The Straits Times, 2 February 1969

Total Pages: 20
1 22 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 THE SUNDAY TIMES ■wannwrt SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 2. 1969 20 CENTS KDN 4071: MC (P) 0724
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  • 296 1 Saigon general survives bomb attack CAIGON, Sat. General Nguyen Van Kiem, head of President Nguyen Van Thieu's special military staff, and four escorts were wounded In a roadside bomb at- tack here today. General Kiem's condition waa not serious. He had a broken leg and other Injuries. Eye witnesses said
    Reuter  -  296 words
  • 26 1 BUCHAREST. Sat. Pre»Yiiß'".lavia arrived in Rumania by train lor a brief visit at thr invitation of Ruir»niin President NicolM i Ceaui^ KU. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  26 words
  • 404 1  -  FELIX ABISHEGANADEN: By Kuala Lumpur, Saturday speed up better life for Malaysians ATTRACTIVE terms will be offered to foreign and local investors to develop 9,003 000 acres of lend over the next 20 years. The "goi.lcn acres" scheme is designed to speed up a
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  • 169 1 IPOH. Saturday. J^ 13- YEAR-OLD schoolgirl spent 1J hours, including an hour in camera, giving evidence against her uncle, Mohamed Salleh bin Shari, 23, a gardener, here today at a preliminary inquiry. The gardener faces a tentative charge of attempting to rape
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  • 80 1 TEL AVIV. Sat. An newspaper yraterday liainnd to have rxnloded one of tlir M:d(i.o But'a best-krpt .socrrus how Kuiuifks Fainh Diba of flew secietlv in brad 10 yaan a|i» for treatment before the bnth of the Iranian cown prince. The tabloid wrekly -Exnre«" srkl the
    AP  -  80 words
  • 40 1 §IMJiAPORE, Sat. Air services between Russia and Singapore may now be operated by Malaysia-Singapore Airlines and Russia's Aeroflot under an agreement initialled here yesterday. Negotiations have been going on since Jan. 21 between Singapore and Russian officials.
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  • 608 1 ALOR STAK. Saturday THE Kcdan State Nobat drums sounded a last farewell this evening as the body of {he Governor of Penang. Tun Syed Shch Shahabuddin, was lowered slowly into a grave at the royal cemetery in Langgar, five mih-s from hen
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  • 77 1  - Othman's plan to churn out champs LIM KEE CHAN B» it to produce rhampioi <i wod. will ticnal sport. If all yoes well Ine sportanu n i to aoaorb them in i and or I stern no-nonsi the pn (untune training prouiamnif essential II n in I senrs in the
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  • 224 1  - THE 21 st CENTURY S'POREAN... S. RAJARATNAM PROFILE BY SINGAPORE, Sat unlay. 'PIIK Singaporean in the 21sl century will be ;i man .who is future-orientated. Scientifically and technological h minded. Modern in bit aporoarh to politics, culture and career Outward U) ;ill Id IVI Ol new influent MulU lingual But.
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  • 51 1 SINGAPORE AMERICA AND PEACE ent Nlsaa txjxt c wctn n.r. J as hr a. i oi the Bingapore An in a the Fi^ti in\ed since br< 8 ;.dii hnt ncifuce thai Mr. N would bum' ;>fai-e. liapp; i nl <•! th« .stales of Amerira In n-Aii to tlir whole I
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  • 26 1 S.\N I p Ke i:i> a hieh cI»M lon operaiion in whlrh 10 and the •madam t:a\f a«av trading stami'."- M a bofiui ITI
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  • 10 1 SINI.M'IIHr Tanker »nd rari colllrir I barok here tahrn
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 71 1 P —^j JO y Sice cream The Bank for AllBig and Small fl^a^H YX S^^ U M m > aTf«i *i_r- K9i \fm AS A ROCK '>^Pw^^* OVERSEA-CHINESE BANKING CORPN., LTD. the STRONCEST and LARGEST BANK in MALAYSIA and SINCAPORE AUTHORISED CAPITAL: 5100,000,000/PAID UP CAPITAL: $40,000,000/GENERAL RESERVE AND PROFIT LOSS
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    • 87 1 p£ This new kSJ Furniture makes every H 9 fl^SßaH^*v^fea^Bßa office efficient The efficiency experts know that one key to business success is a pleasant, efficient office design. That's why they specify Diethelm Component-Line Office furniture! Desks, chairs, filing cabinets, even waste baskets and ashtrays are all desigr co-ordinated. All
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    • 9 1 mam m rftAM k Him j^EStSm Trad* Inqulrlet Ph0n»:9286«
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  • NEWS
    • 532 2  -  KHOO CHENG KIM (SINGAPORE. Sat. She was perched on the edge of a granite cliff. One step back and it was drop onto a rocky bed. Perspiration glistened on her face as a voice gently coaxed: ■lean bark and don't be afraid is later she disappeared
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    • 137 3 'BRUISES. CHAPPED HANDS BUT OH SO REWARDING' ft re Mian she mainly with a. physical nij; but deeper thai nd." hey do complain i chapped asensus that such training i.s both pewarc ijoyable. Twenty-year-old Jenny Koh. who l.s attached to the Central Man Power Base, said: "Until I came
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    • 57 3 KUAIA LUMPUR Sat Two indu.-trlal rrlHtton<- oCfl--eer-. of th* 1 Mlnlitn- of Labour will Wye lor New Delhi tomor- row for a three-month course I in Industrial rrlations and manaKement at the Indian Institute of Labour Studies They are Mr J D. Klruboinathan of Malacca
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    • 467 3 'WISHFUL' THINKING BY MANILA ON RAMANI KUALA LUMPUR, Saturday. JT would be wishful thinking for the Philippines to bank on unconfirmed reports, or •whispered' reports as one Manila paper put it. that Kuala Lumpur's authority on the Sabah claim. Mr. K. Ramani, was quitting Malaysia, Wisma Putra said today. The
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    • 32 3 IPOH s- Tlio No* I ,fe Youlh Club Ipnh. adip'ic l>v lh» Prralt pOBM me fun sun. »i"I: hold H« grnfra] mi'rtinK a' th* Poi.(f I{e<reation Chil> M tomorroa aitcrnoon.
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    • 327 3 Girls tell censors: Don't be baby sitters SINGAPORE. Sat. •^Singapore's film censors were described today by girl students as "over-cautious in their attitude and playing the role of baby sitters to the public." They felt that the public should be allowed to grow up and not be treated like children.
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    • 24 3 BUKIT MXXI UAM Poi.if ln'io .i.»: niclr Motorcar i>- uevojd i Suiiupi p. abandiv;■d at Aruniuitum PUaM L. t near hfrc.
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      • 1294 4  - Exports 5 times higher than the target CHEN MENG KONG By RUALA LUMPUR, Sat. An unexpected increase in exports was a major factor in the rise of Malaysia's gross national product at the rate of 6.7 per cent annually during the past three years. This was stated in the mid-term
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      • 47 4 QUOTE Central to the country's development plans is the exploitation of millions of acres of new land. Out of 16 million acres of cultivable land, only about 7.000.000 acres are now being used. Considerable inroads will b« made into remaining 9.000,000 acres during the next two decades.
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      • 241 4 Move for voluntary curbs on textile exports to US WASHINGTON, Saturday. \yHITE HOUSE officials were yesterday reported giving urgent study to proposals under which foreign manufacturers would be asked to accept voluntary curbs on all textiles imported into the United States. Informed sources said the Nlxor. admlnlMrar.on believed that voluntary
        Reuter  -  241 words
      • 140 4 TRAINER WARNS STRIKERS rH. Sat Racehers* trainur Eddte van Breukrlen torinr warned his 54 «trlkiii B lyew tnat If they failed to resum* work within the next few daya. he would have no alternative but to employ new hands The svees went on a wildcat Mrlke on Wednesday over a
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      • 26 4 Handbag snatch cvclist v,r, E sow rue \n >,»f h(>l n,. she Road hrrr laat Her tvtnrlYie con' iinrct sin. I driving licence ana in Identity
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      • 36 4 IPOH. 8«t Tor stfaUnfi sultrase from a shop ;n Hugh Low Street bere on Jan 7. Chong Ming Chuan?. 10. unrmnloved. iv fined (SO or two weks tall by the nasUtratet court here today.
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      • 34 4 KAIANO Rn' TTie Assistant Minister of Education Mr I <■• Siok >p» ,sin present t cheques, totalllnn $20 000 ,of the eonctnicM-in of two temples at Sunnei Chua. near here, on Monday.
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    • 126 5 SAILORS TOLD: UPHOLD GOOD NAME OF STORE SINQAPOR& Sat.-Singa-n were today be a! their bext 'lour wherever the> I to uphold the •'good name oj the Republic i) M irphy, ship- B Ltd i.d tnja «cauae ne.)ple in othei c world wi>ula ludge the character oi tin here by their
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    • 9 5 V k c :r hijack* II
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    • 73 5 SINGAPORE. B*l case aca;n>t former Hah:. 'ii i tinnal, Abdul Rahim bin Omar, accused of bigamy. will be mentioned In U>' Third I irt next Saturti as MliedulPd for hearing today, but Rahim Otiia: applied for an adjournment to enable him to engage a lawyer. He la
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    • Article, Illustration
      91 5 lIIVDIS in Kuala I urn !> pur .mil Sini:<ip<>rr hr- I IrstiMlir-. >r-ln«l.t> hy t.ikinc ilritirs in pm< •■>>» inn. In Xl AI.A 1.1 MPI K lltlW), thr HI nun (hi riot iif.nin: iti- drily of Lord Sulir^m^ t.ikfii friiin Ihe Sri M.ihi
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    • 414 5 Work permit poser I AM a Malaysian with a work permit, employed in a Singapore Government school. I have just bern offered a job with a govern-ment-aided mission school, also in Singapore. Do I have to surrender my work permit and apply for a new one. You I'liist surrender your
      414 words
    • 53 5 CDfOAPOBI I*l A 17-T«ar- Had midnight .< UJ(b< I .••ni 'iif r:jn b .<r\ Nt-o Mm I .;i n;;h' i i i! Stxhrooii R>«d kl 10 JO pni Hi.v oMth it Itv Khiinx tiu.. Nm I MiRI •n,; rh»v Klang 18 «a- M ,:.-d .ii ihr "Kl-<v
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    • 225 5 LABOUR PARTY CALLS FOR MASS POLLS BOYCOTT By CHEAH SEONG PAIK Penanß. Sat THOUSANDS of Labour Party leaflets urging the people to boycott the coming general election were distributed to members ana supporters thiougnout the country today. The Leaflets, printed in Chinese and English, were sent by the party secretarial
      225 words
    • 85 5 IT'S BACK TO WORK FOR POSTAL MEN I OMZX i 1 MUlt Pchui i mm I »rre ll'Mlllill Thrv c iltod on a ioUl strike altrr tCcepUog in in. oflrr tain I 3 Mt Thr Iflmmihutl who 12 d»\v ajo in Mip] ag'rprd to rrtiini to o:hrt poM k| «orkfi^
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    • 4 5 HMOAPOI Barl-
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 186 2 Fastest to London Qantas V-Jet Express j Ju.<t one stop-rß«nram— and y9li*re The Qantas V-J«t Express. There's no fasler way ro Londton frertj Singapore There"* no better way. Nod off after take off at TO pm— and wakf p in Lonttort at 7.35 am. Jirst ore stop on !ho way.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 69 3 m+. VBM^r SMiB^M»M»BSSSSSSS¥I tm --^aMV*BBHHBSBBaMB> H^^ V m m. -*m L MMg>M^, M^ tMMM^ MMM^^^ M t assssssssA Iff you'd built 3 car that had won 6 international rallies, carried of ff 5 national saloon car championships, and set a Ford production record, all in its first year, would you
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    • 521 3 THE ONLY LUXURY CRUISES IN SINGAPORE For the Tourist For the Singaporean DAILY I hours H.irhour TISWI it 9 I 1 »< nul l.iiii p vi. from Clifford Tier DAILY hours Southern ls?.imls lour Spi'ii.tllv :irr;in_: CWWkttt for Clubs. AasMSattsStt aaoj orj;.ini-p,i n.irties at special r.itcs I (lvi ilinn al
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 22 3 BW^^BM-lril*I g !l ::^Bt<lWi^>S^B *****111 I I Bfddlng-go for QUANTITY OEVISKO AND WRITTCN BY lAIN REID. DRAWN BY HORAK. HimilMiiiniillliilliiiltliillillllllllllimilllliiilliiilllliilliilllilliliiliiillllilllllllliMilHiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii imiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiini;
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 425 4 When there's a car as quiet and comfortable as Colt, who needs to shout? From the time you turn the ignition key, aerodynamic design for superb stability tloned reduces wind noise. The seats you'll be impressed by the quiet, smooth at all speeds. But quietness and comfort are soft, yet
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 283 5 cmese new vsak BARGAINS I ¥oPEN TODAYf fii I AND EVERY JE 10.00 am. to 5.30 pm. I m READY MADE GARMENTS Men's Spnrts Shirts C1 A A Boys Sports Shirts JI«UU Girls Blouses ONLY Mers Slicks ,-n Oft Mens 'Permanent Press' Shirts AIJ Boy's Permanent Press' Shorts •|'^«WW Boy's
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  • For Women
      • 518 6  -  JUDITH YONG By ONLY a year ago I shouted a big "hurrah" for the Maxi. Today I'm wearing my skirts shorter Hum ever before and ihis is certainly not because my U'^s stand up to t lie test. The fad is thai hemlines in this
        518 words
      • 71 6 /JNE of my friends told me the other evening all about what he considered a "marvellous new idea" for a man's shirt. A revolution In the art of tailoring "My shirtmaker h;is recommended that I niiikc shirt with a breast pocket sewn on the Inside— as \v>n
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      • 486 6 WHY Is It that men detest liitelliKpncp in women? I pondered on this thought the other day at a cocktail party. I saw a young married girl friend bping applauded after making ri particularly witty remark. Her husband iravf her a matey
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      • Article, Illustration
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      • 84 7 My girl works as a social escort MY girlfriend works as a social escort, and I strongly disapprove. True, .vlio wu doing tbe job before we met. but now I want her to give it up. I {•■el It la degnding. She rcfttsea to Hmo to me. PHILIP TAN I
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      • 54 7 MY BOYFRIEND Of lour months Is suddenly neglecting m<\ He v.-cd to r me frequently, and when he could not «'all he would telephone. Now h<- deliberately avoid ball I do? PANSY It is apparent that he i* no lon kit interested in >ou. I MffCtJ >ou look around for
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      • 62 7 A BOY who Is 11 years older than I Is pestering me with his unwelcome attentions I ro out with him only because I do not want to hurt him Ido not love him lIKIKN I do not blame you for not wanting to be an old man's darlini;. hut
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      • 62 7 TWO years ago my glrlrriend and 1 drifted apart for no reason at all. When I wanted to establish contact again I found she had moved. Recently I <-.une to know her present address. The flame of love has been burning In me all this time. Should I approach her?
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      • 42 7 I HAVE fallen In love with a girl who Is much too big-sized for me. She U sft. llins. and weighs 180 pounds. I am only sft. 8 Ins. Will we make a suitable couple? FRUSTRATED Love knows no dimensions. Good luck
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      • 61 7 BEING neighbours. I have known my girlfriend since childhood. Recently our association became quite close, but It soon broke of! because 1 constantly told her lies. She refuses to have anything to do with me now. ANXIOUS .Sorry, friend. Once a liar always a liar. No matter how hard you
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      • 192 7 WHAT S your problem? Write to: Miss |ane Lee. The Sunday Times, Times House, Singapore 9. No replies by post. HOW can I fM :i v,lr>Uiend I f< el very inferior all my friends ko on dates and tin look down on bm bi 1- do not
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      • 454 7 When the boss is a woman BEING made general manager. consider lliis one of Ihe most interest ing things that can happen to someone my age. of my generation." said Mrs Helena (.'lien, mother of a l.~> year ol< daughter and boss lady of a new pioneer industry in Singapore.
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      • 99 7 TRY a new stunt this Chinese New Year. Buy perfumed candles for the home. The fragrance of joss sticks may be traditional, but that should not prevent added scent in the air. Cosmetic counters have a selection on sale. They come with matching perfume and cologne for any
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 464 6 Advert cement Orlvinj; Girl Bean I M.ike-up for the workIng f?1rl should be llghtwelghi and feminine H it li wise to tone and nourish your skin before maknu-up Start by tonln« and stimulating the .••km cells w:'h lemon I>lph skin freshener and than smooth a film of moist tropical oil
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    • 604 6 Now Every Woman is entitled to look YOUNGER! A now atartlmg diaiovery haa l**n mart* hva rmall group of *kin ph\»- H^g^g^^Qf^H iol o g,«..Th»vf..mdawaytom»ka fMHiIMS' a^^l tl* .kin ol far* and throat arfmilv K«l|MM|||ggVgggf* J dnnk tiny but aiitrirwnt of water, to quickly g«in an a;i|>rir- BSraW aorc
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 170 7 An invitation to a free make-up and facial treatment. MRS. GIN KNG HBB. GDI KM. and her team of beauticians will be i;imiil- Tree make-up, facial treatments and consultation on \\:>n (emetics from 3rd February to Ttli I i iiru.irv. GLOBE SILK STORE JAI.AN TIANKU ABDUL RAHMAN, KUALA Lf.MPI'R. Free
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    • 348 7 BH^^H OFFICIAL AGENT oHp; ffiHß PARFUMS ROCHAS "^E" jy^^Hß paris Official Rochas Agents only, hute this ugn m thrir »/m/uK How can a woman tell the difference between two men who offer her the same perfume Every woman has received pcrtume from th:s" visiting card "is worth its weight :nr"ld.
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 32 7 _^-s7 y^J ,1 P fkKLO mi Wowfl.')! I (we iMt*umia ihs. (vts. -iut-i just fooaur \I V A REAL tfAaiiiw 1 l32ft*/f a J f~ Atto NS V\ U*><JX6«>pe J rj rc\
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  • Sunday Serial
    • 1534 8  -  PETER EVANS CONCLUSION THE REAL PETER SELLERS: ALL THE TRIALS, TRIUMPHS AND LOVES OF A SUPERSTAR... HE WAS alive and lie had been dead. was the awesome thought which both coin for led and haunted Peter Sellers in the spring of 1964.
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    • 628 9 Seller; s villa on the Applan Way. It ra Saturday, a "beaulltul morning." she biter recaiic<l. A etcbed across the ■tUI-pale sun aid the town 1 in a Itttat the co--1 d wmrmtn of ic»d »ar> 1 lie villa look": if it *rre
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    • 8 10 IN LOVINC MEMORY of Toonf m
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    • 15 10 PREtBVTERIAH CHURCH SINGAPORE I l'<>"4. l>mnc i+ .*K* a.m. and •mioI 9.00 a.m.
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    • 17 10 HOMELCAVC CAR HIRC at re.vivlc lion K»l»tcs. nprabaaalTs in- U«llv«r» IJr.if, HKh t h.r.KMn.l, Mrorb'.irt
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    • 467 10 Advantage from adversity IT IS inevitable, whrn we think of Singapore t> morrow, that we think in terms of the 21st centuiy. For Singapore works towards the future. Founded 150 years ago, modern Singapore grew out of pestilential swsmpi which many thought had no future. Three years ago, Singapore separated
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    • 563 10 POETRY CORNER Edwin Thumboo's KKH' 11...W pwni omiiiK in. POETRY i iiKM K now apprars rvrry Sunday. You ran win a rash prlac of 110 for rirli pern publishrd and, morr Important, >••<• your vrrsc In print uith r\prrt riimmrm.* to Poetry C"ornrr. Sunday Timr*. limes Huaisr. Sintaporr 9.
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    • 1714 10 Yesterday today At 10.15 p.m. o n Wednesday, Radio Singapura will broadcast a special feature on the beginnings of modern Singapore. NEAR Elgin Bridge, a stones throw from High Street where mini skirled Singapore girls go aboul their shopping, is the spot where Sir Stanford Raffles first set toot on
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    • 170 10 ON JAN. 29. 1819. Stamford Raffles and William Farquhar, who was later to become Singapore's first Resident, rowed up the Singapore River and got ashore where Elgin Bridge stands today. They then walked to a nearby cluster of huts and met the Temenggong of the island. 0
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 270 8 ETHIOPIA mm h. Ti l^gr 'ia^^Tgggggggf f jA^VBVgggELJ Ak iT^ W. Sm^ggggaw id HgggpVßPUr w^^. m flaw .^ggggL^ggggggaV^. \f H^mmmm ■bW 'ff A V T^ggT i'~^~^^^^^^ fjt '^g»C A aggggV iKiwß^ Wj-..- m~ -^>>>-; *>vTiK l»W»i|j.^ iWS l^f^ A^9 -.Job reborn Air-India brings Addis Ababa into the world mr -m
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    • 213 8 PROGRAMRACKS js^WJiiipE^^3|jtS^P^^^g^t| Programmed Instruction for the 2SH222ga|B further development ot pMIWW Management Personnel. A new ■f^ffffffW ggPmWBB method of ensuring that each pippijJl^^ELMSß^ggMggß^^ member of the management team PMmH can IN HIS OWN TIME< devel °p BfeaMplß his working skills and disciplines to ■83 tne eve essential for outstanding R?ls^^^^^^^^H£j^^h|^^B
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 32 9 V> %>' J /If p^^ ~^b^-iMP E^o EXTRA GASOLINE BOOSTS POWER THREE WAYS jfr* n fcP Cleaning Power «Sr flfirMjrb Firing Power Hurry while stocks last! ~*fO PUT A TIGER IN YOURTANK! USSOI
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 314 9 AIKWS.S. 1 Ul-Wtll .1J). 11 <I 3), 2 At!i:n. '4.. It ■MttUU Harmful (4) 13 1 im 01 sili.a teller of falsehoods 141; 4 01 i4i 13 Heavy timbci Mi. 14 ;he same family <3 > .i DkgMl Family c 3.. It K>rmed into '3>- Laige vase (3j; 7 At
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 345 10 JCKNOWUOCfMENTS ANNIXRSMUS tXNOUNCfftUNTS BIRTHS. CLUB CCNOOUNCES. OMTHS FNCtGEMENTS FUNHWIS GREETINGS IN MEMORIftM MARRIAGES MISSING. PERSONS. PPC, REQUIEMS t REUNIONS Rjtr Minimum $70 Itr 19 wtrfs. eick iMitiutll wiri SI 00. til Qthfr Classified Aduerliseweiils Mimmm V 50 far 15 wiris. each itfditioMl *fi 50 cents. Suiliy Times Si« Service ctarp
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    • 3 10 Ik "^bJ A
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    • 112 10 Food centre design and planning: there's an easy answer Sime Darby's Kitchen and Catering Equipment Division designs commercial kitchens to ensure that every inch of space is put to good use. And we equip them with the most modern time-saving gadgets. From ice makers that can make all kinds of
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  • NEWS
    • Article, Illustration
      919 11  - tomorrow gINGAPORE, Sat. Sometime month we will know the of Singapore in the year 2000. On drawing boards behind closed doors In ihe State and City Planning Oltuv are six futuristic master plans of the 2lst century ore. The plans will be presented to the Cabinet soon, with the pros
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    • 25 11 SINGAPORF Sat The p-PMjent <>f the Chines* Young Menu Christian Association. l> c.wee Ah Leng today opened ihe ■uocwtiont reeiauueuit In Ftlaur Icti
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    • 214 11 A SUPER SIMULATOR TO ENSURE SAFER AIR TRAVEL SINGAPORE. Saturday. A $550,000 "supersonic age" radar training simulator at the Department of Civil Aviation training school was today commissioned by the Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Communications, Mr. Phua Bah Lee. The simulator believed to be the first ol its
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    • 66 11 SINGAPORE. Sat The Minister of State in 'he Prime Ministers ufßcr H»ji Ya'arob bin Mohamed. said tonight that Bin«(ipore »»s educating her vcu'h tv help m the drvelopn.tii of the republic. Hr I'M .su»-«ikin? at thr opening of the New Ideal Expornh. i; World sponsored ond
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    • 43 11 WASHINOTON. Sat. National Aeronautic* and Space Administration official* yetterdav said the United State* might attempt to land a man on the moon In May two months earlier than previously Planned If February's Apollo S space flight was fully successful. Renter
      Reuter  -  43 words
    • 18 11 yODAYS Asia Magazine discusses the political and economic situation in Thailand which returns to parliamentary democracy this year.
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    • 32 11 SINOAPORE. SHt. Molcr-<-v< .lm Chua Niuang Sene. 22. was killed whrn hb machine •>»>> m aoiUatoa »uti ea> n the lum'ion ol Mitidlr Rw«a anrt Vienna SUM( e»Il# Ula 1 aotnlDC
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    • 182 11 DAP warns of the vacuum after 1971 CERKMBAN. Sat. A .security vacuum will cxltt In Malaysia after 1971 If the Government did not consider the country's defence more seriously. The secretary-general of the Democratic Action Party. Mr. Ooh Hock Ouan, said this at the second anniversary dinner of the Seremban
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    • 68 11 SAN FRANCISCO. Sat. At least 12 dead people are lvlng In refrigerated crtflni around the United states In the hope that one day they can be brought back to life Follower* of the "Cryonlcs" cult believe that within M MBll (reezlnc of the dead «ill
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    • 204 11 Fast sea craft for defence OINGAPORE, Sat. Singapore Armed Forces will be equipped with a number of fast seaward defence patrol craft. This was announced today by the Permanent bejeiaiy to the Ministry ni In.eriOt a::d Defence. Mr o i. BoiMfi when he opened the School of Naval Training which
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    • 148 11 SINGAPORE. Sat. Two property companies here today pooled their resources to build a multi-million hotel complex in Scotts Road Tlie ion. t venture is between Town and Cily and Central Properties They hpvc formed a new ronipanv cm Meci Hotel Enterprises Ltd with an .m--tial >apital ol 525
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 211 11 THE FIRST CONFECTIONERY TO BE EQUIPPED WITH THE INTERNATIONAL STANDARD EQUIPMENT IS 1 VNGAPORL& MALAYSIA. Sk '.A**- <*laß n alafll VaMHfJH jF ABB* m ..aaZ fi^E^ w JHaWK jT\ t^l T fIBW afl »OR ANY OCCASION kuy CoW **4 C.1.i.0u. Pattry, k««ul,*yU T You can bur at our BALESTIt*
      211 words
    • 623 11 IsV S j^^^lsW^P^y Kv. 9E LOMBARD BANKING Subsidiary and Associate Banks and Finance HoueM I i LOMBARD AUSTRALIA H I LIMITED V H Adelaide. Brisbane. Canhcrra. Hohart. I "t'mwl. Mf Ihouraej B^ S NcMcaiile, Penh. i>>ilr.ey,To»n»»ille, Wollongong I 1 LOMBARD NEW ZEALAND I Auckland, Well:ngton,( hrtsichurch. Ham.linn. Du.ieilin. Maslerlon. I
      623 words

  • Special feature
      • 679 12 New Zealand reaffirms close ties with Malaysia and S'pore A NEW ZEALAND DAY MESSAGE FROM THE HIGH COM. MISSIONER TO MALAYSIA. MR. B. D. ZOHRAB. AND THE HIGH COMMISSIONER TO SINGAPORE. MR. J. H. WEIR: 1 OR New Zealanders here in Malaysia and Singapore, Feb. (5 Ikis ;i double significance.
        679 words
      • 43 12 A Malaysian project with which New Zealand hat recently been associated it the Rejang Teachers' Training College at Binatang, near Sibu in Sarawak. New Zealand met the cost of the college buildings and provided experts for its staff.
        43 words
    • 882 12  -  Chen Meng Kong By iYI.AI.AYSI A and Singapore are onlj two of many countries New Zealand trades with Imi they are valued markets for nation which earns mudi of its intone iron overseas trade. Dairy products are the most important exports to Malaysia.
      882 words
    • 457 13 T A HE main chan- New Zealand's aid to Aski i.s the Colombo Plan, one of the most successful aid programmes in operation today. The countries of SouthEast Asia are neightours of New Zealand and the Colombo Plan may bt considered as an expression
      457 words
    • 626 14 IN K\V Zealand*! activity in the arts has been considerable despite the country's small population and the need for concentration on building a sell supporting economy. Us writers, artists, dancers and musicians have achieved world lame and today the aits receive keen
      626 words
    • 495 14 BADMINTON TEAM FOR MALAYSIA, STORE TOUR J_ HE New Zealand Badminton Federation plans ;t youth tour to Malaysia and Singapore in May this year and a iiiillier tour toaouth-Easl Asia is projected for next year. In Motor rar.:.'.: !>• Hulme. Bruce MacLaren and Chr;^ Amon are world famous Bob Charles
      495 words
    • 680 15  - ANY TIME IS RIGHT TO VISIT THE NORTH AND SOUTH ISLANDS Chen Meng Kong By F K. RuM a 1 industry to a solid earning factor in the country'g t'conomif future thai is what tourism baa done for New Zealand in recent years. E man] thouganda of tourists that
      680 words
    • 288 15 The Maori: Modern New ZealandcT L HE Polynesian! wore srm:ii ocean rovers and nuvmatnrs in ancient times They discov< red and began to settle in New Zealand more th vi 1.000 yean ago people bo' amp the New Zealand Maori r ice <>f ires! men. orators and urarrtora ita today
      288 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 49 12 From green pastures that are jf** j among the world's finest come ggggaggigQlißW MILK that builds strong and healthy Dodies! Delicious flavours too pineapple W- mkK r< ww strawberry, chocolate or |ust plain milk gggggggsfel^ M "'nir < ii StejM fresh without refrigeration! -jjgsW NEW ZEALAND DAIRY SUPPLIES (S) LTD.
      49 words
      75 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 42 13 BEST WISHES to The PEOPLE and GOVERNMENT of NEW ZEALAND on NEW ZEALAND DAY S N. HIAP MOH CO., LTD. I X jjj T hi, Tdok Avvr Street. I Singapore-'. Tel: *****. *****. ™"TJb^""/ agents for \f3^/ BOWATER PAPER CO.. (H.Z.) LTD.
      42 words
    • 335 13 WHO CAN PREDICT WHAT'S IN STORE IN YOUR STORE NOT EVEN SOUTH BRITISH INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED S V That's why they make It a point to specialise in -0^ O^ x**" 3^ their own field formulating Industrial cs^ C?^ /£tS^^V S Insurance Policies for individual needs Vi^K!ty«./ <^^ providing an
      335 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 167 14 V# WmamtmflfQfgfQfa^ «-i Spreading hpcKU iHHTgDatiness tnraughauf 80 rauntries. Crach nnrn ri*DfifHill*ll So pure and rich and healthy fernleaf IJIII !EI V butter has such a wonderful golden ■Ji«aa«i«^«i^i^a flavour, just packed with every ounce of the natural goodness V*l£ W-* of the freshest milk. Children love ■aW^aW I WMM
      167 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 57 15 BP^^* S 4at At' TtS) II createakit The worrJerful creative world of "Torro" a new era in p| iy! A ;dscincitmg. new approach to the general education of children. Illustrated above is a Church so easily constructed by a very young child 1 TRADE ENQUIRIES TO LEE TECK COMPANY Wl3l/
      57 words
    • 472 15 NOW! for the first tune a heal essence made from deer VITADEER You'll grow stronger, brigh- rous. This special fitness slows ing from lack of sleep. It helps ter.morealivo with Vitadeer. down tiie process of ageing babies to grow healthier and Because only Vitadeer is and is obtained from the
      472 words

  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 1448 16 -p^B^a^B^BaPMBBBU&XB^BBBB^BB^BB^BB^BB^BBV $jtt Wa mKWA BbT f 'iBaW. H STAR of f^^ the WEEK >^^F 9 nr« Star Of the WetkT today in Miss Mo Mci Chok Pahang iler>; born Feb. 2, 1947. HOWKVKR bnrpd »ou ni.iv pnted rise or improvrmenl have been with your of position dors not maevistenre latrl.v.
      1,448 words
    • 313 16 I j^BwW^k ..^^9j X BvBBW^C^^'^BBW^HBBNBr* .^BVB^^tf .^^^flß^^S C^bl BBIBBr^Bk^ V a^^BßßHßaC^^^B^Bk BBS B^P^B. <S '^'lf <*^^^ BB^r^^ fIPI B /P±P/ 1 **C s> j4 n \-x L/ wj* O /a/ 7Vjy/^j T//Vfy bQb^Bbbi /m H^flß i^^wP^l 1-1 c* ?c\s I BL^BL^a JB i^ABJ /**l^ t B^BBi^flßK _^bT_ PU i^^^^k^S BhCVb^^BV^^S
      313 words

  • For Your Pleasure
    • 924 19 AFTER HER DIVORCE FROM TOP STAR PETER SELLERS... IT WAS th c change in the \v;i\ Brill Kkland looked that came ;is a surprise. I had not seen her for some time, and die cuddlesome hlonde \\;is no more. Now she \v;is
      924 words
    • 479 19 ON THURSDAY. Feb. 13. the National Theatre Trust will be presenting the Madrigal Singers from the University of me Philippines. This group of 22 male and female singers will be led by Professor Andrea O Veneraclon of the College of Music. The first half of the concert, which
      479 words
    • 313 19 Here's a winner of a western lIAKDI.Y a week 11 foes by without at least one new western. This week was no exception. I am fed-up in me old cavalry routing Red Indians, tired of duels between slirk gun-slinging badmen and saloon layabouts, and bored hy shprifTs battling it out
      313 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 612 19 LAST 2 DAYS! II O«. I.M. 4 M, (> j0 4 9.30 pm "The Bliss Or Mrs. Blossom .Poramounti TUESDAY! In Color SUCKSSiN" j LAjT 2 OA1»< TODAY S SHOWS' I Horn, 1 30, 4 00, 6.30 ft 9.lSpm h,,l M,l|iani I, Veggie bmith j OPtNS TUESDAY 1 Columbia* A
      612 words
    • 138 19 2iiiiiiiii.iiiiiHiii.HimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiimiiiiiiiiimiiiimiiii£ SINGAPORE TURF CLUB I SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT I All payments for:THE SINGAPORE SWEEP Unlimited Sweeps 4-D 3-D and Tote Tickets will be made from Tuesday 4th February at the CLUBS TOWN OFFICE, 146 Robinson Road, Singapore. iiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMniiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMn Twgi^inHEllrTS of f to FURNITURE at 346 Balestier Road. Singapore. Closes sp.m. Rothmans
      138 words
    • 65 19 Air conditioned LAST DAY- 1.45, 4. 7, ft 9 30 p.m. "THC RAINfOW" (SI) Mond ,'Colorstop* »'th Engluh Subs. Tomorrow same time, hong kong nocturne" (si) Mono ColO'KOp« with English Sub*. II am Matina* KING'S PIRATES" (SI) TECHNICOLOR lait D.y 1.10-1 10-700 t Mates rut B'v""" Robert Mitchum 'VILLA RIDES"
      65 words
    • 312 19 I MUCH MORC COHERENT, PIERCING AND POIGNANT I THAN 'THE GRADUATE OR GUESS WHO'S COMING TO DINNER'" Arthur R chord! SUNDAY TiV* i H^^. 'JOANNA' IS p9^ i JvJHIN INM -j&i\r. -r.f A»![ DOS«LT huik CATHAY- coming nnr^fl^r<'v'» i 1f g^y*,, I W^^^^^rsrbßl^dß^P'i J i« m- v HONG KONG'S POST
      312 words

  • NEWS
    • 131 20 Royal wedding: Warning on souvenir programmes l'l AI.A LUMP IR. Sut. 'I he public was today .lllMMll mil to .lllin list- in or buy any privalrly publi.Mied souvenir prntramme lor the wrd.llll.. of Tentku Kanilah Azizah, 24. youner^t (i.mclitri of the Yang di l>rtu.»n Agong. and K.i i.i Abdul Aziz
      Bernama  -  131 words
    • 106 20 SINGAPORE. Sat 1. 1 m Yum Send 24. ma rined S3oo or three months mi! n. a hl-i--net court today for (.ffenng i S3 bribe to a constable ol Kampuni; Arani; Road, .fl-i il the moMI to IV Robert Patrick I-iiancr in Ro*e!l R..;id
      106 words
    • 282 20 NOW TO WEED OUT THE 'RED LIGHT' SERVICES CEVEN social escort services in Singapore today joined hands to seek the assistance of the Government to help build up their business as an important vehicle in tourist promotion. Under the banner of the newly-formed Escort and Travel Services Association, the agencies,
      282 words
    • 90 20 AIA3R STAR. Sa! An armrd robber held up a housewife whi> her husband was away and racaped with aix^u $.iOO \.nrth of Jewellery anrl a wrUrtwatch Aminah hintr Ahmad. 28. of Pekan Kubane Sepal. 15 mi" from hrrr. nportcd lo police Uwl she was awakened
      90 words
    • 25 20 Thr> Straits tin price In Penan? yeMerday ro*e 50 cents to $580 per plcul on an offering fMimatpd umlunijed at 215 tony
      25 words
    • 89 20 Man stabbed in bid to help wife A LOR STAR. S.t 1 Liv Ah Lett. M i tapper, wa.s stabbed In the abdomen when he went to rr.scue tila wife from saalt a- s I'awang estate, 25 mile« trora here, yesterdaj L.iv. was ns;(i'' his house' when heard his v.-if.-
      89 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 370 20 Ibur whole future is tied up in your next exam... Why take a chance? It's so easy to make sure, to make more certain that you'll pass that all important examination in 1969 or 1970, whether it be jfICJSt HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE, MES^^^L SCHOOL CERTIFICATE/M.C.E. li2i?^?lf QUALIFYING TEST LOWER CERTIFICATE
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  • Page 20 Miscellaneous
    • 883 20 For your day by the sea TODAY: SmliM Kfchll R CIS •in < 6 3ft 1111 pin '8 2ft i Smeapore 10 31 am (Ml>; Port Dirkson 652 am > 8 4(t 7 pin >7 9fn: Port Snetlenhajn 554 am il4 2!' 628 p m I M 6ft PrnaiiK 12
      883 words

    • 44 21 RAVENSCROFT To U n unrt r; !> fiaunh'^r ir M January. JOTMV To Parana and a «.rl Vanita at Sercmbaa GH. Boib mf.l. LEE: To Soo Yen* and Kok Khool a dau«nl»r doka Cher.i on J1 I Alor ■tar Hoapual. Tbanki to Uoctora and
      44 words
    • 51 21 CONTRACTOR K s ippiah formerly of B«r*nd*r, peacefully on 1.2 tv Carttta <-*\" .MA bentul Paaar Ki. to da> a- p m CHUAH CHIN HtONO puH l«iy LS.M ,eAV.,I_ HO Km Hoot. foil. Hoc* Ly» ,l>.c*.. Hock Sens. d»i»Ntfri Lucy, i.^at at.d h fc rand-rl. I i- m
      51 words
    • 46 21 IN EVER LOVINC MEMORY of a daar »fe arid mo'her. .leni.: nhu Ml i.t a >»»r tt>l»\ jj H» V#ff| m.en m «'cd I kM Kddi* Cv VAt Hock and cl Idren. JINNY IU Ml ;ovmis Sana, son* -i»\ AJwtyt remembered by grinder :driQ.
      46 words
    • 734 21  -  EPSOM JEEP RACING WITH pOR YOU ONLY gets my nap vote In the Class 3 Div. 1 7f Handicap (Race 7) at Penang today. This Makapura four-yi'ar-old was an impressive winner over the Bukit Timah 6f in November. In hi* second run over
      734 words
    • 160 21 I PtOH JF.F.P t ALL BOY POINTER 1.. < I RRr M V L. C1 RRrM V 1.. (TRRFM T Rate 1 Trumpintton harman Rom Trumpinfton llltop 1 mnipinctiin llltop SFRAVA Ml KMI CM RIMMY i HIM. I Barr 2 hingU Vonparirl Radiant Star Bic Job Hrmnutj
      160 words
    • 1606 21 WJTSSgm 2.00 CLASS 3 DIVISION 2 mkiSamM «$7.oo0) 6F 1 o^B CHARM AN ROSE g (Bltr 5i R Breuk 4 90 IF) Bougoare 10 2 ***** WILLTOP a ITWTI Dair. ;.s 5 813 (F) Pretty f. 3 ***** I- A VITE a (CSC> Tulloh 4 813
      1,606 words
    • 305 22 LONDON. Sat. Results of football matches playeu toda> were: ENGLISH DIVISION OKI Arsenal I Nulls 1 Ipswich 1 Man Utd. 0 Leeds Utd. i Coventry v Leimler I West Ham I Liverpool 1 Shefl. Wed U Man. lil.T 1 Newrastlr 1 1 abandoned) Queen* Park
      305 words
    • 19 22 EDINBLRGH Bat Wale« beat Scotland 17-3 alter leadl In the I .:.ton tnterrnrioii!\l at Muuaylield toda) Keuiei.
      19 words
    • 116 22 T\IEW YORK. Sat. Jnck Dempsry. the famed M .uirr. was the .wwcieht boxing 1 plon of all time, according I King Magazine's 1 iters The results of the toting to best fighters ever in weight divisions were .Ml in Riniis annual 1 horn In Mann 10. won
      116 words
    • 617 22  -  NORMAN SIEBEL By Malaysian XI 1 W.Australia 0 LUMPUR. Sat. Malaysian hockey salvaged a bit of pride yesterday and gained what one must hope is a new base for the long new build-up to a creditable international capability. Their 1-0 victory at Armed Force* Stadium
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    • 141 22 SSSC now go for 5 age groups KUALA LUMPUR. Sat.— The Sclangor Schools S!X>rU> Council will orKaniac competitions for five age groups under 12, 13. 15, 18 and 20. This was decided at the SSSC s annual meeting today The idea is to give the school children the opportunity to
      141 words
    • 183 22 MELBOURNE. Sat. Filipino millionaire race hor>e owner Kellpp TMMI "(1 U oiler of A 5300-.-000 <Msl million) yesterday for his stir colt Always There. Tile horse v&f. pu.^ed In at 5250.000 and David Coles of Adelaide, acting lor an American client. Increased the offer
      AP  -  183 words
    • 35 22 HONO KONG S»t Hon« Kong »ill iM'd an iiit< bedmmton loumani. tit .iltt-r thus *eeks Asian i...impionshinb in Manila. Countries expected to participate include M.i'.r m;. Indon. It, Japan and India.
      35 words
    • 20 22 BANGKOK 5,.: Ihai.and ben i South Ko:ca 5 -2 in the Übrr Cuo UHtimmion tompcuuon hrre yesterday
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    • 59 22 SHIEMBAN Sa: K Alagaratnam. wce-caplain of the Malaysian Olympic hockey team. le.ids Negn SrinbiUn ag«ms' West Australia an the Station padang here tomorrow at S. The Negn team Peter HiU7en; Ran; it Singh. C. Navaratnam: M. Van K. Alagaratnam. C Sivasothy: S. K. Pane. Henry Sta
      59 words
    • 13 22 MALACCA. Sat. Malacca Selection beat Police 3-0 at hockey here today.
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    • 194 22 AUCKLAND. Sat.— Brian Fairlie. 21-yar-old New Zealander. -scored an upset quarter-final victory over Australian professional John Newcombe in the New Zealand open tennis tournament today. Falrlle described his 5-7. 4-6. 10-8, 6-0. 6-3 victory over Newcombe as "a real breakthrough" and said he was considering turning
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    • 333 22 Stackpole hits gallant 140 not out MELBOURNE, Saturday. A GALLANT Innings by Test opener Keith Stackpole. aided by some atrocious West Indian fielding, helped Victoria into a safe position In their return clash with the tourists at the Mcl- bourne cricket ground today. At stumps on 0M r<*cond day the
      333 words
    • 317 22 ("OIOMBO Tin j Oravcnejr bit a d.i. century .n only 118 minutes to lome much-need-ed sparkle Into .>:. thrrUull battniK d»play by MCC XI here today. MCC declared at their tea score of 406 for four to lead by 123 on the
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    • 24 22 NEW YORK. Sat. -Wof.d bantamweight champion Lionel Rose ot Australia wa.x named lighter of the year by the World Boxing Association.
      24 words
    • 23 22 KLUANO. Sat. Sinn beat 75 Aircraft Squadron "A" 3-1 to reacli tlio tinaC 1 Kluane district knockout *r competition today
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    • 22 22 MAI VI clal liu-utu-.e bf.U St High Schooi 6-2 in an under 20 soicer ni.Hth at Bukil Bharu today.
      22 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 480 21 Late CLASSIFIEDS 20 words 120 'minimum; TAH LEE. PaJk 'hcrr «^rond aoo ot Mr. and Mr». T«n Soo Vans and Hir« Hians atcond daughter of Mr. and lira. Ah Ch«w ori THE PENANG Tl RF LIB SPRIMi NESTING, 19€9 novici AS A MARK of respect for the detinue of HE.
      480 words
    • 516 21 Advertisement Science Shrinks Piles New Way Without Surgery Stops Itch- Relieves Pain For the first time science has found a new h.wflng substance with the astonishing ability to shrink haemorrhoids, stop itching and relieve pain without surgery. In case after case, while gently and promptly relieving pain, actual reduction or
      516 words
  • Page 21 Miscellaneous
    • 11 21 T4*M ZJ W^\4 -Tff^^PM HM^ When the course is wet Tllll(rilllllllllllllllllltlllltllllllllllllllllllMlllllltllllllllllllIIIIIIMIIIIII«llllllllltllMIII«llllll«llllllttlllll(llllltllllllll»tt*IIIMIIIIIMIIIIIIII«tl>lll*lllltllltirrT
      11 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 101 22 THE NEW NATIONALS ELECTRIC ALARM CLOCK WITH NIGHT LIGHT AND ILLUMINATED DIAL s\~ ■i^i^i^i^Hl Ever oversleep? Mad rush? Stop it. M "*ff*T NATIONAL Electric Alarm Clock. \t UsaHMßßi^Han foryou.Set it at 8. It rings at B. Stop the alarm.. It rings again at 8.05. mm Goes on six times at
      101 words
  • Page 22 Miscellaneous
    • 79 22 HOC Xt V— Tour loalili; Ncftrl Sen .j. in, v W. Au.slrnlm 'Station padang. Serrmbnn 6 p.m.). tiM TIB riW i up: Malaysi hi Armwl F"rre.s v Negrt <R Range Rd. KL>; Penxtig v. Kedah »Ci:y Siadiumi. Tour malrh: Johnre v PardedeKx. Mrrian 'Stadium Larkln. J. Bahru. 5 pm >.
      79 words
    • 5 22 SPORTING SAM by Reg Wootton
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