The Straits Times, 29 November 1968

Total Pages: 24
1 24 The Straits Times
  • 26 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 175,000 The Straits Times The National Newspaper I -til 1845 FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 29, 1968 15 CENTS KDN. 3104 M.C (P) (1014
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  • 736 1 Procedural delay Dec. 7 is target date for talks Televised WASHINGTON, Thursday AMERICAN officials today eyed Dec. 7 as the target date for opening expanded Vietnam peace talks in Paris, with the Saigon Covern ment and the Vietcong face-to-face at the conference table for the first time. I ln\ said,
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  • 31 1 LONDON Thurj Biimiu will pen on quickly with Us planned iimii-iywi ponrird train which nmn) rail expori- heie canaider ..(r ptojprt* in the United States and France.
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  • 90 1 Hitter clashes near border SAK.OV Ihurv BittCl li-htm^ in the border area ta U>t* norlh iinl west of Saigon h.i> claimed the lives >>i „t In-l inn North \iiln.mic^r .mil Vietconi .1 I S mi!it.n> spoke m.ri -.ii<i i»ii.n Ahiiut \'in lie .in- tnel South Vietnamese haw iiK,,
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  • 387 1  - I had a funny feeling this was coming says Dr. Ng PREM KUMAR By KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. The new Minister of Welfare Services. Dr. Ng Kam Poh (until yesterday ho was the Health Minister), said today: "I somehow knew a doctor would not last." SStai'dinu outside his tormer Office at
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  • 28 1 NAIROBI TfcMl The Kfn\« government has named that steps would be taken ■gainst public office* not displaying a portrait of President Jomo Keny»tt*. Reut«.
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  • 150 1 SrDMKT, Thiirs.—Bush(lres r.iuine down from the lower lilue Mountains today set three sides of Sydney abl.i/e and threatened to surround the city with a ring of lire. Kires «ere reported in the far northern, western and southern suburbs of the state capital as people
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  • 47 1 KUALA LUMPUR. Thins President Yu.vof of Singapore tlew in here today for a weeltkmf private uvlt A spokesman of the Singapore Hikli Commission said the President would be looking up friend* and relatives »nd visiiI Ing some tourist reports during I his stay.
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  • 290 1 Now he's no more Tun Lim... KUALA LUMPUR. Thursday THE Yang di-Pertuan Agong toda> "cancelled and annulled" the title for 'Tun" awarded to Inn LJm Yew Hock in I'.US. A Gazette notification, announcing thi.s today, said the King was acting on a recommendation by the Prime Minister We com m
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  • 57 1 COLOMBO. Tli'iiv— Units of the armed lories manned strategic points in Coloirbo and the province* as a strike ot public servants demanding salary increase* totalling 229 million rupees. about $103 million) began today Troops escorted trains, and armed police and .set icemen some with rrachlneKUiu patrolled
    Reuter  -  57 words
  • 45 1 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs The government lias banned the book "China In the Year 2001' by Han Suyin An order signed by the A>slstant Minister of Home Affairs. Inrhe Hamzaii bin Dato Ahu Samah. prohibit* the import of the book
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  • 90 1 BEATLE JOHN FINED £150 LO\lM>\. Thurs. A magistrates <uurt tod.iy fined Beatle Jiilm l.rnnnn CIM after In llMli |lle.llleil KUiltN In 1 charge i»l possrssinu t.inn.ihis (marijuana). He m also ordered to pay M Kuineas in «()StS VdH MM n\. I.ennun's '>t->ear-old uirl friend. .irrested with him when police raided
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  • 22 1 RAWALPINDI mm killed and 12 injured when a bus plunKed Into liui-toot-deep mci TarbeK tin nulf> ;>! heie. ixi.hc via I
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  • 41 1 KUALA LUMPUR I: UK t :i Hari Rays txd m evtatf- which .ire mcnber.s of the Agricultural Prod..i i lon The extra pa:: ilven beca i l Raya Pua.-a occurs tin- yt-ar. will co I bout 1775. Ber-
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 20 1 Rings of Quality \J\Sr Beauty L G. C. DE SUVA BROS. MANUFACTURING JEWELLERS. 3. RoHlei Plocc, Singapore I. TEL: *****.
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    • 83 1 |SHARP I THE ONLY TV EQUIPPED WITH OVERSEA -CHINESE BANKING CORPN., LTD. the STRONGEST and LARGEST BANK in MALAYSIA and SINGAPORE ]_^S9 Authorised Capital: T|^d LW 5i00,000,000 JbSm^ HB Paid-Up Capital: General Reserve and i^Wg^^ Profit Loss Balance ""uTiMi^i Mzfci Over 33 *****0 j'eiwjn '-111 Total Over 73,000,000 '"TmUWT To'
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    • 394 2 We'll keep our fleet there, says Russia U.S. MEDITERRANEAN 'THREAT HTC3COW. Thur» Soviet Union made- clear yesterday it would keep its fleet in the II <• d i terranean so long as it judged the United States to be maintaining a policy of "'oppression and dictation" in t h c
      Reuter  -  394 words
    • 132 2 JOSE (Callfor nia Thurs. Simulated space trip has -saved the life 01 a man shot in the head In a restaurant j hold-up, doctors said today. They >trapptd wounded Joxph Barrios, a 63--year-old cook. Into a apsule at a L'B
      Reuter  -  132 words
    • 87 2 lONIXJN Thurs J u-i- herr h»vf s»l im a committee •i.|)«mii lor the rflfaw ll Rruin* cornspondent Anthony ndcr hniLso arrfot in ft- *in« (or 16 montlu. It, a stairmeni. iney exprr.v*d iri.ii!< at 'the inhuman treatment o( Mr. Orey. »ho ha« b*rn kept
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    • 121 2 Stewart: Britain couldn't protect Mid-East RAWALPINDI Thurs uru.iiii s nil MC* triar>. >ir. Michael Slewart" (above i, said here >esierday Britain could not have continued as a protecting power in the Middle Ka>t but he warned that it would be wrong for another power •to assume such a role in
      Reuter  -  121 words
    • 42 2 STCXKH<>i_M I more American defer 1 ■:> from mih:»rv wnirf- tWtnliM have bee:. »r«:.:«i a«vlum In Sweden Sweden ha* accepts MTVten manltarian ireaMta r ttm Influx of de!ecto:> Id jrcmr Amriier 60 Air. have applications for asylum pending AP
      AP  -  42 words
    • 148 2 A GIRL ON BIRTHDAY ERRAND TO BUY 10 CANDLES FOR CAKE... >'E\V YORK. Thurs. it was Kimberlte Watlers 10th birthday ana. with doii&x note <ienched in her hand, she and a playmate skipped happily to a shop In Hampton, Virginia, to buy candles for a birthday cake %l Kimberlee and
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    • 16 2 LONDON .-T 1 i p a a 3 I J I
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    • 139 2 £LIZABEIH i»h Jer»eyi. Tburv Ameri(•■i are bitinc the.r nails at a furious tale and the habit appears pjrliiuurli rife in Washint ton. arcordinc to a market research s U n by a pharmaceutical firm hrre. laboratory which manufactures a nail-bit-mt deterrent >aid it> surrey
      Reuter  -  139 words
    • 86 16 MRS. (Catherine Cleaver, wile vi Black Panther leader Eldridge Cleaver, is questioned by newsmen in the San Francisco State Building, where her militant Negro husband had been expected to surrender himself to the authorities on Wednesday for return tv prison as
      UPI  -  86 words
    • 326 16 Murder case wife tells of unnatural sex acts ABERDEEN. Thursday. 4 FORMER Sunday School teacher told a tale of unnatural sex in the Highlands of Scotland yesterday at the trial where she is accused of murdering her husband. Mrs. Sheila Game. 34-year-old mother of three, testified that her husband struck
      Reuter  -  326 words
    • 237 16 A better deal campaign by Britain's managers LONDON, Thurs.—Britain's £60-a-week executives, the men who advise managements on whether to give other workers pay incre ases, yesterday launched a campaign for a better deal for themselves. About 8.000 of them are members of one of the most exclusive unions, the Association
      Reuter  -  237 words
    • 63 16 ntrißon ["nun Tr» tit of iv 1969 Ford cur- models becaiw ot powihls) brak* icplcit;- .inciting the front v.npel brak'.r.f; power. A company spokesrr. las' merit that ln some of the thp fr. Nt »he«"; brake h^se micht have been fitted inrorrer'.y. The rear
      Reuter  -  63 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 249 2 world renowned SpfangDT IVwtcr (or gifts souvenirs that last for generations 9 Uif' fl) Always insist on genuine quality Selangor Pewter. Look for the trade mark of the pewter maker at the anvil. This is the Hallmark of Quality Superb Craftsmanship for almost a century now manufactured in Singapore by
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  • 112 3 rPENBY (WalM), Thui-s. A Six teenage Imi\were suspended from their school here alter two others were found !;ist night hanginc by their neckties in the si-iioul toilet. The two juniors were cut down in time b\ other puplis. The boys wore stood on
    Reuter  -  112 words
  • 10 3 UNITED N tin. nil of!. >
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  • 256 3 Big support for de Gaulle's austerity package A MASSIVE 391-91 4 YES' BY THE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY PARIS. Thursday r |MIK French National Assem b 1 y tuday endorsed President de Gaulle's 5.000 million franc (5:*.060 million) economy plan to save the tranc by a massive 391 votes to 91. It
    Reuter  -  256 words
  • 55 3 France's two largest trade union groupings, the Communist -led OGT and the radical C'FDT. pesterday expressed no more than sharp concern over the measures, which are expected to Increase prices by an extra two per cent next year. The only trouble loomed !r< m the militant Comm U
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  • 96 3 \EW YORK. Thun. Venezuela's ON. Am-ha-s:.dor. Dr. Manuel Pert/ Guerrero, was yester- named secretarvgenera] of Unctad. -sui'opoaing Dr. Raul Prebisch who resigned three days ago a i n vxik' unan mt-ci mpi.t would become otflnotUlcaUon !u the Oettcral A.s>emblv by U Tlisnt. -(■h:»li
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  • 53 3 MONTREAT North Carolina*. Thura. Evangelist Billy Oraliani said yesterday he had accepted an invitation from Oen. Crplghtun Abrantf. the Allied OmimaMrr in Vietnam, to vtalt troop* In South Vietnam during Chri>tma* Arrnbtthop Terence J Cooke of the Ca'lvillc Dioc<*e of New York has aorrpt.-d a auniUr
    UPI  -  53 words
  • 39 3 XI I AKYL'SHU J P-' Mulls A man and his [OUT children peruhea when five raied tiarehoun Md nemb> ,Klen ap.uimrn -i in Uii* city la*' nmrr ixjlice r<* ported M i>rr.son »M mi*»int. UPI
    UPI  -  39 words
  • 152 3 HEAD KIDNAPPED BECAUSE PUPILS FAILED EXAM JAKARTA. Thursday. CEYERAL hundred angry students .stormed at least three schools in Bandoeng this week, attacked some of their teachers and kidnapped headmaster after they found they had failed their examinations. Artny troops were rushed to the town to restore order and later cordoned
    AP  -  152 words
  • 159 3 Found: A drug to curb abnormal sex urge f ONDON. Thurs. Prison doctors reported yesterday that they have developed a hormone-p e1 1 c t treatment that deprives male sexual perverts of abnormal I urges. Tlir treat ment pioneered at Wormwood Scrubb priMjii. could help crime chiefs reduce the rate
    Reuter  -  159 words
  • 43 3 KATHMANDU. Thurv Presidenl de G«ulir u>- to v:>it Nepal Pcreign Mmucrr Mr G. BR Rajbhandan ai.nounced tod.v The .s m re.-pon»e to an mutation extended by King Mahendra »hen he v:»ited Prance t»o years ago AP.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 74 3 That simple window can be a picture window that looks majestically beautiful, all you have to do is to get the right type of drapery material with the r ight treatment We have a wonderful selection of the newest drapery materials including dralon.arylon. rayon, glassf ibre cotton on display at
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    • 307 3 jiSP^saafc"? I Gilt edged The intriguing security wallet-case Ju*l at in high tinamr. ihrrc n a Thr "(inldrn Shadow" is supplied kind >'< ill Sirrrl f<ir wlchi! >n prescni^lion case h< :i» But Toriunt-s an nm IhM won us pr.sduo a w.illcl of line ovrrmchi' Mm ks 1 1
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  • 193 4 PARTIESTOLD: STOP TRYING TO BLUFF PEOPLE TELUK ANSON, Thurs. There is not a single opposition party that can form a Government, the new Minister of Welfare Services. Dr. Nn Kam Poh, said at Langkap, near here, today. Openins the MCA Langkap w.ird branch building: he said in spite of this
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  • 113 4 ITUALA LUMPUR. ThursAn ra-<letalne< member <>f the Gerakan Ra'ayat Malaysia' la In a three-cornered tight In the Selangor S' sembly Serdang by-elec-tion scheduled for Dec 28. H Tan Sin Sew. a taxi-driver, who detained under the Emergency Regulations from 1958 to 1962. The others
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  • 173 4  - Why I molested nurse —by a Vietnam Marine PHILIP MATHEWS By MALACCA, Thursday. A 21-year-old American Marine who pleaded guilty to a charge of outraging the modesty of a 28-year-old nurse told a magistrate's court here today that life in South Vietnam was "so dirty and deadly" that he found
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  • 98 4 Shp punched and bit hia hand Tbomaa drove her back to the hospital where she got down and screamed. Thomas admitted all and added: "On the way back to the hospital I kept on .raying I was sorry. The nurse then asked me if I was an animal
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  • 161 4  - A DICKENS WITH A DIFFERENCE: COMPUTERS ARE HIS LINE SOH TIANG KENG By SINGAPORE. Thurs.—lmpeccably dressed Mr. Cedric Dickens, 52, with bushy eyebrows and a short moustache, looks .somewhat like his famous great-grandfather, charles Dickens— the 19th century English novelist. But ho has no Great Expectations of becoming a writer—
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  • 159 4 10 hurt as fish lorries crash on Merdeka Bridge at dawn SINGAPORE. Thurt •TEN people were injured, one seriously, when two lorries carrying fish to market crashed on Merdeka Bridge in Nicoll Highway this morning. Loh Neee Seng. 28, who sustained head injuries was admitted to the General Hospital. The
    Christopher Loh  -  159 words
  • 33 4 penan3 r i Th« p t-w i ntesi :n const urn c St^te .ir.-: I.i ..:<: r. The <idtnt. :m*d. however to ii-s.-lroie in hr r wards tne p r
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  • 23 4 penang Thun The c ilection of th»* annual Mu.'-i.m fltrah 'ithn b*>g;n <ir. Dee S ji ptnitas w.d Pi v.nee Wf:>fc-
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 126 4 Change your car this week Bel^»ts iMjmZa^ii^ jd^B^^^^^BMß?y| l 'WWi»iiMßm^. >** v»A ...for less than $1501= W wS^ Wh y drive a scra PPy looking car. Why let a little rusty scratch eat into Dnro tefi? the 9 0( etal v- And mto tne va'ue of your car? Why live
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 29 4 Li'l \hrto r lit/ 1/ inpp 'ilif A»8bO,000 J K -RELV. WAP.RiSO.-J f \nmO^tme.>, }/^BOR COOKIC (S%k i the SSgEBSSS C V*^?-^ 1 i I l-^e^TSi 0 2 fy
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  • 174 6 Saves six trapped in burning house GARDENER'S HEROISM SINGAPORE, Thursday GARDENER, Subramaniam, stood on the Mist door window ledge of ;i burning house ;it 4 ; jne morning and threw one l>\ one six of his brother's children to the ground and safely. Then he himself Jumped. But a second
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  • 136 6 SINGAPORE. Thurs —The annual trade fair at the New World Amusemrnt Park will be opened by the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Social Affair-. Mr Chan Chee Seng, at 630 p.m. tomorrow About $40,000 in prizes and (Lfta will be turn aw.<> to
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  • 24 6 SINGAPORE. Thurs A youth art exhibition at the Chlneae Chamber of Commerce will be officially opened at j p t i tomorrow
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  • 30 6 SINGAPORE Thurs Televlslon Singapura will telecast an interview with Mr Gilbert Stringer, director-general of the New Zealand Broadcasting Corporation, over Ch.umel 5 at 1 0 i;n pm tomorrow
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  • 230 6 Relief fund committee formed for fire victims SINGAPORE. Thurs A fire victims relief fund sub-c-ommittee has been set up by the Delta citizens consultative committee for victims of the Bukit Ho Swee fire. This followed an emergency meeting attended by representatives from Bukit Ho Swee community centre. People's Action Party
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  • 43 6 BINGAPORE. Thurs Oh Llong Chai. 20. was today charted In a magistrate's court with •he murrfer of Oh Chwee Chua. 43. in Upper Thomson Road >eM«rday afternoon The magistrate ordered him to be remanded at the CID until Dec S
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  • 250 6 SINGAPORE. Thurs.— Sinetana'f "Barterpd Bride" U noted for tta galfty. Its reflection of thr .-•lmplr but colourful riling* life, and uf course al-n foe it- beautiful and moving melodja The SceiiPshifter.--' presentation of thu Bohemian national opera was colourful out without the mentlal vitality and
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 345 6 j $40,000" WORTH "of" PRIZES V GIFTS to be given away at the New World Amusement Park ANNUAL TRADE FAIR From 29th November to 29th December 1968 I OFFICIAL OPENING TONIGHT by Mr. Chan Chee Seng Parliamentary Secretary, Ministry af Social Affairs aj (Toni-jht's gotc collection donated to Sport? Promotion
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    • 4 6 Msffl/ j£<&pe?None! 7fy.2*/2/ BXJ./23
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    • 157 6 SHAW'S GIFT OF AMBULANCE SINGAPORE. Thurs Tan Sri Runtnr Shaw will present the Spastic Children's Association of Singapore with a Mil. nun ambulance at Gilstead Road at 10 30am on Dec. 12. For Economy. Comfort and Quiot Com* to STRAMO HOTfi All con»en,.n«.». Perkina tacilrtiet. R*weyran> aar »I/H »«i»coale« Street,
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    • 278 6 Qvernight...a star!... Over many nights...a legend! KIM NOVAK fLt\H as gj pi, LYLAH CLARE shows you how 4H fty she did it... V A at work and at B^- fflfc? and as ELSA K JK BRINKMANN she ftjf (M ib. unfolds some of J^ j^ r l^ e dramatic events
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    • 456 6 [CATHAYiJij OPtNS TODAY' II am. 130, 4 00, 6 30 «l!pm Xiv "The Legend Of Lyioh Clare LADIES ONLY PRIVIIW SUNDAY AT S3O A M ADV SI 00 S2 00 Cash Bookings Onl. "The Boston Stronaler >o. TOf.Y C B" 1 <-r PLUS ON STAGE: "BOSTON NOVA FASHIONS FREE TO
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  • 344 7 COUNSEL OBJECTS 70 MASSAGE PARLOUR PHOTOS L'UALA LUMPUR, 1V Than. Photographs taken by the police during; a raid on a massage parlour should not be accepted as exhibits, defence counsel submitted today. Mr V Oorjitham. defend:iil; woman and two men charged with living on Immoral earnings, objected to two photographs
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  • 261 7  - So it's a lift back to police cell for kidnap suspect CHAN BENG SOON: Alor By Star, Thursday J^ KIDNAPPING case suspect who escaped 12 days ago was recaptured last night while trying to thumb a lift from a police officer. Teh Kirn Lai. 25. who fled from Tikam Batu
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  • 100 7 Soon hard to find beauties for contests MALACCA Thurv Braul> dtntrsts arr hrt-om-inu ><> sophistic atrd that Minn thrrr will hr difficulty in grttinx tontrstui IThr national prrsidrnt of West Malaysia's Jay«-res, Mr I. iv I Inrn I. an. sprakm. at Ihr Mil.i. i i Rntar> luh dinnrr hrrr last
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  • 17 7 Thun mr vwc-a hrtr K*fe a 'H^pprnJig" »i hr Old fnm A.v.,,< in tMC 6
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  • 29 7 SINUAPOK> Ihiii.v S.nza«vn < h(»rii \r.iur fxh:h:ioii I I <t(h»> u-v.i „r: y in Jinuthe ftrek-lonc exhibition b» linatnrj Iram J^n M, *U3 i^ Ball
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  • 34 7 LONDON Thur* Pifss |)n:.i..ti.rn!.i!v was dlacOMMl by Tan Si: Abdul A. h.n Vr.n) <ha;rn>..n of M^layiia'i national nf«» »^mrv. B^: n.i in during a v_I I'ornni ns hnr yi**iriday Reu:er
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • 105 7 CI'NGEI PAMAI. Ihur> marked mm. •■Mr i mini with pi>tol and thr rrst with knives iiid an irnn rod. i.mlnl thr housr of a BWhBBBVman at I M a.m. vf>trrtl:iv and riiimi ii him of St. lloo in rash and irwrllrrv lla.ii Ali
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 286 7 I sinGopura v I INTERfcONTINENTAL 4^ W ORCHARD ROAD. TEL: ***** JUST ARRIVED!... Our own Shipment of J.f/ U.S. BEEF f Mew York Cut of U.S. Sirloin of Beef s£ Jfc Served Daily ffor Lunch and Dinner ?S oinner and Banco Muaic Nightly <^ by our Continental Band „♦> /maturing
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    • 210 7 H "^0 will last you longer JS BBBBBBBBBBbI 4^B^BB^^^2feCV W^ f B^W QbVsBBbK Hb^Bl bHbbbbl I <7^Sj "^^SMi atf SUKv ■»f P f^* DELUXE SPECAL STANDARD BATTERY MODEL flli SCBI 3O 3 floating HPHO9. 3 foatmg SCBO6O. Tao HP1 203. Complete'y n|BB heads, pop-up heads co ed cord, shaving heads,
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 69 7 Alley Oop By V.T. Ham It n CAWT NOT IN TIME WELL MA\B£ ■bW we re replace to aer joe I rr* set too h-p3 IN* JAM. 1 THE BURNED BACK TO MAST\ IMPORTANT VO3CAR-/OUT UNIT? THE A«TB»OtD^)< NOW ..LATEST R6PORTS IWBY YE BEIN L>~ \rD HATHER. SAY THE A£.TEkJ>D
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  • 287 8 Trainer freed on amended charge of negligent driving Singapore. Than. HotM trainer KiUon Leong Ktat Sen. 33. was acquitted today by a district court on an ampnded charge of negligent driving which resulted In the death of a retired architect. Seah Eck Jim. 82. at U mile. Buklt Tlmah Road
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  • 140 8 HONG KONG. Thurt. 1 I RK(ORI) piracy in Malaysia. Singapore. Thailand. Taiwan, and South Korea is more seriMM than in other Asian (nuntrirs "Thrre is record pirao in most countries in tins region Mr J A 1.. Sterl ing. |i. -*****% l»irector-<;en-eral of tin- International federation of
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  • 305 8  -  RUDY BELTRAN: Kuala By Lumpur, Thursday OELANGOR police are B offerhiK a 52.000 reward for information leading to the capturr of four thugs who robbed a family in Sentul here last night of $11,200 and jewellery valued at $8,800. Police believe that
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 388 8 4H sm BLt^^P 8 I Vlll tK „—r .TBHHL i^mmlHl JM f'"'" jar- Jl"* f **i m^£*2*tfm}k f"w A ORlSwatchesmake happy customers, happy dealers with less repairs There's lots of watch repair work in Singapore j |AH and Malaysia, but not on Oris. Thousands of men I A and women,
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  • 114 9 Polls: Party Pesaka is allotted 25 seats- J£l (HIM;, ihurs The allocation of ,28 arnons h( l( m p on nU of UM v.r;i» ak ,\llj a nre [or the tominc elect. on.s lias been aereed upon. The Assistant r.liniMer of tommert> and InduMiv and vice chairman of Party Bumiputra.
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  • 254 9  -  PREM KUMAR: Kuala Lumpur, By Thurs, T II E Philippines will be contributing to the peace of the region if she sincerely agrees to a cooling-off p c r iod with Malaysia, Tun Abdul Razak said today. The Deputy Prime Minister
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  • 247 9 'TRACE' PUTS MSA IN STEP WITH LEADING AIRLINES si the world's kadii j their own special equi: craft electronics. They have ordered a Hawker Siddeley Dynamics' TRACE" 600 system from Britain for $750,000. "TRACE"- which stands for test equipment for rapid automate check <-ut I and evaluation- will test I
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  • 116 9 Gang attack victim dies in hospital IJUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. A 30-year-old man d;ed In fhe General H>»p.tal here three hours after he was attacked and •Itthttf by .s;x thugs armed I with parangs and daggers In Jalan Labu. off Jalan Cheras. this morning. The man wai identified as Y( M
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  • 87 9 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. A lurkv dip flail, in which on« can hopr lor anything from a kcM of matches to a bott> of lui;or lot a do.lar. \u>: be on* cf thr mam leaturrx ai tha CocUfaV Ball to be held ParMMMM House ot.
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  • 93 9 INQUEST ON MAN KILLED BY HORNETS SINGAPORE. Il.uro Racial diiut v. P PUiai was brought 1.000 miles to Singapore tor I treatment alter he wa.i attacked by a swarm of hornets In Sandakan. a Coroner's Court was told today. Plllal. 38. was stung when the tractor he was driving disturbed
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  • 36 9 KANUAR. Ihurs A Thai youth Yoong E.'n?. SO. was ch;»rgPd in the BMcMnttf'a court here yesti-rday with abdu I 13-ye:ir-.'.d girl. Rt>h:im b.nte Abdul, h. from K-impuiig Guur MMMaI n Ni>v. 15.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 274 9 ghhstibas has started at %dupermmset% 300, ORCHARD ROAD, SINGAPORE. 9. PHONE: ***** CHRISTMAS Presentation SEPPELTS Presentation MAGNUS BROCKHOFF BOXES-TINS Chlbll Moielle 2-LB. TINS GLACE SHORTBREAD DECORATIONS CHOCOLATES arlt BROCKHOFF FRUITS 1-LB. TIN FROM BISCUITS FROM BISCUITS FROM SI %A SC SQ SO $A 1.95 4.35 UlO 3.65 Z. 95 *f.
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    • 214 9 I B itimtviH *<r. C±r:on Slrrrt, WJ at LOMBARD BANKING M~^ LIMITED 1 1 LONDON I I Subsidiary and Associate Banks and Finance I louse** I 1 LOMBARD AL'STRALU H I UMIItD Adelaide. Brisbane, Canberra. Mobirt. Liverpool, Melhoun% Newcaitle, Perth, Sydney, 1 owntville, Wollonfong 1 1 LOMBARD NEW ZEALAND IMB
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  • 511 10 MULTILINGUALISM AS THE BASE SINGAPORE. Thurs. f |MIK Minister for Science mu\ Technology, Dr. Toll Chin Chye, lonigjhl urged the University of Singapore to create an Asian identity with multilingualisra us its basis. A multilingual university, he said, could also play an
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  • 187 10 LACK OF OLD SCHOOL TIE TRADITION DEPLORED SINGAPORE. Thurs. Greater liaison between graduates and student-. v.a uraed tonight as a means towards bettor un: and mow <-tl. •<■'.%<• i-.iiu-munity service Tne president of the University of Singapore Students' Union. Mr Bh«K Sinuh said: "Graduates >hould come back to the university
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  • 55 10 RTS talentime goes into quarter-finals SINGAPORE. Thuis The Radio Television Talentime 1968 69 this week went b quarter-final rounds after 12 sessions of smelling competntu :i The semi-final will be held at the National Theatre on Chinese New Year's Eve. When the results of the semifinals are known, a homeaudience
    55 words
  • 162 10 SINGAPORE, Thurs. A Singapore shipping firm, blacklisted by the Indonesian government in September when they s-us-pocted It was Involved in trade frauds In Jakarta. has been cleared of blame. An official statement is expected to be made soon In the Indonesian capital,
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  • 104 10 SINGAPORE. Thurs —The DPP Mr K S. Rajah today began his final submission before a jury, trying two men on a olnt charge of murdering a detective. D. Munusamy. 24. at the 6th mil- Bukit Tlmah Road on r eb. 5. The ac( used a-e
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  • 28 10 SINGAPORE. Thurs The Singapore Anaesthetic Society and the Society of Otorhlnolaryngology has organised a symposium on tracheostomy at the pathological lecture theatre at 8 15 p.m tomorrow.
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  • 317 10 SINGAPORE, Thurs.— It is practically impossible to determine whether the ruling Peoples' Action Party's "ideology of survival one which stresses national unity and development is a sincere belief or a political tool. Mi Daisy Chan Heng Chee. a lecturer In tlcal
    317 words
  • 44 10 SINGAPORE. Itan political secretary of tr..* try of Interior and Defence. Mr Lam Guan Hoo will official!* open the new headquarters o the Chung Ling High Schoo. Old Bov.s' iSi Association at Beng Wan Road at 3 311 pm. oo Saturday.
    44 words
  • 265 10 I SINGAPORE. Thura. BIS companies in Singapore should be put under public control. This was 41U.11.itrd by a British city planner. Mr. 11. Arniistrad. who frit that bus services in tin- Republic «:Tr inadequate for a city the size of .Singapore. prrdii'trd
    265 words
  • 73 10 SINUAPORK. Thurs Singapore listeners can tui.i 1 In to the A.sian Broadcasting Union's radio lestival of folk music, when the i'.r vi 18 weekly programmes begins at 10.30 p.m. on Sunday There are 21 countries taking part In the festival. In which the members send to
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
      53 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 85 10 Dirk Trary By f%mw§m§ C«Mftf*l r HES AN EX- V TRACT If «feu O«V^/^~ ~7™Jg™^ NOT BAD KJH ™JF ia/ 1 1 I aJPRESPONOENCE.wtKNOW r^<£™^AW»s& L V J^V T A FOOL VOURE WORKING WITH A MAN L CANOSJtK \™l SMOPJ k Iff,, >~~~-^S^~\^i NAMFO IUTQfI MMb V MtsßJ^B V/ii/ ."<
      85 words

  • Article, Illustration
    1708 11 Concluding tk new kinoslev amis SO FAR: Ronnie Apple>ard. parted from heiress Simon Quick, has been roped in by his televisioi. rival Bill Hamer to do a hatchet job on Simon's mother. Lady Baldock. during a discussion programme on The Rich. Also on the panel: Greek
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 274 11 JAMES WARREN ft CO. LTD. THE PUMP EXPERTS are proud to present their main principals and their range of pumping equipment. > W Mono Pumps Ltd., U.K. Rotary Positive Displacement Self-Priming Pumps for Handling Water, Latex, Palm Oil. Acids, Beverages, Sludge, Sewage, Chemicals and many other applications. Mono Lift Borehole
      274 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 668 12 The prognosis of a very bright future for Penang Mate, by Its Chief Minister. Tan Sri Wong Pow Nee. is baaed on sound evidence insofar as Province Wdlealej is concerned. Since the opening of the new wharves, Butterworth and Prai have bustled with activity. The Muda River irrigation
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    • 377 12 Japanese, maritime experts are planning to wrvaj the .Malacca Straits alter a mission, at pie.vnt in Southeast A>ia. has completed arrangements lor co-oper-ati.,n with the Malaysian, Indonesian and Sin^apoie Governments. The immediate purpose of the multi-million dollar project is to ensure sale passage thioußh the Stunts 01
      377 words
  • Letters
    • 285 12 IAM writing to complain about the unfair treatment of Form 5 stud> nt- who applied lot ofi.i i rs' posts in the Armed forces, Win is it that the time tor 'short-listing' or applicants into the Armed Forces held at Port Dickson is between Nov 24 and
      285 words
    • 7 12 Dates that knocked out Form 5 studenis
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  • 1029 12  -  GAVIN YOUNG by AT first sight Jordan seems very much the same as it always did. Its dusty hillsides seem quiet enough; its market places bustle; its prices remain reasonably steady. Tourists can still track down to the great, unique, rosered rock temples at
    1,029 words
  • 800 12  - The fear behind the battle for the franc DONALD LOUCHEIM A CRISIS OF CONFIDENCE IN THE JUDGEMENT OF DE GAULLE by Paris THE crisis of the French franc is shaping up into as serious a political threat to the Gaullist regime as the revolt by students and workers last May.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 32 12 BeinTimewitha *85ml; seiko M vm BELL-MATIC if#O^3.flo( Just ureset the reqaired time iIIh _^J \sM and the Bell matte wiM remind Jfj't you with its automatic alarm. \SrQUhjmJKn S 5 7 61
      32 words
    • 115 12 INSURANCE 1 FIRE MARINE LIFE ACCIDENT MOTOR Busy people find the answers Fast in the new Yellow Pages of the Singapore Telephone Directory! So easy to use So close at hand 24 Hours A Day Everyday! Published by General TtltphorM Directory Company Yellow Paaes THE official telephone DIRECTORIES OF THE
      115 words

  • 206 13 $5,400 to re-settle one youth too high, says, Tun Tan 1/ U ALA LUMPUH. 1V rhurs. ihu Flnnunlsier, lim lav Sn w bin, saiu tv uay mat means must be lound to cut drasUcaliy the costs of running land schemes lor unemployed youths. to be done if i bemea
    206 words
  • 26 13 IPOH. Thurs. A Ba tunre. orcani: .cithers' Cub of Ip* Uie poor pupiU I trill be l-.Wd at i John's Church hall here merit.
    26 words
  • 120 13 CIMIAPORK S Acting J Prime Alini-tpr. l)r <.oh Kenu Swec accepUag a >.ift of M.iitfNe lace nt)ir cloth* from Ihr Prime Minister of Malta. Dr Ron; Olivier, .it mi- City ll. ill jr ester da jr. Or. Olivier Is on I four-d.iy o'lirial
    120 words
  • 284 13 CINGAPORE, Thurs. A J man awarded $84,000 damages last July failed in his appeal to the Federal Court today for more. Mohamed Repin bin Abu Bakar. 35. was already bll'id in the left eye when he !o t the other
    284 words
  • 201 13 1 KUALA 4.UMPUR. Thur- VTINETEEN Singapore c ili z«n<, have oeen banned pt'rma.iPiitly from entering MalajnU under tinImmigration Ordinance in the interest of public security. They are: Chua Lock Chye of No. Block 16. 309E Jalan Tenteram: Chin Chay Lin of L's2 Kampong Bahru Road.
    201 words
  • 213 13 SINGAPORE. Thur*. The Government of the Republic of Indonesia has filed writ in the High Court here claiming $26,220,--786 from Malayan Banking Ltd. The writ, which ha.s beert served, was issued by Mrs. I srs. Lee and Lee. solicitor i for the Indonesian
    213 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 126 13 Wss£w&, aW carven Four wonderful perfumes <^^^lJ^^^^^H[ lo expose rhe most m>^ j rT3Br^ exciting facets of your **m^ m^ '^V^^Nk^^xW/// robe dun soir Z Wji^^^fj^^N^ chasse gardee < WurjrSSjV vertetb'dnc fk COPY SERVICE XA/HILE YDU XA/AIT SINGAPORE Multi -Store/ Car Park 59 63 C( c\\ Street Tel ***** jl
      126 words
    • 187 13 RMMaajaj If you can't decide between a family saloon and a sports car buy the Escort GT and get both True GT performance, with a power- (when you win at many races and So call an end to indecision. Teat packed 1300 cc engine churning out rallies as Ford, you
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  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 760 13 TV MALAYSIA tIIWMI.S: KujU l.umpur -An B^gtMl; 710 and ruiin. 0; Ipoli MM »la- .\:'i., .^^k..n. 7.35 Iram» U<u b: .lolioir Hulimi 3 aud Mrrdu. 8 N ;n Mandarin; in. Lupin* I. Baiu rahal 1 6 iv i::e BUck .mil Wnite M.nuut Klu.uij glrel 8how; 9. New.s m thr N»--"i
      760 words

  • 131 14 Manager of new Ipoh -branch- VfR A. Nandan who was previously attached to the Penang office of C R. Dasaratha Ra] (M) Bhd has been appointed manager of the newly opened branch In Ipoh at Lahat Avenue. The branch was opened on November 2 by Mr. R M S. Ciicthambaram.
    131 words
  • 84 14 The fashion rc<:,sclenisne»» and «oplilMlc«ied taste ol people here. have put Singapore amongst the. leading »peruc> frame and consumer tnHrkfts in Asia Following closely prevailing world faihlon trends, the Singapore market demand has been more acutely felt In recent yearn. Mid Mr Clemens Maieniieder. vice-president and managing
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  • 27 14 The trading position of Shell Malaysia Ltd this year was satisfactory despite. aegrevlve competition, according trie sales manager of n.s Perak branch Mr Michael Yong
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  • 49 14 rhe lady referred to in the plGtUfa OB this piiti on November 27 was Incorrectly described as Mrs Bobby L:m She was in fact an an hostess with China Air Lines welo mini* Mr B*n Kokot. South East representative of Seagrams at Singapore Airport Any inconvenience Is regretted
    49 words
  • 361 14 Japanese auto industry makes gigantic strides THI-i Japanese automobile manufacturing industry in tlif l;ist few years has made gigantic strides and included among the Asian countries which are gwxl customers are Singapore and Malaysia These twi- countries together ranked eleventh In the list of importers of cars from Japan In
    361 words
  • 62 14 Analyst gets award rE Chief Analyst of May Baker Ltd U.K.. Dr. E. F Her>ant. B Pharm PhD FPS FRIC. has been awarded the 1968 Harrixjn Memorial Medal This an award made by a committee comprises representatives .if the Council of the Pharmaceutical Socle* <ii Great Britait and the
    62 words
  • 133 14 Mi: Krnn> KM Yeoh. (aboie) South I .i*t Asia. Sales Manager of i i iii ii i i Chrimearch Corporation-Pacific. left for Hi.- i mi.-ii Males yesterday for further extensive field training. He will also attend the company's annual sales convention in Dallas Texas, prior to
    133 words
  • 91 14 Singapore company to assemble U.S. goods PRANK Chee Sdn. Ber--1 had. distributors of Onan electric generators, have secured a licence to assemble the products In Malaysia. The general manager of Frank Chee Bhd., Mr. Lim Weng Yew, said that his company was the third in the world to be accorded
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  • 105 14 He was confident that production would be able to meet Malaysian and Singapore needs and hoped to export the products early next year to neighbouring markets The first batch of generators. to be assembled by the end of the year, has been sold forward to a Malaysian Government department.
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  • 64 14 Cargo facilities at the port of Sydney. Australia, were Inspec- I ted on November 11 by a group I of businessmen fp>m S:: irapore I IndlM Nepal F'»<:--in the Philippine*, and T«:-» ia The businessmen are visiting Australia for six week* M (>r the sponsorship of the
    64 words
  • 177 14 Sympathetic view on licence fee called for LIQIOK merchants In Perak observed "double celebrations" on November 23 in Ipoh the official opening of their si'.iiniMi premises in I.eong Sin Nam Street and the Association's 42nd anniversary. Speaking at the opening. Mr Tan Kirn Hoong, President of the Associated Liquor Merchants
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  • 162 14 OFF TO ESSO BANGKOK MEETING MR. Lim Tal Tim. Consumer Sale* Supervisor ot Esso Standard Ltd. Singapore, will leave for Thailand on December 1 to attend the Esso Standard Eastern Marine Sales Managers' Conference to r-e held In Bangkok. The conference will be attended by representatives of Esso Standard Eastern
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 397 14 KRONE ran a WOT? -'Jib HAlko CARRY YOUR SHOPPING Hong Kong's a great pace for a holiday. The problem comes when you go to fly out. No one can resist those bvgams ...except the airlines! You're never "overweight" when you go by sea though. So try this: fly one way
      397 words
    • 118 14 OTTO Greatest Sound 2| In Solid State Stereo. I II OTTO is the name for the Sanyo series of solid -o components. l|^H^^l^H I I R OTTO/1 is the top model in L HHH^^^^| fff- thisseries. It combrnes latest m 1 i solid state audio technology Wi with convenient three-unit
      118 words
    • 1 14 MmMWMj
      1 words

  • 250 15  -  JUDITH YONG: Singapore By Thursday 4 1 MKM I\N inu. del Cassandra Mile hopes lor a l.attrick for Aus. traiia in international beauty contents. Sue is one of the six national beauty querns sent out tiiis year to take
    Vow Yun Woh  -  250 words
  • 189 15 Varsity students decide: Charity begins at home OINGAPORE. Thurs. 0 —Charity begins at home. So goes the old adage— and students of the University of Singapore have decided to ro along with It. They have resolved, from next year, to ketp back 50 per cent of all tarKaf raised throueh
    189 words
  • 74 15 1 5-storey motel to go up in Singapore CLNGAPOBE, I hurs. Ihe (ioodwood Hotels ('■rnup is to huild a l'>storry motel, to be operated b> America s Holiday Inn cbain. The croup has just closed a deal with the ih.iin in Sfw York. Ihe .*>B.".-ror>ni motel uill be >ituated in
    74 words
  • 25 15 SINGAPORE Thurs. Talk* cling double taxation and rant! n D Oe;wcpn a iwo-niin Netherlands delegation and Singap<jrc ofllcials red 'he second round today.
    25 words
  • 52 15 t INCAPORE. Tliurs. 1..n lull CtlUab 883 Klimi All i 'HUE a Iv.nitv p.L.jur in Grylang Jail M. liv lib |td to K r>bed t lie p.aioui ol $1,290 and lewcUoy valued ai $1,000. vUule annrd \> uli ptatol. Thry were remanded in cuahxXy
    52 words
  • 231 15 Goh: Why we lost two big orders... SINGAPORE. Thursday MANUFACTURERS and exporters were today urged to pay more attention to the European Socialist countries. The Finance Minister, Dr. Goh Keng Swee who pressed them to do so. said: "The Government has concluded a number of trade agreements 1 with these
    231 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 90 15 SINGAPORE TEXTILES INDUSTRIE; LIMITED Announcement The Boord of Directors regret to announce that due to unforeseen circumstances the Official Opening Ceremony of the Singapore Textiles Industries Limited scheduled for TODAY will have to be postponed to a date to be announced later. Any inconvenience caused is very much regretted Board
      90 words
    • 355 15 NOW MOVE UP TO A 7?0/fA/7 Tjie high quality car air conditioner specially designed for Mercedes-Benz. The DENSO Car A:r Co-diioner ensures fast and silent coohng with ,—.;.»^^^^fa^^ •utomat.c temperature controls. Ha' oy terrperdture dials allow the da Qua) of cooling required at the flip of a switch. The complete
      355 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 83 16 KwX w vP^^hsw f^TsW !ORm3EB&^MM^ *tß^^^^BKmmMMm\ rfi Jr^ "''SiBW -"^wi* "MHB V Ajs* _^__Uot** t \r.'. ""tTL jl i f H 1,,; ft .'>*4»'' A_W_^_* m*:- .iii'i"iiiuiT*ii'"tl>ilHHiW*iy* M'M 'v'"l'#| HrTTilfit/r 4 '*'^*^bBHB| filter tipped nHL 1 All the flavour of fine imported tobaccos Cambridge. Blended from hand-selected Virginia tobaccos imported
      83 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 222 16 Straits Times Crossword AI'KOSS 5 Drinking «on« about Amrnrt Traffic liv to drive round thousands Evtdenc* of French attitude Drink an unkown quantity like Cleopatra: attendant Th work U often prnslng 6 in A creature from a put age Jl ln hot*' for chang* 4. —It i divine 1 10
      222 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 1069 17 "I IKfRPOCL AND OTHER U K. CONTINENTAL PORTS T l."pt/D« m i iton, London. A'moutn.... Oec II Dec 11 Dee 14 it ■■> n ;.!ME s mus IXi l^:.^!: BJB 52 B 1521 X :mCHISES Leuoes. Liverpool .V.""'.'." Otc II Dec 21 Die 22/ i i>. "i vst& ci ?»i
      1,069 words
    • 1360 17 ■TllllM MMMIMf Iml THE E A U//A^S_| ■aaal THE EAST ASIATIC COMPANY Ltd locorporatad m Denmark taTeaßal EXPRESS SAILINGS TO GENOA/NORTH CONTINENT/SCANDINAVIA r- Sf.?':. fefflnt s oor* I Uenoa Rdam H'burg Aarfius Chtiw SAOENA i) MM Satltl Gl2 41 Nit 7 lat 3 Jan 11 Jai 15 IM II lai
      1,360 words
    • 1325 17 t-^^^o-i-t-t-t-t-t-tr^^^^yy^f^fy^^p^w Bf EXPRESS SERVICE TO LONOON. LIVERPOOL t CONTINENTAL PORTS For Liverpool JM 10 BENKITLAN Hamtwg Ma II S.ngapore P. S'nam Penam Kill', I Dm 1/ 7 tec 1/11 lat 12/11 Anttrarp fm t RFNARMIN fw Lonton Oil il I "(aooii P. SMm P|nan| Hameurg IM II Smgapori P. S'htm
      1,325 words
    • 1227 17 w^ KLAVENESS LINE V^l^r LUiing 111 LOS ANGELES. SAN »RANCISCO. (ANCOUVEI 1 aim acceatitt carge la Ctatrtl A Stett Aatnca Smgalori S'nai* Due L. Antitt lOUGAINVILLE 2/ 4 OM 12/11 Otl U Ma SUNNYVIILE 17/20 Dlt M, 11 OM II FM ItONIVILLf 27 21 IM II 11 IM "i Seattll
      1,227 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 1121 18 pprpMpppiMjMflMMwnaHan 1 (■"•■^•■■■^■■■■■■■■■■^"■^"^■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■l-I^BrBJ VI KAWASAKI KISEN KAISHA LTD. M estern Australia /Singapore Japan Servlca Mfrjntie Singapori Yokkaictii/Nafofi T'tiama Rod '■ilfiaa Man- 2) 31 Bat I la i| laa M ia* II im West Africa Sineapor*- Japan Service *ne. I Sifillpori Nafoya Y'hjira Kooa "Deaaark kara S laa till laa I
      1,121 words
    • 925 18 tUSIP.UI*/NE*t ZIILANO SERVICI iNOI* PIKISIIN aND Ftl EISI StRVICt* *m Pt. Haa. Int.. s»i Mil Tl: Nafatartiaaa aaa MaMai 'll U 15 Ore 11/11 IK 11 21 Ml lAJUL* la IM IIK I Oft R-iUL*' 22 ii Uec 21 UiC 21 vec rraa: Oaae. cm.. Will., lack.. Int RAJUL* 14/11
      925 words
      885 words
    • 514 18 SHERIFF'S SALE In the High Court of the Republic of Singapore. IN THE C'AISE OF Suit No. 2156 of *****. Execution No. 350 68. United Precision Instruments Ltd Plaintlfla Versus Chop Pun Sum (sued as a firm Defendants AUCTION SALE OF Ladies gi Gents ri--t »at( he?. Wall flocks Transistor
      514 words
    • 191 18 NOTICE PUBLIC UTILITIES BOARD, SINGAPORE ELECTRICITY DEPARTMENT Members of the public and I registered electrical contractora 1 are hereby notified that w.e.f. Ist December 1988 the office of the Installation Engineer <now located at Thomson Road Depot) will be 1 transferred to Newton Road Substation situated at the Junc--1 tion
      191 words

  • 195 19 Industrials generally steady in Melbourne MKLBOUHNE. Thurs TtfIMNGS moves were smaller iTX today North Kalg made H cent* at $7 40 and Kin( Island lost 30 cents at $16 30. Mr»l othet issues traded within this range Oils were steady Ampol Exp up 10 cent, at $3.35. Industrials were generally
    195 words
  • 31 19 RUBBER AND TIN CLOSING PRICES Nov. 2«. RIRBKR PRICK: 58) rents (down nne-eichth of a rent). TIN PRICE: S.'»B4 (down 512.25). I Mini it. (I nftprinc -1"• tons fdnwn 5 tons).
    31 words
  • 238 19 Y'UMlilh flrst grade robber A f.o.b. hu\er« rinsed at ."> p.m. vrslerdav al .'>«', rents per Ih ilnwn nnr> nchlh nf a cenl «n w .-.lnr-^l .v v rlfwinc level. The torn an cjuirt K AS. and M.R.K rlmin( pure* In rent* per Ih. yesterday.
    238 words
  • 225 19 LYING ALONCIIOt TMI ll*. >R (XPICTID TODAY AM WKia Mtr.nyov I Italt Najfaj i i Ljßa H'<lt of Tra»»nror»-<-o. Mm in il B<i!)»n 1* «ai. Jar IK HranMi Han SI r« RuJ'iN ?S 2« Kamlahima •BTI II K-2 Ma. Kaon M .14 Omman- »rk M .l« I'ah
    225 words
  • 319 19 Exchange rates rl \»niii i.ilinn of Kinks In Malay M.i Singapore innounced the following best igreed rates to merchants resterday. Th» rollo«lnk rain »r» ajajßM* 10 ma ajajliah— of on* unit or BBMBJi i-'.n. L'nrlan ttarlmc a> (u «<li K i».n« r I. 7 _l««i OH «T -^T7^ S»llm« TT
    319 words
  • 423 19 THE Strait.-, tin price tell by $1225 in Penang yesterday to $584 per plcul on an offering estimated down 5 tons to 215 tons The local drop exceeded the tail of £7t per ton In the 3 months' forward buyers price
    423 words
  • 540 19 l>lM\»*s IN *\l» 111-..KIM. r<> lilt si\«.\roßi: wn kl HI II Mil v IK\l>l\i. K'MlMv ill IHI vTIII K imiixm.i ii-iinm wiiii im \i mrkr at sharks IKUIMI IN BRA<K»TS: IKDUIIRULJ «CM« IJI.i 1""" I nnnn. IJ.U H.oiHi, n.H D iI.«M D 14.0M1 U.l« l> 12.W101 »;i7 D
    540 words
  • 25 19 STOCK INDICES Soy.Z* lndu»tnal»: ISLOI IM.HS Prop»rti».»- I.VV*; 155.2S -rTlnn- «;.4<t KM Tttubn,r,. mist T» ruon»r« 1113.u1 103.51 I*" J" t IS. IMS Ida.
    25 words
  • 484 19 ANO SINGAPORE SID AND OFFCR INOUSTRIALt Stirling nuimm K I. k» ?S 2/4 UNIT TRUITt (Manotrt Pr.c. Ur N... J», .'«> m |-h ■toaad Mimmii 2i* Th.M M«l»>»n I .'.'< TIM Cominrn* ln<t. M I l»7 ad Th» »»\,i.» mnrt LM I. if M*l lrn»«t funrt.. |.2i, I.M)
    484 words
  • 515 19 -yHE pattern of yes- U'rday's behaviour on the Stock Exchange of Singapore and Malaysia was just the reverse of Wednesday's. The market was steady in the morning and easier in the afternoon on profittaking and closed with a generally mixed look. No new factors
    515 words
  • 400 19 SINOAPORE LAND Group s profit for the year ended June M ot $553,611 before charging taxation shows an IMWJI of some $122,000 over the profit ot the previous year, after charging Increased adrnintl*tratlori expenses and writing oil the expenses of the rights Issue The increased profit
    400 words
  • 277 19 Profit up by 54½ rMTZPATRICKS report F and account.-, for the ended June 30 record a trading profit b»fore taxation of $745,122 compared with $482,241 for the last financial year, an Increase of 54 51 per cent The incroa sed profit is attributable mainly to an increase In turnover,
    277 words
  • 118 19 THE directors of Ba->ptt Rubber in their report for the year ended June 30 say the profit bet.,re taxation amounted to $26,197 after providing $4.<>ou (Of directors' remrieratloti and $500 auditor^ Owing to par of the interest charged In the accounts not being allowable for taxation the tax
    118 words
  • 191 19 LESSENING r Mon» in foreign exchange* helped to depress tin -hares m London Wednesday as it did other mining issues. In the wako ot a fui reaction in the metal price Fresh tails In the t Exchange extended to around a shilling Similar dtcMnea were registered by
    191 words
  • 30 19 (]«MM P..*k.«,, 1m,,. imX •MSB* MM »4* •■-iit-re. oSTt Sor HWt f»y* •■■<•« a |«7, '"''»'< t.aamit On M.1i.,.' A.ta ciiiimi mm: bulk n«, an, drun nt« t,..
    30 words
  • 259 19 -M°p V R i ,«r T .A.lD 0F 0H A IH C Ao"m 1 INDUITHIALI: ACMA I+4) cmm. Ban A Ca. uinrh i Barnaa Barhad I+l rmtt, BatntaaO lava* I. C. lu«ari I»1 crnlai. CCM I :i .rriT-i. DuMta i 2 •aotal, latt »mait i i» r»nt»i.
    259 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 764 19 To, KOH CHIN KUANG. Hatu s Sengarang. Jalan Tanjnng Laboh. Batu Pahat. JOHORE. lAKE NOTICE that an action has l>een commenced against you in the High Court In Malaya at Johore Bahru to Civil Suit No 160 of 1967 by 111 Chong Thye 1 widow 1. 1 Wong Kau (an
      764 words
    • 582 19 TENDERS HOUSING k DEVELOPMENT BOARD Separate tenders are Invited for any one or all of the following: vl ERECTION COMPLETION of Three Blocks of 14-Storey 1-Room 1 Improved Typei Flats 1 1 1.006 Units 1. One Block of j 2-SUirey Shops with Living j Accommodation Upstairs and One Block of
      582 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 584 20 THE LUCAS FREE WATCH OFFER WILL TERMINATE 30TH, NOV., 68. BUY YOUR NEW LUCAS TODAY J! rUMULS. GRIETIHCS, IN M(MOI lilt Ml I M QtHw Cl)'iide< Mtrrtistmits: Minna Hmowled cements I i THI FAMILY OF tti.- l.'l Morwi 'nt thank, lo mrrt T« THE WIFE AND CHILDREN of tnc S
      584 words
    • 740 20 tNNOUMCEMCMTS lIHHS CIUI KWHWO COM lUM. MlllitCES MISSIRS. HISOKaL ft aata $15/- tar 21 mds. itck *MH>tul <•«• '5 St/- IS wtf<j, sxi lißiitul wit 41 MM CENERAL ."■■OX AMAH for I'.uro m hn .r...-. 1.. ITC, ,i p m. .v. M ii M I in... p.m. 1«K Rohm Koad
      740 words
    • 922 20 DOIEHCES OfaTHS. EHCAGIMIMTS C KQUIEMS 1 KURrONS. cts. SlfHtj T«t«s lv Jlffici tlurn HtMtvl CENERAL CLERK. Arrounla Clerk. foi a male stoi k clerk and male ac- ounts clerk. V niniuni quallflratoni ,mbrldi;e Crade II Certificate. iritona with non-returnable p«a*l>.rt H. -lotogra^h to Box Al7-U SI., K.L. WORKS TECHNICAL MIMMWI
      922 words
    • 914 20 HONCKONC ***** i hedrooms I j rtotcy hungaluw. enlarged sitting/ i v '.athroom. moMic floor. i>.u<iu iq it SI MM Rtal h.-Mie Anenta And tl Invrs'mrnt Cnmpat.y. N Ihe Arcade. S Ml i ..i:iii7 CHEAPER THAN RENTINO. 1 storey deta. hed nouses at Melodiea I Garden. Joi.ore Bahru. 4 rooms.
      914 words
    • 1013 20 UNSATISFACTORY RESULT in .oui 1 m CC Exam? A 1 now. ensurt Distmf f on in Typewriting. BookkeepinK. lorthtnd Accounting. Knsusn Revi- 1 on all nsgtt SIC 76 Middlt Road I'ore ?llvj Co R< ATTENTION SCHOOL LEAVERS!! SHORT INTENSIVE COURSES northind :'hra Daily Normal Courses. L Morn 1 nit Al
      1,013 words
    • 895 20 FURNITURE in-ult Adriar s SIS Rver Valley Md, Singapore p OFFICE EQUIPMENT L ARCHITECTS SURVEYORS DRAW. I J 10 Olflct rtou.s.les Drawing Stands, ling Cabinets Pnotoprinu Machines. t, reer IMnsltllM Materials Draw- Z. g Tracing Paptrs Cloths Survey, j Kquipmem>-- rhcodoiitrt. Leveling stri-mentt— Kern Levelling staves *j Ace Htationery K.I.
      895 words
    • 1188 20 SHOPPING GUIDE JEWELLERY M for a queen that la hat »c have at I.e. unn s Sho» room. LtJii South Bridge Road, b port. 1 PURCHASE ECONOMICALLY dia--1 mo'"" oV ."l.ty. tjuaatitf aa* be.-itr GIVE HER A "'J* n 0 r 1 > n(| "s fw e'litr» iru'm Tin Sin"
      1,188 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 675 21 LEADING SWEDISH FIRM REQUIRES STAFF FOR SINGAPORE OFFICE One dl Sweden's biggest International tradiiiK S"^'™* EKMAN COMPANY LIMITED with nfteen subsidiaries In many parts of the d. are extending their activities In Southeast A Singapore Office will be established as irom early next year and applications are invited for the
      675 words
    • 452 21 SHARIKAT HARPER GILFILLAN BERHAD requires TECHNICAL SALES REPRESENTATIVES Applications are invited from suitably qualified Malaysian and Singapore Citizens to fill vacancies existing in our Singapore, Kuala Lumpur and Ipoh branches. Candidates must have some years of extensive engineering sales experience. The ability to weld and some knowledge of metal-work is
      452 words
    • 938 21 INSTRUCTOR, NAUTICAL SCHOOL, PENANG Applications are Invited for the post of Instructor. Nautical School I Penan? Applicants must be Malay- I stan cHlzriis and hold a Master ol *> j Home I rude Certificate Applicants must be fluent In English ana Malay and be able to Rive insttuc- tlons In
      938 words
    • 774 21 NEW PREMISES On 2nd. December 1968, Swissair will move to: 7th Floor M.S.A. Building Robinson Road Singapore 1. The new telephone number is *****1/3 NEW FLIGHT Swissair flights between Singapore and Europe commence in April 1969. Meantime you can enjoy Swisscare on our flights four times weekly East and West
      774 words

  • 1111 22 PE^MOHONANJ ada-lah dl-pela-.a daripada Warganegara Malaysia untok mengisi ja»atan2 oeruir 1 PI Hill X MXKANAN .BahaKian 111. telap dan berpenchem Kementenan I'rlajaran TANOGA OAJI uunban dengan elaun] inengikut kadar aekarang. UMOR- Sa- KFIAYAkan Sijii PeUJaran Malaysia alau Sijil Pe:>rkulahan Seberang Lav; >eia mempunyal |>engalaman dl-dalam m<
    1,111 words
    • 411 22  - Castle Command a hot tip EPSOM JEEP By A FTER winning twice on Castle Command at Kuala Lumpur. American jockey John Sellers told me: 'This horse can do well even in top-class company in the United States.' I expect Castle Command to confirm Sellers's high opinion of him by scoring
      411 words
    • 1429 22 Bt Timah card tomorrow ££S_J^> wiffsrwM 2i0 CLASS 5 division 3 BiLlSuBJH ;6C00> SF loc.ll riders only I mi u.u •••l.L K PK Loin Heddle 5 9.0 H»mid 11 OOfiii' OASII i Newborn i Ahmad 7 8.12 "Ven H 3 liao.T! IKOOPF.R a iL S> Mansor 5 8 11 IF)
      1,429 words
    • 1514 22 Runners, riders on Sunday £j!Sob> trrrg^m 20 class b division 1 liiimiH S6 500 1 6F local riders only 1 ..1 i.RII n .11 -Siimt f, 0OT7I M\R*AM\ ■II>. A!:mad 488 Nawari 7 I ,.oo<IUMAKA .Pud.. Ahmad M N« 15 4 0008 TOHR1 K Je dd > E Bieuk :i
      1,514 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 150 22 IB WW_PWP—PW^ GUINNESS MALAYSIA BERHAD MARKETING DEPARTMENT ADMINISTRATOR Applications are invited fmni Malaysian citizens to fill a new post in mir Marketing Department. Applicants should he a*cd hetueen •!:>-:!.-> years and r* In possession of a t'aivenitj degree or a rood Secondary Kdiication. hurthennure, they should have at leaM three
      150 words
    • 728 22 NOTICES J.K.R. NOTICE TO WATER CONSUMERS IN KUALA LUMPUR AREA. The public are hereby notified riat due to essential work to be riled out on the trunk main at alan Raja Muda. Kuala Lumpur. lieie will be an Interruption of aler supply between the houi« of .00 a.m. and 8.00
      728 words
    • 768 22 TENDERS TENDER NOTICE MAJLIS AMANAH RAAYAT STARCH (TAPIOCA) FACTORY WATER SI PPI.Y SCHEME CONTRACT XO. I SIPPI.V. MlfHI AND ERECTION OF PLANT ANI> EQUIPMENT Tenders are Invited for the I supply. dtllvtn »n<* erection of Water Treatment PUnt and Equipment for the above achCIM from PWD. registered contractors. j The
      768 words

    • 20 23 Than. Chaminp loclcev LeMrr P:geo-t has B tuh Sr>orU«m«n ol •he Veir i national poll or•h. Dally &pre.^
      20 words
    • 480 23  -  JOE DORAI By CTADDCn I O I Ul I tU -<.in«er" the Joint Services winner. i» stopped in Imn tracks by a t ijian during Ihr match on Ihe Sinnapore Padan* on Wednesday The tourKts won lti-3. £APT. BILL MASI, manager of the victoi ious r
      480 words
    • 111 23 Thomas Cup: Indons may be out JULUtTA. Hiuin. Inuo in >. 1 11 t nut lake pttrl in Ihe 1971 1 li..iiL.» (up liadn .111. hi rnmpetition. according 1., jn Aaten rrport quoting sudirnian. chairman 01 the IndoiirMjn Badminton A*M>riation. Ir. Sudirman tnld Antara that Ihe Indonesian aMociatinn owed the
      111 words
    • 93 23 lETANBI I. Thurs A Chn»- -> IV f V. driven by Bnton Reg Le»U <-01- rrj ti n l:r-c >r-tfiiiay md forced to pull '>v' of ihe 10.00fl-mi> I i to Sj dnrv rally. lip rar'i d»>r» was torn off In 'he crath bui neither i of
      93 words
    • 53 23 L.>.; kUUii ...e kn erickMa i South Qumuland Countrj XI by 6 »kt& m a onr-d.iv match at Murgan. 160 miles from here, today The Counlrv XI were all out fnr 121 Thf tourists passed I I Hf-.r r lm;nE 4 wktS M
      53 words
    • 300 23  -  ERNEST FKIDA \U IJNIVERSITY and Poly withdrawn from the ing squad from whom wi to tour New South Wales Os^err Rozano. secretary i of thp Singapore Cricket j Association, said yesterday: S:x < if 'hp trainee-; have r.iw!i irom the squad." Xvi at 'iiem ar* students
      300 words
    • 60 23 Games definitely on— Chang BANGKOK Thm> Chan| Krv Young. South Kurras chairman of the A.vnn Games Fedrratmn. ->aid today tlier>- dehnnely would u< no cancellation of the 1970 G.mif.Mr Chang u>;d reporters beforn he lef' B-ingkok alter dn-cu.s-ions »itli Thai offload that the financial truuble.s had ea.<ed >omeuhat and a
      60 words
    • 119 23 M.-wAiolA will mak« I 10 >nl<i a U«.u urn ji tiit vsoiui Ci>p |cU d..imkJion^n.p> ki l| ,»..< ncxi (jc.ube. iximjiiii Vong. Mental) o: the Malaysian Gulf Aastx said in Kuala Lumpur vaatarIf «c are invited by the orcsnlaan in Singapore »c wil. try our
      119 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 250 23 SPORTS POOLS (MAIAYSIAL^C Certified Dividends FOR SATURDAY 23nd NOVEMBER 1968 Ut DMdrnd Pol"»» M !SS 2nd Dividend POinU 1« 3rd Dividend «'i P»l nt 4th Dividrnd poi"la 1»3 (4 Diva, only 8«« Rule >H) 12 MATCH RESt'LTS POOL l orrect 1M 01 II 1an.,1 iii 10 lor r «t HI
      250 words
    • 307 23 1 X'mas Lantan Model: SPORT" 2 t Transistors /^aa» £k 4 Way. bands: I^^oVULX MWLWSWISW2 llr&^ffWV P^rP JE^FjSBI^H^Bh f M .Mat aw jnk, pjsl^Hßip Biii Q9Qso Modal: BANGA 1* Transistor. H nd Bafl 3 Wave bands: MW/SWI/SW2. /^TK^K kMp rsckrt Trontittor IIM CHAMPION- Tr.».,,tor Rad.o Tobl. Fan »m»l*t> -.»>. Bo«.
      307 words
  • Page 23 Miscellaneous
    • 38 23 ■new t »i o >« iinrs k-. final: Kiln' I Alor O»i:di Spore l»lv. I: v .Imivtli'fv p«d UJfl l> ll li v I Polloa v Pol:'.- I al ■aari vuimmim. ruiice I g* a CSC pool. 218 p.m.).
      38 words
    • 187 23 I;!»'TH.VI BOXING BRITISH HtAVYKT Utl*. final eliminator 'Cardiff): Jack Bode.l tkod Carl Oizzi. Ml 2nrt rd HCKKIV 1-LN\NO LBMWBI HYO 3 Yiuths 0. MM i it I I KOI'I \N ll' 2nd rri "nd Irq: Anderlecht. Belgium Man. n< i f.jr Yug.«la\i.i l Celtic. Scotr fi-2i. HDKI.U COT qualifMng IBM
      187 words

  • 246 24 The first 4 Vulcan bombers fly into Spore SINGAPORE. Thurt Four Vulcan bombers flew into RAF Tengah today In Bntaln'c iirst strategic air reinforcement exercise to the Far East in preparation for her troop pullout from this reuion by the end of 1971. Pou" more bombers will arrive on Saturday
    246 words
  • 24 24 VATICAN CITY. Thurs The Vatican today Issued a Christmas stamp reproducing an ancient portrult of the Infant JeMis from Prague Cathedral. Reuter
    Reuter  -  24 words
  • 359 24  - Maltese Premier: Singapore housing experts welcome C.K. LEE: SINGAPORE. By Thursday MALTA will welA come Singapore Housing and Development Board experts to help solve its housing problem, said Malta s Prime Minister. Dr. Borg Olivier, after touring (he hoard's estates this afternoon. Dr. Olivier Hew in last night for a
    MAX KIAN SENG  -  359 words
  • 43 24 CANBERRA Thurs AuMrailan opposition Labour Patty r, Mr. Oough Whitlam. will make a nine-nation tour next month. It was announced here today. He will visit Israel. Italy. i Paris. London. Washington. Sai:nn. Kuala Lumpur. Singapore and Jakarta Reuter
    Reuter  -  43 words
  • 171 24 MYSTERY STORE MAN IN USs4oom STEEL DEAL BID BANGKOK, Thurs.— A leading busiiiimnmi here and in unnamed Singapore investor hn\>- asked for government permission to build a USS4OO million iron and stppl complpx The Board 01>tment. announcing this tod tli<' cotnpiex would be built in two sections tumacei and
    171 words
  • 46 24 LONDON 11, -A pullman (ar IrOM SS.r WniMon (liinihiK tUIMnI train Ipft on Jts tl.ial IOHnW] yesteKi.i 4 M rail hikl sea to an railway mi.scum The pulln^Hi) has been sent by Britain to UM NatIMMU H.ilroid Museum at Green Bay
    46 words
  • 412 24 LONDON. i: us The market cioM'ci tinner on lhe (lay but wltn mo-t leader^ fractionally below best Near the CtMt, the FT. Index un up 8.1 at 482 ti. Initi;il pains were rxtrndfd sharply around midday by thr ICI quarter)] flcurn, but l»tcr proflttuklnK tiwiiinn: the uses. Dealers
    412 words
  • 221 24 A happy Tengku: You can go blah blah later... KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs Tengku Abdul Rahman, opening the 550 C.000 MTUC building here tonight, said: "Lot the opening be on a happy note the rest ol the year you (trade unionists) can go -blah blah 1 against the government. After rounds
    221 words
  • 43 24 MVALAMMtH >.<-lO rrl lf# Of Mr Mnata ■I i r no. oa i t Jman Bin. 430 p m ta 111 PONS* MAM MUMfe. HMTlary Ath harcrmaa on* »on. iroth^r* j l i..v CO c; H X.1... ttr, rnrtr«» Ira- rr»m»- 11-Hv
    43 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 154 24 Write with the new Sblikan V J V r 7~'/ /Jlll VY U V fWI thC smo thnPSS and Msy s idin 8 f t C/ l"v O f |ji )rn over t^ e p a p er giwnt; ywsi gV^F U9tf writing more expression and character. The Mm iVaViVsV
      154 words
    • 120 24 Late (LASSIFIEDSI 20 no r di $15 (minimum) I ssHWsm^K^M I i 1 Ii I B& r B I 11 I I P™*^^^8 B "BSBSB mh, i4t» v> -t 85*^H smVIB I Ii It t Accredited dfalrrs: C K Taim (Slnnaporf Ltd. 3lu Orchurn v MMTO lid. 7J 74 Hluh
      120 words