The Straits Times, 30 January 1968

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 31 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 150.000 The Straits Times The Niitiiiiml towsfiaper Estd. 1845 TUESDAY, JANUARY 30, lf»K8. 15 CENTS 18 CENTS IN.» Cmrtnrv) (010 Currtney) KDN 3104: M.( <I») IMII
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  • 331 1 Lee: This mild boom can continue with security gINGAPORE Alon. --The Prime .Minister, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, said today that Singapore wou'd continue to enjoy the present "mild boom"' for several years if the Republic arrived at "credible alternative security arrangements" to offset the British military pullout. .mi m a
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  • 303 1 Truce cancelled in the northern zone and bombing goes on SAIGON. Monday THE 36-hour New Year Tet truce in the five northern provinces of South Vietnam was cancelled abruptly today. A South Vietnamese Government communique said the reason tor the cancellation was a massive North Vietnamese build-up
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  • 409 1 Pueblo The talking goes on at UN UNITED NATIONS, Monday. I ITTLE prosped of early agreement was hi Id out todaj as the Security Council 1 prepared to ..sunn debate <m tin Pu crisis Intensive private consultations amon*. members were continuing this morning, with no him of any progress. Weekend
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  • 33 1 ASIIIM.IOV Mini Tkc Defence Itcp.u Imrnl said to d.»v (hat a number nf air s^ii. uli mis in (lie U.S. had heen alert eil for possible movement overseas because of the I'ueblo crisis
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  • 10 1 othei I Si I PI
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  • 418 1 Lost subs: Quakes to blame? VOVLON, Mon. \;«val cxprrls sug grstod today that violent underNpa earthquakes < n v I d have caused the Iciss of the French and Israeli submarines mis>ini; in the .Mediterranean. Ihe rTprrln patolcal out Hi. II I In- (ll^.l|)|)r 1 1 ancp "f the Ivr.icli
    Reuter  -  418 words
  • 358 1 Malaysia to Press for rubber buffer stock at New Delhi KUALA LUMPUR. Monday. 'j'HE Minister ol Commerce and Industry, Dr. Urn Bwee Ann. said today Malaysia would support all measures to stabilise prices ot primary commo ditios proposed at the Uiutad conference starting In New Delhi on Thursday. in particular
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  • 58 1 iokyo Mon. Japan dm iim more lo.nirtics than aay fount ij In the world ai'ei ,ii»United Bta*ea. ihanln la inp men Ihe Economic Plannuifl he a\fU';r ipendx 'iii .in < ittxiut si. Ml. a nion'li IMMIIU Bid .1- In' Kill- (.l.pcraua and hair-spray* In nati [rend irhlcti
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  • 26 1 PKINCE I. J«O0 A Chill .i) ix.l! lirrr vrvirtdai Indicate* ilipu- i)>'<-n i id |ioi oral 1 tob« in Pir-idrni Jolinrnm'n popularity UPI
    UPI  -  26 words
  • 47 1 Modem arms needed, says Razak 1/ U A L A LUMPUR, IV Mon Tun Abdui todaj f the nerd i<ir tin Malaysian Armed Forces Id be and re-equipped with modern with iv, h withdi i should The 7 [LKS Tun ma] aul would He Deput: 'iii Mi
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  • 9 1 (RMRFR Rl KMM I I MPIR ■quattei
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 111 1 MITSUBISHI A REFRIGERATORS FANS RADIO TELEVISION »ANOIIA*D« HI II 18-, fc CO.. ITD. ftfl >«•» k«M Umpur rxtuif fe«(«- j^BUl sfS*^ ■#W%^S^* > J| ELECTRIC timm no mainspring Tt.e driving force is t'ns tiny energy cell It gives steady elertnc power and steao/ «l«ctric accuracy) costs 50 and provides fui,
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    • 12 1 The Straits Times wishes all its Chinese readers Kong Hee Fatt Choy
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    • 77 1 CROCKETT A JONES NORTHAMPTON ENOUND II WE \J 12" IP RECORDS FOR LESS THAN THE PRICE OF ONE Bencf.t from this unique Philips music offer now! Buy any superb Philps gramophone the range extends from low-co xtels to luxury Hi-Fi equipment and we'll let you hove THREE o- i P
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    • 267 2 Security Council stays divided on Pueblo crisis tMIMI N\M«»N> M"" VlrmlH-io «.f Ihr Sf t uril .mil. I rrin.imril »h«.|.lv ihM.lril bttl infill on how tn with !!>•' Pufblo tffMa 'Mi fa) lon* pii\jlr MHaIUUMM lii^h .li|il..iii.ili< miiilir s.iul tlir pii'lilrili mi oiuiulu .«lr«l l| lillllkrlt l.i irlil
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    • 383 2 HAVANA, Monday T«HE Cuban CummuntSt Party i vterday announced the arrest and onming trial ol an antipai t\ group W'd by a veteran Communist leader for plot ling against 1' i i in c Minister Fidel Cast id's regime Two members ol Uu- party's ceutral ciiiiiiiilt
      Reuter  -  383 words
    • 25 2 JAKAR i Moo.- -Actlag Pretident suhai iii \Mi I B nn itifi Yuj t to 1 -.vo al the end of M .rrh
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    • 98 2 >'r U 111 1 .11 1, Moil. Ihr I presiilrnt of thr riehlhiiik Hindu Mahasabha Parly. Mr. Nttya Nara>an Hani-i ire. yrst^rdav proposed a five-man "collerlne diitatorship" for India ior 10 years. The dictatorship committee should consist of the President, thr Pri m r Minister,
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    • 8 2 Y'.rk i .-r c rnt <-j
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    • 4 2 •1 for
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    • 103 2 The bride in a cat suit -by designing Liz... |\i H o DUCING IJ» J I Inr. f.lslll.Hl pert. She rlesienrd thi* wedding drt-NN, a white fat suit uorn -inder a llourreil nH veil. It "as worn hv a model in Paris durinc a .spring shiiu Li/ Taylor and her
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    • 9 2 uiinrrd Toll gn ov ner*.— UP!
      UP  -  9 words
    • 225 3 'Tensions rise as the rich-poor gap widens' PINIVA, Mon. KM The widening gap between tne worid s rich and poor nations Is being accompanied by very visible signs ol rising social and political tensions m developing countries. 'I his wai .ling today by Dr Raul PreWaeh, Ury- general ol vie
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    • 135 3 Zanzibar to expel parents of absent girls ZANZIBAR. Mon The Zanzibar Government announced >rsterdav that all parents who have srnt daughters abroad, to the Middle East or India, to iv. id marrying Africans will be expelled. The decree, announced by Zanzibar President and firs; Vice-President of l.iru.ini.i Mr. Aheid K.i
      Reuter  -  135 words
    • 100 3 LONDON. Mon. Oreat Train Robber Charles Wll.soii w,k safely behind bars last mtihi after a brief scare thai an attempt had been madf> to free him for n ~'T'ind nine. Ui'uit-d in (Quebec iraday, «.t.s rwing driven from London A;nx>rt to Jail liv day
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    • 17 3 JAKARTA. Mon. A 14-man minitiK nlMkn arrived here jreauardsy to ,«ur\ry Invectmeni prospect* la lndonfs;a
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    • 109 3 Little Lei tang) Solomon. v o. trom Ntjuna. ;<n island In 'he Now I! c i) r i d c s. happily ipla.she.s paint on to paper It's a thing ih o couldn't do b< fore -he went to Melbourne tour months
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    • 169 3 'The first double heart valve operation' claim JO H A N NESBURG. Mon. -South African surgeons disclosed last night tney had carried out what they belirved was the worlds first double heart valve transplant operation. A statement lrom Johannesburg General Mo.-pnal ■aid the operation wj, performed by v team ol
      Reuter  -  169 words
    • 18 3 YORK Moo iN i nidnighi im iMKiii \bo eat ik.v no lias""* an mi trip
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    • 88 3 /IRKFNSBOKO (North <arolina). Mon. Ihe i:ianddauuhlrr of a former \V hl l c Hoiimdoorki'i'per is avh inn USBSMN for l'ic suit Mm ihi in l.mioln wore the BlgM he w.iv i> sa^siiuu (I Mm. J. Marvin Smith ! advertised t ln- suit lor
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    • 264 3 US AID: MORE THAN HALF FOR ASIA WASHINGTON, Monday. ASIAN countries wuuld receive more than half'of the U.S. $2.5 billion in new economic aid funds included in the budget submitted by President Johnson to Congress today. Most' of the US$24O million increase i development assistance programni> the Near East and
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    • 120 3 Murph the Surf in gun duel MIAMI BEACH Mun. J;u:k "Murph the Sur!" Murphy, who stole the Star Of India sapphire four years ago, was i'ilured m a Run battle with the police yesterday during an attempted burglary on a wealthy estate Murphy. 29. .served two vi an «>i a
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    • 28 3 JAMMU <ln ...i> Mon. A ii'ld mwi» in ilie lush mountains around the of Kashmir has taken 16 live, it «;i.-. reported yesterday. UPI.
      UPI  -  28 words
    • 407 3 Kosygin History will never forgive America... NIW VOKK. Mon. Soviet Prtmicr .\lc\ei KoNVjin said in an interview puhlivhed berc loda> that history would ntvir forgive the Tinted States for waging "this dirty war against Vietnam." He aKo bluntly warned that the Sovmi I nion would not jiernnt North Vietnam t
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 165 2 r^^jV NO DOWN PAYMENT .•C^ m only $27. per month ##^tf> Instalment Plan ji^'y" yg NATIONAL v •Sa^r" aaaaaaaaaaaaav saaaaaaHHl aaaaaaaV Js&Si afiar aaaal Hrfmn BBBsaaaW I :i'sfsi aaaar aaaaw <^^ ai^r^^^K^ Bal^P aaaaW V*_^j_W j l^'*»-, O^ Bssaaw?^^^^a^al 0) J^^^J""S^SQK3C2B •■•aa^a^BSSßßa kl >v NATIONAL "Jetcycle" means completely automatic defrosting:
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 114 3 1 SAM MIN ADVERTISING CO I Presents For the Is, iimi; i;\ kh in Malaysia INK MOM FASCINATING I NDER WATER BEAI Ills from Japan!!! rs IM'J* «fi* a. > < a *^sW*w aflßx afS? s7fW7m\)kmWmy JmWm^ LjL \\y- l(i*< *sLe Vl'led Attraction 'THK TR.M KI.KS (TV Artiste. Kadio Malaysia
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    • 245 3 "A funny thiny happened on the way to a Gin and Tonic." "What?" "I had to ask for Schweppes Tonic/ "If s the custom here." "What is?" SCHWEPPESMANSHIP-THE SIMPLE ART OF BKIN(; A (iOOI) MIXER f NIKKO PEN 1 Popular tha world ovar fg »i^ Wldaly utad throughout Malaysia and
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  • 359 4 SINGAPORE. Mon. He .said Yugoslav-Singa-pore trade was "negligible" now. but expressed confidence that it would grow. He pointed out that Yugoslavia had been buying from Singapore. although on v minor scale. He hoped that the recent contract for the supply of $7.5 million worth of cables
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  • 29 4 N -language exams SINOAPOHt Mon—Candidate (or the iniiional language public examinations may rt--gtster at the Examinations Division ol the Ministry of Fducatlon between Thursday. February 1 and Feb 23
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  • 94 4 SINGAPORE. Mvii An amendment to the KhooU regulations which has been gazetted provides that no collection of money will be made from pupils other than monthly fees, terminal fees, examination tees, foreign student deposits, and miscellaneous payments for textbooks. school magazines, educational publications, report books, stationery, concerts,
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  • 50 4 SINGAPORE. Mon A bunch of eight keys, a nail clipper and a mrtal tag with the word "champion" on It was found last Saturday night at the junction of Paya Lebar Road and Upper Paya Lebar Road The owner can claim the keys at the Central Police Station
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  • 206 4 SINGAPORE,*Monday. A USTRALIAxN opposition leader Mr. E.G. Whit- lam, who flew into Singapore from Manila this afternoon, said that a "large part" of his two-day talks with Mr. Lee Kuan Yew would be on the defence of the region in the wake of
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 275 4 M. 1 .1111 1":- OPENS TODAY! 5 SHOWS o. i> a m *****0700 9 15 p.m. NO FREE LIST NO INCREASE IN PRICES! \*KGolfl TH.EWSS INTERNATrONAi U^ INTRIGUE IN. t^W Hl^ mmy^^OKm M i 1 I Hi 6p* Mm JJ9I I k B^p<F T™/ pj MARIA PERSCHY (of 633 Squadron)*
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    • 177 4 .W.W.V.SVAV.V.W.W, BAN CHUAN CAFE BAR 374 Orchard Road Smgopore 9. i Tel. ***** Late afternoon music from 3.30 6.30 p.m. Music by B.C. Trio with vocalists Miss Cecilia Lim, Susana Toh and Judy to entertain you. Delicious Chinese and Luropcan Food available. FOUNTAIN NIGHT CLUB (Tel: *****0) Tonight Tomorrow Night
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    • 537 4 nnnpuiDWßispnoußnnDißn!) CATHAY ORGANISATION W^ WHMIS All IT« ■W CHINISI F»T»ONS roT«iimiau»iiJai— lWßßl ALL tMtATKt, HO FAfl LIST CASH BOOKINGS ONLY NOW SHOWING' S SHOWS AT 11 om 1.30, 4. 6 JO I 9 15 »m MGM'S "THt MERCENARitS _Rort r ■W^-^l^kTT^y.TH-1 ■■FT2IQjHJIhT> iJi_M NOW SHOWING' II am, 1 30. 4,
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  • 45 5 iron qi PPP, M: D R toddy that m* uill be hrlrl I An.paiiK. Kuala Lunipu. Un t-t-o 10. Ho Mid 'h«> party will contest thp pHiliampn'^ry «nd *taU tl ..<• i;nri«>rMii<xl thr Buki' I «ea'.£ vull in- contested.
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  • 23 5 \\< MOO. lhr PfBuridliiM mday Bt aool \uii hold IU 19th annlyenarj and riunr.vr Nr» Yesr party hpr* 1 <ti sunrt.iv
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  • 43 5 LA LI 111 R M:i Ml uiiimp.uyid BUD 1. 1! a charge ol ha\ ing iv hurt to a carptnl eoniplaiiiant Tap H f Yen, told the court, ton.. he and Tcow had come tc a Httiement outside court.
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  • 173 5 Kota Kinrbslu, Mon (JHINESE barbers are dun-. injf $6 for a haircut here for the New Year. The normal charge is 82.50. "It's our ang pow." they claim. .AH barber saloons hi the State are Chinese owned. Also working the big ang pow fleece are taxi
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  • 161 5 BRUNEI TOWN, Monday. DRUNETS 'once bitten twice shy" merchants are turning increasingly towards Singapore and Kuala Lumpur rather than Hong Kong lor trade. The reason is that recently many local traders have had a raw deal at the hands of Hong
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  • 142 5 POLICE 'ADOPT' YOUTH CLUB TPOH. Mon The New 1 Life Youth Club here, which aims to krep youths gainfully occupied and out of trouble, has been rev;ved after two years of inactivity Tiie police think the i rlub is a cood idea and have "adopted" it. said Mr Yau Kin
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  • 163 5 Unesco man here for talks on training Malaysians J^l ALA U.MPI R. Mon. A I iiimo hjdrolotical experi Is here to discuss with the Government the possibility of sen. ling Malaysians to trie I mted States and New Zealand to be trained as hydrolngists. He is i)r. Antoni P(iiln<inn-ki (above
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  • 181 5 MANILA, Mon. Dr. ITI Lim Kok Ann of Singapore drew his match last nicht with Filipino player Edgar do Castro in the twelfth round of the Heralco (Manila El»c--t ric Company i tlonal open chess tournament hero. The drawn game
    Reuter  -  181 words
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    • 231 5 t i- w^WaT^^^^^^*^B Bi^^^^^^^^^^ lawJt a t -i MBWaV <»«»*■ St> ■j« •■CJW jaß. S^_H aajgja_B| "y» iT*T"^awl »_JWBT Mai •1 I r rr ___2 j ___M_y|__ I **^s___f t -tt™ r a_W3L: f f 'tßy^^tyil 1 ran BWBWBWBWBWBWBWBWBWBWBWBWBWBWBWBWBWBWBWBWBWBWBWBWBWBWBWB_BWB IWB^ ____M I_l llt—T L l ___a. ls*>' la. **"TEV Wt
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous

  • 292 6 SINGAPORE. Mon. Till! chairman of flic Singapore AntiTuhcK ulosis Association, Mr. R.G. Bennett today said thai although the incidence of tuberculosis on the island was declining with the disease In ought under satisfactory control there was no room lor complae encv.
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  • 133 6 Last- minute shopping rush FAIRYLAND of glittering lights, people and wares. This was the scene in Singapore's Trengganu Street last night when last minute Chinese New Year shoppers went on the big rush. With the Year of the Monkey a few hours away, they jammed Chinatown streets making them impassable
    he Koon Chin  -  133 words
  • 110 6 Priva te in yes tmen t is the key: Bata SINGAPORE. Mon. BEFORE leaving Singapore after a three-day visit, Mr. Thomas Bata. head of the worldwide Bata Shoe Organisation, said private investment was the key to a continuing improvement in standards of living around the world. He added: "Official Investment
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  • 163 6 Al-OKE. Mon —The 0 Currency Act 19H7 la 'o be amenued so as to extend Ihe categories of ix- ti to include any -<■' which the CurUuarci. with t..' pioval of the President, deems suitable. :> one ol the ametulnwntl incorpoialed in &tutme* Amciiumtiii
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  • 193 6 A settlement in court 'in New Year spirit' SINGAPORE. Monday. 4 CIVIL dispute lixed for hearing before Mr. Justice Tan Ah Tah today was amicably settled In the spirit of the Chinese New Year. Mr S C. Chua. for two women business partners in the court action, told the Judjje:
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  • 81 6 BINGAPORE, Mon. A German hitch-hlki Peter G.iyrit-. charged with pn.>an automatic pistol and five roun I ammunition, was today l:iv< n a discharge by a magistrate's court. The Nlntl Mr. wanted the liischarKf a!!cr the Deputy Public Prosecutor, Mr Ton Wenu Cheong. withdrew all three charge
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  • 34 6 SINGAPORE, Mon. The Van Klerf Aquarium will remain open tomorrow and on Wednesday from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. for the convenience of the public during the Chinese New Year holidays.
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  • 189 6 Director: Firm has to earn loyalty of staff LMMiAPORE. Mun. Tht> Man tor of the I C ternational A ditionins: Comj Ltd., Mr A(; Caecavale today said the final sue Singapore's Lnd turn could only l>p achieved when workers, managi I the Oovernmeni can.' the full realisation that sue ultimately
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 56 6 ROAD SHOW BROADCASTS NNGAfOBE. Mon Pillows: Malay srrvirr. I! Mini Mncapur.i will 1130 a.m. tomorrow broadcast it* f rM road hinesr sprvirr: 4 p.m. vhmi ulmh was ittlrti .it on Saturday: Indian MTthc Sjimapurt- r in il \ioe: 10.30 a. m tomorrow: Karen li.iinine Institutr Knslish service. 4 p.m. on
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  • 1199 7  - The problems that Singapore shares with Malta RONALD RANSOM BY MALTA THE ANSWERS IN RETRAINING MEN AND CHANGING MACHINES THE visitor to Malta, seeing for the first time the barren, rocky island, what George Ber nard Shaw described as "the finest pile of stones I have ever seen", finds it
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 88 7 Only ONE tonic food drink has been OFFICIALLY appointed for the OLYMPIC GAMES in MEXICO in 7968* sM I I_O I ik^g^-2 So, here in Singapore and Malaysia, C^^^ At enjoy your favourite drink as the best athletes in the world vlPf WplEfcb 1)6^1^1^0-— NIT *««mt i jjs. W\M will
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  • 16 8 IS] BWbm WALK! M on ?TI» h formerly '•ink ftaaaa i >n i>«*d I nrt.r»y.
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  • 6 8 f M,.,W. |M Hkixmum Mm
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  • 676 8 The Straits Times Tuesday, January 30, 1968. Waiting For Moscow Asaarican scepticism that la\ing tlw Pueblo affair b«»--foirt the Tinted Nations w .11 do any good is proßaklj well founded. Yet it was th. right thing; It puts Mime tli. onus OH t i itics of Ameika. temporarily it takes
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  • 350 8 A thre«--day vwit ts Singapore by an Australian labour Party delegation provides very welcome opport unity for disciissmns on a wide MBfJi nl subjects of immediate interest to both countries. Defence, of course, will be foremost among thes*. but the accelei-Hted British pullout threntens to alter the regions
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  • 381 8  -  ROLAND PULLEN by PARIS The Folies' 100 th birthday Folies Bergere, Paris' most famous music hall is about t« celebrate its Kioth birthday. To mark the event SBOO.UOO (IS.) is beIn- spent to put on the most costly and dazzling show in the Follrs history. Mid
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    • 240 8 I REFER to comment 1 made by B. N. Wee appearing under "Engaged" (ST. Jan. 12 >, in which the writer mentioned that he and several other subscribers experienced difficulty in establishing their telephone calls. As he has raised some doubts as to whether the called
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    • 111 8 I-lEFORK we enter the festive Chinese New Year season, may I urge the authorities concerned to take steps against the firing of those tiny but dangerous rockets. Dwellers in the crowded CitJ» area have been planned by these rockets which have burnt holes In clothing set fire to
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    • 111 8 ffIAXI drivers in Nee A Soon village will not carry passengers into the garrison for under 11. This for a4O cent fare seems to be daylight robbery. Recently I called at the Nee Soon stand and on entering the raxi told the driver I wanted to go to
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  • 154 8 Alliance jubilation over the cuU-ome of the Baling Baiat State Assembly by-election in Kedah is understandable fiiiiiikih Kedah is the state to which the Pan-Malayan Islamic Party has given most attention in its endeavour to extend its political influence outs de K. lantan. On the i evidence of organisational
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  • 934 8  - The quiet man steps out of the shadows Alistair Cooke by NEW YORK CLARK CLIFFORD, the P r c sident's eh o i e'e to succeed Robert McNamara as Secretary of Defence, is one of those names that gradually fascinate and puzzle the foreign correspondent newly arrived in Washington. Hi*
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 322 8 Clissifiei aJrertitoNits fur Strait* Tim«« 4 Malay Mail may b« handed to: COLD JTORAGf SUn*-MA*RrT COID STOHA6I MANCHIS 1 ;l Hjv» citt *ook irmti no. MM. ISMAIL. Koqtf, MB*^ aoMb HAM 1M ITORI, > -,'ttrr Chanst Moad^ m Smoapara 17. V RITNASAMT I CO. Jnk>'< K»u, *.*.>-. W*(er. v musaiuk
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    • 131 8 #to) THE MANS FOR THOSi; 111 > IN. H^ I 111 lASTI OF CkMH) BRANDY Z>| for your favourite brandy V _^rfSs*-^«».' J I *5mP 1 nut Ik- sure \ou mix with I 7-Lp! Seven-Up knows how k> i j smooth your drink without Mf A smothoriiifc 1 the
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  • 223 9 The first $10,000 from S'pore citizens for defence T SINGAPORE. Monday. J Hh Defence Minister. Mr. Lim Kim San. today announced the ting-up of a Singapore Defence Fund to help buildup defence forces for the island's security. He made the announcement when he received the first cheque ir the fund
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  • 110 9 Okay—so all is well with parted family SINGAPORE. Mon. Just the word •■okay' brought a happy ending to a mamtci. today trate, Mr. Giam Chin Toon. Mr. Giam had toM K;rnail Sinßn. the husband and "All you have b take back your •he word Klrnai i m The n.. -:rui-k
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  • 117 9 Lottery booths pulled down Xl Al LI MPIK. M<«n Kixlit Ixiolhs -ollin^ Social and WeL'are Ser\ii«-s Lotteries Ko.rd ti<kets at various points in the town have been demolished since the mi plement.ition of the new traffic system on Jan. 12 A Municipal spokesman said today that the demolition had to
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  • 59 9 KUALA LUMPfR. Mon The legal adwser to the Serdang branch of the DAP Mr L S. Tan. has bee!, elected chairman of 'he newly-formed Damansaia constituency election committee Other ofl vicechairman. Mi Mm Khen Khm iry. Mr. Yap Plan Hon. ■ Hcretao Mr n k
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  • 18 9 ]]'<)}'. 11l n Tai. \t\\ lai. 7fi. unemployed, was knocked ar anc! kll'.erl a", 'he r.Ksar-Taiping sterday.
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  • 243 9 Mermaids arrive for four-day show THEY'LL DANCE IN A GLASS WATER TANK IN THF STAniUM NEGARA. KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. The AllJapanese Mermaids and Underwater Bailet troupe air.vcri here this morning for a four-day performance at the Stadium Negara, beginning tomorrow. The troupe, which comprises 11 women and 1 one man.
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  • 34 9 IP<)H. Mun. Twenty -mx inclucttßg me women •lth gambling in h ■hophouM in JaUn \ Kalsiim mi Saturday night pltaded net in the Magjscourt here tixlay. were allowed
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  • 75 9 KUALA I I'MPUR. Mon F«'. ne\i lawywi were tdmJtMd MauyUan Bar 'hl> i Ins bf Mr Justice Raja A?lan l..ey are: Mr. SaniTunl Nair. M. Naraynnan Mr. N\: inn Chri i.a. Mr Leong 7'ik Onn a;.d Mr n P Vijuidran Mr Narayanan a: d
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  • 302 9 'New landing fees will discourage buying of new planes...' KUALA LUMPUR. Monday. THE Singapore Governments recent in landing fees for commercial light aircraft will discourage operators from buying new models. This, one operator .said today, was because the nt-w light mod<U weighed a little more than 5.000 lt>. and
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  • 182 9 PERAK SURVEY TO BEGIN ON THURSDAY JPOH, Mon. Heads of selected households In the Ipoh. Taiping and Trluk Anson areas will be interviewed soon in a scio-economic survey. They will be asKed about the composition of the household, the employment and unemployment situation and the amenities and conveniences available This
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  • 115 9 CUNGSI I'M AM. Mon. The Prime Minister will :'.i\c ,i full si liciluli- when he visits Alor Star this -vi ■-k On Wednesday he will take part in a eolf iompet:tion for a cv? presented by him. He will later entertain the
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  • 55 9 Six MSA flight navigators return v;ingafoki: Man. Six MSA f;.«ht navigators have returned home after a 10-month course at the Oxford Air Training School. an Hui Kwan?. 2.i. Chun Uan T< n chin i Er Kial: Chy. 21 Mr Ei pl'it. in Borneo oulred r d by V.S okyo. part
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 102 9 r i Welcome the new year of the quick-witted monkey. A symbol of! wisdom and spirited agility. In legend, a god with supernatural power. A wondrous protector who speeds the happy hour. Of achievement and success in every endeavour. .Good cause for celebration, you will agree! So let the cracker
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 712 9 PON YOUR TV AND RADIO TODAY TV MALAYSIA TV SINGAPURA IH.4NNEI Kuala Lumpur rr\ Re\rng<\ 635 Fury tHANNKL 5 i Dynasty (Teorhfw. part 2>; and IVnaiu b lin>l> .<nd BOM On. 7 Nru.s in Qifthsh: 1 P.M.: Pr. granimr Summary; 8 Nrwi ;>n(l Newsreel n En Malacca; .<n<l m t.,\,,,<r
      712 words

    • 371 10  -  ROLAND CHOW HERE IS A SHORT NATURAL HAIRDO THE Chinese New Year is the big party season. And there are many ways in which a girl can look her feminine best One of the prettiest ways is to give a new twist to your
      371 words
    • 133 10 Shoes with stockings firmly stuck together A PATRIOTIC MM pair or shoes. Th«y come in red, white or blue. BUT get sore feet and you're in trouble. For with the shoo arc tteckings and both arc firmly stuck together. No subtly slipping them off under the table or in the
      133 words
    • 289 10 RE T R OSPECTIVE styles from the 1930's dominated the new looks on the Paris fashion scene this week. The long awaited drop In hemlines, scaled to the mldcalf length actually worn in the *****, was not In Leading couturiers such as Christian Dior.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 415 10 rZof 2||jtf si/ 1 trim i^ oil H^^^TShSrTOSnß^ JLW Wr' \rwSSr l^mA Take a 2 weeks Ocean After 4 dfl v sailing you'll b* Mm Holiday t. Honskong t %Z For your next lea\ 9 take a real of fresh air and P&O comfort holiday sail away on P& 0
      415 words
    • 128 10 IClii f Anyone knows Tampax tampons help you go all out for action. But what about the quiet corner of your hfe? Here are some of the "quiet" advantages of Tampax tampons. 1. You can sit for hours with no discomfort. 2. Whatever you wear, you're perfectly at ease. 3.
      128 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 987 11 Wish All Their Friends A Happy Prosperous I New Year JCHINC MIDI BRUNEI. SAIAH J^'USi" Xt r|Oj Kjait SkJI) L- Oaiu*. Tawau Ftk 1 stotNAK tor Brunei t t t RAJAH BROOKI XI tor M,n, &iii, tiii t]»M?"l^^ZZ ftl 2 PfRAR It r Ki.c'-ni UMANIS «t tor K K
      987 words
    • 520 11 THEIvXiUNES Mr Ii i I Tmeiastas*: BCOMMNVIM mco?o Oiwrl EXPWESS SAILINGS TO GENOA/WORTH COHTINEHT/SCAWDIHAVU Penang S'rwe IWM R dam H burg Aarhus C'hagen IARCODHA ai) Sailet la Part 31 Sailtl Mai 1 Mar II Mar 12 Mar II Mar II PASADENA 1 1) Fel 24 21 Fel 27 21 Fel
      520 words
    • 1119 11 1 Ben%line\ tmtSS StWVICE TO LONDON, LIVERPOOL t CONTIhENTU POUTS BENVANNOCH ft I -v 5 -in, ••njni G moi/ Mar 2J Ftl 5 I Rotttroam Apr 2 BENHIANT m Jg «j KNMHOt i Havre, A aerp, H our| •■-■iterdaiß ttt 4/1 mi I/1« Fit 11/11 *>-'«. Mori Ftl It N
      1,119 words
    • 291 11 feELLERMAN BUCKNALL S.S. CO., LTD. SU OVULUF FOR OUTWARD SERVICE FROM UJLCONIINENI. Lend ill tic SinppoK F*. Shm Pc*a)| CITT IF GUIICFORD Hivn. L"n, R ;iti, H'twr| 6 21-24/1 Ftk 2/1 Ft! 4 Frt CIU IF ST. HUNS Hivre, London, llottirtta. H«T6uf| 11/11 frt Ul5 Frl II Fit CITYOF DUNBEE
      291 words

  • 303 12 Nin LVINO ALONCtIOK TMf 0 $INCArORI H4RHOUR WHARVES 0« IXPECTtn TOOAV AMI: H|,|| Adam- I, CardiKJinah.rr MM Mv«» L'l 4 H"i Hou« 2'>. Kfninmu 21 -V s.m hai M M N^m V.m.naie 4« <! inn Lh U.W. I -I. And Srdrnak M IT. 3 TOMORROW I Chural
    303 words
  • 55 12 /-MINtSt Prortut- t.channe. Sin K av port, noon pnttl per picul yeitor- rlay Coconut oil: Iruin (•ill Copra. V!».-i 1f.0.b.l ii i. i•. v i: Pepper IfUBtM «l» .1 Lampoaa] blarK 1130 M-U ASIA SI.IL'S WllWl IOOK M.U »in«apora Coconut Oil MHieri- i »Hier«. I dr .-n <■•'.>
    55 words
  • 54 12 ON IHK otltdHl Malayan Short trim Mnnrv OJntll fm Hrn «i'i'k rtide-d sa|iitria«. lamina .'7. Ihr f.nisi' rail rMM was a* fu11.." R\\K H Mis I per rrnt to ."> |>rr rrnt i. KM K XI II Mlv nrr rent I to I prr i mi MOM MINTS
    54 words
  • 12 12 I*M£ AfttACiAfion at H 4nh% in Malay«ia t.«.|. IM ralM
    12 words
  • 26 12 11., Kubbrr: IX IXI <tv IM3S eU. Tin ».>«!. :>S S.-.51.1" Melhourru' Stocks Miiiimn iir Mart Kmmumi wm Inseti \i (lie Australia Day bOlkUy
    26 words
  • 21 12 .Lan 2!t. Rl BRER PRICE: CLOSED. TIN PRICE: 5555K2J (down 51. 25). Estimated offering 220 tons (down 15 tonsi
    21 words
  • 210 12 'IMII. Straits tin pri»r It'll 1 .innllicr IIJES in Ponaiiu M-slcr(la> to IMI.BI mi .in offrrinE estismatet] iswa IS ton* Jo SM tons. The market ua> quiet with I small support t specially from the I K MINING JOURNAL: Com- meriting on the
    210 words
  • 745 12 AFTER small business the stock Exchange of Mala>sia and Singapore cl.iseci at li 'so p.m. yestercliv for (he Chinese New »ear liolidavs The Exchange trading rooms will re-open on Frida>. the traditional day for the commencement of business after the Neu Year. Yesterday's close
    745 words
  • 33 12 Malayan St»< k BjApMO Jan. .'7. .Lin InduslriaN: 128.08 I .'x I". Pron*rtif»: ***** M.T.SII Mining*: 78.86 :x:i tl rubbers: 102.t>0 lii.'.fiO t Ore. 2!», 15»n-l imp. Dec. 30. 1!I66 inn.
    33 words
  • 845 12 Ul'KlNEttfl l\ \M» lEII'illtTIl) 111 Illr. SlVf.\rOßi: AMI M M X II Mn R IK\I)IN<. RO(IM< ol Illr ST(M K EXCHANGE VESTEKOAI WITH THK M MBt R nt BHABEI TR \HII» l\ RR Xl I n INDUSTRIALS Ben iim bo. (II Ml 4. I D II
    845 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 698 12 Y^ KAWASAKI KISEN KAISHA LTD. Western Australia /Singapore/ Japan Service ypy> >a »i]»L"im> "Inrllli'i Sa.lslFrl IS 11 Fel 24 Fel 75 Fel 71 FM -Tlrra Tiraj' ?S Ftl 1 Mw I; I Hai Ii Mai It Mai MM* West Afrlea/ Singapore /Japan Service »-j a s "jHi tomr'ama »u»t "Neiliat
      698 words
    • 898 12 AUSTRALIA NEW ZEALAND SERVICE INDIA. PAKISTAN AND FAR EAST SERVICES > Tl Ttwas.ille. trislaat. Sftaet. Tl: Mlfras Nataaattiaaai Penan| P. S• am Spore Spoie P S Pe-.ri lOMIALA II Mar RAIUIA Sailed Sailtf la Pan n RaiULA It 71 Ftl tl Ftl 21 Ftl Far: Ttaas.. lack.. Paat. vtt.. Wtn.
      898 words
    • 162 12 ■mm v mpi 1^ ijjw*' inn I^^^^^MLaaKaaaaaaWtaaMaaaaaaaaaaaWLaaaaaaW (0 GENOA. MARSEILLES. ANTWERP. ROTTERDAM BREMEN HAMBURG b nf aprre P S ha"i Penar.g Genoa Hamourg HAVELSTEIN (LLOYO) 27/31 Jan 31 Jan 2 Feb 3 Fcfe 21 Fel 5 Mir I HESSENSTEIN (LLOYD) 14/15 Fet II Mar NECKARSTEIN ILLOYOI 22/24 Fek 25/27 Feb
      162 words
      13 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 363 13 1 intmurd from Pa(e I) ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Word* tli (Minimum) FAMILY OF LATE Mrs. Le« Char ir.nnk relatives and friend* for their »r.itn* donation*, condolences. att*ndan< rs and a*sistaiic* during Uieir r.-. ■Nt herravement. THE FAMILY OF the Mi Mr. wan Krn>: JOOl thank friends, relatives. s< hool* asjfjSJMaalSMi tor
      363 words
    • 321 13 HOUSES AND LAND FOR SALE Hulling All Our Patron* A V, ly H..i'l.v and Prosperous New Veai TAN (WEI BEE. Valuer A fcsute Atirnl. I. A. Lnited Uversea* Bank BldaSpore Tel: ttttM. HOUSES AND LAND WANTED I M M'arrfs fC (MtH.l—Bax ill rfa. mxlrm WE HAVE BUYERS toi bouaea id
      321 words
    • 380 13 EDUCATION M Wmrm M Mim>~Box it rl. SHORTHAND TYPEWRITING tOOKKEIPINC: r. 1, .1 Guaranteed couraen starting Krhruary Re»ist*i early Raja* Collckc 2i«D Chan«i Roart i4»7o*m. Raffles Plare B' pore SECRETARIAL COURSE FOR CIRLI: Six Month* Rapid Course Collegr. Rafflfa Place |».V»S). 21KD Chanci Road I4»7M«) Spor*. HOW IS YOUR
      380 words
    • 240 13 PHILATELY M *or4t U (Mim.)-Hox U ti*. astra \tamp CATALOOUI Plras* a*n<l 15 .mt.« atamp to Malaysia Rtampa Sm»(, TanJoDg Malim Prrak. Malay•ia BUSINE6S OPPOR I UNITIES Ii *nr<ti <« f.Wm.i Hnx M r»i ctfrn CCNUINI AND FINANCIALLY MMMI aartMi inlfrMtfd in a Joint putr fot thf ia til *hiTi^n
      240 words
    • 676 13 FOR SALE H Wnra-i M tMiH.i—Hmx *•> n. .»#r., f RIDGE tPRAVINC at ooner* 'home in a day. Trl: 24IMM B'por*. ron OIC3RATION PUHPOIH nral«. Sraahrll* RnrK*. Pnrt«oo<l. P»hhl»« ,i, lUni>n> Krtail KnqiK IrtM B't'romnl (!!-<i Ron litl, R por» iIEAMBAIHb, MASSAGE Ert M H-artf* U (M,*.)—m*x M rt« tatr,
      676 words
    • 584 13 SOUTHERN KINTA CONSOLIDATED. LIMITED i Incorporated In Eiuland. NOTICE IS HKRKBY OIVXM that the Director* have declared an Interim dividend on a. i 'he NU endiiiK Hal March. 1968 of nine pence I9d I per share les* income tai tj M In the This dividend will be paid on Bth
      584 words
    • 334 13 NOTICE N.itu-e is herein _iwn that Ooh Boon I mi ill of our workshop i ai Tofa| Vonit Chonu Fitter i have i»>ft OUI mulct ano r p no longei aci anj vue repairs or to collecl moolc* on oin behal: n. an\ way whataoever. Ming Mm- Mi, l, hn
      334 words
    • 95 13 I All A -1 20 point serviced cars art I sold with written warranty hi. r (.atiair V 4 sjl <• I I ll F Citrtina Sun" < ■'•<! I I 6b r C"ti" i H ■.or B*mul m* ii '6S r LM.K Slip»l 7 I H 61 *„Mm ISM
      95 words

  • 205 14 SULTAN OF PERAK ASKS MALAYS TO JOIN CO-OPS FOR OWN GOOD IPOH B Malays who arc afraid to Join en-operatives because it ta afcainsi 'he Islamic religioa to receive Interest, were told by the Sultan of Perak yestf rikiy "not to worry. The .Sultan vbo clarinn open the fourth phase
    205 words
  • 15 14 rm via m T4h. IS «p'.riK 4 nir.i •t a Jan H >»» allotted
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  • 259 14 'Thank you' drive by co-op SUGGESTION BY KHIR INSPIRES SOCIETY KUmLA LUMPU". Mon THE "Thank You Week' 1 suggested by thf Minister of Education, [nche Mohamed Khir .Johari. has inspired an insurance society to suui a similar campaign. The general manager of the Malaysian Co-operative Insurance Society Ltd.. Mr. N.
    259 words
  • 165 14 Mon. Tho Straits Tunes has received further itions amounting ISO for the R<>^< Minnie Memorial Fund In ;uci of \hv R' Itarded Children's Association ol Sii pore. fund v^.i starti thf II. i < memory "f Koclal worker. Mi M who died road accl dent
    165 words
  • Article, Illustration
    111 14 I«AKJONG MAI.IM. lion. A TV Malaysia technician. Inche Mohuni<d All. 22. baa been missing from home since "arly this month Indie All waa laai >#-«mi here boarding a bus for Kuala Lumpur 'iti Jan 4 He had earlier arrived on a week 'i leave and stayed With his brother
    111 words
  • 132 14 Police 'well done' letters for two doctors |POH. Mon The peralt CPO. Senior ,\vi Com-Mii.M.itn-r Mohamed l j u bill |> r .M'liled letleri o| comm< ndatlun mi Saturday to 24 people In i-lndin!! two doetora. r ceremony here in addition, cash awardj ol Sni and S.;o >-.n-| 1
    132 words
  • 53 14 PENANG Mli IT* l»,nMalay Man Bepak Raca I nun plann to celebrate the i)i!:h- day ol .-.s pn iuk nl In. iiamed Khir Johai Mg party in rumiu on r<\> io ihr party ••111 i» organised r>v Mir branch nf the j j amncMtion Inclie Klur
    53 words
  • 70 14 S'pore to host education conference SINOAPORI MOB sitikiaImm .i lile.h hurl adw* inference from Keb 6 to I 1 1 n iten ot Eduction n. indoneala. Laoa, M i i Philippines. Sinua|H)rc Thai- i Virinam a'l members in Boutb-Bast Aswn MinisBduratlon Council will .'.iit;il|i ii |n Mil- nillllstri ..ii ■ii
    70 words
  • 53 14 -INOAPOKK Mm The StrmlU TUntJ has received three locations amounting to $474 85 for the .Johoie Flood Relief Fund whlctl now stands al 552(> 35 The donations ?ame from ('tahongan. Pembni(nii;2 I'nnbe- •.iiHvsta $l'o Maintenance Section. Rmq employ***, P DiVlBWn $341.70. and College of Agricultuie Students'
    53 words
  • 86 14 GINGAPOBL, Mm Police this morninc made another appeal lo the public not lo let off firecrackers imliscri minately. rollouine the i mshil of si. iiu in lantliri Halt last nicht llip acting Police Secretary. Mr Lionel rh<* aaid the two italla tHling n\wcl>> .iinl
    86 words
  • 250 14 LUMUT. Monday. THE 150,000 inhabitants of Pangkor Island arc provided with a dispensary, run by a hospital assistant, a sub-health centre, with a stafT nurse in charge, and the services of a visiting doctor. Ais<> stationed ai Pangkor Island is a
    250 words
  • 71 14 SIM.AI'OKI M.m. Nine-vcar-old I. rout; Vone ni knocked cloMn l>\ a car and killed at the junction of .lalan Kunca and M.v pherxon Ruad >f>terday. Another victim Hal Madam \Von c Mvi Vine of Boon Teck Koad. who «a> knocked do« n b\ a
    71 words
  • 55 14 Kl Al A LUMPUR Mon. A drivel pallty hc:r .I.i\:i:;m Mi: 32. v\h: charted here '.<>d.u with dish m« hietf t $80 Jayai.<:i rmi ■Ihnfri I h.i\r koIU the co" whuh was nti imed to him by Ml Mil Bl Sept 29 He iilrad^J
    55 words
  • 200 14  - The art of winning friends— by the Cheong sisters P. C. SHIVADAS By I poll. Mon. Two sisters, Mac and Kathleen Cheong, whoreturned recently after obtaining their Master ol Science degree* from the United States gave this formula for winning friends and influencing people: Be humble, adaptable, respectful and have
    200 words
  • 209 14 HUNT FOR PAYROLL GRAB GANG LEADER 4 I.OK STAR. Na I'u--1 lit r have intctiMtied their hunt fur a |3B| leadei and ■—I her rrvponsiblr for i |45.Mt payroll hold tip near here on Saturday. Thtrr suspects h.i i beca detained and IMJM rrt'oxcrrd tot;pthrr with two pistols 1
    209 words
  • 9 14 PKNANG Mon ¥< day hat I »a.x !i\<
    9 words
  • 87 14 KUALA LUMFUH lion Fifty .stall ;uid i-;idet •is from the Indone■ian Naval College will arrive here >>ti Wrdnrsday four-day visit to Malaysia. party. KtUch win al, will ur •■.->■ call on tin- Chief •it tlir Armed Force :id fie to the ie Abu
    87 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 64 14 -a name that goes around the Oil Millers in the world q JLT (Automatic) Ground Nuts, Cotton Seeds, ■000^^ lor Filteration of Oils Chemicals. 1 y I 411 reqiitrrment* tf OH Mill ma<hincr\ and Sparr*. Solvent t \tmriinn Plant*, oih Refining antl Hydrogettmtinn Pkmts J UNITED ENGINEERING (EASTERN) CORPORATION, i'om
      64 words
    • 84 14 Asthma Mucus Loosened First Day i>,.i, 1 >.jg hinit. iinfrr.inr. ch..kine *n«. kl of Brenrbltl* or Aithma ruin >onr *\r r \> .\t\& rnerity lay or ni«hi »ith.»ut irylns MKNDACO. Thli «r«»i ihmlh Ii Is tiol a nmokr. injei tlun or xpray. but reaching; lunx* and hronrmal lul>rr Th. BrM
      84 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 288 14 Straits Times Crossword ACROSS pikii i His afloru abeoM our 8'» O 'T f a; i? l>l i<: IU. Anna', toll diveits people s< irnti.M npi.ra from ihecountiv ,9. Beottlati mark) 11 Llkt antcrtna into a neneral contrad (SI Blockhead. unpolivneU, .set up 12. Nvinph gives some more ad-
      288 words

  • Singapore may oust Malaysia from Olympics
    • 212 15 Singapore may oust Malaysia from Olympics LAHORE. Monday SINGAPORE'S performance in the preOlympic hotkey tournament which ended here yesterday, is viewed as a boost lor their being accepted for the Mexico City Olympics rather than those of Malaysia Singapore brat Malaysia and Ceylon and drew with West Germany, scoring riVp
      212 words
    • 147 15 I AUSANNE, Mon. Top international sports otticials will meet in Grenoble this week to decide whether to allow athletes to stretch pre Olympic training in Mexico from four to six weeks. Mr \\rr\ lirumlace. Ame president of the Olympic
      147 words
    • 95 15 FOOTBALLER glad to be on the scrap heap because there's money mit is Albert Quixall. thr player who In 1958 was transferred from Sheffield Wednesday t<> Manchester Unit•(i for a record fee of E45.000. In 1964 he joined 'in "glamour" team ol the Fourth i Division,
      95 words
    • 306 15 Cowper (126) still on SYDNEY, Mon. I A USTRALIA took a firm grip on the fourth crick- krt Test against India alter a second innings' opening partnership of 111 between Bill Lawry and Bob Cowper on the third day here today. At dOM Au.str.dia had reached 222 tor three with
      306 words
    • 155 15 Chartchai stops 'Scorpion' in 13th \IKXICO CITY, Mon. I'lu l 1 a n v Chartchai Chionui, hia left eye almost closed, last night retained his world flyweight boxing title w i t h a technical knockout win over Mexican challenger Elr c n "Alacran" (Scorp.on^ Torres in the 13th round.
      155 words
    • 111 15 THh HtlattJM KiKjtball Referees Society «U1 iM\e to mil for some time [or the FA ol Selangor to set Ho pawiient of oxer $2 000 due to the Society by wav ol Tlie mat n wai attammt -t Hie sfrs annum] meeting and it was decided
      111 words
    • 371 15 Latiff, 17, will be youngest in FE Circuit M.ANSOOK RAHMAN Bj 4 MALAYSIAN amateur will be- conic the young.ster-ever Roller to compete in the Far East Circuit which begins next month. He is 17-year-old Abdul Latiff Mahmood. of Kuala Lumpur, who has entered for three of the sev- en tournaments
      371 words
    • 233 15 Zainal best among qualifiers ZAINAL ABIUIN. defending chnmpion, ol the Royal Eelangor Golf Club, led the qualifiers on the openlns day of the three-day North Malaysian amateur golf chemplonrhip on the Ticer Lane course. Ipoh yesterday He Mil out in 73 and returned with a 77 to total 150 His
      233 words
    • 22 15 The Far Last Air Poice soccer team leave for Bangkok today for a one-week tour. They will play three matches
      22 words
    • 143 15 MELBOURNE. Mon. Wiin- bledon champion BUlie Jean Kniß. (US > today added the I Australian women's singles title to hei li^ 1 o: successes «neu she ensily beat her old rival Margaret Smith-Court 6-1. 6-2 in I the find Mrs court, who is attempting a comeback tn
      Reuter  -  143 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 79 15 MOW FLIGHTS WEEKLY Djaii FROM SINGAPORE NiOM DEPARTURE 15 50 DEPARTURE 21 20 THU DEPARTURE ?5 50 DEPARTURE 21 20 DEPARTURE 10 30 SON DEPARTURE 13 25 With the Saturday jet Garuda now offers 6 flights weekly from Singapore to Djakarta. Fly in style on board Garuda's luxurious jetliners and
      79 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 668 15 IMm <MIOM M ■•J s -in.lrs sr m ,-f,„a| v R j "•aaya r,t Indiamohan 6-1 8-6 M Natarajan M C Sameul 6-4 •-2 «.irls smslrs semi-finals: R Menon trt p Xavtor g_g Oh\er ThuraiMiimm hi Puni 6-0 6-1 Men's »in»|r s: k Dharmaratnaaa hi v p Nayagam fi-4. 6-2.
      668 words

  • 24 16 low. Mob Two eaith telt today :n Ihe So ie Asian Republic ol Tail»i» p: the Soviet news agency T«y> reported Reuter.
    Reuter  -  24 words
  • 384 16 P.P. speaks of a 'far behind' wage structure THE rubber industry is Ear behind smaller industries in working conditions and wage scales, Mr. P.P. Narayanan, secretarygeneral of the National Union of Plantation Workers said today. H tv making nla nnal submlssl 'ii 1"" Court. He asked what could t" r
    384 words
  • 15 16 HtRRtRT RAINFORD. fat Mr of ,11 AM *[Ni. I ch 1 10 a ni
    15 words
  • 192 16 'SO SMOOTH' SAYS RAZAK AFTER IT GOES BOOM KUAI.A LUMPUK. Won 'rllh Deputy Prime I .Min'stfr. Tim Ahdul Ra/ak. speirt Ihe murllini; with the 1-t Malaysian Infantry HriK.iile at Sungei Be.ti. eiulit miles from here. .nil sje4 the "fed" of the bic tuns Alter reviewing a
    192 words
  • 75 16 ||l i»\\|\(. „,,i the candles on his birth day easts is the Minister <>l I duration. Indie M;>li.micii Kliir .loll. in. who turned 4"> yesterday. Oh Satur(l.i> ni c ht i when this picture was taken) •Triends of Khir as his nrcddiiiin.'iitlv Chinese friends st>|e
    75 words
  • 111 16 Now a middle ear transplant LOS ANGELES, Mon A surgeon mre y<.sierday r. ported that a complete middle ear had transplanted into a aO-year-ota man who uras deal Di. M. E. Oiaascock. i< rh associate at the Angeles Foundation of Otology, .-a;d he believed it was the Brat time the
    111 words
  • 23 16 BANGKOK Man Hi" :id kmnicvs of I:;m lef •■■i Trhrrmi todny at the end of I r\n,-cl;i\ tn'e M II
    23 words
  • 10 16 .lAKARIA. M. n. .i* quit toda) ludrnt demonsti
    10 words
  • 76 16 w in action Iron! President Oen Suharto, in. :;i!k^ about the Increasingly troubled aounouiy ol Indonesia Av Uie m lon oprned. Btudenl Buyln Nasutlon told Qti to thai he WOUid hea; tome harsh word* bin it tepn genuine public le<- i Kr'.r: mil' to the
    76 words
  • 57 16 JAKARTA M. n Atiotiior liidoi.fM.m Anil' iMttallaa 1 expeiied la be fin", n U Kalimantan fw dutj »if h"* strong guerilla force there, nnireM Mid lodav. a battalion wai «enl tn test «»■< i. and ihr net <me !n \i{i in atuithp. month will piiMi thr
    57 words
  • 166 16 THE Municipal M Council has agreed to p.iy s."i!i'.t.2O touaids the hospital bill ol Mrs. Irene Carlos, late w:le ol Its former engineer. Mr. B. B Carlos Mr. Carl is will have to pay the remaining s j 4~> ol the 11.044 20 bill
    166 words
  • 27 16 HONG KONG MOO. China announce*, yi lerday l*ial her would not ihcll the Na-tiuii.ilist-held Island oi Quenmv foe two day to mark Chinese New Ye«i
    27 words
  • 301 16 Immediate need to re-introduce Std. Six exam' call by MP KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. The MCA publicity director, Mr. Joseph isiow Loong Hin. said today thai there was an tin mediate need to reIntroduce the Standard Six government examination a b o llshed In 1905 to pupils could be "filtered" before
    301 words
  • 24 16 LOS \N<. HI X.< M M jraatcrI eviden. n Hollywcioil i from hpr Bc\er.\ n and many of her Drrsonniil i*wr
    24 words
  • 160 16 pOPESUUCEN. .Mou Ille I s Kntt-ntTTJ here released a Pentagon stateaseal last ni^ht >.i\ iii!; that fr.iumcnls from all four h>(lrouen basabs lost in thr B-52 crash in (■rrrnl.imt had bern found on the ice near the ■ile of Hie crash I'lii- emliassN
    Reuter  -  160 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements