The Straits Times, 24 May 1968

Total Pages: 22
1 22 The Straits Times
  • 26 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 150.000 The Notional Hewspaprjr The Straits times I- Oil 1845 FRIDAY. MAY 24, 1968 15 CENTS KDN. 3104 M.C (P) 0014
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  • 151 1 Moscow: Razak visit will help to 'beef up' ties MOSCOW. Thurs Xl SSI.W Press commentator said yesterday that the soviet In ion w:is now <>iic «>l Malaysia's "niosl reliable partners in trade." In a commentary distributed by the Russian news agency Vasili Kharkov said the interests of the countries wi
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  • 208 1 No other way: Tengku Another 'joint defence' call KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday TENGKU Abdul Rahman again appealed today to Singapore for closer co-opera-tion "because we cannot consider the defence of Singapore and Malaysia separately—anything that happens to one country will affect the other." The I'riinr Minister \\;is speakiiift a Her Hit
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  • 13 1 Heavy (>•'. hour;rettel to th«" (i:oiij' louttaol Queensland lei now to Rruter.
    Reuter  -  13 words
  • 234 1 Missing youth find ends a three- year 'murder' hunt 1 ondon. Thun Police today closed thick file on an Enn1i s h teenager who vanished three years ago and was feared ;l murder victim Al.u; Wliit.ley. r.nw li. has been (ound serving V I'll a British army unit In Hong
    AP  -  234 words
  • 48 1 BANGKOK Thun KukiHt Ruenfith. 22. a BiiUsli-'ratnrd Khool \-a(lifi. pleaded not tsuilty here yesterday to a rharue Ol murdering ■■< bMUtlful Danish model Dorrtl Vanhnven Ho hn- Ik'i 11 hpld sin- hn nude tvifiy was [OUI 1 January on a road north ol Banukok Renter
    Reuter  -  48 words
  • 41 1 IOKYO. Thun A (amllyM7e rarbn^c- turnace, which will hum oven wot \ri:rtable Hash :<nc [lati remalni with little ■inokr M >mcll. will Iv pul OH the market here itMUtl) Price of the kern>.cnf furnace: 1300— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  41 words
  • 338 1 LEE SEES HEATH, HOME FOR TALKS LONDON. Tliiiis<l;i\ UK. LXX Xl AN I.W iiHiferml with C>|»imi .sili(tii (.(»nsrr\ ;ili\ c l\irlv li^mlits Umhiv Ik'lOic f(oing lo l>iickiii^li:iiii ralati' for a pn \;ilc UlldieiU'C willi Oiiccii llli/.;il)clh. Mr Lee called on Sir Alec Douglas-Home, former Prime Minister and now Opposition spokesman
    Reuter  -  338 words
  • 41 1 HANCiKOK. Thlim Tl v. ill have I !"n -.'V »H( i tltuth n i>\ June in. i he sj.. .ikn ttawce Bunyakbf n< aid the <on litutlun. 18 eai ii i he iiiiir.nn; «.i--101 the Kiiil- alurr
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  • 32 1 KAMPALA TllUI". and Oiiitia oprni i^'k^ ri»v. with mntbrc v arnin from I'lesidem Obote lhat th*j would have to '.ho\< irtal fle\it.iliiv to re.-toie pract to their war-torn iouum
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  • 27 1 MBXKX) city Thun a nailed louth cii Nogai* lerdaj when .i dirvoi tngtne knockMl 'he From behuxl One w;:^ Killed anil 33 injiiie«i l 1
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  • 133 1 'Notorious swindler' held in Taipeh rpAIPCH. Huns r,,!,,.X here i<i<i.i\ .iiiiioiim ni ihr arresl M .1 aaaa aYM1 illrd a> "lllr Illtisl 1111Inrioiis for uei -s\« iiullrr' wauled in l>i actn .ill\ rvrrj \ iitlinlrx under dillriclil ii.inirs. I'ltliri iilenliliiil the 111. 111 .is M.iniiel I Mm. ■ho had
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  • 25 1 CAIIK) l!ii:: TJw lAH announ 1 hai vouM hold rUiiu'ii> between June IS and .iml' i <<> reontai ii> 11 ole oil 1 I
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  • 121 1 LIZ SHOWS OFF HER MILLION DOLLAR RING FMLM si.,r /.theth I ,i> lur masks .1 siini' uilh the help ol hi 1 new iiiillion dollar rinK an •■mcralil tut di.« Illnlld .111 UK h liiiik l'\ int h v nlr H.inkrU h> sum Her stones Ihr hucr 3:;
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  • 87 1 PAR 18. Thar J':«ris poliri today warned thej might be compelled t<> nu, ordert n Uxv were continually c.iiiM <mt to <ie;il wit Ji -iriker.v c imminii(|iic issued after inretinjj <>t the Inier[ederal Union ol lh< roller Prefecture Unions said thp unions hoppd the Ooveniment arouM
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  • 354 1 Vietcong shell Saigon: 9 dead SAIGON. Thursday YIKT(.'ON<i Kiierilliis shelled Silicon und sevei*al |M'c»vinri;il nipiliils vuv\\ Umluv killing ;il lc;isl nine people iind injuring '2-*. A South Vietnamese s|Mikt sm:in s.iid I'oiif ii\ili;ms wciv killeil and live |M>liremeii wounded when ;i p<iliec ski I ion here \\;is ;illai'ked sliorlh after
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  • 76 1 Worst two weeks of the war > \K .o\ I inn \m< in in form l<ivi I in drad In tin a w«nl fortaiichl "f Ihe \letn.ini w 1 1 i 1 R in ilit.t m ftpokrsman ».iid Hie Iron k .in lii-i >!'' lasi week, •nl) 13 fewer
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  • 29 1 LB| WARNS HANOI WASHINGTON. TRin. Prenldeat Johnsna Uday warned Hanoi. he said was pmagsre«*lnn dcpitneKotiatlons. Thr i Statr* "will not he feated on the while the^e talk*
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 37 1 Rings of Quality N^EF Beauty G. C. DE SUVA BROS.) MANUFACTURING JEWELLERS. 3. Roffles Place, Singapore 1. TEL: *****. BeinTimewitha SEIKO BELL-MATIC Just preset the required time and the Bellmatic will remind you with its automatic alarm.
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    • 92 1 Dbermsrin R,C,'l,,rJ Tro^r Mark 1/ why Wa >S cleaning I f Let trie w NATIONAL In tests, the MC-85D proved superior It d< i high suction power, clean embeddeci dirt from carpeting, sucked up cigarette butts without jamming the nozzle and will not dump pick' litter back out of the
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    • 298 2 Mrs. Mao denounces Mrs. Liv as a U.S. spy HONG KONG. Thursday. r £HK wife of disgraced Communist Chinese President Liv Snao-chi was described by tup Communist leaders as a spy for the United Stah s. The spy charges against Wang Kuang-mel were ma do by Chiaug Ching, the ex-actreai
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    • 18 2 35 ,000 miners walk out 39 oon Pedei ittoa c Mn ;or higher The eriM ln--*****0 Mia K-
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    • 19 2 Upset bees go on rampage roKYO LI A truck in lac in quern •ar.ia til B lOUaljr sung AP
      AP  -  19 words
    • 109 2 Muslim, llnirv- Bri tish Patciga Bectvi., \ir I i .i.ii I Sti warl Hi in li--ir l.i-t nUht for a (<ay of talks with S'lv'rt ■••••i-n Minister Andrei (Iromyko Ihe prdhlrin will do*- their discussions. I lie tun »iiriistri s v
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    • 135 2 Sir Giles (his job done) to leave BOAC lON DON. ThUTS. L Sir Giles Outhrie announced yesterday that ho was resisjninv; as boac chairman. Sir Giles. 52. said he would be leaving the State-own ed airline in Oc'oner. having accompli.-ne'l what he was told to do "put BOAC on its
      UPI  -  135 words
    • 250 2 Revival of humanism An emotional appeal by U Thant UNITED nations. Thursday. 'rHF Secretary-General, U Thant. made an emo tional appeal yesterday for a revival oi humanism. The human factor "much more essential ach to problemi >r the niuitarv factor 01 i o Thant told audience of representatives o| private
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    • 18 2 Manila rhurs America, world* bieCM aircraft ctrr.r: on it* to V i i -,»ar> »S" Rrutrr
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    • 234 2 Vf <)S( <>U I liurs rh« xuiet (;overnment newspaner Izvestia chanted list in. hi th.4t the Pfkini; regime n*aa tr>ing to prnlons the \iflnam war to i.-;iin lime to de\elop its own nuclear missiles The charge cane in an article on
      Reuter  -  234 words
    • 13 2 A i R The r v.pinam P
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    • 215 3 MOSCOW, PRAGUE REAFFIRM UNITY OF THEIR ARMIES MOSCOW. Thurs. Soviet and Czechoslovak military chiefs last night announced "concrete steps" to strengthen co-opera-tion between their armed forces within the framework of the Communist bloe'.s Warsaw Pact Defence grouping. The announcement came In a communique lssm d heiv at the end "f
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    • 65 3 Dropping in— a sky diver in training i on don. Thurs. Sky divers In the RoyaJ Naval Air Service ha\f to be prett] tou^jh. because sky diving means exactly what it >ays a jump from the air Into the Th<> mm arc trained to drop from heli:opters to help rescue
      Mirrorpic  -  65 words
    • 177 3 The Pans international moneyworld has been at a standstill since Tuesday, when the Stock Exchange and Gold Market closed. Some French banks with foreign branches reported a few private currency exchange dealIngs yesterday, but any major attempts to capital
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    • 375 3 OPPOSITION PARTIES FAIL IN BID TO TOPPLE POMPIDOU PARIS, Thursday. I EADING labour federations and the Government yesterday made separate public offers to hold negotiations on the demands of striking workers who had brought France almost to a standstill. The trade union
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    • 218 3 STUDENTS RIOT AS FRANCE BARS RED DANNY 1 ii«da> >rt /i.c to ■CVCtml r.«rs <>n thr left bank i>f Paris after police hmlcil li-ar k;in grenades .<t them. I'iilhc also hrnuuht u.ilrr <;iniion into play. stunniiiK several student demonstrators in front of Senate Building on the left bank anil Pont
      Reuter  -  218 words
    • 30 3 OANGTOK. I'hur.N Twelve pentolla were killed and eight injured hi a landslide at Ambit hang In North Slkklm on Sunday night, delayed reports reaching here «ald. UPI.
      UPI  -  30 words
    • 212 13 HAMILTON, Thursday J^ PRO-BRITISH party, backed largely by the white 37 per cent of Bermuda's population, won a clear majority in the colony's first autonomous government yesterday. A conservative backlash defeated a predominantly Negro party that called for independence from Britain. With 6.t per
      AP  -  212 words
    • 151 13 TICKED-OFF STUDENT SHOOTS TEACHER, BOY, 13 MIAMI, Thurs. A 1 Junior high school student summoned to the principal's office for discipline shot and critically wounded a teacher and another pupil, police said Officers identified the young gunman as Ernest Gnssom. 15. They said he was captured near the school le<>s
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    • 134 13 CAN FRANCISCO. Thurs. A giant American oank will soon be Moving Into Indonesia lor the lirst lime, hoping to play part In that country's economic revival. .-.m Pranciaco-based Mir wnrlds !).fiiic. plant t<> open a Falun* lap next vii p-pre.sident Edward de Jontt
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    • 23 13 TOKYO, Thurs N:ne Japanlower companies will •end a mission to the U.S. to sunrv proapacU for d<". reserves In Colorado.
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    • 136 13 22 HURT IN POSTELECTION GUNTIGHT 1> A N A M A. Thur.s. Twenty-two people were hurt night, 11 by gunfire, in a clash between armed partisans of the major contenders in the recent Panamanian presidential elections. The national outbreak of post-election violence occurred in a park across the. street
      AP  -  136 words
    • 74 13 Ihurs. Hong Kor.g police .said ywtcrd&y '.liey liad uncovered a nani: vhldi forg:iiK Indoiif-ian pa'-^i>' In a co-ordinated .series of raids on Monday mitht the police seized 10 fake Indonesian passports and arrested Ine people They also sel/ecl a ni.mber n( Indonesian Immigration. o"rt health and visa stamps
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    • 123 13 /"'HFSTKRHKLD. (l.nt land). Thurs. An Indian student and an bnclish sirl drove Mile by Mdc at ill mph passine fruit rum sw«el<« throuch their car uindous. a court i-n this central Kntland dm n HI told. Y<sterda>. magistrates fined both ciris BU and endorsed
      Reuter  -  123 words
    • 113 13 Diligenti quin to wed a doctor Cl. PAI I. ( i'huri. .Maria Chnstni.t DUlfeaU, one of thr Argentine quintuplets born in INS. will be married to a young doctor here on Saturday. Miss Diligenti. a BranifT Airlines stewardess, met l)r. Bruce Zimmei man in Dallas where he was an intern
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    • 45 13 ALICE SPRINGS Thur.s Two maaalvt tix-wheel drive ere ploughing through nv.les of mud today m nn attempt l 90 people strantlrfi in iorrxv. ;tnr! :><>egrd flown by heavy rains in Australia* i arid is Pood was dropped to them by air. Renter
      Reuter  -  45 words
    • 216 13 YEW ORLEANS. Thurs. -Black power militant H. Rap Brown drew a five-year prison sentence and a US$2,OOO One last night after a Federal Court jury convicted him of violating the national Firearms Act. UJB District Judge LanoIng Mitchell imposed the m a
      AP  -  216 words
    • 117 13 PARAMOUNT (Cali fornia>. Thurs. Twi ntv three people Including many who spent ;i fun iilled day at Disneyland. wen killed yesterday in fiery helicopter crash here. Cau.^e of the crash was net known but operators of h c rreularly-srhpduled helicopter said it was a
      UPI  -  117 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 108 2 ~^B jfc.T?iaanwMlsßsiiiW sV Ws I The tiny electronic marvel with a PERFORMANCE Another SONY FIRST in transistor radios Sony's introduction of silicon transistors in radio circuits provides:Improved sensitivity in all bands particularly in the High Frequency Better tolerance to high temperature High degree of durability Considerable reduction in noise level
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    • 27 2 OVERWORKING? Relieve fatigue immediately with Juvela Vitamin E Preparation. Promotes extra energy and new vitality tor greater activity without tiring. rfX. Keeps you young, healthy and vital
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 20 3 ietbteive mm YOUR PROF? Kll HYDRAULIC HAND PALLET TRUCKS Hn\ SWEDISH TRADING fivi^l l^t"H CO. SDN. BHD. J*lrrTl X' fEM
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    • 340 3 "Why do you have to ask for Schweppes?" H "It's the i& custom." HH SCHWEPPESMANSHIP-THE SIMPLE ART OF BEING A GOOD MIXER Be more POPULAR/ We all like to be more popular but it is difficult ifyou suffer from bad breath or body odour. Be popular don't offend the people
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  • 188 4 Selassie begins State visit to Singapore today CI.M.APOKI lhur>. lh»- (,o\ernment ha.s M-he-duled a tight prngramm* for thr four-day \JMt ol htlropian Kmperor Haile MMril tlii> week A red carpet weliome awaits him on hi* arri\al at Singapore airport at 10 a.m. tomorrow tie will be driven to tbe Istana
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  • 24 4 KUANTAN. TbUX*. The gku Mahkota of Pah^.ng u-.i distribute eif* to orphan at the children* home here at 10 m r-n Siindtr
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  • 45 4 KOTA BHARU Thur.s. The Kelantan branch of Cuepacs 1 Women's Action Froir win hold a rally at the G:r] Guide.- Hall here a- om. on Saturday on the .' pay i-Mir. The Cu< p.u- national pie-ident Mi t ir. idran will sneak
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  • 88 4 wTv^aM I UCKY patient on the thirteenth floor of the University Hospital in Petaling Java y»stertlay was 27-year-old Low Hoon. For he had a royal caller Emperor Haile Selassie. As TV cameras whirred and flash bulbs popped to re- cord his 20-mlnute visit to
    Soone Hon Sin  -  88 words
  • 216 4 Emperor prays, then has tea with the vicar By 808 NG KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday. £MPEROR Haile Selassie this evening joined about 500 members of the Indian community here in a brief service at the St. Mary's Orthodox Syrian Church in Jalan Brickfields. Alter the service, he thanked the congregation for
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  • 20 4 IPOH m, 45. I I Busrd over hfr wit I i .iv*r*i with handkerthew ranMi-k<v! her
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 277 4 All out for the US. A. On the world's most experienced airline. Pan Am goes all out to show you the most the U.S.A. or any part of it. For example, our U.S.A. for the least money. 21 day tour to West Coast, U.S.A. costs as little ThereneverwasabettertimetovisittheU.SA. as 553
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 40 4 tin 1/ J^H TOGITHi'.-3O"A^ /TRVFO'HLV,, Sf AVCO IS^O^IFAH I '^S "AVOtOTH'INKOIftLE.'.' r— i DCS'TK^OWJ IRREGA^D^SSf U»-SO KKIEW VM*T '■>■,"**- •< -—7 mf\ /^SSA MEAWS.'. 1 K S>E:\ AVJDDERALL) BE SmM '1o \V V A l\ \^Vv S^fF^>— t -=^e vAßsr.' Tikes^^jO^m^ jj
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  • 329 5 TUN ALSO GETS SUPPORT PLEDGE ON C-MART TIES BONN. Thursday WEST Germany has promised to consider favourably Malaysian requests for more development aid. Tun Abdul Razak said last night. He told a Press conference tnat Bonn leaders had also guaranteed West German support for Malaysia's
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  • 203 5 Driving tests: A P (for probation) period is planned ITUALA LUMPUR, 1V Thurs. The Government is studying a proposal to introduce a six-month probation period for learner drivers immediately after they pass their driving v The Minister ol Transport. Tan Sri Sardon. said today the plan would curb the bad
    Bernama  -  203 words
  • 34 5 IPOK 125.000 oy the Shaw FnundHtmn to the chil- bOlllß DUllt by tlir Frai ;np Mofhfriav. f nj Mr Ng rh«ne l >raaniMtirlPd the rhequ. Mary d chi!<*.x»n s h
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  • 37 5 :si 1 1 A BHARI TH Rajß ..rue at .•-re. at 4 3d p m '>n May 31. The up by ital 'n Petaling Java thr tir.u in thp ;iiri will provide frrr trratmrn!
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  • 21 5 bun An ■chool txiy. killed wiipn hi ked dova by the Junction of A\>r Rajah R"Hd ;mri jaL»n Bahr-
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  • 93 5 \I.OK, STAR, Than. T\w» J— lh| ;t 71-ve;«r-olrt p <• n s i oner and robbed him of SIO.OOO it |mn Kellaag Pap** here vr>>t<Tcl;i\ llaii Said bin Othm.m *M walking home with the money in a paper ha* and was
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  • 45 5 Grand Order of Merit award for Razak I'HI Nll.l M Hcinrich Lubke presenting West Germany's (irand Order of Merit with Star to Tun Abdul Razak at their mert i n k in Bonn on Wednesday Tun R;«/ak ended his olluial visit to West Germany yesterday.
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  • 77 5 Moonshiners flee after crackers warning BLKIT MERTAJAM, Thurs. Several men distilling liquor at Bukit Berapit yesterday fled when their "sentry" let off firecrackers to warn them of the approach of Customs officers. The Customs men. led by Asst. Supt. Osman bin Zakariah. managed to seize a still and 22 drums
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  • 44 5 PENANO. Thurs. Mr Cluing Ewe Scong has been elected president ol thf Penang Aikido Kendo Association. The vice-presidents arc Dr. Ycnh Eu Hock and Mr. Wong Clnn Kong- with Mr. Bonny H P Kh") M .«"TPtary and Mr. Ke« Yong Bok treasurer.
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  • 122 5 Five men rob contractor of his Cortina UUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. Five men last night robbed a contractor, Mr. Sze One Hai, of his Ford Cortina at Jalan Birch car park here. Mr Sze WU chatting with a iriend. Miss Loo Ah Loy, when tho thugs surrounded their car One dragged
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 86 5 SUPPLIt" Cf SMOKtBi OEO. ALFRED OUNM^L UM,T£O Dunhill King Size Filter Blended by the House of Dunhill from tobaccos of exceptional quality IBH I^BBißgi Hi j IWM>WSllßliLiiiP r I 1 Master blenders for generations, Dunhill now draw upon their unrivalled experience to bring you Dunhill King Size Filter superbly contained
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 61 5 Bags Bunny By Ralph Heimdahl I I *-r A C PNOOEY! I'M' f 1 NEEDS TH'*fi (a board j dough: maybe <&. l<^\\oO SHORT! J ELV£R'L'_ PAY n& v Vn^/ me an 1 let me V-H'yk r FINISH "!VPE\CE 7/\_Q)Tn II TOMOffBERi-A-yV YO'J A WED CE l^ USED K CAS-I
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  • 320 6 SINGAPORE. Thur*. TWO British soldiers ;iikl civilum Iroiu Singapore have finally satisfied their curiosity about ;i little known 500-ft high waterfall right in the middle of thick jungle in Kelantan. The falls lie on the Sungei Jelalawang at about 2,500 feet some miles
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  • 39 6 SINGAPORE. Thurs —A State Counsel and DPP. Mr. Amarjlt Btngn Verlik. has resigned to enter private practice During Mi six-year Oovernmeiit service, he also served in the Department of Inland Revenue as legal ofV' f
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  • 264 6 SINGAPORE. Thurs.— News has been received that Margaret Tan (above), who will be remembered for her recital at Victoria Theatre in I ''Mi. has achieved her aim of obtaining a Master of Music decree at the famed Juilliard School of Music in New York.
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  • 160 6 SINGAPORE. Thur.s. Four senior Government officers were to- day appointed directors of the Singapore Pools (Private) Ltd.. which are introducing Toto, the new pool betting system from next week. They an Mr S Thlruchelvam. acting deputy secrvtary i financial administration i Ministry of Finance; Dr.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 144 6 CATHAY J^ OPENS TOMORROW HI NOBODY KNOWS WIIAI^* fl Hi DOLS JUST THAT HL HAS 100 X^to. M GIRLS TO DO tf V' II WITH! HH^^a«^M aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB^aB JHbBBBBbV iiiiiiiiiitaiiiiiiniiii»iiiiiiiinim»' C. L .A >' JJ23 TODAY 3 SHOWS. J-6- pm |»v JBk TffSPI MANZiL" .-.tlW Eostmoncslor-Eng. Malay Sub. x^^^^^k Next Change
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    • 318 6 I "l INI (Sin'ap'ore) OPENS* TODaY S SHOWS DAILY at 11 a.m., 1.45, 4.00. 6.30 4 9.15 p.m. a Chain your TV set to the wall, nail your piano to the m floor, padlock your car, sleep with your jewellery 0n... a I DicfcvamxykeW/ I i "fitmillyr X* with TVs
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    • 377 6 ■tNHAW ORGANISATION To^jTo>Tinq I ™?rTT3o i nropitoi' I PATMI NEWS SPECIAL F.A. CUP FINAL in COLOR Opcm Tedoy 11-1 45-4-6 30-9 IS f| aj D.Ck Van Ovkc- Bortoro reldon Fifiwill> ..sion. Color fj Conine .axi R, chord Johnior, Carol '.."o\ Bartx.a Bouchtt 'Danger Route A NOW SHOWING No Free List
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  • 453 7 Work on dockyards conversion to start soon ARMS? WE PREFER TO BUY BRITISH, SAYS LEE LONDON. Thursday WORK on conversion of the British naval dockyards in Singapore into commercial ship-building fd repair yards will gin probably bee the autumn," r. Lee Kuan Yew d last night. Agreement in principle had
    Reuter; AP  -  453 words
  • 53 7 CINC.M'OKI Thurs Twent\-nine motnr-t.M-lists .i ml vcooterists •lied in the first four months of this year All urre not wearing crash helmets Another 14fi were seriously In uired. Thrs r ficuros were issued hy the police today to brine home the impact of the "Wear
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  • 40 7 •NO Thur.s An In(rrnup will givr public per- rmnr cc at the H Hißh School hall tomorrow night. The ihow. by the Nal onal i"n on S!udrn be in aid of their scholarship and buildine funds
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  • 39 7 KL'AI I Ml" R i I lip |i I of MAKA. DO* hi Han Mu.-'.il!.. bin Hajl Abdul Jabar, Alliance mp foi P< 1 1 1 mn been rmai ■in n(! nl .-ud to-
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  • 47 7 [8 Fhun A meeting of the i' 1 ubber Study n „i duled br held baen pastindefinitely due io the mi nt unreel ir. Uip French tr.uif lourcai said ioIhc; n..s in rcinsKler i ni coin .-iuppinc problem.s mid ni of rubber Renter
    Reuter  -  47 words
  • 192 7 State-wide alert against cholera in Perak IPOH. Thursday. fHE wnole of Perak has been alerted following a confirmed case of cholera in Taiping. 52 miles from here. The Chirf Mediral and Health Offlr^r. Dr HaJI Abbas bin Al;as >.i:d today Ba hr had dirprtPr] all alth nfflccs. hospitals a".d lorn,
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  • 165 7 I\KM! I V Thurs The Navy said yesterday that 15 Malax sian fishermen arrested on charge* of violating lad— c ill territorial uatrrs i-irlirr this month would §m on trial soon A Navy sDokr-nwm >.ml t lumen, uho wrttt •Itegedl) fish i n c
    AP  -  165 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 112 7 Families j. GROWonV I GRANS the Multi-vitamin complex from Sqjjibb "ill lIHIIJJ SQI'IBB <**m *t I MULTI -VITAMINS I I Liquid Vi-grans Vi-grans in capsules Orange-flavoured for all your family's for growing children health and vitality American research ensures \j./iM\ s consistent high quality »n>n\v IN VITA TION I t
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    • 189 7 Cold Storage Supermarket and Shopping ORCHARD ROAD FRIDAY 24th to TUESDAY 28th MAY f OR PERSONAL SHOPPERS ONLY FROZEN PEAS n. Zealand bulk pack ib .55 RASPBERRY JAM scl brand nbia.Bs STRAWBERRY JAM scl brand b iaf .85 D ARY FOODC STRAINED .30 JUNIOR .40 DHDI TKJKJUJ STRA NED meats,
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  • 205 8 SINGAPORE, Thurs.— Mrs. S. J. Lawyer (above) Is in Singapore to Introduce the products of an exclusive boutique she owns In Bombay, in her own words "to make loral women beautiful from top to toe." They rMagt from ornamental hair-romhs to sandals an<l
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  • 175 8 Planting of roadside trees 'being overdone' SINGAPORE. Thurs The chairman of the Nation- al Safety First Council. Mr Milton Tan today criticised the present islandwide campaign on the planting of roadside trees I as "being overdone." He said this led to obscur- j ing of .street lights to add to
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  • 23 8 SINGAPORE. Thur? Dr. Richard Chin Keng Huat has been elected president of the I miiv ciuh of Singapore i Host >
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  • 132 8 SINGAPORE. Thurs. -The MP lor Nee Soon. Mr. One Sou Chuan. .said In Parliament yesterday that the setting up of the Institute of South-east Asian Studies especially a centre to study the problems confronting South-east Asia was vital for Singapore. Mr. Ong. who Is
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  • 192 8 'Very glad to accept PM's offer' SINGAPORE. Thursday. BRITISH industrialists would be -very glad" to take advantage of the Singapore forces worksimps when they become available after the British troops pull out by 1971. This was the opinion of the president of the British Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Sir Arnold
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  • 350 8 Productivity low in RI -unionist UNSTABLE ECONOMY, MEET TOLD SINGAPORE, Thurs. A TRADE union leader from Indonesia, Mr. R. Rustandi, today said manpower was in abundance in Indonesia, yet the standard of productivity in the country was low. This problem was difficult to surmount because of trie unstable Indonesian economic
    350 words
  • 202 8 KURUP SAYS RELLIN SLAPPED HIM SINGAPORE. Thurs. A dismissed employee of the Indian High Commission N. T. Kurup today described how Mr. A. P. Rellln. an administrative attache, had slapped him In a "contemptuous manner" in Robin Road, jum before he assaulted Mr. Rellin Kurup said he had asked Mr
    202 words
  • 154 8 Rumania to open txade mission SINGAPORE. Thurs—Rumania expects to open a permanent trade mission in Singapore within th« next few months to promote more trade between the two countries. But the Rumanians meanwhile hope that mor« trade delegations will b« off to Rumania to develop this two-way business. This hope
    154 words
  • 110 8 Defamation suit settled in court SINdAPOKK. rhurs. A 1965 defamation suit. Involving two prominent Sikhs was settled In th« High Court today following last-minute negotiations between the parties through their counsel. The planuifl was Merhervan Singh, an accountant The alleged defamation \\;i.-. in connection with matteiv appearing Ir the minutes
    110 words
  • 42 8 SINGAPORE, Thurs. The Minister for Science and Technology, Dr. Toh Chin Chye, who is il «> Vie*Chancellor of the University of Singapore, will speak on the future of university development on TV Singapurai Channel 5 at 9.25 p.m. tomorrow.
    42 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 177 8 IWk> >. Ss **s. Isv £*@$4ii m^F^^^*&&{t*vl vim L^^^^^ loafs' SS^^^aß^sg^^ llF^Siß^^^ *f new-generation HOLDEN ■^mv at Progress Motors Limited 46 ORCHARD ROAD. SINGAPORE TUEPHONE. ***** S eastern Woß\d WLMlfimm 4 BK^^V^Lm Vb^b^L^bAA CS K m mX V ilw iS^^blK $&ss^" bI^V b^bßJbW^^\. HftvlfißSßttP r fi '^^W m m^m^m\ S^LKL*-
      177 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 53 8 Mr It Iracy giy 1 h***t*>r U»,*1,l .$1 f MUST HAVE BBHN SOME 1 f I SEE THE DARN >J If HIS INSTRUCTIONS WERE] Vl KIND OF A TIMCR THAT I AND THE STOLEN SPACE l \\JPOR US TO AWAIT J 1 »i-e w UP "^e picture L coupe-out i
      53 words

  • 1262 9 A MATTER OF DETAILS AND CAREFUL TIMING by A Special Correspondent BANGKOK IF fools tend to rush in, the authors of Thailand's new constitution must rival the wisest of all Eastern sages. After more than eight years rumination, a 240 member appointed
    1,262 words
  • 502 9  -  Richard Dougherty by New York I^HE show moves from Nebraska to Oregon. Two weeks from now it will be California and the end of the road for either Robert Kennedy or Eugene McCarthy. Indeed. It COUid be the md of the
    502 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 221 9 1 i„i I s jS^A I ill y rJ ~*^\^^'^*^^*Z^^^^ iBBbW*" f t |BiSS~-~^ r-i^i -n: i»> bv^x.-* v 111 I I J/ f V gl 2 KATIOtUI 16 IVStIS S^ wi A /id I I >^^^^k». jc jw l^ J J^V^BB>BS)B*!^*W^^^^ I l'*P hs m «P« chartt »nt di<(rimt'
      221 words

  • The Straits Times Friday, May 24, 1968
    • 499 10 An inteural pail <>i ia's plans for 1 living standards is the reduction "f the nrta of population which, at thiw i>»-r cent, is among the Kchest ,n Ihe world It must be brought down to two per cent b) IM the pt r capita income target by
      499 words
    • 286 10 A Bill t<> set up an Institute for Si uth-Eaei Asian Studies in PingapoK hppn steered through Parliament, bringing to nearfruition BJ ifiea that h»s hpen germinating for the p^st two yean Buch an institute v ill serve the common sense principle that conducted m Asia. A
      286 words
    • 168 10 mcil n solution condemning Israeli measures n Jerusalem Is not more likely than earlier to Induce Tel Aviv Israel already has ;i long record of ignoring the United Nations. and tin latest strictures will probably encountei the Nor. ,i- tli" .in delegate has pointed out. will they bring
      168 words
  • 664 10 .1 Staff Writer KUALA LUMPUR THE arrest of 15 Malaysian fishermen this week in what Indonesia claims as territorial waters highlights the need for Kuala Lumpur and Jakarta to agree where their common boundary lies The only line in use at present was fixed unilaterally
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  • 879 10 The comrades' poser: Kildare or the party meeting? THE PROBLEMS OF TV BEHIND THE IRON CURTAIN Special Corrcspondcol of the Economist. London TELEVISION is turning out to be a doublo-odnfd wca pon In the communist world. The agitprop men were not slow to recognise th*' potentiality of the box as
    879 words
  • Letters to the Editor
    • 271 10 IN „p!tn 01 the unqualified emphasis made by the Minister of Education on the study of Science In preference to Art.- this year's Intake lor Art- Us, I understand. about Many of them tlnrd of this number !"r science. Of tht.s number a good percentage Is reserved
      271 words
    • 169 10 CONGRATULATIONS t<> v Mr. Ong Pans Boon on his policy speech esDecially on what he .said about a knowledge of a second language being a matter of survival. But 1 was :»urnrlsed when he spoke about -experts' and a "pool of specialist tea--1 hers in the teaching of
      169 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
      28 words
    • 103 10 T^ORNYCROrf <*» R "V FORD MARINE hi 1 U* '•Vj fj DIESEL lMkQ*H*pmM ENGINES I Model T330 MARINE POWER with a reputation for toughness, reliability and economy' Low priced readily available Ford engine parts, easy servicing. THORWCKOFT FORO RANGE available ex-stork: Mod.'l T330 IM lIP. MwW .■?<>« 108 HP. Mode!
      103 words

  • 290 11 taxes HAVE TOGO UP, TAN WARNS KUALA LUMPUR. Thursday. JHE Minister of Finance, Tun Tan Siew Sin. today warned that Malaysians must pay for further increases in defence expenditure either by increased taxation or reduced expenditure in other fields. To finance defence expenditure by loans was the "surest way to
    290 words
  • 131 11 $3m start for Sarawak padi land 1* 1 AI A 1. I MP IR. Thurs The Cahi net today approved S3 million to develop 40.000 acres of padi land in Sarawak. ami work would begin immediately. Tengku Abdul Rahman said He said the money was required lo build a coastal
    131 words
  • 113 11 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. Radio Malaysia's 1 dlan Service will begin i r<'-,Miia: op adCMU trom Penang, ipoh. Malacca and Johore Bahru on July 1. The daily broadcasts be- 2 p:n and 3 p.m will consist of 8» per cent music and spoken word entertainment,
    113 words
  • 255 11 IT U A L A LUMPUR. Thurs. The National Union of Teachers today called for some critical "selfanalysis" by the present leaders of the MTUC over what it called the "crisis of confidence' in the movement. The union's latest Issue of Its monthly
    255 words
  • 243 11  -  001 CHENG GAIK: By Kuala Lumpur, Thursday IT was a busy but enio>able day for the two Ethiopian princesses as they took limp off from protocol and official \isits to co on a secret shopping spree After accompanying the Kmperor tr> the Teaching Hospital
    243 words
  • 52 11 TANJONG SEPAT. Ihurs Mr. T M. Samuel manacrr Ol Bedford estate here recfH^rt shgtv injuries nn his hand when he MruKftied «nr> three masked men arme.l »i'h parans.s in bk I home early thi* morning. The robbers overpowered Mr Samuel before robbing him of :c's lewellerv
    52 words
  • 4 11 riK i
    4 words
  • 104 11 KUALA LUMPUR. Th irs. --Six'y-yi .ir-old Mrs. K Sabapath'.plllai. was killed In an acclderr nt the junction of the Federal Highway and Jalan University at 915 last night shortly after she and her husband had had 1 the;r first look at their newly-born grandson.
    104 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 178 11 Kriesler Fineline 23 f flT i i 'r-f_i__ii > i__ '""ug\ I The exclusive /j |ttl architectural Here's the TV that fits best into I the modern architectural picture |jfl ..Kriesler "Fineline 23". ..c0u1d be from the same drawing board as PB your furniture! The front is all picture-framed in
      178 words
    • 245 11 Jj PROGRESSIVE EDUCATION BY POST M CONSULT feniIJBRIDDE CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL CCS. HOME-STUDY COURSES FOR 1968/1969 EXAMINATIONS HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE. General Pa. cr, E Ait, Divinity, Mary (Paper I rVa'-^s, Pur» Vaths, Applied Moth bemittry, Biology, Botany, Zoology, English, etc. SCHOOL CERTIFICATE/MALAYSIA Enghsh (X V), Mu'oy, Chir* CERTIFICATE OF EDUCATION/G.CE. Languogc,
      245 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 587 11 ON YOUR TV AND RADIO TODAY TV MALAYSIA C HANNKL 5 Kuala l.umpur m:.. 615 S'ar Trfk The and IVnant; b IDoh and Do.,m.sday Machine. 7 Htm in MaUrra; 3 and lv Jnlmre English "7 12 Bpoitl Arena; Baliru; I TaiMini;; Balu 735 lr<nna. 8 NrA.s in M»nrahat; n Kluan(.
      587 words
    • 141 11 TV SINGAPURA CHAN.NtX 5 Bark lo the Drawing 540 PM P^ftfammf jum- Board: 11 15 Chinese Cuif-ma mary; 550 Belajar-lah —Pr.nce!i? Dragon .CanBahasa Kcbanesaan. 555 tUM 12 05 Close I-uckv Dip: 825 Wtmom Tales CHANNEL < Thr Porcupine .md the TKQ A.M. to blO P.M. ETV Hare Programme; 650
      141 words

  • 117 12 Missing: Girl of 15 who likes late nights SINGAPORE. Thurs Fifteen-year-old Lucy Jfeo, described by her mother as b. "fond Ol kit nights, has been ml£ Sing for a week. Lucy left her Tang lin Halt Road fla alter beinp told off b; her mother, Madan Wee See Pit. Today.
    117 words
  • 129 12 IP 011 Thurs. The Minister of .lustier liu -In- -i.iiiam. in bin S.imsuriin. inrlic.itrri here toil. i\ hr would not stand for re -election in the deneral I leition "if the Alliance hos-es do not nominate me." "\s f, r as I am conrrrnro. I
    129 words
  • 90 12 Govt of Brunei denies graft- BRUNEI TOWN. Thurs. The Government today denied charges of corruption against it. It said that no official complaint has been received specifying any single instance of mismanagement of public funds The Government was answering a question In the Brunei Legislative Council by Inche Mohammed Zain
    90 words
  • 70 12 BEREMBAN. ThUM. A labourer- Selv»rani, Tnho went to his neighbour's house yesterday and aslced him to tore down his radio, was assaulted and lost his motor-cycl« instead. Selvaram and his neighbour, both of Tetnpayang Estate In Loop Road here, exchanged blows after the man rejected the
    70 words
  • 31 12 KfAI.A I.I'MPUR. Thurt. A ratable seller. Chonn Font Vwi« 34. yesterday lost $100 which hf kept in a locked riraw«>r v the wh.ilfsal? market in Ja an Maxwell here.
    31 words
  • 248 12 'Spy told Malaysia about Project Merdeka' MANILA. Thursday fHE Malaysian Government had advance knowledge of the ill-fated ''Project Merdeka' tnrough a paid Filipino informer, two Manila newspapers reported today. The Manila Chronicle and the Philippine Daily Star said this disclosure was contained in an official document in the hands of
    248 words
  • 109 12 Man fined $20,000 for bid to evade duty J'HiiifU BAIIRI Thurv A lorry drher. Poon For S;»ne. 2b, w-is .vesterriav fined 520.000 or two > ears' jail for tryinf to evade duty on tin ore uorth $34,741 Ponn from Kuala l.uimnir was rhareed with \nz Boon Ho. tl, of Singapore
    109 words
  • 42 12 NIBONQ TKBAL Tnurs. I rnr.g Chrwin 21 fined a total of »7 (H>o or 18 miintlic' .'all. pecttrdj p.? si. ilie»»; rut>iti 10 rr. rs from hrre. in Dereir.bfr 1965. Duty .>n th« samsu m^.« $4,227
    42 words
  • 268 12 DAP HITS BACK: ELITE GROUP CHARGE HARDLY ADULT. KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. The charßc that the Democratic Action Party believed In the leadership of an elite group wu "hardly adult." the party's national chairman. Dr. I Man Hin, said tor; He was replying to Dr. Lim ChoiiK Eu. the na president
    268 words
  • 14 12 Kf-V The Br.:.>:i H I signer I rr. \r'.' {or A .1
    14 words
  • 330 12 SINGAPORE. Thurs UNDERGRADU ATES should first equip themselves academically for their future before adopnng the roles ot "champions of the people" or '"freedom lighten.' This was the underlying theme of a forum on "Tlie responsibility of the undergraduates to the unlvprsity and society" held
    330 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 147 12 Naturally it costs a little more ssssssm B?NBbMt?'i^?^K~ .^^Bifew I stf H bvJbT 91 bY I B This is the only hair cream you can uuy that contains the 1 8 active ingredients essential for healthy hair. Surely that's worth a little extra? Silvikrin Hair Cream contains measured amounts That's
      147 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 65 12 A Hoy Onp By V.T Hnwnlin WMATCHA MBAN t MIAN THAT STEPP* I J v JKJS .\a 1 l^rS^^P ACTUALLY^ ftOCK IN MY SEA OF HIM OOMIM' I UXXikJS FOtt- <* MATRIMONYfV X) eKTH& M Ajm*iffonl^/ THA'S I HRK I BCTOtt V-^™ ~^T"~ Yl»? WHAT I SO LOOK INTO f
      65 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 312 13 mmmm oaßt^^fmm. SjmjJUWM T > K ML mW^ J^^a *~-**f Toyota wins: 1500 ex. Class and above K.LM. Rally 1968. 1500 c.c .CLASS AND ABOVE 800 ISOOc.c CLASS OVERALL Ist CORONA 1600S 2nd COROLLA 1 100 2nd COROLLA 1 100 DRIVERS' RJ LITTLEJOHN CASSEMBLED IN MALAYSIA) (ASSEMBLED IN MALAYSIA) J.
      312 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 209 13 Straits Times Crossword At'ROSR 8. Performed at December pro--1 2ST ~roX,*£ S in br 7 K 3 ht s* Smin Vn 'in power mtroduo, gt/KWU! ftthrr «o a crtck* ground ST&aM of men-of-war' el 7 ch fM st beC mln 1 8 8 > P^ U. Circumvent dU e v,
      209 words

    • 181 14 Now the mini sawmill for Malaysia \I ALAYSIA is one of A the countrtet usIns mini sawmills developed in Australia, says the latest issue of the Austral News, published by the Australian Trade Commission In Kuala Lumpur. The portable miniature mills are used tor the production o| boards. Hitches or
      181 words
    • 98 14 Thf: m Inriiistr\ II: I lni BwM Ann. »i!l dr< !are open Ihe motor s.iM'ter •aseinbljr plant at Petnltns jajra UMuacroi IIHII TOO fU« opentni wrtmony Among tho«e •ttendliu •111 rw Mr managln« director »nd cbalrautn of tl l''.n:|Miiiy'* head ofl The Vnpa plant ■< PtMiUnfl
      98 words
    • 55 14 M|{ AIVIN CAKBBL i.ihiiM'i the Pat Fast Eaecalivc for (Bs Hlm«. flt-u into Slnxapore recrntl> from Tokyo on the first leg of i South -Fast \M.»n lour While here he disi usscd thr cxhihitlon of hiv <>s coming impoi t.uM lilt, in with the Cathaj <»rcani«ation.
      55 words
    • 146 14 Local-made 'pop' records go to Indonesia LOCAL phonograph A record dealer, Kwan Sia Record Co. Ltd., recently exported more than 2.000 long-playing records, produced by them in Singapore, to Indonesia. The album. 12 Golden Instrumental Hits by the Charlie and Swan Orches tra. comprises popular numbers sold under the Star
      146 words
    • 291 14  - Paper firm with an eye on exports MOK SIN PIN By COMPARATIVELY uvw local industrial venture. Paper Products (Malaya) Ltd., Ims been earning considerable amounts in foreign revenue. The company ;it Tampoi, Johore, with an authorised capital of $2 million, has been exporting products to neighbouring South K;ist Asian countries
      291 words
    • 115 14 Volvo man for course in Sweden ■%,|R Chf Say PT-.eng ttM Ferlerßl Auto Company Berh»d i\ny \>r*r\ sen; hy nu< company lor a xpet-ial training course t the Volvo Factory. Gothenburg Sweden .As pan ..f his training Inwill attend a part-, manager-. conference uponaored h\ >n ■11 he llPkl At
      115 words
    • 72 14 MR PKTKR WARREN iliiim I'ri'sirli-nt of Prp-.ii ci and Mr. Theodore V Michrl. Area Vice-President for the Fir-Bail arrived in Sini;?pore recently to discuss with their lo<'al bottlers. I'nion Ltd.. the future expansion of business and their new factors now under construction at Woodland in
      72 words
    • 82 14 MR. PKTER MI (above), an executive with Harper dilfillan Rerhad. Minine and (onstruetion Equipment Division, leaves on May 11 for a four-month business visit to various manufacturers of mining equipment and earthmovine machines in Rritain. A qualified engineer, he took his degree
      82 words
    • 160 14 AN ARCON SCHOOL IS SENT TO CEYLON rE Asian RcgtOtMl Institute tor School Building Research. sponsored by UNESCO, ha.s chosen an Arcon steel-framed building as a basis for the evaluation of school d< Ign and construction in South-East Asia Despatched from the Jurong works of Arcon Singapore) Ltd. in April,
      160 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 301 14 NOW SEE THE SHOW HOM H, lkjt 1 I use open for impectioa Saturdays 130 p.m. p.m. hroom, architect designed, I ikitl oyang Estate. M.ißnifiniit I ".in I urns lh For IS >cars. and land at Bukit Lo>aiij;. I \iliism I ive V:ir >ViruntN lural defects. I oyang is
      301 words
    • 254 14 fl sr x JXCIVItV mm I B^B^SK. it \\m. -M J^^H m. w r? H Jlflil^^l Rl^BbNb igto*y»w.. T*. Ijg Impo'ted by McA $:«r Co Ltd. B^Lt^H SKlriaW li SBL \\a%jL£^^^a\\\Wa\aa\\\aa\\ *^aW W» tIbM^B^ST bIB w "Ibbbb. 1 bbbbbbbbbbV I^bbbbbJ^bbbT^ BBBBB>k '^^BBBBBBBBBBW bbbbbM ft 1 m. BflflV R/ si BflflW
      254 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 813 15 '0 LIHRPOOI I. fVtSI COAST UK c o i p us ii w S« Eg* .:K; S S^ M "V fflßsss r,7 a^ iiij CiJ itTfiuiv June 17 lune 13 prPRHus )une l 3 »>aiil7? luai 21 imus <»"«« JUM242I ...Vn. 'v"" 4 laae 27 laat 21' 2 M ns
      813 words
    • 1272 15 WE£333S3I^SS^BBSI3I I THE E A \3UNES ■>■ THE. EAST ASIATIC COMPANY Ltd Inco-pomeo "> Denmark mmmml EXPRESS SAILINGS TO GENOA/NORTH CONTINENT SCANOINAVIA y S ~i'v Hftnans i Dote I benua R'aam H Dug Aarhus L nagen SONCKHU ai) II Pirt 2( May 27 21 Miy 11/ 2 'all I laly
      1,272 words
    • 1301 15 EXPRESS SERVICE TO LONDON. LIVERPOOL t CONTINENTAL PORTS BENARKLE uvtrpooi jui i p. yi_aj »anir t Hamturji laly 21 Mt| 21 21 Mt»'2»' 1 lilt 2/ 1 M Droufh hrl» t* BENVALLA m gyj^ gi Pt. S'njm ■'tnteii G'moul" My IJ IMt 2/ S hitdi'i laly 1? ttfIMMN P- S
      1,301 words
    • 1101 15 y^ KLAVK.NKSS LINK m^ty Lialill t*r LOS ANGELES SAN FRANCISCO SEATTLE VANCOUVER V ji,, accettiat cart* tl' Central t Saatl Amirica Pen»'j OuS L. An|j ci BRONXVIIIE /I jl May i luni 7 7 Jaae U Jaly SONNEVULE 25 27 IMt 21 /I Jane M lun 1 Jaly l»i IOUGAIKVULE
      1,101 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1004 16 Yr— *""^^IvAWASAKI KISEN KAISHA LTD. Western Australia. Singapore Japan Service) fremantli S'oori Yokajicni/Niiori roKHiama Kooe leifiMi Mm' 11 HIM! ii I Jti| II lair IS Mr II IM| Cl ialfieir Mara" ll'» ml, 1/ I Apa IS Ait 11 tit Mt Wir Africa. Sih Rapore Japan Servtoc "MMitinaa Man SaiUl
      1,004 words
    • 953 16 AUSIRAIIA NEW ZEALAND SERVICE >NBIA PAKISTAN AND FAR lASI SERVICED ►I. (Mil Aect Daer Ll*. Ntll >r NJf *Vi''""p. B ni °»nan» 9. Sham S'oori RAJULA II Plrt 71 Mar 1 Ml» n ui Kits 'm \vz\ BANKURA- n Ait ll 2a Ant kVM Ac« la Raifna Calculi Callt Bfislam
      953 words
    • 814 16 irvtßAi'iA SOGhISU (Japanese) Flower Arrangement Tuition aiven by Mrs. K. Kirn. 4th June. 1968 Tucdov —11.00 a.m. 12.00 p.m. 4th June. 1961. Tuestfoy 1.00 p.m 4.00 p.m ith June, 1961 Wtdnnter 9.30 a.m. 10. JO e>.m sth Juki. 1968 Wrdmtdoy 430 p.m. 530 p.m at No: 45. John Little* Touiitt
      814 words
    • 986 16 GOVERNMENT OF THE AUCTION SALE OF REPUBLIC OF SINGAPORE vai.ixmif v,v,.xi<)re PKOrFRTII < THE MX AI. OOVEBNMCNT INTEGRATION OBDINANCS, b< hHd >al< "™T No*. HA Ik Krhinsnn Koad, I9«J (No. IK of l*»ti^i SingaporrNotlc* under Srrtion 19 (2) ON Till RSDW BTBI .11 NF. 1968 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. AT
      986 words

  • 181 17 MELBOURNE ThUM. J ED by nlckelß. the minings market was busy at higher levels today Great Boulder was again m keen demand and made further JO cenus al S 10.60. Hampton Areas made 70 cents at 1 $12 Oils were Irregular Industrials Ban uses outnumber falls by a
    181 words
  • 463 17 Tin moves down on support at lower levels r pilK pni'f al straits tin in 1 Penang yesterday waa $559.50 which was a drop ol $2 3"i This was somewhat In line with the fall of L 5 in London. Support was reported at slightly lower levels with ouyers fruin
    463 words
  • 36 17 RUBBER AND TIN CLOSING PRICES Maj 1.1. XI BBKR PRKI 5S| crnt> (up iwu-.tnil .1 quarter irntM. TIN PRICK: S JS9 30 1 down sr:;7i>. I stimated ofl'rrint '250 tons I UMi 11.111 L.1 ll I
    36 words
  • 214 17 JIM In >l ici«dr luhber f.o.b. iiu>i-i. 1.,-wi at I p.m. m »inz.i|ii.i«- and Kuala I umpur »eMrid»> at .Vt'.. rents prr Ib up Iwo-and-a-quarter <enl« on M.-iiin -<iA\ doting le\rl Ihr l inir »a» Inni K > and MJLB. ilosint pure* in
    214 words
  • 31 17 Olrrf MllKn.r I HO' K U Oallar ■> Hi rot T T <ni I 1U for ••h Stoiini W*M gi» p M «i U).M ■•I ial* it 311
    31 words
  • 1219 17 INDUSTRIALS un the Stock Exchange yesterday eased slightly during the afternoon. The tone at the opening was firm, but later the market seemed to be consolidating itself at the present price levels. There was no real feature of note but there was still speculative
    1,219 words
  • 14 17 Exchange rates |-Mt A...«,.t,n,, Banlll m UnitaD »tJt»« Canafl< MNtrtl II »r OH r»^n,
    14 words
  • 20 17 MINI I •a, Cmmmil > 1 ftingapara Cacanut Oo Miltari Atta tiatian »nc«> JinuMft Cacra »mti.l..n MM ariclt rquo'rd
    20 words
  • 512 17 BISIM>> IN AM» RM'ORTF.D |i» IH» n|N(,AP()RK *ND XI AI.A II MPIR TRADINT. RooMn OF TH» SUM K niIMM.I I-.II.ROAY. WITH THK SI MBER OF IH» SHARKS TRAOFD l\ BRA< KETS. INDUtTfJIALt Btn A C«. "0»)l tl i t iJ Out) s.l 1.. vi M .■>-< 0 U
    512 words
  • 28 17 STOCK INDICES M.iU>in Mock likliit* Industrials: 147. 1! lIX K.". Tiopertie* IMO.nt I«*J1 I ins TX.lii H i Rubbers 1M.13 YUM l)rc. IH*-! inu. Der. M. 1»6» 1»»
    28 words
  • 216 17 S^hd Jo' »No LoVrVS PRH.U OFFICIALLY LISTED AT TMt CLOSE OF BU»IN£»» B I BMBMB4 I 7 C C M C k Ho.l I Uunlop mm Srr.f I tM Cf.-o i>r" i FlTzp»trn-k« Oainmor I 0. K. Lift M-UO i; i.noMi •> M <-S H Gllfillan IH 1
    216 words
  • 69 17 SHI"S LYINC ALONI.MUC TNI SINGAPORE HARBOUR WMARWIt OR EXPECTED TODAY ARE II -I i U, I H Roma I v H H .g MATU < PORT SWETTENMAM Wlllll Bfrll.. Illlin Btrth* > r M.fth 1h... DMp W>t«r Pont U lira Dut T.m.,..«: PCNANO HARBOUR In tlif R.1..HAl
    69 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 651 17 STATE OF SABAH THE BANKRUPTCY nwte<i from ORDINANCE (CHAPTER 11) Malaysian Citizens lor appoint- Hl i V 4\iiv4tiov ment to the following posts, lii*the Pl BIU KV *>« NA TION Drainage Irrlgauon Depart- 'N BANKRUPICV ment N, ys „f 1967 senior Fntinrerinc Assistant HK Clarence Brenrioi. Von Hag( NO
      651 words
    • 646 17 TENDERS HOUSING DEVELOPMENT BOARD Separate tenders are Inwted for any one or all of the following: 1 1 Execution ol all REMAINTNO WORKS to Complet* Hie SANITARY AND WA:hH INSTALLATION at loa Pa>oli. Neighbourhood IV. Contrail VII ■J' Construction of KIM TIAN I ROAD EXTENSIONS and DIVERSION of the EXISTINO
      646 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 586 18 tCKNOWUOG(M(NTS «WirV(«S««S ANHOUNCEMEHTS BItHHS Ul sCTIVITIt! COMtlTnlctViTtsTHS nia«WlllV^^| 'UNdtlS. .«[II»ES. IN MtMOKIaM. MamCIiCES. MISSINC. PttSMsl, fPt. KOUKMS I HttHIOBS. ■ate Unama $15/ lif 20 wwds exh iisititul will 75 etl. M Other Citiiiliti li.fil.irr.fii!-. Minimum SS/ far IS *4*Ba,dlßi aiiitmil wn< <g tfiti Struts Tiats In leiik* ckafi* SI trtti.
      586 words
    • 837 18 WANTEO 1 MALAY Driver and I wrraala, live In. for general r* erlth Chinese family. Tel: Singapore. WANTED IMMEDIATELY DRIVER :.kc over SB, 111 im ive in Tanglln area. para) .•.4«7i. WANTED TO START June Klrst Oeeteral c.M.k Am.ih m DHtrlel i" i:...i.i :.r..i aaaa rataraacaa. IVMta Be* lin
      837 words
    • 1111 18 WANTED SALESMEN neiween 2ft |40 years old. preferable married, to work for company established In 1020. given Personal interview W. 30 a m —12 00 noon dally. Mh Floor. Room SG. Koh Chung Building. Johore Bahru A VAC'ANCV EXISTS for Graduate College Trained/Normal Trained 1 Temporary Teacher of National Lanuuagc,
      1,111 words
    • 1119 18 BRITISH COMPANY REQUIRES rent I furnished unfurnished 3-hedroora nous* or flat from Ist August lanclm district preferred. Reply Managing Ul- rector. P.O Box 3H50. Singapore. FOR SALE 10.400 SQUARE FEET freehold property 2 hedroomed house vicinity Ser*n-s-oon Garden. 544.000. Box A 4093 S.T.. S |X. re. FRANKEL ESTATE Compound House.
      1,119 words
    • 820 18 INTENSIVE: lypenrltlnc. Book- i keeplnc. Shorthand. Morning' Afternoo n' Kvenlng. Commercial Training Inatitute .11* Cantonment Rnad, Singapore (Opp. Cantonment School i. TYPEWRITING BOOKKEEPING. Oraup Individual coaching. South BSM Asia Crmmerrlal School. 444-H Oeylang Road, (near Lorong Ml Xincaporr. lUiriON IN ENQLISH. Maths Art Hia:ory Ueocrapny. Literature. Heann Silence. Scripture. by
      820 words
    • 879 18 FOR HIRE RENT-A-CAR. Dial 2100 V Kvertlne, sin. ScranKoon Road, 8 pore. Noa at Alnondition car* available. MACHINERY, PLANT FOR MIRI operate on the following: SO KVA 44" :i mi v. ies or 400/3/ Mi cycle* or •.Mil slnxle phase VI ryfles «<> kilowatts nirect Current 220 volt* or llli
      879 words
    • 857 18 18*7 VISPA SCOOTER ISO «up*r. F.uronean owner low mileage. Immßrulate condition. Vie« 144. Ch«Q*i Village, fi pore. REGISTERED 31-10-45 Opal Rekord 2 owners, c insutance, R taxed < „.n o View 33 Ix>rong 34 Geylans. 8 pore. 1955 HOLDEN SEDAN XI Motor. 1 36.1MK1 miles. Radio. Peal rover*, exrellent rondition.
      857 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 1524 19 li^ilJiiLJfciij^ GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF SINGAPORE THE LOCAL «,O\ ERNMENT J INTEGRATION ORDINANCE. 1A63 (No. IX of 1963) Notice under Section 22 (II Hi NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. pursuant to Section 22 1 > of the Local Government Integration y Ordinance. 1963, that the Director i of Public Works
      1,524 words
    • 494 19 TENDERS TENDER Tenders are invited by the Chief 1 Supplies Officer. Central Supplies Office. Kandane Kerbau. Singapore 8, (or the following. The closing dates are as shown: I. I raniportation of nchool furniture A equipment duuni the period 1.7.6* to Closing date 5.6.6*. Z. Video tape. Closing date 5.6.68.
      494 words
    • 907 19 NOTICES THE STRAITS TRADING COMPANY, LIMITED Incorporated In Singapore! NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that 3n Extraordinary General Meeting of The Strait* Trading Company Limited, will be held at the Company's Registered Office. Ocean Building. Collyer Quay. Singapore on Saturday thr 15th day of June 1968 immediately alter the Annual General
      907 words
    • 235 19 NOTICE LIFE INSURANCE CORPORATION OF INDIA niTliional Mate* Kuala Lumpur. Notice having been given of the less of Policy No: *****85 dated 25 ,"1948 on the life of Rajanachlar Belv;.durai issued by Oriental Government Security Life AsMuanre Company Ltd.. the Policy moneys in entire cancellation of the Policy will tx>
      235 words
    • 116 19 ARE YOU CINDERILLA! Curnr to our SCHOOL OF BKAI IV for that ERRA BMJCATION without wklch no voiihr l.irl\ is ready for Society. Our n.n.ilh known Fiiroppan Cmisultant u ill provide person tliscd attention to tr.mslnrm MM into an elegant, ch.irniinj; and sophisticated Cm dciella of Beauty. Our 12
      116 words

    • 510 20 ON THE TRACK with EPSOM JEEP sIIWV stable's Entertainment VII, a fancied runner at Ipoh on Sunday, did a brilliant gallop on good going yesterday morning. Ridden by Des Coleman, the four-year-old ran 3f in 3C, accompanied by stablemate Fireball (Nawari Ali). Kntertainment VII has
      510 words
    • 1317 20 MM| 2.30 CLASS 4 DIVISION 3 ghagaßßßaaU (55.700) SJF Local jockeys only I i,,u> .< Kaved' K Hicuk. ».O Won* 3 ■I .iiiiT Kuiiii ,l IWJ Wfarnei Rodger* 5 DO •l-eon* 11 3 .***** I'aMi Ka>*n t an k iBCTkal Tuah> E. Breuk 5 90 Shaarl
      1,317 words
    • 1114 20 WyTTWWM ziQ CLASS 6 DIVISION 1 ■iilitlgßafl $4,800) 8i F Local jockeys only 1 1)7707 Son of Sol :i .I H liiti' E. DOBMtt) 5 89 l*» 1 3f873 \»ng < h»> 1) van Breukeleni RS Breuk 6 8 8 IFI Kang 13 3 U4421
      1,114 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 532 20 A lIMMM. lUilllMl (OMI'ASY INVITKS AITI l( A I lONS WOrn TIIK POST OK MARKETING EXECUTIVE t.MKC HANK AI. ■QOaTMatMTI Job Specification: To supervise the gale of contractor! nirnt uith particular reference to Hydraulic ton and provide an trice for customers with reto the application of this equipQualifir.itien: Diploma In
      532 words
    • 789 20 I NOTICES AUCTION SALE OF Valuable Singapore Properties. To be held at our sales-room. No. 104 Market Street. Singapore. On Tuesday. 28tb May. 1»C«. at 2.3U p.m. 1. Land at Shelford Road, air, 28,577 .square feet, freehold VACANT POSSESSION i Mr. R. Ramason— Solicitor! 2 I -Ui< of I .mi
      789 words
    • 794 20 I PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS HONG KONG GOVERNMENT APPLICATIONS are Invited for the posts of Medical and Health Officers. Ql ALIKH ATIONS: Candidates' should possess a medical qualification regLslrablr in Honn Konu or with the General Medical Council in Ihe United Kinicdom Female candidates must be unmarried. UIT1E8: Clinical. Public Healtli and
      794 words

    • 183 21 By JOE DORAI SUPPIAH. the Singapore Youth soccer team coach, said yesterday that the team returned later than scheduled because they could not Ret plane bookings immediately after the Asian •hampionship at Seoul. •\Vo wrrr held up for two days In Spmul ai d another
      183 words
    • Article, Illustration
      45 21 WRA TRIUMPH Holdin aloft th e F.A. Cup. West Bromwii-h captain mum ■niumrn Graham Williams is chaired by Jubilant team-mates their 1-n victory over Everton in the final at Wembley Stadium. London, last Saturday. Jeff Astle scored the deciding: goal In extra time PA. picture.
      45 words
    • 81 21 HONG KONG. Thurs The Amateur Sports Fcderatmn and Olympic Committee of Hong Kong last niKht .su.-pendoci 'iie H' ng Knnu F A ttam memixrhhip. Tho combitiPd govern; ol loca! amateur s,poit ma in. mined from Hme Kong's participation r tournament at Dei ember. B nip of the
      81 words
    • 25 21 rHRISTOHURCH Tlmr.v— Tlic Ali-Jaj)an Rugby Union 'f.lti "pit hra'on 41-22 by a Combined CNn'erburv DnlveTrtty and Uncota mileer Umi after Park here fWtm(teutar
      25 words
    • 17 21 CAPETOWN Thun Ine Bn!i>h Lion* Rugby Union beat «ti Pun :nn- ilde 1 (»-♦> her* yes-
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    • 88 21 BOBBY'S 45TH GOAL FOR ENGLAND LONDON. Thur.s. Bobby Charlton set an Enpl-.-h I he:,. the World Cup chan. a c \pr Sweden in nn Wambley Stadium last night CtiarltOß'l momrn' of gl. i v rsnif :n the 38th mini.-, minutes after Martin Peter* had headed Ehgland :r. taad Obarltoa veered
      88 words
    • 411 21 From FINCLETON LONDON, Thurs. Making his third appearance against the Australians in two days N o r t h a m ptonshire opener Colin Miiburn looked certain to be to hit a century off the tourists hut he (lipped al a wide one
      411 words
    • 194 21 Hong Kong skipper hits out at umpiring By ALBERT RAMALINCAM lALI Shroff, captain J of the Hong Kong cricket team, charged yesterday that .Mai avsian umpires gave biased decisions during the inter-port match at Kuala I.urn pur on May 10-12. Mirolf said in an intrr\iew .it Knt.i Kin ili. ilu
      194 words
    • 23 21 CARDIFF, rhlin Amenran \'.r EUdlr R-«>se\eit last mali; stopped Englishman B Oraj In mx k defrit nn one br*gh|hl hopes. Rev-
      23 words
    • 93 21 in. i XIV T-viping kM«ei Bikhl 10 St. Ge^ u<> i Insi 0. >»M (IK I'rnanc l>iv 3: Eiingo 3 Olugnr 3. Bf\:t. Bivji. Lepaj, h rhniPsr i mi.ii. Dtar. rhtnavan Vi utha Mhl. Artillery 2. Iliuh Div. 2: Police FF 3 bl 2 l»iv s. KIA 3 PC
      93 words
    • 400 21  - Shooters aim for Games too ERNEST FRIDA By THi!, Singapore ShootIng Association have also submitted proposed Olympic quaiify- ing standards for con--1 siaeration by the National Sports Control Board. The Board will mrpt thi.^ afternoon to consider standards .submitted by three other sports controlling bodies the Amateur Athletic Association, the
      400 words
    • 693 21 NORMAN SIEBEL says When the OCM selectors meet fHE Olympic Council of Ma- laysia selectors will have better reasons to wield the chopper than make encouraging noises when they meet in Kuala Lumpur today to start considering Malaysian representation at the Mexico City Olympic Games
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 362 21 rSPORTS POOLS (MALAYSIA).::iO Certified Dividends FOR SATURDAY, 18th MAY. 1968 ui.k kiin Jampot frize >- .01 I', cts. 24 Points 7,(.84.u« f Ol I cts. 23 Points S 9J.OH for I', cts. 22<i Point* 54.54 for 1' eU. 12 Points 3.67 for I>7 eta, 12 MATCH RESILTS POOL 12 Correct
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  • Page 21 Miscellaneous
    • 48 21 Ulll.l I 1( > IKnIH •ilk:. 2 Si limil -pints. Bukit I St a- (.1)1 I i,, \\.in Ibrahim Star UK Xl 1 n.-udlj: 14ih ratftua f'RC XX VII Sch hi; I poll l»n. 3 in I lipiflf im B. I-"" Fiicikli >^ r I I N\l- n.l B CRC
      48 words

  • 288 22 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs JUST before he died six rears age Major Tim I -ole\ gave his favourite ■ieee a sresue medal uhich he had received irtnit KinpiTdr llaile |c|. assie for bravery Today, Mrs HacgarH >iit chelson. uife of a local businessman, broueht out the
    288 words
  • 51 22 visiting wars hipa Saskatchewan and Qu'Apnellc now berthed at the Naval Brsp. werr ::<lerpilvllpsrd children '■hildren Irom the CatluiYouth Llteiß: n aiui TioiiK Bahru Community centre will visit .hp wnrship* tomorrow Tlif- Vlsltl are beina orcanised by tlio Han 1 Andersen C part of its welfare
    51 words
  • 28 22 SINGAPORE Thurs. The 19th local artists exhibition will b« officially opened by the sinker. Mr P Coomara.swamv tomorrow at 530 pm at the Victoria Memorial Hall.
    28 words
  • 61 22 M'OHi hura Vhp Hran Yew alias Yap Hens. Yon :;iy cliai-^pd In the Ninth Magistrate's Court with the murder of Koim Glow Hoon bet»rrn 11 a. ni and 4 pm on Apnl 2 Ht 43-G Jalan Haji.tali while In the company ol another person. The magistrate ordered Yap
    61 words
  • 61 22 SINGAPORE Thurs The Malayslan-Slncapore Airlines traffic department will hold a "K«la evening' at the Ocean Park Hotel on June 1 to raise money for the Rose Minie Fund A hiKhlUilu will De the -Emerald Queen" beauty conte.M Tho^e wii-hine to take part tn the contest
    61 words
  • 51 22 mnoapore. Thun Mi Dulip Kumar will present "AniiiKali'. a dance drama, on Monde) .it 8 p m. at the Victoria Theatre in aid of the Singapore Stall cif the ltith International Bazaar for the Blind Tickets can be obtained (ran the Singapore Association for the
    51 words
  • 362 22 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs MALAYSIA and Ethiopia li;i\l- agreed lo shut l;ilks lo conclude ;iu economic ;m<l cultural agreement. A joint communique, i.ssued at the end of Emperor Haile Selassie's four-day visi; here, thi.s would enhance co-operation in the >:ir'- cultural and social Belds.
    362 words
  • 10 22 VION KOK KHOON FViMrtl on IS i' c'xm' horn»
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  • 365 22 LONDON. Tnurb. Sloik marke' sentiment »a^ ni\en a boost today by better-than-expected results from ICI and axid prices moved higher Towards the close, the Financial Times index showed a 3 9\ at 468 3. with the market Meac.\ iinucllf prices oi elected •it including sump duty RUBBER
    365 words
  • 86 22 SINGAPORE. Thurs De- ding champion* Darul Afiah and newly-promoted Stable mOfl scored then third mkcetstve wins in t lie FAS Division One league tnatrhe> :.l Jalan Besar Stadium tnhiKht For Darul Allah, centie-toi ward Zakan.i Ma hat netted four k'oaN in their 4-1 win o\er
    86 words
  • 441 22 SINGAPORE. Thurs. A "New Era" exposition is to be held here for a month from Sept. 14 to highlight the industrial and commercial development of the country and to demonstrate the capacity of its people to survive and prosper. The Minister for Foreign
    441 words
  • 114 22 RIO I)K JANKIKO Thur-v Two rival Town Coun efts each rlaiminc tn be Ircitiinatr fought a uun battle in the city hall at Sobral. northeast Brazil. i The twe councils have bnn functioning for se\eral months after an electoral dispute still to be legally
    Reuter  -  114 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 17 22 20 u-ords $15 (minimum/ MATOi a »on. Art. iTo-nrr i» AMI Anthuar id »tao. G H XI.
      17 words
    • 149 22 Insure your success with STAMFORD COLLEGE I I HOME-STUDY COURSES H w incorporating the latest H DIAGNOSTIC METHOD OF TEACHING M OBJECTIVE TESTING M STAMFORD COLLEGE '^^fi Tne ldr 9«s' Correspondence College Malaysia Singapore Region fVK commended as a model by Colombo Plan experts offers you yy wyj edaisflE sVajadaHfLa
      149 words