The Straits Times, 7 May 1968

Total Pages: 18
1 18 The Straits Times
  • 25 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 150,000 The Straits Times Till! National Newspapor Estd. 1845 TUESDAY. MAY 7. 1968 15 CENTS KDN. 3104 M.C. (P) 0014
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  • 372 1 Razak invites De Gaulle: Pay us visit PARIS. Monday TUN Abdul Razak arrived lure last nii;lil lo look ;ii French arniain c 11 I s, encourage French investment in Malaysia and lo invite (ien. De Gaulle lo \isil Malaysia. Al the airport, where he was met by the Malaysian Ambassador,
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  • 47 1 HONG KONO. Mou Communtolx today plantad a i.iki i) >mb in court room and staacri protest demonstration oat side transport terminal* The day marked the Him unnlvi-rsary ol thr riot thai tparked more than hall ■> year ol violence In th. Colony In 1967 AP
    AP  -  47 words
  • 777 1 The targets in Govt's new 5-year term Evening opening of Parliament SINGAPORE, Monday PRESIDENT Yusof said today that the Singapore Government would seek to achieve three major objectives in its new fiveyear term. S|»c;ikinj4 ;il Hie opening ol the nrw I'urliaiiicnl whose 58 iihiiilhjn ;ue .ill of the People's Arlfon
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  • 174 1 Heart swop man No. 8 dies if OS ANGELES Mou. J Carpenter Joseph Rtaor, the world's eighth heart trmnsplai.t patient, dird In Palo Alto tonight His death, the result 1 out lung trouble, cane 'lay- i.ter he received .1 Doctoi 1. .h oxygen Mr Risoi 40, died 8 houn hii
    Reuter  -  174 words
  • 225 1 lONOON. Mi I'hi only j Briton with a new heart, recovering In a lonely, germ free ward here, winked cheerfully at hi- wlfi panel today I'hf v.:iv ol n year-old Frederick We I told newsmen today thai her husband l above 1
    Reuter  -  225 words
  • 323 1 Premier on the outlook for Reds AI'OKI Mod .Mr. Kuan Yeu expressed ennfidencr torinv that support for thr com muni-ts (uiilil decline 1 .it 1 tit 1 by im*:; "it our rciiiuimii and social policies make the progress they ha\e made over the last five \cars." Speakinu at the
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  • 117 1 PARIS. Mou r pnfc] Imminent Vietnam peace talks are expected to take place at the capital's International Conference Centre near the Arc rie Triomphe, inhumed sources said today. The i ntr<- was one o; offered to m royi front North Vietnam and the
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  • 38 1 JAKARTA, Man Indonesia and M •grwuiani to refill* ir tli traffic between lie two countries it w.i^ ilgnci i.\ the Tranapoi Mini ci i Tan 8 i Bardon, n CommunlcaUoni MlnlMer, All VietM»rsh;il Butopo -Renter
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • 69 1 HOL'STON', M«n. SwtNH al St. Lake* BpiseapiU llosnit:il hcrr tml:i\ hcgan (heir setord and the world's Dili rn\«rt transplant in three il.iw A hospital spot.'i'sin;in s.iicl 1 1 1 heart u| molot <\< Ie .ictitli'Ml virlim l."i- William Uranium was transplanted into >X-\ear-olri JaMea "Mi. .1
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  • 634 1 NOW A ROCKET ATTACK ON SAIGON SAIGON. Monday POCKETS slammed inlo the hearl i»f SaigfNi iinl liglitiii(j ntged on Hit mitskirtf of Ihe fanilal lotlav, bill the North Vietnamese and V iclcoiii; Inxips lailttl la f^iin .1 foothold in the rily. The coinnnuiist rocket attack, the second <>v the capital
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  • 62 1 Shipping: A Jakarta threat JAKARTA Mon The Indonesian Shlpownera Association will nol uiirr loading facilities to Sinu;ip ire -ini)> after they unload their cargo In Indonesian ;>"i Sin 1 ice» pt t lie "sharing principles" proposed by I: was reported 1 a quoted INS clala wh turned from 'alks v..u>-
    UPI  -  62 words
  • 34 1 JOHNSON REVIEW WASHINGTON. Mob. President Johnson called his top Vietnam neic<'tUlors t<> the Whiir Boom for full-scile review of position at preliminary peace talks dne to open in Paris <>n Friday Rrutrr
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 105 1 j| CROCKETT JONES NORTHAMPTON ENGLAND BEST Wf What's the right move here? Sonic people misfit say black Q to Q fi But the real answei is 'Ask I KS about it." JACKS are importers, exporters, general agents, engineering consultants, and a lot of j>thcr things as \scll IV KS know
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    • 655 2 WASHINGTON, Monday THE REDS 'GRAVELY MISCONCEIVE' OUR ATTITUDE BALL THK Defence Department said yesterday that 80.000 to 100.000 troops had either moved into or towards South Vietnam from the north in the last four months. The Pentagon issued a one-sentence statement on Infiltration rates in
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    • 42 2  -  Frank Palmos By |Y|R PALMOS 28. a freelance Australian journalist, was one of five newsmen riding in a vehicle on Sunday morning to cover the Vietcong attack on Saigon. His companions were killed by the Vietcong. This is his report.
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    • 109 2 Vaccine spray safer, says scientist ATLANTIC CIR, Mon. A flu vaccine spra>ed directly into the lungs Civ c s better protection than vaccine "shots" a Iniversitv of Florida medical scientist said yesterday. The vaccine, containing killed flu viruses, is sjirayed into the no>-e or mouth "In l,- the person takrs
      AP  -  109 words
    • 39 2 MLXICO Cll^ Moil -About 15.000 I I countrtea here thw v■ muaJ Rotai national Convention thai will by symposium km openi n Mij 12 and top law Of enerirv to the prcih: and irimp Ri
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    • 25 2 MS .V D i:tnuuni-ed jreatenfc it had rH il:*>d .i ronsulai I Ui ilu Lnupci the dial biUleraai :wppn ti,~ cv ma Reuter
      Reuter  -  25 words
    • 548 2 SAIGON. Monday \\'E had been down the roadway that leads from Sa. Kon to the Mckouk Delta There »a.- nothing doing down then and \u decided to drive back ward the dtji John Cantwell i Time Magazine --'.i!! member irom Australia, was ctrlvlni
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    • 110 2 IMELDA GOING TO U.S. FOR MEDICAL CHECK-UP MANILA. Mon. The wife of the Philippine President. Mrs Imelda Marcos, is leaving for the United States on Wednesday for a medical examination, it was Officially announced here today. Mrs. Marcos will be accompanied by a doctor and ncr three children Imee, Gong
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    • 27 2 w ashing n.).\ Mon. A nationwide. I8r: slrike h,t prided and Unea will ix renored b night, the Coinmun Worker*, "t America an ve.s-ierdav AP
      AP  -  27 words
    • 264 3 Indiana primary election will be crucial for McCarthy, too INDIANAPOLIS. Monday. gENATOR Robert Kennedy faces the first major test of his quest for the presidency in the Indiana primary election tomorrow am! a State-wide opinion poll today made him favourite to win the Democratic contest. The
      Reuter  -  264 words
    • 91 3 I^l IOKK. Mon. A poll to he published tomorrow Indicates Vice-Presiilent Hump*irry has Ihtiiiim- (he popular favourite for President, tun I S. Senator* Iradinc hi*- camp. lien said today. Demot-ratic Senators Fred Harris of Oklahoma an. .tiler Mondalr of Minnesota said in
      Reuter  -  91 words
    • 54 3 NEW YOHK •ording m U 8 ivfrnre DenartB>ent ps'.tr.a;ps. the Cnlon and Ciiina earh Rive ■ome US$2,OOO million in aid to North Vietnam annually. N>»swttk .sa:« '.esterdav. "China prmidrs HMM4 of ihe ■nail arms and ammunition while R iv-m gruels food, cheml••ls. trijrk? artillery. tanks. rockets.
      AP  -  54 words
    • 8 3 AMM militar hi-rr th«killed r 1
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    • 18 3 Aim under way >n thi .■ H imi ni:m> <.m To pa ii n.
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    • 81 3 GIB FROSTIER SEALED NTAURID. Mon with Gibraltar today and Imposed .1 new blockade in tmpalgn for the return of the British rock colony. The frontier gates at La I.:nea border post have been dosed to all motor •aid merchandise traffic Since October 1968 From txians w:ll be allowed ac Bu
      Reuter  -  81 words
    • 95 3 A 'Black Revolution' warning in U.S WASHINGTON, Mon. Urban guerilla warfare supported by Comma nists and Black Nationalist beine: planned and organised against the United State.-. the House of Representatives Un-American Activities Committee charged yesterday. [f made the claim In a detailed study entitled. "Guerilla Wnrfare Advocates In The United
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    • 28 3 CALCUTTA Mon I I has hit Wart Bfiißai Btata already suffering from a food crisis- and has forced a halt to all furmlng operations AP.
      AP  -  28 words
    • 30 3 n \ri i> m fur ailrard atirmi>ud murdrr by Miui.tiiit! it .< jrouta a!i Luiri CUCBto, alio 21 in hcff-piiHl with build wound in a Ipk KriiiiT
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    • 15 3 JAKARTA Mon n.i. Indoneaiao Ctovernmenl him bamwd rarrtgn < lata iiic country in move.
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    • 59 3 j^ORTH Korean guards knocked down this American soldier at the truce village of Panmunjom last week after an argument outside the lint where representatives of North Korea were meeting representative! of the UN Command. American military authorities uaki the G.I. involved in the incident was a spectator
      UPI  -  59 words
    • 322 3 Wilson: Keep the race issue out of politics BIRMINGHAM. Mon. I XHE Prime Minister, Mr. Wilson, today called for Joint party action to take the race issue out of politics. In a M i „eech Mr tnoch Pciwoii caused .1 nationwide Urn Inflow of Coloured Immigrants to this ...1. 1
      Reuter  -  322 words
    • 201 3 CAIRO, Mon. Al A h r a m printed yesterday a frontpa k c three-column photograph said to show the "Lady in White"- described by a Coptic Orthodox archbishop as a vision nf the virgin Mary. 1 1 neswpaper -am an examination ol
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    • 192 3 Empty handed Czechs fly back home p R A G U E Mon. C z c choslovakias top leaders flew home after 24 hours bargainIng in Moscow without getting a clear Soviet commitment for a massive loan to bolster the country s economy. The country needs a LS $500 million
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 279 2 a Wide Repertoire by f Don Kingston o C. G. Conn Ltd. America. I %T) Over 7 T.V. Singapura i^^' Channel sat JLImI B^ 9.25 p.m. jj tonight J^fVM^l Tune in for an evening's entertainment Sola A|*«t for Conn Organs THE EAGLE PIANO CO. 324 3^B Sf*ANGOON *D. S PO«£
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    • 268 2 WHAT DOES YOUR SECRET SELF SAY TO YOU? Doei t of se- It is i Satak h fir your ideas Shin yaar tkivtkts with atkers. Eipand »our hor.zon: Rise ti the demands of talent a ■are promirtnt part in club ani commumtjr work and prijects Start mi carry on conversations.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 39 2 TUt GAMBOLS < JtT:"* /'LETS SURPRISE AUWT.E^ L -pA«HLCn> If C'o/UAT SUALL^ (UO% DO IOU\ (I \>& COCK ?J V^° T "^T?^/ /well, it says uece^ v 'pfSAk: Ttuo e&ss^y easn 1 IT~ /^ko UOWA If I DO YOU DO I
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 53 3 J^^^^^ ■<*^|H| IB w :;^j^ T^.^t' -J **&>'*' ir I «i LVi t ,/i "i 1 |l r > JV l^r^^^V k^kw^^k^kw t^kw^k^T ■mm kmf k^km k^kw Mm- k^m '^Wkw k^m Im fw """i-i jy mm m^^^^^mmml^m^^^^^m^^^m^^^^mt -^m^^^m -.■TV*-- "MHMltlft^ I si L^-" {^y 'i Qli^^ Max capocit/ Yai" ■*On
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    • 304 3 H i_jß_wr. jiff "r^ LOUVRE WINDOW IN ANODISED ALUMINIUM OR ELECTRO -GALVANISED STEEL FOR MODERN BUILDINGS. B^" 3?: It's Elegant, M Durable, Economical A QUALITY PRODUCT MANUFACTURED BY METAL INDUSTRIES LTD.. X Loronjj Tuknnn Dua. .lurong. Singapore 2^. Tel: >l6.?^ y, SOLE DISTRIBUTORS: HONG LEONG CO., LTD., 144, R"hin«on Rond,
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  • 135 4 VIPs ATTEND ICE SHOW BI'BBLES float down like i. in. in at the Gay World stadium as top skaters of the Holiday on Ice Show take their bow before YIPs at a show on Sunday. Ihe show, under the patronage of the Minister for Social Affairs. Inche Othman Wok. m
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  • 168 4 SINGAPORE, Monday. Till*! Swan Hunter Group has completed an extremely successful inili;il year ;is managing agents ol the Port of Singapore Authority's dockyard, says its chairman. Sir John Hunter, in his statement. The value of ships repaired in the yard during the year was a
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  • 83 4 Sinoaforl. Mod.— Two mt-ii wt-re tod. i tur trial at the H;g. 00 I I ...i. BE Ol II Detective D Muni.-.ur.v at the end of a magl&traU preliminary Inquiry. Tluy arc Lim Heni and Uiv. Ngah Ngah, ten•itivoiv acctued (it muidPrtriK the detective
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  • 22 4 Ft Collfip 1 I i Camel n, uili nive ]j .hii Hi tpltal Pathnloey Lertwre Thru--8 la urn on Ihur.xlav
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  • 154 4 Medical exam results Singapore. Mon.— Tim University ol Hnsaporc today announced the roult.s of th< v isuppleivi examination lur the degrees ol Bachelor of Medicine and Barhrlor of Surv:The following i andldau pas.sed iii ihe ibown at-ainst their names in brackCU completing the e\aminaMls- Chan VH Chun mMivi. chew Olan
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  • 20 4 SINGAPORE. Mon —Mr D Rama^.imv was electpri president of the Netajl MenioiMl Library. wltli M < v honorary •tctetary
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  • 196 4 SINGAPORE. Monday. AIILITARY recruits here were told today to take ITI national service as training the next generation of the Republic's citizenry. Mr s. Ramatamy- tin Parliamentary Becretary to th« Ministry ol Law. who made the point at a ■end- -It party for ;i i?roup of national
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  • 80 4 Mon. k .Miss Joyce Fletcher (above), an Australian beauty consultant, arrived here last night to spend three weeks behind Singapore counters to advise local v iniicii on their make-up problems. MBM consultant with F.stee Lauder in Sydney, Miss Fletcher will be stationed at Cold
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  • 56 4 SINGAPORE. Mon The Publii Utilities B .(id hi its statement on electricllj BUppl) i" private mfaistiiai eatatM ■•aid thai the pfl per cenl i .i-i. I which 'in developei hat to pay (In addition to the ">iM" bunk In aniee> can ix refunded after the bank
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  • 42 4 SINGAPORE. Mon Pro! Maurice R. Ewing. piofessor of surgery at 'he University of Melbourne, will speak on "Renal Transplantation experlen< c ;it the Royal Melbourne Hospital" at the University of Singapore's pathology lecture theatre it Hli p m oii May 15
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  • 138 4 'T'OUAY'S eou'-ational TV «r channel 8 Is H follow 7 .'>' « a.m.. National laiiEUaut Sec 1 Berbali.i gar. he 1 il >:; I W-8 Utcrature, Bee The Bnireiis ofWimpole Street ll>; MS-t.tS, General >cirr.< c. Sec 1 P general Introduction: 1.41-H.M. Mathematlct Sec j tlilK
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 221 4 ■CAPITOL (sp^re) OPENS TODAY! J 5 ihows 11 or, 1.30, 4.00, 6.45, 9.30 No Free List I FROM SHAWS HONGKONG STUDIOS I I ri '-1 \m-ml iH^aV l^» heMAsnemaffrwiWDSiiMH I (THE NEW VAGABOND SWORDSMAN) Starring SHU PEI PEI CJc HUANG CHUNG SHUN i ai Mandarin in SHAWSCOPE COLOR English Chinese
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    • 15 4 Todoy IJO-3JO-700 t 930 pm OSS 117 TERROR IN TOKYO" iColc.r Tome ■> "Of Human Ociirc".
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    • 394 4 ICATHAY^] riTrrgTM;iii»inifu 13TH EXPLOSIVE DAY' 1.30 4 00, 6.30 9IS p.m 'GUNS" STARTS AT 4 18. 648 9 3.--70 MM STE r GUNS FOR SAN SEBASTIAN I "For From Th« Madding. Crowd 70 MM If-HZr'A J&rf ml NOW SHOWING' il am. I 30. 4. 6 30 9 30 p m
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  • 362 5 Wife forgives husband who stabbed her 19 times THREE YEARS FOR CHOPPER ATTACK SINGAPORE, Monday 1 WIFE whose- husband stabbed her l!» limes with a chopper today supported nis plea for clemency in the High Court. Madam Lav Buck Eng, 30, with scars on her face and with her left
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  • 309 5 Mixed accommodation Lat two residential colleges soon 3v 001 CHENG GAIK: Kuaia Lumpur. Mon. THE Firsi and Fifth Residential College* at th»; University ol Malaya will provide mixed accommodation In the new session beginning on May in, tnd 11 two wo ntlal fellow* and three men fellows. s.• (i accommodation
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  • 83 5 Dagger men get away with $3,500 in jewels Xl \l.\ II MPI K Mon Three mm .irmrd wl l )i daggers n>iii»«"ii a «<>tn.innf Jewellery w<irtii > !.")ll rslrrdax Thr ri»hlier>. who u»r^ sanciaiMes, hHd up >i>s> son Konc. .it iliout til pin in In r home in Jalan Cwsuirasasay,
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  • 12 5 I mi»- rr in Ray a I: Cboo !<TI
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  • 20 5 Ml Al ir-old baby 111'- H n mlali i). mi Ka.t.m i well at m here
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  • 11 5 \i 1 ■i i M illm Nt .ir Usi
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  • 10 5 SING Moll M n Ihr ink .i>
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  • 14 5 Kluang MIC officials MIC Kin. ma iinnrh It 'i" r tiiirri »uo t. Bam*
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  • 172 5 INDONS REALLY WANT TO BE FRIENDS: GENERAL XL ALA LUMPUR Mon. Indonesia la really sincere about cio t ro-operatlon with Malaysia, ih<Chiel ol lix- Armed Forces Staff, Cten. Tengku Osman bin Tengku Mohamed Je- b a ud hen 1 1 if w<- carry on !ii:»' this, hlna will oe <..
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  • 20 5 Hi:; v luw.\ Mt>n 1 m r.D Hi In i. AN idan ".4 D i i
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  • 191 5 IPOH. Monday THE People s Progres--1 sive Party is likely lo Held n total of 30 candidates for both the Parliamentary and siati Assembl) elections in IVrak next year innounciHi thli here tori, iv. th< (■> ir 1 ecretaryMr. Chan Yoon Orii! Raid that io
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  • 17 5 Rape charge boy ML'AR. II c> i v d i -old gir lit y- m k fmm
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  • 277 5  - Jaga, 49 foils armed robbery attempt RUDY BELTRAN By I/UALA LUMPUR, Mot.. A 49- -> ear old watchman foiled i.i armed robbery outside the SelangOT Clubs storeroom whet: tie grappled with three men. one armed With loaded pistol and the others with daggers. early this morning. In their n»-t.iwa.v. ihe
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 315 5 HORUCKS increases your LIVING POWER A 4 This i* Jimmy ...jumping Jirpmy. running J n ig jT-ny, always-eating Jimmy. growng strong and tail and brig it school. Where does he get his energy irom 9 His mother knc.-.»l HORLICKS for breakfast! Jimmy's dan/ HORLICKS increases t LIVING POWER' HORLICKS mixes
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 40 5 ttutj* ltunntf Ittf Slfl/fh llfitmiftil '"1 so/wv>) Kves keeps: tw' I \OiA//*r^ gsee'iskss wyiyfsm: r.fp bacf out, l\" y%^~CL v Of ™c islands: J 1 ThiS IS A v ELVE2? f~^^*\ r-\i -r-^ X^PARTYj^ V aiost\ J that? =»-^r% -*s?k
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  • 377 6 Singapore's young executives fear making decisions' OINGAPOKK. Mon An Australian nianacrinrnl .vpcit. Mr II i» MTeker (akove) tod.i> okaerveal that the main problrm faeiag yoaat auiaagempiit execaUrea in singaaarr ».is thr fear to ii i |)l i rspoitsihilitx Mr Ifearr, the trdrral pro- Meal of the Australian insiiiud ni Maaagcmcal.
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  • 162 6 MNdAl'om:. Monday. PLAN'S arc underway l<> slreamlini 1 Singji pore's dollar-earning sawmillitiK in<lus lIV.I IV. These plans aimed al maintaining Singapore's competitive position in the world market include the purchase <>i sophisticated machinery for Singapore's sawmills. mon Intelligent application ol factory layout i.v also i
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  • 90 6 POWERFUL DITCH TUG HERE FOR OPERATIONS SINGAPORE Mon Dtitrh tvs /.w.ii powerful. and largest oceangoing has .irrlved m Singapon I caged In towing c;x'!.. in tin.s area Mi .J den Nedfoi I. Smil and Co [nter--3) rvice ol Rotterdi tli( rapid expansion ol th< hoi >■ oil Ind istry In
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  • 87 6 SINGAPORE Mon 110 20 today Ii ideri to misappropi from hi <hop in Mai ij 8 1 reel April .ii Ho who .i:rl hi wi for in- fathei Ho r 'ni merchant, added In mitigation 'But l wa«i i.ot paid by m
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  • 30 6 SINCAPOWC \i""i Mr i ■iiiHTic.iu MP fur K.t tons, will oppii tin- Krii.ulruk l'\ School the l'\r (.nvrrnmrnl riahtv -third ■eft Mot— al 7 p.m. tiiinurriiw
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  • 77 6 r pin Stagaparc Printiai 1 Kmpliniiv I mon u presidcat. Mr Ueargc Tan presenting i dona lion of si4.lf»s.K j from the union for tin- \ Dcfriu. I uml Io thr l.ihoiir Minister Mi n Rajarataam .it i n imiiin'o general meeting on Sanaai Mi
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  • 79 6 Two Fiat experts to help in Johore plant SINGAPORE Mon. Sharikal Fial Distributors i M i Ltd. hus brought <>ut two nical expert from Italy to help 'Rear" its plant i;i Tampoi, Johore, to meet In i f-ci production mands. DUclosini conterence toda Vigano. the comi cral mana function ol
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  • 3 6 '-INC."
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 240 6 p.; MR /"BSSffl anßlll^lfeiglr aT aT a^^B^VJBanTS? laa>^g^SrST .aaaf^lgsV -v ■^gaaf^ '^aaaj gan^»^ jP^^ .^^aßßaap*a^^^^ UUllUia ID/ CALCULATOR SIMPLE Anyone who understands sound. Pracision-built, fully transis- ment for natural, no "cross-over 1 the symbol^ H x can master tonzed, there ar« no moving parts to hand actions, coupler) to the
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 75 6 55^5!5!i15!5E >*o we dont want tol P»T~^fTpE~MER~IsaBBWi 1 '-N s^ well, OO you want WURT OUR HOUSe MCTMEIU v CHIN I r"** Ov WER BEARD SLAVED OFF "VK^gwfM OR MOT.piccv^ a '"I" B K /-'"S J k^ lit/ II i mpp f HEKECUTIONER.'.' V 6«-uG UGH.'/->OULL If USE THE.") PS%T«-
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  • 20 7 SINGAPORE M n Two Canadian n- ■<. n -«k«vli«an wi QiApp*l-o. srtt*« here nn May 19 for lft-d»T rv<i»;:.
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  • 225 7 Govt gets leave to contest $5,000 damages order L'UALA LUMPUR v Mon. The Federal Court today granted the Government conditional leave to appeal to the Yang di-Pertuan Ago n g against the courts order to pay $5,000 damages to a lorrydriver and his attendant for wrongful arrest. On March 21.
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  • 291 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Monday GET TO KNOW RURAL NEEDS HE TELLS WELFARE MEN gENK;R staff members of tin Department of Social Welfare were toda> advised to gel better acquainted with the specil'ii needs of the rural people in the drive for community development. This point was made by
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  • 39 7 SITIAWVY Mon —A unman and hir six >r.<r-»M l.iuchter died in hospital ye.slerd.ij from sodium ■raealte poisoning Pnlirr believe K R*n jrrth:i ni g] uifp of tapper, poisonrd her child and tlun took her own Mfir
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  • 93 7 3 dead, 5 hurt in head-on smash Threo proplp wore killed in a lirad-oi: collision bptwfpn two can at the !"h milo. Berembmn K v a Lumpur Road, yesU rday evening. the CT 1-I1 wiT l,r'i ii:"' lv the General Hospital h«rp whore four worf adm.t'pfi. T>!- three killed rp
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  • 31 7 Harun's tour KI'A I A I 1 MPI n-.ake 11 un-rinv \n«;i to Selmigor <IK'rirt hegli-niriß to-m.->rro» He »i.; '>i»n henl'l M the Fl.l>/> 'r'iei>ie in and will hold *ev<>r»l mer'-Mn>-i>e«j'> >•»•
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  • 174 7  -  WONG PUAN WAH By Xl AI.A 1.1 MPI K Mon. —At first sisht. one would think Inihp .lani:iluilin bin Mi.ivi and Ctw Sadiah hinle Abdul HamiH. 21. mini an orilmar., tounli- dnint their -h.ippiriK a busy hat h here. Km t.iui- a rioter look
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  • 136 7 Fire-arms dealer shoots at an intruder UUALA LUMPUR. Mon. A firearms dealer yesterday fired two shots at a dark figure hiding behind a hird-houso in his compound in Jalan Jugra here. Police saici the rirst bla-->' from Mr Urn Kirn Un'i shotgun was a warning. li scared the Intruder who
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  • 88 7 A SURVEY TO FILL THE GAP IN VOLUNTEER HELP SINGAPORE Mon. The Council of Social Bervice is carrying out survey or voluntary Senrlft welfare organlsal in offset the loss i r voluntary workei pected with the Kntish withdrawal in 1971. The council, with 1 1 ha> formed a commli ihe
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 127 7 mm >* M J QUIET A^ na I tampons heip you go all out i for action. But the quiet corner o( youi Here are some of the advantages of Tampax tarnports. 1 You can sit for hours with no discomfort. 2. Whatever you wear, you're perfectly at ease. 3.
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    • 206 7 v^ bbR? <^^bbbbbbbbbbpSL.- M bbbl HbbbT P > i«T bbbbbbbbl B/ ■BBBBI^&V IbbT MMM>><i^^^Kßm^^mr*'iJbm&J 0 J -^^B( t^BBBBBB^^ t^E^^^^^^^Bßßßßßßi *^B^^**>«W. You haven't heard the half of What's Going On in Australia You'll find so much in Australia to surprise you. The awesome Australian outback. Snowfields bigger than those in Switzerland.
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 201 7 Straits Times Crossword *< MMi hißii piac« lii 1 CT,;'! «<•-.- pfj'i Ufl S> 9' r 1 Matthewii I p. tent (7 8T- I) buck- Tri* I 3 r<l *'>'^ Üb»H one '.tv He*' 161 Sir: |7| 8 Rev o K return, ta S^ 'r^'"'""' f r 11."Urn ."Urn com
      201 words

  • lit 0^Jllttll«3 Vil/lllil 71
    • 553 8 What is North Vietnam prepared to give in return for a complete halt to American boinrtard;ivent of ite territory? How much can be read into Hanoi's declaration that il is r.-r,<iy to discuss, !n addition to the ~v«.ition of bombing, "other -elated matters of interest :r» both
      553 words
    • 278 8 POLICE AND PUBLIC If th*> "Snll»-h s. as well in ntjps it app<^;»ls to ha\ c .voi ked In Petaling Ja>-'.' welcome plunge, in Pet,iling Jaya only two month* of th" clow r intai t betwtHMi the police «t d the public that the system hnngs about .tipl-. reduced
      278 words
    • 193 8  -  Traditionally, social welfare work in afalayaia bat tented towards tin ite and the handicapped, haa been th official •I haa thoiiborn a shift to the more :i an<l fruitful reption <>i v, H -i^l welfare v ■iv ;«.ti\ it; makes i*omtn unity life more I• >r •hi
      193 words
  • 1318 8  -  Mr. LEE KUAN YEW From a speech by at the opening of Parliament yesterday Keeping the Parliamentary machine in good condition THOSE of us who are natural optimists, or not long acquainted with the social science of psephology, may believe that the return of all
    1,318 words
  • 680 8 SOYA. lIAWKEN b) THK same young man owns Dartmoor prison in Devon and The Oval where the fifth Test between England and Australia will be played in London in August. Who? Charles, Prince of Wales and Earl of Chester. nuke of Cornwall. Dnko
    680 words
  • Untitled
    • 121 8 Trade unions and politics MY attention has been drawn to the following passage in your repor 'S T. May 6>. f the Natinna. Ln:"O ten. Mr. r N.irayHiian rrmvlcd ilia' an\ trade uni"nist who lan was hicenThN is an unfortunate condensation of what I Mid I h' p*» you w.ll
      121 words
    • 46 8 ¥)ARTS of Clement! 1 R>ad. Upper Ayer Rajah Road snd Jalan Ahma(! Ibr&rum have been induced in our road resurfacing procramme. for the month of May 1968. nee to Mr William Tro's letter ■ST. April 'J6'. \f M n«, CHEW for Director of Public Works Singapore
      46 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
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    • 143 8 IIT P ea ders ml -I>^ Digest ■Tin Sky Knight the Heavenly Why Students Turn to Drugs. kHnjl How to Succeed in Business Mml Before Graduating. JBIJB The Case For And Against* ■^ftfl Charles de Gaulle. Jfl A Tips to Mother Who Drive. fl^H Plus 26 other interesting and absorbing
      143 words

  • 164 9 SINGAPORE. Monday TlfllSS Chang Wei Mun, a physiotherapist at the x General Hospital, was killed in a road accident In Kota Tinpgi on Saturday. She was in a car driven Mr. WAS. Ouderland. production manager of Bata shoa factory in Telok Blangah. which crashed headon With
    164 words
  • 57 9 TAIPING Mon. The first thre* recipient* of the Taipir.jt Junior Chamber scholarship*. will receive their awards from the Minister of Education. Inrhe I Mohamed Khir Johari. here on 1 Saturday. The name da?, the M.n Vet will open the .lavr^e nursery. kindergarten for children of poor
    57 words
  • 729 9 'Mother-in-law made my life hell...' STOCKBROKER TELLS DIVORCE CASE HEARING... SINGAPORE, Monday FORMER stockbroker, Ng Chiau Beng. today said he firmly believed that there was still a chance to save his marriage if only his mother-in-law would stop interfering. He said: "If it was not for her, there wouldn't have
    729 words
  • 117 9 Britain's last Army unit for Malaysia flies in KUALA Ll MPIK, Mon. The fir>{ batch of ">f>6 officers and men of the 4/14 th Light Royal Artillery Regiment and their families arrived at Suhang airport here today to replace the 6th. Light Regiment. Two more hatches will arrive on Wednesday
    117 words
  • 35 9 Man f» Edwin Birch 20 Re»imen' R a. •500 here tod 4. pedestrian R;r. h \< h on Kridav, kn^-Krd dowi b uri r 2 H» >i;ri hr ivid vverved to rar.
    35 words
  • 72 9 ptNANd. Mnn A car thief was foiled in his attempt this morning to steal a car belonging to a salesman when the car's burglar alarm went off. The salesman. Mr. Tan Tian Ser, was awakened by the burglar alarm at about }.4.'> am. When be went nut
    72 words
  • 245 9 Filipino boat had gun and ammo, court is told L r OTA KINABALU. 1V Mon. A .22 revolver and 21 rounds of ammunition were found last Saturday night in a police raid on a Filipino kumpit here. 'me owner of the boat. a, 30-year-old Filipino named Ping Saidano. will very
    245 words
  • 28 9 KCALA LUMPUR Mon. .x)rt T»n make a two-day ■r.ore becinnine on He will mee> L'mno Indrn (Oh n Bahn; Batu Pan»t. Cluane ai'.ri Benut
    28 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 98 9 mi economy ond dependobiiity thananyotheroutboardsor HB ll r stem drives ever buih. 8 3-9 HP. Sole Ag«nt* for Singapore Malayaia FIRST IN MARINE BaX« 33-34,PeWn Street, Sin9apor«.T»»:7lM3 What a difference! with Frigiking Super Quick extra cooling un^^l needed for fast relief "TSSTiNifFORoiiw 5213? %Z. cash nett FRONT UNIT EKSJ 11%.
      98 words
    • 110 9 lajUpM When a hurt happens, tears are I Iwl I quickly soothed away with the ML Bk \ir\\ |VO hi irtl comforting nun: s ympathy of fHHffi&4 y/' lliror>laci > m the home IS WT/ CI|JICIOI such a help in mfr^ c care of our little ones when the/ hurt
      110 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 784 9 TV MALAYSIA CHANNEL 5 Kuila Lumpnr gad* Rocket. 700 Ne»B In and Penang: 6 Ipoh and Ma- felfHth 710 Sport* Arena; Urea; 1 A 10 Johort Bahru; 730 The Duity Springfield 4 Taiping; 7 Bata Pahal; 8 Sh&« 800 Npas in Mandarin; Killing I 810 Pengftfitin Baharu: 836 f*w pm
      784 words

  • Untitled
    • 621 10 QENTLEMEN, you can relax Women have got the inmnngc. They know fh;<i the Mine has come for them to phiv the (lollied-up game. Thc\ know that men will gladly welcome the riot of feminine Thir lies details in fashion. With masculine feelings ol righteousness
      621 words
    • 296 10  -  TSAI TAN by 4 WOMAN who startPd a readvto wear batik boutique less than a year ago with 30 dresses found that enthusiasm and imagination paid off better than a big canital. Now 10 months after the boutique was opened In Kuala Lumpur. Mrs Tina Arlffln
      296 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 215 10 What is colourshape? -^SjjKpafcK eflHeV Eyes contoured with colour by Gala. you shaped your eves with iu>t plain Hark-and-light. now colour does it better. How it work.-: darkr shade Is linrr: next two shades are darker shadow for socket shading, lichter shadow for hiehliehting lid and browbone. Tomorrow's tool? for
      215 words
    • 442 10 Bt Take a 2 weeks Ocean liner Holiday to Hongkong in Hon 9 kOf1 9 nd <>« a a shopping spree! Then 4 days For your next leave take a real of fresh air and P&O comfort holiday; sail away on P&O! on the way back And this Rest, relax,
      442 words

  • 106 11 EMPEROR Haile Srlassle ot Ethiopia offers a banana to the Royal Elephant durum his vi.-it to the Orand Palace In Bangkok on the third day ol hia ton: -da Visit to Thailand. The Ethiopian Kitm is now In Cambodia on
    AP  -  106 words
  • 167 11 Visitor: The keg to Sarawak's tourist success L-L'CHIXU. Moil. An American pnoto-Journalist feels that attracting tourisls to SarawaK la just a question of getting international airlin«-.=; pljing this region to .stop here •There dated w'th Bor and K.i- claw m i Mr Kurl Men ilitan gui duj S'< wspapei Iw
    167 words
  • 29 11 I M n ii K In Xl \l Ml II In *IK H4 In u.-e.--u '*--ft m '.ne \<vn I tnd j» J«un|.
    29 words
  • 109 11 2 women fall to death from blocks of flats SIM.APOKi Mnn T«« uiiincn Ml t > thfir dralhs vpstPul.i\ 1 1 om Mi'iimiu Board flats II B Ml s|\(i. 19, oi Blink 19. Ti imh Rahru Road was found il< i<l on thr ground floor :>f a nearby vi h
    109 words
  • 8 11 HI BHARI I M
    8 words
  • 31 11 v. -.1 11 <:i»ui jiic. a •dp pa the >h, truni < nun mit p cb .rgt-d in i m ir. li .-kpri ■> eantacl lnS 'lv (.■■n t r...
    31 words
  • 84 11 \l\Ml.\. M»n Ihr I .i bun r SP«TCt.«r\ Uala>x I Oplr has order rri the prnsrculion of ritht l.thixir ptrrniter* foi -.(-rulin; I il'piiiu ninkTs into salijh with oul travrl lint imill Ihr rrtrinlrrs wrrr n.inifd ii\ Filipino workers who icturnp(! Irmn N.ibah In .illiil.«\its.
    84 words
  • 8 11 Union official is now boss I port Co.
    8 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 320 11 Pamper yowseit with Iht Pi<j,/S>f» luxury C Sterner Femmin. ;jj un'Que foam spray mtttl the promise ol bo:h a perfumed r% body cream and a ta'cjr; powder. For the ttrst *t a fragrance of sort p,nk antiperspirant toam. which gently 11 envelops you from head to toe with a
      320 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
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  • 122 11 MALAYSIA'S 'INSULTING' TALK BY A MANILA NEWSPAPER riANILA. Monday THE Manila Times today said the Philippines must look [or a mon active policy on its claim to Sabah to replace "the orn -v and conciliatioi which has brought the country ''nowhere 1: its arch for a jus' tion to its
    122 words

  • 18 12 ACKNO WLEDGEMENTS MR ANO MRS OOMMIM M«llC« lhank all 'or attendance eondmnv i cunfr.ii ol Uifir ton S
    18 words
  • 72 12 ITARTIMO TO OAV A Mor» l»l«- ngapo'r Mod«l in. Eoquirti EVCRV IViNINC I- »»>. ■> P m. rfcam iimf in I'onaid j IB sm^sport Monrtiiv 10 Saturday l''m nv »v"iinf for irajrM < n 1H( r-ATM BMOC CtntMOHV Pf •ii. M «»n of in Singh Jnifji" will hr x*"
    72 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 2065 12 lINIttISIIKS. m«OUNCfaIfrITS II«1HS CIUI ACTIVITIES. COMOOIEWCfS IfHHS ENCACEMENTS. I wem «niatt. m W"0«i»h huimhs. missii... musohh. ppc kouicms hdiihk I litr IMaata 115/- tar 21 wtriv ikl M li'itui «•'< 15 cU I I 111 Otter CUssrtit* U.trlmaetH M—ai t« l M cuts Strati Tans l.i imw O» t 51
      2,065 words
    • 758 12 VACANT LAND II 1..r.4h MeraJl ReMr riaafcaM :<nd ractag Ken. aim., r l.ung»lo'« -Ml. furniture at Bn.l dell H'-mht and ierra<« houi<e< at I d S»ran^i on Qaitfau. Ple.i^. .iinrat-: > Mr. inn rwTII WTII iS'porei. POR OUICK SALC: S-r-niOOn detached Nouai I MM oq M 'orrp.'Hiv llMai Moor iiirnnn.-d
      758 words
    • 410 12 rvpcwßiTiNO MMrtnaaa boaa-lteal inic AiTOunting v.'o*tini(. Kiworai^'i itatiaiiea. OCS air ica MM \mdemv ol Arrountani't Srrretar-v •nip. ..'Hi cttaMßjaaati »»aaa» :-in»:» W4ll GUARANTIED RAPID i "nn, is i !<>«« ix.'C ir«Mni« i Bacretanai. nouraphv. Hookkei-pinit. Shorthan-I Tvpewrtting. Areountin«. fla»K-» am lime Ran Collr«e Raffle Pmre Ftiia iMI) Changi Road i4H7«('v,
      410 words
    • 468 12 LOST LOST NCAR «ci>ok i ii. Maa WhiK' I oil. Hm'.dee «itr> ajajaa raa »n caiku if ».fn Pi»a»» «.-»u |<j in Har.'t Avaaaa nnr. OFFICE EQmPMEiIT FOR HIRC baMat mndrru iVaaSßf teakwood ieeKn aaaaMlll t meant lor aircnnduioned room.' Offire suppltea pore IMM/MIM FURNITURE FOR MODERN ntlir.Hl in Citne
      468 words
    • 535 12 JAGUAR J. 4, I»Si. «-ilirm SI SO«. tood londltmn :h r»dll, pla^fr Nr, d-nlew Kirn HIIH I Hire i«i M MINI. EaeeUaai »2?Vr 1»«M rtilira M Cych »7U» II am.- f) p.m. i (Pteven. II". l-' v der Xt K por'. EXCELLENT ia»« Carm»n <im» ronvrrtlble White. radio. 3» mi*
      535 words
    • 366 12 Orrif.t IOOIfMfNT: in -lapnon*. Macblrx >ilh iKire *ALti SERVICt RINTAL lirri.r AlrcondllKM Kou i»'' I Kikr I HiMh Roirl Tel. I :i:~, JUIT ARRIVED fRICIDAIPE Kiri.'r7 'oanta 1 H I.UITOMERI KNOW CMiAPIIT srnr» hLad h. r.r^e BfAUTirv YOUR CAROIN n Porl lion hoi: taina t no »al»i mi eqvilrrd. I
      366 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 920 13 TO LIVERPOOL I WEST COAST U K STINTOI t THESIS* T r ic\ ni< ii in Pirt PitlAM Ti <«» May 112 May 13 MENEIAU". Ml l] PATROCLUS Ml MJ M M U«S^ US May 71 Mi,' 73 May 24 7i tNTENOR M 21 M Ml 2I Sdu us M>
      920 words
    • 1271 13 Ji iHf Mf I m a^W Bg^Bt. 1I m m imbbt amibb *A K I^M [tl MM mil kt&k I TH£ E A C///WFS_J THL CAST ASIATIC COMPANY I'd I-, o-po-ned n Of^f EXPRESS SAILINGS TO GENOA/NORTH CONTINENT SCANDINAVIA V > n^rr C'-^anj S'ooie MUM CiMjßi SONGKHLA ai, May 74
      1,271 words
    • 1145 13 ■MJBMJMMMJMMMa EXPRESS SERVICE in LONDON LIVERPOOL I CONTINENTAL PORTS BENLOYAL M r, -iir P'r<n |OM M 35 TMay BEN A VON III; S t lul; I Ma; I II Mi; 11,14 Mt; 11/11 i i iencleuch mi, r«aa -^«utn, H^Ou't May 14 II May 17 71 Ma; 21/27 ENDORAN Mir-twri
      1,145 words
    • 1069 13 «aM)w WORLDWIDE CARRIERS LTD. Great Lakes Service lor NEW LONDON HALIFAX MONTREAL TORONTO HAMILTON BUFFALO ASMTABULA DETRO'T MILWAUKEE CHICAGO P. S'hom Pf no' t PHILIPPINE PROGRESS 19/21 Moy 22/23 May 24/2S M« r Ag.nts: McALISTLR tfc CO., LTD. Spore .^fttenhoii mg r«4: J6241 1/9 6252 617MARITIME BUILbiNC SINSAPORI lEL: *****.
      1,069 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 958 14 1 Vt *7" "^KAWASAKI KISKN KAISHA LTD. Western Australia/ Singapore 'Japan Service „»p Yokohama Knß» ••Narway haro" 24/2llaae 4/ S July U July II JUi mm West ACriea /Singapore /Japan Service Singapore Yokohama Koto ■fJMMMMMar J > Mi) II 11 U» lint It MB I "Swii>»Mani' 2lMay/JJun 71/21 luai J.I)
      958 words
    • 833 14 AUSTKtIU NEW ZEUANO SERVICE INDIA, PAKISTAN AND FAR EAST SERVICES Fir- Towns Audi oam Ljti Will. t: Mjlrls Naiiaittiaiai p kM p -j Prnang P. Shim S pert RAJULA 22, J? May 21 May 71 May RAJUIA 15 20 June 21 laae 2? Juai v way MJUU /)S (y lANKURA-
      833 words
    • 594 14 NOTICE HOTEL SINGAPURA INTERCONTINENTAL LIMITED i Incorporated in Sinsnporei MVIMND NO. 4 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the 7th Annual General Meeting of the Company will be held i ;it the Conference Room of Hotel SinKapura. 585. Ordiairi Road Snißapore-9. on Frtda^. the 7th: oay of June, 1988. at I.M
      594 words
    • 175 14 AUCTION SALE OF \l I \KI l SINGAPORE PROPERTIES to Ik- sold by public auction by NASSIM CO. (SINGAPORE) LIMITED in thru salerooms at 1 A J— l Cnllyrr Quay. Singapore on TUESDAY. 14th May 1968 at 2.30 p.m. KILLINEV ROAD, N<* 95 H I Freeholil land and 2->'nif ■hopbMMM
      175 words
    • 458 14 THE JARDINE WAUGH ORGANISATION Invites applications tor: POST: AREA MANAGER (SARAWAK) (AIRCONDITIONING BUILDING SERVICES DIVISION) JOB SPECIFICATIONS: 1. To supervise sales. 12. to provide technical advice on aircondltioning and building services requirements. 3. To design, quote and -supervise installation and maintenance of airconditioning and building equipment. QUALIFICATIONS: 1. Malaysian Citizenship.
      458 words

  • 54 15 I INK Official Malayan Short term Monry Markrl for the wrrk mini Saturday. May 4 thr ran«- »f call HaaW MM as fol.nws: BANK llMis. 4' 4 prr rent to 5 prr o«-nt GENERAL M NDB: .I 1 prr crnt 'to 4 1 prr rrnt. MOVEMENTS of funds
    54 words
  • 1101 15 By Our Market Correspondent rpHE Stock Exchange was generally easier yesterday and turnover showed a further sharp reduction. With the millions tied up in the Tractors Malaysia offer there Is that much less cash available to the market. It is the first public
    1,101 words
  • 244 15 I> H I 1 i: I Wi-»trill Miliin; eased early but latei in.i..isome reccverv. B H p sold down to $24 oetoir clixsiiig at steady $24.40. Wesiern MtBOaJ M H ients to $ attfi touching $!j;ii' However, many miniiiij companies held solid cims CR A jumped sharply $1
    244 words
  • 40 15 RUBBER AND TIN CLOSING FRICES \li\ i. Xl KKKK I'lUt I m rent* (up imp riiihlh of .i cc-nti. TIN PKK E: 155? 37 j (unchanucii I si'ii nil 1 1 in- _':;.i t<ni> i dint n S tana
    40 words
  • 137 15 IMIK Strait> un price in I rVaaai jrestertlaj was me h.intcd ;it 1537.37J »itb alrij stront; Mippcirt reported ran Kiin>p. md America lh«- BlTerlßi v.iv estimate*! l««n ."> t<ms i.i t,,nv LOCAL Xl BBKK MARI Ihe mark." ■xtremcly quie; all morning flwer quotation at th< ng
    137 words
  • 129 15 *i am ui.i.i 1 1. h MlMrs I, sni.ip.i,. j, Kti.iU I iimpur eitrraaj Ai hi, b ip mi. tiffcta el mil mi nd.n\ 'insiii- Itvrl Ihi- I. mr ».i> „u ,i K v ,n<i W.K.I lodni pricM n rnt« prr Ih >lMllaUj. R 8.8 prompt v Int
    129 words
    262 words
  • 627 15 DUMNBU IN *M> KKPOKTIM TO THK SINGAPORi: AM> Xl \l I I Mil K IKMUNi. ROOMS OF THt. K I.\(HAN(.t Yt.STKRUAY. WITH I THt: Ml MBEr OF THE SHARKS TRAD! I) IM BRAfKETS INDUSTRIALS: lan Ca »J.l».' U. (4,0001 ss.ta n <l>oooi S2 »o. ii.nccn s. «v \ii.s7
    627 words
  • 34 15 STOCK INDICES May 4. M.. 1.. Indualrlala: 140 I I4U.M I'toiierliev ||Ctl ]\t 111 Tlns sn I xii I! I rubbers IM iv In!. IX i»n tfl, i-'ts; mn. !>*«■ .ill. ISht, 1 1 n
    34 words
  • 476 15 CTOCK IliNiM.l OF MALAYSIA AND lINCAPORE BID AND OFFER PRICES OFFICIALLY LItTIO AT THE CLOSI OF IUIINIU INOUtTRIALt a s. H-n Oa s4 J>b id m l'.iwi <■. Baajan M C.C M. I I] 1.44 i I. Holt)in«« M LM D auap j so >i t <j K
    476 words
  • 22 15 MINI st P,,,rt,, r I traaji Cltinni Capra I •••INK' imfwaK ilatton p. Sin moor, copra Atinciatian n*a« li CO
    22 words
  • 10 15 Exchange rates IMt •,,,, r, 4nkl Ma 1 layiia Sinr.p.
    10 words
  • 21 15 H.K. rates 1 1 K< la) us 11. ..1., I and it 11. n. aaak Sl'Hirn ana taai at (aid I
    21 words
  • 103 15 CHIPS i im. \i <i\ ,sii,j mi SINGAPORE imkhiii R «H»RVKS OK r \I'M II l» TODAY \KI r'.unK* s \in Nfi k Rtai X 'ho* I ll I I I, H I NW. I l SHIPS IN THC ROADS AS AT AM ON MAY t
    103 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 587 15 H MALAYSIA-SINGAPORE AIRLINES LIMITED Applications ore invited from suitably quolified candidates for the following positions:--(A) Supplies Manager (Designate), SINGAPORE QUALIFICATIONS: An occeptoble engineering qualification with of least five years experience in the fields of purchasmq, stock control, budgetting ond storage in on engineering organisation preferably associated with the aircraft industry.
      587 words
    • 696 15 BOUSTEAD HOLDINGS BERHAD (Incorporatrd in Malaysia) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an Extraordinary General Meeting of Boustead Holdings Berhad will be held on Friday. 31st May. 1968 at 11.00 a.m. at the Compnny'.v registered office. I Bentenx. Kuala Lumpur. At Ui us mfriing the Directors will recommend that a sum
      696 words

    • 339 16 iionc; koxg'S captain, J. s. Shroff, yesterday promised bright cricket during the team'! three-week tour ol Malaysia and Singapore which opens today at 11 a.m. with a one-day match against Penang at Western Road ground. Stirofl said nn his arrival la Penan g yesterday don't
      339 words
    • 96 16 I OND4 'N B .n. H 1 1 m < tdUC brought ..fl ths bigeest upset m the Oa\is tup European 7"nr tennis chatnpion.•■hip yesterday when Bpsdn's f.'tmrr Wimbledon champion M.muel Santar.a. by 6-4. 3-6. 6-3. 5-7 6-4. It i deleat in thus I'omoetiuon for nve \cl
      96 words
    • 54 16 Puncture fails to stop Vic PAI EfUl< i M n S i 1 drnrn bi Vte Word. .Brit.uiu and c sudto Magltnli 1 1 von tin- Tarts Florto mm run- here \e> They won despite a puncture on the n;>' "t hm> tea mm which tarred the* to Hicy bent
      54 words
    • 60 16 (MAMMON jo<k«> Lestet Ptg(«4l (rifht) picked the winner of this \'x Mgf GsjkbMu hi> own nuninl. Sir Ivor. He was fir>t offered the ridr on I'etinso hut turned it down in favour of Sir Ivor, owned br IS, Amhas>adnr Mr. Raymond (iurst and trained hr Vinrent O'Brien. Here
      60 words
    • 309 16  -  MANSOOR RAHMAI By lyvio Harun hrn Haji Idris, Mciitn Besar of Selangor, has been nominated for re-elect-ion as presldeni of the Royal Belangor Golf Club for 1968-69 the period during which the Club will celebrate its 75th anniversary. Dato Harun. who was first elected president In 1966. Is the
      309 words
    • 152 16 SURREY SET BONUS POSER FOR MCC LONDON, Mon Surrey collected the season first I bonus point at The Oval yesterday and then set m MCC Ken Harrington confined to bed with i. they were able to send only nin<> men to the r-ea-e When half twin's ha\e «ot had tlie\
      152 words
    • 34 16 FRENCH 1,000 PAHIS. Mem Tola Hells, the 2-i n-.\ favourite raced to a ■MOttl one-leneth vtrtorv Pncjf In th* Poute dps PoulichM. the French I OOf Guineas run nvpr flf at I .oncer-amp* yesterday.
      34 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 667 16 LEMBAGA PERUMAHAN-HOUSING TRUST nm.i Xl 1 \n \ll HBLAI I TENDER NOTICE ...,1 vtth UM to tender for low c,«<t vrraco n<>use* iinrler thr 13fi8 Cr*.sli Prc^rnmme are invited U> submit their application* in writing to the under-signed accompanied 11^ value imiicated below, made payable tfl .j, c •>. r|p(visr
      667 words
    • 673 16 NOTICES PERI TUTUP Pen Nennsi di-jajahan Pekan t PHhang akan di-tutup kapada c •emua lalu linta.s p»(ia urn dan s tarlkh yang tersebut di-bawKh c mi kerana manialankan kerja s membaiki kapada peri ramp ter- whdt HARIBU.AN MAN A 11S.M 1200 tnalam hltiKga I 7 00 pagi <i 12.5 S«
      673 words
    • 297 16 TENDERS TENDER NOTICE Tenders are invited from Contractors registered with the P WO. Class A. B or BX. for the construction ot 4 Blocks (32 units) Class U Flats at Customs Re- served I aim. Of! Bagan Jertnal. Butterworth. Plans, Bills ot Quantities and I Tender Documents can be seen
      297 words
    • 783 16 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS PUBLIC APPOINTMENT PUBLIC UTILITIES BOARD, SINGAPORE Tne commencing basis salary I offered for the following posts tn Italary scale $785 x A4S I2Bn Qual. Bar 1325-1370—1420 will he f.enendent upon applicants' quallflI cations and experience. In addition I a variable allowance Is paid. Appointment will be on a
      783 words

    • 125 17  - IHF pick S'pore umpire for Games ERNEST FRIDA By VEERAMUTHU Rama- liiiKam. Singapore's only Grade One international hockey umpire, will official c at the 196 8 Mexico City Olympic Garni IHF' lechnical eommlttee have tcid Ramallnhi a application to te a' the Olympic. Games tournament has been approved. Ranialiimam is
      125 words
    • 49 17 Naidu to coach in Selangor I'ENKY N.UDU. U» Indian U beein his ci ana M 21 -it Lumpur pi He will also hold two thr^eM y 25 and June I.umhour» rach Imm 5.1 5 p.m. A I urn :n he ur, or -vi or o.ncr '*****' before M;tv 18.
      49 words
    • 219 17 'J'HAT on-oit Malaysian tour by the world famous English First Division soccer club, Arsenal, is on again, Football Association of Malaysia announced in Kuala Lumpur yesterday. Arsenal, who will be play:ng three matches in Japan this month, will play one match at Merdeka Stadium on June
      219 words
    • 45 17 Chinese and H< n? Chinese have agreed to play 'hcli annual Ho Ho Cup match at Hong Kong on Oct. 12 The will br (elected after the MCFA rrnament ;r. ilay x B a,"'r the Hrnc K'li; fa ur
      45 words
    • 74 17 rE Mnu-tei ot Culture. Youth and SDort. Ijiche Senu bin Abdul Rahman, was elected president of the Malavsian Malays PA at their an- i nuai meeting. Other officials elected were > ice-presidents: Ibrahim Abdul Manan. A. S Mohammad Myain Secretary: Uhak Mohammad Noor; Treasurer: Ayob
      74 words
    • 217 17  - Fitter, stronger Jega aims for new mark M. RAHMAN By VfANI JEGATHESAN. who equalled his own national IOU-m record of 10.3s in Mis first run of the season on .Sunday, is confident he will clip at least another tenth of a second before the Olympic Games at Mexico City in
      217 words
    • 112 17 SUMMARY ■mm Friendly (KL> s cor bt TK inmp-->tat Dnlvoreity 3-2 Ssor p\ era ftrsl >: B A Asn- v fl PongaotHMl 6-1 6-3: Kvok Yoke Yen and T lee bt S. Ponifopltsil and R Chandraviruth 7-5. e-i S Broo':.s 1oj.( to C Tinthannorn 1-6 5-7: Ml«s HarrL-on 8 "d
      112 words
    • 145 17 CHAMP KIM IN LAST 8 ON A 6-0 6-0 WIN rjEFENDING champion T. 8. Kun reached the meu'l singles quart«-Msru;.-> of the Singapore Hardcourt term's rha.-n--rn he D. H M'-Crecnr fi-d. 6-0. When 'he ir>nrniirr»r>t reummret Ha.v-.<n A v. P.W. Lemos 6-1 6 C I '.n the quarterfimls Bhabrin
      145 words
    • 1045 17 11 I li. lll f o r TT Natordav. first ii nt Singapore Turf lub May meeting 1.. DIV. I— 9F. Beau himes 9.00 Pride of Greece 8.11 hampion 8.1 1 Half iiiuii B.MB Tibetan h M Shenandoah 8.07 Drpth hargr 8.U7 Bronre Knight B.nt. Zaza 8.05
      1,045 words
    • 132 17 i IPOH Mm. ■eCOrti 101 l like in Hie M I luiiun rkiaUßlnf ihrtmpionship.s wntcn raded el Kinla Swimminß ihhil here. A total i.t :'3 tirt'iinwl rei-ords *ere set In the tvio-day meet: tk m hn.iigni one Mfi I in broke lour
      132 words
    • 34 17 A lucky (toal before full time by out.sicle-nsfht B. Mich^r] g.ive PWD Combined ;i' 1-0 w:n o\er Kinta Indians "C" in the Ipoh Dustr ct six-a-side hockey iinal on the Municipal Padang.
      34 words
    • 39 17 Putm Jalctrt-t. the Jakart* soccer leaeue champions, yesterday defend Kebivan 4-2 at the BU mm in Kcta Bahru. Left-wineer Koitiar i2>. Soeiinto and CMI I V th» tourist> ;inrt Ghmu Omar and Nik Salleh 1.
      39 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 296 17 mm i >w^ IZm I r /*^s m M kS AA -JB sbW BB M )m H^S ■m f 1 w f^ X, '***<%" s^s^F^^^s^si 1 i tr #f? 's^Bsk f jP* /fi J W^^- jf^&i* ir I*^^1 !t s quite bl 2 as a matter of fact. To go
      296 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 56 17 rvi.l Tour match: I a m Rd' >i)l < XX MM l>i». RAF Western Hill v Port Comi7 p m. Cltv Stadium i Frim<lh Pei.aiiß'.<> Burnley Cup rhamina'-a:.i (5.15. City Stadlunn lp»h Pit. I: Municipal RC v Tamil Younslatngi Ipoh Youhkttcn KEr> ipadanc: PCRC v onatlor. ground): Chen« V\'ah UAJ
      56 words

  • 61 18 OODIES of iwo of tho four newsmen killed in the Vietcong ambush in Cholon are beinn examined by a demolition man before being removed from the street. A protest condemning the "deliberate murder of defenceless correspondents. 111 Saigon" was t'iiblrd to representatives of the
    UPI  -  61 words
  • 23 18 BAGDAD Men fund to ralae nor nuliw:, Iraqi dlnan million 1 to aid PaleMminu oommandi tuu been l;u nulled here AP.
    AP  -  23 words
  • 354 18 LONDON. Mon Puces t:ida\ I <iei Inirtl cm ;> bnwd front on per- Mstent small selling and lack ol support Closimt miiiflle prices of selected stocks not Including .sump dutywere RUBBER LONDON. Man -Spot l"d June 17d. July 17M1.. Aug. 17 5 16d.. July Sept
    354 words
  • 148 18 THREE OIL TANKERS SINK IN BLAZE HORROR BUENOfI AMU, M..11 KxploMons .md liie sank three Argentine tankrrs docked at thr I. a Plata harbour nf Knsenada rarly today. A blast shook thr tanker Orcadas a> it lay at berth in the h.irlxmr 45 miles south of Buenos Airev I-
    148 words
  • 45 18 FORT WORTH, lion A bar 111 tiie N< Worth late laM nißht. kllllnc light people and Injuring se\ei.U Witnesses told police It was thrown by an angry patron who had been evicted from the bar. He .'.rri the MM Reuter
    Reuter  -  45 words
  • 194 18 Gorton names two Ministers for KL talks f'ANBERRA. Mon. Austral! a will send two ministers to the five-nation talks In Kuala Lumpur on Juno 10. Prime- Minister Gorton announced today. Hr named them a i>' fence Minister Aiim Pairhall and External Affairs Paul Hasluck. The conference haa bern called to
    194 words
  • 70 18 ORATORICAL CONTEST ON SAFETY SINGAPORE. Mon Ixth annual Sali'ty First oratorical conwlU be held at the theatrette Quay tomorrow, Wednesday and Thur>>; Altoseilier. til entries hive beer, received from secondary schools in Sincapore The best 10 contestants In the heats will qualify for the finals, which will be held at
    70 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 126 18 C 1 BLAHC MADE IN GERMANY \^lk TRAPt U MARK -wo e%JW and; w>M\§ Strikingly styled in black barrel with Cold plated cap, (Ins MONTMAMC L-^ff' fc-iiJ& MASTERFIKCE fountain pea with I I fl liletimc guaranteed 18 -carat cold 8 J M Wlm nib is lovely to look at and
      126 words
  • Page 18 Miscellaneous
    • 48 18 The weather Huhe.-.! «nd lowest temperatl Mngaßon and M3la>v.\ b Urn pert(\l 8 p.m. Sunday •ci 8 p 111 yrstcaUv li..hi Lowest Blngapore "ii Kuala Lumpur K 74 KoU Bhi.lll »<) 72 Pmmnß f>B 77 !'=> 74 Malacca 74 c Htehtandi 7fl tl J» --clloii 88 77 Kuchlna H 74
      48 words