The Straits Times, 1 February 1968

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 31 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 150.000 Tit National tapaper The Straits Times. Kstd 1845 THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 1. 1968 15 CENTS 18 CENTS KDN 3104: M(. (F) 0011 (Nt« Currency) (OlrJ Currwicv)
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  • 489 1 Martial law proclaimed as Govt troops prepare to blast out Vietcong SAIGON, Wednesday "PVACUATIOX of civilians was ordered in Saigon tonight as Government forces prepared to blast out Vietcong guerillas still entrenched in parts of the city. Along with martial law and the recall
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  • 124 1 Envoy Bunker taken to secret refuge gAIGON, Wed. The U.S. Ambassador here, Mr. Ellsworth Bunker, was safely whisked away from his residence under hea v y security yuard early today when Vietcong guerillas attacked the American Embassy. Mr Bunker's residence w atom five blocks away from the Embassy U.S. officials
    AP  -  124 words
  • 51 1 LONDON \Vr,l A H-v\eek preaMttirc h»bv doj treighlni onh "iie pound live ennfft ii?s been bom to :in--.ra!-old Ruby Onuley. hrv.pitai authoring vi id today. The haby. ram in a special erne urn' 'It rw>rf»cl in every way." »aid hi* Uther. Edwin Greaslcy. 30— A
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  • 152 1 N. Korea resumes fighting in the U.S. sector VI hi I Mud. North Korra resumed bjaa iilr acts in the American ■ectaf «>( Korea's western front last nichl breaking a one-day lull during the Lunar Nou \ctr Mm nt tic .'ml t S In finlrv IlnisMin reprlled four intrusion
    AP  -  152 words
  • 29 1 B\AMOK< )K U/i d I'iilire i hen- i.nd -pi/pd opium it £8 000). They arrested 'iie owner of the bu'lclinu and 18 merchants found on the piemi>e.-
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  • 722 1 KUALA LUMPUR. Wednesday. IENCiKU Abdul Rahman today said there would be no abrogation of the Anglo-Malaysian defence treaty but its terms must be modified to suit defence arrangements due to the accelerated pull-out of British troops 'A review muM lead t,i a
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  • 50 1 i INOKOK Wed An mudenMfled twin-engined' aircraft viol.iipd Thai .ill spare over north ■eamrn Nongkoal '<>wn on th«> Laotian border vevertiav and liiMi at ih:ce Thai Air Force lighters sent to luierrept It Til* aircraft, believed to be owned by opium .miißßleis. escaped into ia<>- Rauter
    Reuter  -  50 words
  • 45 1 £100 mil. loss by rats MANILA Wed. A ral piilauon explosion In the P ulippmes Is causing tremendom damage tc agnrultur»l coty estimated at more than £100 million a year. The number of r«is In the count :y Is e.vlmaied at about 400 nulllnn Reuter
    Reuter  -  45 words
  • 108 1 BANGKOK, Wed— Thai pnlire l.i >t Sunday i mi mini up 1 Communist Misprc-lv m< ludinc a man u.inlrd by Ihe Malaysian (•ovrrnmrnt. in a village-io-\ill.»cr nrcap of the southern Yala Province, police reports today said. Thr reports identified the man M Ah Liang.
    Reuter  -  108 words
  • 200 1 Youth brought back from frozen death \loscow. Wed. Tass aewa agency reported today from Novosibirsk that docton had re animated an IS-ycar-old youth who "frose to death" on a winter night in Siberia. Tnr youth \i .!!'•]> NovU n *a> loand o< low zero weather wearing i Ugh) tit erco
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  • 21 1 MADRID. Wed I Mrd hai c bei tii^ menux ol f ntectlon ol AnUnaia anihMtncmi heie Reiner
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  • 42 1 Bonn and Tito friends again BELGRAI Yugos Wi -t Qertnai lomatic relatl in yi ars, It nounced hen I he v mem .'.j> i and ths li. !i ICI til Cabinet NO (HOH E Belgrade In Communist _'i\ i mm l PI
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  • 4 1 Chinese, Indons in da
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  • Article, Illustration
    36 1 I4ICON Wfd <.en nrstmnreUnd «ait! the I in Sai««n .md othrr ritien were aimed at drawinc attention away (rum South Vietnam^ northern frontier, where M.nnn Nnrth Vietm tionp* are prepared for >f orTen^ire— l'Pl
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 58 1 For Clear Comfortable Consult C. S. CHONG O. D EVERBRIGHT OPTICAL CO. 19. Chulia Street. Singapore. 1. Jar ESSO EXTRA GASOLINE New Power-Boosted Esso I \tra l.( leans >onr carlnircttor. 2. Neatnlizes harmful engine deposits. 3. Gives your car ini|)ro\cd pick-up. Stop at your Esso dealer today and ask him
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    • 66 1 THORENS TD 150 AB 320 liov 50< p i diftrrcnt approach to top ptrtormanca Noolhr. t,,n»<r.ptK.r. motor can m teh THORCNS y.^VjwW^BW JEBSEN JESSEN (S) LTD. J- I. A«.n IHIUMI.C. BK, S r I 'ssgJ. At home or on the g0... Superior i, quality mWSM Z makes ™J HITACHI transistor
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    • 236 2 'No bang 9 New Year In HK as Govt bans crackers ||UN«. K«»N«. Weil ih, I olmi\\ Innesr >es terd.i\ 1 ilfhraleil one of its quietest 1 tollow in; .1 du\ iiiiiiiriit liui on .ill lioikInsli.ul of I lie usual ilin oi c\|iioiiiii- Ireeracfcer*. IBM \i'.n "I I
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    • 8 2 /f-l If I
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    • 166 2 warns trouble makers Indira VKW DELHI, Wed. Mis. Indira Gandhi said today that the (i o v t r ument would chal linnly witli Uiom who tried lo create un atmosphere Ol lawlessness and anarchy in the country. w.i.- uddre.ssinx a nu'ftluK "v the anniveratta o| m.i haiiu.i CiaiMlhl which
      Reuter  -  166 words
    • 800 2 SUEZ TO STAY CLOSED NOW A NEW FLARE-UP ON THE CANAL TIIK Eg 3 pt ia n Foreign Ministry said last night that Egypt had been forced to suspend operations to free 15 ships napped in the Su< Canal as a result of an Israeli attack earlier in the day.
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    • 261 2 'MOR EASIANS FOR AUSTRALIA' CALL GETS BACKING CANBERRA. Wednesday. THE Associated Chambers of Commerce of Australia yesterday called for Australia to ■ccepi more Asian migrants. However, the figure should not be as high aa the 5.000 to o.ooii recently suggested by the Director of Melbourne's V Bin Hall Research Institute.
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    • 101 2 I is \ka. Wed Petrol stations :n .(II the mam centres ■>; /.ambia ran dry today as the country s luel crisis worsened Prom <mi.\. gtnnnng. i r.wt\ ,ii \.i.n mnriih i>»tiiff ttatioai tiipn nb^ndoned tbstr i«r> and nolked to work.
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    • 44 2 POR I HARCOHHI Wl Federal Nigerian bomber- raided th* town of It ii. 44 niUei DOfth-WMI of Calabar near !h» Camernun border '.at week killing four people and seriously wounding NWII other* at the Pre«bvterl«n ho«pttal according to report* reaching here Renter
      Reuter  -  44 words
    • 32 2 KHAH'IOI'M. Wed. RU.N.MS is l<> help build up the Sud.<ne»e Vi Fine ,mrl N.nv under an siveemrn' rltirinc I rt- rtv vist< lo Ifoaeo* hv Defence Minister ACam Nadibo. Reuter
      Reuter  -  32 words
    • 144 2 DORT LOUS MiuriU „«> \\>d— Security forces enforced a dusk-lu-dawn curfew on this racial!) disturbed city last night and seized 36 MnloUiv cocktail petrol bombs in a Creole district. One curfew -breaker nj, arrested n»-»r the Prime Minister's residence after the police fired two warnlnß
      Reuter  -  144 words
    • 57 2 IX3NDON Wfd Balonrss Agnps dr BtOSCkl mho turned wining at 78 and wrote t|,p beatselling The Life of Madame i) u Barry at l*r Rge of 01. died today a- her cottage home nn 'he Duke of Kent 1 e.smte at iver The haronew known in the
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    • 361 2 JAKARTA, Wednesday INDONESIAN ><»uths 1 yesterday railed fe* Investigation «>f two high-ranking A r m y (ienerals close t«i the acting President. Cien. Suharto, and a Customs official on charges <>f corruption They told the At-torney-General to investigate Ma.j.-(ien. Sutouo head of
      AP  -  361 words
    • 26 2 TANANARIVE. Wvd Th« death toll in \tadaBa<-ca; frTn tropical storm Georgette tiM icahifd with thousands of people homi laipsi rrports h^r» Renter.
      Reuter  -  26 words
    • 7 2 DACCA v. > n j sn.
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    • 290 3 Sylvette of France wins cover girl com LO\IK)\ \\<.i SylvetU HI.IIU. ill-MMr-ll|(l bloiulr ir.piii Mlii. I r.iriLf. w.^ last my 111 i Ini-i n is thr Int'-rn.iliiinal (n\er (iirl of pitiX in a 15-na-tion i iimpi ulion SI < OND place wrnt to B.i«eru \.f-cijj. &B-year-ol house uilr from Oslo
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    • 11 3 r>feni i tm ton to Mr R«»v MrN»m»ra R*uter.
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    • 242 3 THE NEW NIZAM MAY LOSE HIS MILLIONS... NEW DELHI, Wedm THE new Nizam of Hyderabad, who hm> into rited the gold, jewels and trusi n nit ol the rich* si men in the world, may lobe the fortune be a court decision. Th' Andhra Pradesh Huh Court quashed the Indian
      Reuter  -  242 words
    • 60 3 >'EVV YORK. Wrd. I A portrait has been tl.jwn in pen and ink by a computer. Ihe coniptiur took am ful look papa >>: v,> w a Di in inaki a the pi value* into electrical nvi ni Th* portraii hy tl ne
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    • 27 3 P' I ISBI I'l iH W I ki (I i i).'"c j. here today aboul jo utbm parently cauHd til ill Reuter
      Reuter  -  27 words
    • 26 3 Hi iMt Wtri. Usln rs had to pull fu. spar) .'ln n brawta broke ou; (lunim :i tleb-itc in the Italian brnate last night.
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    • 21 3 Anna Shchftmlna Russia ftrsl d trip >ailor and worked 'vr uav up t*r of an oemn-goinu »hlp.
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    • 139 3 rpOULON, Wed— lnder K. u.ilrr explorer tuti, x-Yve.s < uuslcau ><•>- -trrclay went lo the hot lorn of tin- Mediterranean Sea hut failed to find the missing I rinch submarine Mincrvr. I hi- Na\ s.iid there was no hope its .">- crew Him would
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    • 236 3 CREW OF CAPTURED SHIP BEING PROPERLY TREATED, SAYS REPORT today, that it had received reports that th? crew of the Pueblo were bung properly treated and thr wounded cared tof At. the White House. Pres.s Secretary George Christian would not evaluate the reports or •ay whether their source was reliable.
      Reuter  -  236 words
    • 160 3 NEW DELHI. Wednesday. COUTH African* who arrived yesterday for tomorrows opening of the United Nations Conference on Trade mid Development are being segregated for their own security, an Indian Government .spokesman said. A complete floor Of MyhOTC, one of Delhi s newest official
      Reuter  -  160 words
    • 54 3 AUCKLAND. Wed. The Waikato Skindtvers Club complained today that the New Zealand Air Force had been using them for bombing practice. The club said one plane had dropped five bomb.- around their launch is t.hey avail near volcanic White Isl'ind. No m.iurtes were reported The air force said
      UPI  -  54 words
    • 29 3 i onlxjn. Wed. Mr. Sydney Btlverman 73-ycyr-t.lcJ lrltuiriß crusader In p.iiiument tor tlir imst 32 vrar.s >'U in homital yesterday following itrake that doctora described v relatively
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    • 56 3 MOSCOW. Wed. Two mm ronucted of opposing CommuniM China .s cultural revoiuiion were executed following lrle\isrU trial in Peking on Sunday. Tass reported The agency &aid the two anmng 11 people cunvicted at a trial in Peking's biggest stadium. It did not mention the fate
      Reuter  -  56 words
    • 388 3 COUNCIL MEMBERS TO CONTINUE TALKS NEW YORK. Wednesday INFORMAL United Nations Security Council discussions on the Pueblo incident yesterday appeared to have stalled with no indication of progress towards a settlement. Thr members consulted In private in the morning and agr^d to continue their talks
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    • 103 3 \EW YOUR. Wed. American actress I.i tricia Neal arrived herr by air last nit; 'it from London to re.iunic her film, career after a threeyear fi«ht hack to health. The 42-year -old Academy Award -winning actress 1 starts rehearsals !i er e next week
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    • 139 3 ¥ON DON. Wed. F t) r m c r British business tycoon John Bloom, whose now defunct washing machlne empire made him a millionaii' 30, was arrested last night and charged in court today with fraud. Bloom washli dour to d' i £10$ capital
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 142 2 Test drive CORTINA now prove that Cortina is better value than ever North, south, east or west, you won't do better than 'ortina for proven performance and value. It makes real road sense m slip behind ilie wheel and iiei the feel of Cortina because Cortina's f Jr^T m T
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    • 124 2 w jHii^AJ 11,I 1 rT^fis! Sum..,-. pciiM\c im.ilik dvi unik most i I hcic\ noth it Ms c\ir.i smooth i.. v unless >ou \c ncci ined it hcioie. BURNETT'S WHITE SATIN LONDON DRY GIN Gelling Up Nighls Makes Men Feel Old Before Their Time Noihtnr can m«k» you f*»l so
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 27 3 T74E gAMSOLS -4 #»>r4&46— %touiD voj uk£ me to put) /&p voli'c?^ wot tavim«N V*2E£p<toTU»JK>uS) \gEgTAUBAMT?; V^ (^f) La >^ ft h I w^ L I Ik. r^^B^a\
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  • 82 4 SINGAPORE. Wed— A qualifying test in the Malay medium for Singapore private candidates intending to sit for the Malaysia Certilicate of Education i Malay medium > examination In 1969 or subsequent years will be held on OC 29 this year Those who lU to sit for
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  • 50 4 t-INGAPORE' Wr<] An overhead pedestnan bridge ai 10 1 m s Bukit Timah R< ad will be erected at 1 a.m. on Sunday, and half of Bukit Timah Road between 10 m> and 11 in .s will b* 1 closed to uaflic ban l t(j 3 n m
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  • 28 4 BWOAPOM Wed The MuuMiy of Culture field c, tfci* will give (pc fltan 730 pm at Jalan Arm, Kampong Loyaiif;. Tlio Menf School, and Kampong Buhni
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  • 144 4 SINGAPORE Wednesday. Till-! Public Works Department anti-flood project in the Alexandra aim is almost completed. The project involved the widening, deepening and straightening of the Alexandra canal from Queens Circus to Kirn Seng Road bridge a distance of 12,950 feet. Both Mdos of thr canal have
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  • 167 4 ETV for today *|<ODAY S educational TV for schools on Channel > Is at follows: 750 am 8 10 a.m.. Mathematics. Se< 1: Introduction— shapes and sizes; 8 30 8 50. Oeneral Science, Sec 2: Chemicals from the sea-salts. 9 05 9 25. National language. Sec. 2; Trmasha Sukan. 9
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  • 160 4 SINGAPORE, Wed —President Yusof bin Ishak and his wifo. Puan Noor I.shah will be the guests-of-honour at the South-east Asian charity premiert' of ♦ho <!45 million musical extravaganza "CamPlof to be held at the Lido Cinema on Feb 14. It l& organised Dy the V's
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  • 70 4 SINGAPORE. Wed The Adult Education Board l.s orRaniMnn a foui -month course In Elementary Drama Mrs Gratia Tav-Chee will be the Instructress Classes will be held every Tuesday from 6 45 to 8 15 pm The medium of instruction will be English The fee is $15 per
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  • 59 4 SINGAPORE. Wed The Chinese YMCA and the International Folk Dance Club have organised a ten-sesylon "Chinese and Philippine Folk Dance" course from Feb 27 to March 3P. to be held at the Chinese YMCA at South Pier The fee for the course is $10 for
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  • 209 4 'MUSICAL CRUSADE' BEGINS TODAY SINGAPORE Wed Two noted American youth leaders. Bob Larson and P.v Kddir Wilson will Jointly sta^f .i [our-nlght "musical crusade" ai :!ie Hngapore Conference Hall bi -iiMiiinK from tomorrow. Both Mr. Larson and Rev. Wilson arc accomplished musician* and havr madr several rrcording.^. Mr Lanon itarted
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  • 364 4 LONDON. Wed Yes>terda\ < 1 me middle prices of selected .siock.s not including stamp dut> wer»: RUBBER LONDON. Wed Spot 16' d March 16 .d. April 16 13 16d. May 17 1 lfld April May 17 1 16 d July Sept I7>jd. Ort Dec. 17", d Jmi Marrh
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  • 249 4 SINGAPORE. Wed—Professor miil Hussain Alatas. head of Malay studies at the I'niversity of Singapore viid this evening that Singapore and Malaysia should "welcome all trends in art that appca! to our sense of beauty, the sacred, the divine and the tender." "Our Asian tradition."
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  • 44 4 SINGAPORE Wed— Dr RN Gardner. Professor of Law anrl International Organisation at Columbia University, will --peak on "The Role of the United Nations In Trade and Development" at the Rotary Club of Singapore luncheon meeting a' the Cathay Hotel on Feh 7
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 465 4 GRAND CHARITY PREMIERE m f INCHE YUSOF BIN ISHAK CUB Of bPCRE ,Beto Chapter/ I>II)O Singapore .^HHBHHM •^hW WED 14th FEB. '68. L. *^B •t«.30..m. |k^.!?^flß CHE '^■T hP i^i-'sMHHY MOST HME^^ftfi M BEAUTIFUL <■« Wk MUSICAL W Wr^'^i 11 LOVF m? II B STORY \s\ M /fl V EVER!
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    • 191 4 IMMUNISATION JABS MM.APOKE. Wed.— The city mobile imrnuimatiitii team will tarry out a further programme of immunisations against smallpox, diphtheria, tetanus, whoopinit cough and poliomyelitis tomorrow at Duxton Plain community centre in Cantonment Road. _f THE WONDERFUL I LEMON SISTERS I M international recording stars sing pops, m M ballads,
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    • 593 4 HBfBtfBHnDaiBKI^EiajBKS/B] I CATHAY OROANISATION WV CMINIiI FtTIONt A XOHQ WHH rarSjftn&nD'BTSl'VnStß/IXMB I ALL THtATRIi NO f»ft LIST I CASH BOOKINGS ONLY NOW SHOWING' 1 II am. 1 30. 4, l; 1 30, 4 44' I 6 10 A 9 I»pm t 9 30pm KINGS AROUNI) IHE WORLb I Jon Arrwcnc
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  • 281 5 Fighting the floods IMPROVEMENT WORK BEING CARRIED OUT ON SUNGEI KALLANG NGAPORE, Wednesday. pU>UDL\G in the Pctong Pasir and Toa Payoh area will be considerably reduced when extension oi the Sungci Kallang imtnent work, now being carried out by the Public Works Department, is completed by 1970. A P.W.D. spokesman
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  • 49 5 Malay co-op to build 15,000 flats in Penang p 1 rafive 1 up plans to build total- 1- withal 13 Ann' the c'lHirm- Hwi R.M. Zainul Ab'fiin. > the d an I If, \< ihtre no puW- wnuld submit It* th? City Council. og and Pro :iins to buy nifin-
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  • 178 5 Securicor chief due tomorrow on 12-day visit KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. The chairman of the Securicor group of companies in Lonaon. Malaysia, and Sinpapore, Sir Philip Margetson. will arrive here on Friday for a 12-day visit to Malaysia. While here, he will hold r exe(i top officials both in the private
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  • 149 5 BRUNEI town. Wednesday. TO Dr Chri« Barnard with love That is whrre 10-year-old Lav Kah Wye sent almos-t ill her Chinese New Year pocket money this Sh< wrote to thp lamous (eon in Cape I think you are l vdt\ in the news papers
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  • 5 5 ■jilting annual
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  • 11 5 sniAWAN wed :ih\< brrn up here in riinr will]
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  • 10 5 BLKI i Ml turned v r held here
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  • 254 5 rvHE technical co- operation agreement between Malaysia and West Germany which was signed in Bonn last week was the third to be concluded between the two countries. The lir t was the promotion ai.d reciprocal pt"--ol Inve tmentE agreement In December. 1965.
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  • 38 5 Nlßo.Mi IbEAI. Wrrl. •rut utT.tPr i Wrriß. h^i ranaferrad to Penang v in c Mcr< ;^r\ t<i tiir chiel M.nustPr Hr i.s bfiiiK Micrrrdrd Oy Mr. B N..>laia dh ta AasMaaM Stale ;v.
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  • 158 5 Millers in Kedah pay above Govt price for padi A LOR SIAK. Wed. Krd.ih rice millers are offrrint I<> buy p.idi at 121 <t picul >."> more thr (.nxcrnnienlguaranlerri price of $16. "This is the highest price we have offered >h far." Mr Chew Brow iiu.m .< lo.ulin^ miller,
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  • 122 5 IPOH. Wed The Perak State dovei mnciu lit civine luiaiicial Hatetance In .'(i Muslim pilcrinis. includinc three women going to Mecca this twice as many as last year. I left) pil»nm ill receive S.">tMl Che pilgrims include mosque otlicials. k.impniiK headmen and unpaid
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 110 5 BPS NETWORK GROWS and GROWS and GROWS Now there are another three BP service stations-waiting to serve you with Supermix. Remember! Only BP can offer you 5 blends of petrol the right blend at the right price. Drive in today at any of these three new BP service stations get
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 47 5 Huy* Hunnu **y Haiph HointdaM 1 PETUSiASI K-TWEN -T SAD-^v I K-DID VOuX I O'ON'T S ORIVINJ' VAXKITV-BLA-y SEE HER UMJ IT,BT|aM ul TUE\ S/& ME WACKY J^t r--^ MAIRDO- J ft.' t^esjvax-J SAD, 9»A- A WITM THAT I /4AT£ j j v BIA-81-A-/^ V BUA-VA<-y I
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  • 389 6  - Tapioca again becoming a major Perak industry P. C SHIVAOAS LOW RUBBER, TIN PRICES LEAD TO A CHANGE OF HEART BY GOVT B, JPOH Wed. Tapioca appears to be coming into its own again as a major industry in Perak. Several new mills manufacturing tapioca flour and other flour byproducts,
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  • 57 6 lOHORE BAHRU. Wed Police here have launcher* a campaign to rid the town of secret society gangsters. Ye.v-cid.iv Reserve I'm! men raided v m Kamponz Pabaag belied •<> br the hidesout tmm The Deputi OCPD total Mntvtmed. who led the r,.;d. said
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  • 42 6 LONDON. Wed— A ISM blue-and-rul Mala > a n stamp issued between I^'i'i and I*> tn waa >l»ci f<>r 1 2Mtt in sale of Com- monuralth stamps here \csterday. It was bought by Mr I Tavor. a London collator. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  42 words
  • 127 6 Police 'adopt' couple on mercy mission IHIMII. Wed. The po--1 lice have "adopted" .i Ro>al Malays'aAi Polirr inspector a) I Itis wife while the> are here on a m'^sinn of hopr with their M<k (hild. Ihe couple. Inspector and Mrs. Sohan Singh, of Kuahi I ii npur have brought thrir
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  • 40 6 IPOH. Wed. A Japinwe language r(a."-s it being nrgnm«M b. the I[>oh YMCA for it* members. Mias Sachiko Abe. a gntduute :he Ho»ci University Kill conduct the c'ass ■•n Mondays. Wednesday* and Fridays from next week.
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  • 319 6 Golden boy Abdullah: This is my secret FIRST MALAYSIAN TO WIN AWARD From Michaal Foong 1 ONDON, Tues. L Abdullah Hasbi bin Haji Hassan. 24, a student from Kedah, left here today for the United States with a highly prized gold medal among his belongings. It Is the Richard Pears
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  • 176 6 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. Fifteen hawkers, described by the police as the "stubborn ones", were arrested In a combined operation by the Selangor police and municipal officials for plying their trade at Petalinn Street on the eve of Chinese New Year. •"They refused to budge
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  • 25 6 SINGAPORE Wpd. The P and O liner Ch'nral will arrive here tomorrow from Hong Kong and leave the following day (or Britain.
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  • 141 6 BISHOP'S PLEDGE ON HARMONY l/l ANTAN. Wed. The Xi- imp of Kuala Lumpur, Monsignor D. Vendarnnn. la>t niuht assured the (Government that the Catholic community would help to pre?>*Tve inter-racial harmony in Malaysia. The Bi>hnp was speaking at a dinner held in connection with the opening of the 5200.000 St.
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  • 53 6 KIAI A I IMI' Ihe V.., ivsian H.m! i i committee. headed by Dh:o A'ln Kahappan. to draft a P tricttng Hindus mous marnace- 1 When the draft la complPte the onrauisation "HI a meetinc of the various Hindu bodir.-- in the country before submitting it
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  • 337 6  - An Irish 'chegu' conies to aid of needy students PADMAN GOPAL B, KOTA BHARU. Wednesd AFTER attending to the problems of Mala-. students in Ireland for about 112 years, an Irish schoolmaster is now here tackling some of the .social problems faced by pooier pupils. H<> Is Mr Ray Hall.
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  • 62 6 SINGAPORE. Wed.- There were no fatal traff>r accidents reported in Sir.eaP<>re during Chinese New Year. Police, however, reported a total Of 119 traffic accidents in the U hours, of which nine wore serious. Traffic i>. ap pealed to motorists to drive with care
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  • 50 6 Thugs hold up teacher „KAMPAR. Wed. A teacher Mr. Ronald Stanley Churma 35' who went to implicate a commotion on Mr at ne back of Ik.s hon Nawar. was held up by iw* armed robbers. The men broke 'iito the house by the bark door ai jewelllrv and four natch**
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  • 21 6 II'UM p., Tee. ir.mi .my***. v.umi (I dv communicH'iiiarak succeeding M than. wh<> ferrrd to tli- r'»rs In Kuala Lumpur.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 47 6 t COUPON B S■ 2 ONLY 3 TIMES DISTRIBUTORS LTD., fOfcl I MAIL ORDER DIVISION, itMPJ I TIMES HOUSE, RIVER VALLEY ROAD, SINGAPORE 9. I Please send me copy/copies of GAS COOKERY. \]y I I enclose cheque/ Money Order lor M$ post free. Name Address I i««
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 281 6 Straits Times Crossword A<ROBS my! <6i. ti 1a mcluamg Conrad novel 8 Base purpose' (4) •bout o0 bftip* <9«. 14 Multiplies support to drania--10. ViKilant in a main line june- c critic on one point < 10 Uon to>. IS- Newcomers of little standing. 11. Bungiea Lear put back In
      281 words

  • 448 7  - The jets Britain will hand over to Singapore CHEONS YIP SENG AS RACK TO TRAIN PILOTS TO FLY THESE PLANES BEGINS— By How these two types of jet fighters compare in performance CI NG/i PORE Wed. Th. are the jet-fight-ers Mr. Lee Kuan Yrw talked about <m his return from
    448 words
  • 88 7 Keeping it within the family Bl KIT MERTAIAM Wed A man hi» wife »nd their von were elected to thiee top post* i at the annual rrx-fitnK of 'he 1 Cherok To'kun himrh of Pmnn vpsterriuv tnebfl Ihiahiirt bin Abdul HaliniHii pw: lmmentarv ■•pcrt•sm t" 11-.c Minis- rv of Health
    88 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 387 7 HIRE i EDGARS \1 recommend and supply the riuht ■Lalb CONVEYANCER IT FORK LIFT TRUCK for your ikhmls. jSBT _JM EDGARS M 4L the Materiata UvJieJ Handlins 1 1 5 j Specialists laaW il I" I with proven After k*L-Bbbl Salt's Scr\ iiv and 2^ JtafTl tomprt'hi'iisiNf pM^»> A W%
      387 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
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  • 9 8 mmmi dm i.van ki« ti mmt* N| Mir
    9 words
  • 34 8 I* Wmm tli i Miaiautw) -H.T. I I VIIWANATHA TIP 1-1 IN LOVING MIMOHV nf Mwian 'no pa»*<l «wav nr ■t KLOVIO HUIBAMU OM I«« An imr'i «r. »«rt» •»-i h» hi.
    34 words
  • 19 8 I tm in i h,«i»u«i UNIVERSITY or lINftAPORf h MORNINC EVfNINC. BLASMI all LIIHTI ani. rMIBHM I] c.
    19 words
  • 615 8 Thursday. February 1. 1968. The Narrow Bridge "Apparently a pietty Btriousl incident." said the White House Press Secretary when invited to comment on th.' happenings in Saigon M Tuesday night. Mr. George Chustian nd not exaggerate Whether the VietCOltg raiders cap'iiieo five of til<- six lloois of the American Kmbc
    615 words
  • 330 8 Singnporp < network of trade relations with Urn E«m Rump ertn countries has been ateadilj ever sincf Mr. Ijp* Kiiiin Yew pairi them a vi«it in I%*> at tlx I)°hcl uf a delegation including the Poreiga fnfritr and the Minister f Ol Culture and Social Affairs. Agreements
    330 words
  • 194 8 Inrioneaia'a acting President, Ci.-n. Suharto, is discovering that the removal of active opponents of his regime .imH the creation of H eadrc of lo'.al suppo.ters are two different operations. The Coinnunista and the left-wing nat. l in..lisLs wli,, f^el nostalgia t<ir the So»-karno days i>a.,:>tiK been got out
    194 words
  • 1489 8 THE latest stage of Britain's withdrawal from its old responsibilities had been on the horizon long enough for its possible implications to have been regularly discussed in Washington, with and without the Briti sh present in the room, over quite a period. But
    1,489 words
  • 470 8  -  LEIGH BOTTRELL by THULE base in Greenland, near where an American strategic Air Command B-52 has crashed entombing four hydrogen bombs beneath the Arctic Ice i.s the world's loneliest military post. Ii U more than Hi:<i miles insiae the Arctic Circle and a couple of
    470 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 230 8 S^WSMmWSMSMSJSJmWmWmmWm% Clis'ififd isTcrliwßcats fer Strait* Tim«« A Maiay Mail may ba handed to: COID ITONACt iur«i» MAiirrr COiO 1TOHA&I tIANCHIS COO*. JTO«I LTD. 'i..«i Qudy. T.m NIWS »«OMT twmorlcar. ->d. Ktowot Bobb. I* ITOKI. Monai Head, Sngaoora V KITNAtAMV a, CO, -luiui a •■ot. ito, Mum A.r»^, "^fangoon Gonfer>v '"-gopor*
      230 words
    • 53 8 The Renowned CUSTOM TAILORS Styles Cut to the Latest Fashions Hand Tailored Best Workmanship Also ImpertßM liporUn o» Hi«k Clan WonKdi I Waolkm. Sit Lf fth» of World I moxened Brand* FINTIX DORMIUIL. HUNT WINTERBOTHAM. WAIN SHIILL. A GLORIX Make Ideal Gifts for All Occasions. 21. Chul.B St., S'a«ra. Tel:
      53 words
    • 125 8 Bj[|BHßgaßp" ga^^"*^B^BV^H }Bj|* vt| ftJ *ffcaV^^ i_3jii*ri_ -a^^liaaaa! V^ «**^BbwB^^^^^^^^ Amy Wee of Harriet Hubbard Ayer, Paris, invites you to a complimentary facial atMICHELLE BEAUTY SALON SINGAPORE: 13-B, Battery Road. Tel: *****. BRANCH: 15, Kiliiney Road, Te1:*****6. MALACCA 60, Bunga Raj* Road, Tel: 3998. K. LUMPUR China Insurance Bldg.Tel: 88?33.
      125 words

  • 254 9 UMNO SQUABBLES OVER THE SELECTION OF CANDIDATES KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday. •JENGKU Abdul Rahman today called on long-standing Umno memben to stop squabbling over selection of candidates for the com :al election. In inaugurating the first Romanised issue of Merdeka, :!u ial wrrkly whirh has been
    254 words
  • 68 9 Perlis plans for Solidarity Week L NGAR Wed Perils 1 and ill Government buildings, p. ■shops .»ii(i commercl ighout Solid I •t < Btsdi nn r>'.> siieikli Ahmao at j v m 8 I mrm volun'srr "r--r hlldrei 111 be invited lr 'he lallv Thiouphout the we#k O d by
    68 words
  • 37 9 I MPING. Wed An or- tfm md a floml srn «ill k .ntuna r mi 3 |0 a ii. •.ntrrwtpd in tlicir skill .ns'tnTit the chairman Taiping CIO IBM Tsiping I' *n Onuncil
    37 words
  • 123 9 ITU ALA LUMFUB. Wed The Prime Minister. T c n c k v Abdul Kahman. has received an invitation ti» pay a State visit to Indonesia. I h<- Principal Aasastajsl Secretary M the Ministry <>f I nreign Affairs, Inche /..nnil \hi,lm bin
    123 words
  • 41 9 im he 1.-mail bin iioen elected preside. of its cooperative society. Inche Oiman Merican bin Ah■:::c..n. secntary of the commisMon l- vice-president, .md other offictala arc chairman. Mr, B.V. Ponaiah; secretary. Mr. Ooi Au Thua.i tieasurer. Mr.
    41 words
  • 37 9 IPOH. Wed Four jrouths lillini; .station Pu-el: here at 2 30 .i m pump valued The msti iinnn B K 40 waj>. awakened h; -OM ihrif. running a»»y and reported tc the polic«.
    37 words
  • 192 9 Chief Health Inspector retires after 40 years' service By GILBERT WOODEN: Seremban. Wednesday I^EGRI Bembiian'a Chief Health Inspector. Mr. A. K. Ratnam. who has retired after 40 years' service, said present-day health inspectors had an t-asier time than those of his days. "What with all the nice i.ew roads, bettor
    192 words
  • 60 9 ALOR STAR Wed A busi.n and Justice of the Ppao* Mr. Hrng Ouan. will distribute S2 ana pows' 'red parkp'..«-, anu Chinese Nfv Yen Rift parcels to 1.000 aged destitute* ban, Mr. 75. will p' make rhe distribution at the Keat Hv
    60 words
  • 295 9  - Disturbing sounds, challenging shapes in 'Lela Mayang' 001 CHENG GAIK By KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. Malaysian theatregoers can expect to have their senses filled with disturbing sounds and challenging shapes soon when the Malaysian Arts Theatre Group stage an experimental play. "Lela Mayang" The decor for the set* for the drama
    295 words
  • 433 9 AS Singaporeans ushrred in the Year of foe Monkey yesterday, a total of 34 lire* including three major ones kept firemen busy. They answered about 100 calls in the last 36 hours, starting with the hurning down of the Kllenborough market in New Bridge
    433 words
  • 197 9 POLICE are not rul- ing out arson in trie fire tnat united five I shophouses in Jalan Raja Laut last night the thud blaze here within 24 hours. lION i nan .<l» pcuDle were made bonteieai m the bla/e. which bfOkC out
    197 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 174 9 Enjoy your New Year in your new luxurious home THE MOST POPULAR HIGH CLASS RESIDENTIAL AREA HOLLAND GARDEN I 6 m.\. Holland Road, Singapore. (Neo. Moilond Grove Rd H SHOW HOUSE READY FOR INSPECTION 2-STCRfY 4 BEDROOMS. SEMI. DETACHED. Cor»»l«t» .<fh: """".IT* MOICIC If M.mitd Rooo Vtßi LOW DOWITPAYMENT LOANS
      174 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 861 9 ON YOUR TV AND RADIO TODAY TV MALAYSIA TV SINGAPURA <H.\NNEI- S Kuala Lumpur I Week; 7.35 Our M<n Hißßin.v CHANNEL S j iCantone&r Dart I IMS and I'maiis g Inoh and 8 News in Mandarin. HlO c p.M. ProaTsJBBM Sum- Clote MaUrra: 3 and 10 Johor* Weekly Maua/inc. 835
      861 words

  • 585 10 Can easily wide variety of uses Besides one can also look elegant in lace at all times J.11.T Lc LACE the current hot material in western haute couture is fast netting in on the local fashion scene. There is romance, and vanity in lace.
    585 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 76 10 i^lr^ Perfect beauty 1 x^> Z/><?(i most mcmoiahly expressed in I'frti. t 10^ rfl J\ finish Foundation Cream glides on f^ u JA smoother than silk and Invisible L I 1 A Veil Powder for a soft alluring J\ I complexion. Also, lipsticks in Vvte2E*3K$K /*ffc£iin iW) beautiful fashion shades
      76 words
    • 58 10 THIS THE GIRL IN SEARCH DREAM /■■S fete^. >■ wt. THIS i ID YASMIN Beautiful of Tv and the Singapore show world who dances for you in many moods in February s colourful issue ofjCy THIS 111 11 rr MALAYSIAN MISS WITH A YEN FOR ADVENTURE ABROAD Meet them and
      58 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1245 11 TO LIVERPBOL I WEST CBAST UK, OmS'pon Sam P Siia» Ptnang PATROCLUS rtrpaaL G>as|o» In PI Tim V, T n H i C »'R-out... n !n M*«ON racl. Claigoa fh 4 LVit»t«. H »»'t, Li»erpool C«n 11 Fel I FH Tl2 FHII n il.n 1 "-iirerßool Ftt II FH 13
      1,245 words
    • 2558 11 1 WMJBtiiMffi&AMim THEX.vXiUNES 1 I TMt lAST AS »t.J MRMMeVIM ►>c»jo'«»d« Iw""** EXCESS SAILINGS TO CEHO* NORTH CONTINENT SCUHDINAVI* i'DOfO Genoa Rdam H'burg Aarhus C'tujgeii PASADENA aI) FH 24 21 FH 2T/2I FH 71 2 Apr 1 Mr 11 Mr 15 Apr II Aft Jl MONCOIIA lij Mar 74 71
      2,558 words
    • 1151 11 teELLERMAN BUCKNALL S.S. CO., LTD. Sit OVEILLAf FOR OUTWARD SERVICE FROM UK CONTINENT. LOillßg tor: SiltgUK'-l P. SMI PMMIg CITY OF CUILBFORO Hivn, I t 73-24 THty 2 3 Fel 4 FH CITT OF ST. ALBANS Havre, io(i-on, Rotteroim. M.-Durg 11/11 FH 14 13 Ftl II Ftl CITY OF DUNDEE
      1,151 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 918 12 VI KAWASAKI RISEN KAISHA LTD. Western Australia Singapor* Japan Sarvlea T. lt u>, w .1 15 M I»l Jl'fll II Ftl t* FH IM 1 Ml I t Ma it Ma, Mil M MS. West Africa Singapore Japan Scrvle* BH > smiapufa futu^imi kom si'asn Mara Sailn II 11 Ftl
      918 words
    • 889 12 AUSTIAUA NEW 7UIANO SEIVICt I INDIA PAIISTAN INI fAX f IST SEIVICES t| laaaitilli Itislaat S«lir|. Tl: Milns aai Na*.a|ittiata Ptn«n| P. S'nam S'Du'l P. S him Ptr-sni OMHAII II Mai lAJULA 11/11 Fll 11 Ftl 23 frl far I »si aaaa anas irtt ajsn »»»»l» II II Mil w
      889 words
    • 781 12 itontlnurd rrom Page Si ACKNOWLEDGMENT It. Harsts lIS <*immum) MRS, TAN SIOK KOOI thanks In.-nrt. relatives. Ha. tor. or Waataa rhurrh ror their rondoi. and kind a-tendanre at funeral of ncr f<\ hintiand BBH He that r>elie\eth in me though he wen- dead \<-t t\\*U <<r live SITUATIONS VACANT
      781 words
    • 478 12 HOUSES AND LAND FOR SALE IS v <f 1 Vim. I— Box it tl,. •wtr* i MOST MODIRN MOUSIS have Cr ttall Hoim- \< irninws cr Naoo Louvres. ri of irrigations Wisa people check t"?ore they hgv PRCWAR TWO ITORIV TIfIRACI HOUIC Bl lo<i Thia' Terrare Kree\«"^«»ineni. Varant Poases.i.n Telephone
      478 words
    • 919 12 TUITION IS War4M <l S* rfs YWC A. MALAY CLASS for Mh eommenrinr 26* T» -c neehly SlO imemhers'. Sl5 non-memners i monthly. Enquiries: iS porn ***** 7T840. THI ACAOIMY S72A. Tanfcni Katana Raaa Sinxapara IS Prirate tuition Maths s.ntnaß llanrtann O'her M.n:e.-U Horn. Tuition arranneams Morning Afternoon t>tnml IMNH
      919 words
    • 628 12 FURNITURE IS m.rd, U r*lm.)—K»* <■»•• CAN! FOUMITURt ManufarMrsai iknork-down for »xpor» VtatJ Min«i 166 Batu Road. Kl. IM "i»« OFFICE EQUIPMENTS IS B)« r w, <« 'Km. i ffox J» r.i twtrm FOR SAL! OFFICf. FORMITORt MM 'hi n (i»«li« S rhairs I rnpr.narii all st»»i «\ailahl» latf Kfhniary.
      628 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 870 13 (•ntinurd from Pa(r 12. AT YOUR SERVICE SHOPPING GUIDE (Spere) l> »t4m M i*tm.)—B; t* ru. m n li Wmr4» W iMimt—Bm* M f Wt, in. trttdt lit door lii tMIMm r J T "*J, ■•■WILLta;* .h. OOCUMINI COPTINtt PLAN r P" om of *l*««nce »n>i t> in< Craft* orimtihu
      870 words
    • 415 13 MAJLIS AMANAH RA'AYAT (MARA) Biasiswa MARA untok Latehan Teknik 19S* 6» Permohonan ada-lah di-jemput darl Bumiputera >ang mempunya: kelayakan yang Matial untok menglkutl kursus Jurutunjok Latehan Kemahiran di-Neger: Oerraan Barat. selama 2 tahun dl-dalam lurusan benkut iai Perumahan i Building Trades (bi Elektrikal •ci Mekantkal Keluliivan iai Chalun2 mesti-lah berumor
      415 words
    • 605 13 BP MALAYSIA SDN. BHD. Applications are united fn>m suitably qualified Malaysian rttlWn.s i Female i (or the position of:- OSHDENTIAI. STF.NOiiRAPHFR Adt; Above 22 years Ql ALIFH ATIOSS: Ewentlal ill A good S C. C./ F M C or equlva- 1 lent. Good English Comprehension and loaid working knowledge of
      605 words
    • 1639 13 NOTICES PUBLIC APPOINTMENT HOUSINC A DEVELOPMENT NOTICE BOARD SABAH. MALAYSIA Rl -MM NHH TO LET lMfm nfV ELOPMINT Tenders are Invited for 21 n—» STAFF iiimmiiiii SnS" rTo. E pl l "l T U nT VaiS; A PP"-"™» »nvit*ci tor the Full, and Tender Form.. 000 are obtainable from
      1,639 words
    • 559 13 UJIAN KELAYAKAN -1968 DAN PERKi;CHUALIAN 1 DIMM KM II \K W !<•«». Satu Ujiar Ke!a\akan Mltok rhalimJ vain: wndfct n■ >:ambtl pepereksaan^ vane ter^sebui rii-l>awah rialam tahun lWi ak adakan pada han J9hb Okt.ibei I*** Jenls A Pepereksaan Snll PersekolHlmn ("aint. Jems B Peperek^aan Beraaim dan Sml Pelajaran M^;a\«!« P*r»ntar
      559 words

    • 416 14 RACING with Epsom Jeep l\ IPOH. winner of the Perak Derby in record time last year, did a splendid gallop on a fast track at Bukit Timah \rst«'rdav mtuning. The' brilliant six-year-old siayei from top trainer Rmus van Breukelen's Ipoh stables strode out stylishly over half a
      416 words
    • 220 14 Dl I BRMINATION, »hii kneludc top bowk i (i.iry Builum and Uy. won ill' Singapore ■•laasli .i tefcle'a Dptermlnatlon i-iunb«l to Hip top ip t only tiir nd 'ii the 'in y beat V un.iha TI by four l'.tmes tn n:l. Utagiyaii i i.k ii icompleted): iiuii.i'urn 2 I'l.
      220 words
    • 50 14 ApfßLis >imi^ contlnfent M prtatn tennln i.'^eibHii teami win mm' ■etlll i. South lliailfliul in Tins ah> Hiinounced tn Kangar by I lie Ifentn Be>;r. Tan Pri Ahmad Muliamed a' dinner eiven by the Knai» PeiliN Goodwill Committee i- 'lie Oovernor of seiul. Mr Cl
      50 words
    • 30 14 r \noii 'hr Trillin AWiul !!al>tll:.n Cup golf competition .'i 'hr Kedah lub Aim BUi yesterday tr who -cored ni ix-H' Abdul Hadi MohaiMd Yiismii by three Rtrokeß.
      30 words
    • 22 14 in.rr'.s Millh.ili ■< md wen oßclali t..r Mami.. todaj mprte in Ui<- I Asian championship on Feb. S 11 TENNIS
      22 words
    • 450 14  - Jalal the first time out champ LXX FOO SAN »> JALAL DERAN won the North Ma laysian Amateur golf title first time out beating Tan Yee Heam livv and four in the final at the Tiger Lane course. Ipoh. yesterday. Jalal. who will be 21 on Feb. 13, became the
      450 words
    • 109 14 "A 1 Medal Winner Tan Kok Kee mett BS back' runner-up ZaliuU Ablain nett 72i "A" Bogrv Mr: Othman Ibramni I back >; runner-up: C.V.L. Lee c ••B" Medal Wlnnei Singh melt 66' run: Haji Abdul Hamiri Kulip Yaacot] i nett 69 1 "B" Bo<rv Winner: ChooiiK
      109 words
    • 122 14 FAM Cup: Penang enter the q-finals Pl..V\Mi have been lu.mliil the F.\M Cup tic against I'erlis whirh was anandimiU after inrii minuU*s of the serond half last Sunday The 1 \>l i.iiipi> Committee, who mrt in Kuala Lumpur \e*lerda>. annnunrcd this decio.on after :,tudMnj; the referee's report Ihr (up
      122 words
    • 255 14 DR. K. DHARMARATNAM ol Malacca retained two titles in the Indo-Ceylonese tennis cnamplonghlpa whirh ended at Primes Roac! Kuala Lumpur, yesterdi maratnam rinner la>t yea: i Jayatllakß In tin on Tuesday, it was hla first In 11 years In this evnit Yesterday Dharman won the men's
      255 words
    • 44 14 AUCKLAND. Wrd Over- iirteni i in fUM round m the Auckland Invita'ton t«nnts tournament I Spain r Juan GMx-it I'Hlandi. 6-1, li-4. British squad membei iX*r Cn.ter went nut to lan Bevci lev «NZ) (i-3 7-B H-4 AI 1
      44 words
    • 24 14 FOAL 1)1 1 ]S !ia dropped :i I Ipoh trainer Rlnu* \;m Breukelen' mini tiled 31 hours later. Cornelia «as covaraxl by Blntang Sarawak.
      24 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 232 14 \\l\ Britannica... \l l/fjA- c mos t xN\ AIJ w idely-read i>^' -^?wWrP^^ '^^WBB^^B^aSIwKMB llli^^l^ fl 1 Encyclopaedia Britannica ...with MBMpldKaafrc :irlkUs...up-to-ilatc inf«»rm;ilion full trr:ifmcnt o suhjtcts... viH;il)iil;«r\ -building hm^uiijle. I MtraM In onlrnl OTPT S7.MO pagM 38 000 .>r:. i!cs. and 3C 000.000 In tfOM Mellon. r\oiv,<i|>.<l nil.
      232 words
    • 127 14 7Ae £Y£ T£sr fOX FvrntSG po<v.<\oh in PutTiSi&, first i LL" %^'iv A^ 6LiMg POSITION, THEH L^¥ ~^-^-«C p^ M ove onb h/\np tV7 f?//PKrV) FROMTHE CLUB AMP t^ni^^/^/\< f DROP ASi APPI TiONAiSlft "W X/ 60l F 3AIL 4TRA&HT i WS^^^A POWM FROM YOUR £YE I»Sk MINIMIZE MOveM£HT, Ibm.
      127 words

    7 words
  • 567 15 Rather stay out than mix... SOUTH AFRICA TELLS lOC From VERNON MORGAN RENOBLE. Wednesday. jjjOUTH AFRICA has told the International Olympic Committee it would rather stay out of the Olympic Games at Mexico ity this year than agree to integration in sport. This statement on South can sporting policy by
    Reuter  -  567 words
  • 240 15 Australia's support welcomed OPEN TENNIS I ONDON, W< istralia'a move In support of Open tennis was wrlconiod here yesterday by the secretary of the All-England Club Mai David Mills. "I bope \>tv much the Swedish pr backed by Australia w:il *'> through the Interna•lonal awn Tennis deraat his Wimbledon qua--"It
    240 words
  • 122 15 ■yjl IMM BNI Wed \melitMniotfr '.eorge Mart all \f^lrrd.iv offrrrd Killir .lean King and Marxarrt Smith nurt lucrative contrails to turn profr;w.innal M(( all i> helir\rd 1., hat* oflerrd Mr« Kine (HMN hir a l«inf«r mntract and .Mrs "iirt \>.* He
    Reuter  -  122 words
  • 68 15 MELBOURNE Wed J U dy Pollock. Australia's world rccn;d holder for -he 440 yards snn metres and 880 yarns yesterday announred her retirement from athletics beea-ise one is expect me h r fim b|lhv ln AuKl|Sf ti as n "oun<ed vesternav that the 2,-yeai-old athlete had
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • 161 15 F.A. CUP 'Saints 9 end Newport run I ONDON, Wed.— More than 146,000 spectators watched last nights four English F.A. Cup third round replays. Biggest crowd of the night, 54.075. saw Liverpool, who are third ln the First Division, swamp plucky Bournemouth, from Div. X by 4-1. Though Bournemouth again
    Reuter  -  161 words
  • 60 15 LONDON. Wed— The British Professional Golfers' A&.vwUtlon have decided to switch to the larger size of ball used in thr United States for all m^iiir tnurnaments under thru- <uriMiicti(.n during the nr- three years They have banned the 1.6J imhrs bnll which has been in general u.>-e in
    60 words
  • 354 15 VJYDNEY. Wed.-India lost thoir last four wickets for four runs on the fifth day of the fourth and final Test here today and Australia won by 144 runs to complete a 4-0 victory in the series. Bobby Simpson took three of the wirkp' only two runs as
    354 words
  • 118 15 TRAMP, TRAMP, TRAMP... ALL THE WAY TO MEXICO CITY fOUR GIRLS from Prague, C z c choslovakia. are walking 4,000 miles to Mexico City to see the Olympic Games in October. The girls factory technicians Zdenka Oprtrna and K v c s toslava Tarantova. electronics worker jarmila OcasIcavo and bot
    118 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 115 15 Skin Sores Cleared Pimples Go The vary first application of Nixodarm begins to clear away plmplas Ilka magic. Usa Nixodarm ton.<ht •ad you will soon sac your okln hefomlnj: soft, smooth and clear. Nixodarm Is a new discovery thai kills ■arms and parasites nn the >kn that causa r. ii.
      115 words
    • 395 15 I \f <<^s^tV »*.^m^»lpl!' bbbbbbbßLV V*--^ 1 i^^saaßßßßßaw. nw "T ■^*v- »^^xj j afll bbbbbbW v X bbbbbbW V< tall i >-' -T V BBBBBBbI .^a3 L Vkfc*. T- BBBBBBBB& BBBBa*. KM ■^F^^ bbbbHbbbK lßftW SI IL. J* bbbW i- •JBbV.\ IFii <^B^. 7^BKuL BBBBBW AA B^BW BBBBT^^BBBBB HbK V^BBbJ^
      395 words

  • 395 16 WHITLAM: WE MUST INCLUDE JAKARTA IN THE NEW SET-IP mNUAPORE, Wed. Australias Opposi- J tion leader, Mr. E.G. i VVhitiani, today emphasised the desir- i ability oi expanding existing defence ar- aunts in SouthAsia could be done by Incorp oudI into regional defence aria- .saia. Heiernng io n..s talts witn
    395 words
  • 60 16 II IONCEICAO ALBERT 40»IPM ■l ruwd away on 31 Ihi M Road 4pm I at v ihurch ih*nc« to Bldadan. porr MADAM COH AIK NIO. tvlowl m Huay Hoon. panurd tviv on 31st January ltww at hrr I'anjanK Road. .-'•and '2 wm. .if Samo Ma lax Ma [htcn- la-law:
    60 words
  • 17 16 IN LOVING mcmorv i,f Goi «'tion« :i i «7 anally "I*"" 1 Ir»n and gnndrh
    17 words
  • 251 16 'Narrow bridge' now in Vietnam, says Wilson LONDON. Wednesday. THE Prime Minister, Mr. Harold Wilson, told Parliament yesterday that only a very narrow bridge now separated the Vietnam combatants from peace talks. Answering questions in the House of Commons, Mr. Wilson said Vietnam and Korea would undoubtedly be discussed on
    Reuter  -  251 words
  • 40 16 TEIUK ANSON. Wed The Convent bare win hold Us food and fun fair and lottery dia.v on Fi-b 3 and 4 In aid of its buildinj fund The lottery drawwill take place on Keb 4 at 4 pm.
    40 words
  • 170 16 'Neutral S-East Asia for dreamers only' OANGKOK. Wed. Mr. Anthony Barber, chairman of thp British Conservative Party, yesterday lashed out at the Labour Government's plans to withdraw from East of Suez and sharply criticised Tengku Abdul Rahmans plan to neutralise South-East Asia. He added that neutr.ilis ferenct h< b Ueved
    170 words
  • 202 16 Jakarta training offer by Indon naval chief 1/ t A L A LUMPUR, IV Ued The lndo nesian Navy is willing 1.1 train Malaysians at the Naval Staff College in Jakarta, the commandant of the college, ViceAdmiral K. Djelani, said here today. He MM spejkuiu to reporters uhen hr arrived
    202 words
  • 64 16 JAKARTA. Wed. Indoncsias acting President, Gen. Suharto, has ordered the immediate dispatch of SCJ tons of rice to Kampung piovincc, in Scuth Sumatra, where a number of people ;to reported to have starved tv death. This shipment will leave in the first week of February and be
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • 121 16 MANILA, Weil ok. l no near Manila inu erupting toda>. ejecting steam, red-hot rucks and mud up to '00 ft. in the air about once a minute The \olcano, which lies in the middle of 1.1.11 Lake about 45 miles south of here, killed
    121 words
  • 53 16 TROOPS ON LIVE-IN-UK-BUT-SttE-TdE-WORLD TRIP LONDON. Wed. Two companies 01 British Hoops w.ll lly to Singapore later this week tor exorcist':, under the Army's new "live in Britain but see the world" programme. Thr troops from the 2nd Royal Anglian Regiment of Southfvn Command will do six weeks of junglP training
    Reuter  -  53 words
  • 61 16 Tokyo wed. Jaawn's tallest building. thr 36-Mur.y K.i-rn .v < bU and tta drat suicide today. Houcr ..i.d a 28:' factory «oikcr threw hutu.rir from the I3th floor of tli<* buildine. which us due to b# complctrd in March. Thr iran T -xr.M.iru Kato.
    Reuter  -  61 words
  • 58 16 PBIANQ Wed. Tn Dopular;>r M i.iv ahorthand, I Halaj Shorthand In.-:itu;< 1 c a "Pesta Treagku i Malay Shorthand Cornwall Inche Abdul Rasind Anr.n. organiaer ol ah > tuanJ claaata f<>r Ifafcajra, amid today tin FcM.i would br open to all Ma- nd studenti .met members
    58 words
  • 312 16 'Prisoners beaten up and buried in secret graves on farm' LITTLE ROCK. Wed A RKAi*oAS State have suspended a searc for scores of bodies believed buried at Cun mins prison farm, pending ;i pathological rcpo on three skeletons unearthed two days ami. Police launched a fullscale investigation 011 the
    312 words
  • 117 16 Kosygin leaves India after 'useful talks 9 YEW DELHI. Wed.— The Soviet Prime Minister, Mr. Alexei Kosygin. left here this morning for Afghanistan after six-day visit which is expected to mcc r v a a c Indo-Soviet economic co-opera-tion and produce closer consultations between the two countries on International issues.
    Reuter  -  117 words
  • 24 16 LONI strike fore* crashed In .1 W< I nuclear i>>mb.s Thr c.'iuieil tn safety, Bui the four other ere* were kiiiod.
    24 words
  • 198 16 U.S. Navy plans $3,000 m new type assault ships ISHINGTON. Werl. The I S N.iv plana to build nciiU t SSI 000 million worth of battla->hip-si/c amphibious assault \csscls to iarry Marines, hrlii cipters and landing rralt lo arcai Ihe new ship>. ioalfM ted I.IIAs. would \astly itrfltT Marine
    AP  -  198 words
  • 119 16 VKW York, Wid. 1 .vo Justices of the from Sydney were convicted oy a raj court yestcron cliarges of •iracy to smugEJc(US)s22.s m i l lion worth of heroin from Hong Kong to the United St.. They are Charles T Bennett. 4G. engineer
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  • 20 16 M Ml) U !l>r ti niaht s UO. 1 "f the H( try following err ..ut-
    20 words
  • 32 16 Huh. n Ibrahim ...»>. t*en nflectru I the Umno \ol.lil club. Sltlawan division with Indie Moharaed Ah Hamid --pre Ident, Inchc Abdul R iv Ab- *erreind Incha Abdul Hamld
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