The Straits Times, 12 November 1968

Total Pages: 22
1 22 The Straits Times
  • 25 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 175,000 The Straits Times The National newspaper Estd. 1845 TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1968 15 CENTS KDN. 3104 M.C. (P) 00U
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  • 296 1 Despite the bombing halt... SAIGON, Monday NORTH Vietnamese gunners, firing from inside the demilitarised zone for the first time since the bombing halt over North Vietnam, launched rockets and mortars at three allied positions near the neutral zone, U.S. military spokesmen said today. Four IS. marines
    Reuter  -  296 words
  • 46 1 GARUDA TO CUT STAFF BY 2,000 JAKARTA Mon Garuda Indonesian Airways announced today that another 2.000 workers would be laid off next year became the company was In the red Airline officials said the company lost more than US$lO million in the paat 10 years UPI
    UPI  -  46 words
  • 41 1 HONCi KONG MOB One fireman ua^ killed and two others Injured yf 'i'ici.i\ ■■hilr IlithtliiK a blare hi the Hani; Sriiu Bank buildinc a skvsiraper situated in He heart of the cltv next to thr C'e: Hal Fire Station
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  • 61 1 YEMENI Arab immigrant Ahmed Ragen N;iint r i wearing hal i. and his Iwo sons. Alxlo Ah mkml. is (centre) and Hussein, '20. have been charged in New York with plotting to assassinate Preside!)! elect Richard M. Nixon. The elder N'amer is a shipping clerk. 1
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  • 73 1 Thailand calls for 'summit' talks BANGKOK, >1«n. The Foreign .Minister. Tun Thanat Khiiman. said today that his country would tal! a meeting of South-east Asian foreign ministers. iilirn peace returns to Vietnam, to discuss the future of the ar« Tun I h. in. it also said that Thailand and other
    Reuter  -  73 words
  • 238 1 PMIP man held in the big round-up KUALA LUMPUR Monday Till! police l<xl.i\ continued to round up know ii suspects in tin* nationwide swoop on militant communists. By the evening, Ibe total arrested exceeded 140. Sources said that a further 60 people were on the wanted list A pmip statement
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  • 53 1 RAWALPINDI Mon -Police remitted KhurMild Hasan Mir. local chief of the Pakistan Peoples Party, who was released on ball on Friday H< M Mir wn* arrested fnllowiiiK i "ii^ sparked ofT by the arrival hup <>I the leader of the Peoples Put] liiiinri Koreiun M:in-ri Mi
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  • 35 1 BANGKOK. Mon —Two Thai An K.nre pUoU died when i hell plane craxhed In llamr.t In the jiinule about 140 miles north of Bangkok lav Tlun^day. according to reports training here today
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  • 376 1 MALAYSIA baa taken an Important formal step in her monetary relation* with other countries by accepting the obligations set out In H ol the Intrrnr.Uonal Monetary Fund artlch ol agreement in .i statement issued here today, the Minister Tun Tan Slew Bin. announced that
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  • 160 1 $460,000 necklace with a curse /CALCUTTA. Mon. Anexqui s i t c 1 y beautiful and costly necklace, once owned by Queen Marie Antiotiottt 1 has no buyer in India. The lavishly i set diamonds are be- lirved to bo cursed. A Maharaja in ea.stern India, the head of the
    AP  -  160 words
  • 210 1 GUNMAN GRABS $8,375 AND A CHEQUE FOR $155,000 SINGAPORE. Mon. A younp gunman held up a company clerk today and snatched from him a paper baa; containing $8,375 and a cheque for $155,390. The holdup occurred at 2. J0 p.m. outside the Malayan Refrigerating Co. In Cantonment Road where the
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  • 29 1 \k\v oaun M..r. m Ind'.mi Cinveir.rr.t i I'.oiinced approval ol tin million inpri- outer harbour at VlahaktapaUnajn the ir let tor Iron me ts\<
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  • 20 1 MANILA Mo:i A man was killed and eight people wounded In nan* rlushex here jMUlrtlj. police said today.
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  • 172 1 Zond-6 on way to the moon MOSCOW. Mon. The Soviet Union announced today that it had launched an unmanned spacecraft towards the moon. The craft, codenamed Zonci-ii. was launched trrdav. The previous In the Zond s< flew round the moon and -iied down in the. Indian Ocean. Tfcis, announcing r:<e
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  • 32 1 RUSSIA WANTS U.S. IN ASIA LONDON, M«>b Bu«rf» want, X B. military pretence in Spilth EMI A«ta fter peace conies to Vietu.ttn, clom to the Kremlin mM tndaj. -AP
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 114 1 nnvTHinc you uinnT TO EXPORT nnVUJHERE from B-Z... Australia South Vietnam Common Market Countries Thailand India United Kingdom Indonesia West Indies Pakistan Zambia We provide an Export Service [or any !<>cal product through associated sales organisations in all the countries listed ;il><>\c\ Ju>t contact us on the 3rd Floor ol
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    • 96 2 BROOKLYN Assistant District Attor- noy.Mr. Elliot Golden, displays tht weapons an M-l rifle, a carbine. two knives and 24 rounds of ammunition seized in a raid on Saturday by police and Secret Service agents on the flat
      UPI  -  96 words
    • 119 2 Mini-skirts the 'come on' for gang rapists SYDNt Y. Mon Mini skirts were often the "come on" signs for gang rapists, a New South Wales woman Ml' claimed today. Mr> Mahrl lurlev, a member of Ot? State Legislative Council. said prnvix ;ilive dress .i nil behaviour nr.«rl> ;«l»jvs contributed l.i
      Reuter  -  119 words
    • 52 2 NAIROBI. Mnn —A' leajit 14 m i to h..\e been drowned when a bus plune•d Urn K. (i-.ino: H:\er. l-'O miles from here, on Satur- at-' ESeven r»die« have l>oeii recovered and priaH »t:ll hunt fir thrre t bellevrd twept aw.iv Treaty ei^h 1 people were
      AP  -  52 words
    • 17 2 TEKINCJ M. .n nuirrr n Mao received a Pukivan military WlffUm ;.iNew Chin. i N.
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    • 300 2 WASHINGTON, Monday. PRESIDENT-ELECT Richard Nixon pledged yesterday he would achieve or assure a peaceful settlement of the Vietnam war witnout undue delay alter taking office on Jan. 20. He said In an interview: "My feeling is that the American people eagerly anticipate
      Reuter  -  300 words
    • 100 2 Gabonese expel Nigerians pARIS. Mon President Albert Bennard 80. co of Gabon yesterday ac Nigeria of plotting against leaders and announced th.i* all NMzrr'.ans had b<>en ixr.'Y.-a from hit country He was answering r^portpTm' <: :r:val rom Librevi!!' 1 for I ks with President ci»- Gauile and members of
      Reuter  -  100 words
    • 54 2 LONDON. M.n BOAC mad* a profit 18.2 million in The lirM h«if <>! the financial ■,<■ .iirlmes rhairm.m. s.r OUh Oulhrie. announced lotey He viid the profit would nave been l»ire that hut for a pilots wo-slo* emlier tht« year which nilminated In a strike BMi
      Reuter  -  54 words
    • 82 2 j IL MONTE i California i. i Mon. A hou.sewlle shot her three children as they lay face down on their i id- ye.stvrday then commuted >ulclde. police .said. TMe bodies of Vera Lutham. 33. and her children were found about mid- I afternoon
      AP  -  82 words
    • 124 3 Anne shows what royal training does for a girl pRINCESS Anne. 18--ar-old daughter of Queen Elizaoeth. showed an admirable sense of occasion the other day. choosing to wear thesr eye-catch-ing pearl studded drop earrings. She was attending a reception In London tor the British equestrian team which took part in
      Mirrorpic  -  124 words
    • 440 3 'ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT' REPORT IS OFFICIALLY WITHDRAWN J£ARACHI. Mon. An apparent attempt on the life of President Ay v b Knan yesterday climaxed lour days of student disturbance unprecedented in the 10 yeais since he came to power. An official statemi ni Issued
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    • 241 3 'Bar the coloureds' leader beaten up by 30 youths BIRMINGHAM. Monday. |L|R. COLIN JORDAN, 44-year-old leader of the extreme Right-wing British movement, was beaten up as he handed out leaflets here last nieht. Police sa'.d about 3(1 youths set upon him and some of his followers He was punched and
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    • 29 3 MANILA. Mon Three mm including a former police chief of City, were aentemed to death ye.-terd.iy lor .sMssination of Oli 'nc;.[x. M.r.r J.i lnn Gordon PI
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    • 297 15 Jakarta 'freezes Muslim Party's new leaders JAKARTA. Monday. Government today appeared to have effectively frozen the newly-elected leadership of the nine-month-old Indonesian Muslim Party. Antara said in a dispatch from Malanp East Java, where the party held its first congress last week that delegates were officially told the time had
      Reuter  -  297 words
    • 102 15 Anti-US chief elected in Okinawa >-\H\ (Ofctaawm), Mas. I —Mr hohyo V;ir i. H.*), who wants the l"S to close Okm.iu.i b«*ea to the Virtn^im w;tr. today elected Chicl l\»-. cuti\e of tin- is administered Rvukvu Kl.incK. It was not known whether Mr Var.i s rlei unuld
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    • 18 15 ROTTERDAM. Mon Rome 500 harbour tug pilot.-; strurk uork today, preventing ships leaving or entering harbour.
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    • 116 15 Frustrated housewife sues over her bathroom TUCSON, Mon. Mr*. Kthel Rounds believes she ha.s the most frustrating bathroom in the world. She filed lawsuit today seeking revocation of the licence of the contractors who installed her bathroom. Her complaint Mid: WHEN she flushes her toilet, the toilet in the apartment
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    • 93 15 f ONDON. M'in.- The BBC is to apologise to Mr. Wilson over a remark made on a radio programme. TtM rrm.irk. In 31-.. John WeU», came duf:nt Urn prift: Hmmr Night Ride" after midn.uht la»t Thursday. He .viid: Ttnftt who have spoken
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    • 34 15 Co-operation commission SIEOIT.. Mun F.rmpr JaMUMM Prime Minuter Mr N<^ bu*uke Kixln and 19 OthCf ;»>- -and bUMnexa Ifadei.s rived in Seoul today to dIM k>M the esiabluhment ot a Korr^Japan O p»r« n Oii^lMiMlM
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    • 293 15 Mia and friends in row at hotel: Police called in I ONDON. Mon. Act•*J rcss Mia Farrow wept as police and waiters ejected her and a party of friends from a London hotel -i restaurant in a predawn incident today. Police .said later that one of the party, Canadian Mtor-producer
      Reuter  -  293 words
    • 86 15 JKRI SAI LM M. Th* i>.an Minister. Mr ABo» Ebii! baa toid IS p»ace r.iI I)i ;ni i.«r Jarring, that -\;r>m;t detailed UTUUUM t lh» Jfitcr BoundaxM* until Cain aim nnc- ,s iMdIfKM v .nakr peore. Cr :iif Minuter Mr I*\l E«hlcol m a rep mr
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    • 384 15 GENEVA. Monday WORLD trade is expected to inrrrase by eight per cent this year compared with only five per cent in 1067. according to experts of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (Gatt). The Gatt annual report tortay estimate? that exports
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    • 148 15 MAR MB. PLATA. <Art .-ntm.i. Mnn. The International Junior Chamber of Commerce oiHii.d its 23rd world congress yesterday with rail to work for "a better world of peace and harnioin.' In t.i national president Mi I'hilippe Abravanel opened the five-day congress |,v tell
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 747 2 WIN fiM HI-FI IN THE I^^B ELASTOPLAST CONTEST 149 OTHER PRIZES I PHI I IP.q Hi Pi .qtPrpn nhain m| I <^*^-, »^ri^-^^ i H GA2 30 GH93O RH4BO H ■H HawMBf^BV^iMB^HI s^H .^■awrj^^^^l "^^^^^a^iW X N b^H s^sV s^F. b^^B W x. l^lfl __^^r Jf 1 W^M V^bT^bW m
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    • 226 2 r P. those horrid age spots* FADE THEM OUT •9 m^ESOTERICA "v«fh«r«d brown tpofi on tn« lurtocl o» tour Mnit ond toe* to* th« word >ou r« gtttina old pirrtopt b«rer« you reoll, or< Fstfo tlMm o»o» oith n*» ESOTIKICA, th* >pt<iol thai htlpt iiqhttn pi«mtitt rxatMt in t*i« Urn,
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 34 2 THE GAMBOLS ...-<• «~»4*4*ftUPPOtt YOU CltAtT) (^GOOUT true uoueejj- \_*uorr»4s^j /amp tuem come uam"} /4NpTet INi «rr tuibrN S AMD COOK A MEAL J V^ ABOUT I v 1 j B 1 tue suppfm gtit^sy
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 126 3 Remember when aulomalie eookevs 1 ivevejusl for rice? you can cook, boil or Stt I „j > chicken, meat or tish.and t hot and ready for hours at the touch of a "keep warm" in -with these versatile Sanyo models. EXTRA SANYO FEATURES B Cxdusive "tight-sedl" lock- aromas m. Direct
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    • 317 3 There are 2 kinds off Airwick to keep your home fresh and sweet-smelling all day WJmm J)|pU/jrji Airwick Mist is the Aerosol For pcrsMcn' sire'lv such ai Airwicl. in Ihc rc.uU-to-use cooking or b.tthroom odours, piish-bution r-"-- When you need ihc coniinuoti» you luddsnl) nonce a micll. air-freshness of Airuick
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 88 4 Graham Hill wins the 1968 world championship on Supershell and Shell Super Motor Oil. 1968. The Mexican Grand Prix. Graham Hill zooms to victory on Supershell and Shell yF\ Super Motor Oil. This win gives Graham Hill the 1968 world Racing driver's championship. SHFLL And it gives Lotus Ford the
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  • 1407 5 Pudu Jail chief faces trial on three charges DEPUTY PRISONS HEAD TELLS OF PROCEDURE FOR MAKING MILEAGE CLAIMS ON OFFICIAL TRIPS Witness: I find accused's claims genuine, Prisons HQ had passed them KUALA LUMPUR. Monday THE Deputy Commissioner of Prisons. Incne Yaman bin Din. told Sessions Court today that three
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  • 133 5 KIAIA I IMP! R. Mon >Uon «.m be crown on a larsr Nt.tlf in MaUjrata. thr MinLstrr of (nmmrtir and Inclustrv I .in Sri i|)r Surr \in MsM lnil.o "If Ihr crop can bf troult in Ih.iil.incl (hrrr is mi reason nhv
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  • 195 5 Emergency landing by MSA Fokker, but all's well SINGAPORE. Mon. The emergency system at the airport swung into action this morning when a MSA Fokker Friendship with undercarriage trouble prepared iv land 40 minutes alter take-off. Five r'ir.' engines and an ambulance stood by as the plane touched down safely.
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  • 66 5 IPOH. M, n '.'hr Ptdanl Court of Appeal here total rr.wnfd jud^rmrnt on .in S| by ihr Ncu ZMlan Cosapaaj iy the Ipoti High Court for procrfdini}* civil claim rf.-ui'ing Ii n. idcn' Mr P P Dii inn .nanda apprAriKl (nr thr n,n: Mi N Bharass <
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 117 5 STARLITE SIMPLA-FLEX INSECT SCREENS NOwK SLIP-ON SLIP OFF INSECT SCREENS FOR COMPLETE PROTECTION FROM ALL FLYING INSECTS! >t Staiiite Simpla-Fle« inject screens are the ■aaaaaaaaaaa^N^ most convenient low cost scretns you can buy ■k Check this list of Simpla -Flex features |^aaW^aw> E> Sl. p-on Sup-oft (takes only flpKata^&r seconds)
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    • 308 5 fifr OF QUALITY IMPORTED FABRICS «W u£- IDEAL FOR CHRISTMAS COCKTAIL PARTY gR DRESSES FOR LADIES, TEENAGERS W? Jfif CHILDREN. 'JT f -hi"on. Silks. Laces, Dacron'Cotton. Cotton, ffH Trfc Satin Cotton, Punted Jersey. Printed Rayon. JRjW Jtjft F.nibroidery Cotton, etc. I— 4 yd lengths of fflff\ £\/tdjJ 'ii .aiaflat a^^at
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
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  • 257 6 11-man US mission here to give technical assistance BINGATOatfc, Mon. \1 1 11 -man mission, reprrsentiiiK top I ranking rnginerring firms in the I nited 1 Stales is now in SinI gapore to give technical assistance and to establish local representation. Sponsored by the I mini States Department of Commerce*,
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  • 189 6 A TV PLAY ON 'SWEET SMELL' OF A TIDY ISLAND SINCi.M'ORK. Mon A satirical mtutcal comedy on the "Keep Blngapore Clean" canipalKn is .setting the trend for luturc Television Singapura productions on topical subjects Entitled "Sweet Smell of Success". featuring the Skunks played by Tony I Yeow and Thomas Paul
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  • 268 6 I SINGAPORE. Mon. OETHAINING of rlvl- lian workers in the British bases will bp a Ministry of Education responsibility from next year. it« technical education wing will take '>ver thlfunction from the BUM Fconomlc Ooavcnlon Dfpartment when the per- j manent Training
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  • 58 6 SINGAPORE Mon The Adult Education Board will hold 24 weekly !e«v>n* on the Japanese language at the Beam integrated primary school Beam Rond The course «U| he held e»erv Kmidit} from 130 pm to 3ln P m The fee U $24 and application form« Are available
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  • 41 6 SINGAPORE Mon A Ml!>ivtrv nf Hpßlth temn will br at the Tna Payoh rommiinitv rentr» from 9 m in noon tomorrow to vnmnat* children from three months to neven venr* «Min.«t Mnallpnx. diphtheria, letanu.v. whooplne rough and pnlln
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  • 34 6 SINOAPORK. Mom lim Wee Teow. 42. «m fined $400 In the Ninth Mhklm rate's Court today when he pleaded kulliv to ron(lurtliiK a lottery In Havelook Road la.M Saturday
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  • 411 6 'Corrupt rule hampers development' FACTORS FOR SOCIAL PROGRESS... THK Acting Prime xM in is t c r. Dr. (iolj Kong Swct'. today saitl what took Europe lira centuries to achieve could bo done in Asi;i and Africa in a shorter period. Hp told an International conference that progress could only
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 205 6 J 40 YEARS OP SHOW BUSINESS LEADERSHIP! J j ANNIVERSARY j qr loday. Tomorrow Thursday J HALF-PRICE ADMISSION TO ALL SHAW CINEMAS AMUSEMENT I PARKS IN SINGAPORE AND MALAYSIA I B (EXCEPT LIDO -Singapore REX -Kuala Lumpur) CAPITOL Today, Tomorrow Thursday m TWICE the action at HALF the price! ■f~
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    • 129 6 sinQapura P. INTERCONTINENTAL 9 »l^ SW ORCHARD ROAD, TEL: ***** Ajj fWe Proudly Announce the S Introduotlon of our Mew, f Largo mlm Oarte Menu. C. Dinner and Dmnoe Music Nightly "i£ (No Cover Charge) kQ;I/1£ T ho moat popular V \iTTRT Meeting Placo ',U M/S!> Town M irU^ni.CP Op.»
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    • 38 6 ITT^^^»»aß«»Bß^pp-j^-, I.i mum I i'JL«Vi M J_I_BLJ »>'••"•'•«" Air cenriitioma TBd.y Only I 4. 7 t t.lO m m Gr~rg» HamiKw in "JACK OF DIAMONDS' MGM) M#trrrol*r To^orr** V)T«# T -n* '••aMta ■»n M tl< tK. I.** ,'MGM) Call
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    • 220 6 ODEON OPENS THURSDAY! PALACE Mam. 2 IS. 530 I Mipm (No ft** Lilt 2 00. 600 4 900 p.m. TICKETS AT NORMAL ADMISSION 'RICES ON SALE NOW! I I uH aam k i^^J i 1 ■BBa 1 ■^>*V I I wm l llv\"l id SIEGFRIED. THE DRAGON THE BEftUTIFUL QUEEN
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    • 477 6 4nTHJJffII7EBSiIP.Y Todoy, Tcmo.row I Thursdov 1 I HALt PRICI ADMISSION TO AIL PARKS AND CINEMAS I £XCEPT TMI LIDO THtATRC [XTRA- Special NEWSREEL! j Of Tung Ho Building in SHAW'S MOVIt TOWN" Sho-ing at Copitol, «c«. Sky, Ro.y. Orientol t Quct«« "■■'am»a ni| -TO NOW SHOWING No F»«* Liall a
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  • 43 7 FOR HER HUSBAND'S ALBUM... MRS. James Inlm-i.-, «tle of .111 Au-tr.i delegate, snipping pit iun- df tin- ■peniai rereniini> of the si\ih Fa>tern Kc^iou il II? voiifcreiuf .it tin- I'ni»lvh Of >1.11.1>.1s Medical entre by Tencku Ahclul H.hni.iii jesterday. Straits Times picture.
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  • 61 7 j^UALA LUMPUR. Mon. The ioverning director of the Jug^ilal itlofl one of the and comrns 'ii India. ■nmipat Si: >r a week's tour 1 .> »re lbs w 011 a panled by hla ids more than 75 Industrial and con firms w 000 emp
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  • 44 7 tiA.NGKUK 1 1 Customs Depart ment U planning to establish an office In the southern province uf Satul In an attempt u> curb smuuKling from Penang. The office u ill be Tarutao island, about live miles from Laiigka'Al Island. Reutcr.
    Reuter  -  44 words
  • 195 7 Crack in skull that stayed undetected till post-mortem IPOH Monday. 4 MAN wan a crack in his skull through which the brain protruded died in hospital a week later. But he Wl treated for the wound as it was not detected till a post-mortem was carried out Justice Tan Sri
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  • 31 7 SINGAPORE. Mun. Twenty centres will horn .scndinsr-ntr partial lor thrir bCCR lai.rcl v;) Cm lull-'.. n. 1 11 nn Wednesday. Membr t I mid 1 II ..ttend thr uartK-.s
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  • 14 7 (POH Mi) Ihe Ri.ia patron a Hip Per.iii Chinese. Amateur Dranwn- Al
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  • 128 7 KIANTAV Mon. The Alliance retained the Km mi. in parliamentary seat unopposed after it successfully objected to the nomination of an independent candidate. Th<" objection was lodged moments after nominations had closed. Ihr i .miliil.ifs were Dr. Mi.h.lin r ii Taib. 52. (Alliance), a
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  • 341 7 THE DISEASE STILL POSES A GRAVE HAZARD TO HEALTH 9 JKUALA LUMPUR. I Monday fENGKU Abdul Rahman today spukf of Malaysia's Bucceasful eight-year war against tuberculosis and declared that the battle would go on until the "dreaded disease" was wiped out. Opening the
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  • 288 7 Gilong speaks of 'the biggest stumbling block' launched by the Government in 1961. The programme consisted of a three -prong attack on the disease: A TRAINING SCHL.ME to get technical stall (or the nation-wide control programme; A BCG VACCINATION DKIVt to protect susceptible members ofl me population aca.n>t TB; ana
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  • 178 7 I mil Mon.— About 1.000 1 troops will be involved in a major exercise in the Hruas area. 3."> miles from here, from dawn tomorrow to flush out "Communist terrorist*" who have infiltrated into the nearby riverine areas. I. ilr ii.iiiud
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  • 158 7 Liean-up drive: 554 charged in a week SINGAPORE, Mon. The Ministry of Health prosecuted 554 people during the first seven days of it* enforcement campaign to keep Singapore clean. •This It bu' the beginning." a Ministry .-tattment warns. "There Will bo no let-up in the pressure onttl even citizen, every
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 182 7 If you're due to eat out in Rome, and you're not sure if you can have your spaghetti on toast It's nice to go with someone who knows. ■■^^■w^^ bust f J^^^mSfa* m Qantas knows. Everything about Rome. From Spaghetti (never on toast) to St. Peters (open every day). All
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  • 93 8 SINGAPORE. MOB —Glamour gnu In governmen service or employed Dy statutory boards i are Invited to enter the "Civil Service Queen" conte t organised by the Singapore CiUl Service Association here. The winner will be elected and crowned on Dec. 7 at the avocla-
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  • 27 8 SINGAPORE. Mon -Mr LF. Ennever. director of a irme education project in Britain will arrive here on Saturda\ froa Penang (Of a one-day I
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  • 382 8 Whang: A very important step forward... SPORE MANUFACTURES HAIL SETTING UP OF INTRACO LTD. SINGAPORE, Mon.— Tlu' Sinj^iporc M;i nu l'm turns Associattoa today expressed cntliusuism over Intraco Ltd. —an international trading corpora* lion set up by the government which, among other things, will help to infuse new vitality into
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  • 183 8 SINGAPORE. Mon r PHK president of the National Trades Union •I Congress, Mr. Peter Vincent, today said that unemployment was not a condition of entitlement to retrenchment bendits for civilian workers in the British armed forces under the Redundancy Payments Fund Act. Mr Vincent was elarifly--1
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  • 82 8 SINGAPORE. Mon An exhibition of Chinese paintinns Dy Mr Lim Slang Hioiifr. businessman artist, will be held at the Chinese Chamber of Commerce building at 5.30 p.m. on Thursday. The dp ,/.ay is beinn organised by the Chinese Society and will be open to the public from 10
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  • 30 8 SINGAPORE. Mull A varlet\ show organised by the fifth corps of the St. John Ambulance Brm.ide will be held at the National Theutie at 8 pm. on Friday
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  • 201 8 SINGAPORE. Mon Tht Singapore Society of Account ants will discuss ways oi raising the standard of accountancy here and review its policy for the admission of n«'w members at the two-day second coiiierencr of Singapore 1 accountants next month. The conlerence. a
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  • 127 8 IJ*IVK new definitive postaise I I f i.ilm>\D drpictint \.irinus riancrs. Hill lir put on sale .it .ill post <>f ii< i-^ in Singapore on Dec I. The hour» "i busiD<'» on that (lay will I" from a.m. to I p.m. at
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  • 195 8 MANY PRIZES NIGHTLY AT BIG TRADE FAIR SINGAPORE. Mon.— More than 100 local and foreign tirms and manufacturers will participate in the month-long New World annual trade fair beginning on Nov. L' 9 at the New World amusement park here. The fair, which will be officially opened by the Parliamentary
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  • 206 8 SINOAPORE. Mon A "peoplo's" shop with a public reading room run by a committee will open for buMnevs at Geylang Serai on Saturday. A normal provision shop. Its establishment is the result of a Malay language seminar held in January at the University of
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  • 172 8 'A place of safety for girls' opens Moii. -Destitute tzirU m Singapore have a new home the Toa Payoh Girls 4 Home built at a cost of 5T50.000. Officiallj :.ty, tht First Lady. Pua:, Tht home la a place ol safi *ovjni tor 6(1 nurx-ry children 1H girls." 'These
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  • 32 8 SINGAPORE. Mon The Anglican Bishop of Singapore, the Rt. Rev. Chiu Ban It. «ill dedicate a church extension al the Bt. Hilda's Parish Chtmh in Kaiong at 6 p.m. on Sundu
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  • 33 8 lAPORK M rh« Seraneorn Clarden South School Id a lood and lun fair at lOoi from 11 h m t.> pm on No* IT. A highlight, will ac a baby show
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 247 8 HORLICKS increases your LIVINGPOWER mi 1 This is Jimmy .jumping Jimmy, running Jimmy, skipping Jimmy, always-eating jimmy growing strong and tall and bright at school. Where does he g«t his energy from? His mother knows! HORLICKS for breakfast! Jimmy's daily HORLICKS increases hit LIVING POWER! HORLICKS mixes easily with UHIU'H!!^
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
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  • 494 9  -  Hundreds of thousands of people do it every day, but how to cross Hong Kuim bar bour la still the colon) most pressing problem. Over 200 naul using 7:j i"rr.- ri thf mile-wide ttreu iter dnid.nK the 'i "i Hona Kong Irom the
    Reuter  -  494 words
  • 1081 9  -  DATO II Ml Ml BIN SHEPPARD Drizzling rain, pre-daicn cold, a bridge /o cvm suddenlu a crash and the sounds of men struggling in a flooded river crying out for help b> BY the autumn of 1956 Emergency operations in South Perak had made substantial
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 269 9 ■;<■ awoRDMAN PLASTIC PRODUCTS SERVE YOU IN i COMMERCE INDUSTRIES AND AT YOUR HOME fs THE MARK OF QUALITY PLASTIC PRODUCTS fmployinq ttm la\*%l f^rhn"|n»\ of l>lo^-'*M).fifl'nq jnc inp»cfiO'i <\*™ loo<> Pu«tir lißtullllll A^ fn.iMiiUcl»rrs pUMi. pr.,<t,r^ f O e ,ilouslr,al 4 com- W mercial (»'j'pove\ a"rt tlo'i'^^t'r i»s» u^i^q
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  • The Straits Times Tuesday. November 12. 1968
    • 653 10 A feeling oi uneaanw at large in all the capitals So \.->iu. Its causf di tiers from place to place. Through all the arveb and egationa of apprehenmuii, however, there runs a common thread. All Southr^M Asia wonders what kind of c the United States will settle
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    • 395 10 -t ting up of a go\ <mmm iit-vi,,,i -mi d international oi yanisation in Singapore repreaanta a major angth to tinRepublic's export drive. With all authorised capital oi $.~)0 million, it is one of tile three basic organisations that have been lormed to accelerate economic
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  • 625 10  - Containing the scourge of T.B. FELIX ABISHEGANADEN How Malaysia learned to fight a killer disease by TWENTY thousand new cases and 5.000 deaths. That was the annual tuberculosis casualty rate in Malaysia up to four years ago. Deaths today have been reduced to 3.500 a year and fresh cases limited
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    • 403 10 I REFER to a letter (Nov. I) from SM' of Kuala Lumpur regarding the low-coat flats at Jalan Fekeliline and the rent tixed for the low-coat flats at .1 1. lit ii Pekellltng is ba.>ed on actual costs The p'nt.v 01 $54 a
      403 words
    • 99 10 I HAVE little to add to editorial iS.T. Oct. 28) except to suggest that perhaps the Standards Institution of Malaysia should be asked to sit on Committee of Inquiry into the collupse of the fourstorey flat in Kuala Lumpur. The SIM la after all a statutory body
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  • 872 10  -  HUGH MABBETT WEATHERMEN AS SPACE AGE BOMOHS' by HOW much longer must Malaysia grin and bear the threat of floods and destruction that descends every year with the north-east monsoon? Forever, one might imagine, for this animal process involves titanic processes sure
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 49 10 The Bank r^^StS^ You Can Trust 'i^JjjSj Bank w,th V?nP MALAYAN ■■ArllfilWQ mi«»A«i»«iiun»i»t IRHAD £JSu5?' < and you bank wisely 7 e ***** fl MALAYAN BANKING BERHAD tlncfpoffd in tht StM— et M# tsys Msltrsn ,ty*m»n* crp,\* t 50 000.000 Pfdup c,p.fl 72,900 000 Croup «t«Mf tMctmi MOO 000 000
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    • 55 10 »J2 S&W SLADE a, WOOLF ifJK. Qoid HALL-MARK RINGS t^C «2k^Pßbbl f^^»- L aV# .aV^^BTai le^BTannnnnW w Vi^c r w j Bvsw.%^ aaaw aBK. *-ai ant li Hnnt^W nnkkenM fcV'-'' Sol* Agents: METRO EXQUISITE JEWELLERY 72-74 HIGH ST.. SPOKE. TEL:2B?3g IDiiriiliilitif There is a Ford with better durability than the
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  • 351 11 one time Singapore* most wanted murderer and kidnapper came into prominence in the late *****. Loh lied low When Oh was killed by police In 1960. Loh began operations again. 'Mr Big' Loh. at this time, remal n c d mysterious warned
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  • 625 11  -  PHILIP KHOO: HbT Singapore, Monday J£IEL\APPER Loh Ngut Fong, killed by police in a gun battle yesterday, told an aide shortly before he was shot: '"You can surrender, but 1 will stay to the end.' Loh, 39, who never intended giving
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  • 37 11 KLALA I.UMPCR. M-m. Th( Pre.N» Chib will hi id a l«re»«i] lunch I r Mr. i Humecke Graf wn B ~e»it/. p .i\ .it Hie German emb.i.Siy here, at Rj. ■ayaif re»taurant on Saturday.
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  • 78 11 Border pact: Action is delayed KI'CHINC. Mon— Implemrntalinn of the recently concluded horder MWriM .ifreemeni be- tween Malaysia and Indone>i.i h is been dela>ed in Sarawak. ThU is i.i (vuse there .ire I reiuKiiiseil nn>Miit points between the Mate ami Hr-i Kalimantan, while the new agreement calU for only six
    78 words
  • 61 11 PORT DIfKSON. Mon. Chief Inspec'nr Rattan Singh. 4U. Wat today charged in court here with corruptly accepting $200 from N« Ngee alias N? X..m as ..n ir.ducement to dl p chame r.f and ihe;- Ng. Rattan Mngb. a court pn..--e--'U'lnn officer is alleged to hai« IM
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  • 22 11 I IMITR Mon. I -ri.rrup- he bin -;>e.ik on o.rrup'ion" ■.on at Hotel D here on Nov. 19.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
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    • 167 11 I If ICUVI E uts k 7 P] HI rwmsi r book-keeping in I i lllLßfllLL half! I says Mr. M. Hai of E 1 H^ Marican Sons, 1 *J Book Agents, Kuala Lumpur. I EH '"*B^li "The Kienzlc 600 accounting machine is accurate and dependable, so there is no
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 818 11 TV MALAYSIA CMANNEU Kuala l.umpur Arrna: 735 An Evening ruth and I'pii.imj Ipnh and Julio London. 8 NMn in MnUlliWl t>. Johoir Buhru claim. 8.10 Kasrh dan J .1. I :>nd in. I ' B«iu -a Modrrn Drama »a M*nr.'..t and Kluaii. t. narln. H35 Man Alive Living 545'" M
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  • 142 12 16 graduate from Penang Catholic seminary DBNANQ, Mon Six- teen young men Cram Thailand, Singapore and Malaysia will be ordained catholic priests next month. They will be the biggest group of Bcminarlani to graauate from the 302--year-old Peiung CoCegeGeneral .since nit rdeka 11 years ago. Knur of the new pi
    142 words
  • 54 12 WEST SUMATRAN TRIO SING FOR KING AND QUEEN 'PHI singing trio from West Sumatra on a worthy mi>sinn to help collect funds for the proposed National lni\ersity. They are :ity (left). Zilni Abdullah centre) and Muthia Farina. I t night's show was attended hv the Kins and Queen. Picture
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  • 55 12 1 >H. M.»n a nurt N tratr. liKhi Abu Bakar .%Han<. today lixed an. 8 lor a prrliminir-. ''•quirv in Hhich t«« brothers and their niothrr face a murder charge. Ten? Chenif Ree. ?0, jnd Ten f hen t Urn 16 face a tentative
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  • 568 12 'WHISPKRING TAMPAIGN' SLANDER SUIT SINGAPORE. Monday. J^ LAWYER. Mr. John Tan Chor Yong. denied a suggestion in the High Court today that he had used undue pressure to compel a client to enter into a business project in which he himself was interested. Mr. Tan was being cross-ex-
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  • 217 12 pENAXG. Mon. -Party Rakyat Malaysia today called on all its cadres to brace them- selves for •impending violent storms." "We mu>t continue to fight for achievemi'! our s the natioiial chairman. Inchf j'.m Ahmad, urged ;n a 13th anniversary message
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  • 11 12 Boerner trio concert in Penang I The B.*r8 .*rn W rformI
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  • 57 12 Spotting the new moon PENANG. Man. The state RelKnous Council has named two officials. Haji sudi bin Haii Kamaluddin and Incne Ahmad Ghazaii. to watch for the new moon on the nigh- of Nov 20 that n£M cW .v, m0 n s ht t l *ill begin the next day.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 404 12 NEW LIST PRICES!! YOUR DEMAND HAS ENABLED US TO OFFER BETTER TV SETS AT LOWER PRICES Model C 192-19" is the most dynamic and Wi eiegant T. V receivers in its class. Encassed in -^dB' r A 99 W^^^^^^^^^^^^^^k^ the most beautrful cabinet this elegant model Wk jC I'd Krjj^^^^Sffl^JaJW'PßgW'l^r
      404 words

  • 238 13  - Capital's Jaycees may admit women members 001 CHENG GAIK By k'UALA LUMPUR. v Mon. The Kuala Lumpur Junior Chamber may admit women members soon. A resolution that women should be admitted Into ihe Junior chamber" is one of six to be discussed at the chamber's annual meeting on Friday. A
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  • 190 13  - A former Malayan tin engineer leaves $6.7 mil TIM TREE From STDNI V Mon. A tin engineer ulin mined in .Malaya during the Communist uprising has lflt .in esiate uorlh As2,lM,at4 (about $6.7 million). Mr. William A. Freeman, uhnoe father founded Austral Tin Ltd. in 151X0, died on Aug. 24
    190 words
  • 38 13 BUTTERWORTH. ktyn. last n.ciit declared mar on ej :.c« did not carry rear lights. A toui of 134 were (I and had their ofleiae* conjxiundccl on payment «f a I line of three tiuilaro each
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  • 20 13 KANGAR Miii —The Ral» Perempuan of Perl* will ODcn it ne* "■Mdraaah" irehgiuus hall* at Arau un tiaturdav.
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  • 443 13 Waiting for the green light SBSM PULP, PAPER INDUSTRY PLAN PORT SWETTENHAM Monday Daishowa Paper Manufacturing Co., Japans paper manufacturing giant is waiting for the '"green light" from the Government to start the $85 million fully integrated pulp and paper industry in Malaysia. This was announced hv the company's managing
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  • 59 13 IPOH. Mon. MCA heat!quaners In Kuala I.umpur lias declared null and void the elei- officers of the party s Upper Perak division held un Sept. 28 In 1 lftt.r t<i the division national hndquarttn •-aid thr decision «aa t.iken becauw at ler.iin irregularities in the
    59 words
  • 26 13 PfcNANo M 11 Thltvei bruk' Ultu tin 1 t.ntern btoi' 1 in PenaiM H li during Uie weelc-eud, ana stole 13,243 in tfih Lexiiiaa.
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  • 57 13 I 'l KIT MKRTAJAM. Man. l\rry rifle owner here uill help defend the nation if it is atlarkeri by the Philippines. Mr. p. S. Shaik Adam, president of the Bukit Mrrt.ij.ini Rifle Association, said nicht "Our im-mber- have taken a pledge to do tin-.' 1
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  • 130 13 SURPRISE GIFT FOR CHILD ARTIST MANIAM— pENANG, Mon Manlam. the little artist who has never walked betore. received ;i .surprise package today. His winning entry In this year's Penang Child Art exhibition earned him the praise of the French Ambassador to Malaysia, Mr. Barthelemy Epinat. Mr. Epinat, who was greatly
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  • 16 13 KAJANG. Mon Mr. Jamea ifagneM hits been elected president of ihe Kajang Kotary Club.
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  • 118 13 Khir hits at parents who prefer English schools fAIPINCi. Mon. The Minister of Education, Inehe Mohamed Khir Joharl. today critirisrd parents Mho sent their t-hildren to Enfllah M-hiioN rather than Malay .school*. "Such parents think that pupils produced from Knglith schools are smarter and better off than those from Malay
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  • 25 13 BUITERWORTH Mon. The Minuttry of Education ha* a.slced the Province WtUiaMy North District Council to pay f 115.000 in education ratM thi» year
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  • 113 13 Grounded MSA jet flown back from Jakarta CINGAPORE. Mon. 0 An MSA Boeing 707 jet, grounded in Jakarta last w e c Ie after a runway accident, was flown back to Singapore last night. It was brought back by the airline's investigation team which had gone to Jakarta to look
    113 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 205 13 Fv£l makes life more wonc^Hui INCLUSIVE TOURS M lour No. Dates Destination 124 15.1 1.1968 to 20.11.1968 Cambodia, Angkor Wat 129 8.12.1968 to 23.12.1968 Aus'r.tlui 125 C 8.12 1968 to 30.12.1968 Australia and New Zealand 128 19.12.1968 to 28 12.1968 Hongkong. Macau and Taiwan 129 10.12.1968 to 26.12.1968 Hongkong. Taiwan
      205 words
    • 267 13 The Avorldis longest/ continuous />!« w I<g *rs India is so different. I^l V IIIOCVLivJI 1 Thousands of temples, luxury hotels, W\ C^ li^B ie wor ld' 3 J[\CXC3 C\. XvJC tallest mountains, palm fringed beaches. to^bA I^r{™^\#^^ T>n c yf\r alone, more than a dozen. V-JA kW/ww tourist hotels
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  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 267 13 Straits Times Crossword A( BOSS S. at* b«lnw about charw. ihoM--1 v r Cobd 7 (l {Junner^who -ont 1 Ordinary rhyme set to mutter alone? (7). 7. The foxi tall being Boot. H He right about defeating u in l«thar (7-Si. the Boert (7i. 10 Argentine-European rubbai It UMieai. at
      267 words

    • 568 14 Time to feet started on Xmas cake r rlllv last-minute preparations arc always there just before the festive <l;i\. but one of the things thai cannot be put oti till Ihe eleventh hour is the traditional fruit c;ike which is served ;ii Christmas Now is the time to get started
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    • 166 14 THE DANCE OF THE SEVEN FLOWERS ASPRITELY caper Hut tells the story of Tu|u joj— thr Dance of the Seven Flowers, which will be presented by the Maureen Lim donc*rs at tha Victoria Theatre on Friday and Saturday at 8.30 p.m. Tuju'ana, a full-kngth donee suite depicting local belief in
      166 words
    • 131 14 I T SING tin a* a i ulr rut nut one double thirknrs* circle of grratrproof paprr for the basr md a douhlr strip ol »;r*-a«eproof pipri about 2 inches huhei than thr depth of thr tin for the sides. Turn down a marKin about
      131 words
    • 144 14 Beauticians to be trained in S'pore SINGAPORE has been cho.«en the centre for I training of beauticians in South-East Asia This was decided recently at a beauty convention held here. Plans are afoot to work out further details on the traininK scheme Beauticians who participated camf from Paris, i London.
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 179 14 g^gsg^B^r iofl vfJZg* w i *a #^i __^m»bsbb» i < 3 <syK B HHt 1 '^tr^ gV < <b^b» thanks to Loxene We're talking about healthy hair, of course the way hair is after a Loxene shampoo. Its gentle medicated formula clears dandruff completely, keeps hair glowing in healthy condition
      179 words
    • 253 14 BHißlgw/^^ik^^^m. L^Bfj^y J 1 gir\;<, "^wr** /jl g%fl ■■E^i^-r- 'v Talr«a 7u/maV« Ocean After 4 days sailing you'll b« r urT^u l in Hongkong and off on a Uner Holiday to Hongkong sriopp j n g spree i Then 4 days For your next leave take a real of fresh
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 122 15 Fop quick, positive and long-lasting relief from the discomfort of Piles (Haemorrhoids) VaremoYd the NEW, EASILY SWALLOWED tablets from the research laboratories of Zyma, smsm* VaremoYd 0 VaremoVd is easy to tak» i low during or after meals. oVartmoTd more positive relief, its active principle being the npw, dynamic
      122 words
    • 95 15 GREAT NEWS! Wall's Sausages Are Hack.! Yes! Tour favourite Wall's Ajt saus&ges are back again. Succulentl Juicy! Golden brown! Serve Wall's sausages .r^-fi tomorrow. Tour family will love every delicious Jv bite. Sizzling good value— they're in your shops nowl ivOJUUb taste much tastier DRC kalk THEOOORE LEVITT iT x^s
      95 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 690 16 FUHtRUi tRLtTINGS IN WCMOKIaM. MtUltfiES MISSWS «K0«l ffC. IEQUtWi I nw.Dnv lite: Mimws Sl5/ Iw 21 w*»V «*c> aMitiSMl «c< »els. I I ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS j MR. AND MRI. Yum ChHi.» Ho« thank all relatives and fnendi for tlwir valuable pnaenta and attendant* 1 at their marriage and dinner. MR. AND
      690 words
    • 935 16 WANTED DOCTOR. A long pnctlee for .ale or Lorum M ion. duration from M >*«Mr WJfc Please apply tor lenna to Box Aii*o* I 'ri QUALIFY* FROM RAJA'S COL- at LECE to r>r inre of joh promotion N Kali*. Courier offer. Mpid coureea id Hrc.etarial. Stenography Book-keeping. «r T> K!r?.TMM
      935 words
    • 934 16 TWO TECHNICIAN! for operating MbtK>-I>pr and <»ff-;iet Printinn Marhinr>. in Sarsvak. Capable ol teaching *mf .-ontrc,:img 111 Departmenta of f CmnpHny Appt'canta mini hay« at ham five yearr of 'xp^nence «ith a irv <■.(>' p. r month, frer accommodation, medical and transportation. Apply PO. Box 302. Mm Sarawak Cosing date
      934 words
    • 808 16 DOWNPAYMENT W.SOO/- Kellnnii.nin,. )tnm»il -.J-storry Luxury tnUß* holme* 4 room*. .1 hllli. iplll mm a MIMM 100 mti-otii md p«iioii» garden Situated on Katoog Mtnei huhop neiaentiai «i«» Hunt in Convenient transportation B»- d »nc- by loni-term instalment ioao Ptmm contact Mi Chon* rilngauore lei HUM -rum 10 amrt p
      808 words
    • 888 16 TOURS AND EXCURSIONS f ISLANDS TOUR »■•> Kota T— l c H.^hlnnUi O-nighta *tH> 'very unday. O»ley Travel Spore JOl^V. aI.HOOL HOLIDAYS At KelotlK Tuliho.' Knjoy wimmini, funing. i iTiii s mum etc nod »tc lan trapping. Avoid di«IpH l.tmnil. lx»K »'ly Tti (Sport) now hh NAM NO TRAVEL StRVICI
      888 words
    • 774 16 AUITIN A »0 Ptc. IM4 In vary ;ood condition Tel: S pore 33J14 I MC TD I*B4 injured Septemoer 1»*» •rintered. hood. tonneau. looli. IWU i I•' po SAVE MONEY, Time trouble LM vMtli Heim Ani Agency, for buy n« earn. »IM (I Hi' MCRCEOII BENZ 700 «rlt» radio, careful.
      774 words
    • 535 16 FROM HOME lo Horn. bacßelor/ mltl -om« to Am.ten Jam Apart men i milf. Holl.nd Ro«<J. 8 port t.«li>. 1■ LLOVO M0O»t MOTtL t nnt'ii l> -i.n^i** rooms ni ton^'nibcm Oltcouni monthly Liovd ;o»' 2XTO2/IMM 1a 1 pore 1 NEW COUNTRY M °l* L V !'r»V"" cSSaraea™ 1 'Barney Road.
      535 words
    • 384 16 APPOINTMENTS BP MALAYSIA SDN. BHD. pplieatlons are invit*d trom lltably qualified Malaysian citl•ns lor the position of: OPERATIONS ENGINEER GE: 25 35 (approximately) ICALIFICATIOSB: Diploma or Degree in Electrical Engineering or equivalent. Fluency in English. Malay and Chine-* XPERIKN* t Approximately 3 years In field construction or klmlUr tnpneeiing work
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 944 17 TO LIVERPOOL AND OTHER UK CONTINENTAL PORTS. AIAX u r BuaS-pore Ojatj P. Shan fenartg uidom ii'i'pooi, ouoiin. susgo*.. i, p, 1.1.. ATREUS lonoon A.orn.outn.. Mall Tin, Nn 11 17 Nnl' protes.laus *****T** mm IV\ 1Z S IMI Kon E»:s:::=m sn 1 DttJ gam &w s? 8 w I UPM
      944 words
    • 1410 17 WuLJ^kLUaUiM^£UUJI^M I TH£ E A C//A^S_| a^Natal THE EAST ASIATIC COMPANY Ltd rncorporat«d in Denmark EXPRESS SAILINGS TO GENOA/NORTH CONTINENT/SCANDINAVIA Y. Sham Cenanf S'por« (i'noa ROam H'burg Aatnus C'riaien PASAdENA nn 21/21 Nn 27, It Nn 21/ lan 1 lai 11 Im 15 Im IS Im 11 PATASONIA I) Oil
      1,410 words
    • 1301 17 EXPRESS SERVICE TO LONOON. LIVERPOOL I CHNTINENTAL PORTS. BEN ATTOW R— S 1 S-)gapun P. snam Penang i"' L Z''° ,1 Nn 11/11 Nn 21/21 Nn 24 25 bennevis BP |j S -igapiira P. STlira Ptntng fmcuth IM 21 Nn 7124 Nn 17/21 Rn ***** Hamburg Im 21 Singapore P
      1,301 words
    • 1167 17 fow WORLDWIDE CARRIERS LTD. ljraaatfti^fl for: U.S., North Atlantic and Gulf Port.. S'pora P. S'hom Penang A VISSIL 17/19 Nor 20/21 Nor 22/23 No* A a «nt*. McALISTER 6c CO.. LTD. Spore P. Swettenhom Penong Tel: *****1/9 6252 *****/3 j— JJJJJ^-^ MAIITIME OUUDINt SINtAPORE Ifl 11'il POIT SWETTENHAM IMI. KUAIA
      1,167 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 1115 18 KAISHA LTD. Western Australia /Singapore Japan Service Smiapore YokOicfti Njg,,. Job* •JUtiaai Mir. 21 11 DM lIN 11 I- H»» West Africa Singapore, Japan Service Ml 'Ti.anMri Man" Omits 24 25 Nii 2 Dec 1 Dec i Die Japan South «k West Africa Service "LM.I.IM Mar." Wl Or'c Dfc Xlm
      1,115 words
    • 932 18 ajajaajM nfw zuuno service indu. PHMM »no ru east services Far: Pt. alma. But., Sja 1 Mil. Ta: Ntfaaittiaaa aa< Malrai. mmm T& tUX „..i".V. Sgf 2 Xt ft* fM. tan, mi.. iaflU Ma. mm^ M lie umn 2813... niVou ttX to: .maoN. c.tcum. S cv'( P. S^»m Peian| TO:
      932 words
    • 989 18 liw a^L. .^H a^B i^Lv '^^^a^a^a^a^a^a^a^^^^J NOTICE Take notice that with Immediate effect. Mr. Jimmy Tay Jin Duan Is no longer employed oy this company, and he has no authority to transact any business or collect any monies on our behalf. FREDERICK PORDES CO.. (PHARMi LTD. REMINDER PROPERTY SALE ll
      989 words
    • 1015 18 COMPANY MEETING SOUTHERN KINTA CONSOLIDATED LTD. SIR DOUGLAS WARING'S REVIEW OF YEAR'S RESULTS AND PROSPECTS The 341h Annual General Meeting of Southern Klnta Consolidated Limited will be held on at 55 61 Mdorgate. London. E.C.2. The following is the Statement by the Chairman. SIR DOUGLAS Waring. C.B.E, which has been
      1,015 words
    • 700 18 TENDERS PUBLIC UTILITIES BOARD, SINGAPORE TENDERS ELECTRICITY DEPARTMENT! !Room No. 232. 2nd Floor, City Hall i (a> Supply of 2.C0 Yardo p V.C. Armoured Cabto. Tender Deposit $100 CWisa at 2.15 pm. on 19.11.19 M. (bi Supply of Sand during tha year 1969 Tender Depoalt "s.">oo Close at 2 15
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  • 26 19 Nov. 11. Rl BBER PRICE: 57. cents (unchanged). TIN PRICE: $608.35 (Up 50 (TIltM. Estimated offering 230 tons (up 15 tons).
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  • 195 19 Minings firm in Melbourne MELBOURNE. Mon. ]LfININGS were firmer with rises ITi well In exces» of falls In moderate movements. C R A made 40 cents at $17.40. Oils were firm: Ampol Expl up 15 cents at. $3, Magellan up 25 cents at 12.90. Industrials Armed, B H P finished
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  • 50 19 ON The Official Malayan Short term Monee Market for the week ended Saturday, Not. 9 range of call rate* was aa followe: I BANK MAD: Mf per cent to V i per cent GENERAL FINDS: V, per rent to 4 per rent. MOVEMENTS of fund! totalled <l million.
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  • 38 19 ON the free eienante merket 'n Hone Kor.- vratrrmv (he 111. Cellar vi» <inut<<t at I l"t for T.T. an.i IBN fir caah. a*i .n.,,t«<i at 14.53 ami ena tael of geld at 293.
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  • 152 19 *T<HE Straits tin price A edged higher by 50 cents to $608.25 yesterday in Penang thus setting up a new high level for this year. It was the highest price since July 28 1967. On an estimated offering up 15 tons to
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  • 234 19 XJOVF.MBEK tint (radr rubbrr f.o.b. buyer* clowd at p.m. in Slngaporr and Kuala l.umpur yntrrday at :>'. rrnts p>-r h u"cbancrd on Kridays SMMB| lr\rl. The ton* was >rr> quirt. R.A.B. and BULK l<i-int prices In cenU per lb. >r»lerd»rBuyers Sellers Int. 1 KSS prompt Job
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  • 266 19 CHIPS lvinc AIaMMMM THE SINCAPORE HARBOUR WHARVES ■SBMM I QaaWtBBK 1 r.hro j. la 1" II rTrai<iem \.u-.k it Bam i ikfei ii. M ira IS A Venl H K Korana il 2H. Nor»lil M xai .1 M, Mmoii JJ. I. Hhunwa M.tru 1U 41. aYeavßM 4*.
    266 words
  • 44 19 'I'M* «nn i>i aanm n Maia* Wm follow int atea »ra lut.ti-n to the eqmvalpni 0' KM' unili. M 'oreiun curtenevi Selling TT on ready: waat MrBiii'um $tl 16S0 1 Prance MS MM OenIbe Aaewiantn m«da uo cuua««a to tta raiea yaatarilaj.
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  • 983 19 HI j aa^^aaW I I I aaaaal II k i i K^| THE Stock Exchange yesterday opened the week on a very quiet note with a reduced turnover. Price movements were narrow and slightly softer and the market was again without any real feature.
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  • 126 19 IF the upward movement In the cash price of tin In London continues, the ITC Buffer Stock Manager will be aole to sit back with a sigh of relief, states the Financial Times. If the rise In tin shares really gets going, then bulls thereof should
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  • 59 19 READICLT are "considering the revi-rd Guthrie offer for T.r. Firth, said a spokesman. Until full consideration had been given there would be no statement, he said. Meanwhile at the Firth headquarters In Yorkshire the chairman Mr H.H Ackroyd said the directors would be rt'mitftnf the latent oiler With
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  • 119 19 rIE iresh rise in the price of the metal sustained tin share prices In London at the weekend. Some end account profittaking and the bulk of the gains scored earlier in the week were maintained. Among the few to close with small losses were BerJuntal. Ayer Hltam
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  • 103 19 IN Slncapore last week lnt*r- bank overnight call money «•«>. In surplus with lenders over. The rate remained unchanged Bt 3' i per cent Elcht days call wan quiet with lenders at fi' i per Treasury Bills were on tap at 5 per Loani were Mdtl Malaysia mter-bank
    103 words
  • 80 19 CHINESE Produce Eicfian... MJM» v para, nean claim* pncee par picul ye.terday. Ceeenut ail: Bulk I4»| aaiiara. drum Jl'-t aellera Copra: Mlied (f.0.b.) looaa Not./ D.c. Pepaer: Muntok while *127» aellera. Sarawak white »12.% eellore. apaclal Sarawak blnck S»2| a. liera. carbled Uimcni black »97J eeiier*. (ail ha%
    80 words
  • 13 19 Ptinirah T In produced 280 plcuit of tin ore in October.
    13 words
  • 127 19 rERE is a reasonable prospect that, atnr several years of dMllne, rubber margins will slmw some recovery this year, state Zorti and Leigh-Hunt. London stockbrokers. In the preface to the new edition of their Manual of Rubber Planting Companies. They state that some of the Influences responsible for
    127 words
  • 699 19 BISIMSS IN AND REPOBTKI) TO THr SIXtIAPORE AND KIAI.A 1 I Mil Ii TRADINC ROOMS OK THE STO( K EXCHANI.t YFSTtRDAY WITH THE NI'MBER OF SHARKS rK\]ill> IN BRACKETS: INDUSTRIALS: ACMA (7 |;0« ,^(KXI, $2.07. 13.000) $106. i;ih«.i J2 (l.OOO) $2 04. »nnn<l Co «1.0O0» $2 44 («.OOO)
    699 words
  • 511 19 ,-lOi K EXCHANCE OP MALAYSIA 3 AND SINGAPORE BID AND OF AT THC CLOSE OF BUSINESS INDUtTRIALS ACMA 2»4 2*f> Kornro Btrh»l 1 ■•> Houxtmd 1 W C. S'lsnr* 4 14 <• .<• M I.M C.C.U. .1»h 1.03 0 s H.i .unit 4.70 Uuolop Mi Knit Smelt
    511 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 696 19 y wm^ bY B^fcw__^^L We require for our expanding Aluminium Factory at 303 Alexandra Road, Singapore, SALES ENGINEERS for the promotion of our architectural and industrial aluminium/stainless steel products. A 9 e: 25 -30 years Duties: Advise our clients on the best use of aluminium and stainless steel, assist in
      696 words
    • 438 19 NOTICES PENANG PORT COMMISSION m 1 ll l;\\«>i: ill D' Ii- WATEB W lIARVKS TRADERS i.nniiHv AREA The Commission will shortly Invite separate tender* from: (1) P.W.D. Registered Class B and above contractor* spedalWne tn »teelwork fabrication for the I ,i|>ly and erection of two .-tee) fiamed GODOWNS r.uh li.o
      438 words

    • 404 20  -  EPSOM JEEP By jockey John Sellers yesterday promised Malaysian racing fans that he would return lor another visit next year and this time "it will be for a longer stay." Sellers spoke in superlatives about his brief stay here. He told me: "It's
      404 words
    • 450 20 APPRENTICE RAO IS FINED $300 STIPE'S REPORT the Stipendiary s# I rtpon on Saturday i II K I.umpur I; \< I I; v Rao < >no»urr ii •<! 1300 f< r r.ding in that he permitted iuunder t he a hit) '.n ii' rtl light aa I tall
      450 words
    • 34 20 BANGKOK Mon. Charichai Chlonol ol i.Milxnd. the '•orld rivwrigj r.aniDion. iri uned his tit 1*- by nutnointine Bernabe Vlllcampn i Philhpinrf > n a IS-round bmit at charusa- thien Stadium lut night. I
      34 words
    • 108 20 lacrel Marilail Mun. Bk I«ac Inland'! labourite lor tin- u«»i.->o.ouo Wraantminn DC launaUoaal, ->-d Qaat Alcxnn n vnmrttc laapraaacd m krM worknil's \e.>lfrday lor Kiday big 1 i atai B W vho arrwrd I <r ..n Sh'uki.iv. toot sir Ivor tar i Krone g.iiiup owi miif. Tiainrr Vinront
      108 words
    • 911 20 WIH. 11l- for all ei(ht races on Salurriav. finl day ml the Perak Turf < luh's November meeting at Ipoh: (I. I, Iliv V F Str. Jack's i ode 9.00 last Kalimantan "It l.mjhlr Ml Kuantan niMaiiari x M l.i Me 8 I I love And '•>» 8.1
      911 words
    • 40 20 HONU KI»NLi M :i I \\r Singapore Ooaafceaed Barvtcaa bockC) Irani ended their livrm.itcli tour with an unbeaten record by holding the Hong Kong Combined XI to a 1-1 \fsterday. Centre-forward M. Abdullah scored for the '.niriM.-
      40 words
    • 84 20 LAS VEGAS. Mon In-n:>. Hulme of New Zealand walked off with nil third win and the final crown In the sixth heat of the CanadianAmerican car race challenge cup here yesterday. Leading from start to finish. Hulme set a record average of 113.1 mpli in his
      Agencies  -  84 words
    • 148 20 PELE GETS 900 TH GOAL AND MEETS QUEEN WIO DE JANKIRO. .Mon Soccer king I'ele scored the 'tooth coal of hi* career jesterday us the Sao Paulo State All-Star team scored a 3-2 win against Rio de Janeiro at Jii.i Stadium here. The came was played especially in honour
      148 words
    • 35 20 MONTEVIDEO M..n. Vit'■ii «o Mhicclli ga\r Italy their (•iiiilh gold the vo: Id :<rrwteur cyclui| here vhen iio won i losing event the 200 kilometres IMI mii(.s> toad ran :n Mr. arc
      35 words
    • 201 20 ADELAIDE. Mon.— The West Indian rrh-ket tourists will receive a stern lecture behind closed doors tonight for their humiliating 10-wic-kct defeat by South Australia here today. 1 This was their second successive defeat In firstclass matches they were beaten In Perth
      Reuter  -  201 words
    • 226 20 Van jlan (PMtta Rico). Mon Amei leans fctan Beaith ai.d Bcb Lutz had an easy doubles victory vesleid.iv tn cue the I'nlted Btataa a 2-1 lead against India 111 the Dkvi< Cup tennis Inter-zone l:nal he:e fcmith and Lutz the D S Onen rhaanpanni.
      Reuter  -  226 words
    • 73 20 BERIIN M >n many again beai Pakistan, the .ii n. Ills:* m their return hockey uv.erna- rdav. A crowd if IS.OOO aa« the t.ikr tiie Ir. d in the second minute thl BURnkt Dar >i kLstan two nimirrs l.urr b;it goals by R Tlueme <3Sth minute
      73 words
    • 159 20 Indons again beat Ng, Tan JAIPUR, Mon. Topseeded Rudy Hartono of Indonesia won two titles in the Rajasthau International badminton chain pionships, which ended here yesterday. HMtono took the men'i singles by defeating lefthander Batista Bhatia of India 13-13. 18-14. 15-3 :n one of ihe keenest finals of the tournament
      159 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 716 20 KENYATAAN DI-BAWAH SEKSHEN2 39 (iii) DAN 43 MAJLIS BANDARAN. KELANG Bahawa aiu-l»h dl-chadangtan aaenerlma di-oa»ah atkaben U I an tak- rang teikamton? dalam Senarai TakMian l>an i. Majli Bandaran Krlaim baiti lahun 1968 dengan BMoabual I ma khusua dalam p< yang dl-anggap perlu •ebattai takMran'J oasi tahun 19(i9 1 in
      716 words
    • 656 20 n\ iikdki: oi i mi: simor Ml II \mi \L ENGINEER, TM l) KAl.l A\«i. UNOAVOatI Aiidlon of coiiflscatrd motoi cars to be held on Monday. 18th November. i»fi« at Gatr No l Port erf Singapore Authorltj conmenclng from 10 oo am. mmprisißf!— M Austin Car* 2H Morris oars 7
      656 words
    • 102 20 Ihr Natilitnrr 1 nn ot the Ca monaui chronograph. Thr N^viiimcr in txirj- thr grcj: s«,>^ s gR] Q-. LJKG i>: Geneva. I: it a p nr. ,1, rnu wi- h in its •riour) hmctioai ihr M h MaWM jiil ■eaaaV) I .^.jj trjturci Mk9ai i.. th,,sf ot an ivuiion
      102 words
  • Page 20 Miscellaneous
    • 57 20 Huffm Uunnu Rmiph H+imutmhl /duos: havent i -augh' J rEC.i was OUST ~\l \~FyZ *o*A Ktwere's just'i YOU AW MANNERS? T^E HCRRViN 1 T'OPENTH' VC%^ LOOK /W> PLEASIN' ik M V LACY LEAVES f/PST.' DOOS PES VA n VH WMAT SOME SR A \U ["'■PPT/— iJTI i^ PE wS A>
      57 words

    • 229 21  - FIJIANS: WE'LL FLA Y OUR BEST MANSOOR RAHMAN By ■HE touring Fijian Army-Police rugger team are finding the ■Malaysian heat a little Irksome, but they promised: "We won't let it affect our game." Capt Bill Masi. their manager. said in a telephone interview yesterday: "My boys were not able to
      229 words
    • 135 21 FAS 'BIG AXE' SHOCK FOR 7 fHE FA of Singapore ;> olev t o r s yesterday wielded the bit axe and dropped .seven regulars from the Singapore team that would be competing in the Kin; of Thailand s (up soiter championship at Bangkok next week. Big surprise in the
      135 words
    • 294 21  -  ERNEST FRIDA By (CHAMPIONS Singa- Recreation Club and runners-up Ceylon Sports Club SingaI pores hockey giants will face strong chali lenges from Khalsa i Association and 19 I Signals for this years i First Division championship in the Singapore League. These four teams, on paper,
      294 words
    • 50 21 pENTRE Sairusi Tabulawaki dives full length to bring off a great try for the Fijians against Negn Malacca Invitation at Seremban on Sunday. Tabulawaki played only for about 20 minutes when he had to leave the field with a shoulder injury. Timespic by SOONC HON SIN.
      50 words
    • 76 21 TJOSTAL Department made a Ml clean sweep at the annual swlmnu:.(t championships of the Mlnl.vtrv of Works. Posts and Telecoms held at the Penang Chinese Swimming Club pool. They won six out of the eight championship events to score 34 points and retain the PWD Shield for
      76 words
      • 144 21 lulltlKl (OIKTS TOIRMR iMuar' Batu Paha:. Segamar and Kluang bt Muar 8-1 (Ibrahim Abduilah bt Lmz Th Kin.; 15-2. >13. Abdul L«t:tl b~. Ahtna 1 Ibranim 17-15. 15-8: K. KrLshn..n ot M N<« r I 15-5. 15-4. A LatiS and En.b ..r.« Minud Pjr^him .mr! B.ibu 15-5. 15-4. I
        144 words
      • 73 21 KtJIMI -I I. lA.VS i.ol I) ill 1 Pftl .n.i 1 Atxiu: H.m.m U'4 i 2 Ra'a O'.lim.ia < 146 Trncku Rrnd4h^ra'< I'nwl I j blk Arittin 134. 2 Dr C. K. Cheung <134 on countback). B*»t rrau "first 18t: Dr. B. S. Manorha, <80i; Second 18. I* Dh
        73 words
      • 82 21 M A LAC t A SIX -Il>» FIWI (men i Ktlal 1 Bth Bn RAR 0 Sc\en-a-^Mie tm.i im,men.: MWHA 1 8:n Bn RAR 0. MX I J.K Xl \N(, >LMOK KO: Ma.ay Youths 3 I Mandrum 0 Junior. Baku Raja 2 IRC B 1 f lIOONG (IP iPf
        82 words
    • 365 21  - RIPPING 35-11 WIN BY THAIS TONY FRANCIS By THAILAND celebrated their Vajiralongkom Cup rugby success over Malaysia on Saturday by scoring a resounding 35-11 victory over a Selangor-Armed Forces Combined team at Rifle Range Road yesterday. They scored four goals two tries and three penalties against a goal and two
      365 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 128 21 We invested $5,000,000. to save you $1,000. and i "*^J^S^ag BM^patXa^A V /I 1 w^^m tfif P^^^i^B > The $5,000,000 is the amount for our OPEL assembly plant. Assemblying Opel locally means No More Charges for Long Ocean Trips; No More Tariffs and Import Duties. This means a Big Savings,
      128 words

  • 84 22 \\R. Philip Blai- berg, the world's longest surviving heart transplant patient (centre) is seen taking his first swim of the South African summer season in the sea near Cape Town recently. A retired dentist. Dr. Blaiberg was given the heart of
    AP  -  84 words
  • 133 22 I'm confident Alliance can win poll, says Ya'kub KUALA LUMPUR, Monday rjiHE Minister of i^ands and Mines, Dato Haji Abdul Rahman Ya'kub, said today that he was optimistic about an Alliance victory in the coming Sarawak election. "But I do not expect a landslide victory." he said at Subang Airport
    Bernama  -  133 words
  • 221 22 RAMOS AND MALIK BACK PLAN FOR ASEAN MEETING MANILA. Mon.— The iTI Foreign Secretary, Mr. Ramos, today supported a move by Thailand for an Asean foreign ministers meeting to save the organisation from disintegration. He .said Thailand appeared to be the country to Initiate such a meeting because It
    221 words
  • 295 22 Rhodesia celebrates in style-minus the Union Jack I SALISBURY. Mon DHODESIA today celebrates its third independ1V once anniversary with all the British-style pomp and ceremony of a state occasion and* a risp new flan flying at the masthead instead of the Union Jack. The Union Jack, symbol of 78 years
    Reuter  -  295 words
  • 75 22 DAR-ES-SALAAM. Mon. Five officials from the National Liberation Front, political arm of the Vtetcong. have arrived here to establish a permanent mission in Tanzania. The official designations ftrling head of mission Mr Do Hang, two attaches and two staff members
    75 words
  • 65 22 Shipping firm to open an office here rKYO. Mon. Japan's Yamashlta Shlnnlhon Steamship Co. plan.s to open an i»:inv In Singapore, a ■pokMßan for the line said today. ihr strp will be part of the l i i it i programme to divert conventional ships which will be made redundant
    65 words
  • 326 22 LONDON. Mon. Equities were very firm today, with most .sections actlvr British lund.v however, were dull Among foreign bonds. Baltic stocks were .sharply easier Leaders to rise Included Dun lop Beecham. Rank Org and Bowater, all firmer by about Is. Shares to show galn.s of
    326 words
  • 63 22 LONDON. Mon —Spot 20 9 16d Dec. 20-..d. Jan 20 9 18d.. Feb. 20 9 liic! Jan. March 20 9 ltid April June 20' d.. July Sept 20\d.. Oct Dec. 20\d.. Jan. Mar 20- d., April June 20 ',d.. July Sept 20\d. Oet Dec Jm Min-h 20 ,d
    63 words
  • 30 22 LONDON Mon Buyers £1398 <-£2> sellers £1399 £3 > Forward buyers £1387', .+£'.> sellers £1388 lunchgd), Settlement £1397 i— £s' s Turnover a m 140 tons. pm. 390 tons Tone: Steadier
    30 words
  • 357 22 The big question: Why have Agnew in White House, too? KKY BISCAYNh (Horida). Mon. Mr. .Nixon's decision to base his future Vie.'-Pr esident in the White Mouse poses the question of whether the President-elect wants to bring him into the mainstream of American polities or just keep an rye on
    Reuter  -  357 words
  • 196 22 Fight won to put out nude Beatle record LONDON. Mon. Beatlr Jolvi Lennon and hi.s Japanese girlfriend Yoko Ono have won struggle to put out a longplaying record showing them naked on the cover. cmi. which normallj tribute-. Beatle records, declined to handle it in Britain The American distributor^. Capitol
    Reuter  -  196 words
  • 35 22 *MI COBTE-:c OF I -1 ~jn of Maltjra, U>ron« m. am mnd hi/ ft.«DAM MARY CH*N .l. fu.iv ii. Kuala i.umpur on Hi-. H Koh»rt. Ertcne an. I ■«-in-!a». Mm Vok< 4*i:..f't- «r»nn I
    35 words
  • 15 22 IN iHtm-HCO MEMORY at i j K wn« my 11.11 not :.«r«l bj
    15 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 105 22 I 20 iL-ords $15 (mir. KRISHNA MOORTMY V i vl k*tirau K lai Mr« .1 o Mr. tut P K. D.I I). ...for Exclusive Grooming This is the fracrancc ..(exclusive uscdinthcm. TabacOricinalShasinc iroom ng. the rratrance with the C ream or Shavin C Soap, cues you* ipecial touch. I abac
      105 words