The Straits Times, 8 September 1968

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Times
  • 17 1 THE SUNDAY TIMES Hot** NO. 1695 SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 8. 1968 20 CENTS KDN 3105: MC (P) 0015
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  • 324 1 Syed Sheh retires from Bench I/UALA LUMPUR, 1Y Sat. The Lord President of the Federal Court, Tun Syed Sheh bin Barakhbah 62, today retired from the Bench. His retirement coincides with his appointment as the Officer Adniinisterinjj the Government in Penang. (See Page 4). Tun Syed Sheh has been in
    Bernama  -  324 words
  • 1282 1  -  PREM KUMAR: Kuala TUN OUTLINES PLAN FOR 3 INSTITUTIONS By Lumpur, Sat TUN Abdul Razak today proposed a three-point plan to increase Malay participation in commerce and industry and to further boost the economy oi the Bumiputras. In an address to the second Economic
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  • 33 1 WESTPORT. (Connecticut). Sat. The new dre» code for l.jgh school girls here haa bowed to the mini-ekirt. It .stipulates that "girls'" dresivrs must cover their undergarments and their torsos Reuter.
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • 20 1 MBAEANE. Sa'. Independi me to the little African kingdom of Swaziland today attcr 65 years of BrliUi) rule.
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  • 621 1  -  CHBONC YIP SENG More money for defence, says Goh i* SINGAPORE, Sat Higher taxes will be imposed next year to foot the mounting defence bill, the Finance Minister, Dr. Goh Keng Swee, announced tonight. Allocations to other 'hungry'' Ministries will be strictly controlled, and savings induced. Dr.
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  • 125 1 Pope 'to quit in four years' MILAN. Sat.— Pop* Paul 1 deep and tortured sense of responsibility has persuaded him to retire in four years 'Ime. a weekly magazine here said today. In its second article on the .subject In a month, the L Europe* reiterated that the Pope had
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  • 35 1 IIFHON biii surgeon* d on Porlunuoc Prime i v Dr Antonio Of OIIVI u.i Smlmail ultri a fall '.iniinn rr.-idem The 79-jrrar-oia Premier well nitrr the operation tamed out by Uum iurg*oui.
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  • 67 1 KUALA LUMPUR. Sat Malaysia is to give $30,000 In cash or kind to the earthquake victims of Iran. Tengku Abdul Rahman announced today. Speaking to newsmen after opening tne MCOnd Bumiputra Economic Congress at the Dewan Tengku Abdul Rahman here, he 'he Malaysian Government
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  • 58 1 LONDON, A woman vi on a London n yrsterd.iv threatening to drop a ii\-mon in-old b«by ovrr th« tidr. She held the baby by th« aiiklrs. H». uppers .shouted at her not to let tht »i»y (all Finally »h» went back into thr
    AP  -  58 words
  • 21 1 WAbHINCiION Sat— h I ElVllitnUfl t tn khow UnprovfMM .n three »rekx Walter Reed Army HotpiUl Mid todajr.— Hfuter.
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  • 340 1 NOTE: DO YOU RECOGNISE MALAYSIA AS SHE IS? i MANILA. Sat. ITI Malaysia M scck- ing an assurance that the Phllippil will recognise the i sovereignty and territorial integrity o! Malaysia with Sabah as a constituent State. Informed •QOTC this assurance is bought in
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  • 44 1 i \t hi Ml ti: II 1,1 I VII i \k \i: i Sal lhr (•uvn d;ih in h.i* it It "lltllll -HlK ttmttn ntl tin Mfttfclnl il till v I P I Milxrmi nl in thr fiav ,.INt lll.lnllt.1.. I tlilll II.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 24 1 J MEN'B JEWELLERY j Always look for MADE IN FRANCE J to avoid fl imitation fl mKhHSt Tr«d« Inquirict Phone: ***** NpHfc IK 'I
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    • 73 1 Mr Elephant test proves Dunlopilio top value. When this elephant cot up. the Dunlopilio mattress returned 10 its normal full shape because Dunlopilio has lonyer life. When the> arc brand ne*. niosi foam maitrev»es have cgudl resilience. But Dunlopilio keeps on sprincme back, to its full sue and shape for
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    • 18 1 i)ia$nunil* die im«>mtn set ENGAGEMENT RINGS U. S. de SUVA SONS, Jewellrrg 25, fettle* Ploce, SingopM^I. Tel: *****.
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  • 216 2  - Twenty girls vie for one-line role in Virgin Soldiers JUDITH YONG By CINGAPORE. Sat. Twenty girls have been auditioned as stand-in for actress Tsal Chin for a scene In The Virgin Soldiers. The decision will be made next week and her role will consist of one line. "The director John
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  • 78 2 Martini to sing in 5 tongues IPOH. Sat Martini Cheontt. 23. who U spending his univrrMty vacation here, will give a voral racilal at the SI. John Ambulance Hall next Sunday (Sept 15> Martini will ling 17 tang* In Chlnm*. French. Italian, English and Oerman The recital is sponsored by
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 179 2 Ifyouwere racing here Mf^^^^ I yi^LaP^al tA aVLa JKa^aP^a^. a^P^a^ Hstf Most ne watches lool< the same. But you can A M^^l I s^T^V mW& ■t_^ B^T spot a Rolex from the other side of the sandbag m#| 1 Iflffpai^l ch,cane W m IHf .awyfl Its large classic shape is
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  • 289 3  -  TSAI TAN By KUALA LUMPUR. Saturday. JT was up the wooden ladder to success literally lor Amy Cheah who began her working life 17 years ago as an anonymous cllckety-click miss in the typing pool ot a timber export office.
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  • 239 3 A £1,000 mil merger plan by giant electrical firms I ON DON. Sat. —Two major electrical equipment makers said last night that they plan to merge into a single friant enterprise with yearly turnover of nearly 11.000 million. The manufacturers. English Electric and General Tie Company iGEC). announced the merger
    Reuter  -  239 words
  • 19 3 SINGAPORE Sat The Police Band will perform »t Mount Fab-i fri-m 6.30 pin to 6S0 p.m. tomorrow
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  • 187 3 Objectives behind New Zealand's growing ties with Asia 'PHIS weeks Asia M»|a rine diseuvsrs New / •> irnwing in\iil\emenl uiih thr inun iin- of Asia in two irtMM Onti feature titled "New ..l.iml Takes a Second I mk at Asia" dIM-usses luiw New / nnilnu that thr r umpj-.m
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  • 64 3 PKNANG S»i Yrr Mun« dun i~ wet today wntmeri to :ur in^i nmin- on tentative chuiKe el n.urdering ("bin Yoon Sook. «tih tmo other* ■Ml al larijr b) Pm\.. TfiulX'iiK Rn*cl Aver Inn between p n:id 854 p m on Aug 25 No Die* recorded The
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  • 34 3 penanu. M Nrt* branen tA P»rty X* ay«, run approvrd peepeeal Hwi the no\t \cir\ lmiid sutf rlecttonv I ill luincli drive to rate* fund* i«i its faction c^nip.i'nn
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  • 50 3 KLALA I.UMPLR J» The M.ilh>m.ii. Ai> CuT|» of tlie M..1...\5. \:;n-d Icelebiai. a D«jr at th Sungct Be»i Ctmp The Cor^ *huli was ftrst ralaed aa the Pint Field Batirry oi th Frcicra'ifin Amllrrr in 1957. has seen nction during the EmentrncN md duruag Indonrsun conrroniatu a
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  • 190 3 I SINGAPORE. Sat. I FIRE believed to be caused by a short-circuit, hrokr out In two office buildings In Robinson Road Lftcrnoon No one w.'.s injured. An American news agencyUnited Pres.s International which la no— d In one ol them was temporarily put out of
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  • 507 3 KUALA LUMPUR. Saturday 'J'HE Government will establish a National University with the Muslim College in Pctaling Jaya as a part of it. The medium of instruction will be the National Language but English and Arabic will continue to play an important
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  • 182 3 I^UALA LUMPUR. Sat— I The Oovernment will allow the Import of 30.000 ounces of gold bullion per quarter for si le to goldsmiths holding permits lo buy gold for jewellery manufacture. In a the Mm LetM ol Commerce and Indostry. Tan Brt (Dr.) Llm
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 139 3 E^Trx Jl^Rj.* in II KuwvLlbv Head-Office: far east finance mouse 17 ■l» BATTIRV ROAO SINGAfONE I TELS M 1274 MI27S Mt27« Blanch far east finance building M HONG KONS STREET SINGAPORE 1 TELS HIMI MIM* Congratulations to JELATEK (Sdn.) BERHAD On (heir official open ing TODAY in I'etaling Jaya ll
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    • 506 3 SCAN YOU ANSWER THREE QUESTIONS! 1 Haie viiu .naclr- pl;m> to aii|U c r voui OWN HO.MX? 2 ir. viii iWe to 5: ,t 1,-jvt lII of >our monthly salary regularly .mil s>stem.ilii .<\U 3 i .hi \nu irpl.iif thr Uktaiga 1 1 'Hi r home in the unfortunate event
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  • 297 4 DENANG, Sat. The r Yang di-Pertuau Agong today named the Lord President of the Federal Court of Malaysia. Tun Syed Sheh Barakbah, as Penang's acting Governor. He will be Officer Administering the Government during the absence of the Governor. Tun Syed Sheh Shahabuddin, who
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  • 202 4 JAKARTA. Sat. L 1 PRESIDENT Suharto has been advised by the Supreme Court to reject the request for clemency by former Foreign Minister, Dr. Subandrio. He was sentenced to I death by a special military court for alleged complicity In the abortive
    Reuter  -  202 words
  • 355 4 Five-hour rape ordeal of girl and aunt By RUDY BCLTRAN KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. Two girls went through rive hours of terror early this morning. They were held up, robbed and raped by four masked men, armed with parangs, in their home in Jalan Kolam Ayer, off Jalan Ipoh here. The
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  • 50 4 PENANU S*»l. V. Muniandy 34. today pleaded not gutl'.y to churtlf or re-*cllln« 30 Royal The.urr rinrma tickets in Tfk Soon sstrfrt on th# niflht of Popi 5. The first magiMrxtr Mr. W B»tcliithananat)-n. grantrd him bail of $300 pending hearing on Ffb 2* next ytar
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  • 190 4 Choose career of use to Malaysia, school leavers told pENANIi. Sat -The Chief Minister. Tan Sri Wong Pow Nee. today expressed the hope that students leaving >chool would sear themselves towards careers most suited to the needs of the country's industrialisation programme. -Yuu should nut all aim to be clerks
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  • 61 4 Fruit seller dies of stab wounds CINUAPOKE Sat A fruit k »elie.- Tay Keck Yona Mm .*hop in i Kalinins Rimil lai iii<hr and ru^'ird t<> hLs ;ud found tvio •tab wounds on hi* bark 37 «v uken in n .ei:bul»nce to the Otnrrai H.i-nit^i. but died on II Police
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  • 151 4 IfUALA LUMPUR. Sat. The second public rally of the Orady Wilson Malaysia campaign will be held at the Faculty of Education. University of Malaya, at 5.33 pm on Monday during which a preview of the fV.m "Miracle of Manhattan" will be shown. The film is
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  • 311 4  - PRESCRIPSHUN! WHY THESE FOUR ARMY NURSES ARE SUCH A TONIC ONG KIAT BENG B> CINGAPOKE, Sat. Never, never, they say, try to outflank a woman in the Army. How true. Here are four girls, all Dental Nursing Orderlies, who've made it to the top. Smart In drill, smart In appearance
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  • 30 4 SINGAPORE Sat The Singapore Blood Transfusion aervics mobi> team will be stationed at ;h>- Penecott Me- CJ uch in Koon Srnf Road from 1030 a.m. to 12.M tomorrow
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 246 4 Rodeo for v^^^k f m .Jf^Kr i^tf I ft. w i f Jk*\ wtmr JttStimWkM^ B^^H i IL^ i'^ Jk A BIg^IMIBHI^Hr^^HIHHHHBwCcBIB^fIHBIBa Have you ever seen two festivals are not quite you? excitement, or the sheer hundred full-grown ele- Then Bangkok is the an- fantasy of incredibly gracephants all at
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    • 167 4 \OVCATHOLIC Friends, LEARN at HOME about the CATHOLIC CHURCH BY MAIL NO COST NO OBLIGATION Fill in and mail to Kl.l. 24 Njssim Road. Singapore 19. Name Address MmtImi Emphasize \our Eye Beauty Women the world over are now using eye makeup to emphasize the colour and lend greater depth
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  • 285 5 Unlawful assembly case girls 'suspended by school' pENANG. Sat. Two teenagsd iirla had been suspended from school since they were urected for being members of an unlawful assembly, the second magistrate's court was told today. 'Whether they will be allowed to return will depend on the outcome of this case.'
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  • 531 5  -  DAHARI ALI: Kuala Lumpur, Saturday Abdul Rahman today told nonbumiputras who regard the Government's efforts to promote increased bumiputra participation in business as unjust that the country's security depended on it. The Prime Minister was opening the threeday Second Bumiputra Economic Congress at
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  • 175 5  - The girl with a golden eye MOLLIE ANG By VINGAPOHE. Sat. An international designer. Pat Keller who is hen t i dec irate two of Sir.gapore'.s up and coming hotels the Ming Courts alor.g Orchard Road and the Imperial Hotel has a knack of picking up old things, especially :rom
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  • 94 5 That delicious dessert display... DENANG, Sat. The Governor's wife. Tengku Puan Hasbah- today displayed a Malaysian dessert. labu manls. a t the YWCA International cookery class which she opened at Peel Avenue this morning. Tengku Hasbah. who will be accompanying the Governor on his trip to England next Tuesday, prepared
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  • 33 5 BLITERWORTH Sat Hajl c f-ifcted chairman of the North Provlnc* Wellesley Multl-purpx»e Cooperatne Society with Chetru Osman bin MOhamed Noor vir»chairman. Chegu Khalid Oman Mrretary and Hajl Huhim bin Ham tieasurcr
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 48 5 AUSTRALIAN MATRICULATION EXAMINATIONS I to be held in Kuala Lumpur TAYLOR'S COLLEGE will commence fulltime day courses in Kunla Lumpur for these examinations in February 1969 APPLY NOW Initial enquires for admission should be made to:EVATT COMPANY SENDIRIAN IP. O. Box 192 Hongkong Shanghai Bank Building, Kuala Lumpur.
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    • 555 5 t*ll«th« AMAZIKG STORY BBBBBhA^^bI w^l J\ \i BSy^''^^^BJ Mara Nia« 7M.M9 »aaita m •trtom franca o>« tMnii Incta^lHf Htm Mwi, tactaMat, kouxwlvai, woa>li and t*«fiaa«rt Itavc diM*vtrtd an amount m«t»»od ot r«dacmf waif M traai any cHatan part ot >*» body Now you too can lot* «hin you wont. J
      555 words

  • Special features
    • 327 6  -  Ooi Cheng Gaik By VJTkMS are as popular as ever even though costume jewellery has gained new supporters. Those who love gems will continue to buy them for keeps. Their designs are always classical. These designs are based on the size and colour
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    • 317 6  - HIGHFASHION SETS FOR MEN Shen Swee Yong B 5 IT JLJLerE'S a fashion flash for accessoryminded men. Cuffs and ties will be this year's sparkling points of Interest. They are made to glitter as never before with the latest In cuff link and tie pin Jewellery Cut In red glare,
      317 words
    • 263 6 I? 1 you have precious stones In your jewellery collection 1' is worthwhile taking a bit of trouble cleaning them to keep their lustre and brilliance Thl^ Is what a Jewell'-r adviMsi always check the settings, string- and i of your Jewellery pieces
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    • 524 6  -  ONG KIAT BENG By F M. OR centuries. Jade has been the coveted stone of royalty and the desire of commoners in the East. Many believe that Jade posM the medicinal powers of healing certain diseases. Hence its other name of nephrite
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 133 6 UNISON JEWELLERY FIKSI IN FASHION TOP IN QUAim J&, (unisonV Avoiloble At All Leading Departmental Stores IN SINGAPORE PENANG K. LUMPUR IPOH Sole Agent: UNISON ENTERPRISES LIMITED Room 504-505. sth Floor. Chinese Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Singapore 6. For Exquisite Jewellery QevceCfati. #ONCrI|ONG I I GOLDSMITHS offers comprehensive range of
      133 words
    • 46 6 fashioned for BEAUTY Exquisite JEWELLERY Jli Superbly tothioncd by craftsmen in fold. kf Jm -in of *he tin«st aimt diamonds. I POHHU A f GOLDSMITHS S*fm 1 (1962) LTD I J9». NORTH SRIOGI ROAO Aj^flß CjJlt SINGAPORE TIL ***** W^afflt^T^g I i iti^y-* *^*-%&etiußl m IV
      46 words
    • 196 6 -g!s^ I y unsurpassed beauty flfc ®v '"0 and elegance. Pearls u& /S. long life s^**^— favourite gems. mm jj We invite you to inspect B+T k our exclusive collection of \wP cultured pearls. You'll .^^B-mn be fascinated by their d e S.lva Limii^ elegance, luster and colour, 19/21 Migh
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  • 292 7 NOW STERNER ACTION AGAINST THOSE WITHOUT TV LICENCES PENANG, Saturday. THE assistant Secretary to the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting. Wan Mahmood bin Pawanteh, today warned that stern action would be taken against those who did not take out or renew their radio and TV licences. "We are determined to
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  • 119 7 'Don't fence me in' protest rally by villagers 1/UALA LUMPUR. Sat. Don't !< net: ni< in that will be the theme of 2i.ii) villas Mingel Way when they meet at a rally toni' A piece of land they u.sed as a throughway and park has been fenced up by Its
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  • 47 7 Mother of school head dies PENANG t A fVn«n« septuagenerlan a; Hoclc. died in nri I/mm* Jelutoni! hon Mrs Im left t'v. M r 1.1.1 rv En«Spmbilan tiirct- diuKhtprs and man; unTici. The funeral will t* hHd 11 am next Thursday for burial at Mount Er&kinr cemetery
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  • 13 7 BINOAPUKK t«l Ihe uill hold p m :<>- para »iUiIn ihf MrvicM
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  • 259 7  - Evelyn -in the land of fish and strips JUDITH YONG: By Singapore, Saturday lUST call him La Pieuvre, the Octupus. He is the cartoon character French choreographer Peter Jackson has created for one of his night club acts. He comes alive in Singapore as the dancing partner of lovely former
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  • 373 7  - Another new luxury hotel for Spore GEOFFREY BOLAND By CINGAPORE, Sat. Ming Court Hotel, Singapore, will receive its official listing from the Stock Exchange on Monday when it will be dealt in for the first time. Thla will be the sixth hotel counter to be listed on the Exchange and
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  • 191 7 What the traveller sees that the tourist does not ITUALA LUMPUR. Sat. IV Mass Indoctrination by departments of tourism all over the world has killed the traveller and given birth to the tourist, said Prof. Wang Gungwu of the University of Malaya. Tourists In Malaysia never really saw the country
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  • 229 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Sat.— The Soviet Union will not be invited to take part In the international Koran reading competition to be held nere in December, the Assistant Minister of Home Affairs. Inche Hamzah bin Dato Abu Samah. said today. Inche Hamzah. wno is deputy chairman
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  • 41 7 SINGAPORE !iat. Th« Blood Donation Centre at th» Outram Rom] Oenrral Hnepital ml now rirfive blood donor* 8.30 am. to 4 p.m. OS Frici.ivs. and from 8 :?(> am. to 12 om on Saturmd ihe la.-. Sunday ct pain n
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 229 7 Imagine! Ifou have a choice of flying to London through Rome or Frankfurt, Vienna, Amsterdam or Athens. All your business friends have different ideas on which has the most potential for you. Go with someone who knows. H PP^ tip i vl Bfc. >*£& mBSBH H 1 l^ r^ -L'PB
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  • Sunday Serial
    • 3136 8  - A face at their window, then murder in the lonely mansion When four honest witnesses all made the same mistake... FENTON BRESLER THEY PUT ONE SUSPECT, THEN ANOTHER, IN THE DOCK by PART THREE MV CAR protested. I was driving it up a winding track tluit nearly (JO \e;us before
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    • 325 9 Dear KNOW ALLS CAN you give me an estimate of the number of people In Singapore who are In managerial positions? G.LP. A recent Singapore surrey showed 21,500 people holding manayrrial ;oh.s rERE is a larnc patch ol wasteland In front of my home which is a breeding place for
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 62 8 if When the curtain fell |n Iff on romance l|| i£-A pfAnv pnf? B9*»w J V "N VIM*; *Nt^L// r<Sl\ I^P^^^ilPt3 BrV^Ba^B^a^B^al < Wjh the film u£? 1J AT HOME JBP====^=--»i^rtßHi I P^^ HAPS you FORG&T YOUR ■TsST~^r^i^ v ßyHri»^^SjT^* y MOST IHFOKTANT SEA UTY AD. --^Hafctc^ V '.a4tfla& i
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    • 341 8 Asthma Mucus Dissolved in 1 Day 1 rHKNDACX) with Asthma Harf !,.,t W Ib. m •v«iiii»i«Hriicta it Is i>» loncrr w*l«^ I -«ma- (aaptns A»thma. I »i««p i-ipntN to It iV rl| r 'lopp. Ail ><»v do i, m |4k. J tabl-M with mtmla and Ml *tarta cirrulatinc throuch the
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 169 9 PELARGON K^i the modern milk mothers trust IIL Pclargon is a modern milk formula for the excellent digestibility help hah> j:ro* «..r,.w 0 regular feeding of babies. strong Gain weight steadily and increase the "5 Made4rom frexh full-cream milk. pre<ookeil natural resistance to infection just as if he were j
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 122 9 jHH po I Wtb jH AtKOSS 1 Coloured pencil vehicle (■>; 38 Sem«oneO <6); ,8? h FKhliiK sloops <6i: 9 A 39 Special feats .6. main -.rterv .5? 11 Remnant DOWN. 1. InridenU (U) main ar commoUons 13 2 FiM, if); 3 Hop kiln I4)j Si: <■*•■ S,,, C Wl
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  • 4 10 ors the orea-
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  • 19 10 PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH SINCACORE Of Sf O^bsrd Koad. Penanit S> no am. ana i.(r Bcnnol tt.UU a.m. nf.
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  • Leader Page
    • OPENION Sunday September 8. 1968
      • 128 10 ONE encouraging thought is in the minds of the British investment mission now back in London after a visit to Malaysia and Singapore. One though; and we hope many meni The thought: That Britain is very welcome m this part ol the world, ti mem prospects are
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      • 163 10 BEFORE President Marcos decides to act on the Bill declaring Sabah a part of the Philippines he should ask himself: Where is the new ASEAN spirit? What will happen now to all the bold schemes for regional co-operation? Is it really worthwhile reopening old feuds and Inciting
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      • 104 10 YET once again death tttikH the villages of north-eastern Iran Yet once again a dreadful swathe of destruction cuts Its way where only ago an earthquake > left 20.000 killed. 50.000 In- jured and 100.000 homeless No element of tr.iKedy Is lacking Homes suddenly overwhelmed. Whole
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    • 719 10  -  Felix Abisheganaden By OUR MAN IN CHICAGO IT WAS seven in the evening. A gentle bree/e brought down ;iutiunn leaves of red and gold. Downtown, eoHeeshops wire packed. Mellow nnisie filled the air. The next moment, traffic
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    • 860 10  - THE BOOKWORM EMERGES CHEONG YIP SENG BY SIX months ago Basant Kumar was a scrawny five-foot-Four, weighing 10.") pounds. A l)espeetacled .second -year economics student at the I niversitv of Singapore whose years in school and at Hie campus were just like most other boys' except for liis deliberate abstinence
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    • 663 10  -  Edwin Thumboo by KEEP those poenu coming in. You can win a cash prize and. more important. Mr >our verse in print in the Sunday Timr* with expert comment. POETBY < OR.NER appear* evrry fortnight. And Sit goes to each poem published. Send your entries to: Poetry orner
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 383 10 ACKNnWL(OG!MENTS, ANNIVERSARY! ANNOUNCEMENTS. BIRTHS, CLUB ACTIVITIES. CONDOLENCES, DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS. FUNERALS, GREETINGS. IN MEMORIAM. MARRIAGES, MISSING, PERSONAL, P.P.C.. REQUIEMS I REUNIONS. Rate: Minimum SIS'- far 70 each additional wtrtf SO cts. All other Classifies 1 <d»ert:s»mtntt Mimmm 56'- fir 15 wtfis, tick additional wird 41 tests. Sunday Times Box Service ckjrie
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    • 19 10 Wm Mm Ml These ul*e are Charles boy? Lewe if- wH-h me... lTtrii«>iss(ißsssSßSSs>Blßa«s>«ssaamßsßßSSSsllllMßißßßsa^till Wfluatl Iff •I w A >SBB>sßsssl
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    • 233 10 Tuition for the following Examination Subjectt Available HIGHER SCHOOL CMTlrlCAfk. benerol Pop«r, fccooomics Hocser I and 11, (jeogrophy, Motfw> notici, P ond S levcla. History (Pop«i VI ond Pop«« XIVI. Moloy Popef I ond 11. Chinas* Poo* I. lomii Poo«f I ond 11. tngliif> IPoper I, II ond V.) j
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  • 260 11  - Kiotsuke— orchids win a silver for Sharlene at the flower show ONG KIAT BENG: Singapore, Sat By CLOWES girl Shiran Chan was a picture of happii walked round the Horticultural Show. Sharlene, 16. was the d youngest award winner at the show— W inning the Mlv< r i first i
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  • 334 11 Opposition parties criticise (and Alliance supports) those changes to constituencies KUALA LUMPUR, Saturday. 'THE proposed changes in the Parliamentary and State constituencies by the Election Commission published today received more criticism than praise from political parties. All Opposition parties have objected to the proDOttli and only the Alliance .supported the
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  • 118 11 The blaze ship to leaveSingapore today SINGAPORE. Sat— The Indonesian cargo ship, Dapor Satu, which developed engine trouble aftt fire in the engine room, is expected to leave tomorrow aft* i completing re pain here. The 2 500-ton vessel, loaded with 1.26U tons of iron. was 15 miles from Pulau
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  • 99 11 TODAY: Sedill Kfchll 10 43 a.m. <7.5 ft); 1030 p.m. (7.lft): Singapore K'll pm <8 4fu 11.49 p.m. (D.Tfti; Port Dlckson 716 a.m. (9.Bft> 742 p m (8.8 ft); Port Swettenham 639 am (16.6 ft i KM pm. (15.5 ft Penanc 1.17 am <8
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  • 34 11 CTOCKBOUI I*4 A N..\v hem B\cedi.' 'lNe on the inaini.nd from the B.tluc Islands crashed al day killlnw 10 ol the 12 persona aboard The Nav> i portcl DPI
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  • 13 11 NEW DXLHI Idi h«re At least 30 M peuple wen- i«jux«ci
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  • 24 11 Ini Mm urn smruuddtn will inapect ihr r carpi Kunntan UM SulUl) ADU sdiuoi here on Munclu> al 6 v m.
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  • 206 11 Working for a prosperous Singapore —a man of many talents UK TAN SEX TOH übove) 1* is a man of many talents. By prou-.ssiun a mechanical engineer. also a successful industrialist, planner, organiser and businessman. "I realised early in life as a pupil at Chung Cheng High School that Sing'ti
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  • 59 11 KANOAR I EducMli'n Officer Inch? Ariffln bin Mul Nam. jaatirdaj parrnt.s I laly 'i scliimil nrlfaif fund.- set un help nertiv i>up.h •Our droartment hut ***tn school» in fund* bui unlortuij.itrly Hie reapon*r in nuiv cax<v MM be*o **n tnooui hr told Mm *****11..1
    59 words
  • 164 11 The three issues confronting Malaysia TELUK ANSON, Sat.— Three major issues are now confronting Malaysia. Inche Ramli bin Omar, the Perak Umno youth leader, said today. llr listfd them as the Commui.Nt ihr.-at. the Babah cia'm by the Phlllpand the propo>ed stnke by the Federation Armed Forces Civilian Staff Union.
    164 words
  • 75 11 $48m. airport to be ready by 1971 It :i,l TOWN, a..i -a new witt TimlKiiiHl airport planned lo u-. built 111 Biunti i* lo be ready by 1971. ..LMt'd (O MCI'ummodate auprrMiiiic jrt airorafl w ill am about til milhuti <ii the detailed dealgna ot t!ii airport and lU ternmul
    Reuter  -  75 words
  • 50 11 Kt'Al.A LUMPUR Sat. I Malaysian Armed will be awarded certln--1.1 wiv i.irmrd Road S«frt) unmiUee of the Gam'- Uir-y goud These cer „\d t* tiMMd every year on Armed Oav tl.e i'iiinni;inder of iwpui ci.,l risen V' I i«in Mulimud H.i. nun. M id today.
    50 words
  • 179 11 JOSEY BOOK ON LEE FOR DISPLAY AT FAIR SINGAPORE, Sa t Mr. Alex Josey's biography of the Prime Minister. Mr. Lee Kuan Yew. will be displayed at the forthcoming Book Fair in Frankfurt. Mr. Donald Moore, managing director of Donald Moore Press who left tonight to represent Singapore's Book Publishers'
    179 words
  • 58 11 SINGAPORE Bat— The SinSkporr A> v Porcrx will cunuct d?rn ion cxerctae* at their Southern Islands demoll tton irnnjW al Pulau Senang and Pv.;il Pa* .ii fiom 3 PM on Tu»adu l>i 3 PM on Saturday <Bcpt Mi. Thr public are warned, for th-!r »n
    58 words
  • 153 11 Death-on his first day at work ALOR STAR, Sat. A guano collector was stabbed to death on the first day he started work at a cave in Gunong Kerlang. the High Court here was told today. "He had a quarrel with another guano collector before he was stabbed." Ng Chong
    153 words
  • 57 11 LUMUT Bat. The chairman of the Dindlngs District Welfare Council. Raja Shahriman bin Ra)a Abdul Hamid. yesterday presented a cheque for II 500 to Dr PVV Menon. president of the Sri Ramar TemDle here. The money uaJ a contribution for the construction of a new
    57 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 509 11 A SPLIT SECOND IN ETERNITY The Ancients Called It COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS Must man die to release his inner tonscioimit^? Can we experience momentary flights of the soul— s^» that is, become one v itb the uniperse and receive an influx of great Understanding? P gr> The shackles of the body-
      509 words

  • Women Home and Fashion
    • Article, Illustration
      953 12 Scoops, scandals and the girls in neckties LAST WEEK a male colleague s|>okf on journalism at the Careen Convention in Singapore At the end of his talk. Higher School Certificate girls l;i<kle<) him <>n w hat Ihcv described as "a lack of scope Tor women in journalism." "It
      953 words
    • 622 12 SKY EM ar.N 1(0 1 ah;, a sirl. lour mi .ai»*r we separatea I>r M reason Now .she Is married and ha* a child but 1 keep meeting her Though I know It is wrong I am still attracted to her LONELY Settle in another town t
      622 words
    • 107 12 So you finally took the step Congratulations. And welcome to the local group of Tampax tampon users. We've been telling you for months that you would feel cool, clean, fresh even in hot, sticky weather. We told you that you could >wnn anytime of the month. efffffln promised you compK
      107 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 465 12 PIB for faster relief from ASTHMA r at PlB (Pressurised Iso-Brovon) provides promot and long-lasting relief in ASTHMA and BRONCHITIS. Compact unit simple to use eastiy carried in pocket or handbag. Over 300 doses at low cost. You can SEE the contents and m never fear running short. Ask your
      465 words
    • 133 12 TAMPAX s*wiT»»vn»0Tf enow worn interm^ut If you'd like a sample just i send 25 cents in stamps toThe Nurse. Federal Dispcn> Ltd.. P.O. Box LM1. Singapore. P31« Advertisement Lemons For fifuutv To seep youi sKin clear and fair you need ihe naturaJ HMfMtnf «nd bleactiinw tonic ol lemon:. Ask your
      133 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous

  • 327 13 Three choices for Forces union l/UALA LUMPUR, I Sat. The Federa- j tion Armed Forces Civi- lian Staff Union is to consider three alternatives to solve the impasse with the Ministry of Defence over the i dissolution of the departmental Whitley Council last year: STRIKE, which 93 per cent of
    327 words
  • 343 13  - An angry Sultan waits and waits and waits LUI THAI HENG: i^ 5 r#j^|3^HSr^VMlllßiMT3r?^^Bi^T2l^v^^W^Ti?Twis3^KcT^T#Ts^ By Kuala Lumpur, Sat 'JHE Sultan of Selangor was annoyed this morning and for quite a good reason too. It took the police 25 minutes to arrive at his istana in Jalan Clifford here to investigate
    343 words
  • 90 13 Kl ALA I I Mil i; Sat. A local firm GLC-AEI Sdn. Bbd.— has been awarded a $700 000 order to build Indonesia's first hcvacrumb rubber plant. The plant will prmrss 20 tons of smallholders' rubber a day initially. In a statement, the the
    90 words
  • 161 13 \IALACCA, Sat. Th« newly- formed Malacca Selatan division ot Umno last night decided to boycott all directives from Malacca Umno or Its president. Senator Ab- j dul Ghalar bin Baba It was unan iiously decided by 106 delegates from 28 branches meeting in Jasin
    161 words
  • 91 13 for own safety KUANTAN. Sat. Schoolchildren here look more to convenience than their own safety, a Town Councillor. Mr. Kong Blew Hock said last night at a forum organised by the Kuantan Rotary Club Although btcycie tracks w*re provided in the town nu^' of tin ocUsts
    91 words
  • 105 13 Saccharine in beanmilk man fined $50 piNAMO. Sat. An U-e--water seller. Goay Peng C'heow. was lodav fined $50 tor .selling beanmllk uith saccharine Instead of pure sugar syrup at the St. George's Girls' (Branch) School la Residency Road on the morning of July 31. Foods and Drugs inspector J. R.
    105 words
  • 72 13 BUKIT MERTAJAM, B*t. The Bukit Merujtm High School needed a library and reading roum. the crulrman af the Board of Oovernors. Mr Tan Clieiiv Bee. said here >est«rday He kald there was also a need tor geography room and two Industrial arts wcrktfiops (or power
    72 words
  • 197 13 SITIAWAN, Saturday. UNEMPLOYED Chuan Huat Loon, 28, of Penang. was sentenced to a total of two years" jail by the Sessions Court here yesterday when he pleaded guilty to three charges. He was jailed (or a year for attempting to extort niinpy from the
    197 words
  • 170 13 Freak stamps: A bonanza for newly-weds BUKIT MERTAJAM, Sat. Two newly wen turning from their honeymoon in the Cameron Highlands had a surprise when three stamps from a set they had bought turned out to be freaks. "We stopped at a post office on our way home and bought one
    170 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 270 13 THE WORLD NEEDS TRAINED MEN lUJ U \it v |j*ii"BliSi^K^ibi 3HjniiJ POSTAL EDUCATION-?^S^ißli3^ •RANCHES THROUGHOUT THE WORLD I TO DAY there are wonderful Opportunities OVER 500 COURSES for the forward-looking man and woman. cmms *f** h "tnt,sn»stia»t" TECHNICAL WMimiM l»i Ittomw However, the best jobs go to those who mmm
      270 words
    • 278 13 Best of all Hair Oils RESCUES YOU FROM GETTING >-^-r^x (specml quality) *#m übfrbo«,T.u bf rbo«,T. J s L t*% Nazerene Hair Oil gives fast results and is very simple to use AM you have to do is apply Nazerene Hair Oil daily and massage your hair and scalp for
      278 words

  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 1414 14 STAR oS KS| the WEEK OVR "Star of the Week' today is Miss Florence Wancj 'Kuala Lkmpur TV script assistant) born Sept. 12, 1945. Till* comiiiK year «f life try to travel. Keep your hollshoulii pn>\e eventful and days simple and near home. extremely interestini;. lt «iil Vl>u mAy (akr
      1,414 words
    • 182 14 /A THE ROYAL I I f- '7j^°*^S&Q I YOU HAVE PONE WE_L, C*>. NT I/^ 7 YOU SHRANK (AE! POES J CHAM3£*S Or\ \&*\m\ rr^gt SLAVES! NOW 6Q-! J (^PON'T Lg/KVE.-l f THE MASK FR,6HTEN_YOU? I LORP SOKAR- WE HAVE j AHH'. I MUST JO! K\E£L, ,^B«^BV I _<NBE..tS JiS%kß^^^^r^~^
      182 words

  • 405 15 ~j Let the disabled contribute to society, cripple Ang tells world conference UONG KONG, Sat. A 28--year-old Singaporean, paralysed from the neck down and on his first trip out of Singapore since a crippling accident nine years ago. today addressed an international conference 1: Cheerful
    405 words
  • 178 15 I/UALA I.UMPUR. Sat. The of mathematics and English should be made eompulmedlum upper secondary that there will b«' an Increase in the number of Malay students taking up and technical .subjects at untventtf W-vel. a Mara officer. Inche Aziz btr. Man.i! said litre
    178 words
  • 348 15 JOHORE BAHRU. Sat.— The Johore Bharu Town Council lost more than 5 1 .600 i n revenue because of an 18--month delay in listing eignt houses on the Council's assessment list, the Raja Azlan inquiry was told today. The houses, at Jalan
    348 words
  • 80 15 Briton freed from death on way home KIN( I Kuiix. thp I from a »ent*nre M ileath on spy rtiargM In Hall hprr t«d»v on his wa;. home to ili» Bahamas Hp will br a> c ompanird by the British Ambassador I" Hull. Mr. J. Dalton Murray, who Ik also
    80 words
  • 50 15 H. S«L Red Cmss Society kUppl *M> t<J relug>. I Kalimantan. lnd nc^ia The rorultfimcnt the thr<! 1 1 57 7 sacks nf uwd clo II buruitk. U Cases of condraked milk. tier. iv< .i>Mi (<H>d>tul!s and medu-inp. Tlie so elf ty a nf (27.500.
    50 words
  • 98 15 TAN AH RATA Siit A 1 Wurld Health Organ: *aUOO consultant Mr J Keidinu has arrived to in vestiuate the "My nu. in tnr Cameron Hlchland* and recommend m. to control it. Tli' Officer here. Inche Abdul A/mi bin Andul Tahrim Mid
    98 words
  • 189 15 Singapore seamen fined in Melbourne MILBOURMIi Sat. A < day itiat four Chines* ni'.pd "r raAustraha. were 'ur ratM" by their 'Tnpi^ i when they are ight Into contact wrh an the At. W. J nely. >a;d in Court. Mr. MalOMj lound the tour a members ol the Chau
    189 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 44 15 Pass your HSC SC QT LCE now Preston*s i^^M- h'MtstfMn J3^^A *-i- t— -f 'tj PRESTON CORPORATION (Mj SON, JJIID. (> Jalan 13/6 Petalmg Jaya m Selangor, WMt Malaysia I Pl**m Mnd ma d«ullt of vouf FREE of far. IMv Nam* gg Address I—— I
      44 words
      39 words

  • 266 16 CINUAPORE. Sat. 3 Why is there no opposition to national service In Singapore? The people DCW have a belter understanding ol the word "nation", according to the Parliamentary Secretary to the MlDistry of Culture. Inche Sha'ari Tadln. The present reaction, he said
    266 words
  • 96 16 IPOH. Sit. Student of Itw Sr V.chafl"', Institution har< nude a volcano Up n<e >ejl thing with fire, imoke and asn. It can be seen at the sr heel's Ncs exhibition opened yesterday. Their formula- 1 Cla\ ammonium .nute. magnesium, nitre, sulp..nfj iron tilng' hen it
    96 words
  • 290 16 Indonesia shows her batik of 1968, bold and modern tINGAPORE, Sat. It was batiK witli the accent on modern design on display at UM AU-Indone.sian Arts and Crafts Foundation's week-long i-\--hibition which opened at Wismu Indonesia this mornins:. "Everything !n tfclt hall represents IS6B said Mrs. 8-1 Harlat: dir dor
    290 words
  • 79 16 Straw-hatted tribute to Chevalier PARIS. Sat. Pan* has planned a nostalgic, atrawhattcd tribute to one of its great sons the apparently indestructible Maurice Chfv.ilirr uhu tunis 80 in Sept. 12. Ourst.s at the binlid.iv celebration nt Uip I.ido Piins .-pritaiulav nightolub will includr .some 250 Even one of Ihem \m'l
    Reuter  -  79 words
  • 245 16 SINGAPORE TO HOST C 'WEALTH VET TALKS SINGAPORE. Sat The Republic may bust the tirst council meeting ol the newly-formed Commonwealth Veterinary Association to be held next year. This was disclosed today by the director of the Commonwealth Found Mr. J ("rndwick who Is here on a four-day Hi vi.
    245 words
  • 137 16 Call for closer ties between Malaysia and Pakistan RAWALPINDI I n Malaya! o prom nomJc co operatloa with PtfcUun. ian High t omnu.hioner in Pakistan Trngku Indra Putrn s.iul here. In a speech bro.idc.i Rum i akmtan in coi tioii with the llth arini-v.-i-.irv Ol indi'pendence of Malaysia, he
    AP  -  137 words
  • 102 16 \PORE. Sat The Political Secrrlary to the Mini>tducatii'ii. Inche Gna/.ali 1.-mail a«id tomvht tbat an economy bused on human reilnc.v could w\r and Inch* Ohaaali. «a* »iv at the Day ui\«'n kf Urn Rvml Trained Singapore TMchwa l"num >^id A n'un:rv lik. nil build
    102 words
  • 54 16 Kr -The I niiKion- Su!,( bin \u|i nirtkr h 15-day mm' to Au*- Durum his stay in Au he will \isit the Air 'lid Suntxir quarters and tralniiiß estab- company ing him will tx Wnn Commander Mannor bit: Hn-him of the Air Staff Dtriaioa of
    54 words
  • 183 16 King to see Armed Forces Day tattoo I/UALA LUMPUR. Sat. The Yana di-Pertuan Agong and the Raja will o% among dignitaries who will lltarv latt t .'.-■rdi ka Stadium on the night of Sept. 16 Armed Forces Day. Others attendii:. elude the Sultan ol Selangor. who is honorary Gmuo
    183 words
  • 63 16 NEW DKIHI S,»t Indian Prune Minuter Mi^ Indira Oandht toduv described President Tito of Yugoslavia as a great and good friend of India and mihl liklo-YuroMkv friendship was an Important (actor In promutton of world PMM Mrs Gandhi was earning a 100 million nipe* iMJ million
    Reuter  -  63 words
  • 41 16 1 19,057 cars in Spore ■MMKM Fri I c| in can »crt ret n rrt month hn. icing the nuaikiT tt B Singapore roads to llt.C 57 Their MM also SH7 iv»l\-re-LiMrici I rr. ln-inging llif I I b 7 625
    41 words
  • 11 16 dead two aimed |a a nun port <■ <••*• Hn» Bornini
    11 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
      734 words

  • For your Pleasure
    • 1030 17 OVER tin- brew of ;t liill MM down a steep grassy alope thunden the light comedy brigade. Yelling their heads (iirls. All girls. And beautiful girls in bikinis ;it that Men to the right of them. Men to the left of them. Men in front
      1,030 words
    • 357 17 C'OH SOON TIOE will present the brilliant young Hong Kouk pianist. Enloc Wu. in a reciul at the Victoria Theatre on Sept. 16. Miss Wu began learning the piano at the age of four She won many prises In the Hong Kong Musical F -tlvalx played In numerous
      357 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 536 17 Op^anlßatlon OPtNS TODAY No Fr.a Lift! 6 SHOWS: Ml 45-4-6 30-9.15 jnd AT MIDNIGHT TONIGHT! m ".G YU and LI CHING "Th« SWORD OF SWORDS" m 'A SHAW PRODUCTION m rin m Shawicope, Color, bj *t«l.Uij.ißM..f'm.,ij NOW SHOWIN6! Horn, 1.45, 4.00, 630 A «.30 R'Axrt Woodb 'STARBLACK' B| 2nd Bit
      536 words
    • 157 17 N o E c, CATHAY spore OPENS TODAY! ATTVF« HOW THE WAR WAS WON with CHARM, BRA and PANTIES! .^■9l irVV*' )t^ R NK OROAN.SAT'ON WfC, 0 '"^rl worecawibe narUApn GRAND PREMIERE "llVriMlll/ WED., 11th SEPT.. at 845 p.m. BOX-PLANS NOW On N FOH ALL LASSKS (No Free List) >l'l(
      157 words
    • 40 17 MIIAMUAII Nita- club Restaurant LIUW HALL z.?.. c £jfUtSml STAR CARVING SHOW -"^Tjj£ SUNDAY TEA DANCE from J JO p m to *00 p.m. reoturina "The Flying Phantom" <t^ Muni Sarawak aid Susan Peh f\ SUNDAY SPECIAL Famous NASI PADANG
      40 words
    • 127 17 MlllMlllllt3IIIIIIIIIIIIC3llllllllllllt:iMIIII I IB II II Tel *****4 IiTM CLOHIOUS DAY III! Now Sho>if<o 145. 4. 7 t •10 om 4 Trng T "TMI LOST ROMANCE G Star g Subs. Today 11 am Matin** To-ion tha M*«nl*icar>t' Poro Colour. NTARII4.H I Tel: *****6 4< fai.r fantaoa Hood Oa«ni Today' "COFFIN FO»
      127 words
    • 267 17 LIDo'-OPMsVoDAY'-tt VIIOWS 11am, 1.45, 4, 6.30, 9.15 At Midnight Tonight v PLUS Tonight Midnight at CAPITOL-REX-SKY a (N B. ALL SHOWS NO FREE LIST) FROM SHAWS HONGKONG STUDIOS I :JP SWORD OF Plj kfl^^^^ \S '-if J^^^^K^l \>' E4I Iff BF m H /^^lBl^ll^aSHi^Bßfl P*Kbbbbßb!bbWb^| Starring WANG YU and LI
      267 words

    • 50 18 lit I \i POOL IMJM Xt i:;7::ho sib.;«r> 2nd IMSM K.W. :ird IIIKIX 4 071 Starters: S»s:t eaih N..s lT'itt". 154M1 IS2X.-7 INO7:>:{ 182M4 IMtH 1780U IM2M IS!»7)ib *****9. Cnnsola^on: s:!Hi each Nos. 11:771 l't.-.HilO 1.-.77HH 1 I snl 7 1975 M lK'|-,B:{ 14.V»t>« 1 5637 li:o."i 17SN4.
      50 words
    • 1940 18 a PPRB:NTICE Velayutham rode a fine finish to A land Remarkable II x nose winner from the hot fa lli«' Kirn .Hid i t.lohnny Nelson) In the Class 4 Div. :< (it Handicap at Ipoh >■ Remarkable II pive Penang trainer David Tan Lye
      1,940 words
    • 155 18 LONDON M Kti. Ed only minuies yesteiI'.rninK to take G.imoiIM iim wickets lor an iiinuigs and 77 rum VlcMfl This mtoum K"^ th«m run-ners-ip po.sition behind Yt.rkMnri in the English county championship the Miiif position m last year. Resulu M Vntkciunr. Kent bt Olam
      155 words
    • 907 18 The draw for Malaysian Open tennis PENANG. Sat. Forty-four players from eight countries Australia, Ceylon, India, Indonesia, Ma--lays i a Singapore, Thailand and South Vietnam— will vie for the men's singles title i in the Malaysian Open tennis championships starting here on Thursday. Australian Alan Stone 1 the holder, is
      907 words
    • 867 19 RACING with EPSOM JEEP gTABLE connections of Seals Bay, I understand, are aiming to win the $50,000 Singapore Gold Cup next month. But before their five-year-old by the brilliant sire, Alcimedes, can earn a berth in the
      867 words
    • 46 19 lONDON. Bat.--Rooln Hoboa, Dm fount Essex spinner. took five wickets fur 73 runs 'Irx'd an Enslnnd XI to id team r>v 133 iTfiHV I'iml ».nrrs K.iililid 274-8 i dec and 204-S >lfr 'O Boycott 1 116>, R«si of Wor.d 174 and 171.
      46 words
    • 127 19 Jega is pipped into 3rd place JV.ISBURG. Sat. Asian sprint champion Mani Jcgathrsan was beatPn at the tape by Britain's Joe Speake in the higher-class 200 metres event at an international athletics meeting here last night. The 'flying doctor" from >d at 21.5 aev. same time as Speake a:M finished
      127 words
    • 1343 19 GOING FORECAST: Yielding to ->.U PfH9| 2.0 CLASS 4 DIVISION 3 ■AUS3U ($5,700) 9F local riders only I 231on PILAU PINANfi a (Penang 8ynd> RS Breuk. 4 90 (F) Aiuwadi 7 Z 845 I»<M KI.K ADIOS II i KL Chongi Tan 4 9 0 A. iNnatl 4 3
      1,343 words
    • 150 19 EPSOM JEEP CALL BOY POINTER Race 1 ELITE PILAl' P1NANG THE TEXAN The Trxan Native Boy Double Adloa Pulau Pinanf F.lite Elite lUce 2 RED TILIP ICON CLTE CO-ED Cute Co-ed Cute Co-od Ued Tulip Mrnd>\ Brother Kapier Wenc<>'s Brother Rare I YAK1N TIEN TIEN LAI YAKIN
      150 words
    • 25 19 OEI PATAM. Sat ~-ar beat Sunfei Patam by 5j to 2i in the Wan Ibr.ih:m Cup golf competition at Alor Star yesterday
      25 words
    • 449 19  -  Permex "M have a small office syndiT cate going with a weekly kitty of around the 525 mark. Any suggestions?" Pity my reader did not go a little further and tell me how much he wanted to spend per column, but presuming the lower cosilng
      449 words
    • 206 19 DIVISION I 1 Ar.-rnal v Stoke x Bumlry v Man Utd 1 Everton v Bhrlt Wed 1 Ipswich v I.ivrrp<Kil 2 I etcWer V leedf I Man ri'v v B"u'h»mptoti 1 New cast If v Wm Brnni ditry 3 opr v ri\' I nham
      206 words
    • 366 19 Top 10 for Treble Burnley t Mm. It*.: ManUnited c»nnol be too tiapp* about tneir MMJ IB lll < UAtoa but in Uin»*s 'hfy have been b«dlv hit by uijune» 10 mi or i«o *tar players. A»»m»t Tottenham recently they were s moat back Uj top form and thu suggest*
      366 words
    • 233 19 Sharifflifts title on round 1 knockout CLNGAPOnE, Sat, For- mer Malaysian champion ShanfT Ali took the flyweight title with a oneminute, first-round knockout win over Soon Kirn Wah of Singapore In the finals of the Singapore open boxing championships at the Badminton Stadium here tonighi. Another Malaysian, Wong Chin Kong,
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    • 21 19 SINOAPORE. Sat The Adult Education Board will hold Its second Inter-areas athletic meet at Farrer Park on Sept. IS.
      21 words
    • 17 19 FOREST HILLS. Sat Ruin forcea poatponement of ve.stcrday's matches it-, the US open tennla championships.
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    • 312 19 LONDON. Sat. Here ar» tne re.iuiu of football matches ;>..tyed today ENGLISH DIVISION ONK Chrlsea 1 I kntnn 1 2 Mi wcaatk l Leeds 2 Wolves 1 Liverpool 2 Q.P.H. 0 Man. Ltd. l Nisi iu m i Sheff. Wed. I IpMrtok Soutliampton 1 Arsenal
      312 words
    • 158 20 S'gor lose despite 122-run stand SINGAPORE, Sat. Despite a fine second wicket stand of 122 between Lenny de Vries (85) and Hector Durairatnam (08). Selangor lost to Johore by 21 runs in the Malaysia n government services cricket tournament at Johore Bahru today. Final scores: Johnro 243 sor 223. Johore
      158 words
    • 15 20 tally ur- Trochew fun. ral pnrlour. I on Rd. on Monday tt.v «s at
      15 words
    • 27 20 thank inhn Mart' And Clement and ro r*n<ltred h»lp. mtnl limiaiaa of condolence. »rratha ana li.naroni at the funeral of iha late Ir r P Rocem
      27 words
    • 650 20  - Off to Olympics for Bth place or better NORMAN SIEBEL: By If UALA LUMPUR, Sat. Four years after Tokyo 1964, the Olympic Games are almost upon us again. And at Subang Airport this afternoon there was all the excitement and expectation of joining in the greatest show on earth as
      650 words
    • 22 20 JOHORE BAHRU. Sal .—NEB Mi.l..\.sia beat Johore 3-1 in the Malaysian liHrr-uovernmem .srrvice* soccer tournament at Johore Bahru today.
      22 words
    • 194 20 Chung Ling, Frees to contest schools TT final pENANG, Sat. Free x School will meet Chuug Line High School in the final of the penang schools table tennis tourney. Free School (Group A champions) today beat Methodist Boys School (Group B runners-up) 3-2 In the semi-final. In the other semi-final
      194 words
    • 259 20 PERAK WIN AFTER 11-0 DEFICIT IPOH, Sat. Perak came from behind to beat Selangor 18-11 in a Malaya Cup rugby match on the Municipal padang here today. P<iak scored three goa.s and a penalty to Selangor s goal, try and penalty. Selangor began well and b lore half time had
      259 words
    • 50 20 AUCKLAND Sat Indonesia beat New Zealand 6-1 here n their AuMr^liMan rone first round tie in the Über Cup. the womer.'s world team badminton championship Indonesia now meet Australia In the sacond round or the lone competition Date and wnue of the tie have still to bt decided
      50 words
    • 21 20 MALACCA. Sat. Malacca outpla\ed Negrt Srmbllan 6-1 in the Government Senlces tabletennis match at the Meng Seng hall here today
      21 words
    • 24 20 KOTA BHARU Sat North Malays beat a Kriantan Selection «-3 in a irlendly soccer match at the Sultan Mahmood biadiuiu here today.
      24 words
    • Article, Illustration
      9 20 AKIYASI' MOTOHASHI ilutkrd fastest lap times for two events
      9 words
    • 308 20 SINGAPORE. S«t. -1 URITISH Army are the surprise leaders on the first day of the Esso Interclub athletic champlonstups organised by the Singapore AAA held at Farrer Park today. The meet ends tomorrow Army lead from 11 other teams with 34 points. The pre-meet
      308 words
    • 944 20  -  FRANCIS and A. GOMES By T. KUALA LUMPUR. Saturday. A COOL, cool Steve Harvey of Australia in BMC Cooper S had to ward off strong challenges irom two other minis and an Alfa Romeo to win the saloons car event at the seventh
      944 words
    • 108 20 IPUH |al 1 1 1 am^Uur KQlf rv tin- Tiger Lane courst BSfS totiny. He in pel I thref-under-par <« the lirsi nine bui dropprU twe »hot« at the par four nth hols for rst round of one-undsN Dar 72. Or. thp second 18 I carded 76
      108 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 272 18 Students! Undecided? Act Today! You can still prepare for and pass the 1968 examinations with the help of the Home Study specialists of the famous Stamford College. Short and /or Revision courses are available for: H.5.C.,0.5.C./M.C.E.,Q.T.,L.C.E. ALSO ORDINARY COURSES FOR 1969, -1970 EXAMS. Success minded students join ________IM_t_l_. STAMFORD COLLEGE
      272 words
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    • 722 18 £imiiiiiiii p^TTJJ^-Vd 3 r^W^^yWSFfffl^^^l"""""" 1 Can you see your shoulder? fZ i r it jut tup Oi i7M tmow-ntout* »vi too* tx u-ut Vitfy I 6ir il- ->"N«r suoatet* is much ifWf* urn uy if.r I ii j _f I Iv -_bb A K y A I' rrti/s isr art***
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  • 84 19 MR» KOM J,M n w Madam, I I LOUISA JLIZABETM O SOUZA o- M a« a-, on < rri.b Road for nurial on 7 M. MR. YAP VOIN *AIK. t irmntr of 1 Old XrW^rar.* A.**tH .a f ion I Vni'ig r»'"l o» leases Si-A .Nofinam Horfrt. I'manx todar
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  • 29 19 FAMILY OF late Mm Boer awe* »an .N>t. Choo Hon« Lan thvik re- j lativea, fri«ods, and prursta for their etonstionv wrratlis. condolrncta and Attatutance at tbe (uaerai.
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