The Straits Times, 29 February 1968

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 28 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 1 50,000 The Straits Times. The Niitinnal Nevniir Fstd 1845 IHIKSDAV. I KBKIAKY .'!>. |%R IS CENTS KDN. r. 1 04 i (V) 0011
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  • 513 1  - Defence talks in May WALTER DCRUZ: KUALA LUMPUR. Wed New Zealand's assurance on troops By THE proposed fivonation-defence conference is likely to be held in the middle of May, Tengku Abdul Rahman, announced today. A join I < >i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i< 1
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  • 133 1 Macmillan deplores East-of-Suez pull-out HOM. MINI, W..1 Mi Harold Macmillaa. llm forinrr British Prime Minjvti-r. ..lid here l»d;iv hr (li'plorid the Labour (lll\ I'l HUH lit "g 1. .15t «lf Siir/ v llul pi. tils He linpnl thej rnulil hi- rr mtmil p- >■ ibl\ In new < Mservathrr
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  • 152 1  -  STEPHEN BOEY: IPOH. Wednesday Hy 1 VOI N(i iiiollnrol loin. Madam l.:ni Vue! Sum. .'ill. \\;is rcsciitil lium :i landslide :il I lie Ikmhi- Kin Ilin Tin Mini- iic:ii here Iliis nfteriKMHi while Iliree <>l her workmates were buried alive. Labourers working hy fipimci Madam
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  • 19 1 Vi etnam fast Nf\v YORK v.xi :>v v.iri' 'lie B nn hoth We* t" r w-.- m Vietnam Rental
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  • 49 1 BANGKOK Hut Bknen BritUh and Canadian i ifi t* wri> dr'a\rr<\ h\ Thai pobct :»(n thcastn n t Indotn 4(Hi Ironi Bangkok »lim \ne\ !ii«i lo en'ri il>p Aluminn an baaa demonstrate nuai: >' the Amertran bombing IB \irtiiam. rr|MM nttchlM heir lioin I'li.iniii in Re'i-
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  • 42 1 WASHINIiIOV W«l lIM Waxhln "arnrcl B wain ocean nchrnnirei. tin pie n to mV.e In*. \wf«" with him <m another trip around "lie work) Tin rm-im Hhe would i>h>hphlv nag him he ■trugglad «i'h bll shir •"<! Ui* elements
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  • 544 1  - Robbers shot way out after $12,500 grab RUDY BELTRAN By pi;i I AI.INd JAVA. Wed. Four nun. l\\<> armed with |»islols. shut lluil \\;i\ IHll <»l the William .Inks an<l < <». uu down here M I2JUJ p.m. loua> al'lei KrabMng p;i\n»ll < I $!2«oUtl I nun Ihe i ;ishifi
    BOONG HON SIN  -  544 words
  • 224 1 I) \i:iV Wed Ihrl i« nrh iii\ ••rnnieiit lias rrrelved inforiii.Uiim .in urn li.ilt in i Mii'ii States iiiuiiiiinu of North \ictn.ini uould l>i mMeJeal (or Ihr npcnint of peace talks, it wax ■"> noiiiiird todii> hifoi iu.iti<in Mlatialer Geargaja
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  • 16 1 Host; ni>-.c; Wad i)a\*>r.» x mi thaiigf from (he Honii Knne menl :rvia\ Krw.f
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  • 85 1 HONG KONG w.-.l Postmen it) Canton were being delayed on their rounds because they hart to ."penr! a lot their tlm* meetings itudj h i h»s "i Chairman m- ji > t c mug the South China Mnruinjc POai rrport^rl t>>r)av Ouotinc «»tlviil« m nelghboui Ing Kw.i
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  • 619 1 Reds open new front SAIGON. Wednesday (M)MMIMSI'S launched another round of ruckel ;ill«n ks on Hie Saigon area lodaj ami struck in lorc<' in the Central Highlands where I .S. military ex|x*rls long have expei'ted them l«> o|h*ii another fighting front. U.S. infantrymen In the highlands of Kontum ProTince reported
    Agencies  -  619 words
  • 212 1 Fleeing Asians jam Nairobi airport VAIROBI, Wed N More than 2,000 Kcn>;i Asians flew to London today In a last-minute rush to Britain's new Immigration ront rola, expected to rome into force tomorro nigram will havt entered rould hr .'.(!> ..1 A were 111-Id b i p the main
    Reuter  -  212 words
  • 44 1 Krns iea yards pbom Kill v\\H RrrOKT BAIGON, Wed. North Vietnamese troops today wrre reported wlthla 1M yards of I I Marine basa at Rhr Sanh digßiiu Bafaagflad trencher B^ed BMHaMb I romniunists In rausinK fall "f Pirn Birn Pho I Tl
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 48 1 for Clmar Comfortable Consult C. S. CHONG O. D EVERBRIGHT OPTICAL CO. 19. Chuha Street. Singapore. 1. ESSO EXTRA GASOLINE BOOSTS POWER THREE WAYS Firing power for improved pick-up. I Cleaning power for longer, smoother online life. Octane power for lii^hcr cruiMnc speeds and better mileaite. HUTATtQCRINVDUrXTANK! \^tVJ
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    • 141 1 THOREN9 TD tSO AB f 230/ iiov Meai MNeaM «ppresct> f top p.. N..>k.r»,...<n P t,.. motor con match THORIMS -^"9F2iW JEBSEN JESSEN (5) LTD. J I. An* Imuiimt S por. 1 Tfi 7*S«7 M "Custom Sp<*ctfli" moaels are imted to d v.nif range of rn^ and io( ofpordte
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    • 186 2 W'ASMINC.ION ««f The I nited State* Army I* developing a mrlliod of piping liquid exploaives into Vittcont tunnels to rie«troy them mmr effr«tively. Col. Thomas W Mrllen. Direr tor of Army Develop menl. rr\ealed here. Col Mr Urn told the Sen»U armed Nei\i«rs eemmltter
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    • 795 2 LBJ in call for firm resolve on Vietnam •TURNING POINT HAS BEEN REACHED IN THE WAR' S*I«.ON. W>«. Ml •> "1 thr hmnl of lh» iinui" < ommu nM »tt*nMrr in Koalh iiHPiim arrordini In affirial fir«"« TnUI number *f rrviHu< hilled w». rivrn M I Ml. Mi Mtarr r»«inlfir»
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    • 231 2 Senators oppose US payment to Asian Bank WASHINGTON. Wrd. Members of the Senate Foreign relations committee have served notice they will not vote for President Johnson '< proposed U.S. contribution to the Asian Development Bank until stops are taken to end the war in Vietnam. The chairman Senator J W:lham
      UPI  -  231 words
    • 237 2 Gorton outlines vision for a new Australia AIEIBOtPNF Wed The Primr Minister, Mr. John (rnrton. calird on An. lians last nighi to ;ivoid Britain's -noddy social system and develop efficient methods fur eliminating po^ and waste. He was outllnll the hr-t ';nif coming Prime M: his vision :or isl ralu
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    • 185 2 DUBAI CITY (Pprsian Gulf). Wednesday DULERS of nine British-protected States on the Persian Gulf have derided to establish a •Federation of Arabian Emirates." it. was officially announced last night. Their a:m according to a communique, is to '•.safeguard thpir security, salety and mutual interests."
      Reuter  -  185 words
    • 258 3 $1 1/2 MIL THEFT OF RARE METAL AT U.S. AIRPORT I\L\V YOKK. Wed. A 1 rssMHi.nno shipment of a rare metal, originating in Uif Smiet I'nion. was stolen \csterday from the KIM Ki.vjl Dutch Airline.s cargo office at Kennedy Airport. An airline spokesman said the 7001 b. shipm-nt of palladium,
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    • 208 3 Bill The Home Secretary Mr. James Calltghan said he would send two lawyers to Nairobi to listen U appeals by would -bf migrants in this categon who were refused admission to Britain. Earlier yesterday, hf declined to see a dtpun tion of Kenyan
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    • 448 3 LONDON, Wednesday ♦JHE House of Commons last night massively approved Britain's new curbs on Asian migrants from Kenya Ine Government's controversial Commonwealth Immigrants Bill, which split loyalties In both the nations main parties, passed its crucial second reading by a 310 majority. Members voted
      Reuter  -  448 words
    • 64 3 IWEW YOKK. Wrd.— i Ihant Ins rel' i-eived ,>e\rral cables from Asians in Kenya aslcine him to intervene on their behalf to help them emigrate to Britain, i I N. spokesman said today. Ihe spokesman added that while the Secretary-General was aware of their plight
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    • 34 3 SEOUL Wed. "I i t"tufctorey building of ihr m nr Seoul dally Hank-K'k Ilbo. owned by former Deputy Premier Chang Key-Youna «as reduced to ashes in a fire yesterday. Reuter
      Reuter  -  34 words
    • 201 3 Scientists urge go-slow on heart transplants- WASHINGTON. TT Wed. The National Academy of Sciences has called for a cautious, goslow policy on further heart-transplant operations. It wants to see "rigid safeguards" taken to assure that botl: prospective donors and recipients really face imminent death before such operations are undertaken. The
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    • 38 3 OAKLAND C.ilil'>rnia. Wed. —A local airline has dropped plans to use loglM hostesses on flights to nearby Rambling casinos heciuse of opposition from an irate town council In San J"se. south of here Reuter
      Reuter  -  38 words
    • 34 3 SEOIM,. Wrd S-'iith Korean President Park Chuiiß-Hee la>t nißht numed former Army riioi Yune-Hrr as \hr now Defence Minister to reol^c 1 Mr I Kirn Sunß-Eun who resigned yeMerciMV. AP.
      AP  -  34 words
    • 214 3 CAPE TOWN. Wednesday rHE South African who ran over and killed the worlds first heart donor was found guilty of culpable homicide and sentenced to two years Jail. Friedrich Andreas Prins. 36. had pleaded guiity to the charge One yenr (if the .sentence
      UPI  -  214 words
    • 25 3 TOKYO. Wed Customs officers have questioned t»o Japane.-r sailors in Kobe, western Japan, for allegedly smuggling in an orang utan from Borneo. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  25 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 245 2 ■n l p||> ipH K IffS^K I ■_M g*% MT%\M HC E9 washing ri \kJ W C MACHINE M for the Hoover Diamond Jubilee Year |H Wt* jKlml^B^ilffiiiiiiL THE TIME to think of buying a washing machine! 1 This Moovar Diamond Jubit** Y««r niwcomtr it too good to miss! JH
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    • 39 2 S^nßpißEi£iziZaMH|' W\ r a«^^3 I •^^bZ^L^JUßr^ 1 pensive, qua I i joes itt ino»i r*d change "lheic^ nollmist ic.ilK new .ibont in cmi.i Miiooiti lasie. ..un!e»s >ou \e ne\ei tried ii bcto c. BURNETT'S WHITE SATIN LONDON DRY GIN
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 488 3 ANNUAL STOCK-TAKING SALE NOW ON! YOUR ONCE -A -YEAR CHANCE TO PURCHASE ORIENTAL ARTS UP TO SO DISCOUNT Look at these Discounts.... Lucky Beoni with Ivory Elephant! SO 1 Ivory Eorringi 50 indion Bangles 30 Kashmir white Metal with Stones Rings I Broaches 50' Indian hand painted tilei 30' Papier
      488 words

  • 44 4 rii.NGAPOKb Wed -A former student ot Rattles Institution. William Chang. who »as one of the four who scored five distinctions In last year* Cambridge Higher School Certificate examinations. Is now *tudyinK electrical engineering in Auckland University under the Colombo Plan
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  • 21 4 6INOAPORE. Wed The University of Singapore extramural course on 'Political Ideas in Action" will be held m Aug- inber
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  • 98 4 SINGAPORE. Wed —Singapore will be represented at an International seminar on "Regional planning within an overall de\elopment to be held In Germany from next week The Singapore delegate, Mr. Tan Chok Klan. who i.« acting Deputy Secretary to the Minl.Mrv of National Development will leave herp
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  • 132 4 SINdAPOHh, Wednesday. CONSTRUCTION of a flyover at the Oxley Hise-Fort ("anning-(.lenienceau Avenue iunction, costing $87O.O(K), will begin next month and is expected to be completed in .Ink next sear. It forms part of the Orchard Road one-way system and will have three traffic
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  • 182 4 SINGAPORE. Wed. —A man who helped to train an "army" of firstaider* for the St. John Ambulance Brigade here died at the General Hospital on Sunday, after a long illness. Mr. Teo 11. m Khoon (above). 54. West Central Area Staff Officer, had been
    182 words
  • 126 4 SINGAPORE. Wed— A Deputy Public Prosecutor. Mr. Tan Teow Yeow. today urged the Second District Court to pass a deterrent sentence on a policeman. Lance Corporal Fakir Mohamed. found guilty of accepting a $20 bribe from a four-digit lottery operator He said. "Corruption
    126 words
  • 168 4 SINGAPORE. Wed. Schoolboy Kwan Kan Keong (above). 1 left home cheerfully for school one day three weeks ago. promising to hurry bark to help bike rakes for his father's birthday. But that night, his parents and five brothers and sisters had to celebrate
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  • 16 4 SINGAPORE Wed— A total of 114 accidents, none of them fatal, were rrported yesterday.
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  • 95 4 SINGAPORE, Wednesday. A NATIONAL Defence Fund campaign week, orA ganised by pupils of the Balestier Hill Integrated Secondary Technical School in Thomson Road, yielded a total of $1,571.47 for the fund. Members of the school staff have promised to donate one per cent of
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  • 104 4 SINGAPORE. Wed. The YWCA of Singapore celebrating its ninety-third anniversary last night had the Republic's First Lady. Puan Noor Aishah, as euest of-honour for dinner. Ihe part), attended by about 200 members and fumts. was held at its Outram Road premise*. A 12
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 338 4 ODEON: OPENS TODAY! 'XiUIZ DON'T GAMBLE AND TAKE CHANCES This Western Is A Sure \Ti2 Iw Winner With Action And i ]M 7 Thrills Galore! a n I (of "Massacre far Gunfighter" fame: in 20th Century Fu's rmii \^^L.Q^2a^r I nSEB WITH PISTOLS TECHNICOLOR TECHNISCOPE I— PLUS ON STAGE -TONIGHT
      338 words
    • 84 4 >■!■■■■ before you starring ROBERT WOODS TECHNISCOPE TECHNICOLOR SATURDAY M'NITE CAPITOL d 1 W JHk'J Qu..n,to.n I I n nini-f A.r-Condirloncd Todoy Only: 1.45. 4, 7 A 910 p.m. "Spy With A Cold Now" sPoro Colorscope Tomorrow Some Time "A Guide for »h* Married Man" (Fox l Coloncope with Chin
      84 words
    • 358 4 'schoolchildren"; concession I Daily INCLUDING SATURDAY SUNDAY J I SI .50 TO ANY SEAT AT II Sl.OO TO ANY SEAT AT ,1 45 pm. 5.15 pm. SHOWS 2.00 pm 5.45 pm SHOWS B Singapore LIDO FEDERALKL|3 $ho»» doily 1.45, SIS. 8 45pm 3 shows doily 200, 54i 9 00pm NB.
      358 words
    • 584 4 II am. I 30, 4, 1 00. 1 10. 630 4 9IS pm t45 4 910 p )or-rs -Wjtcrhole No: i Technicolor TecniiScoo* CATHAY: SATURDAY V NlTr' Cro.g Steve- •> "GUNN" OPENS TODAY 1 11 am, 1 30,4,e 30 4 91! pm "Poker With Pistols I GEORGE MILTON C- yScop*
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 140 4 Schools TV for today fODAVS Educational TV for schools on Channel 8 is as follows: 7.50 a.m.-810. Mathematics. Sec 1: Equations; 8.30-8.50. General science. Sec J: Vegetative propagation; <t.05-8.25. National languaße. S<>c 2: Sendi Kata; 5. 45-10. 05. English second lanmiH(te Sec 1 The Poultry Farm; 10.45-11.05. Geography (Chi Sec
      140 words

  • 181 5 900,000 DAMAGE CAUSED BY FOREST FIRES IN IB AREA JOHORE BAHRU. Wed More than 1.250 acres of rubber trrrs havr bern destroyed In .t o h o r e Bahru district in the 20 days due to fnrrst fires. The loss mated at nearly 5900.000 A spokesman of the Fire
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  • 24 5 I'mno and Province W< meet M iay finafnr t he <rrru* i/Operi ;i»ninei The n I'mnn Road at 3 p
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  • 418 5  - S'pore to build Freedom ships RODERICK PESTANA: Singapore, Wed By SINGAPORE will become an important centre for the construction of a new class of popular ocean-going freighters the Freedom ships if a .1 a p a n c s c shipbuilding survey report, submitted to the Singapore Government recently, proves
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  • 183 5 Singing helped Keriana to find love By Maureen Peters KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. Keriana Summers, lead girl vocalist of a New Zealand entertainment group now performing in the federal Capital, found love and travel when she gave up stenography for singing. Keriana is married to Fred Summers a member of the
    183 words
  • 96 5 950 'invaders' due in S'pore today SINGAPORE W>d More than 950 rour1«»« are expected to "Invade" Singapore* vhnopinß centres tomorrow when the P and O liner Iberia arrives from Fiemarule on a 24-hour stop-over. The *****-ton liner is the laißest of the P and O ocean liner holiday fleet to
    96 words
  • 85 5  - Schoolboy bicycle thieves caught by police RLJAL ARBEE By IOHORE BAHRU, J Wed. Schoolboys from a number of schools here have been found to be involved in a number of bicycle thefts. Seven boys, oetween 12 and 16. were detained by the police yesterday in connection with a number of
    85 words
  • 70 5 The police also reroverprt seven stolen bicycles and ar<> now tryin? 10 trace their owners. The Deputy OC'PD iCiime* here. Supt Omar bin Mohamed. >aid today that he believed that the boy.s were operating on their own The boys even disposed 0! the stolen bicycles by themselves.
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  • 126 5 $2,000 goods stolen in raid on ship PE N A N O. Wed.— Six masked men. armed with daggers, raided a Singapore v c s s c I—the1 the Panama anchored oft* Penang harbour yesterday, and escaped with more than $2,000 worth of liquors and cigarettes The ship's .second officer.
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  • 234 5 GEN. OSMAN PLANS TO RETIRE NEXT YEAR HOUSE TOLD I/UALA LUMPUR, Wed. The Chief of the Armed Forces Staff, Gen. Tengku Osman Jewa, has indicated that he wishes to retire when ne reaches the age of 50 next year. Tun Abdul Razak told the Dewan Ra ayat 1 today. But
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  • 247 5 Only one girl among 19 business grads By JUDITH YONG SINGAPORE, Wed. There was only one girl in the University of Singapore's first batch of 19 Bachelor of Business Administration graduates And it looks as if there will not be very many more at least lor the next few years
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  • 45 5 I'ENANU Wed.— TbC Kamnong Java Kaum Ibu has elected Che Fatimah buite as branch chairman with Che Ha:imah bfnte Ishalc as vice chairman Che Amuiah buite Abdul K.inm and Che Fa;imah binte Abdul Ma.nd were elected secret ary mid treasurer.
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  • 65 5 TELI K ANSOV Wed A vegetable cardftier. Tan Bat Sim. KO. told the Sessions Court here yesterday that lie distilled MBMfl so as to use the mash to heal his sou 1 lees which had been weakened by (lie recent floods. He pleaded guilty to having throe
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 41 5 M««f Jo*a Honrado. Victor Bonifacio. Crisanto Mannhal. Rodolfo Pvralta and Bernabe Manabal Jr. of The B'o*n Boys voted the moil likeable combo by Hot*! Ei Presidente I (Mamia; 1 0r,7 I Watch for their dobut at I the Fountain Nile Club
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    • 216 5 fffm SQUEEZE y^/MOP! QUICKEST WAY TO CLEAN FLOORS Convenient hand l«v*r tquMiing A^k •etion. A Selid.nwl-prool m«ul construction. Exclusive finetoothcombcleaning^g^QHS^Kßv edge to remove •tufoborn dirt A^^ Special SABCO attachments clip over the squeeze mop head without need to detach the sponge. No screws to undo. Simply clip on— clip off.
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous

  • 60 6 '.\rORF Wed l/val dockyard etnp ne Port Of Sini: I .-horny have formed a specia; eommlttM tn organise* National Day celebration-, m a.H:ghltahis Of the five-da» celebr.iucns «iil in ■.■irie (.port* i variety iho« n and a r >\ihi(h Will rw held »t quar- "i Harbour
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  • 338 6 ISRAELI MISSION DUE IN SPORE IN APRIL EMPLOYMENT FOR ANOTHER 250 THE STRONG TIES WILL DEEPEN: VISITING MINISTER SINGAPORE, Wed Israeli Finance Minister, Mr. P. Sanir- today s;ii<l one of the main aims of liis country's trade mission due here in April, would be in sign a
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  • 39 6 SINGAPORE Wed. Malay Youth Literary Ai tion ha.s started its annuM campaign :n rau>e fund« for It* i hanty and »ocial work II ending out appeal letters donation* to commercial organ- nation* and members of the nubile.
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  • 402 6 SINGAPORE. W«d. THE Federal Court today heard an appeal in connection with the arrest in Singapore last October of the Honp; Kong-owned ship, the Pacific Trader on a High Court writ Issued on behalf of Mr. Ng Teng Seng, trading as Allied Steamship
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  • 327 6 SINGAPORE. !*•<* A PLYWOOD manufacturing company in Jurong is lo double its productive capacity by an additional investment <»f $2."> million. The company Is the; Starlight Timber Products Co. Ltd.. a subsidiary or the Lin Bhan Hao Plywood Co of Taiwan, the bißgcM
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  • 33 6 SINOAPORK. Wed. The Kvan Im Thnnu Hood fho Temple hr»s contributed another 1 0.000 to th« Medical Procress Fund Thl« brings the total eontrihutinn* from the temple tn $3(i.onn
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 584 6 Expecting your first baby? Then here are some facts vou should know... During pregnancy. \our figure It all adds up to ihe right Maternity signs have one real purpose: to give changes radicallv. Your bust develops Wardrobe Berlei. you comfort during pregnancy, to considcrabiv. And \our tummy needs Berlei Maternity
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 134 6 1 ®1 f and BY mo^nc ou« >| FRUfTf WATER? 1 1/ c«in o4,u.*«j»*bv. \'fl nHnnu'c en FA<^krr 7nu« 'oc at ion somp 2ao 1 CHEESE' CANNED it *SS£XSP-)^R QWPJOONS n£ASANT£ON6 mi ES EVERY 24 MOUPS MEAT' I'ILCOf.FT M\\ s.c^ tmS- /^H J FOURTH OAVS AFTER 'SUM I TROPKI CLJMATE
      134 words

  • 47 7 KUAI LI MPUR, Wed Tun Abdu! R.izak received a chefuie for $68,333 for 'he Nat inn a 1 Disaster Relief Fund from the manaßing director of the Meiavu. Dato HaJI l 1 h'n Noordll i-rro sxiay. The m>i!,. lected from f the newspaper.
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  • 77 7 TENGKU AND THOMSON AT RESIDENCY fPENGKU Abdul Rahman wiih the New Zealand Minister of Defence. Mr. D. R. Thomson, at his office at the Residency yesterday. The Prime Minister later said that the proposed fivenation defence conferencp would be held in the middle of May at Ministerrial lf-vel in Kuala
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  • 132 7 Prayers to mark regiment's birthday L' UAI. A LUMPUR. Tv Wrd The Royal Malay Regiment will start its 35th anniversary celebrations on Friday morning with special prayers for the fallen at all unit camps. Focal po;nt or thr anniversary Joy will be at Port Dlckran wnerp thp first 25- man
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  • 25 7 I Ham7«h bin lima:: .16 was huned thvt bj lamUltata »> a mil l"la: abonsU rrile*. frnm iirrr VCMerday Hanwh «a> m".
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  • 84 7 |»l\\\(. \\r,\ |«,i jreathl <>n motor rrr\^ sn.ii( hrri a h.indh.m i mil.nnin» |70t in taat ■mri ie»eller> from a «<> m.m in l* Ko.ul. oppositr thr Pat.mi Road polnc station, last ni^ht Miss I <>h (.nit Hone. -to. „f Slllfiaporr. told pn|i( r she
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  • 106 7 Police find 3 injured men on road 4 I -OR STAR. Wed. Police last night found three men lying seriously injured on a road at Kampong BubaiiK Plsang, 20 miles from berc. Earlier, a man had walked Into the Kubor Panjang pottec .sia'ion and reported that he had been waylaid
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  • 130 7 tl ALA I.IMPI R. Wed A bus »as set on fire in Kampons Pandan here last night, tuo hours afirr it ».»s invnl\ed in a collision with a motorcycle. The Traffic Police Chief. Supt ManMir hin Mohamed Near, today deplored the action hv a
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  • 155 7 SON HURT IN ROAD CRASH' PLEA TO MISSING WIFE PENANO. Wed. An unemployed man. whose wife l«ft him four months ago, wday ap pealed to her ro return home one of their fonj. had been Injured In an accident 'Our boy. Qim Thian wa.« knocked down b, a motor-cyclist
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  • 37 7 PENANG W»il l>n ,iii denu of Si. Nicholas Schoo for the Blind Mn laatttllad Drrfect.v »< .special r^remony vMteiday evpinna Hainan bin*- Hi.xmd waa «ppoint<»(l Mm .*itiool capitin wi'h Mohamrd rihu/un bin Ihr^him us vio^-caDtain
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  • 89 7 Blood graft case date fixed AIOR SIAH. Wed ing of the corruption ca^e against Ooi Chooi Kuan, supervisor of th p blood bank at the Oeneral Hospital hero ;i nd :m attendant Ibrahim bin O6man. »aa today fixed for July 9 and 10 Ooi. 50. Is alleßed to have accepted
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  • 19 7 PENAM. man or the fenani trict Councs ln< Haji Moh.itni-n h elected chairman Penaim DiMi i W
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  • 167 7 PROBLEMS WITH REDS, SAYS MALAYSIA YEW PKLHI. Wed Developing; cnuntace urv)blenis n their trade with Communist countries, vialaysla told the U N Con fen nee <>n Trade r«nd De vel<> pn I Unit ad yesterday. Suan. "f Ministry of rommerre ttlni nut ipproarh to ide After lUtlnj .i fin per
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  • 22 7 PAR] B< A v wiifi M Hoe. Incubalor to 'he Krian serundarv Khool here tot thf •nee ami popultry farn»-
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 426 7 MI!lllllll!lll!llll!lll!l!IIIIIIIIW Hoechst fABHWERKE HOECHST AG FRANKF U RT M )GERM AN V .JgaaaV. JsaaV .a^BV P^wE aY Xl *iJP «""^Bi'* f Jte^^^^ m—i 1 ■»**r.^awal^'^jt»^Bsfcs^B^^^y^THcC-^P^**'g*.^t3i£^sls^^~^fcp^^BMa) Kg^^P^^-' 5 ?^W gaaaWV'Bt m_ iMiA i 9^*^P Em r ~^awa^» r jli^M gam-a-lMwS'^V^alr***^ TiP^an rj at -m flgß ■aVjaraT"' l L— J" 7^**
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 75 7 I MOL.VCg*'' WEAN \VLB»f MNDOP J== ~"-CsHE15Ol| I I Wt»>— A NWkTTEg WITH OOI'?- V> I IM "m 1 t*«K WE'VE I A 6URPKNME, /^rX>/T RECALL KtMfi IA A >^ N WtTM ALL TM' &«BIS WE 6OT L I COMB ALL TW' MAY y 1D0... AFTER SEE)N' TWI9 BAZ'S I
      75 words

  • 23 8 I. Hi IfiiiiiaMivii DM AND WMI MUMUOAtU -hart, -< 'ni |«»|T at grwwi ||HM ard ri nf fh«lr m»r w.:, tgraau FWwvan <*** ai
    23 words
  • 27 8 U N »r -Saa m ru aMra IN tVIK LOVIMQ MIMOMY nt aff If «ipt- »h*> !«rt« nr -V V< r.n** r> u Wtt trtr
    27 words
  • 39 8 11l '"llHllr l>>ln W*r,r\ Krn< aihi.Apnni moil tuomu iftrrh Bj Mm Prtfa' TONIGHT Ml r M J«AN I«ITT KISM okct* «^a rt«« T«l ton MOLANn -~>. «wifca Bialiattli fror* -»;.r'»' "a, i «*!la n/> o*rm«pr ■vt*, ;4T mmi-4 w~.«
    39 words
  • 653 8 The Straits Times. Th ursday, February 29, IW>B What's Up In Budapest? Russi m m railing ■irn: noai being a'tetideo m Budapest b\ OVOT 60 Cmnnrinist Partie« fai From dear If Ifesan Brezhnev an<j Kosygin. carrying] an wnete Mr Khrushchev left off are >ti!l hoping toarrasuja eiu umraunioatton anri rn-Mvrt
    653 words
  • 342 8 lsiaeis reported willingness t<. negotißte dire»tlv with the Arab* under the chair mansh.p of the UM. wvnv guggest.v (hat Tel Avn has had second thoughts Thi* is a slight Mnproveaßetif o«i its aaiihsr i< linn which in«ii»t»-d that 'tie Ar*,K« anrl Israei Khouid gH t aether and sort
    342 words
  • 167 8 The n»-^.l U> H<lf.pi the education system to rhang«><; ir thf- employment mark*! has .-n rscopkiasd b> M^ Singapore Government, and ling «ttpnti..n haa h^n tinned in recent y«ora ■■> leveloptafj tacamcal ami nal tchoola Anothei •>*• ri«. aducaMoaal d>Sttofi i« now being taken with the launching of
    167 words
  • Letters
    • 472 8 From the rural schools to Pantai Valley PLACES FOR THE BUMIPUTRA DR. Mahathir, in hit letter (S. T. Fob. 24) touches on a question of considerable importance. He points out that many bumiputras. although they meet the paper requirement* set out foe admission to the University, fail to fain places
      472 words
    • 315 8 IF. a* L>r Mahathir >ug 1 gests leniency should be exercised in the selection of bumlputras for university entrance, what of the not inconsiderable number of non-buml-putra.s living In similarly handicapped conditions? Dr Mahathir gives thi impression that economic dlspantv la a
      315 words
    • 170 8 EASY ENTRY AND THE DROP-OUT QUESTION ONCE getting admission into the University Is made easier for any group then they would want It made easier for them to move from year to year. during their course It must be understood that there will always be dropout* If bumiputra* are taken
      170 words
  • 489 8  - Houses: Jakarta's newest political headache PETER JOB JAKARTA by THE steady stream of foreign companies returning to Indonesia is proving an embarrassment to high officials and military officers living in confiscated foreign homes. The houvriK problem is regarded in Influential circles as being one Of the least beneficial aspects of
    Reuter  -  489 words
  • 411 8 The poor are also in the cities rtR~ Mahsxhlr laJsaasmt under the isnaiissfsi that all bumiputraa s*v tend rarai se^onas at lower quality and tba# aM non-bumlputr&s attend urban schools at boetflr quality. He stiouid crtena wstfj the Ministry of EriuratiOSj before maJEing aurh a«v sumptlons or he shooltfi pay
    411 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 274 8 BT AMMMBWaSBSBaBBBaBI ClassifieaT i^TenisraKstt far Strait* Times ft Malay Mail may b« handad to: COLD >TORA«I IUMR MARKfT COLO iTOHACI SRANCHIS j t brna CITY »OC* iT0»l LTD. Quay. !*i most MAIL. HAMIIM iT0«l. V .FIN4UMT g, CO.. i W»»or. ti mubaiuk taoi no. A T (.NANAfRAKASAM i. CO.
      274 words
    • 56 8 ''geeghoii)" Th.* Renowned CUSTOM TAILORS Styles Cut to the Latest Fashions Hand Tailored Best Workmanship AUo Importer* 1 Eiportart et H.«H Clan Wonra«H A We*H*nt. Salt Uagttii o/ Wor Renonned Brands FINTEX DORMIUIL. HUNT I WINTERBOTHAM, WAIN SHIELL. A GLOREX Make Ideal Gifts for All Occasions. 2). Oulia St.. S
      56 words
    • 117 8 SKIN TROUBLES GO FAST with D.D.D. Clear healthy skin for all the family D.I") D. quickly dear* up uglr tpott, rathe*, eczema, itching and all other <kin blcmishet. Anrisertic soothing D.D.D. hnng* inwant relief from prickly heat and is wonderful for healing stings, cuts and burns. k BsSw SVI B^*"^»sa^i^W^K
      117 words

  • 191 9 Pay us or we stop work for an hour, Telecoms men warn L' L'ALA LUMPUK. 1V Wed. The S*iangor branch of thr National Union of Telecoms Employees tonight warned that iti members at the Selangor Telephone and Telpfjraph Ex- hanges at W>id Road here would stop work tor one hour
    191 words
  • 100 9 CUftiGAPOBS, Wed The talks between the Singapore and Kritish (tovernments on the run down of the military base here entered their serond day today Representatives »f both sides declined to comment on thr t*lks. which like yesterday occupied a morning session of about three
    100 words
  • 266 9 MORE THAN 5,000 AT SUBANG AIRPORT TO SEE THEM OFF KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. House session off ]yj O R E than 5.000 people thronged Subang airport today to say "selamat jalan" to 140 YIP pilgrims who flew by chartered plane to Mecca. On the trip were
    266 words
  • 353 9 TELUK ANSON, Wed. A Six eiil performers of the Hala Hala Sisters troupe danced stark naked on the stage and made all "sorts of gesture!," policeman said in the magistrate s murt here yesterday. P. C Abdullah bin Jaffar said
    353 words
  • 128 9 Shell's final dividend K^'ALA LUMPUR, Wed Shell Refining Co. (Malaya i Berhad is to pay a final dividend of 10 per cent [or the last financial year This Vtll bring thp lulal dividend for 1967 to 17, cents (t«x fref> The volume of oil processed (10.277.000 barrels) and sold 9.888.000
    128 words
  • 90 9 SINGAPORE. Wed The chief of the Indian Muslim I community in Vietnam ln.s a.ssured Singapore relatives and I friends of Indians living in South Vietnam about their safety in the war zone In a message tn the Straits Times. Mr LAM. Maideen .said: "Ail Indiuns living
    90 words
  • 166 9 MISS MALAYSIA "65 CHARGED WITH SUICIDE BID Xl ALA LI'MPI'R. Wed Former beauty queen I.lnda Hone In: 21 (above), was charged in a magistrate's rourt here yesterday with attempted suicide at (he Malaya Hotel here on Sunday night She is alleged to have swallowed 30 sedative tablets Linda pleaded
    166 words
  • 44 9 SINGAPORE Wed The IVople 's Association has made a film. 'Spring of Tnmor i record of the activities of 1U kindergarten clashes tn community centres Thii- mill be telecast over Channel 3 of Television Sinsapura at 755 pm on Friday.
    44 words
  • 334 9 TWO MEN MADE ME PART WITH 39,000 SAYS WOMAN \I.\I ACCA. Wed A housewife told ?h« lons Court here toaay that two men made her part with DO alter ac -riving her into believing that she could become rich by going into the opium busliu Mauum i^< fi>«)ng Ytn« added
    334 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
      14 words
    • 161 9 SUCCESSFUL STUDENTS of tomorrow ARE STUDENTS of AACC today U t PHIS* IIMI.: K. T THOMW Prepare Now for i.r.av (londoni ik» hirtj fabcokj COMUB A\AII.ABIK f<)K THI FOLLOWING I \Mi\*Ttnvt« Examinations mh.hkr suiikh ckktificati SCBOOI IK 111 li \M M\l >l HKIIHi \II n qiALIFYINC. IIM (CV) I
      161 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 699 9 ON YOUR TV AND RADIO TODAY TV SINGAPURA TV MALAYSIA H*\Nri. S H»O0B- (HANML 5 Kuala I.urn weekly nuga^ine programme d -.i< pur and I'rnanc C litiih and in Mandarin 835 Wfimm* tj 09 PM Pro I nim n iiIWMI It Mahm*. 3. 19 Jnhore Bahru; Report. 850 Koran Reading;
      699 words

  • Article, Illustration
    670 10 i) \l^ *kin. especially nn i"» my arms and less, i« very dry and looks likp flsh scales. Rrcau<>r of this I cannot wear shorts or a swim suit, and I love thr sun and water. S.V Kola Bahru. A To correct dry skin on the body this la what
    670 words
    • 359 10 rO Singapore girls, introducing Hiemttlves "fashion independents," h«ve embarked on a joint venture to set a new ■ace in fashion. While keeping in step with current lines they will, however. present clothes that will have the stamp of elegance. They art Amelia T»o. 24. and
      359 words
    • 397 10 DISTURBING SYMPTOMS ARE SELF-LIMITING AND TEMPORARY MANY women as they grow old face life with apprehension and uncertainty both on account of what they know largely from hearsay and also what they don't know. In fact, many of their fears are based on ignorance This
      397 words
    • 68 10 8' HOUSEHOLD HINTS !N i-lng recipes containing .-weetened condensed milk, such as cake.- pies frozen and other desserts, candies, or salad dressings. It is unnecessary to add sugar because -near has already been blended and cooked into the milk during processing For snarkline windows. try one tablespoon of cornstarch to
      68 words
    • 90 10 THE big Idea In both men's and women's fashions is co-ordination of the new loiks into the total look This means a blending of patterns and colours m everything from head to toe Tro many <-o]ours ar.ri :oo many pattern variations can result m a confused
      90 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 88 10 rogeß^Gallet PARI S jfifcv II"' Hi ft I hut Hvtrt'Hhvsl >^||^ ii \m r i tut 1 1/ ii tul _k j i '"V W ontlvrfu 1 1 if <j|/ thf fit ft f**r "x^^ \fH'*-iu 1 1 J*' JEAN MARIE ■Tri>**fal years of j/^A j tradition. \f mj^aj XJf^
      88 words
    • 111 10 Skin Sores Cleared Pimples Go Th» v»ry Hr« applicntlon of Ni*o. d<rm hrirlna to rimr away pimplas Ilk* mnKir Dm N,«odtrm toni»ht n-1 von will MMI >our akin b«ronunK »"ft. »mi>oth and rlrar. Ni»odarm l> a n»w rtiacovery that kills Kerm> and paramt«a on the akin that rauß* P.inplr». Bolla,
      111 words
    • 423 10 7 p n MMI MHBHBi WlS^mmmm^ err •I aW U I The latest great success 'Si v tckn in a handsome atomi/.ei 1 lacon and so easy to ret ill. parfum [(^AjJK WHY BE SKINNY? aH lir L J^g^. Ij^ A 1 COME ON AND ENJOY LIFE I Amazing new
      423 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1291 11 10 LIVERPOOL i lIKtST CtASt UM S'tori Milt P S'tian »>*MIM O'OMin i>f-puui, Dußim. t'v.outt |i nHh 1 MM PYRRHUS rool. ClMfoa It Pt Mir 1 MYRMIDON t .frpoci. Glaiio* tM 1) Mir J Mar OfmojocuS i ..--coji, (Ijsim »m 1 Mar 7 Mir 112 Mir i| PRtTESIIAU* .rroGOl Mw
      1,291 words
    • 1296 11 r//£i.Hhz//V£S M 1 l>!t>3«' irW.Ow. UntSt SAILINGS TO 6ENO*'NOWTM COMTINENT/SCANDINAVI* Sham Ptnani Genoa R aim H'burg Aarhus Cham Gt* :t ll 'ASADI NA 1 1) Suit* Suit* ll P*rt/2 All i »pi 13 Apr II Atr II An ji lINCOI I A li)Mml4 It Mil 27 71 Mir 11/ 2
      1,296 words
    • 1223 11 I benuline] EXPRESS SUVICt It lONMM LIVERPOOL t CONTINCNTU PORTS BEN WY VIS 5.n,.p0.. Ptn« P...* "SJii* El BENALLIGIN I Mir »»>mi| »rp Mai 4 Hat Si I Mai S 11 Mar 11/14 Hamburi Ma? 7 SmfiD'Ht r S>an> "mant ItNVOKLICH i Hull. H'kui|. r«a«. Kn Sll Mar Uis Mar
      1,223 words
    • 1100 11 feELLERMAN BUCKNALL S.S. CO., LTI. Uatfißf ttr HAVRE 10N00N ROTTERDAM HaMIDIC Sm|ir P S Ptwt CITY OF DUNDEE (24/4. I IMn lit Mn 11 Mir CITY ir NEIE'IRR Ml»r. LUKflnr.. Ro1'«'1ll«, 4 I (pr J I Aft (Aft SAILINGS FtOM UNITED KIN6OOM AND CONTINENTAL TORTS CITTIf HEREFORD 4 7 Mtr
      1,100 words

  • 202 12 MXI.BOURNE. Wckl. iyt IMVCiS eased again toriaT 1 rint most leaders recovered some ground at the cloae. M»>*lern Mininf were down 30 MM to $7.50 after $7.30. Hampton Areaa rl< sed al the; day lowest at $9 80 down 40 rem.v Oil* were \anahie Hoodtiidc were up 10
    202 words
  • 347 12 MM LVINC ALONGtIOt TNI >> i n r. a m B t HARBOUR *MARVi» OR iIPIrTIO TOOAV AMI: flmna: l*» H w I I r*w«:in» 34. (UwMln Rou|ia,irv,ll» MM ft 7. Hrrr»iD»nif»in 10 11 Premdmt Cool.dc- II 14 *«"> M»m It I*. (.< ir» hunk It. K»nr<<ii
    347 words
  • 27 12 Feh 28 Rl RBER PRICE: HI cents (up five-eighths of a cent). TIN PRICE: fllltl (up tt cents) Estimated offering 225 tons (down 10 tons).
    27 words
  • 904 12 From Our (Market Correspondent rl market in industrial shares continued firm and very active again on the Stock Exchange yesterday. Turnover at UMJM units was the highest this year Io date With the present bullish conditions in equities attention was almost wholly focussed on
    904 words
  • 34 12 MalJ'dn Slnrk I I-Ph. 27 |rl ■'S 'Industrial*: HI I! ISS.N •Properties: IU.K7 lllfiT -MininaT*: 11 11 M tJ rnhhrrv in.' I 102.14 •Der. it, |ta inn •life. 3<l. 19hfi p urn
    34 words
  • 1316 12 B|>;|\ r sx HM'llKttll TO THF NINGAPOaU AND ki \i i.iMrtß trading; ROOMS Of THr STOC K FX- hum.i rEfITEBDAf WITH THF MMKrK OF SHARES IK MIMI IN BRA* KETS: INOUtTRIALt Ba«- and C. 1 IllrOl $2 TO. I.<VK i I] Ml 11.000) \2 il.<XK»i U.TI
    1,316 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1033 12 1 j\^lpi immmm I^B Y\ KAWASAKI KISEN KABHA LTP. W«stajrti Australia Singapore Japan Sarviaa hi Knot tajN Satis M<i 1 i| Mar ll Mar 11 Mar II Mac itiH Mar. It II Mm 7 I Afr 17 A»r II 71 Afc j W«n ACriaa Singapore Japan Sarviaa J Yn«o«^rr,« r
      1,033 words
    • 852 12 mmmut mm mmtm ««viei miust»« »^i tv iwtjimitu rtf Ta«*i Hack.. Baa.. Iftt.. Wtll S'go'C f m Pfcrnii I Paaani P.liMa S MIUU HUM" "Mm II ll» I.nhu..- n Mr n,JI Iff It/It ««r MJUI* 1» HHR- «M*> II II Ma, l? 15 Mt» KAJUU n 1 Maj^ J Ma,
      852 words
    • 271 12 NAVICOM INC. Ms "TROPICAL VENEER" (Built 1966) ham rpi.rmo 12/17 Mar 18/20 Mar 21/22 Mar Accepting Corgo fn I Morqu'i, Durban, F London. *P. Eli7ob*th and Capetown. s>uniect IB inriurernent. A R «nt.: C.F. SHARP 6c CO., (M) LTD. t-p OYAMA LINE II IF~ I fM Frrrn Jopon vio Honatong
      271 words

  • 496 13 rr straits tin price in Ppnang yesterday rose by 25 rents to $556.50 per picul on an offering estimated down 10 tons to 225 tons. tirm market was reported with continued buying from Europe and South America. Tin- Tuesday afternoon London iorward
    496 words
  • 72 13 rptit Mala>an Mmisttr of Finance has fixed these ratea for calculating customs duties for the period from Feb. 29 to Mar. 6. Rubber 48 rents a Ib. Copra 5594 a ton Palm OM 5495.92 a ton Palm Kernels $3g* a ton The rate* of duties payable •re: Rubber
    72 words
  • 80 13 CHINESE Praducs Etchings. Sing*p*r*. nesn pnesa par plcul yasttrday: Cseenut ell: bulk I*l i sellers, drum SB4 seller*. Cepr*: Mixed ilon.i loose Feb./ Mar inc/Cont. S37i B Pepper: Muntok whit* $127| Milan. Sarawak «hite fOt "Mera, special Sarawak black 111'. 1 aelltr*. garbled LAmpong black SI 12s srlltrs
    80 words
  • 223 13 ifyTAKt H hrst (radr rubber f.o.b. buyers cloved at S p.m. In Singapore and Kuala 1 umpnr Tfttrrd^y at 4TJ rents up ll re- 1 eighths nf a rent on Tuesday's eJosinK level. The tone wa* quiet. BJLI md M K.L. rloainc prieea j In rents per
    223 words
  • 24 13 1 ti* made Uieae change* 'n It* rate* to merchants yesterday (all rates to Sinn 1801: Italy 20. 34« and Sw*d*n I6"t
    24 words
  • 41 13 I/"\*N th* ft •Bchairm iTHf lt* t in H*ir vJ Kong re».er<lav the U.S. O*llar I waa quoted at 8 07J for TT. and 8.05J for *»»h. Sterling *ai ajootatf at 14 52 and *n« t**l ef gold a>
    41 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 324 13 [mms^mmmmmmim+mffmimm nnlinurd Irnm Hatr S ALKNOWLtIJ(iMtN H tr«r*ti Mi Htnimum) MR. AND MRS. Ferry U)ula thank friendv rtlallv** for their kind at■nrrlaite on 2«-!-l»«« MRS. SAMUEL awt Family Hudson thank ratatrraa. and friend* lor their CODdolencen. nin of cara. donation*. wreaths a«,;»iame during their recent T.ent. SITUATIONS VACANT I-. Wc,r4.
      324 words
    • 334 13 sIIIATIONS VALANI M Wnrit $K (Milt t—Bnx it tU. *xlr« DRIVER SALESMEN holding It tona llcerre Blnttapora Citizen aspenenced aof* Irink*. Apply Bos AS«-'7 S.T S porr WANTED PART FULL TIME Ualu Repreatntattvta r.y procr*a*lve Enttrpnat Pltast apply with qualiflcationa, experience and aalary required to Box ASMS B.T Sport RELIABLE
      334 words
    • 801 13 SITUATIONS VACAHT 15 Worsts Kr» i-K.i it et*. m*trm INTERNATIONAL AMERICAN CORPORATION Requir-s Hardworking matured Malav»ian Singapore cltitaiu as tralnc Investment roun»»llori. Cambridge Certificate Experience men Car Owners preferred THephone BJII2-* Apply Manager Box A3R39 ST. XL TWO IECHNICAL AIRPORT Help♦*rn Drtvvrs to ttv vmpiuyvd At Suhsni. Airport. Shiftwork inving
      801 words
    • 962 13 ACCOMMODATION VACANT li Wordm (Him.)— Box it ti*. txtrn FURNISHCD UNFUQNISMIO ROOM near Fltzpatrlcka' for alngle couple, bathroom separate, no cooking. Phone Spore ***** VACANT PLATS To-let No*. 31.1-A. 31SA. 319 C. 310 C, Upper Paya Lebar Road Furnished Apply Tel: ***** B'por*. UNFURNISMtO FLAT 5220/- per month. four bedroom*.
      962 words
    • 799 13 HOUSF.S AND 'AMD WANTF' It Wtia imm.t—Bmm ea*— Wl NltO FREEHOLO UNO Shout noo mi ft. wttn ivy commumcattoaa. Rlni <M 5937 Mr Pen Sport. IF YOU NAVE Rouaea or Propertlea to mil, rant or value, Ring Victor Mend«z Ltd Aucttorrf r* Appraisers M 947 Consultations Km A Without obligation.
      799 words
    • 969 13 EDUCATION l» Wortfs M (Mitt.) Box >* rta. ufra COMMIRCIAL CORRESPONDENCE. TYPEWRITING, snorlh.i.a. ttookkMplnit. Accounting, lai.uiun, fcco nomtca. Statistics DrajKhtaTiaDinip CCS AIB CCA. A>A Academy uf tmmmtamtt .:oo ClemtriOAu Averue. Slnmpor* IMtl SINQAPORE CORRIIPONDINCI SCHOOL LTD. lAsaociate of Raja's Collet* i offin Home S> idy Coursw HSC. BC. MBC. UTK.
      969 words
    • 986 13 HOATS. Y<*CHl ••'OR l U ■'•ret* s* at«x Si H*. •atrai YAMAHA PIBREOLASB BpMdioat Blue White 40 h r lohnann Cl*etn» matic Engine, ex'-ellent order. f'.Ton J o no. Wyati ii^ini s po VEHICLES FOR SALE M %s rHlH.t—Box it el* .xlr« > VAUXHALL VICTOR 101 I»«S 5M1444 Yew at
      986 words
    • 564 13 FOR SALfc >* JSwels «a i- H.i «>*e*i FISH AOUARIUM FLORIST fHaW- <i>t< murWf chip* "*ke* for <WlChiat lload WHITE PILLOWCASr^ SM K *ir«' (>. Bra* ELECTRIC MOTOR PUMP WITH AUTOMATIC- HAND Usi:e FOR INStCTICIOC SPRAYING. WATERINR ETC Ala* avaMaHls Knimitli Spray***) and P*rret S*r.nkteM La«ns. Otth rta Mil Oil
      564 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
      361 words
    • 720 14 PUBLIC APPOIN I'MEN I. h BWIHN KAPADA PIM Ml V MFI AYI Dl DARJAH I.WJITAN SUM. PrRSrMMMMN TINGGI MM, Kerajaan Negerl Priak telali memb'jat kapotuaaii oatok memOeri pertoionc.-. n kepaaa penuntut^ Melayu yum; di-lahlrkan dlNeseri Perak ba«i inelanjuUan pelajaran mereka ka-Tingkatan Enam Darjan I.kiiiutan cl-Ipoh. dan tahun r.ihS Chalun? vans
      720 words
    • 547 14 NOTICES JUALAN LELONG Barar.z2 yang teisebut dl-bawah mi akan di-leloiiß pada j*m 930 patfi han Srlasa. 12hb. Macn. 1968 dl-Oudani: Ka>tam. Kin* Street. Puiau naaag KalnJ. barang pakawn baran«2 solek. daun pakau. rokok. arak. iibat. ginseng, buah-buahan. hems clpt. lnjln wngkut. ball pen. radio transistor dan Jaini. 2. BarangS yang
      547 words
    • 934 14 PUBLIC APPOIN I MEN I S SINGAPORE TELEPHONE BOARD < adet Auiitant Engineers' Vacant- in Applications are Invited fmm xuitaolv qualmed persons for the posts of Cadet Assistant Er.gmeeis In trie Singapore Telephone Board. Qualification* Tne applicant muH possess at leas: degree or diploma In Elec- K.ngineertni from a
      934 words
    • 448 14 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS SINGAPORE GOVERNMENT VACANCIES 1. AppUcations are Invited from SINGAPORE CITIZENS.— Appointment: PLANNING ASSISTANTS Salary Scale: Commencing $445 and rising to 1710 p.m. plus Variable Allowance. Qualification* Experience: Intermediate Examination of the Town Planning Institute or equivalent qualiAcattons in Architecture, Valuation, Sur- eying and Engineering plu.* two years practical
      448 words
    • 370 14 TENDER NOTICE Tenders are invited for the purchase of the undermentioned goods ex Bank o: hina Godown:--34 cases Bauknecht Electric Motors 1 HP 1 case Kuhlmann Drawing tahlrs 100 x i."><>. Model ZIB 105 cases Kuhlmann Drawing tables 100 I'MK Model ZIB 10 cases Black Lever Furniture 7 cases Black
      370 words

    • 155 15 By EPSOM JEEP qWLLELAGI BUY' (Les Coles up) did a sparkling gallop over 3f in 38 2/5 on firm goinc at Penang yesleic: I tui ii 1 1 inn also showpfl ■nm in a 3{ workout in 4" 1 5 ludor
      155 words
    • 45 15 Wed.— Th« South African FA »re mixed delegation Soi|th Africa -r in a bid to Hfl Hi CtettH i -r ririccs- „.ri will Mirny *he I a mrcer »nd >n muke i »n« rln^*" to Kei BOUth I Ol.^inFeiiter.
      45 words
    • 14 15 .arr.PinnshiD* will l Civil Service A' n Road, on 2 ■< B and 50
      14 words
    • 536 15  -  MANSOOR RAHMAN and ERNEST FRIDA By Early starter Terrific heat JAPANESE professional Seiji Yamaguchi scored a nine-under-par 62 in the Singapore pro-am golf tournament to set a new record lor the Bukit Course yesterday. Yamaguchi, 28, of the Kasumigaseki Golf and Country Club, qualified for
      536 words
    • 225 15 DISTRICT SPORTS COUNCILS FOR PERAK PLANS to set up >ports counciK in every distrut in Perak have been announced. IT. Via Of;;c.rr told a n•■ Peraic Spons Council now being nude by his department to find o\i what sports facilities were in the rural ai^a 1 "11 IS the policy
      225 words
    • 39 15 Ihe Federal 1 rcasui v will hold a walking rue at the Kuala Lumpui Lake O on Apr 14. Thf walk will be divided inio throe aecuons senior <under-40< over 12 vetfraii!> and women over eight miles
      39 words
    • 149 15 JOHAN NESBURG. Wed. —South African sports officials remained determined yesterday to send a multi-racial tram to the Mexico City Olympic Games despite the boycott decisions of Afro!i countries. Prank Braun. dent Of the South African OiMnpic Committee, said: "We do not Intend to
      149 words
    • 37 15 TOKYO Wen.— Japan today confirmed its earlier decision not to tike oar the M;.ging of the next Asian Games in 1970 even if South Korea officially gave it up. the Japan Olympic Commit. I, Router
      Reuter  -  37 words
    • 21 15 Thr Johore Ma lav.- bidminton championships will be held on Apr 13-14 at the Diamond Jufcilee Hall. Johore Bahru.
      21 words
    • 324 15 THE DRAW for the first round of the Singapore Oprn today; 9.45 a.m.: p. Chamberlain <Bi'. N. Takatu '.Ipn>- 9.35: T Ceda (Jp n». Kuo Chi-hsiung datt. Teo Kirn Seng (6 pore 10.01: R. Shaw (Br> T Murakami .Jpni. K. Hoaoishl 'Jnpl; 10.09: Chen Chlen-chung ilali.
      324 words
    • 57 15 MANILA Wed niipino Ben Arda won US$7,OOO yesterday when hr shot a two-iinder-par 68 to beat Amenc ins Gen«Ltt cr and Billy Casper in the Shells Wonderful World of Oolf television series. Littler fminned on 71 and Casper on 72 a- the Manila Goif Club where
      57 words
    • 89 15 LONDON, Wrd— <t.)\ing pronioltr Ja<k Solomons said here today he had r .third a "bic offer" to Australian i.ionel Rose to drfend his world bantamwright title against British ch;i;npion Walter Mr(iowan of Scotland Rosp bernme the first Australian abor'eine to win a world title when he
      89 words
    • 158 15 MOST disappointed golfer ye&--IT* wrday was Abdul Latiflbin Da"o Mahmud. tiie 17-year-old Malaysian amateur from Kuala Lumpur His entry for the Singapore Open was rejected by the OiBaiiisliiß Committee because his handicap, officially, is six The tournament rules require airnteurs to be of
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    • 260 15 Plans to celebrate Thomas Cup victory ByCUNNCHITTHYE HPHE Badminton Asso--1 elation of Malaysia will celebrate next month their Thomas Cup victory achieved over Indonesia last year. BAM president Inche Khlr Johari will receive the Cup from the IBF in London and will return with the eight Malay Man play■n after
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    • 117 15 Shield to West Australia MELBOURNE. Wed Wesi em Australia, led by England spinner Tony Lock today won the Sheffield Shield for the second time since entertne Australia's liver-state cricket competition 20 years ««o. They clinked the title by beating Victoria by ten w-V*-^ hete for an impresM\e Shield po»nts ■ggngata
      Reuter  -  117 words
    • 50 15 LONDON. Wed. Results of soccer matches played last night Mr I: Bristol City 0 Aston V'.l'fi 0 Div. 3: Bury 4 Bristol Rovers 2: Swinrion S Grlm«by 0; Div. 4: Newport 2 DIWUMUI 1 Srott'sh f'up 2nd KOI pfny: Rangers v Dundee postponed icrotind urS! -Kru'er
      50 words
    • 557 15 •I— S. Yam.iguchl and T C Teo 1 24 1 34-27. 62— X. Shimada and N Dakln (10) 30-32 64— T. Woodbank and J Netherton (11) 33-31; M. Kono and A Thong 32-32. 65— X Uchida and Chua Boon Unn (16i 35-30; J. Ewinn and M. K.
      557 words
    • 402 15 BRIDGETOWN, A 7 cd.— Batsmen from both teams should revel in conditions ideal for big scoring when West Indies and England start the Third Test match here tomorrow. Tins is virtually the on« safo predict. on which can be made about these two sides. Thty have
      402 words
    • 157 15 Billie Jean expected to turn pro soon YEW YORK. Wed. j** American Billie Jean King, the world's J No. 1 woman tennis 1 player, is expected to !tu m professional soon. She said she was "tired ol seeing European and South American an.ateur* making big m ;ney" from the uame
      UPI  -  157 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 391 15 TECHNICAL SUPERVISOR rAW\RAN2 dartpada P*m- r*qmr**i br Es'sbllshed Internarxronga van? berdaftar dl- oonal Comparv dealing with office. K ;a r a D >;a d n an di k rVr^ -miirsr Tech 3ba» Juru'era N>R»rl. Bl 1 < "P' rvl s>°n workshop workSplanznr. Kuala Lum- tnit procedure and administration PUkul 3.00
      391 words

  • 86 16 SINGAPORE Wed— The Photographic Society ol Singapore now will hold Its Toun.-tic Singapore Exhibition at the Victoria Memorial Hall from May 3 to 12. The exhibition will be held In conjunction with the 9th Singapore International of Photography and Foto Fait ng date for entries
    86 words
  • 45 16 \r< iRE v. < i I sir- con tlnued hearing of a dispute between the Singapore Bank Employees Union and the Ff ti: s>eas Communication^ Bank Ltd over a promotion procedure and retirement benefit! will he heard at 'he Secord Industrial Arbltr.itinn Court ('•morrow
    45 words
  • 105 16 II .v.\> >tanilitiK room only jt Subanu Airport vr«.ti-rday :is thousands of relatives, friends and wrll-ui>lirr>» hade "•>rlain;it jalan" to Nfl Mrn.iliiniiiil pilgrims. Among thr wrll-ui*hrr> were the Drputy Primr Minister. Tun Abdul Ka- Ik thr MmMiT of Information and Broad casting. lin lit- si-mi bin
    105 words
  • 33 16 The talks had been extremely useful and they would maintain tha*. pattern in their future disCUSstona d these issues. through diplomatic and ministerial channel:, a.s appropriate They expressed tMeir aureempiit 'hat they
    33 words
  • 63 16 Rod revolt spreads in Cambodia PHNOM PENH. Wed ComnvmiM :iienlla> have extended their activity to three mmr Omixxii.m provinces-. Prince Norodom Sihanouk chareed last ntirht The Chief of State aid u'uerlOi bad been discovered operating in Komponcsiew. Knmnol and Kirpom piovincps to the west and so.ith-ucst of the city. The
    UPI  -  63 words
  • 31 16 ROTTERDAM. Wed —An explosion locked thr ciant Shell refinery in the Botlelc Industrial district toda\ Accorciim; to preliminary repotta. two uorker.s were killed by the bias) AP.
    AP  -  31 words
  • 27 16 JAKAKTA Wed Tht MnlayMaii Goveinincnt has .ii;rce<l to lac ■ppotntmenl nl BriK.-Geneial Thalip n Indonesia': first Ambassador to MalavMa. the i Office announced t'-^lav DPI
    27 words
  • 290 16 LONDON Wer! Ihe Mo. K mm ket was quietly firm today. Early buying tatsnat, believed to rafted satisfaction wi;h lecent company news, slackened later and prim chanced litUe during the afternoon. Ckwtng middle prices ot MtoetM stocks not Including stamp duty were- < -II I
    290 words
  • 73 16 LONDON Wed.— Spot 16 -d April 16 11 lfd. May 16 .d.. June 17.d April June 16\a.. July Sept 17 7 16d Oct Dec 17 .d Jan. March 18 1 Itid.. April June 18 3 16d July Sept 18 5 16d Oct Dec 18 7 16d. Jan March 18
    73 words
  • 34 16 LONDON Wed. Buyers £1311 <-£2' i. .sellers £1312 t— £'-'>. Forward buyers £1314' (Uiichgd >. sellers 1 3 1 5 i. Settlement £1311'- t £4'.- 1. Turnover a.m. 350 tons. p.m. 10 tons. Tone: Inactive.
    34 words
  • 235 16 Olympic champ Dawn's case is settled out of court SYDNEY, Wed. Former Olympicswimming champion Dawn Frasers action for defamation against the President of the Australian Swimming Union, Mr. Berge Phillips, was settled out of court here today. Miss Fra.ser sued whn .she learnt Mr Phillips had written letters to swimmine
    Reuter  -  235 words
  • 163 16 SINGAPORE. Wed. A piece ol tire-ngnting equipment. which could save local authorities and civil airports tens of thousands of dollar>. has bern designed and produced by Warrant Oflieer AD. Hili o[ RAP' Scletar. it can be BUcd .»i flight COSi to any domestic lire appliance
    163 words
  • 31 16 i;*PLt neicivtn kiiuthl I CABLE RBCSVIO CABLE RECEIVED HOLM£S EOITM CECILY ''I CortKl I 4 in Murh of M M RENE C.OELHO N f C, oi K J«V« P»»i»1 hrnlh'-i»
    31 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 86 16 ANNOUNCEMENT Madam Lim Kee Neo, widow of the Late Mr. Tan Tiong Seng passed away peacefully on 28th February, 1968, aged 91, leaving behind 2 sons, Tan Kheng Chuan, Tan Tee Chock; daughters Tan Cheng Hiong, Tan Kheng Van, Tan Poh Tee, Ton Kheng Yean, Tan Kheng Hwe, Tan Kheng
      86 words
    • 202 16 Late CLASSIFIEDS 20 lLo7ds $15 (:;:ir.n-ntm) Lit •en „n thwnk« In CAN I I WONC MR AMI MR Knl the prestige radio of universal renown Alsti uvuiiable lESf-SSEKvSI ESf-SSEKvS f with built-in I :S x: r; ;¥::;;;>>x- H F.O I fl Cat ti> <ui;ct ana l ix&j^S'; x- r-vXv^-ix-: :S
      202 words