The Straits Times, 14 November 1968

Total Pages: 28
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 25 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 175,000 The Straits Times Ilia National Newspaper Estd. 1845 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1968 15 CENTS KDN. 3104 M.C. (P> 0011
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  • 259 1 On sale next week Annual that's a 'must' 'THE Straits Times Annual lor 1969 will be on sale next week. This new edition of South east Asia's finest publication has: 148 pages beautifully printed on fine quality paper. Boons of brilliant fullcolour and monotone pii-t 22 articles and features by
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  • 731 1 Summit: I need time -Tengku No commitment on Thailand's Asean talks proposal KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday TENCKU Abdul Rahman said today he had not committed himself to Thailand's proposal to hold an Asean foreign ministers' conference in Bangkok because he had to make sure first whether it would be beneficial. llf
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  • 150 1 Hush hush riddle of case against a police officer I POII Wed. A police summons i BBC MM mentioned in the M.mistrati s Court herr today in\ol\inc a police ,ii-|n i im but the charge not m.ide public. In n the Magistrate. Im 1 1 Abu Baku hin Aiiant.
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  • 257 1 TEL AVIV. Wed HEAVY fighting broke out before noon today between Jordanian and Israeli forces Just north of the Dead Sea. An Israeli army sji'ik'man said Jordanian Uakl and artillery opened up a barrage MM the river Jordan in the region of A b d
    Reuter  -  257 words
  • 66 1 BO.MKAY. Wed. An unrniplinril mill-worker, charged with l'J murders in the slurm of Hnmhav. confesxrd in court herr that In had killed people in the |i.i»t three years. Raman Rachav told a crowded rourt that his victims had been almost as poor as himself, and his loot
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  • 53 1 £33 m knock for Britain Britain's o\*>:-<\. knock In OciobtM vhm Hip nadr nap doiiblrd from Ml million to (66 lii-.» its niniir.trd to a raeoN '.i.ii 4 Million— ClS milhiui highrr than Sfinomtwi whilr rxporti mid re-fxpc! 1 (iropped by 116 i million to CS4S Rf: t (S<* l'a
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  • 118 1 Three civil rights men slain OOSTON (Massachuu setts). Wod.— Three Negro civil rights workers were shot dead and two were wounded by a band of Negroes in a Negro section of the city early today. Police said it appeared that no white people were Involved In (he pre-daw:i Incident The
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  • 223 1 Ayub puts Bhutto under arrest 1/ARACHI, W( Fornifr 1 Minister, Mr A. Bhutto was arrested today, the Pakistan Government announced i thai Mr. Bhutto, i m political mi arrested altr: linked with the W( antl government demonstr.r minated in in attempt on President Ayub Kl. on Sunday. Mr Bhutto was
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  • 33 1 SANCTIONS' DEMAND ACAINST S A I M Ii D WAI rty Afro V <:i KtaUe -mally r IN -ancll "ur«entl> m t I imp«H compieher MMetteM at i Africa.— Heater
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  • 44 1 PARIS Wed V niKht InrriMri Iti bank rate by one per cent in a mo\e io !<motl-er the outflow of capital that his sliced her resene^ by Hlmos- imp hal: -:i,. c the nationiMcie Mrlkes in May and June
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  • 23 1 PARIS Wed j Gaulle todaj >aid the franc 1 would not br dev.ilurci mounting pif s.<--.irc>. asam>t it UPI
    UPI  -  23 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 118 1 BE WISE? U« PMOTOCHROMIC LtNSIS which or. y"!?"; 1 indoor but dorktn AUTOma«9oin»t b.ill.ont »unl,,h. outdoor. J*f>r not bur on. poir ot th»M Kniti 'T '"iteod of keeping two pairt ot D "ct7,«? c f< >doof n4 outd<>< DAH SIN OPTICAL HOUSE. N 3 N «rth Br.d,. «d., Spara.7. Ntxl
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    • 126 1 THORENS^ TD 150 AB 220/1 10 V SOcpi o ditttrent opprooch to motor call match THORENS For further d.taili writ.: JEBSEN 0 JESSEN (S) LTD. J-E, A»o Inmiwn Bldfl., S'poni-1. T.I: ***** He's smiling and so he should be He's looking forward to a happy future. Thi-i month Ins p.irents
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    • 246 2 U. S. MAY GO IT ALONE IN PARIS WASHINGTON. Wednesday AMrlt H IM o I f i c ia! s nou slow jfll ill losing patience with South Vietnam over its continued refusal to ioni t li broadened I.iris jti-.we talks. The Defence Secretary, Mr l.irk lifford. >esterdav reflected increased
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    • 128 2 Riots again in two Japanese varsities 'IX)KYO. Wed. ViOJ lencc llared anew jrecterday In the campuses of two leading universities at which In one rival student groups fiercely battled ea< h other and In the other, riot police tangled with students as they intervened to Investigate an earlier student clash.
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    • 360 2 Australia warns Peking backers AVOID TAKING ANY ACTION WHICH WOULD GIVE SUPPORT TO AGGRESSIVE POLICIES OF PEKING > UN TOLD NEW YORK. Wednesday AUSTRALIA yesterday urged the U.N. General Assembly to avoid taking any action which would tend to lend support to the aggressive policies of Communist China. Ambassador Patrick
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    • 147 2 Britain is going ahead with Channel tunnel project lON DON. Wed. Bri- J tain is ii vi n s ahead with puma to build a tunnel under the English Channel linking Britain and France, the Minister of Transport said. But both government.s ar» i new look at skvf tha the
      AP  -  147 words
    • 57 2 Mi »t Prime Minister, Mr k lay railed the lorm«r Secretary, Mr. Ruben McNamarm, to an un■fi iwo-hour mcc':: Mr. MrNamara. i requested any meetn.^» with A ■..>:..:.; on t!:e Kremlin rlbed the former Defence Secretary •■•> a "P erlcan leader. an indication
      Reuter  -  57 words
    • 22 2 0 The comn oiher \es>els wnich had muted bids pil_p were oi Japanese and »aa being r. P.
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    • 126 2 pANBKRKA. Wed. v> The Federal (iovernment is to hher.ili-e Australian naluralisinm law- reduyiiu the time limit in which some miKrants can beromr citizens and easing naturalisation qualifications on aged and enfeebled nonHritish migrants. The Minister for Immigration. Mr. RM. Snedden. referred to changes to the
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    • 77 3 PRESIDENT NASSER VISITS UAR FORCES CONFRONTING ISRAEL COMEWHERE in the UAR. making an v n a n n ouneed and first trip to the armed forces confronting Israel in several months. President MT watches the UAR Army on manoeuvres. With him aro (left to right) Iraq's Minister
      UPI  -  77 words
    • 24 3 Fatten chickens on manure JAKARTA. Wcrl Aji Inrioth»t U you -::re to f«ter. An'aia news ageii ported Dr. A:.- to 384 Il!;inur. ci n
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    • 125 3 That word, by a girl who plays soccer fONDON. Wed- A t. i>f MCMf playing l.undon schoolgirls ha»e ban watMa to watch their l.ineuacr or l»e dropprd fro m the side. The girlv who pla.\ fur the Chelsea LaWHai Pes4> ball (lull. tl re reported to Msaetiasea u^ lansuace that
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    • 49 3 RIO DE JANEIRO Wed. A Conner Br.. v police tod. iv 011 ebai r a better paying profession rob Former Deputy Carlos Marleheia la be:n« sought in connection with the U5532,000 holdup ot a payroll car— and for up to 10 bank holdups In Sao Paulo.
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    • 273 3 Nixon picks a key aide NEW YORK. Wednesday REPUBLIC A N President elect Mr Richard Nixon, \v!.o will have to deal with a Democratic majority in Congress, hai appointed All. Bryce Harlow, an expert in Congressional ie lationii, as his Special Assistant for legislative Affairs. The appointment is the Orst
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    • 254 3 U.S. COURT PUTS OFF DR. KING MURDER TRIAL MEMPHIS. Ued. A 11 district court judfje yesterday adjourned the trial of James Early Ray until Ifaldl D«d year to enable Texan lawyer Percy Foreman, his n c w 1 y a p ixiinted counsel, to prepare his defence. The long .itt.u''
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    • 24 3 LONDON «yd NiKfrlß fiers a genera! famine by the end of the year, a United Nations Children's Fund ulficlal warned today.
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    • 138 3 lONDON, Wed. The uilr of a we.illhy busiHMHI ha led a taxi nulside ii London hotel Ihtn toniniitti'il MtaMW] uith the diner in the hack a Divorce (Curt lie. nil \e>lrnlav. Ifiisiiiosinan Norman ftak lon. li.'>. was si inted a divurte from
      Reuter  -  138 words
    • 257 3 Madrid to Paris— on express that can switch rails AIADRID. Wed. A ifl Spanish train will cross into France today for the first time thanks to an invention which will enable 1 it to switch from the broad gauge rails in Spain to narrower lines across the border. The train
      Reuter  -  257 words
    • 41 3 Dry beer just add water MOSCOW. WM Pry berr' ha> bren developed in :h< Som« l"n n IstssUb said yesterday ih>' eoawntrmte. preMunabiy coming in powdered 1111 1 1 bo. .< UiHt db-vihrs 111 ped tv 1 remot*- paru of the country.
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    • 322 16 'Lift the curbs' call by exports chief LONDON, Wad CIX Pcitv Runge, new chairman of the Gov-ernment-sponsored British National Expori Council, yesterday backed a growing movement among industrialists for an easing of Government restriction* on overseas investments. He was amplifying B review of council operations made Jointly by himself and
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    • 22 16 .i \k v: i Mowm» .i«« Ml up \ii 26th BNfkMa to Urn BfiiKWuiy regkn of fntata ne*» ir|xn'eu today.
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    • 57 16 WASHINGTON, Wr<l All liv. «n Ajaartem'i I ill -nil. uin. lithtcr tmnilirrv Me Ik hie withilr.iwu irniii M-rMif in thf Virtnam war. it ».i> aJMBHBBeei l«nl.i\ Three of thr cnnirin < F-llla < r.ishrd »hik on \irtnam nnsMoii.s. At onr limp thr pSMBM «rrr trcMinilrd hrc.iusr of
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    • 84 16 BOND- AND THE USUAL BEVY OF GIRLS r rHE new James Bond, 1 29-year-old George Lazenby, pictured with a new crop of Bond girls representing six different nationalities. From left: Julie Ege from Norway. Helena Ronee from Israel. Zara from India, Ingrit Back from Germany, Sylvana Henriques from Jamaira and
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    • 87 16 Reds plotting armed revolution in India: Extremist Wed. An extreme Communist leader told Pressmen today that groups of Communist revolutionaries had begun a series of meet- ings all over India to mobilise strength for armed revolution. Committee Mr. V.K. Karunakaran sa:d nearly l(>0 Commu nisti had set up a local
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 199 2 EVEN IF YOU KNOW ABOUT COLT, LET'S REFRESH YOUR MEMORY. i &BV^BHBvlHßaßVßßHn^ada^ni LVnHia^^B^A^ a ****X^ s- ii 'i^RHßjss^r^wawefe^s^twMnfcjaay l^*^—^i^^wr- ■M nBBBBBBBBBBBK^njBjnji Jht, i-v MJI nB W REMEMBER THE ZZ€=> r j£ofl Remember powerful performance! M ■^^^^^^^^^^^"'"^l' ii 52hp and 145km/h, fvli-synchromesh transmission, high-lift gj\ M 1 :am, btow by gas-feedback,
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 66 3 INDIGESTION? FOR INDIGESTION I OASTRITIS AND STOMACH ACtOiTY faction*: TaKj> 2 to 4 \m ■p«ft*rnisais and repeat**' s «*«^ij if necvs.s.ify. £$it** More rt>ur>ng ts f 1 s Here's fast, sure relief! You can stop indigestion discomfort quickly with Bismag tablets. For Bismag tablets get to work in seconds! Bismag
      66 words
    • 339 3 I plumbing I A. 1 Any other servicing. B or repair problem H Busy people find the answers Fast in the new I Yellow Pages of the Singapore Telephone Directory! So easy to use I So close at hand H 24 Hours A Day Everyday) Published by K Gtnerjl Telephone
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  • 100 4 A second Hilton for Singapore HONG KONG, Wed.— A second Hilton hotel la to be built to bingupoi' ore tne flrst 45U-rooni Singapore Hilion has Tne Hilton Organisation Kong, announcing lay, said a oonti 10 build a Hilton been endued Int i betwe >n Hilton International and Kir Eastern Hoteli
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  • 479 4  - Murder case accused: I dreamt I was trying to save my wife from seven men... ANNA GOH by Penang. Wed, A BANK peon accused of strangling his bride woke up from a dream one night to find his hands on her neck, the High Court was told toda> "He told
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  • 90 4 OINGAPORE, Wed. The Minister for State lor Foreign Affairs. Inchc Rahim Itn Isbak, returned ti cay from New York, when he attended the UN General Assembly as leader of the tive-man Sinsjgapore delegation. li- mi MTB) lur ItMl »ro K s Otbn mMnten of t
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  • 32 4 KIIAL/. LUMPUR Wed The b<xly ol un uniclentiflpd n in ra recovered from di«usj cd n.inin ixm.l <i(T the Kin milr. 1 Julai Sungri Best, near here I y«»urrt»y
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  • 106 4 RUSSIAN DANCERS FOR SHOW IN K.L Ml 1. 1 I Rl. Russian ttVli I uill come t«i Ku;il:i I urn pur iMBMIfOTI when tr»upr of :5 ImM AaSMtra and miiMi hcyin .i hi «•<- tt.i> prrii.rin.iiii .it Stadium Nel.i. .i Uroiipht here by Mr. 11 >l. Shah, the troupe
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  • 14 4 SINGAPORE Wrri The II >...n Cl Amct an Hra!'h i; nt r.t:-
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  • 186 4 To attract investors 'adopt German-type safeguards' KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. An Indian industrialist today suggested the introduction oi the German-type of safeguards to induce foreign firms to invest here. ifeguards. said" Mr. S P. Godrej. the leader I i delegation of Indian 'uld •or ag. ii nst a!! possl I H
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  • 164 4 Memorial service for Occupation dead by 60 Japanese OINdAPORI. Wed. About (iO Japanese Christians today n pressed their contrition over the deeds oi violence by their compatriots during the last World War Led by Dr. Akira llatori. the Japanese who are here to attend the .Vi.iSouth Pacific congresi on
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  • 201 4 BIG NEW BID PLANNED TO PREACH GOSPEL IN ASIA SINGAPORE, Wed. halt oi Amu s joutll is exposed 10 ath< materialism, while oi (be other hall find that tne vacuums of life iue not inlcd either by their and lons or secular phii >sophies. delei al tii. ith Pacific
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  • 19 4 BINOAPORE. V. 1 Two n icnociLPd down r Le* Chrns Ho*. Ny ft car
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 175 4 with the world's lightest, quietest, rotalix super automatic zigzag sewing machine ■JUKI sewing machine, mcdel HZD-957 is the world's lightest, quetest and most compact sewing machine. J It weighs only 21 lbs. and contains the following, new outstanding l*~^* r *V/\\. features. JQ£e£s Double nco'ie sewing Aopl^que Yr jffln> ■^j^**'^
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    • 48 4 rkifl I** mk i^sfiffVflfl W m HOUSE HIW FROM Just buy $8 Mobil petrol IA M M I or $4 diesel. and get fIA JBS A^\ Kjßfjsv a packet of nourishing I^L^bT SI sTsi^^k\ BJ^^^Bs I Light House Milk FREE. IW 8B tvJJ 1 &l M 6060, tN-i
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 254 5 This Notice is under no circumstances to be construed as an offering of shares or as a solicitation to buy shares, but appears solely for purposes of information. H (IS B I Mm OREGON INDUSTRIES FAR EAST LTD. The Board of Oregon Industries Far East Ltd., the excellent prospects of
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  • 261 6 Six ex-Nantah men among 140 Reds held KUALA LUMPUR, Wcdneaday OIK students who had been expelled from Singapore's Nanyaitfl University are among the 1K) subversives rounded up in the nationwide police swoop during the weekend. Thirteen other students from Chinese necondary schools are alao in the list. Breakdown figures issued
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  • 201 6 SINGAPORE, W«'<l Sini;.ip<irr's Chief Jlisttce Mr. Justice Wee Imni: Jin tuil.iv .1 1 Lived tens that tlir l.i» prnl sion v»as urttint: «i\ercriiudrd in thr llrpublic. Urlroinmt: fixo new members nf lln local Kar. lM said: "By no means has the saturation point .1 11 reached."
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  • 351 6 Make aid 'moral issue Myrdal SINGAPORE. Wednesday pROFESKOK Ounnar Myrdal. flatting Swedish aoclal siicntist. tonight advorated that the case for more aid from richest nation to the underdeveloped and developing ones be made "a niKi.w r-ur. This way. he believed that the developed nations could hi urged to shoulder i
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  • 64 6 SINGAPORE Wcu A vrnetabl." seller. Nk Poh Lai, 23. »«s committed by a magistrates court today to stand trial in the j Midi Court for the murder of a lish seller. Lee Hing Ouan, JNg Is alleged to have flashed Lee to death with a
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  • 43 6 RAWALPINDI. Wed —Mr Lee Khoon Choy. Singapore's Hitjh I Cnmml.-Moner-desltinate to Pakistan, formally presented his credentials to President A\ Jb Khan yesterday, the Government announced. Mr Lee is concurrently Am- i bahsador to the United Arab Republic.—PW. I ~~Z^TT^~
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  • 81 6 TO REVIVE CHAP GOH MEH PARADE SINC.AI'OHK. Wed The Peranakan Association will hold a dinner and j dance at the Golden Crown n U irant on Dec. 28, at which a Miss Peranakan will be elected. Women of all races are invited to enter the contest The ml) mnditlon Is
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  • 115 6 SINGAPORE. Wednesday 'VHF 11-ninii US. engineering mission left today for Manila after laying the groundwork for possible American participation in various development projects in Singapore. Mission numtxrs di>dowd thrv have mad<' •certain pri>posals" to engiiiperir.R linns in connection with some schemes here. These proposals will
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  • 94 6 Two PSA men fined $500 for theft of $1.50 petrol SINGAPORE. Wed. A Port of Singapore Authority polirr constable, I (irok Seng. 20. and a PSA lirrman. Tan (iim Konc. 21. wen- convicted in Ike Kifth Magistrate^ nurt tod.ix fur istralinc p. trol Ih. IhfMnlt, Mr An- trul ll.igur. fined
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  • 82 6 FIRST SHOW OF THE PA DRAMA TEAM SINGAPORE. Wed The People's Association tonight inaugurated its diama and dance group. the latrM addition lo thru i ultural The group presented nn 11--ltem programme at the Victoria Theatre to a packed audience of community leaders. Before It began, the association's drector. Mr.
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  • 55 6 SINGAPORE Wrd The president of the Pacific Area Travel Association and Director Oeneral ol the Tom Ist Organisation of Thailaiid. H.-Gen Chalermclial Charuvastr. may witne.vs the selection and crowning of •Miv. Tourism Singapura 1969" at a cala dinner and dance at the Golden Lotus. Hotel
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 381 6 WONDROUS ARE THE TALES... FROM OLDEN TIMES STILL TOLD... I mM& K_HS tales of 1 GLORIOUS HEROES STRONG AND I 80LD... TALES OF FESTIVE DAYS... l^|| fr^^gy^ TALES OF fey^rfSPß 10ve... wKmA II TALES OF I CALAMITIES ■Jill Hfe« i j _R__ a' I ...Tales of Siegfried the beautiful, brooding
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    • 25 6 1 DIAMOND (Ai'io.uji. I Opcm Vttmn 3.10 4 7 10 p.m. j ihonkar Viiaya Nirmala I i'NILGRI EXPRESS" Tomil. j I --r-r _l z 'J
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    • 389 6 4QTH /.-TOivsasaß'i B HAL» PRICE ADMISSION TO All PARKS AND CINEMAS B EXCEPT THE LIDO THEATRE a ja|nr.__i."^i :_ei NOW inDWihG 1 Horn 1 30. 4 00. 630 91 5 a.i m "DEATH RIDES A HORSE B Lait Dov SKow F.iliol- 1 Price II am 1 45, 4 00. 630
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  • 27 7 K \JANO Wi-ri -lie M"i«mod Kh.r J^har:. will ijr tursi of honour at ttw lonH am n md dnri. l lubliou>r l
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  • 105 7 TRAINER NAIR DIES IN ROAD CRASH jy 0 A I, A LUMPUR. Wed Singapore racehorse trainer T. K. Nalr died in the General Hospital hei> last night from injuries sustained ln a road accident. He wu driving to Ipoh rom Singapore when hU M in a head*n collision with a
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  • 303 7 When it's not murder —by a judge KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday. IF a man finds his wife in a compromising situation with another man and kills ncr or her lover, or botn of them, he is not guilty of murder but of culpable homicide. Mr. Justice S S. Gill said today.
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  • 122 7 'N-service will build a rugged society' CINCiAPORE. Wed. National Service will transform the Republic's young men into a disciplined, rugged and dedicated generation. Thr Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Law and National Development. Mr. Ho Cheng Choon. said this today •vheen he addressed about 25 youths who reported for
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  • 100 7 Retiring age: 'No decision yet on teachers IPOH. Wed.— The Mini^rr of I duration, Inche Mnh. inn-. I Khir I ili.m said hrre yesterday that his Ministry had not yet madr any i'eri>ion on the rrtiriii" aue for eduration officers and (eac-hers. But it had sent circulars to all Chief
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  • 30 7 KA.IANG WM The As->:-'Mrv Minuter "f i My li the pri/e-Kiwni; < I|V at 'll* Hill Strrr! Nattani I nPrimnrv School hi n riav. Hi> Aite uil the prize*
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 229 7 .^iiHir J M *&**i tit 1 f mme ORlSwatchesmake happy customers, happy dealers with less repairs There's lots of watch repair work in Singapore j §SH and Malaysia, but not on Ons. Thousands of men I j and women, girls and boys tell the time and date I /^SHCj\ M
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    • 329 7 SCOTTS *O SINGAPORr RESERVATIONS *****3 6 fv^^ PRESENTS W-^ ANOTHER EXCITING SHOW^^T LItOIIR DE PARIS LIJ SILHOUETTIS WiM m** l»o»tc do«<.t Jp.t.ol Gu..t Jl.r AT^Bm MARIO ICRTOIINO F f/ i.,11,0-t Toun, t.rk- *>■ ~J ton. Si*f*r, Too.f j_H lurop. 4 Aaffiir B^BJr bT NIGHTLY AT THE K lUNCM: Ii». tINMEI.
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 176 7 Straits Times Crossword A< lOKS 6. Scholar (Mi iiadlv tlarmad Sj£sj£3&&i 'SFETiarA-sB H.Tto power of .h, inventor mns 'ohflr.uon 14 napen* «MM «c .in ,le*p 1T offlr rV rh K BM«m,n m.njed to |H at 18 Ihf drink* in «/--j nn ,«i 17 72£ aT* On K-»ti^d aUr br th.
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  • 239 8 'Many things in common SINGAPORE. Wednesday SINGAPORE and Ismel had many things in common but differed in one respect. Colonel Qersbon Rivlin, leader of an Israeli study group, told the Rotary Cl'ib today. Sp^akisiß at a lunch iol. RlVll!; :xith countrli i were new. smalL malti-ra and wnth roughly the
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  • 196 8 'LIFE NEAR PERFECT ON A KIBBUTZ' SINGAPORE, Wrd Lite on an Israeli kibbutz 1> i near r\s one can get to "complete happiness ac cordl: to Mr Dai. TMmchl i above i. a laiMtl nn a ITO-membcr kibbutz on the Israeli bordrr. Mr. TStmchL 15, U hiTi HI n thu
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  • 45 8 SINOAPORE, Wed Two I men. Hashim bin Talip. 24 and Abu Baka j tadi awiimrwi to 18 months' lail lr the Third Dl*Lrl< c. i-rlmer I. !m 1 ixi. I \oi. Rom! al t.H pin cm April J4 i!il- year
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  • 61 8 SINGAPORK \\v.i Radio rr h:.^ pans Mir ipo hv lie Acting Prime Ministri. I)r Ooh Kenn S«f» ,i Mm, day openlnc ol 'lie Second NIC* o! Hie Pi. bid Sen ires International The IM part will be broadcast tonorra* Hie second on Frld«\ and the third
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  • 22 8 BDKSAFOKI Wad Mx acting Commissioner of Police, Mr ;<,ijaiatnnm took ;h> salute at the pMslng-oul parade lodav of lfi! recruit*
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  • 38 8 SINGAPOKI V. nl Mng.ip.irc Pools il'Um I. ld is to set up hiioltiN lor Ihr sale of Tolo i nupon in private m.irkpts prniiinc .ippro\al of thr polirr anil thr Ministry nf 11. >It
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  • 124 8 Pantomime team coming N| I three women I groping in the dark, hut part of a pantomime h> the famous troupe of I idi-li Kialka which will perform his two works. "The Fools" and "1 lie Clowns." at the Singapore Conference Mall on \o\ d and 30 I h i
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  • 111 8 ■SINGAPORE, Wednesday 4 22-MAN rice and corn trade mission from the Philippines will arrtre here tomorrow for a two-day visit to explore the possibility of marketing their country's rice surplus and promote more trade between the two countries. Head if Mr v v Mendosa
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  • 147 8 Special training classes for overaged pupils SINGAPORE. Wednesday THE Adult Education Board is organising special classes next year for overaged pupils who have completed their primary school education. me course, wnicn is mr two years, will Consist of these subjects: Language of Instruction: science and mathematlc-.N: civics; practical drawing and
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  • 70 8 CUNGAFORE, W.-1 The o Minister for Fli I)r Oon K> i Bvee, will i»per the Arery-Laurenee factory .it Junrng Town mi Nciv 27 an inve.Ntmetu <>t SI million the plant began producing Indiuti ment (or proces and nal v July The prod'uts ire mainly for
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  • 153 8 PASSES LOWER THAN LAST YEAR «I N A V 0 K K. Wed.— The Ministry of Education today announced that out 70,131 students who for the primary school leaving ex.'iminations last month, 37.946 (or .")t.l per cent I passed the examinations. The result shows a lower percentage of passes
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  • 46 8 SINGAPORE, Wr\! The Nai'!ub will .screen man dims, three In colour, in the club hall in Clemenceau AveniM i 8 pm !oPollowlng a tireat Rivp; M» River Rhine. F,:m ai I [n Urn lie Gnmii i and Xt t and while'
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  • 33 8 siN(iAr j o'u Wed a miol Health team will h« -mis Avenue inn !< iin i.i noon to- to \.ucim niMmi 1 1 mil three months to se\en .titherla. tetanus, whooping-cough and polio
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 476 8 |^^a»a^WWaWa»Ma»a»WaMMa»a^aMa^aWa^a»a^a^a^a^a^B»ala^a^Mi^Mi^i^iMßßß^Ma»WßMa^a^iMa^al^aWa^ Here ore 14 good reasons J why you should buy a Slew Model G.E. Room Air-Conditioner Made in U.S.A. 1 s. WEATHER PROTECTED ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS located on room side of Weather Ns, Barrier. s. RUST-RESISTANT ALUMINIUM REAR GRILLE No siams down the side of the building. /f leSb^V 7
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
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  • 222 9 SINGAPORE, Wed "THE last two of t!:e Royal 1 Air Force's Hastings a:r- craft In the Far East are to he scrapped— after 20 I years' service. Going with them are the i men who had b^n flying them, the Far Fast ComI
    222 words
  • 55 9 SEREMBAN Wpfl Ttic Minister of sabah Affaii Ct-n .e Gilong. and a party of 15 agricultural offlcen ami from Sabah today m.idr i day study tour of Negri Semb.j.m They VLsited the 160-arre \r. terinarv farm and artificial inarimiiiaihai centra at Parti •ma Inter the Amp.inK
    55 words
  • 41 9 IPOH. Wed. A labounr. p. Ra.iu. was fined Sloo or one month's jail by the ma: OOUIt herr today lor nuking a false declaration \Wicn t for citizenship on Dir. 26 last j year. He pleaded guilty.
    41 words
  • 283 9 RAF swim team in bid for 101 -mile relay record SINGAPORE. Wednesday RAF team of adults and children the youngest seven-jren-old Janette Atkins I will be nuiking a bid to break a new 101-mile nonstop three-day relay swimming record beginning at noon on Friday and ending at midnight on Sunday.
    283 words
  • 159 9 BRUNEI TOWN. Wed. Brunei is not a member of the International Moiiftary Fund and the obligations of Article 8 do not arise, the State financial Officer. Dato John Le» ■aid today. He wa commenting on reports that both M. and Singapore had
    159 words
  • 191 9 'Don't buy large onions till price is down' advice KUALA LUMPUR. 1V Wed. The Selangor Consumers Association today advised housewives to avoid buying large onions. In a statement issued today, the chairmen of the association's research and surveys sub-committee. Mr. K.H. I_im, said that the price of large onions had
    191 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 218 9 This Kaywer Supergirl's cool, shapely and very pretty Made by Kiyser, it's a Supergirl bra a dreamy wisp of nylon lace, firmly shaped up with a puff of a pad; in white. black, pink, blue and marine. Try model KBIOO9 at $8.50 'i||||, ,||||i' KAYSER ,^x JlPllii, Supergirl A FACTORY
      218 words
    • 246 9 THE TUNERS ■^^^^■^^■■|B GH 944: This Hi-Fi tuner ensures ML excellent reception of all AM wave a— al ■^M»al ranges (LW. MW. SW) ,md of MM MMM^'^^^^^^n| monophonic and stereophonic FM. £z* r -jr^^Bß j niques. the overall dimensions ccjld taWiWnbMtlilililiMF!^BamsßH l)e kept sma anc) 'unctions on a ""^^^^^^"^^^B-^n fanqeof
      246 words

  • 358 10  - Behind all the pots and pans— the Premier's wife AYESHA HARBEN By Kuala Lumpur, Wednesday 1 TN a quiet Malay settlement within the capital there is a little restaurant. It Is a simple, cosy little place, much like the usual run of restaurants that are scattered about the city if
    Soong Hon Sin  -  358 words
  • 54 10 HK Gurkhas to train in Johore UONft KONG. W>d— A company of thr Ist Kitl.ilinn. 6th (.iirklu Kilirv left lion* Kong tni'.iv (or training at thr kot.i lineei ninth- v.v f.irr M-hixil Thr conip.inv oiisistine of more ltm ttbctn and mm. will lain part in Ir.uiuni- rxrrcLsr "Klrvrnth Hour"
    54 words
  • 30 10 KUAI.A I The Taac >f Negrt i- inChtff r' Corpn. p»rty -i Jalan P»f in? Tembak n»r» 'o mark the r >rr..« D»y falls ton
    30 words
  • 22 10 PENAN' i I ■Mi handbag i and othrr ar* Chrnjr Ou^' 21 r n^ar hrr Mano Rj<+r. i Urn nigbt.
    22 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 89 10 Graham Hill wins the 1968 world championship on Supershell and Shell Super Motor Oil. 1968. The Mexican Grand Prix. Graham Hill zooms to victory on Supershell and Shell Super Motor Oil. This win gives Graham Hill the 1968 world Racing driver's championship. And it gives Lotus Ford the Car Constructor's
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
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  • 35 11 \IR. Lee Kuan Yew being greeted by the Canadian Prime Minister, Mr. Pierre Trudeau. on his arrival at the Canadian Parliament House in Ottawa on Monday for a meeting. UPI picture.
    UPI  -  35 words
  • 141 11 BULGARIAN PARLIAMENT TEAM TO PAY VISIT TO SINGAPORE SINGAPORE. VVVd. A Bulgarian parliamentary delegation headed by the Deputy Premier, Mr. Pencho will arrive here tomorrow i<>r a three-day goodwill visit. The six-mrribir team, including a woman, will b«met on arr:\ .1 by EduMr. Otig Pang Boon. They will call
    141 words
  • 26 11 KUAI.A LUMPUR The Cnul ol Ainu Osman mendatli n rr. b*rBed the British Army n: I»SS. In li*.') 7 Oman foe tls
    26 words
  • 21 11 penang. Wed ibe Paavitutm k n: in; i] n j.r em from Kelantan i .Van Hi.■an i).,. Daud
    21 words
  • 14 11 ll'oi! Wed Hal 4 |>lPHdrd I !n ii v hi li'- .illowed
    14 words
  • 34 11 I Sharul b.n K for ihrer n all) entering N" led fullty, t d ui'ii prom Lied a > ii i". unaware it tt.i.v Illef, here aitn- k i iun n
    34 words
  • 34 11 lI'OH Wed A VM rhen hr Hlle»;e<lly m«l in Direr $10(1 a a l.nbe lo P'>Hea Inspector Venp Hool Pai during v iHid M an opunn dm ■et hen reatwaai
    34 words
  • 205 11 UN Viet peace force will have to be massive Lee OITAWA. Wednesday. JjR. Lee Kuan Yew has said that any United Nations peace»keepinf force in Vietnam would have to be "massive"'. "Who would pay for it?" the Singapore Prime Minister asked at a news conference yesterday. "You'd better ask U.\.
    Reuter  -  205 words
  • 20 11 ii-dH Wed A »ven-year-old ichuolbo) W«HI Wens Kirn, whan be I n l>\ a imi\ ihe i|Hiii-i.ih.i riMci.
    20 words
  • 79 11 Housewife who became a bargirl SIN*. IFOBE, Will WJiilr Kolwrt (.<>h .Irn Mm *M -•■rxitu the Sinc.ipnrr lafaatrj Rrgimrnt his uifc briinif a h.iriiirl «Mh in his knowledge On his cliMh.trte he triiMl linMK rrssfully |o <• her l<> ti\r up Jirr Job. (■oh. now .i salesman, said this
    79 words
  • 99 11 URINKI TOWN Wed. Brunei has set up an office of Controller of I Publications In a wing of the Genera! Post Office to check the flow of subversive material into the > State Tks move i DMata* km the < ernment |jo»rr.s unrirr
    99 words
  • 47 11 KA.IANCi. Wed liv Miii.iimkiih.4ii cultural 'miiix' U'm .in. in.. wMch twi ivth priiiniinim in Hip Fi'dn.i! cm.:«i> iho«i in .nd nl thr picHiuM'il Ni! Univantty the It* lsm H«ll un Friday The iroupi vtsit to Weal M 'i the Negn 6rnibil.m Oovenunent.
    47 words
  • 179 11 HONG KONG, Wed A BID by Slngapor renity to lure teaching stall away from two Hong Kon- un w.t- unlikely to succeed, the Mail said today m a front-pace ai Th, BngUsh-language evenlns paper that had than lot In
    Reuter  -  179 words
  • 211 11 All up in smoke, but wedding to go on as planned CITIAWAN, Wed. Jewellery valued at 53.000, and 57.000 meant for wedding expenses were destroyed when fire Ktitted a bungalow at KampoiiK Koh Road, here, yesterday. But the wedding scheduled for Dec. 7 will go on as planned, the brides
    211 words
  • 28 11 News photo contest Xl AI A I I.MPt I. W«l The M ..:io Bl bin A irr-rnt Bmi M tofTaph Oaoapi A i:,ll"- In ir M n d..y
    28 words
  • 24 11 Bl I 'ILK A OK It! Wid Tan All KOI i h«rt v. .-■.■!■<!. i n .nit member P rri i n M
    24 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 233 11 DISCOVER THE MIDDEN EXCITEMENT Vodka Samovar Not a trace of tasta v sensation. Vodka Samov up a drink; ide.SiTM cordial a spark, makes tomato Bloody Mary, or any drink the quintessence, of as sprite vater. Enticing as diamonds, exquisit- Brilliant. Clean, flidde:. cieut in the glass. TV c Vodka
      233 words
    • 184 11 THE PLAYERS GA23o:4sppod GA 317: a 2 speed genuine GA 632: 3-spped rer <,rd record player with Hi Ti stereo record player at player w:i'-magneto-dynamic pick- reasonable cost. Ceramic rumble, wow and up. hfted automatically H| Fl pick upor magneto Characteristiea. Equ V(Scou a the end f PlaY dynamic
      184 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 492 12 Malaysian aVnbaaay in Man. la, which lias been non-functional since Tan i^;i Abdul Hamid Jumat and all his diplomatic staff r. turned to Kuala Lumpur last month, jS now to be closed. The witiidrawal of the last three administrative officials do«-s nut. as Ministry has expla.ned. amount to
      492 words
    • 512 12 The rubber industry never lakes anything for granted. and is never more than laintly pleased by bright 1, Experience is an accompissrod teacher. But todays picture is pleasant, with far more sunshine on the landscape than a year ago when the Malaysian nt was being pest--1 red
      512 words
  • Letters
    • 303 12 Where is the beauty of varsity life MR Khoo Kay Kirn certainly has a strong case :or student discipline. I'm not the only i.-nong i he .student population here who find Mr. Khoo's article In Pelajar heartwarming, contrary to the opposite reactions of "the few." Mr. Khoo's was certainly not
      303 words
    • 147 12 Cleaner habits rwMiE etttasM and re--1 tents of Singapore should thank the Minister i Health for launching nth long campaign "Keep Singapore Clean They should be happy to see for themselves that the campaign has been successful to a Urge ex- and that Singapore la now free from litter and
      147 words
    • 114 12 And eating shops i| \V I draw attention also to the appalling conditions under which some are run. The preparation of ••iod and washing of eatenslls on the floors 0/ tive-foot ways next to drams ought to be pro'nhited. There must be hundreds of places where this is .standard
      114 words
    • 158 12 )NK ol the requirements lor application to the National Junior College la that all applicants must be sitting either the Cambridge School Certificate or the Chinese Secondary Four examinations this year. Why should thoaf Mm have pa teed either ol these examinations a year
      158 words
  • 64 12 The shooting and the killing have not stopped. New tactics are being prepared to ensure that the talks at Paris can be held from a position of strength and South Vietnam's hopes lie in the success of a new push to dislodge the Vietcong from
    64 words
  • 1071 12  -  PETER BRAESTRUP by SAIGON THERE'S much talk of p c a c c, much diplomatic manoeuvring, but on all sides military moves continue and the war goes on. "A few days after the election, a small group of men close to the winner will arrive at
    1,071 words
  • 511 12  - Sabah's town planner says— keep out the bulldozers Albert Ramalingam by K. KINABALU PLEASE kep out the bulldozers' Tins plea went out to the Sabah Government recently from the Slate s Town and Country Planner. Mr. J. F. Robertson. For bulldozers, maintains Mr Robertson, have been havoc with the
    511 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 47 12 kpp rhnu) Tl H w cd IjCCI lIUU/ CUSTOM TAILORS Styles Cut to Also Importers Exporters •t High ClaM Wont.* WtlllW Suit Lengths ot Warld RtMWMi Braid. FINTEX OORMEUIL HUNT WINTERBOTHAM WAIN SHIEL& GLOREX. Make Ideal Gifts for All Occasions. 11. Chul.o ttmSi, Sk«Sß«*>l. T.I: »2411. Ho.gkM, !■—■«>
      47 words
    • 82 12 La9yßa7 1 car* fat 1 Orion -and puraßota V I 1 They're .1 I 1 choiceotcoiOL.rands','ts".oo. Ho* does tha' suit you? 1 i-ADY^AIRNSWEAR YOU CAN BE TALLER! New .1111.1/11)11 N>«,tem can increase your hrleht quickly, aaeretl) In the privacy of »our own home Increased my imn he)«ht by 4 inches
      82 words

  • 238 13 WHAT IS 'ORDINARY PLACE OF WORK' COURT EXPLAINS KOTA KINABALU, Wed. A Malayore Alrlii employee s urdinary of work" means ordinary office at which he works. ctwirnuu) of the Industrial Arbitration Tribu- RR. ChPihah, gave ;his ruling today. H e v his dcciMon on tlip jr.pan;nti of the words ordinary
    238 words
  • 312 13 Day he noticed that his wife was pregnant I was then practising birth control, he tells court SINGAPORE Wed. office manager, Teo Kwang Whee, told the High Court today why he suspected that his wife, a mother of live, had been uniaithlul to him. "I lound that she was visibly
    312 words
  • 232 13 PLANS TO ROUDUCE HAND PAINTED BATIK IN SINGAPORE CINGAPORE. Wed. Mia. Sri Hariati director of the Indonesian Arts and Handicraft Centre, has MM ambition— to oroduie Land painted batik In Singapore lor the fir.-t time. Ana with the help of a few •Omen who have had exLMT.ence In thLs field,
    232 words
  • 40 13 KCLIM. Wed -A coconut tree crashed <>n liut uhtn ;i storm s^ept Kampong Naijaleela In I-'adang Besar. yesterday. The house, belonging to r, Inche Ah s^mid. was badly damaged. No \r Knur other BUU MM damaged.
    40 words
  • 386 13  - Kidnapper planned an orgy of killings- PHILIP KHOO By Singapore, Wed KIDNAP PER Ln. Ngut Fong, shut dead by police on Sunday, had plans to murder top police officers who were hunting him down This came to light to day as officers of the Special Investigatiiin Section of the (II)
    386 words
  • 28 13 UMOAPOftB, Wed. Lun Hot. 21 wa.s charged Klesty id girl, in T..m,,n Ho S«ee on MondxT nlaht. He p>.«ticd not guilty ana m allowed bail.
    28 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 228 13 fCamfaridoß CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL. C, Bcncoolen Street, Singapore 7. 5 Hock Yee Hin Bldt) Jclan Ah Fook, Tel: *****/***** Johort Bahru. Tel: 39SS A VERITABLE MINE &£O&L OF INFORMATION sl^^ ON EDUCATION Y^^X CAREERS! \Xp^| PROSPECTUS^ 88^ FOR 1969 EXAMINATIONS incorporating latest SYLLABUS CHANCES IN ALL SUBJECTS) FOR Higher School Certificate.
      228 words
    • 124 13 American Fiberglass Furnishing Fabric for lighter....brighter....airier curtain trend Grace your windows and partitions ceiling to flocr v.ith luxuriously textured Fibergloss curtam fabric. It's fire proof... glare proof... soil resistance... washable... ivan't stretch, sag or shrink. and is absolutcK ironing. Ne'ted texture at only $2.25 per yard In six vibiant
      124 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 639 13 TV MALAYSIA (H.\Nvn> Ka*la i -im rnn Htm in Erm.:.-h. 710 puin and I'mang Ipuh IIVV li.i-. Wok IM I and Mil.un I MMTf >.i H; Mirr.s Show Baliru 3 »nd It; larim-; I; Hi. Hi -groom. Kiln I'.tlui .u.i H,m| 'i. 8 Nov s in Mnvdarin 8!U 54) %1
      639 words

  • 924 14  -  Esme Baptista MAINLY FOR WOMEN presented by with SUES gWEE YONG VVK have combed the shops... searched the counter! poured through dozens of phamplets. Our aim: To bring you the pick of the pacesetting Christmas (pflery to suit everyone. Our vrrdiot: Ideas and values are
    924 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 410 14 wm Piolect ,your eyes with Optonc. Handy plastic V nS. squeeze-pack Rtf pocket Or purse. Cttrry Optorrc win you keep <-lear, sparkling. Optone is medically proven, srientifically formulated to relieve imt.ttion. Soothe mU\ tirerl eyes, ti« k#» away the rod sor- look and put back the flashing $T beauty of
      410 words
    • 242 14 thanks to Loxene We're talking about healthy hair, of course the way hair is after a Loxene shampoo. Its gentle medicated formula clears dandruff completely, keeps hair glowing in healthy condition and only healthy hair can m*•« 1 be beautiful. You'll marvel U^gprn^k at how little Loxene costs I member,
      242 words

  • 842 15 Defence questions keeping of gate books ACTING PUDU JAIL CHIEF CONTINUES HIS EVIDENCE KUALA LUMPUR. Wednesday Reporter Tsal Tan J)EFENCE counsel Mr. M. Shankar told the Sessions Court today he wished to ''demonstrate conclusively' that the "so-called" practice of keeping gate record books at prisons was not a uniform practice.
    842 words
  • 174 15 ctocum< v havi- been produced in court." he laid. 1 Until such time. th» detence has no right to see them. Mureover. th# witness was never a superintendent at Seremban Prison and no useful purpose would be served by asking
    174 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 145 15 11th Anniversary 1 SPECIAL OFFER I fWENG °HENG'SS A (Contemporary Furnishers) jfe 32 71, Victoria Street, Singapore f 3 £i Engliih Cieehoslorakian carpeti, f 5 Wide range or U.S.A., U.K., Dutch, |5 Continental Upholstery gV Dropery Fabrics, Furniture, etc., etc. £5 ?5 All items to be cleored at fantastic reductions
      145 words
    • 633 15 THE PRIZES l "*I Jf" tUPi^ PHlU> j superb stereo LP records with every Iv w',' T«^ a3y W^A EL 3312: This is the world's first bHut^^Lk v stereo unit usill 9 'I" B cassette ■VbSPJV9BMHbIbh •V stem a Y 3ack stereo cassettes with exciting fidelity. F II stereo »-i'~^3|BH^^A
      633 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
      48 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 647 16 THE COMBINATIONS i JjffFMMr, f~~~~~i^~--^ SPECIAL OFFER'A'CHAIN /MM m f^^^^^^^^P^S^S^^?s^^^MElSafl m a .^^^iiW*^^ilr~v- Bfaß] A compact stereo chain for brilliant stereo performance tf%af%#%ff% /^H s4i I jAg WM I aA| -^sta'^H at a price never before possible. Specially manufacH^^^fcafc^^ j^M I i H i|V m /^T~^ahr'^^^Bs« lured for use in
      647 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 841 17 ■J LIVtRPUOL AKD QTHtR u» CONllNtNltl PORTS. KSSiuh oi. c,,,.,,... cj. mm*2ft& K 2 mm SfiU iM 1 "Te'o 00 'IS OK 1~1 lon:on. A mouth Dec II Otc 11 Otc 14, 17 Btt I pboiktneu* *':;u""*° ot Bti: t d 0:: ij a 3R B«S=-7- p.-, Bii Intlwcnm' iRQM
      841 words
    • 1255 17 I TH£ E A hl//V£S I aaaaaaaal THE EAST ASIATIC COMPANY Ltd. Incorporalad m Danmark blßbbbbl EXPRESS SAILINGS TO CENOA NORTH CONTINENT SCANDINAVIA P S h m p n t s P°' e Gp oa R dam H bur rh "S C'lugen J}?J?nS\ Nil n n Nt "> )M >
      1,255 words
    • 1243 17 EXWESS SERVICE TO LONDON, LIVERPOOL > CONTINENTAL PORTS HI7NATTAU7 Far Hlvra D< n If EaT"J AA lUW G'lngtmouth Jin 2 Smgieori p. s lam Ptniat Antwrp laa 7 Nn IS/IB Nn 11/21 Nn 24,21 Hamburg In 14 BENNEVIS F tfr S". bnajM P.Shim Ktntn, s?3T \\l m Nn 71/24 Nn
      1,243 words
    • 1128 17 IWjW WORLDWIDE CARKIEKS LTD. U>«a>«^fl For: U.S., North Atlantic and Gulf Port!. Spore P. S'hom Penang lOANNIS 17/19 No* 20/21 Nov 22/23 Nn AgcMiUi McALISTER CO., LTD. S'portt p Swettenhom Penong Tel: *****1/9 6252 6 1781/3 MARITIME BUIIDINB SINGAPORE IEI: *****. PORT SWEITENHAM 1141. KUALA IUMPUR 2/11 1. PENANS *****.
      1,128 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 1140 18 )Jt— '^■^•^KAWASAKI KISEN KAISHA LTD. Western Australia /Singapore /Japan Service Frtmantie Support To«lu.chi'Ndgo»l T'hami KoM -lelfiM Man' lvi It IM .11 IM II IM West Africa Singapore /Japan Service Amoii Smnpoie Nafori T'trnrn MM "TiMttfim M«ri" Om,t« 24/ ft Nl» 2BM 3 Bit IBM NirvafMari' 3 S Oec 21 21
      1,140 words
    • 944 18 lUSIIAIIA H(* IfAIANB SftVlCt <NBIA. PAIISIAN ANB 'AS (ASI StRVICU Fit. Pt. Alaia. BnslMC, Sjliiej ll Ni'inattiaaa aai MMrat D i S po r s S hifli r€Mn| NUMB TZt 18/12 BM *WU 808 KJ£{. SJIZ £2" AHI L*,.. ml. .M... f S poit P. S rtam Penanf In tiNcaaN
      944 words
    • 1057 18 r— BIASISWA NEGERI. NEGERI SEMBILAN BAGI TAHUN 1969 Permohonan2 ada-lah dl-pelawa untok Blaslxwa Kerajaan. Negeri Sembllan darlpada ra'ayal Negerl Sembllan (Melayu dan Bukan Melayu i yang berkelulu.san Sijll Per&ekolahan Tinggi i Higher School Certificate i atau yang sedang mengambll pepereksaan vane tersebut dalam tahun Inl atau yang sa-taraf dengan-nya. 2.
      1,057 words
    • 1047 18 NOTICES SINGAPORE (ITY l OINCIL 4Tc DEBEXTIRE STOCK 1955 79-88 NOTICE is hereby given that the Transfer Book, of the above Stock will be closed from 18th November to Ist December. 1968. both day.s lncluM\(. lor the preparation of Interest Warrants. WEE KIAN KOK Ag Chief Financial Officer. Public Utilities
      1,047 words

  • 35 19 RUBBER AND TIN CLOSING PRICES Nov. 13. HI r.r.n; I'RKK: 57: cents (up three-eichths <>f a rent I. TIN I- 1 1 1 i stiio tup 1141) >. Kstimatrd titTering 210 Intr i down 1"i tons).
    35 words
  • 265 19 MELBOURNE, Wrd A FTKN Initial BnßnCS*, minings and ml shares declined slight- I ly towards Ilir CfcMS (ireat HuuMrr. King IsUnd Srhrrlitr and Nnrth Kalgurli. ..II ea.spd 2n (cuts to $8 lafier IS-M), Sl^Sil .md $ti re.s|Wi I u eh Mrtal Kvploratiiin at |SJB and
    265 words
  • 29 19 In Loi.fl.jn ..1 li.i Mi... Mala\an 5 p«r cent cIJ L' K Nortb Euiopean baste p»rt> in bulk Oct N"N unrli Pnvtoui butlnea mi tflt per ion
    29 words
  • 53 19 hi j. > .a«iiiion or himi m Malay ftia-l.ngapara rr»n^ »h.«» rnxntH I It' r»'.« tit K«nta*Ml v-"'»rij«\ ilrta WfUl rat»a »r. ajaaMM to ih« "Imx.Mil of ml unila of imtltn ntrrrrf > Bull ntt Holland Cm Ida. lama rumi i IMS aai. tun Frant» Fr>«n Franc* Dannh
    53 words
  • 313 19 riMlh Sir. ills tin pner ap 1 predated another SIJ7J to S'iln per plc/ul in Ponanß v -.< niay on an otTeritiß estimated down 15 tons to 21(1 tun.v BosM all-round support particularly from Europe w is reported. In London on Monday afternoon
    313 words
  • 215 19 >o\ I Mill K liivt ude rulttier 1 r n.h liuvri. rli.M-ri at I p m in MMMafaM KuiU Lumpur mtridiv »t rrnt* prr Ih. up Ih> righSSJI at a iml on > iui-Mi.o Mm krasL Thr tmir MM quirtl. »trarl> LAX in.l MX I tMBSBJ
    215 words
  • 75 19 HiNIU rHajfJBH ticnan.a, lino- pu.a naan aloaini prlcaa piaui ya«lt. rtay Capra HIBM <ion> aMBI Nov li. K .-n.,- Vllt R Prppar: MimioK «hil» >r.'o a»n»ra. aatUta. ii» wi fmr-MKk him k BKI ••lITa. ornml Lairpaai ''i.^k S'.i7i laMan tan NL*l IBT« Sill' asßapj ili«i«v I Sinxapara i.'itomii
    75 words
  • 68 19 'PHI M.II.IUUII MmiMrr of liimiiii livrd Ihrsr Mm f"i BSlrfiSHfeM efJBMMB diilir- Ini Hi. nrMini from Nnv II In Not M, Kllhhri I?M irntv 111 <n|ir.t MM Inn I'.lm Oil ISM a Inn I'.ilm. Krinrl« *:i,' Inn Thr pMM of dutir> parahlr Uiil. l., i iI- a
    68 words
  • 788 19 U»XCEPT for a burst of activity in some selective counters yesterday thr Stock Exchange of Malaysia and Singapore appeared to exhibit no real trend. Prices were a little easier during the morning session, but picked up later in the afternoon. The market closed
    788 words
  • 75 19 THE General Services Administration would continue Its policy of rllsposinK of materials no longer required lor emergency stockpile needs In keeping with lt.s policy .ii avoiding undue market disruption. In testimony before the Joint economic committee in Washington OS A officials said presently there was about U553,200 million
    75 words
  • 62 19 Bank Negara statement BANK N'KJtra stateniPnt <>f liabilities and assets on October 31 showed: Liabilities: Capita! I lon. general reserve $20,934.WS Malaysian cum circulation r7W.378.537. deposit* banks 106 Malaysia n Government Sll^.Tl.S IL'7., T $72t.4!;ii 398. and bKis paj other liabilities $*****.508. Total: 11.328.212.634. Assets- (ioid at.d foreign ex
    62 words
  • 94 19 r |M\s were |ulel rmri 1 rather nixed with the tendency slightly dull in the afternoon in London on Tuesday Aver H:'ar> plte its higher pr Others to lusp a little ground Included K Inf P&h&ng. Bouthern Malayan and Ret Oeevor and 8 Klnta hardened British
    94 words
  • 24 19 FIR I HKH *harp widn. *\inii In tlie backwardation liMiked !<>r betwfMi :.<>w uri thr »'lid of tlie i C II
    24 words
  • 57 19 I^IRFSTONK TIRE and F K übber Oo said in Akron it is expanding its synthetic rubber facilities booh 90 per cent to a capacity nl MMN tons a vi ,ir. to nici-t antli-.pated tncr< ased demand. Plants set for expansion are located at Akron, at Lake Charles Los
    57 words
  • 72 19 Thk Outbrte Corporation ail n-vhcd it.- ofTnr for TF Firth Now terms arc [or every Firth share hall a uuthrlo and 14-- unsfcured ck ii^ before, valuing !hp Did al SUM The closlni (Ut<' I '.I NiivfiTibcr 22 nr.d loan stock applications must in- in boinri-
    72 words
  • 731 19 |{l SIM.S> IN AND ;;il'in. llli ii) IHJ MNUATOBB AMI Xi M LI Mil I K \lH\i. kixims <ii mi sum k EXCHANGE kESTEKOAI WIIH IMI. Nl MHI.K Of SH.\K» IK Aid I) IN BRAI XI rt INDUSTRIAL* ACMA LHHJ. Hi i I.ikhji I .1 Btß| >J ii..
    731 words
  • 29 19 STOCK INDICES n»v. Nov.n >ov. ii lndn»lrMI«: ISLII IW h Proprrlirs; 1K1...1 1m:: tliim: TM.S9 I*.*: ts MitiiMiN WS.II int.:.; Or.. :;n. i'.., i, inn i»r. m, tarn i»r
    29 words
  • 146 19 VJHIPt L»IMI. ALONOUIE tHI *> MNC.APORt M A R H O U R wharves or cxncTt n today MM i Rhn-nor 1 K».k. 1 ?4. K»nin«an krrk :a 1 1 mun 3* m Ki>t« \1 <l I" I \:.c\ 1 II C r II 47 T»r»h N
    146 words
  • 18 19 H. I U UKII.r 1.. M BaS "w BterMaa >•■ IM lot ana taal of *«lrt
    18 words
  • 516 19 I till I >i.HANi.I OF MALAVIIA AND SINC.APORf 810 ANO nT H R PRU'.fl orrn-.iALLv liiiim at tns CLOSE or BUSINEM Ai-«* -J ill l>n Co 2 42 Kornfo RrrtUd 1.74 1 .7.1 rt»u« trail 1 7S I M 0, S i-nn 4 114 O.C M orrtn 1.7J
    516 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 717 19 II MBI XI I TAWARAN JKR., JOIIIIK. Tawaran daripada Pcmborong? Yang hxrdaftar di- K R di-dalam Krlas 'E', D 1 <fc C 1 akan disterlma di- Jtirutcra KKRJA KANAN. J K.R MUAR hiiiKua jam 1200 tenmah hari pada 24hb November 1968 untok: MKMBENA DAN MANYIAPKAN EMPAT '4' BILKK DARJAH PEJABAT
      717 words
    • 254 19 KENYATAAN TAWARAN LETRIK JABATAN KERJA RAYA Tawanuo daripada Pemborong2nya yang berdaftar dl-Lembaga Letrlk Negara Bahauian Kontereki dalam Kelas A. B C. dan D kn-Hias akan dl-panggll tlada berapa lama lag! untok: Pemasangan Letrlk Ka-Seko-lah Menenuah Rendah KaKuala Sungai Baru. Alor Gajah. Malacca. Ref: PKRiLiS67 68 2 Vntok menvenangkan perslapan surat2
      254 words
    • 223 19 APPOINTMENTS UNIVERSITY OF MALAYA IkMaaaj ah, ApjjM' mums are Invited hM po»'< df liecturer Asv|M ar I. turer as listed l>elm\ C. ibooM have at least a BOOd hoooun 'iegre»- v. ith -un^l tearhlng and ii>-each txpeiienc* vi addition to the speilal q rations whete »l«leri for the lespective BSaIS
      223 words

  • 57 20 MR A MBJ relMltei at their marTHE FAMILY OF tke aH lamra I 0. N f ifnrt* Ii rlolaai ci Ik l'J\TOMlt CHEONC KIM SWEE and 1.. K lut rfath« rndered MR STEVEN LIM hUBU) Tiiin. of Ml. Inn I the rAMiLV of uir lav Mr ran r,f.,
    57 words
  • 126 20 HOG CtfIEMONY in mr.norv of b iwiv ooei (I I ~i> l.mii... lapati in iTih November, I»M at I- noon. YOUR WHOLE FAMILY will enjoy ik<t, Moij protein. roa and V.-am.n HI H th^« la any ftrier v h(,,^ srn.n i»r«.. i taiai All in«!r'i,t:uns :o. (A) SIGNATURE I
    126 words
  • 20 20 1 ct o A«rea 4 H'l"» I Milk- 1 "••> p r i-h.rrn ah. i |a ''tiua I'ni v CMltk
    20 words
  • 5 20 ,nd Ch» I
    5 words
  • 44 20 LHKISTIAN SCIENCE LECTURE. riml wiirilioirnt n.IKM man ■rraa iwi" CM, Mambal of me c-n-»'-n gcieo l'...^rd or I.k tuieeh.p on Uunmy Hlh t.ov^Kbel 4 M Prn IO the M nai in.i-i'. (U Ut<hard Koad i cot ii opeo at 4 p m.
    44 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 1110 20 ciui «ctiviiks cohookkces buths f«ucfM[«is. I fUMUIs! H«IIWS. ID WKMI.H S l C KmiHi lmm >- ■ale Kiamwa |H/ tit ,i Mac, JilitwMl ••'< )Stl!. I M Class M H,«UwU Mir.a.a Hf .stls ik> iWrtmel tnh Slum Im,, t.i> c.K tt 51 Mat; PROGRESSIVE. COMPANY trqinrr. a iMdy
      1,110 words
    • 802 20 BUNGALOW Adrlphl P*rk. nun.' Telephone Sport «4»-4» MM fir. boun CONVERTIRLE FURNISHED ROOM roi i^-i Iblf omipaaU Vrry «-n- rental. Ptaaaa phone I DETACHED BUNCALOW HID ROOM MU lloonn.- lor aalr or. g lid A.I. pin Park. Coo- Ix. S |...rf *****4. MHOVfR PARK L'-.lorry t»rrie« him-. .Tv* "1
      802 words
    • 777 20 WATTCN ESTATB Hi aemi-detacr»ed, ttrrace bouiea, nungalowa luiunoua apartmenta. 41 ma. Uunrarn Road loppoatir Bukll I imab r.twd ChinrM fiiich School > ►r«hoi« land. artistic IrMKfi retaining aurt(ii,<«; iraaa, floo<l-fr»«. nilttoi. ait*, lara* kardmi. mmuie drive 10 >-i t -v pto*npt dtiivprv, lo* price, tmty ionn> at^ilaniv LMaaatj: 12V Adv
      777 words
    • 499 20 I FURNITURE TOR- ELEGANT CANE FURNITLUE V.«n Milan v I2t Rival Vhllcv ..uJd ■taut oar* cr.Ht FURNITURE Minulj.luffl iKrinkiioiMii for ■tpofi I Koad X.L.. T«lc 7 ItiEAL FURNITURE CO IMl»t en i atra« Bmi«por 1 1 > I'l.o' I I PETS FOR SALE M X.A I i 1 ...nnion Kloodlin
      499 words
    • 547 20 AT YOUR SERVICE KWOKS PMOTOLOPY SMVICt. B Thr Arcade. Hoor Tel: (Sport) SPRAY PA.NT.NC reinsertion H eoMMMr'i ho-jse Phont HOI I OlAt COHTRACTORI, THinie ParM w.rina Ph-m'..--,n* K.r..v«tioni K .ihin.ta Tel: (t Von "V- HMU CONTACT C.P FUN. JKUiO SlUng X.L.. telephone S««U for renovation repair*. painuni. iloonnf LATEST ELECTROSTATIC
      547 words
    • 404 20 ArrUliN t mtn v PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS PUBLIC UTILITIES BOARD, SINGAPORE ■URN tt hi •mi Applications are lm iled pofct ol TEMPORARY DRAWING OFFICE ASSISTANT for the •ion or the seleur Scheme. Salary Ranee: The all-in salary offered mil be oependent upon appluan^ qualification', and experience ai (all within the range
      404 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 313 21 WORLD WIDE JAPANESE TRADING FIRM is looking for EFFICIENT SALESMEN for (A) Machinery Sr Engineering (B) Electric Engineering (C) Chemical Engineering (D) Lumber Agricultural Age: 25 to 40 mutt be S'porc Citizen. Experience: At least 3 years. Salary: Commensurate with your ability and experience. Qualification: Good command of spoken written
      313 words
    • 269 21 To meet our expansion in our Paper and Printing Machinery Organisation in We; t Maljyva, we are seeking a suitably qualified and experienced Male MjUyinn Citizen to serve as a: SALES REPRESENTATIVE PAPER AND PRINTING MACHINERY The successful applicant, who should preferably be between the <get ot 25-35, must have
      269 words
    • 664 21 APPOINTMENTS i PUBLIC APPOINTMENT I PUBLIC UTILITIES BOARD, SINGAPORE WATER DEPARTMENT: Requires TEMPORARY OVERSEER (BORING GANG. In the iill-ln salary scale of $250-350 a month Qualificatlnn*: (a) MM have at least 3 years' experience in connection »itli the supervision of boring and soil sampling operations and field classification of soil;
      664 words
    • 826 21 HARRISONS CROSFIELD, LIMITED" Mr. J. F. E. Gilchrist, 0.8. E., ihe Chairman, reports Group Profit* before taxation for the year ended 30th June 1968 of C 2.952.059 (1%7: t.2,218.685). A final dividend of 15.63% on the Ordinary Shares is recommended making 18.63T0 for the \ear, the maximum permitted (1967: 18%).
      826 words
    • 1387 21 Hut advances will be made In the methods by which natural rubber is manufactured and presented to the consumer. The H. C. Group. backed by the resources and technical skill of our laboratories in Malaysia and In Camberley. will continue to be in the foreliont ol any new developments Some
      1,387 words

    • 676 22 Coffl.-nonw^th Infantry 2 rale 12 Fijian Army-Poiics tcur XV 43 uy MANSCOR RAHMAN THE Fijian ArmyPolice touring icam yesterday scored their biggest win ■0 lar when they beat 28 Commonwealth Infantry Brigade 48-12 at Tcrendak Camp Malacca. Thoy scored most of tin points in suHis (,f
      Reuter  -  676 words
    • 132 22 I ONDUN. Wed Fifth-sped- I ed Man Aim Else! Aiuiicn s tingles quartet -tiual.s m Hit- BritH' I ii.unpum hip.-, at Qii.en Club \«->- -terday when atat hMI s.illy li orth 'Brit. mi' ti-1 6-1 Walkuen (South Alik.i'. the fourth -ecd m son
      Reuter  -  132 words
    • 264 22 Gurney closes Europe HQ LOS ANGELES, Wed. American Grand Prix driver Dan Gur--1 ney said hire he plans to take no part in I European car racing next year and is closing his racing headquarter* in Britain. ••I'm not saying It will be a permanent thing, but it is definite
      264 words
    • 59 22 Bangkok Wed. Thailand could i with no pro:..:ocelvcd linrn other meinbt I i H Federation. InUl ntster Gen Prapas Charuiathicn lold rep<'rte.s today uen Prapas, *ho i- slso preI sldent of the Olympic Commute* of Thailand. estimated that about '■■■<) million baht i US$l,5OO 000 i would be
      59 words
    • 262 22 I ONDON. Wfd. British heavyweight Billy Walker upset the odds when he stopped American Thud Spencer in the sixth round of their scheduled ten-round contest at Wembley last night. None li V hil Cl followers had given the 19--er mi>r<* than -lini chance of beaiitig the M.rld ranked
      Reuter  -  262 words
    • 54 22 SINi a They I Surabaya and b»-.i ten playen »ii; be vi mall M.<: |an, fonaar Tiumiaa •ayer. tsix othei pU.Ten named for the tour are Omar II mall Ibrahim, Mohamed Ni.r I null Non sullen Abdullah and FHhrrl A ■•nior players m-111 be .•elected later
      54 words
    • 38 22 JOINT BERVK the .h* CbappeU «i.en they bent the huid-1 Jlum. Smcapoie SUiqa|*,;r had d rliances lv "erne but thel »aids tumbled HtTTI stored by inside-left Len Andersoi. 17th minute of the flr.n half
      38 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 586 22 THE PORT OF SINGAPORE AUTHORITY TENDER NOTICE ft. Terrier:, nrr llrd for the Isnancjr of 'lie i wKh meet from 1 January 1869 in Canteen at Gate 2 (b> Canteen at Gate 5 ie OantMß at Oate b <d' Csn'fn at Eaat Wharf <n Canteen !'i Pt^A I Tenderers must
      586 words
    • 510 22 PENANG PORT COMMISSION Mi) XiX TICi FOR SALE Tlie Prnans P"rt Commission salt, "as she Is and where t lie named i Urirl particulars are .ireuni'rr: Year built: 1943 rj dl Canada Port nf Penanf Propul.sii'ii: Motor single screw BnataSS: One Fairbanks Morse Power: 4.^ M H P. JOO RHP.
      510 words
    • 704 22 TENDERS BlMi dim MB.IB No 105 Pt I. PEMBERITAHU TAWARAN MAJI.IS BAMMRAN JOHORE BAHKt Tawaran (d.<-lah dl-pelawa kerana bekalan2 dan kerja2 Majln Bandaran. Johor Bahru bagl lahun IW9 sepertl berlkut:— (li Mengadakan perkakaii Motor (Motor Acceuorleo (1> Mengadalcan Tong Sampan Empat rer*egl untok Jalan Rftya i Galvanised Iron Roadside Square
      704 words
    • 81 22 Eczema Itch Killed In 7 Minutes tiny seams and pores where c«rmt hid. »n«t c«ui« Urrlbl. Itchln™" »r«<:kin«, Kcirm*. P*,|in r Bur". ki'"^'^ 1 X n «worm. P.ori.iuK, othfr blemlihrn. Ordinary tr^ainients civ^only lunpornry relief b*. rSS l rZ 1° »°S i.ri 1. tJ dl«.ovcry. Nino••rm, X...« the ((.mm In
      81 words

    • 121 23  -  LEE FOO SAN B> is to "export" horse-rating know-how to Indonesia. TIIK REASON: Indonesia plans to revive racing, discontinued since the outbreak of World War 11. A ten-Man Indonesian delegation will attend the Ipoh races this week- end to study how the sport is
      121 words
    • 262 23  -  EPSOM JEEP I By (H)PPER QUEST, unbeaten in his last three outings, can continue his winning run at Ipoh on Sunday. Ridden by Moses Lee. the New Zealand-bred four-year-old strode out fluently in a haif pace workout on the sand track yesterday morning. The
      262 words
    • 308 23  - Kuching Police build a mini golf course P.C. SHIVADAS B> KUCHING Police have built themselves a mini golf course. La:d out on the police grounds across the river, the course has five hole^, with p'.ans for another tw h'jle.s to be added later. It all bi-gan with a casual remark
      308 words
    • 20 23 IThr npln B<j«l:ng ;lurd annual cham- Bowl. Lumpur will begin on bii Hajl Men! pa ;ht nine-day tournn-
      20 words
    • 95 23 LTAM name teams for Cup challenge fpHE La*n Tennis As.>rf>rlatlon 1 :.umed 11 men and six women to cha!leiiKf Singapore lor the Guillemard Cup mien) and MeCabe Heay Cup (women i al SliiKap<jre :.d Sunday. Mrn\ singlrs S A. Azniali. Billy Yap. f( B Llan Youi) I B Yin Leone:
      Reuter  -  95 words
    • 159 23 Tf. hrses to follow at fh» lixih meeting which opens ■day: n ram v <.o mm n nearly ia*t to i ..v> 3 a' PenI -iv St VX < OITI.K QUESI ii llanly, 1 12 1 o (or tne XL (I n n»\i. \su m m regaining
      159 words
    • 189 23 By JOK IX)R \I SINGAPORE will have throe new players In the team to meet Belangor In the annual Guiilemard Cup tennis match at the SCC courts on Saturday and Sunday. They are Paul Choo. Choo Chrnk and Ismail Din Dropped are thrre of
      189 words
    • 14 23 Tlie tvtce |Hvst|xinerl I);nrt- badmtnb o champiaatMdulcd be |)Uved rtin' to nciir rntrtei
      14 words
    • 123 23 GOI.F RABBITS (IP ||M Kerohi. 1 Kumarulzaman Sudtn 189 i 94. 95) 2 Ken Kirn Lci.r BAIIMINTON IPlMilM.v HALAI IMKRI I W! ritliil-lliiuls .vi a 3 mo taU 4 Kola Putan LUDHII 1 KII.AI KM RMKI Ptnaln ">-■• P B ArottaraJ i>' Uaa leek 1 m IM 15-14 Met.
      123 words
    • 142 23 W. INDIES NAME A STRONG LINE-UP MELBOURNE. Wed The West Indies cricket selectors today announced a team of near Test strength to meet the powerful Victorian side In the match here startlnu on Friday. The team: Gary Sobers i captain p. Joey Carew. Stephen Camacho. Rohan Kanhal, Seymour Nurse. Basil
      142 words
    • 38 23 The it>! M „,n vi u-h voUejrball championshlpi will b<- In :d at the Chiang High Schi',l .v..icliuni. 1 on Dec. 18. State* t; pur', Kid.ih. Prnang. Krlantan P»hang. Pcrak, 8Sembik.n. M re and ■atawak.
      38 words
    • 26 23 Ilie Ppn.inif and Nortl: M*I M r Club will hold their annual quHra-er-milr jpr:n'. at Ournev Drive. Penang on Sunday at 9 a m
      26 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 26 23 READY-MIX CONCRETE for QUALITY STRENGTH RELIABILITY MALAYSIAN ROCK PRODUCTS SDN. BHD. PO Box IM, Pfl.dinc .In a M '>Ht;l 153 M«N;ur Roiid. Singaporp I-' Trl. 51.UH3
      26 words
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  • Page 23 Miscellaneous

  • 65 24 Three 'Miss World' lovelies... TIIKSK three Mi>s World contestants, with souvenirs from their countries. seemed amused l>> Hie bird ;il the Savoy Hotel dinner in London on Monday. They are (from left) Ryoko Mivoshi (Japan), I'iiiM.n ill Tananchai (Thailand) and Lee Voting ,'hae i Korea >. Malaysia, for the second
    65 words
  • 262 24 US gets ready for 3-man Apollo 8 moon mission CAPE KENMKDY, Wed. Preparations for the boldest journey of the BB* ihp threeman Apollo 8 mission that will <>rhit the moon on Christmas Day have started here The National Aeronautics .Space Administration (Nasal announced yesterday in Washington that three astronauts would
    262 words
  • 212 24 SAIGON. Wed. American heavy arfillerv fired on suspected North Vietnamese tun sites in the demilitarised zone covered by the bombins hall after Smith Vietnamese positions close h> rame under fire, a I.S. spokesman said today. The spokesman said I.S. army and marine euns pounded
    Reuter  -  212 words
  • 289 24 LONDON Wed The market ■iiniiier It broke the 500 FT. Index level again, gaining Jour points to Ml I, Industrials were firm but British funds were an easier exception endtni! ulth losses of about hnlf-a-polnt on disappointment with UK's Octooer trade figures. Closing middle prices
    289 words
  • 71 24 LONDON, Wed— Spot, 20Nid.. Dec. 20\d.. Jan. 20 11 Itid.. Feb. 20 11 lHd. Jan. March 20 11 lfid.. April June J" 9 16d July Sept 2O'.d Oct Dec. 2O'-d., Jan. Mar. 20 7 IHcl. April June 20 7 l«d. July Sept. 20 7 16d Oct Dec. 20 7
    71 words
  • 38 24 LONDON Wed -Buyers £1413 i+£9i. .sellers £1414 I £11 1. For-, ward buym £1392 I W sellers, £1393 <4£3 i. Settlement £1414', I i •C4 I>.1 >. Turnover am 275 ton.s. j pm. 100 tons. Tone: Steady. i
    38 words
  • 475 24  - Committee to study Aziz report PREM KUMAR TEA CHERS' PA V: NEW DELA V K U A L A LUM--1Y IMH. WVd The Cabinet Ikis srt up ;i special Bveman committee to sludy the report of Hit- A/i/ teachers' salaries commission, the .Minister of Education, i nc h e Mohamed
    475 words
  • 45 24 JAKARTA. Wed —The Koitißn MiniMrr, Mr htaa Malik, said today Avian was nut f.illini; ip.i it "JM BMMM rrUlions btIv».tii M.iUwj and the Philippinis air not good, it dor* not MNMrik mran that Wan is falling apart." he j told rrimrtrrv
    45 words
  • 46 24 MRS A M. BCINS \<idle>, PUM* »«•»>■ it OH DO Kum r.ii Ourcß MR. JAMES WECUELN it thi KARUMATHI R K SAMV NAIDU Df I'umli, II n t 1 lain mrs v»rr peow vonc nn I. Kirn Pol ihiidrm lay 1 7 l'• v it ftuddt
    46 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 111 24 If yodve waited tKis long for a better shave try the blade that's been tested by surgeons ggr •y > 'l^gl BT^ v y Ji The people that make Personna super stainless steel razor blades also make surgical blades. Mure surgical bla< than anyone else in the world. Personna have
      111 words
    • 90 24 Late CLASSIFIEDS^ 20 icords $15 minimum BRIDGESTONE nn 4n the dynamic K l-l RADIAL TYRE FOR III! 11l ELITE MOTORIST IBS/ Buy Singaporean! Write to P.0.80x 2664, Singapore for FREE PAMPHLETS Christmas/New Year f* SPECIAL OFFER only $530/- or $695/SHARP gggggggggggggg«lß^ K -J_^^^^ B "llßlgi9 A complete tterco system AM/FM
      90 words

  • Ladyhill
    • 1 1 Ladyhill
      1 words
    • 256 1 SHE'S A BIG SUCCESS IN A MApS WORLD... WORKING in ;i mans world and making a big success out of it is Mrs. Cecilia Scow (above), manafcr of Ladyhill. Ihe flr^t woman manager wt i"x» r > hotel in sineaporr. llii> th.trmini; Swt'd,vh hiunctte runs I .ulvhill with top management
      256 words
    • 613 1  - Home away from home— with all the fine touches of top luxury... SOH TIANG KENG By TIJK Swiss- type hotel in Singapore, the luxurious mxstorev Ladvhill, is one of the most modem n South-easl Asia. Modelled along contemporary lines, its design representi revolution in hotel architecture in the Republic.
      613 words
    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 229 1 Koerararecoc, oo yyyy op 0.0 >»-yyy 0,0 o^yy^ 0,0 0,0 0,0 o,c 0,0 0,0 .> .y o^rg 3 bfcr ■r*j( BJak^^ aßl^^Bßfi ''A imR Baft *v > <w>ft*tv^BMßk I 1 it^^^^BSßa^^^^^^Sa > Bml 1 wSBS^SK^ai v^a\. —^^^■i j£S Q|V<| Ipp C^ X- ''^3PWbbl w •s**^" I f2i m*' •J& r
        229 words
    • 53 2 ONLY THE VERY BEST— INSIDE AND OUTSIDE... ABOVE A twin bedroom at tht Ladyhill. Luiury and comfort ar« tha kcynotti from the b«autiful cerpeti to th« elegant lompt. LIFT: Tk< grand »nfronc« to rh« hotel. The belt in Mrvicr it laid en for oil who come and it itortt at
      53 words
    • 264 2 Where East meets West -just the place for a drink II H DMkgTOUnd gultat music, ciiitcmers can sip wine while relaxing in Ladyhill's cocktail lounge. East meets West in the decor of this elegant lounge and bar. Western furniture and Scandinavian art blend harmoniousiy with Oriental table tops. Btunew lamps,
      264 words
    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 62 2 m tmrmfm SW m m mJm m m m V"'2ni With Best Wishes to Ladyhill Hotel (Pte) Ltd. from NATIONAL LAUNDRY SERVICES (PTIJ LTD. 38, MALACCA STREET, SINGAPORE 1 TEL *****, ***** mT r7 Ca Congratulates LADYHILL HOTEL i m b^b^bW "^StT* PREPARING STEAKS FOR SINGAPORE HOTELS RESTAURANTS I THE
        62 words
        256 words
    • Article, Illustration
      303 3 SWITZERLAND COMES TO SINGAPORE |>OSH but dainty "Le Chalet" represents a 1 little corner of Switzerland at Ladyhill. Swiss icter, this cosy restaurant which can seal 120, radiates the warm, friendly atmosphen Uplne loduf. and the menu contains an exciting varletj of Swiss dishes. r.xiuiiii.K me viriies mi
      303 words
    • Page 3 Advertisements
        128 words
      • 226 3 V C©M^ratulafcfowB [ik^faf I lots! WINES AND D R b fl D SPIRITS FOR THIS f K j\ HOTEL AND OTHER t~A /^H V LEADING HOTELS p ARE SUPPLIED BY BOBBY LIM^? COMPANY PTE.LTD. SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR PENANG x A Congratulations.... LADYHILL HOTEL for having chosen the best for your
        226 words
    • 247 4 A cool dip in the fine pool between sips of hot coffee LADYHILL'S American style coffee simp enables ;i tourist to Like :i dip in Hie modern swimming pool between hot sips <>!' coffee and delicious MUCKS. The rofTeeshops shaded ti'irace, dotted with cafe tables and sheltered by beach umbrellas,
      247 words
    • 133 4 IjWnCIENI and prrj MmaliM'd wnrtea i* the hallmark of l.acMiill Hot. I Well tr. until riiculionMv uaitrrvto and attend In cu-tiimt rs' needs with vp, i d and rllit ieiK ■> To pm\ idr comprehrnM\r ser\Kc the hotel maintains
      133 words
    • Page 4 Advertisements
      • 361 4 I Climate ENGINEERING LTD. TAKE PLEASURE IN f| (0 MANAGER HOTEL EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES CONSULTANCY SERVICES 3ill Norrls la :i professional hotdtef witli ten years experience in more than a dozen hotels and restaurants in nine diflVn nt countries. Initially, Bill had his training in the Hotel School in Lausanne and
        361 words
      • 309 4 -JMIIIIIM rII I 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I Mill I I I II II tl II I I lIIMIII II II I 1I I lUIIIIIMI ***** I II MlCongratulations Best Wishes to LADYHILL HOTEL from I SINGMA PRESS 39. Jalan
        309 words
      • 129 4 Congratulations Best Wishes to LADYHILL HOTEL I We are proud to have supplied WALL-TO-WALL Carpets in 4 LA CHALET' COCKTAIL LOUNGE 1 and all the Hedrooms in the New Wing also suppliers of Bath-Towels Mats and Crocker y. i% cm if l/l DIM v BtS^Mini I BWw??^rj Wfm\ CARPET SPECIALISTS
        129 words