The Straits Times, 16 February 1968

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Times
  • 17 1 Hie Natiuna! NewspHper Estd. 1845 FRIDAY. FEBRI'.ARY If, 1%8 15 CENTS KUN. .1104 N.C (P) 001 1
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  • 72 1 UGON, Thurs. Vire-President Nguyen < M K\ viid on tele- iNitin list night that about 48,000 IMWMM had l>rcn drvtroyed or Rerercl) damaged in thr Tet New Mffcasivr by the communist ietceng. llr said '.M .Him htimrs wrrr dfsIrovrd outsidr Saigon, another 1 1 .000 liomrs w
    AP  -  72 words
  • 172 1 816 G.l.s killed in 14 days BAItiON, Than. T h c nmniunist general offensive lias taken Slit American lives, the is Militar\ (oinm. ind rol»or(« (i t«daj II vnri that inn \nn tii .niv were killed in action last Ir. tod f or the h rik radtag on I <■!>
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  • 692 1 Viet suicide stand OUT: Bombs, napalm, nausea gas used again in Hue HUE, Thursday JET fighter- bombers today again used bombs, napalm and nausea gas in another futile attempt to dislodge Vietcong suicide squads entrenched in the ancient citadel here. Tlu fortress h;is been hcl«l l«>i 1(» days Ihe Vielfong,
    AP; UPI  -  692 words
  • 482 1 Secret of flyer who crashed off Spore 11 years ago From Jack Fingleton CANBERRA. Thursday |{oi;i:i;i i;ai m.v i:>. «,i Anii'i ii .hi i ili/t nship. who iiiishs-il liis pl.iiic in Sitii;;i|»(»ic II \c;iis :iuo, ;iiid who has li\nl hi Aiisli.iii.i lor tin |t;isl 20 \(.ns. \\;is ill ;i ICIil.MliI
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  • 148 1 Pilgrims riot after train tragedy (r\l.( til A. rhiir v A icnjf.inir moli of I.ViHlu pilsrims Iml.n attacked I rattwaj >t.iln<n in Itih.ti Sl.ilr. whrrr .1 »ptT(linu tnta ploimlinl in Lit pilsriniv .mil killed li. I. ist night. K.<rl> rrpttrlN Hlld Oi<* nioli d.iniasrd .i sl.itinii tuiildins and i1;»i u|»i>
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  • 23 1 JAKAR 1^ fhiir* 1 he 1 LnrfT. :i^«ir iiir .it. nincHnnH folic r AcUl P f id< i AP
    AP  -  23 words
  • 197 1 BOAC loses that 'gold' jetliner NEW DELHI. Thursday THK lii«li;m (us loins Idil. i\ in dried llu ifMllis ration til' ;i l>().\(. liotini; .ininifi ;ili(l iu-;il K ooii worth of gold which sci/nl 1 1 oni il :i| 1 11: 1 1 1 1 1 1 Airport lure lasl
    Reuter  -  197 words
  • 91 1 MANILA. Ihurv Milan. »Tl ;l V7->r;il-«0ll Mark Minih. reread) Married BS-year-«M Celewte :mil Ihe ptea lii li.m- 111 i hilflrcn \< <oi (l in lo .i Philippines News Service rrport here clrvlr viiil --lir i\ .is t| rrAt\\ four month* pregnant. Shi- vim!
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  • 103 1 Thai patrol kills a top Red DANGKOK, Thurs. Thai border pa'rol police, in a three-day ;> through the southern provinces on the Malaysian border, have killed a 27-year-old communist l< wo v ii d (1 others and captured two I Jungle camps. P'>;: disclosing this todaj *ald man poll lacked
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  • 31 1 HANOI REGIMENT COINC TO HUE SAIGON. lhur« Foil North Win vent beading for llu log to Intelligent r rrynrt*. ■ailed In after Re.l ron. coming oat of moontala sanctui
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 51 1 fiTT2 officiai .\\i r (IMrt distributors ul NWr MIKIMOTO p ni |rv CULTURtD HUL^A. PEARLS WATCtjfS^ G. C. DE SUVA BROS. MANUFACTURING JEWELLERS. i. RoHlet Place. S.^o^r, I. TEL: *****. *For LADY IN FASHION PRECISION WATCH and Modern Jewellery in %v One Masterpiece by £NIC/VU vaft v ENICNA \> SWISS
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    • 25 1 abermain H. t .■,.,,< Trmlt Hmk El S IMS' jw unconditionally if guaranteed If o tothe last drop ll MS 1 m m mm x m
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  • 165 2 6 WEEKS WITH NEW HEART "'VERY WELL INDEED' 1 IPI lOW I liurv I- |»r. Philip iiiaii" M-ind.n in his ruin. intrrvrw ftinee be n < > im il .1 new heai t I en |n\ i he.irt\ n I^l I've K<»t ii.m mmi appetite lie 1..111 Kadio'i I
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  • 19 2 g thp pact lli< i»-..<r RMMM UP IM I mil -h'STed thw look* AP Rl SK
    AP; UP  -  19 words
  • 402 2 RUSK DETAILS HANOI'S RESPONSES TO AMERICA'S PEACE MOVES WASHINGTON, Thursday. 'IMIK Secretary of State, Mr. Dean Rusk, said yesterday that President Johnsons Formula for Vietnam peace- talks had met with total rejection so far from Hanoi. In special statement issued by the Slate Department, Mr. Rusk
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  • 360 2 Ho's man in Paris reports back on his talks with U Thant IMKIS. Ihurs The 1 I nited Nations Sec retarv-(i n c r a I. V Ihn yesterday held talks «i«h President de daullf on thr quest for peace in Vietnam, aflei an unst heduled met tint: hen- with
    Reuter  -  360 words
  • 44 2 WASHINGTON. Ihurs. Ihi Mite Department spokesman. Mr Robert MeCloske* *.u,| vestprda* that I Thant had not informed the 1 B in advance of his travel plans nnd «hat he hoped to accomplish on his surprise visit to Paris. Renter
    Reuter  -  44 words
  • 626 2 On the Khe Sanh front... IIANANG. Thurs. In the past month. flßhter-bombprs have flown more than 7.000 sorties against thr Communist positions around the U.S. Marine base at Khe Sanh and more than 85 B-.i2 missions up to nine planes earn have- rained bombs Into the surrounding
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  • 129 2 UANGKOk. Thurs. General P r a Pa s Charaaatlea. Deputy Premier. Minister of Ihe Interior and Commander of t!ie Thai \rm>. said >esterrkiv that an additional in nun Thai laMlan uould «iMin »<> l<> •south Vietnam to help the allies fuht the <
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 107 2 Everyone needs the gentle Protection of CHLORHEXIDINE- ggßk Cussons has it! I gaP^ Mmar "a 1 maW~\ **\> tF Lw 'W aw iw Gentk 3 »a\ proiectioa that's just as safe for heat, moisture and bacteria. ihe youngest bahv as it is for the most active Cussons. with Chlorhexidinc is
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    • 63 2 HERQ BRAND FOUNTAIN PBll^fife WITH IRIDIUM-TIPPED NIB The HERO Fountain Pen with Indium- m tipped nib is made by Chinese Crafts- V ■> man Precision built for smooth writing "s^ the Hero" Fountain Pen has been m\ popular wherever sold. M CHINA K4TIONAL LIGHT INDUSTRIAL PNOOUCTS IMPORT t EXPORT CORP.
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  • 206 3 A MiG downs U.S. plane off Hainan J^ CHINESE MiG fighter shot down an unarmed United Navy plane off Hainan Island yesterday, the Defence Department announced today. A second U.S. Navy A-l proucllor-drivrn aircraft escaped from the Chin* k and reached Danang in South Vietnam. ment sa;rl tho plan- ajred
    Reuter  -  206 words
  • 131 3 Headrests a must for 1969 cars WASHINGTON. 1 hurv The (■■•\erninrnt jcstercl.iv ordered car makers t«i equip all new with front-seat head rrsU starting n«\\t Jan. 1 The :iitn is In cut whiplash injuries triKgrrrd by rear-end collisions. '1 he lieu s.ifely standard rrquires head rest* on h-ith lhr driver's
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  • 85 3 V^ :X3 DOMINGO. Thurs. About 1.50 C troops i by 10 tanks occupied the university here ■day after dashes in which a M'iden? was .shot il^nd by police m ■"'udrnts UtC at were n hfltM as arched rm f! in th" rationa
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  • 27 3 PARIS Pi'ir.s Cardinal lillot, AnhbiMi'D of :n hospital here ivrly today *z><l 55 He was suffering from cancer ami rrn in h'kspital Mnre pmber— Reuter
    Reuter  -  27 words
  • 30 3 JAKAHi A I ii. -The Spanish Gcneinmeiu has oilered a JS$25 million credit to Indoi'f.s;a an tern]-- to be aereed rocether liter, it was, announced here today.- -UPI
    UPI  -  30 words
  • 79 3 AMERICA RESUMES MILITARY AID TO KING HUSSEIN No response Officials noted there was no response from Moscow to Mr. Johnson's suggestion and since the war the Soviet Union had replaced about 80 to 85 per cent of all losses suffered by its allies during the war Mr McCloskey declined •o
    AP  -  79 words
  • 66 3 LONDON. Ihurs. South •Vl.!h.;.iii Guvrrnor Lt. Grn. Sir Ediir Bastyan is to be the new Governor of Tasmania. th« Commons ealth Office announced today. He will succeed Lt. Gen. Sir Charles Oairdner whose term of office ends on Sept. 23. Sir Edric 64. was the
    Reuter  -  66 words
  • 189 3 I ix^yds. the world's lj most exclusivi Insurance organisation, announced yesterday it was opening Its doors to underwriters of all nationalities. Btr Foreigners want the 300 underwi syndicates that make up Lloyd* up till now 1; ..ONDON, Thursday only will have to pay
    Reuter  -  189 words
  • 86 3 NSW VUHK Ihurs a niHii „iiU Hainan l>iih wr..nnK stocking maaki „nJ carry urn icun.- forced Uteir way m,\ a l):-nk i: opened heir m* tcrday and m hv.iv >m i,x>t Wlln ..l»w C 5>1 30.000 i»3»0 000. in eaafa, potta .mki The ni.n tied
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  • 141 3 CHAOS erupted in West Bencai'.s >tat> lature here when the Communistdominated Opposition unsacceaafully tried u> prevent Qovernoi Uharma Vira lrom Inaugurating the budget .session. Left-wing United Front members took over the Speaker's dais and occupied the Governors chair, in the ensuing scuflle.s they threw a cushion
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  • 106 3 A super hovertoy with a top speed of 15 m.p.h. |T is the latest addition to Toyland a fibreglast hovercraft which hovers three inches above the ground. Powered by a Si h.p. io. it, has a tnp speed of 15 m.p.h. The mini-h over rraft costs £145 and nanufactured by
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  • 24 3 PORTSMOUTH I T The ll\r ii 32 ut> by nee ;.ncl laiiirut to enaura thr had plradrd not guilty. Rfuter.
    Reuter  -  24 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 139 3 How do you plan for the future r\ btnchti nrqc from crotini) pentivc ottifucii through butld■«g tclt-con«id«ncc. effective >p«akinq ability, human relations •kills end Icodcsnip qualities. that con M^on- < Bust-r-ogre«i of o r Let us give you the inltrctina details A KUALA LUMPUR PREVIEW SESiION TO-NIGHT- tOO PM. NSTITUTE
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    • 69 3 U£^ XO I iauW UAd I i irma^^. Uil^^trr- vT\ 111 W MODEL EC-73 In r^«d, ij I Jel EC-7J for t „3v» ;^r dinner i- :,theil II I autOf teh to its "keep v for I ill late I jhttinnesr^. W f^jrfii J eep a Coo kltchen with Sanyo.
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 33 3 TAIE CSAMBOLO -A TUATS TME MAH u A ppv *> WENr KG SEE- <-— J-L-> THIS /VIOCUING^y /ue HAS N ~l( KEASOM Cwmo is we ?j the "N j IMCOME TAX I U V INJSPECTOCy
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  • 370 4 A RECORD TOTAL OF 117.3 m. TONS SINGAPORE. Thursday SINGAPORE with record total of 117.3 million tons of shipping for 15MJ7 Ikis shot ahead of London to become the leading port in the Commonwealth. The figure of 117.3 million net registered tons of shipping
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  • 149 4 SINGAPORE. Thur.s A Royal Air Force junior technician. Barry George Paul Barne.s. serving with No 66 Squadron Belvederes i at RAF Beletar. alertness averted a helicopter and probably >aved the llve.s of Its crew, ha.s been presented with an engraved plaque and testimonial by
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  • 170 4 SINGAPORE, Thurs. Representative 1 from the four Chambers of Commerce today attended a special service at the to civilian victim* of the Japanese Occupation in Beach Road. Others present included relatives of the victims some of them making offerings of fruits and flowers and burning
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  • 39 4 SINGAPORE Thurs The Minister for Foreign Affairs. Mr S RaiarntiiHm wtd attend Mi* ■a(>;u inc-m CTWBOOy nf the j Blng-Don Te\tile Dealers Friendly Association 17th c^mmltter at SOS C Arab Street at 730 pin on Feb 24.
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  • 28 4 FTNOAPORE. Thurs The Heralds Choral Society will present a musical evening at the Victoria Theatre at 8 p.m. tomorrow in aid of the Singapore Arts Council.
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  • 259 4 SINGAPORE. Thursday. Theatre Club's present production, All in Good Time, is a play well worth seeing. It deals wit)) a difficult theme and although tho author Bill Naughton has handlfd it deverly by turning the Imim into a comedy, it could still be a delicate
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  • 152 4 WORK TO PREPARE STAGE for AUSSIE BALLET- SINGAPORE. Thurs Work on the National Theatre Mage to net it equipped lor the \ustralian Ballet Company's lour performances ne\t week, will begin tomorrow Sex en of the company's technicians flew in this evening to set up the ten tons of lighting equipment
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 368 4 $$> ORCHARD coming! PALACE I ORCHARD: Daily 3 Shows 1.00, 4.00 8.15 p.m. PALACE: Daily 3 Shows 2.00. 5. 1 5 9.00 p.m. ADMISSION (Both Theatres! $1.00, $2.00. S3 00 I 54.00 j _^\Q)im j All the violent beauty Thomas Hardy's y 4 ft -%_»i__fc_ immortal f 4^JSWL l«ve story!
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    • 58 4 FEEL CONFIDENT? There are times when wo all lack confidence and often we do not know what makes us uneasy. It may well be breath or body odour which is giving otTeru c and causing friends to keep their distance. You will feel more confident if you get Amplex Tablets
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    • 348 4 I j.7.n BihVii £V- tomorrow 1 ni N.B. Resident* OUTSIDE Johore Bohru ore odviscd to phone g J.B. 3535 Book Now to ovoid diiappointment Ho Frtt Lisl m YOU DON'T HAVE TO KNOW THE LANGUAGE to get a charge from this X sational Japanese picture about a m I young
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    • 400 4 LCATHAY A _B3u^D!_^____K_Cl^lL«>^_( __*I*X^*^~ r _r_(_^TW^*T^B 1 I an, I 20, 4, 100 >JO 430 9 IS pm Mi i'l pm "SAVAGE PAMPAS" 1 Roc SCCPE .MishE OOEON T "!UORROV, M "Our Five Men In Singapore tf.iitr.V-CTM I'Ef NOW SHOWING' I I am, 1.30. 4. 6 30 9JO p A
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  • 229 5 Fewer opium addicts says U.N. expert S^INCJAPORE. Taurs. Dr. Ist van Ba loail«>r of a United Nati o n s narcotics study group which flew into Singapore today, said opium addiction was on the dedllne. The group score :n>m .n. India. Iran. H'<iik Kong Japan. South Phllip■nd flew in It
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  • 973 5 LAWYER, Mr. John Tan Chor Yong. alleged to have been guilty oi' improper conduct in the discharge of his professional duties by misleading a Federal court, was called upon in the High Court today to show cause why he should not be dealt
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  • 378 5 Singapore. Thursday. A textile merchant Mr. K. M. Abdul Razak, former president ol the Indian Chamber »>; Commerce, died today at Qleneagles hospital. Mr. Abdul Razak. 66. had br*>n ill U>t th» past I months :'tid v. n.s admitted t» the tios; rday He was the
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  • 29 5 sitiawan n inf. (0 IBM) n t'd the ong b«ok Kirn Memortal n Fund. Ss7 <m r,o lor MiwlarMup' for deserving pupils In secondary clnv^s next yea;
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  • 173 5 Four-day joy to mark a special royal date I/UALA KANGSAR. 1V Thurs. The Sultan and Raja Perempuan of Perak will celebrate their Ujth wedding anniversary over four days from April 11. A special committee, the Raja M.da ai chairman, has been formed to organise the celebration Several sub-committees have aiso
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  • 64 5 KL'ALA 1.1 MPI K. Thurv Four edoarcd photographs of a na<r of twin babies and a wnint I"'T were handed to the Straits Times otli. <■ toil.v h\ i man who felt that "the lardy photographs" ■bonld be returned to their <>«ner. They were found near the
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  • 91 5 STAFF SIDE COMMENTS ON SUFFIAN REPORT 1* UA LA LUMPUR, Thurs The side ol the National Whitley Council (Div. I to IV) will hand to the i aent tomorroti two volumes of its comments and proposals on the Buf- Commls- rt by the If. 15 ;dy. PM's gesture The also
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 36 5 NOW APPEARING t r^ BBVaB\ IkS^BB^BBBsI A. O*A «MU SMMVAHONI IMIfl-UAIIUMAL JALAN TINKL ABDUL RAHMAN THIS WEEK (sitt> nt old Llu k v World %muBement park) THE AUSTRALIAN FUN FAIR Adults Si its (liildren 10 its
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    • 144 5 Proudly announce the latest addition to the famous LION range of Of f ic« Equipment; a uniquely designed ultra-modern Steel Office Table fea(u The LION centre-lock system Linoleum scratch-proof top with extruded aluminium side trim Interchangeable drawers running on nylon self lubricating rollers Metal parts with Kephos" rust preventive and
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 262 5 Straits Times Crossword AC'aoSS 7 Desultorily retd (ekiures of a Protector takes n«rt with th» speech iS re« poMlbly i* e« rth collected from 8 W»v «ffecutions are put to J h wood l5 M flight? < tft ie Harangue confuses Ida before 10. River smell. »v? (4). the race
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  • 93 6 Blood bank chief on graft charge ST A R Thurs Ooi Chuoi Kuan, supervisoi ul tin. blood bank at the Wt Hospital here, was charged in the Sessiu:. day with corrupOoi. 50 cl to have accepted from Ahmad bin Baharom as an Inducenif at for supplyiiv-j onr bottle of blood
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  • 126 6 Widow of ex-court official marks 90th birthday SINGAPORE. Tliur.< Mrs Henrietta 1 1 nnerly oi iK»re. has celebrated s Oil) birthday at ..d. where iveCJ fi the pn»irii r ides v:dow 01 the late Mr Walter Martin Bein.v one-time chief and dep: trar In the Singapore Supreme Cr.irt. She left
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  • 9 6 is annual mec;ins ■<•; Old n building on
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  • 75 6 lI'OII lluirs Ihr hnl Ihr mclits aft asM .'.">(». tittil people in this uarni t)nl> to«.nds town .ire really swealinj e.»rl\ mornine does the it nut l< mpeiaturr drop tn heI ur the past wrrk the tiren 70 md 7". decrees IStapetatan in
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  • 519 6  - Tracker dog joins hunt for gunman CHEAH SEONG PAIK By ISLAND-WIDE HINT FOR THIG WHO SHOT DETECTIVE A TRACKER dog flown in by helicopter from the RAAF base in Butterworth is helping Penang police in an island-wide hunt for a gunman who shot and wounded a detective in a kampong
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  • 377 6 Envoy in tears as he appeals for aid to refugees KUALA LUMPUR. Thursd "THE South Vietnamese Ambassador to Mali <■ Mr. Nguyen Duy Quang, made an emotional appeal to Malaysians todaj to help bis coui i refugees The mam problem imw U ii"' mJlltan We eonai der ihe mlutary prublem
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  • 120 6 mlai; Tiit Mentrl Besar, Dato HaJI Othman bin M<>named Saat. toduv called on MARA to reduce or abolish th-" 1 deposit system on houses bui'.: by the i hr upeneJ two wcrp not n burnlp r $lm. target \RA to *AT- 51 millil r»
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  • 168 6 \SA\VAR Air Services I W 111 i IU'I1'"<I ('('NMl.l. carrying three p,i-»cnirrs. made an emrrtency ny; at the airport here »e*terd;n Ihe ;iirrr.«ft \\*> l\y mi; from Kino Mit to Hi no both in Sarawak Mftb Division. «Uh an operation> utiiiri in
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 104 6 a 1 SB am.lß C Sv 'A l&a^a^aß K^a^B^ar^a^l I^BBkI3K 9B IHa^aHllsa^aß^aS PJ BaJaUaCL.- fiujj^B ifcaW. *iJfLi^2~ Ja^a^a^B fcjfc- *^Sk a3L >aM H?^al H^ iaHat M LbSb '^^XC J^^BaV B r Ba7 *w* H/l!^.f A anHaß' 4^Laß Jsam *i a^ftW .dsJM V a m l E V w. KjT^ a^Ba^Ba^aa^BsV^'^aCktf
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  • 274 7 Unwise'— paper hits out at Gorton SYDNEY. Thursday J»HE maintenance ol tralian military lours in Malaysia and Singapore after the British withdrawal is a surprising and unwise policy, the Sydnej Morning Herald said toThe newspaper said in an editorial that the Government had been under "great pressure" from the Prime
    Reuter  -  274 words
  • 10 7 in all foreign it- ST^#G
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  • 127 7 LONDON, Thursday. BRITAIN baa v wide variety of routes open to tier after 1971 should it h< y to reinforce the Hong Kong garrison, the Defence Mr. Dems Healoy. said today. 1 me!. The <■ thdraw B: Gulf by
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  • 157 7 v l Al I II Mt'l i; Ihurs Int Mcaritj .mil othfr rr.isidiN the (■n\erninriit tlofs not inli-ml to ul. i\ the prrsent it-hour vi-.i evrinption for nationals of roll n trio hlihli h.i\ c no isa .iliolitmn I ment v it h
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  • 180 7 TOOVernment has reached with the i ivernment r from 'inMuar River tor Ita i>n. 120 allHon v. supply scheme Johore Bahru <>n Monday mid «ter. I I'alib bin K;ir:m. onlerence although been w< re si ill two '>r tl leal MALACCA. Thurs. s
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  • 90 7 'BIG TWO' FILM MERGER UNLIKELY SINGAPORE. 1 inBl| :n Bout! Shuw O i thai on ma i.i-try. Bui i pmeni l&sued today by < 'at hay s deputy chairman Mr l!^'.ih Hock M idded that "there ut ao possibility ol n ;.!>• two ir--oi> ire UK 1 1 port
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  • 204 7 TWO GET conn ORDER TO PAY $3.1000 I{Rl NEJ ToW N, Thurs. Two busiincn who stood as Rtiarantora for a firm nglngj to a Brunei rebel detainee \v»-re ordered by Ux- Brunei Supreme Court todaj to pay 535.00Q lo a bank. l la- firm. i.".n -ar Busi m.•nd i>io^.>-
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  • 216 7 LONDON. Thursday. THE Gurkha* training depot In Malaysia may move to Hong Bong, Mr Gerald Reynolds. Minister of Defence for Administrations told the House f) f Commons last nijrht. Mr J.inu-s Srilt Hup kin> Cons had Uked where the fiend ol ih<» Gurkha Brigadi
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 155 7 We go for London inaMgway. ";..'V' W ggjß l^av j£ 4k ggV .^gggggt Bflfl^k. agga b WmE- SmxLw Rgggggflßflra^' FiveVCIO flights a week. At the moment, BOAC has 3 VCIO flights a week to Europe. But because the VCIO is so popular, we've found that 3 just aren't enough. So
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous

  • 468 8 NO ONE DARES TO REMOVE AN OLD WAYSIDE WOOD-ZINC SHRINE A MILLION DOLLAH mod extension sclk'hk* :tk>ng I |>|u-r Set .hi •***** RiKitl is Ixini; held ii|> li\ supci slilioii No one dans to remove a wood-and-/.lllc shanty bousing it Kramat (a Muslim
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  • 262 8 .Singapore. Thursday. r pHE acting Vice-Chancellor of the University oi .Singapore. Mr. Reginald Quahe, said tonight that man was willing to devoti- money. Intelligence, effort and other reaourcefl tv conquer ipacc but sfiin to balk at Investing resources to conquer misunderstanding, distrust, fear,
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  • 137 8 A MOVE TO IMPROVE C-CENTRES i oinc;aj>url. mun rbe »j Direct r ol the People's latlon. Mr Sun Boom P< ng. h.( urged people vi hlghei i ducation do lake a more active part lv the management and running ol community centres Speaking to members ol rhr Rotary Club ol
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  • 273 8 SINGAPORE. ThUTS. Singapore's Ambassador to the United States. Professor Wonu Lin Ken. 35. who flew home last week was among the last lour of the People's Action Party's 18 new candidates announced today. The otlur three aw Mr i V Conceii-uo. 44. acting director ol extramural studies at the
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  • 166 8 in Ku.ila Lumpur in 1 au4. He »i--until lie went to the S-atex dlrei I'A!' External Affal i vicechairman (j: K\ ltdarity Commit in Mil mix i. (o tir>l at 81 tl.o!i\ 6 Schoul nr.d lau-i at St it. a imlveratt; icholanhlp laduated with a B A from
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  • 146 8 SINGAPORE ThUTN. rix-man Jai<. i arch mission Dew Into Singapore today to study Singapore laws n ku! and operatini eustonu relating to th« protection ol Industrial".i;.> and Mlcuno -in.. Witii the In Japanese exports to intrj It is Important that Juprni know und
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  • 110 8 If filtered md h Bachelor n cii until ta Britain (or hlgiu obtain c He obtains oerinf from the University of London. On hi*- r»»i;:ii lie Joll B of the Singapore Polyiei D: I ponta Member ol the c;<\ Graduate He w*
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  • 324 8 POLITICAL MEETINGS: POLICE SAY PERMITS NEEDED SINGAPORE. ThaVftV—Caa did.itcs Inr the suk.i pore General I lectira ma] apply tn Snperiatendeatl ol point-. Mr Koh lim Hah lor permits to hold poll tical mrrtinuv aftei No niinttiiin l>:i\ on s.iturd.i> Mr Koh his l)iin appoint i d the Pallet Liaison Otti
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  • 223 8 r |MIE Workers' Party today named its three candidates foi the Singapore General Elections. .(it Mr. Chiaai feUak hnui^. the party chairmai Mr. WOnu llonn (how. 31 the acting secreturj ral. md Mr Sum Ckooag Ueng. 30 the organising M'l-rrtary Mi Chiang i-
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 224 8 SPECIAL FREE OFFER ~r\\\\ eX 9 12">^a FAN or 9-DRAGON fc\ ICE CUBE CONTAINER given y\ away FREE with any of these y^ I models you buy L -■^tL w J it < !'l-4j---j ,LL I AR.--9j I I I HURRY... GET YOUR 1 1 1 .ACJVLA. REFRIGERATORS AN -Ai="iA.
      224 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous

  • 367 9 Taking on new dimensions ONG: TRAINING AT EXPANDED TTC- gINGAPORE, Thur*. Thf Minister lor Kducation. Mr. Oaf Panj; Boon, ti»d;i\ envisaged that, with the addition of the new Complex of buildings at the Teachers' Training College in Paterson Road, the training given at the college would take on new dimensions.
    367 words
  • 90 9 Balloting for 700 flats mi: iim I "...It that i SIM.U'OKI I hills Ihe r.n ii urn iitar> Secretir> In the Ministry of Viimnai Development, Mr Ho Cheng Choon, will officiate at a balloting ceremonj tor Too units ol Hats to registered apphi.inls at MacPhrraon I p per A! iunied
    90 words
  • 7 9 »ThP School r;tf)e to
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  • 74 9 s.|\«. \I'(»IU I iim I in- sine ipoi \i is Com iil building fund jrerterii.i\ received three more donations amounting to s J Hii. hi infirm the total to 5847.M7.M latest (Inflations rame from the Singapore \ma-Ic-nr I'l.i.M-rs Sl.lOti. hriim proceeds from a drama the)
    74 words
  • 713 9 DEFENCE FUND TOPS $642, 000 Chinese Chamber drive gains momentum THE Ministry of Interior :ui<l Defence today received ;i donation of $100,000 lor the National Defence Fund from the United Overseas Bank Ltd. in Chulia Street This brings total donations so lar reived to over (642,000. MeanwhJ Chamber ■>: Con.::
    713 words
  • 36 9 SINCAI'ORF Thin Mi Yaliv.i Cohen lias bern elected nngapn < Bui l;i--ral Society Other officials are: K T Chan. vicepresident. H NamMar, serretary .mil H K .s<>ii and C H II Ho>. i I'liimiitee nMnben
    36 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 38 9 CLEANSER ■gggi gggg^Bm x y PLASTIC PACK CLEANS LIKE AIM ARMY OF AMAHS New Fab Cleanser out cleans all other cleansers, gets floors, sinks, dishes, sparkling clean in seconds. NEW FAB CLEANSER THE MOST POWERFUL NiUWE IN CLEANING
      38 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 155 9 i retry Kff 1 h*\i*i Imimltl1 m imltl ■U; ll I 'I WW UPSTAIRS* WE ANYWAY Tm fwOULDN T s*; o i i<(, A NNt, t t^ Ptuis Ttorm is ABOUt'to W CANT TAKE Baby.i twink AMUNCRVf HOT DOG witu pickle. llidliS-TP nfFfACPAND L V TUlgl i WE LOST /V
      155 words

  • 8 10 to Hard* Hi (Minimum, MADAM Pri.r.Y LMIN
    8 words
    3 words
  • 22 10 It W*4m t* t Him.)— Bo* t* rlt ntrm RENT A CAi in Mtm in an* 1 HIRE A TAR
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  • 8 10 Htnimum CLARKE ALICE MAUDE •'><l4'nlr 1 Sunn
    8 words
  • 537 10 The Straits Times. Friday, February 16, 1968 Health And Money The Mal.-usian Health Minister, Inch** Bahaman bin S.iniMid n. was undcrstarulab|y veand by charpjae from t he Guviinincnl's own ba<k- !>• ni lies that tli«- rural heaitl; si 1 ic^'S ate beinß ne^;li-< :<fi This is tlie out- ;,rea where
    537 words
  • 427 10 I' Thant's movements in New Delhi. Moscow, London and now in Paris have been w a t c h v d with interest throughout the world in the aop*, rv>wcvci slenoer, that they might spark off peace talks on Vietnam. The Sec-retary-General's efforts »ugkost that so far at
    427 words
  • 403 10 The MP and his seat DANKRUPTCY is a mlsfortune and MPs who are bankrupted deserve our sympathy, but contrary to general belief they do not have to resign; their seat la automatically forfeited. The position here Is not governed by Ersklne May nor by the Bankruptcy Act. It Is governed
    403 words
  • 444 10 LESSON 156 in a new series by YUNUS MARIS GLOSSARY: TKRserl.ih i\> to be plain To ase, DI-renrhamKAN 'Vi to be made more Interesting; KKseniAN in> art Translate Mie following pa>sage ifrdtn: 81l Pet 1I Achara'.' dan ranchanuAN"! PKrayaAN mrsti lah M-asakaKAM lusim i up i siip.iN.i Ilirma
    444 words
  • 276 10 \|AY I reply to a >tate- ment on the Crown Agents for Oversea Governments and Administrations made by Inche Tajuddm bin Ali during Tuesday's debate on Treasury Supplementary Estimates In the Dewan Raayat, and to correct at lea>t one Inaccuracy contained in the statement.
    276 words
  • 189 10 Tw. the three s a bah Cabinet posts which had boen \d(nnt since tin general election last year have now been filli-d but not, m- <-\- pected, with int-ri fram the recenth dissolved United Pasokmomogun KatJaran ()r--i.Htii.sHtKin. It had heen as- j tuned thai the decismn lo fiis~"l
    189 words
  • 747 10  - Americans debate an 'unworkable' plan to curb foreign travel ALISTAIR COOKE WHEN President Johnson first mooted the idea of restrictions on travel outside the Western hemisphere, the sour reaction of the travel industry was instantaneous and predictable. But now that the Secretary of the Treasury has unveiled the grand design,
    747 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 292 10 Oifsifird advertisfmeats fx •traits Time* Malay Mail may b« handed to: coio rro«A«i suptn-MAMcrr O'nord Roort (H*. *p«io»>.M "arj COIO STODACE SRANCHn A. rtavat Bim* CITY BOO* ITOU ITD. Wio,*rrtrt II ,r« OmS*. TN( NIWS FRONT lit^potr.. d'» x^c/markef. M M. ISMAIL. J Arinwafty Road. Noval Boat* NAMIIM STORI,
      292 words
      31 words
    • 14 10 SUCCESS!! Gordon's Gin. JaxMiTonlc if Dismißw; I^'^VS^'' The WorlcTsTargestselling Gin Sata Ata*ts:THE BORNEO COMPANY
      14 words

  • 187 11 SUCH A MESS Xl I I A M MIM K I iiu; beast) in .i MM I h.t i \,i/ ah K.»>Mm on moving d.t> .it Ihr Ministry (if Information .mil Bro.ul 4st m >»-strrU.iy St.trt.fl on Monilj), thr mo\ c from .Id in Mwunth.ittrn m here thr Mini>trv
    187 words
  • 117 11 KUALA LUMPUR. Thursday. HOME-MADE aid four bullets were found by the police In a house in Serdaru Bharu New Village, about 12 miles from here. terday after tl of a Gang 360 "tiger general." ■ne of thp in the vl Ice wanted that he had made
    117 words
  • 55 11 \PORE. Thur.v Dr Frednk Franklin. secretaryteneral of the World Alliance nf VMCA'I. will aruve here on Saturday from Kuala Lumpur for a three-day Dr. Franklin, who it on a tour of the Far East, will call on Inrhe Othmsr c Culture Miniver, nn He lea\o>
    55 words
  • 21 11 KUAI b bin In a day with causing hurt to Ab'i bin UJang la.vt Aukua w a.s
    21 words
  • 152 11 Abandon 'tida apa' attitude, civil servants told l/UALA LUMPUR, I Thurs.— Civil servants were advised today to rid the civil service of inefficiency and weakness. Openinß a four-day seminar here for 24 Qovernmrnt trainlnK officers, the Director of Establishment. Tan Sri Abdul Karlir bin Shamsuddln. said "Sometimes i-ivil senranU are
    152 words
  • 54 11 SINGAPORE. TkfUTS. Seng Mewan Tone 28. died in the General Ho*pitai yesterday from innine* received In h collision between his motor-cycle and a car at the Junction of Jurung Road and JaUn Bahru Utara on Tuesday mormntf. ■ye-wiuieaaea srf ;i.«kPd to contart the trafnc accidents branch at
    54 words
  • 47 11 PEN AND ntun Hulunah Mnte Kahar. 60 and two mm. N. M Aixlul K-iliman 44. and M P Naina Motiam»-<t 52 uw today ordered tn tv HOI to a rehabilitation centre after tbaj had pU^cicd |Uilt' to a charge of begging In puttie.
    47 words
  • 292 11 More powers for AntiCorruption Agency move KIALA LUMPUR, Thurs. The (iovernment is considering a proposal to five additional powers to the Anti-Corruption Agency, the Assistant Minister of Home Affairs, Inrhe Hamzah bin Abu Samah, told the Dew an Ka'ayat today. If implemented, the agency would be empowered to deal with
    292 words
  • 393 11 Expert: Defence pact not likely pHUFESSUR J.D.B. Miller, head of the Institute of International Relations of the Australian National University, does not expect a lull-scale defence pact to emerge between Britain. Australia. New Zealand, Malaysia and Singapore. In a talk on "The Commonwealth In Southeast Asia Prospects of a Defence
    393 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 90 11 Discover 3 delightful ways to see 3 Europe Q Planning a trip abroad? Then our new book "DISCOVER EUROPE 1968' is an absolute must ft will tell you all about our three new 30-day tours to Europe from M/S $3,795/- inclusive and there are 26 departures to choose from. Cooks
      90 words
    • 111 11 53 homeless by fire KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs -Two houses and a furniture shop in Belakong new village, about 15 miles from here were guttered this afternoon and 53 people became homeless. Noone was injured. <-* N*^^^ EisaiCo Ltd X—^/^^^^ E PREPARATION 1^ > Keeps you young, healthy and vital 1
      111 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 557 11 LON YOUR TV AND RADIO TODAY TV MALAYSIA TV SINGAPURA < IIWMI. 5 ma The Story of Chow i hwmi. Kuala I umpiir I S Bgl rt amm n a Part 2>; and Penan*; Ipol, an-1 a .>.oO Mil... I 10 JalMrc Daktari Under. ihivnm.i Bahru. Taipinj; 7 »Ulu =n
      557 words

  • 370 12  -  SINGAPORE PAINT FACTORY PLANS TO INCREASE EXPORT RANGE By MOK SIN PIN IJMTKI) Paints Ltd., the tirst factory to co into production on Singapore's Kenciemeer Industrial Estate has embarked on another phase of expansion and increasing its range of exports. The company has undergone major reorganisation and has
    370 words
  • 196 12 Technical manager attends conference MR. Pang Eo Aug. technical manager of Avery Laurrncr (Spore) Ltd., recently attended the Foxboro Far East sales managers' conference held at Melbourne. The conference, orga by F'oxboro Pty. Ltd. the Australian Min-iclia: the world-wide r-oxboro Organisation, a leading rial instrument manufacturer in the t States,
    196 words
  • 211 12 AN expert an lanki which are In rif-niand in SoUth-BMt Asia for re-lir>UMns KhCflMI md by Government and local authorities ceneral Is viMtim; Sineapore .1 net Kuala Lumpur He is Mr D Alixm. ta: pr or Braithwai'p :md Co. Engineers Ltd., of Leatherhead. England. utu>se
    211 words
  • 165 12 Indian Bank reshuffle PISHAROOY MUTHIAH MX. S. Narasiman. the district manager of Indian Rank Ltd.'s Sinicap..v and .Malayan branrh offices has announced a reshuffle in the bank's local managerial staff. Mr. KM. Muthiah who until last week was the Penang branch manager, is now Ihe Singapore branch manager, taking over
    165 words
  • 143 12 CHINA emerged last year as U.e largest exporter of soap and other cleansing preparation to Singapore, having taken over the lead from Britain Official statistics for the period Jan-July show that China's exports of 505 ions mere 104 ton. more than that snipped In by
    143 words
  • 168 12 Shipping manager appointed MR. H. Castenskiold has been appointed manager Far East shipping, of The East Asiatic Co. Ltd. He succeeds Mr. H. H. Sparso. who Is leaving Singapore after four years to take up a .senior appointment in the company's headquarters in Copenhagen. Mr. Castenskiold came to the Far
    168 words
  • 68 12 riY) .op«- «ith .v.r1 ini-reasiim pass.-nu.-rs has ,nl.«re,«l its ti« ketin* and reservation staff in Biacapore. The st.UT abov« are front row from hft: t§ tmn. Pa,,| >|„|, John Back Kow from left: Messrs. 1.. B. Lean. Albert Ue an.l \ndre« Tan C«*W .111 111 ..nicer),
    68 words
  • 90 12 A new range of hospital furniture and medical equipment for hospitals ta to be promoted by a British bu.slnps.sman who la Singapore from March 3 to 5 He h(ipe.s to vlsli nn 1 is Mr John manager of Tuxaon. Gfriard and Co Ltd.. of Oldbun
    90 words
  • 143 12 'BUSINESS MUST ALSO PROVIDE SERVICE' rli n<,t 1 nough for .1 bu«l- and I P ro din't.s in it.s field. '"A business must also provide ienrtci nf ita products when where they are needed, and nical assistance to help customers usi th( c products tv the i adva: lin
    143 words
  • 42 12 Promotion to account executive MR. Michael Oni? Swe« Lee (al i>epn promoU (l r ntly to account executive by LPE ;>ore Ltd. Mr (>!.- Mtvre 1 the Anglo-Chinest School and iiad >tiiri;ed engineering at the Singapore Poivtechnic prior PE as an rv 1966.
    42 words
  • 79 12 Lufthanj-.i tiF!ir;m AlrllnM carried .n total ol 4 1 million IncrMM tiie prevloiu \par ThP-r hv Mr m Hofp. <hf Malaysia a..ii Bmip.pi wti -;r. prawo Inn ihe numiwr Of UTS) lICPIS Will! tl 3:t per cent. Can. Increased i>y 31 l pai I million tonmilps The <■■
    79 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 443 12 Rea^ the whole Amzin Wild Life of the World in 16 Magnificent Volume Covers ALL MAMMALS BIRDS-REPTILES-FISHES-INSECTS-AMPNIBIANS /world distinguished naturalists take you adventuring through >< a& OVOF 2,750 P3ges! ttie torried jungles, across the frozen tundra, high into distant s n. Tr^^ Over 250 Illustrations world's wild life in a
      443 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 1018 13 MM I «PQOI t WtSI CbASI Ml Pe«ait ("•'ALUSj IM 1) .tl II FH 1177 *tt 23 PTRRHUS 1 Mar 1 7 DtMOOOCUS ftl 27 Ftl 25 Ftl 21 2 MtRMICON ....Ftl 21 Mar 1 Mir 2 3 AENIIS Mai t 1 Mir 5 Mm I Mir t 12 Mall
      1,018 words
    • 1262 13 r taaaaV 9 M^F^Vft M fj^V MmW a afc j_^jMM*M*aM^^lgm-j^- CAP THeXJMmUNES iil EXCESS SAILINGS TO GENOA NORTH CONTINENT SCaHDINAVU «-.s C'lagM j a PMSAPEN* i■, 111 24 71 Ftl 27 71 ft! It/ J Api 1 Api Api IS Apt It Am II s MJNCain t0 Mn 74 2»
      1,262 words
    • 1047 13 I BENULINE EXPRESS SERVICE TO LONDON. LIVERPOOL I CQNT.NENTAL PORTS. BENDL ARC S. mII a BENWYVIS MMMM t- S'*tm Pe-«"| Frji MjfCuri laS If VI ic^en A#t I Smiacwra S'M" °*<—t lENALLIGIN L'| ij.-t, A«trp. H-luri H.i 4 1 Mil 711 Mil 11/1J lENVIRLICH I H«M Ht> ctra Mai I
      1,047 words
    • 1089 13 fe£LLERMAN BUCKNALL S.S. CO.. LTD. ll«4ltt MM CITY OF SI ALSANS l«Pt Till) 17 111 CITY OF OUNOtt HI "U*. I I Ma. n Mn 11. CITY OF HEREFORD Rotttrtpai. 4 i In I »tr SAIUNCS FIOM UNITED KINGDOM AND CONTINENTAL POUs. Cm OF HEREFORD 4 Mir 2 3 Mat
      1,089 words

  • 411 14 r PHt luili.uuiu U.-t ol selected Malayan yields Ls based on lasl sali-s to February 10 Companies located in MaUyda lor tuation purposed crons divirt.nd yi. 1.1 •> s p«r ci-nt |U I-' >tw— i aa» >i"'l »■"> I ptl i-.-nti. imrnll (Vafasa PW dlMil>rid 6. S
    411 words
  • 63 14 HINESE Product Eichan*c. SintsaIrrrlay Coconut *M: hulk S> I •< llrrs drum Copra Mixi (1 il ii > iih Mr L'K COM <l»t B. Peopfr: Muntuk irbMi tm, ***** telleri aiweuf la ..k d!;ick $1 IU «-n,r~ k .irr>lKi LriniponK rink |1M NI.W i. fcaTTJk lltti -•■iK il'iU<^
    63 words
  • 33 14 THE A^>otlJtl•n of BantM <n M»- j trnfrnf m.iri, utetK chanfn in IU I rmli lo tiiiTchants n.-i.nlav (.ill Germany I 'lll SwiWtrlana M.'»; BtUium uli France IM| .1- 1 Italy
    33 words
  • 605 14 From Our Market Correspondent PKOHT-takins tuntinued on the Stock Lxchanec yesterday, but was uell absorbed and price nni\ ements in industrials uerc comparatively narrow. Turnover was less than on Wednesday. The chic! centre of interest continued to BC Central which had the largest
    605 words
  • 27 14 Stuck Intffcei Frb. 11. I ,1. ladnatriak i:i HIM Prnpcriiis; in:: 1 1.: Mining*. I tjiii.ii i ii in.:x !>•( "i. !!>(■: Kin M, i'tl.t, Inn
    27 words
  • 343 14 Straits tin price is down by 50 cents. Straits tin price is down by 50 cents TIIK Mr. uts tin priic in Penant: yesterday fell 50 cents to S.").")H .Ml per picul on an ofTi-ring estimated down 10 tuns in tons. The market was easier with support at lower levels
    343 words
  • 139 14 MELBOL'h.Sf. i hurt. INDUSTRIALS were firmer. BUI" opened at near peak $19.30 before reacting to tinish five ceius lower a: Mining moved lm Nlckles declined Profit-taking hit Hampton sharply and it I lo $12.00. North K.iU. ..uhed m new high of $4 .40 I cents lower at $4.05.
    139 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1077 14 jaJi^^TJ^r^^T^^^^^y^Hoapl y^ KAWASAKI KISEN KAISHA LTD. Western A ustrallaf Singapore/ Japan Barvl— Freinantio Sport Tokkaichi/Nafoya Tokoriama KOD4 Trias Maro' Sailed lilt Fel 23 Fel 14 Fit II rrt Tkm Mara" Ii Frl I Mat 7 I Mai IS Mai 11 Mar II Mar Wean Africa Singapore/ Japan Service Arguia Singapore
      1,077 words
    • 900 14 AUSTMLIA NEW ZEALAND SEKVICt i 'NOI* rtUMSTM >N0 fAR MM MMH IM, »«ck Dm i*i. 1 p"^ 1 •"Minn P r«M Sou- RAJUIA 'll! O ftrt M Fl* 73 Fel BANKURAt 21 Apr 11/ a Mr M 21 All RAJUU 11/11 Mil U Mil II Mil BUUMBA- 27 ?l 29
      900 words
    • 458 14 Brazilion Flag Vessel Owners: PAN AMERICANA s.s. "KALU" In Port Spore P b'hoin Pcnong G 29-30/22 Fcb 23/24 Feb 25/26 Fcb Accepting Cargo For: Port Louis, L. Marques, Durban, E. London P. Elizabeth, Capetown Montevideo, 6. Aires, Sontos Rio dc Janeiro. Subject to inducement. mmmmm C.F. SHARP tfc CO.. (M)
      458 words
    • 213 14 CLOSING PRICES Keb. 15. RLBKKK I'KKK: 45 < cuts (uiu'hanerd). TIN PRICK: 5558.50 (down 50 cents). I. nl ■•fertac Mi tuns (dn\«n 10 tuns). tSBBLBBBa DISCHARGING rROM JAPAN PORTS VIA HONG KONG SmffaOOM I Panans* HORYU MARU p O ,1 INSEN MARU Fel 21 24 Fel 25 2b 127
      213 words

  • 464 15 |»I»lN|sn N lai'Oßllll l II) IIU nINI.APORI \MI ki \i ii Mi-i i: ii; \|>i\(. i;iih\|v in i in >| (>< k I M ll\Ni.t ilvll RDAI \VI 111 nil ni mhi i: in >ii.»i;i s IK tOI II IN Rli M Xl I
    464 words
  • 184 15 INI h K~ 'PQ umber of lenders *t o p.m. K and M.R.r.. noon Hosing prices in ifnU per Ib. vestercUT. Buyer.s Sellers lint. 1 R prompt lu^. 44 44 S> Int. 1 RJ3.& Mii. 4 Ini 1 R K.S. Apr 4- 4. ivt. r.s.s. buyer* 44
    184 words
  • 131 15 iMIPJ LYIIII. ALONGSIOI IHfc, SINGAPORE HARBOU" ARE 1 1 X 1 ru atu 40 11. I 4 «l.d smii IN THE ROAOS AS AT AM ON FEB. 15. ■attarn Br t 11 ii Cbiof. I H«- loa tn ■jaj n»t Bar". I PORT SWETTENHAM Wharf Births:
    131 words
  • 23 15 O'.er «.u,-n«e nut.i Me UJ OoMat T t oaah Sttrlina quo'ri ai 14 5. <uO ant t<tl of gold at ?»lt.
    23 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 625 15 (Coottourd frum Pafr IU ACKNOWLEDGMENTS M..rd. </., Wtainaja THE FAMILY ul th. Mr. «n1 tr .-ii.i> fo' tn. ltl I i-oudoirr.. THI FAMILY OF KThoon t>! IMMU tli.tnk ■nr.r (cfotta. and alter i I ANNOUNCEMENTS -•'< Hor,-, s/.. MWaajal WELD SUPERMARKET Tueo l.m^ h.tfl wot. :or slOu.ou BajS" per iomr
      625 words
    • 654 15 SITUATIONS VACANT U Hon/. tfm. Mot >', r f. rX r WANTEO TWO SALESMEN I h i roar* I'r'Kl'.i tv Uo\ I iwrr WANTIO TUTOR i ..r-.u« TOT r. < uolkl.l Mr. On< .H porn A writ rst jrtlithod orgamtation invltaa applir/jti«i"> Irani Smcapora Citutni o»or M yoart old ha«int
      654 words
    • 801 15 I ACCOMMODATION VACANT ii Hirra*. so Win -tVoj if if. tjctrm FURNISHEO QUIET. AIRY room llodcn dtp»*Dd f *tlt fl." S FULLY FURNISHED CORNER I ■HNS H.,'i«. M fl. lamr- XX mnX Mr. Tar P MI4W AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY FUN NISHIO '.•rlt..ijiii KVatt P.iK'T .-m-.ti Rg 'l S pan I' AVAILABLE
      801 words
    • 416 15 HOUSES AND LAND FOR SALE M H.,rrf. M INa H, C«a, txtro SEMI OETACHEO BUNGALOW li.r.ort Dkrra I i. TANCLIN AREA from v i. Krwhoid -I EH" I NO DELAY ialma u«i, B.drcorrn. rt- t> i,, i »aa II NO I."- l)r>v NO. In.' JOHORE BAHRU ehrn. M Joftorc
      416 words
    • 264 15 TUITION li Worit t* r. Win »ifra ENROL NOW irenrtn« 1.3.55. Comi T. irpnona s ixn» OANCINC i HOURS U In i> m EUROPEAN CIRL tEEKS t LADIES HAIRORESSINC I.OU'tll ■•> Uimut I.Noll i > li.-v.a, lal:: PHYSICS CHEMISTRY »n, ,1 SPECIAL TUTORIAL (.LASSES I I'aya L^tu RADIO AND
      264 words
      215 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 956 16 I ..iiiiuued 1 1 mv I'Atr l&. AGENTS WANTED ►>..,<. h Mb k. i .i. aaapc CCNERAL INSURANCI A LEADING IN I LHNAIIUNAL (.0b METIC and M aaandi i. k i. WHY NOT BECOME ('hrislm--produ. Ed and lv enaura 1*1" i. loa, Km; land OPTICAL HEARING AIDS •1 V.n M.
      956 words
    • 813 16 FOR SALE Ii Wur4t U i Vim.)- -Hut M rfa. txlrm FURNITURE .c:n| cane astfjaaj I r.K.,n MM, BMW douiile ned «ii» kapok m»nr,«..iv look nuw, utility a.'. met* n o Also .1 after MISCELLANEOUS a>«WaH M Vim. i— H»x it BBs, astra tINCAPORE MARIIIACE BUREAU fnnnaanliall) imikli.m.. in.
      813 words
    • 770 16 SHOPPING GUIDE (Spore) n pTapea m <mn.)—Box s* tt: *xim tOR TNAT LOOK or plcasur* on hrr (are. kivc ri»r something from 1..r linn Jew filers. 206. 1 South Bridge I. WHERE TO STAY (Spore) SOUIM lAIT ASIA H..t. I Bar/Kfal.iiuant I»O M'alciluo Suiret. 8 poi» :ij.i«4 "CITY" CUCST HOUSE,
      770 words
    • 805 16 NOTICE GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF SINGAPORE THfc UM Al. <;o\KR\MI N I INTEGRATION ORDINANCE, IM| (Max 18 of 1963) NOTIt K I M),R SM TION 19 (2) Notice is banks given, puisuant Ito Section 19 i2i of the Local Government Integration Ordinance. 1%3 that the Director of Public Works
      805 words
    • 782 16 TENDERS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BOARD TENDER NOTICE ■mm will be received by thr Ch.iirman. BconotoaC Development Board 2i.d PtoOC, Fullerton Buuu.iikE Singapore, tor:--(A) THE CONSTRUCTION <fc COMPLETION OF PROPROSED ONE BLOCK MX STOREY E.DB BUILDING AT RIVER VALLEY ROAD. SINGAruRE. Showround: I'll 1' 68 |4 9 30 a in hi
      782 words
    • 655 16 SINGAPORE TOBACCO COMPANY LIMITED invite applications from Singapore citizens for the post of PERSONNEL OFFICER Qualifications Ae.r: 26 to 40. Kd iitation/ Either (1) A degree ln an Arts subject from a rrcogni.sed University and not than 3 years experience of personnel and Industrial relations work in Singapore at
      655 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 624 17 1 MALAYSIA-SINGAPORE AIRLINES LIMITED Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates for the following positions -(A) ASSISTANT LEGAL OFFICER (SINGAPORE) QUALIFICATIONS Barrlsters-at-Law and or an Ll B. degree. Previous working experience In this capacity will be an advantage. DlTlfs To assist the Company's Legal Officer in varied legal duties. SALARY
      624 words
    • 752 17 NOTICES MINISTRY OF EDUCATION SINGAPORE CAMBRIDGE HK. III K X HOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION MM I MRIES FOR S( IFM i SI BJE( TS— PRIVATL CANDIDATES Entries lor Science Subject* at the above examination from Pnvate Candidates will be received from Monday. 19th February to Friday Ist March Inclusive by 'he
      752 words
    • 750 17 PUBLIC APPOIN IMENTS KERETAPI TANAH MELAYU JAWATAN2 KOSONO BAl.l JIRITKKMK (KKJI RI TKRAAN JINTKRA) rVrmohonani ada-lah dlpelawa dart Warca Negttra Persekiitiinn iLakl2> untok lantekan sa-bagal JuruteknikS dl-dalam j Perkhldmatan Keretapl. Kelayakan— Pemohon2 hendaklah belajar sa-lama satu tahun dalam Tlngkatan IV dengan Bahasa Inßgerl.s ftabagai BahaM Pfiißhantar-nya. dlSdbunh Sekolah Menengah yang
      750 words
    • 684 17 TENDERS MINISTRY OF THE INTERIOR DEFENCE. PEARLS HILL, SINGAPORE 2 Tenders will be received In tht Ministry of the Interior Defence. Pearl's Hill Singapore 2. up to 12 noon on 1.3.68 for the supply of:— (1) Fresh and Dry Ration (2) Hexamine < nokrr (3) Clothing Accoutrements for the Singapore
      684 words
    • 221 17 TENDERS HOUSING k DEVELOPMENT BOARD Tenders are Invited fnr ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION to 1 Block of 16-Storey Flrits <2 3 Room Type) nnd 1 Block of 12Storey 2-Room Flats and Sh"r* 'Tn<;U 534 at Kalian? Basin. Neighbourhood II Contract II Tender Forms, etc. may be {obtained from the Building Department.
      221 words
    • 658 17 REQUEST FOR INTERESTED TENDERERS ROAD MAINTENANCE RUMBAI, MINAS, DURI DUMAI AREAS CENTRAL SUMATRA P.T. Caltex Pacific Indonesia invites ten ders for the maintenance of roads within or leading to its *ork areas in Central Sumatra and more particularly described as follows: Oil surfaced roads with roadbed width of six to
      658 words

  • 81 18 Plan to avert world tennis crisis TIMESPORT 1 I A lj lan" has drawn up by an nal La w n Lion subni effort an Internaovet the ol Open tenILTF 0 iiifor md a 1 (pen to persuade nol to the mtrrl !mt if 1 1 1 Limit II that
    81 words
  • 14 18 A K 1..|,..i, > I up I IK 'Mill} I' I
    14 words
  • 10 18 It <■ D in r the ronvm-
    10 words
  • 12 18 I :-.i»1 I ril of Hi in »-r
    12 words
  • 257 18 Maba make plans for two 'firsts' BY MANSOOK RAHMAN r |M 1 K Malaysian Amateur Boxing Association will score two '-firsts." They will Stage the national championships at Kota Kinabalu in June the lirst time a national meet is to be held in East Malaysia. They will also organise the
    257 words
  • 121 18 \yisi IWKI.IN Ihurv Pr-ilr« ll;ir.ilil of the lusiitule tor Sports Me ttit mr hrr«-. Irft vcnlcml.h a) .iir tor K11.11.1 Lumpur tv osisl llir .md I hai Ol> nipu lei SJH in high .iltiliidr ir.unmu The ir.iinins is to l.r lirld in thr
    121 words
  • 221 18 MALAYSIAN runner ITI captain Wong Hin Jee has b<cn named "Rugger Player of tlie Year, 19<;7" by the Malaysian Rueby Union for the Sportsman and Sportswoman of the Year award. tl! 1 1 tn Jee. J4 led LyslaV flm national team in the
    Reuter  -  221 words
  • 101 18 BOXING GOLF TENNIS SOCCER 4 MOTHER new "whire hope" making his Madison Square Carden debut? Actually, it's only Bob Hope the comedian (left) "challenging" former world heavyweight champion Rocky Marciano {right! during the gala opening of the new Carden last
    UPI  -  101 words
  • 216 18 Will this be Thomson 's year? tIXCE the Malayan Open was inaugurated in i'."<2. tin championahlp has been won three Umet by an Asian, once by South African and twice by an Australian. The ;n.»ir.;.irnl championship waa won by Prank Phillips of Australia. In IM3 I)-. B!l Dunk ol Autralla,
    216 words
  • 398 18 Oil 1 Individual -i.mclin.' IP ecent mi one liim- 111 ihe 1 ah <n 111.. ten m Japan nt iirr Allans, the Japs- iki easily produce tlw in .1- j..nir and EOllers knov. the I ■Uii the Muirt ■10 liirir .racling playB mini; '"it Hir J.ip..anada
    398 words
  • 78 18 SELANGOR BEATEN BY TOYO KOGYO r ¥\)Yc> K 1 tlinr M r 4-1 in thnr in.. Kuala 1 umnur n:i;lit After 30 mln change; left nntod in th<' 31 and 33rd minutes to give the Japai 2-0 lr.icl A nunutr iKt^rr half-time in »:rir-ncii! 11l m: .lan reduced thr Caii
    78 words
  • 23 18 I UK and li.. wms m their ii division mi; mau hi Crylonese trounced Sikh.s Union o-i whilf .d Malays 7-0.
    23 words
  • 92 18 Johore: We will back MAAU meet THE Johore Governx ment will nnancial backing to the Malaysian AAU championships to be held in Johore Bahru On Aug. 13-17. the Mentri p. Da to Hajl Ba'at, who has chairman <>t the nruanising connnr be held at the new $1 stadium which '•>
    92 words
  • 19 18 Pen I walkover iron-. K< in thr their quar-ter-final m.ihii in ihr B n Cup soccer M.ii :i
    19 words
  • 4 18 MAD] •> Kuinateh
    4 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 104 18 %y' gggBSL I |hJ la^sWßr^^^^^^^Pl 111 S^B A 7 A B^Oggg^gggßc B&V^B 'Wsfl^sZlSs^s^s^BSmVUl^H ggw at g^gms29Hsjus^skTO^B 'IN' tor the utmost T V. enioyment. Pick from a variety ol models to 'UK A console model, luxurious with safety screen, no glare, no eye strain Uty home setting There's the 12PH B
      104 words
    • 102 18 f/jy#/a >r off rtz/ef ■f.Tr//g6 a peivKP jr th Off the pairwav i*> t*• «W —^v^ OPTCM APv/AN-rA^eOUS, Owe if 15 a piPPi<;ui.t' \i^ 'M>\ I SHOT AT BBi>f AMP f $hou\,p 0£ A-rrgMP^nrp \\J ll ONIY PROM A &OOV UIC i \>, \f/H s: (A/WICH 1$ UgV6l- OR. V
      102 words
    • 190 18 SPORTS POOLS (MALAYSIAUIC Certified Dividends FOR SATURDAY 10th FEBRUARY 1968 ■^-Js/niiii'iisLiSiJbi \A a I 1 1 Toinis gCMJg fen l■ eta. I I "itils H 1.1 (or 1' SISL tl I'oinls S :,.H8 for 1 (I v SI K.IH T II) K»>( HI I l\^ I»KA«S (I pls.l \n>. I.
      190 words

  • 543 19 Rinus set for Cup 'hattrick' KUALA LUMPUR RACES CRICKET JOINTS van Breukelen looks all set for a Tengku s Gold Cup "hattrick" on Sunday. He won the Kuala Lumpur classic with Credit Balance 111 in 1966 and Champagne Jast year. The Ipoh trainer has four runners thia time Royal Meadow
    543 words
  • 1239 19 ryrj^gm 20 class 6 division 2 MMMbSI ($4,500) 6F local jockeys only I <>k ?abha a New Lucky i Rodger-, fl 812 (F) Khaml* 7 2 ***** (ondact II a iJurong. Heddle 48 12 (RFI Hamld 1 3 ***** >i*«i<- a (Seng Lee. Ba«by
    1,239 words
  • 1251 19 ■hhm. 2.0 CLASS 6 DIVISION 5 EaUwBH iS4.SOO) 6F 1 Waay :aci;pN> Rrxluer^ 4 3f> 8- Hougoure h 2 ORm h*ha>» Bulan (Sultan of Pahangp Lee 4 r< Hhite in 3 08HK4 Our n%rs» a (HF Bloxhami Weft 7 8 9 |F| Pretty 11
    1,251 words
  • 802 19 A U)l \1 i] 236 hoi i rrom Claw Tun. 101 (1 79 Class n rntrrrd for ti Club's mtr on Feb. 24--25 and Mar L'-3. CLAM rWO I I ir.d hi i I c Cahir Cluncb I>!abunrla. Dukedom II tarl (labintr. El Supreme F^t And Kurion
    802 words
  • 84 19 in*t iay:Cl t i*n 1 hf Cl > l>n 1 and 1 Burnt ii*y cl I nr l I and 3— if. Cl Pn* 3 and 4—61. Dl\a. 1. 2 3— 7 f. Thi-d day: C! I >l\"- 3 ano i I Mi 1-4 f; CL Dlv<. 1
    84 words
  • 365 19 Dowling hits 143 for NZ, HMESPORT-2 QUNiL/i.,, w.irs. Upei i..^ oitu^man o»«u viii i^^wiiiig nit liJ 7J il>.. > rtCw Zeaidnu mum up a srure 01 -4i II H IllUiA Ou tut- o-^t .Ang day ot tne rut iesi mau-ti Dowl ng ground out his runs v ,14<j minutes, and
    Reuter  -  365 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 24 19 Finest Selection Of Contractor Plant In Malaysia K©ll3ulG lAtahntal /^Sii^ I VI High-Capacity Pumps I <*0V Cran s to Suit {[tiAß^K^^^ W Cantilever or
      24 words

  • 55 20 U.N. SECRETARY-GENERAL I Thanl lc;i\in^ the North Vietnamese diplomatic lij;:ilic)ii iii l';nis after l;ilks i l l l Ml. Mai Win 80, Hanoi's top-ranking diplomat in Western Europe. I Thanl later mcl I'm siilcnl Dt (i.uillc in his search lor B peace rorniula
    55 words
  • 353 20 KING AND QUEEN TO VISIT THE NAVAL BASE 1"« HE Yang di-Pertuan Agong and the Raju Per- malsuri Agong will make a one-day offldal visit to the Royal Malaysian Naval Base in Singa- pore on Wednesday. will sail to the ujc rrom Port Swetttnham In th< K D. Hang Tiiaii
    353 words
  • 34 20 JAKARTA Thurs— More than 25 people were feared drowned when their boat sank in the Banka Straits oil Sumatra. It was reported here today Therr were only five survivors. Reuter
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • 24 20 BANGKOK. Thurs More than l.uuu people are homeless following Bre yesterday which burned down most 01 the northern •ntn resort ol Cliiengr.n
    24 words
  • 410 20 LONDON. Thurs I Thr demon traton Msyened J quietly rbc I.onuuii E\ri.;' reported iikl.iv Ul.ll Patcisuuii lf.K.ii in h.. artini track down U/S&CS i.: C2,000,000-a--al iMiiniwtalioii laiktt A spc.vt- 111. 11 li the Nntional Pedemtion ol PaklMam A -iKiHtions said that his i>r-c.iin.-htion wanted the
    410 words
  • 65 20 ALGIERS. Thurs. The rnmenl has ordered p »llce barricades set up at all entrances to the capital City and 111 several areas within the city. it was learned today. No reason for the action was given. Police checked the IdenI Uty papers of all persons ring and
    65 words
  • 60 20 SINGAPORE. Thui.v H:^li Cokii \\nt> ha\e been s'i\cj on three American >hip.-. now bclr.u detained in port here I lie i;.3l!8-ton tanker St Ljwrence. the 15. 147-ton tanker Si Christopher, and the Sea Pioneer I weie detained vf.sienl> i!i licir .lap»n on tlidr !o
    60 words
  • 238 20 LONDON STOCKS, RUBBER and TIN LONDON Thurs dotlm midtiir prtcss "i stlscted itoixs not including stninp duty were II I 1 111 ,1 II Jon.Mji £35 5 lti —1 lti Funding 4' £96 War 14' £49 ;l BANK* rhurten-.l 67 6 3 Hongkong £8 lj 16 —1 16 I\SI RANCE
    238 words
  • 59 20 LONDON. Thur.s.— Spot 16Ud March 16' id.. April 16 7 16d Ma> 16\d.. April June 16 ,d. July Sept. 17'sd Oct Dec 17..d Jan March 17 13 lfid April June 18(1 tulv Sept i«3 lfid. Oct Dec 18 sd. Jan. March 18.d April lime 18 sd cl Feb 15
    59 words
  • 30 20 1 nvoON. Thins Buvrr.v till! C3>. scllrrs £1314 < fir Forward buyers £1314 1 seller tl3li 1 Hi. Settlement 1 1 3 1 "-> Turnover am 120 tons OS. Tone Inactive
    30 words
  • 120 20 '4 Israeli planes hit' claim by Jordan 4 >1 M 1 N I h urv- I I. inn s poured from tour Israeli fighters hit bj Jordanian anti aircraft fire during a dash this aft' moon .1 military spokesmaa' saM 'I'lie spokt-sm.' ti saiil Is raeli tanks and artlilerj
    Reuter  -  120 words
  • 71 20 KOIA Xl N A BALL. Thur.- Indoi rating of! coast nav< found a new line of bust- p oil women for .-tints a.s prostitutes, the Daily Express repoi here The land! Ing 1 1 awau, in n Sabah, mar Indonesian border The newspapi r
    Reuter  -  71 words
  • 34 20 JAKARTA. Thurs. —The United St. i 1 agreed to provide DSt35 million worth ol nee. cotton and other badly needed commodities as part ol its aid grant to Indonesia lor 1%8.
    34 words
  • 168 20 Vance patches up U.S. difference with Park UEOUI.. ThUl President Johnson's Special Envoy, Mr. Vance, i eoul to d;■ y reaching a last-min-ute compromis* with Presideni P Chung-Hee on how u> con;. Korean provocal A Joint communique 1 sued alter live 1 the li agreed to determ promptly what should
    168 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 276 20 w HsSsCs/ S.u./IVi.u.E. g I EXAMINATIONS I 9 success minded students join E I STAMFORD COLLEGE I W^m th e largest Correspondence College E3 Malaysia Singapore Region commend- ed as a model by Educators and Colombo- vf fc3 Plan experts n^fo EZ3 |3 Scientifically devised l& 01/Cti t^H I^3 HOME
      276 words