The Straits Times, 3 February 1969

Total Pages: 22
1 22 The Straits Times
  • 26 1 The Straits Times AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 175,000 til National J Estd. 1845 15 CENTS K.D.N. 3104 M.C (P) No. 0723 MONDAY, FEBRUARY 3. 1969
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  • 362 1 We have many friends to come to our aid' MORIB, Sunday MALAYSIA cannot* force Australia to defend her when she is in trouble if Australia wants to stay out of it. Tun Abdul Razak said today. Bui lv- stressed thai il \\-is in Australia's interests
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  • 206 1 PAKISTAMS watched today for signs that an offer of talks from President Ayub Khan might ease the country's political crisis. But a> ihe President made the offer in a nationwide broadcast last night. fresh violence erupted in East Pakistan and one leftist later claimed
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  • 469 1 Tankership collision kills one SINGAPORE, Sunday A SHELL tanker and ;i German cargo ship collided early today off Pulau Scbarok, killing one of tin* German crew and injuring two others. The collision occurred shortly after midnii;lil ;is the is. uoo ion tanker Hindsia \\;is steaming into port with fuel oil
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  • 76 1 Prem Kumar killed KUALA LIMPIR. Sun Straits Times reporter Prrm Kumar was killed in a aiiidrnt in Prtalinc J.iya tonivlil. He was ridinK a motorc-yclr. A passing motorist. Mr Hun- K»ns I .ill. found him lyinc on the era** divider alone Jalan (..oinc and took him to thr Assunta
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  • 157 1 Plane blows up in midair PENANU, Sun. A Penang Flying Club Chipmunk canying mi instructor and a .student jjilot exploded in mid-air off Permatang Damar Laut at Bay a n Lepas thia afternoon, tar. ueorgi Da»Wson, the club president and ;>:i architect, killed. Tlie student pilot. Pf 20. was
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  • 17 1 100 (.IRI Fll ET s.;n -A ll E irU .njiirrd whrH l«ir»eU n 11 AP.
    AP  -  17 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 43 1 CH/O\GSHL\G HOUSE OF LAU house of Dinmonos^. FLRUILESS M'-aL SPRRKLERS KJS% I MFG. JEWELLERS LTO.«^£ NO TH BPIDGt "O*D.SINCAPO«f 7 POBOX 236/»TEI ***** tJI73< »2b2i07 Sheljtox Kills Insects INSTANTLY Zf^W I Shelltox J^F^-tf^ .4^|?^^^^y AS You SPRAY AND '%|L&^l*lhL. ;> %M FOR HOURS AFTERWARDS
      43 words
    • 80 1 W GEORG JENSEN DANISH CUTLERY of STERLING SILVER ><ni|M! 2(. Sena £td. High Class J«w*tar* 44 ki6m •TNcrr. imai»o«i ONE ATTRACTIVE I GOLD RIMMED GLASS FREEIW WITH EVERY CASE OF irtnr^ or VTTfinW R^d lion iMEfflWy STILL ORANGE /MjJbMjUki SARSAPARILLA GET YQUR FREE GLASSES TODAY! One attractive gold rimmed glass
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    • 182 2 Red-Indon Army clash: knew in advance' JAKARTA, Sun. J The former U.S. Ambassador to Indonesia, Vr. Howard P. Jones, .said last night his Government knew in advance that thenwould be clash between the Indonesian Army and the Communists. "I taw a big row between thr Army and the Communist Partj
      Reuter  -  182 words
    • 154 2 GEN. WALT: THE END IS NEAR, WE HAVE BEATEN THE REDS CAM WTONIO iTexasi. Bun.— United states :y ODiectives In in arc n>'ar completion, Lieut. -Gen Levta w. w.iii. asalstant commandant of th<- Marine Corps, said ye.sterday. iefeated the North m<'M' Army and driven them from the country (South Vietnam
      AP  -  154 words
    • Article, Illustration
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    • 67 2 Indira joins in Republic Day celebrations \|RS Indira (.andhi 1 forgets the tedium and burden of oflii'e as shi- (4apg< .iiki sjaga uith traditional folk darners fr»ni the Punjab last werk. Dancers and sinters from thr various states •••m 1 ererd on Neu l»elhi for Krpuhlu Day •elchratlouv Thr Premier
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    • 115 2 FOUR OF BRITISH FIRMS MEN HELD RAWALPINDI. Sun. Four i mplc.;, I'i's Of Taylor Woodto*. a. British the construction of Dai\ a Intrrnatlonal airport was termiimtt-d la October. have been detained here, the Pakistan Times reported yesterday The firm* contract «v cancelled due t<> rxcevove delays in completion l ><
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    • 45 2 BATH (Malnet. San Th* new 4546-ton We German destroyer Rommel was named here yesterday by Prau Erwln Rommel. 75-year-old widow of the World War Two Field Marrhal. In a ceremony marred by a peace demonstrator thoulU<k "Rommel was k Nazi Reuier.
      Reuter  -  45 words
    • 41 2 VATICAN CITY. Sun. The Vat Iran. confronted with a dwindling number of pi lefts and nun*, loosened centuriesold rules (or entry l»' n n orders yetteiday to bring them more Into line with modern realities -Reuter.
      Reuter  -  41 words
    • 30 2 HOLLYWOOD Sun Some 25.000 film Industry workers will receive wage Increases of 21 per cent over the next four \ears under the terms of an agreement. UPI.
      UPI  -  30 words
    • 24 2 HONO KONG Sun Hong Koti« experienced Its coldest day this winter tne temperature dropped night to 464 decrees Fahrenheit. Reiner.
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    • 27 2 NEW YORK Sun A letter written by Lord Byron In 1123 containing n reference to American Independence was •old for UBII.WO at an auction. AF.
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    • 276 2 Hangings will go on says an Iraqi Minister BAGHDAD. Sunday. IRAQ will hang more spies if necessary despite world-wide criticism of the hanging of 14 people, including nine Jews, a week ago, an Iraqi Minister said yesterday. The Minister of Information. Mr. Abdullah Sallum al Samarrai. told a Press conference
      Reuter  -  276 words
    • 132 2 Russia and America 'dying fish in a dry pond' UO.NG KONG. Sun— The Peking People's Dally today described the United d Soviet Union as "two dying fLsh In a dry i." The official paper launched a new attack on rs. -.m--penaHsm and Soviet re0108. It was commenting on Presidp'i' Nlaon'a
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    • 216 3 WILSON TOLD: NEW LAW ON MIGRANTS URGENTLY NEEDED lON DON, sun. The Sunday Times today called for a new law on British immigration, and said it matter of high priority. In ftn editorial J beein Brli .sh;p "It should abolish the ship hold in the colonies. irn to Kenyan A-:.
      Reuter  -  216 words
    • 44 3 Woman to woman ATI. ANT A. Sun. Athuiia.s "Woman of the Year.' Mrs. Charles E. Scott, executive vlce-pre- a manufaetur.nii company, MfrtMi women who wan" to succeed in big business: "Think like a man. act like a lady and work like a dog." Reuter.
      Reuter  -  44 words
    • 28 3 HONG KONG Sun. Mr LI T.Minjr-yen. former Nationalist Chinese Vice-President, died of Illness ln Peking on Jan. 30, thr Ntl China news agency reported today Reuter.
      Reuter  -  28 words
    • 34 3 JAKARTV Sun. Troops :n Sumatra and Kalimantan were reported today to have rounded up more than 170 Communists In major operations against the outlawed party s underground and guerilla forces. AP
      AP  -  34 words
    • 355 3 US 800 m Nato bill for de Gaulle United States and its Atlantic alliance partners have presented France with bills totalling some US$BOO million for military installations left behind when President de Gaulle evicted them, it was learnt d yesterday. Hard barßainlnK over the claims seemed certain, especially since authoritative
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    • 102 3 Andrew in Darwin gets Bali's girls on TV DARWIN. Sun l>.«r»in has no television st.ilion. and i.s unlikely t<> let one for some yearv hut that does not prevent Andrew Graham, an electrical fitter here, from enjoying ttie dancing (iris. dr.ili.ini built a 40 ft. antenna for his television set
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    • 305 3 POLICE OPEN FIRE ON ANTI-AYUB STUDENTS KARACHI. Sunday. 'p\VO people wore Injured yesterday when police at Bagerghat. East Pakistan, opened flre on anti-Government student demonstrators. The police at first flred teargas when the students tJpfipd an order to disperse. Mm than 5o people were arrest pd. dl.sturbanros erupted In
      Agencies  -  305 words
    • 39 3 SANTA MONICA Sun. Con cdl <.;■ 110 Mt<r\. ~Z ordered to jay (iv tinrd »ifc rjSki o<«i n thtj fn. ahmom ano to »i.n» her u.*e of their rantton Imm kl Palm SpnnK* penciing thrir divorce trial— AP.
      AP  -  39 words
    • 28 3 ROME. Sun. li.dl«n Prime Minister M v Oandhl hat bought 1 60-room c*Mie in a n-i'uded zone outside Turin :h« OiaM* Oci Pupolo reported today. AP
      AP  -  28 words
    • 60 3 JAKARTA Sun Mr. U)<*mentaya. editor-in-chief of the student weekly M unbar Mahaais«a. lih- been released at Bandjarmasln. south Kallmanun. after 16 days' detention Mr Mentaya. together with five other newsmen at BandJarm.isin. was arrested last month after publishing articles accusing the civilian and military authorities M corruption
      AP  -  60 words
    • 47 3 CANBBKRA. Sun Prune Minister John Gorton said last night that he would uupo-r Australia uecommK a republic. ••I believe that the constitutional monaichy is a good form of government «nd perhaps the best form <>! Kinernment that has yet been evolved." be said. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  47 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 122 2 ■"«^^^^^^hl ig^g^g^g^Bl V' j, BP^ l^^g«««««««^g«««««««««««««««g«BRteflaB s^9 fl HW V:i 4 jr?~~ "io •'■'•vKg^g^^Q^l^^B gafelSv fg^^g^giiiiiil^giiiiiiiiilliiii^sll >!**(lj(. i'-o kII M S'.^l Ic^gagsssssssssssssssi gsvCgflK^flßMsOgsfl sl^Ks^gsL. fl gsa^ I t; f* Hgccccccc^gccfllgafll I vlB sflßgliHlglimHß ff '*flr l- Enwxi 11 over the world at the rate of W bottles a second ft...
      122 words
    • 56 2 K V m PEEACO' SETS A NEW STANDARD OF LUXURY The 'Permanent Press* shirt that outlasts three ordinary shirts. Virtual}) impossible to crease, in Pelacos excluMve blend of Terylene and Cotton. Trimline-stylcd, stays crisp and smart all day! AVAILABLE FROM C K JANG AURORA LTD ROBINSON CO. p^t ng sh
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 87 3 t'r*''" I Htasw_ a^lV^K^niß^BV I Bhr M sV fr?\@ ?sk anc your cIe 9 ant way saying"Happy New Year \+»*v to someone wonderful. Every gold-plated Ronson g-*\ g\T T^|C!l|/rT l T I XT'CS Lighter ADONIS V.A. 420 is exclusivelyhandfinish\J"x/XjJ^O lwii XXX k9 cc j. Each combines the famous perfection of
      87 words
    • 299 3 shop now for CHINESE SttrrmH Kfcliict.ars (nr the Entire fin i» JtTlw T»Tfl««* Tri««f ltn|t» tn!y 90 VJ\AJL/ Mtii IpsrMHftl v C-S S< on!, -HO f*-*! I V^^ Ciflf Sntte» SljcH tr»mS2»« A_J T\**> CkiKrti Pla«tmts (2 HO i 1 Z M _~T.^ liltn Orestes Ironi S6 SO w^ TUieinfiiKT"^™™
      299 words

  • 319 4 Spore Govt urged: Study port unrest first before acting SINGAPORE. Sun. The Democratic Socialist Club of the University of Singapore has urged the Government to investieate the industrial unrest at the port before taking action against workers. In a statement signed by the president. Mr. Le*> Wah Hln. the club
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  • 62 4 KOTA BHARO. 8 n.—Tenirku Ahmad Rtthmi 'ten «a« flrcted chairman of the Bar Commute*- lor Kelantan. .in and Pahllg yrstirdav Other official* ar* Mr On* Fee Sen*, secreurv. and Inche Abdul Aziz bl.i AbOllah and Mr. P. Nadaratan. auditors Tenuku AI mad and Mr H. I. Wrlgftlesworth
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  • 69 4 KOTA BHARU, Pin The H.Kh Court here yeMrrriiv '-en'enced a 20-year-oli. i;.oper tn jail for voluntarily ng grirvmis h'irt to hi* Intnrl Aripin bin Berahim «M orlgipallv clurgrri with ;hp mirder nf Mohamrd bill Tuwfl at about 11.30 p.m on Auk Z'2 ..•■t year a-
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  • 55 4 SEREMBAN. Sun Plan* are in hand to build a $150,000 Hmphltheatre In the Lake Oardons here for the use of the new State Drama Society. This was announced by the Mentrl of Negri Sembllan. Tan Sri Dr Mohamed Said, after hp was elected the horlety's first
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  • 269 4 Experts study case of missing monsoon SINGAPORE. Sunday. J^XPERTS at Singapore's Meteorological Department are studying what has now been called ''the case of the missing monsoon." Day after day they have been analysing and sieving through a mass of scientific data in an effort to find out why the North-East
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  • 60 4 IPOH. Sun —A motor-cyclM and a pedwtrlaji were killed In ■eparat* accident* near Talplng on -he main trunk road yesterday. Khor Chin Turn. 22 was fatally Injured when his motorcycle was Involved In a colliMon with a car. while Lol Hean Chin. 60. the pedestrian,
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  • 48 4 BINOAPOFIE Sun The Te»chrrft' Training C< Urge vw.l hold an assembly on Tbivtdajr murrnng v, mark the 150 th anmnr.M,y of the signlnc ot the I'irmal treat- bet«re;i S:r Stamford Raffle* and the IK>;o Trmenrennu «nd Sultan Hus-em which put the British occupation or. Arm basis
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  • 212 4 Woman 's search for men of goodwill. I/UAI.A LUMPUR. Sun. Miss Estralla Carreras. the representative from Amnesty International. Australia, is here to find men of goodwill and tolerance. During her three-day stay, she hopes to meet people willing to help free political detainees in other countries. "We need men of
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  • 132 4 SINGAPORE. Bun. Police have appealed to warehouse owners to step-up security measures in thc\r premises. The appeal came in the wake of thelt of pepper wcrth $25 000 from a godown in Buklt Datok Road by six men on Tuesday A police statement said investigations
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  • 227 4 'Better blood' in Alliance polls line-up Khir TUIERE will be "new faces" X representing "better olood" in the line-up of Alliance candidates at both State and national levels in the forthcoming general election. There was also a hint that more women candidates might be Included in the line-up. These points
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  • 120 4 IPOH. Sun. Josephi ii»- I.en.i Wong. 17. it pnnl In the Convent hi r beat 10 other i "iitrstanls In win the February t^ueen title at a il m. in aid of the < hi j> i I .1 ,i .i t ion I un,i
    120 words
  • 184 4 SYCES STRIKE AT RACES BUT ITS OVER IN AN HOUR pENANCi. Sun went on what bo the shortest strike on record at the 1 Penang racecourse to day Half -an- hour brforp i> •start of the 2 p.m. ai; sjrcei .T.emb' i nf tii" Rao ptoytta Union ]i«shtnn:« Itl pathy
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  • 28 4 PENANG BUJI -8 who have reflatered f education classes h»ve been r*queMod to repor. a: Urn i p»ct]ve centres 5 pm o« Tueidmy. instead of tomorro*
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 59 4 V^ECORWE^ i YOUR HOME THIS v CHINESE NEW YEAR brighten your home with i* feoelite and fedeuix i easy to paint i economical I^wngTasti^l I f sFEDELItV WT** I'-*1 «xtEKras P* L FEDELITE EMULSION PAINT FEDELUX SYNTHETIC EXTERIOR PAINT Sole Distributor z^Chin Ho Co.(walaya) Sdn. Bhd. \ny K Lumpur -Penang-
      59 words
    • 156 4 I §1 1 PEKING WHS" I \f!iQ^i/ /60 62, North Bridge Road. Singapore. Tel: ***** ***** redundant stock GLEARMGE STARTING TODAY for 10 DAYS I* iJ LADHS' NYLON, iANLONj (1 CURTAIN MATERIALS I AND CRIMPLENE SLACKS I h UP $2 »0 I UP. $4.40 J Jf,{5 TICAtLY RIDUCED IN I
      156 words

  • 476 5 Chempaka tree gives way for Governor's grave ALOR STAR, Sunday SMALL chempaka (sweet smelling flower) tree in the Kedah Royal cemetery at Langgar had' to make way yesterday for the nine-foot deep grave of the Governor of Prnans. Tun Syed Sheh Snahabuddin. The tree was felled earlier In the day
    476 words
  • 173 5 Visiting professor falls and dies while dancing after dinner SINGAPORE, Sun. i A professor from England. Douglas Grant, collapsed and died at a University of Singapore tare well party at the Celestial Ro 0 m Restaurant. Amber Mansions, last night. Mr. Gr.uit was dancing after dinner when he sud denly
    173 words
  • 118 5 $1 million precious stones industry for Spore SIM.APORK. sun. A mem industry with a minimum annual output of si I million worth of prr< ioun and semi-precimi* stones cut. 1 1 mi ml and polished i> iwiric set up herr and is Ln be given pioneer status The inrii|\ will
    118 words
  • 32 5 KAMPAR Sun -Tmo voulh«, one of tlipm armeo vuih a d.igßpr robbed n labourer. Ch«» Tan S*» 26 of a »ratwatrh. it >oid nn( -ni $10 oi'iw nor'h of hrre
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 186 5 ITUI lliiK CHINESE ILHfcMMP& NEW YEAR SALE QUALITY AT FABULOUS SAVINGS! HERE ARE SOME OF THE WORTHWHILE REDUCTIONS. U. P. NOW Crtp* Chiffon 44" 2.40 1 90 p. ydi. Printed Arn«l Crtp* 48" 4. 50 3.60 Dsc/Cotten Printi 44" 1.90 I.SO French Loctt, S»m [mbroidcry German Lac** reductd from 20",.
      186 words
  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 48 5 Bugs Bunny by Ralph Heimdahl pfNCE AST MC3MT SO S I I ...~-t£ v i?E VUW.^Vi 'ge^ we out o' x > rdo >C- ue:a_^v -;e. was^N WEUEI 1»A STuC<[ WCR'rl ALL TM S ""SC-BLE? i ELVER'S COWN' i=- s yrVITM HIS DO3'.^ A A, 'disaster) VC> yP^r^Sllti- l
      48 words

  • 255 6 SINOAPOKI-:. Sun. At Usl. they wfrr noticpd. Thosr silrnt, impaNsivp. rrrrmoniousl.v-cla'l sentrie.s manninc tlir- KdlnburKh Roail eatrs of the NLtn.i domain. Siner ihr Sin«apnrr Arnud ForefV «|>rcially erraUd ruard unit took nvrr duties in March 1987. Ihr Ittana itrntrirs ware hardly nntirrd by thr thouundi nf mntori<U
    255 words
  • 280 6 SINGAPORE, Sunday. 'THE Minister for Foreicn Affairs and Labour, Mr. S. Rajaratnam, last night congratulated the Public Utilities Board here for providing b) a service "second to none and perhaps the best In this part of the world." _i He said despite the numerous complaints
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  • 23 6 SIM.AI'OKr Sun. Thr winning numbrr* in todays Toto draw air V U, ".I. M and in. Thr additional numbrr in I.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 52 6 DANDRUFF Al last* A n«w MMMaN that re«llycl««ri djndrutf problems. Invmbl* PROOAN remum actnrt on your ic<lp and k«»pj Iw.r h«4lthy. sotl diHJ nidn<qe«bl«. Write to G.T. Fulford (t*»t»rn) Co. Pte. Ltd P O. Box 2249. Siiioiyore lor vwr,pl« or jet d bottle ot PBODAN tod*y from J Phtrmaiy or
      52 words
    • 154 6 f 'a r Clje SiruiTbrl Boom rark hotel 3{ .»-rse- 1 JUNE WALLACt Tha "Sophisticated Lady" from Europe dances for you RESERVATIONS ***** 7. Wine and Dine like a KING I I w f t I RESERVATIONS *****1 Get "with-it" S[ UNDERGROUND L* j TO-NIGHT !5 at f THE I
      154 words
    • 259 6 tIV gala TOMORROW! Mr rlilijßlliTTr rTTBaBB Still I THE GREATEST CRttOKT PECK HIGH ADVENTURE D/WID NIVEN EVER nLMEDI_ ANTHONY QUINN Ifti— ml^^l! opens tomorrow! i BARBARA HALL ||L£ A Ig A LJ COMING! "JOANNA" IS TOP BANANA! "Much more cohrr^nt, picrcinq ond £3Btbß*^ pn.qnont thon 'The Groduote' or 'Gueis Who's
      259 words
    • 458 6 .SHAWI'i Opganlsnllon B l^m'm.'W*,; ;,:mr.lZ.l lAST DAY —No Fr«c Luf 11am, 1 45, 4.00. 6 30 1 «.1J "TWIN BLADfS Or DOOM ,A SHAW TRODUC' Mondonn in Snawscopr C OPENS TOMOI Joe- Gtn ■INTIMACY aj NOW SHOWING 111 11 am. 1.45. 4 00. 630 1 930 X err Hoffman, fl
      458 words

  • Article, Illustration
    363 7  -  CHUA BOX CHYE By MATCH WINNERS, SHE AND STAR PLAYER PARTNER Sun. The Raja Permaisuri Agong today lent her royal support to her badminton team in wresting the Intan Zaharah 1969 trophy from the holders, the Selangor Tengku Ampuan's team. Partnering Mrs. Tan S*ng Kee, the former badminton
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  • 340 7 AX International Labour Organisation adviser on vocational rehabilitation, Mr. A. C. Sparshott, is now here conducting evaluation and assessment courses. Mr. Sparshoti. who will be here for a year. Is on loan from the Department iof Employment and Pro- dUCtlrltj in London.
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  • 34 7 Mrs Tar Smi; Kee. 'he former badmlntun star Je»n Moev being introduced to ihe Trnxku Amputn of Selangor on her arrival at the Dewtn Tcngku Arnpuan Rahimah In Klang yesterday.
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  • 81 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Sun ■hop Imptr. Kitr. I.:m Hock clung v a.s yesterday fined $1000 or ttiree mon'ti.s |U| m the Sessions ttCTt r oflenni! ;i $50 bribe to a police officer. He commuted Hie offence at the 18th mile Ulu Langat police nation iin
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  • 31 7 lf'oll bun The Mrntrl Data Han Ahmad bin Bit id. will inaugurate the tapping of 600 acres of new budgrafted rubber trers in Kampung Menderang. near sungkai. tomorrow.
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  • 131 7 Wanted: 19 women police recruits ITU ALA LUMPUR. 1V Sun. Nineteen vacancies are available for women recruits in the Royal Malaysia Police. The ofllcer supervising women police. ASP Zaklah bint! Laidn. said today that 15 vacancies were in East Malaysia and four in West Malaysia. "Th'.s Is a normal recruitment
    Bernama  -  131 words
  • 51 7 BINOAPORE Sun -A three-venr-oid girl. Lim Chai Suan. was killed yeßtorday when a .orry. revrr.sing int., a track ;n Lornnx Zaiton. Changi. knocked her She was playing outside her house uhen tho accident occurred. Eye-witnesses are asked to contact Insp-ctor Daiip Baba of the Traffic
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  • 156 7 KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. i Another agricultural i school is to be built In I Penang next year, the officer j in charge of agricultural education. Ministry of Agri- culture and Co-Operatives, Inche Abu Bakar bin Mahmud. .said today. The school would be built 00 a
    Bernama  -  156 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 412 7 NOW! for the first time a health essence made from deer VITADEER You'll grow stronger, brigh- rous. This special fitness slows ing from lack of sleep. It helps ter, more alive with Vitadeer. down the process of ageing babies to grow healthier and Because only Vitadeer is and is obtained
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  • 273 8 Nominations for polls: Don't see me, Tun tells Umno leaders— MORIB. Sun. Tun Abdul Razak today advised some Umno leaders not to come to Kuala Lumpur or see him to lobby lor nomination as candidates in the coming general election. He said that Tengku Abdul Rahman and himself would be
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  • 252 8 $4.5 mil. UN aid to expand Spore Varsity OINGAPORE. Sun. United Nations technical assistance amounting to $4.5 I million will be given to expand the Univer- sity of Singa^Te by moving It to a new. bigger campus. This aid programme channelled l>y Unesco will be in the form of professors.
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  • 132 8 <IN(.APOR£. Sun. The (■iivrrnmrnt has hullt a nf» 531.000 jetty Jt Pul..u Sekejaoc fur the inlanders. It will *priul .in. .tint Si.OOU to prui i<lr elettri city to asihi ml and .< i .iiimuinii, centre on the Island. The MP for Telok Blaneah, Mr.
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  • 224 8 RADIO Malaysia today announced that I yisigle entry qualified to win the first prize In the r pi.iv competition to mark National Solidarity Week The English Servic* tound ri'iiif of the entries good enough for any prize In the Malay Service,
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  • 300 8 BRUNEI TOWN. Sunday. THE case of the bridegroom who failed to show u|> on his wedding day was brought before the Brunei Keiigious Court today. In court was Mohamed Deli bin Abdul Kaliman, 34. a telephone operator, attached to the Brunei Telecommunications Department. 1
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 242 8 A SENSE OF SPIRIT Behind the wheel of the spirited Toyota Coroila 1 1 00, in the passenger seat, or watching it zoom by, you feel it turning heads and hearts. It's lively, eager, capable. A car that promises to give you its best, and keeps its promise. Cruise happily
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 196 8 Attfff "op Bff V m T. frmnffn ■t\ I DONT NEED A CABINET \V^ "^TMIkrLL TAKE I TVtEN, BY 6ADFKY, jf7 MOW LJSSEM.. a Ifn MV fiTwn ran FBk>\ MINJSTER TO TTLI. ME I'M f ...WHAT I \A NATO4AL WE'LL JUST HAVE O 7 t t MXI MUST (WE* KV\_
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  • 831 9 The World Bank's new thoughts on aid programmes Its task la to examine the progress and problems of all forms of aid and development over the past couple of decades, and to lay guidelines for the next thirty years or so. It all started In 1967 at a bankers' meeting
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  • 750 9  -  P.C. SHIVADAS by THE seeds of an agricultural revolution are being sown in Sarawak through farmers training courses for boys and girls between the ages of 15 and 20. The scheme was started for those with primary education but the trend now is
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 64 9 k Wp QUALITY GLASSES with fabßlJ^^W Toast the New Year VV W in with these ill beautifully designed, I n 1 attractive glasses! I J You get two glasses ]^^^MBKBi^mßfc with every large pack JJj^Btk iftt of New Fab. ill- tll> n/' k.i glasses 4! C 1 Be sure you
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  • She Straits limes
    • 670 10 i i.onoi.iy planning aaOM af n|t>' in Malaysia with the publication tiiree the First Maln Development Plan By contrast witfa the two ding Malayan Five Year Plans which were reall: I urojections of departmental budgets the First Mala\sian Plan ght into full play the .its and analytical
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    • 399 10 A conflict on wliat the negotiated in Paris should talk iibout has already eim rged in a manner that Is likely to set the pattern for many more weary exchanges in the months ahead. Predictably the Americans have opted for the neat and s i|K).sedly easier approach of
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  • 1489 10  - NORTH OF THE BORDER How strong are the Chin Peng remnants in Betong? HUGH MABBETT A series by who has just returned from extensive tour of the border towns and districts THERE are many contradictions about the security situation" in southern Thailand, a region Newsweek magazine last week depicted by
    1,489 words
  • 594 10  - U.S. Foreign Service workers want an office 'revolution' JOE HAGGERTY by THE new U.S. Secretary of State, William Rogers, won't have to worry about Just Vietnam, the Middle East and other diplomatic problems. Rogers is also going to have to contend with a demand for reform by the professionals within
    594 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 57 10 ®BANK WITH OVERSEA-CHINESE BANKING CORPN. LTD. »T*ONCtST »m 4 LARSfST SAMK IN MALAYSIA AND S-FOM AUTMOIIKB CAPITAL: paajgaajMyh PAIO UP CAPITAL: S 4MM,M*/. SAFETY FIRST! ««w PROFIT A LOSS .5 O. CB. C s Policy. AOkMCi mmm Because it is the best in total o.« 7i.0m.m0/. the end. I>et it
      57 words
    • 17 10 Why 100 Pipers? Because starting we've smoothed and high note of flavor. Seagram wouldn't settle for (ess.
      17 words

  • 177 11 Aussies' $6m. cost to train 12,500 overseas students Sun. The Australian Government spent about So" million to train 12.500 overseas studenu In Australia last year. Ot 80 i> came from Asia, with studems from S.ngapore. Malaysia and Hone Kong lurming g< group. Some 5.380 ents in Australian universities formed
    177 words
  • 20 11 SINOAPORt Sun IOM BMSBOCn Dt i p Sltiijupore Ua.ux>ai Bottra hfuals d blood tc •in* Siru*i»r Bi'XKi B
    20 words
  • 227 11 Countess: Today's youth not keen on voluntary -work KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. Today's youths are showing an "unfortunate lack of interest" in voluntary work, such as the St. John Ambulance organisation. This is the great problem facing the movement In its expansion programme, the Superintendent -in-Chief of the SJA i
    227 words
  • 124 11 Fleeing thug shot in the leg 1/UAI.A LUMPUR. Bun. Police fired at two thugs 111 Jalan Davidson here thi.- atternoon. hittlm one of them in the left lea:. The shooting occurred after two detectives saw the thugs, one armed with a dagger, holding up four men. One of the detectives
    124 words
  • 43 11 KUALA I.UMPUR. Sun, A charity iircmierr of "The Devii'a Brigade" will be held at (ha Federal Theatre r.rre on Peb 13 under the patrcnag* of Ihr Ytng rti-Prrtuan Ag.init Proceds »1U go to tlie M»la\»ian Aimed Forcea CaOaoU-dai<-Q Welfare Fund
    43 words
  • 423 11 Now two units to boost D-plan J'HE Government is to establish two special units in each major Ministry to step up planning and implementation of development programmes. These arc the planning, research and policy co-ordinating unit and the management service unit, according to the mid-term review of the First Malaysia
    423 words
  • 168 11 REPLY TO Dr. TAN BY SABAH ALLIANCE KOTA K.INABALU. Sun. The Sabah Alliance today called on Dr. Tan Chee Khoon. Gerakan Ra'ayat Malaysia MP for Batu, to brine to the attention of the AntiCorruption Agency any evidence of corruption in Sabah "rather than make general accusations In Parliament in order
    168 words
  • 252 11 Job offer for Raj the lionhearted I^IALA LLMPLK. Mm Police ofliiTr-- and rank-and-fllr will no longer hear the "roar of the lion" with the retirement of the Director of Criminal investigation Department and public Order. Deputy Commissioner J J. Raj (St.). His sub'irilin.itr> said today: "He is not only lion-voiced,
    252 words
  • 236 11 MALAYSIA ALL OUT TO SELL MORE TIMBER TO THE U.S. L' U A L A LUMPUR. Sun. Malaysia has plans to go '"all out' to capture a greater share of the \a>t American timber market. The chairman of the Malaysian Timber Export Industry Board. Mr Lee Kal To. .sa:d today
    236 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 189 11 Asia-Europe DC-8 reliability all the way with Garuda Garuda's twice-weekly Asia-Europe service uses big DC-8 s leased by KLM Royal Dutch Airlines. And experienced travellers know that the DC-8 is an unsurpassed big jet when it comes to all-round reliability. Add maintenance by KLM specialists and pilot training by respected
      189 words
    • 270 11 S&-* isMiair-^T Add glistening beauty to your kitchen... Fabulous finish! Easy to clean! Matters StaftMes* Steal Sinks add beauty to any kitchen; qrf a lil«t— a of satisfaction. High polish •tainla** «ta«l CaioeOi tim»h alimlnataa joint* and dirt trapa Ommp rin— ri drainaf a Singl* and doubla bowl Cowing rtgM
      270 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 772 11 TV MALAYSIA <H\N\H.s Kuala l.ur- I^adville: 7 Ne»i in Bigiish: pur Penam 5; Ipuh. M^ "10 Scope. 735 At L*»t the Urea C: Johore Bahru S IMS bho» 10: Taipim i. Balu Pahat tM Ne«s in Mandarin; Kluang 9. B«ha.s* Kita; 8.25 .Science report. S.JS Mv MrcAC P.M. I'rogrnnin.i sum-
      772 words

  • 257 12 AUGUST 21ST: The Rape of Czechoslovakia. By Colin Chapman. iCassell). By STIART KOBE WHY did the Russians do It? Because the Kremlin has not changed despite the genuine liberalisation which has taken place In the Soviet Union in recent years. This is mi. Chapman's explanation. With
    257 words
  • 1090 12  - City of the Name of God in China ALLINGTON KENNARD BHSSHLHS-iSi gentlemen of blood entitled to wear coat-armour The blood occasionally was doubtful, and a number of these gentlemen clearly were bastards In both senses ot the word They lived In cruel and oioodsoaked times, for which something can be
    1,090 words
  • 217 12 ENGLAND KOR A CHANGE. By Ethel Mannin (llutchinsnn 3.i5.) By WALTER WARWICK MISS Mannln's title explains all; a book about England after many books about the Middle East, the Far East, the USSR, and the U.S.A., back this time to Drake's Plymouth. Lady Godlva's Coventry, the
    217 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 461 12 SELCO OFFSHORE services the INDUSTRY VESSELS t.^ DIVERS! Wt lopptv dreinq imto tm .■.:>fK bojti equi[><"»nt tor underwaier operation! CONSTRUCTION build and mtaii ENGlNEERlNGWtdMignmdt^n^r m*r i'>* »truCtufe» jnO UibrrKfin* pip#li'>e\ iwlfW ?#c>!ities •'■><! flott'^g tOiitpn^nt. fmm South East Asia Headquarters dEkVrfVaJ Pulau Samulun, Jurong Singapore 22. Tel: ***** 7 £be3Bangfeobsopt
      461 words
    • 145 12 mil A wonderful gift for I Chinese New Year |2J (a little something extra to add to your 'ang pows') raj BIEI February's Specials L 4Hsf Stay Awake and Parents may JW»^"jTs** A Live Longer New Year Food FantaBl J&A Bies ChBOn 9.sam Charmers That II M t J^. w
      145 words

  • 490 13 BOSS LISTS 'EXPORT ILLS' SINGAPORE, Sunday gKIDGESTONE Singapore Ltd. the Republic's only tyre factory at Jurong, which made its first profiti last year, is now tightening its belt to prepare lor hard times ahead. The company's outgoing managing director Mr. M. Ideguchi, today disclosed some
    490 words
  • 111 13 "I \IPI H Sun CktaMH induslrialists in Taiwan have invested >ome 1555.570.1 KM) in South East \m.i in th past 10 years, the Central News Agenc) reported today. 'Quoting off ioial sources, the agency said that 39 Investment project* were set up in South-
    111 words
  • 104 13 PORT SWETTENHAM. Sun. The pilgr.m .ship Kuala Lumpur I'll here thli afternoon With 675 p..Kr:ms for Penan? where it would pick up another 1.040 Mecca-bound passengers tomorrow. More than 5.000 relatives and friends of the pllgrlm.« Jamrrrd the North Klang Straits wharves to bid
    104 words
  • 161 13 Varsity students to set up book co-op society OINGAPORE, Sun. University of Singapore students, who spend almost $1 million on books each year, will soon set up a book co-operative society. This is to encourage wider interest in books. It is also aimed at cutting down the large profits made
    161 words
  • 173 13 7 OF 9-MAN GANG OF ROBBERS CAUGHT IN SURPRISE RAID tINGAPORE. Sun. Seven members of a nine-man gang of robbers were arrested by the police yesterday while planning their Chinese New Year haul in their Amber Road hideout. A .38 Smith and WettOU revolver with three rounds 1 of ammunition
    173 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 397 13 FOR DRAWING PUN PRINTING PAINTING AND SURVEYING APPARATUS. MINISTAR- KOMBI- Table model tor eiposur. combined with semi wet development equipped with two special rluoreicent lamps or 125w and has an output or up to 90 100 meters per hour Available Alto: Heliostar S Heliostar 6 (Powder Developinf Machines) all made
      397 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 272 13 Straits Times Crossword HoT llof iIBb BBar"~"Ha»~~ ACROBR 7. Helorm limry Ml in ihe torel Lp"r C .n o 4 1 SSS'n "SK" Vnd rCh 8. Some nmpei t,ermetic»lly bishop, people »t crow pursr 4 linff the* air <r» t pOfc*S (B>. 11. Burns asboclaten In planning 'J,- Loiters 1
      272 words

  • 27 14 MR. A MRS. ar. s a.. inder. i'ls r- or their •nelr W( traabaa ('hurrh. THE children and grand ernaxh. etl on the occasion of lh<
    27 words
  • 141 14 '.n four lecarn i. .v them at Cold supermarket. Orchard Koad. SALE ill Koodi and many afatial radortioaa up to la, :i:'s. orchard Road. I "A MORE CLAMOUROUS YOU Manias Class London qualified te.i. lier. Re.lster Charm alodelllag Course. Ki..| un,i .Sporei It 4 :tn i. PAN EVAPORATED MILK
    141 words
  • 7 14 LEONARU WALTER H X rally and
    7 words
  • 21 14 IN EVER LOVING Memory of Mr. departed .ird Kei.rian 1 +6 11 s.nlly missed bu* r> ,-i l.,i»otten ry
    21 words
  • 22 14 nutralle<l sea and mountain v Irally heated. Available f-ora m,t lan. l'.7u llease rlliK K I. MWI miring offis huun.
    22 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1156 14 rUNEItIS. UItTIMS, IN' MEMOHUM MslllsCES.' MISSINt PCtSONaI, PPC «t«UIEMS 1 ItUNIONS. i •ate M, a, sium SN far 21 BEBjE, iKt lai.t.aajl wart SI M I silOtser Cliiiifta ttSctntsirati M,»,si,j™ S! 51 let IS otras. r»ca Xa.tiMil «ar< Jl (call. Struts Tiswt Hi Struct csatfi SI M I INTERNATIONAL AIRLINE
      1,156 words
    • 1053 14 l»t fnr clinic Apply own kandwrulng 1 statinie as*, quallflrallnnri »nd expe--1 rience •(> .11" S I I*. re required by a large manufacturing c.iniern. Applicants must be BaajJaV 1 pore CHutaaa«een the ages 2S- H p'r.,.l^ *LaSSala."Ai 'SSt .'.'"yei^ j experience in tlnplate printing pre- ferable hut experienced
      1,053 words
    • 959 14 EXCLUSIVE alrrondltioned furnl.hed Annexe District ii) Separate entrance. icleimone. Part-time amah laundry. lei iS porel 35k.11. FURNISHED .1 BEDROOM FLAT at Skj villa. Clemenceau Avenue. Rent ISM p.m. Available Immediately, lei ***** .MKI37, S iKiie. FURNISHED MODERN HOUSES -la:- alrrondltiona d 10. 9. 11, IS, It, Contact Kho Accommodation IMIM
      959 words
    • 896 14 FAR EAST MANSION Ist Block (Ist Kloor> River Valley Road, Flat facing South. 3 spacious bedrooms, living I room, kitchen verandah, mosaic parquet floorings. Tinted window., j Prue j.u imi.i Tel: I H pore) DSSIS. VUMIN HOUSING ACIKCY, 96A, Market Street 71*06 ***** eflers 1. Coronation Romil West semi-detached bungalow.
      896 words
    • 947 14 RAPID COURSE I Individual coachIng. Typewriting S wks. Normal/ Refresher Book-keeping 4 mths. Beginners Intermediate stag*. Anytime. Standard Commercial School. 3D Miller street. Singapore. 2«t14. FOORMAN'S MUSIC STUDIO: Dally enrolments for Pianoforte all grade, to Diploma, theory, p.ano Jazz, organ, accordion, violin, gu.tar. Hawaiianguitar, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, flute, drums Tel.
      947 words
    • 852 14 OFFICE EQUIPMENT j EXECUTIVE JUNIOR AHO TYPIST Steel-chair, from Japan, Teak-Veneer I wooden desk, .teel cupboard, and i cablneu aale or hlr* also sensitized tapes typewriter ribbons. Kcliance OEMS Huplllts (8) Ltd. Tel: (Spore) V 5133/757&6. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES] BUSINESS TOURIST CUIDE "lklanura alagaxine world-wid* circulation*, glvea you up-to-date it, tormat,
      852 words
    • 686 14 AMERIOAN REPRIOIRATORS. Ir. 4 aad track Cartridg* Recorder* rm Jar. horn* and boat. AM WWt'd. All Ute.t n0d.1.. Elytron L^-A 1 orchard Road. Spore. Phoo* *****. waterfalla anv.rti,tn« twl yt JiPl all Jobs requiring wat*r or olnor light liquid, to be moved. Ideal Home. Ltd. 4.1. Cuacadeo Koad, 8 por*-
      686 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 1005 15 m jiiAii^^j. i| TO LIViIPOOL IMP OIMtD U > CONTINENTAL P0 I^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ S £US S«»^ Bl E, B^=' Is «i s h LSf3!^.;;-:Bi n ssw -3 PYIRMUS L.tipoo,, Glisio*. Frt 27 M.r i /M I I?ffu< S M Mir 21 Mar 11/1 Apr 1 a'ntenor Si; H r,V 2^ 1
      1,005 words
    • 2584 15 fguui^LlijLL^i^dMiJl^M I T E A Zl/A/£S J t^ ka THE EAST ASIATIC COMPANY Ltd Incorporated in Onmarfc bbbbbbl EXPRESS SAILINGS TO GENOA/NORTH CONTINENT, SCANDINAVIA f. S fun. Fenani So"'» Uenoa H'djm H'burg Adrtws C'hilM PRETORIA tt Sailll Still* 1 Ll7 3 Mai I Mat IS Mil 17 Mm 11 Mat
      2,584 words
    • 1255 15 f—^ WORLDWIDE CARRIERS LTD. l^rtAf^V For: Loi Angeles, New Orleans, Charleston, I New York New London. I^^^^^^"% (also accepting cargo tor other Gulf and Atlantic I parti, subject to inducement) S'pora P. S'hcm Penang LA GRANDE ABETO 10/13 Feb 14/16 Feb 17 Fab JAG RAHAT 8/10 Mar 4/ 7 Mar
      1,255 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1115 16 VI KAWASAKI KISEN KAISHA VTO. Wtittm Australia Sinnapora/ Japan Sarvtea Fiemanttt Smiaton YoiUlchi/Naioya r'tiama IMa* ■Ititita Man- 'I :i fu mm ll Mai U Mar MM* Wen Africa < Singapore Jvpan Sarviea Aflloll Rl|or* fhtmt nat* 'liaaiiliaa Mtn" Oaitl 21/2 i Mai Ma. II Mai I v Japan South
      1,115 words
    • 888 16 W &mJB Jj^Kaaty I KaalaV [afclWM MMMM NEW IE«L*Nt SERVICF iNtIA. PAXISIAN ANO IM EASI SEMICti ia> MISTRALIA, HEW IEALANS 111 Nafaaailiaaa aal Matm. »ar: Aatk Lrt, Otiat. tf»ll Spwa P. Sham Pttwat rT-T- IAiULA- 14/1* Ftt Jt Fft II Ft* f*nant S laai s ot» ajuuLA 1/12 Mat 13
      888 words
    • 800 16 PACIFIC LINE CALIFORNIA PACIFIC NORTH WEST EXPRESS Laading tor: LOS ANGELES. SAN FRANCISCO OAKLAND. TACOMA. SEATTLE, VANCOUVER B.C. Pttuni P. Slum Sintapurt L. »n|tiei S.Frtncisco VISNVI SIDONI It'll Ftt I? II Frt Jl ft Frt II Mat It Mir SO MTSOtE 11/1? Mar II U Mai 20 n Ma. It
      800 words
    • 944 16 NOTICE IHESLAIO-WILHELMSENUNI Bg}^ o i}£££i<Z& KJ S£ M S "TRIMIDAD" fTJ&JSZSI.Z't.ZSS. AMved SO., m and Is therefore not authorised to a General Survey of all C J"»" trt>nsact businesß or coUect monies discharged damaged by the atjovt on our behalf. vessel will be held at P.S.A. goSCHMIDT CO. (M) LTD..
      944 words

  • 62 17 Jan. 17 InifcMtHata: 1R2.5W Hotfh: ***** rrop,rtirv 181.03 f»n« 81.17 I ruhlwt. 105.81 D«C. 30. 1 986 10(1. Dec. 31. 1368 100. t Per 29. IP«2 100. Jan. > 182.84 ini.B4 181.84 82.23 105.73 Jan. 2!) 183.36 101 90 181 76 82 31 105.71 Jan. 3« 164.J7
    62 words
  • 72 17 In md (a. iMirtfimtn Dlip. hnlrrh 1.R.8.* iin HlUm Vonoh I. Fpfoh urrml parmrnl 7,, t b<- r t to. 3d* l<K-r t 4'jd» 4% t Hilf TsUI far ToUl far p«< »hl» thr «r»r pr»Ttnn« »»«r Peb 2« nil nil K*b JO l»'-, Pfb 21 nil nil
    72 words
  • 774 17 Straits tin price down 53.12 i on balance on week THE Bt raits tin price In I Prnang yesterday rut 50 cents to $580 per plcul on an offering estimated unchanged at 215 tons The local market was steady with support reported from Europe and Japan. In London on Friday
    774 words
  • 37 17 RUBBER AND i TIN CLOSING PRICES Rl RKFR TIN prr Ik. I per pir ul I i»n ms n. n;» M. 'I lU3.H It. •I'.rl. IMI.OI v. n. ts:s .mi tl. ««.<-U t;,7» Ml P*k. 1. StM.M
    37 words
  • 651 17 LltT OF DIVIIIO QUOTATION* JAN 11 a. ACMA 1.4* A.i Brirka K»n ft LO 2*l i»> Kor»o B*rtia« I. MI IHi M Hoi»aaa %M C MM *T' r.c.y. oraa m i.»* i.»" c.i: M. d«i NoMtllC* ».M JM D.aVI 1.72 \M 1 male*) 1.7u ■M Siwlt K A
    651 words
  • 1183 17 a^HERE were no real 1 operative market factors on the Stock Exchange last week which closed steady after a rather bumpy start followed by a levelling off period. There was nothing special to cause fresh selling pressure or bring a surge of fresh buying
    1,183 words
  • 419 17 lINfIAPSRI AND KUALA LUMPUR TRADING ROOM! OP JAN. 14 AND 11. INOUITRIALI: AliafA iun<-h Ban and Ca < -7 MMB). Barnaa Barhaa i I <#nti. Bauataad 1 IS CC M. arail. I^l isrnli. 0.1. Haldinga I BMSBI. Oa«ala»--mant Bank '2 r.m.. Ounlaa 1 <»n'«. I. Imaltmi 40
    419 words
  • 866 17 'OLLOWI INDUITMIALI ACMA tMjM to 1i.44 |2.» ft to linn to 1? 07 in 12** -»li k.fn.a ■•rhafl l> M tt t o 11 II >« to II «> tv tl SI to II. (Ml ■r i' id<i i >.k ,o o IV 17 to I:'
    866 words
  • 37 17 'THE following company m*#«in«< «r» dv» (•■CM.. I*b 11. „3(i «.m at 4th floor BanKuimn MIDr .I«i»r Arr.p«n*. Kuala Lumpur siraii. -nrnm; p> b 2 noor 1 at Balal Berita. 3, Jman Riont Kuala Lumpur
    37 words
  • 22 17 In London on Prldty Mal*Miti per rent rlf VK In hulk •liinf a«« quoted at CM «»!l*r* per lung ton
    22 words
  • 19 17 Until k,»i s.t IM h y *.V, 1 IO T T so* »t ■•><■ at ii] tTK
    19 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 288 17 SANDILANDS BUTTERY CO. LTD. are pleased to announce the appointment of KUAN HO COMPANY 14 Panglima Street, Ipoh, Perak as Sole Distributors for Okamura Office Furniture for the state of Perak dfeipkamuna < f #r\ WTnuality stands out in any setting. ■B^P^fcBBBBBlBBBBBBBBBBB»^a /a. a **\.~AMm Singapore, Malaysia, wm MonqKonq. BangKoK
      288 words
    • 204 17 NOTICES SINGAPORE TURF CLUB To The Ordln«rr Membrn" SINOAPORE TURF CLV 9 Grntlrmcn. NOTICE 18 HEREBY UIVEN that thr Annual Oeneral M«*tlnt of thr Ordinary Members will br held In Rnblnaon'* Cafe (entrance by front door>. Rafflex Place, or Friday, the 28th day of Februan I9RS. at 5.15 p.m HMMH
      204 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 424 18 PHARMACIST We require a registered Pharmacist in our rapidly expanding Pharmaceutical Section. Th? successful candidate will be expected to assume senior executive duties and should Be a Malaysian Citizen Have at least 2 years commercial experience in an 'executive position. Salary will be commensurate with experience and the position carries
      424 words
    • 673 18 JOIN THE MALAYSIAN ARMED FORCES The Malatoian Armed Korre« offer >ou a worthwhile career. Opportunities are abundant In the ARMY. NAVY and AIR FORCE. Training is rarried out In Malaysia and overseaa. I EDUCATIONAL Ql AI.IFK ATIONS —An applicant must hsre the fallowing minimum educational (jualifiratlons: a. ARMY ill Rotal
      673 words
    • 786 18 HARPER GILFILLAN (M) SDN. BERHAD require A TECHNICAL SALES REPRESENTATIVE We are looking for a Malaysian citizen aced between ','."> and 35 years to promote the sale of Duckham Industrial Lubricants. He must have a sound technical background, with a minimum of three years proven sales experience. The ability to
      786 words
    • 302 18 MAJLIS DAERAH UTARA SEBERANG PERAI r, Xl Wlr K W 1)1 A ORANO PEMEREKSA BANCt NAN Permohonan] ada-lah dl-pelawa darlpaaa warga negara Malaysia untok perlantekan sebagal Pemerelcsa^ Bangunan Majlis Daerah Utara. Beberang Peral. 1 MUR: Tldak lebeh daripada 3S tahun. TIMiKAIAN (iAJI: S3SO x A3O 430 47» z Mb 600
      302 words
    • 536 18 PLASTICS/MECHANICAL ENGINEER Applications are InriUd from Ma'tayslan </•">•»>'""-* «J""|~ ol PlasticV Mechanical Engineer to a plastic toothbrush faetary based in K L. QUALIFICATION A EXPERIENCE: Preferably graduate, of University or tastltßto ef TeahnalaaT with experience in production. Salary will be commensurate with qualification and J»F«rlsßiea. Written application giving foil detail*
      536 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 831 19 [jfi B.aaaaaaaaaaaa»aa^aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagi~ sjjjjgjßjjßj(y^j|jjj|^j^p| KEPPEL SHIPYARD (PRIVATE) LIMITED IjßflH APPLICATIONS are Invited im «l"K»p<)iP Citizens for the BtaVl^V following post in thr Krppel Shlpd^^^^"Ml vaici iPrtvale) Limited- m 1» PLANT MAINTENANCE MANAGER FM QI'ALIFICATIONS A EXPERIENCE tl> A Degree In Mechanical Engineering or other acB^H^ aaMaSaaaaaV rrptable qualification. 888 lalw^^ ill)
      831 words
    • 921 19 GROWTH OPPORTUNITIES ELECTRONICS MANUFACTURING An American firm who is a world leader in the electronics coniponi-nU lield will soon be establishing a new fll 1 nr in th< Toa Payoh area. To staff his new I facility, we must locate within the local community a croup dI experienced professional people
      921 words
    • 522 19 THE FAMILY PLANNING ASSOCIATION OF TRENGGANU, a Voluntary Organisation, has an immediate vacancy for a Slate Organiser (female) to be stationed at Kuala Trengganu. Salary scale S4OO x 2o $600 p.m. all-in, but in addition a special East Coast Allowance will be paid. Point of entry on thf salary scale
      522 words
    • 192 19 STATE OF SABAH Applications are Invtted from Malaysian Citizens for appointment to the post of Hmttrkeeper lor the Rural Health Wuiaw Hostel—Duchess of Kpiu Honpltal. 1 Sandakan. Salary Sc.ile S3lo— $410 Ul Division 111 PSC Ndtlcn No. 13.69. Full details and application forms may be obtained from 'Sabah Government Liaison
      192 words

    • 709 20 By EPSOM JEEP £LASS 6 horses go into action at Penang today after a two-month break and with big fields there could be some startling results. The safest bet in the Class 6 events is ACTOR IV in Race 2. Actor has
      709 words
    • 146 20 KPSOM JEEP r. SQI IRE Kace 1 Him mat Victory < AIX BOY P<IINTER VICTORY TORO Hurmat French S<uir* rink Heather VicUrj M i "it K»ee Z l.eiis Urn .Movie •■••'I ACTOR MOVIEGOER Rexmoor Re%m»or Easy Money l.egi« Law H. DAWN Kace S 11, i ,k Mi Mlh
      146 words
    • 1561 20 GOING FORECAST: Ciood. MifTS^fM 20Q CLASS 6 DIVISION 3 liUSfcaßfl ;4 500- 7F local riders only 1 mti VIOI.A II I KM Reddyi Rodgeis 990 -P.K I-ronc U OC'7!) PINK HEATHER I 'KM Reddy i Rodgers 5 8.1 J Mamam 1. J 8062, FRENCH SQt IRK a -A^v,^^
      1,561 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 381 20 W^ If we removed the badge could you still tell a I SANYO DYNAWIDE Fan? j Turn one on. If you get pejk cooling power within f IF-BYD 3 seconds, it s a SANYO DYNAWIDE. I Look at the blades. If they've got tnat deeo, pitch, its a SANYO DYNAWIDE.
      381 words
    • 118 20 Look at this typical installation of a modern home where Katadyn filter/sterilizer is a must WATER FIITER/STERILIZER K^9 g^ X Your greatest fortune is your JP v /> jp good health. Do you know that mSS^ even with the "clearest" water, \W* thousands of infectious disease y^ germs may enter
      118 words

    • 2066 21 First-up success by Treble J DOUBLES FOR BOUGOURE AND SUBIAN JHAI-owned Treble J put up a brilliant performance to win first time out at Penan? yesterday. An English five-year-old gelding by staying sire Quorum. Treble j showed surprisinc speed in leading all the way over If in lmin 12 3/ssec.
      2,066 words
    • Article, Illustration
      37 21 CHALLENGER determined to take the world leatherwelght title from Shozo Saijo of Japan when they meet In Tokyo on Feb. 9. Gomez is No. 1 contender for the title, according to the WBA ranking list. UPI picture.
      UPI  -  37 words
    • 298 21 rinsi i»iu'iu\ Araenal 1 NoUm For. 1 lpvwlrh 1 Man Utd Letds 3 Coventry 0 I unvtrr 1 M est Htm 1 Liverpool 1 shelf Wed 0 Man (iljr 1 Newcastle 1 i abandoned after 41mins. ralm QPR 0 Everton 1 s ''I'll pton 5 Chelsea U stokr
      298 words
    • 1022 21 UKST DIVISION r w n l f AM Llvrrpool 29 20 5 ***** 45 It 'tis 28 18 8 2 46 21 44 E\trton W 11 8 4 ti3 26 42 Arsenal 27 15 8 4 Jti M3B South "pUin 30 11 9 10 41 3a 31
      1,022 words
    • 57 21 NEW YORK. Sun World m ddleweijjht champion Nino BfnvenuM of Italy was named Fightrr of the Year" for 1968 uv Ring Magazine in its annual review edition Benvenuti won the title for the second time from Emile Griffith last Mar 4 and was undefeated during the
      57 words
    • 537 21 I IVERPOOL. Leeds and Everton maintained their hot challenge for the English First Division .soccer championship without conceding a goal between them in registering victories yes--1 terday. Liverpool kept one point ahead of Leeds by beating Sheffield Wednesday 1-0, England .striker Roger
      Reuter  -  537 words
    • 40 21 Eight in the I 'I UTipUTi v r.icn examination held la -).i mbri iiounced in Ipoh c Prnif Yook ■Pcnnng). Malacca). K A. Oi'vindan <Nei{ri>. N. Raju. B n'er Somchit. Phang Singh Grewal. and K. Anmti> a»m (Kcdah).
      40 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
      40 words
    • 129 21 HANDS OFF!... Tracking Angle Adjustment That Places It Ahead Of All Automatic Turntable On The Market. Viscosity-cushioned lowering device for single-play and chonger operation. Antiikoting correction for differing stylus radii as well as for wet and dry ploying. Device tor adjusting the optimum vertical tracking angle from the Ist to
      129 words

    • 287 22 Aussies score fourth tour win WESTERN Australia^ more workmanlike hockey gave them a 2-1 win over Negri Sembilan at the Station Padang, Seremban, yesterday. The W'pst Australians were right on t^p of Negrl before taking the lead ir. the 29th minute. Then a resolute rally by Negri gave them the
      287 words
    • 176 22 Penang hit form late for 3-1 win PEN \NO. l.i-st year's ftnaUstc staged a fine re{■,wt<:- Kedah to win tht'ir I-'AM Cup match at C:v Stad:um After Korlali shot in a <ecnnd -minute goal. Penang lovpJled scores in the 12th minute and snatched two more goals in the dying
      176 words
    • 428 22 ARMED FORCES 5 NECRI 1 By MANSOOR RAHMAN THIS YEARS FAM Cup football competition, being played on the present system for tne last time, began on a tame note when Malaysian Armed Forces beat Negri Sembilan 5-1 at Rifle Range Road in Kuala Lumpur yesterday.
      428 words
    • 109 22 HTHE Amateur &w immmg L'niun o. MalsiyMa are anxious to contact u.i via McJunkin. tha Amen, .in coaih who has been in Ku.ila l.umpur for t«o ■MOdkl v..atinK for posting Major Dicky Mel. secretary of ASUM said yesterday he rtgrcitfd that McJuiikin had I-" in looking
      109 words
    • 195 22 17DINBURGH. Sun. Wales, boosted by two penalty goals in the first 13 minutes by centre Keith Jarrett. opened their Rugby Union international championship programme with a convincing 17-3 victory over Scotland before a 60.000 crowd at Murravfleld here yesterday. Thp Welsh won by onr
      195 words
    • 458 22 jy|ELBOURN'E. Sun. An aggressive unbeaten innings of 82 by dasing West Indian Test batsman Clive Lloyd saved the tourists from another collapse in the return match against Victoria here today. Lloyd came to the wicket When tlin Indians had lost four for 114 and he
      458 words
    • 201 22 Pakistan's Test 17 include 3 newcomers KARACHI. bun. Thru plnyi r.-, wIUmmM Test match exptritncc were named Uit night vi 17 probables from »horn Pakixian »m chooae their team to play England in the First us. next Saturday at Lyallpur. .ne ihrpc newcomers are Afta! Oul. a 24-year-old opening iv.
      Reuter  -  201 words
    • 170 22 LAWRY: ITS IN LAWS BUT... MEaBOLUNt. Mi. A is'rahan cricket capt^ir. Bill Lawry today broke lih silenre over Ihe <ontrove:M«l Fourth 1W run-out of A.i tialiai 1 tv(i>man lan Reripath hv West Indies fast bowler Char- lie Griffith at Adelaide last Wednesday. Durtne a television Interview In MMbounM toda>. La'.vry.
      Reuter  -  170 words
    • 26 22 Pardedeiex. the touring *oecer team from Medan brat a Jolinre Selection 7-2 at larkin Stadium. Johore Bahru. \f-tei-uftv Hie tou:i«U led t-2 it ha'l'tlm.'
      26 words
    • 287 22 AMON WINS AUSSIE GRAND PRIX BR I S BANE, Sun. New Zealander Chris Amon. driving a Ferrari, easily won the Austral. un Grand Prix at Lakeside today. Starting irom Ibt pole po^it.on lie led all me wa, u> i)i ;it ti animate Derek B* i. 01 Britain. In anotnci rcrraii.
      287 words
    • 27 22 Kubu S'..diuir. today mil be D Hill. M. P. i rpek t V. R H i ippiaii. V K fi.nui.ii. i mid Bulrtman ■alb t
      27 words
    • 286 22 Soon is PSC champ again SONNY soon beat Zainuddin M( ah 6 2, 6-4 In the men's single* final In the F J Sports Club tennis championships y< day to rPK'ii" his crown. Soon, who baa held vie title lor tlirrr yeaM running Jrom 1!>64 to li*6'> con a cT.iublp
      286 words
  • 5 22 DAViusnN air arraogtirenu Mar.
    5 words
  • 11 22 IM L»».nt «.T»T f of <K.r -.%-«a* M In
    11 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 188 22 T\ aHU I .K^P?^ I laO R VISIT OUR NEW JftBES,JEWEIiL]ERY DEFARTMENT MAGNIFICENT RANGE OF FINEST QUALITY JADE 1 i <r, I! Sm«m ir 1 i mi 3 C«'p«ls a MarMa IS *Kote«'*ob>c f q u <pm(nt 27 Si*.f WK*m 4 It FoCmtMn .1 C."~M><x>< t. CaimSMl 17. CaBBBM It
      188 words
    • 120 22 Late CLASSIFIEDS U 771 MILVIN T. ICIUM 10 dofo-i *'Mtff nnv r.» a) Vikaci Aary to Mr Mrv V. *clayvtka- ..oh Road, K U batwats < I S I l» (Utal ItM 111/ it V»i iNMEaUiI SEiVICt rtiUct Ma LENS: fISH tYt LtNS. Ihe oestgrade, special lens midt by WiOELUA
      120 words
  • Page 22 Miscellaneous
    • 19 22 ■111 Ml Tour match: Malacca v W. Australia iKubu Stadium 5 pm.i. S'ror l)n TPCA v MARA (PItMH Rd>.
      19 words
    • 273 22 C'RH'KKT 2|U1 lc p Ll1 31 WUIOH PROVINCE OPEN TOfR MATCH 'Co.oml)0': <Cape To«n>: 272 C. Le-AE-Ceylon and MCC drew: Orange <SA> 275 P OoaterCtvlou 283-9 dec and 118-0. huls (Br); 27« H Luggn MCC 406-4 dec <8A>: 279 R. Cole (SAj; 280 fYpi IKi" Tuohy (Austi. IMi M rn
      273 words