The Straits Times, 9 November 1968

Total Pages: 24
1 24 The Straits Times
  • 27 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 175,000 The Straits Times The National Newspaper j Estd. 1845 SATI RI).\Y. NOVEMBER 9, 1968 15 CENTS KDN. 3104 M.C. (P) 0014
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  • 488 1 After buzzing incident... PENANG. Friday THE Royal Malaysian Navy has been on round-the-clock alert since Tuesday, when the K. D. Negri Sembilan was buzzed by two Philippines Air Force jet-fighters between Tawau and Sandakan. The Chief of Naval Staff, Commodore K. Thanabalasingam, s;ii<l heir today
    Agencies  -  488 words
  • 345 1 Ong is named new Chief Justice KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. Justice Tan Sri H. T. Ong, the first Chinese to become a Supreme Court Judge in Malaysia, was appointed Chief Justice today another first. Hi.s appointment was anr.ouncPd in a statement by the Prime Ministers Department. Tar. Sri Ong succeeds Tan
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  • 450 1 Woman who slapped Herr K gets a year's jail WEST BERLIN. Fri WEST Berlin court vestenhiy gave ;i one-year prison sentence lo pretty young German-bom Frenchwoman, Beate Klarsfeld. Tor striking Wist Ger in a n Chancellor Kurt-Goerg Kiesinger in the face. Sentence came only nine hours after the fieryeyed brunette
    Reuter; UPI  -  450 words
  • 339 1 SAIGON, Friday PRESIDENT Nguyen Van Thieu proposed today that only two delegations- North and South Vietnam take part In the Paris peace talks, with other parties represented as members of the two groups Hi told reporters at the Presid ;.tiai palace lie fflt this
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  • 37 1 JAKARTA, In .s me r pore's Amba.'-siiiUu' M: PA Human, has complained to Mir foreign Minister. Mi Adiun .\T.(Ilk. about a delay in repairing the ssinga- pore embit- >.trkrd by angry j students three weeks a';o.—AP.
    AP  -  37 words
  • 74 1 JUII.WNKSBI K(i. Kri. The desperate bid In s.i\e the world-, richest sold mine West 111 irlollll HI I I II 111 llcindiii" rontinued tod.i.T with an increase in the pumping output. A minr spokesman said almost ~,l million KaMMM (il water had bren
    Reuter  -  74 words
  • 58 1 JAKARTA. Pit Two Australian i widowed the Indonesian Navy flagship Irian M iiavsed near Singapore w.ijpi- durtni an inspection tour undertaken by the Navy Chief. Admiral Mul/adi. last month, a Navy sirikesinnn .-aid today. He also Mild a Slngapore-ba*«<l helicopter flew low over the Indonesian ship,
    Reuter  -  58 words
  • 35 1 lON DON Im Bra'le John Lannan'i i 1 ife Cynthia grantfcl a dixmcf hue today <>n tnr uniiincs nt her husband* adultery with Japanese arti-t Toko Ono The p«?ti!ion »a» unumtested. Reuier.
    Reuter  -  35 words
  • 145 1 Kennedy may run for President in 1972 WASHINGTON. I ri. Sinatnr Kilu.ird Kenned\ i- < onsidered a stroni; conlrnder lor the Pr.sid.ntial as UenKxi.its f.i<fd the need to reiuw-nale their defeated party. Weai md dispirited after Krpublit an Iti h.ird Nixciil s BalrlbM li> tnr.v over VU'e-Presidt-nt Hubert Humphrey
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  • 315 1 rpORQIAY. Fri. 1 Police today arrested the last of the men hunted folio Bri t a i n's 12.500.000 meat train robbery live years ago. Police confirmed that 37--vt-.u-oid Bruci- Reynolds, antique and car d I was picked up Just before dawn in a
    Reuter  -  315 words
  • 10 1 TROOPS OUT RAWALPINDI wprr I Rswal•al and I
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 33 1 The ROTARY W GTwatch Imi sports styling in a smart watch. [J jll LIEN WAH WATCH DEALER r^rsssi I'"- drink r<'iftKf -t<'<l l»> t.rMiic|\ rA firx- uifi > f B"' it-ink vu^--^j^ 4 tSlfe
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    • 53 1 H matal back tn—rt. GARY umM ■""I f rODEL IDUutonkUd. So. 4 THE ARCAOr. SIVCATOM. IU i TH4T. Isssss Buy aSiERA TVSetdGet Ona Dutch Windmill Lamp FREE A YouvcSdvodSoHdtd For theSet'B I J?*m**~^? Model 5A59T346 Super-de-luxe 23" receiver with sliding door ASIA RADIO COMPANY U **SB' T BN 'AS., HUAI
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    • 93 2 THE FIRST NEGRESS ELECTED TO U.S. CONGRESS Y|Ji-S. Shirley Chi.sholm. 43-year- old West Indian-born educationist, is the first Negro woman to be rlected to the US. Congress. She defeated civil rights leader James Farmer, former head of the CongrcM of Racial Equality-. in the newly-reapportioned 12th Congressional district in the
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    • 158 2 Planning goes on for the talks in Paris pARIS. Fri. ConsulUnons are going on between the I'nlted States and North Vietnamese rie lc-tatiorLs here on arrangements for the opening of the broadened Paris peace talks, pendinc a new move by Saigon. Western diplomatic sources here saifi today. n American official
      Reuter  -  158 words
    • 343 2 KEY BISCAYNE. trt. I pRESIDENT-ELECT Nixon has firmly ruled out any personal intervention in the shaky Vietnam peace negotiations unless President Johnson expressly wishes it. Instead, the victorious Republican candidate in last Tuesday's election is concentrating on grappling with the problems of replacing the
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    • 248 2 Gloves are now off in the battle of the busts T EW YORK. m-TH gloves are off la Wall Streets "battle of the busts." And not only the gloves. Four shapely youiitr women anxious to outdo their rivals in take-over bids for the attention of the financial district* avid girl
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    • 62 2 China to sell milk to Hong Kong HONG KONG Frl. China. which sells 15 000 million gallons of water a year :o Hong Kong, will next «eek start sellIns milk. A Government spokesman said tociay thai a permit had been is." i ted allowing fresh milk lo ba Imported Into
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    • 148 2 TORONTO. Kri A plattic cornea implanted in a man's eye on Werliuml.i* enabled him to >ri- again after 22 year* of blinilm-ss Siurborough General Hospital, telling of the oprralion yesterday said the -IH year -old patient I c i I a i m
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    • 350 3 Israel's proposals to settle Middle East conflict unacceptable to Jordan and Egypt UNITED NATIONS, Friday. I^l IE Foreign Ministers of Egypt and Jordan withdrew yesterday from U.N. negotiations aimed at settling the Middle East conflict, signalling apparent failure of the effort. Botn Ministers, Egypt's
      Reuter  -  350 words
    • 179 3 Papuan fights croc in bid to save wife I AE (New duinea), Fri. A Papuan foucht a giant crocodile barehanded In a vain attempt to save his uife who Has trapped in the Jam of the monster, it reported here. Gate Sat. i, his wife and two children were
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    • 38 3 LONDON. Prl An amateur iv paid £22.000 •ir a Stradivarlus violin at otlirby I The auctloners said ue prlre a world record. The violin was bought by BrlJack Morrton. wl.u will play It himself.
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    • 416 3 PRAGUE. Friday /""OLUMNS of youths thousands strong and shouting anti-Soviet .slogans inarched through the streets of Prague last night in the climax of a day of demonstrations for and against the Russian occupation of Czechoslovakia. Police hurriedly throu, ;i cordon round the I
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    • 62 3 MAM lII.STI.R. PH. As a burslar. Tom Turnbull would h;iir made a rood rlown. Aflcr rlambrrinir furdvplv l ln, null a n.mtrv window, hr >linprd a banana skin ■Ml < ui^ht his trousers lin a hook lie w »> found h.tngini: unsidp down >nrn feet from thr
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    • 372 3 LONDON, Friday Edward Heath, I l leader ol 'he Conservatives, .said yesterday he could not possibly tolerate a policy oi British withdrawal from the world into the confines of Europe or Britain itself. .ill our traditl a nation and ibdlcating our
      Reuter  -  372 words
    • 161 3 I MUD NATIONS Iri Hie t N Assemhlv tod.iv called again on lint nn to use force to put ilnun the uliite rebellion in Khodesia. .Hid ur^rd the Security Council to imPMC punitive economic .sanctions against South Africa iiul Portugal.
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    • 218 3 Surgeon quits Britain, charging race bias BIRMINGHAM. Fri. Pakistani surgeon na.snir Mian, 36. said yesterday ne was leaving lin.ain oecause racial prejudice was depriving him of a top hospital job. Mr rilian. registrar at Blr- mingham'^ Koyal Orthopaedic Huspital. told regottati be had .solid grounds lor his claim. Ho «aid
      Reuter  -  218 words
    • 95 3 Sato decides to seek re-election TOKYO. Fit Prime Mlnls- t*r Eisaku Ba:o claiming he )i v U d Japan to nrw hei-ht.s I of prosperity today formally announced that he will se*k twb ■on v>- a* Janaa'a ip»drr He n:IcJ he will be a candidate i for rr-ilc, :ion on
      AP  -  95 words
    • 104 3 GIRL, 15 WHO WANTED TO LOOK LIKE A BOY I ONDON. Frl. A 15--year-old &irl who wanted to be a boy bandaged her breasts so tightly she almost damaged her heart, the British Medical Journal reported today. Doctors learned about the girl when she went to 1 ipiiiiini s Middlesex
      AP  -  104 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 203 2 cana car as degipt BjS tiDIS... be as tonglias atank? It can. And it is. Or else it wouldn't be ablo to go through desert, mud, ice, rodca and slush to win rallies all over the world. Don't be deceived by the CORONA'S good looks. Its comfortable styling. Its sleek,
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 573 3 SCHOOL TEACHERS Study at Home and Pass Wols*v Hall prnitdi-s HMHaatM Pottal I'uiliun for: I PRIM.4KV lEACHEBB lo obtain riillr«r or rrrrrpWM* Diploma" A.C.P.. L.l\P. tin l!K qualitl's lor utra V.ifl h. BCCONDABI TEACHERS la i.hUii. I ...,ti..,, I mirnitr Nrm. B.A. B.Sc. 1.L.8.. B.Sr i-.con BU. also Lnndoa Diplomas
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 129 4 r' I j? JmmX mtitiLWmmmm^tm. x M|EBPf^ Keeps hair in place NATURALLY The Best selling Modern men want their hair to look natural and they hairdressing have found that Brylcreem does this best. Clean, white in the world Brylcreem makes hair soft and easy to manage. IBHEB J Mm 3>
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  • 394 5 Compensation for govts to clean up spills from tankers SINGAPORE. Fri. Singapore and Malaysia can bu compensated lor the cost of clearing oil pollution if an incident similar to the British Torrey Canyon tanker disaster off south-western England takes place off their coastlines. Seven major
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  • 25 5 KUAJ A I I'MPI'R. Fi-i ider Mar lhn<itttmUm the n 111 fly in tomorroK to i OS TliuniH Church in Ip n Rcwd.
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  • 264 5 Effects of the devalued by Tun Tan MALACCA, Friday. r |HE Minister of Finance, Tun Tan Blew Sui, disclosed here today that large sums of money hud flowed into Malaysia soon after the devaluation of the pound last year. r Thls was because forelgn group* felt that the Malaysian dollar
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  • 46 5 It n sui'KfiMi is neßlisrnt in his uork, In- kills only one patirnt at a time. If a ti-.i. ln-r is lu'elisrnt. hi(lianges thr lifr <>f ii) lun in in his class. Mr. P Goundaamy. MP (or An- on. in a .speech in Singapore verierclay.
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  • 32 5 KUALA n-MPI'R. Fri. Uu yuuth.s wim iried to rii»HM ill dock and v iyi>eMitrr. believed to be stolen (OMk, were (Ir'.nnrd by p>ihce odaj tl m I'uui.-ii.ind dealers Jiui) heir
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  • 17 5 BVKir MBBTAJAM Kn I iiiUIKl an Bed Crtl '81. 9976 1 at J n Megai Ham
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  • 43 5 X' lIM Hi AbOM 3.') C irtnbm ol youtb i luiv- ir Kedah «:li be tiHinrc in ilo(xl rr.Miic and otna Tl;r It :iiun frtili „l SS i].. n (or Hood.* r\ppct*d to break out in South Kedah nest month
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  • 267 5  - The air girls who'll help each other win JUDITH YONG B, ■SINGAPORE, Fri. Rivalry docs NOT exist between two lovely girls who are on their way to take part in the International Air Hostess Quest in Australia. Klrsten Rosendahl, of Scandinavian Airlines, and Suwanna Poonsinsakkul of Thai International the airlines
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  • 192 5 KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. I MORE than 90 delegates Horn 25 countries will attend the sixth Eastern re- gional tuberculosis confer- ence which begins here on Monday. The president of the Malayslan Association for the Prevention of Tuberculosis. Dato Sir Clough Thuraisingam, >uid
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  • 166 5 KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. rjTHER ranks in the Malaysian Armed Forces will get their new salaries as soon as the conversion table to the new pay scale has been completed, a Ministry of Defence statement said today. Under the new scale to be backdated to
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  • 182 5 Peace Corps HQ surprised at Sabah stand KUALA LUMPUR. Fri. The U.S. Peace Corps headquarters I here today expressed surprise over the re- port that Sabah would not accept any more of their voluuteers. Its deputy director, Mr. Reginald K. Ingram, said the report came as a ■WpflM to him
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  • 45 5 I/l AI.A LIMPI R. Kri— The (lOirrnmrnt has granted the Bar Council of Malaya a ueek\ extension for the drafting of its memorandum lisfne the Bar Council's grounds of objections to the move to abolish criminal appeals to the Privy Council.
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  • 142 5 Heroes' Day awards for executed Marines JAKARTA, Fri.— TWO Indonesian Marines, hanged in a Singapore jail last month for murder, will be awarded posthumously Indonesia's highest military medal for valour. President Suharto will confer the posthu'.nous medals— Bintang Sakti— at a Presidential Palace ceremony on Sunday marking Indonesian Heroes Day.
    Reuter  -  142 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 370 5 Jra^ 5 Beautiful Ways T'Ww^aK \Convertible h%. V^^fr^K^^^^^^^l \With a daring decollete. ..a halter. ..a plunging t/Tv ''^^t^x^^&C^is/A b ack or dee P cut out sleeves The Berlei Conl Xss®Q^ffi 1 vertible stiaps convert for any neckline, any V S^M£uj&(*a£~m TT-r _TTT-Jt A. mood. ..and convert right back again to
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
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  • 310 6  - 2 kidnaps believed off by pulled one gang PHILIP KHOO By SINGAPORE. Frl. j DOLJCE in working on the theory/ Hkil the two recent kidnaps within eight days wen pulled off by the same gang. T'le gang's modus operandi in both abductions appear to be identical. In both cases police
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  • 100 6 \N international pianist. Mr Mi Sikl <.ilmiw> ill prrform thr mirkv of Mozart. Berthoven. R.«rtuk. I ;-/i and l.rcrntlr. .il .i Sincapurr (onfrrrntc Hall concrrt at 8.45 p in. on I>»< 3. A ili»tiii(in«lird conrrrt and r-pcordinc mrtist, at wrll at
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  • 243 6  -  OW WEI ME By I: SINGAPORE. Fri MODERN-DAY Adam and Eve have found their paradise in Singapore. Only, they find it a littlr quirti-r than their visual haunt> IiMM and K\a <abovel. a hii»li.inri ..nil ml' fiance team fr»m Paris
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  • 111 6 DONALD IS ON THE CAMPUS WHO'S WHO SIMiAPOKK V Id and Mrs Oarth TtMBOMN ol t "gT l n included in thll >ear s ff uut.suanninir unl- 1 vtntt) and college student CuirtnUjf a wutm speech student a' Andrews t'mverslty in Berrlen Springs. Michigan, hit nume is in the 1968
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  • 225 6 PENANG, Friday ,',ilv Chiel Minister, lan mi Wong i'ow Nee, today inaugurated the joint Federal-Penang Slut- Government master plan committee for economic development >l the State He t«'kl a meotlnK ut-trndi-d by loaders ol the Chambers of Commerce and senior government oliirials that the committee
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  • 112 6 ■DfOAPORI m The American FiHd Service \is> a worldwide teen- eacbansc atKanlsiaUon, is invtticK ;»P--plicanti rot Ita 19C.9-1970 scholarship programmp Citizens or permanent rcMdents of Singapore, between 16 ■nd 18. who have jUßOMlftllly completpd sreondary four or are ronfldpnt ol meeMrfnUy complellnii four
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  • 69 6 SINOAPORE. Frl -The hend of the Singapore Tourist Association. Mr. Herbert Llm, will chair a panel of judges at this Sunday's Toto draw. Other panel members are: Mrs. K M Medora president of the Leprosy Hnrar Mrs Cynthia Naldu secretary of the Singapore Ne'bnll Association.
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  • 20 6 SINOAPORE. Frl Th« Banque Natlonale de Paris will open their area representative of fire here on Nov 22.
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  • 56 6 SINGAPORE, Frl. The annual sale of work In aid of the Tr.ual^ar Home and the Singapore Leprosy Ri'htf Aatoelation will be hold next Wednesday at St. Andrews Cathedral from 10 am to spm Caneworks, raffia tact, lumci-rmbroiderrd linens and batiks will be on .sale. Many items
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  • 37 6 SINdAPORF Kn A Ciemuii exix-it ,m; reproduction g machine* la no* In Singapore :ik«; :r( hiu. I lmr trchnlqim Ai instructor »nii nmioir on ii tour of Roni Kona 'I ikjpi
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  • 136 6 SINGAPORE, fri When non-driver Mr. Philip Tan was today handed the keys of a brand new car. he said: "I Intend to soil my prize." Winner of the New Era Exposition draw. Mr Tan. a bank clerk who had bought only
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  • 54 6 SINGAPORE Frl The KSmiM <>i tost In Singapore for IMB «il I begin on Jan. 2 next year LWBMI lan br nblan ed from .!iiin;d Inftnun Kumpong Java Road. Jwoog sub-centre. Ponggn! veterinary centre. Chanel r»terliihiv nctcnatoa centre. Serangoon dMiic> council. Katong district council and
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 215 6 CATHAY: coming! IT'S THE HAPPIEST MUSICAL OF THE YEAR fEat so 81G W^U so LIVELY! fl VV-UtDisntiyiV^ v VHapPiest 3fiiiionains MacMURRAY STEELE 6ARSONPAGE 3 THEATRE SIMULTANEOUS M.DNibHI TONIGHT! GALA Vo a a c o h ODEON-KATONG MAJESTIC Spectacular tmti Duels! Wonderful Enchanting Thrills! IN COLOR SCOPE with English Chinese Subtitlis^
      215 words
    • 136 6 ■■■■■■■■■I 4th RECORD WEEK 1 1 30 -4- a 30 9 pm. aj INDONESIA'S GREATEST FILM! -1«M|I,!)J j We^rMorjJNlna^^^^ School cHlldr.n Cone,ion SI 00 to oil icon I I o-n "Dittant Tru>na«t" ft Midnitc —Co»h Boob [ariy. Colhcy K.rii Sup.r Action Hit! "SI MURAI Ma fjUlMmmJmmmUUßmmU LAST DAY! 130-330-700
      136 words
    • 174 6 1 CAPITOL -LIDO -REX -SKY: Tonight at Midnight A SHAW PRODUCTION starring WANG LING KANG HUA Mandarin in SHAWSCOPE 4 COLOR En* hsN t Chinese subtitles. I starring PATSY GLOBE ANN NOBLE i 3 OPENS TODAY 4 shows Daily with MARK BURNS i, f K^! 45 4> 74f1S p WILLIAM
      174 words
    • 516 6 |gATHAYi&] NOW SHOWING' 11 am, 1 JO. 4. '30, 4 00. 6 30 ft 9 JO am (6 4S ft 9 JO pm Columb.oi "HAMMERHEAD 1 vincc tdwefis OOION ft PALACE TONIGHT "WHOM TMI COUS WISH TO OISTROY Herbert Lorn Cic pa Color NOW SHOWING' 11 om. I M, 4
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  • 350 7 Target expected to be reached next June, says Lim SINGAPORE. Fri fHK Minister for Defence, Mr. Urn Kirn San, today announced t licit ihc National Defence Fund would be closed ;is soon as il lopped the $10 million mark. With the present figure standing
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  • 112 7 SINGAPOKL. Fri. -The Chinese YMCA Singapore Is orgaiu.siig the eighth annual studenta big walk which tak« I place on Dec. 8 It 7 30 am. The 10-mile walk is open to all secondary school mudenti including pre-unhersity ttudmts, There will be two •MtiMM junior boys and
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  • 34 7 SINGAPORE. Fri Mobil's Jiiiong relinery has won the title "Cleanest factory in Jurong industrial estate" in a gcoa-housekeepiriß competition organised by the Jurone Town Corporation. Over 100 industrial companies took part.
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  • 273 7 17. presented the sum to the Minister. "This is indrrd noble act. Mr. Tan is truly conscious nf thr nerd fur a proper drfrnrr s\tlrm in the Republic." Mr. said. Amung the donations received today were: $2,000 from the Thomson Road General Hospital Recreation
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  • 105 7 SIMiAPORK. Kri. Thr P.irlunirntary Secrrtan to the Ministry of (ulture. Mr. rone Sip I CkM, "ill takf the >aliitr at the passing out paradf of 2.774 SpiM-ial Constabulary national servitrmen at the I.iii Irainins 1 School in Thomson Road at "i p. in tomorrow. This
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  • 52 7 SINGAPOKE. Fri. The Singapore Blood Tnuufualm SeiMce.v aii -conditioned mobile blood bank will be ai the Woodland* i Mation on Nov 13 between 10 a m and 4 p m and at the CuaUMM House in Mn*-*ell Kond on Nov 14 between 9am and 4
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 371 7 H. M. SHAH ENTERPRISES r presents MOSCOW CIRCUS (at Stadium Negara, Kuala Lumpur) DEFINITELY LAST 3 DAYS ONLY!! THE SHOW OF A LIFE TIME THAT YOU MUST NOT MISS! GET YOUR TICKETS NOW! By popular rrqurst. special matiner shows for School children on Saturday 9.11.68 and Sunday 10.1 1.6K at
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    • 249 7 JOHORE BAHRU (TELEPHONE 2111 <> First time in Malaysia SATURDAY ONLY THE "CARITONES" Steel Band Music From The Caribean THE EXCITING \IMBO DANCE Plus JIMMY SMITHS BOYS 6IRLS Dine Danee Extension 2 a.m. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii A.A. Restaurant "A.A. HOUSE", I JJb. Kiver VaMc> A.A. Restaurant presents another Saturday Nile for your
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    • 212 7 DOUBLE ATTRACTION 7 THEY ARE FANTASTIC jjfe SENSATIONAL \^~f ilWv'k. MANUELITA _V (aim kalian) n\ r.*-*S|L|$A PARK (koki \n) I Singing Nightly: Misses Diana Chan and Violet Tang DINE 'I 1 DANCE WITH J PLEASURE SPECIAL ,0 CANTONESE CUISINE WILL BE SERVED. Ballroom ,'aaja «JEiSS R__ __^JM MHi I CaUrißtkWmltht
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  • 200 8 A $***** MERCEDES 600 FOR THE TENGKU KUAI, A LUMPUR. Fri. The Government has bought Tengku Abdul Rahman a Mercedes t>oo Pull man limousine, costing $«4.580. Better known In sophisticated circles us "The Grand Mercedes." the .seven-eight passenger limousine has a three row seating arrangement and combination of splendour with
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  • 104 8 BKI NKI TOWN Fri The virr prrsidrnt of the Sarawak National Part>. Dato Ahan e Othman. today rritrratrd that his party had no intention of forming a coalition with NIPP l»;ili> Othman. on ail Vaj la Miri and l.imhanf to inn-i part.T mrmhrrs. also
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  • 286 8 Hamzah: Labour Party men get guerilla training KUALA LUMPUR. Fri QOMMUNISI terrorists along the Malay-sian-Thai border nave trained a number of militant Labour Party members in guerilla warfare, the Assistant Minister of Home Allans, [nche Hamzah bin Dato Abu Saitiah, said today. [nche Hamzah said in an interview that a
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  • 102 8 Airport brush, so MSA jet grounded in Jakarta SINGAPORE. Fri —One of MSA* Boring 7t7 Jet* is grounded in Jakarta after a minor collision there last nisht The plane was taxi-Ing in after arriving from Singapore when a win* struck the nose of a parked Super Constellation. No one was
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  • 19 8 BLKII MKHIAJAM. Fn NiLx'tiiC Trbal Duilr'.rl will Imid 11 lhn»«*-rli)V dMriel piiigifs* rxtnli.Ji'in lyiiiiinins 'in Dec 28
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  • 92 8 SINtiAPORE, FTi An honest wife's actions led to her husband being arrested for housebreakin(f The Second District Court heard today that Madam Tan Ah Suav found stolen Roods, which she recognised RJ belonging U> a relauve. in her almeirah She then returned the sto-
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  • 392 8 SINGAPORE. Friday A CORONER S court today heard of the broken love affair ot former university student, Lee Yock Lian, 25. before her death last month. Both her mniiier. Madam Cheong Siew NfOh, and her sister-in-law. Chia Boh Chiam. told the court that
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 495 8 y w kkkAk^AAj 4 now buy a SANYO tv set, OR A WASHING MACHINE, OR JBaliyfCTJTp^t A FREEZER AND WIN A r V w T w\ v v>'' DkS II IJ7 w 1 **T yi >V V^ I H wKmSt I :-v^.Vv' o»o« 55" *m* 55 f h hr FROM
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
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  • 970 9 Will infringes rule against perpetuities judge SINGAPORE. Friday which they were to permit the benefk-iaries to begin to en.ioy the gift. The judge --aid he did not agree with this >übmis.s:on. "It is to bf noted that the class that is to benefit i.s
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  • 84 9 MALACCA. Kri. The M Minister of Kinamr. lun Tan Siew Sin. had l« address a inuunlitht rally meht all because the kamponc folk were economising. The people of P.mtai Rombang, eight mi los from here, had thfir street lirliK turned on*.
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  • 105 9 Varsities are not rubbish bins, says Khir p E N A N (i. Fri. The Minister of Education. In. In- Mohamed Khir Joh.u-i. said here today it was not the Government's intention to turn the country'^ universities j into rubbish bin.s where students without the re- auirrd educational qualifications would
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  • 94 9 White ants go for the Pill 1/UALA LUMPUR. FTi. White ants are going in for the Pill these days at least so says a report. In the latest bullet-n of the National Family Planning Board. In the Penang clinic the report says, several hundred pills were eaten i;p by the
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  • 20 9 SITIAWAN. Fri Tup Nan H«a Secondary School I-iterary and Debating Society will hold a district open talentlme contest tomorrow.
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  • 100 9 Pull-out: Tan in Malacca talks ]tf ALACCA, Fri— Tun 111 Tan Siew Sin and the Chief Minister. Dato Haji Talib Karim. today discussed measures to counter the economic effects of the British pull-out from Malacca. Also present at the meeting wen th«» Stute Secretary. Wan Salaiddiu bin War. I^m.ul. and
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 278 9 pis* iX .jfll 'Mt*^HS**iX i Wft V wA% >■ j JB Illc all caUUII! r **V I used to say "no" to colour 7*> v u Je f /J films. Too expensive for an >■ je- Bgs%dS9Bz4 undergrad too much T J r^^iß^ trouble. Was I out of my BSi3Bbw;
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 287 9 Straits Times Crossword ACROSS 8 Badly femred of tiger stop 1. Chances *oftly to steal ulenta trj'lng to convince one ani I3i. other! (S. 2, 6). 9. A lover that In umltten, no- 10 p.^n upwt to tAke bowl thing lew for her. 1 7 1. round for Frtar (7|
      287 words

  • 204 10 SIMiAPOKK. I ri. The Juronu industrial estate has all the conditions necessary for a sound Investment availability of land, attractive investment conditions and proper arrangements fur companies. This was stated today by Mr. K I Jarvis (above), leader of a I' man engineering trade
    204 words
  • 120 10 TV AWARDS FOR TTC DEBATERS SINGAPORK Hi TV Singapuia will round off one of »heir most popular productions a series of debates in Mandarin between the ins'itutions of hiither leaininu at a pnzr-mwi.'-: i -e:t monjr in their studios tomorrow Betnre a Ratherintt ol political and bu^ines^ teadtn i<nd educationists,
    120 words
  • 64 10 SLNOAPORE. Frl The Singapore Civil Service As uclatlon will hold 1U sala Christmis dance at the Ocean Park Hotel on Dec 7 Hlkh light of the function will be the crowning of the "Civil Service Queen Entries. which clow on Nov 15. are available from Mr
    64 words
  • 28 10 SINGAPORE r:l The H.r.i ShcM' Company will prrsent h tushion parade at Us store building In North Rnaue Koad at 530 pm. 00 and ?1.
    28 words
  • 26 10 SINOAPORE Frl The Whamp"-* seionrim v whool will hold their p IM-flvlnf and eaoaart day at 11 am. on Hrn 11 In the school hall
    26 words
  • 283 10 SINGAPORE. Frl Singapore Government is to offer new A awards of secondary school bursaries next year. These bursaries. ;ire for students of all language Mn\ims .studying In government and government-aided schools who ;ire In need of financial .uri AppUe v t must be Singapore
    283 words
  • 274 10 NEW YORK, Friday DLANS by Iwo I S. linns lor investing in new development project! in Singapore have been announced lure. Mr. C.B. Chan, director of the Singapore Investment Centre liere, said that Internationa Minerals and Chemicals (IMC) would invest more than
    274 words
  • 115 10 UK piano men happy with demand SINGAPORE. Fri. The eight British piano industry leaders here to Improve the scale of tlvir business by "personal contact" are finding local demand "much better than expected The leader of the mission. Mr Dcnzii H. Jacobs, said today: "Besides being a tact finding and
    115 words
  • 334 10 I SINGAPORE, Frl. f HRISTIAN youth programmes for Asia should be led by the Asians, the predominantly European Asia South Pacific Congress on ovan^elu told today. Speu.uiig on "The challenge v-i.t youth'" at the third day ol the weeklong i-ougres- Mr Chua Wee Ulan ol
    334 words
  • 188 10 HIT-AND-RUN DEATH: COURT TOLD OF CHASE SI N C, A P O R F. Krl. A motorcyclist, reo Kwang Leong, told foroner's 'inn today liow he chased a taxi which I.c suspected of beinif involved In a hit- and-run accident Teo said: 'I was in Sele«ie Road that ninht when
    188 words
  • 54 10 .SIKGAPOKL. Fn sin K spoie students seeking admission to medical niKineertmc and other professional Institutions In Inrlla duriiin the academic iar 19H9-1970 should apply before Dec Jl this year, the Indian I High Uxu> Application formi irom ::.<■ llce at RC Road. mu>t be pleted
    54 words
  • 197 10 CIINGAPORE. Kri Flgfcttai u^r half the world a May from home Bake a ><>iin::'s lit :i total misery Beridei thi ever-pfweal (lander nf death, there is that .mini loneliness after combat duty. But the half -a -million American dls in Vietnam do h.iM- Msjtors
    197 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 272 10 Give the New Sheaf fer 444 Trio ...and be remembered. Slim styling In rich brushed chrome, glides Ink to paper with never a skip The pen comes with a new wrap-around or scratch. palladium silver point. Writes smoothly Want to be remembered? With the and fills from Ink bottle or
      272 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous

  • 1800 11  - Mahatma Gandhi, saint and honest politician Kingsley Martin by I In- trntenarv \ of the b:rlh I ihatm.i (■.mdlii nppurd last month, llrrp Ktagsley M.trtm irkM MM I ililnr uf the N>w SI itesman for .'{o vrars. eivrv -rniif nipmorirs of one uf thp mo-t < <intro\ ersial and
    1,800 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 132 11 iw| gmm .JBsSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSM WKKF^ ii l^H Wi /^t^^ I^BBBT JT m *^Cg J .^*&'*^l*of*^^^ _-j»» m" Mil,— ■'.^^MMJssssssssMssssW m -*^|r a^ a sjgH LbV^^^ lit >9 ssstJshiissssVt.J'gW^Tnr a.' 9lsVk^^^L_ i^J^^i^^ißW S< JH JW^^-PBl^ Jljii^^isiS>rw^^^isSSsi I L\9>dißßßl^^Slßßlv uUllnUulUll H FIGHT 'Engine Corrosion' with BP Super Visco static visco-static BP Super Visco-static
      132 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 602 12 A solution oi ihe Rhodesiaa problem has not been brought any nearer by the UN. Assembly resolution recommending the use of force against the Smith regime. It doubtless reflects the deep conviction of tho majority that Mr. Wilson's Gibraltar proposaisare quite incapable of guaranteeing African rule. But
      602 words
    • 447 12 There is a hubbub in Manua to tin effect that Kuala Lumpur is trying to force a diplomatic bieak. What Malaysia in fact is resolved to achieve is consistency betwet ti the situation created by Filipino polu v tnnouneetnents and the real state of inter-Gov-IlimiSlll relations. Quite
      447 words
  • 361 12  - Whisky the proof will be in the drinking KARL MEYER 33 LONDON. Sat. BRITAIN thi.s week disclosed that still another cherished form of measurement is about to go down the drain. Within a few years, whisky wont be 70 proof but 40 per cent alcohol by content which can be
    361 words
  • 1466 12  - The 'good life in Japan FRANCIS WONG BUT IT IS NOT FOR ALL »y Kuala Lumpur ONE arrives in Japan on a first visit with a heightened sense of awareness. This, after all. is th« one Asian country that has made It: third in the nonCommunist world in C.N.P. and
    1,466 words
  • Letters to the Editor
    • 230 12 Staff weaknesses in the inspectorates T THINK it Is time that our inspectorate departments in Singapore are thoroughly Investigated for adequacy. Our ever-expanding building and Industrial developments throw an extra load on all technical departments which are concerned with ihe implementation of laws relating to safety. Transport. electricity, machinery, buildings,
      230 words
    • 140 12 IT seems extiaorainary that a British Army Captain, who has an assured life Income, and who presumably served In the defence of Singapore, should be denied permission to spend his last days In Singapore. On economic ground* •lone, the decision is wrong, as he cm he considered a
      140 words
    • 79 12 Tin; Minister l»r Educakon, Inche Mohamed Kirn Julian >aid in December laal that the Govern MM was actively studying var.ous foreign degrees with a view to re- < i inltlon Tin* was follnwed by a visit of emlnenl Government officials to neighbouring countries t i main an "on
      79 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 19 12 smv wautv uKimmcM. wmmxwHT i IVICO phonograph powcrful\ fl J output (800 MW) AC\^sf^7/' Ij (BP NI V ICOMJaHT
      19 words
    • 80 12 ll click- oxttftS^' iE!K£3t TACHMENTS~~j|i~ V for^your^ |s§>| f^ im ng Banish hands-and-knees housework for ever these newclick-on heads you can scrub, sweep, dust or polish floors and shampoo carpets standing up. Buy the rack and fake up a set for your cupboard. available at your favorite stores WE
      80 words

  • Article, Illustration
    322 13 Magistrate rejects self-defence plea The penalty for that punch outside the ring |£OTA KINABALU, Fri. An A I P. Joe Manjaji, was fined $200 here today for punching and pointing a revolver at Mr. Udham Singh, chairman of the Kota Kinabalu Amateur Boxing Association. The magistrate. Mr.
    322 words
  • 161 13 That 'no beauty contests' ban for teachers stays SINGAPORE, Fri. The Government is not budging from its stand against teachers entering beauty contests— not even for the Miss Tourism Smgapun 1969 quest. a statement. Mr Cheng, the Mlni.-try vi Education's acting deputy secretary. said: "Teachers art- nol i juraged
    161 words
  • 15 13 V: \r. unl■a I when a motor-cycle tie »..> riding cert- n RrJurong lndu
    15 words
  • 13 13 >und dead in lie;' J.i.^n Ketrbangan I mother no. ku»- play.
    13 words
  • 101 13 Long, long blast, then Sunny's car was gone KUALA LL'MPt K 1 I Thieves stole a X" Volkswagen <BM .ri^«> belonging to TV dkOCCf Mr Sunny Ho, of Lorung Chan Ah Tong. Bricktteld.s. here early vester- day. Mr Ho. a financial clerk of the National Electricity Board, was awakened by
    101 words
  • 15 13 ihoh. m. i' ivatfl at H<i«pital I>i a: «buut 2 10..: other escaped
    15 words
  • 92 13 CtHGAfQBIi ri sl men were thargrd in .i m.uflrate's c <>url today uith breaking into a shop mid »U-alin s about 521.890 north of electric colls. 'I hey were alleged to have entered the electrical workshop of the Halcyon Panther which was
    92 words
  • 73 13 SINGAPORE Fri The pro■scatloa lodiv withdrew *n app:<i.iiion lor the seizure of an 1 Indonesian ve*tel. the mv. M»--i duratoa m the Third Criminal District Court. Twelve ot the ships cr«w had been c''»ifted on April 34 this fa loi.nectlon with ihe 1 ti-eft or «.i.\ M-ooter*
    73 words
  • 197 13 Court is told of banishee's $100,000 damages claim SINGAPORE. Fri.— The High Court was told today that Low Tai Thong, 35. a political banlshee, was claimi ing SlOO.OOO damages 1 against the Govern ment for alleged lalse linp r i sonment and banishment. Mr. T T Rajah. lor Low. said
    197 words
  • 301 13  - Strike-hit hotel to recruit new staff today LEE KIM SENG by KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. IVITH two of its restaurants closed and the workers ignoring an ultimatum to return to work, the strike-bound Federal Hotel announced tonight that it would begin recruiting new staff from tomorrow. The management said yesterday that
    301 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 118 13 Sili^PE G SUPEIH4OE ri I ITVRING mSSZt. £+1* EXCLUSIVE 'SERVOMATIC EXPOSURE CONTROL NICCA Super 30E YqWhcoj •xdusue 'Strvomotie' ThrutneU^s Ldi l*pc»ure svs'em responds mbtontly, electronicolly to Ztfffi&^Kf ten the slightest change in light cr J-- j ill 9 That's why it's better, more colour-sens:i^c tr vent.onal exposure control systems used
      118 words
    • 156 13 It's time to send Christmas Gifts to friends and relatives in the United Kingdom. Once again, our UK Delivery Gift Scheme Catalogue which is now ready, will prove of invaluable assistance. We will be happy to send you a free copy 1 Just fill in your name and address on
      156 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 725 13 ON YOUR TV AND RADIO TODAY TV SINGAPURM TV MALAYSIA (HA.NNLLS and Bons 10.05 Coronation IHANMAS: K..U Lumpur 7.AA 1245 !%1 >' SSL B V 0 it 35 iiJo'*co S r p ni y lpoh and 1250 Bclajar-lah Schlow Brit. 11 SO Clow. Ucc> Jo|)ore Ba|)ru 3 and fp-- P(
      725 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 2546 14 KYAN BANKING BERHAD (INCORPORATED IN MALAYSIA) The Chairman's Address To Be Submitted To The Shareholders of Malayan Banking Berhad At The Eighth Annual General Meeting To Be Held At Kuala Lumpur On Monday, 25th November, 1968 At 12 noon. Banks overall profits on exchange obtained as a result of the
      2,546 words

    • 77 15 MAY I refer to your re--1 port .Oct. 28> "Public Services Department to launch training scheme." The report on training was a Joint report prepared by the Development Administration Unit and the Btaft Training CentrMr. D.Li Henderson, who was then the Colombo Plan adviser to the Stafl Training centre
      77 words
    • 74 15 \|/HY Ls it so difficult to TT find a post box? In a place like PJ. you Will have quiU- a job seeking out a post box. It ls no better In XL. itself and what with the kt< en wave and what have you, you can't get
      74 words
    • 60 15 THE obvious answer to use, by various Lions, oi 'Esquire" correspondence is to ignore all correspondence addressed In this manner. This would Mtitfy ones aesthetic cravings and simultaneou>ly perform the invaluabic service of reducing correspondence to a minimum. Secondly: Why should of such patent untruths as 'Yours Faithfully'
      60 words
    • 31 15 I WAS appalled by the suggestion from Alex Joaey that people In Slngapore should refer to er as "comrade." >rm of addnvs Is idwlde with inls! uintrieB E MUDGE Singapore
      31 words
    • 204 15 RECENTLY, when I left my Job for another one in a local firm, I was shocked to learn that I had to pay the income tax for my present year's income. I could not understand why as I had only paid
      204 words
    • 102 15 THE government Is doinK Its best to en- courage students and government employees to be more proficient In the language But while doing so it ha^ lori;otten the thousand.- ol teachers who have completed (heir teacher-training Where do these teachers go as tar as the study
      102 words
    • 80 15 Dead with the crows golden orioles THE Singapore Govern- ment i.s to be conKratulated for starting the prvsent campaign of exterminating crows. But many of our beautiful birds an also bring destroyed. Just today, my son told me he aaw a team of shcoters shoot down three yel'ow birds <gold<-n
      80 words
    • 113 15 Pity the patients MUCH of the restrictions on heavy vehicular traffic aloof Jatan IVmplcr and Jalan Selan gor bave been removed if uot Ignored and sullerers fiom the remltina nose a:e the sick In Amma Hospital. They must endure the din of trucks. tankers, massive bulldozers and trailers mostly driving
      113 words
    • 69 15 'j'HE bylaw rclerred to by \our S'all Writer In his article a look at chaos m the building bylaws" >st Oct n) provides not only lor approved 'ii be in.spected. but alsu to be copied, and even to be endorsed as tru* copies The fees p.iyable are
      69 words
    • 83 15 OESULTS of the Form Five qualityiiit: test are normally announced four months after the teM. around late February or March. This la too lons a delay Most of these candidates ire external students of corre.spondence colleges, and the delay in announcing the results of the qualifying test costs
      83 words
    • 136 15 STUDENTS Manners at a forum > STRONGLY support certain points brought out by Mr. Khoo Kay Khim. The only objectionable statement made by him It the point that "the University of Malaya should admit only people who have spent some years ol working." I was pn si nt at a
      136 words
    • 97 15 1 REFER to the letter of 1-atrplay" (ST. Oct. 22. It 1» not possible to Investigate particular compl.ii is where a writer Chooses to remain anonymous. Had the writer filar lost fl his full name th»n 1 would have beci. ol some serVtee tv him, tot there are
      97 words
    • 363 15 SYKO NABIR Is a little cryptic when he says tBT, Nov. 4). 'the National University was conceived about 30 years A*n but ihen it did not ■aln popular lupport as many felt that It was not beneficial". In October 1938 the Colonial
      363 words
    • 320 15 I'.CHE Hassan dealt with three of the six ways a person becomes a Malaysian citizen by operalion ot law. Mine is an instance of one ol the three other ways. My lather and mother and my grandparent were born in Kelantan and so
      320 words
    • 131 15 CiOMKADE Josey Is, of course, quite nght: the perpetuation of British mediaeval social usages m a modern, lor-ward-looking mult; racial society is ridiculous and must be a source of quiet jnr.i.vement to our nonBritish friends, who to get through life without these artificial aids to
      131 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 220 15 Trav&\ makes life more woiM^fful! /-Vi A 1 A INCLUSIVE lour -No. l).«l.v Destination It!! 1968 lo 2011.1968 Cambodia. Angkor Wat J 12 1908 to 23.12.1968 Australia 125 C 8.12.1968 to mi 2.1968 Australia and New Zealand 128 1912 1968 to 28.12.1968 Hongko:;«. Macau and Taiwan 128 10.12.1968 to *****968
      220 words
    • 365 15 #te) me J MAN'S MIXER! FOR THOSE WHO ENJOY THE TASTE OF GOOD WHISKY '^i I _lrfo Ask for your favourite whisky but be sure you mix w ith r^.'X^-—^ ill 7-L'p! Seven-L'p knows how to X* tt smooth your drink without W *Tfcj^ smothering the whisky W taste you
      365 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 239 16 •k W^B 1 Bs^^^Bk JBhI f X Bl A^. r^V b^bß P^- l^ BMB^^iLw^'j^ v IB B 9 '-v l^B li^B~ JBI > B fttVJBB b^B^b! dM t^B^B x '^Bs^B^B^B^B '^EHfctv m i > JKbWTb^B^bV >.^^fl^H |n a fS L^ 1 Bf 1 H fa B t h B B
      239 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 1189 17 U.tRPOOL ANO OTHER UK CONTINENTAL PORTS. Sj IS P. i "am Pening ll Pt Nn 11 Nn 17 utION ,tn.. Gli 11 Nn 12 Nn 11/17 Nti II i-REUS B t I > Pert Nn IS Nn 11.21 Nn 22 reoiEStIAUS Ne. I] Nn 14 ISTT4N4I ant Nn 21 IOIYCUS
      1,189 words
    • 1396 17 I TH£ E A U///V_TS_| THE EAST ASIATIC COMPANY Ltd Incorporated m Dtmmtrk EXPRESS SAILINGS TO GENOA NORTH CONTINENT/SCANDINAVIA y Sham Her*"! pi ■■>■ I Uefoa R a*m H'hu-g Aarhus Chagen PASAJiNA I) Nn 23 21 Nn 27 21 nn 71/ i 111 1 lai 11 JM fl IH II
      1,396 words
    • 1312 17 _E_ l I EXPRESS SERVICE 10 LONOON, LIVERPOOL t CONTINENTAL PORTS. BENATTOW SU- S 1 S'-gapore P. Sham P»nan| _"l!_l' 0 !H ,'t NM 18/ It Nt. 21 21 Nn 24/2S Htribull JM 14 Fir London Dtc M RFNNFVI** Hull JM I BtRKETIS Rotttitii- Jm 11 Sintjaport P. S'ti'rn Ptnang
      1,312 words
    • 1132 17 IW^ WORLDWIDE CARRIERS LTD. l^^ttaiaaß r U-$-< North Atlantic and Gulf Ports. Spore P. Sham Penong A VESSEL IS/l7Ne» 18/19Nev 20/21 Ntnr HM McALISTER «c CO., LTD. Spore p Swettenham Penong Tel: *****1/9 6252 *****/3 MARITIME BUILDING SINGAPORE TEL: UIII. PORT IWETTENHAM IMI. KUALA LUMPUR *****. PENAN! *****. Cirritrj option
      1,132 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 1083 18 Yr-^ < 11 *^KAWASAKI KISEN KAISHA LTD. Western Australia /SinKapore Japan Bmrviom rrcirunlie Sin|icote *Mkaicni/Ni|ort I'luma Kc*e > HI II IM II IM II NM West Africa Singapore Japan Servloa An|oli Sintipvra N.igori ('Dana AtOr Oaits J4 2i Nit 1 Dec 1 Dee I SM 1/ S Oec 21 21
      1,083 words
    • 922 18 •UStllalla/NCW tt>L*ND SIRVICI 'N0l». MKISIAN «NU IM (Ml HMH fan PI alaa. Iru Stl.. 4|| WMras aa« Na|a»attia>a •^nin f S turn >'i»ia P S>J "erunj :MM I»H 11/11 Oac aVM Dae ."r?,, 2 J" i-r.., M im Wtii.. in. M)UU a >" ■taa ¥nm Nm l 0 t.ico... IMPtla
      922 words
    • 1077 18 i^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Bl NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that I. KOH KAY SENO of No 33 Sunset Height Clementl Park Singapore, have applied for a Retni Shop licence In respect of premises No 41. Sixth A\enue. off 6 MS Tlmah Road (Jardin* Waugh (Si Ltd.) Singapore, and thai Hpplication will
      1,077 words
    • 588 18 NOTICES SHERIFF'S SALE IX THE HKiH < OIRT OF THL BF.PI BLK OF SINCiAPORE SI IT NO. HRf OF IS6B EXK( I TIOX XO. 311 OF 1968 IN THE < AISK OF Union Carbide Singapore Ltd. Plalntifl Ver*.uy Tan Piew Yang trading as Sin Chew Pla&Ucs Factory Defendant AUCTION SALE
      588 words
    • 348 18 NOTICES NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVKN Iha' I. C. R;iL;havan of No. 46JA Oeylang Ko.i sincapoif. ha\i applied for a Publir Ho ("las.-, liifni p in rrspert of prr?mi<M No. 99(1 Bembawani Road v 2 Beletar Cafpi. Singapore *nd thai (Ills application will br heard In the Court ot the
      348 words

  • 32 19 RUBBER AND TIN CLOSING PRICES RUBBER I'liiii S?| cents (up a quarter of a cent). TIN PRICE: 5U05.75 (up IS.IS). 1 slim it. (I niii i un. 220 tons (down 111 tons).
    32 words
  • 228 19 Minings ease in Melbourne MXI HOI HNh hil VI OKI minings east-d led U) nickel.', bul mostly movrs »ne mil iiiiiit. <irr«t Bnuldrr diopped M DMttt «t »T 80 Oll.s upre Him Ampol Kxpl up Id tent.s at VI 8j Industrials' Jails MtMMlMnj riM in .small moxemeiit.v RHP rliN-fd Mndy
    228 words
  • 358 19 Rubber quiet, slightly easier AKATHKR (juiet week.« tradm K at first found the Local tfubber market turning easier, state ii.c.b. Si Co. Mil. in their current mark-t survey The lifting of the ban on .shipping between Indonesia and here by the Indonesian Government brougnt out some more hedge releases and
    358 words
  • 29 19 In London on Thursday Malayan 5 per cent c.i.f. UK North European basic ports Id oulk Oct. Nov unchanged Previous busine&i was at $60 per ion
    29 words
  • 32 19 /)f. in. traa a.than,, m .,kai Ha11... .|,ii,i«i 111 H mi fur I T aorl Inr aaah. Itarlmi .j,|.,.-.| at 14 Jj u,n wm uai al laid «t 2»3|.
    32 words
  • 445 19 rjiHE tm price was again 1 pushed to the year's highest levels to $6()5'75 In Penan-,' yesterday with lurther gam of $3.75. It *U the highest pric. Since early August 1967 and strong good all-round support wns reported together with a
    445 words
  • 244 19 \*o\ kmki K flr«t trade rabbet f.o.b. bu>rr» rioted at 5 p.m In Sincaporr and Kuala I umpur yeitrrdajr at rrnU per Ib. up a quarlrr of a 1 ml on 1 hm«.l»< clukin( lr\rl Thr inn. mi Mrari.t. quiet. R.A.S and MX I 1 Inning
    244 words
  • 122 19 IMC A.taciatlrin at llnti in Ma 1 layna Sin.joara mad* iiim* rhHn^fi n rt« r.t»« to mticlMnt.quo'fd to Hi" r<inivai«nt of ona unit Umlarl Matasi Mining TT ».< OWI. I ill Mil, II; 'Mi rl »l v i-iniii hum li tTM tradr hilia: fni IM TT or Ol)
    122 words
  • 420 19 BY OUR MARKET CORRESPONDENT... ON the Stock Exchange yesterday conditions opened quietly steady, but there was not a great deal of activity which was mainly concentrated on the new issues again. In the afternoon there was more interest which included shortcovering activity before the
    420 words
  • 263 19 \IOVEMCNTS OF SMARI PRICES BASED ON A IN THE MNCAPORI AND KUALA LUMPUR TRADING INDUSTRIALS ACMA I I MUI, Barnao Barharl 14 1 r-u. Car.lral In.l'l I rniLi, C C M.I i mli, Dunlap .in.. I, i. Call. tmalt lumn.i. ■•h ii. > ,i.< n i. .pot
    263 words
  • 82 19 IfUI Straits Rubber Company announce on interim dividend ol three per cent for the year ending Dec 31. payable un Dec. 13 Record date Is Nov. 2» The six months ending June 3i' showed a profit of i; 48.000 before replanting and taxation compared to iC 68.000.
    82 words
  • 45 19 GOLDEN Hope FMantai lon v nouncc a final dividend ol 9 p^r cent making '2f> per cent lor var endn.x t Dec. 31 '24 per wnl i The net profit Ii SIjMI, 0»o >:<t73.«75' after tax of i:t>94..'i9B i i; 64(1.291 >
    45 words
  • 124 19 ACiKADLAL <Imp in the world marki't price for rubber w;i- toreCaUl In London by one ol London's Mg-K'->t commodity broken. In one <if thrtr pertodtcaJ mnreyi >>f tlw r'.ibrx-r indu try Q w Joynwn ;iad Company said thi- withdrawal nt IndoneMan-lm-pii^'d mtrtetiona on iblpmcnt.N of rubber
    124 words
  • 686 19 BUMNEM IN AMI KII'IIKI 111 1(1 I 111 SIN(.%rOK» AM) Xl AI.A I I MPI K TRAD IM. KIHIMs (IK THI. BTOC« tMHAM.I I'EHTEBDAV WITH THi: M MBfR «»F SHARF* 1 I, Milli IN 111. UTCi INIIUITKUU ACMA --<, I" i .>•>*■ n.n siimi ■••nan i■ Mi II
    686 words
  • 28 19 lining: i. K II N I.M.X* I'mprrtie* HiMll 167 3» in,. nM imi tSrubhero: In i.l I»J «1 l»r<. Mi. IMI 1»U Her. 29, 19t.' H>u
    28 words
  • 97 19 WOKK on Gnat Boulder's lit Martin nickel proipect mv dampen d by water flowing- Into the shaft bring sunk to examine the ore body, according to the company's annual report In partnership with North Kalgurll i 1912' Ltd WOT* was continuing to briiiu the Sccitl.! nickel mine
    97 words
  • 154 19 liHK recent Mtau tms continued in Lunfi'in on Thursday, altlmuKh "ii' or two shares .sulTered frum pcoflt-taktag. Siamese and Tronoh a .itnall part of their recent tis v^pre ■CMCd oy Bt-rjuiita;. Avrr Hnam. Gnpeng. Southern Kuita and Southern Malay all <if which were b«twppn ninr pence
    154 words
  • 94 19 V^MlPi LTINC ALONCtIDE TNI OB CIPFITIII TOOAV ARE raprain H 7. Sla> i I Ii A M ON NOV v Nor.* Hurdc 1 i>- H Th.i. K<M A MI Won» Ijrl. Lira Hiitn(..r Cynth Ko-rn *"lltn D«ili: \< s.i hnrt oun» H-vo •tonam. Rpli i.l ,1 Irn.r
    94 words
  • 20 19 (MINIS! PtaajMt lich.n., c n p I ttiwn. i •"■'I"" Caianut (li M.11.r.' A.. ■mtwan c«m r r-.i.i,,i.H
    20 words
  • 476 19 t/TOCK tJItMANCI Of MALAtSI* OFFER PRICES OFFU.IALLV LltTfD AT THE l LOSE OF lutlNIH INDUSTRIALS m. MU I Hrn Co I Tlornro H»rh»il I. ft Boti«1M<1 I M 4 1CjC.M orrtt i H <- C M I I Hoil.n«. 4~i Ihn.lo fail Smi-il >. A I I H
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 676 19 Ml MALAYSIA-SINGAPORE AIRLINES LIMITED Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates for the position of SALES SUPERINTENDENT to be based in Kota Kinabalu. QUALIFICATIONS: An Honours Degree in Economics, Commerce or Business Administration, from a recognised University. Candidates with a full Higher School Certificate, or its recognised equivalent, who have
      676 words

  • 43 20 SISTERS OF tk* ate Cl „-.,1 .1. p .p nd fri.-nda lor .t tendance at !jl MRS RICHARD ciu.ti Hoe l.tu cthr tn.nk 'he late Mr. r,. Hot Uia v.ho paid rai r.d in who have sent «re»!h. c I.i in.
    43 words
  • 13 20 TOP FASHION p m. may he him mi:. laow. Vanity BIC REDUi-TION
    13 words
  • 18 20 BRAUA '-Tt at Cathedral v at I'.nO p.m for Chua Chu K)n< Chr:-e in Ct inf. r>
    18 words
  • 21 20 IN EVERLOVINC MEMORY of Veo calMr-M and grand caiMraa. ALBERT EOWARD COULES 11 »A Ilia. m:,v hui 1 c-o\eO
    21 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 493 20 «»OeiifO.fW«lS MWHnyUHS *MNOUMCIMENT^ lUIHS C Ul tCIIVIIItS COMIOUNCtS ICI'HS (NUCEWIIIS. < rUMULS. CtECTIMCS. M MCMOIIIM. MIOIiCES MISSING KISONtI PfC KtUIEMS I HUN.OKS. j |jle Miaina 515/ Im It »«<s. *Xt «fi< /Sell. I Al Wnr Classified Kv»ttn»atitts Minima Si'- 'i varas. e*ck Mlil.mjl mi <l cult Stints In.ii In
      493 words
    • 649 20 qualified v it itaß uecßMra .1 -i s. haol CartlfMßt* pore Appiv. I DRIVER REQUIRED IMMEOIATELV preferably s.n^aieorr lamily. DlalrMl I, M :'7u7i s poi* WANTED FLMALE TEACHERS M Bd anci sbartaaad 1- 11 1 i... nttessary Kox AM*I X I S por« in. for 1..0 AdUltl lelephon. 1 LCRK
      649 words
    • 784 20 panv „-.i ie \|..i..-, raraaau «ni e.rnt pbotOßTaph .r on 1 rturnalile) tl Baa Afi'.iril R T.. Singapore SENIOR FEMALE SECRCTARV t< »v 01 k m tn .j>e 1 1 Iti. c, area (10) fl n< take charge durum frequent aMMaI let lii n,e essential and tee prepared ti printer.
      784 words
    • 954 20 SALE OR RENT modern 3 -bed room flat or -'orey terrace houae at Wan Tho A^■enue. Please phone M3trJ 18 porei. intiirni.hed Hat. t'vo thrre nedrooms. pare|iK-t flooring. Plrau contact I 1 8 pore> during oil. hums FOUR ROOMS semi detached nun at Edea I'.rk. *»rj Hoi. and Raaai rpar*-M
      954 words
    • 723 20 i SCHOOL LEAVER!!: For commercial 1 career Join C.C.8.1 elaase. day/nliht Career Commercial School (formerly commercial Tralninit Institute) 233-A Cantonment P.oad SinKaporr I FRENCH RECIKNCRS COURSES Martini, IMP vrvt IMI 4 pm or ».iu Pin Alliance Kramai.e. :<4 Srottr. Roil s lore t'.e HIMI Ullut aoun ii m to I
      723 words
    • 725 20 WANTED —J i BROMELIAD PLANTS ntr tating M*MM A BraMa Kox Abli(j S.T. Spore PETS FOR SALE RED DISCUS BABY <•. parent- alao Vii ItiA. I! i:,n Cncjao SU. Singapoic. 3 THOROUCHBREO Yuppie. Male Female Culuai cale Jalan Hank Waaaaa Etlals, off Ajrar Kajan Km t s pan PEOICREE
      725 words
    • 786 20 COMPONENTS ONI NltllN Hut 64' x 24' complete with drawing. S 3|T Stothert Pitt concrete ml»er. Chan 53 Winchester Hou«e Tel: Bpore »:.2.'i CHRISTMAS. SPECIAL OPFIB foi MbbM l-over*. Al typea of r^orda tapea etc. to Mill your tare rr. c Kifts win b* grvaf a«ay. Hurry lo US Hlli
      786 words
    • 489 20 IM4 VOLVO IMS. enrellent, condition. 4 tin tyrt«. radio owner leavVonK 4!«>ii:. 8 |H,r. Ma.l htition. Oo »ta .\o\eml,. i TOH SOON AIK Fm«, Tradcnx Co. 47. Jalan Sultan. s t»re ofler- i:i>>l Datsun I'u k up. I9t;>; I Volks-AMKen. Sin. li«c«>. Renault 1". IMS I Hillman II p,
      489 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 590 21 CLASSIFIED ADS. (Continued from I'age 20) SHOPPING GUIDE CHIONC SUING 5 1 it. it I .i 'mail deb Bridge Rvad s port JEWELLERY that mills the mmtWt ■llty that a wbat you I Showroom. 2U6/S ■o .U> BMt)t Rwd. Blngapor*. men qualiTi nalt-wisa, nvrnraux, pon> tails, awiubas ano dnsMa, luKlnis
      590 words
    • 807 21 ROYAL MALAYSIAN AIR FORCE RADAR TRAINING OVERSEAS 00 YOU WANT TO BE A HIGHLY QUALIFIED RADAR TECHNICIAN IN THE ROYAL MALAYSIAN AIR FORCE? This Highly specialised training will equip you with the latest techniques In maintenance and servicing of modern solid state radar and test equipment including the latest electronic
      807 words
    • 629 21 JAWATAN KOSONG KERAJAAN NEGERI PAHANG rermohonan2 ada-lah dl-pelawa darlpada Ra'ayat Neceii Pahang I ateu Warga Negara Malaysia bagi jawatan2: I. PENJAGA JrNTERA Ting- 1 katan I dalam Jabatan Kerja Rava Neuerl Pahang. Tango r.aji: $267 X 30— $327.00 dl-tambah Elaui. Sara Hidup mengikut kadar yang ada .sekarang. Hanya permohonan2 daripada
      629 words
    • 356 21 BP MALAYSIA SDN. BHD. Applications are Invited from suitably qualified Malaysian cm- 1 zen for the position of: OPERATIONS ENGINEER AGE: 2b 35 (approximately) QI'ALIFICATIONS: Diploma or Degree In Electrical Engineering or equivalent. Fluency in English. Malay and Chinese. EXPERIENCE: Approximately 3 years In field construction or similar engineering worlc
      356 words
    • 870 21 APPOINTMENTS PUBLIC APPOINTMENT PUBLIC UTILITIES BOARD. SINGAPORE ELECTRICITY DEPARTMENT: Requires ASSISTANT COMBUS- In TION ENGINEER. PASIR PAN- m JANO POWER STATION In tii salary scale "695xA45-128u. The m commencing basic salary offered lv will be dependent upon applicant'; m qualifications and experience plus In variable allowance as payable from pi
      870 words
    • 851 21 HE CONSOLIDATED SILVER MINING COMPANY OF NEW ZEALAND LTD. MINING MANAGER. The Consolidated Silver Mining Company ot New Zea'jnd Ltd.. ivltes applications from Mining Engineers and or Metallurgists to eet Its planned starting up and expansion programme. The poslon offered is one of challenge which will require a man of
      851 words

    • 603 22 Sellers fans beware EPSOM JEEP says: American jockey's three fancied mounts can get beaten! AMERICAN jockey John Sellers' three fancied mounts at Kuaia Lumpur today-- Widijana (Race .'5). Millionairess (Race 6) and Solicitor (Race 7) are certain to bo strongly supported. But let me warn the 'follow Sellers to a
      603 words
    • 81 22 rE Treasury has clarified thai Nnuapoie-trained •iiiinL- into We-t \!alayda for racing are exempt froM the two per-rent -urtax. pr.. viced a written undertaking is iinen lor each such horse :.r -ecret.ii> of the turf .:i erned oi the secre- tary of the T0' K d that the
      81 words
    • Article, Illustration
      1252 22 QOUtG IOKKt AST: Heavy WUa^TU 2 30 CLASS 5 DIVISION 4 ItUSuUi (S4.800) 9F 1 ***** NA BBOM .i illchlas' E Bieuk 7 90 Trueiui 11 I ***** TOP KIM. DOM a iTop Kingdom Heddle 5 9.0 Soaidi 6 3 70J66 FLVIN(i HARt.KR a (CX Leei Teh 6
      1,252 words
    • 160 22 Splendid trial by Castle Command pASTLE COMMAND did a sparkling KHllop in heavy going at Kuala Lumpur yesterday morning. Ridden by apprentice Tom Chlans. gelcLnu went f;iu over in ;i9 3 i Orie iNuwan AI; I al <O lmpreaml In a si trial in 38 1. 5 ITjMJI Spark .Glynn
      160 words
    • 281 22 1 ONDON. Sat. There were no shock resuli ;a L the quarter-hnal.s of the Palace Hotel < td court, lawn tennis championships, the fourth in the series of six Dewar Cup tournaments era yesterday. In !h<- I r Wimbli plon U spm: R Mr- Court
      281 words
    • 60 22 SYDNXI MBd act ouv. 65 In today's second i.uud of •he ASH' (Hi. here. rnd'.s batfvay 134 en.ibled ium i American G.iy Brewer by till' n tIH 72--lv le event \> Inch ed ovi: Oujr Wi Istrnholnv l:t8 :.ii G.irr Player. Brv I iam- pioti. funnel iionoi
      60 words
    • 20 22 K'NrXDN FT,. Sod 1 men's 4oom hurdlM 22lattan Athl U< A^ poll among 2 2 rC V Rc'-
      FT  -  20 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 684 22 NOTICE TN THK ISIATF OF Toh hrng \c»h alias Toh Kan| MM l.'li *MJ Kia MM I" 1 C hen* Kam alias Tun < hent Krah aMM Irmi Ki-ni heah alias Thor I hrns hjn; MM«H\ »h» Hied intrsUtr between the I»t day of Aurust hiul th>' MM Ml] M
      684 words
    • 731 22 THE BANKRUPTCY ORDINANCE (CHAPTER 11) IN THE lIKM i <>| XT OF SINtiAPORK In Bankruptcy No. 21 of 1»68 Re- DM (hin (hoo tradinf under the namr and ityle of I nited Malata T.V. mM Oa In Ilir matter of a bankruptri prt.ion filed the day of IMb uf Srptrmbrr
      731 words
    • 743 22 TENDERS RANCHANGAN TANAH PINGGIR SUNGAI TENGAS, PERINGKAT 11. KULIM. PEMBERITAHU TAWARAN Tar.aranU Bktt di-tenma rliPejabat Pesuroli.iaya l.inah dan Galian. Kedah. Alor Setar hlnglta pukol 12 00 tengah hari Sahtu r 23hb November. 1968 daripada 1 Pembornng2 yang mahir dalam hal menchucni hut.tri memurun i dan membakar. tenggala dan aWr, i
      743 words

    • 418 23 THEIR AIM: TO MAKE AMENDS By TONY FRANCIS gMARTING under their 22-21 defeat by Singapore last Tuesday. Thailand are determined to make amends and retain the Vajiralongkorn Cup in their international rugger match against Malaysia at the Kuala Lumpur Padang today (5 p.m.). The Thais are confident of
      418 words
    • 184 23 yHE Fijian Army-Police itugby Union team arrived In Singapore yesterday and after a two-hour .stopover at the RAF Chang! base flew on to Malacca. The 24-man touring partj arrived in Malacca at -1 pm. and wrr<» taken to Terenaak Camp. Tomorrow they will travel
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    • 319 23 The days of true amateur over, says Wok By FRANCIS BOEY ■THE days of the true amateurism in sport are over. In many countries worldclass sportsmen come from the uniformed Services. Inche Othman Wok. the Minister for Social Affairs, said this at the Police-Armed Forces soccer final at Jalan Besar
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    • 239 23  -  LAN PEREIRA Itv THE Sixth Asian Games scheduled to be held at Banekok in 1970 are in danger of being cancelled. Mr. Khaw Kal Boh. v:cepresldent of the Olympic Council of Malaysia, told Tlmesport yesterday: "This Is what I fear U going to happen. I hope
      239 words
    • 70 23 Singapore Services win in HK HONO KONO. Frl The vlxltlng Singapore Combined Services hockey team, playing \hr:r sfco-id m.-itrh i terday overwhelmed Hong KongServices by 8-1 Showing good teamwork and skill, the :uned In five goals In ten mm-itrv Abdullah and Bslley were the top .--rorers tor Singapore nrttlng fo'ir
      Reuter  -  70 words
    • 64 23 Schools hockey In Selanpor gets Into full swliiß today »uh competitions for schoolchildren and teachers. The competitions, with number of teams in brackets Schoolboys under- 12 il4i: schoolgirls under- 12 (1); Schoolboys un-der-15 (11): schooleirls under--15 <3i; SMff si\-a-ide men 1 18 1- Staff six-a-Mde women
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    • 79 23 RAWALPINDI ThUU Donald Carr. MCC'S aaaUtant sciretary. arnytd herr scs'.r-. nmiplete deU;;.s of Uie prnpo--ed MCO cricket tour to P<t*u>tan early nr xt yr a Mr Carr. who Is here to meet officials of the Pakist.m Cricket Control Board, said: I am more than hopeful that
      79 words
    • 50 23 LONDON. Fri. Wales b»»t England 24-17. in their Rugby League International at Salford yesterday The English Hide scored more tries, five lo Wales' four, but they ]o>t out In the placekickinir where Terry Price, the former WcUb international. Unded six goal*. In contrast to Brian Jefferson's one Reuter.
      Reuter  -  50 words
    • 46 23 MEXICO fllV Fri Th« Olympic Village here has been closed and handed over in the Public Works Bank for sale to the piib.ic. Home for almos- 10.000 athletes, otricial.s and tralMTi durme c Village i yesterday by order of 1U QoverDor, FranJ :rr M;
      46 words
    • 256 23  -  JOE DORAI By CENTRE-three Mohammed Taib of the Police became the eighth Asian player to Rain a place in the Singapore team to play Commonwealth Brigade in the Malaya Cup tie at the Singapore Padang today (5 p.m.). This will i
      256 words
    • 32 23 MONTEVIDEO r Italy K.ui.ed their lir.M win in ihe world cycling championship* here when Lull Borghctu beat Ni'N rredbtm <D*oib i gruelling run-ofl for the sprinls n.ial. Borghetu.s winning tune
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    • 38 23 JAIPUR. Frl Rudy Hartono of Indonesia entered the quarter-finals of the men's singles In the Rajasthan lnternat^nal badminton championships today, beating PC. Kala 15-5, 15-0. Muljadl (Indonesia) beat Anil Sonhl (India) 15-7. 15-6. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  38 words
    • 509 23 Fri. A dramatic collapse by the West Indian middle order batting enabled South Australia to dominate play against the touring team when their four-day match began here today. ■From 187-4 the West Indians slumped to 206 all out with their last six wickets crashing
      509 words
    • 105 23 From JACK FINGLETON A DELAIDE, Fri. Sir DoJ\ nald Bradman. at a rerrpllon for the Vint Indian tourists here vr»t Tdav said Gary Sobrn, the M'ltinj skipper was the bent allrnund cricketer the world had evrr known. Sobers, who ha« played three seanonit with
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    • 228 23 Asian highway rally in April By RUDY BELTRAN An Asian Highway tx motor rally from Vientiane to Singapore will be held next April, to attract more motorists to use this highway. The proposed rally was discussed at a meeting held at the Ministry of Transport. Kuala Lumpur, yesterday. The routes
      228 words
    • 25 23 BUDAPEST. Fri. Th« Hungarian Boxing Association has suspended five boxers because of thP:r "unruly behaviour" during the Mexico City Olympic Games lan month.
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  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 42 23 HOCKFY C. KEDAII'S lMi,il (Se Patanl > Ibrahim School 0 Chinook* 0 INTKR-S1HOOL <Penang>: La Salle 0 Jelutone 0. •occn VH TORY (IP (Penangi: TPCA 6 Butterworth Raneers 2 l^ih (up: Hu'chlnes 1 Francis I.IKht 0 Chnonc up StOwell 1 Frtncla Light 0.
      42 words
    • 295 23 Tht sccrtt of increased productivity is in purified air from 'AIRCO'. 'AIRCO' produces osont which destroys odours and bactf -la. and combers nervousness, restlessness and depression resulting from shortage of fresh air. For Ittt than 3c a day 'AIRCO' can purify up to 20,000 cv.ft. space to tnhanct brtathmg and
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  • Page 23 Miscellaneous
    • 6 23 ~~|fl puiM*»ituSSmßi»«o»Ma Jftn. c^M^WSi A TIDAL
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    • 105 23 Ullll.TKS Spore l<y»- i HOCKKY Malacca slx-a-chir.s clwmpu)n»lupa iFarrer tide imeni and sc\en-a-side Pk i women i tournrv.s (Malacca BOXING Mountbatten CC Club padang. 3 p.m >. Spore touinnv its porn. Armed Forces aix-a-side 1D0OOLF l>as ti'Uph>: Brnch ver Rd.i. Spore Women's Div. v Bar Axsn. (Tiger Lane, Ipoh, 1:
      105 words

  • 131 24 MIGHTY intercontinental rockets roll across Ri-d Square in Moscow dnrini; in impressive parade of mii»it hi .t|M>iiK on Tliiir«il.iy. the ."ilst birthday of the Soviet I nion. The traditional revolution anniversary parade start of a four-day holiday for the Soviet people was boycotted by ambavsadors
    131 words
  • 82 24 WIFE OF RED LEADER HELD BANGKOK. Kri.—Government force s have capture;! the wife ol a communist leader and three of his relatives following a clash wltn communist gue- In the southern province of Narmthli Oftical sources, reporting this today, said the woman. Satlmoh Vanfoh, wsa the wife of "Che Ahmad
    Reuter  -  82 words
  • 238 24 Border action against smugglers and thugs KOTA BHARU. Friday rpHE Malaysian and Thai Governments are mak- ing Joint efforts to stamp out smuggling and thucKery along their common border. This was disclosed by Tun Abdul Razak after he was |lven a briefing at police headquarters here this afternoon. The Deputy
    238 words
  • 65 24 TAIPEH. Frl The district court at Chlayl In centra! Formosa has sentenced a woman to 13 years jail and her lover to death for murdering her husband 14 da.- after the wedding. Mrs Wei Chiu-shun. 19. mm- charged with killing her husband, a former army captain,
    Reuter  -  65 words
  • 25 24 IAKAKTA r:i The Indon-e<-un naiv will stupe it.s annual manoeuvres next month to test its alertness. a navy spokesman said today Reuter.
    Reuter  -  25 words
  • 462 24 LONDON, Frl. The London stork market staged a strong recovery today, regaining almost all of yesterdays 6.2 los.s on the FT. inricN Towards the close, the Index had recovered 3 4 points at 488 1 Nrw time buying was thought 1 to be mainly rcs|>on*ible
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  • 331 24 'Diplomatic flu' hits the Soviet embassy party By 001 CHENG GAIK \T U A L A LUMPUR. Fri. It seemed to be a case of "diplomatic flu" last night at the Soviet embassy's reception here to celebrate Russia's national day. Several ambassadors, particularly from the Nato countries. were conspicuous by
    331 words
  • 50 24 RAWALPINDI. Frl The Govin-.inenl today closed all educational Institutions In Rawalpindi. Karachi and Hyderabad afu betwatn police Ud ome 3.U00 demonitiating sturii rh was killed when polite nred ai the students, who had gathered 10 welcome opposition party leader Z.A. Butlo, and then refund to di<-uerse. DPI
    50 words
  • 37 24 LISBON. F:l A huge oil depcMt hus been discovered in the PortiiKuese Wen African riul.-ut dI Cablnada. pr> por: > .-aid here today. Cabinada < is Hie tn.y enclave on the coa>t of the C Kinshasa'
    37 words
  • 11 24 IN EVER LOViftC mor» at or. MIM I (•on*.
    11 words
  • 29 24 C K NAirt H I" «4. 3 p m. v-11-es. A. ftADASON OOVMMM IVnaion i fully on t.11.l Jal.-in ll Ki. iv Luke I 00 t'.m. tolas.
    29 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
      45 words
    • 252 24 yLate CLASSfFIEDSi 20 tve-ds $15 -(minimum) TAV Oion« G.K K n H Th»r.k« -iff i i, >andcj H KNUT S BCRENTSON :o Lh«a Prepare Now tor 1969/1970 EXAMINATIONS The Largest Correspondence College in Malaysia. Foh Chong Building (Second and Third Floors), Johore Bohru. Tel: 2171 2006 B^B^k> Maiayan Corrr^oondmce Celleaa
      252 words