The Straits Times, 19 November 1968

Total Pages: 22
1 22 The Straits Times
  • 25 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 175,000 The Straits Times Tlie National Newspaper Estd. 1845 TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1968 15 CENTS KDN. 3104 M.C. (P) 0014
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  • 129 1 MOSCOW, Mon. rhe Soviet Union announced today the recovery of its ZondG spacecraft after a wcoklong journey round the moon. The Soviet new.-; agency rasa said the unmanned rehicle, which may have -><•-■ 1 1 carrying some form of mlmal life, landed In a preset district
    Agencies  -  129 words
  • 100 1 Nine die watching an act of rescue SAL KM lnili.ii. Mon A .urn. in h ho fell into a large «rii while twtttai er.iss near here res- < ui-ii ali\e but nine pioplr watchine the operation died when a terrace they were standing on collap>ed. They were amonc 40
    Reuter  -  100 words
  • 54 1 HONG KONG. Mon A Hong Kong-registered junk reported today that It was fired upon by a small Chinese gunboat as it was sailing we>.i of the colony early this morning. One crew member was Injured. A government spokesman said preliminary investigations showed the incident occurred inside
    Reuter  -  54 words
  • 187 1 Threat to Runme Shaw's life 'Pay $500,000 or else' demand by Hong Kong extortioners HONG KONG. Monday HONG KONC police today refused to comment on press reports here that extortionists had threatened to "blow up" Singapore film magnate Tan Sri Runme Shaw if he did not pay them HK$5OO.OOO. According
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  • 50 1 GLASGOW. Man Fire swept a warehouse on the waterfront here today, and firemen battling throuch flames reported sighting 24 bodies with fears the toll may be Mtiher Officials sale! that 2b work-ers-many ol them women were believed trapped in the bulldlnc owned b> an upholsterers' firm.
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  • 47 1 JAKARTA. Mon Thousands "f anarj Indonesians staeed a vookond raid on a lun fair held n' Krawon*. r Jakarta, to raise money to build t«o schools tod the lair ground in protest against the opening aamblin/ •tell as an a-uo-tio dance hall Renter.
    Reuter  -  47 words
  • 52 1 JAKARTA. Mon Indonesia's Tmu.- Mlntetrj today reiterated that IU recent ban on the export ol unprocessed and low grade rubber applied to all provinces in Indonesia The ministry release follows the action Ol <me provincial Kovernoi. Nur Atmnulbrata of Dlambl. In ranceilnm the export ban m
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  • 39 1 JAKAH'I MOT Indone.sia 1» lo cut tti rice imports, runninK at fiOOOOO tons tills year. In tin of an anticipated inENBaa I" production the head of the National LogUOci Auenry. M«jor-Gen Achmad Tlrtto«udlro laid Reuter.
    Reuter  -  39 words
  • 497 1  - End of the road for Sports Pools PREM KUMAR By KUALA LUMPUR. Mon.— Sports Pools (Malaysia) Ltd., agents of two niant British football pools firms. Littlewoods and Vernons, is to close down. Jonnrmlng this today the chairman of the board of directors. Tun I Dr. Ismail, said the government had
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  • 82 1 Bus firm cashier robbed of $4,700 SINGAPORE, Mon. The cashier of a bus company was held up ut Rim-point this altcrnoun In Outram Road and robbed of 54.700. Bob Aik Chong. earlier Ol Keppel Bu, Company. v. t on HK way to a bank with a peon Police said be
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  • 43 1 BIHMINCVHAM <Kn« I a n d>. MOO Armed baMdlts ratdrd a bank here loaajf a»d escaped with abrnn ClH.uiiil 'I -mi men with savin-olf shotnini threatened the bank siatf while R Hum stufled ban vuih bankroll No onr WM
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  • 362 1 Tie Philippines la considering pulling out |ta diplomatic stair In Kuala Lumpur In the next few day- Foreign Secretary Mr Hanoi said today He told reporter! the embassy stalT had been subjected to •■insults" by tin Malaysian and could no
    Reuter; Bernama  -  362 words
  • 185 1 Now Hanoi steps up guerilla war in Thailand BANGKOK, Monday WORTH VIETNAM, laking advantage of the T.S. bombing hall, has stepped up lulp to guerillas in Thailand, the Prime Minister, Field Marshal Tun Thanom Kitlikailioni. said today. Tun Thanoni lold reporters thai the Ruerillas, on orders From communist abroad, liad
    Reuter  -  185 words
  • 26 1 LONDON. Mon Field Marshal Vtscount Montgomer) of Alameai relrbra cci Ml BUt bnthdav yesterday with t«inily party ftl I"* home in Hampshire WM
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  • 231 1 French franc takes another beating DARIS, Mon. The French franc slumped Further today. And In Ba li\ BwitMTland, the United States and other banking nations continued their talks an how t.i co lo the aid of the Iranc. In Brussels, bank so said q .inK and buying franca h id
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  • 25 1 Paris Mon Pi literary prize the Prix Gon- 'oriay awarded to 4S-year-old Bernard Clavel (or his novel "The Fruits ot Winter
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  • 38 1 •NO ACAIN IT RHODESIA LONDON. Mob %Mttaßi Government •»!<* toilfh* Premier laa Smith rrf«a»* all concessions ta «w» weeks of talks tn gmllsill on Khodesiaa Independence %»i the two iri'mes remained deeply d leal key tas«e«— AP.
    AP  -  38 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 64 1 MITSUBISHI A REFRIGERATORS FANS RADIO TELEVISION t*NDIl4\r)S BIITIRY |> (Oh VTO. Kfl J[-[ mm»m,,, >H||aBSMBJBIJBai ji VM BBBBrW^33^S5?5lBB»l sV JawUsl when you purchase »ny < y^2>"2S r^Tf 1 The o ha.f-fra-* s.ngle tens M^%Zmm>\A U r«fle> camera m the world. complete nWi the most advanced Through- The- Lens metenng system.
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    • 118 1 II CROCKETT JONES NORTHAMPTON ENGLAND BEST <<^<asssssl nnvTHinc you uunnT TO EXPORT nnvuiHERE from B-Z... Australia South Vietnam Common Market Countries Thailand India United Kingdom Indonesia West Indies Pakistan Zambia We provide an Export Service for anj il product through ■■■oriitrd sales organisations in all the countries listed above. Just
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    • 439 2 NEW YORK. Monday US ENVOY SEES NO EARLY SETTLEMENT T'HK United States Ambassador to the United Nations. Mr. James Russell Wiggins, said yesterday he thought it very unlikely tnat a Vietnam settlement would be achieved before Mr. Nixon became President on Jan. 20. Replying
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    • 227 2 KENNEDY PLAN FOR AID TO BIAFRANS WASHINGTON. Monday. QENATOR Edward Kennedy has urged both President Johnson and President -elect i Mr. Nixon to agree on the appointment ol a special presidenti a 1 representative on behalf of starving civilians in Biafra. The MMMtelMMttl Dttivrai made hll appeal In separate notes
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    • 25 2 IMI.'AIIIA M M:..:r..1l troopi ib m •D| m d n n n-«top bm'lr vith Ni«rn»n forc*i in a h:d to recapture ttir (o»fi
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    • 146 2 Algeria frees three top aides of Ben Bella ALGIEtt. Mon— The <iovernment anmtunced ye«lertlay thr relraM- of three prominent IllMNn of former President Ahmed Ben Bella, held since Mr. Ken KHl.i (above), was overthrown by an army roup on June 19, 1965. This Irft Mr Ken Bella himself ax the
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    • 201 2 Death for deserter who tried to murder Greek Premier ATHENS. Mon. A court martial lasl night sentenced Greek soldier Alexandro.s Panagoulis to death on charges of plotting to assassinate the Prime Minister and overthrow the regime. PensgouJls. a 30-year-old private, was additionally charged with d< from the Greek Army in
      Reuter  -  201 words
    • 22 2 NEW DBLHI 1 before S \2 to mark t!.p M.ihanna I Y-ar. tlip Home Mr Y. B Chcvan. announced.
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    • 258 3 Candid camera catch! THAT JEWEL THIEF IS SNAPPED LONDON. Monday. pOLICE were today studying pictures of a daring jewel thief silhouetted in the act of climbing into a country mansion where Mrs. Jacqu< staying. Itole gnus valued at more than i' 5.000 belonging to sister, Princess Lee 11] on Friday
      AP  -  258 words
    • 173 3 |)RAGUE. Mon Czech :udi nti mounted a massive Mi-in protest today following (he Communist Party central committees showdown meeting Which limited Ü le;id er Alexander Dubi power. Tile sit-in, planned to mtil Wednesday evening, officially got under way this morning, but students sta ering late Prague
      Reuter  -  173 words
    • 37 3 widow who brought up 16 rhildien in a one-room Hal has been •wanted the animal 10.000 tvanc .EB3O. pri7f c.f the National Onion of F'amilv AK-ooiauon-Her husband sheet-met*! worker, died Uuee >eai» *V>.
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    • 405 3 Priests join blast against Powell LONDON, Monday POLITICIANS, priests and the Press linked yesterday in angry condemnation of Mr. Enoch Powell, controversial right-winger of British politics, lor his proposals that coloured immigrants nere be sent back home. Conservative party leader Mr. Edward Heath branded the speech as "racial character assassination."
      Agencies  -  405 words
    • 72 3 Two more of guerilla band killed SEOUL, Mon. Another 5 two numbers of a 80--mhi North Korean guerilla team which landed alone the eastern shore of South Korea earlier this month. we r e gunned down this morning. Ind it brought t.. 3". the number so far killed. Two other
      AP  -  72 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 258 2 fiQ c Mss^lsir FOOTWEAR -s^^^l^ the unexpected. ...the exciting.... V the new.. ..with that haute couture I; look! shine. ...texture.... c010ur.... A^^i style.... a talent for adding glamour $2m\ around the clock I ABSOLUTELY SMASHING!! J &€&s€&> Premier Store. bata Building Singapore ON WED. 20th THU. 21st NOV. 1968 AT5.30
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    • 93 2 ■^R^^^ff 1 all 1 1% NtflßVTlv^al BAV v s^* /AmfafL During th* Festive Seasons trnen you X buy a quart bottle ♦or t wo pint bottles ->C of French Remy tm Martin Brandy you fe WL j aY K can get the choice MT of:- Two Kty-Pur- J J or
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 415 3 Colour pictures, Cook this 3cou,^c rmal stepbv step charts tomorrow ™ry day We believe you should start You mustn't expect the Course Th, .eynote of th. Course Is coojon, excUin, r« h t to be Just JJ»-t simplicity Clear precise instruc- away. That! swhy r f preparin K and cooking
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    • 201 3 kako V^ Th»olrt»sl ti»niemrl«c»ron.c ll»* V Thp l^rqosi Miiql* manufacturer r^Syr VimiS\ RANGE PROVEN OUALITV TRUE GUIDE NUMBER W HOCK CHEONG CO The School of Accountano —tat I omnu.mveallh's (Jreat Highway to Successful C arccrs— has lor o\er M) >cars guided and helped «mbitiou» men in the achievement of success.
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  • 303 4 MOVE TO INTENSIFY GOVT'S BILINGUAL POLICY SINGAPORE, Mon. > <^ I! C O N I) lanUtijocs will be used as a medium of instruction in certain subjects in schools from next year, the Education .Minisk'i. Mr. Oiiij l'an^ Boon, announced today. Giving two examples, he said: "English will
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  • 196 4 She's out to save young girls from abortion Impressed She s.iul: "I i.innot it v. ii. n a >»unu |irl dirs of .ilxirtion. I would like to save ÜbBM *;irl« Dr. Uharmap.ini.i. li" BM h« n imnlml in family planmnc » tor thr p.i-l rilthl »«-ai» as thr prroidrnl of
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  • 31 4 SINGAPORE. V nel w;Il cooduct street •••ween 1 a m and 5 a m w, Nov 21 and :'8 In the North Bridge I. High BtTMI -Hill Street
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  • 446 4 SINGAPORE. Mon. j 1 Questions ranging from developing In- dustriui aseas, Toto takings, and Ascan to con::)!. tints agal n■ t J public officials and the introduction of the i metric system will be asked at the next sit- tiny of Parliament
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  • 52 4 MNGAPORE. Mon The Mobil Recreation and Spnit.s Club I a Mobil Princess btmuty contast, b Junction with the dub's Peuasus Night ball at Ocean P.. Dec 15. Entry forms for the contest are available at all Mobil Mrvtct stations or at the omre on the fourth floor,
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  • 46 4 SIM.AI'OKL. Mon. l.nv, Chee Ming. 39, was fined 1X454J1 or the mctitlis 1 jail, in the Ninth Magistrate's Court today for h.ivini; 14 Kallons (if samsu on which duty had not been paid. The »aimu was found in his car last night.
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  • 290 4 Progress and the need for mart research... SINGAPORE, Monday |)ROGRESS and modernity in Singapore and South-east Asia can br seen in the "increased awareness" of the need for market research and fMaxthiiitv sliiriio<; nf \lr Mike Reynolds, wt.'> ;irnvrd last new Sm Mjxip'-b.i tci rpiiinn.ii headquarti Economist Intelligence Unit 'EIU'.
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  • 17 4 SINGAPORE. Han The W..:k^ Deparir.i .c out impiovrn.rnts to existing the Cu^tatton a- C
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  • 45 4 BINOAPORE MOB The city moo:ie'ion Team i Of thr Ministry of Health will tM Police and Gurkha unit cantonment at Mount \>rnou nff Bartley Road, on Nov 25 De< 12 and Jan 24 .1969) from 9 a m to noon.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 267 4 Limi-OPE'NS" TOMORROW! The Sensation of -^^JBtefc "Bonnie «JC: Clyde" g^ i MICHAEL J. POLLARD JM ...HE TOOK L.S.D. BY VF^ n AND -JMPyj —J r -Bad JOBJHbT^b3 -am' "Bawi B^B| f A I2j "urns aim" v 1 t l 1; IJIU«3A«W TECHNICOLOR' J MICHAELJ.POLLARD-BRADFORD DILLMAN-HOPE LANGE PAT HINGLE SUSAN SAINT
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    • 283 4 CATKAY-NEXT CHANGE! C^K A SHOCKER WM CALCULATED msm to drive you £JJ% fJT sKg! BERSERK! 01 p. NOT RECOMMENDED v v |^fl| FOR THOSE WITH WEAK HEARTS K Wjfif COLUMBIA WCT'»"=£S UL HBU P'tM^u iL^Ba^Ba^BaV^J l«_ t^LaWB TYHAROIN DIANA DORS wowi cough fp^ K JJO»«tSC^-RO«»lH«C» r urn* coma h -ikmm
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    • 459 4 laiiiirYaOFFFlilSl NOW SHOWING' II am 2.30. 600 90: AT NOP.MA PRICES Walt Disney s "THE HAPPIEST MILLIONAIRE -rert V f cMurroy SCHOOL CONCESSION: SI 00 TO ANY SI AT AT 11, 2.30 i PM. SHOWS ONLY NEXT ChAN'V "BERSERK" WEEEEEBEER 13TM GLITTERING DAY' I Shoov Start: 1 .30, 5 00.
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  • 101 5 The man who knew he was going to die SINGAPORE. Mon. S c vent y-eight-year-old Seim Wee knew he \va.< going to die. T!ii-ee months be! dcatn he placed Buck Siam. told an I ...d that his latin r. :ad >ad- me generous. to hii grandchild; Found hanging The day
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  • 12 5 lEM-K AN Crtanfkat J« «nd no n r Is
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  • 670 5 Assembly Speaker sues for libel DISTRICT OFFICER GETS TIME TO FILE HIS DEFENCE KUALA LUMPUR, Monday \IK. Justice Gill today allowed an application by the lormcr District Officer of Ulu Lan'gat. Inche Hassan Ibranim, for an extension of time to him to file his defence in a libel suit brought
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  • 129 5 I KUALA LUMPUR. Mon 'rHE Malayan Railway will submit a report to the 1 Cabinet on the Bndlnga of its three-man committee of inquiry into the Ore which destroyed the top floor of its headquarters last WednesThp general manager Ol l -.p Malayan R.ulw.iv
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  • 59 5 Motorist dragged me into his car— girl MALACCA. Mnn I iuhtrrn old Low Lont < hu h.i<> reported to Ihr poli< c that shr was rv<lin» honir lo link it List mtht uhrn motorist, on MM prrtrxt of ;f«kiiu tmt dirrrlinn.s. draserd hrr into hi> c ir .«nd
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  • 106 5 Pledge to back Tun Tan at the polls \U\tlA. M<»n Kour m Imno and four M( A branches in the Malacca Trnguh parlnmcntary coiistiturncy ha\c pledged to suppoit thr lin.imc Mini>ter. Tun Tan Sif» Sin. oner au.un as an Alliance landul.itr in n< \l year's general «-lei tion This Wtm
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  • 28 5 BUKIT MERTVJAM Mn Sevan-yeaTH ,(t k m Moot wax killed vkMl knocked k ;i n b| I thr main ro d a i Pniih ..<•>• pi (i.v
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  • 87 5 Mara 'not a charity body' AIALACCA. Mon. iU Bumiputras were urged yesterday not to look upon Mara as a charitable organisation. SpeakuiK at the opening Of Jour Mara .shops in Alor Gajab. 15 miles from here, the orrmisation's chairman. Senator Ghafar bin Bfba said "You shoula cry effort to repay
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  • 41 5 M \l \rr\ M. n Chiel V I)*' Ha 1 X.<: 11. and 'M« \Ulr lor 12-day prirat* rtlit INH SuniH ra on Nn 28 t)^->. Ha]\ Talio ».i--in We.-- Sumatra for M-ven year* ,»< n r war
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 108 5 J /lAustrahan^JL' /f* quality that} V M wins awSrdg h? vl/ This year the coveted Export Award in Men s Fashions was won by Whitmont It was won because more men in 33 counfes I have discovered that Whitmont Perma- Press business shirts are Ihe best m the world And
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    • 142 5 thanks to Loxene We're talking about healthy hair, of course— the way hair is after a Loxene shampoo. Its gentle medicated formula clears dandruf* completely, keeps hair glowing in healthy condition and only heathy hair can i jmmmm be beautiful. You'll marvel I" at how little Loxene costs --ifor the
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 38 5 Mhtf fhtp Hit Kf ff#»m##w fW MtfvUE YOU'RE ft\GUT OOP. I'M «URE WKLL, WE YOH'T A fO* COULPA MADE IT /«C C ANJ STANPIM MERC... U. V. CXIT OF TH 1 SWAMP.' H y t^ C ££s V
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  • 257 6 CtM.\POKI M.»n The compelling reason which brought Singapore pon group. The Quests, home from Hunt Kong recently was the fear that they would be forgotten by thetr fans here. "We don't want to be forgotten, and our absence might
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  • 235 6 THE OVER-STAMPED LETTER TELUK ANSON, Monday. A KAMPONG worker was much surprised today when he was shown a photograph of an envelope on which he had affixed a $10 stamp and a five cents stamp for delivery by ordinary post to the Social Welfare Department here.
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  • 281 6 Need for research on problems of S.E. Asia: Ong SINGAPORE. Mon. There is a need for South Bast Asian scholars to latry out more rcsoann and study of the many social, economic and political problems in the region. st ,«t .UK Hi.- lodaj at the Inaugural meeting of the board
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  • 32 6 !!■< »l Ml I n:"ir Rrrli ki nl id Mi 1 1 m«n nt a rMotattoti thai I ark .^vr wn. I n •■r >■( th< <■' np unti, th<" next Manual l'thmji
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  • 194 6 |'I \I A LUMPUR Mom IX a youth who went tv the rescue ot tUI mottM r while ilm »m belnf .iv-.iui-ted by Ml> lather, was sell- j tenced to three years' jail today alter hr pleaded auil- ty to charge
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  • 171 6 ENVOY: SOON MORE TOURISTS FROM SCANDINA VIA KUALA LUMPUR. Monday. THERE should be an increasing number of Scandinavian tourists coming here in future, the Danish Ambassador Mr. Kjeld Willumsen. said today. Mr. Willumsen >aid thi> seemed "the more likely because of the improvement of air connections between Northern Europe and
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  • 45 6 PKNANU Mr HM Kamr«in: J*<.» s. Tlmah R'md. rom-m t.i be the school in the n'v <lemol,«hed n ti ir»k» »ay fur a n*w builciine )r«tcrd»v hv -he h»»dnia*!»-r. Inche Ah'i hin TaMB, «t the annii». pMTCRU' dny
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  • 259 6 Doctors to S'pore Govt: Why not seek our help? SINGAPORE. Mon. The Singapore Medical Associaiion naa criticised the Government for neglecting the doctors in its recent "Eat More Wheat" campaign. The association, in its latj est newsletter, said: "Tho campaign wouia have been a greater success 1/ the medical profession
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  • 87 6 CINGAPORE MOO. The High Court today awarded judgments fur a total .-urn of $343,991 and two uncontented m. Mr. C. H. Smith. r< .1 Shipbuilding and ring Co L'd of pr-icrra.- of liT 1 Smjapore ji Ms-. tankers— he St Lawrence and the St
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 237 6 CASCADE rich in vitamin C does you good I 1 ■■^^OODa^gaBBBBBBW fgfl V\SSlgißfl BgaW <^^^^T^^^^^^^^^^SSl^^^^S^^^^^^^^P^^k %'l igBBBBBBBBB^ga^^^^H b^^|B^^^ B 2hH I gßßßßßßßßßß^^^Mgß^lßßlßllß^^^'^BßgaßßSßl^Bl^^^J^^^^^^^^^^^Hrl |pAscTDE|:I Vt w% ■a^BßaWWiiiull/lik i-4« t g>s~~ ■>■ -*^aY I Laay^ i'J# Agents: THE BORNEO COMPANY \A\rrt\srment j ston READY-MIX CONCRETE for QUALITY- STRENGTH RELIABILITY When the harsh
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  • 345 7 Prefab flats as safe as any, says Khaw PENANG. Montfty 1 T^HE prefabricated housing system is as safe as the traditional method, the Minister of Local Government and Housing, Mr. Khaw Kai Boh, said today. Mr. Khaw, who is here to discuss the Rifle Range prefab flats project with the
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  • 41 7 SINGAPORE Mon Ooh Scow Hoon. 35, was charged in a magLst rate's court today with kidnapping Sabrina Grace Leone Mcl Yuet. aged 19 months, from her lawful guardlan Kinta Road laM Friday. Bail was allowed un'.:l nexi Monday.
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  • 22 7 SEKEMRAN. Mon. Mr. Dnnn-l CM ljt«n, 32. a »chooltearhT her 1 has own elrcted a Jaycec World Vtce-nwUtat for programme*.
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  • 166 7 DISAPPOINTED AT FIRST, BUY EILEEN HAD A FINE TIME SIMiAPORK, Mon. The "Rose of 1 1 ili-i- Mi_c Kileen Slattery, flew in yesterday from Australia to a bis disappointment. For she failed to fulfil one main purpose in cominc here to meet a relative by marriage, Miss Doris 1 .him.
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  • 65 7 MALACCA M n The Finance MWl'ttr Fun Tan sic* Ein. addressed a ra.iy in Pay* Kumpti Dim __M Iron; In a dimly-lit uncomplrt tnuntty hall 1 1^- n;-!-" Construction of the h*ll began in 1966 DUt nobody co_d f:plur the ca_>e tor the delay in us
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  • 17 7 K.-JJGAR M n Tin- I', rtt. A.s->>nit)ly will 1 .s b'ifiii't mc«!:ng on r>r 10.
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  • 64 7 MIAR, Mon A political drtain<* from Prrak. lin Chron Si:«n«. is sittinc for his Hiiiher S hool (i-rtifii a\v rxaminations in the detention camp. Thr chief invieilator here. Mr. Lam I n See, said I it .sat for his first paper
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  • 118 7 $37,000 damages for blinded girl ICINGAPORE. Mon. A I nine-year-old girl, blinded In the left eye in r taxi accident, was to- day granted a consent Judgment for $37,000 damages by Mr. Justice Tan Ah Tah. The girl. Ting Poh Geok, j and her labourer father. I Ting Teow Llm,
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  • 20 7 SINGAPORE. Mon. Telephone service with the N*thwUnd West Indies (Arub.. Bonaire and Curacao) will be available from Wednesday.
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  • 135 7 11 Filipinos who can't get back to Sabah VOTA KINABAI.I Mon. Manila lmmur.i tion authorities have confiscated the passports of 11 Sab.ih Filipino timber workers who returned to the Philippines 10 days .ten for a holiday. All II Filipinos possevtrd Philippines passports and also had Sabah exit and re-entry permits.
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  • 58 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. Sabah nerds at least 10 more doctors and three more dentmls from We>r Malaysia to ease the shortage of these officers in the Thr Sabah Minister of Health, M-. Won* Lolce Khiam. said this today Ix-Inr? returning to Sabah after a three-day
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  • 35 7 TEI.UK ANSON. Mon. A Hillman Minx belunglng to Inche Ahmad bin Ismail. 35. a •chool teacher, burst In'.j fKimwwhile parked in Cana Road here yesterdi A fire engine soon put out the (lames
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  • 124 7 New Govt job for Chin Siong's brother OINGAPORE. Mon. Mr. Lim Chin Joo younger brother of political detainee Lam Chin Siong, ha« been appointed a Collector of Land Revenue. Mr. Lim. 30. himself a political detainee till 1966. has been in the Ministry of of Law rines his rtl During
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 131 7 ACM QUIET Anyont knows Tampax tampons help you go all out for action. But what about the quiet corner of yoix Me? Here are some of the "quiet" advantages of Tampax tampons. 1 You can sit for hours with no discomfort 2. Whatever you wear, you're perfectly at ease. 3.
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    • 724 7 WIN A W HhFI IN THE BH ELASTOPLAST CONTEST 149 OTHER PRIZES Mlllf ■_^9 t J \i **%L\i ii _E__^_B__C l______^ 1 r\l 9p Ss^^i^SSS^S^^^^^^\^ 0 11 R[ GA2 30 GH93O T w RH4BO W% :r J t r*^t^^^_dß-^^^^^^^iP^^™lß _^B^^" W. _lr^S____- __^J^^^^^^^ ___il T l fIA |te 4^ I
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous

  • 195 8 SI.NC.APOKK. M«n— It is allied at 53.50.0110 It is more than a hundred >p.irs "hi It is nou in Sinu.ipurc. on the last Ire of .1 round -the-world i..' t before being returned to it* owners never to be put oi. public display again. It Is
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  • 180 8 $100 m Swede buying circuit: S'pore included SINGAPORE, Monday A 17-MEMBER Swedish Inde niissioii arrived here today to include Singapore in their annual $100 million East Asian buying circuit. Explaining the mission's ami. Mr. Stcn Akestam. the director of the Swedish Manufacturers' Association who is leading the team— said that
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  • 38 8 .SINGAPORE. Swaml Tilalc MaharaJ. a M-holar in I*. lldion and philosophy ..m t:.» Himalayas, is imw In H* will uivf a talk i Karma and rebirth' »t Jt.!ar Scnjrum Ro«(i. on N o^ M
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  • 42 8 SINGAPORI \ppllaio united for the Adult Education Board's eightweek course on Keeping Accounts for Societies The lectures, conducted m Enclish. will be held on Saturday! from 2 p m to 4 p m at Beatty Secondary School
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  • 115 8 For impersonating a detective— sso fine SINGAPORE. Mun theow Gin Tlilam. 34 w.i lined $50 In the seventh i magistrate's court today for Impersonating a detective at the Junction of Roohore Canal Road and Arab Street on April 28 this year Ang Seng Kwec was alighting from .i taxi that
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  • 135 8 CHARITY: A CALL FOR A YEARLY SINGLE PROJECT SINGAPORE. Mon Singapore's charitable organisations serving similar causes should co-operate and together launch a big project once ;i year rather than hold separate events. This sujKestion was made by the district covernor of Ys Men s (lull (Beta Chapter > in Singapore
    135 words
  • 274 8 Man who lived by robbery gets 5 years and rotan SINGAPORE, Monday MAN who agreed when a Judge asked if the only way he could live was by robbery was today jailed for five years and six strokes of the rotan whrn ho admitted two charges of armed robbery and
    274 words
  • 128 8 Goh to open new wig factory SI\C.APOF?E. Mini The F.ur Lady Kashluns wiu factor) aj th< Bendeeme r H'l.tti industrial estate will be iifTU-iallv opened bj Di li>i!i Kenn Swpf. the M.i.i ti-r for Finance, .it 5 i>m. On tnday. At the ceremony. 60(1 guest* mill be treated to a
    128 words
  • 106 8 Singapore Mob PlhM c actual birti. -i and h koula bear will be shown nightly amouK otlie:s on family plamunK at UM ference Hall during tlir current 4th Asian congress on ub ui;d uynaecology There will be tour one-hourly shows beginning tomorrow
    106 words
  • 122 8 SINGAPORE. Mod State Minister for r Affair.-., inche Rahin has rtICSMd the U ance of strene 1 Singapore society nally. He -said: The i Slngaix»re have b; fully gra>ped the ano the i security military term "But the n security and terms of Mri-:iKt:
    122 words
  • 35 8 GIRL ROBBED IN PARK BY 3 MEN SINGAPORE. M v- uth and Chan tratcb i rubh;. 8 I pfnei.Oeoi Ah K have rum.. I ii. the robbery They were remanded I tody for a wee.<
    35 words
  • 152 8 SINGAPORE. Mon Till Vitionul S.itilv I irM (ituntil has published irreklj ik'wsI" tti i to r< mind the imli lit- "l thrir rrspitn-iliility tv tlirii f How •< iti/riis in Mifrtv first In the first issue it atmajM the neeil for s.»fft> mrasuri's in m-du-(r> "With
    152 words
  • 48 8 6 drama groups to compete in festival SINGAPOKK M tish comprre 1:: Sen In colonel Noa Kar L«s- l 1i: j educatm:: officer ':.e adjudicator fo: Mr Davl<l Marshall of the stu)« Biui lih-. i prt7es for the br actor Other prizes h.i\e brdoiuiteti b\ i d-d Seleur
    48 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 287 8 BLACK RUSSIAN cigarettes Made from true Russian leaf for that rich Russian flavour. Black with <:<.lil tips, here is the most elegantly satisfying < i<:arette in the world SOBRANIE The world's finest < igarette*, made in London since 1879 Available at flT\\ I i i^T Jl f\W SOLE AGENTS: JOHN
      287 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 117 8 ##f>#r T+mmm By Obi ntsu M iw R?S^^Bs! IB y BUT WR D V FWLLAR AI f WANT TO TALK TO YOU.I I WB'LL U« TUF <i ia-rco "1 r~~r7~TT™TT™Trr^ H E'LL »E AS 0000 AS PURO^ ABOUT THE BILLION- RaNeTn rVJatoI ■Q'i't I MY 3b 7 MAGNUM RAISED 1
      117 words

  • Article, Illustration
    1731 9 tte new kitigsley amis CHAPTER TWO THE car had pulled up alongside a row of dreary but quire rich-looking stucco houses that faced the Regent's Canal, and the two had been admitted into a large square hall by a yellowskinned person in a white jacket. Gin
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 6 9 THURSDAY The meeting with Lady Baldock
      6 words
    • 207 9 FOR FURTMCR OETAiLS WPITF TO I KIRLOSKAR ELECTRIC CO. LTD. I Pn MO 1017 e*N6*iOße4 (MOUklCMie RAV.J3AV<,TELE<.O43 }.<O B OVT PSF*S WfKCI I 71.79 jmjwi Mnma* mwul nwuMtN «t» rvoot* I RUtU lUMWS nMU«IU)CA«.( )uviuwrt.TELS>HOw; NO «eu«t s«* ,^r7 H I^^^*^ sH j M ggggggk v m >^ M i^ga^sw^"w&
      207 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 680 10 m no official decisions have yet been announced, a formula for re■tarting the stalled Vietnam peace t.ilk.s seems to be emerging. President Nguyen Van Thieu has said too goricallj that he will not treat with the National .ition Front as an Independent entity to be übi' 1 to
      680 words
    • 400 10 Mr. Cieoi ye 1 I assurance that the door has not been slammed en the Rhodestan talks seems superIt is very apparent that the last word on the subject has not been said ;ind. moreover, thai Mr. Smith has little to lose and p< rhapa much
      400 words
  • Letters
    • 444 10 Blue cards and birth certificates \\'ITH reference to In- che K. H. Teo's letter iNov. 9> the remainIng three categories of persons who became oiUseni by operation of law under Clause 124' 1 > of 'he Federation of Malaya Agreement. 1948. are as follows. (The first three categories have already
      444 words
    • 62 10 MV daughters and I are visiting Singapore for the second time in twelve months. The first thing mv daughter noticed on driving fiom the airport in the dark was the improvement in the cleanliness of the streets. After being m the city for two days we realised how
      62 words
  • 208 10 THERE have been B number of proposals for development of Malaya's inshore and onshore waters offshore mining, harbour construction, etc. Engineering and other consultants have been called in. but the approaches to the problem have usually been the orthodox ones, and sometimes certain obvious
    208 words
  • 724 10  -  ANTHONY HOWARD by Washington (\F the 2,000-odd Fed- eral appointnu-ias that any inconniig President is at liberty to make within the American Governnient. none will be watched more closely than those that Mr. Rirhard Nixon makes to the White House staff. Traditionally the
    724 words
  • 783 10 by A Staff Writer KUALA LUMPUR A factory foundation stone ceremony in Peta '■"g l*y* recently drew attention to a trend in Malaysian rice farming fully as important as doublecropping or the introduction of new varieties. The factory will assemble, with
    783 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 21 10 GENUINE DIESEL,FUEL INJECTION EQUIPMENT/ AND SPARES FAR EAST MOTORS LTD.* mom** <~~*m~. 3Mm li>i ll («•>• L.mpu. m»i« traa m* Ollliri ■l».»»l
      21 words
    • 57 10 SENSATIONAL II jewelleries O METRO EXQUISITE JEWELLERY 72-74 HIGH ST.. SPORE. TEL: ***** <^|ggP LEMON BRAND TEA Hongkong's Leoding English Longuoge Newspaper nJL 1{ lo o^Veo'arlTTo s.nZpor^™" M..X.. (M tert-1 Lf( n| j538 A»rp«t l«k ll «•<"' T.I. 947X I»l-N, J«len Ko,u, T.I. t\U\ rn«>: p«f tingl. tO p y
      57 words

  • 237 11  -  RUDY BELTRAN By all blood donors to deal directly with the bank 'This win discourage the racketeer* from wiling blood to the patients or relative.' All voluntary donors ro diversity Hospital are entitled to free medical treatment at the P"lv Clink- ;u:d
    237 words
  • 12 11 PBfANO ren a Art Exhibltii n hfre h bfrn rxtrnara
    12 words
  • 222 11 Coroner's inquest on a wife who died 26 years ago SINGAPORE. Mon.— A woman. Tan Hock Kee. died on Feb. 15, 1942 the day that Singapore surrendered to the Japanese M jrean later, her remains were the subject of a coroner's inquiry. Her husband. Chua Seng Klan, .Mid that helped
    222 words
  • 160 11 So shy, the casowary from West Irian ()M would have I thouKht that bein; so far from home, he would have l>ern glad to meet a lovely vi-iiur from his liomel.ind. lint this ynunt casiniarv turned tail and fled •Irl-shv ;ind i .inirr.i shy uhen si I il id i
    160 words
  • 358 11 Laws urged to protect accident victims' relatives 1/ U A L A LUMPUR. Mon. The Minister of Justice. Inche j Bahaman bin Sain- suddin, today called I for the introduction 1 of legislation to protect the interests of relatives' <>t a person killed in an accident. Incbe Bahaman tatd fieri'
    358 words
  • 85 11 A Party Rakyat post for Ooi DENANO, Mun. Mayor. Mr Ooi Thiain v. v..i- i l-'ctPd a committee member iH the }>< biatc diviMen ol the Party Kakyat. at its annual assembly. The national president or the party, Inrlu Ka.s.sim Ahmad, was elected chairman of the division. Other officials.
    85 words
  • 33 11 PENANG M n. 0 tlir CID yesttrcidv detained thrac moil m a 3 rt n :i Baam I'Mk Road hoie. The men are believed to h.i\e ben, in\olved in StWlal r^bberiPi
    33 words
  • 189 11 JANAH RATA, Mon.— The GoverumcQt was today called upon to take effective measures to arrest the falling prices of vegetables in tile interest of farmers. A sis-man delegation from the MCA branch here and 1 fannen Is expectr-d to meet tho Minister
    189 words
  • 23 11 KANGAR MM (he Rohani Nai-' Idrll 22. of N Girls i. Queen" at Dirma h i There were 20 ennte
    23 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 502 11 ON YOUR TV AND RADIO TODAY TV/ MAI AVCIA IHVNNM x (W Onrdrn (Tamil) IV iYiALAYoIA v (1 805 l ,Md"vn S Vl 4 L r« Ur 7 35AnKvemng A rrc I '„,n it^ ll ChUl Yuan 7.00 Ne«« K U M -j 10 40 WUd Wild W( S '{C
      502 words

  • 407 12 rb Board of Directors of Singa Plastics: d'ri vate) Limited is a star-studded one. It comprises Ivc HMS whose stories read like pages from the honk titled "How to Succeed in Business Their credentialcover many fields mi port and export, (inane real property,
    407 words
  • 611 12 Output has doubled in only two years... DR. GOH TO OPEN SINGA PLASTICS— A COMPANY WITH A REMARKABLE STORY T'lIK Finance Minister, Dr. (ioh Keng Swee, today oju'iis Singapore's Singa Plastics (Private) Limited in Jurong a company with a remarkable story. It Is remarkable for its growth. Within two years
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 44 12 Singapore's Largest Plastics Manufacturing Plant SINGA PLASTICS(We)# LIMITED MANUFACTURERS OF TOP QUALITY PLASTIC '^T||^ PRODUCTS a^Q^^a. mm sssV OFHCAL PE Sr**^ JB^R^flhqi Acting PrimeMinister&MinisterforFinance ,'fj. L^. mm^Sßm DR.GOH KENG SWEE IM'JW* R\^ SSrV^vfe/ Is^ TiS^^'' OFFICE MANUFACTURING PLANT ?7 JALAN JENTERA JURONG INDUSTRIAL ESTATE
      44 words

  • 339 13 More than 200 products for the home mart and export DLASTIC'S have bej come part of the lives of the people of Singapore. There is not a single moment or a single place in the Republic where people don't come into contact with plastics. In the morning, when the housewife
    339 words
  • 356 13 Expansion with nine new machines JMIh recent installation of fw<> new injection moulding machines a| Ihe facton ofSinga Plastics (Private) Limited in Jurong marks a new phase in ilie expansion of This lastdeveloping company Costing a total or $225,000, the macliinos were imported from Italy and Germany. The Italian model
    356 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 288 13 LIM SAI PHENG and THE MANAGEMENT OF fIDVERTISING c»»cnd their heartiest congratulations and very best wisjict to SINGA PLASTICS (Private) LID. on the official opening of S.ngoporcj Lorgeit Plastic, Manufacturing Plant ot No. 27, Jolon Jentero, Jurong Industrial Estate, by The Honourable. Xv ct "f Prime Minister Minister for Finance
      288 words
    • 106 13 Congratulations and Best Wishes to SINGA PLASTICS LIMITED fgSS&H UNION CARBIDE ASIA LIMITED 9 Hill View Road, off Bukit Timah Road, 9J m.s. Singapore 23 Tel: *****1. CONGRATULATIONS to SINGA PLASTICS (PRIVATE) LIMITED on the official opening of their Plastics Manufacturing Plant, Jurong by the Hon. Dr. Goh Keng Swee
      106 words

  • 106 14 Sabah police seize two Indon fugitives lAKARTA, Mull. Sabah police li.ivi detained two Indonesians who escaped from an East Borneo prison while inder detention for the murder of a Japanese oil company worker, it was reported heri> today. Antara News Agency said the twfi men. named M Ampe and 1
    Reuter  -  106 words
  • 245 14 Kwalt Lumpur, Monday yiit Mmisiei <>i Information and r.rnarir.tstiiiK, ln< lie srini b■ n Abdul ahm a n runsratulalinu the lirst prize uinner of the M .1 I avsian nrusphotoicraphy comprtition. lnchr Tab--I.lm hin Ah mad of lhe
    245 words
  • 145 14 YEW DELHI, Mon— The leader of an Indian Industrialist* 1 delegation, which returned lmm Malaysia jrestcrd he wa.-. "fully .•-ati.sfled" with tne Malaysian Government's helpful approach to the sttting-up of joint ventures. Dr. Ram Gopal Agarfnl said york un Joint ventures In Malaysia such
    Reuter  -  145 words
  • 32 14 IAIPINCi Mn— The Dlstric Anmad bin Hnrun- vw.l preside a: the Town Council munthly meetIng here on Nov. 29 The former ihß.rm.i:.. Imtiku Ahmad h.n Tf-ncku Abdul Ghaflar. ijned
    32 words
  • 243 14 Border Reds flee big hunt area ALOR STAR. Monday POMMUNIST terrorists operating in the Kron-Betong jungle area, including those who took part in the ambush of a Malaysian field force platoon last June, are reported to be no longer in the area "They have moved out i the jungle where
    243 words
  • 56 14 MALACCA. Men.— A $2 million scrap iron lactorv will cm f »P «i Malacca, ifte Chief Minister. Dato Haji Tahb b^ Karim, announced here today A private company has alreHdy been given permission to Jo i^ tie told Urn ..nnuai m eettag of the 4B
    56 words
  • 19 14 Raja to open seminar SINGAi>OHh Mun Th. and Uteor, Mr R a ,ira" Hew Tr.mlN n Worker, ference Hall.
    19 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 83 14 Get Champion Performance from Mobil Premium fast Start... for a quick, clean get-away every time. lively pick-up in traffic /^fiL or on the open road I *y punch with extra €L /^BBMS^^z^^ power for heavy I n n d i *Kfm and steep hills. ll lr!fel^ Smooth economical Jn|l^^^?T^^S performance,
      83 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 228 14 Straits Times Crossword —^^J— -^™«a^ Lbb^^— MgMM has thr answer to the crime 1. Bad M <>n one chart 1 13». 2l 5 5 nr P lZe alt rn uve to 13: Sellrr'not ttivrn 1 dbwn? MO. E^rW an early v.ctu, tn *!?>*** 1 2.Xn n ?n i rrnt t
      228 words

    • 382 15 I' OOKS like were heading for a metallic shoe shine '69. Shoes with a footwork of metal discs, metal Islets. metal chains and metal buckles. Even colours are going metallic, colours that have been pearlised to give the "69 metal-ape look For a fonrast of
      382 words
    • 240 15 /■"LEAN steam stained glass pans by soaking them several hours In a strong vinegar solution For best operation, a refrigerator should be defrosted when frost becomes one-fourth inch thick on the freezing unit To remove ballpoint pen ink from washable fabrics, place a blotter under the fabric Drip
      240 words
    • 319 15 Introducing the Kaive, naive oman of '69 FASHION speculation is mounting. High fashion pundits of Paris, Home and I^uidon are introducing trends to set the fashion wheels in motion. Are you wondering what's In store for the New Year? The prestigious House of Dior in Paris has decreed that the
      319 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 436 15 iri m~m j. g a 'TCa ■ft r, r ..Ly>»j« jtj*jßay*v- 'WwtKt Kf E^r«Eat/to^X'^ .^^Sm- 1 yjSflP jPA^I *ft S Tatoa 2 Weeks Ocean Af ter 4 days sailing you'll be Unec Holiday to Horgtong *£*£.'&£<';£ For your next leave take a real of fresh air and P&O comfort holiday;
      436 words
    • 511 15 ThisKavser Supvrgirl's cool, shapely and very pretty Mad* by Kiys«r. it's a Supergirl bra a dreamy wisp of nylon lac*, firmly shaped ud with a puff of a pad; in whit*, black, pink, blue and marine Try model KBIOO9 at «B.sO 'Illlllf AYXER i ,jg\'liii,. bupergirl FACTORY REPRESENTATIVES: FIELDING
      511 words

  • 24 16 MRS. SUPPIAH. W Mow ot late Mr. Suppiah formerly uf Survey l>ept. and I Aralaaaadaa k.i. .md passed a«ay lTllis in Deh.«cla. Ce»lon.
    24 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 521 16 1^ MUM. MUIMBS. W -«««'*«s. MISSIHt. KBMHL tft, Xl««« MM, lite Miaata SIV- I*> 21 ■"H. •><> »Milaul 'Sets. I 11 Kkrr mm atMtaMa* «N-sb Ist 15 ck. Mr. 41 c«ti. Struts T«« Jirtie. clikh 51 cm!.. I ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS fnendJ for their attendance i.r. -ents and lireeungs on their
      521 words
    • 772 16 |1 pore ii. -i (or fuither details LAOY SECRETARY, one Trainet and one «.ir-*ondltionin k M^banics, prafaraMa with driving licence Bo> Vtli:l S T 8 pore ARCHITECTURAL DRAUCHTSMA* iM'h I years above experience Appn Hor Cheok Foon and Associate* 1< floor hook Churn Mansion K.L. SALCSMAN «llh experience in hom<
      772 words
    • 760 16 > WANTED TELEPHONIST CUM TYPIST Maliysiar. Citueo «ik,» 1 hi, or Natiooai Language easentiai Apply in ono band-writing, elating I n .r'if:catlooa. »alary eipei ted *il 10 Co* A 1734 fT K I. encioaiog pass- 1 port ai.e photo (N.R.). I SITUATIONS WAHTEI 1 READ the Penior Appointmcn's 1 1
      760 words
    • 1067 16 r' avfair PARK Jalan uingka mosaic flooring 3 nedrooms. bathroom/ K lon.hatn. servant s room etc., S-'7.uuii/- T un o Pleas* contact Mr Too It. 4 i-i.i i i;ingka. II I DISTRICT 13 Two-Stotrv Detached S House II.. ",00 sq .ft $7.Yonn de- 1 tacbrd ountuiuw 7.u<ki s M it
      1,067 words
    • 773 16 NAM-HO TRAVCL SCRVICI Ltd laloy* 7-Day* SBi.'-. special SlOu/ivery Saturday. Sunday. Monday, ut.'aay C Highlands 7-Day* $10.',/---Dayi MB/- M/11/M 4'll U8 2S/11/M t2/6a Haadval Konxkhla S-U.iys n 6>. l 1 ia si 1/12/U Baaaßßß fhimKmai I.'i-Daya .14;, :-s ii s M, 'amfodii. >-Da*l MM Mm US}':v. ry M,,ii,.i«y. H i
      773 words
    • 815 16 1961 AUSTIN 1100 MX. II Radio. aim r.xr.llrnt condl' od S.V6Uo'lnt<rr<trd Ring (B'porei 861 W. No drains «,ORTINA AUTOMATIC I*oS KOUCL .imkj mile* Hash o»n*r I u.seo an Srconrl Cai *.m.uihi o o o Phot,, s ,-hen SCLLINC I<S3 AUSTIN, A4O ConnTriumph Herald. 2A. Air- rrs. River Valley Road.
      815 words
    • 943 16 To meet our exponsion m our West Moloysio Orgonisotton, we ate seeking a suitobly qualified Mole Moloys.on Cittzen for the position of: TECHMIML SALES REPRESENTATIVE Th« successful applicant, who should b« between the ages of 25-35, must passass a Diploma in Meehon.col or hove ..tensive practical ««peri.nce, ba abl«
      943 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 1043 17 IQ UVERPOOL AND OTHER U R..CBNIINENIAL P0.1». I Oul Sport Mill f. fM r-imiM !I,?msr»n« ll !001 UPt,NI»2I Nn 22 Sm?mJ CU I •"800l Nn 23 1 Dec 2 J.™,, liviroool. GUsioa Ni. 21 Nn 21 Nn 22/24 MACHAON Livupool Nn 20 Oic 1 VXull M > 01 0M: G
      1,043 words
    • 2058 17 BmmmmmmGm*^^^3mmSm^mm! I THE E A XmUN£s\ m^WnmwMdi" MMM THE. EAST ASIATIC COMPANY Ltd. Incorporated m Denmark MMMI H 1J I M 1 EXPRESS SAILINGS TO GENOA/NORTH CO-TINEHT/SC»NOIH»VI* EXPRESS SERVICE TO LONOON. LIVERPOOL I CONTINENTAL PORTS P. S'tiani Penani; S'Dore Upnns R flam H'bure Aarhus C'nagen ASAOENA ai Nn 2? 2S
      2,058 words
    • 1015 17 W WORLDWIDE CARRIERS LTD. l^^n^Bfl For: Houtton, New Orleons, Ckarlciten, r^^^^^B^ Jovonnoh, Baltimore, New York. Spore P. S'So"- Ppnong lOANNIS 21/23 Nov 24/25 Nov 26/27 Ncv Ckarltiten, Jovonnoh tubiect to inducement. ■pM MeALISTER <5c CO., LTD. Spore P. Swttenhom P»nong I Tel: *****1/9 6252 *****/3 I i t^pij^^i^^^^M^^^^^^^^^nMi M rU^i
      1,015 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 1065 18 YU-*""^" "kAWASAKI KISEN KAISHA LTD. Western Australia /Singapore /Japan Service Najoya rhaira Koot •■ltHittj Mars' 23 31 Otc I laa IB jaa 11 Jas 15 111 West Africa /Singapore /Japan Service ».f 0 Hoße •Tjusnl >sii Mart Omits 25 Nn Roals 2 Die 3 Dtc I Oil ■Ni^a'Min. 3 5
      1,065 words
    • 980 18 AUSTIALII NEW ZUIANO SERVICE. INDIA. fImSTAN AND EAST SERVICES I Ftr: Pi MM, Inilast. Sifsti. Tt: Naeatattisasi asl Matrai 0... o— S corf P. S>am Pena"| rr r <>' f r i nam a port .iim a 9a i n»« 5 tttc s lac mum 1 i» 12 u/14 i.c
      980 words
    • 706 18 'HV^al^aHsMHaißassßtis^^HHsßaSßlt>HaMaM ACCOUNTANT A leading Mining Organisation with offices near Kuala Lumpur invites applications from qualified Accountants. The position offered involves special cost investigations, supervision of existing cost systems, the improvement ol management cost controls at Mine and Head Office levels, in addition to normal accounting duties such as preparation of
      706 words
    • 827 18 FsHEUj MARINE ENGINEERS SHELL EASTERN PETROLEUM LTD invite applications from Marine Engineers for senior operating positions in their rerlnery at Pulau Bukom. The jobs entail being responsible on shift for the operation of oil processing and auxiliary units. Candidates should meet the following conditlons:i> Possess 2nd class (M.0.T.l Engineer's Certificate
      827 words

  • 25 19 RUBBER AND TIN CLOSING PRICES Nov. 18. RIBBKR PRICE: 581 cents (unchanged I. UN PRICE: 5U37.62J (up 57..")0). Estimated iifTering 205 tons (down five tons).
    25 words
  • 218 19 Oil shares feature in Melbourne MELBOURNE. Mon. (~)ILS featured In today's atrone n.lnuiK section with solid (tains In response to Woodslde OH Shew in W.A. Well Woodside made :<3 cents to $1 88 after n days high at $2. Most other oils rose between 10 cents and 2o cents Mining
    218 words
  • 71 19 /'HINCIE PrMuu lillwiu, Sm<a- Mrs, naan clotini pncM Mr »cul yssttrday. Coconut oil: bulk 543 sailers, irum »47) ,riCoar> M.x.d if oli I iikkt Nov. .>■ >K Cuniinrnt %3H U P>pper: Mnntok white *U'» aniera. sarauak wnits $I2L'« MtMra. special k black S9Jft stUrm. K-irMr<l I WT| ir;i.r«
    71 words
  • 299 19 Straits tin price continues current spiral T»HERE was another x big rise In the Straits tin price yesterday of $7.50 to $637.62 i in Penang as world currency uncertainties still dominated sentiment. Strong demand was reported particularly from Europe and North America. It was the highest price since July 19.
    299 words
  • 456 19 llr-a jradr rubber 1 f.o.b. buyer* closed at !l p.m. in Singapore an d Kuala Lumpur yesterday at 58 K rent* per lb. mi' li.uir.rd on Friday* doting; I level. The lonr (tin <|uiel. R.A.S. and M.R.I:, rloalnf prices in cents per lb. yesterday. Uuver.s
    456 words
  • 1164 19 C^XTREMELY quiet conditions with a slightly easier close, prevailed on the Stock Exchange of Malaysia and Singapore yesterday on a practically featureless market No new factors had developed to sway the market either way and the present uncertainties about leading European currencies have little or
    1,164 words
  • 282 19 MOVBMINTS OF SHARE PRICES BASED ON A ROOMS OF THE STOCK EXINDUSTRIALS: ACMA lunch I. Ban A CO. 4 O-nU>. Bsrnis much C. Susan i+ 2 ctntai, C CM lunch I. C.S Holdings I. I Cmli Ounlap lunch.). I. A I. lunch). Eua»c <— I din i
    282 words
  • 244 19 SINCAPORE HARBOUR WHARVII OR EXPECTED TODAY ARE: Martiniquai. a I. H.i.m Mini a, Klrno. li II Hanhmama Mam n Mi Mam :\> M, ipHr«t.fs M.i li 41 I i 13. Isv--11. Hofckai m.i K> i Mum 4« MasasMß* Han 47 and rtifti N i SHIPS IN THE
    244 words
  • 696 19 MHN IN AND REPORTED TO THE SINGAPORE AND KIALA LI.HPIR TRADINI. ROOMS OF THi: STO« K EXCHANOI YESTERDAY WITH THE M'MBER OF ■■>■!■ TRADED IN BRACKETS: Ji Ben and C*. ilnOOi »2.«>«. Berne* Berhad ifi.OOO) 51 73. US.UUOI $1.74. »1.72 SU: Beuttead l.otxi $1 7s (I T.i BL;
    696 words
  • 525 19 ANO SINGAPORE BID AND OFFtI PRICES OFFICIALLY LISTEU A' THE l LOSE OF RUIINIIS. INDUSTRIAL* B. ACMA 'H H>« Urn v Co U 2 31 r.ornw> Kcrhml 174 1.75 Hou> 1.77 I.M) C. Suttrt 4.0* C.C.M. ord» I.T» I.W C. 8. Holdlnn 4.84 Dunlop 3.U Kant Smell 8.75
    525 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 346 19 SITE CLEARANCE SALE Final items of plant and equipment Irom the Hochtief Holzmann Joint Venture Port Dickson Power Station. Port Dickson. are ollered for sale at extremely attractive prices. Items available include: DIESEL POWERED 1 TON DUMPERS CATERPILLAR Db BULLDOZER. CASE MODEL D3IOF CRAWLER LOADER WITH BACK HOE. MERCEDES STETTER
      346 words
    • 88 19 SHIPPING NOTICES KM TSEN LINE mi. "LLOYD BAKKE" Voy. 336 E Arrivrd Sinfaporr II lift Consign*** of csreo ex the «bove vrs-pl hit notmrd that th»? Oenersl Burvey will be held a! The Port of Slr.napore Authonly Oodnu "i »m to 4 om on 2ii 11 68 (Wtdncsi No further
      88 words

    • 345 20 race, on Satur- o^ M» Wj^ Via nn I'ink Row 810 Mralocruiurr !> 08 (I. 4 DIV I— Sf l|Mdllner x .,0 Lack] l.uck> II HO7 Theatre VI 9.00 showgirl IV 8.10 (,»crle 8. 08 IrquiU 8.11 c,,,,..,r, 8.08 Best Win 80S Beau Ideal 8.10 storrm Ijiw 808 ightning
      345 words
    • 412 20 I K.ll 1 S for Ser«T» Merah 8.11 llrluht 8.07 the Ipoh Chime-i Oil M^iiolilo g.07 ra«e> on Sunii.u Born Fr TuUu rmant 5.03 < ifrtil Kanrhjnj S.9S (I. i. lii> 1 <r Ralanrr IV K Tien Tim l.»i X.US Hiih Rulrr IM it Maintirntlr^i Ml Bali 1
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    • 384 20  -  Film Star, Firecracker steal the show EPSOM JEEP By pWCOMERS stole the limelight at the Ipoh races over the weekend. Film Star, late Aquatic Star, a four-year-old Australian mare by Wateringbury (sire of Singapore Gold Cup winner Water Scout) made a sensational debut on Saturday when he beat
      384 words
    • 569 20 TIIF Stipendiary Stewards 1 report on the ipoh races la^t Saturday R\(i: I rmperator re<:rd a.s he jumped away lumiic a little ground Wondoaga jumped away awkwaidly. Apprentice Rugdee. rider of Wondonga. v i« suspended liom ruling in races for the remainder of the meetIng for careless
      569 words
    • 30 20 Four horses h.t\r been promoted from (law 1 In (la** V IMr 1 are Knersjncls Ar.ilunc.i P.n I \tellence. Reprieve, Good For You and Chan Mill Chan
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 815 20 gjf IN THE HIGH COURT IN THE TOWN BOARDS MALAYA AT Kb' LA LUMPUR ENACTMENT (F.M.S.CAP. 137) rnMrtviiv HiMiivr, ir PRAUNO l^^\ PBPW \<( Of K«»\K» In the Matter of Malayaa >»»'«<• 1 ndrr *c, tioo. I omni'icul Aeenriri (Sdn) •»:> 4! A 4.1 Bethad b) given thai lad meal
      815 words
    • 525 20 NOTICES LEMBAGA LETRIK NEGARA TANAH MELAYU. IVIKRKIPTION M tl It IKK II SI ITI.Y All consumers below are hereby Informed that F.lertrlcltv Supply ill be Interrupted between 10 am and t> 00 p m on :'mh November 1968. In order to enable Lembaca Letrlk Nenara to carry out ev^ential «ork
      525 words
    • 718 20 NOTICES THE BANKRUPTCY ORDINANCE (CHAPTER 11) NOIHF. O* HKSI MBTINGfI NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN 0 tha'. the FirM Meeting of Credl- d tors in the undermentioned < ases r »ill be held on Tueso.iy the 3rd J (ia\ cl December. 1»68 at the I Official Assignees chambers. Top I PlOOr,
      718 words
    • 652 20 TENDERS KENYATAAN TAWARAN IBU PEJABAT, J.K.R. Tauaranj daripada pemborong^ antt beiuaitar uen^an J.K.R. di...u!i KeUs A Kepaia 11 akai. ii-ienma di-Pejaoat Pengaral. srija Ibu I'ejabat. J.K.K. aiuii Maxwell. Kuala Lumpui ungga jam pukul WOO tengah lan pada I'ihb. Olsember 19« l inlok: U IKKNATIVK 'A* CONSTKICIION OF PHASt I
      652 words
    • 98 20 i yy^^^ s»«^*i t~-2!SSA Thf Navhimcr OMiun vcrtno ot thf Coimonaut chronogiaptL Tht Narvuimcr u an e»ir»ordinary watch crciird bv the great Swin Specialuu, BREITL1NG ot C*ncva. It perfectly normal u.h in its pfimarv functions (ir. it irlls lh« time in hours, WHW and Kion.lii. But it j! m >
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    • 497 21  -  ERNEST FRIDA By gINGAPORE will stage the 17th World Cup golf championships next year, probably in September or October. The International Golf Association at their annual meeting in Rome on Sunday decided to award the 1969 tournament, formerly known as the Canada Cup, to
      497 words
    • 174 21 Victoria hold tourists to draw \iELROURXE, Mon.— iTI The West Indian cricketers' four-day match against Victoria ended in stalemate here today after Gary Sobers had set his opponents a stiff 90--runs-an-hour victory target Final scorns West Indians 4(>l and 236-4; Victoria 338 and 201-6. Yi. toria's opening pair. Bill La
      174 words
    • 41 21 'Spanking' threat to tour team MADRAS Mon —Inc. B president Z R. n a .n schoolboys if m dona in their Aust>ep tallc to the p-trty en 'hey arrived Australia, Mr Irani uu-hed them ios of Uv dr.iws. but no 7
      41 words
    • 40 21 TAN Bussell of Malaysia wearing the victors laurel after his triumph In the Macao Grand Prix on Sunday. Bussell. a Kuala Lumpur pilot, clocked 2 hr 21:10.25 for thr 171-mi!c race in his Brabham F 2 UPI radiopic.
      UPI  -  40 words
    • 7 21 SYDN! n-»r Euror champion I
      7 words
    • 459 21 ROME. Monday £AX ADA snatched a dramatic win in the World Cup golf tournament here yesterday after a fantastic eagle by Al Balding on the 17th hole sank United States' hopes of winning the championship for the 10th time. Balding capped a tremendous achievement with his second
      459 words
    • 69 21 "THE vi.slting Ceylon Delencc Services hockey loam yesterday suffered th» bl? d^icat o( their Singapore tour when they lost 5-0 to Joint Services at Dover Road. Joint Services, showing better team work and gJcili, led 2-0 at half time with by Aodullah liamid and Nuzlr. K''opin.^
      69 words
      • 53 21 rCNANG SLMOK IN TLR TEAM FINAL: ACS L'niun Dt H^!|»r Ulltlllan 3-2. I'llf \K OOVT M.IJXK I FINALS ilpoln. Men\ <in(le« R AnnnudiJ.n 15-12. 15-8: Men's dnuhks Au Teik Bd J K k V Khc)ii)f Shu M.n« and K. Loo 17-15. 12-15. 15-10 i'i.kak nrm-Govi nr ms\i (Ipoto): Education
        53 words
      • 24 21 PKNANG PRIMARY SCHOOLS FINALS: Box Chung Hwa branch No. 1 bt Chung Hwa No. 2 44-24 Girl* Residency Road bt Phor Tay 13-4.
        24 words
      • 30 21 HOCK EY I«; MAI.IM LBAOUBi Rangers 3 Ro\r:s .MAI.A( A OOVT. SKRVH E» K.O. wmi-rinal»: Alor Gajah DIM 1 Henry Gurney School 0. ri\\\(. city Council 2 Gurkhas 1.
        30 words
      • 34 21 SOC CE R t'HENa «All COT HNAL 'Kampar': Kampar "A' 1 Lower Peiak 0. MALACCA <;O\T. >IKHH< X.0.: Kllat 5 Tg. KUng Power Slatlon 1. KLANG JIMOR ko-flnal. Rover* "B" 2 Seblas Juma'at 2.
        34 words
    • 260 21 WEST BERLIN. Mon. American Erv Hall, Olympir .silver medallist In the 110 m hurdles, streaked to a world record lndxwr time in the 80m hurdles In an international athletics meefiiß hero last night. Hall lie world record of 7.1 then to 7 6 in the
      Reuter  -  260 words
    • 164 21 Malaysia recall Agus for tour KI \GUS Salim. the Selangor ln- Mde-lcruard. has been recalled to the Malaysian soccer team Iravin? for Bangkok today to take part in thr King o( Thailand's Cup tournament. Agus. who gave up playing for Selangoi in the Malaysia Cup competition in May. was not
      164 words
    • 170 21 I ONDON. Mon.— The English Football League management committee want wages for players to be limited to £50 a week. In a letter to clubs today the committee say they will seek authority from the 92 clubs at a meeting on Drc. 3 to
      Reuter  -  170 words
    • 106 21 101 -mile swim— a success Till K Al' Irngah nwimminf 1 team ended their 101--ini l<- marathon relay a few Ml onds before 7 p.m. on Sun<i i ni;lii nearly flve hours earlier than thr midnight datrline. The relay started at norm on Iml i a* part of the mF'i
      106 words
    • 430 21  -  |0E DORAI By the touring Fijian rugby team opened their Singapore tour yesterday with a 26-6 win over Singapore Civilians, but again, as in their Malaysian part of the tour, they failed to show they were as entertaining as the Fijians of the *****. They scored
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 230 21 OANTJkS JET ENTERPRISE THE NEW WAY TO MORE SPEED, MORE SPACE, BIGGER SAVINGS V-Jet Express More cargo, bigger cargo Direct to London overnight There's no quicker way to get your air cargo to London than by Qantas V-Jet Express. And cargo that leaves Sigapore on the V-Jet Express arrives in
      230 words
  • Page 21 Miscellaneous
    • 48 21 SOC< ER S pore MjUw FA .'in»l: Ta^plc f'ara v Ka'U Built (5 3d Jl Besar> HO( XXV Spore DW. 1: University v Jasenites (Bt Tlmahi BADMINTON Sjor Inter. Ciovt. Dent, team champ:onslnp« (SBA Hall XL i RASKI.TBH.L niNDINOS IINAI. fS'.'l*. wan > Sau Llan b*. Kirn Hut 63-61.
      48 words

  • 69 22 CVELINO LOI of Sardinia threatened to leap from the roof of St. Peter's Basilica in Rome but was persuaded to come down before the Sunday appearance of the Pope at his window above the square. Several months ago Loi climbed to
    UPI  -  69 words
  • 91 22 Ex-air chief joins revolt against Ayub LAHORK. Mon The former commander-in-chiet of the Pakistan air force. Air Mursnal Mohammed Aagbai Klian. today announced he had joined the opposition to campaign for reforms in the government. Charging President Ay v b Khan's repine with corruption, nepotism, craft and administrative Incompetence."' he
    AP  -  91 words
  • 116 22 JAKARTA. Monday A SENIOR Indonesian army general has said he has arrested about 1,500 communist suspects following the discovery of an alleged assassination plot against President Suharto last August. Antara news agency reported today. Briu. Gen. Ishak DJuarsa, comrr.anclfr "1 South Sumatr.. in all-Su-mairu
    116 words
  • 30 22 i- ii MnKdr'r I' lrtn< •ona Author lotm Maai I m .-i nh. Hukit F«n J«nn Co 'or t«m«<r 4.M p.m M*v i r mi la i I
    30 words
  • 241 22 Razak: Why we made those arrests PENANG, Monday 'TIN Abdul li.i/;ik today warned the people to be <>n guard n^iinst enemies of Malay si;i both inside and outside the country. 1 The recent WUM arrests of members of the Labour Party and Party Rakyat had been made to safeguard the
    241 words
  • 115 22 Mao boats search Russian freighter HOMi KONG. Mon. Two communist Chinese gunboats stopped. boarded and searched a Russian freiehter in waters near llonc Konc last »nk, the Sing Tao Pan reported toda> The evening neuspjprr said the incident was reported to Hone Kong Marine Department officials by the captain
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  • 35 22 SINGAPORE. Mon The Minister for Culture. Mr. Jek Yuen Thong, will officiate at the fifth anniversary dinner of the Potonc Paslr constituency at the Sennett community centre at 730 pin on NOV. 21.
    35 words
  • 416 22 London. Man Tin London >tock market closed on •rend alter initial dullness In the I Dnt hours trading this morning j which ieft the FT. index sharply down 4 3 at 489.3. Currency uncertainties and the failure of the talks to: result in firm
    416 words
  • 86 22 A double wedding joy for the Maliks JAKARTA. Mon. The Foreign Minister, Mr. Malik, married off two of his sons yesterday and marked the occasion with a colourful reception attended by President Suharto, ministers and diplomats. Ballnese dancing and other cultural shows, were held to celebrate the wedding of Mr.
    Reuter  -  86 words
  • 53 22 TAIPEH. Mon Hung Po Chinese film "bad man" from Hong Kong, jumped to his death yesterday from an overhead bridge straddling railroad tracks in Taipeh theatre area. A note found In his wallet said the 47-year-old native of Peking had decided to go on "a Journey
    UPI  -  53 words
  • 51 22 SINOAPORE. Mon Mr R. Mm, man man ot Hit- t»«an| Shlp\a:'<i will sprak on 'Shipbuilding and ship-repair-ing with iMrtirulHr reference to the Royal Dockyard Singnimre" nt the V s Men's Club of Singapore Beta Chapter at the Viking Room. Goodwood Park Hotel on Saturday at 1.15
    51 words
  • 79 22 He picked wrong place for his aphrodisiac HOMi KO\(i. Mon Chan (hi-huni; puked the wrony pla« r I* get his and the mistake tost him llKs:t.~i in a court tu(l.i\ Ihr deer whose horn Chan those to lop off was tin-mast-til of a h.iltaliun of (•iirkha soldiers stationed in
    AP  -  79 words
  • 53 22 HOI I.YWOOn Me n James ii-p»a:'. was honoured t tellow actors yesterda) tor his ■ achievement In fostering lhe finest ldeaU of the ion Charlton Heston, pre»ti>r* nt the Screen %ct« Out! sented the organisation's annual achievement award to Stewart before more than 1.000 actors at the
    53 words
  • 216 22 Singapore Services avenge Bangkok defeat by Thai airmen SINGAPORE, Mon.— Singapore Joint Services beat Royal Thailand Air I 3-2 in their return soccer match at Jalan Besar Stadium tonight. joint Services thus avenged their tic> the Thai.s in Banuk year when the -m also 3-2 At one stase I the
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 7 22 Late CLASSIFIEDS I 20 words Sl5 (minimum)
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