The Straits Times, 10 February 1968

Total Pages: 26
1 6 The Straits Times
  • 31 1 The Straits Times AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 150,000 aD 1 Nafmnal newspaper Kstd. 1845 S ViIKD.W. I I .I'.KI \\l\ 10. 19bH I^UII? KD.V 3101 M(. (I*) Ml 1 4
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  • 991 1 Outside besieged Khe Sanh... INSIDE KHE SANH: PAGE 10 SAIGON, Fridau AMERICAN jets today bombed a communist armoured column menacing Khe Sanh and hurled back ground probes against the besieged Marines' stronghold. The lighter- bombers screamed in vvilli lionibs. rockets and na|mlni after an aerial spoiler
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  • 247 1 THAIS GET READY FOR SURPRISE ATTACK BANGKOK. 1 n 1 aal aiithm itn s fearteg a coniiiiiiii'si attack in Baaaiuifc like the current 11IT1 nsr 1 111 s.iicon. h.ivi' ordei d 1 fall-scale alert idi mUitar) .mil polirr per— nm I thiuuuhout the (Oil II I It (Mil VlMld X.MI
    AP  -  247 words
  • 462 1 President Thieu decides on call-up speed-up and seeks more powers OAIGON. FrL Pre- sicirnt Niu y e n Van Thicii ol South Vietnam, in a speech in which h<" wept [or his count iy's losses, today announced .1 speeded-up mobilisation of military forces and <» th«• r emergency res
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  • 105 1 BANGKOK, In (inn airline flulits« hediiied tot 1 1> aciweesi K.mxkok aiu! SalgMi were laniflleil aeeasne <»f re■iwed \ict((ini: atlaekn near 'lan Son Mint airport in Saigon, sjlrftoes sources hell s.lid Hundreds ol Aniei ii an and paSSCMgeis waited at liansikok's Don Muanu
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  • 68 1 KUCHINU li. ci n I *ti Hi i,: ,r iv.n Cliilir c <ie .(Mm I till I .1munr pi ji;i cii Pi<ii.< rllla h.;.. Sarawak ba. .iririiceicil .v KaJUpoi Muilß■ok iii the i'.iiu cUfttrid «>n w. :-m i The |MiMiiii«ii >.u«i the ineii »r,c mi i'lix
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  • 25 1 I In Straits Times pul>ii>lif> in today's bamc a ■ix-StaKf feature on Ifcc I'.iil.tni: litilrneleetrie M-hcmr Make Mire >oii uel >onr inp>
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  • 498 1  - Feb. 1 7 is line-up day BARISAN TO BOYCOTT POLLS By JOSEPH YEO SINGAPORE. Fn. pHKSIDKNT Vusof Inn Ishak, who dis.sol> ed P;irli;iinenl yeslerd;i\. issued writs |«i night Tor :i (ieneßil Klection. Nomination Day is Feb. 17. according to tonight's Gazette notification, which also lists the nomination centres for .ill
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  • 66 1 AVIONON .i i.h.i.-. 1.. Madam Duponi IoU in newlyarrived i maid n> put ka Frew i the refrlßeralor. then nerve n to •hum .Si. ,v I aiini'ii v.ho >■ Kifiicli nol \<V' good. |n!(i ici [ftch Hip >.ik> irlurnp<i «il M '■■in i
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  • 201 1 fiHE Deputy Prime \Ji -1 ister. Tun Abdul Razak. >aid today that Malaysia would maintain closer and irieiirlly relation! with all us neigh boon In this region■We would like to be irii'iidly with our neighbours so thai we could exchange Idea*
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  • 29 1 LONDON mar :h»- lib m \i P hangin }\r Mil- ix < n n. urecetil iir..:: dlnlnutlTe »i. :i :r.>: left** II t rebel »n< 1
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  • 36 1 BANGKOK I:i Pou I rial mo null v.i i» v (i<-r Irosn annoii ■hell, pollci <-»\ I iur«- Mhei v 1 ton* were •lon. nhn li (iv ::i'\c(i tl mill nl Rruiei
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  • 23 1 TOKYO I i :.< i-r Oorernmeni a~ Uir tx-^; mo\l Japan D which (Ira.l With AUR ihi^ rou: trj rem i
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  • 75 1 VI \V DELHI Pi Ninetj peoph an ab< u [ndian Air Purer Antonov transport n ing for tWO (\:r. the Himalu Defence Ministry spokesman said toniuht. Thi R land ;tt Leh i!> high capital ol I the Hlmali FREIGHT from :i carried Leh i.-
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  • 5 1 iTIANI 1
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  • 26 1 TEST: COWDtEY HITS CENTURY KIN A finr 101 by Colin Cowdrey took England's score Ui n srcond day of second Test air,ain«t Went IndiM.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 91 1 W CHANEL CHANEL PARIS ~^PH WaaB*Jaaa*JSSSSSSSSaBWjy b/ \v I SIT A BLaBW^WIIBBBr^' ELECTRIC Hat* no mainspring The driving force is this tin/ cnerq/ relt oduol we) It gives steady electrn po*er and ste^u, electric accuracy) costs $2 50 and provides full energy tor nee than one year (guaranteed). 18K gold
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    • 102 1 IN FASHION ahermain fflßllfl l< h,,,1r \1.,-k B\ Baal BBIIIIIIIIIIT k B I I WINCARNIS the modern Q If 1<INI( U|Xl health-giving P|Br tonic drink \B (oral! V occasions >■> W Imported direct rrom England for your health and pleasure... WINCARNIS TONIC WINE W.->" ud and live th« V.' roach
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 90 2 TUE r^Pflf^lWV^ lI EII II fW'fafy^Bs THE I^ISW yElln^^pjgFJlp. mil if* Jk y Where fashion is high and the lights are W^ f< i jM*JB/ R^S^ low that's where you'll find Citizen. The J^\ fi^'*l^^§W trend-setters' watch, the high flying watch at f^^Rr^Bf^ftittl 4^^B the low flying price. Citizen is
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    • 163 3 I^EVV OFI.HI. Iri. The Tinted Nations Secretary-General, U I'll. int. lust night probed prospects for bringing the Vietnam war to the conference table in talks with the North Vietnamese Consul General here. Mr. Nugyen Hoa. The private talks were described .is a useful
      Reuter  -  163 words
    • 254 3 'Big Two' in £7,100 mil. link-up I NOON, Fn -Two l Britain's bi^hanks. Bare, and Lloyds, have announced plans for a £7.10u million link-up the latest and a wave of me r u<> r s sweeping business. They a Ist) hope to abMartin.s, the sixth ranking bank in Britain.
      Reuter  -  254 words
    • 19 3 \VAbHIN(.ION Prl AbtiUt Sovlei Naw ships mrr '.o be shadowing the U.S. Japan j|[ K<v .sources said
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    • 189 3 The man who was beheaded for a miracle RIO DC JANKIRO. Fri Police are inquiring into a case in which nine religious fanatics are alleged to have lorn off Mm head of man being sacrificed in an attempt lo lurn a mystic serpent into a beautiful damsel. The nine were
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    • 25 3 DEAL iEni;Und>. Frl. Tr* (33-ton German ve»tl Gerold radioed today th«r it tiHci lust its skipper overboard in the Irish Sen AP.
      AP  -  25 words
    • 328 3 Johnson lifts curbs on bombing WASHINGTON, Friday. A BRIEF White House restriction on U.S. bombing in the Hanoi and Haiphong areas of North Vietnam has been lifted, informed sources said yesterday. The restriction was imposed while U.S. diplomats tried to follow up on a Dec. 29 North Vietnamese offer to
      Reuter  -  328 words
    • 173 3 Kennedy: LBJ's great Vietnam illusion (MIX \(.O. tri— Senator Hubert Kennedy yesterday lashed out at the Johnson Administration over its Vietnam policies and said it was time to give up the idea that the war »as in America's national mtcresK The New York Democrat, in his iirst public comment since
      Reuter  -  173 words
    • 194 3 Plea for $300 m crisis aid to Korea VVASHINGTON. Fri—President Johnson yesterday called for an emergency appropriation of US$lOO million in increased military aid for South Korea because ol North Korea's guerilla attacks and its seizure of the U.S. intelligence sh:p Pueblo. He told congress that these funds would enable
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    • 290 13 Why we told Asians to get out by Kenyatta NUKORI hn Pr«>*i-<l»-ni krnvatta said >f»trrday the lars«- nurabrr\ of Asians lru\inf Baaja cirspisrd Afri«.in«. and wanted lo remain in pri\ilrci-d positions above thr natixes. He was referring to thr rxodus of Asians, ■Mil) Indians and Pakistanis, in thr u.ike of
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    • 455 13 I 'm backing Britain, LBJ tells Wilson 'WE ARE VETERAN CAMPAIGNERS AND NEVER QUITTERS' WASHINGTON. Friday ]>KLSIDENT JOHNSON told Pnme Minister WHsnn at a White House banquet last night that '"the American people arc backing Britain". The President used the "I'm backing Britain" slogan now sweeping Britain, to express his
      Reuter  -  455 words
    • 44 13 MANILA, rri. Three people have been killed by a pirates in the Babuan Prountr. according :o p"'ite reports reaching here. The reports s-ud the band of •bout 40 pira'Ps was formed re■"tnriH.s from 'he Sulu Province joined forces witn Babuan.— Renter.
      Reuter  -  44 words
    • 30 13 India) Prl I Hnnu M Mr K 8 Ramaswmnv. received night when -•.'net! while riding in an [> tnrn'igh a 4.OH' nt timn hue. He was ru.shed Reuter.
      Reuter  -  30 words
    • 416 13 fIEW DELHI, Fri. The United Nations SecretaryOeneral, U Thant, called today for the restructuring of world trade on a more rational basis in the Interests of developed and developing countries alike. He also urged the Communist bloc to participate with the West
      Reuter  -  416 words
    • 95 13 TOI'LON. I rl— President de (iaulle yesterday made a rlhe in the Metlitrrranean off here aboard .1 sislor suhni.irine nf t'n' ill-fdtril Minerve. which disappeared while on exercises in the area last month. Pre.Mdrnt do daulle, who flew here (ram Paris for services
      Reuter  -  95 words
    • 419 13 Prince Philip: Bases or no bases... PRINCE rinlip aald I last night that a "goodly number" of the British people would go to the aid of New Zealand and Australia in time of need whether Britain did or did not have bases in the Far East. Spraking at a commemorative
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    • 126 13 JAKARTA. Fri.— Hundreds of Indignant Muslim youths closed down brothels In North Sumatra's Belawan port despite warnings from local officials that this would keep foreign sailors aw.iy and cut down the country s export revenue, the news agency Antara reported today. The youths locked up
      Reuter  -  126 words
    • 197 13 IVASHINGTON. Fri. The Federal Reserve Board today put a tight clamp on new holdings in European compan'es or banks by overseas investment subsidiaries of American banks The action is a further j move to help the US balance of payments
      Reuter  -  197 words
    • 41 13 DARWIN. Fr I A I of blood grouping by human hair ha» been perfected by an Aia*ralian doctor althcugh the hair contains no biood. It is eviwced io have widespread >iv* i in crimina. investigation* R»uI trr
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 67 3 GUINNESS STOUT is now available in suku bottles If you've never tried Guinness Stout, start now with a suku bottle. It's just the right amount for the first time. You'll grow to like it. It's the same Guinness Stout chat lifts you up. gives you strength. Take home six suku
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    • 192 3 V* 1 1 **g» Styli No. 897 CROSS-FRONT PANTY GIRDLE. FROM THE U. S. A Price $12.00 Small, Medium, Lorge, txtra Lcge in Ei idol White cr Midnight Block! Nylon ribbed power net with crij Ci 2" Helanca-backcd elostic bond a* waM, at bottom' Sotin elastic bock ponel! Nylon crotch
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous

  • 265 4 CINGAPORE, Fri.— President Yusof bin Ishak tonight issued writs for a General Election in Singapore. Nomination Day has been Axed for I eb 17 and Polling Day will be announced after nominations for the 58 parliamentary «*ats. Nominations will take place at seven centres between 11a.m.
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  • 565 4 JTLLCTOHAL re gisters are now up lor inspection at 58 centres in Singapore, one for each constituency Copies will be on sale from tomorrow at the Government Printing Office at SlO rach KegiMiroa pnMttol L>ur-ui-.s and candidates are allowed to buy a copy each before nomination
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  • 136 4 SINGAPORE. Fri -Singannre and M-alavsia can •■xpect an Increase In twovmy trade and tourism with the resumption of Air Now Zealand's services to Singapore from Australia and New Zealand This wa> ,-tated by Mr. R. Van Vliet district smtet manager of Air New Zealand today when
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  • 27 4 BINGAPOBE, l>i rhr Van Klfef Aquarium will remain onrn for the hohdavs on Sunday and Monday from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. dailr.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 206 4 SARONG ISLAND SINGAPORE'S FINEST TOURIST ATTRACTION Br I mm \*W Chinese Buddha Head from Temple of Empress Wu on Sarong Island Monday to Saturday Open from 6 p.m. Sunday 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. for Sultan's Curry Lunch with added European Dishes. Music by:- The Swinging Kinsmenn (every Friday, Saturday
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    • 90 4 {GOLDEN CROWN %Xlx/J J Restaurani and Nite Club W«a>4Tf 4 .4*>»<2£U2l±2th_Sj>nrt' Omteretire H.ill Restaurant} !T I T-DANCE EVER^^UNOAV Jl> MISS LEE YIN CHEW *IV 4iK Jf MR LOUIS C/iMPBtU C A-j^m' 'F THE CAVALIERS J (dir«ct from Philippines) jL TO NITE jM BMk. I B^am EXT 2AM arJ k^am 9%
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    • 373 4 SOUTH EAST ASIAN CHARITY PREMIERE UNDER THE DISTINGU'SHED PAT- I THE REPUBLIC Of SINGAPORE. INCH! YUSOf BIN ISHAK Organised by V's MEN'i CLUB of SINGAPORE Beta Chapter !lUjy LIDO (Sport) WEDNESDAY jtt^^ M 14th FEB. at 8.30pm JP"ttfe|fi| 77/t- movr beautiful love A vr.rv ,:,r >^r f'> music! Q Fm-&2
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    • 329 4 [CATHAfti>J I.JO. 4.00. 30 l*jo"4 t ♦IS pm A 9JO p Ht MitCiNA ORCHARD: THE POWER j Now >now,na JO, 4,4 30, ?15 THE TEXICAN AUCi CO 1 HARD TIMES FOR FRINCIi Lxjjii'A'.P'rlUlall NOW SHOWING' Horn. I 30, 4. •JO 4 9JO p m rarcmoort i "Witt PINNY" I I
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  • 167 5 J^ 19-MKMBKH tlcletfalion <»l industrialists Itoin the Turin Chamber of Commerce, Industry. Handicraft ;m<l Agriculture in Italy, will arrive in Singapore next Tuesd.i\. The purpose Of the mission is to 1 aw talks with local industrialists and businessmen on mutual co-operation and technical assistance, especially
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  • 43 5 SINGAPORE Fn Mr William Cilen ll] |x on Phyxtral Ecii.iMimii in a muKeil toclety" 'lie luncheon mre ing of 'lie v Men CWb, Bi ta I io moi io < a i IM p 111 fit the Vlkinu Room. Ooodwond Hotel.
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  • 166 5 DONATIONS FOR VIETNAM WAR REFUGEES OINGAPOKB, Fri. Dnnatiniis of nionpy and cluthiiiK for Vieln a m c s c refugees have been received at various Singapore centres, which are collecting relief supplies for the war victims. I'he South Vietnamese Con Mil. itc ( today received a cheque for SI 000
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  • 35 5 BINOAPORI Pri l hihuion of Work* "f t Me Teachers Training ('ollri:r io be held In the new building! nn Feb 17 from »m. In A pin M open io the public
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  • 208 5 Seminar on S-E-A economic, political co-operation SINGAPORE, Fri. Some 50 delegates from 10 countries will attend a six-day seminar on economic and political co-operation amo n nations in South and South-east Asia, which will be held at the University of Singapore from Feb. 15-20. A hlgit-ranklng Cabinet Minister la expected
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  • 57 5 CI.M. \POI:K. Fri. Ihr Koval Mail lino fljMt-tMI cruise liner Andes will arrive tierr tomorrow morning with M 0 passrnerrv from Britain nn a 7R-da> winter rruixr. I'he iinrr. which will he here for two da\s. will Iravr for Capetown. St. Helena, Kio dr Janriro and
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 295 5 From the PATIO FLAMINGO, MANILA The Sensational Sound of the "PRODIGALS" Now at the ADELPHI HOTEL for a SPECIAL SEASON Thrill to ihe exciting rhythm ot music with an exotic Spanish flavour. -'lllllllinillllllllllltMllllllllllCMlllllllllirilllllillMMClllllllllllllClllllllllllllCMltlllL JOUBLE ATTRACTION 3 4 ihtwi n.qhll> 9gV. ■st^^ E JL I M The Foboloui Donccr Meet fhr
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    • 217 5 JL I (H) ORe ')A^ l)O-retr S M I hit fiill^ o.r conoirtoncd Mart I v m^n houooiq^ of x W omrmhrv »*rvicc and cui<mr, lo«rth«r »ith iti idral locotion ond highly con.prtitiv* rot**, make it a parti mr. <:'■'■ cularly rrwatd.nq place in which to <t«y. t BEAT BLUES
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    • 311 5 CONGRATULATIONS Best Wishes to HOME FURNITURE CO. on the occasion of the official opening of tln-ir New Premises in the "BENTONG MANSION" on HH!i February. 196S at 247, Ta*jon& Kuton;: Ro t nl. Singapore. from Khoo Siong Seng Leong Ah Kec Poon Wrng Tuck Song Jocn Tong Simon Loh Seng
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  • 170 6 Malaysia and Jakarta sign air agreement x < M M Ml'l I! lii M.i .mil I n tin nr>i.i likl in prr|> .i ir Ml n r> riKiil ..11. i two 'I Mr.; ot 1 .1 1 I nnI In- .urrfinrnt ».iv It v {lit- Primnnenl In t» the
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  • 66 6 Talks now in Delhi for better rubber prices LUAL.A LUMPUR, 1 il Talks are now goIng on In New Delhi among officials of natural rubber producing countries taking part In tin United Nation* Conlerenei on Trade and Development on |olnt measures to im- the price ol rub- oister "f ComIndustrj
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  • 543 6 Tyre firm plans $lm. expansion to cope with exports SINGAPORE, Friday. DRIDGESTONE Malaysia Ltd. are expanding Uu ir factory in Jurong with new machinery to U imported trom Japan and Italy at a cosi ol $1 million u> ttieet production demands for the export market. Tht machinery will bo arriving
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  • 17 6 i I iIP \J Ml auijlt I 1 .sou m.r.i übm throu|houi 'r.f stale.
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  • 131 6 Lorry men to petition Govt on bookings QINGAPURi:. Kri. —1 he O Si iv ipii r r l.orry Ounrrs \>~o< i.i lion is to lielition (lie dm crnnicnt .le.unsi K°hal ii described .»s .i rash of bawklavn of Ikii\ (liners for .illrgnl inrr lo.idin: Ihe .i>N(>( i.ihoii's pre-vicli-nl Mr Srow
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  • 21 6 PE.N j c unv .n Bulk Pi.: \\r kill pu Uie (ormatton >■: a trading a.->ao-
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    • 289 6 'Set up body to plan youth policy' call THE Ministry ol Culture, Youth and Sports was today urged to set up a committee to formulate a national inti-gratcd youth policy. Speaking during the debate on estimates for the Ministry in the Dewai: Ra'ayat. Tengku Abdullah > All -Rawang' said thf
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    • 98 6 L' [JALA I UMPLR. 1V Fn Tin CM nation. Mr. I yew, n lterated In the Dewan Ra this morning tin fn edom d! teachers any political "including !iic' Labour Party Inary menii We w.i^ i pi] ot the :n Regulations in D dltia
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    • 134 6 '|Ml£ Smgaporr Govern 1 inent has turned down application for work permits from 12 lialaj s-.ans who had 1 been re<ru.tfd for Malay.v.j-S::. gapore Airline>. the M:i. katat of Transport. Tan Sr; Bardon told the Do waii Ra 'ayat 'jj\l<t\ H:> lOaiatry. howerer
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    • 253 7 Xl M\ II MPI R, Fri \n Alliance baikbrnchrr today tailed on the (icunnment to cut down the number of officials v rompanying national teams to inter national sports meets. Win Abdul Kadir bin Ismail (Kuala Trrngjanu I'tara). who made thr
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    • 11 7 tain pr<>( i Ab'i Samah n
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    • 420 7 A vicious and unChristian attack, says Lim DR. TAN HIT FOR BID TO SMEAR TAIB I'HK Minister of Commerce and Industry. Dr. Lim Swee Aun. today made a scathing attack on Dr. Tan Chec Khoon (Lab.Batu) for his attempt to damage the good name of the FLDA chairman. Tan Sri
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    • 52 7 No-shoe dancers KUAI a LUMPUR rl Th<- Alliance MP for Jitrat"an Br 1 Kitimah binte Hashlm. aookc n the Dewan Ra'ayat today against televised shows•Aing cultural dancers not wearing shoes In future the Ministry of Culture. Youth and Sports should see to It that the danrers "keep ut> With the
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    • 223 7 of thf tourist industry had been set up to study how to make tuurujin more lucrative. It had made several recommendations which had been accepted in principle by th« Cabinet. If implemented, it would mean the Government would spend about $5 million
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    • 337 7 THE $2 million spent by the Malaysian Government on the New York World Fair of 1964 and 1965 should br taken as outright expenditure and as such the question of profits does not arise, the Minister of Commerce and Industry. Dr Li;n Swee
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    • 260 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Fn All requests tor loans made by State Governments were .subnet to detailed study and appraisal by the Central Government before they could be approved, the Minister of Commerce and Industry. Dr. Lim Swre Au;i. tokl the Dewan Ra'ayat th I
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 65 6 BIG SET PERFORMANCE ■dynamic sound output MiP^' SYSTEM I A BaTV V -x%-' v ■SBBBBBBsVi^^^ UIIL. with fine tuning control. tuning and battery level indicator and pilot lamp for easy tunig in the dark SHAPP p \m ml JAPAN S Ist TV RAO.O MAKERSobtainable ai all dealers' <~**oan»i T3(~^% s
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    • 278 6 ■BB^^^^ SBsl Bt aY a^Bßßl^' P^^^'' 1 mm «I^P9K aqHawl |> I r l^^B^B^B^^^S^BMaiSTrTi^Sßt* 11 ■BB^sT^^l ■■■■■■9K am. ISm I^^^^HlHalC^^aMßM J* I' SBV^aa^amX_^flß^a7'^s9 Hi ilrl HK^^aaaaaaaaaHP 1 ■■■■U^a^sV'lEisV a^MBSBBmi ii «i What powers the T.V. sets in Malacca Kampongs Honda E 300 portable generators 0^33 70 nf tlu-sf MTsatilo II(>ih1;i
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 119 7 INTRODUCING THE FIRST SILICON TRANSISTOR BATTERY CLOCK IN THE WORLD This is a Super Fine Clock with the most up to date Silicon Transistor Electronic circuit fully built-in. _v N One UM-2 Torch-light boHrry will bSall^a^aV cM v ct B ceur '^.J*- o»»ly for more than one year C m^^m
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    • 152 7 111 a Dig Wuji N# "'^l j rJSkzdm US .FiveVCIO I llglllij d WU vi\# At the moment, BOAC has 3 VCIO flights a week to Europe. But because the VCIO is so popular, we've found that 3 just aren't enough. So we've done something about it. We are adding
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous

  • 309 8 Fri. The National Trades liiion ongress today called on all workers to request from their employers an rxtra day's work at twice the normal rates to help swell the National Defence Fund. "This work should be paid for at double rates and paid directly
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  • 405 8 Crushed hand: Girl refuses $5,000 offer, loses her claim 4 WOMAN factory worker, who had not accepted 15,000 payment into court In connection with a machinery accident, today lost her claim for damage! Bgaintt her employers, Columbia International Corporation Ltd. L o Jicw Wah. 2". the Hiuii Court was told,
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  • 104 8 UNION WARNS SECURICOR MANAGEMENT SINGAPORE Fri. Singapore Manual and Mercantile Workers' Union has warned the management of Securlcor (S» Ltd. that unless it was prepared to settle wage claims submitted by the union on bohalf of the staff, it must be prepared to answer lor "the unpleasant consequences In a
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  • 102 8 He leads N. Korean Economic Mission \|R B.\K SI 1 KWO.N *?1 (store), the head of North Korean hconomir .Mission in Singapore. j Though he has been in t h Krpublie for about a month ami a-half. he only caucht the eye of the Prr«>s recently when he made a
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  • 54 8 SINOAPORE. Prl Mill'ary personnel will be conducting a street <>.<iinsr exercise between i 4 am and 6 am. on Fen 14. 15 and M The exercise will begin at the Padang. and will cmer Coleman Street. Armenian Sttw. Hill Street. Stamford Road Troops will only v:* the
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  • 122 8 SINGAPORE. Fri. The organising, committee i of Singapore Festival '68 today appealed to all helpers who sold tickets for the donation draw to return all unsold ones together with the cash and counterfoils from sales It will deem all ticket* as sold. If they are not returned
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  • 389 8 MANAGER I*ll K Manager of Hume Industries iMalaya) Berhad, Mr. AC. Kyle Little, today s;iid an allegation that the company h;nl sup plied sub-standard material U, the Federal Land Development Authority and the PWD was "very serious and absolutely untrue.* 1 The allegation was made
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  • 128 8 A LEGAL POSER IN $210,000 BANK CASE SINGAPORE, P'ri Should two accused persons facing two similar champ* relating to the same offence be tried Jointly? "Yes" said the Deputy Public Prosecutor. Mr. K 8. Rajah, who Is prosecuting in the $210,000 Malayan BanJclng theft case. In the Second District Court
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 194 8 L^S ad r Success-through hard work and SANATOGEN f 1 Even the most intelligent student has to put Jt. in years of hard work to achieve success and during these years he uses plenty of nervous I energy. He must replace it by taking Sanatogen regularly if he wants his
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
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  • 1069 9  -  THE CULTURAL REVOLUTION RELEASES COMMUNISM'S ARCH ENEMY- CAPITALISM- AMONG THE PEOPLE THE planned economy of Communist China is splintering under the strains of the attempted total purge of Chinese s-xiety called *He Great Proletarian Cultu r al Revolution. A n uncontrolled form of primitive capitalism
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  • 475 9  - Ceylon's coup that never was Colombo by Lucien Rajakaruna (T.YI.ON has just been throvgh i bad attack of nerrei .is it noMlised agaiswl a coup that neve* was, in si tuation rcininis( cut of J.tim.irv 1962, when llm left-wiwj Government <>i the day nlppew an attempted coup d'etat in Use
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 392 9 Now cook on ESSOCAS from only $23. 20 Choose from a galaxy of ESSOGAS r^^D Star Package Offers like these "A si -^^^sss^gm^c^mnm J ~^k gnV^gSßmß anm Ibp value star packages from tssogas Vp^HbwAH^E^ i <=^ stf^m w include even thing you need to start sWrltfmF^ irJ wfta^ J (V-^
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  • 15 10 it Ii i Minimum > ■Ml "HI K RAVI 'ha- at thnr MR P RAIAKRItHNAN
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  • 665 10 The Straits Times Saturday. February 10, 1963. Comfort And Strength Not in the lust twenty yeais have an American ruskkiil i and a British Fume Ministei i met :n less SBwsfactery ciicumatsncea than surrounded Mi Johnson's ronvc rsatjoni with Mr. Wilson Or ha-., talked to lev. purpSSM 1 1 for
    665 words
  • 335 10 General De Gaulle's fivepciint ■rosjramme for the Middle tiast is no moie likely j tn y.eul lesults thiitl other similai arapesah that have pit-ceded it A set of obIsctivoS is pivsciibed with no indication of how they are tr. be achieved. If Israel can b* parsaaded <o withdiaw
    335 words
  • 219 10  -  Singapore's famous Rntasas Gardens are to lighted up to attract those sa search of flesh ;i ir and peace *lter dark. A fountain fa i <( b.. structed and bands will K j V e performances. oth.-r forms o f antartalmiieirt aie being coaaidered. The <>bj«-<t seems
    219 words
  • 1690 10  -  PETER BRAESTRUP It It up to higher authority to decide why we are here. I carry out my mission 9 Khe Sanh oommander There are 5.000 United States Marines in Khe Sanh, encircled by 20.000 enemy in 'wo division which
    1,690 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 309 10 f'^'ififd idmtiMßKsli fsr Straits Times Malay Mail may be handed to H COID iTOKACI iUPI* MAKKfr i IOLO STODAOI t«AMCHIt bOOH *TO»l LTO. Cuai l«l MONT 1M itOtl. V RfTNASAMY 1 CO., «Mflr. U MUIARUR ft »«OJ LTO. •aaafß >» A. T ONANAPIAKASAM ft CO. I3f! SMARIKAT K A WAHAI.
      309 words
    • 37 10 T»l 48 years of service 'I* I J9k v The nations oldest strongest composite insurance company LIFE Insurance (sickness accident covered Protecting all- Big or Small WHEN SOMEONE OEPENOS ON YOU YOU CAN DEPEND ON OVERSEAS i
      37 words
    • 143 10 BBBBBBBBBB^BHHBIBEI^fBBBBBBBBBV IStt BBBBsW JBBBsH under the artistic direction of Peggy van Praagh, 0.8. E. ad Sir Robert Helpmann C.B.E. Marilyn Jones Garth Welch Kathleen Geldaa Karl Welander Warren de Maria Barbara Chamber* Singapore. National Theatre 20th 23rd February 1 96^ K. Lumpur. Stadium Negara 27th and 28th Fibruary 1968 PROGRAMMES:
      143 words

  • 272 11 Jurong Shipyard wins contract for two tankers VIN(>APUKt. Kri Jurong shipyard Ltd.. has won another contract worth HI million to build two luin-Mrew 730--ton coastal tankers for the Straits Steamphip Co. ltd a local shipping (\ The contract will be signed at the Strain Steamship office in Ocean Builrlin^ tomorrow
    272 words
  • 237 11 Police in P. Jaya catch a gunman By LUI THAI HENG: Kuala Lumpur, Friday J^ POLICE officer disguised as a labourer pounced on a man and recovered from him $10,000. a .A 2 revolver. 18 rounds of ammunition and a letter signed by a ''Green Faced Man of 204 Gang".
    237 words
  • 115 11 IH AM. Prt. The K.tmpunc Makam goodwill 1 ommitlee has drrided to lodee a strong protest to the Minister of .liistti f. lla ii Ahtlul Rahman W.ikoh. against what they described as the "unruly lour" of membi-rs af the Federal Ke*er\e I nit Similar
    115 words
  • 118 11 SINGAPORE, p«. The lisL of goods which may not be Imported from any country except under spe-lal licence from the Controller of Import and Exports has been increased. I'he new items areCondensed «nd sweetened motor car, lorry and bus tyro or nfw 1
    118 words
  • 56 11 KLAI A I DUniß, Fn today ny Tenaku Abdul I Riihm.iii "ii the occasion oi hLs «;.Mi birthday. Anmnn then «°u the Russian 1 Pnnv Mini Ml Alrxci Ki'svjin Othert were the Prin tri of thr Republic "f Vietnam. Britain'! dimMr n Mints' rr
    56 words
  • 43 11 I :n(;apore. Prt -The cootnued hearuiß of a Dispute between the S.n^anore Manunl ano Mercantile Workcn Union ano H Bpn.>-)n 'Si Ltd over thr retrenchment of 28 en \ui| or held in the Industrial Arbitration Court on Feb. 14 and IS
    43 words
  • 513 11  -  Mr Rajaratnam r SINGAPORE, Friday THr: Singapore Government's decision to hold an earlier general election is to seek a fresh mandate from the people to tackle new problems arising from the accelerated British pull-out by 1971. This was disclosed today by the Foreign Minister. Mr. S. Rajaratnam.
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  • 244 11 SINGAPORE, Fr i The Malaysia-Singa-pore Airlines is one of the few airlines in the world which allows their air hostesses to continue working after marriage. "Despite this most of them quit their jobs the n.o.r.ent they are caught by Crpid," an MSA spokesman said today.
    244 words
  • 149 11 SINGAPORE. Friday. XHE Malay Education Council today said they were satisfied with an explanation given yesterday by the Director of Education on recent changes in Malay schools. The council's chairman. Inche Mahmud Ahmad, who lfd a lour-man deieKatiuii to the meeting at the Education Ministiy.
    149 words
  • 28 11 SINGAPORE. Prt. About 200 mm and officer* lefttjp of them National Servicen pii today gave blood a', (he Singapore Armed Force* 1:i:n--ing Institute in Paiir Laba.
    28 words
  • 61 11 CI.NGAPORE. Fri— Thai Deputy Defence Minister, Air Chief Marshal Tun Dawpe Chullasapya, flrw Into Singapore today lor a three-day pnva:p visit. An> 1.--him at the airport was Oen. Sir Mic.'iael Carver, the Brn tnmander-in-Chlaf, Tun Dawee declined to be mterviewed. but it is
    61 words
  • 15 11 KUAI A LUW Yanc I the Pore* bast mosque here I
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  • 140 11 TIIE Commonwealth Press Union chairman. Mr Qavin A.stor. left London today on a goodwill v.sit to African. Asian and Pacific countries of the Commonwealth. Mr. Astor, who recently visited Canada, will be accompanied by Lady Irene Astor on a tour embracing Nigeria < na.
    Reuter  -  140 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 207 11 DIPLOMA IN ACCOUNTANCY for students with Cambridge Grdd* 2 for higher) including English Candidates for th« Diploma in Accountancy •ffered by the Commercial Education Society of Australia will be able t« train in the basic skills of tb« Accountant and then advance in status by choosing one or more of
      207 words
    • 136 11 noui! mnnsFiELDS nusTßnunn HOLIDDVS SPEND THREE TO FOUR WEEKS TOURING FROM PERTH TO SYDNEY OR BRISBANE VIA ADELAIDE, MELBOURNE AND CANBERRADISCOVER THE DRAMATIC BEAUTY OF AUSTRALIACONTINENT OF CONTRASTS. Here's your chance to see this exciting land and have time to visit friends and relatives. The standard tour costs only $1875
      136 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 104 11 High tides T()I>AV: SPdih Kechil 4.31 a.m .3. 2 ft 1 b p.m. <7fu Sin«H!>»ire 6.46 a.m. 7.5 ft > 10.17 p.m. 1 7.1ft 1 Porl Dick.son 3.44 a.m. 3.45 p.m .3.511>. Port Swettennam 2.03 a.m. < 1 1 .8 ft 1 2 M p.n. (llrti; Penang 11.36 m i
      104 words
    • 721 11 TV MALAYSIA CaMRMU s Kuala l.umpur mil. 610 Tourism a docuand Penang; fi Ipoh and mentary 6.35 Flipper. 7 Ne*:, >UUoca; 3 and 10 Johore vi Blglwh, 710 Majallah TV Bakra; 4 laiplnt; 7 Batu Weekly Migazme Pi ogramme Pahat; 9 Kluang. in the National Language. 7 35 Restless Gun
      721 words

  • 129 12 i Pt'i '■;iy op t th< I ren: i four i;iring I for MM IHI WOOD 11 r LION" <ST bo studv in iand reg during the a month is sacrificed for collecting school fees I that the Adult Lducatlon
    129 words
    • 94 12 I REFER to the letter "Green Wave Hold-up In a Bottleneck" iS.T. Jan. 27 Municipal officers living :n Jalan Ampang near the Istana Brunei take less than 15 minutes to arrive Ht the Municipal Offices. the route: Jalan Ampang, Jalan Geieja. Bandar Jalan
      94 words
    • 248 12 Aftermath of the teacher's work-to-rule AD. 1%8 must read my letter (S.T. Jan. 20) once again. I did not blame N.l'.T. for poor L.C.E. results. I did question the claim by N.l'.T. that work-to-rule had "helped" pupils. Work to rule to further legitimate claims for bettrr working conditions is one
      248 words
    • 223 12 POLITICAL CLUBS FOR VARSITY STUDENTS THE University of Malaya Students' Union v.ews with disappointment the recent speech of Inche Khir Johari concerning dents" participation in politics Inche Khir implies that we Unlversltj students are not mature and capable enough of torming our own laeas ol politics, and .nstead allow ourselves
      223 words
    • 131 12 The feeling of pride in being Malaysian I SI'LAK lor many who. like me. are b.irn Malay.s:an. bied Malaysian and indeed know ;io other loyally. Our "countries of origin" are a.s distant to us as the pages 01 history. Most of the time, we feei infinite pride in our country,
      131 words
    • 202 12 Tilt collecting ol 12 cents more tax on 0.l ;.nu then r> tunning k| lo tii< mil li a urne -wasting i umber.some arrangt :i Mini :\s are reyu-rcd to fa p records ol w oil purcha-<d and u--ed by every engine at th»» must
      202 words
    • 155 12 I"HE Government should impose a total ban on lirecracker.s. not mi-rely on the rocket type. The reason li that there are Innumerable flat dwellers who are ma Of firecracker thrown indiscriminately along the corridors passage ways and the ground Mats Any attempt by
      155 words
    • 134 12 The junction that 'invites' collisions pt.OPLE umiik the lunctii>u at Owen and Norfolk Koad should he m.iilf aware that tin mnctiitn is daiiEcrous .mil ilnin-l invites i-ollisioiis. I Hvc Mark] and have «iinevs«-(i saaaj aeeMeata that resulted in deaths and> victims with serious injuries Ke»entl\ a Hill alga
      134 words
    • 289 12 NO PUBLIC PARKING SPACE AT THE POLICE STATION TWICE a month I nave to visit the Jalan Bandar Police Station m.for the pleasure of it but to report myself In compliance with one of the conditions of my release lrom detention On Feb. 1 I went to report at abou:
      289 words
    • 146 12 rivub uovenuneai d.d an X c.ceiiLiu joo >.... ueavjf wnaiici.,l uuiUta our national defence aemands. tru-fad o A m-Hul.-ll.j; taAtS. lOC GOVernment instituted a Naiionai Detence Funa m oracr tnat the people can help to luoi toe maaaive deience on
      146 words
    • 167 12 Flood relief work at Bukit Timah BUKIT Timah Flood Alleviation Schema (phase I> has been under implementation since 1967 and will cost the Government $6,840,000/-. Upon completion of the scheme, the flooding at Bukit Timah Road and Dunearn Road will be decreased greatly in freHUencjr and magnitude. The expenditure incurred
      167 words
    • 144 12 MAY I r .r report under the headIng "Worka Starts To Service Planes In Kuala Lumpur, says Sardon" which contains a misrepresentation of what the Minister ot Transport a< tually said in Parliament. Tan Sri Sardon, in his reply to Tencku Zaid bin Ahmad said that the Boeinc
      144 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 204 12 t' tBpWI a {mbbbl gggggggggw Wa JA I -*y J'v^Bbk 3 WtTt \Wm Ml Lj_^^tWß 1 m' I m *W£fiCi**& i*J^gs^ m BBBk r. <V m Ire >MB rl*w iH Ivgff-lr k hw« Kod»k color Mrns. plus sing Mfviea by Kodak (Malata) Limited in Singapore For convem "ire you ran
      204 words
    • 66 12 ¥m JrHBESC, k"^ M *n&gV^rai "v"^-- gggK 1 sapsp^ gggai^^^ ■pjMggpsflgg|gMs>. Counsellor from Japan, \l^ Miss Masako Seino and Tokyo-trained local Shiseido Beauticians 1 will be offering free 1 make-up demonstration and personal V J consultations at METRO LTD. SHISEIDO top 72-74 HIGH STREET, Japanese Beauty SINGAPORE 6. Counsellor will
      66 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 147 13 '■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■a ARIES TAURUS GEMINI CANCER UO VIRGO Only pvoplm with hirthtluy* trill h«» int*>r*>Mt*>4l in I /s*»*<• book*. ALL NEW 1968 EDITION CTaSuSTCI CONSTELLATION \K rfl HOROSCOPE BOOKS ';jjggg i t»ntplt»tt» A ".'""^IT In linn i ttil i tf. 144 LARGE pages... more VALUE for your money don't fail to
      147 words
      68 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 343 14 < p.nlinuew frwtn Pafe In ACKNOWLEDGMENT }<■ »»»ee« tn rajMßßHsaii rAMILY OF LATE KAMi SITUATIONS VACANT a *„«•> rtsi i- «.< >c fiM aMM READ .1 V WANTEO EXPERIENCED LADY ulor p roNS aaaeilissn rrxtrai amah wanted Pl| live n BLACK AND WHITE AMAH n> Apply ..•.:;n s por*. EXPERIENCED
      343 words
    • 830 14 SITUATIONS VACANT li *.r4, t Vm.l *er it ttt. <»fr« i WELL ESTABLISHED FIRM re- veara »pplv la r«n n.ndwr:trnpv of re- i-enl pß*>taar*Da mnn returnahlri to Bo> A Ml S T. 8 pore. DRAUGHTSMAN EXPERIENCED I and teuli STENOCRAPHER AND TYPIST ».»p*t. .p.^d ih referred and salary reI
      830 words
    • 981 14 ACCOMMODATION V ALAN I II kTosM tt < Min.i—B»x cfa. BBfre TANOLIN ARIA Hig compound t«o S'parale entran. c Kent reaaonable Phone 33? M 8 pore CORNER BREEZY FLAT Merlin •sHiong Ci-ntre. apacioua Mniiaic tiling. S.lou furm.«b*d Salr .unipltphl Ring Spore IK3TMI. WILL FURNISHED larg* room In nm entraoce.
      981 words
    • 946 14 HOUSES AND LAND FOR SALE |J Were 1 M Hrn Box it ct§ txlrm 2 STORIV ICMI DETACHED Run^a 1 low at Bedok. 4 Spacious Bedrooms 1 Moaaic. Parquet Flooring oeartng cami.etK.n Repi:ea to HOX AMI 3 B.T. I s pore BUNGALOW-DISTRICT 15 A I'"' •q fi. i.edroo:i.». :1 Ntlhrooma.
      946 words
    • 981 14 bDUCAHON li mnrds M tMtm.)—B*M M rta. tMtrm RAPID COURSCS individual coacning Ivpcwntlng W «ka Alao Normal Refmher Book-keeping 4 mtha Beginner to intermediate Stage. Anytime Standard Commercial School. 3-D Milln Street, spore MM* DIPLOMA IN INTERIOR Oftir.N .p.-i Pecoration Detaila of correa-pondenc-e 'union leading to Diploma BSUM can ne
      981 words
    • 817 14 HI-FI t STEREO f» Itnpfi M f »fm.)— cf*. *a«ee OAWN SOUND atockiat tor all Hi-Fi Stereoi hoom Kquipment*. Ra- rlio* Home-Appliance*, and Cahlneta ■tract. B'pore 1 Tell. 9«2«30. W***** DELUXE RADIO .Hi-Fi apecialiat) dealing quality Hi Xi Strreo cqulpmenta. 13 SUmford Road Tel. il'por*) j 27 7»3. PEST CONTROL
      817 words
    • 908 14 VEHICLES FOR SALE fi Wmrds St tMim.)—Bmx 5* r<*. azfe* LATI 10M FIAT S4O Coipe acctd'nfr*«. Tax In mi red I Radio) PnxSB. 200'- o n.o Eddie iSporei 4P9«->V JAGUAR MARK TIN May S3 over17. MM Conta<t Bon a pore M-'-'Hui FIAT *****, Novemner IMi 54.3.V) ono. Tonta.* Mr l«b
      908 words
    • 445 14 VEHICLES FOR SALE It Wardm M p Mm.)- Box S" rf. catre 7TN ANIVERSARY I Year Comp. Ina'iran.r t r< Road Tax 3 Gallon* Petroi r*rr« for f»rv ■fi ,x«v H P. VEHICLES WANTED M H.'r«. BJ M.n.l Hut iH rlt extra WANTEO COOO I'SEI) CAR M -t h.' excellent
      445 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 812 15 II Pt FH II Fll 1} Ff» 1, ft 13 Fel I] frl 17 frl II 27 Fel 21 BIVOOOCUS FU 21 fel 27 Fel' 21 7 I Y M| DON r,| l U* M r j, 3 Ma, I Mir a Mir Mir I 12 Mir 11 P«OTEs Mif
      812 words
    • 1182 15 WuLjfeELiiJdstMUUU& i r//£L.hb£/svfs i iii 1i i EXPRESS SAILINGS TO CENOA NORTH CONTINENT SCANDINAVIA i H'DUFg Aarnus C'lttijen PASAOENA ai Fel 74 71 Fel ■71 Ftl 2*/ 7 A|r 1 A|r 13 A|r IS A|r II Air 21 MONGOLIA •< Mar 74 Ma, 27 71 Mi, 71 2 Mif I
      1,182 words
    • 1026 15 I BENZINE I EXPRESS SERVICE TO IONDON, LIVERPOOL CONTINENTAL PORTS BENMHOR Mar n j«. »i > Antmero *H i Il Pt Fel 11 Fel 12 13 Air II ;.'>!■• a i Air i FH 21 21 A|i 3 I f J •«m "r>.i|«| BENWYVIS h. Mm M 4. i •ENAILIGIN
      1,026 words
    • 999 15 fefcLLERMAr^ BUCKNALL S.S. CO., LTD. LMMUIt I* PMMR4I CITY OF ST ALBANS Ha»'i uC S'J), Gd» 21-24 R'Sim El I 3) 13 Fel 14 U Frl II Fel CITYOFDUNDEI •aim, i 4; IMn IMn IMm CITT tF HEREFORD LWtfOlt. I e'mn. 2/ 4 An tff SAILINGS FROM UNITED lINGDOM ANO
      999 words

  • 449 16 SINCE their laM report two weeks ago the Rubber j Market registered a .severe and practically unchecked fall of 3 4 cents tor current month, state H.C.B. Co. 1 Ltd. in their review. Economic tuii&lderalinns ovrr.out political e\ent.s in Korea and Vietnam aiiiiouKu ihes*. and
    449 words
  • 26 16 Kfb. KI.BKKK nUGB: Ml <cnt<> Idoun uni'-richtli "I .1 iin I TIN PRK X: HMIISI (urn hunufd) I »liii,.itril nllirinu MH tuns (down "> tcinM
    26 words
  • 750 16 From Our Market Correspondent fPlli; industrial srrtion »f I Hi- Stuck txehaner >rstcrday was slightly easier mi profit taking which was wll absorbed. Interest continurd in Central Sugar, mustly of a .sprculative nature. with business dune from $2.45 to SJ.4O to S2 42 to S2 38.
    750 words
  • 37 16 M.» Stacfc Indiirs lili H 1,1, I. liuiii^ti i.ilv i::i i: i M U rniiMTties: 1 15.03 I 15.27 Mininsv :s.^.'> v rubhnv In 1 Is 102.44 l>f<-. VI. Iftril Inn. i)e>r. :;ip. urn.
    37 words
  • 1363 16 |>l bMNKIM IN \M> KU'OKII l» TO THK UNOAPOU »M» ki \i i i Mil i; m;\ki\(. ROOMS "i mi si o( K EXCHANGI VEBTEKDAI II II IHK M MBi:K OP SHAKtS IKUHIi IN BRACKETS: INDI.STRIALt. Btn and C* l> I IS U, I 4 i«)U>
    1,363 words
  • 33 16 (-HINESC P.ooftt lMMn«| |in x port, noon orirt. o«r a cv' ytttemay. Cotonut nil: ft rll o :rr* Caara: Mx.d if.c.l \;..r I !»LW,, AMtaUtM peer. d t|iiir> Baata A..nii4«i*n rww
    33 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1029 16 KAWASAKI KISEN KAISHA LTa Wmtrn Australia Singapore Japan Sarvtaa Maaj S puie rakU'Cii/Kaiuva lukunama •It.w Mara Sail I Fel 14/1$ Frt 21 Frl 14 Frt IS Frt "Tin In' 75 Frt 1 Mai II I Ma IS Mai II Mai 21 Mai AfHoa Singapore; Japan Sarviit An|uia Mntaaurc fotsAama i\uD>
      1,029 words
    • 835 16 Db Jaaaaw aara^^^v a\^| I H k.^ I 4^~4a^Z^aai ausißAiiA ma a»i«Mii servici i noia 'iiisiin jni far east SEtvicti imt. km Bail im. an. Najatttt-aa bulimb. amtmwim »*m\Z!Su *\Z !i cans Install atte> lemitilla 'a >»|at« Cakitla i ouir 5 hair. "tnaaa ra«, U'im idl. avail., aaca.. Urn BAMORA
      835 words
    • 308 16 Brazilian Flag Vessel Owners: PAN AMERICANA s.s. "KALU" In Port Spore P. S horn Penonq 13/20 Feb 21/23 Feb 24/25 Feb Accepting Cargo For Port Louis, L. Marques, Durban, E. London P. Elizabeth, Capetown Montevideo, B. Aires, Santos Rio de Janeiro. Subject to inducement. •mmm C.F. SHARP <Sc CO., (M)
      308 words

  • 316 17 Till stints tin price was iinrhanc<>d yest.rd.iv in n me at S.ViO 12} per picul >>n .in offering t-stimatrd do»n "i tons to 2 .111 tuns In London on ThaWataj afternoon the 3 tinnth ward buyers' price fell £3 a ton I m
    316 words
  • 41 17 '■"ME Aitsolalisn t Banks in Malay sis madr trt»s» chan(rs in Us rates o mrrrhants vrstrrday (al! rataa to J1"O< ttllir i TT nr OO rsady Wssl Osrminy I.MIJ Saltifrland mi Bslgium 1 SIS: Franca I«i| nnrl Swsrlsn l«s»
    41 words
  • 222 17 |."IKKI%I<\ tu si gliii mi.hri f.iLh. Imirn losrd at "> pm. in Kuala I umpur and Singapore TMUrdav at II rmls. down one-eij!ilh of a rrnt on Thursday'" lr\rl. Ihr tnnr «a s tnv quirt but >l'*d> <i>rl MI: I i losing purrs In rrnt* prr Ib.
    222 words
  • 153 17 IUBOtHNr- FOil >^ -il abaroE rte:tvl rwriallv today and Inrliistrials ajao were firmer BUT.. 1 $1850 »:irl I nion arbide adri»<i 40 -T^n nn announcement of ere narrowly Prko dropped 14 cents to moderate 1. ll Nurth Kal^urlir added 3i rents to S3 IS Western Mining «v up
    153 words
  • 161 17 CHIPS LYINC ALONCtIOE THE O SINGAPORE HARBOUR WHARVES OR CXPECTED TOr.AV ARE: •< IB l«. iino li*. I AM ON FEB 1 tt*\'rn Rnartt. rutana fhin<la Piienrnv TolaiHlo Wtlttrn Ro.i.'. (Jsll*. 1 I<-n Lion. Benarty. '"ntie En'»r; Pallex Rom», Slamet Ht, RaatUsm, Biiwri. laarro. Anshun Barhaln.
    161 words
  • 37 17 ON 'n» frtt tichsngs msrkst ID Honit Kon« vwrtay the U.S. OsMsr qiinw at c«j for T.T. and 6(M» lo esth. ■MrlMi s i- qup »ri m 14 4* and on* tssi ol i*ld «> -< 1
    37 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 132 17 GENERAL FOREMAN -PAINTSHOP ASSOCIATED MOTOR INDUSTRIES MALAYSIA SENDIRIAN BERHAD (Member of the Wearne Croup) MOTOR VEHICLE ASSEMBLY PLANT AT BATU TICA Applications are invited from suitably qualified and experienced Malaysian citizens for the position of general Foreman Paintshop DUTIES: To control the many operations in a large and modem paintshop
      132 words
    • 878 17 [CLASSIFIED AD& i Continued from Page 14. STLAMBATHS MASSAGE ETC »arats I Win Umt rtt tMlrm MARTINA'* K Jalan rtuinma J*l»» Rlaw Lurii>!r-linii>V'»aiTi>> <l «n«lin» a D..r» .'.'..w. FLtMINOO aiAMAOE .•munlalli I -semi. Mimtuit Htdituif M»sruMa/ 4uM>*'urk j4sc-5 ■ynnum ICbM ~'n i 'HK'lt dO4U^ CINtLIMiK IXCUIIH M«»«U sirimrwir.. f aimi
      878 words
    • 660 17 KUBLIL APPUIN I MfcJX I JAWATAN2 KOSONG NEGERI PAHANG PanwMEMal Him-iah di-pelawa I ianpada Raayat Negen Pahang t'.iu Warga Ncgara FeiM'kutu.iu ian daripada 1 Hawaii Kerajaan iang sedang oeikludmat baxi menenohl jawatan2 vnug berikut. nMM »:i n HAJtM W sin m; \i ihn pkntkrji-.- MAM K%>MI. Bahagian II Setla
      660 words
    • 680 17 DISTRICT COURT SALE Writ of Diatreaa No. MM of 196; IN THE CAUSE OF I HOUSING DEVELOPMENT i BOARD PLAINTIFF i Venus TONO AH TOW DEFENDANT AUCTION SALE OF CosbmMcs. glass (showcases. Ladiea handbags, plastic bags, shampoo. soap, stationery, etc. TO BE HELD AT No. 127 Block 46. Strathmore Avenue.
      680 words
    • 742 17 CENTRAL PROPERTIES LIMITED ADVANCE ANXOt K.MtNT The Directors ot Central Properties. Limited a Public Limited Liability Company inroiporated in tiie Rrpubhc of Singapore announrf that by an arrangement with the Directors ot Hotel Malaysia Limited, it is intended to otter all the stockholders of the lv-ued Mock if On'ral Properties
      742 words
    • 549 17 JUNIOR SALESMAN I* rrsqulrrd hT mir \hlmlniiini liniMnn (nr Ihr prnmntlnn nf general enginrrunj (nods. Hr Innk Inr rnrrgrttr mni'i men helwrrn 18 11 tr»r« »rr mlh ,ihilit\ tn rnmrr*. freely at all lr\rK. in knrh-.h Mala) anrl thr rrmn < hinr» dialrrts. I'mdurt training will hr pinxnlril I'rrf.-rrm r
      549 words

    • 378 18 I rum TIM TBEB CYDNEY. Fri. When Australia's Olympic team go to Mcxu-o City this October, Dr. Brian Corrigan, of Bydaey, will be with them to dispenst .1 "magic" pill streptotriad. Ihi.-. according to .sports\m 'or Terry Smith of ■|ln Australian newspa
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    • 245 18  - Penang earn Cup tie replay at home KELANTAN 2 PENANG 2 PADMAN COPAL By I^ELANTAN and Penang will have to mwt again at Penang to decide who should go to the FAM Cup final against the winners of tomorrow's Singspore-Selangor clash. In an exciting, tempers-frayed tussle, which went into extra
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    • 110 18 KILAT GET BANGKOK TOUR REWARD KILAT CLUB, out ol ths lrading clubs 11 £=tlangor, will leave for Buiikkok on Tuesday i"i ncs of gami-i against the Koval Bangkok Sporii Clut>. Ihr fnntingent o! 50 Kciltrr*. plajrera .mil crlcketera »nl I>p Ud by Ihnr patron Raj 1 Zalnal bin Raj.i S\li.i:i;
      110 words
    • 29 18 LONDON- Fn. S'inclcil.ind. the ErtßiiMi U club, yesterday tranifem t.-ii Lnternattonal lorward Neil ■> Coven'.rv (•■.•> ,<!.m> of the First Dlvlmom for a fee of £90 000. Riu'rr
      29 words
    • 50 18 SKI \NO* ii ;iin! Mi John* 4-3 in the M i Hannlgan Shield .south zone which be-^ led M al h ilftima .fn de Crua .rtiigor. who have four hi internationals In the line-up, hit ij.ick with M Diir.ii iniy. s. Sh»mnucanathan, S. Balatilngnm and >;'inh.
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 634 18 LEMBAGA BERSEKUTU SEKOLAH2 MIJZIK Dl RAJA lAawwialert Hoard ..f the Royal s., hnnK nf .Ma«ic I PI II XI HJMUI VMM I IMS Pepereksaan paaf tersebut dlt antara bulan lun dan September t ;ersrb;/ *)a: > u>»n Talpmg .pur Melaka had peperek^a' riaiaal I ta-lah haja, nertaaan Neeen Semoiau. Mela»:
      634 words
    • 248 18 NOTICE lAKK NOTICE that by a D«ed I \-rUniarv. in POH CIIWEE CEOK Hi»<n Koxn ■'r liere- .than- uonefl tier birth-name aim >nrHWEI OEOI hiwi In .leu there.. l» tli« i iime .1 DHIA N( CH ihu mill da] al ftata* an I.MS I i:i Boon Poti A I
      248 words
    • 877 18 NOTICES NOTICE NOTICE IS HER KB V OIVEN i that ROBERT KHOO 800 YAM i ceased to be employed by m ai from l-i February 1968. and if i there fore not autnonsed to Iran- sari business or culiert monies It our name at trom that date. Van Hin Furniture
      877 words
    • 821 18 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE. MALAYA Application* are Invited from suliablv qiifillfled candidates belnw 50 years of age on Ut January IMB for the following posts ial Lecturer In Soil Science ib Bursar <tualtllrati*n» For .a. above candidates must poaaaaa at least a degree ln Agricultural Science trom a recognised
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  • Page 18 Miscellaneous
    • 78 18 KMJ.til.NTON Sporr Business Houses final: MTC v NUBE 1 'SBA hi!: n p.m i HOl'KkY b ;)i Div 1: Klang v Aiiiifd RTOM iKlang 5 1.>i; Ro>al M'-i^'i Pohce S Zone Hanni-Hii Sii^ld Johore v S'Ror Nfsn MilMCI 'both matches ti Malaeea f:<im 3.4.i>. p'liirf Inter -con tlngcni North :inni
      78 words
    • 245 18 Straits Times Crossword H IH all ~mLHH^ HF s^LV^ I lv^ IS Din to ea- Ottl ol the miming and un- hiimr iB> d l m' 'tit* 8 PuiiowinK tlir pkmear m- theatre ha* had It! .81 tronaut? it. an m th* 10 l/ived liirwd nr ediblen any kind
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    • 816 19 Balcrest the best bet and Sea Pip for a longshot BEST BET at Kuala Lumpur toady is Balcrest (Race 4). In his only outing so far. the Coronation Boy gelding ran third to Beautiful Dreamer at Bukit Timah in December in heavy going. He has improved sum *BaVr LONSHOT ll
      816 words
    • 217 19 KINGSTON TEST L'INGSTON, Frt. England were powerfully placed at 222 for two wickets at the close of the first day of the Second Test against the Indies hrre yesterday. England bating hero iptnlng batsman John who scored 96 Hf when attempt cen- c.iwdn y KiiKlai.fl
      Reuter  -  217 words
    • 24 19 Lni\ersitv ot Mai.iva oca. Qreeo yeewrdaj Kr\ match ol 'lir Bin i Onh al H'niy Cnin f« the otttei laaii
      24 words
    • 79 19 dUmiasini h me .>ide lor 185 about 10 minutes before {.rump. 1 It «a< not a day i.f The Iniians b<iwled to i (V--!cA through^;' the Central District* D •/en .subdued on a wicket that 'rue. on.y nd represen•a'.ve B v ou 1 at h«s w^' tack
      79 words
    • 16 19 MAMI A >:: Forming bent Suig.iporo 1-0 in the Asian men& aoftbiU championship r.r,., R
      16 words
    • 139 19 ROBERTO SCORES FIRST WIN NAIROBI. Frt Roberto de Virenzo. of Argentlr. the first match In the "Wonderful World ot rtolf tournament hrre vi a suprrb rWBd Of 67 Britain Tony Jackltn waa second with 69 ,<nd American Bti Taacey T2 third. Three s Hen are competing in e^oh of the
      139 words
    • 43 19 BUigapore'i Wee Cnoong senij and Wi'iik: Ten Ohae Hie latest !ir Pesta badmintit.'dmm Neeard Kuala Lumpur. Irom April 17-JU I las brink's the number of countrtej accepting the invitation to five. The others are Philippines. India. Burma and Pakistan.
      43 words
    • 213 19 'Prince' can cause upset PRINCE BALB Is a good outsider in Race 3 at Kuala LumLumpur tomorrow. The Arctir Explorer rplcllng did an impressive 3f gallop in 41 21, with Johnny Wilson up yesterday mornl.iK The going was sort after henry overnight rain Solicitor tJM «ent well o\'r 3f m
      213 words
    • 92 19 Tengku sees his new horse work PRIME Minister Tengku Abdul Rahman went to U* Kuala Lumpur racScoui>e vtsterday morning to s>er Ins new horsr. Pisang MM. do a nalipace workout. The three-year-old— a birthday present for thr Tengku strode I out impressively with jockey ■oaldl Abdullah up. He is being
      92 words
    • 34 19 Australian Jockey Glynn Prety's »ite. Oladys. gave birth to a son their first child at Adelaide thus week. Pretty, who is on holiday, ■U return to ride at Kuala Lumpur next weekend.
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    • 45 19 Perdk Sports Council of ticlals President Da'o Kamarudciin bin Haji Mohamed I>« \ice-pie-sident.s Dr AW Moivin »nd Teoh Chye Hin: >ecretar> Wilfred Vlav treasurer: Ung Khek CiMOW. committee Oh Boon Llan. S Salhanathm I'eo Sion? Mok Lim icow Njan Teerath Ram and Michael Yong.
      45 words
    • 142 19 OWN HIP (All. BOY POINT! K K rf WONDER GIRL VILMORMIN lI ARMIM. Bl U Vilmomin Rina \ilmormn Blue Venus Wonder Girl Vtonuer Girl Race 2: PINK HI. ATHI.R PINK HEATHER SHYRf.E Tinggl Harapan Tinggi Harapan Pauly I'ike Pauly Pike Shyree Slstic Race CROWNETTE CROWNETTE WONGTHAGGI Wnntthaggi Able Lady
      142 words
    • Article, Illustration
      1474 19 GOING FORECAST: Yielding to soft mhm 2 0 CLASS 6 DIVISION 2 IftUUH ($4,500) 7F 1 mirjis t'neaine s (J Donnelly) o»n«r 7 9.0 Omip 4 J ***** Wondrr Girl a (Wondert O.sman 4 813 IK) Subian U 3 81~53 l.aily Grnrral g (Partner 1 Ahmad 5 8.13
      1,474 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 69 19 &fA4//&J Mt/SrfO* £/P£#/UZ •TOR SUCCB4S WHfM S I A 6-IP^MIH-, 6>OOP \l--jCr A L-* N cz e^^NffAu. Ai W&/&HT MUST 0& H/£LL BACK ■<. J OM THg M££lS AA/0 /<H££S I f //Vf &X/P TM& i/£r#Y £A/0 jL I S A/ef r PttVeVT/KACHAb. V THg 6MJW3* MUST ij^A^B 0* SI.OH/,
      69 words
    • 477 19 FOR DRAWING PLAN PRINTING PAINTING AND SURVEYING APPARATUS. MINISTAR- KOMBI— Toble model for c.potur* combined with icmi wet development equipped with two •ecciol fluorescent lamps of 12Sw and has an output of up to 90- 100 meter* per hour. Available Also: Heliostar 5 Heliostar 6 Powder Developing Machines) all made
      477 words

  • 226 20 All's well that ends well as wilson plays it cool WASHINGTON. Fri.— Sticks and .stones may break his bones. but you can't hurt Prime Minister Haold Wilson with musir Mr Wilson, who conferred !<>r h'iur> yesterday with President Johnson, found the White House in .1 minor tizzy about the maalcal
    226 words
  • 21 20 >*POKL\ Vi\ The Taman JuronE community centre will hold a Chinese N«l children party at the centre MBonwr.
    21 words
  • 92 20 MANILA. In. San MiiiiK'l CurpuiaUon, out' 01 the Philippines 1 largest companies., v now looking into the feasibility of opening brwrertw in four South-east Asian countries. Mr. Andres Hoiiano Jr pit.sident of the company. .said .ittti the muuKunil opentot vrvtrrday of the company s
    92 words
  • 75 20 TOMMY ATKINS (NEW STYLE) NKW hat. new dress, new 1 ill« but as business like as e\er a PtiiS British soldier. I tpl John liuuir from Hull, who his a name tab on his Itattlidress (also a fresh il»--parture for the British soldier) uas taking part in a demonstration of
    75 words
  • 27 20 BWOAPOMI Fri BnIMUtf Marj Mackenzie Arnlerilimtor of the Women's Royal Armj Corps. »ll! be \UH--11 mcinbei.-. 01 the WRAC in Sin:Hp(-re lafr (his nmnili
    27 words
  • 96 20 SlN(i\rOKh. Kri— lour boys were in»urr«l two sc-rious|> when ;i tin of krri>s«-ne exploited hrhind hldik of ll.ils in K.impntu Araim this afternoon. The boys «rr«- anioni; uroup iil.i.. inu uith il near a rubbish chute of ihe flats when one of them
    96 words
  • 413 20 LONDON Pri I'he London stock market closed .-Unlit i\ km* OH balance after an earlier advance, which saw the FT ordinary share Index gain 2 4 But the Index stood at an unchanged 419.0 towards the due, with priaM st aortai lowei N»ws that Wall
    413 words
  • 293 20 Reforms weaken strength of political parties JAKARTA, Friday. ACTIXCi President (ien. Suharto loday announced his king-awaited reform of Ine Indonesian Parliament, uinied at giving his Governmenl a working majority in the House. The main feature of the reform the addition of 32 seats for
    Reuter  -  293 words
  • 78 20 SSAFA chief in S'pore to study welfare SINGAPORE. Fn Lieut Sir Reginald Oennlnc. chair- man of the SulcilerV Sailors' and Airmen s Families Associa--1 tlon. Is now on a vlmi to Singapore. His 19-day lour ol the Fai East will also take linn to WfM Malaysia and Hoiik KoOf His
    78 words
  • 234 20 2 gunmen stage $16,000 payroll grab PRAI, Fri. Two gunmen grabbed a $16,060 payroll from the oflirr of the ElagupllTay Car^o Hiincilinß Co. here yesterday afternoon. \ir T M Bha supervisor, h»d drawn the mom bank at .»bmit 145 p. in when the robbers armed with pistols. udu< s n
    234 words
  • 30 20 POONI. Tin p«»»»« lllMllll Irom Blncapon Caskrt > COMCZ a 11 B ■rrhrlai h KIIIXI MRS CHEW BAN VEONC Oalk v< Tkoni W.iy In rrn. 111 Jalan Kit ll»h Z.Ofl
    30 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 44 20 Choose TO a I LATIN* LD .ttmmM from the J wide range of superior r Wfmt qualify HITACHI] YUU I J^life DGST value formoney L T buy! csi. u»' .^tfUflsflßßHss^^. r $$&S*II for top JJH '^^re ■'^S^'^^m OUALITY Si.? tX&'J&.'L^jL HITACHI ft 1 y|^^te
      44 words
    • 362 20 Late classified advertisements LO TO CAROL A Him x w.n ■array tith K»hra»ry. Both I Mil. 1 McHALE In Anita »pd lim 4au|rbli Thsnkj to ..r> -laff. MAKALINCAM AND RANI >... t til A dHll.ll'l I M I J Ho«pril IVnan.-. 1 nanka to oli»Iflr: PETCR AND ANNE LUI. a
      362 words

  • Unknown
    • 717 1  -  FELIX ABISHEGANADEN TMK liatanu I'adanu hydro-electric scheme which the Sultan of IVraU will officially inaugurate toda\ is the biggul and last of the National Klectricity Hoard's net work of projects in the Cameron Highlands. Total cost of the scheme: $142 million Annual average output: 530-million
      717 words
    • 249 1 NEB plans ahead for more supply schemes I^HF National Electrtcl t y Board has drawn tin an ambitions plan to ensure a continuing programme ot development of the nations hydroelectric resources in parallel with the construction of thermal power stations along tile coast. velopmi-nt ol tlii I'-nik river have ;i
      249 words
    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 225 1 *7 t- g^v 4B g^g^^g^g^gSUL. Jgs ,'< v >-^n gi us* -lk,i liwiilSSiEl H^Ko%li i' 4lu! ii jfc p^^^^Mj^^LjJn/^ »i£s£t^. j^B^g^g^^B*^* it. T 4T^B*> Bnr E 4fmi oßu^-^IE^BbPBHBMM j'-fe* «V^ < g^fi^^^gfl g^gy'^^gsß^i^^uJr *I^^^ft^SP *uYMHa^^v| w l*^ Hm>^PWßHgSlgS^gflgßg^gflg^g^HgflgMßW^^BgV<^EJv flgflg^g^gflgflgflUHHHF.^rj&*..'j?,i3HHk. i*M Xgflg^r JSflßg^gflggig^g^gfaXSn. fSSMBgm. jm .jjtaSi m The 14 2 million
        225 words
    • 92 2 In Malaysia employed with Tunnelling and all Civil Engineering Works of the Batang Padang Hydro Electric Scheme I Fi I S (H>M HOLZMANN STRUPPEK ESSEN 310 HOCHTIEFAG ESSEN/WEST GERMANY PHILIPP HOLZMANN AG FRANKFURT/WEST GERMANY r.xpericnccd in: Tunnelling Industrial Building High Structure Airports Harbour Construction
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    • Article, Illustration
      26 3 In this NEB project, three high head inlet valves and >wo isolating valves arc located in an underground valve chamber adjacent to the machine hall tavern.
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    • 497 3 NEB has come a long way in power supply and engineering WITH the construction of Ihe Batang Puriung scheme the National Electricity Board has come ;i long way in hvclrc electrical engineering On Nov. 2, 19 the Sultan ol Pahang Inaugurated th< h y dro 1«■ c I scheme calli
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    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 241 3 Our Sincere Congratulations to the LEMBAGA LETRIK NEGARA I on the opening of the BATANG PADANG HYDRO-ELECTRIC PROJECT by His Highness THE SULTAN OF PERAK We are very highly pleased to have been connected with this project as Sub-Contractor to Mis. Hochtief Holzmann Joint Venture in the Construction of the
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    • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 233 5 3,000 people were engaged on project at peak :*.imio people were employed un the Hhl^ii^, Padang hydro-electric scheme in August 1966 when work was ;it its peak. They were all contractors' staff and included 2.600 locally engaged men and women and more than 135 expatriate officers The Chief Resident Engineer's
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    • Page 5 Advertisements
      • 29 5 THE PERAK RIVER HYDRO-ELECTRIC POWER CO., LTD. Congratulates NATIONAL ELECTRICITY BOARD on the successful completion of THE BATANG PADANG HYDRO-ELECTRIC SCHEME Another Great Example of Industrial Development in Malaysia
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    • 355 6 Housing, medical and many other facilities are provided LIOUSING. medical facilities and a wide variety oi recreational facilities arc enjoyed by the engineering s t a ti employed on the Batang Pada ii s scheme. Hoostng is provided at the eighth milestone and constata ol prolabricated
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    • Page 6 Advertisements
      • 262 6 [eartiest Congratulations to The NATIONAL ELECTRICITY BOARD on the occasion of the opening of The Sultan Uris II Power Station, 7th Mile. Jalan Cameron Highlands, hy HIS HIGHNESS THE SULTAN OF PERAK SUN KONG ELECTRICAL SDN. BERHAD GENERAL ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS SUPPLIERS OF ELECTRICAL ACCESSORIES 135-1. Jolon Sungci Be»i, Kuolo Lumpur.
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      • 78 6 Congratulations and Best Wishes to THE NATIONAL ELECTRICITY BOARD on the occasion of the official opening of the BATANG PADANG HYDRO-ELECTRIC SCHEME Cameron Highlands CH'NG HOE PENG CONSTRUCTION 866 Jalan Knpar. Klang, Selangor. The construction of the N. E. B. staff quarters at Batang Padang undertaken by us. Congratulations Or
        78 words