The Straits Times, 23 November 1968

Total Pages: 24
1 24 The Straits Times
  • 25 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 175,000 The Straits Times The National Newspaper Estd. 1845 SATI'RU.W. NOVEMBER 23, 1968 15 CENTS KDN. 3104 M.C. (P) 0014
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  • 205 1 STAYS AS IT IS, BUT HEAVY TAXES LONDON. Friday JHE Chancellor of Hit- Exchequer, Mr. Roy Jenkins, today l <»M the House of Commons lluil the "pound sterling will not be devalued." But the government, in its move to con; but the Internationa] monetary crisis, piled on hefty new consumer
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  • 862 1 Decision taken to devalue... PARIS, Friday A FRENCH Cabinet meeting was called for tomorrow morning to discuss devaluation of the franc. Tin- ilr( isiun la accept the principle of ;i ilcvaluation by less than 1(1 per cenl h;i> ;il ready been taken, informed sow '(••>
    Agencies  -  862 words
  • 138 1 On sale today, the ideal gift Till Straits Times \nnual lor ISM is on s.ilc Ihe neu edition of South-east Asia's linest publii ilinn sets new standards with lIS paves In ui'i full) printed on line quality paper. Nct>re«> ol brilliant full-roloir pictiuis '.I articles by the rcuinn's leading
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  • 36 1 KAMPALA. Km -Daniel Ka- .j'ed to life cut iiere '.oday on a charge ot dttemptum to muider -PrMldent of Uganda, Mr John Bab:. AtM eat ua^ shot at one niclit In Janu- .ir Reuter.
    Reuter  -  36 words
  • 285 1 Tanker fire in Singapore: One feared dead SINGAPORE. Friday PANAMANIAN youth is believed k/have been killed and 15 seamen burnt Bye seriously when .1 Liberian-registered tanker caught tiir in the Outer Roads today. The youth, still unidentified, jumped into In- sea BS lire rasjed on the stern 01 the liJtt-ton
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  • 52 1 PARIS, I ri. President 1)«- (.aulle is 7S today. But as ill (lie p:isl. M ■Metal arrangements uerr made to celebrate his birthday, which the President rr»arils as an ordinary working da>. Telegrams urre pouring in to the BJjrSM Palace, including some from other Heads of
    Reuter  -  52 words
  • 82 1 Singapore and Taiwan trade missions TAIPEH. Kn Nationalist China and Singapore have reached an agreement to Mttbli.sli ti.uir missions In the near fuiure "to promote trade, tourism and other economic telatlons." ihe Foreign Ofttce spokesman announced at a pnSi conference today The trade missions, said the spokesman Mr Chia-Chiu.
    AP  -  82 words
  • 41 1 Ursula is top air girl BRISBANE. Fri Swls Air new aides* Ursula Reimann. 27, ■M tonight unanimously voted the world's top air hostess tor 1968. Margaret McDonnell, of Sydney, from EaM-WcM Airlines, was econd. and Lufthansa's Mutcl Muck, was third t'PI
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  • 299 1 NEW YORK. Friday TWO mm given SECOND new hearts by I.S. turgeons in tinworld's first operalions of the kind were both reported in satisfactory con dilion The operations wore carried out within the space ot hours yesterday the first In Palo Alto. California,
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  • 19 1 TOKYO. PI x fapore „nn Malaysia n< xl tor t.ilk.s on tne improveini Straiti i p:
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  • 352 1 US guns blast at north DMZ OAIC.ON. Fri. U.S. artillery hu Bred for the first tune into the northern hall OJ the demilitarized zone following an attack on U.S. planes, an A rican military spokesman said today The northern hall Oi the dividing North and South Vietnam nically pan of
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

    • 160 2 VIOMOW. Kri. The Soviets clalawd >i-stiT(l.i> Ihi I hail de\elupcd .i drat to ( tiu .t lid .i live i .uciui' tor Immunisation of children u.iimM it. Mr. \n.ilol\ Smoro dintaev. director of the Soviet Gripe InMltaite in Lenlncrad. said the
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    • 9 2 injured «h«i they ins i 1
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    • 88 2 ret tall p mi nupnide Balg< n a boj d :or I'ar: iurce> confirmed ihi .!i behind- th $-scpnes c< n itinaon Jcir ••rpand»»d parley r failed in ir.d v •■•n i tiv h ')fTi dab In I'.iri* dtsplayed i v h than iwo n
      UPI  -  88 words
    • 591 2 HARRIS: SAIGON'S REFUSAL TO ATTKND TALKS HELPED WASHINGTON, Friday A WEEK LATER HUMPHREY WOULD HAVE WON: HARRIS DOLLSTER Louis Harris said yesterday that South Vietnam's last-minute balk on attending Paris peace talks helped Ricnard Nixon win the I.S. presidential election. Mr. Harris, appearing at
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    • 38 2 BI'DAPE^T Fr: I It pe»t mrfi iig at world C' nimum^ p»rtip» 1»m niEMt dwidMi to coa v«ir 'h' world Ccmmunlsl .'•urn n:; tl M. n Staai i! 1 I Du>n'lv> <1f...v caUMd by tlii .'el
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    • 157 2 L ONDON. Fri. The NOW Matesman. the leftist British weekly puliii. it on. yesterday desciihcd Pop Pa 'Is Pontili ate a> a "iatastropiie lor his c.iurc anil s.«id be li o::ld a 1 dicatr. The journal published a lenßthv profile of the Pope
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    • 59 2 WASHOTOTOM. Pn Th<> Un.tpd s»tr- h*s sajn d io asakc extr» DiirchKMes tmm Sri Zealand Ui tirip ofT.'ct niliury q npment. ntaffua .«nii rir i>> I nt w«J •he deal inrludwi an iKr'eir.ont ilk) ttr porchaac at up to L" 3 $500 000 »T!h ot
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    • 217 2 Now it's the leaning tower of London I ONDON. Fri. Trie J riocl tower containing big Ben, wartime symbol of Britain to millions around the world. Is tilting slowly toward the Than. The foundations ol me go true-; style structure mat withstood World Wai Two bombing ralda have been affected
      AP  -  217 words
    • 34 2 UNITED NATION? Tt\ C'amtydia today com p.- o the Security Council v.v.f Thau land h«d commlttfd fish 1 \:->- -lattSM of its terntnrv and t*rrltnrla: «at?rs between Sept 21 and Ort 15
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    • 399 3 MOSCOW. Friday SOVIET economist has come out with the controversial proposal that mothers should i ceive regular wag from the State for bringing up their children. Main aim of the proposal, made this week oy Dr. V. Perevedentsrv economic commentator of the Literary Gazette,
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    • 160 3 /'ANBERRA. Fri. Three Japanese and 10 Australian companies have been nned for their part In a larjre-scale conspiracy to avoid customs duties on imports from Japan. Customs and Excise Minister Senator Malcolm F told the Senate of the action yesterday. t' c. [ton
      AP  -  160 words
    • 99 3 lON DON. Ir; Hu»ia 's t<> buy .iiic n televi-'.on t.i advertise the delights ol a S»*vipt hollduy. Intouri-t, the Suwrt luurist office, said they plan 10 .spend (jj (loo roughly •< tliird of their modest advoitiMtig budget in Britain—
      AP  -  99 words
    • 53 3 PESHAWAR Fit All Htlknov n .1 Mdn ■■<■ lerday >hot and killed .< ii.tinrx-i ol Uie We.-l Pakistan Provincial As-.•t-ii'Dv Mi Malik Kib.ii Ktma M: Kn .n 111 .-Ivt while I standing be-ide a <a: on the out.sklru of Pararhinii 110 mile Kiuth-eMt of here, in
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    • 244 3 'BAR THESE PLANES OVER CROWDED AREAS' CALL WASHINGTON. Friday. IT TO 40 million Americans will be bombarded by sonic booms as often as 50 times a day when supersonic transport planes start routine flißhts in the next decade, a panel of scientists I told the Government yesterday. The five scientist
      UPI  -  244 words
    • 76 3 Change of sex now she plans to wed her Negrc chauffeur THE woman at left, seen in her home In Charleston. South Carolina, was a man until he underwent a sex change operation. Till then, he was Mr. Gordon Langley Hall, a writer. On Wednesday, she announced plans to marry
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    • 42 3 Up— Cosmos 254 ModCOW J-n -TIM SOX let Union yc-:mi.i7 Uuncliod *n- thrr uixr.anned earth t,ntrll:te a -nio- Mrttß. A brief an- i.rnt >.<.u tbl CikMliOs 2'i4 .1 ii.:v M .-p,ice studirjs but did not give r.s .specinc niM 1 ton. AP
      AP  -  42 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 107 2 i ±^**M&£&miL^LWLt I < 1 m /^^hS-l'-^aß aß^^% a^ Baßatta^Btar^^'^Bliit JSI Wk. M iwl P^wlßLl "mtr^ 11 M *B&*EBB&Wni^nmWmWEKKKBm^KEKKUI^KKKmWmWKKm^Ki^m^KmWKiUK^m* BP^'A JFII P^^ 1811 J| I Modern men want their hair to MMaW M .V^B I B I II T^ look natural and they have found m^m If I ll^LB IH^LB
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 38 2 THE GAMBOLS by Barry Appleby S| f^-U-- i_7rn 111 Fl fa*o9&r\ v iJIfLiTTn \y°° "wA i if] I \i',k r vou <new tuat mojkV l *JS V. Pf*t«/ BOS I MAtrt A.) Bi« I/'X. WE^ SAVINS POC kJ/
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 162 3 Iftcpunter Remember last year wnen you emerged footsore Samples from our extensive range unique "Dolly 1 Why b. o hor« ss ,d m-mm+m m <l Shtr'iS^S£y"P be a smart, one-stop shopper? .^nop in leisurely men s tQ |et sets eQtner wrjting desk sets, silvercomfort. Eliminate the rush ond the crush
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    • 391 3 TRACTORS MALAYSIA BERHAD wwoan cr Ttf mst wtw. skxp or ccr.w».*«s MAIL-IN AUCTION OF USED EQUIPMENT MACHINES AVAILABLE FOR AUCTION Machines arc offered in lott of two or three units tor auction. Howcvar, purchasers may make their offer in any individual unit it they so desire. ITEM I centring cf
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  • 585 4 Someone is out to f ix you' prediction COURT TOLD OF MAN IN A TRANCE. SINGAPORE, Fri.—A witness today told a court martial how ;i Singapore Arm> staff sergeanl went into a trance and predicted thai someone was tfoing to "i\\" S/Sgl. Nordin bin Mohamed Nor. Warrant Officer Mas bin
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  • 274 4 SINGAPORE. Friday MR. EDOUARD HUTTE. formerly French Charge d'AfTaires in Singapore, has been named France's Ambassador to the Republic, it was officially announced today Mr. Hutte was French c insol-OenenU here In 19M. When Singapore became an Independent Republic in August V.ies. he was promoted Charge
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  • 39 4 SINGAPORE Kn The Portma.ster has restricted the use of Telok Aver Basin to certain classes of vessels. Thesr are lighters carrying cargo, harbour craft tmune Dgbtera. government cr^lt. and cithrr MaaJi that have prior permi.v.ion irom him
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  • 52 4 SINGAPORE. Fri. The Tnto jackpot for this Suncl:iy\ draw will be %injim for the flrst priio. There will bo a maximum of SKO.OOO for thr second prize. I'hr draws will lr h, 1,1 at thr studios of IV. Sineapura at 3.40 p.m. and will br ttlc.isi "live"
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  • 188 4 SINGAPORE. Fri -A mar- i rlage which has accepted sexual discipline as a of lllc Ii .stable and secure when exposed to difficulties. Illness or temporary .separatton the fourth Asian Ooogre.vs of ObstetrU-s and Gynaecology was told today Mr. H P Dunn, a NYw
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 374 4 Director Francois Trurtaut pays unabashed homage to ALFRED HITCHCOCK in this sly, tautly acted thriller iog»i mm^^. aboUt a homicidal ton i ido a iinn TiME Ham J& fc\rV 13Q A >m ki 4.00 H r" t5 -..;v w f mbtm J W i FRANCOIS^ KNi I u«tri i Msf
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    • 76 4 OCEAN PARK HOTEL Presents Tonight /A lExtension 1 a.m.i j (7v i THE BIG. BIG SHOW The Fabulous Korean wwkit* Singmg& Dancuv Team Ml The 4 Phoenix j^T Plus One X^JA DANCE TO 43 J-.J* TLRLSA kHUO'S OttAN FOUR WITH SINGERS FKOM THE BAND W >- TERESA KHOO. WINSTON FILMER
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    • 42 4 I owwi juicfljJl Prepared Orange Juke for Baby ll. at Nyal Medicinal Orange Juice Compound. Natural orange juice supplemented with extra Vitamin C. Ready prepared. Give it straight from the bottle. Ideal for growing children— and for babies from two weeks old.
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    • 400 4 [CATHA^J OPENS TODAY! II om. 1.30, 4.00, 6.30 4 9 30 pm Coi,. "i i "BERSERK! 1 i.i.u.r.nnfiii i NOW SHOWING' I lam 1.30. 4 00, 6. JO 4 9 30 p"THE RISE AND FALL OF THE THIRD REICH" Ar f/GM ftonight v n "SEDUCTION— N.nie Style h 1 Owwe
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  • 712 5 National Defence Fund now totals $7.3 million DONATIONS FROM CROSSSECTION OF PEOPLE SINGAPORE, Frl. fill-: Four Sc;is Communications li ;i n k formerly known ;is Hie Sxe Hai Tong Bunk Ltd.) gave $](N).(NNJ to the National Defence Fund this ■norning. This sum. with other donations, raised the
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  • 203 5 SINGAPORE. Fri. IIR. JUSTICE Tan Ah Tah today allowed an appeal by City Stationery Co. against a district courts decision ordering the company to deliver vacant possession of its business premises in Chiang Hour Lim Street. The Judge accepted the contention of the appel- lant's counael,
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  • 35 5 BINGAPOBE, Kri Mr. Teone Erne Siime. MP for Semuawanc. uiil declare open tomorrow ni»;lit a new basketball court donated hv J-; ominando. Ro\al Marines, at the I In Sembawang rommunity centre.
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  • 170 5 SIM.APORK. Kri. The After-care Association h.i-. again appealed fur sympathy and help fur discharged primiik rs tv enable them to i- ..mi their place as <!<■- cent citiicns in the uimnumil>. 1 In- public should not be prejudiced against th -in as Ihry hrn
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  • 101 5 SINGAPORE. Frl. The Peopte'i AMoetAUoa lias drawn up a tebCMC lur management COOUBIttMI of community central to meet each other on goodwill >i' .1-.. in fxiliaiiKe vtßwi ldea« ana experiences OB community centre work anJ to further promote couperatiou among themselves l:ie lirsi ot ihe.-e toms
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  • 101 5 BINOAPORE. Frl The National Library has revised Its opening hours during the fastIng month and the new times are: Adult lending section, weekdays 8 30 a.m. to 6 p.m reference division, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.. Saturdays 9 a.m. to 5 30 pm Slglap Branch Library
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  • 40 5 SINGAPORE. Fri A trishaw rider. Foon Woon. S3. v..i.s lined $25 at the Tenth Magistrates Court today when ho admitted rakin? through ;t refute bin in a back lane off Keong Siak Street, on Aug. 23.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 346 5 t you've ever had... at the m\ .QUARTERDECK POOL MA L Cuscaden House M^i Ro*d. Singapore 10 Te T9lOl AMBASSADOR ««%\«r 1 Hotel N,tc-Club Rcitoutont V PHOENIX 4 FABULOUS KOREAN DANCERS I INTIRELY NEW PROGRAMME J 2 -hows nitely aab^M| i jCi Vm'ssidalol r^li b m Hit •mW hongkong I
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    • 326 5 ANNOUNCEMENT IW in response to popular request the liSfoliffl >( 'Haqdicraft Ceqtrc ■K^j will hold a display and salt ot typical l^&/3§ Indonesun batik materials, dresses. fv?»W/Bjl| 1 handbags wood carvines. paintings KXtj^U silver iii'i i;i-wtir wares, lewolleries gQ^Ka and other traditional and modern K^^l wisma °Iqdoijesia orchard road ICAfc-ii.t'
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  • 199 6 Why TWO Hilton Hotels in Singapore: Manager explains [SINGAPORE, Fri. W Second Hilton Hotel to be built in Singapore will be 23 storeys high, with 400 rooms. Plan.s for the new hotel at Bras Basah Road have already been drawn up even before the first Hilton, a 26-storey building at
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  • 183 6  - A LIVE 'MERMAID' WHO DOESN'T GET WET AT ALL S.F. YONG By {'AUGHT! A live 'mermaid who also m o d c I uhen she isn't on show. This mermaid, who i* nightly drawinc crowds at the Third Annual Tropical Ki»h Kxhibitinn in Kuala Lumpur, is Miss Jean Lai, 21.
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  • 301 6 In— a former cookboy with a $lm to spend By R. CHANDRAN: Singapore. Friday A ONK-TIMK cookboy in the Swedish city of Gothenburg is now in Singapore with a million-dollar snopping list to buy provisions. Mr Qengi EiueviK. now 1 the direct* i ol Thai Inter- Datkuial'i flight kitchen in
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  • 47 6 PENANG Prl Sta!» p\eci the Councilors will hnld their meet-the-p*ople *e*f.ion- f:nm 12 30 to 130 pm. cm TMaaßjfß, Thur«da\s and Fridavi. durinj the piivi month The <.e»»ions however ml] be impended after next Tuevlav intii the er.ri of the State Ijett--lative AMfmb!; mcetu.g
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  • 20 6 KI'ALA 1 IMPI'R Tt I lie Thea're Cluti here mil <» pantomime d:n" from Dec. 10 to Der 21
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  • 88 6 Still at large— 60 top Reds KUALA LI'MrUR. Fri The SO < nnaust.s who scaped the police dragnet a fortnight ago are still at la:_' The Secretary to ih« Ministry of Homo M Sheikh Abdullah b:n Bl Abu Bakar. sa;rl tl day. Several (if them are believed to be leader*
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  • 35 6 PENANG Prl Th* Chl#» Education Officer. Mr. Tan T> > Bene. mill rp»n a t^»rh»exhibition. orginUert b I Penanjt Tearher'' Art Cln at the Penang Muwim and A-t O»llen-. Ftrijuhar Stnsft. nefl Tlmrtoay.
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  • 61 6 KI'AI.A LUMPUR. Pri The nmifcTj-f'- rnnt here today .•ommittrM Lirw ("hie* Seng. 25. 10 -i nil in.; in thr Hish Court on charge* of armed robbery and attempted murder. He in i''Umc; of haunu commuted armed robbery on May 23 in Jalan Walter Grenier herr and of
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 564 6 7% SMSBOm Australia FREE! i— -j Now... free of charrje, Lloyd Triestino fies m Bar y° u Malaysia— Singapore Airlines to Perth, M Wm-m m Western Australia. And tnafs where you m MB M board your Llo>d Triestino liner bound for M Ms&m/Lwmm m Europe. When you sail to Europe
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    • 91 6 It 9 s free and it's for you! HEARD ON 1300 RADIO STATIONS around the world. And now coming to Singapore, for two nights only! THE VOICE OF PROPHECY RADIO TEAM featuring I H M S. RICHARDS. Jr "v/^ *«P ne f Americas outstanding V jA^K young preachers also THE
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  • 200 7 Thanks for that gag on Harun, Cuepacs tells Tengku I^UALA LUMPUR, Frl ■"Cuepacs has thank«d Tengku Abdul Rahman for directing the Anti-C orruption ncy director, inche Harun Hashim, to consult the Ministry of Home Affairs before making any Press statements. In a inm-page article I ■'feiifcku puts on Anti-G Cnlet",
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  • 120 7 L I M A LUMPUR, Kri Donations to the National Heroes Well'arr liusi Fund. launthed last month," exceeded the s i nil (Hid mark, the Pnhlic Trustee. Mr K. I'.u i said lirre Ihe fund imu stands U si.;o.OOO. \ntons tlie
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  • 282 7 Missing pants... so Edwin cleared VERY SUSPICIOUS, SAYS DEFENCE SINGAPORE. Friday MISSING pair of trousers today led to the acquittal and discharge of schoolteacher Edwin Tan Seng Hock, accused of supplying four broken hacksaw blades t< his twin brother Freddy Tan Seng Kent*, now serving a life sentence This pair
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  • 490 7 Misplaced? That doesn't sat i sty me, says judge Mr. Bs ...< en -iitl. had sought I all beIhe bfl I Hid Edwin by producing the clothing in court The ihlrtl vkiTP pru-cuct-d a.s exhlMU, but r.>>t the trou.scr.s. One could not the Id owner oi the ihtlta us
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 238 7 j!E^ BISMA REX t >$0- ANTACID POWDER W fiexnll 0: the disconifort of 1 F'B Excessive gastr.c acidity J^^^^K Sour Stomach 9 •Indigestion J •Hoartbi.rn W?% »Flatulence and Wnd )lT^^^^2^B SAFE PRO/i >TiN6 Hl Also ava.ldblc Bisma 4<, HHT Re Antac d Tablets. COLD STORAGE (M) LTD., Pharmaceautical Division, Singapore,
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    • 238 7 T^^~~~~>^. iff LOW NOISE-HIGH OUTPUT BASF Latest Low Noise-High output "^"^3^^^^^ recording tapes reduce background ?jB noise and produce better frequency response. w <«^«ol No question about BASF Quality provides superb sound reproduction r MMvan JEBSEN JESSEN (S) LTD. ff*^l'^H%Si 3t ISA iNSjPASCt BoilOiNC S:SG*PO«t t \t 9 I It^'v
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  • 149 8 6 became mothers after fertility drug SINGAPORE. Frl. Six married women who wi i tie to bear children became I :.<•; s after taking fertility dTUgt pres crib< j d by doctors at the Kandang Kerbau hospital. The women all In their nties were amone the 15 Who ri-ceived the
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  • 100 8 Xi \l I MPLK m The Malayelaa eatflsk likan sembilang) will «oon Iw displayed Bi l^>ndon /<M>. Thr BKsMeal of the Selanci"i Aqunri-ts Bactei] Mr iioii t i,is k k Lea, is it the moment selecting "at h.ilf .1 do7en of the rarer
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  • 206 8 Tougher terms for the C-Plan docs now $20,000 TO BUY OUT OF SERVICE KUALA LUMPUR, Fri QOCTORS graduating on Colombo Plan scholarships will soon have to serve the Government for 10 years or pay $20,000 to '"buy" themselves out from service. The Director of Me dlcal Services, Tan Sri (Dr.)
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  • 227 8 HOW UNIONS CAN FIGHT THE RED MENACE. KUALA LUMPUR. Frt TRADE unions in the region should serve as a bulwark against Communism by consolidating Into a "itine-size" institution, a vice-president of Cut-pars. Mr N R. Wigneswaran, said today. "TWI I Vital because tr,i'i> unloalan a,s a sharp weapon In the
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  • 265 8 KUALA LUMPUR. Fri YJALAYSIAS top marksman, Sergeant-Major Khadim Hussain, was killed on the spot when his Mercedes Benz crashed into the rear of a stationary lorry at the 10th mile. Federal Highway, early this morning. S|?t-Major Khadim, the South-East Asia Peninsular Games
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  • 46 8 1/1 AI.A TR^^(.<.A.^^ Frl A mrmhrr of thr tilllll Pe^tv orp<. was today reported missinc \thilr <-uinimine off IMtti Murok hrre He was among frit-nds uho had |MM f<> r .1 nirnir A «*:irrh was ordrred. and uas tom« on late today.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 124 8 We extend our Congratulations and Best Wishes to The Borneo Company (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. on the official opening of the Sanyo Centre at 197 Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman, Kuala Lumpur. Sanyo Dealers Ban Hong Co., Sin Huat Hin 154-158, Prangin Road. Electric Supply, Penar g 128. Main Road. Branch 4221.
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    • 197 8 your floors and fiirniture with long lasting RONUK products If you want to protect your floors, preserve your furniture and produce a brilliant finish, Ronuk floor waxes and furniture cream offer exactly what you want. Look for Ronuk home care products at your store. They dean, polish md p r
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 215 8 Straits Times Crossword aH b^B gSM Wt •CMM n Iklßt finer eir. '8' 8 FVnviarding agfnt In IS 1 WMM hrr«K f.,r mml of ,g, nna in I»nrion >&> is plunder left tn medrtler 5. Bound 'o find the nurrf" ■5-5 v II Mi'mher to •i* interrupt* 9 Animal. Intact,
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  • 489 9 Schoolboy tells of 5 a.m. horror QLLS WIFE, SON, THEN HIMSELF SINGAPORE. Friday SCHOOLBOY told a coroner's court today how his mother and brother were stabbed to death by his father, who hanged himself minutes later. Er Choon Hwee. 11, said: "I awoke at 5 a.m. when I heard my
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  • 32 9 O, Kr. i tic t official nait to nki liom. 'own. B.i;u cv.tali, on s Yung cr '■bra;, n.,. al 81 Jonepn Church there at 8 a.m.
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  • 31 9 PENANG. Frl A -Queen of Elegance" will be elected at the Penaiii: Dance Association's annual Dance lestUal to be held at the E and O Hotel on Ha*. 30.
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  • 53 9 SITIAWAN. Fri An 18--...1. liom Slow Kiew. of n «v cbarnd in :hr n... Hi jrewer- Illegal i>o>>. i raw opium and four ib. o; morphine hydrochlortdt. arrested at the 37th m,, B v I p.Md road while travelling in a c»r on Wednesday No
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  • 27 9 PENANG, Frl— There were of Illtlllf 11/.i It month, compared with 4.395 cases during the epidemic in September Health Department nati.stlcs disclosed
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  • 45 9 SL'NGEI PATANI. Kn. Meinoris of the Rotary Club hcie pawed the hal ruund alter Mrs. J. Commode. ol CareMedico, had addressed tl;em on phototherapy, and made an cu-tlie-spot contribution towards the of a wheelchair lor the use of the Dbtrlct Ho*ii.jt. here.
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  • 103 9 ,«)N(. KO.Nfi, I rl The Milume of trade betucr!i linn- Kong and Singapore ras«- by H\ per cent in the first nine month.-, of this year, Meardtag to the i olony's (iencr. i| Chamber of Commerc*. I imireN shoMi-d that the colony
    Reuter  -  103 words
  • 195 9 When a woman's age cannot be kept secret Fri.— The Chief Justice. Mr. Justice Wee ChonK Jin, today said that it was understandable why most women were secretive about their ages. He had oiMerved from the n urds ot an accident case that tht- age ol the vuilm— wife of
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 140 9 ffM me I _Mg_!l MANS ,uk iiiosi; who I THE TASTK OF GOOD BRANDY \sk. for your bvourite braad) I but be sure you mix with j 7-Up! Seven-Up knowi how to V' -^ajajr^l smooth your ilrink witliout t> \_j smollic-rin^ the food br— dy f A t;ivu- you like.
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    • 251 9 NOW/ MOVE UP TO A J?e>/fA/i The high quality car air conditioner specially designed for Mercedes-Benz. The DENSO Car Air Cond.tioner e-ijies fast and silent cool>ng with __gpj m|bm b^h^ automatic teiipeiature controls. Handy te'npcrd'.jre dais a !ow t^ie of cooling reg,. red at the flip of a s.Mtch. Ire
      251 words

  • 385 10  -  MAUREEN PETERS MEDICAL ""-rnR NOT SOI' mrrKRIOK... By GINGAPORE, Fri. F;imilv planning programiiics must recognise that the success or hiilnre of any particular method of birth control is not solely based on medical or scientific factors, Hie Deputy Director of Medical Services, Dr. K. Kanatjaratns<B«
    385 words
  • 219 10 FIVE-DAY AUSSIE HOTEL EQUIPMENT DISPLAY SINGAPORE. Frl A group of 25 leading Australian companies will take part In a !i\f-day special exhibition ol hotel equipment and lurnishings beginning here on Monday. It will be held In the trade dbplay area at the Australian Hißh Commission In Clemenceau Avenue. This will
    219 words
  • 42 10 BINOAPORE. Frl Dr. Toh Chin Chye. Minister of Sclenct and Technology. Mil officially open the new premUea of th< Changl branch of the People': Action Party In Bomapah Tlino: off 10 m-s Changl Road, or Sunday at 7.30 pm
    42 words
  • 284 10 Trade is best way to reduce gap between rich, poor countries: Goh SINGAPORE. Fri. TRADE, not foreign aid. is the best way of reducing the sap between rich and poor nations, .said the Finance Minister. Dr. Goh Keng Bwee today when opening the Fair Lady Fashions Ltd. wiR factory. "By
    284 words
  • 62 10 UNOAPOM PM Parking lias been made easier at the Singapore International Airport, »llh the completion of a new palm-decorated car park, with space lor over 200 cai^ Dotted with trees, shrubs and bushes, the new $90 000 car park which Is only 50 yaros from Hie
    62 words
  • 118 10 SINGAPORE Kri. A forum on "Family plan- ning In Asia" will be telecast on Channel 5 of TV Singapura on Sunday at 9.25 p.m. It can also be heard over Radio Singapura the same day at 7.30 p.m. The chairman will be Dr.
    118 words
  • 116 10 SINGAPORF. r fourth obstetrics and i here Mas been a gre cc -s bMi I tuined lntcres 1 aid .-upporf of the v. ment. the m arlypresldent of the Federation of Ob and Gynaecology. Mr Lean, said last .Speaking it il» quet Hotel Lean also
    116 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 346 10 We have a way with Europe. MIDDLE i:\S\J pHEQEESB* We can give it to you two different ways. Aft east or west, you'll have a good* feeling. One is west. To the Middle East. Byway With ne a;rlin? One ticket> And one of Tehran. Beirut. Istanbul. And then standard of
      346 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
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  • 1627 11 Sorry I've started too late you know, that's the trouble. Got into bad habits CHAPTER FIVE I U J I IVfINT IT HOW <JO FAS: Ronnie Appleyard, youngish TV personality is a guest in the Mediterranean of Lad^v Balilock. whose inhibited daughter Simon he is pursuing. Lord Kalilnck is war/,
    1,627 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 84 11 NEW FORM ULA has instant knock-out power i i^B Bh "V g^gfli g^g^H iggggggHlltlggggHll ■Bgggggfl IgWB y\ Vis^ggggggggggggiHggflHßßP i \J jL ggggggggsgl IgHg^Hß —^^sigsj gm\ BgxQgggggfl \<WF^ NOW AVAILABLE IN THREE SIZES. Get new Formula Shelltox in the new aerosol pack for instant insect HgggflgfiHKgflßßglggggß control Shell Chemicals have reformulated
      84 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 707 12 If Basic WSJ one fact the meeting ot the Big Tin in Bonn found OUI antl 111 seventeen houn something must h.i\<- been found it the lin.incial meaiermany announced the week, ami the help wi iiaiu i> in ing given, are not The Uig Ti-n were in confi
      707 words
    • 348 12 Redding between the lines of the lie.. tioin >~ now aeenu virtually en tain that a Sou'h Vietaajnese delegation will be in Paris bj Wi dnesdagr, the scheduled (iiite for the next sis n| the peace talks pas. nun may not take their plates at once.
      348 words
  • Letters
    • 246 12 YOUR correspondent (ST. Nov. 16) gives me the impression of an international scholar and academician who has been in the Nanyang University, and at least a '100 tertiary institutions in the United States, besides of course, the University of Adelaide. For how else, or on
      246 words
    • 96 12 Junior College r rLN complained <ST Nov. 14) that persons who paved the Cambridge School Certificate or the 0 ivrnment Secondary IV School Certificate 1 Chinese) examination*, a vrar or two earlier were barred from applying for admission to th» National Junior College. This is not so. If Mich persons
      96 words
    • 26 12 MATHEMATICAL Mibtl to help those taking external papers 111 mathematics should be included in the extramural counts at the L'niveisity of Singapore r. j. no Singapore
      26 words
    • 184 12 Puzzling traffic signs 'j'Hr' new one-wsy trafllc arrangements are generally working well in Orchard Road but there Is need for an explanation by the TrafiV P., of the meaning of the signs at the corner ot Koek Road and Orchard Road. At the moment motorists interpret These signs In at
      184 words
    • 86 12 One year's wait and still no card ON June 17 laot year I called at the local Registration Oti ict to apply For a 'replacement of my old identity card in conformity with Regulation 16. I was issued with a receipt. On the Nov 8 this year I enquired about
      86 words
    • 137 12 T*HE Introduction of new Singapore Government salary scales are acceptable for sections of the civil service except for the t vpUts on the Sl64x6A-20S 214x8A-2«2 scale, with ar all-in maximum salary f $340 60 This scale WSJ not recommended for conversion. Either this scale has overlooked
      137 words
    • 147 12 HELPFUL HANDS AT PAYA LEBAR ON t'nday night I went to Paya Lebar Airport to see an aunt and unJe who were arriving at 7 30 p m., for a short stop before continuing their Qantas flight to Australia. I did not. however, realise that to see transit passengers, one
      147 words
    • 81 12 riXHE Senior Health OffiX cer. Dr. Thevathasan <ST Nov. 15. stated that the person who fired irackcrs would be held responsible for ■wetping ;ip the red paper. May wr know what action would be taken against such 1 person should he or she refuse to
      81 words
    • 78 12 PUBLIC service vehicle does about 300 miles day. or about 54.000 miles in six months. Between two inspections any PSV could smoke for many reasons. About 156.000 vehicles are running m an area of .'lx square mile in Singapore town putting out a tremendous amount of
      78 words
    • 181 12 \|AY we reply to ArisnK ttdM who wrote <BT. Nov. Hi on the imposition of import duties on bicycles and component part:-. Ii .vhould be pointed out that the Government In order to give the local bicycle manufacturing •ndu.-trv .i (tart, put the import oi
      181 words
  • 906 12  -  RUDI ABRAMSON Sir Bernard l.mcll of Jixlrrll Bank has condemned the I.S. plan to send three astronauts in Apollo 8 to orbit the moon. He warned that they could be trapped into a perpetual orbit. In this article a I.S. science
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
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    • 203 12 FOR DRAWING PUN PRINTING PAINTING AND SURVEYING APPARATUS. MINISTAR KOMBI Ms m.dci ns sbssssm combined with »cmi wet development equipped with two »p«ool fluorescent lamps ot I2Sw and hoi an output ot up to 90- 100 meten per hour. Available Also: Heliostar 5 Heliottar 6 (Powder Developing Machines) all mode
      203 words

  • 149 13 SINGAPORE. Fri.— A district Judge took consideration a UlingnesB to forglvi when he gave a man a 12-month conditional discharge today. Salesman Koo Jong 'i 29. admitted that he made a false declaration at the Registry of Marriages on I
    149 words
  • 49 13 LUML'T Fri— A two*iioruhold b«b> giri. K Rh.m sdnmieti tc dLstrici hospital here yestcrda) wtth severe burns. lartiaJ y f»ther. S. Kandtf.-Amy. 38. said that she burn nhen ;he mat the \n..s aught Are. It te believed that the fire .spread from .amp
    49 words
  • 256 13 Film star Sushela slashed by intruder KUALA LUMPUR. Friday 4 30-YEAR-OLD act- ress. who played the part of a heroine in the Indian film "V.imnire" is in hospital here as a result of having been stabbed by a man at her home. She is Sushela Kama in. a mother
    256 words
  • 151 13 Pacific Milk ballotting: MP complains of mix-up I/UALA UJMPOB, Kri. The ■ecwt>ry-gwm>] ol the Oerkkan Ra'ajral Maiay■la. Ur T.n; Chec Kboon. lIP today ->aid tlierr had Uf iii complaints over the rreent ballott ng of Pacific M'lk Indu.strle.s itaam I- Ml if Ii I M >.>iel: hi unMirrr.siui kppUemati did
    151 words
  • 50 13 KUAI.A IVMPI'R Fri The Controller of Te:rec>mniuni- !iC<m KiKU'ii Mr. K. S. Shanmugam. died at the CMurnl IK iixliiy nitn .i BbOTi HIMB 50 Mr BNinmuram j.-^-d -hr department In 1936 He was iminwtrf to controller in JmUiiiy fMI Hr widow three MM .uid d.iush--1 ter.
    50 words
  • 50 13 siNQAPORE. Fri. Osrruin bin Daud. 39. was fined $750. or three months' jail, by a magistrate's court today for having 71b of Indian hemp. The hemp was found on boaid a Singanore-Johore ex-pre.-s bus Ht thr Woodlands Customs point yesterday. Oni IB i 1 1 v
    50 words
  • 41 13 KIAIA II'MPIR KM Tlie Dliector of thf> Malav-ian Meteoiolocical Sri \hi Ml Hn Tftig Yuen tori it v dosed the mo-week intei '.'.annual seminal mi the Forecasting of Hra\\ Rains and Floods in winch 15 i tommies look pan.
    41 words
  • 193 13 ACTION SOON AGAINST STORE RUDE BUSMEN CIM.APOKK. Kri The Government is to t.ikr action atainst bail -m. in nered bus drivers an;l conductors. Mr IMiii.i Bah Parliimentary Secretary to the Ministry of Communications, gave this u.i ruin; today at the closing ceremony of the bu* safety and courtesy campaign
    193 words
  • 158 13 'Do not imitate' advice to pop groups VJINGAPOKE. Fn. Ixjcal pop groupf and singers should not try to imitate other arlistes if they want to make an international hit. This advice was. given today by Mr. Phil Rose, vicepresident of Warner Bros. Seven Arts Incorporated, who is here on a
    158 words
  • 95 13 URL N EI TOWN. Fri. There was confusion in i Erunr s neighbouring town c[ Mirl i Sarawak i when shopkeepers refused to acefpt Brunei currency folkwing the ba'ik-s' suipen'.Hin of foreign currency dealings. sinci> yesterday Although the >u>pcni>ion did no 1 atleci the customary
    95 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 90 13 1 1 fli carven s&fflm Four wonderful perfumes -^^^^^^L^^id to expose rhe most f^ mmm JlSQl&SrflVw// exciting facets of your *^^^r^k\^v////( vertetblanc M j|M 5 NEW BULLWORKFR Exerciser for Incrcd.ble NEW STRINGTH in the FIRST WEEK. .^^L~ Out modet m» other Con»cnrion«l MW «S Eiercitcrs Used by the Gormon «htH^
      90 words
    • 111 13 —-—i WMB' Nfi < JBLif tH m, M jmmKmmmSSSkmSmim* -t < r^L v r IJ n I 4^ For your X'mot thopping convenience our shop will rtmoin open till 9.00 p m. on every Wednesday and Saturday trom now to December 17th on D.ctmbt- llrh l«»h. 20th 2 lit. 23rd.
      111 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 723 13 ON YOUR TV AND RADIO TODAY TV MALAYSIA TV SINGAPURA CHANNELS Ku*U Lumpur M. Ml ft M,n. 655 IHWNU. i qAA New* In English 913 Mi Penan* i 1p..1.»nd >U Keauii.-. Programme .urn- Portrait David Nnen. T^r. kit 70« 7: to -n 7 i., 10 05 C.un-t.on street; 10 30
      723 words

  • SANYO Centre
    • 240 14 We are all confident of the future... THIS IS A LITTLE OF JAPAN AWAY FROM JAPAN... WITH THE COMPLETE RANGE OF SANYO ELECTRICAL PRODUCTS UNDER ONE ROOF MB. K KAMI'RO. the manages director of Sanyo Electric Trading Company Limited, Osaka, Japan the international division of Sanyo Electric Company Limited has
      240 words
    • 486 14 ]y|R. E. KAMI' HO. the managing director of Sanyo Electric. Trading Company Limited in Osaka, has specially flown down from Japan to officiate at today's opening of the Borneo Company I. Malaysia I Sdn. Berhad s showroom for Sanyo products at 197 Jalan Tuanku Abdul
      486 words
    • 485 15 More than 3,000 patents all over the world RESEARCH HAS LED TO MANY 'FIRSTS' RY THIS GIANT COMPANY r |MIK Sanyo Electric Company Limited, t'shblislu'd in April 19.10 on a small scale, Ikis grown inlo ;i company of international stature in ;i relatively short period. One unison loi tlii.i tremendoua
      485 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 44 14 Congratulations Best Wishes to THE BORNEO COMPANY (MALAYSIA) SDN BHD. on the official opening of their showroom for SANYO products at 197 Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman Kuala Lumpur. fSANYO SANYO ELECTRIC TRADING COMPANY LTD. Moriguchi Osaka, Japan. (International Division of Sanyo Electric Co. Ltd.)
      44 words
    • 61 14 SANYO INDUSTRIES (MALAYSIA) SDN. BHD. congratulates THE BORNEO COMPANY (MALAYSIA) SDN. BHD. on the official opening of their Showroom for SANYO Products at Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman, j Kuala Lumpur. I G^5 v @^v s o SANYO INDUSTRIES (MALAYSIA) SDN. BHD. Room 415, Selangor Kwang Tung Association Building, Jalan Pudu,
      61 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 208 15 Our heartiest [Congratulations to The Borneo Company (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. on the official opening of their Showroom for Sanyo Products in Kuala Lumpur. From the following Sanyo dealers: A. A. Abdul Wahob Co., Lion Huot Trading Co., 113 Chulio Street, 38, Jaion Rojo Syed Alwi, Konoor, Perlu Ban Hin
      208 words
    • 265 15 Our Congratulations and Best Wishes to The Borneo Company (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. on the official opening of the Sanyo Centre at 197, Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman, Kuala Lumpur, by Mr. E. Kamuro, Managing Director of Sanyo Electric Trading Company Ltd., Osaka, Japan. We are proud to be associated with the
      265 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 113 16 B IB fa fll i^^^^^^^^^^B l^t I fcv _> 'a r vV-i^/a,^B Hi I Uv 1 r-' Uli, >^ I v^y II v I Aw, tJm^^^-Jx j »m r lag^lf lift jehJ'^ h vAsßkXv SYMBOL OF OUTSTANDING iwl/^ ENDORSED BY 24 INTERNATIONAL AWARDS |f1 "4 /A FOR EXCELLENCE M/ j\
      113 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 774 17 10 LIVES'OOL ANO 01HER UK CONIINENIAL >oTt^^^^^^^^^^^^ Ebj k' 1 otc A V.\ 111 J > :Si; sHii eaa ssii 1 Oic H Dec 11/1 J Mus Jaa 1 lit 4 •I" 3 j» jaa j/n 7, •jtn... im ii im 13 is/21 im a it •mmm lawaajaii NM 21
      774 words
    • 1387 17 J^^t^ommimmm^ ■■MHaaM^MaiMaH ■■•■^^■■■^■■■■^■^^■■■■^■^^^■■■■l^^ LTH£ E A h£//V£s\ THL EAST ASIATIC COMPANY Ltd Incorporate m Otmmvk BaaVal EXPRESS SAIUNGS TO GENOA/NORTH CONTINENT, SCANDINAVIA P. S':am Penang S'por* I Genoa R'dan H'bure Aarhus C'hagen i !JJ.?«?* Pirl 7 Nl l|i '»«''"llJmlslm it Jm 11 PITAtONIA I, Dtc 21 21 Btc 27 21
      1,387 words
    • 1285 17 I EXPRESS SERVICE TO LONDON. LIVERPOOL I CONTINENTAL POUTS. BrMATTAUI Fm m>> Ote Ii BtNAITOW C.jigtmoutt IN 1 Smgaport P. S him Ptnmt Ant«trp Im I II Pt Tin, Nn 24/2S «^J«« t |JJ [J BBNNBVIS B- gj 111 P. Shim P.nmg G mouth Im N (11. 11/TMii Nn 25
      1,285 words
    • 1129 17 W WORLDWIDE CARRIERS LTD. |_^f^^H f"' Galveston Houston, New Orleans, Charltlten, |^^^^^R*am Savonnoh, Baltimore, New York, New London. Spore P. Shorn Penonj; lOANNIS lnport/23 Nov 24/25 Nov ATHLITIS U/ltDtc 19/20 Dtc 21 Dm Charleston, Savannah subject to inducement. A t «m.. McALISTER 6c CO., LTD. S'pcre P. SweMenham Penong Tel:
      1,129 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 1059 18 y-— *~*^KAWASAKI KISEN KAISHA LTD. Western Australia Singapore f Japan Service Fremaniie Smjipo't Tofckjicni/Nafora T'nama hoc* Bei|i» Mar*' 23 31 Otc t la* 10 It* 11 IM IS Im West Africa Singapore/ Japan Service SmgarA." Njgo» V rjma »uot •ivjur <«.i»» Mjru Om.ts liNnßtaai I Die Jok I Otc I
      1,059 words
    • 894 18 IKtMHM MM «ai«nD tMMCI i .NOia •imsim »«o ftp. i«si HMJaMI Far: Pt. Alaa. Int.. S»< Mri It- Ni|iam aia aaa MMrat **r 't K ft B yDv D i pore P. 5 rtan Penjng hum 7a n/ii in ifcYi'ii gas- g^B jg 4^ "*MMI SSA MM HVaTaB uiiVite ""w'it.
      894 words
    • 1007 18 IBMBaMMMadBaJaLt^^ TONGKAH HARBOUR TIN ANNOUNCEMENT DREDGING BERHAD MERLIN HOTELS MALAYSIA in Malaysia) RFRH\[) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN btKHAU tha'. at a board meeting held on j (Incorporated in Malaysia) 20th November. 1968. the direc- The Board of Merlin Hotels tors declared an Interim dividend J Malaysia Berhad will recommend
      1,007 words
    • 754 18 THE CHAIRMAN AND BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF FAIR LADY FASHIONS LTD. WISH TO THANK THE HONOURABLE MINISTER FOR FINANCE DR. GOH KENG SWEE for officiating the opening ceremony, all their friends, customers, guests and business associates for their floral bouquets telegrams, letters, well wishes and kind attendance at the official
      754 words

  • 182 19 MXI BdI'RNE. Frl JVJOBT Mining h,^ were k.i but leaders (]o*ed n,H* i" b p""ll> Norlh K«'«. d 6° e«U »1 57-d afte, touching $7 an. *.re,t BouMer up ■0 rents «i »9 jk, im |jo ".injt Isi.nd flroppecl tio cents al finn S
    182 words
  • Obituary, Illustration
    84 19 *l \nlhonv 1.1 n.ifirlr/ limns niel—rsta al.av, of «0n>,1,,l Inisliand and father, piassed awaT on Mth \n%rmher. 1957. Kach dat as a/r al t.nir picture. \nur smihria Ml »r»>nis 1,, A v riiin I grieve, I am only sleeping. will meet acain some d*y". A retiuiem lush Bjsj
    84 words
  • 24 19 RUBBER AND TIN CLOSING PRICES Nov. 22. Xl KRKR PRICE: 591 ■•ents (unchanged). TIN PRICE: 5K17.12i (down S.V«'!J). Kxtimaled olTennt 200 lons (down tona).
    24 words
  • 325 19 Currency difficulties dominate trading IMKRNATIONAI. nicme- tury aiTair.s, principally the situation arising between the West German mark and French franc, rloin.naterl most of the past week's trading state H.C.H Co. Ltd. In their current Rubber Market survey. The effects of this were not fully felt until -nlri week when many
    325 words
  • 149 19 Plantation Agencies Sdi Berhan Crops in October were: Amalta- i mated Rubber F»tate« Ltd. rilbbei *****00 10. The Rubber Imal <;roup :übbei 1 !1B5"1 Ib Ihr Shanch^i Krl.intan Kutrh'i l.t. i.* lltttl ii and KH Stdlrate i-ibner M Oofl Ib The SungaU Ruhhrr fSUIf lld rubber
    149 words
  • 490 19 Further loss in Straits tin price r£ price of straits tin continued to react yesterday fur the third consecutive day after the big run up earlier In the month. The price fell a further $5624 in Penan* to $617 12J «n an offering estimated down 15 tons to 200 tons.
    490 words
  • 230 19 Vim MM K lii.i grarif luhtM-r f.a.b. I. inns i lirarrl at j p.m. in Sinjaijair* and Kuala I umpur jr>Mrtda< at tt% rrnU |i»i la. unrhangrd on I liuivlai rinsing ■Mi Ihr lour «a« v»r» quirt. HAS and M.R.I, rltninc prlrra In rrnU per Ik.
    230 words
  • 31 19 In Lnncioti M Wc(ln»>«lm Mainran per cent elf UK North Ruropenn b».«lc norm in bulk Orf Nnv »n\ line hanged i Previous buslncw was Xt ttil I per ton
    31 words
  • 37 19 ON th. MM i,.i.i'i|a markd in Hong Kon« rtat.rrl*. m, U Dallar «aa quotM) a' A 13 T.T. iM CM for «ah Starllni (MM nl 14 HO im mm taal af |*ld at 302|.
    37 words
    • 911 19 IT was newly listed Pac-iflr Milk all the way yesterday with most attention focussed on the counter on the Stock Exchange. Over 1^ million units were turned over and the price was run up in ready deals to $3 after .starting at $2.60 while delayed
      911 words
    • 298 19 OF SHAME PARDON OF LAST SALIS IN THE SINGAPORE AND KUALA LUMPUR TRADING ROOMS OP TERAV WIRE INDUSTRIALS: ACMA I I BMt Ban I Ca i 1" r.n>... Bainta Brrhart I rental. Ha,, •laad laatß I, C. Suiart i 1 2 ,»nlal. C.C.M. i 4 r»nia,. Dinlap
      298 words
    • 143 19 vMirS LVINC ALIINI.MIII IHI SINr.*PORt M A R B O U II IRE Km-uium 111 II |3 M, T.r.l I urk 11 4 Watoml n*• Klnr) M i i mrmanm U IS. 1 ..nirral AM ON NOV 77 l«'l«n Raafla Rrvnata M, FUnh .1 N.i in I
      143 words
    • 57 19 /'MINSK P.nrti.rr ll«mm Vita- "wn clmnn ».irt« par O.cnl yattarrtay Cacanui ail iinim Capra. M If > Nov./ IWm IK Papuan M'. Mnalt him k iirMH iMMfmm Mack I SVHt, ABTA IMO NI.W ImiiH'l Caaaoot Oil Mlllart 1 aaalat.on m—m i 147 *i:*ra, ••mm t«Bt •«"'»>« T>,#> tfwi*
      57 words
    • 948 19 Bi si\i x» in \ni> Ri'.roi; 1 Mi TO THI SI\«.AroKI AND Xl IU II MIM R TRAII IN«; R«)I)MS OF THK STO« K KXrMANGE VKMIRIIAV WITH I THK Nl MBIR <>l SIIAKIS TRAI»I> IN in: M KITS. INDUSTRIALS ACMA 14.M8 I lI. BBS I "I Ban ami
      948 words
    • 26 19 STOCK INDICES .Nov. 21 Not. H IndutlrUN: 1.M.0! I.M .".4 flopa-lllrs IHJt ISX.SK I Ills ||«.J| «..1J tSruhhrit: 1n.19! 1H3.A4 l>r< IMC MS, Drc. ?<». 1M: imi.
      26 words
    • 498 19 AND lINHAfORI BID AND Offlß i CLOU OF IUIINIII. t. aima 2 B»n O* 2.4.1 :.4* Bnrnpfl B*rh«<J l.Tr. Bmiatfaii I.TI C s».i««r» «f* C C M oM« 1 I. HI <°. B. Hoidinn Ml k.a.i 2 K«k> ords 2 Ml Kllpor 1 411 IV) Fitirpll'rirkl 2.44 m
      498 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 912 19 I -U < UMPAMKs At 1 Ym NOTM I n\ FINAL MUTING ln the Matter of KUCHAI TIN (1957) LIMITED (MemherV Voluntary Winding-I p, NOTICF: IS HLHEBY GIVEN that, pursuant to Section 272*1) of the Companies Act MifiT a General Meeting of the Members ol the abovenamed Compe.n\ win h
      912 words

    4 words
  • 23 20 HINJAMIN S BOUTiqUE also I HM* S poie OUR "NITE OF LICHTS -1c: -e: ■n.1'.1.r... iiiihau I'.oart fniiiii.f Bands 1n» An...1 valid.
    23 words
  • 7 20 MURNANE »l 1 Murnane n,;in*er. »m--bbbbm.
    7 words
  • 8 20 COH pui huanc Depaxtad 'dear*. Cl
    8 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 447 20 lUNCULS. BMITMCS. 11l MEMOtIAM M>M:t((S HISSIM. MKOMI. f.M, 1 KUK.OHS. (He Mnawi 115/ I* 21 M* tK» »Mil»««l •«< ISels. I «!t mm :< >'.',! U.«t««.t*- Umm. Ml Itf 15 ■»<». »k> M»t^ ~< «l chi>. St.Ms I«ti In i«.ic. cto t Met, Nt iilva taff. WOHU ONC: B '«rrn
      447 words
    • 734 20 ASSISTANT ARCHITECTS ted I'l.-SSr oaadeoc* to Bat B>4Ml In i.i-v wain .n lartnrrship Box ik.i r WANTED FEMALE BOOK KEEPER "i knouleag* of Chinese p h lull detail, lo B«» A4.M.' »a|«r*. WANTED EXOTIC DANCERS entertainers sink/ *gp«i inn i 's photo 'c l.i I 44 Sngapor* i
      734 words
    • 824 20 LV vi •> tn tiimuin V' S n> inn i.lii.ation to Kox A 4.1 si S poir SHIPPINC COMPANY Hat Mat A.'i. I., ik and Baalot Book-ksaptt Qaat hi it} inuihi. itn i .(.•alifleations expet i'n.e Apply M r*B*pnt A t> .'oil. rrnrnrrai Aven.if. BaaM HUE TO BUSINESS .xi.'.n-lon morr
      824 words
    • 913 20 TO LET ONB unfurnished front room ror taotator* Macphfison Road Hhonr ll <:<h«4 alter J pm iSmgaporei I lllipkOM* district IA Hr nx II s i»re. 2 bedroom rrao MaM H laian 1 I in Hukit Timali bvhiUli"' I I one 18 porei -ri.VM < PAVA LtKfV CRESCENT. lur
      913 words
    • 1046 20 HICHLAND GARDEN .tn im.ll dovn payment >ou can own re.hold. modem J-*torey terrai-* houst ith unique front and rear nalconies -ooms. :i halls, extra lame uardrn ompiete with aluminium main r;oor at Highland r.oad off Upaat Serangoon •n^d raaltii i.m xv I'.raity co. vi., 1 H south Bridge Koad (Ist
      1,046 words
    • 737 20 PHILATELY FOR SALE Indones a .VI different Riant pictorials j(K. lou different mostly j C«u to P.O. Uox .'ii:u. Hmfc-apore I TOURS AND EXCURSIONS HOLIDAY IN BALI 7 DBM ""'> 1 HIM "l< m Uroups S|>e. .r count. Departure t*atl Knd..>. BtaaH lontatt: World TruM Corp. Ltd., ?:<A Teluk
      737 words
    • 518 20 WORLD KLECTRONICS Tf > L 'f n Electronic se.tion t« rll equipped *:th lualined .erhni.iana. •peoialumit in installation of sound Systems [or :ert;unment ,pots. hotels. niKht-cluh. I HTfl I STEREO" DELUXE RADIO W 1 ;c. IJ. Stamford Road, s i*re GOOOMANS MAGNUM K. M:.x», IBM)'t".»oud I), nonslration top
      518 words
    • 403 20 [TETTmsjoFsAiEj jm ford tttjFjsrjGr. 1 Call nt IS 1-ecdon Road po.o ""4ST AU.V.N «M M J M NMIM CLS 1000 one owner n 8.0. Rtn« 1964 BMW ISO" M.C. MAONETTE Hl6. JOOd <owllS ''mi"'cHEVßoi.ET IMPALA. al«. TV Ka'inri- 1 1 Tel 4''7;ii'i> Spore. 19«3 COLT SOP JJ"J» "iflti RENAULT COROINI.
      403 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 561 21 i( nntinuod from Pas;e 20) i JfEHICLES FORtALT] rRIUMM, vitessi. .oft top r bm (Bporel REGISTERED I»SS AUTOMATIC IVtiJ Morns Koth good con- ***** Borne Mlous linrals |v.l«xj i radio, i in on j loin i Dckaat 3!ooo mw a.juo -■SOU "lio) 3.70U ratwar MX lo a ioy < oitma
      561 words
    • 402 21 GENERAL SPRAY PAINTING repair I rein^erators at tuMumer house. .n0,., Ml I i*,r.'. FOR EFFICIENT HOUSE .lairs, color«a»n. „«,nt,n^ -00lBe I>hone ts porei 82»4] H u GENERAL SPRAT PAINT. Kei«u. riiriKvrators at cusionur nouiie l..d»on»ni. cbAttit. baton tnterun.e ■SJI ll'Tt. I.s i. orel 50U417. SXECUTIve EARLY FORTIES. Uivo.ced. SMKa trtaaata.
      402 words
    • 473 21 WHERE TO STAYfll'Sm KUALA LUMPUR sutiun Holrl An ii'n.l.imnvil A nona:rt:unrtlUoi>r>l room* it WHERE TO SlTr (STOKE) TIONC HOA HOTCL A rcundlt lonro and nun-.i ircunditioned roo.Ti. Moderate MM3. Singapore. NEW COUNTRY HOTEL. Stay lo tiuit'i surrounding* at modrrate charge. I Bartltt Road. S |..irf VO4W &LOANC COURT MOTCL— Luxurloin
      473 words
    • 689 21 I ■ds^JaVJLWBaasW sWfcwWaWMWM»WBwWs3 I IQJ. oliwetti An Unusual Career Opportunity in a Fast Growing Organisation "Olivetti", Europe's largest manufacturer of office machines seeks intelligent young men eager to make a career in sales within its fast-growing Singapore subsidiary company. We offer exceptional opportunities for every man to achieve his highest
      689 words
    • 665 21 I I Has been retained to advice on the appointment of a MARKETING DIRECTOR (Consumer Products) v Essential Qualifications: University education, at least five years marketing or advertising agency experience. Fluent English, must be suitable for early promotion to a Senior Regional post. Persons currently earning less than Ms2ooo a
      665 words
    • 723 21 NOTICES n The Matter of The CompMaioa Act. 196 i BAN SENG TIN MINES TEMOH) SENDIRIAN BERHAD i Incorporated In Malavxta) MEMBERS' VOI I'NTARY WINDING-UP At an Extra Ordinary Generftl letting of the members of the bove Company duly convened nd held at No: 17. Hale Street, poh, Perak. on
      723 words

    • 869 22 GOING FORECAST: Good TTfg^f 200 CLASS 6 DIVISION 2 mmmmSmmmmJmi (S4 5001 9F 1 (il°o9 PRIX* I. I KMKK a .Prince. Leoug t> 8 0 IF) P«>U» 2 <4 HRAIOK a i Jonah E Breuk 9tt 13 Leon* 4 ***** NAtJ MATIN II a ißrichlon. Allan 7 812
      869 words
    • 727 22  -  EPSOM JEEP By I.>.M II U' i UK 801 rUIMI.K X.,,, ASCII IN \N«.III\\ I'KIVt I.'S Ultra t'renrh Squira I'rincf's Kn I* \ 1.... i Malm I'ink Healhei Kn>Uurant Ban I iimmi \ri toko rOBO Tata r. in. n i miih \ni lamerriM* TameiroM
      727 words
    • 223 22 PRINCE OF NEPAL SHOWS FORM IN TRIAL PRINCE OK NEPAL. with apprentice Tony Yeo up. showed good form in a 3f trial 10 37 2/ssec on good kuiujj ai Ipoh yesterday morning. He can upset the odds in Race 4 tomorrow, MJI EPSOM IBP. Oiitioii.u v .Cilynn Pr.'ttyi and Bait-rest
      223 words
    • 92 22 I ONDON. Fn. Sir Ixor. «.■> ii". 01 UM W itrnai.iiMi at Laurel Park, haa cd tin top three-) M 19ii8 He lias be, '•eißht in Urn id H«ndk*ap pubUahed bir ivor. o'*ned by An. Raymond Ouaat, baa txin m.ioia:cd the maximum weight of 6
      92 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 723 22 BERJINTAI TIN DREDGING I BERHAD ttawaaialii m UMayam) NOill I Ol Ml I I INC. is n«..Hhnv orvn Oenera \lf>be h( Selan on Monday H ISk. II I the p 1 lie Resolution Keso 1 That the Articles of s >t the Company bi a/ered as to.. A R- I
      723 words
    • 875 22 KUALA KAMPAR TIN FIELD! BERHAD MaJajwam) Mil M I <>K MM MM. NOTICI U HKHHiV (iIVK an KxtraordMar] Meeting of the Members of Kual Kampai lii td will t rangal kMI Uelango da on Monday the 1 embn .'JtiS. «i 16 to o'doc "in for he p.|ipo%r i ig 'f.-i
      875 words
    • 844 22 I NOTICES LOWER PERAK TIN DREDGINC BERHAD I Incorporated in Malaysial NOTHI. OF Mil ll\(. NOTICI IS HEREBY GIVEN ths an Extiaoidinaiy flanaial Meet ing <>: the Members of Lowe Perak Tin Dredging Beihad wl be he!cl at the Registered Offlc N of the Company, lri Jalan Tangs Hi Kuala
      844 words
    • 856 22 1 NOTICES KRAMAT TIN DREDGING BERHAD (Incorporated in Malaysia 1 NOTK K OF MIIIIM. J' NOTICE \B HEREBY GIVE! that an Kxtraordlnan Genen Mating of the Members or Kra mat Tin Dtedglnt! Berhari will b held at the Regltered Offlce n the Company, i« jalan 'ianns Kuala Lump ir M
      856 words

    • 119 23 Indonesia 1 Malaysia 0 DANGKOK, Iri Malaysia were beaten i>v a late b> Indonesia in a thrilling match In the Kings Cup MH'cer toui n.inunt here last night Ihe (U'ciding was scored fi\p mlnatca from time by oulMilr-lplt Atxlul Kadir \\)u> ran to
      119 words
    • 34 23 FEAT 1 HIM Ml! i oi;t l n rt uuund up their tour l| on *itJi a apJenI a'afcum A p l r a Ie r;ng for the 2u:u minute. again
      34 words
    • 9 23 ifd .n a Koreli .v> draw. I
      9 words
    • 344 23  -  FRANCIS BOEY STORE CHEF DE MISSION'S REPORT By COMMERCIAL firms in Singapore should be vncouraged to "adopt"' a sport of their choice and put up the money for training. This is one of the suggestions made by the Chef de Mission of the Singapore
      344 words
    • 143 23 Marge nears 'grand slam' I ONDON. Frl. Australian Margaret Court moved to wiUnn t*o matches of a great indoor lawn tennis grand slam" at Costal Palace here yesterday Competing in the sixth and final leg of the Dewar Cup Incoor sene* Mrs. Court reached the womens singles semi-finals uhen her
      143 words
    • 33 23 n-.ming puol tuning about 1350 uOO v to tx- bui.t at Taman Merdektf Ma.«(ca next MM 'lr.-> »a.- announced b> ihr Cunimitai'.ncr o( ti M .n» .pi./y. Dato T»n Chcnu b»ee
      33 words
    • 230 23 SYDNEY. Fri. Accurate bowling, superb fielding and sparkling batting gave the West Indian cricketers a tisht hold on their matob against New South Wales here today. Tho tour team bundled out N>w South Wales for r Gary Sobers had sent them in to bat and :;.M.
      230 words
    • 124 23 rS Amateur Swimming Union of Malaysia plan to t. ge an international meet next August. "The meet wui be held shortly before or after the snu „re Pe»ta Sukan championships' aald Maj. Dickie Mel. Asum new secretary. Asum have in mtnd to Invite Singapore.
      124 words
    • 222 23 BADMINTON players In the 13-16 age -group will not measure up io even Junior championship standard, said Max Lange, secretary of the Singapore Badminton Association. He was replying to "Another Coach, who cumPlained in a sportsletter In Tlmesporr on Thursday that
      222 words
    • 252 23 Royal Bangkok score sth win Pen an R SC. 5 pU R. Bangkok 12 pts OOYAL Bangkok 1V Sports Club made anotner successiul visit to Penang Sport Club's Western rtoad ground yesterday, reports OH KEE TIANG. Koyai Bangkok's 12-5 victory gave them their filth successive win In tb* Davy Cup
      252 words
    • 45 23 < and Singapore w.U atUßd 'iir- inaugural mrft;ns of Uir A-inn Rueby Union a B-n?-k%■ n Other oountrici expected to attend the meetlns are Japan. T»lH K< i. Cevlnn and Thailand. The first Asian nieger championship mill be held In Tokyo mv
      45 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 423 23 v now buy a SANYO tv set, w^PifTi^a^aMaMr OR A WASHING MACHINE. OR A FREEZER AND WIN A MODEL \tijr B if 'l '1 1 Lf li Ir^iJ'] Xi !^w^ 1 W$ 1 \l\^Kl ImYiH Mll* 7 V '«1 frfK ■>'"■ ">' &2JUR O(^ o< t th J hf K-
      423 words
  • Page 23 Miscellaneous
    • 55 23 IKK Xl V Xl I) Ml Xl) l IV \l. lAIor an 2 I < Xl li Ml Kll I 8.. ID| K..ii«frs U »lIH ig M 1 SekdUh UAR 1. RI i.i.i I: PI s \M. si iiuiil 8' l Mil I! li FIN Al MM l-R IHIIWMI lII*
      55 words
    • 98 23 HoWLI.NCi 5? «ur trn-pin Jnhorr v tjp«': f 1 3 45. 10l (h^nipU'n.'liiph iFulrr.ii Bowl. matches at Kluaiig>. Trial: 115 \tn Sgor state trial iTelok Uatok. HO< XI.V s>>re Uiv. 1: Banting >. S^ W Ti^PDuJ H T B M mnm-wrmm m* v cum m-,.,1 p.,1,... dug a I Kurau
      98 words

  • 80 24 '■Mil Imiiln ul .i < hoslo--1 \.tk border guard lies mi K.ivarian territory near thr Cscck border. lie arai -hoi and killed on Mi>iula\. pre-.umahly as he attempted to Hre a< ross into West (icrmany, the Bavarian Interior Ministry reported The Bavarian .Ministry ruled
    AP  -  80 words
  • 23 24 SINOAPORI Frl Tllalt .li M.ilmraj will |M a talk ?t Wdic Hall. Arva tama) M.ind:r S\«l Al»i Road at 8
    23 words
  • 179 24 Stranded sailors sleep at airport BRUNEI TOWN. Fri. Some of the 32 Filipino sailors it i andcd hero since August are trying; to sleep at the airport or in bus shelters TlH'lr thip. xtiirh #H sold two week.-) ago. has beeri U>»Ttd M Slngup<re and m>)>t >>t them now Ikivc
    179 words
  • 124 24 Committee for Asian motor rally SINGAPORE. Pit A national organising committee has been set up under the chairmanship of the Minister for Social Affairs. Inche Othman Wok. to handle arrangements at the Singapore-end for the forthcoming Asian Highway Motor Rally. Inche Othman was speaking at a meeting of local motor
    124 words
  • 32 24 SINGAPORE. Prf- Flatting Mi. Noel D Br*ar.- mrmber ol the Christian Science board of lectureship, will give one-houi :a!k Sciene*' at Wt'ma Indonesia at 4 M Pni cm Sunday
    32 words
  • 294 24 LOHOOH, Prl The I i «io., sloclt market rlosfd on an idle but firm note with trading almost al a standstill while traders .md operators awaited the new.s from the Bonn Group of Ten meetnu Closing middle prices of selected stocks not Including stamp duty
    294 words
  • 62 24 LONDON. Frl Spot 21 \d Dec 21.d. Jan 2111 16d Fee 2111 16d. Jan March 2111 itid Apnl June 21 HC July Sepi JP«d Oct. Der 21'« d Jan Mar 21>>d. April June 21 Ud Jtil' Sept 21 1 16 d. Oct Dec 21 1 lfid Jan March 211
    62 words
  • 29 24 LONDON. Prt Buyen ?1416 (—£9 i sellers £1418 £B>. Forward buyers £13!tK'.. (-£B'..>. scllrrx £IS97\. £B'.. Sr'-lr-ment £1434 i £>' Turnover am 210 tons. pm. 190 tons Tone: Easier.
    29 words
  • 518 24 FIGHTING NAVY STRETCH FIJIAN TOURISTS Royal Navy Opts. Fijians 12 By MM UORAI BRAVO. Navy! To them goes the i?lory of taking the touring Fijian Army Police Rueby Union team to full stretch in a pulsating match at HMS Terror mound last nisht. Twice the lighting 1 Royal \.,vy men
    518 words
  • 39 24 k tHAtiMUCAM 1 oatnMtT tal <■<>• irge I* M MR A CHRISTIAN -,-hfr Of Mr Wll Ir«. B»»--•uiir »t Ormral H Pun•lal Y«m>« porr. MOM WIC CCOK NCO KrannIrate 1" Jai«a on c>»-mmtort» on M.11.M pro. .No urea'hi »< »< roiu
    39 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 23 24 BRiDGESTONE MM THE DYNAMIC 'I [RADIAL TYRE FOR UM ELITE MOTORIST 3Sj Buy Singaporean Write to PO Box 2664. Singapore for FREE PAMPHLETS
      23 words
    • 233 24 20 nordi $15 (mir.iviitm/ Prepare Now for 1969/1970 EXAMINATIONS BggW VP B^ggggr\aaaaaV IWt The Largest Correspondence College in Malaysia. Foh Chong Building (Second ond Third Floors), Johore Bohru. Tel: 2171 2006 Malayan Carr*t»o«a>nc« C»fl»a« *a^H (l»»ablith»4: 1959 can effvr M aa-to*dat« an 4 i»tt#matlc I«fh*h Medium hom«-ftud> c«u*m mC or
      233 words