The Straits Times, 27 November 1968

Total Pages: 24
1 24 The Straits Times
  • 25 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 175,000 The Straits Times lb National jjewspapßP Estd. 1845 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1968 15 CENTS KDN. 3104 M.C. (P) 0014
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  • 468 1 The big axe falls on French spending PARIS. Tuesday A|H Maurice Couve iTI de Murville told Parliarm today that the government iding 011 the Ariß-lo-French supersonic Concorde airliner would bo reduced by 60 million lrancs (about 537 million) in 1 under France's austerity proirramme. ■l.'i Prime Minister alao said tliat
    Reuter  -  468 words
  • 313 1 Mystery envoy in Paris PARIS. Tuesday SOUTH Vietnam's boycott of the Paris peace talks is expected to end "very soon." informed sources said today. The} vii<l a mystery en \ov from Saigon \\;is ;ilnatl\ in ll»*' French capital preparing lor the early ..nival of V
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  • 212 1 Peking agrees to meet U.S. on Feb 20 PEKING. Tuesday PEKING said today that it Btlgtit U Wéti resume its dialogue with the United States In Warsaw on Feb. 20. and blamed tlie U.S. for the fact that no meeting had tåken placc tiace last Januarv. Pektnc radio agreemeiu had
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  • 26 1 JAKARTA. Tue.«.- Police airfsrpci MVW*J Mu-lim>. su.-pected of iiih -ic-rltic hundreds of pig« In north SurnutT» provlnce, Ar.taia nr«s agriuy reportcd 10--d»> Reuu?r
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  • 232 1 Gls and Thieu's troops cross into DMZ SAIGON. Tuesday LMEBICAN and A South Vietnamese troops entered the southern portion of the Demilitarized Zone today. a military said here. Tlus uas the firvt rrpurt ol I" S. or covernmint troops entering Ihe MM >mii- Pr»-si(lpnt Joh— oil'i liiiinhinu halt <>l
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  • 107 1 LIONG KONG. Tues.— 11 Thrpp Rod Guards wen killed and anothor 12 wounded in a rlash last week between rival Red Guard factions in Canton. arrivals from the mainland rrporttd today The arrivals said the nght frupted wlieu membci- of the Red Barmer Rid
    AP  -  107 words
  • 20 1 TOKYO TUM Tli* fouith IntwmUotuU on weather [or«aMiiiK openrd here lod«y wlth 130 fxpfrt* from 21 rountrles att«ndln(.
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  • 84 1 >• MKOBI. lurs A I u Hm. i ii p.itiinl who hid IHTMMM oil trans-fiiM-d inlo hii body in tåøté of salinc becausr Ihr hiittlr ni wrongly l.ibi Med. iliod of krrosmr P<iiNonin« a magistrat« in Kak.tiiiici ruled to- dav. .Mrs Selinu •it-
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  • 54 1 300 UP? Possible, says specialist SAN ANTONIO iTkUI), Tues Dr. Charies WilHm Hall. a FMMKh ■pectaltei .i- M-iciu-f niay cvontually cnabU 1 man to livi "it woni happen in our llfettme." he >aid "But in the tar dUtent tuturc. m:m WUI havr a litt- l I [vctaney ol posslWy 200
    AP  -  54 words
  • 49 1 JAKARTA. Tues The Foreicii Mtntottr. Ml Adam Mahk. has said Indnntsa would not take an Mttvt part In combatliiK international nimimiiu^m 1! the United States leit Vietnam H «as reported today. ihe reßMiii: liici«r.r-iH Is too busy it It us own inteitial problems —Reuter
    Reuter  -  49 words
  • 45 1 LONDON ROM Mai ot Ulf ir;. ofltred no rwdrnrt whrn Im Miigrr wlfr Dorotiiy BqulrM tH grantfd dlvorct vr~trui.iv on ihf ground^ Ot his (irsf!!iun Ihr rouple «frr marrtfd In .lulv HM at .Ir: .ry C':t > Nr» JmM|. Thfy h«ve no ihiWien.
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  • 147 1 Pakistan students block traffic in new protest RWVXI.PINDI Tues Nrarly 10.000 students st.mccl ;t massive antiEovernmrnt drmonstration in Itawalpindi today :incl ri-lii-i tn ii linn to cl HM ri 1 1 1 their il' mands for pi rr- ni arr mrt. Thrir Iradi-rs announcrd an irnl. limt strikc at
    AP  -  147 words
  • 64 1 LONDON. Tuer- —Ar 8.000-lon dtficlt In world tln Mippllrs next ye«i «a* forriast by a London ■iikfr today Younuer and Bond L:d ni a mai kr; r*v;*w pub-li-ard hfro said howrver that tiie ForcckM deflrlt «a< mbject InlamattHMl Tin Coun- man quotas txuii: mmntalaad a: tlw presrni
    AP  -  64 words
  • 157 1 ADB to seek loans from Europe OAMBURG. Tih.s. 11 The Altan Dl lopment Bank is planning to borrow in the European markets, particularly in West Germany, for Its international flnancing operations Thls ni state<i by Mr. Takeshi Watanabe. president of the AM an Development Bank. in an address to a
    Reuter  -  157 words
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 53 1 1 NAHAR'S spg?y NORTH BRlOGt\ \S!NGAPORE/ S^i^^^ SWISS The 14K Solid Gold Rim of the TITONI Cosmo King wi.l enhance even more the classic design of this exquisite watch. The *atch that will give you faultless timekeeping *or years ahead and a design you will be proud to wear. Ref
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    • 39 1 WSSBSSH If x■ K Scmce y^^^^Hjl n 6? I C^T Budge I Ro id ELECTION 2"SSX You can tell by the sparkle in her eyes... She's a VITAPLUS girl PLUSI»J The Blackcurrant Juice with extra Vitamin C added v
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    • 207 2 D( -8 SALVAGED FROM BAY GOES INTO AIRPORT HANGAR ON TROLLE? CAN FRANCISCO (California), Tues. A Japan Airlines DC-8 jetliner arrived aboard a huge steel dcck barge at the airport heie yesterday exactly three days after it was due to land from Tokyo. The plane appeared iii
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    • 106 2 'Duck Feathers King 9 of Vietnam freed CANBERRA, rues.— Keith Hytend. i.tptureil by the Vtete*B| in Muilh Vietnam i-.irlier this (real was fin, l in C.imhoili, vesterilax in External Affairs Department spokcsfii.ui said herr earlN today, '\\r know from our aoarces thai he has bi<n released.' he said Au.stralia
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    • 130 2 C-130 HERCULES PLANES SHOW SIGNS OF METAL FATIGUE ON WINGS WASHINGTON-. T Lockheed C-130 Here tea aircraft '■workbones" <t V war. have develon> ova winp. cracks cauaed by ni c t n 1 latißnc. but t"mpor.irv r< p. lrs have kept them flj itik without any haiard US. Air Force
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    • 231 2 r p\vo Amertcmo jet airliners, hijacked and forced to fly to Cuba over thr weekend, were back In Miami with their passenger! and crows yesterday. B'rh p:aii< > an tatei n H-e-.iiK ',27 v..). rw pie ttoard and a Pan American W-irld Airways
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    • 10 2 TOKYO I V Hunt txr. 19f.r
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    • 159 2 Landlord who hired dogs to evict Negro tenants MANCHESTER. Tups. lU A landlord who hired guard dogs to stop tnree Nigerian 1 a mill c s entering their homes was yesterday lined a total of £225 by a court here. I: Itor Harold Gitt:eson .said thla was a parti* cuiarly
      Reuter  -  159 words
    • 18 2 Czech MiG-21 crashes in West Germany Gc- < j M 1 a M th» plan* i i .m— Re*
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    • 304 3 A 328-251 vote victory for Wilson in squeeze debate LABOUR MEMBERS CLOSE RANKS LONDON, Tuesday 'J'HK Government last nighi beal off a bitter parliamentary attack by the Conservatives on its latest save-the-pound measures. With backbenchers rallye, the Government won a 328-251 vote of confidence In tin- House of Commons after
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    • 134 3 Sympathy from the ranks after the debate nie affaJri and deLhe puolic. Mr. Wilson defended Ins hanb pre-Christmas aubttntv squeeae and won I .ijirij.m: sympathy ironi parts- members The Prime Minister addrentni a -tandineroom- only private mectniK of the Parliamentary ji.irtv. wa» Kiven a rxirdial reception in what was to
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    • 82 3 I ONDON, Tue>. The I image of an ambitious unr iircing her already su( c essf ul husband on to harder work and bieger r.<riiiiiK> is a myth, says .1 marriage guidance re- port published tod:i>. The British Marriace Council reported that in a
      Reuter  -  82 words
    • 333 3 DOME. Tucs. Eight 1 elderly gralogisis and engineers went on trial in Aquila yesterday for the manslaughter of nearly 2.000 people victims of one of the worst disasters in Italian history. Tne trial. In which about 2.500 «ttM«U will be
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    • 149 15 Sinclair dies at 90 Novelist YEW YORK, Tue.s. 11 Upton Sinclair, left wing American novelist, died at a nursing home in New Jersey yesterday. He was 90. Mr Sinclair won the Pulitzer Prize with bla book "Dragon's Teeth" published In 1942. He was als. <>£ the controversial book "The Jungle",
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    • 20 15 -.ARIA. Tuea.— Mum 200 homes were deitr i!»rci by I mow* n hit Central Ja .asualtiea were re-
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    • 273 15 LONDON, Tuesday HrK! in slartlinr hit-M-rren it>\Ul iin^e-up. is a no*e. A typiral bloodhound no*e? Hardly. This !■> sort of a "h.illw.iv hooter." It successfully (ulde> its •Miiirt on outward journeys, hut semis to tin ii
      Mirrorpic  -  273 words
    • 65 15 Found— hottest star LONDON Tue< Bpue KtcntlsU in Leicester have announced the discovery o: a new star thought to be the hottest yet found by man with a temperature of 150 million degrees Centigrade It wa: discovered by I etcester University's Space Science Group using an X-ray telescope sent into
      Reuter  -  65 words
    • 58 15 MANILA Tues. At IraM 17 people urrr rrportrd dionnrd MM M u.iirm. mo>i ol mm. :i.-liermen inls.tliiK at sea vntrrday a t»o-dav rampagr b\ Typhuon Nina acio»> the irntral I'hlhppinrs The Manila Weather Bureau lowered all lyphoon wariiiiiK sifr.als Nina, downgraded M a troplral norm,
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    • 38 15 i.KNE\ A lues— The Intern.tiiuinl Red Cross has warned thai thr situation In N;«eria .<n(t Biatra hits Boa txcome <:..iprr«ie- «ltii enuunli lund* in hand to kerp rrliel operan.>n~ Bi4ns for only Uiret more welt*— UPI
      UPI  -  38 words
    • 98 15 £31,500 paid for two silver snuff boxes I ONDON. Tues rwo 18th century silver Miutl boxes stolen in London, pawned in Vienna and retrieved by Interpol were sold yesterday for £31.500. i M.vtr Mm I.hvimuer NiebOll paid a rtinrcl Jl'23 OOC fat on box <it Sothebys auc:iun bowt. Ann:
      Reuter  -  98 words
    • 139 15 LONDON, Tuesday. XHE Press Council yesterday rejected complaints against the Daily Express for publishing pictures of Queen Elizabeth in bed. The pictures, taken by other members of the royal family, showed the Queen with her son. Prince Edward, .soon after he was
      Reuter  -  139 words
    • 94 15 rKYO. Tues. A tiny tape recorder with a microphone that ran be attached to a tiepin or cuff button will Co on nale in Japan next month. The Sony Corporation *aid the device would be iiM-lul for WNI recording The tapr recorder, called mifazinmatir
      Reuter  -  94 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 247 2 ■B^il^s? lr 54 111 lll> -4 Sw BBBB^^^* M Jlf i :^^P^W^ V N(f**-^ '^^ttE\ Your usiness is P |fkln g UP- a"d it looks like profit will be pretty good this I tfK^B^JH "if n __JM*y B^^feM JHBf*^" year. But you could still use a helping hand 1 BaB^SBB^BBR^KtfIIHHt
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 229 3 The worlds longest, continuous i f>fl < W7 > *l'lC^^^ < H"\*'\ India is so different. V^IVIAIOCXUUII Thousands of temples. <l 4 luxury hotels. W\ dC li^vi" tne world's JLIICXO C\ IVJL tallest mountains. to^ palm fringed beaches. T. v.\ir /.-n VJlivtf tn India. :i interns Rcan whisk you
      229 words
    • 424 3 WE DON'T BEAT THE DRUM WE DON'T BLOW THE TRUMPET But wp publish the MCIS Review, our popular magazine which is ls.sued free of charge to any one interested to read all about the Malaysian Cooperative Insurance Society Ltd It Is interesting. It la educational. It is meant for you.
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous

  • 84 4 rpilK driver of thls tar. Chief Petty Oflicer Baln. of 1 l hi- Royal Navy a ii.irrn» rsiapc unen a hut'tree fell MM the ti. murt at Nee S»H>n Road yesterday. The tree. «truik hy lichtnlng in a Ihuniler^tnrm .■Kn hit a ro.ulside stall
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  • 292 4 SINGAPORE. Turn. FACTORY worker, Low Ngah N'gah, today lold the Ilifji Court why he became involved in an incident with ;i tietective. F). Munusaroy, who \\;is armed with n revolver, on I In* nikhl of Feb. 5 Low. 29. said he was walking along
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  • 65 4 'IMIt onlrollrr ol Com 1 mi nication of the ni'rtli rvi.ihlihril Intrrnational Computers limited Mr < IK Dic-ki-n> '.ihuwi. is due to arrixe in Sinrap«irr today from Perth for .1 thrreda\ vim! Ml ua> in.ilrd |.«>t Aueu«t b> a iniTciT of XT and Kn:;li*h
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  • 67 4 SINOAPORE. Tues— A Joint demonstration of cooking and vegetable carving by the Prime Minister's mother. Mr* C K Lee. nnd Mrs Lee Suan \>w. tn aid of St Andrew.. Mission Hospital, wil b«- held at the Wesley Methodist Church Hall from 10 30 am to 12.30
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 129 4 f"; -m 9 k m m m m s IJHO -NEXT CHANGE r\\\ L -T^»k jiii H TECHNICOLOR lln ed ArtlBtBM b M nn < \I»IIOI OPENS TODAY" j-J farmj[ V| j *J 5 SHOWS DAILY —NO FREE LIST t^K 3*"^t ln s^ AW PRODUCTIONS' m IES^ 1 THE DARK
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    • 36 4 New Victory- Ga > World TOOAV ONIV 1 30. J 10. 710 4 9 '0 ■ny "Man On Thr Spvm« Tr.p»i» Star I e\tor DIAMOND i> LuiniMiirtM Loit Day 110 7JO *m. >-i"^iO O'vi ir *fN rHAMtr
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    • 422 4 /-n ORCHARD: ,*S£&,' £3a% t OLINKA BEROVA ...the new and exciting > I-A *7^r+** Czech beauty in the title role fo v ot "THE VENGEANCE OF SHE n *bH[^BK'N/'' > n adventure based on the wNmt*s f3(T;ous RiDER MAGGARCs JWfffAHttW jUMN KIChARDjON CLINKA oEROVA EDWARD JUDD I I SCHOOL CONCESSION:
      422 words
    • 502 4 LAST DAY I 1 1 am 1 .30 JO. 6JO I 9 30 p "THE RISE AND FALL OF THE THIRD REICH' A. VGV t ODEON 1 PALACE OPENS TOMORROW Poro-nou- lane Fonda "BARBARELLA" LAST 2 DAYS! Shew Start: I 30. S 00, t.30 p m ■STAR' Starts: I. SO.
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  • 153 4 Change in Provident Fund rules soon for Muslim members KU A L A LUMPUR. Tues. A proposal to aniend the Employees Pro v i dent Fund Ordinance to make it conform to Muslim law is being drafted at the simgesttOD of the Minister of Justice. Inche Bahaman bin Samsuddln. development
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  • 430 4 Change of date allowed over Toto company objection LABOURER'S $171,557 PRIZE CLAIM SINGAPORE, Tuesday. THE High Court today awarded costs, to Singapore Pools (Private) Ltd. alter allowhil; an application by a $171.557 first prize claitnant, Ng /Joo Yucn, to amend a material date in his statement of claim. OrlglnaUy, Ng
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  • 158 4 PLAN TO SOLVE PROBLEMS OF THE PINE INDUSTRY KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. Plans to boost the pineapple industry In Malaysia have been worked out by Mr. Lew Sip Hon, Deputy Controller of Rubber Research. Mr Lew »aid hore today i hat. he would hand his rapoi'l on ;lie marketing and pnii
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  • 73 4 BIM SKI TOWN. Tuev— Kullrt-xhaprd akjMti lornd «in the neach herr set a posrr for the police i today. I No one <9eems to knou «hat thev are. Thev are of i opi" r and about two in In i long. Ihr sharp-fndfd
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  • 83 4 Malaysia to miss APU talks I» UAI.A LUMPUR. Tue«.Malajrsta hajs decided not l! >end .i (!o!f>Katio!i lourth G* of the v...:. in.iiis Union conference ni Manila r.ext w?ek— becau.v of the ting. rii^cla-fd today by the ChTk to the Srnatr. liu-lio Ahmad bin Abdullah. w li" al.><; tr.e .serreif thr
    Bernama  -  83 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 198 4 Don't buy a PROBLEM Buy a VfCTA CORVETTE 2 y 1 For every type of Ijwn there* a VICTA a trouble free motor mower backed by prompt service and a 100 i availability of genuine VICTA parts. AUSTASIA INDUSTRIES LIMITED. 28.' J Pays lnb»r Road S NGAPORt '4 T«l *****
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    • 281 4 Pirates strike off Pulau Langkawi A LOR STAR. Tues. Armed pirates, believed to be Thais, robbed a Malaysian fishing boat of nets valued at SBOO in the sea off Pulau Langkawi yesterday morning. Hie piraev was reported to the police in the afterrtoon V marine pcllce bo<tt raced to tlie
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    • 88 4 Every modern home needs one of gggag^, -n range i v^r r^M SUPtX MODEL P MKMBJnHn Tha Sup«> Modal. RrM of Hills range of Roltry Clothes UnM. is juaiUb.e in four convenient sues An Msy-lift Winding machamsm etlortless V '»'4« the lineshiqhmtothebfeeie. Th« neat "fold»w»y" handle .nciudes a rotating gnp
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 228 4 Straits Times Crossword ■■r hk bbbbbbbT~~~bbV m n w^m I I I M MM harks i6> SSLiTTS one on .7.. of M* humour .bout ...r. nght In step, then g-Jgß"^ "J^ ln II hold MM .41 17 Army .«.l- U p_f lr M cIM. bre.k--13 Cloc^ k'y. pure and «mp«.
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  • 72 6 SINGAPORE. Tues. A harbour labourer. Aiyaboo Blnnapan, was stabtf'd to death outside Gate 5 In Keppel Road al lunch-time today. Alyaboo 4- was stabbed !n a fl«ht near soi s:de el I He v.-as stabbed 'wire once In the wrist and "nee in the abdomen
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  • 14 6 KUI.I.M i ihuririin. distributed 11 h ted tanned m Sidam festerday
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  • 82 6 Two held in barber shop robbery SI.\(.\POR».. lues Polar investifatißS UM >t>.ooo-l)arber SaMfl hnlil-ui> in c v Line yesterday, .innoumeil to- > t'bej il.Kl made tu.> .uresl*. I «i> nx'n. "lie arnied \wlh .i u-\"l\er ami Ik* other a dagger, had held up 12 people lit the White House h
    82 words
  • 35 6 SINGAPORE. TUiS. Two anre MlnUtry officials tit* In liere today to neuotiatf .i nuiblp taxation agreement with Stncapore i Vr\U\nrn and Mr. T Dekrr will be heie tor 10 da>s
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  • 20 6 PKREMRAV Tue.« Eleht Chjifj-f s.hiol« and an D ■rbool rcstcntoy re»-ft\M ehcq the BducaMr I »•<• Si. k \<- v
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  • 276 6 UMBRELLA COVER FOR THE BLANKET GIRLS I KUALA LUM-'J-. Tues MORE than 140 workers of the Ppony Blanket Industry Co Ltd. In Petalinn Jaya. mo.^t of them teei.ani- jlrU, t«xlay struck in prote.s' against the dl.sml.ssal of 10 of their colleagues. They also complained that they had
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  • 124 6 Teachers to meet Ministry on pay scales SINGAPORE Tins. A KJ delegation from the s ngapore m i Union is to nil et olficiaii of tiie Ministry of Education on Dec. 10 to discus the pay Mair f> m ligioiu teachers recommended uv the Har\t\ ■.■in The union regards the
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  • 14 6 IP<>H li. K Bulan. 17. a shop irr bound ma three coconut*.
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  • 75 6 rjIM.XPORK. Tues k^ Motor rTcliit (^>im henc One. 21. v t« killed j lodiv when his niuhine skidded and threw him after lift tin: a woman at the Mnulmein Ro»dB:»'estier Road .junction M.tdam Sai Tene. fifl. w lu> «.is crossing the road. recei\ed slitht injuries.
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  • 184 6 2,000 apply to join Republic's super school SINGAPORE. I More man 2,000 students have applied for the 600 places iv Singapore's nrst .National Junior College which opens in January. A college spokesman said today that applications had come from otnior .'tuutnts In the four language media Some utii from <>iars
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 60 6 J>nnmmmT| I- .in., 0 ,0 > Jl Hi- Ja* SSSS2SSSSS SBbBbibb^^^^S \/X^v^ t7^ _^r lI ssEEEz ■jlgg^^™^^'??^sT -V x \\WSSSk eaaaaah^^V^^Sj! LfP^^^^^aaJeW^ HK^-r: 'A I lWS**e» HaaBtjBBBVjeBBBBBaI I ill j I I i^iajajail lllaHifQ^^a-^Jn BP'^^aßßai Uzl I I fll a^Laßßßaffilk^ 1 111?!* 11 I afl ~~-ji IbV^*4^bl aV"^^itiß^sßH a^B^m 1
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    • 245 6 Miracle Cushion Holds Folse Teeth Tinhltor* -it. -mt. mm IJflllOjmS •(■or.r-.i. i r f !■<■«■ Ccmfort end relief for d^ntu'e sufferers I Snug Denture Ci ihiont ere a soft plastic lining that get* nd of the annoyance of loose, badly-fitting false teetn. Snug eases sore irritated gums due to loose
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
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  • 172 7 Wives get a new warning on impostors selling the Pill L r UA L A LUMPUR, Tues. Housewives were warned today against buying the Pill from salesmen posing as National Fam i l y Planning Board officers. "They are nothing bir confldem tera We don't have people hawkir r>llls, :!in
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  • 171 7 INDONESIAN MPs ON GOODWILL TRIP SINGAPORE. Tuesday. JJK [mron Rosjadi, leader of a visiting three-man Indonesian parliamentary delegation, today said it was better for Singapore and Indonesia to forget the past for the sake of good relations. Indonesia wanted good relations with Singapore.
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  • 226 7 IPOH. Tues— A 9 p.m. to 6 a.m. daily home curfew for two years was imposed on a youth by a magistrate. Inche Abdul Hamid bin Mohamed Yunus, here today. Inche Abdul Hamid also Rave a lecture to the youth, Zalnal Azhar
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  • 102 7 CINGAPORE. lue.v Cheone Soh \\>ng. 34. and Loh Way Sam. 28 were charged in a MagLstra'e'.« Court today with a robbery alleged to have been committed five years ago. They were accused of 1 ribbing Madam Chua Kan Km of S2no four
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  • 45 7 KAJANO Tue». liullf 11.. in bin Omni 1 cfr. Ulu Lansat. lih.s replaced Im lv- H«»mii Ibrahim cli.nrman of tlir Liv l.ang.a Town Board Inrhe Hassan IbiMlum v- MM thf ssMsl.ini dnrdor nf ihr Staff Training Centre in Petal:ng Jaya.
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  • 43 7 ki.m a i r.MPi i: i raglM h ■Wtrtett] Biinrd l*fl foi;atirncl ■ympoatun "n nuclear pa in Di:rf Bnt Gem 100 I Mi A R^ini..: .'li and the Ocnmttcß Engnerr S f urn Mi Ong Vote Fu. Bcrnim*
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  • 117 7 Britain to hand over navy base dockyard on Dec. 8 S^IM.APORE. Tues— The Koyal Navy dorkyard will be officially handed o\er to Shipyard (Private) Ltd. on r>ec. 8. The British Minister of Defence lor Administration. Mr O.W Reynolds, will fly here In present thr transfer documents to the n
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  • 15 7 SINGAPORE Tuej till three-lane Oxifv R.-r-F'trt Canning By-over ll to be completed r-mbn
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  • 123 7 Brunei dollar rumours 'baseless' ORUNEI TOWN. Tues. Brunei's Financial Officer, Dato John Lee, said today rumours that the Brunei dollar would be devalued w e t c 'completely baielew The rumours could have been .-pn ad by Communists or other subversive fitments to .spread chaos in the S;ate. he said.
    Reuter  -  123 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 81 7 PEfACO SETS A NEW STANDARD OF LUXURY I he 'Permanent Press' Uiirt iSat outlasts three ordinary shirts. irtualiy impossible to crease, in Pelaco's exclusive blend of ler\lene and Cotton Tnmlinc-stvled, Mayi crisp and smart all day! AVAILABLE FROM:C.K. TANG AURORA LTD. ROBINSON CO. (S) LTD. PEKING CO. LTD. CHANRAI'S MANDARIN
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    • 501 7 SEJVSA TiONAL ...the talk of the town Offers you Drastic Reductions. Keep Singapore Clean Keep your Home Neat Beautiful with ia*, WINDOW CURTAINS 1 FURNISHING MATERIALS. Be smart and attractive in Latest Designed DRESS MATERIALS. Hurry! Hurry!! Hurry!!! Save now on your Purchases for the Festive Seasons. S.A.MAJEED&CO., 70, High
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  • 149 8 i, I lurs J MSA Uu.ry ileM-ribrd the riillapsr of t lit MMwheel of onr of their iinirU at Sincapore Airport yeslrnlay its "an unfortunate < iclenl "I his incident has no con nt( lion with thr hclly landing of a Kokker I ihnil-hi|i
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  • 295 8  - A hot dog is so wonderful, but the beef rendang... 001 CHENG GAIK La KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. Globe-trot-ting on her own, Mrs. Helen Bidwell could be described as a cool cat who enjoys a hot dog. Said Mrs Bldwpll. a former college friend of Quf»n Hope of Sikkim at Sar:*li
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  • 277 8 'Extend democratic rights to Reds' call by Party Rakyat PENANG. Tuesday. pARTY Rakyat today demanded that the Internal Security Act be revoked and all detainees still held under it be brought to trial. •We also demand that the democratic rights enK.yeti by Communist parties In Britain. India and Japan b«*
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  • 289 8 Leprosy patient had a fear, coroner -told- SINGAPORE, Tuesday. A DOCTOR told a coroner's court today that one ot his leprosy patients, Er Mvi Chay, told him he was afraid he would not be accepted by society. At an earlier hearing the court was told that Mvi Chay. 50. an
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  • 56 8 Foreign exchange dealings resumed KUALA 1.1.MPl K. lues. Foreinn exchange ilr.ilincs in all currencies re>umed in hankN here toil .IV llnue\er.>.ietions for mo»t of the currencies were limited to spot delivery only. l-nreign exchanue business was suspended last Thursday following the close if maior money markets in Western Kurope.
    56 words
  • 65 8 SINGAPORE. T\ifs A 43- ear-old unman. Ng Kirn Siaic ua^ tr.or in the leg in Pu'.au Blakang Mall today when a rr\oher belnnfing lo a civilian empl'irfd by the aii:E:iporf Armed Forces acndpnt.i::- «ent off Ng a reMdfnt o! the i>!and. headquarters of the Slneapore
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  • 24 8 KUALA LfMPCR T,'« hree SI >n r.<rs at a banana plantaI the fourth mile Jalan Cheras hw*. They *\<-o seirpO number platen.
    24 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 198 8 Miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Congratulations to Messrs. Avery-Laurence (S) Ltd. New Look "Rockette" Launched i SO«« Afl»^ ®"R<Kli«tt«" Combined Plan Prinfifi9 Ammo«M> D»»»lopinq Machine "Mont* 400" Combined L- Printing ncmi-dry Developing Machmr ond t othor "AOMIL" modcli Alto "Ammo" A "Monet" Plon Printing Papers, Intermedwtcj ft Permotraco. from UNITED STATIONERY CO., Staticncrt Printer*
      198 words
    • 95 8 illlllt]lllllMll||lC]|||||||||||lC]|||||||||;ilC}||||||lMlllC]||||llllllllC]llllllllllllC]lll|||lMlllt Congratulations Best Wishes to AVERY-LAURENCE (S) PTE. LTD. on the official opening of their factory in Juronfe, Singapore by the Acting Prime Minister and Minister for Finance. The Honourable Dr. GOH KENG SWEE From:CITY FURNITURE COMPANY 45, Genting Lane. Singapore. 13. TEL: *****7 ***** Show Room: 1367, Seransoon Road.
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  • 545 9 Mediation is out says Tengku WE HAVE BEEN HUMILIATED' KUALA LUMPUR. Tuesday JENGKU Abdul Rahman said tothat the Philippine had humiliated Malaysia enough and there was, therefore, no question ol mediation. The Prime Minister made Malaysia's position clear In an interview with the Deutsche Woli (Voice of Germany) today. la
    Bernama  -  545 words
  • 103 9 1/LALA LUMPUR. Tues. The Malay Langu•(6 ol the Qnl- Malaya today caiieti ii.r the conversion ol the experimental UnlBcnool Li }'< Utling to a modern tfa:.iry School. The chairman of the I Com-inc-hc Wan Ahmad Nasir Haasan, .said that the society v,a> making
    103 words
  • 40 9 BHI Nil J. N B.ii)«r I,. ii Pent n 8 uibMUdai H 50- «aj rinrcl $300 by the reli- r coaunit:iiil: Illicit int«rcc»iirse with a wiim.n vi ho was nut Ir I I rmn ts I
    40 words
  • 27 9 BINOAPORE 1, h aivk Vo«| 111 founri drnwn'-d in a w»U near hus hr>me In Uirnn? Kirn Chir. off Thorn-son Road, last night.
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  • 99 9 JUOR WHO FORGOT IS FINED $25 PENAKG. Tucs. A jujor, I Osman bin Abdul Rahman, was fined $25 today tor failing to turn up in the High Court yesterday for a rape case trial. Osman. a mechanical engineer with the Penang Port Commission, said he had been so engross- ed
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  • 143 9 Training in Russia MTUC waits for go-ahead LI MA II Ml'l K. Tues. The Mil C is prepared to -i-ini ii.nir unionists to the Sir. n-t I nion for training if the Government will give it the crren light. The vite-Dnsident ot the MTUC, in. In- Ibrahim Musa. .said today
    143 words
  • 30 9 niil'NK, TOWN. :<id and during the b«- fined. I p.irtmonl the I»st U li>r the first limit $15. for the M-c^nd and iioo f.,i the turd.
    30 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 163 9 i 4 Ww/mr> f V IV r' \^^m II <&&m***\PZQAr II r^W| Mr i II Jt^-" r' Sole Agents Service Centre for Singapore, Penang East Malaysia Brunei |_Ap HENG CO. LTD. 3G. Third Floor Chow HouM.MO Robinson Road Singapore 1 Tel *****. Sole Distributors Service Station for West Malaysia (except
      163 words
    • 215 9 HEARTIEST CONGRA T ULA TIONS to AVERY LAURENCE (S) LTD. on the occasion of the official opening of their office/workshop at 17, Tractor Road, Singapore TIAN SAN COMPANY LTD. Office; 32A, South Bridge Road, Singapore, 1. Tel: *****, ***** Workshop: 41, MacTaggart Road, Singapore, 13. Tel: ***** TANKAGE, PRESSURISED VESSELS,
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
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  • 203 10 KUALA LUMPUR. Turn. I "JMIK Malaysian Government is considering ;i proposal to set up engineering workshops for Malaysia-Singapore Airlines at Sufaang Airport. The lack of such facilities in Malaysia has been a source of friction between the Malaysian and Singapore Governments. Malaysia
    203 words
  • 35 10 SINGAPORE. Tues The Hans Andersen Club held its annual swimming gala at Oilman barrttcks swimming pool today All received a prtaa and certificates were awarded to the top u.iee winI er*.
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  • 148 10 Applicants for TTC: MP's query SINGAPORE. Tues. The Member of Parliament for Serannoon Gardens. Mr. L. P Rodrlgo. will ask for the number ol applicants lor the Teachers' TraininK College durniK 1968 when Parliament next slt.s. In his question for the Minister lor Education. Mr. Ong Pang Boon, he will
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  • 43 10 SINGAPORE. Tues The Vice-Chancellor of the University of Singapore. Dr. Ton Chin C'hye. will be nuevt speaker at Uie reunion dinner and dance (f the University of Singapore Society and Students' U-uon at Hotel Malaysia at 8 p m on Thursday
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  • 253 10 SINGAPORE. Till! three-week seminar <»n "New trends in workers' education" line of the longest and most probing international conferences to be held Ik-it wili be opened tomorrow by the Minister for Foreign Affairs and Labour. Mr. S. Rajaratnain. The seminar, to be held
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  • 178 10 Special bus services for pupils planned SINGAPORE. iv. Scli. ml children can Ui. >k forward to special bus services which the Bus Aaaodatlon la planning to .start next rear Thi.s would ea.-e the present problem of inadequate public transport fur the island's 500.000 school children This was announced this evening
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  • 59 10 SINGAPORE. Tues. An Industrial exposition to raise runds for deserving scholars l.ving In Kmmpong Übl Is beblg planned by the Karr.pong I'm citizens con.sultathe committee. 'I ac exposition planned for Feb 1 to March 3 next year will be held at the Oay World Amusement Park, and
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  • 32 10 SINGAPORE lues The Nanyanu Orchid Association will celebrate its fifth urmlverMiry with a dinner at the Singapore ChiMM Chamber 0 Commerre auditorium Hill Street .H 7.30 pin on Monday
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  • 23 10 SINGAPORE Tim The SiiiKfiporF Police Band w ill pluv at the Qurensiown community centre tomorrow from 7 to 8 p in
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  • 92 10 OINGAPOML luev Thfre were no first or second prize winners in List Sunda>'s toto draw. Kut three people had li\e numbers correct, and will each get s::.!f.">o A total of I.l people ii. nl four numbers right. K.ich will net S7'l. The prize for those uith
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  • 289 10  - LITTLE BOY SOBBING IN PAIN IS HELPED BY TWO VIPs MAUREEN PETERS By SINGAPORE, Tues. When a boy is hurt by a strange fish and his foot swells up painfully within minutes, he needs help and comfort very badly... And 11-year-old Mnhamed Noor bin I.smail found both WtMD the Sta!>-
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  • 181 10 SINGAPORE. Tuesday yHE plastic-coated plywood industry in Singa- pore has a promising future because it enjoys an advantage over its competitors at least in the i local market. This w.i p t by the M Dr. Goh Kfi.g s he declared open the tory of
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 48 10 Lii \bn<T By 1/ ♦J^S^l^VcooLD /am ah^wmuJncuve fwHinOf ppom mime^ j okay. oust so l W WS ,TM YOU MCOULD ISAtGOTAOOBrr > ISTH' < DOXTOVaWfc/OfIKME."'--£^f CSi?SI-EEPIM ]>SLEEP S PUD SLEEPIKJS < HOURS?/ ISAU.-) im I Til 1 1FT ■•rxjs fTgp'FPOsITOF/ IKI FROTTJ s. FOR ME. 1 1 J -^> \1
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  • 1364 11 A word from Lady Baldock Get out of this house PART EK3HT tbuew kinffsley amis I WflNI IT HOI» IMHREE whole I days And I lie must stay on the spot, somehow combine keepin« behind cover in general while stayn full view of Simon as much as possible. She must
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 307 11 A quietest, rotalix super automatic zigzag sewing machine J < J-_ tVB aM^J I ■iiiV^ieW a^^ .TfwaiMf j^M 1 1^ —^a^H aa^r -4 ■■> B-lUVWI sewing machine, model HZD-957 t 1 is the worlds lightest, quietest and most compact se;winq machine. f It weighs only 21 lbs. and contains the
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  • The Straits Times
    • 597 12 The measures announced by the French Government hardly add up to a Magim I Line in defence >>: the (ran The additional week's ban on forward dealings in the re-opened fore.ifn exchange markets, and the other exchange control measures. will impose a physical check on any further
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    • 398 12 Anti-government demonMtations in Pakistan show no sign of losing their momentum two weeks alter Itr. Bhutto's detention, an event around which all manner of disaffection seem:; to have crystallised. Noi all of it is in sympathy with President Ayub Khan's forma foieign minister, though the five opposition parties
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  • MV IB
    • 328 12 Quality in Singapore's varsity I WOULD like to com- ment on the second paragraph of Mr. Lee Kirn Cheng's letter (B.T. Nov. 16. This paragraph reit is to the courses ottered by the Department of Mathematics of the Unl\eis.ty of Singapore. I have first-hand knowledge of the course.s given and
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    • 120 12 High speed half-mile RECENTLY the Traffic authorities raised the 30 raph speed limit to 40 along the stretch of Dunearn Road fr. ,m the Anglo-Chinese School p.i-t the Dunearn Ri.adery Lane junction to the usually congested •l Circus, a dlstan<e half a mile. This. I think, was an
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    • 282 12 \V'E RKFER lO the be lated reply iST. Nov. 18 1 of Inche Mohd U Salleh oi the Ministry of Education. The figures he quoted, more Impressive than re1. v.i nt outlined the estimated requirements of industrial arts teacher.s in l%y. Thesn ngtires
      282 words
    • 83 12 DEI-ERRING to 'One IX wars wait and st.ll nu '■ard" iST. Nov. 23» iY.ll. may perhaps receive some consolation if in knows that he Is not the only one waiting tor ;i year for a replacement of his old identity card. Four friends and I have i< en watting for
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  • 1384 12 The frightening mistake of totem money UP WITH THE MARK, suggests the London Economist in a special article in which it says that West German currency is too cheap from The Economist London THE agonising delay in al l eri n g Euro pean exchange rates has been a gre
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 56 12 jfcHCutL* FINE ELECTRIC INSTPUMENTB J Electric Guitars XSSST v.VJSII Mutton, S 71S00 J V snoooo j C.ronod. II M29J00 g r': A*h«u« ***** 00 f^a A Coron. do 1... V ***** 1 Boti S 900 00 Multonf !•<• t 735 00 C h 4i v «3fj6^ So>» Ao.rM: T.M.A.
      56 words
    • 103 12 People going places sjj^or Samsonite Silhouette ssssV^asH r f ssS aaar^' v -^Vv SHI bbbsHh sal aaavl s i SLIM. SLEEK, STURDY... SOPHISTICATED SAMSONITE In New York. London, Singapore or Kuala Lumpur, you'll find SAMSONITE. .fashion's latest in luggage. Light with a look of unmatched elegance, Samsonite combines beauty of
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  • 101 13 15 months for stealing SI 5 from registered letters L' U A L A LUMPUK Tues. A Post Office driver, who stole i trom two registerfetters, was jailed l"r 15 months by the S Court today. V' Ah Mool of ipoh. on following complaints money |ost throuuh •tpcl letters- partlcu
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  • 426 13  - $30,000 miss by gang in raid RUDY BELTRAN By I: Kuala Lumpur, Tuesday fHREE armed thugs staged a three-minute hold-up at the Malayan Banking branch office in Jalan Pahang here this morning and escaped with $2,786. In their hurried raid, they overlooked move than 3."0.000. The trio all dressed in
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  • 38 13 KUALA I.UMPLH 1 ui'.- Man Him Raleigh C> l.i rli.nd Mgnrd nn rdajp in which Mar.i vii pitrlitip.iif i *tjult) -Inn's uill (he conip.nn .lm.wi Srii.itur i .<ginu rtirecti i ol tin Mi l i
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  • 30 13 KANUAH ruel I Mi n'n Hi ..i I'., n Sri ShPikli Aluii.kl I) |> i-M'ntcii SISU4O lv ..i- lor tbe |)urfor nrrdjp iiudenu tn the mate next yr«r. i
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  • 25 13 BUNOEI FATANI lue. a ol Krd.^h will be 41 on Tliui birthday will rx> orlebrated officially on J.m 29 nt xt vi..r
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  • 134 13 'Cautious driver' who knocked down boy SINGAPORE, Tues— Dr. Chia Pee Chye, 50, uao said it was his practice to be cautious in driving in school areas was today found by the High Court to be solely liable for vi accident in the vicinity of a school. Hi car had
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  • 87 13 SINOAPORE Tuc.s Til? Second District Jud«p. Mr. Dotiald Tea Hoik Chwoe t'iri.,v nr.iiited *n apnl; DPP Mr Chr>n« Pail to ■utiidraw two charge* aaita I Chia Nam Srnn. 50. of w.m Thd Axrnue. and John Tay Yfiiig Jik). 51. of Chua Chu
    87 words
  • 38 13 ALOR STAR Tue.s .;nfd I bomoh in connoction wish an av-ault no a nine-year-old elr. The Kir wat lo'und Bnooa> hired urn in a bu.-h near her him* at Kampong Bahni Gua- Chnniied.ilc.
    38 words
  • 227 13 THE RISING PRICE OF EGGS: NOW A THREAT OF BOYCOTT |(UALA LUMPUR, 1V Tues.— Consumers j here will be urged to slop buying ens unless their price is brought down to nor- mal. wholesalers and retailers were warned today. The Ministry of Com--1 rtierct' and Industry will ■lao bo asked
    Bernama  -  227 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
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  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 583 13 TV MALAYSIA CHANNELS I inn- CWflO; 700 Nr»s in English: pui and I'riiaiin: I md 7Hi 1968 Indi.inaimlis 500 Malacca; and 111 J.iln.rr (.i.iiil Pi 7 .ii I Balnu. 4 I .ii uin;. Uatu nh<is Deleal; IMMI and 9 Kluanc 800 Newi ill Mil. 543 uam* Mim.l 4B
      583 words

  • 243 14 Only about 400 Orang Batek in the country KO AL A LUNi Only about ion Orang Bait.. a Negrito group ot Oidiiu Ash exist in Malaysia, t b c Deputy Commissioner for Oi. Ulair.s. [nche Banaron Aznar bin Raffle, said today He m. creatures" b< the jungle i. ka Tr.
    Bernama  -  243 words
  • 164 14 Designer Grace wins a French prize for her work KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. Maiaysian artist and fabric designer Grace unayagam has won for the second time a prize in an international competition in textile design. THE FIRST was in 1963 when she was still an art student in Manchester. One of
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  • 96 14 Kual' LUMSHII I lalaysl exp rt. 1 rt ord 910.647 tons rubber in the first 1 of the year. The Statistics Depart.•m at ficures showed that this was 90.346 tons more than the export in the same period la.^t year and 133.428 tons more than in
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  • 113 14 Malaysian surprise over that naval 'no' by Thais Xl ALA II .MPI R. lurs I'i.iiiii- and u>tonis olliii.ils hrrr tiKi.iy e\MtMi >urprisr mrr a ll.illtkok itpiirl Hi it Mm I 11.11 .lulhiini.t", had turned duun rnjues'i lur joint n.ival operations. The rrport recevird hrre List niglit said thr rrq'jot
    113 words
  • 9 14 hi inn-. m 1 h mrmbn vr>trriiav.
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  • 99 14 CINGAPORE, Tues. I Pafholoui.Nt.s at the General Hospital are trying to find If 6G-year-old Phuah Jor Bjy died yesterday bereceived In a i"1 accident or through natural causes. Phuah. of Crawford Street, died at his home four days aftrr he was Injured In an
    99 words
  • 552 14  - Towkay and inche keeping Chinese, Malays apart... 808 NG: By 1: Kuala Lumpur. Tuesday THE image of the Chinese ''towkay" and the Malay "inche", perpetuated through the years of colonial rule, is still the cause of prejudices in Malaysia. The executive tary of L'mno and MP for Segamat Utara, Inche
    552 words
  • 118 14 TUN TAN VISITS AIR FORCE BASE IN KIANTAN rUAMTAN, Tues. 1V The Minister of Finance, Tun Tan Slew Sin. today made a one-hour tour of the million dollar RMAF strike base near here. Accompanying him w?r« the Mlnbsti r ol Local Gov-ernmt-n' and Housing. Mr. Khaw k 1 B h
    118 words
  • 55 14 Inspector is accused of aiding robber JOHORE BAHRI' Tue.« A upeci n 'I" 1 8 > ::h harbourmc K.- bin Ha Hn-.«.,.n. w!ir!l K mim h»d eoaunittcd untied rubbory a: tht Airx Bhl ive<\ Kaaum bctwprn 11 pm am Ncn 1« at ■o B- J Dalam with Hie Intel
    55 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 62 14 Gonatatulatlons AVERY LAURENCE (S) LTD. m •V^ rff*^^ B -.-A'- MP* jk £^l m w^"^S _^^^k^Bm^F g^ M»3|f jd^k\ ffc -^g^atfa^L^L^awifV*^^^^ *2l ■^J*** o*^0 We are proud to have been entrusted w^*^ with the fabrication and erection of their plant. AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIES LTD. ENGINEERING-MANUFACTURING BONDED PROCUREMENT m o#m »iii
      62 words
    • 84 14 BEST WISHES to AVERY LAURENCE (S) LTD., on the occasion of the olful.ll opening of their factory in Jurong by the Acting Prime Minister and Finance Minister Dr. Goh Kcng Swcc. I BAEY KIM SWEE CO., (PTE.) LTD., 57-59, Kollong Rood, P.O. Box 233, Singapore. Tels: ***** ***** Suppliers of
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  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 56 14 Bugs Bunny By Ralph Heimdahi i m;va petumia i 1 told pc busvXtmas I I'D MEET MAA HEREI r^- CLEANINS I OtCXt/l 1 *C-T\/T 1 Orl vWXJSEi J I'LL c^l jffiv) \pc3k:v gets Kthebes cobwebs 1 Kip you \\V ON TH'CEILIN'/OUST AhJVTHING ELSE^Iwy •si Nffi' ON' TH' PICTURE v*-
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 62 15 t— m m m MM fßsßaS£ GENERAL AGENTS FOR: AIR FRANCE ROYAL AIR CAMBODGEgg Congratulations Best Wishes to AVERY -LAURENCE (SPORE) PTE. LTD. on the occasion of their official opening at 17, Tractor Road, Jurong Industrial Estate from Xl AN <0 GWAN We are proud to have supplied and installed
      62 words
    • 479 15 LV a^aH I've got on« lighter mad* out of two Victorian pannt— It's never worked. I've got another that cott $1. That went lor a week. I've got three Oriental Jobs that only need a little servicing— which I can't get. I've got a lighter with a wick like a
      479 words

    • 519 16 Another whisky is launched on local market gINGAPORE*S infanl electronic and electrical indiislry will inovc inlo c«n important phase of expansion earlv next vear witli frcsli capital from America and Hong Kong Informed sources reveal that at least flve piant American ttrms and several
      519 words
    • 243 16 Singapore nas Been chosen as the startum point tor the industrial expansion into the Far East by Australia's biggest trading and Industnal concern The executive dirrrtor ol Gollin and Company. Melbourne. Mr Keith Galr, revealed this when he arrived last week for exploratory talks with
      243 words
    • 238 16 Two more directors appointed \|H UmtJ V r Chia ana aTI Im he Abu Balcar Maiuin. hts been appointed to the Board n! Direcois of LPE Singapore Ltd Their appointmeiu.s were announced recently by Mr A c Burton fh.uriiian of LPE International 'Asia* Ltd. and LPg Btnnporc Ltd jointly with
      238 words
    • 173 16 r!E high living standards and developments in this region has made Singapore and Malaysia one of the most attractive markets for quality carpets in the Fai Following the boom In the building industry and modern sophisticated trends, demand has been Inneasine contlnuou-lv. said Mr B Nahon. export sale*
      173 words
    • 185 16 Fishing net training in Japan FUSAN Fishing Net Manufacturing, Bhd., Port Swettenham. in arcordance with its stall development policy has sent two of its employees, Mr. Mok Chuan Lim, 28. and Mr. Lee Sang Wah, 22, both technical assistants in the company to Nagoya, Japan, where they will get further
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 398 16 You get more P^i I than machines f opNc 1 from IBM Ma&YTr^aUai /v»>U get BBHiWHUL all the help W LWgm y° u nee^ Whether you arc getting the largest System/360 Help from IHM Education Centers where you and computer or the smallest punched card system, IBM M>iir personnel learn
      398 words
    • 116 16 Valued and used b, leading pharmaceutists of Europe, America and Asia. Tibetan medicines can row be supplied by V/O MEDEXPORT'of USSR, one of the world! iirst countries to export Tibetrin medicinjl products. 1 1 H Ittms available include: --'^^k ANTLERS (reserved) of spotted deer, -'^a^a^aaa^ Siberian stag and i;ubr PANTOCRIN
      116 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 864 17 LUIPPQOL iHD OTHER UK COMINENIAI KOtls '**> Sans p S'h.m Bil PI Dte 1 Dtc •'ICHAON I'll S 1 3I viRMIDON "21 OK I i» IM| S Hi s •>•« On 11/ 1 sap S g I jbb"- p en .i ULTHYBIUS U 14 JbjZ^mT- -2 CUCHAS Sl a, S
      864 words
    • 1367 17 I the E A L//yi/afs_| MMM THE EAST ASIATIC COMPANY Ltd Incorporatad in Denmark MMM EXPRESS SAILINGS TO GENOA NORTH CONTINENT/SCANDINAVIA H rkM Nrm -nn 1 (ionaa R'rjam H'burs Aarhus C'hagen PASADENA 1; Sum ll Pirt 21 Nn It/ 1 lit 1 lan 11 Im IS Jm II Jm II
      1,367 words
    • 1277 17 WgM^^MaaaaaaMaaaaaaaaaaffj^B^fl^T7MTßT>jT^Ba^T^?Tt^B B -*'*""'a»^"a^aßßßßßßßß^»*4a*Vk*Jrfrt«M*Wa>ln«l*fcia**4»a#M»** EXPRESS SERVICE TO LONOON LIVERPOOL i CONTINENTAI PORTS. DCiiirm a »j fw Liverpool In 15 1 BENKITLAN Hi-D U r, m 11 Sinnpon P. Sham Penani Rotterdam Fit 4 Btl 1/ I Ml 7/11 Dec 11/11 Antwtrp Ft* I BENARMIN >» g- gfi Sinnpon P. Shim Pirun|
      1,277 words
    • 1136 17 w^ KLAVENESS LINE l^X LHlmi ttr LOS ANSELES, SAN FRANCISCO. VANCOUVEk Alsi acctitui carte ftr Ceitral S South Aainci Singapc'l S hirp Jut L Anitfj BOUGAINVILLE JB Nt« 1 Dec till Die II 111 SUNNYVILLE 27/2* Otc II 11 Otc II FM BRONXVILLE 27/2* 111 II 11 111 II Mir
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 1138 18 Vr— KAWASAKI KISEN KAISHA LTD. I I Western Australia Singapore Japan Servtc* aan Mai DM Nagon Y'hami KoM •Iriimti Mara' 23, 31 Dec I la* II laa 11 iaa la ua West /\inca Singapore /Japan Service V »ri Kooa I -Ofumark Mi-u' 3 5 lan Ii 2S laa Fel 7
      1,138 words
    • 878 18 AUSTRALIA NEW 2EALANO SERVICJ INDIA PAKISTAN AND FAR EASI SERVICES Fat: Pt. Aim. Ins.. Svl.. Mcl Ti: Nagauttnaa iaa Miaris. Pen» n| JELUNCA IS Dec it II Dec U 21 Dec »lULA 11 I Oec S Ore i Oic triii One. L»tt Wen.. »ic«.. Ins RAIULA 14 It laa 17
      878 words
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    • 439 18 CAROLINE Hair-salon facials fashions Miss Caroline Tan wishes to acknowledge har warmest thanks to oil her friends and guests who have helped to moke the grand opening a great success. Acknowledgement olso to Moutrie (Private) Ltd., and the suppliers of the exterior and interior decoration. Caroline Boutique and Salon will
      439 words

  • 134 19 SINGAPOR HARBOUR WMARWI* OR EXPECTED TODAY ARE: Oriaoul virm 8 T. r>:nino<>r S. Sail> \t».r«k in 11, I Maru 40 tl. Hrmannorn Hani N.W, l I srramrang W 4 HIPS IN THE ROADS AS AT A M. ON NOV Ih: martin.. Oo;<1<t lalasd, X..-I Ratu \.in \mx
    134 words
  • 155 19 Most gold issues ease MTm MELBOI'HNE moved higher bUt mo-! «,»id |Vs;,. l.ikr-»ir>, loci |0 IPI ls at Mfio I mperor 3u conn, at $2.50 gei early but ':eclUied to the CSOOe MeUI K»p| i losed 4li cent.s better at $6 70 »!l*r a high ol »7. North Kal i
    155 words
  • 339 19 Exchange rates T<HK A.swlatlon o f Banks In Malaysia Singapore announced the following bent agreed ■spot delivery rates to merchants yesterday 1> 1 to tha "luivaiml or on» unit of rorrim eurr»n. v Landan Starling paimm selling Tf w^:: Auitiahan Dalian: »,ll,n, IT auytaa tt auaaa, o!> SSSks****** 1 tanth
    339 words
  • 68 19 V'llottlnc October nihber crops are notified mil In Ibi: RenU ifißPim d .leram Kuan. Un 124. 00P ih Kundnnc Tanjonx r«u (o. .>KT OOfl !b Menlakab 117.000 Ih aim Sunfei Ra(an 2270nn lb. I nited MtIBUB lb \<.rr >l«lrk ]>\WH lb.. Leone Him San ltd. 108.431 Ib. and
    68 words
  • 83 19 Outputs from the eMate mines In th» Kumpulin Guthnr Sdn. Berhad for October iind for the year lo d»te in bmrkel.s Won rubber .group) 12.n»("ino Ib. 1103,970 ono lb > irxiiMcln honofl lb ..i«2.nun lb>. palm oil 'groupi 2.855 tons 125 020 tOOlt, lOiiMidei 1 478 ton* 111.401
    83 words
  • 33 19 RUBBER AND TIN CLOSING PRICES Noy. 2«. KIKKKK PRICE: 58} rrnt> tup a quarter nf a cent). TIN PRICK: S.VI7 Ml (up SI). I>l linatl-d nil ri ni); Jill ti.nv (up 1.% tons)
    33 words
  • 291 19 rTHr: f. >!l(»\» me M of selected 1 Mala\Man Industrial \leld» Is based OB last ol N»v 22 laialion purpatal. kvarasa tro»» livirtrno >ir;n < par I crnll. «,roaa aarnin^a FIOM taajtion purpoaas. Ahh« <roaa <li\idrn<l >:t;rt 5.6 par crnt i I r*r .r-ntj. •P Prica, 'O
    291 words
  • 52 19 'MINESE Prof:i*«a Eichana* Smaaya<tarday. Coiniit oil. t. ti. ara, li'irn Capra M:t»<l .'o i Nov r>». IK < rm' M. p»p o .r m r aarHra i < l.« i, ASIA $11') »H|.t« Il00« HIM liniiinii Cacamit Oil Millara' Asia. ciatinn Brtßßtl NO* Ml nrum lan. l«ll»»
    52 words
  • 426 19 DBPRI a drop ot £18 per ton In the 3 months forward buyers' price In London on Monday afternoon the Straits tin price in penang was up one dollar to $597.50 per plcul The local market was reported steady with support
    426 words
  • 223 19 yo\r\in,K i.r.t v ,»h, r«bh,, f.o.h. hii.r,. rln.rd at .I p.m. m Singapnie and Kuala l.umpur trvlerriai at .Ml rent* per Hi up a quarter nf a rent on Monila>\ closing lerel. Thr Inlif mi quirt K \S. and MXI riming,. In rrnti per
    223 words
  • 31 19 I in London an Monday Malayan |S per rent el f UK North I iropean ba»lr poiu In bulk Oe\ Nm «>. un.-hanued Previous biiMnea* nan at 1(11 l>er ton
    31 words
  • 28 19 Hnm Kniu vmrroat IM O I O«l--l«r quoted ai 111 T.T. «n<i i*i li.r tain. Ittrlins »o- ■>»""* at i« anil mm mi al sold Ki-i
    28 words
    • 1114 19 Share prices easier on profit -taking pROFIT TAKING after the recent upsurße on the Stock Exchange of Malaysia and Singapore resulted in prices generally being a little easier yesterday. Twenty industrials were down, 5 properties and 7 hotels. Dealings in hotels and properties showed a further contraction. Limited bank operations
      1,114 words
    • 309 19 \l OVEM E N T S OF SMARC PRICfS BASED ON A COM. THE SINGAPORE AND KUALA THE »TOCK EXCHANGI VISTCROAY WERE: INDUSTRIALS: A, MA I— r. Ban A Co I I rental. Barnaa Barhad rrn«al, C „,nrh i. C.O.M. 1 MaUl, Ounlop i» 2 rrtmi.
      309 words
    • 13 19 1.8M.00n It. In O,'nh w ,S 1.MH.043 li, m September
      13 words
    • 974 19 Bl *l\l»s IN AN|» RM'llK I 111 1111 >I\(.AI > OKI (Mi KIM A 1.1 Mil K TRADI INO ROOMS OF THI. Mill K r\l lIAM.I M-lll.H-^ WITH ihi mnm m -mmi11. 13 II 14.0 12 m 11 mm I- 1 la li. "'"'l J- I--0 B.n
      974 words
    • 26 19 liulu-lnah: ULfl ULM 1-Miprltl.s I.l I'l IM H I ins HJt tfrnbb.iv ItXM IIII.M l>.. ii UN 1««. in i js. i»«2 B »«a
      26 words
    • 462 19 INDUSTRIALS M.'MA 'M Horn... K»rhad 1.73 X-. <V ftmcarii Ml CX M. ..Ida 1 M 0 K Holdmia M Ilimini. 3 Kail Smplt "ft K A I L' M r^.n nrda I •'.ipo. 1.4* Kii/patrirka 2 So P. N iammnn I.*o Oajaanl u>imr»r I 17 g i.f«
      462 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 255 19 O PLESSEY upward trend continues Turnover up 14.1% Record pre-tax profits up 15% Profit forecast for 1969 up 21% to f 19.25 m Results for first two months this year up 22% and 24% Electronics Group exports doubled Garrard exports 80% Plessey takes major stake in ICL Major entry into
      255 words

  • 16 20 MR AND Mils N. THURAIRA lASINGAM 01 n stall THE FAMILY Ol -In lat* H
    16 words
    41 words
  • 11 20 A RAJOO (SAFA) HBMIfI away a* home ii rdu Cremato-
    11 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 1499 20 I »"«iomio«w«iT Tmi™«"iti[" »il!evWt«!(Msi^HwTu»»ciiv IS 0lf i s iii HS t f I s I Rite Mihum* HI/ 1 <i n BBj BaWtßa '5 cli. I It fflw VwM >« Miwhk V 6/ 1* 15 M* IK» MM «r< (1 Mft SUj.lj T«ts I.i MS* ca*.e HM* ACCOMMODATION VACANT vi,...,
      1,499 words
    • 678 20 TWO ITOREV BUNCALOW !> Bed'ooma 3 Buthrooma. Living and Dm- I. n-ioo.n. Hall 18, Lettia Koad ton t rlukit limah P.outi. H BUMS. No s i MUM s w>re Batsaa I COLDHILL D STOREY, T home ,11, J-t.alhroomn. haH. I iMlurt ptttlavcl hall- IfJriRS.. ptrVßOl* quarli-i-. mo»H liarUtm urn Batata
      678 words
    • 518 20 UNSATISFACTORY RESULT In tour n- Kxam? At now. enaurr Ul«tin«- ion in Type«ntin«, Bookkeeping, lun all aiasaa Wr TI afataia Koad lore 211-1 ENCLUH CLASSES OATE OF '.OMMENLCMENTi M Daeaaaaar, iwsn DAYS A TIME: Head im 7 p.m.- > nu p m Fridatu 5.311 pm— l p.m. OURATION OF COURSE:
      518 words
    • 613 20 WANTED j SECOND HAND Child! water akl. r,, pnone 231 Sagll. PETS WANTEB I 5 BULL TERRIER WANTED Baaj h "K i.' H.»^le Pointer. or Ijlhrador I 1.,- yirf>d hene. Telephone s pi.rei ntU ktlaa r.iv "TuWture ADRIAN'S lor I' r*UrßrtUT* <,f llatlartloa 12a Biter Valley Koad. «T4. ™CANE FURNITURE
      613 words
    • 559 20 1*44 A/MINI M MINI xuper m».i 'AnKlia l»«4 y tOO 19«3 M/ItOO I ftliil 1981 K/Anc'.la J»5« K/1100. 2*i I iddle Road. Spore *****. 1437 OPCL KAPITAN Tip-top eon- I tion. new tyrea. View at 24. i-ea venue. S pore. Rinn Mr. Oil r pore I I'liMiHß after 4..W pm.
      559 words
    • 276 20 AT YOUR SERVICE •TK-OTTSt ii? VS. el. s pore »:.51U. OIAS CONTRACTOHI. TUa, H» ■/"ahim-t. Tel rTPSraI I MARY SPRAY ramttng. f'P*'™ at cu.Momer a houn*. ;ore> 3iUi:i. FAIR LAOY SOCIAL ESCORT r.ffera i-nter' n >oi )«K. ENCINEER DRAWINO REPRODUCTION PLAN PRINTING UOCUMENT COPVINQ MOTION SMITH A MM LTD. 13
      276 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 553 21 C ||m LTD. I Mlvlt. Applications tor lh* following pott* ELECTRICAL CONTRACTS ESTIMATOR Experience: At least 5 years in preparing climates tor Industrial and Commercial Installations. Qualification!: Diploma in Electrical Engineering. ELECTRICIANS Experience: At least 5 years in Electricol Contracting Work in Industrial ond Commercial Installations. Additional experience on Switchgta'
      553 words
    • 583 21 AN INTERNATIONAL COMPANY I requires Salesmen with: a) Experience in selling Food, Soaps, Cos- < merics, Pharmaceutical or Hardware. b) Experience in selling to Hotels. Hospitals, Schools and Building Operators. Vehicles will be provided. Send a written application with recent photographs to P.O. BOX 2636. SINCAPORE, not later than November
      583 words
    • 373 21 NOTICES J.K.R. NOTICE TO WATER CONSUMERS IN KUALA LUMPUR AREA. The public are hereby notified hat due to essential work to be i anted out on the trunk main at Jalan Raja Muda. Kuala Lumpur, here will be an interruption of »ater supply between the hours of 3.00 am and
      373 words
    • 325 21 NonCLb BATU LINTANG RUBBER COMPANY BERHAD (Incorporated In the States of Malaya) 1 NOTICE OF MEITING AND DIVIDEND. i NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN that the Forty-fifth Annual I I Oeneral Meetlnt of the company will be held at the Registered Office. Chartered Bank Chambers. Beacli Street, PenanK. on Saturday the
      325 words
    • 414 21 NOTICES NOTICES i fr a MORTGAGEE'S SALE OF This Is to advise that Mr. David K Wan Kuen. Sa.e^an. Mas rt 63 A r r c 8 r O4 Va^ > f 1 R °^9 8 > I Xeft the employ of this Company Leasehold, is from 26th November 1968
      414 words

    • 578 22 LONDON. Tues. a Iduo.ouj scheme to thwart a possible takeover of English soccer dub Aston Villa by an American sports corporation was announced last night by a consortium ol live British businetsmi An oil 1 1 1 .1 Chiefs' aoccer lean Mid <>v Saturday th>'
      578 words
    • 125 22 Till I A oi Malaysia Mill reviru thrir |>olicv toward- teams irom (uniiii 'ii'st en ntries pga)) me Ml Ml ilav ian trams !In a ill hi 1 on Hie atenda for the council .in .tnm in Kuala Lumpur on Jan. 5. At picsi'iit IcaRM Irom
      125 words
    • 151 22 STAY ON APPEAL TO DATO HARUN "lit r A or Sciangor ineil wtll apptal Ir proideiu Datu Un rtajl Idri.s. to re*conaMtf hi* a< i-. >t i Ign. Da Harun H B been i,. ii th I ai.n. meed n:--p R..m.tM i. We ki H irua is a m to
      151 words
    • 1164 22  - Thunder Court sparkles EPSOM JEEP By Stipe's report '^HINDER COURT, a iour-year-old by Coronation Boy, has improved since his first appearance at Kuali Lumpur and is one tor your i ote-book at the Bukit Timah meeting which opens on Saturday Thunder Court appeared eager to gallop when worked by jockey
      1,164 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 872 22 AUCTION SALE OF VMI\RII s|Ni.\rOßE riinri i; i ii s T« he held in our wleroum N«a. 14 A l« Ri.hinsnn Ringaean UN 111 l KM>\Y. IllH N(IM MHI K. IS6B at P.m. No >AD Freehold Area 4 Mfl i M Kent *48-l.i A: 361 THOMSON Id Area 748
      872 words
    • 333 22 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION SINCAPORE iIM .I i.l II lis OF LONDON INn |1U II \\ll\ AMOVS Iggg c rxxmina--v ill lie lecelved ai the Examination* Division of the Kaj Siant ipon 'in 2nd I>. ember la 20th December ISIiK Bundayi anil Hr>li(!ii\-i [ran i Hii.ildate.s »ho >• Identiu Cards and
      333 words
    • 738 22 TENDERS MAJLIS BANDARAN JOHOR BAHARU PKMBKRITAHr TAWAKAM I\S| RAN TAHIN Tauaran oda-lah di-iielawa keiHiia ienl« tnsuran] rang beiikut bagl lahun Iggl iAi Kenderaan M;> lis Baridaran iVehulesi iB) Sat, i hati pekeiji<2 Workmen rompenMiioni. <Ci Jamlnan Amanah dirt i Fidelity Guarantee i lD> Keselamntan wang dalam perjalanan iCash In Transit
      738 words
      37 words

    • 692 23 By ERNEST I Kill A INDONESIA TOLD: PAY UP THOMAS CLP DEBTS OR ELSE... Jakarta. Tues.—ln- doncsia have been told they cannot compete in next years Thomas Cup unless debts outstanding from the last Thomas Cup finals played here in 1967 have been settled. The chairman
      Reuter  -  692 words
    • 178 23 more incentive prize AnnPDO DV UTDAIO Or T EKb BY P IKMo iiiK part in tiit SlM'iju Malaysian National Mo-tor-racing championships. ber J8 and 29. nave bef>n onr-rod additional casn incentives by firms add to the r none* ol succeaalul compi Ming IU fuel and
      178 words
    • 101 23 VELANGOR Rusby Union M* *J lectors last night short Ihlecl 10 forwards (or the Malay» Cup north zone play-off against Prrak at the Kuala Lumpur Padu! k un Saturday. The final pack «ill br mtmtti tomorrow after a (ull team prart.ce at the Varsity jrouiidi at Pantai
      101 words
    • 147 23 TRIESTE Turs Aostr.ihan p n Wtnklra drlvtag a Volvo H4S l< i the Uriel m urn lo.oou-m.:< 1 1 ndon to B; Rally Into I llm ii ait ii .ill 98 coapeti.l in thr runmnii. S. nv 2,i(l drivrrv imm 14 mun:: < m n dlff<
      147 words
    • 435 23  -  MANSOOR RAHMAN I always clear why the whistle went... what the referee saw and we didn't' By IT'S TIME our rugby referees have a uniform code of easy-to-understand signals so that spectators can follow the game. How oftrn have mt been loft
      435 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 41 23 BISMA REX ANTACID POWDER OuicKly relieves the discomfort 0f Excessive gastric acidity Sour Stomach Indiyestion Heartburn Flatulence and Wind SAFE PPOMPT. EFFECTIVI Pil ASA'.T TASTING Also available Bisma Rex Antacid Tablets. Sole Agents COLD STORAGE (M) LTD., Pharmaceautical Division, Singapore Malaysia.
      41 words
    • 281 23 Er^fl BBBBBBM 111 BBBBB^VI '^aaVi^aBBBBBBV idKP JB^afti If laaaat^ '«aT **^Bt dy The FM Special i CLbbbbbT^^bbbbbbbV s ra^' os iwo silicon transistors, but when yoj find f five of fern js rie others) in a small Dortable with FM you can c pretty s re someth ng s unusual.
      281 words
  • Page 23 Miscellaneous
    • 35 23 R! <■(.» K Tour match II purr i .lon. l be: .1 1 I W" s'. HOI Xl V Vpoir Lge Div. 1: i Thomson Rd' Malacca k». •>rmi-final rrpla>: Kilat v NUT iMC Rround i.
      35 words
    • 59 23 IKX XXV ! c League: PSC 2 Port Onnmi.-Mon 0 C. Kedah k.o. iSc Patani. Chinooks 4 Baling Club 1. Tf. Mallm 6-a-»id»: College "A" 2 Jollvlads 1 SO(( ER Klu.n, Lrimit Dlv. 1: 7S Aircraft "A" 5 2 6 Gurkhas 4: Dlv. 2: Supply 2 Kluang E.M 1: CAHS
      59 words

  • 147 24 DOGS ON GUARD AS REYNOLDS GOES TO COURT LONDON. Tuei Police doga guarded tl i ranee.-, to the tiny courthouse In Unslade when accused great tram robber Bruce Reynolds made his third court .i|>pearance since being arr> month. Pot the Jirst time the public was allowed to see the handsome
    147 words
  • 41 24 Business again at the Paris Bourse TRADERS and brokers iiisi<kthe Paris Bourse on Monday, ;is trading resumed on the exchange after nearly ;i week. The reopening followed Hif government's an* nouncentenl that it would not <lc\;ilik- the franc. I I'l photo.
    41 words
  • 318 24 Bonn 'cut exports 9 drive likely to get full backing BONN. Iwc* The Bun( Was r\|li i led to kirn' meru helmini: approval to eaaergeatty legislation to cut thr mutMvr of payments surplus here. fropoM-cl turnover ta\ adjustments ill ratal tiie price of West drrnun exports by three
    318 words
  • 88 24 Ship for S'pore in rescue drama IJONG KONG, Tu.'.s. A Sinuaporebound ship returned here today to deliver rive survivors of a disabled Taiwan trawler pirked up about 100 miles from here yesterday. Bem*lnne», which sailed from Horui K«mg on Sunday, resumed her jour.;ter turning thi survivors and the trawler chul
    UPI  -  88 words
  • 71 24 I.ONPON. Tuev -Spot 215 16(1 Jan 2l\d. Feb. 217 ltid Man!) 21 -d Jan Miir 21 7 lHd., April June 215 ltkl July Sept. 213 16d.. Ocl Dec 211 16d Jan. e h 20 15 lfcd April June 2U 15 18d July Sepl 20 T .d.. Ocl Dec.
    71 words
  • 26 24 LONDON. Tur- -Buyers £KIBH i Eli. £138! l wind buyer* £1384 C4>, sellers E138.) i- £4 1. Seltlemenl £1379 i— £36. Turnover am. 460 tons.
    26 words
  • 313 24 LONDON. TUM Thrre w;is h general dullness about I lie London stock niarkr' today kltlMUfll !>■- ductrtkl leader- tended to weather the downtrend fairly well Towards the dOM, thr FT Index ni down JJ a' 478 :t on small selling In a i-elu lively thin market There wrre
    313 words
  • 216 24 Sterling bounces back to its pre-crisis level LONDON. Tues. Sterling bounced back to its pre-crisis level when dealings started on the inn Iga exchange market today. Ih:' pound waa quitted at U552.3857. compared Vita s.'.'.xi'i last niiihl. I'he new rate is '.VI points hlghet than when the international monetar\ crisis
    216 words
  • 123 24 KUALA LUMPUR, Tiles. Malaysia today gave the Japanese Government the green Huht to carry out a survey to miprove navigation in the Straits of Malacca The coat "t the survey, which Is estimated to be ab(;;it SI million, will be borne
    123 words
  • 29 24 JOSEPH OHO .1. KIM Ltl. 1 M i S L OANAPALAN 1 K D M I I I liMR OH BOON CMVI 1 im a a p m.
    29 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 34 24 Congratulations and best wishes to AVERY -LAURENCE (SINGAPORE) LTD.\\ j on the occasion of their official opening of their plant at Jurong Town. from KONG PRESS 571. COMMONWEALTH DRIVE. SINGAPORE-3. I MS MM *i
      34 words
    • 86 24 Late LASSIFIEDS 00 wor&i (minim > 1 %P^ will last you longer 4 aW* V Ma^iaAV^*—^ ■T\ DELLW SPI- STANDARD SCBI 3O 3 floating HPHO9 3 oat-g SCBO6O. T.-.o H e-ey heads, pop-up heads, co ed cord. heads, se -corr.i ro Inawner, coiled cord, voltage aCaptor. f.xed heaa c.
      86 words