The Straits Times, 15 November 1968

Total Pages: 24
1 24 The Straits Times
  • 25 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 175,000 The Straits Times The National Newspaper Estd. 1845 FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 15, 1968 15 CENTS KDN. 3104 M.C. (P) 0014
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  • 100 1 Call for Malaysia, S'pore Nato-like defence system SINGAPORE. Thurs I he commander of the Far Kast Air Korce, Sir Koehford Hughes, today Mggeated an "integrated defence vj%lem not unlike the European system. fur Singapore and Malaysia after the British pullout in 1971. Speaking at the Koiary Club <if Singapore Weal
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  • 90 1 New gas strike in Sumatra "IXJKVO. ThUTS. A 1 Japanese firm said today it had struck natural gag offshore from North Sumatra, but the well gushed so forcefully it hud to be led, Japcx I; sidiiir; ol the J.'p.iii 1 leum Exploration Co.. iri the w- laed witli was fear
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  • 18 1 11LI HI I. i 'Lower H DHiidhi today <"■ of cciiil'.rlen< p ilncc iha *Ttffrw Prime Minister.
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  • 637 1 'Our ideas don't agree 9 ALOR STAR. Thursday Af-TER giving further thought overnight to Thailand's proposal to hold an Asean foreign ministers' conference in Bangkok, Tengku Abdul Rahman made known his decision today. It's NO "bmiiisf Malaysia's ulc.ts and those dI the Philippines <l<> nol
    Agencies  -  637 words
  • 157 1 HEAVY LOSSES ON FOREIGN MARKET LOHDON. Thurs. Stirline lost heavily on tin foreign exchange market here today as dealer*, assesses! the effect tin Britain's economy of a (liiiililiiu of the overseas trade delieit. announced \rslrrday lliursd.l% i> alw.ns .i bad <la> for the British current > berausr of extra risks
    Reuter  -  157 words
  • 49 1 SINGAPORE. Tl.uis Osman bin Omar. 18. WM valued In the General Hospital tonight shortly alter he was wounded In the left shoulder in a gun accident In Lorong Pasalc at the 17th mile Urn Chu Kant; Road. The bullet came from a policeman'^ revolver
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  • 295 1 IPOH. Thursday pER A K Mi^li Couri Judge, Mr. Justice Chang Mm Tat, ;mkl Ihe chairman of the Perak Turf Club. Mr. Yeoh Cheang Let-, arc named ;is com* plainanta in Iwo summonses aftainsl Police Inspector K. Sivakuru. The
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  • 115 1 NEW YORK. Thur.v A I computer made a 19- i year-old Kirl here feel a million dollar> for ju»t live (i.r, Mi.s> Marguerite E>hkeiiazl j went to her bank laM and deposited US$4O Tlkii -liould have made her total .savings US$l2O. Instead
    Reuter  -  115 words
  • 288 1 NIXON MURDER PLOT: FBI SEEKS YARD AID > T EVV YORK. Thins. 1 Scotland Yard has been asked to help in Investigating the alleged plot to assassinate President-elect Richard Nixon, it was reported here today. The FBI ha.s asked the Yard t'i check whet tier one of the three men
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  • 31 1 NfU DII HI I India o e\pt)i: IMM iail»ay waiwns to the Sovif Union i>«iwren 1970 and 1977. Cesamsre* Mr Dtnefth Singh told the Hou.-e ol the People today.
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  • 165 1 Rail Hq. razed by blaze KUALA LUMPI/R. Thurs. a midnight blaze destroyed the whole top floor of the easi wing ot the Mala y a n Rail headquarters here The top floor i whit housed the accounts department which recently Installed a $600.u(i0 computer. Damage wa. (1 al more than
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  • 33 1 ZOND 6 CIRCLES THE MOON MOSCOW rhara > >vlel Cni'in announird /->a«--6 ipacf-hip today flew around the moon and woald cootlnae its flight Earlier It was expected to re tara to earth.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 27 1 GEMS OF THE ORIENT Blue Cats Sapphire Sapphire ye EMERALD AND RUBY G. C DE SUVA BROS. MANUFACTURING JEWEUCRS. ft, RoMI« Place. Siafapof* I. TEL: *****- Wy
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    • 71 1 [SHARP! S THE ONLY TV EQUIPPED WITH LINUViSTORj The Bank for AllBig and Small ■B BSSSSSSSW F* dim* sss^^^sffljr* si^sssssßsV^bSbb^^^bssssW SrjBSSSBSMB -Jf£ it* b^sssss^^S* <s^?rir^^lsr^ -jCl^yC OVERSEA-CHINESE BANKING CORPN., LTD. the STRONGEST and LARGEST BANK in MALAYSIA and SINGAPORE AUTHORISED CAPITAL: 5100,000,000/PAID UP CAPITAL: 40,000,000/GENERAL RESERVE AND PROFIT LOSS BALANCE
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    • 379 2 U.S. warns Hanoi over shelling from DMZ WASHINGTON, Thur«. rpHE United States warned North Vietnam yesterday that serious peace talks would be imperilled if Communist forces continued shelling across Vietnam's Demilitarised Zone. The State Department I said both the UM and I Hanoi "know what quired and we are following
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    • 131 2 uoixyuood. Thaws. 11 Silent screen star Ramon Ncn.trro. ii<i killed on Ort. .'!l in his Hollywood Hills home left an estate estimated at *****0.000 (SI.MM.OOOi. his will showed yesterdny. Nox.irro's will, filed for probate In superior court, establishes a trust fund for eight brother* and
      AP  -  131 words
    • 55 2 yHE book in Mr. Georges Schmidt's hands Is entitled "Languages of the World" one only a man like Mr. Schmidt can truly appreciate. He is a specialist in the translation department of the United Nations, and at 53 he already knows 66 different languages. He was
      AP  -  55 words
    • 351 2 New British offer to Rhodesia? No, say officials LONDON, Thursday DFPORTS persisted in political circles day that Britain has prepared new offer 10 Rhodesia on the three-year-old Indepen dispute. In official quarters, however, the reports •an strongly disavowed. The word going round among MPs was that the Cabinet hud produod
      Reuter  -  351 words
    • 26 2 PRAGUE I Foreign M od UM n.. iern a i 'asl work. (testified ii. Brown ncan correspondent for th# National Broadcasting Company.—
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 119 2 IHiglifl ote I 1 100 Pipers Scotch m I flying in to celebrate I Hotel Malaysia s m Gala Opening f 3692 m H ftiSylJ J351 NE W FORM ULA has instant knock-out power i jflM^LHs^B JaVw^B^a^l _^*a^^« J 111 911 2 Bmß^B^B^B^Bm I Ba^ I ■aVH^afetai IL^L^L^L^L^hi a^a^^Ha^B b^Bbm^
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

    • 161 3 Study to find whether smog steps up ageing IJI.KKM.I V. (California). Thurs ihe question of whether smog is c.i 11 sin;; alifornians to trow older faster is bein K studied by the State Oc-partnient of Public Health, it uas disclosed yesterdaj Dr Peter K Mueller, chief of the department s
      AP  -  161 words
    • 63 3 \NGKOK. Thurs A.«:a» developing countries will h»ve to find U5522,000 million $66 000 million) In the next 10 years Jor their food production programmes to meet standards set by FAO. An PAO official told deleKates from 15 Asian countries attending ha FAO meeting here: ■Altlioutrh tl.e
      Reuter  -  63 words
    • 28 3 NAOOYA. Thurs. Six m itructtoo trorkan wwn k:ii< lion thf v v m buri alive In a iandMidr 1 stnic'lon Mtc 1 rral Jan.m AP
      AP  -  28 words
    • 63 3 THE body of a Negro civu rights worser one >i three shot dead on Wednesday lirs un the sidewalk out .side the Boston headquarters of the moderate Negro Grass Roots Organisation. Two otheis were wounded. Police said the five men were shot by a band of
      UPI  -  63 words
    • 319 3 "THE Homo Secretary. Mr. James Callaghan, last night prooiued to Introduce soon a system allowing a Commonwealth immigrant to appeal against refusals to enter Britain claimed that British Immigration officers were rameumes sorely tried in .-its to LONDON. Thursday evade the
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    • 103 3 Farm colonies plan to improve criminals DAR ES SALAAM. Thurs, Tanzania has a Dew scheme for dealing with criminals putting them to work luefullv on rrn;ot(> tann settlements and keeping them under lifetime lurveUluwt. The imtfUUMll j.iitv in the N.11..HH..-: 1. i ji 221 criminal! bautebreakan. 11.15im.1y lubbers, imd rwelten
      Reuter  -  103 words
    • 73 3 par; Praawc urn ntfbl IncraaMd its bunk rutr by our per rent in a move to smother the mitt low of capital that has .sliced her reserve* by utmost one half since the nationwide .strikes Ui May and Juiif 1-ieiuh bank rate, now six per
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    • 118 3 HUSBAND LOSES HIS LAST GAMBLEHIS WIFE TALCUTTA. Thurs. A 23-year-old village beauty, from Teghara near here i has divorced her husband to help him honour a gambling debt in which she was the stake, Calcutta's leading Bengali Daily. Anandabazar, said yesterday. Th<* paper said the woman's husband, a habitual gambler,
      AP  -  118 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 201 3 If you can't decide between a family saloon and a sports car .fJH i^ J^ '"^■Ja^a^^^^ ESC IbLotAI 4tf^r b^b^b^L^W buy the Escort GT and get both True GT performance, with a power- (when you v/in as many races and So call an end to indecision. Test packed 1300 cc
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    • 280 3 TRAVEL Airlines, Travel Agencies, Hotels, Luggage or any other service Busy people find the answers Fast in the new Yellow Pages of the Singapore Telephone Directory' So easy to use So close at hand 24 Hours A Day Everyday! Publisher! hy Gwmml Telephone Directory Company Yellow Paaes THE official tei
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  • 345 4  -  OW WEI MEI: SINGAPORE. Thursday By I>LANS are underway to bolster the image of Singapore as a "rugged society" by launching a massive keepfit campaign early next year. This was announced today by the Minister for Social Affairs, Inche Othman Wok. at the inaugural meeting
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  • 143 4 SINGAPORE. Thurs Slncapore Lions tonltiht Hocked to the Paya Lebar Airport to give a roaring welcome to the "King of the Ll"ns." He Is Mr. David A. Evans i above i, president of Lions International— the biggest .-•■rvlce club In the world with 870.000
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  • 154 4 SINGAPORE. Thurs.— A six-member Bulgarian Parliamentary delegation, led by Deputy Prime Minister, Mr. Pancho Kubadinsky, flew in tonight for a three-day "get-to-know-Singapore" visit. Mr. Kubadln.^ky told repnrtcr.s at the airport Bulgaria Wtl always ready to help In the Industrial development of Singapore. Several Joint ventures
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  • 457 4 SINGAPORE, Thurs. 1 THE Federal Court In dismissing a murder appeal today overruled a submission challenging the legality of tendering unsworn statements from the dock by accused persons in criminal cases. Thr submission was by Mr L)av:d Mar-hall. On Sept. 12. Mr. Marshall urgulng the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 228 4 "mV VVnVeful" week" Fhe bandits M F^r- a who killed five ~*X LEE Vim am™>««»™»%^™ W/VIV Wllfafal THC GOOD. THE BAD (THE UGLY" DEATH RIDES A HORSE JOHN PHILLIP LAW technicolor^ techniscope* Capitol opens today o^ES^i < WANG LING KANG HUA in EtCBIBQ J^j"M g SHAW PRODUCTIONS' \^^^T DAK 1
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    • 24 4 RITELYI To 1 am Sat. Ext 2 am I w- J also featuring the FISHERMEN NO COVER CHARGE continental cuisine TEL. *****. EXT. 123
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    • 96 4 Op. n I Jo. 1.30-3. 10-7 00 t 30 pm. Sbj Pe. Pci i ttcg Chong Shi "The M«fflific«nt Swordtrnon" (Mondorm Co'or»cop«j night: "O.oth Voll«»--(Vondonn-Colorscop*) loin the in cruwd fl nMR^ I at fcjlnna pores V Ir^^VM I latest most tash- Mil lonable mgntspot. i .^m Superb cuisine I^^ Bfi»^Hl
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    • 154 4 %r W Lnit^cliibJ lITC-IMI tO»O i--.. .1. i -3SI y. «O-t. (THE SWINGINGIEST SPOT IN TOWN) 1114*4*1 the fantabulous iilipinos PLUS lla> Fabie A Tin* 1 Kini;sz!i« ii J k THE IDALY SISTERS MISS SHIRLEY WONG J H.H. TANN ORCHESTRA with MISS PEGGY TANN M P^ IVIRY FRIDAY NITE IS
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    • 539 4 J[CATH>VfjU II a.m., 2 IS, 2 00, 600 30 t. HSprn. 1 9 00p.m "GODS" Storfj: ■"GODS" Starts I IllOom, 2 35 210. 6.10 5 SO 1 90S 4 9.10 p.m. AT NORMAL PRICEi-N- Fre« L I 'WHOM THE GODS WISH TO DESTROY Herbert Lorn C Scop<? Co I ODEON:
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  • 85 5 Hilton Holton damages action SINGAPORE Thurs.— Woh Hup Ltd. a firm of building and civil engineering contractor.-, is suing Far Eastern Hotels Development Ltd. for damages for alleged breach of contract. Accord::.-; to thc:r writ, the claim Is "U>r carnages for breach, ol contract for the completion of the construction
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  • 123 5 Govt seeks expert help to promote tourism KIALA I.IMPIR, Thur*. The Jiovernment is on the look-out for a team of experts to help in the promotion of tourism in Malaysia. The Assistant Minister of Commerce and Industry, Inche Abdul Tain bin Mahmud. mi id today this expert help would
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  • 6 5 Til* I Wp.-t M
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  • 61 5 I fc.l IK ANSON Thusv S;m Uu^i. 30. a lorn itHn CIMOII. 22. j; :iu.->ner. v.ere faili .n nonthl .'ail by .v.oni Coui't here lor robbery. Tliey p'Pi<rird guilty to robbing M LM l-i Hoe. 58. a ile gardener of $186 and jewfllerv wor.h $330
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  • 23 5 TELLK ANbON. Thurs. I hop of Penan*. Mf-gr. Gregory Yong. ill pay ti.iv viilt to Teluk An :i n m sund.iv
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  • 150 5  - A monument that surprises the tourists VISITORS to Malacca are often surprised by the inscription on ■i monument which was erected during British rule in the IMb century. Inscribed on the Bft. monument (at left) in Coronation Park are the words: "trecled hy their comrades in memory of those who
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  • 273 5  - Attack on girl: Was kidnap the motive? RUDY BELTRAN B. KUALA LUMPUR. Thursday. pOLICE are puzzled over the motive for last nights stabbing of a secretary, Miss Choong Foong Chun, 20, outside her home in Imbi here. Miss Choong. who Is London trained, was stabbed in the left thigh.
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  • 87 5 IPOH. Thara. Wcfc wrU--1 lii-atc\ .irr not ••niirni.ill\" lor sale by (l»»ti>rs in thr prrsi dent <>l thr Medical \s->o< l.itinn. Dr. J. i; A. Prior. »aid here loriai onimriitinr on a rrpnr' from London thai a dorlor thrre incrraNiiii;
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 302 5 Cold Storage Supermarket and Shopping Centre FRIDAY 15th to TUESDAY 19th NOVEMBER I FOR PERSONAL SHOPPERS ONLY PORK LUNCHEON MEAT plumrose 12 oz .90 FACIAL TISSUES, printed lady scott 200 $■2 1. 10 PEANUTS, SALTED ALADDIN Boz .50 BACON, LEAN BACK DANISH Ib 2.10 STRIPLOIN AUSTRALIAN Ib 2.65 PORK BEANS
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 45 5 Bugs Bunny By Ralph Heimdahl (1 AA GLAD TQ SEE I ~*S IR<SOME TAS< I YOu RE DOiNG A _E L 19 P:MAILY Fin Sh£D. I you I rjtrirS^ beastly /MISSED r NEGLECTFUL I A SPOT- k I V OF MEi J WIC3MT R\ fj\
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  • 145 6 180 Indons apply I to teach science in Malaysian schools lAKARTA. Thurs InJ donrsia has atreed to provide Malaysia uilh elementary and secondarj whool teachers under an educational cooperation programme between the two countries, it announced today. An fcduiation MinLstrv spokesman *aid that Malaysia had asked tor 6* teachers to
    AP  -  145 words
  • 92 6 'How many unemployed' query for Parliament SINGAPORE Than -The Governmeir li to be a.-n--ed. at the next meeting 'jf intent, about the ununemp. iltuatli D in S.ngapore The M P tm Anson Mr P OoMr.'i MB I H4n:f!er 'or f reisn A.ia.n mid [MM numoer of pe"i>> r«fJ««f«d »lth th»
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  • 119 6 Soon Sumatra visit by Tan Sri Sardon MA 1 ICCA, Thun The M-n-.f-r of Tl Tan Sr. Sard-: ,*ra .vmn to --'id?- the DOMlMllty ot e«'abllsh:ng an Highway ferry senice Irom Penang to M"tfan. He w*.;i a:so investigate the possibility of starting an alternate service irom Malacca to Dumal.
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  • 83 6 pCNANO Thursi nmntitli with "hem i.n their 'r.p Th:> adv;.-p U |iT« Saurti Arabian Mil »tTJ of Foreign Affairs tn a nntp to Mala\ Oovernment sp»lcinK 1 1 grxxj offlcs In I pllßrims not to burden them.«elves w'.th unnecei- >ary luggage. Food, drinks and clnthes
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  • 195 6 Action body formed in bid to attract capital KUALA LUMPUR. Thursday. THE Government has appointed a committee to consider applications for incentives under the Investment Incentives Act. the Minister of Commerce and Industry, Tan Sri (Dr.) Lim Swee Aun. said today. The committee has representatives from the Treasury, the Federal
    Bernama  -  195 words
  • 77 6 Terrorist killed in gun battle L|l HINC. I hur- omnium^ ICIIWIIII vax killed h> sci jrllv (orce> in a tun b.Mtle in the Titok area of s.ira uak'<> >r(iind I)i\i>inn four day* ago. A police spnke> MM thai a securivt force patrol vtumbled on a Communist terrorist camp and came
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  • 76 6 COUNCIL CHIEF DEFENDS PAY-PARK SYSTEM JOHORE B A H R U, Thurs. The president of the- Town Council, D.: bin Dato Ahmad, today defended the pay-to-park system in the busy section of the town and said it was a great help to rr. and shoppers. He W I id beer.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 219 6 NOW MOVE UP TO A H&fIAJD The high quality car air conditioner specially designed for Mercedes-Benz. The DENSO Car Air Conditioner ensures fast and s:.ent cooling with automatic temperature controls. I Handy temperature dials allow the degree of cooling required at the flip of a s.\ tch. The complete unit
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    • 128 6 v vß^» < tJ^Kr ■Ww Hecworth Sheffield reproductions of exquisite silver plate and Rodd cutlery h| adorn the tinc-t and most modem h -rnes their elegant design and superb m%\ quality are signposts to gracious m \wr You are uelcome to in-pect. witheal n obligation, our cxJumvc d rn -ed
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
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  • 196 7  -  00l CHENG GAIK By IIIAI.a LUMPUR, Thurs. •I guess I like older men," said Mrs. George S. Moore 31, who married the chairman 01 the First National City Bank. New York, livt weeks ago. Mr. Moore. (SL\ and
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  • Article, Illustration
    20 7 Xl UANO I h ITS, liip >oborc b.i:( ■aniui her* on Saturday. HJt MOOKK ■wrrtscs lor him. 100
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  • 215 7 PREST! LIBRARY GIRLS NOW BAFFLES AUDIENCES XLK L ALA LUMPUR. Tliur.v— Producing dovci out of nowhere la a\\ In 4 d.r.i or night's work for lOH Luna '.Vmi; 23 For she is Iddanii i nljr profes■lonaJ woman magician. With her partner. Mr. Yee Thiain ok 24 who holds a Bachelor
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  • 131 7 Revoke the conditions, Rakyat call to Govt JOHORE BAHKU. Thurs.— The Jotiorc division of Party Rakyat. today ur^ed the Government to revoke the nine condition* it had Imposed on the former secretary-general of the division. Inche Roslan Sharif, before releasing him li.rhe Roslan. who was detained during confrontation In July
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  • 24 7 rhun Tan Khedf Cli ik "as ;m>d MM il--n. rhtn ii- pleaded guilty '.o ho<)kmaker ;n a mom n AT. 7. 11H6.
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  • 340 7 We plan to invest in your country, he says BANKER IMPRESSED BY MALAYSIA... \IALAYSIA tan expect a big share of the Sl2O million to be invested in Asia next year by the proposed Private Investment Company for Asia. This was indicated today by the chairman of the First National City
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  • 67 7 Xl ('HIM.. Thurv The Opposition<k I nitSd People •< P.irt> is to Bat tin < (>o\ t-rnmrnt for morr than > .'II.IUMI 1 ..r lo^s.-, inrurreil as a result of the" r.inrrll.ilnii <ii fun fur ort.uiisrd by i ln p.irivv v i l'd hr.iiuh
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 110 7 SOING TO HONGKONG ON BUSINESS "aOHASA GREAT IDEA How about scheduling your trip so you have four relaxing, carefree days on board Cathay or Chitral? Arrive relaxed and fresh to do business then fly back. Or try it this way. Fly to Hong Kong, then sail Cathay or Chitral back.
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    • 238 7 ab^bW t Bs^Lm. Xb^B^Bbl Bs^Bsk ,J^^B dj MvWfjMpt :4MHONMMMMMI x J9KS R^TW^ SHHHBM^^BlH^kßi^B^M^MiM^aiM IVa^^b^b^b^b^bSl ■•^^^■'"•'■•■(•'••'•'''••'^'WH > 4^B^B^B^B^B^B^Blt^Bßß2K^^) r jjHpjy mo 9k.. atift r^ifc^t BJ ./.«v^.v f a^^^||^^^^B^^Kteir^ l *^^Bs^B^^dßa^^S^^^^MßM^^^« W MA\\ LJUL bd[UlJuyUKJlfl These special BOAC holidays including airfare, hotel, trans-Australian tours begin at $1,875 a mere fraction above the
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 255 7 Straits Times Crossword bH tH aHsl wKt t^H M ROMB 5 Orand kMM of th* »porv»4Mm a large number an an J" 1 <-a>ndar 8 ,a, Bark Popular. urcrilnj clrram n' the ronntrr ,b< 5 W«mlm a woraw ab<*,t to i., t .p ciul ..n* maiid*r» t>n fl«hl i«i foot
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  • 110 8 VING.U'OKK. Miurs Ten itrm.s have been added i |Oi ds irie imi> ' mi o| wbkb la sub- to quota rwtrietton. wnllc mvmi Item have been freed tram import Ueaaa Ing Hip in-* iirnii, subject to quota restriction arc: m»r(tarinr. -PM-st. chicken eiaence. playing
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  • 173 8 Colour power at the talks... by the man who wore a pink robe 1/ I AI.A 1.1 MPI It. Thurv The man who Ipnt a splash of rolour to th«" «prond M;ilav>i;«n nil palm conferem-p whim nprnerl hcrp today is Mr. T. itKnir. one of the MccatM from the
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  • 359 8  -  STEPHEN BOEY: By Ipoh. Thursday THE arrival of helicopters in answer to a call for artillery to support an infantry advance has every indication of somebody "dropping a clanger" somewhere. But this is the latest concept In warfare because the helicopters brin» in thr
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  • 126 8 SINGAPORE Thurs A coroner today expressed doubt whether the death fall of a man •vas thriugh intoxication or suicide The man. X-ray assistant MN Sallim. 28. of Kampong Hahru. was last seen on a 15 ft. wide platform 150 ft above the
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  • 110 8 THK M •.>•• r A EduiW'.'.n. Im-he Mohamed Khir today advised pubUfthen not to pr-"" textthat oiuld BOi be u^rd iii ■ehi "It would be a mfrr wast? of money and talent. he told a temlnai h so primary ,-chool hpadmssiers B Mcrtajam. Thurs l:i
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  • 108 8 NZ AID FOR STORE NAVAL SCHOOL WELLINGTON. Thurs. The Cabinet today approved the loan of one officer and K> senior ratings from the Royal New Zealand Navy to assist In setting up a naval training school in Singapore. The .Mini -tor of Defence, Mr. Davia rboouon, said that the a-.
    Reuter  -  108 words
  • 43 8 Commissioning ceremony MNOAFORI or Tha Defence Minister. Mr Kaa ;.i a tend a rrwimii ing ceremni.-. i r I In i.c nv>rnJiK. thf 8 Defence Mr \\>e Kx>n will rpv;< a prfj**-mt-out parade at the,. t to the Thud In?i>nir>- Brigade.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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    • 210 8 If your eyes say 'ELEGANCE" jp- and your ears say JlL_ REAL STEREO! AWbs% v don t despair. Wk Vb You can have both. Generous console cabinetry to blend with «g| B& Wl the finest interiors plus separate sneaker cabinets that go just ¥9 where they should to give your
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  • 197 9 Education aid for Malays: Other races not resentful says Khir Dl KIT MF.RTA4AM Thurv Non-Malays are neither critical nor resentful of the Governments efforts to help Malays in the fields of education and economics, the Minister Of I -111! -.*****11. liia he Khir Julian, said here today. "On the contrary,
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  • 105 9 SIPT. Anthony Nathan, ('omtnander of the Federal Reserve I nit, explaining; the bbc of riot ***** rul equipment uorn by members of the Fill" to Lt.-Oen. < ha.mrjN Mamlhukan.uulu. l)< putv I n spector.(ienrral of the Thai Police, at the Kuala Lumpur Police l)>
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  • 282 9 Tan Arrests weaken belief in democracy KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday. THE danger in the recent mass am subversives is that more and more peopie will be driven to take up extra-parliamen-tary and extra-constitutional forms of struggle, the Gerakan Ra'ayat Malaysia secretary-general and MP for Batu. Dr. Tan Chee Khoon, said today.
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  • 33 9 TAir 1..' Indian a ■re haa .it>pea:fci I it* scholarship fond for needy, deserving .ent>. A i should b* aent to the treasurer. Indian Association, 46, Wan Road. TaiVint.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 121 9 FPFF A Nail Beauty Kit fcfc> Palette With Every Copy of 60 cts. per copy ON SALE NOW And watch out for subsequent issues with more CDCF OIFT^ Issue Date*) Special Insets t Eicitiag futures 2!/ 9/68 A Na>l Beauty M I Palette. 28/ 9/63 A Dairy Whisk, plus 16
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    • 218 9 mW j I fw Jtb^bl a^^af ■aTMB^BTTWaT F^rafiat^BTMll B^bHlb^Bb^bS'' i at LOMBARD BANKING fl I LONDON H I Sobsidiarr and Avtociate Banks and Finance House*! 1 1 LOMBARD AUSTRALIA LIMITED I I AdciaMr. Brisbine. Tanhrira. Hobart. 1 ivr rpool. Mclbourea, Ne»ct«le. Perth, SyJntv. Tovin^illc. Wollongong 1 1 LOMBARD NEW ZEALAND
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  • 184 10 SINGAPORE. Thursday AMERICAN Investors who are now planning to start electronic component-making plants in South-east Asia, may consider Singapore as a possible site. a^a^s^a^a^a^a^a^s^s^ai This, Mild Republn-.f: Congressman Mr. Chest' r L Mize here today, was b- of the availability of "capable" labour
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  • 109 10 SINGAPORE. Thurs. Nine health experts and social workers from Pakistan. Turkey and Iran are In Singapore for a threeday study of local family planning and public health facilities. After a briefing on the \.irious family planiilim programmes here, the group 1111 liming two women u.slted the
    109 words
  • 823 10 A SYMPTOM OF A DISEASED SOCIETY. SINGAPORE, Thursday THE Minister for Labour mid Foreign Affairs, Mr. s. Rajaratnain, today warned thai "corruption" was far too serious a problem in Asia and Africa lo I)* 1 left to frivolous scholars or treated as an innocuous hum a
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  • 143 10 CINGAPORE. Thurs. Cargo *3 handled by Singapore's port so far this year has already shown a four million ton increase over the same period last year. Statistics issued today showed that cargo discharged and loaded at the Port of Singapore wharves and the
    143 words
  • 90 10 SINUAPOftE Thurs Harrharan Singh, a Publi, Works Department OVWMV, «M jailed for IS months In the Fourth Di.-trici Court today lor corruption. He was found guilty of corruptly accepting $500 from Mr. Yap Siong Urn, managing director of Poh Thye Ltd, a firm
    90 words
  • 174 10 FAMILY PLANNING A TOP SUBJECT at CONGRESS 1 SINGAPORE, Thurs. Family planning will be one ol the mam themes disrussed at the fourth Asian Conpross of Obstetrics and Gynaecology which opens at the Singapore Conference Hall on Saturday. Mure than 450 delegates from 29 countries will participate In this 10-day
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  • 23 10 SINGAPORE. Thurs A fete for charity win be held on Nov. 23 at the All Saints Garrison Church in Wessex Estate
    23 words
  • 49 10 SINGAPORK Thuri cation Board here •<.'■'■ recruit 1 00 full time U eight different CAUfOrfc various classes next year. I acting director of the board V Koh Watt Seng, said toda\ The teachers would p. honours and pass degree?- I Higher .School Certificate ir School Certificate
    49 words
  • 45 10 SINGAPORE. Thurs. T>-« parliamentary secretary > Minister for Social AifarInche Buang bin Omar JUnld will give away prta Shenton Way of Sundays National Tran« Cnlon Congress Peij Walk. Competitors can i their number t. NTUC during i.: i morrow and on
    45 words
  • 121 10 SINGAPORE, Thurs. The MbMw of Finance. Dr. <.nh Kirn; Sure, will open the first Japanese motor assembly plant here on Nov. 20. The Sinieapore Nissan Motors (Pte) Limited with an authorised capi- tal of $5 million is a joint \enture anuitii;
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
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  • 1324 11  -  STANLEY MISELER by NAIROBI LANCE Spearman is a detective who sports a straw hat, bow tie and goatee. He likes Scotch, on the rocks, buxom wowen and fast cars. He uses reverse karate kicks, his fist and a handgun to bring down
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  • 483 11  -  FRANK CAREYCARE IIN GOKILI.AS have grounds for a defamation of character suit against the human race, reports an attractive American jjirl who has become rather friendly with a bunch of the great apes in the African wilds. "The popular notion that gorilla* are ferocious
    AP  -  483 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 188 11 Heartiest Congratulations to PERAK STATE GOVERNMENT on the Successful Completion of the PERAK STATE MOSQUE from BAN SENG HUAT CO., 84 CHURCH STREET, PENANG. Main Contractor for the construction of the Perak State Mosque. I T I Spreading health and goodness throughout 80 countries. Epoch miro n*aQfiiHDi*i i s pure
      188 words

  • The Straits Times Friday, November 15, 1968
    • 550 12 In Ins address to the Public Servioss EUgionaJ cc now b^niK held pore, ProfeaeorGundal recomnaended that unions of govermin servants should st-e themselves ;n a role markedlj Horn the sinipl' manding h gher w ages. Unions aie concerned with the interests oi' a n latively narrow sector of
      550 words
    • 293 12 Eiow 1 case can be toned" in court without the charge being disclosed, as it was in Ipoh on Wednesday, is a matter which pi.sumablv will have the attention of the Chief Justice. To s.iy the least it is a singular occurrence, and to nuke matters wo
      293 words
    • 185 12 Those responsible for the exploration of outer space nlly not given to Idle predictions. Consequently, the announcement by the American National Aeronautics and Space Administration that, given the appropriate conditions, thre*astronauts will circle the moon by Christmas mutt b<> taken to bo sober estimate of what
      185 words
  • 67 12  -  Chalmers M. Roberts by Ihe test of Richard Nixon is whether he has frown in Insight, whether he ran commmand the brains of men free from the Cold War encrustation, how well he can keep his <00l in the crisis ahead and whether he can restructure American
    67 words
    • 194 12 I REFER to your report 1 (ST. ..ov. 4i regarding Captain Set kings and his wife. Captain Seeklngs came to Singapore with the Br.usti Armed Forces some eleven years ago. He wrote to this department :n April. 1968 informing us he
      194 words
    • 248 12 I REFER to the letter s.gixd "Resident" <BT. Oct. 26) referring to the Minister's announcement or fines to people who indiscriminately throw litter. asked if it was to be assumed that while discarding a cigarette stub would Invite a fine of $150. people who fire crackers and
      248 words
    • 79 12 I WOULD MiKK'st thi--1 Director of p.w.D. take •> look at tin- "One Way Street" signs put up by his department at the junctions of Jalan Besar flnd Serangoon Road with IU secondary roads. Instead of lacing on- coming raflic the slmis are placed SO that the
      79 words
  • 1521 12 Nixon's aims for Asia: Regional groupings and self-help AS President of the United States. Richard M. Nixon will be an activist in foreign policy but he will be hemmed in by a Democraticcontrolled Congress and limited by an American public desirous of some degree of curtailment of the nations role
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 32 12 Be in Time with a SEIKO A Wj Just preset the required tir-M (if and the Bell matic will rermna T T' v /f/JT you with its automatic alarm. \&\f A \^^rjjfj
      32 words
    • 167 12 Here is a NEWBBEEDof [ftummgj jy niode! to suit every home GRUNOIG television sets, made in West Germd: are treasured lor Ihwf qja ty »ck. 1 rep oduct.on. naedle-sharp pictures. Tr»y are backed by long estabi.shed < Tronic technique, precision •ng.neermg and quahty modern des gn. :rp cabinet co^struciion of
      167 words

  • 374 13 Tengku warns of latest MCP tactics ALOR STAR. Thurs JENGKU Abdul Rahman warned today that the Malayan Communist Party was working on the "vanity" of students that China was a «ioat country and Mao a great man. "So having been brainwashed, they look to China
    374 words
  • 55 13 KUALA LUMPUR. Thur*. The Oovernnun: has banned an English publication. "Selected Heading* trom tho Works of ing." publishod by the I'nreign LH.iiMSk;' Pre.vs in PcWine Ine 'Liberatinn Ne^s." punted in Chine-e by the N'r-h K*'.:man'.in National Liberation I i of Saravak. has also hoon banned
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  • 27 13 KLAIJ^ LUMPLR. Ministry of Labour. Inclie Mohamed Oman Cassim. us in Whsluii. 45-day »tudv tour ol the United •'n.sorru by iho I' S Slate Department
    27 words
  • 121 13 Last of the Loh kidnap gang arrested V i\(. \roi;i Thurs. J Police loilay arrested (he last iin-ri. ln-t of thr I. i>h Ngut I'onc kidnap (ant. The man m pickrd up at his Irntf fl.a liy oflners of the Special Investigation Section of thr ('ID at noon.
    121 words
  • 28 13 KM'AVO Tlmr- Tlv V Ir.h Youtii Club mill hold a 800- <-m th* P-.i'.oh Cnmmtmr nail on Nov. 23 to m*n ti l.v li unn.versarv cricbratnnv
    28 words
  • 299 13  - Flynn the actor, now a producer, in Singapore JUDITH YONG i By CINGAPORE. Than. J Actor Scan Flyim < above i. who »a>. 11l Siiigapurr tw<i years ago as the star of a French adventure film shot her<\ ha.> returned this t:me a^ a producer-director but on holiday. Tlie tall
    299 words
  • 83 13 High Court trial for six Ir-OH. ll.ui- I > »err sun lor inal vi v.<- Hi^u Court un cliaiK' I o( .irmrc gang robbcrj COM of a prei.min.try inquiry in maguirale's court The six are alleged lo ii*w robbed a goldsmith, Mr. Lam Kian Siak. of $23,000 worth ol gold
    83 words
  • 45 13 IKIXK ANSON. 1 1; n.n Mniinuid. 36 •.ned $1,000 or m\ [ol Kampung Teluk .ii If. K.iii.iriKlrtiii Imi M.i I mi Dun 26 .<nd QtUZI I bin V< D thrnari 28. fpP l ir: acquitted •rh'.ut their delenct I brtni e*ll«d.
    45 words
  • 191 13 DREAM OF FILM CAREER IS WITHIN SINGH FOR DANCING AGNES ITUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. Perseverance has paid off for Miss Agnes Joseph. Her childhood dream of becoming a film actress may soon become a reality. Agnes her vital statistics 34-23-34 has bern offered several film contracts by leading Indian producers. But
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  • 82 13 Teluk Anson plan to fight erosion TEIXK ANSON Thu -.—Erosion In Teluk Anson town was problem to be solved by both the Central and Perak Governnirnt.v. CIM BtaU Secretary, Inrhe Abdul A/iz bin Ismail, said Mtcrday Inrhe Abdul Ariz earlier mat members ot the eight-man erosion committee at the Town
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 318 13 Prepare Now for 1969/1970 EXAMINATIONS The Largest Correspondence College in Malaysia. Foh Chong Building (Second and Third Floors), Johore Bohru. Tel: 2171 2006 Momyo« CorniDondtrtc* Co)l*e« <---:- a wnUL I'fabhih.d 1959 can a»»«r rou up-la-dat« and »»«t«m«ti< I?^?^^' Enflith Medium hom*-«tudy court* S^^^"^B f^^^^B f< M h# School C«r» OonM
      318 words
    • 110 13 Break a piece today -replace it tomorrow EXQUISITE DESIGNS AND BEAUTIFULLY COLOURED DINNER and TEA SETS Obtainable from the following Stockists Kf ALA UMPtg MALA) I R^blnton Co. Ltd Chung Teck Trading Co. ,j Olm Alk A Co. Weld Supermarket photo studlo RlU's (Ist Floor i Supermarket. Kuoi.c Chuan Ltd
      110 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 650 13 ON YOUR TV AND RADIO TODAY TV MALAYSIA (HAWHv KuaU l.ur- S.n*.. 600 News in Tamil; pur and NMB| i; lp»h 6.10 Daktari- The Exccutiun. .md M.iLic.i MMM 700 Nr^s .n Engllah. Kjli.u 3 and IIP: Ijiping I; <J in SporU Arena: 735 B.ttu l'.ihat 7 and Kluan( 'J. "»w
      650 words
    • 85 13 RADIO MALAYSIA Natiunal MtmitMjvr hM 41, bu.t. 62 mrtrrk. Mnliuni *ay» Srrvirr XL. J.IS ■■>!!■; Truant 349 mrirrs. Malaria t.St m.tir- Ipob 4»J mrtrrs. Juhore Rahru ll» mrlin; Kota Bharu 357 mrtrrs: Kuala Trrngfanu 312 mrlrrt and Kuantan airtm. (lit \.M.: IT ng w-wv fioi Morning MHi-di'-s. 7.00 Thf New.s;
      85 words
    • 85 13 TIM Mmm; 140 Ncw.-tallc: 145 UN Nevsreel; 2.00 Clo*e D News: 8.10 E<'r...'.v Ft 'lll^llll Bdttoriali 8.15 Prr>Bramm»"-Suniniiiry and KL-h Mm; 525 N 1 V 600 But B»nrl> 11 Ort I N. |4t RiKiiitnl Rm. Interludf 645 H «astae; T.ll M .-lin OMCUC: 730 Top Ten: Bon Malay Mumi: 815
      85 words

  • 261 14  - TB expert who worked her way through varsity... MARGARET WEE By 1/UALA LUMPUR, Thurs.— Dr. (Miss) Annik Rouillon, who worked her way through university, la today one of the worlds experts on tuberculosis. The assistant for medica: matters to thp executive director of the International Union Against Tuberculosis. Dr. Johs
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  • 77 14 Blind man found distilling samsu SINGAPORE. Thurs. A blind man, Ng Peng Yong. 59. found distilling unwi in a dilapidated hut in Serangnon Koad. was given a conditional discharge hv a magiv tratr 's court t > Charged with Ng «v Ng Cheng Veee. 2". They were found guilty of
    77 words
  • 37 14 SINGAPORE.. Thurv Anwar Hag. 40, and Niibr Aimed 26. were charged In a maulstratr s court today with raping a 13-year-old jtlrl In Kammmi Arang Road on Oct. 5. They uere ordered to be remanded.
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  • 97 14 1/UALA LUMPUR. Thurs. The Sabah Gov.-ni mtnt la to buy three French Alouette nelicnpters I 0 r fJood relief work, its Chief Mlni.-ter. Tun Mustapha. said today At road communications IB h.ibaii m still poor, the helicopters would come ;n useful for evacuating pmplp and
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  • 542 14 Corruption 'Too many permissions worth money' SINGAPORE, I Thurs. Swedish economist Prof. Gunnar Myrdal believes that there are too many 'permissions worth money" depending on the decisions of officials 3"d sometimes politicians. When tax officials were inefficient and more amenable to cor- ruption in some developing countries, it was partly
    542 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 215 14 Step out into anew P^f^H I wflF gggggggggggggggl niff sound -HBF^JIs witH BMgligggM gggW^Qlib I I'M jJSBffIK new series... la Akoi proudly presenf fhe New Breel A tota|| y fUOF. tf^lLlm new concepY m tape recorder design-bold. Ssir* 3 'wP t B T > A IB r™ "^mW beautiful and
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  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 49 14 IHrk irmfff Bff < I.nmlti ggH rse-POUNO PURE COLO ruftJcpE'cA Tme worked 3 qavs -rrTTT^T^'^JTT^J^ I INGOT WORTM AROUND PURDV (scEEONC i) I AND 2 NIOMTS WITKXIT ot^QATirir )/^Sc«Sulr 25 TWOOSA^4D DOLLARS. BE- L PAULAR?// St-EEP. THIS UtVi A 1 i "mSattSSar L CAUSE ON eartwitwill t x I wwiz:
      49 words

  • 404 15 Russia and France speak up for Peking NEW YORK, Thurs Soviet Union and Fiance yesterday urged the General Assembly to recognise Peking's right to a seat in the U.N. and to expel the representatives of Taiwan. Both Ambassador Mr. Jacob Malik and Ambassador Mr. Armand Berard vsupported a resolution to
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  • 244 15 Top Nixon backroom boy gets top White House job YEW YORK, Thurs..— Mr. H. R. (Bob) Haldeman. chief of stuff In the election campaign of Presidentelect Mr. Nixon, was appointed yesterday to take charge of -general a d m i n i strution and management of White House staff operations.
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  • 127 15 lAKARTA Thurs. The Government us to ship 200.000 unemployed people and beggar*, to Kalimantan tn work on giant forestry project there. rt<>ci»l Attain Mnu-t r Mr A M Tambunan. said his «celt that thf husr uioour 1< rce trill lee".aim 400 000 hectare,
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  • 46 15 NEW DELHI. ThU Pbfl anri ilwk vurkers beloiijing to leftist trade unions in India will strike on Dec. 9 to b»ck demands for a minimum wtge. n unced today. The strike has been called by the Indian National Port and Dock Workera federation.
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  • 163 15 KARACHI, Thurs. Angry crowds in the \\>vt Pakistan city of Mm. an stoned a train last night in protest against the detention of Mr. A Bhutto, former Foreign Minister Stones were hurled at the Khyber mail express, on which Mr. Bhutto had been scheduled
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 60 15 (^)H>hitmont® MADE IN AUSTRALIA fIXED PRICES FROMjS 19.90^ Available from: EiZ C. K. TANG (S) LTD. J^»- 111. O«CM»»D »0»0 SINCtrOIE. £9 TfL: MIS. M7M {4 LINES). If 3 B^ H^^^^^Bi^^^Mßa^nßi^MiHßaaaaaawßaisaaaaaiaw "ovation cosmetics Clearance i litsip Salt'! From $150 to $3.00 eoch only! Pleose hurry Stocks limited Please Ccr 1
      60 words
    • 774 15 WIN A V HI-FI IN THE [MB ELASTOPLAST CONTEST ■HB I AQ ATUCD DDI7CC "\Tm i**zj %j ncn r riiacco 'Wacg&adsMp I phii iPg Hi Fi Stereo Chain |«ff I afl vr^s^LV 1 n^~ n^ HHHsi bf^jGH I x/^S»SSS^^^b^»^^u' F l^"^*****— ii i, Jt LV9^s^sr^ 9r ■N t BK^— •V
      774 words

    • 124 16 organisation I AT I directors meeting A held recently in London Mr. Jens D. Johannessen, Manager of Wallem Si Co. Singapore) Ltd., was appointed Singapore Director of the company. Wallem Si Co. 'Singapore) i Ltd. is part of the Wal- lem Group, a shipping I
      124 words
    • Article, Illustration
      56 16 One i>f India leading Indus-l.xK.-Jimipat Miik'iia:>i« la DOW In Mala\Ma and Slngapor* Shrl Lakslimlpm I' Cli.vernr tin JuKgilal -^antMition. an »n- runs a .t.uut 75. InduMries. bankinK. Insurance and other bu^ineshes The network employ! neu'ly loo.noo people He arrl\ed In Kuala I :n- win be In Pe-nai-.e tomorrow and
      56 words
    • 113 16 Travellers' Cheques Division chief is due today MR. Frank G. Holmes, Regional Vice-Pre-sident in the Travellers' Cheque Division, American Express International Banking Corporation, will be visiting Singapore for three days, from today according to Mr. P.J. McCawley the local Manager. Mr. McCawley said that Mr. Holmes will be calling on
      113 words
    • 72 16 Mr R Probert Managing Director of Navei- International Pty Ltd of S\dney. Australia, (sited Rinicapnre reiently on his South East Asian tour and had dl.vusMon* here on the Introduction and marketliiK of ttie new Mt'.ronned Aspro tablets lets Medical aclmtMa It 1» claimed have developed a new tvi>e
      72 words
    • 207 16 SINGAPORE and Malaysia are amongst the leading markets in South East Asia for San1 sui audio uroducts. The high livmn .standards and literary ra'.>' in this region h;i.s contributed much toward.- the constantly increasing demand for such products, said Mr. M Mlyake. manager (foreign department
      207 words
    • 76 16 Japan will be the first country in Asia to produre protein from petroleum sourer*. A Japanese company. K>owa Hakk ;>any of Japan has signed an agreement »im BP under uhlrh Kmus Hakko »ill acquire rttl the uve o! BP patent' and knowhow for the production of
      76 words
    • 65 16 CwchoslovaK Airlines an- nounces the appointment of Mr. Josef /.lomek as District Manager. Singapore. Mala\sla and Brunei, .succeeding Mr Milan Benda who has been appointed District Manager for Canada Mr Zloime* 37. has m:rh •xpertence m the industry havka| been »:-h Ciechoslo\ak Airlines for it.r P"'* years
      65 words
    • 253 16 Award for best EsSO Student- 'I'll! Mintri IMH of 1 N. en Srmbilan. 'Lan Sri (Dr.) Mohamrd Said bin Mnhamrd. pre>ent<-<) rash awards totallinc SI.KOO Io 17 prunming si-i niiil.irv and primary »i hniil studrnU in thr lh-trn t of Port Dirkson who wrrr adjudged thr brst students of their
      253 words
    • 248 16  - Singapore timber exporters in 'price war CHAN BONG SOO By "PRICE WAR" is on among Singapore's timber exporters to the expanding South African market. This unhealthy state of affairs has cropped up as a result of the 15 to 20 per cent rebate offered to shippers or exporters by non-conference
      248 words
    • 87 16 Chemical company appoint accounting manager MR Harbhajan Singh i above ha> joined th« Kuala Lumpur office ol Dow Chemical Internationa] as managi I ii.ia.n and administration. This announcement wai made jointly by Mr A. L. John.son, Dow's controller and treasurer lur the Pacific Area, and Mr. John Weseloh. resident manager
      87 words
    • 215 16 P& O Lines announce that Mr. John Church, P O Area Sales' Manager for South East Asia, is being transferred to their London Head Office. He is to take up in March next year an appointment as Central Allotment Controller in the new computerised reservations system which
      215 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 439 16 f Now y, „r i Batu Pahat I joins the network I I Sim Lim Finance's I J^jT New Office I I opens today at I I 268, Jalan Rahmat 1 Batu Pahat, JohoreTel: 7sl l Wherever you go Sim Lim Finance is there to serve you The Network: SIM
      439 words
    • 27 16 SWEDISH TRADINGra^^N^HD. IM It MPUfI. OL h MAPK HUUst I'-^fl.,, 1 86. JALAN AUPA\GT(L: 2b316-7 "jjClpcr BA\KOF CHINA BUILDIXG ~t^K BATTtRY HOAO It. j~ J |"jHp IT/47?
      27 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 1002 17 -M' OtHLB v K CONIINENUI PQWT!,. »»onmouw. iiPtNn"i. Nn'ii ISIYANAX Hirnburf, MoVlanO 1 Hrn H iUIOLYCUS luemooi Hi, M/ 1 till mVcnam 2. SSM 1 MACHAON Nsv 2| Qft 1 "'J^.'S 0 "-""Pooi. Dttl.n. Gla.jiw. Oec 4 Oic Oic 1/11 Otc il JIOMEO London. A'mouth... Oec 11 Dec 11 Oic
      1,002 words
    • 2592 17 1 iiwl^^fi J^T^^^^j^Yy^r^^^T^BK I r//£Zmhi/Af£s I ■■Baffal THE EAST ASIATIC COMPANY Ltd. Inco'poratad in Oanmark laVatal EXPRESS SAILINGS TO GENOA/NORTH CONTINENT/SCANDINAVIA P. Sham Pensno, Spore V"ca R'rJam H'bure Aarhus C'hawn PASADENA a) Nn I? 25 Na. 27 II Nn IS I laa 1 lan 1] lai 15 lai II lai
      2,592 words
    • 1237 17 w KLAVENESS LINE 'Ai3t_ Laaliaj 111 LOS ANGIIES. SAN IRANCISCO. VANCOUVER AIM KCIItm cult 111 Ctitral 1 Still Amnci Siniaood t.ttm Out L An|im BOUGAINVILLE '72» Nn tt Nn l Oec II IM SUNNYVILLE 1"I' Oic SO 11 Ote II PH IRONIVIILE "11 IM M/11 Hi. IS Ma* Seattle lot
      1,237 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 1161 18 \T— ***kAWASAKI KISEN KAISHA LTD. Western Australia, Singapore/ Japan Sarvic* VnaMM Smgipori Yokkaicni/NagoYl Vhama K«o« -Behjiua Mar.' 23 ]i Oic lIM III" West Africa /Singapore /Japan Service I ;ac»»e Nafo.i I'h.<f> l koM "Isaaesn.rnj Man- nir.ts 25 Nn 2 Dec J Oec J Die • Mam I i Dec 21
      1,161 words
    • 946 18 aUSTMLU NCV» lE«LIND SEKVICt MM, PJMNM *N0 FM [*St SIRVICES fir: Pt. Alaa. Inilaae. S»l«» 'i Naiaiatinaa ail Mains mm ../.i'.k «/i«%u Kiiiij. a3fi 'T£ 7h wm mnTm wFm P «"o*.c n ieu S pore P. Sriam P»nant Tl; .USTRaLI*. NEW UtlftNO. HULIMB*" sa. lei Sailil la Pirt i a»j»M
      946 words
    • 773 18 PACIFIC LINE CALIFORNIA PACIFIC NORTH WEST EXPRESS KATTIt, VANCOIivtR B.C. PORTLAND Pmani P S S.^iapt'e L «n|e c f> i na-cisce VISHVa IiRTN it W ni. nil an Nn it Oic II Otc I SO MIOMTa PdtDESH 11/1) Oec II II OIC 21 12 Oec It la* It Ma
      773 words
    • 695 18 GOVERNMENT OF THE GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF SINGAPORE REPUBLIC OF SINGAPORE INI lIKM I.OWRNMrNT THK LOCAL GOVERNMENT 1963 (No. IS of ***** 19«3 < No of in MMMM of the powers con- In per-uance of the g»meea»rrM« hv s«Ttion is of the Local f fired by the Un Jr^wnment
      695 words

  • 29 19 RUBBER AND TIN CLOSING PRICES Nov. H. Ri mil i! run i 572 ptitv (unchanged). TIN PRICE: SKI 4. 12* nip MJS4). MtaMtoi ofTering 200 Inns (clown 10 tons).
    29 words
  • 219 19 Minings firm at the close HELBOORNE, I Inns F"I KR rasliiK mid-st>sMt>!i. miiuiiK.s firmed to I lie close: R A midf .m aajatl al $18 and North Kal( -ti cfnts at *fi 2(1 after 8088 l Vi HH Kin( Inland featured later uraliiiux mil) ;u. unexplained jump of $li to
    219 words
  • 26 19 In l«nrl(in I'M WMne .Ihv Ma.a an cent c.l f. UK Nnrth is in bulk aaj unchaiiKFd. Pievidus bu(>iiiev> \kas at M per ion
    26 words
  • 38 19 ON th* fraa tichanc. mjrrtal in Hon« Kon« »..l.rd»f thr U 1. Uallar anM .otw al nil IT inn ii 't for OMB. Ctariinf »aii quotri ,i .i»a aaa ana laal af f.lrl at Ml,
    38 words
  • 399 19 THE Siraits tin price continued its present spiral in Penang yesterday by gaining a further $4.12) to $614,121, per plcul. the highest price since August 1966. With the tightening of supplies growing even more acute $21.50 has been gained tlnee the current
    399 words
  • 229 19 Rubber closes on quiet tone l.isl giaile rubber! fob Inner* ringed at I p.m. in IMMM and Kuala I umpur <re»trrda> al i Mali per Ib. unchanged nn i-dnf«l.i» BBBB* ing 1.\.l Thr lonr was \rry <|Ule«. R.A.s. and M.K.I:, riming prfce* In cents i» i Ib. yetlerdav. Inl IRSS
    229 words
  • 78 19 C MINIM Pirxhica lilhinil, I* fipon. n.on al««in, p.iaaa Mr mcul yaitrrrlay. Cihkul all I num »4» MM <Irum u;t «.iur« Copra MtaM iini'l. mix Not/ l»r 1 N Cont »27» B. P«p*at: Mimtai tMH HM «»ii»n, I m Itors, •p»rmi Sarawak Wars > mUmi «arM«i l^imi .nt
    78 words
  • 649 19 'THE easier conditions prevailing on the Stock Exchanne for the past two or three days appeared to have been halted yesterday. The market was very steady, but was also very quiet still influenced by the number of new issues overhanging the market and especially
    649 words
  • 42 19 RBNONO Tin Dredging announce a final «.f la. 3d. per unit making la. fid. for the year ended June 30. against 2s 3d. payable on Dei- M The profit i* £184.:i21 <fc 392.509 1 before tax £80.--531 < 21 4.0(1(1..
    42 words
  • 177 19 DEALERS in the London tin share market on Wednesday had ;i quiet day and pric<-.s eased slightly where changed. K■ni- n k i I M, while there were smaller losses in Tronoh and Tongkah Berait reacted after 1U recent sustained advance. Katnunting was unalTected dv the
    177 words
  • 174 19 V/Miri LVIKC ALONUtIIIE TMI 1 SINCAPORE HARS O U R ARC TODAY •MO" > --n >-(„.. .Vr.-,,. 11l U H Nor«i- v Cor»l .ur 4«! h n H mi I All'v N 1\ »MIP» IN TME ROAUt AS AT 4 AM ON MOV 14: R"J<K loldr. I
    174 words
  • 53 19 unii.o ■tataoi BayiM i i ulrmall 01. 13.04 rr«dlt hill.. $;w7-i Ii ..i» IT or Ol" r»^d» i Th»> fmlo«m( r«t»» ir^ .j ,n--i n •quivalanl of 100 unita of I. MNRf TT ar OD r.ady: Oatrtacha F. an.rT' 1 .'i""lVl" Italian i.Vr.. f.'.Tv Da*"," •U.IOM and
    53 words
  • 221 19 OF SHARK COMPARISON OF LAST SALES IN THI SINCAPORE AND KUALA LUMPUR TRADING INDUSTRIALS: ACMA I- rut i... Ban A Ca. I unrh >. Barnaa Barhad lumh C. Su«a.a n.rrh i, C.C M. "in. h > Dunla* ii.i.'h Eu*K lun.l. >. r. A N. < I lentm. Cammon
    221 words
  • 29 19 IN S«ptemhrr. fie production nf tin concentrate* was UM6 tons tin metal the fourth btfhesi monthly production Rum in postwar VI Production In the flrxt
    29 words
  • 42 19 \BTATEMKNT commenttall on the latest bid for TK. Firth from Guthrie Corporation wmi i>»ti'd on Wednesday to Firth (harehulders by the mprchant bankers N M Rothsrhild Rothschild are artltiK for Reafiicut who have bepti biddliiK against Guthrie for Firth
    42 words
  • 93 19 THE Tun., say Golden Hope still looks one of the most expensive of the leading plantation .shares which as a group have advanced so far this year that they could well be ready for a niuvc dowi, wards. One of the biggest problems for Golden Hope Is
    93 words
  • 12 19 f PHr 'irnmplp 1 N'-wslptttT says tnvrsUn iirlvspd that the
    12 words
  • 455 19 B I SINKS* |x 4,N|> KtI'OKIIII TO Till: SI\(.AIOKI AND Xi XI I i Ml I i: TRAD I INQ ROOMS OK THK STO( K KX(HAN(.K YkVSTt.RUAY WITH THF. MMHIK OK SHARKS n:\nni IN hum ki iINDUSTRIALS AC.MA .1 '«mi S'."i.l .1 ll' 'l4 iSihiOi I'"", .in.! t2
    455 words
  • 146 19 STOCK INDOCES Nov. 13 Not. 14 Industrials: 1M Kit IT. 1.49 ■Properties: I .it lhlti. I ins :s.(>7 :«.g7 >ruhbrt«: MM 1nn. 73 l»ri .til. I'M. i. lull v l»ef H, I St.. 1 Iti). Public dink ,'ihki II ii.i ,4. i"Hi 11.05 |2*j.oWl 11.04 I R.rtno.n arm I I
    146 words
  • 537 19 t I'H K UUmi OF MALAYSIA INDUSTRIALa ACM A 2.06 M H»n Co 2 44 K..rn«) H,rh»d 1.74 ITS Huiistnii 1.7(1 1.7K C. Sugar! 4. US 4 mi C.C.M. ordt 1.7* l.7l» C S. HoM,nm 4>l !> 00 IMiniop UI 1.24 ■Ml Kmtll (1.7S y. a i vi
    537 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 671 19 BY ORDKR OF THE DIRE! TOR Or ori>\ i KBVICEI I'm Far Last Land Forces NASSIM CO. (SINGAPORE) LIMITED »ill »ell hy public auction at U II >liM.r Quay. Singapore BTORES SURPLUS TO THE WAR DEPARTMENT ON FRIOAY. 22nd November 1968 at 930 am Bedford Trucks: Landrovers c ommer Upper;
      671 words
    • 538 19 NOTICE j NOTICE Ls hereby eIM-n that w#* Ksni: Seng reaxed to be emploveri hv Messrs Lian Hup ned with effect (nun I the 12th clay of November 1<»«8 and that he has no authori'v t> act In any capacity whatsoerer on behalf of the Company from the 12th of
      538 words
    • 273 19 NOTICES JAMBATAN DI-TUTOP TIU kayu mer.yebarang Sungal Pendanc. <it-Tanah Merah. Jalar. Tokal Tanah Merah akan dl-tutop kapada srrr aa lenis keenderaan daripada pukol 7 (in pagi lfiiii> hinuxa pukol fi Oo petang 21 1 1 tifi vi.ton di-perbaiici Penunxgang baMkal dan oiani: berjalan kakl boleh melint».s dlUtl Inl pada harl
      273 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 1755 20 BWaoßßMW^B^pß^yjWPaaß^H|^^^^aof^^^^Bß^^B^^^^^B^Bßß^^^B^aoß^B^^^B^^^M HJn'mLS: (MiriNSS. IN MEMO-UM MIMI.GfS HSSM «ISOa»l. WX, ««UI[MS I MUNiONS. Rite Miorosio $15/ lor 2B »eili Men itiitiiiil ■•>< 7b ets. ,l I U wmr CUmf'.l ..Vitnesiests: Miiiaoa hi 15 BaT* lie. bbbbbbb 1 ireti II ceil> Slmti Twts l« ttmtf Oit t t SI iwli ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 1
      1,755 words
    • 1005 20 AVAILABLE FURNISHED BEDSittinc io<.m« Batkroofn uia.hed .iiirkiiil Kirl. Tel. iSpitir, IHM AinvlEW 'OttER 1.., union mrnn.n.,l Auartm.nt Rriital S4OU on unniion. Contact Can Hourinif AOOaCJ 111. 1 IMU AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY dis- Airconditioned «.11-liirn»h.d I Hats $«iki vMhi Cot.tact h'ne Mallal Houmnil Hureau I K pore) A *****. ■STOREY BUNGALOWS
      1,005 words
    • 846 20 EDUCATION > I New Bridne M ii pore I I Rapid/Normal louiaes OCOBp, IndiM--1 ciiimfrii. 1 .-.nooi. (MB Ueylaoa Koad. 1 mar luront. 24 1. •"BON SECRETARIAL SUCCESS: Tvpewntini;. BBartaaaal, n.KiK-KerpuiiK. 171-H Ben.wlcn Slrrrl 2»I»-A 7a 1 ik KatBBO Koad. S pore 46Vlt>/ 14-.1.1 I 1 BOOK KEEPING: l-our
      846 words
    • 621 20 FURNITURE ■tmi-ult AaMßß'a < River Valley Ko. id. bin»:i|tui'. PETS FOR SAIE SIAMESE KITTENS lor sale one inotithn old. Karh liui- 1 pore. PLDICREE FrIETkAND SHELPDOC IBsalel tuo years. raaaDßßa>M price Inu 'v. CaaUtwoll Hnvc s G t > pan ALSATIONS BOXERS. linnet- h.-n.inri. pood,r. «p4mela. .11 MOM X.L..
      621 words
    • 759 20 FORO CORSAIR 196* while Mk I four ne« lyres. M.TOO 0.0.0. Ttl. 18 porei .IJ7«v 1«,*7 AUSTIM MIMI Super one o» ncr noutj .ondltibn pnte J3CUO/ Tel. ll 1 U: in .-,n»;lienie. 1166 TRIUMPH HERALD, one Kuroixan u«ner 53.7U0. Apply Singapore ,or,d:t.or.. m»ed. lj Mill IMM .no. Kinu 4H-.4J3
      759 words
    • 603 20 [WHERE TO STAY (S'PORE)| YORK 10TEL SCO-ITS Ho»n Tourist Clai-s t Tr^aalt U pore l FROM HOMC to BOOM nnrhelnr/ fmnily rume lo Amsterdam Ai bi miles Holland Koatl. pon CITY cuiji nuutt M ■fonvenien.-e BVoaaotßßaJ ItPoun- lor Montnly Telephone „ul6i tM !:nad i> lorei fAY IN >vrll furnlnned ann
      603 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 599 21 MARINE ENGINEERS SHELL EASTERN PETROLEUM LTD Invite applications from Marine Engineers for senior operating positions in their refinery at Pulau Bukom The jobs entail beinß responsible on shift for the operation of oil processing and auxiliary units. Candidates should meet the following conditlons:--l) Possess 2nd class (MOT.) Engineer's Certificate of
      599 words
      707 words
    • 704 21 FOOD SPECIALITIES SINGAPORE (PRIVATE) LIMITED Applications are Invited from Singapore Citizens for the following post: BOILER ATTENDANT Qualifications: Preferably with second grade certificate snd experience Id operating steam boilers Please apply to the Factory Manager. Food Specialities Singapore (Private) Limited. Lot A 762. Jalan Bekalan. Jnroog. Singapore. 2!. Vacancies exist
      704 words
    • 650 21 requires FEMALE SALES SUPERVISOR ESSENTIAL QUALIFICATIONS: Three years experience in active selling. Above average appearance and education. Fluent English spoken and written. This is an exciting job with good pay and prospects and an opportunity to learn modern marketing methods. The post it in Singapore. THE FAR EAST RESEARCH ORGANISATION
      650 words

  • 1492 22 MaaM 2.00 CLASS 4 DIVISION 6 ■MhSmBB iSS 700 6F local riders only 1 v I.kIt'ERATOR 'King 6t Ii Teh 4 9.0 Chuah 7 J 050 WODONGA (Rajakami West 4 8.11 -Rao 9 3 9 OAT ESTANA 'Joyful! Tjoa 4 813 'Rah 4 717ti8 RID II lIP
    1,492 words
  • 200 22  -  EPSOM JEEP ON THE TRACK with RACING CERAYA MERAH looks ready to score first time out at Ipoh tomorrow. Trainer Ahmad s newcomer In Class 2 did a splendid trial on good going yesterday morning. Riddon by Asuwadi Nabl. four-year-old Seraya Mcrah strode out stylish v
    200 words
  • 1495 22 WWS^gM 200 CLASS 6 DIVISION 2 ifin^Ml .54.500! 8 F I 1 on HIGHLAND BRLLZL (Olympla> Tell 590 NeUon 15 2 ***** LARATOR a Julian i X, Breuk 9 90 le«ng 4 3 ***** BLST WIN a doeali Allan 7 90 IF) 1 oleman M 4
    1,495 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 1086 22 TENDERS SINGAPORE TELEPHONE BOARD TENDER NOTICE Tender No 102 ACC 61 Rrprotertlon of Exlstlne I»«n»l Kooiing to TRtijoi l- Katong Exchange 375, TnnJoriK Katonc Road. Singapore Tenders are Invited from »p--proved Contractors for the above mentioned work. Specification and drawing are obtainable from the Accommodation Services Officers, Ist. Floor. Telephone
      1,086 words

    • 207 23 Happy Landing shows ability 0 FROM PAGE 22 In 38 3 5 Pe:irl River Har'i:d 31 in 39 1 5. Bexroaa did a nuut sprint uvor 3f in 39. Newcomer Hippy I ..incline showed ability in a 3f gal:op in 39 2 5 with Chen LI Chu. Llfhtalaf <»irl sprinted
      207 words
    • 49 23 HORSES vxr.hdla the Ip iiimokuiiw Kjre 1: t* >n 11. D\ 1. Sa■act 3: Middi Touch. Parra*ari, Kar« 4: Penaaiok 11. tUc« 5: Gin R-^m-my, Peters QoM Kair H: B M Ha.: Crown. Cobbtrs B<>y: Race >l M»\Y Rj.r Kare 4: I; ne Rim Kea". Madrid. :;...i- nctm.
      49 words
    • 72 23 TRAINER T K. N.tir. who died I i nt on Turf. He learnt to ride in his teetu early 1930"s was i > ;val. who then trained a formidable strinir fcr mi;iiona:rp A van Tooren at mDur. .r became an approv- During :he Japanese Occupaaas a top
      72 words
    • 162 23 Tengku to attend opening of complex PRIME MINISTER TengkU Abdu". R-ihm.m «1U attend the ilficial opening of tho $500 000 lVrak Turf Club Sports Club complex at Tiger [nob, tomorrow nicht Ar:. DS the other VlP's arc the k<— of tlie r> •■.in R I a'.o C. M. Yusof. ana
      162 words
    • 64 23 LONDON. Thurs. Derek Pattinxin. a British .viciicr on lea\c from Singapore, will drive the only Toyota Corolla In the 2 500-mile Brui.-h Roy;»l Automobile Club motor rally which starts here tomorrow. Other cars in the field of 121 include the Saab. Lam ;.i. Ford.'-. irtbugi anrt
      64 words
    • 289 23  - Let's hold Asean Games Wok ERNEST FRIDA Bj gINGAPORES Sports Minister Inche Othman Wok yesterday proposed the staging of the Asean Games for member countries of the Association of South-East Asia Nations. He suggested that the Asean countries Malaysia. Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand and the Philippines could stage the Games by
      289 words
    • 72 23 MACAO. Thurs. Two drivers and two motor-rvrh'-'' trom Hong Kong were Injured In craslie* durm« today'! practice runs lor the Macao Grai.d Prix meetniK wr.ich open tomorrow Most seriously Injured wa* motor-cyclUt Daniel Chan*, who crashed Into a tree. He was In a coma «lth
      72 words
    • 177 23 Tourists fail on wet pitch CEYLON Defence Services got off to a poor start to their hockey tour of Singapore yesterday when they were beaten 4-1 by Far East Land Forces at Dover Road. The tourists were ill at eaac on ■wt t pitch and conceded three goals in the
      177 words
    • 107 23 lONDON. 11. Arthur A-hc the U O!*" <■"*■"" p on n-. ol» p.ayer la the wnrld suffered a in the BrlUat) covtredecourta chamwhen he Cfiten by lentil ranked Briti-sli p,..yer tiered BattltCk aii. Battriclc. a former Junior champion, needed only 65 m.nut,s i o bM> Ail.c 6-1.
      Reuter  -  107 words
    • 28 23 romi: r- C; i rfaoiae world-wide nipe'.'.on nex <* called tl" 1 Siavia World I." TtM t"iirn*n;rnt will be open to teams o[ r mjrwtMn in tne
      28 words
    • 318 23 LONTX)N. Thurs. Manchester United of England, the holders, and Celtic of Scot- J land, the 1967 winners, underlined the power of the British challenge for the European Cup with decisive victories last night. United, recovering from a shaky first half, whipped RSC Anderlecht of Bel- glum
      318 words
    • 102 23 li\l)Ml\ lON niMir.iis m\i\i imh; TK\M (8tU»WBB>: Final Ka- i y.u. 4 .c taut 1. MHU l ii \ll INTI X-< UOOI. (1 M MrthodUt Brcondar) 77 Catholic lIIKKKY r ki d\ii ii \a\ i 2 Lion.- 2 ll m HOOLM I«h •< KEY; Under-U Frtmcu Light RI'OGCR S
      102 words
    • 228 23 Malaysian pair for exhibition matches BOON BEE and 1 Tan Yee Khan, Malaysia's top doubles pair, will play an exhibition badmi nton match at Hong Kong on Dec. 16. The exhibition has been arranged at the request of the B.A of Malaysia, secretary Teh Gin Sooi said in Kuala Lumpur
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  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 264 23 SPORTS POOLS (MALAYSIA^C Certified Dividends FOR SATURDAY 9TH NOVEMBER 1968. IMH'Wl'l'hilwP l-i ImiHi-nd Z» polnU J2.709.09 2nd I)i\idrnd M potnt» 34.84 3id Dividrnd 22' i potnU 13.93 Itli Dixiilrnd 22 points 2.93 :>Ui DiMdrnd tl'.t poinU °92 11 MATCH RESULTS POOL 12 torrfct 1.621.88 II torrrct 161.34 10 iorrrrt 111
      264 words
    • 27 23 J^>^ A k> ■f^flHK^nß vl 1/niIPIJCD V at V/ ME VUULntn i^*^ SERVICE Tel: ***** C^ BUILD BP^ STRENGTH WITH VIKELP VIKELP —I U THE BORNEO COMPANY.
      27 words
  • Page 23 Miscellaneous
    • 22 23 MBMNTON Prnan* senior irver-teum tourney (CGHS »t*diuail S tor m'er-Oovt. Dcpt .rnev 'bBAi. »:<M XI Tour match: Fe*f v Ovlon Services tCli*n«l>.
      22 words

  • 58 24 MR. LEE KUAN YEW chatting over a cup of tea with Prof. Richard Ncustadt, director of the Institute of Politics, ot Horrord. The Singoporc Prime Minister had just arrived for o period os a Fellow of the Institute of Politics of the John Kennedy
    AP  -  58 words
  • 82 24 LONDON. Thurs. Britain today faced the prospect of a nationuidr postal strike which would In m v chaos to Christmas mail The strike threat was made by the executive committee of thr I ninii of Post Oftice Workers after a meeting with the Post-master-General. Mr. John
    82 words
  • 26 24 SINGAPORE. Thurs The Singapore Dawoodl Bohra Muslim Association will hold Its third annual general meeting at 10 a.m. on Sunday, at 431. Serangoon Road.
    26 words
  • 183 24 Joint vebtyre cement plant in S'pore? TOKYO, Thursday A JAPANESE firm said today that the Singapore Government had asked it to Join a project for fullscale cement production in Singapore. Onada Cement Co. said that the government was planning a factory with a monthly production capacity of 20.000 ton... It
    Reuter  -  183 words
  • 84 24 Soon: Steaks made from petroleum BANGKOK ltiurs The world s hungry millions may In the near future be eating delicious steaks made from petroleum. Dr KKPN Rao. chief of FAOs food consumption and planning- branch, told the FAO meeting here today. He said that at a rerent gathering In Italy
    Reuter  -  84 words
  • 31 24 LONDON. Thurs A curfew mas damped on the i. rthern Lebanese city of Tripoli after violent demonstrations in which one person was killed ana two otheis were Injured L!'l
    31 words
  • 19 24 TOKYO. Thin, An ea.thquake of minor intensity hit the southern part of Kyushu Japans southern main island, tonight—Reuter.
    19 words
  • 74 24 JAKAKTA. Thurs. The (governor of Mall says he is not planning to licence an international brothel on the famous holiday island. Antara reported tod. in Tin- (iovernor. Col. Sukarmrn. said h- uas m.ikiu tliis v( itrment to c.ilni any ftars .imonu thr popuLi
    Reuter  -  74 words
  • 295 24 LONDON. Thurs —The market closed easier with no rally evident tow ids the close. Ai 245 p.m.. the FT. index stood at 498 3. down 3.6. funds lost, with the shoit-dated issues declining mast. Among leaders, both ICI and EMI showed large tails, though J. Lyons remained
    295 words
  • 71 24 LONDON. Thurs— Spot 20\d., Dec. 20 11 16 d, Jan. 20<,d.. Feb. 20',d Jan. March 20\d.. April June 20 sd.. July Sept 20 9 16d Oct. Dec. 20 9 16d Jan March 20 7 IKd. April June 20 7 16d. July Sept, 20 7 16d Oi-t. Der. 20 7
    71 words
  • 28 24 LONDON. Thur* -Buyers £1420 (-T-171. sellers £1422 < £Bi. Forward buyers £1398 i £6 Milan £1399 <4C6>. Settlement £1414 £';■>. Turnover a.m 280 tons. p.m. 245 ;ons. Tone: Firmer.
    28 words
  • 137 24 Indonesian students oppose spelling system JAKAKIA. Ihurs Indonesian students yesterday launched a campaign to oppose the government's plan to adopt a new sprllinu system with Malaysia by handing out protest leaflets and stickine them on cars in the city's main thoroughfares. The leaflets claimed tin- new spelling system would not
    137 words
  • 239 24 Walk -out Miss Spain goes into hiding with 92 relatives LONDON, Thurs. Miss Spain, 19--year-old Maria Amparo Lorenzo, stormed out of the Miss World contesi today and wont into seclusion behind a screen of 92 relatives. She left an ultimatum: Bar Miss Gibraltar from the contest or .she would not
    Reuter  -  239 words
  • 26 24 micipaltty n 14. UM m Pui C. >lon LLONC KENC NAM uf Kfun Klac fully oa H n I s- .-«tur«UT I in Tm.
    26 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 142 24 Write with the new Sblikan 1 V r ~n] n n^ty you ieel the smoothness and easy slWin 1 110 [LOlAs of this pen over the p«per giving your 4[^% «0 writing more expression and character. The vV7MIbVB#V Vtt genuine Pelikan makes writing a pleasure. S^H ■mIMII Have the new
      142 words
    • 139 24 FULate CLASSIFI£PS*I 20 ivoras SIS cnir.imum)\ POLLtfT ix.n.'h* »r<<t UOm v ii si bath ocvAn»j »t f\,<.. vtui t i:.11.M. r in 4 maM H I 1 I I I 1 1 .1 I 11 L.Jt/iM I hiijh iP^i* fl^Hn3lHi9Bf *(^l^ '^BHv Sm»i jMMia^a^^aiayjjaj AcrlltllUO Qiillll v_ t\ 1 'Us
      139 words