The Straits Times, 5 February 1968

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 31 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 150.000 The Straits Times The Niitiiiniil Estd. 1845 MONDAY. FEBRUARY 5. 1968 18 CENTS or 18 CUNTS (Niw curr«ncy> (OKI >mrm< > KDN. 3104 MT, (P) 0014
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  • 678 1 SAIGON. Sunday VIETCONG guerillas arc fighting savagely to keep a hold on the towns and villages of South Vietnam. Observers ugrct; lint, despite Luge losses, ilu\ have scored an impressive psychological victory over the American-backed Go> ernment. Alter five-days <>l ferocious slreel li^hl ing
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  • 99 1 Sun. Thousands of Government employees today obeyed Ml order from their Prime Minister to net back to work. communique Myned by Premier Nguyi n Van Loc was broadcast over the Armed Porceii Radio orderIng all public- servants to report for work at nine o'clock.
    Reuter  -  99 words
  • 25 1 JAKARTA I donesia -unrssfull' p>-trd the Etnar-.)8 uuidod ralMttl The mis i!> !,i> to one and hall milrs and coati UBsl 30
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  • Article, Illustration
    17 1 AR.MOI 111 I) vehicles |>;iln>l ;i Nciigon slreel in kc;iii*li <•! Vielcong infillniloiv Yes leixluy'.s I IM Ri<lio|>it*(urc.
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  • 24 1 HAVANNA Bun Anlhal Bxcalante. lh< *ed of leadino f ■•> II Cuban Premier Pitlrl ra Iro h«« Iv^n iwnttncw! I was announred today.
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  • 227 1 SEOUL. Sunday r pHE United Stales and North Korea today held another secret meeting at Panmunjom on the spy ship Pueblo issue, informed South Korea Government sources said today. The sources gave no other detailThe commercial Dong- radio station said In a newaca t thai
    UPI  -  227 words
  • 61 1 Pig transplant a success LEEDS. .Sun A man who !ia<l a plus heart \alvr transplanted into him n month ;iko let I hospiMl hrte todaj Watrh-rrpairer Harry Unit. •rt. had been rattortßn trass i Kp.Mcins iIIWII, a rurr mm- I nliiinl »Meil his km a i>nir paiioi The transplant operation
    Reuter  -  61 words
  • 34 1 Big 'quit' vote LONDON. Bun The Ngwi "I the World vairi lo<ia\ thai In a poll nf more than inn.nnn of w- r<"»drr« nearly V\ per inn nf I'irm thought Mr WUMM should rfMcn
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  • 117 1 SYDNEY, Bun A Bjrd- ney pubUcan who opened an envelope marked rubbish" that he had disCOW red In his hotel safe found it contained a certificate for '20.000 Western Minim Corporation shares now worth A 51 .060.000, the Sunday Mirror reported today The newspapi
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  • 298 1 Still in reserve... \M.«»N. Sun. ictcong and North Vietnamese troops still have well over half their attack capability uncommitted to their present wave of attacks in South Vietnam. The intelligence ofiicer for American forces in Virtnam. Itrig.-Gcn. Philip Davidson, told I Tress conference today the ictcium had committed about MjtM
    Reuter  -  298 words
  • 161 1 Tengku: I am sorry, but our stand is the same 4LOi: STAR. Sun *A Tengku Abdul Rahman today reiterated that Malaysia wnuld not take an active part in the Vietnam war "Malaysia' Itand is the .iin> a.- before despite the present uaSaigon." ne told reportels "I .un otry lor
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  • 133 1 'Back of Borneo Red revolt broken' JAKARTA, Sun. T1 c I: Army saya II broker the b;trk <>t th< current Chin led communist r< lion ii West Bo and bt lieves that it will cease to serious factor by the middle ol thla The W( >• Borneo military comander, B
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  • 37 1 lAIGON CUBI s.M(.t>s sun Salsun wax slammed noder »hoel i i:-fi« rutniMii s ti.i4 ked ii i> h* w .trnin^s from ofl Jers Npre u» that netr abeut t« Itnnih neisl att.ik mi thi Rrutrr
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 51 1 BLUB WHITE DIAMOND^ 1 to 5 Carats f*GAG(M£i/r *M(,S MDDM& MUGS f>»«« C«Mlacl Chiong Shing m% iwdhn ua OIAMONO W»O«lt« t IIPOOTIIt lISIO H)4' Wholesale Reto.l DOUBLE VALUE Shelltox destroys insects TWO WAYS better |E a^^Br^V!^' R.fl IBS ■a^^^ 4sav Ir JLvS W1 AS YOU SPRAY Kg 2 FOR HOURS
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  • 134 2 FOREIGN NEWS DESK Blaiberg's recovery slower, says hospital (Ml lOUN Sun l»r. V Philip Klaiberx. the world's only surviving heart transplant patient. has not improved as rapiill) as was Anticipated, a medical bulletin issued l>> droote Schuur Hospital here said last night. Her. i use of this he Mill not
    Reuter  -  134 words
  • 42 2 DF.I HI Sun lII* Soviet Pnmr Minuter. Mr. K -\^n is understood to have airveerl to buy all Ihr ra.N and a -,B"n>- produced in IrH,i ;:i ihr next five veur? fiurng his rfcrnt riu»cu.vinn* with Mr* Indira Gandhi here.
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  • 668 2 Chou Viets still face hazards 'VICTORY OVER U.S. NOT EASY' PEKING, Sunday \IR. Chou En-lai has warned the Vietcong that there was still a hazardous course to travel before they succeed in the struggle against U.S. aggression, the New China News Agency repotted. The Chinese Premier gave the warning yesterday
    Reuter  -  668 words
  • 197 2 SAH.ON Sun. Victconc Guerillas rntrred Saigon from eight directions on Tuesday nicht to launch their offensive, un.irmed and without supplies, asi American spokesman said tod.i\ Outlining the Viet<«»nu plan which led to B week of (StStM in the city, he said that when the euerillas
    Reuter  -  197 words
  • 168 2 McCarthy: LBJ proved wrong on Vietnam WASHINGTON. Sun. Senator Eugene McCarthy of Minnesota said yesterday that events In Vietnam had proved the Johnson administration.; reports of progress there to be products of their own self-deception.' 11l McCarthy, who la challenging P r c s I d ent Johnson for the
    AP  -  168 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 118 2 Vacation Every Sunday Air New Zealand leaves for the South Pacific via Australia, New Zealand and then on to the U. S. A. Departs 7 15 A.M. every Sunday -The daylight flight ttoa e»«f it *t dtra far* »ow mw ioi wy^ •in- AIR NEW lEAIAND ■*-.>.. Sit' i*r t
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    • 117 2 SMITHS SMITHS Ensure Perfect Timing I JACKSONS(M)LTD. MUSIC SOUNDS BETTER with.. GEM, n Electronic Organ Fully T'ontittoriztd W,th 20 Watt Tramittor Amplifier tuil'-in. 37 Ktyi From OoC Sn R»giit*rTabt. Vibrato. Ba>> Cho'd tic. Recomm«r.d»d for horn« and Church Output for E»t«rnol A-r M or txp-mon pvdol B. -mCompletely PoMabl*. Sole
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 38 2 THE GAMBOLg ***.&4&-—. /WMATC WE^ y^T I MATTEK?J f IVE BEEkJ v AW/AXE FOR II CAWrN V MCXW* J II vj^-ser^/ tr""^ /WELL. IT DO6»JT\ I MATTEI? H/E UA/B I V TO <96T UP IN Nj nve MJNUTE«jr
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  • 141 3 CASE OF NEARNAKED YOUTH: TWO COPS DROPPED MIAMI. Sun. Twu policemen have bren dropped from the furc r for allegedly dangling a near-naked Negro youth by his heels from an expressway overpass, officials esterday. 1 Headho recently ordered 'fet tough" noiicy in the eh<tf the n and the )?h'T dlsmlmed.
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  • 20 3 DKIHI. Sun.— lh. armr in ln(!vt •in Ff" 9 for a 10-day vim! up Indian Navy
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  • Article, Illustration
    125 3 ...MEETS AMERICA'S No. 1 POP GROUP 'IMII smiling host in 1 the with-it outfit pictured here is, of course, the Duke of Bedford. The Dukr donned his ver>- fashionable polo-neck outfit to entertain a very fashionable pop group— Diana Rasa and the Supremev Diana is on the left
    Mirrorpic  -  125 words
  • 299 3 THREAT BY MOTHER TO SUE RUSSIAN NEWSPAPER MOSCOW. Sunday. I'HE mother of one of four young Russians jailed last month for anti-Soviet activities has accused a Moscow newspaper of slandering her son and threatened to take le^al action against it. A copy of a letter to the newspaper Koauomotsltaya Pravda
    Reuter  -  299 words
  • 44 3 JAKARTA. Sun. Thr chairni n ol ;lir Indcmr.siiin National Q< 11, Mi. Kuanardjo SAid i()..,y lie rxix-ctrd abuut 40.W0 rurcißii tovrati to ail Indonesia ini.s jrcar Thli would br tv, t f the number of touriata who visited Indonesia last year. fPi
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  • 176 3 I OS AMifcl.KS. Sun. lassius Clay nent to a BSMsg* lainpus to talk uith OHO students yesterday and was confronted by a Muslim from Pakistan. Sashir Haider. 28. asked the former world's heavyweight boxing champion by what authority he called himself a Muslim Minister.
    AP  -  176 words
  • 39 3 WASHING I<>\ bun it was widely briir\rd her* today tint thr United U will tnniorruu propa«.r a fnc prr mr rt >ti ail ovsnsM travel tnkPt.s and h t;i\ nn daily -prncliriK by Amenr .ns abroad
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  • 131 3 NAIROBI. Sun— Airline oflicials predicted today that a mm exodus of Indians and Pakistanis with one-way tickets to London would halve Kenya's Asian population of 185.000 by ne.vt year Office;.- said rial .«t least 100 were leavine; daily and this figure was Increasing
    Reuter  -  131 words
  • 229 3 B2 crash H-bomb debris to be flown to N-plant in U.S. WASHINGTON. Sun. TT Pieces of four hydrogen bombs aboard a 852 bomber which crashed on* Greenland last month are beinp flown to the Atomic Energy Commission plant at Amarillo. Texas, Pentagon officials said yesterday. Remains of the bombs are
    AP  -  229 words
  • 67 3 Tvl T U>N Itaoet), sun An unprecedented drought m»r l^rpp mv nf the south of Franco threaten* 1 to turn a stretch ol Europe'! ato* runout cm tor .ire.* Wnlli rk od« iten slowly nceda :n the sortn month »f Mm 300.000 ini:;ibitanti aA the Rtriem
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  • 31 3 NEW DEI .HI t^un-Six-trrn rd*r polios assigned to r lonfly vigil in the snu* avalan. the Defence Ministry %rrc killed by an avalanche, thr Deience Ministry reported today
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 64 3 "Fancy having to ask for Schweppes!" The gentle art of Schweppesmanship (how to be a good mixer) is liberally practised in most countries. However in Singapore it is necessary to ask for Schweppes. "For an authentic Gin Tonic, Brandy Dry, or Whisky fpl Soda, |_j you have /J|| to ask
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    • 303 3 f^is Scintillating jpT Lx>v^liness The scintillatin!! loveliness of genuine Waterlord dlv s *>k il- fully fashioned by hand by VA niastcrcraflsmcn in Ireland r.jst be seen to be believed. You 0C I arc insitcd to m.Npe^t our V. \w* ford collection without obh m- bVbf I lion. Watcrford G!a^ comes
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  • 295 4 SINGAPORE, Sunday. TllK Jtirong industrial estate came in lor high praise today from the visiting Australian External Affairs Minister, Mr. Paul Hasluck. Speaking to newsmen after a tour, Mr. Hasluck said: "What impresses me is not only the number of industries which have been set up
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  • 233 4 SINGAPORE. Sun. THE Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Social Affairs. Mr. Chan Chee Seng, has congratulated ihe Apex Club in helping to develop well-trained and disciplined youths to be an asset t'j the young Republic. Mr Chnn. speaking at the presentation of bursaries and
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  • 132 4 Excellent relations: Swedish envoy SINGAPORE, Sun. The Swedish Ambassador designate to Singapore, Count Axel Lewenhaupt (above), flew in here this morning and described relations between his country and the Republic as "excellent." He told reporters at the airport that the ties between the two countries had become "closer" with the
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  • 115 4 ADVICE ON USES OF LEAD, ZINC SINGAPORE, Sun. A two-man team Irom the Australian Lead and Zinc Development Associations Is now ;n Singapore to offer technical advice and Information on the properties and uses of these metals. They are Mr. Jerry H McAuliOe and Mr. Colin J Bain, who flew
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  • 28 4 SINGAPORE. Sun The Singapore Naval Base Employees' Co-operative Thrift and Loan Society Ltd. ha.s donated $100 to the Little Sisters of the Poor in Thomson Road
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 508 4 SOUTH "eAs" ASIAN CHARITY PREMIERE PRESIDENT Of INCHE YUSOF BIN ISHAK. IN AID Of CHILDREN'S t HARITIES Jat LIDO-WEDNESDAY 14th Feb. 8.30pm; TkluM $3, S, 10 donotiom ot Robinions, C. K. T«l«f Lido I men s club >auTw I I OF SINGAPORE -'M I 'JLK I I (BETA CHAPTER) 0
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    • 52 4 """"""ii'irrrlmri'ii'^ -Lo«t Day: 1 JO J JO 7 I ».Jo»m 5 I Li L' Hua Chioo S 5 Chung "«OM Of TM Sw«rr-" I Mondann-Colorscopt) E Ton-orrow MY DREAM BOAT" S (Mcndarin Colorscop*) ?jiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiin:iiiiiniiiiiiiiiiir TO-DAY: J.JO A 710 pm. i jemini Gonesan. AVM Raion 4 Vnaya Nirmolo in j
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    • 280 4 CATHAY: 2nd carnival week! DAILY AT 11A.M. 1.30, 4.00. 6.30 930 P.M. I The Boldest Daylight Robbery Ever Attempted On MjjPjU 1 1 m^Tw mat I oTEPHEN dOYD 4^l wf ODE O N 2nd action week I DAILY AT 1 1 A.M.. 1.30, 4.00. 6.30 9.30 P.M. l. a MMT
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    • 466 4 [CATHAYjjy 2nd LXPLOiIVE WEEK! I 1 JO, 4 00. 630 1.30. 4, 645 h 9.15 p.m. i 4 9JC pm MGV S TH( MERCENARIES I Rod Toylor V V I 2nd CAKNIVAI WEEK! Horn. 1.30. 4, 6JO 4 9JO pm I "CARNIVAL OF THIEVES" (Por I Sttprwn 13,, o COLOR
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  • 427 5 Turning on $142 mil. worth of power SULTAN TO OPEN SCHEME IPOH. Sunday TIIK country's largest hydroel ect r i c power project to date, the $142 million Batang Padang scheme, will be ollicially commissioned by the Sultan of Perak on Saturday. The m hemi MTVI Centre, the huge under
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  • 295 5 Malaysians told: Don't give up Eastern manners I THANK YOU WEEK' IS LAUNCHED BY KHIR KUALA LUMPUR. Sun. The Minister of Education. Inche Mohamed Khir Johari, today expressed concern over the way ea s tern traditional manners and customs were fast disappearing from Malaysian homes. Launching "Thank You Week' in
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  • 265 5 Beauty specialist Hiroko flies in with hope for Plain Janes 1/LALA LLMPI'R. Sun. Japanese beauty specialist Hiroko M.ii maid flew in today bringing new hopr for all the Plain Janes who ever desnaired of putting their best face forward. Hiroko and her colleague. Miss Masako Srnm. will spend two weeks
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  • 384 5 Immunity pledge sought for witnesses before brain drain probe KUALA LUMPUR. Sunday. THE Academic Staff Association of the University of Malaya today urged the University Council to guarantee "sufficient immunity" to those who wish to give evidence to the commission of inquiry into stalT resignations. The association's presldetr. Dr. V
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  • 31 5 SINGAPORE. Sun Mr Hi; v Chan K"ng Hi me hss i r i i OUT, M. .'»>k Yi;on Thong. I FmP.iitM ill thr In> >r further i 7
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  • 21 5 KLIAMi t«un —Mr Teoh Chin Boon has oeen re-elected oresident of the Kluang Yuuth Club for the ninth »ucc«i»iv» mm.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 244 5 The Value of the "Read and Do" Books Do you want your children only "barklnp at print as to understand what they the saying goes, redd? Then the Read and The main purpose of 130- Boc-i:j ?re thr things ,s the ability to to set to accompany the understand
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    • 210 5 I^Abl the LJJU_i] MANS .:^x MIXER! FOR THOSE WHO ENJOY THE TASTE OF GOOD BRANDY ~~^k Ask for your favourite brnrnlv but be sure you mix with t j 7-L'p! Scvtn-Lp knows how to ~»Mpr-'1 m I smooth your drink without \^f jl v smothering the good brandy taste you
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 349 5 Straits Times Crossword jj^^U ■^■^1 He^H ■■n H^u 0 I 1. In the 8. 11: old your toiigue! 10. 8. Familiar witr the MCC? Not this winter! bi. 9 Fashion house shows horror: writer retracts; It's ludneythaped 181. 11 When the 8 held a 1 acrou 12. Ran Into rage—
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  • 307 6 Detective opens fire to disperse gang of eight Cracker powder blast in S'pore K U A L A LUMPUR. 1V Sun. A detective opened fire at eight gangsters, armed with parangs and iron pipes, when they refused to disperse from the compound of Loke Yew Flats here this morning. A
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  • 82 6 SITIAWAN. Sun. Seven labourers were fined a total of $1 335 by the magistrate's court »v (or illegal growing of tapioca in various lots on about I of state land near Lekir. about 10 miles from here. Guok Yew Hock. 24. and Lrong Wah Chioh. 21. were
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  • 25 6 BINOAPOM, Bob M under j i le by M th' 'RrOrdin- in t). civen r rnent Gazette had brc
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  • 118 6 ETCAMTAN, Sun. A rottagr industry which started seven years ago at Kampong Sungei Karanjr. eight miles from heee. is to be given a boost by the Pahang State Government. The State Government has set aside 513.000 for a workshop for the industry, uhich
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  • 563 6 DR. LIM APPEALS TO THOSE WITH CAPITAL, SURPLUS SAVINGS TO HELP CREATE JOBS p BUTTERWORTH. Sun. THE Minister of Commerce and Industry, Dr. Lim Swee Aun, today emphasised the urgent necessity for those with capital or surplus savings to invest in job-creating ventures to help
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  • 134 6 Singapore to act on timber exports VINGAPORE. Sun. The Government has Riven notice that It will Introduce from March 1 the Part Three provisions of the Timber Export Industry Board (Incorporation) Act 1966. This .vipu.ates that no timber may be exported except under an export registration certificate issued under the
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  • Article, Illustration
    4 6 EDNA MISS PENANG '1968
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  • 119 6 500 guests at VIP wedding dinner A LOR BTAR. Sun.— More than 500 distinguished guests attended- a buffet dinner given last night by the Kedah Commissioner of Lands and Mines. Syed Noh Shahabudln. and his wife, at their home at Lorong Pahlawan here. It was to mark the recent marriage
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  • 216 6 Edna wins beauty title and makes Grandma happy IJENAMi. Sun. Staff nurse Eiln.i Wancl.t Jacobs last nicht made her 77->ear-old grandmother "the happiest woman in the island' when .she won the 19W» MUs Pcnang" contest at the Chinese GfeW High School here. "Grandma uas the most persuasiw of all my
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  • 249 6 SINGAPORE, Sun. 'PHE Chinese Cham- ber of Commerce has tome out in support of the National Defence Fund. A special appeal committee has been .set up to urge Its 3.000 members to donate generously to the fund. To give a
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  • 31 6 Knocked down PARIT BUNTAR. Sun. A .Hr-'iiri schoolgirl, ooi Bre Hin, dird on arrival at the ciii-trict hoepital here after belne knocked doun by Kuala Kur.ii! :.shuu; villag? i-onr here, yesterday
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  • 22 6 KUANTAN. Sun— The Sultan of Pahang wKI officially open the Radio Malaysia transmitting station here at 10.30 a.m. on Saturday
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  • 214 6 KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. The Traffic Police will launcb Operation Road Clearance in the frreenwave traffic system area tomorrow at the end of the three-week reprieve for the traffic offenders. Thret weeks Is a long time for the people to learn the system
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  • 73 6 PINOAPORt, Sun— A <s-mT<tf roim operator of the Singapor* Fire Brigade. Inche JafTar bin Ahmad 32. was killrd ywtertia* when ha motor-rvcle collided with a car at Guillemard Road Inrhe Jaflar's wife. Sumlnafe bntV Amir L'B. a toaehcr. who u<is rtdiDf pUIIOB, waa
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  • 34 6 In the report on the death of reured architect Mr Scan Bck Jim in Saturday's Straits Time*, his name was incorrect iy glrer as Mr. Seah Bofc Jim. The error k regretted.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 71 6 Beauty <**^) Care From GERMANY discreet enchanting charming \HYJk grooms ai\d beautifies your skin therefore use INKA daily for your skin care, and for your whole personal make-up. GOODS OBTAINABLE FROM OUR TRAINING CENTRES IT:KUALA LUMPUR ROOM 606 ASIA SINGAPORE IPOH JALAN WELD fgO. 9\ COWAN STREET NO. I, PANC
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
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  • 28 7 A NEW CHALLENGE TO WORLD LEADERSHIP OF COMMUNISM Rumanian party scnrtaiv Ntcnlae Oausecu and. behind him. Russian Leonid Brezhnrv ai the 1366 Communist Party Congt.«6s in Sofia, B'llgarta.
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  • 1134 7  - Moscow feels the cold wind of change in Europe Louis B. Fleming r-by THE Soviet Union appears to have suffered a set-back in its new campaign to reassert its leadership over world Communism through an international Communist conference. Some East European diplomats here now doubt that the planning meeting, scheduled
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  • 507 7 by A Special Correspondent GENERAL Joseph Ankrah, chairman of Ghana's ruling National Liberation Council, is cautious in his actions, and deliberate in speech When he visited London a few months RgO, 0O« newspaper pronounced him a "not very interview able leader." And as
    OFNS  -  507 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 77 7 SAVINGS L^sP^Rcl »^^_**'^^^***^s^^fiswwMsslßßiHßMK^^HPP* |t '3EJ'. r 1 t&s^^g^l M^ K^^ MMMMM __^^^^^^^^^*~wa^^^^a^ajajjaj[^g Wr 1 I W «j|gV Fab, the washing powder with the powerful difference is now offering big value savings. For a limited period only, you can save 15 cents on a medium size packet of Fab, save 40
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  • 49 8 M Wnr4i tlh *\mimmm, In'»n. fm,»m <r r hi j rl Th» k mi, co of^ril' ..n<tr>n»<J Habiri t .n<l THE SON RMMtf of th' fr'»r.<l« for •Kr\i r»«th» I -Ij»nr» or tenth* 1f F lar 'h«.u ;n«n ttf i» r i Horn T«I FAMIL. IMB I] Hion
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  • 5 8 IN MEMORIAM ■rf. iH MIHiIHNSI)
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  • 31 8 Minimum I ANNUAL tALE M t ff'» UNIVERSITY OF SINGAPOR'. El i-orrmrnrln« II PRINT. SUMMER COLLECTION and T>. SINGAPORE DOC SHOW liar Worlt > l.w t*for» RaadlM FASHION MOIIELLINC CAREER > .rt.rr.
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  • 671 8 The Straits Times Monday. February 5. 1968. Toll Of Two Cities Fewer people were killed on Singapore's roads last y«N»r j than the year before, but 'h« ra «ei> more aseidnrtß and quite a sharp rise in vrio\is I accident*. In Kuala Lumpur there were fewer accidents, and the number
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  • 336 8 There is promise of some progress on the Pueblo front in the reports that the United States and North Korea may finally agree to tnt et at Panmunjon. At present it is no moie th;.n a suggeotion by a m.-mbei of the Korean Workers Party central committee but
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  • 227 8 It is nine yeans since th* Malayan Library Group published a memorandum urging the it ation of a national libiviA and public library Vieaa lo be run by the governniini Then had been mo Official MBMBMSri on thr pro- posal, but press reports bmußht from the Minister of
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  • 141 8 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR SOCIAL INSURANCE I REFER to your report 1 iST Feb 1' •Report on Social Insurance Scheme for Dewan Raayaf and to the leader the following day At o Vim/ n;,s the Mlnlster stated that he proposes to table the soclal insurance report in Dewan Raayat As
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  • 440 8 LESSON 151 in a new series by YUNUS MARIS GLOSSARY: ReUnjalAN ials<>: belanJ»WAN') (n> expenditure, biuluri DI-bentancKAN (vi to be preserved, tabled. PKNCihimatAN (n> stringency, curtailment: nafkah >n> Inrnme. means of livelihood: MKX«;gemparKAN «v> to «.tarile. to cause a Mir. commotion: chukai m> tax For the next three
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  • 1138 8  - Why North Korea is risking war Richard Halloran by of The Washington Post INTENTIONS DEMONSTRATED WITH STUNNING CLARITY FOR THE PAST TWO YEARS -Mop€ espiooag« and prepMitiwi lor gueHUa »w» our ■••▼otatlo»i will not be complete without liberating South Kore*.,/ KIM »L SUNO THE essence of the Korean crisis is
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 278 8 Classifif i tiitriittmt its fsr Strait* TinwM Malsy Mail •nay b« handed to: CCLD iTOK-Afif tUrIIMAIKfI COLO iTOHA&I BKANCHft i Uo>a CITT BOOK STORI LTD., HI NIWS HIONT ■txfmqrfctr. im sToiT* 1 OV 1 149 Upprr Uurol Rood. Skugpora 17. *f TNASAMY S CO, > fi, I a_f. SaMar. MUBARUK
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    • 197 8 IN YOUR OWN HOME r^^f^*^ swimming pools «^r*- jy constructed to order. Different ~Z~ v *> 2: shapes and sizes. Portable and If (%3f wading pools also available. Under* I l-^v* water lighting. Four types of filters v cnoose from. Pool-cleaners: j^TSii--- chemicals GUARDEX surf ace* sk mmers to clear
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  • 129 9 SABAH TO BEGIN SCHEME TO BOOST PADI PLANTING KOTA KIVABALI, Sun. Thf Sahah Padi Board is to start operations in the middle of this month, the State Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries Inche Mom.imrd Said bin Keruak. naid led Inche S.ncl also rtis<l<ise«l that the Yang di-Per-tua .ippointed
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  • 467 9 Students and 'danger point in politics' Kuala Lumpur, Sun. •JHE Minister of Education. Inche -Mohamed Khir Johari. spoke today on the desnabilAv of stressing at the same time the dangers awaiting students who actively participate in politics. Addressing a meeting of the Kua.a Lumpur Psychology Club afternoon, Inche Kh'.r said
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  • 96 9 TVAIPING, Sun A reminder to the people U une I the hum.. i in i Malaysia's national flower, its proper pl.u»\ m.ule br the Mentri Besar of Perak. Dato Ahm.iri bin BaM, here toda% Openini; an ori hid :ind floral arramcrment show !ip ■'Orchids
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  • 43 9 OKh. Sun Mr. J. t Ctabain h.<^ been appotatwl by the Deputy Prime Minis-ter Dr loh Chin riiyp. to be a member of the Light Duei Board (or further period 01 mm ymiK with affect from F*b. 1.
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  • 376 9 Patient was given blood of wrong group: Doctor -THE anaesthetist at the General Hospital, Dr. R.T.J. Bates, said today that by the time he discovered that incompatible blood had been transfused into a patient, the patient was already dead. He was giving evidence at the second day of the inquest
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  • 66 9 ALOK 81 AH. Sun. The Sikh c immunity in Alor Star baa presented a sword specially .1 iwn from India to Ten^Kii Abdul Rahman for declatlnf open the new Sikh trmple in Jalan Langgar here yesterday. The three-fool long sword esented to the Tengku alte. he
    66 words
  • 46 9 SINGAPORE. Sun. —A man and a woman were drowned in two separate Incident 23 was lound drowned :n the s>e« off the Johnrp Causeway at from W last Irclt crowTii '..nLes* aboir 2 U p m. K o Ooi'j -hore.
    46 words
  • 33 9 i.eye* M :ian $544 in Brown Oarden her* lay. The owner. K G Gopala Kr.shnan 44 found I -.c: whrn a friend «t mbout 930 p m
    33 words
  • 138 9 Riot squad and Land Office team evict squatters JOHOKE BAHRI Sun A team from the oHicr of the Commissioner of Lands and .Mines, mill the hi-ln of members uf the federal Reserve I nit. yesterday evicted squatters cultivating iOO acres or State land at Selonv. nrar Kulai. 27 miles from
    138 words
  • 53 9 TELUK ANSON Pun [> Ne Kam Poii. Ahiistani Mmi.-tor o f Ptnaace »nd m.p. lor Teiuic ArLson has been fleeted president of the Kuong Tong Association. Previously a vice-president. Dr. Ng rrplacps the late Mr. Wah Kens JOOl. Mr. Kee Kirn Seng. a nominated town councillor,
    53 words
  • 315 9 We're here to promote goodwill, says, Japanese youth chief SINGAPORE. Sun. the Sakura Mam, the Japanese youth ship which arrived here yesterday afternoon, is a group of .'!1!1 young people who come from practically all walks of lift in Japan. Their aim Is to promote goodwill with the young people
    315 words
  • 22 9 KUALA 11MITR. Bun.— Thnt Mann bava tx>pn awarded M-holarMura for high, r tudli id by the Fulhriglv i Pord Founds-
    22 words
  • 161 9 SINGAPORE. Sun. The Government plans to spend $JBu,uou this year in building more overhead and underground pedestrian crossings in j some ol the busiest streets of the city. Two new underground passes casting $130,000 will be built, one in front ot City Hall and
    161 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 30 9 r ft SHISEIDO top 4 Counsellors *fl Xi are here to w^^^^^W than ever before. Watch for press m announcements w for further demonstrations %*si in Singapore and Malaysia. J
      30 words
    • 142 9 I SERVIckI I I SECURITY 1 1 !I I STABILIT Y I PAN MALAYAN FINANCE LTD (MOW<|UlUM^UfQl.«i«ruiaLM:uiUMlliaMrMiTi I sbUhqrbco bsiko mo mio up upmi-.ssJNMUDQB MIUYU f IMNCi. UIIHD GROUP *SSirS LKCLLO (28,*****0 H«<o«c«»i;tiniu'i<ic«Su;i<)ino.POioi!BB4.5 1 3> oor«l.T«itot'aii«««n3 iut-i'tncA. »3»i«i«g>«HouM. S«i»9.«Ro«a. 4ms»poi«7. I*t»i.-.act.JSXJ I SHJUHWI PAN MALAYAN I FINANCE (MALAYSIA] UNRI
      142 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 764 9 TV MALAYSIA CHAWFI X Kuala l.umpur 710 S<.pe a Week.y Magaand naaag; fi Ipoh .md zu.e Programme in Engi_<.h .Mal J<( .i; 3 „nd Hi 7.35 H*&, Qccrge'l XSSt Bihru; 4 'Lupine; H.tlu tan 8 News in Mandarin I I'ahal; 9 Kluang. 810 Baria*., Kits 5.45 I>M Pl a
      764 words

  • 181 10 A CONTINENT IN SEARCH OF DEMOCRACY AFRKA IN SKVKCH OF DEMOCRACY. By K.A. Busia. (Koutledge and Kegan Paul. 20s). By STI'ART KOBE cars and radio alone. ONE TIME leader of th*> Parliamentary Opposition to Nkrumah in Ghana, Professor Busia has illusions. The Al: arch tor democracy will b»harder, and often
    181 words
  • 246 10  -  Kathleen Knott By THI. IIAKI) \Y IP Hit Autohi<iuraph> of Hannah Mitchell edited !>> Geoffrey Mitt hell (I alter ON this most exasueratlng of subjects what a pleasure to encounb honest and unpretentious vision and plain language. Ana somethlnß more. Hannah Mitchells autobiography, edited
    246 words
  • 1402 10  -  ALLINGTON KENNARD ONE HUNDRED YEARS HISTORY OF THE CHINESE IN SINGAPORE. By Song Ong Sian. (Reprint. University of Malaya Press; Oxford University Press. $25.00) WHEN the authors of One Hundred Years uf Singapore planned their l\\ovolunie hist or y, which \\;is published two yean
    1,402 words
  • 230 10 By JAN KARUS MOBT Of Singapore's ringers apparently removed themselves late In 1965. an observation In the January issue of The Malayan Nature Journal of Interest to birdwatchers rather than race-goers. -In a survey for the year. Lord Medway and Mr. I.C.T. Nlsbet record that a
    230 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 318 10 2&& a the whole Amazing Wild Life of the World in 16 Munificent Volumes Covers ALL MAMMALS C w BIRDS-REPTILES-FISHES-IMSECTS-AMPHIBIANS T a\*> k thrnnp'hoiit thp worlds /world distinguished naturalists take you adventuring througrt^s^ mr^J^^^ OVW 2 750 P'SBS! the torned jungles, across the frozen tundra, high into distant ▼p^"^ mountain
      318 words
    • 354 10 Look at this typical installation of a modern horn* where Katadyn filter/sterilizer is a must WATER FIITER/STERIUZER r^^%/^/ /> Your greatest fortune is your *r yrjr g-ood health. Do you know that S even with the "dearest" water, \vX| thousands of infectious disease If S^& germs may enter your body.
      354 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1155 11 J^^^K-AtJgaJa^^^yjr^^^^^^^^J 10 LIVERPOOI I WEST COAST UK Out S'tHin Sam s'naa Pttaaj *L ••P»UtBl L »ii-rjool ft} |J f.ij ij m hSs V"" 1 v"**^ j* a fH i i/a TANTAIUS Glas|o» FH ,4 (Hit FH 27 It LvViiVriiK '■"•'SOoI. Dublin A'lwtrHj... FH tt FH --S FH It/ 1 •ViTiat*
      1,155 words
    • 1381 11 r//jff.Hbl/SV£S 41 I ii. JUT 1 Oltr Ll kvo-porHK) •< Bum* EXPWtSS SAILINGS TO CEMOO^MWTM COWTIWENT SC*NDIrI*VI* S'ooti Genoi Rdam H'burg Aarhus Cbagw PASADENA aI) FH 24/11 FH 77/71 FH W I AM I AM U AM IS Mr II AM tl MONGOLIA tij Mat 14/ It Mir 27/21 Mar
      1,381 words
    • 1258 11 I BfnWlinf] EXPRESS SERVICE TO LONDON, LIVERPOOL t CONTINENTAL PORTS. BENVANNOCH Z t Bl\ Rftjtjtj p* S riant Penang It Ptrt Tilav Rottemam Apr 1 For London Mar 11 ULNMnUn *-t*-rp Air 4 IkMPJM H. tl P<"ian| Hamburg Apr 7 C. UFell Ftl 7 11 FH 11/11 Rnt'«raim Apr II
      1,258 words
      1,120 words

  • 520 12 THE fallowing K romp4rtr Mat of irvivd quotations for the ifrk emlMl Saturday »>h 1. UNT TRUIT (Maxilin l>r,c.i» rir.i Mala»an xA Ueronrt Malayan 1 *d Third Malayan 1.10 The rommerre md. »1 > <*> The Sav:n« Kurd .94 1 Mai invm rund l.nn 1 It
    520 words
  • 38 12 EXCHANGE RATES A. 11a made ih*we fhancea in ita ,)<>. v, merrhanii oo Saturday <all r «t,. it |1M). (ellini TT Of OD r.ldy Witt Oarmany \M> I > NMh«ri;nd« 11? 3 4 Franca lrVl I s and o«*«an 1*.,.
    38 words
  • 710 12 Straits tin price down by $2.87 1/2 'pHE price of Straits tin on 1 Saturday morning fell by $2,874 to $560 per picul in Penang on an offering estimated down 20 tons to 200 tons. The drop wa.-, almost la line with that of i:4J per ton In the forward
    710 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1012 12 YV KAWASAKI KJSEN KAISHA LTD. ■^-""■•»"aa»aaa«a»a"a»a»a»a»Mraa«a>«»a»a«»«aa»aa^aMaa»aa»a»«a»ia«aa»«aa»a™al Wfturn Australia Singapore Japan Servlee .< i~> r-ja« lltri ItthJ I F'l 1] II Fri 24 Frl 73 Ffl 21 Ffl In nFfl.iMw 1/ I Mtl II Mm II Mil N M«l Waal Africa Singapore Japan Servlee Tokatiaatt RoM 'HlllMl Mil laiat: 13
      1,012 words
    • 905 12 P&O to Europe and the United Kingdom s.s. -IBERIA" (30.000 tout fully oirconaitienad «.tobilii»d) Deporting SINGAPORE 29 Feb 1968 Arriving SOUTHAMPTON 29 Mar 1968 ♦io Colombo, Durban, Cope Town, Dakar and Lisbon FIRST I TOURIST CLASS ACCOMMODATION AVAILABLE tores FIRST CLASS Smaaport/UK tram $2389 i and TOURIST CLASS tram $1500)
      905 words
    • 476 12 >— b— FLOTTA LAURO %&P^. AttltiM lIIECT Fttt) TIICJTt ITALT ACCIPTINt IOORINSS 01 *ANaAOP-MANILA-NONSAO«t— SAIOM. RAPmo SartOO 17 Fik 1] FtO 14/13 .11 17 Fll 13 Ft* 20 Fll i» FtO MECARA Sulil 2S Ffl 71 Fll 71 Fll 1 Mil I Mil 12 Mat IS Mar (RICE I Ftl
      476 words
    • 571 12 DIVIDENDS ANNOUNCED urrrnt I)ale> Inlal fnr Fatal for pavmrnt pa able the \rar ptrtiou* year rHMxtwrxMl Park Mar. 7 Motor lnve»tment« 2 Fr?b. 28 Ayer HiUm 10% t Apr. 3 Kamuntinr Tin Mar. 8 Tronoh Mine* 4'ad t Mar 29 7' 3 d. Plantation Holding 7% I t Interim MALAYAN
      571 words

  • 1506 13 rrom uur Market Correspondent I 1 11 <">!> one full riax's operation and two hall d;ns in the trading rooms of the Stock Exchange of Malaysia and Singapore last week, due to the long Chinese New Year holidays, there is little to comment on.
    1,506 words
  • 20 13 RIBBtR TIN (perlb). (perpicul). Jan. si. $555.6* ji! Feb. 1 4fi ct» »56».3:«, 3. 4«CU. $562.87 3. 5564).»0
    20 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 299 13 KEMENTEKIAN PERTAHAV PFMBERITAHU TAWARAN Tauaran'J adalah dipelawa olch Kcnicntcrian P»ttahanan untuk mpmbekalkan baran? Yang tersebut dibawah mi:— No: Tawaran Tarikh Tutup Jenis Baranc A 6 46 68 15 Feb 68 Mendubi dan Menjahit TAWAU Oerisen A 5 19 68 22 Feb 68 Alat Jahit menjahit Persendirian. A3 37 68 15
      299 words
    • 774 13 II iintinutd Irum l'v«r H ACKNOWLEDGMENr e» l».»r«, tl* 'Hli>m,,m RAJA ZAINAL and Puan Zalna! ttendance, assistance, and valuable aTM on the wedding of th. aughter Raja EaMHI I.' Huron In Pato DT Mohd Salleh SITUATIONS VACANT i HWa-s U lHim.,—B»x i» rf. Mfra RCA i the Senior Appoinfir snt
      774 words
    • 754 13 SITUATIONS VACANT a SJ <H,m ,—Box n. WANTCO MONI PASS DECREE (Jrartuat.. ftr immediate empinvment M-le<l S. hool <o tearh M»ih«' 'ieojcraphv Only those willing to tea.h 'or at least a year ne»<t apply Salary »<Tor«lin.; to f;ovt Salary .«< heme. Apply to Po« AM?? T 8 pore heforf IM
      754 words
    • 1094 13 ACCOMMODATION V ALAN I 11 Wmr4t M '*/in.i «oi rl'. mxlrm AVAILABLE IMMEDIAIELV Ua- ruroisnad ItJsj nwirvum Klat District itt. >1 Oei Tiong Ham Park. Reol 1 100/- cm Tel »i 234 Mr Lim 3tfice Hour* (Siogapora) THREE ROOMCO BUNGALOW. 'ong-hath modem sanitation spar* i room furnished S34S unfurnished i
      1,094 words
    • 822 13 TUITION I* »*e«s *4 ftfla.)— Hot >S rfs extra GROUP OR INDIVIDUAL up «n lenior Maths Elementary. Add' lonal Ptivsirs. Chemistry. iS porei >r.M» DANCING: 3 hour l-essons Wu rH■tep Waltz. 8 Tempo Chach. tchoo. ol Dancing. Hindoo Road. 1 pore P *****. COOKINO CLASS For Indian Curry. Korma Ipertalities
      822 words
    • 834 13 EDUCATION Ii ».«i M Wia l— lei i» rf. COMMERCIAL CORREI PONOINCI TYrEWRITINO Sho" < hand Rook ke»i Taxation. Erono draughtsmanship CCS AIB '<* A~A A -lerr,» Hf A. rour Secretar\sh:p 2<l« t'\rrr."-r,t Singapore 3»413. I NROLMCNTS IMS iprti no« for I O*C. HSO. «Ec I to 111 i it
      834 words
    • 527 13 BEAUTY CULTURE Hards Mim.i—Box Mr. INTCRNATIBNALLV HECOONI*. M 'raatoeai 1 11 1 t.iaaiie Hemon of sa or Phoer x. Tl Ha Aralemv in Maiaysti rel 7MBB BOATS. YACHTS WANTED R.r.. tl V,, BOAT MANTIIi Njadttasa I OANS BJ tl,, NEED URGENT LOAN <. •1 TV. RADIO SALES SERVICE M t|
      527 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 509 14 i( nntinued Imm Pace ISi FOR SALE Har^l M M ft.r i» rri. #*fr. FOR MOOSRN OESICNt id Can* »n»l lo«rt. 8 oor» T«l. BU» OPTIMA OR CONSUL ."1 BM HOUSEHOLD FUNNITURE, .i ob 7-2« v I PHILkO NO FROST FREtICM av»MATTENTIOM MOTORIST PIVSM I NEW SHIPMINT ■on Ro«'i PON
      509 words
    • 484 14 AT YOUR SERVICL M Wm4i <* <■<• satra KWOK't PMOTOCerV Sl«VIC». II DOCUMENT C4PVINC PLAN PRINTING -m It tSBS i: a>m. PHOTO < OPVINI', PL«N PRINTING -inacaiiorr. I»l: ln-.ui IM r'.uitriii.c. X.L 1• I .'-'7. .7. SHOPPINC GUIDE (Spare) Ij »..r<. iKii.i- rr» o*trm JIWtILIKT kUtW mn.t •!> Ijii runt.*
      484 words
    • 807 14 NOTICES MAJLIS PERBANDAJtAN IPOH TOM H.iVKlis |\v IMrM IK.M.S. GMMSTI NOTKI. INDtR SKt TION 13; NOTICE IS HKHEBY lIUKN thai it is propo>e<i iintlei bSCUM 144 uf the loun Knaid-s Enactment <FMS Cap 137 1 to amend (lie I poll Approved Town Plan No B 3 published M Notili<alioii No
      807 words
    • 945 14 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS BANK NEGARA MALAYSIA UNIVERSITY SCHOLARSHIP Application* art- Invited for Ux above scholarship from Malay .'jiuitclatr* «-|io Intend to Apply for idml»Mon lo read Eronomlra In the University of Malaya 2 The value of each scholarship kl 12. 500 per annum payable kg the s.holar In three
      945 words
      643 words
    • 483 14 PAINT SALES REPRESENTATIVES 1.C.1. (Singopore) Lt4. invites opplicotions from •n«r9«tie young men with good pcrsonotity ond initiative ror positiom as Point Saks Representatives. Successful appliconts will b« responsible for achieving a planned level ot sales of o range of paint products to oil customers within their allotted territories. Requirements: 1.
      483 words

    • 301 15 I lit- I DIMMON Hurnlrv 1 Molvn Chelsea l Notfm Pfereet 0 Everton 1 U\erpcx,l o [J I l-eed* 2 Man. .1% 1 ArM-nal i NewcaMle l sneff Utd 0 snclf Wed 0 Sunderland 1 •Southampton 1 S oke 2 Tottenham l Mai, Ltd 2 West Brim. o
      301 words
    • 204 15 B 3 ARSENAL are go ing through a period of uncertainty. They lack a dominant attack ing figure and the defence, although basically sound, occasionally gets caught wrongfooted. This Saturday, Arsenal play Newcastle They should not lose as Newcastle pursue a defensive policy in away Barnes. But Arsenal may
      204 words
    • 253 15 MUST DIVISION s Arsenal v Newcastle x Coventry v Chelsea 1 Everton v Leicester 2 Fulham v Burnley 1 Leed* v West Ham 1 Man Utd v Man C.ty I No'.fm F v Southpion J Shefl Utd v West Brom x StuKe v Liverpool x Sunderland v Tottennam
      253 words
    • 240 15 Welsh break losing run ONDON, bun. Wales, who nnishpd bottom of the International Rugby Union championship table season, beat Scotland 5-u at Cardiff vest 01 day to score their rirst win in their last eight internationals. A try by Km J«,m-s in the 16th minute, converted by Keith Jarrett.
      Reuter  -  240 words
    • 27 15 FORCES 6-A-SIDE for 1 t«' the M Armed Foref» «ix-«-side Smith Shielrl compel mon to be played tt Rifle Range Road on Feb. 17 starting 8 a.m.
      27 words
    • 522 15 REVENGE tinchester United complete League 'double' over Tottenham LONDON, Sun. The epic series between Cup- holders Tottenham Hotspur and League champions Manchester United continued here yesterday when United gained a 2-1 win in their third clash in eight days. Manchester United gamed revenge (or their midweek F.A Cup defeat by
      Reuter  -  522 words
    • 1669 15 THE LEAGUE TABLES HOMI AHAV P W D L t H 1) Lf AIV Man L'.U 27 11 2 0 32 11 6 5 3 24 20 41 I«^r.. 28 12 2 0 36 9 4 4 6 14 14 3B Liverpool 27 12 1 1 31 8 2 7
      1,669 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 91 15 They're FREE j& j (Two Beer glas^s and a packet of luxury Fr* r»l r- 1 \£^C(X IrtlJ clc^tifl Abdulla 37- Cigarettes) VurDUv'J SZ^S^r^p They're for r r^" Chinese Hew Year rnjr (The time for Gaiely and Good Things) \mM 5i.,..h3i,j %^j m w «w. ana i :^z^P They re
      91 words
    • 54 15 THIS IS THE GIRL IN SEARCH i* a HIS VASMIN Beautiful Star of TV and the Singapore show world who dances for you in many moods in February's colourful issue of— THE YOUNG MALAYSIAN MISS WITH A YEN FOR ADVENTURE ABROAD Meet them and many exciting personalities m your favourite
      54 words

    • 285 16 LOS ANGELES, Sun. The United States in a surprise move yesterday voted overwhelmingly in favour of Open tennis and threatened to pull out of the International Lawn Tennis Federation if it did not revise its rules. Delegates at the USLTA'I annual meeting at C'oronado voted
      Reuter  -  285 words
    • 2253 16 Cup triumph for Royal Meadow GREENSTONE PIPS WICKLOW IN THE TOP SPRINT RACING with Epsom Jeep I^LALA LUMPUR accountant Mr. S C. Laws Koyal Meadow II won the $15,000 Club Cup run over the Bukit Timah mile yesterday. It, was a smart performance by the Ipohtrained Australian five-year-old as he
      2,253 words
    • 218 16 Ist No. *****5:: (s:;.'io,ooo) 2nd No. .;-;-.s:;::2 (Si 50.000) :!rd No. .{*****0 (S100.000) 4th No. *****74 (S 50.000) STARTERS (f 10.000 each) Nm: *****38 *****88 *****27 18X5985 *****37 2<>i:;Bs3 *****48 *****30 *****75 *****80. CONSOLATION (55.000 each) No»: *****62 *****57 *****86 *****U4 *****68 *****31 152X307 *****05 *****07 *****90.
      218 words
    • 129 16 Akhtar Ali to head Malaysian panel A KHTAR ALI, a forni- er Indian Davis Cup player, will arrive in Kuala Lumpur next month to take I'har.Re of a Malaysian tennis coaching scheme. Ali will iVad a panel ol six coaches. The others are Malaysians Dr. V Menon. Uoh Hock Jin,
      129 words
    • 261 16 (:RENOBLE. Sun. The postal ballot on South Africa's admission to the Mexico City Olympics will oe on a resolution which notes that the republic's national commit ucannot fully achieve the aims of the Olympic Code but has undertaken to select a
      261 words
    • 38 16 Softball: Defeat for S'pore MANILA. But! riM %!llllppines beat Suifcnpcrr 3-u ;md Hour Kong 2*l \i-sterdav to lead in the first Asian .cftbali championship here. In another mutch Japan, joint favourites with 'he Filipinos beat Formosa 4-0 UPI.
      UPI  -  38 words
    • 27 16 RAF ratUKn I ield. Smart and Chitllenar (::iishec! 1-2-3 in the Singapore AAA country rare ovei 4.3 miles veslerchiv. Fields winning time was 29:10 6.
      27 words
    • 31 16 (uppiah nttaV ■iv n; hfh n.l :i Ach;Kiinoo. I «<m« Kannan. Lin^.tm Kr;jhn»n, daoshtci Udbas »on-in-liiw R< r l«w P.ajaman Punithaviilli l<«vf» 37\ /.nir.r n) Eliubrtk w r.'itadnri Cr<m»tor.wni
      31 words
    • 134 16 Penang in FAM Cup s-finals UENANG heid a late Kedah rally to WlO their kam Cup .1 larterflnal 3-2 at Cltj dium in Penally last night Fenang owed I I thai clicked quickly and I r hardworkii: which refused to |lv< Kedal i:ijj chances Tht-jgh the were fast in the
      134 words
    • 71 16 KINGSTON. Sun r I 4 half-bow befi t uf then HCainit Jamric.i hr:c J.IID.i sti ut leargunid n and thrrr minuter tc <;o before the ■chadnled vv>>r m:in Briii I W I in ivcd 18 mil falhne t.i John Bnow, who was. bu\Win<? win 1
      71 words
    • 15 16 DIARY llOt Xl V S KIII l)n. I; TPCA i Princes Road); Kite! ."-IA iPantaii.
      15 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 186 16 It Ain't Easy, Brother! But there it a way. You have probably been told that all religions lead e»*"tuolly ro the same place. This is a popular concept. But did you know that the greatest Teacher this world has Mi known stared: The gate that leads to lit* is small
      186 words
    • 114 16 Lxv CIJiSSIFIEDS I HAJAN ■>* Soundara-i:a;tn i "'in. hrn'tvr to Vnavi>a on KKMH <;ratfful thanks n> ienk doctor* and MirsMfl -'.iff. It takes QrriportecjJ resh-bottlecl Dlackcurrant juice to make the richest drink Cl~~^ tfl^EiWw <d^^A ...and it takes CASCADE to bring it to you at the most economical price. «>^n
      114 words