The Straits Times, 20 May 1968

Total Pages: 28
1 28 The Straits Times
  • 26 1 [VERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 150,000 to National newspaper The Straits Times I .Id 1845 NDAY, MAY 20, I9(i8 13 CENTS KDN. 3104 MX. (P) 0014
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  • 288 1 Paris talks: Getting ready for next round PARIS, Sun. The U.S. and North Vietnamese delegations began work yesterday on statements to carry on tneir duel of charges and counter-charges at their next meeting on Wednesday. their third union yesterday ihey agreed on the three-day recess since, according to a U.
    Reuter; UPI  -  288 words
  • 1240 1 SINGAPORE. Sunday MRS. Indira Gandhi arrived here today for a two-day visit and called for a broader base for regional co-operation. Addressing ;i rally :il the National Theatre in the evening, the Prime Minister s;iid Inrli«i sought co-operation and exchanges with her neighbours without seeking
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  • 183 1 I may run for President 8 years later, says Ted I OS ANGBLES. Sun. J Senator Edward Kennedy, whose brother Robnt is seeking the Democratic Part y presidential nomination, suggest ed yesterday thai he might be interested in running for President "eight yei i s from now" Ri^ht now i
    AP  -  183 words
  • 81 1 KUCHINO. Sun police spokesman .<i<l hire tod iy thai a dusk 10-dawn curfew had beer Impi th>- Ban district i>l Sara wait's Flrnl Division from yesterday berau porti ol po* IMe Inliltra tion bj members "i iiie Paaokan Guerilla R.< iya( Sara w.ik Thr Police Held
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  • 25 1 liw Bti .<■■ I ii rtgtu-p on ill*" Regional C«>nl< in-i nn (Mil M' iionnr? hrinc held In 8lni« l».rr gp( i "p\ I
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  • 10 1 21-yeai rim in 1
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  • 176 1 SINGAPORE. Sun. Bight tllga were tip till late today fi»htIng a blaze that broke out on board the 18,000-ton Norrjan oi i tanker Benwell while it was berthed at Pulau Bulcom. Soon after the mc broke out In the engine room this afternoon, two Shell tugs
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  • 116 1 BAI.IIMOKF. Sun. Dancer's Image disqualified for the second time in consecutive major races voter day after running third to Forward Pas> m the Preakness Stakes. Forward Pass won hy seven lengths Out Of The Wa\ uas second and Dancer v Image third Dancers Image
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  • 146 1 Razak arrives in West Berlin DERLIN, Sun. Tun Abdul Razak arrived m West Berlin today to begin a West a<■r m a n visit. He came from Brussels via Frankfurt Tomorrow. Tun I will v| Ki;iu- Bchuetz and will enter Ills name on the (i'lkieii Book ol Notables. Then he
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  • 5 1 NICOSIA t, r
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  • 30 1 WAS HERO DEAD MELBOI'BNE. Sua Lirot -den. Cyril Alkart (lon ex. commiß^ii »l Anstralian task fore* which »mashed J*»an»»« attack at Milne la Htm Guinea, died Be was
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

    • 87 2 BANGKOK. Sun. Six European hippies expelled from Laos had to shave thenbeards and cut thenhair before Thai authorities would allow them into the country. Sfk.i-. rters '»i ti>r all-nlfhi 4:58-mile lhikp from the ngkl Bangkok, the six sa:ci that Thai border ofl -•►-(I
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    • 166 2 UKtTGEES from the Cholor area in Saigon were allowed to return to their shattered homes last week as there was almost no action in the area. American tanks and armoured personnel carriers were still on the scene to prevent another flare-up. Winner In PEKING.
      UPI  -  166 words
    • 326 2 Huong as Prime Minister in reshuffle SAIGON, Sundny JJR. Tran Van Huong, schoolteacher and veteran nationalist. has agreed to take OVW as Prime Minister of South Vietnam in a reshuffle that could possibly lead to changes in Saigon's peace strategy. Mr. huonK. 64. son of a Mekong DHta coolie. Is
      Reuter  -  326 words
    • 130 2 T Roops o, N^f T T^ KC A T c^S d 0 In fighting vp.vfprday tn.Pv seized the airport five miles east of the city and were closing in from three directions. Report., said that the* had severed the last exit route to Ownrri 45 miles
      Reuter  -  130 words
    • 213 2 'African States preparing joint attack on S. Africa' CAPE TOWN. Sun The South African Prime Minister. Mr. John Vorster. said toI day that certain African states were preparing for an eventual joint attack on South Africa. He toiu" a congress of the National Pr.rtv that i the states, which he
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    • 39 2 ALAMOGORno (New Mwc<>', Sun.— a iwinc-wing f-iii planr was damaged in landing before thou.--anfl.s of spectators at an Armed Forcrs Day air show at Hoiloman Air Force base near her* ve«terd*v. Thr civilian pilot was uninjured —Rru'rr
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    • 210 3 TRUDEAU OPENS Ills ELECTION CAMPAIGN TORONTO, Sun Prime Minister Mr. Pierre Tnicieau olTicially opened Ms election cimpaigu >«M«rday when he strp Pet! off a chartered pUnf and w; ls soundly kissed "> two mini-skirted girls. Mr. Irudeau beean his race lor the June Vk election "■Hi a sidewalk
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    • 502 3 CHAOS AT CANNES AS STRIKERS SEIZE HALL AND STOP SHOW CANNES, Sunday fHE Cannes Film Festival was cancelled last night after several hundred film workers seized the festival hall in support of the nationwide strike movement. The Jury disbanded after five of Its 11
      UPI  -  502 words
    • 46 3 NEW YORK. Sun —Elizabeth Taylor >:d US$3O5.--■M lor the Krupp diamond j 'lit perfect in the worW The 33 19 t ni'T.ild cut stoiu mouutrd a.s ring. «,<> bought ior the tctrea* through i an agent at an auction here I R*ut«r
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    • 277 3 McCarthy tells his supporters: I'll fight to the end WASHINGTON, Sun. Senator Eugene McCarthy tonight as- > sured his supporters that he intended to stay to the end in the fight for the U.S. presidency. The Senator, who suffered reverses recently In primary election contests against Senator Robert Kennedy in
      Reuter; UPI  -  277 words
    • 205 3 PRAGUE, Sunday. JHE Soviet Prime Minister, Mr. Kosygin, began talks here today with the reforming Communists now ruling in Prague. Otektv the i racial new Kgency, .said that Czechoslovak;. i* development of boclalism was nieot'rm wth understand!] n Soviet leaders. The tw<> >idt\s h;id alao approached
      Reuter  -  205 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 134 2 WIN $16^)00 J DDI7FS^HBy a beautiful woman 1 ISO-RAPID lc \k*t woman resident in Singapore or Malaysia. The best entries will win a total of over $16,000 in cash, and 50 Agfa cameras jlnpn frt fIU nhotfl^faOnPrS this could be you U F"4 K IIMI n> I< OT??> (m i
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 246 3 Does a woman work for 2cents an hour? She does if she still washes her laundry by hand. F wll)^ r r oufc trie eWjctricity to run a modern HrA Sanyo washing machine costs less than 2 t t^ cents per hour. That's how much you sell 3 s it*
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    • 561 3 A colorful S^ fl collection of ''"Obh A*f sport shirts m WLW^ L^o^ your leisure JfM •jK jJ hours from dawn Jm o *^^^M to dusk. These are j available in mmmr I W\\ IRON the luxurious W fabric of 65 Dacron" 1 polyester &35 cotton. fr KING COTTON PERMA-IRON
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  • 308 4 SINGAPORE. Sun "pHE Minister for Foreign AHairs and Labour, Mr. S. Hajaratnam, has said that the Government was going to change the people's outlook to prepare them for the many big problems in the next five years. That was why the Government was
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  • 84 4 Arrest No. 8 in East Coast murder case SINGAPORE. Sun. Another person the eighth has been detained by police in connection with the murder nl Kong Glow Hoon, a dealer in shoe heels. The man was picked up by the Special Investigations Section of the CID from a Housing Board
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  • 33 4 SINGAPORE Sun Thr community X-ray survey unit ill I* Ft itlon< r. K;ini|X'MK BunSial China m Mriisilini; Rn;irt br 1 re 3 pm. .Hid 8 p ni. tomorrow ,md on Tuc
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  • 225 4 MOl'N'l Kinabalu may not be the top of the world, but for this little band of teachers and students, that top of the unrld feeling was there all the same when they got to hobuobbinc with Mr. Lee Kuan Yew and his Cabinet colleagues
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  • 290 4 26 nations to attend Ecaf e meet in S'pore SINGAPORE, Sun ABOUT 80 experts in electric power development will meet here from May 30 through June 6 for trull th session of the Economic Commission for Asia and the F:ir East sub-commit t«t- on energy resources and electric power. The
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 255 4 I C APITOL-Tomorrow Wednesday Only Brought Back by Popular Demand J DON T MISnMHIMIMEJ I Ashori joumcv fn>m girl in uoiTuin. I Ism vfl t 4k L^aH W ,o| 9 > ■j I I I FILMED ON LOCATION IN SINGAPORE! > 1 Ha>ley A\ills -Trevor Howard Shashi Kapoor j m
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    • 215 4 GUYATONE AMPLIFIERS new modrli |u»t arrived PRESIDENT 4x12 Heo»y duty speaker*. 2 chonneli, 4 iffipuH, push switch for reverb 4 tremolo selection STEREO 2 speaker columns. 4 i 12 heavy duty speakers, this modal con be used tor lead t bass a.uitorv 2 channels, B inputs. Also available —GEM Italy
      215 words
    • 172 4 AT THE OBCfflO L&IiUM NIGHTLY DIRECT FROM ARGENTINE M 44.*"; presenting authentic, txotic, colourful exciting dances of Argentine, Brazil Paraguay. MUSC BY ARIS SALVADOR &THE 11-PIECE TROPONA ORCHESTRA ROMY KATINDIG THE HI-CHORDS RESIDENT VOCALIST MISS TANG SEW PENG STATION HOTEL KEPPEL ROAD. SINGAPORE 2. Tel: *****1 3 lines All Rooms
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    • 445 4 fsn aw GANISATION BJ HlH'M'itflu'ni'iiliJ LAST OAYr" 11-1.4J-4-6.30-9 1J Winn«r ot b Acodemy Awards ■j including BtST PICTokJ i BEST ACTOR Rr>d Steiocr "IN THE HEAT OF THE NIGHT Sidney Potier COLOR lUA OPENS TOMORROW Lrsulo Andr< "One* B«lor« I Die" Color ■J Jo^n Derek Worner Bros -7 Arts BJ
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  • 436 5 POLLS CANDIDATES 'MEN OF CALIBRE' CHAOS IF PMIP WINS THE NEXT ELECTIONS. HE SAYS PENANG, Sunday •pHK .Minister of Information and Broadcasting, Inche Senu bin Abdul Rahman, today called on Umno members not to quarrel among themselves in their desire to become candidates in
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  • 378 5 I>hV\M., Sum. HgM dHegatps Iroin thr Jalan Haiin I'mno hranch »'!>■ asKHi t<i lea\e thr •iiiiu-i. n. hall jn-t l*lM"i«r,. the 'tart of the frnuiiK div.v onal Imiio ■MWtal m fmi.iv at < mnn Mai! Incln "on a dur< live hum
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  • 110 5 Betting Brunei students? 'Allegations baseless' Bi ["OWN Bun. Tiir <;• ernineni today rieini'ci an .illr^.'i lon 111 tiir Legislative Council here that Brunei -indent In London were neluk encouraved in bei on horae«, un t.<- uid "do ''■hit ;'.!;;l icta liir rIUTB* »M HI liv H« i Hal Mn h
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  • 25 5 ipkh Bui i j open ih< iv» "i in Crasi s \\n* > record r 'If .n'ri I I I. hi
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  • 38 5 !Kl i K Mim B Mr. „y v.-.m To* i Council .ion- Ihi Ma ■yrian 1 it iol Prrak. I \\r Mi >'.n Abdul Gh»- -<• Mr P_ \1 i in■neratar) Mr. i- n Mi M. ■.1
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  • 245 5 Hole-in-heart girl flies in and says: I'm feeling fine... KUALA LUMPUR. Si n J,]IGHTKKN-YKAK-OLI) hoh-m-thc-heart <>iti Pong Lai K<ien arrived home today aft* r a successful operation at Auckland's Green Lane Hospital feeling "fine, but tired." She told reporten at Subang Airport that she felt she had to have some
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  • 129 5 ~1 PENANG. Sunday i I I THF education youth activities committee n! the Pensng Junior Chamber plans in form qyouth club. i tie mn hai man. \u I jrout h who 'had pr'.M- ■•rri ntn i world The > lub will fu a lung line
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  • 31 5 K I A ted by Mle 9t 1 .inti"pn In ii cr.'.r i n Kin M Bobbj dtni [nrht \v i uned M humed. n,r\ th«:
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  • 8 5 PANOKOH Dutrirt t R
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  • 7 5 tU i n a IT
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 68 5 "Fancy having to ask for Schweppes!" The gentle art of Schweppesmanship (how to be a good mixer) is liberally practised in most countries. However in Singapore it is necessary to ask for Schweppes. "For an authentic Gin Tonic, Brandy Dry, or Whisky F^ Soda, i^J yuu mi t v jgiflk
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    • 165 5 Wtoßr^b^!b ß *tt M 4^t^ i 1b ■riL:^^9t Sa^^BaßMS^Tc fflr > fit, ..awßt^t^da^MllSE »j^fc^'' BSS x Jipt>^»— wMJ Take I look at new Suzuki AIOIGP. Then, take C^^ a ride on this fabulous bike. AIOIGP costs fW&* > n you less, gives you more! Tried and tested on t 0.-jo
      165 words

  • 750 6  - Bernama switches on tne news 808 NG AN IDEA COMES TO LIKE AFTER SEVEN YEARS OF PLANNING by KUALA LUMPUR SEVEN years ago. the idea was first proposed to set up a national news agency. At a word in a house in residential Jalan Pekeliling in Kuala Lumpur that serves
    Bernama  -  750 words
  • 560 6  -  Arthur C. Miller !)V ONE ol tin Frequently quoted saying: iho repertory ol Ma<> Tse-tuii ighUs that revolution Us nut a dinnei partj i be ship, the Cultural Revolution has nol D( t n a relaxed occasion for the handful ol centr ii chanced with
    OFNS  -  560 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 237 6 (Congratulations to BERNAMA on their INAUGURATION PENINSULAR TRADING CO., 8238, Kawasan Miel, P. Jaya. With the Compliment fnun PF EDEX I^^ Sharikat SPEEDEX OFFICE SUPPLIES No 6 |alaa H^lc K«ab Lumpur Tel *****. Workihop Combnt Rojd Ku*lj Lumpur Sprci.ili%c\ in St««l *nd Svitcm OMicc Equipment Woodtn Furr^u.r >nd P.- -tiHonin,
      237 words
    • 230 6 gfVUEIPJ I M 3 1-1^ CONGRATULATIONS to BERNAMA THE NATIONAL NEWS AGENCY OF MALAYSIA ON THEIR INAUGURATION TELEX- the Communication Medium SIEMENS of Our Age HHHHHLW&" '-^PHKZMBHbHHI :pr; X' J> W>>3B become ir K 'or trade bfl Bu! progrrsv B^Br^C JrVB J J n orces m^^^^T^ Wf^^^K '-P-'o-date se-. I
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  • 227 7 Ragging: Students' Union issues expulsion warning SINGAPCMtE, sun —The Iniversity of Singapore Sludrnts has warned th.t .ui> under gradaate wh« ramH another wa«, liable in r\ puisntn from the univer!rity I he warnint rame from the uninn's p.esident Mr Ong I < nnt Boon. ,\i the matriculation rrrrmnm of
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  • 24 7 PENANG riM Chlel M.nister. T^n Bri Wtau Pnw Nef will lay the fnund---n ston* for the net But 1 Dtstrlei Of? II
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  • 369 7 Sarawak harvests a bumper 'gift from heaven' 15,000 TONS OF ILLIPE NUT TO BE SHIPPED ABROAD From P.C. SHIVADAS: Kuchinß. Sunday J^ BUMPER crop of illipe nut (the "gift from heaven") used in chocolate, lipstick and some medicines is being harvested in Sarawak. When the season ends this month an
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  • 14 7 lAMAI SUI branch <*'. fur AntiTubercu n h*i O| 'hr DtStrtCi H
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  • 183 7 I>ENANCI, Run. A nun who had sprnt 40 ypars lookintz u f t f r the aged poor and sick in Malaysia and China, died suddenly in the Convent of thr Little Sisters of the Poor here this morning. Sister
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  • 215 7 IPOH. Bun.— An assurance that the electoral pact between the Peoples Progressive Party and the Democratic Action Party "is here to stay" was made here today by the DAP organising secretary, Mr. Urn Kit Siang. The position would not he allrcted whether or not
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  • 165 7 SI 40,000 road in Ipoh to ease traffic IPOH. Sun —A -black area" tur road accidents here lias been eliminated with the construction of a mile- long deviation by-pas-sing the densely penm- lated Menglembu area. I co.sting $i 40.000. the i road, including a roundabout, was constructed by the Municipal
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  • 43 7 lI'OH Su i il im h\ k wani'T'ss Miriam Ch'^i Ah H'inz S3. (< r dHiiMsr> lan.i^t pneinppi Mr S PakiaiMthaß, folhmlm ■< nad a, kni tiirrp ream ae<. haa iitph .r'tlpd in Hip r.iir' horo for *2.00 d.
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  • 30 7 bING*PO!IE. bun I I nanre Minu-'rr. r>r Gnh Kpng t;'\pe. vill open thp Sine;) r« parts denartniPir of Catprpillar Fas* Eißti Ltd. at 4.30 p.m I .in Woonesday
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 201 7 {Nikon) Only Nikon cameras purchased from the following franchisee! dealers are covered by the manufacturers guarantee SINGAPORE Amateur Photo Stores Ltd., Bee Loh Photo Sjpp era Bengold Co Boon Co Cathey Photo Store Chong Wah Watches Camerat C K Tang (S) Ltd Harrows Ltd Hrn Co hock C^eo^ij Co HX
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    • 376 7 rftth IIOtCI The newest and m^^^^^^^^ t^. »V< hnr<it Hotrl >n "toottt^^ M.ili'>u with nn mmm g|W ISO luxunou- .II <*■■ cnditionfri rooms ll fiiti-Suin A C an- tonrtr Food a^^^^^^^^^^ m^^^^ SPECIAL OFFER TO EUROPE L=— Departure 18-7-68 VISIT M BI(. (OINTRIIS AMI MAW MOW I.xperirnrr Air Tr.uel K.nlw.iv
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 207 7 Straits I imes Crossword |B|^^^H^^aß aaaal SB EJf 5!5 I HiaW I J J 1 ■BBJBBBIiIBBBBBBiBB^i^iI^BBBBBM MMMM 5 Flyers on a nyiiiß holidaj. one nun starts B^xzs\i— 8 Feilo* with 7 J** nf P"-"" 1 1 112 ,o aw sssTf sasrs v v r b nnukbii m T N orfh
      207 words

  • 312 8 21-gun salute will greet 'Lion of Judah' KING AND QUEEN TO LEAD WELCOME KUALA LUMPUR, Sunday. 21-GUN salute from the guns of the "C" Battery of the Ist Regt. Malaysian Artillery, will herald the arrival of Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia at Subang Airport on Tuesday for his four-day State
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  • 125 8 Perak builds four schools at cost of $1 million IPOH. Sun. Four new secondary schools costIng a total of $1,060,000 are being built In Perak. Thy are the Malay ser-^dsrv schoo. in Karopir. the $300 000 lower se.-nnd«iy wrhoc/. in Sururlui. the $220 000 lower I secondary school in
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  • 141 8 POLICE WILL AUCTION SEIZED TAXIS IPOH, Sun— The traffic police will dispose of by public auction 32 cars confiscated by the courts as pirate taxis. Asst. Supt. Tan Teck Cheng, head of the Traffic Branch, said today thai so far this year 42 pirate taxis had >>een sei/fd here. Cases
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  • 14 8 •-I.NiiAPORE. Sun T»leph.'rw MtTtH b^tm-wn'smsapor* •nd l.v* will be «vmilabie from tomorrow.
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  • 273 8 Emperor's visit: 'Don't start anything' PMIP is told TANJONG KARANG, Sun. The PMIP was today told not to do anything which would mar Malaysia's i good name during the State visit of Emperor Haile Selassie which begins on Tuesday. The Minister of Education, Inche Mohamed Khir Johari. told the annual
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  • 180 8 JOHORE BAHRU. Sun TTiE State GovernA merit was yesterday urged to carry out its plan to build a port here immediately. Three State Government backbench' rs, when debating a Bill to establish the Johore State Economic Development Corporation, hoped that the corporation rnuld undertake
    180 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 332 8 MM m\flK. S^^*™"^» '^m^^Ml BB^t"***"^» f hi kj J .mmW^LW <" mm m^*~~ mm *^m*t~~-- <> P* pj^^y^fc^^ M^!!^^^' mm^^^^^^^^^ t^mm\\\\\WSmm\\\\\\\\\\\\m\ l\g^ W\ mmmmmmmmmA XwtmmmTi \W^mmmmW^m^t^^^m^^ jjLW/L^/L\ > COROLLA 1100 CORONA 15 POSITION: 2nd CUSS A P0SITI0N: 3rd CLASS DRIVERS: P.F.J. BURTON DRIVERS: J.M. COX D< PKnmH Toyota 2nd 3rd
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
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  • 1214 9  - Miam preps for the greatest show in politics ARTURO and GLORIA GONZALEZ by THE late Speak er of the House, Sam Rayburn, used to wisecrack th;i t ■■nominating conventions are a lot of people #oi n g around asking one another what's hap pening?'*. Which makes Miami Beach thr scone
    1,214 words
  • 373 9  -  DON PETERSEN by NINE of America's richest farmers each r e c p i v p more than one million dollars a year lor NOT planting crops The federal government signs cheques for 1500.000 or more and mails them to 18
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 126 9 better yield using [J 'Cock's Head' pl fertilizers suitable for all crops and soil conditions In a rapidly developing economy based on agriculture there must be a vast 'MM \\JB^jf^^ljg///ll[^^ variety of crops and it follows that there M l\\u#fjffluU\voi WHiil/m is a need for efficient active fertilizers for the
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  • The Straits Times
    • 449 10 The warmth with which Mrs. Indira Onrwihi has been received by Singapore- and which 'vill be .soon again she visits Malaysia ten days hence- re-fleets a -; of r> latkms. It i a recognition of the ilioas of i i ted Asian lewder who has brought a
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    • 311 10 ientku Abdul Rahman's rail for jmnt manning by v>re and Malaysia of •> Installations in both countries will be formally th* Five Power <• 'n Kuala Lumpur next month. Britain. Australia nnd New Zealand the picture for obvious reason' Britain ha* property richts over the bases estton, while
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    • 216 10 M*' v i) news aueno-. Bet-nan a. will file its first report* today. Like constructive pioneer venture it daamioa tha i ustom»>rs and it- public. Benuma will concentrate for a ■in Kuala Lumpur, ling its mmraajt in due course to the whole of Malaysia and then to 'i
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  • 822 10 GOOD-LOOKING. FRIENDLY AND RICH. GOVERNOR NELSON ROCKEFELLER RETURNS TO THE FRAY A Special Correspondent NEW YORK t kIAfHO else but N*lse?" is the campaign slogan of Governor Nelson ft Rockefeller of New York, who announced his active candidacy for the United States
    FWF  -  822 words
  • Article, Illustration
    13 10 Better mak« it ninety nine ye»r least, we re with the peace conference.'
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    • 247 10 I WISH to thank you lor your editorial of |flat I. sup;x)rtint; th P Ministry of Natloiißl Development In urging the public to cheek iii*' accreditation cards of lt.s official interviewers In regard to the niggestion tliat poMai questionnaires r>e used, this wiuld b<" employed
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    • 53 10 \LTHOUGH the Kuala Pilah Public Reading Room has existed several years it provides little good reading material. All it has are a few newspaper.- and periodicals). Onl v U tlir reading rixun cwld be used as the starting point for a library would its existence be uMified C. K.
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    • 40 10 rpHEATRES provide free 1. parking space for can but not motor cycles which occupy much less space. Car or motorcycle owners, patrons pay the same price for tickets. Why this discrimination in parking facilities? LIM KOON Xt \N Singapore
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  • 589 10  -  JOE HAGGERTY by NUT for almost half a century have American millionaires and multimillionaire! poured money into building palatial mansions the way they're doing it today But now the rich aren't having them built just for show. Often they want a special house
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 53 10 j^^k SAFETY FIRST! ll JM Sal II ecause lt s c est n ILjg uWB It the end. Let it be your O¥ERSEA.CH!NESE BA BANkSg CORPN. LTD. STRONGEST mnd LARGEST BANK in MALAYSIA «M SINGAPORE FOR SUPREME SAFETY SAVE WITH 0.C.8C Th. Bank for AH-Bls an< Small •HANCHfi* THROUGHOUT StN6AF«ORE.
      53 words
    • 75 10 our goal is your security anY/ Lnm-- r i With nearly 50 years of experience in insurance and investment. The Wing On Group can guarantee tha maximum security tor its investors. About $100,000,000 is invested in ninny parts of the world in solid assets like buildings, rca. estate and established
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  • 492 11 SINGAPORE. Sun J]R. LEE KUAN YEW told Mrs. Indira Gandhi that during her short visit lh< might find Singapore Indians "look likt Indians, speak like Indians, but are no longei Indians." He was speaking on India's contribution to the Republic at a State
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  • 37 11 BINOAPQRE Sun. The Director ot Telecommunications. Mr William Oslen. said that Government's proposed $.4 million and not $40 million as reported in th< SUaIU 1 satellite station would cost about on 6aturday.
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  • 273 11 I/UALA II MPI K Sun. Tenrku Abdul Rahman is confirlpnt that Malnvsia> national news atfncv, Bfrnama. will project a "correct and true" image of the life and aspirations of Malaysians. "Beraama Is dear to my heart. Though we have a good
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  • 165 11 KUALA LUMPUR. Sun AN action committee has been formed to co-orcunaie and lay the groundwork for the proposed nation-wide industrial action by Lhe 72 affiliated unions vi Cuepacs. Headed by one Of Cu<'Pa:s' vice-presidents, Mr S Packirisamy. the comra tee of 20 will hold ihe
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  • 201 11 Arrogance of DAP led to deadlock: Alatas JOHORE BAHRU. Sun. The prot c m chairman of the Gerakan Ra'ayat Malaysia, Proi. Syed Hussein Alatas, said here last night talks to form a united opposition front broke down because of the "arrogance of the DAP. 1 "For the talks to be
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 139 11 SH»^^^*i»^^»^^#W?TK''3Pf VaV^ftiaav .-mT^B M *Mhl ■Sft^^Htß^Hr <* .<Bst. ■> mL .v^JV^^P^M^M^mV 4I^MIK if^M^afAfJ HMfI H^TteVl Bulk 1 jßMßfSßi!^n9n HrKjbl B^^^^ m 'A* '»5- BpWW^A^Bi tvj^3BP"y^^K3 Ba*"'*^^H w a KJ|raß Wiltir* M BjWSa^aT':B^s> aGBfIBHaP^SB DAKA Everyman's Language Laboratory Makes teaching of languages so much easier JJWi sjc Small enough to be
      139 words
    • 166 11 tB\ ifiteMv Jiff/ the symbol ot I SERVICE I I SECURITY I I STABILITY I PAN MALAYAN FINANCE LID iMCOWQU'tC ft VtAtrn H PU»C .MltO .Ml OMMPI umwwfocamri BSKCiMPuouPunni tsooaooo PM liil'iA FINUCi LIMITED ODUP *SS£TS UGUO S2&000.000 HMO O»ct Al.l kiwranc* Bu <l-«o 0 80. MM. SigapO't 1.
      166 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 651 11 TV MALAYSIA Channel 6 KiuOa Lumpur and English. 7.1U Scope. 7.35 Hazel t'rnaiif 6 li>..h and Maiarra; Haz*l ana the I.ovcbirdt 8 S and 10 lUliru. 4 Npu.s in Manaarin. 8.10 Baha- Taipinc. T Baui Pihjt- 9 «a Kil« 825 Malaysia Thia Kluanc. Week 8?S Science Report. 9 N>a.s
      651 words
    • 106 11 THE TIDES TODW laOUl Kechil 2*l am 4 9ft > 449 pm. 1 7 Oft > lire 401 am 1 7.4 ft) 701 p.m. 1 6.6ft Por* Dick■Oß 12 33 am 6.lft > 12.55 pm i(.Sft); Por: S*etf*nham 517 am ■Tf t > 725 p.m, 1 7.1 f t Penang
      106 words

  • 315 12 TOLSTOY. By Henri Tro>ai. (Allen. X4s.) By STI AIM GRIFFITHS DUBLITSKY was the alias Tolstoys future wife gave him In a short story she wrote to ensnare him. It means double man,' the best and the worst In one person. Tolstoy was indeed a man
    315 words
  • 16 12 THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF BERTRAM) RUSSELL. Vol. 11 1914-1944. (Allen and Unwin, 425.)
    16 words
  • 1350 12  -  ALLINGTON KENNARO NCVIEWED BYI WHEN Bertram! Russell lay dose lo death in Peking forty years ii^o his Chinese friends decided they would bury him on the banks of Ihe Western Like, ami build shrine to his memory Russell con fesses to some slight
    1,350 words
  • 379 12  -  WALTER WARWICK By AnVENTI'RK IN MY VEINS. By Ex-Supt \llan Brodir. wi'h Rodrrirk (irant. (Jarrold*. :t«s > A 1. 1. AN Brodir has born a gainrkcrprr in Scotland. Klvinc Squad detrt-tive in London, an R.A.K. bombardier in the Middle Ka»t and Burma, and
    379 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 376 12 SUPPORT OUR LOCAL INDUSTRY IMMKJ cci l r t F'ttmis HP\ /i vtinuiKtutfi ii SutpM" H» «fs»'tt i»Pirt li"" Pljn ■•untiiif cUMnel tittut List Pnc«: AMO l»40w *****. l(^yS Oecofjtuf tittmi wit* ilw i. OnkM Driller. 1 fl'Ctssrt Cnlmi naunnar f^ I BL 1,0 Price AFC 2.40. U_ 1 16
      376 words
      103 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 1041 13 10 LIVERPOOL a WtSl CIASI »>., X i.;:Si:SK'»-.r..::KS tit Bfl j iiii.Tir... i'»eroocl. Glasgow mVibn i"t't)oo'. Oufcim A'awrta... j... 74 S8 jiieili Z M"H«nM lv «roool. Glatgna laaa Itl Jell 1 "•CHAON liverjooi, Glasgow Jati I TO NORTH CONTINFNT. ltlf L Jtatii Jaae II Jaatll/1| »_»OM UK CBNTINtm, EUM^US m)S*Sm
      1,041 words
    • 1384 13 BWWBa^BiIBBiIW I TH£ E A C/ZrVAfsJ aaaVaTal THL EAST ASIATIC COMPANY Lid. Incorporated in Danmirk aaTaTaaaTaf EXPRESS SAILINGS TO GENOA/NORTH CONTINENT/SCANDINAVIA P. S ham Penang S'pon Genoa R'dam H'burg Aarhus C'hagen SBNCKHLA a<) May 24, 21 May 27/21 Miy tt/ f IM* I Jaly II Jaly 11 Jaly It Jaty
      1,384 words
    • 1258 13 EXPRESS SERVICE TO LONDON. LIVERPOOL I CONTINENTAL PORTS BENCLEUCH m Singapore 1. S'nm Penang M^.V* t! BENDORAN Singaoore Pt. Sham Prnang Hamburg lim 21 May il 7i Singipori P. S ham i-| ■INARKLE foiHM, Hamtwrt, M'kra May 71 II Hay 71 1 Jaaa 2/ 1 ■INVALLA L'aon. R'dam, G'mouth. H'bari
      1,258 words
    • 1233 13 t^ KLAVENESS LINE \Cjg' inailt far lIS INCHES. LAN FIANCISCO. SEATTLE. VANCIMirtt 1 1 Alss ataeatiat lartl tar Caiiret I laata aaariea. lingipori Penany P. t'Daai Due L. *ngeiti IRINIVIUI 27/21 May M/11 May 1/1 Jaae tl My SONNcVILLE .5 77 Isae 71 71 Jm M Jaa' l laly it
      1,233 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 947 14 wr""^ KAWASAKI KISKN KAISHA LTD. Wanarn Australia Sanßapore Japan Sarvlea -BaMiaa Mara' 1 3 31 laai 5I M| 14 lalt' 15 lai» II lalt ■Fl <<l.aaar Mara" 13 30 ••It Aat 15 »»r I* *at »a» Wast Africa Slngapora' Japan Sarvlea Rue* •i»uai Mai* Sailaa 11 'I mi Sia*. 11
      947 words
    • 816 14 P&O to Europe and the United Kingdom s.s. "ORSOVA" (29,000 ton. fully airconditionrd ttabilited) Departing SINGAPORE 28 Sept 1968 Arriving LONDON 28 Oct 1968 via Cnlombo, Durban. Port Elizabeth, Cape Town, Modeira, Lisbon and Rorterdem. FIRST TOURIST CLASS ACCOMMODATION AVAILABLE (fares FIRST CLASS Singapore/UK from $2389 and TOURIST CLASS from
      816 words
    • 845 14 FAST EXPRESS SERVICE TO ROTTERDAM Alto calling at HAMBURG, BREMEN, AMSTERDAM, ANTWERP m.v. SPAARNEKERK SINGAPORE: DEPARTURE 15/6/68 Agents X.P.M. (F.E.) LTD. TEL: *****-9 W FLOTTA LAUEO WfJaW itttrißt utter tm tiksti hut \T UCEPIINt BOBRINSS >0* BtNCHOk MlNll. -M6NKKON( btICRN lr*M| Prnant P. B'hai* S'oura B«i|to* Manila H'>on| Sai|«i Pt
      845 words
    • 779 14 NOTICE NOTICE THE COMPANIES ACT, 1967 MECHANICAL FOREMAN INDL'STBIAL INSPECTION Applications arr> Invited from (FAB EAST) LIMITED Malaysian Citizens for the poeltlon NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN of MEC HANK AL FOREMAN at that a Meetlnß of Creditor* of In- the company s Ipoh factory dustrial Inspection 'Far East> Ltd Experience:
      779 words

  • 1131 15 B> Our Market Correspondent 'riih linn undertone *oi the previous week cunlinurd into the first f»'\v days of last week on the Stock Exchange. There wu more than usual interest in old and new counters i.i the industrials section with t v rnov
    1,131 words
  • 53 15 Ituluxtrialv I'iuprrlir*: I 111-: I4j "4 154 81 IUJ Uti Mb 71 154 31 .'> 4 102 lib' Sl*' I.) 147 J.) IJ4 U4 in un M.t lt> 141 01 lU'.'Ob Mo Uer Ma; >; i4i JH 1 58 ;)8 7M 08 102 14 Ju l«ob »u>
    53 words
  • 34 15 I UIMIII |)»Mllllll Minnfui i ik A M.4 til. .11 K li(h A l.uw 8 13', Dale |M>.41.1< l.i.i i.k ratal i»< il4< \>ai prrxUtm* i" ri Ii tttm TE T«x M
    34 words
  • 337 15 lUHAIGE V»A» At FOLLOWS INDUSTRIALS Htr. A ko Vi Mi lv 11.23 to I Bou\io<i 12.83 M >. I I. C (u t ii >■ |4 I s L L M > —i l« Hj Li Haldin (t M llnp-ioB IV IV V >.1 111 l tnicltim I*l
    337 words
  • 95 15 THE f OLLOW INK IS A IO"I'UII LIST or i'CVIS(I) QUOTATIONS rOR THE KECK ENDED SATURUAY MAY i I 14 I I. II .1" I >«. K» il I II V I I \l I' tl I 1 I Ml Hi I 0 i ,H rr.nPl r 1
    95 words
  • 62 15 \IOVtMENn llf >H»lll I'HIU^ I.AMII ON A LOMPARISO'I O' LAkT SAKS 'N INI KUALA LUM I»UT ANO SINCAPORC TRAIIINI UN MAY II) TO I'AV I INOUSTfIIAIS v H U H I > I rai .un o"!». at«ami>nii -■> •mm I r ..|r- I— M) WM*t. I O
    62 words
  • 33 15 RUBBER ANO TIN CLOSING PRICES l«T 1.1. n It, v. It IK. i per Ib.i I 1 fit. 19N its. If, rtv ■>» »tv I"-' pit ill' 15M.1S ISM.2S ISM.2S Sjjil.on ■SM.«tM s iM
    33 words
  • 231 15 Till: Straits tir. price n Pcna::g moved up $1 62^ "ii Saturday morning to $660.25 in lii.r with .i gain -^JJ In Lund(jn i.jr forward i k tlrmneu came wuh support irom Europe a:.d a bn or buying tiom Jap.t.-. on the work i trum
    231 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 485 15 CRAFT TEACHERS U>OM\<, |o|{ < ||\|.|.|.\<.|\«, «.VKLLK.' Herr l/ warding employment gear fid to Si-iyapwr industrtalimtion Male Singapoir citterns between 18 28 jrean ol age with appointment as Murirnt rraft Teachers. VI M II l« \l lONS I Ml ChlnCM i Uniu medium t rfdn m thr L*«CMff« Im»lui,i.,i, 1ir.1,1
      485 words
    • 289 15 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS PUBLIC APPOINTMENT PUBLIC UTILITIES BOARD. SINGAPORE ELM TUU II V 1)1 I'M! I Ml M R«)u;ir \>«|<.|\M FOREMAN i .MM. HASH \1 Kyi IPMI M i. Distribution Brcllva, ID „lu!\ ■>i«le SJ3j>..Mtt-'J(i'i i |ilu- vaiMblr sllowaiice ;i- pHvuole nun, iUn« 'v time .(i> Central Provl<J«nl h-imi buiftits th«-
      289 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 471 16 tit Hwawa $15/ If it aWtY CKk idi:t>««»l '5 rl > _v.. .1 —.4 is rHtt tlml- Tiats 111 smict ducfi SI c*>ls I— „f tlwir 1 X THE FAMILY OF Ih. Mil Mr» M ir» M N»m nr. h»r can aw ENJOY GERMAN PRECISION I.) iirundu Mull.r I'nippn Or«»ni-
      471 words
    • 620 16 WF.STMINJTER DREDGING AU» I T tralia rrquli h.r *T*** I SL tmrrt wno holil^ d harira luniei n IfBBBMM P w n L V 1 I APPLICANT* rrpl<ma IB «<■» p 0 .> 1,., vacated** r.iu.-«i.n aoi —1| .1 ».th Ihm ippilM'iona nf gonaiblliw bbb aa ■utißM* am Sin An
      620 words
    • 633 16 Macaaaa '<• rnrm M a s<- m<k cartißcat* p v mmMMI to n»Mrtm-«i»r A £LK. WORLD WIO. UOR nATION rvquirM i<* "!•>• trm»" m rvprassßtattVM M»MbBMI mum .r m aaatarts, ko<xi •tacatWMi 1 i«imlv em. Nernund Aitr»tii»» ,t V]rt „n>i.-d in in* ni Mpirtaai latcnuv* 'runmi ,lv .n confJdrnif lo
      633 words
    • 977 16 3 BEDROOM* a-ÜBNiarißO Tllrd loor. Alreondltlonrd. Brml-detai-hrd 0u... S-MH) p m «t 6th ,-n«li Sin^^pora ■II I 'l i»6O4JU. ■rtai Sin^h IN VERY OLD pr. ««i K..nK»lo»i MnCi II l»B 'oom». UWM, "ath- „vn tannutra. wnai iseaiiti J ">»"" \Z luxurVous fully furnished VV W mn.'i .rotK.ry .utl'rv. nr, rmrrl
      977 words
    • 752 16 HOUSES/lAHO WA«TED_ VACANT LAND WANTED: Araa I .»hi ik) ft. <iiitinir fnr buildin* i d>n ock of flslK in Dutrirt I" II lal •h n.i« I- arrita to Vttri Horn r. II I. lon Ayr, S pnrf WANTED TO PURCHASE H .|.roJil I ii ia :;i..'»h. -q rt .'•nut !»r»n
      752 words
    • 603 16 O*T VICINITY 81.1..P Bti«" rt* l« TV/RADIO SALES I SEWJcf] ;i M IV HtPAIH aPECIALI»T» Ha. *L <rr- 'i"IK "'<-' lal'B»r«. B TtLEVI»ION »ERVICE. DBf nl«m J Any riruM K»«aon«r>i. rg> H por. aallßß »PICIAL OFFER M- MNWNB 0 ml. $.1 H I"' r»r.i. tL'<o in l ,1,1.. ii-ii
      603 words
    • 428 16 IMt A da. Minor HWO. Hotn |a,SS roTd.iioß. P. poanibl* Btae IS Hamilton Kd O°p|L RtKORO COUPB IBBJBWI j i fit ;si^:: sat sss SS TRIUMPH (PITFIRE no' I'M.n' T.l-. '"Porn .--n VOICo^IM. r*. rr i 3 ar^Birsru i \i lin ral liao4: I J r*r» M a *»n. iea
      428 words
    • 214 16 MismLAWtous MBSAI. SPRAY PAINTINO IN K-fM.-r.lor 6 nuur. ■en > port lAKE FRIEND* |IRMOMT«WA» S UJL'rS \r.™4 PhOtU red OR RILIARLt "OIMI r,,- rl. irwaaa. MM .SCO..) rica EtuaM. ,m.t ttrvMi 'I I" ls4 .«""<•- vt r.AN MtLr 1 1.. n r Kti v v ..,.1 UJ2 lv RulMinn
      214 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 634 17 K'ontinurd from Pa«e/ 161 i DRESSES DRESSMAKING PO SANG S DRESSMAKING Char- fm Orchard Road, b pore. In ihl4T2. EXPIRT TOTOB Ma n, conduct mr adieu dreumakmi I I IM Middle Road Boor* [WHERE TO STAY (Spore) J SLOANE COURT MOTEL. Al, airtonditionrd. wall to w»u and tiathroom attached 'harnr.
      634 words
    • 362 17 1 WHERE TO EAT (Sptft) j TIONG HOA HOTEL mi undine «**r\ed day Hnii nigh! 4. I'liimei. Stretl. Singapore. Phonr HTM FRESH FLOWERS LIT PRINIESS FLOWER SHOP H«> ii for you ttl urchaid Koad. siinna OOf Telrnluinf *****7 XiMOV ~bT»uty culture LADIES apart from Btauty Cultur* tr Hai r drr*n:nK
      362 words
    • 550 17 NOTICES THE BANKRUPTCY ORDINANCE (CHAPTER 11) NOTICE OK KIRST MEETINGS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Fust Meeting of Creditor* in the undermentioned cases will be held on Tuesday, the 4th day of June. I'iiiB al the Official Assignees Chambers. Top Floor, I High Court Building. Singapore Bankruptcy No. 507
      550 words
    • 529 17 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS THE PORT OF SINGAPORE AUTHORITY DOCKYARD DEPARTMENT Applications are Invited from Singapore Citizens for the followIng posts in the Dockyard Department. Port of Singapore Authority:— (A i ASSISTANT ACCOUNTANT (Bi INTERNAL AUDITOR Qualifications Experience: PMt Of: (A) (1) Qualifications recognised by the Singapore Society of Accountants for membership
      529 words
    • 535 17 TENDERS PEMBERITAHU TAWARAN J.K.R., SELANGOR TAWARAN daripada Pemborang2 yang berdaftar dl-J.K R. Kelas C. D dan E i Mainslaylng) akan dl-tenma dt-pajabat Jurutera Nenerl, JKR., Selangor. Kuala Lumpur hlngga jam pukol 3.00 petang pada 27hb Mel. 1968 untok: Memaitang dan menyambonf ftaloran paip ayer 10" l\ A.C. dari I'ekan Tanjunc
      535 words
    • 700 17 NOTICED NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that I. LIM HONG KENG of No 209, Albert Street, Singapore, have applied for n Retail Shop Ucenre in respect of premises No. 305 I Albert Street. iChier Hustt. Cliopi. i Singapore, and that this applies- lion will be heard in the Court of
      700 words
    • 666 17 fflljHjß ...WHO WANTS BHk to run his own business Want to earn up to $15,000 or more per year? An outstanding opportunity awaits you as the licensee/dealer of new modern Mobil service stations in the following areas: FARRER ROAD, SINGAPORE. MOUNTBATTEN ROAD, SPORE. QUEENSTOWN, SINCAPORE. You must be willing to
      666 words

    • 496 18 West Brom's Cup with a goal by Astle in extra time LONDON, Sun. West Bromwich Albion, the unfashionable Midland club, upset the form book by beating glamour side Everton 1-0 after extra time in the English I A Cup Final at Wembley yesterday. West Bromwieh's winning goal came in the
      Reuter  -  496 words
    • 874 18 A NOTABLE feature of Australian soccer is the high number of goals scored by many teams. And these are the teams to avoid when making your bid for a Treble Chance pools prize. Of course. Wt OCCttkNMll* get the nrid shock vahen a team with
      874 words
    • 101 18 LONDON. Sun. About 1.000 <mccer fans who had bought forced tickets for yesterday's F. A. Cup Final at Wembley were refused admission when they tried to »et into thr rround. Other fans who had no tickets, nut eren forfed onh, tried many methods to get in. Two
      Reuter  -  101 words
    • 158 18 Results of Australian soccer matches pla>ed yesterday (halfllme scores in brackets \s\V NORTH I>IV. 1 Belmont 1 W. Wallsend 5 (0-2 Hamilton 1 Toronto 3 1 1-1 i. L Macquarle 3 Newcastle 1 1 1 1 New Lampton 1 Wall»end 0 1 0-0 1 \>\\ KM l»l\ 1 Croatia
      158 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
      655 words
    • 1529 18 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS 1 1 JAWATAN2 KOSONG KERAJAAN MALAYSIA Permohonan] ada-lah dt-pelawa daripada Warganegara, Malaysia untok mengisi jawaian2 berlkut. PEMEREKSA KKRJASAMA. 1 Bahama n lIIi. dalam Bahamian Kemajuan Kerjasama. Kementerlan Pertanlau Sharikat Kerjasama Jawatan2 ml tetap dan berpenchen. TANGGA GAJI: (Laki2.: $137.50 x 7.50—152.50/199 X 14— 227 260 x 14—316 331
      1,529 words
    • 758 18 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS FEDERAL LAND DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY APPLICATIONS are Invited from Malaysian Citizens for the following posts with the Authority 1. ELECTRICAL HARf.KMAN Qualification: Must posses* Electrical Chargeman "Medium Pressure' Certificate (without any restriction including Power Station i Issued by NEB. Experience: Experience In maintenance of alternator*. dlesel generators, electric motors,
      758 words

  • 1027 19  - Conference on problems of Asia's emerging economies YEO TOON JOO To promote greater awareness of the concept of productivity By Pun hi TlVI T V the kc w ,1 iC ll opens .ill doors in industry will lie studied under a mifioMopc ;il llu 1 live -day Regional milt rence
    1,027 words
  • 333 19 'IMIK li ••-<!:« KfKional A Conference on Productivity and BBMtjriM Economics uill hi >lli ciall> opened at '.he Siimapore '(inference Mali :it '(o pin today FHrC opeiiinu speeches. mi liidint; one front a litWIMIll minister, will in di'livrri'd at the mii vi: ur.i I ion < <reinon.\
    333 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 52 19 h e utr ous if j is/ HIM n \A\ ''.\K li HOT fl E '^>P§ >O PRODUCED BY i/tdtipSln (WNIMG SAUCL FACTOKY LID when buying or building houses flats, factories.. BE SURE CERAMICS QUALITY BRICKS ARE USED K krttv 1 i»*wiCSMICKS A«E BURN; f ROUOHTE X fACiNG TILES CERAMICS
      52 words
    • 165 19 The Bank for All-Big and Small f;Mm OVERSEA-CHINESE d^ I BANKING CORPN V LTD. 3b^ mnrnnni the STRONGEST ond LARGEST KWMwH BANK in MALAYSIA and SINGAPORE WWM WWW I..! -7^ nrfrrn board of directors ""■f'ijEjj ■HM I*KJ Criairman ond '""flt I I*"' 7 i»«' Motoqinq Director TAN CHIN TUAN £<q
      165 words

  • Article, Illustration
    29 20 hi: (,(>>{ KFSii SWEF. the MtnUtti iv: t who tigned the (barter lor industrial peace is seen in helmet Martina the first Steel Mill ii production at JuronQ Industrial Estate
    29 words
  • 295 20 A charter for industrial peace and progress QN Jon IS, 196 b, the Charter for In dubtnal Frogresi and The Productivity Cede of Practice wob promulgated b v the National Trades Union Congress, Singapore Manufacturers' Association, and Singapore Employers Federation This ioint declare tion marking a significant |jncture m Sin
    295 words
  • 296 20 A tripartite policy making body for N.P.C. council '■MIL composition of the National Productivity Centres advisory council the centre's policymaking body la on a tri-partite basis The throe parties represented arc the Government, the employers and the employees Thr Council will meet even three months under the chairmanship Of Mr
    296 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 294 20 RANK XEROX now introduces the latest 660 desktop copier duplicator! The new Rank Xerox 660 Copier Duplicator is the latest addition to ,^illll«^ the wide range of Rank Xerox Copier Duplicators. It is the fastest i^B^fev Desk-Top Copier Duplicator in the market today. It produces 9 d£Kk Ih», copies per
      294 words

  • 589 21 Foundation to improve international understanding TH E Friedrich Ebert Foundation, named after the president of the first German Republic, was established on April 15, 1925 with three principal objectives. They are I'o establish democratic education In all social strata of the German people To assist gifted young people in order
    589 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 56 21 *MM(|f^ »si^ dW 1 >Nrt»» one 'C r-- Tt***** Sot»° T r 9 >».■<» P teC JhfcT .^av VVV n i>e*" sl vo p M M M W *"i O^* sW JT 9 .ii _1 M^ I i 1 ■\\ur 'W^S^^/ PPH I L I PS will last you longer
      56 words

  • 1003 22 The N.P.C. has a permanent place in industrial Singapore By STAFF WRITER FOLLOWING CENTRE'S ADVICE ONE FACTORY RECORDS 300 P.C. PRODUCTION INCREASE WITHOUT ADDITIONAL EXPENDITURE THE National Productivity Centre, set up on May 1 lasl year on ;t tripartite basis with management, government ;md labour participation has carved itself a
    1,003 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 269 22 Announcing the world's most advanced new family of computers. The NCR Century Series Never before so much performance at so low a cost. NCR introduces the Cen- High-speed dual spindls gramming. And best of tury Series. This new com- rise units. Memory sizes all, truo upward compatiputer family will channo'l
      269 words
    • 34 22 serving the people of today quality shoes made by singaporeans for singaporeans and for export to international markets routine or manganui inn at thi ,ound*v oivihoh >a*t or /£jjr)UNITED ENGINEERS SERVICE TO LOCAL INDUSTRY
      34 words

  • 305 23 Staff of National Productivity Centre bring wide experience to advisory capacity 1 national ywooucrivmr centwk-»thait» time« featuw«: nation ai fwopucrivmr c«ntw*-»tw»it< timk» watuwi National Produc- tivity Centre is staffed by three International Labour Orblon experts, industrial relations officers and one trainee officer, two industrial engineers and nt industrial engineers. The
    305 words
  • 317 23 THE Singapore Government has made applications to the United Nations Developmenta Programme for assistance in the expansion of the National Productivity Centre. This, if eranted. is for a period of "five years and takes the form of expert services, fellowships and
    317 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 91 23 HPfrnflJTO I GcIGS 111 7iuM\ Industries s^sßfeirif 1 1 iifiliii i iiT' fctiMiii^ >if BARS IN PRODUCTION MILD STEEL ROUND BARS BSS 78b i". 1". 1 i U* MILD STEEL SQUARE BARS Si/es 6mm up to 30mni MILD STEEL HAT BAHS ''smm MILD STEEL ANGLt BAHS 1 1 UP IO
      91 words
    • 194 23 •llltt"^—. flliyiv /'foVN I ttOO* i \V»a\*/ n x Drink Fernleaf milk and you'll get the rightkindof nourish- |Tf^»^^^__.^ «a«\ ment. Fernleaf milk Ujjlikt JP?W i}) contains all the 7^*^*****^ essential milk com- «tf ponents that are J&JF necessary to build i-^-^W-*" strong bones and WEf y healthy bodies. 6!^^
      194 words

  • 881 24  -  YEO TOON JOO NATIONAL PRODUCTIVITY CBNTHE-TWAITa TIM«> r«»TU«jfc NATIONAL PRODUCTIVITY C»NTHr-«T»ArT« TIM« 3 r«ATUWKi By GOME H papers are to be presented at the Regional Conference on Productivity and Emerging Economies. Each of them highlights the various participating countries" problems and successes
    881 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 217 24 WANT TO START A NEW BUSINESS? WANT TO EXPAND YOUR BUSINESS? Consult The Man-On-The-Spot From the Bank of America Bank of Amcrira NATIONAL HViVol ASSOCIATION Incorporated in U.S.A. »ith Limited Liability Head Office: SAN FRANCISCO Singapore Branches: 31 Raffles Place. Tel: *****. Orchard Road. Tel: *****. 97-99 Taman Jurong, Jurong
      217 words
    • 241 24 JOtctcA I S*#/(/ JOCKS W<F. CO. f/H4{4yJ//V £?*> TRADING COMPANY/ \> 26 «M. PHINSEP STRtET SINGAPORE TEL. ***** ***** A ***** Best Wishes to NATIONAL PRODUCTIVITY CENTRE j from SIMALPAN STEEL INDUSTRIES LTD., Factory: Jalan Gudang. Jurong Industrial Estate, Singapore. Tel: *****8/9. h la n ufact u re r$ of:STEEL
      241 words

  • 312 25 Intelligent approach to production problems —not coercion of greater exertion I NATIONAL PRODUCTIVITY C*NT«g-»T«AITg TIMES ftATQWE: NATION*!. PRODUCTIVITY CENTWK-STW AITS TIMtS rOTUWC: PR o I) U CT I VITY, in ils present acceplwl sense, is a relaliveh new concept. The wonl itseli sounds foreign lo itmi\ Asians, Sin gaporc <
    312 words
  • 515 25 r pil l- esl ibllshn I Bingapon Natli nal Productivity I >ntn wat i arried out wltb aaaiai ance from the Internati'nal labour Organisation Although tin- Centn vaa only act up in May ir. the Singapore Government had requested assistance from ILO n tew
    515 words
  • 272 25 T<HE decision tv con- vene the productivity conference in Singapore was taken In December last year at a meeting of the Singapore National Productivity Centre's advisory council. I This idea was proposed by a member of the council and unanimously
    272 words
  • 125 25 it From Page 6 and management. This, it attributes, is the reason that productivity increase has 80 far been mainly utilised for the expansion of enterprise without paying much attentlon to the beneflu ol labour This has since 1960 Co-operation between labour and
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  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 82 25 Eveready batteries from Singapore are making the world a smaller place. Afe t and t jnd reds of millions CTTTiI nion Carbide we" re doing it. f n fact, our overseas tii^b of Eveready batteries make us one of the i^JJ st and furthest reaching exporters in Singapore. er our
      82 words
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  • 912 26 Simplified method m )fork an 'l production techniqueform th* keynote \rc i adi ice Srr pictures .n.s. (unctions JJM. .Inn l\;il son. senior 11. 0 adviser uttached lei ihc Singapore \;i--lion;il I*i<><lin I i it Onlre, slates thai social
    912 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 49 26 JBbwT wr* i i < mm' fe^ m it -^Siflß? PH HI VSI- ,wjIn Malaysia and Singapore BP serves a world on the move ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■I H CT WE ALL AGPEE ON ONE THING... BUY SUPERIOR OUAUTV ■ftT#3 BGJ on* aize stretches to fit wida range of colours Made in Singapore
      49 words
    • 35 26 BATTERIES Congratulations on the opening of the Conference on Productivity and Emerging Econom ies from SINGAPORE BATTERY MANUFACTURING CO., LTD. Loronq Tukonq Tiqc. Jurcnq Sinqoporc 22. SWEE HIN TRADING CO. 166 Cro« S»rrr» Sin<jipor? 1.
      35 words

    6 words
  • 2257 27  - NAPOLI MAKES AMENDS IN BT TIMAH CUP EPSOM JEEP By \APOLI, a beaten favourite last week, redeemed himself with a smart win in the lOf Buk it Tiniah Cup for Itss 2 horses at Bukit Timah yesterday. <noli again started favourite and romped homr easily in heavy going to pay
    2,257 words
  • 207 27 THE BIG SWEEP Ist No. *****76 S3j«.floft :nd No. *****95 Sl5O. OtMl 3rd No. i.i3*!»59 MDO.MO Hh No. *****00 <( 50.000 Kalian .s|« (Mil) each l: 175M24 *****84 *****13 16K0K8!) 235J097 ***** IS *****6S :3«a522 287.-.650 UMTtI 13*0579 < onaoUtion.t 155.000 n. I. 3<)V»>97 *****51 31«9674 *****61 2!)U1093 *****28 *****97
    207 words
  • 60 27 at the veterinary ;m C.imei'.n Highlands, ate: SUfamlight. Cliampagnr. Fail an II Deserl Trri M. is.'-ue Thunderstorm. b»ute, Shangrila IV. Vn.i Prrak. Raytone. Anne's Treasure W'.ndrush 11. Advocate. Pek.ii.. Re?*l Mate. Sea Pit) Sprue. Pnailel. Bognor Camp. Talislad. Powella 11. Mratn im. Coronilo. Nearco Myth 111.
    60 words
  • 27 27 MILAN Sun Helenio Herrer.i Argentine born coach who made In'er Milan one of the worldv top soccer teams, last n;jht announced he had resigned. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  27 words
  • 17 27 TEHERAN. Sun. Burma be..' Hong Kong 2-0 in the Asian Cup soccer finals here Reuter.
    Reuter  -  17 words
  • 671 27 The Stipe's report 'THE Stipend!*, v felrwaid's re- port on yesterday s Bukit linihh races: RA< I 2: MiM Delaware dwelt and lost several lengths. Mr. Waveily. Storyteller and Aqua Viva were slow to begin. RACE 3: Aporentlce Wadi rider of Donorir. was cautioned for crowding Kiii«srl neir the RU
    671 words
  • 148 27 rIE (IRRAGH. Sun. Candy lane'i price for the om Derby on May 29 lengthened from 3-1 second ;a\ounte to 10-1 after the colt finished a disappointing seventh In the Irish 2.000 Guineas here today. The failure of Candy Cane. 6-4 on yesterday, left Americanowned Sir Ivor evens
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  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 290 27 ENTRY FORM WHITE HORSE NATIONAL DEFENCE FUND DONATION WALK fhii event Is organised by thr Singaporr Amatrur Alhletie Association and »pon»orrd by R.ithman* «f Pall MalL Date: Sunday, 7th July. 19b8. Nai c: tin full. (BLOCK LtTTLRS) Address 8e» (,rnup: Identity Card No: A(r: If you arr a Tram mrmber.
      290 words
    • 173 27 BEDFORD built to save fuel, .^f^?. manpower and costs Bedfords are built big to carry more. In aKF 11.15 ton truck you get 8.05 /if^Wff {■fTHJ^B tons of big payload...more than half its own kerb-weight. Larger payloads jjM "|]^^Jj_jgg mean fewer trips, less loading and unloading work and less fuel
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  • Page 27 Miscellaneous
    • 75 27 CRK Kl.T— lnter-port: S por« v H.-ne Kong 'pa;.ang. 11 1. HOI KEY Ipoh Ulv. 1: KIA B 1 PFF A ACSOBA B v PWD i both matches at padangi Taipinc learue: CRC Lads v HYO (Esplanade. SOCt'KR Ipoh Uiv. 2: Ipoli T|*alail v Mentriembu (Jn A Jrti!' |)*v. 3.
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  • 192 28 Malacca clinch another title Quad decided on goal average MAI I A 0 NtCiRI 0 PERAK 1 BELANGOB 0 COR the second time this month Malacca yesterday won a Malaysian Hockey Federation quadrangular tournament on goal average. Malacca and Negri Sembilan, who fought out a scoreless draw at Malacca, finished
    192 words
  • 131 28 THE husband-antl-w;fe team of Jobs an,; Audrey P;eKott yesterday won the 500-m:ip Malaysia Motor-rally sponsored tqr KLM. Their Mazda crc.vsed the fi-m.'-hintt line at Merdcka Stadium with a penalty at ooijf 40S points, lliey albo won the 1 500 cc class event Winners ;n the o\er 1
    131 words
  • 27 28 K M tr „r Seiangor and Mrs. Saitiiii Stoi will represent Ma•i the grand finals of the F^r chaapionahipi In Hone Kong on luh
    27 words
  • 465 28 Singapore v HK •»*•< A. de Mlva not oul 7 HONG KONG Ist INNS r^ Vbba* c Moore b Lewis j 3 6 1 Shroff c Da Silva b kt!< a 2 41 Soocelei-ai 57 Bowline: Murphy 7-3-11-0: ra HC ett i Lacv-fcmith 11-2-16-2: C. Mvatt Ibrahim 8-3-13-1;
    465 words
  • 255 28 Aus ies are hit again LONDON, bun. Kain again seriously dii'upti-d yesu-r--dayi Engush tint cl«n cricket ting any pi«v o! tuc iix niatihcs anil j-ev'rriv>nn^ the liiree remuring g between the Au.--.ia lani uu tl MC nn and Lancashli UnJ ana Burre) Jai.wl U Ream m Urn tXbts At
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  • 401 28  -  ERNEST FRIDA By CINGAPORE v.ill face an uphill task in saving J their three-day inter-port cricket match against Hong Kong which goes into the final day on the Singapore Padang this morning. In the 140 minutes' play possible yesterday on a rain-affected pitch. Singapore lost three
    401 words
  • 111 28 ROMK Sun. Tom Okkrr 24-yeai-uld Dutch champion, won the mcn.s .-.uiKlr lltV al the Itdiian lawn tcnaii Okkcr. one of the mjoat i.utrnnis playrrb in Europl, wai engagel in a three and .i half hour Mrucstie ncauibt AuAtralian-born South African B b Hewit:. before winning 10
    111 words
  • 61 28 SOCCER I'erak I innn Yoiitli s-finil: Kran 8 Upptr Per;^: I Terak I»II> inter-district final ilioh' Ipoh 2L. Pciak 1 renan B Div. 2: Ramblers B 7 Port Comm<:<ilon j <Yf mm; Penanj Si-mi'e road racM: 1 .Siiicim Baad 2 TnI'UKiddin :f C. R A/:? ilh 10:02 i; Schoolboys
    61 words
  • 185 28 CMANOCL OROOKE I)AV on I iDdaj tl 11 .1 111 Jr«nh (.'emetery Thomaun Road MABEL aiel .">4 n. <<• „f Krme Raneli ix^ed away peacefully at Trie 1 Cnivemm HonMial on l» Kk Con*K« tnrtH* Ommeri al I i m SISTER MiI. MEL 01 LA <- iKimifs Mn.t MB
    185 words
  • 312 28 Azman gets revenge over Billy to regain his crown By MANSOR RAHMAN A. AZMAN yesterday won the Malaysian national tennis singles tith> for the sixth time in seven years when be beat Billy Yap In straight sets in an all-Selangor final in Kuala Lumpur. Azmaii. wlin kd 4-1 whoo. thr
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  • Services swamp Malacca
    • 187 28 Services 6 Malacca 1 COLLOWING the withdrawal of Singapore from the Malaysia Cup football competition. SincaporJoint Services took up the challenge on behalf of the republic when they hammered Malacca 6-1 in a second round match at Jalan Besar Stadium last night. The result keeps Services In second place behind
      187 words
    • 214 28 Ncgri 2 Sclangor 3 SEI A NOOK had a > ■(■Jiiat Nren SembiUn before winning 3-2 al tho Station;mg yesterday. SeUngor trailed l-« for ten mmutc» and then netted ihiictfor a comfortable half-time by the 60th minute and for the lead But Necri made it 3-2 next 30 minute.-.
      214 words
    • 127 28 Forces 4 Perlis 5 PERLIS handed Armed Forces a shock 5-4 defeat in their north zone second round match at Merdeka stadium last night. II looked like a rout for Forces when Peril*, who had losi the lirst encounter 3-1 at Kangar, took a 3-0 lead by half-time Centre-forward Aziz
      127 words
    • 26 28 \H i [AOO Bun rh:ie u< invrHißHtins «ays 10 put pfO- under state control and modernise the "archaic -v.-tm. uaed by rluos to ronRrutn
      26 words
    • 95 28 on in f,\>*r. Penan* Perh.s Perak Kedah P W D L F A PU 5 4 1 0 2fl 11 S ti 2 2 J 15 i!l 6 .S 2 1 2 11 10 5 5 2 1 9 11 5 5 0 14 4 I'}! SOI
      95 words
  • 16 28 CAI British I. .(>ns Rusiiv Dnion team iniTrh of thr 20 .it Potchefilrooßi Reutrr
    Reuter  -  16 words
  • 151 28 Shock defeat for Aik Huang WELLINGTON. Sun. Denmark's Sven Andersen scored a shock win over Malaysian champion Tan Aik Huang in the final of the New Zealand international invitation badminton tournament here last night. Andersen, winning 15-8 8-15. 15-9. trom two bi« early d< .some of the hardest sppii in
    Reuter  -  151 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 66 28 20 Words $15 (Minimum) CHAN To li.iiHh mi>l K»c._ I in son on 1- h-Ma-.v thanks iv Imrfm and Btaff WONG LAM: Ah <ha< I Mr Wiin HliriK to lXjru <1 ,i Mi »n.l Mil Cfem Ch«>n^ on I DORAtfINCAM h n I ilr V MuruiitKU Bukil Ki.ho-il: 1 .i!i
      66 words
    • 287 28 j EXAMINATIONS I B success minded students join M I STAMFORD COLLEGE 1 PM the largest Correspondence College ■-'-1 Malaysia/Singapore Region commendtnj ed as a model by Educators and Colombo- P| Plan experts d^ r»^s& H |3 Sciantifically davised jp O\/£rt *U*\ kU home -study courses 4gr CAy "<^M adopting
      287 words