The Straits Times, 20 November 1968

Total Pages: 30
1 30 The Straits Times
  • 25 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 175,000 The Straits Times The National newspaper Estd. 1845 WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 20, 1968 15 CENTS KDV 3104 M.C. (P) 0014
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  • Article, Illustration
    450 1  -  MSA Fokker Friendship on test flight conies to grief AN MSA Fokker Friendship crashlanded shortly after noon yesterday at Paya Lebar Airport during a test flight. Its four crew escaped unhurt. The airport was closed for three hours and all flights were diverted to ChugL The crash occurred
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  • 88 1 I Penang to get two bonded areas Xl A I.UMPUR, I Tuo-. Th<- Gov- ernment has decided to establish t-.vo bonded areas In Penang in which goods taken to tii- Island lor tra: shipmeni will not be to customs i -.iken Development 'Ull I londcd to allow hi to PenaiiK
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  • 107 1 Crisis as Italian Govt resigns ROMI I itrs PrlSßt Minister <.io\. nni l.mnr'x Christian Drrnocrat nnn«irit> mi\«-rnmrnt restgMdl i■<i .i > ;>nfi pluntied It.iU into .i crisis. The resiKiiatnm eaBBC .«s the second national strikr in ti\r days paralysed rail traffic and posta' Bad telephone communicatllllls Emphasfasai the crisis
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  • 23 1 SANTIAGO I r Qup^n Fl:/ab»tn and Prime Philip left here by air for home \e^terda\ ftfter a weeklonu viMt to
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  • 11 1 NCW UKI.HI. PrkßM Indira OanChl todai .'['l
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  • 255 1 TILL AT LEAST 1971, SAYS GORTON CANBERRA. Tu««d«y AUSTRALIA will retain air, n;i\;il and ground forces in Malaysia :m<l Singapore ;il least until 1971, the Prime Mi .'lister, Mr. John (iorton announced tonight. The forces will consist of l\\u squadrons <»( Mirage jel figlilers, l\\o naval ships and the Australian-New
    UPI  -  255 words
  • 37 1 SAIOON. Tups Vletcoiiß gucntn liuve killed l!i people and wounded It in a mortar attack on I militia camp m the Dell.i town of Vinh Binh. a BtoUUi Vietnamese military spokesman said today. Renter
    Reuter  -  37 words
  • 24 1 i .1 \i I Artless SopliM Lorcn U r\|*rnn« her I flr.«t b»b\ mniinrl Hi* nnddl* of January, iourcei laid todty
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  • 307 1 again under pressure /.urich. Tuesdaj QTERUNG came under hravy pressure OR thf foreign exchange market here todaj as thi (light Into German marks continued. Dealers said the Bank of md \"-;i buying up considerable quantities ol pounds against dollars to keep the rate from falling through Its poM -devaluation floor
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  • 70 1 Eased that export ban JAKARTA. Tue- Trad* Mini: lei l). ft en j jortadikuM:ii.i> ti da) t l ban on low export! 1 he Impi i 1 1 i month so tli.i; i could lie honoured and stockpiled product* could be sol The in.. anno meed by the Trade hOnlati
    AP  -  70 words
  • 29 1 LONDON. r iur- Australia Penelope Plummet, who WOO 111" Miss World title List WS*k--1 end. was In bed ulth Influenza a I her London hotel yesterday
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  • 215 1 It's all rubbish says Runme Shaw OINOAPORE. Taos Film magnate Tan Sri Runmp Shaw today dismissed as rubbish" Hong Kont: press reports that extortioners had demanded HKSSOO.OOO from him. Th." repor Tan Sii Btu« had i ti a leiti-r containing the demand ar.d threat t.> blow him up II he
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  • 36 1 BANOKOK TUM Bfctll people Mrs killed and SO ol hri s lnmred today when bus ihpy roce hmshed with a liraw UIKB on a highway 18 miles south of here A!'
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  • 106 1 KUCHING. Tups. Thr.r nmmM ImmWi, im ludinu .1 woman win killrcl v h c 11 set iiritv four-. attacked their c a 111 p in Imnk'i Si-cund Division ><->trrda>. A member of the >e<uritv forces Has also killed This iijn their flr»t casualty
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  • 334 1 A comeback bid by Reds any time now: Tengku KUALA 1.1.M1M R, Tuesda> Tl.\<iKl Abdul Rahman warned today licit the Malayan ('ommunisl Party might re-embark on another armed uprising "any lime m>\\ Commenting on the big swoop on militant communists launched last Saturday resulting In 14(» arrests so far. the
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  • 22 1 NO lEVALUATION OF MAtK many aanoaaard lodaf H will not mark, bat lec»i lac prepared to In se*nrf> prl<-« ■■trial
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 327 1 EQUIPMENT^*' W" NAHAR CO., I NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. SINGAPORE a bank is a bank is a bank is a bank is a bank is bankisa bank is a bank isa bankisa bank is is a bank is a bank is a bank is a bank is a bank i bank
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    • 41 1 If I *"■"< 11,-^ Service B^BSSSSS^&SsB sjl N 62 South I Bruise ELECTION You can tell by the sparkle in her eyes... She's a VITAPLUS girl BSSSBk Hi sissW sssiisVi^^j. sW r^&rw r&SEM The Blackcurrant Juice with extra Vitamin C added W=
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    • 213 2 I) \PK^I lur^ Mr \ndrn (irnmyko. thr I ..reitn MinLstf r todi% hiilrri I nit«-,1 >i^t^. *trps U uarri* a Vicln^m <^ttl'mpnt and appeared to offer >"M't *id m facilitate aereement In a .inehour Prf-«s rontrr'n.e here marked b« (onriliatorr lt>nr Mr (,rr>m>kf> appeared to be
      Reuter  -  213 words
    • 124 2 WASHINGTON. Tuesday T v gon s boy- k 1 _atior.. the A Su.t* I>ep«- .id not i yet. b«n I Pars last Oct. 3:. 1 Pr nt I tcoac- at said the new tntn Pzf'.cent NfUTU Var. Th:eu and US AmbaAsador tr.e newKM SAICOM
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    • 76 2 Koreans kill 18 Viets with karate chops U South Koreans experts in karate tclllec 18 V c 0 n g v. fierce hand-io-r..i:.t: lighting yestercu;. *nen gueriilius Tied to storm a position near here, a military spokesman said. The the Mar.. de- I ■.p The 6" riv..r.c on nd«Kl '<
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    • 92 2 Fear of doom in Manila wii lurs Imm-erS«-n.ilor has described the s<Mial and econo:nii situ ili>'n in the Philippine as alarminc and vaul a bl<Midle-«s revolution is needed to prevent a iMnl upheaval former Senator l^>rneo Sumuloni told a >outh ioni;res«, vesterda;: "Not only the nrdinar> man in tne street
      Reuter  -  92 words
    • 210 2 THE Taiwan Government yesterday >] pealed to the other non-Comrr. ot Asia and Africa to rally together to bar Pt-King's entry into the United Nations. •We are in Urn .*ame boat ::'.mor. caose u.s AnbuHd Ml L:u H:eh told them. Rebut ung
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 188 2 Graham Hill wins the 1968 world championship on Supershell and Shell Super Motor Oil. 1968. The Mexican Grand Prix. Graham Hill zooms to victory on Supershell and Shell Super Motor Oil. This win gives Graham Hill the 1968 world Racing driver*s championship. And it gives Lotus Ford the Car Constructor's
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • 193 3 ANOTHER DEMAND FOR RELEASE OF BHUTTO Rawalpindi na Several Opawi U n p i" .ii leaden reaterdaj ieniaiuli ii tin- rdeaM <•. ihc forniii I. in.: n Mnlater, Mr. Ithutto. prbe was arrested with ehantea «>f •inciting the public to violence. Mr Khulto. who is < h.ur man of tin-
    AP  -  193 words
  • 57 3 Filipino 'faith healer is held IJETROIT. Tues. Escorted by Attorney Richard Eubank, Anthony Agpaoa, (right), a Filipino faith healer, enters the Federal Building yesterday for arraign ment on charges of defrauding no pilgrims from the Detroit area of U.S. $72,000 Tho pilgrims journeyed to the Philippines in 1967 for "bloodless
    UPI  -  57 words
  • 108 3 Manila. Tvm. six bdies have been recovered from a PMUpptnet patten ger boat which sank aitor being hit by a Hong K registered \e m Cebu last night. The 5.338 ton Eastern Moon was docking when it i struck the 250-ton Iruna. Police said
    Reuter  -  108 words
  • 48 3 HAVANA. Tttm I M<xlc«n DCS airliner bijaefced on a local fhzlit earlier ve.sterday. landed here last night with 18 passenger* ;md a crew at tr.r The plane wm 0B '••?u ar flight from Merida tn Mrxiro I rbm '.he hi-m-kuii; place Reuter
    Reuter  -  48 words
  • 38 3 NEV\ YOKK nail Mi JacqUFllM Dll.l ..:ri\fd here last night to vi. I) „n armlui ol red and thiro of her new liu.-U.iiui s, Mi Onassts remained behind in l.nndnn on bu.sinc.vs. UPI. 1
    UPI  -  38 words
  • 104 3 Pilot blamed for crash that kiUed 123 PRETORIA. Tues. An orKri*l mquirv into a Suuth African Airlines Bneing 707 crash hi Windhoek m April, which COat 123 inc.- n\rd the UMI (ifflrer as re.«punsible tor ihe daWatar. 1 .i- ln| ih( i>:..n:r primarily mi pit I I'.i'i'iin Eiir R
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  • 457 3 Now a big Soviet landing feat MOSCOW Tuesday THE Soviet Union announced today the recovery ot its Zond-ti spacecraft after a round-t he-moon flight and revealed a new "double-immersion" method for recovering spaceships. Zond-ti was landed on Sunday in a pre-set area of tho Soviet Union after twice entering the
    Reuter; UPI  -  457 words
  • 236 3 NAHA Tuesday A B-52 bomber, the biggest type of U.S. warplane. exploded with a full bombload while taking off apparrnUv for Vietnam today. The blast damaged houses and brought forth a clamour of fresh cries fr< m Japanese politician, for the U.S. to
    Reuter  -  236 words
  • 145 3 New Queen E hits wharf with a crunch (GLASGOW. Tue.s. Xt Hundreds 01 .shipyard •Often scampered for .satety today as the brand new liner Queen EliiaI beth 2 crunched into a I wooden wharfslde when < 1 she left her flttlng-out j basin for the first time. The brush with
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  • 206 3 'CLEOPATRA' FILM MAKER WANGER DIES AT 74 NEW YORK, Tuesday. UOLLYWOOD film producer Walter Wanger died at his home here today of a heart attack. He- was 74. Wangcr. whose last big film was "Cleopatra. starring Elizabeth Taylor, Rirnard Burton and Rex Harrison, had headed his own production company lor
    Reuter  -  206 words
  • 61 3 ROME Tups. Italun r^.l\>i.\> ciound I .1 ha.t \as\ nuilii al the Man ut nationwide attttna pxpecird \inu.iliy 10 para!yi>e Italy during the next 24 hour No tfain& If ft mam s: .it ion* and -.hose in movement were due at the nearpv' where pa.vsengers
    Reuter  -  61 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 372 3 NUDES i The Malay.sian Ci»-ijDerati\e Insurance Society, Ltd., is in the lead a Rain We have a Snecial Life Assurance Policy fur young ladies and for future brides in particular. It is a snecial nolit v for >oung ladies. If a younit lady takes this M( IS Policy she may.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 765 4 Suddenly, every watch is trying to look like this one. (■rl r^y t^f i i^^. "ml "ss. Wm I x M^^J f M A M Here's how to tell the original from the copies: Imitation, they say, is the sincerest form of flattery. We're flattered, place because it has substantial
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  • 299 5 CINGAPORE. Tues.-A green-eyed blonde from Sweden turned out to be the surprise of the day at a high powered business meeting at the Chinese Chamber of Commerce this morning. The meeting was between representatives of the chamber and a 17-mem-oer Swcd:>h Manufacturers 1 Association
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  • 165 5 KUALA I.IMPIR. lues The president of the M.iii m Medical UMttiatton Dr J 8..V Peter, s.ud tod. i\ the abrupt .i t< tii<lr of hospital si.iiT rncour.ieed ihe blond -siiiinu racket llr was unininilin; on ,i Straits limes report those running the
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  • 251 5 Engineer sues Govt over school buildings KUALA LUMPUR. Tuesday J^ CHARTERED civil and structural engineer, Mr. Lav Foo Sun, today produced before the High Court several designs and plans of school buildings which he claimed were used without his permission by the Ministry of Education to construct schools. He was
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  • 452 5 the Ministry bought over the ccpyrlghU. In his suit. Mr. Lav Is asking Mr. Justice Gill to: DECLARE that he was the owner of the document-, until Jan. 23. 1963: DECLARE that he Is entitled to b»- paid by the defendant for
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  • 119 5 Man who alerted 'blue films' audience fined CINGAPUKt lues. 13 K«ek Pens (ivan uas fined $100 in a magistrates co.irt today u.nn he pleaded psilt) to abett■it v an exhibition of hlue lilir.s in a huuse at K.Miiponi: Bharu Road >ester(i.i\ The cuui t was told that Kuek alerted the
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 28 5 Start .on uf a high note if with IUU ripGrS. dmms&^ iYißM«te«*Wl*(y Bee*-- <"•* Se-yram it* *ortrfs largest *»ti»w Wflpwww E«fc*v« importer, B JB6Y UM I CQ (PTE) Utt
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  • 49 6 First day covers SINGAPORE. Tues.-Offi-cial first day covers are now on sale at all post offices In the Republic at 10 cent* each The design on the cover, which Is based 00 the themes of the new definitive stamps, depicts the dancearid mask.s of the various communities In Singapore
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  • 91 6 UMOAKMI Tuts Australian parapirgic basketballerf under heavy rain gave a fast tmpreMivC ilenionstiatKni of the U the Chronic Sick hospital, tudav I«.i team.s Of five men each. in green and orange lerseys .swung Into .utmn riosp;ie the ram whipping against their laics :heir friends and local paraple«li
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  • 52 6 SINGAPORE. Tuefc The NTUC cultural dance group's wekh s^sion Is being held at the Broadii'-k Secondary Bchool In Old Kalians Airport Road from 7 30 to 9pm every Friday Further details are available from the orgmiiseis. Tel ***** e\t lil or at the school during the
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  • 40 6 SINGAPORE. Tues The Ambassador of Thailand and Mrs Nlbhon Wllalrat. will hold a reception at the Thai Embnss\ in Orchard Road from R3O to 8 pm on Dec. 5 to celebrate the birthday of the King of Thailand
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  • 448 6  -  R. CHANDRAN I By CINGA P 0 R E, Tues. The visiting Swedish Manufacturers' Association mission announced today that its members planned to buy some Sl<) million worth of goods from Siiij;;i poic next year. The mission loader, Mr. Sten Akestam. said
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  • 286 6 SINGAPORE. Tuesday QUESTIONS affectmtj policy on the Republic's new Industries will be among those asked at I the next sitting of Parliament. The Member lor River \a Mr I.iih (iiun Onn will ask the Minister for Pinance. Dr. Goh Kd.k Su<c about new fartnries and
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 365 6 lAHTU All C I 0 THOSE WHO HAVE Vf I 111 LUVt REPEATEDLY REQUESTED FOR IT! jO**ST~ PALACE: opens tomorrow: BY irW GUtSS WHO s COMING BACK IN W J)W^^ James Clavcll's SIR, c WITH LOVE" TECHNICOLOR SCHOOL CONCESSION at 3 o B Yoo N J«° 5 *m Y sow»
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    • 17 6 m [GAL AXYfl® TODAY 1 SHOWS: PM Mohabbatlsko r\M t^or\ ntuwtMsiwurm BK^bWT^J 1 N««t Change "CUIDC H
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    • 7 6 ffle%e, fietoftk mm J.-- V 7fy.2*/2/ 6xtJ23
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    • 276 6 J LIDO-OPENS TODAY J m The Sensation of _^j^Jßß|^tet a "Bonnie Clyde" sgjA MICHAEL J. POLLARD a "TRIP' f^B «bbbWt^^ b^Lv I H Ikbi\ bbbbtbhmW^ t^^D I I^t^bPbb^^^Bß9 v bbWbm' XV.V,*; fJIUajitVY TECHNICOLOR' I MICHAEL J. POLLARD BRADFORD DILLMAN HOPE LANGE PAI HINGLE SUSAN SAINT JAMES, .HARRY GUARDINQ,; -^L FR
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    • 426 6 ISHAW Orgßniintl o»i OPENS TODAY' H 11 om 1 .41, 4 00. 630 I 0,5 V Jiov,. in TECHNICOI.r: NSXT CH> I THI BR'Of WOBE BLACK 1 BJ LAST DAY BJ 1 1 om, 1 ]0, 4 00. 64) I. "PURPLE DART v A SHAYS PROD I CW- "H. u
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  • 174 7 Many jobs in Brunei for 'retire at 55' men BRUNEI TOWN. Tues. There is good news in income taxfree Brunei for Malaysian civil servants j hit by the retire-at-55 order. 'There are JotM galore here for tho.»e who Uke a quiet life. All .sort.s of experienced people are needed, particularly
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  • 101 7 Escapee: Call goes out to join hunt A I ()H STAR, lu-.s. Police forcei througho.' be country have been .i-r.. d to In tht hunt i kidnap suspect who e.scap^d from the Tik.ur. Batu police Station last Saturday The escape* lj.i> been ld< nUtied by Kedah 1 M Tel. Kin
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  • 26 7 Xl CHINO i V I'M VF" i :ifr j tbnt-ytu-i ii M Tho b"\ airliltrd ft iin I .mriu I ii
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  • 44 7 niiii men *ew drowned in a ond in a iDinink; id... The body i V Penrallu. 29 dnv nd in Hi? Suneei Pan. \vh: S.nel' 51 mining labourer fir ,cl ;n a di.sU-fd mniinc 'x"i in Outmni; Rap»t new vllli
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  • 72 7 KUALA I i Mli i 1 Tlif president ol th* Ml L"C Mi Yf<li ..f trade untoßisU botweer Malaysia umJ Aw Brails !■> nirfdr thtt MißKf.stior liter aeecpUm k''' '''X"' books un th* Australian trad< union ii'iMmcTit :ind Xl aiM tii.tlun .sy^trni troaa the
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  • 36 7 KANOAM Tun Btat( m ■emUyman in< ht Vi k f.'luh BM iK'n perl Mai ChwmbPr Ornin:'' 1 v..\: I nan Mi I .clin hin Hi •nd In In M"ii.nir Rat lm bin All
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  • 185 7 CINOAPOIUI Tuea. Bulgaria will buy one and a half times more rubber from Singapore and Malaysia n^x' year than it did this year. Mr S Stantchev. Commercial Counsellor at the Buiuarian Trade Commission in Singapore, said yesterday. This year's purchases readied ***** tons
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  • 75 7 'All are good days 9 KAMGAB. Tupn All d.ivs of ihr wrrk arr "Lliiod (I.iv.n". and ihrtr i> no pro\ iMon in thr Isl.iniit law that niu nio^qtirs niiivt bp oppnrfl only on a Kriday. Ahmad bin Himli. Mental? «f <hp RniiKiir Kiidoni; nii»qur recrptii>n utm >.iid t..<).i\ Hr
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  • 319 7 Stay-in order on 96 may be lifted By RUDY BELTRAN Kuala Lumpur, Tues. NINETY-SIX thugs, restricted to different parts of Selangor under the Prevention of Crime Ordinance, have turned over a new leaf. As a result they now stand a "nood chance" ol grttinti their restriction orders withdrawn or their
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  • 58 7 VI.M.APORI. lurs. Three Ihucs. .irmrd «ilh kni\fs. held up I contractor. CtaM II <>• k o.'i. jt ninni iiiuf.iiih litsf ve>trrd.ty. :«nil rob Ih-.i him of s (Kin (hoii was p.i>iik his r.irr fthrn Ihe lhug> pounced nn him. He hail bo.irded the t.i\i .(1
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 260 7 S SinGapura INTERCONTINENTAL J>?y Mi ORCHARD ROAD, TEL: ***** J>JS FOUfctiONS— JUST ARRIVED!... 4f »^V Our own Shipment of «}:V t U.S. BEEF W Mew York Cut of iijj U.S. Sirloin of Beef ±k Served Daily J*^ for Lunch and Dinner -N>* Dinner and Banco Music Nightly CJ. by our
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    • 367 7 Sports w<^»4srf 4 KJt Hautisport Th. NAUTISPORT Inflatab* boat's ilrtnq'h and |HVPV|JPP!V'!V9'J!^HfI|| bility mttti it particularly tu>*abl* for th* w,d»lt .«■■»<, H EBUttfIMaiHUkIHCH of uitf. from reicu* work to watt r-ikiinj, fnhing or qenvral conrimtrciai vi». aaaVZ A All over th. wold you are. In jungU rlverj or B^f
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  • 183 8 SINGAPORE. Tues. Joseph Chee decidpd to make a fresh start after a two year term in prison for attempted robbery in 19fi2 Up nri pp< ct his old friends, memberi of the 329 Gaiiy. and looked for a
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  • 43 8 IPOH 1 >!#» Ihe Funcei P\r (iirK Iii" I em-tier* Club tl iph! in Mip Kinta di* net bat* competition .a*: nnh: Mibier! *<MDCt)'t piac»- us Ihr h nif 'h'v bent »n b» 825 point* to 678 :n the. 'n«.
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  • 484 8  - Envoy cancels shopping spree to await Note TSAI TAN: Kuala MANILA DECIDES TO PULL OUT STAFF By Lumpur, Tuesday SAD and tired Mr. R. Christobal. 62, cancelled his last shopping spree today to await the arrival of the Note from Manila announcing the Philippines Foreign Policy Council s decision to
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  • 113 8 SIN(. \PORK. Tues— The numher of Mala; unmen who die at < hil birth (IJI per thousand) is three times higher than that among the rest of the other races in Singapore. Or S P Wong, of the K mil me Kerhau Hospital, disclosed
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  • 112 8 'Powell doesn't speak for most Britons' OENANG. Tues. Mr. l.noch Powell, sacked rlefrnre spokesman of Britain's Conservative Party, does not spejk for the majority of the British people the former SereIMI of State for the Colonies. Vise ount Boyd. said here today ••|!is proposal <<>loured iinni. grants in Britain
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  • 47 8 TAIPING. T lei The M«i- trl B«s«r of Per«k. D»to Ha)» i Ahmad bin Said laid the foundation Mone of the ne» India, routing jfloOOO. In Jalan Kota here yesteiciay. He also presented a chequ* for $30,000 to the mi^que au- ihoruie*.
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  • 31 8 KUI.IM. Tu-s Thle\M i car ex. .rising to Mr. A. WUUmd ftaoa tin Oovenunmt c;inic a: K«ran?m last niyat. tfT^r brpakmi; >n 0 th« and thr k garage.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 281 8 J WmSr dIAU I i Your tesponse to out beaulv demonstrations shows more and more women are interested m the greater Beauty Shiseido skin care and cosmetics offer Now wive got anothei team of Japanese Beauty Counselors from Tokyo to adviw nnd demonstrate to you. Shiseido's promise of beauty There
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    • 308 8 jJHuralnltttj There is a Ford with better durability than the car you are thinking of LC.C. SHORTHAND EXAM. APR. 69 Prepare t<>r it at home There s still time if you begin IMMEDIATELY Ho lIIIWiIIdM Of str rtnand a>sunifd (Vrtiflr.tte or p\.-n Higher Cerurlcate stage But to succeed vnu must
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 88 8 AlUw O~ n m* r.r. Jmnlf WMOOEY' I THCXJfiKT >* a -4 t DUKKi^ IF MXJ '^"iAi YOU SAJP MO- OKAY, SO > OtO OH NOT... I **'■"■.'<- -:i7\ %Oo* lived w r made a those look ■".■'-Jain V THie NECK OF MtSTAIsE. 1 Llkt APt-i i|L— -\JM" WOOD*.' V-
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  • 226 9 Crashed flats inquiry to meet next month KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. The Commission of Inquiry into the collapse of the Jalan Raia Laut flats lure will hold its first meeting early next month. The commission, headed by Senior Counsel in the Attorney-General"* Department. Syed Ag:i Barakbah, on former premises of the
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  • 199 9 KUALA LUMPUR. T«HRKE choices lie before the (iovernment for closing the gap between the country's revenue and current account expenditure, the Minister Of I inance, Tun Tan Siew Sin. says in the latest issue of the Ciuardi.ui. a publication of the MCA. They are either to REDUCE
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  • 272 9 'IGNORE THESE BIRTHDAY OPPORTUNISTS' KUALA LUMPUR. Turn. OPPORTUNISTS who went round collecting advertising .subscriptions for souvenirs to mark the birthdays of Rulers should be ignored, said the Director of the Anti-Corruption Agency, Inche Harun bin Dato Hashim. here today. Inche Harun was speakIni at a luncheon meeting of the Advertisers
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  • 37 9 SIM.APORh, Tiies. An unenipl<Mi-ii man, Ho X..c Kin. T\. fell to Mi death from thr 14th floor of a IH-storey block of flats in CommonMealth Drive tod.i> No I .11! pl.iN is suspected.
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  • 249 9  - Soon A trip across the Straits on a weekend holiday CAROLE CHONG Ey DENANG, Tues.—Mal- aysians will be able to take a weekend holiday at Prapat, one of the loveliest lake resorts in Indonesia, when the Penang I Medan hydrofoil service is inaugurated next month. "Similarly, the people In Medan
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  • 130 9 Sabab denies arrest of Indonesian fugitives I/OTA KINABALU. Tues IX Sabah police and immigration authorities here today denied that they were holding two Indonesian fugitive;, who escaped from Kalimantan while under detention for the alleged murder of a Japanese oil company worker The Sabah Controller si Immlgra'tnn. tnchr Ismail bin
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 75 9 f J^ Hi r&F* Ml J ft f /&&J Im Hj Mf Mr' c Aaents Service Centre for Singapore, Penang, E. Malaysia Brunei LAP HENG CO. LTD. 3G. Third Floor. Chow House.l4o Robinson Road, Singapore 1. Tel. *****. SofelDistributorsTServicT Station for West Malaysia (except Penang) WENG HUNG WATCH CO. 39
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    • 833 9 iiiiiV'^^O i j 44 o° 'CvC ft? S«W/^ A^ 1 iyv% vT- 1 v B&& W 9 bk& SSB w Y^y^ twwß ORIGiN^U ...for Exclusive Grooming This is the fragrance of exclusive usedinthem. TabacOriainalShaving grooming, the fragrance with the (ream or Shaving Soap. givcs\oua special touch. Tabac Original Toilet- smooth,
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
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  • 218 10 THIS happy picture- of IhlM girls lending .1 hand to pull one of their colleagues out of the watei into a "rescue" dinghy is not altogether a laughing matter. These four .M.tlavM.i Singapore Airlines K'rK with Me jatkrts securely tied on, were in the midst
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  • 112 10 A school to train top hotel people SINGAPORE. Tues.— A regional institute to ffroom young people f<<r middle-level and top hotel management in South East Asia w'.U soon be established In Singapore Spokesmen for the Tourist Promotion Boird and the Tourist Association said that the Institute would probably be built
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  • 40 10 PFNANO Tuei Police today detained four «uspe<:» at a in Pitt Street here The wispects. believed u> be lnTolved in severa: lien.^-break-Ing c**er were surprised by police at about 3am They are being detained !or questioning.
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  • 245 10 I More Muslims content to have only one I wife PENANG, Tues. There has been a marked drop In the past few years In the number of Muslims with more than 01. c wife Sheikh All Baladran sident of the Sta 1 lamic Religious < who said this today, added
    245 words
  • 37 10 SERKMBA M I Imv ha-i bern pretldeni of Nrjr St John AmbulaiT' 1 ft* Others electee! ■acre »--pr»^drnrs I>r.- Ttionit Mini; •ecretarr. Mr An:!v I Kung «Tid i Mr Yeoh Yuen Thong
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  • 98 10 If I' ALA LIM*»IR, Tues. About 2.4001 b of fresh lamb, beef and chicken will be specially flown in from New Zealand on Thursday all to be grilled and consumed in one night. The night the Combined Old Bo>s Rugby Auociatlon'i (Cobra) dance
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 104 10 Straits Times Crossword A< OSB 7 Standing offence to trap Excuse* river dissipation .8. S?" 1^ 10 O«ts back clothes In card }f\\'? c.'e bulldln 11. Poor AUns m*d to Include J«Port about the 14. Six no-ball«? That dull (8) 8l f,, ppoto t errs bout on dnj S tf.T)
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  • 438 11 THIRD PARTY INSURANCE By T.F. HWANG: SINGAPORE. Tuesday J[ PRIVATE car is covered by third party insurance if it is taken out after repairs by a mechanic tor a road test. The mechanic is using the car under such circumstances for the purpose
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  • 197 11 Burning of rubbish: Do not use petrol' SIMiAPORK. Tues. The public were today reminded "I the dangers of ■atag petrol or spirits to burn rubbish. Health Ministry spokesman s.iid that in the past feu weeks, several people hid sufTerecl burns frum hurninu rubbish uith h i t; h I v
    197 words
  • 194 11 XMAS FAIR TARGET: $150,000 FOR CHARITIES SINGAPORE. Tues. -Four children's chantlrs will share $150,000 for Christmas II this target aimed at by the 1968 Christmas Fair Committee becomes a reality The committee has already collected about $17,000 from past projects for the Spastics Association, the Deaf Association, the Association for
    194 words
  • 137 11 SIM.APORK. lues Miss Nora TnK Sai (ieok (above). 19. from the Dental Nurses' Training i lim I is one of the entrants for the "Civil Service Queen" contest to be held at the Ocean Park Hotel on Dec. 7. The contest is hmhluhi
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  • 123 11 SINi.APOKK. Tues. l..iclislu\ 1 i.ilka and his rumpanv. Ike Pantdininu- Theatre <>f O»--t iioslo\.iki.i. wliich ».i^ x Ixtliil.-d to prrform in Singapore on Nn\. and Si, has n(»M < .iiu-i-lleil the trip heir. Mi» S.nah Moorr. icpir•trnUtivr uf thr Itonalil Mnorr (iallrrirs whn «rrr sponsor
    123 words
  • 40 11 SINGAPORE. I'l's T" KaiiaiiK cooMituency clUam*' con<.ultati\r commit ire and thr j management committee of thr Kallaiiß community inure will I hold a get-toßrther dinner party i at the centre on Dec 12 at 730 1 p.m. I
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  • 182 11 PRODUCT DESIGN: GOVT AID FOR INDUSTRY SINGAPORE. Tues.— The government is seriously thinking of setting up an organisation to help industries with product design. Announcing this today, the Finance Minister. Dr. Goh Keng Swee said: "This is the direction in which government can help Industries instead of building a protective
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  • 466 11 Abortion Bill: UK expert advises caution SINGAPORE. Tues utUfled that the termination of the pregnancy wa.s better than Us continuation Prof. B N I'urandare. leader of the Indian delegation, also Maii.ed thai .ibortion must not become a »üb>ntute lor lam>!> pUniiing KarUrr. Prof, trffcnatr drmrd that family planning publicity was
    466 words
  • 105 11 Todays Straus I imrs ewrtM a six-paitr M.pplrment fraturlng the opeimiK bs I)r G»h Km« Swee of the Singapore Nissan Motors iPtr> Limited t, new Jurong Factory llir ron.|>ai.\ is a Joint \rnture between thr Nlman Oroup In Japan, the Singapore Traction Company < 1 9i>4 >
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 342 11 YouMI be taken with her gracious ways tUt* frthlorl Leave llll > Suil^a>. lucMJay. Wcdnes- "'""'fe lllC 1 1 d;i> or F. ri da> direct to Bangkok. There's ..c II D<-v--*-P^ *^-k V*im~4^m** <""c for a short excursion into this exotic "Mlk Koaci to turopc. aty and lhen vul c
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
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  • 538 12 dnesday, November 20. 1968 SOARING TIN PRICE With tin approaching the iIS level at which the International Tin Council's tii sell, the mining problem on II he thinking Tun months Council introduced port (imiiols in Of lilting the price a ay from the floor. DOI nf the
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  • 233 12 BETWEEN THE LINES will have reading belines of Tun inouneemant that a bonded area is to be estabtha island. It can in that the tariff list is to be extended once more p include many I tnter into P BO( trade. The bonded area will enable transhippers to obtain exi■•r.ption
    233 words
  • 184 12 politician! of •i Britain, i n be the Church :<! the majority of have condemn'it Mr. Bnocfa Powell's pro- us on coloured immigration it is unlikely iii heard ol' tin- BSpact >>f Powellism. member of the Shadow Cabrmarkable capacity for survival. 11, s contro- last April which
    184 words
  • 526 12  - Dead, but Houdini may have to pay a $10,000 bet MICHAEL COOPE In ANEW YORK spiritualist is on her way to winning a $10,000 bet from a man who has been dead for 42 years. The bet was made by the great American escape artist Harry Houdini m his determination
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  • 1708 12 THE RED PERIL Tengku speaks his mind In an interview with Bernama, Tengku Abdul Rahman deals with the menace of militant Communism in Malaysia. He discusses the role of Chin Peng, the aims of Peking, Opposition charges after the recent arrests, and the problem of Communist infiltration in Chinese secondary
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 8 12 BALI DIRECT FROM SINGAPORE oft theme oY<^^janutigimootiniA»Aimmmn SMO«PO)If:VVBMAMOONIS^4WOIICHMO««Say>«.
      8 words
    • 94 12 People going places -j^^Samsonite Silhouette -IL r H sbbßM/ ifW ssF bbbbl Iw fl m Lsasmwf M. VaVaVHaV'^^^^r at i *^smi V !P~v .n» BBBBte^mmi I ■jßjmjmm^^a^^^mj SLIM. SLEEK, STURDY... SOPHISTICATED SAMSONITE In New York. London, Singapore or Kuala Lumpur, you'll find SAMSONITE... fashions latest in luggage.' Light with a
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  • 210 13 THEY STOLE A SAFE -FOR 'KICKS' KOTA KINABALU. Tuesday Justice Lee Han Hoe today ordered two 17-year-old schoolboys not to leave their homes after 9 p.m. for the next two years. The reason: They stole a school safe for "kicks. The Judge set.
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  • 23 13 anson, Lav Cheng Mm. 30. ni mbbed it $22— hv three ni; Immr ng Road h.-re yt.
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  • 68 13 MalaysiaS'pore tax pact I/lAI.A LUMPI R. Tues. Ollnials. of the>si.n .1 n d Sincapore Governments today initialled in agreement on i- -of Aouble-tax-atinn after (mo iV* talks. A mint s'.ilrment issued after the talks viid Ihe atreement Mould be referred to the two (mvernments for ipprov.ii Ihe Part,
    68 words
  • 87 13 SINGAPORE. Tues Professor Teoh Ghim Seng, MP tor Joo Chiat. has suggested that the minimum age for voters should be lowered from the present 21 years to 18. In a question he ill put to the Prime Minister at the next meetini! of Parliament, he
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  • 28 13 TAIPING. Tun. Two men ilked Into a barber's shop In ipal Road. here, fcllt night id robbed the barber. E. Perual. 43. at $4J at knlle-poin:.
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  • 107 13 TOUAV: Sedlll Kechll 8.07 am i 73 ft i 1017 pm <8.4 f t Singapore 10.05 a.m. i 9.9 Mi 11.21 p.m. < 9 5 ft Port Dtcluon o.0» I.n '10.4 fti 6.30 p.m. i 8.5 It); Poit Swettenham 4.34 am. 17 fti f. 32 pm. ils
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  • 190 13 let them stay' plea fails— two varsity lecturers to go :2INGAPORE. Tues. Two lecturers will leave the University of Singapore In January on the expiry of their teaching con tracts despite student pleas for them to stay on. The tw o are Mr. M.C. Greenfield, of the English Faculty, and
    190 words
  • 126 13 CINOAPOKK. lurs.— An Australian travel ionsult.ini. ('.mil* Veitch. is on .1 ll'- cr week trip to >lu(i> .it first h. Hid the problems of first-time traveller*. Carole. 21 herself first -time traveller has uorkid with the arency for 18 months
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  • 229 13 No leakage but Reds had names of those arrested KUALA LUMPUR. Tuesday. CHORTLY after last Saturdays nation-wide swoop on militant Communists got under way. the police detained a young woman on Penang Hill. In her handbag they found a list containing the names of MOM ol those who had been
    229 words
  • 62 13 SEREMBAN. Tue*.— A broken axlr in me of the wagons of a foods train Travelling from Kuala Lumpur to Oemas caused the wagon to be derailed at Batang Brnar. 16 mi!e& north of hrrr M 330 rti tuday. Va.s!.enKers i>n both Kuala Lumpur-bound night malli (rum
    62 words
  • 59 13 IPOH. Tu<^ «l«h.«m«l Salleh s v siinkn l.snw.l. 29 with aix pevinus i-unvictions «aa ia:led for 12 muntlis. to b*> folhi«rd by a vimt s polite superMMor. by j magistrates court here today for stealing a notebook containing WO from the Mnrt pocket of a meat
    59 words
  • 48 13 SINGAPORE. Tues Five men barged Into > house In Haveloclc Road and robbed Tan Thuan Teck the occupant, of $928 in ca»h and Jewellery. Police satd Tan had opened his front door to let In his brother-in-law when the five appeared and forced their way In.
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  • 28 13 KLI.IM Tuts. Ten ■> peeled gnngstriv wmt arrested I*m niijhi :>r JhL.ii Sugo and Jxlan Trngku A>»*d Several iron (wr*. »nd pircet of broken bottle* were teized.
    28 words
  • 36 13 IPOH I iii An .1.-.- tinn representing Oahermen. both E.. was fomif-d hrre last night The n.aiii aim la to pruwde a atrong and co-oßttnat( turn to the pr»pa>pd n>h marbjr Fmi..i
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  • 109 13 Nomination: Now a once-a-year EPF reminder KUALA LLMPUR, Tues. IX The EPF Ii s, nd out annually a remindei to each contributor asking him if lie wishes to change his nomination. The first rerr.lndpr will accompany th: -'ement of accounts ol all contributors. In a statement, the EPF manaper. Mr
    109 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 100 13 Our wide range of Cfr MARINE EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES 4(Pn| ex-stock Singapore include mr^"' ferro^raph ECHO SOUNDERS J-*^ WITH AFTER SALES SERVICE OFFSHORE 500" mwLL^ "INSHORE" Jl itil IXLAXUII Also ovailoble mRbLI II The "Groph.c' IV^fl^pyßl ll |C\-S!h CATHODIC -*>S s w t^v «^J PROTECTION 1 1— _^j^ mmmmm^^ mm J
      100 words
    • 275 13 MITSUBISHI ASTEREOGRAM WITH DIATONE SPEAKERS,,,^ r v 'AM St*- hft. Ik ft iR*" Dancing. Or )u>( listeni^q M tsubishi Stereo maKes ivus c Here is one Mitsubishi Stereogram model Dss-410S a leek, solid cabinet is technical e»cellence that promatchless music for many, many years. SPtCIHfATIO>S Stereo Amp i»nh Speakers) l>p«-10
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  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 715 13 ON YOUR TV AND RADIO TODAY RADIO MALAYSIA TV MALAYSIA National Shortwave Service The News; MO Newstalk: (IHNMIS: KuaU l.urn I —Riverside O'and Prix 1965. 41, blt.2. 62 mrtrrs; Medium- 43 UN. Newsreei; 2.00 pur and I'manc i; Ipoh and 735 The New Samurai The ware Service XX. 339 metres;
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 616 14 F STATEMENT RELATING TO A RESTRICTED SALE OF SHARES THROUGH PRIVATE PLACEMENT A copy of this statement relating to an Offer of Shares through Private Placement has been lodged with ;m<l registered by the Registrar <>f Companies in Singapore who lakes no responsibUitv for its oonteets. Application has been made-
      616 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 3157 15 PARTICULARS OF THE OFFER CP^T^SS'ln this Offer) 1. Sharer, will be offered for sale ln lots of 500 and 1.000 Shares. Purchasers of Shares will be required to pay 9th October, 1968. brokerage at the usual rate to brokers through whom purchases are made. The Offer will provide investors The
      3,157 words

  • 320 16 Big demand in Europe forcrocodile skin accessories OINGAPORES crocoi dile skins are finding a lucrative market in the dress accessory factories of Europe. Handbags. purses. shoes, belts, wallets and watch straps made from this skin arc finding their places In the fashion houses of i France and Spain A leading
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  • 90 16 Mr. Tan Chong New. a shoe designer from Bata Klang hat left Kuala Lumpur for Batapur. Pakistan on specialised training In shoe designing Mr Tan Choim New Joined the eompanv In 19! i:> »s a cutter of shoe uppers and In two years, tn 1954 »a«
    90 words
  • 237 16 ■M mmMum* *..h theti pottey!:.K i.H-allj I m. iiifted •.•■ p'-r.v nnol lo -omor management US Na.;onal iron P BJ.II M.ll recenU, announced Ihr promotion of two of their togl em. Ml f, M V. both t,t Uir SuiuHp<Tf Polviec-hnlc lo h» xupfrliit-iidrnt of
    237 words
  • 585 16 Three new factories are being set up soon in Ipoh THREE corapanieg with total capital of $2 million :ur setting up factories on an eight acre site in Ipoh, just outside the Municipal boundary, at the Southern entrance to the town. They are the Pacific Firebricks Sendenan Berhad the Toyo
    585 words
  • 235 16 ONE of Singapore's well established container manufacturers, Sin Cheong Containers Mfp. Co. Ltd has been taking progressive strides in recent years. Founded shortly after the war. i the company has within the short period grown to such an extent that It Is currently operating three
    235 words
  • 75 16 MR. l.oh Yong Mm. a director of Mameld Knuineers (PU-) Ltd., has iust returned from a business cum familiarisation tour in Japan. During his thr.e-week ■laj in Japan. Air Inh visited and ha.l <l ~< us- MR. LCM slons uiih several leading manufacturers of marine propellers,
    75 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 243 16 Valued and used by leading pharmaceutists of Europe, America and Asia, Tibetan medicines can now be supplied by V/O"MEDEXPORT"of USSR.oneof the world'a first countries to export Tibetan medicinal products. I] Items available include: J^L ANTLERS (preserved) of spctted deed .-"l^^^BBhfc. st.,(j and i/übr '"'^ss^ PANTOCRIN tonic, onqiral Soviet «<iung
      243 words
    • 2 16 own g(»o<iv'
      2 words
    • 139 16 H^ Tiff? L3eW wji 8998 I >» i^k^n Ktt^b^BiHo^'&%s*^ Mr r? t r r j) t rV7 ©^^(^h r Jt i~B Tk y /i7 /^r^(TTl anci c state government functions jH, (^aj cUVlij eh ©eh ri^rUvUi/ G)k£)l!ii an V s ze because Its performance range extends from New, general purpose
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 886 17 ihCMISES leuoes, liverpool Dec 21 Otc 22 Die 21/ l i» ,'Ss fa? 1 S? S «»'J ooN r.'.eU'^ 001 8811 1 ss Ss a 8 i-^ 1 Ml. Cliigom 1..21 m»m 11. 21 21 TUTHTBIUS L'Yirpot U/ j ..M U > CONTINENTAL PORTS: P. S>tm S.ngiDori Ltal'itg lir l
      886 words
    • 2257 17 WULmWm\Wmm^4mUmMmWmm4LmmLm G¥£l\H hl//V£S_\ l^EfwcTwt**** LAST ASIATIC COMPANY Lid Incorporated m Oanmark WkWm EXPRESS SAIIINCS TO CtNO*/NORTH CONTINENT SCANDINAVIA m^m~*J^mVmmm*mm^m\ii*MilUA -r-i.-. ii.r»l4.*^l^« EXPRESS SERVICE TO LONOON. LIVERPOOL I CONTINENTAL PORTS. f. i tarn Kerunt b poie benoa R aim H'fturt Aarnuj Ctuien —^^^b PASAItNA a> Nn 22/2S Nn 27 21 Nn
      2,257 words
    • 1202 17 w^ KLAVENESS LINE A^T Halitf fir LOS INCELES. SAN FRANCISCO. VANCOUVER Alsa acctititg cargt ftr Ctatral t Sutk later, ca S.ngaDurt P Slum Out L. Angmi ■OUCAINVtIIt 27 21 Nn MNn'IOtC II JM SUNNYVIIIE 27 2S Die M 31 Dec II FM IRONXVIILE 27 21 Im 1111 IM II Mar
      1,202 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 1167 18 ijr"^™—^^KAWASAKI RISEN KAISHA LTD. Western Australia /Singapore /Japan Service) Fremantli Sintaporj YoKka.chi/Na|oyt Y'lwma Ko»a ■■erfma Mara' 23 31 Die tlat Ilia* Illat IS laa West Africa /Singapore; Japan Servica 1 j S n gaou r e N^goya Y'hanti Hooe immmmmmr om.ts 25NotRia« 2 oec ll J•« •■Nir»a» Maru 3 5
      1,167 words
    • 923 18 AUSTP.AIIA.NEW IEtIANO StPVICI INDIA. PAKISTAN AND FA* EASI SERVICES Far: Pt. Alaa. IriMaM. ii*itf. H: Nainatt.aaai ail Malrat mm t* j,r& «fr&i ml £Tfc ""Ifi T| mm m. N'iaV.,,! 1 S ■AJPEIA tStTL H/IVIM 7| a S!. MICUm: i pee P. Slum Penanj 1 It: AUSTUIIA. NEW lEALANB RAJAN II
      923 words
    • 817 18 PACIFIC LINE CALIFORNIA PACIFIC NORTH WEST EXPRESS Looo n 9 tor: LOS ANGELES, SAN FRANCISCO OAKLAND TACOMA. SEATTLE. VANCOUVER. B.C PORTLAND p»nang P. S'ha<* Singapore L Angeles S.Francisco MSNVA TIP..-H 21 21 Nn 22/2] Nat 24/21 No. It OIC II tic 0 MtOMYt PP.AOESH it U Oec II li Oic
      817 words
    • 575 18 THE CHAIRMAN and BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF SINGA PLASTICS (Pte) LTD. wish te thank THI HONOURABLE ACTING PRIME MINISTER and MINISTER FOR FINANCE OR. GOH KENG SWEE for officiating the opening ceremony, oil their friends, customers, guests and business associates for their tloral bouquets, telegrams, letters, well wishes ond kind
      575 words

  • 31 19 RUBBER AND TIN CLOSING PRICES Nov. 19. Xl Kill i: PRICK: ;>». icnts i up three-quarters of rent). TIN PRICK: ShM (up SI. 17 1). Kslini.itr«l ofTrring 'ii tons (up I Ions).
    31 words
  • 219 19 W. Mining jumps on expansion plans MFI.BOURNF. TflM EBTBBN MINING, »fMr easinu rnriv. pjmM to innniiinircl pxparmot) plwnv by ••anping u> $11 60 thru tlomiik 40 rrnis higher ai SI 1 15. Other Minings ttOtUf Mild lower during i lie day and reciurrrd to CIOM CRA (unshed M cMI letter
    219 words
  • 332 19 MnUy.sian Indu.strui yieiris us based on last sales laiatMH »'<»«•■ «r>n.< .r,». n- ,n>r,i rMM •>.«. lir a.\#r«. r.imninni lacalad in Smgatwra fat taaatian pu'pa.u. > i* d t«l i*r per crnt i«MH «ro*« '■JirnlngB ylMit V 4 i*r c»nt i9 1 i»r MM). •P Prlct: *O V.
    332 words
  • 107 19 lIN< AfORI H A R n WHABVIJ OR IXPtCTtD TODAY I'r^alnVnt Kwi»tv»il I 2. Carronhan* |4. Huan Uliu Romo M.vrak Maya Main If t« X«. Hiiiiirn«n niHo Man H M-mn Man, n M'lKiKiun Mam II n H-nvta.Kla .H i mnani |-j n Klnn M I 'him Mam
    107 words
  • 66 19 rMMN Pr.rtuc Maw port na»n dating axiaaa f»r pit.H jpMMMtay. C^cano! ail hulk $4A a»li.r» rtnim »4>» -Hlcra Cap, a \t.x.ii if i, i, i Nov/ l>« K CoatMMßl I3T| H NtßSti Hunt --Hors. vltll 1 J'-.'j "'itM Bptelßl -•>.. k ...i.i»n IjnnlKins MM* «'.7t a»ll*r» |«ll r
    66 words
  • 30 19 In UmOMI ii Mmidav Malayan 5 per Mn< cI f UK Nuitli European bMM i»irt.« m hulk Ort Nov w.i.v unchaneed Previous business was at txn per ton.
    30 words
  • 479 19 THE Straits tin price continued Its rise in Penang yesterday, but to a leaser extent, the gain registered ye terday beiiu $1,374 which took it to $6:»9 per picul. In London on Monday afternoon the forward buyer^ price sained £20 a ton
    479 words
  • 236 19 \OMMHIK hi si (iarir rubber 4> fnb. huMis rli.srd p.m. in Hapaptßt and Kuala l.umpur »ts|rid»> A\ .IS', rrnla |,r. lh up lhirr-quarlrr> of a cent <in MmnU\ tßMkal IrM-l fMs was the hi(hr«l price of Ihe 1 uiirni wat to dale. The linn «.i<
    236 words
  • 89 19 ■IHC tattBMBMSa al Bank, in Ma 1 layaia m i<l< in... "a iA'r, to WIISBBIIto vrai^rda\ (tha i., I.i .RS ntas «f Uniltrt tlalat hl>ln( M OCCt airmail nn "i ■•< .i on ■•».!> ta.iam Caiarta I hllla ?s.m ,4, „,n, at nn Ti1,1.,1 11, aJajM )tr nn.
    89 words
  • 476 19 IS the Stock Ex- channe was dominated yesterday by the listing of a new issue conditions generally were quiet and price movements continued on the small side and slightly easier towards the close of business. The new listing was that of Pacific Milk which
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  • 247 19 OF SHARK PARIION OF LAM SALES IN LUMPUR TRADINC ROOMS OF TERDAV WIRI: Bun A Ca. < 0 <t«i. Barnaa Barhaa) I MaM>, C. »u«art rrnta i, C CM. I cmli. Ounla* il mh.i. Eaal amall I+4 irnt.. 1.A.1. I Haw), Euaaa 11n.h... F. A N. Canafal
    247 words
  • 232 19 I>ETALINU Tli.s prollls will be adversely alTected by tin export runtrol and Uw board has taken ihi.s into aci'DWiit in decid111K not to declare an interim dividend. An Interim report tor the/ y. 1 r ended October 31 ■bowa ;in output of tin oonctntntM m 11.110 piculs
    232 words
  • 218 19 THE mid-NovemlHT report of Tin News, the monthly publication of the Malaysian Tin Bureau in Washington, repeatedly stresses c;iution concerning tin The Malaysian mining Industry la awaiting developments on thr.-e front*. the publication said: 11 i The moratorium announced by General Services Administration on June 28 of
    218 words
  • 32 19 FAHANG'B i in London and they look to have recove: restriction car the ETC at the mouth without, 111 -troiiL' the metal price t< i Mji a London
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  • 71 19 SINOAPORI Inter overnight last wi quiet at 3| per O Eight (i.iv- call «J«O 'iinet With Ii at 6J per cent Treasury Bi were on tap at .S per v Inter-bar B n t m ir.ey in M.i..,. day call money rrn unchanged ai 3j| pel all(t SI
    71 words
  • 64 19 I l'" 1 metal pric I'ise In the Eastern brought In rei closed wi i, Oeev.irand Malayan were partli with Bilns ..I respectively but other lion o! rehldj which ;n nominal market were marked up -h.irplv maintained tor ft,. f;irl "in Outhrie recorded a smnll fall
    64 words
  • 6 19 ..a1,":: 1": «i
    6 words
  • 660 19 Itl >«IM s |N KM 'it; I m To THr KINGAMNU *MI Xl AI.A I.IMIM R TR ADIM. KOOM> Or Illr Mill K EXCHANGE lI'STFRIMY WITH I Till. m Mill i: Of -mi:' TR till It IN RK\(Ki:TS INDUSTRIALS M M« IS.Ma>| Pal ■•n anrl Ca .?niin (I.ihKli
    660 words
  • 451 19 INOUtTniALI a. t Ai'MA Ml B»n Co 2 :I2 2 .14 ■MM H»rh«d 1.7.1 1.74 Kc,...i.«4 17- I M C Hu*ar» 4 imi 4 M <■ C M. orrt. 1 7« 1.7K i\ I Hi.lrt n«f 4. -'I l.unlop .1 3.21 Kavt BmHt «.7S A.I Mi Kiw orijn
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 797 19 NOT1CK IS HKRKBY GIVEN that th« dire.tor-= have declared a 'VII KKI I'TIO\ OF <1 final dividend of 2n" M.HC1KHIIY MTTTLl for the year endeo. notli June 19tiR >■ r K. .ncome ax al SOTjAffTBrfiBUr £3 b* Interrupted between K ip dividend will be paid on am a»d Ml p.m
      797 words

  • 43 20 Pat dearly Ri ute Midi and Winn c WESTERHOJT. Ceclle Mane (nee mother of Harei. Maureen. at taindon on Sunday 17th r.ARLE RECEIVED V iher c.f A. K»rt .1: P.W li. Tenant and i sen nr Storekeeper IB posaed a«a> peace- i
    43 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 439 20 TcsiowiEguiiii u^khmT^mmi m*tM maim cwmiwms mmns. »"K"»'S- lite: M>aa*M 115/ let 21 wei.s tits HfiHtaU Mfl 75cts. I it Otter ClksiM t*MMaWhl ataaws 15 »«<s. «k» mtm* .«< Mk MM HI MIM rtitu 5« cset! I I ACK N 0 wFe'd cTmTSTF] reaths. I rreave- S 1 their ii reams
      439 words
    • 691 20 is mated at* ta tne ■attiaiy. I inclo-Cninese College, J.'.t'A ranjonx td o. 171 K. llencoolen Si ATTRACTIVE LADIES «:tl> |er- j Sl re«t I T. lepnone lUMI Olhce INTERNATIONAL COMPANY re| book-keeper vtith SC Grade 2 and r.ner LOC Iceaoatlßl p*eferat>l» vth M" ene. Apply BOX Singapore. MANUFACTURER OF
      691 words
    • 815 20 DUATES M is' prepared -iii i v. ta end uf 1 Mil. MvastaaX L nors Andrrs.m School. Ipoi. aetore T.iu'sdav MM rovemi'.r. IMa r I Wanted 1.-><les any Nat lonal'v to he trained tn overeeaa tourists Salary f.'IW- plus < com.n -sion. Plen.e ai.|l> personal- iv vvitn >non re'
      815 words
    • 891 20 AMERICAN EXECUTIVE DESIRES Of Ion,: lease llllng to pay P •cnt ol le.ephooe t I ore r BEDSITTER ROOM WITH separate P i,, i 1,.,, r. i. i Write: to IV). Jalan 2 aaapbra n AMERICAN [XLCUTIVE e/llb lame ■i.i.HK seekinn .un.alovv nil spacious |ic*jaaa Mimrruu. requiremeats aa lollfiws Iwo-«'J.«..
      891 words
    • 879 20 NO DELAY:: Moo Mun cne» Road one new detached nungaiow at k.isi Road. Knting. 4 rooma. hathroorna. nv int dv .r.i rooma. klt.n.-n. l-.ji.h Mi It in <vardroues. etc Har- ..ii. aaaaaM ilounn^a Tel: is pore) :tMt. -.'juOS. office spTcTwanTeT OFFICE SPACI S-SOO SOFT, reUi- to Box aatlM M.1.. 8
      879 words
    • 831 20 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ESTABLISHED LECAL FIRM MBM prom-sharing partners Appll atlons ri treated ,-tnctly lunnduitlal Write HitJ Box 1344. Spore ESTABLISHED Beauty .--..ion Kuala P l.'.mpur City, fully equiplHd. 2 aircunantaaan. O«ner retiring. JS.UUO.- C Ine whole lot. Box Atltiu SI. f pore. ESTABLISHED IMPORT COMPANY Singapore M« laysi.-i noldlnl tsood
      831 words
    • 914 20 Man MINI MINOR SI J,".. ono "MARCARET ROSE" Certified IWI MCTD St. tOO. Jalan Keletn- jj'l ol« Tel 146U4 v *">«»" -v--\ ojsrsi m &J£T srd -was (Spore. Conlact Tat "I Spore. LATE 10« C LAMBRETTA p.xcellent JE AN» AIR-CONDITION. D SALON rond-tien Ring (Spore) :.*U4I be- MK CB M
      914 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 643 21 nntinurd from Page 20 r FARIOA'S COIFFURE DART fl Nut--I*T YOUR SERVICE '•'i\- l h '•^ISS* ST [I»SSEs7DRESSMAKIHi~ turn. Box A4IM B.T. Spore V Kuanntwid fitting. KM ">; it< .uvauooa 1^:: [*here to stay (s-pordl *-"arge.. ILOANt COURT HOTtL -Luxurl- °"> bedroom*, tentr.-iily lotated in CNUINEER ORAWINO On hard Road
      643 words
    • 821 21 TENDERS TENDERS PEMBERITAHU TAWARAN KENYATAAN TAWARAN J.K.R. JOHOR P! Kill \ll \K W Tawaran darlpada Pembo- TAWARAN INTOK rong* yang berdaftar SUP- MENCHELOP TAYAR BAGI PL?™ r dl J K R dt-dalam TAHI/N 1969. 1970 1971 Xi .is D dan ka-atas akan di-terima di-Pejabat Jurutera Tawaran ada-lah dl-pelawa Negori. Jabatan
      821 words
    • 516 21 TENDERS PEMBERITAHU TAWARAN J.K.R. iOHOR Tawaran daripada Pemborong2 yang berdaftar dlJ K.R di-dalam Kelas "C". Kent a.-. (Kepala: II Pechahan Kepala -i akan di-terlma dlPejabat JURUTERA NEGERI. J.K.R. JOHORE hingga jam 12.00 PM. pada: 30hb. Novem- i ber. 1968 untok:- I MEMBENA DAN MENYI- APKAN 4 BLOK DUA TINGKAT "STANDARD
      516 words
    • 538 21 NOTICES KENYATAAN J.K.R. Meitfubah chara kedadokan Pafar Keretaapl Di-Pekan Port Dlckson. Orang awam ada-lah dl-berl tahu bahawa perkerjaan untok meiiKUbah chara Kedudokan Pagar Keretapi dl-Pekan Port Dickson Jalan Seremban di-hadapan Pejabat Daerah. Port Dlckson akan dl-jalankan pada 26 11.68 pukol 8.00 malam hlngga 27.11.68 pukul 6.00 pagl. Lalu-Llntas akan dl-oenarkan
      538 words
      938 words

    • 380 22  -  EPSOM JEEP By lyiTH a number of newcomers scoring first-time out at this Ipoh meeting. I would not be surprised if Habibee (late Dalium) and Real Madrid (late Full Steam) are also successful this weekend. These two Class Four newcomers impressed me, in
      380 words
    • 402 22 LONDON, Tues /\M.Y one non-League club is certain to appear In the third round of the English FA. Cup as a result of the secor.d round draw made here yesterday. Dartford the only real giant-killers in s.uurday s bnl round they brat side Alder>hot
      Reuter  -  402 words
    • 193 22 Boy sets world records but is too young to claim them JIM WELLS of Komford. Ksscx. is an angry speedchasing teenager. And who wouldn't be after being robbed of two World sprint records and all on the ground of being too young at 16 to claim them. l >peerl>" Wcllv
      193 words
    • 238 22 SHIELD CHAMPS CRUSH NSW BY INNINGS SYDNE Y. Tues. Sheffield Shield holders Western Australia completed a crushing victory over New South Wales here yesterday. Resmnlni NSW added i nljf I night total I an tunings ami i Their last hopess ol hoid- draw •arc shattered when Ora'..UK Corttng superb catch
      238 words
    • 159 22 I ONDOv Turn Black- i market tickets touts are .ohinc in on tomorrow ni;hf« ..llrad^r l.ndish I not hi 1 1 lotur (up srnuliuil MMM Vsenal and I iittrnli.i n llolspin No l.rjj M <up lir. in. hid in, l»o W.mble>
      159 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 633 22 JAWATAN2 KOSONG KERAJAAN MALAYSIA I ada-lah dl ilam Par- "n L be Prrangkaan Pi kan ilmlah yang di-teritukan da- di-ata* teupl Udak mempunyal pengalanu n jrang di- ran gajl .4 iv Ima .nl.i ber|>eman kurang d rlpada latu ,ul v| v SO Imi six pg :> ix: I lIRI
      633 words
    • 700 22 APPOINTMENTS A Malaysian company has the following vacancies.. 1) MANAGER. The applicant should be: a. A Malaysian Citizen bi Over 30 years of age e> Conversant with all aspects of commerce and indust ry di Competent of assuming responsibilities and of assessing Project Reports. ci Able to co-ordinate work of
      700 words
    • 372 22 LEMBAGA PELABOHAN SWETTENHAM PERMOHONAN ada-lah dlpela«a dan R.. mat Mnla\Ma unto* memenol.i iawataa Ptgawai Terafik di-L/embaga Pelabohan S»et'enham Jawaun: Pegawai Tei.ifik ißahaglan 11. Tancga Oajll Perrhubaan MMBBKtM Oalang Peperek'aan BNUdah di-ahkan: »620x2'i*;.'n Krluluvin: s -nf:i'H»at ja.:i Pcga»a: lera:..> I'errhubaar. 1 !a-iah bijll Tlnggi P'tekolahan. Bhaari Chalun2 hendak-lab be tidak kurang
      372 words
    • 675 22 TENDERS JABATAN PELAJARAN PERAK Tawaran untnk membekalkan Perahrof! ka-flahataM Menrngah dan ka-Srkolalr! Rendah di-Negeri IVrak. Ta«aran2 ada-lah dl-pelawa rlanpada Kontrektor2 Yang beroaftar dalam Jabatan Ker.ia Rava untok membeki.l dan menchantarkan Perabot2 ka-Sckolah2 diPerak. Borang2 tawaran. jenlsan dan butir_> penoh yang rii-kehend.iki itu boleh oi-dapa'i dari Pejabat Pelajaian. Perak. Jalan Maxwell,
      675 words

    • 59 23 Fearless tackier strikes SINGAPORE'S fear--5:5 less Koh Yeow Thong goes head-long into a tackle on Sailasa Raivakadula to stop the Fijian from making a dash. Yeow Thong's splendid marking in Monday's match won him high praise from the Fijian manager, Capt. Bill Masi who called him "the best tackier." The
      59 words
    • 182 23  - SINGAPORE BID TO GET OLYMPIC CHAMPS By JOE DORAI rTHE F. A. of Singapore are making all-out efforts to get Hungary, the Mexico Olympic Games soccer champions, to play two matches in Singapore in February. FAS Vice-president and publicity chairman Tay Soo Yong said that the Hungarians were now negotiating
      182 words
    • 336 23 ERNEST FRIDA MILLION-DOLLAR Sports Festival is planned by the Singapore Government to celebrate the Republics 150 th anniversary next year. It will be an all-the-year-round Grand Festival to attract the tourists, who will be wooed by several World-class sporting events. To make the Festival
      336 words
    • 207 23 CHANG: WE'LL MAKE ALL EFFORTS TO STAGE GAMES— tEOLL, Tues. The !>ie- sident of the UM Qaan Krdrration. Mr. i lun: Kry-V'uung of Korea. >.iid ncre totiav inn the IfN UN GMBM should never lie rall*'il off bacmaaa ef diiTrronte> anionc mrmmr n.itioas ovrr it> cstim ited cost. Mr. h
      207 words
    • 46 23 The national merer team, described as In too form, lelt Kuala Lumpur vevrrday for Bangkok to compete in the Kins of Thailand's Cup li urn.uiKiH brg.nmng there today. If Malaysia win their reward would be. a tour of Australia next year.
      46 words
    • 393 23 This can be Jan Russell's golden year I By TONY FRANCIS I (HER more than 10 years of competitive motor racing Malaysian pilot Jan Bussell finally struck last Sunday when he won the Macao Grand Prix. The veteran driver has been m tup driving ionn tin* BMMO, starting oil wit
      393 words
    • 228 23 A STORMING finish, which brought them three goals, enabled Indian Recreation Club to retain the KlanK District Senior knockout championship at Klan« yesterday. The three goals gave them a 6-3 win over Malay Youtns in the final. IRC were not at their best in the
      228 words
    • 50 23 TWO women teachers In Sln-L.iix-ir Mhi Nko 80-k fctie and Miss N( Bwec Chun ha\e crashed into thr men* realm of horkey umpj Tliey are the 'Irst women over to have pa.s.'ed thr SHA written test The pair will next take the practical examination before becoming qualified umpires.
      50 words
    • 31 23 A free-for-all 1C minutes from time forced the Lower Perak district soccer final between Spurs and Primula Sukan. in Teluk Anson \rsui h,v. V) be abandoned Spun were ! 2-1
      31 words
      • 54 23 HO CKE Y II \\M. II M.I I I .id 13 1' t' cuniiiii mi n ii Si lllMilv illldri I villilfllul* U San 'n (l t. KI.IIAH KO (flf PatanH: Clncokn a Btkolah Menanith, i Kiilla 0. 1 Mill Mil V (Tl Malmi' Tm Malim Club 3 T
        54 words
      • 11 23 SOC CE R II WNO MAI.AVS KO: Semi-flnAl: Marine* MRC I
        11 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 225 23 Tormenting Rectal Itch Stopped in Minutes SCIENCE FINDS NEW HEALING SUBSTANCE THAT PROMPTLY STOPS ITCHING AND PAIN OF PILES One of the most common afflictions is a condition known as "itching piles". It is most embarassing for thd victim during the day and especially aggravating at night No matter what
      225 words
    • 299 23 tVI My boy friend gave me the cutest lighter you ever saw. So cute, I can't get flints small enough to fit it Another boy friend gave me a lighter he got from abroad. When it's empty, you throw rt away. I can't remember which I finished with first. Him
      299 words
  • Page 23 Miscellaneous
    • 55 23 IMHKtV Spore Iliv. 1: SRC v 19 Signals <padang>: CSC v Port Authority (Balestltr Rd>; Police v Khalsa (Thomson Rdi. i:i ii.i H Tour match: RCC v Fijian Army-Police Combined (Spore padang). S'ror senior: S gor Club v RMAF (XL padiingi. so( (KR Spore Armed Foirrs-Pollce Combined v Thai Ail
      55 words

  • 394 24 TREASURY ROBBERY WITNESS: MAN BROUGHT $49,000 TO MY HOME JOHORE BAHRU. Tu«s A WITNESS, whom the press w;is asked not to identify for liis safety, today gave aw account ol Mow ;i part oi" the stolen $452,659 of the Treasury payroll came to be kc|>l in his house in Singapore.
    394 words
  • 416 24 GLASGOW, Tues— I in un n fought desprrately here last night to extinguish a hlarc in a furniture factory unable to help a mm of women worki rs screaming and clawing at the building's barred windows "I saw men and women standing behind the iron
    416 words
  • 80 24 Toto: 7 got 5 numbers— and 51, 770 each SIM.ArORK. lurs. Then- were no lirst anil second prize winners in last Sunday's Toto draw. There were, however, seven people with liw numbers correct Each will receive 51. 770. total of Till rnlriea with four numbers corrn-t werr suhmUtrd. Tlirse u
    80 words
  • 80 24 BWOAPORI luis Nine-year-oki ems Grk senir of Bukit Ho Swee Er.M BdMOl w»s found drowned In S It deep ptltnf pit l.i-' T.iiiir ,i c pom i Court hi-iird I d B'<ii Hi.i a -i:< super- nil the Housing ami Dereiopmenl Boari, who reioveied
    80 words
  • 24 24 PARIS. Turs A croup of army otlicers today .seUed power In Mall and overthrew Presl-d-nt Modlbo Kelta. the country• founding father UPI.
    UPI  -  24 words
  • 437 24 lONDON, Tue-. The market cloned slightly flimer today, following a rally towards the linMi Leaders generally moved off the bottom to end slightly higher on the day. Oils, erratic during the day. closed above llir lowest levels. whl'e stores which had tended easier on fears
    437 words
  • 35 24 sev*. L'upora were iltxxleri thi foUowlnf tuo-nour thunderiitorni of the roads In the Bukit linir.n area were undfr on» to two lpp! of Wktd .<iid were passuble n1-'.m and omrj
    35 words
  • 8 24 MM ALFRED CK KV/OK. >■. «i f»tn»r anil
    8 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 75 24 Micro separate i stereo I that operates like the MSL-15e1^5 Nivico STEREO EDllNb Arrangement at your choice High precise solid-state amplifier ■High compliance pick-up" Book -shelf type speaker baffles FM/AM radio provided "10W output power "Diamond stylus Economically priced SIGN OF QUALITY /^^^v \J I I f AND TECHNICAL B^Tyfl
      75 words
    • 248 24 Late CLASSIFIEDS 20 uords SIS (minimum) Chandra la It. «rrf Vn. CUMMINS HERE'S HOW WE MAKE YOU MORE POWERFUL: PI '^&|^PIHm Cummins gives i^^^pm^^^ K r I |HHm>l^k*| > ou l^ e rupgedest, W^Kmr U^wT^lfcT^^^. ll iSf^NW»fUj lllost reliable now- I BkJ| BLJ II I CliJi^P 1 jrH cl available:
      248 words

      8 words
    • 458 25  -  SOH TIANG KENG ACTING PRIME MINISTER AND FINANCE MINISTER DR. GOH KENG SWEE OPENS FACTORY TODAY By JAI, local .mil Thai industrialists have joined hands lo launch Ihe liisi Japanese motor assenibl) plant in Singapore to senc domestic and foreign mark its. Situated
      458 words
    • 591 25 By A STAFF WRITER UINUAPORE Nissan Motors (Pte) Ltd. is run by a team of t o p managerial brains from Singapore. Japan, and Thailand. The directors are a team of hard-headed businessmen with a vast reservoir of experience in commerce,
      591 words
    • 604 26 THESE PICKUPS ARE FAST GETTING POPULAR OVERSEAS fyvrsiN pickup trucks are fast becoming a familiar sight in the roads and highways around the world. These sturdy, economical to operate vehicles are now In service in more than 80 countries. They are enjoying their greatest overseas acceptance in the IS., the
      604 words
    • 294 26 Six stages of production at Jurong By A STAFF WRITER JH) ensure lop production efficiency and the manufacture of hii;li quality vehicles, sophisticated modern machinery and equipment are used in the Singapore Nissan iactory ;it .luroiii;. Worth 5750.000. the machinery and equipment, are mainly obtained
      294 words
    • Page 26 Advertisements
      • 442 26 CONGRATULATIONS BEST WISHES to SINGAPORE NISSAN MOTORS (PTE) LTD On the occasion of the official opening of Its NEW FACTORY at JURONG INDUSTRIAL ESTATE, SINGAPORE. THE PUBLIC INSURANCE CO., LTD. 59. Robinson Road. Singapore. Tel: ***** 73b48. I SINGAPORE NISSAN MOTORS (PTE) LTD. f 1 1 for their assembly plant's
        442 words
    • 205 27 By SOH TIANG KENG '•pHK Dutsun Pickup 1 is a compact and practical commercial vehicle designed tor small and mediumsized needs It i« the model bled at thp Nluao factory in JuroiiK The smart looniina DcUun Plfkup la <iurdv in oonstrucuun ana o.« in liauluiK
      205 words
    • 262 27 Assembly plant is first in the line to be set up under joint venture here THE establishment of the Singapore Nissan Motors d'te) Ltd. will contribute to the economic development of the Hepublic according lo Mr. Katsuji Kawaniata, president of Nissan Motor Co Ltd. In
      262 words
    • 215 27 WESPONSIBLE for Uh- day-to-day operation ot the Singapore Nissan Motors (Pte) Ltd. is a team Of efficient mechanical engineers and technicians. Heading tne factory management Mi Lam Sheuns; Inn. a Bri':shtrained mecnanlcaJ engineer with va.-t i xperlence. Among the
      215 words
    • Page 27 Advertisements
      • 43 27 H^i Flfrw "Ik fßaw SINGAPORE GJflfo MOTORS W¥ t »!ti*»i»S' [PRIVATE) LIMITED ftl-f^Mgfel^f m Ife™^ W > B^B^B^Pv^ HH^ aBaBBSBJBBiaBJBBBBBBBBBWBB^BBI MS L^B^Ml^m>^ r iS*~ on the official opening HP 'fe S^s^SU JURONG ASSEMBLY PLANT S~~ZJ&J^& THE LARGEST OPERATOR OF NISSAN BUSES IN SOUTHEAST ASIA
        43 words
    • 564 28  - Eventful growth of firm in 38 years Soh Tiang Keng 3y THE history of \iss;in Motors Co. Limited (Japan) is a story' of phenomenal progress and success. Within 38 years, it has grown from a little firm into one of the largest motor manufacturing giants in the world, producing about
      564 words
    • Page 28 Advertisements
      • 156 28 Congratulations to SINGAPORE NISSAN MOTORS PTE. LTD. on the opening of their new factory WANT TO START A NEW BUSINESS? WANT TO EXPAND YOUR BUSINESS? Consult The Man-On-The-Spot From the Bank of America ißank of America NATIONAL jy^frftft ASSOCIATION Incorporated in USA. with Limited Liatility Head Office: SAN FRANCISCO Singapore
        156 words
    • 443 29 Three-shift work to cope with rising overseas demand IN the interest of "Safety whilst driving" Dataun's dash dials have been designed lo be read with remarkable case and speed. (i;uifics features a non-glare j^hiss (windshield wipers are ;ilso non -glare), and the entire instrument panel is padded for safety. Datsun's
      443 words
    • 311 29 STRICT MARKET RESEARCH ENSURES CUSTOMER ACCORD ELABORATE planning and production arc car- ried out before a Nissan vehicle is released for sale. The whole task involves paper planning, research, dt sign and production. The first thing the company does la to detrrmine what the people exactly want. This is done
      311 words
    • Page 29 Advertisements
      • 205 29 Congratulations to SINGAPORE NISSAN MOTORS (PTE) LIMITED Yes, another electrical installation by us. We are swift to serve the industrial plants in Jurong Industrial Estate. "K SIN MA ELECTRIC CO., IJtr^^ >t! I Sf« Georges Road, y«^>fc J| J Singapore, 12. Tel: *****2 Congra tula tions Best Wishes to SINGAPORE
        205 words
      • 88 29 CongiatiilcUioiis &Best Wishes to SINGAPORE NISSAN MOTORS (pte)LTDi on the official opening of their factory by the Honourable Dr. GOH KENG SYVEE Minister for Finance j^^^x iP^r tZf /i* m jfl^ 1 v 3 BP?«^B maw Heartiest Congratulations to SINGAPORE NISSAN MOTORS (PTE.) LTD. on the occasion of the Official
        88 words
    • 181 30 A sedan that sets new standards of comfort THE Introduction of an entirely new car of phlsttcated design .m Motor clearly :;i ol the Japanese mo) .v.d well explains now th< y have overtaken iheir i Designated tin- 510. the all new Dal -un nuo is the Lgnlftcant car of
      181 words
    • 263 30  - SAFETY OF PASSENGER IS TOP PRIORITY Soh Tiang Keng By DASSENGER safety is top priority in tlic manufacture '>! Nissan vehicles. Nissan a engineering stair in Japan are carryIng out relentless efforts to Improve structural strength and de m the hope ol promoi Ing |r< at c r safety and
      263 words
    • Page 30 Advertisements
      • 194 30 GOH CONSTRUCTION send I their heartiest congratulations i and best wishes I j SINGAPORE NISSAN j j MOTORS (PTE) LIMITED l on the occasion oE their motor assembly plant opening Cs^d«e^O We are proud to be entrusted with the i entire factory construction i 1 I Enquiries to: Goh Construction
        194 words
      • 198 30 Congratulations Best Wishes to SINGAPORE NISSAN MOTORS (PTE) LIMITED on the occasion of their assembly plant opening from OVERSEAS ASSURANCE CORPN., LIMITED 5; Malacca Street, Singapore. 1. Tel: ***** COMPLETE INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE UNDERWRITERS Congratulations and Best Wishes SINGAPORE NISSAN MOTORS (PTE) LTD. on the occasion of the official opening of
        198 words