The Straits Times, 4 February 1969

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Times
  • 21 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 175,000 Newspaper 15 CENTS K.D.N. 3104 M.C. (P) No. 07:3 Estd. 1845 TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 4, 1969
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  • 414 1 A record to be proud of, says Tun 'Response to circumstances beyond our control...' AGENDA FOR ACTION PAGE 10 KUALA LUMPUR. Monday THE nations "positive response" over the past three years to circumstances beyond the Government's control is a record which all citizens can be proud of. So declared Tun
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  • 131 1 Peking making 3-year ICBM gain? LONDON. Mon \< •festers estimates >im;tst communist I bin.i may test lire a;r rocket this year. Thosr estiniatrs were made knoun yesterday by Asian and Kuropoan diplomats who said they nrrt based on intelligence information pooled by several non-communist countries, including the United M.ilrs.
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  • 21 1 I YOKK. Mon—Twentyind keymalcers hf:c »c:e diaifjed yesterdan of master J the sale or numbered car kevs.— UPl.
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  • 269 1 Malaysia hopes for 'clear' defence pact UUALA LUMPUR. Mon. Malaysia holies to reach a "clear understanding" with her allies on their defence commitments for this region during the five-power defence talks in Canberra in May. Referring to Australia's commitment^ to Malay sta'l external deicncc, W:.Mna Putra made the.-* two obM-rvalioii^
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  • 46 1 TAIPEH. Mem. Police have banned advertising .slogans on banknotes. Some banknotes in circulation had been found stamped with medicine llogaSH ta a free means of advertiseiMent They said the disfigurement of banknotes was a serious crime liable to severe punishment.
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  • 60 1 THE HAGUE. Mon China's acting Charge d Affaires In Holland. Mr. Liao Ho-.shu. who has been in hiding since he fled his po,-t 10 days ago. Is still in Holland and as an ordinary political refugee, a Justice Ministry spokesman said today He has no! asked
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  • 44 1 ST PETERSBURG i Florida). Mnn Police chargrd the m»n with vagrancy They i.sked him to empty lit* pocket.s And Jasepli Dimbar Wight pulled US$lB7,llB out of Ills tattered clothing. I urn nnf of those uncommon men." Wight said, "a gentleman." AP.
    AP  -  44 words
  • 107 1 OKKIMBW. Mon Four toiithv three of them armed with pistols, tedaj held up the si. ill at Las rubber melon n here and escaped with about S7.MV Seven membri> of the ■UIT were present when the four >ouths i u-hed in and forced
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  • 385 1 Pilot on 'suicide' flight is jailed on landing SYDNEY, Monday. AN American who held Sydney spellbound for four hours this morning as he zoomed over the city In ;i light aircraft threatening a suicide crush vu today sentenced to five years' jail. Robin Bamiin M. had plc.idcd guilty to charm
    Reuter  -  385 words
  • 94 1 Film 'horror man' Boris Karloff dies, 81 f ONDON. Mon Boris Karloff. star of numerous horror films, baa died in hospital. a\ed 81. It was announced today. Karloff. whose real name was William Henry Tratt, died yesterday In hospital at Midhurst. south of London. He was born in London in
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  • 250 1 Tear gas used to control mourners in Madras MADRAS. Monday pOLICE Hred tear gas lod;i\ (o break up Ihousin (I i of stampeding mourners who had come lo make their lasl tribute to the Qiief Minister of Madras, Mr. C. N. Anna<lur;ii, now I>ins4 in state here. The huge crowds
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  • 233 1  - Mob attacks British soldier in Spore SIA CHEONG YEW B, SINGAPORE. Moil A mob of about 200 people, some shouting "Mao's thoughts" attacked a British ser iceman, outside till home in Jalan Pmt.i i, oil Upper Thomson Road, last night 'I h( ncl idl Lumber of gtrfa I I overturned
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  • 5 1 MOZA^BIQtt L i
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 26 1 A "Quick Shin»" L in Quick Time with RtpoJl AUTO POUSH and CUANEft Call for Teacher's loud ana I w 111 SCOTCH VVHIS'^H Ah f unmistakable!
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    • 42 1 ■Hr fl T I i We are pleased to announce that one cut has been added to the 6,120,000 cuts offered by the Philishave battery shaver every minute PHILIPS will last you longer It* a price cut. See your dealer this minute
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    • 235 2 Nixon: A quick call on West Europe govts WASHINGTON, Mon. president Nixon expect! to make a flying visit to several Western European capitals some time in the next two months to confer with heads of allied Governments. The trip. accordlnß to present plans, will be eomnleted and the President bark
      AP  -  235 words
    • 175 2 Youth found beaten to death in cinema ALBANY. M')li A while A youth was beaten to I death Uul ir.ght In the balcoiiy <>1 a fhe'to area theatre that w featuring a film dealing with M violence. Poli.-e had not apprehended miy MHpcda In the killing but they -aid reports
      AP  -  175 words
    • 51 2 LONDON. Mon— Aboui 2 000 teenagers locked away in menml |m>siii!r;» in Bnuln ahould nut l>e ihere *t .1: according to report published todny. The n port .said the yemngster.> had their senses nut pruperlv coordinated and r<) had in understanding apaaetl and rummunicatuif with itthen
      Reuter  -  51 words
    • 669 2 Nasser ready to end state of war for pullback YEW YORK. Mon.— President Nasser is ready to make five concessions, including a declaration of nonbelligerence, in return for an Israeli pullburk from lerritory occupied in the 1967 Mid-East war. Ihe Kgyptian leader, in a 'I. .Mifl- word interview with Newnweek
      Reuter  -  669 words
    • 167 2 PANAMA CITY. Monday THE captain of an Italian ship carrying more than 1.200 people committed suicide four days after an engine room fire crippled the vessel in midPacific, a spokesman for the operators said here. The ship, the 13.217-ton Falrsea. Is due to reach Balboa
      Reuter  -  167 words
    • 275 2 CIA: A HAND IN ELECTION CHARGE BY MANILA PAPER VIANILA. Mon. A iTI Philippines Senate committee is to hold a special meeting tomorrow to investigate reports that the American Central Intelligence Agency is trying to influence the Presidential elections here this year. Thr Senate committee on privileges and election laws
      AP  -  275 words
    • 35 2 br.'k, Minishi>mr uxjmv v hen 3.000 Hg;iiru: ren- increases in municipal Two policemen WtM Injured and fl u. p"'Pi* Wetted (.ur:ng the n of Mr. An'honv GrernHnus'.nß md I^x-nl Oorernaßent Re •■•«r
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    • 318 3 Suharto fears new Red threat after Viet war ends JAKARTA, Moa President Suharto today expressed fears that the ending of the Vietnam war would give Communists more scope to launch subversive activities in South-East Asia. In an Interview at the presidential palace, tie said this threat should not be met
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    • 237 3 DIPLOMAT DEFECTOR MAY BE MASTER SPY LONDON, Monday. J^ LONDON newspaper said yesterday that a Chinese diplomat who asked for political asylum in the Netherlands 10 days ago is now believed to be one of the biggest international spy catches for the West for several years. In a dispatch from
      Reuter  -  237 words
    • 182 3 Priest in nude rites row suspended I ONOO.N. Mun. Koiiian atliolic pfissfl sraa suspended lust nieht from i '-.u hr- in a ion •■"•lit school in Craulry after a national newspaper reported he practised black m.uu and was looking for .i vircin to take part in a hlack Mass. The
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    • 33 3 WASHINGTON Mi.n iue AtuniK- Eneruv OOSMIIMiOO -siiid tlirrr Biaiit nurlear r\nlostoSM underground in Nrvatla 1..-' vr 1| triuicrrd n." j 'krs that OCCUmd in'Tmutentlv lor several weeks .<:wr thr lasts.
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    • 263 3 Borman in London tor start of European tour J ONDON. Moii. MoonctrcUoi American astronaut Frank Borman arrived in London last night abroad a U.S. Air Force Presidential Boeing 71)7 at the start Ol an eight-nation goodwill tour ol Western Europe. Colonel Borman. nil blonde Witt Susan and their sons Frederick.
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    • 288 3 Treason 'if Irian leaves vs 9 President Suharto said today that be would regard any decision by tt»e pcoplf of West Irian to leave the republic M tn-ason against Indonesia. Any siuh decision would constitute a betrayal "i vements of Indonesia I ;lll(1 alter its independence. indonexlo tor* om s1
      Reuter  -  288 words
    • 117 3 LONDON. Mon. Test cricketer 1 red Trueman in', lid Ins lastrst n.i i>s last night in his debut aa a night club comic at Stockton-on-Tees. lie started by diving through a screen after a I vlunt him ol his famous bowling action was shown on
      Reuter  -  117 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 109 2 J i^saS Ha^Bw^Hsalbaß F««ia^BßV^Baik* m BbbS^BbV^H i^a^a9Ha^KitMi^^a^a^Bß^9V jH B^saaalC'Qil^BvßßßMj s^^^blbGbb^bbV A if^m BB^BT .^B^bP^BL -T^BBv- t. jJ^^BBtC #J U. L M 'tl f I^\ «P^^^ m Bbbß v4> 4 <- T§ ,^K«^P"^BBT A^BBM BB^EV SaY 'aV M Jbbbk A- 4bMbbH b^bbtV b>*. 'bw I J^|L /^k bb^LIH \> M 5*
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    • 235 2 CALLING ALL LCE STUDENTS! PANTHER BOOKS wmn I I C t. (.■•mlnjlion Oy .<>«««lli« X* SO on a copy of REVISION COURSE OF l.C.t OBJECTIVE TESTS IN GENERAL SCIENCE II by C I t 0.....1. ma tu.. Diploma in Education •~~Mfl OUCSTIONS (17 TESTS OF 75 QUESTIONS) MORE THAN 141
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 252 3 TOWER for an easier life! O Tower p< taketht hard work out of washing up. No scojring and scrubbing /*^pais^>^r just rin<e and wipe. I J Made from the finest quality /^>^ mo^k range c I^^ iiii jb thickness i~r eitl or gas or m electric coo he knobs V
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  • 191 4 'Our export drives are already paying off OINGAPORE, Mon. Singapore has already made a name for herself as an industrialised nation despite the fact that she only started industrialising a short period ago. And tills was achieved In spite of the fierce compctit.on faced by the Republic's goods In world
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  • 86 4 SINGAPORE. Mon Some s.t.i national of the Special Constabulary will compe'e In their Big Walk on SunIn Thr R'—mlle walk from the Huklt Panjang Police Station to the Police Training School In Thomson Road will begin at 8 am Individual prizes for the first five
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  • 148 4 Barisan hits at Premier for tough stand on sabotage SINGAPORE. Man. The Bari-an Soslall.s. In a statrment today, accused Prime ftflaMer L*^ Kuan V«'W of using •'hreats and inttmMHvUOD in his touuu stand against malingering i port workers. Mr Lre liad op Thursday sued a directive to dlsmi.^. deprive of
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  • 276 4 Bank claim allowed in line with new laws Till* Industrial Arbitration Court has allowed the Lee Wall Bank to amend its original application in connection with a collective agreement with the Singapore Bank Employees' Union. In an award handed down, the President, Mr. Tan Boon Chiang, ordered that the application
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  • 98 4 MISS Chua t hi. v Swan (centre), who won the Public Utilities Board beauty queen contest held at the Ocean Park Hotel, beat II other |Mi to win the title. Kunners-iip were Mi<-s Anceline Low right I. second, and Miss Rosie Choonc. third The
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 285 4 OPLnS lirr^TirA^f*^! 1.15. 4.30 TODAY! B f ["MBTTTITTTTrWBM c 30 p.m. STALLS: $1 .00 5 1 .50 CIRCLE: $2.00 $2.50 BY POPULAR DEMAND! THRILL OGAIK TO THE GREATEST ADVENTURE EVER FILMED! G IWIDNIVEN^ 3$ v Sffis QUINN m| TH< CUNs¥HAVAR»H< j IJL odeon "l OPENS TODAY! I«sji^^ 1 1 aii.
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    • 249 4 <«■ §ji'4'^eß9^'^HS^BT^Bl^^B!l^2SSTT4, > <fA ■> I kM[ I i WEDNESDAY EVENING SPECIALITY t OSSO BUCO ALLA CREMOLADA Lunch and Dinner 4 A La Carte f OPEN DAILY* "T with ALFRED at the piano T I Ladyhill Road (off Oran R e Grove Road) S'porc > ~l I THE SINGAPORE LM
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    • 146 4 BT B^B^BrVfln^"Vrßß^B^B\ I W\\*c.t*s*i swart Mem I BJ r Wee Fo^g H^BJ T. 111 Hue Cnung C» T.i JHI7*4 HJfl' I Mr Ng Lang Km Mr Goh Gaok, BB| BJ c o No Nem Thye BJB 101 w. t •»< !-e=po- r. mtaixto BBJ S*ngopor« Trading Ca Ltd I
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    • 517 4 I^ATH^rgi i'l'.Tlißßiririil I OPENS TODAY' 'I 11 om, 1.30. 4 00, 6 30 930 pm I KILLED RASPUTIN I G«raldin« Chopin C r icop" A Porom I Mil GOLD OF LONDON John Kai c-_^ I OPENS TODAY' I 11 am, 1 30, 4.00.6 30 30 pm BUCKSKIN borry Sulhvcn CATNAY
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  • 136 5  - Police dig up the $22,000 in stolen jewels LEE FOO SAN B> TAIPINO, Mon. Police recovered $22,000 woith of stolen Uery in a Doultry farm near Sun^ei Bakap. Province Wellesley. yesterday. Police led by Ciief Inspector chew Chocn Tet of the Anti-Secret Society Branch in Ipoh made the i pre-dawn
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  • 50 5 I UMPDR, Mon ncr of the Federal Capital 11 cnnsjdenr.R IBS of parking melris In arpas when thee are fre- md to be destroyed. ptary to Labour. Mr. brine rl parking ttfndanis. lie added In reply to a question by Dr Tan Chee Khoon iGorakan Batui.
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  • 418 5 'Social security for 1.3 m workers' Bill for House THE Employees Social Security Bill, designed to give protection to 1.3 million workers, was presented to the Dewan Ra'ayat today. The Bill rcplarcs the Workmen's Compensation Ordinance introduced in 1952 and sets up an employment injury insurance scheme providing :t full
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  • 107 5 Eighty-two families get land for rubber I'\P\H. Mon.— Eighty-tw« famil'i 1 Mini different r imm'inil.rv in the Baling I'ulaii^ dktrtet were riven land at Kanipon^ Mmdii nit in tin- SOBgfcal area near Iwrc t.ida> Kaih fainilx i.nn nuns s, x acres iif huderafted rubhcr Hhi'i uill veld them a monlhh
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  • 64 5 XI M R M. 11 An Auvtialinn ifadn of Amnwtj Inti mat) nal Mli in Cai rera I irrtvlrig i.--n")l^(/v^ 1.1 lnwH|flii Into the condition oi detrntion ramp- in Weil \laia\»!« I) ek r I!.: U oml, Icaeler i-t ibC Luboui l'.;i^ Dl K i dm Uiai
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  • 50 5 Ashes to be flown home SINGAPORE Mm Ihe body o[ vuiitins: Prote^ur D Grant, who collapsed and died wiiile dancing .<t a dinner party on Saturday night. i> 10 be en-mated at the Mount Vernon er— latorty alter the pußt-moi'ieni tuuiurrow The ashtit '..ill then ue flown buck to Britain.
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  • 28 5 IPOH. Mini A cyc'isl. Low Rmt 6(i. lain) iniiirics viiun he was knocked down by a cai M t lie 451h mile Bidor-tountikai road vesterduy.
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  • 141 5 IPOH, Monday. 4RIFFIN bin Ibrahim, 18, found guilty of raping an 11-year-old girl at knife point, was ordered today by Mr. Justice Pawan Ahmad in the High Court here to be sent to the Henry Gurney School. Hi pleaded guilty to committing the offence
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  • 40 5 SINGAPORE. Mon Mitsui OSK Unrs »iK inauKUr.ilc a rrßular Imcr service in March from Singapore and Wrat M»iHy^ port* to New York. Monii',(i C'.irudian Mm ports .md U.ii Great Lake ports via the 1 Cape o{ Good Hope.
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  • 71 5 DOING IT THE MALAYSIAN WAY... Xl M.\ l.i MPI R Mon Thailand has set up I M.ilnv-jan-vtylc National Operations Room, the principal assistant .secretary to the Ministry of National and Rural Development. Inchc Moha mcil N 1 1 in bin 11.. v Ahmad, said today. It ni MM .second foreign
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  • 253 5 Oil probe: Jap firm to spend millions By ALBERT RAMALINGAM: K. Kinabalu. Mon. 4 JAPANESE oil company is to spend millions ut dollars in the next four years for offshore prospecting on Sabah's east coast. Mr T Kinoshita. man■gff <>t Sabah Triseki O.i Co with pro.'-pectlng right > over 7JOO
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  • 26 5 IPOH M n HII 30 unrmpluwa tiiml U n lM» \nluru at SBII I :n SubramaaiAr temple durti TliHipUMtm ceremunv yeMeid..\ Sentence »a-s poj-'ixmed.
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  • 503 5  - Baby Kearin sees the world the tough way -in a micro-bus MAUREEN PETERS I B > I Singapore. Monday THEY say it's better to see trie world while you're young. Before you get any ttxed ideas, for example, and decide that overland travel is too, too tough for a tiny
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  • 54 5 KI'ALA I.IMIMR Mon Russian Is one of five lorelim lttiiKuaues now being laualit at the Mara Institute of Technoiie Minister wltnout PortI fullo and chairman of Mark. Inche Ghafar bin Baba. told the DeviHn Ra'avat lodav The others are French. German Mandarin and Tamil. Another ].mcu»Ke.
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  • 39 5 Journalists' course R Mon —The Editor-in-Chief of the snaiii Tinif- Group Tan ?n L C Hoffman, loday opened a tne-Soutb-**e4 As:» Prr-^ Outre here Tlie eourw li belivj attended by 17 youii^ joiirnali-:s Iroa various b^uih-Eust A.-un news meciia.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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  • 477 6  - Pilot tells of last moments before crash CHEAH SEONG PAIK and CHRISTINE KHOR By pENANG, Mon. Trainee pilot Peter Lim Hock Chye, 20, spoke today of the last few tragic moments before the Penang Flying Club plane carrying him and club president Mr. George Davidson crashed into the sea off
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  • Article, Illustration
    15 6 Th-3 wreckage of the Chipmunk in the sea off Permatang Damar Laut. Straits Times picture
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  • Article, Illustration
    7 6 1.1.M "T o:.;v rrrr.rmhrr it wrnt Into
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  • 155 6 —Witness: I saw plane over sea, then it exploded He asked three irtends ti row out to th»' wreckage On leaching It, they >aw man .sirapix-d to a .<eat In the ha!f-Mib-meriied plane. He was bleeding. They pulled him out and put him In the boat. "As my friend.s were
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  • 44 6 KANQAR. M»n. Two new Chinese »chooU will toe opened In Perils thui month A Chinew primary school will s'art at Kuala Snnglane nn P*b 20 wh;lr tlif H»a Alk national type xolvol will br npenrd at Arau on Feb. 23.
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  • 41 6 KANO.Mf Mm The PerlU Solidarlu We«k Commlttpr w.ll h<ld a fmuni Ind culiuril show nt the Derrnj English School hall on V< b 12. Inchr Azman bin Wan chik. of the DMMnKy ol Malaya, will spent on racial harmony.
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  • 35 6 BUKIT MERTAJAM Mon. A Mvikr In the grass killed a 56-vPar-old village headman. Tan Heng Tat. at Juru. five miir.s from heTe. yesterdny while he was working on !r Telok Wong estate
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  • 69 6 Awards for best uniform designs I -I ALA U MPI'R. Mon I hularships may he :iu.<rrlnl to the winnrr>> of a i ompetitlon for th best ilf-sitns for rommnn >< hoc! uniforms for !>•»•■ and (iris. The Minister of Education. Inch? Mohamed Khlr Joh»ri. who ;<nn>unred this I •>'!;■. v
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  • 35 6 lAWAN. MOB Pollrr r»--30(1 v»rOs of rnpper lr» ■■•lie bti'h'^ nfT the 45 'l ia >Af*r T»M»r mid. WT% yrsindnv Tki mtn h b«Ue\fd to h»\e ben >tn>n irom telephone PGA LA.
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  • 159 6 Tan: Our currency not affected by Europe financial crisis KD L A LUMPUR. Mon. The purchasing power uf Malaysian currency in terms of the amount of goods and services it can buy has not been aftee'ed by the recent currency crisis in Europe. There It tho^iii be to iffi
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 163 6 start the new year with a resolution to be slim, trim and lovelier Joanne Drew oi a a J Programme !!'♦> j We guarantee in 16 <v I visits you will lose ">iK vital areas. I- Reduce Shoulders 1" UJ 2. 1" from Midr.ff 3 fr m Waist ■L 4.
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    • 111 6 DaSj3i3igi3ffiii,^ggi=ligEli£igigidl»diJi3 IE A wonderful gift for I Chinese New Year I (a little something extra to add to your 'ang pows') [5 JFebruary's'Specials Stay Awake and Parents may Live Longer New Year Food Fantasies Cheongsam Charmers That Husband in the House First Date I^l The Artistry of Hanae Mon Dia-
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  • 144 7 SINGAPORE Mon —A irldou is "auctioning" UM ol sewn Dalmatian puppies born on the day Imp hu.sband was buried to help boost Singapore's cancer research fund. Mrv P had told hi r husli.iint. a fnriner Singapore water ••ngin-er. then seriously ill willi
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  • 218 7 Treasury grab; Man jailed 7 years 4 PAPER searcher at the Treasury office here, Unuku Ismail bin Ungku Mahmud. 32. «atoda. years' jail for his part In the armed robbery Of the Stale Treasury last Aue. 26. JOHORE BAHRU Mon i r Ml bin lassan found Ii .betting .six armed
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  • 28 7 Xi CHINO Mi n li,.- U n. Alwni: :r«tnnn' at me Ay loda) Hi- 111 in W dble to ,i:i, duttei Mitt* ma. it added.
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  • 45 7 SINGAPORE Mil President Yn iMr ol st jnhn 'I. r.2iv ■taken nf i Brigade Tin r M Nixir ;vl Utt biigatlr* Su-p.-nniendent in Clnrl. the < will «iso riTimit^ which vil. bo |,t|U at tllr .Idlin Anioilatue Headquanris in B<"s«rh Road
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  • 240 7 XI IK s re celved tv: tin i donatl in* tntallins S.S6 for retired ii. i Lum S.ew Vh jw robbed of h;s llle's s.iv ncbr:n"'ng nil tund to Sl.Sb la'r-t MBtrtkUttMM to th' friid rame from: Anoiiymoii'. >!n someone II Anoajraeui AnoinmiMn
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  • 151 7 MSA film wins Ist prize in festival OINOAPORE. Mon. M a i a y.sia .Singapore Airlines' entry to the Pacific Asia Travel Association I.lm lost i val has won the first prize Tin (lnaJ juusiiiu: Ol fU* srlcctcd lilmi. dt'p'.cHng travel in the H.icnii- area ».iv by telev;>i> n
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  • 247 7 jtf ALACCA. Mon. A labourer alleged In the Sessions Court here today that his superior officer forced him to break into the Naafl bulk issue store in Terendak Camp and rob it of liquor, cigarettes and blades to the value of
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  • 111 7 Camera-shy man punches Press photographer I 'UAI A I UMPUR. Mon A ItnttS Tlmc> plmt')-Kraphi-r wa> asMUlted today by ,i man wh'' did nol want his photograph at the Municipal headquarters building where thr Inquiry into the catsai »i the Jalan Raja Laul buildin" rnl'osr hi* held Mr Ton
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  • 33 7 SINGAPORE Mi '11. Ill' K. iistrar o; Soi eti ha^ ordered t-o as^i>ciaMi>ns to fuin--li priKif of thfir existence. Thry arr t!ie Plllpinn Avxiciation of Singapore, and tlr Mtnoruh Club
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 98 7 Varemoid TABLETS the EffiCTIVE ORAL treatment for PILES (Haemorrhoids) VAREMOID tablets is osy to take |ust swdllow during or dtipr meals. VAREMOID >s so completeIt has been clinically proven and tested all over the world with remarkable success. It en be taken by all age group even during pregnancy. VAREMOID
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    • 155 7 Passengers always pay us something extra when they fly inourVClO. MaUM^ l* l^* 1 1 f ilk J"*M M >H JmikWr M Jr «fli sW .^fl Wr AlaV K# < W*4au Compliments. Our VCIO gets off the ground sooner, reaches cruising height faster, lands more comfortably than any other jetliner.
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 103 7 Xlh'fl O<>p By I n ant l in HERE WE ARE /VEH! WM»X\ I T<XDJU^t\ IEM STIRRED M /MOW WWILE Jff W <^ SPt. .v{i 1 Wwlll VERGIOJG O4 KINP OF A. \WE KIEEDED V UPM.LRI&MT/H f IWFV'kt ...I'LL GIVE 'EM \l VlMy ill' V IBH REVOLUTION KING WE GOT)
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  • 148 8 First Russian airliner due in April SINGAPORE. Mm. Sint.ipoi lir^t dirci t air link with MOSCSK "ill hi' forged "hen nn llynvhin |e| lands at I'.iya l.rbar .lirport m April to inHlKUr.ilr \i-riil'lot'> wi'Pk-hctuc-n the two countries Russia's .ur!in> h.»s decided to r kes follow ,nc an > eeuswil
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  • 39 8 The ai.- Lady of lourdes U being celebrated a; of Our Lady of Lonrdps In Ophir Road here with .i ri a candle- i :-.cht pro rsslon on Feb 11. The Noven*. nine-day prmyn ;ne. lH>!iins daily
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  • 22 8 MORE Mon Thr Ea? t Integrated School .s committee will hold j rrlav at the to ml" mnnry for needy DUDlli
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  • 322 8 Law gives couple time to reconcile TIIM Ili^li Courl Umljin allowed an apphcation under tlie W'oincii's Charter for an adjournment <>l :i contested divorce suil by i commercial manager, (it-nil Jan Podt, lo allow him ;m<l his wife lo consider recoiici lialiou. The application the ftfßi "1 »l.s kind WU
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  • 319 8 I/INO-Sl/.KI) beds and more scli-spr-vico facilities will be among the unique features in Singapore'! lirst Inn-like boteL m .i i. shaped Holiday Inn in Bcott* Rnari wlil be buil' d i eveloped by Hotr! Enterprises oftsprlns i! i" 'i 1 :'v
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  • 139 8 Girl drowns: Bystanders ignore cries for help SINOAFORR Mon a preunlvsjntt| student, Tv G«"k Ker. 17 was swept away by flood vatet LVcember Just outride her frlend'.s house In Duin'arn Road a Coroaet court heard lodftj Hei body wa> reeotewd thref daj later on !>>■<• 2:<. la Ihe K;i:ianK River
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  • 31 8 «INCiAPORE HOD 'I he Teacher*' Training College will hold a flae-ralxlng eertSßonj in front of the colleges oifliiortum at 8 a m on Thursday to MiSfcrStS Singapore* ISOth anniver.«ar\
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  • 43 8 KNOAPORI Moo Thr Ameiir.n Women I Au.xiliar-. A*.soclalior uill hand mil cheque* totalling s« "»o Ud the i Sjajvatsoa Ami and thr YWCA I 5 p m tomorrow at the Ame- ilcan il ih The money was raised a' a bazaar
    43 words
  • 303 8 SJIMi.XrOKF. >lun One out of every 10 teenagers between 15 and 19 in the Kepuhlle Is affected by venereal disease, compared to only four per cent 10 years a«o Similarh. pri cent suffer from it at present —compared t« 22 prr icnt <lc< .ide .ico
    303 words
  • 34 8 SINOAPORK. MOB Smuaporr Tamils will hold a c ondolencr mrpflnp t-> hooour the late Chirf Minister of Madras. Mr C N Aiinarlniai. .it the Victoria Memorial Hall at fi p m kOOMMttr*
    34 words
  • 62 8 DAMAGE IS BEING ASSESSED SINGAPORE. M»n P. mage assessments worr itUl bei:^ earrted out todaj on Ih? 18 0(i(i ton Shrll tanker Hmrisla and the 4.U00-r<>:i freighter Ludwlg.shaicn. which mlltderi In w ju-t off the port limits early jresterdaj moniinu spokesman (or Isileo 'Sjtigap<ire> Ltd the sa. vagr ftrm which
    62 words
  • 346 8  - ROSE'S FILM OF SPORE IS BLOODY YET SERENE MOLLIC ANG By \|ISS Rose Kaoru >**■ Kunelakf s nute film on Singapore is bloody, at times revolting but highly realistic. The film, a Umumenlary covering all aspects from relijion to reireainin on Sinsaporr today presented to llir chairman of thr
    346 words
  • 67 8 Give local products a try, says MP SIR] V Mln. parli.inv called oi o Ie pru- I manufaci produce the quality xn-ids expected ol th( n. f lir Q Tadin. :ampnng Chai Chee. > :n[ ilc F'i :ies o! om elecwas tha on!v wa-. pores nminnal we^l- -enUal thar tucceed
    67 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 63 8 Etvchante <; it a^Ba^llßiß^^. j ?I^^ja»it3nß^Ptj^Sifc!?^^Bß HaMfIHK flWHyHafliuinl^Li f -rW^'aßl^iS^iS^i^^iS^B^^Tn 1 s v^^ It tF fl j PlflSißn^BHLa^H rvf <r^ JaVs^B^B^BfIBBS^SBB^aIBB^BBV A VH ■t^L^L^B^HHa^B^a^a^al I v s «<»afl fr^fßlaTTiiitsW Cam* mat L,i^«po(« mt H«ia k oi.g aaH SjSSStft N** lWrK. I if. iniw, N«w LilMgnit, NotloU l>i*4). latnii. H«h*ii. loi
      63 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 43 8 tPirk irar» Uy nhpiMr I,»ulri \~Wf*&^ Lfc^gffl^Sgf jT'l IjVK. SHE'S "OkKIMC HCR FOLKS. TOH NO»1 ■Tontest HE^^A R rEBSiB^^ H c S2 s Lfto7i J VB- PUENTV AND GRAVEL /OUR itl "TV 1 LVaHaVaiLVfIT" ■LBBhLBM E *U>MUkM AMtArCAM KtAl^T hO _^r> O P^^T
      43 words
    • 90 8 Today's ETV programme 1 Channel I ;j0 II |H a.m.. N' kl •iiKuagr (I -.ha thief; 8.ja.«.;,0. Hralth Edu. i Mai i. Sec I a.d II Enviroi.ment •nd hr "i acil mmics r i ii :.>- 1 1 in i m i«n< i it 11.5.-i-l 1... 1 <
      90 words

  • 704 9  -  Dr. BRIAN ROSE The practical value of the extremely costly space research is often questioned. But Dr. Brian Kose shows here how doctors are already turning the medical knowledge gained to the advantage ot ordinary patients. by NEW YORK AT a casual glance at
    704 words
  • 422 9  -  STANLEY U.S. SPECIALISTS' ARE UPSETTING THE THAIS In BANGKOK THE profusion of stylish American research outlit.s currently operating here under Pentagon auspHTs has lent a kind of Doctor strangelove quality to the extensive U.S. military pre sence In this South East Asian kingdom. There Is
    422 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 108 9 it's marvellous the difference Milo makes Champions choose Miio to give them ifl gg^L vigorous health and boundless energy. To restore and sustain the stamina they need j**^%Jl BSBs{ssBBB^^BBBmBBBBBBBBBBBmBsBateIsB9g*4ggggBi to compete in the most gruelling tests jrC#"" tw^St BiV^' ll VsS of strength, skill and speed. So give your d/&^Wm*»"^'
      108 words

  • She Straits Times
    • 647 10 The lie in lnnmant expenditures for l'.*«9, for whi'.h Tun Ra/ak sought Parliament's approval yesterday, cannot be considered 111 isolation. They are part of a two-year programme for achieving the revised targets oi the First Malaysian Development Plan, and some of the projects to be initiated will
      647 words
    • 419 10 Egyptian cnticism of the execution of 14 spies in Baghdad suggests that Arab opinion on this matter is far from unanimous. Yet the affair, however deplorable on humanitarian grounds, can hardly be properly judged in isolation from the cycle of reprisal and coun-ter-reprisal into which the
      419 words
  • 1709 10  -  TUN ABDUL RAZAK From the speech by We will not be deterred because the list is long and the problems difficult... we will press on with the programmes with vigour and determination... 9 I am confident that a better life for all can be achieved within
    1,709 words
  • Letters
    • 163 10 I SERVED in the Malayan forces during the Emergency. Disbanded in 1957 I came to Singapore and married a Singapore citi/en, iiving here ever .Since. In 'V. I was temporarily employed in the citizenship survey team and then-alter took on .several temporarily jobs till
      163 words
    • 102 10 SINGAPORE has progressed in many ways bui m in postal services. Deliveries in my area Upper Thomson Road; have been reduced from twice to once dally after the local postage increased from 10 to 15 cents per oz. Recently I received two covers lrom the same source, bearing identical postmarks
      102 words
  • 21 10 The second article in this scries by HUCH MABBETT has been held over and will appear tomorrow.
    21 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 51 10 The Bank ,^3s^ You Can Trust !££j2?^ Bank with i_S^*£3p MALAYAN JJHTflilllL ■ANKiNa :zz;z» mi BERHAD a i*« Bmdir. and you bank wisely Te|'224Bll/a MALAYAN BANKING BERHAD (Incorporttti in th» Sutti d Mtlty. Mtltysit) Auihonstd ctpiUl t 50 000 000 Ftidup ctpittl J22 500 000 Croup MM t«CMtf J6OO 000
      51 words
    • 241 10 Be Proud of Your English You are Judged by the Way You Speak and Write Are you content with the noticeable proßress in a few wav you speak and write? bOUH You learn from the Are you sure that you are Interestingly written e.i-v-to-not making mistakes that und-rstand lessons' r.iusr
      241 words

  • 100 11 Pilgrim ship leaves Penang DENANG, Mon. The Uner Kual.t Lumpur left today with a third batch of 2.IUU pilgrims lor The vmml arrived here th:> morning from Port Swettenham wl'h 657 pilgrims. Mom tha M had embarked at pore. pilgrims from North Malaya Joined tllP Ship tor. TMp Pilgnm.tup Controller.
    100 words
  • Article, Illustration
    315 11 DEATH OF STRAITS TIMES REPORTER, SUB-EDITOR l/LALA LUMPUR. Mun. A large number of Journalist*, member.- of the diplomatic corps and trade yes io-i-ded the tuneral of Kumar a Straits Time.s reporter, who was Killed ;n a road accident In I Prem, a^ he was known to Ircle
    315 words
  • 44 11 SINGAP year-old over the flat in Ph-.r Pai to a friend .md plunged 40 It to the ground. She ni Juries tha- i died two days later, on Dec. 13. A coroner 1 rou: a finding of death by "ml&adrenlure.'
    44 words
  • 170 11 Jailed: Man who used forged shares to cheat SINGAPORE. Mon. Pan« Cliuan. ,'i4. was jailed for four years today for using forged share certificate:* to cheat the I nited Overseas Bank of S10.00I) ■will the Bank Megan Indonesia of $20,000. First he approached the manager of the I nited Overseas
    170 words
  • 58 11 Malaysian nurses get diplomas KUALA LUMPUR M I Two Ma.ay.iaii Bam haw ..m--pletpd puclfcraduate tour-es at the New South W..lrs College of I n Sydney Mw, Battll Dcvi Ilirtinbinh of the iM k obtalmd i in Duntnfl education Unetlani ;n r»ychuiogy and anMim Szt'i Kirn N> rUM Tanong IfaUai district
    58 words
  • 34 11 KUALA LUMPUR. M n Tht 1 freighter Kern* tnoltU Kirgizil «;11 arrive in Port Swettenliam on Wrdnei-day lo load rubber and timber for Europe. Ip is a: prrMtil loading In Singapore Bc;:idii.»
    34 words
  • 124 11 A MAN who fatally stabbed another man IS times with si tapping knife was jailed today for U years' by the Huh Court here. Kok Choon Phnv plr.idrd guilty to an amended charge of culpable homicide. The court u.o told that Kok slabbed I'oong
    124 words
  • 50 11 i'OHE Mon. Raffles Institution i> oryainsr a competition to and »be oldrst living Rnftlesi;in. GO* of the highlight! raJr. Aiulie heid on Feb 22 „nd 23 at President Yui himself, is phi nival M I .it :hs lid Sell I :i(l and development
    50 words
  • 29 11 SINGAPORE. Mil). The Singapore Armed Korces will conduct danaUtian exercises »t the Southern IMand natJM ■■< ltd Pulau Pa»ai between 8 am to midnight from Wednesday in 14.
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  • 478 11  - Big banquet to launch Singapore's 150 th year... JACKIE SAM: By Singapore, Mon gINGAPORE'S 150 th anniversary clebrations will work up to a crescendo in August to coincide with the Republic's Independence Day festivities. The yearlong celebrations will be launched ;it Hotel Malaysia on Thursday niuht at a bin banquet
    478 words
  • 234 11 I/UALA I.UMPLR. Mon.— The ol Infor- I matlon and Broadcasting, Inche S'-nu bin Abdul Rahman, today regretted the recent decision by Australia mid New Zealand to withdraw their cjntitigentß from Teirnduk Camp at Malacca. He described the move a* I "unfortunate and mi.-.con-
    234 words
  • 255 11  - Barman Foo tells the secret of one five-o R CHANORAN By SINGAPORE, Mon.— The crew-cut American Serviceman sitting in the lounge of Raffles Hotel leaned towards the waiter, and said softly: •lOne-five-CT -150" or nettling to that eff« t. The waiter nodded, then stealthily vanished towards t!ie bar. I was
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 116 11 Hb^b^b^b^^HNßMß^^^ c School of Accountancy— the Cor.wonwealth s Oreat High«ay to Successful aws—has for over M) yean guided and helped ambitious men in the achievement ol micccs*. txpert tuition is provided for examinations in. ACCOUNTANCY SECRETARYSHIP ENGLISH BOOK-KEEPING ALL COMMERCIAL SUBJECTS G.C.E. EXAMINATIONS School of Accountancy traimng is CORK I
      116 words
    • 172 11 GRAND CHINESE NEW YEAR ATTRACTION ODEON PAVILION i CATHAY I J SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR PCNANC 70MM PANAVISiON IN PANAVISION IN PANAVISION AAfySS/ON fHAr CANTsi/CCffo' ...BUT DARE NOT FAIL! Kk' w3P the way up to hell Wr*9 mV" presents a.'erryGershwir.-EiliottKastner d. *TB^ Miff Michael riordern-Patnck Wymark M«™ri£ "NOW. THERE S
      172 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 889 11 TV MALAYSIA TV SINGAPURA CBANNBU: KuaU Lumpur. Evening uUh Arthur Lymmi. < HANNfcL i tHANNtL i I'mmi S; Ipoli. MaUm 800 News in Mwidann. 810 545 sum- 7^o <l M ttl ETI V Jnhure Bahru 3. 10: Imiplng Mandarin film The Fuui n,,i\ 550 Malar tor Schools; 6.20 Pio--4: It.iiu
      889 words

  • 230 12 "fete a 2 weeks Ocean Liner Holiday to Hongkong For your next leave take a real holiday; sail away on P&O! Rest relax, recuperate in comfort...with the ship as your hotel for the 4 days you will spend in Hongkong. That's the wonderful thing about
    230 words
    • 508 12 THE message from the Paris Fashion Week is simple there is ;i big swing b;ick to feminity. While the feminine lines emerged in many ways through winst lines and Quid skirls, the main emphasis lay on the nude trend. The new spring-summer
      508 words
    • 198 12 THIS year walking will be a pleasure, for the new line of shoes is both smart and comfortable. The best basic shape which is fashionable now is stubby-toed and low heeled, and to go with these points is the "antique" look in shoe styling Instead
      198 words
    • 346 12 DEKKUMED decant- en arp fomlnu in m o r f liiterestmK shapes One dualpurpose decanter containing concentrated cologne actually serves as an attractive aiiver-glltad candlestand when empty. This novelty Item from a well -known cosmetic house contains one of seven floral KCntl and costs 116.50
      346 words
    • 62 12 I niPOBK Hiving or taking anything In- If|> iiad thp lahel twice a saiets COUIHII r.llltiollS I It s t«. IP Ip rerlure airiitpntal poison- ln«s Uh H iKe ht-lpv? Srvt-r permit rhild--1 r<-n to lake medicine un.supervised. and do I not u>e medicine prescribed
      62 words
    • Article, Illustration
      76 14 EXTRAORDINARY MR. and Mrs. Frederich O'Donnell are surrounded b\ their 23 children following their marriage at the Blessed Sacrement Church in Boston. Mr. O'Donnell. a widower and father of 13 children, and his wife, the former Mrs. Francis Brady, a widow with 10 children, met at a City Hall
      UPI  -  76 words
    • 168 14 JOKE THAT TURNED YOUTH INTO A TORCH UUENOS AIRES. Mon. A youiiK Ar«entine was burned to death when two of his i friends played a joke j on him and mistook petrol for water. Jorße Adolfo Castielo. 21, paused for moment In his work at a tyre shop and wen'
      168 words
    • 35 14 AUIKIANU Mon A Mrflav- :n-heari boy Atxful ("ilia^dl:. i< iruking -r-ri prosre&s in the M*ter M.-ni rdiaf Hrw-pital here «n operation last Tue«dav to repiare the aortic valve in hi* heart.
      35 words
    • 90 14 Soon 4-D book that smells good, too \|INHM Mon— A four- dimensional" book the paxes scented with i.ismin perfume to cite it the extra dimension is due for publication here The book. humorous novel by Stefan Themerson on the life of termites, only mentions humans in one chapter and this
      Reuter  -  90 words
    • 208 14 'Impeach Marcos' call by Filipino Senator MANILA, Monday. A FILIPINO senator has accused President .Marcos of violating the Constitution and said that he should be impeached. In <i Press statement, Senate minority floor leader Ambrosio Padilla. >aid yesterday that th*' violations were "so encompassing that they defy ordinary definitions." Hr
      Reuter  -  208 words
    • 103 14 4 Reds killed, 16 arrested by Indon troops JAKARTA. Mon. Indonedan troops killed four Communist guerlllaa and arrested 16 Chinese sympathUen in ,rrles of operations in the Bma reRi"n In the West Kallman- nßleu last week the army Mid today R.uders of fee DuuMun alaa discovered a in dm** uniloinis.
      103 words
    • 12 14 build «uuld d lid the Fmpiir State RiiiUiini UPI »J
      UPI  -  12 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 176 12 I When your body calls for help! I V H a^atf a^ l^Q* I <V dm dwjy you re dble to c^H m move around treely dgdin' That how you and every sufferer ''Oni bdckdChe. tibro>iti> or -^^BJI Meurtidti^m can benefit from Hv' Hb Ue Witt s Pills Thousands have
      176 words
    • 307 12 those horrid age spots* FAOE THEM OUT EB -WM«h«r«d Imow» **of *J wrfacc o» your handi and »<»«• rh« w»rfd fltftir.9 «W tutor* r<Ml r*o»r o-oy wrth (SOTIBICA tht c*»c-l thot h*lp. l.fll*™ mmi il. th. ikm, i»ok« •>•»■• te< >* •h-»t and young again. Iquolly •McMttv* an the
      307 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 737 13 I ICENOwLIOCIMINTS, I ""»»S»8IIS. NN >UNCf MENTS B.MMS CIUI tCTIVITKS CONDOUNCIS. DUINS (NOtIMtNTS I UINERUS. tREET'WCS. IN MEMORUM MtRRIICES. MISSINC fERSONU P»C BEIUIEMS 1 MUNIONS I »ill Misiemn %n l»r mutt. tKs itlit.ssil wv* UN I I HHS^ B^ B^_ '5 ■#»#s. fics iffitissil wers 51 tests Stflitl Tieiti Isi
      737 words
    • 997 13 COOK AND WASH Amah rrq iired iminediatelv. Kngliah speaking, mum knoll referenre*. PSBBBB phone j ll [.ore. «nUh^ before 1 ihj n.m. 'luires male Female aalejg can^asners. Salary Commission Allowance I v "i Reply Maphrrson Road f o I'.ot I] Singapore WANTED LADY CANVASSER*. wtb or without rxnrnencs for repair
      997 words
    • 917 13 j WANTED IMMEDIATELY. Hl.y j m^'e* anil lem^les. Slnga|*ore Citizens Mlh OCr. S C.. H.B.C. quallhta ompanieK of clerk* typists. termiiraphers. telephone op>'ratom. re •SSHMejsstJ salesmen, salesgirls betirajejß 17-2 A years. Apply personally i for particulars ai.d training at -jwd-i Joo thiat Road. Spore between id a.m. i to 8
      917 words
    • 948 13 BUNGALOWS, HOUSES snd Bat ivailabls. Rent »300— j:'SOO Ring I I pore 4»msJ Siang Moh Realty. I IMMEDIATE OCCUPATION 3-bed- t room flat. Completely furnished. Air "M noii Telephone. 335-C-8, K:\er I'.iilev Road Singapore. Conuct .'nuang. Tel. »»l.t«(. IMMEDIATE OCCUPATION IMI Hraddell Road Runicaiim Kour Rooms Ktirmshed CnfurnishM. raasonahle Uent
      948 words
    • 1101 13 NEW BRIDGE ROAD Hongkong Itreet. Modem Building. 2nd floor arsa I 1.400 sq. ft. at Sl.Oou per month rum )«206« Lu. Singapore I GOOOWN SPACE WANTED EUROPEAN COMPANY 1 requires (.ooown SPACE APPRO*.. O.iino SQ.PI. CITY SRIA minimum 3 years contract. APPLY BOX \S3»9 H.T.. BHO Kit. EDUCATION FOR RADIO/TV
      1,101 words
    • 981 13 JAPAN TAIWAN HOMCKONQ 10 Days 81.300- IB Days JI.BSO/- 18/2. Taiwan Japan Korea Hongkong nan^kok 17 l» 21 Days 81.850 H.'.'lO II. BK".- II i, 2 3, 18 3. 6 i. kon it- Bangkok l'n/12 Keys 81.280 51 mi 1« 2. 2 3. l« I <. 8 4. Id 4
      981 words
    • 601 13 JBAMB AIR-CONDITIONED SALOf. fli>.*eu»*> 'Masseurs steombath Mss- I age. Farlal Manicure. bsircutimK i; raastßi Kusd :>in».iix>r> 111UU. MISCELLANEOUS GENERAL SPRAY I 8 pore i 3.V172. CHINESE CATHOLIC GIRL 88 incrr*- prof*" flWslda Sfeal M !v. Box Ail.': i pore. CINERAL iPHAI PAINIINC <«lr relruersi.irs mi ui.rt.t.onvrs Customers bouse fchtpttssM HnM
      601 words
    • 312 13 DRESSES/DRESSMAKING SO MANY LADIIS n,• wttUtt our r.<l <l covered thai er( ye lul D *.m»i<ia IfSSB, HAIRDRESSING rASHIONABLE \>. WIBS, idi\r*. Sesoun Pt> 8s), Urckard Kosd, i-h. WHERE TO STAY ourist v'lasii Huitshle thrill 081 iB i«re. "LLOYD HOUSE HOTEL" AlrTEN VACANT ROOMS nII -Ms rom *S upwards. PIBBBB
      312 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 299 14 Straits Times Crossword Al ROSI 7. Meat dish for the king upset 1. The previous sort of cask— lnf nt •*>• 1 ol v«,u It. 8 Where ram falls for a sercm! 10 r.< African port taken bj llme doctor «r.h gra\it\ *ounds 9. Family seal of the Htwi as
      299 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 948 15 TO LIVrHfIiQI ISP QlH|> v f.[ PORlS^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ I Ft*", .V^l gl g ijaAu, si::: i i1> 21 lillu? "IT 21 Mar 21 Mai 22 1 Aar I AiA»° N fcUiio* V. Air 1 An I Air J,n art 11 HECTOR london. A.onmouth a.,, 4 ,j PROMETHEUS «»r 15/J1 All 27
      948 words
    • 2329 15 1 I I THE E A hl//V£S I MMM. T Ht EAST ASIATIC COMPANY Ltd IncorporaMd M D*im.rk EXPRESS SAILINGS TO GENOA/NORTH CONTINENT SCANDINAVIA r 1 S'lun "pn^r-y S p<m (jenoi K'djm M burg A<nnus C'lWgW IEIRAi 1) Ftl 11 21 Fll 2?, 21 Mar 24 Mar 21 Mai 11
      2,329 words
    • 1137 15 f— iw WORLDWIDE CARRIERS LTD. l^rlJ|^^K For: Los Angeles, Houston, New Orlrant, Charklten, I aU^YiK NfV> Y rk N<W London f^^^^^^^*^ lol«o acccptmq corqo lor other GulF and Atlantic ports. tub|CCl to inducement! i p., re P. bhem LA GRANDE ABITO 10/13 r«b 14/16 Feb OmiU JAG RAHAT 8/10 Mar
      1,137 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1159 16 Yr™ *"~*~*ICA\VASAKI KISEN KAISHA LTD. Western Australia/ Singapore; Japan Service Najoia YtiaTa X.oat "lrl|iira Mini" II 21 Fll 4 Mir 11 Mar 12 Mir It Mar West Africa /Singapore /Japan Service S niapore Na« "Isaariaiaia Man" Oaitl 71 22 Mar 3B Mar 11 Mm I Ipi Japan South *Jc West
      1,159 words
    • 822 16 tUSTMLII NEW lEtltNO SERVICE iNOIt. PtKISTtN tNB FtP. EtSI WNHU TO tusmtlll. NEW ZEtItND Tl: Nataiattiniai all Malm. f.,:..« 1,«..«..w,i, mjuii s^ .r^ p-^ P r,an| P. S rum S Oore ItJUI4 2 Ma ,j Ma 1a Mw BtNKUDIi 18/12 Fcl Baits Nataiatinw. ItMORf I Fel 111 Fel 1? Frl
      822 words
      952 words
    • 1089 16 LkJ^m^Ab3uCJ| HI KENYATAAN KEMENTERIAN PELAJARAN MALAYSIA. KUALA LUMPUR Prnrrimun t halun: Prrvndlrun Prn>aoranjaii Prperrksawn Sijil Krndah PrUjaran Lower Crrtificate of Education VMi'i. Bararan Masok: I) 81JI1 Penolr $15 11) Satu Mata Pelajaran Bahasa: $3 Uap2 mala-pelajaran. Krlajrakan: A. Chalun2 darlpada Jenls jang i benkut lnl akan dl-terima untok pepereksaan Sijil
      1,089 words

  • 31 17 RUBBER AND TIN CLOSING PRICES Feb. 3. Xl liltlK PRICE: i.i: tints (up M-v^n-eifhths ii f .i cent). TIN PRICE: 5579.25 (down 75 cents). Estimated offering 230 tons (up 5 tons).
    31 words
  • 215 17 Oils in demand in firmer minings MELBOURNE. Mon. \II were keenly .sought la busy v tradlni; In today's fAnner Mining sevuou Woodkide finished 10 rt-nu, hinder at $1.85 and Idterstatr made 10 cents at 90 cents Bui Metals leaders mostly moved narrowly. Western Mlnlnc. however, dropped Si cents at $12
    215 words
  • 98 17 MiNCbi preduaa Kianants. •mis- port noan eating pritti par picul yaakMay. Caaanut am buia Iftot aallcra. drum I Capta: «.,j if obi looia Jsn./ Fan uk cot. I3i B. Muataa wHM *> 13 Miiara. «»•>« .'c »IU wllara. arwctal I<m s»;| a' irra. (armed tMS Miirti tan
    98 words
  • 52 17 Ihr offirul Mi In an Short Vf term Money MarhH for the week endrd Saturday Feb. 1 range nl call rate* was aa follow*: BANK H'NIIS: 3 prr cent U .V i prr crnt. ■.1 M M II M«- J*i per cent to .*< prr cent. MOYKMF.NTS «<
    52 words
  • 241 17 THE Straits tin price fell 75 cents to $579.25 in Penang yesterday In an offering estimated up 5 tons to 220 tons. Demand was at lower levels from North America and Europe. LOCAL X I mil it MART: The market yesterday ruled Idle and
    241 words
  • 239 17 I/r.BKi \R\ flnt grade rabber f.o.b. buyers closed at 5 p.m. in Singapore and Kuala Lumpur >esterday at (IJ cents per Ih. up seven-eighth* of a rent on I m da>\ rlotinc level. The tone ajajg stead> R.A.S. and M.R.K closing price, la cents per
    239 words
  • 297 17 RITV ANNOUNCED THI FOLLOWFOR FEB. > OUT i hirn'omoi' 1 K T|t lt i I 'd. M.lav.ii. 15/10. Tboroao« v«rnt l». Luna Marina K/M, Kawi Mam »'3O. I-» Natal S«/39. Anabuc 41 41 and I'ctalinn IN- tRyaM :i Kyu»hu Main Uoldrn nwllll 7 lllnvo Maru N/y.
    297 words
  • 431 17 'THE main feature on the Stock Exchange of Malaysia and Singapore yesterday was the strength of blue chips and the better class stocks. In the more speculative counters there were some slight losses during the day's trading. Overall trading was on a more
    431 words
  • 97 17 i"»HINESE lndustrl \a V> Taiwan bjtvi Invested some 5.570.000 IS. dollan "about 2,320.01") pounds sterling) in South-l In the past 10 ars, the Central News agency reported. Quoting official the agency said 29 ment projects wen South-East Asia In 1968 period. Thailand r- ived fie frcn Taiwan c,f
    97 words
  • 82 17 rpHAILAVD will r 1 the .il T:n Council a den\ s enough beneilt tn m th« tlon to make the membership worthwhile. National Di ■>• lopment Bars 1 he did not agree v. that I should withdraw froi Council and m i tin direct to the
    82 words
  • 90 17 SiNGAPOKt later- iMMfe light call money remained unchanged at a steady rate ol j per cent last week. Eight day- call ers over it 51 n.-r cent. ire on t;>|) .it -4 per cent. Loans were a quiet market Overnight Malaysia we transacted at 34 per cent. Eight
    90 words
  • 113 17 A NEAR in Gefvor dealings in London at the end ol laal «n ic. However, overall nmrket activity quJ nevertheless the tune remained firm with a umber of sains lii the three pvnny ranse. These Included Malaysian, Kamunting. and 81am. Rubber shares made a firm snowing,
    113 words
  • 35 17 f\S fra aichan... rtwm.t m Hn-« X'K UJ. Oallar »«a quotad at l'> T.T. and s i"»yj for taa* ttarlini 'iuMr.l at 14 S2 ard an* laal af f tM at «J
    35 words
  • 362 17 \IOVCMENT S OF SHARE PARISON OF LAST SALES IN THI STOCK EXCHANGE VISTEROAV WCRI: INDUSTRIALS: ACMA I— J BMta>, Ban 4 Co. I crnmi. Barnaa Birnad (unrh >. ■•ulttad ifnt-M. C. *u«»n C CM. i fffl'.i. CI. Haldinx i I MMB), D 11, 17 MM*), Oi'Olop I
    362 words
  • 117 17 Limited success rTMIE Investors Chronicle X says tin export quotas have so far hart only limited lOCWM In holding LMK prices between 1.350 and £1400 a ton "But experience tells us that an imbalance In commodities can change with often disconcerting rapidity." As far as tin in concerned thpre are
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  • 1142 17 BDMMBM in and rkportlu TO THE SINGAPORE AMI KIAI.A I I MII K IKMHM. KOOMS OF THE STOCK tXtUAM.K itSTKRDAV WITH imi m mi'.ik or miare> IKAIIrII SHOWN IN BR.«< KF.TS lIN LOTS OF I ikmi I NLLSS i lin i vm -t *pt< iFItD: INDUSTRIALS: AC'MA (ll
    1,142 words
  • 32 17 STOCK INDICES Indmtrtal*: 15.V09 156.1 Hntrb- 101.96 102.3. ProprrUn: 183 liS 1R3.2 Tins- X2.XI 82.7 i rubbrri: 106.»X IU7.U' Itrr. 30. ISM in«. 1 Krr 21. |t.,H 1».--t llrr. 29. IM2 I*ll.
    32 words
  • 551 17 AND tINCAPORC 810 AND OFFBH rRICIt OFFICIALLY lliTtu AT THt CLOtt O* BUSINEIS INDUSTRIALS m. v. AIMA 2.4» ■.'.44 Urn 4 Co 2.M RomM Brrbad I.DI «fl HcilMraii 2 .10 Id I" Ku<»r» 4.74 rCM ordu I.M I.M C. I HoliilMO ."i I> I I 1 Ml I-
    551 words
  • 73 17 'I'M I<im of B*nk> in MJla*. aia-Binitapar e j.- thrai In IK nm l< Hht follow ln« rain »r« quo-rd to •qulraiact of IUO unita of rorelcn un:iKi. (tiling TT ar OO rtady: Oauticha Mark! ITC.T4M; Molland 0m1r1... *>4<>l-iO: total rr.M, Bal|ian Fra.ici M.MZS; Franch Frania Omnh
    73 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 690 17 PUBLIC UTILITIES BOARD. SINGAPORE TENDERS IM< TRK ITY DEPARTMENTiRnom No 2nd Floor. City riflll t (a i Hlr* of Craneis) to the Electricity Department dur- year 19(i9. Tender Deposit $ioo Close at LU pi.i on 11.2.63 <b supply of 4.500 Pieces Pcrcelaln Lampholders «S Ittnis). Tender Deposit $100 Close at
      690 words
    • 721 17 In thr matter of The I nmpanin Art 1967 BRITISH MEDICAL LABORATORIES (ASIA) LIMITED (In Voluntary Liquidation) At an Extraordinary Gener».l Meeting of the Company duly convened and held at 115-125 Turrella iurrella NSW.. Australia n Prldajr, 31m January, 1969 the following resolution was passed: Special Resolution ■Ihat BRITISH MEDICAL
      721 words
    • 289 17 TENOERb KENYATAAN TAWARAN IKK PAHANG Tawaran2 darlpada pemboronir] Bekalan2 «kan dt-t«rlma ciiPejaba'. Jurutera Ne«ert. JKR Pahaug. Kuaman lili:.:i?a pukol 300 petanu pada 20 269 untok: Mrmbekal, Menyampalkan dan Memoentangkan Tlkar Peimaldanl dl-PeJabat Bharu Srtla t'saha Kerajaan Panang. Kuantan Scgala outir'J bnleh dl-dapatl diBbbsi kerja ai-pejubat Inl t^jripol borang tawaran BMBtt-li-h
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 535 18 pAfeufq lull \u O> I I FfcßO are advising The East Asiatic Company Ltd., on the appointment of SENIOR MARKETING EXICLTIVE (PUNTING MACHINERY) The Job Head of the department selling printing machinery in Singapore Salary at least $2,000 Thr Man: A man preferably with experience ti sjualifications in printing machinery
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    • 889 18 GROWTH OPPORTUNITIES ELECTRONICS MANUFACTURING An American linn who is a world leader in the electronics components held u ill soon he establishing a new factory in the Toa Payoh area. To stalT his new I facility, we must locale within the local community a group ol experienced professional people upon
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      578 words
    • 690 18 LABOUR RELATIONS MANAGER ord Motor Company Private Limited has an ..iM-nins loi Itclations Manairr. Applicants ebould be .Mn s a|»ui. «-iti .n,, ag» )etween 35 and preferably I niverslty jraduat.s o. !•'»>"^ l i diploma and experience in Industrial Relation*. abilil> v i t at* »atr. benefit*, traininr and safety
      690 words

  • 284 19  - Expert help for Spore to raise standards ERNEST FRIDA By J^fi international sports expert is in Singapore to study and recommend how standards can be improved. He is Dr. Uriel Simri Israel's Director of Sport, who came at the invitation of Sports Minister Inche Othman Wok. Dr. Simri. 44. U
    284 words
  • 25 19 TOKYO M->n The firs' A*ian Rugby Union championship will b* pla:cd hetr in Mar. 8-18. H'.n* K ne. TW- ne Jnpin rd offlries
    25 words
  • 69 19 miELBOURNE. Mon. Alan iT Rudkin. the bantamweight ihampion. was today named the ctaa&angar for Aui>t;alian Lionel R..-e s woi'.d title here on Mar. 8 This was announced today by R M Anaatt, who will promote the tight. •as chosen by Rows man.iger Jack Rennie from
    69 words
  • 25 19 IRK HOB I-m Okkcr of Hol.and, runner-up in la't years L' s. Open championship, signed a four-year, LSJ2OO 000 profesv>;i nw; contract
    25 words
  • 284 19 WITH Malacca nnding a T rc.-olute 14th minute to Western Auttnlilth minute goal, there v.;i.s promise of an exciting tussle In ye.sterci i hockey match at Kubu Stad:um. But the Austral. ans Improved a* I thf game went un nnd lrum a 2-1 lead
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  • 85 19 Selangor Club had to flght hard for a 3-0 win against a n Bunga R<va team in their n HA .senior league matrh nn the Kuala Lumpur padang yctpiday. Even with four short-corners In the first ten minutes agmnut a goalkeeper without pads. Selangor Cub
    85 words
  • 103 19 KARACHI. MoaV The MCC i■: -icket to .mi > triiuble-etrick-en tour of P.iki-staTi rrcrlved a further srtrnck yestrrdnv when the first game in West Pakistan »a» ti'iu-elled. The three-day game scheduled to begin tomorrow at Baliaial pur was hat*H]T airanged l>y the Ik taa Contrul Board
    103 words
  • 64 19 AMERICAN Bill Bean's racer files through the air after colliding with Helmut Marko of Austria (No. 15. left) in the 250-mlle Formula Vee championship race at Daytona Beach. Florida. Both drivers were not seriously injured. In the Daytona 24-hour race which ended on Sunday, the winning car was
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  • 241 19 CYDNEY. Mon. The Singapore cricket tourists J were 207 runs behind and two wickets down In their first innings at the end of the first day of their two-day match against the Emu Cricket Club yesterday. The Emus declared at 319 Tor seven, which they M-,iferl
    241 words
  • 129 19 A storm saves tourists AIELBORNE. Mon. A thun- derstorm came to the rr.M ue i of li-.e aiijiK Wr.-t Indian cricket tnur>U 0.. the flnal day ot tin ir return matc'i «uti Victoria here today. The storm broke 47mlns betore t< a ..nd th< match *■>% abandoned a draw. Victoria
    129 words
  • 35 19 MANILA. Mon Malaysia, the title-holder. ill play ttMsT first matcli in the Asian badminton inter-team championship here on Wednesday. Their opponents will be the Inner* of the match between Burma and Taiwan tonight
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  • 1821 19  -  EPSOM |EEP The wildcat strike by 54 syces at Stiff Hfi AVfil* trainer F.ddir van Breukelen* Ipoh wwm m^» wv wm stables has ended after four days. Van Breukelen was told by the strikers yesterday morning they were ready to resume work. The strike began
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 314 19 UNIVERSITY OF MALAYA Course for Diploma In Education 19«9 The Unlvfisity ct Malaya in»'tes applications for admission to the course for the Diploma in Education for the academic year 19«9 70. Candidates must normally be gradua'es of the University of Malaya or of trie LimeSingapore or graduates of such other
      314 words
    • 358 19 TENDER NOTICE Tenders are Invited from approvi rd cuiiLractoi s for the construction and completion of: Pro;* sod Rubber Packing Factory On Plot 1, Lot No 4-1 pt Muklra XVTII At Jalan Pemlmpm for Mesrrs. Tat Lee Co. Ltd. i Plans and »peciflcation etc anu all partic dan relating to
      358 words
    • 119 19 $t/P f/fAf f*OM i\s| $fAern>&m# jl/J > WHewEve* -rug aumwr f iA; I turm^ in fHe hanp& pu(?imc- I v^a"^/ m THE &WING<> TVIE' ARC BBCOWB I^ ffit /sV /*.-rtP6P ANPaPMfJfCUVAJSII^HtS \V^Qp'^| /*J WWII-E -TVIE <«ri?IP MU6T /fi\ A\ fl B£ FLWBI,e B-NOU&H -TO j^rU S 5 pee^fcKvs yempc amp
      119 words
  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 177 19 HtMKIV— Tour matrli MHF Presidents XI v Western AustraI p.m. Kubu Stadium.. X'iot I»lv. Combined Police v RKI .Ournry Rri. Tcth.'.ual College v MCIS lOurney Rd. S(M(KK Armed i inter-ofiirert m«M: 1 Reccf V RMC 'ac BtM'. Bigna: I Batu Rifle Rant',- Rd. Ual» Lrong Trophy: PCADA B v PCHC
      177 words

  • 56 20 The Do-Re-Me sisters HONOLL'IU. MOO La La Tat. a IS-y ear-old Chinese l>eanty. Ii Hoaobllu'l 1968 Narcissus Queen jn tup .strenKtli of her siiikiiiv'. naturaOjr, Mil ie comet naturally to New York-born La La, and to her other melndlcull. named (liters: Po Do. Re Re. Ml Ml, Fa Ka, So
    56 words
  • 105 20 rIREE Gaza uomrn are shown guarded by an litraeli military policewoman (right), in .1 military court in <■.» 7a. in occupied Gaza Mrip Thry in accused of >Py I n s and aiding Mirrillav From lift .ire \ahala Hafez rl Rai>ed. 19: I .<lm;t Murtad.ia.
    105 words
  • 467 20 'Stop urging us to side with you' say two Aussie papers 11WO loading Australian newspapers today cit'vised Malaysia to stop urging Australia to side with her in her dispute with the Philippines over Sabah. I tie SYDNEI »lOR\ING HI It Ml) said in an editorial that the "clumsy propagandist.*, of
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  • 34 20 BINOAPORE. Mun The School of PoMifradiiHte Medical Studies external examiner and visiting profewsor, Mr. E.S.R. Hughes*, will Hive series of »lx lectures at the Orthopaedic Lecture Theatre from Wednesday to Feb 20.
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  • 293 20 Sams,40 ships in big 'battle of the Straits' SINGAPORE. Monday. I^HE waters of Malacca Straits, just off Penan*, are now churning with the fury ol a mighty armada at "battle." i On the surface are 40 ships from the navies of Britain. Australia. Malaysia and New Zealand Hidden underwater with
    293 words
  • 45 20 SAARBRIECKEN iWe-t C'.ermaiiy Mon Karl Klein, a 67-year-old convict serving a 'ence for murder, smuggled bimsell out ol prisoi m a dustbin full of refuse, j police irpor.ed. He is still at laißc— Reuter 20 icords $20 00 t rni'iimum i
    Reuter  -  45 words
  • 68 20 WINORATH RUOOLPN. 7« yn. Don of pa.HMd away 3 2 oft. FunTal tM I'm < i 'n.irt to Kami Hlld«> Church Katon^ Thrnce Chun Chu KanK Cell L (BOB) PIDCEON of MM Strait* Tunis Kdltonul Dipt., t'mvernity Hi iva. on M0n,!.,. >horl Illllt'k*. .trriin^riiii'nlfl 'till hr anSIM SIANC JIN
    68 words
  • 430 20 LONDON. Mon —The stork market wa: dull today, mainly reflect■s of lurther government deflationary ni>. I ranged over a broad lront with the excoption of bid Mocks. and Hose aflected by weekend .niinent and company news Toward! the close, the FT index ami I
    430 words
  • 68 20 KUCHING. Han —One communist terrorist *M killed and another, a unman, captured by security forces In the I.undu area of Sarawak's Kir.-t Dtvlalon on Jim |l Follow-up operations resulted In the seizure of an arms and ammunition cache The Commissioner of Police. Sarawak. Mr J G
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  • 318 20 The end of a screen monster who was really gentle i I ONDON, Mon.— Boris Karloff, Hollywood's j f rightener in chief who died today, portrayed the most fiendish monsters, ranging from Frankenstein to the Mummy. Away Irom films, he *a>. one of the gentlest men sensitive and inghlystrung. His
    Reuter  -  318 words
  • 232 20 ANTILS. BANNERS ATOP AMERICAN EMBASSY IN TOKYO qXDKYO, Mon. A A small band of extreme leftwiiiK students raced lip tliife flights of stairs in the United States Embassy today and flew anti-American banners from a rooftop. They held their position atoi, the ihwe-storeyea builciint; for 20 minutes before pottce can
    232 words
  • 52 20 SAIGON. Mon America* I froops have killed 13 guerillas v .-.ea-\ OfhUl '>:.;inued alonf j inflltr«tio:i routes within 3S i miles o: s.< railiUry spokesman iaid today. Nine Americans were killed and 28 wounded in two battle* nortn-west and we* of the South Vlr-namese capital
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  • 386 20 OUTLAWED African nationalist leader the Rev. Ndabaning Sithole went on trial here today on charges ol Incitement and conspiracy to murder Rhcdestan Prune Minister lan Smith and two members of his Cabinet. The 48-year-oli! former headmaster ot a church whooi and leader of
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  • Page 20 Advertisements