The Straits Times, 13 January 1969

Total Pages: 18
1 18 The Straits Times
  • 25 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 175,000 The Straits Time bM. 184.> MONDAY. JAM ARY 13. 1%» II CENTS K.D.N. 3104 M.C (P) No. U'ZZ I
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  • 530 1 Coolness of the Premiers confounds the critics LONDON, Sunday r rllk conference <•■ Commonwealth Prime Ministers now p;isl ils halfway mark appeared today to have confounded the critics who predicted Ihe clnl) of former British territories was about lo fall apart. Alter four days of discussions among loaders of 28
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  • 432 1 Saigon on 'suicide raids' alert Troops find guerilla arms caches THIEU TO ASK U.S. FOR TROOP REDUCTION— P. 2 SAIGON. Sunday SAIGON'S military governor. Major General Nguyen Van Minn, has ordered increased security precautions to prevent Vietcong "suicide ctrocks" on the capital. Troops and police were hist ni^ht ordered i<»
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  • 69 1 I)HII.IPPI\IS (onsUbuI larv Chief Vicente Koyal (right) and Ist Constabulary Zone Commander, (ien. I miho /irriulo (left), interrogate l.' Marietta Paean* after a clash brl«rcn (lovcininont troops .•nil Communist links in prii\inir. 70 miles nnrlhues( of .Manila. Marietta was one of three lluks
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  • 55 1 LOS ANUELES. Sun A Miifinr has started to disperse tog artificially around Log Ai.^clrs and Sacramento airports, enabling jet iilrllners to land and take of! Four-englned jets used both airports la>t week after lisht pi mrv bad reded thr ton with waier*attracUnt particle*, rmtalni: visibility
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  • 20 1 KATMANDU Sun Kinu I Mahendia ywttrtfejf pardoned 175 political opixHients belonublt to tlie Nepali Congress Party Reuter
    Reuter  -  20 words
  • 181 1 East Germany whips up hate campaign EAST BERLIN, Sunday AS East Germany outers its 20th year as an in- dependent State, a new campaign is being launched this week urging its youth to sharpen nate. The campaign, due to begin on Tuesday, calls on six -year-olds upward to increase their
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  • 56 1 BUFFALO .New Yorki. Sun Thomas P Dowd. an 18-yeai-old ccllece student, was charged with disorderly conduct and resiMins arrest after a disturbance outside a nurses' residence. A judge dismissed the charges after Dowd explained In court that he was not hollering outside the residence He was.
    AP  -  56 words
  • 35 1 1 ONDON Sun The Royal Na\\ s fleet of 50 ships will not be run down before Britain withdraws from South-east Am* a i ihr end of 1971. the Defence Ministry »a.d ap.
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  • 23 1 L'TRETCHT. Sun. Sinsle VHdine against live childrrn s hu been developed at a Ruvrrnnient institute near hei<\ Dutch scientists amounted.
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  • 174 1 THE first Sovift Am-bassador-designate to Singapore, Mr. I I. Safronov, flew into Singapore today in a tur-bo-prop Ilyu.shin-18 the first Aeroflot (Russia's national airline) aircraft to land at Paya Lebar airport. Hi- Wl int't by the acting Si i viet Trade
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  • 51 1 LONDON. Sun Mi«. Cur It Hniicork. 38. first wife of the Ute Tony Huncock. the comedian, was found dead at tier luxury cottage home near here lay The lormer fashion model's marriage tn the comedian w»» dissolved In 196.5 and he married hi* publicity agent Freda Ross.
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  • 285 1 Union Jack incident in London I ONDON. Sun. Two young men hoisted the Union Jack Britain's national flag -over Rhodesia House here early today and then lashed themselvps to the flagpole to thwart attempts to hauling it down. Ihe men both said to i xiM-rienced mountain used a rope ladder
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 54 1 PATEK PHILIPPE GENEVE IHO« WHO INSIST ON I /^W PKICISION... i^\T/^ THt ULT!MAT[ ~~g{. .Sen* High Class jMvatoa |^H STOP PRESS i bib" as You get two handsome glasses FREE when you buy Stallion Stout in the hanoy gift pack. Don't miss this special Chinese New Year offer STALLION JfcSf
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    • 496 2 Thieu to ask US for troop reduction SAIGON, Sunday PRESIDENT Nguyen Van Thieu is consideriqg making a proposal to the United States for th*: withdrawal of as many as 60.000 American troops from South Vietnam this year, according to informed sources. He is said to feel confident enough In the
      Reuter; UPI  -  496 words
    • 36 2 NEW YORK. Sun A burflar on an apparent burger hinge broke in o a canteen and made off wth 361 )b of hamburger onion* 20 Ib of fiaii. mid 3d rartnna of milk. AP
      AP  -  36 words
    • 194 2 Thai Premier accuses China of 'covert' aggression BANGKOK. Sun 1 M -^r. K-.elri shal Thanom K.':r;achorn. hw accusen 1 rh:na and her allies of rcimm:":n2 "eovefi »ion to de.«T'iv In an address •<« a panel rtVv-usslon on national security at Chulilongkorn I niver'-.'y yesterday. Marshal Thanom said: 'The most Import
      Reuter  -  194 words
    • 281 2 Suharto's 'no betrayal 9 call on West Irian JAKARTA, Sun.— J President Suharto tuu warned that th« acl nf self-determina-tion in tho West Irian later this year should not be a betrayal of the Republic He Kavr the warning when he recnvrd at th« palace the fnniiPr leader of rebol
      Reuter  -  281 words
    • 174 2 BELFAST. Sunday. r~IVIL rights demonstrators seized the post office in Newry late last night after a day in which police had confronted about 5.000 demonstrators, triggering off a few minutes of intense violence. Police were taken by surpn.sp when a group of the tfmonatnton >w<<>ped
      Reuter  -  174 words
    • 31 2 Lost one large prefab house I (is ANiiKI ES Sun One I'ftSl 000 prelabrua'rri how>e. remained ai large today after police M-oured the oily. The ho\i>enapp ng occurred .a*t Wertnesr.av UPI
      UPI  -  31 words
    • 26 2 ANKARA Sun lurk.*ti Pomim M:nistrr Ih»an s*nr; CKRlav.mßil \\a> Ml fnr Tokyo to .\eex Japanese co-operation .n oridge project linking Asia and Europe. Reu'er
      Reuter  -  26 words
    • 61 2 HoME Sun The A!f» Romeo Motor Companr unve;ied in itS9 model* |o th« Pre<« ve«ierday and presented a ii'-* modei the Olulia ISOO-S. The ;«00-S It a *edan with •> 109 hp engine and c<>tn« hetween the Oiulla 1300 and th« ;>er nf the prenem sene.v
      UPI  -  61 words
    • 25 2 TOKYO Sun —Thr JapaneM Gmernm.i i, South Korea 300 000 ton* of rloe roar 30 year.- a grace period o< 10 yeara. rri
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 214 2 ■-■■>■■ jb *fIHLP^^Va <I «ifllaV. Mil m. '"^m *wiwl/ Viatalß^iak^SMHa Bfaaaam > i i **V9k r^r2J^BBBT hbbbHV 'Iffllr" y T :¥aiVj&» |i ,^M^||^^yTßii.' JfJ •~is m. BBBBBt^^ 'ufr^l^j> '^^*^w_ ■p^^^ m. v t Haßßßßßßjaßßfe^^^^ Viiy r j&r^ut^r T^ 'aaBh^^Ra^BBBBBBBBBkk^ <^i^r »T*i I I BBKSg^SSySBaPRaWKSI CwT^^kaßal BBBBBBBBhSi9IBBBV >>s v^V >l» ~-«^f
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • 174 3 Kremlin denies backdoor move on Mid-East MOSCOW. Sun. iTI The Kremlin yesterday denied what it called "provocative rumours" that It might take steps aimed at solving the Middle East crisis behind the backs of Arab countries. An article in the official Party newspaper Pravda said: "Provocative rumours nave begun
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  • 58 3 NL-W YORK, Sun Sirhan Bishara Slrhan. on trial here for the murder of Senator Robert Kennedy, has cancelled bis daily paper because he says it Is full «f reports of rlolr nee. It's all violence, chaos and unrest." the 24--year-old Jordanian immigrant lamented to a visitor. "Whatever
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  • 369 3 DI'SSIA yesterday levelled Its longest and strongest verbal attack 011 China in recent months in what may be a new effort to oust Mao's party from the world Communist movement. The Soviet parU newspaper Prarada said Mao and his, associates had abandoned the goals.
    Reuter  -  369 words
  • 121 3 DALLAS. Sunday. m|RS Marguerite Oswald, mother of the man accused of assassinating President Kennedy in 1963. has filed five libel suits, totalling US$25 million, against a Congressman, four publishing companies, two magazines and a television net1 work. The suits name U.S. Rep. Grrald Ford Republican
    AP  -  121 words
  • 30 3 PARIS. Sun. Director* of Parisian cabarets drvoted to satirical songs have called t«o-dar strike In protest nt being officially classed m the ume category as »trip;e»se shows. Router.
    Reuter  -  30 words
  • 83 3 Tickertape with a difference for Apollo men HOUSTON, Sun. Texans -not to be outdone by t;ck<'n.,pc parades down Broadway In New York will shower the Apollo 8 astronaut! with more than a billion dollars here tomorrow. Raining down un Astroti auts Frank Borman. William Anders and Jim Lovell will be
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  • 80 3 Melbourne fires: Three caught MELBOURNE', Sun. Three men were arrested and charged yesterday with starting 24 fire* in Under-dry Victoria State 1 during the week despite a total fire ban. The three were caught as authorities mopped up from the scores of fires that broke out across the region surrounding
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  • 24 3 Maca to contest MANILA. Sun. Daily Bui- lftin today reported that former President DUxsdado Macap*. gal may run for flection a* Pr»*ident in November
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  • 63 3 HANDCUFFED Kenio C'kuiakl is led by plaindnthes polk-emrn following his arrr>>t in Tokyo after firing a steel ball from a slingshot in the direction of hmperor Ilirohito when the Imperial Family received New Year greetings from the people at their palace Two slings!
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  • 238 3 YEW YORK. Sun. President-elect Richard Nixon said last night that his administration would be dedicated to a "continuInc relationship with the best brains In. the country." He appealed to Intellectuals, scientists, businessmen and Cabinet members to keep coming up with treata
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 72 3 GST TUDdbCU 1 lilulluy uoil Oily Jpf^r^ There must be a reason why Rothmans is the World's largest selling -most wanted- King Size Virginia, It's simply this: Rothmans extra length, '^BBj. finer filter and the best tobacco money can buy, give you that cooler, smoother, more satisfying taste. Try them
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  • 155 4 A fund to aid needy students SINGAPORE. Sun The nine-man advisory committee for the Mattar Road Integrated School has set up a fond to assist needy pupils of the school. Their target Is $3,000 The chairman of the committee. Mr Quah Thwee Leong. a well-known social worker, said, "We are
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  • 104 4 MR. and Mrs. ftenno Anciano after their wedding at the Cathedral of the Good Shepherd on Saturday. The bride, the former Miss Patricia Chan Wing See, 26, who is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chan Wen. is a receptionist at Celbuilding Ltd.
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  • 262 4  -  ABUL FAZIL By SINGAPORE, Sunday THE gang of robbers who carried out the abortive North Bridge Road watchshop robbery yesterday are expected to strike apain— and soon. This Is the tour Imm ritiß in the minds of crime fighters as the hunt for
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  • 148 4 SINGAPORE, Sun The University of Singapore Students' Union today appealed to all employers to offer part-tlmr or temporary employment to the more needy of the 3.500 undergraduates who begin their four-month vacation on Jan. 27. A union statement said that such employment would provide these
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  • 24 4 SINGAPORE Bon. Tta« following are the winning number* of today'! Toto draw: IS, 31, 29, 43. 11, with the additional number S.
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  • 92 4 SINGAPORE. Sun Paralysed ex-jaga. RRmdoo Arjun. 57. flew home to Calcutta today for a reunion with Ml »i!e and family He was accompanied by Mr T. Fernandez of Johore Bahru. a final vrar medical student at me Calcutta National Medical College. Arjun. paralysed
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  • 162 4 SINGAPORE. Sun N«ee Ann Technical College will offer four new courses for the academic (esatoa this year, and the introduction ol four others II being considered Announcing thK today, in a notice inviting applications for admission, the college .said that It has secured
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  • 189 4 'Spore can replace Hong Kong' forecast by Aussie OINGAPORE, Sun. An I Australian businessman. Mr. Uciils Joseph has .said that Singapore could replace Hong Kong as the i key trading and manufac- turlng centre In this region In the future He said: "Foreign busl- I neumen. thinking of longterm realities
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  • 79 4 Licensing for fancy fish shops SINGAPORE. Sun Shops dealing with fancy Bth arc reuulred to have a licence under thr Animals and Bird.^ Ordinance of 1965. The licence will cost $10 and will be valid for our yenr ir:,d:im on December 31 > Failure to have licence will render a
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  • 96 4 SINGAPORE. Sun Singapore Is to take part in the first-ever South-ea^i Asia tae-kwon-do tournament to be held In Hong Kong In March. A team of 15 will be chosen at a conieM which ,he Singapore Tae-kwon-do Association Is holding on Jan 17 and 18 at
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  • 182 4 SINGAPORE may be the main market through which the sales and export of Vietnamese lacquerware will be channeled This is the hope of a locally-registered company which opened Its Introductory exhibition at the National Theatre this afternoon On show were 18 smoothfinish glossy pictures, depleting realistic
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 365 4 CATHAY: NOW SHOWING! DAILY AT 11 am, 1 30. 40U 6 30 930 p.m. OSCAR. You ye Cot The Whole Of Singapore Laughing At Us!" r Walter Matthaa V* The Odd V It .^mmmSbl Immmml ImW l *VH mUmt ■H^^^^^ I Mml ir MMMV_k j I iWtVSOfTCCtWCOLO*' AHMAMOUNT ACTJC* REMEMBIR
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    • 279 4 I H\)t Snmtirl QoodjLUOUcl park hotel 3; m protuily present* W Wb. jka. MB I jS 5^ NADIA GRAY T. The Seductive Dancer from Vienna tL J* also appearing YVAN CHEMAMA 2 J Vocalist/Guitarist from France j RESERVATIONS ***** T. I Wine and Dine like a KING I iS at
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    • 387 4 gATHArgj NOW jMOWinO 1 II am 1 30 4 00 6 JO 1 10 p"THE ODD COUPLE INTIBLUDI O\-\ Hi'PHßin LAST DAY 1 1 I am I )v, 1 00. 6 30 t 9 JO p"FRAME UP" I THE GLASS SPHINX NOW SHOWING' 1 30,4.00, 6 30 9IS»n Foxs "THE
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  • 328 5 Coming: Faster service at three Govt Depts FASTER service can be expected at the Immigration Department, the Road Transport Depart men' and registration offices as a result of a survey carried out. Heads of trie departments have agreed to implement most of the recommendations, Inrhe Abdul Majid bin Mohamed Yusoff.
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  • 24 5 IPOH. Sun A four-dav art and calligraphy exhibition by a Malaysian ertist Mr. Lie* K«. began vMirrdaT at th* Khfh Association her*
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  • 156 5 Women in rural areas responding to family planning 1/OIA RIIAKI Sun The rr*pnn>F to the Cealrsl <in\crnmrnt\ family pl.inniiiK prngranimr in thr State is gaining m <> ni c n t v m among rural women, the National Kamilv Planning llM.inl s mrdic il ofiicrr. Dr. AN Murthy, said
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  • 43 5 1 EI UK ANSON. s-.n f PMt Hang Kanff Association here ha* auarded $2 07.i in Wtmtf grants to 60 mem ban The grant* ranning from 110 to 1200 rath wen a«arrifd to .riving m primary and ■frnniti
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  • 228 5 A particularly gory year on Brunei's roads iast year is rompellinc the police here to think in terms of compulsory safety belts and crash helmets. The DVputy Commissioner of Police Dato Pengiran Jaya. said today the Government was now studying the
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  • 96 5 VLOR. STAR, Sun. Compulsory a n t i rabies vaccination has heen ordered in four H.edah districts bordering I h.iiUnri The order, which came into force yesterday, required all dogs, aced three months and over, in the districts of Kuban* Pasu. Padaoi Terap. Haling
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  • 163 5 OENANG. Sun. Pe- nang's 53.1 million motor-car racing complex cum golf course, which is to be constructed v a tourist attraction, will be situated at Sungei Dua. Th«> State CommissiniiT for Land. Inch? Pawanchik bin Zaintiddin. has announced that land fur the project
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  • 273 5 Minister of Transport. Tan Sri Sardon. left h^re today to inaugurate the first flight of a new rural air service in Sabah and to open the terminal building at the Miri aerodrome in Sarawak tomorrow. Sa bah's rural air services, to be run
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  • 51 5 SIM.APORL. Sun. The National Übrarj annonlced that it had reduced the member>hin deposit <>f .ulult readers from Slo to S."> to encourage more readers to join the library Members who nrr\ iouM? naid the Rll ran rail al the library on an* weekday t« claim their
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 58 5 Don't buy a PROBLEM Buy a VICJA rof •^•fy typ# Of liwr tfMm'a m VICTA a trouble fr«« motor mowar backed by prompt Mrvice and 100' a availability of genuine VICTA parts. AUSTASIA INDUSTRIES LIMITED. 283 J "aya Lmbmr Bo.ct S'NCAPORE 14 T.I S73OS U ImnJ 18 Jalan »on 8
      58 words
    • 215 5 The fastest thing between Singapore and London m^m^m^mr £^B^ *^^B\J^^&'-mß^B\^B^B^B^B^B^Ri *r 1 5?T^T^^ BBB^BBBwmmf B^Bl A^BBr^mT BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBmBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBmBOt I iI^SBBwBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBwSf&Mar^bsfr^ %> »^%t wmmß^^^^^ J^B^K mBB^ v^-^j M'fg ibW± bwbb%. ÜBBk "^fe k 5 t^Bßm i^i^BBB^BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBf^^BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBwKr^ i. 1t i Qantas V-Jet Express Nod off after take off at ten. And wake up
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous

  • 288 6 JOINT VENTURE OF MARA, MIDFL AND CO-OP SOCIETY PETALING JAVA, Sunday THK Government will help set up a $50 million paper and pulp factory as a joint venture between Mara, the Malaysian Industrial Development Finance Ltd. (MIDFL) and the Fertiliser and
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  • 136 6 An Indian In a Chinese opers? His name is Chua SINGAPORE. Sunday AN Indian playing the gong In a Chinese operatir group. That was what everybody thought until ho got up and sang a number from a Chinese opera in perfect Mandarin. Son of a Chinese father and a Burmese
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  • 136 6 Now those workers will be paid in full If U ALA 1.1 MPIR sun The i:o wcikt'r«, of the 3rd Matey Reniment ramp anil thr KMAI ha>e in B.ila>. near Aim Mar Mho pmloli (I the nnlipa.\menl of half their l)e--rembrr pay uill receive their full ularla
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  • 94 6 KfAI.A 1 MPI R Sun AmbajN-rfri"!* of oountrtM 'akinc p-tri in the prDjxv^d rniifir—n I Mii>,.m naMnns »:ii meet mrmbers ol the nrcuiMUlf cc3tnm »< h»"e ..m J^n 31 Thf Minister of land* and Minr- n»li) Hail Abdul Rahh«b 'i. .ikuh will h* chalrmaa
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  • 142 6 MEMBKRS Ol 'lie lit 1 versity nf Malaya Graduatr* Societv last night gatherer! round ih»shimmennE pool or the Hotel Mandarin Penan* 'atest luxury hotel for their barbecue and dance. Drinks were served under an attap-roof bar by scarlet -clad barmen, while a continental-style huftet, dinner
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  • 277 6 Cancer Society's no smoking in schools 'war' is on KUALA LUMPUR. Sun The Na tional Cancer Society has started its 'war' against .smoking in schools. Annminetni this today Dr SK. Dharmalingam medical director of the society, said that cosrhooi.s had been asKPrt to Rive a convenient date when an ant;-
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  • 276 6 Top Govt officials may resign to contest general election Xl \l II MCI It Huft Nrviial li>|i i;n\ i hi lit iidii ials art rvpi i i e& to rr>icn Irani lerviea to ronlfl in the gem t J eject on. Amonc tlmvr h«.v# IHin h.ivp l>e. n mm Loned
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 248 6 How I safely lost 34 yrte 341bs in Just 3J4 months Joanne Drew guarantees you tan lose ugiy. cmbarrav>ing inches. The secret of Joanne Drew's method is an exclusively planned programme using the world's most advanced slimming equipment under perBEFORt J. D. F. S. AFTER J. D. F. S. ional
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
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  • 290 7 PARTY WILL FIELD CANDIDATES IN THE COMING GENERAL ELECTION PENANG. Sunday. 'JMIK Party Rakyat of Malaya today reaffirmed its decision to contest the coming general election. "'We have rejected a motion calling for a boycott," the party's national president. Inche Ka.;sim Ahmad, said today Describing the
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  • 282 7 Juvenile cases on the rise, says Chief Registrar KUALA LUMPUR. Sun. The number of youth offenders appearing in courts has increased In the last three years, the rhipf Registrar of the High Court here. Mr. Au Ah Wah. said today. In 1966. a total of 1.223 Juvenile were recorded
    Bernama  -  282 words
  • 92 7 IyOTA BAHRU. Sun. Police have detained a wanted man alleged to have been involved In the ■ber $180,000 armed robbery of a Securlcor van iti Kuala I.angat in October last year. A jvltce spokesman 'old there *mi a warrant of arreat from Kuala Lumpur for this
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  • 69 7 I'ENANU MB I hi- Yang d.-P rtuan Agi>ng baa nominalne niember> O! the appeal cnnimitie* lor thf RdniiiuMixtiiin u( Muslim affair* in the Stale: Hi" Mulii of Penaiiß. Har. Aodullah. M<it'..imed Noor hrn Mi>hamed. ll.n SM Aidid. Hail K> Muhamed I«mail. Haj. bin Ha Dahlai Salleh
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  • 190 7 Nomination day and Alliance man has no rivals \ILAR. Sun The Alliani-e candidate. Maji Alxlui \j\, bin ishak. 40. h.s returned unopposed uhen nuntination to the Parti Rakar I >— tllBHIIl nf the Johore Slate l.etisl.itne Av>emb\y <l«»ed .il noi> n today H.iji A/i 7. who is M.P. f"r Muar
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  • 49 7 SINGAPORE Sun A petl<»Khen It. of Jh an nantaram died in the Genera, Hiwin a. ve^ierdnv after he Mas run down by a bus in Tlicm.-i.n Rnad. I«ee was rrosKinif Urn i"»H near the Novena Church at atxni' <> a m when the arrtdent
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  • 74 7 KUALA LLMPUR. Bun -The 2S-year-old re.s taurant cook. Chan Kok Sang, who had his right hand and left forearm amputated rollowints an attack by parang-wield-ln«r thugs, received a viMt from the Minister of Welfare Ser\,r»\s. Dr \g K^iii Pi.>h < .-esterday The Minister promised Chan, now
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  • 118 7 'Brunei a foolish rich man' charge in Assembly ORUNEI TOWN. Bun. Brunei Is being lod up the gardfii path by so called n peitl", Pengiran Vi: sof Abu Baku (Berla I charned In thf Bra nei Leslslatlve Assem bly toda\ He sa'.d 1 thai pTtTVItMH sur vcjn made by some
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  • 135 7 Hole-in-heart boy's death shocks friends \IUAR. Sun The sudden dearh <>i the hole In the heart boy, Hisham bio Ha shim, 18, shocked everyone, especially his srhoolmates In Muar HiKh School and friends One of Ml he.Nt frifiids Abdul Am/, bin Ohazali 18. (fbo shall Imiv* for the same operation
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  • 36 7 PON 1 LAM, Sin Mtv. Urn Boon kick, a Dniwntt) of m»iHva Kiadimtr iraclier I Pfh^ntlan Ennlnh Rvcondar^ ■ebM) li«f h»« left 10 do drgrrt rnnrw in Mbrariannhlp m t'ni'>rMfv in in» United Stuiri
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  • 160 7 Taxi driver fights off two thugs In robbery bid SINUAPOU wn taxi driver, fh a Boon Hnr "M. pat o houl<l hr rnhtors to flight after a hrtrf slruntie wtth them in his t.ixi in Old *irtM>rl Koart ls« night Chitn. who r»rnvr«i k amall knlfr umind on hn right
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  • 29 7 Run a ttrti.T i I wag founn ih ionic ;n rang P T«o N m foond ebWI »f'er a wr.niHn n ikli Paojang u.a'irm
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 177 7 Just out of the. wraps! the completely new MAZDA 1200 Just unwrapped, the car that*; got just about everything. If there's anything that can be put into a rar to make family motoring more enjoyable, the 1200 has it. A beautiful balance of performance and economy; up to 45 m.p.g.,
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 304 7 Straits Times Crossword IB Hal flat ■VBBB- SB' Hal all fM'KOAK o Artid and divine were in 7. Ui one may m. 1» a ftep T P'»«fred with roug* (t) l7 S. Back Crnaaman fir menial I. Having taken the whip. t)M Jcb animal* under i^witrol il. S. lfl. Liking
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  • The Straits Times
    • 498 8 Most Commonwealth Minis'.i ra will be relieved bm of UM exewaea which disfigured the Rhode aia discussions at the Prime Ministers conference two go ha\e been avoideyi thi-> time. The expected a' ink t roii] the conierencei African numbers was pressed home with undimiimhed vigour and much
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    • 271 8 Thcie are no flying saucers, but if there are, they are not ii extra-terreatria] origin. This is American air force opinion, gained from a half million dollar enquiry, and n would seem to be a reasonable conclusion, if pei haps expensively obtain- >■: Y< i it has
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    • 242 8 additional judges cannot be- expected to make an immediate impression on the almost incredible backlog ol cases in the High Courts of West Malaysia. But this reinforcement of the bench was much needed and It welcome. There has been an unusual call in rei eat years on
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  • 1729 8  - A killing every 45 minutes- ANTHONY HOWARD by Washington HM^^^^^^^^H^^^H^^^H^nH^^^^^K^^MHHlH DESPITE disproof of any direct connection, it has been widely felt that the media, by publicising violence and particularly in the case of television by being present during it. in some measure incite the violence they report. That sentence appeared
    OFNS  -  1,729 words
  • 816 8  - Bach, Beethoven, Brahms and now the Beatles PAUL RICHARD Washington by APRE DICTION By the time the year 2069 rolls round, a fourth B will have been added to the standard muslcological curriculum. When next century's students cram for their musical history exams, they'l l be listening to Bach, Beethoven,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 66 8 ®KANK WITH OVERSEA-CHINESE BANKING CORPN. LTD WMuaaiT iaiciit i«n« tM MALAYSIA AND I'rett AUTMoann capital: PAia UP CAPITAL: SAFETY FIRST! AMD r\ d r* n i- P«e*lT 4 LOSS is O. C. B. C. s Policy. iAtANC Otm #tt> iit§/ Because it is the best in total t 7s.*m.m#/the end.
      66 words
    • 100 8 100 Pipers? Because starting with the finest *3 l Scots craftsmanship ny and heritage. ol '?iE: we've smoothed and mellowed this whisky to a _£'3 high note of flavor. "KBP, Join the chorus. jr *l 'aY" 'j^a^fiaVVa^fc^ •a, g 1 <} Seagram wouldn't settle for less. L«taM fworwra BOBav UM
      100 words

  • 170 9 Opposition parties to discuss a united front L L A LUMPUR. 1V Sun. A meeting i.s being called ol au opposition pun. decide on the formation of an united front to fight thi> Alliance in the coming general election. In a .statement today, the naMonal chairman of Uerakan Raayat Malaysia,
    170 words
  • 63 9 Three youths rob a toddy shop manager KUALA toddy shop mtinffiT. M Ra^iah. 41 «»s nibbed of $413 by three c armed with a pistol. near Bank Negara this evening. Mr. Ra.slah was about to dr..f days takli.. Ma Imbt Road toddy shop Rt the banks night safe when the
    63 words
  • 118 9 VI.NOAPORE. Sun The nim advisory committee of thr Matter Koad Integrated School h.<* set up a fund to I .insist needy pupils of the school. The> chairman of the t nmmitter. Mr. Quah Ihwee I. eons a Ml known social worker said
    118 words
  • 406 9  - 11,000 LCE grade B and C pupils get concessions WONG PUAN WAH: Kua'a By Lumpur. Sunday than 11.000 pupils who obtained Grade "B"' and "C" in the Lower Certificate of Education examination will be "reprieved" under the new concessions announced today by the Minister of Education. Inche Mohamed Khir Johari.
    406 words
  • 157 9 Brunei 'horrificd 9 by LCE results BRUNEI Town, Sunda» THE people of Brunei have read the latest Lower Certificate of Education results with •horror." Mr. R.D. Ross (Nominated-Brunei Town) said at the Legislative Assembly meeting today. He asked whether Brunei was Retting value for her money Brunei was spending a
    157 words
  • 227 9 Ministry to go ahead with plan for common uniform for schools J£UALA LUMPUR. Sun. The Ministry of Education w ill go ahead with the idea of introducing a common uniform for all schools next year despite opposition from heads of schools. Stating this today, th« Minister of Education. In:he Mohamed
    227 words
  • 230 9 The Straits Times charity box CINOAPORS. Sun. Total collection for the .seven orphans of Rumah Tinggl now .•.tands at $1,083.58 With the latest donatloas of $Juii irom Dato Syed Ibrahim bin Omar AUagoll. Con>ul General of. Saudi Arabia. and $50 from \hmad and Jalahudin of Kuala Lumpur. The H;i\ clock
    230 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 476 9 PROFESSionm. I I nnsiuGß to I mooEßn siergo Sharp s unsurpassed stern systms mMj tit htfkcst siHitd if s»c« n* »ifi«Mfm{ flj Each component is precism issembM ut tistri ti iisuri imicslM littniat niiyant. M^L Ej Whatever model you chttse ftr ym psrtietUr pttassrt ym cm bt stri jm'tt fittitt
      476 words
    • 185 9 P&O TO AUSTRALIA s.s. IBERIA (30.000 tent *ufH •irc*«4iti a nc4 ifob.lh«4 l Departing SINGAPORE 23 Feb 1969 Arnvinf SYDNEY 14 Mar 1969 «M H»n«k*ii(, Manila and Darwin. FIMT I TOURIST CLASS ACCOMMODATION AVAILAILI (Farti FIRST CLASS SStm t M rt/Sydn« r hem $191* •»4 TOURIST CLASS from $1084 Apply
      185 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 711 9 TV MALAYSIA IHWMI.S. Kuala LiAnpur. RMM in English: 710 Scop*. I'rnant I; Ipoli. MsUtcca b; 7.35 At L-mt the 1948 .lolii.rr H.ilin, j. it Taipini X; 8 News in Mancl..rin. 810 i;...u raiut Kluauic Ba.i<u>a Kita 5\K Dtn Programme bum- «25 Sconce Report; 9 N»»« m.iry. 5.30 News in the
      711 words

  • Straits Times Book Page
    • 901 10 THE CHRISTIAN ILLUSIONS THE CHRISTIAN CITIZEN by HJ.R. (atherwood (Hnddor and Stoafhton 2.%5j J .H»« ttr*«tt <>♦ Vanity Foir arc crowded with rciideit*, not rrancienti, and many willing hands and minds are set to keep tK« growth rate up, the balance of payments favourable ond the social services in good
      901 words
    • 78 10 MOUNTAINEERS in ttato small part of the world havr Kinabalu to ilimb. and somr hillork* Ideal for llir stay at home Is Malrnlm Milne's new book un modern mountaineering. It includes records of the freat < limb up the mile-hifh overhanc of the Irnlltind Wall, the epics of
      78 words
    • 44 10 I^ROM Bro»klars InF stilatioß come* Dankwart Kiintnw i "A World of Nations", an enquiry Into the polities of nationhood and modernisation, the twin drive* that have precipitated the end of colonial empires In Asia and Africa, and hastened •oeial rhmng' Latin As««rtr»
      44 words
    • 304 10  -  Allington Kennard By HOME RINGER AND CO. By Harold Williams (Turtle, Tokyo.) ILTHEN Raffles was Governor In Java he made a bid to open trade wtth Japan. He failed, despite the gift of an elephant, and it was not until half a
      304 words
    • 178 10 INEMPLOYMKNT AMI EMPLOYMENT PLANNING. By NabaKnpal Das. (Orient Longmans, Bombay. Kps 10.) By STt ART KOBK ALTHOUGH this study of unemployment has special reference to India, Dr Das analyses the modern and rational approach to the problem in a Mnir.r) eontei I There i.s unemi 'vnient
      178 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 241 10 H^\ RENOLD 11^23 §Wrf^U motorcycle |i|!'.>yl ond moped P W chains V '^P! sOLI AGtNTI V -^^Bm/ imiTII MDTOI WORKS (S'PMf) PT[. LTf. UNITEB MOTOR WOR^ 'S'wei ph mi IJ'. Orthmti Hood, Sittfopcrt 114, Jolon Tuanku AMvl ftohmoH. Kuala Lumpur. 114 Pr«««M Ko, d, r«M| BPiw miLP chains limits* T^^
      241 words
    • 303 10 I^,^ «riaß*JW OIME EACH g y^o^m FOR EVERY Price: xl?^^ife^- fc Each 524 M^mwS!^^ WEBSTER'S SmiTl «W COLLEGIATE DICTIONARY WEBSTER'S DICTIONARY OF SYHOIYIIS This^completely new etqr ■to handle size desk dlctlonify Th,c MERRIAM -WEBSTER h a wordbook on a new plan is the latest in the fimous Merrum Webster Collegiate
      303 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1108 11 Tl LIVERPOOL ANO OTHER Ull CONTININTAL PORTS B""""" p Pt/j»"4 Pfnj ANmncNiK IS M AuteMr» R M a«.?«.. 5 JH II M JM M Ui!... US 2) 12 FM 2 a.tlVr, 21 IM 2S 111 II 21 iI.LV MtuS 12 I M N K Ftl II Fll il Frl If
      1,108 words
      2,406 words
    • 1106 11 TfJJfc WORLDWIDE CARRIERS LTD. IJ^^HaMam or: L Gal»ettoß, Houston, New Orleam, Charleston, Savannah, Baltimore, New York, New Haven. New London S'BBII r^nnng ATHLITIS In Pt/Tot)ay Sailed Sailed Cherleiten, Savannah iub|ect to inducement. A.aot., McALISTER 6c CO., LTD. S pore P. SweHenham Penanq Tal: 3*2411/9 6252 6 1781/3 ■V^PTTf^'V'^H IvMMMMMMaMaVai MARITIME
      1,106 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1116 12 VI KAWASAKI RISEN KAISHA LTD. i Wmufrn Australia Singapore/ Japan Sarvioa F**aaaM s-jaoun Tokkjicln/Nifoya V'hani kom "iwidM Mara" laa 1 Frt/Janaj II FM 11 FM 11 FM Win Africa Sin gapora Japan Scrvlo* A>i|«'i S'Uftpmi Niioyi Y'Naii «oei "laataiiai Mm S*M fi 21 FM 1 Mir 2 Mv 4
      1,116 words
    • 855 12 AUSTIAIIA/NEW lEALANO JIiVICI 1 INOIA PMISIAN ANO NM lASI ■.EIVIHJ tip «illim.lm. AnWIMI Instaaa Natau'im" aM Madrai i p u ii i loin Hinjrit socif <■ ;> mm ""tM juuia IS 2* In 2J laa 21 Jm JUN* II 22 Mai a/24 Mai 21 Mai lAJUIA' 14/11 Fll II Ftl
      855 words
    • 744 12 PACIFIC LINE CALIFORNIA /PACIFIC NORTH WEST EXPRESS Laadin tar: LOS ANGELES. SAN fRANCIito. OAKLAND TACOMA. SEATT' > v»NCf 8C ri'TIANO Penai-f f S Paw Sirjiocre L. A'lflu S.FrjntiKl VISNVA HIM II II IM 11/11 111 Mia 111 II Fll II MS VISHVA TEI It II Fll II 19 Fel 1%
      744 words
    • 940 12 By Order of Ihr Tuhlir I tilitim ai/vrirt Board NO MCE Warrant S«. U043. rii»rc Sit I shop* Inder action of the IMB. meanl ai the Lc« Co»l Flala Ordinanre 1963. Pendamaran and application* are Rr: PIONKER LAND n4lt «d Ir In member* of tha publta ■NVnTMBOfT OOMPANI LTD. who
      940 words

  • 25 13 (11 1 rent Ililr Tntal for Total fnr pa«m«nt parable th* Tear prrvinu« Tear ion. Salak r Mar 28 12V c t ItHermi
    25 words
  • 73 13 Jan. ft Jan. 7 Jan. Jan. Jan. I* Imlii.ln.ils ISI M Iftl »fl 1fJ2.2-.> \hlfi\ IMA: Hntfls 101 l)« 11)201 ***** 102 82 in 2:'«: Proprrtirn: 1H2.50 iMHO I*7 «O 18« Ofl !«7 r>3 -Tin. (.2.2:1 112 22 «2 1« H2 2I «2 IS 1 rubber*: IH4
    73 words
  • 674 13 Straits tin price falls another $1.75 again in Penang rK BtralU tin price was, again easier in Pmanf mi Saturd.iy fallliiK a fur- ther SI 75 to $578 L>ft a pirul on m\ offering estimated up IS tons to 2JO tons Support at UM lower levels was. mainly tiom Europe
    674 words
  • 31 13 RUBBER AND TIN CLOSING PRICES HI HHIK I IN l»»i Ib.i iprt |llrull lan. Wl% rlv 7. j; ,rK K. SI ,rl« rl«. 18. SIP, rtn 11. J.Kh.IHI MMjN SiSt.U'l IMMt
    31 words
  • 23 13 In Lonnon nri Friday Malatm per runt rif IT K In oulk ml May quoted al i 66 *r long ton
    23 words
  • 624 13 I HI inLLO»"lNi; II 'HM QUOTATIONS THI ttllft indid rmntr jam io. INDUtTMIALa A<:UA 2«V I 41 "'I-RrlcM K»n I'n J.t, imt Uinr.-n Htihat*. IJM Hnu"**« 1 Wl IJM ir. Mini <*< D C M mill 1 »•> I."H» i;.i; M n>n C H HoMinn ♦•> D.H S
    624 words
  • 340 13 \IOVIMINTIer IHARI PARIION Of LAST lAI.II IN LUMPUM TRADING KOSMt Of TNI ITOCK IXCNANOt ON JAN. 1 ANO ia. INOUtTRIALt: ALMA nn. h,. Ban an* Ca 1. aaata), Bar- Mat 1 1 aaM) flaanai taaai H c»ni.«i cC M. MaaV r.-nl.i. C.». Nalrlin>< 11l Da t 1
    340 words
  • 1107 13 VERY active conditions prevailed on the Stock Exchange of I Malaysia and Singapore last week end produced a "hoomlet", but at the same time it appeared to be a tug-of-war between the bears and the bulls Profit taking was heavy, but was usually absorbed
    1,107 words
  • 921 13 'I'm niiKv aUItINMI <>\ 1 IHI STOCK F.XtHA.V'iE WAS AS MIIIOHS < la t.' 411 la <-.(< in tj at "> H.M II H• Ban a 1 U'«i la V. 'I to t.l 1 ta in IO «1 it. 1 in t.l IK M II M «I MZ
    921 words
  • 57 13 THK haafcnraa] corppam ntrr' are due M. Credit ,cxc a-oidiiua] v nieelliie Jan 22. II am. a' Con feienre Room. Hotel flingapura Oichairi Road. Singapore M. Tttacci: Jan 30. 12 norm a' nc-3 JaIMD Sungei Be*i Kuala Lumpur ('.CM.: Feb 11 11 30 a m a! 4th. flm.i
    57 words
  • 24 13 •""•"I v t Oallar auata* al 12 TT ni.s,. hi. ntli ata.lm. MM ItN |M «H laa, al |«M <t IIIIA.
    24 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 1097 13 OFFICIAL NOTICE PROPOSAL TO CHAUGE .uil ..n A SHIP S NAME Honic Conioeny Limilea at 13A-33A Cecil atTMt, Sin BHi«.rr 1. hereby give notice that in 11 r>n»eqiiPtir» of re-naming the ship He have applied to Ihr Recl^trar of Srni>apoie Ship, under Section hanl Shipping Oidinarve .Chaptpr 217. in reaper!
      1,097 words
    • 280 13 I NOTICE NOTICI IS HKRERY <iIVKN lhal with effprt from Ist Novembers 19RR Mr Oo! Ah Bee ha« reawd tn be an employee of Malavnan Assortatlon of Youth Club* aad he is therefore no lonijer anihori«ed to transact any htione'< what*ne\pt or to receive monies on our behalf ser-i clary
      280 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1178 14 t)MMMjMjMMaBMIJMBMMMIr)BMMMBWMMMMMBMMMBBBgBBBI <CSKOWLIOC[MINIS ItWIHaUWII ahNOUNCIMENIS IItTNS. CIUI ICTIVIIIU CONIOIENCIS. IEaTNS INIaCIM(NTS. I •UKIMLS tKIIINCS 111 MTMIItIaM MlltilclS MISSINC PdSIHtl. FFC lIIUICMS 1 IIaNIINt •lie M.c. aim SIS M IS BBMS, IK> allililtll wlrl tl M IM MJM tlgaglßßE .tytrlitraiiili M..,e... BJ M ter n ■mi rKi iMiltltll nilu teitl Itrartt limit
      1,178 words
    • 824 14 CLUB MANAGIRISI overaaaa noeit.on. iluropean. Uuratltn jh-M) nt\r rteeport and good tpptartntt. •eierenir. Ct" for appointment ißporri l-4141 an*. 741 a M ma. WANTIO ICMOOL CLIRK. Appll rante netwten IS) M Ptaetd B.C. i or M r B, Write tn Mrcrrtarv. Roard of Mtnagtra. l.a Sallt Rchool Canning i uarden,
      824 words
    • 1025 14 AccountlDg Ctrtlllcalt or APA Book- I i., .ned inuui company. Apply H«.« a .<•! J ST. 8 pore. Only linstpore Cltiaana need apply. Meurnxan Ukmk Pulau Piaasn lanxga Ua). llalßill ISPd x H BM a tampan dengm luittia Brlanla Bldup ÜBMM Mealiltn ttdak kurtag dart pad. 35 '.nun. Keitylkan Sinl
      1,025 words
    • 895 14 ACCOMMOBATION WANTEI BUNGALOW WANTEO with OSlcta ar neignooura. Coaiact pore l>4<^ Mr. See. equ.rert 7 a hrdroum. Raal s:w»' liou Tei. «4«. vis Write Taagnn Poaibox 3 po-e REOUIRID Bungalow. Bouae. .sew Century Realty Co. IMIYS .1*21*4 fc pore Indian couple ratjaMa I/I Mdtootat nor rr. lahed houie end
      895 words
    • 836 14 r-hmett Ntjnj Tear' Cantact Natioatt I r.>a Teltnkont 75C10 Far ttrraxaa ;of new dr. gn< Bet for vcirtelf tt Pinttpore Praduett Dltplay Ctntrt. John i -tie BulMiag VALUABLI PROPERTIES M DS» tnati> Nine Ten land with without vtrtn- potatttion AM ovwr one Ban freehold. pott war prr war thopt CC.O
      836 words
    • 868 14 me. Trpawnting 0 wkt. Normal Rtfrtaner. Baok-ketßing 4 mtha. B»rlnnrr Intermediate Bttge. Anytime *>nndard rorrtmemal Krkoal. 3D M Her It'reer Binsaport Mtl4. whn are not atudytng theat atibjecta 'n their trnoola '.ntton to .npplrmen' vo«ir •TIOAI •ti.dire no* repeat programme! o' pxajf forty. tudent rlxaa leatona, hut I. lit on
      868 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 1347 15 (Continued from Page 1(1 i BOATS/YACHTS FOR SALE I I CBLTMRE LADItS: Apan fro.n Reality CulV.M. •'EVENTitiC- SLOOP :4ft. HaiHlres»in« Courses, lor your aUI flash*. Trr>!ent satis. P >r nple<t. acne oily akin, open ports. rlSHr.s. Ul cooker «ri I. sink. 4 otlttl consult Skin apd'tallst Beautl. lsn trailer, moored
      1,347 words
    • 1043 15 SENIOR STAFF VACANCIES Electronics firm manufacturing Transistor radios, componeiit parts and other entertamment and communication electronic products wishes to employ the following Senior executives at their newly established factory at TANGLIN rtALT UUvOAPOKE 3 Applicants must be: Able to work and reside in Singapore. Be fluent In English and Mandarin,
      1,043 words
    • 715 15 VACANCIES FOR SENIOR APPOINTMENT IN THE DEVELOPMENT BANK OF SINGAPORE LIMITED Tne Bank offers opportunities tor challenging, interest. ing and responsible work for persons who are: (I) Graduates in Economics. Business Administration Commerce Accountancy. Law. and Arts subjects; (U) Uradaaies In Physics. Chemistry. Mathematics and other Science nibjects: (Ui) Civil.
      715 words
    • 688 15 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS i SINGAPORE (PTE.) LIMITED CAREER OPPORTUNITIES MANUFACTURING ENGINEERS Bachelor's Degree in Science, Engineering, or Industrie! Management and previous risenrnci in manufacturine). Positions involve assumption of complete prorit one) loss reipattsibility (or assignee) production area. Requires Englrsd fluency and strong interest in the development of people. TRAINING CO-ORDINATOR Bachelor's
      688 words

    • 512 16 I ONDON, Sun. The four championship contenders in the English Football I <\i::i« Liverpool, Leeds, Arsenal and Everton all won yesterday. Liverpool left It late against F.A. Cup hoidns West Bromwich, for only nine minute* remalr.ed when Peter Thompson scored the only goal
      512 words
    • 58 16 Antoniu gets right on top! VTASILF ANTONIO of Rumania isn't being carried out of the ring by Kiik ShHiack of Denmark lie just swung and missed and wound up on top of his opponent. And that s the way the light turned out at Copenhagen on Saturday. I or the
      58 words
    • 111 16 WTOCKHOI.M. Sun Eng- land v \!;tixaret Boxall scored a major upset on the lu-t day at the Swedish open badminton championships here when »he beat the unofficial world champion. Sweden's Eva Twedbeit:. In two Hal The 23-year-old Kent firl, »ho l* better kno«n a 1 a doubles
      111 words
    • 28 16 IXDNDON BUD Culm Bell, ■hr M.mi :i<v. City Inrw.ird. will mi" EiiKi.mds soccer internat:nnn. Rumanu al Wembley on \Vfdnc~clay bei.iu^e of s tuLstea tell knee Reuter
      Reuter  -  28 words
    • 23 16 NEW YORK BaS About 14 teams an Wpacfd to UkP part in Mie North American Professional Soccer League beginning in April
      23 words
    • 406 16 CCOTLAND. defending desperately for most of the match, beat France 6-3 at Colombe.s Stadium here yesterday in a stirring opening match in the International Rugby Union championship. The fast lively French team wen In command almost throughout Pourlnu through huge gaps ripped in the Scottish
      406 words
    • 195 16 FIRST DIVISION Arsenal 2 sheff Wed Ipsmrh 2 Bum;« f l,e«is M >n fd 1 Ijrirrsm 1 Liverpool Hrom Man Citr 1 imi: l iu<i Baa i f ■MM I Inio-i ham I Sund^rland n I Ft 9 BBCOND DivisoN a > KuddMMd Bl»rith'irn I Cardlfl l i
      195 words
    • 57 16 BANGKOK. Sun. New groupings were mad? lor the r competition here sti I Thursday. (olio Indnne I ll Under the new prouplngs. Perak. the 1967 P champions will play 111 Group B with teai; "'l. Honf Kong. Japan and Ira-i In Group A v U be
      57 words
    • 966 16 t W B 1 I 11 Liverpool 27 18 4 4ti la 41 25 18 7 2 42 21 39 25 13 7 3 34 13 :(7 26 15 7 4 56 26 11 7 47 U 30 m 26 8 11 6 4. 3J 'U 26
      966 words
    • 194 16 I ONDON. Sun. Rugby I Union NMltl vcMerday; I Ireland Trial Whites 9 Blue* 10 ounlv quarter-final Cornwall 11 Herts o. < lub mihhft Bath 14 i London Welsh 23; Bedford 14 Sale 5 Birkenhead 21 UnlvrrMties AU 3: Bradford 3 Halifax 15: Bndgwater 6 Clltton 8;
      194 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1185 16 IN THE HIGH COURT IN I proposed poixtkt MALAYA AT PENANG "ocmbing facto** on CONTAMIS HIM.ING-UP LOT A NO: 1 Or' IS6S. HINGAPOKE IN THK VAITKR OF FOR MESSRS. SINGAPORE ash ITD IN THE MAT'IER Or THK Tenders are Invited for the fol- COMPANUES ACT. 1864. lowing works:— MM n
      1,185 words
    • 657 16 TENDERS TENDER NOTICE J.K.R. NEGERI KEDAH RENYATAAN TAWASAN T^waranl slcan dl-terima narlpaaa pemborong? rant; beroaftar denian JKR Kedah Perils dalam Kelas "EX' dan ka-atas hingga jam 3uu petang psda 21 1.1969 dl-PeJabat Jurutera Nagerl. Kedah Perils, Aior Sets: PENGANOKUTAN AVER MINL'M KA-KAWASAN2 YANO MENGHADAPI MUSIM KZMARAU DI-JAJA-HAN KEDAH UTARA DARIPADA
      657 words

  • 398 17  -  ERNEST FRIDA By gIN'GAPORE Cricket Association^ team who leave for a three-week tour of New South Wales. Australia, o.i Thursday got no encouragement from their one- da y match with the visiting Indian Schools on the Singapore padang yesterday. They were thrashed In Just
    398 words
  • 83 17 r.I.ES. Bun. F» J ll -!Tord fired .> steady par 71 third rojnd st do 000 u» nxhip I .n the lead day with a of I D Id pan kept blot <head of neare-L Afnran Harming md the I Hill. Leadinc Mores alter Uie third
    Reuter  -  83 words
  • 141 17 MM.fPIIRt I>» \»t. c Mukerje« b Nfathur 1§ Reully b Mathur 4 R. da *llva r Sarkar b Bwrtherla 3S Kllot run out 4 A. tie Suva I Ukahman b Tandon 1 M»rten» not out 15 Krfthnan r Bord* b Tandon 1 strirn* D Sarkar 3 alihhnr c and
    141 words
  • 32 17 JOHANNESBURG. 8u B Bi»bby Vemey »nn the Tran»v»a; Oi>en go.f championship here yt» errtny with a 72-hole «^grecare of 22 one stroke »hpad of fei rm So.nh African Graham Hrntung.
    32 words
  • 28 17 NEW DEiMI. Sun.-Ilie Na.<Urn of Rum.inia won the men c ttaglta UUa in the Indian la»n •^mpion&htpn. beating Prrm.nt I*l, -lie holder. 6-4 6-2, M «-4
    28 words
  • 152 17 By PETER DE MUM TPCA T team wn n the Sanda^ham Trophy for the Selangor Hockey Association's six-a-side championship at Princes Road. Kuala Lumpur, yestrrday. In the final round of four teams TPCA "B" beat Technical College 2-0 and drew O-o with Kilat "A" and Police "A".
    152 words
  • 191 17  -  TONY FRANCIS By JHE Malaysian Hockey Federation have decided to accept Pakistan's invitation to send a team tc Lahore for an International tournament In March. Announcing this after a council meeting In Kuala Liimnur yesterday. MHF .secretary. G Vliavanathan said he would write to the
    191 words
  • 88 17 \1 hi. BOURNE. Sun Oiant American Stan Smith inn he \icton»n mens singles ten- with a surprise -*in ever t; S. Davis Cup star Arthur the Kouyong Stadi.m here .oday. t-'.x-fixit-four Smiili. 22. wot the marathon two-hour 44 numil4 battle 14-12. 6-8 6-3. t-6 F>r Smith
    88 words
  • 73 17 SYDNEY Sun Au i Davis Cuj/ .tingles player Ray Ruffels today withdrew from the New Soutn Wales Open tennis champion Tournament referee Cliff Sproulc .saiL Ruffels had bfen Riven prrnu.v-ion to withdraw becmi. c of a shoulder inury ,«ufi ferea during Ins Victorian <pen
    73 words
  • 394 17  - Treble J has useful form in England EPSOM JEEP By I^IFTY-SIX English and Irish horses, flown out late last year, will make their debut this season. Many of them have been registered and amone them Is Treble J, placed In Class 2 by the Handicapper. Treble J. a five-year-old fjrev
    394 words
  • 223 17 Shoot double for Negri T^BORI Sembilan won ll both the sporting rifle) prone and centre fire team events on the second day of the five-day Ferak Shooting Association's open championships at Ipoh yesterday. They were nNo winners In the free pibtul event on Saturday. Malaysian International Wong Foo Wah of
    223 words
  • 24 17 Selangpr Malays will hold their annual golf championships at the sentul golf course on Fe 1 18-17. Bitrie* close on Feb 2
    24 words
  • 210 17 7ATNAL Abidin scored a one-over-par 73 to lead a field of 42 golfers after the first 18 holes of the Royal Selangor Golf Club championship yesterday. Zalnal was four strokes ahead of Allan Jones <T7) with J. M. Welsh in third position on 78. Another stroke
    210 words
  • 117 17 WORK on extending Mm Cameron Highlands ninehole golf course to 18 holes liaa progressed well, report." HI)U < lit ID >» s(. Rim U work i and layout on the second nine I have been completed All that remains lo be uone is turfing
    117 words
  • 48 17 Da to Johari Daud won th« Lome Tcxid stroke competition at the Sentul golf course. Kuala Lumpur, jrwtarday n countback from Cnan Weng Chin. Both had n> mm of 71. Ball sweeps Ist i:lne: 8. T. Pandlan (3S net>; tecood nine: F. Mor.tlng i34t.
    48 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 84 17 COMFORT LUXURY CONVENIENCE 1 In tlir tirart ol Kuala Lumpur. Graciously Furnished Air-conditioned Rooms Bult«a with privati bath, self -dial telephone reditune music. r ree morning tea or coffee. r.ow>paper and shoeing. Finest Chinese Restaurant on tho Top floor with pam Kuaia Lumpur, and Snack Bar Eanina floor ping Arcade
      84 words
    • 31 17 PRIMA FLOUR MILLS proudly present for the convenience in your household use o NEW HYGENIC §m§ KATIS PACK CHAP LABU ALL PURPOSE FLOUR „__J| per pack Plf^li I m 1 Provision
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  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 219 17 IKHKtr Tnur match: Spore v Indian Schooii XI (MUaiiK. 11 a.m.). HO( XI.V S'tor Dl». I: IP' v Survey (Princes Rdi; Municipal v TV ißriclctirldsi Xl (.(.IK Hilitun kchoulx seml-lliiato: S I AH. Ipoh v Technical Inst.. Kuantan. Victoria Inst v High B Pahat ibulh matches at Pantai. XL. 5
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  • 56 18 [NOAP< !a\idrivrr :rom home luund dead a tm "li mile. Juronft Road He identified as Chin Chye. 43. of TlonK Poll Koarl 'X-Ran la«t Sunday when his •He reported him misMMK. Police found hi.s taxi with its engine running in I> Bourn Btrett. There
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  • 175 18 Abortion Bill: Private debate by doctors SINGAPORE. Sun. A group of stocton from the Siim.iporr Medujl Asmh i.ition today met hehind i losctl doors to debate a proposal that the) support two of the four conditions, in t hiAbortion Bill under ulmh abortion should be allowed. Prt-NMurn and other outsiders
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  • 65 18 Miss Foong's works of art at Balai Ampang KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. ARTIST Foouk Wai Ching explains the liner points of a scroll for tho benefit of the Minister of Local Government and Housing at the Balai Ampang in Kuala Lumpur. Miss Ptoong is an expert in the Chinese art of
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  • 48 18 NEW DELHI. bun Two people were ku:»cl »hrn police croud at rally• iy Mai, \esterday, oil a wavt and Inotlne m a nearby town. Railway police opened fire to a crowd ol passen(rers who threw rtonfi them during a check on free-trippers.
    48 words
  • 47 18 SLNGAPOKK .Sun Redlffusioii will hand over $6,309, collected Imm its marathon 22-ho ir i harm programme "Dollars fin Dtsc to Mother Damien. head of the Abandoned Babie.-' Home m the Convent of th? Holy Infant Jesus, at its board room at 11 am. on Wedneday
    47 words
  • 442 18 4 PERMANENT committee ol Indonesian and Malaysian officials will be set up to do research and coininp; of words for the new Malay-Indonesian (Malindo) spelling system. Thi I Education. Inche tflonamed Khlr Johari. who announced this, said that the committee would be formed
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  • 116 18 Seamec 'yes 9 to Burma and Cambodia JAKARTA, Sun. The South east Asia Ministers of Education Council (Seamec) has ruled that Cambodia and Burma may both join the organisation if they wish, according to an otlicial report drawn up on their three day meeting here last week. An application by
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  • 281 18 1 'New York poor cheated of uncounted millions 9 charge NEW YORK, Sun. The Now York Times alleged today that widespread corruption and administrative chaos in New York's anti poverty programme had cheated the city's poor of uncounted millions of dollars. In a frontpage story, the newspaper quoted an assistant
    Reuter  -  281 words
  • 62 18 BINOAPORE. bun biNteen people, including sr\rn children. were Injured when the bus they wire travelling m crashed Into a tree in Dunearn Rcmcl this evening. All 16 were sent to the General Hospital tor treatment The bus »as heading towards town. The huge tree
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  • 142 18 OYDNEY, Sun. The Sunday Mirror said here today a fleet of Soviet spy ships was operating without interference off the Australian coast. The newspaper said one of them was the Soviet research ship Van Gogh, accused by Australian fishermen last year of denuding rich
    Reuter  -  142 words
  • 213 18 S. E. ASIA PUGILISTIC CONTEST TO BE HELD IN S'PORE SINGAPORE. Sun tentative team I play their I tic virtues r»Kilitv Mr i i that the t their ullt SOITH-KAST Asia pugilistic invilation championships contest is l<> I held here in May as part of the Republic's l">iMh anniversary celebrations.
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  • 50 18 1,500 locally cut discs sold in :5 nights o Television v About i of their the National The t three Bright* sold by rei On Magi nights wen < n feature In the 1! LP record Limited. h the threi c Galaxy' sh HI" UO-X 1 album —I kS and
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  • 116 18 MIAMI. Sun. A United Airlines jet carrying 20 people was hijacked to Havana ll H night the second plane hijacked to Cuba during the day. "I'm going to Havana." the plane'! pilot told the Miami air traffic control centre The Bocim 7'J7 |el had
    Reuter  -  116 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 62 18 Late CLASSIFIEDS I i I BIRTH tf GIT: To Han «n<l a *on <S(ti>hrn William i on i .in January at Gmm. DEATHS VIJAVAMAIAR 13. <l..M S ht<r of T. a»»y 11.1.w. I' m. 1.1 l.bV. MADAM „.t I! vi JaculM in iao(lwr of K.thfr >:uth and Chriati* (M*lin
      62 words
    • 132 18 NEW YEAR 2« STOCK R^OUCTION^ exclusive, added eick diy. /V N «^<*W BUSINESS HOURS DURING SALE DAILY 930 a.m. 6.00 pm ••fc y^, WED. SAT. 9.30 a.m.— 6.30 p m METRO I Cde Bangkok $o?t x Thailand's leading English language daily x ore now on sole in Singopore on the
      132 words