The Straits Times, 3 November 1968

Total Pages: 18
1 20 The Straits Times
  • 17 1 THE SUNDAY TIMES Ixls** I NO. 1.703 SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1968 20 CENTS KDN3IOS: MC (P) 0015
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  • 835 1 Bomb halt: Hanoi responds SAIGON, Sat. NORTH Vietnam today announced that it would attend peace talks in Paris on Wednesday with the Americans and South Vietnamese Government delegates. But in almost simultaneous broadcasts from Hanoi, and by South Vi< nam's President Nguyen Van Thieu, the status of t > iettongs
    Agencies; UPI  -  835 words
  • 50 1 Todays As.a Magazine ■pedal theme i!vsue on Asian writing, with a selection ot poems and short ■tone* from Jap. m, India, the Philippines. Cambodia. Hong Kong and Taiwan The Asia Maxazme is distributed free with the Sunriav Times Make sure you get your copy.
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  • 318 1 KOBT, Saturday I'EKRIFIED gut'bts smashed windows and leaped from upper lloors of a burning hot springs hotel before dawn today while 23 died in flames. Fire swept through the mountain hotel and trapped honeymooners and tourists in rooms and flaming corridors of the
    UPI  -  318 words
  • 422 1  - FPA scandal: The Govt acts CHEONC YIP SENG By SINGAPORE. Saturday THE Health Minister, Mr. Chua Sian Chin, today ordered the take-over of the Singapore Family Planning Association following the discovery of extensive corruption in the voluntary organisation. The move, announced today, came after investigations by the Corrupt Practices Investigations
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  • 314 1 JAKARTA. Saturday r ]MIE Government will place no restrictions on Singapore snips visiting Indonesian ports. Communications Minister Mr. Frans Seda said today. "However, they will bo subject to close control," bi i officials in Mac;. He said his country would make all efforts
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  • 144 1 Reds faced death trembling, says report lAKARTA. Sat. Two Indonesian Communist leaders trembled when they faced I firing Miuad hist Tuesday the arm\ newspaper War Newi reported tuday Niuiiu and Sudisman, both members ot the banned Indonesian Communist Party's politburo were taken blindlolded before the firing squad mi an Island
    Reuter  -  144 words
  • 37 1 Hfiiu l sat i V i signed No rea.son was g:\rn ti-r 'h» th;in 24 i let V fmir-nian a confidence \< BCTIt. rhe MM *M ti.S M i w.n two abstentious I" I*l
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  • 38 1 LATEST UNCONDITIONAL, SAYS TH UY r\i:i> vit ii.imoi i hirf nr t oli.Ui.r to <lie pi Hi iiiii.i' > |»-.i. i I.Uks linr. Mi \iun Hum. %.»mI t<xl." llu in ImWM h»it Hi* kaeaUaa «i Sort \ •■unconditional"
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 24 1 MEN'S JEWELLERY A ..ays look for Ofip^r> MADE IN FRANCE j|^HH^E to avoid i imitation 1BMB5BBB! Tr«d# Inquiries Phone: ***** fGUERLAIN perfumeb-cobmeticb-toiletnes from Paris
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    • 74 1 Elephant test proves Dunlopillo top value. When this 1-tnn u«>t up. the Dunlopilk) niattrcss rcturni-d lo us normal full shape hfcmtt Dunlcipillit lias longer life. Wlr-ii the) .ire brand new. most Ituni mattresses ha\e equal resilience. But only Dunlopillo keeps on bpringiltg hack to Us lull si/c anil shape
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    • 18 1 Exquisite Gifts in FINE JEWELLERY by U.S. de SILVA SONS, Jewellers 25, Raffles Place. Singapore- 1. Tal: *****.
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  • 112 2  - And this in Russian means 'eat hearty' as the girls are certainly doing AYESHA HARBEN By Kuala Lumpur. Saturday THERE was no reed to say "Ugoschaytes tozsaluysta" (please help yourself) when nine members of the Moscow Circus sat down to lunch today. In fact, all consideration of v. eight and
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  • 114 2 Russians laughing at their own attemps to eat with their fingers. Members of the Public Services Department, including its director, lan Sri Abdul Kadir bin Samsuddin, who were also lunching at the Rasa Savant;, came m for a share of the hilarity as well. Mr llea Simvolokov. the
    Soon Hon Sin  -  114 words
  • 259 2  -  Rejal Arbee and Haji Mohamed Taib h/ ITLUANG. Sat Tun IV Abdul Rank today told member* of the Armed Forcus to maintain greater vigilance in the I arc of the latest threat from the Philippines. Th- lVpuiy
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  • 195 2 MS v A L A LUMPUR, Bat. The Minister without rortfolio, Inrhe Ghafar Baba, warned today that Mara was not I welfare or charitable organisation although it had piven $54.5 million in loans to bumlputra btutnessmen. Loans were ghrii to those who needed
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 188 2 BV^B^BBSBSBSBSB^BBsfIHLBSB^VBBSSBSBSBSBSBSBSBHHHsBSBSBSBIBBSBSBSBSBSBsAdB^BIsBS ■I h \B I I Wf\ m w a^# V l*'"~\) JV 1 11 I 'fjr /6^J^V^^ s w"v 2 f"v "i v ~W^f| C m~ a /I A > Lifting proudly introduce the two finest collars that ever happened /W^ X ]J^} -^m to a shirt. The President
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  • 776 3 DO-OR-DIE BATTLE TO CARRY NEW YORK ON THE LAST LAP JJEW YORK, Sat. Vice- President Hubert Humphrey returned here today in a iinal do-or-die attempt to capture the State's 43 electoral votes for the in Tuesday's Presidential election. He was here only on Wednesday, and is
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  • 383 3 KUALA LUMPUR. Sat. The Deputy Registrar to the Federal Registry. Inche Abdul Hamid bin Tau Sri Azmi, today mihgfsted the set ting up of district courts. He made tlii.s mggnUoa In a paper. •■Revision of the Judicial System in Mai...sia". at the first
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  • 109 3 Mystery of nine with gunshot wounds gINOAPORt:. Sat. 1 hree Imi>> from drvlini; who were admitted to the General Hospital w-sti-ni.n with sunsthot pellets in them, were toda> reported to be "i in pi n. The> Here among nine who were shot. The other six boys Mere treated .in outpatients.
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  • 64 3 NIBONO rCBAI The SUlr AMOBbijnBM lor the I I Bakap Aard Mr Ket YoBI Chui. will open a civics count for 42 Chinese eonimun. '.v i.viii.. .ma \i.,.mr lir.idmon at tin :tlco here ut 930 am on Wrdncsd.iy After the opening ccrcmonv. r .in'. District Officer,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 110 3 comfßrt v There is a Ford with better comfort than the car you are thinking of NEW INVENTION FROM AMERICA ijl This fen It GUARANTEED te write for YEARS without rafillina any >•*! Coiei In a bcauriral Gift Ba>, M ii Ideal ror Butineumea, Student*, etc. Price: $9/-, Pott -Frea
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    • 516 3 WE DON'T BEAT THE DRUM WE DON'T BLOW THE TRUMPET But we publish the MCIS Review, our popular magazine which la issued free of charge to any one Interested to read all about the Malaysian Cooperative Insurance Society Ltd. It Is Interesting. It is educational. It is meant for you.
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  • 298 4  - 8-naiion talks to review projects TAN TSAI SIONG By Singapore, Saturday I/UALA LUMPUR. Sat. Officials ol eight South-East Asian countries will meet here on Monday and Tuesday to review and sign feasibility study agreements on 12 regional transport and pommunicatioi, projects The Chief Sccre-ary, Tengku Tan Sri Mohaired. will open
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  • 17 4 Personal touch-what one firm does for its export drive Lion City-bound Bill seen beside a Scottish lion
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  • 162 4 Round island relay race ends after seven hours SINGAPORE.. Sat lt WM a ract tliat suited at (one this inoinmu and ei.d> d pouring i am .ii ten But nobody awinud to mind Least of all Dominique Teo who srtreaKtd ;>cros.s UM finish line at tne f.iMr Laba Camp here
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  • 149 4 PENANO. Sat The preMntation <if spriial a-.irds to thr tin outstanding young rr.rn in Uir Miite will climax 'he Pf-nanu Jayce* \\'i i k to k fn ni toniorrovk nr\i Saturday a paasl i>( hMkfM irUl trii jpouni iMdcn be itn the ages cl 21
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  • 242 4 BIGGER PRIZES FOR TOTOS 3 OUT OF 49 SINGAPORE. Saturday. gIN'GAPOKE Pools (Private) Ltd. today announct'd increased prizes for its "3 out of 49" toto draw. Instead of the fixed $2,000 for three correct "encircled" nuniot-rs, the toto compai.y will no* divide 8 pi-r cent of UM taklnßS tnm thii
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  • 111 4 American to be instructor at academy SINGAPORE, Sat —An American marine engineer. Mr. Andrew Dressier. Jr. has been appointed an Instructor at the .i Academy In Thom.s'.n Road Alt Dressier, »h» h;t.s had than 13 jreua ol M{ experience, will teach lndustri. i arts, sc a; d mat hi
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  • 31 4 1 l ML i. M .i mc.bile \-i.i\ unit tnm Urn NMIom Aatt-Tuberru will in I hue mi Mnniiav ..lid Tm to glvr :;r. r.i>> to the public
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  • 72 4 jaycees to aid rural people TAli INQ i hc Tal puit Juyite* will extend I l«J it > I in \t to help up ltt tho standard of living of the penp.. Its President. Dr MM fmtnmm, disclosed this here yesterday at the opening of a ten-dny food ;tnd
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  • 205 4 'Be clean or face eviction 9 warning SINGAPORE, Saturday. THE Housing and Development Board today again warned tenants in its estates that families who continued to disregard the keepclean exhortations would be evicted from their flats. Parents should tell their children not to throw litter from the upper 'floors or
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  • 137 4 Off to Manila to launch students' organisation CINGAPORE. Sat. Two members of the University of Sincapcre Students" Union left today f Manila to help launch the South-East Asia University Students' Organisation They are Mr Peter Chen Slow Hs:n^. t h c gone- ral secretary and his pr»d' n —or. Mr.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 281 4 The world's longest, continuous /~**l ft lie "l-fli^VfA India is so different. l^lVlllvjCXLlvJll Thousands of temples, luxury hotels, KAC ~k IsfXl" tne world's XkCXvJ C\ J&VJL' tallest mountains, to^ palm fringed beaches. Last year alone, more than a 'In/on VJiIV/f w tourist hotels were compl*'U i <l m India* Indian
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    • 417 4 Advertisement HAS THIS EVER HAPPENED TO YOU? You are introduced to a person Less than FIVE MINUTES LATER you tind that >ou cannot, for the very life of you, remember his confounded name? Embarrassing! Most embarrassing! Laagford-Penm's weU-respectcd TRENT course. "YOUR MEMORY! HOW IT WORKS! HOW TO USE IT!", nof
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  • 244 5  -  CAROLE CHONG By Penang, Sat. TWO-month-old LatA chimi is a begger probably Penang's youngest I met her in the court registrar's office with her two elder sisters both under six. Nad been brought there by a policeman who found them begging for aim*. The three
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  • 9 5 i Bfl ...ed for
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  • 28 5 TELLK ANSON. Sat. K. Jajraaaathl. 16. a tapper ha» been reported Btaatng from her home in Ppmbrokc Ei-'x-r--near here since Thursday when she »ent to work.
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  • 314 5 Well-known lawyer dies after short illness CINGAPORE. Sat.— Mr. Richard Lnn Chuan Hoe. a prominent banker and lawyer, died early today after a short illness. He was fJ4. He was holidaying with his w;fp in Hong Kong a fortnight ago when he fell ill. and was immediately admlt'ed to the
    314 words
  • 38 5 SINGAPORE. Sat— F'.rr thin .ifpriMxn partially destroyed the rout of ;< zmc-and-wiKxipn builflins In Pahang Streft. Th« caua^ ol xhe blaze is not knowr »as put out by firemen in us.- than 30 minutes. i
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  • 359 5 KOTA KINABALU. Saturday. THE police wore today accused oi introducing "highly prejudicial" evidence against an MP. charged in the Magistrate's Court with using criminal force on Udham Singn. chairman of the Kota Kinabalu Boxing Association. The allegation was made by Mr. Thomas Jayasuria. who is
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  • 254 5 Uncle cut up the body, torso-in-train case told LONDON. Sat. A Sikh. accused of killing his 20-year-old daughter with a hammer, let t the room while his brother-in-law dismembered the body, it was alleged in court yi-bter-day. Suchnam Singh Sandhu. 38. Who lives in the EMt London -suburb of Barking.
    Reuter  -  254 words
  • 54 5 HOLLWOOD. Bat Polxe say thf-y have found the weapon ii.sed to hitter attam .screen star Ramon Novtrrn (d death m Im luxury home hrre. They derlin-d to say more than thai it «a.s a striking instrument" which felled the actor fu'-nd lying nude in his tlood-spatiered
    Reuter  -  54 words
  • 25 5 KINOAPORE. Sat Television Singapura *ill ur channel 5 at 10.20 p.m i tomorrow a forum on "Science i Industry and Qovernment."
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  • 149 5 I KUALA LUMPUR. Sat A SPECIAL committee of Malaysian and Indonerian |i vernmenti officials w 11 be sr; up soon to study th n question of fishing In th» Straits of Malacca This was disclosed today by the Minister of Agnculand Co operative.-,. Haj!
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  • 363 5 THE KNOW ALLS DROP us a line. Our addreu: The Know All*. The Sunday Times, Times Houw. Singapore 9. No replies by post. 1 THOUGHT of this ques- j tlon while waiting for a I bus at Orchard Road: i What Is the fastest land public transport system In the
    AP  -  363 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 279 5 Advertisement A Beautiful Complexion Surround yourself with an aurr. of loveliness when you go forth for the day. After cleansing, tone and refine your com- plexion with lemon Delph freshener to stimulate the skin rells and then smooth in a film of tropical moist oil. The hygroscopic 'moisture attlng) ol!
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    • 558 5 mf am i I i i i ii M B B 'mm'f^T t H H Lttmhard Ha—. Cm— Snri. WJ 9E LOMBARD BANKING 1 1 LONDON fi H Sabsidian and Associate Banks and Finance Howes* H I LOMBARD AUSTRALIA ■E I I I Ml TED E m Ad«lt'd«. j.Hohan.
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  • 550 6 A» T^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H W HATEVEB youre looking ior a good swim, a sun tan, a spot of skin dhring, lishing or just a holiday to get a\va\ rrom it all >ou will lind it at the seaside resorls that dot .Malaysia's six
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  • 249 6 It's the tanned look for 'in' group I EOPLE ar- rdlDout th<. -ok. Its be tanntd. Ai.d all it tax- attle sun and plenty of care to eet "that fresh suntanned complexion. Whether you are tannliig by the pools:de or on the txach you need ioUun to solve the problem
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  • 618 6  -  Roderick Pestana By mJ JONG racing. Bring a model o'.; 1 sailing craft, has for a long time been a popular sport li. Malay fishing villages ai Malaysia and Singapore. Many people ha\e marvelled at the agility and speed of these
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 157 6 More and More People Switched To mERCURY a World's No.l Outboard Proven For: Power Fuel Economy Reliability -f^j^l Quiet Operation 4,-1 /77FBCURY has all the Leading Engineering Features wmm wk which competitive brands can't A* offer even as extras. 7969 MERCS Now A»o. table from: 4 HP., 7-5 HP, 9-8
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  • 623 7  -  Roderick Pestana By Easy access to islets, beaches from -Singapore F A AVOURABLE climatic conditions all year round and easj access lo the beach offer ;i wi<!r variety <>l sea sports activity to Singaporeans. Most popular s swimming. Though Blngapore does not nave many good beaches,
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 90 7 GOOD REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD BUY •Johnson 13t million people could not be wrong. V Massive spares holding available. 3 Half a century of outboard motor experience research. 4 Special design ensures complete smoothness at low speeds. Jl The quietest outboard available. n New more robust gear box. J Excellent
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  • 1151 8 The eldest quietest and the most remarkable ALTHOUGH H.h-ling is virtually unknown compared with her sisters Ching-ling (Madame Sun Y;it Sen) and Mei-ling (Madame Chiang Kai-Shek), she is in many ways the most remarkable ol the Soong sisters. The eldest of the three, the w;is the pioneer of the family,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 211 8 Whether you travel a lot or you're planning a first flight it's nice to leave it all to someone who knows, *9flg^g^g^g^l^^g^g^g^g^g^g^g^g^g^a^' g^B^ Lflg^k. <g^T aßSfc w^^ i&k Hw< Wm -&<%£ fSBfl m. JL~. '^B^g^g^g^g^g^BflHHHgi jF I kVB g^gF^g^gSgr" JK 9' g^Vx wt 't V '■'"^agß .-.v* *Af flr A'iT.
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    • 252 8 Advertisement Healthy Legs For All! i If you suffer from aching feet and legs, rheumatic pain or poor circulation, sou can get real relief b\ improving the quality and circulation of your blood. This i» now possible hv means ■f MortHmir uMat. I I \mo. which helps rMOfl elasticity to
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  • 1707 9  -  ROY MAcGREGOR HASTIE Chinese dress she rocomb•d her hair ln the Chinese fashion. even wrote a play satirising life at a "typical American school" and never lost an opportunity to commeni unfavourably '»n the arrogance of forb abroad. Nevertheless, she realised 'hat China
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 862 9 'v^^Bbl BSSSSSSS^^^tts SBf Read the fifth part of a second TsSSr- %^Ht W^f BBBBsC allllll£b. mSHbHHIbIIp at (JkMO oSbse Übbbbbb^bsbbk^' 'j s^^K&HHKjt" ME*XICO Official timekeeper for measuring ultra-short time worn under the wrist. It has a feet. It has a turning bezel enabling of the 1968 periods. Luminous markers and
      862 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 216 9 ACROSS- 1 Zest ,d.:6 Small DOWN; I. JJ I A.mneii.% >"i- '10. Situated beyond bone i4>; 3. Austen 7h, 11 'Slow <5>- 12 Ethical Threefold .6'; 5. Frequent .3p. 5 15 Repair .4.: 16. Move ln fi Sleep-* alklne (IS); 7 Poke uaves .8.; 18. Raised cloth sur- .4.; 8
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    • 201 10 /\N 'ru-.sday the battle will be joined. The central theme: When wiil the war In Vietnam end? Law and order, turmoil In the cities, the white baclc-ia.-h. biack power, transforming peacetul coexistence from a tired siogan Into reality, repairing crumbling EastWest bridges all these issues
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    • 92 10 ONE encouraging factor emerges from the Colombo Plan ministerial conference at Seoul. New agricultural techniques and family planning are rapidly banishing famine from large parts of Asia. Everywhere the paddy fields are returning a bountiful harvest Indonesia. India. M^ay.sia. the Philippines. In Japan farmers actually have an
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    • 61 10 rE next time you take a swipe at a mosquito don't dash oil a noti of complaint to Government. Go to the bottom ol your garden and K<t rid of the clutter there the rusty tins and broken flower pots. And while you are at it take a
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    • 74 10 ALL who watched the equestrian events at Mexico City surely must have askec themselves this questlor: Why don't have more riding schools in Malavsta and Singapore? Why Indeed not? Schools In every part of the country where men. women and children can learn to ride :i horse What
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  • 721 10  -  Felix Abisheganaden By WHO WAS 'N AMERICA RECENTLY HIPPIES AND YIPPIES MAY STEAL ALL THE THUNDER IN THE U.S. ELECTION BUT THEY ARE ONLY A MINORITY TI 1 1-1 marathon endurance contest of meeting and sluikiu^ hands with voters, Hie endless
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  • 106 10 LE TTER I'M afraid Miss One Kiat Bint has civrn an impressive hut somewhat in.ii i lit. ite account of mf in her article "Thf zither (firl who writes poetry" (Sun. T. Oct 27. I%tO I should particularly like tv mention that I u.ts not "the only woman to take
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  • 624 10  -  WONG PUAN WAH By TWO months alter taking up his post as Soviet Ambassador to Malaysia. Mr. Yladmir Kuznetsov toured the vast FLDA complex at Kulal. Johore, with the Minister without PorttoUo, Senator Abdul Ghafar Bab.i a large crowd whx asked him string ;t Uf< in
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  • 560 10 Edwin Thumboo's POETRY CORNER K1.1.P tho«r |„»rn mmm; in. KM in < OKNKK now appears rinv s,undj>. «v can «in a ra«h pnir i.l II I fur rarh norm piihli-li' d and. MM impm (.1 m \nur vrrsr in print with i\|h .1 1 mti'-nt. I nli i' 1., I'm
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 554 10 »C»NOWIfOCfMfNIS, *HNW«S»R|tS ANNOUNCEMENTS. BIHIHS, CLUB ACTIVITIES. CONOOLINCtS. OItXHS. ENGAGEMENTS. FUNERUS. GREETINGS. |M VtMORIAM. MRRI'.HS. MISSING. PERSONAL. P.P.C., REQUIEMS I REUNIONS. Rite MiiiauM $11.'- tor 29 »ords, eick additional nori 90 its. til mtifr ClissiM >d»trtisemeMs Minimum tt for 15 words. tick jdd'loml word «l ceils. Sunday Tines Boi Service chafie
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    • 17 10 SIGN OF QUAirTY AND TECHNICAL ADVANCEMENT |J?3)\I\KO STP-808 NIVICO smvci nittKMs titwuCHOut irtjto JBCAfOIW M 0 M»l»rS:»
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    • 196 10 WE ARE OPEN TONIGHT AND EVERY NIGHT UNTIL 10 P.M. FREE WINE TASTING AT 7. P.M DONALD MOORE GALLERIES Liat Towers. Orchard Road, Singapore Study at Home and Pass Successful PoMalTuiliont.M( AMBKIIM.KS( ***** andHK.IHR M MOOI CERTIFICATES in a \n\ uuie \aricty or subject* includintt lIISIOK\ and «.l< M,H \l'l
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  • 260 11 THREE-DAY TALKS WITH JAKARTA GOVERNMENT HELD IN THE TRUE SPIRIT OF ASEAN FRIENDSHIP' K /p l-iR. Sat— lt was .n an atmo"f rordiahty, mutual understanding, that Lt.-Col. Benry Moerdani of Indonesia (left), today put signatur.- t- c agreement which ended *he tnree-' I -IndOTM a border t.i
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  • 47 11 Firm opens branch in Ipoh IFOH. B« Dasaratha Ett M I'd., maf ributor. i;.d subscription agi I Time, l other :>fiied a new Avenue P re v Mr. RM S rkerhamba- im company, who op> branch. I R pohry >f 'he company to provide for dead subs-•r-hpr*
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  • 33 11 MNOAPORE Bat tb« Cura:.rnt at ip Conference Hal, The fire-day meeting was at•nde d by lepresen' v Briuin. Canada i>re h- l D i a .mint venture f :hesA roun'riea.
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  • 327 11 PENANG, Saturday. THE consultant psyeniatrist in the Penang General Hospital. Dr. S. M. Hag. today testified that a bank peon acted on an involuntary impulse when he allegedly strangled his bnde of one week. "When he retained some utsumed that
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  • 64 11 \lv\ YOkK. Sat t^.n ot the 15 257-toi. American luxury line» Arg«M>: I bi-m .*t overtxtmi in (he Caribbean, a for the ihip'a owners Mi* v -McCormack He said Capt.i.n I R-- I 42 o! New rot* Civ »«.s imported V. b*VI gone overboard on
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  • 247 11 Socialist youth society to be launched l/TALA LUMP U R. 1Y Sat a goclaUst v o ii t h movement intended to be the vanguard of the "first true race of Malaysi a ns —is to be launched here next month. I' will be known a.s the Young Socialist*, ot
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  • 62 11 Kl'AI A I.fMPI'H g«l Mr Vfoag Kong Fat! A»l»--tant Currency offlrer in Bank j Neeara. haj« lelt for PKk:' »ii •end a course in .rrrii banking at the M Pakistan'R Staff College i K.i rachl Tlie COUne Is intended for bulk' roun- ian bank nfflriaU hive
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  • 37 11 IPOH. Sat St. Jude. known a.s riie Smnt of Impossible Cases. will be celebr.itrd S' Jumps Catholic Church in Oopeng. 12 miles from here, tomorrow with sermon- procession and mass, beginning 430 p m
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  • 64 11 OCKHOLM s..i Swi'tlen* film censorship board yesterday i ,ii.t: •v Ing the ih mm [lw N <*< I Wmcl> Spa Which is i-laim-pd by ioc.i pcmi •< world A: vex ik the Mini I nil'- M-rllm ua UiWruum* ween prfcM tad b.«t rfin ,i rape in
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  • 379 11 GERAKAN CHIEF: WE CAN WIN IN PENANG NEXT YEAR PENANG, Saturday. THE Gerakan Ra'ayai Malaysia has a "big chance" ol' winning the 1969 State elections and forming the next State Government, the national chairman. Professor Syed Hussein Alatas. claimed t(jdav. 1 have noticed a big change since I was last
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  • 193 11 THIS week the Asia maßazlne pive.s selection ni Asian writing poems and ->liort stories from Japan. India, the Philippines. Cambodia. Hor.K Kong and Taiwan. Kxcept in Japan. Asian writers are by force of circumstancta part-time artists, earning thrir livelihood by other means, most
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  • 67 11 KIAI.A IRENCiUANf. Sat. The rreiißgunu Mate Assembly Icnlav elected In' be Abu Brfk.u bin Ahmad i'>- 11 'preM-nt.ttive in the BenaW. replacing Incite M I BMd Adib bin Omar whose r ;prm expired i.n <)< t 6 lik lie Abu B-iK^r MM the Udatc in the
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  • 32 11 POR r DKKSON Sat —I h» Thief <>f General Staff Tan Sri Abdjl Hamid bin Bidin. t<id.iy opened the Armed Forces Apprentice Electrical and Mechanical Engineers Trade School here.
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  • 228 11 IPOH. Sat. I I 1 4 MAGUSTRATK. InctnAbdul Hamid bin Mohamed Yumis tod.iv reprimanded one of three youths. Phaim Cheau. 1». for throwing a slim to a woman bl the eoutt'i pubUC nailery .is In- i-ntpred the dock. Phani who had been ill custody wai being escorted
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 112 11 design and planning: there's an easy answer Sime Darby"3 Kitchen and Catering Equipment Division designs commercial kitchens to ensure that every inch of KVe P q U u%V.m d w«rth. most modern time-saving gadgets. From ice makers that can make all kinds of ice. king size ice right through to
      112 words
    • 394 11 Prepare Now for 1969/1970 EXAMINATIONS The Largest Correspondence College in Malaysia Fob Chong Building (Second and Third Floors), I Johore Bohru. Tel: 2171 2006 B^B^^ Maiovon Corrctpontfonca CaMoga a«^B Ettoblithad 1959) can attar ra<i up-to-dorc and irttaraanc fc^H tntlnri M.diyrr. homa-ttudr couo. I^^^^^B^B^B^^^^B tor Mlfhar School Car*. O««n» V School
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  • 220 12 THIS, believe It or not. is a Christmas picture. A modern Christ- dc In which the spirit tit Santa clans la present oven though he not there In person mi uht have ones II the wea- [>' but the smile- nre Pauline with her •peargun
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  • 442 12 I ALTHOUGH lam 25 years old my Kir] trlPnd often calls me -small boy Thl> U becauac I do not have moustaclie and It just won t grow. I cannot bear her nsults any longer. Yet I love her !*IAN I cannot tmarlnr a drl liking or
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  • 136 12 'PHI unr unir unman ran 1 n<m «tra> oithmit hmni to frrl cuilt' about it. Malaysian ro*mMir factor^ ha« prudwred a ranie nf heaut\ aid* Kith a d<liratel» different fracranre for earh item. sn \nu ran reronnlr our beinx a rance-uvr with the >.»» of vlertntn.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 362 12 HOW TO LOSE WEIGHT FAST and still eat 3 full meals a day Stop starving yourself! Nc. njnj^Hßpjjßnnnpjpj can eat plenty of meat. PV^P^VffVVVV cheese and vegetables lots of 1 11 iTllfi 1| 1 1 i your favourite fried foods aid I"J J I I I A slim faster than
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    • 235 12 m ■tV A I a Are you ready? Will this be the month yoo try a new means of sanitary protection? Because there certainly is aa easier, better way. It's Tampax tampons. Worn internally, they keep yoo sure and secure. They never interfere with any of >our normal acti wiies.
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  • 180 13 TRIPPING THE LIGHT FANTASTIC-OUR MSA GIRL IN QUEST OF A TITLE SINGAPORE S;it A Prnang girl. Miss See Blew Wah, ha> bp«'ii chosen to represent thr Airlines al the sevpnth annual International Air Hostess Quest sponsored by Australia. And she is a favourltp to bring back the title— like
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  • 299 13  - ALATAS THAT FAMA FISH PLAN IS UNSOUND GUNN CHIT THYE B.- OENANG, Sat. The National chairman of the Gerakan Raayat Malaysia, Prul. Sypd Hussein Alatas, today criticised the Fama flsh marketing scheme a.> "not entirely sound and pr< with undesirable consequeni it give h.-ima dictatorial powers when there la no
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  • 46 13 KANOAR. Sat— The Hangar National School will hold lt« afinual Purents Day on Nov 7 •Alien the \'entrl Besar. Tan Sri Sheikh Ahmad, will give away the p: Thin vtill be followed by an exhibition In the school hall the same afte-noon.
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  • 40 13 N I BONO TKBA! Sa» An Alliance district councillor. Mr senw Hun 800, hv> Irnm thr Mr Se<>«. whOM leason fnr leaMng Hie pariv is tot k!io*:i n tht- Province South Dl^trut Counrll as an Independent
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  • 150 13 Govt urged to ban ads in Press by quacks |> \G. Sat. The out;:i ideal of the M.riical Practitioners' .Society. Dr. Huang Ktio-an. tonl I urgod the Government ilation to pi rotn :;.-ing In the Pi "These chanatani mu>t be prevented fr'.m cheating tM told member-, al their annual Such
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  • 57 13 KUALA LU>rPUR Rat —Dr. L*onfr KwoK Onn Director of Standards Institute of Mftlmymte, will leave here tomorrow to attend a 20-day seminar in Berlin beginning next week With him will be Inche Mohamed Zain bin Ahmad of UN Ministry of Commerce and IndiiMry and Mr
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  • 40 13 KUALA LUMPUH Sal The Ntimstpi of Local <iovrr:. and Hoiisinw Mr Khaw K:it Enn «11l onrr. the $1 million Banpurmn P«*aran Kots bus ttation car park and hawken •mporlum building at Jaia\a Bodger h«w oc Nov. 8. I
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  • 195 13 1 Story of S'pore's success-in 3 years KI MM IKWSI-OR MED. Th.H Sin;,api.r«- after three >r.«rs nl UKlept'llilrncf. Ihi it years in uhith the Kepulill) lias. in I he niniK of Pi line Ml ni^ter Mr l.i-e Kuan > i» il.ine lietter than in an> thrrr previous >ear> cif our
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  • 111 13 GERAKAN APPEAL FOR OUTSIDERS FAILS VIBONc, TKBAL. Sat. I A;. in councillor, I Mr. A Arumucam. yesterday called "ii the Province t>Tiut h District Council to n•- services to rest- el. nta living outside the -mi town limit*. vt<T .ill. they are rate, pavers too." he said, mov- Ing
    111 words
  • 384 13  -  GEOFFREY BOLAND By I Singapore, Sat. yENEER Products holders received good news over the weekend wnen the long awaited accounts for the year ended Feb. 29 revealed that a trading loss of $1,477,406 had been turned into
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  • 25 13 KANOAR. Sat 111* 1 Mrrvn brsar. Tan Sn slieikh Ahmad. *ttl open a new $12 000 nwq'ie at Bukr. Ketm on. Nor 8.
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  • 124 13 Literacy rate highest in Asia— Chan CINGAPORE. Sat The Republic has one of the highest literacy rates In Asia, the Parliamentary Secretary for Social Affairs. Mr. Chan Chee Seng, said today. Speaking at the foundation stone laying ceremony at the Maha Bodhl School, h" .said that Singapore had made considerable
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 97 13 Advertisement Lemon* For Beauty To keep your skin clear and talr you nped the natural cleansing and bleaching tonic of lemons. Ask your chemist for a boule of lemon Delph. the latest type skin freshener used by beautiful women throughout the world Lemon Delph makes the complexion. nrck and shoulders
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    • 709 13 in c ~"~'^rp pn PfftSpßPfii) rain (F~^ oU L^lllißll lliLavg inMuiS ©IL(L U AL 12 FEET OF TRACK 2 cars 1 SCALE SPEEDS L £gZfZ a J"J^ up to 0 l gZ>'<Toz*M (mini •llrttiH- tw«Hi P^r^ Whot tun to novt »out own not ~^^^%^ty' rocmg ngnt m youf Own home
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  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 1443 14 STAR of iPf*- y the WISEK JL^ OCR -Star oj the Week" today i.t MUx Jack-ie Lim Fah i Kuala Lumpur salesgirl/ born Nor. 9. 1947. I you profrent through b» persuaded to lend to -•the next 11 months, >ou friend* ot members of the nu> complain about »our family.
      1,443 words
    • 270 14 l^^^\ s fc r—^*^^^B J^^~' ""^Joalkoatt^at^^^ J b I I ***VJ I t-^B I jtAK^HllNw V». -f ASAI IN V^TF^^^* -CS^. I W^ThFan.MAL-HEADED S\ I VET YOU ARE TOO I I FEW MEN CAN SURVIVE THE CHANGE TO If" i f I I CREATED ARE AiB L E TO TH/NK
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  • 327 17  - T-T says it: I'm so lucky... PETER DACRE by IT WAS llir cocktail hour <>n Rome's Via Venelo, thai hub of the "Dolce Vita" life. The eleganl bar \\;is liMiii>; up with decidedly eleganl people, when TVn\ Thonus breezed in. Terry-Thomas ihi.s real name la Thomas Terry Hoar Btevens) wi
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  • 6 17
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  • Article, Illustration
    484 17 DON'T for ;i moment think this is an innocuous production. It is not In fact, it is wicked. One of Ihe most wicked tilms I have seen ihis year. It is called "THK MAN. THE WOMAN AND THK MONEY." The story is ribticklinfl and ribald. The comedy
    484 words
  • 460 17 /^N THI'RSDAY. I I id;.y and Saturday the Drama So<iety of the Unhei ItJ ol Singapore «ill present "Loot n comedy I). Jor OrtOß .>' the Cultural Centre Theatre Thr MOtraJ ch.uaiters of this amusMiK ptat] are Hal and Dennis, a i miple of erooka, and the plot
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 481 17 TOUAV 5 SHOWS AT II om. 1 30.4 00,6.30 t 9.lSp m THE MAN THE" WOMAN. AND TH: MONEY" OPtNS TODAY- II om, 1 30, 4 00, a 30 9.30 pm' l! THE OLDEST PROFESSION IN THE WORLD" .Color) Midi v -rcier NOW SHOWING 1 1 1 om, 1 30,
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  • 271 18 SPATE OF DRAWS IN TOP DIVISION L ONDON. B*l Here art the •■•oiball matches I \i. l I*ll IMMMON UMI n 1 Ipswich 0 t o t .■vrnlrT 1 South»m|)lnn 1 r.derland 0 >\. .ivllr 0 l.«-K-«Ur <• NnlN I nr. H Wt.l\n spur* 1 Stnkr 1 K I' l.i»rr|MM>l
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  • 742 18 High scores or low —take your choice in new pools plan UIGII Scores or Low Scores? Take your choice. Littlewoods' new pool calls for the former, while Vernons with their "Golden Scoop" go to the other extreme. With Littlewoods you have an eignt-match pool (so all those Treble Chance plans
    742 words
  • 97 18 |>op r i \:aio r. Sat Mrs. m v. imb W.tde ividn ihr American Of i.t "A II tlllll.. tourni n AH., .n lea 7-5 8-6 o re, n nrr ,li rd successlTC U :n Urn mrnt'- I Shuu 6-3 6-2 in the
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  • 127 18 111-XBOCRNE. Sat Kel Nagie Increased Ms lead to five .strokes after todays third round of the Australian Golf Association championship at th« Metropolitan Ooif Club course. The 47-year-old Australian .shot a rive-undcr-par 69 for a 17 under-par total or 205 compared 'o a
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  • 300 18 Kin Tat and Chong Hau to contest the final I ONDON. Sat. Lee Kin Tat. the top >efd from Singapore, reached the final of the Wimbledon open badminton tournament here last night with a 15-6. 15-11 win over defending champion Colin Beacom England i. Beacom put up a. great fight
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  • 225 18 OINUAPORE, Sat. Singuijore's limited spons facilities have restricted widely participated international games to be held here on a large scale. How rer, th<> completion of the national sports complex at Kallang by the end of 1971 may make :t po>.-i--bie for Singapore to
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 215 18 lour whole future istiedupinyour next examWhy take a chance? It's so easy to make sure, to make more certain that you'll pass that all important examination in 1969 or fc^^^ -1970, whether it be JBB^t HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE, ji^ScM^ssssW SCHOOL CERTIFICATE/ M.C.E. TFnW^WyJK QUALIFYING TEST TmfMM^f LOWER CERTIFICATE OF EDU
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    • 109 18 People yoing places tf&J&i Samsonite" Silhouette im 4 r W-' m s WK v li^/Missssssft IaBa^^fiBBBBBBBBBHBW^ ty^"* flßsst si l SLIM. SLEEK. STURDY... SOPHISTICATED SAMSONITB In New York. London. Singapore or Kuala Lumpur vou'U find SAMSONlTE... fashions latest in luggage Light with a look of unmatched elegance, Samsonite combine, beauty
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  • Page 18 Miscellaneous
    • 1031 18 Don't hook your short irons 1 /'SnuWHtP'-N /Z^^V™l*Vn°itm^M \l ill l Hi < spore Police v Armed VVOTSS <?"arrer Pk. 3 Ro\Ml\r. Spore International masters tourney iJaei I.X Xl I >t Srr»irei final: NFH v Pmice iPan'«l. (YCLINC Petunic v:hoolbo< "in-mlle race iGurney Uri'. c 7am «.(>! I ii Cup
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  • 1676 19 YOUNG RAWSON, with Johnny Wilson astride, sprang a spectacular surprise to pay $458 for a win at Kuala Lumpur yesterday. Second was another outsider Pali Andy (Subian). The $2 forecast paid a thumping dividend of $2,292 m a linlidiiy in Lyle Har- the irilllant win r>- mi
    1,676 words
  • 1373 19 RACING WITH EPSOM JEEP XL card wprfsrsKM zIS CLASS 5 division 2 1 SBBHO SKITTISH (iINKRAL a (Loll Lob) Heddle 5 9 0 *Anuar 15 t ***** PLEASANT VISTA a (Khoo «c Leong x Lee 4 9 0 (Fl Sellers 10 3 ***** QBNGHU KHAN a (Oiioin famsurl 4 8
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  • 775 19 TRAVEL COURT, winner of three of his last five starts, can score his fourth success in the Class 1 Div. 1 7f handicap (Race 5) at Kuala Lumpur today. At Bukit Timah last month ho came from nearly la>t to beat a
    775 words
  • 134 19 tfSOM HI i > W.I. iio* Is 11 h RtM 1 I.OTCB LAMP 111 V VISTA "Mil rillKdt Teddie I'.iu- Ifi l'>easant VisU llrasant Vint* Lotut. Lamp Lotus Lamp Rare 2 SHANGHAI KID HMNOHAI KID T PLRFKC TION \ilniorwin <><illiuoe -lianKlui Kid OKmpie Game Vimoruin In.orum Race
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 224 19 V^ -> '<^L fl WT Wewant r Jap everyone W%&Mh.> to have a ~%^^39V taste o£ theJ^pßy^ 5^ jet set jE^Km Once it was exclusive, the pampered go-anywhere, anytime life of the sophisticated jet -set. No more. The jet-set life aloft with Cathay Pacific is for everyone. We start it
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  • 357 20 NEB SET FOR EASY VICTORY MALAYSIAN GOVERNMENT SERVICES ROUNDUP KUALA LUMPUR. Saturday. RATIONAL Electricity Board look set for an innings victory over Malaysia Police in tho Malaysian Government Services cricket final after the second day's play at Pantai today. Scores: NEB 205 for 8 dec; Police 44 and 4 for
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  • 116 20 KCAI.A LLMPUR. Bat— Toh Boon Teng «>f I'enang up.set Malaysian Davis cupper Bakar in three sets :r. the M.tlaysian Government inter-state tenuli tin a) Urn Selangor Club couit* here today. But Toh'.s 2-fi 6-4 f d;ci net ati p 1:■ r from ivtaming the tr.c
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  • 82 20 KUALA LVMI 1 R. Sat M layfian Police and NEB men in the deciding match fcr the Dr. Saw Hock Chuan Trophy in the M D Government Bel vices hockey •.ournamem tomorrow a: 4.30 at Batu Cant. mmBoth Police and NEB are unbeaten. btu Armed Forces
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  • 23 20 PENANti Bat Pi nan; Juniors beat South Thailand Youth 3-0 in a soccer match ai the j Of. Sodium ncr tonit&ht.
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  • 398 20 Naidu and Savithri take top awards 1 1/UALA LUMPUR. Bat. School teachers Danapal Naidu <>t Kelantan and P. Savithri of Nepri Sembllan won the besi performance awards at the Malaysian Government Services athletic championships today. Prisons me overall rhaw plonship n tin 1 men's d. vision with lib points. Second
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  • 145 20 BUTCHER SAVES W. INDIES PERTH. Sat Basil But her .salvaßP'l the W>st Indians' prestige with a dashlnc MsV turv ataiii-t the Combined Australian cricket team here today Butcher hammered a sparkling 115 In 148 minutes as lie lifted the tourists to a respectable first Inning* score of 254. The West
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  • 36 20 IPOH. Sa! Kampar "A" rrachrd the Dnal Of the Pr-rale lmer-diMrict kn<M icout Mxcer competition for \i.t Cheng W»h Cup when they beat Ipoh H holders. 2-1 or. tl:e stadium Perak here today.
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  • 586 20  -  ALBAN GOMES By Kuala Lumpur, Sat. MR. Khaw Kai Boh. Chef-de-Mission of the Malaysian contingent to thr Mexico City Olympics admitted on his return here yesterday that Malaysia had a long way to go to reach world standards. He stressed that Malaysia
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  • 264 20 I\LFENDING champions Singapore Joint Services started their Malaya Cup South zone rugger campaign on the right note when they beat Johore by 15 points (five tries) to nil at HMS Terror today. B-,- id difficult} hand isy hall. Services meiijced :h c *he kickoif but a
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  • 236 20 PERAK HEAD NORTH ZONE ipoh Mi Pcnk put up a great fight With 10 Di. I 1 Malaysian Armed Foreei oy nlnepolnU cry ar.c! two penalty) t<> three 1 penalty In a key North ZKM Malaya Cup rujjger mai Munlil pa<l»ng Tir.ik ti... hance* in ihi ..ul. UICU Potcai Noih
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  • 54 20 AUCKLAND. Sd!. Nfw :.ii marathon runner lake K\..n has tli- lined to run I 11)0 J Dal iruK^lcuoaka on DcccmOn his return yesterday irmi City after winning the Olympic bronze medal in the marathon. Ryan said he planned to IaJM a rest from marathon running
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  • 8 20 or M a"m l l *v*thy kanacasum.
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  • 171 20 MALACCA. Bat. The 2 Bth Commonwealth Infantry Brigade revelled in the mud to beat NenrlMalacca 11-0 (goal and two tries 1 In a Malaya Cup rugger match played at the I Terendak Camp here today I This nt Brigade's I win. Tht y
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  • 39 20 SAN JUAN. Sat. Chilean Luis Avalh, a dinner Davis Cup player, now a professional at the Racquett Club Hotel here, ha> been named India's coach for their inter-zone final matches with tlw United St^p* on Nov. 9-11.
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  • 19 20 KUALA 1 1 MPI/R Sat. Siniiie held the Malavdra v n ineir annual occer match here t'dav.
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 92 20 THE WAY y. |0/» I* V. INTO THE -^Jj^l* I yy^ /tJ^&y IQIIu II Gull I UCI v^^ffv^^ /^aSfe'aßw. Now in on« portsble mini unit. »ouhivi»eissette rtcorder aw <S W*tV //^StV^^^*^ o*ol^^^^*0 01^^^^* lhrif b nd r dl AM SWI SW2 Th NIVICO n» •^^--^^^!^H(^// Sptcificitioni 10 poweffu! tnntittori«Big 5"
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    • 2 20 Late CLASSIFIEDS
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