stayed away from the ollicial reception which the State Government held in the Assembly chamber yesterday alter the swearing in ol the new
    323 words
  • 7 15 penan'c r failing \vt~i.
    7 words
  • 103 15 Pre-war Chief Justice of FMS dies in Bermuda HAMILTON. (Bermuda). Frl. Sir Roger Hall, former Chief MlnMer of Uganda and the Federated Malay States, died here yesterday. He was 85. Sir Roger aerved in the Gold Coast from 1810 to 1921 as district commlsiloner, Crown counsel, circuit Judge and puisne
    Reuter  -  103 words
  • 32 15 PENANO. Xvi lan un Nam 25. lodas pleaded uuilty to a ClMTft Ol ''""C' Coiuuble Bh* Yea Koy last niKht wlulf llir IX'licPman wa» „n B«trol to UW Wrld area.
    32 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
      51 words
    • 200 15 SOOTHING RELIEF FOR STRAINED EYES Reading, working, television-viewing, and "fun in the sun" often result in w burning, itching, bloodshot eyes. Ju^t C ■HpßPfff^ a two-drop bath of gentle Eye-Mo J^ (1) floats away irritation due to sun \VH glare, dust, wind, and smoKe. fCokjJL^/glf (2) relieves inflamation and redness
      200 words

  • 620 16 The gold mine in printing official reports THE Nahappan Commission sftould be congratulated on at last completing their monumental task. Their report will naturally have to be studied by Government and it is said that 250 copies will soon be made available to the Federal and Stute Governments and to
    620 words
  • 219 16 I REFER to the report 'ST Jan. 1 "T. An.-on To Get Direct Dialling." Mr, I point a Dr Tan Chee Khoon was not the only one who enquired about the delay !:i getting trunk c Teiuk Anaor Lorn hafon m Tan brought it up In
    219 words
  • 266 16 When an income tax letter goes astray 1 NOTIFIED the department of Inland Revenue. Alor Star, by letter on Jan. 4 my change ol address, yet my Wcome Tax Form B was pasted to mv old address on Feb. 1 Fortunately it was redirected to my present address by people
    266 words
  • 309 16 PLEASE grant me tha courtesy of your columns to pay tribute to lw memory ol the late Tun bj-Ki Sheh Shahabudln. Others nave already borne admirable w.t ness to !i> distinguished career. 1 wish to speak of him aj a lriend and
    309 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 321 16 ggg^i^^^9Wggin gggfl ibH ggß^v^gggsi BTT 0 j I I^Sil B'l'llH gsgaC£^gsffr/25^ac3 H "1 1 1 *M gssssr^ y^M Qgggg^^V^ "J^KUrJggggl ggsa^dlaJ ■■T^SgggSiS*^'^^^^^ k B^igggf iisBBBBBBB During the Fmstiw y-'~] Seasons when you it buy a quart bottle J or two pint bottles W— J J of French Remy L -1,
      321 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 829 17 Dore Mill r b ri^n. MINESTHEUS J" i z Pl/Frtll B 8 Cdn i| Frl n l-i t2 v t 'u» U S OER \JI 0 FM 21 S -SS *fa ■.•.v:."v. JK i. I',: i, mn HOM U CO-iIINENTAL PORIS "Tena,, h. S 'n,m lMil U»TJNiUS rll 111) M|
      829 words
    • 1227 17 I THE E A hl/N£S I ■ffffffffl THE EAST ASIATIC COMPANY Lid Incorporated m Dtn-nark EXPRESS SAILINGS TO GENOA/NORTH CONTINENT/SCANDINAVIA P. S'tiam Perans S'pcrt li-noa H'Jam H'burg Aarhus C'haten BEIKA. Ft| i|/2i FM 22/21 Mir 24 Mir 2? Mar It Api I SUMBAWA I) FM 21/21 FM 24/21 Mar 2>
      1,227 words
    • 1186 17 ■■VVffffffffS^ffffffffffVffffffffffffßffffffffffffßffffßSffffffffffffffffffffffffffl AIM ff-^^^Tl A^P \f g Hi n I EXPRESS SERVICE 10 LONDON, LIVERPOOL I CONTINENTAL PORIS nrurmu For Lunaon *n it UfcN tLUlri Hull Mir 21 S.n,,pon P.S'ham fSSZ, S? 1 ia Pin, nut M'brough Alt I BENNACHIE ggfj Smgap'/i P. S'nam Prn«ng Rotte'C*'" Apr 4 la Port Toiif
      1,186 words
    • 1233 17 T vr pw WORLDWIDE CARRIERS LTD. |^rk«^^l For: Lot Angeles, Houston, New Orlcons, Chorlcilon, 1 |^rV^I New York, New London. (olso accepting cargo (or other Gulr and Atlantic Spore P. S horn Pcnang LA GRANDE ABETO 10/13 Feb 14/16 Feb Omtti JAG RAHAT 8/10 Mar 4/ 7 Mar 2/ 3
      1,233 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 1133 18 Vl RISEN KAJSHA LTD. Western Australia Sln R apore Japan Servle* Fremantll Smgaport TokUicrii/Natora Y'liami som lti|.» Man- Ml frt 4 Mar Mar U Mm ii m« Wast Africa Singapore/ Japan Service An|oll Sniaoort Na|orl T'hama HiiDt -Isuieiliaa Man" M tUB Mm IB Mm 11 Mai I«B Japan South es
      1,133 words
    • 847 18 IUSIttLIA »im OtLtND >tP.»ICI .NU.« »»ISU» tND l»SI »Et»l1l» IB: tUSTMIIt. him /EUtNO i Nafaiattitaß ail Matiii tu* iftt.. Baas. *M. -A-Su'e B. Wiam ffnani p Shjni Sou iMIUIf 15/H Ft* It FH II F* i-enani H. i ham s ouri mmv- jl] Mar 14 Mai I) Mar I ItNKURAt
      847 words
    • 930 18 I LEE PLANTATIONS LTD. NOTICE .N« U ce re ptaßßßl K,,ad Slu Bjjj Notice la lien oy ajliau thai CIM 4 JI4D Jalan Bahagla. Block 34 < private road oil bungii K ore, has ceaseci to bell Road. Smgupore. pas-siiiß througl employed by the undermentioned I Mukim XI Lets 69.
      930 words
    • 1108 18 NOTICES* SHIPPING NOTICES NOTICE TSS. "STATE OF MADRAS" NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVBi Vn< M aaMß| BM l"'« -hat I. PHUA TOCK JUNO N I"" 'S^JTk&'EZ™ IMKVKKUM- MM. :i«u luence In respect ol pie- BaJgon I So 38 Piirxi.s Street lAnn Passen P™* Chan Kee. Singapore, ano :hat Hits uppllcation will
      1,108 words

    • 269 19 Oils are steady in active trading MELBOURNE. Prl. QILS wire mevstly gteady and v tridn.g was again active > today. Woocside finished U cents better at t2 28. Other Issues tm Huh IchanseM. Mid-Kastern dropped b< ceni.s a ?1 ti.i. A O U ami Mippi.rted 'o $1.22 before rinsing
      269 words
    • 19 19 In loniinn on TlmisOav Mala' an S per rent ci f. UK In bulk June was unquoted.
      19 words
    • 36 19 ON "\r lea« lichin., markal n Hon^ K." v-.',rrta» tri» U.S. Oanai »a- q'in'i.l at 1.109 a TT. and I n.:-, catti Sttrlmi aajOUaj *< 14 43 m ana taal at nalii it II
      36 words
    • 34 19 RUBBER AND TIN CLOSING PRICES Krh. 7. KI'KKKK PRICK.: HM cents (up seven-tit hlh> of .1 cent). TIN PRICK: $:>7!».:,0 (up 7."> cents). I Mini .lll 1! nlli *****; 235 ti.ll- 11..1111 I tons).
      34 words
    • 356 19 Bulls go ahead on Rubber Market I riUiK Rubber Market went 1 ahead during the week at. i. rate that even the moat enthusiastic bulls had not bargained lor stale H.C B. Co. Ltd In their weekly report. The demand was well spread and consisted not only ol short-covering and
      356 words
    • 195 19 I'M! POBT 0^ »IMO»PnRI *U BITY (NNOUNCIO TMf FOLLOW FOR ru I: OUT: Hnnnrnfi I \mlnra «p, Nicolm* ila.i.k 13 M Ckl <:it.'« Kroi :'l »»nomor«li 22 "4 Kraal SU Kaninata 11 I.' |i-ini«ln- ll Olencj »ft»r lifmiKi™Mi«i Tarnhani VII M 41 Protaal lIU M Houthfrn
      195 words
    • 328 19 Tin price holds on good all-round support »T»HK Straits tin price In 1 Penang held well being 75 rents up to $579.50 on good nil-round support. In London on Thursday afternoon the 3 months' forward buyers' price had fallen £1 a ton LONDON: Tin on Tliuisrlav derlmed In sympathy \-\h
      328 words
    • 249 19 LT-rKIiIAKI Aral frade rubber fob. hatera Inaed al S p.m. in Mn^apore and I iimpui reaUrda.T al CIS cents per Ib up vr»rn-»ulilh« .if a cent nn I hurs day* lii.iiir lr\el I Ins M^« illr highest mne slnre November It, The tone *ra« aleadT.
      249 words
    • 91 19 tntmtmi C««anut oil r.iilk 140 sallrra. drum Crara M «.<1 if oh ion** ..n M.t ik CMrt Ml» H. P*aajari Mumok MM 111* MM Sarawak «rhn# tin* wllin ipkiii Sarawak I. lack «SJ# MM, strnlK l*mi»ms i. lark (HIS ..iv,, km ;i.W>. ASTA $lU7« MMM (MM) Caffaa: AH
      91 words
    • 121 19 'l'Mt Aoaaiat.ani at Sanki in Malay. ••a kinxjpar* marl# th*aa rhantea >n Ka ram lo menhanta vaaierda? i«llo»ing ratai. arc quoted to tha ••q.i.tairm of r.o» unn of rorann curr»nin Unitan MMmi h rT 13 iM.'ft •mMII oi> *****5. U" d .i oraatt niiii ir WIM 'rartr
      121 words
    • 1151 19 t>l SINKKS l> AM) KHIIKIM. T<) THf SINtiAPORE ANI» Xl ALA 1 I MII r ICADIN*. ROOMS OP Till. HTOCH I I lIANi.I. VEHTERDAI Ml 1 11 nil vi mi. 1 1 of -innIi: \IH 11 »H(H\\ l\ RKAI Xl I* IN LOTS or 1 .111 111 I
      1,151 words
    • 34 19 STOCK INDICES InduMnaK 1«6.:; H>6.»9 ■•Mi in i ..->«> lui.js I'mprMlri.: KR.HII ITS Ik Tim: v 1 1 s ii «iiihbn. luMiti lOT.ttt ll»r M, IMI Him 1 l>.i v l-ihX urn Hit :■>. ISKJ lIMI
      34 words
    • 545 19 rpHE Stork Exchange of Malaysia and Singapore yesterday was quietly steady with a fair turnover and i price inovrrrK-nts in the I majority of cases only covering a narrow ran^-e Buyers and sellers were fairly evenly matched particularly in the lower grade stocks Blue chips
      545 words
      278 words
    • 77 19 Vykk un \m s January output irii (übstanttaily Delttg 4.85« ir.ri;;- compared with 8*313 torn in December ither '"mp n c Issoclated Mine, (iimip Tronoh Mines alao had iv output cut trom :uik plcula to 2.8H7 piciis in January. Buntd Bert illghtly ;n--i-reased output to 2.623
      77 words
    • 95 19 THt Newsletter Bayx the Rnllsh Government handling ol the post office (ii.-pute could lead to a lurther weakening ol Income.v policy However 11 outlook in .i. pi imising d- >pite the poaslbUlty of (urrencv erlsli In the Bprlni ■IOCk mark. T- COlUlniM btnefii imm takeover activity but the
      95 words
    • 66 19 PAKII BRUAfI Rubber Chalrauui \u .r c > Stevens sUten that the •ui<l ihat th< ..Hei- ha rejei I Thla wa< unds thai it was fur I -.tit rnbh below that shown b> the valuation of Dec The offer waa un the bai« ne: taacti p, If
      66 words
    • 60 19 'PIN •.hipments m s reined tin from Prnana m January totaled to the Straits Tradlna t ompany Of the total the i Kingdom took SS ton* US. 3,320 Continent l 229, ranrtda io. Japan 1970Pacifl.- 167. India ins s" Unerlca 275 ami ilasla 18 and Middle I
      60 words
    • 101 19 NO decider! trend wan established in tlna in London on Thursday O«w •»> ai iHitstandIng firm feature foliowlnt record monthly output while Siamese also did well and Tongkah were others «o make probut Hongkong tell sharply Losses i,, Petatti i ;md KamuntinK were coniiiied
      101 words
    • 71 19 IM»M lOXKS: H2.1l .week hgoi. 94S PR i WedneMia\ i :14<; «7 .Thursday. LONDON IMII.I.AH VHV. MUM: 48 «S p| iThursda> I 48 to 48T« per ren' i Wec'nesday. AVBBAOK8; The Finanrlal lunrs 7» ]R ,woe|t ,Cnl, 7!) 47 .Wedne.<.ri..\ ■Thlir«ria\ i; Ruhheiv 1«193 iw*ek ayo' l ,9«i iWedneada! IM.II
      71 words
    • 537 19 INDUSTRIAL* V MA Ml S»n Oi 3. 1N1 ra 9...nr0 HrtlMd I»* 111 Homit.ail 2.2* W IH C Su<«r« 4.711 4 H 'M\M orrt. ].«b I .Ml <'■ Hold nut is Mi O.K.* I 74 I.TI Ouftlop I Ml .1 7" t»«t am«K chi k.i.-. CM 2 IV
      537 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 1056 19 NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY C.IVEN T^Kirr^ E n° GHEE lf n Keat Road. Sinßaponhav; applied for a Public Hour, First Class licence in respect ol premises SEA DRAGON^ :h(ired off brenlcwater oppo.Mtf riliord Pier Stnaapon.. ai ,a la :his application v.M t* heard In c n <" 'lie Distnct Judse
      1,056 words
    • 105 19 TENDERS JABATAN KERJA RAYA NECERI SEMBILAN KENYATAAN TAWARAN lawarun darlpada Pemborong2 vaiiß berdaftar cil-J.K.R dl-dnlain Kelas "C D DAN E" HEAD It S HD II A HEAD 111 S HP I dl-terlma di-PeJabat JURUTERA KERJA JK R TAMPIN. N S hmgga <am pukol 3on PETANO psda 14 2 1969 untok:—
      105 words

  • 29 20 THE FAMILY OF DM latt Madam lln Ham boh So >* i da and relativea for ,1 ,n. at the funetil and all MBtka, don.. MM itnderad ...■•.atance
    29 words
  • 60 20 BUST DEVELOPMENT. Kl. ellent muscle- I ..n:>e Klerk FAN EVAPORATED MILK Favour.le Chinsts Recipes Free: 1, batai at of^e rl «n». ipe. lIIJ p'ejuiied b) »ci- -o« 'i Plngapora cnef. Mr. Tham V'll FtKat la «-x. hantze for 3 label* uf the h A N Kv.iKJiated Milk. h
    60 words
  • 35 20 ROSE BELOVED w.fe of Lr. c K.I ort on Monday ;lrd. Kei.ruaiv Drive Andover r. VEO VAN BOON. 13 patail away t.rother, sons. m. for S. Andrew a Ca'hedral thence Chua in C'-meiery.
    35 words
  • 37 20 IN EVER LOVINC MEMORY of our i,rn-i c hong r oong Kwong IK6&. Oooe but IN EVER LOVING MEMORY o' K isn Hen* deparrr.l t g o,ir hearts, lnaer'.ed I rv mife and i h
    37 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 509 20 aaaKaawaaaaw^aaaaj^aaßßß^^g^^^B^^Hl^^^^^^HHHHMMJlHHHßßHHgpHßHpilH^H FUMimii CKCETINCS IN MEMOKIaM HIMIICIS.' MItSIM. FilSONtl rfC. KfIUIEMS 1 KEIHIONS •ite M.a.mum {21 In 21 •ski tact allit.atu atarc Si M j TAN to Yvonne ami Rihard a -k oa I. Ii il Mount Alvema. Both well. LIM (MAN: U lit K Ik. aeixwid si.ii of Mr. and
      509 words
    • 644 20 RECEPTIONIST TYPIST REOUIH E II Koad s oore COOK AMAH live M e M ,ei.nien vu-ii amah, rjaod afacaa eaaaittoM King m.imo isation requ rat full part-time i.ei- > :t.'.Ju Bund.y ,:d I .li. WANTED EXPERIENCED lady :.r Ktn.lly s.ppty with fun FIRM IN JUfNNC lequlrrs ln.ver/ -i lanraadiatt »m-
      644 words
    • 786 20 MALE STENOCRAfHER i,.|ui.e.i ■>v taaatra I BN <rv. tiood pay to on' 1.. -me Api'lv s'vn Construction. 1 Irving. Koad. ■Inaapom >■'■ at 11 in. Saturday. >>th Kebr. TWO EXPERIENCED STRUCTURAL 1".,m-htsmen ie.|iiuc.l i.m. .1 .telv ny estaniished Consulting Knisinrcrlng 'K mi please apple r.t»'ns aaparieoel FOREMAN PAINTER required ny
      786 words
    • 977 20 HOUIEKEEPER AMAH Good «ork-> aa| ondit' tTM taat Coast P.oad. S lore T. «17.-,!.: i A BRITISH COMPANY ,«ne, 'o appouil Resident Males Keprea. ntanve m k.ii nn- iimn. 1 and MinVHaa Ha--1.1- in rnvned from apWIiBBII fatal afaaina cceiaideranli xp< r .-nee in r.n Puotpg Ma. tune Tools H.'avy
      977 words
    • 839 20 LARCI COMPOUND furnished nunKalow freehold District 16 modern 1 or.' rmrnces .:udrnin« opportu nit lee in\ HMfl I f a'pore SELETAR HILL Jalan Km hehonr .leta.ned house 47.'0 square lett. hully fnrnianad MoaaM taaa. Rent s:i7:> no ['inkers. iHpore) rs*.* 1 .-*."> 1 AIIRAUTIVE IHREE BEDROOM Kum-'ilow. Braddell Heights
      839 words
    • 855 20 I INTENSIVE FOUR MONTH! StenoKraphy, Book-keeping. Shorthand. Typewriting. Career Commercial School MS-A Cantonmenl Road i«Jpp. Cantonment School) riiQt'jpore 2. SINCAPORE HRISTLINU WITH OPPORTUNITIES loi qualified people Improve lull, c t>y wart-lima study: MaUH H Sclent c. Comuier..t« L4X Kn .MM SIC ••> M MM Raad -■< Puie .1181 BECINNERS BaaMUaaatni
      855 words
    • 614 20 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS SALE! One yar uld .ipriti f an, I nusually good tone.tuiuh Blacx' Polvea-er King <* J4IH-' PEST~CONTROL KEEP SINCAPORE CLEAN Wnat about your Rats Cockroacnes THOMAS COWAN The Pest Control txperta are ready to help you RING *****1 aiao at Kuala Lumpur. Malacca Penan* and Ipoh operating throughout
      614 words
    • 386 20 BRAND NEW v ii.wkT 4 o dilion. Conta. t Tan Wi*»S. l-W--SINCAPORE MOTORS LIMITED 315-319. ORCHARD ROAD SINGAPORE, 9. TEL: 25.291-6 <-An DaVAjmatn H'.VK A UOOU KA.M.K OK [mm ui'i.n-MW TO CHoost n:o»» MAKE: MODEI.I Opel Kckoi.l lHr si!onn ITW Rakord WJi l-Dr .-.i.uuu Kaditt Coupa Kapnan v 1300 I
      386 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 448 21 isl^aL affll 4l**t\ Kb 3 lal It^V n "iiiinurd from Tare 30) j FORJALE lAN« m JO4O/.. PWleo in oadltloo, Phone «466.i» 'tFR.CERATOR I hre. mMU MINIATURE nObt B«»| Khn. I. n a iwe !>ll^i». V>tt MOULL 'HINESE NEW YEAR offer, ful. Shoes mi.v. <i pore A^AMI PENTAX-SV ,nm.r» with
      448 words
    • 347 21 CO-ORIVCR of ...npirnon to ov»r- na April h.,ip«t «xwnsea ho« AM** i J^AjfTmYiETTr THE FOOT CLIHII-. I Kiwr nlea« >TTo7r service MARY'S SI'RAV PAINTING repj.ii lor at I'UMuium oouat lai sn Kb. orcuaxu > uor* UIAS il)NlK«uo«j. mini Plumnin* Uvnenu reoovafAlH LADY SOCIAL ESCORT offers ladies lo til d. vim
      347 words
    • 620 21 RESTAURANT t BAR NJOV CHINESt LUNCH at sp«Cia. PW i id Ccltatial Kooro 7A Aiuhcr Man-ion Orchard Kuaei B'bort id I ***** DANCING TEA UANCI e-very Sunday a p.m. M p.ra m ctuir»it Ido. Ist ..I. 1 Jotiore Kahiu. FRESH FLOWERS SAY IT »nn onhiUs. The urc&m Klormta. T*l 1
      620 words
    • 862 21 I SINGAPORE TELEPHONE BOARD The Board invites persons with suitable qualilirations to apply for the following appointment*:— HI CADET ASSISTANT EMGIMEER (2) ASSISTANT ACCOUNTANT (3> CAOEI TECHNICAL ASSISTANT vfU.>miuaiiou A i \j. in until A v. k .ti iv MMtaMl t.iifcimtriiiK 'Haiued by the i ii.iuwj vi .--i.iii^iiii,., or ricu».ii~tu
      862 words
    • 557 21 THE PORT OF SINGAPORE AUTHORITY DIKKCTUR-ADMINISTRATION EXPEBIENCE: This is a senior executive post witb responsibilities to the < Ii Manager. A high level of managerial ability Is therefore rrquirrd. The applicant should pusses-, con^idoralilr experience in an e\r<utive position with a largr ortianisatinn and have a sound kn'i«
      557 words
    • 420 21 APPLICATIONS are Invited from Malaysian and Singapore I citizens between the ages of tad 21 yenr.s and poweMlng CHmbridje Man Certilicaw of Education for the post of clerk 'storekeeper at Boards Research Station in Alpr Bukit- Previous working enc«. proficiency in the Nntmnal ;e and typn;.: will l)« auvnntaseous Salan-Mair
      420 words

    • 232 22 Trumpington can score for Datin Chua By EPSOM JEEP JjATIN Gladys Loke Chua, who is making a comeback 1 to carry on family tradition on the Turf, can score a success with her four-year-old Trumpington HI in Race 5 at Penang today. Her father, millionaire Alan Lokr. was a highly-successful
      232 words
    • 17 22 llendak *m in Rjrr J I. Hi>l. iKirr I and Trumpimliin I SUM s'.
      17 words
    • 417 22 BEST FORECAST Mill .in I. imi and \n;rlmi in Hare C. i i Victor; II '.s s:runglv fan- cied lo "in in Race 2 n nplete a double lor the meetimt She von veil over 71 in a Diy. 3 field on Monday. However I prefer the ehanres of MOVIE
      417 words
    • 1225 22 Penan g card GOING I OKK AST: Gum *?TT-?-*f-ati 2.30 class 6 division 3 li^Qsfl o4 500> 6F local riders only 1 r ..1 \.HMiI; Mi fi 9 0 samrT 4 ll> tS.II -H*»«an i S I \MPI Dt i <Q 0 if J llf M ***** MM K
      1,225 words
    • 127 22 EPSOM JI.IT (ALLBOV lOINTI K «f KTAMPKDI FOUR WISHEI I.WDUMI' taer 1 lour WfafeM i;*n JJJ"** 1 1 .md.iiilil SlaMp*** Manipwlr MOVIft. GOER «\ik\\\\\ MOVD i.«»fR (arr 2 .M«\ir tiorr \ir.4.r* I in. I l.mrr VlrUrj Ma KarnnUor MIWM, rOP kIN(.I»I.M HIAKA.MIII-A lace 3 LhiarawlU l)«mi« i.amhit llrnd^k M.
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 829 22 GROWTH OPPORTUNITIES ELECTRONICS MANUFACTURING An \iin ru 1,1 ti r 111 who in a world leader in tbe ateclronio components held "ill soon nr establishing a ■ew factory in tin- lo.i rajafc .net in staff his new facility, we must locate within thr local community a group of cvpcnrm cil
      829 words
    • 759 22 APPOINTMENTS STATE OF BRUNEI j VACANCY IN THE MMBIaaMI UF Atißll I I.TI Rl: Applications are muted for tht post of Chief Laboratory Tech 11--rian tn the Veterinary Branch- Trfthe Department of Agriculture. Brunei. VJI AI.IFICATIONS: AIML.T. or equivalent qual flcatlon At least 5 years' experience In laboratory duties as
      759 words
    • 834 22 THE MEDICAL REGISTRATION OKDiNANCE, 1952 (No. 69 of 1952) aaVMCAL <ol At 11. .states ok M.ti ti a Itm MadleaJ Council of the Si. lies o: .\ia..i>a MMkkUM ot iiine-te«-n member! al Mnea seven are registeieu medical practltlontn rauamtt m me states ol \lalrt\d and were elected Uy the ragtatir-
      834 words
    • 748 22 I TENDERS GOVERNMENT OF BRUNEI UNDER NOTICE Tenders mill be received rir the Chairman of the Tenders Board it the ufllCC cil the State Financial loflicer. Groud Floor, Governmeni •Dfllces. Brunei TdtfTl irom recof nLseo Kurmture Manufacturer? up to noon on Monday 23rn Febru.irv 1»L» lor. BUILDING ntADC AND MA
      748 words

    • 502 23 MANILA, Friday. and Indonesia, badminton's great rivals, will meet in the final of the second Asian team championship nere tomorrow evening. Malaysia, holders of both the Thomas Cup for world badminton :md the Tcnuku Abdul Rahman Trophy for Asian supremacy, are rated slightly behind in the
      502 words
    • 153 23 rWTHZ FA of Malaysia TMtarA day named 28 players for centmllsed training In preparation for the Asian Youth tournament at Bangkok on Apr. 1&-30. Among- them are seven of last years players: Chan Kok Uont. Chow Tuck Chuen. Chan Hoong Pan. Bahmim Khamlx
      153 words
    • 214 23  -  E. FRIDA By ¥"|R. URIEL Simrl, Israel .s Director of Sport, has completed his survey of Singapore's sport. ffig report on what need* to be done to Improve Singapore's standards will soon be ready for Sports Minister Inche Othman Wok. Dr. Simrl. an
      214 words
    • 274 23 After the Big Walk, birthday cake for Tengku By PETER DE SOCZA AT the end of the Teneku Abdul Rahman Hit Walk tomorrow morning. the Prime Minister will rut his 66th birthday cake The Tengku will cut the 15-lb raate at the Selangnr Idm i turn Department car park in
      274 words
    • 77 23 rjKTKNDINO champions sela- ngir l.xikfd M to reuin the Hannigan Shield Police Inter-contingent hockey tournament lor yet another year »h<-n they beat Malacca "j-fl in the first match of the south zune quadrangular at Oumey Road yesterday. Be:angor. bad «'on the tournament without a break *ince
      77 words
    • 140 23 Love and Joy does fine gallop By EPSOM JEEP T OVE And Joy, ap- prentice Rao up, did a splendid 3f gallop in 36 3/5 sec onRood going at Penang yesterday morning. The Enoeror 11. a newcomer trained by Teh Say Leong. strode out !n fine style over 3f In
      140 words
    • 33 23 St. Michael's Institution. Ipoh. f cored a soccer double when they won the Ambrose Shield tournament and the Perak North zone Inter-school under- IS competition organised by the Ministry of Education.
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    • 15 23 The Malacca AAA will hold their annual five-mile crosscountry championship at Buklt Bha.-u tomorrow.
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  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 41 23 mmm mmW'~*0 K '*mL mmmmt mmti Mm 4MW mJr .mmm^r .^mmmmwSmm B-^Bj.^B \mmMM W \4r^mrso'^o£m\ Jl—_ ttmwK m}rJjm*ol^^^*mmWS^Sm\mmmm CDCC ANGPOW IIiCE ENVELOPES with every purchase of $5 petrol or $3 diesel Hurry while stocks last! U Available at ussq) stations p
      41 words
    • 231 23 ♦■»♦■»■»■>■»■»♦■»♦♦♦♦♦♦■»♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦■>■♦», tjJEJ" 4~ JKbmflsW st a nL 1* 4s^By *^B^sl jt& i f W j SERRAVALLO'S TONIC j| A famous Italian Bark and Iron Tonic Www since 1848 i: Has b—n awarded 24 Cold and Silver Mwfafa j Over 10,000 Medical Testimonials 4. (t doatn't toke o eonnoifirur »o appreciate
      231 words
  • Page 23 Miscellaneous
    • 63 23 OSCUMa Man opeo road race I Muar I HOCKKY Hatuufail Shlrld B'gor v JohoT» (.3 50 y m. Negrl v Malacca 5.10. b.>!h matches at I Quxnej Rd. XL). S'jor Div. 1: Klaog Citib v' Bunga Raya 'Klan;<: l>ir. 2: U.u. i anirat v TPCA (Ka]ao() 6OC( XX S
      63 words
    • 179 23 BADMINTON SOCCFR OuV;[eV N 'Manila): MSTIVAI. TOIR.NTY .Tal-QuarMT-flnal: Philippe b t P'n«' Thenax an Youths -A*4 Laos 3 2 la t Indian* 3; Ruing Sun 7 KM K I I Shootinn stars B 1 2. SpSi VICTORIAN OPFN (Mcl- INTER-SCHOOL <Tg MslimV rr; 1 535? rd nre sssr s ondary
      179 words

  • 109 24 Found at last: The grave of the Scorpion at 10,000 ft THIS is .i view of the bow section of the nuclear submarine USS Scorpion, lost in the Atlantic in .May last year. The picture, released yesterday, was taken by the oceanographic research vessel, the Mi/ar. which located the submarine
    109 words
  • 364 24 It's confirmed— Ayub to lift emergency laws 1 KARACHI, Frl. I PRESIDENT Ayub r Khan is to lift the state of emergency imposed after the 1965 Indo-Pakistan war, the Law Minister, Syed Mohammed Zafar. said today. Observers here said an announcement could be expected next week. Lifting of the emergency
    Reuter  -  364 words
  • 33 24 MANILA. In. < ommunivt link guerillas killed t"u government soldiers and uounded six others in an ambush early today in Arayat, Pumpanga province, about 70 miles north-east of Manila. I I'l
    33 words
  • 25 24 SINGAPORE Krl Dr IP Ga*kell. M-ientifir HCivlser 10 the British Petiolrum Co.. will \isit Sinuapore and Malaysia for a week Irom tomorrow.
    25 words
  • 32 24 LONDON. Fri Britain Is to gtM scale models of Captain Cook's .ship. Endeavour, to Australia and New Zealand to commemorate the bicentenary of hu discovery of the Continent.
    32 words
  • 17 24 SUPPIAM BALAKRISHNAN f Uoay p.m. lot < ACNISS LEE d o Utt I »»»y peaceful.y IT] C.
    17 words
  • 99 24 TX>RT I.AMY (Chad) Fri. r The Chad state prosecutor. Kmmanurl Verges, from France, was shot dead in a corridor of the law courts yesterday. His assassin. Christophe Nadour. a clerk of court, killed himself after th slaying. President Krancob Ton- balbaye declared today
    Reuter  -  99 words
  • 292 24 LONDON. Krl Ihe market closed easier In quiet trading Towards the close, the F.T. Index Wa* down 2.3 at 499.0. British funds were weak with losses over a broad front, and War Loan reaching a new loan. Closing middle prices of .selected stocks not Including
    292 words
  • 75 24 LONDON. Frl. Spot 22 3 ,d March 22' 3 d.. April 22 9 16(1 M;iv 22 11 l«d. April June 22 11 Hid. July Sept. 22 \d. Oct Dec, 22 9 16d.. Jhh March L' 2 (1 April June 22 7 16(1 July Sept 22 .d Ck-t Dec 22
    75 words
  • 31 24 LONDON. PH.— Buyers £1370 uiruhgd.i. sellers C 1371 lunchgd >. For«-ard buyers £1308.. i. sellers £1369 i— £l), Settlement i £1371 (;£4i. Turnover a.m. 260 < tons. p.m. "0 tons Tone: Quiet.
    31 words
  • 437 24 MELBOURNE. Frl. AT lc;isi 20 people died and 100 were injured in the (angled, blazing wreckage of the crack Svdney-Melboiirne overnight express today after it ploughed heud en into a goods train. Blazing diesol oil from the engine of the Southern
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  • Page 24 Advertisements

  • 205 25 The Monster of Loch Ness Will the mystery of the Loch Ness Monster be finalfy solved in 1969? While most established scientists remain as sceptical as ever that there is even any phenomenon to be investigated .those people who have been involved in serious investigations in recent years believe that
    205 words
  • 1067 25 fIIHE strange I mißma of M tic Loch X(^ss "Monster" has broil with us through 14 centuries of legendary history and 35 years of popular interest, and yet we seem to be no nearer to a conclusive explanation of the phenomenon. But
    1,067 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 89 25 iajsjsp*' dd kX^aaa^ i \^R(V Jl sV W af Sjd/\ "\jL. &^J fv I rmL. m k M> 1 isW .^(V^slaßl 9 W x lar WA N V 1 {Of I %L J> WsKUFK 1 iv 1 t \W P/ 1$ 41 r V^WFM**. \r fim^V *^«w I%bV f i
      89 words

    • 804 26 gy A SPECIAL WRITER AS itic nation chalks up another \car in solidarity. the man at the helm and the prime architect ot the experiment, the Tengku, can today reflect on t)6 fulsome years confident that all is .smooth sailing with the nation. His words when he
      804 words
    • 41 26 \on BMWI decide here .md now. once and fur all. whether >nii will defend lo Ihr l.isl llnii.iiiun .uui barKagc <>f miry If »c are bra\e and Kt4 adfast, tolerant of MM another's feelings »r0 must and uill succeed. 7
      41 words
    • 166 26 Flashback to earlier crisis KUALA LUMP'JR. Fri CLOSE to 30,000 Malaysians thronged tl deka Stadium I rainy afternoon on November 16. 19H4 Bi a tin the nation was embroiled in a confrontation crisis and tempers were running high. That afternoon b< ion His Majesty, the Yang di-P< tuan and the
      166 words
    • 418 27 MILLIONS WILL TAKE PART IN S-WEEK JOY KUALA LUMPUR. Friday WHILE attention during National Solidarity Week will be (quite na turally focused on the national celebrations in Lumpur, the various States have i made their im a preparations for the week. Thp m*»dia UMd to bring 'ho people forwairi,
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    • 566 27  - A VIP wife with the common touch AYESHA HARBEN by SI 1 E may bo the "Tiylit arm" of Malaysia's Prime Minister, but she is no aw e-inspiring, frightening personality. Toh Puan Sharifah Kod/iali with hor quirt, shy simplicity, is ono of the most charming YIPs onr could hope to
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  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 50 26 =E1 H MOCRS IH QUALITY i MALAYAN TOBACCO COMPANY BERHAD sends Greetings to M a Y. TM. Tenqku Abdul Rahman Putra Al-haj m p on the occasion of his Birthday S Sin v sn 1 and gives whole-hearted support to the aims of fl lj National Solidarity Week 1 B@([s6iDU)LyiT(B@is6iniJ)uuii(S9§6roiD^
      50 words

  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 166 27 SINCERE GREETINGS Y. T. M. Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al-haj on the occasion of his 66th Birthday and our whole-hearted support to the aims of NATIONAL SOLIDARITY WEEK from I KATIONAL ELECTRICITY BOARD of the States of Malaya. 1 A Joyful National Solidarity Week AND WE WISH EVERY HAPPINESS TO
      166 words
    • 117 27 Best Wishes and Heartiest Congratulations to Y.T.M. Tengku Abdul Rahman Putra Al-Haj Ibni Al-Marhum Sultan Abdul Hamid Halim Shah, K.O.M. on the occasion ot his 66th Birthday from LANGKAWI MARBLE SDN. BHD. 236 A Jalan Pudu. Kuala Lumpur. Tel: ***** ***** UNITE PEOPLE OF MALAYSIA WISHING LONGEVITY. PROSPERITY HAPPINESS TO
      117 words

  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 157 28 Congratulations to TENGKU ABDUL RAHMAN on the occasion ot his 66 Ih birthday FROM QOALiTV SINCE I«7S ISHIKAWAJIMA-HARIMA M|Tq||| ft |Tn TOKYO SHIBAURA ELECTRIC CO., LTD. HEAVY INDUSTRIES CO., ITU. J U off L L 1 Chome 4,2-Chome,Otemachi, Chiyoda-Ku, Branches: Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo, Japan. Tokyo Japan. Singapore, Kuala Lumpur. AND ALSO
      157 words