The Straits Times, 5 January 1969

Total Pages: 18
1 18 The Straits Times
  • 16 1 THE SUNDAY TIMES u,4ttatt* No. 1712 SINDAY. JANUARY 5, 1969 20 CENTS KUN4O7I MC (P) 0724
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  • Article, Illustration
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  • 271 1 66th birthday date VUAI.A LUMPUR. Sat. lengku Abdul Rahman will Launch this year's ai Solidarity Week on his 66th birthday in a pageant-style ceremony at the Merdeka Stadium on Feb. 8 at s p.m. tag part In the mass rally w;ll be organised groups, companies, sports iatlons, youth .issocla- army
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  • 39 1 BLOOMER (Wisconsin). 6»t. Seven children ranging in ire 'rum one to 11 perished early .i- •pi day when a fire destroyed tlieir rural home while thrlr ja rents were away. Two teenier brothers escaped the flames.
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  • 20 1 RAWALPINDI S»t. About 100 women Magged a procr.-«ion hrre ymUttaj »gi>ia«t the iid■ii .>f Pre*;tlfnL Ayub Khan Rrutrr
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  • 317 1 PEACE PLEA BY THE U.S. AS RUSSIANS PROMISE NAVAL SUPPORT FOR THE ARABS WASHINGTON, Saturday. AMERICA today urged restraint by J c w s and Arabs and warned of possible catastrophe if they fail to exercise it. Russia said its naval forces would back
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  • 392 1 T-L AVIV. B»«.— SfTfr»l hundred Israrli (IrU air I" br in ruilrd 'or »nti Mtxitagr dntif-. (,rn Shmurl f.val. hr.i.i of thr manpower branch of the l*r«fli (irnrral Miff, told a Prrsk roiilririK oMridar that thr (lrl« who will br rrduitrd tl.iv month into
    Reuter  -  392 words
  • 165 1 Rusk: Why we must not stay aloof WASHINGTON. Sat. Secretary ol State Dean Rusk, preparing to step down in 1 1> da vs. warned today against a return to A m c r i can isolationism and a withdrawal from 1 world nflairs. i "The world Is Just too dangerous
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  • 119 1 ■fIUUBHTI (owoi. I.V put on a cloak and crown, called hersrlf The People's tjuren. and marched In Buckingham Palace in London Her aim: To lead Young Communist League demonstration, read a "ro\ar speech and ask (Jiu-ni i:h?abet|i to mine nut and let 1.000
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  • 134 1 Alive two given up for dead DORT MORESBY. Sat A boy who was flung dear In a We»i Irian mountain air crash which killed all hla family, and I then wandered alone for 48 hours, found today unharmed. The 12 year-old Canadan Paul Newman, was thr mfc survivor of
    Reuter  -  134 words
  • 290 1  - Rejected: Plan to encourage the bachelors AYESHA HARBEN B> I/fAI.A IX'MPUR. S»t. linger periods of bachelorhood with lower Income tax was rejected here today as a means of population control. This wa.s the reaction to a proposal by the d:rector of the National t uaa Planning Board. Dr. Ariffln Marzuki
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  • 359 1 ITUALA LUMPUR, 1V Bat T ninku Abdul Rahman today thanked the Australian and N Zealand Oove rnmenta for their dei ;sion to station their troops in Malaysia until 1971 while his deputy. Tun Abdul Ra/ak, expressed the hope that they would remain even after that
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  • 59 1 SOTTt BABY TO Rl V A HIM 1 ON (M.I I I mrnih. uf thr HrlK \m »H» iiikliiiim Ir iluh <nrt h.x (ullrirnd »nr irmaudril Mtaj fur \rllin; thrir b.UiN fi.i lU* <- 'In i |a Imm a m<ili>rrvrlr. Itnrr An(hnn\ !>• M iiloiu "i ami I wait.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 68 1 Seven-Up jy|§S SAFETY FIRST! Is 0.C.8.C.'s Policy. Because it is the best in the end. Let it be your policy too! BANK WITH OVERSEA-CHINESE BANKING CORPN. LTD. the STRONGEST and LARGEST BANK In MALAYSIA and SINGAPORE AUTHORISED CAPITAL: $100,000,000/PAID UP CAPITAL: 40,000,000/CENERAL RESERVE AND PROFIT LOSS BALANCE. Over 33,000.000/TOTAL Orer
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    • 88 1 This emblem is your protection and is exclusive to Diethelm This Emblem, fixed to every item of DIETHELM furniture, isyourquarantee that you arc buying genuine DIETHELM furniture. This emblem protects you agamst imitations. DIETHELM Furniture is never manufactured under licence, and it is never sold by "Appointed Agents' or "Authorisad
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    • 9 1 Ideal Gift for mm Him QU TrsdO In^lr.H rtlMitlltl
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  • 155 2 END OF A WOMAN'S DRIVE HOME TWO people were cdmitted to the Oeneral Hospital alter this triple crash Involving a lorry, car and scooter at the 7th mile Jalan Ipoh in Kuala Lumpur yesterday morning. The two are the driver Of the car, NT ad a m Oh Sool Moot.
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  • 25 2 F ree X-rays KLUANO. flat Fref X-riv» will be gl\tn to the uubhc for tmn d«\« »t thf distrtrt ho«pital here beginning on J.n 13.
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  • 346 2 PENANG, Saturday. proposal by the Joint Chambers of Commence to build a causeway linking Penang island and Province Wellesley would be sympathetically considered in the State Government, the Chief Minister. Tan Sri Wong Pow Nee. said today. "I am glad tha* the chambers are
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  • 211 2 New highway will benefit Penang, Kedah and Perak JJUKIT MERTAJAM Sal. The Penanx ment will sppjc the "fullest txTayion" from the Kedah ;ind Perak Governnipnts in constructing the EMt-Wwt highway, the Chief Minister. Tan Sri Wuiiß P,». A nPre yesterday. Tan Sri Wong, who wu addressing the Berap. lage committee
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  • 40 2 MADRAS. Sat A 30-ton rock frcm a hiP yesterday rolled on to a house, killing atvaa of the eislv members of a familT tri Kim^deMm a village in Keram. The survivor a three-Te«r-oM Mr]. 1« In hospital AP
    AP  -  40 words
  • 43 2 KAJANG sat— The Kajang Rotary Cluh. formed four montl r^rc:v« n i. the diKtrir: IJr PH. Yenng a :iere on Jan 11 Tin ~flangor »nd the Tcngku Ampi: sn?or, Da'o H»'l Harun hsn HiM Idfi*. will at'end the function.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 172 2 When there's a car as quiet and comfortable as Colt, who needs to shout? From the time you turn the ignition key, aerodynamic design for superb stability tioned reduces wind noi<s» ThP *****8& s-SESS S3mP£S.?S the ouipt family fnionti tm^tltl WmS^Sy m^m. MITSUBISHI nit: ifuici idmiiy menu mm-. mJmJ Mt»w
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  • 319 3 CINOAPORE, Sat. A political detainee, Ng Khim Bim. who wa.< Indoctrinated by Communists while she was still in school In her early teens, was today released after more than four years 1 detention. Nk. now 26, said in a statement that she joined the pro-Communist
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  • 7 3 Senior nt hcrt. n 1
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  • Article, Illustration
    75 3 l)r (Mhß) ('oreen Chin Kiwin liar and Dr. Terence (hen Dah-Yun^ who were married retently in Sydney after graduating from the rni\er«.itv of New South Wales, held a wedding dinner at the (iolden Jubilee Restaurant in Ipoh. hr biide is the fourth daughter of Mr. .Hid Mrv Chin
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  • 279 3 QUOTE by Tun Abdul Razak "We need a strong and clean governrrent with the full backing of the people to ensure peace, progress and prosperity." PARII BUNTAR, Saturday. THE Deputy Prime Minister, Tun Abdul Razak. said here last night that the aim
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  • 285 3 Call for electoral pact by DAP c' PIN A NO, Sat The ral of the DAP. Mr. Ooh iiuv.K Uuan, olghi i .iiit>u iui a netting ol all Opposition parties to plan a Joint batUe against the Alliance n this year's genera] ana btate fhwtVffns "Ws sliouid tuve an electoral
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  • 37 3 UNITED NATIONS Dr. Ralph J Bum he. UnderOttntarjr General for Special Political affairs will represent tad Nations in Oslo, on Monday .it i.' funeral of Mr rr\K\<- Lie ti r world ore rat becre-tarv-GeneiM: CPI
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  • 28 3 NEW YORK Rhl A lire riimaKfd \ftfrdav a fiO-vrar-old synagogue here T! ■<■ follow Xt fjr« MTlßll '1 Thurxia> In another I 1 that m tensed •umicioua.
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  • 27 3 nOKTO M a heavy novlaJl blankrtej Northern Japan ye^ieiuav. dL^rupung rail aarvlcet .«iid »iranuins man th.n 60.00<i peop.e 10 i h. Utrtam reaurt I 11.
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  • 285 3 Husband's bolster barrier Decree nisi for wife who also suffered silence OENANG, Sat. Mr. Justice H. S. Ong today granted a decree nisi to a 25-year-old woman who claimed her husband refused to speak to her and to consummate their marriage "He t/.aced a bolster at the centre of our
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  • 83 3 33 HURT IN TRAM PILE-UP CAN FRANCISCO. Sat. Thirty-three persons were Injured yesterday in a chain reaction smash-upset off when a cable car went out of control and careered 225 feet along busy Market Street It left the tracks as It emerged from a tunnel, Mammed Into a truck and
    UPI  -  83 words
  • 49 3 PARIS. S«t. President da Gaulle «nu Primr Minister Mrs. Indira Gandhi i>! India Icrpt thru portion* in 1968 a* thr ni.ui and wor.un most admired by Frenchmrn. according tv a poll publL-hed hrrt ti.u.iy Th« two leaders topped a timilar poll in 1947. Rrulcr.
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  • 36 3 CHELbcA (Ml ncbUS«U>. Sat —!«,(>. .1 tirr enKinr cai;ah' evploded at a petrol relineiv ;:i thii B-ctiii mkurt yssterday m firemen lu.igh .< blau m th# plant Fnur hretuliteis mid lorry driver were injured. Rrutrr
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  • 37 3 }>■ i.\u. >■■ i' '> people urn and 15 in.ured ia.u nighl wlirn a p:i.^enger ira:!! ensn'M in.n m bu.- at a level ,:.u hur!i<l il ag.uni>t tlie m' 1 v' a liuuse al Buslo Aisizio. Reui-r.
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  • 68 3 IPOH. Sa' Two V. uth.v Leonii Wrng Hin mid C!' r '>ng K.n: Bl I I both 23 \>err in;. .1 here today in >e|)Hrato ca.->t» lor Mi v[iiv in carrying on an illegal lottery Lrufl" MIWMd in Calln.lH hrre on Oct 23. I .i* fined
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  • 268 3 KUALA LUMPUR. Sat 1Y Oil drilling operations In the East Coast of West Malaysia are expected to begin in April, the president of E.vso Exploration Malay.Ma Inc.. Mr. EC. Salmon .-a:<i here today. He was speaking to newsmen before presenting a *<i.onu cheque
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  • 394 3 Public helps police smash four robber gangs IPOH. Saturday. U/ITII excellent co-operation from the public, Perak police have, during the past year, smashed lour gangs specialising in armed robberies, theft of motorcycles and bicycles. In addition, several gangs with secret society elements, were also crippled. One n: tliusr arrested by
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  • 119 3 FLDA TO GET 514.7 MIL. LOAN FOR LAND SCHEMES I^UALA LUMPUR. Sat. The Commonwealth Development Corporation has ottered a $14.7 million loan to the Federal Land Development Authority for land schemes. Negotiations are now in the final stages, the chairman of FLDA. Tan Sri Talb bin Andak, said today. Tan
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 93 3 A l»«-::iilifnl Complexioa Surround yourself with an aura of loveliness when you p<. lorth for the day After cican.sinu. tone and refine your complexion with leir.on Delph freshener to stimulate the skin nils and then smooth in a Him of tropical moist oil The hygroscopic i moisture attrart!ns{) oil of
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    • 387 3 MY NEW YEAR RESOLUTION! May I lir.>t of all w:>!i jrou Happy and Pro.-pe-rous New Year. I have made a Now Year res itlon to buy a MCIS Lite Assurance Policy to mature at age 55 with income benefit .>! $200 per month until age 56 plus accident benefit ;u.d
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  • 240 4 Soon— a super tower on VIP hill SINGAPORE. Sat.— A 60ft futuristic spiral tower Is being built at the top ol th<- V.I.P. hill ißukit Peropok) ;n the Jurong industr:;il estate. Costing more than $100,--000. the tower Is part of a $200,000 project to turn the hill Into a garden
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  • 22 4 DENVER (Colorado ol ***** ie job to:.;il strike for m«.re p^y. •m ;<nd fade pr ;:d atlect
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  • 141 4 BE BRIEF-THAT'S THE '69 POCLSIDE MESSAGE JAMNK KANE "gets into the swim" for 1969 by wearing 'Avita.' a swimsuit in fine- looped g 1 i t ter fabric. A halter neck plunges to a low V on the bra, from where a long 'tongue' of fabric drops down and attaches
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  • 110 4 Wok to dockers: Don't rest on your laurels SINGAPORE S.\t The Minuter for Social Affairs. Inche O hman Wok. save this Nevi Yrar advice today to port worke.s 'Don't rest on your laurels After con'TMMilattng them for another iWord year in shippme hr Mid: Rather we should work harder M
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  • 86 4 SINGAPORE Sat Beven lot oi land in the Siglap district totalling 104.274 *q. ft., are being acquired by the O<>vTnme it l<u thr Housing and Develiipmoni Board A gazetir n.>tilication today, giving tli' owners <>t the land. aboM that throe of the bißgest IoU bciong to
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  • 305 4 Witness tells how the boss was killed IPOH. Saturday A FINANCE company proprietor was shot dead during a robbery bid by one of two youths who had approached him one afternoon under pretext of securing a loan, an inquest was told here today. The coroner Inche Abdul Hamid bin Mohamed
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  • 49 4 PENANG. ML —Ol Cheng Ch'X'i. 30. and One Kee Chyr 18. were today fined $2" for c;imbhn? a' a K:<mp"ne. Axenue bouM it 83n IMI nieht. In Uie same court, tu.i m>i.. riders Teng Chow. 69. and Taag L ni. 67. urre acquitted simitar charge
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  • 263 4 STUDENTS TO LOBBY MPs ON THAT RULE I^UALA KUBU BAH1V RU. Sat. The National Union of Malaysian Students will lobby MPs to lake up in Parliament the question of revoking the School Post Secondary Society Regulations. "This will be done If the Ministry of Education cannot resolve the ls>ue amicably.'
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  • 132 4 "\IA.MLA, Sat. Miss Cotnog Atnurao lahmo. 'I.>. sole survivor of the i 'i.i. ln< massacre of right student nurses, uill marry her I'hildhoud sweetheart. Mr. Alberto Atiriua, 22, 50 miles south of here tomorrow morning. One hundred guest*. Intituling President Marcos and his wife, have been invited. Rut
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  • 28 4 31T1AWAN. Sat. A 10--year-old girl reported to police that she was raped by two men in a coconut estate here yesterday Tvo men have been detained
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  • 204 4 A joint venture agency for motor spare parts |(UALA LUMPUR. 1V Sat. A three-way Joint venture between a bumiputra linn. a Chinese company and Mara to establish a motor spare parts agency was formally launched today.. Called the Mcd Bumlkar Mara Co. Ltd. it is Jointly set up by the
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  • 274 4 Jobs series on ETV SINGAPORE. Sat The Ldiicational Television Serv.ce is planning to Introduce a 14-pronramim-vocational guidance series tor pupils In Secondary I and ii in make men awi r>ol tut- jut) upportu open to tnem. especially in SinkUDore mau&tries. This Is disclosed in the December Issue ol the EfV
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  • 84 4 VINOAPORE. Sat. The Black Dachshuno which *v found three daya ago In the premises of the Ladyhlll Hotel, was claimed by Its owner thl.- morning. Mr Simon Chua, a hotel emplo>ee. who had been looking after the dog said that a European woman who left no address
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  • 192 4 Urban co-ops urged to help the rural TJUALA LUMPUR. Sat. A national co-opera-tive association should be Immediately sr* -,;p able urban co-oper leaders to help th»>:r counterpart.- the M. of Agricultureoperatives. Hajl Ol Jawl said today. He warned that Government rural development projects would be affected if the difference In
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  • 119 4 How a 3-inch fish hook nearly killed a mother UANGOON. Sat. Primitive midwifery practices, including the three-inch fish hook, nearly cost the life of a yourg mother in Karen Province, the Working People's Daily reported. The report said tha-. when expectant mother Naw Saing. 24, had difficulty giving birth, four
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  • 237 4 CINOAPORE. Sat. All literacy and language classes conducted by the Adult Education Board will reopen for the 19*9 session from Monday at the various centres of instruction. Students who have been studying in en! res not listed below Fhould report to the .nea •■'••it centre Ahmad
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 95 4 IVOTICK MESSRS. REMINGTON RAND (MALAYSIA) SENDIRIAN BERHAD The Company wishes to announce that with effect from Ist January, 1969 ATKINS, KROLL CO. (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD. 2nd FLOOR, JOHN LITTLE S BUILDING. RAFFLES PLACE, SINGAPORE. have been appointed as sole distributors for the territories of Singapore and Malaysia. Arrangements are being
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  • 296 5 549,900 loss from bank vault lOHORE BAHRU, Sat. The Johore Police today revealed that $49,900 in now $50 notes had been found missing from the vault of the Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation branch in Kluan K last Tuesday. The loss was discovered *hen two auditors of the bank made a normal
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  • 134 5 SINGAPORE. Sat. A person may be disijual:fied frum holding or übtan.iiiß a driving licence for life under an amendmeni to the Road Traffic Ordinance which has been passed <n Parliament. Tip amendment provides that any court, before which a person ;s convicted of
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  • 104 5 $154,000 for widening Scotts Road CrNGAPORE Sat— A $154,000 project to widen 8 R .ri (tan Orchard Rfiad to Stevens Road is expected to be completed by M.irdi This Mreiih rill be widened from 111 preeMM 30ft to a dual JfJflv i>f 33 f! with median and concrete fnoclpath and
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  • 117 5 PENANC Sat. A DMI prfsidrnt of the P«i;ing Cricket ion Dr lan B n Brrii cj;. d sudienly yfsterdnv An all-ro>ind .<>purt!tinan Dr Tan 58 rcpre^rnted Prn^ng at erukft for •.r\«rai vr»r> H. ./imoin ol thf Trnang F'rpe Sch.Kil and played m.vr I' r lhr fOTOMf
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  • 206 5 Pie try Karyn sails in to a lion, orchid welcome SINGAPORE, Bat, It »a> a roaring weiI 'h the iraditii'nal "Uori dance." for the 95(i Australian tourists on board the Chusan when 11 sailed In here this morning With the bright ran■hlne ;tdd;n^ pxih trarinth to the picture, {•i i
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  • 230 5 SINGAPORE. Saturday. POLICE arc still trying to trace the missing revolver which was snatched away from a policeman by rioters at the Public Works Department quarry in Woodlands yesterday. Six suspects who wen* detained after Dip clash yesterday are being interrogated at
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  • 69 5 Day a cabbie called a hold-up bluff SAN FRANCISCO. Sat r.,b dnvei Joseph EUrrteon felt wimethins agaiaM his nerk and heard his pas>engi i this is a holdup." Harrx'n decided to call the bluff. He reached under the grabbed a 38 pistol, whirled and emptied it of fi\r Wayne
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  • 37 5 81NOAPORI bat. The Tay Koh Vat Bos Company will start a new servur (in Mnnddv No. 7 to operate bftween Bukit Mrrah and Toh Payoh via QueenMvav Farrrr Road. Adam Road and Braddrll Road
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  • 302 5  - Adultery 'Yes' (IF ITS CASUAL) but trial marriage 'No' KHOO CHENG KIM By tINGAPORE. Sat. Australian divorce court Juc^e. Mr. Justice Selb;,'. who recently caused a furore '"Down Under" with some outspoken statements on adultery and marriage sailed in this morning in the Chusan to air more views on the
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  • 146 5 SINGAPORE. Sat The New Vi U n I urotiiiiir tragedy lor the Chew famil) ;it the 6th milestone Upper Thomson Road. The Chew children were firinu \t Year crackers or. the evening of Jan. 2, when news reached them th;a their father. Chew Kwee
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  • 53 5 PENANCJ Sal The Penang coroner. Che Tahirah binte ni^n -iKI-iv re<:.r<ied a \eidKt <>t death by m'.^clventnie on a 51-veai-old ejrcltel Evie H.. lii I I M thrown (iff his iriHihine afl«r roiading with a pwieiitrian. Jj Ew> died Mion »fter he waji admit led to hrwpital, th«
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  • 140 5 MP M query abortions and deaths SINGAI'ORF B«l Hie MP rden.v Mi I. I" R. <i bortioni a: vi« ■ment. He \w\\ inquire abmit tfc« nvimljer carried i>ut by hospital mithoritiM Mnie J«n 1. 1967. h"\* many were reported to the-e :'hruns. »nd hnw many »»i» Anm her queMion tw
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  • 57 5 SINGAPORE Ml The a 33-rear-old veMr 1-ee Ah Tee. wax found in p<»>l of blrod near a block mn Arang i'.ev* that Wa.s a le.ide.T in > I to her de»:h f: m n Iha fourth floor m'mkr o,' the f»mi- t I#e mother of a
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 222 5 Give us a few days in Australia New Zealand and we'll give you memories to last a lifetime f "fTf Come with us en a Qantas .^0 K A*Ji- W%m E^M Escapades holiday to Australia 4 HL^V|^«^ ty JfOwm ns m and New Zealand. Escapades V^^ TSUH^ Mi holidays mean
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  • 1683 6 NIXON. ..the hero of Moscow who firmly stood up to Nikita the Red WHEN H..rr S. Tmmin w,y President of the United State, tic hid lilile notice put on h» desk "The Burk 'itopi Here." He had no one to pass it to. Soon the man at th* White House
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 227 6 /7<sl£ MODERN f f0 f) oy^0 y^ ENCYCLOPAEDIA ILLUSTRATED yTl^MWlliyß^LW!ff^^j^BT^Tßtmr^^^as^LCF!l^Lws»^sll«^LC^^^it^t^«^Sj iwulh »uu him iconic v.*~ wLL JlwliHBisffSSl!w^ that it is not only the fs» m MmtM Mmk sHi ever P u^' is^ e^ Wt w Wm W M the family needs -but ■tttj^jAtt^^HHgS^BMflj ncmenally low price. I a^S Mtm\A~M^m iBfci«""~-
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 263 6 •OMsMI l Intuitive percrp- inn re s pect 181; 4U. Nol so much tlon i4>. 5 Follows iB> ID 14) Notorious <«). 11 Cune i 3., DOWN; 1 Tollft powder It); 12 Come out Kraduallv i4i: 13 2. Regions (si. 3 Cowain. Disquiet (6); IS Underground 4 Seize <4>; 5
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  • 2155 7 PAT. ..the All-American wife other factors It wa.s said that he sparred with Kennedy when he should have slugged it out. using his old "rocking-socking" tactics; that he did not exploit Eisenhowers support sufficiently: that he was too involved in defending the without presenting a clear TttJon for the
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 336 7 4JJ,.' -> ABM Food centre! design and planning there's an easy answer Sime Darby's Kitchen and Catering Equipment Division designs commercial kitchens to ensure that every inch of spare is put to good use. And we equip them with the most modern time-saving gadgets. From ice makers that can make
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 173 7 111 How to assess your strength y<^ w •r?i~. f*.<£3? ii H^ roue points roi> jvipy^^ IT, i jitlftTM X^- j. -_J in roue WaNp. TUSK FOI lvt«y^ K^. J.»*F~ <^r\s*\W STOIM6TH or*tv #fV*-*^ you* >i»6. iwo lot A Qunu *ue Out rot IpT s^_/ J»\ J /r^y^C^t V vivo
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    • 255 8 yARIOUS people have described 1968 In various ways. Adjectives used include ••grim" and "ghastly." One description calls it "a year of unlit gloom." But for one mar- 1968 was the most wonderful of his 59 years on this earth. Dr. Philip Blaitorg, the white man In
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    • 97 8 IMIEY tnlfbt not ex- actly be burning draft cards at the University ol Singapore campus But the way some undergraduates talk many are thinking they sound like dr .ft dodgers. Whatever the inconvenience ot national service, whatever the apparent injustice of .selective call-up, whatever the popularity rating of
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  • 711 8 THEY are the stargazers the men who are searching the furthermost parts of the Universe. And they are seeking the answer tv th« ba>ic que-tiu:i: How did we all begin? With their powerful radio telescopes they are probing millions of millions ol millions of miles Into space,
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  • 68 8 BAD KNEE GOOD SERVICE: The other day 1 travelled by Malaysia Singapore Airlines between Slnfapore and Kuala Lumpur with a painful knee that I could not bend. MSA service excelled Itself from the provision of wheelchairs to the sympathetic assistance of both cabin crew and ground staff. I asked
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  • 886 8  -  Peter Younghusband By WHY IT ALL WENT WRONG FOR LBJ... As the moon yields her secrets, a report on the men probing an even bigger mystery THE end of tlic road has come for Lyndon Baines Johnson. All thai remains now is for him to
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  • 599 8 PORTRY CORNER Edwin Thumboo's Rf.l.r thoar potms romiiu in. POETRY CORNER now appear* rvrrr Sunday. You ran win a rash prisr of Sit for rarh potm published *nd, more important. **r nur vrrw in print with fxprrt rommrnt. Fntrifs to Poftry I ornrr. Sunday Timrm. Timr* Housr, Singapore A. Entriri
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 478 8 ICKNOWUDCEMENTS. tNNIVdtSaIIIS ANNOUNCEMENTS BI'THS. CIUI ACTIVITIES CONDOLENCES, OtATMS. ENGAGEMENTS FUNERALS. GREETINGS. IN MEMORIAM MARRIACES. MISSING PERSONAL. PPC, REQUIEMS REUNIONS Rjtf Mmititam WO for ?l ««'«V tack iMitioni! wiri SI N. All Oilier CUsnliei Aluirtiscwuti Minimum V' 50 lir 15 wirss. eicb idlitumi •trl 50 ctats. Siuiir Tines B«i Sermci csir(f
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    • 2 8 ■as* C\
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    • 286 8 V P* METHOD X^ZZS^ SHORTHAND N* haajayj taashaav N« HaaMHaa Dm A(C'»->r»<»« >».i«ki< Gat out of thot dull routtnt iod ond move up <"to a h ghcr poymg rrort interesting petition —in only 6 weeks with MIRACLE METHOD JMOHTMAND. Mow ten you do it m Q..icklv> Becouie. you bock MIHACLf
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  • 205 9 Kuan Yew tails on Danish Premier QO P E N H A GEN, Sat. Singapore Prime Minister Mr. Lee Kuan Yew spent a full hour yesterday in a private talk with Danish Premier Mr. Hilmar Baunsgaard (above). All Mr. Lee would say when he emerged from the talks in Mr.
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  • 149 9 Britain Should leave the C'wealth, says Spectator I— Tlie Spec- lalur nidK<</iiic advocated .ild wiliii manwtalth. 'ealUi is an old boy.- c.ji) whoM members' only un. i rar the ;.;e." Mid a treat pag* article m the middle- ekly. li MiJ i>ne»f,n!li. with nu iif British policies on subjects
    149 words
  • 76 9 SINGAPORE. Sat. The new version oi Toto "5 out of 49" has within a short time become so popular that Singapore Pools cPTF.t Ltd. has decided to retain the game New coupons, specially printed for "5 out of 49". will be issued short '.y. M^nwh "ti
    76 words
  • 160 9 THE GOOD ONES 'Singapore students are more constructive' SINGAPORE, Sat— While students elsewhere arc ..•i protests and demonstrations, those in Singapore are up to more constructive idea.-. Dr. l.te Chiaw Meng. Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Education. said this at the opening of the first South -East Asia student-'
    160 words
  • 159 9 YOUTH'S CHANCE TO SERVE KUALA KUBU BHARU. Sat The Govern--1 ment *as today urged to provide more opportunities lor youths to participate j more fully In national de- velopment. The call was made by Tengku Aoduilah. tne pnsMeai of the Malaysian Youth Council. Tengku Abdullah, who was speaking on 1
    159 words
  • 147 9 I ONDON. Sat Dr Leo- 72Uishop of Birminghain It^nf to Singapore next montb to visit the camp where he was 1 r by ilie Japani World War II lie hope und nese eh( r who smuggled monej and tood to him and other inmates of :np
    AP  -  147 words
  • 250 9 US lists what Malaysia can offer investors WASHINGTON. Sat. Malaysia with its freedom from exchange controls, highly stable monetary sy.stem. Investment tax Incentives and abundant labour supply olTers many attractions to Investors, the US. Department of Commerce reports. In Its weekly publication "International Commerce." the department said that strongest investment
    AP  -  250 words
  • 644 9  - The long suffering husband By Lobo's counsel KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. Counsel in a j divorce case today I spoke of long-suffer-Ing husbands who would not let thtir wives go. "There are husbands who suffer and suffer and not be prepared to let their wives f. 0." Mr. R. R. Chel-
    644 words
  • 308 9 MR. COURAGEOUS, THE PARALYTIC PAINTER tIM.APOKE, Kri A ,uiiiimiiii>i« patient Ullll Mfl |)iriM-oli I null thi- w.iist now ii two yrars ato i 'I tried to commit suirulr h .i turned artUt in a < .inn-run-, rlli. i tn fare the luturr. He U Mr. Tan \h Mu.ih. 3."). .i
    308 words
  • 261 9 SLNGAPORP:, Saturday. A MINOR controversy has broken out among girl hostelites at the University of Singapore over a i-hort cut between Dunearn Hostel an.i the campus library The unlit path Known amui.g .student!> as "Dunearn Walk" ruts walking distance by one and a quarter miles. Some
    261 words
  • 22 9 Sst Quah Kune Sing 37 appeared in mafutrmtri c<iurt today on ;«o ihnrge 1.1 having i-uunterieit rurrrncv He ni remanded
    22 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 617 9 30 PIECE ELECTRIC SLOT RACE SET I m*m m mm:>x 7 12 FEET OF TRACK i 2 CARS •frr ixzsr .stjs* scale speeds l >bo ititeJ UP TO 60 M PH. M nave ,oui c»" not OCir 9 UQHt in your own hCrr»«. I>A and vcjr friends CO n run
      617 words

  • 345 10 The festive fling proved one thing —there is no fixed fashion trend ■[♦lyl^^^JZl^^tfcSii AilSak The belles have a ball*.. Till! recent restive season was as good a time ;is any to cany mil ihe Trend Test. This was the time of the year when the linesi «>r line fashions would
    345 words
  • 284 10 sides. Over her arm sli<' carried an ankl( Icii^lh coat of matching 'A ■1 1 n lined with pink And so they came. One after the other, all In finery fit for the big ball. They came and they went ..and I was left with one dominant Iliutfe
    284 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 349 10 s^mmbMJJIIB FALCON ENTERPRISES n e LTD. I |k 32-B South Bridge Road. Singapore 1. _/€s.■ I '^jf for^lqs&nce M >^ To see our exquisite range of j <■ y*- gossamer silks is to tall in love j f To feel their delicate texture u is to want to have them
      349 words
    • 87 10 1 'Q LUMINESCENT CREIM^K^ f ACHIEVES PEARLY LOOK A fine textured mother-of-pearl SMalLw^ Wr J cream with iri- «dJ^U^ X tf\ descent glints, Vfll 'H^7#i »'^t^k PEARLING gives <T IJT/ I \,<Kft your skin a trans- J parency and youthfull m J Vr t^ sheen that brightens m •fj your
      87 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 60 10 eiTsf '"v. gow tu»m out ->. \veK<ami_*n*t*j I OARCtobow rue**) 1/ 7-— -n suey' outage) /SiiwilwiTouT^ df \J" m L3 \yOM O&NQ TJ^^ C TI4B CUP&OAOVJ f tvs 3 »C-X j£° r *<e?) ~1 ">;[, T ?u« AtrT] 1 AHO to «MNrv] wtcim mm>j Tuaga l il cassv oh tvtmitja
      60 words

  • 560 11  - Sitting an the bass' lap is nat a jake Judith Yong By SITTING on the l>oss' lap is not to be shrugged off as I joke if you plan t<> Ik- h secretary. "We should not close our mind to sex in the office," said Mrs. Margaret Sundarason who. with
    560 words
  • 215 11 VOW we can put up our feet and relax. Now Is the time when the kids can have all their presents to themselves. Have you been guilty of monopolising the gifts which you have bought for the younger ones? I admit I have
    215 words
  • 609 11 ARE WOMEN ON THEIR WAY OUT? LONDON I AM a Backer for predictions and this is the time of the v«w for them. What concerns me is just how the fashion scene will be shaping and all 1 needed when I net out to u,uiz the experts was stack of
    609 words
  • 715 11 The sister who just sits and stares... I AM very much In love with a boy. but every time we talk to each other his bister stares at m e as though I was robbing her of something What Is your advice? momm Surely she is not his bodyguard! Isn't
    715 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 59 11 .^s^fe -mmmm*~ Charme, Elegance et... Fraicheur delicate DE COLOGNE MADAME ROCHAS PARFUMS ROCHAS Soto Agents for S4NGAPORE.MALAYSIA INDONESIA:Stenry 3><*old £td. P.O Box 252*. Singapore. [MKF la&l^H a^^P'> msm I I CONGRA TULA TIONS to Miss Rosalind Ong The Winner 'f "Miss Tourism Singapore 1969" from cyjyj v^/l 1 cosmetics are
      59 words
    • 115 11 Whatever happened to lip gloss? Max Factor warmed it with color, cooled it with frost to give you Frosted Sun Glosses! I I If mil m \i. £n It's the glossy mouth you 10ve... grjli br Jfewjl I the whole glossy thing)! ror the now all cool and frosty. It's
      115 words
    • 95 11 Advertisement Nourish Your ComplexioD Youthful, line-free loveliness is restored to the complexion when It Is 1 ftrnerously no irlabad at I night After removing your make-up, massage Kentle with Ulan vitalizing night cream, paying particular attention to the crows- feet area where aut-lni; line." and wrinkl"- first ipppar The vital
      95 words

  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 1451 12 mMSassmmmm STAR of MJ\ B»^ I the WEEK m A OCR -Star of the Week" today is Miss Helen Sia /Singapore student/ born 7on. 9. 7950. rpHIS enimnc >ear nf life Holidays will probably take mil lirine certain ehanses. >ou on the *ea or very near it. thanks to "some
      1,451 words
    • 250 12 j£ "V'— >« -^^^^^v**"*,! ■^i.^kJ^K^'' jaA*aVw |J L. jH >/Tv^^'^^/' **NDOBALU/TAND-UTOft!\ I AAX6HH-' TAMP/ TAND KOB! '<PEACE,| I SUMDOLO KX£EGAtf' TAMO' <HES VERY BRAVE ANAKI... 00-AG POX BALUi <KEBP I DO-Afi! TARZAN OA/V&O A> V< BEWARE!> TAKZA* YOS ■/SS^ir^'V^/' 'I £w\ HE LL PROBABLY BE AWAY FROAA THB A\ATE AND
      250 words

  • 650 15 The name of the game is love, life and death Candlce Bergen as the passionate but elusive Lily a tantalising mystery woman from Conchls' uvn si range dark past Having shattered the bounds of sanity and insanity, reality and Illusion, past and present, the Magus' satanlc game climaxes In the
    650 words
  • 743 15 My marshmallow man by Joanne OVfR the years I have been greeted by artKts in varying stages of disarray, but Joanne Woodward la thr only one who has actually opened the door In her nightgown Sh- did It. howevrr. with the sort of masterly sang frold which only a woman
    743 words
  • 467 15 A HAPPY NEW YEAR lo 111 my r*»dfrs and h*re» hoping th»t 1969 will be rich In first-class entr"Minment for theatre-goers and music lovers Glancing through the stack of programmes I have accumulated during 1963. my vote for the best offering last year would undoubtedly go to The
    467 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 447 15 LAiT 2 DATS! 11 am. 1 30. 4 00, 6 10 4 JO pm NOBODY RUNS FOREVER m C Rod T .':er Plumrr»«r A Rank Organisation Picture C xSc >p* DEATH AT YOUR BACK" IiTH B,»i DAf! Today S Shows I'm. I 30.40J.4J0 4 9IS pm I TMI IMPOSSIBLE YtARS
      447 words
    • 57 15 NEW OCEAN T..: *****5 Air-Cand SISLAP No Free Lm 1 TODAY 4 SHOWS I 10. 1.10. 7 IS 9 15 p.m. ieo-' C~'"»'v os I MWI "YOU ONLY LIVI TWICf Color Scope with Chin S.b» DIAMOND (Airconditioned) McD I 30 ■5 00 1 130 p.m. MG R Joya Lalitho in
      57 words
    • 64 15 [GAL A>I V f fltffl TODAY 1 SNOWS: 3- pm. CASH BOOK NOW 1 No Free li.t 6i««aiif Sopno Helen "KAHIN DIN KAHIN RAAT" toslmanrolor Eng Malay Sjt) Todm* 1 1 am Color "ONE OF THI SPY IS MUSING' 7i liiir -ii hWIWI Tod»» 1.10-1.10-7 930 pm Cheng Pei-pei Tang
      64 words
    • 189 15 PALACE: opens today: 4 THE MOST THRILLING ADVENTURE THAT TAKES YOU INTO THE HAUNTS GIORGIO L -O ARDISSON t^'| 7l if^\£s. ELLA KARIN r >2:S^foha filing Style Rosewood furniture Ready made made to Order jo*\ M■« rti Rosewood Dinning Set. MmN SINGAPORE HANDICRAFTS CENTRE S-c 173. ORCHARD RCAT -9. 15
      189 words

    • 453 16 AIR HOSTESS TELLS OF MID-AIR GRAB MIAMI. Saturday. A LI- 14H people aboard a hi-jacked American airliner returned here yesterday after being forced to land in Cuba by an armed man using a baby and a stewardess as hostages. Capi. Dennis Van Huss. pilot of the Eastern Airlines DC-8 jet
      Reuter  -  453 words
    • 236 16 Politics, police and prejudice DItNANO, S..' The police arr not prejudicPd ai.. party .1 the OCCI. PenaiiK. Mr. X.X Pillai. at a Press i-'Jiifpreiicp today "We arr nut ahti-anyoody In any p«liticai sense. lip said Mr Pillai was replying to a protest yesterday by the Penanjj branch of the
      236 words
    • 85 16 Perlis gives canals top priority KANOAR. Sat The 7>tv\\% Government will give top priority to the conMmrtlon of Intention ranaN. the Mentrl Besar. Tan Sri Sheikh Ahmad. said ye.stenlay Opining an lirtga'.um and dia;ii«Ke workshop al Uun Aji he .said the Government realised that one ot the best wayi of
      85 words
    • 63 16 Hot and c01d RIO DE JANEIRO. Sat. Rio De Janeiro's most torrid heatwave tor many years with temperatures topping the 104 decrees fahrenheit mark has caused 25 deaths, mostly of children, since summer began on Dec. 21, hospitals reported today In ANCHORAGE, even fur-clad Alaskans were staggered by the weather
      63 words
    • 291 16 Sessions Court President impeaches witness OENANG. Sat. The Sessions Court President, Incite Anuar bin Zainal Abicim. today impeached the credibility of a prosecution witness, Nagorc Gany. who testified against Tan Teck Haw. 42. headmaster of the Chung Hwa Confucian Alten.oon Primary School. Tar. had pleaded not guilty yesterday to .1
      291 words
    • 259 16 Of ants sex, morals and slaves I>OME. Sat. .An Ita1V lian philosopher jailed for nine years for brainwashing two youths and reducing them to slaves to his will was inspired by watching the habits of ants. This explanation was given in a judge's report on r< .< tool for the
      Reuter  -  259 words
    • 60 16 KL'.M A I IMI'UR B*t —A Nrn Zealand MP Mr. JF. L'lXlon. will aiTisc her* on M .mi.<v for a t-.v. i: nn-ei loc lnviunrr' 1 Mti nd milk products. Mr I.uxton. diary farmer, will mrrt importers at a lunJi e.\rn hv the New Z'a'nn'
      60 words
    • 57 16 KL'ANTAN Ist MW r*°ple. Including six women and five boys, were jointly charged In the Sessions Court here >r>lerday w!'h Illegal nimlng on State land at Sungei Pehol near Gambant: The court president. Inche Abu Mensor bin All allo^ec! Odil of «50 r.' ii wot set
      57 words
    • 197 16 HOW YOU CAN SAVE YOUR MARRIAGE KUALA LUMPUR Bat An Indonesian marriage counselling expert. Mr Nasaruddin Latin, has suggested the setting up of a marriage counselling servlcs In Malaysia. "Such a service can help many rruirr. thb verge of and cut down the divorce rate," h« said today "Many
      Bernama  -  197 words
    • 97 16 $1.5 m. aid for health programmes KUALA MMPUR. Sat Th« World Health Ort has approved more than $1 million In aid lor MalavMa'f national health programme* t hi*, year, the Dlrectoi Ctenent] of Medical md Hesltl Tan Sri iDr 1 Mohamcd Din salri today. The aid would ro\cr »o:Jc In
      Bernama  -  97 words
    • 37 16 KANOAR. Si Peri^ and the Raja Pereminiaß attended chsrttj concert s,»?ed heie by the pop croup from Indn Proceeds from the >ii<n*. estimated at over $4 000 the Mara Education Foundation.
      37 words
    • 25 16 The Strait.-, tin p: day in Ponang roM $1.50 to »586 62« "ii »n (iffmn? estimstr ed up ions to 315 I
      25 words
    • 143 16 'UNFAIR TO ASK HIM TO REMAIN CHASTE 1 By CAROLE CHONG DSNANG, Sat. It was unfair to expect B man to remain his wife had left him for three years, Mi. Justice H. s. On« said today. Up petiUon tor Madam Tang Kirn K ed
      143 words
    • 20 16 M I- by lv.He will be mi the Clue: inel Staff, Brig.-Oen. m, at Subang Anpoii
      20 words
    • 121 16 SINGE! Judy (..irland firu into London— and (limlilr trouble. 1 1 auhli' No. 1 came when she- h.indrd a llmli COIIII urit .it the .urport Khrtßg notice of an ipplii .ition to BfCVCBM her linni .ippr.nin^ .it the Talk Of Die l.ran in
      Mirrorpic  -  121 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 219 16 \bur whole future is tied up in your next exam... Why take a chance? It's so easy to make sure, to make more certain that you'll pass that all important examination in 1969 or 1970, whether it be JPW^t HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE, <jSE(I»W/^^fc SCHOOL CERTIFICATE, M.CE. IIWTSMrJJ Iff QUALIFYING TEST
      219 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 698 16 TV AND RADIO TV MALAYSIA l ''"•••s 1 I*J* Out v.i- tais: 6.00 Nf«» Brief 6U3 PuaUc v i»imi_m Imn tuutet: 1045 Armchair Tlieatve Aiinouncemrni. ti.uo B\ IH\NNH«. lull- w fc %UI 1 r uT',l r" mMMmL Fonmi. 4 jr> uli, pli.t- t (kit I'M. PiugiammP Sum- and
      698 words

  • 185 17 MR A PONNIAH. r»- -M Oilaf r fft'her-ln-law of M xn R«ll•d fiwaj 1 I N K R ACHART of »K| OOn |->«.»d KIT OO •orrovfiii -r hro'her T»l MIRVIN ALAN UOMII a o Nora i««M awsv on 4 1 «fc due 1 *M p 18. It •tn dan.
    185 words
  • 14 17 mother n^ar Tior* «o th!« d»'. h»n you loft <ia Eute««-.< m
    14 words
  • 470 17 beauty adorned 'PHF American designer Black well has just listed Brigitte Bardot as one of the "Ten Worst Dressed Women of 1868" I don't know whether 1 can agrea with him as I don't remember seeing >. many pictures of the lady In a dress. Can you oblige?
    470 words
  • 451 17 Anatomy of a super girl who has everything.., The face ON THE RIGHT is the "identikit" picture of the girl who has the best of everything. The £100.000 girl has jilli's face. Diane's body, jeanette's hair. Sue's arms and hands, and Gloria's legs and feet. I ONDON. Sat. She would
    451 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 320 17 Classified Ads, I ON THE to irth of Jaa. I The miri.-ima la Fkrlrhy OR. KOOI lEHC MB of Mr and y -and Him Hod I V-. ."h -nac.iaM TUITION TUITION INCLItH, LATIN, 111 Knsl.nD (or F.xpa-a re V. for RallM R A I) Jan. Refiatar I Piano. Trumpet. IMi
      320 words
    • 311 17 FIELD SALES MANAGER A well established and fast expanding European company of international standing and repute, markers branded consumer goods in widely differing iields. and based at Kuala Lumpur invites jonlic itions from Malaysian citizens for the position of Sales Supervisor initially and. if proven, to the eventual position of
      311 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 20 17 w cfil zV?M j afA'J j rlkffc%l I J»i M=T=l"" """i I Watch those long putts TlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlttltlMllMMtlllllltllllllllllllllllllllltMlllllllMllMlllMlllllllilllt.llll IIIIIItMIIIIMMIMIIIItI lIIIIIMI IT
      20 words

  • 285 18 LONDON. Sat. Four Plrst Division clubs— Sunderland. Nottingham Forest and Queens Park Rangers wet* knocked out of the FA. Cup In Third Round matches played today. Results w ere. I\< i imi i (IP IHIKII ROl\U yv Villa L' Q'ie»ns Park 1 BJrnvltv 1
    285 words
  • 206 18  -  NG. KUTTY By KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. Malaysian hockey star, A. Sabapathy. today announced his retirement from big-time matches. An Inspector v.itli the Royal Malaysian Police, Bate, as lio U popularly known to his friends, said it was time he made way for the votmger men. "At
    206 words
  • 37 18 KL'ALA KANOSAK. Sat Tapah Malnv^ wresMd the Sultan Yusoff Cun from Ipoh M-ibv. in the Ptrak Malays 1 bitar-dwtrict soccer linal here today. Tapah won 2-0 Scorer* *-ere /.ainal Vunua and Oman Malik
    37 words
  • 650 18  -  JACK FINGLETON Sydney. Sat. From yyE saw at Sydney today on this best of all grounds from a player's viewpoint one of the must interesting and entertaining day'i cricket it has been my good Eoi tune to watch. At the end of it. with
    NG WENG HEX  -  650 words
  • 368 18  - RMAF's shock effort sparks Club into brilliant action TONY FRANCIS By KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. A litter and faster Selangor Club 'A' team had to wait lor a try to be scored against them before they unleashed their power to beat RMAF 'A' 20 9 to retain the Jonah Jones trophy
    368 words
  • 258 18 Stolle beats Anderson After 3½ hours duel HOBART. Sat. Australian pntMtonal Frm stui> survived tiiiee mau.i points a.s hr battled through to the final of the Ta.sman:..n c|K"n trnnia cliampionMnp* here today after titanic three-and-a-half hour duel against fellow-country-man Mai Anderson Stolle nna'.ly beat partime prof rational Ar.dfr.Mjn 15-17. «-8.
    258 words
  • 131 18 W. IMHI s 1< I lssn ralgM ?18-8i Frederick* iliappell M Kanhai b Mi r>H7l» 17 Sin. ii. i Nurv,. Snhrix 4 1 i 'rmin 50 limn, ik- utckpolt 4 fiU»td> Id Hall i Glees, n McXi <• GMi TM Wkt« frll a| 40 "2. 79. R5. 14: i
    131 words
  • 313 18 SSC lift Meyer Trophy from SICC cingaporh; Sat -sinuporp ijw.mmnig; Club with 193] polntj wre^t(>d the Ken Meyer challengp trophy irom SH"C IITS4I In the annual ni"p':i,j{ at Tanjonu R!ui to Boy. 10-11 %rar< il.m hrra«t: 1 I> lim :>oni fiYeo I SSC 36 0; 50m back: 1 N Pip»
    313 words
  • 75 18 SINGAPORE Sat Khil<» Avsociation took a *tcp nearer to winning t Btngapon Hockey Association Mntor division league rhampimi-lnp »hen they bra' Poit Auihonlv 3-0 at Bulcit Cliermtn tocU\ Klial'a are the only team null full pat li: another match SRC beat Ce\lon Sports Club 2-1. At
    75 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 137 18 V'^j-^BJII v ";'i^- |7\ CO* C^ nB C^ I gF*^Bl^^___ ""^jpModel MSL-15E Micro separate stereo that operates like the Big Ones Arrangement at your choice Hign precise solid-state amplifier High compliance pick-up Book-shelf type speaker baffles FM/AM radio provided 10W output power Diamond stylus Economically priced SIGN OF QUALITY ffih
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  • Page 18 Miscellaneous