The Straits Times, 3 February 1968

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Times
  • 22 1 The Straits Times. Estd. IKI.-i SATI RDAY. FKBRI ARY 3. 1968 15 CENTS or IK CENTS KI)N. 3104 M(. (P) 001 1
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  • 240 1 Vietcongg talk of 'coalition 'coal ition of bunk, says Bunker OAIOON, Prt The U.S. Ambassador. Mr. Ellsworth Bunker, today issued a :a 1 statement ci eny l n g Vietcong propaganda charges thai America had agreed to establish a coalition government with the communMr B'.nif.' r >.i;d the weri ridiculous
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  • 265 1 Hanoi's version r)KVO, Fri. The Vietcong said toda> it had sowed drstruction in tit cities and towns in South Vietnam in the last three days. The Qlal Phong Pre-s Agency claimed that Vietcong forces had struck at !l air bases and airlieliK and destroyed planes in raids on Danaiii;
    AP  -  265 words
  • 650 1 Day 4 battling for control SAIGON, Friday AMERICAN and South Vietnamese troops continued to battle the Vietcong for control of strategic towns today. Sou Hi Vietnamese ilive-lmwlMTs swept low over llu* streets of Saigon and down on ill'' walled < il.idcl in northern Hue lo attack Vieteong iMwitions. A (iovernnieiil
    Reuter; UPI  -  650 words
  • 86 1 THE NLF CHIEF TO SAIGON: JOIN US HONG KOM.. I ri -Mr. NmiM-n Hun Tho labovci. president of the Vietcone's political arm. the National Liberation Front, today called on the Saigon recinn- anil South Vietnamese Army to join them in overthrowing the Americans. In an appeal released today hv the
    Reuter  -  86 words
  • 619 1 (JAIUON. Fn. The only shops open In the whole of Saigon today were the coffin makers: They busily went at>'in their melancholy trade imdrr the watchful eye "t Vietnamese BoMleri assign cd as «uards Buaineai m brisk, the dlrort reaull ol
    Reuter  -  619 words
  • 76 1 III'ATE.MALA. Fl l -Two Nmiliv ..pi off In r.ifri^nas killrd iwu people and wounded 11 oiher 1 yesterd One ("VMiMOM 111 ;i r:ifn*ila on thr cits mam avenue killLudenl and wounded e\on (jihei ihimui, tncludlni five women A nirl ;«Ino Ijeliei cci to be liKiem
    AP  -  76 words
  • 163 1 American destroyer and Russian ship in of way' collision IVAMIIN To Fri. A IN. destroyer had ;i "minor collision' wil li ;i im-f i Ikhil ship in Hi* 1 Sea (»l .l;i|»;in, Illc Dclnuv -|»;il Ililchl s;iid Id ilay \o in juri( s Were Ic|»oi led. The Pentagon said
    UPI  -  163 words
  • 32 1 BENGHAZI i B tlirlr barrark* hi i tnMip'- ending .> ■enoc in iiti- in World Wai 'Ihi i-d id leave n morning, but ihe I the i).i! racks UP]
    UP  -  32 words
  • 578 1 Pueblo: Talks town? WASHINGTON, in The United 8 1 at c s Government may meet North Korea at the Korean truce town ol Panmunjom In tin days to quick settlement oi the Pueblo ci Official day the Ides ol an Infi meeting was tx Ing ej ;is well ,i ct
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  • 16 1 .lAKAK I 111 Mlnltlei Mi Bui ;i Am il further hi
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  • 29 1 rnrcoNG i mled s\> > I OHM SON WASHINGTON PresMrnt Inhi''<M day thr tcncral of hi* miliUo was that tbr n« >mmuni«.t k« in ViftiMm h.d (a Reutfr
    Reuter  -  29 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 82 1 ROTAMATIC K|V> N4bW •oli AotNTs V ry LIEN WAH WATCH DEALER SAFETY FIRST! is 0.C.8.C.'s Policy. Because it is the best in the end. Let it be your policy too! BANK WITH OVERSEA-CHINESE BANKING CORPN. LTD. the STRONGEST and LARGEST BANK in MALAYSIA and SINGAPORE The Bank for All Big
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  • 141 2 AIDLI BERATION' APPEAL TO THE PEOPLE OF SOUTH VIETNAM FOREIGN NEWS DESK REPORTING THE FIERCE COMMUNIST OFFENSIVE IN SOUTH VIETNAM I I KONvi, Fri. he Vietconc la-^i tiled in the population dI Souui d them offeniv,. launch throw the Rad:.) 1 ted. iffenslve tO tell 'iat we Ky .nl <
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  • 116 2 LBJ may seek a new call-up W'VNHIMiTON Kri. President Johnson is considering asking Congress for authority to call up m-etlril reserves ti\ individuals rather than hv unit-, it BMM disclosed today. Senate Democratic Nader Mr. Mike Mansfield said the rrrsidrnt uas lookIbmJ ••"it** the matter of asking Congress lor more
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  • 768 2  - Room-to-room war in the cities JAMES PRINGLE UVAGE BATTLES TO DISLODGE VIETS By gAIGON. Fn. Bombed by its own planes, under martial law and a 24-hour curfew. Saigon was a dead city last night as allied t loops fought savage street battles to drive Vietcong guerillas from the capital. Other
    Reuter  -  768 words
  • 247 2 US won't halt bombing, Johnson reports WASHINGTON, Fri. f President Johnson said yesterday tnc U.S. would not halt the bombing of North Vietnam until the. enemy Indicated lie would not Btep up his terrorism and aggression. ,He .Naid UM U.S. I'uuired "MOM Better sign than the mc.d ents of the
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  • 493 2 Fri The I S mili tarv command said today that Itjll North Vietnamese and Vietront soldirrs \\rr<- killed in the first three H.i- of the Communist offensive against South Vietnam's major cities. AP. OOU T H Vietnamese Air Force JeU today b o in
    AP  -  493 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 240 2 Brrrm dick F Brrrm click i Bnrnt click 4W J^r^Kw Jkta*& •^k B y mb^L^L^Lt V^^L^b^ w jpw '.■^^PHB^Huii^«f* < '*4T>» ■%**-<» bP^^bKJ »•> It <^MK/*^ m 3 VZt-T-~ Jbl bW 9 f aH B^S^aTaTJr J^M B^BT •^Baaa*^'^"'^*- B^B* j^BI B^Br ft jBK^ jßfea^B^ZT^^ Rev high! Change fast! I he
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    • 85 2 DEAF? "CHICO- I.NVIMHI.K rARI'HUNM Wi»rn nsirt^ \ci.ji •■am no ror*li 0» battcrim Uuarantrrn tor tour lit* lunr Mtn mi Mil Wntr far tr» a*okltt: MEARI EARPHONE CO PTV.. LTD. tuilt «t 164 Pill S|. tydnty. Auttraiia. i md iritj» torwarOM airmail. MALTA the moil southerly aoinl Europe —IN THI SUN!
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  • 66 3 Nixon to oppose Romney in poll YORK, Fri. I Richard Nixon officially announced today that hr would run m thpublican presidential Hamp- "'.arch 12. oppose Romney of .meed f'resilormally '-tw Hamp the l\ rsfhcfin r to Republican. ;:idependN< a Hampeight le taoos of measure nd its b persfor support for
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  • 135 3 Barnard criticised by London Clinic L< >Nl> >N ti. A leadi in<; I ondon hospital yesterda'. criticised Prof. n Barnard, the South African heart transplant pion The London Clinic, in Its monthly journal, said that the methods D: Barnard and his team to control tissue I erode, hazardous and lnadi
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  • 227 3 Even sweet could kill these two girls UOUND the nrck »l Falr:cia McClean. S, of Blyth. Northumberland, hang.s a disc which is as important to her as lite itself. Written on it Is: "Two scoops of potatoes and one scoop of vegetables. But never gravy, peas, or bean.s." Tl.b is
    Expresspic  -  227 words
  • 49 3 WASHINOTON. Fri Ru.v.; a ra than doubled >ta oiw- iiitciconuuental mlssilet in U:e past year, the Defence Secietary Mr R.ibert MeNamnra announced Udas Hp aid thai iii" .s<uipt union noi had 72(1 Intercontinental mlwUea In operatlua compared with 340 a year n X o Reuter
    Reuter  -  49 words
  • 26 3 WASHINGTON. Pri. 1 lir Agency for International Development announced plan.s today i US$4 million in in a .i.s.NiMaMce fur family pl.tnnll K< uter.
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  • 49 3 SYDNEY. Pri -one man died «nd scores of people have collapsed from exhaustion In a scorching heat wave .sweeping New SoiTh Wales, and South Australia Forty children and elderb people have been admitted to hospitals after collapsing in I temperatures up to 115 degrees Fahrenheit.
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  • 43 3 LONDON. Fn The Labour Party decided to .impend 24 "rebel MPf, Hum unending pariv I lie decision does m>: .tllrct Mr. Wilson's Boom of Common* majority because ilie Mi's Involved retain all ihelr -islu> in the lower ch.imber v.self.
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  • 179 3 WASHINGTON, Fri. It ma> take < hina years to repair the damaee caused by Chairman Mam* ( i evolution. Defence Secretary Mr. K'l.ierl McNam.ira said yesterday. 111.- damage had not been limited to the domestic scene hut had also dealt China s foreign policy severe
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  • 386 3 Japan's new role in world WASHINGTON, Friday. JAPAN is well on the way to becoming the third leading industrial nation in the world, the Defence Secretary, Mr. Robert McNamara, said today. He noted that it was already among the top three producers in such diverse fields as shipbuildinc, crude steel,
    Reuter  -  386 words
  • 148 3 |j YDKRABAI). Kri— Rioters attacked trains, fought wilh police and burned effigies of .Mrs. Indira < millii last night as antiHindi language agitation mounted in two South Indian states. Police in the toa.slal town of Mangalore fought pitched battles with .-.tuiir throwing demonstrators
    Reuter  -  148 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 227 3 BMK W fl atn fl f*y*'.'fn fc This is the car that's been wiming honours in Japan, Africa, everywhere; v/inning praises J9k /A from motorists, from mechanics, everyone; winning Toyota friends all over the world. roVOTACOTONADKUJXESEnAN Th j s car has; 74 Toyota thoroughbred horses under the bonnet giving you
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  • 87 5 7 on unlawful assembly charge yuutiu «erp today riMrged with being members uf an unlawful as>- 24 last year, the lay of the Penaiig di.v turbH'n The used Lim Ke«ii Cheng. S;n Ch'xm Guan. Khur Chin Huai. Tan Ah Eng, Lim PhPng Hen It, 'Ilineah Ah H>x k and Ixxj
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  • 166 5 Manila waives visas for newsmen \|\Ml\ |r. The Philippines today »u\»d visa requirements for foreign newsmen who st iv in the country le*s than ri.vs thus belonnnj; the fir>l nation to do so. the Presidential innouneed •'resident .Marios issued the directive to the lornun Office and the Bure.m of Itnmicration
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  • 105 5 I) NO Fri. Tengku Abdul Rahman w.ll visit nis f.,rpur school the Penang Free Schoo'. at 10.30 am. on Mond i present a cheque for J 000 for the new school library. I'engku had promised this donation at the .school Spe«vh Day in
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  • 286 5 Wanted man held in rooftop chase POLICE OPEN FIRE... THEN A 12ft. LEAP TO THE GROUND KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. [AN wanted by both the Malaysian ana Singapore Police was caught after he tried I escape by hopping irom one roof to another in Jalan Brickfields early this morning. He wag
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  • 60 5 KUALA I.IMI'I H I in? Royal Flying Ciub will have an open (Ih> and pr<J!>p< > i 'ivi tin n Bundaj Force base Members of the public are allowed t'. CBter nc.vs UM \h:.>.u. .fs nrgaiHsed by the ciub Hißlri|2ht.s of the clay will he loy
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  • 167 5 'Don't let the sea separate us' LIIM KINABAI.L, Kri The S^hah hief Minister. Tun Must.iph.i bin Datn Harun. said here idil.tN that .Malaysians were all fruni the same Mg f.nnilv bec.«u>« they ni.iinl% originated from one racial uruup with similar cultural patterns and i'io>toms. I he nier Mini-strr s.iid; The
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  • 22 5 VI PATANI Fn Mr Kandiah. special «.r «\r lechnical aaaiatant In the pud iirrr. rins retrfvt Hltrr 35 >r.n.s service.
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  • 301 5 I TELUK ANSON Fri iji.alth Inspectors dI the Town Council here are to be trained in meat inspection. I in a letter by the council chairman. Dato Ishak bin Morn reply to the Veterinary Officer. Mr. P. Vijayan. In his letter
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  • 65 5 KU a i t'Mi'i k Prt Six Malaytlatu "en lor Wr^t I Oormany Mils wirk to siudv in- -,i i Bociet) They are Inch- Abdul A/iz bin Abdul Mi Yr<-. ClK.r H<mk Ihiili of Sehuifcor. inehe Ibrahim bin Abu B;ikai oi Johore. fnche bin AlKlullah.
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  • 124 5 Six MIT lecturers offered foreign courses I^I'Al.A 1.1 MPI K. Kri M\ Ircturprs oi llir Mara ln>t itiile ol I< n nolouy ha\c b«M-n offered scholars hi p> to pursue higher riri:rtT> iliro.ul its principal I n h e \rsha,i \>ui>. itaeteaed today Of iSirsr three ichelai ships are offered
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  • 60 5 IPOH. Fri Pour one of «hi>m appeared to *><■ armetl \uth piM ..l. il darmti ci.iyliiih: robber; in kin i<l> firm )n re yesterday evening. The.\ t!ic TMttron iMalaysln f?o. held in) the DMiugcr, Mr ciii Tan Tan, on<i H"?bpd tun ol <RT7 ettah, a
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  • 247 5 Magistrate to state why he said 'no' to a lawyer SINGAPORE. Frl. 4 TRAFFIC magistrate, Mr. Michael Khoo Kah Lip. is to file an affidavit to clarity why he had refused a lawyer's request to state ;i rase on a point ol law. State Counsel Mr Aniarjm S;nyh Vertck, .-.aid
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 471 5 CißCUlthiHt .^^BDgggggggggißgtgttMnr* itf km i| I i i I First in Japan to employ IC Integrated j J^ _B Hy||9 j■ v*u -I Circuit in electronic desk calcu- _pß!^^^_r _r^ _r Jr -_-__l' lators Sharp's new CS-32A takes >T I_l_l 1111 the cue and leaps years ahead in ltf_--_M-___HHtt--H---B. Ae******^^^
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous

  • 380 6  -  ABUL FAZIL B. SI.MiAPORK. KiKJav. 1 1 VI KAMA'S Kxterual Affairs Minister, Ml. l\illl ILislllik lieu ill Inliijjil loi ;i lour d;i> v isil dm in- which he ill have ilis iiissions with 1 1 11- Singapore (iovernment on Ins ••iiniiv's
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  • 91 6 L7IM.APORK. In > l«o man Australian Icac! and zin<- promotional tram is due to arrive here tnmcirrnu for a v rek's Mr J ri McAuliiTe i/iix' i and Mi I J. Bain i lead represent the Australian I. '-.til and /.iii( De- lupiiii ni Asso»-iations. They
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  • 151 6 Sweden's new envoy due in S'pore SINGAPORE. Fit The Swedish Am-bassador-designate to Singapore. Count Axrl Lewenhaupt. Is due to fly In from Bangkok on Sunday He is concurrently his coun try's Ambassador to Burma. Malaysia and Thailand with headquart«fl in Bangkok. He replaces Mr A BJoelln who ha.> returned home.
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  • 145 6 MP'S WORK HARDER IN NEW YEAR' CALL SINGAPORE, m l:.r Member ol Parliament lur Sembauang. Mr. Tf. Eng Slung, today urged tin I people tv wurk harder In the new year "lv ensure greater advanci nient ii all fields ul ae-tivitir> He ni speaking at a jjet-tOKeiher party ut Sembawang
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 213 6 CAPITOL Wednesday 7th Feb. 9.30pm Premiere aOV«nC( CASH BOOKINGS NOW OPEN -NO FRIE LIST eFor every move... A COUNTER MOVE! For every attack... f A COUNTERATTACK! I CHRRLTQII HESTOnSii j I v mßKimiunn schell BD -TBk B j couniEßPOinT j n ADC OPENS TODAY IV, i .7 &9 1> IILUDC
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    • 93 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ■1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii 1 1 1 GALAXY TODAY 3 SHOWS J— 9 m \l(#t)aiJj.(F^ iVTv TomO.-rO» M Om ScOPC Color
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    • 124 6 i 'k'mdApbkY 'mint GEYLANG SINGAPORE 14 TEL *****6 PRESENTS another exciting NEW SHOW! I I "Dl/O £4 Vi4iJRIIJB" .OANCt M j N0 COVER CHARGE j P A I 2 B InoV TEA DANCE I SHOWsJ STOP «H (330 P.M. TO 6.30 P.M.)/ NIGHTLYb "music &JM ext a floorshow W Plus
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    • 331 6 [CATHA^J ALL TH£AT*£S NO FRf[ LIST fa'.H BOOKINGS ONLY i*f .l l j fT^TFTHSI NOW SHOWING' Horn. 1 30. 4, 6 30 9 30 p ra. •CARNIVAL OF THIEVES v»ll.L PINNY" ■•i»i^«ii'Kj-tDrn NOW SHOWING' Horn, I 30, 400 6JO itlOpn TONY ROME rtonk '„rvT-a Pi>>ODCON ORCHAKD TALACI 'TRAVEL WITH A
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  • 286 7 'Houses will be completed' co-op pledge to members KUALA LUMPUR. Frl. The Ma. Government Officers' Co-operative Housing Society today assured Its members that all 1,300 houses at Kampong TeiiKlcu will be completed by October If the Government resumes providing funds for it. Offering thin a»»uranc the society's secretary. Mr T
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  • 41 7 11 -on Pi, and uni'» making up No 2 Malay* Man Infantry Hngadr MM tnaual "if' ;ri,, a t th« brigade headquarurt her* today BrlgadlT Mohamed H»njr bin Ajylnl Ohaflur clfMTibrHl the ronferr-ri' "routinr" aimed ironing out admlnutatlve
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  • 86 7 i»i i rh< Pciiuiiti divl ion <»f I pro* Ihr Mini Sri WotiK Pow lh< Govcrnni' nlon r.nt tO iillow political to makr Hi community centra for mertlnus. in r th<- di\. man Inch* K Then »'Jiv cominiinlfy centi I not havitiu
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  • 345 7 Big plan to boost sugar cane industry GOVT TO SEND TEAM TO FORMOSA IPOH. Friday i 1 I fill, Malaysian QovernnMiit is ■endiflf a delegatiun ol rtprefentatm i from State to FonnoM for a fortnifht'l Ktudy of all aspects of UM sugar cane industry from raw material to the finished
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  • 27 7 KILIM Ft. I lie KmUli .r, ufl'rrd vh'i!ar»lnpi> in 27 MjUnmud ■I Hi* A v in Cairo. All th» »tudrnu »i<M hrm M .i»
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  • 249 7 600 trees? It's not humanly possible PP KUALA LUMPUR. Frl THE Increase In workload f"r tappers must be 1 humanly POMibl« and ihould not cause any unemploymrut. Mr P P Narayanan srctctary of the NUPW told tiw Industrial Court today. An the prr^nt rapacity for each tapper *a N tween
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  • 81 7 I POM. rtt The Perak Govcrnmfjit Is to spend about $10,000 during the National Solidarity W.-i-k In the State beglntniiK next Thursday, id' WMB will kS lnunrhed wi'h rally <>t public m h'xilchlldrrn <>n ihc Minilriiwl padang Ralllr* will v'rict l^vrl igboul 'h«
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  • 14 7 SIBOHU il-.HAI I i rnn I U, \h- ChllieM UmplO «l Mvii-
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 379 7 H^ AMBASSADOR- 9.. HOTIL NIT| CLUtS N «ISTAU»ANTS 44. MIYIR ROAD. SINGAFORI IS. a I "EW YEAR FESTIVAL PRESENUTIONI I FULL HOUSE NITELY THI MARVILLOUS SUNG'S ACROBATIC SHOW tram HONGKONG R Duriaa| it you have never MM In-fore. 2 wonderful performni ly aj Mitl Lurta Wonj a Whd Oo« ft
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    • 74 7 THE FINEST STEAKHOUSE IN SINGAPORE Spcciolty it choice air -flown b«e», grilled to perfection and served en a sizzling platter. Delicious thoshlik, inch-thick lamb chop*, superb roast chicken and ocean fresh fish on the menuOpt) M»t>4»f W««r«ay fill mKn^M tyoatr tOO a r». 1 1 00 pm. 12-M, CAIRNHILL PO
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    • 291 7 KITCHFNtH HOAD SINGAPOBE TELEPHONE 3D60-9 presents for your entertainment Swinging WfJMfiSt Singing Batf^aaY "^^^J 'if Columbia aa» Ar» i«s pB Ml trio /S latino wL plus Jjjj Italy's NO. 1. Showband MISS SHIRLEY WONG THE EL AMIGO SEXTET Open Rightly till lam Saturdays to 2a.m. AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT NO PARKING PROBLEM
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  • 149 8 SINGAPORE. Fri The II, r.ii.u Choral Society of Singapore will present tun concerts on I 16 and 17 at the Victoria Theatre in aid of the Singapore Arts Council and St Hilda's Girls' School extension fund. The concerts, starting at p m nightly,
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  • 21 8 SINGAPORE Fri —The Montfort Secondary School brass band will perform at Elizabeth Walk at 5 30 pm. on Sunday.
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  • 139 8 SINGAPORE, Frl.— At the next meeting of Singapore Parliament to be held after Feb. T, the Government wQI move the second reading of four Bills which were introduced at the last meeting on Jan 24 Thty are. THE Property Ta. v (Amendment) Bill to
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  • 136 8 SINGAPORE, Friday. AN odd-Job labourer, Chang Seng Sang, was stabbed to death last night while walking home with his fiancee in lonely Hong Kah Lane, off the 12J m.s. Jurong Road. He was attacked by three youths only 100 yards away from hks
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  • 153 8 BINGAPORE. Kri The Apex Club of Slngapon will present bursaries worth a total of $74<) to eighondary .school students U>morrow. The presentation (if the bursaries will be made by the Parliamentary Secret- ary to the Ministry of Social Affairs. Mr. Chan Chee Seng, at a
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  • 267 8 INDISCRIMINATE CRACKER-FIRING CAUSING- SINGAPORE. Friday pOLICE today said indiscriminate crackerfiring: to celebrate the Chinese New Year in the past five days had taken a heavy toll of properties and caused suffering to a great number of people. Some 115 people, including girls," were treated for cracker
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  • 163 8 SINGAPORE Fri. The Malay Education Council Is now awaiting a reply from the Director of Education on Us request for a meeting to discuss changes In Malay .schools. The council's chairman, Inche Mahmud Ahmad, said the meeting had been proposed for Tuesday at 10
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  • 260 8 THE SILVER CHARIOT for THIPUSAM PROCESSION SINGAPORE. Iri 1 huratr preparations arc boinu in.irio for tin- ceU b ration of lliaipusam which falls on Fob 12, .it the ChetUsn Temple In Tank Road On the eve of the f. the Hindu (.n«i Lord Shri < Theriflavuthapani. will h< adorned and
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  • 121 8 Poly lecturer gets Doctor of Literature degree SINGAPORE. Frl. A ■enlor lecturer In the School of Accountancy at the Singapore Polytechnic. Mr. R. M. Lai. has been awarded the degree of Dor t<>r oi Literature by Lucknow University In India. Mr. Lai is .said to be the fir-t pi rson
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  • 27 8 RINGAPOBK Pi Buitrose. wife of M Murray Butt] Btitaln la<t nicli' Hr-r huftband her in August follow me hla retirement from the Beiu h.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 236 8 m B^BBr t I™^^'' <3b^Bh B^K^BV^_ w '4! j I |BW 9lß\ HbK i. bY Bm. J^m Bl^^ W^^ B\ M I i "^i bY bh Sfk fjs\ BW ggM r -x I By Be s >^B»^( BBBT B\ V \^^b^Lt fly m^ ■l -iBbKBI BBSMk i Success-through hard work
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  • 1095 9  - Hanoi's hidden threat in Laos war MARK FRANKLAND r by •bbbbbbVVIENTIANNE A FAMILIAR ODD-BALL PATTERN, A NEW PROBLEM ONLY WITH A SECOND FRONT' SAIGON is keeping a close but so far not too troubled eye on the recent successes of the Pathet Lao and North Vietnamese forces in Laos. What
    OFNS  -  1,095 words
  • 844 9 \|K. Joe Kathingwe. his wife and children, are ready to travel to (.'ape Town to make diplomatic history and perhaps more than thai. .Mr. Kachingwe. appointed First Secretary at the Malawi Mission, will be the first African diplomat ever to take up duty in
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 133 9 Motorists 9 Picnic Offers at your Esso Station PICNIC PACK J^^^m~~^\ mP" SERVING TRAY jL^F^^T^^^^^y^^ They're better than glass and much more colourful! Odour free, beautiful, break-resistant GR J> Acrylon ware. Six picnic tumblers, each with a :j J m gay base in three different colours. Ideal for Ay GP
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  • 17 10 V- Kirti J/l t minimum, tIAM ICK 0m M i«»«»1 Chant. CorHii at h «n<l i»«K»
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  • 15 10 W*rit Hi t minimum, »t*»a ajaajaajaj a t THI FAMILY W>n« .r th»lr r»<sj«l
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  • 25 10 ■i. Hi rmtmrnWrnl JACOUU run* OF CANADA avail' > m Rohir«or AIRI ONniTIONFII NOH «l« (ONOITIONED ..••ofi. >.s*.:i iS-par»i mCELANi I PROrttIIOMAL PMO reCRAFHIR r
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  • 642 10 The Straits Times. Saturday. February 3. 1968 The Next Round The ■aychesogical impact of the Vietcong onslaught inside Saigon and in a dow<n major cities and IoWSM speaks for itaelt Thousands have fled the capital, then belongink> piUd on whatever tiansport they ian find. There i^ still aasulsary streel fightmu.
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  • 581 10 The controversy ov«r th« revised landing fee* at Singapore Airport has left the Government and the aircraft operators sticking to their respM-tivi- positions. Owners of li^ht aircraft of a little over 5.000 lbs are now obliged to pay $75 hs compared to $15 or $12.)(» 'inder the olii
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  • Article, Illustration
    1851 10  -  JOHN MAFFRE ON LAND. SEA. !N THE AIR AND UP IN SPACE THE SNOOPING GOES ON mw A grim, big power game played without rules or referees THE country whose spies get caught usually has no option but to adopt a posture of pained silence. It cannot cure
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 293 10 Classifies! ••Tertisaacels far Strait* Times A Malay Mail may be handed to: COID iTOHACI SUMR-MARKfr 1 COIO VTOIAGi KANCNIS -OOH iTO«l IT». tCWt lIONT V Naval Bask. V BfTMASAMY ft CO, iS ttuiidur L ■■OC ITSV* a t r- --'•nrTmnnT*^ a co. ■o-v. rwrrf. i>v« t7. W4ARIKAT KA WAHAS. i
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    • 432 10 CHAMPIONS Herr is a •Oaag n;*:: 88l ltll\ n\ I of Age who shou- prtMßka 0* betominft the mos' Hi-ivulean BK3 PKOTEIN bodybuilder ever In hi ••nil" Dave look Hie MX. MH mill and IFBB MR. AMUtU PBOTI Di utlev nnd he's Jusi beKinnlng! \\n gt'PER !*m-, Da\e deserves great
      432 words

  • 288 11 $2m gambling marathon in Jesselton Club broken up POLICE STKP IX TO AVERT TROUBLE KOTA KINABALU. Frl. -j J 1 ll broke up a 'nillion gamblmj session here Mime ing iisti'uls of jollan hum the jamini The i curred ib her« i throw- ivmen de the club waricd lntl the
    288 words
  • 78 11 JOHORE BAHRU. Krl. A student nurse. K. Lak- shml. 21. was tonight killed when the taxi she was travelling In collldrd with a lorry near Scudai. 13 miles from here. She ni returning hrrr with two other student nurses after spending her holidays In
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  • 407 11 Retired architect dies after road accident HIT BY CAR OUTSIDE SON'S HOME CINGAPORE. Fri. A rrtlred architect, Mr. Seah Bok Jim. 84, who became t'.ie first South-E a s t Asian member of the Institute of Structural Engineers oi Britain in 1920. died early yesterday after a road accident in
    407 words
  • 131 11 KUALA LUMPUR. Frl.— Three Serdang Bharu youths were today charged In a magistrates court here with voluntarily causing gltttom hurt to Mr. Yuen Swee Kong, chairman of thr Scrdang Bharu Anti-Gangsters Goodwill Committee. Cheat sun. 21 Hen Mi.<n Ki>ng 17 ant! rhfna F Id.
    131 words
  • 67 11 PENANG. Rl Charurd with re-selllng -inema ucktis outside two theatres on Jan. 30. Soo Lee Beng and Tun Kok Brng said in court yesterday lhev merrlv wanted to earn some extra money .or :he Cninne New Year "You should try and earn It in more honest
    67 words
  • 190 11 Trio get 3 years each for 'meanest' robbery SINGAPORE. Fri. Three men who had been Involved In 18 armed robberies. mainly on taxi drivers, during the last four months were today jailed for three years each by a District Court. I lie Third District Judge. Mr K T. Alexander, also
    190 words
  • 48 11 SINGAPORE Frl. The Minister of State fur Education. Inche Rahim Ishak. is t ashermen and krlong owners a fleeted by thr East CoaM reclamation scheme. The meetin* tomorrow will be held at the temnle «i Kamporiß Lim Choo. behind the Sigiap Housinn and Develop-
    48 words
  • 135 11 Saigon Merle likes the hold-up in S'pore C| X A P O R i:. Iri J Mivs Merl«- Holland (abovei is <mr of 33 Anu-ru- ins uhu flrw to Siagapwre i«r t h <• Chiaeac New feat ImU Hays .mcl it'tu l. nil that ikej cannot return to Saigon. •But
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  • 53 11 PENANO. Fri. The dalilc Pulau Umno youth branch will nslc the Government to estafv condMry aclence schools dIaUICU in We>t M*iavMa. mil I at their annual mrrtinz yesteraay. Another re- on the o< vernment not to allow the national anthem to be played in theatres and other
    53 words
  • 194 11 SINGAPORE. Frl. 1 Mr. Justice Winslow will hold a High Court session in the machinery section of a Jurong pharmaceutical factory oO Thursday morning in connection with the continued proceedings nl a civil action tor damai With parlies in Dm and in lndr-ppi.dmt
    194 words
  • 187 11 MANILA. Friday YUGOSLAV grand mast- er Svetozar Gllgoric and defending champion Filipino Rosendo Balinas shared the championship in the Meralco i Manila Electric Co.,i national open chess tournament here after winning their respective games in the last round matches last night. Gllgoric and Baliana w'.ll
    Reuter  -  187 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 133 11 m B^i^^B in Readers |J X\^ Digest wIIK Hoy Safe ls the Pill? Everything's Better in Kyoto" ■|af They're Out to Remake the But What of the Dream? Stand Firm in Vietnam! pfl Plus more than 25 other interesting Bl and absorbinß articles and features. Cl I cbrujrv Issue NOW
      133 words
    • 84 11 KJftjL^^i^^i I 1 ■^■b^^MbbK^Ksi VvsJ^V^i 111 1 Whether you re shopping for I pets' food, pickles, a per- colator or poultry, our wide B range of merrhandise ts C complete for every house- f&a%Mß| T n I rr^nil hold need from kitchen to I OPEN TILL S P. M. r
      84 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 860 11 TV MALAYSIA (H\NMI I Kuala I unipnr The Oath. 035 Flipper and and Prnanc: *i Ip>h and 'he Mrrnidid. 655 Singapore Malarra; J and 111 .lohnrr R.m-« Ros>ilt.'-. 700 News in j Hahru: t Talpinj 7 Batu 7.10 Bf.'.a Bcr«ri ak Paimt; Kluan K 735 World or CManta— Ifflh ol
      860 words

    • 191 12 Better Thailand, Malaysia air links LOR mutual benefit should attempts be made to allow an airline of one country to pick up passengers in another, and vice versa? Malaysia allows Thai airlines operate their services to Penang and Kuala Lumpur; Thailand should reciprocate by allowing the Malaysian Aii-ways to pick
      191 words
    • 54 12 AT last .someone has brought up the matter .ib'.ut the darkness alon>; the Airport road in Subang iS.T. Jan 20 1. A few lights at the airport roundabout which ian be switched oft alter the last plane leaves will ensure some safety for everybody the airport staff, visitors
      54 words
    • 136 12 THE Minister of Education is to be congratulated for announcing the generous concessions hp has promised on school fees for parents who are poor or who have many school-going children. I have six children attending school and I am unemployed. The headmaster of the school where three
      136 words
    • 59 12 y '.ECTRICITY users in Aj 'etemotJt. Perlis. sufa special dlsabili'y the current flow dips and rises and plays hob with all electrical apparatus, most especially TV sets Then, when the current finally goes off—even the NEB's own transformer cannot stand the fluctuation the restoration is made only the
      59 words
    • 47 12 rpHE decision by the 1 Ministry of Education to reduce the preUniversity scholarships will affect the Malay students badly. Most of these students come from low-income families whose fathers are padi-plnnters or labourers. Survival of Malay students in the Sixth Form depends on the scholarship 1STUDENT Penan*
      47 words
    • 261 12 VISIT to a relative in Parit Haji Yusof, Benut, recently gave me second thoughts about Malaysia being prosperous. Driving along the Tampok Parit Betak road was hell. This four-mile road was no better than an estate road 40 years ago. The next
      261 words
    • 107 12 A LICENCE FOR THOSE ELECTRIC GUITARS? xhe eleetrio guitar la oecoming a social menace. The group active in my particular area play ai such volume that even the hum of the overloaded amplifier can be heard a mile away. If no specific pow< r^ exist to end such nuisance I
      107 words
    • 109 12 1 liia .war me Adult Education Board Secunauiy Prc-U classes start at 6.50 p.m. and end at, as compared to 6.40 ai;d 10 10 p.m. in the paM This is a reduction of 20 mlnute* teaching pei day or about 7 hours, per month. Yet we
      109 words
    • 67 12 THE incomparable peace and quiet enjoyed by Kuantan and similar .small towns has lately been shattered by one outrageous crime after another. While police activity has stepped up in the cities, criminals have been attracted to the smaller towns for easy pickings. They have never had It so
      67 words
    • 77 12 IjNDER the new excise regulations the soap Industry suffers most. For every one lb. of hard soap there Is a tax of one cent. This duty, can be absorbed by the manufacturers but there is certainly no sense at all In the new increase of the licence fee
      77 words
    • 70 12 THE PWD has done a good job of easing the flow of traffic at New Bridge Road and Bouth Bridge Road, but it appears to have neglected another aspect of the problem. Since the implementation of the one way traffic system at the above two places, crossing the road
      70 words
    • 349 12 PARENT set out in his first letter 'ST Jan. 20i to blame the NUT. for the poor L.C.E result*. In h:« second, he has quoted paragraphs of my letter iST. Jan. 24 1 to hammer home his point but the whole thing hu
      349 words
    • 86 12 CHRUBS and trees along roads to turn Singapore Into a Garden City —the project must of necessity include efforts to solve the problem of increasing traffic. I am not against motoring convenience, but surely with the way in which roads are now being built, there wont be much left for
      86 words
    • 62 12 IVITH reference to the letter on purchase of flats by Chin Soon Sun iST. Dec 30 the position H at Jan 3 is that 384 of the total of 472 four-room flats in Henderson Crescent have been let. The Board has no plans at the moment to sell these flats.
      62 words
    • 99 12 MAY 1 have the opportunity through your columns to express my appreciation of the manner in which the police responded to a '099' call made by me on the evening of Jan 24 At about 9.30 pm I heard a commotion In a neighbour's house and I
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 188 12 "Do they have Schweppes in Singapore?" "Yes." "Where can I get it?" "It's not where but 'how' that counts." "Well, how?" "By asking for csj Schweppes." j "Simple!" ,ji SCHWEPPKSMANSHIP-THE SIMPLE ART OF BEING A GOOD MIXER I c±>& ■■I At last, home movies to fit your pocket and your
      188 words
    • 56 12 THUS IS THE GIRL IN SEARCH for A DREAM IMS YASHIN Beautiful Star of TV and fhe Singapore show world who dances for you in many moods in February's colourful issue of 1b sioi! THE YOUNG MALAYSIAN MISS WITH A YEN FOR ADVENTURE ABROAD Meet them and many exciting personalities
      56 words

  • 570 13 PAPER AND EDITOR APOLOGISE TO MR. LEE KUAN YEW SINGAPORE. Friday. J^ HIGH COURT libel action by the Singapore Prime Minister, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew. against the Sin Poh (Star News) Amalgamated Ltd, proprietors, printers and publishers of the Sin Chew Jit Poh,
    570 words
  • 20 13 BLKJ 1 The malulhl, has n In plate ol Mr K who has hern pi third to K-'dah
    20 words
  • 19 13 KANOAR. Fri.— The Perils Imevment.s Co-opcr«lnr> S'ic;rtv will hold its annual KniT'il meeting at 10 a.m. tomorrow
    19 words
  • 162 13 TAXI MAN KILLED, 3 AMERICANS HURT IN ACCIDENT SINGAPORE. Fri. *J A young taxi driver. Seah Gcok Sin. was killed and his three American passengers were Injured two seriously when his car crashed into a lamp-post at the Junction of Bras Basah Road and Stamford Road in a pre-dawn accident
    162 words
  • 56 13 SINOAPORE. Fri. Queen Elizabeth hit, approved the ap[Kiir.tment of Brigadier M.S. Hancuck as Chief of Btaff of Far Ea.-.' Land ForrM from Ju.y 1 this vrar with the ranH -General. He will sue- i erod Ma; -Gen DA Beckett. Brigari'.er Hancock. 11, has been secretary of
    56 words
  • 162 13 SINGAPORE. Fri. I I -1 I t 1 1' DENTS of Monk's J H.ll Secondary School among Bingapon In supporting the Singa.iid. Member ol the school's the h^; around and coi-l«<--^d $73.20. Today, the club's cornby their rge. Mr Lim Yam
    162 words
  • 417 13 Campaigan to ensure Muslin women get their alimony KUALA LUMPUR. Fri. A campaign to secure more effective enforcement of maintenance orders for Muslia women has been worked out by the national leader of the Kaum Ibu, Tan Sri Fatimah Hashim. She will personally direct members of Kaum Ibu organisations In
    417 words
  • 73 13 BUNGEI PATANI. Fn. About 311 inmates of the old people* home tn Bedone received «ne powa of $2 each from the Kedah Chinese Chamber of Commerce for the Chinese New Yew. The recipient .s comprised 197 Chinese and 106 non-Chin-SB*. The Beng Siew Sian Smh
    73 words
  • 292 13 lIS to encourage a prominent Anzac role in South- East Asia AFTER THE BRITISH PULL-OUT... WASHINGTON, iri. ?T >i r McNaaaara >aid resterthvy Iks i I would rmiiur.uc a prominent AustralianNew /calind role in South I ist Asia after the British pull out. In his annual detente review before the
    Reuter  -  292 words
  • 93 13 yt \l A Frl Rubber iaaltwa here ulio to<<k i<l\.ml iu> of the !<>« priie of rubber to fleece smallholders wpadallj in areas, may li.ivr their lit em r>> i-.m--rellrd or suspended. Ihe I hall in. tti it the Kubher LtaMMtaa Hoard. Malacca
    93 words
  • 275 13 KUALA LUMPUR, Frl. A* COMMISSION Of inquiry headed by the Pro-Chancellor of the University of Malaya. Justice Tan Sri Sufttan, has been set Up to look into the recent spate of resignation* from members Of the academic stall of the university. I- is also
    275 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 146 13 am^ WHAT YOU HAVI TO DO H B^BH S Of th*ttn«.nn«rir*c«ivin B $1,000/- ""1 e«th. £»*<r monlh. t O r !>••• Ct V^x^T^l month* (Dtctmtur 1«»7 January EVERY MONTH if HT mmm 1* A portion of th» tpfoallf KHH X? ap |C y"r'NA'TIONALT»| y 0 ,",,0° s'.";! My. Bjll ■B
      146 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous

  • Page 14 Advertisements
      510 words
    • 960 14 SITUATIONS VACANT II Wmmtt >S I Mm. l—Bmx St rlt. erfr. A GRADE 111 CLERK with good Rnchsh required l,» Hn.l lie willing tc o«n mitative. expenemt no' n».e«««r». Minimum qualifli-atinna S. hool Cetliflc.lte. Apply to B«« M,. JUNIOR SALES REPRESENTATIVES |,m. < r Maiavsm and Klngapon Appllcaala must he
      960 words
    • 920 14 ACCOMMODATION VACANT li Wmrdt tt I Mim.)— Box St rlt. txlrm MARINE MANSION faring Sea at- 'ly furnished h»droom flat »ltn t«o toilets, telephone ..nonditM.ner in master hed- i room Rox A.MTit ,s 1 IS |iorei I SM P M Come, terrx.e house bedroom', hall. kitihen, verandah. ll] «aler.
      920 words
    • 999 14 TUITION M sTapas M (Mim.)-Bmx So rfs. 'Xln FOR RADIO TV Course, apply t< science Institute of Electronics. 187-<j New Bridge Road. Singapore. 1 Clan ASIA DRIVING SCHOOL new Morrll Hi"' dual-controlled rare nourly S9. guaranteed S7S/- o? Orchard Roa< <Bpuie) Phone 337W7. *****. PRIVATB rUIHON IN fTiysica, '.'hemialry wltb
      999 words
    • 871 14 PHILATELY i li *nrdt M (Mim.) tot if rt*. axtn SBLLINC THOUSANDS FINE USES JOB. Kir*. ISA. Australia. Canada 1 1 N. Zealand Commemmorative stamps HiicheM of*er takes all Kor inspectioi ,i or Write Lim Box A.V.H) 8 1. K 1. BUSINESS OPPOR (UNITIES I IS Hordt <« Mim. I—Bmx
      871 words
    • 738 14 PETS WANTED M sTaWB it (Mm.)— Box ttt. txlrm I GOLDEN LABRAOOR PUPPY Tel: (Sporei afl3oBl PETS FOR SALE > /> sTaWatJ (Mim. i— Box it rlt. txlrm MALE POMERANIAN. M K A one 4 month* colout faWra price View 4 ciavmore Hill 8 pore MKA I OASCHUNO PUPPIES. BaVr
      738 words
    • 535 14 VEHICLES FOR SALE LAMBRETTA SCOOTER 19S0. B» i-ellent ruadmon. ,\r» punt tyres. I lyoronE J7 pore NOV SO LAMBRETTA. Tax Insurance May. rie» pain. tln*"\ »4- f I i.ninaih Road. ll |*.r. H T ISS3 BEDFORD OORMOBILE raravMn. 3S*. in m t rt*. On** o^n*^* %:'«•< o n.o. Rin« Oilßttha.
      535 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 845 15 > »:s' cqasi v k r n la Ptrt CM 15 Ft. i Ftl 717 Fet It «NOIR f i I j >'l 13 Fll 17 rr* II 77 Frt 21 Ft* Ftl Ftt. <7 71 D Fei ?k 7 3ON a Ftl 71 Mir 1 Mil Mar 5 Mar
      845 words
    • 1199 15 My^^g 444j^ r ,^^a£^^ai />/,£-£ A b///res m i EXPRESS SAILIW> S TO GENOH NORTH CONTINENT SONDIWAVU S'dou cmgw PASAOINI |#M MM IT II ft* 21/ I Mr Mr 1] Air IS A»r II A* ti MONSILIA I. Mil MM Mtr 27 21 Mir 2 Miy Miy II May 11
      1,199 words
    • 1136 15 YBen%line\ EXPRESS SERVICE TO LONDON, UVEBPQOI 1 CONTINENTAL PORTS, Ptn Mir M Fck I •oniroon Mr 2 BENHIANT t v rt,n» 4 m« »i iIHIMIIft P. Sham PtfMMNJ ■ENMHOR son Nnrt. A wtrs, H'torf, »'H m» «2S,li*s M mn fHiia BENWTVIS Mi-btirg, LOflOOfl Mm 1 4 !«21«y SIN DOCI> H
      1,136 words
    • 1045 15 feELLERMArI BUCKNALL S.S. CO.. LTD. SEE OVUIUF f Of) OUTWARD SERVICE fKOM UK. CUNIINtHI Ltjllßt tlf: *fff| CITY Of GUILOfORO In Pi 4 Fei I fll Cm If ST ALIANJ istMoa. Rortram II I) Ml 14 15 lit I f»l CITY If lUNIEI 1- rtfii .mi, 1 4 Mll 1
      1,045 words

  • 362 16 SHIM lym« aionmirtt tut tmiaatoro Harbour atharvot or txpocttd today aro: I'r.mrt.nt A.lai.u I J. B»nl«ll I 4. NaStaafel M U, Madiwn L,lovfl U 14 Cochin IH, City ol Dunflw IV. Bl»lt»r .:i L' 4. Kirrmni" ,rlnor>nin- >1 (I [.iraalmunil 3* W, Myrmidon in II h.ioiiaililv II
    362 words
  • 74 16 M. tla mad* the*f> cnangvt In it» ta!i> to merchant* vrttrrday (all rmtft to SI Oi)). Uoitod StatM: Buying TT H U IR mrtnill OD M 1 l« r>tl rl >t 33 16 rrrrlit hilla. 33! 'rair billa. Canada: Huvirti: TT 3-. J. "i .1 M 34 II
    74 words
  • 863 16 From Our Market Correspondent TRAIMM. opened rather slowly in the two trading rooms of the Stock Exchange yesterday when operations recommenced. The trading rooms had been closed down since 1,. 10 p.m. on .Monday for the Chinese New Year hnlid.iw The market had a
    863 words
  • 30 16 M.ilivan SIIM k ll)(ll(<> I.UI It, Irli. I.Kl.ixtii.ils: 1 !M3 1 !l I'tupfrtifs- ll(.:;ii 142 M'iiin:;v 75.: i rakkcro: lOt.M ih.'.hii Dm, •;<», mm inn. l)e>.-. 311. lntiri Km.
    30 words
  • 1060 16 Bl MM IN \M» KH'IIRTMI TO Till HINGAPOBE \M> XI M 1.1 MIM K IK\l)l\<. BOOMS or Till: Mi" k rXCHANGI VI nii Kl)\\ WITH THK M'MBMt OF »IIAKK"« TKAOKI) IN BK.M KITS: INDUSTRIALS: Btn and Co 11,000) I f .17 L), i- i«"i| -in l>.
    1,060 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 994 16 Y^ KAWASAKI KISEN KAISHA LTD. Witi«ra Australia Singapor* Japan ScrvitM ••TiMtHam- lartiink is it ih Ftl > fit rt fat "Tk»ri Tim' nftkiMK 1/ Mat it alar Mai It Mai •Vast Africa Singapore /Japan SairvitM, i Sin|*pnre Yokonima riooe ft Man Satlel U 14 fit 77 Fit 21 Fet Cilarata
      994 words
    • 927 16 AUSTRALIA NEW /(ALAND StRVICt I INBIA. ?ARISTAN AND FAR USI SERVICIS ti Ttwaxiiii tritkaai. S»«an It Ualrti ait Natapattiaia PanaflP P S'hain S'pari S'pure P S'tiaia Penaaa 40MkU« II Mar RAIUH 11/21 Ftt 22 Ftt 21 Tit ■> v <i.n RAIULA 11/11 Mm 11 Mai i| Mar »ar itwai.. aack.
      927 words
    • 391 16 CLOSING PRICES KIBBKK FKICK M cents (unrhangrd). UN PRKK: S.">ti2X7i (up M I'cntM Kstimatrd ofTrrinK Bl tons iduwn .'h tons). •|«uort r. Slam fenatt 'IA ETC EIA.EIC tl» tID fROM CALCUTTA STATE OF TRAVANCORE COCHIN" Frtraaatla, Adeaioe. Meitjoutn* I i>Dn»y Fe* 3 4 Fet 5 I muM *PAN 2nd Ciii
      391 words

  • 208 17 Straits tin price holds steady in Penang rl straits tin price im•<i U\ >n mtv ta per picul in Penang vest.rcl;»N despite a f.ill ol V;*s p«r tun in the London lhiirscl.l% ifternoon forward hn\«rv pin I <•■ ll v i. mix KtNM j a "•Hurl support was reported lld-
    208 words
  • 79 17 MtLBOUHNE i OS rlo6ed the week on al note C.R.A. led I lid gains amongst leaders! with a n>e of 90 cent* to $12 90 n Mmmc n'.tfr opening IdAer at $49 recovered partially to l..»er kl $49 in OiN were In demand and Ampole I moved up
    79 words
  • 153 17 ..'I BRI \n\ tn <-t Kiailr luhbet f.oh liumi 1 t losed at |>.m •i KuiU I unipui and Singapore it li, BCfata unrhanjed 1 lIBJBJI'I c laafa*] level I EM lull)' «.l> ll\e R.A.I mil I: I i liivms price* i. rda>. :!ers j I N
    153 words
  • 53 17 CHINESE Product tieftsnii, Imiipore, noon »r.ct» o«r plcul ysttsrCoconut sll: Bulk f«l selltr*. drum t 0.0 U»»* r*r> Mar. tl B p.cio't M.inrok wmte »137 »ni«r«. la <IM aelltrs •r.rni >'.I 5 aellrr* garbled |12S «ellers is II3TJ »el:»r» HOO', coconut OH Mlllor* A««o «*i seller* drum >on»
    53 words
  • 19 17 THE Hone Kons free market 1» closed tor the Chinese New It »1U re-open on Tuesday.
    19 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 758 17 CLASSIFIED ADS. itinufd from Page 141 VEHICLES WANTED n »»r*» rflhMai j» rf. aaa«a WC »AY COOD PRICE for imrru rulat* car* from I94t<i upward*. Rim Mr Quck ***** it, a.m.— B p.m.) s porf. WANTBO ONI IMMACULATE i ondition mm ear. i nv»u u*c Pat full 4rUll. ring (Spore)
      758 words
    • 849 17 NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that I. BASEND GEORGE PIETER KRUV6MULDER of No: 2. Binjal Wai Singapore, havr applied for Refill Shop Wholesale Dealer's ll< ences In respect of premises No: Lota 110 (1 2i MX 1. Alexandra Road iCaldbeck -regnr ti Co. Ltd i. Singapore .mri Hint this application
      849 words
    • 680 17 I'KLAN TAWARAN J.K.R. KELANTAN. Tawaran2 akan dl-terlma daripada Pemborong2 J.K.R. dalam Kelas 'C dan Ka-ata.s Head II Sub-Head II dlPejabat Pengarah Ker.ia Raya. Ibu Pejabat. J.K.R. Jalan Maxwell. Kuala Lumpur hingga jam 1200 t hari pada 152 1968 untok EXTENTION TO SEKOI.AH MENENGAH. MELOR. KOTA BHARU. KEuANTAN 2. Pelan2 dan
      680 words
    • 562 17 TENDERS HOUSING DEVELOPMENT BOARD Bl *IM sn |>Kr MIM IO LIT Tenders are invited for 2 new Eatine House*. 32 shops and 12 Industrial Shops at Upper Aljunied Lane i Upper Aljunled Road Estate Redevelopment Contract Full details and tender forms are obtainable from the Applications Section. Housing Development Board
      562 words
    • 256 17 SHLLL nperalinc in Sin^apoie and M^Utms hate a larjnit for a BITUMEN DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANT IN THtIR IHNM Mil! MlK'kl I HII'tHMIIM IN Xl \l 1.1 MM R To qualify for jelecuon. ram 1> Be between 2' Be Mal«\ -v 3 1 i Have mr Can' 6 1 7 i Be
      256 words

    • 823 18  -  EPSOM JEEP By KSSLUHLIH -i i aua ii *i' w hUI i-iiimik I'lMO lUIIMIMI.K H.HTMISTKR I Irrln u>lri VinreU Tinlo N 'i'»sp«.t Ks>u Anne's Treasure Rare 2 11. MIAWi, M\|ll( \IF JOHOKK I' (.wrrle llrndak Menanc laa] hance Jolior* \widimtc Rare :t lOlli
      823 words
    • 187 18 ON THE TRACK 1-1 A i.i- CENTI XV showed H'K>a form whon he ran :»f Io 37 5. w;th nppron\l [small up on firm going at Bukit jreatord.iy Klaaara ...piiK'nt.i^ H <: .i i,.il(-N I'll m 5S; 3f in 3y 3 .'>
      187 words
    • 441 18 'Fair Play' trophy for World Cup tourney SOCCER (CASABLANCA. Fri. Fifa. the international football federation, decided at an executive committee meeting here yesterday to create a "Fair Play 1 Trophy for the 1970 World Cup to be played in Mexico. Dr Helmut Kaesar. th^Fifa secret ..ry-grnoral. said af a Press
      Reuter  -  441 words
    • 1247 18 GOING IOKFXAST: I inn vrrnm 23 cla^ 5 division a aMUSatiHaB I S6 OOOi 6F local jockeys only 1 MtM S«-t Ip a (Ujji Leung < M >übian 15 2 IMN t rnaaar* ka Clark i Nair 5 813 -Jamil 4 3 7220j Kini^ns
      1,247 words
    • 296 18 Brundage blasts the cheaters OLYMPICS /GRENOBLE. Fri. Amati urisin. hit favourite topic, was the main theme of Avery Brundaijr. American president of IOC, at the official opening of the 66th session of the IOC here yesterday. "Cheaten are Dot wanted In the Olympic hp t.jld the assembly, which included French
      Reuter  -  296 words
    • 132 18 FORMER WORLD CHAMPION KILLED: REPORT ULM.KADh. Kri. A former Chinese world champion table tennis player HH.s killed tiurinu Chinas cultural revolution, a Belgrade nr«> paper reported je.sterclay. The newspaper Born* said that UN world champion Chunu TseTune (above) had been declared a "riM isioniM •luring thr cultural revolution and was
      Reuter  -  132 words
    • 82 18 Io.NIJON. Fri County cricket seven da throughout the jummor ill be introduced in England in 1969 This ni decided al lord s here jrfall Illaj by a meeting ol the AdCounty Cricket committee In .tddition to thr county I'hriinpinnshii) on werkdaya, than win b<' Bunday
      82 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 266 18 PEMBERITAHt TAWARAN JKR. JUHUR H.I 2> .lolml pelang art 1»«« unHl <)K BAN- HAH.IAH. ASKAMA I AIN. 1 1)1BATU Segala butir2 boleh di-ilapati .ti-irj.w kerja dl-Pejabat Junitera Kerja Kanan. JKH, Batu Pahat JABATAN KERJA RAYA PERAK KENYATAAN TAWARAN ma rilPeiabat I Ncfcrl JKH. B 0 i (Xt 1. 11*619 IVmtx
      266 words
    • 147 18 PLMBLRITAHD TAWARAN JKR. PAHANC TIMOR. Xl AM »N Tn»»i»n rial I pads Pembotonrt yang berdanar di-JKR Kataa K *D d»i Xl Kiiwli Krrhil 1 dan 2 ak»n dt-trrtirm 01- rru Neyrn. Pahang pukol 300 petang pada 15l)i) Febrimrl. }»6* untok. ply and delivery of Metal from the Quarr\ Miuated ai
      147 words
    • 77 18 I WE BOARD OF DIRECTORS of MIN NGAI KNITTING FACTORY (MALAYA) LTD. cordially invite All Dealers, (.ustomers Friends to the oilieial opening of their NEW PAGODA BUILDING at M7O, PERMATANG PAUH ROAD, BUTTER WORTH by THE HON. MINISTER OF COMMERCE INDUSTRY, DR. LIM SWEE AUN, J p. Malaysia on SUNDAY,
      77 words

    • 275 19  -  MANSOOR RAHMAN YOUNGSTERS FOE ALL-ENGLAND By fHE Malaysian team to the All-England badminton championships at London next month will be named at a BA of Malaysia standing committee meeting at Selangor Club today. The tram la to consist of a fair ihare of established players
      275 words
    • 209 19 Snow and Higgs shatter Jamaica CRICKET ■KINGSTON. Fri. MCC r e c overed from thp previous days batting disasters to dominate the second day's play against Jamaica here yesterday, routing the island team for 98 and then smoothly r e a c hint; 137-1 in their second innings. overnight IU11lOtal
      209 words
    • 30 19 NEW CASTLE. iNS into 93 »s<<inst Not match hfr» today lead of the I 68 tor ior 30. th] 8-93 1 Indiana 68-a.—
      30 words
    • 104 19 Vj \POKF Amvnir WVHt. A.vsociation hr.r laur.chorl ;i drive to m«kr opultr In Hiui in their first mrno ln'.p to the police Morr tlwn n 100 policemen ure now attending the first i inducted by the association De i Ke training !-CllOOi. SAW
      104 words
    • 15 19 Ihe Sr Ungor Opi n tennta championship* will ue hi i I 13
      15 words
    • 32 19 Nrari isembilnn Hock > .sociation ha\p appointed Law- rence van Huizen us roach of ihr i-tatr under-23 tern mid Sheikh Ah as to.ich of the .«rmor Mdc for MHF competition.s th:-
      32 words
    • 250 19 RUGGER INTERNATIONAL ciNGAPORt: will go all-out against Malaysia In their international Rugby Union match on the Singapore padann today (kickofT 5 p.m.) to prove their clitics wrong, Major Loul> Let. SRU secretary .said: 'Thi.s match Is v< ry vital to OS. We aim to
      250 words
    • 154 19 MALAYSIA tMVC been lnWt«d io take part ia n Women Basketball championship to be lTld at Taipeh from July 22-Aug. 2. Mr. Lum Mun Chak, Malaysian ABA secretary told TLmesport yesterday that the Formosan Basketball Association were prepared to pay one fifth of the travelllnK
      154 words
    • 59 19 Champion at eight tila lOOcv ".souppa up* 1 motor-cycle is eight-year-old Stephen Morris, Britain': mini-motor scrambling champion On the machine built by his father. Mr." John Morris Stephen, of Bromsgruve. Worcestershire, roars through doep mud and over rutted tracks in one of the toughest sports on wheels. He is the
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 112 19 SINGAPORE OXYGEN LTD. df*7ilßh 7ms BUKIT TIMAH ROAD. SINGAPORE 21. TEL. *****3 **tfjr MALAYAN OXYGEN LTD. JALAN AMPAT, SUNGEI BESI ROAD, KUALA LUMPUR. TEL: 7I2666/8 ÜbßhP VmJI Haw^ **^^^^"^^rsWfcaw*^^WP!s?K v > v PLAY A VITAL ROLE IN INDUSTRY For 20 years Malayan Oxygen and Singapore Malayan Oxygen Limited and Singapore
      112 words
  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 256 19 Straits Times Crossword U R<>»^ ii Reereu^d be!ng ofTf: I \>hMe l,v obcui 8». neBr rl«»r]v t/i start with <T > Tn l»t«>nal not*, xo to >p?nk hern ■■■•ff > 1 3 Si S Swalloa one drink >.' riPliNrat^ly with contempt, up- charge a p unit U •irneo nurse U
      256 words
    • 111 19 l;< i.l.l i; International; H Malaysia I8'pore S IS) < Hf.illh I in.. iiiUr-unit Iwtli :i Bn HNZR 8th Bn RAR iTorendalc Cnrnp. ."> 1 5 > Friendly S'Ror Cluii v Nrgn Puutcs (KL Daciang. 5.15). ■OOCI K— s p.»rp Voulh lournt > Ocean WlndaOf Ru\rrs •A" <4 pm Kaolin
      111 words

  • 165 20 I/OTA KINABALU. Prl Choon Ko6n Lin^, 39. from Singapore, pleaded guilty to cheating while running (hap ji kec ganif and was sentenced to Di d c months' jail and a fine of $700 by a maglstrate'i court here today. kujut, jtinjj. told
    165 words
  • 87 20 FRIDGES NOW UNDER THREE GROUPS SINGAPOHL HI. A itlflcatlon ha.-, ors tor the purpose ol customs dv.ii Into three capaIn the case oi $7(p in the case ol preferential duiv c ti i'u ft and /below I': ik. will pay S3.'iU i full i and $100 i preferential and these
    87 words
  • 14 20 in the Prk X: munif n ,ii the m i'! wed by
    14 words
  • 85 20 New varsity course SINGAPORE. Fri A new University of Singapore extramural course entitled "The L*w of A.ssoclations" will commence on Feb 13 from 730 to 9 p.m. at Room E. ground Hoor. Wing B. Administration Building ol the University This course o( 12 lectures Is for those planning to sit
    85 words
  • 409 20 SINGAPORE. Fri. i PLEA lv U Tliant. the United Nations Secretary-General, wui, made today by the father ol Singapore's most prominent political detainee, Mr. Lim Chin Btong, and tinwiw.s of thrc of lu.s fellow detainees. Tin y want him to
    409 words
  • 81 20 \l OK s|\|; in rengku xiiilni Rahman tmi i> ii.vii tiiiiuti to the Thai Government for thrli fair ireatraeni leMrardi Muslims in<l "In r«'liu n Im this init tin Malaysian <ii>\ eminent has phtlunl to help the Thai community in whatever way po»ible."
    81 words
  • 286 20 LONDON. In li 1 markets wen tuni today though ekMtaf of! the beat Company outii nieiuer pro.specLs conI tinued the major flrimnt: faclois. the modest n>e in thr V K .!;m--■'l tiiuires having little impart Dollar storks hardened alter early uncertainty C1om: ll <• Ol 'In tP<l stocks
    286 words
  • 66 20 LONDON. Pri. Spot 16' d.. March 16 9 16d.. April 16, d. May 16 15 16d. April June 16 1516 d.. July Sept. 17 7 lOd., Oct. Dec. 17 ,(1 Jan March IBd April June 18.d July Sept 18\d Ocl Dec 'mi March 18' d April June 18', d.
    66 words
  • 31 20 LONDON. Krl Buyer* ***** Cm. seller. C 1327 i -£!>>. Forward buyers £1320 i t4 >. sellers £1321 < -£4>. Settlement £1330 CJ ■> Turnover a.m. 8S tons pm 95 tons Tone: Barely steady
    31 words
  • 298 20 Malaysia-India mutual aid agreement on trade Xl ALA LUMPIR, Friday. \f.\HA will help lo set up agencies in Mala} si;i through which all i;<M)ds from India can be imported, iK chairman, Inche Abdul (ilia far bin Baba, announced today. These agencies, he stressed,
    298 words
  • 20 20 BINOAPORI PTI The K»m ix)jin Tetigah community centra will I: holiday ramp bttwn 9 am. nin on Sun
    20 words
  • 189 20 MR IMS PENC SIANt; Tohnn (■mrcfiili. will !«-a\r on :t U WONG tIN ANN. nurd U. |W*Md .lon Tliv 100 I- i«ik. J..0 K Joo !-an. J..0 l.san hrotnrr He <h<«j Lai Huan In 4.V l/oronx Prllta, I PIT ThimiMm Roa4. m- S 4 I.IMS. COM HIOK CNC 1
    189 words
  • 48 20 TOKYO Irt Six Jl soldiers were killed and two iwriouMy injured today when a military helUopter crashed near Matsuyama an base In Western Japan, a military .spokeMnan >aid. The helicopiei was trying to land at (he airport when It crashed in a ricelield Reuter.
    Reuter  -  48 words
  • 14 20 IN LOVNC MEMORY el Mf». I R 1 PCX TMI»N POH Iran.
    14 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 13 20 BLH lr.i n fl/nlTDlrl ll ■■■■'I I xUlwlWil Bail iiml i 1 aißjeßjlJ
      13 words
    • 272 20 Late CLASSIFIEDS 20 words $15 ■(minimum) TVI 'ii JO) in. l fin 31 1 Hi I THCVARAJAMS: 1 hf\» h iU'Wi't Anita Smtrr lo Rrtnad»M. lhjnk< la lohorr Bahr'i BETWEEN NAB.ENDRA MCom MM of Hi and Mr« cf 4.117 h, rajah of IV, l.iUn 12 Kinuior liaik'i mnei W«> i
      272 words