The Straits Times, 13 February 1968

Total Pages: 18
1 18 The Straits Times
  • 25 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 150,000 The Straits Times. The Niitinnal Newsqnper Kstd. 1845 TIESDAY. FEBRI'AKY 13. I%R 15 CENTS KDN 3104: M.C (P) 0014
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  • 418 1 SAIGON. Monday AN UNEASY calm has settled XX over South Vietnam after almost two weeks of bloody fighting during an unprecedented effort by the Vietcong. Thr guerillas attacked Bien Hoa air base n. jon, killing one American and wounding 20, earlj yesterday. But during the day and
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  • 64 1 II()\(.. KONG. Mull A nan r< r 'he Call i OrganUatlon to--1.1.1 i(I rep tt> that it mmld nm 1 8* »-nii Bhan Bra H Kong'a biggrsi film producer The denial followed H< iir K<i!)'_: tv v. N').ip»Y reportti, quoting Bha« Br< s chlel \!r Hun Run
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  • 50 1 Solidarity concert KUALA LUMPUR Mon A Mi.uiiiii'iih ■oUdarrttj ronrcrl win iw iirid .i. cm Stadium ii a i> ir. tin Wednesday Solidarity Week Among 'Mr vi!'- attending will !><■ i Mr Y»n^ di-rertiiaii Agonn Mir Raja Ptraalaurt Tengku At>.i il i{*hni<in. CHbnii-i MlnUten ii (t neuters o! i tic diplomatic
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  • 28 1 CAIRO. Mm rtirw riavn \i- iv<i equipped «::n arrived In Alexandria rdaj Mir new* paprr A| Aliaram rrportcd toll Mkj thr third »a> mipplv v lui>
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  • 655 1  - The day Tun Tan was knocked out in his car... JOHN OWEN-DAVIES By J^UAI.A LUMPUR, Mon. The Minister of Finance, Tun Tan Sicw Sin, his wile and tour other people were treated for suspected carbon monoxide poisoning yesterday alter a trip. Tun Tan was unconscious for about IS minutes, but
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  • 31 1 UKENOBLE (France). Mon. The Y< nicni Republic has issued a Winter Olympics stamp made oi fine sold and priced at about £7. Games officials reported here. Renter.
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  • 299 1 Americans cross Hue river SAIGON, Monday. IT.S Marines moved across the Perfume Rivei in assault boats and attacked Vietcong Forces holding Hue's century-old 'Forbidden City' today. The Marines Joined elements of tlio South Vietnamese Ist Division which has been trying for two week* to dislodge Communists inside the former
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  • 209 1 Thai Reds Kill six, wound 20 troops in ambushes DANOKOK, Mon. 13 Thai Cominnnist terrorists killed six Government troops :i!id wounded 20 others In a series of ambushes in the past \vc( k. in: H. .in, Minister Maraha] Tiianom Kitt.kachoru. el., closed this ''>!;<■, •i < n bis summary of
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  • 44 1 lOHURI BAHRU. M ■re looking foi v. iiii 133 MM !n.m Ihe ii.iii. di (i vdinig I rh'qu* pur- <mi canted b) "in imik mtv. igr-t. t<, en !i t p moi i I h Clirqur w.»s latrr [ound K.rK«'d
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  • 232 1 Bankrupt junior Minister pays off his debt in full KUALA I MPUR. M The of N md Rural Development Inche BulalIII.. i: o.i .{i; w tn.uii Ip >h High Court month, today I Judlcat n urd-: ami nl iri here. Mr Justice Raja Azian sn.iii also rescinded the rr(•".viiiK ir.nry
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  • 100 1 2 airfields near Hanoi bombed CAIGON Mon. U.S. \ir Force Affhi bombers, using pinpoint radar bombing techniques, r a n r e d (i« ep into North yesterday to strike two Commu Ids above Hanoi. Air I urce l t Phanl Kep airfield nurth Yen H:m alrl n.i!. rth west
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  • 21 1 VELI-JOBDAV BORDER CLASH BFIRI'T. Mon Israeli- Jordanian border fUhtlnf again flared up today for third straight day Page 2).
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 111 1 MITSUBISHI A REFRIGERATORS FANS RADIO TELEVISION ■MM •A«Dll**f>« Bl IflBV KO. ITD. Bfl V* X '"j i v <1 A I a^LaHssa^l^: fr F TIJUtB^Y C&fc^^^tlj—— ELECTRIC has no mainspring The driving force is this tiny energy cell neiuoi urn). It gives stead, electric power and stead, •lectrtc accuracy) •OSt;
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    • 66 1 i No obstacle to peace talks, says Pravda A call to use nuclear tactical weapons SEE PAGE THREE For Maximum Performance use PHILIPS BATTERIES ONLY 11 The new Philips batteries PHI LIPS* were designed by the team ■LDaBBBBBaBBaS aW of scientists that designed the power cells for US space \rt'W!
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    • 67 2 CALL FOR WORLD ACTION TO AI D POOR COUNTRIES a DEI HI, Ma Coma .lmisM Dinv&h Singh, lent vi the United Nation- ConI .tut and lopmeol < Uitflad i now meeting here, for reml International aitioii to help developing count lunih' the r»l India Co-operation ut the kind of supervision
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    • 44 2 V\ SIIINOTON, lion ilted states is 11.-Vi bon which ap- •>• ai detecting missile attack than the proent .i: I) warning !ir l)e- Ml N.ui -;«t»nicn; to ilit ed MIVIIM •n hud v-rltMl or an i-mlrt m»- "i^r;*- IteuMr,
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    • 101 2 Very serious, says Sihanouk I 4 vim*.' ]>HNOM PENH. Mon. Prince Sihanouk said yesterday the Communist rebellion In Batambang Province had beconu' 'very serious The Communists were [orcing families In the pro,n Western r.imbodla on the Thai lrontier. to (•o underground lur them. He said 40 lamili' > .s were
      AP  -  101 words
    • 42 2 Alt HA MOI II IC rixhermen io droi »*ihor* 400 lh tiinip magtal ta im .>(T I**;. tli nf^r hfr»riif natMnncn i tin giant ■>*» r.>nunß *«hor» to lav rsß* when M »»i« rrnnn'-'l lw" '»i Reiner
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    • 126 2 Hong Kong fire horror: 18 dead and eight hurt UOM, K()\<,. Mon Nine women and two children were among IK people killed earl] toda> l>y one of tin- <olon> s worst fire disasKrs in rrii'iit \f.u> lirrmi-n with 17 fire-eiimiu-s battled for an hour t<< control the bla/e. which broke
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    • 424 2 DRIVE TO START THIS WEEK Call for ru; Inunlgi LONDON. Monday. IJEMBEKS of Britain's Conservative Opposition Party this week will intensify a campaign to .urtail the influx of coloured immigrants from the Commonwealth into Britain. Prime Minister Mr. Harold Wilson's administration will
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    • 160 2 YEW YORK, Mon. 11 About 6,000 city dustmen are working overtime on the Herculean task of collecting 100.000 tons of rotting garbage that piled up during their nine-day strike. The pay strike by the eltys 10.000 sanitation employees ended on Saturday night when Governor
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    • 215 2 Tanks used in new River Jordan clash XEL AVIV, M»n raeli and Jordanian forcev using tanks, artillery .«nd mortars foucht from morning to dusk across the Kiver Jordan y«*>lcr<l.».\ Back side accused the other of starting the rxphaage, which flared into a s*»rie% of fierc* enK.menients stretching fur some fill
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    • 25 2 CAMBRIIKiE iMftkSaChUMttS), Mmc Umr i(Ki Harvurd. Radrlifle and Bwim unlversitf studer' <'ui-cla\ fast yes erdav tcalnrt United SUtw .nvol\fmenf In the Vietnam war.
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    • 116 3 'LET'S USE TACTICAL N-WEAPONBS RATHER THAN SUFFER A DEFEAT' UUNICH, Mon. A iTI United States Congressman called on the Johnson Administration yesterday to use tactical nuclear in Vietnam rather than Buffer a dtMfftrou Mr ■nombor or tho H 4n Ailairs Committee, told repi here: "I would i the vi weapons
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    • 23 3 S-EAST ASIA IS 'KEY PRIZE" ire. There h I stitute for the I out of World War II the b. ichlnery ;n)wer and
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    • 167 3 Heath:Red pressure on Europe if us loses in Vietnam I ONOON, Mon— The A Cwnservsthrc opposition leader. .Mr Edward Heath, said yesterday thai an American defeat in Vietnam would evt-n--tuallv he followed by 1 ommunist pressure in Knrope. 'It is not for us iiist i ijiicst ion of a small
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    • 12 3 earthy, JohnAdmlnistration was anythii. m." ::didate. i without idure Hru-
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    • 211 3 WASHINGTON. Mo. \l said last T1 night thai use ol ar weapons in tlv.- Vietnam war would lun.i istrous to Ameri In il I Mr any a! temp* tlllHouse d a rep i meni last Prepeful. implying that the US military
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    • 91 3 VDELAIDE. Mon. A skydiver attcniptinß what wa.s believed to be Australia's lint parascuba dive drowned yesterday when he plunged into Hip m a from an altitude of 3.400 feet His wilt' and laniilv ol tour mere m the large crowd watching George* Chaplin. 45 make
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    • 51 3 Fault— so plane turns back LONDON MOO A Beimu-Ua-I) und VC-10 km airliner of Bntish O'er en AiiAav.s Co;poratMa lurried back today an hour af'Pi leaving i ond'-n due to .it electrical fault I" .i i i «rrc dilnvrf) three before iransferrim; to a B"eii;fc: 707 to resume the Journey—
      AP  -  51 words
    • 174 3 LONDON, .Mon. liritain Mould be a nonnurlear poxwr hv 11*71 accordinu to (•n\ci npient plans. l; I'iik her of the Dailj Express reported tadaj The Gctvenuneat's k" il was the abolition i.l all tai tiral niuleai eapana under inden-inlent Bii-ti-li
      AP  -  174 words
    • 260 3 Pravda: No obstacle to Vietnam talks MOSCOW, Monday. I^HE party newspaper Pravada said today there are no obstacles whatever for the United States entering Vietnam peace talks if it seriously wants this. An editorial said the road to peace lay not through escalation of the war and "senseless" bombings. "The
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    • 237 3 Arms for Yard men in hunt for terror gang— I ONDON. Mon. lj Scotland Yard took the rare step of arming detectives last night in a murder investigation involving a gang that has terrorised parts of London for 12 months. Officers were seeking the four men who chased 22--year-old Terence
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    • 40 3 COPENHAGEN. Mon Five crew wore killed wlipm I Danish Air Korec NSCUe helicopter crashed off the coast of southern Jutland After a night-lung mrcb rescuers found the bodies of the crew near the -*re k Reuirr.
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    • 123 3 Out looking for a new job WORCESTER i England i. Mon.— The 11th Earl of Coventry got the word yesterday: He's fired. Lord Coven* ry family motto "Cai.didly and Constantly" was told that along with 40 fellow workers ho is being declared redundant
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 113 2 ftgHßl^^^^^^^Bß Bs^^ssW^ sflßw t wilS^E^B^slßß^B^^Bß^BßwKsL\ la^^Muß jKlSfcS^B Slfl!^jiWfBLv*\ tli:iM 'B IP i- >' >>>v^^ V BlVs^LwM sl B^Bffa^Bßß S^BBT B m ■At .^H. *OTs^f*f '^*^aBaVvJPHII swaTsW w* M£^k ■TLgaJMiMf jj^ JHjfl J&BM SB ffif .BHBBnDBB^LsS^B V II skY 11/ swHSfiß r^Sm Pw|^i JMjrifl nßmS^a^at Lm m' ava GET THE TASTE
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    • 146 2 Many of the strongest reasons for using Tampax tampons are "no" reasons No belts No pins No pads No odour No chafing No irritation No telltale bulges No embarrassment No carrying problems No disposal problems No need to remove when taking a bath No one can know; nothing can show
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 36 2 TUE GAMBOLS /PONT TELL ME I o°^ r^^ MJU OOUGUT JUST^ 1 1 ->. VMUAT WJ WAHTeOj (BY JUe TeiU WUAk}T AT A PRICE V/WOW did vOt/ Sr < 9 LtA v IN V OUC EV6») lAFFQgg>^ ~J^^^>
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  • 158 4 JIIVB YLAR OLD lan 1 Thiam Hock (what a mouthful) isn't going to share his succulent strawberries with any une. Not p\fn with Mr. R Van Vttet, District Manager of Air New Zealand in Singapore, who waits hopefully with mouth open for a tiny hit
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  • 264 4 SINGAPORE, Monday. AT a recital in the Victoria Theatre a handful of coneertgoers heard the Australian pianist Vitalia Boursouk in a difficult but satisfying programme Aii arrangement by Bu■oni, a famnu.-' and teacher who died in 1924. of Bach unaccompanied violin work the 'Chaconne in
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  • 73 4 FIRE RAZES HOME OF FAMILY OF 10 SINGAPORE. Mun A tamily of 12 wa.> made homeless yesterday morning alter a 3 am fire of undetermined origin razed their attap-and-zmc hou.^c In Lorong Vlaha. Sembawang. They escaped injury, out all their belongings and dicument.s were destroyed They are now staying with
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  • 54 4 SlNti APORt. Mon tour donations totalling $283 04 ha\c been received by the Str.iit* I'ime> fc»r the National Defence I mid They camr from: The Principal, staff and pupils of Presbyterian Boys School iP.M section) S105; Mrs Tan-Kok Poh Lee $100; Dunearn Sec. Technical School Civics and
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  • 27 4 SINGAPORE. Mon One free paper lantern will be presented to earli child usltinjj the Festivnl id U— Olios tutiht at t tie Gay World Stadium
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  • 250 4 Burmah 69 -xd 1 44 Bhell 55 3 in '1 Ultramar 51 10", +.3 TINS Ampat 7/Aver Hltam 18 -xd Gopenn 31 3 S Hongkong 36 Kamunting 12 -xd KilliiiKhall 35 London Tin 18 9 Malayan 27- PahanK 10 Pengknlen 10'- PeUling 10 1
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  • Article, Illustration
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  • 680 4 SINGAPORE. Mon. (SEVENTEEN new faces will be among those contesting the coming General Elections as Peoples Action Party candidates. A PAP Political Bureau statement, announcing this today, said they had been chosen with a view to making the new Parliament not merely a "talk-shop" but also a
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  • 71 4 LONDON, Mon epot 16' id March 16 5 IM. April 16 7/16 d. May 16 9 16d April June 16 9 lfid July Sept 17 1 16 d Oct Dec. 17'jd Jan March 17-, d. April/ June 17 15 16d.. July Sept 18'» d Oct Dec 18>«d.. Jan Mar
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  • 32 4 LONDON Mon Buyers £1316 (—£4 1. sellers £1318 (—£3). Forward buyers £1315 i £2>?>. sellers £1316 <— £2). Settlement £1319 £s) Turnover am 305 tons. p.m. 31S tnnk Tone: Steady but quiet
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 32 4 PRINCE'S 280. ORCHARD ROAD presents the REYNETTES family show M 1 Recording Artistes) i& m *&3M Completely Performing Nightly between 10 p.m. 2 a.m. Reservation: Telephone: ***** or *****. No Parking Problem.
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    • 175 4 SOUTH EAST ASIAN CHARITY PREMIERE V^Jf v Republic o» Singapore INCH! YUSOF BIN ISHAK wlv I (Singapore) a *^W^P^ circle a back stalls a •■W .JBHBjPkV, 3 Sho-» 130 SIS 145 ■■■■■K MP' CIRCLE S4 STALLS S2 50 4 SI SO The Most Beautiful Love Story Ever Set To
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    • 422 4 f©NH4U 3 ORGANISATION ai tt m m^—*''*"™" Lo«t 2 Da>> II 14S 4 30-9 1S THE BOLJ ONES TOMORROW 830 pm nilllll.l D c jVoKiH Rcj. c CAMELOT I SEASON FROM THURSDAY' Doily 3 »ho«\ 1 30. JIS, 845 $4, SO S' SO— No frtt Litt m •1 NOW SHOWING'
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  • 58 5 Reserve Unit raids hide-out, detains 32 youths |"Hore BAHRU, lion J Thirty -two ained for questioning when quad from the F< d< raided the hospital barracks here last night. ir in known uid underworld marijuana Thf R ind a igland »tj I hprr he :i2 i for quesftle !>• arrr-
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  • 7 5 IFOH M I
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  • 8 5 cation \r trw o! thf unlvm-nty
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  • 169 5  - Police, troops tour trouble centres CHEAH SEONG PAIK: By Penang. Monday |> 'i.K'K. reinforced by men of the Ist Malaysian Rangers, rushed to Bukit Meri \< sterday afternoon following a dispute between two groups of men at Jalan Machang Boboh. about three miles from Bukit Mortajam town. red in c
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  • 96 5 Foiled: A $7,000 theft bid |^l \l II MPI K M..n I wn tx'lit I'lllen pomii p<l mi t hrpp Mispc( led t lne\ e» .il ;o ,i m i's terri.iy in .lalan mi mv hrre and re«-ovrre,| I7.MC wort h of ilipsel ermine liarls .uid ;i ,ir ihp thieves
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  • 13 5 ALOR STAR Man Kfdal. meet at 'he Balai B^sar on Mjmh
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  • 210 5 FRU men accused of unruliness PENANG, Monday TWO goodwill committees, at a joint meeting last night, decided to appoint a delegation to the Chiet Police Officer, Inche Salleh Abdul Rahman, and present the grievances of local residents against members of the Federal Reserve Unit More than 200 people had earlier
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  • 167 5 A small Cabinet reshuffle, Tengku confirms 1/ UA LA LUMPUR, Mon. Te n -j k v Abdul Rahman said today that there would be a slight reshuffle in the Cabinet which was most likely to take place after his visit to Jakarta early next month. H said nr..N whpii it
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  • 89 5 PENANG MAN WINS MANILA DIPLOMA VIANILA, Mon Mr Eu- gene rank Bellran opcome the flr>t Malaysian t'> madu.i'p lr'un the Mapu.i Institute of Technology hprc niwd 1v one oi ihp beat enginecTinß Institutes in \>ia. Mr Bfltran. 20 who ipi •■:\pd a diploma in mechanical engineering unir h.-rp fivp
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  • 24 5 MiiH BTAR, Men lii.r- n n rn.i.ii hotue>n \\\r j;iitlp<l t«O vimx] and Htt.ip bouMt Tunw. near here jre •riernuon N
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  • 188 5 Man from canada to study S'pore housing till Din-'. ;!iii)"'. tarn OIMiAPORK Ifi A C Mntaporran, lecturer In a Canadian university, has n-turiiPd home to undertake a research project on thp Rppublic'v housing and urban developments for the Canada Council, a ■f nearch nisatlon. Dr Tan K>. Chiang, 30, tasiitant
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 158 5 We go for London in a big way. mmm I II Bll«t ISaflaV m I I f dtn x a WfnJ^mK m f&. '->- il l^^ft 3B FiveVCIO flights a week. At the moment, BOAC has 3 VCIO flights a week to Europe. But because the VCIO is so popular,
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 146 5 Mh'tl <>»P tiff Y.T. mmmlim I MY aOO>JESS,t3IRLS I v^— ~<CN PONT WORRvI I WEVFB Turx irur TT> ccc I 1 IHrli irtirtf Ihfsl<r 1.,n,1,l *^^^^^SBS£H HT j have NO I r we're loaded witw 1 "Ai_L YOU WAVE I S A THIS LATER MODEL SPfcCE if FOOD OK YOUR
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    • 559 6 HK ALSO COMPLAINS OF TOO MUCH DUPLICATION OF EXPENSIVE EQUIPMENT K An •.< hei ii ii bin 1 1 •hp hint -tied Ighhi p tnd .u.-e this rector 120 uoo the Mb oklnf tai "The people ihould bp n d
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    • 375 6 CHILDRENS IN EAST MALASIA NOT SO FORTUNATE HOUSE TOLD did i. Mlo\' Bar Ui tNier oi Eo v nued vhere be left oi: before Hie Hou.-e adioun.ed I ami *;ii!..^ otuoi^m nl tli» iim education would have to be He »poke Ol tv I r prrieni pollC] ol K.\ .Tin
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    • 252 6 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon Ml le\t Books Bureau of the Ministry >. education i s looking into the possibility of enabling poor school children to bin text hooks at lower Prices, the \s»i* Minister of KdiN ation. Mr Siok Few. told the
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 88 6 ■a*»l^*^y*»*i aY gW •^gsaa I^^Bl.:^, Hkflj JBM JS-'**" ti "*'H '^^.V^BbH vbk iF^ mF' iia^g^gß^gP^'i^^B jiaBIBBgBBBDbSI Hki **tkh -Jl Jbbbl bbb^bbWl {^bbbbl bbbJH ~^gVJ "5"-* 111 P"v ARDLt YART EY llw y~Si4Ui£ J\ W^^ W I //*//c/t' I i^m. irtjjj}f* I NEW POMADE AND TIQUE BY YARDLEY It's new. It's
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  • 1087 7  - Americans fight the invasion of privacy JOE HAGGERTY FROM DRINKING HABITS AND DIVORCE TO SALARIES AND SECRETS by NEW YORK ARE you a heavy drinker at home? Do you and your wife get along well? It would seem that these questions and others like them involve personal matters and are
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  • 578 7  - THE TRUTH AT LAST ABOUT HYENAS AND THE LIONS DAVID CREFFIELD: by Dar-Es-S<ilnnm IT looks as if the hyena has been most maligned animal in the world, and that the lion has only dubious claims to be a noble king of beasts. This has been disrmir ed by scientists in
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 117 7 M^^f __^«*mffaknW i* J^Bm >^^ tSBK^r Only ONE tonic food drink has been OFFICIALLY appointed for the OLYMPIC GAMES in MEXICO in 1968" A WP> BK& HT^ m^B? gam LABH m I 1 if? B B Wi gW J 1 M Jaw fSt Wk N^ "I^^ i^ppp So, here in
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  • 10 8 ■i. Himmnm) < MHILY OF RIMMd rrrr-av* IHC FAMILY OF
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  • 20 8 fl> < Minimum, NtNDIACI CCNUINI BARGAIN* sTs Thin. rin* O TIONt lALC lUH 10 A M. TOOAY «n lIFMANII >'OURIEI
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  • 10 8 I r i» n. nrtra MIRE A iAH
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  • 483 8 The Straits Times Tuesday, February 13. 1968 U Thant In Moscow Communist Party n> v B]M pel Pi ire no obstacles Ul Vietna ,!,, of the \v;.r i1 ing -f American aacalOutaide Communist frontiers it is difficult to ...lion. The America nly are preparing to defend themsflv.v at Kh<- Bank
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  • 325 8 points >>f interest have emerged from the recent seminar on science education organised by the Science Teachers Association of Singapore. They have a special relevance at a time when development and security art becoming increasingly sciencebaaad and demand on the Republic's scientific and] technological resourcea can be expected
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  • 218 8 Tin' readinesi of imivamaj-tu-s in CommonwesJth countto tjik" in Malaysian students h^s been a gr^at help m narrowing th»- gap beIwcen t>>«- number of highlytrrfinul professional \ien the i country m^-ds Hn<i the number who can !>*■ trained locally Warnings hn<i lonjj been given, however, by the three
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  • Letters
    • 260 8 I REFER to Mr C K. Wong's letter "Pedestrians" <s. T. Feb :s>, I agree with the writer wholeheartedly that the flow of traffic at New Bridge Road and south Bridge Road was considerably ea.sed since the one wav traffic system was introduced. Our
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    • 104 8 i I the Solidarity Hally A neld at the Berembaa Town Hall on Feb. 8, I said that our ultimate goal was "satu negara. tatu bangs.! dan satu baiiaj 1 was caret ul to explain In English that i was Using ihe word "bangs*" ta extended sense
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    • 477 8 MORE than 12 weeks have passed since the devaluation ol sterling and yet many local booksellers still charge lor books produced in Br at the old rates ol 4H 45 and 17-aOets. to a shilling for hardbacks and nauerbacks respectively. Books continue to arrive
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    • 165 8 FLOODING in Bultit F Tlmah Valley has been a matter of deep concern In P.W.D. for a long time. In order to elleviate flooding in the area, :i diversion canal is being cut to divert about one-third of the run-off from :ho Bukit Timah Catchment through a
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  • 846 8  - The man who is digging the Vietcong out of Saigon house by house JAMES PRINGLE South Vietnam's police chief 'a complex guy with many pluses and minuses* by Reuters correspondent in SAIGON GENERAL Nguyen Ngoc Loan, the ruthless chief of South Vietnam's National Police, is "a complex guy with many
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 156 8 I Cbwififd aJvertiMßtflrti far Strait* Time* MaUy Mail may be handed to: r-r> ironAor ufiiMArtfr Qa*j COID ITORACi BRANCHIS ■eaa !.roßi ltd. •orinf, >-■-»», Novol Kam. -OKI, hcngl Rood, inasamv A CO, *.> Se«*tor. laWI 4 RROS. LTD, .Mt'IAKASAM 1 CO. I 17. >A A WAMA». XII CHfOSG SVCL Spo»»
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    • 161 8 TME MOST POPULAR HIGH I ""1 CLASS RESIDENTIAL AREA Lm^x HOLLAND GARDEN 6«• Holland Rood, Singapore. jfli -t (Near Holland Grove Rd SHOW HOUSE READY FOR f\ ->'— J INSPECTION 1 2-STORIY, 4 BEDROOMS, SEMI- /,< DETACHED. I US*\ "T^TT Complete wtffci k Parqu*t #tc. y^^' y VERY LOW DOWN
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  • 45 9 Capital's youngest devotee IJL i- mi) t«ur But 11 K suiuiar. with a skewrr through his tongue w;«s the "rool evt k.iv.uii arryiai de\«.tee K.tlti a\<-v linn pur. w here thousand* of people tlir»m;iil I lit niplt i<. I I Mraiu Tmiis pit lure.
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  • 104 9 $600 and a lesson for man who lost all I/UALA LUMPUR, Mon Every cloud has, Inch) bin J a I a r who wounded and robbed of his life recently, found to and w -"h indage. be job c when hv was told il of i "hong, ca and pa
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  • 279 9 PENANG, Monday BROTHER and siste w ere among the hundreds of Hindu devotees from al parts of North Malaya who made their annual Thai pusam pilgrimage to the Waterfall Temple today. Carrying kavadis from various temples in the city they walked ihrough several miles of
    Ng Weng Chee  -  279 words
  • 52 9 BE* The e<n\ed «^.S frctn two anonymous donors and fin fran Soo Jin for Chev Yenw Mov who netin medical attention in the United SUKs to oilier funds: Yn Wane fund— R HaSl Harun binte Ibrahim and Madam Mariamah funds. Two dor at ions of
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  • 36 9 MIAK M'>n A mobi> unit I mil /.sit Pant .law a and Muar D for lour days to provide X-rar to the public. The Fawa from i I N and Muar on Feb. n.
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  • 102 9 SINGAPORE Mon Mm, women and children today participated in the lone .iiinual proti-.ssnui ol k. .t .till I ii riers the Mghlicht <•( J'hitipusam. Hundreds of de\olcrx gathered at the I' Temple in Si'r.ingnun Road from here the protfssion.s startt-d 1 In > carried the
    102 words
  • 29 9 SITHWAN. Mon Kor »bu«lng Dr A N Mnorthv at hi clinic here on Sept 9. Koh Sue>> I^-h 4. of Ay< r Tawar. »«> fined tl. here
    29 words
  • 229 9 SARAH'S HARMONY AN EXAMPLE, SAYS TUN MUSTAPHA TAWAU. Monday. -THE Sabah Chief Minister, Tun Mustapha bin 1 Data Harun. hopes that Malaysia will be like Sabah where there is complete harmony and understanding among thp races. He said that this National Solidarity Week Is of "great significance" to Sabah in
    229 words
  • 19 9 i. oe K !v 'n Dl Mvi Kuan i ft Tn.'i Toe lc Chi Dl
    19 words
  • 32 9 iH< AS B \H.".r M n rhe a woman i 50 to 60 yrnr.s w»s tourni lli>«tinc •l 'hf Strait* oi Tehran, opposite the court house .;cp have ruled out
    32 words
  • 55 9 Xl AL.A LUMPUR, Moil TtM Buddlu-s; M; s'.onary boat hold a irtiiu.r-liniit procrs. irlebriitr Clinn CJi»h Mch .it Buddhist trmplr. Jalan Bfrhala. Biukneld.s here tomorrow at 7 P.m. The celebration is held in ennlunctlon with the Fu'.l Moon service sponsored lointh by the Sasana Abhiwurdhi Wardhan.i Society
    55 words
  • 48 9 SEREMBAN Mo-i Netjrl Eembilan's State Secretary, lii< he Mansoor Din Zelnal. «as presorted with t«o awn ce:ti:iraie of meiit fr( m :hc headquarters and an entMawd plague [ran the *eiemb;m JtyMM for Ml servUes and ■Mtttanw to the orcan at dinner on Samiday mglit
    48 words
  • 15 9 PENANG Man German dtss«6 will be started ■-.ere in May by tba Mal«yau-O«rman
    15 words
  • 109 9 Three in robbery case win appeal KUALA LUMPUR. Mon rbree jrouths, bar,:: Singh. M Savarin and P. Arumut t. id.! succi ssl pealt'd in the Federal Court against com;, and sentence in a robbery case. Sarjit Singh. 20 was under sentence of five jail and six itroki the rotan. and
    109 words
  • 61 9 Man freed on pistol charge KUALA LU.V Ang Eiiu K was •.:i'd by i!.' plitol ;i' :ui unnumbered house in PuchoriK mi Aug last j Mr D. R Seen:-. vsaKam, dofrnrimp. submitted that mere knowledge of the exist- pistol did not control. Ann wai al&o not .m occu- house but
    61 words
  • 18 9 PBfAMO. Mon —The Panin Ex-Police Association U to a&k the Government for higher pensions.
    18 words
  • 191 9 ANOTHER ANTI GANG MAX ATTACKED WITH PARANG STICKS I/UALA LUMPUR, Mon. Thugs attacked Mr. Leong Chee Yeen, 46. a member of the Chan Sow Lin Road Anti-Gangster Goodwill Association :t. it v. nd attack on member of ;uiti-«;ings-•hre« Her. 1 tn the General H"-pHal here with a stab wound nach
    191 words
  • 12 9 KUAJ T •nen' dooav mcdi- n n Belfleld.
    12 words
  • 26 9 Moo Pro- will .:k on rhe Cnmmon- East A*:». Defence Pact" new Lecture Th£jtre 3. rn;\er.M'v of S:nc<pore, at 815 pm. on Wednesday
    26 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 95 9 Nivico if HHii SIGN OF QUALITY AND fWHRHHiI TECHNICAL ADVANCEMENT X/a lm%y\ fa- buuii i V mSs." law S T>w Po D<e <*adO Pmwrtd mv. ou'eui tr> 4'if ov«j l<Rw/af I «♦•">•' »QU«C>«<) lon* control lurang nvKror and craKk kgM V ■fi'v'^^ Jw J V < *'l >non A^ adaptor
      95 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 544 9 TV MALAYSIA RADIO SINGAPURA (HWMi I Koali i ,iM,|inr -.-n. 7 3?) HMKTWAVI >JK\ici 4iid IVnmj; H I|m.m rvi Dntna n Solidarity: 8 Nni lid «nd M mftre- Euph' v (.00 Malarra; 3 .uid Jnhnre in VI .irUnn. 8.10 Four Friend*. MtlUI'M H \VK SERVICI 101 A Kim t I
      544 words

    • 436 10 OUR MUCH TRAVELLED POCKET VENUS" FOR a girl who has travelled much and loves living in and out of suitcases planning a travel wardrobe comes naturally. And that's why Miss Singapore International 1967, Angela Attias is able to make up her mind quickly on
      436 words
    • 275 10 yEENAGERS who Iron A their flowing lockfl to make them straight can pal mother* ironing board away The big word in hair lashion this yea: i> CURL.S froa big (at sausage curia to tiny tight nr.nicurls. And that holds true in wigs
      275 words
    • 201 10 11 \l( II out. all >oti Vf males in turtlcnecks. The fashion that's creeping up is the Nehru, or as it is variously called, the .Mao or the (iuru or the Punjab. The jacket that goes h\ .ill these names .mil threatens to squeeze the
      201 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 151 10 A L. B Low cut back stnys low C.!- 1 stretch st-dp wont D c- I nt ,;>i)ori iiHturally always stays in twist nr curl support securely for |v UOfl HAS LASTING STRETCH THAT WONT WASH OUT! The Playtex Living Bra is the bra that fits like new even
      151 words
    • 146 10 Aavertisemeni Urmkle.l NtJCfcl Smoother If your throat ts rough. J wrinkled and old looking i I let me suggest you apply i a delightful lotlon-llke i substance you can get at any Ist class depart- i mental stores, dlspen- i saries or cosmetic stores > it s called 2nd Debut
      146 words
    • 690 10 Advertisement A complexion forever Young and Beautiful k Mnrycirct Merril i S **P^l^B Beauty Skin Care Consultant Can there be anything pressurized to .-Ink down n woman values to the vital depth where m re highly than a com- it will assist nature with plexion that is per- j the
      690 words

  • Article, Illustration
    273 11 'NOT A DOUBT ABOUT ABILITY OF MALAYSIA, SINGAPORE TO LOOK AFTER THEMSELVES 5 WASHINGTON, Monday Harold Wilson said \esterday he had "no doubt at all" about the ability oi Malaysia and Singato look after themselves after the withdrawal of British forces by 1971. In a nationally televised interview
    UPI  -  273 words
  • 70 11 Around the world Helen has another mission J JuM Australia 1968. will arrive on Sund. chaperon. Mr- i be entertained Singapore by Qai '<rd Motor A Brii and keeti will atevot twr therlng t lie work of the ment and tr >pa>".r children After '.our day- In t: publu- M
    70 words
  • 103 11 SINGAPORE. Mon. The J Minister for Labour. Mr. Jek Yeun Thong, last night called on workers in Singapore to put the Interest! of the nation before those of their union. He was speaking at a dinner given by the Nhtlonal Iron and Steel Mills Ltd. for
    103 words
  • 258 11 No decision yet by New Zealand and Australia WELLINGTON, Monday >' EITHER New Zealand nor 1 Australia had yet made any decision on how best to fill the vacuum that would he left in South-East Asia after Britain's withdrawal in 1911. New Zealand's Prime Minis ter. Mi.
    Reuter  -  258 words
  • 122 11 PENANG. Monday. THE Minister ot Education and secretary-general ot Umno, Inche Mohamed Khir Johari. today described the Alliance'! chances ot" winning next years general election as "better than ever." "\\V are confident of iMpturing more seat.-." he \o a indldate. he added, would be allowed to
    122 words
  • 101 11 Police on duty now wear blue bands I^l \l 11 Ml'l K M<-n polii-p on dut\ in the lapit.i! are uearinj blur .irmb.iiuK to ill tinguish theniNPlvi-o trom thrir ounterp.trt* Imm other towns .md >tatps police >pokcMnan said toih] t lii-N as t pnablr thp public to know tint thosp
    101 words
  • 36 11 IPORS M .11. Mre than 50 Colombo Plan student* \rv hrrp ywrtcrday for N>'.< />•«- a \.(X b- newly- re>umrd -rr\ui btneen Auckland ■>: ibliC. The croup i "ld--'iinaixTP. 1 n isi Ma-
    36 words
  • 231 11 Only step towards peace in this region KU AL A LUMPUR. Mon. Tiie Governor of Bank Indonesia. Dr. Radius Prawiro. said here today that the achievement of harmonious relations among countries of South-East Asia would be the only definite step towards peace in this region. Dr. Prawiro who flew in
    231 words
  • 45 11 XL.M.A LUMPUR Man. iv.rtiinfj Jhvj branch of AutlioriMf.- Employees a i d Bund t] Miiunuv ha.l :n J...iii in nMtung being opened the reque&i of more Ibao 300 rr.nrsoer* who are not happy f :*rforn,an<.'f 1 thfi d ■■!>"•,.■. r>:*ncn ofl.ceis and comm.ttet members
    45 words
  • 5 11 nine n
    5 words
  • 9 11 SBRBMBAN M n. I n Peb 28
    9 words
  • 185 11 PENANG, Monday OOLICE yesterday dis- persed a gang of hooligans who attempted to molest K ir is and steal tickets at the St. Georges Girls' School Society fun fair In the school grounds In Macalister Road. s> i ral members of the gang were
    185 words
  • 221 11 LONDON. Monday rpHL wives ut three Unfa--1 pore detainees have written a letter to The limes, protesting at the continuing imprisonment of their husbands. The letter. Mgned by Dr. Beatrice Chen, says: V :ve years ago. on h eb. 1 2. 1i»63. more than YM poli-
    Reuter  -  221 words
  • 70 11 Firms making ammo to get pioneer status U'L'ALA LUMPUR Mun IV -The Ministry of Commerce and Industry is to give pioneer status to industries involved in the manufacture of expioMve> and ammunition OtojeeUooi :'■-.< :iiun'. be -i 1)1 I Lim ,S'\i. ■Un betorr Marcl 8 ftuMbii ri manufacturer* a.iM oe«ii
    70 words
  • 63 11 KANOAK. Mon.— Thr Jejavu Youth Ciub of Perli.s will hold a punir in Pcnanst un Friday In honour uf ith .m*i.->t«iii secretary Inche Ismail bin and his bride. Che bintf The couple will be n on Wednesday at Kamponf? Pulau. On Fi;cl..y. members of
    63 words
  • 57 11 SUGEI PATAM Mi Ktdal: will OkMTTc rhe officwl birthday ol the Suttaa al a Balai Bf.<ar rerem-irv m Alo: Star on Fcb 21 The Reconnai^ai.ce Reei--1 ment. of which rhe Sultan is Colonel-in-Chlet wtH proved WJ guard of honour In the evening, a garden party ill h«
    57 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 78 11 The Metropolitan College offers you the benefits of fifty-six years accumulated experience in postal training together with a Guarantee of Coaching until Successful. 325,000 EXAM SUCCESSES testify to the true effectiveness of Home Study Courses expertly prepared for professional exams. Accountancy.Costing.Secretaryship.Law.Banking. Marketing. Export. Management. Also GC.E.(O* A Levels) and London
      78 words
    • 84 11 MOW FLIGHTS WEEKLY TO "^l^^ FROM SINGAPORE MON DEPARTURE IS SO wEo DEPARTURE 21 20 THU DEPARTURE '5 SO DEPARTURE 21 20 SAT DEPARTURE 10 30 SON DEPARTURE. 13 25 With the Saturday jet Garuda now offers 6 flights weekly from Singapore to Djakarta Fly in style on board Garuda's
      84 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 43 11 Bugs Bunny By Ralph He im da hi T HE SIGN L j H >ou ordered: aw j \SPOKX\H6 6OOPS |-_j TE^VSS ACE SWORT O DOUSH^ ]B^ TILL THE SALE STAST6J PKi^J TH:NK VA ARE... PICK OUT A P.ECE O' VT V|f^k R6W»RA\OT
      43 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 513 12 l i nurd intni fage Si SITUATIONS VACANT li Wordt -t i Him. i Box it rtt. txtrm TEACHERS FOR ACADEMi me. Kxcelleot prospects. H B pore EXPERIENCED SALESMEN WANTID part-tim« or full t.m» f.enerous •aajajBMMMM. Apply P.O. Boa 378. WANTED ACTIVE OUT DOOR SALES CENERAL SALESMAN rl liar* and
      513 words
    • 507 12 SITUATIONS VACANT ITavaJt ft 'Him.)— Box in rtt. titrm LARCE ORGANISATION require ■i, take charge Branch :.-|.er.dertl>. Applicant must r>e Kederal Citizao with at least few will t>e considered and applicant be able to provide flood renumeratton offered Ito right person Reply with con--1 ndsau-* to M» A 3757 B.T.
      507 words
    • 617 12 ACCOMMODATION VACANT li *V»ri(> M 'Him i Rni i<l rl- •r.fru FURNISHEa OFF Oaatfl Paterson Klst <IH' on, Ch neae bachelor on.» Pnoax I pan MM4 MODERN C FLOOR flat 113 Joo Chlat Terr»n 1 ie.ln«un ilh tn.iny facilities. Cont.nt is pori 7iTO LIT Oiwra aMsM, Nr. M Terang Bulan
      617 words
    • 885 12 HOUSES AND LAND FOR SALE M aTaaaJi S« i Him. I— Box it rtt. txtrm YEW LIAN PARK: Uouhle storey ■Wtaag house rnosan throughout ;..»ses.«ion *3.">.ihmi KUI at Bt. Road. moiuiic throuxhout. Conta. -t Nrv>. Centiry Realty ITU M2IM 18 porei. NO DELAY:: UtMi Mun Che» Koad iff EaM «'i>B!ii
      885 words
    • 866 12 SPECIAL TREATMENTS M KTaaall I Him.i—Bux it rtt. txtrm I ACUPUNCTURE: Mr* Nvuk (111 Wiiii DCs*,, HAr.A t-i.i aasulal merit plea.v rini: Maal AGENTS WANTED l> Wmrtt <» (Him.)— Hax j" rl* rxlrn WHY NOT BECOME nn A Kent toi Christmas Cants. Birthday Cards. Get Well t'arri*. Imitation Cards, station
      866 words
    • 801 12 MISCELLANEOUS IS Hordt s« Him.)— Box iO rl. .</" GENERAL SPRAV-PAINTINC Rs- uersior 5 Hours luiti.mer r*j*aao*M isiwre, atan. MaaatJ in attin.lar.i. 14 Jalaa Kumnia 11.11 Ox v HUHI S .'ATWO MAKE NIW FRIENDS. Merntwranlp all aura Mafe International P.O H<» 7», GrylariK. Singapore II Knrlose imTtlBT CHOOSING PARTNERS.
      801 words
    • 517 12 LEMBAGA PELABOHAN SWETTENHAM PEMBERITAHU TENDER Tender ada-lah di-pel:tw i untok membekal Mild Steel Cnains Shackles d;in U Bolts and i bagi keßtinaan Dermaua-' Port Swettenham. 2. Butlr2 pennh tx'leli di-. dan pejabat Ketua Juruiera. LembaK» Pelabohan Swet'.enhani pada mß>a «aktu bekerj.i 3 Tender mesti-lah tll-kir,. dabm sampol surat beimetterl iiertanda.
      517 words
    • 324 12 TENDER NOTICE Tenders hip inwtpd bmlatloncr Ot Police. Rlntrapor' fm thi aaaliii] *n«i nuppiv <■! Inthinr; \i lit nun til". INI for thr I'oli- Kriuhltk »inripura Teiul«r (in* '.mi require. nirertor Home Affall r epartinent. M Interior and Defence c Road Snißai^ire il. ami on produrtion of the Tender IVposir
      324 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 982 13 fO IutRPOCL I *EST COAST U.K., PEISANIEI etc Ml IS Tin, TANTALUS > i.|:w B«R. 13 Fel 17 Fel 1122 Fel 21 PTttHUS Ml' 1 7 EMIBBCUS I'mOitll Pa* U Ffl 2/ fel II MYRMIDON Fit 21 Mai Mi' 2 i AENEAS M a tUMED Mai j Mat Mil |1?
      982 words
    • 1229 13 CUP r//fl.Hhl//V£S Mi EXPRESS SAILINGS TO GENOA NORTH CONTIHENT SCAWDINHVI* nstoiN* him urn f* mm n* m > < u ••> »•> < Alia liilmi »«l»er» 12 tttttoliir! «l' t w I li,i cill.nt tntoert Mai 13 GittenKii Ma, 73 I AMIVAIS FHOM IMNPmOVH'COWTIHEWT .< •060T» < Si. HI Sule*
      1,229 words
    • 1135 13 VBenMine I t XPPISS i I "V I Ct TO fcQPiPUN LIViRp*OOI .ONilNkNlli PQi* l^ BENDEARG Ff. B^l 3 BENWYVIS Mar 2S Mir 3 5 1 < MNAUIGIN 2 Mr I t Mil 1 II Mai II 1/ ■ENVOmCFt Mil > «4i 1 1/ Ml' I) M IENHOPt a™ Mil
      1,135 words
    • 1083 13 feELLERMAN BUCKNAU S.S. CO.. LTD. LHdIRt 'I' CITY OF SI ILH4NS r '<" 73-71 lilt) 14 M Ftl CITY OF OUNOEt t t Mi. I, I IM C'TT OF HEREFORD > tn t Alt BBMIBM "OM UNITED KINCMM ANP (.UlTlNt Ntll PMt| CITY OF HIRtFORO I 5 Ml. 1 1
      1,083 words

  • 233 14 Straits tin price down by $1.121/2 in Penang •'liHh Straits tin price >cs 1 terda. fell 11.121 to >"> nVM iii an olTerinu estimated down l.'i tons to CM lons. Main support was reported from America with some European support. LOCAL tit BB£R MAEI Openinu indications yeoltjf. il.i\ irate i
    233 words
  • 110 14 PORT SMETTENHAM: Wh.irl Births N»* WhJtl Hr.ltit B| I Strrjm Birth* I Drtp W.itir Point VcjtJM I'huonn. ireri II Our Tort.iy 1.:.; M in Din- Tomorrow KoU !:.i inlon m.ii Btraai Clknoca, (h M SNIPS IN PENANC HARBOUR. In the Roartl At tni Wharf- km. li.v and
    110 words
  • 72 14 Hit [ollnmnK J.111U..1V cropa iiukii Hcrtajam .tr.MMM. Ib I.llmm \.iiir> in sunvri M|.ut 106.000 II Rial M.i i.m.i >-.< Mi.:. 219.000 Ib lii nl i :,i ,b In, mi K ii.ui i <m K Madam I uip.iu I*4U MtjMO H> M.nUkal. Rmh i i". 14 in 131 Kpii,|
    72 words
  • 53 14 GUthri e results •I.i Kumpulan Guthne Sen: BtTli.ul I IR H follows:- Runlx': rgTOUDI n>utMd< 1 1.515.000 Ib 70 000 Id. palm oil (group) (outside) 2.522 torn 1 :t7B toi.s pHlrn kernels 1 group 1 704 torn (outside) 352 tons, tea 115.000 Ib. and tin ore ißrnmic Tin Dredglnu Co
    53 words
  • 33 14 i.i. r; i:i ItHIK PRICE: IS] ecu Is (down li\ c-fiuhlhs «.l i i (in i TIN PRICK: SSSS.M i iiuu n sir." i Estimated ■flerlai CM tuns Mlnun IS tons)
    33 words
  • 431 14 From ONLY the Kuala Lumpur iradinK roum of the stork fcxihange of Malaysia and SiiiKapon- \*a«> functioning yi-strrd.iv as the market in Singapore was i li.M-d for the Thaipusam holiday. In addition Frn.inu was closed for Thaipusam In p. i*i ycirs Kuala Lumpur has
    431 words
  • 516 14 BL'SINtSS in .«nd rr|H>il«tl to the Kuala I umpui tradins mxmii nt Ihr Stock lAdianKr it-id.n. with Hie number ol thr shares tiidrd in Ntn4*<l INDUSTRIALS Htn A C» 11.0001 L Sugar .1 "mil *J W, 11.0001 in CC.M. »reli 0001 "i i; UtinUp
    516 words
  • 8 14 'I'M Avsocmliok or Bjnki M Majaayw
    8 words
  • 33 14 I Iret ciUljilKc m.irktt 111 H. .11. Kotu :.i th» U* OalUr ami quotad ..t >„ntii or T T m h cj»h. Starling i U mil MM tael nl «ol(1 i
    33 words
  • 89 14 MKI.BOLH.SK Mnn .mi wltb prac* ontuiuIng modi Wrstrin .Mining u:c.,ppr<i I I Oils pert Irregubu An,: up 15 teiils U W.m, ilvid, clown II <l 7U IndUStl ived narrow 1\ hisjhA. 8.11.r ip in tPiiU at $18.60. iwi^y aaaaM Kl-I*. lm ■\uni Aum. Con Ind 1 f
    89 words
  • 229 14 1 pilM Ull list Cl.iUl lUlllH'l f.nh liu>in> i litsrd al 8 l.tii in Ku.iU i unipur peatardaj at ISI ruts, dnuu IP P-richtlis n| t flit on tridax'-. iliimiik level The MM was win quiet. KA S. and Mli I lomiik pnre» in rents, per Ib
    229 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1017 14 I t^ t^ t^ t^^a^a^a^a > Ma^gß| ■■aVaVa^Ba^^PaaaW*4aValaHalaHaPaV^Ptl^B^al^a^a^ala^*B^Mi>M KISEN KAISHA LTD. Western Australia Sinßapore Japan Service i mi. r>uo« "Tna> Mara Sa,lslF,i 14 IS tra .3 Frl J4 fel rt let -T»yra Ta»» JS Frt I Mai 1/ I Mai U Mai II Mai Jt Mai West Ainca Singapore Japan
      1,017 words
    • 771 14 aUSTMLM N(W ZEaUNO SEHVICI I INDIA. PAKISTAN AND FA* EAST SERVICES far: Tint.. Aack., Dmi. lytt.. Wtll. Ta: Mrtras ait Nataaattiaaai WtW T»V MHM, wFim SSM l»' S {i°K P ?7iar Um'' UIIMIA »I. A,r 2, A,, 4 tU, "j^J "J cam tmm after 1... S .,M. ■nm tat. int..
      771 words
    • 204 14 Brazilian Flog Vessel Owners: PAN AMERICANA s.s. "KALU" In Port P Shan Prnong 14/22 Fcb 23/24 Fcb 25/26 Feb Accepting Cargo For Port Louis, L. Marques, Durban, fc London P. Elizabeth, Capetown Montevideo, B. Aires, Santos Rio de Janeiro. Subiccl to inducement. f inn C.F. SHARP 6c CO., (M) LTD.
      204 words
    • 158 14 MCBBAUUIIKM NAaMTIMEM cm m. v. IRAOUADDY \niM-d :;rd Krh. Unix Qenerml shim- „i i i <^i"i cargu dJatcliiirged ex the ..i»>m \,.5.-»ri uui im- held in the J7 1!B mi UUI Ki-n lytib [nun 900 am until 4.30 i>ni Ni. uhi Mirvej «iii im neld eitner before i after
      158 words
    • 135 14 I 111 >.| M Ull 111 I >|n| mm MS "THEBEN" iBR'O BINGAFOaU I :..;k <.1 in 1.1; Survey ol all cargo dwharged damaged by the ahoy« 111 IH' v 1 3 lium 8 u(i .1 m in 1. "ii the nth Februnrv dicl 19tli Ft 1 hum ry 1968.
      135 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 1239 15 AS9""99^H9HHyUi9BMB| AUCTION SALE OF aluable Singapore Properties, To be held at our sales-room \o M 4 Market Mrert. Mn(apore on Tuesday. 20th February. I9SB at 2.30 p.m. 8. 111). lU, 114 and 115 r Yio Chu Kang Road, area > 45.797 sq.ft. Statutory Land -1 Tit. a ell. Hsleh it
      1,239 words
    • 731 15 PUBLIC APPOIN I MEN I b I PUBLIC APPOINTMENI PUBLIC UTILITIES BOARD SINGAPORE Requires STfcMH.RAPHERS In salary scale $283xA16-47& plus variable allowance ai payable from time to time. Qualification* Cambridge School Certificate with credit In English. Those not possessing a credit In English must satisfy the General Manager that they
      731 words
    • 772 15 PUBLIC APPOIN 1 MEN I THE PORI 01 SiNGAPOKt AUTHORITY Vacancy Pharmaceutical Ofltm Applications are invited from Singapore Citizens for the abovementioned post In the Stall Department. (At Qualification!) and Experience: 111 Musi be registered Pharmacists under the Registration of Pharmacists' Ordinance (Chapter 198* and possess at least a Bachelor
      772 words
    • 599 15 NOTICES i 1 RANCHANGAN BELIA NEGERI PERAK PeimohonanJ ada-lah dl-pelawa untok mcneisi jawatan2 sementaia sabagal Pembantu Luar dl-dalam uHlia:.--an Bella Negeri Perak Bu'irJ l.uijut berkaitan jaw^tan j lni hda-l.Ui sapertl berikut: I) Warga Negara Persekutuan U 1 Tammat Tnißkatan 111 denKan sharat kelayakan lnl boleh di-longgarkan tlka chalun Itu sudah
      599 words
    • 759 15 TENDERS LEMBAGA PERUSAHAAN GETAH (TANAM SAMULA) KUMPILAN WANG B TENDER Tenders are Invited for the supply nf Dalapon durme the 9 months (ommennns Ist April 1968. in Mich quantities ax may be' required by the State Replantlne Officers throughout the State of Malaya The Board estimates Its requirement* of Dalapon
      759 words
    • 380 15 NOTICE The trade and public are advised to note that AVON Products Inc. of 641 Lexington Avenue, New York, New York, *****, U S. A. the registered proprietors in Singapore of trade mark N0. *****, registered in Class 3 in respect of cosmetics and nontoilet preparations have now assigned their
      380 words

    • 130 16 Kin Tat gives Kops a hard fight HAARLEM. Mon y ..A.\D KOPb, vi Denmark, retained his s title in the Dutch badminton when he beat Lee Kin Tat kl2, 17-14 in th<' final here ilcd. 2y-ycai-olcl Dane raced into .1 I in the first s»l. But after hig concen- disturbed
      130 words
    • 8 16 I Malacca < n third.
      8 words
    • 3 16
      3 words
    • 70 16 Last fence disaster. U CHAMPION plunges from the saddh ;is Doneralle's (ilnry tunibit's ;U the Fence and the remainder of the field iMi.-.s by in the Will s o m c r s Novices' Steeplechase at Ascot Others are Stev <■ Boy (D. Sunderland 1); Portcullis (R. Pitman 20); and
      70 words
    • 763 16 If'lli.ll!-* f»i ail Mis» K.imnlrui !..mi Mr I inrinsuc X.lO W r.chl HMN Ml NMl*t !»<>» «>"' P»ol» P*' Ml v v ilax lliiml ,1 l"rm.- I'.uin.ii Si: Pink llralhrr H.llh .r ii,. Mvi« rarf »'<- "2 I'"" vlll> L i.i, w, I1 \i»l.t II X"I <l.
      763 words
    • 251 16  -  EPSOM JEEP Bl SEVERAL Class Pour newcomers figured in betting plunges at last weekend's racing at Kuala Lumpur. Most la lied badly bul a few showed talent. Dm one that Impi 11 it was Cato, .1 Id chestnut by D<Mr HT'itu.s. He carried win tickets :ii the
      251 words
    • 42 16 Rrstmi reful. Who lini'-lud I i You in R I Li.m- !>een p;nmoted in Claa Three Malayan l)>«n and Actor IV. ■'.d "-rrond ;:i a tf not un the ame (i.i. lvi\e also been prnmntrri :r> clr.
      42 words
    • 24 16 \BCADIA I M Htat M -i. W-l i I norm Hi- MTM Anita. •mi uasi .n.i .n tatia tai pi
      24 words
    • 23 16 PARIS, M n. BriUtn 22-13 In .i Rugby 1 <\ti:vio natch 'id' day. Britain irrt 15-3 at halfI un
      23 words
    • 84 16 THOMSON SHARES 1ST PRIZE WITH LOSERS (CANBERRA. Mon P I r to a one-gtroke vie tory in the Victor:. in Opon coll championship at Htihtingdale J day, then handrd t;:s winning i \s2 si)i) back ils. reports .I.i t- k I in:lr!(in ]lf iikofi them to distribute $50 I to
      84 words
    • 106 16 Stan Peacb. Just returned from Engiuiui. wu. COUd OH 289 and K i I .'(I .1 fool operatli n, limM'd Into thiiU plan with 2tO. had two chances In thp final round to tie with Thomson but his putt.-. lippvd the cup and didn't drop. I>l RBAN: (.i:
      106 words
    • 265 16 I/INGSTON, Moii. Refreshei after a carefully-supervised day of rest, pacemeti John Snow, David Brown and Jeff Jones will today attempt to bowl England into a 1-0 lrad in tho cricket Test series against the West Inriios. HOW long T hr West Indies second lnnlnga surrtwi
      265 words
    • 85 16 v nM n the'.r thn e-day m i i Tiik bj an Innli 2 189 and 14C 'Ryan 4J. C :;-38. Pi 363 l-ind pi pluc.dten a iunch in six wickeu i"r only 33 run.^ N.iirnbi. \i tnfa raal I rnc:n ni.ide up of iium
      85 words
    • 87 16 I ERSITY nulned unbeaten in their Penang wb»n ■ti ihe Penang league champions Jollj the P Club ground rhia vu the best BUttcta of and Otter, fully de.served their time. Henry dim opened the Koring tilth minute of I a short corner. Derek David pui tht
      87 words
    • 23 16 Tlie Ipoh and District Football league will hold their annual meeting at the Ipor. Club on Ffb 23 at 5.30 p.m.
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 101 16 (J(Jf BjHMMMi It4l 525 Branches in Pakistan Overseas Branches at r^ x ADEN CS /fz*' 3 BEIRUT &y- BIRMINGHAM <&} BRADFORD f > COLOMBO r S DUBA| tb J. KUALA LUMPUR ¥ks£& LONDON MANCHESTER MOMBA3A 7 PORT LOUIS SHARJAH and also at Zlincll I. TODI ST»ASSE look forward to serve
      101 words
    • 73 16 Stop Asthma Bronchitis If you ou»h. nhtiit, can't b: rath* or lleep wrll flue to Alt hrn». Catarrh or Kronchitia »ttacka, r*c Mi:NDACO from your rhtnlit or ■tore today. MENIiACO works throurh thn blood and brnnrhlal tub«> to dlßaolva and remove odendInc phlegm ron«e»tlnn. Then your rnufh m curl.cfl, you
      73 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 277 16 Straits Times Crossword aCBMMS 6. Fai:r.r:'s archaic r- ierence t< 8. 2\ 17s haH|i gfWMIT .8. Bi. hj" b ID) to be explosive (4-6) 9 Pi— gang rhiet 7 S er.-rt shel-r 10. See 24 acrevts 13 RedoubUble partnership mi 11. Is one unable to exert pres- ld Z™""^ r
      277 words

    • 158 17 Ton up' Tengku nWNG young for a moment acain. Prime Minister Tengku Abdul Rahman, who celebrated his h.Mh hirthdav last week, bounreri boyishly on to a motor-Crete at the Residency yesterday morning and said: "I oulv wish I «as still ynunr enough tn ride this But sime I am not.
      158 words
    • 259 17  - Sugimoto's No' is a big disappointment MA.MANOOR RAHMAN By UIDEYO Sugimoto, a competitor nual Far-East circuit and the Ma open sln eption In 1962. has decided NOT to eompptf; thl Sag. part.' cau.">e he has b*vi, .suspended tor a year fr ;m tournaments sponsored by the Japan Pt It him
      259 words
    • 149 17 TOYO KOGYO IN WITH A PROMISE "APAMS leading football team. J the Tojro Kogyo Amateur Club. fW into Kuala Lumpur night with the promise or playing good soccer m then two matches against Selaiißoi- on Sa urdav and aiain.-t Perok a' Ipoh on Feb. Among the 18 Dlaytrs tn
      149 words
    • 29 17 Bh''i Pahat and Baluu -will euii. inr knockout nccer tomnamen' bora Sultan's Cup. I.iK ties air Friday Batii P.m .i 1 Miiiti Sunday: Johore Bariru v Ku^n*
      29 words
    • 17 17 Brunei Youth Club.s have lnnc Peiak youth football and ladies hockey team to tour Brunei.
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    • 118 17 MM J.K Charitj match iT. Anson): Teiuk Alison XI 2 Ipoh Invitation 1. Friendl): Utd Plantations 4 T. Alison XI 3. TI.V.MS New lul> open championships finaU (Taipmg): Mm s Mnglei.: Ng Hoe Hun ot Ng Say Peng 2-6 6-4 M Ifen'i doubles: Nr say 'd lim Ouan
      118 words
    • 138 17 Tan beats champ Jalal in sudden death 'V A N Vec He am avenged his defeat hy J:ilal Derail in the North Malaysian championship when he beat him in a semi-final of the Prrak Turf Club Sports Club jrolf competition at ipoh on Sunday. Tan won In a >uddcn the
      138 words
    • 247 17 BAM name four for All-England THE Badminton Association of Malaysia yesterday named four players from the victorious Thomas Cup team for the AllEngland championships in London next month. They are captain Teh Kew San. Tan Aik Huang, Ng Boon Bee and Tan Yet Khan. The BAM announced the names after
      247 words
    • 198 17 Peter Alliss puzzles Singapore organisers SI.M.APORb Coif Association, organisers of the 1968 Sine a pore Open golf championships «t Bukit course from Feb. 29 to March 3. arc puzzled and surprised by the decision of Brilish Ryder (up player. Peter Alliss. to skip the tournament Allisv. ranked the fifth hr*t
      198 words
    • 253 17 THE Football Association of Selangor council has recommended that a percentage of the profits from the annual Merd c k a tournament should be distributed among affiliates whose players have been selected to form the Malaysian team. The sharp to each affiliate Is to
      253 words
    • 260 17 Under-23s earn chance for M-tourney SINGAPORE'S Under235, who played magnificently against Selangor in last Sunday's FAM Cup semilinal. have rained themselves the chance to represent the nation in the Merdeka soccer tournament at Kuala Lumpur in August. Top FAS officials confirmed that the Under- 23s will compete in the Malaysia
      260 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 71 17 STOP ITCHY FUNGOUS INFECTION WTHk TINEAFAX' POWDER AND CREAM ■a^i Irritating fungous infections such M Singapore Foot usually start between the toes Treat it with Tmeafax First clean the infected area, then apply Tmeafax ointment at night and Tmeafax powder k during the day And at all times keep your
      71 words
    • 126 17 111 I 9^^ Eli m J^^ V//i B mJß^^ If you're wondering how we manage to cover that many miles an hour, the answer is really very F^SIH simple. We do it by going so many places. All at once. Just as we're about to take off in San J
      126 words

  • 41 18 AMERICAN MARINES FIND A WAY TO CROSS RIVER IT.S. Marines use handlincs tv pull makeshift boat between ends of destroyed Perfume River bridge in Hue. The bridge was blown up last week by the Communists. UPI radiophoto
    UPI  -  41 words
  • 110 18 JAKARTA, Mon. l nousands of students, barred from street demonstrations, used tbeir rag day to ridicule the Government today. 4 tUOUgI) t!li ear ac .ivj -ii Mi c, I ganti !;k h-"cj-ii!.-c that the peonii will DO) d: ■ol hinige. "W( i.Ot ll ed
    110 words
  • 12 18 province Ith famine i i Uippine news II ulay
    12 words
  • 330 18 MELBOURNE, Monday rrllV. Soviet Amnassador to Australia. Mr Nikolai Taraka nov, said here today that his Government had warned Austra lia of the consequ ences of participiting "in this shameful war against the Vietnamese people." Me said the So\iet Inion would all >w Rus--•-*ii volunteers to fiylit
    Reuter  -  330 words
  • 259 18 IVOKTI! Vietnam *aid today that the Communists la .south Vietnam were preparing tv hand the I nited State* a "lini.shin£ blow" in their current offensive b.v maklag daily attacks on I S. military und logistical bases. The warning was made hv 'he official
    259 words
  • 139 18 hanokok. Monday. '■'HA I poLce have charged a British-trained teacher with the murder of Danish mod»>l Dorritt Vonhuvcn and his 44 -year-Did English born wire with being an accomplice. Tlir 00l Cc iffl rl vvi-vr. al i>i)*h KuMat RurniTtii prd in. -v i t the
    Reuter  -  139 words
  • 66 18 TAIPEH. Hon.— A 10--man Malaysian delegation lieiided by liu-he M >hamed bin Jamil. Directir uf Agriculture, la making nine-day study of the economlc and agronomic Bti d Formosa'a sugar cam industry. The rteltori kiriwd here in Sunday .'t tin In^ it Sugar Cor l \v delegation
    66 words
  • 155 18 Vance hands letter from LBJ to Park DEOUL. Moi D.& Presidential F Mr. Cyrils Vance tiilked with I Chung Htr Park three hours hen today against the b;u-k--tiround of Sou h Koreas str mands for more armi und a firmer Amei at t '.Hide in th Korean pi rations. Presidential
    Reuter  -  155 words
  • 3 18 LAVAri INDIIA
    3 words
  • 16 18 S RCNC.ANATHAM .»rrmrrl t MRS TAN SOO Ttl V Tee hup koix II id Roa
    16 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 194 18 Uu CLASSIFIEDS !0 H u,4> 111 I 'l.nimiml EOMEAnr GARLAND la ENJOY LIFE-LIKE STEREO AND EM REPRODUCTION With •'■r*^^^" i *VP t wffißßsssßsPisssssssjlsssßlfSSsWaWlß a^P^wT'w^T^^VPTim IHbbY W*■ wTB Mlsal^WuMsssswisW^— ir^^m ifIaHKF 'x Hill I[' ARABELLA, STEREO M It till 17 utVfS IS o>o4r!. I Wli-Full vl DC FM > ,B SB
      194 words