The Straits Times, 11 November 1968

Total Pages: 22
1 22 The Straits Times
  • 25 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 175,000 The Straits Times The National Newspaper Estd. 1845 MONDAY. NOVEMBER 11, 1968 15 CENTS KDN. 3104 M.C. (P) 0014
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  • 1197 1 21 more militant Reds held in West Malaysia KUALA LUMPUR, Sunday ANOTHER '21 militant communisl supporters m Wesl Malaysia were arrested today, bringing the totaJ Dumber of people detained since the l)i« swoop was launched yesterday to 137 Operations are continuing More arrests will be made "until v/e reach our
    1,197 words
  • 584 1  - Kidnap gang boss and aide shot dead ABUL FAZIL and SIA CHEONG YEW Seven-hour siege and four-hour gun battle More pictures See Page 1 1 -By SURRENDER ORDER, THEN A BURST OF GUNFIRE... SINGAPORE. Sunday Two of the most wanted men were killed and four police officers wounded in a
    Han Hai Fonj  -  584 words
  • 138 1 Tun: We must know reason for meeting KUALA 1.1 MFI K. Sun. Malaysia would like to study thr purposr of a mrrtinc of Foreign Minister* <>f South-east Asia before committing herself to any such in \itation. The Deputy Prime .Minister. Tun Abdul Razak. N.-iict this today uhen coinmcntine on the
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  • 64 1 HONG KONG bun The Taiwan mcivliant .ship Tat K«an» a.ik in tlie South China Sr.i today abou i 60 miles south ni Hoi.n Kong alter spiliiKin.' .i lr:ik Thr Maiii.e Department said Hi- wlinle HOT) nan sale and the British ship Garry Bank was pwonHns
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  • 40 1 HONU KONG bun One fireman MM killed and two 1 others injured today while fighting a ulii/e at thr HanK Seng Bank building, a skvMi.iprr situated la the heart of the city nr\t to the Central Fire •.on
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  • 85 1 NEW DELHI. Sum President Ayub of Pakistan escaped unhurt today when two -hots were nrc-tl ,tt him a> he rose to ftddre rally In Peshawar. Hadlo Pakistan said Thr President appealed to the crowd to remain calm and then delivered his speech, the radio added. In
    AP  -  85 words
  • 453 1 Three held in Nixon murder plot NEW YORK, Sunday 4 YF.MKNI Arab immigrant and his two sons were still being questioned by Brooklyn police and secret servicemen here early today after being charged with conspiring to assassinate President-elect Richard Nixon. Tuo uthrr men were also questioned in connection vHk the
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  • 20 1 11 KILLED mwii Sob. Bma people hilled. 59 ottaeri inJorrd when petrol tank exploded la Holla City— CPl.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 52 1 HOUSE OF DIAMONDS STYLED l» ELE6MCE O "™«k CHIONGSHING MFG. JEWELLERS LTD. (ESTD. 1934) «56, NORTH BRIDGE ROAD, SPORE 7 TEL: ***** *****7 ***** NEW FORMULA Shelltpx, has instant knock-out power C^^^ mPlllfi) SB* a^Lf BaYHßsflMtiC NOW AVAILABLE IN THREE SIZES. Shell Chemicals have reformulated Shelltox tc kill all household
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    • 40 1 W GEORG JENSEN DANISH CUTLERY of STERLING SILVER ft*** s^. Sena £td. High Class Jtwtlm 4« mtii ii«iet smaapowc You can tell by the sparkle in her eyes... She's a VITAPLUS girl The Blackcurrant Juice with extra Vitamin C added
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    • 124 2 NOW FULL SECURITY GAURD FOR A PREMIER'S CAKE... CYDMKT, Su 11 Tight security was in force yesterday when a Qantas airliner landed with a gift lor Australian Prime Minister John Gorton .1 cake. The gift, from the crew of the American aircraft carrier Coral Sea. was a replacement for another
      AP  -  124 words
    • 154 2 Film firm claims $900,000 from Sophia Loren DARIS. Sun. A Swiss film co mpa n y yesterday claimed almost three-and-a-half million francs i about $900.000 1 damages from Italian film star Sophia I>>ren because .she failed to make a film for j th.iii In ifl.iH Dm cirnpaiiv Quadrangle Films told
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    • 479 2 Hanoi keeps pledge on troops WASHINGTON, Sunday. PENTAGON official! said today t hat reconnaissance flights over North Vietnam since the bombing was halted 10 days ago showed no surge of supplies or troop movements to the South. Supplies are still moving from North to South Vietnam but unlike the stratling
      Reuter; UPI  -  479 words
    • 29 2 WEST HE3ILIN Sin An E»ki Oenr in border e< 'id Ui- f.ed !iere Timnns two barbed wire knees, lm-wirca and minefield. Wnl Bri-.n pollci report, d
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    • 56 2 I ONDON. Sun Mr Xuan secretary of the North \ietnam peace "committee. »ho nilinj the Pins peace hai tx-en burred from enterm Britain, a home Office spokesman sa:d vpv:erri iy Mr ii. mli had en nwted to •cir'rf.N.s a rally in Lsndi— >'■ Tr»-.-^in.ire today
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    • 23 2 DANANO. Sun— T«rlve Viet•icrr killed »iien their bus detonated on national Highway Onr. 65 mies southeast ol here, vrs-rr-dav
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    • 86 2 WASHINGTON. Sun More Negroes than ever before more ui*n six million c»rt ba'loU In Tuesday's U.S. preal(irntial election, most of them for Democrat Hubert Humphrey, DMMcWUc N itlonal Committee leportrd vestrrtUy I he i-i'mnuttpe *uid '.n statement preiiminßry returns fn-ni Npgro district* in key SIMS
      AP  -  86 words
    • 213 2 Guide book gives tips on how to pick up —a girl- I ONDON, Sun. —If jom want to pick UP ao American tirl in London, grt an umbrella and a derby hat. Amrriran girl* are so eager to tittle Englishmen that they nee* the umbrella to light them "IT To
      AP  -  213 words
    • 67 3 KARACHI. Sun Two people wprr killed when on iiotcrs In Rawalpindi. P. and reports reached here dent demonstration* :n a number ol oth»r towns iii the Punjah .irked oil on Thur.M.. io siutlein^ (.ei.ici ban 'ii public ninttlngi Bhutto, a lormcr Furcign Minister
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    • 21 3 HONG KONti BUD broke uut cm Fi. thr 6744-ton Ea.-' German frnzhipr Pried^n moored in Hnne K'->ni; h.rryur.
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    • 98 3 'OLUMBI A Missouri I Sun. Three Asian newspapers. Including China's Peoples Dally, are among profiles ot 4t "elite" newspapers of the world given in a book published by a protessor MX the University ol School of Journalism Dr. John Merrill lists luo ■'Great
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    • 68 3 The world's oldest triplets now 75 'pHESE three women, believed to be the world s oldest triplets, celebrated their 75th birthday in Cleveland. Ohio, on Saturday. They arc (from left): Mrs. Ida Ellis; Mr,. DeMoss and Mrs. Lee Farmer. Mrs DeMoss lives in Cleveland while Mrs. Ida Ellis and Mrs.
      UPI  -  68 words
    • 93 3 JJONG KONG. Sun.— More than 100 people were injured. IS of them seriousy. when a grandstand collapsed at a British Army military tattoo here last night. Horrified spectators screamed a- the stand buckled and cc.:.ips»(i lust before the U. ocilit tattoo
      Reuter  -  93 words
    • 37 3 lONDON. sun Eighteen penpal died la accidents on icy m<l 40 fiiahm were diverted or decayed at London's iro» airport because of dam yesterday v on some nu>jor mom was reduced to live
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    • 311 3 Now an associate of Dr. King murdered CHICAGO. Sunday. THE Rev. Charles Billups. a leading figure in the Civil Rights movement and former associate of Dr. Martin Luther King, was shot dead by an unknown gunman earlier this week, police disclosed last night. A police spokesman said that the body
      Reuter  -  311 words
    • 94 3 No pay for sex, rules court MILAN, !Sun A local court ruled that a wife has in> right to demand pa) merit from her husli.iml for ML The judge said: 'A wife t.iiiimt demand payment for such until because the has a conjugaJ obligation." Hie woman, 42, had surd
      AP  -  94 words
    • 71 3 HAVANA. Sum 8o«ne M H.naua.s once-iamous clubs and a haiidml of ius hundreds of closed and shuttered are evixrted to reopen sni rtly according to fources in the entertainment v orld. They expected the Governmen'. to announce at MM) a temporary relaxation of the strict
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    • 160 3 I\EW YORK. Sun 11 Surgeon.^ at two American universities have for Urn Bnt t.mi- carrifd out operation- transplanting bone marrow from a healthy per Non to a patifiit i Blood cell- are produced in bone rr.arri,* and in the spleen.) One opnuuon »as
      AP  -  160 words
    • 55 3 NEW DELHI Sun. India* Commerce Minuter. Mr. DineMi Singh, today inaugurated AMat bieuest mechanised iron mine. developed with Japanese aid in central India. The project Is being carved out of a once tiger-haunted jungle wilderness at Bulladlla In Maohva Pradesh to exploit an estimated reserve of
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    • 43 3 BLOOMINOTON. .Indun.i>. Sin.. in Indiana University bourd mcmrjfv aayi Humphrey is be'.ng ioii.mdetrd lor 'tip iop post al the Miristtv Ho .says Mr. Humphre\ s MM MM come up informally as a po.ssibl" canaidal« (or the universay prewu^nu
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    • 111 14  - Fined: Two topless waitresses with courage TIM TREE. From SYKNKV. Sun. I"■ thap^ly »aitr<-N<>es win. «nI.T the bottom half »l their nikinis an«l >i» s while they nrrve<l hecr I" to men in a MellMnini. hotel, a wvirt was told They were ■6sTt*d with indeient Iwh (»ne Ctrl wa<*
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    • 119 14 LONDON. Sun I hree i-rark ilruirs from the RAF Motor Sports \s*»riation have tested their Hunter over the "worst roads in Europe" the testing ground in Surrey uhi<-h h.<s three-mile strip of n.irrow. rutted paths, hairpin bend*, steep gradients. shiri; 1,.
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    • 323 14 LAST OF TRAIN GANG IS CHARGED LONDON, Sunday A LLEGED Great Train robber Bruce Reynolds was taken to Britain's top security Leicester Prison yesterday after a brief but dramatic court appearance here. The magistrates at Llnslade. a small town north-west of London, remanded him In custody until Nov. 18. on
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    • 253 14 UNITED NATIONS. Sun. THE General Assembly begins its annual China debate tomorrow without hope of resolvin-i the 19--year rivalry between rhampions of Peking and Taipeh. Diplomatic ooservers expect the wee;: to follow patterns of 19<W and 1967. when the Assembly
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    • 34 14 Town cut in two by rain-swollen river 'piAPANI (Sicily). Sun 1U A h««t glng river bur "a banks and roared aS^n g L thU town 3 vzssa sa ass m ™n',,,*v:'i-?,, r r r
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 294 2 Add glistening beauty to your kitchen Fabulous finish! Ejsy to clean! Metiers Stainless T.teel Sinks add b( ty I y kitchen; give a liletime ot satisfaction. High polish stainlew «t«««l Smooth finish eliminates joints and dirt traps Deep rec«se«d drainer Single and double bowl Centre, right 0' left-hand bowl Available
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    • 265 2 THE GAMBOLS /^GiP/e. nduiiNGfN /co sou fiwallV *AHA&eo\ V. WHAT A LOVCLV J I TO PEBSUAP6 GEOKS6 J COATj- V^ -Ry guy IT COR ■JOUJ^ /V 6«. U€ vtaoeD tuatX /^7wd ouict"^ I MUST "AYE CCMETUIMS) y^. ro ke£P iWe wagMj--^ ff •^^Lsbl. QUALIFIED PRIVATE 3L SECRETARY JS. THROUGH THE
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 98 3 When you see this distinctive green and gold pack you can yMihii x~^ be certain of three things the owner (1 prefers the satisfy- KING SIZE ing mildness of fine Virginia tobaccos. (2) appreciates the tiinrMAU A fIITCD benefits of a modern filter. (3) recognises the tradition of VIRGINIA I
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    • 379 3 TIME ONCE AGAIN FOR for every cash purchase of r^r^\ $10 $15__ I salt and pepper n I modem German shakers|| j p f| .JIM JPT. na>l sunglasses or stainless steel 'I bi-colour ball pen O r one heavy oronedistnv iiv« or 2 hankies bath owe I US A
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  • 268 4 SINGAPORE. Sun. CO Ml-: $1 00,000 worth of ladies' handbags went up in flames when a sudden lire gutted two shops in Change Alley this morning. The shops, Hua Sa> Store and Mci Wah and Co., are on the ground floor of Winchester House,
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  • 171 4 SINGAPORE, Sun. A big crowd ot friends and relatives turned up at the Singapore Airport today to greet the triumphant return of the Singapore Chess Olympic team, which won first place In the final Group D at the International chess competition at Lugano. Switzerland.
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  • 90 4 DR. John Carruth (above). American organist and member of the faculty at the College of Woostern, Ohio, who is giving an organ recital on Thursday, at the Presbyterian Church in Orchard Road at 8.30 p.m. Admission is free but there will be a collection during the interval. Dr.
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  • 97 4 GOH TO OPEN PUBLIC SERVICES CONFERENCE SINGAPORE, Sun. The Acting Prime Minister. Dr. Goh Keng Swee will open the second Public Services International Asian regional conference at the Victoria Memorial Hall tomorrow morning. Representatives from 14 countries in the region including Malaysia, will attend Uie fiveday conference Among the delegate*
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  • 35 4 SINGAPORE, Sun. The winning numbers in today's Toto draw were 28. 27, 19, 21, HR and 22. The supplementary number drawn was 11. while the thrrf-dltit draw numbers were 26, 2 and 39.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 272 4 SCOTTS Ra SINGAPORE RESERVATIONS: *****3-6 PRESENTS EXCITING SHOWI^^j LAMOIR DE PAWS LES SILHOUETTES W JB^IL. a complrfclv uo t^^^ar^aßW usual n«» show toi rh. First Tim. In ADAMO NfcjA 1 tßo^^BL AJPk. i^'jDj K^w SEXCITING f. Vl Wild and Exotic dances 4bbbbbH Special Gucl Star. i r^^k MARIO BERTOLINO I
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    • 467 4 [CATHAYjft] ;.i:i.:h:i.p»ih NOW SHOWING! Show, Start 1 30. 5 00. 830 p m "STAR" Stortt: I 50, 5.20 p.m Adro: $1.50, $2 bO Wlj Cosh Boomngs Only No Free Lilt TcHOOL CONCESSION: JI.JO TO ANY SEAT AT I 30 A 5.00 P.M. SHOWS DAILY. lull, Andrews "STAR" < F °*>
      467 words

  • 467 5 TENGKU'S BRAINCHILD GOES A STEP FURTHER IPOH, Sunday THE Totalisator Board of Malaysia has bought for just over $100,000 the 200-acre Kinding rubber estate, in the Tanjong Rambutan area near here, to establish a stud farm on which to breed race horses.
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  • 94 5 Firecracker opening for capital's super car park (iKOUDs uatihin c a .mi firecracker chain betaf let oft" to mark the opening of the new s'O'MIOO Pasarama Kola the multi-slore>ed bus trrminal. tar park and hawkers' emporium in .lalan Sekola in Kuala I ii in ii M r on Saturday afternoon.
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  • 193 5 A LOR STAR. Sun. Kedah police today began fresh investigations into the abduction of a Sungei Patani millionaire miner and planter. Mr. Chua Sip Mong, 37, with an offer of a $1,000 reward tor information leading to the arrest and conviction of those responsible for
    193 words
  • 93 5 BMJNII TOWN. SunBrunei's current m.i>* anti-polio campaicn has been interrupted because i Sins.ipore Him is unit hit- to supply sullUient Sabine \.ucine on time, the Health OHiier here. Ur V. II Paik. said today. The MUHMtCa now be extended to February. Orientally. Mir proC
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 232 5 Don't buy a PROBLEM Buy a Vicn CORVETTE 4 J j For every type of Ijwn theret VICTA a trouble tree motor mower backed by prompt tervice and a 100 availability of genuine VICTA P'rrs. AUSTASIA INDUSTRIES LIMITED. 282 J Pny Labar Road. SINGAPORE 14 T«l 87JOS |21,r,..| 18 J«'.«n
      232 words
    • 290 5 iJINTAN 1 B^^ A j|rT B^L i Jtk V mßi B^BJ I .^Blß^B^Bab 1 *^B BW V J9i AFTER SHAVE OR AFTER SPORT Now cool, soothing relief from after shave irritation of muscular stiffness and pain with NEW CRYSTAL CLEAR JINTAN OINTMENT. The deep penetrating action of JINTAN OINTMENT brings
      290 words

  • 159 6 MCA is confident of getting 50,000 new members I£UALA LUMPUR, 1Y Sun. The MCA is confident of rearhine the target of 50,000 new members when its three-month membership drive ends this month. "The rripmm has hpen most encouraging. More than loo.ono mpmbershlp appJlcation forms have been sent to the 650
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  • 93 6 RITiAWAN Sun —One hundred famiiir*. ha. l "I them Chin*s» anc. '..<> rrw M.iUys from the Lekir Simpans Dua ■reiu nea- here, will we:\r four icrrn nl !«nd each in thr P»kan Ourm y schen-.e HMHTr A Prrak St^ie As.ieinhl\tiian. Mr Waag
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  • 485 6 Khir's appeal to component parties of the Alliance 'DO NOT BRING OUT INTO THE OPEN ANY DIFFERENCES AMONG YOU...' KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. The Minister of Education, Inche Mohamed Khir Johari, today appealed to members of corrponent parties of the Alliance not to bring out into the open any differences among
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  • 299 6 KUALA LUMPUR. Sun. It also pledged to "resolutely struggle" for the revocation of the Trade Unions Ordinance of 1959 and the Industrial Relations Act of 1967 which It claimed were anti-labour. The charter »ald: •'Tht trade union laws in Maalysi.i run contrary
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  • 63 6 ipoh. sur mm Omja s«> Mih>i. 20. dauchter "I coffee shop proprietor in Juan ah PUihav here. reporieU to th^ y»>--h ,i.m n.Kht that she (MM mol- <- id by a m>ii in the nearby I.asalhans A&Miciation. ttm was delivering drinlc« to Hip a.Mtociation about
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  • 43 6 SINGAPORE Sun The PinR.iporf Infantry Rcinnient l>and ».ll perform at thr Si-at Aval M i moiuntty cantrt v»>dne.»aay from 7 pm. to 8 pm. On Sunday thr polue band mil perform at the Tanslm Ball markai centre during the same liours.
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  • 63 6 Malaysia plans to be at trade fair Un < ha.« tentatively 111 ;n the secon-l Alias ln'ernaM' rial Tra tr F-, r ;n Tehrran ne\- year. a spolc**man for ihr Ministry n.' dtnn.erre and In<Ju."ry *aid tcidav Thr >p>kr.<-man said: Tte It* a I'ildfn opportunity tn nublicuse in pry dur'>
    Bernama  -  63 words
  • 56 6 PENANO Sin Mr f»n Clirng Sun has hern rr-elerted prwid Maliva atlon. Ihr v. r-:>rrs:drnt v Mr Tai Liang Khene. and mrmbers of :hr rumm:t!ee a°-r T^n Tvr Chrlc. B. K I n:: Bai f*TK K;m Birw. Loo Tat' Nyan. Bim Bin H^iruf. G<h Kirn Htia' Loh
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  • 137 6 L \M ■\K Sun— The Raja of Perlis today urged the Malays to follow the example ol the Russians by riu-our.iKin, their children to take up science in school* if they wished to achieve progress He MM (he Russians, who wt-re h.ickward and
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 491 6 >4BiBBW ~]<*a^B^v flMk -».^#^L «^fc^^^ aW .^s A JBb^Bi BbW .^m\ x^' 2>^B Wr Let others show off their satellites. You just show your Bulova Accutron. Actually the Bulova Accutron it a piece of satellite. You'll find m its movement in over 40 satellites and spacecraft. Telstars, KMH Tiroses, Syncoms,
      491 words
    • 30 6 Have a Xetr frugvanl loveliness wilh l§k SANDAL SOAP FREE COUPONS EXCHANGEABLE FOR ADLER SOAPS ARE GIVEN AWAY AT PO CHUNG CO., LTD. j 454 "W Bridia Road. Singapore. 7.
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  • 304 7 Six thugs smash hut and batter labourer to death KUALA LUMPUR. Sun J^ GANG oi at least six men smashed their way into a squatter hut off Jalan Bangsar here last night and battered to death a labourer. The murder was discovered this morning when a neighbour, who heard a
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  • 206 7 Four lovely lasses 4 kick-in' their bit for our heroes TIIKSK four RirU s**rn to (et a kick out <>f thinCN M Ihry ptilorm 'life Special" at a dame in .lid "I the National Heroi-s Welfare Trust Fund at Parliament M< iim- in Kuala l.umpur on S.iturda> nifiht presentation of
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  • 103 7 CINGAPORE, Sun— The Singapore Society of Accmmtants will huld an .xh b:tion of computrrs anC. accounting equipment :hnlc here tram Dec. 14 to 20. I n exhibition, unde r ihc patronaci the Mim.'-'ir fur and inhnuiugy. Dr. j loit clnn Chvc Him* ;it nialcin?
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  • 59 7 PENANO. SUM— Mr K H N. I eglonal nutnafw ol Hip I In.-ur.iiicr 00., will mic i cocktail party kt tin 1 t mid o Hotel between 730 mid p.m. hi Friday, in honour of the vMt of Mr I iktthmupal binghaniii president 'if the
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  • 153 7 Planned: A film on Malaysia's tourist spots 1/ U A L A LUMPUR, Sun. Negotiations are now underway between an Australian advertising linn and a film com piny to film tourist ut tractions in Malaysia. This i'mlows a request to the advertising firm by the Kuala Lumpur Tourist Association. The
    Bernama  -  153 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 86 7 There's nothing like KJELDSENS I when it comes to incomparably WjStob^3^Bttj^^M delicious butter cookies \/f^ I Imported from DENMARK, made I h 100^ Dure h '9 h score Danish I Gutter and whole < r esh eggs 1 Just ferne^ber the name-KJELDSErJS Xl v OLi i! rever the taste I
      86 words
    • 361 7 K ii^^3rW7 r 5 f 2 r 4lof3¥sfjf8 r Af6 f lof2 8 9m All BMfl B oHll AH! Mil Mfll mß| ttll gl; fSjH! gl| sA fll gg|i gj| jl. m j|i M l| i w^Jfß] «IB^HI H^^H |fc,E^B^B#^L^L^M.B>^Bl#B|#BlMMlaMi.^Bl,Mißi«M I 2 packs USA made pl.iying cards fit into quality
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  • 235 8 Gerakan councillor shouts: Democracy is dead VIBONG TEBAL, Sun. x —An angry Opposition member has charged Alliance councillors with employing "unconstitutional methods' to pass the Province Wellesley South District Council budget for 1969. "I call on the authorities to declare this meeting null and void," said Mr. A. Arumugam of
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  • 84 8 Tengku and Governor at reception HENANU. Sun Hie CHnvcrnor. Tun a>rU sina jjli--habuddin. and Uie Prime Minuter. Tengku Abdul Ruliman. were among about 1000 guests at buff ei dinner at the Aver Ham Road residence of Senator Syed Haaaan Aidld chairman of the Penang Umno d:vii.on. and Puan Syed Hawaii.
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  • 19 8 KLANTAN. Sun. The Putting Legislative A*»emMy will hole, ltd budget meeting here from Nov. It to 20.
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  • 204 8 COUNCIL WE WONT REFUND $53,000 TO STATE A LOR STAR. Sun— Tha Town Council ha» decided not to refund to the State Government a sum of $53,000 which the State had riven ft to meet Un iic In il for last year At Its full meeting }e»trr<l.t) the Council adopted
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  • 381 8 Police wives can check on husbands KUALA LUMPUR. Sun WIYLS of officers and men of the Police Volunteer Reserve who are suspicious of their husbands' movements are advised to check with the police whether they are out on patrol or in night clubs. The advice was given by the Selangor
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  • 173 8 Singapore:. Sun A NATIONAL Cadet Corp.s incorporatliiK the army, sea and air cadet corps of the various schools will be formed next year the Minister tor MocaUon, Mr ohk Pang Boon, announced yesterday. He was speaking at the passim out parad" uf 119 ofllcer cadets.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 421 8 Want a Beauty Queen's figure Joanne Drew can figure it out Let Joanne Drew, Australia's leading figure consultant, solve your figure problem today! She will help you reduce or add inches in these six vital areas the easy way. The perfect figure for you will probably come from loss of
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    • 17 8 lift's COD LIVER OIL CAPSULES for the energy to live well! V Agenfv THE BOHNEO COMPANY J
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 165 8 »E# v»hjt! i juer I I oop r>r sou mo whfvi r got I I. v* wifcs acne **j* V rrs utterly »m possible f i -nOJ&n OF ACTUALLY SUI I THERE. ALL THAT TH' DINOSAUR WAS THAT'S IT FOR A MAM BORN IN i OOMrri-HNG TVC DfNOSAUR v VMM
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  • 498 9  -  LEIGH BOTTRELL MYSTERY SUICIDES AND ESPIONAGE REVELATIONS SHED NEW LIGHT by T H $e f Dr O» f o )o^n. the West German counter-espionage chief who was gaoled for treason in 1956, may be re-opened at the order of the West German Federal Court.
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  • 1081 9  -  FRANK DEVINE by AUSTRALIA, and two question marks are the outstanding signposts on Japan's road to future eminence. The question marks are Indonesia and Siberia. If Indonesia can achieve stability and Japan can resolve Its political dlflerence.i with the Soviet Union Japanese
    1,081 words
  • 305 9 Dr. Otto John will fight for a new trial Germany of his free will. Key wittiest* against John was a shadowy figure on the trlnge of Carl Wittig. a PraiiKlurt journalist Wittig told the court :hat he had met John In a restaurant called The Elephant in Weimar, Ka-t Germany,
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 106 9 V .^^l^gkj <m SBBI gSBsW* 1 gsa HL SjV L I giggpW S gggggggggggggggggggggggP^gggggggggggK tggggggggff^^ wm V BSiggP^ BBSW- t\_ 9^^j/£ fc gggA k^d^^ 'S ggggV vjggsl We XW&y OVALTINE fe] there's much more in it! H^ljH B^BBBlgggggr "**—%>■»" X3 I '3ggggsw. in fl Yes! There's much more in that
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  • The Straits Times Monday. November 11, 1968.
    • 593 10 security arrests which the Malaysian Government has made (and there may be more) follow inexorably from the disclosures in Saturday'! White Paper. The Ci>mmtini3t Party of Malay?, for which powei through violence is basic (iottiine, iias decided that the time is npe to raise the 1 main
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    • 432 10 K;4\ pt Mini Jordan have withdrawn Irmn the U..N negotiations in New York, but there i.s as \et little to it that the break is irrevocable. Th«> U.A.R. Konmn Minister is prepared to return when brad shows signs ol a "constnietise approach. This presumably means that Tel Aviv
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    • 182 10 MY daughter, who is a teacner. Informs me mat it is tne practice in her school for the principal to put teachers, by rotation, on "holiday duty during the school holidays. Teachers so instructed are expected to be In school lrom 8 a.m. to
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    • 171 10 WHEN my husband and 1 bought our TV aft it was ma. uly for the enjoyment and happiness of our children. But now alter three years. I find the children have a very limited viewing owing 10 tne tact that nearly all the K'HXi shows are
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    • 150 10 WITH leterence to your report <BT. Oct. 29. D< vatued bierilng: Cny Council Lost $1.7 Mil' it should be noted that the quantum ot loss mention.d should have been pub Uaned with the qualification to the ertect It dots not include the lo.s!, of $2,557. M 4
      150 words
  • 266 10 I READ your editorial •The Helping Hand" with a sense of grievance You -,iy. "Volunteers are not as plentiful as they should be and the public still lacks aMM of engagement In the welfare movement." I am sure you mean your remarks to apply to both
    266 words
  • 1707 10  - A United States of Britain? DAVID PERMAN THE Speech from the Throne with which tht n«w session of Britain's Parliament was opened on October 30. contained what it at first sight a revolutionary proposal by Mr. Wilsons Government. It i.s to set up a commission "to consider what changes may
    OFNS  -  1,707 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 63 10 OVERSEA-CHINESE BANKING CORPN. LTD. the STMNKST art LANCST Mat httUTSU art SINGAPORE AUTHOR)*!* CAPITAL 1100.000. 000/- A PAIO UP »>..- CAPITAL V 4« 000 000 OIMMAL MIfRVI AND profit 1 loss ■»-"~iaf w:> iWC* lALANCI 0... 1 J3 000 000/- '99VM TOTAI 0..r 171 SeS.OOO ■&i, •atm.T^m^mtmm O total jg
      63 words
    • 172 10 Seagram's V.O. Canadian. Order it instead of your usual Whisky. Just once. And >ou'll be back for more. Wh>? Because an>one who appreciates fine whisky certainly appreciates smooth drink. Seagram's Y.O. is juM that. Ifs so smooth, in fact, that in America more people prefer Y.O. than an> other brand
      172 words

  • 68 11 AFTER FOUR HOURS, TWO SHOT DEAD AND FOUR WOUNDED MEMBERS of th< Gurkha -ontlngem Bnrroood the bunt*&* after the Run battle. THE scene of the big gun battle. The kidnap gang boss was trapped in this bungalow and he fired the first sho's
    68 words
  • 46 11 DYING KIDNAP GANG BOSS IS CARRIED AWAY— SHOT IN HEAD THE kidnap gang leader, Loh Ngut j Fong, being carried away on a stretcher. He was shot in the head and died in hospital. The picture of Loh in column 7 was issued by the police.
    46 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 208 11 Sim J^K Don't be surprised if you hear our chefs yodelling its the Swiss in them! At the President Hotel, Taipei, there's a touch of Switzerland's legendary culinary skill in every chef. They are trained to Swiss standards as a final polish to their own skills as chefs of international
      208 words
    • 7 11 TV and RADIO programmes: b<)« Pas* 13
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous

  • 1183 12  -  ALLJNCTON KENNARD REVIEWED By: THE GREAT TERROR: Stalin's Purge of the Thirties. By ROBERT CONQUEST. (MACMILLAN 845.) FIVE yean after his denunciation of Stalin at the twentieth Congress of the Soviet Communist Party, Mr. Khrushchev returned to a subject which his comrades in the Kremlin
    1,183 words
  • 236 12  -  HARLES L EAM By TIIS la an excxellent handbook for the youthful bird watcher; sound advice for keen eyes and ears, much enthusiasm for the beginner and a veil illustrated (with drawings i section on the commoner birds of the Malaysian plains and hills Mr.
    236 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 345 12 t/nicuMofoe' 123-9 <??^rr >- look TyriLUS sr WITH SERVICES IN 54 COUNTRIES L 2 I f W wrVsSdh LITTLE'S Emulsion helDSto I !^^^l^ .^sfl swT^ with all the vital nutriments I wKm if^r town to be especially important \lj _^B^tfl \r J^W tohealth. LITTLE'S Emulsion is Vj^^^H "S^r iture's best
      345 words
    • 308 12 Now the most up-to-date COMPACT REFERENCE WORK fir a^^tf Bl M A y° ur OFFICE and your HOME. ■H f The Columbia IHH9 f i W H Desl fmfima i 4 Encyclopedia HmPnNP m M HANDY THUMB INDEX M^Ekj!m*jm I 11 i 1,216 PAGES. ■H-B-Bk^-^*^"^^^ 33,111 ENTRIES. l^ MM 14
      308 words

  • 213 13 Money in coconut, tapioca processing says expert |^UALA LUMPUR. Sun. A Colombo Plan expert. Dr. M. Moritomo today said that coconut and tapioca processing could be turned into profitable rural industries in Malaysia. An adviser to Mar a on rural industries, he said before leaving for Japan an expiry of
    213 words
  • 46 13 PJ Rotarians to celebrate special week KUAI LUMPUR. Sun The Peuiuitf Jajra Rutary Club \kUl celebi.i'.-* ilie Rolarj t •liuii which br^uia tuddy UIC A At here MBJ :jnd» tur the FouiKlati>.n which was lormtd 51 vi .1 ■t.ined til providing rclucai:unal and \oiirainmet lor
    46 words
  • 59 13 iron I irtttl ■< pistol and (lie others Kith kn;\fs. r».ded in Leech tsireri here early this and tjot aUM>' wilh rash and leuellery woi'th Sl.OOu and tMT OR, Chan si^e K^i, 17. were openn. f 6.30 am wlipm the robber* held them ud
    59 words
  • 121 13 $5 mil to improve water supplies MIAK Sun The Johare State Government will spend morr than s."> million to maintain and provide better uatcr supply facilities to tin- peuplr ne\t year I 'his mi annoumed last nitht hv the chairman or the Juh.irc Works Comittee. Dato i liua Song I.
    121 words
  • 18 13 TAIPIMQ Sun Tengku Ahnuii! bin Tengku Abdul .r has retired a.- chairman 31 the Town Council here
    18 words
  • 489 13 1969 Budget estimates now being drawn up Kuala Lumpur, Sun. I j^LL Ministries are now drawing up their estimates for next years Budget with one object in mind economy. This follows a directive from the Treasury to prune their expenditure to the bone. According to a source, this Is part
    489 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 91 13 B M^\\ afe W iB *f* Bum I fF^^Sm swe: ENHD M|C ~*S W^^* W I 4V^V jf I I jftW% H JKL i* a»w afl LB HKBaMHaWMf aVLi 525 Branches in Pakistan Overseas Branches at -*n^ ADEN <?' dS^^^ BEIRUT Jt BRADFORD CJWw^j V^ COLOMBO \J^ (U c^/O* KUALA
      91 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 781 13 ON YOUR TV AND RADIO TODAY RADIO MALAYSIA TV MALAY SIA National Shortwave Srrtlre i Thr Nrus. 1.44 Newelalk; 41. «0.2. t.! mttir>. Medium- 1.45 Tlffln Date 2.00 4.J0 <H\NMI> Kuala l.uinpui MM Bhe Wnltr Collar Wf.rk- ivr Sen ire X.1.. 339 mrtrri: Broadcast To Schooi*. 500 Thr u_ uu
      781 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 60 14 Get Champion Performance from Mobil Premium fast Start for a quick, clean get-away every time. lively pick-up in traffic J»fc or on the open road I punch with extra bL "^HBl^^^^^^T^ power for heavy loads and steep hills. jl BBlfcl^B^^ Smooth economical JnlF^^9*^^^2 performance, and -W\l^ -Z Wm extra engine
      60 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 317 14 Straits Times Crosswo r d *t Ross 7 she minced a preparatloii 1. A Trench duke ulnKim re- prep«ml for the computer plete. Is ineleftanl dOi. Race round vardu aquart B 7 run n th *t »n youi ,n.e« 4 1 favour 16. i< 1" Extra produrtlon -Id rio It.
      317 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 918 15 TO LIVERPOOL AND OTHER UK CONIINENTAL PO AIAK ,i»,.n nn i n.. f;> nam MARON llPt/Nntl Nn 1} ATREUS "I K" 1 J" Nn 12 Nn 13 17 Nn ll PROTESILAUS jfWPOOI, MHMt.... B.U Na.iS Nn II 21 Nn22 &SS& -an,-:::::::;;;-'' Ni l4 -nii S&& N.72S m» ZZi iit
      918 words
    • 2739 15 W^m^m&OMMiimM EAST ASIATIC COMPANY Ltd. IncorporaMKi m Oanmvk EXPRESS SAILINGS TO GENOA/NORTH CONTINENT/SCANDINAVIA r* Sham Penang S'por« !,">noa Roam H'burg Airbus C'higtn PASAutNA a) Nn 21/11 Nn 27/2 B Nn 21/ < Im 1 In 11 Im H IM II JM It PAUCONIA Din 21/21 In 27 21 Die 21/2
      2,739 words
    • 1294 15 w KLAVENESS LINE \<*ML^ lining tar 10S ANtELES. SAN lIANCISCO VINCOUVtB Alu KCiitiai eargi 'w Central 1 Saitt Imirica Singapore t. S rum Oue L. Angelas BOUCIINVILIE 27/21 Nn MNntOec II la> SUNNYVULE 27/21 Oil U 31 Dec 11 FM IRINXVILLE 27/21 IM 31 31 In IB Mar SeattH MB
      1,294 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1066 16 KISEN KAISHA LTD. W««tern Au»tr«lia/Sinß«pOP4»' Japan S«rvlc« •aamaaaal Siniaoor* Toikjicni/Mitora »'<""» •MBM nun" tl Die i *la West Alrica Singapore Japan SarvleM Angola Si«|ieore Na|o»» fhama *oO* -TsiieHiai Mara" tails 24 25 Nn 2 let IMe *J* ll ■Nirwar Mara" 3, 5 Oee 2121 Oil I laa l*e Japan South
      1,066 words
    • 931 16 •aa^^^kaaßl^^^aaai ■»»'J^P^^Ba! AUSIRAIIA/NfM {lILIIIII StRVICI INIIA. nmsllh "Nil »A« tASI wRVIItI Fan PL AIM. IriL. S»l.. alii Ti Naca»altmaa am Malias. Sice KStta Pining I 'I.* '.l. ../.fiL RAIUIA- 111 Plrt 12 NM 13 Mr lEIUNM lln U/12 lie U/14 tee MJUU 2| •m 0..... LftL. tm. a.,»_ "!«ii; ts
      931 words
      819 words
    • 572 16 LEMBAGA KE.MAJI AN TANAH PERSEKITI AN KENYATAN TAWARAN BK. NO. *****8 HAULAGE CONTRACT FOR THE TRANSPORTING OT OIL PALM FRESH FRUITS BUNCHES (FFB) Tenders are Invited from established Road Haulag* Contractors for the above work at the following Land Development Schemes: No SCHEME /DISTRICT/ PHASE DELIVERY TO STATE 2. Tenders
      572 words

  • 30 17 RUBBER AND TIN CLOSING PRICES RI RBF.K TIN iperlb.i Iperp4rull Nov. 4 57 eta. 55»4.52!i 5. Mf4 rls. <-,9«..50 S« T r»». llWltl cts. S*S rlv *»li"> i $«o:.;s
    30 words
  • 103 17 T<HE followlnß Company meet- tings are due T.A.S.: N-.v 11 SO at ith floor. Kwong Ylk Bank Building Kuala Lumpur Austral Amalgamated Tin: Nov JO 10 45 a m at the Company Office. Tainlng. Xn-tt.i Malar Tin: v 20. 1145 am at Company Office Taiplng Kluanf Kuhber Co.:
    103 words
  • 752 17 TWE Straits tin price on Saturday was taken to a new high level for the year by gaining $2 to MO7 75 In London on Friday j afternoon the three months forward buyers' price had jumped £91 per ton entering
    752 words
  • 65 17 Imiuttrtal*: Pri>p»fttw Tin«: rulihrr* Nnv 4 Nov 5 Nm b ISI 10 I.M 47 151 00 170 34 1M.44 167 38 78 S5 78 61 79 63 103 01 103 61 103 61 Dec 30 IJ»M i 100 Drc 29 1962 100 N<n 7 1M 38 167
    65 words
  • 33 17 tmpal Tin Sftmiintini StrilU RuM.ft (.oldm Hop* < urtrnl Italr patmral |>a>ahlr «d I >»< 1 1 3%- t)»c 13 N lolal l»r I'nlal l.i Ihrtrar pmrlous rrar :tv M% 34% t Intortm.
    33 words
  • 1366 17 THE Stork Exchange last week had a mixed look and finished the week on a quietly steady note. Looming over the market and siphoning off cash was the weight of new issues being listed and the number of new issues about to emerge from the
    1,366 words
  • 28 17 In londi.ti .^ii Mdaj Malayan I per "till (II IK F:urn|>ean hn^ii |w. t t^ in hulu »a> Urtcl Previom buatlMM «ji at IhO I>ei Inn
    28 words
  • 24 17 1 m x RtH I- U D*llar ini'..| at it —-t tn aa.h t*ili". V( .no) •n* tail at gslrl M
    24 words
  • 928 17 TUt WEtK'S BtSlM>«s <IN THF. KTO( K FXIHAMiK HAS AS rOI.I.OWS: INOUITRtALIi ACM A l-'-'l to I 12 IH tn I ."i M I' M •< l;r.i tn |J uk o I.' iM to MM io Ban A t 4'i to KM lv I. ..I I. I. M
    928 words
  • 697 17 TM is a .oMPLtn I LIST OF RIVIIID QUOTATION! MttV I«MU»T«.AL» a. V'MA !"< A>» Rnraa R»n A I'o 1' 4« Bo'ik-.i lUrha<l 1 '>• l.i. .1 C «i;<ar» 4. 1k CC M ■M« I«i < <• M <t»r> 1"2 C f Hold «fl Hun n|
    697 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 1191 17 NOTICE OF EXHUMATION hlldren. descendant., n d mf r>f-kln of the Mraoru S« "2, "Ut« land betn, u,L'j< 15" .£s*s or th "eabout.s. m uated In the District of Telok Blangah and locteri off SlUt Road. DMYloualj known a, the Leong San Tong-Chan Khoo burial ground. mIV'. Bo rt|
      1,191 words
    • 443 17 TENDERS l KENYATAAN TAWARAN Tawaran akan dl-terlma h»gi membekalkan makanan dan Minuman dl-Kantln Sekolah Menengah D'irlan Daun. Melaka. 1 bagl tahun 1969 Tawaran dalam nampul ber- meterl dan berdaftar dl-tand* 1 CHiiteen Tender' hendak-lah rii--1 kinmkan kapaoa Setiausalia l^embaga Pengelola Sekolah 1 Ourlan Daun. Melaka, sa-oelum 1 22hb November. 1968
      443 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 1786 18 late HMMwa Sli/ It) ?l m*, ne> K*tnMl .til 7Scts. I n OtHf CUHliri If may eK> ns.lwm -< «l ctsl>. Stols Tits l.i w.ict c>mt M tstii. I ["IckhowledgehentT"] THL FAMILY Of thr l»tf Ml rVOM Rubb/r t:. Mima's ana J MBH| ol AMMTuiTcEIITHTS i J ISJOY CERMAN
      1,786 words
    • 941 18 CAIRNMILL COURT Iledroomrd lint < Alrconditiorad). »»pa- •att Ainti Kooti Sultahi* K»*euttv»* Snore 1 SEASIDE BUNCALOW AT 441 K.i.i (twit Koad. Lo« Rental or immril>»l> ok upation. CW" Hi. I^.u f,n.upoie Ml TMM. ruRNHNIIi FLAT! HOUtft. N« Cattail). i'..trr»oo. Wanton Averse. J Ktchll. J JIBUII. oonta. Kh<> Ariommon.ition M*V«
      941 words
    • 855 18 I 6010WN SPACE VAC*WT «TOHt AVAILABLE MOW ill K L. io»D Ar»» I 7 is no, ft. full particulars In -».»:J-' K 1. MODERN l-.OOOWM at Prai !•>'«. »q It. avmlahl* in:nM!ll> 1 r» lurtnrr drtaill apply PO. Boa 2.6 SHOPS TO LET Ar*a. 2 atorrv »hop. Suitanir lour.itHhoppinc Bi«rt«
      855 words
    • 810 18 I TOPIS. AND EXCURSIONS t HOLIDAY IN BALI 7 Ddya only SJTidi, all in. Oroupa Special l>ia- count. Departure every Kndav. U«talll plftif tontact: World Truit Corp. Ltd., 7;iA Tciok Ayer street i Spore) Tel: CAMIRON MIOHLANDt 4 Night Mi'- Miuta 7Day $HU Sunday/ Monday. South Thailand «-Oa» \'."i Bangkok
      810 words
    • 772 18 fbicidaike refrigerator is* v ft. imperial model. Very coo*. oiKHtlon M7S/-. Pboo. 4»fc>4.l> I (Hi Babv.V*»tt. Niiralnic Bra»aierea. r 'ci'Jwy-i leV MM 'Twis'h "curtain hail •""> N»'"*|, 111 1. n cord'Cin »et nmooth. allent. SSTJmSi n;«i«i "*«'".«i»t k Produce Ltd Georne Lee Cnam>era (8 poro lei 3543S 8. I ALMOST
      772 words
    • 552 18 SHOPPING GUIDE ivfrcraft »A .:i Ptoan* Road, cold mUSrZtS*. Spor«; W.ld superlioN'T 1 M TOO LAT po^'^; SMt^Bf TLIl" i OlfU th.ldren Ajaual. and BooKa. „t Ahriui Raaaa <3 '*>' *r ad« ifflf Parr >.t ~LADIis~H<IRDRTsSING iirityl* manicur. and U/s«t «te. LATEST MA^HtTVLIS for all oo»ioni «itl* WWM 'or SMB.
      552 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 751 19 A leading and expanding International Organization has a vacancy for an AREA SALES REPRESENTATIVE to be based in KUALA LUMPUR Applicant should be: Lin £\l?L y n,*Z?i t Ot Ke h vln 3to 5 rWI experience in selling quality copying machines or related products. 2. Posseting a driving licence and
      751 words
    • 314 19 MAJLIS AMANAH RA'AYAT Permohonan ada-lah dt-pelawa darl Wantanegara Malaysia untoic memenohl Jawatan sebagal Ketua Juru Odlt Dalam. Chawangan Odlt Dalam. MARA. Tugas pemegang jawaUn lnl la-lah: Mernereksa segala urusan kewangan dalam Majlis Ini dan mengawas] yang uru.san2 Itu menglkut Deratoran2 dan dasar2 Majlis. Kelulusan dan Kelayakkao (1) Anil salah satu
      314 words
    • 1095 19 NANYANG UNIVERSITY JURONG ROAD, SINGAPORE 22. 1. Applications are invited for the following appointments: V Faculty of Arts (11 Department of C'hinete Language and Literature Professors' Assoc. rYofMHR of Chinese Bibliography; Special Topics in Chinese Philosophy: Special Topics in Chinese Classics; Fiction. Drama; Modern Chinese Literature; Malaysian Chinese Literature (111
      1,095 words
    • 1101 19 NATIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR (PTE) LTD. We have immediate openings in the following positions PROCESS ENGINEER Requires ability to provide engineering support to manufacturing both in maintaining the existing process and in creative engineering. QUALITY CONTROL ENGINEER Will provide engineering analysis of manufacturing process to ensure consistent high quality. QUALIFICATIONS: Engineering Degree
      1,101 words
    • 815 19 OSBORNE k CHAPPEL SDN. BERHAD GROIP OF < OMPAMF9 KXPORT (ONTROL QIOTA PKKIOI) 19th Srpumhr- to Slut December. 1968. The permissable provUlonnl quotas, that is the quantity ot tin concentrates permitted to be sold and or delivered through Customs between 19th September 1968 and 31st December 1968 Inclusive, fur the
      815 words

    • 2679 20 hHjLjl J'HL .>JJdIC Ol ulaW.s WhHll have .studued the coupon In recent weeks obviously could not last forever and this week looks like showing the anti•iputed sharp reduction. Beading thp brief i:m of Treble Chance hopefuls in D v 1 the clash between Burnley
      Reuter  -  2,679 words
    • 224 20 lONDON. Sun. Results of i Rugby Union matches yes- I terday: (ountv championship Durham 3 Lanes 11; Gloucs 9 ComwaK 15; s-ximcrfcoi 16 Devon 6. Yorka 6 Northumberland 12 Club matches Abn.. 1 n 8 i Aliertillery 9; Bath 8 Saracens 8; H.rmingham 3 Roundhay 6: Bradlord
      Reuter  -  224 words
    • 21 20 HONG KONG Bui JQUII BM I Inn key learn oe«t Kowloon Cricket dub S-0 In a triendly match ye*terda>.
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 373 20 MM BBMaa»4aWal| JABATAN KERJA RAYA PERAK KENYATAAN TAWARAN Tnnaran darlpada Pemborong2 vans berdafter neujan JKR. taodi Kelas F.X ka Kelas D" sanaja berkepaia VII akan di-terlma dlpe)abat Jurutera Kena Keria Kan.m. Karja Aver. Kmta. Ipoh hlngga iam pi, kul 3 oo peiang pada 19hb November. ;i'"R immwi io". I A-
      373 words
    • 374 20 fHE PORI Oh SINGAPORE AUTHORITY TENDER NOTICE Tendns are united for the 'ailorinir ol uniforms for all Sections of the Port of Singapore i A'.ahoii'v Fiiiher details and > onditluns of lencei mar be obtained from Q> Otlicer. Port of ore Authoiit] the receipt for a tender depo»,t of
      374 words
    • 374 20 TENDERS PEMBERITAHU TAWARAN PHtDEKAIAN DAGINGI IKAN?. Rl'AiniMN. S»YORAM. BERAS M\ IAIN? Kll:\\\ KIKI \li BIXATANCi. lOHOU. TavHian adalah di-iempol krrana memhewalk:in daK»in«2. :t.-nn2. buah2han. aiyaranS. beias ian sfba«ai-nva untok linatang2 (ian burong^' dalam Kebun BinaiHiie. Johor Bahru selama MM ll) lahon mulal daripada lhb .Tanuarl. 1969 hln^ca 31hb. Disembei. 1969
      374 words
    • 375 20 TENDERS HOUSING ft DEVELOPMENT BOARD Taßaan in hiiMai tor the Bracltan and Completion ol 3 Blocks of Lock-Up Siiop.i and Storn for Transit Resfttlemeni L'nmp at Java Road. Singapore. 7 Tender Forms ami all other parlirtilars ran be obtained Irtm Itlie Office of the Af Engineer Suneyor. Resettlement Department. Housing
      375 words
    • 52 20 ANNOUNCEMENT! The Managements wishes to thank all Patrons, Friends and the Press for the kind support during the recent strike which has now been successfully settled through the good offices of the Industrial Relations Department, all businesses are open as normal. FEDERAL HOTEL (M) SDN. BERHAO KUALA LUMPUR 9t h
      52 words

    • 2102 21  -  EPSOM JEEP By Sellers gains farewell victory on Castle Command GOING: Soft. KACt I DIV J— 6F TWT Kong&ls a> WII.LTOP 9.0 c 8.11 (968—329) Chiang; 1 (6) Whits Kerala 7.8 (256— 134; Asuwadl 3 <J One 8 9 (931-263. Nawarl I (4) Pica 8 13
      2,102 words
    • 54 21 AMERICAN Jockey John Sellers lave a lecture on the finer points of race riding to local Jockeys and apprentices before the start of yesterday* Kuala l.umpur race*. Sellers used films taken by the camera patrol as illustration. After the talk, jockey Moses Lee thanked Seller* on behalf
      54 words
    • 49 21 SVDNE* Sun. South Afrl- j m the A*lo.COO WUIi Master- golf tournan Mirtrlen-'irath playoff with the young LngUsh pro- I feaitional Peter Townsend today In a cnamatic ftm>h the suburban Manly Player and TuuiiNfnd had flni.shed level with a i2-liule totaa of 377. j
      49 words
    • 326 21 I ONDON. Sun. Tfc* British I '-'Flat racing season ended on a dismal note yesterday when the last programme waa abandoned becauM of fog. The metting at Haydock Park. Yorkshire featured the £4.710 Vernons Sprint Cup and this was expected to gue Aua- traUan
      Reuter  -  326 words
    • 100 21 IX'ITH reference to your rt- port under the heading "Asian Games In dancr" l wi>h to clarify that I did not u.«e the word -betrayal I would aLv> like to make it i tbat no i. me did th.AGF members in Mexico agreed tj commit themselves to fi.y
      100 words
    • 247 21 Top-form Krishnan baffles Graeb ner CAN JUAN (Puerto Rico) Sun.— lndia's No. 1 Ramanathan Krishnan, a world-class 1 player for more than. 115 years, yesterday 1 baffled h a r d-hitting Clark Graebner of United States to win 7-5. 4-6, 6-2, 6-1 and put India level alter the first day's
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 131 21 PAL have just made it twice as easy to see the world Starting November 4, PAL have another frequency. In your terms, it means we fly to Manila twice a week (on Mondays and Wednesdays). Advantages? Plenty. Our fast, roomy, quiet DCBs do the Singapore to Manila leg in three
      131 words

    • 654 22  -  Mansoor Rahman By Tourists serve up feast in opening game MALAYSIAN rugby fans were yesterday taken on a sentimental journey to the past back to the early *****, to the days of Radrodro and his carefree cavaliers. Yes. the fabulous Fijians are back! And on Sercmban's
      654 words
    • 59 22 M. SOLAIMfTHU of Johore won tne sfcond opea nwratlvn in a record t;mf ol 2hr. s(^nin. 47.2iec. at yc-.eriirfy. tiinga)y>r; A. Drir.g and Maior Singli finlshect second i.nd 'hiTQ respectlvrly in 2hr. 58HUI1. 47.4-1.. and 3 0:30.6. The nr«: three al] beat the nrcvi:Uk record o(
      59 words
    • 64 22 I^HE Johore team to meet Negrl-Malacca In the Malaya Cup rugger match at BtrMkbaa on s.uurd^y will be from: Jordan. Van Kong Fatt. I >- AH icaptain.. Taglnuiri. I ngku Arts-. Murray, Hassan Yarlo L'ngku Ella;. McKrn/..i', D.nalcl Ong Tong Yong. O'Meara. Kok Seng. Kerr, Pullin.
      64 words
    • 179 22 JAIPUR. Sun Ng Boon Bee and Tan Yee Khan vi Malaysia wil meet Rudv Hartono and Indratr.o of Indonesia in the men t. doubles final nf the Rajartbafl b.idminiuii championxhiiu here. Tho Malaysians ttaw crt the CteaW 1 I :<■■ f
      179 words
      • 121 22 RIRITA lIARIAN IP <t|x>)ii: a'gor Malays bt Peralc Malays C-l Men x .singles: Isinan Rlan bt Zamry Zamuddin 15-0. 15-7: Bakar Rashld bt Awnoyee Nan 15- x. 15-1. Men 5 doubles: A Rahman Ibrahim and Zalnal Abldln Abdullah bt Hamziih ShaniMiddin and Noordin All 15-9. 9-15. 17-4; Ixman Hian
        121 words
      • 40 22 >iIJ«KIS TROPHY ilpohi: I Sgor Bar Assn. bt Pm..k Bar A^n by two rMM S cor 06 18, Ijkhbir Cliall 13. A. MJ.iend:-a:i 5-IC. O Mngan.itundiani t-17> Heraic S4 iW. David -on Laklli>h Chall 6-18 K A Much 4lti'
        40 words
      • 80 22 SKT "B" MIU\I (Kpore' Winner R. Mylne uiett 70 1 run-r.ei-up D. M. Rae. SICC com- prittion: Lim Tal Tun i4l pis) me leader Mm Xl V IKIIMM.Y <Ipoh': BgOT Bar m.-k Bai Aau J MiKtK VM TOKY (IT il'ii.mgi: MXC 1 \V. Ranger.^ 1 MWI'T 1.C.1 iPcualigi: PWU
        80 words
      • 115 22 NMIM OPLN FINALS— Mm sir. 1: H Wlhardia lit C. ;»iii.u.jiii 6-4. 6-1. Mrn'a dxiililrs' C Huriiiiun und -S. U ill in! i M H. Wlhardia and B, AHSn 5-7. 6-2. 6-.4. Womrn't ■Mgfavi Mr> Nursinh bl Mrs. I.i Juana 6-2. 5-7 6-1 Momrn'a doubles: Mis. Ju.ilu ..r.d Mrs.
        115 words
    • 270 22 BAM PICK K.L. AS THOMAS CUP VENUE •THE Thomas Cup interlone and final matches in 1970 will be played In Kuala Lumpur In June or July. No dates were fixed. This hjs decided by the Iw:niiruon A&aoc.aunn of Malu>.~ut standing Committee iceftlng vi KuaU Lunipur yrjtorciav. Malaria had been a.slcfd
      270 words
    • 29 22 HIKNOS AIRES. gUB. M«rninif hravytteiijhi OMI Bona\>r\.\ kniM-lcrd cul unranked Anvrta Jimmy F .richer In \ht first ri'und 01 their bout hwe last, I right Rfutcr.
      29 words
    • 50 22 VISITING American jockey John Sellers, who leaves for home today, bows out in triumph on (is tie Command in Race 7 at Kuala Lumpur yesterday. It was the last ride of his short visit and his 11th winner in 28 mounts. RESULTS in Page 21.
      50 words
    • 140 22 HONG KONG. Sun. Mickey Allen, the British champion who »«s paced third tn this year's world kart ing champlon- ahlp. «on the ttrst-leg of the second Hor.K Kong 00-Kart Prix here \e.sterday The 25-year-old Londoner led •11 the 40 laps to win In
      Reuter  -  140 words
    • 156 22 S'pore flop in charity game SINGAPORE. 1 SERVICES.... 3 CINGAPORE wer« 13 completely outplayed by Joint Services In their Poppy day charity soccer match at, Jalan Besar Stadium last night There was no -ohesion eithrr in t.-ie Singapore attai k or In dofcice. A lapse by gay« Services an
      156 words
    • 199 22 MANUEL DAVID pMlfd at K«n-.:ir Trlraaannn on Pill*** f»th«r of Jo«.-rh i>*v,4 Elait I'U Tas £.s;al« Anne Kcpong. LAW HON JIN 1.1 KumpooC A"a» Kuala Lumpur Itintr of l^w Jack Foa i pa««ed »wa> rfacefuliv luth No»«nb«r ii i. jv» 10 Kimpcng Aitap 1! am on Utt Novnr.b*'
      199 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 147 22 ifrT^'^f mrr 1 lglP^^"?- -"-^bbbbbbL.^ ifNS: fISH EYE lENS. Tne bestgrslf, ::-"iil Iwv nade 1y WIDELUX facOrjf f v this part ci/ar ca^jri. ObUOit will ?<*« It i**( i*Hv. •<a.l>tlt «i SINCIPOHE. l.n Wta Watck Sillir. IN NarH Brian EittiM M fatti Stnt. II latti7 Nn an PMtt SU(n 1
      147 words
    • 191 22 Lav CLASSIFIEDS >* Wart* Hi < 9tmtmmmt Hr ■aT TaaaV^^aa! LaaV' V arifIMEB^LaBBBBBBBBBB*. y TaaW^P^B a»^aaW-^aaWLi-i I V* Blla^WillW^" -aaaa^ j£ I S .aßßaal bbbbbßP^^ Wir watches weren't so good, we could make more of them. Wo are unrepentant perfectionists y«t Ebel still stands out horn the at Ebel. Which
      191 words
  • Page 22 Miscellaneous
    • 28 22 WOmUm Tour match: s'-oi RL'- Armed Forces Combined v Thailand tR Rangr Rd. Xl SWIMMING Frn»n e WPT ps 'CSC. 2pm m>! IJI P»n«nf primarr tournry (Victoria Ci-fvn.
      28 words