The Straits Times, 2 February 1968

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 34 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 150.000 The Straits Times. I)M KatioriHl is. Kstd. 1845 FRIDAY. I XXXI \KY Nil j 15 CENTS or IX CENTS W mmm iom r.....n«. > Kl>\. SIM M( (l>) 0011
    34 words
  • 393 1 'Ho's plan— biggest push still to come' CAM. ON. Ihurs. <..n. William Westmoreland, coiimander of I.S. fores in South Vietnai.i, said today the com tminist attacks ,<i Saigon and throuehout the country are part of plan "drafted in Hanoi and approved there during September last year" He predicted that thr
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  • 1066 1 Day 3 of Viet attacks War's worst bloodbath SAIGON Thursday THE communists pushed their biggest offensive of the war up and down South Vietnam for the third day today. lln rampaged through key Government cities and sci/cl control of some ol Hum. The silu;ilion up|H*ared l<» lie critical in in
    Reuter; AP; UPI  -  1,066 words
  • 87 1 Indon troops kill 23 Reds in W. Borneo JAKAK'IA. I in,: ImloneMan truoiis killed n commiini > ruarlllaj In Junele bottle in thr Srpiin an. i at t I Borneo on .lan _M. it was hiiI nounced here to<i.i\ Brlß. Gen. Wilonn. Wr^t Bernro military comma r.dci. n»w visit tut;
    Reuter  -  87 words
  • 120 1 INDIANAPOLIS. Tliurv 1 An American pilot nurseil a crippled airliner -arryine M pcoplr for J.*»o milrs to an rmrrßrm-y I inilmu hrre rarlv toda> aftrr smashing into a power linr. The Convair 8K airlinrr. on a flislit from San Ir.iiHJMii. vi Is (iiiiiin; in
    Reuter  -  120 words
  • 62 1 SAIGON, Thurs SaigW rocked In (lie blast of bombs today as South Vietnamese planes liomhed their own capital to dislodge five Victinns battalions < ripplin; life in the city. Clouds uf smoke and dn>l Imatg o\er Hie capital as plants dived and swooped ever
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  • 248 1 The Vietcong troops now come out into the open SAKiON, iiiiiis.i;,\ Y'll. I )\< i h(Mi|»s |»ri;;in lo surfmv ()|H'lll\ in MHIU' lic;i\il\ |io|>ii!;ilcil Kills ol S;n i£«Hl Unlay, ;iini(l ic|»oi Is lh;il llu \;ili(Hi;il l.lhcl .ilioli I'liml 1 1 i I ililKHiiircd 1 1 1« loriii ill ion <>l
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  • 109 1 North Korea plans bigger raids vjeoul. I hurs k Prime Minis-, i nK\M>n Chung warned the National bly that North K wou l d attempt to launch large scale raids in the South next year to pave the way for reunification b\ force He mii<j in the ttrsl i ■ommunlsth
    Reuter  -  109 words
  • 24 1 FRf tRSHIP ■1 HOI R Vn (nan tonight i" i hour in (i n f"t S tl morroM n I must rci
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 41 1 GEMS OF THE ORIENT Blue Cats Sapphire Sapphire y J EMERALD AND RUBVi c. c de siiva Btosr MANUFACTURING JIWILLERS. i. ■•Ml,, Plocr, Sm«<HKir< I TIL ***** A good leader has confidence in himself A SEIKO is a class Bb3 8F550-68
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    • 109 1 obermain 4 T n rl, frf4;J*t£ I Til© "M r ELECTRIC no mainspring The driving for^e is ttiis tm, WMrfl) 1 1 1 It gives steady ele. t" nu*i' and sle*u, electric accuracy; costs $2 SO and provides full an*rgy for more than one year (guaranteed). 18K gold plated $95
      109 words

    • 106 2 ii.oMKO, Thai Police here have ,ih. i investina turns Into an al mow the toveraneni i this mouth ttic ruiL. inspector OenersJ announced mrmbfi unab itloti 'if anj 1 reshuffle I'*imh iwd people .»>• iarged wltl m .i a February
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    • 10 2 M 1 B me«I C
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    • 496 2 YORK TOWN JOINS THE ENTERPRISE TOKYO, Thursday 4KRIAL photographs ypsterday conlirmed that the United States had sent a second nil craft carrier into the Sea of Japan where North Korea seized the U.S. spy ship Pueblo last week. A plane operated by the Mainichi newspapers
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    • 131 2 Night when lawmakers beat the law... M.IMI. v I hurs vxrral I 1 1 |t 1 1 uni;r»---.m( 11 I. iiiir to thr rt-scur ol 111 hli hih iMttCMMS during .1 Ihr I'liihppine Nt-«s gervtct rcpnrtcd I lit' Itlon.ll I'nlu c nm du< led ihr raid |n > hr<
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    • 123 2 THE MAN WHO SOLD SEA WATER TO U.S. nrASHINOTON, ThurK. Ihe I'nited States paid US$24 000 for vist pia;n sea w;itcr after being told it was a product called biocoanr used to treat naiisra and skin eruptions, a Senate invesUgaUons subcommittee was told yesterday Mr Daniel Oohen of the Agency
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    • 34 2 JOHANNESBI l.'t. l.'.urs llrM double i lent. 32-year old Mr- Hilda White died here last night Mrs Write valve* replaced "n Jan H t)\ human mm I local Hmtue bank T?niier
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    • 135 2 CKOL'U Thiirv The Central Intelligence Atencv announced tnria? that it has smashed an» ther m. 1 mr North Korean >p> nn« comprising VI men .i.xl \nniu-n hasrd here Ihr IA said it rounded up the croup on Jan »1. one day after the Pueblo
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    • 92 2 (ONAKRY. Thun (in. lira.- women have i culled fur a ban on polygamy unless there were special reasons established] by the competent medicai authorities, ihe y did not specify what the upeclal reasons could be But they sa:d I that men. who wa:ited niorr
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    • 271 2 Armless girl who made toes her fingers... MARK VN (.11. 1. 1KS is just another cir| in the factory Uping pool. She works happih and with rmituleiu')' During tea breaks, she chats with her office friends. At p m., shr returns home. Nothing out of the ordinar\ But fo r
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    • 41 2 SHINO l(;\ 1 li dropptd bj jyiin million in December *s il Increased trip Federal Reserve. l ii. quid drain leavec \hc -upplv "i.rih $lJ<i6s Ml 1 hiiiion less than th< .<npi thr end of l!J(>fi ITI
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    • 285 2 US plans new satellites to spy on Peking N-tests WASHING TON. Thun.- Thr United btatrs plans to launch two new "gpy" satellite* with unproved capability fnr drtertinu Chinese atmospherlc nn c a tr.^ts. it mv diM-losed yesterday. The aloin 1 c Energy Commission, In Its nual import to Cong
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    • 95 2 WASHINGTON. Th The Space Agency onded its successful lunar orblter project w:th a bane yp* when -.1 sen< 'he nith thp B«nib spacecraft craahlng to des tructlon on 'he front side nf the moon Ihr livpslm; orbiUT MTiM ihk* began with i>r KPniied>
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    • 23 2 CAI-CUTTA Ihurs A chain of bonio bia.-t.* on ih. Esni*n«d«> yesterday brnicr a week-long period n f rrlativ* peace here rpi
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    • 58 3 ON show for the first time: India's surface-to-air missiles. The President, Dr. Zakir Hussain, is on the extreme left takinp the salute at the Republic Day parade In New Delhi. Among the visitors watching the parade and enjoying the attendant celebrations were Marshal Tito
      Expresspic  -  58 words
    • 241 3 Rich nations can't afford not to aid the poor: Indira >'EW YORK. Thurs. 1 I n n ugurating the second United Nations Conference OO Trade and Developm t n t < Unctad), Prime Minister Indira Gandhi Bald today the question before ;he advanced nations ether they can afford to help
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    • 156 3 ONDON. Thur.s. Dr- fence Secretary Mr. Denis Healey said ye erday Britain would keep her forces in Hong Kong at the level >lie considered appropriate in the light of all the circumstances. He wa I(| i QU* tion in \hr Hou. c ->f Commons
      Reuter  -  156 words
    • 43 3 jakakiv Than Mow th.«n 100 people were dead swept mountain district •hr M I Baal Java. I ocal authorities >^id more •ii ir M "<><• »era "f i ■< -r n< li«rr<> rlrsliuvod ;is Til as nunibr-i oi (1 <iiis rpi
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    • 29 3 I ONDON Thurs A ii.uri.' hit. pale ijlur .^umi) i.-ssuod m In 1854 with .<n Inverted s«.'ii auctioned 1 1 day fot ill.lOO
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    • 29 3 LONDON Tliur.s. A inokeanun lor tlic Au.> ImnuBration Urpartmrnt rcixirtcd a ■harp literate during tlir pul i 1 Hi Britoru applying n .i to to Australta ri'i
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    • 287 3 LBJ: Economy going too fast for safety Restraint WASHINGTON, Thursday. PRESIDENT Johnson told Congress yesterday that the U.S. economy was moving "too fast for safety." He appealed to labour and management to join in major effort to put the brake on inflation. In his aniual Bconomic Rep rt to the
      UPI  -  287 words
    • 17 3 COPENHAGEN Thur.s. Dcnmark'.s tlirrc main OppiiM- 'ii partii hai agreed to form :i. til
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    • 121 3 IVAUKU (South-Wfltt Faci- He), Thurs. Head Chiet Hammer Deroburt. 46. became Head of State of the newest and smallest independent country in the world yesterday. Nauru, rich in phosphates but covering an area of only eight square miles. wUI not apply for membership ol
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    • 32 3 BERI IN. n E ri Communist ci Ulbricht rr.l ni-v. <livi[t Bi it ion which hp haul .i tO European countriea Uwt they i the reunification ol *'m Rruter.
      Reuter  -  32 words
    • 15 3 ol i hi ;;>- -(e- tin expulsion at from the council if it cratli
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    • 25 3 WAStONGTI »N rhu ("innrr kl a sjrna'r .sub- I ci mmittee thai a** I sisxpected .sudrioti death ni 14 people in Illinois AP
      AP  -  25 words
    • 126 3 US planes off Hainan: A 'mistake' HONG KONG. Thurs. China has protested to the United States over lurther Infringement ol htr air space yesterday, the New China News Agency reported. The agency said one U.S. military aircraft twice intruded over Chinese territorial waters „i] Hal nan Island, while another Intruded
      Reuter  -  126 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 54 2 Welcome SIR PHILIP MARGETSON K.C.V.0.,M.C, Chairman of Securicor Ltd., London and Lady Margetson 1 *ll^mV nmZnT Jbbß^X IPS 111, 'Bs>*k^~*'*** r Jsssaaa^. TO MALAYSIA, SINGAPORE and HONG KONG on a tour of the SECURICOR GROUP branches in the Far East from the Directors, Management and Staff of SECURICOR (M) SDN.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 184 3 the prestige radio of universal renown as optional ex- ]yX-:":-:-->: x>"v:-xX-:-:>x U Irchnicoi Orta'lj:--?6 1 li I r <k 7 AM i. 13 FM Tuning Circuit 15 Wcuc-r-onds (BC-FM-LW-Morine II rwovc Bonds MESA Transistors in rhc SW FM stogc.,; 2 5 Watt pushpull output power stage; 4 teet Tele
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    • 332 3 Xall'over /the world more more ii people are opening a deposit account You gain in so many ways 1 H KFTIVHIIMV: K DaMtH >rnb»rd BanMaC piOMdcj n »<h)J rati? o! interest. «i h complete ufetv (br ytmr H capital leadins lofimncul peaceol "miml. our deposit i» iobp< rledhyr^ r t-ipilal
      332 words

  • 82 4 Chinese Chamber trade mission to S-EA SINGAPORE, Thurs. The Chinese Chamber of Commerce is to send a trade mission to South-east Asian countries next month or in early April. The countries likely to be visited will include I upland. Cambodia. Burma. Hong Kong and Japan. The object of th<- mission
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  • 148 4 SINGAPORE, Thurs— The Singapore Chinese Textiles and Sundries Importers' Association has urged the Government to set up an advisory council with representatives from Industry, commerce and the Government to the Government on steps to be taken to protect local Industries, without Jeopardising the entrepot
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  • 23 4 SINGAPORE. Thurs,— The Mor.tiort Secondary School band «iil perform at the Elizabeth Walk in Connaught Drive at S.M pm. on Sunday
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  • 347 4 SINGAPORE, Thur«. I THREE top Singa- pore civil servants have been elected associates of the Australian Institute of Business Administration. They are Mr. Tan Boon Chiang. President of the Industrial Arbitration Court. Mr. Wong Keng Sam. Permanent Secretary of the Deputy
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  • 114 4 SINOAPORE. Thurs. Discussions are still going on between the Government and officials of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals on thfl closure of It? premises in Orchard Road The society's rnuirman. Mr SWH Ashcroft. today said they still had not been able
    114 words
  • 159 4 T>ODAYS educational TV for school* on Channel 8 li a* follows,: T.jU an: am English second language. Sec. 2: The Competition; 8 30-8 50. Mathematics Sec 1 Introduction Shape;, and Sue.s; 9.05-9 23. Geography (Eng. i. Sec. I: Time; 9.43-10 05. Oeneral »cience. Sec 1:
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  • 44 4 SINGAPORE. Thurs. I Some 200 members of the Singapore armed forces will i-.irrv out wppklonK field exercises in the Llm Chu K^ng ana (Jhua C'hu Kang areas from Saturday Blank* and thunderflashri, will be used but there Is no cause for alarm.
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  • 342 4 SINGAPORE, Thursday TELEVISION and Malay film comedian, Alias Congo, and his family and relatives, numbering 20 people, were made homeless today when a 45--mlnnte fire rased their Kamponj Kembangan house to the ground. The fire destroyed everything In the Lengkong Tlga house, and partly burnt two
    Straits Times reader Roy Walker of Royal Air Force hangl  -  342 words
  • 55 4 SINGAPORE. Thurs The j city mobile lmmum&atlon team u'.ll carry out immunisation «anv>t smallpox. diphtheria tetanus, whooplng-coujih and poliomyelitis on all children from three months to sf\en years at the Buklt Merah community rentre tomorrowParents are advlked 10 take with them their children s birth
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  • 162 4 Man who posed as millionaire fails in jail plea SINGAPORE, Thurs. A man, who had posed as a millionaire intending to float a five million dollar tractor assembly project, today failed in his High Court appeai against a District Court's sentence of three years' Jail for cheating. Eng Ah Kow
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  • 161 4 SINGAPORE, Thursday. 4 N K-l-yp4r-old man. Seah Eck Jin, was fatally injured early today when he was knocked down by an Ipoh-registered car at the 3$ miles Bukit Timah Road. Seah of Kirn Cheng Street, was walking home after visiting relatives when thf
    161 words
  • 67 4 SINGAPORE. Thurs. The Citizens Consultative Committee and Management Community Centres Committee members of Sembawang Constituency will get together to celebrate Chinese New Year tomorrow at 5 pm at Chong Pang Viilaue community centre, and i not 930 am as stated previoui--1 ly The Minister for Bocial
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  • 32 4 .^rSGAPOHE Thurs The Member of Parliament for Thorndin \ng Nam Plan will lead hi* branch executive committee member.- to visit his const lUiency dail\ from tomorrow to Feb 12
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 196 4 J i i no"- opens" tomorrow WYATT EARP-HERO WITH A BADGE OR COLD-BLOODED KILLER? He lived through the gunftght at tbe O.K.Corral that may have been a mistake! /\J s*^A 1 T j^jZ^Tr^ IjMTfD /*^—J COLOR bY D«Ull TjWTisT»JOHWSTURGES SJuvisior "^SI CAPITOL -Wednesday 7th Feb. 9.30 pm Premiere J Action
      196 words
    • 146 4 ■■■■■■■■■V' 1 f NITE CLUB 5 1 GBUT»MIDC«BiREI) -c^ linSn|R*a4.Sii|apenl. g TONIGHT EVERY FRIDAY f NIGHT m RADIO NIGHT Sunday Night KAMINOMOTO NIGHT By Courtesy <>f Ms. KIAN GWAK (M) LTD. B Back by popular demand! ||||MM'l'i"tllilM|llll'l'l'l>llM|t||||| GALAXY TODAY 3 <HOWS J— 6 9 pm NO FREE LIST 1 Mclirban
      146 words
    • 123 4 CATHAY: TOMORROW MIDNIGHT! THE BRUTE IN EVERY MAN WAS ALSO IN HIM, AND Poromount Picture* pratants t* 1 W WK^-^L DONALD JP B |M y^ PLEASENCE "WILL PENNY" m IN TECHNICOLOR 1 A Fairytale Atmosphere J Awaits you at *^fe OLDBcOgI9* 1 40Hpw^ Restaurant "f RUSSIAN CUISINE BY THE )f
      123 words
    • 425 4 JtNHAW ORGANISATION I Lttt Dor 11-145-4-6 30 911 i Po" |ro Furs>e-rr MATCHLESS" I m Dono'd P'.eosfce HOUR OF THE GUN Color by Di Tomon n» I I Now Showing I I 41-9 JO El LAND OF MANY PERFUMES" (A SHAW PRODUCTION) Mo"jr:. n Showscop*. Color I Tomorrow v-'e "Tht
      425 words

  • 108 5 No Chinese New Year with family SINGAPORE, Thurs.— o For th< past two decades, the chief ward ol the luxury liner Chitral has tied to spend the Chinese N< w Year with his family in Kuwioon but has never succeeded. Blnga.v on board the r on the the 15-day Chil
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  • Article, Illustration
    139 5 THEIR CHOICE TEACHER, TWO NURSES TWtt hiotherv. son--1 of Mr. and Mrs N< oh uoav Earn of Penang and Kedah, leading their brides to their parents' home In llojran Road, Penang. after a triple wedding reception held at the Old Frees' Association m-enMy. The hridegroonis r loft lo
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  • 220 5 KANGAR. Thursday. lyiTH a bin inflow of workers from K> and South Thailand. Perlis and Kedah farmers are able to employ cheap labour to harvest their pacii this season. Harvesting eh v i estimated are now down hy aa miich at 50 pel
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  • 59 5 Xl \i Mi l l; 1 bun i_i<i ii i. Waugil llad.iu ot brandy torth $7 125 day aliowed bail ol $2000. led not gu;ltv in court to have aeceived Michael Lee on September. 1U66 by telling h;m that a shop a- Ja!.<^ i, «le
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  • 43 5 PENANG Tfaun. 1 Mrng. 23, p. faded Dot guilty t_dty to ;< chuge ol committing ({.ing r.jbl>ery with or seven oil*. T\v c I. rub- it «ral b dutlar in ;i bu> (>- Schixii yt-tard-y F(K>n? »as r»>mandPd till Frh 8
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  • 23 5 ipoh fhun, people were today found n.bling 'n pubiic riunny :.> Ni U* tbm wen iviund over— two ol them i
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  • 53 5 SERBt-BAN rhui Negri BembU-o poUca ,<n t-ruMj a ,-jiiuu reward for infonnatlon .uUnts to th< I .ii. penon or mjruiibie for the murdei bu_tneMman Mr .i irah sin^ii. 26 ;u BhI) vi on Jan. 26. Mr Joratl shot TV Polic< s^;'] thai 'h< gunman fired /-hut
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  • 92 5 Doctors told: Watch for this man VJEREMBAN. Thurs. All Government doctors and private practitioners in Negri Srinbilan have been all rted by the police to report any person asking for treatment with a stab wound in thr back. A terday •i the b;ick when r ri to mb a petrol
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  • 63 5 Mr R. cretary i i.. M n r, ha* Government to join the City Council .is ISSi ..IV Ail mob _tei grad a I In loinrd thr statr c.vii Service la 1963. Mr. Uin X.mi ii 'ltßcrr of Nibonf? ' «ill succeed Mr. Primal). uh.m
    63 words
  • 293 5 State Govt reserves 100 acres for American firm DENANG, Thurs. 1 About 100 acres of land on a former rubber estate in Prai purchased by the State Government for an industrial estate have been reserved for a big Ame r i can chemical company wishing to set up a fertiliser
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  • 96 5 A place for the small-time trader... PENANG. Thurs. A modest structure for petty traders and hawkers will be built on the present car park at Maxwell Ro»d But It would not be the kind of ambitious "hawkers' pandte" ni.innrd earlier by thr City OOUBCU. the Clurf Min'-srr Tan Sri Wong
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  • 60 5 PENANG. Thurs.— City Council bus season tickets (or Mudents along the Ajer Itam route will shortly be reduced for a trial period. The current rate is $2.50 ft for one month, allowing unlimited travel. Thr council proposes to reduti- the r.«:r lo kttowing holder* u< nukr only
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  • 273 5 KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs 'I'HK University of Malaya should provide inducement for tutors to join the academic .stall in view of the current "brain drain" from the university, the president of the Tutors Association. Mr. Eddy Lee Lye Hoe,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 156 5 London in a big way. i Jm SL 'BBr^sf f < BEsM «b__l H*^ FiveVCIO fights a week. At the moment, BOAC has 3 VCIO flights a week to Europe. But because tne VCIO is so popular, we've found that 3 just aren't enough. So we've done something about it.
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous

  • 201 6 XL ALA Ll MPI R. Thurs. Tengku Abdul Rahmin i> proud of the sincerity and loyalty" shown by members of the MCA with Tun Tan Siew Sin Minister of Finance, as its leader. In hi> Chine-e New Year message, the Prime
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  • 77 6 SEREMBAN. Thurs. Thugs at Hie Lemon Street bus station have for the paM three days taken to robbing passengers wl. nearby public lavatories While one of them follows a passenger into the lavatory to rob him. two others keep watch at the entrance. A
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  • 489 6 SINGAPORt. Thura MINISTER SAYS GOVT AWAITING REPORT ON NEW YEAR BLAZES FROM FIRE DEPT THE Government is considering to ban rocket crackers following three big Chinese New Year Day fires which destroyed nearly $1,000,000 worth of property and made more than 100 people homeless. "We
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  • 115 6 SINGAPORE. Thurs. A District Court today acquitted and discharged three men ar.d a gin accused of rioting and using force nn the police Tlirv arc Teo Kirn Pile. Clun Un Mv: Hie and the uirl. Lini Kirn Choo. In acquit tins them
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  • 58 6 PENANG Thurs The Sunsf\ Pinang Umno branch will hi d x tea party at the braix n larUri in River Road nn S inday in lumour of Iti nirm..i wrip awarded the Mnounttvt meduls by the Yang ti.-Penuan Agong .ir. sp\«i.,. Hraack mfmi)er« f<>r Meers
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  • 203 6 SINGAPORE. Thur. AIORE contributions i to the Singapore Defence Fund have been pledged following the lead by six district citizens' consultative committees in donating $10,000. The fund ll to help build up Singapore's drtenco forces in view of the i-crelerated British withdrawal. The
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  • 59 6 V ,ra chairman. inche Abd .1 G lafar bin Baba. nh leaving ari.rtly on a months tour of Europe and Moscow, will be entertained to dinner at the Devan Hans Tuah here on Tueiduv About 600 people, lncludinit the Chief Minister, Han Tulib bin K^riiJi
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  • 44 6 PENANG Tbun A new Malay art and culture group cv formed si a meeune held at the Yotrh TraitunK Centre in P»rquhar Btnet ve^'erday Tbf neu nrßam>a!:on »:!1 be known ax Badan Keseman Dan Kebudavaan Pulau Pinang 'Penane Art and Culture Organisation.
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  • 135 6 British town planning expert —dve SINGAPORE. Thurs.— A British town planner, Mr. G. H. Franklin, Win arrive in Singapore in March to discuss a Government request for the services of an economist-plan-ner. Singapore want i such an expert to assist In thr day-to-day evaluation nf problems In the planning and
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  • 79 6 A bon voyage party for Umno chief PtNANO Thurr Penaiic I'mno d executive commi' t#« yesterday held a tea pasty tn bid bon ie division r ch.-t.r-man. Inche Ahmad Noordin, »hn will be leaving with hia wife on a p:;srmane tn Merc* on Feb 11 Leader* of the divisional K*'im
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 179 6 now available in its 14th edition... A|AR^StS /#SIoWeST X HOTTEST V^\ f/rffi^Hp^J/f^^™^ HEAVIEST V\ TALLEST FJgKEPBT T HIGHEST (p I LOUDEST <A I MOSTESrfe^^ extremes in, on and beyond the earth 11^ I( rf I 11/ \^^~J h ■u]TnnToTS]i|j||W ico^ Ss i^B Whether the discussion concerns iW I 1/ the
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
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  • 154 7 Big rally to mark Solidarity Week |^l \l 1.1 MPIK. Ihurs —A rally at Parliani' nt House attended b> HIH BeSMtem, government and municipal oflH«uls will mark the beginnin« of Solidarit> Week on Feb. 8. This was announced here today by the chairman <>f the rally committee. Inche Melar. AhdulUh.
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  • 42 7 I new •c o»- set up i dpeo water phase mplptprt nan ii mii •'d hi deal goods when :ip\i berths. HP Rdded therp «m, no n the rumour that th^ present cv BUnatkMi »orth uouid Pf-nariK
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  • 574 7 THK BKNCH AND BAR WELCOME MALAYSIA'S NEWEST JUDGE VUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. The Chief Justice, Tan Sri Azmi, today envisaged the day when all criminal cases will br iriod in the Sessions Courts. Leaving the High Court free foi civil matters. This
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  • 253 7 Compulsory voting is not necessary, says the Tengku ALOR STAR. Thursday. I ENGKU Abdul Rahman said here today he did not think it was necessary to introduce comvotine. He agreed, however, tnat reg]s> ration of voters should be rompulsory The Pnmp Mlnlstei was commenting on a sugges:.nii by a Kpdali
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  • 61 7 sNO rbun nvo n Pi:inKin Rnnd dei n: in net" nnd s ;a.<r wrif gutted Baorntng Two eiiitinej. lrrnn thi Strret dncl Prn^ne Rund fur ■mmwcthl thr eal ai 1 49 m ihfic tit Hebi orpp/p blowine. but the firrmpn had 'hP firr undpr
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  • 58 7 JOHORE BAHRI'. Thurs Mr R Ramnsfin lima bp*n plptik\ ctMlrman of the Johora Bar C'ommittep Othpr nirmebi a:r If) I R Plllal Pe'Pi WUttl BH C Paiamioiln ajMi Lad All LSI tiip MenUq la Inebt Maaal Mi Rama on an i Mi PUUI «il] aNo niimrni Johan
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  • 255 7 Scheme to resettle Sabah's flood victims VOTA KINABALU. 1V Thurs. Work >tarted on the clearing •>f more than 1.001) acres of land for a settlement scheme for Sabah's flood vic-iims. The scheme envisages the rehousing of more than 400 families who live on the banks of the Kinabatangan River
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  • 319 7 ARREARS OF MINING TRIBUTE AWARDED TO WIDOW IPOH' Thursday J^ WIDOW. Madam Chan Swee T« m. 70, was awarded arrears of mining tribute by Mr. Justice Chang in the High Couri here today amounting to just over $17,930. Madam Chan, represented by Mr J. R Devadas brought the sun against
    319 words
  • 255 7 IPOH, Thursday CBVERAL police o;.. in Perak have jjone on tran ifer Supi S M 1' of CXD headquarters, has assumed duties as head it the CID Malacc.t. with the rank Of acting Deputy Siipt. and has been succeeded here by A-t .Supt. Rolen Devadenon, from
    255 words
  • 130 7 A busy day for Indon naval chief 1/ UA L A LI'MPUR. IV Thurs The visiting Commandant of the Indoni Naval Stall College m •Takaria. Vlre-Adml-raJ K. Djolani. naid a courtesy call on Chirf of A Forcfs Stall. Tengku Osnuui bin T c n «k ii Moh Jewa, who briefed
    130 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 198 7 How do you plan for the future rt f' up ono 6 ois b*nc>iti ranf* from cr*«tm« poirf.v. ttUtrnfm through kvildtp.akmf ability. human relation, ik. Hi and I*a4*nhi» qualilxi I IfODie effaCt on tn« tinorKioi. corrwnunitv ana u>ciol progr*s% ot o"y mor or woman Let us give you the (j
      198 words
    • 43 7 METAL INDUSTRIES LTD., 14, Lorong Tukang Qua, Jurong, Singapore are pleased to announce the appointment of HONG LEONG CO., LTD., 144, Robinson Road, Singapore as Sole Distributors in Singapore tor ALUMINIUM AND STEEL §j LOUVRE WINDOWS THE LARGEST SELLING LOUVRE WINDOWS SINCE 1963
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 260 7 Straits Times Crossword ACROSS 7. One of the 10 down bp«'j 1 MMSM for Fnrt.r-. JSMVi g g*^ dm h# rrenrh. witpd. try vnrylnf t Pluh almnßi »ll fPPI up «o not«blp orranlonn '3. 6. << metjunorphoMf 3-* > 10 Flag* In rpvenllnK sporting M) rtrm fIPMr r.t frmiKi Oiat
      260 words

  • 635 8 The Straits Times Friday, February 2. 1968. Search For Stability In tl." light ot what if. t«pp»'ciuij{ in vuiioiis part* <r( the rui inti tiie Indian Prinv Minister > wrtirurn: that thr Government will de»l firmly with tiouble-maktMs C«>iiiri n«>t b»- MOT appropriate. Yet s'irh wsnunu.s hfcv hsatd bslon. without
    635 words
  • 8 8 f> •»■■'<• >/» iKuiliMij tIAN ICK JIN M p^.,4
    8 words
  • 16 8 M ».r«. tit 'Vliiual tf t—. a. i MM our MM IMHM »T Kit
    16 words
  • 383 8 Ktioiu by "*e Lulled Nat--1 >ns truce te«rr to inch towards a M.drile Ea»t aettlement b\ »r anging con. BfaSBSMi between Israel and £g>l>' l> BBandc issues havi suffered a aHhach as a result .1! lsiaeli interdiction .>: Igjrptian awvea to free IS ships which ham be« n
    383 words
  • 125 8 Next week. Parliament will receive the report of a Colombo Plan consultant. Mr A Amho. on a social insurance scheme to replace the Workmen's Compensation Ordinance. 1952. and to increase the benefits and extend the fOVflßgl piovided by that Ordinance. Bueh a scheme has been und«r study for
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  • 344 8 Nepal lets the Chinese stay by A special correspondent THE Chinese Com in musts who for the past five years have been road-building in Nepal are to be allowed to stay on for another lo years to "maintain" these highways in the Himalayan kingdom. The concession \nli.<h was given by
    344 words
    • 122 8 I RKKFR LS L- c > Frightening taxi dr.vers l| T Jan 2-*' A considerable number of narking spaces have been all'" Sted taxi drivers to be used as "tax: stands." There are tax; stands around the vicinity of Raffles Place and Oliver Quay. Unfortunately, taxi
      122 words
  • 470 8 LESSON 150 in a new series by YUNUS MARIS GLOSSARY Mfriah tadjt gay. hearty; litik -^jarah (N) historical landmark: TERrhatit .or: 'TERchatat'i, ivi to be noted, recorded; ai-hara (0) ceremony, programme. BKKtitah (r) to speak ■only in reference to a royal person or monarcn BpeaJdna;) l>! anugrrah >vi
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  • 933 8  - Guerilla wars without end in Burma ARTHUR J. DOMMEN I— b% RANGOON THERE are more guerilla wars going in Burma than in the rest of South-East Asia. Yet there is little official comment about them. Burma has at least half-a-dozen guerilla wars, rebellions or revolts of one kind or another
    933 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 240 8 mnaßjaaajßaaaajamßamvam. Cliivtui teVirtiw aealt fw Strait* Timaa Malay Mail may >>• handed to: COID >TOt*Cl Sueia-MAMCT O f<l I- D»Sl) COID iTOIAbi IIAHCMIS CITT BOOK 1TO«1 LT». •*> MAIL. MAMII* JTOHt. V tITNASAMT t CO.. 371 iS MUltlU! A MM LTD, l» A T G^anaPRaKASAM 1 CO. .'por» 17. iMAHIHAT
      240 words
      62 words
    • 21 8 This M is the uL Gin fc^£l| j ififfilj [Si I QUALITY INCOMPARABLE Gordon's STANDS SUPREME S** A»«»t»; THE BOFtNK) COMPANY
      21 words

  • 44 9 Crimebuster heads new P. Jaya district DETALIKCi JAVA, Thurs Crimebuster acting Deputy Supl. E. A. Fernandez ha* been appointed th* new OCPD of Petaling Jaya. '•41 and I'/ la»t v h jntri A put UP 'ateflc ■l» ration -r and IJU mhbni(* Mr n.KNAMH
    UP  -  44 words
  • 39 9 A DEPOSIT RULE FOR THE FOREIGN STUDENTS v, ;RE. Thurs.— gn t ude nt^ are now required itiv j»um> 'nnnry with th«Mini.try. ■aid make the ret .m t/j ••dura- or* here :> the i the* Va»t sums -in by »uch
    39 words
  • 5 9 The*
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  • 48 9 Xl M\ M MII H 11,,- I »ill t#r rrte-ded i<. II nn*t #.ff»< Karawsfe Umm tstemeai fr«»m ih» Mm m i t ,fi or-miinu .tli»n» <rin><iini <>l Ih* t-> <l.i -»r *ln. h ..l.r f..r .11 i- «iii ki ■rallalrti durinc u% »nlr
    48 words
  • 361 9 500 COOP MEN WANT A 'DONT STOP WORK' PLEDGE KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday ABOUT 500 members of the Malaysia Government Officers Co-op tive Housing Society have sent a memorandum to the Pnmr Minister asking him to look into the stoppage oi h <
    361 words
  • 173 9 King to attend Raja Bersiong premiere I^UALA LUMPUR. Thurs The Van« dl-Pertuan Auotm and the Raja Permaisurl AKone will attend the charity premiere of TTigku Abdul Rahman's film. "Raja Bernionu." on Feb. 8. The SuMan and Tengku Ampj.n of SHatijor will al*o be stundlni wiih Cabinet MlnU'^rmember* of matir Corpa
    173 words
  • 82 9 PBNANO. TtouM^-The Nar^h Si Ch"fur fv" lvi vti -a;--»i'"»oo«j t>f th»ir achotarahtp fund to a->u< t».» children of cla-Wirn, I Tntribu'e 30 p-r any mm* you eollert Mr N~ ii fhoo Be. the preann'iinead at a -Muter in honour of eight damn »n who gradtMted
    82 words
  • 64 9 CHAMBER PROTEST ON BANK KATES Chinese C; "< »übm:» ii W for r;n»nc*. Dr Oih the batik rsU '■rv.irrjb*r that ♦he r» ..i the vinou» lornu of bank rate* folio* -uh pound fleviJuatl'jn l» not Ju»Ufll /^i x rat*. a < ",rdlng mb»r, were almi y high ev^n before th»
    64 words
  • 23 9 PARIT »cniar Thura Wort baa atarw; Wimif rrllglotM achool a* Otinon* Semanggol. 2i U netng built under Uk Rural Dnmmi P-M
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  • 128 9 $2.5 mil medical institute gets Government go-ahead FOUNDATION TO COLLECT ALL DONATIONS KUALA LUMPUR. Thurt J^ PROPOSAL to bet up a $2 5 million I psychiatric In ■pproved by th« Q A'hich has I Hum. A neuro ura- I'ngku Abdul Rahman ha* D ham". a'; In increa»#- OU about live
    128 words
  • 120 9 v GAPORE. Thurs. J Thf Appeal Court was today told U. ma*i»tr;<te had given two youth* a eOOOtr-r»-nt Jai: <• of one year each on flve Joint theft charge* without apparent regard to th'lr different personal record*. m- n a < ■rat wrong and
    120 words
  • 13 9 PBNAMO mot«r-4 trim i(ti •ri in ••»r«nr '*t We* Y»»r f.
    13 words
  • 14 9 MKKMHAN Thurs Dae* •h» Negri S»mHar cmwcU for Uie ftfth auccevivr >'4f
    14 words
  • 121 9 BUI Ml lOMN IhuriAhout 21 laUrnational centra* tor* hay* km in \it»d by the Brunei Government to Under for lh» lir»» pha»e of th» S4« million .Mu_r_ port •roject It Intolvra dredging an i'ir«« canal through Prl unpotn Spit Million* of uhi< fr»t
    121 words
  • 47 9 SINGAPORE ThOf A Chrti was killed when a Army n onk The pilot. Cap' Crof and '■r aoldler. HBM l eicaped with minor Inturle* A BrtUth Am mar, h»r< v!'] on an exernae wh'-n It cranhM An Army the wrecday Cpl O*.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 163 9 PROPERTY TAX ONLY 18% WHETHER SELF-OCCUPIED or RENTED OUT ENG KHONG PARK "-*^^__^______________Mb" I ___L_ 70 LOAN ARRANGEABLE SPECIAL DISCOUNT FOR CASH n*t* fttjm O**a < *.«>•••<. i m««. i »*<« a >**.—»* i .►V». ».l» »*«l»#«. »»«l F«'«. i ke*aa_. > > nkmki. a *M«fc.# k..».^.i o».. *«ir tir.»eo/--t
      163 words
    • 134 9 111 Deadors W\ IV. Digest V'l The Rojd to World War 111. ml How to Cst Mors Out of Wssksnds. iimA What Make* the Perfect U| Husband? Two Wordt to Avoid, Two to Remember. «^^H| Intids Intomnia. PI-* more than terestirn H^Hj and absorbing articles and features. Wfl February Issue
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 179 9 *wMHPIBHHBMMaWHo«VHMRHHMRBie TV MALAYSIA I IMNNK I KmN I nmpur l»«>h »n4 M4l«"« 1 Alt* I* IKjhrw. I T^ 7 Hal« KIMMg f I M"i n» 411 u w |V/ i rniUtn-i Ml RADIO MALAYSIA n*|i»«j« *liMrtwa«e MrtMe II t •> Metre*. Upturn I «*.ee. H I. 13* •nete«; P»r.4 B
      179 words
    • 232 9 the H*Hnn*i i*nti»*». %M Natt-nal Sun«*. I Ne»« m •10 DakUri— Ju«y und urn G»rijU. 7 New* m BmlMi 713 Sporu Area* 7lt Alun*o 1-su. Newa Ml Maniar i 112 Mtiiy WUliaaw Km*. New* m the H»iifu»«». lit MiF"jni>jp, IM Che M.i.>n Sayang— Darati I«tuiu fJCA M-eMi lapQMiWeTh» Hle.«w 'p*
      232 words
    • 149 9 TV SINQAPURA II tMNEL I 540 i'H Prntramme mm- w rr_ry. tM h»\,*.a Kebangaaan. ttt •2t The R.ghl Career Murat. «U SporU Parade; 7 20 _togltoh for C*ery<me JClii;.- ti. 740 New* in Chine** 7tSChmoM Variety Show rtaun** edition); •35 The iud oraaa to Viet. I Hmm and newareel
      149 words
    • 52 9 <Q_Mfln«*e. p_n 3>. UK CIOM. IMSMI S ItM \vi «|0 PM ETV ProffraaMiaa; «tt B»laj*r-i«»» atohaM K«b_m■aaa n»»» and newareel in Tamil. 73t mn.r C»aa*«ral MuMc <rteaati 7tC R-t Patr/l HA* and Or. Seek JUW w2O Newa in the N-tf, Unitup. sit Pahi<2 Manu. %2<> Nalla Tnambi 'Dart 3>, 10
      52 words

  • 215 10 'THERE Is likrly to be tralian investment i sia over the next few y« the successful example lian companies that are This was stated In K Lumpur by vlsiUnf tralian industrialist, Sir Robert Blackwood. Sir Robert la In Malav-ia and NuiKapoie M msu fai Lorie.s ol Hume
    215 words
  • 119 10 I. Daniel I'arker (above) chairman of the Parker I'm 1 iimpanv was recently iinitil of thr board of thr .National Avmhi.ilioii of Manufacturers.. M I he is the jounsi'sl ch., the NAM has had in Us VJ-yrar hMarjr. The Association represents the largest body
    119 words
  • 185 10 TKMTORS Malaysia Burhaa. wholly owned subsidiary of Sime Darby Holdings Ltd announce the appomtm-iit of Captain Kailas Chidambaram, 31. as their Singapore area sales manager. Captain Chidambararr »»s educated In Katlles Institution and WellinKborouKh Public School, England He nudied civil engineering at Lough borough England i>ofcu
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  • 410 10 By MOK SIN PIN i LEADING Singapore manufacturer of plastic products, Sin^' Plastic Ltd., has been expanding and diversifying its manufacturing activities since last year and is the tint company lo manufacture polyethylene ropes in I lie Republic. The company,
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  • 72 10 Pan American World Airways will offer It.s largett pattern of schedules ever betwfen the Pacific Northwest and Europe next spring and summer Mr L T. Bready. director for Singapore Malaysia, traffic and sales said four weenly Polar flights between Seattle. Portland I ondon and Paris will be operated
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  • 122 10 rpHE Deutsch-Asiatis- ehc Bank incorporated in 1889 to promote its country's industrialisation and trade in the Far East, has now established a Malaysian branch in the Federal Capital. Announcing the opening of Its premises for business. the manager. Dr. N. Mmriers. stated that the
    122 words
  • 105 10 \1 I: tram is I hrw ,i..n. an 1 nprralion-, a**istant with Lufthansa (irrnun Airliner hat 1 1 lur llamburc to attend a t«o-<teeli advanced passrngrr handling rnutv at the airlinr-i' training M-hool. I his is his srrond Iramlnf course at llambutx in the Ust ten months.
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  • 105 10 T»ent> -seven p*r cent of Calliay Pacllics passengers are American.". f>n airline survey has disclosed. In a reieni six-month-long check of the Hong Kirn* airlines carryliiKS. 42A2X ul a total of IMJII pa.vseiik'ers «ere found lo hold U.S or Canadian pa.v-p.iris The next largest uroup
    105 words
  • 79 10 On seven weeks 9 tour IMie managing director ol mall, but expaudinK Briti.-h l;rm which ctallx'.s In producing sterlruttliiK ru pore la>t week on I country salt mission Mr CyrU N Brothei MeUI-Worki Ltd Harborough Lelcestei hi tral Englaud «;<- on which \»UI Hung KiilU' tiie L'nitfii h:k: the Bahamas
    79 words
  • 95 10 MR. William Tan. supervisor in the marketins department (above left), and Mr I Kwuk Hoong. assistant chief a< rnuntant (rißht). both of .i!t.-\ Oil Malaysia Ltd. take time out to van* famous Manhattan skyline while attrndinic the Caltex de\rlopmpnt conferencr for prtroletim managerial personnel from 14 nation* in
    95 words
  • 214 10 Tin-: tirst rial i.-v, latewa taaai Ml pureiihmr,. U*\r mini aiiMrd in I'ird |>. .r: been Slnfaporr .md\i»a. Th<- In thi nr«rst ni.i.lrl in thr alrr^dv Thtm tea t«in hrn famil* of mi ears, the ltt, owiii....- irtni whirl, ma Uunrhrri in
    214 words
  • 143 10 r pHE Singapore market, altho igh I tivr. h;is si ill ample scope for qu;> With thr i 'ablo economy and fashion conSCiOU.MK B 8 "1 'til thfrr La still strong buylnu power in the market, >ni'i Mr. Liptnn Chuang chairman uf Lap Heng Co
    143 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 198 10 Trans-Australia Airlines is now in Singapore! a^i^swra^st*- ar *«s aMMaKtatfa^aVHaVKSP Ma^^^^^^^^^ i t^ t^^ Mtt^g B^ B^ t^^ B^-^^H Jt* MMaß^BaaVa^Da^B&HMVa^^^^Tz^fzflßLß L^BT M U 9B B^B^B^B^B^af B^B^B^B^B mi iff I It T rt^Sl^m%iCl 4m^i awMuffiii W*W gl^rT^i u.M*j*mmr ill J wr; bm bblßl «^BBI H i *a^^BT Ik--, -^v 9BT
      198 words
    • 134 10 A LITTLE TIME TO SFttRE? Time enough to cut yourgrass a with the -■^S^i^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^Bßaaai 7k^*^»7 I wish that fellow in front would «<„■ A&*^\ get a move on or clear oft the lair- way. C A/^^§ With the time wasted I could have \~f M iKK cut the grass at
      134 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1267 11 TO tIYERPQOt I WEST COAST UI; Om S'pori Stilt P Site* PiMaj patroclus .< t ciasin) I, pi in,. TUTHYIIUS Dublin tS ll Pt tIITJ M4BON r k|f;* f«| ««'w>«l Ita. IB FH I FH 7/12 FH IS iL« n li lit, GHl|O«.. FH 11 FH 11 FH 11/ M
      1,267 words
    • 1355 11 thfLuAu/a/fs in i TMt IAtT ASiAIIO COMPANY V-H tworferMM ll Dr>w« tX'KESS SAILINGS TO 6EWO>/FtolTil COF)TINtWT/SC*WDimVI> nang S'dwi Genoa R'dam H'burg Aarhus C'hagen PASAIENA a1) Fll 14/11 Fll 27 21 Fll W 1 Aat 1 Apr 11 Apr 15 Apr II Apr 21 MONCBL A tii Mir 24 21 Mar
      1,355 words
    • 1257 11 1 ben%line\ EXPRESS SERVICE TO LONDON, LIVERPOOL I CONTINENTAL PORT' BENVANNOCH T, ll Sifipoo'i Pt S'<tam Pfnang C»\" Mar It Fii 4/ I Rotterdam Apr 2 RFMUIANT FM Liverpool Ma II D&RIUANI Hamburg Mai 24 Singapore Pt s "iaw e'nang fmouin Mai 27 Ii Part Till) Ftt 1/ 4 M
      1,257 words
    • 1175 11 feELLERMAN BUCKNALL S.S. CO.. LTD. ill OVEILUF FOR OUTWARD SERVICE FROM U.1./CONI NENI. 1141*111 tit: aiaiapori P. S'nani Piaaag CITY IF CUILDFORO t Ij R Jim, H'burg la Pt 3 Fet 4 FH e,n .f st. ALtANi it MM n/1J m„ m m CITTOFDUNDEk XZ^T^.TT: A> ««W IM. CITTf OF
      1,175 words

  • 436 12 STRAITS TIN PRICE UP SHARPLY ON VIETNAM CRISIS From Our Market Correspondent HKN the tin market resumed after the long Chinese New Year holidays the price shot up 5H.75 to 5562.37J due to the worsening of the war situation in Vietnam. The gain was almost in line with that of
    436 words
  • 222 12 FKBRI .%RV first eiAilr rubber f.o.b. buyrrs rliiord at "> pm in Kuala l.umpur and Sinsaporo T«-»t*rda.T at 4ti rrnt« nl«>«n nn» and onr-rijklh of a rrntl «n January .'<s clomiu Irvrl. Thf tonr »as quirt. B.A.S. and M K.I < 1..-in» pm in ci-nt* pifr lb. yrslerdav.
    222 words
  • 29 12 Krb. 1. RIBBKR PRICE: i-rnts (down onr and ..lie riKlith of a rent). TIN PRICE: 55«2.37i (up M 75 1. Estimated offering 240 imiN (up 20 tons).
    29 words
  • 103 12 The Attaaiatian af Banal lo Maiayi.i madr thrar rhaniica in Ita rat*a io mrrcnanis yratrrday <«ll ratna lo »1OI).. ONITID ITATII Ruvini TT U I.s l«. airmail Ol> ~-'J I l« IMI d M H V IK rrrdit hi! B I tradr bill*. CANADA: Bli\m« IT .IS U.IIV
    103 words
  • 29 12 World production of natural rubber In October was 2W.000 long ton*, unchanged from September, preliminary statistics issued by the Secretariat of the International Rubber Study Group show
    29 words
  • 72 12 Till Malayan MinUter of I'lnanrr haa Axed theae ralen for ealrnlalinc ruttomi datiea for the period from Feb. 1 to Feb. 7. Ruhtwr 4"<4 eenlß a Ih. < opra $.564 a ton. Palm Oil $495.92 a ton Palm Kernel* $388 a ton The rate* of duties payable are:
    72 words
  • 156 12 MELBOIR IN an extraordinary npenin* hurst of demand M"irrn Mininn moveo 1 Up 110 M to a peak of $53 ns in the first half hour of trading The Mock later eased to $48 f»0 and clo-seti $sn The bIK rise «as In -esponse to the company's ne«
    156 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 924 12 Y^ KAWASAKI KISEN KAISHA LTtt Wmtrti Australia Sin«apor« Japan SarvloM Inn Im Sail I "I IS la Frl 25 Frt It FM Ta».i tt-a IS (til Mm 1 I Mm H Mm II Mm H Mm Wm Al rica /Sinaape r Japan r v l«« tWM Man toJtt' •tOlfaM Mara
      924 words
    • 945 12 (•ISTRIIII NEW KIIINO SERVICI I IN0l». PMISTIN AND FIR East SEtVICt! ta tminlli. BrrMaai. siaari Ta MMras aaa Nata*Jtt<aja Pen.n» o s n«a S'poit Spot P Sham *naM« 40MHLI II Mm lalUia IS/21 FM FH I) (tl i...« a.> .m *.n RaIUII II II Mir 17 Mm tl Mm »w.
      945 words
    • 954 12 SHIPS IN LOCAL PORTS lINCAPOFtI HARBOUR WHAM- Napoleon Takim. Lukor. Trounc Vtt OR IXPICTIO TODAY ARC: Thanh. Lindak. King l.ion. B(nm«. fhitral 3 4 Kama Maru Na. .1 I Kimanl*. I. ma Marina. TJrmpfdak njaraarMM M 11. R'nvalla 13, M. »rl«i Baniika. law. Kirn Horlc Aik RaimoMhirr II IK. /.inkri
      954 words
    • 343 12 KAMUNTING TIN DREDGING LIMITED Notice in hereby given that the Directors have declared an interim dividend on account of the year ending; 31st March. 1968 of 10 pet rent 1 6d per share i less income tax at 8s 3d. In the ThW dividend will be pa\abli mi Bth March.
      343 words
    • 320 12 GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF SINGAPORE TH» tOf XI «.O\ I KNMI NT INTFORATION ORPIN \Nir 1«*«.1 iNn. IK nf i NOTM I I Nlil i I KIN 11 HIM ■Dmtmi :h ncrrte r»f 'tip powers rnnjerrefi ns i1» ■:<! of S<i nun 19 of the Loral Government In'etjration Ordianre.
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 723 13 I 1 nntlnued from Pafe I OVERSEAS LEAVE VI Wmm Xli (mimimnm, SUSSEX •-si heat•nm May let pn- Hox A.MSO 8 1 SITUATIONS VACANT n..rri, tt if, n 1 a>aa ;> r»«. aaasa BOX NO. amii Vacancy filled. 'ranked. SALES RIPRESENTATIVtv r loaeph Supp ier «t Co 4 Jalan Selasen.
      723 words
    • 926 13 ACCOMMOOAIION VA( \N U Wmrm it < Him.)— Box >• rlt. txlrm IMMEDIATE OCCUPATION U nedroom* Merangoon Harden. j <-ooker. hea-er. fan. feme. Ring S porr FURNISHED TERRACE HOUSE Camnrido- Ro*d. .1 bedroom airr'lnditiontri twrnronin attactoa) Rental R n» is i«rf MOTB. Young KIMLIN MANSION 1 Court Furijinhed rial
      926 words
    • 710 13 TUITION H.r*» i mm.) Box Ma, txtrm SPECIAL TUTORIAL CLASSIS '«<•*. HI IV H.--' Mathematics KtiKliall, H Sririirr. X,..:,, XV Qp, Etc leacntra ■ctKMX Pa\a Lrnar/Gaylang Junction .s norei 49-.1742. EDUCATION I e»»r«. >« mm Box rH. txlrm > IMPROVE YOUR KNOWLIIOI of "CM i IjinituaKe by reading K- MERCANTILE
      710 words
    • 1397 13 TOURS AND LXIUKbIONS M »»r«-« U <mtm.y—Box M fit mxtrm I NAM HO THAVIL SIRVICI Uld Maia>a 7-iiava SKA PsaaMlßfS n%n Sunday*, alnodays Cambodia »-a«\« Mft) 5-days S3»is- U «>i. 7 :i la \3* «'r«a.« iltwl iS'lwrti T*l ~y:> VISIT KILONO TALIMO"' Shun I «nla of >nr saa! s« fish
      1,397 words
    • 568 13 TRONOH MINES LIMITED Incorporated in Fnclandl The board has declared ar interim dividend of 4^d pei hhait le«« income tax payable In Lonuoi. on 29th March. 19(58. to all share holder* nn the retaster un 29tr. February. 196« including transferee*, of trnnsfers lodeed up to 3 pm on 23id Februan
      568 words
    • 223 13 PENANG PORT COMMISSION TENDER NOTICE ntNOßta mv o Reßi-strrrd P W.D atx-ve I Uir s.ipply ol Offl.f Builnii Biiiterwnrth Deej Watrr Wharves Plmii*. sf>ecifliatinn. triujpr (OTB and all othPt obtamwi hi the nflice ol lYt Chi Ensineeriix Department workitiß day durine normal offic< hours Tenders niuM be submitted li sealed
      223 words
    • 56 13 I ill M 20 point serviced cars are I sotd with written warranty M > I I MX II 1 A.,-I,n |M S ll ••■ultin A 60 'fe7 Fial rcai Sal k-. flat W S I ■fc"i Hinn v 5 H.inpn Sedan Eh i I f.r Oiifi Kartell i Hi
      56 words

    • 440 14 Spurs KO United F.A. CUP REPLAYS Vital goal scored in extra time I ONDON, Thurs. A goal by Scottish international Jimmy Robertson in the 13th minute of extra time gave Cup-holders Tottenham Hotspur a 1-0 victory over League champions Manchester United in an explosive English F.A. Cup third round replay
      440 words
    • 27 14 London. Tbun, ResulU <>i Ru^by Union matc'.ir.s played Uj Cambridge v so RAF 21; Newcaatla U 6 Orange Free .suite L' 11.- Reutcr
      Reuter  -  27 words
    • 253 14 CRICKET KINGSTON Thurs. The MCC gave their worst batting display of the tour when they were shot out for 135 in Just over lour hours 01 the first day ol their four-day match here yest, rdaj At the clow Jamaica were 40-2 -v Mi*
      253 words
    • 139 14 t'ANBBRRA Thfl I lie In,n ci ed 22-*> runs fa B 193 io i>e.r, ;i ijoutliern i .i W.ur.s XI by five n -iinr one-day mat< i ime tnday Wadtfe .i '64 i o» i.nd Ab;<l All iS l not out > put on tt
      Reuter  -  139 words
    • 285 14 ATHLETICS lONDON. Thurs Twenj ijr-two world athletics record* ich eyed during 1967 have been ratified by thf [nternatlona] Amateur Athletic Federation. 1-uur world br>; performancea recorded during 1966 haw alMj been recognised Ml I"" >uidM I 1 J. Hi"' 1 iUSi 'Hi M.iy 13. <! c <
      Reuter  -  285 words
    • 206 14 Champion Arda lops list of 81 entries SPORE OPEN I FILIPINO Ben Arda, the title holder, is among 81 foreign entries for the Singapore Open on Feb. 29 to Mar. 3 the secondli ut this year's V:a East golf circuit. j.ipan top the lin with -i entries but Hideyn Surimi
      206 words
    • 44 14 TUHN rV-81 I ..f 1 i :ui)> h e othni'. I n Tha M Inche would not be rep:. the meeting ivoned by. or on v fne meeting called by pusals in nil foi- the improvt mi in ol
      44 words
    • 23 14 SBOI rountriei hav< Hong Konc. i n Philippines, i. Vietnam. Thai* land. Bil l» !i.:mi, Indonesia hiul South Korea. I PI
      23 words
    • 27 14 KARACHI 1 H Pakistan i.< Kenya .<-<• In hockey ;ii i nalioiu I h< r< Jfestl 11, linu 1-0 They dj ii. ii Lahore on Bunday.
      27 words
    • 53 14 Champs to meet newcomers i n| mpioiu Irt Batuliua Knvrti Ne« Zealand 111 meet nevcomeri Bth 8..: ilion Roj n in the CaauMßwealth Pitrrrj tMalayai Intcr-ÜBH i;n:get .in ii Ht rcrandak Cuap '<►- innnou Tli \> innei.s will qualify for li. Par-Baal land Forces tournameni oven to ciuunploa unn.« from
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 640 14 ■a^Mt^a^B^#^^^^Baß^l^W^^l^kxT^^^^H »ri-KO\lM\lr M I MXI« RI II lIINi. Mil I I II »Mal KOU) KOH SEX LIM ESTATt tflmini- KOH -t.i llrr* !ur nrieUipun area ol I! H|ipiO- to tne Ctiaiifl Hr>*.t Ihe le»^e i M.itiom pqutre. vie lessee to Mibi no mppnuea uulkilMK lots mid to erect brick i!»eiin.
      640 words
    • 659 14 PUBLIC API»OINTMENTS MAJLIS AMANAH RA'AYAT (MARA) 1 BkiH»i MMM uiituk UgatJM Teknik I«C* ...nan a la-Uh di I .'era yanj memp'inva ketayakaa yaag «e<.uai m rner.gilcuti kursiis Jurutuniok I atelian Kemahiran rii-Nefer: (ierman Baiat selama I tshun L ni-ualMrr uirusan benlrit (al Perumahan (Building t TfadMal f (M Klektrikal H
      659 words
    • 839 14 TENDERS TENDER NOTICE PI BUI UTILITIES BOARb SINGAPORE SKI.M «R M Hi Ml iimh.k ior tiii: sirrn, HMMHiI (Ml rKM lIIIN •<» -lIHI.N OMROI. I Ol HMI V I Taaalaaa »rr kavgM tmm >un,blv r\prrirncrd r.ririN iipfj!\ drli\rrv anu rirciion ol iphtu .oiuk.i rqiitpmrm ai <hr Wrtai Hf*rr\«ii Snr m
      839 words
    • 166 14 SPORTS POOLS (MALAYSIALIIC Certified Dividends FOR SATURDAY 27th JANUARY, 1968 lliil>i > Jit-liliii l i7ii il •M Points MSS.II for I', <-K I'dinU S 5.8K for 1 rU. :r Points 4.«1 for I ct«. 3 dividrnrK nnl> m-i mlr -i SUBJECT TO RKSIRITIXY UKA'.VS (I pts.) Nos. 4. 5. 8.
      166 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous

    • 369 15 ON THE TRACK with Epsom |eep TRAINER Milton Sullivan's crack sprinter Hyrego strode out fluently in a gallop with stablemate All Steel at Bukit Timah yesterday morning. Jockey Johnny Wilson kppt Hvrejo on the bit all thp way over 3f in 45se". The six-year-old
      369 words
    • 2921 15 WTTTWM 230 CLASS 5 division 4 ■trttoßMsUl S6 000) 6F local |ockeys only I :nn*" set p Dpi I*.>ng I fn >übian U .r~r liravi," \mr ,s 813 'Jamil i I ..i..n s .B'JOTtl Sullivan 4 8 12 -Ho 17 ,i..( Kuril' Rtai I'lllch
      2,921 words
    • 814 15 J^ TOT/, of 260 horses has <d for the TengI told Cup meeting .< Kuala Lumpur on 10, 11. 17 and 18. ayd 82 In <re. 1 1 *>- OSI «iiH iun Mir 111. Haioq.' limo: Crnu11, I Iving hpaxk. .^elanI oniv ..orwellan. .N'uember J^un
      814 words
    • 103 15 111. H« t la-s IMI 2— 9 f; Class 4 Dlv» 1. 2, .1. 4 and s— «f: (Us* 6 Dhs 1 and S—Vftß 11: (Uu 1 Dlv I— 9f; t lass DJvs 1. 2. 3 and 4— 7 f; ClMi 6 Ui»» I Uiv 3 f.
      103 words
    • 297 15 BUYING SPREE AT NZ SALES I tINOAPORE and Malaysian delegates to the seventh AMa.i Racing Conference at Wellington teceuUjr bought 15 for nearly $80,000 at the New Zealand national thoroughbred .sales. Mr Robert K. C. Goh of bingapore. wlio lias Mveral hor»c& with Buku Tinuli tralmr l\.ui Allan, iiought
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 53 15 THIS IS THE GIRL IN SEARCH YASHIN Beautiful Star of TV and the Singapore show world who dances for you in many moods in February's colourful issue of 'w SIOK THE YOUNG MALAYSIAN MISS WITH A YEN FOR ADVENTURE ABROAD Meet them and many exciting personalities m your favourite magazine
      53 words

  • 9 16 ELIZABETH CAROLINE RICHARDS on 2-:-i".'. l-..r |ro«
    9 words
  • 61 16 anOTMER ICKNARO JAMES (Ardr«v Ku'hi J>*a>r«] nuay m fll'ly on 1" t TTi- nifrrn»nt look rl«r« .11 t i:.«i ai ctinM.m CrOMtan MRS LILIAN ISTHER REOOV on .11.1.*- riK- l>»'ind m.' I <Uu«t TorI pjß PACKIRISAMV CARVALNO ANNA MARY FUNERAL SERVILIS EDWIN ANANOARAJAH j.iffna Kuktrthantoui MO. I' i MRS
    61 words
  • 411 16 STUDENTS DEMONSTRATE NEW DELHI. Thurs AP><MT ")<• All i 1 can uih! Indian university students, protesting against Soii I I; Africa's apartheid policy, scuffled will) steelhelnieted police toil ;i > outside tli c hotel where Ih c second United Nations Conference on Trade
    411 words
  • 63 16 JAKARTA. Thurs— Police In Bui.uoti.i;. West Ja\a seized a clandestine ( radio ed for broadcasts to Chlucec rommuul&i terrorBorneo, it was reported today .i.cci rout.- Uiillctin ■aid the irananlttar was locaicil in an hotel room and was owned by an alien Chine: <■ "ho isinisMon permit
    UPI  -  63 words
  • 150 16 JAKARTA, Thursday. HUNDREDS 01 Indonesian hi^h school students staged a demonstration In Bandoeng. West Java yesterday against high rice prices, the Indonesian armed forces news agency reported today I Thr iid the d< moiutrators marched peacefully past Government buildings carrying slogans and banners before dispersing
    Reuter  -  150 words
  • 34 16 SINGAPORE. Thurs The University ot Singapore Department of Extramural Studies has organised a eiyht-lectu.-e course on the "Appreciation of Ceramic Art." rtarang on Feb. y ut thr Ml Museum. University of Slncapoic.
    34 words
  • 329 16 Russia and Singapore set up joint shipping agency SINGAPORE, Thurs.— The first RussiaSingapore Joint venture a shipping agency— was officially established at a signing at the Soviet trade office in Cairnhill Road today. Signing the agreement on behalf of the Russian interests In the Sinnaix>re Soviet Shipping Agency Ltd. was
    329 words
  • 50 16 SINGAPORE. Thurs The Ministry of Cultures field section v.ill Kive free film shows tomorrow at 730 p m at Marsillnii EiiKluh School, fireman s quarters at the Naval Base. Sah Pah Slam basketball field in Nee Soon Road, and Pah Koiib Kann icscitleincnt in Lim Chu Kai'K Road
    50 words
  • 176 16 LONDON, Thur» BRITAIN'S Commonwealth Secretary, Mr. George Thomson, resisted a proposal In Parliament yesterday that he should take the initiative in calling a conference of the Commonwealth countries concerned with the defence of Southeasl Asia. He -aid he thought discussions
    Reuter  -  176 words
  • 358 16 LONDON Thurs The stock Rolls Royce 42 TH markets were very firm today and Turner Newall 38 4' a gains widespread International Is- Unilever SO 7«j MM and dollar stocks lost ground Woolworth 16 10 l a following the Wall Street decline. O LS Closliib
    358 words
  • 61 16 SI.M.APOKi;. Thurv— Communications l>ctMrrn Singapore and bat-He-ffavagwi Sawjesj «rrr cut today, and llonu Kmr: rcportrri trleuraphic contacts were workinc very poorl> Oinnicrt lal airlinr Bights from Siagapore. Hun': Knnc and Banuok have heen Misppnded into Salgra's Tan Sou Nhut lirport. seeSM of »nr of thr main battles in
    61 words
  • 121 16 Teenagers to die for killing in school pHICAOO Thur T o have been .srnti to die in the electric chair for th« i mn of two schoolboys refuted to jo i young gang. William i Lawrence Cochrai 18 sentenced here last to be electn 18 lor slaying the two In
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 52 16 'Late CLASSIFIEDS 20 icords $15 (ir.iri.imum) i Met ah what in i.uni: M K STENCILS I UnO J PEN V STENCILS > n tette/Uny Wr UNOhaslOO uses give your lettering that professional touch. Singapore 11. Battery Road. Singapore .l JpjHgflgP^^ Kua i mpur Malaya" Banking B-'M 92. Jalan Banda' HL^B^^CSglH
      52 words
    • 255 16 QUALIFY FOR ENTRY TO fl ft MALAYSIA CERTIFICATE/! i SCHOOL CERTIFICATE i Q through the L.C.E. (Promotion Grade) Q.T. examinations M hi Insure your success with courses from I STAMFORD COLLEGE I PI the largest Correspondence College PS ii^ Malaysia/Singapore Region commend- irH E3 ed as a model by Colombo-Plan
      255 words