The Straits Times, 26 February 1968

Total Pages: 24
1 24 The Straits Times
  • 26 1 -hWERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS *****0 The Straits Times ft! Nationa! Fstrl I84:> MONDAY. I KHKIAKV .Mi. IfXiX Ii (FATS KDN 1104 M( (P) 001 1
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  • 247 1 Hanoi port bombed for the first time CAIGON, Sun. Annk' rlcan bomberg yestarday attacked for the first time tho sprawling 11 acre Hanoi port facility on the Red River, only 1.8 miles from thr North Vietnam capital. Navy all-weather a -6 intruders from the canter Entcrpri.-r. the world's blugeM warship,
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  • 379 1 Shooting stops in Hue Destruction in city shocks President Thieu HUE. Sunday PRESIDENT Thieu and his Prime Minister flew into this devastated city today a few hours after Government Marines had cleared out the last North Vietnamese troops. r;ul\ mills ul I lie eiiinu-nl's "Black I* 1 1 1 Iliei"
    UPI  -  379 words
  • 148 1 ANOTHER INDIAN STATE UNDER DELHI RULE N'FW DELHI, ***** Mrs. Indira Gandhis Con--1 greu Government today Imposed President's rule on Una: Pradesh State, one »»i the biggest In India with a population of more than W Bullion. Thr move, mtdcr which the Central Oovernment lake* over the State \<i mini
    Reuter  -  148 words
  • 42 1 i.onixjv Wot »hr i BW l" H» !«:< im: r lie 'I lines >v- itotn'rri inorr than one mllHi n trader* Ii nivtri a rational frr IMI gtVtfM H I f'M.Ofm rrartTs flailv Thl< <' »n 1nI ?.r> |<rr rent r.-.ei io««.
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  • 265 1 PULL-OUT: NO NEED FOR ANY FEAR, SAYS TENGKU PKNAUG, Sun. Trn« ku Abdul Rahman said that MalayBBBSM had no reason In rntrrtain any frar beraajsa f.nti-h traaps wcra brine uilhdraun from South-ra^i Asia. "I don't think .mything will happrn alter Ihr pull-out from tin- i.fimtry." hr adrird "If ommunist
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  • 85 1 NEW MCI HI Bun Mi Ir.ilira Cuiidiit ><>n X.m lO<iav married hU luHan bride. Sonii. Main* In ;<n oprn-alr iiml n-Pirwzr ceremony in ihe Indian Pn m"'i i -•HMir'i Sonl:i. It, \\Pi<:niv! a w»trr—lull gold lnn(>ir«l pink Mil •xr tanged s»'imni- mii IS-year-old Rajii btfow ih«j
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  • 84 1 MELBOURNE, sun. Prime Minbtcr, Mr. John (■iiriuii >r-trrdav st-ured .1 rosoundiii 1 >uc«es-« in thr Htffins bv-rlrclinu for tin- Hou-p nf Krurrsentativev U'hrn thr \oi«- tountinc ended last nit hi. Mr. (;<>r'on pollrd \otes ttX.7U per cent of the total valid votr>. romparrd with thr k:'. !R
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  • 685 1 Signals for help ignored by passing boats say castaways By Chan Beng Soon: ALOR STAR, Sunday 4 LI. l(> picnickers and Hirer r<\\ wlki were lust ,ii sea near Pulau l*aya since IYi<l;i\ nighl relumed here this evening. They were reM'tieil l»> :i Royal M:il:iysi;in Navy |»;il i
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  • 347 1  - Rescued: Five marooned on isle all night Philip Khoo B> Sun. A Croup «if (i\r Dunrv t«n mm. tun uniiien anil a lrcn.i;r gM who «rr<manxineil ■VCflMlglli on a •lesrrlecl island nfl I'a-ir I'anianc. Mil rcMiird ludav. Thrv wrrr pickril up In an KAF VVliiiluind lipliroptrr .1 riri a vpcrdlnial
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  • 92 1 'Small nations must look to U.S.' MANILA. Sun. Presidpnt Marcos said last nlghi thai small nations In Asia must look to tin d States i) r their Immediate protection, particul m the light i tain's decision to withdraw its foi from 'his part i>i the world ech il tht Ma
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  • 16 1 PROTEST FIGHT LONDON than ion with Dghtlag straton and bjM.*: durinK mareb i>n N
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 398 2 FOREIGN NEWS DESK LONDON. Sunday 30,000 ASIANS FOR LONDON BEFORE THURSDAY 4 MASSIVE Berlin style airlift was being planned today to try and beat the British <;overn ment's proposed new immigration curbs to heck the flood of Asians from Kenya to Britain. The ;>im
    Reuter  -  398 words
  • 228 2 LONDON. Sunday |^(«XDON foreign exchange dealers yesterday declared themselves completely mystified by rumours of an imminent devaluation of the Japanese yen. Th»v they hart hearri literally noting of s ii r h sp*ri)]a" :n>b'forf readmit a front. p*|p artirl» his mnrn'.nß In th» I.ondor. TUBM
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  • 53 2 i iNim >n Bun Ih< mrkpii window of Bofitig 707 »i'h 160 p«u«*tjKMi> cracked laet mgnt. »hfn th» ii.iinf jj« fiv:ng 30.0(K)ft on '.•.<• «»v o Toronto Vlr OI- Tri» if t\» f »ti hour twajr from Olasaow* PrMt«tck airpor' lh» c«pW;n iet;ison*rl fuel b*(nr» landing
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  • 124 2 Packaged courage for women in fear NEW YORK S v n Wormn dr;\rr.-, frightened of driving alone at nipht arr findine comfort in plastic inflatable dummies who sit beside them on thr front sea' 'From a distance and at niuht. it seem* like a real person la ridinc i*h the
    Reuter  -  124 words
  • 60 2 Party back in power BVUHKT Tr.« S'-u'h Waiei L:»v-i.-r r tr- •rnrr» r -jrr(»r Pr»mi»r RoKin Askin mi rfnirn»d r>o»«r lust niaht rltii m» orlty nf it l»a.«t 14 «#->n :nrrr»«^ Of Ifl nn It* rrnton'v in ■hr !a^' Purhament At rin<» of -hr r^unt thl mi- n leml-C tuntry
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  • 28 2 KARACHI Sun CuMorM < >»r<« to<l»v sroiirinf d»r,M> miinffrrivf v*amr* on the rr.act n«ar Karachi mr »umfgied gold north 10 mUJinn rupetl '13 s nr.l.ioni. Rwiier
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • Article, Illustration
    72 3 FOREIGN NEWS DESK (Contd) MARINES DUCK FOR COVER AS GIAP TURNS ON THE PRESSURE... NEWLY .nrivrd I .S. Marine rr'tifoi<Tmrnts (Iron llu-ir hacs and durk for <o\er durinc a ti.rious mortar attack on Khe S«nh. It coincided with a Ntalrment by North Vietnamese <ieneral Vo Nt,uycn diap. tactician
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  • 194 3 Old Stan's lady love gives way to an engine LONDON. Sun Stan Kipling called utl his wacKUDg latoer than move a locomotive <>ut <>i me nup...u Deocroom. The Si Bunaerland coal miner .saiu he had anally reluaed to ciiimanur thr h(inie-madp locomotive .1^ rm by hi.s bride-to-be, Mrs. Jam: Parkin.
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  • 32 3 MANU Bun. Tao ,suv ••ere detained hen ute last I. -i. 1 .ii i onoi ction with the i ell-known rn'iici :iiiu ti le\ Ision n< nirnl.ii. t. Mr R.i
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  • 25 3 MLI 80l RNI Bin A Victor, i ci.nini'ci live* today a.s the nmpei lure in M Ibournc aoared to Hi? decrees i.ihicnhi-it
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  • 259 3 NEW YORK, Sunday. •I)H. Phillip Morrison, one of America's leading nuclear scientists, warned yesterday that the use of nuclear weapons in Vietnam would lead to the greatest tragedy in human history. Addressing a rally held In llammerskjold Plata, lie United Nat on*, to protest itittifi the
    Reuter  -  259 words
  • 103 3 SAIGON, Sun The iet ((dig 'let offensive his lcii a .11 mi in in South Vietnam's «-iiuntr>MN .urn uhrilirr it will hr MM l>> thr doxorn ipi hi or i In- VMcMI < annot >rt he judcril American ollicials said tIIH.M Tkt) said there is
    Reuter  -  103 words
  • 21 3 IXJNDON. Sun— Sir Uurrnir Olivier today on tlir road :<i c ru: 'lv .iftcr iin emergency ■ppWMHitUi operation. Rcuier.
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  • 113 3 LONDON, Sun. After each aigument with hrr boy friend nur*e Jean \Vest<m vet fire to the In.-, nursed home, a tourt was told yesterday. Nurse Weston. M, pleaded nitty to setting fire to the nurses' home on two occasions. But a psychiatrist's report
    Reuter  -  113 words
  • 340 3 How seven crooks pulled off Wilson jail escape LONDON. Sun. A gang of seven highly-skilled crooks trained for weeks in a derelict northern France monastery before they spirited Great Train robber Charles Wilson out of a heavily-guarded British jail. Master-minded by a former French resistance fighter known as "Frenchy" they
    Reuter  -  340 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 376 3 Xall over /the world ii more more ii people are opening a mm %3)/o deposit account jr You gain in so many ways RFT IVBI! ITY: A Drprnit Account with T omKird B.inkmt provide* a good rate o! inc-vr. > i (.orrplete \alety fbr your I capital leading to financial
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  • 562 4 Jurong Shipyard Expansion Plan Repair Dock No: 2 JURONG SHIPJ YARD LIMITED has contracted its major civil engineering works for the construction of No. 2 Dry Dock and other ancillary facilities to Kajima Construction Company Limited. This No! 2 Dry Dock Project has
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  • 238 4 ifSTABUSIIKI) in IX4O. KajiuM Construction Co. Ltd. is today the biggest general contractor in Japan among the biggest contractors in the world. The company has a paid-up capital of U.S. 530.222.222 and presently employs a qualified staff of 6,821 including 4,955 architect s engineers,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 51 4 ill Kajima Construction Co., Ltd. Japan is proud to be appointed for the construction of Jurong Shipyard Ltd. No. 2 Drydock for Ship Repairs Toa Harbor Works Co., Ltd. Japan and Evergreat Construction Co., Ltd. Singapore are proud to participate in the construction of Jurong Shipyard Ltd. Repair Dock No.
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  • 122 5 LORRY DRIVER FREED OF BLAME IN ROAD ACCIDENT DRUAS, Sun. A lorry driver, who had to leek sanctuary 111 a police station from angry villagers following a fatal accident, was yesterday absolved from blame by the ma court here. Thi Inche bin AbdMl Tahnm said shore was no proof that
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  • 17 5 lip AnU-fl i»ire< men 11. I n.ns a nre-d««r. found near 'hr h
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  • 15 5 BING M' 1 4 r m Uir fralnlng V F^hrr and hark
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  • 77 5 Chinese varsity plan: Sponsors defy MCA thp: United Chinese School Teachers' Association and the United Chinese School Managers' Commit tec are to go ahead with their plan to set up a university, despite opposition from MCA. ThU wai decided lure ng of the Joint Ch::. se Kducational v. ■el iu>
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  • 157 5 a spokesman said the n. i .1: u:i.s chosen !<>r Us non-communal lmplicatinllv A nv ting <>i Chines* school teachers, members of boards of managers, presentatlvei <>f Chinese cuild.s and asSodatloiM will br> held on April 14 to launch a nation-widp campaign for the university. Blueprint Mr
    157 words
  • 149 5 Malaysian Embassy staff in Saigon stay put- CAIGON. Sun. The Malaysian Embassy here is one of the few which will not reduce star! or evacuate dependants to neighbouring countries in anticipation of furt h e r Communist attacks The Malaysian Charge d'AfTaires. Mr Jack fie Silva. said today he con
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  • 193 5 SINGAPORE. Sun The University of Singapore has announced thr names of 46 candidates who p?.s.s€d the final examination for the degree ot Bachelor of Laws held last month They are: IU« II Honours <Lp|Jer DiCheong Krr Fciic Chla Quer Khee, Qovinda P:iiinir-ri-ran l. t sv Honours -Ui
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  • 132 5 Sunday work for D-fund SINGAPORE. Sunday MORE than 1.000 workers and staff at three factories today cave up their rest day to work double timp for the National Defence Fund. And in all they earned about 522.000 for the il.iw work. The three factories are Kraser and Neave <615 workers).
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 163 5 DO YOU HAVE A SKIN PROBLEM? Ie I#" Doctors recommend regular washing with amazing pHisoHex Pimples, blackheads and other skin blemishes are usually caused by deep-seated germs, dirt and excess oil which ordinary soaps and cosmetic creams can't reach. Doctors know that thorough cleansing is necessary to prevent or eliminate
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    • 117 5 3 f*4-J Everyone can S I NGERSEWINB MACHINE Treadle model complete with J special 5-d rawer cabinet stand. ...M^L.i x -<?: ttGC'^' Oil®' No other sewing machine at anywhere near the B^lk^a^MfKl price offers you the quality and guaranteed reli- fl ability of this new Merntt machine. It's made by
      117 words
  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 64 5 Bugs Bunny By Ralph Heimdahl -1-U\ s>^\ A GESTURE OF 'iAw/T.-- u 11^ < ..J^ WELCOME WOULD YOU \-M[ Z™Z2i f^r^ CAR£ T 0 -END ME A P=^AWOUg NEW NEIGHBOR: Vi=fTi\ SOUNDS LIKE THAT 1 ~V~ WA T a/\ \\\J Y\\ S MOOCMIN' BUM 'l DIDM'T SEE (sdRELY VOJ'VE ANY
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  • 142 6 Rest day's work pay of 1,000 for D-Fund SINGAPORE Sun HOR than 1.000 workers and staff of thrre factories toda.\ gave up their rest day to work at double time rate to contribute to the National Deft nee Fund. In all. they earned about $22,000 for the day's work. The
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  • 80 6 39 VOTING STATIONS FOR POLLS Singapore. Sun. There will be jy polling static uu> tor the remaining srven cotutltuendea Id the Singapore grneral election un April 13 1 lie uuinbei ol registered \uiei.s n. imw oostl 1> 80.UO11. Pol;:i (akr place between 8 am ai.e 8 p.m. lor Parrer Park
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  • 50 6 »l\(. \l'oi:i >un. The \utomobilr \ss<Kialion uf >ingaporr hM brrn pirsmifd with in (opirs ,r tin- Maat travel map of SinKa|Mirr and v.m Haayala «hkb took Mohil OH Malaya t«o faatl tv prepare. Motorists may buy these maps at Mohil service stations at SI each.
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  • 260 6 SINGAPORE, Sunday. Till! Minister for Education, Mr. Ong kang Boon, s;ii»l last night the Government would lake slips to encourage more child re ii to take up technical and vocational training rather Hum hope lor while collar jobs. Mr. Ong was speaking at the
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  • 149 6 MORE CASH FOR THE D-FUND SINGAPORE. Sun Mure contributions, to tb< tlonal Defence Fund from s,chiiol children, teachen otben co:itinued lo flow Into Times House In llic pasi week, the Siruit.Tliues received donatloi..s aniuuntUiK tv $4,039 20. bnnnu.^' the fund to »4 31'^ 84 LateM donations 1 lie pitrj
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  • 22 6 SLNGAPORK. Su:: Ilie 3.'--niember Lubeck Chamber Orchestra and Choir will pertorm at the Victoria Theatre on March 5 and I.
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  • 202 6 SINGAPORE. Sunday Does ex-polltical detainee, Mr. sum Chung Meng, M (he Workers' Party candidate for Jakm Kayu. look over his shoulders when talking politics to his voters? N< thing oi ort >aid Mr Sum ;i tcehlltcal structural dP-it.'iH'r. today. The Oovernmeiit he
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  • 94 6 MPs set lead in road work BINOAPOIU ol 1'.,.::..: .me oU(i it.s l( u,>»ung ami Ju.ooy in coinn.jiiity piojeii.s. ;u coosUruct two latentf n In the first prcjeci a; jScui\h. leoi.ts Ku^ SlOUf, M^ for iv- area, led 400 PAi' uicmber- a.ici reMdcnt* Ui fou. -jax eonatrueUoo ol a
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  • 24 6 SINGAPORE BUll. T.r UJid. butlida\ of M RaniakrlMina will be celebrated al tlie Sri Ramakrlsluui Temple In Bart lei Road on Friday.
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  • 191 6 Sell more abroad Raja's call SINGAPORE. Sun The Foreign Mlni-ier. Mr. i>. Rajaratnam. last night called on Singapore businessmen to start selling more goods, abroad In order to overcome the loss lii earnings from the British bases when Britain begins lo pull out h- KM Si: „ij: :r tiinie to
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  • 212 6 A cooking contest: Lucky win for 2 girls CiINOAPORS, Sun Two 0 teenagi- Kirls Kored ;i lirst time lucky win in the teCOOd ct)t)kliiK competition urganlaed by Radio and Television Sin gapura today They i and "onieii t.,kiiiB part in U test to promote me u-c of the ti
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 265 6 LIANA Vivacious Vocals M Comedy l M Balancing! a M Exotic, Provocative The most I entertaining m variety m package V >lMai you'll find on VI any stage 1 f A I m I^MARGO HAIGH sings J A ARRIVED I 9 AMERICAN i k WOOL/SHEER f FIBRE6LASS f 5 CURTAIN
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    • 92 6 Fone Yang Khong Chang Unarmed Seit Oetence. CHINESI KARATI UcainncrV clones commence Ml March I°aS Inroimcnt clotei 3 Trl *****, 9 JO am.— 12.00 noon I JO p.m.— 9JO p.m Ch.el instructor: MR TAN SIEW CHENG, Training Ground: J.'l-B Road, ißoat Gorder. Opaotit* Hoovtr Theatre, Spore, 12. gal
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    • 336 6 'ORGANISATION QL^B^EaEnEkZQEBiiED a 12th BIG DAY' J Sho-^ dail, Note Turns 145 $II I 141 ■J Comclot at I ST pm 527 pm IS2p» School Children ConccsMOn 1 SO T O ANY SIAT AT 145 i. SIS sho>i in" TOOat CAMUOT .7 5C V 50 No >>. L... B I
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  • 344 7 HOW KELANTAN CAN BECOME RICH AND PROGRESSIVE -BY TUN f |M N AlMliil Kazak 1 viid toda\ that Krlantan could be come progressive and prosperous if the State ro\ crnrnciil gave its fullest o operation to the Federal do\ ernment 1 K r 1 .i nta n has enough I
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  • 425 7 JHE Mentri Besar of Krlantan. Dato (lamed Asu today save three reasons why thr Stato Assembly had to hold its Bud] ing. He was opposing a motion expressing re-p-el thai the Stato ("> o v r nment had broken its promise to the
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  • 173 7 TELUK ANSON. Sun. Nova Scotia Batata is a rubber plantation, part of which is being converted to nil palm cultivation 1>( >Ll< !E fired tear a mob of about 200 Labourer! after they had red s» vial warnings not to block the entrance to
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  • 120 7 $30.000 worth of stolen textiles found SINGAPORE, Sun. Police have recovered worth of textiles stolen lioin a ship anchored in th>> Inner Roads on Chinese New Year's day The recovery «.u mad* la*! niulit :ii raid* «>n a godown in H.ucl.ick !fnr«'i and shop In Changl Road h-vp men
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 7 7 SMITHS mm Ensure Perfect Timing &<«* JacksoniM4i«y« Berh»4
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    • 287 7 Mrs. AMY WEE INTERNATIONAL REPRESENTATIVE Harriet HubbarJ Aycr of Paris will be available for Facial treatments and free consultations at: KUALA LUMPUR: M MICHELLE BEAUTY SALON CHmo urm MALACCA: MICHELLE BEAUTY SALON TUIC UltClf lAI XN ANRI XBIM THIS WEEK I ol old Lucky World Amusement pnrki THE AUSTRALIAN FUN
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 269 7 Straits Times Crossword b!BbT^"~blbm^ flH^I X( KOSS I Hniudv |0| liavniK no |»«inc: 1 Arrive witli spin r traveller r f es had no trouble H 2. 41 ]wMs rlv r flsh 6 Kmplcivt** on a northern «'PP<':ie- to rlnnre oi. Island 6 1»l»nn niven by rluh. per--1 In one
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  • 488 8 OFF -that $200 m merger SO NEAR TO ACCORD, SAYS SHAW, THEN TALKS HIT A SNAG AT THE LAST MOMENT... HONG KONG. Sunday f ri!K $200 million Shaw-Cathay merger de«u is OI<T again. Shaw president. Mr. Run Run Shaw, disclosed last night. But he laid out the hope that merger
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  • 25 8 I.VNJUNU MAIJM bull ppan. 2a. a rubber tap per. «*<> found dead in his nome Utrt ynbtercia> Death is |i ■>• due to poisoning
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  • 182 8 Hole in heart boy: Father's long wait MUAR. Sun. A tathrr of nine here has been waiting for word from thf medical authnrit i«\s for the last three moult to where tv send his 12-year-old son for a heart operation M- Won* Moi,k K $12<)-a-month emp bl the Muar senioi
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  • 16 8 PKNANQ Sun I more than $2 000 •i.> Cran '"hj.ii Str»^: here th.s mormtie
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  • 105 8 |>KNAM.. sun Mm* than If id. t- from 30 trade unions in Malay ■>i.« an e\pi'( led to attend a three-day "summii rnnlrniiii in the (.inn mil MiKhl.uuK ne\l month A <>( the MIM laid I'xl.iv inxita HSBi had been sent out to all
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  • 118 8 POULTRY EXPORT CAN BECOME BIG ISDISTRY 1> RN A NU, SUI Export ol a poulti o lap mid B i millioti-dollar in try ii tnvUaging •he S: said lo'-al poultr poult: ol mi avi Mr. Lim estin pou It r>So doubt II lO I could be suitabh I At. DKfil
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  • 5 8 IV •J f
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 215 8 Prompt TEpiSisp We accept guarantee on every brands if T.V. sits for maintenance service on yearly contract. Our charges are reasonable. i flfc Lr*- ill*! J ll ill Stockists of T.V. radio spare-parts befitting all brands and makes. (jhIAMPIQN ELECTRONICS LTD. 4S«VICTO«IA ST..SINGA»O«I.7.TU ***** 5 nm 7 IF Jm 1
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    • 140 8 ji AjteSft .—l^bbb^bbbbl t ar^bkiaS Jg y. BBBbHbBBbHbB^BBBB^IbH BBBBBBBB^I^fc- j^^Z^^^y^Syyfe ■^BP^^^ bbbP afl St' W^K^^ W H^liii^ sa^^^Bßßßal^^^ Jl I <■; Lbbk mtf WnREKKP jwr J <■ g: -^aBBBBB^K^ ...AND THEN THERE WAS NONE Real everyday hazards burglary, fire, sudden 5-s°r, for 3 months financial commitments and adverse tading 5i",.
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  • 457 9 CancerSociety chief's blast at Ministry JRE Health Ministry and hospital authorities wore criticised today for not co-operat-ing with the National Cancer Society of Malaysia. Selangor branch. The rebuke came from its chairman. Justice Dato Abdul Aziz bin Mohamed Zain. in his report to the second annual meeting of the branch
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  • 97 9 PENAMi, Sun Two armed men robbed a service station nwnrr of a .38 revolver and §:>o it his office in Argyll Road yesterday. Mr. Choon Thien I^>y told police he was in hi* office "hen the two men entered on the pretext of
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  • 57 9 X' V A LUMPUR Sun— The Government wfcl r. n.- icier an exchange vi«it <>f t<a<h> dents and technicians between Runmh ,tnd sfalayste the a.s*iMant Minlslf-r ;>f Home Affairs. liuhr H»m7ah bin Dato Anu B thr D^wan R.'ii-. He w;is replvine to Hi M r. •r
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  • 32 9 MI'AR. Sun -A teenager was charged here today with raping a 16-yrar-old girl at Pant Jamil oi Peb. 13 TV" others freed wvh ahrttmg Bh 1 »ay alkiwert
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  • 32 9 KUUM. Bun. 1 M irf Information anri ing. Inche Scnu bin Abdul Rahman- will '>pen :he Kedl i I'ninn threeit 1 .in lay Ab<>ut 200 youths \> end
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  • 231 9  - Balance sheets or ballet? Tony makes big decision JOSEPH YEO By jCINGAPORE, Sun. A Singapore Chinese High School student who went to Australia six years ago has returned with a diploma in accountancy and an offer to join the Australian Ballet School. Tony Kwek Ping Finn, 24. who learned ballet
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  • 52 9 KIAI.A LI'MPITJ. Sun.— The Government li hxikins for a suitable man to be appointed as trade comnn-ssinner in Africa, the Mmu-trr of Ot'mmercP and Indu&Tv. Dr. Lim Swee Aun. t fiirt tlie Deuan Ritavat. Hp WMM rrnlying to Haji Ahu Baku- Hamxah < PMTP Barhok)
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  • 134 9 4 DELEGATION 1« biuineumen and lour government officials will leave here tor Phnom Prnh tomorrow fur alks on economic co-operation with Cambodian officials. A second delegation will leave later to study the prospects of Joint promotion and development of The *wn delegations Will SINGAPORE,
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 320 9 Does a woman work for 2cents an hour? ts^' She does if she still washes her laundry by hand. i 1 Jjkl Figure it out: the electricity to run a modern 'i Kf\/ Sanyo washing machine costs less than 2 I fcjT cents per hour. That's how much you sell
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 128 9 I 4ht§» Hi/ I. II ii mlt w* A.'^'RIGHT, TURN ME I ..BUT THAT MOUNTAIN OH, VU. GET IL, if, (/iVjCjlJffc li M.. vO|shsSSsHsflßsK^BS^3 0 LOOSE A>J' I'LL TAKE COUNTRV'LL BE \tXJR AX X, yl^UJ^V' I W* I rtiri§ lift 1 h*'*l*'» Imiml*' <. I v^^H^F > SsV IbsssßWbT (lur^*-—
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  • 42 10 »»rti Sli i Minimum) MB. CHAN CHEOW POH, pn.— d away peacefully at hi* rtaiden c on 24-J-l»«- c'ortega leavaa Lurooc J. Talok Kurau, Siaxapora. at 2.1H) p m. •a M-2-l»«« for Mount Vemon Cremalortum O(Tic.»i» by Rev. M. at. Maaa«e*ra,.
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  • 26 10 1* »ord tli (Minimum) MRS PT. CHOONC. Mr. XT. H«<nc imr. frenrti re.x ttatr «»i;"^'- a"en<lenc» <1 irlci tn» r recent mm 21 7 M.
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  • 25 10 J« Hor>/< Ull VißimifMl IN LOVINC MEMORY of Knk Tm r»'t »ho p«J<e' i «'a» 14 yearn 'n-dat Hadly mi««ed hut alwayt re-
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  • 31 10 M Wt4m Sli I Wiiinml WILL NELSON PERARA whua* laai kro-. aaMraai anM I PtlvK. «»^'«or"- U n.l^ KWlt, eostmrt K Blla. c Ro\« Home. Mt Barker. 8o uh A
    31 words
  • 49 10 U Hordi Sli < Minimum > ELIZAMETH AROEN win riva exptrt B4vM P'nruary at Malaya Urus Slort. Katonc. a'aora You «l* «eirome LOW CALORIE DtabttM Beer 'odiy It WtM 'phone XI. :««1 or «h>« Weld Supermirket Kuala Lumpur ROLAND *h» he*' h tyhni in to- r -«-d P.rMd I
    49 words
  • 633 10 The Straits Times Monday, February 26, 1968. Recapture Of Hue Th« Vietcong flag, which had flown for 25 days ov i the citadel of Hue, South Vietnam.* third largest city. h;is been hauled down at last. The three-pronged assault which brought success was made possible by the clearing rci;st skies,
    633 words
  • 307 10 Reports that Communist c.iures are setting up training camps in some of the less accessible regions in Indonesia provide an appropriate back-drr.p to General Suhartos current efforts to con- i solidate his position. More than two years have passed since the Communists were decimated after their abortive sttempt
    307 words
  • 247 10 Precedents all too oiten are nothing to be proud of. and certainly this is true of the immigration bill which the British Home Secretary intro-du-«d to an almost empty House of Commons on Friday, with the expectation that it will be law on Thursday. Mr. Call, ghan conceded
    247 words
    • 169 10 YOUR leading article 1 'Bands or Books' i ST. Feb. 10) poses the question of priorities being given to public recreational amenities and the research facilities of the Botanic Gardens. It is our policy to enhance the utility of the gardens as a place for
      169 words
    • 444 10 IN reply to my complaint about book prices Inche Aziz Kassim makes these points: (a) booksellers hav e to make a living (b) increases in freight and postage rates and (c) in the past booksellers were selling books at what he called rock-bottom prices. IT
      444 words
    • 138 10 The many who avoid buying licences ()VER the past years a w great deal of revenu* has been Ignored by the various government departments in the form of dog licences, radio and 1 TV licence*, car tax and insurance driving licences. Most of the stray dogs and cats roaming the
      138 words
  • 517 10 LESSON 159 in a new series by YUNUS MARIS GLOSSARY Taraf <n> status; landasAN iD i basis, foundation, ground (lit: 'rair as in 'landasAN kereta-api PK.\(iluasA.\ in) widening, broadening, expansion; khUMis < adj > specific, special ias nppoied to "umum' 'general' •vague); sarjana (n) acholar; KK-«ar-janaAN fnj >ch"lar>h:p:
    517 words
  • 630 10 U.S. police prepare for another 'Hot Summer' t jIittpVB|HPPVVMM GUNS, TEAR GAS AND ARMOURED CARS ALSO HIGH FREQUENCY NOISE GADGETS POLICE agencies in cities throughout America, fearing the worst summer yet of racial violence, are buying armoured cars and stockpiling such equipment as shotguns, tear gas grenades and certain other
    630 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 590 10 Cbstirie. advertisements for Straits Times Malay Mail may be handed to: COID JTORACI SUPER-MARKrT DtaaJ > COtO iTORAOI IRANCHIS Holland Rood fc Movol Bo** CITY SOOK STORI LTD.. Cc. >« Quay. TMC NfWS FRONT Fitzpatrick'i bupermarlof. MM ISMAIU 3 A'imiroit* Sovcl BOS*. MAMIEM STORE. 14 1 9 Lppe' Changl Rood,
      590 words
      42 words
    • 171 10 aaaaaar^^aaaaaaaaall W fcjl3^^J BCT'IIIbU lt^mW^^^mm\\ vßat Kowloon Branch Wing On Horgkong Pg^^^Bgp3 Life Buildup Wing On Life Mansion Kowloon SECURITY Wing On Lift Building Life Apartments Wing On Building Jesselton, Sabah Hongkong Kowloon These solid modern buildings, all owned by the Wiw On Life Assurance Co. Ltd. are an example
      171 words

  • 234 11 Minister praises move to set up printing institute Sun The t«pore (iovernment today welcomed the move by (he Pre>s Foundation of \si A to set up in Sin gapore .in Asian Institute •I Technology and Traininc in the Printing Iniliistr>. The plan was announced liM rrnlay hv the foun'l.itinn s
    234 words
  • 204 11 PENANG. Sunday J^OW that people in other countries were attempting to go to the moon and to explore other heavenly bodies Muslims in this country should likewise learn things other than their religion in order to keep up with progress, Tengku Abdul Rahman
    204 words
  • 371 11 Boi the Malays were gradually catching up. The gradual improvemen' of the economic position <>i the Malays would only be possible if there w;^ peace and harmony In the country. The Government was trying to improve their economic lot
    371 words
  • 64 11 KUALA ntaWOGAMI ML The 2.000 people living in kampongx Kemastk and Kerteh. near herr. will get a 12-hour e.ertricilv Mipply e\ery night from tomorrow The i\'o power .st,. lions in I >he kampongs. built by the Nattonai Elt-ctricity Board a! a i COM M S 133.7
    64 words
  • 39 11 tsl AI A I.UMi'IK. Sun.-T.he Ministrr nf Agriculture and Co-operati\e& Han Ghazali Javii, told questioner in Hip Penan Ra'ayat that the Government would consider invitinz Russian Muslims to take par' tn the Koran international reidtnt eon»e«t
    39 words
  • 189 11 \IAI.AC( A. Sun. The Minister of Finanr«. Tun Tan Siew Sin. today railed on Maluytians who had the time and aptitude to take an actire part in public affair* He made this call when he presented PPM. me'l.ils to I .in
    189 words
  • 147 11 PORT SWETTENHAM. Sunday. rHE Sakura Maru, which arrived here four days ago with 368 members of the Japanese youth goodwill cruise, left today for Singapore. W»> hope to visit Malaysia again some day. said the leader of the mission, Mr Yuklchl Yokoyama 'Malaysian* .ire
    147 words
  • 213 11 HAMED TUAH FREED AFTER FOUR MONTHS UUALA LUMPUR. Sim. Forty-nln*. year-old farm "rebel" Humid T\iah has been released from Pudu Jail after almost four months of detention under the Restricted Residence Ordinance. Ht- was rfleas^d I days af 87-year old mother. Tamah bmte Han Abdul tame here from Langlcal In
    213 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 63 11 "Fancy having to ask for Schweppes!" The gentle art of Schweppesmanship (how to be a good mixer) is liberally practised in most countries. However in Singapore it is necessary to ask for Schweppes. "For an authentic Gin Tonic, Brandy Dry, or Whisky jpf Soda, jj|-J you have JMI to ask
      63 words
    • 246 11 the symbol of SERVICE I SECURITY |<j STABILITY n PAN MALAYAN HNANCE LTD WTHfJRSJOUPTII'J 10.000 000 BSWO iNO PUO UP CAPTTiL 5 5 000.000 pin muiix nuaci uiino uoup assets iiau S2&000.000 Sob B'*«ch M m otvgi hoju, St.lgl do»J SMfto<* U lftpnQnt SN»I SHARIUI PAN MALAYAN FINANCE (MALAYSIA] BEMAD
      246 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 725 11 TV MALAYSIA CHANNEL ."> Kiuii i.ur- I Haxci Ruat'i Oontract; B<mi pur and Prnanc; 6 Ipnh Natn in M-uulai in 812 and Malacca; 3. It) .lulmre Baiia>a Km... 829 Bahru; 4 Taiptag; 7 Batu Sa-m .n'--Rii 840 My M'lody; l..ii.i Khunc. 853 Film Interlude; 900 5 AIL I'M. Priigiamni'-
      725 words

  • 955 12  -  PHILIP TOYNBEE THE VOICES OF TIME edited by J.T. Fraser (Allen Lane. The Penguin Press 655) RIVIIWID HVI IT IS impossible to meditate on time and the mystery of the creative passage of nature without overwhelming emotion ;il (he limitations of human intelligence.*'
    955 words
  • 485 12 GEEAT FIGHT! OF THE SIXTIES. By George Whiting. (Leslie Frewin. 35k.) By WAI.TKK WAKWKK BOXING used to be known as prize-fighting In the sixties It became, says Mr. Whiting, "Showbiz." The prize.x grew bigger, the ballyhoo worse and the champions, for the most part, only the
    485 words
  • 414 12  - KUAN YEW'S LONDON VISIT: A RECORD ALLINGTON KENNARD B^ LEE KIAS YEW IN LONDON ..mpilrd by Alrx Josey. (Donald Moorp.) A MONO the underA statements ol the year the Guardian 8 comment on the rea lon of the Prime Ministers of Singapore and Malaysia to the newa that the British
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
      470 words
    • 378 12 E^ aaaC C I H GUESS THE NUMBER OF MAICOA /g^ggpSfe MINI-TINS IN THE CONTAINER Z™*£™^> The correct number of mini-tins in both the containers Ny corresponds with the year VAN HOUTEN was founded... 1815 \&*r SINGAPORE FESTIVAL 1968 GAY WORLD Al^^^^^ rff The lucky winners are: INS T^ A
      378 words

  • 285 13 SULTAN OPENS CAR ASSEMBLY PLANT TODAY ITELANG Pembena KereU2 Sen dirian Berhad, Ihe factory assembling Fial cars in Tampoi, which is being declared open by the Sultan <>t Johore today, < is the fust to commence production in accordance with the Government's
    285 words
  • 155 13 m.i\ i conaratkla** the li.iirman and the Director* <>f Kelang Pemhen.-i Kereta 1 Sendit i. in on the oc- < .<si<>n of the official opening i>f < h»-;r plant at .lulinre Bthril. lasesssltel N only the firvl itagC m tile procressne m.i
    155 words
  • 620 13 piHeri in March. 1967. a temporary roof was erectirt i,i (<r<i< r to proceed immediate!) with the InstallaC' n ol Hip main feature )l the factory the paint plant. Equipment All equipment was obtained from Me.v-r- Elettro Adamoli. an associate company of Edi.-on Italy, who
    620 words
  • 179 13 An important initiative MESSAGE FROM THE AMBASSADOR OF ITALY the occasion of the official opening of the Kelang Pembena Krreta^ Srndirian Berhad I would like first «.f ill In express my satisfaction for the accomplishment of such an important initiative, which Hill contribute to the mechanisation of the country and
    179 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements

  • 494 14 Best in product -and after-sales service offer Krlang Prnhrna krrMU -Mtn. Hhd. ITIAT Distributors 1 (M) Ltd. obtained the Fiat Franchise on July 2, IMS, pursuing a polio ol ISCCCM that Fiat has initiated and held in thi> part ol the world since the begiMMg ol thi> century. The Board
    494 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 171 14 %UVUU a^ai SIEMENS A loudspeaking telephone qy 1 transistor k 1 amplifier Silafor is a loudspeaking telephone that can ba used 1 not only for conducting inside calls but also local and long distance telephone calls by microphone and 1 1 loudspeaker without using the handset. Silafon makes round table
      171 words
    • 160 14 congratulate KELANG PEMBENA KERETA 2 SDN. BHD. on the occasion of their official opening Imlay at Jalan Lanjlkasuka, Johnre Bahru Here in Singapore if Malays as in other parts of the WfU you Will fhnl NZI </v tn ,i»i>t in any matter eoHCtt »in& all aspects of tctwral bumranee. I
      160 words

  • 989 15 Model of advanced engineering, driving force in trade JjMAT is one of Ihc worlds major industrial organisations with manufacturing activities covering motor vehicles, tractors, large marine diesel engines, aircraft, mil rolling stock, spire p;irts, etc. The company is also active in the realm of nuclear energy and space projects. The
    989 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 109 15 Congratulations to KELANG PEMBENA KERETA 2 SDN. BERHAD on the occasion of their official opening at Tampoi, Johore, today Pan Malayan Finance are proud to be associated with this new organisation assembling Fiat cars and with the economic and industrial development of Malaysia. jXil I—l vSa lyfabiliti) J^fll IPAN MALAYAN
      109 words
    • 183 15 Fiat haw ehosvn Kssa tuvts and lubricants far all cars assvmblvd, i n \ia lays ia. "COAGHA TTLATiVAS" ||I--V FROM THE PEOPLE WHO "PUT A TIGER IN YOUR TANK! I B^B^^^BBai^L J A a m V"' m f I _r i_ Jl w w J y^^^"^\ oBm I m i
      183 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 215 16 MALAYAN BANKING BERHAD Congratulate KELANG PEMBENA KERETA^ SENDIRIAN BERHAD on the official opening of their assembly plant at Jampot, Johore, toiiay For your information MALAYAN BANKING has a network of over 100 branches in Malaysia. Singapore, London, Hongkong and Brunei. provides a banking service to all income groups in The
      215 words
    • 148 16 Congratulations and Best Wishes KELANG PEMBENA KERETA 2 SENDIRIAN BERHAD on the occasion of the official opening of its New Assembly Plant at Tampoi, Johore Bahru From:JOHORE ASSOCIATED TRADING CO. SDN, BHD. 92 Jalan Ah Fook. Tel: 3158 (J. 8.) Specialist in liquified Petroleum Gas, Kitchen Equipment installation. Congratulations and
      148 words
    • 191 16 Congratulations to KELANG PEMBENA KERETA2 SDN. BERHAD on the official opening of their Fiat Assembly Plant at Tampoi, Johore. from THE SOUTH Cf|| BRITISH INSURANCE COMPANY LTD. Congratulations and Best Wishes to KELANG PEMBENA KERETA 2 SENDIRIAN BERHAD on the occasion of the official opening, of its Sett Assembly Plant
      191 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 219 17 dnd Best Wishes to KELANG PEMBENA KERETA* E SENDIRIAN BERHAD n the occasion of the official opening of the FIAT ASSEMBLY PLANT at TAMPOI, JOHORE P.A.R. MALAYAN PAINTWORXS (FEDERATION) LTD. suppliers of high quality automotive industrial and decorative paints. CONGRATULATIONS BEST WISHES to KELANG PEMBENA KERETA2 SDN. BERHAD on the
      219 words
    • 234 17 Congratulations to KELANG PEMBENA KERETA 2 SDN. BERHAD on the official opening of their Assembly Plant at Tampoi, Johore from AIR CARGO INTERNATIONAL LTD. HEAD I p ORL CONGRATULATIONS AND EEST WISHIS TO kelang pembena kereta2 sdn. berhad 'The south island trading co., ltd. 74 Home Rood, Tel *****2 Smqoporr
      234 words

  • 8 18 21 Wore'- IM rMkajaaMßJJ THE FAMILY OF
    8 words
  • 18 18 Mi rrartU tl> iMimumum/ PRIME SCOT! m Ik grilled Before you r <inll. Weld Supermarket. Kuala Lum
    18 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 742 18 O 1 F-VfrJla-laiß I'Vi^H sJM^nMj BaaaMsaeaaaMslßMaWWLWsWß SITUATIONS VACANT H *J Him Bi.x >" rl, mmftm BOILER. ATTENDANT »ante<l lor 1 1 i-urrtni certificate ('hone .8p1.1i" nVKftiM lor ippoio: WANTEO EXPERIENCED Houea lo ttoiiet Itelesifiris tor lamouv hrand or a Must i.c ahle 'o apeak Cantonese Hukkien Teothe* Hud eaaaaaaHkMia payahle.
      742 words
    • 930 18 SITUATIONS VACANT R'orsla M Him.)— Box >• rl, ,stro OUTDOOR SALESMEN/ SALBS CIRLS Kiiiuired by expanding company, promote household producta Transport provided Uood allowance. Call Amity Corporation 3ii-r" Prtnsep Street 8 pore WANTED SCHOOL CLERK. Qua■ft. anon S.C or L C.X age 17 to J3 Preferred candidates with clerical I
      930 words
    • 830 18 I ACCOMMODATION WANTED lit Word, m 1 Him.)— Box >• eifr. WANTEO 3-BIOROOMIO ooe-aer-vant'a >v.m bungalow in J.B J ISOSIX) Ano'hei bungalow SlB0 Write to Box ASSM3 «.T. 8 pore. HOUSES AND LAND FOR SALE M S>aeeJi <• ajia I— B-t >• *M BACAN CAROEN BUTTERWORTH storey 4-room Terraie House
      830 words
    • 790 18 EDUCATION »«<i t* «tia Box MeU extra SHORTHAND Rapid 3 months. Daily Mornin, 'Afternoon, lAcolng Thrice Graduate Teachats SIC 7* Middle Road S po.e .'llsl INTENSIVE COURSES c-oming 1. C.C Kxums Book-keeping. Account- I ing. Tvprurning srorthand speed 70— 188, Regent Commercial Institute. •S-A K«st Coast Road. 8 pore 4401
      790 words
    • 907 18 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES M »Ver*to Se (HHm.t—Box 'fa extra ONE CLINIC with equipment in Kuala Lumpur for aaJe Reply Box A:i»L'l B.T K L. DISTRIBUTORS AGENTS for Pea'r.g. MaUysla. Brunei Bangkok. Hon^konK minted for monthly quality bxbwßxSßM Write to Box AM*I *.T I !«.re DISTRIBUTORS AGENTS WANTEO for Japanese Knitted .N'erktie*.
      907 words
    • 955 18 VEHICLES FOR SALE > »nr*, l*ttm I— r»i e*»ra ORIVINC TO IMCLANO? llrW Be<l sal es completely equipped. Sleepe four K I. -Tt'.HH NOV i«a» BMW 7iH) Ufl Cream 00...1 entin. ap|>earanre, 40 01 pI. v n o Hr uoasiMe Tel I«M RENAULT RIO A IIBU, <> K»<lelt IMt Hnldm.
      955 words
    • 739 18 LADIES HAIRDRESSING Ft Mart* aJJaI r— e»a» I* erfra FAR.OA MA. SON MAR.I. Baiter, tat T.I I a teat nalrstvle. manicure and ser LATEST HAIRSTYLES *t M ,Hle' CarO'BM ore. Tel: ow commencing Courses :or beginners WHERE TO SI AY (SWr) t»o,«. >» Mm.)— ««i rl.. exfra IOUIH EAST
      739 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 1028 19 IIVIRPQOL i. WEST COAST U K -;;< Fe.27 f m,3 ""•Si" J. M.r I S H2 HMI3 ACHILIfS Jf Wir 3 U 74 2S ci.cLv. >:.■'... mm 24 Mir 77 Mar 7 "mmitmS a,7 s a., r i, Zn •OMETHEJS jp, 12 A|f n TO IQNDOX NORTH CONTINEM iri r
      1,028 words
    • 1333 19 THeWy\*UNES Hi 1 Tr<L t»ST K\ COW EXMESS SAILINGS TO 6EMOA/rIOBTH COHTIHEHT'SONDIWAVI* I uo»e j Gmm R a O'^iim PASADENA i i II -in 71 Irl 27 21 Ftl Itl 2 An i I|> 13 An 1) Mr 11 All 11 MONIOUA a. Mi. 74 2t Mii 77 71 Mar
      1,333 words
    • 1125 19 I benwline\ EXPRESS SiRUCE TO LQNOON LIVERPOOL t CONTINENTAL POP" BENWYVIS s m., ;i Mar 3 5 *R' > B EN ALLIOIN Sm|«c-» pi jit Mai 7 Mar 4 I Mar i| 14 Ml' IS II May I .BEtrvIRUCN Mm in in, u|| y,. j lENHOPE ,1, Mir 14 II
      1,125 words
      846 words

  • 867 20 THE Straits tin pritr <>n Saturday morning: fell 12* rrnts in Penang to 5556.25 on an offering estimated down five tons to 230 tons. Although the London Friday afternoon forward buyers price fell £2 a ton the price here was steady on fairly strong
    867 words
  • 568 20 'pill- fiillntunc iv a 1 umplrtr li>t I of revised quotation* for the wrrk riiilrd Saturday 1 rli 21. INDUtTRIALt Mm ■Mi CO 2 HN 1MV Kuuxti-ad 1 HA < til r Kumars 2 43 'I C CM IIJ lit C CM drr, iM.8 orrtn. i-8
    568 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 1059 20 Yy" KAWASAKI KISEN KAISHA LTTJ. t Witatern Australia Singapora Japan Survlca 1 '•mantit Sun T«*Uicm/N*to»l TunutiasM KoOt ff ;>, Iwn Sails 2 Mm 1 1. Mm II Mai U Mm 17 Mm "KiiiriHll Itra" 71,31 Mm I An Air II Apr Air Waat AlHea Singapore Japan Sarvlaa •aaM Sintacure folonarn*
      1,059 words
    • 898 20 P&O to Europe and the United Kingdom s.s. "ORONSAY" (21,000 ion* fully unconditioned stabilised) Deporting SINGAPORE 19 Mar 1968 Arriving SOUTHAMPTON 16 Apr 1968 via Colombo. Durban, Capa Town, Dakar and Litban. FIRST TOURIST CLASS ACCOMMODATION AVAILABLE (tarai FIRST CLASS Singapore/UK from ***** and TOURIST CLASS from $1500, Apply to
      898 words
    • 848 20 .a. a r%T^ au. 1 ajßaJaW^^ JBBJ^aa^^rr aaTawf^ J UPXXA*J.£3m»a»^BWar^ i 'J^^j^RaWaßi aVaL~f Sistaiiri t. S laa fma| tl» HD ETA lID EU/EII fIOM AUSTRALIA VISMVA MAXIMA lor Rwiiuon Maoris Calcutta Mar 12/11 Mw 14 Ma II FROM CALCUTTA SUH OF SUJUM!' tor Honj Koni 1 Japan Mar 1/2 Mw
      848 words
    • 109 20 HAI PUNG MARINE CORPORATION Arriving from Koonsiung, Loading tor So.; ETA FTO M.V. "HAI PUNG" 29th Feb. 2nd March Ager tc: OCEAN MARITIME LIMITED. TcK: ***** 9279/. DIRECT TAIWAN SERVICE Arriving from Kaohnung, Loading for Ke^ung Kaohsiung. ETA ETD M.V. "LIVIL" 29th Fab 2nd March Agents: OCEAN MARITIME LIMITED. T
      109 words

  • 2174 21 Speculative week on STOCKS Exchange ltd; Biriuntai Xt 4td. to 3Za •id to 32a. 3d. *d Nengkeng 37a fed; K Lan|ut l»s: Larut 13a. to 12a fid M; Rahman S3 12; Sal. Dredging fi.HO to SIX) to SI. BI to $1.H9. t. Way SI H to Si S4 and T.
    2,174 words
  • 68 21 I Island Pen. A. Marden (M) "iwdwood Pmrk arut Tin Urnta Rubber ■.lUling Rubber I ii-nii; Rubber t Interim nrtrnt payment t% 61% 151 112', r > 2V»% 15-, 10% I Date Total for payable the year March 28 6% March 30 March 7 15^ March 20 *****
    68 words
  • 71 21 Feb. 19. Feb. 20. Frb. H Industrial*: 132 88 133 37 133 79 Pri-prrtirs: 143 88 144 29 145 11 M.ninn: 77 78 77 92 77 74 robbrrs- 102 28 102.28 102.28 t Dec. 30. 1962 10*. Dec. 10. 1866 100. Frb. 12. 134 03 146 18
    71 words
  • 32 21 >b. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. n t Droctv I per Ib.) 45\ rim. 45' j cU in'', rta 46-.CU. (per plrul) MMLN S.S57.OO S5.S5.7S S555.UU S55S.37 >i S55S.37',
    32 words
  • 89 21 'I'Mi Aaiociatioi et Banks In Malay 1 aia made tneee n«nc> In 111 rate* to m»rrhant» on smnrdav mil ratea to Jinoi United Stataa: Buying TT 32J. airmail OD 33. to at. ?3t credit bills. 33 1.1 m tr»d» hilla. Canada: Buying TT ;'M. airmail OD 3M. 90
    89 words
  • 37 21 r\S the free eichange market in Honx Kent on Saturday >>ir U.S. Oellar waa quoted at 074 tor T.T. and Him for aaah. •tlrllns. »a« quotM «t 14 52 and ana taal et Kolrt at
    37 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 578 21 mmm ip mmv MAJLIS PERBANDARAN IPOH TOWN BOARDS ENACTMENT (F.M.S. CAP.IS7I NOTIIL implK BECTION 137 NOTICE IS HEKEBY GIVEN that it is proposed under section 144 ot the Town Boards Enactment iFM.S Cap 137) to arnenc the Ipoh Approved Town Plan No B 3 published as Notification No 2846 In
      578 words
    • 485 21 PKMBKRITAHL' TAWARAN J.K.R SELANGOR. TAWARAN2 darlpada Pemborong2 yang twrdaftar dlJKR Kelas 'D 1 dan ka-atas Kapala 11-2. akan dl-terlma dl-Pejabat Jurutera Negerl. JKR Selancnr Kuala Lumpur nlngga pukul 3.00 petang pada 1 3.1968 UNTOK MEMBENA DAN MENYIAPKAN PUSAT KASEHATAN KECHIL. 2 UNIT RUMAH KELAS 'F. 4 UNIT RUMAH KELAS 'H'
      485 words
    • 592 21 SHERIFF'S SALE IN THE HIGH COtRT OF THE REPI'BLIC OF SINGAPORE Suit No. 128 of 19«8 Execution No. 33 of IMI IN THE CAUSE OF Parpatibal Hlranand Sakhrani (m.w.) trading as HEERA TRADING COMPANY (PLAINTIFF) versus KWONO FATT COMPANY (DEFENDANT) AUCTION SALE OF Cosmetics. Blankets, Shlrte. Handkerchiefs. Belts. Beads, Singlets
      592 words
    • 329 21 SITUATION VACANT A Limited Development Company in Sabah requires a qualified and experienced engineer Applicants should have considerable practical experience in drawing, designing and planning The basic salary will be $500 per month. Apply In writing to Civil Engineer, P.O. Box 957. Sandakan. Sabah Will I not reply if applicant
      329 words
    • 452 21 f/§£m\\ I I Lp> \sf I I NOTICE The Public It herrbv not Him that the nnlv authorised representative In MalavMa. Singapore and Brunei for ERA I \Tfc,R NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Of Washington DC fc. BHA RIKAT ERA INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT MALAYSIA i SENDIRIAN) BERHAD of 3ns. Sing Hoe Building! 179-C.
      452 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 481 22 ENGINEERING SALES REPRESENTATIVES leading I uro|>t-.tti Import Company invites applications Irom Mnx-iporr itizms for the following positions in their expanding Incineerine: Drpt. SALES REPRESENTATIVES h>r A. M.< In nn .il Handling Equipment and Workshop rquipmcnt. SALES REPRESENTATIVES for Ihrsel rnsinrs and Contractor Plant and F.quipmrnt. Applicant* for the abo\r
      481 words
    • 1106 22 I NOTICES SINGAPORE POLYTECHNIC APPI l< *TIO\S FOR *HMlSS||)> IN Illf I'lt.K k'< s| nSION 11. Applications are Invited from j {candidates in ending to pursue a! of study In 'he Sinßaporf I'dlvtechmc fimiaai of study, either full-time, part-time or davreles>e. Hre provided m the School* cr faHanilm Anhitecture A
      1,106 words
    • 691 22 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS THE PORT OF SINGAPORE AUTHORITY VACANCIES A|>pli< ntioi .< air invited trom Sinnapore Citizens for the following appointments: ill Technical \ ■I»i«lrlhulion Tart fntinrri I>»Mrtmrnt Qaalifiratino* A l>p»ri'Hff n> A Te, In. ica! Diploma In Electrical Engineering of ihe Singapore Polvtechmc. or Diploma in Klertrlcal BriKtneerinc. Technical Collfge,
      691 words
    • 698 22 NOTICE I QUTHRIES SALES ENGINEER. MIRI A Sales Engineer is required to develop the sale.' of technical machinery to the technical indu.-tr This is a lesponsible executive appointment and the principal functions mill be: <a> To administer and control the sales force ib> To ensure that efficient service Is given.
      698 words
    • 524 22 EXECUTIVE APPOINTMENTS lEADINO NATIONAL Pi-VKI OPMKNT INSTITUTION INVITES APPLICATIONS FROM MALAYSIAN CITIZENS FOR THE POSITIONS OF:— COMPANY Sl( RKTARY tJuahliralinMM A recounted financial or aci minting defii"** or proles.sional account inK qualifications A recognised degree In business ■dmlnlit ration, law or a university degree at honours level wJtli a background
      524 words

  • 285 23 Please don't boycott olympics appeal by south africa TIMESPORT 1 OLYMPICS vr SOCCER POOLS RUGBY CRICKET lOHANNESBI R(i. Sun. Frank Braun, the presl dent of the South African Olympic Committee, has sent an appeal to African states not to withdraw from the Mexico City (James. In a letter tn delegates
    Reuter  -  285 words
  • 189 23 Spinner Pocock blunts Barbados reply ORIDGETOWN. Sun. OfTspin bowler Pat Pncock. who took 3-57. severely restricted Barbados" reply to MCC's first innings of 571 5 declared on the third day of their match here yesterday. Barhart'is toiled for near!v .tJ hours tn pass the 200 mark and only an unheatpn
    189 words
  • 539 23 England gain passport to Europe SCOTLAND 1 ENGLAND 1 GLASGOW. Sun. —England. World Cup holders, gained their passport to European soccer with a 1-1 draw against Scotland at Hampden Park herp last night despite squandered chances. It also won them the British championship and a quarter-final match against Spain in
    539 words
  • 304 23 LONDON. Sun MBimi lmproMHß West BromWlch Albion. A second half goal by Roger Morgan enabled Queens Park R^niwrs to mi ill a l-l draw *t Boiton am 1 reedin UM le»d In Div. T«n. They h»\ 41 :rom 30 games, one point ahe^n
    304 words
  • 39 23 MELBOURNE. Sun American runner Bob Hi". <■*. the Olympic Games 100 m champion, last nißht flinched thr- world profesmnal i-print i hamp.uriirr.n h»re by inning :he 100 yards, third event :n the four-rare championship wnw. in Qdl Rrn'er
    39 words
  • 1129 23 THE LEAGUE TABLES Portsmouth No:wich \!iddles«bro Orbv Cardiff Crystal P -harlton \Hon Villa Huddfield Hull Bristol C P'e=tnn r RoLhem >. :i(l 13 1 30 J 1 4 21 9 4 i 30 10 3 (II H H I J8 n 3 L' 9 7 3 30 ft 6 JO
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  • 35 23 FRANKFURT Sun The International Amateur Athletics Federation yesterday decided that Cast German star Jurgen 1 May who fled to West Germany I last July, cannot compete in the I Mexico City Olympics Reuter
    Reuter  -  35 words
  • 649 23 POOLS GUIDE by Bob Arnold Saints can snatch a point /\NE of the hardest- fought matches this Saturday will be the meeting of Sunderland and Southampton. Both teams are fighting to avoid relegation from the First Division. Sunderland are better placed at the moment, but such has been Southampton's spirit
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  • 123 23 MELBOURNE Sun Britun's Jim Clark, in a Loius. narrowly won the 106-mi.e Australian Grand Prix from New Zealand's Chru Amon i Ferrari i here today. Another Briton. Oranam Hill (Lotus', was third C-ark's victory assured him of first place In the seven-race Tasman Cup senrs. The
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  • 346 23 CRANCE beat England 14-9 m Pans and Ireland beat Scotland 14-6 in Dublin in yesterday! international Rugby Union mate! England led 6-3 at half-time but poor handling prevented them from taking complete control at this point France, who have won all their three championship matches this
    346 words
  • 59 23 Wong K. Leung, the Malaysian Chi! psr FA. v.ce-president. will leave for Honi Kong next month on a two-fold miNHe nlll hi Id talks wi*h Hong Konz Women FA or. the pro poj-en formation of the Aslaa Women FA He will also arrange datea
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  • Page 23 Advertisements
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  • 327 24 Substitute is Selangor's Cup winner SOCCER v GOLF RACING V TENNIS PENANG 2 SELANGOR 3 SUBSTITUTE right half Chan Yong Chong, who rep laced Chow Kwai Lam in the second half, was Selangor's Cup Final hero at Pcnang last night. His ,u<>al regained Selangor the KAM Cup from Penang by
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  • 212 24 pERAK Amat c v 1 Footcftll Association want future Malaysia Cup finals to bo played at the ground of either finalists and not at Mrrdcka Stadium only. The mmc U to IVOtd last ypars' poor |ate collection when Pcrak met Singapore ar Mordrka Strdium.
    212 words
  • 309 24 Hsu wins by 8 strokes MANILA, Sun. Hsu Chi-san of Taiwan to- day won the H»6B Philippine Oocn golf championship with a 10-under-par 278 for 72 holes. The 31 -year-old professional, who neld a 4-stroke lead at the end of the third day yesterday iired a threu-undor-par 69 today for
    309 words
  • 87 24 RSGC win Cup golf ROYAI. Doll Club r.o\ul Baii^knlc S.C. If- 1 tn n-ii I in Cuo golf m.iua .n Kuala Lumpur \eMerday. RSGC. who lad won all six foui -ball game* on Saturday. took ten of the 13 terday with one Kama d. the Royal Bangkok champion. ><•.< 'lie
    87 words
  • 40 24 The 28th On.monuMlth Infaiurv Brisj-de beat Malacca Cricket Aasoc ation President's XI by 4 wktl it a 'rlendlv matcli at the Malacca ClLb ground \esterdiv Score.- Pi- tdent I XI 144 (Lawrr 4-Mt; Brigade 148-6 (Curtl 32<
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  • 18 24 Ipoh A l*Mt K.inipar A 3-1 in the ChrnK Wall Cvi ocr tournament at Ipoh
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  • 62 24 The Rank Bocktj A sociaUon did nor riect a president :>t iheir annual mecunit yesieiOai l)i A W Moreim who has been picsiilcnt for the last drc !>nrd sta"d foi re-electiao. And tben was no other nominal 'on. Dr Morel, a asreed to become :i \.rr-pri.-idcnt
    62 words
  • 45 24 Police Ut|>t retained Ihe HamiiKuii Shield vt>terda\ v.hen they beat Sclansor Police 1-0 in a keenly-contested final hi Cuiney Road. Kuala Lumpur Kuli CMBf Jin's 52nd minute goal, frllowing a brilliant left■ut.z move initiated by rightbafli Boon Onn Leong. decided '•he match.
    45 words
  • 27 24 Doon won the Penana )0-nule thanipion>.hip '■e>tnday mi mine In 2hrs •-'4ni:ii 58.sec Second wa.s R Bromley v. iih Tan Enn Wah i line
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  • 21 24 The 19 .Siena's won the Singapore Hockey Association's six-a-.side championship yesterday when ''lev bpa' Jansenites 1-0 at HMS Terror.
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  • 2162 24 IMPRESSIVE WINS BY CLASS 2 SPRINTERS By EPSOM JEEP ri^m&a z spinners faling i*aiK ana t/uKfuom 11 put. Up bMlIi puu)ini.ilkt's Hi 1 dMucg >cs»tciuay. uuin v.v^u o»ei o 2 t in lmin 5 4/ Od^C Mii«e*UlM« Ol a &Ooouu ouisiue King 6
    2,162 words
  • 265 24 Azman power beats Billy TIMESPORT 2 S. A. Azman retained the men's sinules title in the Selangor Lawn Tennis As Uon Open championships wheu he beat lop-seeded Billy Yap 4-6. 6-3, 6-3 at the Selangor Club courts yesterday. Yap. who b>at A/man for the National tit: year, was no match
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  • 15 24 VERMCCR PITH Bl "r »n<» Van BtttM** l.umpiir Ipm 1 1 "> ■1 .>»•-« po»<i cuamn
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  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 59 24 Reputable fTOPKTNSON ISTD. 183J 4^ MODEL "EMPRESS" J i J fie^ANT DfsiGN r^yiffißMß exce. lent tonal quality a^BEttSLfaffJfl *a »-'fD TOUCH rH(rOUGMOU T J^^KfiK li tfllAß E AND DURABLE jfj-*"*^ J vßr|S|i **t V CHOICr OF DISCRIMINATING JM r \'f* > s^ ARTISTES y^t Sole Agent* for Singapore A Malaysia.
      59 words
    • 51 24 The Big Sweep TOTAL POUL: $80,888 OHM. *****5. *****3. |IMb\ Ist. No. *****1 ($26.6901 *****7. *****^ 2nd. No. *****3 (t 6.672) C ONSOLA TION ($333 rachl 3-d. No. ***** (S 3.336) Nos. *****9. *****6. *****8. ST.IRTRRB i«1*l rrehl: Nov *****5, *****9. *****5. *****9. tS4IM, Z*****. 194!)0l. 1701.5 U. *****6. *****5
      51 words
    • 309 24 If* CLASSIFIEDS ft Hnri. ylj I IWi'i— il COROOARO Lff re |lrl on _'< >-« XX MM M»rn thanks to Prof»*«»or *'< I 1 EXAMINATIONS I H success minded students join g I STAMFORD COLLEGE 1 PJ^ the largest Correspondence College o^4 C 3 Malaysia Singapore Region co.vtmend- J^fifcifcc fcj
      309 words