The Straits Times, 1 February 1969

Total Pages: 24
1 24 The Straits Times
  • 24 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 175,000 The Straits Times RaM Estd. 1845 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1969 15 CENTS K.D.N. 3104 M.C. (P) No. 0723
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  • 316 1 It's bitter going in Paris Both sides split on vital issue PARIS, Friday THE definition of a basic area of conflict emerged sharply today from seven-and-a-half hours of bitter argument in yesterday's second session of the full-scale Vietnam peace talks. The main combatants in Vietnam have spelled oul iw<> diametrically
    Reuter  -  316 words
  • 62 1 MOSCOW. Fri The I oreii;)) Ministry today denied rcMrti that thr I'm. in Winister. Mr. Mi \i Kosysin. was ill and said he uould return to work shortly. The st. iiein <-ii t nas issued by the Mmislry s chief press spokesman. Mr. Leonid Zamyatin. in response
    Reuter  -  62 words
  • 55 1 WASHINGTON Fri —Singapore s Ambassador -designate. Pioles-sor E.S. Montelro. will be the first envoy to present his credentials to President Nixon. He Is i lie Him ol three ambassadors scheduled to present their credentials today in the fiiM such ceremony Mr Nixon ha; scheduled since hi.s
    UPI  -  55 words
  • 79 1 RIDDLE OF THE COW ON THE ROOF RECIFE (Brazil), Frl. Police in the town of Caruaru. near here, are still wondering now a cow got on the roof of a furniture factory. Wrieii •arre^ed" by the the police yesterday, the handsome Dutch dairy cow had already destroyed 200 roof tiles
    Reuter  -  79 words
  • 64 1 LONDON. Frl The world boom In shipbuilding ha* reached a new peak with a record 33 million tons in the order books, Lloyds Reg^ter of Shipping reported yesterday More than half the orders placed throughout the world have been won by Japan, which Is already building
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • 28 1 ALICE SPRINGS. Frl— Huge bu.slifire. devastating outback country northwest of here, was today reported to dp racing on a L'oo-milf front towards th» Western Australian border.
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  • 318 1 'VIOLENCE WON'T TOPPLE AYLB' ASSEMBLY TOLD IZARACHI Fri.- De- fence Mlntvter Al/alur RetlßUMa Khun said today violonee could not topple President Avub Khans government. He lota National Aft* srmbly. nteUnf in Dacca. the (.ipital ot East Pakistan, that If the President opponents thoUKIH they could win power by violent maiMk
    Reuter; UPI  -  318 words
  • 71 1 CALCUTTA. Fri Two men were killed and many injured in Hindu-Muslim rtoU which broke out here today over an article in the Sialn-mmi by Britisn Professor Arnold Toynbee. comparing Prophet Mohammed with Malm tin* Gandhi. The Muslim crouds became violent this morning, stoning the Statesman office and
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  • 109 1 KUALA I.IMPIR. Fri. One of the Klang mini ruplets a boy died this morning in thr Mm; hospital. Thr quadruplets three boys and a girl were born prematurely to Che Sarton binte Ma'arof. 30. wife of a Kuala I. vegetable seller, on Jan.
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  • 565 1 Penang mourns death of Governor PENANG, Friday Till! Governor of Penang, Tun Syed Mich Shababuddin. died ;M the Residency al noon today. Tun Syed Sbeh, who would have JK'cu on March 10, had been suffering from ;i heart ailment since last At his bedside when tic died were his wife.
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  • 89 1 Today's Penang races postponed to Monday PKWM.. Kri As .i m.iik of respei t to the latr (iiiMiiior. the PnUßf lin I (Inh has drcided tit pustpoMi- thr first day's rmes of it> foin -il.i\ aeetina n Iwduleil la i»e run liiiniiMiiii lln v will he hrld in stead <>n
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  • 130 1 Aussies 'won't take the bait' /'ANBERRA, Fri. Australia is unlike* lv to be drawn at the ni Into Malaysia's claim t: trails is bound to t:ive military help in the ent of trouble over Sabah. "Malaysia obvlo her own Internal at the moment." on« authorltative source .ml to- They are
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 87 1 f Ji Bf w«* with GARY I"" 1 PLAYER,, PM4 I '[JyTODEIL^ No 4 T "t ARCAOr. SINCAPORt. Ttti TI24T. SAFETY FIRST! is 0.C.8.C.'s Policy. Because it is the best in the end. Let it be your policy too! BANK WITH OVERSEA-CHINESE BANKING CORPN. LTD. the STRONGEST and LARGEST BANK
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    • 68 1 Vsl^/Wotory UEN WAH WATCH DEALER PgSftK STOP PRESS BKII MS S Ml TO KIMNKY P LONDON, W nirnt !.<li> \n\r m i ">rity a B*« ktaMd -t wttiai khlnrT traaspl iniiiiiiiiniili MliWWwB fejfeSSa^fc^--SUPER DE-LUXE 23" CONSOLETTE available at all authorised dealers ASIA RADIO COMPANY Jl2 I1« StllGlt «O*D siNCAKmf
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    • 145 2 Another student shot dead by India police HYDERABAD. Fri. One student wai killed and another In jured when police tired on a crowd yesterday. ah official report amW tin crowd wai Uyina i set nre to a l^cal offlcial'i car at Uajwel. 60 nult-s irniii n<r' j The Indian Army
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    • 88 2 Volunteer army to replace draft WASHINGTON. Fri rrrsiiii-ni Nixon hat ordrred the Pentagon to Work Ollt ilrl.nlril pi. ills for ending the draft and estalili-hiii_ an ill vnlunleer .irmy. it Max announced today. In .< directive to I frn«'p HnnlaiJ. Mr. Mel\in l.aird. Mr. \i\on said he was convinced the
      Reuter  -  88 words
    • 382 2 SAIGON, Friday THE South Vietnamese Government said yesterday it would demand at the Paris peace talks that all Communist forces in South Vietnam including the Vietcong withdraw from tne country. An Information Ministry spokesman said the Saigon delegation in Paris would call for "mutual
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    • 29 2 NAPLES Frt A 50-\ farold woman h»v been neirnned »•> 17 vnrt .nipriMHirren! hrrf (or lexuallv mu'llatini; her lover after he left her to marry a younger woman.—R--ut*r
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    • 234 2 'Russia is likely to surpass I US in space' says Schirra ATLANTA. Fri. American astronaut Walter Schirra said yesterday the Soviet Union miKht surpass the United States in space achievement* 1 during the 1970 s. Schirra said, however, that the U.S. could ma:n*a:n superiority If Congress allocated increased fundi to
      Reuter  -  234 words
    • 48 2 VTW YORK Fri Amtncan Ntgrn m <yip «ctor MdMf Pn.tier Km nrcome thr h;ghe»t p»ld Kior :n 'he »orld. FiluvIV Daily rrponed (he d»uy .-aid Poitler has ouutripped sucn VBs\ million-i-picture »t»r» as Richard Bur■nn and Elizabeth Tarior. e*e« •hough they get higher guarantee* KP.
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    • 98 2 "TAIPEH Fri. The Asian Development Bank will extend a I SSIO million loan to Taiwan to build 40 250- ton deep sea fishing boats, the Central News agency reported today. The loan will be repaid over a U I— f period at
      Reuter  -  98 words
    • 78 3 4N artlsfs drawing A of thp Apollo 11 mission. With the Command Module docked with the Lunar Module (left), one astronaut has already been transferred to the LM and the second is manoeuvring himself through the forward access hatch connecting
      UPI  -  78 words
    • 130 3 Ol IV WOOD, tri— The man wan .i beard and the woman a. flower. Neither of them nor the two children with them «<>re anything else as they strnllril down >un«.et Boulevard yesterday, undaunted kg the ..0-dptree temperature. The quartet's lack of
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    • 40 3 PRAGUE. Fri About CaKOostomki left urn country alter the August ;n--vasion by Russia and on.v 17.000 to 20.000 have retonM. •ccording to Intfnur Ministry figures published in the (">mmunLV. p»r:y nfw.spaner Rude Pra»o today Reuter.
      Reuter  -  40 words
    • 514 3 BRITISH Defence Minister, Mr. Denis Healey, last night predicted more explosions like Czechoslovakia in Eastern Europe. Nothing can destroy the movement for freedom that has started in Eastern Europe. Mr. Healey told Oxford undergraduates. Opposing the motion at an Oxford Union debate "that Nato n
      Reuter  -  514 words
    • 43 3 CANBERRA. Pri Australia has sold 2 2 million long tons ol wheat worth ASI2S million to China, the Au^tralUn Wheat Board announced here today. This is the biggest single wheat contract Austialla nus ever neKutlaied. Reuler.
      Reuter  -  43 words
    • 25 3 STOCKHOLM. Fri. Th» fir»t Swedish picturp-telephone* wiil go into operation this year connecting Stockholm. Gothernburg and Malmo, It ih announced hert ReuHt,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 215 2 IMF ir^ 1^ <* vfflLt^' >^^Bt^^^^T^**** > ~**~~~*~~»f^^H^p~~~^^™*^^^^^SBßHalaaaßaßaaaaalr^*' y bbb^bK_ <^Ma^BBBBi^^BBBBBTBV*'M*VHfeVMV**^BiIIIW|MHaIMiIIIiMBI^BiSI^SS i l aaaaaC!S^SSS!^^^??????P^J^Jjy?!!!lßHaaralßßßPJWMP^eßßi^aaaaaaaa^aaaaaaVi fla^L^La L^L^Lr'^L-_ iJbbbbb^bbbbs aaw bbbbbbb\^ ■tint. laaW V <ism**' l^aaaaaffc^J**J***»^W«**'P^<WMM^W»M^«a^WWWaWaJslsaissSa^B| >X* IEaSaIMMaBMBMaMaIiBI MUbV' jlif' '^tj^^t .Bun. t t f 'MjSS/t^t^ l V^ |^"^^^^*W**W 'MMW'"*MaaaaMaW>aa>aW<^aßaMWa^MMWaaaaW^BMWMM»*tJla^^K I I H^BiHa^aWifeBBBiBBBBBB^i^HMaVBIiBBVMiBWaMaBBIBi *%aaw*^ JIHS ****^!B^hß^Bßß^^M —^^"^aaaaaaaaaaaa—^ tt t tt m^^ t
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 56 3 Free Glasses at every BP Station! Get an attractive drinking glass, free with every $8 purchase of petrol, or $5 purchase of diesel. I O I At every BP station Drive in today. j %pr p jn^nvsn^nv^Hnnjn^n^n^njn^nv^njr'~^~'* mm "H n^k wF mm WITfl L petrol purchase m or $5 diesel
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    • 216 3 > tvVs ev^o ex^o ww e^So VVs «>*■« txv>o evVj ix%o uAti CHINESE NEW YEAR h PEC l AL OFFERS |WENG iIENG'S! W (Contempcrorv Furn shers) 5? 71, Victoria Street, Singapore A English, China Cscchoslovokian corpctt, A Wide range of U.S.A., U.K., Dutch, £3 Continental Upholstery ?3 Drapery Fabrics, Furniture,
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  • 386 4 GIRL TELLS COURT OF A ROBBERY SINGAPORE. Fri 'J'WO men were alleged to have robbed a huirdressing and permanent wave saloon immediately after one of them had been given a shampoo, a preliminary inquiry was told today. In the dock were Tan Kirn
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  • 120 4 PAYROLL ROBBERS DROP FIVE BULLETS SINGAPOKE. Nt The two robbers who pullrd off the S2?».000 payroll grab at thr Vi.ifi Far Cast C"mm.i ii (I office in < .i.iiui- Koad yesterday, dropped five unspent bullets In thrir getaway. The bullets, from a .3t revolver, were found on the floor of
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  • 115 4 TiE i Ovebestn nl tho National Theatre Company will present a concert "Ode to Spring" at the Victoria Theatre on Feb. 8 and 9. In conJunction with the 150 th anniversary celebrations of the founding of Singapore The show, will include full
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  • 38 4 MMiAPORE. Fil The Minttter tor Foreign Artair.s and Labour Mr S Rajarainam will officially open the Tua Pek Kong Kow community centre .it Tvarlc 32. i n Yin Chu Kang road, at 730 pm on Tuesday
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  • 168 4 The made-to-measure suits on way out: Expert SDNUffOU, Fri. Watch it or the mad>-to-measure miM with its perfect lit and ••o-pxprn-vive look limy mat ho on the way nut The threat is from the in i-- imidu. .-i| r<•a d > made counterpart. the viii- president of Japan's National Federation
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  • 280 4 f IKE Japan, Singalj pure has the skill and the capacity for hard work to succeed in industrialisation, said the Minister for Defem-f Mr Lim Kirn San tonight. OpcniriK iam i'Mi'.t carnival and trade fair at the Great World amusement park, he »aid:
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  • 59 4 SINOAPOH£, Fri A radio play. "Malam Lailatul Qadar" (The Oreat*!.! Nighti. ulll be staved by popular local artists at the Victoria Thrutre on April 3 Well-known TV ttars wU) aha be on hand with songs dances, and comedy acts Part ot the proceeds of Uit
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  • 178 4 SINGAPORE Frt— Telok Ayer basin, the point where fish Is brought Into Singapore will be closed from Feb. 26 the day the Jurong fishing port and centra) fish market begins operations Fishing vessels requiring port clearances or reporting arrival should proceed
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 446 4 lIBIIvIIIffIIBRBBBEBBBBI GLOBE -OPENS TODAY ;r^Knnsoiu^spiES^|: I B «BJB1K^L.VlI I sIbW 'Mb><^. j Xf sk^Msl H ttarnng PETER Uk EYCK LETITIA ROMAN ii COLOR CAPITOL LIDO 3rd Big M'oite Tonight > B Cos* Ecokings only N e fnt till" §BSB»»^sjsß»»s»^^^^^^^ B BJ CMING Li A ling YUN vi B^^B^*^^^ "Twin BLADES
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    • 54 4 LEARN TO OANCE Easily and Corrtctty at OAVIDS tCMOOI O» OANCINC l&* glasses 4 Privet* laralmanH lhl j\ V\/ accaa^d doily (ititnM Hill Road OH Orckard *d OIAMONO (Aircon,M IO n«Xf) I BafJBM J.JO A 7.10 p.m. MGR. )oyo Lalifha in j 'fOTHIYA IOOMI" I Tomor-o* 10 air •Mtlor Chon..'rok
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    • 305 4 OVEN* K^TTT^*^ni 130> 400> TODAY BH.-b.ttmttWmml 7.00 9.15 pm. STALLS: $100 51. 30 CIRCLE: $2.00 $2.50 (BRAND NEW PRINT) THOUSANDS HAVE SEEN IT! ...AND THOUSANDS MORE WILL SEE IT AGAIN AND WAIN f|^ SWATRA &< I TRE VuK nuVrAKiP j nAFPAEiIA CARRA brno hrter scr&o mm by oe'wg _JW_ m^cATHAvJ
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    • 497 4 !■■■■■■>*« •SHAW Organ i. m tt- 1 «> aj NOW iMOWiNG 1 ■llom, 1.45, 4.00. 630 4 915 Cord Whil i IB Til NtVIR FORGET VVMATJ 'ISNAMI Tr I SB>. H i —Lido 4 Capitol— Ton, 9 ht M'atrtl I "Cash booking onlr— Nofr Cr- m "TWIN BLAOtS Of DOOM
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  • 119 5 SINGAPORE. Fri. A K<>> .< I Air Force plane dropped tuu 200 Ib. p.u ks on RAF Chansi today signalling the ili^h.uul ninu of another unit of in- Km Mi Army. 390 Troop of .">."> Air Dispatch Squadron. Koyal Corps of Transport. I hi- drop
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  • 22 5 SINGAPORE Pri The Smgaporr Government Technical Services Union will hold a dance at the Victoria Memorial Hall on Mtm-h 1.
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  • 403 5 'A TOP WORLD MARITIME NATION' PLAN Yong: Decisive steps taken... SINGAPORE, I Vi. ll is the Government's intention lv make Singapore a leading maritime nation of the world. Firm and decisive steps, said the Minister for Communications, Mr. Yong Nyuk Lin today, had been taken over the last nine years
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  • 62 5 Today's Educational TV on Channel 8 Ik as follows: S.l* a.m.-K.Jn A.m.. English second htnguaxr Sec I: Mr. Lee Meets Dr. Han. XSO-9.1*. EiiKliih second language. Bee. 1: SunUay with the Lima; ».30».M, Health Edu <Eng.t. Sec. 1 and 2: Environment and Health (I); 1t.15-18.55. Oeoeraphv
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  • 187 5 OINGAPORE, Fri After 11 years, two Invitations and nearly 12 months of busy preparation, the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association is here in the person of the famous evangelist's closest associate. Dr. Grady Wilson. Dr. Graham was Ant In- I vitea in I!i58, when the Churche.s
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  • 37 5 SINGAPORE. Kri A Chanrinf of the Ouard ceremony will take place at the IfcUna main gate on Sunday at 5.30 p.m. The band of the Singapore Infantry Regiment will play at the ceremony.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 323 5 pj Qoffccjrjmue jj/ 24 hours a day. Whether you come Kirn rln I iOf a full course meal or i^st fike to 8111 l i :rr for coffee and conversation, you will gnt a warm welcome. Because lv II the Coffee House, we have a lot of 11 [f^m usca^
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    • 84 5 :f 4 i el amigo THI S.VINGINGtST Nlll POT IN TOWN PRESENTS FROM TONIGHT DIRECT FKOM i me kong Tho sultry voice of Mt uonnie Tse WINNER OF "THE 1967 ALL B HONGKONG SINGING CONTEST ■j mkii( her first S f Asu t»f jfemeit a ALS^ j HIDH thC liit
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    • 111 5 CAR PARK ■^i NITE-SPOT Mm B AH EXCELLENT ENTERTAINMENT /i^^^m SPOT AMUSEMENT AT ITS PEAK. -J¥ "*■> m inn* 6ali Opening I LES SONNETTS SHOW J B frw Tahiti f\ Miss lintfj Lm mA fel Lovely Hongkong m wa j. SllrflfWl S No Parkin* Problem m Mu.t..i,.,.,c.rp.ri.. t., H..,. 5,n,.p0,.
      111 words
    • 269 5 A DELPHI Xrfc >$¥ BLT I ERY l^g Comfortable place to *v*%P mci and diat with liit'iids ever a cup ot cottee, y&r> .jC^N and may be some ot Adelphi's C^mQ Jm^fl famous cakes and pastries \yK> ■^se| Drop in. weekdays for our SK? C^s 'juick a, expensive lunches or
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  • 174 6  - Announcer dies four weeks after stabbing PHILIP KHOO B> CINGAPORE. Fri. kTI A part time Rediffusion announcer, who was stabbed outside a bar four weeks ago, died in the General Hospital today. Paul Quek Mia Chye. 28. w;is with two irlends when they were attacked by ei«?ht men out.slde the
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  • 29 6 SINGAPORE. Frl. A Bn:iah labour Party MP. Mr Tort Leadbitter i» due here on I Mondnv on a vtstt to th« I Rrpubllr »nd M-.av<u
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  • 46 6 SINGAPORE Krl N« Ktm H»i alw.v Ooi Sik Pool. 32. v»v fined *300 hv a magistr»te rourt today »hen h* admitted tampermi; with hi* Matawian International p&uport. Hiv vi«lt p*w to 81n*»pore expired on Jan. 23 bul ha alUred It In Nov. 23
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  • 340 6 Wife fails in bid for divorce MUST PROVE ADULTERY BY HUSBAND A HOUSEWIFE, seeking a divorce from her husband, was today told by Mr. Justice Choor Singh: "'On your own evidence today you have failed to invoke the court's sympathy into exercising its discretion and granting your petition." Mrs. Daisy
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  • 104 6 A beauty contest for girls AND boys SIM.APORK. ML For the lir>t time, boys ran I'omprtc alongside girls in a beaaty contest for h.iwni a tnuithlul of the in on beautiful teeth in Smt.ipore. Ami Ihcv si inri to win not only SSMfe and otlier pri7C>, but also the crand
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  • 188 6 Bruner to Have water rationing again DRUNEI TOWN, m Brunei is to have water rationing again from Sunday. The announce mrnt came as a shock here because the Public Work* Department baa mst completed a $500,000 crash programme to boost the capital's water supply. The emergency proiect v. initiated last
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  • 218 6 IPOH. Frl. Malay--1 sia's proposal to i buy Mirage supersonic jets to strengthen its air drfence was described as an "eyew;»h.'• by a PPP Municipal Councillor. Sm'ak'.nK durliiß th«» adnment at thp Ipoh Municipal Council* month;v mating. Mr Khong Kolc TW said: "The Alliance Governm"iit
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  • 34 6 PENAV(. r (Undenta tf thf Island Park "a-ing will r]r<r Mr H^nd«"me" •nd a <*autv qur*n m (heir •i Canrr thr Dh\ It g Collagt, Grem Ijinr t, .m h nxt' mshi
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  • 58 6 SIM.APORE, Fri. The Prime Minister. Mr Le» Kuan Yew-, will be the (tuest of honour at dinner "«e Oolden l,otu» Restaurant In Hotel Malaysia n F eb t0 commemorate the 150 th ;inniver»arT of tbe found nc of Singapore by Sir Stamford Raffles in.Jn h TTu" or
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 164 6 I Hh GOX-DEIV I I Jtr gala opening ON (SATURDAY) l»t FEBRUARY 1969 |2ALE2 FREE GIFTS S SPECIAL OFFERS ;s^^S 8' J; the latest the best quality &j[i!jß&i I I Sin Lariicr Children's wears, 'sj^jil I S Shoes, Handbags, Cosmetic, iff 1 1" jfl FREE GIFTS IWyinnr I Ij* to
      164 words
    • 112 6 w— iii B n. men with POWER.. Super Plenamins» NO MORE GREY HAIR! Now from U S.A. nm YOUTHAIR »»•.•>!»«,. jrMHkH, oriamal li a «i« c~«.. YCtUTHAH tny X.,. VOOTMAH NOT dv. S MV k« a*»n*4 «i o,dm.r» k... «yi. m, w M# y r.yfcl«.f»^. a.d Hit B«'?&n%sJ T0
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 65 6 Alley Oop By V.T. Hamlin I weu. wzbrA wsll.vour migwness IJ— HOW DMX) TH 1 WCTURe IN ITS f BUT LdOtfkW V ASSESS TH' j OVERALL KignRETV ij rr FSOUa I \l —^^^n; —^=£^y v^ ievvp O NT... j TP V»4TURE TO OH, FOR HSWtNS V- >». SAY BWWINQ SOHC
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  • 117 7 $450,000 magic that wasn't... Xl \l.\ II MPI R I n fhe \"ist.inl MiniNtiT of MiMiie \fl.iirv Ini be 11. i n'/. ill liin Mm S.imali tocl;iv denied "hlack ni:>Kir" \\.(s uved hy ri»l»I'ers in the Sl.i'.'.OOO johore le treasury robbery l.i»l > "I here is no evidence of
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  • 24 7 I'rc iniprn MP Deputy Speaker bat b<~rn rci chairman ot the r aKBMOt n a sing director. Mr V
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  • 288 7 Struck-off lawyer fails in appeal to High Court BUT HE CAN APPLY FOR READMISSION TO BAR gINGAPORE, Fri. A three- year old judgment against a Singapore lawyer, Mr Lav Liat Meng, ordering that he be struck oil the rolls oi' advocates and solicitors for "grossly improper conduct in the discharge
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  • 513 7 alleged to have received a sum of moncv trom his client S7OO < contrary to the provisions of Section 17<3> of the Motor Vehicles i Third Party Risks and Compensation i Ordinance 1960, and thereby to have been guilty of
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  • 127 7 Collectors point out defects in the new dollar coin L' U A L A LUMPUR, "•Fri. Members of the recently-formed Malaysian Numismatic Society are disappointed at the dollar coin Issued to mark the 10th anniversary of Bank Negara. Th«-v complain 1 hat the new coin has these defects IT APPEARS
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  • 106 7 Director from London killed in crash [(UALA LUMPUR, Fri. A director of Opirex Ltd. of London. Mr. L.W.H. Hill, died hero as a result of a road accident on Wednesday. lie was kni)cked down hy :i bttt in Jalan Campbell on Wednesday night. He died three ivi'ir.s later in the
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  • 25 7 PENANG. Pri— A bultrt dinner and dance in lid Warnnrv Fund Will br held at the Pmitrv Turf Club golf pavilion tomorrow
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 35 7 SHOCKING TRUTH ABOUT H Hi Uii t "Tarn v A student amusingly explains all from as SUCH A mnr Hi RHIFF Si home a w» r s c»rr y Ct WII T S ANTACID lAJUIS
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  • 210 8 100 HANDSHAKES TO HONOUR THE HONOUR GUARD A i. i \k n OKHONOIR ;i ■< honoured in re'urn. with 100 handshakes. h\ M.irjorir. Countess nl llrecknock. when she inspectcri it t< il.iv M her arrival at airport. It «.is not merely handshakes she had a smile and a friendly
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  • 213 8 Abortion cases: Doctors 'can refuse' SINGAPORE. Friday J)OCTORS in the Republic will not be forced, to perform abortion operations if it is against their consciem the Hralth Minister. Mr. Chua Sian Chin, said today. He said the Abortion Bill now betore Parliament would provide sulTicient protection for those who objected
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  • 12 8 Ml'.K F being lakrn l>v -lie police here tr^nir
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  • 86 8 l»l M 1.1 MPI R. Fri The J1.2 million project to pre\cnt flooding in .lalan Bunu-ar is expected to he comnlrted by the end of the year, the Parlia mentary Secretary to the Ministry of Labour. Mr San Choon. told the l>et» :in
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 197 8 a^B»JßMMßßfcaaMMaMiaaaaaMMM»^-^.-.- mm^ m mm m mm m^mm***mmmKO^- m M y^^pHßß Ibb\ «3vBl Having to make a car that's even better than the '68 Cortina was quite a challenge. But we made it. We're the only ones who could Cortina has been a success story right from the start. It's broken
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 41 8 Bugs Bunny By Ralph HeimdaM yiff^lßCNMll I nfi RuAADED k WILL /fw)JfV U r HAPPEN!^ PSfc^^VMU' 1 1 V NOBOD V 'WMCPED VA LEARN T'l [71 iT~fIH OCIVCYA CLUCK... BLA- J Jh I 2 A... WE COULD A *h ft c^^/y-iKI
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  • 271 9 The Yok o Mam sails for Straits of Malacca to chart seabed CINGAPORE, Fri. The 2.000-ton Japanese survey ship Yoko Maru sailed for the Straits of Malacca today on a 45-day mission which could bring :>reud benefits to Singapore and Mala; It Is likely that charting of the seabed will
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  • 41 9 Dr. John Turk a London specialist In unmunoiopy. U in d World H' Sepoy Dr. Turk Is slajinif here for three days at the Invitation of the school of post-graduate medical ftudies at the University of SlnnaDore.
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  • 14 9 Deepening sea passage w.-,rk Juroof ircfiKtd U> The .n cany this ■11 be 00D1June.
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  • 11 9 SI'NOEI PATANI. PTI. Th» T'lvin Council via meet .-ni..rrow
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  • 344 9  -  RUDY BELTRAN CLAMP ON GANGSTER FILMS By KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. Film distributors here have been advised not to import gangster films because ol their impact on local thugs. The chairman of the Film Censorship Board. Inche Mohamed Hussain Marica, said there had been
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  • 178 9 WOMAN FALLS TO DEATH FROM 11-STOREY BUILDING I/UALA LUMPLR FTI. A former hot^l receptionist fell to her death from the top of a 11--storey block of flats In Jalan Suleiman Court, off Jalan Tuanfcu Abdul Rahman here at 6 a.m. today. She was Identified as Miss Lim Chung Klew. 22.
    178 words
  • 57 9 SINGAPORE. Fri. The Industrial Arbitration Court today dismissed an appeal by Malayan Breweries (Singapore) Ltd. against the decision of a referee :< ie grading nt three employees Hassan bin Pawiro. Ncadiman Alias and F.J. Pereira were among 10 employees of Tiger and Anchor Breweries on whom the
    57 words
  • 42 9 IPOH. Fri Zaimidin bin Abdullah. 25. a MI w.i.shrr with three previous convicttoas, wai lulled for liirm month* b magiatrete'i < ri tan •>*u\ f. .r loiirnua in .1 luck lmn' uf! Brpwster Roarj In re M 4.30 am uD Jan. >.
    42 words
  • 193 9 VUALA LUMPUR. Fri. 1V Are Opposition parties rearing "strange creatures" In the Governments land development schemes to frighten away settlers. "That is possible." quipped Tun Abdul Razak In the Dt'wan Ra'ayat today, when replying to thLs question by TAN SRI NIK AHMAD KAMIL
    193 words
  • 25 9 PINOAPORE Pri a cyclist. Chua Mpng Ou-m. 18. ».ts killed in a collusion w:th a lorrr trailer in Pater&un Road ye&ier- I d»y.
    25 words
  • 186 9  -  LEE FOO SAN By Ipoh, Friday THE Race Course General Employees l/nion m,iv take indu>» action iiK.iinst all r.'re h->rsr tninrrs if the strike hy fiO >%<•«■«. in the Nl.ihli- of IralaCf I (iflie van Breukelrn hrre i> not settled. This warning < »me from
    186 words
  • 224 9 Inspector who tried to evade duty on tape recorder fined $1,520 pENANU. PrL ChifcX Inspector Abu Bakar, formerly of the Federal Reserve Unit, was found guilty today on two charges of attempting to evade 5122 Customs duty on a tape recorder and three bundles of cloth, and failing to declare
    224 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 15 9 Ti SHIRT \l"^L UIITH r^p) CRIBT EiCf nnmE at Shirt be-tmwat mew n»* emoemoN-Qxt womu)
      15 words
    • 106 9 1 1 jtynf .^isssssssssssHHP^ £/7 >°>' cc a// <"* U* e WOfld c rate °f bottles a second Ini»|«:lu>iYi M^^jj^ Mr^ '>>*il pint bottle or one can Carlsberg beer, J^§==' 'IML_ J|> plus one beer glass with every carton of Carlsberg purchased. O jmk WSBi offer vaiid until Bth March
      106 words

  • 259 10 A new school cert Malay exam SINGAPORE, Friday. GECONDARY lour students in the Malay streafH and suitably qualified private candidates, can now sit tor the School Certificate (Malay) examination, the .Ministry of Education announced yesterday. The new examination, to be held the first time at the end of the year,
    259 words
  • 106 10 New Year special Toto draws SIM.APOKE. Kri. lour Chinese New Tear Toto draws with a lust priie of M00.»»0 will be held by Singapore Pools (Pte) Ltd. on Feb. lb and 23 and March ft, The second prize will be .-ii Entries with four numbers correct will receive a minimum
    106 words
  • 107 10 SINGAPORE. Fri A 1967 High Court award ol all-in damages of $14,600 for a tormer prisoner. Ho Tee Ming, was today reduced by half by the Federal Court of Appeal hen The three judges were unanimous in finding that Ho. father <>f six. was himself
    107 words
  • 88 10 DRIVING LICENCES AT POs SINGAPORE Fri. The Registry of Vehicles has good news for motorist* driving licences can be renewed at 15 post offices from tomorrow. The 15 pon offices which will renew only licences a month before they are due to expire are the Alexandra Bukit Panjani;. Bukit Timah.
    88 words
  • 115 10 SINGAPORE. M. The Governments threo vocational institutes and four Industrial training centra will be offering a total of 44 types of technical courses for a total of 3.400 student*, when their terms begin on April 14 Enrolment will be from Peb 3 to 19. Application
    115 words
  • 125 10 Wife wins divorce on husband's adultery SI N A P O R K. Kri. —Mrs. Ki»a Adam (above), formerly known as Kos.i I. cvii!; Kuai Fun^. uas t(»da> a decree nisi l>> the IliKh Court on the «»f adultery by her husband. Adam Ibrahim I lie couple were married exactly
    125 words
  • 19 10 SINGAPORE. Fri The Neu Ideal Exposition will open at the Gay World Stadium at "30 pm tomorrow
    19 words
  • 134 10 QUEUING: List of suggested bus-stops now out SINGAPORE, Fri.— The list is out— tor Singapore's queuing-up campaigners to cli 20 out of 31 bus-stops recommended by the traffic police and the PWD The target ol the mitt members $10,000 queuing-up campaign which v las week by National Su:Council i ser.gers
    134 words
  • 166 10 Bus firms to pay damages SINGAPORE. Ft:. Two bus companlt wt-rt ordered by the High Court today to pay damages in accident claims involving their bu.--The gait again t the Changl Bu.- Co. Ltd before Mr Justice Tan Ah Tah. while the other against the Singapore Traction Co, Ltd. was
    166 words
  • 38 10 Off to training camps SINGAPORE. Fri batch of n v emen will be called up lur lull-time military service on Monday They will miKr; Lim Green nud B munity centres at 9 a m which they ing rumps.
    38 words
  • 359 10  -  MAUREEN PETERS By SINGAPORE. Fri. o The neuro-surgery unit at the Thomson Road General Hospital, which performs an average of 100 operations a year with a 94 per cent success rate, is to be expanded as soon as adequate staff and equipment are available. The
    359 words
  • 28 10 SINGAPORE, Fri. The Singapore Art Society will hold its eighth open air exhibition at the Elizabeth Walk from 3 p.m. to 6.30 p.m. on Sunday.
    28 words
  • 34 10 bINOAPORE. 11l The Adult Education Boaid is organising a 16-week course m batik painting. The classes, to be conducted In Ensllsh will be held on Sundays from 2-5 p.m. at Calmhll) Road.
    34 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 528 10 Look shapelier in your j^_^ New Year 9 A with Berlei! V^ t MW Thanks to the artistry of Berlei every girl and woman can have v \f the feminine and alluring shape she desires to look fabulous n ncr ew ear fashions. Take for example the Berlei Styles I
      528 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous

  • Article, Illustration
    2147 11  -  ARTHUR J. DOMMEN by THE official commission that investigated the French defeat at Dien Bien Phu concluded that the Governments tardy and vague instructions to its commander and Us failure to provide requested reinforcements were the major causes of the false assumptions and miscalculations that led to
    2,147 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 105 11 i i MmMmmm ■m \M m I MB S, l*ff my I I m I i. v^"gasßsl»r^ W i i ffHll I V WMr f I j IJL M^ I If g^BMgf^gW—Jj TCsssssssW i- thMMi ■BB^ K^^_ jT JtassiPv W9w* jm. rTiSBI^BHgK >*" jC '$&*> I I f ''^tasssflS^^ V^^
      105 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 532 12 Aon responsible for the go-slow tactics among Singapore s port workers would be well advised to heed the Prime Minister's words on ■he MMMMM of "economic sabotage". Singapore is steering a by no means iiirse to economic cie, elopment and survival, and any deliberate threat to -.tlion is
      532 words
    • 515 12 Hiuh and coasstent quality arc the keys to success for any product. This is so even within tariff-protected domestic markets. I. has the force of a natural law in the \\id>- open international market. The Standards Institute set up by the Malaysian Government is addressed to this
      515 words
  • 1319 12  - A CRISIS IN JAPAN'S UNIVERSITIES DON SHANNON struck and marched in sympathy with the students. In neither the United Btates nor Europe did ■■liberation' movements last long enough to cau>e a univerMty to lo>e an academic year, but Tokyo University. Japan oldest and highest rank Ing school, went out or
    1,319 words
  • 495 12  - The Governor who inspired devoted friendships KHOR CHEANG KEE by P«n«ng ALTHOUGH he was in office for barely 17 months. Penang's second post-war Governor. Tun Syed Sheh Shahabuddln, whose death at 59 occurred yesterday, could claim to have won tho genuine respect and affection of all sections of the people.
    495 words
    • 99 12 I AM glad to learn that Mr. Murugasu of the Victoria Institution would be happy to co-operate with the press t telephoned his school seven tlme.s and each time I was told *hat the headmaster was not In or not available tv the press At I
      99 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 4 12 B^^T^^l SVP9HHHI Ais^t fliKSJSEffallH
      4 words
    • 223 12 Your Body ~qNeeds !Pr VITAMIN C Constint suopf/of Vitamin C is Vitamin C is good to be M*en regularly to resists against various infections, liKe <iv, ikm ■Jofo9(tr and mouth (ks««ses. It aiso Dre- JB-'ilL i^ vents btood disorders.whch (*>»»,■ healing of wounds and tfeednq -fiwlT'*'*'V gums. BL>y a bottle
      223 words

  • 215 13 A gun duel challenge to the editor IPOH. In. A Peo--1 pies Progressive Party member, Mr. LeoiiK Boon Swee. last night issued a challenge to the Editor of the Straits Times to a duel with revolvers at 50 yards ranfre. A ret;r<d police officer. Mi. Leong had the lpoh Municipal
    215 words
  • 60 13 62 wanted as probationary inspectors L ILA lAMPUR. Frl. The police are looking for (0 men and two women In the lorce as probationary inspectors. Applicants must i>e Malaysian citizens be»«een th» ages of 18 anrl 28 mid£s the Overseas School Certificate or the Malaysian CertificiLe of EMucat;on. Applications
    60 words
  • 53 13 $1 ,925 m. Bill passed j.l AI.A LI MH K. Fit The Deuan Raa>at today p.issed the $1,925 million Supply Bill after debating it for more than two weeks. The general debate on the Bill lasted three days and m followed br m 11-d.iy debate in committee. The House meets
    53 words
  • 541 13 NATIONAL Electricity Board senior engineer, Mr. P. J. O'Neill, told the Sessions Court here today that he gave $10,000 to a man after he had been given a cup of coffee. "I felt very drowsy and everything was very vague to me,
    541 words
  • 50 13 fINGAPORL. W V.N. Abdul Jabiii 45. ot Adan. Rnan. was today jmied fur five vearx by the High Court (<c raping a giil uf 10 in his hut on June Jabar. «bo conducted hw r»n defence and pleaelrd n:t guilty said the evidence »aa ■fabricated"
    50 words
  • 172 13  - A 6.15 a.m. ambush to catch a newspaper thief JEFFREY LOW By SINGAPORE, Frl. He Is a regular Straits Times reader, and wa I naturally annoyed when his paper went astray yesterday. He checked with the delivery boy, but was aj.sured that it had been Iff t at the gate
    172 words
  • 26 13 PENANO Frl Abuiir M in surge 1 Olugor muicim laic enrolled »s students ol Oie Glugor Cubs 'Malay art ..f Mil defence) cl*n.v
    26 words
  • 85 13 Due— 3,soo tourists witl $2 million to spend SINGAPORE. Fri Mure Hi an 3.500 tourists with §2 million to spend will sail into Singapore next month. 1 >ii- n\.tsn>n proImli 1 lli l.irsrst influx ir mi. niiir.Ui s f.,r "ill be f.ulp up lartrly Hi I' 1 Ms I lir
    85 words
  • 24 13 KUALA LUMPUR Kn Minuter uf Information and 1 bin :il vi.i opt D t morrow- t 8.30 om 1 bnti Thai".
    24 words
  • 354 13 By WONG PUAN WAH I^UALA LUMPUR, Fri. The Government is "considering" an application from a syndicate, headed by a millionaire tin miner and race horse owner. Mr. Lim Chooi Keim. to run ;i four-digit lotlcrv based on the Turf Club
    354 words
  • 22 13 XL M A I I'MPt'H I talk on V •v Mr» rt .ncoln Cultural Centre li :i jo v m.
    22 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
      144 words
    • 150 13 CHRYSLER WJSB OUTBOARDS f SPECIAL OFFER AT REDUCED PRICES! A limited number ot brand new 1967 68 outboards are being offered at reduced prices Commencing Ist February, tor a short period Prices upon request. View at our showroom s»^" Open on Saturday (full day) 1.2.69 VO/PER THORNYCROFT UNITEER/ ITD. Showroom
      150 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 531 13 ON YOUR TV AND RADIO TODAY TV SINGAPURA iH\NNt.I. 5 I in- HMicicr li.iy F*.l 12 4 s l''k' mn Mini- arrmg Humptirry Bog»rt and ***"*marj Bod .i liv m cii»* b a Xi bang .<" tH\NM.I. t Ric. 435 Jnry Lew Bho*. ,'tw* n r. n«S-, 521 Danir' B'i-
      531 words
    • 237 13 TV MALAYSIA TTtl***T" Kuji.l lunipm. "J AA Neus lnEngli>h. 710 Pencils j. li>uii. Malacca Bi ™TV Magasbte. 735 11. c Jnlimr IWtlnu 3. 10. Taipirg Love^ at D t. K.itu Fatal Klaaaa; I 3 (111 I" v I OB I B 810 mir\ 301 Thr Pim'es Tanmma H«ilnm..n t>en
      237 words

    • 337 14 I REFER to the recent letters drawing attention to the problems of queuing for buses. The National Safety First Coumil Is well aware of these problems and is currently having discussions with the traffic authorities and other interested bodies to study
      337 words
    • 164 14 The taxi men who refuse fares 1 ENDORSE even- word in the report "Hoteliers awful eneounten with T.ix;.<" <ST Jru: 25 b^CttM I have sutlerrd kn BM way on several occasions. K bMOM a great p:'y that a Visitor Irom another country has to bring this out ln th<? open.
      164 words
    • 146 14 I AM making arrangements to send my daumiter to the Tunku Kurshiah College ln 8«--remban. At the request or the Principal I took her to tin Kw.ila Lumpur General Hospital for the u.sual medical examination. To my surprise I was charged $20 for the
      146 words
    • 107 14 EACH year pupils ln practically every .school are required to bring their parents documentation "Identity Cards, birth certificates and citizenship papers) as proof of their Identities. This Is quite understandable for the first year, but surely Is It necessary for students who have been In the same school
      107 words
    • 185 14 DOG TAGS AND THE DOG CATCHERS I REFER to C. T.I letter (S.T. Jan. 18) "Getting those dog-tags." The dally number of ft ray and unllcenced dogs caught and destroyed is still high and therefore there is justification for the dog catching task Including the night dog catching campaign initiated
      185 words
    • 123 14 S-E Asia's most beautiful war memorial RECENTLY I vLsited the War Memorial ln Kuaia Lumpur. I was astounded to see three young men in military uniform climbing ovec the statues. For one instant I thought they must have been detailed to clean It until I realised they were playing amongst
      123 words
    • 93 14 OKFORE the Car Parks Dr. the H A; I) Bo;ird ear In Upper PicKerln? tenants of the ground Iloor I allotted a free parking space. Now they hay to queue up vehicle owners who have no connection whatsoever with the H&D BoaTd. These tenants have been paying high
      93 words
    • 179 14 Last word on those tax discs MAY I refer to ttf letters by Scow Ah Lay and Ooh Bean 81 m (ST. Dec. 28 and Jan. 12). The positioning of a tax disc Is provided ln tha traffic regulations that it should be affixed 1 on the left-hand bottom corner
      179 words
    • 67 14 THE Traffic Polic.-» \T9 to be congratulated on their prompt attention to the prote.jts of pedestrians who wro'e to you last week. As one of them. I would like to thar^ the Officer In Charge 1 cat fitPolice for his courteous attention and his pn :iidl action to remedy
      67 words
    • 84 14 A LETTER dated and bearing a Jan. 22. 1969 ptvstal mark and pvted at Kuala Lumpur. was delivered to me on Jan. 23 The letter was for an interview on Jan. K When I asked the Petallng Postmaster for an explanat.or. of t'a < delay
      84 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 250 14 ■1 W *K il J3IJ ijm PH W mm i^H m mm wLm bY s^aV S^*^*^b^B ■P^ii? Jb^b^b^b^b^L^B s^Lb^P^^^hb^Lb! EL>^ J^Hr 4- WT" \jUm SMslbbV BL*WM W V >i*^^, yT bbSbHIW am Y Lam W fl LVfl I "Sbw *3I 1. t JP: :^K t^J I IH i^Jfl pi LbH|i
      250 words
    • 84 14 BH^P^^^ VISIT EXOTIC PENANG AND STAY AT MALAYSIA'S LUXURIOUS 1 HOTEL CiP.O. Box 101 Cables: "Manhot.l Tel- ?fini do lines) Prn.uie. Malaysia. mm S2?^™ RhMs^^^Z*^^! ■^BK&xMis? t^M i^BMst 'J I Centrally located l n the green heart of the city, the Mandarin has comfortable guest rooms and suites, and restaurant
      84 words

  • 187 15  - Pakistani experts to help run S'pore shipping line GABRIEL LEE By CINGAPORE. Fri. Two Pakistani experts are due here soon to help run Singapore's national shipping line, which was istered last month as the Neptune Orieut Line. The line is I t art. d by Mr Hon Sui Ben, president
    187 words
  • 21 15 SERKME\N M (ID Ch* Dl i:' K Sub--1 (tn Austin n M finaDci company, at iba Rest Houi« htna
    21 words
  • 132 15 Xl M LUMPUR, Kri. Pulicr heailqu.irtrr> Mlvertteed racancJei f»r .mih 1 mist iltlrs. It .ippli- < alums from ib.U4iu job-M-ikir> Ihe minimum qu.ililn .ilimi fur a PC in a pa->» in M.iml.iril Si\ Matt] «ho .tpplu-tl werr Senior .inil>ri:lu«' .^<>ulh^. Whin :pi>li( .Uions
    132 words
  • 167 15 Minister: What playing host to Pata talks means KUALA LUMPUR, Frl. The Minister of Commerce and Industry, Tan Sri (Dr.) Lim Swee Aun, said I today Malaysia was '•proud 1 to be selected as host for the 1972 i conference of the Pacific Area Travel Association (Pata). "This fits in
    167 words
  • 346 15 Singapore 1979: Skyscrapers for 8 out of 10 £IGHT out of 10 Singaporeans will eventually live in skyscraper flats. This was today's forecast by city planners shaping a 21st century Singapore for a population of four million. The prediction It based on information obtained after what ha.s been described as
    346 words
  • 44 15 JH.NAMJ. Kri. Apprentice Jockey Raymond \.m Bruekelen. IK. was today charged uitu t.iusini: the death of A. Kreena Santhananamarv In rr klr-s drivinc at the diuKor -Jan.i Suneci Huj lunrtion last Nov 11. He pleaded not cuilty and wait allowed bail.
    44 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 714 15 JE L. f 7 ...WHEN YOU BUY 1 GREAT I YOU may be -1 SAgfVO tv 1 ycu/Qf I the LUCKY If f r I S AIM YO WINNERS J| _M^Z>y^ m mm^mm WASHING MACHINE FREE AIR TRIP TO BE WON -w^-y^-,^/^ JS~M?^m PLUS MANY OTHER VALUABLE PRIZES J m
      714 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 51 15 r* UTTUE later. doctor^ f MACV! BY OOCClBs"^^*^**^ twis T kjft nnwvi' r DATitLT i« b^u< i»j W4«^^B I KA \JTtmit I I MQU WQBI LOOK FIMF 9 ALL ABOLr I ev^vo' I ItN I F^ r^Jw IN IMB I ft|UMc< MfT TVIC i I L un w-mw^^-jv irrv- A
      51 words

  • 222 16 KARACHI, PTL A former permanent :.t ad Of the Pakistan Fort Ign OiiH'f yester daj called for the abdication of Pri-sid ent Ayub Khan M a jreludc to political talks on national mirest. The rail by Mr J A Rahlm came ■*> troopi stood
    Reuter  -  222 words
  • 110 16 MAMU Kri prrsi dent M.imon h.i> i.ill pil a mreling lodav with >.lli« i.iK <if .ill Use city > srhiMils tit diMUss Molcnl stuili-nt demon str.itiinis over the wrrk Poli.e t..d.i> uiri- hold iDu three student* arrested List ni^hl ihi n .tli nit 1
    110 words
  • 97 16 /UIRO. Fri. The Government nounced yesterday the formation of j. National Defence Council empowered to dec war. The council top dent Nasw r. Il will lu\e author ■ecutlt) atr&ln aiid :.s yuaUfl«d to declare and, order military i The council also will determine the
    97 words
  • 66 16 JAKARTA. Fr: Two Chinesf Kirl gw were among six C'ommuni.-t rebels killed in a two-hour battle with Indonesian troops in the Jungle Interior of West Borneo province thi> week, Antara reported today. d that fine Indoi iiided in the etach Fin automareapajU
    66 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 113 16 am fl^sl s^ssssw J T s^ss! J t O <■ t^^Xm^^^T^^ S^ssssW T S^ssssW I > 1 *f *>f %-nbs\ -JBssL^sf jf r> wYw X* tr^^*^ l^**^*^ r mm I sWw^^^LjsJF sr^B^^-^ iX/V^ *s>^^ QstVVA*! I, mi X MB -J T jr fV3w»»jQ I ■■■Sl^'Sl^^^B^* -j^_^^, l^^sy^**^Mj^^^ M^^^^^^^r^»^syW| I v
      113 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 252 16 Straits Times Crossword fisßßßa BB^H BBBBbV WSBBv BBbW ACKOSS 7. Quiet Communist soldier i»L Undergoing stomlr dMlnt«- turns broken steed «jwimlJsk»gratlon mith the set on p*r- *> sd»sjice <3-B>. hsps 1 5-6 1. 9 Alcuin turns out to hsr* •*>■ I. Dlame the direction the b«- Rl r«nkne«B ■in >
      252 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 845 17 LIVERPOOL *ND OtHtft U n CONUNkN!*. fORI' Hi 111 11 I 15: See |1 z& FROM UK CONTINENIAL PORTS; mm r.nm mm mOTESUAUS M nil *M IS fM It/21 F.I 21/22 r,u!,n CIO*. Minn. !"..v L Ub 2 2 Jar* BjnBko> >'* i *VI Mir 7/ I Mir 11/13 p.;..
      845 words
    • 2614 17 MuuiM^iwhlii^^^^^M \TH€ E A Zl//V£S I •a*****V THE EAST ASIATIC COMPANY Ltd Inco'por.t.d in Cnmart Maa****l IKMHB SAILINGS TO CENOA/NORTH CONTINENT/SCANDINAVIA C. Sh-it Mpnjno i'rjtir- oenoa r! dam H'Butg Adrrius C'hlßin PRETORIA ai Sailll Sailed 1. 1-7/2 Mar S Mar IS Mar 17 Mm 11 Mar 21 Jurai Ftl ll
      2,614 words
    • 1254 17 t—^ WORLDWIDE CARRIERS LTD. l^rlA^^ For: Lot Angclrt. New Orleans. Charleston, l^jn^f Nc York. New London. |^^^^^^"»1 (also accepting cargo for other Gult and Atlantic I ports, subject to inducement) Spore P. S'hcm Penang LA GRANDi ABETO 11/14 Feb 8/10 Fcb 6/ 7 F*b JAG RAHAT 8/10 Mar 4/ 7
      1,254 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 1161 18 V( KAWASAKI KISEN KAISHA LTD. Western Australia Singapore Japan 4«rvlei Frem^ritia Singaoori Vokkiiclii/Nagoyi Y'hama ftoot 'BiiUM Man' 18/ IS fh «Ma II Ma Bin UMa Wfest Africa Singapore. Japan SMrvic* Anfoia Sintaport Ni|oti r'Mmi AaM 'Twiiiliaa Man- Oaits 21/22 Mai M Ma 41 Ma 4 Mi Japan /South *esi Afrtea
      1,161 words
    • 838 18 »USI»»ll» NtW UUtND SHVICt 'NSlt rMISUN «N0 l»« tASI lIBJWII 10: AUSTIALIP.. NEW ;i>i«nO <» I«'»attmni ail Malrai >« »«c« utt. One Mill. S aJN Snam Penan* i«iui«' 14/19 tr» 21 Fel 21 Fel i<tn<ni b riair b poit p,Aj U( .p. |/U MX 13 Mil 14 Mai BANKUKAt MM
      838 words
      938 words
    • 909 18 PAN..WYSU T *S|^™r™" 1U... PVr- „N.O«FO«»T,U ,N IV..LAND, I The Directors have declared NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN rsl :nlerim dividend lor the sear THAT a nrst and Final Dividend elldlng i s t March. 1U69 of ->U'» of 10. iTa.x Exempli tor the |ce s}> UK incom e tax at
      909 words

  • 198 19 Minings fluctuate narrowly in Melbourne MMELBOURNh Prl OS I MiniiiKS fluctuated narroulv In brUk trading New H. excepfiunally. made 90 cenu m $19 and Endurance dosed up 50 rent.s at $8 90 Other move* ;aneed tiom in cents Co 20 centi Oik rlosed .steady. IndUlUtftk raw Miaded falln in mode;
    198 words
  • 89 19 -HE Allocution at Sanki in Mau. In ll» raira lo mrrchania yaalrrtmv ii>i» miinwinii rair* an quoted io m. cqulvalaaH of on. unit of foralm Canada: Ruving TT «vi airman -nn: w 1« j; 7«:s erajn b'la. »3 Tliiio ir^rt. hilla. fallmt TT ar OO r.aily BJ BBM
    89 words
  • 13 19 Kuhtirr: rin» •lan Dec. M.lMeta. ,t $581 .72' j $5M32' 4
    13 words
  • 26 19 (VN Ika Iraa aiehin,. ma.kat in n«iia> araj .|i; O ied al ti.ii i.t. aM •m l»ai al i .iin v :it:i :I7^
    26 words
  • 29 19 RUBBER AND TIN CLOSING PRICES Jan. SI. XI XXIX PRICE: mi. <'<>Nts (up one eighth nl tent). TIN PRICE: >57».5« iitirh.inceil i Estimated nflrrint 215 t»n* (down 15 ions).
    29 words
  • 353 19 rpHE Rubber Mirkel openM. Ed the. wee»'. on a bouyant note and exchanges W» re made at the highest levels ol last week state H.C.B. to Ltd. in their review Undaunted by reports ot in.suflicient worthwhile consumer olltake. bull buying continued unabated, but this recoiled each
    353 words
  • 264 19 ■I'Mt POUT OF tINGAPORI AUTHO 1 RITV AMHOUNCID TNI FOLLOW FOR FEB. 1: OUT: Handn Cot* W UMoiwlill'n I. II Phuik-'Hi 1" Nikkoh>Mn Maru IS- Kuan Brook r ja. K,n"lin .11 Hornh nnki .T» ts, Kuau Lumpur 42 4^. l.:pi. 3 IN: Mala.f.a in. lAKlwigilMlrn II i»
    264 words
  • 93 19 HiNtM PnoOUtl UIKOII.I I SINGAPORE NOON CLOtINU I FftlClt PI« PICUL VIITIHOAV Ocamit all: milk (Mi| ir.irti mmi fit aMata ••prai Mixed ir.oi>> worn lan. Kti' UK /Com tilt H Pip*«r: Muntok «mtt *lli> mm, B*r,.».k «hilc UtM »tll*ri. •iwciai Hara»aK nlack »*7J Miltrt. mrtiM Lam('unK i>ifrli ftttA
    93 words
  • 24 19 In London mi I'hursdat Malayan 6 |wr cent elf UK In bulk May June wit quoud at 181 sellers per long ton.
    24 words
  • 344 19 THE Strait* tin price In Ppnaiiß ypsterday remained unchanged at $579.50 per plcul nn an ofTprin« estimated down 15 tons to 215 tons. The market was steady with demand from Europe and Japan On Thursday atternooti in London the 3 month}, forward
    344 words
  • 239 19 I." I I. I I M.i nr>( t <<1' r.hi-r f.u h ,|.,.,ri at p.m in Sinc^porr and Kuala liimpur nlrrdav a I nil. p» r ii, UP m. r,;hlli a r,nl an I Inirstl.. s s rlnMnf Irvrl. I li. l. .ii. vrrv qnirl
    239 words
  • 585 19 ST*CK ii'Mim.i hi MALAYSIA AND MNi.APORt BID AND OFFIS "RICH OFFICIALLY LIITID AT THI CLOU OF lUIIMII It. a. a<-ma :u ii.t* Hfn Co 2.»7 2.M Kornxi H'rhaii 1.IM) I.VI ill Kou.'.Hrt S.L'II ad «.«< 4.73 r CM I.M l >- 0 Holding! 6.A0 6.M HHJ 1.72 I.TJ
    585 words
  • 702 19 T<HE Stock Exchange had a mixed look about it yesterday with some sharp appreciations in the blue chips and some depreciation in the second class stocks on profit-taking. Foremost in the blue chip appreciation was a rise to $5.25 in Fraser and Neave. This compared
    702 words
  • 106 19 WORLD pri d .f natural rubber In October 1%8 totalled i- compar i«» <KM) to;^ In Septemner. preliminary figure tl International Rubber Study group show Tin- bring.* production Brat 10 ii: 19HK to 2.107.500 tons Con.-umptioi. in October Includi mated groat unpon Chinese Peoples Republic and
    106 words
  • 55 19 DLNLOP Rubber Au*trall» Ltd baa reviseci i« taktosei iiTtr for Hilton Corporation Ltd The eompanj v now oflerlng six Dunlop for each live ordinary Hilton. 1 previous one lir-o:. 1. Courtauld'- I hwH > another bidder for Hilton, offered two AS2 3U tor each Hilton
    55 words
  • 23 19 Parit-Bruas pay 2% i>.*nn brua I Ruhbtr Cv .innounr* an urn-rim )t two p^r ceat (no dividend last \nar) payable on March 1
    23 words
  • 21 19 FLKAK Ktvpr Hv.irfvKlectric Power Co I td. will pay an unchanged interim of five per cent on March fi
    21 words
  • 166 19 lONDON tin sh»w J firm .>n Thu numer in.- gain* in thp thrp« penny ur <i» pennj ::umev With Ayir London Tin and (inpinc shiiwiiif tht blgtrr tim s Othrr> to .11' inc-r wpre H< noni Sungei Besl Ph, k«len and SowthPtn Kmta, but
    166 words
  • 342 19 i V t M E N T IOF SMARB PARISON OF LAST SALES IN LUMPUR TRADING ROOMS OP TEROAV WIRI: (INDUSTRIAL t: ACMA "in.n i. Ban Ca. i I aaMal. Btinaa BtrDaJ uinrh.i. Bautlttd I c*alai. C. tusara lunch.l. C.C.M. aaajUl, C.I. Maidinu i In 0.8.t. t«-
    342 words
  • 141 19 HONGKONO Tin report thai the company has been allocated an annual assessment under thp Tin Control Regulation.-. of 6.H9 piruls '3RSJ tOOI I The quota ol permitted sales for the 104 day pprwd ended Dei-ember SI, 1968 wa.- 1574 plcul> < »3J tons) and the quota
    141 words
  • 1016 19 Bl»INKS» IN AM» KKI'OKI en to thi atMCATOfXa AMI ki \l.\ 1.1 MI-IK Ii: \l> ISC. I.ikiMs nl IMI STOCK I\(H\N(.I YEBTCBOAI MII >l IMt MMBI.K OY J.H\IU> TKAIItIt IN BR\('K».T" IN LOTS Ot 1.000 INI.I»> oTHt.imisi. gpeennco: INDISTKIAIS A( MA (3i $2.45. B*n and i» ll) ii
    1,016 words
  • 35 19 Jan. W Jan. 11 IM.J7 UVIIt Hntrl. I" I in MI.M Proprrliri: IMJI 113.CS Tinn MM MM I ruhhrrs IDK.M lOi.Bl It. M. ItM >"» I »rr. U, I*M t nw. n i»«?
    35 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 683 19 em iiiicuu aCH»*a?xtu»T I' »5 HIPIOCiINII »<xi town no»iu hunuc. *ov'iav*N ao*o Malacca. It has been drawn to oui attention that unauthorised and outdated slocks of K 11. I] are on sale in Singapore and Malaysia. As Sole Agents for Kom. (Ics \V. Schwarzhaupt, manufacturers or XII 3, we advise
      683 words
    • 30 19 NOTICES IM MfcMORIAM 9* '—mm MOIHIR 111 AH llvr I nn.: Year* h*ve passed hut in nur hearta you a/11l alwa.xi atay. Inserted hv Mr A Mr* YAP THII.N THIN
      30 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 643 20 lUNIHHS UECTIMS IN Mf.Mos.ilM Ma'illUtCS.' MItSINI. •ItSONII. fft (EtUKHS 1 MUNIOnS •lit MiSiwssi S.-l tsr 21 ikl Ktilissal »srl tl SS Jt K N OWLEO6EMENTS THE FAMILY 1 I MM Al I Matron. „-.,n Road 1 P.M.I ANNOUNCEMENTS l.on<lon. M Hi Ik Read,>.. frt>m 3rd rrl.ri.nv t.i Sth Kel.rusry
      643 words
    • 971 20 KATONC PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 4' K m ctnian Otrla Scnooi. rwirii Worship v.ib -chool sIS p m All I Urn rite cirove Road. Sunday service *****1 am Uednesday meeting .30 m whin include. testimonlea of OUAKER MtETINC FOR WORSHIP v Sunday. St. John s Hall. Trinity Mount Sophia. Enquirl oporn mUWs
      971 words
    • 1050 20 WANTED EXPERIENCED ambition honest Bnglisna sduaataa male rnei 30 vurs I1.4M111; ,:ood conne.tioi.with local mdust mi lists to run in deiwndentlv trading iidu«try merit promotion linn with ultimate prospects uf participation as a Olractoi Keasonal.:.- commei.cing salary will be jwld. Apply Bi>x ASWa s.T. s WANTED from -tid
      1,050 words
    • 1030 20 I DISTRICT 11 j hedrooms semidetached bungalow well furnished quiet locality. Tel .4087 alter office J023-1 1? pore). SEMI DETACHED HOUSE 2 txautoiii- lurnmhcd. all amenities includin. 1 111.11.. liistn.i Ij near hus 1 iMiiiJ Spore HICH CLASS SERVICED apartuapore Si-rvu c Apartments nice anil •lui.t Id SIMM II4SM (Spore.
      1,030 words
    • 898 20 1 11——— EBIBWN SPACE WAHTEI ON LONG LEASE ahout li.uu'J v\ ft preferably within miles lioin city. Reply with detail* PA 888 To* Spore. EUROPEAN COMPANY reuuiie. CODOWN SPACE APPROX. 9.000 SO FT. CITY »REA 3 years lontract, APPLY HOX UIM ST.. SPORE. WANTEO by a maaufaituring concern
      898 words
    • 897 20 TUITION I LEARN SWIMMING (easy— way) Adults tmt; t'lnldien SlO/-. (Spore) 14 *****3 H.S.C. CENERAL PAPER, S' hool CartlßCMa Knulub lei 18 pore) *****4 MATHEMATICS lor »rcond.iry SlUd4ni-,. i-.xpcriejiicd iiiallwiiialli Duma its Tei is pore 1 REOUIRE OUALIFIED TEACHER to MMS Baa, I Pupil in .til subject*. lIMBI iiore. ASIA
      897 words
    • 743 20 WANTED TO PURCHASE WANTED A «ood second Hand d**p 1 rrataaf lor a targe family Kin> K.L. PEST CONTROL KEEP SINGAPORE CLEAN Wnat about your FUu Cocuroacße*. 1 THOMAS COWAN I tit Test control Experts ax* ready to Belp you RING M 7421 also at Kuala Lumpur. Malacca. Penanc and
      743 words
    • 630 20 EITHER FIAT SOO one owner $.J.S(>O or Borg-.i..! TJS. $1,000. Both .November IOU inraacalat* conditions Offera 'i*» 3 VW 1200 One European u«a*r sui -m. DordltMH ininy *o taster mods, and extras .Spor-i (Jfil^n alter 2 ii« 2 TRIUMPH HERALO food condition n.» tvies paint iwhitei floor re, ordar «4KX)J
      630 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 762 21 l< mitiiHircl f rom p Uft 20) 1 FOR SALE~ iord«. Mont, u,d Utoraa Come «arl> loi your j Co. Ltd.. j. v i R< id rpara, u.uu— b.JO p.m. Mur.d.nn r ridavt. y.uu —i.3'l p.m. S«turdayi. NEW IMPORTED AMERICAN REFRIGERATOR artta xp&rste trMifr. fi«. troublf frrt. i en
      762 words
    • 636 21 DANCING i i TCA DANCE Kwry Mlundsy I p.m. io S p.m. in Csu««ay Inn. l»l. 3120 Jobor* Bsbru. restaurTnT baIT ENJOY CHINISE LUNCH HI •pcviH, Brie* u> Ctlutiai Kuou /A *jjio«i lamloo Orctmrci tu>»< tt Dor* lei Mill FRESH FLOWERS SAY IT with onhldi. Tilt Orcuid nor;it» T»l. ll'wil
      636 words
    • 522 21 LEADING EUROPEAN COMPANY HAS THE FOLLOWING VACANCIES IN THEIR CONSUMER PRODUCTS DEPARTMENTS A) CONSUMER PRODUCTS SALESMEN (2) B) CHINESE DRUGGIST SALESMAN (1) QUALIFICATIONS: Proven tales experience. Senior Cambridge Certificate. Driving Licence, preferable with own transport. Fluency in Cantonese, Hakka and Hokkien an advantage. SALARY: Commensurate with qualifications and experience. If
      522 words
    • 706 21 JAWATAN KOSONG DI-DEWAN BAHASA DAN PUSTAKA. K.L. Warea Negara Ma!av<la dan PeKs>wai2 yang wdan* j dengan Kerajaan ada-lah ri'.- pelawa menymnpaikan permohonan j bagl memenohi jnwatnn2 dalam Dewan Bahama dan Pustaka saper'.i yam: tersebut iii -bav.aa mi SETIA-I'SAHA: Tlnskatan GaJI- $628 x 34-934' 982 X 34-1.254 Kehikusan dan Prntalaman:
      706 words
    • 427 21 KERAJAAN KELANTAN. JAWATAN KOSONG. P#rmohonan2 ada-lah dl-Jempir i jariputiu War.:a Negara Persekuuan bael perlantekan ka-jawnuin Kariet Pembantu Pertanlan ißa-l lasian lit di-Jabatan Pertanian] Segtrl Kelantan tut taiissa Kaj, 1380x21-420 475x25-600 64Vx25-'65 2 Chalon2 t:n«l perlantekan nrttl-lah genap berumor 18 farm trtapl tldak geuap 24 tahun lan irlah tamat kur«uf> tlna
      427 words
    • 208 21 NOTICE NOTICE IS HI KIKV (.IMS that I. CHAN HOH UNO ot No. 24 Aljunird Road. Slnfaporr have applied lor a I'uhlir Mmisr First C lass lirrncr in respect of premlsi-s No. 187 .MarPhrr«on Sinicapore. 13 and that thi« nppliration will b* IH*W in llif <mrt ni thr Mstiiel
      208 words

    • 129 22 A.MKKH AN film actor James Garner sits at tlie wheel of a new racing car and talks to British driver John Surtees (right) And that was all lie could do after lying 6.000 miles from Hollywood to
      129 words
    • 41 22 lA3NDON. I- 11 The Eni;linh F.A. Cup Kinal will be played on Ap: 11 next yt ,c.r to help t.eai" the «;<> lor tht England team to haw i muHh's aciiini:>ttaaUon in Mntirc prior to the U7O Wi.rid Cup
      41 words
    • 20 22 The Malacca AAA will hold tlicir annual meeting on Feb. 10 at 5 p.m at Miiacca Uirla High School.
      20 words
    • 470 22  - Highway rally will score 'first' in S-EA M. RAHMAN By I'lIK Asian Highway Motor Rally l'rom Vientiane to Singapore on Apr. 15-^1) will be the iirst major international rally to be held in South-East Asia. It will be a reliability tMt for trucks, buses and t;irv nvir a distance of
      470 words
    • 40 22 The Raja Muda of Perafc naa been re-elected president of tlie Perak Turf Club 1 Club in Ipoh with a s Tao j I »lce-pre«idcnt and Teerati» R»m as treasurer, rormtiitte*: Mohamed Piius bin Yusab Mai I Pant l*ong
      40 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 512 22 I-— -j aj,j,j )a ,j- Ij-jj-jajma)_as«»s«s«sas_asas1 j-jj-jajma)_as«»s«s«sas_asasa M aaa)s_a_| a_a_| PHARMACIST We require a registered Pharmacist hi our rapidly expanding Pharmaceutical Section. Thsuccessful candidate will be expected to assume senior executive duties and should Be a Malaysian Citizen Hare ot l«ost 2 years commercM experience in on executive position. Salary
      512 words
    • 498 22 APPOINTMENTS STATE OF SARAWAK. Applications are invited for the :..>:ic.\ung po.*t: i:\ecutivrlngineer (Merbanieah iN'on-entablkhmenl) ll varmnrTi. Public Works Department. Salary Division I. Scale A i. 5151-1.4201 Point ol entry depending on educational qualifications and previous relevant experience. Candidates must be male, not Irs.s than 28 ana not more than M
      498 words
    • 690 22 NOTICES 1969 MALAYSIAN GOVERNMENT FLYING SUBSIDY SCHEME Applications are invitee; from persons who wisn to receive < financial assistance to learn to fly j an aircraft The tallowing- are the ifrms and conditions: ll Applicants Bluet be Ma lay Man Cltiaana, below the act of 31 vi.c:^ it Tht-y should
      690 words
    • 779 22 TENDERS THE BANKRUPTCY ORDINANCE (CHAPTERII) NOTIIK OF RFC EIVIG ORDERS TAKE NOTICE thm Receiving Orders were on the 17th Jsnuarv MM made aeniiv-t the following pervons and or firms: Bankruptcy No. 422, 68 Van Hulzen John. No IH9-N. Moulmein Rise Singapore 15 «9 Neo Bah Bee fl 1 Neo Kirn
      779 words
    • 148 22 #/rr/j/£ J6AM$r rug tvwp faouriiDi. a.(*a\s.Cji -rut 4£*b V 'j WIMP CAN «$T PE ACHit-VZP \f^ I, V By <IZP\HQ> 1&AJ&C10W U>« /\\~LS')sl, V ANP gACICSPIN AT MINIMUM /\U^4i/' Ma 9 ACCOMPI&HMP "j i.%f J py *toys*6 th£ ec4i+ \v i (Ll to oack AAgiv/A/cves, k A» n u&jm6 two
      148 words

    • 550 23  -  NORMAN SIEBEL By WHEN the Malaysian hockey selection meet the touring West Australians in the second of their three-match series at Armed Forces Stadium today (5 p.m.). they should remember these matches were arranged chiefly for an exchange of experience and know ledge useful to both parties.
      550 words
    • 222 23 OFF to Manila 13 badminton 'envoys' By TONY FRANCIS THIRTEEN Malaysians left Kuala Lumpur for Manila yesterday to promote goodwill between Malaysia and the Philip pines— through badminton. They are the Malaysian squad Ol nine players and four officials to the Asian badminton championships at Manila on Feb. 3-15. Team
      222 words
    • 60 23 JAKARTA. rri Rudy Hartono. the Aii-Ensland champion h,i S withdrawn from the secjnri ■■'<■■ hampi nil... "n FVb. J. Dr Sudlrman. chairman of '■h' AK-Indot Mis BadmlDt n AssociaUon, taid Hartono was "tired and needed re«t after play:nz in Uie recent national !lAlllr>S. He will :>e
      60 words
    • 47 23 BANGKOK, Frl. Maccabl Tel Aviv of Israel won the second Asian Champion Teams' Cup soccer tournament when they defeated South KoreaVane Zee 1-0 after extra time in the final :ast night. Toyo Koiryo of J.ipan beat Mysore State of India 2-0 to take third
      47 words
    • 268 23 MELBOURNE. Frl A 11 whirlwind knock of 81 in near even time by veteran Test batsman Ba-11 Butcher spreadheaded the West Indian cricket tourists to a respectable first innings score in their return match Victoria here today. Butcher rattled up his 81 In lust
      268 words
    • 113 23 SYDNEY. FTI The Singapore touring crick'-t team, wi'h four wina fr^m fiv» matches so tar In Australia, face what v expected to bt the toughest opposition of their tour in a two-riay n.a'ch at Ounnedah starting on S.:t Au»tra;i.<n Te.s; spin John Gleeaon will lead the
      113 words
    • 363 23  -  JACK FINGLETON From ADELAIDE. Fri. Charlie Griffith does not have too many cobbers in Australia today after his slick runout of Australian lan Redpath here in the Fourth Test on Wednesday but the big West Indian h;us never sot out to win a popularity
      363 words
    • 305 23  - Where are your swimmers, asks US coach PETER DE SOLZA By AN AMERICAN swimming coach has been in Kuuia Lumpur for two months and is still waiting to go to work. He Ifl David McJunkin. a Peace Corps volunteer, who holds a Master's degree in physical education as well as
      305 words
    • 87 23 THE smgspore Amateur SvkimmuiK /\»*ocwi iijii »v. n aid gold. mlwt kiui bronze ini'>> thu^ fmi fur perlormtOMi comparable to international -undaivii 1 i i .■•.<■ niei' f on Wednesday appointed a suboommi ue to »c. s»imme!> to qualify lur medaus. Ken Meyer, who iv elected president,
      87 words
    • 87 23 PVO schoolboys are am< ng the IS players named by tha Malacca Hockey Aamx lation in prepHrat'c.i lor their match agauvt the touring West Australians at the Kubu Stadium on Feb. 3 They are centre-half Wong Cho< in Hin rf BPI and eentrefor«ard M>>h;nder Singh ol High
      87 words
    • 35 23 COLOMBO Fri The MCC. cricketers had scored 143-1 in rn> to All-Ceylon's first innings total of 281-9 decarad by UM close of the second day's play In their match here The game ends
      35 words
    • 117 23 TEENAGKD international swimming girl Tay Chin Joo yesterday set up three Slnß.ipnre records in Irinls timed by Sasa nfiirials at the Singapore Swimmin; flub. Chin .l<><>. viho had equalled Palii.ia CfcMrt 100 wettei butterfly rr<ord <>f IIM on ynKfAeji c (emit of
      117 words
    • 187 23  - Love and Joy, Balcrest sparkle EPSOM JEEP By I OVE AMI JOY .Rod Dawkins upi and Balcrest did a spi, odid trial at Penang yr-sterday morning when t;-.' f ran 3f in 37 sac j on good I >ing. hint l.i red eood fnrm n it irjr In 37 2
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  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 68 23 5& v*f \*>Mi Sr'l /Hi/ ■IiIHIHHHHNBeiHI Jl \j£if Sole Agents Service Centre for Singapore, Penang. E Malaysia BruneiLAP HENG CO. LTD. 3G. Third Floor. Chow House, 140 Robinson Road, Singapore 1. Tel. *****. Sole Distributors Service Station for West Malaysia (except Penang) WENG HUNG WATCH CO. 39 Jalan Petaling .Kuala
      68 words
  • Page 23 Miscellaneous
    • 98 23 CKICKR SOCCER 10l K MATCH (Colombo): XLI ANO DIV. I— ieml-ftnal Ail-Ceylfin .'b3-9 flee >A lenne- Ourklia Biiglneert 2 TAWA 1. kion 101. R Fernando 45. O friendly: 3 Klutng rnrlrrwuon 4-M > MCC M 3-1 'J ClMhana 2 Efir:rh 79 no K Fletcher INTKR-S( HOOI. iTg M«--44 c
      98 words
    • 22 23 HOCKEY Tm.r matrh: MHF Presidents XI v W. Austrdlu iR mum* He XL 5 pm Scot Div 3: Klang V Municipal ■KlatiK>
      22 words

  • 278 24 Saigon police take two Koreans from plane lIONG KONG Frl. Vietnamese police at Saigon Airport today removed two Korean transit passengers from an airliner stopping there en route to Cambodia, a passenger on the plane said on arrival back In Hong Kong. They are bellev<a to be the same two
    Reuter  -  278 words
  • 80 24 Thais won't quit Tin Council BANGKOK. Fri Thailand will not leave the International Tin Council as she Mill derives enough benefit from the organisation to make the membership worthwhile, according to National Development Minister, Mr. Pole Sa'rasln. Mr. Pole told reporters yesterday that he did not agree with the surkpsUoii
    Reuter  -  80 words
  • 27 24 SINGAPORE. Fri Swaml Tltok Jl Maharaj will give a religious talk at Arya Samaj Mandlr. Jl3 Sved Alwl Road on Sunday. «t 11.45 am
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  • 628 24  - NTUC hits at Port Authority JACKIE SAM A LAMENTABLE LACK OF IMAGINATION, IT SAYS By SINGAPORE, Fri. The National Trades Union Congress today called for ;i review of Hie three-shift o p c r ;iUOll in the port In a strongly-word-ed statement, it accused the Port ol Singapore Authority of
    628 words
  • 302 24 Mirages: The Frenchbuilt ones most likely KUALA LUMPUR. Fr MALAYSIA is most likely to purchase Frenchbuilt Mirage fighters instead of the Australian version as announced by Tengku Abdul Rahman on his return from London on Wednesday. The rwwon? The Australian Mirage plant has ee&Md producing the supersonic fighters. The press
    302 words
  • 75 24 LONDON. Frl Three trade union leaders from Singapore had Informal talks here today with officials of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office ;md the Department of Employment and Productivity. The three visitors. Mr Tan Meiiu' Kwang. vice-president of the National Trade Union Connn Mr. Lee Oek
    Reuter  -  75 words
  • 336 24 LONDON. Frl. The market cloned on an easier note following tliis morning's firmness. Towards i the close, the FT. Index was o 5 I down at 518.7 ttlthough at one time today It rose to 0.2 below the alltiine high of 521.9. Leading Industrials presented
    336 words
  • 68 24 LONDON. Frl. Spot 21 \A., March 2l\d.. April 22d May 22 K d.. April June 22.d July/ Sept. 22 1 16<t., Oct. Dec. 22d.. Jan. March 7.1 15 16d April June 21 T >d.. July Sept. 21 13 16d.. Oct./ Dec. 21, d, Jan. March 21 11 ltkl. April
    68 words
  • 30 24 LONDON. h'll -Buyers £1367 i -IB' sellers £13'>8 < +£8). Forward buyers £136* i £si. sellers £1388 <-f£s>. Settlement £1363 <-C4>. Turnover a.m. 55 tona, pm. 715 tons. Tone: Firmer.
    30 words
  • 166 24 'Asean troops to keep the peace in Vietnam' idea gets backing J\KAKI\. Iri The horeiuii WsMcr, Mr. Adam Malik, said today that Indonesia itoulcl be prepared lo send troops to Vietnam only if requcstrd to do so by the I nilrd Vilions lie WAS eommentini: 014 a report pulilished here
    166 words
  • 36 24 SINGAPORE. Krl Ttw A "Wonderlard Fair <>i: March 29 from Id r.. to fl p.m. at th» Old a Grmnsr* Road There arlll i* h dor.nlion draw for idlng car, I'alpeh. •(■>■ tape-rra-s and radio*
    36 words
  • 44 24 MR VK. COVINDASAMY. PMd dfn' of t H»rtl»ai«na I 1 away at th« i.'fnrral Ho*. from iw Kuala KmiK-ir Kuad. lpuh, on I^6. at 4 30 1 11.1 <* :i im lai« hoainliii 1 K R •torr S. .naniao I4>h ln«t I'annal Road. I
    44 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
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    • 118 24 Late CLASSIFIEDS I HEAR SCk GRADYiI WILSON NATIONAL THEATRE, SINGAPORE. 2nd to 9th February 1969. Sunday 2nd. 3,00 p.m. English and Hokkien (*7. 30 p.m. cancelled owing to unforeseen circumstances) Monday 3rd. 7.30 p.m. English and Malay Tuesday 41 h. T.'iO p.m. English and Cl»t«nCM Wednesday sth. 7. .'J0 p.m.
      118 words