The Straits Times, 6 February 1969

Total Pages: 24
1 24 The Straits Times
  • 26 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 175,000 The Straits Times Tub National lewsjjajnr Estd. 1845 THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 6, 1%9 15 CENTS K.D.N. 3104 M.C. (P) No. 0723
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  • 172 1 Razak says it again: We can't persuade other nations to come to our defence KOALA LUMPUR. Wed -Mai could not persuade "any country in the world" to come to its delence if attacked. Tun Abdul Razak. told the Dew a n Raayat today. It was up to countries like Australia
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  • 38 1 Hunger strike by prisoners Rundrda and tuo i) it while demanding the right to Vote m next Monday's Reneral elt have coif on a h:.:,jpr itrlka They are demandma a review a:id l>et'er livins conditions and food Reuter.
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • 38 1 rwelTc ssr- at sea off Korrm^a following the crash today of an IS HC-IJO Hercules rescue phine. tne U.S Air Force Isd Iho pl.ine w»g •tarching for sunrlvors of a .sunken Japai.f-e freighter.
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  • 48 1 OXFORD Wed Thlrtv mintsk:.ted gMa .-ia«eo a brief «;<lkou .it the Oxford University Presv after returnlnr from lunch on Monday The\ said the office •as too cold Afler h'.inled necotiatlnß the girls agreed to return to work when the management. incramMd the heat. DPI
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  • 41 1 JAKARTA. Wed Anlara o;ency said Icxi.iv Indonesia has 99 foielcneis under deter.tion for illegally entering tin 1 country One man had oem held for 15 years kecsutff the country he ii. me |M WMM not have him back. Reuter.
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  • 34 1 BANGKOK. Wed The Thai Government is to protest to the United Nations against Cambodia over a clash between a Cambodian gunboat and a Thai gunboat in the Gulf of Thailand yesterday Reuter.
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  • 460 1  - Surprise not likely for Lee or Tengku JACK FINGLETON Gorton statement ready 1 By CANBERRA, Wed.- NEITHER Tengku Abdul Rahman nor Mr. Lee Kuan Yew will be surprised, I believe, when Australia's Prime Minister, Mr. John Gorton, tells Parliament here later this month what Australia's intentions are regarding its forces
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  • 220 1 CHILD KILLED, FIVE WOUNDED BY GUNMAN saigon. Wednesday AVIETCONG gunman killed a child and wounded five others In a civil defence oflice here last night as the city tightened .security measures against terrorist acts, police sources said today. The terrorist escaped on foot a I tor pumping pistol ■hot! Into
    Reuter  -  220 words
  • 386 1 Senate President named new Governor of Penang KUALA LUMPUR. Wed.— The Yang di-Pertuan Auong today appointed Tun Syed Sheh bin Syed Hassan Barakbah as Governor of Penanß. I tin Syed Sl-c h. lormer Lord President ol the Federal Cour' and President of the Dewaa Xrnara. receiwd his letler of appointment
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  • 163 1 HONOLULU. Wed. The pilot of a U.S. jet airliner, about to land at Honolulu, laughed when told by a stewardess that one of his passengers had demanded to be flown to Cuba. 7.000 miles avay, an airline spokesman said here.
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  • 32 1 SINGAPORE. Wed —A scoot- erlst. Michael Henry. 26. was killed when hl> machine hit a lamp-post at Sembauang Road la-i night Police -aid he was not weariim SfMfe helmet.
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  • 35 1 BRUNEI TOWN Wed I Twenty lISMtI «ho attended ft wedding reception at a local restaurant here last night were, rushed to hospital .soon after j the ormMnn and weie treated (or stomachache..
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  • 63 1 BERKELEY. Wed Eight demor..traior> and two p linemen were taken to hospital with head injuries here alter the worst outbreak of violence so lar this ytar on the M| University of California campus Snowers ol bottles. c.i,>. Sticks and stones rained down on the police as
    Reuter  -  63 words
  • 109 1 lONDON. Wed. A Royal j Navy oftirer < l.tun <l today to have »olid proof that there- really was a l.och Ness monster. He viiil lie ran a ship smack into it. In a Irtter to thr Daily Tflexraph. IX C'mdr Ktancis Russell
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  • 308 1  - ACTION AGAINST 13 PORT WORKERS AFTER LEE'S WARNING JACKIE SAM By SINGAPORE, Wed. Thirteen waterfront workers have been suspended follow ing I;i s I Thursday's lough line laid down by the Prime Minister, .Mi. !.<•<• Kuan Yew. The figure was given today by the Singapore Port Workers' Union. They also
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  • 130 1 Hotel 'prison' for Sirhan jury LOS ANGELES, W< d. Eii-ht men and four women jurors become piisoi court todaj .h•• n they took an oath to try Sirhan Bi.shara Sirhan for the murder of Senator Robert Kennedy. Judge Herbert ruled locked up hotel for the duratii the trial which three
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 147 1 BE WISE! -IOTOCHROMIC LENSES which or* «oic»nlcs» indoor but darken AUTOMATICALLY up (o 7S'o .ithin ti.e minutti oqoinit briHionf outdoor Why not buy one pair ot these Icnict trom uv initeed ot keeping two pom of ordinory «latt«> tor indoor and outdoor 'eip«tively DAH SIN OPTICAL HOUSE. 32S North Bridae
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    • 117 1 I-MJJ INTRODUCES iVsirlß LATEST PERFECTION IS IIOW NOISE- V I HIGH OUTPUT BASF <-?*r.v. C9O JEBSEN JESSEN (S) LTD. STOP PRESS trcn rr He's intelligent and ambitious -^ssmiißßiiii^ M- S# How fortunate his parents planned Wisely for hiS future. Regular monthly deposits entrusted to a world renowned bank are financing
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    • 88 2 Mrs. Bhutto— just a face in the crowd in the fight for freedom RAWALPINDI. Wed. \|RS Nuint Bhutto (tallest and garlanded), wife of the imprisoned Opposition leader and former Pakistani Foreign Minister. leads demonstrators in Rawalpindi last week-end demanding democratic reforms in Pakistan. The demonstration was part of the current
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    • 197 2 Australia withdraws from a UN body AP RADIOPHOTO fprrnff) nations. w>d Australia, one of the administering powers In the UN. Special committee on Colonialism, yesterday announced its withdrawal from the 24--natlon body. Australian Ambassador Patrick Shaw u.ade known his Government's dccl lon ;n i forma! comBimlcation to trie t N
      Reuter  -  197 words
    • 192 3 Budget leak: wilson orders probe I ON'DOX, Wed. Prime Minister Harold Wilson yesterday announced the setting up of an all-party inquiry tv Investigate Britain's b ud v l l leak" mystery. Members ol the rulina Labour Tarty reportedly Ci tile leak was part oi an anti-government pressure campaign. The row
      Reuter  -  192 words
    • 176 3 Senators Missiles won't stop nuclear attacks WASHINGTON. Wed— A group of influential .senators !iave warned that America's projected anti-ballistic missile system may not withstand Chinese or Russian nuclear attacks. The senators, in a series of speeches yesterday, also d the Sentinel ABM scheme approved last r could prompt a fresh
      Reuter  -  176 words
    • 57 3 IiONDON Wrd Fr^nk Bornun Mid hu-^ [asally met Queen Ehz.ibdh t. day v Inn they fisttcd Bucklnt'liam Palace {ur an hour at teatinn Burni.iiis the round-the-moce] aiv iii,-8 Ootaaunder, hb. Wtfr BUMOL and llieir .soru-. Frrdrnck anU Ed'< in pi ivnfd Prince Andrew wttti i seals
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    • 48 3 LONDON. Wed John Jolly t won l rdav when li» took off his pants. He thrn WH able to sh w the .iuuye uhat I mess a dryrKimrs in Nenburv had made <if them. The court awarded 1 him £20 in damages Reutpr
      Reuter  -  48 words
    • 92 3 Now Freeman regrets what he said of Nixon T ONDON. Wed Britain's new arr ja.ssador-de-slgnatp to Washington Mr. John Freemari said yesterday he regrets; having once criticised President Nixon as "a man of r.o principle My feeling* unui him h..\e changed complete,-.' he MM in an intrrvifw Mr. a
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    • 72 3 Telegram took four days to arrive LONDON. Wed A 19->*«r--old cul drug addict sent a "come quickly" lelecram to her Parents but tt took four days to reach their home three miles away. By that time the girl. Mlsa Diana Wood, was dead, an Inquest ni told yesteirtay The Inquest
      Reuter  -  72 words
    • 374 3 Israel rejects Nasser plan for peace JERUSALEM, Wednesday. JSUAEL last night flatly rejected the ideas of President Nasser for a solution of the Middle East conflict as "a plan for liquidating Israel in two stages." The first official reaction to President Nasser's interview with Newsweek magazine this week came in
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    • 274 3 Spy who defected faces lonely life in CIA hide-out WASHINGTON, Wed. Chinese defector Liao Ho-shu faces a lonely, shadowy existence as U.S. counter espionage agents beein de-brieflng the highest ranking Peking Communist to seek American asylum. Liao. 46 Peking's senior diplomat In Holland until 12 days ago. is under day-and-nleht
      Reuter  -  274 words
    • 44 3 CHICAGO. Wed Former President Johnson has been assigned 26 official bodyguards two limousines and a pick-up truck for travel around his Tex- *> ranch, the Chicago Tribune, reported In addition Oovernment leva» 1 o ve'i 't o transport the bodvfuards— AP
      AP  -  44 words
    • 35 3 CANBERRA Wrd The ■tUV.I i .:>. Hft \Y 1i0.M).: <l in Bu-.teruorlh Win.' otlhor Betty Dockei bM born appoint-:i-:n-cilici uj thr RAAF i. lervtee slic bM bi'fii servinc in M.i,..vmii since 1959 RFUtrr
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    • 36 3 LONDON. Wed Prime Minister. Mr Harold Wilson today denied press reports that thr Rhode Man Oovernment had put forward proposals of their imn tv break the deadlock in thp three-year independence dispute with Britain.—Reuter.
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    • 247 3 OARIS. Wed. Ame- rican and South Vietnumese diplomats conferred here last night to concert efforts for a joint line at the Vietnamese peace talks although Amerl can officials said they knew of no complications between the two allied sides. The deputy leaders of
      Reuter  -  247 words
    • 72 16 I IKK some weird monsters from outer spate. Italian police wearing special plastic helmets and armed with outsize shields for the first time, take to the streets in Fondi in the wake of labour unrest. Strikers tried to block the railway lines between
      AP  -  72 words
    • 151 16 goround for freedom I ONDON. Wed A blind historian married political prisoner Nina Kra.v>w as a means of gettiiiu her out ol Poland to the West, the Daily Telegraph report<'d today. The couple, now iivinu in Halt; 1 Lsr.U'l. pla. annulment to 'hat Prof. S^vmon Szpchter can re- marry his
      Reuter  -  151 words
    • 195 16 American plan for a new navy fighter plane Washington; wed. TT The U.S. Navy has disclosed plans to spend USS3BB million on the development of a new swing-wing fighter and to buy a fleet of 463 of the planes. The fighter, desienatrd the FI4A, la to b- built in place
      UPI  -  195 words
    • 28 16 WASHINGTON, Wrd.—Pakistan International .v surd thr ihfd in P in 196« k n eran In <nd iv damages million 1512.3 m;.' 11 Renter.
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    • 66 16 JAKAKI.V Wed. An Anu-m :in hoti-i (ornpain today announced« In intiwrt tin- Uwn Jakarta homr ot former President Soekarno's fourth wife, Hirj.iti. into a Kid room hotel at .1 net of ISM million. llarjati married the formrr President in May Mtt Ihey
      Reuter  -  66 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 533 2 YOU CAN WIN A SHELLANE She's here the Shellane geme! She can give you fir <i potful of glittering gold coins. Specially minted 24 carat Shellane coins. All you have to do is to place j J&B^^^Wll: in order of importance on a special entry form ten items which will
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    • 30 2 TUB GAMBOLS ....•< 1"» »*icre uwn ___A ea i Refute to aw6wsc w you Been? J i 1 case you take it t > j I. OCW/N AKO U6E ITJ I JO
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    • 233 2 Lemons For Beauty I To keep your skin c>ar and fair you need the natural cl blr-achinc UM A.<k your chemist for a bottle of lemon Drlph. j the latest type .-k;n ncr used b i tifm women thr tha world. Lemon n. i :akcs Urn i i mplexion, neck
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 53 3 ram i Iff you'd built a car that had won 6 international rallies, carried off 5 national saloon car championships, and set a Ford production record, all in its first year, would you change it? Well, we did!- WE ADDED more luxury features, more safety featuresand another model... The Escort
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    • 415 3 This year give a festive gift of noble heritage, i a gift from the ancient cellars 'w"* 4. ofßou^r f*/%4;i< Guillet, Cognac aV>. 7TvvK£r~, beautifully '-^Jm'*- H presented in "a both decanter 'iio^Sß A 'Rois de p i A f^aflHDsK. j'' or in a superb antique v**^. finished bottle, gold
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  • 32 4 SINGAPORE. Wed. A 75--year-old Chin, pieadrd nut g;; magistral iday to a charge of fi rgtnf a i. with the inten' Singapore Pb Is <Ptr Jan IS. Bail was alltropd.
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  • 93 4 $30,000 forged bank draft swindle OENANG, Wed. A forged bank draft was used by confidence tricksters to cheat a Campbell Street goldsmith's shop of $30,--000 last night. The forged draft, made out In the name ol a baiiK In Kuala Lumpur, w a s given to the sbop In exchange
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  • 160 4 Malay as official language Council Negri to decide KICHIN(i Wed. Thr C— ctl Nreii will decide in 1073 whether or not betnnies the sule official lunguacr in Sarawak, the Opposition Sarawak National Party leader. I)ato Stephen K.ilong Ninckan. said here today. He was commentinr on a statement by the
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  • 302 4  -  MAUREEN PETERS By gINGAPORE, Wed— lt was such a commonplace incident a bird singing on a tree. But in the context of the time and the place it made all the difference between hope and despair to a man who
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  • 163 4 University brain drain would be a disaster KU AL A LUMPUR. Wed. Prof. I'ngku Aziz said today It would be "disastrous' if there was a "brain drain" to commerce and industry from the University of Malaya academic staff. The Vice-Chancellor of the appealed to businessmen and industrialists for restraint
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  • 291 4 PENANG DAP-GRM POLLS PACT PLAN HITS A SNAG PENANG. Wednesday. DEMOCRATIC Action Party secretary-general, 17 Mr. Goh Hock Guan, said last night "some progress" had been reached in the current series of talks between his party and the Gerakan Ra'ayat Malaysia to achieve an electoral pact. "However, one snag has
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  • 29 4 PENANG Wed. Customs officers seized more than 450-! b of saccharin and 78-lb of dutiable tobacco from a car near Kroli ypsterrlay. Two men were detained later.
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  • 44 4 KUALA LUMPI-R, Wed. Mr. Khoo Eng Chin has been been elected chairman of the Sflangor Bur committee. Other members ure: Messrs. R.d\.rd Talaila. V C Crt-orer. Aziz bin R.iu AddruM with Mr Char. Hua En? an<! Rua Alxlul M I N...
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  • 256 4  - Seized liquor to go down drain if no arrests made RUDY BEi-TPA' By KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. Five hundred gallons of brandy will go down the drain soon if no a: rests are made m connection v.ith yesterdays seizure of 2,000 bottles of liquor by Customs official* in Jalan Bandar I
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  • 107 4 Education chief: Expat teachers in Brunei qualified BRUNEI TOWN. Wad. Brunei's Director of Education, Dato Malcolm Maclnnes has denied local Press allegations questioning the professional competence of Indian. Ceylonese and Filipino teachers in in hLs department. He said mott expatriate teachws from Indl», Orion and the Philippines now serving In
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 84 4 jB Ta^Lr sViB Hi IB Iff vQ MB iifflp Ihr lutp§ *t S? s SHOCKPROOF DUSTPROfIf-WATERPROBI ANTI-MAGNETIC SHATTERPROOF GLASS UNBREAKABLE MAINSPRING More people buyTIMEX than any other watch in the world Know how many people buy TIMEX watches? 20,000,000 in 1968! Why? Because every TIMEX watch has a written unconditional
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    • 90 4 SIMULTANEOUS OPENING SATURDAY Bth AT f ODEON PAVILION i CATHAY I SIN6APOM) (KUALA LUMPUR J PENANG I 70MV PASAVISIONj PANAV SION I r»'.v. n. in, s 10, i«j il, j 00. 400 a, too in 3 00. 400 *.oo !»<» S4OO. S3 00. Urn, $JOO, $2.00, I A4hn. «SO $I*o
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  • 230 5  - Liia puts on her best for visitors Ay»«ha Harban By KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. She was the perfect example of a completely relaxed artiste. Our visit was unexpected. She was enjoying a lively romp with six of her fellow chimps when we walked in on her. Any other artiste, temperamental and
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  • 216 5 Manila senator is being comical, says Wisma Putra KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday. "THE Foreign Ministry today laughed off a suggestion that Malaysia might seek to influence the coming Philippine presidential elections by favouring a candidate who had promised to "foreet" the claim to Sabah. A Wisma Putra spokesman .said the suggestion
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  • 90 5 'GOVT NOT AWARE OF ANY WEALTHY BEGGARS' 1/L'AI.A LUMFIH. Wed Do some beg srss land, weauh. rvtn thiee wives' Tlip Government la not aware Of ihe.r existence, ilic Mini.sier ol BocUU Welfare. Dr N| Kam Poll, told the Dewan Ra'ayat today In reply to this question by Inrlip Aziz Ishuk
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  • 43 5 PFNANCi. W«« llir M h.,'.ii ci i iF6 pUcilbm mm Malaysia and Singapore will Irme Prnane on thr liner Aii^hun tomorrow alternoon. 1 his hrinss (he total ri'imher (if mlerim.s Imm M;<SinKmxirp and Brunri thi* year to about 6.500
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  • 137 5 I/lAI.A M MPI R. Wed The Government will look into the question of re mtiixliHinß mice t.ics for es>ential commodit es. the Minister of t'oniii'ik c n l l Industry. Tan Sri (Dr.l mrec Aun. told the Dewan Ka^ayat tinl.i> >l» ik
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 109 5 PEKING \i:WW I 60 62, North Bridge Road. V Singapore, Tel: ***** ***** Chinese newßyear 4thDflV* Ladies Dresses UniuCC Ofl Usually Sl3.9olfDlfUU.uU IMPORTED SHIRTS CURTAIN FABRICS cno U ry USUAL PR1CE.. 52.90 MOW 51.90 run mtn USUAI price .$4.4r now $2.90 I°i ?1 LV BANLON, CRIMPLENE 54.50 NYLON SLACKS LEATHER
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    • 74 5 JA&HENNESSY& SONS Read between the lines of this statement and you'll see HAVE THE LARGEST why Hennessy VSOP Reserve Cognac is the top-seller in Singapore OLDEST RESERVES and Malaysia: Because the Hennessys have more brandy aging OFAGED COGNAC in wood, they can put older brandy into every bottle. They do.
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  • 198 6 Plans for setting up commercial schools SIMOAfOM, Wed The iI. in i Chamber of Cmmmm has asreed in pi un i|iii to set up a commercial si liool to i .itt r (or the laree number of students, who ha\r pav>ed thr .s<'<ondar> hour examination but have been unable tn
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  • 35 6 SINGAPORE \/ed— Mr. Y. Col:en lias been r'ected president of the Singaprr Surgical Society Other* are Mr. O. Wong, vice-presi.lent; Mr. R. &eci?tary-cum-treasurer. Commute*: Messrs. R. Sundara.sHii and W. H. Sung.
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  • 358 6 Litter: An all-out drive against offenders SINGAPORE. Wad Till'! police ;in<l public health officials are lo mount an all-out action against health laws offenders in Singapore toon. This announcement by the Ministry of Health today came with the warning: "The incorrigibles will shortly find that throwing an empty cigarette packet
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  • 378 6 Abort Bill: How about pregnant single girl?' SINGAPORE. Wad SINGAPORE'S proposed Abortion Bill is on the whole well put together, but does nothing to help the single girl, who is pregnant. This i«. tin- opinion of Prof. .1. .McClur«- Brounr. (lirrrtnr ul thr Drpartment of Ohatrtrit-N .mil (jynaecolocy in Ihr
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  • 260 6 SINGAPORE. Wednesday. CEVEN-YEAR-OLD Tay Kah Lang saw her lruit hawker father stabbed to death one ni»ht last September only two days after a fellow stallholder was Injured in a fight at the same place. Although she was the on.v eyewitness to the murder, the Coroner.
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  • 185 6 Ten thugs attack three: Bar boy slain SINGAPORE. Wed A 20-year-old bar boy Tay Kirn Hork died when 10 >ecTPt society thuK> attacked three men sitting at the table next to him at an Albert Street rot Tee stall early this morning. He tried to escape as the ungstcn armed
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  • 35 6 SINGAPORE. Wed The Adult Education Board will register students for its Secondary Pour classes In the Chinese medium from tomorrow to Feb 12 at it- offices at the Cultural Centre in Canning Rise
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  • 52 6 SINOAPORh Wed A private in the Singapore Armed Forces Training Instltute. Chew Mun Dut. 19. wa.- t »-d i.l a charge of armed robbery on Feb 12 last year at Farrer Hark Held Chow «a.s alleged I" sionn $15. an ttnUty-card a pawiubop ;iib Hamia paf»itl\eiy icientiJy
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 448 6 itamanaiii SHAW Orßnn 1 Mil I r>n CDAf Prtulio LAST J DAYS' 11 am. 1 45, 4 00. 630 I 9 JO Robert Ho'l~on R Rof»o«i o 'HOW I LEARNFD TO lOvf WOMIN ■TWIN BLADtS Of DOOM 4 Thtot'C M nitt Sofu-liv m •t CAPITOL-1100-RtX '.kt "TH! BRAIN STEALERS A
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 154 6 Today's ETV programme Today's edwational TV on I Health Edu (MaO, Sec. 1 and OhMBMI BIBM MM I ■■■HI nd h llh 7.5« a.m.-8.1« a.m.. Mathf- 1.15-I.JJ p.m.. Eiiglu>h MMti niHiii- t>pc 1. Shapes and lHiigua«e. Sec. 1 Oolng to the si/o.v. g.38-B.St. General .-rf-ience. Zoo; l.St-2.1*. Nitional lanSec. 2:
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  • 94 7 DAGMAR THE ONLY ONE FROM HUNDREDS TO QUALIFY SINGAPORE, Weil.—Hundreds of Singapore Rirls applied for one job. hut none could spi-;ik Cfecb— a ■•must So it \\as a \\.ilko\cr for prclt> hlonde »aemar Roberts (ahoxci. 1!». hos»- f.ither is an e\rCUtiTC at a .In rone car plant. Thr ii i
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  • 72 7 TTC book to be launched SINGAPORE. Wed The Teachers' Training College has published a book "150 Years of Education In Singapore" specially for the Republics 150 th anniversary celebrations. The Minister (or Education. Mr Onii Pang Boon, will un:he launching ceremony book on Keb 11 al 730 pm at the
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  • 40 7 SINGAPORE Wed lhe v Library will .screen two nlm sho«. Tunnel 29 and EulOfjr to 5 02-<m Friday at 4IS pm n: Ita lec'ure hall Admission Mclcets are availl request at the adult I'-nrliriK M
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  • 71 7 SINGAPORE. Wed The Chief Justice. Mr. Justice Wee Ctsom Jmi iiklmv lilted a Juvonilr Court order hum him a 14--v(.u-old *ch<Mi,Kul in a $12 000 h«|)-M-kee lottery can*. The girl ni to liaw lyen sent to (lie To.. Piivoh Girls' Hume lor three yem.s lor
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  • 250 7 MISSION TO MID-EAST TO SELL STORE 'PX' BOATS SINGAPORE, \Vc(lih's(l;i> A TOP executive of Vosper Thornycrofl Uniteers (Singapore) Lid. is leaving on Pridav on a high-power sales mission lo con since Middle basl countries that louil -liuill slii|)s are best. The prize boat which Mr. R.A. Bowles, the firm's sales
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  • 44 7 SINGAPORE Wed Mr H> Ihian Cheh. acting senmi •i -unsel. has resigned to become a partner in a law firm He previou.slv .served ax Third Criminal District Judge ant Director of Legal Aid and Deputy Registrar of the High Court
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  • 216 7 SINGAPORE. Wc4l. Mew Zealand's Prime Minister. Mr. Keith 11. .1 yoake. toda> presented II hook* to Parliament to " (in r.iiiii anniversary ol the lon ml mc of Singapore. In inakinc the presentation, he said: "Our two lonnlrn* nun h more than the
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  • 38 7 SINGAPORE Wed Presiden' Yiwof bin Ishak wtd pre- n; the insignia of the Order oi i*t John to eight meniVrs of the St. John Amhuiance Brigade on Feb 13 and not tonion.m prfviou-sly puhlLshed
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  • 28 7 MNCiAPORE Wed lhe mi -e-pieMrient of the Phii.o* orgaatoatton Mr H a c \an Riemsriiik vull arrhrc here tomorrow »ith hi* wife lor a three-day .stay
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  • 59 7 SINGAPORE. Wed. I iiimi-i Malay Him .utrcss i-.itiin.iii Ahmad said today she will marry a 29-year-old Norwegian ship surveyor (seen above with her), whose name she refuses to disclose "We plan to cet married herr al the end of the year.' she said. "I'ntil
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  • 118 7 SINGAPORE. vTtd. Khairi bin Mohamed Vas.*im and Moli.imcd MOOt bin Yaakup acre charged in a magistrate's court today with robbing the N.iati Ku E.i>t Command ofllee In Ciianii' Road of S29.IH)D <>n Jan 'M They MM alleged M ha\e •^k. a tbt nioney Horn the oi!u i
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  • 92 7 A WORLD COMPOSERS' CONTEST SINGAPORE. Wed An International composers competition U being held by the City ol Birmingham Symphony Orchestra to celebrate its 50th anniversary In March next year Only original ardsettnl will be accepted foi tin.* ionipelitlou which otters a $3 Tiki (£5COi pi ./< Entries muM h-.k h
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  • 258 7 SINGAPORE. Wed Mr. Sung Chin Lock has been •ltvted president of the Singapore Clock and Watch Trade Association. Other official* hip Mi Wong Slung Ohee mcc-president i. Mr. Qupk Moli Teng. Mr. Tay lliuan Boon, and Mr. Tong Tuck Peng (standing committee >; Mr.
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  • 204 7 Rush for places at vocational institutes Singapore. Wednesday. IN THREE days, students snapped up 9.000 application forms for the 3.400 places at the Government's three vocational institutes and four new industrial training centres. The "overwhelming" response is expected to continue until enrolment to the Singapore Vocational Institute, the Juroiiß and
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  • 196 7 Bought 1,500 tickets with dud cheques: 3 years jail SINGAPORE. W>d A 56--year-old maM. Pan* Chi. an. waa jailed for three year- by a district court today on four charges vi cheque-book cheating and oiu 1 ol misappropriation involving a total ol $'J1.708 Pang agretd lo have three charge:. prelerred
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  • 62 7 SJNCiAPORE Wed Two vouiiis »ere today cleared in M tve charges oi robbtnl a lax. -driver and of slabbing anothe- i»\i-drlver in Harrison Road lust September Toh Ah Ngoh and Kow Lout; Ming been accused of robbing Tar. Kee Meng of a natch,
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 298 7 RESTAURANT 3* I W Malay bib is reserved exclusively for a private dinner party tonight. We apologise for any inconvenience caused y •r (Lunch as usual) a* 1 1i A* 5 i liriiii r 3: THESffIGHPOBELIEY t RIVERBOAT RESTAURANT ft* Ist Deck ISLANDER ROOM voritty ol Chinete Food at
      298 words
    • 375 7 I 36?433^_ !=^^gfBgl THE EXOTIC AND SENSATIONAL Jm^yfr,^^* Little Egypt The world's leading EGYPT *N BELLY DA\Cr a -ad^ AND PARTNER A acrobatic act. Wk B i j iniiß THE FESTIVAL *^R DANCERS g VT Authentic \1 m fr Colourful and 4-t*-*j^ s» V exciting dances T^ j V* with
      375 words

  • 166 8 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed Job seekers below the age of 21 formed more than half the total number o; people who were registered witn employment exchanges In the country up to the end of October last year. A report for the month issued by
    Bernama  -  166 words
  • 106 8 SINGAPORE, Wed Singapore has invited .students in the Asean countries of Malaysia. Indonesia Thailand and the Philippines to apply for its .special ir.vp.slty .scholarships. timed at promotnng regional co-operation, the scholarships are for study at the University of Singapore and Nanyang University. ;ach
    106 words
  • 54 8 iUALA LUMPUR Wpd The Govfrnmem. ha.» no Intention of stooDinn Chfttiars from rarry'.ng on their monpylendinn business, the MiniMer «f Justlrr Inche Bahaman bn Samsuddln. told tlie Dewßn Ra'ayat todiv ppakuiE rturlng question timf flip Mini.'-tfr >aid (here were 1.774 regstered moneylenders in tbe country, 407
    54 words
  • 1069 8 Govt on guard against get-rich-quick type of developers RAZAK REPLIES TO DEBATE KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. 'JUN Abdul Razak said today that the Government would guard itself against the '•get-rich-quick" type of private developers who had no genuine intention to develop land. Only "genuine" developers with the necessary capital and capacity
    1,069 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 98 8 I y 'J% B^Bssssssß *3 y l^sssssssssß D BssH^ssssssssA Bssssssssssssssf m I flsKll 199 C MassH H nisWrf I r ajfc iL^^^bssssssssV MB Mb V JhE» w \F H iTOMORROW at factory prices! tl BARGAINS in... I •wall-to-wall carpets. M carpet squares. |j •furnishing fabrics. Carpet your bedroom for under
      98 words
    • 263 8 U U 1515 lunch box for every purchase of two 10 tanil AJHio-moTcr Vfnx lat "IS I A^^9k- L 4 J5" I Hs^^^Bsssssssssl 4s Ei 1 "T«BsD»m X t- V I Am ■oL>l IsVW"4K' rv, v I mm mmSd as^^^^W V« Mm BkV m '^jßi a I AjA Ba^^tw *^~3
      263 words

  • 32 9 HANOVBt Wtfl An v n History. .•ulture and products opened Hannover InterH itel. It is Mir lir.M twif such an being held in th» tc ol Lower Saxony. UPI.
    UPI  -  32 words
  • 357 9 Resumption of Sihanouk-US ties possible says Monteiro WASHINGTON. Wad CINGAPORE's Ambassador to the U.S., ProfCMOc E. S. Monteiro, believes that Cambodia would re-establish diplomatic relations with the United States if Washington recognised her territorial borders. Prof MonUiro. the first Ambassador to present his credentials to President Nixon, said in an
    UPI  -  357 words
  • 269 9  -  MARGARET WEE By XI.M.A lIMPIK, Wed. former schoolteacher turned textile iwienrr. hua Swee Chu. tod.iv proudly displayed her prize-winning designs and declared: "This has :.i\eti me a new lifeHi r priie-winnin? defcisiis wer,- th<- t«'< she submitted to the OvensCoriuni.' (.la-s
    269 words
  • 268 9 Alarming Govt report on dental health in Spore Si.wAPORE, Wed. The Government has come out with an alarming report on the state oi dental health In Singapore. It shows that: O.NK IKT OK MVO Slnga Dorean.s does not brush his let-in regularly; 25U.00D SCHOOLCHILDREN half the student population have no
    268 words
  • 74 9 French Navy frigate on visit to Singapore SINGAPORE. Wed. A French warship the Commandant Riviere— will i arrive here <>n Friday on a I four-day vi.sit. She will drop anchor at the man-of-war anchorage I ofT Cliiord pier at 8 am. The 2M)O-ton fricate belont* 'o the French Pacific Na\T
    74 words
  • 49 9 KUALA I.l'MPl-R Wed Tlir Bvedish AmbasMdor. Count 1 Axel Lcwrnhau:>t and bus iff ■r;int«l an audience with :lip Yang (ii-PTtu»n Agong and Ihr R.-.i PrriuHisun A gout today. Ihr COUnl «ho L 1 a;-n Ambaaador t<> ThaMßtid. will return to Banckok on Saturday. B^rnama.
    Bernama  -  49 words
  • 134 9 First S 'pore-minted gold coins in June SINGAPORE. Wed. The first lot ol commemorative gold coins will roll out of the 1 Jurong mint in June. This will be the first time the mint is producln I coins lor the Government —to mark the 150 th an- niversary of the
    134 words
  • 34 9 IPOH. Wed Mr. S. N. Leow, a lawyer na* reported to the police the thelt of hi* new Mercedes Br,u -ar from the car park of the Ipon Club here yesterday.
    34 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 168 9 ■■■MM Mk. "^L 1 t I K^ i n v^^b*. ■ora s&3Mk^ T -^r^ Hill '-.J^mWMi P SE ak-wm Wf i\ VJ gt IOWTtIjE m unit Hop ts V»*4^—^^l Ask for the thoroughbred Scotch bbDMMMI :»c*t Mjl.i>Ma- Cold Smrjgc iMaLnsiit Lift, Revlon introduces Natural Wonder The first oil-free fluff of
      168 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 47 9 Ittit/s Itunntf Blf/ Halph HviwndaM /CAON.SVLVESTE^LE'S 71 KIISTEN.VA CLUCK^ Cc7-^7^* KftJT I ST/U. TMINK WE V GO! ITS QUtTTIN' <C\ I PUT \H A LONG > l( \*l ShObLO TACK UP TMIS 6IGM M—\ \TIAAEI v ~-[f IN A DAY, AN' l'fA eEATT/ iBEPORE WE LEAVE 1 j-r-S
      47 words

  • 707 10 'Be friendly with all countries that are not hostile' NIK KAMIL: LET US NOT CHOOSE BETWEEN OLD FRIENDS AND NEW... By OUR PARLIAMENTARY REPORTERS KUALA LUMPUR. Wednesday THE Government was today urged not to choose between old friends and the new. but to be friendly with all countries that were
    707 words
  • 208 10 KUALA LUMPUR. W.d I \IARA today supported a call by the Associated Malay Chambers of Commerce to get private com- panles to Increase their public shares to bumlputras from 10 per cent to 50 per cent. It Is considering the
    208 words
  • 129 10 cau.^' tbeae —re "under customary laws" could not be leased lor development. He asked Government to look kni t!v..s and to assist tbe State Government in opening up more land fo' development. Mr. Tan wantPd to know why Kha :children in
    129 words
  • 45 10 BITIA\VAN. Wed Wong Siang Clne«. 34. a tuMier pi two, was jailed for mx months by the Sc- here when he pleaded guilty to kidnapp.rg x 16-y>»r-old git m the lawful cuitody »f her parenu in Pekan Ourner. near here, last year.
    45 words
  • 169 10 Military training for Govt. servants' call I/LAIA I.IMHLK. A wiitnar. MP today ■tfaatai that i*veni nu'iii btr\an\s l)r t.iki a off tbe coif MM .it lrast ontr a wefk and be given military training. Datin latini.tti bintr If 1 11 Abdul Ma lid (All— Johore Bahru Timor i was sprakine
    169 words
  • 61 10 PENANO. Ihe ChVneat Stvunmuig Club v hratt Chinese New Yew with a danre al its Tantontr Bungafl prfmi£«s on Feb I There will al&o be a 'Chap Ooh Meh" »üb6cnption dinner and dance on March 1. On Feb. 53. at 3 p.m.. thrre be a party
    61 words
  • 21 10 KUUM. Wed The Mentrt Be.sar. Dato Syed Ahmad ShahHbuddir wi:l'>pe»lc at the SoChines* Recreation Club here on Su»dav.
    21 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 235 10 JJ^WiSk. fi BHJj Vj 111 l 2 f jjn lit wm tB /A fl Y ji >\mF Taste the flavour of fine Virginia '4J In/ tobaccos superbly blended to rare V Wm perfection... as only the English can. l 's J Whichever you choose... the rich, 3 full-bodied Magnum Virginia
      235 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 37 10 Ml Abmrr By W I „,W f FIRST RUSSIAN )<y THREE.'- V NOW SECOND ]I 1 17^ $UhW 1 Z'— v ANDFMOT _>= VtwO.V-IV RUSSIAN < i MEV.'f f COUNT- > AMERICAN Jp^~ AND SaICONO /klAlTfrM j tfl/j^ \\vH^^ ("i^^-
      37 words

  • 1599 11  -  HUGH MABBETT i iT^ i Hi! i^h i I 1 1 imTj^B Why Chin Peng's CTs have been able to survive Continuing the »cr!ea by COMMUNIST tenure in "the Beton« salient" of south Thailand is not necessarily the innovation many Malaysians take
    1,599 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 457 11 NOW! fur the first One a health essnce nak (ran deer VITADEER you ii grow stronger, brigh- Helps every member of the family VITADEER is from (be cold high Bec'^sronry'v tadeer Ts The special floodness of Vita- mOtJUtaiRS Of NeW teSIUIU made from the essence of The old ChineSe legen<
      457 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 598 12 A sense of ihe past seldom figures prominently in Singapore's awareness of itself. For a republic whose concerns are to deeply rooted in t and the future, hwkfag back over span of a hundred and fifty years is an unaccustomed exercise, Yet it is by bo means
      598 words
    • 485 12 At the Pacific Area Travel Association conference in Bangkok recently Malaysia won a friendly competition with Singapore for the honour of hosting the 11)72 PATA talks. Both countries lobbied intensively and laid on lavish hospitality suites. The trick apparently was turned (ami numbers of Singapore cnndiclat?s have concurred
      485 words
    • 205 12 "THE new tuition fees lor 1 the Singapore adult education classes came to me as a shock when I took my son to register for admission to the Pre-U One class recently. The former fee of $12 per month, payable tor 11 months was already
      205 words
    • 117 12 1 WOULD like to ask T.V. 1 Malaysia why they persist In screening such a line film as Mr. Novak (of excellent entertainment value for young and old of all nationalities! at an hour when most T.V. owners and viewers are fast asleep in their
      117 words
    • 90 12 I REFER to a letter IST. 1 Jan. lii In which the Brunei Director of Information and Broadcast Ing. Mr G V. De Freita.s. contradicted my statement claiming a 61.5 per rent support lor the Peoples' Independent Front. Mr. De Freitaa correctly Quoted the results of
      90 words
  • 1866 12  - 150 YEARS AGO TODAY... ALLINGTON KENNARO by Raffles began his great adventure— the founding of Singapore 6~W~ Tis a child of my own". Stamford Raffles wrote to Colonel Ad I denbrooke. late Equerry to Her Royal Highness, Princess Char >EL loKc fhe P^nce Regent's daughter. "But for my Malay studies
    1,866 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 44 12 lOh 11ie Renowned |)ee( noii) ™™»™m* Styles Cat to Also Importers Exporters •t Hi«h Clou Worrt«4« Woaltona suif Lengths •t Wtrld Reaswned Braids FINTEX OORMEUIL HUNT WINTERBOTHAM WAIN SHIEL 6LOREX. Make Ideal Gifts for All Occasions. 11, Chulio Str«#t. Singopor«-1. T.I: «MJI. Monqkon, Branch
      44 words
    • 71 12 NIXON MICROSCOPES Supertty precise instruments of unparalleled optical performance Nikon Microscopes are made tor ultimate resistibility and optical performance, to suit any requirement demanded by research A complete) range of accessories and attachments is available, enhancing the performance to cover any area of modern microscopy. Nikon, modern leaders in optical
      71 words

  • 166 13  - RAF to sack another 1,300 civilian workers Francis Rozario 0/ t^INC.APORE. Wed. Nearly 1,300 Royal Air Force civilian employers are to be retrenched this year. About 300 air due to ro by A; d another 1.000 will be discharged later. The latwt lift of redundaiuie- baa been handed to the
    166 words
  • 24 13 KOIA BHAKL 1. attend a Saturday at 7.3J am. folio. Baba to represent !hf Central Go\ernment at the
    24 words
  • 622 13  -  TEO EE SIM By Kuala Lumpur. Wednesday 'J'HE chairman ol the Commission ol Inquiry into the collapse of the lour-storry building in Jalan Raja Laut last October today described as "very serious* 1 an allegation that an amended plan loi a
    622 words
  • 80 13 Jailed: Two security guards who stole Sl\(. \PORI Wed Two sfcunlv cuarrls ;iml l;ihi/ rrr eniplnypd .it tho I .ii I .ist Shipbuilding Industrial ltd. in Isjtmsi were i.tili-d for si\ monllis today lien they .id mitteri >tealinc IISJC4 worth of weldiim i.ihlr T^e Rii;irds. Said liln IsMU and Ali
    80 words
  • 57 13 KOTA BHAKT Wed. Mat bin Batt. 24. Mid Khilu bin Ba 22 MN lined 1100 DMkf jmil by tin 1.,-..! M nwgi.VraU' s court likl.iv Mftrr they pleaded guilty to illegal entry from Thailand «rrr arre.sted a: Uual 011 Fob 2 M*t paid the fine
    57 words
  • 133 13 Clerk deserted by wife is granted decree VIM.XI'ORI. Uiml |J It took live vr.irv lor v couple, ni.'rricd under I'hinoe custom, to relister their marriage at tin- relislr) Bui il took just a feu d.ivs after the respiration for the parties to part company lor good. Mr. lusti. r Kill..
    133 words
  • 153 13  - Singer Jackie's only ambition now is to be an actress MOLLIL ANG B» SINGAPORE. Wed. T w ent y-year-old Jackie Kenna has tried her hand at many jobs. Put the blue-eyed onetime model still has one ambition to be an actress. Now a singer In a night club here, she
    153 words
  • 70 13 JAKARTA. Wea. Thr. Indonesian offlc al> i have let; Jakarta fur i Singapore. Malays'.a und Thailand to stu>iy bo«J the three count rW com- < bat corruption. They arr Brig -Gen Suharto of. Police llead- quarters. Col. Sjan:sud- C-i. Manowidjojo of the Navy and Mr
    Reuter  -  70 words
  • 205 13  - Mystery of sailor missing from Fearless R. CHANORAN By SINGAPORE. Wed. A Royal Navy ratIng has become the central figure in one of the biggest mysteries in the history of the Far East Fleet. He l.s Kenneth VoolofT. 21. an ordnance electrician on board the HMS Fearless, who vanished without
    205 words
  • 61 13 RMC gets new Commandant KL'ALA LUMPUR Wed. The General s:atT ortii t 2nd MalrfViiii In'.»rr. Mon. Lt -Col. Jaafal bin unn li-en appointed the n<-w V n.m.indant uf lhe Royal Col'.ege in bungei Be.s. He Mkci o«tr nt\t week from Cul. Jmi.ii bin Ahmad. «ho 15 being transferred to
    61 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 73 13 The Directors the Management of TAI ICHI HOTEL SDN. BHD. and subsidiary GOLDEN ORCHID STEAK cordially invite their i Business Associates Friends to attend the grand opening of their HOTEL and STEAK HOUSE at 78, Jalan Bukit Bintang Kuala Lumpur on Thursday, February 6, 1969 from 4.00 p.m. to 6.00
      73 words
    • 101 13 another first! RADO WATCH OF SWITZERLAND, creator oi RADO DiaStar, the first and only scratchproof watch in the world presents ♦H RADQ yimmm TONIGHT 7M |n at 9.15 p.m. W( W (Channel 5) The first-ever live audience quiz show produced by R.T.S. mm MANY PRIZES TO BE WON! MT^f^ 46
      101 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 800 13 TV MALAYSIA <H\\\liS: K-i.. I iit>- smothen Brothers Show pui. IVnan; 5; lp«h. Ma HHirlcd. Italian Styl*. 800 larra h Inliorr Bahru S. m^^^ m MMldaxm. i.O II; Tjupmi; 1; Batu I'ahat Lemlwran Mlnggu in Ma* 7; Kluaiu 835 Mlllilvir =4= l.»». Programme 900 N ws m Natiorul < ..imiiary,
      800 words

    • 476 14  - Waiting in style— with emphasis on youthful clothes SHEN SWEE YONG By UOTHERS-IN-WAITING can still vie for the young look, he ;it their most attractive and carry themselves with fashion able iiplomp lij^ht through the months of waiting. There's really nothing like trying for a young, fresh maternal charm a
      476 words
    • 396 14 IT Ifl so easy to whip up these cool desserts with chilled evaporated milk and the convenience of fresh or canned citrus fruits and Juices Start with a Jelly whipped orange cocoDUt pie. Next try individual Milanaise soutTles with a tart tangy lemon flavour to contrast the
      396 words
    • 89 14 ri remove trult «stalns rrom washable fabric rub powdered borax Into th- spot.s and pour boll\n* waifr throuuh the tabrlc {Starching lingerie straps hf Ips them to stay fla and comfortable longer To mane a room looK larger, have the wall*. celling and carpeting the same shade A
      89 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 381 14 mataenform's Medley' ....THE NEW SWEET'N LACY BRA WITH ADJUSTABLE STRAPS THAT STRETCH t Leave it to Maidenform to dream up a bra that fills out your feminine contours in the prettiest way possible! Keeps you feeling free and easy all day long— no matter how active you are! A, 8,
      381 words
    • 253 14 Makes Rou<{b I riakled V <k> >inoolli«T It your thn .i rouch. wrinkled and old lookinp let i. ou apply a delicti;:;:! ution-like substance you can get at any Ist dasi departmental stores, disper■arles or tores. It's railed 2nd Debut ar.d it exclusively contains the Wiesbaden Discovery known scientifically as
      253 words

  • 63 15 CEORCE ANO MRS. DAVIDSON ■clp am] Svinnthy m liieif bM ncnt. THE FAMILY OF iKo :at. Mrs. Trll- oy KfH-b.rrv withu to thank all r«- l»u> n itna. J don3tion« ;.nd i:.i>d KMlataMt during thi" tncnt. MR. ANO MRS.- Victor Kajara- > Jan Uunk n:,' ..•>. (riiodt tor thc.r
    63 words
  • 110 15 IALI M MM on ah tooat I acd many <vrcui reductions up ,o 6070%. Antoinette Mt, Or. oar.i Road. S'pore. All lmtruaiooi for ANNOUNCEMENTS niu-t In.ludt «A) ■OMAVUaa, I C NO-S. ANU I AX)URtMShH OK BOTH PAKT1E8. < (B) BlU.-.ATIltt, I/G NO. *KU AlJDRl-.b8 OK A RfcFERKNCE V.IINKSS WHO
    110 words
  • 17 15 MM T A I". M.non who left u> UM Very mucb rninitO By bn children.
    17 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 2382 15 F A MilI f Tc" GE '!!n?r T T S NNIVERSARIES *NHOUHC EMCHTS. BIRTHS. CLUB ACTIVITIES. CONDOLENCES. DEATHS. ENGAGEMENTS Alb. GREETINGS. IN MEMORIAM. MARRIAGES. MISSING. PERSONAL, P.P.C. REQUIEMS 1 REUNIONS. Rite: Minimum $20/- for 20 wnds. each additional word $1.00 II Ofer Classified AjjvertisemeiiU: Minimum 57.50 for 15 words, each
      2,382 words
    • 942 15 CRIENFiSLU drive urt uunbar Walk. I'-storey aemi-detaoaed bungalow. Freehold, area 3.3U0 sq. ft. Enquiries: Sin Hln Co 3V7. Beach Road. Tal: ***** .Singapore. SENNETT ESTATE Dc-tactud Hungalow, 7.000 sq.ft. S63.UUU District 10 2-Btorey Compound House 37.UUU sq.ft. b S3.«u per so,. toot Uetaila RinK 'SU2BS (Spore). f'.oorr.ed Uetacnod Hungaio». Mosaic
      942 words
    • 989 15 EDUCATION BOOKKIIPINC. .VPEWRITINO. I Hhorthand Li-finn scbool (2«6-U Nan Bridge Road. Singapore-!!). FOR RADIO/TV Courses apply Crience Institute of Klectronlcs, 167-C New Bridge Road. B'pore. DIPLOMAS A>k Motion Wnitb, IS, Battery Road, B'pore to make, permanently lasting copies of Uiese valuSHORTHAND Morning Classes beginners 1 a..n and lv a.m. daily.
      989 words
    • 855 15 FURNITURE FOR ELECANT iir.e Furniture. Visit Adrian 111 Rntr Valley lload. 'fj Singapore IWT4. H CAN! FURNITURE Msnilfaclumi (Knock-downj lor «_port, VUlt Mm«« rr l«6 Bau Koad. XL. Telrpbonr >gWt 7 Ii TV/RABIO SALES I SERVICE TV REPAIR upciiTurd MMMH on tno. spo: rtßßjTi ihHtKcs rc^suoable. iS port). 313H2 aaytlma.
      855 words
    • 452 15 AT YOUR SERVICE KWOK'S PHOTOCOPY SERVICE, I I r.e Arc ado lsi Kloor Tel: (S port -i IMS. MARY'S SPRAY PAINTINQ repair .it ciutaawr*' bouss It, FAIR LAIIY SOCIAL ESCORT HAVINC PROBLtMS v 'n »our r. Bl .n> •nUH Mmlvirilr rnsr^is HAVE YOU PLANb Bl n. mrm lo Coan SHOPPING
      452 words
    • 541 15 TENDER NOTICE MEDICAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT. NECERI SEMBILAN \>l U.TT, BUSOICsVL, obsTEIRKS OTNAECOLOGf OEPTS. P\RI I iSrrtmrn I IX) M W (.1 \l i: iL ll(>.>ni AL. >l IM MBAN. Tendei» are invited (cr the supply, celivery and Installation f Equipment for the abovr threa Departments befoio 12 :oon on SaturdH
      541 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 86 16 Embassy FILTER VIRGINIA^ *R r- i' 4. >:•••■ S2^K^ 4H^aw.^ iA *11 Ipk 5 n **'"^r i /fJ^rJ&L l^^r 4blhbl ■bhbeMßo^ ■^■■■■■■■■l i y ■<■ H^ J^| .^■BK 3Sb¥B¥bW 5 WAYS BETTER 3 U Better tobaccos. Better blend. P Better filter. Better packed. 1 c^ y I Better flavour. ?0
      86 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 257 16 Straits Times Crossword tCMCM Dwunterlj ;irrapisi» 1. Upset places Statlordshlre n n 8tr ,'l» that th 1 9 i.neself ?-Helen s horn*! .4. ir Tlalnln| record „n c u ftrrt 10. Being of unrortain vintage plac(l O|l Ihl nii( k are on a rwulctcd dirt .10>. 13 change „f position
      257 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 1130 17 LHEPPOOI INn OTHER U > CONTINENTAL PpnTS port Baill r. I Nit, renan a menESIHEUS Liverpool. ouWm6l*t«e>... Titiy Fit 7,11 Frt 12 F.ELEUS mi Fet II Fel 12 Ftt 1121 Ftt 22 fiISANDER i Glitgo* Fet I! Fel 14 4 S'"« ON J.O n.... Frt 17 Frt 22 Ftt 21/1
      1,130 words
    • 1173 17 I THE EA hi f/VES aaaaal THE EAST ASIATIC COMPANY Lid Incorporated in Danmark aaaaaal EXPRESS SAILINGS TO GENOA NOHH CONTINENT SCANDINAVIA P. S rum Pendig Spore I liwaa R'dam H'burg Aarhus C'hieen EIRAI a) Frt 11/21 Fit 22/21 I Mir 24 Mir 21 Mir 11 Apr 1 UMBAWA I)
      1,173 words
    • 1177 17 EXPRESS SERVICE TO LONDON, LIVbRPOOL t CONIINtNIAL PUNIS. RPMVniM ro> Lonoon Mm II OLDLUIn Hull Mar II ■ngapoft P. S'nim G'm^itF) Mai M i.ptTM., fh 7% irnyj- Jr; j BENNACHIt fo. umbm v S.ngapon F*. Sjian P»nang Ro'terCam Api II Pt/FH Fit 1/ I HarKbui, 5 BENVORLICM Havre. Bremen
      1,177 words
    • 1255 17 f^^ WUKLUWIUt CARRIERS LTD. lf|A^s For: Los Angelct, Houston, New Orleans. Chorlnton. l^jn^fl New York. New London. T <also accepting cargo tor other Gult and Atlantic ports, subject to inducement) S'poie P. S'hcrr Penonj, LA GRANDE ABETO 10/13 feb 14/16 Fet Omits JAG RAHAT 8/10 Mar 4/ 7 Mo. 3
      1,255 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 1153 18 VI KAWASAKI KISEN KAISHA LTD. Western Austral, a Singapore /Japan Service Fremantle Sm|jDora Yokk-ichi. Naioya Y'hama Knot Beiiiim Man" ***** FH 4 Mar 11 Mar 12 Mar II Wr West A trica Singapore Japan Service Anjola S"rP n 'e Najoya Y'harna KuDi "TsunesliM Mar»" Oimti 21.22 Mar M Mir 11
      1,153 words
    • 855 18 MSTMiM NEW ZEALAND SEHVICi I tNOIA. PAKISTAN AND FAR EASI SERVICES IS: AUSTRALIA, NEW ZEALAND li Nat'iaUiMH ail Malras. FM: AlCk l»lt DIM. Will Pi.- Prn,r, d.. b<; k m I KAJULa* 15,21 Fcl 21 Fll 22 Frt BANKURA, J"" 1 IMS F,l .1 12 C Frt 'j «J| 'J
      855 words
    • 871 18 PACIFIC LINE CALIFORNIA PACIFIC NORTH WEST EXPRESS loading tor: LOS ANGELES, SAN rRANCISCO OAKLAND TACOMA. SEATTLE. VANCOUVER IC S-jidpue c A"j«'"s BJ VISHVn SIDONI 11 1< lel 11/11 Ifl U 21 Fll It Mar 11 Mar S 0 MYSOUE 11,17 Mar 11. II Mar M/I2 Mar II Apr 19 <»r
      871 words
    • 757 18 NOTICE TO SHAREHOLDERS ESTATES OF aXFIIBD 1 I LALY Tlie onidend warrant.'- tor the filial dividend ol J (MM Malay- 1 Suine.s Ru^icl Laleham. Middlesex, sia t; at 40'; I for the year end-'uhn died tl April ed 3 1st March 1968 are being sent ;ai>B. domiciled in England. out
      757 words

  • 242 19 Mining shares are easier MELBOURNE. Wed \|ININCiS m easier but most iTi issue.'. dosed above low poim.v oils declined generally in quiet trading \Vood»ide, however, finislied 3 cents better at $178 after $1 6» The company reported Lydrocarbtms in Dampier Well Am pal K\pl made 5 cents at $3.90 r|
    242 words
  • 101 19 HiNtst Pioduc* Eienanisa, ainga- I 1 ecu noon elating priao par oiaui yaitarday. Cacanut oil: OLiK tb*j ••liars anim Jj.j a'lltra Ca«ra: MKrd (Ton.) toort i-cd Mar UK Coni Hit B. PiMar: Munlok wnllr lilt »ntn. MrMAHk •h'l 1 J112 «r!ir,» tpaMU Lurnpun* f....k (M Hfllrra I all
    101 words
  • 25 19 O Hon( Knni hMNM U.t O*H*r ouotwl al T.T. inn 8 (I'M) for cith ||l,hn. 14 VI UM •n> MM •> oil
    25 words
  • 29 19 RUBBER AND TIN CLOSING PRICES Keb. 5. iiimiiK PMCB: Hi <ints (up half a n-ni TIN I'KUI 157M7, (up S7.J trnts). I- stini.ited ofTcrint 215 tons (down 1 > Inns).
    29 words
  • 226 19 Rubber closes at new high Fl HIM \i:\ llrM gradr ruhbw (.o.b. buyrrx I <l at I l> in ami Kual.i l.umpui ymtrrday at MM <-rnls per Ib i|i half a c*nt on Tu«-mUv«. clo*ln» Irtrl. I hi- ins Um Mtbtal pric» Mine Vim-1iiI>im 'd, l!»«b. I In- lim<
    226 words
  • 226 19 -[■ME PORT "I lINOAPOKI AUIMO I RITV ANNOUNCtO THI FOLLOW-, FOR FIB. OUT: K 1.1 II ( KrrinUl l». BuBBBI \'»m W 8800 To.«n.« H M (h-rrv LAJU N «n<l Rokan 14* N.W IN: MU ol Aiir I ll >'>.i...l<>. KrkM 41 l», ChlcMv Mllll vhu. SI
    226 words
  • 70 19 ■I'Mt A»«n.,ii.n BJom in I Mila».ia »m«ap.r. mart. lh.». 'Hiol*d !•> I* 1 »-*|.i a h'nl of <»n* It Uoitad StatM R«l| I i urmail .1 I .1 I. nilln Stllinl TT OO r»ad»: lUM in. l>illov>ln< ralta ar» .|<l 10 tn» »nui\al»ni 01 UK. unii> ..f forugn
    70 words
  • 380 19 r pH£ price of Straits tin In Penans yesterday rose R7' 2 cents to $579.87", on an oHering estimated down 18 tons to 215 tons. Firm .support was reported from Europe an. North America. The London A months lorward buyers price rose
    380 words
  • 20 19 In l oinnn mi Mi'Mrtay M»l«--y«i) 4 per cent r f V K In bulk Jump »a utiquntrri
    20 words
  • 1186 19 DUMNCM IM ii 1. 1 i-mi; II I. D To IHi BINQATOBI \M» kl M II MIlK TRADING K(K»M> <» 'I HI. STOCK XX-_ (H\M.I VtSTERDAY WITH I 111 M Mill l< Ol- SH IHt* v: \l-l li SHOWN IN BRACK I 1> IN l.t)l> Oi l"0« ONUCM
    1,186 words
  • 38 19 Krh. 4 l.i. lndu»lrul.>; IMbVI MSA4 1 Holrl> I" 11. MUI Proprrtin: IKJ.4 17!).»."• t Tln»: «3.24 «3.i4 t$ lubnri. WJ 107.60 lire. 311, IStin l»" 1 l>rr. 31. I»6K 1»» f Urr. it. 196t IM.
    38 words
  • 1532 19 'pHE Stock Excnari«e of Malaysia and SinKapore was slightly easier yesterday due to profit-taking However the liquidation earlier wa.s not of a heavy nature and was well absorbed in the morning During the afternoon session, however, the volume of profit-taking Increased. Heavier profit-taking was experienced
    1,532 words
  • 486 19 V '"I K 111 MANC-k Of MAL*T:"' PRICd OFFICIALLY LIJTIIi AT TNI CLOU OF BlltlNltt INDUSTRIALS B M'MA Ml a 2.M Hnrn-o K.rh.rt 1 RouilMH «1 B SiiKHm cm. mi* i i h. Huidirn ft •<> r> BH 171 1.72 Liunlop 3 70 3.7;* Urn 8m»lt Ml
    486 words
  • 66 19 M Mali\si4ii MiMisin a| Finance halt tl\nl Iktat rates for calcnlalini; uslnnis cditirs for the period (rum frh I.! feh I Kuhlter hi rent« Hi. ..|ii* I t«n Palm Oils > I'm i 1,111 Palm Kernel. MUSI Inn The rate* n( dulled payable are; Rubber rts a Ib.
    66 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 720 19 NOTICE OF EXHUMATIOM To: The children ana aescedants of Scah Liang and Tay Cheng Van. deceased The present owner* of the land at Thomson Road. Singapore, being Lots 162 and 163 of Town Subdivision XXIX Intend to develop the said land and for the purpose it is Intended to exhume
      720 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 1223 20 JbT* 1 Maw ■4 t tar'^ss! JAWATAN2 KOSONG KERAJAAN MALAYSIA i _> ada-lah dt-pelawa Warga -ni •ipir-'i-i Jawatan] benkut:— KNOLONG I'lli.MVAl lIAI--\VA\. !>..:, ,ii;..'... 11. tetap dan ber|»nchen di-Jabatan Piikhidmatan I \S(.<iA CIAJI: (Laki2) 574X24-770: 788x24Sl2; dl-tambah dengan elaun2 ar sekarann I'MOR: id) brluni sampal 3fl rahun KELAYAKAN: Ijazah atau
      1,223 words
    • 661 20 NANYANG UNIVERSITY ASEAN SCHOLARSHIPS Nanyans Un|verslt> invites suidents who are nationals of member countries of ihe Association of I South-east Asini Nations I other than Singapore to apply for the ASEAN Scholarships. The maximum number of awards is twenty-five. Each scholarship will ha\e an annual value of $2,400. Each scholarship
      661 words
    • 760 20 Oxford University Press requires a PRODUCTION ASSISTANT He will be responsible lor layout and paste-up jobs and general production work. Prelerence will be given to candidates with our specific requirements Book desiun experience an advantage Salary according to experience and qualifications. Please apply P.O. Box 282. Kuala Lumpur NOTlCtb COLLEGE
      760 words
    • 836 20 I JURURAWAT2 SEMENTARA KEMENTERIAN PERTAHANAN P»rmohonan2 ada-lah dl-pelawa darlpaoa Warga Nepaia Perseku--1 tua.i yang suaah meiiingkal umor .'1 tahun tetapi belum luki ber- umor 4U tuhun dan yang dahulunya pernah menjaai Juruiawat Pelaten aalam Krmrnterlan Ke--nißtaii tmtok jawat.m sabagal I Jururawat2 Sementara dl-dalam Xi iiienterian Pertahan.m Pemohon2 nirsti-lali tamal kursu.s
      836 words
    • 585 20 TENDERS PEMBERITAHU TAWARAN Ta«aran2 ada-lah dl-pelaws untok pelcerjaan saperll berikut: i A> Menebas. menebatiK. meredah membakar. memerun dan mrmbakar sainula penghabisan dan menanam übl kayu serta merumput di: Buklt Goh. Kuantan 1.000 ekar PtilKii Manis. Pekan 750 Kampong Awah. Temerloh 750 <B> Mrnanam übl kayu serta merumput di:— Temerloh 870
      585 words
    • 348 20 KKMENTKRIAN PERTAHANAN PE.MBERITAHL TAWARAN T.i w a ran 2 adalah dipclaua oleh Kementerian Pertahanan untok membekalkan barang yanc tersebut dihauah mi: No. Tawaran Tarikh Tutup Jenisßarang KP(B)S/15/69 20 Feb, 1969 Kain Canvas 72 KP(B)9/16/69 Shoes Canvas Leather Sol* White KP(B)9/17/69 taps Senior Ratine KP(B)9/18/69 Coatswater Proof Naval Ratine: KP(B)9/19/69 Menjahit
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 656 21 THE GUTHRIE WAUGH ORGANISATION invites applications tor the tollowing post In Its Heavy Equipment Division:— POST: Marketing Manager (Sited in Singapore) JOB SPECIFICATIONS: To recommend the Company's annual marketing campaigns for a range or heavy equipment handled by the Company, and to supervise the Implementation of the approved annual marketing
      656 words
    • 815 21 GROWTH OPPORTUNITIES ELECTRONICS MANUFACTURING An American tirin who is a world leader In the electronics components Held will soon be establishing a new f.ictory in tin- Toa P.iyoh area. To stafT his new facility, we must locate within the local community a group ot experienced professional people upon which we
      815 words
    • 781 21 Gpnprgl Che*ebrough Pondj Intei national Ltd.. V4CI ICI ul internationally known manutacturef M3n32Gr and d stnkxjtor cosmetics and O wl toiletries, wishes to appoint a General Manager for a |Oint venture company in Indonesia. InHrtriAcio he lunc ons ne successful inQOllcSla applicant will be. broadly, to plan. j organise, direct,
      781 words
    • 724 21 COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, MALAYA Applications are invited from j suitably qualified Citi/ei.s belou i SO years of age on Ist Jan 1969 for the following academic i posts; (a) Lecturer Asst. Lecturer In Agrlc. Economics I (bi Lecturer 'Asst. Lecturer In' Biochemistry (c) Lecturer Asst. Lecl jrer In Animal Science
      724 words
    • 397 21 LEMBAGA PEMASARAN PERTANIAN PERSEKUTUAN (Federal Agricultural Marketing XutlinritN MALAYSIA Application:- au- Invited fmm lalayslan citizens for the follownt! appointment.- A i< < OINTANT Salary Scale: 11,000 x oil 1.400 1.500 x 50 1.70(1 aU Inclusive) Housing allowance. Minimum Qualifications: (1) CaadMatM should bt LieMibei n( oi quaii: membersinp oi the
      397 words

    • 511 22  - Aussies hand Singapore 4-nil setback E. Frida SINGAPORE 0 W. AUSTRALIA 4 By (SINGAPORE'S campaign to win a place in the 1972 Olympic Games hockej tournament in Munich got off to a poor start when they were soundly beaten 4-0 by Western Australia on the Singapore Padang yesterday. This was
      511 words
    • 53 22 \IAUAYB hold a meef.nj ai Bala: BeI J.i .*n Ruing K Ft I) .'1 .it 10 ajii. to mo n iv> known poru«Tlter» A \Mi and wi'.l seelt Sportewrlter* AaaocUtlon. hi> wish to »t--ttnd tae nuitins should contact ManM>or ol the Strait* at, Kuaia 1 umpur.
      53 words
    • 72 22 KILAT IN 3-ML RETURN TO FORM Kilat CLUB Hand thai ■.-.11 l liiin v.hui in.,- RecretO 3-0 ;n I le.nui- d.. l Batch Paatai Kltal langn: uerr M Ittrai i lih: d Ugh: i.iv X were on largi I in the filth minu'c i i. 2am Ariflln tin i.. l
      72 words
    • 262 22 Highway rally men hit insurance problem INSURANCE companies 1 In Malaysia and Singapore have shown a reluctance to cover competitor! for the Asian Highway Motor Rally on Apr. 15-2 D. Tli s ka ofi-.ui-i- ol uiilerenl cooditli as uiid rrguiatlons in Th ul.uid tliruugh which the r^iiy will b« run
      262 words
    • 211 22 MANILA, W'tti. MalayMa, defending their 11 Asian badminton team title, moved into the quarter-finals with an easy win over Burma in the second round tonight Tai-y won tin tc in.-'--fur a wlnnlM lead in the live-match tir and tiier. conceded the reverse singles /or a
      Agencies  -  211 words
    • 84 22 Kuia again leads Asian badminton MANII 8.v.:. B c Ita Beat I The oonfftfci tUOtftM i Huns K"nc Rodruruei U Minister Ed n 1 Kr.:r Ji I* PhlliDpines Armed Porcci Cluef-of-s;afr. Manuel I were elected vice-presidents-Eiected :<i the Board »rre Dr. Sudirman of Indonesia. Saiahuddin Ch.iudh irt of
      84 words
    • 56 22 Kii.i: i A canton kbo 'a.kiu i'-.i Crum tiv Sinuapoii ague match I Wednesday, will apamr before ihr sha Committee oil M SHA officials rircted at the annual met.inn: Piesidcnt E W. Barker vice-president P Penn«»father .m retary s Yivara.iah. IajBNNC R Sithiimi>aiam; independent
      56 words
    • 96 22 HUTHEI stoke u:\. if ni; \k s.ihmiln i. ii nival iTuipln, Ko>> uudn tl fdid »o. MR b<-H irMK 15..,..: Icnl 1 OMJT MOM HIV MtDVL (Aver Kerohi: Ah l.rk (Ml Kg Ht:: mi|i Ist rune: Lnollg Lok 'lift 36 1. 2nd Bine. Clmn Ah Ir* (ad 35
      96 words
    • 89 22 Penang Polo Club may close r |""Hi: Pi :i y 1 I rd of the poiu ground .>! Western Rurtd lia.s been allocated Jui a DtW a »c fepl It Therr would be rink n through beam hit by fl\ ll !!>» added. Ho-.»evrr. the i!ub have not ypt rred
      89 words
    • 53 22 Sf Umgor Hotkey hi umpire.-. anariaaUea v. held m two centres at 73 I p.m. today. Tlie centre in Kuala Lumpur nill be the Sekcnah li opposite the Se:.incor E Dept., and ttM will be the An-.-Oecoadary t« b must report to their resi)octive ri
      53 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 268 22 PROGRAMRACKS ■•HMIMMfI *jlB2la^^B^B^Sa^S Programmed Instruction for the further development of NKVMpS i-y^E^B^a^B^Ba^H Management Personnel. A new ■P^PiP^H B^l method of ensuring that each pi|ii|ip|B|j' ;i :i T^^^Baa^^C^^| member of the management team :?^I^BsBBBHB can IN HIS OWN TIME, develop 5 —^^{SBES^^M^MSSBBi h' s working skills and disciplines to fe i^^^nSl|fe«B3lfl
      268 words
  • Page 22 Miscellaneous
    • 110 22 1 tloij Onp B* V.T. Hmmttim >. S*~ ~~^>J r "HELL YUM SUZ, I VOtT/*- MAM SOU KWt/^ ;ai KING \MJR! NTV I'M ICYM' TO A IF YOU TWNk \tXJ kKOW rROM OJF CAY YOU kMCW TH' 'AT'5 RIuHT inCSH. WHAT >iXLti.-| MY BSPs <X>T LOONIES IN )TO TH 1
      110 words

    • 219 23  - Reprieve does fine trial PSOM JEEP By E REPRIEVE showed good form in a 31 gallop in 36 4/ssec on fast going at Penang yesterday morning. He was unplaced in his last outing over 7f but could make amends on Sunday when he runs over Bif with a lightweight of
      219 words
    • 50 23 MEXICO CITY. Wrd Anh».s made her debut ou:s;de her country v Pfimv Ann Early. 25. 6f at Ni r'ti plncda. perm] i Ing beau n I am di.'-a[)- i-vournged KJ '.ried m \ain I c,i.:--i. AmrTlcan em Jo Rubin had her Sir.-t race Hga;nM nen )ucluyi at
      50 words
    • 1482 23 THE MRA announced the registration of 31 now horses, including three in Class 1. The top-class newcomers are: Milltown. a four-year-old chestnut Ir.*h Raiding by Milesian— Mom Pink, which east abuut $60.000— the expensive horse ever Imported Into Malaysia: Astoria, a four-year-old bay Australian gelding by
      1,482 words
    • 119 23 W. Indies slam 329-8 in 185 mm MELBOURNE Wed. A bright century uy opening batsman Steve Camacho helped the West Indians to a whlrwind first Innings win over a country cricket hide at Wanguratta today. Camacho scored 107 and at the close of play the West Indians were 329-8
      119 words
    • 32 23 ROME Wed European bantamweight champion Salvator» Burruni I Italy 1 outcasned Wellington Vilp.a i Uruguay > to regiv ter an over*helming points -yin In a non-title fight at Taranto la*t night -Renter.
      Reuter  -  32 words
    • 226 23 Mrs Yap beats men at shoot A WOMAN shooter. Mrs. Y.ip Pow Thong, won the centre- fire event In the Selangor Shooting Association monthly shoot at Subang. Mrs. Yap handicap 20 scored a total of 563 p>lnt« out of 600 aealnst a strong field wntet) included "-houtpr Dl chin Cheat*.
      226 words
    • 282 23  -  IAN PEREIRA By Jockey takes last fence— alone JOCKEY R. Champion takes the last fence "on his own when Time Is Money refuses to jump and Champion is thrown over in the Fulwell Handicap Steeplechase at Kempton Park. pOOTBALL Association of Japan have agreed to
      282 words
    • 143 23 LEEDS ENTER FAIRS' CUP LAST EIGHT BY 7-2 lIANOVER Wed. England* 1 Leeds United, the holders, cruised wioomly into the qaar-ler-nnai.s o; the Inters' Cup when they bent Hanuwr 2-1 Mil last night to complete a 7-2 aggrpgate victory in this third round tie. Already 5-1 up alter the
      Reuter  -  143 words
    • 61 23 AIVKI AND Wer> En«:i.«h Rugby lea;je club'- will be able n current Kri; stars Mr NZ$OllOO > £2.820 following the nn .\rr.w,.I by 'hr New Od Rucoy Leag" p Council Tin .:moun- n made open x »ith N7.1l 000 for x club pl.tve- and NZIBOCO
      61 words
    • 35 23 LONDON W<-d The Euro- "<•.-■' tit :n ri Britush hoMfr Henry Coorvr and p. fro I i :i postponed Ironi F- jry mi' uncd h'-r I •jmrnotrr of rtsht A:!h kiMo RornW oflUjj
      35 words
    • 227 23 Connolly will have to wait two years for record By JACK FINGLETON 4 UBT R ALLAN and VicLorian bowler Alan Connolly now has I to wait almost two years to break the re- cord held by Bert Iron- T as Victorias biggest wicket- i.aker. monger took 313 w'.eket>. Connolly now
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  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 71 23 whitmont Whitmont cut a bright new colour caper keyed to a fasnion note that looks lean and unruffled. It all adds up to the most exciting collection of sport shirts ever. Look for your colours and buy 'em in Permanent Press! %whitmont% OF AUSTRALIA FIXED PRICES FROM. $519.90 I j~
      71 words
    • 161 23 Rnb B^^ S C a f v ■■ulJC^Wm^^ i l"f /I i I '"v 'm a»tßK^Mlla»^a»naV t3\ Note the number on top of an Asahi Pentax Spotmatic. It tells you that more than one million Asahi Pentax cameras have given satisfaction to photographers all over the world. Ask anybody who
      161 words

  • 450 24  -  By OH KEE TIANG and CHEAH SEONG PAIK DENANG, Wed. Royal Marines of 3 C o in in a ml o Brigade from IIMS Albion landed by helicopters in an assault on "enemy held" jungle al Telok Bahang, 14 miles IK mi
    450 words
  • 93 24 DOG CLOTHES FAMILY IN RETURN FOR FOOD LONDON. Wed. The Garnrlt famil> feed thrir dox (ind> and it clothes them I In- family sprnd about C I a urek on food fur the ■hi I nulish -in-, lulu, and in return use W lung, sliaKcy hair for cloth Mr. Michael
    93 words
  • 161 24 'Make the Tengku Australia's GovernorGeneral By JACK FINGLETON fANBERRA. Wed. -A reader of the national newspaper, the Australian. today sugßP.sted that Tengku Abdul Rahman or President Ay Mb Khan be made the next Governor-General of Australia Reader Alerson Hicks wrote: "Soon we'll need a new Governor General, and we'll face
    161 words
  • 22 24 MADK1D Wed Workers in three factories tn Bilbao staged token strikes today against Oeneral Francos n.itlonwlde state of emergency. Renter.
    Reuter  -  22 words
  • 20 24 BANOKOR W.-.: A: Air.rrican a: ir.. -hot dead i'.fs north of tart lut :-.:iiht Police Mid mmunUl guerilla
    20 words
  • 295 24 LONDON. Wed The .stock market closed on an easier note with trading quiet throughout the d«y Towards the close, the P.T. index MM IJ down at 500 8. Closing middle prices of selected stocks not including stamp duty were: I I 1 1 111 I l> SOOMI t-'9
    295 words
  • 69 24 LONDON. Wed. Spot S2 1 idMarch 22' 4 d. April 22-S.d. May 22>*d.. April June 22'id.. July/ Sept 22 7 16d. Ocl Dec. 22 7 16d.. Jan. March 22\d April June 22\d. July Sept 22 5 16d Oct./ Deo 22<,d. Jan March 22 3 16d. t April June 22
    69 words
  • 32 24 LONDON Wed.— Buyer* U372 .sellers £1372'^ i Cl Forward buyers C1370 < •£!',>. sellers £1370 c -K 1 Sett lenient C1372 tii. Turnover am 670 tons. p.m. 70 tons. Tone: Steady but quiet.
    32 words
  • 377 24 Italy paralysed as 20 million go on strike ROME. Wednesday ITALY was paralysed today M V) estimated 20 million people stopped work In the biggest General Strike since the Republic waa founded after World War 11. As the 24-hour strike for higher pension became effective at midnight, police I ten!;
    Reuter  -  377 words
    5 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 251 24 A CRASH PROGRAMME FOR C-GRADERS L.C.E. EXAM Johore Tutorial ill College J.-A. .hihin Ah F.H.k VI J!/ .Hit hhmhhmlbM. \U^ Telephone KJUNOLU iyt>l Kfinqpi K. Pmickw, *C Suptrvnor: Alun W, Glover, B.Sc, <Econ) London, Dip, id.; f.R.GS. New Sessions started on 1st February, 1969: FORM FOUR SPECIAL I. Those who
      251 words
    • 116 24 Late CLASS! FIEDSj 20 Ktrc s:'f' "0 riinimumi TO YOGIS vima -mm and $-„tl v! XL. miunur tlO'! TO JEVAICCLAM ,:1 K«m« «»m. an dauchtrr on Sl«i Think- Mai of i«n»nw i Lumpur. HEAR GRADYiii ■■I m U U II Billy Graham NATIONAL THEATRE, SINGAPORE. Thursday Fcb 6th. 7.30 p.m.
      116 words