The Straits Times, 26 November 1968

Total Pages: 24
1 24 The Straits Times
  • 24 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 175,000 The Straits Times National Newspaper IsUI. 1845 TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1968 13 CENTS KDN. 3104 M.C. (P) 0014
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  • 723 1 Better money all round The pressure eases ZURICH. Monday THERE was an across-the-board improvement in all major currencies on the foreign exchange market here today as pressures eased after last week's major crisis. The French franc lifted Irom its dollar floor level of 4.9740 for Ihe firsl time in several
    Agencies  -  723 words
  • 339 1 Onslaught on Labour squeeze LONDON. Monday TI I K Isi ilisli < ioverninenl will face lierct opposition lo its latesi austerity measures when Parliamenl debates tin- economic situ ation later today. Amid contin here of another European money Labour MP.s have been .summoned to an emergency meeting of their Parliamentary
    Reuter  -  339 words
  • 32 1 PARIS. Moi here ha\e performed two new heart grafts, the sixth and seventh In France. It was announced here today. There was no news of their condition. Reutei
    Reuter  -  32 words
  • 38 1 BANGKOK. Mon— The Thai Government will lift some provi.sions of the martial law neu week to allow candidates to campaign freely for the general election-, in February. Prune Mini*lt'. Field Marshal Tun Thanom Kittikachom said today.
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  • 476 1 L' U A L A LUMPUR. Mon. Tht 1 head of Rothmans of Pall Mai! (If) Ltd.. Mr John M Brown, has bi<-!i promoted managing director of C inrerai Ltd.. the British tobacco u'lant It is
    Reuter  -  476 words
  • 39 1 BANGKOK. Mon Bu*pected North Vietnamese-trained Meo tribesmen wiped out village defence post northern Thailand lan week, killing two Thai army MTftantl and eight defence volunteers, the Prime Minister, Field Martha] Thanom Kltttkachurn. said today Reuter.
    Reuter  -  39 words
  • 44 1 SYDNEY Mon —Fire gutted a textile plant here today, causing damage estimated at over As 3 million. The plant, the main distribution centre for Felt and Textiles Ltd. was rocked by explosions duiinic the height '.if the blaze. Reutrr
    Reuter  -  44 words
  • 42 1 VIENIIANh. %!< I. A Charj tered An America C-46 nansport. «r:i J8 people aboard. omahad hm' BavannaklMt today. Theie was no immediate word on casualties A IS gakMaj said the plane «a- cariyniK US. .ihl peisoune! and supplies. UPI
    UPI  -  42 words
  • 66 1 Jackie: A bald protest FRANKKI R 1 Mon Ftaulein Marllese Klt-m. .i j: -year-old Inn-keepei. lias shaven ctt her hair In pnitMt what she termed the M tfiafU*Ull| liaison" of former Jacqueline Kennedy with Oteek shipping magnate Aristotle Owauli She said that she will remain I bald-headed either until her
    Reuter  -  66 words
  • 53 1 KUALA IX'MPUR. Mon The body of Peace Corps volunteer Mr John S Beckner who drowned while swimming in the sea near K lala Trentcganu. was MM to the I'nlted States tonight The director of the Peac* Corps here. Mr. t John Plnceth. said the body
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  • 67 1 BANKS DEAL AGAIN IN SINGAPORE, .Mon. Singapore and hanks today resumed foreign exchange dealings in spot poiind sterling. I his was announced in a statement l<\ (he Association of Banks in Malaysia and Singapore "after consultation with the monetary authorities in Singapore and Bank Negara Malaysia." Dealings in other
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  • 80 1 JT h.ippt iinl moments before the take-off, as the MS iimeC was tasl-ta| to the runu.n .it Mnu.iptin- s Pa N.i l.ebar airport If i In- niisi-w hi-t I had held till rlurmt; the tak. oil it ioiilil have meant disaster for the 3*
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  • 198 1 A THAI 'NO' TO JOINT NAVAL OPERATIONS BANGKOK, Monda> Tl I All. AM) has turned down ;i Malaysian re(|iics| lor jninl Baval operations lo nil down smuggling and the movement of cominnnisl terrorists ilon^ Ihe border areas, the Thai police contmandet, lien. Praeseti Rujirawongse. s.iid lodav. But he uavt the
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  • 21 1 stNC.APORF. Mini Parli.iM Dec 3 when the Finance Minister. D: Ooh Kent Swee is expected to delher his ;>»srrh
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  • 46 1 FROIBSY iFrancf. Mon. Fourteen children died In flre at a home for reiardeo chlldi-en here uxlay us tMtgtibouts vxlnly (might the (lames with (ue extinguishes The children aged betmeen 12 »nd 14 were ti«pvie<i in ih« dormitory b> in* Dmh Reuler.
    Reuter  -  46 words
  • 222 1  - $100,000 police bail for Dr Saw RUDY BELTRAN By IH'AI.A LUMPUR, Mon.— Di. Saw Hock Chuan, who relumed from Bangkok yesterday, visited the Anticorruption Agency this morning illi his law \ri He was given SlOO,--000 police bail and told to appear in the sessions court on 1 Saturday. Dr. Saw.
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  • 4 1 >l.*nr« wen
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 37 1 A Quick Shine" in Quick Time with RE-POJ AUTO POUSH and CUANCft \mjitm~ |*<g DA-67 (D ay x. k!MYO0 aXX> MASSAGE VIBRATOR _i, „f mttKmm. ,nv .n luf ■.uoAlnia. lOrn !m4 >«fiiH.« ■•ikl«i>n. UHti il -.->*«« il SANYO
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    • 121 1 I^ sb^^^^^^^^^i. If you want to knowthe weight of a butterfly... Ask I Ks. became they have Ihe right kind oi weighing equipment for the job. I >r for ten ton truck for that matter. J\< KS supply not only industrial weighing equipment, but heavy and light engineering machinery,
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    • 214 2 Shooting incident in the Manila airport building Mwn Mob. a t us--1 ollicci .Hid a l>\st.mder were wounded jresterdaj ;i* bullets tinted through the crowded \ii port terminal In 1 1 Thi- shoettag broke out .v the entrance to the terminal' ■re-departure arc 1. 1 .iiiMiiu |> I
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    • 5 2 Kan;.. 1 Ba-
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    • 17 2 NEW YORK Man Mr X- H n ( :.<i»y id i pre-dxun Hit tlu >
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    • 27 2 Ml ISO i\\ M -rd :nt< .r:tl bnltn mmsnden. 'he; up a ■;i.< Duukl ami K^.ng niedira \p
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    • 137 2 Irene finds a way to slim as she drives To keep her weight down, she slims as "-he The electronic machine plctun n the front seat of her car s.nds Impulaea to pads whlrh she straps against her >kn; wherever she thinks she otiKht t'i lose up the miles the
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    • 165 2 Saigon to free 140 Vietcong PoWs CAK.ON. M»n. South Virtnani will release 110 Vietfong war prisoneri in what political observers retard as c<""> ture before th« possible opening of the P«rii pr.u-e talks An Information Ministry spokesman here said Saigon had also offered to release 10 rrippled North Vietnamese
      Reuter  -  165 words
    • 134 2 WASHINGTON, Mod. Mr. Richard Nixon, in his promised shake up of the State Department, may appoint Mr. Henry Cabot Lodge to replace Mr. Harriman U chief U.S. negotiator at the Paris peace talks, sources said today Mr Lodges appointment would seen |i>k'.<ml
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    • 379 2 WASHINGTON, Monday JHE r.S Defence Secretary, Mr. Clark Clifford, laid yesterday m- was convinced that Hanoi wanted a peaci f'ul settlement of tbi Vietnam war. "President lohli 0 n wants peace he said In teie\ sed Interview "It la my conviction that Hanoi
      Reuter  -  379 words
    • 9 2 EM M n I*- hmve i;nk.» .c
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    • 109 3 Nazi flag in front of Enoeh Powell's home IKMMtv Mon Demon j stratore draped .i \.i/i Hag iiutMile the home of Mi i muli Powell labovej lieu- hid.i ■^li Powell had i ome la the dciir el Ins home la i ishnin.iiiic Belgravla la coafrool wains rnni munists protesting against
      Reuter  -  109 words
    • 6 3 BEA M ii handlI
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    • 101 3 What's happening during these growing teen years en and Just entering the threshold oi teen-life. The teens are one of the best times of our lives. A time for parties when the beau of your dreams- may appear. B 10 and 17 you're growing. And when you grow you'll notice
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    • 538 3 SETBACK NOW TO NUCLEAR AMBITIONS Decision to cut expenditure on the army and varsities PARIS. Monday PRESIDENT de Gaulk- last night announced exchange controls, a cut of almost halt in the 1969 Budget deficit and tax reliel foi export industries to prove France's rmination
      Reuter  -  538 words
    • Article, Illustration
      23 3 ALL that ib happening to our country •es once again rhat life is j struj success costs effort Is victory. br".- the
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    • 63 3 IX)S ANGELES. Mun. About 5.000 vatCftuWl. mos ly ducts. dnrd to their dpatlut yfstfrday in HuoiDolcl' B.iv vrbtn a ruptured oil :.mlc \vx-r had spilled ***** smltom 01 il.f.-ri fu(. into Iht light i hi fee down tiie heavier na' oil in 'lif bird*' !i
      AP  -  63 words
    • 170 3 DARIS, Moil. Au English tourist Invented a bomb .scare to delay tin* departure oi a ferry boat that he would otherwise have missed, police said. The man vu dnvn ward^ Boulogne to l«>.ud the ferryboat Kent for the trip Bcrosi the
      AP  -  170 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 163 2 rNowgetSUPERZOOM from Super shell. More power, more miles per gallon. Supershtll turrr contains Platformati and DA I. to lit I p your car uvjiit run lutttr. Miles bitter. Superzooms better! Pliltjormaic In Skill's huge njinmts. "asolim tnoli cults an "rt shapid" into Platformati a fuel that hums ;.ith more enngv
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 207 3 CASCADE rich in vitamin C does you good AfMis: THE BOKNI O< OMPANY I. ook your prettiest for those panics and evincing balls. Drop in at fj" Handlooms where exotic, silky Mk >arcc materials, handwoven ;.nd MML L'old embroidered await your mREL -<*' m I elk lc. Handwoven >tolev towels,
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous

  • 46 4 SINGAPORE. Mon. A talk. "Approaches to the Grea'er London de:':.lll." Will be Siren by Mr. H Arm i above i. ,i tensor officer in the planning department oi the Greater i onI he Slnlapore Polytechnic's main rrow at p oa.
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  • 205 4 SINtIAPORK. Mon The Minister for I in. 1111 r. Dr. doli Keng s»rf today rieserikM Singapore'si moilern and •■iln 1. :,t abattoir as a n*d l>.isis for pork to be tanned. ■peaking al the openinc ul Malaysian Ired- mills' factor) in .luronc In- noted
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  • 182 4 SIMGAPOH'- M I!n tie adiudlcatpd fur the InterDruma Pestlva] for >6H Hnwcro'r IhcatrtClubs Dear Charlis.' by author Alan Melville This comedy maintained good pace throughout with the actor.s presenting an over-all blgt) standard of actlnn. Impressive periDrmanceN canie irum Br:;i:i Whltehead and Mike Q
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  • 414 4 SINGAPORE. Mon A DISTRICT Judge today lold a Deputy Public Prosecutor th;it his application lor week's adjournment \\;is lik<" ;iskiuj; lor lucky numbers for Tolo and hoping lo win. DPP Mr. Joseph had asked the Second District Judge. Mr. Donald Yeo Hock
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  • 131 4 SINGAPORE. Mon.— ln gay Bohemian uuwns, members of the Scene.ihifters roamed the i-lty today, handlnK nut posters to ,ittract the public to The Bartered Bride." a comic opera to be staged tomorro* at the Victoria Theatre. A *how Mralri fur !i\o minutes In the opeia
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  • 59 4 SINGAPORE. Mon Swaml Tllak Maharaj will give a series of tenure* i,, Enellsli at the Kalvana Mnndapam In Race Course Road tomorrow. TblOT* flay. Friday and Saturday All lectures start at 630 p m He will also g:ve a talk. Vlrttious life." in English at
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  • 25 4 SINGAPORE Mon The Kit} a i us Huay Kuan celebrated us 27th uuriraaanr t.*iav «ith a dinner nt iv headquai ten In Kerbau Road.
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  • 138 4 Pata meet: Singapore to make venue bid SINGAPORK Mon Singapore is expected to tend a .strong delegation to the Pacilic Area Travel Aaaoda tion conlerence In Bangkok next January, to contend for the venue of the 1972 meeting After Thailand. New Zealand and Tahiti have been named as the venue
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  • 143 4 LIBRARY OF THEIR OWN FOR 160,000 PEOPLE SINGAPORE. "Mon. The first full-time branch of the National Library, the Queenstown branch library will be completed in September next year. \\..rk on the two-MtiM-v ItuildifiK estimated to rust Sli4li.!t«o, ha* alrrc\idy begun. Many facilities Ih library. situated at M.irgarrt Drive in neishhomi
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  • 49 4 SINGAPORF. Mon Tin- annual students *a« orßani.sod hy tl.e Chjnr>*» Young Men'i Christian ciation will rake place it 7 30pm on Dec 8 So far. more than Tim ttudenU have entered for tno m-mile walk Then .ir. tow two for bojn and two for girl.s.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 248 4 ODEON OPENS THURSDAY! PALACE -She is the futuristic vamp, the very incarnation of eroticism." MALAY MAIt WSt^A JANEFoNdA S 1 RARbAREIIA > f^ Duid Hemmlncs^ iLt IHE UAPIiVt BAkuakELLA IN IHE SPACE-AUE AVIARY AT THE ODEON THEATRE. ORCHARD opens friday tOLINKA BEROVA... the new and Exciting C:ec" THE VEN6EANCE OF
      248 words
    • 116 4 No* that I've opened *MsO^ put m/ m/ 1 my big mouth about ViNll tntS mane into 'ort i^d economy wStrnW proving it HERE'SIiOWWSTAY IN COMFORT WITH J^ The Lion City Hotel is Singapore's lavish, big, new hotel where the tariffs are very reasonable. It's situated right in the heart
      116 words
    • 138 4 OPENS TODAY" "Xj/T \t**V nun b 11 1 45, 4. 6 soft •is »ii3|^r^Ttaß\ EASTWOOD \t^o9 ijjjjjjjp ''Id^ aaar J[ M TECHNICOLOft* a UIIO NEXT CHANGE m HCHNICOLOR fCI ™Un,l«lArt.sts^= a :U hj, BJ M m:', -v METROPOLE HOLLYWOOD VENUS MARLBOROUGH TODAY— ffJaW I J 30. 7ft• 30 p .m
      138 words
    • 439 4 I B I j shaw a 129 D S opimj ivjo m llam 1 4S. 4 00, 630 t 9IS a Clint Eastwood A""ie Girordot Silvono Mongono "Th« Witch.. Technicolor (United Art NEXT CHANGE Bob Hope Gina Lollobngitio Phyllis Drller "The Private a Novy Of S9I. OTorrcll" 1 Seoson Eitcndcd
      439 words

  • 296 5 A storm brews on students' donations to charities SINGAPORE Monday STORM is expected at an extraordinary meeting of the Univenity of Singapore Students' Union tomorrow over contributions tv charities. Borne underßraduatea say that some of tne charitable orcanisatiotis are ecpnomically much bettor on" than the union. Mi D.ii.ici jamfs. chairman
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  • 176 5 Two youths jailed 15 months for raping nurse KOTA KINABALU. Monday. TWO 19-year-old youths were each jailed today for IS months for raping a 22-year-Old nurse it the Royal Sabah Turf CH;b grounds on Juno 28. A 16-year-old youth in- i In the same otleni-e w i- put on probation
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  • 31 5 KUALA LUMPUR, M. n Ihe Deputy Comm .-Miner Mr J.J Ha' Sr «ill visit Contingent Police Hcadqu.irter.N i-n MCk on police nis in connection with the forthcoming general election.
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  • 21 5 KUALA IX'MPUR Mnn. \!Kiul Rahman uill be Ball at tlv':'' Hall. Parliament 8 30 |i m 'he Blind
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  • 84 5 j^UALA LLMPL'R. Mon. The Federation of Family Planning A-ssocla- OS v i nxious to appoint a medical director to create greater unlfonnitjr of action ulc to the activities Ol Mie 11 state association*, in L.B Bodbjr. me |>rr-:dent ol ihe Federation
    84 words
  • 83 5 Traffic lights to help cyclists, trisha riders MALACCA. M'in. CycllSU »nd tr--lia riders have been Mtdtwd in the prupiiM-d insiuliaiiun ol the $20,000 traffic light system at the River&ide roundabout here. Unlike other traffic light sy.vtems. the thin metal strips which will be l.ud arrow roads a few feet before
    83 words
  • 279 5 Xi i UMPUR, II Ton count) the Kir intracl Bndise champion held at the Merlin here, beIndonesia. Thailand. S:: A.H> ..pp:nos and M i are enteri an open and a f .tin while i .wll bo represented only by open teams coman average
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  • 20 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Mom. The annual of thr Public Works Department (or l c .»'i4 was published today.
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  • 200 5 $20.000 buy-out price too much, says Dato Piilai ITI'ALA Ll'MPl R. Mon. Thr prt-Milfiu of the Senior (Joyernment OlTicrrV Avsociition. Uato <Dr.) R. P. Pillai. today (lex rih«-d .is far too tnurh the S-'O.OOO lixfd by thf Government ror a doctor on a Colombo Plan .scholarship to "buy" himself out
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 25 5 TASCADK rich in vitamin C does you good Afjfnts 1\ |E in )MPANY H|r~ build mf STRENGTH WITH YIKELP VIKELP r Agents THE BORNEO COMPANY-
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  • 106 6 6 women, 12 men held in raid on IPOH. Mon Police raided a bungalow in Tiger Lane hi Saturday night and detained six women and 12 mi The women, wh range fr m 17 to 43 years. appeared bfiorp a mag:strato yesterday rv ordered I r d under far* Dppirtment.
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  • 324 6  - GLOBE-TROTTING GRANDMOTHERS BID A SAD FAREWELL OW WCI ME) by tINCiAPORE. Mon tst the lour English flob*--irottlDg uiaiidniDihers and :heir spinster friend. the ion of roughing it in t«" Land Rovtrs across I *-<mp o| the most rx-auu-ful places in th* world." has t nded. B'lih excit.'d and a Mttlt
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  • 44 6 ITNAVG MM The P-»-e lalmmic Tlthw Ommrff maied inday that about tIMi.OOO «r, u ;d be collected from MuMim.v n FVnang mid Prmincf Wellm>lev thLv y«ar Th» nifnev uiil be dirrib'Hed tci the fXKir and the needy fi.r their Hart Raya
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  • 40 6 KANGAR. Mon The M-»ntrl Br.sii-. T«n Sri Shukh Ahmad. du-tributrd text-books to th» prinnpal* of 60 schools at a erremony In the St»t* AAiembly chamber toduv The b.wks »re a g;U from th« Crntral Government
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  • 31 6 PFNANO M-n SI NleboUi Hobm and lehool fur •hr Biinri will iT'ld hi annual eOUBtn M BAgon .If ma I Rn»d i n Frirtiy and Saturday I night*.
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  • 302 6 Instant homes for 240 families SINGAPORE. Monday THE Housing Board and the Social Welfart Department have completed in record time one of the biggest relief and re-housing operations in recent yeaTS for -.000 fire victims. Within 24 nours of the Bukit Ho Swee fire on Saturday afternoon, the board found
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  • 128 6 Soviet study offer for local trade unionists LI \l 1.1 MI'IR, Mon. _ihr Soviet Trade I nion Institute in NHW> -..tit I provide training facilities to Mataystaa trade unionists, a So\iet trarip unionist <<aid here laiaj Mr Srrt'-i drjchfv. secretary of the central committee of the \ut<> MStfll Transport and
    Bernama  -  128 words
  • 24 6 .InHOKE BAHRf M Minuter of Education. Irv .:v Mabaned Kh;r ,?'-h«r will mwr U Tem»ncB''nf tbrahtni Teachers' Trmtnuig here r>n Der 1
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  • 16 6 v The Chief 1 line of :b» Stree- i< Saturday. A cocktail parv l
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 218 6 Whether you travel a lot or you're planning a first flight it's nice to leave it all to someone who knows. i .^^S^lb i^i^B^^ W^F tm^j'^X mm t M >Lv EJt 1i fIX j flcT 9 ■BflßflßflßflßflßflsHflß ~S tt. bBH flsflsf CJI Je« 9| .MflfceV "^V^ nr; "*L^-^pf «H fIV
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    • 15 6 rich in vitamin C ilovH you good •IKIIUM J^^L Agents: TH I. BOR> lEO COMPANY
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  • 108 7 The case for calling hydrogen 'hidrogen' K l.\i. A LUMPUR. 1X Mun. The Proul Pathology In Diversity 01 inla, Prof. Sutomo TJokronegoro, aa 1 d today that be «vi in favour of adapting International Into the Malay- Language. Words like anai mla can ...a hydrogen b '.m kalsium. I 'In
    Bernama  -  108 words
  • 16 7 I.LMI'I K M d W no r m today to Dec 6 10 MfiLxiurne
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  • 230 7 Divorce for a wife accused by husband of using charms on him KUALA LUMPUR, Monday. A HUSBAND'S suspicion that his wife was usiny "charms" on him contributed to the failure ol their marriage, tin Hi,L;h Court told today. The court was hearing a petition by a hairdresser. Foo Juat Lee.
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  • 99 7 S'pore Manila deal by two big hotels to woo tourists VV.AI'OKK. I.l'Ai -I I. B a pp^ip.'*. Mr Dan k c rtei. accompan manage] Mi Antonio A. B Jr. are i. al tourlit),. "We p ':)]»> a>oi travel tgenta and your Toui Promc n I) t,j pr.i--ml■ t more tii
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  • 21 7 SINUAI'(JI(K M..i I 1 r ■»n<] are been 1 mm u<i with nun.l)''r 1 I r.»btyrir>s in nn.ntli-
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  • 59 7 UINUAJHIKK, vioii a IB j«ir eM Sine.ipi.n- m hoy. Ho Koun I*. us. has won .1 e<>ld for thr hc^l liter. ir> niti\ f ((r ihr ltd (hil'trrn'. P.iintinc iimpclilion Bel Ichildrrn from XI countries >rnt i n 1:11.*****1 etltriex for (In- eeaißetiUea
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  • 119 7 MALTA'S PREMIER TO VISIT S'PORE CINUAFOBE. Mon.— The I'liiiic MiniNtrr of Malta, l>r. tiiorgio Bore Olivier, will arrive here on Wednesday night for a four-day ollic ial visit He Mill he accompanied hv hi» Minister of Trailr, Industry and Agriculture. l«r J. Spiteri. and four other ollic i.ils Their programme
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  • 19 7 Appeal for women blood donors KANOAH :.i bm n Ihii Si; I at ihr Hir off) r teaching*, hi
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  • 150 7 All to get something in bank's share issue SINGAPORE. Mon. The Development Bank of Singapore s public issue of 28 million shares of a dollar each at par has been substantially over subscribed. But the directors have decided to Ri\e each applicanta •something." Mure than 7.000 application.-, tor $42 million
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 174 7 mm~- /"^^2sfi > 1 h' N»viiimer ccuiuii %criioo c: i >iwi>Hl thronngraph 1 N.nitioitr n Jn txt't- tht t.. BRETTLING (rfnevj. It v a h II! lH prin. C i.e. it trill Hue in hours, miruics and p.isl Rur it abo hn ipecitl i rri similar to those of in
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 60 7 Bugs Bunny By Ralph Heimdahl /h R.n© YOO AS CASh.EH. n: A MY EVPLOYERS FISH AAARKET HAS GOT TBE J MA,E COMPLETE V TW'LA'-SH OPTH'YEAR, j—^ v. CONF.OEMCS rt- H SYwVESTEgi /7—-~ > i~ZT^/* El IV/yVTI {tovchJo \sA\~\ EL V 'A HALIBUT 'v \1 LVV STARTED JV k» U^ j\
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  • 368 8  - Manila envoy's staff to get all help to return PREM KUMAR By gUALA LUMPUR. Mon. Malaysia today waived protocol and agreed to accord full 'vlfarance"' facilities to memberi of thr Philippiin-s Kmbassy here for their return to Manila. This move will help the Filipinos overcome their difflcultlea about serving their
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  • 134 8 Air Marshal to study RAF role after the pull-out CIM.APOKI >lon Air Marshal Sir Peter Metcher, »ire hief of the RAJ > Air ftaff. is now here to in.ike an latMUiVfl «tudy cover He .ill .i-i""'--.»f Ihe l«r Eaal Xir I «>r«e. The main i>sur> lir uill Mu<l.\ indudr TIH
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  • 106 8 Suharto says 'No' to new leadership proposals JAKARTA. Pm.flpnt Suharto w.!: nol alloy, the Ind Urn Party to ehangi sent leadership uni the scheduled Keneral election '.n '.971 an aaalatant to the President raid 'nrtay Hf «as eoßimani v «t»trmeii' Kscrd bj Uw partj thi* mornlnj tmpl\i:ie that the PreaManl
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  • 18 8 H»ng K\> in ;r"m tht Oenera ri\i!:».v aa M«dl i (Hi ii v P:str.rt Cm\r>rnmt-rr Hr*pi!rf.
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  • 31 8 KUAJ A LIMrUH. Von Hrn Belaiicet Orclu will hold its second »nri fin r member!* a i frifnds at 'he Mala\an lp«c!ier Collecr Pantal Valley, at 5 p r
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  • 220 8 IVUM A LUMPUR. Mon Tli<» Appeal Court today mi a.-ide a 12-munth ja 1 ■entc&et on a mlmmui frund millty of trying to t-Ator' $.SOO from a typist « oound him am for •r-roe years in H.MI Nf Teck 8«. on. :u,
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  • 156 8 BRUNEI'S PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVED MSA SERVICE BRUNEI TOWN. Monday. DRI'NEI has made suggestions to MSA about its unsatisfactory services to Brunei, thr State Financial Oi'ficer, Dato John Lee. said today. Dato I r> who :s a mem-bf-r of the airline's board nf ri.rfr 1 ts repre.sen f .ng Brutifi. va-
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  • 102 8 Thanks for help, says S. Vietnam ambassador KUALA LUMPUR. Mon.— The South Vietnamese .imbassador to Malaysia. Mr Nguyen Duy Quang. I kj.iv thanked Malaysians for their contributions to help refugees in tv.s country "For a country of Its size and population. Malaysia has done a lot tor the South
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  • 15 8 KAM..-: R.. 1--man b •f Illegally md ammun:tam Senteno »i-
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 262 8 WSjJKrX* 4&^& ■^aß^B^SS^H3aaaat^ JM M < £1.4— taar^H 'tf^aVsaawaaaawaaaMaw I^n^^gj^^Bß»**^^^ j ,^Baaaa^aa»"^^^^^j^[SS^^*j^^^^Jjp^ssjgpMaaa*^Sj— fc^icnw 1 juv i *»llb^b»- "y i 'lisa* BEDFORD built to save fuel, manpower and costs s Bedfords are built big to carry more. In aKF 11.15 ton truck you get 8.05 ''/^^WfTstsssssfTT^r! tons of big payload...more than
      262 words
    • 44 8 Congratulations and Best Wishes to POLYKEM INDUSTRIES LTD. on the occasion of their official opening of their Factory 21, Jalan Terusan, Jurong Industrial Estate, Singapore 22. from:EULEY (IMPEX) CORPN., 6 Cecil Street. Bajaj Bldg.. Singapore 1. t Tels: ***** A ***** Cable Add. "EULEVPEX"
      44 words

  • 179 9 Armed man in cinema raid shot by police Ul KIT MKRTAJAM. Mon Police shot and wounded a man early this morning after a live-man armed tang raided a cinema here. The man. Mho was hit in the thigh. Mas admit ted to hospital. Ptilue detained a car believed to have
    179 words
  • 117 9 ■TUALA I I'MFL'R. Mon A magistrate's 1 here today committed Nuurdln bin Abdul Rahman. 28. and Abu Bakar bin Mohamed Zain. 20. for trial In the High Court on chargea of rape and housebreaking. They are charged with raping a young woman
    117 words
  • 15 9 BINOAPI Ml M n ump.- no irngrr 1 „iin-Ji|. it *M anii lay.
    15 words
  • 236 9  - Hartal day meeting: Two men detained CHEAH SEONG PAIK: By Penanj;, Mon poLICE, reinforced by the Reserve Unit, kept a round-the-clock vigil last night after 400 Labour Party members and supporters observed the first anniversary of the Penang hartal riots last .November with a nice-ting and concert at the pai
    236 words
  • 19 9 PEN AN (i M n IIM AmeriCub Penang. annual thankAgiving a', the Penang Club on Thursday ni»ht
    19 words
  • 78 9 Signed: A pact to buy five Alouettes I^UALA I.LMPUK. Mon Malaysia today itgned an agreemcat with a French mm to buy five 111 helicopters. Permanent secreMlnlatr* oi D<'Inchc Abu Bakar Bamad bin Mohamed N.j jr. ■lgm ci c,n behalf of thj Oovernment, and Mr. V. Arr.zallag lor the nrm. Of
    78 words
  • 24 9 lEI UK AHSI II P..;. re H <rday rvcovrred mic »>^y „f Abdul Oh» inn Ha lUsaUl 60. 1 :f«n h»-ie
    24 words
  • 188 9 Eradication of tea money system is unlikely: Hake PENANG. Monday. rHE practice of paying tea money seemed to have become so deeply Ingrained in the fabric of commercial lift- that ita eradication must be regarded as unlikely for some years to come, Mr. I \V Hake, the City valuer, said.
    188 words
  • 67 9 TELLK ANSON M'Hi. A klwkil and a hwUB» hrre «fri broken Jito yesterday and t2.2M uid property »to>n At thr Suhambaram Pihay Tamil Knool, ilue%es look two typewriters, a nantaaluat ami 251 b ot o. loured powder WMtJi $1 425 Fr m he home of
    67 words
  • 37 9 IPOH M.-n A labourer. T. Mur.u.vrfiuy. 21. ««j jailed months by ttmtam C i\ wiifii up pleaded guiliv i" ki(inH|iu.n ,t 14-yrar-dld girl fu>m itif lawful ruslddy of her l Nuv. 6.
    37 words
  • 31 9 AI.OR bTAR. Miin. A seven-year-old girl. Rrhayit binie Nnordin. was killed vhrn the was knocked down by a motor-eyrie Rtika Arang on the Sungri Patam-Buttcrworth main rcxid. l«Mt nlshi
    31 words
  • 97 9 I/lAI.A I.LMPIK, MHk— Thf two "hairy crralurev -< in in tlie Pataanc iuiklpn rerrntly «ould he a Mild type «f t)rang \s\\ .illnl Or 111; H.iti-k tin- Pahaiii; (.;imr W.trden. liuhr Abdul < 'il bin Ahm.ul s.iid t<>dajr "Hut I IT MM I n.i>
    Bernama  -  97 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 160 9 HORLICKS increases your LIVING POWER 1 Ik BavwW T hlS IS Al Andy.. bustling, driving on-the-bai| Andy... where does he get his energy from? H.s wife knows! HORLICKS for breakfast and HORLICKS at night! Andys daily HORLICKS pives him LIVING POWER! Tr«at yourself to HORLICKS *I!J%|EH!'B| every day morning and
      160 words
    • 279 9 W g™B»^tfe, V J Jmi"^m^ jf^. /4| '-^1 VTbVj Sa V *^9bB^BB^bBB V<- T 4» MU^^m Awl Mm af^fe« 44sV ***^IIB»»BBwBJBJBPP^^^^^ i*q 4h **^jf I^Pir watches weren't so good, we could make more of them. We are unrepentant perfectionists yet Ebel still stands out from the at Ebel. Which means
      279 words

  • 361 10 SINGAPORE. Mon in tears, baby snatcher (ioll Scow I *****, told ;i judge today that lie had no intention of kidnap ping the 19-montn-old bahv girl he held for ransom. He told the judge, Mr. Liew N^ik Kp«-: "The child was so
    361 words
  • 258 10 Detective murder: 2 called for defence SINGAPGHE Mv Two men. jointly chained with the murder of D. Munusamy. a detective, v.trc today called upon for defence by Mr. .1 I Knalaaekaran in the High Court. I lie Hi l.iin Hciik Soon. 28. elected to make a statement from the dock.
    258 words
  • 44 10 SINGAPORE. Mom All veterinary MntoM at present carried I out at the Veterinary division office. 4UI lloor MiniMrv of National Development BuildniK Upper Pickering street, will from Dec. 2 be transferred to the City Veterinary Centre. Kamponu Java Road.
    44 words
  • 85 10 'I'lll Minister of So. ial 1 Affairs. In. h.- nth man Wok (rieht) rrMMbj from (apt Kill M.isai of In.- Msiting li--11.111 .irmy-polin- ruchv tram thr sift of .1 wh.,|,> tooth yesterday. i'hr tooth. iiii'.isiirini: fiv<- Mm in li-ntth .m<l tw«i in* hes in di.imrter. is rr
    85 words
  • 113 10 SINGAPORE. Men. All the brochures on the 14 new urban renewal sites otTered I<.r sale week l.avc bf, n Miapped up The luad of the Urban Renewal Section of the H 'Using :\ud Development gOMd. Mr Alan Choc. today announced new reprints
    113 words
  • 237 10 OINGAPOKE. Mon. A short "shopping street" along New Bridge Road has been proposed by the I rban Renewal Department in their latest private development programme. This shop-lined "street with towering offk c or apartment blinks .it toll ends, will stand on part of the
    237 words
  • 235 10 SINGAPORE. Mon 'PHF chairman of the People's Action Party, Dr. Toll Chin Chye, lias urned his party members to work with other mass organisation* to ensure continued political leadership in the Republic In a special munp to mark the
    235 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 223 10 FREE f\f MINIATURE^i^L Uf|T|| L !jr=^--^^ 111 111 Ig^^^^ ~^y— a EVERY P^mHmd QUART wfSfllll BOTTLE i^^^^^m WHILST STOCKS LAST! i I -X ™™i»rr^ l s**' (j ssx^ss Cdgii'ac ==r :^^p I »l°J i n I t-"CSJ+A v v" I —'1 sa LUCKY NUMBERS DRAWN LAST SUNDAY FIRST DRAW 2.
      223 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous

  • 1524 11 PART SEVEN Hie new kingsley amis Your last chance, Simon Till; STORY SO l.\K; »<> imp lt\ up a pi Ki.nniuc wiin niN n.ited n\.i mil naniti i P« M»,i.uity Kuimie Appicyara has been in* lied back to the Kaldock domain to And that Lad] Baldeck'i
    1,524 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 51 11 GREAT NEWS! Wall's Sausages Are Hack! Tes! Your favourite "Wall's /Sir sausages are back again. Succulent! y^T^ Juicy! Golden brown! Serve Wall's Ss^»i: > y tomorrow. Your fam'ly will lovi i ions > V biu.'- Sizzling good value-thty re in yuur shops now! s <*.-. <.-'j^^ U/QJCw taste much tastier
      51 words
    • 127 11 HURRY! YOUR LAST CHANCE TO WIN CASH Enter the Colgate Dental Cream SPOT THE SHUTTLE CONTEST p^smooo IOO§SO PRIZES 1. Spo! 'i of the si both f 2. ha arcomr>,i'\.'<j i^n. 3. Send to spot the shuttle contest, p. o. box c^so. .ukprj Dec*»TiDer 's: I 9| ?<i ggggml rV^I
      127 words

  • The Straits Times Tuesday, November 26, 1968
    • 566 12 Few will question the tali nwes of the proposal to tie doctors who are trained at publfa a longer period ii a th the lent, and pondinglv to mci wish to buy lhem~ before their up. The student ho reabon on a scholarship or d to suQ
      566 words
    • 340 12 Sympathy for those who lost their homes in the disastrous Bukit Ho S c Should be followed up by some thoughts on whether the drill on s.uh tragic occasions is as perfect hs it can be. Tin- fire-light volunteers, the pol social welfai c wn I .■ll
      340 words
  • Letters
    • 379 12 LIKE most parents I am shocked by thp drrision of thr Minister for Education to implement the teachirp of certain subjects In the second lanszuaue in secondary schools as from next year. One does not question the wisdom of encouraging the study of
      379 words
    • 149 12 IAM I tyflst '.n Division IV draw.nß a maximum ba.-:,- salary of $262 and logically expect I minium rise of $7.50 but to my amazement lam to to be poorer by $l(Miii .<s from January 196!t When the report IS to be implemented With the present rate of
      149 words
    • 205 12 Pahang's lead in tourist promotion Ileel I must come to the de i i < ot the Pabang Btatc Tourist i My srlfe ana 1 have bit n touring Malavm.» on holiday lor six WMfca, and can assure Anak Pahann that the Tourist Board in h:s itau appeared to us
      205 words
    • 99 12 IHtb F.H to the letter by 1 I. \payer >S 1 Nov 15' A number of traflic signs including "one way street' signs were erected recently In conjunction with the proposed SerangOl n Road one-way scheme which would be implemented in the very near future These new signs
      99 words
    • 86 12 IP the introduction ol Fama fish marketing scheme means a li\e cents a kati of fish pa 'able to Fama, would raise the price of fish to tre public In lad h stall-holders will exc-il^e '< squteM more than five cenu a <aU from the
      86 words
  • 1393 12  -  ANDREW LEIGH FOR GERMANS THE PENALTY OF SUCCESS. FOR FRENCHMEN THE PRICE OF LOSING FAITH IN THEIR OWN ECONOMY by ROIMN SUCCESS has caught up with the Germans. No matter how much various West Cerman officials protest that the Deutschmark will not alter its exchange
    1,393 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 49 12 The Bank x^^wYou Can Trust i^S^3| Bank with I^^^Hirnmi MALAYAN ™jj[" BANKINQ luuui i«ii ihiuisc BERHAD aid you bank wisely Te1: *****/8 MALAYAN BANKING BERHAD ■Korpotfd m tht Sftts of M»/#/«. MHiyf) Atit*>ont* of t 50.000 000 P-dup ctp.fl I 22 500 000 G-M.O MM nc—4 itOO 000 000
      49 words
    • 166 12 Seagram's V.O. Canadian. Should you wait until it's popular to drink it? We figure it's only a matter of time before everybody discovers the pood thin«s nhout SHfMi'l V.0.: Its smoothness; its lightness: the fad in America more people prefer it than :ui\ other brand of imported whisky, including
      166 words

  • 273 13  -  SOH TIANG KENG B> 'sudden jerk' but the passengers had safety belts fastened SINGAPORE, Mon. Seconds be-take-off at Singapore Airport this morning an MSA Comet lurched and toppled forward with a broken nosewheel. Thero was a loud thud as the planes uose hit the
    273 words
  • 79 13 Miner's costly trip to the zoo |/|JALA II >"•• K. Mon An lp«h minrr in.idr an i \pn\M\c trip to /in. Nrcara here yeslrrday. hilr parkinc his tar niitsidf thr 700 he »U belli up li> two men. armH with' dacuers. ami robbed <>■ Ml* <>ld c!: lin beltincinc to
    79 words
  • 214 13 A safety first message to the sound of music SINGAPOKE, Mon. Schoolchildren here win soon Ret a Road baxeiy *'irat message 10 tne sound uf music. A bdii-iy First >ong, .-mm m English. Malay and Mandarin, will b played to them in .school.-, to make them more awai> <<: the
    214 words
  • 18 13 BATU PAHAT. Mon. —Mr. M. Ed frmdrn of the M.i <•. India* Congress' Batu branch
    18 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 174 13 Ifypuwere sailing alone around Cape Horn tomorrow you'd wear aßolex I Wl Most fine watches look the same. Butyou W h^m^^SntSJ^^ can spot a Rolex Oyster from the other Sr L MJ^ end of a 53 ft. yacht. i MX* I*'1 -At Its classic shape is cafved out of a
      174 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 420 13 ON YOUR TV AND RADIO TODAY TV MALAYSIA TV SINGAPURA CHANNELS Ku.iU I uni|iur I ".nv Ra» 8 ai.U I'rnain Ip"h Hid CH.VNNLL i H* s^' 1..1ui. li.ihru 3 and Ji'iuya. >f r*lll|r»WM »umlu, ralptat i; Baiu iMiMt 1 835 Human csnr M. Proframmc Bun- """"n...! 825 Bewitched j
      420 words

  • 258 14 Expert: Get rural people involved in social life KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. Participation by estate workers in sports and other aspects of social life can cure their ills. ThLs la tlie opinion of Mr~>. Mona r. SeUky. a speaker at today's session "'i plantation management at the National PtUdltGtivity Centre ben
    258 words
  • 44 14 Kl'.Af A I UNr't'9. Th* Deputy Prime M!nl«tw. Tun Abdul Ra.'.ik will «ddre-< thr delecat«t> of thr 18th annual drlntat^s cintrrrncr of the Malaysian Trader Unions Congrrss at 10 am on .'Nitnrdav at Jalan Baiat In Prtal.'ng Java i
    44 words
  • 28 14 KOTA KINABAI V M n Snbn!i m i Khnrtea i and Ml to KeruHlc. Central Oovcrnaifnt itudyinc the Mtttni up i n by 19T0. I Reu:er.
    Reuter  -  28 words
  • 278 14 SINGAPORE. Mon—Twen-ty-four universities m South-East Asia were represented at the inaucural conference of the Association of South-East Ax.i University Students (Aseausi held recently at Ateneo de Manila University In the Philippine.^. The Singapore Polytechnic Students' Union in a Press statement
    278 words
  • 126 14 SI\<.\P()KK Mon Kor a service fee of '20 cents a rover, stamp collectors now place advance orders l>\ post for first day covers with complete sets of st.nnps ,nli\i'«l .mil d.ilestamped hy the post ollice. Only .i tnininium order of fixe In -I
    126 words
  • 294 14  - A shave and shampoo then hold-up terror for 12 ABUL FAZIL By SINGAPORE. Mon. Hairdresser Miss Lian Yoke Yin finished the shampoo job on her day's first customer this morning and waited for payment. The man dug into his left pocket and gave her $1.50 the cost of a snave
    294 words
  • 133 14 Ed to be a gentleman. He W of sunglassej when he t.r^' Mt on the barbers cii.i:r ii,d at Oral refused to take Them Ofl 1 asked rum to "L at c r he reniovt ri them when I told him
    133 words
  • 85 14 Stolen goods await owners CIM.APORI M..n Tw bowling bails are among a nunilur vi itCSM u.nli Hi; to Be (I.UIIiimI .it the Kerli.ui police station. Thr nlhrrs mc ludr three cameras, |w* transist.TT radius .i < tr i.iilik. several lonc-pl.o in., rr. .irds. a snack spt .uxl lun umbrellas.
    85 words
  • 26 14 $750 fine for thre 1 thieves SINOAP Thret i *T5O or i i .ndbae at the Oem i ,»n Nov. 20 \vi<m 27 M>v haltiH Zul
    26 words
  • 49 14 SINGAPORE Mon Ttv i »i US. OOMI .td by Mr. Edward R. liter a thrto-d*y vtstt in Singa--ii. Iwo Dprnixrals and tnn Rf|Kit)licans. arc i nnCUBC D Kurr.t. Taiwan »i i >v rd.iy. tliev bad UUM »vli the PorPign M:n. r Ml S K..
    49 words
  • 22 14 PVTAI Won. Tlie Mm t and induMr Dr Lim S«ee A Mnp i the A lean hfrt on ThuiM
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 601 14 LUCKY WINNERS A 9% OF THE CAREFREE MOD FASHION CONTEST hb pgt ftQ jfljWfMib j^HsHi^[H[H[BJß3^ 1 1 IST pp|7P 9nd pp|7p lllaLiL. (7-city Tcjr of the Orient) £m lIbIbVIb (Bangkok holiday tr o) >a Road, Singapore- 15 -'c Samel, 32, Jalan Haji Saiam, Singapore- 16. p n0 l oc d
      601 words
    • 63 14 SPORTING s Srlßl \fc SPORTING //vC^< GOODS U (t-U-'i SPORTSWEAR V^/; GOLF INSTRUCTION ""XjXx"^ GYMNASIUMS 1 X^^ Busy people find the answers Fast in the new Yellow Pages of the Singapore Telephone Directory" So easy to use So close at hand 24 Hours A Day Everyday! Published by Ganoral Ttlophon*
      63 words

  • 17 15 PENANG. Mon The MuMin: Endowment Beard today clisti'ibuted M i poor ami ii -friv Muslim
    17 words
  • 84 15 Patrol boat saves fishing vessel KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. The RMN patrol craft K.D. Rentaka rescued a Malaysian fishing vessel in distress in the Straits of Malacca on Saturday. The naval boat commanded by Lieut. N.E. Peterson, rmn. was on a routine patrol when it spotted the fishing vessel in trouble.
    84 words
  • 104 15 FEDERAL HIGHWAY SPEED TRAP NETS 28 Xl VIA LI'.MPLR, Mon. Twenty eight motorists, tno of them women, were booked for speeding along the Federal Highwuv this morning. They were caught in radar speed trap on a .{IH)-yard stretch of the highway (opposite the Ingkasaparl building) between H a.m. and noon
    104 words
  • 171 15 IJUALA LUMPUR. Mon. The Government today iumounced the appointment of Tan Sri Abdul Hamid Jumat as Malaysia's Ambassador to the I'nited Arab Republic. fan Sri Hamid Jumat. 52. lormer Malaysian Amuassador to the Philippines, succeeds the late Inche Abdul Rahman bin Haji
    171 words
  • 104 15 No oil wharf in plans for new port at Pending KUCHING, Mon •in* gtati I decided ■<-• .ill Oil whan bui'd in* v.!..i: :,ding on the Sarawak River. rtak ai.d Ux «d space for b« manoeuvres were >a:d the Ssiair Minister ior Communicdtions a:^i Works, Dato Tto Kui
    104 words
  • 40 15 SINGAPORE. Von A 24--volume Ml of thr h:. (iia Bn'.ai.iiK a and 13- volume O\[(ird i CM dictionary nere toaav pi esrnted to the regional English Lai miace Centre by Publ'.rmons Bhd. and the Oxlurd Limeruly Press.
    40 words
  • 91 15 DENANG, Mod A Bill 1 to amend Uk (ml List (Pen.inKi HiLKtment. to pn\ide lor intre.isrs to the doierniir t-nni i.i in in •nt allowance and household expenses. Hill be taken through all .staßes at the State l.reisl.iti'- Assembly meeting starting on Wednesd.iv
    91 words
  • 302 15 Beating the Reds in the schools KUALA LUMPUR, Monday £OMMUNIST activity in Chinese schools can be eliminated If the '"outstanding" grievances of the Cninese educated community, can be solved, the vice-chairman of the United Chinese School Teachers' Association, Mr. Loo Ting Yu, said here today. "The Government knows very well
    302 words
  • 60 15 Navigation survey team here I^UALA LUMPUR Mon. A three-man Japanese maritime salety misMun arrived here today to discuss with the Government the feasibility oi holding a survey to improve navigation in the Stra:ts of Malacca. The leader of the mission. Mr. K. Kawakami. said a -urviv team would be sent
    60 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 88 15 f CASCADE I rich in vitamin C does you good /Mi j 1 Agents THL: BOHMXJCOMPANY J B*^*fc *^%4^ I I^l /fi/ i^ here to bring \ouUk- latest beauty N^k ilwssake-up idea*. Book vourappoimment MAYNARO CO., LTD.. 11 BATTERY ROAD. Minlay 25th November ti SATURDAY 30th November 19(8. I" CONGRATULA
      88 words
    • 295 15 aaaaaaaaaaaaaß MB/ I*l ksw <isbbbbsbbbbs' A\^ka ■■^B^Mfllfl bY >W Note the number on top of an Asahi Pentax Spotmatic. It tells you that more than one million Asahi Pentax cameras have given satisfaction to photographers all over the world. Ask anybody who owns one. They'll tell you they Ike the
      295 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
      91 words

    • 295 16 Dressiest teenager on the swinging scene gHK"S the artiest, dressiest teenager i<» have entered the swinging teen-scene with .1 bag. Chosen "Girl of the Year" by a famous Hollywood cosmetic house. Caroline Boudville, 19, a model from Kuala Lumpur, has more than beauty to her score. She was selected from
      295 words
    • 313 16 /KJMBININCi inarnago and career successfully is something which must wives feel take up all of their time. But Mrs. Lillian Choc of Singapore thinks differently A wife and mother of two little daughters Mrs Choo maintains that a career wife can aUU find the
      313 words
    • 259 16 THE 'nothing new undpr th*' sun' ptITMC applies to wips worn by the ancients as well as today s fiishionable women Both spxt-N h.i\<' worn wig.s through history 'of various HMOni reports Mrs J Spe<"ce. a clothing and design spenali>t from UBA The ancient Kxyptians
      259 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 103 16 tScB thanks to Loxene We're talking about healthy hair, cf course the way hair is after a Loxene shampoo. Its gentle medicated formula clears dandruff completely, keept- ng in healthy condition and onl. M jj^j i 3e e< C^SSLP^ss^ at how little Loxene costs I for the tr. £^^?^sßb)|*JbjHbJ gives
      103 words
    • 99 16 GoLAVENDA wool gathering ffl^ Imagine springtime. Dream nf the ic4tk J&. bouncy sottnest ot sprint! tamh\. That's the sort ot *><trnr\<; l.axemlii '^m^^^p\ gathers in lo knitting wool you *unt l^nP^^^^ 1 to make things of. Springtime colours. Wrjtim&m 100. Frtih and fashion wise, lavenda *^?^C S jE\ lia\ the
      99 words
    • 540 16 BBBBBBBBBBBB^BBBBBBBBBBb£ Jafß^llßr- SBBB^^BBb! -V^, ?S» H| ,|^K'»». "V^UZbtV W JfjJm^F J^ '■> Wr: V^BBslßr^^Bßßl BbBV \li aMBBB^BHBnRkT^ I aW^L i <il t\ SBBSyi'ii'l !■><?' 'ißßwW^'fflfltlili BSBate^^->-vSeSal f '¥nSSMsaBBBBSBB ■■w^SBBkaBM ill 'jHf a^BBMpH*^BSBBWBBI ■bm w^^^^j^m liner Holiday to Hongkong shoppin g spr ee i Then 4 days For your next leave
      540 words

  • 233 17 SOUTHAMPTON. Monday. 22-YEAR-OLD American girl sat sadly aboard an ocean liner here yesterday and appealed for someone to save her Irom a life of being shunted between England and Australia. Pat Hart wa.s refused entry to this country when she arrived from
    AP  -  233 words
  • 107 17 Launching of new Europa rocket called off i D 11. A Il> K. Mon Launching of the ruropean Launcher Development Organisation's Europa FT rocket, due to carry an Italian test satellite into polar orbit, was called off at the Noomera test ranee today. I'uire> during today 1 fi\e ahortive attempts
    Reuter  -  107 words
  • 202 17 HK Reds warn on location shooting of the Chairman HONG KONG. Mon. n The Communist newspaper Wen Wei Pao today demanded that the 'Hong Kong Government refuse the location shooting of the American film Chairman hero. The Chairman. dirpc-t«-<j by Hollywood's J Lee Th.omp.son. has American actor Gregory Peck play;n>j
    202 words
  • 120 17 VVAMIINOION, Mon- A miniature colour television camera which permits physicians to transmit live picture* from inside the human body has bern developed for the t .S. Army. The set. uciehinc 1«»«* than 10 lh., wu made for Fitrvimons .Army HovpiMl in Denver. Colorado,
    120 words
  • 79 17 Paolo, 1 0, returns to Rome with a new heart A 1U- YEAH -OLD Italian boy, Faolo Fiocca. has returned to Rome with a new heart after an operation in Cape Town. The operation was performed by the world's heart transplant pioneer, Dr. Christian Barnard. The boys trip to South
    UPI  -  79 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 112 17 Varemoid TABLETS the ORAL treatment tor PILES Haemorrhoids) take VaremoYd Varemo'd fl^es more positive relief, its active principle being the new, dynamic Factor P-Zyma which gives rapid relief ...inflammation is quickly diminished, symptoms disappear and the haemorrhoids perceptibi'.' shrink. Within the first few days you feel the difference. Va-emold Is
      112 words
    • 783 17 WIN A V HI-FI IN THE MB»! ELASTOPLAST CONTEST STRETCH FABRIC I^TTW 1 lltK 1 Klß.tw vjBB^BSBMaBJBBB^ PHILIPS H FJ StereOChain I H GA 2 30 GH 930 w R H 4 80 8 B^BE i. i~'im B^BI B^B^B^BVkfiSvVßl E^BB •cw'X. B^bl V— W-WyJ^^ B^BBlßr^^^B^iT^B^r Bb^^^^^^'^"^ HB '^^^^^BBS^^bV BBbI '^3rT~:*^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^B
      783 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 201 17 Straits Times Crossword *l ROSR I'rnriiirtion ."i 1 H.-.n. for agreement by ■g" Sfffeji; sr i B\rP !r,;.°SuS:, tm ss to a nicety (»>. m »t»r rini»f ii< 14. VMItaBIW t htaitf (I). j? nete*t»t?n. If hom mirh 18. wuehf. put a cn«p on a pol, 17. SLm romance ,I,h
      201 words

  • 90 18 ACKNO WLEDGEMENTS MR. AND Hithank It r hl! gifts and >i wuhfs on their wedding THE FAMILY of UM Lamti Ml Alfred C, K Kwok thank all relatives and wreaths. I 'a and 1 I I family their col mo. "cHEAH SIEW MU>. is and MB $11 I HI thank
    90 words
    37 words
  • 20 18 MR. S. V, SINCAM o( C ."Oins J.B. Ho. pit. s Mamckam and non Deeply -Is and rela".:ves lor
    20 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 246 18 FUNERALS. GREETINGS, IN MEMORIAM. MARRIAGES, MISSING. PERSONAL, P.P.C, REQUIEMS I REUNIONS. Rate: Minimum $15/- for 20 words, each additional word 75 cts. All Other Classified Advertisements: Minimum $6/- for 15 words, each additional word 40 cents. Strain Times Box service coarje 50 cents. I__^_1 I_.1 a> a> aaaaaaa CURUBATHAM To
      246 words
    • 535 18 WANTED TYPIST FORWARDING CLERK familiar in handling Railway la. Apply Sin Hiap Hoe. b. \n-nn Itoad. S I'ore. SALESCIRL for men's Boutique, experience and Knglish speaking preferable. Tel s pore 3074S Ctiong for «P--POintment 27 11 *v TELEVISION MECHANIC with driving luen.e and apprentice wanted. ills and salary expected apply
      535 words
    • 513 18 icommer.ia i siujects. Apply personalv Baal Coast Koad 8 pore lopp. K.iioiik fhurch). i EXPERIENCE SALES ASST. Manager. Salesman iFiriKapore citizen, reI quired by a Proviaions rood Suppliers Importers Company please apply full particulars to G.P.O. Box y«J. Singapore. ACCOUNTS* CLERK REQUIRED hv in s.n»apoi*' Applicants must have ri
      513 words
    • 548 18 C.OLUHILL CARDEN unfurnished' furnished MIIHM S«m V.ti.i. I. ..tnr. I. luxury furmr.he.l air-eonditione.l H« :s rsa Detail*: Nr« Century Really Co 2717.1 :i«2l'il> S pore TO LET J Storey terrace hoil.ea at 10.. CkW Place Joo Chiat Awnui: off Telok Kurau Road— past Malay Miwl with 3 hi'd rooms anting
      548 words
    • 576 18 iet.<ihrd baasaaxn on j.zih aq. it. *'r LMO "i ft. Krrihold land. Terrazo I I nc flooring. rurni"h^d: I 141.000'd- *:t-.ulMl s David Paaa ona \..iui-r» a I *„.rit- lei. IS porei T4J39 I I "un .7061 OOWN-PAYMENI VJO/- Kelin- I iui«nin^ freehold Z-storey luxury s i rooms 3
      576 words
    • 583 18 REGAL SCHOOLI Phvalca. CM- I nistry. group tuition nub up-to-date aboratory practicaia. Maths: Additional i /2 year rourse; elementary, all 1 «condanes Tel iK'DOrei BEGINNERS SHORTHAND— S( i nonths i-ourse Cornmer.. mg U'/<JB. i I— M a.m daily. OU/- monthly. :nru\ no» al Singapore Commercial knwi. iopd Kei) 8 pore
      583 words
    • 548 18 HAM-M0 TMVIt «HV.C« LTO.., tATI mi .'o*»™°"* "«"•>»■ rt'.; 1 !'«,U radio" r tt/m, H' 12/W I* II ls M FORD AHCLIA I»b4. J3B. Cro« Store Tel I3M* j :i0 p :n ■ivriiKT J 1156 OPEL KAPITAM Oood mnnin« TNAI INTIRNATIONAL FAIR 0r r |J/« |SOO on o. IT
      548 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 973 19 TO 1 1 VE BPQOt AND OTHER UK CONTINENTAL PORTS lt|[|ic •••••.••aa IB r1 DtC 1 Oft J mSSm M niituin ws j un j AEMEIIS Ote 11 Otc 14 li Oec IJ m" S THEU< Kg JJ MR?f?i< Ltmoes. Liverpool Dec II Die 21 Otc 22 1 Ma I
      973 words
    • 1367 19 \_T//£U AC//ArAfS_| RBBBBBBi THE EAST ASIATIC COMPANY Ltd Incorporated n Oanmark BBBBBBai EXPRESS SAILINGS TO GENOA HORTH CONTINENT, SCAHDINAVI* P. SlkW PenaT tsm i BaaM R'dam H'burc A»rhur C'hagen PASADENI la Pirt 28 Ne» 27 71 Net 2S 2 IM 1 JM 13 IM IS JM II JM II PATACONIA
      1,367 words
    • 1230 19 EXPRESS SERVICE 10 LONDON LIVERPOOL I COWTIHENTAL PORTS. BENATTOW ITS 1-' 1 &UW.DO.I P.Snam Ml g 1 !S BJ Ir Pt/laiij Mauowri Im H Mi LoMue Om IB bennevis jsi; tfM ,i Smiipori P. S nan Prnmi G Im It ll Pt Ttlif Hamguri IM IB $in|apor| Pi SM 'mum
      1,230 words
    • 1082 19 W WORLDWIDE CARRIERS LTD. laaaavlaßßßl f G° lv on Houtten, New Orleom. Criarteiton. l^^^^^a^k Sovsnnoh, Boll. more. New York, New London. S'pora P. S'hom Peoon^ lOANNIS lnport/26 Nor ATHLITIS 1 6/ 1 Dee 1 */20 Dec 21 Dec Charlatlon, Savannah itibject le inducement. A.ant.: McALISTLR 6c CO., LTD. j-pcre P.
      1,082 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 1001 20 yt """^KAWASAKI KISEN KAISHA LTP Western Australia /Singapore: Japan Scrvle* FraaaMM p 'a Yo«k»'Cfii/Ns|OY« r'Hami nan lelf.Nl Marl' 23 31 Oee t In II 111 II West Africa Singapore Japan Strvlce •MM nttH noOl -Tiaaeiliaia Mim" li Nn Rial! 2 011 > Oee Mara" 3 S Oec
      1,001 words
    • 876 20 tUSTItIIt NEW ZEtIIND SEtVICC INDIA. PldlSTtN »ND ft* EAST SERVICES Far Pt. Una. Ins.. Sy l Mil. U Naijaaitniiw aal Malrat i f S -am JELUhS* t Dec II 12 Dec 12 14 Dec P.AIUI* 21 I Dec S Dec t Dec ■>lUIA* 22 71 On 21 Drc ?t Dec
      876 words
    • 922 20 NOTICE NOTICE Nottca M hereby ghen that W>. Nnothf hereby Riven that 1. SHARIKAT HARPER GILMLLAN CHONO NGAM SEN of Nov 32-38 BERHAD. 2 Station Road, [poh, Jalan All Pltchay. Ipoh have appliliavr upplird lor a retail liquor rd (or a class public house l>. rnce and that the
      922 words
    • 804 20 B.P. MALAYSIA SDN. BHD. have pleasure in announcing the imminent opening of their SERVICE STATION along Kampar Road, IPOH. We are looking for an Operator to run this station. BP will provide all the necessary training and guidance. Essential requirements for this Operatorship are: 1. Minimum capital of $30 000
      804 words

    • 31 21 RUBBER AND TIN CLOSING PRICES Nov. 25. Rl HKKK PRICE: 581 cents (down one and tin it pis hlli cents). TIN PRICE: 5596.50 (unchanged). Estimated offering 195 tons (down 5 tons).
      31 words
    • 191 21 Mining shares firmer in Melbourne MELBOUHNE Moll. A RISE in sola -shares featured today* firmer mining* section with K. Lakrtiew up 40 cents at $4.90 and Peku up 6n cents at 510.60. Other notablr movei, were North Kalgurli up 70 rent* at $8 nnd New BH up .So cents at
      191 words
    • 60 21 /'MINCSt Cfoouct litnin,., ainga«*ra. •>••" elatinj pnui m> P'cul y««lirda> Uicnni oil: MaN JIV MMHk drum Copra: Mura iio 1 t kxi» Nov./ ..nt. B »"«pp" nwo tmmm. •prclai mack Ivi'i aeilrra mirblM '■II KH' a irni »nu i. 'ma nut% Sinnapora Cacanut Oil Miliart' AatocilKn pricaa. nu.n
      60 words
    • 49 21 '■'HI A<iaciatton al Manhi in Ml- I U»»ia lin.lMn la U larj 4'itnoritira I ib f.n.«i<,rr toe Bank Nasani Maia>■hr i#..'iinv»! on ny ■1 ial« in apot ihi m 4 -i.r.M. vr»i.rdd> (ran Ha IcUowa uuj ii or nu %1 IH»; I i ii uu i; ma
      49 words
    • 53 21 kN The (Mlu'ial Mala>an >hort y term Money Market for Ihe week ended Saturday. Nov. li mute of rail rates a* follow*: HANK M Nil 1% per rent to 3 1 i per cent (.I.NI.RA!. H NDS: i» 4 per rent to I per rent. MOVFMINrs <i funds
      53 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      23 21 Kanf Hong called Home b\ Our Lord on :6-U-n7. Gone but not forcotten by his beloved wife. sons. daughter* and grandchildren
      23 words
    • 176 21 Tin price is static in Penang 'IIHE Straits tin price was 1 unchanged In Penang yesterday at $596.50 per picul on an offering estimated down 5 tons to 195 tons. The market was reported steady with mainly buying from America with some European support. LOCAL (ÜBBKR MART: Prices wtre marked
      176 words
    • 238 21 K'OVEMBKk first frade rubber f.o.b. buyer* rlotrd at 5 p.m. in Mnja !>■"•• and Kuala Lumpur yeftterda.Y at 581, cml* prr lb.. down one and three-eighth cent* 'on •Immmc Irirl I he tone was »llghlU easier. HAS and M.R.K. clnoinx price* in cent* per lb.
      238 words
    • 296 21 S.MIPI LYING ALONGSIDE IHI OR II I Till TODAY ARC I i I I. k i It.. .1 IMMfi It II Oil I jn< mil IK KM« -iKuya Mum 1' kOTiwtclll J.i Ik. Km.-.n II N\v I ana 1 SHIPS IN THC ROAOS At At AM
      296 words
    • 35 21 O.N Ihr irn luninn mama' r H > Kirn. NMMM Urn US Oallar wan iitolMi oi h Ml ft »ni (oi tath Mailing |aRM B| 14 4U VUO ana taal «iia at 3UO|.
      35 words
    • 1155 21 THE Stock Exchange was much steadier yesterday with prices moving up as it is at last penetrating through to this market that stocks are a hedge against world currency uncertainties which are felt to be far from solved. The decision not to devalue the French
      1,155 words
    • 285 21 OF SHIRE PARIION OF LAST SALIt IN TMI (INGAPORC AND KUALA THE STOCK IXCMANOI VCSTIRDAT wrm INOUSTRIALf: ACMA II (■hi Ban A Ca. I MM*. ••m«« Strriad i I crnll. C. Sugari 4 Ml), CCM. 1 I 2 MM, tl Holding! i 2 i.i" Dunlaa) >. lit*
      285 words
    • 885 21 BISINtSS IN AMI UU < i|( II I, TO THE SINUAPORE AND KI'ALA I I Mil K IKMHM. KIIOMS OF THE STOCB EXCMANOI YESTtKDAY WITH THE NtMBER OF SHARES rRADED in BKMKIIs UM ii ikkji in, ii.nuoi H on. l.miOi J? 12 il.ihjoi 12.14; Ban and Ca. il.uuui
      885 words
    • 30 21 I No*. No*, ii Industrials: 151.51 1.M.97 I'ruprrtirk: 15H.118 159 19 Tin* 82.3! MM tS rubber*. 103.94 HU.94 Dee. 30, 1966 M» t Dec. 29. 1962 m 100.
      30 words
    • 406 21 S AN K 0 .'.NCAPo'rE 810 M.V£Vt« PRICES oVf^CIALL^LISTIO AT TNI HorntO B«rlwd LM HoKlrad t*° C mi««rt CC.U ordl l*J C. 8. HoldinM S numop H! ■M 8m«l» t-W i i.3S ord. Ml ■Sot i H 7 PMamw *j« <tt4 gi|l ricocrai l-uioh»r bU Si* ,y 'SS
      406 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 577 21 r^_^^L < i.Mlinurd from Pate 18) MISCELLANEOUS CHINESE WORKING GIRL a K c u\ U a»c 2« to i GENERAL tPRAV PAINTING r. *'>Ktralor A ooura cualomtr a l«rr) *****. MAKE NEW FRIEND* Mfmh,r.hlp lnl«nMional" ins. sinitapor* 14. GENERAL IBDlb BAIftAVaUA •»^n«T painting rttpair in at cuatomar'a hoiia*. I por«.
      577 words
    • 522 21 Roml. Maajapon „n mmU "nditionfd rnoma. <tnm«- rtoiii.i. |M No acTVtea i-hartr. Dndul floor,*., Ua»U». Tel .-i pore *****1 MTSM. WHERE TO EAT (S>«i) POR VOOR LUNCH. .Winer .mil »,rt•in.: i ,r-.. HUI al Pl mn Room K». uurant 23 Rulflei. PUoa and <,ppo«itiCliffoM I'.r r«l IS'porel 'H-yl iDiy ui'l
      522 words
    • 137 21 I NOTICES BROTCHIE HOLDINGS SDH. BHD. (Inrorporated In Malaysia) (In Member*' Voluntary Liquidation I NOTICE IS HEKEBV UIVEN pursuant to section 272 of the Cnmpuiiies Act. 1965 that the mini meeting of the company will be held hi the Liquidators, office Hnneknni! Bank Building Kuala 1 umpur nn Monday 3(ith
      137 words

    • 378 22 BANGKOK. Monday MALAYSIA, the Merdeka soccer champions, bounced back to top form in the tournament proper of the King of Thailand's Cup championship here last night by routing Laos 5-0 in a Group A match. The goal-hungry Malaysians led 2-0 at halftime. Thailand are
      378 words
    • 69 22 COLOURS SWITCH A WINNER PISA. Italy. Mon. Angegeletta lt<isusco. who sa>s slie trains on spaghetti and white wine, scored the only goal yesterday as (ienoa heat Rome 1-0 to win Italy's l%g Women's soccer championship. Rut their trainer attributed the win to the fact that she switched their uniform colours
      69 words
    • 27 22 PORT AL PRINCE. Ham. Mon Ha. v drle.iied Trin;d.tdTi>b.(gii 4-C .i) an elimination round BMlch f 1 lie World Cup aoccer championship. Halftime score 1-0
      27 words
    • 301 22 t.s'GLAND spinner Tony Lock captured .•seven wickets for til runs to steer Western Australia to an innings victory over Queensland on the last day of their Sheffield Shield cricket match here today. Final .scores: Western Australia 615-5 declared. Queensland 28'j and 258 Queensland, needing
      301 words
    • 71 22 Instructors course a success WINGAPOHK Feiuiiiu Aooc!»- lia- >ucc«Hfull7 completed a three-month ic'.orTo conclude the eoum aVM ha.s arrai^ed a competition tor the 'lameey The final will be mm unit? centre on Dec. 1 AFAS vice-piPMde:.- I 1 Km aM the a«oetatl <\ now begin the second pha-p of lt«
      71 words
    • 294 22 OARIS. Mon. Amcri- can Raymond Gurst paid 1.020.000 francs (about $631,850) for the mare Hula Dancer at the Oeauvillo bloodstock sales yesterday. Winner Of tho Newmarket l.'wu Oulneaj and Champion Slakes in liiti:) Hula DaneIt was one vi 25 nonet ai IIM s.ile.s
      Agencies  -  294 words
    • 220 22 Hong Kong woman lands SI 66,770 forecast jackpot Horn; Ko.\(;. >ion. A woman, who won HKSlbb.77o on a SIUU bet at the races here on Saturday, appar < nth does not trust hank cheques, helpful police oflicers, or neighbours. She refused track nlliiials advite that she take her winnings in
      220 words
    • 40 22 PARAMARIBO. Mon. Surinam had two .ia dL-.i Honed hv tiic reien bu; they were (I g.xO I. r Nrthrrl.,nd ,\n n a preliminary match W'irld aoecar Cup. -ni won by 6-0 alter leading 3-0 at the interval.
      40 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 595 22 23 JAWATAN2 KOSONG KERAJAAN MALAYS!/ P'lir. darlpai un'.'k mengl si ikut I II \M II HARTA BKRITA mi w < oeipeiK lien. Rrqlo TANOOA UA.II «j.i« 18- SBMlgll UMOH Belum Hunpi tetapl b»^l ;»•-.•;(■.<;.. berkiiidmai belum ampal ts tahun KKI.AYAKA-. Mala\ barani .11 pengalnmßi. -rb., 11 darl ■1 lam: berkeboleiiai;
      595 words
    • 405 22 khldmat, uaaor meieka belum "■pal 35 tabun keiayakan 11 iniKiti; Pegl Bia yann erkhlomal 8 lahun dalam NK-atas Pemoberkclajrakan <a> di-•■noak-lah meiiKambil dan lulus uiian kema.sokan dan pemo- I berkela\akan b> niriifiambil dan luluv kechekapan \.in,- dt-adakan iman dalain peiiiadbirar. H imah Sakit atau Jabatan ada:.ih barfaadaß \<» IMI
      405 words
    • 781 22 APPOIrfTMENTS COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, MALAYA. I APPLICATIONS ar» Invited from 1 j Mala} Man Cutrens belo* 40 years of age to fill several non-academic appointmens 1) Steno(raphrr Salary Scale: $2.i3x14-422 qualifications: at A Malay Man Certificate of Education or an ap- proved Overseas School Certificate with a Credit 1 in
      781 words
    • 656 22 TENDERS PUBLIC UTILITIES BOARD, SINGAPORE TENDERS F.I,E(TRHITV DEPARTMENT: i Room No. 232. 2nd Floor. Cltv Hall 1 (a) Supply of "00 Pieces Flourescrnt Lamp Chokes <2 Ictus 1 Trnd*r Depo^" Sinn Close at 2 15 pin on 10 12.88 I ib> Supply of 15.0410 Tar* Underground PlyaU Cables 4 IteitiM
      656 words
  • Page 22 Miscellaneous

    • 212 23 MALAYSIA TO SEND 30-STRONG SHOOTING TEAM TO S'PORE -rHE National Shooting Association of Malaysia will send a toam of 30 shooters and officials to Singafor an Internationa] mret there from Dec. 12-15. im will be led by ns\m Vice-president'n Klana Putra Mohammad Ka.sMm. ThP organ i.srrs said that Indonesia
      212 words
    • 33 23 FRANKFURT. Mon Wf«i Germany beat Cyprus 1-n :n their World Cup soccer match at Cyprus yesterday. It was their second win. Scotland and Austria are the other teams m the group
      33 words
    • Article, Illustration
      50 23 A WAVE AND JAPANESE TEAM IS OFF FOR 10,000-MILE TEST II'ITH a wave of the hand the Japanese driving team of K. Kitsumoto. N. Koga and V Tereda start off in their Vauxhall Viva CT 95 on Sunday to contest the 10.000 -mile London to- Sydney marathon rally
      50 words
    • 379 23  -  JOE DORAI PRESIDENTS XV 0 FIJIANS 9 By -THE Fijian rugby tourists yesterday showed their versatility In beat in j: Siniiapcrc RU President'! xv by 9-0 for their eighth tour win. Their points came from two tries and a penalty. The F mans,
      379 words
    • 60 23 MHlLlk> ST. Millie i |.l\ Ml SCHOOL CBOSS-COt'MTSl 'Priungi 1 nur.;e Ten 2 Nan■BMMMJ 3 T.niK Urn (.(.I I BAXTMl TROPHY <Batu O«jalp. Winnri Nahar s.iKh. UOCKl.V PCNANG I I.AGll City Council 0 Pollor 0 MX-\-»IIH. TO|KN»V ilg M.ilmi' tti'i 3 H' ttn 1 SOI t I It Fltrt.Mil
      60 words
    • 833 23 lffF-HHITS for all ff \r\rn r»cr. on Saturday, first day of Ihe Sln»apore Turf t lub NoxfmbrrUecetnner mettinf: I I. I. Di». I— 8F. Hyre«« 9.00 aMuni Park 8.11 November Sun 8.10 You Asked I It I 10 Seals R.iv 8.09 hai Klan x u". Taliolad F.ntertainment VII 8.01
      833 words
    • 241 23  - Bid to match N. Koreans v Dynamos in S'pore ERNEST FRIDA By THE sports-minded Singapore Government has planned a treat for soccer fans next month a match between North Korea, the 1966 World Cup semi-finalists, and the famous Moscow Dynamos. The Government, with the co-operation of FA of Singapore, is
      241 words
    • 186 23 Selangor RU selectors to name team today By MANSOOR RAHMAN rpHE Selangor rugby team X lor Urn Maiaya Cup north zone play-otf i against Perak on the Kuala Lumpur padang on Saturday will be selected 1 today. Tho c trying for places hav# been keepi:i; fit by daily ttmlnlng on
      186 words
    • 33 23 Sinea[> re Crick" t Club tha 1963 SCA Srm -r Lfatuc chamnrM holders of r phv, a inch l... II] t>v u The SC.V will be U"'dmB ill I 30
      33 words
    • 12 23 p CWt n Dr. loc-prcsufa nl >, and Jit s.nith (trtmM
      12 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 109 23 f CASCADE rich in vitamin C doe* you good Ml v Afcniv THI. HOHMOCOMPANY y I When your body calls for help! I K m -tftf^ 1 1 F iSO 4 ftc 4 in, Jic dwdy you re db/e to m move around freely dgun' That i how you and
      109 words
    • 95 23 .<* T* t I nmiiiuiui mv tfm 0 m s" JJnhii 'm ORrC %L ...for Exclusive Grooming This is the fraprancc of exclusive u^edlnthcm. Tabac OricinalSh;t\ ing grooming, ibe I rugrancc with the Cream or Shaving Soap, giva \ou a special touch, labac Original Toilet- smooth, cool shave. Tabac Oncinal
      95 words
  • Page 23 Miscellaneous

  • 89 24 WORKERS m a race against time to salvage a Japan Air Lines DC--8 plane which crashed into shallow water in San FranCisco Bay last Friday w<th 1 07 people aboard There were no casualties Sl'ngs, have been placed under the tail section, under
    UPI  -  89 words
  • 128 24 Ministry replies to STU queries SIMUAFOKL. Ml n I! try of Finance hareplied to \h>- Singapore 1 1 achen Union's queries made witii regard to the new Hilary KaiM recommended by the Har\ lane- C'onmiiviioii. A Ministry letter to the STU tonlgbl <ud all old certificate I trained and normal
    128 words
  • 75 24 SINGAPORE. Mom A wide ran«e ol hotel upholstery and equipment was on dl.splh rvenliiK at tlie Australian Hlrli Commission. In Cfcmenceau Avenue. Some 23 Australian manufacturers are showing their gOMtl Mr HC Sargent. Ittt Tntda CommKsionri said the display not only otlered new and up-to-date Items but
    75 words
  • 103 24 Another US plane hijacked to Cuba \IIAMI. Mon. The Federal Aviation Agency here today reported the .second hijacking of an American airliner in less than 24 hours. The PAA -aid a Bueing--707 operated by Pan-Am-er can World Airway- was hijacked alter it lelt Kennedy International Airport in New York for
    103 words
  • 443 24 LONDON Mon Tlie Initial dullness evident in the lust hour's trading on the London stick mar- i ket *M replaced by a ciiitlously firm tone by the close, with the F.T index towards the tmisli 12 I up at 483 1 j The heMtancy at
    443 words
  • 266 24 Night shelling of five towns by Vietcong SAIGON. Mon. A night ol Vicicong shelling on south Vietnamese t 0 v. n I COSI the lives of seven civilians and wounded at least :*0 others, military spokesmen said today. They said toda] I rained mortars on tiv« towns despite President Johnson'!
    Reuter  -  266 words
  • 8 24 I UVACURUPILLAV T on I 1 i
    8 words
  • 12 24 IN EVER LOVING MEMO'' hHO\r<1 ii' T '1 Mr. t.
    12 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 157 24 THE GREATEST NAME IN GERMAN ELECTRONICS Radiogram ONy^AN^ODELST^HDDS^RDM I I BOHEME STEREO I BM lit< into a ima'l n»"i» room It hM p»«r«.lul :'-4^ I Rtcorrter or Rocorl** Ann nuny other tciturtt iiß^l I 'nivsinns on Ille IM Wj. ,nf «.lh .1 NOftOMENUI I Rartin o R.irt'Oj' >n> _^«^^^^^^^^^^^^B»»B^^^B^* SOU
      157 words
    • 72 24 Late CLASSIFIEDS $:l :.'"l> CMIAM I 1 Jocn long M.11.54. »1 WONC LAI n 1<.h V Mi. M.ll Curtains UJu The most "TnT t! Importat v f i Home r 2^ t Colour scheming Now on display at 2nd Right Choice floor a huge range of A An fabulous drapery
      72 words