The Straits Times, 22 February 1968

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 20 1 The Straits Times. The National Newspaper tstd 1845 THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 22. 1968 15 CENTS KDN. 3104 :M (I 1 0014
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  • 189 1 NO SNAP POLLS TENGKU SAYS IT AGAIN Xl \l I IMIMIt Wed faftgfai Abdul saM it again tonight thiir is no nrrti to hnlil .i general election earlier Ih. in Hie stipill.ltrd date in \t m-.ii "If HFC «:int t(» h.i\e .1 mi.ip general election we should nave straag
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  • 571 1  - Big sea parade greets the King off S'pore RODERICK PESTANA By VJINGAPORE. Wed. The Royal Malaysian Navy accorded the Yang di-Pertuan Agong a lull-scale welcome today durIng his one-day official visit to the Woodlands base here. The King, wlm wa., acI'ompanled by the Raja Pcrmaisuri Agong, la the RMN's Admiral
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  • 279 1  - Cell break by armed thug CHEAH SEONG PAIK B» Talks on, says Shaw —then Cathay denial pENANO, Wed. An arm c c! prisoner held up a warder with a pistol early morning and escaped from his cell In block (ti the General Hospital. Bl r the man. 24. had Bed
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  • 304 1 $200 m merger riddle KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. THE Shaw-Cathay merger mystery deepened tonight with conflicting statements by the heads of the two film and cinema chain empires. In HONG KON(;, Hie chief of the Shaw organisation in the colony. Mr. Run Run Slum. w;is quoted today in the afternoon newspaper
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  • 114 1 Blast rocks Soviet Embassy WASHINGTON. Wed mysterious dawn expiation rocked the Soviet Embassy today, shattering downstairs room and bringing army and ix>li<-e l>>mb experts rashlnu in the scene. Soviei diplomats refused to provide an explanation for the blast, which tore a hole in the rill In 11 1 v frontage
    Reuter  -  114 words
  • 20 1 BAIOON Wrd B»CUrit< p<>lire nviav arrctrd llir militant BuddhiM Iracler Thicli Trl Quant. hlr,hly-pl«e*d pollc* vnircM K«ld R«uter
    Reuter  -  20 words
  • 49 1 KUALA I UMPI H Writ The Drvan Ra'ajrai this afternoon parsed Hip budge) eat Una tea totalling 11.993.17S 1 1 1 year's Ofdtnarj e\p*"nditiue The House qpoM m\ (lav- riebxitnc the (laeal poilc] <>f Mm budget and 14 days in commitlee in aiacuaa H in detaiL
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  • 172 1 Uphill fight— Tun KUALA LUMPUR. Wed 'I'l N Abdul Ka/ak warn--1 id today that th< battle agalßMl po\ert> would continue to advance uphill for MM time to come "Our problems will nrlome more difficult before the} reach the point of ea>inu-oIT. We must, therefore, brace ourselves to meet them resolutely."
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  • 469 1 Marines catch Viets napping HUE. Wednesday J s MAHINKS fighting in Ihe Hue iil;ulel launched v sneak attack <>n coninitinisl |x»si I ions early Uxla> and round llieircncim Nleeping. The battalion i»t Leathernecks, fighting to re-t-.i-t quadrant <>i >he walled city since Feb. 13. moved swiftly under cover of darkness
    Reuter  -  469 words
  • 70 1 XI.M A I UMPUR. Wed Poi thr Bi i nine. H. OSkhraHimi m Malajri i not in- determined by iiif Hfbiir; o( UM IIXHi!, In m ttatcsneai line today, the Keeper of the Kill' Si i Alumni Inn H.. i HUMetn, sa Id ii. am daj
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  • 59 1 NEW DKLHI Wed Tengku Abdul Rahman will loon make ail oflicial M-ii in Nepal tht Nepah I Mtnii ci Mi K N Bl Up made the disclosure at a pmi conference at which in- aaked HlX'ii! lepoiiK thai the an Ooverumeni might request Gurkha aoldle terve
    AP  -  59 words
  • 32 1 THANT SEES IJU ON VIETNAM PEACK WASHINGTON. We«. Fnited Nations Secretary General U Thant conferred with President Johnson at White House today on prospects for bring-tnx peace to Vietnam. Beater.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 123 1 BE WISE? Ute PMOIOCMROMIC LENSES .hicti or. colour lest indoor but darken AUTOMATICALLY up to 75 »,thin fivt mifiyltl oqoinit brilhont sunhaht outdoor Why not buy one pair ot thcio iiiiui from vi instead at ktepino. too p«lrt ot ordinary qlosv tor indoor and outdoor r€»p«cti»tly D AH SIN OPTICAL
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    • 109 1 NOW! Compact Cassette ■ASF CI20; l^llf QUALITY TAPE JEBSEN JESSEN (S) LTD. SAFE i Eii I fl al ■HUsWit You do not worry about your savings when you have entrusted them to a world renowned international organisation. You just leave them and watch them grow, relying on the reputation for
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    • 85 2 It's great Paul and Ringo join the meditation summit KESH. Wed. IV The Beatles were I in placid dental mcdl- sterua.v aIU>l rjnu, trip hi.- mountain '..itiaiiMu Mah< p tur Kliiso u«m J .in.' "HI •>{ .i in.,,! (Urn. .-.-•a down I 1-...1- .rn-ii to detour tIM Hop^ Br due
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    • 53 2 [MUISIDKNI (hunc-hee V<rk „t IsMflk Knrr.i .it pi>lp| praiti tt his oiTicial hn:,n m Seoul. H«- hec;m the pr.irticr after thr North Knrr.i n CM. m.inrin .ittiMijn to •rhop off his Most of the ("inniunist c*samiind«M were eaaghi «r killod hut a few es
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    • 23 2 Moscow wad Tha head air--10 '»m. ,1 3nr earning l.oa wouli appear in Uh nejd 10 to 15 years Reuter
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    • 37 2 I/INDON. Vpc! Hnme s>rreUry James Callaghan last rolled for n tu!l polirp report of an attack and threat! uhicn caused an Inalan bua inspector Mr Hans Rai Oupia. at Oxford to nive up hi* job.—Reuter.
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    • 301 2 HONG KONG. Wednesday J^ICKETY sailing junk.s carrying penplt escaping from Communist China reached Hong Kong from three directions in the past two days, authorities reported. Harbour police intercepted five boats carrying 141 people on Monday and yesterday. Classed as illegal immigrants', they
      UPI  -  301 words
    • 35 2 NSW YORK. Wad —Black Po-'fr advocate H Rap Broun was arre^'fcl by Federal officers herp today on cha:are^ of \lola'inp bai! by makme a trip to California ar the weekend Reu'er
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    • 22 2 1 II to send If Russia during the online buck to s.-!).<,'| because t hr\ are Inwrtßctrotrji qualified Renter.
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    • 31 2 MOSCOW. Wed— The Soviet Union today launched two unmanned Cosmos satellites ln'o oiw-lmilar orbiu around the eartli Ta*.<. said the aim was to continue the exploration of space— Reuter
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    • 50 2 LOS ANOELES. Wed. Siamese-twin girls born to a 16-year-old unwed mother were :eported in gonrj condition in hospital hen today. The cirls nrr mined from chest to navel. Doctor's plan a senc of tests to determine the feasibility of separatin* the twins by sur-ery Reuter.
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    • 197 3 I OXDON. Wed. Arthur the Cat. Mipposedly snuggling down to Soviet Embassy asylum, was ordered by a judge today to resume his r on television. The court order said it's own i. actor •c Manning, must hai.rj him back by
      Reuter  -  197 words
    • 646 3 Hue fighting: No quick end in sight... BAJGON I'm nun Nkum-ii Van lot piriiuU there will no mmr liiilnlav ■is v a result ■>( (In- oinniiinist attacks <lu;iru' tin- ir, mi lunar N< v *i- ir tru<«\ "From now on, I ihink nobody Hoiild arm talk about a Iruir Ih
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    • 132 3 NEW YORK. Wed. Naked women will m.irrißc the rarth in 30 m-.i's. a m ienlist-philo-soplirr predicted. Mr Kuikmiiister FulIrr in the current issue <>■ MeCsJTs. said uimien in the Clal centiny would have "full ni.tnagrmcnt of the e.irth." The] would weir little or
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    • 168 3 Undersea rocket defence study in America WASHINGTON. Wed. Navy Secretary Paul Ignatius said yesterday the U.S. was studying a new undersea long-raiige ballistic missile system. He outlined studies of new ballistic .strike forces and a possible sea-based antiballLstic missile system while testifying before the Senate Armed Services Committee in support
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    • 34 3 DAR-ES-SAI.AAM. Wed Prefidrnt Julius Nyerere bu released three mm. including a former Tanziiiu.m i luet of protocol. Mr. Wyn Mbwambo. who were ortained last July under the Preventive Detention Act. Reuter.
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    • 33 3 AHMEDABAD. Wid. The Gujcrat State Assembly adjourned 10 minutes ahead of time yesterday in protest against the Bterofttionai tribunsfi'a award of one tenth of the Rann of Kutch to Pakistan. A.P.
      AP  -  33 words
    • 36 3 SYDNEY. Wed -A new booster .''.itioii that will enable from Radio Australia t,. ix- rrveivcd at greatly lams* ed strength in Asia will go into •ervice by the end of the ye«r. Reuter.
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    • 103 3 Third degree in street to root out Reds THI Saigon way of set tmc information. South Vietnamese soldiers torture a View-tins suspect in Ihe campaign to wipe out Reds in the city. This picture was taken in the Chinese quarter of Cholon. The National Police Director. Bru den Nguyen Nroc
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    • 199 3 LONDON, Wednesday. Home Secretary, Mr. James Callaghan, last night stunned the House of Commons and raised a legal question by appearing to condemn two men facing murder charges. The Minister was diefending in Parliament the vigilance of police in combating violent crimes. He said one of
      Reuter  -  199 words
    • 100 3 JAKARTA. Wed The acting President. Gen. Suharto, has replaced the chairman or Indonesia's Supreme court who was appointed by Dr Soekarno In 1966. it was announced here Chairman Soerjadi offered his resignation recently after Gen. i Suharto appointed 'wo new Supreme Court members
      Reuter  -  100 words
    • 33 3 BOMBAY Wed Nrv.lvmarrled couples In '.lie Western Indian State of Mahaiash'ra are to receive »e<ldinp tzif's from the state ctnernment two handkerchief* printed with the words "small family, happy family Reutrr
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 155 2 1 BBft VsVl BBSB^^^ BY JbBSS^BB^BVSSSHBB^SSSSSB^SI ■BBS™^^ fM W ~^^^K SBSBSCfisVfI BVSmSSsI ssW^^ ±V VWR' faftam bW^ ■ft O»l Lj BJP"^ BM.wi B^ ,/7 //'I bH rifl 1 *r%^ /rf f _^^^m M < SBBia If you're wondering how we manage to cover Hint many mile* an hour, the answer
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    • 226 2 jkiijssjs^ i'snxwnb pensive i|ualn I Os! r I 19 \ears. I here 1 ii> c\ir.i iniooih ia»'te. .unlest >ou'\c nevet tried it before BURNETT'S WHITE SATIN LONDON DRY GIN Advertisement Lemons Tor lira illy To Keep yout skin clear and fair you need the natural cleansing and bleaching tonic of
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 29 2 TUE GAMBOL'S *~^&,>4+ /now i«wt mie) ->_ rggrry ?>^ O*"!X-^ /'its rnamßo ma "N /iwcrtAD op tuacT) N LOVBLV cuAoeJ I orab black: y^ \T of rsot-^1 y (artj f -II
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  • 131 4 RECITAL AT THE VIC BY FRENCH PIANIST SINGAPORt. Wed. The National Theatre Trust, in association with the Alliance Francaise, will be presenting the renowned French pianist Alain Mo t ird (above) In a pianoforte recital at the Victoria Theatre on March 3 at 8.45 p.m. Mr. Motard came to Singapore
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  • 41 4 SINGAPORE. Wed. The I'ai Easurn division of the gentral conterence of Seventh-day Adventists today presented a cheque for $1000 to the acting Consul-General of the Republic <f Vietnam Mr. Ta Thai Buu. lor refugees in South Vietnam.
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  • 482 4 SINGAPORE. Wed THE Singapore Polytechnic today disclosed thnt a number of professional institutions have recognlsed ome "f Its degrees and professional diplomas. The council of the Chartrr>(i Institute of Secretaries ha.^ dpcided to grant holder.-, of the Polytechnic's professional diploma In accountancy and those who held
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  • 300 4 Polythene dumping charge denied in S'pore SINGAPORE. Wed. gIMiAPORhS polythene manufacturers today denied they were "dumping" their products in Malaysia at 50 to 55 cents a pound. The charge of dumping had been made before the Tariff Advisory Board in Kuala Lumpur yesterday by Mr. Thomas Wong, managing director of
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 418 4 UiAITA/ I Vivacious Vocals I m Breath taking C^4 W Balancing! J. J M Exotic, Provocative ,X/v W Dancing! m The most you'll find on fW^j HAIGH sings J BY DEMAND FOR A FEW DAYS ONLY The wonderful LEMON SISTERS The elegant rendezvous in the heart of the city. Lunch
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    • 251 4 PIMPLES VANISH! Annuving, beauty spoiling pimpln «nd other facial blemishes soon disappear when DDD gels to work. Simply appK it to spots or pimples at bedtime and see how quickl\ soar complexion become* clear and spotlets! Try DDD for yourselt— >ou"U be amazed how fast it Morks. Try il today.
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    • 264 4 ODEON OPENS TODAY! VTk'A^ Filmed Entirely On Location In Singaporer g^ il CBE An Adventure Oi fs^ S Darin, Men On ifLj&L THE EXCITING STREET a Mission of FIGHT IN KATONG! Jt W& I ch!natown: OUR FIVE MEN IN SINGAPORE EASTMANCOLOR PLUS ON STAGE-TONIGHT AT 9.15 p.m. 4 I GUINNESS
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    • 542 4 ORGANISATION 2nd BIG WEEK 1 j Shewt daily No»« Times 145. SIS t 145 "Comelot ■at 157 pm, S 27 pm 4 (52 pm _j N 6. Extra 10am l»ow on Sunday. Richora Horr-i, tier Nor I m v onesso Redorovi "CAMELOT ;o«/v i m Full STEREOr. FroTi Wo"- -s
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  • 121 5 U R. Wed. nenia em(i tv extort "ii lrom a busmes.mai: ton-ln-lftw. co- a he $400,000 lirst nr I ottery. y for three L 42. had In the on Satur- xtortlon and Illegal possession to] and 18 rounds of ammunition on Feb. 'he State
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  • 12 5 BRUNEI TOWN. Wed. -Brunei direct teleprinter ink u.ih Kuala Lumpur
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  • 11 5 Three srll a t D iver turned
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  • 289 5 Father-in-law made an offer, court told THE 'MR. and MRS. HOMEMAKER' DIVORCE SUIT SINGAPORE, Wednesday A FORMER stock-broker, Ng Chiau Beng sued for divorce told the High Court today that his father-in-law had offered him certain terms if he did not contest his wife's petition. He said: "My father-in-law, Mr.
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  • 1338 5 'I was rudely awakened and replied: I should have spanked you long ago' he found her preparing to ro out. The fiance of his wile's cousin Invited him to join them for a .swim. Ng said: "I would have gone if my wife had not shouted at me. I felt
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  • 65 5 £IN(.APOKK Wed The British Army's first Hovercraft unit. 200 Hovercraft Trials Squadron. Royal Corps of Transport, will leave Britain next mouth for Singapore to oontinus ita trials in the Kar East, and train M a squadron in both tactical and logistical roles. The squadron is equipped
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  • 221 5 Hammer and sickle flies in capital KUALA LI'MPUR, Wed.— The hammer and sickle flew in Kuala Lumpur today the first symbol of the friendly relations between the Soviet Union and Malaysia. It flew from a tall flagpost in the grounds of the Russian Trade Commission at 362 J a 1
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  • 37 5 KLALA LLMPLR Wed— The Minister of Transport. Tan Sri Sardon. who is Chiel Scout if ?.!a!a\-ia will present merials to 7 1 people for their Ml* l the Scout movement at a parade here tomorrow.
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  • 271 5 KHIR:N O NEED TO WORRY ABOUT CHINESE EDUCATION IPOH. Wed. Th« J Minister of Education. Inchr Mohamed Khir Johari, last night reiterated that there wa.s no need to worry about Chinese education in the country because the Constitution contained a clause which said in effect: "Nobody will ever destroy Chinese
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 35 5 I Micro separate stereo ~J§ 11 that operates like the Arrangement at your choice High precise soHd-state output Power Diamond stylus Econom.cally pneed S,GN OF QUAUTY AND TECHNiCAL ADVANCEMENT fflfßl NIVICO^« U SW(wWuCHOUTS INCAPOtt*I.DI«AIA«Al NCAP0tt*I.DI«AlA«A
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  • 155 6  -  kampong blaze by OlNCiAPORE, Wed. 56 people were made hon tonight when a big wood-and-zinc house in kampong off Thomson Road went up in ily a stone's throw from a petrol k. were members ol 11 and <1 oc- o ra- had their belons. Injured :ire engines
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  • 934 6  - Father-in-law of Ser Chin gives evidence T. F. HWANG WEALTHY PAWNBROKER'S WILL CASE By SINGAPORE. Wed. TIIK High Court was today told that a wealthy pawnbroker, Wong Ying Sieng. 52 who died more than 10 years ago— had chosen Mr. Ho Yew Foong, ;ilso a pawnbroker and father-in law of
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  • 95 6 The Prime Minister at Australian Ballet's opening night THE Prime Minister, Mr Lee Kuan Yew and Mrs. Lee (above) were among t".i«- YIP audience who watched the spectacular opening performance of the Australian Ballet on Tuesday night. With Mr. and Mrs. Lee are the Foreign Minister. Mr. S. (extreme
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  • 70 6 'Merry Andrew' film show for chess fund SINGAPORE. Wed. The Singapore Chess Federation Is organising a film show to raise hinds for their Junior members' .1 -tivltles and the organising of international events. The film. MCtt's "Merry Andrew", a circus comedy st.irring Danny Kaye. will be screened at the Cathay
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  • 21 6 SINGAPORE. Wfd Tony Cheah of Lufthansa German Airlines lelt for Hamburg yesterday for a murse in advanced airport operations
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  • 99 6 SINGAPORE. Wed. Two Tamil experts have arrived here to help In the development of Tamil education in Singapore. .Mr. K. Govindaswamy and Mr. Pakshirajan have been sent by the Indian Government under the Colombo Plan technical co-operation scheme. Mr. (.uMiidasamv holds an M. V degree in Tamil
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  • 70 6 SINGAPORE:. \\>d. The Singapore Indian Association has launched a 1 imp. nun among its members to collect donations for the National Defence Fund. To start the campaign, the association de- 1 nli-d to donate subscriptions of members for one month to the fund. The spokesman
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  • 139 6 Are you a witness to these fatal accidents? CINGAPORK, Wed. 0 Police today sou, 'lit eye-witnesses m fatal road accidents yesterday. whit h claimed the liv. s of .1 22-year-old Man and 10-year-old boy At 11.20 a.m. .1 cc.llis on between a> I rover and a moton the junction
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  • 145 6 LECTURES ON WOMAN'S FUNCTIONS SINGAPORK. Wed. A scries ot mx lectures dealing primarily wi'h "woman and her I bodily fui ill be given by Prot low Siarnj Hwa at the K Kerbau lecturi starting Thursday March 7. This Is a repeat ol UM course given by Prof Ti October, for
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  • 18 6 SINOAPORE. Wed. Th» annual general meetn.g of the Singapoi;* Muslim L«>hk-i» will be held on Sunday
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 73 6 We are not telling you to change your usual brand of CIGARETTES RUT mmw \mo if you really desire That extra measure of smoking pleasure. A really efficient filter. V The choicest blend of Virginia tobaccos. We suggest you try NEW ABDULLA 37 KING SIZE VIRGINIA FILTERS IN THE SMART
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 186 6 in-!, o»p m^ r.r. jumirV,%f V/tLL, I GUCSS I J)^ 5 5 ""^J rTW WAV THESE I/./ I 9WEAR Nfci I _WOUU> NOU CONSIDER fe£< uml sen *vay from /7..Quesnon neanderthals 1 V.[ r couu> /satw.wmm I ABiTCFnfISSw? \*ADMBNJ 18, WILL I ARE TALKJM 1 lU. EKT A I PONT
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  • 1031 7  - U.S. sheriffs and their Civil Rights battles PETER COSTIGAN by NEW YORK fictional infamy of sheriffs might have been established with Robin Hood and the lawman of Nottingham, but their real-life notoriety has become an established fact of history in the mid 20th century Deep South of the United States
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  • 520 7  -  \k:tok walker by ATHENS u/HILE archaeloglsts argue about the Imminence ol the danger of collapse, action La at last bell the Faith» i on <>i Athena i<»r future generations. UP "ear and .•■killed workmen are beginning the long proc< ss ol treatttone with chemical presenratl
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 285 7 WHY BE SKINNY? W^COMEOh f IL ENJOY LIFE! Amazing new scientifically processed formula. Super Wate-On I offers you a quick way to put on extra pounds and inches of firm, SllDPr healthy flesh— safely. And Super Wate-On provides nourishment, helps to improve appetite and increase vitality. It's pleasant to take
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  • 20 8 tt Worit Sit mimimutm) MR. CANASEN .2 Ml "D' 'm all tkino I i4a and lor*!* 'Q tht.
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  • 649 8 The Straits Times. Thursday, February 22. 1968 The Kenya Exodus However the Asian "exodus" from Kenya is considered the feeling that it is basically a human problem seems inescapdble. The combined pressure of Africanisation and the possibility of new immij;rad"n curbs in Britain has increased the flow of displaced panaM
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  • 573 8 Public ir>U-it>st in the proposed amendments of th« Central Bank Ordinance and the Banking Ordinance apparent iy is small although (>l major importance. Perhaps t(i < is nol surprising. The Central Bank Ordinance itst-lf was ;>p|)iovfd t*n years ■0B by th«> legislature in no longer tune than it
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  • 2022 8  - An all-out effort for rural and land development Tun ABDUL RAZAK AFTER TEN YEARS OF INDEPENDENCE AND PROGRESS THE ROAD IS STILL UPHILL From the speech by Introducing the Development Estimates in Parliament IN the 10 years since Merdeka, much has been accomplished to improve the living conditions and the
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 454 8 Classified advertiseneils for j Straits Times a Malay Ma. I may be handed to: COID STORAGt SUPIK-MARirr r Das*J .1 BDANCHIS LlO*. iTOKI LTD '■«1 UaMrmarkaf. i 3 Adrrww La* Novol Bo*. HAMItM JTOKt, tungl tood. TNAVAMT aY CO, ).*io Kayu, (LA. '•■•nr. mUBARUK a BROS LTft. Mofu A*m». Sate
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    • 51 8 the Renowned CUSTOM TAILORS Styles Cat to the Latest Fashions Hand Tailored Best Workmanship Also Importers t txaartara of High Oom Worsteds Woollen*. Slit Lewgtto of Wor Renowned Brand* FINTfX DORMEUIL, HUNT I WINTERBOTHAM. WAIN SHIELL. GLOREX Make Ideal Gifts for All Occasions. 21, Ottilia S*., S'nn. Tel: ***** Honako«f
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    • 258 8 DONALD MOORE CONCERTS LTD. In order to deal smoothly with the heavy demand for tickets for THE AUSTRALIAN BALLET performances on Feb. 20th 23rd mt the National Theatre, Donald Moore Galleries, Liat Towers, Orchard Road, Singapore will remain open until 10 p.m. today. Book your seats today! Uf% DEI AVI
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  • 167 9 Man, 65, drives 35 miles with arm severed (POH. Wed— A husines>m.«n drove .15 mile* yenterday evening to hospital here after his right arm had been severed at the elbow in a r<>"! ii< ident Mr Amar Sin c h. h.y bleeding profusely, uas stopped by police at a road
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  • 92 9 Jobbers raid canteen pBNANQ, Wed Four armed robbers raided a canteen for construction worker* In Jalan Permatang Pauh last night and escaped with more than $1. 100 in cash and jewellery. The omner Chin Leong C'ht-e 52, told police he was -itiinn on a bench when tour n armed with
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  • 84 9 MALACCA. W"! V.v. Fernandez. 37. secretary or the Malacca. Club, tas charged in the magistrates rnurt here today with criminal breach of tru«t of two sums of m< tailing. $7 644 He pleaded not guilty and was allowed bail Fernandez is alleged to hay« misappropriated a cheque
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  • 44 9 IPOH \Vo<l Mr A M Loorda*. senior technical M» :i ttte Drainage and Irnytment Inoh nnd a trade union leader died at the •il here today after a chort illness He leave; a widow, two son* i tod two d&ughten.
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  • 222 9 Gangster gunsmith grabbed at his hide-out KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday tiger general" of a secret society gang, who is believed to have used a plastic toy pistol as a model for making home-made revolvers, was arrested last night at Serdang Bahru. about 12 miles from here. Following his arrest, the Selangor
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  • 224 9  - C'WEALTH -A PILOT PLAN FOR WORLD HARMONY 001 CHENG GAIK B/ KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. The Commonwealth can be made the pilot scheme for world co-opera-tion and harmony. The Duke of Devonshire, chairman of the Royal Commonweal'h 8ociety. said this today on hi* arrival for a short visit at the Invitation
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  • 263 9 Con man with stolen visiting cards, cheques DENANG. Wed. A priest today warned the public about a confidence trickster who may call on them with stolen cheques and visiting cards. The Rev Father James Chan, managing director of the Catholic Information Service here, said the man had stolen his visiting
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  • 168 9 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. THL Minister of Works, Posts md Telecommunications. Tun V. T. Vimli.tnlhan. told the Dewan Ra'ayat today that pipes supplied to tlis Ministry by Hume Industries were "found to be in order." Referring to allegations made recently by Dr. Tan C'hee Khoon (Lah-Batu) that these
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  • 291 9  - A slip-up puts Queen in the wrong car at the base JUDITH YONG -By SINGAPORE. Wed. A slip- up took the Raja Ponnaisuri Aaong away from her pronrammp at the Royal Malaysian val Base this morning. It happened |ust after ih« King had in>p.>eud the parade with colo by 500
    Han Hai Fonp  -  291 words
  • 58 9 PENANO Wed —The Penang rnp \>day urged the Government to .set up a n.i!:on.ii textbook publirat.on bureau so that .md guardian* n<*?d not schoo; In vieu 11! !.r I poseri on nrrilv itudMltJ .r th€ re-open.: there •uch .i bureau, tl of tie party s
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  • 49 9 SINGAPORE Wed Th» Singapore Malay National Organisation is to call a meeting of all branch leaders on Feb. 25. to explain why the party boycotted the (ter.ert.l electfons. All the top Waders, headed by the party chair-nun. Inche Ahmad Taif. will address the branch officials.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 40 9 ONODA CEMENT ■^K Mil" f mm 'i l^ I ■nfIHHL ONODA W CEMENT CO.,LTDT !Sihn, M Head Offict: Tokyo. Japan Cable *ddre«i: ONOSEME TOKYO" Sole Apent*: Hon« Leant ttrf. Singopor* Hong i«e Herdwor* Co., Ltd., Panong FOUrJTAIN NITE CLUB Fnuntaan
      40 words
    • 129 9 HILLVIEW ESTATE (Phase II) Two -Storey Modern Terrace Houses On Freehold Land. At 9 n.s. Bukit Timah Road, Singapore. Roao Entry: Between the Chartered Bank Ltd. (Bukit Timah Branch) Eveready Battery Factory FOR SALE $26,500 Upwards Mortgage Loan up to 75 on selling price can be arranged. ''^h^p^K^B&Bßav^HiifflP^vM's^V l l.^
      129 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 801 9 ON YOUR TV AND RADIO TODAY TV MALAYSIA RADIO SINGAPORE CHANNEL 5 Kuala I umpur I Man Higgtns Five Will Oet SHOKTWAVt StKVICE: Knowlfisr, 330 Drifting and and IVnani:; fi Ipoh anil You Ten. 800 News in Man- 6* and 25 metre* Dieam.ntj. 400 Cloy Down; Malacca; 3. 10 Jnhore
      801 words

  • 155 10  - Making best of mini vogue while it lasts! ESME BAPTIST A i by FASHIONS to put you in a gjy mood and male* you fed young were featured recently when six Singapore models showed a collection of colourful outfits. The outfits ranged train twimtyiti and catual to|t to day dreisct
    155 words
  • 80 10 IjiYE make-up, ranging j from extravagant evening designs to the simplest liner and shadow, must be removed each night neatly, efn'Mintly and safely. fcilzabeth Arden has created a new eye make-up remover cream a >mooth white pre- paration that cleans away make-up. It Is applied
    80 words
  • 292 10 SKIRT hems are a remarkably accurate guide to the state of Britain's economy says a report from London. Those daring short skirt;, for dancing the Charleston in the 1920s went down, down down for devaluation in 1931. They were Happing around the calves
    292 words
  • 214 10 MRS. Mikl G.H. Foong. 31. Is a successful combination of wife, mother and business woman who views life as a challenge and steps out to meet the opportunities It has to offer She Is devoted to her husband and their three young
    214 words
  • 46 10 rm.ike brandled peaches quickly, drain fruit canned in heavy or extra heavy sugar syrup and stir into it an equal amount of brandy. Pour syrup bark over the pe.ichrs and let stand several hours before serving Or prepare days ahead. co\er tightly, and refrigerate
    46 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 153 10 gcg^^Mj^Bl Vour'c outran*. in^, mk I exciting, anything I you want to be I with Shocking! IB ""g^miiiiiii^dkifjßl HtiUIIIMMtwI parfum s^ 00 .ft S GETTING MARRIED? MISS ANNIE SEAH t NEW BOON BENG 6' Bras Basah Rood. Tel: 3312 V ur wedding gowns ond bridal heod-dresses. WM FOUNTAIN NI T
      153 words
    • 309 10 Advertisement Mouth Lines Fade Away x The quicker mouth lines and crows feet around the eyes disappear, the <) quicker you'll look i i younger! You. too. may know the thrill of a > second debut when you i i try 2nd Debut, the lotion- 1 like substance containing 1
      309 words
    • 107 10 Lemons For Beauty To Keep youi sicin clear and t air yuu need the natural cleansing; and bleaching tonic of lemons. Ask your chemist for a bottle of lemon Delph. the latest type skin freshener used by beautiful women throughout the world Lemon Delph makes the complexion, neck and shoulders
      107 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1306 11 TO LIVHIPOOL I WEST COAST U I OutS'port tails P. Slim Ptnant i!n_«n U B tst Sl UPt/Tilae Frt A O^bu-.. A'-Oulh It*. 1| Fit 7* Fit 71/ _».u, U r.ou Gl ow Ftl 21 1 frJt»t Fel 27 Mar 1 Mar 2/1 MM I "••"•fJS P°<". G'ajgow Mtr Mm
      1,306 words
    • 1440 11 THE C H XiUNES A> THE LAST AS.ATIC COMPANr Ud. l<corporMd O*v-«.» tXMEM »AILIN6S TO GENOA NOHTH CONTINENT, SCAWDIW* VI* S'pori I Genoa R'dam H'burg Aarhus C'hsgen •UAIENA 1 1) Ft* 24 21 Ftl 71/21 Fel 21/ 2 Apr 1 Apr 11 Apr II Apr II Apr 21 ■ONIOLIA I>)
      1,440 words
    • 1359 11 I B Eif Mine EXPRESS SERVICE TO LONDON, LIVERPOOL t CONTINENTAL PORTS. BENWYVIS p-rti f r- 2 1 BENALLIGIN |*g-< J»; imgapon Pt Shim "enmi Antwerp Apr 31 Mm 4/ Mar I I Mar 11/12 Hamburg May 3 IMifteori P. SUM Peaaat lENVORUCH L'lon, Hull. H'burg, I'dM, Mar 1/ I
      1,359 words
    • 1150 11 feELLERMAN BUCKNALL S.S. CO.. LTD. Lllillf (or: Smgipori P.SMii *e*a*g CITT OF DUNDEE Havre. London. Rrtterejm. Hamburg 1/ g Mar 111 Mtr 11 Mar CITY OF NEIEFORD Havre. LorHOfi, Rotterdam, HlfflOurg 4/ I Apr I Ir SAILINGS FROM UNITE! KINGDOM AND CONTINENTAL PORTS. CITY OF HEREFORD 3 I Mir 1,
      1,150 words

  • 205 12 MKLBOURNE. Wed I UALLS shaded rUes tn both L Industrials and MininßS but most leaders rallied In the afternoon some sharply Wnttrrn Minin(K sold down to 1 $45 50 early and closed at steady »4H 1111 Hampton Arras lost 60 cents to 511.40 after $11 whiie North Kale
    205 words
  • 333 12 SHIPS LYING ALONGSIDE THE SINGAPORE HARBOUR 1 WHARVES OR EXPECTED TOOAY ARB: TJinegsr* 13, Vunhun Maru 5. Ocean Ruil«>r 7. Timd lit 11, IHomcil 13 14, BHliton IB 1«. Klna<i\j (I) 19. loAnnin 31 22. Orient Trarmponer 23 24 Loin*a i..r... .7 H, >hiimron 31 32. Cal*donli
    333 words
  • 71 12 M.NESt P.0.1..C.,. .m,,--v paro. noon pricot por picul yttttrrtny Coconut oil: t.n.k $>.li m-llrra Copra M:\.il .f•> I. i lou«e KrK/ M IK C.i ».17 B. Ptppor: Muntnk «hitr $i:i."i nrllfra. •i* ■rktt* BSS3I svllrrs. »p«-ciiil Sir.uak I u-k $11(1 idkri. KarMed I. .Milling cl.ii k |138
    71 words
  • 27 12 THE Atiociadoi. ot Bankt .n Ma- laytia it!:i.|. in .t« rail la Bl Srllin* TT o> 01) rtjdy Wilt Utrmany 1304 Ntthtrlandt 1171; Franco
    27 words
  • 78 12 'j'lll Malayan Mirmtrr of liimm.i- has flxrd thrsr Mr* for ill lll.illlli; usttinio .lutirv fnr tin imiixl from Irb. Tl to Feb. !K. Kiii. ln i 14 s rents a Ib. < i'l'i.i, a tun I'alm Oil |IW.W a t..n Palm Krrnrls s'.sx a ton 111. ralrs
    78 words
  • 879 12 From Our Market Correspondent THE steadier trend which became evident on the Stock Exchange on Tuesday afternoon continued and extended yesterday. Twenty six industrials were better ihief gains being National Iron (10 cents). Ben (8 cents) and Hotel Singapura (7 cents) However, the market
    879 words
  • 33 12 Stix-k Inilnrs I 111. Ml. lih. tl, Industrials: n.t.:S7 1.::.79 Prnprrlirs: MM 145.11 Mining*: 77.71 is riihlxis: in: :x m.'.js I. 1 M. IMS lull. Drr. It, KIKK =z inn.
    33 words
  • 1177 12 DCBINESS IN \M) itiroKitl) TO TIIK SINC.AI'OKK AMI Xl \l.\ 1.1 MPI K TKADDfG litiiiM- Off TIIK STOCK I M II INGI I BTEROAT WITH THi: \l Mil l; OF SHAKKS tk \l»Ki» in HUM UTS: INDUSTRIALS Ban and Co 10 12.63 I i I). ..'...KM
    1,177 words
  • 30 12 ON th* fraa a.ehani. market la ny the U I. DoMjr »Mi «t 6.06 Tor T.T. li fnr cath. Sterling it 14 S2 and one ttal ol kMci
    30 words
  • 28 12 Krh. 21 Kl'ltKKK PKICE: 46i ecata mp Bve-eiffhtha of a <«nt). TIN PKK I ISMLH (down SI. 1 Estimated "fforinu 21# tons (dm* n 2j teas).
    28 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1075 12 Yy KAWASAKI KISEN KAISHA LTO. Western Australia Singapore Japan Service Spore »okkai r »i N<s"ya Tr>"«»irn Root r«raTtra' 29 21 Ftl 7 I Mar 19 Mar II Mar 21 Mar 21 31 Mir I 7 Apr 19 Apr II »pr 21 Api West ACrtca Sin Rapore Japan Service t Ar-|oia
      1,075 words
    • 824 12 AUSTRALIA 'NEW 2EALANO SERVICE iNBU. PAKISTAN ANB FAR EASI SEBVICfS p., r...... m. 0..c. 1*... UST mm Penani P S ham Sport RAJULA SailK ll Ptrt tX F«l IANKUDA' 22 Apr 23 29 Apr 21/21 Apr RAIUIA ll II Mar 17 Mat tl Mm lARPETA- 1 IMi) 111 Ml| 11/14
      824 words
    • 156 12 ■MM I.,MWA^i DJUJi. 10 GENO*. MARSEILLES, ANTWERP, ROTTERDfIM. BREMEN HAMBURG Singapore P. Stem Penarg Genoa HamDurg NECKARSTEIN (LLOVO) 25/27 Fek 28Feb/1 Mir 2 Mar 23 Mar 5 Apr TRAVESTEIN (LLOYD) 14/15 Mar 9 Apr SCHWABENSTEIN (LLOYD) 25/27 Mar 28/30 Mar 31 Mar 26 Apr 10 May BRADENSTEIN (LLOYD) 14/15 Apr
      156 words

  • 348 13 Fline with London the Straits tin mtm y> sterda\ declined by $1.25 to a puul on an ofTrrinc •■Minuted down 25 tons to 210 tons. support at lower levels wa* reported from Europe with some South American buying LONDON iin ruled steady on luesday
    348 words
  • 240 13 ~yi ARC II first f rade rubber f.n.b. A x bu>rrs closed at 5 p.m. In Slnrapnre and Kuala l.umpur yesterday at 4«'» cents up fi»eeighlhs of a mil on Tursdii'i level. The tone was stead*, quiet. R md MX t i losine price<i in cents per
    240 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 505 13 fIpHHHHBipVHHHHBafSHBHBi I untinurd irom Pate 1 \CKNOWLEDGMENiS 10 Word* 111 (Mlmtmum) THE FAMILY OF .ate Mr. ChoOl KOb ■-.King thanks re.ativea, frlendt. Reerend and Pastors for wreatha coo:,n k.nd attendance at the .neral. SITUATIONS VACANT IST CLASS EUROPEAN RESTAUhant rst cooks and helps. Air v Tel :.4fKil. Spore. WANTED EXPERIENCED
      505 words
    • 613 13 SITUATIONS VACANT U Word, tMim.t—Box SO rt*. txtrm WANTIO MALAYSIAN CITIZEN, Indian Mialim cook. Apply wltn particulars. P.O Rox I3W Kuching. Sarawak. EUROPEAN COMPANY rcqulrea Junior Cle.k No previoua experience necestarv tut m itt ka Kntiliah •duct. trttt hnii and Hook Ke. pint: Ctrtiflca'es. App.y vv'ith full detalit to Box
      613 words
    • 1944 13 I MMH^aßßßßßßß*avHaaßßtßßStjtMtjaßaaatßß«nfaßtaaßajaßj HMHaMMti |^MllM^^H^M<a^BaVH^a*MMlMH^a^a^M HOUSE 6 AND LAND FOR SALL IS Word* M r •/<■.>— Box rU txtrm MOST MODERN HOUSES have Crittall Hope Wmdu-n or Naco Louvres Beware of imitation! Wlte ACCOMMODATION VACANT I* Wmrd* M < Win l-lni it ri* txtrm I THRBE BEDROOMS i-urr-aned flat -ntraliy located
      1,944 words
    • 959 13 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES IS H ord* .<• Wa.J Box it rt*. txtrm SINGAPORE SHOW-PROMOTER aerkt two Active Partner* with $3 <H3O each, and prepared to travel tnrougnout South-eaat Asia. Box AA&22 S.T. s pore. AGENTS WANTIO Largest grader is United Mtm oveda reliable mai. experienced in tecoodbautd clothing, remnanu and texuiat
      959 words
    • 933 13 FOR SALE tS Word* it Him.)— Box S* rt*. extra RENOVATION CLEARANCE SALE Cotton Ladlrn t^iacks '"i eta Houarcoatt. Children Preanea. Trnt Dre.iaea. and many Items to chnoae from $2 Mi upwarda. Call early, Lily ("Mldren a Waar, Joo Chiat Road. Tel Spore M ELECTRIC MOTOR PUMP WITH AUTOMATIC HAND
      933 words
    • 608 13 11 MALAYSIA-SINGAPORE AIRLINES LIMITED otions ore invited from suitol y condidotcs for the following p (A) Flight Stewardess Administration Officer (SINGAPORE) Qualifications Senior Ca-nhndae School Cerfificote or its recognised equivalent v»i»h experience in supervising female employees. Preference will be given to candidates possessing the Higher School Certificate. High degree of
      608 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 929 14 INSTITIUT TEKNOLOJI MARA (MAKA INSIITITK Of TECHNOLOGY) m(AH: Arshad bin Ayub P.D.L.N.. B.Sc.. Honv i Wales i (Director, DIP Business Admin. .IMFDKi iLaunanne) Dip Agric. M.8.1.M. A si iiooi oi M« oi \IAM 1 AC 1" Diploma In Accountancy ite of Cost ft Woiks Accountants AC 12 U iriaUon of
      929 words
    • 656 14 I NOTICES SHERIFF'S SALE. IN lllh UK. II Ml i; l IN IHI Xl IMKIK <>l gtWOT— E. in im < \t si Of suit No. I'll of IM7. r.xrcution MOt H Cl. ri> Milaysia Limited Plaint ills Versus Koala I.ii>i.s Iron Mining Limited Defendant AUCTION SALE OF Fun mure
      656 words
    • 369 14 PUBLIC APPOINTMtIMI BIASISWA PERUNDANGAN MALAYSIA fVinioliiui.iii .ida-lali d. bagi Hachahl Blaalava untok nu;i^;Kuti kuiMis lirf/.in LI. B. dan Bar di-Unltcd Kingdom. ChaUini jraag bai i.<va «k«n dii kriiendukl liieimna.iUiiiiMnl u perjanjlao untole berkhldmat den- i X.m Kerajaan w lama M-kurangS-:\\.l lun.i u'.liun ta-iepu nieni|M'iKlclu k(].iyak..n2 mi. Pemohona meatl-lah:- m
      369 words
    • 771 14 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BOARD Applications nre Invited from .^iiiKauore Clll7-en.v for the post of WORKSHOP EMPLOYEFS In the j vartotM Workshops of the Board tAi KIHTKOI LATINO WORKSHOP Qualifications Experience: Mum possess a School Certificate or equivalent with i passes In Chemistry. Physn s and Mathematics. •ii Experience In
      771 words
    • 916 14 TENDERS J.K.R., PULAU PINANG IKLAN TAWARAN Tawaran dari|.ad« Pemboroniz2 yiing berdaftar di-J.K R. dl-dalam I kelas "C dan ka-atas (Kerj»2i Kepala II > akan dl-terlma dlpeiabat Jnrutera Nejierl. J.K.R.. Pulau Pinann. hlngfra Jam pukol 12.00 tenuali harl pada 13hb. Mach. 1968. untok PEMBENAAN DAN KESIAPAN ENAM («> BUAH RUMAH KELAS
      916 words

  • 312 15 fWO of Bukit Timah trainer Colin Tulloh's Class 5 sprinters. Sporting Sam and Sunspot, did sparkling trials despite firm going at Penang yesterday morning. Sunspot went faster of the two, running 3f In 39 2/5. Sunspot put up a promising performance at Buklt Timah
    312 words
  • 195 15 Propeller slices 4 toes off Titmus UKIIK.I IOU.N. Wed A motor-raft propeller sliced off four to«s from KruliNh crirkeler Freddie Titmus s left foot yesterday whilf he u.i«> hathiii.. with MCT teammates (dim iiudrr\ and Kobin liohhs. The HOC \h<- -captain and spin howler lost two toes when the propeller
    195 words
  • 115 15 AMERICAN professional golfer Paul Harney and partner Deran ended all square with Jalal Deran and Tan Yee Heam in a four-ball best -ball exhibition match over 18 holes at Tiger Lane course Ipoh. yesterd.n. Harney and Darwis. the former Malavsiai. and North champion, were one up
    115 words
  • 222 15 rpHE South -East Asia 1 Shooting Association, formed during the Seap Games at Bangkok last December, will hold their first championship in Kuala Lumpur on June 6-8. A letter au'horislng the National Snooting Association of Malaysia to organise the championship has been received from the
    222 words
  • 25 15 SOCCER Mai <•( Ann; ko »rmi-fin I 1 Bn. Shropshire 6 Slim School 9. Army Div. I: 28 Ordauce FP 4 Zone 9 Combined 2
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  • 281 15  - Seven for the AllEngland MANSOOR RAHMAN Anonymous sponsors for youngsters By TAN Aik Mong and Yew Cheng Hock, the two Penang badminton youngsters tipped to follow in the footsteps of their famous elder brothers, will make the trip to the All-England championships after all. Announcing thin In Kuala Lumpur yesterday.
    281 words
  • 97 15 AMERICAN eu: i- Doug I .:ns <ihj Obarla s»f- fortl armed BIHtHHW i* sV inant Baaderi without h» i ciub.s and Siffonl without Ins ■UU M •Anparenih 'line na> been a mix-in oi our lußßace during our briet Mnpo\e r Tokyo.' Sander* told luue*port. Airline uitinais are
    97 words
  • 237 15 Ten to follow at Penang meet ITPSOM JEEPS ten horses to follow at the Penang meeting which opens on Saturday are: BEAU IDEAL Smart winner over the Fenang 6f in December; he is useful up to 7f. BLACK TULIP Showed promising form when third to the useful El Supremo over
    237 words
  • 588 15 "THE STIPE'S REPORT THE Stipendiary Steward's report on the Kuala Lumpjr races over the weekend. NATI RDAY RACE 1: After parsing the 3f. Landanlel, who was k> Hoping awkwardly, meed in onto Shyree. causing that mare to be checked R\(l. 2: Victor* II
    588 words
  • 43 15 LONDON Wed —A spokesman for Honda Motor-cycles said jeste;ciay the Japanese firm was pulling out of the International rac;nf? circuit. Honda, which has dominated four of the five classes, In wcrld motor-cycling since 1960. Is to concentrate on car racing— Reute;.
    Reuter  -  43 words
  • 33 15 LONI. Bristol City bMt Middle&brousli 2-1 In their English FA. Cup fourth round repay al Bristol last night City will mcc' Le#ri« gt in the fifth imr Mar. 9.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 582 15 REQUEST FOR INTERESTED TENDERERS ROAD MAINTENANCE RUMBAI, MINAS, DURI DUMAI AREAS CENTRAL SUMATRA P.T. Caltex Pacific Indonesia invites ten ders for the maintenance ot roads with r or leading to its work areas in Central Sumatra and more particularly described as follows: Oil surfaced roads with roadbed width of six
      582 words
    • 670 15 NOTICE PUBLIC UTILITIES BOARD. SINGAPORE Xl( ITY DEPARTMENT NOTH E TO < ON SI MERS Interruption of Flwtrklty Supplier To enable urgent swltchgear extension work to be carried out at Changi Village Sub-station It will be necessary to interrupt supplies rd February 1968 between the hours 830 am. 6.30 pm.
      670 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 40 15 CiOLF Exhibition match by P Harney (Prnana; GC course. 1.30 p.m. i HOCKKY S'gor Div. 1: Police v Technical College (XL Police Depot grd>. SOCCER Kluu»f ko: 34 Sqdn GTR v Revertex. TENNIS S'gor open chwnpmnshiiv-- 'XL padang. 4 p.m>
      40 words
    • 266 15 Straits Times Crossword H| HI ■Hf^^^f^^B^' ACROSS 7. Scorns the devil and is reforn i Wave of support given to d Shaw producer «Bi. 8 Turn «PP««ri, to Uke girl, i. Dog had broken plant <«i. wa > i B Settled a way to get round 13 Let Mcßae In
      266 words

  • 131 16 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. •JMIIKTY people had ;i miraculous enc;i p c Hiis morn in^ when Hiis three-ton pile driver came crashing down, together with ;i 30 ft. long concrete pile, seconds niter their bus had driven p;ist. This happened al 10 a.m. at Jalan I'udii in
    131 words
  • 306 16  - Malaysia to have a national stud farm STEPHEN BOEY: By IPOH, Wed. NATIONAL stud farm to raise thoroughbreds for the country's racing needs is to be set u[) In the Totaiisiilor Board of Malaysia this year. Announcing this here today, the board's chairman, Mr. Yeoh Cheang Le e. said thai
    306 words
  • 65 16 ANANUAYEC South lr.ii 1 MOM. LEE S»CE LOO chiMr^n at 3.30 pr r Ml Vi rnon Cr»matoru.Mi A. M LOORUES PPN Am:i-tant 1' I [>.. \]i,h man. M T I tI.J.W H Ipoh Road, for smbin Church 4 22.2 MR» ONC SWEE CMVE iirvt iy ot. Hospital man and
    65 words
  • 18 16 I .A PORE Wed Mr. A Hcdni:ues wa.s re-elected pre--1 thr Indian Community centre at Chanel
    18 words
  • 153 16 Indonesia gives go-ahead to 12 foreign banks JAK Alt IA. Ued. The dow-rnment tnd j v i:.i\ permission tv J fort imi hanks to opt tile in Indonesia for the first lime in s .\« years lhi> uas disclosed by •he Information Minister. Mr. Hurhaiiuddin Diah. after .1 Cabinet meeting
    153 words
  • 38 16 SINGAPORE I In- Sinitapore Karate Association has unpalgn rot dona- rs :o the N;i,'otir p :>! our patriotism country, says trn annual report aasociation. ..1 rolling the commitl >. <„ don.itc 53.000 tram the association's luncls
    38 words
  • 34 16 SINGAPORE. Wed Three candidates who have passed the examination for the Diploma in Public Health of the University of Singapore are Cheah Phee San. Gill Jagjeet Sineh and Peter Low Chock Sent'
    34 words
  • 63 16 UAIGON, Wed. IS. Nutan m(> today broke through htavv clouds covering Hue and for the hrst time bombed communist stamgtMUh in the Imperial Palace grounds with napalm Tun prop-driven Skyrairicr> made repeated passes over the walled fortress cit» and ion. nitrated their bomb on Vietconc forces
    63 words
  • 390 16 LONDON. Wed.— Bucket 1111 vkept prices dull unlay With IckMtnf losses up to Is Institutional support was ayain la< kirn; ;inu small public scllinir persisted Clnsinu middle prices of stk-itcd stocks not Including stamp duty were QUBQB Consol 2.. r £35', —1 16 Funding 4.
    390 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements