The Straits Times, 18 July 1968

Total Pages: 22
1 22 The Straits Times
  • 25 1 juCWj|rAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 175,000 The Straits Times The National Newspaper Estd. 1845 THURSDAY, JULY 18 1968 15 CENTS KDN. 3104 M.C. (P) 0014
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  • 888 1  -  BOB NG: NEW CALL TO CO-OPERATE By KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday I THERE should be no reason for any outbreak of hostilities between Malaysia and the Philippines following the collapse of the Bangkok talks on Sabah, Tun Abdul Razak said today. The Deputy Prime Minister
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  • 646 1 Ghazali tells what Manila really wanted BANGKOK. WeU. JIIK chief Malaysian delegate. Tan Sri dha/ali Sfiafie, s;ii(l loda> Hut Manila's delegation' lo ihe talks on Sahafi M caa»e ben not so inutii to convince Us to no lo Ihe World Court as lo com ince the public that we would
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  • 217 1 The next step-by the Tengku LONDON, Wedne.d.y Tl < K 1 Abdul Rahman said here last night the next step now that the Bangkok talks have been broken off should be for Malaysia and the Philip p I ne s to find ways of achieving friendly relations with one another.
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  • 92 1 MANILA. Wed— The Foreign Secretar). Mr. NarK.iinus. said today the Philippines was seriously i onMrirrinc the possibility of severing i elation* with Malaysia, but he urged raution before taking any drastic action. "We don't want to take any steps we might have to retrace
    Reuter  -  92 words
  • 314 1 1 led an all-girl Vietcong squad, she says CAIGON. Wed. An °18 year old Vietnamese girl defector told today how she had led an all-girl Vietcoiiß artillery squad in mortar attacks on Saigon since last January's Tet offensive. Tran Trl Ho-le. whose name means Lake of Tears, told a Press
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  • 44 1 JAKARTA Weil Farmer North Borneo rebel leader Abanit Kltli said here today he wanted to return to Malaysia to "help defend raj fatherland I am a Malaysian son and not a vtooce ot anybody." he told reporter* Reutcr.
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  • 167 1 I MIAMI. Wednesday A NATIONAL AIRLINES Jet with ..I people aboard was hi iii k<-ci by a man with a -ii 11 and hand grenade toda> as thr plane left Houston. Texas. It later landed in Nrw Orleans. Louisiana, to refuel. Thr p. .me then
    AP  -  167 words
  • 604 1  - 'You are to be hanged' shock for detainee KHOR CHEANG KEE Dw DENANG, Wed. A detainee in Taiping jail, due to he banished to China soon, had a big shock this week when be \\;is told he would insU-iid Ik.* transferred lo Pudll prison to await execution there. This "death
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  • 192 1 BEIRUT, Wed. The D Iraqi Government was toppled today in a bloodless cou^ led by a group of unknown Army officers. Baghdad Radio reports heard here said President Abdul-Rahman Arlf had been stripped of his powers and sent out of the country. The Prime Minister.
    Reuter  -  192 words
  • 39 1 tRIf PLANF HEID is ISTAVRIL 1> I WBI I W» (1 Oustiil Iraq President f flr« in hrre une\pr«trdl» on li t» »^t to London but ISt.inhiil airport anHmritie« did not allow In*, plane to depart AP
    AP  -  39 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 53 1 pRI for Clear C Comfortable V. i C S CHONG O. D. EVERBRIGHT OPTICAL CO. 19 Chulla Street. Singapore. 1. ESSO EXTRA GASOLINE BOOSTS POWER THREE WAYS Octane powef for higher cnWaf t^mit and better mile;ige. BJ (le;inin^ power for longer, smoother engine life. Firing po\N er for improved pick-up.
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    • 130 1 THORENS TD ISO AB 220/1 10 V SOcp. d)M«r«l»t approach to top performance No othor trofiKription -jm motor cojn motch THOftCNS W fof turthor dotoili write JEBSEN JESSEN (S) LTD. l-C. Aiw> InHinmce BMf.. Spore- 1. Tol: 795(7 Beck's is the impression-making f Jtki I IfcQt^ beer. For the man
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    • 62 2 Lake outing with his host on State visit to Sweden THE Soviet Prime x Minister, Mr. Alexei Kosygin, took *he oars to row his host, Swedish Prei.iier Tage Erlander (right), and an interpreter out on the lake at Harpsund. near Stockholm, last Friday. Mr. Kosypa was on a
      AP  -  62 words
    • 297 2 Murder Inc.— Filipino-style MANILA, Wednesday THE Philippine verx sion of "Murder i Inc." sells pre-arrang-ed death for 1,000 pesos ($750) to 200.000 pesos ($150,000) a body, according to a report submitted to the Congress yesterday. j The report was based on th < Badlntl by special teams ftsulgned ny President
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    • 228 2 Fortas tells of his role in White House meetings WASHINGTON. Wed U.S. Supreme Court Justice Abr torta*. in an historic appearance before Congress testified >esUrday that he had participated in some of President Johnson's top level strategy sessions on (he Vietnam war and riots in American cities. Justice Fortas stunned
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    • 137 2 Accord on bilateral talks with Prague MOSCOW, Wed. The Boviet Union and its four closest East European allies Poland. East Germany, Hungary and Bulgaria have agreed to Prague suggestions for bilateral meeting between them and Cz< zechoslovak Communist Party leaders. Communist sources said last night. The agreement was conveyed in
      Reuter  -  137 words
    • 86 2 UNITED NATIONB. Wed UN Becretary-General U Thant sent notes to all the member states yesterday asking them f they favoured postponing the opening of the Oeneral Assembly until Sept 24 He acted in retpoiue to a proposal by the Afro Aalan group, which recommended the delay
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    • 184 2 JUDGE CONDEMNS TRIAL-BY-TV IN SAVUNDRA CASE T ONDON, Wed. A Judge yesterday condemned a pre-arrest Interview with Dr. Emil Savundra. former head of the Fire, Auto and Marine Insurance Co. as trial-by-television, but rejected it as grounds for an appeal. The 44 year old Ceylonborn financier appealed against an eight-year
      Reuter  -  184 words
    • 29 2 LIMA i Peru p Wrd —Nightdub customers left without paym* their bills when a power station failure blacked out the fmate of a MrlpteaM act her*. Reuter
      Reuter  -  29 words
    • 384 3 GENEVA, Wednesday. gKIIAIN yesterday called for an international ban on biological weapons and set out proposals to reconcile Soviet-American differences on how to control a ban on underground nuclear tests. At the same opening session of the 17-nation disarmament talks. Russia called
      Reuter  -  384 words
    • 116 3 T ONDON, Weil— Heart sufferers should get out and do road work, training systematically like boxers. Writing In a booklet published by the British Mrdical .Association, Dr Robert Kemp said that the advice to "take it easy" after a heart attack was pernicious. "It
      AP  -  116 words
    • 34 3 MOSCOW. W> Q _T'ie soviet Union ye*terday launched the 232 nd satellite In Its Cosmos programme and the research equipment it carries U functioning normally, the Soviet News agency Tarn reported— Reuier
      Reuter  -  34 words
    • 185 3 NEW YORK, Wednesday J7CONOMIST John Kenneth Galbraith said yesterday he would head a "Month for McCarthy" campaign to win over enough democratic leaders and convention delegates to nominate Senator Eugene McCarthy for the Presidenrv. "We must do this because there are quite a few
      AP  -  185 words
    • 37 3 WASHINGTON Wed The Pniiavon has announced that a bomber version of tlv \erMal Fill uarplane tht FBI 11 A— has successfully co.-n--pleted a 660 m ph. maiden fliuht at Carswell Air f\jrce Base Tesas.— AP.
      AP  -  37 words
    • 221 3 Ray decides not to fight extradition proceedings, says lawyer I ONDON. Wed. James Earl Ray has decided not to Hght extradition proceedings to the United States where he faces I a charge of murdering Dr. Martin Luther King. His British lawyer Mr. Michael Eugene, said last night that the time
      Reuter  -  221 words
    • 54 3 AMMAN. Wed The United States yeMeiday delivered 54 Ml and \M Pation t«nlts to Jordan to replace lcsses suffered in her Mr-d»v »»r with I>r»el last year Yesterday* celiven t* the largest (Ingle US arms corsinniiuni to Jordan Mnce the US re.'umtd arms sales to Jordan
      UPI  -  54 words
    • 30 3 HOMU KONG Wed.—Swimming caruivaU were held throughout China yesterday io celebrati the secoi.d anniversary of Chairman Mao's swim acrom the Yangstze River. Radio Peking repotted Renter.
      Reuter  -  30 words
    • 315 3 172 hurt in crash caused by drunk and distracted driver TOKYO, Wed. a drunk weaved and wobbled and then made one desperate lunge to board the commuter train just as the doors slid shut. He made It. But one of hts arms didn't. An automatic safety device responded to the
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    • 119 3 I ONDON, wea.— Zambia's President and BrttMn's Prime Minister jhook hand* here last night for the Hr»t time tn two and a-half years of strained relations between their two governments over breakaway Rhodesia President Kaunrta outspokenly bitter critic o* British hanl--llng ot tnc
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    • 79 3 LONDON. Wed Sir Hugh Carieton Greene 57 DirectorGeneral of the BBC since 1980. will brrume Governor ot the radio an 1 televi&iun net* uric when he retires next yaar. He wu one of three new governor* announced by the Prime Minister's office with the
      Reuter  -  79 words
    • 103 3 I.IKIOKA lip. in 1 w.-.i —Ihe i iikuok.i district court yestercU) oiderrd ;i bunk to pay a li.t-.vear-ol.'l man Mm mm trn (about S4.000) for rleprulnK him of mi-liiii<-huithiro I .ik.tKi filed a 5 million yen mM against the Chikuho Bank tbrre tears ato.
      AP  -  103 words
    • 120 3 BALTIMORE (Maryland), Wed. The Reverend Edward J Bponga. head of the Maryland Province of the Society of Jesus, was married on Friday, a Baltimore newspaper said .Teslrrd.n The News American reported that Father Sponga. 50. renounced hit vow* and left the Order to
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 99 2 l^____ V jlMff "y^BSL? 'r» u^"**^jJß ™ff^ Rbk at Of W I ™p V W s~ a^a. ■:i BHp ai^^iiii -l^""*""v. m& aa^ I ras *JP >3"flK^BM^aaaPliaißPTMi^^Jßßala^^^?V jp IMHbnmi^^^m^^. tt as E^CK&ijß^'w^^^'^V^Bvaißb ft' j^^^^^ v j?'^' C n)kt %^m wjF b^w a B_a_a_a_a_a_a_a_a_a_a_a^B^^^^^^^^^^H HKMHfeK. .^^fcS- < *HBMBMl^^B>—^Bl W JjL BBS
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 140 3 Naturally it costs a little more This is the only hair cream you can buy that contains the 18 active ingredients essential for healthy hair. Surely that's worth a little extra? Silvikrin Hair Cream contains measured amounts That's why Silvikrin Hair Cream costs little of all the 18 active ingredients
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 186 4 FROM AUGUST IST _^^^^fc NEW BOEINw 707S JET TO TOKYO J/yIJI PLUS EXPRESS SERVICES TO HONGKONG, ~7M W g Jf TAIPEI, DJAKARTA, MANILA AUSTRALIA X M Tokyo, exciting capital of Japan becomes part of MSA's big jet I^g M M g MB network with 4 services each week (daily from
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  • 588 5  -  CHEAH SEONG PAIK: By Penang Wednesday pOLICE believe that kidnap victim Lim Pee Hong, whose body was dug out from a pit in Fettes Park yesterday evening, knew some of his killers. "The murder had been crudely carried out by
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  • 96 5 Sultan of Brunei invites UK chauffeur BRINEI TOWN, Wed. Sultan Hawanal 11..] kiah of Brunei, today flew in lu\ London chauffeur as a guest at his installation on Aug. 1. The chauffeur, who has been associated with the Brunei royal family for the past fl\e years, is Mr. George Robson.
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  • 205 5 Whipping for crimes with firearms: Bill for House UUALA LUMPUR, IV Wed. Crimes involving the use of f ircur m I will be punishable by whipping under an amendment to the Arms Act to be presented to Parliament for approval i next month. A draft amending the BUI was approved
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  • 42 5 Wed.— Hm Bishop DC. Munsignor Gregory Vong. today paid a courtesy M Chief Min-st^r- Tan Sn Wong Pow Nee. at the Stat* B inKunan Tuanktt Syed l*. The Bishop was accompanied by the Vicar Capitular FattMr P Aloraiiu
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 55 5 INDIGESTION? FOR INOIGESTION K*ti»*»: T^.i» 2 to 4 \v, aßf^t«'mea>sancj^ceat; tf noC(?ss.vy Mm* Moff rot>f>ng is fccomii>?f»«< Here's fast, sure relief! You can stop indigestion discomfort quickly with Bismag tablets. For Bismag tablets get to work fn seconds! Bismag soothes your stomach neutralises excess acidity brings fast, sure relief. Get
      55 words
    • 69 5 Shelltox SPECIAL OFFER! This Shelltox sprayer is FREE Whenyoubuy: S=^ 1 BIG TIN or 2 MEDIUM TINS She'ttox or 3 SMALLTINS of Shelltox rT' n Shelltox with Vapona kills insects two-ways better 1. As you spray L 4 2. For hours afterwards This double action makes Shelltox by far the
      69 words

  • 230 6 Nightcap tariffs: Price hike not yet justified SINGAPORE. Wed. The new beverage > tariffs which came Into force last Friday do not call for a more expensive nightcap for the consumers for the time being. Tins assurance came t r o m agents of several of the wellknown brands. In
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  • 114 6 Youth gets four months for vandalism SINGAPORE. Wed. an unemployed youth. Leow Bock. 20 was today Jailed for four months In the Fifth Magistrate s Court for as offence under the Vandalism Act on June 20, at the Jalan Kayu junction of Lorong Samak Leow. who nerved a tnreamonths' Jail
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  • 31 6 SINGAPORE Wed Tha Peoples Association will hold sn exhibition on Healthy Community. Strong Nation" at ihe Singapore Conference Hall on fnd*\ from in a m to S pm
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  • 43 6 SINGAPORE. Wed Tha judges of the National Contest for Writers, organised by the National Library on behalf of Cnesco. have decided that there wan no entry of a sufficiently nigh standard to merit a pnie. out of the 10 entries received
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  • 256 6 SINGAPORE, Wednesday 'pHh leader of Hie visiting live man Burmese trade mission. 1.1. Col. San Win. (odav pul forward a revolnlionarv idea to help boost Singapore's tourist industry to Ihe mutual benelil of both countries. He said: "You have a booming tourist industry, while
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  • 134 6 SINGAPORE. Wed. A spectacular displaypart of the National Day celebrations— will be held for three successive nights at the Jalan Be«ar Stadium beginning on Aug 13. The two and-a-balf hour show will feature a demonstration of lighted Indian Clnln by 490 policemen and women, and
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  • 102 6 SINGAPORE Wed Tha Association of Accredited Advertising Agents Is to hold a review of the recant Sixth Asian Advertising Congress at the Cultural Centre at a p m on July The congress <v hatd In Kuala Lumpur at the end of last month, and in Singapore from July
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  • 50 6 SINGAPORE Wed Th* Sree Narayana Mission Is Inviting applications tor 30 scholarships worth si 00 each, opan to school children from all language streams Application form.- are available Irom the Secretary Sree Narayana Minion. Soon Klat Road Completed forms mii.-r be returned before Aug. \i
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  • 24 6 SINOAPORE. Wed Ttit Powlle Bugle and Fife Band will perform at Elizabeth Walk from .S 30 pm to 6.30 pm. on Sunday
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  • 68 6 SINQAPORI Wad Tha Second Industrial Arbitration Court will haax a dispute between the Singapore General Printing Worker*' Union and Crafuman Press Ltd. on July 23 and 24 arising out of claims lor a collective agraemant An earlier agree men batwaen the partlas expired In October 1»67 The
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  • 52 6 SINOAPORK WXI Tan riuim Hock claimed mil today in the Ninth Magistrate Court to a chart* of helping to dispose of 47 caaM of textile* worth 1100.000 belonging to a shop In Rnrr alley Road, from a fodo«n in tha Port of Singapore Authority on
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  • 236 6 SINGAPORE. Wednesday 'THE As&ifttant State Coroner. Mr. Chandra Mohan, today recorded an open verdict at the close of an inquiry Into the death of a girl who was said to have been in the habit of taking nlßht walks alone, and who was
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 49 6 /»< r ii%'i\n'»,(l#i(/lQ^|H^Y' vl > t>#ll/ > BthKINGSIZEDAY!! j "'"VU 4 SHOWS AT II A.M.. IJO 600 1 «00 P M „,/l^li" HURRY! HURRY! LAST DAYS! SEE IT NOW! ■bVUbVJb«H RODGERSiRWRIERJTEI^ THE KING taAMU C SCHOOL CONCESSION: SI 00 TO ANY SIAT AT II A.M. 2.10 if, tfm SHOWS THROUGHOUT
      49 words
    • 479 6 HE X -OPENS "TODAY skY 11, 1.45, 4, 6.30 I 9.30 (S'porcl 11 am, 1.45. 4. 6 30 I 9. 15 7 GUNS!... 7 NEW WAYS TO KILL! '^aaV JO T^K» A i-SaaaaaaaaaVi /W K^aaf^V a < V ttfL .^ml r^^Baaa^A 2 r A aaßaVib^L-aßaaaaiAHßaaa^^Baßßaa^aaß bm af al r«KI J
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    • 577 6 B a^a^a^QD^aa^DED^Caaaa^^^al as BBaaUiafldUHHßjJßaßk^x&A^^B B 1 .JO, 4.00, I I 00, 330 iJO 4 «ISpm.|s4S t «Jo»m "THI GREAT DIAMOND ROBBERY' f, C Whn.T-X.' aH-H'li'OHßU i 2nd SIC WEEK' I mm i < ii,,. -.0 'PfF LISI CASH lOOKINGS Only i "THI RIGHT TO BORN n Block White Ana
      577 words

  • 289 7 Rail gang had to scurry for safety, inquiry told {SINGAPORE, Wed. The inquiry into the Layang Layang train crash was today told how a gang of labourers repairing a railway track had to scurry for safety at the sight of a fast approaching train. The train was the fated Kuala
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  • 529 7 Dr. Tan thanks Alliance paper for its backing KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday ipHE Government was today urged to introduce a Bill in Parliament next month to pardon the 11 youths condemned to death for consorting with armed Indonesians during confrontation. The call came from Dr. Tan
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  • 90 7 Woman is gored to death by buffalo If I'ALA I.IMPI R. Wed. A woman mining labourer died yesterday six hours after she was gured by a buffalo near Serdang Bharu. about lv miles from her >. l.iew Ying h 4."* anj a fellow ut one Fook Kio*. *.c iycling to
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  • 30 7 KUALA lUUPUH Fllem Neeara ha» releu-ed a feature film on Tengku Abdul Rahman being made a Freeman of the City of London for enow at all clnemax.
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  • 248 7  - How the GREEN dollar notes became BLUE MAGDALENE LUM By UUALA LUMPUR. 1V Wed. Once upon a time the dollar rote was green lnsteac of blue. A clerk at the Public Works Department who wan given a green dollar note by a flsherwoman has unravelled the unusual story behind the
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  • 66 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. Yong Koo Sang. 31. tu aenleaccd to t»u yean jail by tn* Seisleru Court tint lodnv for robbuig a vegetable acllcr. Tiaing Sew Yong. of *S6O in cash and jewellery Ht arrested when police «p<>r.ed the tnntat-eyc't he uaed in the robber;
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  • 117 7 Tt.NCKI Abdul It h man looking at a l?th Century itian kriH and sbeath during his visit to the Victoria and Albert Museum in London. With him i> the director of the museum. Mr John Fope-Hen-nessy Ihr muxeum has nn display exhibits of
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  • 163 7 Russian trade mission due on Sunday KUALA LUMPUR. Wednesday. A Soviet mission led by the Director-General of the Export Department. Mr. S A. Mkrtumov. will arrive here on Sunday to sell equipment for agriculture, transport and telecommunications. Govrrnm<-:it >pokes■d that durir.g th>two week vi.-it. they will look for agents to
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  • 103 7 Heart case patient is home TAIPING. Wed. Arjan 81ngh. 23, son of a ban* watchman here, has returned after a succe.vsful hole-in-the -hea r operation In Bangkok. His trip was Jointly sponsored by the Rotary Club of Talping and Bangkok. Mr. Lee 800. president of the Talping Rotary Club. who
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  • 206 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed T*HREE Cabinet Ministers and the Mentrl Besar nf Selangor. Dato Harun btn Hajl Idrls, were chosen to head a national committee to organise Mahatma Gandhi's centenary birthday celebrations on Oct. 2. They are the Minister of Education. Inche Mohamed KMr
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 170 7 aOPj" tmmmt^m^^^^^^^r9^mmmW^mmmmw999t^m^^^^^m^^^^. wi. i. J- LAST We have so much =5= t\ avc f fantastic stock f J DAYS! ordered for next EVERYTHING season we must J SALE PRICED sell everything TO CLEAR! in Our Store! T Hurry. Hurry. Hurry Mere tte best costs opu iessl 72/74, HIGH STREET. TEL:
      170 words
    • 269 7 JL-UK^kmmmwSmmmWmmL I aaaaSaaaaaS Lasls aaamaaaMß A calculator must be simple however complex the figurework The facit 10-07 is. You can perform all four arithmetic operations without further explanation—fully automatically. For more complex calculations the Tacit 10-07 has operating keys with which you can back-transfer numbets from two registers, accumulate numbers
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  • 189 8 DEATH OF A JOBLESS MAN SINGAPORE. Wed— A man who lost his Job and wa« going to apply for citizenship was later found dead in some bushes, a Coroner's inquiry was told today. Tan Ser Hock. 32. dls- appeared on May 6 with i citizenship application forms In his pocket,
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  • 135 8 SINOAPORE. Wed Another programme of lmmunuations In the city and rural areu will be carried out by the Health Ministry between AufUit and October thla year Thr city mobile tmmunlMtlon team will visit various centres Irom Auk 1 to five smallpox, diphtheria, tetanus whoopliiK
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  • 389 8 SINGAPORE. W«4. HEAVY TAX ON IMPORTS BECAUSE OF PREJUDICE AGAINST STORE-MADE SHOES pHKJI'DICE against Singapore-made shoes was the main reason for the Government's heavy 40 per cent duty on imported shoes, local shoe manufacturers said today. And until this prejudice had been stamped down, they strongly urged that
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  • 169 8 SINGAPORE. Wed A New Zealand training uarden of the Pulaii I bin Outward Bound School, Mr. H.S. Thomas, today railed on the industrial sector to send their men for Outward Bound courses. Speaking to the Lions Club of Singapore, he said that industrial workers
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  • 143 8 Vivienne to play with S'pore Chamber SINGAPORE Wed -Tslented >J Miss VlMenne Wee. ]7. will plsy Beethoven a Concerto No 4 with the Orch^tra of Singapore Chamber Eiuemb> under the baton of Mr Paul Abisheganadan on Sunday at the Victoria Theatre Vlvjemie has. for some yean now. been making a
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  • 23 8 SINGAPORE .Wed A radio and television vanety ahow will be held at the Meßltcht* Reservoir il 1 pm. on Saturday
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  • 35 8 BINGAPORE Wed The Minuter for Health. Mr Chua «an Chin, will open a sympo«um on military and aviation medicine at the Pathology Lecture Theatre. General Hospital at 10 am on Aug 4 v 1>
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  • 220 8 SINGAPORE POWERS are to be given I to the High Couit^ii. particular the Chief Justice and two other Judge.s— to deal with dl.»putes arising out of contracts between a state and nationals of other States This follows Singa pore's endorsement of the
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  • 288 8 Mr. Right may be here, says tiny Carmen of the big voice SINGAPORE, Wed. Filipino singer Carmen Perlna, slightly over five feet tall, cuts a tiny figure In what Is described as the "largest Chinese dining hall In the world" tho Golden Lotus Room at Hotel Malaysia. But when she
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  • 43 8 BINOAPORE. Wed Tl» University of Singapore Student's Union will hold a film premiere of "Madltan" at the Capitol Theatre at 9 U pjn. on Ticket* are available at CX. T*ng. Robinsons. Cold Storage and the union secretariat at the campus.
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  • 225 8 'Give your eyes' drive is a big success SINGAPORE, Wed. A former Freshie Queen of the University of Singapore, Miss Quek Li Llan, 21, was among 16 women undergraduates who responded to an appeal for eye donors by the University's Medical Society yesterday. Mls.s Quek. who is a secondyear arts
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  • 60 8 BINOAPORE. Wad Th« National Safety First Council hM prepared an electric*! ■nock treatment" chart In four language* to be- displayed In the electrical switch-room at organ laatlona of factories. One of the requirements of the Electrical Ordinance. in Singapore, the chart la now obtainable from th»
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  • 45 8 SINGAPORE. Wed Pre« film shows will be given tomorrow at 7.30 pm. at Jalan Lumut In Kg Teban. Chong Nam School In Jalan T\m Kong, Nira nan School In Chua Chu ICang Road, and Hoon Hone Kuan RoVd'' 10 T 0 Ch Kmn
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 521 8 ({iftain.Hoij,} T^P^ *^^Q| i ~^^iy*^a^a^ar tar^M 's^a^Wfc^-^^®^slfw<S%l^^^ L j^HIaHL i JaS c?*** l "^u >>on B .aIMbN Apt *in Mor.<.A** u¥ iBW& ''-A I \Jm i The sun and carefree joy of Jamaica in even* golden glass^! Captain MoipS When you invite Captain Morgan to your party you let loose
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous

  • 1531 9  -  Russell Warren Howe here Is a particularly bad plague of locusts massed this year in the Red Sea area, poised for an invasion East Africa on the prevailing winds. But not only hast Africa is in danger for a big concentration in area
    FWF  -  1,531 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 76 9 NO DELAY! IMMEDIATE DELIVERY DETACHED and SEMI-DETACHED BUNGALOWS at AID* STftHT/TOSCA STRUT JAIAN TANAH putim OPl«A IST ATI) tMnom M««i« M»«r«a. »«»hroom» i.i>ii<«. Omin« Mm K,tcN«i. Porch. Itc Urn,. Dtt.cnW 545.000/- u,-o,d, VERY LOW DOWN PAYMENT r f*^^ NHMMm *f>p'O*«l Ob'o>n«o o^ m^SmmT*^~~ <fl '0 C m m f^ m
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    • 218 9 t^l^Jelectrical products are known and appreciated everywhere I>^ sgasKaH t Tfeiffffffif. v \JrZVOi\jl L jiWi-i'i'il i v>l Exampta of MfM 500 volt rustproofad m«talclad switch and fusegear for industrial installations Tlx rang* includes fu*a twitches, switchfutes. twitches and distribution fuseboardt. bust m chambers and HRC cartndge fuselinks from 1 5
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  • The Straits Times
    • 360 10 The Yang di-Pertuan Agorig and Raja Permaisuri Agonu leave for Sabah today on a four-day official visit Though planned long before the breakdown of the Bangkok talks on the Filipino territorial claim, the visit will acquire added significance bacaUM of that development. Angry and unreasonable voices are
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    • 375 10 The proposed changes in the Central Provident Fund rules are part of the answer to trade union spokesmen m the Singapore Parliament who have charged that the adjustments the Government is making to attract investment call for sacrifices from workers, but not employers. The amendments will
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    • 260 10 Moscow h«s hHd time enough to study the implications of the rrform movement in Czechoslovakia but it hn.s clearly failed to accept that I'nujue has found its own way to socialism and intends to stick to it. Soviet twwildi riiMul has so far yielded more concern than
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  • Letters
    • 242 10 Lee Meng and the jury system PHEKE WM i >eyuel to 1 the Lee Meng cast to which your Interesting article >BT. Jul> 15) made no allusion A' a result or the very .actory nature of the assessor system of trials involving the death penalty which the Lee Meng case
      242 words
    • 130 10 I KEFkK iv Uie letter uf Mr. Jennet iBT juiy ii complaining of uii>i,ii;Uj nuLsanct In Ja ian K'-rh'n and of no Dr.ip^r roadside drain*. our ;mn»ugat!ons disclokcd Mimt muMiulto breediiiK In Hie sur.uutidniK earth drains. In the compound* of a few residua* 01 the locality, and
      130 words
  • 616 10  - An urge to learn Chinese hits Americans lOE HAGGERTY CHINA HITS THE HEADLINES I>N NEW YORK A DOZEN or so years ago the Chinese language was taught in a mere handful of colleges in the United States. But now, with Communist China in the headlines, that is all changed. The
    616 words
  • 1289 10  -  Donald Loucheim Couve He Murville— unflappable, patrician, phlegmatic— fie Gaulle's gifted technocrat by PARIS A PUNDIT one* remarked that all Maurice Couve de Murville lacked to be the perfect Englishman was an umbrella, but he had already swallowed it a French figure of speech to describe
    1,289 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 60 10 gee (Jhou) c r ro rr=s Stylet Cut to I*. UtMt FnfciOM. H««4 T«Mw*«. Ba« Wllll lll>. Also Importer* A Exporter* el Ml»fc CtM» WmN* a WnHnifc Sait Length* •f World ReMwtitf Brsoti FIITEX DOIMEUIL HUNT ft WINTEMOTMM WAIN SHIEL ft 6LOREX. Make Ideal Gift* for All Occation*. M, OwN«
      60 words
    • 56 10 Champions ~S use j Champions! The overwhelming rnajmity BB^^_ i of racing champions choose 1 >. Champion spark plugs! MB That's because Champions IS2 i deliver peak pcrturmance I flB in every m ike ot engine. *^*^7 —^SjJ Good reason for yoy to »3«> always specify Champion \sr~ SJ spaik
      56 words

  • 137 11 Singapore forces scrap those exclusive officers' messes SINGAPORE, Wed The Singapore Armed Forces have done away with exclusive messes for officers. Zu meSSM are °P* n to military personnel regardless of rank The new ruling is designed of soldiers based on rank The Government feels that such gatherings are a
    137 words
  • 58 11 SINGAPORE. Wod.— Go Hean Enc 4i a night club A&sUtant manager, vat charged ia a m»trntra:e's rourr today with making a fal^ 1 declaration that he was not a married man oefore a Commissioner for Otths Mr. Yeo Yon? Quee. at Tort Canning Road on Feb.
    58 words
  • 25 11 KANGAR. Wed More than 100 villager* and youth club members took pan tn a jotong-royong project yesterday *o repair a kampong road at MM
    25 words
  • 408 11 Meeting soon on the future of Sports Pools KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday EXECUTIVES of Sports Pools (Malaysia) Ltd. will hold a meeting here next week to decide on the fate of the company which started operations in November last year Its chairman. Tun (Dr.) Ismail bin Dato Abdul Rahman, had earlier
    Bernama  -  408 words
  • 30 11 PENANG. Wed The Penan? Qlrl Ouide« Ajwocution wUi hold a "brlng-and-buy" tale ln aid of it* building fund at the bland Otrls School, Northam Road on Aug 3
    30 words
  • 80 11 RAF copter saves two soldiers lost in jungle CINGAPORE. Wed.— Two British .soldiers. who were lost In the mngle near Kota flnggi in Johore two days aeo werr rescued by a whirlwind hniroptpr from the 110 Squadron, Royal Air Force An RAF spokesman said today the soldiers had been on
    80 words
  • 49 11 si\(iAPi>KK Wed The MP (01 Jalan Kavu Mr Hwang »oo Jin li to uk the Plnanc Minuter Dr Ooh Keng B»ee. il the next sluing of Parhanen' if the Oo\ernmen' h« le<-idert t.i prcx-eed mith the letting up of the export credit njur&nfle achama.
    49 words
  • 78 11 Mini-horses arrive for the zoo %<) they're not poniei but full-growa "m i n Ihorseii' from Braiil. bought Dy Zoo Negara fur MjS. A«d they showed their mettle at Subang airport yesterday when they struggled with two too keepers who took delivery of them The minJ-horsev the flrst to be
    78 words
  • 109 11 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed The Auditor-General's 1966 report on the Trengganu State Treasury balance a* being $19.52 at the beginning of October, 1:<66 was incorrect, the Mentrl Besar. Tan Sri Ibrahim Flkrt bin Mohamed. told the Bute Assembly here today. He said the actual balance
    109 words
  • 26 11 KUALA LUMPUR Wea The Information Attache at the United States Embassy here Mr Harry Button left tor home today after five yean In Malaysia.
    26 words
  • 484 11  - GOVT AND CUEPACS CONCLUDE FINAL AGREEMENT PREM KUMAR: By Kuala Lumpur, Wed. 'J'HE Government today concluded a final agreement with the civil service trade union movement over its demands on the recommendations of the Suffian Salaries ComI mission. The Joint agreement will j be signed at the Prime MlnUter's Department
    484 words
  • 207 11 MALACCA, Wed. The MCA should support the Merdeka University plan because its proposed college would not be able to absorb the thousands of secondary school-leavers. "The Chinese have a right to start their own university," the president of the Federation of Malaya Chinese School Teachers'
    207 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 259 11 Teachers Parents prepare your children for the LCE examinations. Use the ROT. PROGRESSIVE OBJECTIVE TESTS B t| total quick ravition M: A*fj .m '4 practice on hundred* ol quntiam to 3f prepare utitfactorily te mt«t all *^^t«W. po»it»lit*» m the Mm anewer tenptt and antwar* provided bbiESm9**^b>' »i»»M»~« O*t«' ttm,
      259 words
    • 46 11 Is the bread you buy made with sweet creamery butter, fresh whole milk, natural clover Pepperidge Farm* is. Delicious bread straight from the oven-then quickly frozen so all the nourishing goodness reaches you fresh. Look for Pepperidge F*vrm Bread and Rolls ln your grocer's fret Mr.
      46 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 719 11 ON YOUR TV AnD [RADIO TODAY TV MALAYSIA rv SINGAPURA tHANNEI S kiula Lumpur i gmt Mf>»t Aunt BatU*; 1 MMBaV 5 gu.rr run L«i Fi cCantonM n .uJl""- ni j nl 2i, lp S h hr n 2':« 1:i^ Hl i?" rm M 5.45 Pf«i«*.um- S°*mT. t uMa2? m
      719 words

    • 589 12  -  WEE CHOO KIM GLIMPSES FROM LIGHTNINGS N' BRIGHTNINGS SHOW By Whether you spend more or whether you spend lets the art of make-up is to look at if there's no make-up gKAL'TY is an art. Women should leva the art of putting on make-up so that it
      589 words
    • 265 12 AN educator with an unusual approach to teaching has seen success in hi* methods and so have observers. Laurence A Bishop, whose unique teaching methods have benefited many culturally d 1 sa d v a ntaged children in Ban Francisco, has a philosophy similar
      265 words
    • 136 12 FASHIONSCOPE 1968— in aid of Xmas fair Fl A S H 1 O NSCOPL l»6o This, ii the name given U> a show of modern .md ixotlc dresses the Christmas Fair committee ls planning to hold on Aug. 1 at the Four Lions of Hotel Slngapura. Tickets at SlO entitle
      136 words
    • 77 12 ONE of the easiest candies to make at home Is quick peanut brittle Spread 2 cups of shelled un'-.alted peanuts over liKlulv oiled cookie sheet 2 cups of sugar by melting It In heavy Dan over low heat, stlrr ring until light brown Remove from heat Add k teaspoon
      77 words
    • 188 12 11/ HEN a piano or a car TT trip leave you with grease or tar stains to tackle, remember this: pure fau and oil* usually come out In sudsy water. If you give special attention to the spots Cleaning experts say for tar-like or heavy greases, rub the
      188 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 383 12 matdenfbrms ®(Mod« in U.S.A.) Dreamliner 0 Naturally shaped with fiberfill, new Dreamliner bra Is "just like you only more so." Light, soft, outrageously pretty. With lace tricot flowers adorning the cups and bank, Lycra stretch across the sides and back, and adjustable straps that stretch to fit every figure. In
      383 words
    • 803 12 Advertisement Q. All my friends call me thing at night and keep It Miss Round Face because on while you sleep. my face is really very round. r-nnn«,,« »ki w_ What make-up techniques nrSjJ?"* k v c™^ and hair stvlrs would You programme by using Saturm recommend 'J, that dJnt
      803 words

  • 131 13 SINGAPORE. Wed. J^ The Singapore and Malaysian delegations today concluded the first round of their talks on arrangement* for the avoidance cf doubJe taxation between the two countries. The signing of a new agreement by Jan. 1 next year v necessitated by the revised
    131 words
  • 239 13 WASHINGTON, Wednesday. JWO Filipino delegates to the International Labour Organisation yesterday accused Malaysia of wooing Communist bloc members to prevent the Philippines from winning the presidency of the ILO next year. Congressman Luciano Joson and Mr. Adrian E Cristobal. Commissioner of the Social Security
    UPI  -  239 words
  • 116 13 The VIP tapper shows his skill VERKMBAN. Wed The visiting Indonesian Chief cf Staff. Lt -Grn. Kartakusuma. today showed his tapping a rubber tree at Kampoag LBJ, 13 miles from here. He did this after watchIng a demonstration by a tapper. The general and his wife arrived on the 3,800-acre
    116 words
  • 49 13 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed The University of Malaya hai received a S 15.000 ultra-ht«n frequency transmitter from the Standard Telephones ana Cablet O of Australia. The artuiK Vice-Chancellor of the unner.iity. Prof. R. L. Huang, received the gift from the firm > > i. airman and mangaiing director. Sir
    49 words
  • 52 13 A GIRL WITH DIAMONDS WORTH $24,000 ON HER MIND "["HIS hair-do it rather expensive or at least the accessories are. This hair-pening, by Femme Sistina of Rome, is given the e> pensive look with $24,000 worth of flowers. The I lower* ar«. in fact, shaped jewellery in diamonds.
    52 words
  • 103 13 Russians to buy land for embassy KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. Negotiations are going on between the Russian Embassy and Outhnes for the pwolMM of eight acres of land In Anderson Drive, oft Jalan Ampang. for the embassy building. The land belongs to outhrtes and ai the moment the four houses on
    103 words
  • 46 13 KUALA LUMPUR Wed The Dfoutv Chief ot Air Staff, Group Captain JG. CornUh. wi'l pre»rm "wings" to fiv« pilot officers who have completed a 10-mnnth trainin« eoun.e at the Rnyai Malaysian Air Force Flvinf Training School at Alur St«r on Friday.
    46 words
  • 41 13 KUAI.A LUMPUR. Wed Lee Ouan Leng. 17, who f'mnd droxnrd In a bain tub in her home in Jalan Sungpi Bey here, yesterday v. believed to have suffered an attack of epleiv.v a police Kpokemnan said today
    41 words
  • 214 13 |£UALA LUMPUR. Wed. I Malaysia will opMM any move to make ASPAC the Asian and Pacific Council an an-ti-Communist or military alliance, a spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Aftalrs said today. He was commenting on J a report In the Japa- nese
    Bernama  -  214 words
  • 24 13 SINGAPORE. Wed. Th« Minister for Finance. Dr. Ooh Keng S«pp flf» home today lifter h Mmrt holiday at the Cumernn High. and*.
    24 words
  • 46 13 SYDNEY Wed -The RAAK\s No 77 Squadron of eight Sabre jet flghter.s la to be withdrawn from Malaysia this year to be re-equipped with Mirage Jets in Australia It will be replaced by No 3 Squadron's Mirages from Wllllamtown. New South Wales.
    46 words
  • 120 13 Why we should follow the Swiss example: King KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. The Yang di-Pertuan Agong today paid a tribute to Switzerland for its peace and tranquility although its people were of different races, religions and languages. The King was speaking at a ceremony at the Lstana Negara at which the
    120 words
  • 123 13 warning to Hong Kong traders IIONG KONG, Wed.— Singapore could become a "dik" competitor to the Colony, an official of the semigovernment Trad* Promotion Organisation, Mr. Michael Page, said here today. But Mr Page, who has Just returned from a visit to the Republic on behalf of the Hong Kong
    123 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 107 13 Advertisement Lemons For Beauty To keep your skin clear and fair you need the natural cleansing and bleaching tonic of lemons Ask your chemist for a bottle of lemon Delph. the latest type skin freshener used by beautiful women throughout the world. Lemon Delph makes the complexion, neck and shoulders
      107 words
    • 159 13 Mercedes-Benz B *^^H elegance H Can a oar that's built for outstanding per>4|^^^^^^^^^Hp formance. reliability, safety and value still manage to look elegant wherever you take l^^^^^^^^m °ne car can. Mercedes-Benz. It has -^^^^^^^^H L^^^^^^^^^| a classic, timeless elegance all its own. l i^^^^^^^^^K An elegance that discretely whispers the
      159 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 23 14 HOTEL USEIIEIIJSIEI SINGAPORE Chinese restaurant OPENING ON 20-7-68 LUNCHEONS AND DINNERS (TIM SUM AND LOH MEI AVAILABLE) Banquets Cocktails and Conventions TELEPHONE *****1
      23 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 871 15 It U»fRPOOL INO QTHtI U > CONTINENTIL PlRl$ Ui'iumnki Out S OC'P j K. *ictf> ■'ffIMM :{r t l il wm:::: t s „,71, "rS'IER AMAStUS ~'u >*>* IAIfJt^US, Jlrl>U m!t r m 2« l«l» »21 is l&ii 11 S5 m Jiitus 5 SHt I'll satt il r tin ii
      871 words
    • 2447 15 I ■yj^Kj^^^^^DSj^S I g^BJ3JBM^MMgM| I TH£\.*XmUN£S I MMMM TMi EAST ASIATIC COMPANY Lid lncorporata)d in Denmark MMMM EXPRESS SAILINGS TO CENOA NORTH CONtINENI,SCAHOIHAVIA y Sham Penane S'ooie I G»noa fl'toti H'hurj Atrfius C'ntgen PMNI ii lat) 21 71 ill* 27 71 iat, Hi i San I Sttt 11 Salt 14
      2,447 words
    • 1088 15 T-j-w WORLDWIDE CARRIERS LTD. \|tßii Great Lakes Service 1 To: MONTREAL TORONTO HAMILTON (UPPALO ASMTAIULA TCHIOO DETROIT MILWAUKEI CHICAfiO. S'oor* P. S'hofi Penong MMrtrCtHft 4/7 A«t 2/ 3Au t 31 July/I Am AMMttrt McALISTER <Sc CO.. LTD. I Sport) P. Swttflhom Penong 1 Ttl: *****1/9 6?52 *****/3 I ■^■B^B^B^LMB^L^LIB^L^L^M^M^LHMVPJfP* n
      1,088 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1024 16 |)^aaaavß I a VI "^KAWASAKI RISEN KAISHA LTIX Was tern Australia Sln R apora Japan Sarviea Frurjrtu Sport rotkiicfii/Nafoyi Yokolumi Hooi -IHtlaa Mart>' 25 II lit 1/ I Seat li Stpt UStpt 21 Stpl Win Africa /Singapore/ Japan Sarvlaa Angela Singapore Yo'oMnti Rial "Tuittaiiia Maty" Suit! a lit? 5 An
      1,024 words
    • 879 16 Npi Frptuilli, iitiaiit. Mtllnm. S»««ti la. MMrii ail Naiaiatiiiaa >>tnan| s«i< Spwt P. i him Ptnani •Mill, tl/24 laii MIUII 1 I »«t I aai I laa K»n»MA»co I *i| I»* 1«< itiuli n]i tap I Sip? fun Far. Mckiaaa. o.». ML. ••n.ifttt MJUL M«e»t HBa»t ftmni f>. hair, II:
      879 words
    • 716 16 Fast Passenger Service Sinfapore Bclawan Sinfapore Muntok Tf. Priok. ARAFAT LINES m.v. BELLE ABETO ETA ETD Belowan 15/7 17/7 Sinfapere 19/7 20/7 Muntok 21/7 21/7 T a Priok 23/7 TARIFF FOR SALOON I DECK PASSENGERS Sinaepore Tf. Priok Clasi I Adults 51 50 chiMran 595 00 II ynml4l Class II
      716 words
    • 1070 16 aH^HUBHB^aaKaKaBplaHaiaVMlHHl TRACTORS MALAYSIA BERHAD I Incorporated In the BUtes of Malarai LOST I K lim \I I NOTICE IS HERiTBY GIVEN that tie following certlflcataa hare been reported loat: < rHlflcaUr No NaaM No. of Stoeka ***** 0362S Cheok 800 Koon S x Sl. oo* ***** Yau Slu Kee SI.COO
      1,070 words

  • 30 17 RUBBER AND TIN CLOSING PRICES lult 17. R( BBKR PRICE: 53» cents (up half a cent). TIN PRICK 5555.25 (down I:i cents). Kslimated offering 215 tons i down '10 tons).
    30 words
  • 268 17 MELBOURNE. Weo UOI H Minings and IndiiMnals eased today with the falls In minings a;;aiii co\ermg practically the «liol* li>t Hamrmir). dfspit* its big lift in half-yearly profit, fell 30 rents [o $1450 onaol. (iold duwr. 8o rent* at 17 70 and New B.H. do»n
    268 words
  • 315 17 SHIM LTINU AIONCSIDC IMC .INQAPORC HARBOUR WHARVII OR CXPICTS O TOOAV ARE lanntri l uitoonir I <. Joact Cunrad I v. Braatai lv 11. Kimoiiil Mam i v ii Oaanta II msm «f Uadraa a .'< Mlaakl Mar Huftirvercti 30. A'riaodr H«t II n, Van Noort A3
    315 words
  • 52 17 i HlMtlt P'««u*« t.cliarta iir>«alardar c.aam.i *n H ■< Mai i AUK l'K('oo'n»nl «m B apt)*' M 111* '"or* s«rv>... mmn .pr.'i«, LamMtu NLU: \M il«" MUli '1.«% M.v% I Sinaapa'i Lccanul Oil Millaci at *a«iatl*n »r.««» hulk >M MMM drum \.>*t m Hi Ibe too* liounn imh
    52 words
  • 33 17 ON ttl« frM ««on«n»t ntirktl to Hot, Kong >rat«r«a> U>« O.» Dtllar ouotri at It.lOt tor and 6 u»t lor tain ttatlmi guulKl «l M do mm la«i »t ■•)<> a>«*
    33 words
  • 73 17 r Tai Mala>an Mitustrr nl t inam-r has flxrd th»*» ralr- for ralrulatlnt riiv'um« rtulir* foi thr period finm lul> IR to Ml I Rubhrr I nt« a Ih I opra Mil a lun I.i n. on MM a lun Palm Knurl. MM a ton Ihr ratr> of
    73 words
  • 296 17 Support for tin at lower levels T»HE Straits tin prtcf fell 1 124 cents to $555 25 per picul in Penang yesterday due to .support being at lower Wel.v Main support til trom Japan with some South American buying In London on Tuesday afternoon the 3 months' forward buyers' price
    296 words
  • 228 17 Steady close on Rubber Market A I til n nrvt ra4, rubber M 4 buyers rimed at s p n la Kiniaporr and Kuala I ■mpar x-.u-rta. at M reata per Ih of) half a Mil on larwli)., level The m»\ <t>adi ajuiet HAS and M.8.1, pntr*
    228 words
  • 333 17 'PHfc totio* ing UM of selecieO Mitn-uu Indu.-tnal \ieldji M t) i-m: on laM salr& tv July 12. C>m»ani«t liulM m Miiiim >»f IlilMn t»»»ll AWMM in-' IHHWI VKid 6 —t «ni It I l->t tnti *v*r*(* t'"" •«r»ln*« 'H 3 p«r rtm Oi'ti, <<•!»• d" i >
    333 words
  • 504 17 decline in prices was extended on the Stock Exchange yesterday and Industrials and properties were generally easier. Thirty-eight industrials had drops of one U) 12 cents Thr market seemed due for a technical reaction following the high levels to which prices had been runup during
    504 words
  • 238 17 ell}' 1 KUALA LUMPUR TRADING INDUITHUI.I ACMA I MMBI Ban A Ca Barnao Bamaal I i#ntai, Bantaatf I I C C\,- laaßrk.). iiu-i.i c pfii« tut tmaita^a i H aaaMl fata I in. h). jt a H arda. i v c«. la i. fflmman i CVBUI
    238 words
  • 68 17 fOPIMQ i :.,.ilidated VI Ltd has declared third interim dividend of 7| pence <y pence > lur tinyear ending September nu payable on September 13 For rhe year to date Is. 7Jd. ha.s been paid against 2s for the whole of last year Tai.jotiß lii: dredging hah
    68 words
  • 102 17 FINANCIAL lime; says or th* Kullm report Th« group ti clearly finding the transition in palm uil a very pxpen.slvt- bu'Although Kulirn VfUl probably have a lean time lor the next tew ytar s the >hare price of 1> 10id. where the yield ka lit. 6 ptr iriii
    102 words
  • 54 17 GRLAI Bouloer Gold Ltd. .11. c Galgurh Lid have made drilling intersections maamying up t<. :i 43 per cent nickel iii lu 1 Si-otia pro^pt-ct. West era Australia, the dirertor« a co The directors ~.*.icl the reMatl wew -igniticant and racouraflcg bu« turther drlUtrjjj aroukl <rade and
    54 words
  • 62 17 IN SlllKapul^ week inter bank 1 rerni(ht nionej ».i trjn-. :ti U at a >t»-ad:. rati ol M, i Ei^lu days call nwr.ff per cenl ITJ Bill- aTI :ap at 4 pi-r continued Thi M overnight rnunev market i.i.-I vkrent and i, per cent. Eight days call
    62 words
  • 126 17 1 Londun on I.c day aitPi Moi.d.t. a:.d i-tiaiigps were mixed. The undertone wa- bi^ically firm howtver. and turther small fain- were v Benunu. en; Malayan and t) t th.- Pa) actid rt ixiiii and U.ndon uhtly Ruboer shares were It! Ad\ ■Small gains wen cli »pri
    126 words
  • 53 17 •I-MI Ullll .f B.rt, M.!., 1 ta li»»«a»ai« aaata \»»*#r^a» UKiltal HMD IJ 1- I Caaaai It II H d< Ml 'ran. tallamt TT ar SO Majajfl Unit*" tlatai 1^ 7 la Ca«a«a M I i«. Waal i Oinwi I «l l«.|»»ria~l IM, •aluiMn I 'rant* |B*B V*
    53 words
  • 67 17 Hong Kong pays same rIE Hong Koi.g and Shanghai Banking Corporation has announced an interim dividend of :i- lOd. !ur .-.l.areholders ana. i.«t 3s. M The dividend —the same as last year, allowing tor devaluation o( sterl' will be payable on or atter August 30 and registers of shares will
    67 words
  • 872 17 Bl «IM« IN «M> HM'tiKHH TO IHI Sl\(>AruKt ANU KIALA II Wl K THADtNt. IOONIi Ol Till STOCK IMIItM.I VBSTEBUAV. VM 1 11 THI NI'MBFR Ol "(HAKEJ. TKADEII IN BKA( Xl I p<j»|lrnil «,m« > ti. >_■ M -MIOKi I >««' t- l' II »1T« E i "•«<.
    872 words
  • 30 17 STOCK INDICES Jul> Ik. lul< It MM| MM| l > ii»p»rtl«-» IM.T1 IK* M Tin* Mill S rvbbrrv III! i- 1 l>'. IS. 1M'! i»" I>mv M. IMC IM.
    30 words
  • 307 17 V.TBCK tICHANOI Or MALA»»I» MICH OPriCIUL* lIITIO AT TNI CLOtt 0' tUHNII) fcCMA B»o ilt Bonwe B«ru« 2.17 C Bujmr. «M CC.M I.M C. Mouliui «M at Gut Hath t.l» :i» C a.i Rfxi 1«> ba <i. 1 luo pr*r mi i»i nuparroiu IJ!> m n < i.M
    307 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 933 17 ESTATE OF .lOSKPH TIE CAML.N (also known aa KAPHAI L JOSEPH 111 CAMEN, and aa TIE (AMEN JOSEPH). DECEASED late of No. 8. Lorong 3J. Geylang, Slncapore. PURSUANT to Section 32Ui ot The Tru.stees Act. 19«7 all per.-oni Interested In or ha\lng claim* a<ain6t the estate of the deceased person
      933 words

  • 50 18 ii«h thank ratal Inrnda. a*«orlatlona and clubs 10l h ureaths. serolll donation*.' condi ber..ivement. THE FAMILY of the lata Mr. oh if thank Brab Uhammarak- jhila and members of the Buddhml I nMn all relatives and friends for they condolence* wreaths, cltts. aasls- V tanc<* snd ittrndnnce during tbor
    50 words
  • 26 18 MM. Ail Yrong Kok Choon, r>- Ltim Kim Man or Ipon. pa«"*<1 avay on 13.7. ov IMM behind In -law. on« daughter-in-law and alz lirandchDdrrB.
    26 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 544 18 Bar 4 I S bt^^V a P 4wJ II k« |wJ,,■ J L Hi (SiowitOtftlfllir M«l«l"mS mKSwS^iKI Cltli »C!I»IIKS, CmMUKES, ICJIKS, f»"««" T i ruHCMLS. .ttlllHtS, 111 WWIIaM. M.MIs.tS. MISSING. KKWIA. ttt. KOOrtHS I KOHIOIIi. Lite Mfaaaaj SIS/- 1« 21 w.s. MCI J4Mhti*a*t wtrt 75 ctl. I m Ola.r Cli-ttirt
      544 words
    • 907 18 PUMP ATTENDANTS WAMTIO m preferable living in Apply 434 R.U.R. UOK AL DIPLOMA! Partner— 1 lop quality <oplea Smith n.<i 40 imli, 1» Ba-tery Road. 8 lore. Tel. 93O«:>. START A SMALL FULL or parttimr buMMM or your n«n. No capital or n«k« Involved. Apply with particular, lo Box MM!
      907 words
    • 973 18 LIAVE MOUSE Holland Road ber Fully furnished with two alrcondillon bedrooma. Pleas* ring 8 pore mum. bedroom arm. d. I." hfd bungalow 18 Jalan Istimews, .Sintapor* 10 available 1-7-ni. Trlepbon* (Spore) •4-.ISS3. FURNISHED small two tedroom garden off Meyer Road. S pore. Quiet locality for amall family only. Rent (230
      973 words
    • 881 18 RAFLIS PARK: Elevated position, modern detached bungalow on 10.388 •q.ft. Freehold land. Lounge dining room. 3 hedrooms. 2 bathrooms. Study Servant own amenities. Price: (73.000 David Phoa Sons. Valuers ft Kstate Aiients Tel: (8 pore) *****/ 74X'« 7704U i' 7i ill. ROBION HEIGHTS Off l-orr,ie KOad. Kuala Lumpur Modern J-storey
      881 words
    • 934 18 TOURS AND EXCURSIONS ARCHIPILAOO TOURSi galaya iKs.t West Coast) 7-Days 4/8, i' 10 I, ll«. Hv (***** Bangkok, I'himgmai 13 IS Days 10,1, l(/8, 7/*, 112 SJM /Train /Coach t343/3SO/43S ll* Mulliatorrv Car Park Spore. »2437' ***** ,***** «1 Jalan Sultan i K.L. I Heniheni Taiwan Teur, 11 Days. »1300
      934 words
    • 807 18 VEHICLES WANTED IHTIRISTtO IN OITTIMO a good price for your car? Ring 8 pore IMU. 53. P00 CASH (or tood fiva scaur mt. Ring B'pore C ***** betwseo p.m. 6 p.m. MINI MORRIS or Austin 190.1 Model. Ring Choy IS pore) ***** rrom 2.00— 3.00 p.m. ONI COOD UtIO
      807 words
    • 817 18 MEMPELAWA TENDER KENYATAAN TAWARAN Tawaran2 darlpada pemborong2 IKB PFRI IS yang berdaftar akan dl-terlma dl- J.iv.r.. Pejabat Pegawai PeTkamponnan Tawtran dari p ad p fm bo«)nH da Pejabat Daerah Parlt hUigga berdafUr dl-JKR dl-d«Um jam 12 tengah harl 1 haribulan Kelas D Kepa i, n 2) dan ka Ogos.
      817 words

  • Obituary, Illustration
    27 19 !In loving memory of MRS. FLOREM-R ANMr; CORNELIUS of Muar departed 18-J-87. 'Gone but not forgotten' by her husband, children, grandchildren and great grand children.
    27 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 484 19 CONFIDENTIAL SECRETARY to CHIEF EXECUTIVE required by A MAJOR INDUSTRIAL CONCERN (SITUATED IN JOHORE BAHRU) WITH WORLDWIDE LINKS. Applications are Invited from Candidates who meet the following requirements Age: 25-35 years. Citizenship: Malaysian. Fducatlon: Senior Cambridge with Credit In English. Qualification: Shorthand mm. 100 w.p.m. Typing mm. 40 w.p.m. Experience:
      484 words
    • 678 19 II PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS THE PORT OF SINGAPORE AUTHORITY VACANCIES (A) SENIOR DRAUGHTSMAN (ARCHITECTURE). (B) DRAUGHTSMAN (STRUC TURK). (C) DRAUGHTSMAN ((SURVEY). Applications are Invited from suitably qualified Singapore Clticens for the abovementloned posts In the Port Engineer's Department: (A) SENIOR DRAUGHTSMAN (ARCHITECTURE). Qualifications It Experience: Singapore Polytechnic Technician Diploma In Architectural
      678 words
    • 975 19 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS STATE OF BRUNEI VACANCIES IN THE EDUCATION DEPARTMENT Applications are Invited to fill the following vacancies In the EducHtlon Department, Brunei. («1 EDUCATION OFFICERS (4 vacancies) QUALIFICATIONS: Candidates should be trained Honours graduates. Successful candidates will be required to I teach In the medium of Malay In Form
      975 words
    • 408 19 i NOTICES NOTICE HOUSING DEVELOPMENT BOARD Notice of exhamatlon of trSTOs on Lois 19-8, 19-11 221-ZSpt. Mukim I Tlong Bahru Road NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN that all graves on State Land. Lots 19-8. 19-11 4c 225-2S pt.. Mukim I, Tlong Bahru Road (the former Singapore Hokklen Buay Kuan and the
      408 words
    • 193 19 NOTICES WANTED CAR SALESMEN, Wanted car salesmen, preferably with experience, by prominent motor firm In Ipoh Applicants kindly write to Box A 173 ST., Ipoh giving full personal details and experience, if any MME WTICES IN PUSES 11. 17, 11. LUolivetti REQUIRE Young man with ambition initiative ond drive. Educational
      193 words
    • 222 19 NEW FACTORY IN JURONG HAS VACANCIES FOR ONE EXPERIENCED MALE ELECTRONICIAN. have worked on radios, TVs, and if possible havF"s«ftie experience in accounting machine repairs. Do not apply if you have less then three years experience. Send application complete with photo, salary expected and references. ONE ADVERTISING CLERK with minimum
      222 words

    • 392 20  -  JACK FINGLETON From London, Wednesday spots came at 12.20; the blobs at 12.25; the imminent deluge began at 12.:J0and the umpires called it all off at 3.30 with the ground rapidly going under water. So yet another dismal iest ai EagDaston. Birmingham,
      392 words
    • 108 20 Aussie girls get OK for Mexico From TIM TREE CVDNEY. Wed The girls J In the Australian team Xor the Olympic Games in Mexico City have come through with flying colours they have proved they are girls. It Is the first time that women in the Australian contingent have had
      108 words
    • 262 20 LONDON Wed Form-r England uickelkeeper Jim Parks has a.sked v be lelleved of ihe captaincy of turns, ;ht English county cncket champiegutitp .-me Announcing tl.l. la-t night, the club said that P;wk> naiutt to liive up the po-t because it m aflettiiiK his cricket
      262 words
    • 87 20 |>RUNEI have won, for the first time, the Borneo Cup and it is bouquet all the way for former Singapore soccer star John Then, the teams coach, reports Ignatius St«phen from Brunei Town. Brunei players lifted 56-year-old John shoulder high in jubilation soon after the presentation
      87 words
    • 53 20 TAIPEH Wed South Korea ana Japan ate top 'avourile* In the second Aatan «> men> basketball tournament opening here on Monday. Nattonallv Cllna. the host country 1* expectpd to take third place. »p>irM expe>'< predicted Teams from Malaysia. Singapore. Hong Kong, the Philippine* and Thailand are
      UPI  -  53 words
    • 618 20 THE Pfrak Ould V.v* aetl- ing at lixili on July 21-M mid Aug. 3-4 has .unacted a vi 246 entries The $20,000 Vase race ovei s*l straight «i.l be run on (he fourth day. En' are. CLAM 1 »r .nd %in. All Steel. Auvocaw- Armistice. Avenger
      618 words
    • 203 20 ■y EPSOM HIP SANTA Rita, with Les Coles up. showed a fine turn of speed to run 3f In 37 4 5 sec on a yielding track at Penaug yesterday morning. This nix-year -old appears to have benefltted tremendously from her run over 5
      203 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 232 20 SPACE AMD C-OiOuß I ill in Japanese Flower Arrangement >A *jfH|] jmjt 4fcWr*2w l^n* htW Wtm P 111 I Sk tW*™^^^v ,^^B«^^| fOS v^^^B^ by KASUMJ TgSHIGAWARA Wjk\ in Japanese Flower Arrangement flHPrv by KASUMI TESHIGAWARA IKMiiMBI 48 exquisi'e trrjngemjnts prewrttd in FUU COLOUR. Specially prepare* E^^li.^^- o^ dT\ (7\s
      232 words
    • 62 20 H '68 Cortina offers all you want in a car per- B formance, economy, styl np and comfort— all WS H this from only $1,300 depr.sit. Call into Univers- I H al Cars Limited, and see 'he full Cortina range. ~J H Just $1,300 deposit and the new Cortina is
      62 words
  • Page 20 Miscellaneous
    • 307 20 Straits Times Crossword ACROSK 23 down I take the round I l»_becau»e Invisible' <3 J. boul from p rl!1 nA Brl4, tain to Wellington 14. tl 10 Put your shirt on the queen 14 T n cl »P» for h»«h-up staff je.ter it) ll0 11 In posh nurmundini* come> 15
      307 words

    • Article, Illustration
      620 21  -  NORMAN SIEBEL Give Merdeka soccer tourney a Malaysia v Singapore kickoff RIGHT MATCHES CAN MAKE IT A $200,000 FIRST WEEKEND By UOOTBALL Association of Malaysia faces a $400,000 bill on this year's 12th annual Merdeka 12-nation tournament from Aug y-25. If the tournament's competitions committee play their
      620 words
    • 637 21 THIRTEEN records were act up a: the Perak bchoois lnier-zone athletics champ:onahips held a: the Suitan ldris Training College giound in T*n.<ong Malim on Tuesday. Amung the record-breakers were fuur boys and three girl* in the under-20 dA North won the rone championship, with
      637 words
    • 275 21  - The best 1,700 for big schools meet E. FRIDA B/ YEARLY 1,700 athletes representing 74 secondary schools from the four streams of education will compete In the Singapore Combined Secondary Schools' Sports Council meet at Farrer Park on July 22, 23, 25 and 27. The meet will be two championships
      275 words
    • 174 21 TOHHEE Malaysian states and X Singapore have entered for the flr«t Malaysian Malays tr'er•om«ns badminton competition for the Tun Ra?uk Cup which begins at Malacca on At* 17 The ties will be decided nn l»o singles and a doubles each In the preliminary round
      174 words
    • 352 21  -  MANSOOR RAHMAN By JLf ALAYSIA's hockey team, who have been selected by the International Hockey Federation among the 16 for the Olympic Games tournament, will have to wait another three weeks to know for certain whether they will make the trip to Mexico City In
      352 words
    • 148 21 GOOD kicking by fullback John Steven* helped St. Andrews beat Raffles Institution by 14 points ftwo penalties, try and goal) to eight (goal and try) In their first of the two Kiwi Cup matches yea. terday. Saints and Raffles will meet again on Aug S to decide
      148 words
    • 28 21 Ol.i» won the Singapore BHPA League and Cup second dlntton title when they beat Prase.- and Neave 3-1 In the final at the Singapore padang yesterday.
      28 words
    • 164 21 MALAYSIAN GIRLS FOR ASIAN MEET MALAYSIAN schoolgirls lT will take part for the first time this year In the Asian .student., international badminton ctiampionshlps. Three schoolgirls will be selected to represent Malaysia In the fourth meet in the series at Tokyo next month. The Minister of Education. Inche Khlr Joharl.
      164 words
    • 179 21 Shooter Hsu fails by 2 points in Games trial SINGAPORE'S top marksman Hsu Hen* Tuck failed by two points to qualify for the Mexico City Olympics Games In October in his nrst trial th s week at the Gimson range. H*u registered SSO points m t'-.e smr.l. bore nf> prone
      179 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 50 21 Rod Layer Wimbledofib First Open Champion won all his matches with Dunlop Maxply Fort Rackets Champion Rod Layer and runner-up Tony Roche both used Dunlop Maxply Fort rackets throughout the first Wimbledon Open Championships, the greatest and toughest in Wimbledon history. p%*m&P\ MJwilop jFj&&@SkfW' *lWr THE CH OICE OF CHAMPIONS
      50 words
  • Page 21 Miscellaneous
      65 words
    • 68 21 SUMMARY HOCKEY SCHOOLS PAKXIVU ilpohl: M*r«Jr» Shield: STAR 2 SMI 0. *h«l*»1i Shirld: ACS 3 SMI 0; LSS Eg. Part 2 LS8 Labrooy ltd 0 D»vU Shield: ACS 1 RPS 0 Anderson wo. MOS. SMI l convent 0. SOCCER n K \K GOVT SrRVlOS <Ipoh> MJiinp/ MPdicali 2. MMP 2
      68 words
    • 64 21 W.ii.tins KecUh AAA chaii.p:, ivs.-.i'v. >A Sfir »tadlumi; Malaysian Ann«*l Forox <Mrrdrka Stadium. 10 am*. Trrruganu Tritcoms iK Trentganui Sporr 20.000km Olvmpi- trial (Mountba'.ien 'M, 615 pm HOCKEY Central Perak (chools carnival Upoh padans. 1 pm i SOCCER S'pore Khool* Anal: St Josephs St John"! >Jn Bnar. MB) Ipoh Dlv.
      64 words

  • 42 22 J SMANMUCAM p«.,,d a«ay or 177.«« Funeral today at 1 oVIo.-. from hln mMmm IMA, Main Hoau Buntrei I MM SIMON M M M-.ih.«» iRMAK Kl. Sway 17 7 Cort*>icr !i-avrK l:MA» Haw at Him am tuday lor Clitran Road Crnwtrry
    42 words
  • 16 22 0* Ml July MM In fnd:a IMM br P J*rorar brother or the decraatd
    16 words
  • 164 22 Wall Street's dancing nudes rl'R young hippirv— two boys and two girls dancing naked in front of the triple lifesite statue of Georre WashiitKton at Federal Hall in New York's Wall Street last Sunday. I h. famed stock market on the street was closed for the weekend when Yayol Kusama.
    164 words
  • 27 22 KAMPAR. Wed All engine attendant. Chin Nam Yee. 32 »»s burled alive in a landslide at a tin mine in Mallm Nawar near here yesterday.
    27 words
  • 376 22 LONDON. Wed. The stock market wai> mixed today in quiet dealings. Activity in tobaccos was less marked than yesterday Elsewhere. ICI tv firm, but Thorn. EMI, Dunlop. Fison* and Courtaulds all eased slightly Woolworth remained lower In mixed stores. Shipping shares were firm, while Rolls
    376 words
  • 63 22 KATMANDU. Wed Tengku Abdul Rahman will bsve an audience with King Mahendra and hold talks with Nepalese political leaders during his fiveday state visit here. befrtnnuiK on Sunday. according to the official programme made public today The Prime Minister, who Is returning home from London.
    63 words
  • 48 22 SINOAPOHE. Wed. The Minister for Defence. Mr. Lim Kirn 8«n. will receive donations for the National Defence Fund on Friday at 10 30 am at Pearls Hill Persons who wl*h to make their donations to the Minister are asked to call at the Ministry
    48 words
  • 70 22 pARIS. Wed. American and North Vietnamese delegations met today for the 13th full-sule session of the Vietnam preliminary peace talks, but the thief North Mrtn.imeM- negotiator. Xuan Thuy «;is not present The American delegation led by Mr. Averell ll.irrlman. arrived a few minutes before Ihe Vietnamese delegation,
    Reuter  -  70 words
  • 300 22 Sultan of Sulu and his possessions Act 2— by Times I ONDON, Wed. The London Times today described the breaking off of the Sabah talks as "the second act of that little known play 'The Sultan of Sulu and his Possessions.' The Times said In an editorial that there wa«
    300 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 24 22 20 wordt Sl5 (mimmumit D« SIM WEE LIM 1,,, Mcl L*n Kxl I (.11 of son Qratrful thanka to Ol.Mftrkinn and staff K K
      24 words
    • 102 22 RRIAT 111 ■En fe^y^ Mi Maxwell HOUSE r^^ T Now when y° u bu y the 8 oz size Maxwell House Instant Coffee you get an attractive Old r^" J J En Q'ish Storage Jar absolutely free. You only f JJ pay for the coffee. Start collecting a set of
      102 words