The Straits Times, 10 July 1968

Total Pages: 22
1 22 The Straits Times
  • 27 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 175,000 The National Newspaper The Straits Times Estd. 1845 j WEDNESDAY, JULY 10, 1968 I 15 CENTS KDN. 3104 M.C. (P) 0014
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  • 377 1  -  PREM KUMAR Othman is 'key' man Fb7 KUALA I LUMPUR, Tuesday 1 THE fate of the six young men condemned to death for consorting with armed Indonesians during confrontation will be known in 48 hours. The Attorney General, Tan Sri Alxhil Kadir bin Vnsof, announced
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  • 394 1 A blank day at Bangkok as Filipinos stall for time DANGKOK, Tues. The Philippines put off today's talks with Malaysia on the claim to Sabah due to the "sudden illness"' of her chief deleßate. Mr. Gauttier Bisnar. Philippines spokeMnan Armando Manalo. MM that Mr Bi.snar was "not In good physical
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  • 186 1 Pompidou out in surprise move by De Gaulle DARIS, Tues. Mr. Maurice Couve de Murville will be named Prime Minister when Premier Georges Pompidou hands the resignation of his present Government to President De Gaulle tomorrow, well informed Government sources said here today. They discounted speculation that Dc Gaulle would
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  • 424 1 KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. THK Netherlands may increase its aid lo Malaysia in the next few yrars. the Dutch Foreign Minister. Dr. Joseph Luns. said after a brieang at the National Operations Room here today. This »as because his country had pledged to give one
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  • 60 1 TROON i Scotland i. Tue.v Tenxku Abdul Rahman played gull over the famous Troon championship course tin* morning. He was accompanied by till host, shipbuilding magnate Sir Eric Yarrow The new frigate Hai.t Jebat Is now being completed at Yarrow's shipyard In Ola now tor
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  • 24 1 FRANKFURT. Tues The fiisl heart transplant operation in the Communist world was performed today on a 50-year-old woman In Bratislava, Czechoslovakia—UPl.
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  • 195 1 HONG KONG. Tv««. 1 AN undisi loved number of Chines? soldiers were reported today to h.iw died in an ambush amid frexh ii-him between rival Kid (■v. ml luctiuns in Canton. The China Mail, quoting a traveller just returned after a two-week stay m
    Reuter  -  195 words
  • 131 1 JAKARTA, lues International police have arrested a former senior Indonesian bank official after a world-wide manhunt. Indonesian poli<r said md.i v A spokesman said that Tan TJonK II". i a former dirt i tor of the I ■<>iniii;ii Bank. »at pick'd up in
    AP  -  131 words
  • 64 1 BERNE. Tueiv— Swim police, today announced the arrest of an East German spy whoa* Job, they said, was to recruit a nuclear phyxiclM living In the The »py. arrested at Zurich airport on May 12. MM identified as Dr Helmut Bruno Anders. 40. Doctor ot Law
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  • 24 1 LONDON. Tues,. The next Commonwealth Prime Ministers' Conference on world affair-, will be held in London from Jan. 7 to 15— AP.
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  • 426 1 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. THK Railwaymen's Union of Malaya, Hie largest member <>r Cuepacs with 14,000 members, Ikis served the Railway Administration notice of its intention to strike en Sepl 1. It is the lirsi Coepacs affiliate to take this action since the emergency delegates' convention
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  • 34 1 STOP PRESS CRASH KILLS 10 BrIRl I Tue* Ai.ilhjd Airlines plan* n.t>hed near Dh.ihran killing It of 11 people aboard Ihe twin-engine pritp-llrr driven i>n\nr w.»«. on th.jrter hi Arshun American Oil O Ar
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 108 1 The Answer i^^^ TO ALL STYLESEEKERSI^dfIp PIUS "h m JtJL mi m.« IJudie NAHARACO.. f U^<^ II), North BridfC Road. l l Sinfaaer**.Tel:l2n*. this shirt is guaranteed Gtmnutlm ju PERMANENT PRESS A gilt-edged guarantee of highest quality and performance. It only cornet with Whitmont PP. whit* business shirts and it's
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    • 51 1 PRACTICAL GIFT for a New Home llltctric sr Bottcrv oprrotcd CHOOSE A FANCY WALL CLOCK Specioliiti sine* MF t4— 7o 119?). the sparkle in her eyes... She's a VITAPLUS girl lißti^haQDMLfßi V Jm i R m. LaC^^^ia^Bk. v >^i^Lfrfß L^kaW v I<B WSIF The Blackcurrant Juice with extra Vitamin C
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    • 109 2 Papa Doc's new Bahamas man is shot dead v\ns\| Bih.ini.iM. Tues. Haiti* new innsul to thf R:ih.un.t Ki.mii cf Abeee wag shut dead jesterd.ij, police reliortrd. A man with a revolver ■bet Mr Joseph Anotine Ixircc in the back in an .ipartnii-'it iim-cI us a restaurant. Ihr consul tied and
      Reuter  -  109 words
    • 39 2 iMHi i Turn. The I new socialist thai ant of its aims replac* the colonial name Ceylon with the ancient lndiKcnnu* name "Slnhalak. rht i > party la the sinhala Mabajana Pavshaya iMntfle people. s Party i Rcut«r.
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    • 166 2 VICTIMS IN SOUTH VIETNAM MILITIA POST VOMIT BLOOD SAIGON, Tuesday yiETCONG guerilla* sprayed gas on a South Vietnamese militia post about 50 miles north-west of Saigon last night, causing four soldiers to vomit blood. A military spokesman •said today that 11 had not yet been established what
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    • 44 2 SAIGON. Tues 1 f-irtei Nguyen Van Tlueu has replaced the Chief of Chau Doc Provlnc* Die 17th new chief he ha* named this year and he 1< reported reach to replace between 50 and 100 of the nations 243 dtetrtct chirf.v— A.P.
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    • 112 2 Dead— man behind 'winning weapon' LONDON. Tues. Sir Roy Dobson, British aviation pioneer who inspired the Lancaster bomber that Sir Winston Churchill called "the winning weapon" of World War 11, has died. He was 76. He started a.s a factory fitter and rose to become one of the most powerful
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    • 70 2 TOO TOUGH TO DIE EVEN AT 113. VAREZA DAL PALMA Brazil. Tues. Vicente Ferrelta Pinto. 113, wanted a bit of warmth. So he leaned against a machine In a power station and t 13.800-volt shock knocked him cold. The old man Is now reMing in hospital He has already survived
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    • 142 2 IKRI'SALtM. Tues.— Mrs. tJ Golds Melr, (above), I Israel's former Foreign Minister and Labour Minister, resigned yesterday as secretary-general of the newly-merged Labour Party. Her resignation overshadowed other political developments at an extra session of the Cabinet last night during which the Foreign
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    • 22 2 BANGKOK Tue«. Thai Gmrrnment force* raptured seven Oommunut guerilla* in north-TMtfrn Thailand lajt »n official announcement said today Reuter.
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    • 112 2 TORONTO Tuesday INTERNATIONAL Nickel Co. of Canada has negotiated a contract with Indonesia to develop a nickel producing facility on the Island of Sulawesi, It was announced here. Chairman Harry Wtnfate of Inc-o will go to Jakarta to sign the contract on July 27. Evaluation
      UPI  -  112 words
    • 88 2 PARIS. Tues American delegates to the Vietnam peace talks Mr Averell Harr:man and Mr. Cyrus Vance, have moved from a hot«i to rented houses Mr H-imnnii »n<' recently \iaitrd w UssY »ith Pre.-;dri! JohlMon returned to Paris »ith hu> wile prepared (or a
      Reuter  -  88 words
    • 199 2 Woman shoots doctor who told her: 'You're pregnant' TORONTO. Tues. A Canadian Chines* wenan who went to a nospital yesterday complaining of abdominal pains, shot a young doctor when he told her she was pregnant. Aa the 24-year-old serious-ly-wounded intern under, went emergency surgery lor removal of three bullets, the
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    • 128 2 HASTINGS (tntlandi. Tues.— An Indian surgeon described by his colleagues a» a Hrst class man kept his guilty secret for 13 years. But the General Medical Council disciplinary committee xave Dr. Samareswar Rtuttacharyya. 48, of Calcutta, a second chance and said his name
      Reuter  -  128 words
    • 334 3 SYDNEY, Tuesday. PSYCHOPATHIC gunman Wallace Mellish, who has held police at bay at Glenfield for eight days, surrendered today. He was taken to the mobile police headquarters at the scene. Mellish. 23. had held his 18-year-old wife and her baby son hostage in the
      Reuter  -  334 words
    • 82 3 30 hurt in fire aboard a train CYDMEX, Tucv— About 38 people were injured when two carriaces of a train exploded in a sheet of flame at Rooty Hill. B mtle> from Sydney today. An oxy-acetylene cylinder left near the track caused the blast. At least 40 people were trapped
      Reuter  -  82 words
    • 36 3 NEW DELHI. Tue;- Tlie Hindu M.i:. s:.iiidard reported today that the Boviet Umon would sell weapons to Pakistan despite Indian warning* that ■uch a deal would have serious runsequenrrs on Indu-Souet relation*
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    • 257 3 BLIRUT. Tu«»day EGYPTIAN lorces des- troyed five Israeli tanks and inflicted many casualties ou Israeli troops in an artillery duel across the Suez Canal yesterday, an Egyptian military spokesman said. His statement. oroaa:act by Cairo Radio last n.ght. said one Egyptian s< Idler
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    • 29 3 PARIS, Tues Polur uxiyy evicted rebellious studrnls who tixik over ih« new Faculty of Mfdir.iK morr than t >E« ;tt Mir height of the leltist nou— Reuter
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    • 80 3 Elena Penaloza, 24, a seamstress, who received a new heart in a fivehour operation on June 28 in Valparaiso. Chile, waves to Press cameramen in her hospital room. She is the only woman survivor of heart transplan* operations. Her heart came from a H2-year-old man.
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    • 208 3 MOSCOW, Tues.— President Nasser of Epypt held a new, and unexpected, round of talks with Soviet leaders yesterday in a country housf near Moscow. A statement by the So\.l news Jgfncy IMI de.scr.Qtd the talks us a •warm ana iiiendiy conversation" but
      Reuter  -  208 words
    • 148 3 I ONDON. lues. A dancing Instructor and an accomplice were charge yesterday with inrliiriiu two d.incine students— a <• a It h > -tin klin.krr and his misIMH before killing them Prosecutor John Matthew alleged that the two broke into the home of Michael
      Reuter  -  148 words
    • 58 3 2 infiltrators killed SEOUL Tues. South Korean army troops killed four N<»: Hi Korean armed infiltrators in t»n act mas at the western f:nnl 20 m:les north of Beoul early today, the army authorities reported They said l*u CummuiiLsU were killed at 430 am and two others at 6 53
      UPI  -  58 words
    • 170 3 Spain's top woman matador gored by bull lii A D R I D Tues. T Spain's top female oulliighter lay in hospital oadly gored today after a charging buil threw her from her horse. Attractive Antonita Linares was cantering past the enraged bull attempting to place spears only six inches
      Reuter  -  170 words
    • 30 3 TOKYO. Tue» India's Prune Minister. Mrs Indira Ouidhl will visit Japan at the end of October for an offlrial four-day vlalt. the Indian Embassy, said today.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 353 2 ADVERTISEMENT If youVe got a reputation for good business decisions, you can't afford not to read this. New merger creates giant computer group with a £200 million sales record in 70 countries International Computers Limited is operational today as a In many key areas of research International Computer* member of
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 157 3 U REE GIFTS; $10/- PURCHASE EXTRA 10a DISCOUNT t t ANNUAI STOCK CLEARANCE SALE M Cotton Pillowcases 'White) 50c Man's Sportshirts (Many Colours) 51. 90 ft Ladies' Blouses (Mi ny Colours) 51.90 V Blankets Singlesize (4 Colour,) $2.90 Baby Napkins (1 Doztn) 56.00 Q Men's, Ladies' Silk $3.90 Girls'
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    • 263 3 You must give ana lam. You will never succeed In life If you don't give and take The Malaysian Co-operative Insurance Society Ltd. urges you to give and take It s your own Insurance organisation You will become a Partowner of the Societv when you become a policvholder. You have
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 3720 4 r^BVBBIBBBBBBBBk THE GUTHRIE CORPORATION LIMITED 7 Review by the Chairman HJ Sir Eric Griffith-Jones, k.b.e., c.m.g. -A The civil war in Nigeria, normally have resulted »n greatly increased interest In the motor Industry and in the autumn and from this firm the worlds largest exporter of palm yields per acre
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  • 211 5 Singapore plans for 40-acre national aviary at Jurong SINGAPORE, Tues. iJ Singapore will have its fl;st national uviary at Jurong at the end of the year. ISJjr Is planned not only as an addition to the Industrial town's social and recreational attractions but al>o to draw tourists. The 40-acre aviary
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  • 405 5  -  RUDY BELTRAN DRIVER, ATTENDANT BOUND WITH WIRE, TAKEN INTO JUNGLE ON KUANTAN-KL ROAD By Kuaia Lumpur, Tues. pOUR n y robbers, one armed with a pistol, yesterday hijacked a Kuala Lum-pur-bound lorry loaded with 425 cartons of matches worth about $18,000 about 18 miles from Kuantan. The
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  • 179 5 KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. FHE three-month MCA membership drive sche- duled to be launched on Aug. 1. has be*>n put off to September. Announcing thii today, the chairman of the party 1 national committep (or the membership drive. Mr Lee San Choon. SaM that
    Bernama  -  179 words
  • 80 5 PMIP team to meet the Bishop of Penang PENANG, Tues. A 10--man delegation from the George Town division of the PMIP will call on the Bisnop of Penang. Mgr. Gregory Yong. on Thursday to ascertain the rules governing Christianendowed prop' il'J hkf something ■■'> m Bishop." I PMIP secretary. Inche
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  • 91 5 |(l ALA LI Mi'UR. Tues. The Indonesian (iovernment supnrrts lengku Abdul Kahmun's Idea of h tiding a <onfeience of Muslim countries. I his was stated today by the Minister of Lands and Mines. Dato Abdul Kalunan bin Ya'acub on his return after a goodwill visit to
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  • 68 5 LONDON iuis.- Mr. Walter Lonther Kemp. li.rmer head of the mercantile tirm ot Barker and Co.. Ltd. in Malaya until 1922. has died. a", the age of 97, Mr. Kemp, one of the oldest surviving ex-Malayans, was head of the company before it was bought
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  • 34 5 KOTA BHARf I v. Ihe i.l K'lani.iii lotfu three-day indusMiai. commercial and agricultural exhibition it the sultan Moha.idmm here The. exhibition U part of the eeMrattotM mark the Sultan's birthday.
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  • 54 5 KUALA I.LMPLK Tuca. Musicians Union oi M i hoid a bands SSMCM (or the Sek.mgor rcg:un at their ball on July 28 at Clnn«o<i Auditorium The winners mm the ili.impions of thr lixjh Md Penang region, tn the tinxU n thr Mime right, for the overall
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  • 31 5 KAJANU I II Bi.-ln.p Inn Sri I) Vriulargun uill nc« rxteiiilim of the Holy Family kinderiarten- at !.,...n Hill here on July 1" at 10 a m
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  • 23 5 PENANG Tue» Ong Soon IKee 19 vhs i.hlhv lined *250 lur poKiesMnK Indian hemp a< his home in Aboi> Sittee Lane
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  • 141 5 $15,000 worth of stolen goods recovered I^l ALA LIMPI R, Tues.. Sel.uiiiiir police have .seized more than Sl.'>.oou worth of stolen goods, irxludini; tele\itsion sets and jewellery, in a serie» of raids on canister hide-outs in the I'.ist three days They also detained 10 men belonging to two canes. >n
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  • 38 5 penang. i.... mm Wall. 36. v..'.s acquitted today on a charge of raping 14--year-old Rlr: at a hotel m Penang Street, on the meiit ot May 3. v. hen the prosecution withdrew the charge.
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  • 28 5 IPOH. Tuea.— A stenographer Ol .Kit 22. was cr lP«l vjueen at the jnnu.ii Mv- hrrr. M DlLillVa l 20 third. Mi>* V -lUtllAt.
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  • 183 5 KUCHINU. Tuesday WARRANT Officer Cheah Huat Chye. of the 3rd Malaysian Infantry Brigade, today pleaded guilty in a magistrate's court here to conveying, with intent to defraud the Government, duty-free liquor and cigarettes worth $1,011. The stipendiary magisMr K Chel< (jam pns'j> nied
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  • 25 5 KA.MI'XU lues A rjclisl Am bin ll. run .">U w.i.t kniicked down and killed by the south-bound rail- car near here jeaterdaj.
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  • 48 5 ALOR STAR Tuc- All xccuun'.ani v .s.uGrnl. Tetini- Xiii:. PldrM son uf Mr. Buant mp. ..:ni Utm Enui. Chuah Scan Time mif announced their engancnienl m London. Ml-.s Chuah. daughter ol Kedah net- Miller. Mr. Chuah Chontc Toong is with the Malaysian High ComniLv n
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  • 45 5 IPOH. Tue*. Senator Yeoh Kiai: Telfc. whose t.r office in the genale expires nex; month, will stne another five years ChHirni»r. of the Per a k branch of the MCA B Ycoh has seived i<m tmn» continuously in the Senate independence
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  • 156 5 Detained lawyer to be released soon? KUALA LUMPUR Tues— The former Socialist Front ML Mr. Karam Singh, ndp under detention fo R"u Gajah, is expecged to be releasal -...Hiiv. it was learnet today. Negotia'ion> are underway to <'») aln bia relesj|» through hi.s legal advisefi. In :-'-uc la underb" the
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 193 5 Join the ,^33, Camel Club &^*T We re the kind of men who won t put up with less than i is£ -•'"'TR^^bw. smooth, goodtastmg. satisfying smoking If that s the kind \k^* -> fiwV. of smokmp you re looking for you re our kind of man A j *f
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  • 335 6 Ong's call: Fall in line with the new look... SINGAPORE. Turn THE Minister <>| Kducalioo, Mr. Oog PaM Boon, last night urged the Adult Education Board to re-dined some of its activilit's and channel its resources to technical and industrial educalion. Speaking at the board's annual prize presentation ceremony at
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  • 257 6 SINGAPORE. Tuesday THE Federal Court of Appeal today set down its grounds for allowing the appeal of a firm. Seng Hin. against the Judgment of Justice Ambrose in the High Court awarding $2,369.90 to Arathoon Sons Ltd. as damages for breach of contract. The
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  • 116 6 SINGAPORE I lie- Changes in the Customs tarlt! -allectlng wßshmi: and bleaching preparation*, flashlight and battene*. and zip tasteners MM into force today The exist inn 20 per rent ad valorem Import duties on washing and bleaching preparations are extended to Include chloride of
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  • 60 6 SINGAPORE rues The Minister for Health Mi Chua Slan Chin, will be patron of a charity premiere of the film. > Half a Sixpence, to be held at the Catha> on July 24 Proceeds !n>m the premiere, organised by the Apex Club of Singapore, will be
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  • 159 6 SINGAPORE. Tues A High Court Judge today ruled as illegal the Joint trial and conviction by a Magistrates Court of three men on a charge of bookmaking Allowing their appeal. Mr inslow .set aMde their comtction and ordered separate retrial* for Saw Chiang Ouan alias
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  • 145 6 A health drive through the centres DINGAPORE, Tues. The links community centres have with people throughout the island are to be exploited to the full in the Governments "Be More Health Conscious" campaign. The People's Association is to devote its second biennial conference to plan strategy in the drive. Attending
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  • 34 6 SINGAPORE. Tues Dr. Ltm Kirn Slong Medical Olticer-In-Charge of the St Andrew's Mission Hospital. will give a talk to members of the Apex Club of Singapore at the Batik Inn tomorrow
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  • 169 6 TIMIAVS educational T\ on t hannel U a* follow*: flu a.m. Oeneral Science t "txperimentu With Electricity". K.3n N. 50 a.m. t ivies (Chlnewi Sec. I*2 liMiit Together" «.«5 S.'-'S a.m. Mathematics Sec. I—"<i*ometrjr And Life" 1.45—10.05 ».m. EnglUh 2nd Language Sec. I— "The People's Defence
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 60 6 STATION HOTEL KEPPEL ROAO SPORE-2 Tel: *****1-3 lines ALL ROOMS recently renovated with new furnitures and air-conditioners and Modern Facilities TARIFF: BED BREAKFAST:— Single: $20 Upwards. Oouble: $32/- to $36/-. THEATRE WORLD ASSOCIATION j "THE PROFESSOR" 6... P.. y in Taw JSj— JJ T T* Naughty But Fyn s.t j
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    • 91 6 IIIIIIKJIIIIIIIIIIIICJIIIIIIMIIIICIIIIIIIIMIIIC) n.n.u.nki-, Jol.^".^ Todo, Only J t 7 J0 m""" LADY KILLER' pi.. GOOO WIFI" G Stor j Co'"'-vese itornng Chan PcH Cho 1.41, 4. 7 *JO „m. "A Raty Naraliw" !G Star iic]iiiiiiiiiiii{]iiiiiiiiiiiit]iiiiiiiiiiiic]iiui lSm i io 1 io 700 ft MMaV Sidney Poitiar Rod Ste.ger "IN TMI MIAT
      91 words
    • 181 6 I f 1 O|»i us Tomorrow OUTLAWS HUNT M INDIAN SCALPS .^k i FOR BOUNTY! w/ WT t 4 miix LANLASTER "IHI-SIAIPHUHTEIB-cS" m mm SNEUEY TEUV OKIE T Wiwnm lauaias Davis l B-^a-i a^H Hl^k A Jr^aUd^lll^H »!!"s^l OEVL.Af\JCi BIIMGAPORE ■ta TEL *****8 »O^T PRESENTS Exciting c. Sensational Attractions THE
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    • 430 6 Kmiaili'LU-iBIB last oay; 11 am, 1 30. 4 00, 6 30 L 9 30 pm "COMMANDO ASSAULT" Wolli Oovnto Erk«i Siltolo OPENS TOMORROW Columbw. "TME RI6HT TO IE tORN" A FILM IN BLACK AND WHITF AND Cf'K p LL3iH-B T \tHM LAST DAY' I 30. 4, 6 45 t 30
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  • 325 7  - Lively debate likely on S'pore jobs Bill CHIA POTEIK By Singapore, Tuet ■JHE Employment Bill the most controversial measure the Government has proposed since its clean sweep in the general election is due for a lively debate when it comes up for a second reading in Parliament tomorrow. Despite Mr.
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  • 132 7 NEW KI NG OF THE BEASTS SINGAPORE, Tues. The kins of the beasts is not the Hon. but the lifer a cross between a lion and a tiger according to Mr Vir.ouiir.iii .i kar. proprietor of the .ii a Royal Circus of India. He said today: "The liger is
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  • 212 7 PENANG. Tuesday PUSHPAK training air- cralt on loan to the P. nang Flying Club li Mill being used here afttT certain modifications were made. The president ot the club. Mr. O. M. Davidson. .•>a;d today the modification had tjeen carried out in accordance
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  • 224 7 'Co-operation the basis of Malaysia's political beliefs' KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. DEGIONAL and international co-operation form the basis of Malaysia's political beliefs, the Deputy Prime Minister. Tun Abdul Ra -ak said here today This was pan. i dut to Malaysia's own history and her mmwav p ulon between the two great
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  • 64 7 SINGAPORE lues An unidentified Sim MCtd about 38. died in the Genera) Homu'sl early today seven houi: ti he was involved in an accidrnt with a taxi at 'ne lunrtiun nf S^.esie and Middle Roads Hr had nu u!i tritiratmn p.iiwrs nn him Relatives and eye-vutnehws are
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  • 18 7 KLUANO. Tue*. The aecundary EnglLMi School here will hold it* annual suerch day on Thursday.
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  • 174 7 King-sized stamps of Brunei sold out in a day BRUNEI TOWN, Tues. Brunei's new 2.2 by 1.5" stamps issued today and meant to last at least three months were all sold out within three hours this morning. The stamps commemorate the installation of Pengiran Temenggong. the younger brother of Sultan
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  • 30 7 rELOK ANSON. Tue». The Wf&ley MPtliudust School uili hold a food and fun fair on July 26 and 27 in of its building fund
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 284 7 The best in asbestos I united cement building a sbestos CeMENT materials in Malaysia AnHiW L 'J ht »e'B h t. corrugated roof.nj theeti of proven repu. 0ih»a«0Iu The sheet Wlth the bu' 1 1 "renjth for domestic HIUUA "«'on- ideal for rural and urban houiinj-cul construct- uUDfirUIX >"<* mdustnal
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous

  • 225 8 A GUIDED TOUR FOR WIVINIA THE GUIDE SINGAPORE, Tues. 0 A tourist agent and guide on a guided tour that's pretty 23 year old Miss Wivinia David, who arrived In Singapore last night with eight other Filipino travel agents for a two-day visit. Miss David, of Continental Tours In Manila,
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  • 74 8 SINGAPORE. Tues Internationally famed Irish stage performer. Max Adrian will Elve a one-nlglit one-man performance of -George Bernard Sha» at the Victoria Theatre at 845 pm on July 26 A prominent member of the Royal Shakespeare and Natlon■l Theatre Companies In London. Mr. Adrian was
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  • 365 8 Cathay's secret plans to reach for the sky SINGAPORE. Tues. One of Singapore's oldest cinemas, the Cathay, will make way for the expansion of the hotel above It. However, plans for converting the cinema portion Cathay building into an Impressive hotel foyer, convention hall, rooms for small parties and more
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  • 533 8 SINGAPORE. Turn. A OIRL, Chia Choy Yoke, 15, told a preliminary inquiry today that she and her elder sister had seen a family friend, Chong Slew Yin. carve the words "I must kill you before I die" on a table throe l~ht v><"ore
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  • 70 8 SINGAPORE. Tues A three-day exhibition of Japanese flower arrangement will be held soon In aid of the National Defence Fund The Singapore Sogetsu Assort t ion has decided to donate ihi- entire proceeds Irom Its anii'.al exhibition on July 28 27 and 28 U) the Fund
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  • 32 8 SINGAPORE. Tues Mr. V Popov, the general manager of Singapore <Pools> Ltd. which runs Toto. will be the speaker at the luncheon meetmc of the Rotary Club of Singapore tomorrow
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  • 27 8 SINGAPORE. Tu«s Tha pupils, staff and tuckshop vendors of the Cambridge primary school have donated 11.045 to the National Defence Pund through the Straits Times.
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  • 430 8 Cement shortage: Top level probe now on SINGAPORE, Tuesday. J^ TOP-LEVEL Finance Ministry inquiry is now being carried out into complaints by local builders regarding a cement shortage in Singapore. Several officials contacted today were reluctant to talk about the matter, except to say thai a "close watch" was being
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  • 312 8 $100 award for top language student Ramli SINGAPORE. Tues— A student of Parry Secondary School. Kamli bin Mohamad, was today named the top candidate in the National Language paper in last yr«r's Cambridge examinations His results won him the SIM National Language Esso award for this category. The second $70
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  • 43 8 SINGAPORE Tue«. Tim Minister for Culture. Mr. Jell Yeun Thont;. mill open »n e«hlbuion of 78 painting! by patntar Gordon Crag at the National Library tomorrow evening The exhibition will lnohlda wmi-ahv.ra. VTOM and four paintings showing Craig* experiment*] moods
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 569 8 I've got one lighter made out of two Victorian pennies. It's never worked. I've got another that cost $1. That went for a week. I've got three Oriental jobs that only need a little servicing— which I can't get I've got a lighter with a wick like a pyjama cord
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 54 8 Kirk Tr—w <k*mt+ r H»mUt t^l^s^^ l^^^r^l j^*\. T^l f \yQ&^ i- im rt V.L La^^^B^^^K.4 i. MH 9O Ja^t^F W Li'l \bm*r *"P p At ill /r r MOW yCl DQGPAT CH-uGM.'-- BELLES GOES PSST'- /F yr> /S TH* lll J W XAtW > 2^^ U^ B ON^RTK FINISJuNE.
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  • 1518 9  - Chemical warfare on Vietnam's jungles Irving S. Bengelsdorf 'HE FACTS AND THE DANGERS TO COME bj (Lot Angelas Tim«s Science Editor) FOR the first time in the history of warfare, one nation has committed itself to massive spraying of another country with chemicals that either destroy food crops or damage
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 81 9 m^ ROTH MANS Mm HLTfcP ,PPED True Tobacco Satisfaction Cet Cambridge with the amazing R lO Filter -v Cambridge Filter. Blended from hand -selected Virginia tobaccos; imported fresh from the world's most famous tobacco growing centres. Rich. Rewarding. Cambridge. >r 1 rh«n«wßK>Fni«f .s«.pf.»»iyd»».gn d with the amazing new R 10
      81 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 481 10 Whatever negreMl there may be about Britains decision to withdraw militaniy from the Malaysia-Singa-pore region by the end of 1971, it must be conceded that the British are being generous in the matter of aid to soften the economic effects of the projected pull-out. The assistance
      481 words
    • 292 10 Can the demands of urban renewal be reconciled with the preservation of some of Singapore's historic sites .md buildings? This is a '>n which some of our rs have had a fairly lively exchange of views. i.lthouK^ no generally acoesead conclusion appears to have emerged.
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    • 223 10 Diacuaaions between Mal,i> si.iti and Indian oftii lals. held m the wake of Mrs. Indira Gandhi s official visit to Kuala Lumpur in May, have disclosed an MM ■Beet* pd \vt;ilth of opportunities for developing economic relations between the two lountiies. The assumption that the poor cannol
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  • Letters
    • 247 10 WITH reference to Mr. TT K. Randall's letter (B.T. June 27 1 on the Ma'ayong. It reminds me of the tremendous potential this country has in the way of natural tourist attractions. li is these that should be developed and- not modern night-clubs and buildings.
      247 words
    • 72 10 IVSPUIING my view that Malay Is not nor* foreign to Bhlntaro's tongue than i.s English. "Cltljen" <BT. July 9> argues that English. a.s an international la:.RUngr "wands normal coming from the l'.ps it an>one European. An-.' man. African or v Normal Mr. Citizen' Normal even on
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    • 154 10 Ii'HILE the Housing and Development Board It a wonderful job tackling the housing problem in Singapore, some ot their conditions for eligibility for their fiats are rather strict. For example I have only one child and therefore we have only three members
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    • 143 10 riWE "leaning" block of I tiatj, In Ganges Avenue referred to by Mr. Tan Wai Choo »8T June 29) was completed by trie Singapore Improvement Trust In 1»51. The faulty foundation was observed before its completion and was rectified by the SIT Our building rlepartmont
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    • 119 10 YOUR report on July 1 1 "Pay Rlse.s for Drinks Firm Employees" .Mated that our new agreement with the National Union of Drinks Manufacturing Industry Workers Union provides for an Increase in gratuity from one week's salary for one year's service to one month. This 1.--
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    • 127 10 •'Cm UP" *rote on the F subject of "Vandals in Phone Booths" iS.T. June 15' along Jalan Ipoh and Jalan Sentul. This problem of vandalism is receiving »cry serious consideration by the Telecoms Department and we seek the co-ope-ration and assistance of the general public in reporting promptly
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    • 64 10 I REFER to the com plaint The Long Walk" by "Parent" iS.T. June IS i. Invefc l '.;<a'..oii> are being carried out on the siting of a bus stop at Farrer Road entrance of the farrer Primary School. The result of these Investigations will be submitted to the Omnibus Services
      64 words
    • 66 10 EXASPERATED' WM right to complain of the noise of planes (ST. June 29i. Surely something can be done to minimise. If not. eliminate, the shattering noise. Worst affected is the KatonK area. Many well-to-do people hrvp moved away to avoid this nuisance But what about the workers and the ordinary
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  • 1534 10  -  CHANCHAL SARKAR In Nagpur, India, riots broke out recently and were branded communal. In this article a noted Indian journalist examines the 'happening' which, he concludes, was in the classical pattern of riots anywhere, when facts are ignored and canards exploited by CALCUTTA
    1,534 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 57 10 Fine Electric Instruments World Famous Amplifiers From nota to not*, from octav» to octave, tonal quality is unparallrlrd in Clarity mm 4 m»mm*c*. Du.l Showman $3250.00 Stwwmaa-IS $2375.00 T»i» »«»erfc $1735.00 Baaum* $1500.00 Baadmaftar $1465.00 Super R..trb $14*5.00 Pro R,»,rb $1395.00 Da lvi* R«rafft 935.00 (Ca*h discount allowed) T. M.
      57 words
    • 106 10 WIN UP TO $500,000 JBUL JIjTiJI coupons METROTEX For every purchaser of $12.50 worth of merchandise will get a Metrotex voucher worth $2/-. These vouchers can be exchanged tor 4 tables of Coto Coupons or tor goods worth $2 at METROTEX Hurry— with this special Toto offer and 'with a
      106 words

  • 349 11 I KUALA LUMPUR. Tuh. MMA tells antigraft agency; We cannot act ourselves 'J'HE Malayan Medical Association today appealed to the Anti-Corruption Agency to prosecute doctors who issued false sick certificates. The president, Dr. J.B.A. Peter, said that the association could not take any action against these doctors
    Bernama  -  349 words
  • 552 11  - S'pore Govt turns down mini-sub gift offer CHEONG YIP SENG By SINGAPORE, Tues. A baby submarine for the defence of the Republic? This unique offer to SinK a p o r e s fledgling navy has been made by businessman and Grand Prix racer Mr. Richard Won* Wai Hong. 34.
    552 words
  • 62 11 KUAI A I.UMPUR Tue» The president of Kaum Ibu. Tan Bri r".. imal> Haahun will opan on Thursday a 10-day wnrluhop *t the South-eMt Asia Preu Centre here for editor* .>t women's n.igr... 1:1 the Pre«. television and r..rtn The workshop »"H' be attended by Biore than
    62 words
  • 74 11 Woman in 1 1 -storey fall CIM.APOKE. Tues. A J Chinese woman, aged about 30. fill to her death today from thr 11th fluor of a block of Housing Board flats in Kempas Road. The woman, who «.is clad In light yellow !>am-foo dotted with brown flowerk had no identification
    74 words
  • 83 11 UUALA LUMPUR. Tues. Tun Tan Siew Sin said today that he welcomed any support for sterling. The Minister oj Finance was commenting on a Lonoon report that $6 (,00 million nad been oilcred by the Central Banks 01 ta»United States Canada. Japan and Western
    83 words
  • 48 11 PARIT BL'N'IAK lv«. T'.<" vuuth< n> i.l 'hfni »rm«l v :'h ,t putol. held up a cashier. Mr. Chmc Ah l.ik. al a petrol i.. n here Ihjh night and rob" tx'd mm of 8600 and a watch. They eacaped uo a motor-cycle.
    48 words
  • 114 11 KIANTAN, Tue*. Is there a proper border hetuecn Parian* and Johore? The question was raised today in the Pahane State Assembly by lnche Zainuddin bin Ha.ji Ahmad II I I i Kuantam during the debate on a supplriiKTit.ii-. Bill seeking J7fi1.11.) out of the
    114 words
  • 98 11 Man shot dead was an active gangster ALOR STAR, Tv a. Po- lice »«».d loday that an armed man shot dead in the Maiay^ian-Thal border jungle yesterday was a member of a gang which had takvn part in a aeries of recent rebbertts. It is oelieved that the gang was
    98 words
  • 26 11 MALACCA. T'ir A bimtimimin. Chimg Beng. 68. died at thr Ml hrre ye»terday foUovtag imurips suataoird In a mo-.or accident earlier id the day
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  • 205 11 FILIPINOS URGED TO MAKE GOVT DROP This SABAH CLAIM i I/UALA LUMPUR, Tues.— The Demo- craiic Action Party I today called on ail I sane, thinking and ciear-minded Filipinos to band together and build up public pressure to make their Government to drop it* Sabah claim. The Philippines could then
    205 words
  • 72 11 IPOH. Tuf>. Sit IMMM escaped yesterday from the Sllibin Boy«, Home hen Polite nn thrir names as 1 1« n« Kone Menc 1">. of Suntei Sipul. Brh Lat f.nj i oi Pokok |8M New Village. Taiping. Subrjmanum. 14 nf hampong Srnti^.i. Petalin^ Jaja Wnne
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 52 11 Fashions W^-^ go wild Ie /j^ j gay, and \^^^L 1 Colours W^^ glow like W the rainbow I Mt^l^MW^ Sol smiles \fi^^^^ J^k down from v)]W m deep blue %l skies, flfa^jk Join the girls and have loads of- -in July's exciting issue of The national women's magazine ON
      52 words
    • 194 11 Teachers Parents prepare >t>ur children for the Standard 5 exams.i Use the RAX _^MMteiw ABC I ■^^■gi^K _J _b I I ¥i *m 5^ PROGRESSIVE ASSESSMENT TESTS tompWU cowarag' of tylUbui _B -3S T— r At total quick revision practK* on hundrad* o( questions to *.'fffj^> prcpar* satisfactorily to m««t
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 771 11 TV MALAYSIA Koala lutriiur ana Pfnmj I g35 Wild CMfo 7 Vtvt In Channel 5; Ipoh and Malarra I w.ww lu h 7:0 K"ment»r: t;. Johore Bahru 3 and Hi 735 Th' Samurai The Soy I Taipini I: Ratu I'ahal l| and Extu i< n 8 BMH in M.w.rUKluanc nn
      771 words

  • 1169 12 'DEFENCE OF DIMINISHED RESPONSIBILITY BASED PRIMARILY ON EXPERT EVIDENCE BY DR. WONG' 1 SINGAPORE. Tuesday COUNSEL for Freddy Tan Seng Keng, 27, on trial for murder, submitted today that the accused had committed manslaughter and not murder when he killed millionaire's son Gene Koh,
    1,169 words
  • 268 12 Shattered windscreen caused death, court is told KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. An engineer, John Flower, told the High Court here today about the shock he had whm the windscreen of his car suddenly shattered while he was driving home one night. As a result he pulled In lo the left of
    268 words
  • 58 12 Armsa meeting next month KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. The third g. n> the Asian Regional M dents Association i A association n in the Asian and A regions. \wl tv- h, Faculty of Mraicn c. I ol Mal*\ 8o far. seven k a I eluding Singapore. 1! 3 Israel. Aa<l n<i
    58 words
  • 50 12 PENANG Tues 1 i, Tengku Habsah. wife of the Oovernor of P ing the leper .settlement at V Jereiak next s.itur She mV al*o prr&nr inche A7i? Ibrah:m 8 branch eh > mj. layan I^-pr ft tion. a cheque fcr B.tlS to help finance the
    50 words
  • 173 12 PENANG. Tuesday TWO detectives last night arrested one of nuie men suspected of having raped three pretty barftirls at Tanjone Bunijah last week He Mi walking toward* a waiting m -,t near th» Hotel International m Penang Road wl detectives chv-p'l In. On seeing the
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 78 12 ASIA MOTOR CO LTD.- SINGAPORE are pleased to announce that new stocks of 204 404 are now available Please feel free to test drive one today! introducing OF PROVEN INTERNATIONAL RALLY FAME WITH 10 MAJOR IMPROVEMENTS HAVE A GO WITH A PEUGEOT TEST DRIVE A 41W TO-DAYI Mis** d&ffisßK^^^H BUS**-
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 46 12 Bugs Bunny By Ralph Hcimdahl HEY, ELAAfiO, GOrT) I'M TOO B-SV TO V AAAINUTE? J j LISTEN TO VOC« ft ft~?/~7 scwewy ideas-/ fjl C NOJ scwaaa:^/ VOU Hi^TO^ [i~T /'GIMME AVELL\ BE AWM WITH W^ I IP ANY &-YERS 1 THAT WASCAL! \\\E£/ \SWOW UPT\y
      46 words

  • 285 13 HE PAID A COOL 50 GUINEAS FOR THIS VERY SPECIAL SUIT LONDON, Tuesday pUZZLED passersby weren't quite sure if ne was coming or going when 23-year-old Barry Cary. arm-in-arm with a girl, took his new suit for an airing. Fashion, It's true, has tended to take backward
    285 words
  • 147 13 HASHINGTON. Tue*. UKKSIDKM Johnson is |)l innin; to fly to the Pa'-ilii' area soon to iiinliT with President Nguyen Van Thieu of South Vietnam, diplomatic sources said yesterday. The two Presidents are expected to meet in Honolulu in about two weeks. Xhu precise
    Reuter  -  147 words
  • 345 13 Rich nations offer US$2,000m to back over 10 years LONDON. Tuesday i T*HE worlds richest nations have offered to back sterling with a US$2,OOO million credit over the next 10 years, it was announced here. The. news immediately sent the ailing currency zooming to 2.389 -its highest level for nearly
    Reuter  -  345 words
  • 120 13 Thompson art collection to be left in 'home museum' IWEW YORK. Tues. A l nephew of mussing Thai "Silk King" Jim Thompson said today hi* uncle's UBss million art collection would be preserved in his Bangkok home as a museum. Mr Henry Thompson 3rd a New York necuriUM dealer, mid
    120 words
  • 98 13 MARIES OLD LACE TRICK LONDON, lues. There are days when a girl likes a little pnv.i cv even when *he is walking in the street. S.i). Marie Mosedale. a 2t)->ear-»nd secretary of olve rhampton. has draped her spectacles with lace curtains. As generations of housewives have found, the charm of
    Mirrorpic  -  98 words
  • 218 13 SHOTGUN WOMAN SURRENDERS TO POLICE HAMILTON (New Zealand), Tues. Mrs. Pripo Dass. 32, surrendered to police early today after kteping 20 armed policemen at bay for 20 hours with a doublebarrelled shotgun in her house. Mb. Da-s.-i came out of her house at Ngaruawahia, 7i n.iJe.s south of Auckland with
    Reuter; UPI  -  218 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 69 13 Advertisement To Beautify Your Neck To maintain a beautiful smooth neck massage In a film of rich vitalizing night cream before retiring, using a gentle upward and outward movement. As you sleep the vitalizing Ulan night cream will carry on the task of beautifying the neck, overcoming any tendency to
      69 words
    • 241 13 Come to the U.S.A. the Northwest way. b^^^ ''^■B Lam Vfl^l i mF *f j?1B BEX JgfaWaaßav F^m f "pI We give you the best of both worlds. Our hostesses bring you the colorful charm of the Ota* ~IZZZ~^Z^ZZZ^T the lively spirit ot America. So whether your home is Singapore
      241 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 216 13 Straits Times Crossword acbohs ing ining 9t M angel MeNab ur-et J"^ ££ii mum. at *n U, 00. W-J sjn >p ti to wrtU Wi^- Mas". rr S^!i ,«> Sort of bridge for aale' 7i i SlT.lmr U^^-i 4) rwi M» 16 Rude flag la mad* by aofcllart >. Maaaure
      216 words

    • 212 14 FNC Bank promotes five staff FIRST National City Bank recently announced the promotions of five of its local staff to new appointments. They are Messrs. Wan Hock Seng, Peter Lee Khye Kirn, Lim Teng Ho, Jimmy Scow and Chow Cheong Kang. Mr Wan Joined the oank In 1950 as a
      212 words
    • 69 14 INCHE Abdullah bin Panda* Ibrahim a Production Executive of Malayan Tobacco Co.. Hew to Ennland la.-.t week to attend a management .training MM Inche Abdullah »ill spend a month In the BritWi-American Tobacco Co. Training Establishment at Chelwood. after which he will spend a further period
      69 words
    • 240 14 A MEMBER ot the International Executive Service Corps, who has just completed a six months assignment in Malaysia, has predicted a bright future for the polyethylene packaging ln- dustry here. He is Mr. R. C. BchMy. I a former executive and I packaging specialist
      240 words
    • 204 14 Two new executives appointed by Bata rE Malayan Bala Company. Klang. recently announced the appointment of two more Mi'.'ayi-lans to executive positions In Its Accounts and Personnel Departments Inche Jasmin bin Ahmad Joined the organisation in Singapore In 1949 as a clerk in the Bales Department and was placed In
      204 words
    • 329 14 90 per cent of output is geared for export WITH more than 90 per cent of its output geared to exports, the Hong Kong Dyeing and Weaving (Si Ltd. can certainly claim prick- of place among the few export -orientated linns in Singapore. Established hardly a year ago, the company
      329 words
    • 142 14 New Caltex North area manager MR. Michael Tan Joon Hock. 37. who was until rrcrntly terminal Superintendent in Tanjonr. IVniuri, Singapore, is now promoted to taltr\ North Malaya Area M .111.1.1 r ii.i«ni in Penui. With this promotion. Mr. Tan is in charge of Caltex .1. tiMiifv in the northern
      142 words
    • 85 14 Good progress AN liido-Amrilran enterprise. Bharat Steel Tubes Lid.. New Delhi has reported excellent progress In the three veari of Its existence The company Is today me leading exporter In tin Indlao tube Industry With as much a* 28 per cr-' of Its output exported annual the company's markets include
      85 words
    • 145 14 A PREDICTION that the alliance between governments and business will become stronger and more closely knit throughout the world In an attempt to .solve Increasing problems was made this week by Mr. Harold S. Geneen, Chairman and President of International Telephone and Telegraph <ITT> Corporation. He
      145 words
    • 167 14 rO local resident executives of Mobil Oil Malaya Srndiriuu Berhad recently left for overseas training assignments. Dr. Khoo Yeow Kok. Statistical Analysis and Programming Manager, left for Japan and New York, and Mr. Panl G. Per a 1 1 a Jr., Supply
      167 words
    • 53 14 Mr. K. C. Tal. the Bangui sound system technician of Wo Kee Hong Ltd. left Singapore last week for Japan on a familiarisation tour. During hit month's stay In Japan Mr. Tal will visit the Sansul factory and study the latest developments of the Bansul amplifier
      53 words
    • 251 14 PEIPINO Store Ltd.. an old established Importer, exporter and dealer of arts and crafts, curios and rosewood furniture, have been expanding their business. The company has founded a new company-Singa-pore Handicrafts Centre to manufacture locally Ming style rosewood furniture for export and local consumption. Mr. K.
      251 words
    • 64 14 West's Piling i Malaysia i Ltd. announce that they have recently been awarded a nlnemonth piling contract by the Singapore Housing and Development Board for the installation of 2 50.000 tons of piling on various sites In Singapore The sites are located at Toa Payoh. Kallang Basin. Tlonf
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 504 14 'Maxitherm' PACKAGE BOILER (A PRODUCT OF MATHIESON WATERS PTY. LTD. AUSTRALIA) svMg^g^i JflgFl^tsW. 1 v s^H «m» v ~^v SH|flH|^^^v Fully automatic and manual operation SAFE: DEPENDABLE: ECONOMICAL Used and proven in factories and hospitals throughout Malaysia. FOLIN" «S Brothers Limited 1 CIVIL MtCMANICAL. ELICTRICAI.MANUMCTIWHS Lot 16, Section 14, Jalan
      504 words
    • 196 14 I IK "*M I It may not have a charming smile but it can listen to you 24 hours around the clock. Very often, when one is alone (and because one is alone), your secretary. She listens to all you have recorded for the right words come spontaneously, the solution
      196 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 1027 15 10 LIVERPOOL tNO OTHER U > CONTINENTAL »»RIS DiJ!?p?r« sans 9 y^Atv P#rtai»| MyIMIOON intfl 0.5 i. G as|c«.. n *art My 12 inly 11,11 My 11 INCHISES Avonr^uih till II My IS/U 'ROTESIUUS I "PgOl 1.1 l '1 My 14 lINEtS :<#rpool. Belfast.... My tl 1.1 l II
      1,027 words
    • 1041 15 I^^^EZ^^^^^ESLm^ljl I t>w E A b//yws_| ■MM THE EAST ASIATIC COMPANY Ltd. IncorporaMXl <n OtMrnaark MJMjfl EXPRESS SAILINGS TO OENOA/NORTN CONTINENT SCHNOIIIAVI* P Sham Penans Spore Genoa Rdam H'burg Aartius C'hMM POONA i) liiy 21 aMyI72IMI Ml I S.|t 1 Stpiil lt»t 14 HUH IAfJM BJ momiasa ii An BMJ
      1,041 words
    • 759 15 tIPttSS StBVICE TD LONDON. lIVEHPOOI I CONTINENTAL POITS iENRINNES for Mm g« "•^f 4Svu nM as for London Mf a tLnnnun nottt-iitm »tpt n niiocie P. S^a" 1 Pt"in| Namtwr| Silt if iiy 14 11 21 11 My 24 24 S -liio-i p S^arf Ptnpni ENVRACKIE Lonoon Marf»»t|
      759 words
    • 616 15 w KLAVENESS LIN6 VljK l« ANCEIES «N -RANCISCO ISITIU. VANCOUVia tlst acceaixi earn Itr Ctrtrtl t St.l» menu Smtapf* o-na-| S'nam Dua I. AP|t>tt ■bT~e=eß3 P?3 ss •tall) i'pniav'Mkfici'ti •*m«« kwtt.t w» t p; ill infill 6 1 MctUina t CB. ITB, Til: Sufiiwi *****1,9. Pemt ***** •HSLO-AMERICAN COBPN.
      616 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 923 16 VI 1 "jtAWASAKI KISEN KAISHA LTD. Western Australia Singapore; Japan Service Bel|i» Mara" 'sl'lil* n'liti 'll m'"" 2* Ja'tJ' ll'lJiy Waal Africa Singapore Japan Servlee) TsL.-sfi.aia Mar." Sailel 27/ M Italy S An An Ntrway Mam 1/ 1 An 21 21 A.| T Seal H Scat Japan /South efc Wast
      923 words
    • 868 16 AUSTRALIA/NEW ZEALAND SERVICE INDIA. PAKISTAN AND FAR EAST SERVICES Fir f rtaaatla. Alela.le. Sr«»rr HtltMnt Tt: Maarat a>< Natapattitaa Penani P. S ham S'aore > S por. P. Sham Peiun| I«MORA 14 Julf IS/11 1.1, 1; II l.r, RAJULA Ii Part II J.I) IT J.I, >«, ka. iru.. m***. |j»StS
      868 words
    • 808 16 f»OM CUCUTTt Tt fICaitNTIt MUROURWt. iitHH. "ITRTI «f ORItU" UPVIIMI 111*1 FROM CJU.CUTU T« MCUIDt, MtLIOURNt, STDWCT. •'VIIIW* VIIWTI" l/l.a| W»m FROM IOHI»T TO J«»«N fpRTS. " of 3Sr n/n m n/>* t* ■JUTI OF »SS«M 11/U «a» l«/l» M FROM C«ICUTT« TO J«P»N PORTS s«aßr mmmm f»OM tusTiuu to
      808 words
      575 words

  • 33 17 RUBBER AND TIN CLOSING PRICES July 9. R( Kill K PRICK: 54, rents lup a quarter of a rent). TIN PRICE 5555 5» (down 25 cents* hstinuled offering 225 tons (down 5 tons).
    33 words
  • 216 17 MELBOURNE. lues INDUSTRIALS «ere Orm «ilb 1 tome ouutanding galiu iegl«l«red. Prestige made 42 cenia at $175 on reported expected takeover otter Hiitish Tobacco gained 15 Imi at $3.80 and Mver closed eight cents higher at Jo 32 alter touching 50.44. IDF and Pefc*
    216 words
  • 121 17 I-Ht A» H ,atian .1 .„>, m Mi11,,,. |,njjp,t| lUU IMH cQai. M o is ila rulca to ui*rCQ4flta >«.-!> ro*y mil mica to *10u Unilta tutat: Uuvlo« TT Jit. *lf man uu a n v at. a I/it, irmil i. uu. 33 o S trade bill*. Canada:
    121 words
  • 383 17 THE Strait.s tin price yesterday fell 25 cents to $555.50 per picul In Penang on an ottering estimated down 5 tons to 225 tons. In London on Monday afternoon the future's buyers price fell £3 a ton. The local loss left 10 support
    383 words
  • 236 17 JBU Aral trade nibbrr f«.». buT'r« rkvaed al i p m In Sinfaporr anal Kuala I unpnr >r%irnla« at MM renU prr It).. 'op a quarter of a rent on \|.,nil n 1 lupine Irvrl. Tbe tone wa* ajuiel. but slraaiy. R.A.S. and M.R.E. Ntn t
    236 words
  • 77 17 CMiNlst P'aout« liMianit. IMilMa n»tn »ntai Ht ■Maat MMaW Caaanut i.ulk atM »il» aalStn IMMI Mixtd If no 1 HH»> Jail/ MMJ IK Continrnt M nw MuniuK -nil. SI IU BMMB. Baiau4K »bilr »lo;» acllrr* apteMl mnw*M nlack $77, M iKn ..rfwl L*m«in« M»i-k S«T« »«ll»ra oil j
    77 words
  • 29 17 'l Hm< ki,M !•■>■•*« 'ha U.». Oallar >■«. BaMM >' 1 1 i I I T Sltflinf oai quotad at 14 M taa] 4M4> taal 4)f faM #4 818.
    29 words
  • 1081 17 rj 3(^1^X0] I Bj 3 I IBM 'THE Stock Exchange continued its present buoyant trend yesterday with another a newly listed counterACMA. There will be another listing tomorrow for Malayan Flour, but no delayed dealings will be allowed in this particular issue. Despite this a
    1,081 words
  • 65 17 '■'""-a a lT'i J i I**"™ 1» I Kiaa V Waalarn n«.rth»k. HarlMMa Mala mb l"ritr Ra>n> Hon«. M.r. i <;andaria. r> ■•nwua. Krl rnai. KinaM mar,, a iMaiada* a»4 POUT IWITTINHAM Wharf Ilixm BMtJ Ova Taday r Ortaaa. v..» Tamarraw m R»vat I In in. Raad<
    65 words
  • 225 17 M^ggr -A,«^ iT or^ IN THE SINCAPORI AMD KUALA LUMPUR TRADINO INDUSTRIALS Barnaa Barhad .Hi <mi. Bauilaa* i■) i-r.i-.. C. luiar -n'.,. CC M. IS mm Dunla* laajaa ia l a Hani mi rntai Ft H *r*M. uintn I. Marpar ai. I H Malaysia I kaMal Imparial
    225 words
  • 685 17 |}l Sl\t*!« IN \M» REPORTED TO THF SIN«,%poRI AM» KIALA I i Ml I K m:\iiim. ROOMS OF THE STOt K XX( HAVI.f I-I I I ■> WITH! Tilt \l MBI K UF THF SHAKES IK \IH ll IN XX M kl l> INDUSTRIALS *CM« (I.OOU. I? *S
    685 words
  • 30 17 STOCK INDICES Jill? H. Juh S. Industrial. lk'S.lg Inl I'ruprrtiea: i:j.«j IJ».<» Tln»: ;g.« 7g.ta t I ruhh»l. In r 4 I hi > <« t Dec. J». IM-! IM. •UfrJUKI inn.
    30 words
  • 263 17 PRICII OFFICIALLY LIATIO AT THI t Al MA 1 14 LKiina* B*rkad :\<4 <■ MUf.rr. 4 CCM 1 1 C. M HoMWg* 4«> I'lOlOC 144 Kill Smfll r Wl A I 2.4« 4i ».u2 K»..u dth 1 rmnun* >.m> F N. 4 44 (•oodooni Pirn -i i
    263 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 995 17 JAWATAN2 KOSONG KERAJAAN MALAYSIA Permobonait] ada-lah di-prlawa danpada Waisn MsfSM Mvlay- 'Bahagian Ii yang benkut di-J.ilx.un PerUSUaUi, Kemententin Pi-rtaman dan Sharikat Keriaaaim^ (1) AHLI >\IN> I\N\H ,Boil MsstMa) Mill k Mill MKOIIAV ißotanist.<> 3 AHI.I KIMIA ffhunfcatS) AHI.I K\ll>.H:\N(.<.\ Pr It) AHI.I KAJI PKN\\Kir Tl MBOH AN plant Pan ■<ni
      995 words
    • 387 17 In The Mailer Of Ihr (umpanir-. Act. 19k'7 AND In Ike kaMfcl <>' PAKKALEE COMPANY LIMITED In MrmiM-i. \alunlau; Minding I pi NoIICK tiereby gnen Uiat a, Pkaal Meetum ol Shaieholden of I Pakkalee Company Limited ilnl Members' Voluntary Winding UP' «11l be held al the Liquidator's' office at MT-B
      387 words

  • 57 18 %4R HCNDROFF AND FAMILY, friends for •vreaths. slf ta. assistance for Xh% funeral of hla beloved HUSBAND OF late Mr... Ng Honl T-nd« for their assist..Man, donationa and attendance during h.% recent bereavement. •..nd of the late I>n. lor iMrs.i Manila lUmnbotham «lshe« to thank all (nendi for their
    57 words
  • 50 18 r..w.t away T.»\ leaving behind :lr Tan Hta* N-.0, ion» Knc. Patrick, Andrew, daunhttr Uorls, »on-ln-I»» rroh Brng BhH. daughter-in-law, Kdilh sooo, dau(htrr-ln-law to ho Pauline I to. and blur grandchildren. Cortege lama 17, A!da Streft 11.7.88, 4.U0 I. :n for Ol.l'S, Church, Slglap, inrn'ce to Bldadart. No wreathi.
    50 words
  • 55 18 IN DEVOTED and tvrrkA'iac M.inory of my mother, Bridml WtWl B-Hiric. Ch.lvanaUi»n im.o died i i»imi M. IN LOVING MEMORY Mr«. MlinCl Ij.crfi.K Mi rull» <lei)«rte<l 10th J il> li-^'- »t S<rr:ntut we thill «ltli«rl«hfd I I children, crand-children. rtliiiui and frlendi. .rt (or her In im iniirch
    55 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 517 18 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ANNIVERSARIES. ANNOUNCEMENTS. BIRTHS. CLUB ACTIVITIES, CONDOLENCES, DEATHS. ENCASEMENTS, FUNERALS, GREETINGS, IN MEMORIAM, MARRIAGES, MISSING, PERSONAL, P.P.C, REQUIEMS I REUNIONS. Rate: Minimum $15/- fir 70 words, each additional mi 75 ct$. All Other Classified Advertisements: Minimum $6/- for 15 words, eacli additional word 40 CMts. Straits Times Box service charge
      517 words
    • 662 18 OVERSEAS LEAVE HASTINCS. Fully furnished cen- trslly healed three bedroom plus ussthouse to rrnt January March and s. i Tim., r IBM onwards. Shaw 2 HrooK I Koad, I'enang. RELIGIOUS ANNOUNCEMENTS PENTECOSTAL CONVENTION July 11 14. Nightly 7 p.m. St. Tbomai School. S pore 12. Praya for sick. Rev. special
      662 words
    • 789 18 I-atln at Kngland O.C.E. O' Level standard for hoy during two months nollday from Mtt July. Please write 41, Anderson Itoad, Sport 10. BOOK-KEEPER who ran write up full set of books Independently. Must have fair know ledge ol Chinese. Apply to O.P.O. Bos »43. S pore Wltb full particulars
      789 words
    • 780 18 TIVI reuuir.d in expand the saica force of a progressive International I'uiniMiiv Mlnal a compact range of r.iiion i« offered to the successful l>pllc>nt. who will be in charge or his ari-a enlirrly responsible lor the Introduction, demonstration and promotion or them- products to tstablished mid prospective accounts The applicant
      780 words
    • 1037 18 FULLY FURNISHED PLAT 3 bodrooms, large lounge dtntngroom, bath- b rooms attached parquet, mo*alc floora. I back-garden servant 'a quarter*, car- porch. Sport 11. Telephone 6*428, a Spor* d St. LIMBONC KAPAL, AMt »t»J (near Catbay Cinema) ltt roomed two storey Bouae tor not. Ample parkin* space, and garden. Suitable
      1,037 words
    • 863 18 IE RANGOON CARDIN: iit-tacbrd uncalow on 10.S74 tq. ft. at .VI. (KK) SrmMwlnl Hill: Single lorry limn hous- on 1.512 tq. ft. t SIS. 000/-. Fuyonf buti: SemlMirhM bungalow on 2.800 aq. ft at L'.I.CfcO/- furnished. Grantr Maniton' b bedroom flat at $30,000/-. David l 'hoi Eoni, Valutra Knate -j
      863 words
    • 527 18 j TOURS AND EXCURSIONS LAOV GUIDES SOCIAL ISCORT .vaOfMi for ngbtaeelng. abopplng, o»llnK. movlet. dam-ing. Contact .Ion City 7<i4 llountbatten Road 8 pore >l 41)3573. MALAYA t Day! Tour $7S/- 6/8, 3 '8. Cameron Highlanda 7 Dajri »»3/i/g. 4 Days. 6 olcbta »60/- 15/7. Ill, 29/7. iiilcv Travel 2«R O*I«T
      527 words
    • 103 18 I TV/RADIO SALES fc SERVICE TILIVItlON tlRVIC.f Day/NUbt •iwclallat any brand. RM*ooab]« cbarfti (S port) *****4. TV repair! Moderate cJ arfta. T»l: (Sport) 48M*«. 8469WI. RIOIFFUtlON TILEVI1I0N RENTAL! H.P. CAL'H. Complctr r»ns« to iu>t cverToa* Sbowroama. Cltmenccau Am, Joo Chut Ro*4. Timin J ironi RIDIFFUtlON REPAIH1 ANY MAK1 OF TV.
      103 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 1831 19 B(M Br*^aWm^ Ij I J ft^BßSßß^T^B^am^aP^^^l^B^^y-^^^ss^^^^at^BS^es! BwuMnmin. MmncutEs. mhouhcem[nis ihths club ttiiviiits, cwoouncts. maims, eiukwiits. Foitfuu. cttnwss, a hehmiiii. missmc. nnmi t.n, kiukms t ieuiions. Ml: Mitiam 5)5/- In 20 wsrls. eici idlitiMJl wri IScts. ■tiMsmts: Mm.ii fsr 15 writ, net sMtMsal nti 41 tetU Stnib Turn In nrtiM
      1,831 words
    • 743 19 3RD ANNIVERSARY Fret Gift Salt. tat nchool hag 12 Item* houaehoK alrdrycr, b/»havcr, or t radio, h ret or f\rry purchaie of radiogram* tfrigeratora. w machines, atrcondl Mom. ttleviiiont. Kaat Cowt TV tafrigrration Co.. 378, but Coa< toad. 8 port *****9. MISCELLANEOUS ■ouk Spare j47«». WOBLU Wltlt PIN PAL* >LBU>
      743 words
    • 731 19 THE MUTUAL LIFE AND CITIZENS' ASSURANCE CO. LTD. hereby gives one month's notlc of its Intention to issue a SFECIAI 1 POLICY ln place of the followln i policy, declared to be lost o I destroyed I NM-62-***** HILLS; C.K. THE PORT OF SINGAPORE AUTHORITY MINI-CAR TRANSPORT SERVICE Applications are
      731 words
    • 551 19 I PUBLIC APPOINTMENTb HOUSING DEVELOPMENT BOARD SINGAPORE Applications are invited from c I Singapore Citizens: APTOINTMENT: FINANCIAL ASSISTANT on Initial 3 years contract AGE: Preferably 30 to 27 years. DUTIES: U> To liaise with other departments and Statutory Bodies on matters relating to statistical data research and s computer applications.
      551 words
    • 354 19 NOTICE LEMBAGA LETRIK NEGARA TANAH MELAYU INTERRUPTION OF ELECTRICITY SCPPLY All consumer* as below an hereoy Informed that Electricity Supply will be lnternipted betweef 12 noon and 6.0P p:n. on 12U July 1968. In orrier to enabli Lembaga Letrik Negara to can j out essentui work on Extrk Hlgr I
      354 words
    • 111 19 TENDER r— J.K.R. NEGERI SEMBRAN KENYATAAN TAWARAN SAMULA. Tawaran2 akan dl-terima dai.- f: pada Pejubat Jurult-ra Kei a i Kuala Pllah dl-Kual.i Pil pada Pemborong2 yanp t > dalam JKR dalam Kelah D H „|dan EX sahingga puk tengah harl 15.7.68 Unto,, bena dan Menylaplcan sa-bans Rumah Kelas 'H' men
      111 words

    • 297 20  -  ERNEST FRIDA By SINGAPORE and Joint Services will continue to play in the HMS Malaya Cup despite the recent call by Inche Othman Wok, the Minister for Social Affairs, that Singapore sports associations should stop playing in Malaysian inter-state competitions. Louis Lee. secretary of the Singapore
      297 words
    • 215 20  - Demand and a pledge by Naidu LAN PEREIRA By riOOU hockry players can be made, but the very good players have in make themselves, the Malaysian Hotkey I eder a 1 1 on squad for the Olympic (iames ha\e been told by their coach. Venky N .inlu of India. Spr.iking
      215 words
    • 18 20 MANII A Wed The IWIIIIi A.sun badminton championablni will be In Id hrr<- n.wt Peb 3-15.
      18 words
    • 298 20  -  TONY FRANCIS By MORE than 60 cyclists will face the starter when the Malaysian Cyclists Federation hold their first road race trial tomorrow for the Mexico Olympic Games In October. Th<> race w.U start at the I 7. milestone Batu Caves at 6.30 am and
      298 words
    • 89 20 L'MIRIES ri>:j: nn L'6T h.tve been received tat tho Uachaaapiaav itmps .in Aug 5-iz sudium ■asm Theie are 71 en;ne» tor the ™ns s.nplev cnnipriting eight each from Sel.ingni M Perak. Nf(r;i sscmbilan and Penan* seven c.c n from P..--hang. Sarawak and Kedah. ux from Malacca and
      89 words
    • 53 20 fVATO Harun bin 17 Haji Idris. president of the F.A. of Selangor. giving a "pep-talk 1 to the Mate squad during a training session at Cheras Road. Kuala Lumpur. S 0 1 a ng o r meet Penan^ in the Malaysia Cud Final at Mcrdeka
      53 words
    • 66 20 Oreg de Silva Si'igapcre «:11 referee 'he Borneo Cup »occer nutche* between Brunei. Sdb.ih and Sai.iu. It be«uuiing IMWIM Brunei Town. Pengu-jn Idrtss bin Pengif.iti Shahbandar the Brunei PA. secretary »aid de Silvas services were made available thanks to a free return ticket presented by
      66 words
    • 34 20 Rahmah Ha.shlm a Taiplnf telephone operator, received th« be.»t performance award for «ini.iag four ever.t.- 100 m. 200 m. 80m hurdles and longJump at the Peiak Telecoma athletics championships held at Taininr
      34 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 988 20 MiiSiiiSi^Miiiiiim^SM OMPAMKS INDKK THE GENERAL MANAGEMENT Of HI SSKS. <>>H()KM t\li I ft xi-l-l 1 SDN.. IPOH. TIN ORE OITPITS FOR THE QIAKTKR ENDED 30TH JINK 1968. PlCUll Chenderiang Tin Drirnlglns Limited 1,581 Gopeng Consolidated Limited 1 and It' subsidiaries 12.292 Hongkong Tin Limited 2.029 luns Hydraulic Tin 1 Limited
      988 words
    • 741 20 I PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE Application* are Invited from suitably qualified candidates below 40 years of age Tor the following A. Lecturer in Horticulture Qualification*: Candidates must po.v,pss at least a degree In Agricultural Science from a recognised University. Preference will be given to those who In 1 addition:
      741 words
    • 92 20 RUSTON-BUCYRUS CRAWLER MOUNTED EXCAVATOR A MASTERPIECE IN ENGINEERING World famous Ruston-Bucyrus ruggedness and reliability go into the 38-RBplus these important extras: Full aircontrol for simplified maintenance and minimum operator fatigue: increases man hours. Alternative of water or air-cooled Diesel units, or electric motor. Extensive front end attachment range includes Shovels.
      92 words
  • Page 20 Miscellaneous
    • 361 20 ..wpffaaa Me,,, mraSrjrgL double, round: a on K and Ah N B bt Lee Chee Ym "US »nrt r bt tomall Kaliman Lee H.>n« Lim 15-1 15-7 L 0« and R ,him Kadir 15-4. 15-5; K<v Wah and Na Chi>r Yaii ht SLPS 1 u'' d OfIjT IM T n
      361 words
    • 76 20 m.r> ichoota championth.jM I Stadium. 3 pm Joh, ra cor.tuigent mci J. li.i.uu Deputi. BADMINTON Spore junu.i champion-slujis iSBA IKKKtV 1 Div. ko: I FP B v lOtli Bn KMR <padangi. 1.. Perak Di\. 1: I Horley v SAAS iT Ansoni SOCCER hM Bill Dtv. 1: MSA V Hotel SingaUiv.
      76 words

    • 420 21 Century of Tests for Cowdrey T ONDON. Tues.— Colin Cowdrey, the England captain, will be playing his lOOth Test match when he turns out against Australia at Edgbaston on Thursday. He has already played In more Tests than anyone else in cricket history, the nearest being Godfrey Evans, who appeared
      Reuter  -  420 words
    • 212 21  -  FRANCIS BOEY By •JHAILAND will send a swimming and waterpolo contingent of 18 for the Singapore Pesta Sukan meet next month. They will Join the Philippines, Indonesia. Malaysia and Singapore in a flve-nation contest. The swimming events will be held at the Chinese Swimming
      212 words
    • 107 21 NEW I If I 3 MALAYM 3 NEW Life had to survive a second-half blitz by Malay B.C to win thl? wcond round rlaxh in the Ipoh Football Lmrue Dlv 1 at Stadium Perak yesterday. New Lite looked home and dr. jrlth a 3-0 lead. KOiing through
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    • 77 21 I BONO (HIM BEONO. the Malaysun weightlifter at present In Australia, has qualified for 'he Olympic Oames at Mexico Cit} in October. In a letter to Tunrsport. the Auiuralian Amateur WeighUlft'.ng Federation said mlddlei.favy»e^iii Leung lifted a total of M<l-lb lp January The qualifying standard Is »«4.
      77 words
    • 823 21 VOONG YIN FAH of Royal MiliUry College and Lee Moh Kwan of Methodist Girls School, Kuala Lumpur, won the best performances awards in the Selangor schools athletic championships which ended at Merdoka Stadium yesterday. I Yin Fah won the award for boys for his
      823 words
    • 265 21  -  FRANCIS BOEY By DATRICIA Chan and Tan Ttiuan Heng failed in their first trials to beat the Mexico Olympic Games qualifying standards at the Singapore Chinese Swimming Club championships yesterday. Patricia, without opposition, clocked a slow 1:13.5 in the 100 m butterfly. The
      265 words
    • 24 21 LOS ANOELES. Tues—Mexican srimmfi Guillersno tohe\urnu bruke the world l.&OOm record «hen wlnnmt in 16 28 1 at the Santa Clara meet.
      24 words
    • 115 21 DUKIT BENDEKA did a full 6f trial at Penang yesterday morning, running well over the last 31 in 42 1/bsec, reports EPSOM JEEP. The going was soft after rain ana it was still drizzling when the horses came out for work. Dendroblum was given a sprint
      115 words
    • 595 21 r |""HE Stipendiary Steward's report on the Bukit Tlmah races over the weekend: SATURDAY R*CE t: Charming Bean and Kfxmoor were aim to begai l'a> l>a». despite vigorous riding by 8 Urn. could not stretch out freely nr I followed the Acid at a dlstan c RACK t:
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 56 21 HurfV LIBERAL CASH DISCOUNT q^ Beater Minor Grinder Safety Grinder Senior Grinder Stendard SINGAPORE/PG. $17.00 $10.50 9.50 8.50 WEST MALAYSIA $19.75 $12.25 $11.25 $9.75 The BIG name in small appliances SM/04SI MOULINEX DEMONSTRATION MOULINEX appliances are easy to use. See the demonstration «t> CX TANfi ORCHARD ROAD. UNTIL He I
      56 words
    • 299 21 YV*WV^^ a^a^^^^^^e^a^a^aHla^af *a/i</ in every clinic A Medicine is no longer a secret science. Here, fix every I fc^ss iamiiy, every hone, every office, every clinic, and an tnose K^H interested in medical facts, is a unique volume containing \m^^ 7 tne dearest and most helpful medical information for the
      299 words

  • 500 22  -  GILBERT WOODEN Husband accused of murder of daughter By I: SEREMBAN, Tues A SOLDIER'S wiltMrs. I'luiline Margaret E 1 izal) c t h Cooper, today refused to test'if v against her husband, Sapper A.. 1 Cooper, 24, charged with Ihe r murder of their three-year-old daughter, Tracey.
    500 words
  • 99 22 rNGKO Abdul Kith Sir f.ric Yarrow, head of the Yarruu Shipyard in Cla-Kovt, on Mmiil n after he had inspected tin- frigate KD Hang Jebat now being fitted out for the Royal Malaysian Navy The Prime Minister *aid Malaysia might order a second, and perhaps
    99 words
  • 34 22 WEST BERLIN. Tues Knut Hahnemann, a 27-year-old foirrer policeman, has been sentenced to 30 month* hard labour on charges of having had treasonable relations with the East German state MCUrttjr service.
    34 words
  • 33 22 BANGKOK Tues. Tina Sinatra, daughter cf singer Frank Sliiaua. was arrested briefly with 15 members o* a European television crew foi tempting to film inside a Budah--I*l temple without permksion UPI.
    UPI  -  33 words
  • 48 22 HONG KONG. Tues The Governor of Hong Kong. Sir David Trench, today commuted the death sentences of four Chinese men found guilty of murder to 12 yean In prison The four were found guilty of having murdered a friend after an argument about money.
    48 words
  • 31 22 JAKARTA. Tues. Indonesian security forces have captured 2S Communists and a large arms cache In a major month-long sweep through the capital, the army announced here today.
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  • 26 22 LONDON Tues— Britain haa l&sued a pas&port to Alan Wlnnlngton. 57. Communist correspondent who has roamed the world stateless since the Korean w«r_AP
    26 words
  • 38 22 MRS. CHCLLIAH of Mr. C. Chrlliah. «x-Matiun BaaMr, )i •on pao.-d a«ay piM.oully. Le»\.n< nrhlnd brlovtd hu<hand. non. da ighti-ra, •on-lnla*. dauKhtera-m-law and crandchildrrn. <~cr:r£e for »r»mation. S3 Tanjonn KamunlnK P.oad. Port Dlckaon. I p.m. on I*.T.M.
    38 words
  • 324 22 LONDON. Tues.— British funds featured Initially touay. but with demand tailing off towards the close et>&ed to around overnight levels War loan »3s ■>, higher at one stage, but closed lower at 4b 1 Equities were mixed with strong stores a feature Gusslea closed 1
    324 words
  • 67 22 LONDON. Turn Spot l»Hd Auk IU3 16d. Sept 19', d.. Oct 19 5 16d.. Oct Dec 19\d Jan/ Marrh 19 7 16d April Ju m 19f> 18d, July Sept 1911 l«d, Oil Dec 19 13 16d Jan Marrh 19 15 16d April June -'0d July Sepl 20 3 18d
    67 words
  • 31 22 LONDON. Tues— Buyers £1300 l2». neller* £1301 (—£3 l. Forward buyers £1314 < C 2' > sellers £1315 <—£Ji Settlement £1303' 3 Turnover a.m. 255 tons, p.m. 110 ton.v Tone: Barely Heady
    31 words
  • 538 22 Lee: We may have to crawl unless... SINGAPORE. Tv«« jyjH. LEE KUAN YEW mid Laky thai the people would find tlicmst'lvi's down on their knees if they did not have the capacity for sell-disc ipline and sustained effort to pull the nation through Hie difficult yean ahead. "Once down, we
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  • Page 22 Advertisements