The Straits Times, 24 February 1968

Total Pages: 18
1 18 The Straits Times
  • 18 1 The Straits Times ThK National Newspaper Kstd 1845 SATIRDAY. FFBRIARY >4. 1968 IS CENTS KIIX. 3104 M inn
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  • 1139 1  - All there... police find the great watch robbery loot RUDY BELTRAN: KUALA By LUMPUR. Friday U/.\ TCIII.S worth sso.ouo. stolen ;il gunI »< > i 1 1 1 on ;i ninth ll<>oi oflice <»l Ihe \\';ih Bank building lure yesterday afternoon, were recovered l>\ |iolicc ;il right o'clock this
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  • 479 1 Ho sends more men to citadel SAIGON, Friday THE North Vietnamese threw a new hattalion of troops at Hue's citadel and sent their heaviest artillery barrage in two weeks tearing into the U.S. Marines combat base at Khe Sanh, military spokesmen reported today. The spokesmen s;iid a \oi 111 Yielliaincsr
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  • 49 1 KUALA LUMPUR. In The Ra'ayai tonight .n principle ;hr crv^Inpiiifiii v tlmatc lotalUng $Bhr million, after ;i i debalo on |U BSncraJ ix.lnv Thr House wei.' into ioninii<ifc m dlaciMs ii in detail Boon afler ihr Drpnu PrtSM MmIkttl Inn AMul Rasak, wound up ihe (irlxiip.
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  • 20 1 CANBEKKA. Fn The Pumr MlnlMCr, Mr Jolui Gorton is p-.|x-cip<l to MUBM his nr» Cabinet on Monday -Rrntrr
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  • 67 1 I POII. lii —A Lai) (.oil hra act on foot tM pirim mid this Bftcraaaa by an iinidi ntilicd ChinMC acrd ahuut !11. Ihrouch MM of thr main slrrrtv nf Ihr limn Scorrs of rhildrrn and eydMa follourd (hi- rumpirifh naked nhm .ilntm Hrcwstrr Kk.iil.
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  • 117 1 Three hurt in train engine fire rpELOK ANSON, Fri. An pngine driver and two flremon "ly burnt v their railway pi cailghl lire oil Kun'jci Kerawai Hal t, about three-and-half miles from here, today, riii and flren Yil nil i)i:. H M Jo burn the hospital \..:.i ol I hi
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  • 25 1 BIC CALL-UP WASHINGTON, Fit. Pentagon today order** drafting of 48.000 men la April, the highest suck monthly rail in nearly ti year« AP
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 97 1 Prickly Heat [2^^ Skin Itch »*a t. Dermic Eruption* 4 g< -l G«»FTON LABORATORIES LTDL NEW COMMANDER FOR MEKONG Sxk.on iii The South \itai Mekaag OeJta regiea ii'tnamcsi- (ioM-riiiiient ol Ihr nuintr>. military tcici.o .ippmnlifl Mai SQTCeS s.iid MffC i.m Ngviyeii i>ii( ih.nm (mi Taaag. arha is ixim in .i
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    • 67 1 f,FRM»NYA jV^ "T. >. REST IN FASHION Dbermain Special Holiday Offer I Qff|4 QR i i D Jl 3d IB PER I"^ I J| MITSUBISHI 11 ■If 19 ModeM9l-390C ll'\l VI CAN BE YOURS ■1 1 ■I Day and Night Serv 111 If M.&E.NATHAN LTD. 11 27 29 ORCHARD ROAD,
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    • 55 2 < INDON, Fn. Asians from Nairobi arriving at lon Airport last night shortly alter the announcement that Britain was conlidering mo 1 stem the flow Thousands, mostly Indians and Pakistanis, are fleeina Kenya in the wak< f new laws making it difficult them to do
      UPI  -  55 words
    • 205 2 Assault probe at Beatles meditation centre OISHIKESH. Fri. Poiu-p investieationa yesterday dismibed the transrpndental calm of the Maharlshi Mahesh Vorls spiritual centre where thr Beatles 'udyin(f. After .i conplalnt lodg«d by .in inaian ramera- hi was wtMUlt<^d mi Wrdnesday by some •i the MaharUhi's followen police made Inquirlea at the
      Reuter  -  205 words
    • 48 2 m Xi i. i.i,i(i Harleoh turn denied report* he ki tboul to nMiiv M;." jHcque- Kennady wi&am of the late u.s. Prokidtßt, •Thfip us tin truth at all in 1/ondun Lump. There tf nci queatlon vo engagement or ■nvthlag like that." UPI
      UPI  -  48 words
    • 68 2 I ONIXJN. Fr. Tlif lormer 1 spy Qwille Wynne was divorced today for adultery The divorce court accepted the charge by Wynnes wifr that he had committed adultery with ft ■Roman named a> Henna van Buren. No details were disclosed and Wynne offered
      Reuter  -  68 words
    • 480 2 Britain to tighten entry laws LONDON. Friday BRITAIN plans to tighten its mi migration laws to control the inflow of Asians holding British passports. Hie Ilimii' *>i'creiary, Mr. James < said the new law would i.i to the House of Commons today. In KENYA the m nouncement hrouxht protests
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    • 75 3 V m. The wore bikii ddlng on Bethells Beach, near hero. The i bm Chnsa wedding gou-n oi white silk and but no shoes. A the bridßroorr. Graham an engineer. dmntT suit. Th" Rev, Robert Martin marriage service abovr th< sjrf Said the new
      AP  -  75 words
    • 23 3 ■.KOK. Pri.— A tv i e.r! friend's timing In his crfii.irir from r.l* ly pullrd the fd him *nrt
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    • 297 3 Support of Nato Britain's first priority. I ONDON. Pri Bri- J tains first defence priority must b< 1 In give the fullest possible support to thr North Atlantic Alliance and her contribution to this will be formidable. A Government. policy statement said yesterday: "We shall be able to contribute to
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    • 144 3 Karl Marx quote by Duke surprises ambassador I ON DON, Fri. prince Philip Mirprisr,! the Soviet Ambassador. .Mr. .Mikhail Smirnnvskv, at a ilinni-r in I .union last nUht by quoting Karl Marx. The prime said that although Marx's Das Kapitale was not absolutely crystal clear there were .some charming Hashes
      AP  -  144 words
    • 60 3 6AM DIBQO, Pri -Sti.ppod for kpeedlng a woman motorist drove olf in the police patini yesterday with red light blinking and airrn wailing. Finally after a 40-nnle Ml— al s|M>pds which at I times reached 120 miics an i h.-ur. police arrested M irgasrt
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    • 33 3 SURABAYA Pri Underground Communist forces, ■>! :hrm well armed. haw .<■• up ,ciit ti lining here. MiUtarj sources Kaid :hf i.tmp.i «vrr in tiio hilly and ru««td south arca.s AP
      AP  -  33 words
    • 41 3 BANGKOK. Fri. A bandit gang sprayeci a noues ;n a central Inailand village «nh nachuw-cun fire, iwo poople and making off with 100.000 ba.'its (about $15 0001 worth 01 valuables, according to police reports in Bangkok today Rcuter.
      Reuter  -  41 words
    • 34 3 HONG KONG. Pri. Many proplt uric killrcj and lmured during Red Guard clashes at •lir uiiuKuration ceremony „f thr K«:in:uni Rfvulutionarv Cnmnnttrr on Wrclnr.scUy the South Cliinn Morning Pix-t reported Rrutrr
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    • 25 3 JAKARTA Kn. Military tuthoritiei ban tapaml m ail-niglit curfew in Amixn E.»Mr:n Indonesia following rations. At least 200 en .sacked and burned. UPI
      UPI  -  25 words
    • 31 3 8E1.1.1N0 (lUljrl Pri.— Nine lpHdini; Italian enginem .ii-r to stand trtaJ chargta of reepon.wbilitv for the i 953 Vajont disaster mid tnr 1.994 dealhi U cam ed ap
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    • 114 3 VVLST BERLIN. Fri. A killer armed with a kiuli' brought horror to a West Berlin children's home yesterday .stabbing a nurse and a Hve-year-old boy to death and wounding two 15--year-old girls. The two gins awoke In their bedroom at the city-run home when a
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    • 73 3 OUT: WHY WASHINGTON SELDOM SMILED CHICAGO, Fri Q—n Washing ion s«• I il o in smiled probably because hi a hippopotamus M'.ishincton. Ixirn '.',<• years aco. for years wore vile smelling false teeth marie from hippopotamus teeth and elephant ivory, ac- cording to .Miss .Minnie UrganoN. Director ..f the North-
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    • 346 3 Wheeler in Saigon for on-the-spot study SAIGON. Friday (JENERAL Earlc G. WheckT, chairman of the American Joint Chiefs of Staff, arrived here today and said that he had come to see "the situation on the ground' and to talk with key American and South Vietnamese leaders. General Wheeler said that
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    • 32 3 lAM3ON, Fri— Thr (iovrrntnrnt rUimrd today to ha\r killed a srrund hi«h Linking Mrlronc grnrral. Maj.<irn. Tran Van Tim, <<>min.inilri of thr II Virlione MiliUr\ Zonr, ius killnl near My Tho— lP.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 308 2 I Micro separate stereo that operates like the g Big Ones" >*-^^ **i •VT WfM- ft J*bbbb9bS I' i, 1 'ut^ HttiivHrT E^bbbbbbW Model MSL-15E tgj^B^W Arrangement at your choice High precise solid-state amplifier High compliance pick-up Book-shelf FM AM radio provided 10W output power Diamond stylus Economically priced SIGN
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    • 206 2 Attention Parents! mm i 0 m WI he eiaminotions? And arc they i good enough ot tssoy wr;tm j? students fail in imprrtont *xohlo corn poMt ion is csscnttol to reader of STUDtNTS DIGEST ILLUSTRATED can >ytttmot, c allv The. „11 obtain plenty of »üb|«ct i cotionol iournal prepared by
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 203 3 rme T''rr~ This is the car that's been winning honours gg j "Vl-TTJir^. in Japan, Africa, everywhere; winning praises from motorists, from mechanics, everyone; winning Toyota friends all over the world. TOYOTA CORONA KUKEWMN Th j s car has; 74 Toyota thoroughbred horses under the bonnet giving you speed up
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    • 153 3 NEW r AnrluA Er It i> portable and light-weight, slim line, removable kft and rctractoble hoodie MAIN FEATURES: Keyboard 41 Not« f to I. Manual Ban 12 Natn— F to 4 Vole* Slept vojtf tab»: Clarinet Flut* Rtad Srrin«f. Vibrato tto»< (Wua tab< I Vibrato On Oft Slow/Fort Overall Volum*
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  • 139 4 SI\(.MM»KI Iri. Six Korean lac Kwan Do black belt holders, now \isitinc Singapore will vrude BM students of the martial art at the Chinese YMCA in South Pier at noon on Sunday. The Koreans are on their way home after giving demonstrations
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  • 198 4 Good acting in 'Imaginary Invalid' SINGAPORE, rri Molittt's "The Imaginary Invalid" produced by the Singapore American Drama club was well prodinT.l and directed by Mrs. Neville A great deal ot ertort and rehearsing musi have gone this etlort. for the of acting seen was '•ommendable The meticulous pronuncutmn words, the
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  • 47 4 SINGAPORE Frl Mr Francis Chew of Singapore topped his In an tdvanred airline course held in Hamburg last wwk An operation* nsMMant with Lufthansa German Airllne.s. he tied with MKs M I.smfr o( Frankfurt for firM plarr in an advanced passenger handing course
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  • 26 4 SINGAPORE. Frl The i Delta oonatttusßcy will c*]e--1 brate Its second anniversary with a dinner tomorrow at the Delta community centre at 8 pm
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  • 27 4 SINGAPORE. Frl The Old Victorians Association will hold reunion buffet for all former students of Victoria School at the school hall at 7 pm. tomorrow.
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  • 388 4 SINGAPORE. Frl. THK 1,800 civilian workers of ihe British services est;il>lisliiiH'iils in Singapore to be declared redundant this year will be mostly from the army. Reason: It is generally accepted that as the accelerated pullout of British troops will be centred around Army units
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  • 725 4 Defence Fund nearing $1mil mark Importers and Exporters Assn. contribute SI 5 1,800 SINGAPORE. Frl THE Singapore Importers and Exporters Association has made a contribution of $1.")1.<S(,() to the National Defence Fund. Together with over $196,000 from other contributors. Including nearly $44,000 from the Blndhi Merchants Association, the defence fund
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  • 157 4 'Support Govt in solving problems SINGAPORE. Kri The new Member of Parliament for Al turned, lnchc Muhamcd (ihazali bin Ismail toda> said Siiifiaport could solve the problems arising from the accelerated British withdr.tual of her bases from Singapore if the people continued to give their support and co-operation to the
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  • 33 4 SINOAPORE. Frl The Rotary Club of Singapore >£• will bold a film show in aid of the Singapore Association for Retarded Children at Hollywood Theatre. Katong. at 10 30 a.m. on Sunday.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 222 4 CATHAY: TONIGHT MIDNIGHT! r A WESTERN 1 I -TO END ALL WESTERNS!-' The Off-Beat And Hilarious Comedy Since "CAT BALLOU"! men mii tf _^O^^JM I nrtMßuMiorr ucaion "•|l K__j i^ b^bßbS^H^^^^^^^^^blbß^ I mk^^b^ it^B^l FALL I FTLJw W^KWmJKL fair 1 |Tj \1967 BttKe ElttßßflC J.&A' W3IeRHCH§ JSJ^T CARROLL 0 CONNOR
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    • 196 4 Call to N. Indian Hindus UNGAPOBB, Fri— The fence Fund. North Indian Hindu Asm)- Contributions should be (iation today appealed to sent to thr association's all North Indian Hindus general secretary at 47 and members of the asso- Cuff Road. Singapore 8, < i.itinn tn contribute to- to be forwarded
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    • 324 4 "o'oVBAHRu'KEV-NOw'sHOWmC! TODAY 4 SHOWS at 1.30, 3.30, 7.00 9 15 p.m. Tomorrow S Shows by Demand: 11, 1.30, 3 30, 7 9.15 Important: Residents OUTSIDE Johore Bahru are advised to phone J.B. 3535 BOOK NOW to avoid disappointment! "N0 FREE *j*&&\ /^t '^mfn-^J^V w The THOUSANDS AND THOUSANOS who saw
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    • 594 4 ■ORGANISATION miiu i 10th BIG DAY 1 3 Sr.ow« daily Note Tim*. 1.45, SIS A 84S "Comclot" at 157 pm, S 27 pm 8 52 pm N! Extra 10 om »how Tomorrow Riehoro m vanev I XAMELOT" BJ b Arts S4 S2 SO i' 50 No Frt* Liir M Circle
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  • 180 5 The Duke of Devonshire flies in for one-day visit OIM.APOKi:. Kri. The O Duke nl l>c\ onshire a hovel flew into Sing.tporr this afternoon from Kuala l.uinpur for a onrriay visit At I hi- airport to welcome Him arett -Mr C K. ClK'iis. the honorary secn-larv of the iniiiiiiiim i-.ilth
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  • 272 5 SINGAPORE. Fri IJKALTH Minister Mr. Yon-; Xyuk Lin l<> day siiid Nomination Day last week w;is the road's did for politicians with "closed minds mid empty heads." He said parties like the Alliance Blngapura, the Malay National Organisation and the
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  • 443 5  - Two girls 'caught up' in the Viet attack SIA CHEONG YEW By i SINGAPORE. Fri. Two young adventurous American girls, who walked into wartorn Vietnam on New Years Day a few hours before the massive Vietcong offensive are now in Singapore. The pair Peggy O'Connor, 23. and Carole Osbern. 22
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  • 367 5 SINGAPORE. Fn 'FHE Hi^h Court to- day heard sub- r mission that two brothen defendants in a probate action had proved "in solemn form" the will ol their wealthy pawnbroker father. VVonc Ying Bieng, 52. who died In hospital more than 10 years ago.
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  • 211 5 SINGAPORE. Friday. MR. JUSTICE Buttroae in the High Court today dismissed a motorist's application for an order of mandamus against the Third Traffic Mani*trate, Mr. Michael Khoo Kah Lip. He told Lim Kay Benn. the applicant "This is not a case where the pteroga tiv.
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  • 56 5 SINGAPORE In Mi lan Kla Wan lias been elerled the president of the Singapore BakM Reprf-ent.l lives Association Other officials are: Vlrepresidenls. Maaan Foo Kai Nche< and Jimmy Koh Kok Wan: secreiarv. Mr Cheah Thlan Kin. MateUnl Mcr*> Mr Sim Mill Clma. treasurer Mr Lim Jii ■me, and assistant
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  • 13 5 SINGAPORE Fri.— There were 106 accident.- none ol them fatal yesterday
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  • 23 5 BINOAPORE Fi i The liib will h«ld if- annual general meetlna Feb 2~ at 2:w pm .it ihr Sincapore Hotel
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  • 23 5 BINOAPORE Fri Thrif Ml] in- no water tomorrow from J am to .i pm xt .J«l»n Mlnyak (houxwi 302 to 378 >
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  • 45 5 fUNGAPOHK. Km M|s S.K. Woiiu has been eler.ed the president ol ihe Chine, c Women s *tirrtatlttri Otheofficials are Vice presidruts Mrs Mm LtDf and Mis Lily Chan; treasurers. ||n Dorothy Hon and Mrs Gra.e Lim; and secreian. Mi^ i Elaine Lim.
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  • 77 5 ■INGAIOMt, l-ri. The nian.menirnt commit I rr nf Lain Soon <<>mmunit> centre \till hold a fun fair at its premises in (hu. i Chu Kan:; Rnnri on Sunday The Ml' for Ihe area. Mr Tane See Chim. will declare open the fair .it 10 a.m. The fair,
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  • 161 5 SINGAPORE. Friday |>ADIO SINGAPURA'S second Road Show, which IV was stance! at the Third and Fourth Singapore Infantry Regiments headquarters at Tainan Juronn. on Tuesday will be on the air from tomorrow The .show comprlxeti an hour's mult 1 racial and multi cultural entertainment featuring
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  • 48 5 SINGAPORE. Ptl The MM chest X-ray sur\ey m the Bukil Panjaiii: conatltumej by the Tuberculosis Control I'nii of the Health Ministry W e held a I Ihe Cheim H«a Chinese School from March 4 to Mar 8 from :t p m io 8 M pin daily
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  • 23 5 SINGAPORE Prl The Skal Club will hold a LMMM NiL-lr dinner tomorrow at the I Hollands* he Club nt 8 pin
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  • 113 5 SINGAPORE I ri—Silicapun- Imin M'hular and author. l)r K K Chou. (above), is to become Ihe first professorial head of NanyanK I'lmersity's Kconomio Depart inent ne\t month under the neu curriculum stmcture of the university. He holds a doctorate decree in applied economics
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 323 5 -ttT gr^W -JK* g^^ jgV J a^f»M|p^T^^gT x~ r p jOr jgjjr...- V' J I AT* J Hggginggggr^gl V'Tlgggfc I PATIO FLAMINGO, MANILA The Sensational Sound of the "PRODIGALS" Now at the ADELPHI HOTEL for a SPECIAL SEASON Thn .-> u ,ic *rth on exotic Spanish flo. 11l [smGAPORtCONiwCEHftIII 1
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    • 303 5 LAST 2 NIGHTS TV <?V "^ggggr^ jgggK M*\ aiigggr^gH \lM> /Jm gggg^ggggFt jß^f t gg|R te*~ FOUrUKWS tel 3 404 fou SinGapura TA»LE HtSEHVATIONS IMfrV STU. T Take I IB For instant relief from coughs, f or 1 coldsandchestcongestiontake fniirUC Peps. They're foil wrapped to IUUvjUo keep them fresh. fnifK
      303 words

  • 646 6 KUALA LUMPUR, Fri IK Malaysia cannot yet the co-operation ol her neighbours to maintain peace and stability in this region, she will have nu alternative but to buy sophisticated weapons esaential for her defence. Tan Abdul Razak ■-aid today Winding up
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  • 88 6 LI AI.A II MPI i; In >urn of 5:.."i.000 a .1 s (ollcitrd for tin-I'-nuku Abdul K.iliih.hi Inundation I unit at thr (h.inl\ prrmirrr <>f thr I 1 1 1 111 c >linisti-r's film •|{.i 1.1 Brrsions I he pn-niirrr was hrld h<•r >n thf lrn;ku
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  • 233 6 Nature reserve plan: So it's no' to dam iron Fri The state Government ha^ opposed the buildin» of a dam at Kener inn, the site envisaged iur one ot three dams for the proposed 5450 million Upper Perak hydro-elect lie scheme. Rmumm The -1 < :ioi only In natural rcei
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  • 436 6 All expats out by 1980 'THEY'LL STILL MAN FEW KEY POSTS' KUALA LUMPUR. Friday ALL professional and technical posts in the private sector will be Maiaysianised by 1980. the Assistant Minister for H o m c Affairs. Inche Hamzah bin Dato Abu Samah. told the Dewan Ra'ayat today. However, a
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  • 227 6 Workers give up rest day to boost Defence Fund k S;iN(.AIM)RK, l-ri The National Defence Kund will be richer by SM..">OO on Sunda\ when more than I M,ii uorkers in three linns yive up their re«.t il.i> for the national ..tiise the first to do mi Ihe lirens Fraser .mil
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  • 37 6 KANOAB Prt n mo nail the fMIP D..:.. Aarl will upen tii» PMIP annual dehfld lieif on April 23 Mon Uuu I 000 exi^rted hi .it"•nd. lin confen Ulga ol HMiP \oi!t!i •■«<■.> II '.'0
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  • 27 6 PEN AMI t.: M: presldi i'- Branch tin Society Ol M.Whvm.. v |th Ur K Ku.a i* ice-pi Mr B M-. Loke k. K ■UKt
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  • 212 6 CLUB SECRETARY JAILED 9 MONTHS FOR FRAUD MALACCA 'I'HE secretary ol the Malacca Club, Emmanuel Fernandez, :*7. was sentenced to nine months' jail by thp Sessions Court here today for criminal breach ol trust.. He pleaded guilty to misappropriating tor bin own 'fd from a coupon Mil club, and a
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  • 22 6 1 n brrn ;"i pi 1 1 r nd*rr quc lrr»rnati..n.4l nftrr a coutm h« RAF ■Utloo mi G«in*bor«ui*L
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 63 6 your floors and furniture with long lasting RONUK products oil ■LI 9 W iWm ROM K WAX POLISH En P^s > HI ROM K LIQUID WAX ■a^Jal furniturtl V4l>l UL gfl Uk Lr IC a 111 Iv^^mh Jjhi RONUK SPI\ I I RMTI Rl CREAM 4 .No (Wring! Just iuk
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 198 6 l//#'f/ Uy 1.7. Huntlin \f MXIU. TAKS ICM HO' I COUtDWT V^"**!^.-; BUT MY <3OSH I SOT HALF AS ~^J^ ■fa*f S'OWO V YOU'LL \MB WITH DO THAT! MY WELL y. H«ADIMO FOR TW' I PAN6EROU6 y^ BETTER 7 TURN M« I YOU.' r- GOO MESS NO.' I AU.RiaHT'I MOUNTAINe
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  • 892 7  - How the 'Back Britain campaign was de-railed REG MACDONALD CRANKS AND CRACKPOT SCHEMES HELPED TO DESTROY A LOYAL IDEA by IN this bruised and battered Britain which, as everybody knows, needs full blooded backing, journalists are charged with very serious responsibilities. In order to do their British best to help
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  • 1053 7  -  \iiihoii\ Sylvester Links with Bonn will be the big issue at Budapest conference THAT the Budapest "preliminary conference ol national communist parties is to take place at all must be regarded as something of a lUCCMI for Russian diplomacy. But this in
    FWF  -  1,053 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 280 7 F 19 IsU Mil Ml M al Mwf**m L V l\ >< V m Ikl iM* DL l gSBBBMBsI Take a tap.-n-d shirt fot new waistline smartness, fof a smoother, more comfortable Ht. for an end to unsijUitlv bagging and blousinK. Add up-to-the-minute trend-setting patterns, superb quality materials, and the
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  • 653 8 The Straits Times Saturday, February 24, 1968 The Cloud Of Doubt The ne* British d.ferut. i paper tries naturally enough to make the best of a bad bus. ness. Britain s new, mainly Euiopi-ati. role will make formidable contribution t<i the Ktrenjjili of Atlantic Alliance the :< k-w ■ays. Th»-
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  • 316 8 Eight "secret Basel rsjb" at Panmunjofti between the North Korean aad American re--1 ntathras have not yielded ;i Solution to the Pueblo dispute. YtM this is no reason for d.^pHir or alarm since the Communists are Mftr m ihe habit of givmg ground easily. They have already Kon<>
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  • 212 8 News tf,.,t five more profession,!! organisation* have n ted some of the degress) and diplomas granted by thr Singapore Polytechnic confirms that its standards are li 'Hfc more widel\ accepted than ever before. Thi* is particular.3 encouraging at a time when increasing demands tie likely to be rrutde
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  • Letters
    • 605 8 STUDENT commenting on what I said in Parliament about admission into the Medical Faculty (S.T. Feb. 17.) has come up with the sort of argument with which I am already familiar. By putting a different interpretation on what I said in Parliament he has tried to
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    • 157 8 When a Base worker loses his job AM one of those unx fortunates who workin the naval and will be affected by the pullout. I wiU be redundant by 1969. I live with my family, In a two-room Housing and Development Board flat a rental of J<s4.
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    • 48 8 ]\'O\V that the 'Green 1 Wave" Is running smoothly in Kuala Lumpur, perhaps our hard working Traffic Chief afansoff w-.ii put more efforts Into dealing with the hawkers obstruction on various pedestrian walks along Jalan Petaling. Jalan Ipoh and especially Jalan Pudu T. WONG Kuala I.umpur
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    • 180 8 The Education Ministry's experiments THK Education Ministry recently issued a. circular regarding entrance into the Six Form. The circular states that students who have got through th^ Sixth Form entrance examination can remain in the Sixth Form provided that they obtain 13 units or less in three cognate subjects in
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    • 131 8 A letter to Nibong Tebal Ireier to a letter "Late Post" i ST. Feb. 15) written by Syed Md. Jamal. Nibong Tebal. An on-the-spot investigation was made to contact the writer but this was not successful. Tor Information, there ia no "Express Delivery" service at Nibong Tebal Post Office There
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    • 102 8 rls at least a start to see from a leader in your paper and from letters published that the growing intensity in noise of all kinds is causing some concern. I axn at present slowly recovering trom acrid smoke and rumes: from singing ears, and trembling limbs, the
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    • 33 8 \\'E. the residents of Lnrong Basapah and lt« vicinity, cannot tolerate it any more; w« even cannot enjoy a good night of television watching without putting mosquito nets around us. BLOODLKSS Singapore
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    • 360 8 I/OR inan> years now 1 have regularly used the services of Malaysian Airways and now MSA on jim about all the routes they fly. Delays, sometime* occur but this is the case with all airlines I have ever used, and I have always found their service
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    • 135 8 Pools: The people just don't know VjR. T. L. D Cruz's letter on the pools (ST. Feb. 17) calls for comment. We do not agre«that a mere reduction in the rate of exchange would matter very much, Sn so far as obtaining more punters is concerned. The real problem ls
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    • 91 8 XllE letter trom Mr. 1 Wong Chooi Sen. retary to the Prime Minister of Singapore, on the subject ol nuisance and noise i.s most tin* ly and will be widely welcomed throughout the Republic. As it ha.s seemingly become Impossible for a tram to move more than a
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 654 8 I ~~7- .v ;VS OnsiHril advCTlii'meitj for Strait* Tima» Malay Mail nay be handad to: COtD STORAGE SUPtR-MARKfT .11 'on, t mnj COLO STOKAGl tKANCHES Hollo-' CITY iOOH STORt LTD. I CoHyv Quay. TWt NIWJ MONT ftanotr -.-i «permartHr. MJft. ISMAIL. 1 3 Admirulr, Hna^ Naval Sum MAMIEM STORI, 1419
      654 words
    • 32 8 48 years of service mA W The nation's oldest (strongest composite insurance company LIFE Insurance (sickness accident covered Protecting allBig or Small WHEN SOMEONE DEPENDS ON YOU YOU CAN DEPEND ON OVERSEAS
      32 words
    • 137 8 Mrs. AMY WEE INTERNATIONAL REPRESENTATIVE Harriet Hubbard Ayer of Paris uill be available for Facial treatments and free consultations at: IPOH: 24rh Febroory ot MICHELLE YOKE LENG BEAUTY SALON Al, Oomtwrloin Rood 9.00 0 m. to 11.30 a.m. ond ot KWOMG FATT CO., 2.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m. KUALA LUMPUR:
      137 words

  • 95 9 The secret of Brunei's royal crown URIAH rOW ti. A masMW' iniH -t udder! goldrn crown to h< it the I'lrnn.ititin *>' Brunei's ywag ruler, galtin Hasunal Bnlkiah. on Aueust 1 is betel upII guarded Its whereabouts, known only to ,i ti h Mill be kept vcr. t till the
    95 words
  • 141 9 KUALA LUMPUR, Friday THIS two-roomed house m the midst of a peaceful rambutan plantation at the '-'4 mile Klang Road, was raided by Selangor Police early this morning. In it they found throe of the four men suspected to have been involved
    141 words
  • 136 9 Drugs: A warning to Spore seamen MELBOURNE. Fn A iud«e told two Rineaporc teamen today that be wanted them to make sure their friends in Singapore and on their ship understood that Australia did not want drugs smuggled into the country. "I want the word to get back to Singapore
    Reuter  -  136 words
  • 60 9 SINGAPORE. rtl The principal oi the Teacbcn Train- Re\ T R l.acnv Nmrrirt to rs»v to represent 8 Hip fourth Commoiiueaith rdu- tnM F<h 26 tn March 9 The rnntiTi n< c is lo 'he present schemes of Comth co-operation in pdu- i ration and
    60 words
  • 339 9 Abuse of privilege: Razak urges change KUALA LUMPUR, Frl. THE Deputy Prime Minister, Tun Abdul Razak. suggested today that standing rules and orders oi the Dewan Raayat be amended to prevent the abuse of privileges. Winding up the debate on the Development Estimates. Tun Razak said a few Opposition MPs
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
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    • 183 9 MANSFIELDS GOLDEN TOURS OF EUROPE 1968 SPEND 27 INTEREST- PACKED DAYS TOURING ITALY, FRANCE, ENGLAND, HOLLAND, GERMANY, SWITZERLAND, LIECHTENSTEIN AND AUSTRIA FOR ONLY $3,775/If you've always longed to take a Roman Holiday, shop in gay Paris, see Westminster Abbey and the discotheques in Swinging London, gather tulips from Amsterdam, behold
      183 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 870 9 ON YOUR TV AND RADIO TODAY TV SINGAPURA TV MALAYSIA CHASM.L S Chinese; 805 Chinese Cinema CHANNEL 5 Kuala l.umpur English; 710 Ma.'allah TV 1 P.M. Programme Summary The Loyal Beggar 'Can;.->- and Tenant: 6 Ipnh and Weekly Msgaz;ne Programnu 1.10 Belaiar- ar- Bahasa Ke- r >s > Part l
      870 words

  • 102 10 Malaysia helps beat the smugglers M The ■i v ggllng drive in the Philippinrs turn hrt-n a success mainly b^(•;ul^n of thp co-operation of Malaysia, accordil th^ Foreign Office here. The I'tirier-iv Foreign Affairs, Mr Manuel Collantes. in a report to President Marcos, -aid that result of Philipplne-co-ope ration. shipments
    Reuter  -  102 words
  • 131 10 Death case boy, 13: Poser for Juvenile Court |> \NO. Fri— The Juvenile Court will decide next week whether it will try a 13-year-old" boy accused of culpable homicide not amounting to murder, or whether there should first be a preliminary inquiry In a magistrates court. The poser was set
    131 words
  • 150 10 Death fall girl lost her fiance two months ago CIM.APORK. Kri. A m. ml. Tan (.ink Lan, 21 (abovri. who fell to her death hu| night from a block of luxury flats in Cairnhill (in lf. had spent the past two months grieving over her fiance s death in a
    150 words
  • 54 10 PENANG Fri A 79-yeiir-oid an man Miriam I-av Toil Eng. >bed o: $200 her 1 fe Mvingl by (our men who hold her up outside her hut. about x.x m.i I lr"m 'he city, last night. Thr thirvrs Mimped over a frnce and escaped when
    54 words
  • 33 10 BUNDS! PATANI. Fri. Dato Ju*tirp S.M. YoriK. the Kpdah Hißh O'urt ludgp. will be gnuiK •>> Kuaia Lumpur aooa aa Irr. JuMirr Wan Sulaim^n bin rnwan TMt. from Krl.tntan. will surcred him
    33 words
  • 35 10 ML'AR. Pri A fisherman "causht" a hand urenade while fishinc "in lh« Muar River. The grrnafir believed to h* a relic nf the Japanese oci ipattoo, hai been lundrrl mrr to the imhr"
    35 words
  • 106 10 WITH rtlerencr to the rrjxirt published in yesterday."- Straus Times under the heading "Suit by wife to gn." Mr. Soon Cheng Sun. the husband in Uir maintenance claim. :n OUI that although Ills wife had been aslced to go i).ick Ui the family home a: Ncrtham Road for
    106 words
  • 251 10  - 'Uncle Bob' is cleared by court GILBERT WOODEN: By Seremban, Friday FORMER president of the Seremban Town Council, Robert Singam, 52, broke down in court this afternoon when he was acquitted of using criminal force on the 10-year-old daughter of a British Serviceman with intent to outrage her modesty. The
    251 words
  • 117 10 I^UALA LUMPUR. Fn The next DilgnmaK<» to Mecca from Malaysia will include several VIPs. %mOIU| the 140 pilgrims, who will leave in a charterpi plane next Wednesday, are: Ibe Chief Minister <>! Sabah. Tun Mustapha bin Dato Harun: the Assistant Minister of Culture. Youth
    117 words
  • 72 10 TELIK ANSON FTI A padl planter. Kruno bin Dollih. 5)2. arai lUad lor fuur months yr.slprday for unUuful aMMastoa of a home-made pistni and (our 13-I»rp rartridgps. at Kampong GunconK. near here on Jan. 2S H> pleaded guilty. Krono said that he used the pistol
    72 words
  • 210 10 NO NEED FOR WORDS AS MAN WINS APPEAL IPOH, Fri. Defenc* 1 counsel Mr. Soo Wai Sun did not have to utter a single word to secure an acquittal for his client in an appeal in the High Court here today. The DPP. Inehe Mohanwd EusofT bin Chin, told Mr.
    210 words
  • 53 10 hi \r.A umiti: Kn rhf Omernmen' «as nf rr-:in:*tfeit Thai currrr. o Tnaiiand arross the Mala vs. an boroer. the Assistant V;n:s'(»r Of Finanre I)r N X Kair Pnh saia :n the Dewan Raava to !<-piv to Hau MokhUr bin I«--rriH;; 'All Perils PeUtani
    53 words
  • 35 10 PENANti Fm 1 h hrok* blto the Nanyang Bo.ik Cc n Carnannn Street ve-vn ajr arr; stole more Than $2 570 »o'rih of b<x)ks. h r t. fq'iiDmei t and musical
    35 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 375 10 £5 CHRYSLER m 7 ACOUSTIC SUSPENSION SPEAKER SYSTEMS CHRYSLER, one of the top Japanese manufacturer* or high fidelity sound systems, produces speaker svttcms to fit any site room. Chrysler products or* exported to mony countries throughout the world and have achieved wide fame. At home, Chrysler products have won many
      375 words
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 37 10 Bugs Bunny By Ralph Heimdahl C— TMI« 16 6000 > GOOOSESS SBATtOUS 1 WUATS E*PW6r4CE PER Tu^f* j V V *i WHAT WOULD WAIT POR^N /ASK A SOME ST4OAAS, g SILLY "0 COVE A;_oN<3 J' r Im^ht I
      37 words

  • 209 11 SINGAPORE. Fri. An Asian Institute chnology for Research and Training In the Printing Industry will bo set up in Singapore soon by th» j Foundation of Asia n > eztcutrector, Mr Am:tabha Ihury. >aid today was chosen ..-titutf Us Biographical <1 The fact that rfqiilrfci
    209 words
  • 26 11 LfMPL'R. I LoKinan bx, Hajl Abdul Kfca.m has been appointed the ne\ ADC. to the InOenerml of Police, Tin Sr: M.humed S«lleh bin Innf
    26 words
  • 159 11 Concern in India about her people in Singapore NEW DELHI. Friday. I HL Indian Government is greatly ccmcerned about the likelihood of people of Indian 0112H1 becomine unemployed in Singapore in the wake of Britain's military withdrawal Mr. Surendra Pai Singh. Deputy Minister of External AM airs. >uid yesterday. I
    159 words
  • 11 11 j*» u> p. m»nt, Jalaii Ipoh h«r» on Monday
    11 words
  • 510 11 Sekhar asks Unctad for quick action B. C. Sekhar. Director ol the Malaysian Rubocr Research Institute, yesterday called for early implementation ol recommendations made at the Geneva rubber conference last December. The problem ol synthetics and suostitutes was of growing concern to all developing countries, he said during a debate
    510 words
  • 33 11 KUALA LLMPLR K The Van di-Pertuan AgoriK and the Raia PermuUiirl AfOOf, will attend the openina prrformuncc uf The Australian Ballet at ihr Stadium Negara m TOMdU at 8 45 D.m.
    33 words
  • 179 11 From THAM SOON KENG TtllK ANSON, I ri Hornets attacked four young; brothers and sisters while they were crossing the Perak River in a HUM pan yesterday, result ing in one of them being drowned. I hey were on (heir Hay home across
    179 words
  • 42 11 MDfANO, Pit Police today offered a $2,000 reward for information leading to the arrest of an armed prisoner. Ng Soon Quail, who escaped from the Penang General Hospital cell after threatening a warder with a gun on Wednesday morning.
    42 words
  • 25 11 KfAt uunm pri. The Minittcr ul Labour. Mr, v MutlckavsMSMß, \uii live-day industrial relations course at the National Productivity Centre here on Tuesday.
    25 words
  • 127 11 ill winds blow GOOD for these taximen BRUNEI TOWN. FrL Brunei taxi drivers have received a totally unexpected windfall* brought by s t ri)D a. northerly winds. lhi wind." arc rendering Mlrt's Lutong airport ireyuently unu^ablp. and th« taxi el: r'.fh rewards ol up to $120 Mr ball a day's
    127 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 234 11 Brrrm click I Brrrm click iJTI Ml? P^E W jH^^y Revhigh! Change fast! I he 5-speed racing type transmission, the close gear ratios, the powerful 6hp o.h.c. engine make the new Honda SS-50 the fastest 50cc production motorcycle ever built! W hen you change up lo a Honda Super to
      234 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 225 11 Straits Times Crossword K«i»s ]<j. 5. H^u iai^ert b\ uooonvenin common ilfii Unna] action 18 1 .i V uii;i: be aaju-iecl 6 Obviously no: a Nlf-madt mi one <8> man <8> i> Collect from uncle.' Thtak Kindly return m> ,-nillinK aaan. by the way and I star; 10 ■X' rail
      225 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 684 12 < .mtinurO Irum Page H ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Wcrtt. tli (Himimum, MR AND MRS A V Belvar.ngar a. knowledge «lth thanks the valuab. help rendered by number* on thet marriage at the Registry. Alor Star 01 Thaipuaam Day 1. FAMILY OF LATE Mom Lee Swe Loo thank relatives and friends fo •oaatolAces.
      684 words
    • 901 12 SITUATIONS VACANI H'"«\ v, ta.i »ia io rta. M PUBLIC UTILITIES BOARD. Sings ».-n Pore. Aii'H.ants artja applied tor th b.e post of Comptooietei- Operator. Kin rartrmnt, which was advei on tised In l>ecrmt*r IMI are thanke and adMs.-d that the vacancy baa 001 been hlle.l. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS requir typing
      901 words
    • 1099 12 ACCOMMODATION VACANT fra IS Wort. t« (him.}— Box it rlt .rfr. *•>» ««Nl. -^autifui Bad rial .1 the 0N Napiar Roac. furnished .va.lanle cc- Ist lay. Ring (Sporei 3tt«.'.h "I lIMI-OITACHID BUNGALOW Fur led nished. unfurntsh.<d. 4.1, Chinbrouk. ow drove. 4 bedroon-.s. n,n» bath Km* Spore 44dS<*0. 're CARDSNIA .10AO.
      1,099 words
    • 1108 12 HOUSES AND LAND M)R SAI I Ii Won't 5* I Him.)— Box it rtt txlrm *S ACRES VACANT LAND eminently suitable Dairy Farm. Cattlera.ilng. Poultry Industry, etc Box A5i35 S.T. I POre FOR SALE Single-itorey n bedroom Semi-detached House, Berangoon Garden Singapore. Leasehold w year* Kins; Madam Tung Lob Teh.
      1,108 words
    • 889 12 TUITION l»»r*ls «a (Mirny— Bo* M rts aatra I ENROL NOW New class.* commencing 1.3 «i Complete course (30.U0 l-iet.hone Spore 23«»4 (2.0U ».00 pm.i David's rkhool of Dancing. HOME TUITION By experienced tutor. Knglish. mathematics at primary, sr-rondaiv levels Please ring Jack •MMI iSporei. ENROLMENTS OPEN NOW Maths Engl'sh.
      889 words
    • 1028 12 FOR HIRE Ii Word* S* f*ffaj.>— Boa M rlt txlro IS-' TV monthly SIS all inclusive. Tuhlic Kleitric 1. PETS FOR SALE »»rrfs <» 1 Him., —Box it rlt. txlro WHIPPETS MKA Class I «.,u let I particular* «c« a.".j6j sis lore POMERANIAN PUPPY MALE I MKA Class I. 2
      1,028 words
    • 945 12 VEHICLES FOR SALE M Worst. Ml iHim.)—Hox i* rlt rxtrn 1966 67 FIAT 124, 1 (> Kadett. SOUIJ I! M I' I I I. mi 1 Opp. I 1467 MERCEDIS 2SOS. I 0 Kad Merc. de« IMD A4O. I Austin A4i H m 0 KeKorrl hi-rl. 1 i C.i 1
      945 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 1137 13 ro LIVERPOOL i WIST COAST U K OulS'O«« snii P. S'tiM fa -i fANTiius i. »e-»oo'. Be'tat SnMga* la Part l\,Wll* 0«R U FM 75 Frt 20 2 Mar 3 PtRRHUS Fel 21 1 r'^ON 6 i«3oV Fel 27 Mi, I Mar 2 J lNf s > <iicv> Ma, 1
      1,137 words
    • 1242 13 THEXJhhUNES I i iitXF>BESS SAIUWCS TO GENOA WOBTH CONTIWiHT/SCANDIWAVIA f- PASADENA a In rart 71 Fel 77 20 Fel 21 2 Apr 1 Apr 1) Apr IS Ap, II l|i 21 I 40NC0LIA a > Mi, it 21 Mi, 77 71 Ma, /I/ I M M t M>, II Mi,
      1,242 words
    • 1136 13 I BESULINE EXPRESS SERVICE TO LONOON LtVERPQOI I CQNTifuMUi PORTS BENWYVIS tar Mir 29 Mir' "3 S BENALLIGIN w J;; l< I Ml) 2 Mar I 9 Ma, 10 14 Mi, 15 II May I BENVORLICH H Mir 9 II Ma, 12 15 Mir II 17 BISHOP! Mir II li
      1,136 words
    • 962 13 |fe ELLERMAN BUCKNALL S.S. CO.. LTD. \|C«VM lMdl "t 'or: HAVRE. LONDON. ROTTCRDAM. HAMBURG P«NM CITT Of DUNDEE M, RotterMn. I I I Ml, 1 1| Mir UK. CITY OF HEREFORD 4 i Apr II 1|- I Ai sailings from united kingdom and continental ports tm 01 HIREIOaO 4 7
      962 words

  • 293 14 A gradual lniprnvement In levt'l.s, and a more optlaalstic undertone ira during early part ol the week's markei state ii.c.b. <o. Ltd. in their current review of the rubber market Trading however, continued thin and the turnover was only fair adds the report Latterly. lack
    293 words
  • 191 14 MELBOURNE. Kn VllMNcis alter being firm earlier aT ■OBtll finished below '.es- !erdu\ le\el.s Great Boulder 10.-t 7n eantt to $730 and North KaUurli r.i,(d 40 cents to $4 5.S A Ibarp '-^iiii made by U'eotrrn Mmmc which closed up $2 hi $.>(> 50 after touchlag 181
    191 words
  • 53 14 HINESE Produce Ecinjnut. tinlaaaa* Coconut oil: bulk h 1 i lalltra, ilium n,,i Mr IK Coal <17 H Pr»p«r' Munto* ***** -iaclktra, Ban Mack ***** tv i,i, <i LampoM black BIITI aailan r.i.Wi 100'J M.W i. tir.^aport Coconut Oil mMOIB' »> tun. vaa ii, 1. 1 SnijJlKiit Copra
    53 words
  • 759 14 From Our Market Correspondent rE Industrial section of the Stock Exchange opened steady yesterday morning, but afterwards the more speculative counters eased a tew cents in most cases following a circular to members from the Stock Kxchange warning them of undue speculation in these counters.
    759 words
  • 32 14 niack liidn.s Krh I InUuvtii^K: 1:1 v I M Properlic>. llii.lK I4MI t Minings: 77. til 77.h'1 t$ rubbers IMJI ItUI Dr.-. It, lMti'.* inn. Dec. 311. IStifi Kill.
    32 words
    1,205 words
  • 211 14 JtfAKCH first trade rubber i.o.b. AT* buyers < losed at 5 p.m. in Sinajaporr and Kuala Lumpur Tpsterday at 46"i. ccnU up half nnt on Thur<iday's rinsing level. The- tone was quirt after steady R.A.S. and M.R K. doting prices in trnts per Ib. vrstrrday. Buyers Sellers
    211 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1071 14 Y^"""" KAWASAKI RISEN KAISHA LTD. 8 Western Australia Singapore Japan Servlee S'pore rokkaicrmNigoyi Yokohama ftoM Ta«a 1>a" Sails} Mar t Ik Mil II Mir IS Mai 12 Mai -tSwfaar mm am 1 > ••> I •»> u la West Africa/Singapore Japan Servlee J i Angola Singapore Yokmiima *o* -C«itr*M Man'
      1,071 words
    • 870 14 AUSTRAUA/MW UAIANB SIR¥IC« INDIA. KAP.ISTAN ANO MR t»S! SfDVICM ft. rnra... A«». Ban. I*l.. Mil. "pTbTT*" <W| Pinant 9 Sham s em. RAIUIA 11/11 Mn II Mai II aa iANRURAi 2? Aai IS/IS Ail I( An RAIUIt 4/ I Apt II Apt I* lARPETA- 1/ I Ma> II 11 Ma;
      870 words
    • 174 14 CLOSING PRICES i «h r.i KIBRKK PRICE: 46i Maria (up half lent). UN PffUCI: IHUII (up lU7|). Kstimatrd orTcriiiK -'!■"> tons (up I tuns). 10 GENOA MARSEILLES ANTWERP ROTTEROAM. BREMEN HAMBURt Singapore V b ham fenanf benuii riamnurk NECKARSTEIN (LLOYO) 25/21 Feb 29 Feb/2 Mar 3 Mar 23 Mar 5
      174 words

  • 360 15 Till Straits tin prltr rose I 11.17 1 to 5556.37* per pu-ul in Penang yesterday influent. f b> the tain of O per tun in the forward buyers' B l.di.dnn on Thursday afternoea Betlei Mipporl. mainly I iropc reported. The
    360 words
  • 306 15 CHIPS LYING ALONCSIOE THE SINGAPORE HARBOUR WMARVES OR EXPECTED TOOAV Tjinessra l i. I'olydoriva 7. ModKazukawa Maru 19. Orient Trannporter 23 :»4. Nikkei Mam 25/ 2n I A RhiprT 31 32. Bllssfui 10' M 36. Mikum Maru 42 43 Kapitan Ki..«ko n L*da Marrsk 45 Rokan
    306 words
  • 86 15 laytia mitdr inrse MMBME in Its rates to •"•rrhams yesterday lal ratri> to $100) United States: Buying TT J2 T/» slrmsil OI) 13, vi d M 33t er*dTl Mlli> •> 13 IK trade bills. Canada: Ruvlrg TT M 13 IB airmail OD 36 13/16. W 4 at Hi/I
    86 words
  • 17 15 Ot-»r ficnan<> market U S Osiia' qtwtai >>t for t.t. for cath Sttrlir. MM ma
    17 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 292 15 Ethical Products Promotion Supervisor ng lntprnatlonal pharmacrutiral manufacturer ItquiTM a younK man with field sales experience to be rrsponMb!r» for preparing Rales bulletins to field and to take charge of special field promotional projects. Hp should be keen minded, good with figures and prepared to work hard. Malaysian citizen preferred.
      292 words
    • 1671 15 A I YOUR SKRVICL M Morsts <» (Hlm.)-Ht < r> «xrro I COMMINCINC 4TH MARCH. Kinder tartan age I s month* upward* S25 Enrol now 34 Cairnhlll load. 8 port DOCUMINT COPYING PLAN PRINTING Motion St.nth Sop* Ltd. Battery Road. S'po-v Tel P3"«:> M.P.H. offer* Photocopy Servic 4" ru earrt
      1,671 words
    • 754 15 NOTICEi PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS PUBLIC APPOIN TMfcN I NOTICE WHEELOCK MARDEN COMPANY (MALAYSIA) LIMITED (Incorporated in Singapore) NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN that at a Directors Meeting held to-day, the Board declared an interim dividend of 6 r > per share les.s income tax in respect of the financial year ending 31st
      754 words
    • 737 15 MAJLIS BANDARAN, BANDAR MAHARANI. MUAR JAWATAN KOSONG— MERINYI KESIHATAN IMI M Permohonan2 ada-lah dl-pelawa darlpada Ra'ayat Persekutuan atau Ra'ayat Neeeri untok memenohi jawatan Merinyu Keslhatan L'muni dalam Mtjlls Bandaran. Bandai Maharanl, Muar. I Tlngkatan Oajl la-lah: Bahagian 111 1 Dalam perchubaan— sl4o x 8— 156 Pepereksaan Tlngkatan-blasa— s2Bo x 14—364
      737 words
    • 995 15 NOIICLb MALAYSIA PROJECTS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION I IMITED NOIK r 111 KrMll I TION NOTICF I Ol\T^ that fit a Centra: Members of the atx.venamrd Cnrr par., oonvei \ed «nd held a the office of Messrs Bh4 more A- t'omrjanv N Kuala Lumpur. on 15th flay at Febr: 8pecl«l Resolution
      995 words

    • 142 16 I I'MIM IH I' i \i I ko\ roi\Ti h Ih.r t II LAD PINAMi icddtc llantivomc Kid PINTO I'imo I'ul.iu I'im.iiii. Hand In Hand Hand In Hand Mrrrirka Rridfr Malatan Dam Shanghai Kid AV* (ON MM SVNDKATE Svndlcat* \<tor SH (p Srt I'p K«re 3: <.OI.I>t\ SIX I'an
      142 words
    • 1278 16 GOING FORECAST: Firm ■HfPMHB 230 CLASS 5 DIVISION 3 BiUlili^l iS4.SOOi7F local jockeys only 1 MOM Cafe* QWI (MtWMIMI BMBMt 4 M »Wadi 8 J 44!.. Mllilfci Bridge a (Luckyl r I >onnelly 5 811 Khamm 2 J 101'"' ».».t|, i (McKerron St i}ui< > Rodcei' 4 8.10
      1,278 words
    • 667 16 BEST BET: Golden Sun (Race 3 1 BEST LONCSHOT Shanghai Kid (Race 2) (^OLDEN SUN (Race 3) is my nap at Penang this afternoon. This five-year-old gelding has '.von three times in his last six outings in Class 6. He is still in top form
      667 words
    • 141 16 Seregalar strides out in fine style CEBIGALAB, who Ii J engaged In Racr Ppnang tomorrow, did a .-parklina tr:al on fir.n going yesterday Rirldrn f>y Olvnn IT. f the .-.ppfdv f'jur-year-old !>««-t Anna (Jold I tppnrv v Samryi vnx 3f In 39, KoKtior (amp M.<n!im drl :i d.t>lun^ V. t;.ii:':|)
      141 words
    • 357 16 f^HRISTCHURCH, Fii. India faced an uphill task at the end of the second days play of the second Tost cricket match against New Zealand here today they were Bel to chase 502 to make Now Zealand bat again. When bad lieht onded play an hour ear'.y
      357 words
    • 102 16 LONDON Kn spin Ijinvler. yesterday cabled Mrr her* accepting their invttai play :n the West Indies as a repUcemeni tor the injured I Itmus, who last four In boating accident on Tuesday. Oowdrey, the mco ( had announced in BridRPtown. Barbado* that .(1 i)Prn ;ir.
      102 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 664 16 OIL PALM MILL ENGINEER Application are invited for the position of 1'ilm Oil Mill tncinrrr for a medium sized Mill in Selangor. Tlir successful applicant must fulfil the following requirements:— 1 Mr must be a .Mal.iNM.ui Citizen. ll.ivr first class rduration which culminated in MOT certificate as Marine Fngineer or
      664 words
    • 1406 16 PUBLIC APPOINTMENT SINGAPORE POLYTECHNIC I'liM <,RAIM ATI: TBAIMNti IN MARINt KNOHflBBIXO Applications are lnwteti for a po«<-piaduate scholarship In Marine Knginretint; The training mil HMatf nver three veals di-ring mlncii the successful can- dldate mil altencl a one-year post -graduate rourfe at a UnlverHlly In ihe Lulled Kingdom leading to
      1,406 words
    • 25 16 GOLF Comprehensive range of new and guaranteed re- conditioned golf clubs t available. I SPECIALIST IN GOLFING EQUIPMENT ;lVvn*toi&Ltd. 4 .The Arcade SnqHpore-1. Tel *****/*****
      25 words

    • 139 17 We'll come back with titles, says Kew San A prise last-minute inclusion when the Malaysian badminton tram left last nißht for West Germany on their way to the AllEn gland championships (Mar. :iman nmad. a Kedah p<>l'.cemaii. who.vf trip is red Jointly tv. liyan Tnbaccu and the police. Teh Ken
      139 words
    • 18 17 epot made a elr delfnce H«!.msan shield for Police mi Vmmpinnshlp bv br- i-0 at Gur-
      18 words
    • 18 17 I I I \<nrr Jnr l.ragur ■»nr I f«up Final: Darul at Jn Bf«*r 1 BWDUONG age-
      18 words
    • 387 17  -  MANSOOR RAHMAN First S-E Asian country to join the boycott By will not go to the Olympic Games at Mexico City in October. This was decided at un emergency meeting of the Olympic Council of Malaysia in Kuala Lumpur yesterday. The decision was unanimous. Malaysia thus
      387 words
    • 264 17 No trouble for top seed Billy MALAYSIAS No 1 BUl> Yap the too seed, easily reachea men v s:ncles quarterfinals of thi^ jraax'l Selangor Open tennis championship by beating John Gowdie 6-2 6-1 on the Briugor Club courts ye.sterdav. He was joined by the other ris two of who;" seed
      264 words
    • 179 17 Mexicans to speak at boycott meeting J^KAZ/AMI.I.K. Kri. The African Supreme Sports Council has postponed until Sunday .1 meeting scheduled for tomorrow to decide whether Africans should stage :i mass boycott of the Mexico City Olympics in October Offli i*l M>iin»y. rAiii the meeting vu postponed hrciuv virre of the
      179 words
    • 143 17 AMERICAN pro Doug Sanders earned $21,000 for a scorching round ol four-under-par 68 over the Island I course. Singapore, yesterday. Hls rivals. fellow -American Charlie Sifford and Welshman Dave Thomas, were nrn'cn hv mx strokes boh f:nL>-hing on 74 Sifford and Thomas each received M 2 000
      143 words
    • 571 17 MANILA, Fri. CEIJI NODA of Japan today ttreu a pace-setting four-under-par 68 to wrest the lead on the second day of the 1968 Philippine Open goll championship. After two days of play. Noda's 36-hole card was 138 Overnight leader Martin Roc. ink
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 413 17 Kimco-Hough Payloaders Represent "A Payload of Power." These Payloaders have almost the same maintenance features which have placed its world. IH and KIMCO of Japan have joined capacity JH-308 and the 5,500 pound specifications ss the International Hough counterparts, built in the U.S.A., Canada, forces to manufacture JH models. This
      413 words

  • 70 18 MR CHOW SEX WOO I i l;*.ri OH 1 Tamtiun Kuh CABLE RECEIVED 1 molhfl ol K r -.-r <.! Ku.iJamrna KodukulH-ji oi. 21.2.M OR YAP CIM THONG. •d a«a> An Soot I.iiiik. Cboo, a.m on Oanione Crrm.itonuin MADAM CHEN KIM MOI ol M ■t Ifa\iriK I hind (rantichi
    70 words
  • 362 18 KUALA LUMPUR. Fri. liENGKU Abdul Rahman today r called for effective public relations to keep the people informed of the truth at all times and expose the evil elements out to disrupt society and destroy harmony. The Prime Minister was urging the elimination of
    362 words
  • 48 18 SINGAPOKK hri Ml. Haidei Sithawalla. Acting Director. Light Industrie* Services, will speak on "The role of light indu Singapore" al the luncheon meeting ot t lie V s Men's Club Igspore, Beta Chapter, tomorrow at 1 30 pin at the Viking Hnoin. Ci'HKlwoed Hotel
    48 words
  • 301 18 LONDON. PH Thr sUK-k market was (.eneinlly lowei today Pie-Budget caiiiion was intensified Ing'a HdvPise iwftlwi to the 0 K Government 's future expenditure plans. Toward! the close, t tie K. T. Old ■■hare index was 4 1 lower at 399.2 Closini: middle prices of
    301 words
  • 67 18 LONDON. Fri— Spot 16 5 16d March 16 7 lfid April 16 9 ltiti May 16 13 Hid April May 16 13 16d July Sept. lT,d. Oct Dec 17 d Jan March 17 13 16ci April June 18d July Sept 18'« d Oct Dec 18', d Jan March 18
    67 words
  • 34 18 LONDON. Fri Buyers CI3I I I C2>. sellers 1191] £1 1 k,hward buyers II3M i -C 2), .sellers C131V.. i *I'_. p. Settlement £1311 i+£l< Turnover am 130 tons.. lini tons Tone Steady
    34 words
  • 257 18 So Frank gets on a donkey to fight 'donkey vote' MKLBOI KNK. Kri -An in dependent candidate Is caiupaigninu here mount ed on a donkey "to make people think hefore th<\\ vote." He is opposing Mr John (iorton. Australia's new Prime .Minister, in a byelection tomorrow. .Mr. Frank Courtis said
    Reuter  -  257 words
  • 91 18 WARD VISITS FOR 51 PAP MPs SINGAPORL. rri All I the 51 pap IfPa who were returned unopposed at last Saturday's Nomination Day mr the Sin^iipcjrc Oenera] Election, art to vi.^it their respective constituencies. Plans are brin« iinaliscd Inr then to meet community leaders and to yet to know their
    91 words
  • 150 18 BANGKOK. Friday. 4MERICAN Peace Corps volunteer] 1 in Thai towns where there are big Americai baaea have complained thai too low when compared with rising prices oi food and accommodation. Peair Corp- olPcUla .said today the volunteers have alho complained that local youngsters
    150 words
  • 88 18 Just fancy that SEOUL, Fri— A total of t.!l couples, who urre married in an historic mass wedding yesterday, left for thr country todaj to start a It d»J period of ceilbae) and evaagellcal uork of a honr\ moon. lhr\ ,uc foilowen of the Hol> Spirit AsaociatkHl for Unification
    Reuter  -  88 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 29 18 Late CLASbIFILDS 20 nords $15 (minimum) TO SOMASUNORAM XX M H Thot.k-. li TO MR AND MRS 3wSB^BBk-_ I 1 BsL. f f£sn_ gH HIHbIB SB FJ v rf'
      29 words
    • 130 18 SUCCESSFUL STUDENTS of tomorrow ARE STUDENTS of AACC today Tm^W .M3P igas^^sf. d Prepare Now tor ikimitai k i rsMMtAi 1968 1969 »-A.H.1.. XX..X n H.IIMMI\ II: I |||v| > II;M O\ lommofmm <I»IKSKS M \l| .AHI.I-. M.X lIIK M.1.1..1H IN., I \>l|N I INH examinations hk.iikk school csbtifk mi
      130 words