The Straits Times, 21 November 1968

Total Pages: 24
1 24 The Straits Times
  • 25 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 175,000 The Straits Times The National Newspaper KDN. 3104 M.C. (P) 0014 Estd. 1845 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1968 15 CENTS
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  • 938 1 Foreign money dealings halted FRANC CRISIS SINGAPORE. Wednesday SINGAPORE and Malaysia today joined Britain and cs i European countries in suspending ;ill Foreign exchange dealings in iew <>| the world currency <iisis. Countries v. hlc ta closed down their exchange markets were Holland, West Germany. Prance, Switzerland. Belgium. Sweden and
    Agencies  -  938 words
  • 74 1 LONDON. The told priir rose by SS| cents to I SSlo:."> an oiim here tod.«\. to reach its hiilhrst level (or over lour months. It was t lk- lir-l i eat lion by International investors while the uorUI awaited tile iiiiteonir of t(Hia> s crisis t.ilks
    Reuter  -  74 words
  • 334 1 Housing scandal Four held $2 million bail set KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday THE Anti-Corruption Agency this afternoon arrested four men on charges connected with the multi-million dollar Sungei Way (Kampong Tengku) housing project scandal. Bail was sel al $300,000 each. The lour will be charged in .ml tomorrow with corruption. It
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  • 77 1 MINISTER BACKS COMMON SPELLING lAKARTA. Wed The J Education Minister. Mr. Mashuri. advocated the Introduction ot an Indonesian Malaysian joint spelling system at a Cabinet meeting here toThla was dlMlox-d by the Iniormatloii Minister Mr. Budlarto. after the meeting He gave no details Ml Mashurl'i report to the Cabinet follows
    Reuter  -  77 words
  • 31 1 SAIGON. Wed American naval crati sailed Into n VietroiiK sam-umrv m the Mekong MM area for the first time yesterday, and sank 43 tampans used by the eueiilla.v
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  • 106 1 KUALA I.IMPIR. Wr«l. Tun A lui ii l Ka/.ik liidiiy ui'lcnniril Australia's assurance that shr would maintain lnr troops here till 1011, but said Malaysia also needed Ihr imnUM thi-y would cimtinii' t<> stay after that d.iir I'lie Deputy l*i i in <- Mm Istrr
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  • 164 1 NAIROBI. Wednesday. rpANZANIAN sources here denied a coup was attempted today in Zanzibar against the comI miinist-cont rolled Junta administration. The sources said a "practice 1 alert was the eMM of watliiiK sirens, troops movements and eurtew in Dar-es-Salnam. capital of Tanzania. But reports per>i>ted a
    Agencies  -  164 words
  • 212 1 A housewife wins 37 prizes at fish show KUALA LIMPIR. Wed. A 45-year-old housewife. Mrs. Soh Kpin. walked away with 3" prizes among them II firsts and became the "champion exhibitor" at the third annual tropical Ijsh exhibition here today. Mrs. Soh. whose interest in aquarium fishes started 10 years
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  • 132 1 Lovell condemns U.S. moon trip plan London. Wed Sir Bernard Lovcll. director of Britains radio telescope at Jodrell Bank, today condemned the plan to send three American astronauts around the moon this Christmas. In an tnterrfc wli ii the London I News, published I day. Sir Bernard said "There .i
    Reuter  -  132 words
  • 24 1 v 1 IHi BfTOI.T BT HPs Id- 1 Britain plans to .<- M Lords of i tarj powrr*. Mr* H p*r llnotr altoffthfr
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 47 1 For Clear Comfortable Consult C. S. CHONG O. D. EVERBRIGHT OPTICAL CO. 19. Chuha Street. Singapore, 1. ESSO EXTRA GASOLINE BOOSTS POWER THREE WAYS Octane pOWSF ktHjmarwUfrmia ■ad la-ttt-r wrikfjf f| Ckaning pgwer for longer. MMMther Mlfjit lite. Tiring pow er for fanproved pick-up. gt-N. •UTATIQtRINYQUn.TANKI \^y
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    • 146 1 rrrn introduces l-7iNia LAT EST PERFECTION IN /£&Z2ss' Wfr IIDW NOISE %m v IHIGH OUTPI BASF.'^B~«. C»0|l JEBSEN JESSEN (S) LTD. »v:! B.'.D'V. v^NOAPORt-i TIL IBM If youVe waited this long far a better shave try the blade thats been tested by surgeons gW/ glf ■ks^ v The people that
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    • 303 2 LONDON. Wed. -Immigrants who are refused entry to Britain or face deportation will in future be able to appeal against the decisions under new legislation before Parliament. A two-tier syMi'-u of appeals Is to be established eonsUtalf of adjudlealon at air and
      Reuter; AP  -  303 words
    • 242 2 rpHE U.N. General Assembly last nitfht rejected by 58 votes to 44 with 23 abstentions a new attempt to scat the Peking government in the U.N. and expel the Chiang Kai-shek government based in Taiwan. Malaysia voted against while Singapore abstained. Indonesia was absent when
      Reuter  -  242 words
    • 108 2 I/AKACHI. Wed— (;ro«pa i»f lawyers today marched alone main roads here demanding the release of political prisoners and removal of restrict! w- laws Bei tuse of :i l.tu forbidding Ihe aANembly of morn fne people. the lawyers<hcd in groups of threes and
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    • 345 2 DREKIDENT Johnson warned yesterday that more hard fighting lay ahead in Vietnam before the search for peace yielded a settlement at the conference table. I ran not rmpi ■tfoncly <-:i'>uKh 1 hat we havr nor attained PNCt only i h e possibility of prarrv
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    • 195 3 Miniskirt makes Reg see red and lands him in court LONDON, Ued. The of mini-skirt makes Keg Boucher see red. "It's obscene." he said. "I can't walk down the road or sit in restaurant "ithout M-einj: K irl s exposing themselves all the time." Boucher. 45, made his protest in
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    • 17 3 Israeli re fire twice across he K.. d:in military Ul f'.M Hr -ing.—
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    • 183 3 KARLSRUHE. Wed. A West German couple have been charged with supplying military secrets to East German Intelligence, the Federal Prose CUtor'B Office said yesterday. The ofticc said Otto Nordmann. a former employer of the country's military administration, and his wife Herta. had
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    • 91 3 The world's smallest X-ray goes on show... NOT a hildrrn > toy I hut what is claimed to he thr smallest X-ray apparatus in the world. WeiKhing about Mb* and costing V Inn it M rxhihilrd at a Japanese Trade exhihition in Manchester recently. Susan Ko/.uki. a young Japanese \isitor.
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    • 257 3 Controls now for the peso, dollar .MANILA, Wednesday. THE Central Bank of the Philippines today imposed foreign and local currency controls to stabilise the country's monetary system. The Government is concerned with a continuing balance of payments deficit because the country spends more dollars than it earns, and with the
      AP  -  257 words
    • 64 3 Wilson's 'no 1 to a G-G lONDON Wml I' Minl»t*r Mr. Wtlaoa today rejected ihf idea Hu: Britain ld hair a Oovcrnnr-Ornfral an that Qureti Eli?Hbrth could npfnd more um^ n lormally in Commonwealth notions. Hf tnld a qiicationrr in P»rli»m*nt tliat thrrr no pnaawaj from any Commonvfaltli
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    • 29 3 SYDNEY W*d Bushftrea uythed through thou-sands of airet of wh<»nt in north-western Nrw South Wblm tiiday. dfntrpylns suindiug gr«m valued at iriil.ons of Australian dollars Rrjter
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    • 30 3 OTTAWA. Wotl Ihr Can*- dmr, Pnmr Min.Mfr. Mr. Pierre Trucieau said yesterday that. pouiblr Canadian withdrawal fron North Amencitn Air Defenrr Command It "indirectly Xttorr rcvirw by the Oovcrnmeal.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 40 2 Lv nch Kit WITHy RhyffiXLRRQE lunch-kit (sandwich J f box with lid, a flask with a tumbler top) for your children now. It's ideal for school and picnics and it's FREE with Breeze Large. Hurry Buy some while stocks last
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 94 3 IF YOU ARE IN GOVERNMENT SERVICE CARRY A MALAYAN BANKING CHEQUE BOOK H« '^L~~*~^ iaaaaat m. -a^rtaaßßßß^^^^^^ Your employer has decided to pay you by cheque. Open savings or current account with us and ask your Departmental Head to pay your salary direct into your account with us. Our Bank,
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    • 154 3 APOLLO 7 nij mt™*nA londinq on rh# moon mat t *l^^F^ b* only thr«« ll>|hli swat I~ i "■^■BT" to fulfil Pr««iil«nf K«nncdv'< >Ti» fcitto-ic (holl.nqe ■^SjplßV'* bEATt.ES V. NOW ON SALE Sk Only 75 cents. TIME-LIFE DEALERS WANTED:C. R. DASARATHA RAJ LTD (Exclusive Distributors:- TIME LIFE) 126. Race Course
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 335 4 SI rf) /rf/T 1/7 PP are prouato announce the m ill omd^/ openingof their fl Fl| 111 i m factory today by the m iH Honourable Minister of Finance m Dr.LrohKengSwee M M iff A *^A to- t* M gg r« w j, .-'"""T" I93HBHBHI k &Esi^f^^ 4^3flK^JH^fe«*L mar fc
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  • 285 5  - Enter Caraline-set to project today's young swinger JUDITH YONG: Singapore. Wed By AS Wild Copperette, her role Is to project today"s swinging sophisticated young thing. Caroline Boudville 'above), a 19-year-old :'rom Kuala Lumpur. hh..s been chosen by a cosmetic company as "Girl of the Year" to promote Its new ranee.
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  • 19 5 ALOR STAR W«d Polic* I ivc Hrrr.-trd :i\p iharartfr '-oitr r v promoters in the Aiar Star
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  • 44 5 KUAI A I rMPI/R. Wt-d. Tlie Democratic Acnon has acr<*ptccl the i bate i n II cultural i>ol:rv Ra >v.v Main t.inci.iv "Mr U R ■n. «f thr Pe..plr> Progreasivi P.iriv «i! be ilio chairman of the debd.c
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  • 26 5 KDAI A I.i Mli R I S*«mU Workers U. »iii hold :t- clrlcElm tun r: Bee »t rhr M(^ ill. Jinjaug ii«r« on banuay.
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  • 36 5 nd A.':* D en fc<ii;--i feifnce Hi., beginning nf\i •iay. alnal ll b«.ng organised jointly by tlip In Da Labour Office and the Danish B':ird of I -operation vuih Developing C ou: tnes.
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  • 93 5 SINGAPORE. Wed Sevr.i members ol lie IS Hou.-e ol Representat committee or foi dn are du<- here on -iay from Taiwan lor a four-day They will meet the Speaker of Parliament. Mr Punch Coomara.swamy. and the M.nisier for Foreign Affairs and Labour. Mr S. ii
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  • 808 5 INVESTIGATION OFFICER GIVES EVIDENCE T'HK in v c stigation officer in the Treasury robbery case, As>4. Siipt. Omar bin Mohamed. told a preliminary inquiry here today that so far the police had not yet made any arrests of those actually involved in
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  • 86 5 SUDDEN DEATH OF RADIO-TV COMEDIAN I^UALA LUMPUR, Wed. Radio comedian ar<| i television announcer Inche Wahab Yusotl died suddenly at h.s home In Kampong Dato Kramat here this morning. Inche Wahab was better known as *M ydeen" above) for his part in the radio-TV comedy Mydeen and Ah Chong.' Born
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 227 5 When they tell you you'll be having raw herring for tea in Amsterdam next week, and you've no idea how to eat it, it's nice to go with someone who knows. Qantas knows. All about Amsterdam. From eating raw herring (pop the body in your mouth, clench teeth, then pull
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 85 5 L liiiV M, MYGOSW.JC3E I TVIEY'RE NOT APES. OOP, Ki r iSl iw JW-" I P'DN'T EXPECT TO I TMEVRE PEOPLE. ..SORTA I Vk V 'IVVJ-V FINO YOU LIVINI' J UMOER- PRIVILEGED. YOU af\ \vvith apes.' r^\t might say. but people, I YEH' k/NDA> WELL.YES, A UrTLE^J^- YEH, JOE..TW WORLD*
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  • 203 6 Taxis with 564 head list in 1967 accidents SINGAPOU, Wed The proportion of public \er\ ice vehicles involved in accidents la»t year MM hicli. and the proportion of acririent* attributable to these vehicles m the hichrst of all classes of chicles. This is stated by the Registrar of Vehicles. Mr.
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  • 513 6 Jail term man on defame charge TIIK trial of Koh Chor Puan charged with defaming the character of Deputy Superintendent Ling In^ 1 1« >im<4 ul me Criminal Investigation!) iVepartmeni began in tlio Second District (.Ourl today. Koh. 43, now serving a tlm»-vear It-rm for takiriK part in th<> 51.
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  • 32 6 SINGAPORE, Wed. The Defence Minister. Mr. I nn Kirn San, will receive donations for the National Offence Fund at his headquarters in Pearl* Hill at 10.30 a.m. on Friday.
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  • 60 6 SINGAPORE. Wed A 90--minute colour film highlighting ispir«tion»' «nd •rhirvemmts during the late John F Kennedy* Prmldencv will be shown tomorrow m 445 pm at the National Library Lecture Hall Tlckftn for the film John F Kennedy" are available at th* Information desk of the lending
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  • 33 6 BINOAPORE. Wed The Manauement Committee of the Calmhlll community centre has organised Chinese musical group which will hold its inauguration ceremony at the centre In Buvong Road at 730 pm tomorrow
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  • 36 6 SINGAPORE. Wed The I City mobile immunisation team will be stationed at Kamponß Kuchal community centre to treat children <if three months M years of age from 9 am to 12 noon nn Friday
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  • 138 6 MAKJORI F r inlay (above i. who h.i« be*n chosen lo play the soprani) lead in the S<enrshifti-rv lale-t production "The Bartrrrri Kride". Mar.inrie has rarvi'd a m< ■ln- for hrr- If in the world of arias and t-ont'ertos. In lAti.i. she
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  • 82 6 SINGAI'OKF Wet! A W* 9(14 iteneial damage* »>»rd I for the dependant "f a bunseller, killed in a Botomrell accldei' «as yesterday rert'iced by the Federal Court of Appeal to $2i' ">^2 l-nw Emk Yee ,h, fatally Injured in a roh; rlth moto-rvcle. ridden hv Llm Ah
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  • 33 6 SINGAPORE Wed Tan Wong Chen. 24. was fined $2"'i In a magistrate's court todsv when he pleaded guilty to enterIng Singapore w:* limit a \alld pass or permit on Nov. 18.
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  • 336 6 pERVICAL cancer cancer of the neck (if the womb is the number one killer of women In Singapore. Professor Tow Sianu Hwa. Professor of Obstetrirs and Gynaecology at the University of Siiißapore, said tonight. He told a s\mposium on "Cancer in women," that an
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 227 6 I VpVtol -"opens today 5 SHOWS DAILY at 1 1 a.m.. 1.45, 4.00, 6.30 9.30 p.m. FROM THE RiVIERA TO ROME.. .INTRIGUE AS I REAL EXPLOSIVE AS TODAY'S HEADLINES! J GEORGE INGER ORSON PEPPARD STEVENS WELLES J B TECHNiscoPE- MITCHELL I m Director Francois Truffaut pays unabashed homage to ALFRED
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    • 94 6 OCEAN PARK HOTEL SSS? (Except Mondays) i teresa nrrAM a r\ fk khoos UvCAn 4 Jtfk*. of Rodio. TV 1 R.cordin. F«m* ■f^B) V^l^H TO ENTERTAIN YOU WITH I /•'IP your kino or music Jm 1 for dancing 1 ■.^■«t# 4m rWm jR* WF%M \c > SSL- TERESA KHOO WINSTON
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    • 27 6 Tod.y 1 30-3 JO-7 00 t 930 p m Wax) y K Ch*nq Pt, n THI OOLDIN SWALLOW fVnnrlortn Colnrtcop# Tomo-rnw "<m,(m WM't Comma TO OlItlMr" Ifchmf*,
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    • 307 6 t'TM UNABLE TO BARbIARE|JA DO HER THING!" 4-THEATRE SIMULTANEOUS OPENING TODAY! .6ALA VoV'J ODEOH -Katong MAJESTIC J RUBY 100, J JO, 100, JJO, 100, J3O. 100, J JO, i 700ft«lSpm 700ft»15pm J 700 ft «JO pm 700 ft 1 S pm THE AMUSING ADVENTURES Of TWO 4Jfl|^B. TEENAGERS ON A
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  • 331 7 I showed 'other girl' our wedding picture says wife SINGAPORE. Wednesday. J^ HOTEL receptionist told the High Court today that she was a bride of only some months in Kuala Lumpur (then her home town) when she discovered that her husband had been unfaithful to her. Helen Scan Wai Yong,
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  • 125 7 Vegetable industry committee set up YUM I UMPLR. Wed. A committee lia> i• en set up to study a., o! the vegetable Uidu>'. The i ■tsi ol ofltelals from the Department of Agi the Ti> Federal Marketing Autl orlty and Department The decision *-.i^ announced by thi M Commerce and
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  • 36 7 KUAI.A I L MIUJR. Wfd Iq u ,<r:ers bu:ic!;ng of I tian Ind b« M Minister ol Ub i MsnickHV I tmlav. i ■Vr MIC n builrling fill i In Pfhru^irv
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  • 136 7 Chemist gives evidence in rape case Xl \l II MPI R. Ued A < .<>\< r:.mrnt chrnii-t, .Mr S. smi iii. i today testified in the <.i^e m ulnrh Imm mm arr <h.iiKril ui'.h iipiii: a > mi ii c MSMS whose Identity the <ourt had ruled should not be
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  • 26 7 V isitor who overstayed -.<■ U"i Kani l*nti -'""i 1 a nagh> r na*ta «X- in;p fiim \\>vt :i,. \^.s attn a nere onli unii«l guiliy. I
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  • 217 7 Stay in your present salary scales' advice to teachers THE Singapore Teachers Union has advised certain classes of teachers to opt to remain on tlirir present scales when the Harvey Salaries Commission recommendations art' implemented from next Jan. 1. The Ministry of Education had asked teachers to say if they
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  • 207 7 Thugs rob rubber dealer, then gives him $2 to go home KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. Two thugs I robbed a rubber dealer of his Volvo car, a watch, a ring and $12 here last night and th*-n gave him $2 to •go home. Mr. Gaa Khay tienK. ;>2. was driving home
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 290 7 gjt v SsoC'^^^s™^^ So,whoneedsa wind-tunnel test? I w Not Helene Curtis Spraynet £n Mflrnr( iirtu Sprjvnft h.'Uiivour drMic«. oinhaH oilim-s^ llMitht r|( l hair nKf andfjsy. Afcntk-hut-no- »"d nonslkkx s.i \.M.r '„:r d. -m t I WlSi> nonsfnsf Ik.UI liut nf%crjii»cv j ?ciu».k%. Sutti every type of ruir. Iff bequeted
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 75 7 Diet* Tracy By Chester Gould #UI! "^Sl^^^lE] YWJ* LONG DO I HAVE TO put up wrrw dick tracv m PDRCry FALLER.It) LIKE I HATE YOUR CUTS J^ TO EXAMINE yOU IN M <I™l± m 0M ULTRA VICXJET LIGHT._<f \A OM.COMENOW.' 'Tfc"^^^B fw'M? A COUPLE OF STAJ MS N jyST ><*£<£«£■
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 196 8 '^mm- ::.-|^^^^MBM— Big 5.6 Cu.ft. capacity fr^ enough to feed the family for days I i j and still have plenty on hand for unexpected guests. X iWIV^ 1 S^^^ «mmj| -Super-clean acrylic finish, _J I I" S inside and out. No settings to change from season to season, i
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  • 266 9  -  OW WEI MEI By CINCiAPORE. Wed. The four Eiißland-to-Austruliu grandmothers and their spinster friend have •invaded' the bachelor rial uf a local businessman. Mi. Johnny Tan Kee Leng. b lull or bounce and vitality, they are here <m the last le K of their 15.000-mi!e
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  • 44 9 PENANG- Wed. A vimcdfiiier. Lim Chun? Ke'. of Sungei Baicap. Nibong Tcbal. was lined $5,000 today for conveyuiß 40 MttOM of liquor on which ***** duty had not been paid. A van In which the liquor was found was forfeited
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  • 103 9 K'l A! A lIMPIR. Wed. 1 M.ira will build lowcost houses for bumiputra landowners provided they mortgage the land to Mara and pay a deposit of 1330, the deputy to the chairman of Mara. D.itu lla.ii Mustiffa bin ll. in Jahar. said today.
    Bernama  -  103 words
  • 188 9 Nestles products to be made in Singapore "THE official opening of the Food Specialities x Singapore Ltd. at Jurong by the Finance Minister, Dr. Goh Keng Swee. tomorrow, will mark a milestone in the history of Nestles In Singapore. It will transform \ls operations from a distribution company Into a
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  • 392 9 Court told of jailer's find day Freddy's twin brother visited him *SAW BLADES IN PAPER BAG 9 SINGAPORE. Wad. pOUR broken hacksaw blades, said to be sharp enough to cut through prison bars, were today produced as court exhibits at the trial of Edwin Tan Seng Hock, twin brother of
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  • 232 9 Sharp enough to saw through cell bars, says officer tlnued to question him." Mr. Ware told the court that the bl.ui> could cut through the prison's metal bars. The prosecution closed Its case In the alternoon after calling seven witnesses, mofttly prUon officers. In his submission. Edwin s cour.Ml. Mr.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 108 9 r JnifltlieiKsl at CnKl^X^ Look your prettiest for those parties JtKß&£^~>*~ and swinging balls. Drop in at l^Handlooms where exotic, silky mßr*- sarce materials, handwoven and mM^ mm n I gold cmhroidcrcd await your J^H W^jM M choice. Handwoven stoles, j^B^^^^^Jj^ towels, furnishings, bedspreads, y jP^ ties, shirts make excellent
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    • 327 9 when sympathy is needed... so is Dettol At a time like this mother's sympathy is comforting, but powerless to meet the real need ....the need to fight infection. Fortunately, today, millions of mothers know about Dettol and have learnt to put their trust in this ideal germicide to protect their
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 46 9 Bugs Bunny By Ralph Heimdahl I'M TIRED) I Z~ "1 I/THE ONLY WAV T GET} (O' BEIN* A N Jl M A BETTER JOB IS T'< > NURSEMAID i\A "(^BARGE IN AN' <*&*) ''hey, mister scwmooqle/ i-f HAVE VAGOT A MINUTE—, t I BO3YBEE "Trpffj |i» JN mm]
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  • 386 10 'USE SURPLUS LAND OR GIVE IT UP' SINGAPORE, Wed. An indication of the quickening pace of Singapore's industrialisation programme \\;is given today when the Finance Minister, Dr. (ioli Keng Swee, told manufacturers at Jurong to either utilise their surplus hind OT give it
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  • 244 10 RAF PIPERS DISBANDED SINGAPORE, Wed.— The pipes and drums of the Far Kasi Air Force played themselves out of existence today. And appropriately enough the pipers and drummer* who h.t\e thrilled thousands in the region for the last 20 >earv picked a
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  • 92 10 A JAKARTA REUNION FOR RAMANS SINGAPORE Wed Mrs p 8. Raman, wife of Sincapore's Ambassador to Indonesia, left today for Jakarta to loin her husband Accompanying her were her three children, two of them girls. The former Director of Mr Raman left for'a In June to uuune hU diplomatic
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  • 49 10 SINGAPORE. Wed. A group of Gospel singers from the United Stales the King's Heralds will perform at the National Theatre tomorrow and ■aturdajr at 7.30 p.m. Admission la free. The quartet, from the Voice 'i Prophecy radlobroadcastlng groua rim hymns and Gospel songs in 13 languages.
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  • 158 10 SINGAPORE. Wed— A new monthlonp exposition will be held at the Gay World amusement park here next February to raise $100.--000 for a scholarships fund to help deserving students in the Republic. Called the "New Ideal Exposition '6'.K" it will be sponsored by the Kampong
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  • 197 10 A $250,000 complex for Score's retarded children PL'A.N Neat Aishah will lay the foundation stone for a Ml "Comprehensive Centre" (pictured aheve) of the Siasapori- Association for K< t.irdrd Children on Saturd.i> at I p nt Located at Margaret Drive the new prcmisi s. tu i s_\")O.noo. (on-ist of a
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  • 25 10 Vigilante call-up men on parade SINGAPORI t if S Will next two thousand ational service:: ,ye just completed their lix-monUl Intensive .ning. Mart a- 1
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  • 18 10 SDJOAPOR] We Th« Bennett romnv. hold a diiuie-- Ht the centre at 730 d m f>ir.
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  • 150 10 \BOIT 50.000 people h a c visited the fourth Asian Congress on Obstetrics and Gynae- iilok.v rxhibitiun and Him vhuus at th.- Singapore Conference Hall since it began on Saturday. The exhibition of scientific and medical products is the largest of Its kind to be
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 485 10 Christmas toy for the very, very rich WP .1 BKSisSSa&^S>As- >as^l as^s^sV. bb m Mil tt t^/The Ronson Rechargeable In case you're not very, very rich... can easily be thought of as t^ Ronson also makes electric razors that give |P^^a rich man's Christmas toy. a proud performance to Ronson
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 45 10 Li 'l \l>n— tiff li *<„,/, s^ /^THEV IS OFFERIN' VO 1 TKM |T«A|y u yj.ii ALLIIC S SS\ TIMES WHUT BENEDICT WILL ALOJS BE U7VAL J^jii^Z Sz, 7? JCT^>A.TRUESLUE PWVS>O' VTD BENEDICT A. TRJE.- 1 jkP^ I»T AL TO WE V^t^^ANI'>O'iULPUSES? yg3^ BLUE.yTHE'A' K"
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  • Article, Illustration
    1565 11 SO IAR: Ronnie Appleyard. an up-and-coming TV Personal ity on the make, hal met a girl railed Simon Quirk at party. At her surges tion, he also willing, they go to his flat. The encounter is not a success. Ronnie is about to chuck her out
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 64 11 J^^gfc JjH B WubSS\ b ~*f&A mLbW*^*J ggtfgflggflggfl igggkl Inßwk gr 1 4 1 sU^^ssffJsV^^^^^sfligggggggl cMsm i WjjiW HP^ ""IIIT HOUSE Mill FROM Just buy $8 Mobil petrol Wfk MM M I I or $4 dibsel. and get Va iVI y_w^V _so^_ H I a packet of nourishing l«jll /g^iil
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    • 5 11 THURSDAY The rich own yachts
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    • 280 11 WHEN YOU BUY AN JUWsLEU GABRIEIE PORTABLE TYPEWRITER vV— '■^■Rjgj^T^. r sWw^^BHs»BD' iflfe When you purchase an ADLER GABRIELE PORTABLE TYPEWRITER you will receive this excellent Pitman's commercial typewriting book free. Follow this comprehensive series of exercises and in just three months you can master typewriting in the comfort and
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  • She traits Stars
    • 551 12 Of the many questions touched upon by Tengku Abdul Rahman :n h.s interview with Bernama, one of tile most important is of co-operation betwe«-n Malaysia and Singapore. The Tengku spoke in the context of tiie defence and anU-subversion problems. These, howes er, obviously ramify into other
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    • 218 12 Now that tiie annual ritual of rejecting the proposal to seat Communist China in the United Nations has been completed the matter can be conveniently shelved for another twelve months. The voting pattern has remained substantially the same, although there has been a -lijht increase iti
      218 words
    • 245 12 Interesting possibility suggested by the Malacca Slate Government's decision to set up an agricultural bunk to provide credit for tainicis associated with the mo pad: and maize cultivation schemes whit h it has sponsored with such apparent success. Evrii without collectivisation, might not group credit eliminate many of
      245 words
  • Letters
    • 123 12 I WAS one of the thousands who watched Ihe lire which recently hit the Railways head office. Ot course two fire-en-wen at the site within ten minutes of the fin one had the aplv trance Of an engine Which has seen the better cays ot
      123 words
    • 59 12 DAHANO ha* been en--1 dowed with natural attractions —jungles, mountains. water-falls, lakes, rivers, beaches, islands. Sailing villages and >ome cottage Industries But we have not yet heard Ol our State Government making plans to encourage the development of the tourist trade by exploiting our natural atiract'.ons. Other states
      59 words
    • 82 12 y.K. (Nov. 9 1 said he experienced some difficulty in tinditu posting bows in Pt-tal:ng Jaya and Kuala Lumpur. There are nearly 150 po&ting boxes situated at various points throughout the Federal capital m.'i pealing Jaya. If Y.K. will get in touch with me, I will be glad
      82 words
    • 53 12 lIIK road to our homes is less than 100 yardv long and leads to M .i very modern church and a Chinese temple. It has 50-odd holes The smallest measuring a yard and Is live Inches deep ThN Is Jalan Aver Panas Baharu New road? Irony. TAX -PAVKR
      53 words
  • 971 12  - International coffee-house in the U.S. JOE HAGGERTY by OUTSIDERS would be wrong if they thiiik the Assembly and the Security Coun- cil are the only two United Nations organs where all the Important decisions are made. There's a third. It's the U.N. lounge, a beehive of activity where delegates can
    971 words
  • 1188 12 THREE Indonesian officials who left for home last night after a week here could carry with them the key to a regional market to handle the bulk of rubber produced in South East Asia. Thoir report could decide whether or not the
    1,188 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 56 12 1 /C/L The Renowned KeGI nOUJ CUSTOM TAILORS Style* Cut to fh* Lot««t FatlimM. M*«d VaS*M4. Scat WMlmMfep. Also Importer* A Exporter* of N^h Ci«m Wnm«i 4 Wmlm Naif Length* of World ReMWMa IrM* FMTEX DOttfVIL HUNT WWTEM OTIUII WAIN SNIEL SLOREX. Make Ideal Gift* for All Occasion*. 11. 55
      56 words
    • 74 12 Bairatwesr ffrcm S'ottinßham. England) mike the nicen knitted things for children lrom the very first *i*et upwards. And because they're rr.iAc in the softest English wool, Orion and Courtclle. they wash sad wear beautifully. What elte would you tape* t trum Britain's largo t maken of knitwear for babies and
      74 words

  • 147 13 Mrs Short has more child birth problems: Doctors SINGAPORE. Wed. Short women have difficulty in giving birth than tall women. |er to babies of short mo'hers than in tall by throe docton of the Cerban Hospital at the lounr Obstetrics and Gynaecology at the ivnference Hall yesterday. In a joint
    147 words
  • 23 13 .and. Wed.— About ioo K'imbar fl*h- itu- Adult two Inhool .>: driving, einußiarj m.i--i in* engincf ring *nd n-.ainten I
    23 words
  • 57 13 L/l \LA I.IMPIR. \\>d iv The MmiMt, of Koreien Affairs hxs dismissed as •■h.iselrss" a reported allecatlm by Philippines intellieencr officers that Malaysia ill iiheitine Miiustlmc in the southern Philippine-. of Ilie Ministiv said t*4aj '\M as we are innierned. the trade hrlween s.ili.ili
    57 words
  • 469 13 NEW YUKK. Wednesday. SINGAPORE'S Prime Minister, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, last night praised the virtues of free enterprise as opposed to too much emphasis on government planning in contrasting the economic development of countries of East and South-East Asia. In an address
    469 words
  • 7 13 md .'<!"'' yesterday wuiuid w Ilia
    7 words
  • 111 13 MR. Lean Tye-hln, senior consultant obstetrician and gynaecologist at the Kandang Kerbau Hospital, has been elected president of the Axian Federation of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. Mr lean li the lirst Singaporean to be elected president. He has been vice-presideii- >:nce 19«6. Hro:^ Wikn- elected lust vice-prtsi-a
    111 words
  • 18 13 Australia. New Zetland and Fin wore admitted aa new members, bringing the membership to 19 countries.
    18 words
  • 30 13 KOALA I.fMPVR Wrd One huna:«l Hnf. tt« i ra Institute Tfchnoio<ry tm .r rtliilillliM Iron. Portfolio, S«i:«lor filial. .r B.>b.i. at convockU n 'i Dec. 27.—
    30 words
  • 161 13  - Paraplegic Lorraine can still break Olympic records Yap Cheng Tong By CINGAPORE, Wed. Lorraine Dodd is confined to a wheelchair but she is no ordinary paraplegic. Lorraine, from Australia, broke three swimming records at the paraplegic Olympics held at Tel Aviv earlier this month. at which 750 handicapped athletes from
    161 words
  • 47 13 PENANG Wed —Mure than 500 Mu.viir. residents in B*'J Cii^'on,' mas. of «flom ."■tublr hards »nu employees of the Per.aiifc Turf Club. «re now tttnc to jierform their religious duties in Uieir own prayer h the o)«nu>g <>ii Mont. >urau" in the »r*a.
    47 words
  • 281 13 Sardon: Govt will back Asian Highway rally UUAL A LUMPUR, 1Y Wed. The Government will give it* full backing to th« Asian Highway motor rally from Vientiane to SinEauore to be held next April said the Minister of Transport. Tan Sri Sardop, today. He announced that h* was convening a
    281 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 83 13 DINING OUT I Busy people find the •nwven Fast in the new a Yellow Pages of the Singapore Telephone Directory! So easy to u«e So close «t hand ty 24 Houn A Day Everydeyl Pjb i*>«J by Gananl Ttltptwm Directory Company m^ P___ tt THE OFFICIAL TELEPHONE i£ rages directories
      83 words
    • 144 13 *Jaeger-lfCoultre> Jm A w.itch which combines expert /Jg^mSmj^ craftsmanship with exquisite styling. m^m yE 3f Designed for the modern woman on K^m the go, this Jaeger-LeCoultre watch is shock- protected and precision- MSb tested Available in 18K yellow gold, it is the ideal gift at any time. f~' f Jaeger-LeCoultre
      144 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 758 13 ON YOUR TV AND RADIO TODAY TV MALAYSIA RADIO MALAYSIA iIIXWELv Kuali I umpur Hawaiian Caper; 100 New* in and I. ii nt 5; ijmh and Mandarin. 1 10 Lembaran .Natiaoal Bnortwa»« Brr»ic« i The News. 140 Newatalk: 145 Malacra t>; Mm Hahru S Mlnggu; 835 Pour Vous Ma- 41.
      758 words

  • 11 14  -  Esme Baptists presented by with SHEN SWEE YONG
    11 words
  • 848 14 SPACE-AGE TOYS CAPTURE THEIR IMAGINATION THERE is no getting ;i\v;iv from it. It's ;i man's world even when il comes l<> Hie realm of toys. And the boys never had it so good This year, manufacturers have gone all out to please the
    848 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 561 14 Advertisement A Lovelier Teenage Skin The radiant beauty of a teenage complexion becomes immediately apparent when the skin is toned with special beauty lemons. After normal cleansing, pa t lemon LVlph freshener over your face and neck v a second thorough cleanse to clear clogged pores and dispel surface bacteria
      561 words
    • 184 14 gggg^^ iMd*itJ At^Wk at ggwSs_^gga ggp^^sß i j/yjf;^ gggk. -^flt* thanks to Loxene We're talking about healthy hair, of course— the way hair is after a Loxene shampoo. Its gentle medicated formula clears dandruff completely, keeps hair glowing in healthy condition and only healthy hair can I j be beautiful.
      184 words

  • 310 15 Knock on the door that could mean trouble SINGAPORE, Wed. That knock on the door could be a friend or relative dropping in for a visit— but it could also mean trouble if you're not too careful, police warned today. for. close behind the heels of the visitor there could
    310 words
  • 36 15 i'Knano. Wed.— Cbe nmmh Pulau ta 'lie be^t student among 42 graduates of the Ke; Trjinins Centre. Nurth Prov nee Weli< i• es from Pun Habwli. wife ol he Governor yesterday.
    36 words
  • 32 15 ENANO. Wed —The opening the ne» iy-compMed Titi .eras Malay national school, :laiik Puimi by the Minuter if Educi'ixn Inche Muhamed Khir Joha'i. .scheduled lor :<>morrow. h;.& been postponed
    32 words
  • 250 15 Till end of 1971 now Holyoake says it NZ FORCES IN STORE AND MALAYSIA WELLINGTON, Wednesday. ZEALAND has decided to maintain forces in Malaysia and Singapore at about the present level until the end of 1971 the date oi the planned British military withdrawal from the area. The Prime Minister,
    250 words
  • 77 15 Damaged MSA plane grounded for a month SIMJAPOKK, Wed— The MSA Fokker Friend Nhip which crash-landed at Singapore Airport yesi. Hi. iv during a training HiL-ht has been grounded and put out of service for a month. MSA "tin tils today described damage to the aircraft a.i "moderate." Damaged sections
    77 words
  • 52 15 KANUAR. Wod— The Rajn of Ii i .li wu\ t,ivf away the prizea to unners of tlip Sta'p Koran rr 1;i.; titii.:; t.i bfi h.ld at the S- .dium Da'.o Slicikii Ahmad on n. a "'h<- romprtitinn »Ul b* opfnad R3 pm. by lh' J!fntr; be»ar. Tan sri
    52 words
  • 31 15 KUALA LUMPUR. Wrd. "I OOMMM and Industttrv, 'I „n s:; iDr.i Lun S' .-ft Aui. wi.i inaus{ur,<tr Aic«n \ium:r.:um Company aluminum *ti nii.i in Petaline Java on Nov. 28.
    31 words
  • 188 15 SINGAPORE, Wednesday. SINGAPORE has been chosen as the permanent J headquarters of the Eastern Region of the International Union against Tuberculosis. The choice was made during the regional conference in Kuala Lumpur, which also appointed Dr. N C Sen-Gupta, medical director
    188 words
  • 27 15 SINOAPORE. Wed Fmm rod. iv licrnMiii? i& MeaaMTV lor nportattoa ol ctnldrrna bicjrclet ol leai ih.m 16-im-h !rnr.r and lent than 24-incn v. hrrl di.imrter
    27 words
  • 30 15 IK! I K \NSi IN W«d A I tevrn-year-o'd schoolboy Mo- Injured v,um kii- ■< ked (I "11 ri\ .1 iar I I at buiige: Manik Koad here.
    30 words
  • 85 15 Drowned: A youth keen to swim SINGAPORE. Wed. Phua Lee Keow, 17, wanted to Join the Navy to learn to But three days before he was due for National Service registration, hr died In a drowning accident. Phua. n! Van Kit village, got Into dilliculMrs a bile ■wtmmlni :it changt
    85 words
  • 41 15 PE.W.d v. TiM Islamic RtllEiou* Affairs Department today Lssued authorisation <\ t rd> to all tithe collectors oporatmg m 172 Muslim> in Pmang and Proviru-r Wellr.-<-v Collection will begin »e?k after the M» r t ol the Puaxa.
    41 words
  • 186 15 Coroner is told of chilli and salt treatment for sting OINGAPORE. Wed. Labourer Chew Tow Chni died a month after he was stunu by a catfish, a coroners court was told today. The coroner. Mr. S. Rau-ndran. in returninn a finding of death by tins aa venture, told Chew* mother:
    186 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 242 15 EDUCATION IN SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA IN FULLY CERTIFIED FULL TIME DAY SCHOOL ESPECIALLY FOR HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE FOR UNIVERSITY MATRICULATION For 1969. we can take S"me students who have been Interviewed and tested at the office of the Australian High Commissioner. There are vacancies for Form V and Form VI and
      242 words
    • 145 15 PRICKLY HEAT Don't suffer the lormenn of Prickly Heat an., longer. Ju-.i a tew drops of D.D.D. l>Rl S( RIPI IO^ at the first fign of skin irritation anil MU will he ama/ed at the instaal relief you get af this v»ondcrful Rolden liquid sinks deepiloun into the skin pores.
      145 words
    • 246 15 r.Jjulelectrical products are known and appreciated everywhere t JBBBJ U is l^Mk^i; I^SS=y pEMfl£ I, IP T JUH— I.' 141 C -if By Examples of MEM 500 volt rustproofeH metalclad sw'rtch tnd fusegesr for industrial installations. The rang* includes fuse switches. *witchfus«s, switches and distribution fuseboards. busbar chambers and HRC
      246 words

  • 54 16 MALIK'S SON WEDS IN JAKARTA Indonesia s I Minister. Mr. Adam Malik, 011 Sunday marriea '>tf hi the occMtan wltli ■ttend Suharti' and <: 1 Picture shows 'left Co rlghi 1 Mrs. Ad.mi I President Buharto. the bridf. Lasmle TIrULAtTJ Ik, a brld«».sma;d. Mrs T>n Suhari Mr MtJlk His other
    AP  -  54 words
  • 384 16 THE Jakarta Military Commander MajiGen. Amir Machnvud, said today tn» Army had smashed the Communist underground, but warned that the Communist danger was still latent. In a briefing to political and mass organisation leaders, he said the remnants of the Communist party still
    384 words
  • 93 16 gYDNET. Wed— The 1 ill Women's Avso<iation of Australia now has I.OUO members, ranging from li-\ear-old M'hoolgirls to 80->ear-old grandmothen, all over t.ft Some member.s are 6ft. bin. in their nylon stockinged feet. An official of the a»ftciation said: "We need longer handled brooms
    93 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 73 16 IBrPl w 9*™' 4^P^l |fp* '«c. -<;1? _^^^fIH a^a^aH^HL* w aID r -1 1 I L. I _J WA. k J ROTHMANS |R V V MaH "•^a#^a^P^alr^*''* '-^"^^PM^^mK.. All the flavour of fine imported tobaccos Cambridge. Blended from hand-selected Virginia tobaccos imported fresh from the world's most famous tobacco growing
      73 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 254 16 Straits Times Crossword KO«s g u,f. t eccentric, tm not rr« I 12 TMI .t aotMag by l» p »P»rt 1 6■ J a mlawmbto 5 Earth children rinnguiß un- .lr l9 known »vind lrader lnio ftxiu c 20 tMT one brromim f- 3 4. latn-fly alkaline .7 10
      254 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 1036 17 .ItPQQL tsu 01HIR UK CONIINENUL PORTS. iails P. i h<m NSSH l 11( is PUNS. 21 Nt, 2$ L cus Net 25 1 DtC 2 li Nt» 2J Nn 21 Nn 22,24 Nt« 2! Dee 1 jS Oec 2 Oee I Otc 711 Dtc 12 Oec 11 Dec 13 Oec
      1,036 words
    • 1406 17 BMmmmJ^^MmmmJml i TrVaT EA \i LINES BMSBBBI THE EAST ASIATIC COMPANY Ltd. IncorporsMd in Dsnmsrk MMsfl EXPRESS SAILINGS TO GENOA/NORTH CONTINENT/SCANDINAVIA f. Sham Penani Spot i (ienoa tCdam H'burg Aarrius C'tiagen PISAOINA at Nst 22/2S Nst 27/21 nm 21/ la* 1 la* 11 IM ft Im II Im M PATACONie
      1,406 words
    • 1241 17 EXPRESS SERVICE 10 LONOON. LIVE'POOI t CONTINENTAL PORTS. BENATTOW tSUssa Smgipore P. S ham Penang S?™? is ISPt/Ns.2l J4.a Jjsijs^ MJ<J| >0> London BM ft bennevis sL ir. RJBJSta P. S'nam P--jng G'moutn Im 2* 6 31 Nit 21 Nn JJ 21 Hamburg IM M Singipoie P. SMm PtKMf BENVKACKIt
      1,241 words
    • 1109 17 IWw WORLDWIDE CARRIERS LTD. I for: Houston, New Orleans, Charleston, r^^^^^*^gV Savannah, Baltimore, New York S pore P. S'hom Pcnang lOANNIS 22/23 Noy 24/23 Nov 26/27 Nov Charleston, Savannah subject to inducement. Atom.. McALISIER 6c CO.. LTO. S'pcre p SweMenharr Penong Tel: *****1/9 6252 *****.3 MARITIME BUILDiNC lINtAPORt lEL *****
      1,109 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 1127 18 <<^™ 1 ***KAWASAKI RISEN KAISHA LTD. Wmaurn Australia /Singapora/ Japan Servlca iirtip-'e Tokka cii'Najoyi Y'hama Kate ■*itllia« Mara' 23 31 Otc I tat II laa 11 lit IS Im West Africa Singapore Japan S^rvlam I nj.iOi't Nagora Y^ame Kobe "Tsii«j»ii.i Maru" om,li 25 Net Rea« 2 Oec 3 Oec I
      1,127 words
    • 897 18 AUSTRILIA NEW ZEILANO SERVICt INOIA. PAKISTtN AND MR lASI SERVICEI far. Pt Alua Jrulaae. bH»u. Hi. Na|4»Jit(m» jai ¥jim IELUNhA I Oat 11/1J Die 13/14 Otc j; 21 f"e 21 0»c 7* P-f fraajt Oaac, LytL. Wall., AaclL, Iris. g a ,ts N*f<aaHm#» Spore P. S'ftam Ptnant lARPETA 21/1] Jm
      897 words
    • 1093 18 EDUCATION DEPARTMENT. NOTICE PENANG NOTICK IS HEKEBY GIVEN that Mr. Wlllian Chiang sole proConßrmation of Admiosion to prletor of FEDERAL TRADE ORStd. One. l»6!i GANISATION. has ceased to have Confirmation of admission to any oonnectlon with our company Std. One in 1969 lor children born and is therefore not authorised
      1,093 words
    • 744 18 TENDERS KENYATAAN TAWARAN IBU PEJABAT. J.K.R. Tawaran2 darlpada pemboronc2 \aiik: berdaftar densan J.K K. dibawnh JWrrs 'A' K«pa'» II 'Jt akan dl-terima dl-Pejabat Pengarah Kerja Raya. Ibu Pejabat. J.K.R.. Jalan Maxwell. Kuala Lumpur hingga jam pukul 12.00 t«ngah harl pada 18hb. Disember 1968 untok:. CONSTRUCTION OP PHASE I MARRIED QUARTERS
      744 words

  • 30 19 RUBBER AND TIN CLOSING PRICES \«>v 20 Klßl'rK PUCK: S*i cents i up thrcf-quarters nf a cent) TIN PUCE: Si!" (rlnwn SI0). Kstimatrd ■ffertag HI tons (flow n ."> lons I.
    30 words
  • 185 19 Minings ease in Melbourne MXI HOI KM %1 ININ ti S PaM-d Hi ,|iili-i.-r tradini; but iim^' recovered t<i t lie dOM Kini; Island made 90 ceiit.s ni $18 40. Pekn up ti.i tents al |lt.TB llamptnn \r.,dropp.fl 4d rent.'- at MJQ .md Lake\iew ami Star MSUM 4u cents nr
    185 words
  • 214 19 VMO't LrINC ALUNI.SIIII IMI UNC.APORE HARBOUR ARC Anion- I i m y,,-. i.ii mi« Is, <;<«-i raitn i«m i «al- i- Cotoa M ir.i I, Him Li H W 1 2 »n.- PMalMal N.W ships in THE ROAOS AS Al AM ON NOV. 20: lastSlß Raadi: k-i,.>
    214 words
  • 76 19 MINrsL l't,,iiiifr I nbmn SlncaplMil ya>tarrtar Cacanut ail: :i k 544 ara Caawa: Mi>«> ifnii i looat Nor./ D« < K <nnl »27» B eaawar: Mimtnk while «1i.% a»l'»r« I Sarawak .nil- nil| a»li.ra. aperlai M.r»«ak black m| •rim. cart. ..1 l-irnlwrm hlark $«T aallari vi: nd'i M.w
    76 words
  • 139 19 '|<NI Aaaaaiatlan al Manki In Malay- ll tiniiHn mud* UaSM in Ita r«t»i lo niiri'hanta vr«'»rila» ttha following r»lea ar« guolrd to lh»--r,|iiivni«ni of on* unit ol roraia" rurrmry). Umiaii Mats* I Kuyii.k ri »j.i ».:•.•> airmail OH J.lmvr,. BO rf S3.UO2S rrtaill mm. t:»«r, i *<i. bllM;
    139 words
  • 434 19 'lint contlnuotu in dajn 1 trading rise In tin which added $4fi :<7i to the price ni broken In I'mang yes- t^rri.iy The price fell $10 to $«29 being more or less in Hue with ihe drop of £18 a ton
    434 words
  • 241 19 Rubber moves up to new high \'n\l .MKr.K l.isi rubh»r > I.uh hu>ns i linril al S p.m. in Sni£.i|niir and Kuala I umpiu >rsiridav al rrnli |M-r Ib. lip thirr quaitrrs nf a renl on rwaatajr-i ,I,,mi,i ktH. Iliiv »as acain thr huhr»t prlr» •il (In .uurnt «rar In
    241 words
  • 76 19 'I'lll M..1.n»1»M Mmivtrr of I- injure h»« fltrri thr«« i ali-. fur ralrulallng < u«tnm« riutirv Nf Ihr prtloH from Not II In Nov. 17. Kui. l.i i H>, mil* Ib. CM mi. m lon I'alm (his trio a ton I'alm K- PM a Inn Tlir i.iir. nf
    76 words
  • 453 19 EASIER conditions developed on the Stock Exchange yesterday afternoon when word was received that local foreign exchange dealings had been suspended by the banks in Singapore and Malaysia until further notice in view of the uncertainty of the world currency situation. The devaluation possibility
    453 words
  • 122 19 HKLPKD l>y the latest bout of i KKiniMti against currency uncertainties, the s|K)t prh p of No. 1 RSS rubber in London on Tuesday climbed to more than 21 per Ib. for the first time in over 2J years. In Singapore, too, the current price Is
    122 words
  • 176 19 SANDAC Rub) r iflahahi ed tn i:4.-»25. according to audited account i he dlrecti rs wil linniy uc unable to recommend the paymeni i three p> r eenl dividend. Increased cropc peeted In futun yields from young rubber en .i However, after n [orward Umati the dihave
    176 words
  • 136 19 AFTER a quietly linn upenlng tin turned easier reaction tn the me and the lower dirtd* proflu mnounced by Malayan and Bonthen van Both these Bhan slightly easier after initial small k:ili> Avrr rlitam. Stall London were others to record .sm:iil declini .t Qopeni and I
    136 words
  • 22 19 In Loiirton 1 .■1 |»r cent e.t.l I K BuiopcHii hnvic p .Ms in bulk ck \,n »».< imch l»r lo:.
    22 words
  • 25 19 N Mtt Dallai »<■ i ,n..^ ai »13 T T 1"t hr aa«h Itarllnf wai qurxtd It 14. «aa« UM |IM at M|'
    25 words
  • 320 19 OVIMINTt OF SHAHE P*«I»ON OF LAST lALII IN LUMPUR TRADING ROOMS OF TNI STOCK EXCHANOf VISTIRDAY WIRE: INDUSTRIALS: ACMA t Ban Ca. lunrhi. B*rnaa Bartiad < I,. Baiiitaad i 1 rrnli C. Sinan onlii. i r. m 2 rrntai. Dunla* n, nili E.A.I. iilnili laaa Otin
    320 words
  • 54 19 lIALAYAN Tm DmlmiiK i»I are to pay h Baal of 9r! making ls.6d. for year to June 3u against Is loij The pre-tax profit «:»92.5W8 i H 1.088.1(18 i Add I surplus on ..ccond buffer I stock nil i 45.164). Tax requires £458.000 (£555.000). Profit alter tax
    54 words
  • 50 19 SOUTHERN Malayan Tin Dredging announce a '< Una! otw hilling making lsi)(l fn[ v»>:ir to June 30 n.i.i.l,- 1 SsJd The pre-tax 577 i 1.147.814 \d<l surplus on second buffer »tock nil I >; 54.218 1 Tax t.ike k loi 000 (£527.0001 Profit tax v k 44u.:r. t
    50 words
  • 90 19 IN connection wiiii their 1 bin for T V Firth and S^iis Ciiithrie have pro 1 dm ed profit forecast 'in UK InU alone pn tux profit > are forecast at £550.000 in 196<s and £800.000 In lntiS Pre-tax profit from •it ion Interest* h 'Ms
    90 words
  • 827 19 UI'RINBM IN AM) Ktl'ilKl 11 n TO THK BINGArOatI «M> kl tit 1.1 Mil K IKMI IM. ROOMS OF III) Sim K F\« HAN«.t irSIIRIIAV WITH THF M MRKR OK ITOI K> I i: Mil I. IN lIKli XIX INUUITRIALI: ICbUI i J i I "i"' I I
    827 words
  • 22 19 •ImluMruK 151.11 riuprtliro 1.",x:,x 1.'.T.01 Tin* (1J.16 «?.I1 I nilil.. i- ItS.?] MM Itrr. M, |I(ifi lull !>«• I»«I in,.
    22 words
  • 469 19 CTOCK IKI.MANCi OF MALAYSIA CLOft OF lUIINIII INDUSTRIALS K i. Kikh r UNIT IRUITI (Minillil 1 enaat l.r H«». Id) .1 Malayan I >»'on^ Malayan 2 ll« IVrd Uiuiin IM 1 h» QMMMNI Iml. I o« til M runit i n; i i« Mai lnv#»l kiini) 1 .'II
    469 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 1028 19 JURONG TOWN CORPORATION \pplli for the following post* in the Oorpora- < I! INI OM l( vkiks KPI iI M IOC) CriMlitiiatmns A Kvperienre: At lea>i in ftmn? experience in hr*vv 'rane operator particularly wharf luffing ci peration Bx perlence in general fitting and repair work on cranes and
      1,028 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 385 20 [< miri CIUB KTIYIIIfS CO«OOtt«ES DfUHS tNG*GFMENTS m MivoiiM MtMiuts Mtssmc n^ODti. tn kqukms i ieun.ons. Rjte Miwssm US/ If 21 BB_ eicli jeftlntjl tUk I 41 IBjV Clj- '.f< Ms»Tw»-888 s-s-BI tit 15 »nis. Met aMiiwiil. wt 41 cub Slry's Ties 811 ctur t e 50 cwts B_a_^
      385 words
    • 285 20 -ngspore AN \ia..;.i..<; i:.ii' smiAi. OOWC-Bji HAS Ol'^MMiS roa VAN lALESMIN MKR PROmCTS IBtl Mho meet the following oni sre :n\ned no spply:- ..'pore, Ai, m M years. ..1 Certineate bß*s_, 1. \t,.llty to eonrerse in t«o Chinese 1. M iom'.s valid M,,ior Veh.'le DriMDt. li,er:en.e: PrcTkM— field Sales ssperlen.e
      285 words
    • 318 20 WANTED EXPERIENCED 1" knrkMabtw Limited parti- i v I WE RE3UIRE -K II *****881 l Pre- I 1I BO to .rid* aa n '-I irltllag mschine Hea.e apply P.O :,«r ,nd i(S inn sxperience. ialesman. s ngapore C I ijMrten sd la of tinned food r«-.|.nred t>v ,orni..iriv to sell
      318 words
    • 486 20 1 oomi OU'HOUSB. daily weemy I in Btstap waa Kins i8oore) 4.7.- M18»:t TERRACE HOUIE lullv 1.in1.-nen st Hoov.i I', k. m.s. Bukll Timah Road lei ispoiei 1 1028 PAVA LIM" CRESCENT. I urlaaajoa <nd »,m. detached bunualow Contact 18 porei »»Jl_i or FULLY FURNIIHEO SEMI-DETCH-tI) l am ond.tlont-d Beaaati
      486 words
    • 464 20 SHAMROCK PARK: Newly completed tuo-ntorejr semi-detached building on 3. .100 sq ft. l.fhaped lounge/ dining room. .1 tt-'drooms and Uulity room. K.nied. Many extra. Kn,|inrr Dai 1 PtSM BSaa Valuer.. A Kstate Agents lei t£ i»re> 743--% 74:.-« i 7 7040 H7O.M. HICHLAND CARDEN W Bl •mall down pavm.nt \ou
      464 words
    • 460 20 OUR LAOV OF LOUROES Knglnh School. SO. Ophir Road. Spore 7. Kor Overaged Mtidems. From Primary 4 Seconds ry 4. Registration: 8 a.m. 1 4-11 p m. REGAL SCHOOL: Physics, Che* 1 laboratory prartaan. Math-: Additional I L' \.^r course. Klemintary. all I si'condaiirs. T I 1 Spore) BMb— BOOKKEEPINC:
      460 words
    • 650 20 I TY/RAfllQ SALES t SERVICE J MISETA TV SERVICE. Day/Night repairs Ha- .faction guaranteed. Keasommlr ihar^.n Phone 1 8 porn irS.'Jo TV. SPECIALIST Llav Night senice. Any brand charges moderate a port •ua SPECIAL OFFER H" I*lll IBM BB Hire Purcfcaae, rental available. Radio Trlevmoo Berv ice. repair 00 Ihe
      650 words
    • 504 20 H53 MORRIS MiNU". lU tton o»ner used ><"«« SI.MOO/rMnge 8W K/Anglia. 3.W New Bridge Road. 8 pore «2> Ground Floor. ME RCEDES JSO SC 19«7 April. Ons o%>n.-r. t.ix tt-S-W, I.'i.OUO mtles. automatic tide screen, floor Kear. rad.o. tyren ii, w. I'hon, i- pan IBIISI ofli* c h °HOLDEN PREMIERE
      504 words

  • Article, Illustration
    32 21 In ever lovin* memory of Mr. Rajasagaran Katnasamy, Health Department. Ipoh departed 21»t November. 1965. Dearly missed but forever remembered l\v his beloved parents, brother*, sister*, in-laws, relatives and friends.
    32 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 565 21 (Isso) ESSO STANDARD LIMITED invite applications for the post ol TECHNICAL SALES REPRESENTATIVE Job Function: To promote sales of Industrial products and to provide technical services to Industrial customers. The successful candidate will be expected to assume full responsibilities of the position after a period of initial training. Qualifications: A
      565 words
    • 658 21 SENIOR EXECUTIVE A British Company, long evtobhshed In Malaysia requires immediately a suitably experienced individual to head o sales department marketing consumer products to industrial consumers. A technical degree or engircering qualification would be prefered but is not essentiol; o good Senior Cambridge Certificate is the minimum level ot education
      658 words
    • 327 21 P A WORD OF APPRECIATION 1 P Pacific Milk Industries (M) Berhad wishes to thank all Malaysians who have C applied for shares in their recent four million 2 dollar issue. 3 The total number of applications received was 64,700 out of which ballotP ing produced 6,950 successful applicants. P
      327 words

    • 326 22  -  EPSOM JEEP By pIL MARSHAL, who did well in his earlier races, has regained some form and could be worth a bet at Ipoh on Sunday. The six-year-old, with apprentice Mohamed Ismail up, did a splendid scallop over ii In 38 4/5 sec.
      326 words
    • 154 22 Plans for pro athletics in US N I froup mi [cauonal l< I) I I I ennferm taw I rrceni I la L>siooao con- v f.W r..i h w.n lip 10 l>$»0.000 in i)r:.r n. r\' f Tlii- :i I 'ii 30 Meet :u- i aduled la Uw ten member
      154 words
    • 99 22 LOS ANGELES. Wed Tomni:c and John Carlos the American aprtntcn who rocltetl the Mexico City Olympic* with their Black Power victory si and demonstrations, urged Nemo *tudenis to challenge white people at swimming and golf These -.ports were 'the white man> bai! they ?aid In a Joint address
      99 words
    • 39 22 LONDON. Wed Remit* In the Indoor pnCtMlon*] tennis champions;: ips ai Wembley last night: Singles nunrtoi-Iliiiils K WWII 111 AuM bt N Pilir iYuro' i>- 1 h-3 A Oimano I <Bp> bt A Roche lAuktj i M-li.
      39 words
    • 119 22 Victoria yes' to open tennis MEI.BOL-RME Wed The tain! tattoo rta la-' i.ivl. rd ot).. oiuaiii-atHins a? d an laatptotublpa .Id become ai. ());ru evpnt The fiO-.-trong roun< ll of I vi 'rd nvfrwhelrniiilily in lavvui v! ta Optn to irnamcnt. l he\ ieec:ed a rtcommeodatlon l:om their i thai
      119 words
    • 97 22 IONDON. \Kod National j Hml Britain v. Ivc d maj'ir boost atm Hone-race Betting Levy B^ard .<chemp prize n II 000 c 'nip.s Into operm- Xi April n»l Q| 'Ah.! 1 .i.: ady receives C 235.500. will ?p' rtrt i <">
      97 words
    • 744 22 ENTRIES for tlie Buklt Tm-.ah races or. Nov an Dec 1 7 and 8 LAM I •>'■'- «r it and H or Mi: All Steel (it 7f. Balholir.en Boy 6f W, Bandit 8f Bf. Baron !!.>■. t>; 7f Bellendaine 8f Bf. Bonda fif Tf. Bra\e Bambino 8f
      744 words
    • 97 22 Hr»« da>- C, Hi 1 r,! .me; H. 1> 4 Cl I Dp I tit. l)i\ .1 8f Second d»»: Cl 1 I)i\ 1 Kf and Bf. Cl 3 IW» 1 2 and :i «f Cl 5 Div I— fif and 81. I>i\ 1 8! Third da»: Cl
      97 words
    • 38 22 HONN W.d II bp^t aik Btockholm ..-•> in th§ .second-le? of their Inter-Ciurs Jairs Cup second tie Hanover last i lg ht Hati.^r: \>ho were bentei: 4.3 lee qualified lor the 1 on a 7-6 *w<
      38 words
    • 52 22 TONDON Wed winner of the English Derby and 2 000 OvBMH the Washington Imcmati'ial. has been voted Brltai: horse of the Year by leading iuring correspondents. Sir Ivor, owned b> American Raymond Guest also won tht Champion Stakes anc whs second in the Irish
      52 words
    • 12 22 IDON Wed Rt, EnglLsh FA Cv,. 0i pla.\- lasl nighi
      12 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 307 22 NORTHWEST When you buy this ticket you buy THE FANJET AIRUNE <yt v p-% a-Q OATK PA»j m I of experience A A A 21 voars ot cvprrionce in sprsing the l L Orient. And it shows. It shows m reliability. In professional excellence. In our equipment the big .520
      307 words

    • 325 23 Unbeaten S'gor Club are senior champs t ELANGOR CLUB J won the Selangor Ru^by Union Senior League championship lay when they beat Royal Malaysian Air Force 14-3 in the final match at the Kuala Lumpur Padang. They scored a goal and three tries against a penalty after leading 3-0 at
      325 words
    • 35 23 S. l-o win uvcr a\en«'-d their degr the a m« n tho am-.'ir Knockout ..Hhough Reca had tho eh Hick bu The fa" and even match hunir on the balance until the
      35 words
    • 56 23 revenge Signals '■•'-rlcht Chelam tnoK a pa^« from Kenny Gomes and lhcked the bu.l home run. In oilier I rhrs i Sports club beat Port Authority 1-0 Ktaalaa Asiociatlon beat Police 2-0 ipnv. vorrli half, centre-:. air Kanagalnißam tin ssaatan mut In the match at R an) and Jogindpr ea(
      56 words
    • 340 23  -  JOE DORAI SCC 3 FIJIANS 28 by I'HE Fijian Army-Police Rugby In ion tour team were seen at their best so far when tney relentlessly carved out a 28-3 victory over Singapore Cricket Club on thr hitter's Padang ground yesterday. Thr Fijians scored two goals, three
      340 words
    • 214 23 (SINGAPORE'S flrstever officially-elect-ed Sportsman and Sportswoman of the Year will be named on Dec. 27. Inche Othman Wok. the Minister for Social Affairs, said the announI cement will be made at I the Istana Negara. Inche Othman said: "The awards are designed to
      214 words
    • 227 23 The lourittl then slowrd down a little, apparently for a "breather" but they vert oil again lrom the 25th minute Breaking through In a swe«pni({ move. centrethree Sall.i.-a landed a 31st minute try which Hapale failed tv convert SCC. with unflagging .spirit rallied and onlj
      227 words
    • 54 23 VICTORIA Institution beat St. John's Institution 2-0 to win the Selangor schoolboys imder-15 hockey competition at Cheras Road School ground, Kuala Lumpur, yesterday Earlier In the eve:;lna Peel Road Convent won the girls uu-der-15 title by beating Chrras Road School on the advantage of a long
      54 words
    • 19 23 The Krlnngor AAA mil hold a praeUd i ramtMthm fur .<■ Medium Mrrdcka On iSun.lav from 9 .< m
      19 words
    • 43 23 1 TOKYO Wed. Muumi <>f Japan von the Orient middlpttoieni champtoamitpolntini champion Xl sj'Hi Kirn i6out!i Korea) ovaf li: royndi al Oaaki toolfht. Mji.cmi *ai awarded .< .-]>;:t dWllhW •<!•■ r putuni; up an I unexpectrfllv eoofi likI 1 Thrre urrc no k:
      43 words
    • 207 23 ANY nation would he proud of them these Australian wheelchair basketball players, braving hemvy rain to give an impressive demonstration of the skill at the Chronic Sick Hospital in iSineanore on Tuesday. With the rain whipping against their faces, tw five -a side teams in green
      207 words
    • 100 23 WINGAPORE Joint Services cricuet team, led by Capt. John Foster, now touring Australia have won all their three matches played so far. In the UrM match, against an RAAF siar at Pearce. the t0..--nsls won by 121 runs Services l««-« dec i Gerry Wells-Cole 42
      100 words
    • 125 23 SYDNEY. Wed —Gary sobers, cap'ain of the WeM Indian cricket team, said here tonight :t would be fooh.h to ftart ridiculing his team prem»tur»lv H« M<id thai the sidr had to become acclimatised and uhen they were, they would provide good cricket. "There has been a
      125 words
    • 60 23 A Pair Play Trophy will be awarded for clean play in future World Cup and Olympic soccer tournaments. This was stated by Flfa president Sir Stanley Rous In the latest Issue of the Ufa News Bulletin. Blr Stanley said the flr^t Fair Play Trophy was
      60 words
    • 41 23 NEW DEI HI Wed Ma hvMa> P Gunuian «on the men's tic :n the East 7,nne lntenmtional badminton rhamplonahipt ai QaunaU today He '.he rriening Asian chamP i n. Dine;-h Khanna. of India, IJ-6. 18-13 in Hie llnal.
      41 words
    • 176 23 Jakarta trip plans are off YfALAYSIA and Sin- gapore have abandoned plans to compete in the Indonesian badminton championships scheduled to begin at Jakarta on Monday. This Is because they have not received official invitations to the championships. When P. Sumar.sono, secretary of the All -Indonesian Badminton Federation, was in
      176 words
    • 113 23 SINGAPORE kl ba.iCJig a> badminton team to compel in the next niomas Cup for thr lirsi time a a an indepenacn" republic. u> luve in Wong Pen? Soon an ex-'. orld ihan:p:on as national ewch to mould our ui^ and-cuming p'.ayers. In> I ;ec "ntCTUI" b^:ne HiJifd Tlic a\rr.ii:o
      113 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 35 23 CHAN CHUA CONSTRUCTION 57, Jalan Sungei Besi, (Chan Kee Bldg.) Kuala Lumpur. Extend their heartiest Congratulations and best Wishes SANYO CENTRE] 197, Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman, Kuala Lumpur. on the occasion of their grand opening
      35 words
    • 76 23 When you see this distinctive green and gold pack you can MDUULLM \V^/ be certain of three things the owner (1 prefers the satisfy- KING SIZE ing mildness of fine Virginia tobaccos. (2) appreciates the Sfinoilkli ill rilTPn benefits of a modern filter. (3) recognises the tradition of VIRGINIA ill
      76 words
  • Page 23 Miscellaneous
    • 156 23 lie: XI.V Vpore Uiv. 1: RAOC v RAF Selctar, SCC SMHA ipadanc'. BADMINTON HOC KEY niM man finals: i'lvwg lcaogk: raaf Mixed doubliv Bro Michnel and a Snl 01 2rnnra a rvnm U Ml William Dillnmburii bt ,,11'ls ,^cn P«"« Ang Seng Hen* and Teh Siiwat Ls B J"" T
      156 words

  • 170 24 LOS ANGELBS. Wed.— One of the worst traffic-tie-ups in thr history of the freeuays occurred >rsterda> w hen two trucks collided in heavy foe on Highway 91 Th loulnil started a chain reaction imolving about 100 vehicles Two people were killed and many injured
    170 words
  • 45 24 51, 250 m cut in budget IJAKIS. Wed. The j French National \xM-mhlv today passed h\ a show of hands the ■MIUH million fr.nus -I. 'Ml million) cuts proposed by the French (iovrrnmrnl in the 1%9 draft budThe Communist Party voted acainst the resolution. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  45 words
  • 88 24 'Set in Asia' booklist at library SINGAPORE. Wed —The National Llbraiv here hi. compiled 8 list of novels .set aitalntt an Amm) background for the use ol teenagers, parents, teachers and school librarians The "Set in Asia" booklist. Issued by the Younjr Peoples Semce uf the National Library, lists books
    88 words
  • 39 24 .SINOAPORE. Wrd The city mobile immunisation team will visit the Tmijong Rhu community centre for children of three months to seven years of age from 9 a m to 12 noun on Nov 26.
    39 words
  • 212 24 SEREMBAN. Wed. Thr Minister of Education, Inche Mohamod Khir Johuri. today donifd that the government vu delaying the publication of the Aziz teachers' salaries commission report. He reiterated 'hat only one copy of the report was available that handed to him by
    212 words
  • 416 24 i LONDON. Wed. The market dosed mixed today, with a illfhtfy e«Mer bias after earlier firmness. I International hedging stocks, such as EMI Ro.wil Dutch, BATs and IMPs were Mroiißer. while blue chips closed tUfhtly ofl Stores tended sluhtly easier. while properties were marginally j
    416 words
  • 184 24 'Mao selling Ching jewels to pay for wheat report HONG KONO. Wed. Communist China is nrrakins up the famrcl Ching Dynasty crown jewel riilln turn of tinMini li ti Kmpcrors and telling the iew.-l- through Hong Kong to get foreign currency to pay for wheat and other imports. The Star
    Reuter  -  184 words
  • 136 24 Malik: There won't be war over Sabah JAKARTA. Wed The Foreign Minister. Mr. Malik, said today he was sure no war would brea-; out between Malaysia and the Philippines Answering reporters who asked him ll a war u.i- ix»-ible. he said: "I am confident there will b-' no war between
    Reuter  -  136 words
  • 130 24 SMITH STILL TRYING TO REACH ACCORD WITH WILSON SALISBURY. Wfri. Mr. Lan Smith la to continue trying to reach agreement with Britain on the independence issue now deadlocked on only one majo r issue. Despite thr luck of success in the latest round <>f talks the door was still open
    130 words
  • 114 24 H v m. H i road a I I. MR MVAMANDAM ratlltd I' M. offick.' ptaetfullv on in 1 1 ii lm* for <■ n«BOT -trr. nor^ i.r MADAM KO KIM LEAN. mM m, paved nuay narrfullv on It.U 6t ral rf' I.UO pm i,r. 21 ll f-um BMW
    114 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 116 24 Late CLASSIFIEDS 20 uord. S!' C r.r.urinn) TMIA NO I Hunt M.M.! o i Mi A „iMrr ,i Ii i .1 o M'lin lin W ll It's free and it's for you! HEARD ON 1300 RADIO STATIONS around the world. And now coming to Singapore, for two nights only! THE
      116 words