The Straits Times, 5 February 1969

Total Pages: 22
1 22 The Straits Times
  • 25 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 175,000 The Straits Times National lewspepv Estd. 1845 WEDNESDAY, FEBRl'ARY 5. 1969 15 CENTS K.D.N. 3104 M.C. (P) No. 0723
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  • 536 1 What Wilson said: Tengku on that Reuter report KUALA LUMPUR. Tun rFENGKU Abdul RahA man today describpd as "highly irresponsible" a report which, he said, conveyed a misleading impression of statements made by the British Prime Minister. Mr. Wilson, in London recently. He waa referring I r report In the
    Reuter  -  536 words
  • 670 1 Britain will come to our defence, says Tengku Premier in top-level talks for buying jet fighters KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday MALAYSIA has been assured that Britain will come to her defence if she is attacked by the Philip pines, Tengku Abdul Rahman told the Dewan Ra'ayat today. This assurance \\;is j;i\rii
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  • 273 1 MELBOURNE. Dm Polite with shottuns rtMMi :i suburban house under :i cloud of ICM |M line rarly today, alter a \<>i:nc gunman inwril In kill a girl hoslasc unlcs> they urrr lit alone. A -In. l IWM MM as the police raced forward and
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  • 207 1 Broker shot in club raid by pistol gang SINGAPORE. Tues.— A used -car broker, Mr. Chua Eng Chuan, 47. was shot in the chest while he was playing chess in a club in Albert Street this afternoon He wa> among 13 people In the Chinese Friendly Mutual Aid Society premises
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  • 107 1 Radio pictures of criminals flashed to patrol cars LONDON. Tues Pictures of wanted criminals were transmitted by radio to police patrol cars In Britain for the first time today. Pollre In Sussex rounty In Southern England, pioneering the technique, described It as a major step foiwaro. in police communications. E\
    AP  -  107 words
  • 35 1 JAKARTA. Tues -One hundred thousand people were today reported homeless and 3.200 acres of plantations damaged following the violent eruption last weec of Mount In. on the Indonesian r.Und of Flores Reuter
    Reuter  -  35 words
  • 55 1 MOSCOW lues Three men have bren -entenred to be shot lo: their pan in wartime masxacie* after a two-week war crime* uUI In the Ukrainian town of Gomel, the Communist Party newspaper Pravda reporte<i today Seven other defendants wert sentenced la jail terms ranging from
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  • 348 1  - $30,000 gems grab in two minutes HUEN PENG KONG By KAMPAR. Tues JTOI l\ robbers, two armed with pistols, stag* rd ;i two-minute hold up in Sang I .re Goldsmith Shop in busy Jalan Idris here this morning ;m<l escaped with jewellery worth about s::i).iiin' Thf robbery took place about
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  • 20 1 CHIDAMBARAM I i"■err killed an. OH the the I .inn a 1 C"• Annadurml h
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 115 1 I equipmentßNAHAß CO., I 113. NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. SINGAPORE GIGANTIC REDUCTIONS FOR CHINESE NEW YEAR IN OUR BARGAIN COUNTER (2nd floor) GENTS USUAL NOW Peloco (Long Sleeve) $1700 $12.00 Monhonon (Long Sleeve) 18 00 11-90 Vista (Australian tailored) L. Sleeve 19 90 9.50 S. Sleeve 18 90 8.50 Eascly T-Shirt
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    • 46 1 H'SJBJBjnBjB iale t^BA^BIAI Nl 62 ■55 S th I A^p* Bridge I Rl>d ELECTION STOP PRESS NIXON BIG 1 v. I f tnii fc*» taal a»nr»T»i part- p i i" talkwork hfl» Mi(l<H' tod^» I it*r. ■ml IB ■Id t ■bVBk vfiir* i C-/1 IjMHj r^
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    • 160 2 OANGKOK. Tuos. Three prison guards and two policemen hold hostage by Bangkok prisoners demanding the right U> vute have been released. The hostages wen night aittr the authorities promt review I aol the 780 prisoners involved in the Incident at Bangkok* Laard
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    • 172 2 SIX DIE IN CHAOS AS 15 MILLION PAY HOMAGE TO PREMIER ANNADURAI UM»K\S, I lies Six people died, one l>\ police lire and fi\e ii) a si.impede >er*terda\ «hi n millions tinner ted on K.iiaji Hall to pay their last Manga to Madras Chief Minister. Mr. V Ann.Him.ii, who died
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    • 19 2 WEST BEX! IS 1 v..v A Bcrl n i der i t» njb-m irh:nc ■At, reiKirieci r
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    • 72 2 j <AiK)N Toes a American passenger liner landed here with its under-carriage on fire today and the 69 pa* lelt the plane by emergency chut ol tne passengers or 10 cnv. I th( DC-I Washington were m- Amer.cai mm; Mid "The undercarrtage
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    • 545 2 LONG HAUL AT UN LIKELY NEW YORK, Tuesday P O U R POWER talks on the Middle East crisis may begin here in the second half of February, diplomatic sources said. But the Informants cautioned against expectations of an early breakthrough In the quest
      Reuter  -  545 words
    • 33 2 CAIRO. Tuev The Palestinian Women's Federation h.<s tailed fur a '1-hnur hunter strikr throuchi> ut Arab countries on Thursday to support Arab countries to Mipport Arab women in Israeli-occupied territory.
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    • 354 2 MANILA, Tuesday THE Senate committee on privileges and election laws is investigating reports that the U.S. Centra] Intelligence Agency was encouraging Senator Genaro Magsaysay to run for the Presidency in the November election The comalttee baa invited Government lntelliKci"'- Pis and Mwsptper
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    • 204 3 LONDON. Tuesday i s I M2K-DOOB battle broke out last week o\rr one .>f the .stars of a West Bad pl.t>— a ilos called r.iii.ii Kriiliis. a black-and-white Great Dane, about to be led into Hie Prince of v .tl« -s Theatre in CoM-nlr,
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    • 466 3 CORONADO (California), Tuesday. AFTER the capture of the Pueblo the Navy ordered a destroyer to prepare to so into a North Korean harbour, board it and tow it away if necessary. Rear Admiral George L. Cassell said yesterday. However, he was not allowed to say whether
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    • 332 3 IATA bid to make airliner hijacks a criminal offence GENEVA. Tues. A drive to have airliner hijackings branded a criminal offence similar to piracy on the high seas was launched here yesterday by the Inter n ational Air Transport Association (lATA). V meelint; convened by lATA to ways or
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 170 3 i f i w U JMCwtT^B— Raw h uHJhL -ti I^^. S 9 tw "iaajSatt t a- £&'^£*^r */*t _^_^_E_K^_^__^HB^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_lfl_l_l_i^_(«__l___a it t_HoHH_Kl.HHKß^B_i_3i!n' > -m •^tA^^ytj.. What a world the Saint lives in! /'■J^Sfev V /S^^^^ oh so beautifully timed the world of Bl^<\ |Mi!ife Eterna Matic 1000: including the super
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    • 513 3 AT LAST! f^% AT LASTf VZ*''* it has mm. COME! (JJIJ^ The book that you have bwn looking lor lias come! It la tiie book explaining the mysteries ol the Co-operative Moveiner' The Malaysian Co-operative Printing Prew Society Ltd pleii.erj to announce I in of "Introduction To Th< Movement" written
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  • 139 4 From S'pore shipyard straight off to sea SINGAPORE. Tues A .shrimp catcher slipped out of a local shipyard today and immediately headed lor Indonesian waters lor Us mission The Norkar IV is the fourth shin constructed by Kail Teck Shipyard Ltd. in Kalians for the P. T. Indo-nesia-Norway Seafood Ltd..
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  • 77 4 SINGAPORE. Tue<.-In a report In todaj s Straits Times, it uas stated that one out of every 10 teenager- between 15 and 19 in the Republic was affected by venereal disease. Ministry of Health statement today said that this should have referred to the total number of
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  • 299 4  -  CHEONG YIP SENG SINGAPORE, Tues By I^HANI) new Hal is I dream conic true lor inosi young Singaporeans. But In spite of the demand, hundreds of flats lie vacant in many of the Republics housing estates. A spokesman ol the Housing Board calls the
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  • 182 4 SINGAPORE. Tues The 18.000-ton Shell tanker Hlndsla which was In a collision with a Oerman freighter on Sunday is to be towed to Indonesian Pulau Samboe to off-load her oil tuel. A Shell spokesman today said this was because all the tanks at the
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  • 152 4 Tod«y's educational TV on Channel 8 is as follows: 7.M* a.m. -8.10 a.m.. Oeneral science. Sec. 2 Llght-What U It?; 8.30-8.50, Geography tCh.). bee. 1: Seasons, 9.05-9.25. Mathematics, Sec 1 Shapes and sizes; 9.45-10.05, English Second Language. Sec 3: Happy New Year; 10.15-U.05. National Language itlemi. To
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  • 30 4 SINGAPORE, Tues. The mobile X-ray unit will visit Mirgaret Drive at the car park near block 24 from Thursday to Feb. 14 from S3O pm. to 9 p.m.
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  • 180 4 SUPPORT THE 'QUEUE UP for BUS' DRIVE: NTUC's CALL SINGAPORE, Tucs.— The Nation- al Trades Union Congress today called on workers to "wholeheartedly" support the "queue-up at bus-stop" campaign organised j by the National Safety First Council. The campaign, to be launched from Mar. 1 to 15. aims to prevent
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  • 304 4 SINGAPORE Tues The Biihop of Birmincham. tormcriy Bis.hop of Singapore from IH4I-4'.*. thr lit K. John L W'lsnn flew in tonlcht from London with his wife to "star" in a BBC TV doi unw\ on the spiritual side of internment. Miffrrini: and
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 38 4 C.OMACI THE STfCIAUST —au/unas&A. *.Cb. Office 49 Cavenagh Road Showroom 265 River Valley Road TEL ***** ******Q«***** r-r' LI I PROTFCriUN \H_ 1 THAT PAYSBEAUTY Til IT I nil I" STAYS! U.S.MATERIAL SUNLITE ALUMINIUM AWNINGS aid VENETIAN BLINDS
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    • 208 4 P>i P n E im J rOMQRROW FRIDAY ONLY! ASTOUNDING! INCREDIBLE! Gotland Yard Soivet "THE ROBBERY OF THE CENTURY!" J^WHKastmancolor scopf s*s*» 889 v V a E^ Sl-.VART MAY- ALSO SIL'.'AV LONDOIST OPENS TOMORROW! "JOANNA, it would be wrong to call it promiscuous..." J|W^ Much moie ciherent. piercing and W
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    • 548 4 MMqsillßlii shaw Orfanlintlon I I^tMTW-Ml. ~jj] I LAST DAY' 11 am. 1 45. 4 00, 6 30 "INTIMACY aj Opt". I luhe Christie I 1 NOW SHOWING! 11 am. 1.45, 4 00, 630 t 9.30 ttmor.. Rommo Power Ro'foriio Con i Anita Ekbei 1 'HOW I LEARNED TO LOV[ WOMEN'
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  • 304 5  - A campaign for tip- top teeth (with 10-cent toothbrushes) among 360,000 IVY SIOW By Singapore. Tuesday IMP-TOP teeth vmlli a 10-«ent lonlh brush that's SMt.onn school child ren will have when the (iovernment's "Brushing Teeth" exercise hecins in Btafaamre'i n r man schools The to I. u~e the
    Wan Seng  -  304 words
  • 254 5 SINGAPORE. Tuesday PRETTY tt« ■choolgirl Cbeng JH Llau walked a cemetery at night I hrlstmaa Bye. devepretMon utm conplalncd ,r Kvp. she d.~ tppeaicd ii 'in ii r hTiic la Y;n Chu Kann Road. A lew hours l.r and dead at the a
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  • 24 5 BINOAJ Rl (1 .il.i.-.i1..'. !ti ralrul lon I I i in'uiv Hid tti II in l.m.s lot ..ixr 19C6
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  • 37 5 PSMAMO HIM A li\r-man I ...iKire Council \usitcd Penang flurinu tli" v 1 ckrnd lOC .m n- View* "ii I>l.iiiuc re- Hir Urn Mufti .'I the Rrpubiic Ha M. Buiiwl bin M.ilimud
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  • 36 5 SINU.\K)I(K TXm -A k!liiU|) H m lid by Uie Pi.i»rj Siciii.iiv to the Mm:- National Development. Mr. Ho Cheng Choon. will visit thr PIB'.- newly completed Selel;ir rHtnrolr on Monday morning at lamiliuri.suti<.n tour.
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  • 96 5 KOALA LUMFOTt, Tues A Incite Kainaruddin bin Aliniad. nay ollrred a drink >»■>- lrd.iv li\ two xtranKfis while walkine alone .Iml.iii Hicks here at about I. Hi p.m. \X\ ile the trio chatted over a cup of coffee, one of them >uddenl>
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  • 180 5  - Two take car for test run and drive away in it RUDY BELTRAN By KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. Two men who took a car for a test drive yesterday turned out to be robbers. They held up an employee ol a u.sed car comoany. who accompanied them on the test run.
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  • 33 5 BANGKOK I •■•>ni 1h..--land I eflorti the Th.ll C Dmrtn erf being held w I the i Interior lUnictr] tv s'..<nip out •he tradr In Thallmnd'i .-uuthtin anfftMH Reuter
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • 28 5 .-INUAJ'ORE lur* Six member.- ol the University of singapoie Students' li..'>n will tin Unhrtrsltjr .>! undrr an rxrhangr .vlinnr vwth thr TfectinioU QMleai siudrn:.L'nn n
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 137 5 v WISMA v> GARDEN COFFEE HOUSE f WISMA I I GARDEN COFFEE HOUSE x opens today S X NEW CHEFS FROM JAVA AND SUMATRA ft Real Indonesian Dishes "K. "X Best Satay Java, Satay Padang U ft Special Indonesian Cakes /C ■y Bali grinded beans Koffee Q ft Traditional Rum
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    • 225 5 k Before lunch... Before dinner AH Singapore's most popular rendezvous I i W Mt^jfanternjßar mk im% Cuscaden House Mm singing nitety £s nenny w V^ triana -^-v 1> 1 A THE SIIESfiOKS on«« \FiVt**+irk DIRECT FROM MANILA FLYBAITS f i CHAPPING m^9% DANCE HOSTESSES T^ '•< \*ir NO COVER CHARQE
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  • 250 6 Thugs, 'too early' for payroll, get $3,000 md found the $3,000 in his irawer. They al robbed thf men o! tin v wstchi MO 1 lmi car which was Utter found jhundomd in Bale.stler Road. It bore fake number plates, and was ascertainI'd to be stolen from Jalan lasi week.
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  • 40 6 SINGAPORE. Tues The Singapore Oeiwial Post Office, which expects to be deluded ti\ Chinese New Year card.-. In the next two weeks, has appealed to the public to pevst r.nli WM Malavsla. .uici Feb. 13 frr B port-.
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  • 29 6 SINGAPORE Tup., SJoatph 1 chiirrh at VI will hold a tiunkagtvlnji ma^s and Investiture ceremoir. Nt 10 am on Sunday followed by a rveptlon at the pansli hall
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  • 46 6 SIM.APOKK. Tues Hie (.oxeinment will auction an assortment of 15K lots <>. seized cars and stores at 10 a.m. on Thursday. Friday and Saturday at gate 1 of the Port of Singapore Authority and at the F* It workshop in k ill. in-
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  • 270 6  -  OW WEI MEI By L SINGAPORE. Tues.— (hico is nut as bird-brained as most parrots. He knows how to pipe up with the riaht phrase at the rij;ht time. lo linn a pui.ise. his ili\iited ouner 11-year-iild Yvonne Kelly sees to I
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  • 65 6 SINGAPORE. Tutl The Superintendent -in-Chief of the St John Ambulance Brigade. Ihe Cminte.s.s of Brecknock, will have a lull programme When she makes her i "and visit to Singapore lrum Feb in to 1!) Her Onl visit wu.s in 1!»62 On her hrst morning hrr slie
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  • 314 6  -  MOLLIE ANG By SINGAPORE. Tues In spite of what has been described as its major bid to be the venue for the 1972 Pata (Pacific Area Travel Association) conference how did Singapore lose out to Malaysia? A po-t mortem the experts .seem.s
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  • 74 6 WEEPING TAMILS AT MEETING SINGAPORE. Tue.v Some SJM pmpta this afternoon held a condolence meeting at the Victoria Memorial Hall to honour the late rhicf Mini.ster ol Madra.v Mr. C. N. Airiadurai. who died in Madr.i.. yesterday Tamil community leaders pillowed Mi Aiuiadmai champi.M. ol ihr Tair.iliaiis in India Colnui
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  • 191 6 SINGAPORE. Tuesday. 4 57-YEAK-OLD labourer, who had once worked in the Japanese "death railway." and was known as "captain" to his friends and neighbours, was jailed for seven years by the Hinh Court today tor killing another labourer In a tiuht over a $10 debt.
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  • 50 6 SINGAPORE. Tues. total of LJM people won prizes in the fifth Totn draw. Singapore Tools announced today. Twenty-one of them had four mini hers correct, and «ill each jet $50(1. The others had three correct, and will *et 524 each. Alk'.v Oop By V. T. Hamlin
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  • 198 6 Apprentice on murder charge SINGAPORE. Tues A 15-year-old apprentice In a refrigeration rirm. La* Boon Leong, wa& committed for trial in the High Court today for the murder of Lee Ah Tee. 18. In Jalan Alsagoff, on Oct. 22. At tae preliminary inquiry In the Ninth Magistrate <i Court today.
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  • 311 6  - HANDOVER OF $135 m PROPERTY FRANCIS ROZARIO UK pullout making progress By SINGAPORE. Tuesday TMIK British Governmeiil li;»s handed over military properly mid installations worth |13a million to the Singapore Government during the pust year The properties are annum those listed for handing over under the fiscal year April 1
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  • 150 6 Blood bank appeals to donors SINGAPORE, Tu.-s The H1. i. .(1 Donation Centre today sent out an S.O.S for more blood to be used over the Chinese New Year. Attendanrr al the I they said, bad (alien lr< nieildously it h thr .in pi— c him (entlve xea*nn .iltlloiivh the
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 114 6 IlljWf^ Hafia^lß^aaflal M^BMM|BB|fflß^^JjHO^^j^^^B a^a^a^a^B^a^a^a^a^al^a^a^a^E o^~ I 4L? I HMB 'J^ V lffi f! '''T J "''l ;^^^M'^^- I^^^^M lJr!ri3» 'i Enjoyed all over the world at the rate of 69 bottles a second fp (orlsbcrq Ml jg pint bottle or one can Carlsberg beer. j^£ I^. plus one beer glass
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
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  • Article, Illustration
    396 7  -  K. MOHANAN By Kuala Lumpur, Tuesday Bottles and bottles of brandy from baskets of 'dried fish... 5 AfORE than $40,000 worth of contraband brandy packed in baskets marked "dried fish" was seized by Customs officials who swooped on a dilapidated kod o w n here today. The rattan
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  • 75 7 The road that claimed two lives LI (MIMi. Turs Two cyclists, .i nmn md a (t«rl, weir killed here yrstrrday on the strutroad and within minutes of each other. Wont Ah (hia, 36. was knocked down .mil killed by a Shell nil tanker at the (t.imhicr Kotid Thomson K.. hi
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  • 67 7 TANJONG MAI.IM. lues. Mnre than 1.000 people Imm hrre and the surrounding estates this evening aitended a condolence railv in memory of the late Mr C N Annadurai. Chief MinK'rr of Madras. Many Indian .--hop* i for business at noon as a nurlc of report
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  • 48 7 SINGAPORE. lIIM Anj H'kk U'uriK 27. \*hn denied a charge oi nu.sappropriating a Mrrrrd*. Ben/ \alued at $12 000. between May 23. 1»66 and Jan. 18 last > «ar py spiling it while under a lire-purchase agreement, will have- his case heard on June 8.
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  • 29 7 TSLUK ANSON. Tues. The D...tnct Officer. Lower PerMk. Indie Mohamed Nor bin Zabidin. 55. has gone on long leave befc re retirement after 31 years service.
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  • 108 7 SINGAPORE. Tue*. A fr.ictuied little to« of a lii-year-old girl wax valued at $600 in her negligence milt auainst a ins motorcyclist, Koh Kal Pang, in the High Court v( -tcrd.iy Mr Ong Bock Oman, representini? Koh's :nMirers. agreed to pay this sum
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  • 88 7 Book on Lee sets Singapore record CINGAPORE. Tues. The J first printing of 5.000 copies of Alex Josey's biography of the Prime Minister. Mr Kuan Yew. has been sold out 75 days after It came off the presses. Mr. Donald Moore, the publisher. Is now rushing a second printing
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  • 166 7 Senate President tipped as next Governor of Penang By Khor Cheang Kea DENANG. Tueti. The new President of the Senate. Tun Syed Sheh Barakbah, who was Officer Administering the Government during the illness last year of the late Governor. Tun syed Sheh Shahabuddin. is strongly tipped as Penang's new Governor.
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  • 29 7 PENANG. Tues Ow Seng Hooi. 39. p.eadeti not g>. a magistrate'!; court today to a charge of boolcmakinjc in the Penan* Turf Club yesterday. Bali «v allowed
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  • 41 7 airline Will Mart MTVtcet to Singaporean April' 00 1 Subject to final aDprovi: the G ivernmen' her* th« airline's Convalr 990 "Coronador md at Pay* L^bar on April 1 to inauguratp a weekly service between S:nuapore and Switzerland
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  • 130 7 EXTRA WORK NOW FOR THE STORE TAXPAYER SINGAPORE, Tues. i Singapore taxpayers are now required I to work out for themselves how much they have to pay in incom* j tax. This new ruling became known to thousands of taxpayers when they got the.r forms over the last few days
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  • 43 7 SINGAPORE. TiiPf -A conference to discuss :hf setting up ii [nstltuta ol Higher f.-.' r>v»rx> opt ned by th* IlinUl Mi Ong Pan* B'v>:i i i Friday. > be held the Conlfrrnc Hall will be ■bout 60 delegate*.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 109 7 When baby coughs give it De Witt's Baby Cough Syrup Babies love De Witt's sweet soothing syrup. It is specially made to stop baby's cough Immediately, so that baby can sleep quietly all through the night i^. m^^mJk II c t l Made for children under 5. For your cough,
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    • 166 7 i--. coo c:c c o-o.o:o\ojjjRo:0:0'Q]OK: \Mj Cm- <^dsP^ M 1 c\i r^- c^) 1 rv That's what comes of having Monday and Wednesday flights to Manila. Convenient times while the week is still young and better connections. We get you to Manila in just three hours from Singapore, and only
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  • 639 8 MALAYSIA ADOPTING AN UNREALISTIC POLICY' BY OUR PARLIAMENTARY REPORTERS KUALA LUMPUR. Tuesday THE defence of the nation and the unemployment problem came in for considerable discussion today when the Dewan Ra'ayat continued debating this year's Development estimates totalling $889.4 million.
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  • 605 8 Musa to Aussies: Give us a definite answer... lined two or mice a year Id 'hat these people did not ha\e licence M tiieir trades vax noi due la a el.'ort on their part did appty to the Municipality lor licences but "?elr applications were invariably turned down.' he
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 410 8 Go elegant W -j&f V i in Glo Weave's r A I I/L 4 seasons vf f^| Iff men ready to make their move anywhere, Sv. mJISK' fi M m any time. .ready for any exploit in mind [X" f ''v A broad over shoulders and chest trim [r^wiß SF
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 154 8 IHrk Trmcff Chemtmr Gmmid MBBKfc^,,* c T >^rlt r|rnrftnr YrrfnTift| nminl I 'our contest ruus I r iv. say you'll be 1 r i tel_ you. mb.tracv, J^SZXR. 0001 pfIOHIBIT DCOPAD- SUS3! AND AS F-RIBMD 1 I this moon twino wiTW T\ HE.CHtWtNC crs 1 INC PCmamcs OF US.* lOF
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  • 1708 9  - Learning the art of Grantmanship in US varsities LINDA MATTHEWS by STUDYING THE DANCE OF MATING BUTTERFLIES AN Illinois Congressman created a sensation last year on the floor of the House of Representatives when he announced that the Public Health Service had granted 249,000 dollars to scientists to study a
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  • 591 9  -  PETER COSTIGAN by NEW YORK huge U.S. car re- pair industry is nervously awaiting Its year of truth and many of the disclosures will ring a resonant bell to motorists elsewhere. After a nine -months' long .study last year of what
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 124 9 em fi**tlT Free Sugar with Nescafe Buy one 2 oz. jar of Nescafe, and get 1 tb. brown. The fragrance of real coffee in of sugar FREE. Buy a second 2 oz. jar. every jar and in every cup of delicious Nescafe, and a third, and a fourth and get
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  • The Straits Times
    • 628 10 It is a pity that tile differ•i between Kuala Lumpur and Canberra on the obligations flowing from the Anglo-Malaysian Defence Treaty, particularly in the event of Philippines aggression against Sahah, should have been brought into thr open. Now that it has, however, it is necessary to gel
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    • 424 10 Japan. Pakistan and Indonesia apart, most of Asia outside Communist China h..s so far been spared the students in revolt. There are no comtortable conclusions to be drawn from this, since ihc anger of the angry young world appeara to recognise bo boundaiies. of geography, ideology or
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  • 392 10  -  HUGH MABBETT by HAVEN T been to see the rubber and coconut estates 'I I'm supposed to manage for more than two years." I said a businessman in Narathivat town, only an hour's drive from the Malaysian border. "I'm a f r a i d to
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  • 1045 10 Murder, extortion and economic depression FRIGHTENED BUSINESSMEN AND WORKERS. ABANDONED PLANTATIONS WHERE BANDIT GANGS ROAM 50-STRONG than in Malaysia; corrugated iron which a Malayan villager would u.*e for a roof goes to make wall*, and roof.* n main at tap. The Pattani police had hoped lor a respite after they
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  • Letters
    • 235 10 CEBRUARY 6. 1»69 1* the sesqulcentenary of the foundation of modern Singapore, an rvnu that should be properly celebrated, especially in the schools. There are few historical relics to remind Singapore's young people oi the past, but sure- such an Important event as
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    • 205 10 I HAVE son attending a Primary School For the past five years when term opens at the beginning of each year, my son was asked to produce his birth certificate. hi* f.i■her'.s identity card and sometimes also his c tizenshlD certificate Tfils procedure l.s repeated every year
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    • 171 10 I REFER to the letter "Tortured" 'ST. Jan 28 1 by "Motorist." Th;> Board expresses regret and apologises to the public for having to dig up Orchard Road. However, it is essential that this work be carried out to complement the building of our
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 36 10 aX MOORTONKS X 7~ You never hecrd y if Good! yfUj£ rests UftkataM a stsooo J^JyPP' PIS4S I rucivr* 111 *****0 fJfSml H7OKM P'.rrh V .or UtO.OO I lT T. M. A. LTD.. H,qh Str»t. Sint*r>'«
      36 words
    • 72 10 Lenco] for demanding tastes Lenco 500 Tht MM buogat pneta LINCO S0« o bMMNM ,t*r«o M Two compeer loudspeaker enclosure* Insist on Solt Agents' GUARANTEE CARD am T HEMCIE CAMIABE CO.,(E) LTD. BCAHJ ■•BNBKAL IMPORT! OIVI«ION— SINGAPORE— KUALA LUMPLR— IPOH PENANG TIME RECORDER SAVE TIME ~^J SAVE MONEY 000 *9tit
      72 words

  • 137 11 By AYLSHA HARBEN Salleh brou-hl rolour and tu-iuht nrsis into thr MMterC disliity o| the ullice of the .Mini>trr of TransP'Ht. L.i 11 Sri Sardnn. >rstrrd.i\ 'I lif oiiasiun WM 1 prrvieu of the ne« uniform of S*baJ>l aimort rel■eptioni^l^ The
    137 words
  • 61 11 Bob' Pidgeon to be buried tomorrow XI A .■-üb-eu.!. 11l 'Bob 1 Pidgcun. who 1 be buried a- 'hr I niptfrv, Che; Thursday morning. MfTtCS will 1 I..VM. A\ 11 V 8 a ii. en saturd.iv. a n-.rinorwl Mrvlee wtH b« 1. Xavler Church. p> C Strars Times i< Pr*m
    61 words
  • 447 11 'One week's wages' court poser UNION SEEKS INTERPRETATION SINGAPORE. Tubulay J does the torm '"one week's uau» moan in terms of time wages for seven days, or wages for 44 houn, the maximum allowed under the law for a working week? Thll was the ciucKon the Singapore Traction Co Employees
    447 words
  • 165 11  - 007 touch proves handy for mobbed actress Cheong Yip Seng By SINGAPORE. Tues. It was an sjsjeapade that needed the James Bond touch. And yesterday, lovely Hong Kong film actres.v Tina Chin Fei proved she Ktu the coolness of the scrern hero when a screamm^ mob of about 300 fans
    165 words
  • 222 11 HOLYOAKE FLIES IN FOR TALKS WITH Mr. LEE SINGAPORE. Tues.— O Nf.v /(> a land's Prime Minister, Mr. Keith Holyoake, ttew into Singapore tonight for a une-day unofficial visit. Tmv v ill havsj talks witn Mr Lea Kuan ■s lems and c in this region. Mr Hoiyoake. who ni met
    222 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 130 11 3Efigßli=]Bi=lr-JrJrJidK]idrligi-lrdrJidf-ng 181 A wonderful gift for I Chinese New Year I (a little something extra to add to your 'ang pows') [QJ i J February's Specials' g| Stay Awake and Parents may ISI Live Longer New Year Food Fanta- \W*\ sies Cheongsam Charmers That iSr lufm Husband in the House
      130 words
    • 175 11 SIMULTANEOUS OPENING SATIRDAY Bth AT i ODEON i PAVILION i CATHAY j S SINCAPORI KUALA LUMPUR J PENANC 70MM PANAVISION IN PtN»" SIOM IN PAKAVISION ■>■■■! ■•■■■>■■■■■■•■■■■■■•' Metre G" a ,'erry G«-: xi-jction starring 'Where Eagles Dare" THH MUST GO AIL THE 35 WAYCPTOHEU H*^t m and rncuioi silence wasrV
      175 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 818 11 TV MALAYSIA (H\WHS Kuala Lumpur. 835 Watch Mr. Wi/..rd »rn*iii i; Ipuli. Malaria t>; _Heat. 7.00 Nc»s in loliore HaJiru 3. 10; Taipn.f &!«U»h: 710 Tht Pr^fsg?» s :c 3 r 5 M The P^ 800 N>«^ in M.inrtarm 54j I'M. Prixiidnnir Mim- oin z..;n A/man P-ipul«r man; 65« .nh»
      818 words

  • 139 12 Leading Japanese executive visits Singapore THE President of one of Japan's leading manufacturers of magnetic recording equipment. Mr. Katsuma Tani (above), recently visited Singapore to demonstrate some of TEAC's latest stereophonic and recording systems. inciiuU'd in TEACa wide rmnfc ol equipment were precision stereophonic tape recorders, magnetic tape units tor
    139 words
  • 95 12 Mr. NO Haworth. Overseas Sales Manager. Teacher-, Whi&ky Distillers, Glasgow. Scotland. Is TlstUni Singapore and Malaysia lor two »eek^ Mr. Haworth says that Teacn-e.-s whisky sales In Singapore and Malaysia are rapidly increasing and he claimed Teacher's whisky is becoming one of 'lie leading International »hl--kie>
    Agencies  -  95 words
  • 67 12 THE Bsr.k of America repoited record earnings depoclti and loans during 19G8 Consolidated net operating earnings irarhed a new high of $438.486.1100. representing an Increase of 12.2 per cent over the previous year's earnings, accorriInv to the bank's president. Mr Rudolph A l'eierson At the enrl of 1068.
    67 words
  • 266 12  -  ALLAN CHAN By BEST Products Ltd. will build Singapore's first glucose factory in Jurong in nine months' time. This will be a Joint venture with Boustead Holdings Berhad who, in line with their policy of participation in local manufacturing operations, have
    266 words
  • 155 12 INSURANCE COMPANY PROMOTIONS MR. R. QUARTERMAINE. South East Asia manager uf the Queensland Insurance Co. Ltd., recentl> announced the appointments of Messrs Teo Kwung Whee and Tan Kirn Huat as manager lor Singapore and manager for Kin I Lumpur respect J vel> mi.ii ..r Tan uavr lir-.i Mini uir compart)
    155 words
  • 182 12 Shipping companies merge services CK)R h number ot year* the 1 niuppiriK firms of Peamley Eger. A F Klaveness &Co A S and Wllh Wilhelmsen have ivorkeu in ckMC cooperation In (hell liriei activities to and fri.rn V s A Ine thru companiei are now p .i.nuiiu to establish a
    182 words
  • 152 12 Thai rebates help local rice merchants DICE merchants In "> Singapore and Malaysia will be among those to benefit from the Thai Governments recent decision to raise its rebates to regular customers abroad. llic inert ase in rebate l.s from 14 shillings to 30 .shillings (about $11> per ton for
    152 words
  • 92 12 Ace Advert iMiik announces the appointment of Mr. R.M. Porltt as Executive Director Mr. Porritt. of Thomson Poritt Partner Advertising Pty Ltd Sydney, has an extensive background of marketing and advertising experience in a variety of product categories Including travel home appliances food, finance, ethical and O T
    92 words
  • 71 12 Mr Andre CtlU lechnlclan with Uniicii P-ii!-- Ltd will undergo tralDtn| in his firms sister taetOO Ki:.-al Paint Co Ltd of Japan loi the ue\l six Mr Chu is .me ol the sU( ■ppttcmnts 1..1 (in siliclarshlp scheme of Hie Japanese Govern-; ment for ovei ea irainees
    71 words
  • 337 12 r<> local hotels, the Imperial and Its associate, the Regency went all out to woo delegates attending the Pacific Area Travel Association (PATA) Convention in Bangkok last week. The hotels nav< u.-.-n planning for months and no efforts had been spared by Mr William Land, (ieneral Manager of
    337 words
  • 80 12 The Board of Directors. Chase Manhattan Bank N A., recently announced the promotion of Mt Deride N Richardson, the Manager of Chase Manhattan In Kun la Lumpur, to his Sei-ond Vice President After araduating with an MBA from Cornell Oniveratty, Mr. Richardson Jolnea I Mci York in
    80 words
  • 67 12 The manager of Grafton Laboratories Ltd Mr Vincent IH. Lirn. lelt Singapore for Britain and France recently on a three- i month study and lannl:a:isa:imi tour. He will spend most of his time with the more Important pnn- i c.iwl.s that Ills company represent* In his present post.
    67 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 162 12 with new Dal flash guns "m available mecablitz 180.181.182,184, Just Arrived mecablitz 185 with electronic eye and computer OBTAINABLE AT ALL LEADING PHOTO STORES AGENTS JEBSEN JESSEN LTD. SINGAPORE 3-E, ASIA INSURANCE BUILDIN3 "E.. "'SSMS. K. LUMPUR 402, ASIA INSURANCE BUILDING. TEL BVBS IPOH: 110, ASIA LIFE BUILDING. TEL <"•
      162 words
    • 273 12 Lastyeai Australians bought 2393 million dollars •Ma.tytian DoUjr» worth of goods from Asia r— jrmnr indndhig foodstuffs, fabrics i p and ornaments from Wr[V Malaysia, toothbrnshes and I shoes from SingaporeN v«u^j \^^j^\ M^ S °W goods to Asia from *^V spectacle frames to locomotives, "\"J/^J^^ t0 the tune of
      273 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 824 13 I h*M*.i.H.w.i'.gfflmn aCKNOWKDCEMENTS. sNNIVE «Sa»|[ S. ANNOUNCEMENTS BIRTHS CIUI ACTIVITIt S CONDOLENCES DIsIHS ENCtCEMENTS FUN£««IS CREETINCS. IN MEMOmtM MtMItCEV MISSINC P£«SON»I •f C HEQUI EMS t HEUNIONS •tie Mtaiausx S2O f*r 21 BSMS, tit* l)i< mn ail tl M sllOttiT Cli»:.iit« s»nrti»«nsti; w }7 j, llf ls Mr#s ,o,|.j M
      824 words
    • 990 13 YOUNC ENCLISH SPEAKING Hi details i mile Bukit Timah. N. I INTERNATIONAL MANUFACTUR ING COMPANY n Jurong I I Maintenance Kilters. Aiiracnve salary I'ltase apply Ttl: Ml Box A.MSK b I s .ore i HUNTS SECRETARIAL esquire* I Bocreurio. uteno*. Typittt. Accoun;.ints. Kookke. |,ers etc to till cle«. Register Sl-B
      990 words
    • 934 13 dlion. Must have a [Minimum nt tin,, >;, Mao* aad lie able to work independantly. Ftepiy Box AOIIWJ s.T. 8 port stating prtvious i .Miiticm ions md suluiy ELECTRICAL SALES ASSISTANT required to n irk. I unt of the uorld'l „i,.r intlt ndin.s in the field ut industrial electric motors,
      934 words
    • 915 13 i.rUiooin executive apartmcot. Srr vani's own ameoitiea. Phone (8 pore) MIM4 FURNISHSD ROOM Doumt ned>., j Dtai Cathay, separate entrance to.'ri' bath Bails Bit v. oi king girl* Kent EIM fhonr J»3so (Spore) FURNISHED 3 BEDROOM FLAT SI I ICkyMlla. CrineiKi-au Avrnur. Kent in. a < i nabi< ImmaiUatdN. Trl:
      915 words
    • 918 13 I SXPENSIVELY BUILT Storey OtI lacned Bungalow vitlt V Bedroomi. Bathrooms ntt.ichrd. Large Lounge*. j 2 Kinlngroomt Lara* Kitchen. Str j vant s Room. Dtlsoi VJuarters. Larst Uaragt Land 14.1UU *q ft. Freehold. District IS. Wulet Ftenidential Area. I Price 5125.00, Trl 14.133. 8 por«. I DISTRICT 10: BtjiMU) .on-tru.ttd
      918 words
    • 1046 13 TOURS AND EXCURSIONS S OXLIV TRAVIL Malaya 7-days t; r .«lu.. C Highland 4-dsys »b^ .'.-days Ku ?"a 15 IC 17. J Kraser* Hill IR, 3-dayt Sol/- 14 1 South Thailand 1.., d->s jk' 16 Btaaaaan MIST, CHINESE NEW YEAR CHunUnd* m» Mi Ml 3 4*)* 16 Commercial Re Silver*.
      1,046 words
    • 1342 13 ndition ttaraiubout s: til Am 111.. Iliu.Mrd VlllSgt. TON SOON AIK Jalan Sultan s 1 orr on.: 1 >u|irr. ISM ■nault RIO. l»t>:, Mfneors Brn.- l«i.l) G T Kord Tannin. 1..l Ml K.rforJ. 1»«.' Prugeot MM, 0. Tiioinaa H'l.uo. i'.'6i 01 •Koid. Moris HKHI S W. Au-' 1.4, IKAO Triumph
      1,342 words

  • 62 14 Embassy denies visit by Farah BEIRUT, Tues.— The Iranian Embassy In Lebanon yesterday denied a Tel Aviv report that Empress Farah had once gonr to Israel for medical treatment "This fabricated report alms at harming the good relations between Iran and the Arab countries." a statement said. The report claimed
    62 words
  • 134 14 TOP TANZANIAN DIES IN BOMB EXPLOSION DAR ES-SALAAM, Tuesday W\R. KIIIARDO Mondlane, president of the Nationalist Mozambique Liberation Front, was assassinated in a beach house on the edge of Dar-Es Salaam yesterday. He di'-.i in a bomb explosion while working at a desk in the house owned b> an American.
    134 words
  • 270 14 Colonel quits British Army to fight Viets V O R T BENNING (Georgia), Tues. A British army liaison officer at Fort Benning has resigned his commission and joined the U.S. Army in the hope of serving in Vietnam. Lieut-Col. Peter Fleming, 42. quit the King* Own Yorkshire Light Infantry at
    Reuter  -  270 words
  • 24 14 I.AHORE. Tues T*entvninf people wrrr killed and 11 Injured today «hrn a train collided with bus on a level crossing near here.
    24 words
  • 106 14 Two Indon Reds shot dead in gun battle JAKARTA. Tues— Two In Communivls soueht b\ the luthorities were shot dead in a Run battle with arniv tronps at Klaten. Central Java, the independent KM News Agency reported today. The incident took I t«t ueekrnd when the troops encountered
    Reuter  -  106 words
  • 42 14 OEKING. Tuet China said today that Invented a new printine procew by .-übMitutlng plastic !<>r lead In making print inn plates The now Drocevs was a great deal mon nomlcal and efficient, the New China Hewi Agency said Reuter
    Reuter  -  42 words
  • 458 14 Saigon Govt orders a Tet alert SAIGON, Tuesday. THK South Vietnamese Government ha» decid'.'d to cancel all Tet holiday leave for troops, policemen and public employee! fearing a Vietcong offensive, reliable sources said. Troops and police have launched a security operation, checking the flow of buses and lorries bringing holiday
    Reuter  -  458 words
  • 28 14 CALCUTTA. Turk Tw* yiuinn Indians set off from her* yesterday to row to the Andaman Islands 800 miles <mH ftt I the Bay of nmnnl mm.
    28 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 176 14 now jt STHinS CDIIIPLETELV ieT^^^eV^^^ 4 -C^ A- v *S*f Vi J3 V jKk BF 810-AD, revolutionary new pre-wash soaking m f rmri wy/ powder gets rid of stains completely j.bW T« without bleaching or scrubbing! Pfc|^y Soak all your dirty clothes in DIO-AD M J mixed in water. 810-AD
      176 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 277 14 Straits Times Crossword A< Koss 7 As| e dim i w tUed In the liDr«--1 Piiendly. but lacking aelf- rv <8> ronHdence? (7i R. Olrl compoaes song In E 'S>. t. Old distiller nlve* drink to 13. Poet gives quick talk on ladoctor In charge < 7 1 union >
      277 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 1045 15 TO LIVERPOOL AN!' QTHIR U > CONTINENTAL PUPTS "••SS? 0 '-'1 frl FM 71, .rl ,j" UFMNRN 3 'BB 11 Z}rJ,l Ffl I FM II Fei 12 li !ii<ANnii Ftl ftl 3 2 1 J.ii.nnL Mil MH "?'L" N rtl II FM 22 Fll 21/ 1 Mar 2 'e» 22
      1,045 words
    • 1108 15 I TH£ E A h£//V£S I ■H^a THE EAST ASIATIC COMPANY Ltd Incorporated m Denmark IVMH EXPRESS SAILINGS TO GENOA/NORTH CONTINENT/SCANDINAVIA P. Sham Penang S'pnre otrja R'dam H Durc Aarhus C'hagen BEIRAi a) FM 11/21 FM 22,21 Mir 24 Mir 21 Mir 11 Apr 1 > SUMBAWA I) FM 24
      1,108 words
    • 1083 15 EXPRESS SERVICE 10 IQNDON. UVcHPOOI I CONIIHHNTAL PORIS orkirniM f <" lonaon Mm It > lairaii P Slim reurii '<"> l tn i.ptF.., d j-jy ;j; j BENNAGHIE fm i..trooe. mm a-»,.p mm It iiPtFti? fii :;41,, J5! Singal/u't f. i nan f'tnafll BINVALLA maota. v muiitr,. h oui» llliliy
      1,083 words
    • 1214 15 f— pw WORLDWIDE CARRIERS LTD. I^LlAif^^ f Lo An 9 rlc> Houston, New Orleans, Charleston, I New York, New London (also accepting corgo ror other Gult and Atlantic I ports, tubicct to inducement) Spore P. S'hom Penong LA GRANDE ABITO 10/13 Fcb 14/16 Fcb Omita JAG RAHAT 8/10 Mor 4/
      1,214 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1155 16 VI KAWASAKI KISEN KAISHA LTD. Western Australia/ Singapor* /Japan Sarviea Fremantli S.ngaoora YokUKhi/Nagoya Y'htma Kotia telgium Mi™ 11 11 21 FH 4 Maf 11 Mar 12 Mar It Mar Waal Africa /Singapore /Japan Service Angola Sngapo'i Nagoyi Y'hama KoM Tiaaisliau Man" Om.ts 21/22 Mar U Mar 11 Mm 4 Air
      1,155 words
    • 825 16 AUSTIALIA NEW 2UIANO SEIVICt iNOIA. PAKISTAN ANO FAI MM SEIVICtS 10: AUSTIALIA. Nf* ZEALAND ti Nagapattnam aM Malras. Fir: Aack l|tt., Dam. Will. -Mt mg f I RAIULA- llirTll 21 Fit 21 Fll P n<n Sh r n f L RAIULA 112 Mar 11 Mat 14 Mar lANKURAI 11/12 111
      825 words
      768 words
    • 975 16 NOTICE J.K.R. PERAK £&#S&. 0 .7£! KENYATAAK IAWARAN 8. Canton Sueel. Singapore, have Ta«aran2 akan di-tertma applied lor a Retail Shop license di-Pe'.;lMi Jurulera Negerl In ie.-pect ol premises No. 8 Can- JKR. Perak. Ipoh. hniKßa 3.00 ton Street. Singapore, and that petang puda Mhb Pebruart, 1969, this application will
      975 words

  • 534 17 T Ht luUowiaa "*t >Ji Elected Malaysian Industrial yields u> oa-.'d on la.M ulea ol jan 31 (ompamek Itn-aled in Malayaia for taxation pur|M^rs 219 6 8 11 7 A 17 BSA """'"P 372 17 1 3 1 11 32 3 K. Smelting Bno 6.3 10 5
    534 words
  • 32 17 RUBBER AND TIN CLOSING PRICES Keb. 4 Xl KIM K PRICK: 82 rents (up a quarter of a cent). TIN PRICK: S.>7!» (down 2."i cents). Kstimatrrl tifTerinx '.;o toii.s> (up Hi tuns).
    32 words
  • 250 17 I,'IKKI \l!l liisi oulr ruhlx-r f.n.h. buyers rinsed al ."> p.m in Singapore unl Kuala l.umpur yesterday at (VI rnits |>i 11, up a quarter of a rent tin Monday's ,rlusinc hi. 1 This was tin- Ms-beat price I sinrr Viivrmhrr Js 196S The tonr
    250 words
  • 210 17 Melbourne minings again active MtI.BOt.HNK 1 MINI.NCih win ajapua HCtlve vtitli must ulli declinuig unner pront-tiikinß Womiklde rd 10 t► Iti $1 fil) t.nduraiire I finished 30 cento higher at $9 90 al'or '"iKiunt: $1060 Leadei> num-d \mui)iy. Wemt Mmm« up 3U 1 n!i at »13 10 Qr«sj| Bimlder
    210 words
  • 330 17 II Ml PORI Of aINGAPOHE AUTHORITY ANNOUNI.It> THI MCNTI FOR FIB •> OUT- (il.-nnlmntut I I IT—— r.invo S ii Tmnlj 111 11. f.iiniinn K>rinl)l :H Ki.r Oraiflui iliiiht.ri n/13 Brrw.nrt 3<i H. n VHiia 3:1 3« sio^enij, :tr,M. Saraina NW I I »nrt Rokan lIX
    330 words
  • 456 17 Quarter of a dollar drop in tin -■pHK Straits tin price fell 1 _'o cents in Penang yesterday to $579 per piCUI on an ofTennts e.stini.u ed up to 10 tons to 230 tons. Support at slightly lower levels was reported from Europe and Japan. In I ondon on Monday
    456 words
  • 92 17 HiNESi pisiiuct .icnin.i. aaaaa. 1 part naan il.nni BMBSI »»r picul yatlarday. Cacanul ail: nula $.Vi aaataia, drum tUt arlltr. Oaavai Mixm iion.i iun» Jan./ rt*J IK Cnnt »ni| B Pippar Muntok »h.i. til I arhn« til.' aattan BBaaaßl awawafe "Ibtb aaUara. aßrtaM n tall ">' M.Wi AKTA
    92 words
  • 24 17 lii LaaaW mi MMMaj Malayan S per cent c.l.f UK In bulk June «a> quoted at £68 wllerfc per lot ik bai
    24 words
  • 33 17 H ong Kong rates Hor< Ki,n^ i».i»i^i Ih^ U.S. O"ii.i, ajajt sjaaM at iMM II >nd I i, n,i cam. SUrlin* MM .|u<p|.l dl MM <n<l >nr U«l al <alrt ,1 111 I
    33 words
  • 514 17 JTOUK ixi.mani.i Of M LAV >RICCS OFFICIALLY LISTID AT THI .LOSE OF BUSINCSS. INDUSTRIAL* m. cma l*o Co 2.H8 call MM H.rh.d 1.IM toualMil 2.3W 2 42 «< 412 S HoKiinta ft.M »«0 l.B.H I mnlop *12 ,»»l Smtlt '"I ;a.i I.M >»o orda J.»» ;.»o pref 1U0
    514 words
  • 1410 17 yERY sU-ady COOdlv tions with some tirm spots prevailed on the Stock Exchange of Malaysia and Singapore yesterday Overall turnover was on the moderate side, but there were again heavy dealings in selected counters Buyers and sellers in most cases seemed about evenly matched. Development
    1,410 words
  • 100 17 •PHI aitacialiati al .n MmMMMM llv Mian n« •iuo*.-rt to the eiiimalanl of on* un.t of lorrmr .irrrni I u t 0..1... Mai miman (il <' Mlla: «.n.n, TT OO r«ady ».l ii7lM> Canadian Mm; Rut n. I 'I 13 -.'cm. wi d >| rM > Mlla n
    100 words
  • 1126 17 Bl NINtKM IN \M> i;l I'Oli II l> lit Ull -IM.UIIKI (Ml Xl ALA I I Mil l; i i: mmm. kimi\i» t>i Ull -im k l ii \m.i I >v wi i ii I. M'MKI K Ol Ml iKI lianili mkiwn in m; m Xl rs
    1,126 words
  • 39 17 STOCK INDICES I.I. 3 l<l. I •tiidii-iiMis MM.II im..:i •M.,(.K Itt.U in rni ■I'rnpritirs: MM ltt.41 I in- K.M H.I M I m.i.i, .is. m;.ut> iu: in. ■Dr. 311 l'il>h IUU 'On 31. I'm.* inn Hit H fit,; 101*
    39 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 500 17 Illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllll! Ford Motor Company Private Limited takes pleasure in announcing that HUP HENG HARDWARE SDN BHD 192/192 A LAHAT ROAU FALIM. IPOH is now the OFFICIAL FORD DEALER for the whole of THE STATE OF PERAK This extension of the dealership is with effect from the beginning of January 1969
      500 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 849 18 POLIS DI RAJA MALAYSIA JAWATAN INSPEKTER ivrni. .honan ada-lah dl-pelavva danpada Warga:! Negara Peraekuluan ilelstki dan wanita 1 untok lawatan Inspelclc-r Poh.s Perchubaan di-dalam Pasokan Polls Di-Raja Malaysia Pen;ohon2 hendaklah mempunyai kelayakan2: keluluian Pelajaraa: .-..k irane2-nya Snil Sekolah Seberang Laur atau SI.III PelaMalaysia. Keterangan pangkal hendak-iah di-beri lidak kurang darl
      849 words
    • 621 18 JURONG TOWN CORPORATION Applications are Invited for the following posts In the Corporation: JIMOR A) DRAUGHTSMAN \HI Ml I I c I I K M Qualifications: Applicants must either have passed one or both of the following examinations: l> Institute of Architects of Malaya Intermediate "A" Technical Diploma In Architectural
      621 words
    • 651 18 UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL UNIVERSITY OF MALAYA Applications are Invited from Malaysian itizeni lor the followng posts: 1. Pharmaceutical I'hcnlil: Candidates must have an Honours Degree or Diploma in Pharmacy recognized by the Pharmacy Board, Malaya and Including the statutory period ol studentship, plus a minimum period of 3 years practical post-graduate
      651 words
    • 818 18 PUBLIC APPOINTMENT PUBLIC UTILITIES BOARD SINGAPORE (.KNrKAI. MANAGER'S DEPARTMKXT: Requires LEGAL OFFICER 111 salary scale $1280x A45-1370xA50-1620. The commencing basic salary offered will be dependent upon applicants' qualifications and experience plus variable allowance as payable from time to time. Appointment will be on a 3-year Agreement In the first Instance.
      818 words
    • 923 18 VACANCIES IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF IPOH. Applications are Invited from Federal Citizens and or State Na- I tionnls for the following appointments In the Municipality of Ipoh (il. ASSISTANT Ml NIC IPAI. TREASI RER Salary Scale: 5628 x A 34--$934 I.R- 1 x A 34-1.254 AopllcanU* should have passed tlie
      923 words
    • 780 18 CEMENT PAINTS (SINGAPORE) LIMITED a Member MpM) «f the international Blue in le GrMf n»» oflers a challenging appointment .1* its MARKETING SUPERVISOR rhe < nmpanv l<>< .all% manufactures decorative linishes under brand name* which are a household word throughout the Buildinc trade. Die products are sold through leading Agenev
      780 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 652 19 LEMBAGA PEMASARAN PERTANUN PERSEKUTUAK (Federal Agricultural Marketing Authority) MALAYSIA 1. Applications are Invited from Malaysian citizens for the following appointments (A) A( lOINTAXT Salary Scale: $1,000 X 50 1,400 1.500 X 50 1.700 (all Inclusive) nouslng allowance. Minimum Qualifications: 11) Candidates should be members of. or possess qualifications for membership
      652 words
    • 787 19 UNIVERSITY OF SINGAPORE Buklt I'imah Road. Singapore, 10 ASEAN SCHOLARSHIPS 1. Applications are invited for the award of ASEAN Scholarships available to nationals of memoer countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations to pursue courses of .study at the University of Singapore leading to any of the qualifications listed
      787 words
    • 784 19 PAN-MALAYSIA INDUSTRIES LIMITED (Incorporated in The Republic of Singapore) MIKI of MRM NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That the seventh Annual General Meeting of Pan-Malawa Indu--tues Limiiid will be held at Jalun Papan. Juiong Industrial Estate Singapore S3 on Friday. 28th Da> of February 1369 at 230 pm. foi the following
      784 words
    • 410 19 BIASISWA KERAJAAN JOIIOR I'NTOK BEI.AJAR c 01-SEKOI.AH PF.KT.WIAN SEKDAMi TAHUN BELAJAK IM 72 udnlah di-pelawa dan ra'awit Malaysia (Lakl2 dan Perempuitin yuig berkelavakan untok nu ne; lraa Bla !.<■»•» Pelaja- ran Pertanlan dl-Sekolah IVrta- niun Serdang yang akan bermula da lam bulan Mcl 1969. Pelajaran dl-Sekolah Pertanlan Serdang pada
      410 words
    • 443 19 TENDERS TENDER NOTICE GRANDSTANDS AND OTHER STRUCTURES FOR THE 1969 SINGAPORE GRAND PRIX TENDERS arc m\lU-ci for the •rrction, maintenance and *üb*.r--iu. Nt removal of the following temporary V.1.1. Grandstand. L.i.iiuUuinl- and other structures for the I'lti'i Singapore Grand Prix which will be held on 4th. HI. and Stll April.
      443 words
    • 456 19 TENDERS TENDERS SINGAPORE GRAND PRIX 1969 TENDERS are invited lor the following: (a) The supply on hire, deliver?. .r.rtion. maintenanre and 'tihseqaent removal of chainlink fenrlng fixed to angle irons. (bl Thr Mipply on hire, delivery, erertlon, maintenanre and subsequent removal of barbed wire fencing fi\<d tn angle irons. (el
      456 words
    • 325 19 TENDERS KENYATAAN TAWARAN LETRIK JABATAN KERJA RAYA Tawtran dartpada PemboronßS yang berdnftar dl-Lembaca Letrik N'egara ißahaglan Konterfki dalam Kelas A. B. C dan O ka-atas akan dl-pangKil tlada berapa lama lagl untok: Pemasangan Letrik Sekolah Menengah Rendah To'Ubam, Pa.Mr Mas Kelantan. ■at: PKR (L) 671-68 ;2. Untok menyenangltan persla- pan
      325 words
    • 86 19 TENDERS TAWARAN J.K.R, SELANGOR Tawaran danpada pern 1 yang berdafur dl-J K K di-dalam Kelas ED.".' d:-PfJah«t JuTUU JKH K'l.ila Lump ir hil pukul I M IN! OK: Ao(iitlons ti Alterationnlor Offlrci Q KR N"S. 647 Peslaran Jala a Kuanun; 2333 Jalan n<«to Onn: 2588 Jalan Nocrl Sejubilan: 2">49 Jalan
      86 words

    • 582 20 Nelson fined $1,000, barred one month JOCKEY Johnny Nelson was lined $1,000 and suspended for one month by the Stewards of the Penung Turf Club for his riding of Venga in Rate Five on Sunday. Colin Tulloh. trainer of Yenga, was also fined $1,000. Stipendiary Steward A. R. in
      582 words
    • 158 20 V pie.. l«rr better Pi nans I member* made tha i.ub.> aasnul tencral mrmng held yestcrdai Dr K!)oo BiM) Earn thai mcmlx i i> ere ;n--i-.r.tsed »20 a lew yfir.s ago, uiev wrre praiiLseu iiiipn.tip.s w!ui.ii bad been prmi !c<i
      158 words
    • 659 20 \Y I K.H I N for Ihr (I- ol\ 3 UK Kinf Bambino (.00 Queen 111 Ihe Prn-m races R'xmoor :fl Bi..;lit >!>* KigM K.fl nn sliliurliv Rimito R.ll li.iiiipivn M J PlsaiM II <I. 3 lll\ I Four Hi>ln. K.n". Uolninda 707 Mrlotl\ King 1.01 la Mir ■■riii
      659 words
    • 194 20  - S'pore, Malaysian Opens count for Alcan entry MANSOOR RAHMAN By '■'HE PLAYER returning the best aggregate :n four tournaments in this yea Golf circuit will qualify for the rich Alcan Golfer of the Year championship in September. i 'Ih»» four !ourn;imrnt« are the Singapore Malay- iri Opens. The Singapore Open,
      194 words
    • 171 20 I U.NIK m I Ru«JL kin B: lwnt>m»tighi holder, said vasts < cnniiden: at bMtii 1 Lionel Rn.v. for s in Melbourne n M trdi 8 Rudkin. v I ■fag I 1 :■> "I! i tipnt ih.ii 1 mb Ml Ihi Its niv iTMt
      Reuter  -  171 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 800 20 GROWTH OPPORTUNITIES ELECTRONICS MANUFACTURING |fj UiKiicin linn v»ho in a world leader in the tlectinnus 'iiiiipiuienU held u ill soon be establishing a new factor) la Use l<>-> Payoh area. To staff his new facility, vi iiiiisi locate within the local community a group vi experienced professional people upon uhich
      800 words
    • 711 20 NOTICES KENYATAAN KEMENTERIAN PELAJARAN MALAYSIA, KUALA LUMPUR Teneiimaan (haluir! I'ersendlrian Pertaoraiuan Pepereksaan Sijll Renriah Telajaran Lower Certificate of I iliilUiiiii 1969. Bajaran M>m>: li Sljtl Penoh: lIS in iJ.itu Mata Pelajaran Mr S3 tiap2 rVKtia-pelajaran KHaTakan: A. Chalun2 darlpada Jems van* DtrtKut ml akan di-tenma untok pepereksaan Sljil Penoh: 1>
      711 words
    • 858 20 NOTICES ESTATE OF THOMAS FORUHAM BROWN. defeated of No. 1-A, Jalan Haji Salam. Sin«apor« who dird lntr*tatr on VK7. PURSUANT to Ser'ion 32 of the 1 Trustees Act. 196" all persons Interested in or haUiii: elainr- RKainM the emaie of any of the deceased person abovementloned whether as rredliors. beneficiaries
      858 words

    • 307 21 Malaysia XI beat Aussies 2-0 to clinch series Only two Tests Selection yesterday clinched their three-match hockey series against Western Australia with a well-deserved 2-0 victory in the last match at Kubu Stadium. The series was level bci'ore yesterday's tense decider. The visitors had won the first match 2 1
      Reuter  -  307 words
    • 137 21 Singapore to field new star against WA today By E. FRIDA SINGAPORE hockey team's bid for a place in the 1972 Olympic Games in Munich begins today when they take on visiting Wester tralia on the Singapore Padang (5 p.m.). Olymp. I > their poor tional [i bei they played
      137 words
    • 17 21 The ani ■i .b courts 3-6 Ihe NuraiI Monitor's Department Jaian D :,iar. before I
      17 words
    • 11 21 Ten team m I der-15> section ami i b 14
      11 words
    • 106 21 HOCKEY N I'l l( >n >» MOOLS < \KKM M I iiU.t-1 3: I FR l\i»i DindNETBALL N PIRAK SCHOOLS TOVRM p BunUT) Indrr-i;, final: Methodht fccntldai --i ondary 11. SOCCEB HMD M'»N(. ii:m-HV re ADA a i PCADA B 0. I Will FEBTIVAJ K(i rhenaraa Yi'Uiiv. 1 KMat
      106 words
    • 201 21 GUNNEDAH (N S HUM), lues. The Singapore niket team were beaten on Oral inning hy the Emu Club XI hi the two-day match at Kitchener Park here yesterday. Emus .scored 313-7 dec and 75-1 dec while Singapore repheii with 209 and Highlights of vesteiday
      Reuter  -  201 words
    • 318 21 \I AN I LA. Tu«>S. 1 1 Japan. Burma and thf Philippines moved into the second round of the Asian badminton championships following wins in their opening matches here yesterday. Jupan defeated Pakibtan 3-2. riurrru beat Taiwan by ..iar margin, and ttu Phil.pplnes outplayed South
      318 words
    • 282 21  -  FRANCIS BOEY By MALAYSIA, Indonesia, Thailand and the Philippines have declined Singapore's invitation to compete in the first Association of South-East Asian Nations (Asean) Games in Singapore in August frhey gay participation 1 impo.sp t-jo heavy a ancial burden on -horn they win b«» competing the
      282 words
    • 127 21 LONDON. TOM —Two foalx »T Scottish international Denis La. pton Vn.'cd Into the nf;h rojnrl of the FA Cup at the expense of Third Division W.i'ford hrre la-t nl«ht Lav.-, on-ttwpol i p)»rtun.ym was enough to give United a 2-0 victory in this fourth-round
      Reuter  -  127 words
    • 277 21 Chappell takes over No 2 spot SYDNEY. Tues. Lan Chappell, the proli-lU'-scorinß South Australian batsman, has been appointed vicecaptain in the Australian team to meet the vVest Indies in the Fifth Test here from Feb. 14 to 20. The choice of Chappell suggests that ii» is being groomed to take
      277 words
    • 98 21 THE Chairman of Malayan Tobacco Company. Mr. John Collett. will present a cheque for *****0 to BAM president Inche Mohamed Khir Jchan 'lie Mini.str>- of Education tomorrow at 3.30 p m. The money »il' cover the exprnses ol Die four Malaysian oL.vers entored for the AllEnelnnd
      98 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 317 21 ■flHf"* >h w>^ a l <aVtfM'aVaaaaaaCßaaaaaW*aaaaaaaat |>tj=u free cognac set' Specially (or Chinese New v«?r, Jirtes maS^'' Robm prea«n' you with tni& beautiful tf**snt«r < -Wmmt. mi) two CognjK: glasses with. every purijrrat»«h^» 'mBBS their V.SOP..Cognac A hanasonnt g># futdii'a in flcJi V W* rec velvet -*af t^e usual pttce
      317 words
  • Page 21 Miscellaneous

  • 526 22 Hunter crashes but pilot bales out safely AN RAF Hunter jet lighter hurtled into a Johort pineapple plantation minutes alter its pilot had baled out over the sea otf Pontian KechU yesterday afternoon No one was hurt In the crash. The pilot, Fit. Lt. Brian Hamilton, 26. of RAF Tengah.
    526 words
  • 54 22 BANGKOK. Tues Two leadIng communist guerillas In north aaittru Thailand have surrendered at Sakol Nakhon, headquarters o' the Communist Supprea&lon Command, official sources said today. The sources Identified the two men as Yod Thlsawat. rated No. 2 guerilla, leader, and Sawal Pennkrpt Pengltkand in charge of
    Reuter  -  54 words
  • 142 22 Stampedes at Annadurai funeral MADRAS. Tuov Police u^iil trargas and batun.s tv ion trul mourninc crouds today as the body of the Tamilnadu M.i.lras) hief Minister, >Ir. CM. Annadurai, was taken in procession and laid to IMI at the Ma-ma on the Madras seafront promenade Police tii' ii teargas to
    Reuter  -  142 words
  • 42 22 THE HAGUE. Tv««. The former Chinese charge d'affaires In Holland. Llao Ho-shu, who fled his diplomatic mission on Jan 24. has left Holland and wants to go to the United States, the Dutch Justice Ministry said today.— Renter
    Reuter  -  42 words
  • 446 22 Sabah-a prickly problem at Canberra Rotary talk CANBERRA. Tue» I AUSTRALIAN attitude to Malaysian defence could become one of the prickliest political problems of the coming parliamentary session. The Prime Minister, Mr John Gorton. Is committed to spelling out to the nation, some time after Parliament resumes on Feb. 25.
    446 words
  • 336 22 1 LONDON. Tue*. The stock marks*, alter a dull day. closed I on a (airly steady note following support at (he earlier established lower levels Tlv early decline refilled trom tears of further deflationary meamrn. Towards the dose, the F.T. Index was 7.9 down at
    336 words
  • 64 22 LONDON. Tues. Spot 22d, March 22\d.. April 22',d. May 22.d. April June 22 «d, July/ Sept 22 ,d. Oct Dec. 22 5 16d Jan. V/.rch 22 5 16d.. April June 223 16d. July Sept. 223 16d. Oct. Dec 22 116 d Jni, March 22d., April June 21 15 16d.,
    64 words
  • 31 22 LONDON. TlM.—Buyers £1370 (4-£4'_. i. seller C! 371 I Forward buyers £1368'- i £2.. sellers £1369 (J-t2>. Bettlemen* £1367 *****. Turnover am 80 ton.-, pm 45 tons Tone: Very steady
    31 words
  • 51 22 From Page One our defence before we buy them," he added Present at the meetIng were the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence. Tun Abdul Razak: the Minister of Finance. Tun Tan Slew Sin. and the Minister of Information and Broadcasting. Inche Senu bin Abdul
    51 words
  • 17 22 M I urn *hr r» ifn h' fio Nclinra in DM ttWBCII N lall hr ;>,
    17 words
  • 44 22 sn»< Hoiie» aieii and r»- d $2,820 In connection with the payroll roljljery at the Naafl Far I tid office In Grange Road las: Friday The Policr HL. Boudcwyn. said today U of them was employed by Naafl :ner
    44 words
  • 24 22 PAH -n •.iy :or 1 a Bill of th* nd oilier contraceptive deH tht law only came into efleci today.
    24 words
  • 20 22 CABLE nt'.tivll. ManMkKfv. .'-XI 1. RL (BUB) PIOCEON Funtral i P h i. rrtalml j».» ta Oirraa i «o.drn
    20 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 158 22 Late classified advertisements I TO THANAPALASINC.AM mil OIM tMin I Enjoy Chinese New Year in YOUR IDEAL INSTANT HOME (Immediate Delivery) in the most popular high-class residential area. HOLLAND GARDEN 6ms s X" d e ßoad ggSr&m*, f ?N N c, C N A c TE i% u J,IZ°!ZZ
      158 words