The Straits Times, 2 November 1968

Total Pages: 24
1 24 The Straits Times
  • 29 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 175,000 b r CEIVBD-4 The National Newspaper The Straits Times Lstd. 1845 ,jl. SATI'RDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 19«8 15 CENTS KDN. 3104 M.C. (P) 0014
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  • 719 1 Tengku calls for new division of Vietnam 1 KUALA LUMPUR, Frl 'pFN'CiKU Abdul Rahman today called for a new division of Vietnam into communist and noncommunist areas to ensure lasting peace. ilic Prime .Minister mi cummentini; on I'resjdent Johnsons dramatic announcement of a Immhini; halt in North \itlnain as from
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  • 1342 1 THE United States today halted all bombing of North Vietnam, ready to move into "serious and intensive" negotiations with Hanoi to end the Vietnam war. President Johnson ordered the hall in ;i dramatic late<night broadcast bul warned Hanoi that America's unilateral action depended <»n communist military
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  • 160 1 PARIs. I ri —Mr ,\\erell Hanim.m Die chief Anieni in nctioti.itor alliiounted lo<l.i> he would demand a political solution of tile \ war assuring |he South Vietnamese a free choice of their future at the lullsrale peace talks with the communists here next Wednesday In
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  • 376 1 Manila can never take Sabah: Razak lOHORE BAHRU, Prt Tun Abdul Ha/ak said today that Malaysia would never allow the Philippines or any oth< r power to annex Sabah "No powi r anywtx t;rab or colonise it >'j long a.-^ the people ao not wish i .said when openinu the
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  • 179 1 fPOKYO. Fri. The Chi- 1 nese Communist Party i has voted to expel President Liv Shao-chi and 'dismiss him from all posts both inside and outside it as well as "continue to settle accounts with him and his accomplices." a Radio Peking
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  • 253 1 rllS picture <if Manfred Kamminger. the the German architect named as Mr. hf polite. h.i> released yesterday after his arrest with tuo other men accused nf stealinc a l.uflwaflV Sidewinder missilr and airfreighting it to Moscow. Prosecutor -General l.uiiwl| .Martin said in Komi tint
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  • 80 1 Czech sport trio defect to Bonn EjiRANKFURT, Frl. Three promint nt Czechoslovak ath at the Mexico Olympics have decided to sla\ in West rather than return home. The three bu-ka. bia silver m winninu Rower Peter Xi day RELATIVE Vaclav Kubick. f(nirt!i place in I yak kfurt spot director said.
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  • 6 1 IONUON {or hei Chile.
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  • 40 1 PARIS TALKI PABI^ ■am ••nflrmeo' her* It w«nld attend pe**e taikj here «rtth DA, N r KepoMt* or \''tn«m. a»» befnr* N«». Banlo Hanoi JH B«1 mem Prrsi.i lac hah ai Tonic"* would ant" araaii «l »t tomorrow
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 20 1 Prickly He«t r Skin Itch -2 Gw^ Dermic Eruptions "JB GRAfTON LABORATORIES LTD. Jsr W GUERLAIN |~^J pertumob-coi>nieliv-i.-toilctrics from Paris
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    • 71 1 nbermain Krtnlertd Ttadt Mark s*^Bt' S mA~ ~'H •Bh/' 9l^b! sir* By Avl B^BSBBBM> '''IH Kb' BSBBBBSftr'' flfls mkJ P^a^BHßa» '^I^IHi^IIIH^HH^^^H^^HH^IHH^HIHIH^HH^BSB LONGINES Sl\(iTlBfi7. Loiißiiu's is bonoured Una and t::. dunni; the pajl dec vie t.viiitj- 1 Precision ratOtdl ois'aniMd by the O< I Ni uchatel Ob.-et Vi-tori'-s were broken Anting
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    • 688 2 BOMB HALT WON'T AFFECT U.S. ELECTION WASHINGTON, Friday ALL three candidates for the U.S. Presidency approved President Johnson's decision to halt the bombing of North Vietnam, official sources said last night. Democratic candidate Mr Hubert Humphrey. Repiiblicn Mr Richard Nixon and third party candidate Mr. Oeorge
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    • 405 2 Washington gives details leading to bombing halt WASHINGTON, Fn. tutlioritative sourSSS liere save the following srqueni'e of events wt.icti led to Pre-idrnt Jonnson s oruer. last niglit. to halt all b<>mbnu ol North Vietnam. The hn-akthrough came last Sumij\. Tne President put a three- point formula to Ainhass.nior Avrrrll Harriman.
      Reuter  -  405 words
    • 300 2 Novarro. the first 'Ben Hur' is beaten to death HOLLYWOOD, Fn. R»mon NOTUTO, matl c idol oi tflent and early .sound film.v was foui.d beaten to death in his Hollywood Hills horn« 1 yesterday. The star or the rirM "Ben Hur" film was 69 Forty years ago he was a
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 335 2 From SINGAPORE to SAIGON 1. 2. 3. The Breakfast Flight Jhe Unch F|jght The Hjgh Tefl F|jght dep 830 am. dep. 1100 am. dep 2 45 pm Every Monday Thursday. every Saturday, (effective 20th Oct 1968) All Flights with new Boeing 727 Better comfort: no engines en the wings. Faster
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    • 118 2 —M&B— to treat cuts, abrasions, minor burns M 1 B 'Antiseptic Cream' co«v tarns propamidme, a powerful germ killer when applied to cut*, wounds, pimples, botli, abrasions, scalds, burns and bites. It does not cause smarting or •tain clothes. Every housewife should keep one tub* handy in case of emergency.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 25 2 THE GAMBOLS ..,.<# "~r "tr^ XTU4T (MAS A\ 1 1 UAVCNT BEBN ID TUAT~\ LOVELY I J?WTAUK4MTKWV6AR<] V evemims V -McrrsiNce we west Zs \Jt»SuX&y r
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    • 203 3 Parts of lost US nuclear sub found near Azores VORFOLK (Virginia) Fri. The U.S. Navy has located pieces of the nuclear submarine Scorpion lost in the Atlantic i" May, it was announced yesterday Admiral Thomu H Chiel of Naval Object I •< P')rtioiui of the hull of the .submarine ii
      Reuter  -  203 words
    • 35 3 I'ARI.-' F: I The French State Bi urtty Court senterced former top ci\:; servant Maurice Pir.«rd to impri-sonmrnt !.>r eaptaßaSt Picard d EllUty, ng circum- dealings wi h E v.c' Reurer.
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    • Article, Illustration
      71 3 THE TWO Gls CONVICTED OF RAPE I Wo American (.Is »,,ik in the flowrr «.ir«len of a South Korean prison in Suwon K.t> nioiid \l-1.1 siiuc7 Jr inuhti aaki I'rixate Uillir Payc are t«n\irted rapists the hrst Q|a l<> s«*i\e time in a South Korean prison
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    • 243 3 BONN POLICE FIND DEFENCE MAN'S BODY BONN, Friday. pOLICE yesterday found the body of a missing Defence Minister official on the shore of the Rhine as security chiefs and government officials studied the wave of espionage disclosures that have shaken the West German Government. A police spokesman said that the
      Reuter  -  243 words
    • 40 3 JAKARTA. Fn IndoI nesian m.litarv authoriue.s In two Ea.s' have tSapOMd a ban >>n demon«BfMSaaVaal and pjbi;< meettog; b«oU new anti-Chinese rlotl. The bans wert n p -<d in the Uil i.- in I R I) iv sngi.
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    • 245 3 Undercover work leads to arres of 52 drug peddlers VKW BURNSWICK (New jersey). FH Months ol undercover work by a State Trooper who posed .i^ drug addict led yesterday to the arrest of dozens of alleged door-to-door salesmen of heroin and o'her drugs In raids executed with military predi State
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    • 29 3 DETROIT. Fm t tranqullisers by pragfMUU .vuinrn may b* creating sex brhaviour problems for their oft according to ptoystctaiu studying the results of experimental fciilmal research— A.P.
      AP  -  29 words
    • 246 3 \IUNICH. Fn. The International Air Transport Association ended its 24th annual meeting here yesterday with a recommendation to governments not to meddle with civil aviation. The 400 delegates representing 103 airlines from 84 countries passed a resolution calling on government to restrict orders that
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 189 3 LAST IIAV OF Ol II Ist ANNIVERSARY PRICES NEVEP OFFERED BEFORE Acrylic Ptd BlouMt S t.*o Ntck Tw> I 350 Slocks 2. 50 T(trroft/Cot Sh.rti SJ «0 Nylon Pontiei S 0.60 USA Uothcr Belts i 2»0 Lodits Halt Sl. pi S 0 90 Byrord Sockt S 3 70
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    • 338 3 BEAN g*^/-\ IJm ■bVlsbbW Chcose your Christmas Cards aV^L^ A Vr^^Bs^^ early this year take time to TJ f F\ T^ select just the right card tor each 8%l I \^Jr I S of your friends and loved ones. Bt .^3^^K%!^bk y" *^^3a^ i /4k '^PMBBBwr x b\ jf^Fw sT«
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  • 192 4 TIIK Friedrich-Ebcrl Foundation in Germany may choose Singapore as their base for a major offensive in the Held of adult education in South and South-east Asia. This hint was given today by Mr. Klaus Pretzer, head of the Foundation's Asian section, at the end
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  • 221 4 SINGAPORE. Frl. I Singapore aims at producinu twice as many technical students at minimum cost and without havinc to build any more technical schools This ki pan oi .i am education plan outlined today by the Political Secre- tary "to the Ministry of Education. Incbe Mohamed
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  • Article, Illustration
    121 4 t INOAPORE FYi Mi Lotl hu i^i-n i Hd Dl ol Btn| ipa lion I he .seen l Mr HO K"!1K Wing iind the treasurer Mr Chia HERE ii tnc GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY tor ENTHUSIASTIC LADIES »h., wuh to learn HAIR STYLING and FACIAL TREATMENT including bR DAL MAKE
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  • 130 4 SINGAPORE. I- r i Joint first pmr winners of the Emblem l>esii;n contest held b> tinA^ FMterattaa of «»b--stetrirs .iiid (•ynaeroli>i:\ Mr Chin San (ricbt) .mil Mr hcunu Win a •< (left), rereiied S>oo each at i rri'iimny hrld at t Ii c K.ind.ini: Kcrbau hi-rt'
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  • 277 4 Gay mood at Xmas Fair sale for charity SINGAPORE. Fri. With s.'> days to go bpfonChristinas. the festive mood has already started, with the 1%8 Christmas Fair pre-sale of handicraft held today at the residence of the Australian Ili-h Commissioner. The emphasis was on gifts and decorative randies. stuffed toys,
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  • 86 4 SINGAPORE. Fn The 1 former British Connnis-sioncr-Griu-ral for South•Ml Acta Lord Selkirk ac- companlrd by Lady Selkirk toiunht flew In from Jakarta for a private visit. During ihnr s My hfre thrv will \:Mt !hr> Juroiig mii dustrlal cnniplrx. the Housing Board, the Bedok rtrlamatlon project
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 252 4 JOHORE BAHRU (Telephone 2133 4) Dine Donee Every Night Smooth Music By JIMMY SMITHS BAND Groove Music By THE PATCHES This Week Floorshow Provocative Spanish Doncing By BABY KIM Saturday 2 Bands Extension 2 a.m. JT T*Tk _> (Today 130-3 30-7 00 19JO pm \JJ -^3 Cheng P.- Pr A
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    • 261 4 jS Take a LUXURY CRUISE around our romantic and colourful islands i£ a iirillir" bTS— v TEE SINGAPORE LADY I •I offers jf ON SUNDAY f. a two hour luncheon cruise (latest boarding at 12 30 p m.) <" Cruising $8 Children under 12 $4 CHOICE OF MEALS AT POPULAR
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    • 519 4 OPENS TODAY' Hum 1 JO, 4.00, 7.00 1 ».Jo*m Co-" Bookioq* Or. l. No Fre« Laf Chiang Crd Mar "JADI DRAGON" Color Scope in Mondonn PLUS E On STAGI AT 7*930 pPERSONAL APPEARANCf MISS CHIN MAN II MISS MAGGIE LI LING UNG MISS YOONG YOONG MISS ILLY TAM TONIGHT
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  • 162 5 SPORE THE BEST CENTRE FOR TRADE: SELCO CHIEF SIM. IPOBE, I n The neu BMBaaiaj director ol the Seliu druup. Mr. K.J. Gray, tonight -i rih-.'il Btagapore'l location as •■imsurpasseil" in the uorld as a centre of i iiiiiiiiriir and trade. Speaking la tup local and furcimi business cxeculiws uho
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  • 16 5 Minister "f 1 .ir- will oj)eii a fnod air. Mid, bast ■•< in. tomorrow.
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  • 96 5 SINGAPORE. F.i The iv ol Ji.nuapore drama society will pn H D1 (iy by Joi 1 Orion at the Cuitural here on Hot. 7. 8 and 9. Tht* comedy ii in- the escapades of two I yoimc men trying to hide loo' !rum
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  • 730 5 SINGAPORE. Fri. TIIK will of the L late Mr. Chua Sim Keng, who left ;i part <»r liis residuary estate l<> Hie (.;t--lliolic Archbishop of Malacca and Singapore, with ;i provision delaying its distribution for up to '2(i years in 1991,
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  • 25 5 SINGAPORE Fn. Another group ut natto— l MnrtecaMfl »ill report fur (ulltimo .service at community centres at 9 a m on Ni>v 13.
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    • 207 5 H /%P| s ncn it's different I jj Featuring the dynamic r 1 9 I I BLACKJACKS M continental &|S'*P^J^ M H cuisine f jSfi" Et J no cover charge^^ the f.shermen p I FRENCH RESTAU RlTf *^H| .M iccompini men t of 1 1 > -iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiimimiiii:imiii!iimiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiim~I CARPARK S a
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  • 182 6 Mr. Lim, former City Water Engineer, dies CI.NfiAPORK. fri— Mr. P C lim. the City Water Fncineer froni ItSI tv I%;{. died at hK home in Jalan l.aleh today after a short illness, lie nj ti.V hina-ix>rn Mr. I.iin ■pent virtually all his uorking life of SS years in the
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  • 254 6 'SALESMEN ARE SO SHREWD T00 Where holding hands no longer is a problem SINGAPORE, Fri. J Singapore is worth coming to if only Just to hold hands with one's boy friend, according to 21-year-old Thai student Ratanaporn Rojanakorn. A third-year political science student from Chulalonnkorn University, she is a member
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  • 124 6 If U ALA LUMPfR. PH. The Malaysia National Society for the D<af will hold a charity film premiere oi The Star" at the Pavilion C'.nema here on Nov. 20 at 9 p.m. In aid of I its Audiological Centre project fund. It
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  • 80 6 PENANU Pri The R^dio Malays.!* Onlmtl*. under the baton of Imhe Julian Sullen, will mve t»n perl'Tmaniej, in Peii.nn! on N>.\ 6 and 7. Th»" On heMta will perfrwro at tlic PctDng rinne«e Girl.-. Hir!i Bchcol in Gottlieb Road I) fi n m nn Nov. 6.
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  • 50 6 TELUK ANSON. PH. A verdict of death by misadventure was recorded by the Coroner here yesteday. Inch* Hassan bin Uhak at an inquest Into the death of Yip Seng dial. 44. pork-seller. who tv killed when his mtUtf IjlH went off the ro«d on June 18
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  • 23 6 MALACCA Fri The Malajran Association for the Prerentlon of TudpituloM* will hold fun! rau-ing dance at Uewan Hang Tuah hero tomnrrm*
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  • 16 6 PFNANO Fri The State AMembljr will hold iv bud«i I mMtins ta Nor. at.
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  • 295 6 Stagefright hits courts' efficiency By TEO |C SIM J£UALA LUMPUR, Fri. Magistrates and deputy public prosecutors suffer i'rom itagefright especially during the first few weeks of their appointment. This. |n the opinion of the Senior Presi. dent of the Sessions court here. Incho Mohamed Eusof f Chin, one of the
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  • 95 6 PORT DICKSON. tr. Two detainers escaped from their cell at tilt y i Ike station l«K-k-up here early this morning. They did it by sa»:ng the win %uard of thr cell window anri climbing onto the th<> building before slidins down an iron pipe.
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  • 205 6 RULING BY JUDGE: THIS CUSTOMARY MARRIAGE INVALID SINGAPORE. Fri. Mr. Justice Kula^ekaram today dismissed a divorce petition under the Won. s Charter— w ithout hearing any evld< Hp ruled that cuftomary marriage i-onducted after t)ip Women? Charter had come Into I'ircp were m•nerp was compliance with the provisions of the
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  • 38 6 KANGAR. Fn The I>rli.« Mala;. Chamber of Com--1 metre will hoii men ing on N MM b« j opened by the Mentrl Benar. Tan Sri She;k:. AhnricV at th» Oorerrunent Barrftntt' Cooperative building at Ja!an PenJarfc
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 86 6 'f m The convenience of permanent press in luxurious fabric $> Here is a most luxurious shirt crafted by America's fore- p I most shirtmaker. The ARROW label is your guarantee I* that only the finest of fabrics are used to produce this V handsome shirt. And the silk-like luster
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    • 151 6 An exciting adventure into a new world of discovery and learning! PICTORIAL KNOWLEDGE Builds week by week into a colourfulexciting new kind of encyclopedia of information and knowledge Pictorial Knowledge is an entirely new sort of children's encyclopedia, based on the most modern teaching methods. It starts with what the
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  • 209 7 KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. r |MiK first hotel in Malaysia with an indoor -skating rink, and the largest shopping arcade, will be built in Imbi Road, directly L behind the Bukit Bintang Park here. The $10 million complex will also have a
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  • 227 7 J^l \M Iri lhe l\;i. nil in p.irli.unfi t it v l>\ rln linn In fall the Mai lclt b> thr death oi imhr Abdul K.i hrn iii hin I .dib. the former Malaysian Mill. .ss. I( |,,r to the
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  • 67 7 IJENANG. The French .\nitjas>udor. Mr. Bartlielemy Epin.i one hour at the rtool ;ir' linn today i'.iirj later .i~r.«-*i f .uid address irient Whi had impressed h:rti. ai list .i pre it.. competition was ..lit \ri Galirrv by 'tie Chlel Edu- Mr Tan ternoon. <-
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  • 316 7 JAKARTA, Friday fNDONESIAN importers said yesterday that restricting; imports from Singapore will cost the Government "considerable revenue" in high taxes normally collected on goods from the island Republic. And they warned that "if imports are hard hit, prices will increase here." The (jovernment last
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  • 126 7 SINGAPORE, Frl. Replacing 99 expatriate chargemen and 50 foremen, now working at the Naval Dockyard, with Singaporeans will involve a major retraining programme by the Gov-ernment-owned Sembawang Shipyard. Miu;.-:ir fOf Social A:;.ur.-. Inche Otlunan Mid tlll.s tolUgllt ..t the opening of a ..arnival organised
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  • 83 7 pENAXG. Fri. The Pclla 11 g Tourist Association is sponsoring a tourist publicity poster competition to ".stimulate a desire to travel to Penang and promote a better und c r standing and knowledge of the people h' first prize will b« tecond Siuu. and third
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 182 7 EASY WAY TO KILL ANTS. COCKROACHES Af. emlsu recommend tha: you onvol anu and c xrkroache* the n od-'rn war L^—rtUjWl r. .'ohniton't No■Pr<rTr\^( R»rh. simp I v l_i<>* brush No-Roarh I W»^. M rablnets to kill L- ,-g arts Olves com\mß wilnin h >w isjta BflettUe for months Odoi-!rs.«
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    • 270 7 put a J[l>Anh>LlCTlllC fa IN YOUR HOME TO-DAY A from C 1Q.50 %f 9 M%J PER MONTH 1 Jl**^isWr t^~ Ti*-» Baf abv^Bßk x sL y« lTfc.^x^ f M^Jr \:> "^t- s\l 8888 m N' .^^H^k aw A >. Bk— M S^k.^^Li^Hr t 1^ x^bt vm -^f JPx ft la^aM^^^^^^^VSS^B^^BßSa
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 282 7 Straits Times Crossword A« Ross T liirl In to cook fish 161. 9. Womin cet-s copper, thin but 8 Gives bark a letter <i> very 14 Brlnht Ideas of an lon about 10. Flgura of speech In Tenny- possible win I opening line |s>. its gets done without «r- >*
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  • 213 8 Of Ilony K>.ng and Talw n si trs i;id t/>p local would have been eiKiuKh to make the show gc with a swing But the organisers of star tl-ne International went r.ii< farther At l:e first of 'he two day
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  • 59 8 Sunday Mail features I EATI l»> In t.miorro» s s| Ml MAIL include: The "Saint" of Kelantan. \iin«it to Malaysia's h i< kl<>^ nf rases; The Third Man in the Is presidential election. 0 Millionaires' pi iy ground plan upsels Nr« /ral.ind Plus the fp.iturrs nn (hr sh.ire market
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  • 36 8 KIAI.A II'MIMR. Frl The initiator without Portfolio. Senator Oliaftar Baba. will leme lor Tren^na- a <'ii Nov. 18 lor a ivio-da-. He will be arrompnnled by the American Amba^ar. James He!! Beinama
    Bernama  -  36 words
  • 205 8 KUALA LUMPUR. Friday THE South Ambassador here. Mr. Ngvyen Duy Quang. today thanked Maiayians for their aid to Vietnamese refugees made jomeless and destitute by the North Vietnamese Communists during the Tet offensive early this year. The people and the overnmtnt ol the RppubC
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  • 48 8 HNOAPORI im: A < '"toner's Inquiry today recorded a mlMdvmture verdict on Chua Bak Soon. .12 »ho ni killed by llßhtnlng on Ort 10. Chua «as repairing his pie•ty at Braddell Road that day. I Three of hU plgn wart lound I 4aatf out hit body.
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  • 219 8 SINGAPORE. Fri. Singapore will host the biggest international Christian conferenre ever held in thia part of the world wlirn the Asi:i-South Pacific Congreaa on Evanaelism opens here next Tuesday. Thf eight -day co: sp mscred by the B:!:- i hnm Eransellstlc V
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  • 11 8 BmOAPORE Pr: TH» M Britair Auatn tended.
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  • 163 8 Malaysia imposes entry ban on 8 from S'pore KUALA LUMPUR, Fri.— Emht Blnga. porr residentfl havt been banned permanentl- from entering Malaysia for security reasons, and more are to be blacklisted soon. So for this year 14 Singapore residents have been bai.ned. the Secretary to the Ministry of Hump Affairs.
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  • 26 8 Kf.MA LUMPUR. FT! The Gerakan Ka'ayat M will launch it* youth action at ,i ni^ftme at it* hradqi.i.-ters :n Bricklield* hfre umorrow .<■ 5 pm.
    FT  -  26 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 196 8 PGive the New Sheaf fer 444 Trio ...and be remembered. Slim styling in rich brushed chrome, glides ink to paper with never a skip Th* pen comes with a new vtrep-around or scratch. palladium silver point Wrltss smoothly Want to be remembered? With the and fills from irk bottle or
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    • 66 8 YOUR IDEAL INSTANT HOME in the most popular higb-dass residential area. HOLLAND GARDEN 6msHolland R °ad Complete with Singapore. m<£Bc t Son h StV nit metalled road BU.^N CLOSET i E R Sc N ,SS TE COM^E^D^eV^ ■w aas^g^ga^s^gifltfgsCbk. J> jt i «MMr^d^figJ6gg|B BIG CASH DISCOUNT Wff r^ V Y
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  • 180 9 Mother of three wins singing contest LI \l LUMPUR, Fri n mother ol three last night won tin- im.ils of Ihe soul; t cutest organised l>> Radio Malaysia. she is (he Z.iinon H'i.,l. a teacher .nul wife of the District OMi i ci .lerantut Inche Ridtwaa la'afar, h»
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  • 32 9 PENANG. Frl The Penanz centre of the Wdrhl Fellow Milp of BuddhlMs will hold IU monthly dinner meetIng »t the Rubber Trade AMO- nation at 7.30 pm. next ThuxiJ d»y.
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  • 314 9 Our experts plus your capital, says Aussie trade team leader 1/UALA LUMPUR. Fri. Australia is more interested in providing the technical expertise lor Malaysian enterprise than capital for joint yen tures. the leader of the visiting, New South Wales engineering trade mission, Mr. J. B. Fuller, said today. Mr. Fuller,
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  • 234 9 Magistrates must be given phones, says court president KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. JS a magistrate on call 24 hours of the day like a doctor or police officer? According to the senior president of the S' Court In lyoh Inche Abdullah Ngah. the answer Is "yes. he Is." And it Is
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  • 244 9 Shipping line: 'Final details soon' PORT DICKSON, Friday. •piIE Minister of Finance, Tun Tan Siew Sin, said hero today that final details on the sotting up oi a national shipping line were now being worked out. The five-member Cabinet sub-committee on the national shipping line which he headed had received
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  • 196 9 DENANO, m The conMiltant m the Penang Gcm-ral Hotpttol. Dr. S. M. Hag. .sa:d today a bank peon ;n'i'uspd of murdering his w:!- ffti tuffertng from a Khiso-etTectlYe disorder 'di>ca.M' Di tin- mind). "But." he told Mr. Ju^tlrp H S. Oiik and wvetlman
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  • 64 9 Stall owner robbed PENANG. Fri. A corlee stall uwn«r. Mr. Tan An Hip, bittd by a youth In a back lane off Pre. < -(fr<«ve street here yesterday. l .n reported to police he was ytaiKiing near hi* Mall .it about 130 h m WDM thf youth upr <rlied him
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 78 9 W aaaaaX I LV I a 9. HP^Baa^aa^^te^tf^^a^^L^^^^avajaiia /B Get Champion Spark PlugsS&d^m— "^jßj Champion Spark Plug's unique ,«Ry M design gives any car out- J^ fIU standing performance That's $$$fo /-jM why Champion Spark Plugs •CafiflE wt\ are installed by more of the 3 E> —^tW world's car manufacturers
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    • 495 9 I S >naaV^Ja^r s I '.'^JL *S<. Be suspicious! Don't a^. JL Look for it en the label or lag, If it's not risking Tiey. You won't shrink unless >oj sec 'SANFORIZED' F t there. On the label. it's the mi If it 13 why d n't it say so?
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  • 477 10 TREMENDOUS Cleaner streets, drains, less flies, mosquitos, says Minister SINGAPORE. Friday Till! streets arc cleaner, the drains Irss choked and there is less litter jboul There are even less flics ;iiid mosquitos This, the Minister for Health. Mr. Chua Sian Chin, declared tonight was "indeed an excellent start" for the
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  • 316 10 □INGAFOatE, I ri. Law enfoitt'iiHMit —Phase II of the (iovernment s "h»ng struggle" fur the improvement of environmental health will be initiated tomorrow. At lien w ill be taken under the lull <imeminent lOHMnuqr) KpKulatiniiN ISM, and people who>e pVMBIMI <>r frontage* are unclean
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  • 94 10 SINGAPORE. Frl—A teacher. Paul Llm Soon Un. 34. told the High Court today that his wife, Christina Chow, attain.-; his wUn ieft for England In October 1 9*4 but had since returned without seelna him nor had she written htm while In Britain He was granted
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  • 259 10 SINGAPORE. Fri THE Minister tor Social Affair*, Inche Othman Wok. today urged the Council of B o rial Senrk M which is soon to become a statutory body, to muk'' a Critical appraisal of Singapore's entire voluntary welfare movement with j a view
    259 words
  • 37 10 SINGAPORE Fri A fivesession course on "Stock control" Is beii.? organised by the Superyis. ;v inti M*n*JTTll*ll' TrainIng Association Further details may be obtained from the secreury ai 3-L. Cllflord House or tel *****
    37 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 244 10 fit jjjmmw m%. //(/'/A// l 'i\W^^ m i h *5 MIL aWaY Wr laWa ->j- Your diamond is for today and all the precious years together mm J that lie ahead. Make sure that [1 W\ the diamond you buy is the best U available at the price. We will
      244 words
      345 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 158 10 1 (tnp lift V.T. Hmmiim m W T J I *»\S HOPll*s T COULD LJ- I A COUPLF MIGHTS Or THIS SURE \-f. jr, t STUMBLE INTO SOMF f... 9UT I (2UEB6 X .< 43l OUGHT* TAKE TWE STIMG OUT OF J'fj£f/ C *Zi/ i \SLO-^ KIND OF A MUMANOIP
      158 words

  • 1227 11 THE DATE IS SET: IT IS KIM IL-SUNG'S BIRTHDAY IN 1970 by Russell Warren Howe SEOUL THE named of Kirn U-Sung. who fought 53 Inlted Nations mem-»er-states for three years has been largely forgotten by all but vh tp n f. lghb urs
    1,227 words
  • 690 11  -  DAN MORGAN by ATHENS BY winning one of the most desired women in the world, Aristotle Onassis has gained a seemingly unbeatable lead in the extraordinary game of oneupmanship waged by the powerful clans of the Greek shipbuilding industry. In the Hellenic tradition, the thirst for
    690 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 142 11 bVBHHIIIHbIHHB v *^T I^^^gfJBHBPJHHHI^HIHH^R^BSHR, 9 IBVSggggflß^^tf''/ f> ifS^F $m?& -*^m WF* jpfc^^ g^aal^^^^^B!!**sr^^:^Sa^g^B^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^m^^^^^^^ iiiiiiiimm^iL^ HBBBB HBw^^B "^^p^^ WlF^^s v H^^ •Waaal Lbi^^^Lbbl *i W■li T 1 It Til \y' ..Sktaaamaaßfea* 8^ >M^ -~*M^UBSf B|^P^ K M Vlß^. PRESSURE B&_ FIGHT Pressure with BP Super Viscostatic plyHw viscostatic Today's modern engines
      142 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 681 12 The bombing of North Vietnam has stopped. Th;s moming Hanoi will broad- the "SIWIM tiling new which Ni'i th Vietnam .s to offer. It is no sent what lv. Substantive "iilks will beg.n m ext week when t!i> Americans and the Nortfa •ft again. Re- ot
      681 words
    • 306 12 Britain Fora gn Secretary was stating the obvious when he pointed out that his country's "(hanging relations" with Singapore and Malaysia involved a more self-reliant fafnn in this part oi th<- world. Yet the point was woith making iind noting if only be- 1 Heath's hints on
      306 words
  • 1716 12  -  HASSAN BIN HAJI MOHD. NOH CITIZENS BY OPERATION OF LAW by COMMISSIONER OF NATIONAL RLGISTR ATION, in a letter on the subject of certificates for Malaysian citizens by operation of law, in which he deals with points raised in a recent editorial and
    1,716 words
  • Letters
    • 280 12 I) i( K Green s letter i Oct. 28 1 misses the point and I believe render* a disservice to those who are trying to galvanise thr authorities into act; The mechanics of why dle.sel engine* emit black smoke may be very in- p- 'ng
      280 words
    • 118 12 Teachers' work load I RHKR to Mr William Cheng's reply 'Straits I iii' Ml) Od on be hall nl the Mini try ol Education. „j M B s tetter "A moM (ompt'i work-load lor teachers' II B 'i implication thai teachers are made to do a thousand and one things
      118 words
    • 51 12 UKFKRENCK i> made to the lett-r by "pc destrlan' iST Oct 12 > entitled "P Ive 100 l Waj The writer It assured that action Will b,> taken to clear live-foot paths mi i. if not All. the mala -tre-ts !n the busy A KAMIAKKIMIN i liiiei lor ««l I'tihiu
      51 words
    • 145 12 I REFER to Mr. E. M. r\ Carter* litter <S.T It Is Indeed gratifying to not that the Government's "Keep The City dean" campaign has aroused public Interest and support The interior of tli<- N.i t tonal 1 heat re ami me surrounding ITOUnda are >\>.i pi
      145 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 22 12 Key to Top Security Service Have a Life Policy from OVERSEAS f MOwNPOE tST*h HI N '920. MX OVTR MALAYSIA SOUTHEAST AMA.
      22 words
    • 231 12 Does the 1100 cc car you're thinking of buying have all these excellent features that are standard in the Toyota Corolla? Each item listed below is a standard fitting in th* Toyota Corolla 1100. With othe cars in the same price range, you will have to pay extra to instal
      231 words

  • 218 13 Sabah rice plan study going ahead KOTA KIWBAI.r, Fri.— Tile Federal and Sabah. <.iivernments are looking into liit- possibiUtj ci opening SM.9M acre* of in the ihsirn l lor p.idi planting. spokesman „l Hie Minisli) <>l AeikulUiie and I ishei ies s.iul line tott.iy that Mi. U.S. terßiisdn,
    218 words
  • 11 13 IANO, m. The .oinu»l .ill be held the u
    11 words
  • 193 13 ROBBERS' VICTIM WAS A POLICE OFFICER OINGAPORE. Fri. Oil -duty police constable Chan Hon Weng, 22. was taking a stroll with his »irl friend Low Poh Eng along the padan» towards the Esplanade when two men approached him and demanded for his watch. In court today. Chan ■aid: One of
    193 words
  • 86 13 SINGAPORE Kil The o.nijjj'ii- t- I xiwiit Workini Coiiitp a booking «iiin Btagaport chintse ciiambf, nf Conuuercc buiKMm In Hr campaign tor re»*on»b!r freight r»te» »nd tßalnxt tv» •monopolUtlc contract system' oi stuppiiiK conference*. The centre will net a» co-or-clin.ting body to help -hippcr>
    86 words
  • 48 13 MAI-ACCA Frt A ticket Hilcr m tii" him Omb Krnß Neo. 37 »a. s nxl;i.v pMlri ilreire ni.M to be ulutc in t!i:n in. aitli.rjv thr HiCli O nil iinr. Slif m«rr>«i I.m It in 1858 Th«) IWW I m Thf sun »vi 6outeiled.
    48 words
  • 623 13 KUALA LUMPUR, Fri THIRTY-FIVE doctors in the Ministry of Health and general hospitals throughout the country will be torced to quit the government in six months. Ihis is because of the Government decision lowering the retiring age of civil servants from 60
    623 words
  • 258 13 SINGAPORE. Friday. the chairman of the West German Parliamentary Committee for the Interior. Mr. Hermann Schmltt-Vockenhausen, said today the West German public knew so little of Singapore that manv .still thought the Republic was an "occupied British war harbour." Calling for c'o»cr relations. Mr.
    258 words
  • 46 13 had come to a happy compromi>e as to the petted of grace to be given. In coming to the dcci- I r.l'.n he had taken into '•ortslderatlon the varied opinions of the members of the Staff Side Some had asked for a
    46 words
  • 108 13 SINGAPORE Fri A local manufacturit.t; firm. Hume Industrie- iFar East' Ltd has won an SBOO.OOO export (rdt-r for Singaporemade pipes The contract to .supply asbestos pipe> tv Hong Kung. was awardod to the company through Its agents In the British culonv. Jardlne Engineering
    108 words
  • 158 13 Brothers get discharge with coiditions SINGAPORE, Fri. Two brothers, originally accused of manslaughter, were today found guilty on amended charges of causing hurt after an eight-day trial in the High Court. Mr. Justice Wmslow granted the brothers Phua Sung Thu, 31. a house painter, and Phua Scon Hwee. 34. a
    158 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 167 13 k li TiV/Ce as m\*. S ordml trOn 9 <^!^^| Also available SCOTT C-FOLO TOWELS \w£p kj^^ SCOTT (g) MAKES IT BETTER FOR YOU JW/0165 WE ARE OPEN TONIGHT AND EVERY NIGHT UNTIL 10 P.M. FREE WINE TASTING AT 7. P.M DONALD MOORE GALLERIES Liat Towers, Orchard Road. Singapore PRIVATE
      167 words
    • 228 13 rL STRHHS3 M.mms SPEND THREE TO FOUR WEEKS TOURING FROM PERTH TO SYDNEY OR BRISBANE VIA ADELAIDE, MELBOURNE AND CANBERRADISCOVER THE DRAMATIC BEAUTY OF AUSTRALIACONTINENT OF CONTRASTS. Here's your chance to see this exciting land and have time to visit friends and relatives. The standard tour costs only $1875 from
      228 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 919 13 TV MALAYSIA (HWMIS: KuaU Lum- MCtifti 635 DMn pur and Prnanc I: Ipuh 'nd 7 Ne*». 7lu Mi]»ii..ii i v Malaria 6; Johore Baliru 1 "J r»e Tile Many LM and 10; T.iiplni i. B.ilu II Ml Olllt> Drib.e> Pahat 7: Kluan( 9. U..m.~. 8 MWm Ma MI UI 8.10
      919 words

    • 645 14 Campus behaviour ESQ. ISTILI. Rpt communications from the Island Club ana Tanglin Club addressed to Alex Josey Esc i I lm-> never been an esquire, though I've been called some oa'd names in my time. If we have to have tags to our names could we not. In this socialist
      645 words
    • 495 14 AT 650 am. today 'Oct. 29) a car pulled up at my front gate, and two men in jungle green uniform came out of the car and fired three or four shots from their rifles. What they were firing at, 1 could not say. I
      495 words
    • 220 14 THANK you V( ry much for permitting us .-p.u ■< in your Saturday Forum Column. I refer to my letter Family Planning and Statistics (ST. Oct. 26". In Introducing the subjict I have newr referred to Singapore on its "Ktep Clean Campaign". I am sure this is
      220 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 272 14 [^S/ What's on your mind? XX EXCITEMENT? 4P*l|Uh adventure? JIT r^mU Romance? ELEGANT fpmSSkXA glqbe'rfw^J Jf if on^ on ew orkr ar s or jyt#^PimH// Take your pick from the latest fßtttmtiP^jf swinging Jet-Set collection to |3Jf spY come our wa^ exc us ve 'y W^J/ featured in colour in
      272 words
    • 251 14 revolutionary XEW IIttEED <y I HI-FI stereo at its best Marviello WE I 4 sleek stereo-radiogram I in the medium-price range. Superb GRUNDIG stereo sovid reproduction. This is just one of the new bnet l et stereo-radiograms manufactured by GRUNDIG ol West Germany the product of, a continuous research with
      251 words

  • 227 15 KOCUNG, Fri. -The opposition Sarawak IHU eU People s Party is to seek (omptnsution from thii (iovernnu'tit for l<'>^e^ incurred as i n >ult of last minute cancel l.itinn o f a permit to lmld a fun fair in Sibu
    227 words
  • 88 15 iOH, fri. The Minister of Transport. Tan Sri Barton, was urged to Issue more taxi l'.cence.s lor Irx/h portatlon problem, especially by new Tillages Speaking during adjuurn•(lo tnontl night, Mr D R. fci :am. the acting I 1 -ugse.Med that ne* be given to
    88 words
  • 333 15 COUNCIL HITS AT 'INSULT' BUTTERWORTH, Fri to official opening of new wharves Not invited OPPOSITION members of the Province Wellesley North District Council joined the Alliance yesterday in protesting against the •insult" which the Penang Port Commission had inflicted on councillors in not inviting them to last Sunday's official opening
    333 words
  • 38 15 SHAZALI MEETS SUHARTO PRESIDENT Suharto (left) meets Malaysia's Minister of Agriculture and Co-operatives, Haji Mohamad Ghazali at Merdcka Palace for a ,JO-minute talk. At right is Malaysia's Ambassador in Jakarta Tan Sri Yacob bin Abdul Latif. A.P. picture.
    AP  -  38 words
  • 177 15 pENA.VJ. Fri. A talking library the only one of its kind in South -Fast Asia will be installed at St. Nicholas School for the Blind under its new development plan now being launchedI unique feature of this library 11 that it will not have
    177 words
  • 16 15 10. I MCA H get-together dinner at 111 Ya»R'm<l prrmisfa a pm on Sunday.
    16 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 638 15 REVOLUTIONARY FEATURES OF BRIDGESTONE SUPER-SPEED RADIAL-10 I EXCEPTIONAL MANOEUVRABILITY A BIG BOOST IN SAFETY SMOOTH TAKE OFF EXCEPTIONAL RESISTANCE TO 1 SUPER-SPEED RADIAL-10 AND STABILITY Hon distortion ol th« rubtxr trtad tnablts uniform Gripping powtr is ideal, and anablM tmooth flirting ABRASIVE ACTION Th« most important factors in determining tontacl
      638 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 26 15 itufj* ttunnff tty Kuiph ll*'§m*t«ihl b~ZZT 3 T,JA\<S DOC, > /»O AS DCVT PE3GET B2Z-Z...8Z-Z..: I m Cb cik 1 it s cvs T ow.Aay V 82zz... >
      26 words

  • 174 16 t I II E N S, Fri I nrnier Greek Premier (ieorjje la pandreon <.i b <> e> died here yesterday, aced xo. Ill' 11.11 l Ix'l'll .Illllllttt'tl tv Jt week age sufferina from laatrltLt. Since then Jn- li.ul Nuf-Ifri-il intrrnal
    174 words
  • 350 16 TEL AVIV, Friday JSHAELI forces last night hit three target! in southern Eg} pt. bet wren Cairo and Aswan, in retaliation for Egyptian violations of the ceasefire. The only detail* released In military communique said the target* were a timer station and tu..) bridges over
    Reuter  -  350 words
  • 129 16 1 ONOON. Fri Britain's Labour Party defeated the opposition Conservatives yesterday in a tensely-fought jiarliamentary by-election that Dattered Labour's hope.s of a political revival. Labour retained the North in House nt Con i by a i dr"f> ol nearly lo.ouo on the Th->
    Reuter  -  129 words
  • 204 16 \IOSCOW, Fri. The lT Soviet Foreign Ministry yesterday sent a strong protest Note to China denying charges that Soviet Air Force planes intruded in Chinese air .space, an official announcement said. The Soviet protest referred to a Note last Sepl Xi
    204 words
  • 15 16 M< (SCOW Pi Ilif So- i ii. in lauaclM i*D un.rth »Ht*iii>» fttter-
    15 words
  • 54 16 ISR\I I lillKN ITaSM N"l son hrinKN initial rul.iur to Inii. l. m uith thi> full Irnuth rake, .i < rr.iti.iii from iln- I-ri 1 I ashion U>ek at the May Inr Hotrl Ibe robr. with < ipc hrxul. is in
    54 words
  • 190 16 PARIS, Fri. Th« 17-nation Development Assistance Committee yesterday called for further aid toward* developing countries. The committw. which ended a two-day hlghmeetniK here. d on members to state clearly whether they in■i> improve their aid terms. Edw: i McCammon Mi:
    190 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 297 16 Wk^ directions. CONDENSED SWKTEMEO SgT Q^BH gggggH #jl FULLCREAM MILK -^flHs^gg^H gggggggggggggggggggggH Mt- r" sH \TT\\ tbaof |te- '■<■- ''T^U^B^P^i^i^i^i^i^iHß^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^BJß^BHß^B^B^B^BJß^B^Hjfig^B^B^B^B^B^^BHß^B^B^BHß^Bß^BJ *>• hark 4 I FOI Tl*. COfflE. Xc USI riISIAM FUt MILK UNOIIUUD *Jf£'-" nett contents 14 ozs 397 grams «%#%*aWV M. \t #w* w m >*«fe' I Tfc.,, I
      297 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 865 17 LIVERPOOL ANO OTHER UK CONTINtNT.I PHOTS h ir pSsi!. il e«i si IL HI 1 Bh b tNCHISES Dte 14 riSSSi BSU «-J 1 PI00N >» J 7 j.. 1 „7, '»0M v > CONTINENItL J rBOMETHEUS P. S>a-i S.ngipora LaH.B( Hr sssr n i<is S" r CALCHAS Z JJ
      865 words
    • 1352 17 1 7>%rEAC///VaTrs J ■aCaVJI THE EAST ASIATIC COMPANY Ltd. Incorporated m Oanm.rk afaffaVjl EXPRESS SAILINGS TO GENOA/NORTH CONTINENT/SCANDINAVIA BMMaau p ShBro H nBn s porf t^" 1 H m H bu 'i *afius C'nagen J«?n ti Sailea smel t 47 Nn 2 Occ l Oic II Oic 12 Oic II
      1,352 words
    • 1231 17 qPHtSS SERVICE TO LONDON, LIVERPOOL t CONIINENIU PORTS. BENARKLE K.irpooi bm n BENWYVIS Fw Lmgacure P. Snam Penang Han-Dun On I Nn 1/ 9 Smgapori p Sham Ptnani KNCItUCN L'pooi. G'moutn. A warp Nn 3/ I BENAITOW Ha.ra. G'moutn. Aiitniro. Bremen. MamOurg Nn 17/11 Hn 21,23 Nn 24/2S BENNEVIS
      1,231 words
    • 1091 17 Tbpjw worldwide carriers ltd. L^^fe4ofl[ for: U.S., North Atlontic and Gulf Portj. Spore P. Shorn Penang A VESSEL 15/17 No» 18/19Nov 20/21 No. ■■■Mi McALISTER 6c CO., LTD. Spore P. Swettenhom Penong Tel: *****1/9 6252 *****/3 MARITIME BUILDINt SlNClrllt TEL: tttfi. PORT IWITTENHAM 1341. KUtU IUMPUR *****. PENANG tiMI. Ci"
      1,091 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 976 18 -^KAW^AKIKISEN KAISHA LTD. Western Australia Singapore/ Japan Service Fremjntli Singapore fokkliClti/Niftwi T'lwm KsM Mat. 1 23 31 DM II >»• West Africa Singapore Japan Service M fUfiu T'Oama KaM ■t<un-^ n> Mara" Dm. l- '< ?s kn 2 Otc Dec I Ml •'Nir.i, Mara 3 i Dee 21 21
      976 words
    • 849 18 HflßMaVßaaaV M^^^^^^te^^^^^^^^^^^^l^A^H^lte^^B MMMUa ni* /hi«nd WMU inoia HMKIM »nd ft* iasi M*Wfl >n •■siraliu Ptitt it: Matta* if Natatittitaa ■mmm Ttt 9SJ jgt 'f£ T& MB Oat... trtt. ML, tat n n°" H•" rM r, pa l 0: (I6MN cueu BARPIt* ;1 .13 In 17/11 Oti it On Sture P.
      849 words
    • 911 18 BByJL iJi m m TLfcJBMj SHERIFFS SALE SHERIFF'S SALE IN THK illi.ll (il i; I OF I ill In the High Court of the 111 ri HI K OF -IM. \rm:i Krpuhlit uf Singapore. Write of Distress No. 23 of 1968 IN lIIK < AI'SK OF IN THK CAI'SE OF
      911 words
    • 689 18 TENDERS NEGERI SABAH MALAYSIA I STATE OK SABAH MALA V SI A i JABATAN KERJA RAYA (PI BLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT* TENDER NOTICE Competitive tenders are invited ror the supply and delivery C.1.1- Sabah of 42 No. Prefabricate Buildings. 2 Tender Documents and otner relevant Inlormatlon may be abUined now from
      689 words
    • 136 18 TENDERS ~~KENYATAAN TAWARAN JtBVTAN < 111 lAX hi KAJAAN, m,,,ki: i \nmi mm Membekalkan Matt tahun 19b9 saba.;.'! berttUt:— KUMPULAN I— Kartai pendtia iDupln-atint; P»per>, nendua melainkan Da awat (Duplica.iiiK Materials except ink) dan Pena2 Mata Bulat. Tawaran2 ada-lah di-pelawa bagl membekalkan BteU tersebut dl-ati-s kapau I Jabatai)2 Persekutuan dalam
      136 words

  • 262 19 Mining counters ease in Melbourne L MELBOURNE. Krl EADING mininic shares lei: after President JotmaoO'l »nnouncement of a bombing hull In Vietnam. Companies with copper Interests had the «harpe»t lalls. However, there was substantial recovery to the close Falls Included the following, with the day'f lows shown in brackets- fHA
    262 words
  • 56 19 **»ra, noon clo>in K pnaaa Mr BSM yaatarday. oil. riulk |«n ariltra, inim |4«« nHltra Copra M »ii inn.) loo.a Oct./ Nov. IK *****. j:-i B»r: M'-mok MM JTJJI Hltm .-s4rav>a* «ha tMSB aallara a»li*r*. artier* ASTA aallara I.VV Sintapara Coconut OH Millara' Th,- ta Smcapara
    56 words
  • 33 19 Ofk gas fraa aicrianga marhat n Honi Ki.n< >.••■! th« U». Dollar ..I SJMM B 4 h li'| lor T.T. r.r caah •tWlHll '"> »l a sna taal at *am *l I
    33 words
  • 24 19 RUBBER ANB TIN CLOSING PRICES Nov. 1. RI'KRKK PRICK: 57| cents (unchanced). TIN PRICE: $59».6J* (up 5.i.874). r-siiin.iii-,1 offering 210 tons (down 15 tons).
    24 words
  • 414 19 Rubber Market loses ground THE tailend ot last weeks M. trading saw the peak ot the recent prolonged n c In prices on the Rubber market report H.C.B. Co. I td. in their current review During this current week the market lost ground and about 1« cents were erased from
    414 words
  • 313 19 V.MIPS LVINU ALUNUSIDB TMt VII OR lIPICTID TOOAT MM I Bastara n.-v 9 ra»l«m Mui< 111. ■rjt V Nrfrr Wmr 1" 11. I! .ik Kun IV. Cnifil Mulir 21/22. Hoi Houw 23, .'4. Mnuouin- alaru a* M, Rohrrt Matralt 27 It, fyrrtiiw raai ii :l«. Daprm' Varranr
    313 words
  • 29 19 In London on Thursday \laiavan 5 per cent c.l f UK/Nortn European basic Mftt In bulk Oct. Nov. was unchanged Previous business was at $60 per ton.
    29 words
  • 455 19 Straits tin up by $3.87; 11HE Straits tin price yes- terday rose by 13.87J per picul to $592.62} on an offering estimated down 10 tons to 215 tons. It was more or less In line with the rise of KB per ton In the London future buyers' on Thursday afternoon.
    455 words
  • 244 19 VmmWK Dim grade rubber l f.o.b. l>u»er» i Insrd si p m in Singapore and Kuala I umpm Teat>rda> at rrnta pn In unchanged on ThuradaVa, le»el. I in- ton* quirt and alifhili steadier. KAS and Ml r. cloaan t prttea In
    244 words
  • 80 19 THI ••'MUtiw ol •inkt m Mi i»y.,. Imiinn maria >h«M 1 n«n»»> in in nii'i to m»icMnn .jiin'rii id me «<iui\alrni or on* un.< ol ton «n rurr*nry I Cm.da B:i>inii TT n.MM, airmail ill) |I«JM ii. lat »2 71,110 (twin nail* mii> Tha r>iiln" mi rain art
    80 words
    • 1189 19 'THERE was a general upward movement on the Stock Exchange yesterday and a far better undertone following the announcement of the cessation of bombing In Vietnam by the Americans. As the market rose buyers came In and aided the upward trend. Turnover also increased
      1,189 words
    • 262 19 •MOVEMENTS OF SMARC PARISON OF LAST SALES IN TtRIiAY WERE: INDUSTRIALS: Aim* i. M r.r Ban A Ca. <— t»m»i. Bainao Bartiad i MBtO, Bautlrail I t rent.,, c Suaara 1. atajUl C.C M. r»ni»i. Uunla* ninth, i, laaa Orrla i> 3 BBMS>, F. A N. 1*
      262 words
    • 908 19 DVaMMBM IN AM) KU'IIKIMi TO THF s|N(,MiiKI AMI KI'ALA I I MPI K TR\I»IN<. HiMiMs OF THr «T<»( K rXCHANCif IFSTKROAY WITH THr M MBI K OF SHARKS TRADFI) IN PJaaUaCntSi INDUSTRIALS A- MA IS.MBI P.M 1 1 «ki, nii i«.m») v i t? i\ it ihkii '.'n
      908 words
    • 35 19 STOCK INDICES ii, I 1 No*. I Induttilals: lIS 15 1.10.6* Propertiea- I■■ I v: .in t Tint: TH.til MJ< t$ ruhlx-r. MMI HU.6I Bam, 3U, IKb*, a Mil. t l>e«. 29. 1»«2 a 100.
      35 words
    • 485 19 w ANO lINGAPDRE 810 AND orrm officially listso AT TNI CLOU OP lUIINIII. m. «l'Mt Ml Hrn t Oo Ml l-oreno Rcrhad 1"" Knwmil l.*> Knurl '<* C M nr.ia LTI C.C.M .1- 1.1)2 c.a. HoMißfs Diidlop ■M amalt «.7o K.A.It NMMHM Kmo onts 2 K.« <1»h
      485 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 747 19 IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE REPUBLIC OF SINGAPORE Companies Windlnu-Up > No. 4 of 1968 In Mil M\| UK n Ti (.BALLY IMMsiKI,*, LTI). \SI) IN Till MATTE! OK THE COMPANICfI UT 1U67 M of l-..: MOTICI IS HtKIiBY GIVEN U»i petition for the minding up I'he h". j;
      747 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 3173 20 -w kCKNOWIEOCEMENTS ANNIVERSARIES. ANNOUNCEMENTS. BIRTHS. CLUB ACTIVITIES. CONDOLENCES. DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, FUHERALS. 6REETINGS. IN MEMOPIAM. MARRIAGES, MISSING. PERSONAL, P.P.C, REQUIEMS I REUNIONS. Rite: Minimum $15/- fK 20 wards, each .dditnn*l ward 75 cts. All Other Classified Ad»ertisements Minimum $i/- ftr 15 wifis. each iiiitimal wira 40 cents. Straits Times Bix service
      3,173 words
    • 914 20 NO:2. Ulan Bunt;*i Ch^t Cornrr Jalan Monainoodiah. behind Gene. hi i Hospital. Inhn Bahru township. 4tta 1 toi Bscallaal aulUM* nun.tiniis. attr.i.- me snop«. lav, BMaalaa ats; Ar.i 12. imm. *ij ft ..i>|.roxnn» j I hoi.» s.mi-pr. Ti.iti.t.t 111K1 ii*ncin* v\ilh nt*: is ofler.-d tnr 130.000 doataa .1 ptaaa* oiniiiuoicitc
      914 words
    • 583 20 INSTANT MACIC e^.y. no ML i.m THC lenlers m«Kig iwoks. tricksi DVCII M* r:. L 6 Kolun- on Riad Btaaataar* I, Paaaa l >3i(i-b SIN MAN TAI CHI I'nvsirai man- me 3flv-B. Joo Chlat Koad. «ini.apore a Beginner* Claaa, ,Ni»;titly >> P m 10 in Compute Course of lai Chi
      583 words
    • 713 20 IoTF J WILL THE GENTLEMAN "Mo took i mv unira.nrd picture m error plea** I i.turn M to Uie frame i"tiop at A» i c Hirrr- »tre«t and claim bis o*o t»o I SPECIAL TREATMEHTSj •THE FOOT CLINIC" Treatment „l Inirro^iiiK 'In. vans. Singapore I Hoot Bunionv v\art« ttc
      713 words
    • 447 20 tQJttil StriaCi- Dorr tflO Pm VOLVO" KM E*> '■<"<•»'«"'• 1 „,,,..PM HERALD ItH in 00 REGISTERED 0 BEKORO. On* >v. n. r ridio. '1 door*, alum-' B*w. 1 »M U MOaial car Highest offtr secures. JACUAR VOLKSWAT.EN NALP I •tntii i >'• uaii Fir SELECTED UlSd Car*:— L" 1 .»•>
      447 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 390 21 !'Jl:Wl,|a>l:l\ l iaiJ l 3 "iJl < iiniinui'ii from Paje Zg 'i VEHICLES FOR SUE Me. SALOON 1956 i;i<,d conditmn r any I k-alKjlr MCRtEOES 2000 19M (JB.SOO/- i '.a. ixcellent i Phone: Ho ARCAOIAN BEAUMONT 1965 Radial onaiuoa ondltlon. What iKiiei iSTui. COOD CONDITIONS IMS Austin par A.j'innd i-ore.
      390 words
    • 400 21 OiAS CONIRACTORS Tlllns Karluet. wiring Hiumherlni! Renovation! VSv" 1 1 r <8 Dort > W»KW/ INTER-TEC .PRIVATE) Invctmueau mvi-.nai'i lotu malrilecuniy aarvlea, ,s Bar*) -Mim:> SSZ3BI. ATTRACTIVE CIRL GUIDES ion n^M-Di'i-ini; pB'tMS courttMius n>>und ('ontart :i« So. ml Kacori Ber- Ziod Koad. B'pora. Ml *****. REPRODUCTION PLAN PRINTINQ OOLUMENT COPVINO
      400 words
    • 535 21 \m'^-^-^r*iiw^^^-^m^-m^m—m'wrm9Bm^} SINGAPORE TOBACCO COMPANY LIMITED invites applications for the post of PRODUCTION EXECUTIVE Candidates must be Singapore citizens and should possess either A degree or diploma in Mechanical or Production Engineering Age limit 26 (Candidates who are sitting lor their final examinations in January 1969 and who are not bonded
      535 words
    • 1043 21 ACCOUNTANT An established American Company in Jurong hat an opening for an Accountant, aged about 30 35 yean, suitably qualified and with experience in all phases of accounting and financial work in a senior executive copacity. Apply with passport photo (returnable) to Box A 6821 S.T., S pore. All applications
      1,043 words
    • 444 21 MAJLIS BANDARAYA I GEORGE TOWN, PUUU PINANG JAWATAN AKAfNTAN j* APPOINTMfcNT OF n i ACCOUNTANT Applications are invited trom 31 lalaysian Citizens for the above 1! ppoi'ntment in the City Treasury gl Those who have applied In res- k onse to a recent advertisement eed not apply MOLIMENTS The all-in
      444 words
    • 392 21 HADIAH BIASISWA NEfittl PAHANG. 1969. PERMOHONAN2 ada-laft nl- > mput daripada ar.akJ Neia?rl > ahang yang berkalayakan t» 1 endapat btaslsua NBgerl Pahang itok belajar di-Unlverslti Malaya/ Ingapura mulal tahun Akadessik k >69 70. Permolionani untok mtnkutl Kursus2 dl-SeberaiiK L*ut J jan hanva dl-berl pertlmbancan rpada clialon2 vane telah nw-
      392 words

    • 382 22  -  MANSOOR RAHMAN By SELANGOR 22 KEDAH 3 CEI.ANUOK scored an easy victory over lowly Kedah on a waterlogged Kuala Lumpur Padang yesterday to stay In contention fur the North zone title in the Malaya Cup rugger tournamrnt The win [>ut B h loader?. I'
      382 words
    • 37 22 »iri« nils «l ikr Pirliv v,, Cuifinmi 50 j!2 $81 Trn«m 48 :i: i —$178 34 Ml t Sub:«ii -'4 J34 »25S B 22 254 —$715 19 335 —$742 17. Nauarl 14. Velu 14. 14.
      37 words
    • 354 22 HOOKER Ricky Braybrook d ore J- m Bervlcei ta i match <-i the tgalnai Johora at hms tml.iy 13 p in Biaybr.nk I luinior H.m:p--h.ic d>uniy player has regularly Cof Juint Soi the laat two MutM but. thus v ill )>.• Tip lirsi time that
      354 words
    • 710 22 But mudlark Roland II is a lively danger to Sellers' mount By EPSOM JEEP AFOOT A looks as sound neb-way bet in the Class 1 Div. 2 field over til" (Race 4) at Kuala Lumpur today. Sparingly-raced, the Petition horse has had only four outings this season. In
      710 words
    • 147 22 I.PSOM W All. BOY POUt KB R A ,r I MANHATTAN I. (HAKOLR ruwn Manhattan \|i|ii>i\.il I rown Boy ROWN BOY Manhattan \l M i. I Race Uim MAID EVOUMMUI Km. i. Muunl III«mi.« >nomi re I .iviri i> Maid Mill l\ I1I»N Kin* \n iir.ile Rare J SI
      147 words
    • 157 22 rrWAWi. (oim run: 1 7! ficshened ip iop in hea\> Lumptir resterda) morning him on the bit all the ua> tattle I iimmind har.dlrd the eas.h o.ei II i:-. 44-ec with S»ret BMad) Iraturr film II I>e- Cuicmani old a 3: c.illop
      157 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 1118 22 BDC SUNGEI ANTU INDUSTRIAL ESTATE SIBU BORNEO DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION SDN BHD a* DEVELOPER announce* that onh a few terraced workshops, some Industrial site* for private development. Including a few with river frontage »nd an approved site for a petrol station, are now available for sale Thl* 31 acre scheme, which
      1,118 words
  • Page 22 Miscellaneous
    • 1034 22 XL RUNNERS, RIDERS <.<>l\(. I OKK VST: ii FTTSm 405 CLASS DIVISION 2 a-MMa| 2.30 CLASS 5 DIVISION 4 aMUSaSfI (59.500) 6F bVwIQSDI iS4 800< 7F local |ockeys only > M*M»oi\ Vmnce) Rodcers 5 8 .13 <SF) Sellers a .k..0,,k., v. HKlLuio '*»'nt| M l ,g«.*&^ muiLm ***** NATIONAL ROM)
      1,034 words

    • 506 23 Rama's 10,000 best of four marks Government Services Festival: THE Malaysian Government Services athletic championships at Merdcka Stadium yesterday produced four new records although the meet had lost much of its attraction with the absence of the country's Olympic runners. ir of the day was ■v Ot the Msec off
      506 words
    • 417 23  -  TIMESPORT REPORTERS SOSC to get vital information in report By JANG Tuck Wan, Chef-de-Mission of Singapore's Olympic contingent to the .Mexico City Games, said yesterday his report to the (Njrapfc Council would contain information of great help when the Republic stages the Seap or Asian Games
      417 words
    • 216 23 THE F.A. of Singapore Disciplinary Committee yesterday suspended indefinitely thn c international players for making a tour without permission. Thoy aro the Quah brothers." Kirn S:ak ai.d Kirn (l tullback Kroddle I'i'.cw who joined the Mai Ihlnew t A team on the r Ho Ho Cup
      216 words
    • 107 23 Malaysian bowlers not invited HONG KONU. Frl sla will not be ii.vreci to the third Asian t«n-pin bowliiiß championships In Manila next January Dondov del ipresident of the Philippine bowling congress said here yesterday. Mr del Rosarlo said slas omKsion was not politically motivated. "We are not Involved In polltics,
      107 words
    • 39 23 The Mr Malaysia 1968 cooted and the M.a.iv.inn weightlifting champli nabip* wi;i held at Chimroo. Kuala Lumpur, on Nov. 16. The cham,iion*h:|> arf M»nhv PtaJOT And Nrave who have i the Champion ot ChunpiOM -n ■A-eighv
      39 words
    • 76 23 LONDON. FYI Top-seeded Lee Kin T;<t of .Singapore reached the *enu-fli>al> "I c Wimbledon opwi badmlr.ton championships here mcht with a 15-6. 15-7 win mcr Koh KneiiK Sloiig of Malaysia. No 2 «eed Oon Chonc Han of M.i lav-la also entered the semiftnal beatine
      Reuter  -  76 words
    • 126 23 DX. AZIZ burairatnam, manager of Mai. is Olympic hockey team who returned to Kuala Lumpur ye ttrdav from Mexico City, said lie had nothing to compain about the team's performance. "They played as well as they could only ti.e coals didn't come our ■raj
      126 words
    • 193 23 Kenya to bid for 1976 Games VAIRCBI.Pri.- Kenya wni uppiy to stage the ibi6 oiympjc Uatnes at Nairobi lll.j WIU Ljj th Mini .n cnaige ot sport. Kouaid Ngaia. at a civic rectpuon lor the returning Kenya Olympic team. "Kenya now enjoys a good reputation in woild .sport ana I
      193 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 134 23 V ml J a H I Wr4 PAL have just made it twice as Starting November 4. PAL lu\e another frequency. In your terms, it means we By to Manila twice a week (on Mondays and Wednesdays). Advantages? Plenty. Our fast, roomy, quiet DCBs do the Singapore to Manila leg
      134 words
  • Page 23 Miscellaneous
    • 91 23 BOWUNQ Spore mternational nuwteri tourney K I K Malay» Cup: Prnanc v C'wealtn Fortes North rml v Armed dpoh padangi: 28 C'wMlth Inf Brtcade v Neen-M. ri lk johore IBMB 1 iv.iire inter■uttUwal M 1 XL).> matchw: v S. Thailand (men* match at 7 pm.. ,<iiumv thena
      91 words
    • 146 23 2.30 p.m > TIBI.L TENNIS SP'>re Police v Armed Forces (Mountbatten CC> WKtsILINU h 'ir national amateur championship* (Turn* Bahru CC 8 p m > j UOVT SERVICES CA»NIs\l \l hi Übieties >Merdelca Stadium. 9 ;> ny and 3 pm Cricket: NEB v Police (Pantai. 11 ■"*S»I men Police v
      146 words
    • 84 23 SUMMARY HOCKEY KHANO S( HOOLS TO! RNf.Y: A>Mimptlon 2 La Sallr 0. FRIENDLY (Tg Malim. T|. Malim XI 2 Police College. K. Kuhu Bahru 2 C. KEDAH LEAC.I E iSc Pat am Gurkhas 2 Chinooks 2. Inter. school: Ibrahim Sec. 5 Khlr Joharl 0 SOCCER I'IWM, JIMOR (IP: Quarter-final: Postals
      84 words

  • 141 24 $170 m on health services in rural areas: Tun JOIIOKh KAIIKI I ri. Tun Abdul Kaiak BSjM today that the Kovrrnmrnt to date spent more than Sl7O million to brine better health facilities to tin- areas 1 In- facilities included Unbuilding of health and miilttile clinics I The
    141 words
  • 114 24 SINGAPORE. Kri Nine little boys landed In the General Hospital with shotS'.m pellet wounds this in Kampong Kirn Hong, oil Lorong 3. Oeylai:a Time of the boys Teo Thiam Quan, Ng Bee Hong and Lim Chonjj Boon, av.rwere warded in the hospital
    114 words
  • 245 24 LONDON. Frl The UndOfl Muck market looked distinctly better at the finish with mo^t leaders having recovered Horn earlier depressed levels Towards the close the FT. Index was 12 higher at 48fi. The Vietnam bombing staiement and news of UK HP curbs gave British funds
    245 words
  • 61 24 LONDON. Frl— Spot 20 9 16d.. Dec 20 -d.. Jan. 20 S.d Feb. M -ii Jun March 20\d April/ June JOT 16d July Sept. Ort Dec. 20", d, Jan.' Mini! 20' id. April June 20', d., JuU -sei>i Ml 16d Oct Dei. mi :i IM J;in Mari-li '-Ml 3
    61 words
  • 30 24 1 ONDON. V\\ Buveis £1385 i Milan ti:t!Hj *-tiOi. j buyer* £1369 Milan HIM i :£3\->. Settlement £1385 itU">. Turnover a.m. 430; -.v. 11l tons. Tone: Very steady. I
    30 words
  • 21 24 British petroleum 12 v Bill mall 97 6 Shell 86 7 j ITlti-omor 7SO +1 B 9 11 fi v
    21 words
  • 51 24 nmpai i-o Aver Hltam 17 3 Berjuntnl 38 GnpeiiK 30 Hunch. me M Kamiintlng 11 KllllllKllßll Tin Malayan 24 6 Pahani 8 3 PeiiKkalrn 6 6 7 b Siamese 13 9 South Klnta 2i South Malayan 18 3 Sumtei BeM 11 X;mjf)MK Tin 9 9 '■"3 6 ":t 6
    51 words
  • 275 24 WHITISH policemen really are wonderful. The best in the world. Un vie day wnen all hell could nuve oroken out in London they kept the peace. And at tne end ol It all last Sunday they linked arms with 200 demonstrators in Grosvenor
    275 words
  • 72 24 London tin goes up by another £13 a ton L ONDON, Ftl Til pri ■r on the London market today, when El 3 S ..led to the overnight i Durm« the morning tradtng pen. id beIHK i: 1.367 lid In !h<> the p:. nped still further to E1.372 ana 10
    Reuter  -  72 words
  • 15 24 ROBERT ANDREW SELKIRK di.-d of lr K > R and his many friends thn Malaya.
    15 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements