The Straits Times, 7 February 1968

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 35 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 1 50,000 The Straits Times. The Kstd. 1845 WEDNESDAY. I KBRIARV 7. lfMiX IS CENTS or IX CENTS (Ht» t.itr.nfy, )O |O MWHMI I KDN. .1104 M(. (P) 0014
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  • 14 1 1 YORK lup -A ivill "f 'r,i here bjr Ruhr: In 19M
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  • 305 1 Tables turned on Viets: Westmoreland SAIGON, lues. (mii i 1 I i ,i m W rstmorrluml said tod. i\ allied Farces had blunted the Communist offensive and "turned Urn tables" on the enemy. but warned of a possible second v.m- attack. Ibe I I commander. in Menage of mnsr^
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  • 20 1 I Hli A dnuhjp (!prkr: i ed Into bus ipif today, killing mx rwnplr luring :tn Rmter
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  • Article, Illustration
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  • Article, Illustration
    931 1 SAIGON, Tuesday AMERICAN Marines have recaptured nearly half of the historic old city of Hue after seven days of bitter street fighting. Their biggest success llu recapture of Ihe provincial bead quarters building where lhe> lore down ;i iikon^ nag and ran up llic Shirs and
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  • 686 1 AFTER TALKS, HASLICK SPEAKS 0F.... KUALA LUMPUR. Tues Australian visitors would greatly .i-.-i.-t their Oov eminent in giving ithape to li pulley and planning. The Malaysian Govern mem welcome i in- asaur< a nee i iii aim ague* ti to a propo .ii by
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  • 98 1 WASHINC.TON. Tucv Tbt I'niiiHi si.-iies today uinouncad h DStaa iiiiiiiiin :.ui peckaa* io rs<.,, mlUkm worth "f ,<urn ultural i ntnmodltle" and a million development loan. The A:i in tor International Devatopmem mM iti^ aviUtanec was urtenth npr(ic(i ii) Indoiir-ia m
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  • 49 1 MANILA. Tan. Mrs. Kotraut von Klrist. thr divorced (Irrman woman who was a central licurr in a scandal that Ird to thr recall of thr Philippine Aml»a»ador to Waal (irrm.inv. has rrsicned as translator At thr Philippine Fmhassv in Itonn, the Koreun Office said today. AP.
    AP  -  49 words
  • 432 1 Big hunt for killer gang SINGAPORE, T li More than 100 officers and doff today Joined a bin hunt for three men of a fang <>i five believed to be Involved In the killing 0 Munisamy In Kukit Timah late last night. The dragnet for thi 4 a in shortly
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    • 71 1 BE! 111 Service Ifc MfWjfl Ni 62 J*V Snth I m^£ Bndee I Roai ELECTION g%' STOP PRESS LIFT-DOOR KILLS YOUNC BOY SIM.U'ORE. Tur« An nniilrntiliPii 19-year-old a killed tonight lu-n i i turned in door it falan Ncnbina Ihe bo* died on tilt NOW IN CANS... GREAT FLAVOURS! Bf
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    • 41 2 Thant to make surprise trip to Moscow, London ,V YORK Tues. 11 -ecietary- :iunt wiiJ make a quick trip to idoii I Brlben lo■ilci bo ioa md and reFor Ihl/n •T wIU 1 1 .vc fj ht it but i dllle
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    • 610 2 Mothertown of the most beautiful Viet girls now lies in ruins r |-HIS iaint> rixersii. s4iMire of the best sea food in \ielnam and mother of ttie rounlrt's most Iw iiilif ul (iris, lay in nuns today. Its people silent and grief stricken. It
      Reuter  -  610 words
    • 50 2 LONDON m I>< riMnd> m 11m mi.unting n n( Aj-iui irr.m.arani- :rnm K>nya into H awdc n^n 1 n> Xl tI. It h...' rx i) e.siinii!ro ne a- he rate of atwut 1 000 .4 month (a s«rll the oat m.:..nn at .«<> rolaarad m•niinant.* .ilrfx'h I
      Reuter  -  50 words
    • 41 2 NEW DD HI I i-> Mr* Indira Gandhi rec-rum «mm »,c n>* «h#-n •■h" firpped •iihore «f Pnr: Bi^ir resterd^v In p.iv thp ft: <n Indian Prim' M i Anfiarn^n I«lann.< in ihe Buy of Beng-ii Rrntrr.
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    • 336 2 'No Dien Bien Phu type defeat' pledge by Wheeler, McNamara PRESIDENT Johnson's top military advisor said yesterday the United States did not plan to sustain a Dim Bien Phu type of defeat in the Khe Sanh area of South Vietnam. General Earle Wheeler, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of StafT.
      Reuter  -  336 words
    • 192 2 Johnson's plea to Congress on the 'fifth freedom' IVABHINGTON, Turn President lohnsnn callrd on onercss >rsterda> to wipe out all prnnomic and racial barriers to cohere education a> lb»- ke\ in -the fiflh freriiom frrrdom frnin iin«ir in. Ihe PrcMilrnl pnipnf"r«ein« '\.nl.ihilil» of hithr-r e«ln.•.ition to .ill miuii^\
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    • 25 2 «..n jresterda] ofleTed to mmmit talk* likeiv ;o ranc >■■' H ii mircm th» Far I Ihe ins a roury-On- the irte» of AT.
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    • 251 2 $15,000!! YOU ARE JUST THE PERSON WE ARE LOOKING FOR FOR A GOLDEN BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY!!! YOUR OPPORTUNITY •c. volooble oi'ahie i' ■«jd |ust for the a>' >ig r.ght id«a WHO ARI WE» o large I Our U.S. marketing •«p«rt« give you all the training you ne*d. OUR SUCCESS IS YOUR
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    • 350 2 WOULD YOU LIKE A FREE GIFT OF COSMETICS? WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE MADE UP FOR A PARTY 1 r Id i rtvtti irty O"r a CUP J »cc ar\ OVATION o guest into a will 3 valuable g>'t To book your party write to Boi AS2S6 S.T, Singapore. In
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 36 2 THE GAMBOLS by Barry Appieby /I CAMT BCPXje /*6 'U COMB AS 6OOH JK} C*Xll 9£ dLONCj V. WITH THE BURST PtPt?) rr-vouLL have j Vwe can mahagc rrr^ v«__^^ V 7O l?iwe Tue^-' "IV s
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    • 145 3 VV ASHINGTON, Tucs. Congresg has ben. i enact a "pay betore you go" travel tax package that wouid cost the American tourist at least US$l9 more lor a US$l,OOO trip abroad. Henry -.dent lohnson wanted v American tourists l.s per ■ent
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    • 175 3 Jenkins hints of 'curb spending' Budget lON DON. Tup.- The Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Roy Jenkins, warned last night there would have to be vrry severe restraint on private consumption in Britain during the nexl two years Mr Jenkins, speaking at a dinner f <> r o\' bankers -.ndieated
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    • 17 3 One per- when police opened ir«> on nvi» limiing a gr^m iv.tibnllapur in Mvs> ir
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    • 88 3 FMJR Vi.DOO. Sir Du<l lej < imliffe-Owrn it. the I'.nliv.i toli.Kin magn.itr. hired lurki-li liclly dant-er Mil, in Yuretur.ihli. 19, to entertain the tamli I'-is and p. i \wr ln). 1 1 en-thii-i.i-l-. uhii "ill gather al his I'alat-r Until and Cisjnii in I> Isle of Man.
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    • 348 3 'A new protection code for foreign capital' plan NEW DELHI. Tuesday. NEW code to protect the interests ol foreign business in developing countries was suggested here lust ni»ht. It »a.< made by M: Eugene Rosi w, United Btateu Under Secretary ol 81 eon-f^rfni-p which i"ii')wrrt i flnv of policy statements
      Reuter  -  348 words
    • 109 3 pAiNA. iv.. An 81--year-old hoy man of the Jain sod died yesterday aft-r 45 days fasting in a little hut In the Udayg:rl Hills of Bihar. Since Dec- 23 Jagjtwanjl Ma- i^( n only >.;i^ nf iMerved .< \"<\ >>( m;em r
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    • 34 3 PARIS. Tucs. Michel Dv Verdter dr u<ncuillac. a 23I student, ni today charged With Urn murder of Princes* Aliettr clr Rohan. a mrmori of onr cit Europe's lamilir.s Rruii-r
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    • 34 3 NEW DELHI rues Angry houam'ives besieging Dciin bai-i-iirr ,'hn|is were turned mr lit- h inirrrw iva fi.i> today v ibe capiuu'a butchefi luntinurd (o strike asHin&i increa.srd .-l.tughtcnng charges by Dellu CorDoration.
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    • 72 3 NEW YORK. lurs hlizabrlh Taylor last nisht ■■■■ei€< a question with a qurslimi to the delight of reporters cuwrins bet l*re>s confTflKT Uit.l hllsll.l 11(1 ll'th.iril Iturinii 1 Miss 1a lor. who is here i for a hi-nrfit preview of the I i.vlor-Burton film "Dr. Taustuo,"
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    • 413 3 Russian who fell for the 'sex trick MOSCOW. Tuesday. gEX was used by a female Central Intelligence Agency agent to lure a Soviet physicist into defecting and temporarily spying for the U.S.. Izvestia charged yesterday. The Soviet Government newspaper said the CIA hired the wife of an American scientist and
      UPI  -  413 words
    • 35 3 JAKAR I A Alv .1' i 000 Khoolteacben l\»\e g<>n» on >trikC In Urn Krauang area of West Java. i<implainin« that the Government hu mm p*id uui rice allowance dut to them. RruTr
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    • 25 3 MEXICO CITY lues Eißhlern prtiple baVC born »r--ir.stpd for the ntuai murder of vil!a«e woman known 'he «iirli of S;in MißUfl Alo.i|Mli Rentei
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    • 19 3 UAK Eto-SALAAM lues I'Hii/rtn a aims at iuvuib ail nimy of two nulliun men by 1975.— AP.
      AP  -  19 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 315 3 6ROW WITH ((^JJ HEAD OFFICE "Wlft \Ms N J^r GROW WITH -M ASIA COMMERCIAL FINANCE SUBSIDIARY OF 1 >SH COMMEHCIAt BUNKING BMmJm lewfttv Ciwplau Sacwtty, CaiTtaan 1 Prae^t Sannca Dealing in gig all kinds of financing business AS*. e**\ >*.')fOH: in- aVfOaVl .I J mmctnmmTimm t «ouir jo loamb> Noutmu*.
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    • 432 3 ANOTHER RECORD! ANOTHER STRIDE FORWARD! Another $50 Million n.928 itaiayatoaa ihetr mnfldenre by taking MCIS lif«> MWimn DoUctea to the value of $51,488,265 in 19R7 This la another record (or Urn MCIS! This Is another giant .stride forward for the MCIS! This in another outstandinc achievement of the MCIS the
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  • Article, Illustration
    26 4 THfc BLACK LINES in th^ sketch plan ndic:ttc the roads and adjacent areas in the outer half of the Gardens which arc to be lit up.
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  • 244 4  -  LIM KOK ANN By SINGAPORE. TIMS.— AII rnthusiaitlc crowd of more than 200 spectators were present to watch Yugoslav International Grandmaster Svetozar Gligoric take on 40 players in a simultaneous di.splay last night at tne Singapore Polytechnic The result was announced after two-and-a-half hours
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  • 484 4 Japan can help S'pore achieve aim: Othman INDUSTRIAL BREAKTHROUGH THE Minister for Social Affairs and Culture, Inche Othman Wok today said Japan was an important country among the list of nations which could help Singapore achieve an industrial breakthrough. Speaking at a tea party given by a Japanese youth goodwill
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  • 127 4 SINGAPORE. Tues. A four-man delegation from the Malay Education Council is to meet the Director of Education on Thursday to discuss change* in Malay schools. Tbe meeting, to be held at tne Education Ministry, had been requested by the council, which MBBI a clarificalinn on two
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  • 322 4  -  JUDITH YONG: ■y THE Botanic Gardens will light up. by the end of the yrar. for after-dark seekers of open spaces and fresh air. Plans to transform thr (.irdens into an eveninc rei reational spot at a total cost of 5^16..')00 wen announced by
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  • 50 4 SINGAPORE T porf is to be represents fUth Conferr: New Zealand »ext week The G coamants has nominated two members »s delegates tn nner.d the weeklons meeting which begins on Feb 13 I Hun Kant Boat ,md Mr. Ye*Choni? Kew. who will lfave on Thursday.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 361 4 **********1 l iUmt*MUm"'t\* r SOUTH EAST ASIAN CHARITY PREMIERE Pi |)tr VV INCMt YUSOF SIN IfHAK T MHO-WEDNESDAY 14thFeb.at8.30P.M. j Orianted by Vi MLV* CLUB of SINGAPORE ißela Ckapter) irib 1 MOST CIRCLE BACK STALLS I BEAUTIFUL TICKETS ON MUSICAL SAL N0W m LOVE F|f Uim Ff||> ti-jt,. 15th Fife.
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    • 129 4 CATHAY OPENS TOMORROW! "HIGH NOON" "SHANE" were milestones in the evolution of the classic western... •WILL PENNY" is another! EBKaaVaP^^B >a wChcuiton Heston. mJoan Hackett a (majors "Will Penny" GALA (Beach Road) OPKNS FRIDAY H He's Double Trouble ■^Ewk Driven by vengeance. Bar;~V driven to violence, he jft W~P^B^'^^^^ always
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    • 504 4 lOTM IXPLO>IVf DAY 1 1 30. 4 00. *30 I JO 4. »4i t, 9 1 S p m 4 ■> 10 p m TMI MIPCIN.^ LAST DAY' I lam I 30. 4, 6jo 4 •10 p m •CARNIVAL OF TMIIVf" V.ILL PINNY LAST DAY' I lorn. I 30 «00
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  • 39 5 Parking offence man fined $20 IPOH Tues— A ff nnd handraler Hew Choor Fatt lay for In hL> comwhile not 1. He p:prt<ipri guilt) tn -immons hv the municipal council ng the offence In .Jslan Benciahara here on Oct.
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  • 199 5 900 wheat recipes in for cooking contest gINGAPORE Tues Some 900 rent r» have been n<ei\eri for the srtond conking competition nrc.timed hv R.i 'ln .iiwl l\ Sinsapura. Tho^e w hose recipes are chosen hv panel of will demonstrate an compete for cash prurs at the Snmipore Rai(mint<>n ll.
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  • 450 5 Border Reds still a menace says Tun Razak KUALA LUMPUR. Tuesday. ■J-HE Communis* forces on the Malaysia-Thai border region are still a menace despite the success ot conbined operations by Malaysian and Thai forces against them last year. This warning came trom the Deputy Prime Minister, Tun Abdul Razak, when
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  • 109 5 Doctors and nurses to wear name tags BIT XI T Ml Kl\ I \M I in-- Dnctors. Hokpltal assistants and nurses in Government hospitals will soon wear badges rarryine their names 'This will enable patients to know who they are and create a spirit of friendliness." the Parliamentary Secretary to
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  • 36 5 SUNOEI PATANI. Tues. Inrhe Zamul bin Ahmad Assistant District Officer. Baling, leaves on pilgrimage to Mecca next week During his two months 1 absence, the District Officer. Inrhf Abu Bakar bin over his
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  • 35 5 \U)K SI \I( I iim Police arr lnvr^titfHiinß .1 rnx>rt of r^i^ Jitra A 12-vrar-olri girl s;<id shr wtt walking home k-imrMiia path then man threatened her and took her LnU a busti
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  • 156 5 I/ULIM, Tues. The Kedah Education Department has taken over administration of the Marbau Pulas National School following the headmaster's refusal to be transferred to another school. Thp principal, lnrhf A>hun bin Ahmad Salleh, had originally been potted to SuiiK*'i Patani on Nov. l
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  • 101 5 IPOH. Tue.v -Four yuuths carrying daggers entered a tlat in Jalan Hussaln here last night and took $1,200 and about SI. BOO woith ol jewellery. They knocked on the door at aboiu 9.30 pm calling tor Mr Poo Klioon Mint a businessman
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  • 265 5 400 pay $20,000 for 'Raja Bersiong' premiere 1/ U AL A LUMPUR, Tues. More than 400 people have paid over $20,000 to attend the charity premiere of "Raja Bersiong" at the Capitol Theatre at 930 p.m. on Thursday. The premiere has been arranged to coincide with the 65th birthday of
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  • 67 5 MALACCA. Tues. The Straits Chinese British Association here will hold a Chinese New Year re-union dinner at its premises in Jalan Hang Tuah on Saturday The dinrrr is also to honour Senator Ko*. Kirn Leng and Mr. Chin Thian So who were awarded the AMN by
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  • 22 5 I'F.NANCi TUM BllMncv.--nwi Mi. Chuah Chona Tian 30. has rrpt rtfd '.'if IoM of filn from hiy Imiust eau JerniHl
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  • 85 5 Brave Abdul's reward I^I'ALA U MPI R. lues. A letter of c«mmendatinn and a S2."> reward for brave Abdul Rani bin Mohamed Ann 24. A temporary guard with Securicor (Mi Ltd.. he was injured on Jan. 15 while fighting oft two masked men trying to break into a house in
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 44 5 Bugs Bunny By Ralph Heimdah! \=>y 1 JWBEyNo7> l/POS^V DO.T ,r T MP cce\ S^iOJLD WAIT, I KU«T, UUTS i l_tT /V\£ st£ LEA.V? PET MA I ANY MORE O T«AT LOLLY- J oao^v "ye SOT I VJASS^Qg V6B P.REDI^/1 ocaS? JAN I D^A
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  • 410 6 ARE FINED SINGAPORE. Tun. FIFTEEN mothers and wives of political de- tainees were today found guilty and fined $40 each or four days' jail for continuing in an assembly likely to cause disturbance of the public peace at the gate of the Defence Ministry headquarters in Pearls Hill
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  • 24 6 SINGAPORE, Tuev The Minister of State for Culture, Mr. K.C. Lee, tonight opened the Festival 68 Fairyland at the Gay World.
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  • 311 6 Donations to Defence Fund free of income tax LIM: TERRIFIC RESPONSE gINGAFORE, Tucs. The (iovcrninent has decided to exempt from income t;i\ all contributions to Uhe National Defence Fund. This was announced by the Defence Minister. Mr. Lim Kirn San today when he received a donation of $10,000 from the
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  • 96 6 Singapore soprano on Canadian TV today SINGAPORE. Tue.s. Singapore soprano Lim Lee "left i is to appear on a Canadian television programme tomorrow. The straits Times today received a cable 'ran Montreal stating that Canadian viewer* would havo a chance to hear her ilng. London training She had sung at
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  • 36 6 SINGAPORE. TttM.— Weekly Buddhist scriptural le&i>on.s a. levels advanced, intermediate and primary— will reopen for the new year at the Thai Buddhist Temple in Silat Road on Sunday morning. New candidates may also apply.
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  • 207 6 Sweden's 'Queen of Light' S\\ i I) S S "Queen <>f I.iuhl. BrittM.iiir DavMsoß, IK. is on a holiday in SmiMporr In refresh her mind before sitting down to imiK for her final examinations in .March. The blonde beauty is a finalyear high school student in Stockholm, who won the
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 203 6 Alloy Onp >ty V.T. Unmlin WEU.,IfiUESB 7H'SIRLB^ I'D HATE THAfc/E 1 KT^f-^ mtmi H^ s M)NE AW, >OUWE 3^^^^^ KNEW WV4AT THEy 'EM UORKW ON J OjSS£j LAV > I TELL /CRAZY/ I /YOU'RE \%<^> I WERE DON 1 WHEN /SURE GMN" I ME UKE THAT// OFF.' j YOU.' „-^fiOT
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  • 192 7 Two-cent tax on loose rubber not dropped' J^l \l I I MIM R. |„es Tin- (tuveriinirnt ""I iti.uuloneti the ■NfMaal lo P clvt > »f tw« (•••nis .i poi.rwl on loose ruhlx-r exported from Worn Mil.i>m.« tlie \-s|st.,nt Minister of I |ir N| K.«m Poll. S.U.I tO(|.»\ He w.«s
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  • Only a traitor will say this, Enffku Mohsein tells House
    • 570 7 Only a traitor will say this, Engku Mohsein tells House K ALA LUMPUK. Tue». PPP mombt'r for [poh, Mr. D. R. im, was icribed in the Dcwan Ra'ayat today as a "traitor tor compari n g Tengku Abdul Rahman with a buffalo. Th<> Assistant M r Cultun Youth and Sport
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    • 219 7 Cupid partly to blame for lack of Malay air hostesses in MSA, Sardon tells House KUALA LUMPUR. Tuti. •v COIUkIM Ihll suggenT .(ill There wh., bo nece>s:ty for nominating a Ma Government representative tot the main office in sinjtaporc I.i: Sr. Sardnn said the t»" M ilay an dirrrturs were
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    • 39 7 RAWANCi Tues A 'm m:np Übfiurer. Yonp Keat ad vaatarda] mnrnitis hen a 19-ft iron pipe fr|| on h:m Xl Im i>u>e 'M h •a hen it slipped h.« ne<lt Tlie Dthers psmped unhurt.
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    • 22 7 (.El PATANI lues Mr been posted Malacca ;<> Bn't^nvor'h »x Sta:e Rpplan'ins OfflI My. Cheah Jo^. h.iv been •ransf»rren Jnhnre Bahm
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 194 7 STOP AND THINK about yourself Art mil m' 4H «rl»h T"<" P«yT #-r r« f-e'or promotloo mn > i in a ■i-nnable t«r l( »oai«» Can you *»lf and too a Ac ■•■•i ronrtOr>n' of vourwlf «.vi soi.r abilmri n-> (hi Ihtna «nd speak on jrovr uniucd abiU lit of
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    • 161 7 a^L^L^L^H^L^L^LMß^L^BL^L^L^L^SB^k^t« Im *,?< Xii- > iaV ty j\ Mm 'f»vre /urn nf mif Kimlil I umpiir r>*hrf Come bank with me! AT THE HONGKONG BANK! We at the jflp Hongkong Bank pride ourselves on our I afl personal service, we even give it a name j-^v IS W- I»BPI personal
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 229 7 Straits Times Crossword f I T l^~^^lalßllßaßßC~"^T2a™^"^^^"^^^^^™^"r^^^^BlL^^^™ ACROSS Claaaieal ni"\»m#nt thai lan'i 1. Must of a \L-it. 1 hop' 181 vulßanty -8. Ni| mv own moth er w hen I o cAme Am rl n liiKf«arm about s*m* itl 11 In U»prai Or>h»me anrl 9 Imi f rf MUM enaMNi
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  • 8 8 I* Wmr4i <li Wkhmum ■EE IMS J
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  • 27 8 It »■><■ »;> I Ifimawai i roo too vim „r t>, ■M MM mull •crO' >nii«urt oe OATO IU ENC MOCK Rovnl Mmwn I ah> and »n1 «"»n<l
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  • 21 8 ».>.<• Ml »i«ihi.ii»i IN LOVING MEMORY nf -■i l\ R W|) ■-llrtr.r IN EVER LOVINC MEMORY of ■•tto <I*t- MM
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  • 54 8 jACQUti rum nr i.anaia iMt ANNUAL »ALI o»i nil rr J?4 lrrh« rd MANOMAIII I'UIII WUOI THE NOW LOOK ROLAND S T»ti'« I '>rrh»r«l lINCAPORC DOG IMOW Cl *r. O'»> Finqipri** «Hl r>» hi UNiviniitv or sinapoue Kirn HUMAN HAIR IVILAIHII I ■■>' a n*l > •hnrm«.n» 1 Ro».1
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  • 4 8 RELIGIOU'S ANNOUNCEMENT >< Himnfi.itu Knurl
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  • 627 8 The Straits Times. Wednesday, February 7, 1968. Strategy In Vietnam Somebody must be right •tie atrawgy in Viet- Is;n iht re is no way of knowing whether the lung-threatened attai k on Khe S>inh. which at last aaama Io haw aefjua, s (mmieial Ciap't in. mi set pWcC. a.ici the
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  • 322 8 In Singapore and Kuala Luii, pui, the Australian Miniatar for Kxierml Affair?. M:. Paul Haamek, has streiv- thht hi.« country is not thinking of stepping into the roll whu h Britain wll cea^te to play after ghe has com-, plot<>d her military withdrawal -it i\w end of
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  • 237 8 The Grass-Roots it \Miuld br calamitous if Malaysia* farmers, wf-rc encourast »1 Into »n ni g) ti m eani.sdtK.ii beforp all the implicationi and raejuiranicnta of '•■st ycar'i I'*;, station were appreciated But there i s no fi.M.n \>. oy rarnktn them■dvw sli.tnlii nnl sl.uw an ac-tivo interest, tneti and
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  • 990 8  - British business talks of a coalition KENNETH HARRIS 'pHE idea ol a coali- tlon government lor Britain was dismissed with scorn by the Prime Minister, Mr. Harold Wilson, addressing Labour MP in private session on January 25. The notion was ttrst publicised in the august columns of THE TIMES by
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  • 537 8 LESSON 152 in a new series by YUNUS MARIS OLOSBARY MEMbarir (*J to b# w»«eful r»dundant: DI-malmuriKAN lv» n he Intended MKMhayanxKAN IT) to imply, tn outline, to tndlrale In general terms i-bav»nj, -hayanc'!'. h»»an»AN' 'shadow'). Here are a few more lines from BH. Jan. 20. for practice
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  • 641 8  -  Anthony Howard A RIVAL WRITTEN OFF TOO EASILY RICHARD Milhous Nixon who has announced his second bid for the US Presidency has been a major figure in American politics for as long as most voters can remember. The joke, indeed, goes that he has been around
    OFNS  -  641 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 210 8 Classified advfrlisfmfnls for I Straits Time* A Malay Mail may be handed to: COID iTOtACE JUPIR MARKrr OauO COIO ITO*A(.: IDANCHIS CITT COOK VTOKI LTO. r, Quay TH( NIWS UON! Fitipa" >4>< imorktt. MM. ItMAII, iavol Ba«. NAmiim STOat. V «lINASAMY 1 CO., 37 I V»f<». ss MuiAauK ••ot. ito.
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    • 53 8 M M.JSiUI MSIRMHkIS B From nf tr to not*, tr'vn <v*tove iol Iv .<■ ur clarity and Dual Sho.mof. SI2SOOO Sho-mo- IS 52J75.00 SI7ISOO J ISO* 00 Ban«».ttr, M ***** Su««r **.*rk lUII 00 ■m botm* jumoo d. i«.« R«.*f B tis oo 'iiscount allowed) T. M. A. LTD.,
      53 words
    • 110 8 TO-DAY SATURDAY EXT. TO 9 P.M. DAILY FROM 10.00 a.m. TO 6.00 p.m. (CLOSED ON SUNDAYS) v ~gggigaißaiT?t—l?^^' 1 1 r^^ i Ji 0 jr "TfTr ryr* WITH THE MCST COMPRIHINSIVI RANGE OF QUALITY CHINA AND SINGAPORE MADE COMMODITIES Fully Aircenditiencd) EASTERN ETK r t'^ 65-71 HIGH STREET, SINGAPORE 6.
      110 words

  • 25 9 IPOH I Mi Wone Fnn. anri I tin miner. Mih Kin Onn. were each fined IN -<••■ v .nrr.:' Id n ncume in timf
    25 words
  • 184 9 CINGAPORE. Tues. An American who recently completed a painting in 11} minutes will try to beat his own record before a Singapore Teh-vi-sion audience tomorrow. Mr M who did the painting in Tokyo, will do a 24in by 36in landscape from
    184 words
  • 165 9 A FIVE-MEMBER Ind<:nesian delegation flew :n here today to hold formal d for an n;r agreement betu"^:. Malays. a an<j Ind I Th« <poke.xman for the delegat.oi-. Mr Facl.r. Mahmud. who La the head of the air tra if the Direr General of
    165 words
  • 779 9 The risk of educating the young for jobs that don't exist TOH: 'OVER-EDUCATION IN POOR COUNTRIES CAN CREATE AN EXPLOSIVE SITUATION' I^O what extent should education be primarily a training for national consciousness, and to what extent should it be primarily training lor an occupation or vocation? This question was
    779 words
  • 193 9 SIMiAFORt. Tm. A Malaysian journalist's novel. "Kail Pan jane SaJcrukal" written by the editor of BeriU Harian. Inche A. Samad Ismail, has won the best award in the Singapore Cultural Festival. This was announced by the Minister of State in the Prime Minister's Department.
    193 words
  • 38 9 SINGAPORE. TIMS. A fivp-mfmber North Vietnamese economic miteion arrived here voMrrday to study possibilities of PNp.indins trade. They will meet leaders of vrinufc Chambers of Commerce and the Singapore Manufacturinc Association, and tour industrial sites.
    38 words
  • 160 9 Ghafar to study Russian factory facilities KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. The chairman of Mara, Senator Abdul Ghafar bin Baba. will visit Russian factories and see for himself the training facilities available during his visit to Moscow this month. Senator Ghafars visit was arranged by the Russian Trade Office here. He wi;i
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  • 71 9 SINGAPORE. Tue* The Singapore Government 'ins decided :o exempt irom income tax all contribution to ihe National Defence Fund This was announced today by the Defence Miniver. Mr. Urn Kirn San. when he received donation of $10,000 from Nanvans; Slang Pau to the lund. A cheque
    71 words
  • 105 9 SINGAPORE Tim A woman was kiiU d and a man injiircu oday when they bovh fell four floors frc n the corridor of a In Kempas Road efT Lavender Street. Madam Lav Swee Choo, 29. was balancing or a chair to hang
    105 words
  • 60 9 JSINGAPORE. Tues. A Brill: h naval officer* wne. Mr. Judy Chatter-ton-Dick;<on. today offered to make a small contribution towards any for So.r .:m"s« refirS'ie ncirncci there a. «!ie h.iu in and v.S!ip rr|c« ill tht ni'n'' ..r d aoDM I Ihll z
    60 words
  • 36 9 1 I MPUK lup\ Cha l K.i V 19. of Ipoh, plea led i re today to ren stolen Irom Jalan Pudi: in November. Sentence I was poMponrd pending a proI bjuun nport.
    36 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 203 9 First impressions count >_BH_HHH_HI p rp "s's •*°.vTe evsio"i HH_H_H_H—H_w n*BBIBHTHninTI|k*Tf ■on Series comes beice you a— e— b TMHRT mSiS *~WT g r id tubes and Ke.od AGC circuitry '1 1 la^^^_B §1 for interference-free reception. Choose Tl J I a progrann on the exclusive elevate If channel scale
      203 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous

  • 132 10 Japanese visitor on world survey \IK. T. Shimokubo A (above) president i of Ono Trading Co. Ltd.. Osaka. Japan, visited Singapore recently in the course of nil round the world market survey tour. During his stay In Singapore. Mr. Shimokubo. whose company exports a wide range of products Including carpets,
    132 words
  • 85 10 Contract for S'pore INOAPOREi'oinpany will he uppl< ing |900J N ifh ol pl|>es itnri pm lion fltt- i main water Dtoiec' in H"!i-- Kant Bhortty Hume iiniii trtta < I-. Ltd iia> ixKuii productioo of the pipes and associated eqiiipnieut "ill i>c >uppllec. Hoiik KX!..•< stoics Department fm a water
    85 words
  • 167 10 NCR course for receptionists Till first class for receptionists and cashiers was successfully i .iniplt ted rrcrntly al the Hotel .mil Catprinx Training cntrr sponsored by the Ministry of Labour. A total of 35 young people 2?» hotel receptionist and i. hotel cashiers candidates made up the class (seen above)
    167 words
  • 93 10 ENGINEER BECOMES AUSTRALIAN ASSOCIATE \IK Piitru-k Loh Kah iTI P&ng, 27 (abovp) an assistant totalisator enpinerr with the Singapore Turf Club. recently qualified for his Associateship of tho Institute of Business Administration. Australia He p*Med all the preKlibed examinations of the- Institute A graduate ol the 8 pore Polytechnic In
    93 words
  • 122 10 ]t|l? L C J Henshaw. a 11 director of Brituu s Tap and Die Corporation, one of the country'! principal m.uhtne toolre this month on :i Uxu planned to rhCCk Mi< BMCMIH loo) nppd> of developing rountrtaa Hip Corn > atlon Ii to be Hnt*in v lcrtdiKg
    122 words
  • 251 10 AN Ameri' an tuiMnesMiian. Mr. Alfred O Ginkel neneral manacer 'if Desna Ltd of Honz Konc. visited Kuala Lumpur recently in the course of a South East Asian market suncy. While in Ku.iln Lumpur Mr I Oinkel held dlacuastODl with his I enmpany .s
    251 words
  • Article, Illustration
    151 10 A COMPANY cannot buy loyalty. It must earn it. This was stated by Mr. A. O Caccavale. managing director of I.A.C. iSi Ltd when he presented 13 employees of the company with 10-year service awards at a ceremony at the company's factory al Lang Kee Road Sin^a- pore, last week
    151 words
  • 505 10  -  CHAN BONG SOO By ment of the rountry concerned He added that viable Industrie? provide employment, business for tuppdan and taxes (or national and municipal use and help the national economy by reducing the outflow of
    505 words
  • 119 10 \YSA announced the appolntA meiu of Mi Oeorfl Chan above i a* .-ales and marketing manager Until he was appointed to hi* new past, he mi Matetanl to MSA director of sale* and marketing. Mr George Howling. Mr Chan. 30, was born In Singapore
    119 words
  • 211 10 A DANISH expert on speclaliii- ed machine tool* said that Singapore and Malav*ian companies could save thousands of dollar* annually with proper wrvirin* and repair of marhinrry um"k the rifht tools. He i* Mi Andrrvrn. export manager of AMI Maskin Co. Ltd. of Aarhu*.
    211 words
  • 198 10 Another two senior executives for AMI ASSCX'I VI H> Motor Indusla Bdn Bhd the new motor company rently building an million plant Bt Batu Belangor, has announced the appointment of two more senior Malaysian executives The nrv. nWUttVM are Mr 8 Vliavaratnnm. trim and final superint4»nden'. and Mr Tham Kotiß
    198 words
  • 78 10 New Xerox market planning assistant RANK Xerox Ltd. announce the appointment of Mr Henry Yeo Loo Hoon i above* as marketing planning assistant. Hio chief responsibility will be to Rulst in all marketing planning operations in Singapore and Malaysia. Mr. Yeo has been with the company since II n- a
    78 words
  • 92 10 rpHt board of d 1 Pan American World Airways, bic tia declared a. divifimd of in I share payable on i-vbruary 16. 1968 to stockholdi record at the close ol busiaesa on January M This is the ninety-third dividend paid by Pan Payments of IS
    92 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 391 10 WHY DO \SHM&? AIR CONDITIONERS RANGE IN COOLING CAPACITY FROM 8,500 TO 18,000 B.T.U.'S Hr? |cT =bß H 1 In) nj To ensure that you have the unit exactly suited to your requirements that you do not pay for more, or less, than you need The cooling requirements of any
      391 words
    • 115 10 Doing Business With INDONESIA (1968) bi/ Richard a. Tain-toys B.Com: AC. A. (Aunt/ A.C.I.S. (until recently Australian Trade Commissioner in Djakarta i Th« above monograph will be available in mid-February and olthouah bemq prepared especially for Auvtrolion exporters •hould be of great valua to Singapore firm. especially those I In
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1119 11 ■HoHHM^^^Bf i^y|^^MS a k^B It UVEBPOOL I. WEST COASI U Ova S'pon Milt S'"ji» 'iiaat MACHAON LnarKOl Fal lit Fel 1} PIISANOEI .Lerpool I;:. Frt II Frt 11 MEB Liverpool. Bel ast. GlMgaa.. Frt 11 Frt 17 Frt 11/22 FM U wEiluS ""'""I rS'* 1 0 ffl L',V*m\. Mm 1
      1,119 words
    • 1233 11 ■ji^^^m^^^^^^^^^'^^*^^^^^^^^^^B^^^^^^^^^B THE\.vXsUN£S iii I■ i 1 tXPHESI SAUIW6S TO 6EWO> HOBTH CONTINENT SC*NDIN*VU S'owi Genua R aam H'buti Airhus C'risfen PASABINA at)r el 74/71 Frt 27 Tt Fel 2tV 2 Apr I la 11 la II II Ml n MBNGOLIA lij Mm 21/21 Mat 27/71 Mm 21/ 2 Mar I
      1,233 words
    • 1357 11 I BENULINE I EXPRESS SEP/ICC TO LONDON, LIVERPOOL A CONTINENTAL PtRTS. BENVANNOCH m" v Singapora H I P»"ang G mout" Mm 31 l.Ptlalij Rottircaa Api 1 For Lonttoo Mm 17 RFNMriOR Mar ji btnnnun a-*»'p art i Smgao<:'» Penant HaTb>.rg Api I GM J' Tali, Frt 1/11 Fel 12/11 Rottaroam
      1,357 words
    • 1205 11 Ife: ELLERMAN BUCKNALL S.S. CO., LTD. Singapore P. Sitta Piaaai CITY OF ST. ALIANS 3) 11 13 Fll 14 11 Fll II FN CITY OF RUNBEE Havre. London, Rottiuim. Hamburg 4 IMm 7/ IMm IMm CITY OF HEREFORD Havre. LonUrn, Ro.tarlam, Hamburg 2/ 4 Aft SAILINGS FPOM UNITE! KINIIOM ANI
      1,205 words

  • 378 12 Straits tin price falls $1.37 in Penang. THE Straits tin price drop of 51.374 to lIMLCN in Penan* yesterday was mnrp or less in line with thr London Monday afternoon fall of Bl in the forward huyrrs' price. The (ifTirine was estimated down In tons to '21.*> tons. l.oral support
    378 words
  • 339 12 SHIP! lying alangsids tha Sin«ap*r* nhiriii er aip*«tad toOay air Tarra t/2, Sarama NW. i Lloyd 34. Tapah N.w 4 V Dssfn t. Strait Torrea Marhaon U lh. Vanino 10. tleikal Mam U M, Kn id Marnk S7/2S. Benmhor 33 34. Ctnn liaxK .13 It, Bakura
    339 words
  • 414 12 T"HE follow inn li.-i 01 x Malayan Industrial banal on laM sales to Urti C'nwnui located in Malaysia' far taiation purpaiai: Average froa* dividend 7 8 per cent <7 per cm 1 1 Average groat earnings vt'ifl It* i»r ctnl 113 I pti lenti Campamat lacatad in lingaoorr
    414 words
  • 231 12 I,'IKKIAKI Brst grade rubbn f.o.b. Ihimi- i lusrd .it .'> p.m. in Kuala Lumpur and Singapore >rslerda> at 14 Beats, (low n tivr- i:hlh>. of a irnt on Mondavi lusini; level. The ton.- ».is i.isi.t K Vv and Ml; I elMJaja, piuoa in rents per Ib. yrtlrrdav Bu>ers
    231 words
  • 47 12 rain 10 lit* OmlKl SI..U- l» l« Canada! Bujrlni t i rtill« (•Hint TT or 00 rurtv: Unltwt »tair« cinmi ifi w>« Clrnuny I Nrther lanrlt 117 S«Mt»eiljn<l ll.' BtlKium ItiS; Fran.. IMH Italy Mm Dinmirk L' Norway Sw.rtm 1f,.; l.uth Arabia l.'l ana] Fteyala
    47 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1035 12 Yy* KAWASAKJ KISEN KAISHA LTD. Western Australia /Singapore. Japan Servlee Suit I Fll It IS Fll 23 Fel 24 Fll 21 Fel H Fit IMm 7 1 M« IS Mar II Mar 21 Mm West Africa Singapore Japan Service Afifoll Smrapme Yor.oi|iri Rnh» Siilll 13 14 Frl 22 Fel 21
      1,035 words
    • 808 12 P&O to f'.urope and the United Kingdom s.s. IBERIA" (30,000 ton* fully oirconejirioncd itobilned) Deporting SINGAPORE 29 Feb 1968 Arriving SOUTHAMPTON 29 Mar 1968 >io Colombo, Durban, Cap* Town, Oakar and Liibon. FIRST ft TOURIST CLASS ACCOMMODATION AVAILABLE <?ar«t FIRST CLASS Singapore/UK Irom $2389 and TOURIST CLASS from SI 500
      808 words
    • 987 12 t T~~ la^^gflß^BHßjtjS^^^k^arT** a- *MsaMß»aHßa»f^^^^^^ *j»m ßaT' M^^" M^™""f^ Sms,t|! 'I P. S'naii Penane I EIA EIO ETA.EID ETA. UD FiOM CALCUTTA state of mvANCon cochin tor Fremant>, Afj»i|io«, M^ h^urne Sydney Ml I FROM MAMAS i NACAPATTINAM. STATE OF MAMAS tor Nifiaittmjm t Minus »M 1/11 Fll II Fel
      987 words
    • 129 12 Brazilian Flag Vessel s.s. "KALU" In Port Accepting Cargo For Reunion, Port Louis, L. Marques, Durban, E. London, P. Elizabeth, Capetown Montevideo, B. Aires, Santos Rio de Janeiro. A B «nt«t C.F. SHARP 6c CO., (M) LTD. Spore P Sham Pcn Q n Q Tel: *****/7 Tel: 6363 Trl: *****
      129 words

  • 749 13 Krom Our Market Correspondent Tllr. industrial section of •hr Mock uas slightly easier prohahh being due to a oinhination of tired holders the low rubber price and the implications of the Vietnam flare up at last penetratini: into the market Ihi 1 1-
    749 words
  • 30 13 STOCK INDICES Malayan Slink Indices rrb. I t'rb. 6 IniluslnaS: ltt.ll I IS.Hn PraasirHEi; HIM MM Minitus. 7K.1.:, TX.H.t 5 ini.|i«-is lir'hii IMM :|>«T. M, 19K. inn l»rc. 111. 19fifi=l(MI
    30 words
  • 853 13 BUSINESS ON STOCK EXCHANGE Bl MM ■>> IN 1MI KLI'OKl- ID id Illl BINGAPOM AMI kl \l.\ II MI'l K I It \1> IN<. ROOMS <)l I Ml Bl <>« K i M HAM. I I BTERDaU WI1H I»U M Mill i: <>l >HARtS IK \ni n in ki: \<
    853 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 376 13 CLOSING PRICES l>h. li i:i c.i'.ii; PUCE: M ct-nts idtiun fi\ c-eii;hth> tl ;t cent). TIN FKKi.: >:,:,:• I.. 1 diiwn Si:!7'. i. K>tim.tted nlYrimi: US li us t rlovt ii 10 tons). AUSTRALIAN STOCKS Mh-LBOUHNE. Tues MININGS wee again itie matt) interest today In heavy ti admit new pealu
      376 words
    • 945 13 I iiiitiiiucil Imm fagi ACKNOWLEDGMEN Jl» 14 v|,, i Minimum MR AND MRS. 8. Rataodra thank friends -.nd relatives tor their vtluabl* ire rnts. good wiahes. nsslstanc* and attendance at their marnag* un 4/2 M, at the i_'nnf-r*nie Hall. Spore. SITUATIONS VACANT M H,,r«-, fgMjjJ aTaja rft. tcfra SAL. S
      945 words
    • 1039 13 SITUATIONS VACANT >> B>a»t>j st 4fm -aVi >• ri, mi EUROPEAN IXPORT FIRM re .res admin, strative .lerk witn Senior I Cambridge tiood kno.v iedge of r.n<hsh. Candidates with Rh pping and 1 v ping expeneme n ill receiv. preference age n M, Please reply Box A.M'ft7 R.T. a pore.
      1,039 words
    • 1095 13 ACCOMMODATION VAC AN I v Mac* < «is./-«u m ■>' i SF.RANCOON CAROENS M, r hrookp corner house, unfnr- I niahi-d l-lesse ring Mr N| Tel t 1? potei IMM r FIDSLIO STREET: r irmshed 4 ihM toom luminous hung*lo« 2 oattaruorrs. mosaic flooring laig* garden BBaft/-. Conurt Z!H),V»
      1,095 words
    • 912 13 10USES AWDLANUrUK SALt i Wtrit (thai.) Bm M rta aatra ORCHARD ROAO: 1 s.mrv shop lOaaa, Oood display win«lo»s slptsk' wo tronlHtif. Aim I inn! land. Low aaata* ■Maaaasaa PrtM HM.BM 'hoa taaa, yaHitta Butatr .\«'ti'> m iJimrn 74.1 J.% M.i.'n 7TH411 affltl TELOK- KURAU ROAD I alias H nr»i
      912 words
    • 417 13 tiWUUtfM 1 >«...«. >• M,n Baa >» -i-r. BEQINMERS A ALL STAOK IM K. MODERN SCHOOL LCC Ittm h.ih..' 1 1 *h.rtl.i.nd Tvami iXKSS*, inf.— Ttrasoiillni. Inil.ih LCC S>*m itvisi.n ilass.t IS. Btttsiy R*ari S'imi*. Phana Sl'.iin ENROLMENTS IHI 8888 now for I in 111 tr Rntant ar* Maths l'»i»'
      417 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 288 14 ITtT^il i liLH I I sr!"_ll C ..iiliiiimi I mhii Vast II TOURS AND EXCURSIONS VI»IT KtLONi: TALIHO 1 Mann i FURNITURE M Worn <f rHia.l-lu B_ FOR MODERN DESIGNS rOK SUPERIOR QUALITY MM port T.V. RADIO SALES SERVICE fi WmrtU tMm.t—Umx it rtt. _BMI TV REPAIR SPECIALISTS I TV
      288 words
    • 520 14 VEHICLES FOR SALE MJ H,.,W. auto lmarge at— uanaai can inon.c nckl nalt«r:*« i r kimt-r nr» .i a ioMBi F CORTINA SUPER t'hoaii I .1. T»l I j «*7 RENAULT RIO. MM o«n»r. I'aixrr— l .■d. Irl. i«pocf( .T»i231l i ■M ii«k-. fiat itooo awraan bukml SI no. NC
      520 words
    • 797 14 SHOPPINI, OUIDb IS parel b>«m_ ass <•'• JEWELLERY M.kt, thr II TlO i.:.i na pan JEWELLERY FIT fi.r I I soutn Brtsi DIAMONDS WHOLESALE RETAIL Baaj .if*- a\^ m t.irt.. llinr*>H»r K\ii€..-. Bri-Ji Riuid. HincatMn I TAILORING Ij BTap_ M tfia.l— 4mS fa <'•. rMlrm' SO MANY PEOPLE make
      797 words
    • 435 14 LADIES HAIRDRESSING ii »•>-«• M i Mm. I— sVaj •»<'• UItTINC MArtRICD. Kw.k ,r dridal makriir iin<l H> aaalimd Krunur nn «"l 1 rt,r. IM i ft aal. c i>t kiihh i B*p WHtRt rO STAY (Spore) M M..,w. >« i Vm.)— H«x j* rt* txlrm SOUTH CAST ASIA Hi
      435 words
    • 1003 14 TENDER NOTICE Tender* aie Invited Irom li< ed laundry contractors Jor wa.-ii-lne and IroniiiK of bedslierts. pillow blaiiket.s and »ind<iw curtains supplied to the resident trainees of the Telecoms TrainInn Centre. Jalan Gurney. Kualw Lumpur from Ist March 1968 to 28th February 1969 Tender forms are obtainable from the
      1,003 words
    • 552 14 FOR IMMEDIATE SALE EX PSA. STORAGE SINGAPORE DUMP TRUCKS MACK DUMP TRUCKS, model B-61SX, cnb and chassis, R, H drive, fitted with Mack 673 cv. in diesel engine, heavy duty dump body, twin rear axle with power divider, Mack TRQ722O transmission with 14 forward speeds, power steering, air brakes, 1
      552 words

  • 34 15 RACING— CRICKET— GOLF r»iiD u/iMK/ro Mis s c Law leads in Royi* l UUr WiniXtn Meadow 11. jockey Subian Dalwee up. winner of the 515.000 Club Cup at Bukit Timah on Sunday.— TimcsporL picture
    34 words
  • 300 15 Indians to play in S'pore ERNEST FRIDA By r rHE Indian Test cricket team now in New Zealand will play a one-day match against Singapore tentatively scheduled for Mar. 15 at the SCC Padang. Th*» Indian party of lfi players and two officials sip .scheduled lo arrive m Singapore on
    300 words
  • 175 15 DESULTS of competitions al JnckiPs' Bowi. Sin?.ipore: Inter Varsitj-lollege: 1 Hib Fashion;, '43-9-30H'2> 2 TUoni (43-9-*****) 3 OllvCU? 36-36---***** Morning Glary; l Policy i39-13-3.'0Jl < 2 Ureen Hornp'.s >38-14-***** i 3 Hlcee 133-19---*****). International 1 Happy Bowlers 74-10-***** 2 Beleuns i651-18J-*****i 3 1 i p Tm 56-'.'B-ftBBoB Mariuiit i
    175 words
  • 109 15 "The brtarnatfcuM] Hoobti t'ci- eratiDn navr nxitea all member countries, including Malayan Hnd Singapore, to .-tar; experimenting with the proposed new oil side rule and pitch m«i ItIng v Under the expeiimenta! rule*, the pitch will be divided into three equal parts and
    109 words
  • 37 15 MANILA. Tuts Sinßan"r' defeated Hone Kona fi-.i 'or thi>ir fir?! win in 'he first Am. in men 's nfttall ilnmpkxubip here Xr lerday J;i|mh teal pore 2-1 and ihr Philippines FornnikH 4-0
    37 words
  • 54 15 LONDON Tups The T A Cup third round second -eplay between Middlesbrough and Hull City and the Div Three match br'wfifn Mansfield Town and Bristol Rovers were postponed last ni?ht because of unfit grounds Reuter CHAMPS LOSE SANTIAGO. Tues—Czecnoslovakia beat Rnc-in« of Argenttn». World club soccer rtiimptoaa, 2-0 here
    54 words
  • 242 15 RSGC PLAN WEEK-LONG JOY FOR 75TH BIRTHDAY By MANSOOR RAHMAN r |"IIE Royal Selangor Golf Club M sias golfing "headquarters will cell brate their 75th anniversary on Aug. '.'1 Thr club have arranged work-lon* celebrations. Including golf, tennis and swimming competitions .Mid a gala ball. Thr RSGC. founded in 1893
    242 words
  • 422 15 Newcomer Top Kingdom shows ability TIMESPORT RACING with Epscm Jeep JOP KINGDOM, a newcomer in trains Alan Heddle's stables, showed ability in aoi trial in 37 4/5 with stablematc Bulldozer (Lylc Harbridg^, on good going at Kuala Lumpur yesterday morning. Bulldozer finished in front by a head but Top Kingdom,
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  • 634 15 The trouble with rugby... IHAYE been reading Norman si.rwl's articles on Mau»ya Cup rugby but, while anybody interested in the game In Malaysia will be grate/ul Hat anything that will draw attention to the dintressingly low state of Asian rugger in many areas, I feel that Stehd does not really
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 847 15 NOTICES I KELAB LUMBA KUDA PERAK PERAK TURF CLUB M I *XI I PROPERTY FOR SALE The following properties situated at the junction of Tambi.n Road and Tiger Lane. Ipoh. are for sale, subject to a reserve price; OT. NO ***** LOT NO *****--11 A. 1 R II P OT
      847 words
    • 735 15 I PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS SINGAPORE POLYTECHNIC APPLICATIONS FOR ADMISSION l\ Tilt 196« «9 SESSION 1. Applications are Invited from candidate* Intending to pursue a course nf study in the Singapore Polytechnic Ourseo of »tuflv either full-time, part-time or davrelen*e. ore provided In the School* 1 of Engineering. Architecture Building Accountancy and
      735 words

  • 189 16 Teacher's plea against maintenance order SINGAPORE, ni. An uppt-al by ;i graduate trarhrr. yn. k Vi Chian. 1 .1 maintenance order wa.s Or crlbed al its High Court hearing tod ly a.s me (,f its kind under the Women s Charter 1 '01 Qurk ■> counsel, Mr. Kumar Lai,
    189 words
  • 21 16 M CLIATHAMSV r.i-..l \n-ount- vi.i Mi» M o» I •m« f;.i I P i«) •»w tfo».i i. pa 7 MM
    21 words
  • 445 16 MINISTER TELLS OF NECESSITY TO STEP UP AGRICULTURAL DIVERSIFICATION kl ALA LUMPUR Tuesday. THK Minister of Agriculture and (.'o-opora-tives, Haji Mohamed Ghazali bin Jawi. Hid today there was a greater urgency now in intensifying Malaysia's agricultural diversification programme t<> offsei the harmful effects of the Fall
    445 words
  • 82 16 SINGAPORE. Tues. In view oi the accelerated I British military pull-out tinMinistry ol Social Affairs is now planning to organise voluntary groups to help run wellarc homes now depending mainly on the ser- wives of British servicemen. This was disclosed
    82 words
  • 396 16 LONDON STOCKS, RUBBER and TIN LONDON. Tties The stock markets fell fhaiply in early dealIngs following Chancellor Jenkins' warning of nugr curbs on private spending However speculative demand developed at the lower levels and i)ri< es recovered .substantially Closing middle prices ol .selected Mocks not including stamp duty were: <.ILltlM.U>
    396 words
  • 515 16 ALTHOUGH UNABLE TO PROVE 1T... KELANTANS former State Surgeon. Mr. Mohan Lall, said today that although he had earlier suspected the possibility of incompatible blood being given to Mrs. Catherine Siluvai Mary, he was unable to Drove It "It was only after judgment
    515 words
  • 18 16 SINGAPORE. Tues —The city innb'le immunlsatton t»am will be stationed at Toa Pavoh community centre tomorrow
    18 words
  • 69 16 MONTREAL. Taea The A i r Transport Association data) has sent a >tron& protest to thr British Airports AuthorilN about its decision to inrreasr landins foes at London's Heathrow airport. I lie .iiithiii il\ s.nd the ißcreaM, effective by April 1. was in line with thr
    69 words
  • 198 16 TAWAU. Tu6 s. 1 The Tawau Chinese Chamber of Commerce haa appealed to the State Government to help ttu -10 Indonesia;: C'l. here facing charges of illegal ii. Thirty-! v on bail after cbali Hlpw KiMik. had stood them. Mr Hlew
    198 words
  • 94 16 RI IMPORTS STILL AT TELOK AYER SINGAPORE. Tues. Th" Importation of goods from Indonesia under listtred toi continue to be earned Telok Ayer Basin until Feb. ao The Impoci oi thr gooda wu due to be carried KallaiiK Basin as from Feb. 1, but an extension tuu hern given because
    94 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 13 16 Late CLASSIFIEDS 20 v:ords $15 (minimum) REYNOLD* TO CHRIS i Louis** on Pixtl.
      13 words
      197 words