The Straits Times, 20 February 1968

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 22 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 150.000 The Straits Times. Eatd. 1845 TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 20. 1%8 18 CENTS KDN. 3104 M (P) 0014
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  • 287 1 advance 400 yards in Hue 11l r. Mm. Behind the beavj pou lid i nt; of artillery lgt9, U.S. Marines pushed tv the south-east corner of Hues incient < itadel today Hid turned right to begin i ■weep ilnn^ the south wall the Imperial Palace. I" h <■ Marines
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  • 523 1 Battle rages for air base ROCKETS BLAST AMERICAN HQ IN NEW OFFENSIVE SAIGON, Monday VIETCONG guerillas today stepped up their second wave of attacks in towns and warbases throughout South Vietnam. They blasted (Jen. William Westmoreland's headquarters <l»il inisstij billing Jiimi. exploded v nickel amid American troops w.iil ing io
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  • 57 1 SAO PAULO (Kra/.il). Mon. Surgeons hero have saved Joan llonrin d.i Silva's lowrr lip bitten ofT by lii.s enraged wife when he tried to smooth over a family row with I kiss. Stulling the severed Hf into his pocket, he rushed to Sao Paulo s municipal hospital,
    Reuter  -  57 words
  • 152 1 QiUGON, M«n. Ameri- can brmbers yesterilay swarmeci' oyer five airfields in North Vietnam. The raids included bombing strikes against two Mi(i air bases northwest of Hanoi and a third near llaiphoim t°.S. military headquarters said Navy AX Intruders from the aircraft carrier Kitty llauk attacked (he ('.it Ri
    AP  -  152 words
  • 154 1 Pledge by U.S. not to quit Vietnam, Thailand BANGKOK. M..n—Thailand received the assin mi r that the United st.ites will not withdraw from Southeast Ida, p.irticul:irl> Irom South \ietn.iin and Ih.iil.inil. the I'rniK Minister. field Marshal Thawoi Klttik.u horn. NaM to<l.i\ Marshal I h.inoni tolil reporters that the f.S
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  • 127 1 India given 90 pc of Rann of Kutch (;i.\l.V.\. Mr,,,. All illlcl II i!i(»l|;i| uiinoiiiiml I*kl;i\ ;i n hi) promise solulion |(i ihc hnli. i I*.iki v. t 1 1 1 <| is|iii t c over Hit' P>,iiin of K 1 1 Uh. it award d pt-r territory India
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  • 34 1 Pt I.L-OUT FROM HI I n\\\s(. Mm North Vietnamese troops tiijhttnf battle of llur have begun I to withdraw though no Im- mediate end <<t li^htln? U i in sletat. paHci Bentrr.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 29 1 A Quick Shine in Quick Time with j i AUTO POUSH and CUANEK BRAND'S essence of chicken !?j;lds your health, strength and stamina I I*m 1 I Ik* t^U/MB^
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    • 51 1 lull National Newspaper For Maximum Performance use PHILIPS BATTERIES ONLY The new Philips batteries ILIPS were designed by the team "H of scientists that designed v^il Inil iT the power cells for US space I craft. They are powered to B, get the from all portable equipment. KanoflE* M
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    • 10 1 rnFiJ I Iff fl IMfTTtW '^Mtliiii Illlii^al I B«f «o»bm>^^^^^^^^^^^^^"^^^s
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    • 286 2 The Kenya migrants: Cabinet to study slow-down proposals LONDON, Monday THE Cabinet ii expected to study proposals this week for slowing a flood of Asian migrants from Kenya to Britain. There is speculation here that some new regulatory system may be introduced for these migrants. The Labour Government is under
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    • 18 2 HOBARI Mini Afeoul 200 flreti«lHrix iwtr'.rd «nh bull.nri i .hit tiinki rs today i i .ma.
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    • 10 2 ni< n rlaln limvp I. 11l 3 rchr\
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    • 33 2 I AI.I .AiIASSKK iFtorfcU), Mon. rbouaui vi Khool rhildrei unacnMlul- .::>■!> today m more than bait th-- itmte'i i. ichcn rcMgn<w :n i Ud mr Mfner pay and none; tor education, ap
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    • 22 2 I ONDOM Mi. .suulrnt* and biisinp«s iMtuUna in Britain hrlMd by a Governmen: fummitt^ today to learn Chinese. Rrm< i
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    • 138 2 Britain's first Polaris shot... THK Resolution, first of Krituin s Pol iris mi>>marinev sends the Navy's lirst I'ol.iris missile l.:,(H\ milrs dnun I lie Atlantic test r.inep east nf the Windward Isle*. A spreading swirl nf palf rrcen water signall•rl that the missile was about to le.ive the 7.500--tnn
      Expresspic  -  138 words
    • 130 2 (OAKLAND < California. vJ Mon. Black Power leaders told a cheering audience of 5.000 on Saturday night that Negroes must organi-e militarily to defend themselves against whites. Mr. H. Rap Brown :oid the eravd: The only (iiflereixe botvern Lyndon Johnaon and O»..: k
      UPI  -  130 words
    • 39 2 LONDON. Mon Britain la nperiencinff. for the RM timr ih.. 1 century. peacrtinv rpide■Uc "f venereal disease the Obterver renorted yesterday. The Sunday newsnaner said this year over 160.000 people would visit treatment clinics.
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    • 39 2 MOSCOW. Mon— The Soviet Union is importing wine from Algeria in specially-designed tankers with a carrying capacity <-f 1250 tons Tass reported r.-inc tanlcers instead at barrel.*, his cut transport coiti by t«i>-thirds.— Reuter.
      Reuter  -  39 words
    • 36 2 JAKARTA M<>n -Pakistani Foreign Minister Mr snanf<Kidin Puvada. ll due lo arnvr here on Friday for a four-day m^ptinn of tlie Indonexit.-P*ki-lan E<onomi< and CuKia Opfiaiion Organi«iiion iIPBC* \ni-ra news agency reported todaj Reuwr.
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    • 206 2 RISHIKESH (Himalayan foothills). Mon DEATLES George Harrison and John Lennon spent a strenuous day yesterday in meditation and spiritual discourse at the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's retreat on the 1 Ganges. They .spent thp morning in meditation. «raduallv Initiating themMlves into longer
      Reuter  -  206 words
    • 182 2 Professor's son hijacks plane to Cuba at gunpoint MARATHON (Florida). Mon. A professors son hired a private plane on Saturday, then hijacked it in night and ordered the pilot at gunpoint to take him to Cuba. a ■pokwmari "f Urn us. State LVpartmnit -said thp hijacker was Thomas Buyiiton. 31.
      UPI  -  182 words
    • 87 3 Home of Tito man in Paris bombed DAHlfci Mi A bomb ment ol the Yu dencfi night. killinK n and injuring 14. A the blast, which smashed walls an i fur--190 square yard area, was caused by a bomb left on the preAbnm p were In when the bomb went
      Reuter  -  87 words
    • 15 3 •ia:i urms thp p-irtrmt i .dm: Stick h>rrn drr! irrri r
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    • 342 3 Giap— in search of another Dien Bien Phu IN Ihe hills .1 \iin.un 5.000 American troops have been encircled by North Vietnamese and Vietcone, and already people are t.ilkine of ,i second l»irn Bicn Phu. K»r the Communist troops surroundinc Khe S.uih tamp are under the command of (ien rral
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    • 612 3 Johnson: Viets will fail 'TRYING TO BREAK OUR WILL' ABOARD THE CARRIER CONSTELLATION, Mon. Presidcn:. Johnson said yesterday the Vietnam Communists were trying to break the will of the U.S. with now attacks. But quite certainly tt.rv would fail, he added. •'Lntil freedom stands strong until this va.r Pacific i.s
      Reuter; UPI  -  612 words
    • 164 3 pie of South Vietnam had conducted big, simultaneous attacks and tarried out a synchronised uprising throughout the country. It added that these victories had dealt .1 heavy blow at I "S. iieuression and created favourable conditions for a final victory in the south l>\ tin National
      Reuter  -  164 words
    • 273 3 Death of Kennedy saved LBJ, says an aide WASHINGTON. Mon. President Kennedy decided three days before his assassination in 1963 to "dump" Viec-Prcsi-di nt Johnson from tiie Democratic ticket for the 1964 election, M; Evelyn Lincoln, the late Pre--Bid>nt's personal secretary, discloses here. 11l ncoln, book K'-imedy and Johnson, to
      Reuter  -  273 words
    • 69 3 DAR-l> s.\l .MM Mm. Mangati tribesmen ■outhern Tmaiiia killed i y>une sclnxilher and eul ofl las mm .■mil can v iwool ol thr-r niui,i Oovenuncoi Mm told .i ghocked annual ranti renee ol the African Pan AMociatian here Mr Job I asindr i MiniMrr ol
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    • 263 3 Anti-U.S. war marchers clash with Rome police DO.MX. Mon. Stonethrowing anti-Ameri-can demonstrators clashed with police near the I'-S. Embassy here yesterday and sma.shed the windows of two American airline and <• hipp i n c offices. Police detained 57. About .1.000 demon straten marched on the Fmbavsv, ajMwttag antiAmerican slogans
      Reuter  -  263 words
    • 56 3 BUENOS ADUS, Mv Tlie win? of the plane carrying President Juan Carlos Onganiii .scraped a BBM ><t the airpo/l line today WhCtt talcing off for ;i visit lo Leones. In the central province of Cordoca. The President, his wife and oßldaU changed planes and took ofl
      Reuter  -  56 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 169 2 ANNOUNCEMENT •Owing to popular demand, the Organising Committee, Singapore Festival '68, has decided to extend the Festival up to 6th March, 1968. The Mammoth Donation Draw, being the Festival's Main attraction, will also be extended accordingly to 6th March, 1968." the South Pacific, last unspoiled corner t earth Kt^ j
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    • 155 2 For quick, positive and long-lasting relief from the discomfort of Piles (Haemorrhoids) take/ < VaremoYd the NEW, EASILY SWALLOWED tablets from the research laboratories of Zyma, s^em* Varemoid Varemoid is pasy to tak« |ust swallow during or after meals. 9 Varpmoi'd gives met positive relief, its active principle being the
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 33 2 T«E GAMBOLS *~»t/*>^ Zl've ft?t«M?ED) /'"AMD PUT IT ikP) f ALL you UAVE TO txTN /^OO YOU TVtVU. VOu'll^N >I 6 TURN THIS SWrcU J IBC ABLE TO MAMASC \PBOM Off' TO OM'j^
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 72 3 DISCOVER THE HIDDEN EXCITEMENT Vodka Samovar lota —it's sheer sensa*. up an. Fresh g meal 4tflblg*> i j S^BP^^* f c Vodka ioamovar ii V l^ Asthma Mucus Loosened First Day .u»"'r nf rirv »>n>r >. but worki II inrhUkl tub) Tl ll<-lp» li>n«cii Jtn-I rrmovi thi' >tr.iriKlinß I. Thui
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  • 73 4 SINGAPORE. Mon —Singapore Festhal f 6B at the Gay World amusement park, due to end tomorrow, has been extended to March 6. This is to give more people an opportunity to visit the trade fair, which has been a bis attraction >incr it was opened on
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  • 91 4 Show by 4 S'pore artists SINGAPORE. Mon— The Minister of State for Culture. Mr. Ire Khoon Choy. uill oprn an exhibition of paintings hy four artists. Messrs Wu Shye (iuev. Siane Hiong. Koh linn; Viang and Kirn* Kee. at the Chinese Chamber of Commerce on Thursday. The exhibition—
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  • 149 4 CAMBRIDGE HSC RESULTS SINGAPORE. Mon— The Cambridge Higher School Certificate results ol four .-•udeiii.N ot Gan Eng Seng School were incorrectly published in the Straits Times today. The correct results are: MLs&e.s Jane Wee Fong Thlm and Leong Teep Vhee iboth awarded full certificates i. and Eileen Lee and Lee
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  • 64 4 HE PLANS TO DRIVE BLINDFOLD SINGAPORE, Mon.— A German magician plans to drive blindfolded through Singapore's streets to publicise a show organised by local members of the International Brotherhood of Magician., Mr Wertner Hornung will attempt the drive on March 7 a day before the show. Magic International in
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  • 295 4 SINGAPORE, Mon gIGHTEEN Barisan Sosiahs supporters were t/hargcd in the Ninth Magistrate's Couil today with attempting to dissuade people from voting in the general elections. The accused 12 women, four men and two 13-year-old girls all claimed trial, and were allowed bail
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  • 214 4 Biggest union collecting for Defence Fund SINGAPORE. Mon. The biggtst affiliate of the National Trade Union ongrrw the 25.000-mem-ber Singapore Manual and Mercantile Workers' Union, has set up a special committee to organise the collection of contributions from its members for the National Defence Fund. In a statement today, the
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  • 427 4 SINGAPORE, Mon. For the four Devar. Nail children, Singapore's Nomination Daj was a happy event. Reason? Mummy (Mrs. Derail Nair. lonner MP lor Moulmelni i. 1 now In the home for good I was relieved when the party allowed my request to
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 276 4 ORCHARD TOMORROW 8 .30 p.m. PALACE box Plans now open cash bookings only. SI 00, $2 00, $3 00 $4.00 (No Free List) ON STARTS FROM THURSDAY, 22nd FEBRUARY) jhn« s: 1 00, 4.30 8.30pm.) THE TENDER LOVE STORY OF A PASSIONATE WOMAN AND THE THREE MEN WHO WANT HER!
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    • 3 4 Gold! Girls! Action!
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    • 14 4 nchard ortega's sextet dlus our excellent cuisine and tine wines make your evening complete
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    • 142 4 Johore Bahru REX-OPENS TOMORROW I 4 SHOWS it 1.30. 3.30, 7 9.15 p.m.-MO FREE LIST m i Important: Residents OUTSIDE Johore Bahru ore advised to phone J.B. 3535 BOOK NOW to avoid diioppointment! N.B. LAST SATURDAY'S M'NITE SHOW PACKED SOLID! YOU DON'T HAVE TO KNOW HE LANGUAGE to get a
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    • 573 4 1 I OPENS TODAY 1 .11 II am, 1 30, 4. 6 JO. 930 pm Songstrrii Pok Lung Fah lAI LEE V Scot* .with F^qn-- NEXT CHANGE 1 StonFL'r'. "Our Five Mm In jmqapcu Last 2 uo,i! i iv, 46.JJt9.15 The Mercenaries" Tov'oi •> Vsion Colo* I ORCHARD PALACE I
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  • 200 5 SINGAPORE, Monday. pRKDDIK CHEANG, an officer of the Ministry of National Development, w;is jailed for I") months by ;i district court today for misappropriating 1&525 <»l Government funds. Cheang pleaded guilty to ;i charge ol cnminal breach of trust. r bupectot \t I Smahon. pro.spcuting.
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  • 17 5 BINOAPORB Mnii The immunisation team will >• tioned tomorrow at the Geylang West community centre. Lorong
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  • 27 5 SINGAPOKE, Mon 1 hr Briti-h Army will prevent thrre diiiKhirs t<> the Singapore Sc;i Carpt .it Farclf tncim-.r- Base, .\\er Ka.i.ih Road on Saturday.
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  • 321 5 SINGAPORE, Mon. Eißhteen year old Suzanne Liau has a lace to match her brains. She i.s Sin^apore'a "Girl of the Day," heading the list of the 1967 Cambriri^t Higher School Certificate examination results. She scored five distinc-->harlng the top honours with two
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  • 42 5 SINGAPORE. Mon.— The Department of Extra-mural Studies of the University of Singapore will be conducting an eight -lecture course on management Recounting in early March Tlie fee is S2.S Those interested are .asked to ring ***** ext. 156. 157, 158.
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  • 175 5 SI NCiAP O K h. Mon. Twrntv-four sprightly mrmher> of the Australian Ballet Company provided a glamorous line-up at Ihr Singapore Airport's arrival hlork hy tonicht. At the head was Marilyn Jones, the slender prmi.i ballerina, dressed in black and with her hair draun auay from
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 201 5 AMIGO pr01 y prescnls KITELY THE FABULOUS ALL-GIRL J I MUiIPP I dancers W^*^ TpJ5% <*4 J X in song >J \i|f^l^\W/ 1 M aST?C fe i^ ALSO APPEARING jf TRIO LATINO PLUS ONE J JmWM T iJ^PI MISS SHIRLEY WONG %kM Taiwan's Recording Star W^, S THE EL AMIGO
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    • 134 5 Lonaon ■■■.-■■>■■ HEwttc T^^mWmWHmWA m< W iSM FnreVao flights a week. At the moment, BOAC has 3 VCIO flights a week to Europe. But because the VCIO is so popular, we've found that 3 just aren't enough. So we've done something about it. We are adding two more flights per
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 377 5 The weather HiglirM and lowest temperatures in Malaysia and f/.uapore for Mie period 8 pm Sunday to 8 p.m \e.vterday Highest Lowest Kuala Lumpur H 10 Kota Bharu 89 70 Penang 92 70 Ipoh 95 70 Malacca 93 70 Singapore 89 75 C Highlands 79 56 Jesselton 85 70 Kuchlng
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  • 255 6 NEW LIFE WITH A CEAH SLATE FOR SULAIMAN By WALTER D CRUZ I(UALA LUMPUR Mon. The former Assistant y. ler of National and Rural Development, Inche Sulaiman bin Bulon. start a new lift 1 now that he Is free of financial wor: 'I have paid oil the debt and wiped
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  • 161 6 SINGAPORE. Mon THE president of the Singapore Rubber Packers' Association, Mr. Ng Quee Lam. today called on the Singapore and Malaysian Governments to closer together to maintain the two countries" leading role in the world's rubber markets. Speaking at a ceremony to launch a campaign
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  • 89 6 'Don't force change of uniforms 1 I. I AI.A U MPLR. Mon. lbe Government has direclf.l heads of •.r'lools not Is rnmpcl transferred jiuoiU tn aha age the>r uniform* for the rv >t of the current year. Thi, iraa >t itr<i in the I>ewan Ra'ayal tiis morning b> the Assistant
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  • 218 6 SEREMBAN, Monday THOSE who are urging the setting up of a Chinese university in Malaysia are causing a rift in the country's multi-racial society. The MCA's director of publicity. Mr. Joseph Siow Loong Hin, said this here last night. Mr. Siow said one could not
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  • 187 6 21 -gun sendoff for the King I£ U A L A LUMPUR, Mon. A 21-gun salute will herald the .start of a one-day visit to the Royal Malaysian Naval Base in Singapore by the Yang di-Ptrtuan Aprons and the Raja Permaisuri a g o n g tomorrow morning. It will
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  • 179 6 CINGAPORE doctors -1 vice and a national ey are welcome to t— Kuala Lumpur, Mon. bank. Malaysia to join the I I He hoped the ultimate government service, success of these progtho Minutor n* Uooitu lU rammes would depend upon the Minister of
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  • 322 6 TEACHING STANDARDS AS HIGH AS EVER: LEE KUALA LUMPUR, Monday. THE Devvan Ra'ayat was today assured that the standards of teaching and learning in the country over the past two years had been maintained and that there were no educational problems major or otherwise which could not be solved. This
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  • 116 6 Two girls drown in pond IPOH. Mon. Two 1 sisters were found drowned in a pond in a rubber estate near here this morning. They were Minachl, 13. and Salvce, 11, daughters of a tapper. A. Velu. 35, who has five other younger children. It is believed that one of
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  • 310 6 Govt may seek to extradite KIAIJI LUMPUR. Mon. The Government is considering asking the Indonesian Government for the extradition of self-styled "General" Abaiiir Zulkifii. the commander of the Tentera Nasinnal Kalimantan Utara, so that "necessary action may be taken against him The Assistant Minister of Home Affairs. Inche Hannah bin
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 188 6 Add one full size to your figure in the NEW PLAYTEX SOFT PADDED BRA... with "natural soft" cups Inside the cups there is a This 'extra softness that adds > *IBB^HH| new Playtex padding— one full size to your bust, is just ■"§.-'s%& made without rubber— that's like a part
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 45 6 ES fcSS^SJ o^fe| F i] E^ M c a% L N l> f l gr ey ?£MEi?!HL 6 ■M&\[J§ss& T^Krija Li I Abnor »g At €mpp (%&fu^SHISSZ^\ I /^T^T\ U«MSNOj LET'S DROP THE > l^n-ruAcc At i^^B^BKScflHft^dAl Efr OMLY AW K'KW -AH TW PLACETCV7C CRATF" rr^OMis/
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  • 622 7 The Japanese secret of box office appeal l>\ A Special Corresponde*! MONSTERS AND MURDER. SEX AND SPECTACLE. IN PANORAMIC VISION delights? that's what it .ere) enjoyed by the privileged class of males back then.'" Director Kaneto Shindo, one is assured, "lavishes upon his audience a savage shocker depicting the sinful,
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  • 1120 7 SHAKESPEARE. DANGER, TELEVISION, FILMS, OPERA, BALLET, CHOREOGRAPHER... SIM Robert 1 1 dpi ii, mu in the international world of theatre is like the quick change artist of the old vaudeville stage His real life roles change so rapidly and completely thai it is difficult to
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 412 7 Now cook on ESSOGAS from only $23.20 Choose from a galaxy of ESSOGAS r^P Star Package Offers like these t^x "V lop value star packages from Essogas %^L j?^HHklll fcfllP^ J j w include even thing you need to start inf^ fJnRQfIAi J fy^yj r< cooking -Deposit Cylinder of gas
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  • 12 8 Wm4t tIS immirnxm) HIV. DALLAS CLAKNITTI 00 r»n« »ll w»i-
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  • 32 8 1/1 I M »,m«m IN LOVING MIMORV ft Mr. Nil anil rttlld IN LOVING MEMORY Ran"l»CT> o Mir» I rhman BMk, IN LOVINC MIMORV r' H*n( Ah Tn«»"»rt KM lOTtxi
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  • 110 8 ■Si SB limimum) SAL! CONTINUES at MS Th. \rnrt» Orchard Roart R por» <;.-uin» Thai suk Thai Pet I "al produrtt ADDITIONAL COURStS RM Prr, and H»«w> H»-tinn of •alor May night from BIG. BIG BUM for a nil *!< raanx Hcr>. h»- h«« Baa, •'i U p it.
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  • 15 8 W»r4t Sli iWmhmmm) PAMILV Or CATf Mr» T»« fn, ■nd »n»ndi for ■i durini
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  • 761 8 The Straits Times. Tuesday. February 20. 196" A Need For Re-appraisal If President Johnson's Viet* turn "moods" reflect optimism as well as doubt, rl is hardly i surprising since there are j grounds for both. Not all will agree with him that th«; Vietcong Tet offensive wss I ■failure." but
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  • 471 8 Parents who have be«»n complaining of the high eeSl of free education in MUeytte will derive some satisfaction from the Assistant Ministet of Education assurance that something is being done about textbooks, extra-mural activities and school uniforms. There is now a pri< ceiling on the tntHl spi-nt
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  • 1113 8  -  STANLEY MEISLER by TWO LAWS CLOSE THEIR SHOPS AND TAKE AWAY THEIR JOBS EVERYONE here calls it "The Asian Exodus." Towards 10 o'clock in the evening the airport of this African capital takes on the air of Bombay or Karachi. The hall of the airport grows crowded
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  • Letters
    • 154 8 The trains that go to Kota Bharu UOFELESS IaVT. Feb. 15 > pinpointed one of the reasons why the railway has a deficit every year. The authorities should look Into this matter and rectify things Immediately. Travellers from K L. to Kota Bharu seldom go by train because the train
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    • 221 8 I urn to the press statement given by the spokesman for the Ha.! way Administration <S.T Feb. 16 1 The spokesman la probably not aware that during the last two months thiT.' were two occasions on Which almost 60 of us waited in vain for
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    • 37 8 TT Is high time now that the railway authorities place red signal lights at Mie railway gates In Chanekat Jong Road. Paul Road and Batak Rabit Road Without this warning there will be crashes. MOTORIST Teluk Anson
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 287 8 It: BJBJ Classified advertisfmenli for Straits Times Malay Mail may b* handed to: COID *TORA6E SUPtR-MARKfr DaaH COLD STORAOt lIANCHIS CUT BOOK STOBI LTD, I c, Co. ...i QUOf. ""f-mi, Naval Bom HAMII* STORE. V. RETNASAMY 1 CO, 'S.I-. S^afar. SO. MUBARUK ft BROS. ITO, Avema 'Tingoon ■c 19 A
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    • 45 8 l gg -.f'll'|:W T-mi ft rMpiti Th* Bank You Can Trust Bank with ■MALAYAN BANKING BERHAD and you bank wisely HtAl> I MAIaTAN SANK SUKDIN4 92. Jtlsn Bandsr. Kuala Lumpur. BANKING BERHAD >' IH *<•■» »ll|»llM Au>'-»'—4 BSaM S OO) 000 luiMKl^tJlCir'l l t UOOCOOO v y
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    • 236 8 LEARNING MALAY LESSON 157 in a new series by YUNUS MARIS i.lA)ss\H\. Alat «n> tool, equip- ment. KhlrtmkapAN < ii equlpmem, i from: lengkap. MElengkapKAN. ML- i lengKapl' to equip'); prrkakas »n>— I also tools, equipment; i hence, alat KElengkapAW and 'alat perkakas' all necessary equipment': makmal (n> laboratory; PFRkembanjtAN
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    • 253 8 The programmes and schemes Cachara' and 'ranchanxAN both mean: "programme 1 for the festivities (or; "celebrations) must be worked out c= "Dl-u.sahaKAN) in such a way that thrir themr and aims will be clear (or: 'obvious 1 "TERserlahi to and have an effect on the peoplr. It would be a
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    • 233 8 THE MOST POPULAR HIGH f" CLASS RESIDENTIAL AREA L|-, HOLLAND GARDEN a m.t. Holland Read, Sinflapora. IfaaßßawA (Near Holland Grove Rd "W**V SHOW HOUSE READY FOR f INSPECTION I 2-STORIY, 4 BEDROOMS. SCMI- r DETACHED. fl** •"^JT" Complxi .ttk i rorguX -<A^ft<* M k Mohic j jJ^SL^r'T Cat* I Street
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  • 134 9 Proud moment for son of Premier Lee as he gets top school award A PROUD moment for Lee EUlen Loong, eldr I Singapore's Prime Mlnlsb r, v h.- n the Lim Koon Yaw gold medal for being the best all-around .studei: Singapore.* Catholic High School a Chinese High la.-t year.
    All Yusof  -  134 words
  • 120 9 Trawler fishing plan may be scrapped Xl \M \V M»n The pilot trawler lishini; M'hrmr hi-r«' ni ,i > be ah.tndonrd i>y the end of the year, the Minister of Agriculture and I'n-opera-thrv HaJI GhmsaU bin .law i. sbM t mi.i At the rate the srhemr was goini;. the (.overnment
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  • 30 9 SINOAPORE Mon ".an 1! died on the way to hospital after bum knocked ciown by a ra: a. thp Junction of Sime Road and Aoam Road flay.
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  • 47 9 KMANO, Mon. Four RAF LlghtninKS basrd at rrru.ih in Sincapore flrw into the RAAF base at Rutterworth today to take part in a week-long exercise. In return, four RAAF Mirages of No. 75 Squadron took off from Butterworth for Tengah for a similar exercise.
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  • 277 9 Cheers! The officers say it with soft drinks. 1/ U A L A LUMPUR. Mon. Who clamped a "no booze" order on officers' messes in police training establishments and why? Contacted today. the Commandant of the Police Depot here. Assistant Commissioner Mohamed Yuaof. Shah, refused to be drawn to comment.
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  • 44 9 SINGAPORE, Mon Some 225 police recruits #11 pass out tomorrow as constables at a pasMnu-out parade a*, the Police Training School In Thomson Road The Assistant Commissioner (Training and Personnel! Inche Otliman Onmr will inspect the parade a' 5.15 p.m.
    44 words
  • 25 9 IPOH Men Thieves stole 2 400 feet of cppei wire M.eiming 343 lb Ijom electric poles in Do\enby e»Ute. Sungel S.pui. I yMMrdty.
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  • 225 9 That 'no insurance' bus firm gets 2 months more KOTA KINABALU. Mon. The Labuk Bus Co. Ltd.— one of the largest in Sabah—has been given •j tvo-mo;ith extension on its insurance cover for its 39 buses. After that, unless an insurance com pany is found to cover the buses, thousands
    225 words
  • 323 9 Divorce for horse trainer COURT IS TOLD OF 50 ATTEMPTS AT RECONCILIATION SINGAPORE, Monday A RACEHORSE trainer today told the High Court hearing his divorce petition that he had made 50 attempts if not more at reconciliation with his estranged wife in Singapore. Kuala Lumpur-bom Walter (Billy) Scott Bapby Jr..
    323 words
  • 26 9 SINOAPORK. Mon. About 450 toartoU from the U. S arriv< d today on board the luxury 'ii which Is on Pacilic-Oricnt cruise.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 546 9 ON YOUR TV AND RADIO TODAY TV MALAYSIA CHANMI. 5 KuaU Lumpur and I'rnanx; 6 Ipoh and MalaWßi 3. 10 lohore Bahru; 4 I iMii»t 7 Batu I'ahat; 9 Kluang. 5 45 r*iogr.imme .-uni- mary: 580 News Outlines In the National Lansuage; 5 55 National Sone;-; 6.00 New» In Tarrui.
      546 words
    • 94 9 RADIO MALAYSIA 41. 60.2, 6! metre*; Medium44>r MrMai Kl. S3!* iurtrr>; I'enaiif SIM metre-i; Malatra ISH metre*; Ipoh 4»S mrtm; lohnrt Bahru 319 metrrs; Kota Bharu 357 ni'tro: Koala rrenccana 312 melrt*: «nd Kaantan M metre* M 6.00 Prog. Summary: 6.02 Morning Melodies. 7.00 The News. 7.10 Breakine Potrxiun: 7
      94 words
    • 89 9 1.45 Tlffln Date: 2.00 Close Diva n 2.00 4.00 Broadcast to Schools. 5.00 The News; 5.10 Programme Summary; 5.15 From E«ch His Own; 6.00 Per(juective. The YounK Musician?. 6.30 The Nf\\ Regional News. Interlude; 6.45 Mumc s:i,jp. T.l^i ahiire Market Report. 7.25 ■xtiaeU Pron: Th« Editorials 7.30 Yesterday and
      89 words

  • 369 10  - Shoeless in shoes ESME BAPTISTA by Pretty nonsense': What goes on your toes is more important than what goes above! THK "no-shoe shoe" craze is catching on in Singapore. Trend setten who are nol afraid of being (he odd one at ;i party ;il least for the iirsj few times
    369 words
  • 273 10  -  PAULINE GRAVES by LJOW many clotctt have you %etn, designed ror clothing, but with camera equipment ana boxes of jlidci, stacked together in a iumblc on the floor? Linen closets, too, have their shore of storing unrelated items, and even general storage areas, planned for
    273 words
  • 154 10 OLOA Erteszek. wellknown designer of foundation garments and lingerie says: "Femininity is as much a matter of form as frills and flowers. "Having a figure as pretty as new spring clothes Is a matter of pleasing proportions. To help there are bras and girdles She ariris that women should
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 198 10 Get away from it a11... y»>. jkjv 4^ Wt* JSm Take a 2 weeks Ocean liner Holiday to Hongkong For your next leave take a real holiday sail away on P& 0 1 Rest, relax, recuperate in comfort The ship is your hotel in Hongkong for 5 -6 days.That's the
      198 words
    • 251 10 After 4 days sailing you'll be in Hongkong and off on a shopping spree Then 4 days of fresh air and P&O comfort on the way back. And this wonderful 2 weeks holiday costs you only $825. It's the leave you've been dreaming of. P&O will see to that. For
      251 words
    • 213 10 vjo/dl*j*r^ pamper I\V (t\y our se (f' WITH /a mataenforms Q/ ®(Mod. in U.S.A.) 'Medley' 3 ....THE NEW SWEETN LACY BRA WITH ADJUSTABLE STRAPS THAT STRETCH! Leave it to Maidenform to dream up a bra that fills out your feminine contours in the prettiest way possible! Keeps you feeling free
      213 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1230 11 0 L;*tRPOOI I wtSl COASI v >.. Ova I'pora aaui r. i naw. Pawaag U ?IV« UI .i»erpooi. Be-(ast, eiaagM upt Frt 2l Frt n SB^Lr 1 Frt SST l;;;sg^:::::--"L" m z b p.oTsuHus 6I :::Sr,? Kj **•<" B J ZfW.H lmui Mivre Livarpooi Mar 11 Mar 17 Mar II
      1,230 words
    • 1371 11 r//fLHbi//v£s viu i tif THE. LAST AS.ATiC COMPANt Lid fetctxpo vc r Dorrnn I»MEM SMIINBt TO BEWOO/WOKTH CONTIHENT/3CANDINAVU S'mro Genoo R'dam H'burg Aarhus Chi|oo PASADENA a(] Frt 14/10 Frt 27/20 Frt 10/ 1 Apr I Apr 11 Apr IS Apr II Apr 11 MONGOLIA 1 1) Mir 14/10 Mm 17
      1,371 words
    • 1346 11 I Benuline] EXPRESS SERVICE TO LONDON, LIVERPOOL t CONTINENTAL PORTS. nrunvADr fM lorraon Mm il BBJIUEAHv Hamtbrg Mar 10 mmmm p-m V2Z? I BENWYVIS Singapori Ft. S'tan Pinmg For Himburi Mar II Mar V 1 lortdoa Apr I Singaeor* P. Ita* *mmo OENALLIGIN L'pool. Hivri, A'werp, Httara Mat 4/ I
      1,346 words
    • 1088 11 Ite: ELLERMAN BUCKNALL S.S. CO., LTD. J Liiliat tors Smgapon P. S'htm Pinang Cm OF DUNDEE Havre, London, Rotterdam, Hamburg I IMm 111 Mar 11 Mar Cm OF HEREFORD Havre, London, Rotteraim, Hamburg 4/ I Apr I Apr SAILINGS FROM UNITED KINGDOM AND CONTINENTAL PORTS CITY OF HEREFORD 3 I
      1,088 words

  • 214 12 MELBOURNE. Mon. HJIIMNOS were vnriable. Hampx"* ton Area* made 6f) cents to $12 10 after touching IllJo but most other shares with nirkel interests lost ground. Western Mining eased 20 rents to J49 80 Oils eased, with Oil Search down 3 cents to 83 cents in active trading.
    214 words
  • 250 12 \f ARCH tni *rad> ruhtwr f.o.b. 1? buvrr claaed at S p.m. In Singapore md Kuala Lumpur TMtfrdar al ij\ rmU up flveei|fth< of a rent on Friday* riming irvrl. The tonr was quirt, but steady. R.A.S. and M.R.E. clonlnc prices I In rrnt« prr Ib. Traterdar. Buyers
    250 words
  • 348 12 (.MIPS LYING ALONGSIDE TNI SINGAPORE HARBOUR WHARVES OR EXPECTED TODAY ARE R F.A Havlraf cank»ri 12 Hra<i^»i»u r\ Carttfl iitv Nor'!- Mnrhm« I? 14. Sir R.-divrr* IW, F»nir^ -if,. HrK-.n Mam No. IT/ 31 M, Km Mamk :i:i :il <\u«ir«la>ia 33 3d Na M«rn 4.1 41.
    348 words
  • 764 12 From Our Market Correspondent rl Stock Exchange opened the week's trading yesterday on a steady note, but soon ran into eeneral profit-taking which brought prices down. By afternoon the industrial section had a mixed look Turnover at 1.454.000 units was the second largest this year to
    764 words
    1,472 words
  • 32 12 Malayan Stork lndire* Kfb. 17 !^l>. It. Industrial: IS] 11 lltM •Properties: 143.M 1 H.XS Mlnlnfi: J7.M 17.71 T$ rtibbrr*: lo:.:« IMJM D»<-. 29. io«: inn. Dn. W, iwii IM.
    32 words
  • 79 12 'MINESE Prariuir ficrwnna. »mi«- para, noon prices p«r picul ytatarday Cncom.t aMI MUa ml irllrr*, drum ShiJ paltan. Ca»ra Mikrd ilohl looa* Fab./ M»r. fK Com $37 B Papp«r: Mnntok whttl <13i »fll*ra. siimwik arattl $13C« »fl<T«. ipeclal s«r:i»»k <U" aatim. <*rhlfd LjimpoiiK i.'in k BUS *rll«m
    79 words
  • 50 12 f\S IHI Official Malayan Short v Ifrm Monry Market for the* week rndr-d Saturday, Irbruary 17 thr rangr of call rate* was aa fnlliius: BANK F1 M>> J prr rent to 5 prr cent. GENUAL PI NDI p^r ci-nt to S |MT ri-tlt. MOVEMENTS of fundu totaled -'■•>
    50 words
  • 18 12 •|-M« Ai.oci.tiKn of Banki in Me Itytn mad» no rfnni«a la Its ratea to merchant* yeaterdaif.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1045 12 V\ KAWASAKI RISEN KAISHA LTD. L |L»-^ -^-^^—^^-^^^aaP^a^a^a^afcaTiJPJkOWOlt^fcM" Western Australia Singapore Japan Service m,n Tar> ?S Ftl 7 I Mtr 15 Mir ll Mir 2* Mar Tire Mir i I Apr II Apr II Apr 21 Apr West Africa Singapore Japan Service L $in|ip-v» Yok("«r.| P. r.» h Utn
      1,045 words
    • 858 12 USTMIIa NEW Zf«I»ND StPVICf. INK*. PaKISTtN »N0 Fit* EAST SEMVICCS Fa, l^i. 1,.,.. Will. VW P> Wf Prnji| P S him Spore ItIUU la Part 22 Fik 23 Fii «n»up«- 22 Apr 21 25 Apr 2f 2B apt RalUlA 11 11 Mar 17 Mar II Mir IULIMBA- 27 21 Apr
      858 words
    • 152 12 TO GENOA. MaRSEILLES. ONTWEWP. ROTTERDAM, BREMEN. HAMBURG Singapore P. Sham Penang Genoa Hamburg NECKARSTEIN (ILOtOj 25/27 Fob 2SFeb 1 Mat 2 Mar 23 Mar 5 Apr TRAVESTEIN (UOYDj 14/15 Mar 9 Apr SCHWABENSTEIN (ILOYD 25/27 Mar 21/39 Mar 31 Mar 26 Apr 10 Ml} BRADENSTtIN (LLOYD) 14/15 Apr S Maj
      152 words

  • 348 13 rl Mgajfej tin price feU again by one dollar in Prnang yesterday to $55« per picul on an offering estimated up "> tuns to I• ss support at i ower c itls «as reported mainly frnm snuth \mtri(.i «iih hemsi Japanese buying I(M
    348 words
  • 39 13 QN frtt «,chan». m.rkM in Rong v Kon« yesterday thy U.S. Dollar wa* quoted M 6 06| for T.T md 9.9H for ci»h. Starling «,i» quo'i'd at 14 |g n a MM tatl of (.Id at 2<l2|
    39 words
  • 54 13 IS Word* ti (Mlmimum) THE FAMILY of U>* late Mr. Ng ing 'hanks relative), and f- -nel* for their wreaths condolence* THE CHILDREN OF tne iaie rhoma* Wee Chen^ Hok w ;»n to tn<t k all -nil and relative* «ho rendered assistance, gate cash donation* and crroatba, paid night
    54 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 902 13 SITUATION* VACANI ».rrf, M (Min.)—Box Sit rtt. .xtr, WANTED TEMPORARY TEAi HERS Low or derondary Knglmh Brhool Iwo. t>ah t ''V 2«UI LEADING EUROPEAN FIRM in "•on rrquire* an rxix-ri.-m-rri axlrnman Inrir i-onsumer producta division M 'prak flurnt Kn(li"h t>»ntonr-.- Kh»k and National <»•<• po>«»-s|ni: o«n transport: Salary *a*M commlarinn
      902 words
    • 929 13 SITUATIONS WANTED IS Wnrdt <• 'Mtn )—Bnx t» rtt txtrm SERVANTS PROBLEMS? LM Loo--1 -"(I Nurae* look after »o'ir nahlea. contact I-ondon Matrrnity Horn. .Sporf COLLECE TRAINED (ARTS) Srtiool f!oo<1 r'lrrrr,, ts Apply **l Rodger f'li... Tslpinu ACCOMMODATION VACANT M t*»r«. < Hln I K..J i» rt* .»»r. SALE RENT
      929 words
    • 900 13 HOUSES AMD LAND FOR SALE i IS Wortlt tt f Mim.)— Box SO rf*. txtrm NO. M, THOMSON RIDOE, Bemldetarhed. mmiar floor $3" Hongkong r»rk Semidetached D/ •torev $3-000,-. Opera C*tate. T/ Houne 527.0H0, n>m Continent IS porr. SMTTI NO DELAY: w.m, Mun Chev. KoaO «t Road New 2-* tore»
      900 words
    • 989 13 TOURS AND EXCURSIONS It Wordt M Mim )—Box M rfa .»f ro NAM HO TRAVEL SERVICE Ltd Malaya 7 days SOS Departure every Sunday. Monday C Highland* 4-day* SSO 14 3 «J». 12 4 «s Ifl 4 Hi Bangkok Chlengmal 15 day« *3«S 3/M, 14 4 us. 2 n n«
      989 words
    • 886 13 SPECIAL TREATMENTS I* Worm* M lNla.r-lu M rf* -xltm ACUPUNCTURE: Mr* Nyuk Ol Wild D.C Ac. M Ac. A For appointI ment plea** nog Singapore M3OA4. FOR SALE It Wordt Mtml Box *m rtt txttm FORKLIFT ißuik innieaasi SOihi iba caua<ii» nut.rr, -.ectrie Overhauled by agent*. Phone Kdgar iS> Lta
      886 words
    • 501 13 I WISH TO INTrRVIIW V(H A few pernißtipnt appointrtippt' for educated ladies with a charming personality aixive 21 M 1 available In an mtr rnntional organisation dealing in a Commenclnp monthly m nmr of $200 and additional comi bveraeiiiu $iorj pe^r month ltir Ukoat •*ho wish in exrel at their
      501 words
    • 233 13 KENYATAAN TAWARAN J.K.R.. PAHANG Tawaran rlarlpadit Pemhoror:e2 yaiiß berdalt;«r dl-J K R calam kria.s I) rbn ka-atas dlbanah kfpala I perhahan 2 akan dl-terlmß tM-PeJabal .lurutera Neftrl, JKR Pahang. Kuantan hniaen pukul 3no petanu pada 29hb Pebiirurl. 19fi8 un«. PJ MHENAAN L" Rl AH JAMBATAN HC HKRASINGAN BAPaSITI DI-BAWAH ia)
      233 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 380 14 I ARUT TIN FIELDS BERHAD |m.i itrd in M*UT«ia) rmbr: ;»r rate ON will he insert Meetine reromn ."ir. REMINDER rnoi-i i: i sui hi iiay MORTGAGEE'S SALE I Kaag Lee Rohil I oil iMiuih Buona Vista Road ad at Plantation Avenue Vh. Cba Kaiig Road \i < i iiimi
      380 words
    • 824 14 NOTICES IN THE HIGH COURT IN MALAYA AT KUALA LUMPUR I OMIMMIS HVIM)l\(;-l PI NO. 2 OF l»fc«. In thr matter nt Terk Kam a i•• Uariaaa, gai In thr malln of tbr ComPKiiim Art. l*>b.'.. \l>> KKTIHKMI NT OF PETITION NolK'E is Hereby sum a. peiiuor. lor the
      824 words
    • 851 14 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS JAWATAN2 KOSONG KERAJAAN MALAYSIA Perniohonan2 aria-l.ih cll-pela-.Mi darlpada Wm-janesMra Malmyala untok meii'.-iM wiwatiu..' yanj beruut i KMMMfO KM i:i ks\ KIR A! i Bahamian II i. J.ibman Hasil Oalam Ni Tanah Melayu. Jaw.uaiiJ Oan l» i pei. i ht-i. I'ANOGA GAJI: ljarah Am iLalci2i $4 JU x Ju
      851 words
    • 801 14 PUBLIC APPOINTMENT* LEMBAGA KEMAJUAN TANAH PERSEKUTUAN Applications are lnvttMl from ijiulilifri Malaysian Citizens tor the pi'M of Poreaaaa j Wu.iliiii4tion<: I Posse vs a M Oracle Driver Ortifiratp i Diesel i issued by the Defwrtmenl of Machinery (M). lAprrirnrr In; (a) The niatntrnant? and repain "f all machinery tn a
      801 words
    • 698 14 TENDERS PUBLIC UTILITIES BOARD, SINGAPORE TENDERS I 111 IRKIIY DEPARTMENT: .Room 229, 2nd Floor. City Ball) «ai Supply of Cathodic Protection of the Main Ciiiulatinu Wa'er Sy»tem for the 7 Tui'bo-Generators and the 5 Penstocks at Pasir Pan,ianK 'A' Power Station. Tender Deposit $500 Close at 2. 1S p.m. on
      698 words
    • 672 14 1 MALAYSIA-SINGAPORE AIRLINES LIMITED Applications ;\rr invited from suitably qaaDilSCl candidates lor tlu- roUowlnf poattiOOg:--(A) CADET PILOTS quali^k aimhi Soriior CambfidfC B w i f l> rrrdlts in at least 5 gabjecti Including English, Mathematics and I S •inuT subject preferably Physics). Age 18 and below 24 years. Candidates must
      672 words

    • 338 15  - 'Boycott' talks Thong to call on Tun today MANSOOR RAHMAN By QLYMPIC Council of Malaysia secretarygeneral Thong Poh Nyen will meet Tun Abdul Razak at Kuala Lumpur today to discuss whether an OCM meeting should be called to decide Malaysia's stand on South Africa's re-admission to the Olympic Games. Mr.
      338 words
    • 137 15 Yard-lung Golden sword for Pele CAU MIM iHon— feto, »v mini kins of llir football Meld. ve»lerdar became only the second man to receive Gofdrn Sword award from thr International Football Year Book. The "Blarlc Pearl" of utcam said: "I am moved beyond Mordv Ih, onlT thine I ran <ay
      137 words
    • 232 15 ]\EW ZEALAND will be considered for the annual Merdeka ■cccw tournament in If they write to the Football Association of Malaysia, Peer Vrlappan. FAM assistant secretary, yesterday He was commenting on an Auckland report which stat»<l that the New Zealand FA were
      232 words
    • 19 15 Sinenoorr Amateur Suimminn As-socia' mn will srnd a 10-mem-ber team to the Indonesian 1 championships in April.
      19 words
    • 266 15 TELEVISION Malaysia will m for the first time telecast the Malaysian Open golf championship direct from the Royal Se'.angor Golf Club on Mar"h 7-10. reoorts MANSOOR RAH MAN. The programme hours win be from 9 a.m. to 12 noon dally. This will be in addition
      266 words
    • 183 15 U:ai)-VTOWN. Mon. u l Grifritb I left I. the West Indian fast bonier, ye*leiday surprised the'iiid i rickrters, here for a four-day match again*! Barbados beginning on Thunday. b\ asking thr Ha bado. m-I.< tor« t him. Giifftli told the M-lnt.irs lir felt
      Reuter  -  183 words
    • 275 15 SINGAPORE Under-23 cricket team will tour Australia early next year— a tour made possible by the generosity of Australian businessman Jim White, of Gozo. New South Wales who will pay the entire cost, reports ERNEST FRIDA. The tour will be during th- .-oliool holiday* and fa estimated
      275 words
    • 299 15 India set for Test victory JUUNEDIN, Mon. Intliu wer« close to victory when bad light stopped play six minutes early on 1 the fourth day of the First Test against New Zealand here today. Needing 200 runs to win. India wer« 161 for three at thr clo.sp. after hammering the
      299 words
    • 683 15 SATURDAY M Ere, rv m Cannon Fire 8.07 Courageous MOD 11/ EIGHTS lor all J?"* 1 Fun 806 sys -to™ Sr*- a Sa— s March meeting: Showmanship 8.05 Cl. 3. Dlv. I— 6f. Valtavan 8.03 mr <f Mlh r Q Santa Rita 8.01 t'aramoor H.OO Ma ta Raja
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 685 15 ROYAL SOCIETY OF ST. GEORGE SINGAPORE BRANCH Notice W hfTPOy enrn that Th? Annuai 1 MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE AND CO-OPERATIVES Tenders a-» invited from reetst•red contract' of fencing in the Federal Pad! Experlmer.-. Province We; Intent 1 the details and Speculations trom i the State Aertcu'tuial Officer Penang. Butterwortn Tenders
      685 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 184 15 ATHI.FTIf S Singapore Mlkm w»lk: 1 Williams (RAP Teneahi 2 X' Amey 3 Kanan Shr 51 57 CKICKET Friendly .Sy Patanli: Balan's XI. Alor Star 63 iK. Dascaya 16 P Sivanandsn 5-10 1 S« Patanl 115 (AC. Augtistin 34 Hanlf Khan 3-17 1. Sr Patant won by 52 < LING
      184 words

  • 210 16  -  MAUREEN PETERS By Xl M It Ml'lK. Mon.— Thirt> -oneJapanese tourists sat (iow n .it SuhaiiK t lei<i.i\ with si\ larce durians for a rieht rei\.il l.iste of the local "kiim of fruits Anil like .ill things StrafC and new it was oh\ mils
    210 words
  • 381 16 Tan: Unit will give new look to budget estimates KUALA LUMPUR. Mon fllli setting 11 1> of ;i unit in the Treasury which would give ;i new look to future budget estimates was announced today by the Minister of Finance, Tun Tan Siew Sin. He was spe.iking at the official
    381 words
  • 184 16 'Moves to form coalition govt' report I ONDON. Mo n. Tentative moves towards a possible coalition government to replace Mr. Wilson's Labour Party Administration were 1 reported today by the newspaper. the Guardian. The paper- political correspondent, Prancia Boyd --aid tlie coalition could supersede Mr Wilsun if the Korernment resigned
    AP  -  184 words
  • 140 16 N. Koreans claim intruding U.S. troops 'wiped out' Hum. KONG, M«»n Several American soldiers Merr wiped out" when they intruded into North Korean territory early this mornini;. thr oflicial North Korean Central News Agency reported. Thr Mug (laimed Ihal the American troops infiltrated into communist territory south of Sunjuk Xi
    140 words
  • 182 16 SINGAPORE. Mon Three notions in respect ol three American tankers. now detained In port hen. i were henrd before Mr Ju.s- rice Ainbro.-e In the Hi«h Court thi.s afttrnoon The veoeb are the St. Lawrence. St. Christopher and the Sea Pioneer. The >übiect matter of the motions
    182 words
  • 345 16 LONDON. Mon. CfcMtHf mldi die prices of selrctcd stocks not I I including sump duty were C.ILTKIH.tO Con.-ol 2';'; £35 5 16 i PundiliK 4'; £96'« —1 16 Wai 3V £495 16 -1 II BANKS i Chartered 07 fi Hongkong £9 INSURANCE Com. Un 56
    345 words
  • 225 16 Gorton: Australia can fill the vacuum but... MEI.BOIKNi: Men.— Prime Minister Mr. John (iorton aaM in a television interview last night that Australia eoulil Fill the place of Britain when it withdrew its forces from Singapore and Malaysia The Prime Minister added. hn\\r\er. that if Ausli.ili.i wrri- to do this
    225 words
  • 164 16 BANGKOK. Monday. rE Prime Minister, Field Marshal Thanum Kittikachorn, said today the communist threat tv Thailand had Increased following fresh communist Infiltration into the country's northern and north-eastern regions These Infiltrators, who V re led by North Vietnamese cadres, included Meo and Yao tribesmen
    164 words
  • 46 16 mnc;apokk. Mob The Seoul Association are now oh—rTtllg the annual Scout Guild Week The anotiatioii will tiiinax IU brsUona mUa a blood dona- tion drive on the last day of the week between 130 and 4 P ni at Sands House In CkineiH-eau Avenue
    46 words
  • 372 16 Lees see son get award for being top student SINGAPORE, Mon The Prune Minister, Mr. Lee Kuan Vrw and Mrs. Lee took on proud pan roles thi.s morning when they a tended the ann U a 1 prize giving cere m o n y ol the Catholic High School, and
    372 words
  • 50 16 SINGAPORE fusion uiil -.aiioty .slum "The Lucky Night" :ii me Gay World stadiurr. on Saturda\ iir^lit :n aid Ol the National Art Gallcrv and Arademv Of Arts mid the N 1 Theatre Com pa in Free r draw tickets will be tjhen away i<> p-n inns
    50 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 182 16 af<' x '^^■a^Br^aml vF/ -if HOlrV to increase your knowledge your qualifications sssssai your earning power** .n.OUSH THE WORID IAMOUS >IR M«ll t>O$UL lUIIION Ur IHt «»PIU MSUIIS CUlltt trl 10HOON (Mtmttr tl tUt AsstciJiiin tt liitur CtiretfMMMi Ctll«f«il fet R.R C. courses, f iii spccislty compiler by a tetni
      182 words
    • 132 16 Late CJASSIFIEDS 1 2U words $15 (minimum) j MARRIAGE TAN TiO: Vln<-n' I i;m Ki.i. fmmmu Mr nv.a Mn. Tan Taaa Poh to Hrlini Htm Kirn. younicrr do Mr. mMI K>». Too Ch 17 DEATHS 0 FOX. OOUGLAS DICK PTCMMMI tttt -w^-lenly H LoronK L Telok M for Hnly Karnllvs
      132 words
    • 108 16 Fresh ways to beauty Come and meet Mis.s Arcitn a consultant and ktarn from her newway, to cultivate beauty. Learn how to enhance the natural radian ol your skin, how to m-hlmht eyi and lips, and how to harmonise your clothes with your make up. This advice is. of course,
      108 words