The Straits Times, 27 February 1968

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 26 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 1 50.000 The Straits Times. The National Newspaper Kstd 1845 rUESDAY. FEBRIAKY 27. 1968 IS CENTS KDX. 3104 M (P) 0014
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  • 163 1 Mon. Streaking through misty night skies over the heart of Haiphong. electronically guided American hoiiibrrs r.iinrd ."lOdlh. bombs on a major North VietnaSMM railroad yard less than t\\(» miles from the centre of the city last night. li was the eloaesl is plaaei h.i<i iftven inio llaiphonu itaee Jan.
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  • 356 1 Viet attack on Khe Sanh Imminent' American Marine platoon routed in ambush SAIGON. Monday A U.S. Marine platoon patrolling outside the barbed-wire of the Khe Sanh combat base was ambushed today by North Vietnamese regulars, who overwhelmed the outnumbered Americans. A second platoon 15 men scnl lo help also siifTcml
    UPI  -  356 words
  • 32 1 FREETOWN Mon I rniir wli-h !i;i Ihvii ruled hv •iimciii ntlK* I' 1 Mpk !i »-ill trMI" "> I i h iimif 74- mcmhfr Mhrlinr? rnmmlitfr h»» decided here Rfiiirr
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  • 99 1 Hush-hush on damage to bases OAM.OV Mon The IS. i^> Comin. did lii ie liml;i\ 1 1 1 1 •< ~<-i t rrnsorship on reporl> of North Yit'tnamest' .•ml Virh'oim .ittarks on h.lsrs like Kin- Sanh. A (omiii.ind spokrMii in s.iid "(Irpcnilinu on the tartical -itii i
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  • 29 1 (iihwaha i Japan i Mmi Twti |m>o|)|p VCri killed and 43 otheis inmred In a (tie that swepl ;i rimwird rtaOTl hotel here ve«terda\ iti
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  • 131 1 Trapped: The Goldfish Man L|()N"(; KONG. Mon. 11 Police today were holding a man in connection v nil as saults against 17 Rirls last year. Police believe tin man are holding i- the rapist known a the "Gold n-h Man" wim terrorised the tenement sections of Kowloon. where he assaulted
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  • 53 1 SINGAPORE. Man PMtoi worken dv« am Altaon Un Dlran .'4 iftci Im km buried in :< ixi! it ma i«i mud ii. .i drain .H :i butldlna I .i !';i>oh satellite :mui Unv afternoon Hr w«v sciii to Mie Thomaon Hn.ui HonptUl wliere he
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  • 53 1 1 ONDON. Mom. a man fined C 5 f<>r stealing J balls from ;i »(ilf course was raid to have told police: "Tiic man who calls for the H.P. on my washing machine plays golf, ><> I Rivr \hr balls to him and hr hook.s them against
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  • Article, Illustration
    28 1 SOUTH VIETNAMESE Marines crossing the Perfume River in landing craft for the final assault on the ancient walled citadel of Hue. The city fell on Saturday. UPI photo.
    UPI  -  28 words
  • 49 1 Beware this con man mOAPORI Mon A ci-ii-■mi i.i i- trtel i tv i"-i-ii goIns round m» bill eiillri mi [oi vendor* disiributlna the Strait* rto picnic have i»fii the publk ■an cd iii i hfck the ideniiu ni linn neD papn i>iii collector Itanwd u\ i in- newspaper
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  • 58 1 Grave-digger vs Wilson LONDON Ma ger W;i: m i WUllani todaj tailed to _c- ,i w :i 1 1 << in [di tin Pi line Mlnl.Ml i Hh mill WUaon toi ii. Bttrkonhnd n\v England. told Ban lh«j r.f »«r--ram •lKgini moaon i>\ Mr Wll on In connpirlng iiith for>
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  • 47 1 HO\(, KOM. Mon A youna robber. »:me<i »ith a n« vi.ii held wn two irerf in the Maku lan-Blngspa Bice In ihr Mandarin Holrl iiKla\ .md (Ot a- rlth .i vault iuiii ,i diamond ring The rine «c «..rth HKM 006 Hfuter
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  • 104 1 JAKARTA. Mouthy. DLACiI li;is luokcii out iii ((iili;il Java an<l is threatening In sprewl. A t.;tm of World Health Organisation (WHO) doctors has down Into Jakarta to preparr ;i ram- M"ii to '-itf>ck the KDread of tin plague. Official sources said thai at li .im 90
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  • 89 1 Thais rush troops to North DANGKOK Men. v Tin Government has rushed reinforcements to thi northern province ol CheingraJ following Intellip reports ol hi movements ol communist tei roi I'rini. Mlnlsti chori ported from the pro-.: made <>t guerilla* from I i h the >P ported o\ di idi Moo
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  • 28 1 <,\MES BOYCOTT BY IPBICAN nat; BRAZZAVILLE. Mon African countries drcldrd here today to rx Olympic GUM In M City This follows n to rr-arimit South Africa
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 55 1 CROCKETT 4 JONES NORTHAMPTON ENGLAND For Maximum Performance use PHILIPS BATTERIES ONLY ill)*'" -ggr^- W^JUm a-^y %r f J!??nn II The new Philips batteries PHILIPo were designed by the team of scientists that designed the power cells for US space ly 8 craft. They are powered to get the maximum
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    • 246 2 Copters, tanks in big battle near airbase CAK2ON. >l«n (i»\rrn 3 ment airh4>rne tnnips threw tanks. heliropler (unships. artiller> and luhler ajrcmfl ml" a rajitit battle .«K.iinsl hardi«»re IMeMI hatt.ilion danerrouslv .lose In the lan Son Nhut airbase >csterda.v. a go\ernment spoke>man said today. I lie action began at mid
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    • 585 2 S H I N GTON. Mon.— President Johnson's top Vietnam adviser Mr. William Bundy said v ester da y that U Thant's report on peace prospects had faih>d to indicate that Hanoi was seriously interested in opening negotiations To settle the war. Mr. Bundy. Assistant
      Reuter  -  585 words
    • 51 2 I 'MF-i I M D I .c Cfyion Oorenuneni h«.- m*<» i: «n on»Ti(t »nj- party i un- the number of lUtltl >. 1(10 Naaltlet under new austerity la«R prumuleH'pr) rWHR flntn three rrmnihs to \<.\r rean in 'ail. .wth ttnaa at ud to 5.00n rnpre«.
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    • 62 2 SAI IBBURY M B Prime kflntetei Sir Aiet Munit Premirr Mr lan Smith nil for 85 nunire.s ye hn-Il It ■>'•! might .'"iin .i tMLtii ior thf Angi'-Khorlesmti The talks took pta c in Mr. Snitb'l offlciHl rp.Mden< directly onp. s,r Humphrey OIMn 'he Britishior,
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    • 198 2 BUDAPEST, Monday. DELEGATES from about H5 Communist parties assembled here yesterday on the eve of the Hist such meeting o! parties in eight yean. The fnrrrliiß of about three- quarters' ol worlds parties takes place undo- the shadow of Chlna'i massive ideological split Which the
      Reuter  -  198 words
    • 135 2 Vegetarian cake for Beatle George's birthday OISHIKESH (HimaIV layan foothills), Mem. Beatle George Harrison celebrated his 25th birthday here yesterday with a programme ol Indiaa music and dancing and a vegetarian birthday cake. Harrison and his three fellow Beatles, who are studying transcendent lal meditation in this Himalayan retreat, sat
      Reuter  -  135 words
    • 24 2 KATHMANDf Men. K:n« M»hf:irir« of Nppa. had hl» car insuiff: thr nprninc r 'f :hr f:r*' N>nil««e Uuurancc company. -ReutPt.
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    • 437 3 LONDON. Monday A LEADER of Britain's Asian community said yesterday plans for a massive airlitt to beat Britain's new immigration curbs on Kenyan Asians had fallen through. Mr. Proful Patcl. president Ol the Indian social-cultural organisation Nava Kala. said a man who approached him
      Reuter; UPI  -  437 words
    • Article, Illustration
      17 3 With Tampax tampons, there's no other way to feel Feel free. Feel alive. Feel cool, clean, fresh.
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    • 185 3 vi v *ok!\. :.iun.— staa Herman. .1 llrooklxn t.i\i drie r who \um 1 reputation is "the world's create*! gale t rasher." died in hospital here toda.\. lie was II He grabbed the nation. ii spotlight in JasMMrj IMI when he foiled
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    • 38 3 UDNDON. M'.n. For th* first time in lis 183 newspaper history, the Time*h..* claimed more than onr million readers. It t; Mirvrv for 1967 Riving It 1.024.0'K) daily This na an m- r 195*5.
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    • 12 3 MAM drr<! tinu i 09 '>n Fn- 1 rirl.iy- iter.
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    • 183 3 140,000 HAUL IN LONDON MAILBAG ROBBERY I ONDON. Moil. J Masked robbers grabbed mailbaga conrAln!ng an estimated £140.000 in banknotes from a London post oflieo. police said. A post office spoke; man said and. tors were still tryIng to asai the extent of the robbt 1 v "it could to
      UPI  -  183 words
    • 23 3 JUAN. Mob. Poor more bomb exploded on Hiia lilunc! in thi past 2\ hours in r.s. businesses ;in<i mi Thttts* R
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    • 129 3 I ONDON. MOD 1 <^ 1 one women p.. died when fire raged through a men! ii hi in Shrewsbury early today. \nother 14 were seriousired. Twelve fin engines (ought the blaze in the women's wing ol tin build ad ambulances rushed •he injured
      Reuter  -  129 words
    • 174 3 CANBERRA, Monday 'I"HE captain of the Au>tralian destroyer Voyager, which .sank olf the New South Wales coast in 1%4 after a collision with tin- carrk-r Melbourne. not under the Influence o[ alcohol at the Mlll. a Royal Commission found Cap) Duncan Stevens and 81 others d;ed when
      Reuter  -  174 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 312 2 it's built in „J WTo give you that sophisticated styling and con-Hl m venience SHARP has devised a functional BUILT-IN HI m sliding door to the popular 23 s«t model 23R-D7. H The hand crafted cabinet in genuine wood veneers V and hard wood solids is indeed an elegant and
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    • 111 2 For quick, positive and Ion; -lasting relief from the discomfort of Piles (Haemorrhoids) take VaremoYd the NEW, EASILY SWALLOWED tablets from the research laboratories of Zyma, somem* VaremoTd :er meals. V .cs rr>ore posit tt rtlief, I sctiva principle br o. Amic Factor P-Z.r^a which rao.c. I ...inflammation is
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 27 3 > SMITHY MOTICTION WORN IHTEMtIIY If you d like a sample just send 25 cents in stamps to The Nurse Federal Dispensary (S) Ltd. PO Box 211. Singapore
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    • 369 3 SEP- HOPE FOR THE POOR a STUDENTS Join it JjOW To help you help yourself SEP is the Society for the Education of the Poor. It is a non-profit charitable organisation. For the present, it offers FREE courses by correspondence. to a limited number of students. Only students from poor
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  • 321 4  - Aid talks: UK to make firm proposals FRANCIS ROZARIO By SINGAPORE, Mon Till. British Government's economic aid to Singapore to cushion the set-back arising from the pull-out of the military base here will dominate the talks between Hr- two governments, which begin al the conference room of the Economic Development
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  • 277 4 SINGAPORE. Mon \22-MAM Singapore delegation left for Phnom Penh today for "exploratory*" talks on economic co-operation with Cambodia. Th<- delegation compriMi,g 18 bu>ir.e.v>.men and fOUI Government officials .ive the way for .1 by the Finance Minister Dr Goh Keng Swce. some time later
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  • 122 4 Blindfold drive through the city SINOAPORt. Mon i dprman will dri\r ihrmich thr city blind-foldrd on Man h 7. to publicise* a rharit\ performancr at thr Vi< toria Thratre thr f t lit v\ ins evening The \lsitor. Wprnrr Hi>rnunc. will .tKti cuntributc an item at thr "Magic Intrrnatmnal"
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  • 121 4 SINGAPORE, Monday. A LABOUR expert from Geneva today paid a hiph tribute to. the labour movement in Sinj gapore for giving up their rpst day to contribute to the National Defence Fund. Mr Erich ITlinl. sacral nf the :di I ederation ol Commercial Clerical a: d
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  • 59 4 MOTORBIKES GIFT TO THE POLICE SINGAPORE. IiML —T< n Japanese mo.ll be given to re Police Force ration ceremony at the Police Tr.. School on Thursday The 250 cc motorcycles aie a ran Urn Sumki Motor Compaiiy Ltd of Japan, and Cuan Hoe Company Ltd The Suzuki T2O machines are
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  • 75 4 $18,108 MORE FOR ARTS COUNCIL SINGAPORE. Mon Five donations toi $18.108 50 were rec«nday by the Minister fSi for Culture. Mr. Lee K Choy. on beh;. Singapore Alts Coun the National Theatre The money »a->- rai^ec shows staged at the I 68 They were National P tic Aisociatlon i 512.02T
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  • 152 4 SINGAPORE, Mon. Thai brewed beer and whisky, pretty Thai girl dancers and selected Thai music will help to provide the right atmosphere to m party at the Chinese Chamber or Commerce building to entertain 200 local travel agents on Thursday night. It \f>
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 30 4 :iiiiiii)iiiini)iiiiiiiiiiniimnn- 2 DAYS OMtVi 3 10 T 30 p Banaaan I TMI«UVA«UT CHELVARTlllll|l|lMllllllllllllll|ll'llllll|l|Hi7 Today 130-3 30-7 00 t930 p m Ak r e WOir OF TMI GAY QUARTIU" "Ju4oka" T
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    • 36 4 cc: Crisanto Manabal. Rodolfo Peraita and Bernabe Manabal Jr. of The Brown Soys voted the most likeable combo by Hotel El Pr«sidente (Manila) for 1 967 Waicrt for their debut at the Fountain Nile Club soon
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    • 116 4 (liIIta) B Vivacious Vocals H Comedy! V^ Breath-taking f^m W Balancing! L J I M Exotic, Provocative J^ I The most j V I entertaining B variety you'll find on f"> P^M J^MARGO HAIGH sings jfi ri A Mir A n te C U D CL AffllllV KITCHENER ROAD. SPORE.
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    • 348 4 TODAY A TOMOHROW ONLY 1 VTam. 1 ..0. 00. 30 9 30 VILLA MUROCR Poker Putoli NOW SHOWING 1 00, 30 4 30 p m OUCMARD lW447*i47pm •ALACE I 1J 445 1 S4S air FAR FROM THE MADDING CROWD OPENS TODAY' 11 am 1 30, 4 00. 630 930
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  • 178 5 tEKLMBAN. Mun. 3 The National Antbem Bill tabled In Parliament on Saturday was strongly criticised by Mr. C. V. Devan Nair at a Democratic Action Party rally at the Peoples Park here last night. Mr 'i that the Central Government .should at why people
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  • 33 5 I was in jail, says man who jumped bail PEN Wi hoiu>ei a masis-i.-p he had bfn arresTPd in Indonesia. I b^twerr <nd Indonesia Lirn 0 "f S:nt»porp told thi L:rn March 14.
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  • 383 5 'Enticed' wife was Black Widow spider' ALOR STAR. Mon SAYS COUNSEL A DEFENCE counsel, Mr. David Marshall. successfully arguing an appeal in the High Court here today described a 27-year-old housewife as a "Black Widow spider." Mr. Marshall was representing a police officer, Asst. Supt. Syed Meir Wahid. 35, who
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  • 91 5 Two men with iron pipes attack JP MIAR, Mon. Two men armed with iron pipes this morning attacked a JP, Mr. Vee Kirn Kam, while he was walking to his cat in lalaa Meriam. Mr. Vre. 3.'5. president of the Muar Chinese Chamber of Commrrre and vicechairman of MCA. Muar
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  • 22 5 son Irrnn Prniiu- Province V B rworth doCU.SS the progre.V) of adult education aitendiia are super- nation
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  • 286 5 PLAN TO SAVE NATION $22m IN STEEL NEEDS PENANG, Monday. MALAYSIA'S first steel mill. Malayawata, plans to expand Its Prai plant for the manufacture of strrl platrs to meet the demand of shipyards and motor assembly plants. n sdosine thli t.Kiav. Malayawata's chid neer. Mr M KIM. predicted that within
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  • 48 5 SINGAPORE. Mon. A croup of seven picnickers at the Nioll Drive beach was attacked by a gang of six youths yesterday mornnig. Daggor.s. bottles and Btlckl were used Two ot the picnicker.-, Tay Chenn K'.an. IT, and Teng Kwok Yew. 20. sus tamed minor stab wounds
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  • 180 5 IMMORAL WIFE: SALESMAN WINS DIVORCE SINGAPORE. Mon. A 0 salesman, Peter Ng Lai Wat. who married a dance hostess after a year's courtship, today asked the High Court to ri. -solve his marriage on the grounds that his wile had committed adultery. He first met his wife. Chin Fooiig Cheau.
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  • 60 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Mvn Thrrp ii' 1 t mtiblw today j faced v thrlt charge in the Court here. Alc\ VOOB YiMin Kirn. 26. Bnbb.v Chew Chrna Hua'.. 22. and Jeffrey lim Khrng Chat, 11, pleaded not guilty to -stealing $340 worth of rlgarei es and
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  • 155 5 Hold up warning to petrol kiosks lOHOKL BAIIKI Mon Ail petrol kiosks in tbe State, especially those Mtu.iii-ii in nit mii-k.iN of town. were today warneU to be wary of "customers tailing in tbe middle of the night. The Jonore I'ID inef. \--i Commissioner X Nichols, gave this; after
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  • 26 5 Kl'Al A LUMPUR. Mi>n. A World Day of Prayrr :-rr\irp will br hrld at the St. Mans Chim'i on Fruity at 6.30 p.m
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  • 151 5 'Marriage course' for couples planning to wed DENANG, Mon. A five- week "marriage course" lor newly-weds and engaged couples, organised by the Penang 1 Christian Family and Social Movement, will be held in St. Xavier's Hall from Marcti 10 to April 7. On the five Sunday.* during this period, priests
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  • 113 5 University of S'pore BB A passes CINGAPORE. Mon. The University of Singapore today announced that the following candidates have passed the final examination for the degree of Bachelor of Business Administration: SECOND CLASS lIONOIRS (Upper DiviMom: Eric Ang Chong Lim. Chan King Foolt. John Chan York Lee. Foo Shiang H\i;.
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  • 192 5 POW NEE URGES: MIX FREELY WITH MALAYS crXGEI B A K AP. 0 Mon The Chief Mini Tan Sri Wong Pmv Nor, yesterday urged nonMalays living in kampongs to mix irevly it li their Malay neighbours. approach to know them wel!," he said at a Roodwill dinner held in the
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  • 18 5 BL"KIT MERTAJAM. M Hi. Jayctes hfre will hold thetr mrctinK U tin Rest I :so p.m.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 134 5 COME DANCE a^a^i^l^ t5 tun usfavATiaNS ICTEfcCdfTIWVttI Your X Real Estate I \A_ investment L I and finance \i Ef service in Western Australia. I The General Agpncv Co. invite you to take advantage of their complete Real Estate Service in Western Australia. The State's largest real estate organisation and
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    • 123 5 I v B^Tj^^Bl l.'l'.'i.-tar^gw^Mif.Bt'ayf i.wiiiiii!islßßlgr^!^^B H| '3 Bv\^^Bi 1 B^^Jl f^BEBpBT»!EnHBCTMiBi IBEBBBBBMjSaBB^iSaBi Model GP2BM portable radio-phono set is light, looks good, easy to play and gives rich full-volume sound. 3-speed player gives perfect reproduction and features exclusive ultra C stylus plus a power packed solid state radio. QUALITY SINCE 1878
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 256 5 Straits Times Crossword ACKOSS I U <u>»n 0 1? A novel 9 Dra«n In WU* M hope of f^Srl' 'donbl* 3 li'f* aolmr b«n« completely Involved 8 K H O^ ,il (J> 14. Loiter— fatally? 14, fit 10. One of three, a host In him- 15. a halter, etc suitably
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  • 488 6  - Work on $12m drydock gets underway RODERICK PESTANA TO CATER TO SUPER TANKERS By SINGAPORE. Monday JJKK t;mks going into battle, huge machines today thundered Forward in formation to dear the \\;i\ for Singapore*! new $12 million super tanker drydock ;it Jurong. The earth-moving monsters, with a total might of
    MAX KIAN SENG  -  488 words
  • 132 6 SINGAPORE. Mon —Straits Times readers have started a memorial fund to perpetuate thr memory of businessman and social worker. Mr. K. M. Abdul Razak. who died at the Gleneagles Hospital on Feb. 15 this year. The fund, m aid of the Muslim orphanage in Mat
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  • 118 6 SINGAPORE. Mon Six cheques totalling ISIJM for the National Defence Fund have been handed to the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr. S Rajaratnam from the Singapore Textile Healers Friendly Association. The presentation took place on Saturday at the anniversary celebrations of the association The sum
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  • 47 6 SINGAPORE. Mi n Professor C D Calnan of the Institute of Dermntolocv St John's Hn-pl-tal for l) p Skin. London, will deliver a public Inture at the Allen Lee, ire Theatre, University Ol Sinßapore <m "MechanUini in drun reaction" lomorrow at 4 <0 [>m
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  • 418 6 New Poly section to teach rubber technology MOVE TO CREATE MORE INDUSTRIES SINGAPORE. Mon A SPECIAL section was opened in the Singapore Polytechnic this afternoon to provide "knowhow" to help exploit rubber and thus create more industries in the Republic. The Rubber and Plastics Technological Department, opened by Mr. Low
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  • 177 6 SINGAPORE. Mon. Two experts in Tamil education from India are now attached to the Education Ministry's inspectorate for two jretra to help develop Tamil educati* n In the Republic. They are Mr. T. Pakshllajan and Mr K Oovlndasamy, i>ith with extensive teaching experience
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  • 86 6 People's Park survey gets good response SINGAPORE. Mon More than pooplr were viewed at the end durin consumer People's P out by the 81 City Planning I ■We had ovpr. U I 1,000 people th<» officer-liw vey today She added: "1 the fact that 150 r< to be Interviewed good
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  • 73 6 Fourth US vessel arrested in S'pore fourth An the i: O ii Slngapon Court i David Mutual Lift of New V Today, i: Insur.i licitor fore Mr. J Sin«h for a oti thi costs crew. Costs It Wl COStl to be scale. The Ornri P r. thf Western I »hrn
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  • 111 6 SINGAPORE. M»n A mlw (iffircr of the \ DcvrliiptiK'nt Rank is now in Singapore ti> hrn i Treasury officials on the forthcoming first annual meeting of the Bank's Kovernors in .Manila in April. Mr. Chanrhai Leetavorn. 40. an alternate governor of the :-n.»tn.n bank, is also
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
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  • 19 7 Kirn r- <\r.\*r. wvere burn r>n h's b r -y a lils Gla-'-Rfw R^ari <p found an
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  • 602 7 That blast IMR chief replies KUALA LUMPUR. Monday SKNUJH pathologist and a lady cytologist will soon be working at the cancer cytology unit which has been Bet up at the Institute of Medical Research hei This was stated today by the IMR Director, Dato (Dr.) v Omar. Ht> was replying
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  • 105 7 Nine held in night raids by police JOIIOKI KAIiKI MM Nine men. heliexrd to he responsihle for thefts nf eoods and accessories from parked cars, were arrested hv the police in several raids last night. 7^ie (II) team, led o.v the deput. OCPD ((riniei. \ssi Supi Om.w Mohame«l. r.nrieil out
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  • 355 7 IPOH. Monday A PPP assemblyman, v Dato Chan Swce Ho. today urged the Crntral Govrrnment to less its policy on restriction of residence of foreign investors in order to attract more foreign invest ment. Speaking during the adjournment In the I mbly.
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  • 34 7 SINGAPORE Man Kdi B'k C 8 died *t tin enl HosplUl las) night, ahom luHir* after Im> «hs kntirkNl clii\vn hv in at ;lip iunrtmii of Shanulia. Road iinrt Ki\tr V R
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  • 41 7 SKKKMHAN. M< n Ihe Sennih.,ll j.iyi r, launi hert mpaign todaj clothing, medii'iiif non-p»-f<«id «nd lor I H I" 1 i cable from tha Jaycm m.d ttM South Vietnamese Enib«.vy ;ti K i .;.i I ;;mpur
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  • 80 7 lAKAKTA. Mon The ommandt'r of thr British armed forces in thr Pat Baal said yesterday he tonviiK •<! that Indonesia no longer posrtl any danger to Singapore and .Malaysia. General Sir Michael Carver i.s here on a one Week visit us curst
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  • 157 7 Gurkhas to be cut by 4,000 by end of 1969 SINGAPORE. Mon The British Army to withdraw one battalion of Gurkha soldiers each from Kluang and Penang by the end of next year. The 2 Bn I Regtacnt. at KluaiiK. and the 2 Bn 1" Regiment, at Penang! are to
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 134 7 aheaL^by miles! scenic t^®/ South Africa on SB^your way Jo Europe; r)«r al inclusive price: U*****.00 Incredible travel value from TFC Our special Y^ Home Leave tour gives you air transport W\ to Europe, via scenic South Africa. Tour V includes stopovers in Colombo and Mauri%l tius. In South Africa
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    • 195 7 SOOTHING RELIEF FOR STRAINED EYES Reading, working, television-view ng, and fun in the sun often result in burning, itching, bloodshot eyes. Just k mhbm a two-drop bath of gentle Eye-Mo J (1) floats away irritation due to sun "7 WfOSmWi glare, dust. wind, and smoke. < -f \^^lnJ (2) relieves
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 38 7 Bugs Bunny By Ralph Heimdahl U ~--sJ I'M fIOIIMG TO SEE N GWACIOUS! GLAD 7' A WHAT IT IS —THEN! Iw SOMETHING \V hEAS IT! J «^ORDER SOfAEI/ 0 1 J f I'U. WAVE 7Ht> wmA /tls«_^ vEvewything:
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  • 5 8 m *nr4 $H (Mtmtmmm)
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  • 23 8 II) iWMaail rmsMLV RAX ID Fr<-nrh Rraaul VIII.APIIRC MODEL ACAOIMT't >M"ir<« M■; |l VHT* ELIIARETH AROEN't at- la\ .'7, 7% •ra »».*ofna
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  • 666 8 The Straits Times. Tuesdsy, February 27. 1968 Gloom In New Delhi If th*» United Nations Conon Trad* and Development continues as it is doing now the hopes with which the developing countries have gathered in New Delhi are unlikely to be fulfilled. Its deliberations have been SP unpromising thai such
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  • 372 8 The Institute for Medical Research has issued a statement describing the assistance it has given the Selangor branch ol the National Cancer Society of Malaysia towards setting up a c\ tology unit. The statement strikes a defensive note, us though the I.M.X. sees itself as the ohject of
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  • 176 8 The Mentri Besar of K«lan- t.'ti. Dat.i Mohamed Aari, has r.ot much of a job of explaining »hj he baa lain before the Stute Asssanbl) a hudt't that has not bean examined and approved by the Federal Government. This 1.- a clear breach of a pro h»
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  • Letters
    • 84 8 Shedding light on the loyal THE n o n-observ-ance of the National Anthem which began through sheer ignorance and bad manners has devloped into a semiorganised expression of. defiance and disloyalty to this country. Loyal citizens been r.diculed and insulted when they stand up for the National Anthem. Let us
      84 words
    • 96 8 IN his firx press statement, the Head of the Anti-Corruption Agency promised to eradicate all dirty coffee shops throughout the length and breadth of Mai 1 Many months have gone by and Parliament has voted greater powers and more money but the eof fee shnp.s in the Federal Capital seem
      96 words
    • 47 8 (XSLIJS the Education J Ministry clarify the method of picking teachers for the Second language in-service course, and how. if picked, one can decline 0 There should not be any suggestion of compulsion for those not-so-eager as is now the case with my grand-daughter. OLD TEACHER Singapore
      47 words
  • 1281 8 Watch out for TV elbow, TV legs, photophobia and traffic syndrome Modern inventions have simplified life and made ir more hazardous. Many, varied and dread are the strains and stresses which can result from driving a car, from having floor to-ceiling glass windows, from watching television,
    FWF  -  1,281 words
  • 574 8  - Feb. 28— Fateful day for Labour in Britain Kenneth Harris b> LONDON FEBRI AKY S| could b« fateful, nut to say fatal, d.itc in the fortunes of the present Labour (iovrrnment and in the history of Hut. mi If Labour has to face a (ieneral Election within the next IK
    574 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 362 8 Ckuified advertisesteils for l Times ft Malay Mail may be handed to: COLD iTORAGt SUFIR-MARKfT 0..D STORAOI «RANCNIS -OOK JTORI LTO.. i Quo*. THE NfWS fRONT «j**jm<wfcat. c w ISMAIL. -n. Naval Baa*. Vmol Hoot, •••»u«r L CO, > i R A.F Setotor. a.ux a, ««ot. LTB. ■'■aoon SHARIKAT K
      362 words
    • 14 8 McCULLOCH OUTBOARD MOTORS 4HPcooiiD 7iHL_ 9HP 45 HP K MALAYAN g: developmint SON. BHD.
      14 words
    • 192 8 THE MOST POPULAR HIGH i CLASS RESIDENTIAL AREA HOLLAND GARDEN -6 m.t. Holland Road, Singapore. IB (Neor Holland Grove > I SHOW HOUSE READY FOR inspection -> tt:;"" 2 STOREY 4 BEDROOMS. SEMIDETACHED. j[ r o-~— Compl.ta aSSM I Porqutt .^w Matallad Hood i VERY LOW DOWN PAYMENT LOANS AVAILABLE
      192 words

  • 257 9 SULTAN OPENS JOHORE FIAT ASSEMBLY PLANT lOHORE B A H R U. *> Mon. The Sultan of Johore today urged the pnv tot to takt b more positive step by coming forward to help the Government tn its industrialisation proime. Every encouragement, he said, was being given towards industrialisation :n
    257 words
  • 288 9 The day he found his wife had a second husband IPOH. Monday A TEACHER, Mr. Cheah Ah Wah. 47. told the High Court here today he was "shocked" to read in the Straits Times in 1965 that his wife, Vivian Chan Sow Ying. was being sued for divorce by a
    288 words
  • 51 9 SINGAPORE Man The 30.000-! on P /tnd O Una will arnvr bore "n Thursday \»i'h 1.200 pMttnsin (he largest Mngif lutch of tourUU to call h«re this year. Thp -hip ls arrnipg from Fremantlr nn Europe via C"inm»>. Dvirban. rhe Cape of Good Hope. Dakar and
    51 words
  • 43 9 SINGAPORE. Mon. A slight drizzle fell shortly after 2 p.m. today but not enough to damp down the current heat wave here. By 4 p.m., 15 lallang and grass fires had broken out In various parts of the Island 1
    43 words
  • 51 9 KUANTAN. Mon. More than 100 cases of forest and bush tire have been reported in Kuantan since Pahana (Hinp under a dry spell in Thr worst lire uas reported id Krtni|xns Nrw Zealand on HK). 21 where a stretch of 70 acm "f newly-pianted land v.16
    51 words
  • 26 9 PENANG. M<>n. Mlv, Wong Yoke Seng. 23. a seamstress, i had her handbag, containing $18. snatched by .i motorcyclist at Kuantan Road last night.
    26 words
  • 290 9  - Malaysian women ahead of those in New Zealand Margaret Wee By A step ahead KUALA LUMPUR. Monday. |t| ALAYSIAN women are one step ahead of their counterparts in New Zealand where their participation in public life is concerned. This is the view of Lady Powles. wife of Sir Guy Powles.
    290 words
  • 190 9 TELUK ANSON. Mon. ABOUT 570 striking workers of the Nova Scotia Estate, near here. i will return to work tomorrow. This follows discussions i this morning with Mr. S Ramasamy. vice-president of the National Union of Plantation Workers, which represents them. "They
    190 words
  • 120 9 Higher duty cars: Ministry explains L"l ALA LI'MPI'R. Mon. The increase of import dut> on passenger rars and commercial vehicles announced by thr Finance Minister in his Budget speech is applicable only to motor vehicles imported after Jan. 18 this year. The Ministry of Commerce and Industry, in a statement
    120 words
  • 57 9 SINGAPORE. M n A young couple who went to a room In an uncompleted block of flat* at Jurons "to >pplc privacy" Ust Saturday night were charged in court today with "wilful trespass." Tan Keng Poh and his girl friend Phang Piak Leong. pleaded guilty and were
    57 words
  • 32 9 PENANG. Mon. Hajjar Wan binte I.shak has bper. rpelected chairman of the Kampong Bharu branch of th« Womrn In>'itu'r. with Hajjah Che S"m as vire-chairman Che R"e,iv,ih as secretary am
    32 words
  • 242 9  - Singapore recital today by master of the glass harp Sia Cheong Yew By OINOAPORE, Mon. Bruno Hoffmann, master of 1 harp, flew Into 8U pore tod But be u< newsou n Stru:: musical different liiet and thickThe German musician la here for a recital at the T b c a
    242 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 78 9 Every Sunday* an Air New Zealand DC-8 leaves for the South Pacific via Australia, New Zealand and then on to the U. S. A. Departs 7.15 a.m. every Sunday -The Daylight FlightStopover at any point at no extra fare. IDS «v MR NiW UMNO i Sit' 8 i- QAM t
      78 words
    • 159 9 Special Holiday Offer O M I V Qff|4 Qif M M ull ■I ■■month 1/ MITSUBISHI I mW 19" Model 19T-390C 111 HI CAN BE YOURS ||1 HH Fully guaranteed Hfl Day and Night Service. T 1 S SO*' al O"pr is Only ,T. /I M.SE.NATHAN LTD. 11 27/29 ORCHARD
      159 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 843 9 TV MALAYSIA RADIO SINGAPURA JgSn&J.gtJSi SCS&^iJBW^ TJPMK"" frssi —EX K. U .n t N.nonal Ungu.*e. "< Se^nide A W? ShVre ItaM 545 rM Programme sum Ql2 Pa'.Uament Report; 9.32 A.M.: 600 Prog Summary Report. 7.00 The News VlO mary; 550 News m (he M.ilavM«n Round-up; Morning Prelude; 700 National Language
      843 words

    • Article, Illustration
      72 10 FRENCH coutur ier Louis Feroud features white Calais loce teamed to a pique skirt for a little girl dress that appears as winsome as a fairy tale. The gathered skirt and wide waist yoke of floral patterned cotton sets off the simple bodice made of rickrack patterned lace. Long tight
      72 words
    • 298 10 Good looks and brains her main forte in the male world gHK s;ii<l it unemotionally, like someone used to living in ;i tough all-male world. 'Here I am,* 1 she said, "look ing my best in a blue linen dress. Bui as soon as I say that I am an
      298 words
    • 186 10 take for any woman to '.rv and behave like a man by which I mean, become overpowering and domineering." "And where a woman can score U, 111 her ability to create an at mo. phere that demands natural
      186 words
    • 368 10 MKS. Jessica Bohannan. an artist, who has designed the set and costumes for Stage Club's presentation of "Variation on a Theme" has found her task most interesting and challenging She said: "When It comes to designing costumes for plays it seems so simple
      368 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 407 10 Advertisement s Complexion Care S The siM-rrt of beautifying the complexion la said to t i be In the saturation of I the skin with a new type S 1 of moisturizer. The skin i i should take m an Imme- J diate healthy bloom as > i the tiny
      407 words
    • 289 10 sssssssssss^' ■•S^ BBBBBBBBBBa*^ ~^\Jssfii^^ .^t^jSBBBB BY j^BBBBB ■^T B^bS i.k..2w«*s to. svi Lner Holiday to Hongkong shopping spree i Then 4 days For your next leave take a real of fresh air and P&Ocom'ort holiday; sail away on P& O on the wav back. And this Rest, relax, recuperate in
      289 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1247 11 B^^^^Ba^i^Q >T^aaP^aa»^^K^a^^aT^y TO UVERPQOL I WEST COAST U.K.: Ou* Spore inn P. Sham Pm«a| l\°a?m,< i'»"Poai. Dublin. A'aoutt is Pt Mar 2 Mar I Lyrmidoii l ""M«)l. Glasgow fh 29/ 1 MMonocnt Liverpoo Glasgo* Fib 21 Mar 1 Mar 2 3 SaoiAnaiit ccci, eiugow Mar S Mir I Mir 112
      1,247 words
    • 1391 11 r//fLnbi//V£S v 1 n IXPHCSB SAILINGS TO 6E WO V NORTH CONTINENT SCANDINAVU P. Sham Penang S'rjoro Genoa R dam H'burg Aarhus C'hagtD PASADENA aI) Slilal IR Part Fit 29/ 2 Api 1 Apr 11 Air IS Apr II Apr tl MONGOLIA 1 1) Mm 24/28 Mir 17/28 Mm 18/
      1,391 words
    • 1259 11 I BENULINE 1 EXPRESS SERVICE Tt LONDON, LIVERPOOL I CONTINENT^ PORT BENWYVIS BENALLIGIN Singapce P< S'tia-" Penang Antwerp Ma; 4 Mar S/ I Mm il2 Mm 13/14 Mat- burg May 7 Smgarote S>am Penang •IHVBRUCN L'tim. Hun, H'burg. R'aam. Mm 1/11 Mar 12/18 Mm 11/17 IENHOPf. Lisbon. L'pool, h
      1,259 words
    • 1121 11 feELLERMAN BUCKNALL S.S. CO.. LTD. Laawi.f tor: HAVRE. LONDON. BOTTEROAM. HAMBURG Singapora P. S'haa Paaasa) CITY OF DUNDEE Hi.-» (13'4\ lonoofl (15/4), R Jam (21/4), Hura^'t (24,4) 1/ t Mai 1.11 Mar 11 Mar tin OF HEREFORD Ha.te. Lonao*. Rotteraaim Hamburg 4/ I Apr 7, I Apr I Apr SAILINGS
      1,121 words

  • 212 12 MELBOURNE. Mon. DOTH minings and Industrial* eased today. Practically the lull minings list declined led by Mrtals Exploration down 65 cents to $3 40 and Hampton Arras 90 $11. Sale, In VVrsUrn Mining shares, subdivided to 10 cents, on ex-rights basis ranged from $8 to $8 60 and
    212 words
  • 274 12 SHIPS LYING ALONGSIDE THE SINCAPORE HARBOUR WHARVES OR EXPECTED TCOAV ARI: rciidmn Hakk* 3 4. Mkkn Maru 0/t, \lli.v <•. Prwldcnl CoolMtV 10 LI, Itniht U l«. KajHh Brooke T\ 22. MttJka Mil 1 23 M, Komro Kriiil 29 '.'h Hdn^kone |)»l»i:at. 20 3". ii\rnr.irn 21 12
    274 words
  • 70 12 -mincse P'ortiici Cichanita, tinitapart noun pricta pxr pieul yttttrrtiy Coconut oil: i>u.k a(t| irllera. Copra Mix.-<1 .In. hi loum t->h M:<i 1 k CotaL *:it» B. P«pp»r Muntok whitr |1M twUMS. hiu <r.i Hun a)* mi t •r||»ra. narhlnl k 1113 »«llrr!i iall Wt>~. NI.W A.-IA Jl:'7| n.-llfra
    70 words
  • 35 12 ON ihK Irta aichanit marktt In Hone k, m Mart] I] On U.S. Dollar ««J q >•• „1 II «»7 for T.T. and 6 11.M ■OMMf. ,t II and ont tan ot Kald at <
    35 words
  • 28 12 Krb 26. RI RRKK PRICK; 47 cents (up I'm- i-uhih ..1 ii crnt). TIN PRICK: tttim (down .'ill. cents). Fslimated ofTrrine ~20 IMH mlovmi 10 tons).
    28 words
  • 696 12 From Our Market Correspondent THE industrial section of the Stock Exchange of .Malaysia and Singapore was firm yesterday although business was smaller than the end of last week's turnovers There was .some investment buying, but the largest volume of the turnover MM reported as
    696 words
    1,274 words
  • 220 12 JLI AR( H first trade rubber f.o.b. 1 iTX buyern rlosed at 5 p.m. in Singapore and Kuala Lumpur yesterday at 47 rents up one-eithlh of a cent on Friday's closing level. The lone was quiet. R.A.S. and M.R.K. closing prices in cent* per Ib. yesterday. int,
    220 words
  • 35 12 111 Stork Inriirrs Frh. M ■>« M Industrials: 1 7 T im U Piopiilliß: 141. Kb 145.11 Mininjs '.'.:>' ::.:.k S nilihris HIM I 1n.'. 11 Ore. 19, 19H2 |M, Dec. M, l%fi Inn.
    35 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1032 12 Y^* 1 KAWASAKI RISEN KAISHA LTP. Western Australia Singapore Japan Svrvlco) •**,ra Tan. SaiU 2 Mar I il Mar II Mar U Mar 22 Mar 1»..1,, u M, 31 Mar 7 I Apr 17 Apr II Apr 22 Apr Wen Africa Singapore Japan Servie* Yr)knr.jd.a j •p..,,*. Han tIMH t
      1,032 words
    • 825 12 AUSTHHIa NEW ZEdUNO SERVICE INDIA PAKISTAN ANO FAR EAST SERVICES fi, 1..., a«», mm, lytt, win. T^ M> t P. S 'am S pore KAJULA II II Mir 17 Mar 'I Mm UNKURAt 22 Air 2] ?S Apr H 71 Apr DAJUU 4 t Apr II Apr II Apr lARPETA-
      825 words
    • 173 12 HAI PUNG MARINE CORPORATION Arriving from Koonsiung, Loading tor Saigon. ETA ETD M.V. "HAI PUNG" 29th Feb. 2nd March Agort- OCEAN MARITIME LIMITED. Tels: ***** *****. TO CENO*. MARSEILLES, ANTWERP. ROTTERDAM, BREMEN, HUMBURC Singapore P Sham Pena"g lienos Mamouri NECKARSTEIN (LLOYD) 25 21 Feb 29 Fek. 2 Mil 3 Mar
      173 words

  • 252 13 Tin price declines by 371 /2 cents in Penang '■Mil »ii. iits tin prire fell ov I rnits in Prnans; yestrni. i\ to s.">j.VB* P*J P't' till on in nlVrrinu estimated ilnun Hi t<m> to -Ml lons Support ii sliylitly lowrr leveb mi i nlv from .l.ip.ui .mil \mprir.i was
    252 words
  • 51 13 i\\ Mil Malayan Shnrt trrm Mnnrt Market for lh*> wfrii Tided Saturday. February M thr r.nge of rail ratm nt ai 1,,M.1«V M »\l\ II MIX I' |in crnt to I b prr rrnt. GENERAL FUNDS: I prr crnt In ."> prr < rut MOVEMENTS ol tuiidv
    51 words
  • 18 13 TNI Atieciatio- of Pinki in Malay. ill made no nangea in it* rate* to merchanla yesterday.
    18 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 471 13 < niitinurd from Page 111 ACKNOWLEDGMENT M Wmr4t In (Htmtimmm) TMt FAMILY OF the late Mr Peston See Gim Hoik thank reuuivea and friends for wreatns. assistance and auendame in their recent bereaveSITUATIONS VACANT H <*<*.)— Box it eta. utr. OFFICE BOY mm good koo ]mit h re.|,,,red. Apply with
      471 words
    • 673 13 SITUATIONS WANTED i l»«e«Ja «o 'Mm ,—Hmx rU ea-in READ the Senior Appointments mi YOUNG, HARD WORKING CHIN 111 Storekeepei BTBaasßla Kxpeneoci id ShtppiDf And I_ji tto't r i» i \'if .on Please teply to Box A3»J4 8 r K.L. AVAILABLE EXCELLENT vouni Rouse and Wn.-h Amah. Highl] recommendeti Phont
      673 words
    • 740 13 HOUSES AflD LAND FOR SALfc > BEAUTirUL TERRACE HOUSE •n Ser»nt(Kir .iv ith 3-hedroomii and small garden. Write |t> Box MeM S.T. Spore. 1 FREEHOLD LAND I'.'MMl -.j ft. *lth pre-war hungalow off Tanjong Katong Road. Ideal development I Road frontage i Snore) «07n2 after S f P m t
      740 words
    • 450 13 HOUSES AND LAND FOR SALF FOR »ALE a«preiimatsly 2 .cte. oi lino .act, fui lurtnei detaila appiy io P.O. BOX NO. J, LABUAN. riOUiti AMU LAND VfAlilfcU M sTarols >» 'Ki. i-dm >n rlt. txlrm WANTED FOR CLIENTS more twoStorey Hou.e.. Hun. rrai-e Houses':: Maa.< A asMaS, l.n enaed Valu"
      450 words
    • 652 13 EDUCATION INTERNATIONAL LANCUAGI CORRESPONDENCE lOLLIUE Often I. t.B A Hunoui. H g.C; 0.8.C M C.X w I Kiiniit.atinn ÜBBtaaa. Kree Proap«ctila. c.p o mx itiu.% s pan SHORTHAND BEGINNERS MARCH tr .nihs rourae, I. IS am., 3.30 p.m. T montha' rourar .v,nin»- ii 1... Ml in Ihui.ilav, 7 W\..en street.
      652 words
    • 575 13 TOURS AND EXCURSIONS K'aeeJs S» I V.n,)— Box it els. e*lr« TAIWAN MONCKONi: BANGKOK i l>«ys Si .'■«o 17 :i, ii 4 ki i" i. 1" 4 12 ■> Tknru lapan «/U IMvt SI.IBO/- lI. MO/- 17 i. II 4 14 l*'«. 12.% Taiwan Japan Korea' Hnncknnf Finjkok 17 iv
      575 words
    • 371 13 FOR SALt I«SS ALFA ROMEO Mm t NOVCMBCS) i»,3 AUSTIN 1100. ot.e nnner .-xrellen' ,rr! " IS i^re, lerv 1»SO A UN) <hmi LIT t?l< J Preie 1700 Seen IS Hamilton r.<l I |<"c RINAULT Rin Wl room raashtlon. io« miiaaae h P 11 rangea>le, heat offer se. nr. *****
      371 words
    • 151 13 I All 4-1 20 pom! serviced cars are I sold *ith writt'n warranty 1 .d i:«iim i ,pi IN vi Del 66 r Ceraan V 4 sal (.4 r.m c«(»j.i i.t 64 r f 11. hi I Tjlron Sedan KM I 66 r FaeremeM »»tt»n •*4 Aii.l.ii iaa« Nal 1
      151 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1051 14 r a^aa b^bbbVßbVb^b^bSbtJb^bl aa^aaai a^aßjßMß^B^aa^aa*^*^*^*^^^^^^^ FOX SALE 1 ll H,.r«> .<• < Urn rl» «*lra RENOVATIOM LLtAHANC* »AL«:**.h Houaaeoata, CklMrni Dreaata r»nl >. UK r,iinr.n W.»r. MM 100 OBBM Koao. j 1.1 aon 1 EVERYONE KNOWS f» BO« trial <intiim>l» iti ruUy-aalßßaaiM H..n\.-t 41 xn<\ Hoov r 77 m» nn
      1,051 words
    • 845 14 »ÜBLIC APPOIN TMEN I MALAYSIAN GOVERNMENT VACANCIES IN SABAH i la i "X Application* are Invited Ivtvn r •talavvlan riti/«i> for tlie followBfl appointments in Sabah: 111 Pt)»T Senior Letturer In Art and Craft at Gaya College. Koia Kinabalu lIKPARTMKNT: Eduratlon n\|.\RV Kttli Dl\ I. •tale a ttiM >•■ 87fl
      845 words
    • 710 14 NOTICES N THE HIGH COURT OF THE REPUBLIC OF SINGAPORE. NMNi No 14 "onstance Winifred Juralc lo»ef .Jurak alias Johari Respondent DIVORCE PETITION HAS BEEN FILED AGAINST THE JNOERMENTIONED .lo^rf Jin ak alias Jclih i of the Federation of Malaysia Alice Teoh ali,<s A7i7ah of the Federation of Malaysia woman
      710 words
    • 818 14 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BOARD Applications are Invited from Singapore Citizens for the post of TECHNICAL CADET TECHNICAL ASSISTANT In the Board. qiALIFK ATION <a> Cambridge School Certificate; and ibi Pull Terhntrlan Diploma in Architecture or Civil Engineering from the Singapore Polytechnic or equivalent let Candidates must have at Irast
      818 words
    • 834 14 JJ.WJ.TM2 KOSONG KERAJAAN MALAYSIA Petmohonan2 ad.c-lah «>pela«a daripada Warcaneitani M«1«T--sia untok BMtkgW Jawatai But:— RNOUma I-M1M...N,. ««WABTJJA lAaaWant Warden, dl-c. *J*"rK OAJI; U60. 209x14-251 268x14-460 di-lamoah denwi J' a R in di-dalam Bah.i-a Kebangsaan atau pun kapada merrka. \aiiK oerpengcUunan dl-datam menggunakan 't«an hutana. Selaln daripada itu, pemohona meetl-lah berbadaa
      834 words

    • 325 15  -  ERNEST FRIDA By MANILA CHAMP HOPES TO BE 3rd TIME LUCKY IN STORE OPEN J£SU Chi-san, winner of the Philippines Open on Sunday, hopes to be third time lucky in the Singapore Open Golf championship on the Bukit course beginning on Thursday. The lanky 29-year-old Taiwanese
      325 words
    • 97 15 Mala>Man lunner-up Tan Yee Heam won the Pf: .ik Turf Club Sport, Club title when he brat Irahum bin Han Hamid 7 and 5 in the final at Ipoh PWn Perak letfunerl the Ton* ,o: trophy when tliev bea 1 PWD Selancor by 3i7-347 in their
      97 words
    • 112 15 MALAYSIA'S TONY LOH IS ASIA'S KARTING CHAMP MANILA. Mon An--11 thon.y Loh of Malaysia won the 1968 Asian Karting Prix in Batangas Province yesterday. It won him the first pnze of '.'.OOO pesos (about 31.500 > and the Marcos Presidential Tropfay. Twenty-six-y c r-old Loh. Malaysia's lone representative in the
      112 words
    • 41 15 SOCCER < heng Hah (up <K Kangmtii I|>oh B 10 Kuala Kangsar 1. Arm* Mr. 1 Icicnciaki: 2 7 Gurkhas 3 11 Ind. Field Sqdn 2. HO( KtV Negri League iSeremban* NSCRC 2 PWD 0; NSCYF 2 17 Gurkha Signals 0.
      41 words
    • 401 15 BRAZZAVILLE. Mon The Supreme Council for Sports la Atnra yeMerdav considered a Me I hail appeal against an Afilran bovr"tt of the Olvmplc Games, hut decided not to announce their decision Mexico Hsked the African countries nnt to boycott the Games because of the r>:e-ence
      401 words
    • 348 15  - PALING BAIK, GALVILLA UP TO CLASS ONE EPSOM JEEP By Creditable /2ALVILLA and Melmark. two of Singapore trainer Jack Spencer's three-year-old^, should be winners soon. The two horses, who came to this country In a "flying stable" from England In November, showed talent In their first outing at Penang over
      348 words
    • 55 15 WITH his jockey. S. Mellor, performing a bi'lancing feat on the saddle. Bossy plungea over the last fence to come crashing down in the Sapling Novices steeplechase at Ascot last week. Bossy, 7-4 on favourite, was in the lead and seemed set to win when he fell. The
      55 words
    • 357 15 Coles fined $750 for careless riding r ]"HE Stipendiary Steward's report on Saturday's racing at Penang: RAtt ONE: Near Me 5f Pulau Tinanf (Leei was te\erely checked when New (himp U.smaib moved in suddenly onto him. Pinto (Subian. and Hand In Hand iKangi who were following also had to be
      357 words
    • 161 15 Nelson's 'over-confidence 5 THE Stipe report on bunday s rating. I ACE ONE: Anna Gold ODD Samryi attempted to buck :or *ome dlf'ance after the start and followed the field BACI TWO: Lanta iCole.o returned very .sere In the near foreleg RACE THREF: New Libert* (app. Ray van Breukelem cot
      161 words
    • 805 15 SATURDAY 11-||(.HI> for all Tt right uirv on Saturday, sr onri dav of thr Prnang Turf Club's Frbruar*Mdiih mrrtinc: CL. 3 DIV 3— *'.F Jr Maintirndrai 9 mi Port Capri "MO Srarpa I I f'hinzarro Ml 1 LBrightness s 1 1 I.III I 1 Mir Kill Merhv
      805 words
    • 345 15 SPEED-MAN BARTLETT SHATTERS INDIA 'S TEST HOPES r HKISTU HURCH. Mon.— New Zealand were poised for victory at stumps on the fourth day of the Second cricket Test here today when India finished eipht wickets down for 283 in their second innings. This "aye India a lead of only 69
      345 words
    • 107 15 JIMMY OOATU i Mynipic pla 1 j(..n: Ber im tioro IMH is back in to play fa The piny lv- nrst natch at Johore Biihru today when Services' inert Joh< re in i trial match. 1 m Ker!f\ return was timely mid it side adcrabip
      107 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 643 15 SINGAPORE POLYTECHNIC APn.M A I lONS KIR IMsWIQn IN THI INS C» SESSION 1. Applications are Invited from candidates Intending to pursue a course of study ln the Singapore Polytechnic. Courses of study, either full-time, part-time or da;release, are provided ln the Schools of Fnglneertng, Architecture A Building. Accountancy and
      643 words
    • 458 15 PUBLIC UIIUIIES BOARD. S.NGAPORE TENDERS rLE<TRiriTV DEPARTMENT: i (Room 219. 2nd Floor. City H»K i <a> Disposal of One Lot of Empty Oil Drrumv Tender Deposit $100 Close at 2 15 pm. on 5.3 68 (HIM ARCHITECTS DEPARTMENT: (M Floor. Halifax Road) i tbi Construction and Completion of an Incinerator.
      458 words

  • 101 16 oome of Use 4(i res> cv v d picnickers waving happily to the large crowd waiting to welcome them home at Kuala Kedah jetty, Alor Star. The picnickers and three crew members of a trawler boat which drifted in the sea of! Pulau
    101 words
  • 23 16 NELSON LAZAROO > CABLE RCCCIVEO fPOO linve :ully on THE REMAINS ..i Convnir-.' Court K 1 Wfld l.rnjnil daut.'l'tir- and tin »:ran<lchil<lri n
    23 words
  • 41 16 iAPORE. V Met Church of East Coast Road will hold a charily morning sliow of the film BecKft at Odeon Kat'ing at 9 ICu [i I tn ici of its i 'md which is holp tiro and fl<»>d victim!
    41 words
  • 61 16 MRS SARAMMA ZACMARIAH UrtMJ H ih iK^rthi.a I MRS COH HOOO TECK inildlMi v i pom k. i tn it 'I Churel Kunrt MR. NC TCONC SEW. H B*U Un. Y.t n.n Chin. CMn A i dauKtil Yin. Anna S.iv K»n. V.«»« ndi >; hi t<n Cot I f
    61 words
  • 164 16 PANAMA CITY. Monday. TIIK Panama Canal w;is cleared early today after Ihe 33,815-ton Japanese l>tilk carrier Shozan Mam struck :i rock in Ihe Gaillard (ul yesterday and completely blocked llu' waterway to shipping. Canal salvage crews worked through the night pumping air into the
    Reuter  -  164 words
  • 45 16 Bandit chief captured BANGKOK, Mon Police yesterday ended a four-year manhunt when they captured a notorious bandit chief after a |ua batt.f In Lopburl Province The bandi: "Sua iTiger) Kai Sompon;: caught hiding In a hut. was minted for the murder (if nine iieople Reuter
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  • 119 16 BLACKMAIL GANG USE PRETTY GIRLS MANILA. Mon A blackmailing .syndicate using pretty girls to entice rnment otiiciai.s and prh.iti businessmen to dates is operating In the Manila and .suburban areas. Police said victims were being made to pay from 50 pesos <about $3r>> to i.OOO pesos (about $3.500 i to
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  • 176 16 Chichester: A second world voyage— with wife SUVA (Fiji). .Mon— British yachtsman Sir Francis Chit-ester suid here today hr hoped to make anothrr \oyage around the world by yacht this time with Lady Chichester. Sir Francis, who arrived here aboard the Port Nelson with Lady Chichester i-n route to New
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  • 69 16 Appeal against rape conviction is dismissed SINOAPORE. Mon The Federal Court here today dis-mis.-ed an appeal by Ali Hassan bin Noor Mohamed. a father of four, against conviction and sentence of three \ears jail on a rßpe cliarcr l>y Mr Justice Ambrose last Oct. 2\. Ali Hassan. It was stated
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  • 300 16 LONDON. Mon —Trading was dull today on the London slock market Prices opened a shade harder, but drifted back later on lack of support Losses predominated at the close. Fears that dividend control may lie one of the Budget measures did little to encourage a
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  • 62 16 LONDON. Mon Spot 16" d. March 16\d.. April 16'^.d. May 16 d April June 16' 4 d July Sept 17' id.. Oct Dec 17 .d Jan. March 17 13 16d April June 18d July Sept 18 3 lfid Oct. Dec I 18 5 lfid Jan March 18 7 16ri
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  • 29 16 LONDON. Mon Bu\eiw £1311 lunchgd l, sellers £1313 (+£l), Forward buyers £1313 £l sellers £1313', £2i, Settlement £1310.. i— Turnover a.m 105 tons. pm. 310 tons. Tone Steady
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  • 175 16 Gorton names four new men in Cabinet shuffle CANBERRA, Mon. The Australian Prime Minister, Mr. John Gorton, has named four new Ministers in a Cabinet reshuffle. The biggest surprise was the appointment of Mr. Philip Lynch. 33--year old management consultant, as Army Minister. Mr. Lynch entered Parliament only two years
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  • 67 16 SINGAPORE. MOO. 'I he Minister lor Finance. Dr. Goli Kenc Swrr who is also patron of the Festival '68. last Blcbl toured the fairgrounds to wew t lie various attractions offered to the public He spent an hour mmiiiik the stalls, accompanied by the Minister of
    67 words
  • 105 16 Three executed after 'people's court trial' RANGOON, Mml ("inmunist rebels executed three villagers Becased of hcinu government in formers after a "people's court' trial The ollici.i! neuspaper Guardian, reporting this today saitl the 'trial" took place ;«t Tantabin rtttage, la the Kjraaktaca area. about 100 miles north-east of Kangoon. l-oiir
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  • 103 16 SINGAPORE. Mon Mo liamed Noor bin Hamid. clerk in the Broadcasting Department, today pleaded not guilty to 14 charu corruption in a magistrate's court. The offences arc said U iirrn committed bttwen December irtfiG to October la. 1 •.'mi He la charged will) altering
    103 words
  • 109 16 PERTH. Mon. The Australian Minister lor External Affair.-. Mr. Paul Hasiuiv. suggested bert today that more Australians -houid visit Asia With ".s( eill^ i In thi.s w. y they would not only learn more about the region but learn about humility and the continuity
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  • 204 16 STUD ENT PROTESTS FORCE EGYPTIAN VARSITIES TO CLOSE {VURO. Mun. Uni- versltles In Egypt were dosed Indefinitely today. This follows violent indent and worker pi thai sentences on military officers responsible for Ar.ib setbacks in Is Middle K;ist war were too lenient. At the same time, the Armed Forces Commander,
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 121 16 Late classified advertisements LAI 1 NVAW TAN til •on of v B SUPERIOR STEREO AMPLIGRAMS (Mod* >n Ger mony) P 1010 AV62 J— Q— Q— Q— Q— Q— This fine portable stereo ampligram Is equipped with the DUAL 1010 A Record Changer, Transistor Stereo Amplifier with 2x6 Watt output, 2x6
      121 words
    • 73 16 We are not telling you to change your usual brand of CIGARETTES RUT IbsW I if you really desire That extra measure of smoking pleasure. A really efficient filter. The choicest blend of Virginia tobaccos. We suggest you try NEW ABDULLA 37 KING SIZE VIRGINIA FILTERS IN THE SMART GREEN
      73 words