The Straits Times, 18 November 1968

Total Pages: 24
1 24 The Straits Times
  • 24 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 175,000 The Straits Times 1)18 National Newspaper Estd. 184!> MONDAY. NOVK.MBER 18. 1968 15 CENTS KPN 3104: M.C.(P) 0014
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  • 466 1 US, Saigon closer to talks accord Hopes of ending boycott WASHINGTON, Sunday AGREEMENT between Washington and Saigon on ending South Vietnam's boycott of the Paris peace talks edged closer last night. However. U.S. officials said they did not expect an imminent start of expanded talks With Saigon and Vietcong representation.
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  • 210 1  - A Wedding champane party 12,000 ft in the sky C. K. LEE: By Singapore, Sun. PLANE met the demands of distance and ancient Chinese tradition when Kuala Lumpur bank clerk, Mr. Chew Choo Yam, married Singapore teacher, Miss Wong Tock Ling, today. With homes 250 miles apart and tradition decreeing
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  • 122 1 $640,000 prize to caravan family DRISBANE, Sun. A migrant t a mil y from the London suburb Of Croydon. who live in a laruvan. today won A 5200.000 first prize ($640,000) in the yueensland State Golden Casket lottery. They are Mr Leonard Bailey. 26. his wile Ann. 25. and their
    Reuter  -  122 words
  • 89 1 Govt agents make big haul of guns and ammo MANILA. Sun— Agents of the National Bureau of in. r>t ion last night sri7rcl several crates of automatic rifle parts and machine-gun ammunition, believed bound for Minil.iii.ii- in the Southern Philippines. News reports quotei ollicials as MjiSg the weaponry u.i>
    AP  -  89 words
  • 74 1 DIINOM PENH. Sun. The Head ol Stale Pnnce Sihanouk ■;> ned hli 'iwn li.m festival vsterday by tnowlnf a movie in which he st*n and by bringing n Amerl< can prisoners to >e<> it <The Americans. captured I OUI ill their white suits ai the opening ceremony
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  • 130 1 Now the biggest Proton goes up into space MOSCOW. Sunday. DUSSIA launched a 17-ton eOSBOk laboratory, Proton-4. into space today as the Zond-6 satellite headed back to earth after rounding the moon. Tass news agency said the unmanned Proton-4 was the worlds biggest automatic bpace station and carried scientific Instruments
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  • 34 1 LONDON Sun TIM K J <l Navy has ordered its first Jetpowered warship, a 3.500-ton guided mlsMle destroyer also j equipped with an anti-mb-■artnt helicopter armed with i toipedoes. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • 216 1 Police station breakout by kidnap suspect CHAN BENG SOON 4LOR STAR, Sun A Police have launched a bis hunt for a man who escaped from the police station at Tikam Batu. 43 miles from here, last night. 1 The man. whom police Identified as T»h Kirn Lai. 25. was being
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  • 248 1 Gaulle in franc crisis talks DARIS. Sun. Pre--1 sident dv (Jaulle held an hour-long meeting with the Prime Minister. Mr. Maurice Couve de Murvillf. and the Finance Minister. Mr. Francois-Xavier Ortoli, yesterday amid contl- nuing speculation of major international mo n c tary developments thi.s weekend. But the Secretary of
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  • 14 1 PULLOUT SOON i Tin *t -for' call rnfre dip from Rml» l.wmniu
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 29 1 Seven-Up Whisky the perfect mixer Free LIGHT HOUSE MILK FROM M®bil Just buy $8 Mobil petrol or $4 diesel. and get a packet of nourishing Light House Milk FREE.
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    • 49 1 PATEK PHILIPPE GENEVE TMOSt WHO INHSt OM /y^^ l^\. PftBCISIOS THt UITIMATI Wet* Ctmmrn J»>-.-t.r» B^B W You can tell by the sparkle in her eyes... She's a VITAPLUS girl I V C _sT B* Jbjff w bwv SB- m The Blackcurrant Juice with extra Vitamin C added V_
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    • 413 2 Powell starts a new uproar with 'Go home Coloureds' speech MX. l.noch i'owell, controversial rightwingrr of British politics, today called tor coloured immigrants in Hnt.nn to br sent home and was Immrdiatriv attacked for stirring race hatred. It wa.s thr second time in srven months Mr. Powell had demanded thr
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    • 178 2 - VIOSCOW. Sun. The old Russian custom of publishing the banns six months before marriage was proposed today as a solution to the Soviet Unions rising divorce rate. Ifomanaiolai ija Pravda. newspaper of the Young Communist Leagje suggested that young o.uples should be. required
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    • 28 2 NL"\ DELHI. Bun India h*i completed ahead I f hedulr a strategic road acrnu iht «in«capprd H.malayaa linking Mana.. »i:h Ladakli. official hnircpfl said yesterday
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    • 605 2 Alliance of indefinite duration, Ministers reaffirm BRUSSELS. Sun JHK .North Atlantic Treaty Organisation yesterday warned the Si viet Union not to use force against non-member States whose security would affect that of the 15-nation alliance. The warning was made in a communique aftpr a twoday
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    • 153 3 YEW YORK. Sun. Kusaina, the petite Japanese artist who stages nude events in public places to dramatise events and conditions of our tune, went underground today to protest against the speed of modern life. She s?:d .shp would take her troupe of
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    • 24 3 MEXiro c; iy Sun.— A cirl told poiicr today that a suiter held her captive for naked in a rundown h<
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    • 43 3 SYDNEY, Sun. Using a spotter plane and two Land-Rovers, tour Australian businessmen are roundIng up wild Western Queensland. They will export them at AS3OO each to the Middle East. Countries there want them they are diseasefree ilrum TIM TREE)
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    • 128 3 Apollo 8 men plan to send Xmas message UOISTON Sun. A Chrlstmai goodwill message to the world will be Mnt back to earth by three US. astronauts circling the moon if all goes as planned during Xi month's Apollo 8 space nil aata Frank Borman (above). James Lov.ll and William
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    • 220 3 Nixon to pick a whizz-kid Cabinet for White House >r|W YORK, Sun. Mr. I Ni\on h.i> spent the p.i^t week closely examining past administration* in (in effort to gather a White House staff of maximum efficiency. Mr. Nixon, who intends to urn until next month before n.imin.j his Cabinet, his
      Reuter  -  220 words
    • 520 3 Nixon security measures are stepped up HOLIDAY HOME IS PUT OFF LIMITS TO SHIPS, PLANES Disputes over money seen in Congress KEY BISCAYNE, Sunday JTEDEKAL authorities today enforced tighter security precautions around President elect Kicnard Nixon's holiday retreat here. Authorities said that no particular incident had led to the new
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    • 30 3 OALCUTTA bun Au people vr,r killed and 100 injured wlirn train and h goodi trail) urn Involved U) a hrau Son«ia«*r. »bout 100 mil** from
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 158 2 Will he be our future leader? f^> i§§=i; j, good education can provide You can ensure his chances 5? nowb vstarfnq a Savings Account with Malayan Bar* r.q t < —there is a network of over 100 branches Careful I f aCh rnontn P r ovde the money needed
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 220 3 /JlLa*W>-**'BATU APOI PUMt^TKBANGAR in I sc* lIIbV I 1 I TEMBURONG RUAD Borneo Trail The independent, oil rich state of Brunei the Temburong Road. The road will has a commun.cations problem. The cover 43 miles of some of the wildest country in the world. In that short space interior is
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    • 464 3 SENSATIONAL BARGAINS PLUS irepGitis for every cash purchase of r-£rt\ $10 $15 \^T&^y pair of Jlr-iJI r^icC\ >m >-~^hardv»ooei I i \f9x^\ I fWtj $20 Mlt.ndp«pcM.r >^7 \Sodirn German •h»ker»||| m pear) typ, Jlft Mil J*~^ nail tunglatMa or stamlaam «taai .'l!'.^ b*cotourb«apan oroneheavy oronedittmcttw or2h*r*.,e» bath toxvel USAtiepm Aatf
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  • 480 4 Development of island as joint venture gIN'iAPOKE. Sun. Indonesia haa accepted in principle joint Singapore-Indonesia plans to develop Bali for tourism, the Finance Minister, Dr. (ioh Keng Swee, s;iid today. At a glittering opening ceremony for Hotel Malaysia, the Republic's top tourist hotel, the Minister
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  • 143 4 THE ORCHID SOCIETY'S $5,750 FOR DEFENCE SINGAPORE. Sun The Orchid Society of SouthHMI Asia at its annual dinner and dance at thr Happy Restaurant last night collected a total of $5,750 for the National lii-ii-iiip Fund, rai.srd throuch an auction of orchid plants and a bottle of champagne. I lit-
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  • 59 4 SINGAPORE Sun More than 2im rompetitors took part In tlie National Trade- DBtOB Perjuangan" Big Walk tins nomtni Jasuaiu Bingn flnl.shed first In t;ie .senior seitlon Close behind were the winners of the men s open and veteran .sections. A Kannan and Derrick De
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  • 36 4 SINGAPORE. Sunday The winning numbers of today's Toto draw are 28. 16. 25, 18. 27, 13 with the supplementary number 44. Numbers drawn for the three digit group are 24. 37 and 17.
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  • 70 4 'PAY YOUR FITRAH EARLY' CALL SINGAPORE. Sun. The Majlis Ugama Lslam today urged Muslims to pay their fitrah early. For late comers, reglstratloii will be resumed at all centres from the first to the tenth of Ramadhan from 730 pm to 10 p.m. The Majlis ha.s decided to collect the
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  • 95 4 SINGAPORE. Sun. The Chinese High School has won the challenge shield of a fnurlangUMge inter-school MM] (i.mpetiti'in m which pre-uni-\tTMty and secondan,' students from 24 school* •!■<>»< part. The essay comix red by Shell, drrw 102 enlne>. Another first prize in the competition went to a secondary
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 318 4 The Sensation *>f "Bonnie Clyde" v MICHAEL J. POLLARD... a He took L.S.D. by mistake and went on a "TRIP" fl I^^PPP I &J Ilia AW technicolor* MiOIAEL 1 POLLARD BRADFORD DILLMAN HOPE LANGE I PAT HINGLE SUSAN SAINI JAMES HARRY GUARDINQ I I* A NEXT CAPITOL u M*fcoWtx INTERNATIONAL
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    • 448 4 :"sh aw¥ ,iiPF*- M jL>LI LAST DAY! SEI IT NOW! I I am. l.'U. 4 00, 6.30 «.l* Prv'np Low "DEATH RIDES A HORSE" Tecnncoicr T, c hm»cop« (UA). OPENS TOWORRO.V oel J Pollard "Ji«»«w" Bro<J* rH I -nge in T£CH'-..C~ "1 SS NOW SHOWING! 11am, 130, 4.00, 6.4} t
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  • 176 5 Intensive care ward for JB hospital JOHORE BAHRU. Sunday. rHE General Hospital here is .soon to get a wellcQiiipped and electronically-controlled Inten- ward the first ut its kind in Malaysia. on the right-room-rd ward .i b«'d to etch room on the .second floor in the (I j-^ the General Hospit
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  • 80 5 COMMON SPELLING SYSTEM NOT URGENT' JAKARTA Sun The 'i th( sociation, L»r. i- Uko Supai would I llmi monej and effort to Innew tado sian.Malayslan spelling iii.i w with the j.ui..itit Tlnei ;it the i;d. Dr. Bu] .ad too many other probl field. lould we rrr;it( another j)roblcm wh t?"
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  • 45 5 KUALA 1 .LMI'l H hull. i iflnfa 'i r o! i- itl ii v I .in.fd Klnr Jnl'.iiri, «nd till I ;'-irn i party (or iir hoae oi Mr A.D Praatr. general i ■(i j ii..;i I '.n I 1 (IHV
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  • 41 5 Xl \i li Mil It sun Malaysia* MM agrindtiir.ii (tiimis «iii t>c tarried oal m W% »nh Cur aM o? the I N I "oil .hi'! Agricaltaral Orcan'haUaa. (Hr I \<> nnn soiil.itnc here Ur. A. Srdk), *a»U lodaj. Hrrnam*.
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  • 82 5 CINCAPORE. Sun.— A giant grab of an excavator yesterday hit an overhead pedestrian crossing bridge ar Kalian; Road while it was being transported by lorry to a work-site. The gr*b. which ripped oft a rectangu- lar piece of tine from the bridge, subsequently
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  • 72 5 gUALA LUMPUR. Bun.— The Malayan Railway is using copperwrld wirr In lLs telecommunk-ation .system brtwrrn Srremban and Port Dickson to foil copper wire thieves A railway .spokesman said copperweld win .strri with a thin copper coat Ing- -was u>rlr.s.s to thr thIeTM Uc said
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  • 146 5 Manila claim 'rubbish' says Seeni TELUK ANSON. Sun.— The Philippines claim to Sabah is •rubbish", said Mr. D. R. Seenivasagam. president of the PPP. at a rally on the Town Padang here last night. 'Si tl t i r i r Annexation Bill I »h:ch is just a paper claim."
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 68 5 Don't buy a PROBLEM Buy a UTILITY j"" For «very ty?« of lawn tht'e t i VICTA a trouble tree moor mower backed by prompt service and a 100 availability of genuine VICTA parts. AUSTASIA INDUSTRIES LIMITED. 282 J P.. Later Hoa<t T« o/Ju I iJl.n«») 18 Julan Vo.v| lt.
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    • 482 5 Singapore* Only rtrluvur Mrn't Shop 81. Hi(h Strert. Sporr. Cold Storiii- Arrade I Or. hard Koadi Sinjapore. Arrow Dectolene Perma-lron The no-iron shirt..., with the "just-ironed" look! The luxurious fabric of 100^ rf" Uacron* polyester is r< completely machine washable. V f^ J Drip-dries to wrinkle-free s -1 P ))orfection
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  • 129 6 New PD resort to get a touch of Hawaii By GILBERT WOODEN SEREMBAN. Sun. About $750,000 is to be spent over the next two years to transform a seaside resort 10 miles from Port Dickson into a Polynesian paradise. The resort Blue Lagoon village has 10 beach houses in its
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  • 97 6 A 'queen' from Perth brings joy to spastics CINUAFOBC Sun. Playing Santa Clan rather e.irlv is Western \uMr.ilia s Charity Quern IPhfl. Miss Kilimi Samsim Kor thr 130 children it thr Spastirs t>ntr f she brought toy kaagaMM and Juicy apples Thr l!t-vcar-old beauty is here on a in-day visit
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  • 333 6 Let's work together for survival says Lim SINGAPORE. Sunday I 1 HE Defence Minister. Mr. Lim Kirn San. today called on South-East Asian countrifs to iron out difficulties between themselves and to co-operate closely for survival. He said: "This is a time for South-East Asian nations to make a srrious
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  • 243 6 A central council for Malay bodies formed in Spore SINGAPORE, Sun. Twenty-nine Malay organisations today approved the formation of a Central Council of Malay Cultural Organisations to gt>ar the community needs of the republic. Approval camp af'er a h-ated debate at the National Library auditorium. Opposition wa< led by Ltmbaga
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  • 37 6 TELfK All MM Mah 22 a typist, v.%» •-d "Batik Queer." a* the m».--!c Mil "f the Internal nml V Men« Club hrre last night She wm ed by -he civ R»'a nf Persic.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 178 6 IB B^^ii ■*v*|p^^ --^i**'** > >^< C^\^"^^%^ m f f "^sJ Authentic case showing 3 years BONUS accumulation from Great Eastern Life over 60 years of continuous service IF YOU INSURE NOW YOU'LL BE ABLE TO ENJOY OUR GREAT r^ 2^ BONUS TO BE DECLARED IN THE FIRST HALF OF
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    • 141 6 1 ■■^^j^'^'T Add glistening beauty to your kitchen Fabulous (inish! Easy to clean! Metters Stainless Steel Smks add beauty to any kitchen; give a lifeline cf MlMaction. High polish stainless st*«l Smooth finish •hminalot joinls and dirt traps D?»p recessed drainer Single and double bowl Centre, right or left-hand bowl
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  • 158 7 Newest kidney machine offers new hope K'LALA LI MPLR, Sun. I; A 517.000 artificial kidney machine has been installed in the I nixersity Teaching; here, ollering new hope for chronic kidney failure sufferers. The Travenol Haemodialy. ser. the latest machine or its type m the uorld is the lirst
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  • 23 7 BATU GAJAH Sun V died on tl-.r way to heir tin m. 11. .n 1 Tu.tllung 12 miles from here. rdajr.
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  • 282 7 Party Rakyat chief admits infiltration by outsiders NOTHING NEW, HE SAYS PENANG, Sunday THE national chairman ot Party Rakyat. Inche Kassim Ahmad, admitted today that the party had been infiltrated by "outside elements." "But tnis is nothing new." he told the VMh annual general assembly of the party's Penang division.
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  • 240 7 DRUNEI. Sun. Li- Quid bm from Brunei is to k6e)p Japanese citios free from air pollution. bi^ ti.ii 1 in ttM omng ,p tv..j bUllon metres ol natural ku.s to rrom Bru- In Beria It drive .i^.iiiist air pollution Japim U becoming
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  • 48 7 ;POH Bw The $500,000 premttM oi the Permk Tuif Club one oi thr >ine.f eonpmcM .ti ;hr '.pened M nmht by thr R»;» "00 i;urvt.« MM the Hil dl Hillt of Perak thr Mini n Trncku Abthe Mrntn Rrnr of P Ahmad bin udgcv
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  • 43 7 KANCiAK Sun The prrlis Btate rnraeni 1 utacti 000 in a year E(luc:iii>>n FnundaMl Btrl Be~ar. Sn Shiikh Ahii-Hil >.ud odav his fund iv t"i bumtpu* 1 tudi nti I hope I non-Mnlay*. will contr:i)Utr Henrri)U.sly. he
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  • 324 7 Now Canada exports piglets to Malaysia for breeding L'UALA LUMPUR. Sun. IV Piglets lor breed'ng purposes Is one of the new features in Canadian exports to Malaysia, the out -going Canadian Trade Commissioner. Mr. Philip Stuchen. said here today. This new trade feature offered great possibilities as the Canadian pig
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  • 58 7 KL'Al^ I.UM'.LK «un. Ton R../.ik will OSM the BtaU Kc.iun rrnding cumpetitim. hi Pek^n on No* 28. Thr BJultaa of P u ill give sway thr pi TtM (hini|);nn> in thr men'x and women- MettOßl »U1 rcprtHßH Pahans in the i.Htinnal level lon-.i'Pt
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  • 49 7 PENANG Sun Th* YMC'A vwll (imdurt cUv camp [at children i<:«»n the ■SjH n[ nine .tnd II irom Dec Dm. 11 The iump v .11 br limited id 50 children Apnhr.dMns clone nn Dec. 3 A fee of $12 per cumper mil be i hxrged.
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  • 210 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Sun. Two official* from the Chartered inBtUUtC ni Secretaries art" h» n to tllaeuai with the Malaysian bodies of the CIS ;md the Corporation of Becreti riet <>n the proposed mercer of the two orsanl** atlons. They are
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 161 7 Solve your weighty problem for Christmas at m M Joanne Drew Figure Salon With all the razzie dazzle of parties just a few weeks away, you'll want to look your best. .feei your best. That means getting into shape fast. Here's how you can do it. Safely Easily. At the
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    • 256 7 PRIMA FLOUR MILLS proudly present for the convenience in your household use NEW HYGENIC §m 0 KATIS PACK CHAP LABU ALL PURPOSE FLOUR H^^K lafaSfßsssss^BssssssstMßßSssssssssMßsWraßWr-lsjiiii taja <™^ < T^BBmmmmmmmmmwnßWw' jCWb^* mm from ali b i j provision i^^^^^m^ 1^ j* SWBB^^^i^Sa* /wW •NOTARY PRINTING INK 9^ •HICHCLOSS OFFSET PRINTING INK
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  • 245 8 IPOH. Sunday \.NTIIONY Srn f Pak Loon, and .sargar Mmli. i > are among me 1i>...5.: boys and giri& in Perak sitting for the Highrr Srhooi Crrtifiratr, Senior (umhridire and Mil examinations this year. Inlike the others, however. the y
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  • 43 8 PENANO Sun 1. D y I'r M MUM Tun Arxlu. Hat will in.sp^ct the M n (ijrjv^atiT tkharvn •t Buirerworth tomorro* Aft^r his inspetticiii Tin R.i/nk u:il \mt Bu<.; M-.'(--i»m open mnaquei at KsmEx.nß Pfrtomi and Pad.inß Ibu
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  • 78 8 kia: a i vvi-.H .son Tlif riiinißiiii hat been urged -i the MIL'C before «jip"int.r,E ncnator to represent th« worktn m th» N'ljaiH ai n \i,e leiin of thr ufflre af Srnaior S. P. .n ryp.res tion. Addreuing tlir annual mee';ue Forest Empinyee* t"n n
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  • 58 8 ?i\(;ArvnF sun B h Errs I aft Bfni'-n intrrna'.innKllT kiiiiwti mrirbr of •he C INK II Aixv r.- ol -h» rhurrh ot JeMM Chr^t of«\ fcBW. "ill fly m<» s.neaiv rr tuwuiiu* .n ih» i mr of 'he church AktU ii.:s.^i n^ Hi U tonMTiy member
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  • 41 8 BRLNEI Sun The Sultan's gardener Im he Abdul Karim bin Tingtlan Abdullah. 40. and his 12--year old son. Ismail were killed when their car was Involved in a head-on collision with a PWD lorry here last niKhr
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  • 148 8 KUALA LUMPUR. Sun. Voluntary organisations and flrnu were urged today to help the University Hospital blood bank stop a racket by "professional" blood donors. Making this pT>a, th« supervisor of the hospital's blood bank Mr. G. Raiendra. said: ''Ther* are
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  • 115 8 KUCHINO. Sun The Chief of the Armed Forces Staff. Gen. Tengku Osman Jewa. today added bia name to the list ol YIP visitors to Bunuk L<-n>{-house. 22 miles from here. The General wn- n pair.rd oy :hree of his children. Tengku Mazmin. 15. Tengku
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 56 8 Lunch- Kit A 1 H|' mr m Wrri A m Ww m Wlrf Get this handy 7 W lunch-kit (sandwich f box with lid, a flask with a tumbler top) for your children now. It's ideal for school and picnics and it's FREE with Breeze Large. Hurry Buy some while
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    • 93 8 Wjla.'T'l' a I automatic ■^nn|Q I water |^^^^^HB^^flpnH^^*j proof I •MODERATE price B^B^^itTt^^flj SWISS PRIDE BB WORLD SthVICF SEXSATIOXAL \»w In Full Swing!! Of for* loh IUUHtU SAUWSI Beautify your home with Luxurious Window Curtains and Lovely FURNISHING MATERIALS. Show yourself in Latest Designed DRESS MATERIALS. Hurry join the big
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 32 8 Bugs Bunny By Ralph Hamdahl LET AAE TWV OMN Xl WANT TO BE T^v'-'ol OA/eMoee mat smv i look oust AND BLAZER, WIGMT TOR MV OANCE A V OL'PWIENDi WOUTINE ATTHE^W V
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  • 117 9 \IINS "hilli P'tli ■\ilH- me Klin. i will be one o' the five models .it ill'-!shou-Time \'<uH f.ishi'in I -ii. ilt- organised by the mwrsiu of Malaya Medical Society for charity at the I)r u.c ii I n k ii hancellor Tin
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  • 157 9 Professor to probe medical value of plants ITUALA LUMPUR AY Sun— A University of Malaya expert hopes to study the mysteries of some of the thousands of plants in Malaysia reputed to have medicinal value. He U Dr. Francis Morslngh. newly-appointpd Pi of Phytochemi.-ary, a new chair started at the
    Bernama  -  157 words
  • 28 9 TELUK M Bd t652 b Thrv sr< ■> $552 Song home ol Inc\« Ismail bu 28 m': $45 and a 110 intiM of Mr. T«n Ch
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  • 116 9 No trace of hostility, says Indon traveller JAKARTA. Sun -There Is DO trace of hostility between Indonesians and SmKaporeans despite tensions that arose between the two countries over Singapore's recent execution of two Indonesian marines. Antara news agency reported tod .1 v The agency said this was the conclusion of
    Reuter  -  116 words
  • 56 9 SINGAPORE. Kan The condition < >f the tno mobile? squad polu-rmrn CotuWbh 3 Peter Chi n CbM Km! and Rahman MB K.nruman lnuired vi an accident in Nicoll Hißhw;i--",iv in- iv nportcd to br --.still serious.The two nvn were h;t by a mr .if'fr thiq
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  • 285 9 NEB to ask World Bank for $69 mil KUALA LUMPUR, Sunday fHE National Electricity Board is seeking a $69 million loan from the World Bank and other sources to lmance two projects in West Malaysia. The projects are two 60-metrawatt generator sets for Port Dickson and one 30--megawatt generator for
    Bernama  -  285 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 118 9 jantzen rales (he underworld S^. Janlzons now*'rurvallure***pr»v«'s a point: A strapless push-up bra can really feel good! If you've ever worn Jantzcn's famous "Curvallure", no one has to tell you how marvelous this unique push-up design can make you look: softly rounded above the bra, gcntlv full inside it. But
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    • 484 9 l> i S? >,M AN INVITATION SH6HOO I T- _^*m^~"Z*tli TO cosmftic-'; If I 1^ cam *&Sl& i BEAUTY your response to our beauty demonstrations shows more and more women are interested in the greater Beauty Shiseido skin enre and cosmetics offer Now we've got another team of Japanese Beauty
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  • 569 10 tribute to the Govt at opening of new textile mill TAIPING, Sunday IN the troubled world of today, Malaysia remained an oasis of peace, progress and prosperity, providing a suitable climate to foster industrial growth and investment. This tribute was paid the Malaysian Government Dy
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  • 171 10 r MCA ward to study Fama's fish marketing scheme KU AL A LUMPUR. Sun. The MCA Maju Ward has set up a special committee to study the fish marketing scheme proposed by Fama and to make recommendations to the authorities of its findings. In a statement today, t expressed concern
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  • 212 10 j r-1 KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. J—, i i > t DOUCE and the Municl--1 pahty will launch an operation against illegal traders In the Federal capital tomorrow morning. Markvd out for "special attention" will be tho.-e hawking at Jalan Chow Ku J.ilan Tuanku Abdul
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 231 10 Asia-Europe DC-8 reliability all the way with Garuda Garuda's twice-weekly Asia-Europe service uses big DC-B's leased by KLM Royal Dutch Airlines. And experienced travellers know that the DC-8 is an unsurpassed big jet when it comes to all-round reliability. Add maintenance by KLM specialists and pilot training by respected KLM
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 166 10 Atto>ff Onp Bff V.T. fftmvffc* -iuesE A.RE TH' OMLV TVIIMG AN' TH' ONLY ANIMAL ffc3 I BUT HOW PO YOU > —^^"^v _aUT DO IOU KNOW Of I WHrrn-iN's 1 that wupttue6 I that uses a knife PmM I know this mans f r donT.. amy other human j i\
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  • 1280 11 the new kingsley amis I WANT IT NOW BEGINS TODAY THE red light of the television camera facing Ronnie Appleyard flashed on. He spoke into it, half-closing his left eye and pushing his lips forward slightly in one of his sincerity faces. "Well, what do you think? I'll tell you
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 6 11 TOMORROW Kntor the tfirl culled Simon
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  • The Straits Times Monday. November 18, 1968
    • 511 12 It has bwn a bad week0C bankers and currency managers, with no hope that the central bank- I, wiio iia\e been meeting m Basle, will put an end to <' ui.s morning. iii(i< r pi essure a devaluation, the franc is showing the strain oi Fi hi
      511 words
    • 235 12 A Bulgarian parliamentary delegation now in Singapore has called for in. nig economic and cultural exchanges between the two countries. It is customary to speak in this hopeful vein on such occasions, but the significance of Singapore's plication of ties with Kast European countries is not diminished on
      235 words
    • 253 12 ill Tai-pi-h of political executions jn China will b»- regarded as n some quarters. are hardly needed to confirm th<> impression that China has still not recovered from tli easwulsions of the cultural revolution. Part ol the Chinese enigma may have been solved with the decision by the
      253 words
  • Letter
    • 217 12 SINCE the introduction of the National Land Code it is found that there are no provisions in the Code for certain land owners to amalgamate and subdivide their land in one operation for the purpose of fairly quick development. For example: If two
      217 words
    • 134 12 A STRAITS TIMES' rerK port iOct 21) states tha' the Housing Board will be building four roomed "Point Block" flats In Queenstown. A.s tbeat finis will naturally coal more than the present ;i-roorr.ed flats w:;i those with a combiner family income above $1,000 be eligible? I am
      134 words
    • 179 12 J REFER to the letter from "Taxpayer" iNov. I). The answer la that for each year of a.ssessment ithe calendar year) there la only one tax to be paid. The possibilities are: The taxpayer was delinquent for 1967. or alternatively he had not paid hi.s appropriate 1868
      179 words
    • 78 12 WHY doesn't Television Malaysia. M la done in other countries, circulate to all viewers a document m Malay. Chinese. Tamil and English no be returned) giving a list of all films televised and reiiem to tick oft in order Ol preference those which '-ley Hke best. We
      78 words
  • 295 12 Enforcing those anti-smoke rules RECENTLY Mr. Llm Kuan Ming (Ag. Registrar of Vehicles, Singapore) slated on the sub ect of smoky exhausts, that all public service vehicles were subjected to a six-monthly mechanical inspections at his department In Middle Road. I would invite Mr Llm to correct me if I
    295 words
  • 470 12 I am directed to refer to a letter "Oct. 10> Training Technical Teachers and signed by Enche' JS. Sldhu. Dr. K.K. Nair and Enche' Khoo Kay Kirn. It is to be pointed out that Chief Education Of- > no is have estimated that their requirements
    470 words
  • 917 12  - A Malaysian recipe for giving idle youths a fresh start HUGH MABBETT Take 5.10 young men kicking the dust in idleness in their villages. ;uld sharp discipline and useful training for two years in a camp, then turn them loose confident with new skills, enterprise and ambition. Then start again
    917 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 66 12 OVERSEA -CHINESE BANKING CORPN. LTD. The Bank for All- STRONGEST ni URSESI BANK Big and Small MALAYSIA aal SINGAPORE rj^^^ AUTHORISID S& gV^^^^ CAPITAL: $100 0«0 004 t£#|™fck. PAID Uf CAPITAL: 40.000,000/. ■■J nr~ irl I GINI L MilltVl d O. U.».*~ AMD MOFIT IK -SOLID V^W LOU BALANCf AS
      66 words
    • 174 12 Seagram's V.O. Canadian. Should you wait until it's popular to drink it? We figure it's only a matter of time before everybody discovers the good things about Seagrams V.0.: Its smoothness; its lightne*; the fact that in America more people prefer it than any other brand of imported whisky, including
      174 words

  • 412 13 ATE SECTOR READY TO ABSORB THEM |£UALA LUMPUR, Sun. Top civil servants affected by the "retire-at-55" order can look forward lo senior positions in the private sector when they quit in six months' time. Several firms would only be too willing to
    412 words
  • 108 13 Tan: Sport one way to unite our plural society y\\\ lOCA, Sun sports !■> one medium which ran as>tst in the unification and intrti.iiion of Malayxi.iS plural society, thr I i- .Minister, Tun Tan Siew Sin, said today. Oprninc the extension to iho Malacca Kadmiuloa ll. ill here. In-
    108 words
  • 84 13 K I I II MPI K. Sun A eaaaawary. belie\eil lo be the third 1 n ses't hiril in thr world, «.is liroimhi here today fro m Jakarta as a gift el Its iti/'-iis tn Hal v «i It "ill he handed over to Tengku A
    84 words
  • 238 13 UUALA LUMPUR. 1V Sun— Some leaders in the MTUC have been criticised for spending more time in "globe-trotting" than with the small unions. 'Ine criticism came irom the president ol the 1.060--s'.rong Forest Employee* tnibn. Inche Ismail Snamsudin. at its annual meeting yesterday. He
    238 words
  • 114 13 Army officer saves woman who fell into river 'p I V 1.0 11. bun A A wonikii vk.i.v rescued today ii. 'in tho Triang River, m-ar line by an Australian Army officer. It. L) I l laetnan l h Xc nun. 30. ttrt& cycling nuns «un her fivevii Id n,
    114 words
  • 33 13 ii'oh. Bui i.i> .m.<. oi Btcr-achool debating i"n:petiUon irganiaed by thi ir.ichen Club ol lin.h bet v em :^rv (inl^ School suntH Pai i ill hlohn nv* ,«t 5 p m
    33 words
  • 246 13 By TEO EE SIM KUALA LUMPUR. Sun. For Cheon^ Lai Thong, a flnt prize winner at the National Art competition, tomorrow will be another red-letter day. Yesterday, his painting "Nudes." was awarded the first prize in the oils and acrylics section, bringing
    246 words
  • 229 13 Twenty-one countries invited to Koran reading competition L'UALA LUMPUR, 1V Srn— The nationai and international Ko-ran-reading competitions will be held at the Merdeka Stadium hen irom Dec. g to 14. iry of the or- committee. Inch* Abdul Rahman J.ilal. .said $30,000 has bre;i allocated for conducting the competttiona. So far.
    229 words
  • 24 13 BITIAWAN. bun. A thiaf Urn home of school teacher Vj Yang Kien vest«rdav and y > $62 from his rtv.ldren s pigsry banks
    24 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 134 13 LITTLE'S l-jj M M/^ 1 J^w N^ feNw^wi^ .^t mW UTTLFS Emulsion helps to I mr invigorate the body, supplies it I S^bW .^ifl bb»t^ with all the vital nutriments Bs»^^ known to be especially important vc'-iJ to health. LITTLE'S Emulsion is \*^Tj|H k nature's best source of vitamins >b»BWbj
      134 words
    • 261 13 Esbi Line fabric worth it's weight in gold. Ancient Egypt, lamed tor its mognilicent W S> W pyramids ond beautiful women, ot'e'j v -JF >ef oncthrr of its treasures. the Esbi Y T.^ Line 100% Egyptian cctton »caved m /jLS Germany hoB O world wide reputation and Esbi Line has
      261 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 827 13 TV MALAYSIA CHWM.I.S. Kuala l.umpur in IB isb 710 .S.-opr 735 and Hriiiii; Irn.l, Jn d 1 .^hr- Along fan f Kirn M-iUr.a b. Htm* Bahru 3 0 Nf vi Mjati-nn 810 Haand lU. laininc I Batu l\4liat 7 And hlu.ui; jjj: :a n 5.45 Vyi Pl K *"">•'
      827 words

  • 1109 14 THE NATIVES OF SARAWAK AND BRITISH NORTH BORNEO. By Henry Ling Roth. (University of Malaya Press Oxford University Press. $80.) lIKNRY Ling Roth's two volumes can be fairly described as encyclopaedic, little short of a thousand pages, no source untapped, embracing everything that
    1,109 words
  • 388 14  -  OONALD Tvr»tM»N THrUE YEARS HARD LABOUR By William Davis: (Deutsch 30a) YEAPS AGO Brendan Bi.ickrn wrote. or caused to be written, tn the Financial Times that the only thrre-decker pulpit left in London was the EcoiiO'tist newspaper. The characteristic of economic journalists is their cockiness.
    388 words
  • 171 14 Tin: mmm i m \ss \ssiss B, |,d A. Salaiar. i Hair 20« i By tII\KI»S I.KAM T^lll primitive Walrai of the Amaiunian jungle don't know what they are miiwinc. Mr. Salaiar tells us that when a young H'aira Indian reaches maturity, some time during his early or
    171 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 631 14 BEST QUALITY at LOWEST PRICE OBTAINABLE FROM ALL LEADING HARDWARE DEALERS Sole Agent tor SmflOfOfe Malavsio:— PROGRESS TRADING AGENCIES Oierol P.O. Box 92, Sw>gapore. Tel: ***** Xiiß^^DinrcoFPiEror^ Thailand's leading English languaga daily ore new on sale in Singapore on the day of issue through: MARICAN SONS (MALAYSIA) LTD 74 Orchard
      631 words
    • 180 14 e^kw. sS I gß^^Bg^ajaßsßßßßm^si fW WB I KSsBS«Vfc i M BjO^Cjßwt^RKS-V^R** m W iJs^ssvZ^a^Rl^Rßr ejay .^Rk .SSB IaRB RRF SBBSWd p, rr^naaas^si^ 4i+&mK/^^^^ k^RRS^ RRR^RRT^ m pon in the sky THE STORYOFSELETAR &THE RAF IN SINGAPORE The main object of this book is to provide a historical account of the
      180 words

  • 242 15 Travelling grandmas promise a new hand for statue MALACCA, Sun. iTI Coming soon: marble for the statue of St. Francis Xavicr. at St. Pauls Hiil here, from four g..)btrott in g granu.-.iothers and their spinster friend. The constant tarjjet of souvenir seekers, the statue ll at present without fingers and
    242 words
  • 22 15 TAIPINO, .^.n Oi Institution hrre will hold a fin lair in a.d uf it.s building fund in DM 7 8.
    22 words
  • 69 15 TAIPEIi Bui and Slh«ar>or« each others i-.ii< promote trade between the two count rie>. the United Daily Nov. ■> ported t'>day. li. the ab.sent-i' Ol diplomatic relatloi. projected offices vooM handle consulate matters apart from trade promo- t. n business, ih< 1 not ni: ■ourcc
    69 words
  • 212 15 Advisory team on technical education to aid Khir KUALA LUMPUR. Sunday. THE Central Government is to set up a Technical Education Advisory Committee to assist the Education Ministry formulate future policies on technical education, the .Minister ol Education. Inche Khu Johari. announced tonight. The Mlntltrr a I speaking at the
    212 words
  • 98 15 Ties soon with four more Red nations? l/l \l. l.Hinit Sun Four more l..^^tern Kuropean rotinli ic-, h.i\e >houn inteicst in vl.irl iiiK iliplom 1 1 relations with>si.i spokes ruin n| Hit- Mmislrv nf 1 orrii-n AfT.iirs saitl today. The countries are Bul*.iri.i, Poland. < /«■< ho-l" \.tkia and
    98 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 19 15 SCOTT'S COD LIVER OIL CAPSULES for the energy to live well! :::i:r^Bj LV^mMlbw' t~wt^% v Agon's THF. BOHNEO COMPANY
      19 words
    • 221 15 Look younger more attractive JBf Jf^Bßm BY Bb^L^^b^bV^bV b^bb B^Z^^e^Brl B^BK jt£ HA> ««BBBb aflk '*?J* s. JLVJ LVSt LiiS bKI cover the grey in your hair with... POLYCOLOR gi 45 The vto tint ha r r iJntO m V' Has a completely natural eftect, keeps I \-\_JL-j\ J your
      221 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 306 15 Straits Times Crossword A(lH>»>* 6 l).Ki:>. rharadrr haMng 1 M tetl down anjuav tn Ih« £f*\ j' 4- ,4 j 4, Fish .vl! one i?i 8. Mwnwhile in tot., DM mud- 8 Tricked hntaf handr.l *M» p,r i 7, '»ody the clilt ti, 3. 3. 10. ...'.bet a' man blending
      306 words

  • 1 16 ii
    1 words
  • 333 16 Girl raped and killed: Angry shouts at accused man I ONDON. Sun.- Angry 1j townsiolk shouti-d at a haudculU-d man yesterday as police escorted him into a court at Can nock tv be charged with the murder Of seven yearold Christine Darby. •Why rjimt you copptTS U.Kt .1 *aft Hid
    UPI  -  333 words
  • 84 16 KEY HMATKft 'Plfirldii>. Sun Mr Nixon t"dav appointed two lournalteta to help fashion il speech COntinuilW las trend !<. name what will |>ml)Hbly be th» White House M«fT in Thrv arr* Mr R.iv Pri.e. 38, nnd Mr Patrick Buchanan 29. both "I whom
    Reuter  -  84 words
  • 32 16 JAKARTA. Sun Kl\,. p*opi« wen killed ana 26 badly injured when a truck iv in a hrml-'in collision with a car near Karawang. 20 milM from atz*. Mrtiar (bit wtt.
    32 words
  • 129 16 Charlie. greets his friend David in chimp style WHATEVKR the human race descended from, certain annuals seem to adopt human attitudes and habits. harlie the chimp, for rxamplr, is a treat friend of two-vrar-old David, son of Sir and Mrs Robert Taw ley. wlio supervise thr Mar guess of Bath's
    129 words
  • 188 16 Weather prevents attempt to plug gas blow-out ("<REAT YARMOUTH, w Sun.— Bad weather forced world flreflghter Red Adaire to postpone an attempt today to plug a natural tjas blow-out on a drilling rip 20 miles out in the North Sea near here. Helicopters reported that strong winds were blowing the
    188 words
  • 122 16 I ONDON, Sun. Burg- \dt- struck as Mrs. Jacqueline Kennedy On&saoved mt o the home of her lister. Princess Lee I Radzlwill. near here last I night But podee said the £5.000 worth of jewellery taken did not Include anything belonging to the wife
    Reuter  -  122 words
  • 293 16 Britain, Rhodesia fail to find a solution SALISBURY. Sunday gKITAIN and Rhodesia have failed onct more in their search for a Rhodesian independence settlement. Mr. George Thomson. Britain's chief Rhodesian negotiator, returned to London today to report to Mr. Wilson on his talks here. With deadlock and no settlement, the
    293 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 122 16 ©HURRY! YOUR LAST CHANCE TO WIN CASH Enter the Colgate Dental Cream SPQT THE SHUTTLE CONTEST 100 SSO PRIZES 1. Spot tne exact po: on of the shuttle in both pictures. 2. You may send as n ii entries as you wish —ea h entry form must be accompanied by
      122 words
    • 112 16 Rebecca T. North** 1 1" X 81" 320 Pages •14 Colour Plates 206 Black White Photographs •21 Line Drawings This book is intended to teach the beginner, to h«lp the orchid grower who has already become successful with orchids, and to open new fields for the advanced grower. This book
      112 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 935 17 n..~» mT. Cgy l ni. 21 Dtc 1 utilm t, n ca. Oic 4 Oil 7 Ott l/li uaa 11 mom. A mouth ote II Pic 11 See 14/ oic 2 »001. Be last Oic 10 ),c 3 Om 11 21 S," bimT» d,7 ij SSj ""3 >aa I iii
      935 words
    • 1372 17 I TH£ E A XtUA/ES I THE EAST ASIATIC COMPANY Lid Incorporated in Denmark aaßjWal EXPREIS SAILINGS TO GENOA/NORTH CONTINENT/SCANDINAVIA P. S'hini Ppnns S'oore I Rpnna Rrtam H'burg Asrhus C'rtiten PASAOINA l| Nn 27 2S Nn 27 21 Nn 21/ 2 111 3 JM 11 JM IS JM II JM
      1,372 words
    • 1311 17 _^1^^ ujjijaaaaaaaaaaaaAM ■-MflWl^p^J^ffßHTWTTfflffiTffTWl EXPRESS SERVICE TO LOWON. imRPOOL I CONTINENTAL POtU. BENATTOW VSmm X S -it P S>»m Penina Antatrp Jm tin 33 Till, Nn 11 21 Nn 24 n lonflon Bm N BENNEVIS BLm 1= -t>r i P S>am Pentni G mouth Jm II Nn H/ti II ,'INr. 11
      1,311 words
    • 1268 17 w KLAVENESS LINE MaJC LMtiaj Itr lIS ANIELES. SAN FIANCISCO. VANCOUVER Alk MMttraj cargt Itr Ctitni t SttJtl Aairita. S.ngapo't P. S hi« Due L. Angtm IWIAINVILLI 27 71 Nn IKniDtt II Jm SUNNYVULt 27 21 Dtc M 11 Oec 11 FM IRONIVILLE 27,21 IM 31 11 JM II Mar
      1,268 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 1093 18 YU-^^-'kawasakikisen kaisha ltd. Western Australia Singapore Japan Stjrvie* -"c S.rgapore YakU'crn/Naiori Y'hamt Roßt "Btlfilll Mtn 1 2131 Otc > It* 10 IW 11 It* 19 AM West Africa Singapore Japan Service a)JBMRJ Na|nyt Y'riama Wi -Ttt'Himi Mjr," omits 2SNt>Rtall 2 Oic t Oil lOK -Nlr»)» Miru 1 S 0M '11!
      1,093 words
    • 890 18 AUSTRALIA NEW ZEALAND SERVICE I INDIA PARISIAN ANO fAR EASI SERVICES Fv Pt. »l»l Bblttw iinm. MJRJMtt'MIi lit Mltrtt »>. m im mm wtm wR P it n r oi, mmmxmmm. IB: AUSTRALIA. NEW ZEALANB. BAIAH It Ptrt »/I1 Nn BOMBALA* li kOK 7 I OtC 0 BtC Ftr: Brit.,
      890 words
      842 words
    • 775 18 THE SOCIETIES ORDINANCE CHANGE OF ADDRESS iru a DTCD 9981 t rr 1S HEREBY informed that (LHArItK lit) Mes.«r^ Tec Than Soi.n Tr«cUn« nTll nr ivtfn'DED Co. Ltd. mhlch was carrying on TK DlvfoEND bußlne- at No. 2J. Jal«n Shelly v Kuala Lumpur shall henceforth D.S No. 4 63A Association
      775 words

  • Obituary, Illustration
    27 19 In lovint memory of Mm. Jenn» lvi i nee Tani. Departed mi IS.II.ST Dearly nnwi! by her helo\ed mi.lhft. hushanri. anna, I hmthris and sisK-rsin-law.
    27 words
  • Obituary, Illustration
    40 19 IN < 111 Rlslll I) Ml MiIRV of I Mr. V. Ramasamv fnrmerly Heart- I o\erarer P.« T> Putt Uickson I «hn fmmi awmj nn ls.ll.lSfT. I Innill* irmrml.iird lit liis br- I loved wife, sons and dau(hler< I
    40 words
  • 34 19 RUBBER AND TIN CLOSING PRICES RIRRF.R TIN loer Hi. l (per pirul) HW.IL 57 rU. NMJ| 12. s;',cts. Miiimi-: 1 13. 57,cu. v. n <is. siiii ri'i It. 58 rlv SStS.I>V. i«. jni.Bii
    34 words
  • 125 19 THE followii;K Company meetings are due; Auatral AmaUamaleri Tin Nov ta, 10.45 am. at the CompanyOffice. Taipine Atislral Malay Tln Nov. 2f>. 11.41 am. at Company Office, Talplng Kluang Rubber Co.- Nov 22. 12 noon at New Straits View Hotel. Johore Bahni t.uipnetw: Nov 23. 11.311 am at
    125 words
  • 29 19 In N.i.clnn on Tiiuisdav Malayan i per cent c.l.f UK North European basic ports In hulk 3<t Nov was unchanged Previous business was at £60 ier ton.
    29 words
  • Obituary, Illustration
    44 19 Tan J>o» Nam passed BWB] I pearrfull.T nn I I Ibb*- I in< behind his hrluvrj tiifr I children. grand-children. I dau(hlrr-in-Uw A- s<in- in I law. funeral nn Mil 141 I from »i. Slant B*Ma] I Avenue at 1.00 p n I
    44 words
  • 715 19 THBRI was a turther sharp rise of $lo In the Straits tin price in PenanK Saturday morning which I took it to the hiehest level for 28 months tos6.Jo.l2Ji eta. In London on Friday afteriuxm the three months forward buyers'
    715 words
  • 57 19 Illllllvll ills: Prnp*rlir«. Tiny I > rulilii'iNuv 11 Nov 12 Nn\ ***** 151.72 151.60 161 75 161 54 160 72 79 69 79 N 87 l(>:if>l 103 7." io:t7n l>« 3(1 l»«fi 111(1 Dei 29 19A2 lull Ncv 14 1M 4» 111 M 7»87 103 73 Nov.
    57 words
  • 53 19 I itrpalrlrkv MaU>4n Hour K I .mini Xi mi .1 Kfnoni S Hitm urrml pat int ni 10S I* M 6% KillD* II IH-i. 21 I if. L.i Dec U Dm v On 3d lnMl Inr Ii.UI 1.. i thr xvir in riinu« mr 10 HI r 7&--
    53 words
  • 696 19 Tim ni:i.Ks it i simss t)\ Till. SIO( k IXIHAM.t W AS I til I i>\\^ INOUITRIALI ACMA %i UK to K "I t. |2 M to I^ll6. •t« A Ct < It H U*l M H. 41 IO t .1 1.. I] B*in.t Btthad 1 T7 to
    696 words
  • 624 19 T MI rOLLOWIMO I* A tOMPLtTI 1 cist or Rivitin ouotatiomi NOV. li INnUtTNIALI AI'VA 2.»4 2 lrt Hrlrfci H»n o 2.40 I 42 Horn«o R*rha«l It) ItaMin-raii 1 TK 4<+ <■ i- M oMa I. TV l.« 0 <• C M -1»h is H<.l<linca 4•" «.*0 Hunlup
    624 words
  • 1265 19 'pHE Stock Exchange of Malaysia and SitiKaixjre week f ended the period's trading on a steady I note, but conditions were extremely quiet. Turnover as recorded through the trading rooms was considerably reduced by over one million units to just, over six million
    1,265 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 1214 19 I^^— g^— SUNGEI TUKANG RUBBER COMPANY. BERHAD i Incorporated In the Sutea of Malaya i Mi IKE IS HKHEHY CiIYEN lhat the 44th General Meeting of shareholders will I* held at the Registered Office of the Company. Lee Van I.ian Building. Jalan Mount hut ten. Kuala Lumpur, on Saturday
      1,214 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 410 20 mmtm^Mmmm!^^ cmi »CTivims ceiMiiiCES k»ims. fiutf-cms. < moui eoccTiMcs. in MtMMiaM rmmm xissmt w«s(m»i fpc hmkms i itunions. I 1 Rltt Mmna 515/ In 20 anil tick a«i lids. I I M OtHrf CliSiifie* ai.nlisniietlS: Umiatia S6/- far 15 MMI "c* »dditiaa*l nf< «l t«U Sturtj Taw lai mrice
      410 words
    • 242 20 n. r I -a 1 1 per■<l.S. 100 I OR INDUSTRIAL OOMOMUI IN lOHOI'.f: BARRU HAS OPCNIPK] niR >h CNCINECRING FORSMAM «Rio Ratal tna foiiowias aaa lw r to appi>> CITIMJI—iri < rataa. 4U reara i j| (PI Rlf.M'r. v inwal aßatsaaarsai Mtsa> eqjn v»ara in a mii jii ID
      242 words
    • 777 20 *F THOMAS SCHOOL. Mar Thoma :'.c,a,t pcirr I. trl .;h; V\antr<l Appl. immedlitriy EXPIRIINCIO BOOK BINDER '■mini fnr irell r.- ..ntiahed priming I ftrn, Reply giving full la.if icationa axaartaaaa and Mala salary required to P.xc A 1712 8 T X.L CONCERNEO ABOUT YOUR FUTURE? ■A* need M.n and W
      777 words
    • 838 20 ELECTRICIAN «ith 20 rear experten, c tn Government nept. arrkt poaition immediately after irtirement oa I.U'.SS. Hox A4IID S.T, Spore. pore citi.**n r**j.jnea ocaition *,th travr, o riei cipahl* ol handling ataß travr,. pieaae reply to Box MM B, 1 I pura. RETIREO BUSINESSMAN navlng w idr experience in real
      838 words
    • 926 20 SINNETT ESTATE 5 f'nrtr Thre* Radroomed Terra, c Houae. IM.IK.iO Peal MaULta Agen'a apd Invenment Compans M Th* Arrade. 8 poie. ,lnl« *****. Heaaji K-.u m.ikmi aq rt ahout kiu i' aea lionl<-.r I'l.a»« on'ac Mr Tl. o piionr Mil 1 BRAEMAR DRIVE Seranxonn tenace kaaaa m.MB furniaheo M' Che,
      926 words
    • 795 20 TMRIVINO BUSINESS Two (OOd thinn Record rleaner beat in market. Marat Joi.ort Bahru Box A 4121 S.I 8 pore. TOURS AND EXCURSIONS OXLIV TRAVIL MALAYA 7-Day ik" C Hlsnland- 7-Daj SMI i-nigni <>«<> *unda> alondav Kanmox i'n,.n«mai IS-Oai S34D M/ll V U i a poie MIST. HOLIDAY IN BALI I
      795 words
    • 552 20 AUSTIN TS«« HIO'O NOT. 1»«4 a«re|ien< condition low milttia. Rmi K.- I ««|a.7l J pore. T»se ANCLIA or l»StSrri-a Aronda Any offer Pa-il 8 pora »^7<M a.m.— I pm New >«lnl work nlO. 1% JMM Morrla Mlnl^ two 1.,. i 6i> ;.i.."S«,- o no. B' pore i MUM i AL'tTIN
      552 words
    • 515 20 PRENCH VAtll. Fug«r Crr>tal Wine Servirea i- «ift artic lea Sllverfrafl, »i\ll Penan* Kd Co 1 Storage Arrade. 8por« Weld Supermarket. K.L. JUST WATCH MIR IVIt aparkl* eaperially when you Kive her faahlon a lateat choke of *»<|ulaite Jewellery from Tin Bin( Goldam:tha i'lfl 2; 7. South Bridie Road.
      515 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 724 21 WANTED Sole! ST.*!* 11 111 StafT re ui by First Cla« Luxury HOTEL S'SrK. R( r t Service supervlsor Krception Clerks U a Boys i-' erk /T;\£' st Room Service Boys Front Office Supervisor Washerwomen/Cleaners Sacs Counter Clerks Lift operators Telephone Operators Doormen (Sikh) 1 a>hlers Car Park Attendant EUROPEAN
      724 words
    • 696 21 JAWATAN KOSONG MAJLIS MESHUARAT BANDARAN SEGAMAT Permohom>n2 ada-lah dl-perlawa darlpada Ra ayat Malaysia kerana memenohl Jawatan Mennyu Keslhatan Umum dl-Pejabat Majlis Meshuarat Bandaran. Segamat. 2. Chalon2 mestl-lah berumor 18 tahun dtn tiriak lebeh daripada l i 3 tahun dan hendak-lah lulus SIJi! Persekolahan Seberang Laut deiigan mendapat kepujlan2 dldalam Rahasa
      696 words
    • 783 21 KEKOSONGAN JAWATAN KERAJAAN KEDAH PERMOHONAN2 ada-lah dljemput daripada Warga Negam Persekutuan atau Ra'ayat Negerl Kedah bagl memenohl Jawatan PENULONG PEGAWAI HAIWAN dl-dalam JABATAN HAIWAN. KEDAH Peratoran gajl-nya la-lah sapertl benkut: $.i(i6 x 24-826' £74 x 24-77(1. $788 X 24-SBl2 Chalun2 dl-kehendakl berumor 21 tahun tetapl tlada menlngkat 35 tahun dan
      783 words
    • 740 21 NOTICES IN THE HIGH COURT IN MALAYA mi m; bankruptcy petition no. 11 or ins. Re: Teo Kirn Beng of No. 11. Jalan Parit Sulonj. Balu Pahat. Ex parte: I'nited Malayan Banking Corporation Limited. Balu Pahat. a Creditor. IN THE MATTER OF A BANKRI'PTCY PETITIONFILED THF. I H DAY OF
      740 words
    • 698 21 NOTICES THE BANKRUPTCY ORDINANCE (CHAPTER 11) NOTICE OF INTENDED DIVIDEND Bankruptcy No. 298 58 George Philip of No. 239. Commonwealth Drive. Singapore. 3. Plant Operator) 297,65 Robin Perelra of No. 346. Lorong Buang Kok off 9 m.s. Ponggol Road, Singapore. 19 (Clerk) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that first and final
      698 words
    • 628 21 FENDERS TENDER NOTICE UNIVERSITY OF SINGAPORE Tenders are Invited from PWD t> registered contractor" for the j Proposed alterations and Additions r. to the Attic, Medical Unit I next to Ward 45 Building, Bower Block. General Hospital for the f* Unlvei.slty ol Singapore. Tender forms and specifications P etc. are
      628 words
    • 458 21 TENDERS EMBERITAHU TAWARAN JKR. JOHOR. Tawaran darlpada Pemorong2 yang berdaftar 01K.R. di-dalam Kelas C. *D' E' akan dl-terima di-Peja-at JURUTERA KERJA KAAN, JKR.BATU PAHAT. ingga jam 1200 tengah harl ada 27hb. November. 1968. ntok:MEMBUAT EMPAT (4) BILEK DARJAH. DAN PADANO DI SEKOLAH KEBANGSAAN KORIS. SENGGARANG. BATU PAHAT. Segala butlr2 bolch
      458 words

    • 201 22 Victoria fight to avert follow-on M.i-. Sun. ,n wicket stand of 12 in Gl mm between Peter Bedford and wicketkeeper Ray Jordan nil lied Victoria on ihc third day of their cricket match against the Wesi [ndian tourists here today. iria .slumped from an overnight 192-4 to 209-6 they were
      201 words
    • 198 22 Taiwan, US still level ROME. Bun. Taiwan and the United States were still tied tor the lead when the third round of the World Cup golf tournament was completed this morning. Tin v were among ■•-ix countries «.!)<> could not finish their rounds yesterday of a thunderstorm. Th« United
      198 words
    • 143 22 CLANCY Anit n.ade a trlumpi oOMback to «in the Mr Maluv-la Utle «t Hip Chtn«(hi stadium Kuala Lumpur, .:.i.iv nlKht. •1 runner-up «lUi third li.c to Wffft" >-ina:;n rawak Results in the Malaysian velghtllftlng i tuunplonahlps: M>»ri C ht I i H>-:.K Woo 1 Wai
      143 words
    • 412 22 MACAO, Sun. Jan Bussell of Malaysia won the 171--mile Macao Grand Prix today with cool display of steady, consistent driving. Bussell calmly worked his way up the field from fifth position in the grid as one by one the early leaders dropped out. He took his
      Reuter  -  412 words
    • 481 22  -  808 ARNOLD By I'OP clubs in the First Division provide the most interest—probably the best games certainly the best draw prospects this week. In the rest of the English and Scottish League* draws rare. There ince of a ropr.u of taal season^ results of the same fixtures. when there
      481 words
    • 980 22 HOMI *V P I) I. t A W l» L F Pk 19 8 1 0 21 6 4 3 111 P\erlon 19 H 1 1 22 4 3 S 1 18 13 28 l.priv 18 6 3 0 14 3 5 2 2 12 12 27 AtMMI
      980 words
    • 374 22 FIRST DIVISION Burnlrr 1 Wolve* 1 Chelsea 2 South pt on 3 Coventry 0 Leedi 1 Everton 4 QPR 0 Man. Ltd. 0 lp»»irh 0 Newcastle 1 Man City 0 Not I'm For. 0 Arsenal 2 &heff. Wed. 1 Liverpool 2 Tottenham 5 Simderland 1 West Brom 2 Stoke
      374 words
    • 501 22 EVERTON MAINTAIN PRESSURE WITH SMASHING WIN OVER NEW-LOOK RANGERS LONDON. Sunday. I IVERPOOL survived a stormy clash with Sheffield Wednesday to maintain their First Division lead on goal average over iMerseyside rivals Everton in the English Football League yesterday. Liverpool finished with a 2-1 win at Sheffield
      501 words
    • 140 22 Bridgend thrash Penarth 73-3 LONDON. Sun. B nd sciirrd a runaway is-s win uu-r Ptn.iith in tin :r Hueof Vu: n I othrr club results: lny 14 WSStOD H 1 Poi, u pool 6; BriMoi 6 I l 11. CimbridEf L JO Blurkhi I i '■■z'' 6: Keys 12 Ciinm.
      140 words
    • 14 22 i on: K n i r <nd 15-8 B
      14 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 175 22 I^^JK^ in Glo°Weai^s W- "^\>^' v I^® 4seasons iV M^^^Tr-ui c;p;isons b G!o-Wea*e *o"i by \^|arC3C"^~ any time...r»»dy for an/ eiploit in mmd v v < V > VT_Vi*^<^ looking immaculats wMheul «Hort. V\ i 'S 4-Seasons lS contouf j^ iU/ ■GPt'' *wl b'oad over stiou'ders and che«' trim v
      175 words
    • 94 22 I My goodness, it's not Fatty Tan, is it? Not"*F*tty" lan. Patrick lan "I atn" vanished intvi histor) tome inches anj pounds ago Patrick I an i.s Ins true slim self. I hanks to Hennesctas. Hcrmcsctas is a sweet little thing >ct no calories. Nothing fatty about it. You can't
      94 words

    • 88 23 Royal Navy beat tourists rpHE Coylon Defence Services win after throe nutches in Singapore. They played twice yesterday, loslntc 4-i to Royal Navy at HMS Teiror In the morning and then drew l-l with Cevion Sports Club at Balestler Road In the evening. •r. the tourtata held the limie team
      88 words
    • 21 23 Rain washed rut :h<< romainI o inttr- between Singapore an the Oulllemard Cup while 5-0 wln- ns tie-
      21 words
    • 192 23 Rain baulks S gor Bar team CEI.ANGOR U^r Council were talked, by the r.un in their Hamani Cup cricket niaicn against, Selangor Police at the Kuala Lumpur P.itiang yesterday. Facing a Police total of 77, the lawyers were 62-5 when rain Tolice Ist Inn« A A Rajah b Hoffman 20.
      192 words
    • 134 23  -  EPSOM JEEP By RACING first time under a new name and new ownership, Medal Music (late Kampar) gained his first success at Ipoh yesterday. Ridden by Lyle Harbridge. Medal Music upset the odds in the hi^s i top division 5Jf straight race and paid 5136 on the
      134 words
    • 1944 23 GOING: Good. RAPP 1 CLASS 6 HALC I DIV. 2 BJF. SC. Foos (10 1 BLTTtR LOCK 8 7 *****—244 i Coles 1 (12) best Win 9 0 1 504 184 i Coleman 2 I \i.grlin.t 8 5 .1211-281. Trtvens 3 >ii Larator 9.0 c 8 7
      1,944 words
    • 57 23 101 \i. root RUN Xt Sii UMM id :-3:.")i ?nd Si k;:iii3 m; lx; 3rd Nil. I HI nli n IMI MM 111 N»v IMtlh U1174, lv; .'in, 15U214. 11.-.IM. Hi.-i-ir,. li.»ii!ll. 1.-.3105. IStSM, lli..Uh. lU7IJB, 13'.13u.\ IMtifc on-ol.iliun prices I $240 tmtk Nir.. 1:3312. 1302M>, ISMII, IJiJIU.
      57 words
    • 343 23 Army are easy Forces swim champs ARMY dominated th« Malaysian Armed Forces" Inter-Service swimming championships at Rifle Rang* Road yesteraay to be clear champions. They scored a total of 142 points to beat Air Fore* (94) and Navy 62 Air Force won the waterpolo title after Navy had failed to
      343 words
    • 65 23 «.oi.f LEF TROPHY Seeamat) 1 Ane Bnon K«e <h'cap 22> 87 net. 1 R (18) 60 net Best trnss: A. Loo <6) 72. N'on-handicapprr»' medal: 1 Hu n 2 Lee Chak FOOk. Tl \M* lKlf\ni.V .riegamatv SSEB Btail 4 Railuavs SC Gemas 3. I i c k T( s<
      65 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 255 23 Keep in step with a nation on the move Learn your NATIONAL LANGUAGE. The one with the most complete knowledge of the National Language is the one with an eye on the future, ONE EASY STEP Call in Federal College. For complete and fluent knowledge of the National Language of
      255 words
    • 43 23 kJLiU L Vril w a nign note 4* A ■ISA I SCoBkNC 100 Pipers. A&ss, greatness here. Bffi^jfßM !jj smooth-crafted k a^^^ •00 Ro^s Scoter, Wh«Ky Bot«edr,Sco«and C^.ted *«h .t. n* h« m«ie Sea,^ m. -nrWs ia v EArtjSiveiiiiporters BOBBY UMiCa (RE) UU
      43 words
  • Page 23 Miscellaneous
    • 43 23 R\I)MI\TO\ sgor InterOovt. Dept. team tourney <SBA> HO<KFV Tour mateht Snore .It Seniors v Cejlon SerTlces Dover Rd I HI'Gr.EP. Tour match: Spnre v FiHnn Army-Police rombined (padan(r>. SO( <FR Toar match: Srwre J1 Bervtai v Thai Air Pnrre .Jn Besar. 730 pm>.
      43 words

  • 115 24 SHELTERING under •^an umbrella. Singapore s Minister of Stare for Defence. Mr. Wee Toon Boon in suit), reviews the passing our parade of the third batch of infantry officer cadets at Pasir Laba Camp yesterday morning. The men
    115 words
  • Article, Illustration
    21 24 CUORI) „f honour u inner Kee Boon. 81, .shako hands with the Minister ftrr rotrivinc the award.
    21 words
  • 221 24 NOW A BIG HUNT ?0R 60 REDS WHO DODGED NET L'UALA LUMPUR. 1Y Sun. Police are tracking down more than 60 Communists, several of them top leaders, who escaped the recent security dragnet. by the Minister ft Hob Inche Hamzah bin Datn Abu be! ore he 1< It for
    221 words
  • 134 24 Glad to be alone on overseas tour: Miss Tourism SINGAPORE, Sun. Malaysia'! m i i I Tourism. Pauline Chai. took oil night on the lir.-t i of her two-month 1 overseas promotional tour unchaperoned I and glad of the fact. "I don't need a chaperon >he told reporters at
    134 words
  • 153 24 PRAGUE. Sun. A top Czech progressive, Mr. Zdenek Mlynar, resigned his party secretarial post as the Communist Party central committee wound up its hard-fought liirecday meeting early today. Announcing this, Prague Radio said that proMoscow'iv..tive party presidium member. Mr Va.sil Hih'.k. had been given
    153 words
  • 23 24 JAtWAMT tINCM i;l'<l Ipak I." I hui ~r I I' m I I til tor Ourt Road I mii ir urn. lii'M
    23 words
  • 57 24 KLEINMAN LEONARD (Rtin t>»luvM iMMkaatf of KmK. <l»votn! f»th*r of IMh pmml [.«»>■ pMMMPf 17 n^ Kinrral latk I'oti...- lat*M L l t Clin 1 llucc I'm lo Church of 111. Yio CM k..r.^ I MR CHOONC SEAN TIC .iv i i i; ii.^ impur S pm l^ nSN
    57 words
  • 114 24 Philippines move to disqualify beauty MANILA, Sun The Qmh <ly Bar Association, h.s urged officials of lln- '^liss \>ii Quest beauty i-«mifst to disqualify Mis% if shr insisted on represcntatini; all of Mil.ism.i. includiii: iiii- disputed SUte of Sabah. In a statement, thr ssmk iatinn s.tid that if Miss
    Reuter  -  114 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 104 24 THE IMEXA/ BS^.^l exakta mm VX IDDD HO THE CAMERA THAT HAS EVERYTHING AND CAN DO ANYTHING HHHmHBB The culmination of over thirty years bß^C^T* >? development; this latest model E&^^tfi&vff embodies all the features demanded mHPS&^^Qh by the discerning photographer:- I^^Mul with shutter speeds from 12 seconds to WPiNIBH
      104 words
    • 34 24 Late CLASSIFIEDS I 20 Words $15 (Minimum) Klanc .1 .1 1 -hi. m lal a un i« II M Ma, I' I IKw'ora. M»IT ! ABAt 1.. IM Hid Him dau«hl^r. <: IT'h Staß .V-unta
      34 words
    • 147 24 ?Ws^ If our Aatches weren't so good, we cculd make more of them. We are ur.roper.tant periec'icfsts £oe' stil 1 sl.nds out trom the at Fr«e!. Which meais v. •< pack. Why? Because the p«>ODio lavish such meticuio.js who buy our watches ar every watch »»«> RMKt who make
      147 words