The Straits Times, 12 February 1968

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Times
  • 24 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED^ SALE EXCEEPS^TsOTOOti The Straits Times Thfi National Newspapßr Ksltl 18i:> MONDAY. FKKRI'.IKY 11. 1968 15 CENTS M»\ not Mr. (T) OOH
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  • 753 1 Another day of street fighting in Saigon o\K.t>\. sun -The Vieic«n| attacked i provincial capital and shelled the important military air base at Itien Hoi near SaifMl, after ii'otlur day ul street ftffhtini in the capital jresterda). a l .8. military spukesman »aM here today. I lie iii'ii Mil. I
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  • 323 1 Khe Sanh: Now an air threat Ilyushin bombers seen on North Vietnam airfield WASHINGTON. Sunday THERE were fears here today that the North Vietnamese may use Sovietmade "Beagle" bombers to support their offensive against the United States Marine base at Khe Sanh. The Fears grew with Ihc ;i|>|iearaiict a of
    Reuter  -  323 words
  • 40 1 Moscow meeting Till-'. V< rcl;ii (unciiil of Hit- S«»\itl (oiii iininisl Parly. Mr. l.ronid Brezhnev, Ifreelinjf llu- S(»iilli icliKiin NalifMinl Liber ;ilion hriMil's ivpresenlnlive, Mr. Qiuing Minh. in Mits(o\\. The NLI' is Hie |M>litical ami <»l the VieUimg. 11*1 ra«lio|>i<iiire.
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  • 245 1 (JEQUL. Sim. The United Nations Command has proposed j meeting ot the mixed Milimr. Armistice Commission for tomorrow ;it the border village of Panmunjom amidst speculation here i hat North Korea might soon returr the body of a crewman and three other wounded crew of
    Reuter  -  245 words
  • 78 1 Pote now in charge of economic affairs, too B.t.<.m\i..v. MM. Ihr Thai (Government has named Mr. Pote Sarasin alHMei. to siiereed >|r. Soon thorn llon;ladaiom as minister of Fconomir \fT.iirs. The veteran Thai statesman also serves concurrently as Minister of National l>rvelopmrnt and actiiiß Foreign .Minister. .Mr. llonclariarom was named
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  • 34 1 COLOMBO. Bun Bullet .i three |)<>"i)ir r in!- v fiiinriril when liic'i Hindni jmtcnUj trttd m (top loninvmhl |iiiipi»l cm- mv 'lir «f Chankanal 24S tnilr north of hrre, i«>licf reported
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  • 34 1 M v DELHI mil .i Ilirii U :i« nit II On <* M "1 Illrril pt "ii Ihi I.v to K>ll) tlie At! ■•n :lic I .<c ...ii- 1 Beuter
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • 221 1 U THANT IN HUSH HUSH MOSCOW VISIT MOSCOW. Sun The United Nation i Been taryGeneral, v Thant, flow in here today lor a brief stop over during a world tour aimed at bringing the Vietnam crisis to the conf< rence table. U Thant. visiting Momcow lor in<' ftrii time since
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  • 126 1 HI I Sun. ■oniiiiunisl troops invading Hue excelled :IOU civilians and hurkd them in a mass (raw south of the ril>. the I'rovinrial CUH s.uil toda> LI. -Col. Plun Van Kliim, who is the I'ro\inee Chief, Mayor of Hue and military leader ol the
    AP  -  126 words
  • 20 1 COPSNH V| f,,.,. .r i ti< hrlteiip'er n\ i.,tr i.i i nljtht or: llir outnem Jutland
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  • 48 1 Workers' Party to fight polls Decision made at Meeting SINGAPORE, Sun. The Workers' Party tonight announci intention to ro the fcminK S ral elect;' I t'i)i>w. said tl Intention sapuri tormed aboul I' hall former Lab NO A it r i ;i member Inche him :lde would ired
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  • 24 1 11 DIE IN FIRE FRANKLIN (Pennsylvania), Snn. Trn children and 24-year-old man died in fire rural wooden i home In HarmI PI
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 89 1 fresh up Seven-Up jt|^ 'i "tj 7j i/r ,i f»^ SgiS BBB^bi:;: i: miiTUjr j'TFWgf r l l !|l 'L l r l "."J i lll "i ll ll fß Agm ja^pna t in— mttaHßiig^jMimwiMiiaiiWHiiiWi LLaU^gV«ggH ggj An a"dtve space-saving I blends with any room setting And yc 1 t)
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    • 26 1 PATEK PHILIPPE GENEVE THOSf WHO INSlit ON y' *S. PRECISION... f nTv^l THE ULTIMATE I 2t S.~* £td. \>-^ <w (puts the flavour where the'fon is... EVERVtIME!
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  • Untitled
    • 58 2 Murder of model: Teacher and wife detained B»K, Sun rained :ber and ish born witv in connection murder ol a model late Reun iburban tnudt-i Mid s northI HliHHlstains .■.mi j were whicJi i -'(i D\ ft i oratory A enior pol I di ntifled police had n him I
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    • 3 2 Tragedy by errors
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    • 46 2 BODIES IN THE JEEP AND A CYCLIST ON THK PAVEMENT pEOPLE rim past the body ol h cyclist who was killed when the Vietcong ambushed this Jeep In Danang. In it arr the bodies of a South Vietnamese major and his driver. UPI photo.
      UPI  -  46 words
    • 101 2 lohio mil S,.rf. Kon-.i km id Noil li Korean arc rf •<!.< "ti> firht stnuililit id vhoul- .!<■ i ill. i in- it- l it nicsc |inip!r .il .m\ i. in. 'I lit North Nutr m I •reiin Minislr> i. Hide I lie sl.itfinrnl in ilr-lioilllt-liu .illrurti
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    • 311 2 NEW OFFENSIVE MAY BE THE 'CLIMACTIC PERIOD' OF THE WAR, says RUSK ATLANTIC CITY |N«w Jersey). Sun SECRETARY Of State Mr. Dean Rusk said last night that the current Communist offensive may well be thr Tlimartic period" of the Vietnam war. In prepared remarks to the National Association of Secondary
      Reuter  -  311 words
    • 228 3 [ONDON, sun in. workers who lno neereil the I'm I'.ukint Britain i.imp.ncn \p< terriay eavr up coiitri biitinc the d.nlv unpaid o\ertimr uhith the? fancied might help lever Britain out of its rronoml< distress. A factory floor meeting at the Colt Heatins
      Reuter  -  228 words
    • 411 3 'Pay us well' plea to rich nations NEW DELHI, Sunday INTEREST at the mammoth U.N. Conference on Trade and Development (Unctad) was this weekend iocussed on efforts by the poorer countries to get better prices from the wealthy for the primary products vital for their economies. The issue was raised
      Reuter  -  411 words
    • 14 3 I < >V Ml gflnaU, mdic I mich: now powers
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    • 7 3 aboard m ship*, thr (Ihv
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    • 255 3 Barnard: Blaiberg didn't know it, but... /'API. IOWN, Sun. Prov fcssur Chris Barnard (above) said here yesterday that his patent Dr. Philip HLiihrrt had undergone a period of rejecting his transplanted heart recently without iii-in- aware of it. The orofcsxnr. who has .iust returned to Sorth Africa from a Kuropea.i
      Reuter  -  255 words
    • 76 3 I ONDON. San Bri- tain's former counter-i.-pionagt- chic I was divorced by his wifv ye.^ti rday because of adultery Witb 111^ cretary. s;r Roßcr HoKis. 62. described il COUZI lerni i (><>.-., ul Ml 5 offered no deiiim- when Lady Evelyn Hoiiib «a
      Reuter  -  76 words
    • 51 3 BL'KNOS AIRES Sun Am.iiK id RiKiiiKurz spirtl b'.ue red binav and long Koidrii trcases on h suburban <y and tlnnkurprtM his ciri friend, d .i .smacking kiss [rum behind. Tii'- trail rrrw bad to break up the rii.sii.nj; Bght vln n Amancto discovered hr hippie
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    • 57 3 RAWAI.PINDI Sun Mii* should apply the teachings of the Korea to the spaa age. n .i". the International l in.- Coi rence were '"i<i night, '1 In (ill caJM tvu. Ml Abdul Jabtar K'l^n. Dpftnr ol Pakistan's National Assembly, whr.i iir Inaugurated the fourday gathering
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    • 133 3 I USAKA. Sun. A Tanzanian Government campaign to make i.roud Ma.sai tribesmen wear trousers is an infringement oi their rights, the Tiny ol liamb.a Mid i lay Ttae p r Mid 'Hi !-ib ~mo!i are proud of their traditional drees Which ieavi-.s one buttock
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    • 311 3 Wilson: An American triumph WASHINGTON, Sun THE Anglo-American alliance looked robust and undamaged by stresses and strains yesterday noticeably reinforced by Prime Minister Harold Wilson's talks with President Johnson here last week. Fears that Britain had antagonised the President by its decision to withdraw militarily from east of Suez uy
      Reuter  -  311 words
    • 22 3 CHICAGO, sun cu>i<iin.s arrested two »eu ''nd i here on a airliner from London ;incl worth mrilion R( uter
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    • 15 3 LOS ANUEI Sun md crashid on tlir Ban Bcrn:<rdino freeway, causing 30-mile ri'i
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    • 20 3 I'AKis Sui hundred French I*.«niii«rcl AML 90 iimwurpd can is i\i been ordered fcr the Saudi Arabuin Army.
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    • 209 2 x' n 'i"3& Hffi^ .^^^^^^^j|^^ ■bßk*"^Qd V-.^lg^sa^s^s^^sHKd'f xW*^ "'iv^Dttf •< i■? dX s^s^Uft Jtt. JLfc^s^sasl BsitOtA Bka.^HsVMß J^s»3aMr*^ .yg mr^^M^iZL.*W astfT^sV? U.i f <7 v d^P^^^H t"SI V "V* 1 W -v^ff^^KV^n^ £StsS^9^sB^rH. l 8Kl» L^ Tl mR^K* 9HLv^JR J^s^s^Bs^s^s^sis^s^sa^^Bs^^sßsP^^fyHLS£ifj^3j^s^ajl^Bsis^B^a^B^a^^l^^^ i SP^ '-Aim "^i^ifMHlKe^^ 'aLtSP^ < DU 7 —^~t^^^^^^^^m^^JK^miL***a^^^^-~-Ji!j& WJjIL
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 172 3 AMAZING! The amount of peanut butter kids will eat when it's Planters' i deonuf A slice of bread, this hearty spread, and WOW! Peanut butter's f better when the Planters people make it Why? Because they only use their own great peanuts. Then, they add lots of vitamins A and
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    • 321 3 CAR AIR-CONDITIONING NO LONGER A LUXURY! SBwaWaMaßal a llmwai SWM %W®/ a secures Vornado* air-conditioning, installed and ready to go cool! Plus 3 years or 36,000 miles Vornado Warranty Policy, and easy H.P. terms on application (Singapore only). Phone G.E.C. now. Tel. *****1 Fully imported from the U.S.A. Sole Agents
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  • 370 4 The NDF snowballs from tycoons to trishamen SINGAPORE, Sunday. gITPOHT for Hie National Defence Fund is snowballing from millionaires and businessmen to ck-rks and trishamen. They are planning ways and means of swellmu the fund, which was set up by the Government to receive donations from the public, statutory bodies,
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  • 62 4 SINGAPORE Sun A free course on libraries book.s and how to select material for personal reading will start on Feb I' 3 at thr R^ffir.s Girls PrlMnoL The s!x lecture course entitled "How t<> use a library i.-. being organised by the Adult Education Board
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  • 29 4 SINGAPORE. Sun. A public auction ol used and confiscated \ehicle.s excavators, and motoring accessories will br hi the Kallang PWD worlcshop at lua m on Feb 21.
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  • 63 4 SINGAPORE Sun The first of six lecCMfs on ■Investment analv.sis.''o&iKned to provide a background for local tnraaton will start at the New Lecture Theatre 3. ol the Uni\rr.sitv oi Singapore in Bukit Tunah at 730 p.m on Feb. 20 It «iil be conducted by a member ol
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  • 42 4 SINGAPORE. Sun. Slnuaixur'.s empioMiiPnt problrm.s and prospacta ay to br (UactaMMl at lPngth in a trn.lPttuir course to IK 1 ((inducu-U b\ tlir K>tnt (.ommittee foi radio eouraei starting on Thursday nisht a! R.irtin Slngmpta-a's auditorium in Caldecott Hill
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  • 36 4 SINGAPORE. Sun. The Minister of Stat* lor EMucation. Inchp Rahtm Ishak and his wife Che Mawan Wajid Khan were guests of nonour at a party for underprivileged children held at Slglap rnmmunltv centre today.
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  • 106 4 MR. and Mrs. Crispin Shorter after their wedding at St. Ignatius Church, King's Road, Singapore, on Saturday, and their nephew eight-year-old Trevor dunies-Ross, seems proud to share a secret with the bridegroom. The hride, the former Miss Marjorie Pereira. is head of the passage department
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  • 234 4 SINGAPORE. Sunday. OLi- RESHER courses for science teachers should be held more frequently, and the transfer list of teachers should be made with a view to ensuring that each school has its fair share of experienced and suitably qualified science teachI ers. These are among
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  • 143 4 SINCAPORF. Sun. >1 il.ini Peranakan at the Victoria Thea'rr u:is to the maioiity of the audience a nostalgic journey hack to the days of their long forgotten youth. To Hi- sprinkling of mnmis in i idrnl.iU. it was an np|Mirtimilv to \iew tlir urddinc rusinms (if a dMiis
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  • 100 4 Strawberry from NZ for mission children SINGAPORE. Sun. Children at the St. Andrew's Mission Hospital were this afternoon treated to fresh strawbenif s, picked from an Aurkland farm in NewZealand on Friday. The strawberries, packed in 12 large cartons, together with fresh New Zealand rream. were specially flown In yesterday
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  • 26 4 SINGAPORE. Bun.— St. Hildas School »11l present hy thr Hrraids Choral E at the Victoria Tl"" 17 :n airl 0. the achool eion fund
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 90 4 33EiaHEai-..n"atV Alf-Cot"<- Now thowinq: 1 4S, 4, 7 ft 9 30 p.m. THf SILfNT SWORDSMAN 'SB) Vird '-.i-rsc-rx- F-glish Subi Today 11.00 a.m.: Golden Star Variety Show: Featuring Wong So, Ya Fong, LieChin Chin Wai, Lara. Chow Lin Po, Robert Song, Hamid Bond, Jenny Chio, Mah-nood Kichap. The Styler* A
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    • 444 4 3KD EXPIU.,WF WiSK Mom. I JO. 4. I 30 4 64i •30 I 9 15 pm fc 930 p i IMt MtSCENAR.CS ORCHARD PALAC. THE POWER 1 1 am. 10. 4 00, 6 JO 9 1 s°pm hard times for princesnow showing 1 Horn, 1.3U, 4, 6.30 9 30 p.m.
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 287 4 Straits Times Crossword \< RUSS Eli lUM.i'd uut .in old dramatic Horn they adjust lii dnlnr work 9 v. id' mi Iffl I Oppow; dnlrj repairing quo iv She I .1) any MP-- lil h nestl> co> 8 bpottrd pliivrrs loi detective 11 Jar caused by s>pctd or brcals thriller?
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  • 330 5 Still fewer students now from Malaysia THE TWO MAIN REASONS... From Michael Foong lONDON, Sun. Trn> number ol Malaysian students admitted to British universities and colleges last year was lowest for three years. Accordli compiled by the Malay- '•partment. the number fel! from iR.S in I96fi to 45.5 in 1967
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  • 83 5 1 32 more work permits issued in Singapore WINf. \»'(»l{l sun The government issued .mother IX2 work permits to mm ri ti/ens brtagtal the num her is.Mied to the end of December to 59.5C1 total of applications were dealt uith durine the month. Of UaCM I !7 wnr .ippro\ril.
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  • 117 5 ORUNEI TOWN, Sun. 1J The recent Hoods in Sabah have disrupted the Statr's timber industry and the larger lumber c in p a bordering Brunei are working almost round-the-clock m Mi effort to make up the leeway. A iiinut i merchant ironi
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  • 21 5 MUAR sm, in Hxwkeri. build tenipnrarjr ibophouaea for Ita oi»mKn lloag ihr iimt near the town council building.
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  • 199 5 Penang pianist wins 2 awards at London festival tirst |)liilcsmoiml <)i- I ONDON. Sun. Pen a n k pianist Dennis Lee Eiin Hooi. 20, was awarded both the first and second places in two sections in the annual Kathleen Long music competition held here recently. He won :r.( !ir>t prize
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  • 59 5 Now S'pore Customs duties on fans SINGAPOHE Sun. ivihn; and table fan* and p.. Uirm are now gal))aci to Ca-tums duties. Thp full and prrfrirntial dutiris for mluig Uu.- ,rr <|6 each for mbif f*ns »6 p.,rh and for part-. 20 per rcn: ol vie xalur. Amendnipniy to the M-firrinle
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  • 256 5 We have 'some chance' of winning lost seats: Khir IPOH. Sun. The Perak Alliance believes it has "gome chance" of winning back some of the gtmti lost to the Opposition. The Alliance note of confidence wa,s struck by the Minister of Education. lnche Mohamed Khir Johari, who met State party
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  • 44 5 I'KNANG Bon, i«*.ip.» «h Brad rracken ,n <-p.»brution ol the biiiiui... tin- God of Hra\<Mi hnve b*rn lined S.iO c..<i i Thty wera 6m k.ui Chun 3-i. Bhu Bhi ami .(8 and t bn n ■> k Hrfi 44 :»n.i 13-yp«ri Kei
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  • 228 5 The leaders of Geylang West set an excellent example Yong SINGAPORE. Sunday yHE Minister tor Health. Mr. Yong Nyuk Lin. tonight cited the example of community service set by leaders of Geylang West as the kind of leadership which more citizens should follow. He was speaking ;it a dinner at
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  • 44 5 PENANC Sun. The Chlel ■fmiatn r.<.. Brl Wans. Puw Net ill praam prisai Winner* Of the Aiuti:ugani P:l--lai p»^v competition •<; smtp Musrum 'in TIM r ,< competition sponsored i>\ thf Penrnic H ir, m n i" i ondarj hool Hwtanta
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  • 30 5 Mid-East tour PENANG. Sun. ITii A -rmbiyin.<n 'from Glllgor Inrhr Ahßad !>:• 11. ■I*mu will tour Hir Middl Tas\ alirr i r>m|i!<-i nc a nilgrim- i «C* tn M«ra n»xt m'>n'h
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 160 5 Your Carisworth more AS TRADE-IN ON RUGGED, DEPENDABLE, POWERFUL /^P^ JgV -*&£s%k m'-Jr \Ws BBIV. I JS3gSßßaw^L^asJ^^^ \a saaw »SK^^^gaßßm. al&v. r BB^^^^gSJ aßßrA^^ '^SMH vBBt Sat IbBBbW. gBBBBBBBHB^M^Li^^B^BBBBBBBBBK fO-7721 Fully synchromesh four speed —„M k M gearbox, front wheel discs, Aero- [VTDA I Festive Season flow ventilation, sports-car hand-
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    • 233 5 GOING x HOME? rJ. For medium heavy wcighr y*** suitings, there are no better > a i names than djß DORMEUIL ALL WOOL M SUPER BIRO i I m DORMEUIL AIL WOOL M' MAGIC M WAINSHELL of SAVILE M ROW ALL WOOL jU Kgfl MOSIAC GLOREX ALL WOOL M CASHMERE
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  • 171 6 Cambridge exam fees to cost less this year Xl \1 II MPI K >un There Kill he a reduction in ('ambriritc sc honl Certiorate and Hither School Ortiliialr r\<mination fee* this tear because of the rr rent dr\aluation of the pound .in tAaminatinn >tnriicatr spokesman said hrro today The >>ndicate
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  • 128 6 TAA moves its S-E Asia area hq to S'pore CINGAPORE. Sun The Trans-Austra-lia Airlines has trans torred its area headquarters for South Fast Asia from Hoti| Kong to Singapore and will open an office in Clifford House at Collyer Quay this month The new move \g part of a ie-organisatloi)
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  • 29 6 SINQAPORI Mr aiuuatcrUl ajrj or th^ s.>uth-Eav ruon MUm of Ad\en- haa b^en »ppi>iir^(i nf« it 4 pa>iin of 'h» Bales- -i R.mcl s^v»n:h I).\ Advn ■nuirh
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  • 56 6 UK ballet examiner due KMANd ban. -Mim Ht/et Duii. to examiner of :n« Roy.» Academy of Dancmg. Londui. will conduct exammanr local dancer* on beihf academy irom Feo. rill tlao g'\t ornionsitKi ietiuie n Begin- S. Oeor«f> a liirl Sun.... ■>■ 8 p.m on Feo. 13 ir» *t» ■ni rh»
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  • 64 6 PSNANO BUB Mr. I.C. a.Sjel .<> rr-f,r-r!ed ill»irm»n tIM I'<-n..iu hranch of -.lie StatM 'i Malaya rii^mber of f it lU annual me*iMr HI 1 v elf f<\ in «ith Mr j r. Bhaw. Mi D R. Chapman Mr. i) v Clayton Mi a i. Davu at.d
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  • 52 6 PENANG. Sun. An aman Tan Kirn Kama, «<a robocd <>( lif 1 bandbag containing S2B while she was i-ycling home along Lngun Road last night Tan 40. reported to th« police that tuo cvclwt« came up from behind and on** ol them gr^bb'fi her handbag Thr>y
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  • 28 6 KANtiAH. Bttß Iho < m»! rftcer Inci. :in bii. M< <ir. ;:i d»<l«re pciiiv Dtara Siom lion annim. meeting at. I>ngku Sul^imun S*ronoM-r Brhnol n»rt Thumday.
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  • 363 6 A 'bigger than Jengka scheme soon, says Tun TEMERLOH. Sunday ANOTHER giant land development scheme bigger than the 150.000-acre Federal Land Development Authority scheme at Jengka will be started in Pahang. Tun Abdul Hy/ak announced today. Thr Deputy Primp Minister was sppaking at a niret the-p»ople bossion at Kuala Krau.
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  • 134 6 Caltex dealers in Perak fight on IPOH. Sun. < altex dealers in P« l rak ha\e decided not to delirery of pelrol at their Uttift stations after 4 50 p m This i* one of the r<--*«iutionk pav>ed at a meeting of the dealer* here yesterday in prole>t acainxt the
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  • 133 6 SINGAPORE. Sun. The Singapore Manual and Mercantile Workers' Union has signed three new wage pacts with the managements of Mitsubishi Shoji Kaisha Ltd Maclainr Watson and Co.. Maclaine. Watson (Importers) Ltd and Ritchie and Bisset Ltd. on behalf of 130 workers employed by
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  • 172 6 AIR GIRL PEARL HAS STOP-OVER SINGAPORE BIRTHDAY PARTY bark to N>« .>al»nrt «fi»r an ov^rnigh' *!op CINGAPORE S .1 It nrai very happy birthd. New Zealand rtiKiu 'carl I.uv, who celebrated hor 23rd birthday heir last night shortly after she arrived in a DC-8 fun let. It f a doubt*
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 298 6 !ov In. a 1 help with charity, welfare and I 00l I keep paid and dont beat my *ite Now what do need fn Ptoiu hettn Be.side> I dont have time ..■ng hour* each week with that religion atuff •'i thniß" 1 a« iry are But have you evei thought
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    • 245 6 ty bjL&Wt- .^bT^^B^B^BVk^' HOW to increase your knowledge your qualifications your earning powerai rWMUCN TNC HMLI-UMOUi MMbM POSltl lUIHON 01 tni Ntno HSUi'J CttlMf UNIM (M(M«r If ttl UskhliM m Iritis* C«"M|M««Kt CtllffM T>t H.(.. coi-fm. tt i s: 1 t.< > t^outi'.^s C crot j'» r t" if i
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  • 163 7 Now an import ban on those rocket crackers SIS(,.\POR K. SunNo more r«M'k«"t firecrackers ami rocket firework u^e of one third of tV IM fire* during ChtocM \«>w Year m.jv be imported for local I The Sineapore and M < U\si.ui <■ .i \ir n m ents have already banned
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  • 28 7 the lent Mtd tIM blood n Mrs n X reury i Mr f- A .•lonftl rmlnlns ofß r »rd Tensku A!irbmtraHi »nd the TiiDing Red
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  • 33 7 About 6 000 is- 'he Product Disd.^Raffles Place last mon'h an average of 260 8 day. The n from 930 a tr. •/■> 5.80 rm r.*-.\- exrep! v Bat
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  • 341 7 HIGH COURT TO HEAR WIDOWS' CLAIMS SINGAPORE, Sun 'J'HF will of a wealthy Singapore pawnbroker. Wong Ying Sieng, who died in the General Hospital here more than 10 ago, is to be challenged in the High Court this week by 10 plaintiffs All stated to be
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  • 93 7 Two British naval ships on a diving mission PENAM.. Sun. Two Royal Navy *hips. lI MS Sheraton and H.MS Diver, arrived here today to carry out a diving operation in international waters about five miles wes>t of Port Swettenham. The object of the operation, requested by the Singapore Government, is
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  • 59 7 KCALA LI'MPUR. Sun In Sr: Nik Ahmad Kamil was i-e--pysidcnt of the Maldyiintiich of the Royal it its annual •iir University of Other officials are: Vice-ore-I)r Eunic Th;o. Dato llubin Sheppard, Prof m,-t,iao. Prof. W^nn Guiirviu and Dato Abdullah bin nimrci; secretary. Mr. BAY. Peacock: asswtant
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  • 49 7 Mi'AR Sun. The Jobora Menin Brsar. Dato Han Othr. „n will prc.-n, M Commemorative Mrdal> to 50 t'nino members hrrr on Friday. He will also present the winning trophy to the Umno Par.* Jawa branch for having the most members among the State branches.
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  • 174 7 'Use trains' advice to the residents of P.J. KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. The Kuala Lumpur traffic chief, Supt. Mansor bin Mohamed Noor, has advised residents In Petalinp Jaya to use trains to travel to and from work as this wouid be far more convenient for them. He said: "The railway stations
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  • 83 7 ENTRY LAW IGNORED: MAN FINED PEN ANO Sun A N« Chit Koon. 28. w*s finou $200 for Jailinß I pear b-fore ;>n In.n- oflu-rr when be en' Ala at Padanq Best! Pel 5 p.m. on Frl). 4 Immigration Inspector Ini-hr Mohamrd Jamil, told thr eouri ttizen hud h. nd .sevrrHl
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  • 180 7 Relief to 20,000 flood victims hits a snag TOHORE BAHRU, J Sun. Lack of transport is hampering the distribution of food and clothing to Johorc's 20.000 Hood victims. A larce percentage of th« food, which includes rice, flour .aid blsculta donated by the Central Governnd wellwisher to be distributed Hall
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  • 30 7 QAPORI Sun .rd th» \nirr.ra line .•In u« A lion hai eer »TTaig- when .f the •.aapnre A •ne ?1 'iurma her 31 162-nv.l»
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 55 7 Hoechst- mI in II I I■ '^j» Sf" fMIMPTH j HOECHST SINGAPORE LTD. FlLtifl HOECHST MALAYSIA SDN.BHD. Ist floor. K. P.M. Bldg. m. liiilF yM 468-6 C Jalan Ipoh Chung Siew Yin Bldg. Ib, Palmer Road I^L^ln^ .^H Kuala Lumpur 25, Light Street Singapore 2 Tel.: ***** Penang Tel.: 981
      55 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous

  • 25 8 TAIPING. Sun. The North Perak Chinese Chamber of Commerce wU hold a Chinese New War party H Mir Ku.mtuna Association here tomorrow.
    25 words
  • 251 8 6,400 Govt officers to help in S'pore election SINGAPORE. Sunday. A BOUT 6,400 government officers are to be mobilised for work in connection with the coming Si ngapore general election. There will be more than 360 polling stations. Th t election will also Involve some 1.200 ballot boxes and a
    251 words
  • 243 8 Ong: Preserve this system of government SINGAPORE, Sun. The Minister for Education, Mr. Ong Pang Boon, last night urged citizens to preserve in Singapore what very few countries in SouthAsia have a demo cratic system of government He said: "We believe this is the best political system for a multi-racial
    243 words
  • 92 8 PENANU. Sun— About 100 'nends presented the Minister ot Education. Inch* •(I Khir Johari, with a birthday cake. bakrd in the form Hi an open !>«>k, at a private party .<: B i S»ew Villa. Tanionn Bungah. last night. 1 rai Inch- Khirs 45th birthday, and
    92 words
  • 206 8 Forces offer study grants to public KUALA LUMPUR. Sun. For the tint time, Malaysian Armed Forces are offering scholarships to the public to get a "wider selection" of suitable applicants. The scholarships are for medical and mechanical, civil and electrical engineering courses at the University of Malaya, the Royal Naval
    206 words
  • 38 8 TELUK ANSON. Sun. Th# police last inchl seized vp\rn »lot machines (ran <Jh*rity fun fair in Paulin Street herp. Pirt of the proceeds of thi* fair Is to be donated to the flood relief fund.
    38 words
  • 223 8 SINGAPORE. Sun TH E Rubber and Plastics Division of the Singapore Polytechnic will be opened by Mr. Low Guan Onn. director of the Jurong Shipyard Ltd. and deputy chairman of the Polytechnic, on Feb. 26. The d. vision Is equipped with
    223 words
  • 44 8 SINGAPORE. Sun— The Singapore Music Teachers' Association is organising m mv.sic contest for Mudents to encourage them to give public performances in a competitive spirit The contest, beginning nn April 8, is open to piano, string and wind instrument students
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 301 8 EXPORTS IMPORTS I For trade introductions and confidential market data on all parts of Australia, ask the bank that knows Australian business best. .the Bank of New South Wales Australia has 1 1,545,000 period at an average rate The Bank of New South people sited in a continent of 7°
      301 words
    • 248 8 Jailed: Man who had such a lucrative business \IALACCA, Sun. iT1 Goh Kirn Keat, 45. who 1 ribed by the pros* cutlon as having a iuciative trade" administering dangerous drugs, was jailed by the Sessions Court here yesterday. Ooh, who told the court that he admliu>vr,'d thw drugs to people
      248 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 182 8 Bg V.T. llnrr.Hr. BtTwHOOBY.') MISTAKE. THROWW/^VMV, I H*D^-^^J' %v wW' 'H A E>X»_^V HOCKS ATTMOSE "EM COMIN'/T WAS V**U /</ J> 0 A WillK I .»^Uk V%OMEN.' /ATMS LUCKY TO T%C "Pif^'d h F^JnKljuV. V WOVJ- ,d FB£^ l W-L /GET OUTA^>-^< fc\.V Of,. 1 J f B-^lik. ANGLESI THERE
      182 words

  • 691 9  -  BERNARD D. NOSSITER b) |)O\VN among the *J sheltering palms In this southwest corner of India, a pair of politically distinguished lovers has become entangled in the crossed lines of International Communism. He is I Thomas. Minister of Industries for the state of
    691 words
  • 791 9 The political sickness in Germany A resurgence oC extreme nationalism. student unrest. Communist revival among unwanted miners in the Ruhr, voters uneasy about the complete lack the Parliamentary opposition— like history repeating itself WHAT is happening in Germany?* Is history repeating itself? In the country that is blamed for starting
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 93 9 Dili II SAVINGS Jl ■>sl .^MR*^^^gl K^MHswH^gMl^S Z HLjgL_J Is. A ifl ggplPgpi^li^^jl^^^jg^^pjswg^^^jSsjy -j^j s ills s^ 'ii\'i "j fc^gggj^^^^^kggj v s£' i g^Hkflflggtel xfiggggK w^ggfl&ft. HBWW*^^ R9bfe£ gggggggggggßMPk^*^^rF^^^BS T cjgg3«irtrjr^ I jfIHJ Fab, the washing powder with the powerful difference is now offering big value savings. For a limited
      93 words

  • 10 10 ANNOUNCEMENTS Minimum) 1 i. open malt dat today iwo«hm v
    10 words
  • 5 10 i I/J Htnimumi Ol<
    5 words
  • 553 10 The Straits Times Monday. February 12, 1968. Too Much To Ask? The question before the advanced aaftiaasia net whetk rr th.y caa afford U> help th. dwelaping nations, but whether they can afford not to <lv .o." Thus Mrs. Gandhi, when she opened th* ■econd United Nations Con- ..ncl
    553 words
  • 323 10 A full-ink alert of military and polkM throughout Thai- i land may not b* immediately justifu.t by Communist bi.iii^i :md terrorism but no one can fairly say that the fears it i.fl.vts ait' misplaced. There is s<> far little to suggest that the attacks in South Vietnam and
    323 words
  • 277 10 The problem of commodity has been much in everyone's minds ai the Unctad conference, hut it was 'eft to Malaysian delegate to get i at the heart of thr matter. Will Unctad do anything for devel' ping countries whose primary products are so much ■1 th«> mercy <>f
    277 words
  • 395 10  - Ghana prepares for free elections CAMERON DUODU Accra by AS Ghana approaches tne .second anniversary ol the overthrow by the military of Kwame Nkruman, on Feb. 24, lyoo, tne preparations for tne country's return to civilian rule are making good progress. Bui some misgivings are being heard about Uie conservatism
    395 words
  • 518 10  -  YUNUS MARIS LESSON 154 in a new series by OIOSSARY IH-gangKU (V) —to be Interfered. harassed MKNGgCaaKAN (vi to echo: Klmel«rm»AX (n) poverty, destitution; maha*i*wa Ul student, undergraduate; mass* ml mass ihe BM Here Is a very *hort edi'orial from ri H. of Fob. 6 for Dißdire In
    518 words
  • 1111 10  - Seeking new maturity for Britain's trade unions David Haworth AFTER 100 YEARS OF SUCCESSFUL PROTEST AND STRUGGLE A SIGNIFICANT ANNIVERSARY by LONDON THE oldest organisation of its kind in rhe world, Britain's Trades Union Congress, celebrating its hundredth birthday this year, has come a long, arduous way since its tentative
    1,111 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 162 10 Clissifird idrtMisrnreßtj far Straits Tlaaaa A Malay Mail may be handed to: COID STORACf SUH» MAKKfT UataJ COID jrcn&l iUANCMIS^^ i-ocm sTom ltd.. .-v norkat. NawJ Bo« 'OM. J- i-angl Rood, vf" Viator. •UK BROS. ITOw -no* 19 A T G»«NAMAKASAM CO. fi.rt, ,'tx ra 17. Kit CHfOrtG AMfWtRINC SVet.
      162 words
      63 words
    • 88 10 You buy life insurance for someone you love w>- If you care about their security, you will insure yourself. WING ON is one of the oldest and most respected insurance companies in the Last. Insure with WING ON and you will be investing your money, earning a cash dividend every
      88 words

  • 3 11 Balik
    3 words
  • 545 11 A dynamic Parliament PAP INTRODUCES THE FIRST THREE OF THE 'NEW FACES' SINGAPORE. Sunday. fHE PAP candidates for the general election will be picked with an eye to making the Republics Parliament mirror the dynamism and variety of Singapore society. A PAP .statement said this today when introducing the first
    545 words
  • 45 11 NEB PLANS FOR MORE POWER IN RURAL AREAS TAP The nsive protilC Na- by its Haji Ofeni I .Jib, here yestf CDcial $142 Pudatiß hemp by the .<-■ Perak, he .rting meet. riallsa•r lding Urrv nent'x 1065. i:iven at a merit Uncl merit's more sup--5 tnfii^d.
    45 words
  • 111 11 Australia to train 29 army, police officers tINGAPOKt Sun The Australian Army Is helping to train officers and men of the Mala\sian Army and the Koyal Malaysian Police Force. The training has Ix-rn arranged under the Australian aid to Malaysia programme and the men will complete eight .separate courses before
    111 words
  • 41 11 KAJANCi. sin. -More thin sO(i poor paopta will be (ed a' the i S .biMniHiiuni :rm;- r Rdra Rond here by Hindu devo- I 'ees «iio «:ii br ec^eknUng the i h •::)il>Htn 1 1 IBM lI IQW.
    41 words
  • 123 11 24lb. catch wins him first prize in fishing contest KIALA nUENOGANU, Sun. An engineer oi Kastcrn .Mines .Metals Ltd.. >ir. A. H. >lcKmUv. has unn the fir>t prize tor the >lala\sia section in an international fishing contest organised h v a Swedish lishing equipment firm. Mr. Ah r\iiiJ( s laught
    123 words
  • 157 11 >U-VGAPORE. Sun. The Straits Times has receivrd further donations totaiung $1,495.25 for the Rose Minie Memoria! Fund which now stands at $7,662.25. Th<> lvi.d. in aid of the Retarded Cmldrens Association uf Sitii?apo;e. was .Marted in memory ol mhtihl worker, Mrs Mm 1
    157 words
  • 95 11 KLALA LUMPUR. Sun More than $19 million had been .-Dent under the Fir*t MalnvM.l to e\!end medical faciUUea in Sar,r,v,ik. the Pnrl.,tmrniary seirr'.trv to the Ministry H< i h Inche Ibrahim bin Abdu R said in :h<- I)e; in i: i week. He wh.s reviving to
    95 words
  • 111 11 SINGAPORE, Sun Thr' ,r r'nrcf offirers. \\i\» uhile seTving at \l Srlelar dr■<l a ■iirh her support for injared airmen r^M'tirrj b\ helicopter fro>n the sea Maxr \< on special awards :tnd tertifirat<"> mr th. ir invention. They have ,iK(i been comnii nrled by
    111 words
  • 427 11 CABINET RESHUFFLE IN THE OFFING Bahaman makes disclosure at doctors dinner in Ipoh IPOH. Sunday in the I "is in 'ht offing" and the 1 changi xpected before the end of April. This was stated las* night by the Minister ol Health. Inrhc Bahaman bin Sam suadin, at the annual
    427 words
  • 11 11 LU.".: c h CenT and \v Lumul Hosp.tal on
    11 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 149 11 i:<ij:mu7oq SOLVES YOUR ACCOUNTING PROBIEMS Tne Kienzle Accounting Machine is programmed to your own requirements. Whatever the business and whatever the applica^n sales. purchases, stock, payroll, costing, banking or finance, there is a K erze mach,ne-to suit you. SOME TECHNICAL DATA: from 3-25 registers (with or without manual selection). 10-key
      149 words
    • 201 11 [faff vfferl)ir.e\ \CWjk Jj/fability /S the symbol oi 1 SERVICE I I SECURITY t I STABILITY PANMALAYAN FINANCE [10 WTHORND CIWTU JICOOOOOO ISSUED AND P&ID !)*> UPTTiL SSOOQOOO pm mm mm. united guup assits uaiD S2&*****0 H#t<(o#^t»»i»ll.i^«hctßull < J^«.POB»l»M.Sr>gipor«T. &oßßrMcn. MMS«i*g.«Heu>f. 5«l«g«Ro«0 S^ajpo-t 7. Tc.p-o-t iXtl mm PAN MALAYAN FiNANCE
      201 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 783 11 TV MALAYSIA CHANNEL 5 Kuala Lumpur The Reluctant Bridegroom, and i) luoh and 7 N< n in Enslish; 7 12 Hazel; Mjlaira; 3 .Mid 10 Julmre 8 Wei ;n Mmdann, 8 iO BaBahru: 4 laiping; 7 Batu Kit.. 8 27 Malaysia SaPahat; 9 Kluan*. Minecu: 8 35 My
      783 words

  • 149 12 THE Cl RIOIS WDKI It OK KRANK Bl( XI.AM) Ky (.HO Burscss. (John Baker 50-). By Walter Warwick BUCKLAND'S five volume natural history, much treasured in youth, revealed almost as much about the eccentric author as the creatures he lovingly investigated, and oftentimes ate. The son of an
    149 words
  • 1262 12 m\ M^m DEFEAT IN THE EAST. By Michael Elliott-Bateman. (Oxford University Press. $18) THE ROOTS OF GUERRILLA WARFARE. By Douglas Hyde. (The Bodley Head. 155.) AS the battle for Khe Sanh begins, Dien Bien Phu is much in men's minds. It one
    1,262 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 206 12 RENOLD the worlds finest timing chain FIT 1 1 D \S ORIGINAL KQI IPMI NT ON ALL HRIIISHVKUICLLS. <••*— UNITED MOTOR WORKS LTD. 1 14. Jaii >Tui«j AMui Rahman, Kuala Lumpur. 1 1S. Prangm Road, Panang. BSfc ■SB'S <aiiiM jaajar^'^. Security is so many things... beiag, Your monc> lor>ou Liter
      206 words
    • 300 12 A Medicine is no longer a secret science. Here, for every r* '^^5^22 family, every home, every ottice, every clinic, and all those I P^^H interested in medical facts, is a unique volume containing W^^ the clearest and most helpful medical information for the ■V A Hi layman available today
      300 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 1147 13 TO LIVERPOOL t WEST COST U Out Sport Saila P. S'tian Ptnaaf M.«CHAON .01 Pert PdS«MDF» 15 Ftk 11 I G us Fit 11 Fel II Ftt II 11 Frt n PTPRNUS Mat 1/ 2 DEMODOCUJ n AT-outk F«» 24 Fit 27 Fel I mtkmioon ..j f, t n Mar
      1,147 words
    • 1356 13 CAP THE CAST AS AT C COMPANY L'l Jncvp-vi'^d ■>•«— i-h IXMESS SAILINGS TO 6ENO* NORTH CONTINENT SCANDINAVIA S ham Penang Spore I Genoa R'dam h burg Aarhus C'hagefl PASADENA ID F.I 24 21 Ftl 27 21 Ftl 21/ 1 Mr 1 Apr 11 Apr IS Apr II Aat MONGOLIA
      1,356 words
    • 1275 13 I BENWLINE tXPHtSS SEBVICC 10 LONDON, IIVtWPOOL IQNTIMNTAL POMS. BENMHOR B 8 bingacor* Pt S har» fenang Antwerp Mr I rtTM BSSL X* BENDEARG IflSi !S Singa;ve p i cenjni »m Api 1 Frt 70.21 Mbrough Apr 1 Sincu;. r« P S'hM Pinaaf BENWYVIS HamDurg. London i > BENAIUCIN ».rp.
      1,275 words
    • 1200 13 te; ELLERMAN BUCKNALL S.S. CO.. LTD. SmiiDon P. S him N*M| CITY OF ST. ALBANS Htvn (72/3), Gla ?3 34 Mirc.rj (31,3) 13 Ftt 14 11 Ftl II Fit CITY OF DUNDEI London. Rotttrdia. V. VI Ma hI mm I ttw OH OF HEREFORD Havre, London, Rotttrdan. iimburi 2/ *»t
      1,200 words

  • 758 14 WHE Straits tin price <in 1- Saturday morning fell by 50 cents to |MMtH per pirul in Penant; on an offering estimated down five tons to 225 tons. Support, at slightly lower levels was reported largely from America and Europe. In London on
    758 words
  • 234 14 COMMODITY REVIEW tt»w^i<lj tnor# n.»rtn**l "fir^'.m^f '.rs^kaß m thr K»-'i, Artrr tn« long Chin»«» Ntw Y*«r holiday. ii(~ouii''v wUMMj of »CCU/l, l »i.|-i T:.i»r»d Olf the I'O'^n^hrd fTlo^T^^nt whirh *n turn brought In ftalt full atoplora afllinic. In ad'i'ion. »om» (lr«»hAn*i rsIn.t araiaM. wnilut »nort-5-v«rlrn and new order* ««re
    234 words
  • 80 14 f !ta riln to mrrrrunu on *«rard»r tall ralta to SlOUi. Unitad Ittlaa. Buying TT 32 lft IS. airmail CU 3.1 1 16. M 1 It 33 9/18 •naH fiill». 33 7 i 'rad« bllia. Canda: Muvhj TT 35 13 IR. *lrTrall lon 34 1J 1«. :>» rt
    80 words
  • 30 14 ON inn fra* aichanj. marktt s H... K. t cm Mtv U I. Dallar n^i Qiiotod a. T T ca«h. Slarlinc wa» .\»<<-; •nt tatl at i«M hi Ml
    30 words
  • 72 14 »>b. S. Frh. 6. Frh. 7. trb 8. I rh. :i. trb It. Industrial*: 129 11 IJB 86 129.71 ***** 130 35 IMJI PrnpertieM 143 05 141 1 fi4 143 47 ***** 145 27 144 95 r Minings: 78 tis 78 93 78 86 78 35 78
    72 words
  • 22 14 nrrrnt Oat* Total for Total (or paymrnt payable Ihr ftmt prr\inu- if« Malayan < rnimt Mar 29 15% 12> 5 O
    22 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 978 14 L KAWASAKI KISEN KAISHA LTD. Wastarn Australia Singapore Japan Sarvlea t'Port VMUKPii/Klfoni ttikonaaw »(*t "Tiiat Mara- I f.a v is Fal U Frl 74 Frl It Ml "t»m Tara" 7) Fit 'l Mat 1/ I Mai 11 Mai II Mar N Mat Waat AlHaaj Singapore/ Japan Sarvlea BJJBJBJ ~tNMaM
      978 words
    • 853 14 P&O to Europe and the United Kingdom s.s. "IBERIA" (30,000 torn fully oircondi»ion«d stabilised) Departing SINGAPORE 29 Feb 1968 Arriving SOUTHAMPTON 29 Mar 1968 via Colombo, Durban, Cop« Town, Dakar ond Liibon. FIRST I TOURIST CLASS ACCOMMODATION AVAILABLE ■MM FIRST CLASS S.ngapore/UK from $2389 and TOURIST CLASS from $1500) Apply
      853 words
    • 837 14 alU^afe t >ar||3HKgEgZZ^»»M|[jpy^ JBaM Smiapori P. Shin Ptaaa| fl»tlC EIA.EID EIA.IIO j rBOM aUSTIaII* vishv* KalTaN" tor Maarit. Colombo i Cueutti Fll NVfJ l» mom MUMM ■MM or rutcn** t O up** 11/11 11/11 FROM CaICUTTa STITE Of CUIIHUT" lor Honp Ronp I iipm mm v t »t» W I
      837 words
      279 words

  • 822 15 I nun Our Market lor respondent Tilt. Stork ExduUfC of .Malaysia and Singapore la>t week put up an extraordinarily good performance both price-wise and in volume of bwiaCM considering all the circumstan« i The week not 01 I worsening of the war In Vietnam and
    822 words
  • 32 15 I! I I IN iprrlb. i iprriiii-uli »cb. »J it-.. 44 <ts. ISSeMS'i 7. M4«BV S;>t>t.OU K. 44 'j civ SiW.l.'j S. 44 »Ct8. f3«8.1?i, 10. >0J9.6-. i
    32 words
  • 78 15 I"Hr (olk>»inj iv a «..m|)lrU- list of irM-ed ijuolatiunv for tUc wr.k >n<led »4turda% rrb 10. INDUSTRIALS "> I -t I .z, LX V i PROPERTUs P Mil. amun* r. KlMiacbai f tail Kc.«: I K K«Ji'.-.».- I. 1U J t>4 C<l I T i jrr
    78 words
  • 901 15 BA»EO ON A COMPARISON OF LAST SALES IN THE SINCAPORF AND KUALA LUMPUR TRADINC ROOMS OF THF STOCK ■XCMANCE ON FEM AND INDUSTRIALS: Ben and Ce. ■euitead > -I vent). Central Sutar .-IV Majta>, C CM. i- BBU*) CS Maldinit .rcn i. Dunlep I IC MMt», E Smelter*
    901 words
  • 210 15 PROPERTIES Central Prep ".i M H to Ml., to $1 M City OK -r« to »»i renta; Fab»- Union renta to 32 cents. Island Pen. H cni» to 91 (•mi to Ml c. nta to M centa: X.LPrep >i.Ol to Wb certa to $1.00 to ci.) najtj r,, OU|
    210 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 205 15 tontinurd trom Pagr I" SITUATIONS VACANI l£_»Vor*a f *ftn >—Box i» 'f. .itrm CIVILIAN EUROPEAN FAMILY •eelc nd-'i ook-ntnera. ar^b. Telephone Singapore S4S7O. < OUARRY PERSONNEL REQUIRED iirei MTtSM rrotu for tn. (o: ;*jt oco from axparlei 1 w..irr» fercuoDe) ro. work tn MtwA. (1) OUARRV MASTER. I tut. v
      205 words
    • 270 15 iITIATIONS VACANI M,,,^, s Hiii.;— Box 4« r/« riln RCau tnr frrior Appointmenta In- Sunda* Mail eiacb week WANTED GENERAL ACCOUNTS CLERKS. st»r.,graph»r(i. Typlft^. r.eceptionmt rataßtajaSM Call: •.".10. Mala>an Mansioo. s ond Kloor. K.L. REQUIRED IMMIOIATILV t. male outdoor Caovaaaerr SlOu/. weekly for right person. Apply *Hn photo (returnablai. Boi
      270 words
    • 1004 15 1 hSbIbH HbElb^b^b^blHb^b^bHOlßbWKKll aDpflH SITUATIONS VACANT Wm4» U (Min.y—Maa M H*. tatr* MALI LABORATORY ATTINOANT maximum age -e^ondary 3 liovs* l ernment or aided penool Genera) MM required. rtet> P.O. Box >J3SI ST. Sport. GRADE 111 CONDUCTOR Required for oil mill in North Johore. Reply giving details of experience, presert
      1,004 words
    • 897 15 SITUATIONS VACANT li WardM U 'MtnA—Moa SO rts. amtr* JUNIOR INDENTING I«LIIM«N experien.-'.l Tnt:;e», ready-ma4«-vaar. Indan Chinese. Salary. CoretniMlOO. Stile Kit Otper'Mrt, rr munerations. X: .nty Post Bos K bpo'« ACCOUNT! CLERK R»qulr«rl A kno» >«■;* of Bookkt-eplng. Typing and the Kalamajoo l»>'.cu nrrr.r.n'. Apo!> !r 0»n hard- rl.r.. ►"v.r.l
      897 words
    • 772 15 HOUSES AND LAND FOR SALE I* Wurda U #«j r*. w* NO MLAVII A .a* BtfWt, JMM Tanao Puteo ipera Eitate ■torey nc::r.-d<-ta<-hed Brn«alo««. 4 B«droomi, tx<- bo»n Piimi Monthly (346 to- .v \'tn. <b'por»> j.UKW. .4394. sir.. Permit No. 1?*. D«\. I.'. No. HOUSES AND LAND WANTED I* »f4l
      772 words
    • 366 15 FOR HIRE /> W»r*. >» II, K >> rl. .wtrm W TV IV T el a port I new luriinivc pMu iar dbivi < FOR Mt»|RN DESir.MI Rcxho" C» HAND NEW AIRC ONDITIONERI •or H R»l> 1 P.«l«. 8 do:.OFFICE EOUPMENT LATEST SENIOR JUNIOR CHAIM VfTlf'l .-in«<ror» K U AGENTS
      366 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 667 16 t MM lr«m Pagr 15 VEHICLES FOR SALE It »»r4. it (Dtirn i— lv in etr aatM 1111 MORRIS MINI-TRAVtLLIR Rin« GnsiU LATt ism UHMMTTt V 115. Uu-rro l<lre»t. r TAUMUt I2M |I. IM l»ir»l IM F SM COO PI T 'SO*. IM4 M I FIDO TRANSIT VAN ni *ronKor
      667 words
    • 253 16 MISCFLLANtOUS I, <*nr4m ¥iH.)—B»X i* tlB. Mlra UENERAL »e«A» P«IN I IN.. MAKE FRIENDS STRAICHTWA* nroujrh K I' Knclo»» return iwal .Kr Alexandra PO Be» lux Sincapor* I COINC CHEAP: v J I II m Tan VOUNC BACHELOR Kequirat Ufta com!"Hl»s Ironi i»rf ESTABLISHED lIWI Aaia Marrinn* Khfn« Chiu ten
      253 words
    • 507 16 WHERE TO STAY (S pore) It W»r4i U (Mlm.h- a* rla <slra SOUTH *AST ASIA Hi.t.l. Bar R<?a- j ta.irant IWU Waterloo Street 8 port I "CITY" CUCST HOUSE. Knoms M OwvaaMMaa. Kcononma: Termn. Telr|>hon< MilK- 1 Spore. SLOANE COURT HOTEL all roomi fully air-conditions wall to wall ..irint and
      507 words
    • 777 16 PUBLIC APPOINTMENT^ KERAJAAN KELANTAN JAWATAN KOSONG Permohonan2 ada-lah dl-Jemput (i.nipada Warga Negara Persekunian bagi perlantekan ka-jawatan Jurutaipi Semeotara i Bahamian lIIi di-Negerl Kelantan atau < tangga-gaji saperti berikut $125 140 x 8—156 170 x 10— j 210/230 x 10 250 l> Chalon2 mestl-lah berumor I cenap 17 tahon teUpl tidak
      777 words
    • 1004 16 NOTICES NOTICE IN THE DISTRICT COURT AT KUCHING BETWEEN: CHONG CHOON NYEN lawas Trading Company, No. 17. Lawas Bazaar. Lawas. Phunlifl AND: OULAM MOHAMED. Shophouse No. 8. Lot No. 521. Mile 3. Pending Road. I Kuching 1« Defendant MOHAMED SADIOUE. Shophouse No. Lot No 521. Mile 3. Pending Road. Kuching
      1,004 words
    • 535 16 NOTICES THE MEDICAL REGISTRATION ORDINANCE, 1952 (No. C 9 of ***** MEDICAL COUNCIL. STATES OF MALAYA The Medical Council of the States of Malaya consists of nineteen members of which seven are registered medical practitioners re- sident in the States of Malaya and were elected by the registered medical practitioners
      535 words
    • 523 16 §THE i LION CITY HOTEL i LIMITED APPLICATIONS from suitably qualified citizens are invited for the following positions: ADMINISTRATIVE: Accountant Accounts Inks. Book keeper, Booking (Inks. Order Clerks, Cashiers, Receptionista, Typists, relephone Operators. GENERAL STAFF Electrician, Store-keeper, 1 louse-keeper, Room Stewards, Barmen, Chambermaids, Cleaners, Porters, Jagas, LiftOperators, Drivers, Gardeners. All
      523 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 521 17 The Chairman Directors of CHUNG KHIAW BANK, LIMITED wish to thank all friends, customers and shareholders for their kind attendance and good wishes extended to them on the occasion of the completion of renovation and extension of their present Head Office premises at 59, Robinson Road, Singapore. UNIVERSITY OF MALAYA
      521 words
    • 754 17 NOTICES COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE MALAYA \dnm»inn lo the Preliminary l oursr in the Session 196K «9. Applications are inviteo lo admission to the One Year Prell minarv Course in Agriculture lo be considered (or admission a cani.idate must possess at least a Grade 3 Cambridge School Certificate Malaysia Certificate or
      754 words
    • 896 17 !ÜBLIC APPOIN HVIEN I i JAWATAN2 KOSONG KERAJAAN MALAYSIA Permnhonan2 ada-lah tii-pelana npada WaiKanenara Malaysia untok mengisi iaualan2 yang berlII KKHIDMAI I \DHIK NM.I.RI. rtLAI PINVNC Jawaian im teup dan beipenchen TANGOA GAJI: Keutl tß.ihagiaD II) Lakl2i $430 \20— 470 Sekatan Peperekfcuan, I rniKkaian Blast; $548 x 28 744 SektUrfn
      896 words
    • 787 17 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS VACANCIES IN THE MAJLIS PERBANDARAN IPOH Applications are Invited from Federal CtttaMU and or Sut« National for the following appointments in the Municipality of Ipoh Mechanical Engineer: Pair:- $628 X 34 934 x 34 $1254 ites should be over 30 Re and possess the follow An approved Untversitr
      787 words
    • 807 17 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE. 1 MALAYA Applications are Invited from suitably qualified candidate* belnw 1 50 years of age on Ist January 1968 for the lol lowing posts ia> Lecturei in Soil Science (b» Bursar l<u»lific«tionv For <a> above, candidate* mum posses* at least a degree In Agricultural Science
      807 words
    • 654 17 OFFICIAL NOTICE PROPOSAL TO CHANGE A SHIPS NAME We, Progress Shipping Ltd. of 110 A, Robinson Road, Singapore, hereby give notice thot in consequence of purchasing the ship, we have applied to the Registrar of Singapore Ships, under Section 535 of the Merchant Shipping Ordinance (Chapter 207 in respect of
      654 words

  • Untitled
    • 175 18 KINGSTON. Sun ond Innings after b< England in their first Inx behind HI v.l'!lout loss in thHr in td' ;n< (i much ■i his David Baaptgc Indir Ih M el of 4i> with tlie >nlv time the W« >t Indian ram- d rr I o
      175 words
    • 19 18 ..mi- 7-3 10 Xi ng urn Finished la i ball rt hirh endI man »c-
      19 words
    • 74 18 BAM NAME 7-MAN TEAM FOR LONDON TUP:' 1. ii Malaysia maj •end the entire Thoraai c ;i> team ami two wmising young piayei I the All England ch*m pii month. B \M iid in Penan Cup ondon anu B \M di till of tht 1 11 i., 1 .11.
      74 words
    • 3 18 M-CYCLE GIFT M
      3 words
    • 2057 18  - Sporting Gesture from last to first EPSOM |EEP BRILLIANT PERFORMANCE BY CUP TRIAL WINNER By gI'OKTING GSSTUKE II came Croon last to first in the Tengkll'l Gold Cup Trial over 9f at Kuala Lumpur yesterday. Sporting Gesture trailed the lie Id for more than threequarten of thr journey at one
      2,057 words
    • 301 18 Selangor fight hard to enter the final SINGAPORE 1 SELANCOR 2 Selangor entered the FAM Cup final 1 by beating the holders Singapore, 2-1 after extra tune at Jalan Besar Stadium yesterday, reports J°E DOKAI. But biuKaixiru. represented by .»n Dnder-28 .sjdo put up a .splendid performance and It was
      301 words
    • 14 18 nt Hai i 3-1 in Binnapah netted M I 10-0
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
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    • 33 18 'II; Toso curtain rails and accessories Perfect in function Smart in design On Display at Sole Agent: Gay World IHE PEKING 1968 FESTIVAL INVESTMENT at CO LTD Hong Siong Furniture Co.. 2 6230
      33 words

  • Untitled
    • 647 19 MAS CHESTER DERBY* CLASH POSTPONED BECAUSE OF SNOW I ON DUN. Sun. Peter Lorimer, who is reckoned to have the hardest shot in English football, scored the two goals which enabled Leeds to close up within a point of First Division leaders Manchester United yesterday. Leeds
      647 words
    • 1224 19 CoIChWtCI 28 5 5 4 19 18 3 3 8 13 30 24 Orient M 7 3 4 20 14 I 6 6 10 23 23 Manftlckl 28 6 3 5 23 21 2 i 9 11 23 22 Scunthorpc 2U 5 7 4 2\ 23 2
      1,224 words
    • 295 19 Pools H3 r"UPTI£ Umc agaiii this week for both England and Scotland and the draw leaves many matches very much in the balance. Ot the 16 r A Cup Biimes I think :>. .in likely draws. Llvcip'tcl. who needed two attempttu put out Bournemouth In the third round and wh"
      295 words
    • 206 19 t.A. I I' MM Kill KOI NU X A.'tun V.lla Ho:herham 1 BirinliiKham v Oneir X Carlisle v Brtrtoa 1 Chelsea v Normctl 1 Coveniry v T'linmere X Piilham v Portsmouth 1 L<-eds Norts Fnre*t 1 Man CUv v Leicester 1 Midd'.esbro V Bristol C X Sheff Utd.
      206 words
    • 197 19 I ONDON. Sun. A penalty goal by fullback Bob Hillier m the last minute en* abled England tv hold B-9 draw after falling brhind three times in their Rugbj L:.. mternatlonal at Twlckenham yesterday. The ttania were level 6-<J at nalltmu Bo;: pking Weir nr.-i
      197 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 264 19 STL Rides and drives like a dream and con- As for convenience, the gas tank fa large for long trips. cotTY/jffW i-nce. The interior is spacious: the mood subdued. padded dash and visors. 1 warning da»h light.-, a wide i'Uif *..i. r /ffffff Both the front seat and steering column
      264 words

  • 63 20 MANHATTAN IS HIT BY GARBAGE MEN'S STRIKE YEW YORK. Bun. L" Garbage still tills 3rd. v In Downtown Manhattan as the garb a g c collectors 1 w< ek-old strike i- nuii aii«■ s. The streets of the city are littcrrri with rotting rubbish, which has
    UPI  -  63 words
  • 37 20 ■i in i'-d in. •\\o interests vi 'he nation i" v I Bt thr dim ill. f nance Mhil.s;i I) 1 Kit.? Mr. J Singu- 'Ii I. rly. tlv m
    37 words
  • 287 20 NEWARK. Sunday special commis- 4* sion set up by New Governor RichI i ighes na« accused State and local police ana National Guardsmen of using live and unjustified force againsi Neduring race riots last summer in which 26 p ■> pie died. The
    Reuter  -  287 words
  • 387 20 I DID THE TESTING, INQUEST TOLD KOTA BHARU. Sun TIIE supervisor of 1 1 c blood bank at the Qeneral Hospital here, Inche Amir bin ll;iii Kuntom, said today that after a pilot bot was discovered to cont a i ;i Incompatible blood
    387 words
  • 393 20 Senu tells Batu Caves devotees: Tolerance key to unity... i KUALA LUMPUR. Sun BAiu Ca\ was today the bustling scene of c >lour and gaiety as thousands of visitors and devo mcd In to celebrate the Hindu festival n rhai] us un Igh thr festival morrow, the celebra- root oi
    393 words
  • 236 20 WELLINGTON. Sun. The Australian External Affairs Mini.strr, Mr. Paul Hasluck, said today that ho hop p (1 Britain would realise it .s f ill had a role to play in the security of the world. This ooold not be achieved without
    Reuter  -  236 words
  • 24 20 BINGAPORI I. il- stU(i partmeni at II rhcisc aii re* ted regtetei esi their .md 4 30 n m
    24 words
  • 8 20 Painting course IR] Adult l. tO 1)1)1(1 .ill <
    8 words
  • 91 20 Probe into Indian politician's murder DENARES, Sun. Police launched an Investigation today a, r ,iie body of a leading Indian politician was found 1)' i railway line near tiu.s northern city. body of 50-year-old nt ol the Wing Hindu Ja waii found 100 yards from 'iie platform in rail- man
    91 words
    10 words
  • 113 20 Love— the way to make the world a happier place PENANG. Sun. The Chief Planning i Beer ol thi Lei of R»ci in Qen< K. aratnam, yesterday called on all Cross members 10 "aci humanly. to your "In whaii .ran being said at pi entatlon ci remony inn a' headquarti
    113 words
    20 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 167 20 Late classified advertisements KfXMY lO i K 1. WONG CHONG I) LW^MHiH fILW W&f tW I Insure your success with 1 STAMFORD COLLEGE I i HOME-STUDY COURSES 1 incorporating the latest O DIAGNOSTIC METHOD OF TEACHING M OBJECTIVE TESTING M STAMFORD COLLEGE The largest Correspondence College Malaysia Singapore Region commended
      167 words