The Straits Times, 17 January 1969

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Times
  • 25 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 175,000 The Straits Times National newspaper Estd. 1845 FRIDAY, JANUARY 17, 1969 15 CENTS K.D.N. 3104 M.C. (P) No. 0723
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  • 727 1 Link-up— and a walk across... MOSCOW, Thursday THE first successful link-up of manned spacecraft- in orbit was achieved today by Russia's Soyuz-4 and Soyuz-5-then two cosmonauts walked in space across from one ship to the other. Cosmonauts Yevgeny Khrunov and Alexei Yeliseyev left Soyuz-o
    UPI  -  727 words
  • 148 1 Layang Layang crash: Fovir blamed KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs.— Four railway employees have been blamed for the Layan^r Layang train crash on April 23 last year. In which three people were killed. This is the finding ol inquiry which heard the evidence of 40 people. mostly railwaymen. In a report, which
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  • 38 1 HONOLULU Tlnns The US Na\> ■-aid yesterday that 16 of the 17 men :<■. Ing. after a ktM ct explosions *r.i me in the nuclear-powered carrier Enterprise, were found alive today aboard the ship.
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  • 238 1 KUALA LUMPUR. Thursday TUN ABDUL RAZAK today describPd as "assuring' th<> Commonwealth Prime Ministers' Joint communique upholding the right of self-determi-nation on the people of Sabah. "1 am Blad that the Commonwealth Prime Ministers have re-allirm-ed their support lor the wishes of the people oi
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  • 98 1 AUSTRALIA FACES A BIG STRIKE SYDNEY. Thurs Fears 01 a nationwide transport strike grew today, despite urgent diacUMtoiu between industrial and trade union otlirkils In Sydney and 1 Melbourne yesterday The nationwide tic up tlireat stem- Iron. strike by members oi tin Transport Workers' Union against Trans Australia Airlines, 111
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  • 48 1 Manila i Philippine* today rejected a pi from Malaysia ilia i their em- ;i. Banxkok handle official dialogue between the two linn:Porel(!n Secretary Cailos Roinulo said the embassies are accredited only to Thailand and can cIIm-uss mutterv only to their accreditation."
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  • 388 1 ENLARGED PEACE TALKS OPEN TOMORROW PARIS Thursday DBOCEDUKAL obs- tarles to beginning the enlarged Vietnam peace talks have b«'»*n overcome and the (irst session will !>•■ held on Saturday, the American delegation announced today. Negotiators c o mpromised on the controversial issue ol the sh.ip<- of
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  • 10 1 I tonio ■W *hti hlle «<J«I- i* MM
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 64 1 GEMS OF THE ORIENT 0 0 S»« Blue Cats Sapphire Sapphire Eye EMERALD AND RUBY G. C DE SUVA BROS. MANUFACTURING JEWELLERS. J. KoHIo Plan. S.«,op«r. I. TIL *****. PRESENT HER 1 GIFT-SHE HAS BEEN LONGING FOR an Entcar jewellery watch I^rSKSS not only makes her looks more elegant graceful.
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    • 174 1 GERMANY S A. BEST IN FASHION obermain /fri.-nff-r.y Trade Mark NATIONAL AM FM RADIOS GASSEnE RECORDER ORASAPORTABIE NATIONAL RF-7270 In ihe RF-7270 NATIONAL tias^^^rcombmed in one unit.' -M radio and a cassette itcoider that can be used as a portabit or in thecar Switch on llie radio s !tct from
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    • 150 2 HAVING ALL EIGHT WIVES PAYING HOMAGE TO YOU LONDON. Thurs 4 MAN with eipht wives who can still look happy, that 8 Chief Hubert Ogunde. receiving homage iroin his spouses dur Ing a rehearsal in London for OhOtuiiide. the National Dance Company of Nigeria's presentation at the Fairfield
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    • 222 2 PARIS, Thursday (FRANCE, in Increas--1 Ing agreement with the Soviet Union over the Middle East crisis, yesterday pressed for a Big Four conference to guarantee peace in that region. There were Indication! that President de Gaulle would seek the first staire
      UPI  -  222 words
    • 47 2 OM of the irrat troubles of present <l iv life is that parents find it raster to tprnd 10s. on their children r.ither than 10 minutes with them. by the Rev Eric Shipn.,<M. ■vartlen of Mansfield Hou-sp •v Settlement In LondoD, speaking to Rotanans a- Wisbech. CumbridKe.shire
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    • 36 2 WASHINGTON, Thun i* > Ma were conducted uni!rritr»und yesterday By the Ato:r,:r Energy Commiv I sue Otic v:as „t low yieid. !es* than 20 kil»tons. and the otlMr •<>rm»rit«te ripld. 20 to 200 klMitms AP.
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    • 46 2 NEW YORK Thurs New Tart city no* ha* some Chinese The first of arven! rtn/'n to tx> mwaiied in th* Chinatown irr.i went up yexterdav Their aim i* to MRjit many ne* Chmoße-npeaking immicrnnu Who cannot re«d the Engitsh «:«ns Reuter
      Reuter  -  46 words
    • 130 2 Sisters lose Billy Rose fortune VI U YOKK. Ihurs. Ihc two sisters of Hilly Rn<te res terd.i> lost their court fie hi for shares of the I s>.")(i nnl'ion fortune he left to his tax-exempt charitable foundation I'll" mirt of Appeals rated thr itiiiv Mm I- on i\ da
      Reuter  -  130 words
    • 53 2 Quake wrecks houses in Anatolia ISTANBUL Thun STnng ihook part of wuth-wej<t proirtnee venterdaj. I ATeeklng BKMt c' the houses In •kc of Kash. pohce reported in the Arralva district '•if d;uj:.tee.! and others were io low of life had nrrn reported. tn* orts<>natorT offlclal» epicentre <>f the earth.:kL^h coast,
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    • 19 2 BANGKOK. Ttmr>= The na.wd d gi\e g'vernnvn» offlrlall •> :rte pn-.vers fur rid (!r-enuon of Communist itMpadi
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    • 64 2 IONDON, Thurs— A ItJ year- old road safrty nfTicrr in Bournemouth has designed a pair of fluorrscriri farters to protect mini-skirted (iris from cars at night. Major Frederick Cook MM thr h;isic idea behind hi> rirsien was: "The brighter thr thigh, the vtfiT the clrl." 'I'he garters
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    • 18 2 SYDNEY R,,im d encer, 19. a driver > lighting during a :<-tal fire* last week months' "i-iiter.
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    • 261 2 'CONFUSION OVER WHO WAS IN CONTROL" MAIN REASON FOR CRASH-LANDING TWO tired pilots, in disagreement over what to do. both tried to control a Boeing-707 wmn it crash-landed in a Vancouver fog last year, trie Canadian Federal Transport Department has reported. The department Investigators blamed the cra.-n v.h.cii killed two
      Reuter  -  261 words
    • 196 3 Fast train to win back travellers from airlines N™ YORK. Thurs The firM fS. high "Peed train, desigaed t" »in bach travellers from the airlines „nil hinhways. wrnt Into operation Jfslerday on the New ■ynrk-Washinicton route Operated hv the Perm Ontral Co with a rrant from thr r S Deptrtmrnt
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    • 36 3 TEHERAN Tl 1 here last r ivmal for >Mng the ng arms 22 to 47. the accusm ived p: m :nce to 15 years. HI daaeribed as tin recelvMi a, l&-year AP.
      AP  -  36 words
    • 601 3 Wilson stands alone over the Rhodesia question PREMIERS DIVIDED ON METHODS OF ENDING SMITH REBELLION AND ENSURING MAJORITY AFRICAN RULE f ONDON, Thurs. The Commonwealth Prime Ministers' conference wound up last night with a communique expressing deep division over Rhodesia between Britain and her partners. The document proclaimed unanimity amonp
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    • 194 3 ON MIGRATION AND RACIAL PROBLEMS ■J'lll communique said that informal discussions took plain outside the nieel ilk b'lueen .some Commonwealth countries on problems of niier.ition between those Comiionwealth countries. Th.- Commonwealth Secre-tary-t.eneral. Mr. Arnold Smitli. was requested by the countries encased in these ilis< us'ions to examine seneral principles in
      Reuter  -  194 words
    • 103 3 ON CHINA ON LliuiJ. tin- i iiinimiiiique said llul nii»l uf MM iradn» nl the tuniiiiuiiHrjllli r\pre-*cd (lie liopr that it had a right and a dut> in participate in full in all the Huild'i rfl'iil- Inuaid |>raie Hiiwrwr. -.inn- l.aden -tn«srd that the IVkinf i r ii i in
      Reuter  -  103 words
    • 56 3 I ONDO.V Thurs. Y.i: :\p.> in mi. I'uop* jmttr I .nul i-mil,:un pound cache ut chemical.- u*ed to >n.»l;r the dru. B*-:i I Yard i Interpul and Urn United Stale.- Narcotic* Bureau Police said Uip ar- ol chemicals they sound h..rt an r.-umatrd
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 399 2 I MPVI/Sf^ it the LUCKY WCffg. SANYO WINNER FREE AIR TRIP TO BE WON "~^3~7~T^~ PLTC MANY OTHER VALUABLE PRIZES *«£&*>* IN SANYO XUCKY DRAW OPEN TILL 15TH MARCH, 1969! /X^^^^^^f^'' FROM IST NOVEMBER 1968 to 15TH MARCH 1969 rf^w. C*. V,^ The SANYO LUCKY DRAW is open »o all
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    • 206 3 MM 1 >k t£ MM A&Kf£& |sr^ UlJ^k^ hi wlkmeßMSE^k*^ 52" *f If' t 1 i U-tw4 H.tus: CunoD Snrrt. WJ dt LOMBARD BACKING I LONDON I Subsidiary and Associate Banks and Finance HoiHCM S? LOMBARD Al SI R\l.l\ LIMIIU> I H Adeljuit. Bmbanr. Canberra, llnhjrt. I i\-erpo Mi ourt*,
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  • 745 4  -  WEE CHOO KIM DEFAME CASE: LING TELLS COURT: By §INGA P 0 H E, Thurs. Deputy Police Superintendent I. in j; Ins linon^ lolt l ;i court today that he did not want to embarrass Dr. Phay Sen<i VVhatt, chairman oil the
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  • 292 4 FOREIGN FIRMS DEFENCE TAX: CALL IN KL KUALA LUMPUR. Thursday rpHE Government was today urged to impose a defence tax on certain categories ol (orelgn companies to pay for the increasing military expenditure. i The plea came from the newly-elected Alliance MP f>r Segamat Utara. Inche Musa Hltam. during Uu;
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  • 79 4 SINGAPORE Thurs— The People's Association has received $73,000 worth of equipment from the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund for Its vocational, sports and recreational activities. The shipment, which arrived last month. conslMed of 240 threadle sewing machines. 24 cases of sewing machines spare
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  • 139 4 Acquitted after charge is withdrawn SINGAPORE. Thurs. The DPP. Mr. K S. Rajah, today withdrew a charge againM Chla Heok Duan. M, of having given false Information In connection with ft murder charge against her son. Freddy Tan Seng Keng. 27. to the CID on Oct 30, 1967 On Monuay
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  • 66 4 SINGAPORE. Thurs Mr. Frank L. Bland, one of the five vlce-presldenls of the Seventrday Adventlst Church's world headquarters office In Washington, ilcv. In :oCay for a four-day uMt He li on his way homt after vl«itlng India The negro church leader will address a mcc
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  • 147 4 SINGAPORE, Thurs.— The parliamentary secretary to the Ministry of Finance, Mr. Tang See Chim, tonight said concrete measures must now be taken to ensure the survival of existing factories in Singapore, i "The one factor that Is really going to spell success for our Industrial
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  • 110 4 SIM, PORE. Thurs A preliminary inquiry on the kidnap and murder (if buMn<-»\ I son. Ons Brant; Lrck. MM mI iiiiirmil to tomorrow Ih-i .him- .i prosecution witness was n<it in court today. XppMnE for the adjournIment at the «t>it of lndiv'» inquiry, the Depul< Public I'msri
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  • 219 4 NEW QUARRY MEN BEGIN WORK UNDER RESERVE UNIT GUARD SI\(i\PORE. Thurs. New labourers today In r. in work at the Public U'nrks Department eranite quarries in Woodland-. under thr watchful ej t of throp troops of Kest-r\e Unit pnlii i iinii The men Here recruited by Chop huan .100, which
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  • 47 4 Folk dance course SINGAPORE IHm —The Orchard Road YMCA will conduct a three-month beginners 1 course In folk dancing beginning on Foil l. It will bo hold every lay, irom 2 30 pm. to 4.30 p.m Certificates will he l-ued fnr those who complete the course successfully
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  • 238 4 Minister to see hospital services at work SINGAPORE, Thurs. Tho Minister for Health, Mr. Chua Sian Chin tomorrow begins a series ol" visits to Singapore hospitals to see that recent changes introduced by the government to the service are being effected smoothly and efficiently. He will abo pay particular attention
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 282 4 PARK HC3TEL g^ presents is <« NADIA GRAY The Seductive Dancer from Vienna 4M alto appearing I YVAN CHEMAMA Vocalist/Guitarist from France RESERVATIONS ***** 5 I ho T DflHlayßißi^^« I RESTAURANT g is reserved exclusively for a T private dinner party tonight. We apologise for any inconvenience caused 9>. Xf
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    • 59 4 EPHCfC T DWCEI EVERY SUNOAV 330PM 6.30PM k THE.f luica PLUS GUfST BAND Todov 1 JO-3 30-7 00 4 9.30 p.m. Yor>Q Fang A Ching Li in When The Cloud. Rail ly" (Vondonn-Colorjcope) ToT>orfOw Mid-niQht' Storwy Pearls' (Mondann-Colorscopa) DIAMOND lA.rcondiHor.ed) r««ay: I.JO 4 7 10 p.m iivai' Ocri^sar SowkcM lonoKi
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    • 368 4 CATHAY^j NOW SHOWING! I lam. I M, -< Cv I 00, 3 30 630 915 pm 645 ft 9.30 pm "SIN WITH A STRANGER >ramrg V.ARIt *-k---. A ParcnourM Picl .re In ODION ft ORCHARD MAGNIFICENT GUNrIOHTCRS ;hoo Lei Mogaio Li Ling Vand Cctt »vitn En<;l:sh r. Ch.iir m;w;M:<iaMni NOW
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  • 306 5 Lee: We may admit some African Asians LONDON, Thursday. gINUAPORE may admit suitably qualified East African Asians holding British passports. Mr. Lee Kuan Yew said last night. He said in a television interview there was "property argument" at the Commonwealth conference about the 80.000 or 150.000 Asians who 1 held
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  • 138 5 SINGAPORE, Thurs. \ports about 80 new and used cars to Indonesia monthl y. shipping sources said today. The majority of them are used cars, bought by ■private individuals" mainly in Nearly all ships operating Iroiii li-re to Indonesia ;arry a few cars on
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  • 56 5 SYDNEY Thur« The Singapore and Wf-t Malaysia Shipion today ratified iis constitution clearing the way for it lo seek the Federal Govit's recognition as an exporter booy. The chairman of the associa- B. K Barker, said that nould eive tho a the •reigllt mie- .tli flapping
    Reuter  -  56 words
  • 42 5 SINOAFOKB, Thurs. I >>.v Haii^n apd Vru.v Mcnij «rir d .i magistrates cour: nil the murder of Wuck Ah Hong in French Road. "M J.iirtii Bcsar. on Jan 4 la*i re irmanded at the CID until Jan. 22
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  • 110 5 FROM JAPAN, A TOY FOR LITTLE ROGER IN GLASGOW SINGAPORE. Thurs. A gift of a toy arrived at Times House today addressed to "Mrs,. Pauline Young." II was obvious that the story of Mrs. Young, a young Gla-sgow mother whose two-year-old son may not live through his third birthday almost
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  • 28 5 lorry 20. <i. Thurs.— A lorry nr.'.n cluihli Ah Yuen. 20, i vieeki' iiusinj PC Ta'uddin bin Saitd i n frcnt of th« Campbell Street nwrket
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  • 471 5 Cail in House for own national airline KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday I A N A ll l an c c back- bencher today urged the Government to break off from the Malay sia-Singapore Airlines and set up its own national airline. Making the call during «he fourth and last day of
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  • 227 5 CEBBMBAN. Thurs. A British general, who wa, awarded the OBE for his part in operations aeainst Communist terrorists on the MalayanThai borrirr, leaves for London tomorrow to take up a ton post in the Ministry of Defpnce. He is
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  • 146 5 1/UALA LUMPUR. Thurs Malayan Railway Administration is budgetins for an expected deficit of $7.7 million this year. This is stated in the latest lame ot its publica- i tion. Keretapi. The deficit last year was 19 7 million. "It nay t:ikr> superhumun
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 263 5 Cold Storage Supermarket and Shopping I.TQ ORCHARD ROAD FRIDAY 17th to TUESDAY 21st JANUARY FOR PERSONAL SHOPPERS ONLY HAlirif Californian rst% HONCY S&W Orange Blossom Screw top llb jar I.Vo ♦♦■»♦♦♦.,♦•>♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦■♦■♦■♦■♦♦♦♦■♦■♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦■♦♦♦-t^^ lsn WHOLE SHOULDER Ib .75 LAMB TOP QUALITY NEW ZEALAND NECK CHOPS Ib JO rr%rr\i nnr Tender and
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  • 183 6 Women officers may work till 55: Government clarifies KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. Women in Government service may work on till they are 55. instead of 45, U their services are satisfactory. itated !n a circular from the Department of Public Services to all permanent secretai Mlnlsteries, State Bscre- and heads of
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  • 139 6 Ul XI ItMPIR, Thurs. —Tun Abdul Raiak In da.v denied in the Dm an Ra'ayat that the Government adopted double standard* in dealing with illegal demonstrations. The dispersal of every demonstration depended on the circumstances, he told the House in reply to a question by Dr.
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  • 57 6 BRPNEI. Thur< Wi'h in f\p on the forthcoming State election, icftwing political aj I -ire trying best to recru.t members iroin among thi .arue numbi r of Lust Malm -man workers in Bnine'.. BrcorirtuiE to reliable tourers here U day. The Brunei Immigration Department Li kopping
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  • 14 6 sKKKMBAN. Ihul* The Negri Legislative AAJ.*mblv »ili meet on Feb. 34.
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  • 229 6 TWO Opposition party 1 leaden today invited the Gerakan Ka'ayat Malaysia to a threeparty meeting to draw up an electoral agreei ment. They are Mr IJ R. S--n. vasagam prc-icient of the People's Progir>>;\i> I'arfy. and Mr. G>h H ek Guan. sprrptary-Rrni-rnl of the
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  • 233 6  - 'Candidly speaking I'm worth millions of dollars' JUDITH YONG: By Singapore, Thurs, yyilAT would your answer be if you are asked in a TV interview: "How much do you think you are worth?" A seven-year-old Singaporean, to whom this question was put unhrsitantly replied: "A few million dollars." First time
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 229 6 Step out into a new pi^^m sound JbEL> O with new series... I* ,ss«!^lssVß>sf^Lj^pS§pMw Akai proudly present the New Breed. A totally ♦>#■ yrJLI^ new conce|)l in >ape recorder design -bold, arifco^ r%®*^k'^ li 1& Jffl beauli(ul and p raciicai \-m-^ H M yj t JJ o) j jI J
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  • 605 7 Mrs Lobo denies adultery with doctor KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs Felicia Lobo, 31, denied in the High Court today that sne had committed adultery with Dr. Uma Yiswalingam, the party cited in her divorce case. Sne said she was not at the doctor's clinic on the nights alleged by her husband's
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  • 233 7 'I never HIM hugged and kissed doctor at party' -li.ikr h;m and asked 1 him n<it to embarass tneir friend. Mr. Tan. Ills. Lobo also denied that her husband had ob- jected when she went to Dr. Viswalinjiam's party on Dec. 29 1966 with lirr steo- brother. Mr Chelliah: I
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  • 34 7 KOTA BHARf. ThUt» fUB Abdul Ri/ik "ill .irrne here nn Sauird.iv lor 4 tno-day Hi •111 oven fur m<>.-QUr« b) X'- Bharii Barholt and 1 v Xi .n .hi dtKtrtcU
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  • 28 7 SINGAPORE. Thurs Fifteen teU of welding cable vulued at hetworn $15,000 and $20 000. were rtolen fn>ni the Far E.i>t Shipping lndustne.s IhcUjiv in Juriing vestoidHV
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  • 25 7 siNCiAPORE. Tliurf Nro I Hens 53. a workman was killed when his l^gs wrrr crushed in m.ulnnr lh» Nanranf Br.ckworks In Jurung yestrrday
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  • 58 7 1/ 1 \l 1.1 MIM R. Thurv .M.d.nvi.i .mil Sinea pore rrceivrd a of >:n million in grants ■<nd nlhrr "\txnditiirr from thr Kurd foundation up to October last fat. In a handbook, the I utinil.itiiin miil that aid In thr («<> countries iru numli in
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  • 189 7 OUT OF DANGER: 4 OF 6 FOUND IN COMA SINGAPORE. Thurs. Four J of the five Koh children, who were admitted to hospital yesterday after they were found unconscious in their home in Telok Ayer Street, have regained consciousness. Their father. Koh Seng Kirn. 35. and the youngest child. Ching
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 136 7 My Life with c RICHARD NIXON by MRS. NIXON Intimate account of life with Nixon and the qualities which won him the Presidency of the United States. Streamlining the Maljysian Budget W C^,C_ American experts helped c Treasury to present a <ir picture ol co.sth and ."Miditure. OTHER FEATURES:--0 jtmftpmt
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    • 243 7 Enjoy life! Join the happy active p 77 —^~i^l^ people who enioy good health -r J*S I and general well-being. Pinkettes \rJ I provide a gentle laxative action *m i Sfl to ensure the 'regularity that is t^d -M essential to a healthy, active life. V "^M For those who
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  • 110 8 QINOAPORE, Thurs. Trade between Singapore and Communist Korea was last 20 nines than in 1967, when the country set up a trade In the Republic. This l tud.r J Ruin eader o jht-man am. which ilbltlon hprc starttnß on 3,600 Hens dilution,
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  • 81 8 'A textiles plant for S'pore' study SINGAPORE. Thurs A I lloin, Kirn*, textiles manufacturer U now in pore to >tudy poMtMii ttartlng a plant In SniKapure. Mi HC and Mill L:d who tlew in rarly today, will meet officials of i he Economic Development Board tomorrow for disci. on his
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  • 142 8 CONTAINER BERTHS: S33m CONTRACT AWARDED SINGAPOKK, Thurs. Tin- Port «f Sin«MP«rc Auth(irit% h.^^ taken andthir step in its plan I* h .1 n il I <• < ontainrriM-d i.u^ii uith iln- award of a 133.1 inilliiin iiinliad l<> a uiant British- Aiii<-iii an linn to build tun run tainrr ami
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  • 372 8 500 for Japan training in next two years 'SECOND TO NONE' SHIPYARD PLAN By YEO TOON JOO: SINGAPORE. Thursday COME 500 people arc to be sent for training in Japan l>y Jurong Sliipvanl Ltd. over the nexl two years ;is parl of ;i programme to make Singapore's shipbuilding workers second
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  • 43 8 lOAPOBI nuns Mi h tlm F Nakhmla has been eieced ciiairn-.-in .if the Singapore Dawoodl B'lhra Muslim As'cxiatlon Othrr offlcials are: Vice-chan-man. Mr HM Sithawalla: treasurer. Mi Abb»s H Nakhoda audttot Ml Nomanbhoy M All. Mr TayebaU K Samlwalla. secretary
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  • 53 8 MNOAPORB Thun Mr .IF Conceirao. M P for Katong will nftii late at the ballot for Halls and open pilches at the Tanjonu Rir. two-itort) nawktn CMltrc which irtll be helrl a' tlif ca. park in front of Blixk 1 Jalan Hxtu I'aiijonu RliU y on Saturday
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  • 34 8 BIMOAPOM rtaun er lor Health Mr Cluu Sian riiin will be KiieM of hoiinnr ai me ihird annua! dinner of Hie Singapore Suruual Sninf. tu be held on Satuiday at Raflies Hotel
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  • 192 8 SINGAPORE. Thura. AN 18-man team of Japanese experts is coming to Singapore to begin a 45-day survey of the Straits of Malacca at the end of this month. The survey, which 11 Jointly sponsored by tinGovernments, ol Singapore Malaysia and Indonesia. U a preliminary
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  • 252 8 BOY ON TOTO COUPON CHEATING CHARGE SINGAPORE, Thurs A messenger boy, AH bin Taib. who took a Toto coupon to the Singapore Pools office and claimed it was "five correct." went on trial in a magistrate's court today on a cheating charge. Mr Lazar Kaminik. Bulgarian commercial manager and adviser
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  • 47 8 >inc.apore. Ttoara, Bb Mi Annatraof «ii" rettrfd rrcrntlv as principal of the Ron! Ai.iurmy of Mu>. •.ilk on ilir Pi<ir>lem.s of T«»chlag Muati thr r« n 2.30 p m a' the college auditoriun Sir riHinirt.- Ii here under the aiuspice* of the British Council.
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  • 459 8  - Bus fare woes for pupils as old coins go out CHEONG YIP SENG By I SCHOOL children were the hardest hit when old Mini beca me "valueless" today. The trouble arose on buses but only in the morning. I h<- unfortunate t<« ■.till carr>inn old <oin> hoit crumbled .it hy
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 98 8 For Personal Shoppers from today for ONE FULL WEEK SUGAR "Aladdin" 5-lb bag $1 20 per bag HOT DOG SAUSAGES 1 4-oz. Can 991 per can SARDINES in Oil or pn ß<Cl nn 3 CANS PORN] -UU Tomato Sauce KLEENEX TISSUES Pkt. of 851 150 Double Tissues "Fitzpatricks" FRUIT CAKE
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    • 188 8 tfitfiebffiotav MODEL: II li Wml a aiNG U a DWILLIANI AVAIIASIf FHOM *tL STATION**Y STOHtS JR B^^^y -r Thr Navilimrr chriliaa \rrsion The Navimncr .in extrai.nlinar\ i; h > mil tiv the k .cji >^.vv Special! v, I'.REIT--1 IN' II it I perfectly 881 m t'» primiry tui I tclK
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
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  • 293 9 KUALA LUMPUR. Thursday. I'HE Ministry of Home Affairs is preparing a list of books which are no longer prejudicial to the interests of the country. Tun Abdul Razak told the Dewan Ra'ayat tday The Deputy Minister was replying to Dr. Tan Chee K»"n
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  • 39 9 ll'OH Ihuis. me Ka.ia Mudu ot Perak. the Min:?:rr of Government and Hou.s;nif. Mr X.:., X.». Boh and the Juatlr* 1 1 Malaysia Tan ;n H I OnR havp been elected Urn Peralc Chinese Amateur Draina'ic Aimution
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  • 54 9 KOALA LUMfUH limi? Hr..leiw-.'i Hugh Dudley -hairman of <he Department ,t Sureerv m M n»,l, Univer««T M.lhi.urne «sil O' external examiner f.r rinai-w«r mjd> cal student* >n rh» Mniversnv Of Malaya thif »*ar The MediCHl P»cuit» nere has adopted the <-> where «:utient* jammed in all
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  • 940 9  -  PREM KUMAR RAILCAR CAME THROUGH AND RAMMED GOODS TRAIN THOUGH DANGER SIGNAL WAS ON By |£UALA LUMPUR. Thura. The Layang Layang train crash in April last year, in which three people were killed, was the result of negligence on the part
    940 words
  • 93 9 'A habit among railway men to disregard safety rules' he did not it necet fll;(i ■ml tormi i out hln i it wa th< "in m t h •> Ln forma ing Layang the find thU attributed i islMlitj Surprise On Tie ■vidi-i driver ol i Sa;n rj "It for
    93 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 214 9 JW m am I II 1 1 I'^1 It bhblmMsw TBMM»?^'' <^as^i^i»««^ssMßl''''^^^ 31 MH m^\ JM VvaiVaV S^j|_ Mam MB >*^ S MM Bliao* ■<■>■» \a 1 vk a^ m* j^bW**"^^^^b» <? *^*^a» WaV lfe vft m m m x-u». J lSaa .scam »JL_^*a**^Bll- a t i p^iaW^"^ MWi %^m]
      214 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 217 9 Straits Times Crossword A< R(>s-> 6 Bald MM brhradea «nd Nyul -or MiMMM. EZ»2£ ,T iT*"^ 9 MalJ youngjters? They're tt- lying ao»n<wi mile (7i in Ho» eggs may b» urepared 11 Moor ifemalu or th<- bench with uncertain control? (12>. 15 A hanger-on? i9>. turn prmaure (7i 11 Some
      217 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 565 10 Traditionally the communiques Issued by the Commonwealth Prime Ministers range over a wide field and the latest follows this established pattern. With the exception of Nigeria, most of the world's problems have been touch<>d upon with a deftness of phrasing that whs really called for only in
      565 words
    • 461 10 Three lives were lost and forty-eight people were iniured in the Layang Layang derailment in April. The leading railcar of the down passenger train to Singapore plunged into s rr.vine after a head-on collision with a mi\ed passenger and goods train that wsa being shunted on
      461 words
    • 221 10 Form filling at Subang I REFER to the letter 1 IST. Jan. 11 > "No joy in the gift parcel.s at Subang. On Investigation It was found that the parcel concerned was sent irom Hong Kong and manite.sted as "children's toys." It was cleared by the Customs at the cargo
      221 words
    • 129 10 WITH reference to Mr. P. H. Newmans It iter 1 ST. Jan. 11 1 about traffic In front of the Cricket Club, may I say that I fully endorse everything that Is said. The traffic arrangements, are such that In order to get to the Cricket Club from
      129 words
  • 600 10  -  CHARLES MAGILL MONTREAL 1)X It A has been the young people of Canada who Da v c carried the burden of its volunteer service to developing nations through the Canadian University Service Overseas. It now has 1.000 students or young professional people abroad on twoyear
    600 words
  • 1249 10 IN the first fortnight of the new year, Britain's economic outlook is similar to the traditional bridal gown there is something old. something new and something borrowed and something blue. What is old is the basic problem; Britain's chronic failure to earn a surplus In the
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 20 10 Tj c Unsurpassed c Dcsigns&'Craftsmanship K, Official MIKIMOTO PEARLS The originator of cultured pearls G.M. DE SILVA JIWILLIRS AP0«F1TEL 7»104.
      20 words
    • 155 10 /*iS^" j/yJ: S 'f s' Wf^T I BssrV 1 SOOTHING RELIEF FOR STRAINED EYES Reading, working, television-viewing, and "fun in the sun often result tn I w burning, itching, bloodshot eyes. Just C flLgagaM a two-drop bath of gentle Eye-Mo (1) floats away irritation due to sun jT|^H glare, dust.
      155 words

  • 242 11 PENANG. Thursday pOLICE here played foster parents to two little girls and t h c 1 r tour-month-old baby sister who were found abandoned In Tanjong Tokong earlier this woek. Four-year-old Indra and her .o'er, l.etchupal. aged three, were wandering around a
    242 words
  • 47 11 SINGAPORE. Than. Mor» than 100 delegates and ob>ervers represent Ing Muslim organisations throughout South-East Aiia mill attend a four-day convention In Singapore In August or December. The convention, which will daKOM vital matters concerning Islam. Is being organised by the All-Malaya Muslim Missionary Society.
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  • 41 11 PENANG. Ttaun —The Democratic Actiun Party «ill hold a rally «t, Aver Puteh Road. Reservoir Garden.". Aver Itam. 7 pm. mi Saturday. Speakers include Mr Ooh Hm-lc Guun. the party's *c. r and Mr Lim X:'. ■tans, organising secretary.
    41 words
  • 220 11 SOON -6 CREWMEN TO BE RETURNED FROM HANOI SINGAPORE. Thursday. ARRANGEMENTS are being made by the Blngapore Government to brine back from Hanoi the six crow members of the Singapore freight* r Valiente who were imprisoned m North Vietnam for two years after their ye- ink by tho North Vietnamese
    220 words
  • 41 11 ipoh. Tnun a siotuo rr. in the 1 is to be by A apokl i- Ipih Muni. Ipal 1 that tenlers had l« 'hat the bridge ft'al to be ready by the rml of [lie \rar.
    41 words
  • 14 11 SINGAPORE I The Ban>an likened pores buduf* lat month \> th »s opprr
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  • 102 11 The round-the-clock watch— for watches (SINGAPORE, Ihur!,. A round thr-clock watch his lie«n mounted at the Conference Hall, where l«d million dollars worth of Swiss watches and jewellery will t<> on .show from nrxt week. The w. itches and (MM were transferred today from a nr.irhy bank s \ault to
    102 words
  • 452 11  - Is book on Kuan Yew banned? TEO EE SIM 'YES' AND 'NO' REPLY IN XL "b, |^UALA LUMPUR, Thurs. Is tne book on the Singapore Prime Minister. Air. Lee Kuan Yew, by Alex Josey, banned from sale in Malaysia? 'Yes. but unofficially." says the ial Branch. No." says the Ministry
    452 words
  • 45 11 PKNANG Thurs.— A youth. Whs stabbed t»rl al Wot Jelu'.ong last Dec. 12 was orclrrrd today to \yr .sen. M tIM Qencral Hospital r>r obser- fnrf (X>i Brn« H«J. 30. attacked the gir! when «he turned him d"M: for a date.
    45 words
  • 35 11 TPOH Thurs ImrM Sh»m<uddin bin Kadir. from Kum.a Lumpur. bM a&sumrd duticv hrrr as Controller of Telecommunications Perak &uccetdm{ Mr IO Mtrlran. who has been t.. tht headqu.inn > in Kuala Lumpur
    35 words
  • 171 11 16,815 accidents and 700 road deaths in -1967 KUALA LIMPIR. Thurs. There were 1«.815 traffic accidents, resulting in 700 deaths, in West Malaysia in 1967, Nays a report presented to Parliament today. One road accident occurred every 22.9 minutes during the day and one every 4!< minutes during the nifhl.
    171 words
  • 35 11 .•-tREMBAN Thurs. Incna Um.n bin H.. Mnhamrd Yi. nit. rut? replaced Mr Stephen Tons Yoong Sin a.s artmg prfsidrni "f -lir SesMons Court here Mr V ni? has gime into prirato praetj r
    35 words
  • 41 11 .lOHORI RAHRI Ihurs An alleced bit time illegal charai ters lottery f>perati>r was arrested bj tb« iwlii-r at his home in Kluane la^t night The man. aced 4.*> and father of 10 children. I* now awaiting restriction order
    41 words
  • 165 11 Teachers take pay cut in bid to save school XANJONG MAUI< Thurs. The 12 teachers in the Methodist Afternoon School have voluntarily agreed to a 10 per cent cut in their salaries. This Is because the school does not have enough funds to pay their salaries In full. The cuts
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  • 39 11 KANGAR. Thu:.< Perl:< l/'.<r» Kaum Ibu *SD h cl food i*ir in »id < r welfare fund, at the Hokkien AMoriation here on Feb. 1 The Mentn Be.«;ir. Tan Sn "ikh Ahmad, mil; i t>en tiir fair.
    39 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 171 11 I L| Lg Km Ul l KEY-HOLDER PLUS SPECIAL CASH DISCOUNT FOR THE I ljK|BliB PURCHASEOFANYSETRONI9 23 !&25MT V SE^ Saafc SBSaal V#aaaaLJl bbbbbbM H (Offar •>twxl^ to 15-2-69 ki Siogapof* by popular demand I HMLaaTV I i^"*^ >BWw JiW 4V I I laaH MSM22 f ti^^K Wi <^"J .W
      171 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 423 11 r t'y ON YOUR TV AND RADIO TODAY TV MALAYSIA CHANNELS: KuaU I umpur. TutU I Ipuh. MalMM l! Ee;.: 1 Jnhorr lUhru 3. It: Iaipinf ftQ Nl ri; 7 10 Arena Sultan. Hitu Fatal Kluanj 7 35 Irani* O.Utf Manaann. 8 10 Hollywood > £,ng.s 3.23 Sp.* K^L
      423 words
    • 251 11 RAOIO MALAYSIA l-rnanf 3«S metre,; Malarra J Th^ Ed l -259 metro: Ipoh 465 metre,: J '„,'?'^"l, S^ Johore Bahru Jl9 tartrei,: E* 518 KoU Bharu 557 metre,: r.-,,,,,,, Kuala Trenecanu Jl2 metrea b. 30 h Wv 4O Rfglu J l and Kuanun B metre. .s h r r V,
      251 words

  • 199 12 SIVSV A NEW c-ompanv with an authorised capital of S5 million SiiiKapore Paper Converters Ltd. will achieve ;i tiuribcr of "firsts" when its factory ;-t Alexandra Koad goes into operation later 1 1 I rear. The mana^lns: director of Singapore's leading manufacturer of paper p.-oducts.
    199 words
  • 49 12 Mr RA. Cameron has taken up duties as General Manager of Pacific Island Mines Ltd Mr Cameron, who is an Honours Graduate In Metallurgical and Chemical Engineering from the University of Adelaide, was previously aintoUnt to the Manag'ng Direr' or. Electrolytlcs Zinc Company of Australasia Ltd.
    49 words
  • 131 12 Australian drug is launched IVNCOURAGEI) by Ihe hlithly iTKsful ■■ales of their latest publicly available drug the id 500 Smith Kline Pip: lee Ltd. of A'lstrain li.i. ner'.aed to launch what is claimed In another ne» and unique paln-killln«r liiiiß In Singapore soon The overseas market of the Dm,
    131 words
  • 410 12  -  SINGAPORE COMPANY OPERATES IN MALAYSIA By MOK SIN PIN TMIK extensive development programmes beinj» undertaken by Singapore :m<l West Malaysia has hastened the expansion of Milcon industries Ltd., a prominent local manufacturer of reinforced concrete products. Incorporated in 1960 with an authorised capital of $1 million and
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  • 175 12 Hume's new Sales Manager named MR. Robert K. L. Yonß has been appointed sales manager of Hume Industries (Malaya) Bhd.. .succeeding Mr. Lan Morson who has left the company. This was announced by Hume's manager Mr. A G. Kyle-Little at the company's head office In Petaling Jaya. Mr. Yonjc who
    175 words
  • 60 12 LOCAL linn. Vehlto <Mo- Station, are he local market dn eloped divice which when put into operation can nelp eliminate hazard.-- lacing BOtOCiatl v.nen in a sutionarv or broken down vehicle. The device \va-s developed recently by an English manulac turer of automobile acMBHCiM, Apcm Products
    60 words
  • 177 12 U.K. quality control course ASENIOH executive of A Wnntier (Si PtP Ltfl M;^s Irene Soli O«ek Neo. lelt Singapore for Britain earlier this wwk to atterri a lanlli course In qunlity control at me laboratories and factories of the parent company. A Waiulei Ltd., the manufacturers o! O I She
    177 words
  • 118 12 Advanced training in new computers in Taiwan TWO Customer Engineers. Mr. Jeswant >Sin(h of IBM M.ilajsia and Mr. Taj (nee Ben* of IBM Siiu.ipore are currently unuerRflinf an advance training nurse in computer installation and maintenance in Taiwan. Both engineers will be spending five weeks in l.tiu.m after which they
    118 words
  • 105 12 Dlethelm Cn Ltd a leadIng aluminium fabricator In The Republic, has been awarded a contrac for the supply of alumli I us the M-atorey B:ni;apore which Is now going up slotiK Oicharcl H' hi: Dlethelm was recently awarded contract for The Mandarin Hotel, Singapore s tallest
    105 words
  • 72 12 Mr B Leth Nielli,, the general manager of The East Asiatic Company Ltd. in Kuala Lumpur presented a conxralula- ton m roll to Mr N« S;iv Bee. proprietor of Bee Company in Kuaman for having achieved the best Introductory sales of the new Spriiit Motor scooter In December
    72 words
  • 222 12 A NEW industrial testing instrument has been introducpd to the Singapore market to cut down the time for testing the flash point of flammable products. me niMiumen; tut Seta Plash us Introduced recently by Mr C. Alan Rirharcson. managing director and i Mairman of
    222 words
  • 87 12 Airlines make change \|R. Peter Uuehren. ifl Assistant Station Manager of Lufthaott German Airlines in Singapore, leaves the Republic on February Mr Ouehren. aged 31, has bet-n In SitiKapore for almust two years. He leaves fur Frankfurt where he will be advised of his next posting Mr. Duehren Joined Lufthansa
    87 words
  • 105 12 rpHE Lloyd Group of rom- panle.s have purchased for cash two Britannia :)()7 aircraft from British United alrway.s. which will be operating In the Far East freight and passenger charter .service. The aircraft, which will be operated by Llovri International Airways, are fully convertible I
    105 words
  • 299 12 4 RECORD attendance at the eighteenth ai Pacific Area Travel Assoi January 21 to 31 accordJ I General Manager, Shire Hotel, and member ol th 1 tors. Mr. Milne said ail I registrations are received by PA FnncUCO headquart. a rate approximately four weeks ahead ol those
    299 words
  • 125 12 |NVEBTORB Ovi I on with i. ler.s In t: rd Mr its Publish Ri ager In the har East and Mr. Fish, WHO Is 40, nr t came to the Far I 1952 when he joined the editorial stall ol the Straits times During the next seven
    125 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 176 12 gggm^^W M*OsisiC*^ggg^^K^gW 4 m e^^gf^Uw^sVV?^ Bgggk Sip V^gggßBßgggggggggV^^ ***n*ur 0 j+T^jE^^^t&Mimtm^embtmm^ Jtw J^^^^ m A J! w M:"V)«4p gggv^. *c igggi^^ SS'^^'^sr^ if s "^fa^i9 zOt ""fe^^jeiHggi v;.jA: -^*«B BsV^P BtlfiitHgeJSfCSyggggggg* jF'*^*B&lmiym*L.* flgggggggggi^ '*"-X"<»Hf- >^g«SiHß4g^g^gggggggggggCHg& _^>^|B JW LV**3»n| «jj|t» -a. E -1 J '-j j* j** iJM ELY y^^j^^^^M(^Mß| B
      176 words
    • 175 12 Wincarnis tonic wine- your drink for life! Ik Be smart, ask for Wincarnis. th« rich, tonic /^J^7*^^'?TtA wine with the wonderful taste and the A \tl *V**t\ po erful Wmcarms tonic ingredients. You'll L^^~WK^^^*^. enjoy Wincarnis. and it will give you new Ht life, new strength and energy, will help
      175 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 1085 13 10 LIV.-RPQm AND OTMH v COMININIAL PORIS P > n.m Prnant ANTILOCHUS 1 Ja. H II 'n I0M 0 t S 2I J S4 POLTOORUS la. 71 I" T ""JM /i .a. 21 ,m 22' FM 2 PATROCLUS 2) lei 1 FM 3 Fel I rtt 7/11 FM 11 M:W
      1,085 words
    • 2361 13 WSI^ESSSMMSB^ik I TrVaf E A hl/AfES J fWffiffßH^M m^mm THE tAiT ASIATIC COMPANY Ltd Inco-poratod m Denmark «SfJ^^ '*^>* W li^_l!eV? EXPRESS SAILINGS TO GENOA/NORTH CONTINENT/SCANDINAVIA EXPRESS SERVICE TO LONDON. LIVERPOOL I CJWIINtWTnI POUTS P. Sham Penant Spore I Genoa Rdam Hburg Aarhus C'hacen I Ear is if is sa
      2,361 words
    • 1041 13 T*J^% WORLDWIDE CARRIERS LTD. IflpaeßßßaeaßaßV or; Angeles, Houston, New Orleons, New York, olio occcp'ng corfe for other Gulf and Atlantic portt. Spore P. i horn Penong A VESSEL 28/29 Jon 30/31 Jan 1 Fee Mmmmj McALISTER tfc CO.. LTD. Spor« P. Swertenhom Penang Tel: *****1/* 6252 *****/3 MiRITIME IUILDINC S
      1,041 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1042 14 VI KAWASAKI KISEN KAISHA LTD. Wmmfrn Australia /Slaßapora/ Japan Sarvlea Frt mint la Smppxiri tokkaictii/Naion; rtam «aat S«I«M Mara* 15 25 JM 11 111 laraaa I FM I FM II Fil 9/ifl Afrtea/Sinitapor*/ Japan Sajrvlaa «<e i Smiipoia Nifora t'hama «oei •iMinau Mm" Sa.ln 11 22 FM I Mm 2
      1,042 words
    • 911 14 AUSIIALIA NEW ZIALANI SERVICE INDIA PAKISTAN ANO FAP. IM SERVICES 10 AUSTtAI.A. NEW ZEALANO ««t»M«,.« ••< M,,,,,. i wni P S a. P'-j", fir Aack lytt Dim. Will. lAIULA ll Part 27 Jaa 21 In lAIUIA- 14 II FH 21 FM 21 FM Pfnin| P. S dim Scon P.AJUIA 1/12
      911 words
      773 words
    • 871 14 NOTICE TtNDEKS nuiick v HLKtBY own ROYAL AUSTRALIAN h<u Ml Auk C'lieni: Poll, ol No 4U. ■in tMRfI" lalan B. ore 12. is ao ru lL onger 111 our employ and lience- t Tenders an- Untied and miU ***** be sliould lm%e no autlicnty melm up o 3 p m
      871 words

  • 26 15 RUBBER AND TIN CLOSING PRICES Jan. ib. RI BKKK PRKK: 59 cents (inn h.niEoii TIN PKKK: S-.52 uluun ri;.;. «ents i hstini.Ueil iiftcring tons uloun ."> lon^
    26 words
  • 187 15 Minings and oils steady in Melbourne MKI.HO'JkNfc. lliurs I ..;id Mnui'iit. *fr» steady in (|'iieler Iradlng Leadert moves ni,, nanow \orlh Kale up cent, at f 7 6u. Oih cere In Bntl pi' ,ci way N»rth li'liuuh n i.!i J4 (enls ai 90 c n,t, me... Ijikeview up 40 renu
    187 words
  • 270 15 'I-MB PJHT Of a NCAI'OHE AOTMURITV ANNOUhbEU THE FOLLOWING BERTHINC AKRANGEMEM' FOR JAN. 17: OUT: Kii.-.iik i Uajuia J t. Maacsk v MaJMvmu I II 14, A-.i.'.'ji:.»i. v i.. <•, Mi Ocrami -'ill Mi>i.i '.'I n LJBM n M 34 and I riming N N I 5
    270 words
  • 367 15 THE Strait.s tin price !p|; 62J ceiiis. more or le.vs in line with Wednesday afternoon forward buyers price decline in London to $582 per picul. Local support at toVMf levels was reported mainly from Europe and Japan MINIMI V Tin wan about I strady
    367 words
  • 234 15 I<-IHKIAK\ flrsl (rad. r.hWr f.n.b. huvrm rloiied at p n in MMaMaTB and Kuala l.umpur \r»l<-idj\ al rrnli prt |b. unrlMnged <-n Wednrsdav't rloMtii Irvel. Thr ii-nr war. >tead\ qulel. R.A.S. and M R.I- rliwing prlcea in .oils per lb. yesterday. Buyers Sellers Int l
    234 words
  • 98 15 para, naan cIMHIg pricaa **r aicul raitrrday. Cacanut Mil Milk (Ml ariicia. drum t..:1. MNm. Capra: m,«.ki ifo.D.i ioom Jan./ Krl, IK ***** 132| B. •••Hi Muntok whltr lII* a»ll»r«. Hxn»«ak shitr |ll2| arllrra. ■•Kill Sarawak Mark !>■■■■ •rllar*. larnicd Ixrnion; nix, k acltara tall v«". NlaM \hIA
    98 words
  • 112 15 I HE AiiMiatiMt ol Banki in Mna, I iiitmiiHH kMHM lh«M rh«n(*n In u» PBIH mrrchanta reatardav ■MM lollooinK ratrr. Ir. guotaal to thr r.ri'wl'in of our unit u> forai^r Uniiad linn buvin* 11 tJIM.n ainau' 111 ii'ir.'A imi <i »i 12 »*2(> rwlii iilia 12 :>*l* Uadr
    112 words
    • 549 15 INDUSTRIALS were steady on the Stock Exchange of Malaysia and Singapore yesterday on a quieter market on which profittaking receded compared with the previous tew days Properties and hotels were also steady with less activity while rubbers and tins continued to be dull. Blue
      549 words
    • 58 15 GUTHRIE Corporation announce an Interim dl- videnn nt p.-r cent sanipi payable on hehrnary 21. On the ba.-iv ol unaudited figures for the liim 10 months the lUriH profit after iix and ovenplll relief win oe not less than for lffiv. which, when adJiutroenU due to chanijp In
      58 words
    • 149 15 'lIHL tOJioWUIf aiiiiuin.i-a)--1 nient to all holdi 1 ijhiik accounts li has oeen made 1 Krtatlon ol Bai k in Mala>sia-Siii({a!)on- alter consultation with the i»Commi: Stamps: "Your attmtn drawn to article 24 <J"!p 4 of the s:.nnp ndmenti Act, whereby itamp dutj cheque is Increased from
      149 words
    • 23 15 Rubber lalajra announce an Interim dividend of IJ pence payable on Februar\ 14 Book. wiM tie closed uq January U
      23 words
    • 48 15 rpHh Governor ot th» 1 Philippine^ Central Bank and the President of the Philippines Senati told v S bualnea mi in NCfJ York the pcs(; not be devalued They did n in Mparats ije> to the annual meetinn of the Philtp American Chamber ol < oinmerce
      48 words
    • 98 15 (^ASTLEI- ItLD Kla ri c i Rubber E>tate Ltd. will diversify Its agricultural Interests Dy starting a programme of oil palm planting at Its Johore Bukit Benut Estate Mr J Addiiix'li. the Chairman >aid son urei of oil palms wiiiilrt b»> established in 1969 and would Itu-lurlc
      98 words
    • 181 15 DEALERS in the < market in London ■in Wednesday experience quiet day's bu.-inr there was hard!v a uuotablA alteration In Trifling declines were rrcorded by X' i PeiiKkalen Rubbers had another uood day and Ir. a fa:turnover scored umeroua further small improvements Guthrie featured with a
      181 words
    • 298 15 OpiMCII0 piMCIIS IT BAii0 o 'oN a" 4^" PARISON OF LAST IALIt IN LUMPUH TRADINC ROOMS OF TIROAY WIRE r'nirt. Bin a\ Ca. I c.nta), Ba.nrj Blrnad I n... alaad 7 HMal, C tuiar. rarta), c.c m. i I •aata). c». M.ia.n,. lun.n.i. Ill) B Dunlaa 2
      298 words
    • 1049 15 B I SINKS* IN AM) lliniKll li TO THE SIM.APOKh \M» Xl ALA I.I'MIM'R TRADING K«IOMS 'il THK MIMh fXCHAX.K VEITEBDAI Him I 111 XI MBKR "I SHARKS i i:\nii) i\ bkukkts: IMOUaTIUALa ACMA II.BMI >■!*■■ iikhi. »j in ,4 '"hi »j m i). 1 1. Mm i
      1,049 words
    • 607 15 CLOSING PRICES CLOSING PRICES Jan Ij Jan M InilusliiaU. lh.l.'i:( Ir, I .4 HoUk: MSJI Ifit.kH Proprrtirs: INI x« 1R.V13 vTin» B.U Ul.fcl I rubbr-o. lul k: m...lri l>er. Mi. libs urn. Mm. 31. I'ir.X lilli. lire. M, IMI m itm. rm PMICI* OFFICIALLY LIITIU AT THI CLOtI OF IU
      607 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 1019 15 GOVERNMENT OF THE BOUSTEAD HOLDINGS REPUBLIC OF SiNGAPORE BERHAD IHI Id. Al. (.(IVIKNMIM il\< OKroRATF.II is INTEGRATION OKOINANCI MALAYSIA) 1 ik or i963i Nona m nvouMMU 1 l; M meel n 0( lhe Dll cto) (i JI held on 16tii Januaiy. 196! i U tti Where** m exercise or the
      1,019 words
    • 183 15 TENDERS KENYATAAN FAWARAN IBU PEJABAT, J.K.R I'H«urai:j aaripuaa pemborori>;k yaiiK berdalur dengan JKR dibawah Kelas B dan Keala* Kepnik II ,J uliiiii ai-iei'.ma di-PejvDai i J eiiK«i»!i Keijti Kn> a. Ibu Pejaoal J K h Jalan Maxwell. Kuala Lumpur hnvga jam pukul 12 Oil ienu«r, bail ,wda 2"hb Januarl lU6k
      183 words

  • 13 16 ■I THE FAMILY OF the late H pun Pa s their laasat
    13 words
  • 51 16 NEW SHIPMENT d Ibetie non ad iron. Urrmill) SALE M DISCOUNT on all P. 3J4. Orchard LADVHILL COFFEESHOP servrn s< hinkrr t.a.on. ROLANDS MAKE YOUR weekend at a moat glaBooklasa fm- iw. House »h«4O, J47. oi n..rd R< BOWLERS .COMET" A "Ses..rikr -ills Oraaada" N»w bass t Rainr VHlley
    51 words
  • 18 16 ANC CUN DOL. '.''l >". Of Hi Keaangktoa Para R.i i'pore pas»rd Mineral arm Ukl H-l-lif a! Chua
    18 words
  • 82 16 IN LOVING MEMORY of Johnny l>i .n kg ">t 17 1 nl i wit: •Iren. VEOW: In :riK memory o« 17.1.U always mi «.le. ennrt- j IN FVfR LOVINC MEMORY of Mr. C.R I M.. I-MIM Sxdly in ■> iiifmDtrrt by Bis In. n* «r|(f >nil "uni. IN
    82 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
      583 words
    • 773 16 EXPERIENCED LADY HOOK- i KEEPER Blng lull M. r.iii. ut LCC H tn-r Account*, j WANTEO TRAINED TEACHER to laaga Minimum Qtauiaoatloii nol Crrtlhcate Apply iar« lo superintendent la Bhd.. a lit, lanau out later than IWW WANTED TWO CIRLS BaM nave ■i-o years pra'tiral experience n handling shares acripe
      773 words
    • 750 16 ACCOMMODATION VACANT one room m m IT, Laraag h !.:nk Kill FURNISHED ROOM 10 Id nf» Ha DMU I nmne eMcuiivc. Til. ii. pan LUXURY FURNItHIU FLAT,.- .it r, i i lele[.iMMir ;4>it >!:.t >. :<> pun MM ST. THOMAS WALK. K v IW n.snrd I bedroom flat. Ken!
      750 words
    • 889 16 CLIMINTI PARK modem split-level furnished bungalow type "B" in superb ri.n.ltioii 3 4 bedrooms. Available iIIBU BUILDINC PLOT approximately 7 'lit' I' ..ri ttir mini vt L pp. t :..,,i An. lii.iHieaitn Realty I". I v|. lei. pore. :iV*V RE FLOORING YOUR HOUSE km mm-. Naaj Vaßt. Contact v .ationai
      889 words
    • 731 16 RECISTER EARLY RAPID COURSES: Secretarial. Stenography. ilheory Spred up to IM)). Kajin ntO Chansl Road (4»;tl»i. Ka riles Place NMMI 8 pore. FULL-TIME r-ART TIME TRAINING SCHOOL LEAVERS A ADULTS aspiring to jun or or middle manage in- <ons *nd professional uualificationi 2. BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION 3 MARKETINC AND 4 ACCOUNTANCY
      731 words
    • 731 16 ARCHIPELAGO TOURS Specs! New Sf.rtkhlat «'7 days BBJ I"', f Mataya ds>« <7" i.-.i II 16 J. II It I Bangkok Cll rnnnai IS da>« .^3•^ .wl U I- ■i^kok Hkg iA:r .-.a 10 daya I Honkkont. lAB a j. a i i> p ki ski 1 1 j. U
      731 words
    • 754 16 I DOMESTIC DEEPFREEZE from MARJORII LADItI HAIRDRESSER cv. ft; Cheat or Ipritnt available at MO. orchard Road. »T>«ciall»e la Refrigeration Company, bli-armng tlnttng. Coldwave. Manicure. 14 international Building, lekpbone pid ure available full w:2« naawlgleta. etc. (B pore) MURRY NOW for a frr. =^S WHERE TO STAY (SPORE) I retailer
      754 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 772 17 u*MJLJL*m I lii B A^ STATE OF BRUNEI UNIVERSITY OF MALAYA \\< IMC! FOR DEFARTMKNT Ut i lIINESF. PHYSIOTHERAPIST. s l)lts abpi ir»Tin«c Appllcac..!^ arc Invited for APPLICA riONS are invited posts Of Lecturer Assistant Lecfrom qualified Physiotherapists to turer In the Department ol Chinese fill a vacancy in the
      772 words
    • 1417 17 BANTUAN KAPADA HOUSING DEVELOPMENT PENUNTUT2 MELAYU Dl- BOARD DARJAH LANJUTAN SIJIL SINGAPORE PERSEKOLAHAN TINGGI Applications are Invited from TAHUN 1969 and M£!ayst CiU Kerajaan MpH Perak akan I APPOINTMENT: ASSISTANT memberi pertolongan kapada be- I ARCHITECTS for Urban Renewal penuntuta Melayu yang I Department (on Initial 3 years' cU-laiUrkan di-Nc^cri
      1,417 words
    • 1222 17 TENDERS TENDERS P.W.D. SINGAPORE I Tenders are lnvlteii lrom P.W D Registered f'ontrai-iors for the lolirmlr.g Works:— nnirrslon af iieylang Serai lIIDAMr TDWN Vocational School Into an Indui- JUKONIj lUWH Mil Training entre at J>Un j CORPORATION Inn Singapore. Shonround on 23rd January. 1969 TENDER NOTICE 1U me?t CO so
      1,222 words
    • 755 17 TENDERS NOTICES TENDER •■■^■■■■■■■B TENDERS are invited f lILAIM supply, transport and spreading of approximately 10.000 ru yards o! Mr K .ish,,»n m.v. mining baUakt lor n.»d on |K rMI in B»v, shnn Nina Scotia and Hu. Ayrr Kaj<4h pixs Intel est*d parlies must be pre- awaj pranfiillv li.l.tiS.
      755 words

    • 167 18  -  JOE DOKAI By A CALL was made yesterday to commercial firms In Singapore to Rive time off with lull pay to iportanen and women selected for nati centralised training. "Apart ttvm giving financial aid to spjrt. commercial ttrnu .should aNo give lull-pay lea\e ie employees
      167 words
    • 88 18 lONDON. Thurs.'s soccer preitigf a Cup umiinns suflerfd «noiiier setbark night wlien they »ere held by Rumania to a 1-1 S'arimro Ens Und dominatPd p'.'v •'rouehou* but t!i<* »t*Cti <1 L.v 1 IKMI The nr'imptini ol Mviporr Bobby left tr> ►"-n'her rrnTx-iial? .1
      88 words
    • 60 18 Bl 1 13 inmtltl Sr/nuci luccissfu'Jy held off lair rally by Johoie in ihnr Malaysian Schoolt ruajby « a' (■ui'ai, Ku.iia I.umpur yc-terday. In the hnnl. Scangor will meet Perak at th^ same ground today 0 iTwor. who i*d IS-S at luirimi-. stored t«o goals
      60 words
    • 65 18 BANGKOK. Tliurs Im..'. 1 MMMkH Trl Au\ m m.<cii .i winning Mart in 'he Asian Clianipmii Tr,im> C*l :..u.i'..m(n! IM.-t 11:1:1 th-y beat Togro Kotfa nl Ja|>m their Cruup "B Mtl n hrro r:«- Kioup "A 1 Mich bei«ren Thailand's Bantk. k B-i k «nd South
      65 words
    • Article, Illustration
      523 18  -  NORMAN SIEBEL From Meyer to Meyer By SOME 200 Singapore children have begun s w i m m ing into the future. First stop for the best of them will be Rangoon for the Seap Games in December: second stop will be Edinburgh in July next
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 570 18 QUALIFIED ACCOUNTANT A qualified accountant. A.C.A. or equivalent; aged 25 to 35, is required by a leading commercial organisation. Applicants must preferably have several years experience since qualifying, knowledge of company secretarial duties, group accounts and computer systems work. Experience in control of staff necessary and must be a Singapore
      570 words
    • 801 18 NOTICES LIQUORS LICENSING BOARD SINGAPORE NOTICE OF C.KVFRAL LICENSING M <nio\ A General Llcen.'im: BaasfcM of the Liquors Llcenslnc Board for ire will be held In the Of the District Jud^e mid Magistrate in the Criminal i: Magistrate's Courts B .ildniK. South Budur Road Singapore on Wednesday, 12th March. 1969
      801 words
    • 834 18 NOTICES GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF SINGAPORE TIIF LOCAL <i<»\ I i:\MI N I INTEGBATIOS OBDINANCE, 1963 l\(l. IS M HM)< NOTK f. I Mil K M TION 19(10) WHEREAS 111 HMMIM of the powers conferred by sub-sections ill and 1 3i of Section 19 of the Local Government Integration
      834 words
    • 98 18 m•I m to I l H v t. HdHJ Z .^i^i^B^n^-^ fjj 73 i n^L^L^Wi no J rBl B'^ P3l ■ate 5 [fyjSSnßßr" m O o I'ttz&StSM- O I aOKßa^nV^B^n^L^nC^^r 0 IflH^^ I j O v se. 3 a^ 1 i Iw^ I I DO HC" HB^M n^nV I 1
      98 words
  • Page 18 Miscellaneous
    • 244 18 f'Dlf'KFT Coan bl Mrs 1. Bovuey «-l. Till R MATt H iLaunceatonf i: Mrs B J Kln <USl bl J mac no 45. Butcner o i. eoDrrs a u.«*« nn ,21 no, T.«,«.U» Combine iBr sT^U**^ uiirifiv de»Wen-nn«l: K Kr»ntHIH IV 1 1 Icke and K Melville bt L BowARMY
      244 words

    • 431 19  - Hutchinson is jockey to follow tPSOM JEEP by Si KALIAN Kon Hutcninson is the jockey to follow this weekend at the Bukit Timah meeting which kicks off the new season. A leading jocney on the English Flat, Hutehinson is on a two-month visit and already he has got "off the
      431 words
    • 1322 19 y-M. 2.30 CLASS 5 DIVISION 3 EIQSI 56.0001 6F local riden only 1 778!>n MABANBH 'TI.S> Ahmad 4 90 'Yeo 12 X ***** MUNM PsUNTEB I B. i. Donnelly 5 90 Low 1 3 ***** EL ll» I Hiniue. Teh 5 El 3 C'huah 13 4
      1,322 words
    • 1576 19 trrfSnKM 200 CLASS 5 division 2 sUUsdUI (56.0001 6F local riders only 1 700 d >WIMI \> I. Spencer 4 9 0 *W'adl 17 2 1234< KELLY GREEN (Naflsahj Daniels 5 90 Nawari 2 3 4827U REAITIFIL DREAMER a (Loong Say Osmun 7 9 0 Khamii 14
      1,576 words
    • 206 19 Stone-throwing jockeys foil Barbara Jo's bid to be first girl rider in the U.S. MIAMI, Thurs. Angry jockeys threw stones at Barbara Ju Rubin's dressing-room trailer, yes* terday after shr was foiled in her >id to become the first rirl jockey to compete against men in a rac*. After the
      206 words
    • 210 19 Practise 6 hours a dayDell By ERNEST ERIDA |U).\ALD Dell, captain v of the United States* victorious Davis Cup team, yesterday gay« 101) Singapore youngsters a lecture on how to get to the top in world tennis. He said the players in his team became international stars and Davis Cup
      210 words
    • 62 19 I'OI.H I 2 II i i;iiii t Dolllr. (MM back t«ic« t* I nti with Recrfio Huckey As- igM Div. 1 msi.a Uurney Koaci. Kuala Lumpur. A ihe scoring came In r shot into the lead in th« 38:: minute but Police hit M Arulraj. I -..i'.e
      62 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 163 19 MANSION PARK f^n^l phase 11-B IPOH IDiUI OFF KAMPAR ROAD HOME I Construction will x 's~s*L Start Soon v j- I- Quiet Residential Area 1 T r"-^ "1 1 til Good Bus Services i i Lsir n I ——j l zu -i Close To Post Office Schools I— j v*
      163 words

  • 8 20 LEI' ir.NC POH 7U aatm at Lm
    8 words
  • 251 20 PENANG. Thurs. rIIRTY-SIX cows leapt over a liery trench last night during a "cleansing ccii 'mim held at the farm of 7S-vear-old cattleman. M. Velloo. Mr. Velloo was celebrating the birthday of the Cow Rod. Kanavathi. at his Suncei liv.i farm. PW this ohser\ance. all
    251 words
  • 197 20 Premises award order to OCBC confirmed LONDON, Thurs. The Judicial committee of the Privy Council has confirmed an order awarding possession of the premises of 20i South Bridge- Road, Singapore, to the landlords. Oversea Chinese Banking Corporation Ltd. Ay appeal by the tenants, Ha Tong Cheong. Ho San Cheong and
    Reuter  -  197 words
  • 227 20 LONDON. Thursday and financial doals involving miiiions of pounds will be threatened by strike of 3.500 Post Oflltp overseas telegraphists due to start at midnight on Sunday. Importers. exporters, the i stock market, commodity markets, foreign exchange market, banks and newspapers will be
    227 words
  • 132 20 British investments: Lee's plan welcomed LONDON. Than, The imfrtleration of Industry today url-(cpiiu-d Singapore Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yi'h\ plan for guaranteed British investments of about C2M million in his country. Mr lee. here for the Commonwealth Prime Ministers' conference, brought the plan with him and is likely to
    Reuter  -  132 words
  • 286 20  - Australia told to welcome Japan as defence partner JACK FINGLETON By pANBERRA. llmrs. Japan s reported ofTer to nun in exercises with \ustialian and Malaysian N.imis in the Straits of Malacca and the Indian Ocean should evoke a quick and cordial response from Australia, the Sydney Herald said toda\ Statements,
    Reuter  -  286 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 87 20 Late CLASSIFIEDS CI"M/ DR. PUVI RAJASINCAM I I 1 lib i. .ton IMh JanuHry LOW ooi Sim ell. Thiinks lo Qualify for an Accounting Diploma Stamford centre for executive and commercial training offers Iyear full-time part-time courses for School Leavers /Adults leading to: 1. Accounting Diploma. 2. Book-keeper's Diploma. 3.
      87 words
    • 156 20 v IhH Sitlikan I a precious gift Ml The Pelikan Fountain Pen is fitted vith a lar-c 14 K TfmS&l mb, that glides smiH)thly and with a swin^ over lI Kml tlie paper. It lends individual character to your writing I till as there is a suitable nib fur every
      156 words
  • Page 20 Miscellaneous
    • 419 20 LONDON STOCKS, RUBBER and TIN LONDON. Thurs The stock Dunlop.s —1 8] Rl 881 Rs market was ea.sler today with most E.M.I 5a 3 —1 6 Ann lo-Orten i a 1 I Rn» leadlnK industrials a(Tect*d by O.E.C 32 10> 4 -W- Oofden How- ,l"' +"v' proflt-tottn Ouest Keen 89
      419 words