The Straits Times, 21 February 1968

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Times
  • 21 1 The Straits Times. IllH National newspaper Estcl 1845 WEDNESDAY. FEBKI AKV 11, 1968 15 CENTS Kl>\ ;i(U \IC. (D 001 1
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  • 645 1 Fighting on three sides of Saigon Capital itself quiet but tense SAIGON, Tuesday ALLIED troops battled communist forces on three sides of Saigon today. Vietnamese ;i r|>l;i n c s bombed Ihc fringes <>l subur I). in liolon ;iikl the Vtetcong fouglll lurk with ;mli ;iirci ;ill lite (iovermnenl spokesmen
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  • 124 1 HI I lii Ibe Uwtra i i.i ti < i alter < ankerra t(id.i\ adMed it* right -inch shrlK tn the l.iilllll.inl mi mi ni romminM troopa clitrriuhed .tinund Hue's ■railed iii idel The I i nisi i 111 mills oil the •oast, shelled mmj
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  • 218 1 Reds kill 30 Thai troops ISANGKOK, Tucsilay. THAI lours List week sunned Ilicir lu;i\icsl losses lor one week in Iheir lijjil iiuainsl communist guerillas, 1 1 n Interior Minister, (ien. Praphas f.'harusathieii, s;iid today. A total of 30 men were killed in clashes with the guerillas who. the government said,
    Reuter  -  218 words
  • 25 1 JAKARTA, TllM [im i amn commander, O*n Pi tiemi IMJay thHl letan armed inn ci revolt b jn\;< piovinip had been exagsjcrated.
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  • 94 1 (V\lK<> I lirs A Mipreir military today senleneeri former air force i o nun a ruler, l.imt. din Moh.imi-d Sidki M.ibnioiitl. to 11 v v' I. til for ■•nrcliurnrr which marred thr victory of Egyptian armed force*" In the battle of Sinai mains! Ivr.icl last
    AP  -  94 words
  • 314 1 =»ORT SWETTENHAM. Tuesday 'PHE Yang di-Pertuan A%<> n n and the Queen left heir tin.s morning on the X.D Hani: I'u.ih for a daylong offlcial visit to the Royal Malaysian Naval Base In Sinßaporp. 'ir l'<i hour i] mini era the K I) Klnabalu
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  • 146 1 SEOUL, riif.s(l;i\. 1 SOI 111 koiv;m rommnvuii i;u|io ***** i( HI rruorleil loriuj thai Hie L'nilrcl Stales would siihinil nil till i 1 1 1: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 loi Hie release »f Hie intelligence ship Pueblo ami its crew. But the U.S.
    Reuter  -  146 words
  • 51 1 ATHENS, Tucs. A shattering earthquake hit the northern Sporade.s group of island^ early today, and first report- reaching here from one o! the islands said 13 people died and 15 were injured. The Shock was 1< ii lure, in Salonika and many other northern Greek town.-,
    AP  -  51 words
  • 50 1 NEW DELHI. Tuea Forty-four Indian tn«>|).~ an feared to have perished in an avalanche which hit a military convoy In Kashmir three weeks ago, Parliament was tciki today. A Defence Ministry statement said 13 bodies had mi far been recovered, and 31 troops were Mill missing. Reuter.
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  • 35 1 SHOOT ON SICHT HUE. Toes. Prorlne* chief and mayor l.t Col Pham Van Khoa today ordered that looters be *hot on sight, and promised public execution* mihla two days of captor* ietcong. AP.
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  • 57 1 CALCUTTA i m Prestdeni rule »a^ Unpo •<i We i H< B(•I today alter Join PMM contlnuou ix>li: wa! lurnotl in India's Major induxiial .-laic. The nxne undrr Vfatch the Pedeial Government taki ihe Male RdminUtraUon. came '-hortiv after ilir Democratic '->! i;if Party coalition
    Reuter  -  57 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 39 1 The Answer TO ALL STYLESEEKERS vi^ti IP Plus m.^J.L,.,., -^7 w m NAH*R«CO., f U 111. North Ir.df Xojd. H }m f ap«rr4 Tr( W». Exquisite in Design Superior in Quality Accurate in Timekeeping Ref-907 C^TITONI Space Star swiss
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    • 41 1 I Service Ni 62 I fc^T Bridge EhLECTION Tel: ***** 2 NOW IN CANS... GREAT FLAVOURS! .—^saajsja^^ ;^U^ -^ssbb^i :s3a^^^ ■PAN ORAN iORAN^CRUSHI VSSST m muLuiiw m SpEC|AL DRY G|NGER ALE ■L M m EXTRA DRY TONIC WATER mL BITTER LEMON
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    • 89 2 Bid to rig jury, says Savundra judge I ON The Judge U rial Dr. fcmil Savundra .-.aid today thai an attempt had made to ti'-i tinJury. King ii.' tbat i*<> in. n know thret 1 i < 1 1 ■■in- ut 1 Ik- i deiued [>ira I Ma limit i
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    • 60 2 VMMA.V I urs i»,, Pera'aa < •nit states. tba nh^bi Am\ lJub.ii. hiM- .i»rrc«i i<> federate aside. MM flag .ml Mill tarttc other IriKi.d Co.iv) rtatt! I" nun ihom areardiag i<> :m nffir'al rammaniaur hrn.ult .ist i)r Hawaii R.ulm last nlghi Possibility <>? rerirra(ii>n h.c brrn i kc»
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    • 276 2 MACDONALD MEETS KENYATTA AS WILSON GETS A NAIROBI PROTEST NAIROBI. Tuesday. \IH. Malcolm Mac-Donald. Britain's special envoy to East Africa, met President Jomo Ktnyatta yesterday for urgent talks on the exodus oi Asians to Britain liom Kenya. Mr. Mar Donald flew to Mombasa for the hurriedly-arranged
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    • 175 2 S-E Asia Govts corrupt, says a don us \m.i i.i S, Taea. P r ii I e»B«l ( Mm> di lac I aiventitj ill Motkllolin 111 SvMclrn. -.on nil luplnui in 111*t.niriniiiriih •>( South I .isi \m.i is common ami 111. If I v,||_ Illllrllrllili in v .111(1 rilltTgeacc iioin
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    • 8 2 PAR! he not inri rharg-
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    • 240 2 MANILA ENVOY SCANDAL: NOW AN INQUIRY MANILA, Tues. The Philippine decided last nighi to look Into tn all* Red scandal mvoltne Ambattador to Bonn, his tonner Qerman secretary and wives ol hi^hranking Filipino diplomats. The Inquiry prompted by .i speech by Hf- Vieenso saz:u\ charging "Interfer- housewives In the
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    • 32 2 JAKARTA. Tues siun in peri.cabs: M Do not make love in I trishaw" The driven cotnpla n they «nnoi i-oncentrn'p on their drivinu because of th» iimnn.s on. UPI
      UPI  -  32 words
    • 92 2 US court hears appeal by Clay If O US TON (Icxisi. I'm-s. I or in tT \Mirlil llr.n.v weight b x i n c cli.unpion < as.sius Cl.i> (ii'scrib)-d in court here yeatenla) .is .i "consi icnlKMis oli.-i-i lor at hi- < utiMniini r ('1. i. ho aaa calls
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    • 225 2 The man who stripped and beat U.S. soldier rTRIER (West GerA many). Tues. A 28-year-old West German who ordered an American soldier to strip in tho street and then thrashed him was jailed for seven months here. The court told that Walter Krever stopped I" S. and French soldier* whose
      Reuter  -  225 words
    • 49 3 THE wreck of an F-104 aircraft after it was hit by a Communist rocket at the Tan San Nhut airbase near Saigon. The base is the headquarters of General William Westmoreland commander Of all U.S. forces battling the Vietcong. UPI radiophoto.
      UPI  -  49 words
    • 108 3 ONDON, Tues. The Lj British makers of tlialidomide have umi pay substantial damace*; to the parents of H2 liahies deformed hv the ilrtie. the High Court heard today. It approwrf a settlement by which the Distillers C*. Biochemicils uoiilcl \t A to each child
      Reuter  -  108 words
    • 278 3 India must accept the Kutch award, says Indira NEW DELHI. Tuesday. DRIME Minister. Mrs. Indira Gandhi, told the Cabinet last night that the Indian Government must stand by the Kutch tribunal award which allots uO per cent of the disputed Kann of Kutch to India and the remainder to Pakistan.
      Reuter  -  278 words
    • 142 3 WASHINGTON, rues. American travel agents told Congress today that they expected a 75 per cen'. 1 eduction in bookings by Americans tor tnuel abroad If President Johnson's travel tax plan is :uii>pted. The House o! Representatives ways and (MUM committee opened a MChedulcd
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    • 35 3 bonita springs (Florida) Tui Fbf FBI s;iid thieve* entered through the root, drilled thru is.i 14 Inches of concrete and robbed the Firtt National Bank of Bonita Springs of an estimated USSIOO.OOO AP.
      AP  -  35 words
    • 24 3 JAKARTA. Tur.s.— About 60 people have died of food poisoniiiK in Bunclcni.'. Ihrv chrd iifter eating pol.^inous soya bean cake*. AP.
      AP  -  24 words
    • 24 3 JAKARTA rue*,— Some 300 members of th*" Indonesian navy national police and army have hern arrested ip &ist Java for desertion.— UPl.
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    • 79 3 NEW YOHK. Tuc.v Lynda B:ru Jottmon'l lurmer hairdresser tald yesterday he would no to Vietnam next month to do ud US military nurses' liair as a morale boost r-r for the ladies in thr war Mr. Daniel, a 27-year-old Frenchman of Russian descent, said: "I think it
      AP  -  79 words
    • 87 3 VhW DXI.HI. Tuev— An Indian correspondent In Moscow reported yesterday Russian* believe events in Vietnam "uere gradually moving towards negotiations" ;:iicl thc> hope President .Inhason will make "a dramatic price olTer" after accepting the Democratic nomination S. Nihal Smcli. correspondent for the Statesman,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 71 2 V PONTIAC paijsie»m '68 \\\P^ VC 4 Jl^-—- J, a^afatsBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaW Ai Shindard Features or Automatic Transmission. Miv it^ I^^^^^^J "SBP^IjS mr iSS^^lasSaSa 315 319 ORCHARD ROAD. SNGAPORE TEL ***** (s ',nes) Sfikij SP^5.^J g^^'^^aJCgßaW^' i^BjiPPB *^-ZZ! 3 35, JALAN IPOH. KUALA LUMPUR TEL ***** *7 WsSmX I Sfew' lO iPtmJm
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 44 2 THE GAMBOLS by Barry Appisby Mgr,#aMl ~\\last MggArl I lyEsregoavi 1 1 tz>oav\ x y TUIC TUC UOtME *v I CAWT BtfAlC A (Uelt COMF AC SOON 4^) YelL 0£ ALONG I WITH TUE WUPST PIP* 7 \V to I7IWG tub J —ZZS -^v
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 282 3 w H.S.C./S.C./IVI.C.E. g I EXAMINATIONS I B success minded students join H I STAMFORD COLLEGE I the largest Correspondence College U E3 Malaysia/Singapore Region command- A'Wb^i T^\ \fw§ ed as a model by Educators and Colombo- Jf 1~1 E3 Plan experts Ol^W/ H Scientifically devised UV/*D HOME -STUDY COURSES MM
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    • 557 3 ANOTHER RECORD! ANOTHER STRIDE FORWARD! ANOTHER S5O MILLION! 11.928 Malaysians rxprc»*d thrir roarldrnrr by takinc MCIS life mmnmt% to the value of VUKJMI in 1%7. This is another record for the MCIS: This is another Riant stride forward for th.- MCIS! This is another outstanding aihirv ment of the
      557 words

  • 31 4 SINGAPORE Tues— The MP for Sembawair.- Mr. Teong Eng ■oaf, vuil !>!d his meet-thc-pcople I PAP Semb.iwang branch in Jalan Pasar on Wednesday, beginning at 7 \i m tomoirow
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  • 24 4 SiNUAPOHE. Tues. There will be no water tomorrow from yam to 6 pm at Kolam Estate (houses 175 to 270 1
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  • 20 4 SINGAPORE. Tue« The B:ihru community centre will hold its eighth anniversary dinner at 7 30 pm on Saturday.
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  • 248 4 Jurong firm becomes big export earner SINGAPORE, Tuesday. QNLV one year alter starting operations in Jurong, the Hong Kong Dyeing and \Yea\ing (Singapore) Ltd. is fast becoming a major export earner in textiles with $3 million worth of orders on its books. The first consignment of textiles for Ceylon's $1,055,000
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  • 80 4 $4,152 MORE FOR ARTS COUNCIL SINGAPORE, Tues. Mr. Lee Khoon Choy, the State Minister for Culture and the president of the Singapore Arts Council, today received three cheques totalling $4,152 for the council fund. The Lalk Aik Musical and Dramatic Society's cheque for $2,152 was presented by Its president. Mr.
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  • 105 4 A GIRL'S PAINTINGS AT ART SHOW MISS Sum Lai Mol i above i, who^e paintings will be among about 100 on display at the Quintet Art Exhibition opening at the National Library today. She and four young men artists have teamed up to stage the exhibition, which will be opened
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  • 482 4 Court is told of allowance to widow of $600 monthly SINGAPORE. Tues THE High Court was today told that one of the three lawful widows of a wealthy pawnbroker. Wong Ying Sieng. who died more than 10 years ago had tiled a caveat (a legal notice to stop proceedings) against
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  • 133 4 SIM.APORfc. Yu«v As--Klant toinniissittnor of Police. Incite Othinan Omar, told some W police rrcruits at their passing-out parade that the reputation of thr force and its competency rested ultimately on those who made up the ranks. Of the recruits. ?;> will join the Koyal
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  • 169 4 'TODAYS Educational TV programme for schools on Channel 8 Is as follows: 750 a.m. S.lO ».m. Oeneral science, Sec. 2: Seed Dispersal; 8.30 5.50. Geography (Chi. Sec. I: Pressure and Winds; 9.05 9.25, Mathematics, Sec 1: Notation and Formulae; 9.45 10.05. English second language. Sec 2:
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  • 76 4 SINGAPORE. Tues. A two- day consumer survey among visitors to the People's Park, to be carried out by the State and City Planning Office, to be held this week. A spokesman of the office said that 30 officers working 12 hours (10 a.m. to 10 p.m.) on
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 76 4 aaa—i-m Ttl 4542 Seaion Ext<-<<Jrd b Schooli Demands Today Only: 1 4S, 4. 7 I 9.30 aCriorln' Dickens "GREAT IXPtCTATIONS (Rork! Storrmo John Mill-. Irnn Simmons Grouo Bookingj Avoilot-lc NE Full Hou»e Ywfrdoi Tomorrow Some TiUM iMM Afcnt V.p«r-Oroa»-" .'SB. C I r conr th Ow USA Aluminium Awninfi VtMiar.
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    • 343 4 "johore bahru REX "oPENs" TODAY* 4 SHOWS it 1.30, 3.30, 7 9.15 p.m.-MO FREE LIST Important: Residents OUTSIDE Johore Bahru arc advised to B phone J.I". 3535 4 BOOK NOW to avoid disappointment! aj N.B. LAST SATURDAY'S M KITE SHOW PACKED SOLID! I -B-^PKw j B__3^^^ _^F_^M_L _B_t_h_H__^. HP] '^>i
      343 words
    • 460 4 Nil AW ORGANISATION r l_ll.l.- n-_nl77 ■■■'■'■'■"'-ra" NOW SHOWING 3 Sho»t Jo.X Net. Timrs 1 30, SIS 4 84> Com. lor" «»orts promptly ■at 1.42 am 527 pm A 852p- N.B. Extra lOom iho» on Sundoyt RiChorO M... B Vonesso Rr^rr.w XAMELOT 9 70VM A Fro-n Cornel Rr-^ ArtJ J4.
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  • 3 5 I
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  • 326 5 'No action against loudmouthed lecturers' KUALA LUMPUR. Tuesday H 1 ll k Government will not take action :iuuinst "loud nmutli «-d lectmeia at the I nivcr>ity ol Mala) .1 tffllif it believes in the freedom of ■peeda, the Dewan Ra'ayal iraa told to ia] Ihe \-s.Nisl.(iit MmiNler l»r Idm .iliim.
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  • 76 5 Pull-out: First 1,800 who will need re-training SINGAPORE. Tuesday. IBOUT 1.800 Singapore civilian workers with the B \innd Forces will require re-ti lntr this year to prepare them for other jobs after the British withdrawal. A >rmed B.w- Econownro •ii and iinskillpri work) na were B I nid ol Oil
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  • 116 5 A bigger Koran contest if K A I.UMFUR. Tuea.. Ihe Koran reading competition will be held on a world-wide scale when tunri.s are available, the Minister ol Lands and Dato Abdul Rahman bin Y.r.ikub. told the I)e--wan Ra'ayat today wering a quention by Datln Hanah Fatlmah blnte Han Abdul Majld
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  • 19 5 K \N. II I ill •hr lonlnn rlldwl Ii! 1 :i the niesfiil hui in ur-
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  • 24 5 $11,000 fine for samsu man .1 I HER I A.i \.\l nsu md dLstiliitiu' apparatu> ran Ml :,nrd 111 iKin B 1 1 at
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  • 503 5 Clerk 40 YEARS IN GOVT SERVICE fails in graft case appeal ALOk STAR. Tues. A $696-a-nionth Land Orrice clerk, Othinan bin Mat Salt, lost hi.s appeal in the Hi^li Court here yesterday against a lower court conviction. and sentence of a year's jail, foe corruption. Uiliiiian. 56 Witt) inure than
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  • 52 5 Ballet by an expert PENAIKI 1 H MIM H»/r\ Dili. .in .i lii i iim..-, o| me Ixwdoa Ruv;< n i> mcnii; «-bO Is in Pi ■iiMiii! to examination, m.i g:\»- t lecture I he St. Oeorge'a OlrU< School mi 1 ii; 1.-(i;i\ nivh! i programme \wii m< luch drinonfitratk
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  • 29 5 IKI IK \N.-s()\ I li-M hew<T(M\ |n| in '>ii palm lion I iif v paniPri l>\ Mr D. Rsrn manMer >>f r h<- Fmpi" m<»nt BX'hxnß*
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  • 106 5 Sabah's estate workers to form union ■TOTA KINABAU Twee, A >e\rn-nian committer lias been set up to form a trade union for Sabah's IVOIfn plantation workers. This was staled here today by the secretary of the commilee. Mr. Andrew l.oh Konc Mr. l.nli said: "The union will ha\f a
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  • 24 5 PBNANQ •ortii Cuxtonu aeiacd more ttwn $i.sot> rorth ol p and rw: !mn: i car at ill here last nlfht iii' drlvei
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 438 5 buerlecithin ACTIVE TONIC Hfmi buerlecithin with its especially high percentage of lecithin awl M XIS qu ck strengthening effect on tht nervous and musculai system as well as on the organs. The most Important fic(>. aUxit buerleclihln. 9 bu*rl»elthln l» valuahle icily* ionic for n»iur4lsii»m»h rtnewaU v«> r s anJ
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  • 56 6 Reds under control, says Indon army chief KUCHING I T h Conni West Kali mantan. bordc ring awak, 15, now fully under control. lndon«-Brlfradier-Oeoeral Wltono said hen loi eadquarten at Hon pan h. Othman bin Ibrahim who com KOI)\M i bettei Th* had smali crniip« o! (our or He eNtimaied
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  • 127 6 Holiday for three 'success' schools Xl U MPI K lues Only two other si tiixils apart (MSI ihr \m t >n.i Institution hire performed urll rnoueii In ihr Ilithrr Nchool Certificate examinviinno t.i meril holiday pro miNrd t>\ the Minister of I ilni .ilion. rfcej .trr Rl Muharl s liis'-tuiHin
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  • 12 6 Bl X! 1 MXX i VMM I 'i Huai
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  • 132 6 $15,000 for family of crash victim OINOAPORI I > Twi ipeciall; town 'M' iroin Britain I Wo-d.fV of an accident claim which orded in the High Court today On< o! them v Kelly. th*" :ir Ti.u.n.i aim diiwi a R \F \< :;.c-le involved In fatal accident hop' more than
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  • 23 6 HLKII Ml lh* welfurr utrncei ind 1 1 i Ruicit iii <ht H<- Hmi'f I hf -«xl
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  • 518 6 The choice for South-east Asia— by Raja SEMINAR TOLD OF THE TWO ROADS TO REGIONAL ASSOCIATION SINGAPORE. Tuesday < 1 N G AIM) i; ks .Minister for Foreign Art'ans. Mi S. Rajaratnam said today that in the nature o! things a regional association in South Kast Asia would i mr!
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  • 81 6 'j'OKYO. Tue* Kawasaki Bl poratlon it necking .ip proval of ihe Jape Government [or Ha tt> launch st**l p.# pro duction In M....<\ X.< wasaki said today The plan caiii inn up a u)int vein co-operation w.tii JapanC. Itoh and CO a t
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 237 6 '^^HEsMaBwV vflßifeu. jMa^aHasiV 3P^ p\ >^"^ s -t' jjjSfe Jj *^r\ j*^' 4EiB ft M^^ You read so much the** modern times about tht vital will all be possible with FIBROLI7E' Asbestos Cement IP!«pPB[ importance of healthy arteries and veins to the health and Pipes, and Accessories. s~~*~\r-^ well-being of
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
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  • 55 7 SINGAPORE. Tues.— Police yesterday raided the Barisan Sosialis headquarters in Victoria Street and removed banners and 1 rs calling on the people to boycott the lection. Similar banners and n also removed from 30 branches of the Thi arrests --pokrsman said It was an
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  • 10 7 I rrning Ifcltj < f burnti more in
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  • 47 7 IPOH, Turs.— A drloKi' six Sabah bU< .V.-fmblymen arrived here today on a twoday study tour of Perak. They are Inche Sakaran bin D*ndai, Mr. Won* Fook Siong, Inihe Ampong bin Payon. Mr. M. Dum. Mr. S. B. Sabli Bakir and Mr Rafael Anchrtu
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  • 255 7  - Weng Kiong's moment of agony LUI THAI HENG STAY AWAY...T HEN BROTHER AND FRIEND DROWN By J^L'ALA LUMPUR, Tues. Nine-year-old schoolboy Lum Weng Kiong was poised to dive into a pool to help his brother and friend who were in difficulties when his brother shouted to him: 'Stay away, it's
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  • 75 7 LORRY KILLS SCHOOL GIRL CINGAPORE. Tues.— A schoolgirl was knocked down by a lorry and killed at the junction of Telok Blangah Road and Lorong Tombak yesterday. Norai.sha hlnte Sapari. aced six. was walking home uith two other girls from the Kampong Jagoh Malay School when they were hit by
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  • 42 7 Kl/AI.A I.UMPLK. lu--s. The Minister ol bm Abdul Rahman b ffliow ol Uie .4 vi Public |ku Abdul R.ilim«n n infer the fellowship on LI rdinary numbers at a dinner at the t ciui> bare un Friday.
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  • 29 7 KLUANG. Turs. The Welfare Department htre disirioutcd rice, flour and clothini? worth more than $4,350 to flood victims of 538 la mill ?i in the district yeskrday.
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  • 150 7 Wanted youth trapped in house IPOH. lues. Perak police have arrested a youth believed to be involved in an armed robbery at Pasir Pinji new village and wanted for questioning in a kidnapping case. He was arrested in a house in Hume Street here on Saturday, a police spokesman said
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  • 109 7 Police told of loss two months later rPAH. Tues. The loss of about UMM worth of electrical goods two months ago was reported to the police here only yesterday, accordine to a police spokesman. The report wa.s mude l>> Mr Hvder Abdul Ahail office administrator of a Swedish firm encased
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  • 65 7 PERFMBAN. lues The Alliance Government »as eallrd uiv)ii to malr« *'a genuuie eßorf tn unite all races to p. harmony. understanding anil in\r brt-Apen the multi-racial population in the country. The chII came from the chairman of the SPrembun branrh of the Democratic Action Party. Dr.
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  • 98 7 SINGAPORE. Tl» I 0 A company man* agei. Chu Bin. au. was Bned $4(io In a magistrate'! court today after she was found utility of "assisting In the carrying on" of the Mala Social Welfare l< Involving 10.700 tickets. Her you t y<>o B
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 94 7 vis rJ^k* -~>Z/~ Wl% t-^ c ,gi g- AdverHnrmeni Prevent Wrinkles Under The Eyes The lines round your eyes are soon smoothed away by adng vitalizing cream every night Gently circle the cream, coaxing it into the dry lines to impart milky .smoothness to the skin Press the nourishment along
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    • 229 7 It takes us six weeks to get some people to London You can get to London in a day. Some people do. Most like to sample the interesting places that Qantas flies to on the way. Athens, Vienna, Rome, Amsterdam lots of fabulous cities to choose from. No extra airfare.
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 232 7 Straits Times Crossword A( ROSS with a duplir;it» key (3. 21 1.5. KXM pilot? .6 8' 8. Article on hop-production tn 9 Refutation c«pp»r is quiet on T IO T w l to 10. wSjttt tttWw> Wind I turn 12 fff n "P and hls business" 11. N^woVlT emphasised In
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  • 184 8 Singapore 'can be free' of drug addiction SINGAPORE. Tues. Dr. Istvan Bayar, leader of the United Nations narcotics study group, today predicted that drug addiction could be completely stamped out in Singapore. This, he said wa.s because nf the effective rehabilitation and preventive measures undertaken by the local authorities. He
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  • 54 8 SINGAPORE Tue> The Parks Division of the Park* and Recreation Division. formerly under the Chief Parks Officer of the Mtnisto of Social Affair--. has been transferred to the Public Worlcs Department lius division has merged with the PWD trees and parks unit. DM known as the
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  • 449 8  -  JUDITH YONG By THE RIPE AGE FOR BALLET DANCER' GINGAPOBE, Tues i had been wondering whether it would happen. It div todaj I met a woman who cannot wait until she is 30. She is Marihn lonei si. lr „f the
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  • 150 8 'NEW BLOOD' TO CARRY PAP BANNER —RAJOO SINGAPORE. Tues. The former PAP. MP for Farrer Park, Mr. S. Rajoo, tonight *aid he had stepped down "to gi\< way to new blood" to carry the party banner. That was why he had not sought re-election on Nomination Day last Saturday. Mr.
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  • 121 8 SINGAPORE. Tues. -The General Hospital in Outram Road is to get 144 new nurses tomorrow for free. The girls are volunteers from the St. John Ambulance Association who have responded to the call from Hip Ministry of Health for helpers to relieve the heavy work
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  • 542 8 SINGAPORE. TllM. TONIGHT the Australian Ballet began a four- day season at the National Theatre under the personal supervision of Sir Robert Helpmann. Co-Artistic Director of the company. If some Singaporeans are still under the impression that every Australian k> a Ned Kelly, this«evening's electrifying
    Mak Kian Seng  -  542 words
  • 61 8 Membership of N-Library is now 129,039 SINGAPORE. TlMt Mrn-ber-ship of the National Lnrary reached a record oi 129.039 at the end of la^ 9.396 over the prevlou In Its annual report for' 1967. the library also records- (a) Expansion of tta mobile s>-rvlra from four to 10 service p->lnts; «bi
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 317 8 BJa> SZ* m Jk\\ l^» f\ MW 1 pejC ■^''^Bl I jMt H^B^^^^p* UV^ vBB^ ~^Bj fl ft Bb M^L m-- I JSA IHB^H < P r, 4/ K "W I sV. J B^Bt B^B^SvP^B^Bv^^ %c M\l > I m±^ Wm^^MW Bm' 'y'.m L> BBk Bm. M» M Mm ißav.
      317 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous

  • 772 9 - by A Special Correspondent GAZA GAZA .s a city in the grip of a wasting disease Economic hardship plus the pressures of Israeli occupation foreshadow a mass flight of the Arab population The Gaza Strip a narrow, 30-mile-long slice of Palestine on the Medit c
    OFNS  -  772 words
  • 850 9  -  SEAL ASCHEKSOS by BERLIN TWENTY 0 v c years ago this month, the Red ujjiy won the Battle )1 Stalingrad. It seems a rial enough statement of the obvious, but in West Germany today it ha.s a challenging flavour. A
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 42 9 CLEANSER I al A awl I s x y PLASTIC PACK CLEANS LIKE AN ARMY OF AMAHS New Fab Cleanser out cleans all other cleansers, gets floors, sinks, dishes, sparkling clean in seconds. NEW FAB CLEANSER THE MOST POWERFUL NAME IN CLEANING
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  • 16 10 M W,,rd, Hi (minimum) IN IVER LOVINU MIMOMV *«y p*«r*r>ill« I TiiaaM hut (Tiiirrh
    16 words
  • 674 10 The Straits Times. Wednesday. February 21.1968 A Test Of Good Faith Official reactions 111 New Delhi and Rawalpindi to the international tribunal's compromise solution of the dispute over the Rann of Kutch have iw in cautious and tentative. Pubbc opinion in both countries is unlikely to be quite ■rained. Tlv
    674 words
  • 267 10 The extension of social Bacurit) schemes can be opposed in principle only by those who are. to borrow Mr. Khrushchev's phrase, hisonc ,of reaction.' Then- are practical considerations, however, which in certain circumstances provide PMpactattl grounds lor urging care and moderation. In developing countries with unemployment problems the
    267 words
  • 277 10 The bus services, the railway services and the state of Malaysian road traffic n general occupied most of the Parliamentary time devoted to the Ministry of Transports estimates Not much that was new was brought to th*» Ministers attention, and in turn he had little new to
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  • 1193 10  -  Anthony Hartley by NEW YORK THE POLITICAL REALITY OF A WAR THAT MULTIPLIES TRAGEDY IN the coming election year in the United States one topic will rarely be out of the thoughts of politicians if not always on their lips. That topic is the war
    1,193 words
    • 254 10 With reference vu your generally la.r editorial Teaching Science- 'ST. Keb. 13) the Science Teachers Association of Singapore would be obliged !f you would allow .space to clarify the recommendation on "advisers" Although .science subjects occupy nearly half the academic school curr'culum. the Inspectorate Division of
      254 words
    • 231 10 •C E N TIMENTAL Jour--3 ney by G.T.C. <S.T. Keb 12 1 calls for a reply, as two or three of the statements made therein tend to present a completely untrue picture of •Malam Peranakan" at the Victoria Theatre. The packed hall had very much more than a
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    • 158 10 ANY person wishing to make a request tut a tune or song to be played In the request programmes over Radio Singapura is being constantly reminded that preference and priority will be given to those whos« requests are made on National Theatre Fund cards. These
      158 words
    • 51 10 WE talk about promotln c tourism, building new hotels, and other tourist attractions yet allow dirty, r v n-down buildings everywhere Is there no law to enforce a minimium of maintenance Ike a coat of white or colour How ilm can we erf a clean-looking Garden City? OBSKKVKR Silica
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 339 10 Classified idvertisr mnts for Straits Time* ft Malay Mail may b« handed to: COLD STORAGE tUMK-MARKfT Oa*O COLO JTOXACI IHANCMIS wfindw^trt I' Co»r<i QUdy. HOMT ■upsaTIVIQncCC* Ad^Koltyßnarl, Novol loaaV Uppar Changl Rood, 371. Jam Hoyu. «_A.f* hMgr. n mobahuk ■«ot i to, 2 Mn^u Avanua, Savangoon Gorrtcm, Singapnra Iv A
      339 words
    • 68 10 sree 7o4tc Traiixittoruted Portable Organ I jdbr Jaw JW' Aaa Taaa TOf -1 KM lota»t CorWto Compoct Tronant^x Oroon th» TtoMi o< Pracmnn It it a 49 Hota Portoba* Elactro rue Oqot Mrith .*rto*ill?, to an cit» ond irncum omoHur ona profau^>nal oli>« fquipf>a<J with thrilling r#olltttc hi Ka\« tKot
      68 words
    • 240 10 WHY DO *Sasa*s4-4* AIR CONDITIONERS RANGE IN COOLING CAPACITY FROM 8.500 TOJB,OOOJ.T.U.'S Hr? I 3 a '^^lilsaT To ensure that you have the unit exactly suited to your requirements that you do not pay for more, or less, than you need. The cooling requirements of any room depend on its
      240 words

  • 640 11 The 'ideal Son-in-law' sued for divorce SINGAPORE. Tuesday FORMER stockbroker. Ng Chiau Beng, sued for divorce in the High Court, today described his wife as ''charming, sweet and generous whenever she feels like it and loving, too." 'But." he added, "she likes fun and can be very stubborn at times."
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  • 48 11 BUKJT MERTAJAM. Tue«. Police yesterday recovered the body of an 11 -year-old boy, Lian Keat Hoe. from the Juru River. Lian. a Standard V pupil of the Stowell School, had been reported missing after he went swimming with a group of boys on Sunday
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  • 35 11 KUALA LUMPUR. lues. l<e Mok Lan 24. of Jalan Tiong Sentul pleaded guilty in he magistrates court today to rhargf of Derating an unlicensed mauage parlour. 8h« 1 wu fined (40
    35 words
  • 308 11 Row involving two beauty queens and Jaycees referred to High Court I/UALA LUMPUR, Tues. A 14--month row involving two beauty queens and the Junior Chamber here has been referred to the High Court, In a petition filed on Satuiday. former beauty queen Mis» Theresa Van Dort. 23. li seeking damages
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  • 47 11 Big jump in timber exports KOTA KINABALU, Tues. Sabah exported more than $316 million worth of timber last year, according to official statistics Issued today. This was an increase of more than $57 million over exports in 1966 Main buyers were Japan. Taiwan. Korea and Australia. Tjpi.
    47 words
  • 118 11 Town Plan inquiry report ready soon JJUALA LUMPUR. Tu. The board ol Inqulr up to review object in: the draft town plan of Kuala Lumpur two months ago, will present its recommendations to the Minister of Local Government and Housing. Mr Khaw Kal Boh. at the end of the month.
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  • 237 11 CPO's call: Create new public image of police p E N A M G, Tues. 1 Penang's outgoing Chief Police Oiricer, Inche Salleh bi v Abdul Kanman. today urHcd all police personnel 10 help create a new public image ol the poiu-c. lOC :m i\ Wl In do to till
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 216 11 LEARN ARABIC BY RADIO The U.A.R. Broodcasting from Cairo broadcasts Arabic lessons by Radio, within the English Programme beamed to South S E. Asia on a short wave of Ms B. 16 96, at CAIRO TIME FTrTm 15.15 to 16.30 GMT. 13.15 14.30 SINGAPORE TIME 20.45 22.00 tage lessons are
      216 words
    • 100 11 LampsS) jO aglow with r^t^ elegance r~~*\ l fei ([^]3 Table Lamps varying from Spanish metal filigree with >, y bufl antique effect to Chinese ceramical floral design. flf.'fl Floor Lamps slim and symmetrical combining walnut and M§*'( brass in modern designs. •i±J£ff Boudoir Lamps featuring romantic and delicate oeramical
      100 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 767 11 TV MALAYSIA CHANMI 3 Kuala l.umpur Children; 700 New* in En£ and Naaag; 6 I pah and l'.sh. ~10 Komentar Wurni ■■tacca; 3. lo Juhorr Hahru; BUDti; 735 The Samurai 4 Taipinj; 7 Batu I'ahat; 9 The Master Ninja. B.uu Newt Kluang. in Mind^rin. 8.10 Modern MaC AS. r.M. Protnamme
      767 words

    • 369 12  -  CHAN BONG SOO By AN AVERAGE OF 5 ENTERPRISES A MONTH OPENED LAST YEAR IN SINGAPORE l\ average <>l ftw factories ;i month went into operation in Singapore las! yew, bringing new jobs for the people and adding l<> the Republic's foreign exchange earnings. Since the intensive
      369 words
    • 124 12 BULLION STUDY IN LONDON By LOCAL MAN "V 1 1; MM lit.h sy.SC, (above) sole proprietor of'a Enterprise Co., will leave for England at the end of this month to study international bullion and imam mI operations in the I'nited Kingdom and Luropr. Mr. has been invited by
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    • 188 12 Singapore may be distribution centre A large American International organisation. Monsanto Co.. Is focussing its attention on Singapore as a possible distribution centre Singapore, on the cross road or international trade, has great potentialities and could be developed for the establishment of a branch sales office, said Mr H. Lane
      188 words
    • 131 12 I>LAQLES commemorating the 1967 7L'p Quality Control Award will be presented in the near future to Mven local plant* by Mr Mcl de Oroo» technical counsellor for the 7Up export corporation In the Far East. Fraser Az Neave Ltd franchise bottlers of TL'p In Singapore. East and
      131 words
    • 178 12 Sales' manager visits parent company MR. V.C Tan. sales manager responsible for the Felt and Textiles i Malaysia i marketing operations in Malaysia and Singapore, is on tour to the parent company in Melbourne to study the la'est methods of sales promotion and marketing of carpets and the highly specialised
      178 words
    • 139 12 Here to discuss tapes MR PFEFFERKORN of BASF nm\rd m Singapore on Febru.iry 13 and i> BOW studying market conditions in Kuala Lumpur. The main purpose of Mr Pfeflerkorn's visit is the discussion on technical aspects of the BASF nudlo taper with Interested amateurs as well ;is professionals Talks have
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    • 182 12 DATO P.E. Thompson, who In four years as managing director of Brunei Shell Petroleum has seen the development of the offshore oilfield open up a vista of continued prosperity for Brunei, is leaving the State at the end of this month. Data Thomson is to take
      182 words
    • 88 12 A mtCl service to cater for regular air travellers throughout the Orient has been formed b> alhay Pacific Airways at all its Far Kast stations. Known as the Marco Polo lvii. one of Its earliest members in Singapore to benefit from the service was Mr. J.F.G. Sfwell
      88 words
    • 102 12 THK picture above shows Mr J( Hale of the Singapore office of International C'omputors .md Tabulators Ltd.. addressins the 48 representative of Government, commerce and business on the nrw extension to the ranee of ICT 1900 series compiling The presentation of the new machines was made
      102 words
    • 214 12 MR. D. H. B. Falconer has born appointed general manager of The National Construction Company Ltd. iNCd based in Kuala Lumpur. Hp succeeds Mr. J. L. Gamble who is returning to Australia to take up a position as manager for Victoria of McDonald Construction* Pty., Ltd.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 121 12 AVERY Semi-Self-lndicating Counter Scale I Xir^La^La^ETj^s^ -jfiil^La^Lal Bfe» "Ik J^J J^^M La^LaHLaT^ "I Jf* m Type 1215 BFH, capacity 4 lbs. Available in capacities up to 30 lbs. for weighing and check weighing... especially suitable for packeted sundry goods like detergents, sweets, biscuits, sugar, dried noodles and flour. Accuracy is
      121 words
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  • 150 13 \I A lues. The <n>\ernmrnt has been -.i to adopt a more r.uiona; -nd practical ippro.ii h in i:np9emrnling a liberal u>r t cr 1 in 4 1' Addressing the innual merlins of the Asyociatrd Chinese Chambers of Comment here today, its hairmaii. Senator
    150 words
  • 224 13 KUALA LUMPUR. Tu«t. OWING to Singapore > export incentive drive manufactures here prefer to buy Singapore's polymd sheets whlcb are i-heaper than those produced locally. This was stated by Century Plastics Co. Ltd. when it asked the Tariff Advisory Board here today to ban
    224 words
  • 329 13 MALACCA, Tuesday I CHAMBER CHIEF HITS OUT AT BANK LAW AMENDMENTS THE chairman of the Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce, Senator Tan Sri T. H. Tan, today warned that business would shift to Singapore if the proposed amendments to the Banking Ordinance 1968 and
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  • 284 13  - PROBLEM SOLVER? WELL, THAT'S ME, SAYS DARUS THE FIGHTING ROOSTER R. CHANORAN By SINGAPORE, Tues. Inche Dai us Shariff, 54, sipped his coffee, took a deep pull at his "rokok daun,' thought ponderously j for a while, and then said: "Raja tSingapore's Foreign Minuter. Mr. 8. Rajaratnam> does not want
    284 words
  • 148 13 CINGAPORE, Tues— The chairman of the Singapore Malay National Organisation. Inche Ahmad Haji TafT. today explained why he had failed to turn ud on Nomination Day to challenge the Prime Minister. Mr. Lee Kuan Yew. in the Tanjong Pagar constituency. Breaking his silence
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  • 79 13 SINOAPORE. Tues. Two Royal Army Ordnance Corps bomb experts, who spent three hazardous weeks last year on the Pacific island of Guadalcanal largest of the British Solomon islands to clear World War II ammunition have been made Members of the Order of the British Empire
    79 words
  • 142 13 4550,000 AWARDS PLAN FOR PERAK YOUTH IPOH. Tues. Th# State Government will spend $550,000 on more than 100 scholarships it will oiler to youths of all communities this yew. Thr- State Secretary, mi--he Abdul Aziz bin nn this here today said that 75 of the seholarwill be for university courses.
    142 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 222 13 "arctic cold" I 1 in your P*M| I kitchen! E^ I P Model HF-130 fr- T^^lfc Your food bill goes down Buy maats, frozen From the outside it's an ordinary refrigerator. ,)H!lll!llM A foods and ice cream, etc., then store and use but inside everything is frozen solid, far below
      222 words
    • 287 13 Riley's famous sporty styling plus clever {^^Engineering 1968 MODEL nnn firn The Riley 1300 Mk II sets the standard of the 1970's the most compact, most luxurious, sporting 5-seater combined with the latest engineering developments from BMC. Re-styled seating is tastefully covered in real leather; plenty of leg and shoUder
      287 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 480 14 I nntmurd from Page IS ACKNOWLEDGMENTS M Wmrmm IM I •MBBBBIJ BILLY ANO LOUISE thank all lor their preMRS D K CHARLES and famllv. •io sttend ■»<■• of con luring their re- SITUATIONS VACANT li Ward* t* (Mm Bax St rfs tatrm RIAB noißtmenis »aaaat In The Sunday Mall eaca
      480 words
    • 745 14 SITUATIONS VACANT M Wmrm* Mm.)— Box St rl*. txlra OUALIFIEO ARCHITECTS and *X■lraughtsmen reHiuired. Apply particulars snd salary exI "1 M Rilling. Laaag rex. Raft. P.O. Box 332. Kota Kinahalu. Sahah. INKA COSMITIC GMBM GERMANY A > MINERS MAKE UP LTD. ENGLAND OPKNINGS FOR LAPIKS AS BKAITT PFMONSTRATORS FILJ> TIMK
      745 words
    • 999 14 ACCOMMODATION VACANT U Ward* i Mim.)— Box St rl*. txlrm BIG UNFURNIIHfD FRONT ROOM near hus stops 19. is. 12. 4 Suitable Phonr 8 pore 235*«3 after 4 pm ROOM BATHROOM ATTACHED tiol-pt n f is r rr>nv**nio>nre*p mn k' i Asian Kuropean 21 JB Moulmein Road. pore sfter
      999 words
    • 937 14 HOUSES AND LAND FOR SALE IJ Word* %t Mim.) m rt*. txlra RELINQUISH BOOKING Wattan Batata, 1-atore* California style Kxrden house. riease phone (Spore) CAYW between 2—6 p.m. TWO BLOCKS totsling ten fists at Holland Road, leased nut. Vacant porteKs'on on completion of sale. Apply Rox AS.VM ST. Spore. HOLLANO
      937 words
    • 1013 14 EDUCATION IS War 4» X« Mim A— Box St rl*. txtrm MALAYAN CORRESPONDENCE COLLEGE i Founded 1959) offer* you se-lentiflcallv planned home-study courses for R.B.C O.SC.M.CK.T gT \.r y. en sec-tire your credits In Knglish through our famous course romp: led hy Prof. Dane* MA. Chtne«e and Tamil for all
      1,013 words
    • 893 14 HIKL PURCHASE M It'ortfs >« (Mim.)— Bax tt rl*. exfra STIRS* AMPLIFIERS. Television. Radio. Refrigerator, Typewriters on •asy payment. Elec tronics TV and Radio Company. 8* Middle Koad. S pore.. Tel: 846«6. LOST IS Word* $g (Mim.)— Bex SO rt*. txtrm LSWICK SPORTS BICYCLE, No. *****1 Colour Red. Aluminium Mudguard*
      893 words
    • 966 14 VEHICLES FOR SALL Efl Word* >« (Mim.)— Box tt cf. extra PSSO COUPE. W MO, M 1100, ItHtt F «50S 1»«4 M'looo. iW «00. l*ft» M 10o« 24S Middle Road, S pore ***** AUTO CHAROI new Cerman Invention gives cars motor cycles hattenes I Petrol Stations— Sole Agents 34A I
      966 words
    • 475 14 CHOPPING GUiDt (i> pore) li »«rd* (Mtm.)— Box in rl: txlrm JUST HAD AN It witS) I sotnethint: trotn ;e»eller». •h Bridge Koad. Singapore. 1 OIVE HER A GIFT IS t* ions r Enrhantlng from Tin sing ColdsmtUia Ltd.. Ua-ttt. soitb Bridge Road. is nore i of course. CALL AT
      475 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 951 15 II»[RPQOL A WtST COAST U K IANTALUS i. Pi Ftl7? Ftl 73 GM IS Ftl 75 Ft* 71 7 PYRRHUS fh 29 MYRMiOON Fti 27 Mir 1 Mar I Mir I DIKOOOCUS Mir M-f I Mir I 11 Mat 13 PCOTESIIAUS Mn 17 Mar 13 POLYPHEMUS Mjr 13 Mir 7
      951 words
    • 1189 15 r//£lnhL/Af£S iti I EXPRESS SAILINGS TO CENO* WORTH CONTINENT SCANDINAVIA SDo'e PASADENA i< Ftl 74 21 Ftl 27 ?l Fel W I Apr 3 Apr 13 Apr 15 Apr II Apr 71 MONGOLIA Mar 24 2t Mil 27 21 Mir 11/ I Mil t Mai It May II Mil 71
      1,189 words
    • 1028 15 I BENWLINE\ EXFRES^ StRVICt 10 LONDON. IHEPPUOI t CQstlNtNUt PQR"> BENDEARG ">> Apr I i I i Apr 3 la Pt Tplay BENWYVIS pjaj tm Ptnan| Mn 71 Mn 3 i Api 3 Sinpcvia p S'*im 'mim BENAIUGIN A .fro. H'MMf Mil 4 I Mir 718 M*T 11 /tl BINVORLICN
      1,028 words
    • 1063 15 ffe ELLERMAN BUCKNALL S.S. CO.. LTD. ln^^^ Liafiit tif: e |Tl f OUND nej. CITY IF HEREFORD I ""aai, 4 I Ap- I Aai SAILINGS FROM UNITEO KINGDOM AND CONTINthIIL POIT CITY OF HERErO»D 5 t Mir 3 4 Mil I Ma> McALISTER CO., LTD. Harrisons crosmeid .nitrn A t
      1,063 words

  • 209 16 'I'lll Mi.nts tin price :m I proM'd line clullar to MSI i picul in Prnani: yeaterdaj uith lii tti i Mipptnl :ihsorhiim .t larger turnover ratlauitod up I.'j tons to tuns Support MM reported from I uio|)( uith sonic Aincrii an hunns In
    209 words
  • 34 16 'I'ME A^ocialien fit Banfci in Malay 1 sia n United SI .I• Selling TT or Ol) n .1y United NttlwrlwM land 1I- 8.1-' iii" Q irl N«i«i( s». South Atlkll K. ll
    34 words
  • 124 16 Mtl.H( iIIAf J in mlnlngi covered the whole list of both base metal- „nd oIN with BMW lenders marked j down sii.upiv Western Mining 1 Sl,8() to $48 and X.A $1 to $11. Ampi'lrxp dropped a further 20 $2 io and MTaaaaMi II $15) Industrials :ilso eaaad "Uth
    124 words
  • 29 16 M Xl BKI K I'ltll I IS ecatl '<l«>»n cn<- ciyhth of I cent I l\ PRI( I (up one dollar). Estimated offering ton* iup IS tuiiN
    29 words
  • 187 16 \1 \>;< II hist gimtt i t.uli 4 buvi'is i li.Ni-d at ."> p.m. in MBgaparc and I umpur Mstrrda> at l'>'_. rents ilown .i.liih <if a rent on M<inda\'s levrl I he Inllr H4s \r\\ i|lllct i: and M.X.X. rinsing price* in (cuts per
    187 words
  • 248 16 'T'Hh [OliOWUia IL-t ol Maliiy.ui bMtUBtl iMMd mi I.IM wry 17. liiilmn purpmos: •E. 'D.V. 'EV. «T.C. l>unli>t> .!.7i 0..1 A 1.7 I. Mneltint 414 1.0 1' li 1 K«.«o 3 U.t LS I <;uiiin<v«» t> s.l 1 ix .n 2 14 IP 4A 2.4 Hun.. iMI iLM
    248 words
  • 185 16 SHIPS LYING ALONGSIDE THE SINGAPORE HARBOUR WHARVES OR EXPECTED TODAY ARE Hc>:l:«n.t I I. Ii I t Klbmb Mara I n. BlUitc MH.-i.k :.:i 34. ttakdoa M Kajuln :i» :tC B.' I .mi m, A"".' Bakki K in,. l, kin 47 imiiih'. Mt X...' k.. IBM
    185 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1056 16 aaaaaMaaaaHiaa^h^Bf^M k^a^h^aJ LslW^ m^iaa\^nHiaß Y^ KAWASAKI KISEN KAISHA LTD. Wtittrn Australia Sinsaporc Japan Sarvie* •rifra feb J I Mai 15 Mjr U Mar »Mm CaMill Tub' 21.31 Mai I 7 Apr IS Api II Apt 71 Apr Wast Africa Singapore Japan Sttrviea I Angola Singapore TokoilKil Knot CUtrMt Man 9
      1,056 words
    • 892 16 P&O to Europe and the United Kingdom s.s. "ORONSAY" (28,000 tons fully airconditionad stob.lurd Deporting SINGAPORE 19 Mar 1968 Arriving SOUTHAMPTON 16 Apr 1968 via Colombo. Durban, Cape Town, Dakar and Lilbon. FIRST TOURIST CLASS ACCOMMODATION AVAILABLE (fares FIRST CLASS Singapore/UK from $2389 ond TOURIST CLASS from $1500) Apply to
      892 words
    • 873 16 Sintapirt P. S'kaa Pturi Ml HO ITA/iTD (TA Ul FROM AUSTRALIA VISNVI MAHIMAfor Ranjoon Madras Calcutta IMS l« FROM CALCUTTA STATE OF tUIURAI for HongKrnß I -i ft» 21.29 Mai 1/1 FROM BOMBAT I "STATE OF BIHAR" tor him <•« J i FROM CALCUTTA VISHVA PRATAP" lor Hong K. n
      873 words
    • 87 16 SEIWA LINE frjrn Shonghoi ond Whan S pore Pt. Sham g "SHINSEI MARU No. 3" 22/27 Feb 28/ 1 Mar 2 Mar Accepting Penarg, P. Sham, Colombo Persian Gulf Ports cargoes. "TAMASHIMA MARU" 6/11 Mor 12/14Mor 1 5 Mor Agents: PAN CONTINENT CORPORATION, Spore Tel: *****, ***** SU HOCK CO.,
      87 words

  • 753 17 From Our Market Correspondent TH» industrial section of the Stock Exchange yesterday opened slightly t»ier .md trading was at first quiet However, in the afternoon turnover hotted up and Pricca improved on shortcovering and fresh baying interest. Two) of the best performers were Hotel Singapura
    753 words
  • 30 17 Malayan Stork Indicr* Feb. 19 Frb. 2» Industrial*: 132.R8 ISMI Propi-rtlrv H!.8« H4.29 Mining 77.78 77 9? RuMh'iv KI!2R 102. 28 Dm-. '.'<». l<)K2=.ino Drr %0. *****=: I IHI
    30 words
  • 1324 17 Bt »ivi ss» i\ mi isi.i'mr nit Ml lilt MM.IPdKr t\U K 1 I LI MPIR TRAD ING ROOMS OF THE Mm K EXCHANGI II.STFRDAv UHH IHI MMXIX OF SHARES I R \I)FII IN BRACKrTS: INDUSTRIAL*: Btn A Ca. %2.53. (3.o«<»i 111 :>4, 1). (I.Of.l) |3.M
    1,324 words
  • 78 17 'HINESE Product E»ehan«t. Sinn- par*, noon priett p«r picul ytittrday. Coconut oil: milk (Hit (altars, dru.ti r.tpra: M:x'd it oh i ioo«> Km/ Mir IK Co;- tti B. Ptp»ar: Munlok whltr »13S ullera. Sxrwnk »hltr *132 i »rll»r«. uprcial Ramvrak black fllO arllrra garblrd Lnn.itoot hiack Sl2O a»ll»r»
    78 words
  • 35 17 ON th* lr« tichangt matfcet id Honic Koni: ymtrrttay tbc US. Dollar ■■<! hi MM lor T.T. and K M <or cash. Slirlinx ah> quoird at 14.52 and ant tatl st gold at MM
    35 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 181 17 BY ORDER OF THE DIRECTOR OF ORDNANCL SERVICES Hq. Far Eas* Land Forces NASSIM CO. (SINGAPORE) LIMITED will .sell b\ public auction at 4 Si 4-1 (Oliver Quay, Simraport on TIESDAY, sth March 1968 at 9.3u a.m. STORES SURPLUS TO THE WAR DEPT comprising: Pork Lift trucks; Lathe Drilling machines.
      181 words
    • 654 17 ■I THE TRADE MARKS ORDINANCE (CHAPTER 185) This advertisement appears by direction of the Registrar of Trade Mark* under the Provisions of Section 42(7) of the Ordinance. NOTICE is hereby slven that the following Trade Mark Registered In the name of Farley tAust > Pty Limited, a Company registered under
      654 words
    • 1204 17 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS LEMBAGA PELABOHAN SWETTENHAM JAWATAN KOSONG Pennohonan ada-lah di-pflawa dan ra'ayat Malaysia untok mrmenohi jawatan Jurutreni?ltMs Bahasa Meiayu di-Lembaga PeUbohan Swettenham Tancca Gaji: 1253 x 14 351 366x 14 $436 t'mor: Chalun2 hendak-lah .sPkurang2-nva yang tf lah meninickHt imur 17 tahun pad» bulan ppbnian. 1968 Kcla\akan: Mempunyai 81 til
      1,204 words
    • 526 17 SITUATION VACANT MINING ENGINEER FOR DREDGING WORK IN NORTHERN SUMATRA QUALIFICATIONS: Wide experience in Hydraulic Mining and Tin Dredging in South East Asia, knowledge of Malay of Assistance Preferably single or with family residing in Malaya or Singapore Good Accommodation and Food provided with chances of Bonuses Starting Salary about
      526 words

    • 207 18 I'HF tjoUer who «ets his putter working well would win the MulayMan Open. Paul Harney. the visit ins American prof&ssional. i-aitl :n Kuala Lumpur yesterday. H.irnrv ,v.i:d con*u>tfntly kixhJ putting cm all lour rounds uuuld br peedwl to win the title on the Koyal Sclangor
      207 words
    • 113 18 'TWELVE golfris from the Poyal Bangkok Sports Club will arrive m Kuala Lumpur on Friday for their annual match afCainM Royal Srlangor Golf Club for the Irawan Cup on Saturday and Sunday. ■atanay'i ajajr will be con-fln<-d to four-ball l>;iil matches while Bunday will be devote
      113 words
    • 31 18 NEW YORK. Tue.s Canadian George Knurivn mm thr Phoenix Open elf tournament I<t thr aNond sui with a final round of 71 fof 72-hole total of 12-under-uar 573. Reut*r.
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    • 412 18  - Legaspi and Arda to defend titles MANSOOR RAHMAN By piLIPINO professionals Ben Arda and [reneo Legaspi, holders of the SingaDore Open and Malaysian Open championships respectively, are among the latest entries announa d for the two tournaments yesterday. They bead ;i •eren-num team, with Dtoniaio Nadales. E. Nival and P.
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    • 193 18 'j'HE final list of eiHrien for tho Singapore Open i Feb 29 to Mar 3>: \IMK\II\ N. von h. R. P Pnilllps. P. Thorn.son. B. Coxon. R. Stiau KKI'I \l\ P Irr (i WolP. berlain, J. Garner M. Qrcgaoa. K. Hockey, A. FishIbberscn. D. Butler. D. TbooMa.
      193 words
    • 92 18 ]t|AM!.\. Tue.s cnem Ching-po, Miiooth-swuiKing Japan-baaed Formo*an. Ben Aida. the diminutive Filipino, and John Jacobs, an American newcomer, are the early favourites for the Philippine Open The fi up-day tournament, which begins at the n< :.iy Hills 13 miles south ol here on Thursday will kirk off the
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 577 18 REQUEST FOR INTERESTED TENDERERS ROAD MAINTENANCE RUMBAI, MINAS, DURI b DUMAI AREAS CENTRAL SUMATRA P.T. Caltex Pacific Indonesia invites tenders for the maintenance of roads within or leading to its work areas in Central Sumatra and more particularly described as follows: Oil surfaced roads with roadbed width of six to
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    • 888 18 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BOARD Vpphrations sre invited far the following pasti in Ihr KfMrd UH MX HANK AI. I\(.INr»R QuaUaeation A rood llrgrrr or Diploma in Mechankal Fniineerinc or rqnitalenl from a loral institution or any foreign I nivrrvit> I with yemrV post-graduatr evprrienre or m«rr in related Hrld* will
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    • 679 18 NOTICES TOTALISATOR BOARD PERAK TURF CLUB AGENCY 1 r \(.<.()\(. RRAN( H 4«-A. MAIN ROAD OPF.X TO THE PIBLIC THF Nl MBERS FORECAST POOL 13 DIGITS) based on the usual |1.. Unlimited Sweeps Marling from the Penang Turf Club's February Meeting 196 a 25th. JBth. February and 3rd. March 1968
      679 words
    • 119 18 "53 r^f I I &ACK€>\N\HO,-tue :h~&)\ \Jyr4 CLU9 CAN BB k! -^'jLcAv "'Y\ -TAKEN BACK '^^Wf' eerec-CH/eiy jue>r v^>^ \\>r &O ?AfZ -TMO-N TO AY \SA L.BNOTHBN -X\AB -^^\<^r ARC FOR BXTfZA V \O\ POWZ&, \4\P£> ANP >- !<»a > <r- <bV\OUI,VZR.<b "fAK-e XX.^^Ui *t- r i>4 A lOA/& &ACKSWMO
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    • 197 19  - Pakistani joins Asian All-Stars team LAN PEREIRA By 'PORAB ALI of Pakis 1 tan replacei Jernail Singh in the Asian AllStars football team to tour nine Asian countries beginning from June 3-26. The 27-yrar-old centrrhalf U the first Pak player to br included in the All-Star suuad. Jernail Singh. India's
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    • 47 19 Thr Cup leave 1 umpur on Friday to take part in the German cham- ps at Berlin 'Mar. ;-3>. Danish Open ar Cop the Aii-EnK-land Chai '-23 1. Ihe players are Teh Kfw San. Tan A:k Huanz. Yew Cheng H N^ R
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    • 18 19 hoc ki i Wtti l«M£ijr (S'bU Rang- I MM DEB IiiI'iii I- >iiltan\ < up B«hru 3 K
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    • 386 19  -  ERNEST FRIDA WOK: SOSC WILL MEEI SOON TO DECIDE By gINCiAPOREis likely to join the African nations in their boycott of the Mexico City Olympic (.anus in October in view of South Africa's readmission to the Games. The Singapore Olympic and Sports Council will meet soon
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    • 126 19 'pHJ. Olympic Council of rommittee will hold an emergency meeting at St.idium Negara on Friday at .*> p m to deride Malaysia's stand on South Africa's re-adnn» sion to the Mexico Olympic dames. The mfflinr ha* been railed for h> Of M president Tun
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    • 15 19 Rio ME JANKD world rr-nir-.rrs d time of 1:64 here last mslr Reuter.
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    • 139 19 'QUIT FOR GOOD' THREAT BY RUDY AND Co. JAKARTA. Tues. Indonesia's leading; badminton players have threatened to quit for good if they were not allowed to take part in the AllEnßland championships, the official agency Antara reported today. Antara said Indonesia's Thomas Cup team. Including Muljadi s»nd Rudy Hartono, as
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    • 28 19 LONDON. Tue*.— Ken Buchanan < Scotland i. won the British Jightwelght boxing title here last night, knocking out the holder. Maurice Cuilen (England) in the llth round.
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    • 35 19 ROME. Tue* Ferrari cars will not take part in this Mart Le Mans 24-hour race. Ferrari officials said m Modena imtfidtj. beca\ise the firm on(ected to continual i-h^nge.<. in ihe race regulations Reuter.
      Reuter  -  35 words
    • 22 19 LONDON. TMa. Gcoree Hackcnschmidt 'The Russian In am o( Hip most famous n wreatling died yesteraa;.. He was 92. AP.
      AP  -  22 words
    • 85 19 A32-MEMBER University of Malaya contingent, comprising a cricket and a women's hockey team, will leave on Sunday for a three-week tour of India and Ceylon. The tour was made possible through contributions by the University of Malaya Athletic Union, Ministry of Culture. Ynuth and Sport. Lee
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    • 199 19 RESULTS at Jackie s, Bowl, Singapore: NoughU and Crones (completed): 1 Merry Wives (59-25--***** i 2 Tlie Countesses (53-31--*****) 3 Dandy's (52',.-3P -*****>. Monday Blues: 1 Darlln (7-1--5000) 2 *Oala Roses (6-2-5006) 3 Cosmopolitans 1 6-2-5032). ■ajHSt: 1 Bells (14-2-*****) 2 Square Pegs (13-3-*****) 3 SYS (12-4-*****) Orchid:
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    • 51 19 LIER coach has nicknamed her '"Ball of Fire" but champion cymnan Margaret Bell. 22, look:* a cool customer as she trains for the place she hopes to win in Britain's Olympic squad. On Jan. 27, Margaret retained her title in the British championships. Next stop Mexico
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    • 338 19 THIS year's Malaysia Cup soccer competition will begin on Saturday, Mar 23, with a Nortn Zone tie between Perlis and Armed Forces. There will be three matches on the following day: Penane v Kedah In the North Zone: Malacca v Joint Services i-nd Selangor Negri
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    • 229 19 MAN. CITYK.Oed BY 4-GOAL RALLY I ONDON. Tuai>. Leicester bounced back from two goals down to beat Manchester City 4-3 in their English F.A. Cup Fourth round replay at Leicester last night. Manchester City took the lead from a penalty in the sixth minute, and led 2-0 after 23mln But
      Reuter  -  229 words
    • 57 19 Thr $25 000 Sncrmrc Drrbv will be run on the las' cUv of the Bukit Tirr.ah Ul«rtl"f >n Mi: 9 10 16 •■nri 17. CUsses and distances arr; Clasi 1 6f or 8f .md 7f. nf l!■ IS) i Pf or 8f and 6f at 9f. Class 6
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    • 32 19 NEW YORK tues. American Cliff Ric-hey won the Unit ed States men's sinales ind»or tenni.s rhampicn*hip today, beating DaM* Cup team-mate Clark Graf brier 6-4 6-4 6-4 at Salisbury yesterday.
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    • 54 19 Singapore's flve-man karttng team of Roland Ooh. Philip Scow C.C Ltm. Steve Kam and Tony" Loh "lea yesterday for Manila to compete in the fourth Asian Karttng Prix beginning tomorrow. Eigh o'her countries In i r e meet are Hong Kons Malaysia. Thailand lormosa. Adrn. Japan
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    • 358 19  - S'pore to have swim pool for horses EPSOM JEEP By A SWIMMING pool A for horses is nearing completion in Singapore, says Tan Sri Runme Shaw, chairman of the Singapore Turf Club, in his report to the club's annual meeting on Friday. The pool, says Tan Sri Runme Shaw, will
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    • 443 19 Setbacks fail to stop India rttJNEDIN, Tues. Inaia beat New Zealand in the First cricket Test here today when they reached the target of 200 runs for the loss of live wickets. Final scores: New Zealand 350 and 208; India 359 and 200-5. Resamlng at 161-3. the Indian batsmen made
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 68 19 "Why do you have to ask for Schweppes?" 1 "It's the J\ custom." HI SCHW EPPESMANSHIP-THE SIMPLE ART OF BEING A GOOD MIXER ■MM Cure your COUGH tonight^ T^^E^ with De Witt s Cough Syrup |^5 STRONG, QUICK-ACTING [oewitfrn IMMEDIATE RELIEF I Couor» PLEASANT, SWEET TASTE I Syrup For young
      68 words
    • 214 19 To All the \tsor 1 Youths of Asia IIT t The ship carrying about 300 young members of the Imf^Jl Japanese Youth Goodwill Cruise will enter Port Swettenham IjWMpjfT^lL on Feb. 22-Feb. 25, 1968. Representing the young boys and Jißr^^ girls of Japan, they extend the hand of friendship to
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  • 85 20 SINGAPORE, Tues. Loh Poh Chen?,', v businessman. \v a s charged In a magi.s trate'a court todaj with using counterfeit American Express travellers' cheques worth a face value ot US$3OO. No plea was recorded. The first charge was thai he used a USSInO travellers cheque
    85 words
  • 57 20 ABILENE iTmi), Tues. Marine Snd Lt Bill gave the last pay cheque he p from the Government to the muMc department of his alni.i matte' 24. was killed in Vietnam last Wedne.-d.iy On Saturday. Abilene Christian College official?, said they received Reese s
    57 words
  • 583 20 KUALA LUMPUR Tver "UK. Alaggappa Chettiar and eight other c:o--owners of 22. /(>.'{ acres of land here acquired In the Selangor Government in 1!)(>4. today received an enhanced award, lokilling nearly $4 million, from the Federal Court The nine owners— Mr. Alaggappa Chettiar
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  • 55 20 WASHINGTON, Tues. The Soviet Navy is pcrfcitinc a new -type of nuclear submarine capable of firing 16 ballistic missiles at American land targets, informed sources said here toilav. American tatdHgMMC «.iv reported to have evidence that the new submarine is similar to the Polaris missile craft operated
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • 69 20 BANGKOK. Tues —A British diplomat and an English-born lecturer at the Australian University in Canberra were killed last night in a road accident on the F'iendship Highway 112 miles north-east of Bangkok, a Brills!-. Embassy source said today They were Mr. Anthony S. Lee 3t:
    Reuter  -  69 words
  • 23 20 VIENTIANE. Tues Cur.imunlst troops have overrun a Laotian army outpost 50 miles noitli-eaM of Vientiane, the Laos Government said today AP.
    AP  -  23 words
  • 143 20 Never ending agony of busman Raj... r|XFORD, Tues. An Indian bus inspector has given up his Job after being attacked by masked men. Anonymous telephone callers have also threatened to kidnap his children and attack his wife after he was promoted to Inspector from conductor last October. Stones have been
    Reuter  -  143 words
  • 131 20 SINGAPORE. Tut.;. The Implementation of new discharge procedures for vessels and lighters carryIng cargoes originating from the Republic of China, Taiwan or Hong Kong has been further postponed to March 15. Under the new procedures carsoes discharged from vessels at anrhor Into lißhters will
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  • 54 20 MEXICO CITY. Tues. •Watch how a man dies." said Matlas Romero as he strode up to a group of children outside a school here today. He then put a piece of dynamite in his mouth, lit the fuse and blew himself up. None of i the
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  • 33 20 HAVANA. Tues —Thomas J 1 Boynlon. «ho lorced a Florida pilot to fly him to Cuba, has asked fc political asylum and this is 1 being considered, it was reported here.-AP.
    AP  -  33 words
  • 378 20 LONDON. Tues.— Closing mid- die prices of selected stocks uot including stamp duty were: 1.11.*****.111 Consul -J' £***** Fundins 4': £96 1 JWar 3V. £49 +1 16 BANKS Chartered 67 6 Hongkong £9 INBURANCE Com Un 56 3 Prudentials A' 50 9 Royal 48 9
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  • 376 20 SEREMBAN, Tuesday. J^ FORMEH president of the Seremban Town Council, Robert Singam, 52, w;is today :harged in ;i magistrate a court heir with ising criminal force on the 10-vear-oW daugher oi a British serviceman with intent to outage her modesty. The mother of
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  • 178 20 BOMBAY, lues— Indian dm tin carried out the world's sixth human heart transplant last Saturday, but the 27-year-old farmer who cot the new heart lived only three hours. Bodhan Chittan died of a lung complication after being given the heart of a
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  • 193 20 OTTAWA. Tues. r |MIl fut lire of Prime Mitw•l trr Mr. Lester Pcari—l niiiutir.v Liberal administration hunt tn lln halaacc iixl.i> after .1 shock p.ulianifiii.u defeat nn an income tIU Kill The vote on the tav meann —resultinK from I in.ime Minister
    193 words
  • 55 20 CANBEKH V 1 'in- AU non-wotUni tone took ceM month); l.'ap In live year* niortli when it shot up to 96.000. a;, ' of 12.600 over the preceding month The La>xn: b Bury. tbe mcri-ase \\n- due to ..1 au>e;. The Oguret were also swoOoD
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  • 14 20 CABLE illniam formtrij I POOTHAPILLAI nil Work 1 in p.n v mm.
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  • 11 20 IN EVtn LOVING MEMORY ol Mr M. hildr. n
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
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    • 266 20 Late CLASSIFIEDS I 20 $15 (miniJJium) j r.EORCE fTELLA: A .laufhtvr. PudU). ITianks to <!■ MARTIN Uolfgani Brrr.iuor 1 rol 6p»cial r v 1 stiff uf Au'jnU Hoi|>iial K 1.. TCG rdon on IT-S-M .1 ton Hual brotbrr Tha iks (tiff London Mitfrnity Home CjDHIBRIDDE CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL 171-C, BENCOOLEN
      266 words