The Straits Times, 14 February 1968

Total Pages: 18
1 18 The Straits Times
  • 25 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 150,000 The Straits Times. Fire Niitioitil NtJwspHjißr Estd. 1845 WEDNESDAY. FEBKIARY 14. I%H U CENTS KI)N. 3104 M(. (I») noil
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  • 301 1 Tengku: We must work as one or suffer together KUALA LUMP UR, Tengku Abdul Rahman today warned that vi small countries gel ther and work they will together, noi only m the short term but in the long run. H< warning •bird rnors <>t South ea I >ian tiuii nur
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  • 821 1 'Chop up' in the old citadel SAIGON, Tuesday AMERICAN Marines launched a ground assault against strong enemy forces inside the old walled city of Hue today, but were driven back by heavy small arms, machinegun and rocket fire. The North Vietnamese* troops were liijit \na from
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  • 34 1 JAKARTA Indoaerial <rtinc rmMtnl O*n su-ha-li). lofia\ ..v,n:r In rii^ H7 uf ■nmhei'i f ippomtfd to Parliament .1 nd «aniM! them in -\nrk ;\vh ihe (in tinmf nl AP
    AP  -  34 words
  • 219 1  - Kean Siew gets death threat BULLET ENCLOSED letter KHOR CHCANG KEE u> DENANO. Tin-. The national vicechairman of ih <• Labour Party of Malaya, Mr. Lira Keao Slew, today received a doaih t h r t through the post with a live .38 bullet enclosed. Mr. Lim. who was detained
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  • 218 1 'I' m in love' plea by a priest SYDNEY, TucMlay. i ROMAN (.nlholif \tr\vsl publicly confessed his l(»\c for ;i 'i;oo<l aild hiMillil III" \\(tin;iii here l<xl;iy iikl pleaded Uw Mir riglil l<> im;iit\ llfl Hi> confession came in a letter to the Svdiicv Murni: 1 1^ Herald, signed under
    Reuter; AP  -  218 words
  • 61 1 10 Gls wiped out, claim by N. Koreans TOKYO. I ii«'s. North Ko n-.l tl.lilllCll lixl.O 111 I.S. soldiers \wrr "wiped out" v hen the;. rrih>i(l the military dcmarr.ition itoc and .iil.irki-il a communist post shorth .ift«r miilnicht The communist rial m. Itro.idcasl by the North Korea K.idio. did
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  • 24 1 CAI CUTI A. Tue^ iireci at '«<• groupi arsuiiiß n\(i --;»'in arrangnnantj In in a local theaire hne jrertcrtiav. killing miip pci D
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  • 103 1 BANGKOK, lurs (itnimunist Ir.niiril Men Irihrsmrn shot down a lump I 111' n hrlii u|il i i killine ;irm\ c.ipt.iin nd tivr soldirrs uul uounriins ".oxen others in Nan Prn\in«-r nr,«r thr I bonier I;is1 Slind;iv. il HTM disclosed herr today The troops
    Reuter  -  103 words
  • 302 1 Razak coming to S'pore soon for talks If U ALA I. I n P l K. IV Turs. Talks to renew friend!} ti»-s between Singapore aiui M;i!.i\si.i will be h"ld in Singapore "*rery soon," Tcngkti Abdul Rahman said tori:iy. lir continued his deputy. Tun AMul Rasak, would .In
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  • 32 1 MORE IS. TROOPS FOR VIETNAM P7ABHIN4 r I'nlted State* ra*hiag 10.500 more trooat to Sooth Vietnam for 'insurance parposri" at the roaaeat of Gen. v morrland, rent at o« aaaouieed.—Beatrr
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  • 447 1  - Full Cabinet team to fight polls B, LIM BENG TEE Tv« he chairman <>f the People's A< turn part} < I !>mtnittoe, Mr. Jek Venn LR, !cci ;i y an:nc•■ (1 that :ill :k! Ministers would rontesi th c ai Elecl ion in iii< ii mstituen- iiur- B itlthoi 'ht-ir
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 8 1 HISTORIC HUE: A city in ruins Pn«e Two
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    • 355 2 U\^IIIM.|UN lll< \nicrn .in support for Ihr war rlTort in \irtn.tni bra sh.iiph ilrspitisii |ipt-il up Communist imililk iipinton p. s||.,U.-.l l«<l.l> Ihe I mils Harris >iii *«j 1. .vii.l thai M P«-r real •>> \ lurk tin- 1 1
      Reuter  -  355 words
    • 44 2 CAIOON, rues The c;uvJ eminent today banned France trnrii South iin's .ii r space h regular WTVtcc l«> f'nmbodia and ChlrMk, and thr bar I Inter- Air Boutri Viet- nanwac i n^ r.ictits tiom Pan^ 10 Siianchai via Phnom Penh.
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    • 860 2 The 'Berlin of Vietnam' fights for life From BRUCE PIGOTT: Hue, Tuesday |MPEKIAL Hue, monument to 2.000 years of Vietnamese civilisation, is being pounded to pieces and today was reported facing a breakdown of public order and health. An officially estimated 30,000 refugees are
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    • 58 2 li\r in w^i ii ii try nlileli K the liieuest pur\eyor of \iolence in the world \\r spend SO hillinn dollars on de-friu-e .ii (I spend a pittance here and there for social uplift mrnt Ihis natinli is he.ulmK tim.irds its own spiritual^ doom. is Mwl p»«.-* i:■ \r:
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    • 130 2 ]\FW OKI. III. Turs The body of the Jan Sanch prt-sidi-nl. Mr Itrrn l)a\;il I p.irlh\a\ .1. was cremated here >esier«la> while shops and businesses MM Northern India closed in mourning for ihe m\ster> h of the Hindu leader Police are t ontinuinu
      Reuter  -  130 words
    • 261 3 I ondon. Tims. Ceylon-born Einilc Savundra. on trial for alleged insurance swindles. said in court yesterday h<had acted as agent for certain foreign countries In large commercial transactions. ■lud<*d oil lor Conun China and the sale of Id he tie
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    • 818 3 Johnson defends Vietnam policy LBJ:NO MUNICH IN SOUTH EAST ASIA... yyA sin ngton. Tues. President Johnson said last night he had gone as far as any decent and honourable person could go in offering to negotiate a settlement of the Vietnam
      Reuter  -  818 words
    • 221 3 Officer talked of killing Nasser, court told CAIRO. Tuesday. A N Egyptian officer suggested shooting down President Nasser as he flew to the Arab summit conference in Khartoum last August, a special tribunal was told today Major Ahmed Abu Nar and Capt. Mn hummed Fa' illah were appearing with 52
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    • 61 3 Br:- Integration with Br.t.i,!] rather idependence, a Q iincnf >man .said today M: ..Hi) leader Beychellw Part>. said '.lie ed Independence. "Tin- n ill if lie caniM' tnjoy »nj more freedom under indcnendente than he now ejijoy-. Mr. Mancham .^id ■»!r vfancham is
      UPI  -  61 words
    • 19 3 ACCRA I ie Ghana is in laff In for Economic Allan s E N Omaboe annouiuru !■<■
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    • 65 3 ■i>ON. Tur.v V. central banken bmcUim in ■l.iv n aired to rrnrv rredii facilities worth US* 1 000 million to supporl .s'.eiline. Mir of Enci.tnd am i uni i■! today. The facilities were nrranged in lunr iS66 Hlirn sterling \\»>- uncirr pnewre .<nd were reft*
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    • 26 3 JAKARTA. luf.s. A ompHny of Indonesia s Army spinal forces troop.s has been withdrawn from West Borneo where antl-Communlst operations were reported nearinn completion.
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    • 119 3 ROME, Tues. A threeday strike hv hospital doctors hit Italy yesterday as meningitis outbreaks were reported in in. m cities. The 20.000 doctors are demanding payment of their fell wage*, blocked hv the failure of heavilyiiitlehteil semi-state health insurance firms, to settle their accounts
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    • 137 3 YEW DELHI. TIMS. a1 About 80 Opposition members ol the I n dian parliament walked out on the President. Dr. Zakir Husain. today when he Inaugurated the new session of parliament. They came from all the leftist groups except th* Praja Soci.Ui.s! and
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 208 2 M v^^ilßS^Ear mM You haven't heard the half of Whafs Going On in Australia You'll find so much in Australia to surprise you. The awesome Australian outback. Snowtields bigger than those in Switzerland. Ginger-golden beaches. osmopolitan nightlife. In a whole string of cities. 47 years of Hying people have taught
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    • 4 2 £2Si v gi si
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

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    • 15 3 LATEST SELECTIONS Benares Come soon! Our expert ffik^~ftF 86 HIGH STREIT bINGAPORI 6. I J
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    • 374 3 ANOTHER RECORD! ANOTHER STRIDE FORWARD! ANOTHER S5O MILLION! M't.'x Mal.i\ h e\presve t heir nnlidelli ibx takiiu M( IS hfp aSSMStUMC Pulu i< s t.. Hi. \alur of S.-il.iSB.!ii.-, in 1 7 Ihis is another re ..i,| i.,r the M« l>: Ihis i^ .uiother tiant stride farwati f"r tke IS!
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  • 837 4 NEW CANDIDATES NAMED FOR GENERAL ELECTION SINGAPORE. Tu*s r ]MIK People's Action Party today named lour more of their 17 new candidates for llir coming General Election two Nanyang University graduates, a graduate from the University of Malaya, and a technician working with
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  • 170 4 T«ODAY S Educational TV tor I schools on Channel 8 Is as I follows: 7.50 a in. -B. ln a.m.. General Science. Sec J Cells and Tissues: R. 30-8 .50. Geography iClu Per 1 Climate and Tempera- tun; 9.05-9.35. Mathematics. Sec 1 Factorial lun. 9. Ji-
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  • 100 4 QINGAPORE. Tucs. The Chin- ese Chamber of Commerce today received nine more donations totalling $161,000 to the National Defence Fund, bringing the total of donations or pledged donations to $381,000. Three of today's donations came direct to the Chamber from Shaw Brothers Ltd. ($100,000), Khong Guan Flour
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  • 41 4 SLNOAPORE. Tues The Adull Education Boaid today announced that registration is open to those who wi.Mi to enrol for the board's two-month course in orchid cultivation I 'ull 1)0 held every Moniav from 7 15 to 8.45 p m
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  • 238 4 SINGAPORE, Tuesday. T«HE Workers' Party will make closer ties between x Malaysia and Singapore one of the main issues In the coming elections. According to a party .spoKfsman today, it would advocate an early re-uni-fication between the two nations. The party would also advocate a firmer neutral
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  • 86 4 40 women for cooking contest SINUAPOKE. Tw Forty women will take p;irt in the second cooking competition organised by Radio and TV Singapura at the Singapore Badminton Hall In Guillemaid on Feb. 25. Their recipes in each for Malay. Indian and Western food were chosen from 911 submitted
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  • 62 4 SINGAPORE. rues The Adult Education Board Is organising new courses in Jaw I writing at Stage I and Stage II levels, each of three months duration. Lessons will be held the Catholic High School at 7 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays for Stage I. beginning on
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  • 47 4 SINGAPORE. Tues. The Singapore Mu&lc Teachers' Association will hold It.-i seventh students' workshop an Informal recital by piano, violin, cello and siiißine pupils at the Cultural Centre on Friday Admission Is free nn application to the secretary. Mr. Choo H»ee Urn. M :"i742
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  • 170 4 SINGAPORE. Tuesday. MORE than 400.000 of the 500.000 $1 tickets In tho mammoth donation draw of Festival 68 have been distributed for sale. This was disclosed by the vice-chairman ol the ticket committee, Mr Kheng Chin Hock, when hr- opened ;i cultural show of the
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  • 21 4 SINGAPORE Tue* The Hnaids Choral Socletv will present a concert on Friday and Saturday 17 at the Victoria Theatre
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  • 76 4 SINGAPORE. Tues— The Society for the Prevention ol Cruelty to Animals Is ttlll wiiting (or the Government to offfr them a Miitablp' that they ran shift from thenOrchard Road prct: Thr 20-year-old oi^ai has been asked to u'Ut to gi\c way to tne Government s city development
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 337 4 1968 S FIRST LADIES ONLY PREVIEW! CATHAY: SUN.. 18tb FEB.. at 8.45 A.M. ADMISSION $100 A $2.00 No Free List PLANS NOW OPEN CASH BOOKINGS ONLY OE GRCNW4LD >*"\ STRANGER^HqUSEA§L A nAbV//S wb p «i >•! Ik i »tbJlw/ j iMASON-CHAPUNypARIN «S^^^| FREE TO THOSE ATTENDING! 1 AVON Lipstick by
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    • 290 4 Oreanised by V» MENs CLUB of SINGAPORE Beta Chapter' SOUTH EAST ASIAN CHARITY PREMIERE Lj| RcDuoin o« SngapTc INCHE YUSOF BIN ISHAK \Xr I IJ IIO Spok TONIGHT at 8.30 P.M. V I B] The Most Beautiful Love Story Ever Set To Music! I "\M TOMORROW wdn^^H H^H Doily J
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    • 353 4 [gATHAY bVS^QD^BCD^XSbh^^mJ LAST DAY' Mm. 1 JO 400 630 9 JOpn, TRAVEL WITH A SWORD Betu with Odcon I Polo "SAVAGE PAMPAS' Nov. jno».no' IA C T DA > 1 iO. 4. 6.J0 130 4 t 9 IS p» M&v b "The M ORCHARD A PAL- I The Power" NOW
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  • 17 5 M Kh.i.' terday itim built in the ScrrniIn Km. a Pilnii anil
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  • 11 5 HU rrERWORTH. Tur !'ir.,ii K«cbll, in about. seven m'.r
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  • 168 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Tuesda t okmer riai..:c at the Eastern Cabarot here, Sariali bint? Mohamed Ithnln, IT. described to a magistrate's court here today bow three men took turns to molest hei at a house in Kampong Dato Kramat. She wa.s testify! .1 bin Haji
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  • 21 5 KIM I.M iv. !IM OTPI). hPir ChiPf Orrn r to Hi' Pallet Gollpct ;n K u,u,i Kubu Huhru
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  • 251 5 Blessing in disguise THE BENEFIT OF QUICKER PULL-OUT FROM SPORE gINGAPORE, Tues. The accelerated withdrawal oi British troops from Singapore may prove to be a blessing in disguise, the executive director oi the Council on World Tensions, AsiaPacific Division. Professor J. C. Daruvala. said today. Prof. Daruvala. who is here
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  • 216 5 FILLING THE ECONOMIC GAP— BY A BRITON SINGAPORE. Tuesday. I'HE president "i the United Kingdom Manu--1 (mcturers Representatives Association m Singapore, Mr. Leonard Rayner, today said there were enough Indications here to show that British commerce and industry would play Its part in doinu what It could to lill the
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  • 109 5 More aid for Vietnam refugees CINGAHOKK. TuM TIM South Vietnamese con sulate-ceneral haj received ni'trp donation* ol money and dothlnj !>>r Vlei namese refugeea ir^ni ■choolj and dun t;d)ip organlaationa bare rday, 45 caaei of clothing and ihoei w«tp flown to Baigon to b»» din trtbutpcl among war victims. Another
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  • 74 5 Xi hi mi'li: nw I nlster ol Traniport, l in (ion b:n Jutair. .sa:d t'Hiav I li.ti Iv -ini-i- a ((•n\mirpe could Ik Xl lip i" '"<>k into the lity i>f .i km ing the nx raiUem on rar» brioßßi'Vi doctors, tlirif hi<! ix" a
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  • 178 5 Vandals bring a wave of gloom to S'pore Tues. A wave of vandalism has struck the city outskirts, causing I rust rat inu black-outs in rural homes. Over the last three months, about Td plaithave been hit. in every ease, II was tin 1 result ol either tlm<> swltchM, overhead
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  • 117 5 eiNOAPOKK lues The J Deputy Prime >lini>trr s niliii- is in the about a Matajrataa rlaim that thr Siiuaporo <,<>\ rrnmrnl has turnrH (Ikwii applications for work permits for U Mala\si.<n rrcruits of Mjl.ivm.i Sinitaporc Airlines The statemeni was
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  • 52 5 It K ANSI >N I ur- Mr p,i pi I i g ii 'i mint'(PlrbratM hit fiOth biithtiav y«tt«rd i W S3 70i threr chibi .>nd fix iiehoi .<riM in lc. 'ik lason .f IM)« iiiiri :i (an tans to 2f>o needy r» opl pri :<>r 1
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  • 23 5 PENANO i k Dmno he* 111 thr SViiaim BOOtli arr» l« to lautirh a rarcpaign '.i pnjsci 'Mr party hue* it-
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  • 153 5 Jurong is progress symbol, says envoy SINGAPORE. Tuts. The Swedish Ambassador. Count Axel Lewentaaupt, tod a y praJaed the Jurong industrial complex as "a living monument of development and projjress" of Binnapore. He said i«v« full marks io the Oovernmeni for Its foresight in plan ning the complex, .^nci th"magnificent"
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 184 5 JUST o^^ <\ I ARRIVED L f AMERICAN WOOL/SHEER I FIBREGLASS CURTAIN :J_ MATERIAL 'yW' 2t With these outstlndmg teltwes 2> I Litest vineties Danish Designs I r 9) Wide wife cileuis J >» ■•ailahle enl* it Metiatei c W^^ chase .hi customei 'c r\. t O^ W /S» l
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous

  • 346 6 SINGAPORE Tues. A lawyer lit M H Brash, told the High Court today that he waa one ol the tv 0 attesting witni sacs to t lie will ol a wealthy Singapore pawnbroker. Wotlg Yitiii S:< who died more than a decade ago led
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  • 315 6 COURT TOLD HOW THE DRAFT WAS DRAWN UP prool 1 i i< will ni executed at '!:c Thiam Slew home uf Mr Saturday than two monttu I tore Wong's (ie:i!h It was stated. Tin court ruled aga Mr Wee'- applli that the plaintiffs be allowed to begin their lo
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  • 216 6 SINGAPORE, Tins Mr. Dennis Wheatlev. best selling Kritish writer of thrillers, now in Singapore gathering tacts said today: "I have in. plans right now to write a book on Singapore. "But if i ,-i-ilc to di. M, I Mill have the material
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  • 79 6 MR. LEE KUAN lIW bein«r mobbed at the Chettiar'« temple in Singapore, where be joined Hindus to celebrate Thaipusam en Monday nicnt It was like this all the way as the Prime Minister, smiling happily, went round the temple in Tank Road to greet festival
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  • 260 6 Toh: No Cyprus, Vietnam type dilemma SINGAPORL. Tues Till. Depuh rnnir Minister. Dr. Toh Inn live, lasl nielli called on Ihe people to ensure thai ;i Vietnam <»i ;i Cyprus type of situation would never develop in Singa|M>re. In Vietnam, Vietnamese were fighting Vietnam "because ot differences ol Ideology, and
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 314 6 Special Holiday Offer 1 591 95 1 s a^B I I ■■month I <%J iJ 1 iperb I I hay av m V MITSUBISHI l| Day and Night Service. 11l /I M.&E.NATHAN LTD. 11 27 29 ORCHARD ROAD Tel: ***** and *****. r hi ofer applies, while stocks in Singapore
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 105 6 Mrlt trtiry f/ ih,. stt r 1,, tl ,ld fCT4 B uen. |PERMA S vou'oi foßASwis^uu >W^\ \OR HOT COFFEE WITH Al DROPS FOR YOU [SERVED*, like TD join rye SANOwicm? W*T PIECE OF APPLE PIE? r#7 \hn<r Ufo g oftpp0 ftpp S~~. /TmAKjK /VO'HAS^ r NATCHERLYr-TH'^— s A &<*.
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  • 912 7  -  MARGARET MILLER DANCING TEACHER, UNDERWATER PHOTOGRAPHER, MECHANIC IN THE HEDGES by author of 'The Rise of the Russian Consumer ANEW official attitude has developed in Russia to private enterprise. It has long been known that small, privately run enterprises have proliferated in
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  • 427 7  -  M. S. DABKE oy GREATER attention to tourism has become argent In India for at least four reasons First, in spite of sizeable increase in tourism the world over, the benefit accruing to India has been meagre, lor instance, in IMS
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 149 7 Welcome aboard welcome abroad with PETER STUYVESAIMT Pan Am to Paris. Swissair to Tokyo. Tomorrow Copenhagen kor Capri. This is the world of Peter Stuyvesant youngest of the world brands. Rich choice tobaccos. Miracle Filter. King Size. Wherever you go so much more to enjoy! The f y\ International r>i
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  • 12 8 M Wardt Sli i muummm) AND ALAN COMI TMt TAMILV OF
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  • 10 8 </. f if < ■MMaaJ VINC MEMORY ,.f Mr <• K
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  • 19 8 ■I. Hi Minimum) III FURS OF CANADA oallHANDMADE PURE WOOL ALI NOW ON »l .s j«>r» <taa t
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  • 17 8 5( Win. Bom U tit. tMtrm HIRE A CAR in MWi (rcjii. mm, Ni
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  • 637 8 The Straits Times. Wednesday, February 14. 1968 Problems Of Education lobata in tlie Mala;.m..i. Parliament on this ducotioß eattaMtea has d imiiintimiji thm Froblcms ti Mtit>d ti> r*i'»'i»-»' attesitioai in tnverae»o to their in Tli«" highest problem of all nv;.s hardly touched upon. This is the problem of adaVrviag
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  • 358 8 President Johnson's appeal to the Sowiat Union (or consultntions on how to limit the BMCtaar arms race me«n. thHt. despite Vietnam, the PaaMa and ..(her distraction; the Basrah R<>f>s on for a practical accord on armament.* control. Tht- problem has narrowed down to rertric'iin;. .it i»-Hw in thf
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  • 171 8 I«o c\ iHoin-e has been pub-lu-1 distloscfl to support tlii-iha-vti- that nx-mbers nf th« federal Rawwa Unit in PenMkJ Imv« behavea in an "unrulj BMMMr snd "misuaad" ihfii authomy. But (be bo ira at the i-omplamt tin Kawipong Makam and Lorong Kulit goodwill eoasmakci it unlikelthnt th;» matt*-!
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  • 301 8 New laws to halt the noises that annoy Letters MANY complaints have been made recently by members of the public about noise nuisance. A recent one from Alfred H. K. Wong <ST. Feb. I), was about nuisance caused by the playing of electronic musical instruments, in particular, of electric guitars
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  • 166 8 'I'HF. Incident involving the Minister of Finance could easily have ended In tragedy and I wLsh to suggest that the might very well have been due to carbon dioxide accumulation and lack of oxygen rather than to carbon monoxide
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  • 522 8  -  YUNUS MARIS LESSON 155 in a new series by (ILOSNARY Mtniup iv) to blow, dn pr. article "to fan", "to stimulate") wmancat (n» .spirit, soul; PF.RpaduAN im solidarity ifrom: "padu" "solid'i; lapisAN in) level, layer: sendi mi Joint, hinge cornerstone, (or: "foundation"); KKkarhauAN IB) disturbance; PK.nvrrtaAN (n.) participation
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  • 801 8  -  STUART GRIFFIN by SEOUL THE TIGER. THE WHITE HORSE. AND A FIERCE PROWESS IN THE FIELD BURNISH THE NATIONAL IMAGE ABROAD SOUTH Koreas fighting men both infantry and marines are in most Asian eyes, enhancing their homeland's national image abroad, not least in South Vietnam.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 240 8 Classified advrrtiseiaests for Straits Times A Malay Mail may be handed to: COID iTOSACt SUPIR-MAUKfT COLD i* -A&l BftANCMfS CITY BOOK ITOKI LTD.. Quor. THI NIWS KIONT ■or kef. I.MAIt.. Novel Boie. Pc UvmoJ Koed, MY I CO.. rfur. Muuav« 4 mos ltd. ..i.jooo fißrdcn Smgaoerr 19 uNAMArDAKASAM 1 CO.
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    • 78 8 SAFETY lIHS'T! is OuQIC'l l\»lic>. IViaiiM- it is the Ix-st in tlaa ond. Ix-t it hv J our ixilicy tfx)! BANK HTTH OVERSEAS HINKSE BANKING COWN. I TI). rhe STRONGEST and LARGEST BANK in MALAYSIA and SINGAPORE The Bank for All-Big and Small AUTHORISED CAPITAL $100,000,000/PAID UP CAPITAL: 30.000,000/GENEkAL RESERVE
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    • 177 8 why do %S3HS* AIR CONDITIONERS RANGE IN COOLING CAPACITY FROM 8,500 TOJBTJOO B.T. ITS Hr? 1 i »»»ali~~~^Br To ensure that you have the unit exactly suited to your requirements that you do not pay for mor*, or less, than you need The cooling requirements of any room depend on
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  • 312 9  -  S.F. YONG: By Kuala Lumpur Tuesday Assistant Minister ol National and Rural Development. Incht Sulaiman bin Bulon. who had an adjudicating order for bankruptcy against him annulled in the High Court yesterday, wants to see the Deputy Prime Minister, Tun Abdul Razak. "on
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  • 122 9 What the law in Britain and here says House of Comm Coir,;; reof until the adjud'.catijn annulled or he obtain! h:» discharge If the disqualification !.s not removed w:th:r months from the date of the order, the court Li required to certify the bankruptcy to the Speaker, whereupon the seat
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  • 184 9 Nurse: I didn't notice error on card I^OTA BHARU. Tues. A staff nurse said today did not notic? a discrepancy on a blood bottle label card which -howed that a pint of blood meant for another patient was transfused into Madame Catherine Mary Staff Nurse Chal How Ching said this
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  • 216 9 STALL OWNER GETS HIS WISH-A TRIP TO MECCA Xl \l II Ml TR lues. A coffee-stall owner from hi. in;; had his dearest wish <>f 11 years fulfilled today when he left by air with nine other Chinese Muslims on a five-week pilgrimage to Mecca. Inche Kassim CfcMfr trip has
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  • 41 9 IPOH TUM Mr l.m CtM Hock h.i- in t-ri r< e> ted man of ihe Ipoh branch of tne r>mocratu- Action Put] with Inrhf ButOOg bin Mat Serah I vice-chairman Thp seri>tarv v I Mr. Mark T^wm Fnn B
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  • 160 9 OFFSHORE MINING FIRM SAYS 'YES' TO JOINT VENTURE IPOH. Tues. ConJ sic Rio Tinio. the mttrnationally known mining i- v m i which has been ottered prospect iim rights off the shores of Penan".. Perak and Selun^or. have agreed to the formation of a joint venture company. Ttaii ture ™mpany.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 84 9 "Why do you have to ask for m Schweppes?" "It's the Ju custom." vi "Oh!" m SCHWEPPESMANSHIP-THE SIMPLE ART OF BEING A GOOD MIXER 160]* DONALD MOORE CONCERTS LTD. In order to deal smoothly with the heavy demand for tickets for THE AUSTRALIAN BALLET performances on Feb. 20th 23rd at
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    • 157 9 a HP k rW* V I jo* fsw m^jtr w^F^ A //■t-aB 111 6 x Zooming Range The Latest And Greatest THIS IS THE YASHICA SUPER SOE 1 iitcTMomc It it the latest and most advanced model in a long line of successful mmi» cameras by this world-famous manufacturer. Compare
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 673 9 5 „-..,m mm~^^^m^^B TV MALAYSIA < HV.NNLI. i Kuala l.umpur children; 700 Newi In ttlgCuth; <nd ren*ng; 6 Ipoh .tnd 710 Komenutr worid evenu: Malarra; 3 and 10 Johnre 735 The Samurai Follow Kaliru. I Huping; 7 JUtu i Thp Lraucr. 8.00 News in ManI'ahat. s Klii.iiil irU 810 Muzilt
      673 words

  • 350 10 Quality award for FRASER 61 Neave Ltd. franchise bottlers of 7Up in Singapore. East and West, Malaysia and Brunei have been informed by the 7Up Export Corporation. New York, that all of their seven bottling plants producting 7Up have been awarded the 7Up Quality Control Award for 1967 Moreover the
    350 words
  • 321 10  -  CHAN BONG SOO By PRODUCTION OF 360,000 DOZEN ANNUALLY LARGELY FOR LOCAL USE ANOTHER zip fastener factory went into operation in Singapore recently with an annual output of 360,000 dozen largely geared to local demand. The company, registered under the name uf Billion Zippers Manufacturing Co Ltd..
    321 words
  • 202 10 Big timber export possibilities TIMBER manufactured articles could become our ol the major export commodities of both Malaysia and Singapore within the next year or two Mr C Weakley. the technical adiliu on r\|x>r: sales for Wadkin Bursgrpen Ltd.. d H.lanri manu.acturers of w.nxiworking machines, said in Kuala Lumpur Mr
    202 words
  • 89 10 DS A Motor Cycles Ltd of Birmingham. Europe s largest manufacturer of motor cycles. Is to mount an Intensive sales promotion drive in Far Eastern countries taking In Singapore It Ls being launched by Mi Peter Glover, the company's asMstant general export sales manager, during a 19-day
    89 words
  • 158 10 New general manager for property company MR. H J Frank. F.F.S.. F.R.8.H.. MREV.A. (8» 1 above) has recently taken over from Mr Malcolm S Burrells, FR I C.S, F.l.Arb. as general manager of City Development* Ltd and Hi subsidiary. City Developments Finance and Investment Ltd. Mr Frank first came to
    158 words
  • 56 10 Froai Mardl 15 Thai Inter- i national will increase its opera- tlons Kuala Lumpur will be served four times urekly. the flight arming m Kuala Lumpur from Bangkok at 9 pm. on Tuesdays. v- Fr.dnys and days and re'uri. on Wednesdays, rhuradays, Saturdays and Sundays trom Kualn I.umpur
    56 words
  • 168 10 Graduate engineers for training in Japan HWEE Seng and Co. of Beach Rnad. Singapore has announced that It will shortly send two of Its graduate engineers to Japan for peel a 1 lse d training in the field of electronics. The two engineer-. »Ie Mr Philip Tan and Mr David
    168 words
  • 233 10 THE general manager of a well-known S:nuap< porter of build. ng materials. Koon Hoe &Co 111 Wl Lam. will leave (or a tour of manufartunnu countries next month Ml I.nn. who uill be a««v for alx'it a month, will visit Japan. Hong Konf. Taiwan and. If
    233 words
  • 240 10 MX. Peter 1.. I'icken. rerrnth appointed area manager South bast Asia lor ■■mcx to Singapore after three >ean> in the Middle hast. He has pre\i«iu>>lv xer>ed with U.iuUs in Australia, the I'nited Kingdom and Kuiope and I'.S.A. Mi I'K'krn joined QanUs in I'M', after service in
    240 words
  • 93 10 Mr p .1 n hi. (above) manaKlns partner of Vlpln Co h.i .rnt»d from ft round t tie world business tour. During his tt*y ;ii>road. Mr. of hit company in the United Canada, Europe, the Middle East and Japan. Hr also made a sunev of market
    93 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 257 10 service pointsvou' V cgs B A weighing machine is a sensitive piece of machinery. It needs regular service to keep it accurate. If your scales weigh overweight you lose money. If they weigh underweight, you lose customers. The services of A very trained technicians arc available in Singapore^^^^^^. Malaysia and
      257 words
    • 306 10 NOW ON SALE THROUGHOUT MALAYSIA > f asian *****8 ASIAN TEXTILE SURVEY 1967-68 ASIAN TEXTILE SURVEY: The only authoritative survey of the textile business in the Far East with complete information on proauction, raw materials and export markets. MARICAN SONS MALAYSIA) SDN BCRHAD J2l Joion Tuonku Abdul Rahman, PO Roi
      306 words

  • Article, Illustration
    46 11 MOTHER PLEADS FOR HELP FOR HER WOUNDED CHILD VIETNA MESE woman, holding her wounded child, appeals for help as she arrives at a first aid station in Hue. Fighting for control of the two square-mile ancient imperial citadel is still ragging. UPI radiophoto.
    UPI  -  46 words
  • 89 11 FRU behaviour: Goodwill men meet CPO PENANG rut idaj iatiun from the Kampong Mlik K jooduiii committee today of the unruly behaviour tain the Federal Rest ;•>■;• i" railed on lh* Police Omcer. Inche Rahman. and prpsented the views f the two i V, led with the outcome of our
    89 words
  • 109 11 MORE OLD BOMBS, SHELLS FOUND IN PENANG PE N A N I World War II Japanese bombs. ..j and sea-mines have been recovered in Penun^. Tlie bomb cl In underground tunnels by the Bomb Disposal of thr Royal Er.jlneers The on] I ig two tunnels In Sungei Dua. Last week
    109 words
  • 37 11 ma: Kota Poh. Vitner of AHKm Ck. Ml his P\-i birthday dlruier lirro lKllt pain'lng «raa pr» Yell Thii Pal Wtao I* al pre«e:it exhibiting hi* woilcs at MM Town Hall here
    37 words
  • 73 11 PENANG. I urs. Ihr list li.itih of pilcrims from>sj:i tliis yrar stalled on thr liner Ansiiun tor Mecca t<idav. aftrr rniisjns srnd-ofl at lenh.mi pin lure Illiur irnuil ol MPM liO*A ill In-red to bid thr 1 it.'O pilgrims a pr.urful voyage. Altogrthcr
    73 words
  • 133 11 |T was back to normal today at me vll] of Machang Bubuh. about 'hree milc.s tr ma Bukit Mrrtaiam town, where two group.s oi men da-li-ed over a game ol rIICC last Sunday Police have arre four ttupeeti in con fion with the incident In
    133 words
  • 168 11 It's still 'join the British Army and see the world' ONDON. Tues Bri*J tain today launched a campaign to recruit Army office; less than a month after announcing massive defence cuts to trim back its global roie. .\i. ad\ ment I leading national nen crs promi-rd potential offi errs that
    AP  -  168 words
  • 162 11 SARDON: MSA LOOKING FOR A SITE FOR TERMINAL KU ALA LUMPUR. M b A v iookini; for a suitable bite Mere to set up an airways terminal where air p;« mbark. or lollected. por' fan Sn Sardon. said n the Dew:.:- Ra'aAt todi- haji mm h\ku; hin h\m/Sh IPMIP H
    162 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 112 11 How do you plan for the future r\ m btntt-ts ranqt front crratinq ■MtNva ottitudct throu9h building 5 «l»-contidrnc« c f c i i tpcokmq ob'ltv, human r-lono"i ■Mh ond liadrr hip quolitir- ln» SINGAPORC PPEVIEW SESSION 6 00 P M TONIGHT 14 J 1961 instituti or s'jccfssfui u»oi»sm» KUALA
      112 words
    • 168 11 y j PELARGQNp!^N| the modern milk mothers trust E*- -^B F'clarijon in a niodcrn milk, formula for the excellent Jiecstihilit\ help hab\ grow well Grow St***" regular tcedinj; <>f babies. Urottf dam weight itfladil) and increase the xIA Made from fresh full-cream milk, pre-cookeil natural resistance to infection just a>
      168 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 55 11 Alley Oop By V.T. Hamlin V Y vC^ *'£~t- S'MCE 1M MOT VI -U- 1 '-^Jl^* *T I in'J \C C H hf BACK TO MOO .I'LL MArTA Tjlfe fUL"if//, AVIYMORE... FINP MYSELF A. wShT UP IM TH' I YEH ..rVEHEARPTHERE'S I '.J MOUNiTAIMS SOME UsTTERESTING J /iV MEBBE EM?
      55 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 287 12 mil < 1, .tin Page X ACKNOWLEDGMENTS MR ANO MRS. K KAILASAM i their wadding oa II family OF LATE Mr Chew Baa 188 rela SITUATIONS VACANT li Wmrdt <« I Mb. Box it BBs. txlrm FAMiI- rromre f.CNCRAL COOK AMAH .--t Lake. «1 BM OR MORE TEACHERS (PART TIME)
      287 words
    • 737 12 ACCOMMODATION VACANT W,, r d» \m i Mm B»x it rls -»fra FLAT AVAILABLE r m ManMon I long Lid FURNISHED ROOM n r-1.,' in MBi\ailahlr for* occu--1 iMtion Ring «4S«3S Spore. FURNISHEO FLAT in good location to share with another professional I couple. Ring Singapore ttllM HILLTOP- •itn
      737 words
    • 787 12 HOUSES AND LAND FOR SALE (4 H-arrfs St (Min.)— Box it rl: txlr, NEW 3-STOREY CORNER TerraM Houst No I Jalan Pa< hrh .off Scran soon Uardensi 4 nedrooma ser\anti guartcis mosaic Booi in* inrou^noui i J.iw) sq ii iraaMß] >acsni Baaaaaawn I'rit* S4u.O"U uo o Pbon< I nore SICLAP
      787 words
    • 873 12 TOURS AND EXCURSIONS IS Word* U 'Milt.)— Box it ct: txlrm I MALAY A 7-DAVS S9S Keparture -indav Monday. Cambodia a- days *3?-> 7 .1. II I. is 4 Nam Ho I ravel Ltd 13s Cro.«!> B Hire 72M3 BOOK NOW li" IM mi nmumiul in, lu>im lour Japan. Honx
      873 words
    • 980 12 VEHICLES FOR SALE li Word, S< Mm. \—Box it rfs. »rfra IM3 MERCEDES BENZ 11X11). Uood condition Nr» inMiranrr »:th radio. Irl 3WO2S. ,s „r,, .N,, l IMO VAUXHALL CRESTA JLatOOasUC unriitini, fi'.lNKl ono Trlepnonc HIM 1966 M 1100 f gso i' M IBM M I l I I' V
      980 words
    • 760 12 SHOPPING GUIDE (S pore) li Wars'* 5C Mm.)— Hox it rl'. txlrm HIFI STEREO t-iiuipmcnt*. «r»mo l.hon. ..|wrrnrnts Top discousil H. Nt A Co 'IW K.n-i RAJr Hrl.iar 8 i«r» I*l MMI. CALL AT FLOURISH Hair *W frortuits In L.ta V John Lrini- > ...Illes I'la.r. s port I*l
      760 words
    • 334 12 KERAJAAN KELANTAN JAWATAN KOSONC tooanS .I'lrt-Liii i danp.ida Warwa Nfgai PtiatkutUHii ba^l perlantekan k:ti.iurttan K.idi Pi mban man ißahaß 11 1 J Pcrtanuii Negerl it.i> tansnii gaj 1 $380x20-420 476x35--600 640x25-765 2. Cha!on2 mr.--ti-UI) berumor 18 tahon tetapi tidak crnap 24 tahon dan telal) E— ram Uga tabaa
      334 words
    • 91 12 I UfIBAI W Xii Ml I XI I XNt.l M|llll Mataa JataaM KENYATAAN PENUTUPAN i ri. 1968 untok iMiki di Jalankan merloh Jerantu 1 BIASISWA NhGtßi PtRLIS untok i 1 Edu-i-aii Mali 1111 PeiIKHJIHII 'A Pei in. merekaj lah cillengari I H|);ill d SI KI 1 1 K ■A NO
      91 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 1033 13 (0 LWBPOtL I. WEST COAST U >.. C-e bcc'i MU S>ai Patatj TANTAIUS G UtOt) SOB. 1* .tk 17 Ftk II 22 Ftk 2] F*TRR«US Mar 1 2 BtMaOMUS .Ttl F.I 24 Flk 2/ Fek W 2 MTtMiOON Fik 21 Mai 1 Mir 2/3 AENEAS Mai k OItMEB Mar i
      1,033 words
    • 1242 13 T//£\\H\3L/A/£S i-^Bi- I mi TnttU"' O««"»N- L-. IX'KESS SAIUHSS TO 6EHOA NORTH CONTINENTSCmHDIHAVI* ome 'HW PASAOtNA F C I 24 2k Ftl 27 71 Fll li I Air 1 A|r 13 Ar IS Akr II Air 21 MONGOLIA I < Mir 74 21 Mil 27 71 Mn 71 Ma> Ma»
      1,242 words
    • 1094 13 I BENULINE EXPRESS SERVICE TO LONDON LIVE HPQOL I CONTINENTAL PORTS BENDEARG Mai 21 >• 1 m mm J BENWYVIS Pt. Shi »i< :i Mar 3 S A|' 1 1 lENALUCIN 1 Mai t Mai I 10 Mar II lENVOKLICH .t, Ma, a 1/ Ma, il tl BENHOPE Mm, Mar
      1,094 words
    • 1105 13 BUCKNALL S.S. CO.. LTD. Lllllßf cur of si iitANS r nrft, sm 2W4 lllir I. It Frk 17 Fik CITT OF OUNOEE Un. k I Or I CITY OF HEREFORD III). Air SAILINGS FROM UNITED KINCOOM ANO Bj-AMtMNII PDtTlj CITT OF HEUEFORO 4 5' McAUSTER CO., LTD. Harrisons k. CROSFiild
      1,105 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1043 14 YV KAWASAKI KISEN KAISHA LTD. Western Australia Singapore Japan Service Spore Yo»»a f"a *"6' I T».a» Mara I Ffl IS If Fel 71 Fel 24 Fel rrl Tiyra Mara 1 1 i West Africa Singapore, Japan Service Snt*t To>otiaais fit Nellaat Ma-a Sailet tan 31 17 71 Fel 21 Fel
      1,043 words
    • 951 14 P&O to Europe and the United Kingdom s.s. -IBERIA" (30.000 torn (ullv •irconditiotie><t atobilnardl Departing SINGAPORE 29 Feb 1968 Arriving SOUTHAMPTON 29 Mar 1968 .ia Colombo. Ourbon. Copt Town. Dakar and Lisbon. FIRST TOURIST CLASS ACCOMMODATION AVAILABLE (tare* FIRST CLASS Singapore/UK rrom $2389 and TOURIST CLASS from $***** Apply to
      951 words
    • 831 14 Sintaoort S'riaaa "tnaap tU ETC EU/EIO »ROW tVSTBaII* VISNVI ItlTIN' Igt Mssrsa, Colombo I Calcutta »aB 15/11 Fil 17 Fel II rtom caicuti* SUli OF HUTCH" (or Jipjn Fel 15 II Ftl 17 II IROM (.iicuiu SUli OF BUIMI4I lot Ho«i| Kong t liv»n Mar 1/ 4 Mar J
      831 words
    • 1059 14 Straits tin price up i 50 cents in Penang DESPIIE an incrraM-d turn nln lilon clo <1 over and ovrrnißht fall in London the Straits tin U^'SSSSS price in Prnanc jrestcrdaj men »v other»m« faatun«;ls up 50 BCsatl Id ISM P«T picul on ■Uglitlj better Mip- urn «i>h no. i
      1,059 words

  • 818 15 From Our Market Correspondent IIfHEN full trading was »t resumed yesterday on Urn St-Kk K\< hange after the Thaipusatn holiday there was an all round improvement in industrial shires and in individual some of the gains were substantial. Ihi section was firm. \t the end
    818 words
  • 34 15 Malayan Stuck Indirro Feb. 11l trh I] industrials IMJ) 13H.91 lioprrtirs: 114.9:. lit IT. Minings: MM I7JI I Hul. hi i 102.41 III! II Dm- 29. 19«2 UMI Ore. 311, 1966 Intl
    34 words
  • 874 15 liUllNtss IN AND REPORTED lv LUMPUR TRADING ROOMS OF THE FXCMANGE VEBTERUAV TRADED IN BRACKETS: INDUSTRIALS: Ban anil a*. II ■-•'<• I < I 1. D. 11-'.'K*'' I < Ctnlral Sugar v I>. 1 I I •< CS. HoMingi it «< Ounlop «J >^L' I I
    874 words
  • 29 15 i.-h 1 IU PKICh: ccnt> (doun one-pichth ol a 1 cut 1 TIN PKK t 5.,;,«< (up 50 ccllls Estimated aftcrlM I'M) inn- (up .Ml tuns)
    29 words
  • 33 15 Oiret fictian.i miiMl in rtin. Kon« .'-im.|«i tttr U Otllar kti „iut-rt at until lor T.T. tati 04« lor ci»n. Illilmi IU guuixi *l It A3 »o1 on* ta«l at «•'<) 2sZt.
    33 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 69 15 YOUNG DYNAMIC PHARMACEUTICAL DETAILMAN Required by progressive firm to promote ond sell established ond new quality pharmaceuticals. Please apply Box A 3762. ST., K.L. I UMNO HOTEL IN Xl ALA U MPIK INVI US AFPI.IC ANTS H)K THK POST Or LADY HOUSEKEEPER Only person* with the fnllnuine quahfiration* need ipplv:
      69 words
    • 783 15 SALE NOriCK IS HEREBY OIVaW that the Federal Flour Mills Limited iTferred to herealtcr m.<. the CompHiiy ot PO Box 141 Port Swettenham air prepared to r»> cpi\c tender* lor the pun ha si "l r,04 tmis vi wheat, now lying at their godown at Port Swettenham Ihi' condiUoni ol
      783 words
    • 803 15 AUSTRAL AMALGAMATED TIN BERHAD ilm oi piiratrri in Mala<«n. NOTICE OK DIVIDEND NOTICE Is hereby si\en or idend. the fortieth of twenty cents iM. 20 cts i per Stock less Malayan Income Tax at 4<> has been declared due and parabhi OH Friday. 22nd March 19fifl at the registered
      803 words
    • 715 15 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS STATE OF BRUNEI Vacancies in the Department of Agriculture Application* are Invited from suitably qualified candidate* to fill the following vacancies In 'he Department of Agriculture. Brunei (8) SENIOR VETERINARY ASSISTANT: Ql ALIFKATIOW <a> Candidates preferably h». i ween 30 and 40 years of ag», must Imve pas.^ed
      715 words
    • 637 15 I'l MALAYSIA-SINGAPORE AIRLINES LIMITED Maloysia-Smgopore Airhnrs. which empl^.s somp 3,300 staff in offu 15 ninior inter national cit;es of the world, invites applicc from experienced top alibra ienkM r for the position of DEPUTY GENERAL MANAGER (DESIGNATE) This appointment is bcinq recitr*; the administration oi thp Compan\ m anticipation of
      637 words

    • Article, Illustration
      416 16 POLICE USE TEAR GAS ON VIOLENT FANS J^INGSTON. Tues. Police used teai qus against rioting spectators at the Second Test between the West Indies and England at Sabina Park here yesterday. The lan.x Invaded the pitch, throwing ho; tics, and riot police wore called In, After 20 minutes,
      416 words
    • 91 16 MCC 'no' to extra time offer KINO6TOM L«tUa mmttmtm el the En*i«ti«i cricket t«ur imbi. in ncai nWM that MCC hud rejected a West In- minute* m the Second i Bir ilw Wr*i Indian Board lie autli•inic rould \v ;>: tlthej -i.n re- d i' Thr MfC (!<■ f.ilc.wrd an
      Reuter  -  91 words
    • 406 16 i/INGSTON. TUes. West Indies fought back yesterday to avoid an innings defeat after a riot-torn fourth days play in the second cricket Test here against Eneland. Needing 2:13 In their sec<>nd Innings to make Ehklaiui bat again West Indies wrre 258 for five wicked :»t the ckxc
      Reuter  -  406 words
    • 67 16 d J76; W< II :<■- U3 and :.SB-ft \M^I |\l»ll--181-11 or sal Nurs*- 7j( t aataebe 2^ Kanhai C Ednch Jones 3<i Hutiher c Parks b Ivetra 2-, I ii'Mi b Brown Siilwr«. out 4g llolfnrd not out 14 K\tra, 30 Tout i fo.- Bvktaj Wkts fell at 102.
      67 words
    • 169 16 FIGHTING LAST INNINGS BY SIMPSON StDWaT* Bobby sunpton cock ckua rnckei caret r t Prflay with a liKh: :i) L L'O out able to south Walea from crushing <\Mr Sheffield Shield 'natch against Western Australia. W. -'crn Australia won by an Inning* and 101 :u.i> with a day to spare
      Reuter  -  169 words
    • 97 16 Worst-looking pitch Weekcs KINOBTON lur ton Weekta, ■■nagw of the West Indies cricket team. the Babina Park pttco ;i- absoUite'v tpnifying alter lookins at it me start of the fourth d play in the second Test yesterday It BUM im- thr worvt lookInc pi..h 1 have rvrr seen
      Reuter  -  97 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 692 16 SS&^PSi 3£Z INTERRUPTION OF mkkafobf < rrv < ot Nia ELECTRICITY SUPPLY D»B» sl l i;i sum k pply v red in n-enlenc, \\l I XI K<>K Af (in.f l Mini, i.i on ;ANAN ml.h i' I lilltirs Hoard. ■eagagaee. (fsso) ESSO STANDARD MALAYA BERHAD iimlr* appllrjtion« for |nnts i.f
      692 words
    • 652 16 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS UNIVERSITY OF MALAYA faculty .if t.i.nomi. s and \dministr»li..n AppUcatkNU are havHed foi le, in thr following fleldv Appttcanu should have at least a H ..s degree wuh -unabl* ling or tesearch experience i l. Aeeaaatkas: Analleanti should Ball] hive a Masters Dewtee in either Conunen t km
      652 words
    • 661 16 NOTICES QUTHRIES SALES MANAGER Due to internal anaaottea *c huw a vacancy UK a Bales Malinger in OUT Area Building DejiarTmen! Su 'llu.s is a senior appointment (■liulaal ii'h tvnctlons would et> i i ei.-iiir the .;.i ieiu anri prol ii hit- opei'rftion "1 our BuilUn Jlllll.Vf ,l!iii S.II iii.
      661 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 278 16 Straits Times Crossword MMM 0 The figure of a phoney lord 1 Bounds like baoy-rlntlies Mr. lln Cleorge Brown i** ill). 12. Educational centre for the A pseudn-Romaneftque piece bnurgeolMe <«. S). 10 ThX'v^T indulge In It *25 «!fftt VT* akai I 8 hesrtle«ly i 3. 7». b(lrk fe nX
      278 words

    • 220 17  - Olympics Still a chance for Spore hockey XI ERNEST FRIDA «> £HAJ HON YOONG, the Snigapore hockey captain, saiG yesterday that there wai still a chance that Singapore would be allowed to play In the Olympic Games tournament at Mexico City In October. Hon Yoong, who returned with the national
      220 words
    • 92 17 "APAN S national soccer cliani•j and tercia\ ;n prena: lor their matih at Merdeka tomoi i (kaek-ofl p m i I «ho arrived in UIBPUI on Monciav e\en- •■:»> ensaiied st Merdrka Stadium uhllc Selanso: ;al trmntns ground at R"ad A!;e: match the Japanese will travel to
      92 words
    • 197 17  -  MANSOOR RAHMAN Hv YEW CHE.NG HOE, the Malaysian No. 2. will join the rest of the Thomas Cup team to the AllEngland badminton championships in London on Mar 20-23. This was announced in Kuala Lumpur yesterday by Teh Gin Sooi, secretary of the
      197 words
    • Article, Illustration
      359 17 TITONI. the University of ■UlgapofC cam. won the first liitrr-iinlvprsiry-rollejjp b iwling chamnion.ship at Jjcki^'* Bowl. Singapore Jackte'l .a.«r week: Intrr-VarsiM oitrtf <c mpleteili 1 Titoni i3»-IT-."5!T24 2 Hi Pash n •'.■;-19-bL > 327. 3 MOM :.4-J2-***** i Monday Blu«-t: 1 Gala Rows '4-0-2510 2 Happy Bowtefl '3-1-2528> 3
      359 words
    • 395 17 Sports Pools told: Get more punters T»HE F.A. of Malaysia 1 are urjjinß Sports Pools (M» Ltd to make a greater effort to recruit more Dunters to make the pools a profitable business. "It has oeen hard work to establish the Pools and the response has been only fair," writes
      395 words
    • 52 17 |>AXIS ijf.s More than halt ot France's population over iis don't know that the Winter Olympic Games are takniß place in Grenoble, according to a public opinion poll publisher, here ye.stcrday. The poll also reveal that one in every three Frenchmen Is not Interested In the
      52 words
    • 193 17 No 'Open' Games, declares Brundage riRENOBLE, Tues— Avery Brundage. prescient of the International Olympir Committee, said in an interview with the BBC here last night that the lOC would not tolerate "Open Olympics. ■The Games would be flntah»*d if we mat thrm open to r\erybody. \\r >a.d Ming that the
      Reuter  -  193 words
    • 157 17  -  EPSOM JEEP By major issi'E, promoted recently to the top class after winning three races In a row. appeared to be maintaining his best form in a gallop at Kuala Lumpur yesterday morning. Ridden by apprenti.-e Rahwi Matrenl, Major Is-iif strode out stylishly nin 42,
      157 words
    • 39 17 i in by Fill Ysmacl. t<>d.i prices for horses th' heir. biood.^' dicat* paid i nnce 0! AJ3O.OOU t«o-\rar-old I The fllly is by Matnce turn Pomp. by thr from Eui la a lutal of A 575.500.
      39 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 284 17 Efficiency=profitability Automate your office with ADDO-X creasmgly draw upon the latest aids I ■.-*&ss&" lo routine efficiency. Office automa- I *?W^^^^^^Wk rr w tion. as it is offered by ADDO-X. brings IW "X- j»«j! to the modern office a system of con- I 0 rN"""""""! V rrol and handling unrivalled
      284 words
    • 335 17 it's built in aaaT *3 C? f^^ m venience SHARP has devised a functional BUILT-iN take home a SHARP anytime. 5 out of 10 TV owners have already made their choice. Ask our dealers. Only SHARP TV are equipped with NUVISTOR electron tubes to reproduce vivid and sharp images, catching
      335 words

  • 11 18 I I- in and THE REMAIN. i i; k C
    11 words
  • 39 18 LNGAPOR*. lues The Industrial Arbitration Court hearing into a dispute tjf.uec. tne btngapore Bank Employee. 1 Union and the Four mmumcatlons Bank Ltd u\er promotion procedure .mi] retrenchment sratulty has been .cd from f>b 16 to Feb lit
    39 words
  • 43 18 lAPORI I ins There •Aiil lie no water t onion ou [ran i M a in. to 3 p.m. a leu-.; Lim rhu Kmng Hoaa ifrom 18 U) -i. Ms i. Jdlan Ra■rtlan Perahu. Jalan Ha--41 Jalan June and Jalan Kapal
    43 words
  • 313 18  - 'Another Vietcong attack on Khe Sanh soon ELIZABETH WONG By Xl Al I.IMPI K. Tuts The lii>l VirtnamcMcivilians tv come Inn sini'c the S.iigon lighting feel the VicUonc will attack Khe .Sanh within tun mcfca "if thry arc *«riou> about rapturing it." The uc.tiher then- now doc* mil fa our
    313 words
  • 71 18 SINGAPORE. 1 irs The Adult Education Board, in conjunction with the German EmI bassy. k omaaMni a new .se::r o! jo-lesbon German lanui.ine (our.sei for beginners, at the Ranles' Girls' Primaiy School. One com will be held on Frlda\.\ at 7 p.m.. beginning this week; the second
    71 words
  • 44 18 SINGAPORE rues. The Adult Education Board. In conjunction with the Library Association of Singapore and the National Library, is Mfgntoing six-week course on How to library." starting on i t. from 7 pm. to 8 pm Ht the Raffles Girls Primary School.
    44 words
  • 96 18 SINGAPORE. Tui.v The Quci n.stuvni Women's Association will ImlcJ a talcntlnic competition at the National Theatre on April 27 Procci'd.s of the .show will |O to the National Defence Fund, and to finance the Association's varlou.s activities. Prises for the contest. sponsored by Sheng
    96 words
  • 143 18 Lord Casey, wife in air drama over Sydney SYDNEY. Tucs. The Australian Governor General. Lord Casey and Lady Casey were involved in an air drama over Sydney today. The Royal Australian Air force Viscount in which they were travelling irom Canberra to Sydney touched down with all Sydney Airport's emergency
    Reuter  -  143 words
  • 53 18 SINGAPORE. TVm Tlie i A<iult Education 80.-mi li or- Kankinp an cii;ht-«eek course I in ■•Portiiut Painting lor be-m-incrs ;uid tbOM wlio lia\e mm baric knowledcc of drawing naintine portraits The course will be held every Sunday from in am to lnxui at the n.-nttv
    53 words
  • 12 18 SINGAPORE. lues Thru were 80 accidents yesteiday None was lata!
    12 words
  • 22 18 sini,- radio mentProblems and Pronpecti on Thu t audltoriuin of Radio 81l Hill A' 10-weel from the Aci Board. Cultural
    22 words
  • 270 18 LONDON. Turv Thr London -to<k m;<rkei closed quicily nrm Industrials showed eaih mlna, .i It hough, some piorit-takiiiK uas evident Closing middle prices of selected ■tocki not liu-ludiru stamp duty were: < .11 I I I" .Ml L-unsnl 2> £35-7 16 Fundims 4' £97 War
    270 words
  • 59 18 LONDON. Tues S|*>t I6>td.. Mar 16',d. Apr if, .d May lfi- 16d. Apr. June lfi-9 ifid .lulv Sepi !7-l ISd.. O t Tiv lT'.d 'mi Var 17 ,d .Am June 17 ci July Sep! 18-1 Ifid Orl DX 18'ifl.. Jan Mar 18 \d Apr. Junr 18.d cl f Feb
    59 words
  • 33 18 lONDON Tup> Eiivp-s t::ilH l r-C9>, sellers llllt i £i. Parwnrd buyers £1315 i unch.inerd HOrn £1317 l+Cl». Settlemeni C 1320 i £1. Turnover m 285 tons. pm. 420 tons Tone Inartiw
    33 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 93 18 Late CLASSIFIEDS'] 20 ivords $15 (minimum) Ttie r W BfwllE.^^ ELECTRIC W t-ias no mainspring The driving torce ii this tiny energy cell >^^' > It gives steady electric power and steao. •lactnc accuracy) costs $2 bO and provides full energy for more than one year (guaranteed). 18K gold plated
      93 words
      79 words