The Straits Times, 16 July 1968

Total Pages: 24
1 24 The Straits Times
  • 25 1 AVERA6J DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 175,000 The Straits Times The National Newspaper fcstd. 1845 TUESDAY, JULY 16, 1968 15 CENTS KDN. 3104 M.C. (P) 0014
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  • 1160 1 GHAZALI READS FROM A 17-PAGE STATEMENT, GIVING REASONS... BANGKOK, Monday MALAYSIA today rejected Manila's claim to Sabah, saying there was no political or legal foundation for it. In a 17-MOe statement read by the chief Malaysian delegate, Tun Sri Ghaxali Shalie, (he Philippines delegates were told
    Agencies  -  1,160 words
  • 262 1 Shock, disbelief in Manila MANILA. Mon. Fhillpplnps official:- today expressed shock aim disbelief at Malaysia's formal rejection <f the Philippines territorial claim to part of Sib ih. The Foreign Secret; ry Mr Ramos, teimed It a "bitter disappclntment." The Secretary for Jus Ice. Mr. Claudlo Teehankcc. Chairman of the
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  • 125 1 Razak: Quite clear they have no legal claim IT U A L A LUMPUR, 1Y Mon— The acting Prime Minister, Tun Abdul Razak, said tonight it was "quite clear" that Manila had no legal claim to Sabuh. Commenting on the latest developments at the Bangkok talks. Tun Razak said: "The
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  • 524 1 HONG KONG, Monday. Fj^rVE men were Jailed for 10 years each today utter being convicted of running the biggest counterfeit operation since the Nazis tried to wreck the British economy in World War II. "You have committed very serious and shocking
    UPI  -  524 words
  • 68 1 LONDON. Mon The odds an- that any person wearing an old school tie Is pulling a fast one. The chairman of the British Tie Manufacturers ~T 1)11 Mi says a survrv showed that nearly two out of every three Britons who wore a regimental, club or
    UPI  -  68 words
  • 44 1 ALGIERS. Mon Soviet Defence Minister Marshal Andiei Orechku arrived here today on week -long visit to discuss military co-operation Marshal Orerhko. the first Smlet Defence Minister to »IMt Aluena «as Invited by Premier Colonel BoumeOlenne. who also holds (he defence portfolio
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  • 26 1 MON IKEA I. Mom Lawrence srau»v reopened t(>da. ending a coMlv itrike »hich trapped nearly 100 ship* In Urn waterway tor 34 dajr» UPI
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  • 612 1  - Ministry begins inquiry into mortar tragedy ABUL FAZIL By SINGAPORE. Mon.— The Ministry of Defence has launched a full inquiry into yesterday's tragedy at Sungei Telok a military murtar (irtnf ground in Jurong. I- our villager* two teenaged boys, a newlymarrled man. and a In year-old (atber of eight were
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  • 44 1 BRUNEI TOWN. Mon Sultan Havana] Bulkiah of Brunei celebrated hi* 22nd birthday today 15 day* before his coronation on Aug 1. This Is his first birthday aa Sultan of Brunei, and the country Is celebrating the occasion with 10-day festival
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  • 54 1 S\l ISBI RY. Mon— Prime Minister. Lan smith p.'rtv today cave him an oNeMthrlmini: vntr of confidence Ihus emling speculation of an impending right-wing revolt against hi> leadership. Party Secretary Mr. Andre Holland said the eietnthe of the ruling Rhodesian Front Party >oted 9S for and
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  • 221 1 Death row 11: Now A High Court 'n o' KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. The Johore Bahru High Court today rejected an application for an injunction for a stay of execution of the 11 youths found guilty of consorting with armed Indonesians during confrontation. The High Court decision was made on the
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  • 24 1 MOSCOW Men A Jet pauenger plane of Aeroflot took off today to open the first regular serwee oetween Moscow and New York
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  • 204 1 New terror alert in Saigon OAIGON, Mon. South Vietnamese Police went on one of their frequent 100 per cent alerts today after intelligence reports indicated possible communist attacks and increased terrorist activity in Saigon. The full alert came as the U. S. Secretary of Defence. Mr. Clark Clifford, was being
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  • 31 1 no tuwtuiwtn LONDON. Mob. T>n* ku Abdul Rahman said MaUroM had shown frat patience before deciding to reject Philippine claim to Satiah Thrrr i» no ternatnf he *aid. AP
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 85 1 H CROCKETT JONES NORTHAMPTON INGLANr MAKE THE BEST shoes v4Sl sKU^v 'V j*L 'vsste U tsf- •^BSsBsV t ■sH l^ia^. sH Mk He's just starting But JACKS have been in the building business for many years, in Malaysia and Singapore. JACKS have offices in towns throughout the entire territory. JACKS
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    • 81 2 MEN of the U.S. 9th Infantry Division wait in 1 a Mekong Delta mud hole for the rain to stop. Although drenched to the skin, some oi the men have pulled sheets over their heads The others don't seem to care.
      AP  -  81 words
    • 174 2 B-52s hit North Vietnam targets again V A M.i > n Jloo. Amcciran B J2 bombers .-triii k for the second time in t»o days at targets in North \ietnam. a L'S military spokesman Mid today. I hey combed a supply fompiex and troop concentrations in North Meinam yesterday in
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    • 36 2 MOSCOW Mon Mr KonMontln P»u*tov*kjr. 7« one of the ma«t popular older Soy in author* and trteran defender of embattled yiung liberal writer* died last nlfnt Hr ha* been ill for aeveral yean— UPI
      UPI  -  36 words
    • 376 2 Russians stay on as new Prague crisis looms PRAGUE. Monday COVIET troop departures from Czechoslovakia were delayed again yesterday at political pressure increased against the liberal regime of Mr. Alexander Dubcek. Soviet units which stayed in Czechoslovakia after the end of the Warsaw Pact staff exercises two weeks ago began
      Agencies  -  376 words
    • 148 2 JAKARTA, Mon. President Suharto today set out for a weeklong tour of south Sumatra to see for himself the economic condition of the region and seek ways to improve it. The trip is part of his all Sumatra inspection plan for the cominjj months
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    • 480 3 WASHINGTON, Monday PROMINENT Democrat said yesterday he planned to nominate Senator Edward Kennedy as Democratic Presidential candidate at the national convention in August. Mr. Michael Disalle a former Governor ot Ohio, said in a letter to convention delegates that the 36-year-old Massachusetts Senator.
      Reuter; AP  -  480 words
    • 111 3 El Santo gets 'most popular' award IN spam, they call him 1 Xl .>anto And very popular hr is. tuo. So popular that he received a Spanish award In London last week Xl Santo? The Saint in rn-lis n alias Roger Movie. the actor. lie and actress Almee M.v linn
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    • 131 3 Pop singer persuades gangs to give up arms GLASGOW Mon. Hour of Scotland's toughest youth gangs handed their razors and meat cleavers over to the police on Saturday night under a "disarmament" amnesty arranged by an English pop s.ngcr Moit Ukaß lun weapon* axes, hammers bayonets and bnmr-made clubs ntudded
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    • 50 3 NEW DELHI Mon Five n.i.ii- people o:eu mi th' Malabar Coast .PierUav a» the third ditv o: heavy monsoon rain cau>«< floodinc o\er va-i areiv Tlic total known dead m tin* >e*r's moi soon so far in W'.'st Bei.ta. Rujtsthan and tha south-went Is 54.— Reutcr
      Reuter  -  50 words
    • 94 3 BEU.KADI.. Mon. An explosion which rip- iu-d through a cintma hire, miurmg 34 people on Saturday night was caused by a time bomb, it w.i* officially ;innoun«-ed Nine people were seriMtilj hurt. Three of them are In critical condition. About 25 wutiestd
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    • 50 3 MO6EM. M..ii. President Zakir Husain of India arrived m Dushnabe. the capital of the SoMPt Central Asian Repubiic of Tad/.hikilan. yeMerday. the Soviet nf«.s agency Tans reported. President Hunaiii and his party flew in from Soviet Georgia to continue 'heir 10-day tour of the Soviet Union. AP.
      AP  -  50 words
    • 217 3 Taxmen take closer look at girls in mini-skirts I ONDON, Mon. lj British tax ouicials in the line of duty are taking a closer look at 1 11 those leggy girls in mini-skiru. For the thlgh-hlgh garments, they argue, are cjstlng Her Majesty's Customs and and the Treasury, thousands
      AP  -  217 words
    • 27 3 JERUSALEM. Mon Prune Minister Levi Bdhkol has said that I>rael badly needed F-4 Phantom let fighter-Bombers and must get them from the United States AP
      AP  -  27 words
    • 113 15 f)TTAWA, Mon. gtrlkv ing St. Lawrence Seaway worker* yesterday overwhelm Ingly voted to go back to work for a 19 per rent arrota-the-board Increase spread o\er three year*. Ocean and Great Lakes vessels tied up by the strike were expected to begin
      Reuter  -  113 words
    • 78 15 HONO KONQ Mon. Communist China hu uusuMi mother »nous warning to the United State* over U.S. lntmtloni Into r.r: air and aea (pace. The New China Newt agency rrportad YMlerday. Tht afency said a U.S.. warship Intruded In China** waiari on July 11 and
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    • 110 15 JAKARTA. Mon. A oo> who made advances, to tflrl by radio has end>d up in court In Semarang raoltal oi Central Java provlnc* with a 200- When th« girl Ang Djen Nlo. heard the request song that 16-year-old Oey Tlang Swee played for
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    • 305 15 I J fHE newly crowned Miss Universe, Miss Martha Vasconcellos of Brazil, said yesterday that she was dubious about her new role as most beautiful girl in the world. The 20-year-old beauty was selected over girls from 64 countries as
      Reuter; UPI  -  305 words
    • 174 15 Rioting as Paris marks Bastille Day... UARIS, Mon. Tear 1 gas explosions mixed with the traditional Bastille Day fireworks last night as riot police dispersed demonstrations in the Latin Quarter of Paris for the second night running. Tourist*, here for the national holiday, watched young men hurl paving stones and
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    • 186 15 THE DAY NAKED HIPPIES DANCED IN WALL STREET YEW YORK. Mon. The stock market was closed yesterday, but the "bares" wert active in Wall Street. Yayol Kusama, a psychedelic painter and sunbathing enthusiast, went to all but deserted Wall Street with four young, supple hippies two boya and two girls.
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    • 62 15 IoKYO Uun A Cuba* Ktman who trud police is western J^pan hf wanted to serk pnlmral »s«lum in th* United States applied today for a D.B. entry via* at the I s ConauUt* in Fufcunka, Kyushu ■dasl mid there wa* Bn in<l;< anon »hen or If
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 140 2 111 LI 'Jl' il I 1 »l I ■^■^■m I II IlllllJil'll I H l^^^ta^BM^B^B^BMßlKjßlllXMk 1 Ejfc^fclX— _A^^»^L^^U-^^-f-l— J^B^BBBB^IBBBB^BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBIBBf^BBr'-' "*T~* Btß B^B^B^BB no glare, no eye strain, outstanding picture >v and sound, beautitul m any home setting There s the 12PH-B portable, a2in 1 ./ob. *****111, ■'T -*TT i^S C^^
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    • 93 2 Active! Gotta move. Gotta be free. Cant bear to be still even those few days every monlh. Tampax tampons give you total go. Never 808 hold you hack. Ft*Tl You wear them pf^**j internally. A doctor developed them years ago. For the benefit of all women. Tampax tampons. Available in
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 429 3 COMMENCES! USU*L PrtiCE CLEARANCE Cashmilon Twin-SsU Slb.bU S 8.00 Australian Slacks S22.00 S 13.50 Jantzen Sportswear S 7.50 Cotton Pjl.owcases .90 cts .aOcts Ladies' Skirts S 3.50 Printed Dustercoats S 5.90 S 3.90 Jantzen Swimsuitt Half -Price Cannon Bathtewels S 3.90 S 2.35 Catsheets S 2.90 S 1.90 CRASSIiRCS Tit.
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  • 295 4 SINGAPORE. Monday. JN the next live or 10 years, Singapore and Malaysia will be able to offer other countries in this region assistance in the medical Held. This is the opinion of Sir Douglas Robb, a travelling Fellow of the Commonwealth
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  • 41 4 SINGAPORE. Mon Prea film shows will be given tomorrow at 7 30 p.m. at the Hlnhede Road Arabic School, Chwee Chun Road Malay kampong; Kampong Ooh Soon, off Jalan Pasar Sembawang. and Cheng Hwa School. Jalan Cheng Hwa.
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  • 32 4 SINOAPORE. Mon. —An art and crafts exhibition In conjunction with the Singapore Youth Festival 1»M. will be tii-lri at the Victoria Memorial Hill at 5.30 pm on July 26.
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  • 78 4 Passport centres SINGAPORE. Mon. The Government today announced that two new centres, the Joo Chlat and Delta community centres will from Wednesday Issue restricted passports to Singaporeans The centre* mill be open till Aur 16. Meanwhile, the old centres at the Krcta Ayer and Calrnhlll community centres will be closed
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  • 60 4 SINOAPORE. Mon Th« secretary of the Normal Trained Teachers' Branch and Central Council member of the Struts pore Teachers Union. Mr C Tiruchlttampalam. left for Dublin to attend the World Confederation of Organisations of the Teaching Profession Conference. A teacher at the Mattar West Secondary
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  • 42 4 SINOAPORE. Mon. —Ng Bock Heng 40. was fined $10 in the Ninth .lagiuratf s Court today, for shouting loudly and obstructing traffic by placing stone slabs In the middle of Kheam Hock Road at 11.01 pm. on July 13
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  • 42 4 SINGAPORE. Mon. Th« Minister (il interior and Defence. Mr. Urn Kirn San. Is the patron of a variety concert to be held on July J7 at the National Theatre by the Malav.lers m sld of the National f>lence Fund.
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  • 32 4 SINOAPORC. MOO Tht Bihi-.stron(j Malay-Asian Ship Officers Union will hold thur 18th annual (tencral m««Une at their union premises In Room 61. Winchester Home, at 1 pm on Aug. 3
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  • 224 4 SINGAPORE, Monday. 'pHE attraction of a small pool lured two schoolx boys to their death, a Coroners Court was told today. It heard how Abdullah bin Samihon, 12, and Lim Soon Teck, 13, both from the Tanplin English Echool, were drowned In a pool
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  • 241 4 The call goes out to all: Eat Danish SINGAPORE, Mon. Calling all housewives and young women the Danish Food Festival Is on, aimed at showing that there is one sure way to a man's heart ...via his stomach. The food festival was launched this morning by Mr. Knud Westergaard, manager
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  • 81 4 SINGAPORE. Mot Adult Education Board will hold a Thai language course for beginners every Tuesday and Thursday from 7p m to 830 p m at the Ainjlo-Chiiir^r Prim w v (school. Colcman Street Tuition fee t.* |1« per student A course In pastel drawing. v ill
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 221 4 ?> r 0 J*> BEX-SKI -BOX V m SJ Cj^f y SIMULTAKfOUSLY Ol'l \S TODAY I I LOVERS" I I >uprr imposed Eo<j)< %H Subtitles J LIDO OPENS TOMORROW! ONE br IHE MOST SUICIDAL COMMANDO RAIDS OF a WORLD WAR 11.. -code -named "OPERATION MAD DOS" M^ I BP^^ftaVblMi ■■■udlV-/
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    • 120 4 (jl§7^j dineanddance J^TjJ NIGHTLY AT tel: ***** MANDARIN ROOM LTD. 90-D. ORCHARD ROAO. SINGAPORE-9 NEW BAND as from to-day, isth my \m. "FREDDIE JANSEN QUARTETTE" WITH SINGERS FOUR. r^ \KELONG TALHO 'AAMNE SAAMHt" N.nheoyr.) I *>lor Fnglish MalOv Sub I '.t.i Cnorge "Amok Tek Medina. I l ho i ciung
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  • 221 5 R.L. Eber (doyen of Singapore Bar) dies at 82 SINGAPORE, Mon. Mr. R. L. Eber, 82, doyen of the Singapore Bar, died at Mount Alvernia Hospital here this morning. He had a stroke on Friday. He leaves a wife, a son. Mr. John Eber. now living in Britain, a daughter,
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  • 40 5 KUAI-A LUMPUR Mon— The Malaysian Arts Theatre Group win stage Shadows and Substance at the Town Hall here oa Thursday. Friday and Saturday. Tickets are on sale at P. H. Henrlry. 2-4 Jalan Tuanku Abci.n Rahman.
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  • 91 5 Direct dial service for rural areas l/l AI.A LI MPI K. Mon I'hr dial-yourself telephone service is to br extended to crrtaiu rural area.s in (\>>t Mai.ivM.t and Sarawak. New equipment for this "ill br bought under a three-year contract signed here today with tlan.iard Telephones and Cables of Australia.
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  • 57 5 KL'ALA KANGSAR Mon. A housewife. Soosamary Aruniu--fported to the police yesterday that her husband raped their 13-year-old daughter at Aras Rtate in the Kati area near here. She said the Incident occurred one night between July 2 and July 8 when she was away attending
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  • 28 5 SINGAPORE. MOB. A total of 127.870,000 in revenue from petroleum tv collected by the Customs and Excise Department in the first t;x month* of this year.
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  • 54 5 SINGAPORE. Mon.— a car caught fire this mornin. as it was being cleaned by the owner, Mr. Goh Seng Llm. Mr. Goh, 26, was treated tor mnu,r burns, on his umi and body. Police ihat he was cleaning the engjne with petrol and was smoking. 1
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  • 562 5 Bargirl admits that she was known by many names... SINGAPORE, Monday gAR waitress Irene Lim, 35, with two young children by a former marriage, today sued a teacher. Tommy Yeo Thiat Bin, for damages for alleged breach of promise. Yeo whose age was given by
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  • 41 5 SERkMBAN Moil bin Sing Hmi. 55. a MMW operator at »ir Cliunij Hu.. Hleh school nrrr. »a.s robbed of tl 400 last night at the m hool by two masked mm one armed with a K. |!C
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  • 32 5 SINCiAPUHK Mm The Minister for Defei.ce. Mr Inn Kirn San. !:a> prohlbl'ed Tan N(t»k Liang of Mulavoa. Cliee Hong ol ciiiim ai j Lin Kidan of Indonesia, lrom entering Singapore
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  • 105 5 pENANG, Mon.— Three teenage girls have been reported missing from home in the last two weeks. They are Tan Eng Gnoh. 15. Surinder Kaur. 17. and Pok Chak Kirn TAN o| Thean Tek Road. Aver Ham. visited a friend in Ayer Itam Ullage on
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  • 37 5 SINi.APOKr Mon The t.oldrn Lotus re.stau rani in (he Hotel Malaysia will open on Saturday With a I .MO sealing>. it is claimed to be trie "largest Chinese dining hall i n the world."
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  • 151 5 Stephens' call for closer integration of races KOTA KINABALU, Mon.— Dato Donald Stephens appealed here last night for a closer integration of all races in Malaysia. "Lip service 'Malayslanlsm' will not last," he added. Dato Stephens made this call in a farewell message to the people of Sabah before leaving
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 230 5 When your very own little flower grows up wlat'' 4 Ili to ._a^ia P Who will help her through the change Of ail the years of a girl's physical stresses of thelO-17 the salesgirls are underttiodfro*th. that time between the year old girl than most people, ing too. Teenform provide
      230 words
    • 277 5 STARUTE SIMPLA-FLEX INSECT SCREENS NOwK j, SLIP-ON SLIP OFF INSECT SCREENS FOR V COMPLETE PROTECTION 1 FROM ALL FLYING INSECTS! Starlit* Simpla Flex insact scream ara tha a^aa^aaaßaaX most convenient low cost acr**na you can bay. ■PH^ Check this list of Simpla- Fin featura* I^^>^V^ 1) Exclusive SJip-ooSap-off (takrn onty
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
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  • 3086 6 SINGAPORE PARLIAMENT: LEE SPEAKS ON THE JOBS BILL By Our Parliamentary Reporters Fewer hidden benefits, more open rewards will lead to higher wages, bonuses II- »<• »nr a Mill iiimmunilT the* the IrmpUtion would br to lr»\r thingi alone, and hope for
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  • 1015 6 Ii'HEN the debate resumed today, the last of the NTUC "big gun s." Mr. Scan Mvi Kok. took to task the Culture Minister. Mr. Jek Yuen Thong, for running down the labour movement. Mr. Beah. secretarygeneral of the NTUC. g«ld: "A few of
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 353 6 Volvo the eight year car iV V> JOS B^g*^sp^^^ A\ afl B^aW I ftJj-T^ *^j^F Ninety-seven percent of all Volvo cars window at the same time! One of the under the bonnet is Volvo s powerful 1 15 sold in Malaysia since we introduced our most advanced braking systems in
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    • 100 6 Wincarnis tonic wine your drink for life! iff* Ts*» f f*m* t**f Beauty For Busy Housewives Even the? busiest hoosewife can keep her complexion youthfully soft and clear and there la nothing easier or more rewarding than smoothing a film of tropical moist oil over the face and neck Stroke
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  • 1729 7 People who live with the dead... LABOUR MINISTER WINDS UP THE BIG DEBATE 'Nothing to stop workers from trying to get higher wages' SINGAPORE, Monday 1 CANNOT over-emp-hasise that we ha\e not attempted to regulate agreements be-ttti-rn unions and employers on the wages to he paid. We have not flied
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 259 7 Atnv hi mft ii r<> styled airc-on<[..(ioi.cM*s Li'jw FAMOUS NOISELESS PHILCO WITH NEW DECORATOR STYLED TILT-DOWN FRONTS g^^^^^^fl^^^^SHHHflß^L^VH"**^"^^^^^!^^^! Available in 4 models from §aW^^^^™^T_.!L -^~~~^~~!ZZ^-^^m^^L 87M BTU HR to mm tf—r* zz^— fntri'llllimiini i6,ooobtu/hr K.S _J|IP !W 311 j'^l The new Philco 50 Cycle jtjJß -r^S2"' Zij I e^H airconditioner*
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    • 190 7 The Rich Guys Cigarette. Kent Expensi yes PJ Thuietar'reca.Kd II J I I siorihorl Out 71 po|»r.ali.l«iwiih I I IfC KIT J loboeco t,pp»d IX IZ l^t I I < j I^^^^^ :-rv.v.iiond«aFu:hao T Anting nn morv»T woclh. tf It costs 51. 20 per pack Hff Imported from U S.A
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  • 319 8 The task: How to improve public transport SINGAPORE, Monday 1^1 1 1-1 Minister for (laatniunicittiona, Mr. Vong NMik Un. announced in Pariiamenl i<> day lluil :i Transport A<l\isui\ Board would lie established lo study wJyx In improve tlul»iihli( Iranspoii service. He said the Government had i.o intention of Increasing the
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  • 90 8 SINGAPORE Muii. A I taxi-driver. Tan Ah Tee. ■MM today ftucd $1,000 or one year's jail in the Second District Court for using j criminal force on a girl. Ling Yip Clio, with Intent 10 nut rage her modesty at the University of Singapore rair.pu*
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  • 75 8 SINGAPORL MM lie I'mluiei. Aid society U holdiiik a !iu» iu\ un t>« Be.-iiif UKinii cure oi UM > liilaren t:i the prMrt home at Melrcuie the oiieiy piopu-e» iv bullu new home to accommodate larkei i.naV.e M:- D I Mtpb. MrMi ol lie MMTI
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  • 71 8 Art of brewing for gold' SINOAFOM Mun. U: L Bel- Tnhnital Manager for Malay. in Brmrm wtll speak on Tiif Art ol BrewniK lor Oold Mrdals al the luiu heon ramli. K of the Rotar> Club of Singa|»r* on WWkM^M The Malayan Brewerir* refoiiilv won M*W Moi.a> SeIntiui] gold medals
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  • 75 8 M\(iAPOrtE Mon The tx in hi .hi elderly Clilnehe ni^n (I on the shoie OH Katoin; P»t k yevterday mornlii2 He had no IdtottflcattoO p.ipeis Police he was S ft in in height and oyer Mi rmn «id He nan clad in klmtl t rouses lui.y-alaeve
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  • 42 8 SINUAHURK M. .1, Mi i.n;r Buildi:..- -•nrrjl nicnOtfeM .i.lJii..i' Ml Mr QM <.nnuit. Mr I :n. Ml CKg -rvreturv Mr '■\..i>K Xi is .>.-■ »*creMi l.m Hi. g trn-urer UMI r«t iftar\ „nd Mr cliua Kirn r^t lc -•urVii; auditor
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  • 306 8 SI NGAPO l( K. Mon I i < l l l l C:intoncM- .i( tre»->. Chan Po Cfiu i above), will ha\e lo lead 4 rather secluded Ifi in Singapore al least The onl> public uppcar.incrs rfM wM makr till r ins
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  • 148 8 RED CROSS CALLS FOR 1,682 BLOOD DONORS SINGAPORE. Mon.— The Singapore Red Cross Society needs another 1.682 blood donors before the end of this month to reach Its target figure of 12.000 in its current four-month recruitment drive ocretary. Mrs B S William.-. In appealing for more donors today said
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  • 94 8 SINGAPOKE. Mon. ltt» i Public Utilities Board* :ie»- air- conditioned Gas- Mii.»'i»«m U) now open ro the public The nev c ground floor o! CltJ Hull ne..r the -!'e the Supreme Cotirt Member.- ol 'he public are ■J to inipe. the di-play of a
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  • 31 8 Abdul I or. on« >ear> p.cbanon lodj Nlr.:h Magutrate'i Court for ;.j cuniu book.-- *orth -.■4 it Kalllfa bin Mohan-.ed Ka--.rr in a shop at Orchard Road on J'-in*
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  • 192 8 SINGAPORE Mon 'liliis ItpMM sun 1> 1 tn be <* mu.%fum renilndpr of thf Royal Air Furve ,>tay in T'nc uavai gut. lM bi en ttowa ro the K.U miiM-um at Hendun v lie-re It «'U] evoke meol tr<ipu-al hland Ille tor
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 296 8 I Jp^ SP^Wi Go elegant v^ v^ lr 0 W 4 seasons "tV JHj'^%"'--'*^../" 4-Seasons by Glo-Weave worn by \tK^> /*"v»C men reac y make eir Tiove anywhere, V •'^ife any time ready for any exploit in mind i \SI ry*y^ looking immaculate without effort. Vi 1 /^ijjijg Because 4-Seasons
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 54 8 .IfrMfr It,/ .\l 1 tipi' (aXO DED ON^rSK.'-MAVIM A HONOWD T LOOK AT IT THIS WAV.T^) \F TKAT tjfm, OMEO'TH' X GUESTET'SSO S REM' ET A BIRD CORK POME TV. IM. T AAK*. /"^^^t^aAßßASSiN'.r) that eats ojw fa V a whicmkvir it is.nJ IA/' tJN T^,,.^o -^Bf^jyA- O- owe* tvmv
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 220 9 BX^JBt V Vk M BBB^B^F^ k. I BY 1 :.>*'-m *^^^§B^^Bki^S f HfIBKIW Blw^ kLi b^^ A x < ,-w II P Br^' VM »^^mr Bff y ..-W ijl V jaJl^^ bPJ B^^ BF 2 1 mKMm *i| ft jpy, ii n* ll i^t^w W •M^BH^H^^B^H |HMbbbb^h^3 ■'■^^Biw b^bf BHfe^^^Vßi^
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  • 256 10 Tengku briefs his envoys in Europe LONDON. Monday fENGKr Abdul Rah man told a meet ing of his heads of mission in Europe here yesterday that he was "not fully satisfied" with the results of the recent five-power Commonwealth conference on South East Asia defence. But, he said, he was
    Reuter  -  256 words
  • Article, Illustration
    120 10 TEM.KI Abdul Kahman presiding at the iiiiirrt ni 1 From left on the far side of the table:- Tun Dato Muttapha. In. he /'akaria *bm ll. in .MOII.I imcl Ai. 1 Deputy High Commi>sioneiw in London): the Pr 1 in.- Minister, In, hi- Abdul Rahman bin Jalal (Chief of Pro
    120 words
  • 168 10 'Help us against gangsters' plea by hawkers VUALA LUMPUR. Mon. Hawkers In Sungel Way, eight miles from here, are fed up with paying protection money to gangsters. Many of them have been beaten up for falling to pay. Now they are seeking police protection. They have sent a letter to
    168 words
  • 64 10 PEN A NO. Mod. About M i>pre«ent»iive.s from 40 Women's Institute branches in Prning and Province Wellesley vull attend' a four-day course on "Tne rolr of women In national development at WI Houi>f. Batu Lanchang Road, beginning on July 36 The lourse mill include instructions
    64 words
  • 26 10 IPuH M'.i. X.A H.inrudia. 42. unemployed, wm Aned $1,000 or mx month*' isil hert today lot Ulrgtl poassstloo of 13 os of Indian hemp.
    26 words
  • 221 10 13 thugs banished from capital for three years IT U A L A LUMPUR Mon. Thirteen notorious gangster*^ tour of them "tiger generals," were banished today from tr* capital. They are being restricted for the next trtr«« years to villages In Kiute Kubu Bharu. Kuala Selan> for and Ulu Langat
    221 words
  • 34 10 IPOH Mon. Chinii Krng F»ng 13 »tio fall Iri'm a cocon died la hospital herr an B«turd«y. He had clunbrr: the trss catch birds but lor: hj fnochoM and tell.
    34 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 85 10 These words on the back of your snapshots V RBW >S^^M aA aRMr /^^^fS spell "quality" How can you be sure your color prints arc the best there is 0 Just look tor the name KODAK on the back of your snapshots or enlargements. Whether on photo&irapriic paper, film or
      85 words
    • 411 10 LaaV.^s^^^CM^^^^^^Bflotwßv?v^^^B kaa^^^* k«^g^^^^!^^lMß%i^w^^w ILl^a^^^si LaT aVi^'-ivfe l^a^^ilaalalaaaaHS 1 1 '^^^jfr ]B gSgfaaS.Hlj Kj>^*^^P| <^^>a3S sV^Bßaaaat(_^Bfli^ L* I MaiW" "*JJJM .^P^bHsbV^^^ H )£jf fer 1 RaL^say aaasaaV^ bBI •'"i >* I TalL »*B^^Ba aaa^H Bat Il^ibC^-J I ww^D RLkk l«try *rts)l. In* m*in ni sskwf jm csks csmiaf it «itk a
      411 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 202 11 INDIAN MANGO Rich in Vitamin A 4 C Have it for Breakfast |SjS 1 Mango flakes, with milk to taste, are Wm. 1 MHB a nourishing breakfast food. py-t^'.. laT^'J^^ J x^jj^ Serve ft for dessert ■cTf! .^r«Ur*'A Mango slices in syrup with cream or ice-cream Wr **»^f^^y *j/ makt
      202 words
    • 397 11 aT ifl ■V^aßlllll l\a. K^B vL IT mal when you come to Europe on a BOAC HOLIDAY! Playing roulette at the Monte Carlo casino. Cheering "OLE" at a bullfight in Madrid. Shopping in beautiful, modern Stockholm. Watching the Folies Bergere in Paris or the British Grand Prix at Brands Hatch.
      397 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 684 12 The amendments in trie Industrial Relations Ordinance tabled in the Singapore Parliament are tailored to the same general purposes as those embodied in the Employment Bill which the House is now debating. In a nutshell, the objective to create an attractive environment for new investment, domestic and foreign.
      684 words
    • 319 12 A Fui ili" r efaengs m Siiikhpon's educational |iolicy will enable students with extramural successes to h<? considered f"i higher studies despite lIS.C. levels that are "slightly" helow what is normally required. Theie are soul- iiun-ucadcinic 1 yet <|iial;li«s which cannot In measured by the uihl yardsticks.
      319 words
  • 477 12  - SHINTARO (Alias Mr. Ishihara) WINS THE VOTES FRANK PEVINE from TOKYO THE magic television box showed itselt as a 1 political power in this country of saturation TV ownership during the Upper House elections Just concluded. A popular novelist and television personality. Shlntaro lihlhara (3Si, was elected to Parliament with
    477 words
  • Letters
    • 319 12 MAY i cummeiii on the ITI article "Legal Rights i>[ Private Landowners in Floods' i ST. July J i which described the yap- r entitled "Land Tenure and Wa'.e. Developmnit Project?" delivered by Dr Sandford Ciark of th* University ol Melbourne to the group
      319 words
    • 107 12 YOUR report on July 10 stated that 24 sliver carp from the Trnpiral FUn Culture Research Institute in Malacca were being flown la New Zealand and that this carp had never spawned outside China but were now beinit bred in Malacca Thl* is not true. In fact the
      107 words
    • 156 12 WITH reference to the letter by Disappointed 1ST. July 10) the Housing Mid Development Board has from Aug 1. 1947 accepted application* for housing accommodation from families of two per•ons. such as a married couple, provided the applicant In a citizen at Singapore ami satisfies th* Income limit
      156 words
    • 77 12 I KETER to i lie letter 1 Irom "Learner" <B.T June li. Both learner and qualified riders should wear cra^h helmet.-, for safety reasons With thli objei'tlve thr Government, in conjunction with the National Safety First Council, organised a crash helmet campaign to Instil safety con.viousneae on ridert>.
      77 words
    • 84 12 LIFE is adventurous enough for the motor, cyclist and scooterlst without the threat from youngster who reinforce strings with powdered gla.vs <<nd then stretch hem tCXOM the paths of two-wheeled motorists. No vivid lmar.naUor, li required to see the deadline**, of these kite strings slicing across the
      84 words
  • 685 12 NEW DAMS. NEW SOURCES CAN JUST KEEP AHEAD OF SOARING DEMAND by A Staff Writer KUALA LUMPUR DO your taps run dry? Does the shower pack up and leave you soapy? Be patient, for the drought is almost over. Engineers say Kuala Lumpur's water
    685 words
  • 394 12 QNE o< the problem* W involved drawing wafer from the Sungci Langat it that the iver it lined with k.imponji. The water will have to be even more thoroughly treated than that which come* from Klang Catet. Thu It pro.drd te» Hi* estlmatei md »»>«'«
    394 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
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    • 111 12 eat less... slim quicker with NEW Limmits Rastilles! a^sninfc^a^^^^^ And it works! AH you have to do is suck one or t*o LiMVITS Pastilles half-•n-hour before your meal -tines. You find that you're less hungiy, so you EAT LESS and SLIM QUICKER! D LIMMITS Pastilles can also be taken between
      111 words

  • 134 13 bin Omar, 17, one of the nine people injured at the Singapore Armed Forces Training Institute firing ground at Chua Chu Kang on Sunday, being carried ashore to a waiting ambulance at Kampong Bereh. off the end of Chua Chu Kar.g Road.
    Han Hai Fong  -  134 words
  • 374 13 S'pore, Malaysia begin talks on new tax pact SINGAPORE Monday §INGAPORE and Malaysia today began talks to negotiate a new agreement on the 'avoidance of double taxation, necessitated by the new unified income tax laws in Malaysia The new Malaysian Income tax laws replace the three separate tax laws applicable
    374 words
  • 70 13 SINOAPORE Mon Bnlp* leaving their berths st tha Keppei Harbour vtharve* and at the Jurnng commercial «harvei during (* will from today be required to make one prolonged blast of Its whistle or siren as a warning to adjacent Fhips thai they are about U>
    70 words
  • 82 13 Penang to get $2m. aquarium in September KUALA LUMPUR Mon- The MiniKter if Agrici..ture and Cooperatives. Haji Mohamed Ghazali bin JHM, wm that the 13 n.i.uon aquarium in Penang would be opened In early September Speaking to neu&men at Sabang airport he said that the Government also p.anned a miMon
    82 words
  • 30 13 PENANCi Mmi Ml Eu Kiitt Klat was re-elected president of the Penang Car tin Society, with Mr I.noi Pah Wang as secretary and Mr. Tan Bang Chya, treamam.
    30 words
  • 118 13 MSA man jailed two years for $30,388 fraud OINGAPORE, Mon. A reservations officer In Malaysia-Singa-pore Airlines, Hoa Lee Yong, was Jailed for two years toaay by a District Court for cheating the airline of •'30,308 in the pa&t 15 months. Hoa, a bachelor, pleaded KUllty to 43 charges of cheating
    118 words
  • 48 13 BRUNEI TOWN. Mon Therr will be no nude shows or gambling here during thr relebratlons to mark the Coronation of Sultan Haiaanal. The Government said all overseas abown to be staged hrr» would undergo strict censorship. Oambling in any form would alao be prohibited.
    48 words
  • 42 13 SINU APORE Mon AB rloirlv «oman was knocked down by a car m R:\tr Valley night Tlv moman, 1. died tr, ihr General i»out four hours later. WttlWHj and relatives sre ■ir Sa.uai H Nor at Sepoy Line*
    42 words
  • 57 13 If I ALA LI MPIR. Mon. Discussion* to work out a polirr enanring equal employment opportunities in Malaysia- Singapore Airlines for Singaporeans and Malaysiana are going on between the two (iovernmenu. A Ministry of Transport statement today aaid that both Malaysia and Singapore held an equal
    57 words
  • 181 13 KUALA LUMPUR, Monday. on the first phase of the $20 miHio* MCA-sponsored college complex near Batu Tiga will start next year. However, the college will take in Its first batcH of 240 pupils early rtext year for a preliminary course to
    181 words
  • 195 13 Wife who refused to be prostitute granted divorce ITU ALA LUMPUR, Mon. A woman told the High Court today how her husband threatened not to return to her unlesa she agreed to be a prostitute. Madam Choonj Fon« Choy. 26. a dressmaker. «v granted n decre« nUI by Justice S.
    195 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 258 13 Now available at MARJORIES 260 ORCHARD RD. (9), OPPOSITE ORCHARD THEATRE New shipment of HIGH FASHION DRESSES Exclusively designed by (S\ LOTUS dSk CREATIONS LIMITED, HONGKONG at UNBELIEVABLE PRICES! Large collection of day. evening and cocktail wear. Exquisitely created by European designers. Come early for the best selection! Open up
      258 words
    • 77 13 THRU a THE "LENS ffagrr "xrsa EXPOSURE CONTROL 4|Sf SM PI UN B H Wm' «JTac»a« NsV 9-5 K 7IHIM I H miTl, AT A MICE I a^H pSSC-fcsl hiU«r mmd WITMIWTMIIUEACHOFALL I [^B vwu i* «^m*i TOP DeCOUMTRJU CASH wfS\n'-^SSISL ASK YOUR FAVOUHITIDt ALE Kf a UW«, pfc.f. VASHICA
      77 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 733 13 iUb* YlMllr m bhil ftn^H It Aw I n^P -■vvlHii It ■hIHIa I Mill I I Hill I U|l« 'P UU|| J WwMwU m WsBBrBT^BF iUUI V TV MALAYSIA RADIO MALAYSIA Kiala Lamour and Peoang Call* aong and mualc from mtumm+i Mtoriwat* Mrim Interlude M 5 Tiffin Date Ipob and
      733 words

    • 618 14 INSTANT FASHIONS AT CHARITY FETE AT ST. JOHN'S SCHOOL FOR THE GIRL IN A HURRY. FOR THE GIRL WHO WANTS TO LOOK CHIC AND WITH-IT POH the girl in a hurry who wants lo look chic and with-it, 'instant fashions" are the answer to her problem.
      618 words
    • 141 14 HOUSEHOLD HINTS A SPREAD for making caramelised spit y lu.isi can be mad c ahead and kept on hand in the refrigerator Jusi blend cup each of softened butter and granulated sugar with I tablespoon of cinnamon. Toast bread on one side: spread untoasted side tvith sugar and spice mixture
      141 words
    • 287 14 JEWELS SPEAK LANGUAGE OF FIDELITY HOPE AND LOVE TWROUGH the languace of jewels the ancients ■sent messages. Many Chinese sacrificial robes several centuries old. for example, were embroidered with real Jewels which were carefully chosen by their owners for their meaning Even in the modern world a great deal of
      287 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 348 14 Advertisement S Complexion Care S The secret ot beautilying the complexion Is said to i be In the saturation of the skin with a new type of moisturizer. The skin 1 should take on an Imme- > dlate healthy bloom as S the tiny lines and blemi lshes arr srntly
      348 words
    • 385 14 Watch your "tummy" disappear +-M. 4* 1$ Reduce thighs, hips and waistline too. Here's your chance to slim your way to exciting new Loveliness. Joanne Drew guarantees you a beautiful body without harsh diets, pills or exhausting exercise. Under personal supervision using the world's most advanced slimming equipment you'll be
      385 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 77 15 IB Lim Kah Ngam r(M) Sendirian Berhad I^HBBhi-l^l-.^-^ extend their heartiest BHHBa^^^SSsfl^^^^^M congratulations to the M ■■HB OF NEGRI SEMBILAN L. on the occasion of their official opening iy of their Sungai Linggi '^^mHHHLj^ Water Treatment Plant fl0 Bf H Bf H,^Rßl^P^^^K Seremban by the Honourable Deputy Prime Minister te
      77 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 27 15 PCBrS^^^vT JTsK*C^^*^^^^T^ I dcai i v \M«tij to /~f% r»«^^l» I HK wtyCCri •II mv vT. |I^HATTyOU^SoOIIMAoJ I tCwcxkjm wiTutTp-J-M BRING ON I 1966 fj LA J]\
      27 words

  • 129 16 MRS LEE KONG THIN and family f. at. vet. mend' for their aanatance, wreath*. attendance gnu cui'doienc* the late Helen Lee. THE FAMILY OF the late Dr. 00l Keng Beng thank all relative! and friend! for their wreath, donation! aulilanre and attendance during their recent bereavement. THE FAMILY of
    129 words
  • 174 16 MRS. VICTORINE JANSZ K.Mat ron, Pudu Pnaoni paaied away at 11JS am 14th July 196> G.H. Malacca. Buried aame day 4 p in. CHOO PIANO YIN, aged 60, passad away peacefully on 14.7 68 at G._., leaving behind 2 beloved wivea, V >ona, 5 daughters. 3 aona-ln-law and 15
    174 words
  • 27 16 IN EVER LOVING Memory of Mr V. 8. Kanah. departed 16.7 62 Gone hut never forgotten by bia beloved wife, children, aona-ln-lau, dsugbters-In-law and grandchildren.
    27 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 590 16 ir!!it*wTi»Kiip!iiTr«K riMHAU CEOTMtS, IN MtMMItH. MtMUtfS. MISSMC. rHSMUL M.C. KHKM. I KINWL I ■lit: Mm-M SIS/ tSTjI WSrtS. M* sM-M-l WSTs 75 (t_ I «l Otttf Ctenfs. Unrtru-iuls: Nm SC/- Ist IS wsrfc, Met iiiilmil wsts 41 Mitt. Straits Tats Ist sstwm dafy a cssh. ANNOUNCEMENTS TIRED OF DRIP DRY
      590 words
    • 946 16 quiro trainee Salenmea for all part* of Heat Malaysia. Qualification, dynamic peraonality. fluent in Engllib and National languagea. ag<: 18-25. Apply Box A 1367 ST.. K.L. WANTED MALAY GIRL aa Junior Stenographer for legal firm la Jobor* Bahru. Good English essential. Apply «ivmg particulars of age. quaufication.i. experience and aalary
      946 words
    • 834 16 DETACHED^ BUNaALOW vr L tenanta. :'.-4 b*droon». good residential ar*a. all amemtiea. long i*a»e. W anted Immediately. Box A 4974 S.T. Spore. LEAVE ACCOMMODATIOH BUNGALOW (INOAPORI BRITISH FAMILY »i»h exchsnge accommodation fortnight for asm* Malaya near Golf and Beach. Box A 4957 S.T., (S por*). HOUSES/LANS FOI SALE CORNER (HOP
      834 words
    • 753 16 EDUCATION glnnera' course preparing ror City Guilds Examinations. May 19*9. Tultloa by decreed engineer. (Malayan University). Regal School. Tel: 260 M. S'por*. MALAY LANGUAGE IXAMINATION conducted b* Fmgapore International CHAMBER OF COMMIRCI, Dsnmark Hiuii. Singavare, 1. Djtei at Summation WRITTEN TUESDAY. 27TH AUGUST 19S». ORAL WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY AUGUST ZBTH.
      753 words
    • 834 16 TY/KABIO SALES SHYICE TV SPECIALIST Day Night Servlc*. t Any brand. Chargea moderate* S'por* I *****. TV RIPAIR SPECIALISTS. Oaf/ night aervi.e. Ring BTC (B'por*) 4*7*39 anyUm*. CALL ACME ELECTRONIC CORPORATION for boneat. r.iiani. IV/ Induatriai Clactraaic raoaira. Day aad Nlgnt Uervlce. Oaf WIIS4O. Nlgbi WUU lapora). OFFICE EQUIPMENT SELLING
      834 words
    • 922 16 I*** NISSAN Of. Coupe. 2-doors. Not R*flatered Raced ln IM* Uraod Prli Ready for any Race with lota of aparea 18.000.- Henry Am Agency. 301D3 (B'por*). OWNER LEAVING, IASS Austin MetropollUa Recently r*epraved. Excellent condition. $t9BI- ono. Telephone *****7. 2S. Jalaa Mat Jambo! oppoait* Paair Pan Jang Park. S'por*. IM7
      922 words
    • 1088 16 WHERE TO STAY (MSI*) BL-?I*-I < e__!_L_______|] •TRAITS QUEST MOUSE room* rtUVlTllll T-U/AD-M available monthly rental at moderate HJiIAIAAiI lATfSUV/_~ r.«. w,th «rv,c raciu-. T.l. 3,20 yANG ft| p|N[)A mm m^^ m Tawaran2 darlpada pemborong. RESTAURANT I BAR »c(lartar den K an JKR. dl- M> dalam Class C dan D'
      1,088 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 958 17 0 HVEBPOOL INO OTHER UH COKTINENTIL PORTS. "^Du7s'Dora »j.i> P s ►in Pinjni MUMIBIN ii.trjooi OnOIIII. «lOS|W... I. Pt 1.1, II 1.1, t| i.uHIK-i i.u'"'Ojtli la Pt lali 17 fSOUSUIUS I .cpogl Cis lali 17 UNfIS e-:cc 8f1.,t C S Jail 19 lult II 24 1.1. n m(US I .trccoi.
      958 words
    • 2435 17 1 l^*" >< /M^S^^M^M I if #/^j/^^^aa!t^W^^aaal^aaaaaaaaa^^aa»^^^a^a^^^^^a^^aa^aaaaaaaaaaaaa! Lr//rtA vi/JV£S_\ THE. EAST ASIATIC COMPANY Ltd HcorporaMd m Oannwk aaaaaaaaafl EXPRESS SAILINGS TO GENOA NORTH CONTINENT SCANDINA.VIA P. S>a!" PW»HB S'DO'e 'itnoi R'flaiTl H'tol Atrn.j Utiaten I POBNa ii lali 21 2a ltd 21. It in, 24/ 2 Satt 1 laat 12
      2,435 words
    • 1074 17 W WORLDWIDE CARRIERS LTD. wCS^ Great Lakes Service 1 ASHTABULA TOLEDO DETROIT MILWAUKEE CHICAGO mm Spore P. S'hom Penong Mawtar Gterf* 3/ Aiag 1/ 2 Aug 30/31 July Ag.nt.i McALISTER tfc CO., LTD. Sport P. Swettenhom Penong Tel: *****1/9 6252 *****/3 I M»RitiMi ooiiomt iiiit'iit ni> Km Pttt SWETTENMM 1141
      1,074 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 922 18 •VI KAWASAKI KISEN KAISHA LTD. t Western Australia Singapore; Japan Sarviea Fremantle S'pori Yokkiicni/Naioji YokoKarna Kotl -IHgia* Man" 23/31 7 Sept iSSctt H Sift 2lSept Wast Africa Singapore Japan Sarviea Angola Singapore Yikohami Rose "TsMUStiaa Man Sailel 11 lily S Aaf I I* • Mam 1/ 1 Alf M/ 21
      922 words
    • 941 18 l «UST»llt/NEW HUIND SCHVICE INDIA. •IKISUN. (NO Ft* CtST tEtVICCS fir; Fniuini, tttlaiM, Sr«ae» MHlmi.l.' Ti MaOts a*l Nj|apttliaaai. Penann P Sham S pore Spore P Sham Penani B»MOK« 21 21 Illy UJULt Sailtl I* Plrt I? l»l, t* l.ckliaa Dan WalliMta. MJUIt I t*| I t*| %km aittiMi,
      941 words
    • 661 18 Fait Pattengei Servlc* Singapore Bclowon Singapore Muntok Tg. Priok. ARAFAT LINES m.v. BELLE ABETO ETA ETO Singapore Below.n IS/7 17/7 Singapore 19/7 20/7 Mvnrok 21/7 21/7 Tg. Priok 22/7 TARIFF FOR SALOON DECK PASSENGERS Singapore Tg. P. .ok Clan I Adult, JISO children $95.00 il >o II unMi Clo» II
      661 words
    • 880 18 LEMBAGA PERUMAHAN-HOUSING TRUST NEGERI2 TANAH MELAYU TENDER NOTICE Comraclors registered with the Housing T:u>[ la tender lor low cost terracr houses under the 1968 Crash Programme jvc invited to submit their applications In writing to the under-.siti.ped. accompanied b. a crossed cheque (or the value indicated below, made payable to
      880 words

  • 30 19 RUBBER AND TIN CLOSING PRICES July 15. Xl BBKR PRICE: 53 cents (down a quarter of a cent). TIN PRICE: $555.50 (down lt| cents). Estimated offering 320 tons i unchanged >
    30 words
  • 202 19 Rothmans lead Melbourne rises MELBOURNE. Mon pOLLOWINO the weekend report on Scotia lease nickel strike, both Great Boulder and North Hal* lost part of laM week's sharp gains. Oreat Boulder dropped $1 2ii at sio-M) and North Kals tl at $1320. Other leaders moved lover led by nickels. Bent train
    202 words
  • 38 19 ON fraa aicnanta martial IB Horn Hot.. PMMM -n« U.I Oallar >»• quoted a' n I'll fr It. •nl u«| for laah. St'rlmc «aa v iiurfl M 14 -3 <-u» ant laal a' ial« at 3031
    38 words
  • 18 19 TMi Aaaaaiatian al iinu m Malayiia Suigaaara mada aa> ebang'S is lla ntti 10 uwrrßuu >Hl>ri»
    18 words
  • 346 19 Straits tin price moves marginally riE Straits tin price again moved marginally yesterday falling by 124 centb to $555.30 IB Penang on an offering estimated unchanged at 220 tons. Fairly strong support was reported from Europe with some South American buyIng LOCAL Xl BBI.K REPORT: Trading yesterday wa» very thin
    346 words
  • 250 19 Quiet close on Rubber Market A I «il ST flr.i graa> rubber fob. bayrn cloard at i p«n la Slncapurr and Kuala I umpur jrestrrdav al S3 rents prr Ih., dawn a ejuarter of a rrnt no Friday's closing lereL Tbr lour was very quid R.A.S. and M.R.K. rloaing arlcas
    250 words
  • 75 19 naan M > »itui mli" •it (miwt ail: Bulk 554 acliert drum IJttt .wl»ra Caarar M iM iixjat lul»/ Aug. IK'Ccnl «3O B Paa«ar: Munlok SI 10 aallan, »lN«ak SlOTt am»ra. apaclal oara-'uh Mark *771 aallrra. tart>'»d Lumponu Mack aclitrt lajl <w~ Ni.n i asta mv»
    75 words
  • 48 19 ON Till Official Malayan Short term Monrv Market for the week ended KaturdaT. JuN I:; the range of call rate* was a* fallow*: B\NK FIND: 3 per run In per cent. (.FMHAI. MADS: 3 per e*nt to :t per rent. MOVEMENTS af fund. laUUaa 1121 mllUaa
    48 words
  • 591 19 ACTIVE conditions rk continued on the Stock Exchange yesterday in Industrials, but there was also a greater emphasis on property shares which in certain instances went to nev high levels. Profit-taking in certain instances shaded prices. Many observers are now wondering whether the present tempo
    591 words
  • 263 19 \|OVSMSNTS Or I m R I M ■RICCt lAIID ON A N TNI IiNr.APO«I AND KUALA LUMPUR TRAOINO INDUSTRIALS: ACMA I I* .-ii'j. Ban A Ca I.' "TV", ■ainaa Barnaal I .»a'«>, auataaal i- i «■*•>, C. toiar I 10 c.nt... C.C.M <— 1 cota.. Dunla* i
    263 words
  • 54 19 AUSTRALIA'S biggest Industrial enterprise. Broken Hill Pty Ltd.. ha« announced a record consolidated net profit of A 546.787.000. an increase of $4,616,000 on last year*t figure. The consolidated profit Is after providing for depredation of $80,507,000 '$75 180.0001 and tax of $26,345,000 '$32.:U0.000> Figure* are for the
    54 words
  • 95 19 'PHF. 0 K Sunday Expre.o 'hat reader-, should taxe a look at tin share* Prices are 30 per cent bel.jw tli e peak ul two year* ano. dividend- have been <v; and profits have been nit by the lo>., of oversea" lax concessions and the
    95 words
  • 102 19 Minings are uncertain Tu*NS ended the account la London on Friday a little uncertainly after the atood gains of the past rro weeks. Profit-talcing nev er ■strongly in evidence fiJ r K n 2 h 3J:d FV n«'«:alwi flni.-hed a little easier Lo n-dori-Tl.i rallied from aarly ana Kamunanf a«ai:j
    102 words
  • 103 19 B SNIPS IN TNI ROADS Aa A< M «N JULY m 101 O.rald,r., Laodak. union. Klkko M.r? iUa^a Pa.iari. Ptrnxta haau. Haoanf Mar.) *^<~ k I. Darw Dua. Aik Ha Pi..n and Kuala Kmu •ORT SWITTtMNAM: authaTaTaTt. f ttt.m (arth. araa*aa. O«.. w.t.r mrm Maru. Ova
    103 words
  • 27 19 INDONESIA'S trade wtth Hong Kong and Singapore will be bard hit by the temporary foreign exchange restrictions announced in Jakarta Wednesday. Indonesian traders say
    27 words
  • 35 19 PATANI Para Plantations has declared a dividend of 10 per cent '12 p«r cent) for the year to March 31 la-t Net profli was £8.670 < £11.809 > Ovrrspill relief amuunta to £1.424 < £2.251 >.
    35 words
  • 16 19 rN production Malaysia for the first five munth* of this year Increased Of
    16 words
  • 821 19 B19I\I««. l\ ».m> i:iriiKiu> TO THE MM.M'uin %ND HI ALA LI .MT IB IKMUM. ROOMS ur THE BTOCK EX( HANGE YESTERKAi ITU THE M MBIR UF 111 l SHARFH TKADED IN BRA< BITS, INDUSTDIALS ACMA 1 M 'Siiou t iT.wiu, s. «v (1.000) 12, ilium I. »1 I
    821 words
  • 30 19 STOCK INDICES M»l..»n HUrk liidi. ml» It. JalT IV ind.UruK 1<J.1» IKS.M Troprrtin: IKS. I* t Tta»: 41 :m.«4 ribbfrx; MM lu-'.it l»«-. IS, iMt low. U«c. M. IMC 1M.
    30 words
  • 335 19 I I0L» lUHINI.I UF MllAlllt I AND lIHCAPOm 110 AND OFFtM RICI» OFFICIALLY LIITID AT TNI CLOtl OF IlltlNlll INDUSTRIAL! ACMA Ben. C* Ul ■wru* ktwi Ml ■ouatMA 1.»3 C. Sugar* <M CC.M C. K. HuM'.wi iJuolop ID fall 8n»lt I <>■■ 8.A.1 t ta r. n Oamraoi
    335 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 704 19 Careers in I Civil Aviation 1 Air Transport i> f,,» growing induitry; MM* JM Oversea, A.rwoys Corporation, keeping in »he 9 forefront of this inaustry. i. a,., n l^kin, Gfl young m «n to develop for retponsibU petition* m ira Singapore orgenisation. They will be given 9 training course, O
      704 words
    • 388 19 FENDERS KENYATA'AN TAWARAN MAJLIS BANOARAN. SEREMBAN. Tawaran danp^da pemborong2 Sang berdaftar dl-Jabatan Kerja la>a di-daUm kelaa "E". "D dan "C" (Kepala II Pechanan Kepola 1 1 untok membena geral2 dl- Jalan Walllch. Seremban. akan dltertma dl-Pejabal Majlis Bandaran. Seremban, tidak lewat dartpada <»m 12 00 tengah hart pada shb Ok<>s.
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
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    • 316 20 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS f STATE OF BRUNEI VACANCIES IN THE MUTATION DEPARTMENT Applications are Invited to fill the following vacancies in the Education Department, BruneL (a) EDICATION OFFICERS (1 vacancies) QIALIFICATIONB: Candidates should be trained Honours graduates. Successful candidates will be "required to teach In the medium of Malay In Form
      316 words
      471 words
    • 732 20 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS THE PORT OF SINGAPORE AUTHORITY VACANCIES WORK STUDY OFFICEBS. APPLICATIONS are Invited from suitably qualified Singapore Citizens for the above supernumerary appointment In the Operational Methods Section: Qualification* It Exaerience: (1)A degree from the University of Singapore or equivalent, or a full Higher School Certificate, or a corporate
      732 words
    • 686 20 NOTICES f MAUYAN TOBACCO COMPANY BERHAD (Di-tnbohkaa di-Nrjrril Tanak MeUjra) NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Directors has declared an Interim Dividend of Hi. gross leas Income Tax *t 40% (equivalent to a net dividend of 6' i In respect of the financial year ending 30th September, IBM
      686 words
    • 455 20 TRACTORS MALAYSIA WORKSHOP/SERVICE MANAGER REQUIRED TRACTORS MALAYSIA Invite applica tions for Workshop/ Service Manager. This is an interesting and challenging position offering excellent opportunities for farther advancement. Applicants who should be Malaysian citizens and be willing to work in either East or West Malaysia, must possess several years experience in
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 208 21 RobmsmCs extend HEARTIEST CONGRATULATIONS to the HOTEL SAVOY on the occasion of their grand opening. Robinson's Carpet Dept. is proud to have supplied and laid the carpeting for the Restaurant and Staircase. CONGRATULATES HOTEL SAVOY ON THEIR OPENING TODAY Our Electro-steam laundry and dry cleaning facilities employ the most up-to-date.
      208 words
    • 536 21 AUSTIN PRINCEB A.ISB Excellent condition formerly used 1 by His Excellency, the Yang dlj Pertua Negara, Sabah. Black colour with fitted alr-condltloner Price I $4000/- or highest bidder Inspection during office hours at the Sabah Liaison Unit. Jalan Hose, Kuala Lumpur, telephone '< No ***** Extension 233. on 15th and
      536 words
    • 669 21 PUBLIC UTILITIES BOARD, SINGAPORE TENDERS ELECTRICITY DEPARTMENT: (Room 229. 2nd Floor. City Hall) j (a) Supply of 270 Pieces Group' ■B Street Lighting Lan- terns i Side Entry > Tender Deposit $100 Close at 215 p.m on 23.7.68. (b) Supply of 3 Units Electric Wire Rope Hoist. Tender Deposit $250
      669 words
    • 842 21 1 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS JAWATAN2 KOSONG KERAJAAN MALAYSIA I iTtnohunanz ada-lnh dl-pelawa darlpada Wai ga-n*«ari> Malaysia untok mengisl tawatana benkut:— 1 PKNOLONO HI'KKIIHI KAMIiRA i ßahagian III), Jabatan Parlt dan Taliayer. Kuala Lum- pur Jawatan lnl tetap. TANOOA •GAJI: $85 x 7.80-116/137 50x7.50I 187.50/212.50x7.50-280 di-tambah drngan Elaun Belanta Hldup dan iaui2
      842 words
    • 504 21 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS MALAYSIAN GOVERNMENT VACANCY IN SARAWAK No 3 68 Applications are invited from Malaysian Citizens for the following appointment In Sarawak POST: ASSESSOR In the Department of Inland rtevenue. SALARY SCALE: Division I. Scale A ($750 x 30 870 930 X 30 10S0 1085 I 35 1260 1300 X
      504 words
    • 72 21 I I BEST WISHES 1 TO f j HOTEL SAVOY ON THEIR OPENING TODAY J 2 I from I nflfl p r°g re s s v c r 111! CONSTRUCTIONCO lUU (INTERIOR DESIGNING) LUM SHUE KUAN A.I.P.D. 13, Rappa Terrace, Singapore 8. Telephone: *****. WE CONGRATULATE HOTEL SAVOY ON THEIR
      72 words

    • 311 22 ■y MANSOOR RAHMAN ABDUL Ghani, Malay sia's most celebrated postwar fooiballer, does not want to play for the national team anymore. "It will be a tough Job for me to keep up with the training and matches of the national tide," said Ghani, who
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    • 232 22  - Penang beaten under bomoh's spell OH KEETIANG -SUPPORTERS' CLAIM By 1)1 D someone engage a bomoh to mesmerise the Penang players into an 8-1 defeat by Selangor in the Malaysia Cup final at the Merdeka Stadium last Saturday? Many* Penang supporters who travelled to Kuala Lumpur for the match seem
      232 words
    • 66 22 Revenge for Emerson and Laver PARI.S. Mon. Roy Emerson and Rod Layer. both of Aus'.ialia. won the final i>{ HM men's doubles in the Piencii irnnus louinament here ye.-terday They beat fellow-countrymen Ken Rosewall and Fred Stolta 1-6, 3-6. 11-». 6-3. 6-2 monUi when the same two pairs
      66 words
    • 176 22 Leics all out for 43 I ONDON. MOaV Nor thimptomhtre >kntifd •mi Leicestt rsliire yesterday ior a mere 43 runs, the lowest total ol the cricktt Mi rahirt inilowed on and put up ;i second Inning.-, 180. Nurthampton.shlre then scored 16-1 In their second Innings. Thi< left them ni^t cmc
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    • 660 22 WEIGHTS for all •rvm races at Penanf on Saturday: (L. 3. DIV 3— F Sir Enofill 9.0« Sawadee 9.00 Spy II S.U 1 i|"-l 8.12 Predlelion II S.IK Kamehameha 8.07 Ming Dynasty a Froggie II 8.V5 Attractive Lad 8.«4 Headliner 8.M4 El CM 8.04 Rubber Estate II 5.03
      660 words
    • 403 22 THE Stipendiary Steward's report on the Pcnang races over the weekend: *4TI KDAV— KM t 1: V«ng C hu% prupi>ed v. lien klightly tightened after tlie .start M»rhaeha teturr.ed Ume in the off foreleg ■Ml 2: Kuharda could not be placed m hu suiting Mall and mn
      403 words
    • 139 22 Injured Skinner is out VETERAN International (< alkerper wlKred Skinner on" of three players dropp-d from the Football Association of Singapore squad of 25 fur the M'Tdeka tournanunt In Kuala Lumpur from Au?. 9 to 25 Skinner in reported to be suffering from a recurrence of si. old nrrlc injury.
      139 words
    • 49 22 TOKYO. Mon Football Association of Japan today self" led 17 players and three officials for the 11th Mrrdeka soccer tournament In Kuala Lumpur from Aug 9-25 The team incudes three members of the national team evpected to represent Japan in the Mexico Olympics— Reuter.
      Reuter  -  49 words
    • 51 22 Henry Qurncy School tocrrr teair. walked out in prulest Irn minutes after hxl( time in (hill- Uxlacca Div 2 match ■MUM Kubu United at B»nd«r Him yesterday. When rtferee Sh.<msuddin Tuah ordered left-hall Kamaruddtn to le*ve the Reid ihf «hole school team walked out. Kubu iMdutf
      51 words
    • 120 22 MEW YORK Mon Britithl* made Koid 01-40 CM swept to nciury m the M\-ln>jr endurante rice \v.itk:iis Oien yrsterday. taking the first two places in front < perimental ;et-po\»ered car The u.nnir.z Pord was driven by B. gun Jackie Ickx and Italian Luclan Bi-nchi. who
      120 words
    • 356 22  - Top 3 can't ride in 'local' races EPSOM JEEP By TOP local Jockeys Subian Dalwee, Mose* Lee and Luke Kang will not be allowed to ride in races confined to local Jockeys and apprentices for the rest of the season T lis decision was taken by tne MRA in order
      356 words
    • 35 22 Rugby I'mon offlcl.iii: Dr Toh ipresf r't rit G Heywoud. T. Winanr. Lug Khek Chef>». F Arulanand,.m J Boazley j y, A llrreira. VI I R Kirean Mice-preMdentfi. M \M Abb.i* >
      35 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 108 22 SOMETHING TRADITIONAL, SOMETHING NEW... Lee Wah Finance is a wholly owned subsidiary of the second oldest and most respected commercial bank in Singapore the Lee Wah Bank founded some 50 years ago by the late millionaire philanthropist, Mr. Eu Tong Sen. Like the parent company, the aim of Lee Wah
      108 words
    • 96 22 BDID J^J%. POWER SPRAYER Th. SOIO JUMOP i-d SCM.O PORT .f UNBIMAKABU KaTrj BmP AMAZINGLY LIGHT WL<f -X' COOWOSION-RISISTANT C^S P* fUT-Tt Junior 4lo Port 423 t««lur«t s fODuftl piston SlEtT^a |1 pump with a ■>!) Urgr Majfti *'»"»'< < j A l.ltlo snorgy oiv»» r ~T^3mM AFTtR SAI£S SERVICt
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  • Page 22 Miscellaneous
    • 185 22 ITULKTIdi bMbjolm s<.« i« Ko.. lurnado* v U. Armed lorcn, i li.inipiiinshipi l.inifat i lpoh Rd i Cobra vSg < Merdeka Stadium. 2 pm > B. m Imbi Rdi. New Star v GOLF Goodwill match: SIA iSentuh: TPCA v LightSemor Oolfers Capian.s team ißricklleldM Ipoh Diy. v Thai Ambassador.
      185 words

    • 222 23  -  ERNEST FRIDA By 10.3 RUN BEATS QUALIFYING MARK AND SETS RECORDS £ANAGASABAI Kunalan, the Singapore cnampion sprinter, yesterday booked his place in the team to the Mexico City Olympic Games in October with a sensational 10.3 sec run on the People's Association bitumen track. He beat the 100
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    • 364 23 Dope tests on the first six in some events at Mexico LAUSANNE, Mon. The first six athletes in certain events will i be subject to dope I tests in the 1968 i Olympic Oames at I Mexico City in October. The Medical Commission of 1 the International Olympic Committee announced
      Reuter  -  364 words
    • 155 23 NINETEEN Signals Regiment were sixth time lucky when they beat Ceylon Sports Club 3-1 In the Singapore Hockey Association senior knockout tournament final on the Padang yesterday. It was a splendid victory for Signals who. after making five previous appearances l;i the final made •UTf this
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    • 43 23 BUDAPEST. Mon. Judu Turoczy of Hungaiy set her second European record in t»o day* when she clocked 2.29 for the women* 200 metres individual medley during the Hungary-Britain swimming international here yesterday. On Saturday. Judlt act new 100 metres freattyle record of
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    • 65 23 SALISBURY. Mon -RhodeMan Prime Minister lan Smith d that two African atlilete.s will be in the 17-man team to represent Rhodesia at the Olympic Gumr.s In Mexico City. They arr Mathias Kanda. a 25 yr«r old Bulawiiyo factory worker, selected for the niarati. n. and Bernard Dzoma.
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    • 536 23 THE o*>mor Golfers Society of Malaya will Mage a goodwill match at the Royal Selangor Golf Club course today. In honour of 20 Thtl senior golfer* and three women. The match will be between th» SGSM Captain's temm and the Thai Ambassador's side. The men will play over the
      536 words
    • 74 23 Woman to light Olympic Torch MEXICO CITY. Mon—K., My nrat tint* in he hu O*"»«»» a xinun will make the Uat daah U,rouih The aUdlum aji4 li«l,t tM Olym P»e Torch With a flame brwicht from Mownt owSThur4l»r. t h Mtalein albTwrrh «M1 b« aoat iTtnbohc 1 Mi. tplrit of
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    • 172 23 More play sepak takraw now says Khir MORE people were now playlnK sepak takraw (sepak raga) and standards were Improving. Inche Mohamed Khlr Johart said In Penang on Sunday night. Spealclnß Al the «nnMai mr«t--ln« of the Pan-Malavslan Sepak Ran Association, or which he is preßident. Inch* Khlr expressed the
      172 words
    • 241 23 QNLY six of the 12 players invited by Badminton Association of Malaysia for centralised training in preparation for the international match against Thailand at Bangkok next mcnth reported for the first day's training at the Han Chiang High School Indoor Stadium In Penang yesterday The
      241 words
    • 55 23 8 Kulty N»li won thrM event* 20Om. 400 m and hWn to become champion ath.'ei* at the iVrak Medical Service! athletics meet held at Ipoh Orchid Yeoh. a nurw who wen the IOCm n-rt 2m m w«s the women < chamDion Sha pw»s al'o runntr-ui; !i.
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  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 146 23 ■PVL-^^Va^HHßf'fE l **^^^^^Kaß BaatiafMHflaflKlf* gggg^a* g^^^^^kv^gal Bgggggggggggggg«^s!ss5 e^ ;r *~^-s-- gggf >Ht<^l««igiggggi*a«ai Zl* •-t- ~<JJ k EL T^^LMggggggggggatelal fZ~I I '68 Cortina offers all you want in a car perI formance, economy, styling and comfort all HM this from only $1,300 deposit. Call into Univers- CT I al Cars Limited,
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  • Page 23 Miscellaneous
    • 168 23 t El< KET Mliiil HRAMH.K MHItID SajniMlf *«MY DIV: t (Terwdak bt UMCA by 6 wkU at T* RHtn 21 OfP 3 Ist Bn NZ butan: YMCA 44 (Marshall fr "UL?" 7i Pan, nil 46-3 ACS bi Police ITOH DIV. 1: PCADA 1 La by o wkU at Ipoh: Police
      168 words

  • 227 24 Burmese, Russian trade teams coming KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. Trade missions from Burma and Russia will arrive here this weekend to strengthen their trade ties with Malaysia. A Burmese Imltll >' spokesman said today that a flve-man team will arrive on Saturday for a three-day visit to Bell more agricultural products.
    227 words
  • 382 24 LONDON. Mon Secondrank Industrials recorded sub- Manila! gains and leading I.>-Mie.s j also showed gains ranging to a shilling or more Ollts quietened, but the firm undertone «a.s maintnlned. Turner and Newall was prominent with a good rise. Textiles and motor? were firm. Rank Organisation
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  • 36 24 NEW YORK. Mon A live bomb was found attached to the ooor of the French Government tourist office here early today, but police reached the scene before lt exploded to disarm the device
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  • 29 24 JAKARTA. Mon. Th« national secretariat of Asean opened It.s three-day meeting today with a message from Foreign Minister Mr. Adam Malik for closer co-operation among members. AP.
    AP  -  29 words
  • 39 24 TENGKU Abdul Rahman last week paid a visit to Yarrows Shipyard, Scotland, to see the frigate thai they are building for the Royal Malaysian Navy, He is shown here inspecting the frigate Hang Jebat.
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  • 296 24 England declare 329 runs ahead ONDON, Mon.— Ray Illingworth and Derek Underwood bowled England into a strong position as Australia collapsed for 222 all out, 55 minutes after lunch on the fourth day of the Third Test here today. This gave England a first innings lead of 187. and flve
    296 words
  • 74 24 TAM (.MING SEAH. .77. 15 7 M Ira. .iv one M»n. T.*n H*e rhuan l«« Jjuiht.r.. tv>o d»u*ht. r» in 1.-. 11 <ran<l-ehildmi. 2 k -r«*t craad-chiklrra. Cortrc* tmtm 41. Kock Kd rtKUdari 3 30 p.m. tATMAIIVAM tire* P*n»lon»r. :*.|>rrni4rm KHBBA. Es-Ckairmaa -hr ft Loan *o.i.ty. aged «2 »ay
    74 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 80 24 I 20 words $15 (minimwnj\ PROFESSIONAL ANSWER TO MODERN STEREO SHARP Built exclusively to meet the demands of discriminating professionals, this AM FM stereo tuner amplifier is highly versatile and combines advanced engineering with sophisticated styling, high quality.silicon transistors ensure long lasting top performance U^ir^nß a^^^ Powar Output: S:^SJI^L^H JOW
      80 words